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Name: _______________________________________________________________

Date: _____________________

A sentence fragment contain only a subordinate clause, or a group of words that have a subject and a verb but not a
complete thought; therefore, the sentence needs an independent clause for support. An independent clause expresses a
complete thought and can stand alone. To identify a fragment or subordinate clause, look for subordinating conjunctions.
as, as if




Incorrect: Because Stephen studied everyday. ________________________



complete thought?

Correct: Because Stephen studied everyday, he was able to pass the MTEL.


complete thought!

Of the three sentences in each group, select the one that is NOT a sentence fragment.

a. Mrs. Blanco gone to visit her mother at the hospital.

b. Finding a parking space there is usually easy during the week.
c. Driving in the city during the evening rush hour.


a. When my cousin moved to Troy, New York, after he finished school.

b. After he went to all the trouble of fixing up his apartment.
c. While living there, he made very few friends.


a. To apply for a job at the new store in the mall.

b. Asking the interviewer how often he would have to work on weekends.
c. Shaking his new boss's hand, Tony knew he would like working there.


a. By the time Frances found out how expensive the wallpapering job would be.
b. After getting estimates from five contractors, she decided to do the work herself.
c. Before picking out an interesting wallpaper pattern that went well with her furniture.


a. Who borrowed Stefanie's car Saturday night.

b. The nineteen-year-old car looked out of place next to the new models.
c. Which the salesman was surprised to find in such good shape.


a. While waiting for her neighbor to move the car that blocked the driveway.
b. To avoid hitting the other car, Michael had to back across the corner of the lawn.
c. By making sure that no one will park across the driveway again.


a. Because Manuel was sure he had heard the same strange story many months ago.
b. Although I will never forget how cold we were when we lost our heat last winter.
c. Since Anna wasn't at the meeting, I took notes so that she wouldn't miss anything.


a. My brother has been running a charter fishing boat for five years.
b. Many of his customers coming back three or four times over the summer.
c. His business been so busy that he has very little time for anything else.


a. In the hiding place that Carl had been using for years to get away from the noisy house.
b. By the time that everyone had quieted down, my favorite television show was over.
c. Before planning another family get-together at the already crowded park.


a. Although I knew she might wear something outrageous, I was still shocked by her dress.
b. Because she didn't want to tell where she had bought the strange outfit.
c. When we finally heard that she had made the dress herself



a. Before the committee finished the annual report.

b. Get the file on Designs Unlimited for me.
c. Although the textbooks have not yet arrived.


a. Unless Mr. Parsons arranges the meeting.

b. In the most interesting book that I have ever read.
c. We considered several solutions to the problem.


a. While we were waiting, the usher announced the show was canceled.
b. When we finally arrived at the hotel.
c. That we expect to find in better condition.


a. The water was overflowing from the tub by the time she returned.
b. Since his subscription to the computer magazine had run out.
c. Several dogs running through the back yard.


a. Mr. Higgins been nominated for president of the nature society.

b. Dreaming of clear blue summer skies and long walks on the beach.
c. When we saw how much the town had changed, we were disappointed.


a. Testing the sound system in the auditorium.

b. Hearing the train approaching, the crowd moved closer to the edge of the platform.
c. Before picking up her car at the repair shop.


a. James having trouble starting his car.

b. Before deciding to finish weeding the garden.
c. Raised in Boston, she later moved to Tucson.


a. Falling interest rates have resulted in increased real estate sales.

b. Which we were all very happy to hear about.
c. In the few stores that carry parts for that model.


a. To graduate in the top 10 percent of the class.

b. The singer at the wedding, who was so highly recommended, sounded awful.
c. Which made me feel even worse than before.


a. Running the presses all by himself.

b. Impressed by several of the largest buildings in town.
c. Because Miles could not attend the seminar, he borrowed my notes.


a. By hiding all the ash trays in the house.

b. Our company has been considering a change in operating procedures.
c. The radio been on for hours.


a. To answer her audiences' many questions.

b. Hoping to convince the other committee members to vote for the bill.
c. Wanting to be respected by others is not a selfish goal.


a. Leaving early to catch a flight at the local airport.

b. Many of the students looking forward to the end of the semester.
c. To play the guitar better has been my dream for years.


a. At the monthly meeting of the regional astronomy society.

b. In the last five minutes, she has sneezed ten times.
c. Continuing to think that the weather would clear.


a. Surprised at how enthusiastic their response was.

b. Music sifted gently through the open windows.
c. At the opening of the new museum.


a. Since we knew they were busy, we didn't bother to call.

b. That she heard on the news this morning.
c. Whose latest book she had just read.


a. Crossing the light just as the light changed.

b. From the way he signaled to his assistant.
c. When they returned, I was asleep.


a. Before the party was over.

b. After the game, we went out to eat.
c. Who planned the entire convention.


a. Caitlin been working at the restaurant for three months.

b. By preparing his speech several days in advance.
c. Watching television is a favorite pastime for many.


a. Although the reports aren't ready yet.

b. At the end of the last song, the audience stood and applauded.
c. Considering that the car has so many miles on it.


a. To earn some money over the semester break.

b. Charlie spent $20 on a new snow shovel.
c. Although it seems to have stopped snowing suddenly.


a. Handicapped people affected the most by this snow.

b. Getting out of their cars and negotiating sidewalks a real problem for them.
c. Handicapped parking spots are often covered by several feet of snow.


a. Connecticut getting its share of northeastern-type storms this year.

b. My neighbor says he leaving for Florida soon.
c. Since he hasn't saved a dime, I wonder where he'll get the money to move.


a. As long as we don't lose our power in the night.

b. That's what worries me.
c. Sick of this weather and worried about his aging mother.


a. Sometimes snow-plows getting to the back streets two days after a storm.
b. The citizens were getting quite angry.
c. By the time the snow plows get here, they shouted.


a. Brenda said she always prefered snow to rain.

b. These blizzards getting a bit ridiculous though, she added.
c. Because snow-removal is so costly to large cities.


a. It's always pleasant to look out at the snow while it's falling.
b. Mrs. Burke wondering how she would ever clear the sidewalk.
c. When the snow finally began to taper off in the late morning.


a. After doing a superb job of keeping his driveway clear all winter long.
b. Mostly because he was afraid of what his neighbors would say.
c. Luis just gave up on it this time.


a. Although it was snowing harder than we had ever seen it snow before.
b. We decided to leave before it got any worse.
c. The tread on our snow-tires, after all, not what it used to be.


a. Snow piling up on my neighbor's roof.

b. He decided to use a snow-blower to blow the snow from his roof.
c. However, how he ever expect to get the snow-blower up on his roof.

Name: _______________________________________________________________

Date: _____________________


A sentence fragment contain only a subordinate clause, or a group of words that have a subject and a verb but not a
complete thought; therefore, the sentence needs an independent clause for support. An independent clause expresses a
complete thought and can stand alone. To identify a fragment or subordinate clause, look for subordinating conjunctions.
as, as if




Incorrect: Because Stephen studied everyday. ________________________



complete thought?

Correct: Because Stephen studied everyday, he was able to pass the MTEL.


complete thought!

Of the three sentences in each group, select the one that is NOT a sentence fragment.

a. Mrs. Blanco gone to visit her mother at the hospital.

b. Finding a parking space there is usually easy during the week.
c. Driving in the city during the evening rush hour.


a. When my cousin moved to Troy, New York, after he finished school.

b. After he went to all the trouble of fixing up his apartment.
c. While living there, he made very few friends.


a. To apply for a job at the new store in the mall.

b. Asking the interviewer how often he would have to work on weekends.
c. Shaking his new boss's hand, Tony knew he would like working there.


a. By the time Frances found out how expensive the wallpapering job would be.
b. After getting estimates from five contractors, she decided to do the work herself.
c. Before picking out an interesting wallpaper pattern that went well with her furniture.


a. Who borrowed Stefanie's car Saturday night.

b. The nineteen-year-old car looked out of place next to the new models.
c. Which the salesman was surprised to find in such good shape.


a. While waiting for her neighbor to move the car that blocked the driveway.
b. To avoid hitting the other car, Michael had to back across the corner of the lawn.
c. By making sure that no one will park across the driveway again.


a. Because Manuel was sure he had heard the same strange story many months ago.
b. Although I will never forget how cold we were when we lost our heat last winter.
c. Since Anna wasn't at the meeting, I took notes so that she wouldn't miss anything.


a. My brother has been running a charter fishing boat for five years.
b. Many of his customers coming back three or four times over the summer.
c. His business been so busy that he has very little time for anything else.


a. In the hiding place that Carl had been using for years to get away from the noisy house.
b. By the time that everyone had quieted down, my favorite television show was over.
c. Before planning another family get-together at the already crowded park.


a. Although I knew she might wear something outrageous, I was still shocked by her dress.
b. Because she didn't want to tell where she had bought the strange outfit.
c. When we finally heard that she had made the dress herself



a. Before the committee finished the annual report.

b. Get the file on Designs Unlimited for me.
c. Although the textbooks have not yet arrived.


a. Unless Mr. Parsons arranges the meeting.

b. In the most interesting book that I have ever read.
c. We considered several solutions to the problem.


a. While we were waiting, the usher announced the show was canceled.
b. When we finally arrived at the hotel.
c. That we expect to find in better condition.


a. The water was overflowing from the tub by the time she returned.
b. Since his subscription to the computer magazine had run out.
c. Several dogs running through the back yard.


a. Mr. Higgins been nominated for president of the nature society.

b. Dreaming of clear blue summer skies and long walks on the beach.
c. When we saw how much the town had changed, we were disappointed.


a. Testing the sound system in the auditorium.

b. Hearing the train approaching, the crowd moved closer to the edge of the platform.
c. Before picking up her car at the repair shop.


a. James having trouble starting his car.

b. Before deciding to finish weeding the garden.
c. Raised in Boston, she later moved to Tucson.


a. Falling interest rates have resulted in increased real estate sales.

b. Which we were all very happy to hear about.
c. In the few stores that carry parts for that model.


a. To graduate in the top 10 percent of the class.

b. The singer at the wedding, who was so highly recommended, sounded awful.
c. Which made me feel even worse than before.


a. Running the presses all by himself.

b. Impressed by several of the largest buildings in town.
c. Because Miles could not attend the seminar, he borrowed my notes.


a. By hiding all the ash trays in the house.

b. Our company has been considering a change in operating procedures.
c. The radio been on for hours.


a. To answer her audiences' many questions.

b. Hoping to convince the other committee members to vote for the bill.
c. Wanting to be respected by others is not a selfish goal.


a. Leaving early to catch a flight at the local airport.

b. Many of the students looking forward to the end of the semester.
c. To play the guitar better has been my dream for years.


a. At the monthly meeting of the regional astronomy society.

b. In the last five minutes, she has sneezed ten times.
c. Continuing to think that the weather would clear.


a. Surprised at how enthusiastic their response was.

b. Music sifted gently through the open windows.
c. At the opening of the new museum.


a. Since we knew they were busy, we didn't bother to call.

b. That she heard on the news this morning.
c. Whose latest book she had just read.


a. Crossing the light just as the light changed.

b. From the way he signaled to his assistant.
c. When they returned, I was asleep.


a. Before the party was over.

b. After the game, we went out to eat.
c. Who planned the entire convention.


a. Caitlin been working at the restaurant for three months.

b. By preparing his speech several days in advance.
c. Watching television is a favorite pastime for many.


a. Although the reports aren't ready yet.

b. At the end of the last song, the audience stood and applauded.
c. Considering that the car has so many miles on it.


a. To earn some money over the semester break.

b. Charlie spent $20 on a new snow shovel.
c. Although it seems to have stopped snowing suddenly.


a. Handicapped people affected the most by this snow.

b. Getting out of their cars and negotiating sidewalks a real problem for them.
c. Handicapped parking spots are often covered by several feet of snow.


a. Connecticut getting its share of northeastern-type storms this year.

b. My neighbor says he leaving for Florida soon.
c. Since he hasn't saved a dime, I wonder where he'll get the money to move.


a. As long as we don't lose our power in the night.

b. That's what worries me.
c. Sick of this weather and worried about his aging mother.


a. Sometimes snow-plows getting to the back streets two days after a storm.
b. The citizens were getting quite angry.
c. By the time the snow plows get here, they shouted.


a. Brenda said she always prefered snow to rain.

b. These blizzards getting a bit ridiculous though, she added.
c. Because snow-removal is so costly to large cities.


a. It's always pleasant to look out at the snow while it's falling.
b. Mrs. Burke wondering how she would ever clear the sidewalk.
c. When the snow finally began to taper off in the late morning.


a. After doing a superb job of keeping his driveway clear all winter long.
b. Mostly because he was afraid of what his neighbors would say.
c. Luis just gave up on it this time.


a. Although it was snowing harder than we had ever seen it snow before.
b. We decided to leave before it got any worse.
c. The tread on our snow-tires, after all, not what it used to be.


a. Snow piling up on my neighbor's roof.

b. He decided to use a snow-blower to blow the snow from his roof.
c. However, how he ever expect to get the snow-blower up on his roof.

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