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Einsatzgruppen (in this context, mobile killing units) were squads composed primarily of
German SS and police personnel. Under the command of the German Security Police
(Sicherheitspolizei; Sipo) and Security Service (Sicherheitsdienst; SD) officers, the
Einsatzgruppen had among their tasks the murder of those perceived to be racial or political
enemies found behind German combat lines in the occupied Soviet Union.
These victims included Jews, Roma (Gypsies), and officials of the Soviet state and the Soviet
Communist party. The Einsatzgruppen also murdered thousands of residents of institutions for
the mentally and physically disabled. Many scholars believe that the systematic killing of Jews in
the occupied Soviet Union by Einsatzgruppen and Order Police (Ordnungspolizei) battalions was
the first step of the "Final Solution," the Nazi program to murder all European Jews.
During the invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, the Einsatzgruppen followed the German
army as it advanced deep into Soviet territory. The Einsatzgruppen, often drawing on local
civilian and police support, carried out mass-murder operations. In contrast to the methods later
instituted of deporting Jews from their own towns and cities or fromghetto settings to killing
centers, Einsatzgruppen came directly to the home communities of Jews and massacred them.
The German army provided logistical support to the Einsatzgruppen, including supplies,
transportation, housing, and occasionally manpower in the form of units to guard and transport
prisoners. At first the Einsatzgruppen shot primarily Jewish men. By late summer 1941,
however, wherever the Einsatzgruppen went, they shot Jewish men, women,
and children without regard for age or sex, and buried them in mass graves. Often with the help

of local informants and interpreters, Jews in a given locality were identified and taken to
collection points. Thereafter they were marched or transported by truck to the execution site,
where trenches had been prepared. In some cases the captive victims had to dig their own graves.
After the victims had handed over their valuables and undressed, men, women, and children
were shot, either standing before the open trench, or lying face down in the prepared pit.
Shooting was the most common form of killing used by the Einsatzgruppen. Yet in the late
summer of 1941, Heinrich Himmler, noting the psychological burden that mass shootings
produced on his men, requested that a more convenient mode of killing be developed. The result
was the gas van, a mobile gas chamber surmounted on the chassis of a cargo truck which
employed carbon monoxide from the truck's exhaust to kill its victims. Gas vans made their first
appearance on the eastern front in late fall 1941, and were eventually utilized, along with
shooting, to murder Jews and other victims in most areas where the Einsatzgruppen operated.

The Einsatzgruppen following the German army into the Soviet Union were composed of four
battalion-sized operational groups. Einsatzgruppe A fanned out from East Prussia across
Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia toward Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). It massacred Jews
in Kovno, Riga, and Vilna. Einsatzgruppe B started from Warsaw in occupied Poland, and
fanned out across Belorussia toward Smolensk and Minsk, massacring Jews in Grodno, Minsk,
Brest-Litovsk, Slonim, Gomel, and Mogilev, among other places. Einsatzgruppe C began
operations from Krakow (Cracow) and fanned out across the western Ukraine toward Kharkov
and Rostov-on-Don. Its personnel directed massacres in Lvov, Tarnopol, Zolochev, Kremenets,
Kharkov, Zhitomir, and Kiev, where famously in two days in late September 1941 units of
Einsatzgruppe detachment 4a massacred 33,771 Kiev Jews in the ravine at Babi Yar. Of the four
units, Einsatzgruppe D operated farthest south. Its personnel carried out massacres in the

southern Ukraine and the Crimea, especially in Nikolayev, Kherson, Simferopol, Sevastopol,
Feodosiya, and in the Krasnodar region.
The Einsatzgruppen received much assistance from German and Axis soldiers,
local collaborators, and other SS units. Einsatzgruppen members were drawn from
the SS, Waffen SS (military formations of the SS), SD, Sipo, Order Police, and other police
By the spring of 1943, the Einsatzgruppen and Order Police battalions had killed over a million
Soviet Jews and tens of thousands of Soviet political commissars, partisans, Roma, and
institutionalized disabled persons. The mobile killing methods, particularly shooting, proved to
be inefficient and psychologically burdensome to the killers. Even as Einsatzgruppen units
carried out their operations, the German authorities planned and began construction of special
stationary gassing facilities at centralized killing centers in order to murder vast numbers of
Further Reading
Arad, Yitzhak, Shmuel Krakowski, Shmuel Spector, and Stella Schossberger. The
Einsatzgruppen Reports: Selections from the Dispatches of the Nazi Death Squads' Campaign
against the Jews, July 1941-January 1943. New York: Holocaust Library, 1989.
Headland, Ronald. Messages of Murder: A Study of the Reports of the Einsatzgruppen of the
Security Police and the Security Service, 1941-1943. Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson
University Press, 1992.
Hilberg, Raul. The Destruction of the European Jews. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press,

Langerbein, Helmut. Hitler's Death Squads: The Logic of Mass Murder. College Station: Texas
A & M University Press, 2004. Mendelsohn, John, editor. The Einsatzgruppen or Murder
Commandos. New York: Garland Publishing, 1982.
Rhodes, Richard. Masters of Death: The SS-Einsatzgruppen and the Invention of the Holocaust.
New York: Knopf, 2002.
Westermann, Edward B. Hitler's Police Battalions: Enforcing Racial War in the East. Lawrence:
University Press of Kansas, 2005.

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