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Energy & Power

1. Molecules cease to move as temperatures reach absolute zero, thus energy is not produced.
3. Helps to define temperature: if each of two systems is equal to a third, then the first two are also
4. Conservation of Energy- energy can neither be created nor destroyed; however, energy can flow from one
form to another.
5. A network of electrical components used to supply, transmit, and use electric powerall power systems
have a source, process, and load.
9. Energy that exists due to the position of an object.
10. Energy stored in the bonds of atoms and molecules
12. Shows the type of energy that goes into a system and how the energy is converted, which also includes
wasted energy, usually in the form of heat.
13. Resources that are limited, or fossil fuels.
14. Energy that comes from natural resources.
15. Energy that exists due to the objects motion.
16. Is the electromagnetic energy that travels in transverse waves?
17. Depicts how energy moves through a system and includes the type of energy and how that energy is
generated and stored.
18. A branch of science that deals with temperature and forms of energy
2. Energy or heat cannot move from a cold system to a hot system, and you cannot continually produce work
without adding energy, because energy flows away from its source.
6. or heat, is the vibration or movement of atoms within systems.
7. Energy stored in the nucleus of an atomthe energy that holds the nucleus together.
8. Energy made available by the flow of an electric charge through a conductor.
11. Energy stored in the movement of objects or systems.

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