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Stephen Sondheim and James

Into The Woods

Study Guide

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Into The Woods

Welcome to Into The Woods. We hope that this study guide will help you further your
understanding and enjoyment of one of Stephen Sondheims most popular musicals. The
Orlando-UCF Shakespeare Festival has a strong belief in the relationship between the actor and
the audience because, without either one, there is no theater. We hope that this study guide will
help bring a better understanding of the plot, themes, and characters in this play so that you can
more fully enjoy the theatrical experience.

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Meet the Characters

Plot Summary
Discussion Questions
Learning Plan
Production History

This guide was written to correspond to the following Sunshine State Standards

The Arts
Skills and Techniques - The student understands and applies arts techniques, media and
Creation and Communication - The student creates and communicates a range of subject
matter, symbols, and ideas using knowledge of structures and functions of the arts.
Cultural and Historical Connections - The student understands the arts in relation to history
and culture.
Aesthetic and Critical Analysis - The student analyzes, evaluates, and responds to
characteristics of works of art.

Language Arts
Writing - The student uses the writing process effectively.
Listening, Viewing, & Speaking - The student uses listening strategies effectively.
Language - The student understands the nature and power of language.

Meet The Characters

The Narrator Narrates parts of the story for the audience.
The Baker A Baker who cannot conceive a child with his wife due to the Witchs curse.
The Bakers Wife Confident and intelligent woman who wants a child with her husband, the
Baker, but cannot have one due to the Witchs curse.
The Witch Rapunzels guardian. She has many powers. She has cursed the Bakers family
with infertility.
Rapunzel Kept high in a tower by the Witch. She has long flowing hair, as yellow as corn,
which the Witch climbs to get to her in the tower.
Cinderella A poor young girl whose mother and father have died leaving her with a mean
step-mother and two mean step-sisters. She wishes to go to the Kings Festival.
Cinderellas Step-mother Very mean to Cinderella and always discounting her value in the
world. She loves her two other daughters, Lucinda and Florinda.
Lucinda Cinderellas beautiful, but evil, step-sister. She wants to marry a Prince.
Florinda Cinderellas other beautiful, but evil, step-sister. She also wants to marry a Prince.
Cinderellas Prince A very attractive and very vain Prince, who searches for Cinderella after
meeting her at the Festival. Brother to Rapunzels Prince.
Rapunzels Prince Brother to Cinderellas Prince, also very vain and very handsome. He
seeks Rapunzel after hearing her singing in her tower.
The Wolf A wolf who meets and tries to eat Little Red Ridinghood in the woods.
Jack A very ambitious boy who loves is cow, Milky White. Sells Milky White for magic
beans after his Mother tells him the cow needs to be sold for food money.
Jacks Mother Angry with Jack for being such a dreamer. Terribly worried about money.
Little Red Ridinghood A spoiled and nave girl. She meets the Wolf on her way to see her
Granny Little Red Ridinghoods grandmother.
The Mysterious Man Father of the Baker who is thought to be dead.
The Princes Steward Serves Cinderellas Prince.

Plot Summary
Act I
The play opens on three cottages. The characters are revealed by the Narrator, each with
their own wishes. In one cottage is Jack with his cow Milky White, whom Jack wishes could
give milk. Jacks mother appears and tells him that he must sell Milky White so they can have
money to eat and live. In the second cottage is Cinderella. Cinderella wishes more than
anything to go to the Kings festival. She is mocked by her step-mother and step-sisters, who tell
her that she will never be good enough to go the Kings party. A Baker and his Wife are
revealed in the third cottage. They are selling bread to Little Red Ridinghood to take to her
Granny. They expose their wishes to have a child.
Soon after Little Red Ridinghoods departure, a Witch appears from next door. She tells
the Baker and his Wife that she has cursed the Bakers family with infertility. The Witch reveals
that the Bakers Father was caught stealing from the Witchs garden when his wife was pregnant.
For this offense, the Witch took their first-born child, who is later revealed to be Rapunzel, a
sister the Baker never knew he had. The Bakers Father was also caught by the Witch again, this
time stealing magic beans. For this, his lineage was cursed with infertility. The Witch tells the
Baker and his Wife that they have a chance to break the curse by collecting some items for her.
These items include a cow as white as milk, a cape as red as blood, hair as yellow as corn and a
slipper as pure as gold. As the Baker prepares to go out and find these items, he puts on his
Fathers old jacket and finds five beans in the pocket. With this, the Baker is off into the woods
to look for his list of treasures.
Cinderella goes off to visit her mothers grave. She cries and tells her mother about her
wishes to go to the Kings festival. She is given a dress and slippers to go to the festival when
she makes her wish unto a tree that she had planted at her mothers grave.
Little Red Ridinghood is found on her way to Grannys house in the woods. She is
stopped by a seemingly nice Wolf, who persuades her to take her time walking through the
woods and to take note of all the beauty, such as the flowers and birds. Little Red Ridinghood
bids the Wolf goodbye and continues on her way. The Wolf runs ahead to get to Grannys
before Red gets there.
Jack, traveling with Milky White, meets the Baker and his Wife in the woods. The Baker
and his Wife see Milky White and immediately recognize it as the cow as white as milk that they
need for the Witch. They persuade Jack to sell Milky White to them for a handful of beans by
telling him they are magic beans. At this point, the Baker tells his wife to go home for her safety
and to watch Milky White.
The Witch goes to visit Rapunzel in the tower, where she is kept. The Witch takes great
pleasure in the fact that her Rapunzel has not had any exposure to the outside world. A Prince
sees the Witch climb Rapunzels hair to reach the tower and decides to try it himself.
The Baker tries to steal Little Red Ridinghoods cape but is unsuccessful. Red goes to
her Grannys house, where the Wolf is waiting for her having eaten Granny. After he eats Red,
the Wolf decides to take a nap. The Baker wanders in and sees the cape as red as blood sticking
out of the Wolfs mouth. He decides to cut the Wolfs stomach open to retrieve the cape and in
doing so finds Little Red Ridinghood and her Granny. Red gives the cape to the Baker out of

Jack returns home with the magic beans. His mother is angry with him for believing in
magic beans and for not getting any money for Milky White. She throws the beans out the
Cinderella, running from a Prince, bumps into the Bakers Wife, who is leading Milky
White back to her cottage. Cinderella tells the Bakers Wife that she is not sure she really likes
the Prince, but the Bakers Wife tells Cinderella that she is just being foolish. The Bakers Wife
then sees Cinderellas slippers and tries to steal one, but ends up having to chase after Milky
White instead.
The next morning everyone wakes up to realize that one midnight has passed and they
have not yet achieved their wishes. They also find that a large beanstalk has grown where Jacks
Mother had thrown out the beans.
Jack comes down from the beanstalk and tells tales of his visit to the Giants that live in
the sky at the top of the beanstalk. Jack has met a nice lady Giant who has taken care of him, but
had to run quickly when her husband came after him. It turns out that Jack grabbed a bag of the
mean Giants gold on his way out. Jack returns triumphantly to his mother with a big bag of
gold. Jacks Mother allows him to keep five of the gold pieces and he finds the Baker to buy
back Milky White. The Baker says he cannot sell the cow back because of the Witch, but Jack is
convinced that the Baker just wants more money. Jack sets off to find more money. The
Bakers Wife shows up and confesses that she has lost Milky White.
Cinderellas Prince and Rapunzels Prince meet up and exchange their struggles with
reaching their respective maidens. Cinderellas Prince is fed up because Cinderella keeps
running from him. Rapunzels Prince is troubled because he cant find a door to get Rapunzel
out of the tower. They decide that the challenge makes them want to get the women even more
and set off to win their future brides.
The Bakers Wife is searching for the hair they need to give to the Witch. She runs into
Jacks Mother, who is looking for him. The Mysterious Man finds the Baker and returns Milky
White. The Witch warns the Mysterious Man to stay out of her business.
The Bakers Wife stumbles upon Rapunzels hair sticking out of her tower and realizes it
is the hair as gold as corn that she needs. She grabs a hold of a strand and rips it out of
Rapunzels head. On her way home, the Bakers Wife runs into Cinderella again and tries,
unsuccessfully, to get her shoe again. She then runs into the Baker and they decide that it will
definitely take both of them to get the job done.
Jack appears with a hen that lays golden eggs, and offers it to the Baker. The Bakers
Wife realizes that the Baker has considered selling the cow and she is angry. Milky White then
drops dead and all hope seems lost for the Baker and his Wife. Two midnights have now passed.
The Baker runs off in search of another cow and his Wife runs off to find the golden slipper.
The Witch warns Rapunzel not to leave her tower and to stay guarded from the world.
Rapunzel says she wants to go out and explore. At this, the Witch becomes angry, cuts off all
Rapunzels hair, and sends her away. We then learn that while looking for Rapunzel, her Prince
has stumbled into a patch of thorns and blinded himself.
Jack runs into Little Red Ridinghood. He finds that she has become thirsty for blood
after killing the Wolf. Little Red has replaced her signature red cape with a cape made entirely
from the skins of Wolves that she has killed. Jack leaves Little Red Ridinghood and returns to
the land of the Giants to steal more gold.
The Bakers Wife runs into Cinderella, who is fleeing from the Princes castle again. She
is left with only one shoe; as the other is stuck on the steps of the palace in some glue the Prince

had laid down to trap her. She left that shoe for the Prince to use to find her, if he wishes. The
Bakers Wife trades her shoes for the remaining golden slipper. The Bakers Wife gets into a
struggle with the Princes Steward, who also wants the slipper. The Mysterious Man also
becomes entangled in the fight, which is stopped when a huge thud is heard. Jacks Mother
screams that a dead Giant has fallen from the sky. The third midnight is approaching.
The Baker and his Wife seek out the Witch. They bring her the four objects she has
requested, but she is angry when she figures out that the Baker and his Wife have covered a
regular cow with flour in Milky Whites absence. The Witch demands them to bring Milky
White to her and brings him back to life. She then asks them to feed the four objects to the cow.
After feeding Milky White, the Witch demands that they milk the cow to fill a sliver goblet.
Jack tries to milk his cow but nothing happens. The Bakers Wife explains that she pulled the
hair as yellow as corn from a maiden in a tower. The Witch gets angry at this and tells them that
she should not have touched any of the objects. The Mysterious man suggests that they feed
Milky White an ear of corn. The witch explains that the Mysterious Man is the Bakers Father.
After feeding Milky White, Jack milks him and fills the cup. The Witch drinks the milk and
transforms into a beautiful woman. The Bakers Father dies as the clock strikes the third
The Narrator explains that the Witch had been cursed with ugliness when some magic
beans were stolen from her garden. Jack and Milky White are reunited.
Cinderellas Prince has his Steward out trying to find the girl who fits Cinderellas
slipper. Lucinda and Florinda, Cinderellas step-sisters, try to fit into the shoes by cutting off
parts of their feet. Once their tricks are discovered, the Steward moves on and Cinderella and
her Prince are united. At Cinderella and her Princes wedding, Lucinda and Florinda are blinded.
The Narrator states that Rapunzel, who has had twins, has been united with her blind
Prince. His blindness has been cured by Rapunzels tears. The Witch tries to reconcile with
Rapunzel, but Rapunzel refuses. The Witch tries to cast a spell on Rapunzel and her Prince, but
fails. She figures out that she has switched her beauty for her powers.
The Narrator tells everyone that all the wrongs in the kingdom have been righted. All
those who deserve happiness will receive it and there is no foreseeable turmoil anymore. As
everyone congratulates each other on a job well done, a giant beanstalk shoots up from the
ground, but no one notices.
Act II
At the opening of Act II, three dwellings are discovered. The first is the castle where
Cinderella and her Prince live. The second is Jacks house, where he and his Mother live with
everything gold can buy. The third is the house of the Baker and his Wife. The house is littered
with nursery items.
The characters all seem very happy, but minor troubles interrupt the cheery opening
number. The Bakers Wife reveals that she wants a bigger house and argues with the Baker over
their child care. A huge crash is heard. The roof above the Baker and his Wife crashes down.
The Baker goes out to talk to the royal family. The Witch comes out and warns the
Baker that they will be of no help, as she has also lost her garden. The Baker tries to stop by
Jacks house for help, but Jacks Mother is unwilling since no one would help her when there
was a Giant in her back yard. Jack has run off to investigate things on his own. When the Baker

reaches the royal family, he gets a meeting with Cinderella. She, however, cannot guarantee any
The Baker and his Wife offer to escort Little Red Ridinghood to her Grandmothers
house, as her house has been destroyed and her mother has disappeared. The birds have come to
take Cinderella through the woods and warn her of trouble at her Mothers grave. Everyone is
on their way back into the woods.
Cinderellas Prince and Rapunzels Prince meet back up and discuss their troubles.
Rapunzels Prince complains that Rapunzel refuses to be happy because of her horrible
upbringing. Cinderellas Prince reveals that he has fallen in love with Sleeping Beauty.
Rapunzels Prince reveals that he has fallen in love with Snow White.
The Baker, his Wife, their child, and Little Red Ridinghood are all lost in the woods
together when they stumble upon the royal family. The castle has been crushed by a Giant. The
Baker contends that he tried to warn them, but no one will listen.
Suddenly a great Giant appears. This is the Lady Giant who Jack met in the sky. She has
come to get revenge for Jack killing her husband. The group tries to fool the Giant, as she is
near-sighted, by offering her the Narrator. She realizes right away that it is not Jack and quickly
kills him. She demands Jack again. Jacks Mother steps up and engages the Giant in a verbal
battle to protect Jack. However, the Steward hits Jacks Mother over the head with a shovel to
prevent her from putting them all in danger. The Steward then tells the Giant that Jack is hiding
in Rapunzels tower. Rapunzel madly runs toward the Giant and is crushed. Jacks Mother is
also dead from getting hit with the shovel. The Witch laments that this is the terrible world from
which she tried to shield Rapunzel.
The group is in shambles and disagrees over whether or not Jack should have been turned
over to the Giant. The royal family quickly heads off to another kingdom. The Baker and his
Wife leave their child in the care of Little Red Ridinghood. They run off to protect Jack from the
Witch, who is going to show the Giant where he is.
The Bakers Wife runs into Cinderellas Prince. They have a small romantic encounter
despite her protests that he has a Princess, whom he is ready to forget about. The Baker finds
Cinderella at her mothers grave and invites her to join the group. The Bakers Wife realizes that
her moment with the Prince has passed, but says she will never forget it. The Giant appears and
the Bakers Wife is crushed and killed.
Everyone arrives to find Jack, who reports that the Bakers Wife is dead. Immediately
accusations begin to fly and everyone is looking for someone to blame. They all find ways to
throw it back to one another, but the Witch states that they should all look inside themselves for
the blame. The group begins to examine their actions and discover their connections to all the
The Baker decides to leave, as he thinks his child would be better off raised by
Cinderella. He is confronted by the Mysterious Man, who was crushed by the Giant. He tells
the man, his Father, that all of this began when he took the beans from the Witchs garden all
those years ago. The Mysterious Man accuses the Baker of running from his own guilt. The
Baker realizes he is turning out just like his Father. He immediately returns to fight with the
The Baker regroups with Jack, Little Red Ridinghood, and Cinderella to plan their attack.
A group of birds shows up and tells Cinderella that her Prince has been unfaithful. Cinderella
tells the birds that she doesnt have time to worry about that and enlists their help. Cinderellas
Prince shows up and she tells him that she cannot be with him anymore. As the group prepares

to attack, the Baker and Cinderella try to get Jack and Little Red Ridinghood, both orphans now,
to sort out right from wrong.
The group successfully slays the Giant. As the Giant falls, the dead characters reappear
as ghosts and remind everyone about all the lessons they have leaned along their journey. The
Baker and Cinderella prepare to be responsible and start a new family including the Bakers
child, Jack, and Little Red Ridinghood. The Bakers Wifes ghost appears and encourages him
to rely on his strength and raise their child well. The Witch warns the Baker to watch the stories
he tells his child, as children will listen more than you think.
The final song of the show reminds us that there will be times of ups and downs in lifes
journey, but that we must never forget the past nor ignore the future.

Discussion Questions

Stephen Sondheim is very well known for his use of intricate music. This is
something that is apparent with the music for Into The Woods. Listen to the
music at different points in the show. How is the music used to set the tone of the
story? Does the music ever contrast with what the characters are singing about?
and how is this a useful tool in the storytelling?


There is a song in the show, Your Fault, that deals with nothing but everyone
placing blame on others for all the terrible events that occur. The characters
eventually find that they are each at fault in their own way. How is this familiar
to any situation you have ever witnessed or experienced? What is familiar or
universal about this theme of blaming others? What does it do for a person to put
blame on someone else before looking at their own faults?


Musicals vs. Plays

Storytelling in a musical can be very different from storytelling in a traditional
play without music. The most obvious difference is that the characters are singing
songs to show their feelings and move the action of the play. How is the musical
method of storytelling more or less effective for you, as opposed to watching a
traditional play without music? What does the music do to the story for you as a
listener or audience member? How are songs similar to elements in traditional
plays (ex. Shakespearean monologues or soliloquies)?

Wishes and Desires

Questions and Discussion Prompts

What was the wish of each character in Into The Woods? Trace he history of each wish.
How was it accomplished? What resulted? Did these wishes actually obscure some other
needs felt by these characters?

Can you describe a situation in which you would consider it acceptable to take advantage
of someone else in order to accomplish your own wishes?

What is the meaning of the final line in Into The Woods when Cinderella says, I

How were the stakes involved in pursuing the wishes in Into The Woods influenced by
the pressure of deadlines?

Does marrying the Prince solve Cinderellas problems? Does having the baby deliver
happiness to the Baker and his Wife? Does the money stolen from the Giant satisfy Jack
and his Mother? Does the return of her beauty redefine the Witchs life in a positive way?

Are good wishes ever enough to effect real change in the life of an individual or a
community? Can you think of any change in your life or the life of your community that
has come without earning the change through effort, struggle, or pain?

What does Into The Woods suggest about the worth of seeking perfection?

Imagine one of the characters in Into The Woods had decided to sacrifice his or her wish
and had not pursued it. How would the tale have changed?

Some of the characters in Into The Woods are driven by uncontrolled desires. Which
characters fit this description? What kinds of desires drive them? What happens as a
result of their failure to control these desires?

Assignments: Research and Writing Prompts

Make a list of 25 things you wish were yours.

Write about the thing on your list you most want to have. What must happen in order for
that wish to come true? What would you be willing to do to make it come true? Where
would you draw the line? What would you not be willing to do to make your wish
come true?

Write about a situation were you or someone else has acted in a particular way in pursuit
of a desire or dream because of the timetable involved. How might your actions have
been different in the absence of time pressure?

Write about an ironic wish a wish that comes true in the opposite way than you, or a
fictional character you create, might expect.

Write bout the thrill and terror associated with having a fantasy come true.

Leadership and Community

Questions and Discussion Prompts

What is moral leadership?

Do the members of the Royal Family in Into The Woods assert moral leadership?

How does the Steward reply when the Baker reminds him he tried to warn the Royal
Family of the dangers in the woods?

The Witch says you cannot rely on the Royal Family to solve your problems. Do you
think this is true of all royal families? Take an issue involving government intervention
(i.e. social security, health care, disaster aid), debate its effectiveness and defend your
point of view.

How does the vacuum of leadership in the woods contribute to the destruction and decay?

Who ultimately becomes the leader in the woods?

Imagine a situation in which your community experiences a disaster. There are suddenly
no media to rely upon. Everyone has to figure out how to proceed based on the
information that is directly observed. What would change? Who would become the

Quick Activity Prompts

Write three short essays, basing each one on one of the following lines from Into The

Write the lines down on slips of paper. Fold the slips of paper. Have members of the
group each take one slip of paper and give a three minute impromptu speech based on
their line.
Even flowers have their dangers.
Scary is exciting.
Dont be scare just be prepared.
Isnt it nice to know a lot? And a little bit not.
Sometimes the things you wish for are not to be touched.

The harder to get, the better to have.

The prettier the flower, the farther from the path.
The difference between a cow and a bean is a bean can begin an adventure.
We had to lose a lot to win.
I ventured out and saw within.
There are shouldnts and shoulds.

Nice is not the same as being good. Discuss.

What does the Baker mean when he asks: How do you ignore all the witches, all the
curses, all the wolves, all the lies, the false hopes, the good-byes, the reverses, all the
wondering what even worse is still in store?

Cinderella says: My fathers house was a nightmare. Your house is a dream. Now I want
something in between. Describe what in-between she may be talking about.

Director James Lapine has said the set for Into The Woods can be conceived in many
different ways. Design a new set concept for Into The Woods and new costumes that set it
in a different specific world.


Complete Learning Plans

This LEARNING PLAN is designed for Grades 7-12
Objectives: Stephen Sondheim has created a whole world by combining different fairy tales
together to make one story. There is an element of challenge for an author when updating
someone elses story to make their own. They must make it new and exciting in their own way.
This exercise will challenge students to use their imaginations, as well as basic storytelling tools,
to create a new story of their own.
Standards and Benchmarks: LA.C.1.3, LA.C..2.3, LA.E.2.3, TH.D.1.3
Materials Needed: A notebook/piece of paper, a pencil, access to a library or collection of
stories/fairy tales

Suggested Lesson Plan:

1) Ask the students to sit quietly and think about stories or fairy tales they remember being told
when they were younger. Have them write down the stories that come to their mind first, as well
as the ones which they remember clearly.
2) Assign the students to pick two or three stories or fairy tales from their list that they would
like to use. Have the students look for as many versions of the story that are available to them
and note the differences between versions, so they can decide what elements from each version
they would like to use.
3) Next, have the students begin thinking of ways to combine their two or three stories into one
clear story. Have the students write a short story combining their chosen stories as their own
5) Have the students each read their short story aloud to the class. Try to get the class to find if
the author used the elements of storytelling (ex. Beginning, middle, end; inciting action; conflict;
resolution). Discuss each story as a class and have students point out where in the story all the
different elements are.
Students will gain a better understanding for storytelling and the elements that make up a story.
The exercise will challenge the students to find new ways to tell old stories, while retaining
elements of the old story. It will engage the students, listening to the stories, to point out
storytelling elements and discuss them amongst the class.


The Road to Broadway and the Broadway Production

In contemporary American musical theatre, most new works follow a series of
developmental steps before arriving on Broadway. Into The Woods followed this pattern before
its successful Broadway opening in the fall of 1987. By presenting the show in a workshop
format and in a regional theatre production, the writing team and their artistic collaborators had a
series of valuable opportunities to learn about the ways in which the show was working for
themselves and for its audiences.
Into The Woods began as a workshop at Playwrights Horizons in the summer of 1986. It
was produced without costumes or sets. The performers wore baseball caps with signs on them
indicating their character names. When they changed roles, they changed caps. The cast was
grouped around a piano bench which became a variety of locations and props.
The next step in the development of Into The Woods was a fully staged production in
December 1986, at the Old Globe Theatre in San Diego. While it was far more elaborate than the
workshop had been, economic constraints still required a physical production that was less
ambitious than the Broadway version. For instance, panels of branches gathered by local Boy
Scouts were used to represent the woods in that production. The Witch had a punk rock look and
a Tina Turner wig.
An additional two-week workshop took place at 890 Studios in New York in August
1987, prior to rehearsals for the Broadway production. The Broadway production opened on
November 5,1987 and ran for 764 performances.
Into The Woods was Stephen Sondeims second musical with librettist-director James
Lapine, the first being Sunday in the Park with George, winner of the 1985 Pulitzer Prize for
Drama. It also involved some of Sundays original stars (Bernadtte Peters and Barbara Bryne),
set designer (Tony Straiges), lighting designer (Richard Nelson) and music director (Paul
Gemignani). Costumes for Into The Woods were conceived by Patricia Zipprodt and Ann HouldWard, who is credited with the costumes for the Broadway production. The choreography for the
Broadway production was contributed by the modern dance choreographer Lar Lubovitch.
Orchestrations were by Jonathan Tunick.
In addition to Bernadette Peters, the original cast included Joanna Gleason, Chip Zien,
Tom Aldredge, Robert Wesenberg, Kim Crosby, Danielle Ferland, Merle Louise, Ben Wright,
joy Franz, Edmund Lyndeck, Kay McClelland and Lauren Mitchell. During the Broadway run,
the Witch was also played by Phylicia Rashad, Betsy Joslyn, Nancy Dussault and Ellen Foley. In
the summer of 1988, Dick Cavett took over the part of the Narrator for several months.
Performers in the show who have been in previous Sondheim shows, in addition o Bernadette
Peters, were Robert Westenberg, Barbara Bryne, Danielle Ferland (Sunday in the Park with
George), Merle Louise (Sweeney Todd, Company and Gypsy), Joy Franz (A Little Night Music,
Company) and Edmund Lyndeck (Sweeney Todd). The road company, which toured for 10
months and featured Cleo Laine, Mary Gordon Murray and Charlotte Ray, opened in Fort
Lauderdale in November, 1988. A London production was mounted in the West End in 1991.
The original cast album was released by RCA Victor, as was the London cast album. The
show was also taped with the original cast for PBS Great Performances series.


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