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How to Eat Fried Worms Final

Writing (Choose 1)
o Rewrite a chapter from How to Eat Fried Worms. Instead of Billy, Tom,
and Joe write how you and your friends would have acted in the chapter.
o The chapter describing when the boys went to the baseball game
(between chapters XXIV and XXV) isnt included in the book. Write a
chapter describing the events that happened during the baseball game.
o Write a chapter about what happens to the boys once the book is done.
Do they make another bet? Are they still friends?
o Write a chapter describing the life that the boys had before the book.
Did they get into other kinds of trouble? Were the friends before the
o Other. Is there another writing assignment you would like to do that isnt
on the list? Write it down and ask the teacher if you are able to do it!
Remember, dont begin until your teacher gives you the go ahead!
Representing (Choose 1)
o Create a new book cover for the book
o Choose a chapter from the book and turn it into a cartoon (using
Bitstrips on the computer or using paper and pencil crayons)
o Pretend you are a character from the book. Make a video responding to
questions that someone might have for that character. (i.e what was
your favourite condiment to put on the worms).
o Make a video reenactment of one of the scenes.
o Draw a significant scene in the novel and tell why you chose that scene
to draw.
o Other. Is there another way of representing you would like to do that
isnt on the list? Write it down and ask the teacher if you are able to do
it! Remember, dont begin until your teacher gives you the go ahead!
Personal Response (Choose 1)
o Did you like the book? Why are why not?
o A friend is going to read the book. Would you recommend this book to
your friend? Why or why not?
o Make a video of a book review
o If someone bet you to eat 15 worms in 15 days would you do it? Why or
why not?
o Dp you think the boys will continue to be friends? Why or why not?
o Other. Is there another personal response or question you would like to
do that isnt on the list? Write it down and ask the teacher if you are
able to do it! Remember, dont begin until your teacher gives you the go
Name: ____________________________

Narrative Writing Rubric 4th Grade

Did you establish
a situation (real or

Did you organize

an event sequence
that unfolds

Did you use

dialogue and
description to
experiences and
events or to show
Did you use a
variety of
transitional words
and phrases to
manage the
sequence of words
Did you use
concrete words
and phrases and
sensory details to
experiences and
events precisely?

No, I didnt
establish a
situations or
introduce a
narrator and/or
No, I did not
organize an
event sequence
that unfolds

Well, I somewhat
established a
situation and
introduced a
narrator and/or
Well, I somewhat
organized an
events sequence
that unfolds

Yes, I established a
situation and
introduced a
narrator and/or

Yes, I established a
situation and
introduced a narrator
and/or characters in a
very creative way!
Yes, I organized an
event sequence that
unfolds naturally in a
vary creative way!

No, I did not use

dialogue and
description to
experiences and
events or to
show the
No, I did not use
any transitional
words or
phrases to
manage the
sequence of
No, I did not use
concrete words
and phrases and
sensory details
to convey
experiences and
events precisely

Well, I included
SOME dialogue
and description to
experiences and
events or to show
the character

Yes, I included
dialogue and
description to
experiences and
events to show the
character response
Yes, I used
transitional words
and phrases once or
twice to manage
the sequence of

Well, I used a
FEW transitions
words and
phrases to
manage the
sequence of
Well, I used
SOME concrete
words and
phrases and
sensory details to
experiences and
events precisely

Yes, I included LOTS

of dialogue and
description to develop
experiences and
events or to show the
character response.

Yes, I used
transitional words
and phrases to
manage the
sequence of events

Yes, I used MANY

transitional words and
phrases to manage the
sequence of events.

Yes, I used
concrete words and
phrases and
sensory details to
convey experiences
and events

Yes, I used concrete

words and phrases to
manage the sequence
of events in a very
creative way

Did you provide a

conclusion that
follows from the
experiences or

No, I didnt
provide a
conclusion that
follows from the
experiences or

Well, I
provided a
conclusion that
follows from the
experiences or

Yes, I provided a
conclusion that
follows from the
experiences or

Yes, I provided a
conclusion that
follows from the
narrated experiences
or events in a very
creative way!

Personal Response Rubric

Capitalization and


You reread your personal response with

and editors eye! You have capital letters
at the beginning of every sentence and for
all proper nouns. You also used correct
punctuation at the end of each sentence!

Wow! Your entry shows

great reflection on your
reading! You wrote 4-6
sentences that used details
and support from your
You tried to reread your journal response Your entry showed a little
with an editors eye. You missed a few
big of relcting on your
words that should have been capitalized
reading. You wrote 3-4
and used incorrect punctuation in a few
sentences and were only
able to use one or two
details to support
You did not reread your journal with an
You only wrote 1-2
editors eye. You did not use capitalization sentences for your
or the correct use of punctuation.
response. You did not
share details or support
for your thinking.

Representing Rubric

Student put in little Student put a bit of Student put in a lot
effort in
effort in
of effort in
representing the
representing the
representing the



It is not evident
that the student
used creativity in
representing the


The format chosen

does not represent
that novel visually

It is somewhat
evident that the
student used
creativity in
representing the
The format chosen
represents the
novel visually

IT is evident that
the student used
creativity when
representing the
The format chosen
clearly represents
that novel visually.

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