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Hoo.dquo.rtsrs, 1'}' 'd Servioe Commend .PO$t,Ofl~JC Building

. Bnl Mmore 2, Maryland

19 November 1943

. __ r-..


'ORDEJ1ING INTO ACTIVE MILITARY SERVICE "rBE 717th, 722nd and 724th RltILrrfl.Y OPE,AATDm mts.--Tho·\mIts 'listed blDloW' arc OrdGr~1a UlO o.ot; cllitar'Y '13QrV~Oe of the Un:i. .. bed sta.tos on dtl.tos shown and con ... ollit"l'ontly trCll1~f'orrod wi thou't por aonno L and 0quipmont to Foroe Sam

Houston, Toxaa. v .



717th Ro.ilway Oporo.ting Bo.tto.lion, Tro~sporto.tion Corp3


24 NO'\1ombcr 1943

722nd Ro.i1wo.y Operat;tng natto.lion, Transp~r~ution Corps

.724th RtJ.ilwe,y Operating B,o.ttQ1ion ..

TrD.nsportation Corps

7 December 1943

21 Deocrnbor 1943

(Autht. WD lcl.'\;;tor, Ao. 322 (8 NoV 43) OB-I-SPMOU-M, subjoot, nOrgo.niia .. tion of,ac~to.i~ Railway Units, ~rrulsportntion Corps, during Novambor and Dccombcr ,lG4gtt j dn.tod 11 NOV01l1bor 1943.)

By command of Mr~jor Gener-al, RECKORD,

NORMfl.N R,\NDOLPH Brigadier Genoral, GSa . Ohiof of Sta.ff

H. L. GRY'niES C0101101, Gsa D;t~ AciJn Di v



·_----------.,,__ .... ----

--_ -


. '








A&~ SERVIOE ~ORCES HeadQuarters, Third Service Post Offioe Building Balt imo re I 21 Mary land 2fl,No'V'omber 1943


General Orders No. lOSt,this headQuarters, 19 November 1943 is amended to change .the sbat Ion to which the 717th Railway Operating Battalion, Transportatioh Cor ps lis transferred wi thout personnel and equrpmonf from Fort Sam Houston, Toxas I to Army Service Forces Unit,ing Conter. New Orl~ans Sta.,gingAroa. Lov,isian@:.

(Auth l ·~ID lot ter AG 322 (18 Nov 43) OB--I-SPMOU .. M, subjoct 1 ItOrganiZaHon of Certain Itailway Units, Transportation Corps, during Novombor

and DocQmbor 1943,

By command of l~ajor General RECKORD:



NORMMr R.iItlTDOLPR BdgadiBr Gonoral, GSC Chief of Staff

H. L. GRYMES Oolonel, GSa Dir Adm Div .


, I

S3"'H::l!;V lVNO'.lVN 3HllV 03::lnOQ!;d3!;



. i / I ~ c

Autilofity ~ _0, /« C r>' I

- By LI H NARA Date 5/s 1.1.


.I::lIOGRAPHX OF O.l"FIC:ErtS. '7l7'l'h rl..All}Y~A.Y- OP.E.hA'rlNG BA'I''l'll .. LION

___ _.... ..... -....-o;._ ....... __ , ... ~_. __ .... ~......-- ..... _.__.--_

Harry P. Lowrv , Lieutenant Colonel) 'rC; Commanding ufficer, j oinse the unit on 15 J-anuary 1944, .af' t.Lng 8. refresher mili t.s.r.y traillin,g course at Fort ':;'lc cum J New lork. He was commi s si oned in 1 ~JO as a t.enan~, in ORC; was commissioned a lieutenant colonel on 22 May 1942, and called to active ou ty on _:;, Lecemoer 1943. In life Lt.eut.enan t Colonel Lowry- was a traitlJlltlster' on the l~enns;ylvlinia hailro8.u, in charge of cper atd ons of both freight and passenger Lr-a ins and in charge of t.i e in &J1Q engine service personneL He has had thirty-eight (38) years' r ed.Lr oad experience, all with +ne Pennsy.L vani.a nad Lr-oad , During tne last war he Wf:),S a Sergeant in a Ei.e Ld Artillal·Y· uni, t with one year's service in france.

His home town is Dowru.ngt.cwn , PE .•

Fred J. Sana) Major, 'l'GJ l!;xecutive Officer" joined unit, as LUJutanton 3 December 1943. .rie was commissioned on 20 october 19i1.2) and W2.S ce to active duty on J February- 1943. Prior to joining the unit he serveo

with the 721st riailwbY Operating Dattb.lion and as a trc1ining officer at- New Or-Leans Port of Emhar-katd.on , tIe became executive officer on 6 Februarv

19Lt-4, and was promoted to the rank ofmujor on ;() February I1f44. In c.i lifeJ. lI!1ajor ~and was a traulmaS1:,er and supervising agent on the l~e'" Y()l,'k Gentralli$ilroad, hav mg twerrty-f'our (;;'A) years' service WiUl this l'a_U.rOf),G. Luring the lest Wllr ne serveo witn an Infe.lltr~f uui t. as a ~erge\!tnt, serving

in France for seventeen (17) mon chs. His home t.own is Pitt~burgh, .ea.

Jacob J. Kasni t.z , Captain) TC J Battalion dU}lpJ.y Offi0er J VII:t.S comnu.s s i.onec on 1'/ May 191..3, and ed on ac l-ive outy on 16 Jun8 1943. He f\t t.enced Adjuta.nt Gener-aLt s School f'rom .:LO Jtuy 1'14j, to 1 bept,ember 1943} then re-

por' ced to l~ew Orleans Port of Embarii:ation as 1:1 training officer ami became AdjuLant of the 706th Railwe.y Gr,md Division on 25 Oct.ober lSl43. Ce.IJi:.ain Kusnitz joinecl t.he 717th li.ailwuy Opera Batttl,lion on ~6 Febr-uary 1941+)

with assignment of' Supply Officer. He has had t.wenty-six l26) yevI'f:,l experience with the Pennsy.lvarn.a Railroad in Lhe engineering depe.rtm6nr,. 11is home t.own is , Pa , , although he nOil resides in manhasae t., Long Isl&.nd.

Lor-en H. l'iyandt, captain, Chap.La.rn, joined the unlt on 3 liecemuer 191..3; wa.s comcu.s ai onec in kpri.l. ls/jU as a. Ls t Li.sut.enant j pr omo tcc 1,0 a captain on the 7th Oc er 19Jb, and sd on ac tiv-e duty on 17 J anuary 1941. He previously served as a Chap.Lai.n with the 151st, Inf8-ntr~~; the S:2oth 'I'ank Lestro~fer- Battalion, ard the :28LJ[:'h sigr1al Pigeon (1!:ll1lpany. lJuring Lhe last WB.r, he served as an enl.Ls t.ed marl wit,h a Field ltrt.iller;y- unit ano hac nine (9) monr.hs ' service in france. Chaplain I,y~;.ndt attended the ''-rmy Chaplain's School at Harvar'd , dur Lng Jlll1UarJ 1'143, Prior t.o caLled to mi.Li, t.ary duty, he was a Lutheran pas WI' in Muncie J Lndd.ana , Chap.Le m 1'-,'1 a.ndt is 8. graduate of Wit.tenberg & .i:ib.mmu Livini"G'y Sehool,.bpringfield, nh.r.c , He a1 SCI served. as a Chap.La i.n in tn s cee, from 1'73, to 1 SlJ 7 •

frank S. Howard, Ls t Li.eut.enarrt, , 'l'C J was commi s aioned on J J-u1y 19-4." and reported for active cut.y at. fort ClJ..ocumj NEW, r ork , on 10 August. 1:t4).


SOlI\IH:JIJV WNOll \iN 3HJ. J.V 03:>rtCDIJd9IJ

• " " . - ,,-- I ,'" flC'1

DECLASSIFI ED Aut1lOrity L,Q, 12.065'"

By YJ H NARA Date .J 6-/01


Biography of officers} 7l'7th Hy Opn Bn , Cont'd:

After completing officers! tl"ttining school, he report.ed to i~ew orleans port

of Embarkation and was assigned as Plans and ri'raining Officer of a provisional TC battalion. He Joined t.he unit on 5 December 1943, and became Adjutunt.

of "the battalion on 6 Febr-uary 19M~. He r ece.ived his promotion to Ls t Lieutenant on 25 February 1941+. In c Lv.i life, Lb Howard was employed

in the engineering depar-tment of the chicago R.apid 'fransi t COmpBl1)! on subwas construction. His home tOWl1 is UhicagoJ 111.

James W. Mur-phy , 1st Lieutenant, 'fe, Commander of Headquarters Company, was commissioned on 4 June 1943; calJed to active duty 011 29 October 1943,

'and. attended officers I school; at Fort SlOCUill, New York, during NOV8r.lber 19Lt3. In civilian lif e, he was a Lra.Ln dispatcher on the ,t' ennsy 1 vani,a Hailroao.) twenty-soven years r service. lJul'ing the last war, he was a Ciergeant

in the Signal corps und spent eighteen (18) months in France. He r ece Ived

the Silver Star) BlHnc Mont, on the 3rd b'c bob er 1918) and participated infive (5) major battles. His home town is Canton, Ohio. Lt j,qurph,y has one

son in service in the E'rO with an infantry unit.

Geor-ge p. Hay e s J'r , captain, TG, Commander of Comva1\y 1111.11, was commis::;ioned on 5 December 193:' in ORC, and report.ed t.o activo duty on ';:.'-) Dct.ooer 19/+3. He attl;lnaed officers 1 school, at _!i'art .slocum" l'llsrv lork, during November 19i..J, and reported to the unit. on 7 December- 191+.3. In civilian life, Captain Hayes was IJlaster Carpenter 011 the PennsylvaniH hailroad, Philadelphia rermi na., Livbion, in char-ge of buildings and br i.cges , He has had eighteen lId) :years r serv ice in the 911gineering depar-tment of the pennsylvania Railrohd. His home town is Bryn MawT J Pa.

William O. oren, Lst Lt eubensnt., TO, Commander of Company rIBII, was Loned on 27 July 1943, and called to ac duty on 29 October 194.3. He attended of'f tc er s ' school, at Fort 'Slocum, New York, durlng NOVdlllbel' 1943, and joined the unit on 7 Decemb'er 1943. He has had sixteen (16) year-s r experience wi 1-h the pen rsy Lvani a ,tiailroad, specL'llizing as as ai1'br-ake supervisor and. prouuc tion engine er . His home t.own is Pot Le , P a.

Lloyd It. Winslow, Cap t.aa.n , rc, Commander of Company 11 C", was commissioned on 12 .June 19/+2, and called to ac-c,ive duty on 2 l!ecember 1'1/t3.

He attended off~cersl school, at Fort slocUin, i'~e1l1 York, during December 1943, and joined the unit on 15 January- 1944. He has had 'bwent.y-eight ('::3) years J experience with the pennSj'lvania RaiJ.road. as trainmaster and 0upervisor of .freight. operations. His home town is Grand Rapids, j\llich.

. .., .. .

S3,\IHCllJ1:l1¥NQIJ. VN 3H.J. ! V 03:JnOQlJ dolJ



Lowry, Harry P. Sana, Fred J. Kasnitz, Jacob J. Vlyandt, Loren H. Howazd , Fr ank S.

Murphy J James V;. Rigg, Hobert L. Sanders J JS.mes R. Ward, h.enneth V.

Hayes, George P. J1' Shumate, Stuart Siedlel') Franklin

Eani.e Ls _; Leonard Cat.ehtng , Walter h, MacGillivray, haynor V.

Oren I William O. Kelly, Joseph E. Harris ,j Vincent N. campbell, Gay Zeigler, Morris W.

Winslow, Lloyd R. Kelly, Harvey R. Price, Ma;ynard B. Stickle, stephen A. S chr-ot.h, ThaodoI' e R.

Lt GOIOlWl Major Capt£ Captain

Ls t Lt


0'< '7,,!~:L 7 0~Ol;_,J.)B 0':'::::21UO 02'7L,.ll~ O~:24C;Bc,I

1st Lt Lt 20 Lt, CWO

0278201 Ol.J.Od1b7 0.191, 66U)I W;21~0b8'7

capl.Jain' 1st 1t. IsG Lt 1st Lt 2d Lt

.20. Lt

.Ls t Lt .Lst Lt Is+:. Lt 1st Lt 2d Lt

03j'?'7~3 9)61+:?99 Olii~186

o 1841/71IJ, O)t-37'770 01946'192

0,29605 0)~7)~jLI. 05J.bJ .. 6? 03'76895 046795'7 .Ls t Lt Ls t Lt lstLt 2d'Lt,

0477]87 OL,,7?t\i+8 01.3587) 04613762 05000$7

DECLASSIFIED AutllOfity. C,O, 120/(:'"

By YJ H NARA Date 3/s-/r1 vificer Be.ttalion J:i::x:ecutive OfflceJ'

B at taU cutluppJ .. y (;ff "


Ba t tali en J'l.d j u tlilXl t

Uompany COIDnmno!;'X' Railwny Disp~\tcheT

Me S G and ;':;uppJ ... y v f fi c er ASF.1j,£lt!mt Supply vffice.r


Raj.l"lNey rrrack bupervisor HaiJ. Wliy Signal .:; uperv i fi 01' Company :b:xecutiV'e uffJ.cer tlriclge &. BuiJ.ding ;;'up6rvlscr Assiste,nt. Ml:tintenence of'

Supel':Ln tenden t

Company ComlDBndel' Engin~house foreman Hailway Car fi'O!'8maJ1 Mechb.nicf>l Fugineer Hailway Master ~ecb0nlc

Compauy lJommGlno.rn' y: ar dma s tel"

Road E or eman RR bngine,-; Road Foreman I,ll. 1nglnefl Trainroast.f~r

S3AIH<J~" ""NO'J."'" 3HJ. i\l a·3<JrlOOlJd'llJ



u , S, ARIvf£

Embarkation Personnel Roster


APC 134, U.S. ARM~ Location.

~q 7l7th RX Op~ Bn argo


serial No.

Ncl.IYle And _ Grade

Lieutenant Colonel

Lowry, Harry P.



Sand, Fred J.


0 ... -522100 0-274115

Kasnitz, Jacob J. Wyai:1dt, Loren H. (Ch)

1st Lieutenant


Howard, Frank S.


, .


(1 )

S3"'H:J"'o' 1'o'NOU VN 3Hl L'o' m::ll100!!d3"

S::ll\IH~C:I\i ' ..... NOU_ ...... N '3l-U 1."i 03;::Jn(]O~d3C1

c ,


u. S. AR1WY

, '

Embarko.tioh Personnel Roster

Hq eo 717th ,Ry Opn Bn Org.

34255 USN

APO 134 u.s. ARMY - lirO,c e. t ion

Serial N •• '

Name And Grade

1st Lieutenants '

0 ... 278201 0-1108967

Murphy, Jams s W. Rigg, Robert L.

2nd Lieutenants


Sanders, James R.

, l ,

W ... 2120687

Chief Warrant Officer . Ward~ Kenneth V. ·M/Sgts


35331122 32915070 37705692

Ack, Earle T. Freese, Ralph L. Rainey, Glen P.



Me earthy, Howard L.


352~6881 :33190517

. 37530072 ' 69111b2

BaeI', Homer- E. Bumgar-dne r , Stephen Vo Giddens, WilliamR. Peterson, Uharles E.

S/Sgts .

31421350 ' 33592210 37480307 39416301 35686774 '35012487

Ftlrbush, WarrenL. Ginty, Thomas J. Jr. Hager, RussellW. Parks, Walter H. Swe~ringen, John R. Vacca, Benny J.

Tee 31s

36821257 39133857 39134892 33601456 39916867 35705625 "35769281

Abrahamson, Clifford G. Leonard, George V. Maria, Manuel

Me Donald, Gerald Smith, Charles D. Southall, Wilfrid F. Windsor, Charles B.

Tee 41 S

35869668 37564646 33783272 38470218 37558787 30760611

~- Beeler, M2..r'vin Go Blessing" Fred S<. CallahanJ Herbert B. Callaway, Robert E. Carr I Earl W.

Creal, James H.


(1 )




33727:811 33799$31 38488478 35064592 33610907 34806170.1 36822586

. 36676267 31359963 42028797 S84'02656, '.

37335447" , 34792315'~ :.:'

,348277 38~" '$7529839 ;-

~2946025 34872487 38529845 35521795 32951655 35064763 3'7669605 39336209 32945250, 33516276 ;?7563588 37347593

. r

, ,

,. 'f' I \

• ',~ •• .: '~ , .-; '. . .. j.' ,~:'''' ,': ,.' ~.'

35'72g-685"-.i~' ,7

, 39'846004' :,"., 420\32'418~ ;",

33784879 34814347 3,1:390329 34890296

. 42029014 ' 36465772 51351301 37480931 35704760 36677685 39134031 ,35559306 42011414 32945293 32681186 33286985 3135789;) 32713863 32974622· .

42039421 34735193 36750966 32974685 34885805 42041731 32926485,

:3150"567'4 I.'"


-_ ~~ .. -~ - ....... ~-.

- .


'- \ .


Authority LO, /:z 0 6..{

By YJ H NARA Dale 31;-/0,

C I'~ gba!,.; <~i(j,.;n' it. ' Davi"lSl;l':: John ~. Davi ~:, Jarrell W. English~ Earl U.· Geir:ert' Herbert C. Gla::e, James IN •. Jas ~JeI', ,Raymond P • Kn.1sely: William H ...

KOc: l':r.l, V~illia.m L. .Lo c ke ~ _ :q()y G ..

Mq Laughlin, Maurice B. lVL:d; zger ~, Willi am P ..

~,., ,

Miller J Ralph H. - Morris, Geeil' R •.. Mur~hy, Cha~le8 A.

Mye;c>S, Kenneth D" Pat~ick, Henry H. Piet'ce, Casto .D. Ra~lel, Nicholas M. Rea, Paul De,

Ri (-;hards " Marvin M.. Schoneberg, Laverne· W. SP6t't'y, James,; R. su"tlton, l(Gnneth E.

'Nei s e r , George F.

Wes trOm.. JO,seph AI W:Ll.l·:i runs" FI'anci.r~, R.


Pal,on, Melvin A. 'J Tee 5;'9

I ,

" An,dcI'sons Hadley R. '; ',',." ,.An}~rei,; FrankW. -', . - ',' ',Ak'h!l'Q,anR, Judah L.

Be:rer, Ch~.r:Ls siT. :B'.

Ca: .n , Pi?tc P'? ' caturn~ Ralph S. CClGk, Julius F. Crane,,· IJav!i;rne D.

I'll ckema , John Goodwin~ ftlbort H. Hansen; Halph S. Hays s , Chs.rley'R. Hipskind: Earl M. Kaufmann, Harry' Keller, Robert E. I Kenyon, Jared S.Jr. Lake ,. Lyndon g.

, Leibowitz, Frei.l· Lewellyn, Olarence H. Mac. Kinnon, . 'rhomas S. Meehan, John J""

MoX'r:t S.f F'1..tlmeJ:" K.

MQ ~ o a, ~\lbe!'t - J.

N~:; .. ,"I)r::.,. r.,lJ..c.ian Be Ni.eJ 86 .. ,' t,~wrenCe A. O:::,lf~1h~: .. ;., iinthony J.

'C '11 _ (' t· 1 v

r __ .. _.'.ow, .:.... ~r!- ey .Do

PrinzevaJ_J.i, Andrea S. Ro 0 ca , ... H~rry P. Jr.

,R91fson" 'Raymond :N.


, , ~


S31\'H:)l:J" lVNOllVN 3f-11 1'1 0301'100l:Jd3<J

/ )'



, ~ L ~ d'

~.I ,

):0.68287,15 ' -'E>7 7219 27


';3:,2_96-3674 ;3687-1526 ,'32273139 34892428

39903871 32965359 31372104"

--170'72823 35061495 33784739 36828$46

3279:584:6' '< -""", • -

35767893~~;!': .- "


, 39141547 34890620 37567114 374.8062cJ.

66667750, _

35761391';(:,- - "'I':'j.'-'1,":" s

36$89725 ' ' "







35654556 32274134 42039325 3135702'4 32960515 35589430 32965638 3580324() 32963347- 337011534 37569002 34674753 37564820 32965'708,' 37357323 38460720

38463700 35233991 ~,'_ 33786524 " ", 39699119

-,.;' 52927640· ,;, . 6664380 .,,"

36677367 32977837




'I'e c 5'ls (Contld)

" '

Savala, -Erwin J. Shirley~ Clifford'B. , ,Sleppy,' EarlH~

, S t anz , W8.1 t e r P' Svoboda, Joseph Jr. Swanson',; Carl M. :Teal, William E. Sr.

, Trantina, Raymond T. . Troianoi Robart WQ~Upj !rving L.


Aumcr, ~ce()rge J. Bold. and , Leo J. Br-i.cke r- Norman E •

. Dalgard< l:;:obert Dal,.lIAlgio, Albert p. Davis}" Charles," o. ", . Faierberg, Richard E.

'Garrison" ID:nmett T.

Gordon, John E. Sr. Heridr-L 01(8 on, Eine B. ,. Holmberg, Erlc V. -<:~',. Johnson, Paul E. Lipps, William R.

liIe Nulty, Franci a L. Me.rcer, Hubert A.

. Mueller', CarlM ..

, Netzle,y, Richard D.

RUZicka, John

Smi t.h, Oti s L. Whiting,' .Frederick J.


9irkhlmerJ 'Charles H. Borig i.or-no , Jo seph M. Bu:l;, Willi am T. Condon: RobertE.

De Luo a .• Pat,'5Y

Evans ~ Rebert G.

. FI €I i ,9: chman , Jo s eph Ginter~ Virgil O. Goldstein, Jerome S •. Halnil ton, Charles r.'J. Hennessy, Donald A. Hooks, Dewey

Kamrri kar , Joseph JP. Kubis, Francis J. Monroe, . Jame s E. Montemayor, Gabriel s. Moore,. Ce c L 1 E.

01 Les:ry; Jo1m T. Jr. Pizza, Salvatore Price, ~aJ:lj_ru:n B. Raviale, Samue]; Rced,9 Harold D. 'I'e a L, B~tel M.

'I'r-up i, 8.) ChiloI' 113 1-3.

Vogt, 'Wel'C-8r F.



, ' ,

Authori zing.: " Grade .. ~ ,0 0 •• ,~"Org ••••••• 0 ••••••• - •• 0 •••••

, ' -


(5 )

S31\IH:tB'ri 'l'VNOIl."iN 31-U.LV030noo:trd3~




U. S. Ai'1MY

, .

Einbarl,ation Per-s onne I :Roster

,. ',' \-.


~ A, 71,7th .Ry Opn .En Org.

Serial No.


0· ... 3645991

0 .. 448186, . ,~,' 0-1844741

0 194·6792

0 3877'70



17058968 t7528343 33721528 39207020 33694661 34844624 32881365 35294035

32918736 36040074 34~86983 37500318 36822958 35463217 36290800

38538596 34777057 32956'747

,09457146 32466205 34739191 37523505' " 37616987 .' 32988275 34892257

. : ,:' '\', ',_' " .

" ", 34256 " ;/'>

".: ,.,.-'TIrN~.' .~:' "'~ ~,~,:::

. ".,...

Name. r:mdGrade,

1, :'"

Ha~Tes )

'Cfptain "

, :.;1." " . <,:

ri'eqrge,'P Jr

. qk,,';,:

", ~?\i>

APO 134 U. S. ,Array -----roe a t i on---


, .

. ',,<.

, ';~

\ ", ~J-. _,

1\' ... ' .•

1 ~,' ••. ~"

/"" ".

13t r~jeutehants

.. : .'

6!' ·t,

Shumate ~ st.uart"·' Siedler i Franklin· Daniels 2' Leonar-d

2nd Ljeutenants

MacGillivary, Raynor V I Catch,ing, Walter> R

lst/Sgt '

Bobr-uk'l ew Lc z , 1.7aXcer



Hepburn, Robert D


Bidwell, John L r'roo-:'1.paster j :7illiam V Ki ng , Carl !:1

, Palmer, Glenn R

Ro olcve L'l James C

Sharpe, st Claire A Veriendna'l , John Young" Gail E

Car af'o , Joseph Fin,·'_crli'ber, T::uward C Miller, -,li11io.n. A

;~ee s e i ·Max C, Hbbert A Boister' ,~:Zrnest ~1 3tofflet, L'l.oyd vt

'fa c 4! ,8 ','

Allen, Rub en C Balre r-, J[tl~1es :U' Bl oomer , Harry D Br-adf'oz-d , j-esse },};lliott, Jack B Fa:r'me r J IIur 1 ~ y J Foote, ::Sugene A

Pr i clce L, Carl II.. Jr Goodman, Jacob H I{ride1"', John B J1'"



:1 "

, "


S3f1IHOM\llIINOI1\lN 3Hl 1\1 a30IiCO~d3~


, ./


--_........ -~


Authority t~O, /:!o 0' ,

By YJ H NARA Date ~I


" ,;t~,C ..' . -. , ~d~ ~ :/~s~c 8. tnT

··;~·~:/,:..:_.:,V:i:<' : ; ,">:". ',J ·l·:';·~·:'f. <',; ....:

".:, '·.\i,· ... :~,~'w·'''~·:.·::::·>:;'Te.c·:A I s( Co'tlt t dr·'

.,'''" .; .. '''',':. .: ,,'F"" ":.:;~::',,>~' t': .'~'.' " .

. :39416700,,,,, .. " :"'1:"\' ""ii~cldo.x, '0.haftles W

"36822952~\'c~';!":-,<.< .:~':.~t . .: ".',' .Riri1J?.1e; _i,~rne s t

35232815~':,~::~:;:',.: ;j:;I!~~\'¥o)." ":,' Tibb all","John A

36866055 ",fj;'::'.::,~t:;~,~'W_-";~·'·Walker, 'William T 42028162 . ',,:\"{(:.",:.:;'::;.;,: ..... - , 1Neber, iHl1iam A

38498224 .~ Webre, Jodney P A

6375143 '\'1fis~nbaker, :lobert B

37678365 Holfe, John G

3'77224~3 Yount , .Cl:~est;er .


, \

, . .

34434675 Absher, Ghar,les E

'33689169 C tl G~~'; 0

. " as e ,'c.u9fL,~,

42032842.' Corella, Ita10 A

35803940 :"\;;,., ,:": ,,'. ,:,1 .De ab on , AJ,fl"ed

3,2895152':i'\~ .. ';';·;I:' ", :~":.;"'~"'. 'Dellaquila .: Pe,:ber P

35768570 "";:f:}:;r~.,."·,, ,1',,;: .. " .. : :;:'GraiysOn '··Dativi"ih; It'" .',

""-lbW v.r,,' ~~"" . ~ l~~· - . '.. , _ •

35675060 '," ,~), ,¢'F' -';;:;;.,:"./' '';.., Hapl·~nIJDono.10: .W ',,',"-:'; .. 'j,.

'36038271 '''.:''" Kunde, \;l~0Y.: B' . :".," .""">'\,"':'/"

328908"'2~':;'."J ,;', ~.' . . 'Teeple ,Horton ' ~ , ,.' "Z,,'

36822935 "., .. , .. ",.':" Y ",',"Valdhuett,er, John j] J1" "

'i'ec 5's

Asay, Grnhc10n H AxeLsen , Oh1"istian J Bar-ne t t , Lillirun G Barr j Bernard B

Bi gham ,. Howard D Bird, Henry 'D

Bryant, Erne s t Vi

Campbell, I10ber.t S Ca utihen , Coke S Jro Chauncey, 'l'homas M Cherry, IIoward,T Coffey, . James C D;lVidson, JosephE Du Bo is, !"fill i am C Evers, ~'fil1iam .J lilrazier ,Stanley P Gall Lano J !tray J .. Glick, ~.1olford R Goldfin0sr, Hyman Gritton, Joseph V

Hegeman, Donald Cr

Hill ~ Stalll.'1Y J , '

Ite]_ly, ;.Y~llin1'~ R r '",

La Port 8., ~arlo A ,,' -,,' t;.\ '.'

•. ~~',i~ '11'" d' ~ ',,' - ....... 1 ('""I: "",,- • ...:~:. I'J,., ',' I 'J,!

1.18. son, J;,8,.!." J ,<.,j,;',: ">

,};::>l. Llurphy, J.,'rancis P :'.'."

Pettit, Os c ar' 0,' Pierce ~ G

Pr-ov anc hez-, Loa i [,:~ "

neynolds, Virgi~~R: ~ Sa.poe ~ garvl~ P ': '"

.f. Barr'aciho', '8arrf R ' .

" ~.;",;'i_.;'~' Severns, _c·aylell'

',H!" :,'.~,',': t101 ,;,.1. t-c •• ~J "c

.. t<~,~~.·,~, 1.:) J ,£'ll f.....,C .. ~ .oJ

,/.",iii'':·:, st r i cko r, ,~H0 nry 0

31362075 , .. ,.'\.>~~r,,,',:"··"":'Thompson; D<.wid 0

35231123 ~I ·, •• >J'i;T.'·-'" "", .• ;( - ' .Tllomp'30n . Paul n

~ ~ f;,-,:-,;;",~",f{ :"--;, , , ~~ ,-, . ',~' ,., "',1 ~ I ~ L,. , n

3296516 41'~i' '.'1>: :,~.,;,~<;' . ,:::~t"", •.. ",,.,.·Thoms en, jjo. s II r.1

, ;l~,';5~~~':' ';';,'.~;,;<'J, "


32951011 42011494, 38538870 32934479 36440887 42014569 3,5646585 '33659410 3465'7391 ' 38513768 ' 35222674 - 54637774 33651428 37722152 3751J807 38486456 " 38193154 3[5557634 37529568·, ... 35897194 32945984 39915980 39209143 329401'12' 3'75'79830 37571:201 33652098 :34638121


, ,. ~

, ,j.

11 •

• " ... I

~ ,,'.,. - ... - r '! ''''-1 t

S3A1f-lO<lV lVNOllvN 31-111V 0301'100>ld3>l

Tee· 5's (Contta),

34900550, 38590621 37.565315

T-riee,' 'Mance n

, ~''jest, - Jame-s 0 . _,Zorne 3 ,J.nmet t, 0

.. \,';':'

35805775 37673043 37468150 36436335 35766685 35758357 35808034

35803169 -;<" "'"';',0 ... "

: ~', 'I r-


33681596 35556572 32977130 313748!;l2 32977803 35756449 35769374 32945226 31420964 33788-469 33697412 \ ,38497564 35222188 35868460 3227:1309 37679289 51388007 35769239 l 36679063 35147205 35068687 35705633 358t16969 39030527 ' 35222195 n 329t3566 . ~~

17060527 39298235 ~2939893' 35768258 35569074 42025681' 36465781 36676198 420'28142

,I 34798731

36801486 35233462 42028807 35221146 35896952 3290:3231 32950739 37579660

, ~3607664' 33762466 3'5556565 32934520

Allen t':-:Gordon H A11en~ ',','illinm R Allison, Carl J l\rkels, Rouney A Aubrey i' Hobert }~ Bennett, . :'i; a

Blair, ,'11110:,18.8' P Blythe'; '~JiJ_liam A

. Bob'gert ~ Job.n ,r' , Bows er- J":ii.Ron8.1d A Drel118.n,·'Carl L Brevi/ning, Alfre·d J' Bullard, George E Campanella, Arrt hony j Cantone, Nick A Centrell. Qo.r1 B' Clark, TIicharcl C 'Gla~k, '.{arran 13

Clinger, Robert G 'Or enne r J John C . Dano-s, Arthur , l)nrby, Dale R Davisj GarlandE De Fe s1 I Jos eph N Delnney I li'):'s'.ncis J Del Conte, .Albept Dillon, Charles D Duc.o , ilnt'~l.ony .L Duncan, Arnold C l~gan, r:t'homa3 B Jilngland, Je~·"el1 L

.0' Fe e , AlfJ.:'ed L ' Feliz; Ra~nond R FlshGr ,F'loy'd .'J J1" Fishr..1D..n, Car-L Poste1",'!laJ'l A. r'riedman, ',Joseph J F'ri,soni, Vipcel1t D

puller, Rex J .

GQ,reia~ ltanuo l, Geol"ge j 'lilburn A Oe1"8noe1"', stevt:3 Gonz.e..le S I J'ohn Gromek, John M Jr Harris ,\~c1gar G

, Hayes, Co.r-ne L'l.u s J Hioks, rUles Fl. Hollida.y, t'iil1iam J lfubbell, Leland F Hudson, .no.ymond L Johnson, Robel"t Karcz0wski,.Michael J

IKasal, John J Keller, 'I'homas T Kliem, Frank'J Kohne, Jor.J1 _\ Krol, i,HIl:L am


S3f1IH:><lV lVNOll VN 3HI ni Cl3:>rlClOOJ d30J


Authority t-,O, 1.20 L(-

By YJ H NARA Date -51s-/o;



- -- - s"£jjIj! ...... _~~_.A~


~ AutJ"lOrity f: _.0, / L2 0 6~~ I "1 By YJ H NARA Date 3/s-J/

, '~po" -_ ;::;;;:smz (~

Pfe I s (Cont td)

." . ,) :_;-I. _' r e -. , .» ;) i

37580067"';~':' -~ ,,:·":/t ;"'\{{S~':~th, . Harter S

37562534 Lee, RiahardL

32945957 Livingstorl, Howard H

35222746 Loney, }~mer L

6662604 Long, Raleigh IV

32888260 MadkJ GoorgeF

42043002 ~.'icCorma()~, William A

34738392 hlcGeehee~ Robert D

33779664. Me Ilhenny J John J

3,8554514' Medrano" 'I'omas C

32945978 Mi.ller, . ,Sohn L

35805'(79 Mullins ,'Arthur,!: .

3'5705639 Muncy J joseph E ..

32965572 Or-Lando , Pr ank T;

31421733 Parish, Howard 'F

34823147 Par-ke r-, :3ernard'M

3983,4728 Pendley, lIndrew II

32862790 Q}linn, J~:>seph R

, 34900480 IU1.e a , Herir-y IiI

32924358 Rietema, Roy

40024383 Ritz Ro ')e:c'C G, •. -'

, ... . .

32993170 Rothe',I1~·.lJn0nd J'::".

35140849 , :' .'! ,:Sc1-;ttbede::-, :,Uchal'ci H

3?674299· Shaffer, Leon E

34378220 .'3li1i t h , S}lmuel

34827991 Smith, William H

31361886 Souza, John

42025435 stewa.l't, Cecil H

34808668 Tyler, Olliver G

32944390 'Wint'i e Ld , TIi chard R

36760548 \linstead, ~dwin H

34656950 ':irigl1t t . ,7illiam :l

31335,325 Yocano) Fr-ank

36666504 Zaper, St.·eve .J

32928596 ,Zusi, Paul C


37~65514 :55805640

2038170S' 31264295 34375543 :35670398 36856180 35805060 36589351

'16141429 34005148 33762436 35869699 32921459 32936807 35705652 35557079 34656262 35223296 37566039 31357367 32905533 35806036 35805253 1822bs97

Alda~Je, Rosalia J Allen, Clyde'

Auguste, George' 0 Jr Bagley" n,i.lliam F Baxter, ','Iilli~m B Beckett, mLrles Z Blankinship, Harlon oS Dlanton, N B .

Boiteau, Claude B Breiner, Burton S Broadwater, h1j.J_liam L Butterbaugh, ~redriok C Cla.rk, Jarr.os f,A DeStefano, Anthony P D~V:L t a , Joseph Jr Dillander, Ile r-b e r-t , V Dombr-ow s k.l t (J1.l0sJoer J.',

l.~a81er, George. \"" .

Faiella, r~:t-ql-c·.·· ~ ~. I • ' ••

Peifarek;11arvln g.' Flaherty;. 'Joseph.3 Flahsl';;ty'; ·'Thoma's A, . Arthur B Ii'reeman~ ,Halter

' __ qa~c.i~~, Dom.i ngo A



/ ..


" • - w -" f! ! -.'. ~

S3I\lH:l~V 1VNOIl\lN 3Hl J.\I 03:lnamld3<1

j !

~'.': ".'" , -,'

.r._·· ..... , .....

" -.-

DECLASSIFIED AutJlOrity L,Q, /,)06;/ '

By YJ H NARA Date .5/s-/c!


Pvt I s '( Cont tel)

39912455 322'72911

'33607649 42038621 35558503 36828852 34;872462 32979209 39915760 32965516 33694892 35223829 368~5960 37722483

I ' ,

"' };~.

,. ~-'\"('

G~'htile .. G80I'i:~E1 G:reenel:, ,lUI ton H Grenio, Re.ymond _

-Hanno r , Irving

Har-b z og , Benjamin L Jr '. Hietala, ~..Iill_iam IT Maloy, j\lbert Jr

'. J:1enc1elson, }1D.Vld,

Moo r'e , Ga Qrgo S

Pre s t ano , J:l:ulsene Sparks, ::fugene A

Ye age r , 'I/lrgil "if Zamorsl<i, St;'J.nley J Zimmermnn ~ ,::raymond J

. '"_ ,



\ -

" '



:.'. " , ~''':'' _;-

~'>;r' '~' .. :f.~~:" ->. . I, ~' .


, .'


.~ ,


- "

." "

->\. '1 '

- .(5)

S3f1IH;)<l'tl l'tlNOLL'tIN 3HJ..LV G30r1GO<ld3<l

Co. B, 717th ~¥. Opn Bn Org •.

)-396895 )-516467 )-529384 )-529605

') ... 4979572


35643608 32859234

32109864 19097871 :34822175 12035969 37482016 37566618


I .


35044542 39339947 37679181

. 32944775 35760341 ll114723 55147131 12039477 1,2036308

. 35233196 tZ044239 '5'7485734 37480044 53734655 52944850 53674029 54892266


u. S. ARlIT

.. F......-...._.-~_'


! Authority L.a, /20 65'~

By YJ H NAIlA Date _) is-foil


"~barl:cation Personnel Hoster

~.j ,


:-~ .. ~

34~57 -USl-T -

1st Lieutenants

Campbell, Gay Har-r Ls , Vincent 'N Kelly, Joseph F or en , rIilliam 0

2nd Lieutenant

Ze igler , ,Non'is \1J . lst/Sgt

Hess .. Raymond


Hatfield, Clifford Peluso, John R


Bl ana hard J An thony Lopez, Paul E Mayo, Green B

o I Connor, .Alfred T Shields, Lewis L Smi nh , Loren 0

Tec 3

Inverso, James P


Reichow, . Hal tel' P

Bachmann, '"lil bur J Bresnahan, :.'Jilliam J Cahail, Clifford E Chambrone, Joseph S Davis J 1.7a1 ter rr Downing, ira1l16S F Eckart, Virgil Engelmann, Jo1m H Fr-anc I s , lialter T Gonter. 1Jilliam E Martin, Franois D Merryman, Charles R Pike, Fred H· Pleines, Charles F Pollard, James M Pr6zzo1y, Anthony P , Ruble, 1·1i1 ton S


S3" ''"'010'1 l'lNOI.l'lN 3'"'1 .L '" o.onQ01Od3ll

• .. .' - JIi ••• .. • • !t J~~; =

i ,I





~;;;j~'~': ': , ",: ' 34Eh?22i"9' ,', 12028021 ""::, 34892260 37344577 37624303 33488993 <1:2039.249 ,~2014779

,;~ n -. -.,"
,.-:t, ". ~ i" .'_
," -. ~ _,
'.?'" , ,
34850923, j ;~;. ~ _,'.
. 32923843
'/ .12041247
37528392 " ,
.37705656 "
.' ....
I ' '
, .:' .. _ . :'/".
,', ,~ DE CLASSI FI E 0

Authority L.o, /2063" ,

I By .~: I~ NARA Date ,5/5-/o( I

rree 4' s ( Cant 'd)' ,

. '"" Scott .. Howard

/ .. ,,', "',,>, ' " '

'. 'Seysock, John N

Spry, \Charles,'R' Vand I VIi'I', R.qlph 'G Vester" 'Doyle B l{right, 'I'homc.s J York, ,Hichard Ii, Zafian~ Stephen J

Cpl1 S

, , "

,:Baker, Hobert D

'l'hr-ush , Hobert A

" .;." ._..



B8ard~ John L Cruse, 'Fil.liam A Doyle" FOifax:d o Dos tel', John H Dimino, Alphonso rr Dubensky, i4illiam Dunn , Peter

Earnis se J ,Walter <T Elnmet" Robert A }Jvarts; Ellsvrorth R Feathers ,~>:1aymond ,E FudYl1la, Flalter A

Gr ave a , Uti sO'

Ils a1 e Y'I l~!' anc i s P Hendon, Lloyd J 31.' Hinltle, Chester n Jerome, ,George ,Jr Johnson, James ~;!.

Koan Lg , Eeldie Ii

lelein, Gottlieb 0 ICrenc, If'rank;j .

La Pierre, Leo n Lucas, Joseph J] I'.1argarita, Albert J McConiskey, Sidney H C McMichael, Ral~h IT rUl1er, :')8 an L

II, ' ~ ~ J ' 'r!

,,0rgan,.J.,',. .t am ..

~:1usgrave; Donald J" Nazzaro, Patrick J Newman, Luther D Petsold, Fred C

Pr-o gar , Prank 'J Puscare, ryalter J Sabol; Joseph A Jr

:Saluzz i, John D Sat~~~nt, Richard L Sa:vlc, J'Je

Sipila, E'dvvard T Smi th, Harry B Sviteris; Joseph W

, Hard, James, G iJeber, L'Lnus .J Heed, Leonard Hhi te J Dehl.or' H

','!hi to, Le cnar-d L Jr Williams, Bruce A

:(2 )


s ~t\II-l::O~V 1~NOW;N "n,u 1 v 03::Or100~ d3 ~



t.;(.-." I _ - _0 .. • "_". _ _ , _ M • •

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,"~'- t. ~".':',~,;!\, " "/',~~'~ '~\:~::t! ;"~;{::i',, ",'r:',S ~ ?::~~:i~\ir[;:'"

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:) ttdtBU 'qq. T.illS

.r 'oqq,O ',IE)'pGo.zqoS

Li: t:[q. 9UU9)( ~ q.'~nmr(os

8 Utt0_r I SUr,qoH

I!I I ~1:1q 0 1'H f fJ lQ'l!l9E

,V Belt f ..let{~~t').Id

V PJBU00~ 'U.IoqsO

:t U1 A T 0Yi 'S'..lO OL'II

'I q.J:9qO~ 'J0"[110N

AEltUBq.8 .. T}{O'~o.n)I-

_r UU:O!' 'J.OA13_r

V 801.lBQC- 'U131UTOH l' £.08 tu9StreH

,r. ... H'J ~ IBJ \ .. UlIlt}..I {)

G ~l, 8 ou.r 0c_1 'UOPJ:0D 1ch::\i C Jot'P'JD t!1 O"'):UO '1l?13..l9D ,

H UO.:t:.Kg '-q:Or,..rm:[' "':,',;; , ' \ 'if S8T.,1,rqp t·~tinUn,;reUUOa_:':(,

"" yl oukeiJX I J:8AOUOP 'J"

d q.,;W q tv "8linrr


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_'M -~ - -. _. - I

Ly_5/ ~ ajBa VHIfN H rA, t\8

/)1jO('/ '0') N!JOtnrl'~' I 031:l [SS\l1:) 30


.r 'uqOJ' t ·p,(sH.O}llo,}:Z· I' B q.,;wqoU '0\:rettul.',' '

't.. '1 A,.r')l'lTl '~<l;8UUrns,

.. tourm" (q.~re ;/).f;! q.S S' pum~:)~;: I z:t '[.A\O.I'8 ~.B s: SOFtBr l..rep'8J:l:es liII qdesof 'o.rbq.:utrS

,,' t . ' " b~ 1.1B~I ''Du1=Qs WI

Li 01 ... 1:\1 fuosq_.,raq()H }l qo ~H' f.jeJqosn ~ e~opoBqt ~~OlUAGd P PJBUO erI ~ OU1'q. trs S S'8 d V uqor (01~O}{U40N r UlE ');1 T T', ' tt'iln!-IOl'il 1"\ 1. El s 'r;'t~H I 'f ':f 0'1

1:_':~ fr·;; j ~ f O}{.:tl Z'I3'1

IIPJ:B J;0~:: t s S O.I)I V w13TT'U:.r.:. f SUQO)I .r ;'lmJ "Ii[ , ");: ppn pur

o op.R:w ,. u..:rnqq,mI

H ttcIosor 'q.unH ,ln~8 '~O~UIBJnD 'l pJUb\'PrrI ,. stIq.1JJ1=.J;D

IiI PJ:'l.jJ'/,P;i:l ~ Ko,:w{) L J:eq.p:li., f JBtP8d

m:: lJ.rcool'l3H 'u1'P,;ma

J~~ uref.j f u;; ouna til' q. .. HJqoH f BUUea f PJ:'8u.:t:,oH 'suooO '.xl' 5' S'eUlB£ '£.euoop I .r Ut[or • au .. H1B pJBJli\P3: 'ls,;reg


L88viV,£!£ L289l:8v£ 990LLLv£ 51:19089£ ,


, '" " :V9S9£I.v£

'<"~"i;1 , 98k9663£

Z6£9t9S£ 9668391.£ 9080289£ t60£!vL.£ J.f.nOv9,!.Q v098909£ 219t36Z£ ~8V£089£ -


. 99J.,8~02v v9t961..££ tQ99~62£ 68VZl.{:n£ 11;99663£ £6£6£OZ::7. £81..89£1::2 QJ. 10v6Z£ Q:901:8£t£ 1:2821798£ 981:£998£ L.£8vZOZt vvl:9v6z£ fZ9=t7$.6'Z£ 9088868£ L.980vOet

" '

'. 'L

" .

8£01£29£ tgT8302v 99£209££ .o8kO~99£ 17t817y£1£ 8L£98L,££ £,,(OV9£1£ 6l.£kL.89£ at£9Z0Zv L 19930217

, ./.,9£L.1..9./.,£ 1.,32.£899£ 99Q8v£9£ £J.,Z9t6S£ Zt99tOZv 80891:9L.£ 9L.v9L.99£ 86£8086£ 8£f7ZvOSv 6S9v99'9£

,. " L699268£

B9L.909S£ 0818vOQV


\ 3753-9160 ,36693572, 38346652 34729411 34885953 36596090 37705689 35774834 31415123

, 32686060 32944465 32312303 ,16100612 36320171 38590015 37357988 34817272'

~ 35250592 3481724'6· '38589964 38590006 37705680

Aker, ·'ie.l r.e r n.

Bar newo 1 t , ~ 'ameT' 'U. Brewer, HOW-ard N.. Sr. Brower, John G.

'&""ow-n, ,T sf f }II.

Brown, Leonard -:1.

'Cain, 'lard S. , Coleman,'Jarren' o, Oooper, Oscar II. Oreuziger, HovIard "''/.

Da vi s , Frs,nk 3.

DeGain, "George 1<'. Jr. Durldn,--ril1iam T~ li'isher, Eugene V. l~eoman, ';il1i£l.m A. Jr. Hampton, 'Tom' I. ' ~rohn H. Hens-ell. ,:d.chaI'd A. Jad-won; i,£.\'1;')"'CnCe \'J,. Johns t cn , :j'-);Jpph II'. Johnston, P~Ql P. Jones, Owen L~


_....,_,_~""ii:H. ......... _.'.........--~


u. s. iL.1:tlf

I I /0 /') I' : Authority c., ' «.0 r_t3

Josl By YJ H NARA Date _j Is-/o,

, '

Enbarlration Personnel

I C \i Go 717th- Jy Opn Bn


3erial No.

ffame' and Gr-ad e


, ) ... 477387

Win81ow~ Lloyd n~


1st Lieutena.nts

8-477848 J-435875 ) ... 468762

Kelly, II:;:!' v;::;y ~LI' Price, liZ:'.ynard B. stickle, Stephen A.

2nd T.Jieutenants

) ... 500087

Schroth, 'Ph-eodoreH.

1st sgt


l'Tott, i:7illi8.lTI A.-:. Jr. 'l'/Sgt.:r

3482146'7 3522354:3 37568065

Jarral'd, Louf.s :1.· jr.

l •

Norris) Stanley 7. ~

flushlhG, ~alter c.



3544'72'99 34872972 31387113 36668373 :32925234 33788341

Allen, '.iilliam P. Bufkin, Harry J~ Caulf:J.eld, Edward')Co Jame 8 j D:J.waI' c1 J. Jr G Kenney., Chester J\<J Little, aichard J.






" tf • .. .~ i'1'


S3AIHO~'1 WNOllVN 3HllV monaD~d3~


.v ' '. I

,-' AllI.Jlority C.O, /,)_ 0 it)

By YJ H NARA Date.llz!ol



'.~,1'["- -

---,=-"""""~----'-'-- "

. .,,;'i~t:;f~!~ ,-, ,.

377ds6:19':' 'i ,;;;~:,':"" ·)7723X~7~';~.'-' .

12100'6i4 35563974 3-4814880 , 3:3515761 ' 53036284 42023880,

') 5'77 455'7 38565107

• 31415040 3669:3233 ,33698403 54885544 57705678

349100369 '" j 137 44 71~c" 3589334;) ,

)6694630 ;6834115









- 5-4874733 '.

\ '57621436

33832202"'~!'1c.i.n, Charles M.

37357688 Ames, ]obert S.

_ 6647165 Asher, Earl'

33571'916 Batcheler, Franlr

35917121 Beatty, Earl S.

36765742 Benei'ield,J.oy H~

',34678950 .l3'r'own, Paul V. Jr,

,36856278 ' ',Cho"Oson, .~rerschel ~;.

12025057 Corne 11, .,1i c ha r'd M!

>'6693720 Oros by, John H. !

)4892269 Crowell, Julius H. Jr.,.

;3728722 'Davis, David F." "i{·-.,i.'"

)66872:36 ",Day, Byron V., ."~,,,";,'

"66;"'2581' "uD' t '1 "'01:'1.1''''~ \1 .'(.:~l."

) 'i:J, :" en on, rat Ci" J.~ •. '~"';':

54734999. ' .t Dodgen, l'iarion ,B ... :,,'

'33702381 , , "" ,_",(,;:\I'f',_Doyle,. Vine ent _. P t' "

.3587-679 5l" - r: j :j.':',),.>: : ';" ~', Drohan, F.i!.ward'i'J:·

II: 'I ~ ~-~ "'-,~"! J • _ - ... " .

4202 582.rzJx~~; .'r!J':it:" ".~l':", ,'Dunl ea vy , Jame s"'.; iT •

3 48 719'7 4r:!.~~~ '~:':"i.r:.," ,i ',Ct, .. '< 'r."'· I E1 J: at' d , 'Vi 11 i a1-i{" L.

35893978:~"::.,.' ':",;,:,~. ".: i: . , Fletqher, Charles TL.

375760'98:; " Ii11ynn'Ji_ C'narle's Hot

''3'(570090 "Gunderson, :,1oy H.

30834405 Hansman, Glen D.

34828174 Head; Eubsrt A.

'36689:5,39 Horton,· i:t8:Y I'-1 •

. 55707'151 JaQ-k'son;' SBlr~on .!...I~

~2024286 JuliEll.1,;,A'1 bert

12023918 .' 'J'f.1.lian,. ~:I10hG.el

35894437, _ ':~':'/'LoU:danJ _Geo-r>ge D ...

35832868;';';'\-\'" - Love,' ·,Vil::Li::1.ln L.

" ....." "';)1;'~)\:· SID.lllT

~.~ ..... _ ;'1. I' '.'

,-,:';':;"> :"

:_ ... '

._\::: :

Sgts (cont'd)

ting; Verlo I.,. Kuhns MarvinJ'.

Looney, Frederick A. Lowe , Harvin N, Lowrey I, Gerald A. l.'Jaroh, 'Li.nwood li\ HeCarty, ' "lichal~(l J. -[.'Icp::u11en, Cecil _ C. 1,Ierodit.h, Jtlltle s >~. Norvell, David J.

0' }:r8111, Joseph n, Jr. PBro, Sahdo C.

Pro s s e r , John·.l. ~l.amsey, ",Hubert H.

, ~1eynolclB I J"ame'S E.

. '''~1i cha r cis on J John~,'C • Jr.

,','> ".,,~~~[·~::_<;i;' Jobert's~:':'.':&iDmas·:;,.c. '},:,;'.,:' .' ")!':'

- Sappenfield, Paul A .. ,-': "

Sealy J ' :Cdwa I'd J.

Shaw, LeJoy i1.

Sroka J ':'.:alte r M. Steakle, Barold H. steers, ~illiam M. strart[':;, ~.le1vin J .• Surratt, John D.

f11homas ~ Ef."·Ic<:c>d 'Ae tPllOmpsoD! ;11alph :.7. Verriils 61ifford L. "~allac.~J James O.

~:Vi bbenmeyer' j , John

, "

,;:'''\' ,"

, - '( )"

, _ ',.-:" 2


.. ~r.,


S3AIP<::ll:l'l l'lNO 11 'IN 3H11 V a3:l11aO~d3~

"'6·6co74.07 ".- .... ;. ....

...__" __ .f.,·t.;, .. !\",

209 50Q(),t3 :~~:£2~/};'.;:'Y :3,9138602<'/>''; ,

5914'07.64"" .:'

36BZ),43'48 34314901

35227325 ~l'~' - .' .. -,"

35166252 33702236 37142130 34637369 39138849 34883586 35803364 36689479 34884260 3Q101434 36694517

6997680 39917211


35774735 35226616 3488087-0 4·2028160 ' 35876300-. 351'4544:8,: 34884982',;" 32966174::~·:-'.'_.·':>:·'

36668221. 34657626~:' 36649919 4.2028038 ~,a564334 3.5146926 3-:3'7024:>1 30'703469 31350626 38392298

:5 5220927 42001705 42013847 37721161 37577256 37345991 42025436 34828848 35933794 31309704 42046673 33786566 33622258 34635214 34828631 36851295 37525695 33673549, '

( - '_


AuU10rity f~.O, /.20 k/' , By 'I(J H NARA Date ,5/s-A! j

~lIartin, Fa trick ~:r • !':'ic Garry , .I o'~nP -. " ~.'li11er, C.scar J.

Ha tlifi', John -:i. k1eschke, -Jalt8l" P. Rich~rdson, aoland J. Jink, Robert E •. Sheahan, John''' •. Shepherd, ' .J. Srli t.h , Guy Cl"

Snowden, Curtis G. Jr. S t ang er , "I;].yn8 C. Stephen~J ?loyd J. Sr. Swanner, Oliver L. 3zcze~8nik, Eduard F. Tidwell; EM~ett F.C. 7estervelt, 7i11iam O. ;~jil130n, 'I'horna s .r, Youn2:, paisley Zuercher, ~arold L.


Hilley, Thomas

1.\.1 len , J8 ,~~1[ I~

BQdurina, Joseph J. Jr. Bevis, Jessie A. Jr. 3iers bach, ,:(aymond A.

, . Bingham, Pierce L.

Bruce, Job.ert A. . Byrd, ,John ,r~l. ' Byrne s , JOlT," J.

Calholln, LIilfol'"Jcl C ~ -, Carr18r~on, filbert G. ;Denham, Loren ';'Doty, JOh1-1 ';.,",

Du t ton"ri 11 .i.arn i\.

: r:llfott, 'lilli::di1 II.' .. .: P~rlor@, ';a1 t er- ", . .," Fl.od en , Augus t c ... Groen'e I !~J. be r t H.

"Harrison, Cla:rcnc3 H. Jr. ., Herbert, ~~l'.'/l"8n('f) J:l.

'[."1 11. ' ., - 1·~.,~. 1. • 'I

,J. :"~s, L ,. nn .. l., , •

"'Koronthaly" A::Lbert A.

Kraum, .Lowe LL ·,r. r;.scngi'orcl, Lawr-enc-e T. LUCPtS, Harley :0.

Lupo , John

,MCDonald, Jade I~. "~,!cLaneJ Raymond ;'{.

. Nc !'Horr ow, 'l'homa sF.

'. . .- v!Iinl{;- Joseph 1:,' '

".,':- j Horris, ::Stanl'ey A.

~,., - r-,1oyer~ 'Paul R. ' Newton, Leonard H. l~orre 11} '!~dl"l,9:,,'d L. Jr.'

._. ~~'L

o ! Donne: 1 3., <-TO ~10;)h ;:;.

;';"I'e:'n'" J'unflt"~' .'

,\_J'! D ,_ ~ c: ~ ; LJ ~ ..

p.aint~.r, il.lfred 5'~' "Jr.

, _J


./ ......


. ,( . .';:::) ..

, ~.' v


:37721215 . 33786429 34808594 39046963 . 39699797 42024918 39339614 39834563 34657837 37573470

42042715 .35227368 35233036

~ ~ ~~~~~~'~{~Z::};"i;:':'.;:'~", ,. :::, ':_-':,.,:

31359744 36763159 39299462 .31258388 . 35767959 37527973 35230439 37355945 34658405

:. -."

34885610 3-3692308 34892263 36692387 33658029. 42025122 35147720 38498452 32445011 42040800 35226647 3294'4$59 34900517 42025800 34881206 35918892 42023926 31322473 32950427 34736360 31350969 34814'908 38410508, 34792695 36692476 39921769 37575909 34892327 38588900 32944916 33735712 37625149 42046536 3669391,L 35916671 32936884

Tec 5's (c ont t d )

Petty, Lindell B. Plumley, EdwCtrd T. Powell, John ~j_'o :1amirez, Luis Reavill, William A. Hedding, Clyde F. ~iegele, Charles A. ~1ehns trom, Neil B. ~{obertson, Charles A. saul, Arthur L'. schmid,t, John H. Slough, Eobart L.

o ~ t' -rt' 1 J ' k)mJ. n , hOY,'·.' ;r -.

~nell, .. Harold·F; .

Speck, Stanley. Stebbins, Howard C. stone, Virgil O. Tanner, \'fa I ter C. ThibodeaU, Albert J. 'I'ho r-ne., 1.3a811 P. 1.'ilecker, .OsCar J. Whitcomb, How8_rd E. Wh i t e , Al bert c. Zoigler, 'Edward T.'.


Ailshie, '~filliam C. Al bar-ano , l<;rank Jr. Bar-nha rd t, r,:~el vin L. Bass, :edward E. Bayse, Arg1e '/. Beideck, Alton A.

Be t t s ; Alfred ~jl. Braud, l~lloyd H. Brill, John A. Carney, Charles H. Carr, Poarl 3.

.CElrson, ClarencG A • . • Clark, Hugh V. Jr.

Cornell, Jesse F~

Cox, Jimr()y V. Dellefi~ldJ Victor W. Dulasky, Steven S. Dyer ~ ,ifilllam ~.7. EljiJell,Harry E.

. Finl{,Louis E.

Flanigan, Carlton L. Fr edr-Lc k., Willie D. Green, Floyd L. Hall, Ernest S~ Harper, Verne 11 III. Harris, Orville D~ Hedin, Earl '1./ Hodges, ot i s ;.1. Howell, :,lobert N.' Jebo, Donald 'P. Jenkins, Lee ':J~. .ToneSt Francis :1 __ Jordan, .Charle s K., Kamp'i',Virgil D. Kreinbil11, Howard A. IJa Tulip, John H~,



I Authority [_~.O, /,)_ 0 6?5,r _

By YJ H NARA Date _) /s-/YI

• _- -- -.. w ~ ~ - ~ - • '~'. - -. .- • -J;J~i:

S31\1 H::l~ \i WNO'l \iN • H~ J. \i 03::lnOO>ld3>l




Pfcls (cont'd)

35553942 42042362 42014634 38472341 35807856 36693905 57530148 56685684 36862289 31420335 33786437 35614539 35554325 32958081

i'lason, .. 1-Villiam MOl Hate1."o, Joseph M. Itatusch,George A.' Nixon, ~illi&m E.

Qrth, John P. 1

Peck, E\e rett '_':I., Glenn D •. Schuemann, Edwin H. S'cibior, John L. Sheehan, Robert p. Shoemaker, Frederick E. Sutherland~ William J. Thiel, Donald J. 1:1ilkerson, Harold V.

- pvt's

12038756 33434813 )3788315 ~8556852 \5974881 ~.29 5'1 9,53 ~:4e84987



3S516253 42023956 37623599 Si4151S9 34873120

,~3747849 33611296 12041736 :)853886~ S6694354 38470275 42025325 36833270 32993703 32939900 32922622 37615862 ) 6764964 39545236 42014301 32940136 36694435 35772540 4:2005487 37565537 33510530 36879894 36748259 33799546

6830394 . 33689173 329444'70 35227999 33832854 34794880 33673834 34809768 32943948

Ackley, Herbert F. Berry, Thoma s 8.

Chri stian,::1oCe rtJ. Cook, Vernon ll. •.

Cox, Y!}"allace D. Cullen, Louilll J. Derryberry, Johnny A. ;ODIN, Ol:L:~t L. Jr. Durham; Gordon E. Edwards, Donald L.

Gibbs, Arlie M. _.

Gilmore, il:.rt.hur E. Jr. Gordon, fllervin Gragan,l1obert L. Graham, Alfred R. Greene, Nathaniel F. Hancock, James K. Jr. Hylka, Albert G. Jeffrey, 71lfred L. Kra thaus , Charles J. Lessor, Theron 1. Lichtenau, "lilliam -L. Liggett, John J. Linkston, Charles C. Lynch,. Marvin F. Malia, 'rJeonard

rl,~ar ti ne z , HamonC. Marshall, Charles E. '1\rIayo, George E. McGrattan, '(lobert A. McKenzie, Gordon L. Meloick, Patrick ~. II.qos iman, Glenn H. Naugle, Robert s. Orr, Co~nelius J. otto, ",fliliam .P. Jr.

Pirato, Ernest L.

Porter, Donald J. :tobbins, Ddnald O. ' Roman.chak, Nicholas 30senfeld, Joe L. - ;:1uby, stephen G~

sarnps on, Harve y j'il. 81'. SaUpp; Frank D.

scott, t.villinm A. 31'. Silliman, 'Ofilliam H.



" ... ,. -' ~ I .... '~"

S31\IH:J<lV WNQI.l. VN 3Hi i V 03 :JnOa>ld3>J


- Authority t:_~.O, /,206:{

By YJ H NARA Date. -5/s-lor

L..:.:.:_ .,_ -'"


3 52 2 73 5 6 ':~:~~W.~ 39139460", -''', ,5,,:.,_' 37- p2 8981' ""',', .,." " -

34:'fJS96'22_' ' ~~6409045 38475364 - 42025786 '32958317 37564~.218 34792411 32994036 36692632 33396620 34815168 42025617 :34885539 37677919 3'7532037

Pyt's (cont'd)

Sl."l_ter, dilliam. H. - ;. Slougl), Richard L.

"-<~~.<~ Smith, t:;h(1rJ.8s s,

3i'11 th_, Gerald ~:'~

Smi th, . Tall.{er ::,~.

Solk~, ~111iam J. Starnes, Henry C. Stever, Harley G. ste'uart, Samuel strauss, A],vin H. ::ltul1, '"jaodrov: W. Sundheimer, Charlp,8 n. Tank, '.7a11ace V.

Tholl!', 3., Edgar L. ')illia:!'~8, 'Jj.ntford N. ~ithey, Donqld M.

·'i tt, -nogor 1\.

'Y1" ight J (;'11"1'011' rf. Zi'l'y,er:iil.8.::1J rhilip J.

, . '. - .' ~

r .. '

• !' '~ .. ; ~ • .I..J~::t~ t:"":;':~.§:!~:_' .'

.~ ...




Authority L,a, 1206.5/

By _, YJ H NARA Date -.5/;-/01


• , I, •

'J.thorizing •• , .' •• , ••••.••.• ,- ••• Gr.~:l,(")f) ••• , •••• Or_r;;:."., •••••••••••••• • •• •

. ~',3 IZ Cr{ : . .'., .. ( .j)

S3i1!H::llJV lVNOll VN 3HJ.l v 03;JrlOO>J d3lJ

I.· ..



--~- .. ~~ ... _- - ~ Authority t-.O, /2065' i

By YJ H NARA Date _5 /5-/o/J .1

Ernbarl{ation Personnel Roster

Med Det 71?th Ry Opn En Org.

APO 134, U.S. A~'IT ··--Location

Serial No.

Narll8 And Grade

1st LIeutenants


Kutcher, Joseph M.



'fernple, George H.

Tee 5fs

37390834 35671346 35585374

Dirl{sen, Albert W. Harney, James H. Levi, Sidney R.


12173481 39396381 35353299

Borisenok, Walter A. Fingland, Leeds L. Wieland, William R.

.;_ "J.. t 11 0 r i z in g, • ,. ,. ~ .g Go oil oil) 6 oIjI Go 6 (I ill 0 9 iQ- C Q (;:i7 ad e CI '=' II [) -Q e <I oIj- 01'" g.. . Q 0 .. " 0 0 III 011 • (I IIiII .... • " " 'Q • 41 " 00


(1 )

S3!\IH:)l:I" -WNOL.L"N s-u iv O~:;lrI<JOl:l,,3l:1



U .. ~ ~~~ Med Det :Hq 'Co .Qo nAn Co 'nB" Co lion Tcit~u ,Detachment
.... Pff l:1Vl Off 'ElVI J~ EM prr EM :Jff EM 01'1' EM Commander AI
lQ'.eWbwry- , -I. 10
Ii. '8 Thatcham 1 1 l2 12 1 28 2 6,;1 Lt Stickle
) W jjou.ghton 3 2 12 17 Sgt .drewer
C W Egginton 1 23 16 15 1 58 2 112 Cant Wins1o~
D S /tshchurch . 4 6 7 1 23 1 (+0' ILt schroth
High"'!' :-
Qj S bride:e 3 ;2 :3 4 12 ~_Et Bufl~in
F W :Vem 4 ;3 9 16 Sg·t Ha tchet
L Moreton-
HW on-Luge: 7 1 11 5 23 1 46 Lt Shumate
J Jy BarrY 1 7 15 3 1 1B 2 4.3 w t IvluJ:'phy
L C Haina_ult I . 1 14 1 58 7 ·1 80 Lt. Jlarris "
M S Swindon ,
N W !liston . 4 7 1. 3 19 1 .33 Lt Zetgler
pjestbury- -- r---
a S ~aI"ininste , 6 1 .:2 8 16 1 ),.) Lt NiacGi'll vr
P S West Moorl . .3 1 ~ 3 11 Sgt Lowrey
.. - ..
i I
Q S rt.edge End 2 1 8 11 Sgt ImrerSJ.
_ 1
R W !Bill-tonwoo( 1 2 9 1" Sgt, ·Wa.lh.c,
lUockerly 7' 16
U S Hall 4 4 1 1 31 Lt H. Kelly
f{oney- . ._
V S ' bourne 4 6 1 6 15' 1 31 Ltoren
E :Jorton- 6 8 is Lt ,1. Tfel1v
X F:l,j;wwarrer . 1 1 :3 1
-- 1.-0._ 0--"_ ...
Is ~()ut,hamnt( In , 10 10 Sgt O_ooper
Poole -,- .
S ,. 4 4 01>1 Flicken a
i. S uonzncor r .2 16 10 1 1 28 Lt Campbe1
I Jet I' .
"ranee 4 2 85 2 89 Lt Siedler
~ "
! Headquart ~rs ,
Cardiff 4 1 3 35 1 9 1 .2 6 50 ~ Lt Col LoW! .r
, r
[ Salisbury 1 l' 3 .2 3 Major Sand
fIAT! s 'Fra hce .2 .2
JT~tal 1!7 I ~Z18f
5 4 I :5 :5 140 5 288 25 79~·
I 141i ay

• ... '; , • - - - , - '!! f i'~

S31\IH:J~V I'VNOll.VN '31-U.lV 03~n(]O~d3C1

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