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Unit/Theme: Crazy Pizza

Childrens Age(s): 3-5

Week: 1st week of May



Lead Teacher:
Brenda Massey

Lead Teacher collects

large and small Ziploc
bags, 5 trays or baskets,
brown, red, black, green,
orange, & yellow
construction paper, white
paper plates, beads and
jewels, rubber insects and
bugs, rubber sea
creatures, very small lug
nuts or screws, Tacky
Glue and sticks, scissors,
felt (optional) and school
Cut 15 round circles of
brown construction paper,
and place one with a
white paper plate, place in
large Ziploc bag.
Shred yellow, and orange
construction paper, place
in small Ziploc bag.
Cut black paper into tiny
flies, cut green paper into
squiggly lines, and place
in small Ziploc bag.

Curriculum Component: Language Arts/Creative Arts

Presenters Names: Brenda M , Patricia S., Kenetta C.
Date: 04 May 2015

Language Arts Activity Plan

IL Early
Intent (Objectives) Learning
(List at least 3)
1. B. Language
language for
effectively using
a variety of

appropriate to the
situation and
2. D.
Establish personal
connections with
Teach children how
to interact with a
story and recall
events in a story.
Teach children how
to comprehend a
story through the
Introduce children
to communicating
with an audience.
31. C.
Demonstrate an
ability to prevent,

2. d.eca
in books
and make
to the
pictures and
Begin to

Lesson/Activity Procedure


Material preparations are done

one week in advance.
Teacher assistant A Gather
children to the carpet area. For
an ice-breaker.
Ice Breaker: Teacher assistant
B: Ask children do they know
what the word crazy means. If
they do not, then quickly explain.
Ask children to make their
craziest face.
Lead Teacher: Tell children you
will now read crazy pizza.
Read story to children, while
reading allow children to fill in
the pages with pictures only.
When finished, ask children their
favorite pizza from the story.
Teacher Assistant B should be
preparing a video on pizza
making during story time.
Lead Teacher tells children to
kindly watch video on pizza
making, so they can make their
own crazy pizza next.

Call on children who

are not paying attention
to fill in the story pages
with no words.
(For Example:
Boston, tell the class
who do you think
ordered this pizza?)

Confetti style cut red

paper, place in small
Ziploc bag
Place various beads and
jewels, rubber
insects/bugs, rubber sea
creatures and lug
nuts/screws in trays or

manage and
conflicts in
constructive ways.
Introduce children
to Family Style
Dinner Service.
Encourage children
to share and take

and take

After video Lead Teacher and

assistants gear children towards
the creative arts table.
Lead Teacher sits in middle or at
the head of the table.
Lead Teacher starts activity as a
family style dinner service by
grabbing a white plate, with a
brown circle and passing the rest
around. (Before continuing,
keep in mind Lead Teacher,
and assistants, will assist in
gluing, clean-up and
behavioral management.)
Children will then glue brown
circle to plate. This is the pizza
Next have children spread glue
to pizza base, then pass around
bag of red paper, as this is the
Then have children drizzle glue
on top of red sauce, then pass
around the bag of orange and
yellow shredded paper as this is
the cheese.
Have children take hands and
smash pizza to flatten
ingredients, this will ensure they
are sticking.
After basic ingredients have
been passed around, Lead
Teacher announces that the next
few ingredients from the trays
will make the pizza crazy like
the ones in the book, and will
now be passed around, also it is
suggested that Lead Teacher

moves around the table at this

point to further assist because
Tacky Glue will now be used.
Teacher assistant A will
announce each ingredient as it is
being passed around, and warn
Materials from trays can be
children to pass along if they do passed around first and then
not want the ingredient. Teacher tacky glue used.
assistant B and Lead Teacher A
will be helping glue items as
they are being passed around.
Once childrens ingredients have
been added to pizza, teachers can
ask children to name.
Assistants can write childrens
name and tittle with black
Allow pizzas to lay flat to dry.
Clean up.
Teacher A.
Patricia Shade
Teacher B.
Kenetta Cannon

Teacher assistant A and B

will assist lead teacher
with collecting large and
small Ziploc bags, 5 trays
or baskets, brown, red,
black, green, orange, &
yellow construction paper,
white paper plates, beads
and jewels, insects and
bugs, rubber sea
creatures, very small lug
nuts or screws, tacky glue,
scissors, felt (optional)
and school glue.
Cut 15 round circles of
brown construction paper,
and place one with a
white paper plate, place in
large Ziploc bag.
Shred yellow, and orange
construction paper, place

teachers A & B
objectives are to
follow the lead
examples by:
Encourage child
to be respectful
during a story.
children to
children to

Children who are

misbehaving, does not
wish to get their
hands sticky, or who does
not see a pizza they
like, can create one
of play dough with
Teacher Assistant B.
Kenetta Cannon.

in small Ziploc bag.

Cut black paper into tiny
flies, cut green paper into
squiggly lines, and place
in small Ziploc bag.
Confetti style cut red
paper, place in small
Ziploc bag
Place various beads and
jewels, insects/bugs, sea
creatures and lug
nuts/screws in trays or
Collect multicolored play

share and ask

for help.
skills in
children by
talking to them
during the

Vocabulary Words
Lug Nuts: Come in large or small sizes, they are round and they
are used to fit over a bolt, or screw to secure a wheel to the axel.
Crazy: Can mean wild or insane, uncontrollable or extreme.
Pizzeria: This is a place where pizzas are made or sold.
Order: Pattern, method, placement or arrangement, also can mean
an authoritative command, direction or instruction.
Pirate: Known to be a dangerous person who attacks and robs
ships at sea.
Treasure: Is something that is kept for precious reasons, kept
carefully and is valued, or a quantity of precious metals, stones,
gems, or riches.
Toppings: Are layers of food poured, added or spread over the
top of a base food to add special flavor or attention.

Assessment Opportunities
After teacher reads the story, we ask children which pizza in the
story did they like the best.
Teachers will ask children during activity, Do you like to eat
pizza? Have you ever made a pizza at home with your family?
and/or If you could make your own pizza which toppings would
you add?
( These questions will address our Language Arts objectives,
1.B.ECA and 2.D.ECA)
Teachers will observe children during the activity to see if
children are sharing, taking turns, and passing.
( This question will address the social/emotional objective,

Richard C. Overbaugh
Lynn Schultz
Old Dominion University

Bloom's Taxonomy

In 1956, Benjamin Bloom headed a group of

educational psychologists who developed a
classification of levels of intellectual behavior
important in learning. During the 1990's a new group of
cognitive psychologists, lead by Lorin Anderson (a
former student of Bloom), updated the taxonomy to
reflect relevance to 21st century work. The two
graphics show the revised and original Taxonomy. Note
the change from nouns to verbs associated with each
Note that the top two levels are essentially exchanged
from the traditional to the new version.
New Version
Remembering: can the student recall or
remember the information?

Old Version
define, duplicate, list, memorize, recall, repeat, reproduce state

Understanding: can the student explain ideas

classify, describe, discuss, explain, identify, locate, recognize, report, select, translate, paraphrase
or concepts?
Applying: can the student use the information choose, demonstrate, dramatize, employ, illustrate, interpret, operate, schedule, sketch, solve, use,
in a new way?
Analyzing: can the student distinguish
between the different parts?

appraise, compare, contrast, criticize, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, examine, experiment,

question, test.

Evaluating: can the student justify a stand or


appraise, argue, defend, judge, select, support, value, evaluate

Creating: can the student create new product

or point of view?

assemble, construct, create, design, develop, formulate, write.

Language Arts Activity Plan

Child Development 258
Instructor: S. Taylor
04 April 2015
Kennedy King College
By: Kenetta Cannon

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