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Summary: kill all enemies Melvin Burgess

A. Classroom activity: Whose IPhone is it?
Language focus: describing / reading comprehension
Time: 20 min (extra task= 30 min)

Procedure: - before reading the bookPreparation for the teacher:


Read the book

Select information about the different characters
Dont use information that would spoil the end of the story
Write text, search for wallpaper, that matches the characters
Try to put the names of the characters somewhere in a text or mail

Activity in class:
Part 1
1) Hand out the worksheets with the characters Iphone to the pupils.
2) Give a context:
3) Some of the characters in the book have lost their IPhone. We dont know who the
characters are yet but maybe we can find out by looking into their IPhones.
4) The pupils can solve the questions that go together with the IPhone by reading the
information individually or by working in pairs.
5) There are no wrong answers.
6) After looking at all the IPhone they link the IPhones with the characters by looking up
their names in the given information.
7) Now the pupils will now certain things about the characters but not everything.
8) The pupils can write some questions they would like to know.
Part 2
9) While the pupils read the book, they try to answer their own questions.
10)If their questions remains unanswered, they can try to come up with a possible
Part 3
11)After the pupils have read the book they will notice that some characters might have
evolved or might have changed. They can create a new wallpaper for their favourite
characters IPhone. They can also explain why they changed the wallpaper.

Activity source/idea: Randazzo, L. (s.d.), Is this your phone?, internet, geraadpleegd op 22 mei 2016,

B. Evaluation and suitability for classroom use

S. Deburchgraeve



This book points out problems a lot of teenagers have to deal with in a less or more
serious way. The pupils do not always find a way to talk about it with their parent(s),
friends or teachers. Sometimes some pupils might feel they are very much alone in
this world and this book might show them that they are not. Some hard topics in the
book could be discussed in the lessons and might open up some pupils about their
feelings and they might find a connection with each other.
Although it could be very hard for some pupils who have to live with aggressive
parents or neglecting parents it might help them to open up. Other pupils who dont
know what it is like to live in an unstable environment will perhaps understand it
better when they have a friend who lives in those circumstances.
The book is easy to read and doesnt contain too many difficult words. Sometimes the
characters use more colloquial language or curse, but that doesnt make it not
suitable for classroom use. It reflects how teenagers in England really speak. To me
that is a bonus. In reality you wont often hear English that has been cleaned out
when you talk to somebody. (except for the BBC and other television programs)
Example: you and your bloody ears.
This book has so much content and so many different topics that could be discussed
about in the classroom, it is fairly easy to quickly come up with an activity.
Some ideas:
- A silent wall discussion
- A letter or facebook post to one of the characters
- A diary
- An interview
- What if?

C. Background information
If pupils wonder if this is not just a found fiction book you can assure them it isnt. The
author mentions in his acknowledgements that he interviewed some people who went
through a horrible youth and that he based the characters on real life events.

D. Bibliography
Title: Kill all Enemies
Author: Melvin Burgess
Year of publication: 2011
Publisher:Penguin Group
ISBN-number: 978-0-141-33564-3
Pages: 311

S. Deburchgraeve



Summary: Girls in Love Jacqueline Wilson

A. Classroom activity: dont judge a cover
Language focus: Going to future/ past simple/ reading
Time: 30 min

Procedure: - before reading the bookPreparation for the teacher:


Read the book

Use one of the chapters lists:
nine resolutions, nine wishes, nine heroes,
Rewrite them with going to future and generalize them
for boys and girls
Copy the cover and images with the theme dont judge
a cover
create an exercise so pupils can compare the
information they have found while reading

Activity in class:
Part 1
1) Intro: talk about resolutions
2) Let pupils tick off the resolutions they once had or still have. Discuss the
3) Notice the going to future and explain the purpose
Part 2
4) Let the pupils write down three things that come to their mind when they look at
this cover. (notice: very girly)
5) Ask the pupils if they would read the book just by judging its cover.
6) Show that the resolutions were part of the book and are the same for girls and for
7) (perhaps let pupils pick one picture that they like the most that explains not to
judge a book by its cover and why that is in fact very important)
Part 3
8) Let pupils put the resolutions in the past simple. (revision)
9) Which resolutions came true for Ellie at the end of the book?
Which resolutions (that you ticket off in the first exercise) came true?

B. Evaluation and suitability for classroom use

S. Deburchgraeve



It is true that the book looks/ is very girlish but that should not be a reason not to
use it in a gender mixed class. Even some girls might find this book a bit
exaggerated. It is not because the main characters are girls, boys would not like the
book. This book gives an insight in what girls think about boys and about certain
subjects. (kissing, going out, school,) The book is a very easy to read and is very
The book doesnt use difficult words but the pupils will have to focus on the thought
stream of the main character. Sometimes Ellie thinks about one thing and jumps right
to another situation. Throughout the book there are some drawings and letters so it is
easy to understand what Ellie is talking about.
Example: I cant say I was thrilled. It was a bit like drinking toothpaste. Forget the
drink. Ill phone Magda though, and Nadine, and well have a long natter, and then
Well, it will be evening now,
The book is all about the mind of a young teenage girl and everything that goes with
being a teenager. There are several topics that could be discussed in class and
connections to be made between the pupils. For example: What if you made up a
lie Would you tell? Did you ever lie about something silly?.
Some ideas:
- What if?
- Make a boys version of the book
- Write your own thought or comment

C. Background information
This book has been made into a series and is easy to find on youtube. Ive noticed
some big differences with the book and the series such as choice of characters or
school. You could integrate parts of this series in your lessons.

D. Bibliography
Title: Girls in Love
Author: Jacqueline Wilson
Year of publication: 2007
Publisher: Random House Childrens Publishers UK
ISBN-number: ebook 978-1-407-04300-5
Pages: 160

S. Deburchgraeve



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