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Far Eastern University

Institute of Nursing

Submitted by: Olay, Cerie Anne M. Name & age of Patient: Dina Idnani, 51 yrs.old
Section: BSN 142 Group: 166 Chief Complaint: DOB
TREATMENTS/INFUSION Final Diagnosis: Breast CA St IV

Treatment/ Classification Indication Contraindication Nursing

Infusion Responsibilities

D5NSS 1Lx24° Crystalloids • Ideal for hypotension due to Contraindicated for patients with Assess patient carefully for
- Solutions made hypovolemia. history of liver failures, disease signs of hypervolemia
by dissolving • Vomiting because of its ability to such as bounding pulse
crystals into • Shock metabolize lactate. and shortness of breath.
water. They are • Hyperkalemia
good fluid • Blood Transfusion
replacers and
maintenance and
are categorized
by tonicity.

Isotonic Solution
-have roughly the
same amount of
dissolved particles as
plasma and good
choice of fluid
replacement .

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