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Presiding Member ’s Proposed Decision

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor DOCKET NUMBER 08-AFC-13
1516 Ninth Street
Sacramento, CA 95814

Presiding Committe Member

Associate Committe Member

Hearing Officer

This report was prepared by the California Energy Commission Calico Solar Project AFC Committee
as part of Calico Solar Project, Docket No. 08-AFC-13. The views and recommendations contained in
this document are not official policy of the Energy Commission until the report is adopted at an Energy
Commission Business Meeting.
1-800-822-6228 – WWW.ENERGY.CA.GOV

The Committee hereby submits its Presiding Member's Proposed Decision for the
CALICO SOLAR PROJECT (Docket Number 08-AFC-13). We have prepared this
document pursuant to the requirements set forth in the Commission's regulations.
(20 Cal. Code Regs., §§ 1749-1752.5.)

The Committee recommends that the Application for Certification be approved, subject
to the Conditions of Certification set forth herein, and that the Energy Commission grant
the Project Owner a license to construct and operate the Project.

Dated: September 25, 2010, at Sacramento, California.

Commissioner and Presiding Member
Calico Solar AFC Committee

Commissioner and Associate Member
Calico Solar AFC Committee

A. SUMMARY .... . ..............................................................................................1
B. SITE CERTIFICATION PROCESS ......................................................................2
C. PROCEDURAL HISTORY .................................................................................4
D. COMMISSION OUTREACH ...............................................................................6
E. PUBLIC COMMENT ........................................................................................7


SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION OF THE EVIDENCE ......................................... 1
FINDINGS OF FACT ........................................................................... 17
CONCLUSIONS OF LAW ..................................................................... 18


SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION OF THE EVIDENCE ......................................... 1
FINDINGS OF FACT ........................................................................... 18
CONCLUSIONS OF LAW ..................................................................... 18


SUMMARY OF THE EVIDENCE ............................................................... 1
FINDINGS OF FACT .............................................................................2
CONCLUSIONS OF LAW .......................................................................2
GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CERTIFICATION ...........................................3


A. FACILITY DESIGN .................................................................. 1
SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION OF THE EVIDENCE ......................................... 1
FINDINGS OF FACT .............................................................................3
CONCLUSIONS OF LAW .......................................................................3
CONDITIONS OF CERTIFICATION ..........................................................3
B. POWER PLANT EFFICIENCY .................................................. 1
SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION OF THE EVIDENCE ......................................... 1
FINDINGS OF FACT .............................................................................5
CONCLUSIONS OF LAW .......................................................................5
C. POWER PLANT RELIABILITY ................................................. 1
SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION OF THE EVIDENCE ................................................2
FINDINGS OF FACT .............................................................................6
CONCLUSIONS OF LAW .......................................................................7
D. TRANSMISSION SYSTEM ENGINEERING .............................. 1
SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION OF THE EVIDENCE ................................................2
FINDINGS OF FACT .............................................................................5
CONCLUSIONS OF LAW .......................................................................6
CONDITIONS OF CERTIFICATION ..........................................................6



SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION OF THE EVIDENCE ................................................1
FINDINGS OF FACT ............................................................................5
CONCLUSIONS OF LAW .......................................................................7
CONDITIONS OF CERTIFICATION ..........................................................7


A. GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS ............................................. 1
INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY ......................................................................1
FINDINGS OF FACT ........................................................................... 13
CONCLUSIONS OF LAW ..................................................................... 15
B. AIR QUALITY .......................................................................... 1
SUMMARY OF THE EVIDENCE .........................................................................2
FINDINGS OF FACT ........................................................................... 11
CONCLUSIONS OF LAW ..................................................................... 12
CONDITIONS OF CERTIFICATION ........................................................ 12
C. PUBLIC HEALTH .................................................................... 1
SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION OF THE EVIDENCE ................................................1
FINDINGS OF FACT ............................................................................9
CONCLUSIONS OF LAW ..................................................................... 10
D. WORKER SAFETY/FIRE PROTECTION.................................... 1
SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION OF THE EVIDENCE ................................................1
FINDINGS OF FACT ........................................................................... 16
CONCLUSIONS OF LAW ..................................................................... 16
CONDITIONS OF CERTIFICATION ........................................................ 17
E. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT ............................. 1
SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION OF THE EVIDENCE ................................................1
FINDINGS OF FACT .............................................................................9
CONCLUSIONS OF LAW ..................................................................... 10
CONDITIONS OF CERTIFICATION ........................................................ 10
F. WASTE MANAGEMENT .......................................................... 1
SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION OF THE EVIDENCE ................................................1
FINDINGS OF FACT .............................................................................8
CONCLUSIONS OF LAW .......................................................................9
CONDITIONS OF CERTIFICATION ..........................................................9


A. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES ..................................................... 1
SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION OF THE EVIDENCE ................................................1
FINDINGS OF FACT .......................................................................... 59
CONCLUSIONS OF LAW ..................................................................... 59
CONDITIONS OF CERTIFICATION ........................................................ 60


B. SOIL AND WATER RESOURCES ............................................. 1

SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION OF THE EVIDENCE ................................................1
FINDINGS OF FACT ........................................................................... 33
CONCLUSIONS OF LAW ..................................................................... 35
CONDITIONS OF CERTIFICATION ........................................................ 35
C. CULTURAL RESOURCES ........................................................ 1
SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION OF THE EVIDENCE ................................................1
FINDINGS OF FACT ........................................................................... 69
CONCLUSIONS OF LAW ..................................................................... 70
CONDITIONS OF CERTIFICATION ........................................................ 70
SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION OF THE EVIDENCE ................................................1
FINDINGS OF FACT .............................................................................6
CONCLUSIONS OF LAW .......................................................................7
CONDITIONS OF CERTIFICATION ..........................................................7


A. LAND USE. ............................................................................. 1
SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION OF THE EVIDENCE ................................................1
FINDINGS OF FACT ........................................................................... 12
CONCLUSIONS OF LAW ..................................................................... 13
B. TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION.................................................. 1
SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION OF THE EVIDENCE ................................................1
FINDINGS OF FACT .............................................................................9
CONCLUSIONS OF LAW ..................................................................... 10
CONDITIONS OF CERTIFICATION ........................................................ 10
C. SOCIOECONOMICS ................................................................ 1
SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION OF THE EVIDENCE ................................................1
FINDINGS OF FACT .............................................................................7
CONCLUSIONS OF LAW .......................................................................8
D. NOISE AND VIBRATION ......................................................... 1
SUMMARY OF THE EVIDENCE .........................................................................1
FINDINGS OF FACT .............................................................................4
CONCLUSIONS OF LAW .......................................................................5
CONDITIONS OF CERTIFICATION ..........................................................5
E. VISUAL RESOURCES ............................................................. 1
SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION OF THE EVIDENCE ................................................3
FINDINGS OF FACT ........................................................................... 25
CONCLUSIONS OF LAW ..................................................................... 27
CONDITIONS OF CERTIFICATION ........................................................ 27



FINDINGS OF FACT .............................................................................5
CONCLUSIONS OF LAW .......................................................................7





This Decision contains the Commission’s rationale for determining to approve a

license for the proposed Calico Solar Project (CSP) in the modified “Scenario
5.5” format proposed by the Applicant in September, 2010. While many of the
potentially significant environmental impacts of the CSP will be mitigated to
insignificant levels by design changes and measures required in the Conditions
of Certification, significant, unmitigated impacts remain. The nature of those
impacts are described in the relevant topic sections and summarized, along with
the Commission’s rationale for determining that the benefits of the project
outweigh or override those impacts, in the Override Findings section near the
end of this Decision. In the remainder of this Decision we also find that the CSP
will comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, regulations, and standards
(LORS). Our Decision is based exclusively upon the record established during
this certification proceeding and summarized in this document. We have
independently evaluated the evidence, provided references to the record 1
supporting our findings and conclusions, and specified the measures required to
ensure that the Calico Solar Project is designed, constructed, and operated in the
manner necessary to protect public health and safety, promote the general
welfare, and preserve environmental quality.

On December 1, 2008, Stirling Energy Systems (SES) Solar Three, LLC and
Stirling Energy Systems Solar Six, LLC (Applicant), submitted an Application for
Certification (AFC) to the Energy Commission to construct a concentrated solar
thermal power plant facility approximately 37 miles east of Barstow, in San
Bernardino County. At the May 6, 2009, Business Meeting, the Energy
Commission deemed the project adequate beginning staff’s analysis of the
proposed project. The Energy Commission has exclusive jurisdiction to license
this project and is considering the proposal under a review process established
by Public Resources Code section 25540.6.

The proposed project will be constructed on an approximate 4,613-acre site

located in San Bernardino County, California. The project site is approximately
37 miles east of Barstow, 17 miles east of Newberry Springs, 57 miles northeast

The Reporter’s Transcript of the evidentiary hearings is cited as “date of hearing RT page __.”
For example: 9/20/10 RT 77. The exhibits included in the evidentiary record are cited as “Ex.
number.” A list of all exhibits is contained in Appendix B of this Decision.

1 Introduction
of Victorville, and approximately 115 miles east of Los Angeles (straight line
distances). The Applicant has applied for a Right of Way (ROW) grant from the
United States Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to construct and operate the
CSP on BLM-managed public lands. CSP will use approximately 32 acre feet of
water per year, produce a nominal 663.5 MW of electricity, and operate for a
term of 40 years. The project is proposed for development in two phases. Phase
I is located on approximately 1,876 acres. Phase II is located on approximately
2,737 additional acres. About 26,450 SunCatchers, configured in 442 1.5 MW
groups of 60 SunCatchers will be constructed on the project site.

Project construction is planned to begin in late 2010. Although construction would

take approximately 44 months to complete, power would be available to the grid
as each 60-unit group of SunCatchers is completed. It is expected that the
Project would be operated with a staff of approximately 182 full-time employees.
The project would operate 7 days per week, generating electricity during normal
daylight hours when the solar energy is available. Construction activities will
employ an average of 400 workers a month, peaking at 700 workers per month,
for an approximately four-year construction period.


The Calico Solar Project and its related facilities are subject to Energy
Commission licensing jurisdiction. (Pub. Res. Code, § 25500 et seq.). During
licensing proceedings, the Commission acts as lead state agency under the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). (Pub. Res. Code, §§ 25519(c),
21000 et seq.) The Commission’s regulatory process, including the evidentiary
record and associated analyses, is functionally equivalent to the preparation of
an Environmental Impact Report. (Pub. Res. Code, § 21080.5.) The process is
designed to complete the review within a specified time period when the required
information is submitted in a timely manner; a license issued by the Commission
is in lieu of other state and local permits.

The Commission's certification process provides a thorough review and analysis

of all aspects of a proposed power plant project. During this process, the Energy
Commission conducts a comprehensive examination of a project's potential
economic, public health and safety, reliability, engineering, and environmental

Specifically, the Commission's process allows for and encourages public

participation so that members of the public may become involved either
informally or on a formal level as intervenor parties who have the opportunity to

Introduction 2
present evidence and cross-examine witnesses. Public participation is
encouraged at every stage of the process.

The process begins when an Applicant submits an AFC. Commission staff

reviews the data submitted as part of the AFC and makes a recommendation to
the Commission on whether the AFC contains adequate information to begin the
certification process. After the Commission determines an AFC contains
sufficient analytic information, it appoints a Committee of two Commissioners to
conduct the formal licensing process. This process includes public conferences
and evidentiary hearings, where the evidentiary record is developed and
becomes the basis for the Presiding Member’s Proposed Decision (PMPD). The
PMPD determines a project's environmental impact and conformity with
applicable laws, ordinances, regulations, and standards and provides
recommendations to the full Commission.

The initial portion of the certification process is weighted heavily toward assuring
public awareness of the proposed Project and obtaining necessary technical
information. During this time, the Commission staff sponsors public workshops
at which intervenors, agency representatives, and members of the public meet
with Staff and Applicant to discuss, clarify, and negotiate pertinent issues. Staff
publishes its initial technical evaluation of the Project in its Preliminary Staff
Assessment (PSA), which is made available for a 30-day public comment period.
Staff’s responses to public comment on the PSA and its complete analyses and
recommendations are published in the Final Staff Assessment (FSA, also Exhibit

Following this, the Committee conducts a Prehearing Conference to assess the

adequacy of available information, identify issues, and determine the positions of
the parties. Based on information presented at this event, the Committee issues
a Hearing Order to schedule formal evidentiary hearings. At the evidentiary
hearings, all formal parties, including intervenors, may present sworn testimony,
which is subject to cross-examination by other parties and questioning by the
Committee. Members of the public may offer oral or written comments at these
hearings. Evidence submitted at the hearings provides the basis for the
Committee’s analysis and recommendations to the full Commission.

The Committee’s analysis and recommendations appear in the PMPD, which is

available for a 30-day public comment period. Depending upon the extent of
revisions necessary after considering comments received during this period, the
Committee may elect to publish a revised version. If so, the Revised PMPD

3 Introduction
triggers an additional public comment period. Finally, the full Commission
decides whether to accept, reject, or modify the Committee's recommendations
at a public hearing.

Throughout the licensing process, members of the Committee, and ultimately the
Commission, serve as fact-finders and decision-makers. Other parties, including
the Applicant, Commission staff, and formal intervenors, function independently
with equal legal status. An "ex parte" rule prohibits parties in the case, or other
persons with an interest in the case, from communicating on substantive matters
with the decision-makers, their staffs, or assigned hearing officer unless these
communications are made on the public record. The Office of the Public Adviser
is available to assist the public in participating in all aspects of the certification


Public Resources Code, sections 25500 et seq. and Energy Commission

regulations (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 20, § 1701, et seq.) mandate a public review
process and specify the occurrence of certain procedural events in which the
public may participate. The key procedural events that occurred in the present
case are summarized below.

On December 2, 2008, Stirling Energy Systems Solar One, LLC (SES Solar
Three LLC and SES Solar Six LLC) submitted an Application for Certification
(AFC) to construct and operate the Stirling Energy Systems Solar One Project
(SES Solar One), a solar dish Stirling systems project in San Bernardino County,
California. In January 2010, the project formally changed its name to the Calico
Solar Project. The Applicant, SES Solar Three LLC, was merged into SES Solar
Six LLC, and that surviving entity was re-named Calico Solar, LLC.

At the May 6, 2009, Business Meeting, the Energy Commission deemed the
project adequate, beginning staff’s analysis of the proposed project. The Energy
Commission assigned a Committee of two Commissioners to conduct

The formal parties included the Applicant, the Energy Commission staff (Staff),
and Intervenors: California Unions for Reliable Energy (CURE); County of San
Bernardino; Defenders of Wildlife; Basin and Range Watch; Society for the
Conservation of Bighorn Sheep; The Sierra Club; Patrick C. Jackson; Newberry
Community Service District; and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corporation.

Introduction 4
On May 28, 2009, the Committee issued a Notice of Informational Hearing and
Public Site Visit and Bureau of Land Management Scoping Meeting. The Notice
was mailed to local agencies and members of the community who were known to
be interested in the project, including any owners of land adjacent to or in the
vicinity of the Calico Solar Project. The Public Adviser’s Office also advertised
the public hearing and site visit and distributed information to local officials and
sensitive receptors surrounding the project site. 2

On June 22, 2009, the Committee conducted a Site Visit to tour the proposed
Calico site and then convened a public Informational Hearing at the Barstow
Community College, Performing Arts Center, in Barstow, CA. At that event, the
Committee, the parties, interested governmental agencies, and other public
participants discussed issues related to development of the project, described
the Commission's review process, and explained opportunities for public

On July 29, 2009, the Committee issued an initial Scheduling Order. The
Committee Schedule was based on both Applicant and Staff’s proposed
schedules and related discussion at the Informational Hearing. On November 24,
2009, and February 2, 2010, the Committee issued Revised Committee
Scheduling Orders.

The Energy Commission’s CEQA-equivalent process and the BLM’s National

Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process provided opportunities for the public
and other agencies to participate and consult in the scoping of the environmental
analysis of this proposed project, and in the evaluation of the technical analyses
and conclusions of that analysis. The Energy Commission and BLM typically
seek comments from and work closely with other regulatory agencies that
administer LORS that may be applicable to a proposed project. The agencies
coordinating through this joint Staff Assessment/Environmental Impact Statement
(SA/EIS) process for the proposed Calico Solar Project are the United States
Army Corp of Engineers, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, State Water
Resources Control Board/Regional Water Quality Control Board, California
Department of Fish and Game, and San Bernardino County.

Sensitive receptors are people or institutions with people that are particularly susceptible to
illness, such as the elderly, very young children, people already weakened by illness (e.g.,
asthmatics), and persons engaged in strenuous exercise.

5 Introduction
In the course of the review process, the Energy Commission and BLM have held
additional joint Issue Resolution, alternatives identification, and data response
workshops which were announced and made available to the public. These
workshops were held on September 16, 2009 in Barstow, California, and on
December 22, 2009 in Sacramento, California. The purposes of the workshops
were to provide members of the community and governmental agencies
opportunity to obtain project information, and to offer comments they may have
had regarding any aspect of the proposed project.

The SA/DEIS for the Calico Solar Project (08-AFC-13) was published by the Energy
Commission on March 30, 2010. The SA/DEIS contained the California Energy
Commission staff’s and U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM’s) environmental,
public health and engineering evaluation of the proposed Calico Solar Project. A
Supplemental Staff Assessment was published in two parts, the first issued on
July 21, 2010, and the second on August 9, 2010.

The Committee conducted a Prehearing Conference on July 30, 2010 and held
Evidentiary Hearings on August 4, 5, 6, 18 and 25, 2010. On September 3, 2010,
the Committee directed that the parties explore reduced size alternatives to the
6,215 acre proposal that was the subject of the hearings. The applicant
presented six proposals, which were reduced to two final proposals after
discussion at a September 9, 2010, staff-conducted workshop. Those two
proposals, labeled “Scenario 5.5” and “Scenario 6,” were the subject of an
additional evidentiary hearing on September 20, 2010. Both scenarios
significantly reduce the number of desert tortoises likely to be affected by the

We note that staff (Ex. 317, p. ES-1) and the applicant (Ex. 114, p. 1 – 4) prefer
Scenario 5.5 over Scenario 6 because it would produce more renewable energy
power. We treat Scenario 5.5 as the new proposed project for purposes of this

The Committee published this PMPD, recommending approval of Scenario 5.5,

on September 25, 2010, The 30-day comment period on the PMPD will expire on
October 25, 2010.


Several entities within the Energy Commission provide various notices

concerning power plant siting cases. Staff provides notices of staff workshops
and the release of the Preliminary and Final Staff Assessments. The Hearing

Introduction 6
Office notices Committee-led events such as the informational hearing and site
visit, status conferences, the prehearing conference, and evidentiary hearings.
The Public Adviser’s Office provides additional outreach for critical events as well
as provides information to interested persons that would like to become more
actively involved in a power plant siting proceeding. Further, the Media Office
provides notice of events to local and regional press through press releases.
The public may also subscribe to the proceeding's e-mail List Server offered on
the web page for each project which gives an immediate notification of
documents posted to the project web page. Through the activities of these
entities, the Energy Commission has made every effort to ensure that interested
persons are notified of activities in this proceeding.


The record contains public comments from concerned individuals and

organizations. Throughout these proceedings, as reflected in the transcribed
record, the Committee provided an opportunity for public comment at each
Committee-sponsored conference and hearing.

7 Introduction

On December 2, 2008, Stirling Engine Systems Solar One, LLC (SES Solar
Three, LLC and SES Solar Six, LLC) submitted an Application for Certification
(AFC) to the California Energy Commission to construct and operate the Stirling
Energy Systems Solar One Project (SES Solar One) on public land managed by
the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in San Bernardino County, California.
On May 6, 2009, the Energy Commission accepted the AFC as complete. In
January 2010, the project formally changed its name to the Calico Solar Project
(CSP). The applicant, SES Solar Three, LLC, was merged into SES Solar Six,
LLC, and that surviving entity was re-named Calico Solar, LLC. Calico Solar is a
subsidiary of Tessera Solar™. The Calico Solar Project was originally filed as a
nominal 850 megawatt (MW) solar thermal power plant. In September, 2010, its
proposed output was reduced to 663.5 MW. (Exs. 300, p. B.1-1; 317, p. B.1-2.)


1. Project Location

The Calico Solar Project site is proposed to be located on public land managed by
the BLM. The project is proposed for development in two phases, with the first
phase further divided into subparts. Phase 1a is located on approximately 250
acres, Phase 1b is 1,626 acres and Phase 2 is 2,737 acres for a combined total
of 4,613 acres. (Ex. 114, p. 2)

The Calico Solar Project also includes a new 230-kilovolt (kV) Calico Solar
Substation, 2.0 miles of electrical transmission line, an administration building,
maintenance complex, onsite routes interior to the project boundaries, a site
access road, and a bridge over the Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad tracks.
Approximately 739 feet of the 2-miles of single-circuit, 230-kV generation
interconnection transmission line would be constructed off the project site but still
on BLM managed land. The transmission line would connect the proposed Calico
Solar Substation to the existing Southern California Edison (SCE) Pisgah
Substation. (Ex. 300, p. B.1-4.)

2. Project Construction and Operation

The project would be constructed in two phases. Phase 1a would consist of 60

SunCatchers configured in a single group and much of the support facilities.
Phase 1b and then Phase 2 would contain the remaining 26,390 SunCatchers

Project Description 1
arranged in 1.5-MW solar groups of 60 SunCatchers per group, bringing the CSP
to its net nominal generating capacity of 663.5 MW. The Applicant expects that
construction would take approximately 44 months to complete. However, power
would be available to the grid as each 60-unit group of SunCatchers is
completed. (Ex. 114, p. 2; Ex. 300, pp. B.1-7 and B.1-19)

The overall footprint for the CSP, as well as the individual phases are depicted
on Project Description Figure 1, below.

Heavy construction for the project would be scheduled to occur between 0700
and 1900 Monday through Friday. Additional hours may be necessary to make
up schedule deficiencies or to complete critical construction activities. Some
activities would continue 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. These activities
include, but are not limited to, SunCatcher assembly, refueling of equipment,
staging of materials for the next day’s construction activities, quality
assurance/control, and commissioning. (Ex. 300, pp. B.1-19 to B.1-20.)

The entire project would be fenced for security, however the design of the
fencing is being determined in coordination with regulatory and resource
agencies to protect sensitive ecological areas and address storm flows in
washes. The project would have a laydown area on 14 acres adjacent to the
Main Services Complex. (Ex. 300, p. B.1-8.)

Note: In September, 2010, in response to a Calico Siting Committee order, the

Applicant presented two alternative reduced project size proposals for
consideration. They were labeled Scenario 5.5 and Scenario 6. Scenario 5.5 is
described above and is being considered as the Applicant’s substitute proposal.
Scenario 6 reduced the project’s footprint slightly from Scenario 5.5’s 4,613 acres
to 4,244 acres, and power output from 663.5 MW to 603.9 MW. The Committee
has chosen Scenario 5.5, the Applicant’s obvious favorite for its greater output,
as the proposal to further analyze and consider for approval. Because not all of
the details, such as total roadway length have been provided, some of the
information below relates to the larger 850 MW project no longer under
consideration. As such, that data overstates the magnitude of the project, as well
as its impacts, to a degree.

During project construction and operation, the main access to the project site
would be from the south, off of Interstate 40 from the Hector Road exit. The
applicant proposed the development of the following roadways on the project site:
approximately 25.2 miles of surface-treated roadways, approximately 168 miles of
north-south access routes, and approximately 102 miles of east-west access
routes. The access routes would be surface-treated to reduce fugitive dust while

Project Description 2
allowing full access to all dishes and infrastructure. Polymeric stabilizers will be
used in lieu of traditional road construction materials for paved roads and/or to
stabilize unpaved roads. All access to the project site would be through controlled
gates. (Ex. 300, p. B.1-8.)

It is expected that the CSP would be operated with a staff of approximately 182
full-time employees. The project would operate 7 days per week, generating
electricity during normal daylight hours when the solar energy is available.
Maintenance activities would occur 7 days a week, 24 hours a day to ensure
SunCatcher availability when solar energy is available. (Ex. 300, p. B.1-20.)

The applicant has applied for a right-of-way (ROW) grant for the project site from
the BLM Barstow Field Office. Although the project is phased, it is being
analyzed as if all phases would be operational at the same time. (Ex. 300, p. B.1-

3. Solar Field, Power Generation Equipment and Process

Project Description Table 1 lists the major equipment and significant structures
required for the Calico Solar Project.

Project Description Table 1

Significant Structures and Equipment
Length Width Height
Description Quantity
(feet) (feet) (feet)
SunCatcher power generating system 34,000 38 diameter 40
Main Services Complex administration building 1 60 70 17
Main Services Complex maintenance building 1 70 70 17
Main SunCatcher assembly buildings 3 1,000 100 78
Well water storage tank and Fire Water 230,000 1 40 diameter 20
Demineralized water tank, 17,000 gallons 2 18 diameter 10
Potable Water Tank, 5,000 gallons 1 40 diameter 20
230kV transmission line towers, double-circuit with 12 to 15 -- 32 90 to 110
upswept arms
Generator collection sub-panel; distribution panel, 42 2,834 1 2.67 5
circuit, 400A, 600V, with circuit breakers in a
weatherproof enclosure
Generator collection power center, 2,000-A distribution 567 2 3.33 7.5
panels with six 400-A circuit breakers
Collector group generator step-up unit transformer 567 6.67 7.5 6.67
(GSU), 1,750kVA, 575 V to 34.5kV, with taps

Project Description 3
Length Width Height
Description Quantity
(feet) (feet) (feet)
Power factor correction capacitor, 600V, 1,000kVAR, 567 2.5 6.67 7.5
switched in five, each 200kVAR steps
Open bus switch rack, 35kV, 7 bay with five 35kV, 6 105 20 30
1,200-A, 40kVA INT, circuit breakers, insulators,
switches, and bus work
Shunt capacitor bank, 34.5kV, 90 MVAR switched in 6 15 8 20
six each 15 MVAR steps
Dynamic VAR (DVAR) compensation system in 1 60 12 16
coordination with shunt capacitor banks – size to be
determined by studies
Disconnect switch, 35kV, 3,000 A, 200kV BIL, group- 6 3 11 16
Power transformer, three phase, 100/133/167 mega 6 15 35 23
volt amp, 230/132.8-34.5/19.9kV, 750kV BIL, oil filled
Power circuit breaker, 242kV, 2000A, 40 kilo amp 7 12 20 16
interrupting capacity
Coupling capacitor voltage transformer for metering, 6 1 1 25
242kV, 900kV BIL, 60 Hertz, Potential Transformer
ratio 1,200/2,000:1
Disconnect switch, 242kV, 2000A 9 10 25 25
Source: Ex. 300, p. B.1-9
Notes: A = ampere (amp), BIL = basic impulse level, gpd = gallons per day, HP = horsepower, Hz = hertz, INT = international,
kA = kilo amps kV = kilovolt, kVA = kilovolt amps, Kvar = kilovolt amp reactive, kW = kilowatt, kWe = kilowatt-electric,
MVA = megavolt amps MVAR = megavolt amp reactive MW = megawatts, V = volts, VAR = volt amp reactive W = watts

The SunCatcher™ is a 25-kilowatt-electrical (kW) solar dish Stirling system

designed to automatically track the sun and collect and focus solar energy onto a
power conversion unit (PCU), which generates electricity. The system consists of
an approximately 40-foot-high and 38-foot in diameter solar concentrator in a
dish structure that supports an array of curved glass mirror facets. These mirrors
collect and concentrate solar energy onto the solar receiver of the PCU.

The PCU converts the focused solar thermal energy into grid-quality electricity.
The conversion process in the PCU involves a closed-cycle, 4-cylinder,
35-horsepower reciprocating Stirling Engine utilizing an internal working fluid of
hydrogen gas that is recycled through the engine. The Stirling Engine operates
with heat input from the sun that is focused by the SunCatcher’s dish assembly
mirrors onto the PCU’s solar receiver tubes, which contain hydrogen gas. The
PCU solar receiver is an external heat exchanger that absorbs the incoming solar
thermal energy. This heats and pressurizes the hydrogen gas in the heat
exchanger tubing, the gas in turn powers the Stirling Engine.

Project Description 4
A generator is connected to the Stirling Engine to produce the electrical output of
the SunCatcher. Each generator is capable of producing 25 kW at 575 volts
alternating current (VAC)/60 hertz (Hz) of grid-quality electricity when operating
with rated solar input. Waste heat from the engine is transferred to the ambient
air via a radiator system similar to those used in automobiles.

The hydrogen gas is cooled by a standard glycol-water radiator system and is

continually recycled within the engine during the power cycle. The conversion
process does not consume water. The only water consumed by the SunCatcher
is for washing of the mirrors to remove accumulated dust and replenishing small
losses to the cooling system radiator in a 50-50 ethylene glycol-water coolant.

4. Site Grading and Drainage

Brush trimming would be conducted between alternating rows and would consist
of cutting the top of the existing brush while leaving the existing native plant root
system in place to minimize soil erosion. To minimize shading on SunCatchers
and prevent potential brush fire hazards, natural vegetation trimmings would be
cleared in the area of each SunCatcher as well as on either side of the surface-
treated arterial roadways. (Ex. 300, p. B.1-10.)

After brush has been trimmed, blading for roadways and foundations would be
conducted between alternating rows to provide access to individual SunCatchers.
Blading would consist of limited removal of terrain undulations. Although ground
disturbance would be minimized wherever possible, the applicant proposes that
localized rises or depressions within the individual 1.5-MW solar groups would be
removed to provide for proper alignment and operation of the individual
SunCatchers. Surface-treated roadways would be constructed as close to the
existing topography as possible, with limited cut-and-fill operations to maintain
roadway design slope to within a maximum of 10 percent. (Ex. 300, p. B.1-10.)

The layout of the proposed Calico Solar Project would maintain the local pre-
development drainage patterns where feasible, and water discharge from the site
would remain at the southern and western boundaries. The paved roadways
would have a low-flow, unpaved swale or roadway dip as needed to convey
nuisance runoff to existing drainage channels. It is expected that storm water
runoff would flow over the crown of the paved roadways, which are typically less
than 6 inches from swale flow line to crown at centerline of roadway, thus
maintaining existing local drainage patterns during storms. The applicant has
proposed that low-flow culverts would be used on emergency access routes and
all other roads would be at grade. (Ex. 300, p. B.1-10.)

Project Description 5
The Applicant has proposed localized channel grading on a limited basis to
improve channel hydraulics within the dry washes and to control flow direction
where buildings and roadways are proposed. The Main Services Complex would
be protected from a 100-year flood by berms or channels that would direct the
flow around the perimeter of the building site, if required. (Ex. 300, p. B.1-10.)

Arizona Crossings (roadway dips) would be placed along the roadways, as

needed to cross the minor or major channels/swales. These designs would be
based on Best Management Practices (BMPs) for erosion and sediment control.
Arizona Crossings would also be used for major washes where the channel cross
section exceeds 8 feet in width and 3 feet in depth or exceeds 20 feet in width
and 2 feet in depth. The roadway section at the channel flow line would be
without a crown. (Ex. 300, p. B.1-10.)

It is anticipated that roadway maintenance would be required after rainfall events.

For minor storm events, it is anticipated that the unpaved roadway sections may
need to be bladed to remove soil deposition, along with sediment removal from
stem pipe risers at the culvert locations. For major storm events, in addition to
the aforementioned maintenance, roadway repairs may be required due to
possible damage to pavement where the roadways cross the channels and
where the flows exceed the culvert capacity. Additional maintenance may be
required after major storm events to replace soil eroded from around SunCatcher
pedestals located in washes. (Ex. 300, pp. B.1-10 to B.1-11.)

Building sites would be developed per San Bernardino County drainage criteria,
with provision for soft bottom storm water retention basins, if necessary. Rainfall
from paved areas and building roofs would be collected and directed to the storm
water retention basins. Volume on retention or detention basins should have a
total volume capacity for a 3-inch minimum precipitation covering the entire site.
Volume can be considered by a combination of basin size and additional volume
provided within paving and/or landscaping areas. (Ex. 300, p. B.1-11.)

The retention basins, if any are necessary, would be designed so that the
retained flows would empty within 72 hours after the storm to provide mosquito
abatement. This design can be accomplished by draining, evaporation,
infiltration, or a combination thereof. (Ex. 300, p. B.1-11.)

The post-development flow rates released from the project site are expected to
be less than the pre-development flow rates, thus complying with BMPs. The
expected flow reduction is based on the following factors.

Project Description 6
• Except for the building sites, roads, and two evaporation ponds, the majority of
the project site would remain pervious; only a negligible portion of the site
would be affected by pavement and SunCatchers foundations.
• The increased runoff expected from the building sites would be over-mitigated
by capturing 100 percent of the runoff in a retention basin, where the storm
runoff would be infiltrated and/or evaporated to the atmosphere.
• The proposed perforated risers to be constructed upstream of the roadway
culverts would provide for additional detention. (Ex. 300, p. B.1-11.)

5. Buildings

The Main Services Complex would be located within the project site in a central
location that provides for efficient access routes for maintenance vehicles
servicing the SunCatcher solar field. The main control room would be located at
the Main Services Complex.

Warehouse and shop spaces would provide work areas and storage for spare
parts for project maintenance. The Main Services Complex would contain
meeting and training rooms, maintenance and engineering offices, and
administrative offices.

The project administration offices and personnel facilities would be located in a

one-story operation and administration building. The operation and administration
building would measure approximately 60 feet long by 70 feet wide by 17 feet
high. This building would also contain meeting and training rooms, engineering
offices, a visitor’s room, and support services.

The project maintenance facilities, shop, and warehouse storage would be

located adjacent to the operation and administration building. The maintenance
building would measure 70 feet wide by 70 feet long by 17 feet in height. This
building would contain maintenance shops and offices, PCU rebuild areas,
maintenance vehicle servicing bays, chemical storage rooms, the main electrical
room, and warehouse storage for maintenance parts to service the SunCatchers.

The three assembly buildings will be located beside the Main Services Complex.
Assembly buildings will be decommissioned after the project’s SunCatchers are
assembled and installed.

A water treatment shade structure will be located next to the Main Services
Complex and to the northeast side of the Main Services Complex. The water
treatment structure will house water treatment equipment and safe storage areas

Project Description 7
for water treatment chemicals. A motor control center for the water treatment
equipment and pumps will be located within this structure. Two wastewater
evaporative ponds designed for water treatment wastewater containment will be
located just north of the water treatment structure. A control building will be
located near the project substation. This building will contain relay and control
systems for the substation in one room and the project operations control room in
another room or rooms. A diesel-powered fire water pump and a diesel operated
standby power generator will be located adjacent to the operation and
administration building on the north side.

Electric service for the Main Services Complex will be obtained from SCE.
Electric power will be provided via overhead service from an SCE overhead
distribution line located on the north side of I-40. Communications service for the
Main Services Complex will be obtained from the local phone company.
Communications service will be provided via an overhead service from existing
underground communications lines located on the north of I-40.

The operation and administration building, maintenance building, and Main

Services Complex would be painted with a matching desert sand color and would
be manufactured buildings. The water treatment building and the water holding
tanks, including the potable water, raw water, and demineralized/fire protection
water tanks located at the Main Services Complex would also be painted with a
matching desert sand color.

SunCatcher assembly would be performed on-site in temporary structures.

These buildings would be decommissioned after all project SunCatchers are
assembled and installed. The assembly buildings would be located beside the
Main Services Complex.

The primary purpose of the SunCatcher assembly buildings would be the

assembly of the SunCatcher superstructure, the main beam assembly and
trusses, the pedestal trunnion, mirrors, wire harnesses, control systems, drive
position motors, and the calibration of the mirrors and control systems before
field installation. Each assembly bay would be equipped with an automated
platform on locating rails to move the SunCatcher through the assembly process.

The exterior material for the assembly buildings would be a fire retardant vinyl
fluoride film with ultraviolet blocking characteristics and would be chemical and
weather resistant. The exteriors would be painted desert sand to match the other

Project Description 8
Transport trailer storage would be located adjacent to the assembly building. The
storage area would allow the project to maintain a supply of 3 to 5 days of
inventory of SunCatcher parts during the assembly phase of construction.

These assembly buildings would be decommissioned and salvaged after all

SunCatchers for the Project are installed.

6. Water Supply and Treatment

The following types of water would be required for the project: equipment
washing water; potable water; dust control water, and fire protection water.
When completed, the Calico Solar Project would require a total of approximately
36.2 acre-feet of raw water per year. SunCatcher mirror washing and operations
dust control under regular maintenance routines will require an average of
approximately 10.4 gallons of raw water per minute.
The applicant proposes the use of ground water from the Lavic Groundwater
Basin. The applicant initiated the drilling of four water wells adjacent to the
project site, within the Lavic Groundwater Basin. As wells are drilled the flow rate
(gallons per minute – gpm) were determined, concern over sufficiency of this
water supply lead to the identification of a new primary water supply from
Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF). Initially, the Lavic Ground Basin wells
were to be used as a backup water source since they were believed to lack the
capacity to provide for construction water needs. The applicant subsequently
discovered that one of the wells within the Lavic Groundwater Basin could
provide enough water for construction and operations of the proposed project
and has returned to well water from the Lavic Groundwater Basin as the primary
water source for the project.

The water from the Lavic Groundwater Basin well is characterized as raw water
and will require treatment to remove dissolved solids for SunCatcher mirror wash
water applications. The water will be required to be demineralized to prevent
mineral deposits forming on the SunCatcher mirrors. Processes available for
demineralization are Reverse Osmosis (RO) and ion exchange.

Potable Water: Potable water to meet plant requirements would be delivered by

truck or rail and stored in a 5,000-gallon tank in the water treatment area. This
tank would be able to provide all required potable water for the operating facility
for 2-3 days at which time it would need to be replenished.

Mirror Washing and Fire Protection Water: The Main Services Complex will
include a location for an approximately 230,000-gallon tank that will be used to

Project Description 9
store water for SunCatcher mirror washing and fire protection applications. This
volume of water will meet all LORS, including fire protection water for the
Newberry Springs and the Harvard Station 46 (a County Fire Department staffed
station), and for the San Bernardino Fire Department.

Dust Control Water: The water will be conveyed to the Main Services Complex
via a 6 to 8-inch-diameter water line. The expected average well water
consumption for the project during construction is approximately 50 acre-feet per
year. Under normal operation (inclusive of mirror cleaning, dust control, and
potable water usage), water required will be approximately 36.2 acre-feet per
year. Emergency water may be trucked in from local municipalities. The
Applicant would seek agreements at the time of the emergency.

The Calico Solar Project water supply requirements are tabulated in Project
Description Table 2, Water Usage Rates for Operation. The table provides both
the expected maximum water usage rates and the annual average usage rates.

Project Description Table 2

Water Usage Rates for Operation
Average Daily Maximum Annual
(gallons per (gallons per Usage
Water Use minute) minute) (acre feet)
Equipment Water Requirements
SunCatcher Mirror Washing 11.81 19.72 16.13
Water Treatment System Discharge
Brine to Evaporation Ponds 6.0 11.14 8.1
Potable Water Use
For drinking and sanitary water 3.85 4.66 5.27
Dust Control
Well water for dust control during 4.2 8 8.39 6.710
Totals 25.8 43.7 36.2

Project Description 10
Source: Ex. 300, p. B.1-14

Based on 34,000 SunCatchers requiring a monthly wash with an average of 14 gallons of demineralized water per spray
wash and a 5-day work week (21 work days per month).

During a 3-month period, all SunCatcher mirrors are given a scrub wash requiring up to three times the normal wash of
14 gallons per SunCatcher. Therefore, the Daily Maximum usage rate is based on 2/3 of the SunCatchers receiving a
normal wash and one third receiving a scrub wash.

Based on every SunCatcher having approximately 8 normal washes per year with one additional scrub wash.

Based on the maximum amount of demineralized water required for mirror washing and assumes a decrease in raw
water quality requiring an additional 20% of system discharge.

5 6
Assumes 30 gallons per person per day for 182 people. Max. amount assumes a 20% contingency over the Daily Avg.

7 8
Assumes a 6-day work week and average daily usage. Assumes 5,000 gallons per day.

9 10
Assumes up to 10,000 gallons per day. Assumes daily average dust control operations.

7. Wastewater and Waste Management

The water treatment wastewater generated by the reverse osmosis (RO) unit
would contain relatively high concentrations of total dissolved solids (TDS).
Wastewater or brine generated by the RO unit would be discharged to a polyvinyl
chloride (PVC)-lined concrete evaporation pond that meets the requirements of
the local Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). Each pond would be
sized to contain 1 year of discharge flow, approximately 2.44 million gallons.
A minimum of 1 year is required for the water treatment waste to undergo the
evaporation process. The second pond would be in operation while the first is
undergoing evaporation. The two ponds would alternate their functions on an
annual basis.

After the brine has gone through the evaporation process, the solids that settle at
the bottom of the evaporation pond will be tested by the applicant and disposed
of in an appropriate non-hazardous waste disposal facility. The solids would be
scheduled for removal during the summer months, when the concentration of
solids is at its greatest due to an increase in evaporation rates, in order to
achieve maximum solids removal.

Sanitary wastewater generated at the facility cannot be conveyed to an existing

sewage facility or pipeline as there are no public or private entities that manage
sanitary wastewater flows for locations in the vicinity of the project site. The
wastewater generated at the Main Services Complex will be discharged into a
sub-surface wastewater disposal system with septic tanks and leach fields, and
will be designed in accordance with the applicable LORS, including San

Project Description 11
Bernardino County, California State Regional Water Quality Board, and the
Department of Health Services.

The general threshold limit for a standard approval process for septic tanks and
leach fields through the local RWQCB is 500 gallons per acre per day. The
expected daily sanitary wastewater flow from Calico Solar ranges from an
average of 5,500 gallons to a peak of 6,600 gallons; the required set aside area
given this flow is approximately 14 acres. Given the project site area is much
greater than 14 acres, the threshold limit for septic tank and leachfield
applications will be met. The required leachfield area is estimated to be
approximately 1,100 square-feet (0.025 acre).

8. Hazardous Waste Management

Hazardous materials used during facility construction and operations would

include paints, epoxies, grease, transformer oil, caustic electrolytes (battery
fluid), and products that would be generated by the construction equipment, such
as waste fuel and waste oil. Several methods would be used to properly manage
and dispose of hazardous materials and wastes. Waste lubricating oil would be
recovered and recycled by a waste oil recycling contractor. Chemicals would be
stored in appropriate chemical storage facilities. Bulk chemicals would be stored
in large storage tanks, while most other chemicals would be stored in smaller
returnable delivery containers. All chemical storage areas would be designed to
contain leaks and spills in concrete containment areas.

9. Hydrogen System

The Applicant described the hydrogen use, supply and storage in the AFC, filed
in December 2008. In the original design, it was proposed that hydrogen would
be supplied to the SunCatchers through a distributed system. Each of the SCE,
within the SunCatcher unit, would contain 14 cubic feet of hydrogen gas, and
each SunCatcher unit would be equipped with a 196-scf k-bottle to replenish
hydrogen gas lost within the gas circuit. K-bottles would be provided by a
commercial hydrogen supplier. The Applicant responded to Energy Commission
and BLM Data Requests 57-60 in July 2009, updating the hydrogen system to
include a centralized hydrogen gas supply, storage and distribution system. (Ex.
5d.) The system included onsite generation of hydrogen through electrolysis and
the storage of that hydrogen in a 36,400 scf steel storage tank. From the storage
tank, the hydrogen would be piped to 95 individual compressor groups that
include a compressor, a high pressure supply tank and a low pressure dump tank

Project Description 12
used to recover hydrogen from non-operational PCUs through a return line. (Ex.
300, p. B.1-16.)

At this time, the applicant is evaluating the relative advantages between the
centralized hydrogen distribution system and a distributed system that utilizes k-
bottles on the PCUs of all SunCatchers. Therefore, both systems are described
below. (Ex. 300, p. B.1-16.)

Centralized Hydrogen System Description. Based on the evidence, the details of

the centralized hydrogen system have been refined by the applicant as a result of
experience from the applicant’s Maricopa Solar Project and as a result of design
having progressed to final engineering. The maximum amount of hydrogen
stored for each SunCatcher would be increased from 3.4 to 11 scf which would
accommodate two full charges of the PCU. In order to support this increased
hydrogen storage at each SunCatcher, the high pressure supply tanks and low
pressure dump tanks at each compressor group would accommodate 29,333 scf
and 9,900 scf, respectively. In the July 2009 responses Energy Commission and
BLM Data Requests 57-60, each high pressure supply tank was anticipated to be
648 scf and each low pressure dump tank was also reported to be 648 scf. (Ex.
300, p. B.1-16.)

If a centralized hydrogen system is used at the Calico Solar site, the hydrogen
gas would be produced through electrolysis by two redundant hydrogen
generators. Each proposed hydrogen generator would be capable of producing
1,820 scfh. Although the hydrogen generators could run full time if needed to
supply sufficient amount of hydrogen to the SunCatchers, the generators would
be operated at off-peak electric hours using grid power and generated hydrogen
would be stored onsite. Hydrogen gas produced by the onsite generators would
be stored in a steel storage tank. The hydrogen tank, at approximately nine feet
in diameter by 30 feet long, would be capable of storing approximately two-day
supply of hydrogen (i.e., approximately 36,400 scf). (Ex. 300, p. B.1-16.)

The hydrogen storage tank would distribute hydrogen fuel to 95 individual

compressor groups. Each compressor group would be electrically operated and
would consist of a compressor and a high pressure supply tank with a 29,333 scf
capacity, delivering gas at approximately 2,760 psi. Each compressor group
would also be equipped with a low pressure dump tank with the same 9,900 scf
capacity and used to recover hydrogen from non-operational PCUs through a ¼”
and ½” stainless steel return line. In this option there are no other holding tanks
or storage tanks in the compressor groups. Delivery of hydrogen is through
pipelines. (Ex. 300, pp. B.1-16 to B.1-17..)

Project Description 13
Distributed Hydrogen System Description. If the distributed hydrogen supply
system utilizing k-bottles at each SunCatcher PCU is utilized at the Calico Solar
site, the system would use two redundant hydrogen generators and one steel
storage tank located at the Main Services Complex as described in the
centralized system. However, the system would not deliver hydrogen through
pipelines. In lieu of the distribution equipment, hydrogen would be filled from the
hydrogen storage tank to each individual SunCatcher through trucks. Each
SunCatcher would include an 82-scf high pressure supply tank, 28-scf low
pressure dump tank, and a 489-scf local storage tank. In addition, each
SunCatcher unit would contain a minimum of 11-scf of hydrogen at 580 psi at all
times, resulting in a total of around 610-scf of hydrogen in each SunCatcher. (Ex.
300, p. B.1-17.)

The k-bottles would be delivered back to each SunCatcher, utilizing the mirror-
washing truck trips. Hydrogen refilling and replacement trips are expected occur
approximately three times per year. (Ex. 300, p. B.1-17.)

10. Transmission System Interconnection and Upgrades

The proposed project would include the construction of a new 230-kV Calico
Solar Substation approximately in the center of the project site. The proposed
project substation would consist of an open air bus with 15, 35-kV collection
feeder circuit breakers. Each feeder breaker would be connected to one of the
48-MW or 51-MW overhead collection lines. Additional 35-kV circuit breakers
would connect to power factor correction capacitor banks located in the
substation yard. This new substation would be connected to the existing SCE
Pisgah Substation via an approximately 2-mile, single-circuit, 230-kV
transmission line. Other than this interconnection transmission line, no new
transmission lines or off-site substations would be required for the 275-MW
Phase I construction. (Ex. 300, p. B.1-17.)

For the 275-MW Phase I of the project, the first interconnection substation would
initially consist of two power transformers rated at 120/160/200 megavolt
amperes (MVA) each to convert the generation collection voltage from 34.5 kV to
the transmission tie voltage of 230 kV. The substation would ultimately contain 6
120/160/200-MVA, 34.5-kV to 230-kV step-up power transformers. Each power
transformer would serve 3 of the 15 overhead collection lines (one 48-MW line
and 2 51-MW lines). (Ex. 300, p. B.1-17.)

The power transformers would be protected by 230-kV power circuit breakers.

Provisions would be made to expand the Calico Solar Substation from 275 to 850

Project Description 14
MW with the addition of three power transformers in Phase II of the proposed
project. Each transformer would collect 150 MW of generation via three overhead
34.5-kV collection circuits, each protected by a 35-kV power circuit breaker. The
34.5-kV feeders would be terminated on outdoor circuit breakers. (Ex. 300, pp.
B.1-17 to B.1-18.)

Control, metering, and protection systems for the line, substation, and collection
systems would be contained within a control building located adjacent to the
Calico Solar Substation. The control building would also contain the necessary
communications equipment to meet owner, California Independent System
Operator (California ISO), and SCE requirements. Additional substation
equipment would include a 34.5-kV power-factor correction capacitor control
system designed to meet the power factor and zero and low-voltage ride-through
requirements of the Interconnect Agreement. (Ex. 300, p. B.1-18.)

The on-site portion of the interconnection transmission line would be installed in

a 100-foot ROW from the Calico Solar Project substation southeast to point of
intersection with the SCE transmission ROW, then southwest to parallel the
transmission ROW to the Pisgah Substation. (Ex. 300, p. B.1-18.)

The transmission line towers would consist of H-Frame towers at the

undercrossing of the existing 500-kV transmission line and double-circuit lattice
steel towers and/or steel poles elsewhere. Both circuits of the overhead 230-kV
transmission line would be constructed with one 1,590-kilo circular miles/phase,
aluminum steel-reinforced conductor per line, each thermally rated to carry full
project output in emergency conditions and one-half of project output in normal
conditions. Two fiber optic cables would be provided for communication with SCE
and the California ISO.

11. Facility Closure

Project closure can be temporary or permanent. Temporary closure is defined as

a shutdown for a period exceeding the time required for normal maintenance.
Causes for temporary closure include inclement weather and/or natural hazards
(e.g., winds in excess of 35 mph, or cloudy conditions limiting solar insolation
values to below the minimum solar insolation required for positive power
generation, etc.), or damage to the project from earthquake, fire, storm, or other
natural acts. Permanent closure is defined as a cessation in operations with no
intent to restart operations owing to project age, damage to the project that is
beyond repair, adverse economic conditions, or other significant reasons. (Ex.
300, p. B.1-21.)

Project Description 15
In the unforeseen event that the project is temporarily closed, a contingency plan
for the temporary cessation of operations will be implemented. The contingency
plan will be followed to ensure conformance with applicable LORS and to protect
public health, safety, and the environment. The plan, depending on the expected
duration of the shutdown, may include the draining of chemicals from storage
tanks and other equipment and the safe shutdown of equipment. Wastes will be
disposed of according to applicable LORS, as discussed in the Waste
Management section of this Decision. (Ex. 300, p. B.1-21.)

The planned life of the Calico Solar Project is 40 years. However, if the project is
still economically viable, it could be operated longer. It is also possible that the
project could become economically noncompetitive before 40 years have
passed, forcing early decommissioning. Whenever the project is permanently
closed, the closure procedure will follow a plan that will be developed as
described below. (Ex. 300, p. B.1-21.)

The removal of the project from service, or decommissioning, may range from
“mothballing” to the removal of equipment and appurtenant facilities, depending
on conditions at the time. Because the conditions that would affect the
decommissioning decision are largely unknown at this time, these conditions
would be presented to the Energy Commission, the BLM, and other applicable
agencies for review and approval as part of the decommissioning plan. The
decommissioning plan would discuss the following:
• proposed decommissioning activities for the project and appurtenant
facilities constructed as part of the project,
• conformance of the proposed decommissioning activities with applicable
LORS and local/regional plans,
• activities necessary to restore the project site if the plan requires removal
of equipment and appurtenant facilities,
• decommissioning alternatives other than complete restoration to the
original condition, and
• associated costs of the proposed decommissioning and the source of
funds to pay for the decommissioning.

In general, the decommissioning plan for the project would attempt to maximize
the recycling of project components. Calico Solar would attempt to sell unused
chemicals back to the suppliers or other purchasers or users. Equipment
containing chemicals would be drained and shut down to ensure public health
and safety and to protect the environment. Nonhazardous wastes will be

Project Description 16
collected and disposed of in appropriate landfills or waste collection facilities.
Hazardous wastes will be disposed of according to applicable LORS. The site will
be secured 24 hours per day during the decommissioning activities, and Calico
Solar will provide periodic update reports to the Energy Commission, the BLM,
and other appropriate parties. (Ex. 300, p. B.1-22.)

Similar to project construction and facility operations, decommissioning would be

performed in accordance with plans and mitigation measures that would assure
the project conforms to applicable LORS and would avoid significant adverse
impacts. These plans that are to be developed by the applicant, for which some
have already been prepared in draft and reviewed by staff to support this
environmental analysis, and the necessary mitigation measures, are specified in
the Conditions of Certification as appropriate for each technical area of this SSA.
The BLM would also require mitigation and restoration as stipulated in the
identified Plan of Development, as well as other federal agency requirements.
The authorized project would be bonded consistent with agency policy. (Ex. 300,
p. B.1-22.)


Based upon the evidentiary record, we find as follows:

1. Calico Solar LLC will own and operate the project, which will be located
within San Bernardino County on 4,613 acres of public land managed by
the BLM, 37 miles east of Barstow, California.
2. The project would be constructed in two phases, with the first phase
divided into subphases. Phase 1a would consist of 60 SunCatchers
configured in a single group and much of the support facilities. Phase 1b
and then Phase 2 would contain the remaining 26,390 SunCatchers
arranged in 1.5-MW solar groups of 60 SunCatchers per group, bringing
the CSP to its net nominal generating capacity of 663.5 MW.
3. The primary equipment for the generating facility would include
approximately 26,450 SunCatchers, their associated equipment and
systems, and their support infrastructure.
4. The proposed Calico Solar Project also includes a new 230-kilovolt (kV)
Calico Solar Substation, 2.0 miles of electrical transmission line, an
administration building, maintenance complex, onsite routes interior to the
project boundaries, a site access road and bridge over the Burlington
Northern Santa Fe railroad tracks. Approximately 739 feet of the 2-miles of
single-circuit, 230-kV generation interconnection transmission line would be
constructed off the project site but still on BLM managed land. The

Project Description 17
transmission line would connect the proposed Calico Solar Substation to
the existing Southern California Edison (SCE) Pisgah Substation.
5. The Lavic Groundwater Basin will be used as the primary water source for
the project.
6. The proposed project would include the construction of a new 230-kV
Calico Solar Substation approximately in the center of the project site. This
new substation would be connected to the existing SCE Pisgah Substation
via an approximately 2-mile, single-circuit, 230-kV transmission line. Other
than this interconnection transmission line, no new transmission lines or
off-site substations would be required for the 275-MW Phase I construction.


1. We therefore conclude that the Calico Solar Project is described at a level of

detail sufficient to allow review in compliance with the provisions of the
Warren-Alquist Act, the California Environmental Quality Act, and the
National Environmental Policy Act.

Project Description 18
Project Description 19

The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines and the Energy
Commission’s regulations require an evaluation of the comparative merits of a
range of feasible site and facility alternatives which meet the basic objectives of
the proposed project but would avoid or substantially lessen potentially significant
environmental impacts. [Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, §§ 15126.6(c) and (e); tit. 20, §

The range of alternatives, including the “No Project” alternative, is governed by

the “rule of reason” and need not include those alternatives whose effects cannot
be reasonably ascertained and whose implementation is remote and speculative.
[Cal. Code Regs. tit. 14, § 15126.6(f).] Rather, the analysis is necessarily limited
to alternatives that the “lead agency determines could feasibly attain most of the
basic objectives of the project.” (Id.)


Energy Commission staff used the following methodology to analyze project

alternatives for the Calico Solar Project (CSP):

• identified basic objectives of the project and its potentially significant

adverse impacts;
• identify and evaluate alternative sites to determine whether an alternative
site would mitigate impacts of the proposed site and whether an
alternative site would create impacts of its own;
• identify and evaluate technology alternatives, including alternative
equipment and processes; and
• evaluated consequences of not constructing the project, i.e., the “No
Project” alternative. (Ex. 300, p. 4-4.)

1. Project Objectives

For our analysis, we will consider the following objectives, a reduction and
refinement of those proposed by the applicant:

• To construct and operate an up to 663.5 MW renewable power generating

facility in California capable of selling competitively priced renewable
energy consistent with the needs of California utilities;

1 Alternatives
• To locate the facility in areas of high insolation with ground slope of less
than 5%.
• To provide clean, renewable electricity to support California’s Renewable
Portfolio Standard Program (RPS);
• To assist in reducing its greenhouse gas emissions as required by the
California Global Warming Solutions Act;
• To contribute to the achievement of the 33% RPS target set by California’s
governor and legislature; and
• To complete the review process in a timeframe that would allow the
applicant to start construction or meet the economic performance
guidelines by December 31, 2010 to potentially qualify for the 2009 ARRA
cash grant in lieu of tax credits for certain renewable energy projects. (Ex.
300, p. B.2-9.)

2. Project Impacts

In this Decision, the Commission has found the following significant impacts.
Based on the evidence presented, the following impacts have been identified as
issues of concern for the CSP project.

• Cultural Resources. The CSP cumulative contribution to permanent long

term, potentially unmitigable, adverse impacts to historic Route 66 in the
project vicinity as a result of the physical degradation of and visual
intrusion on significant cultural resources on those sites and an overall net
reduction in cultural resources in the area

• Land Use. The CSP project would permanently change the nature of land
use at the project site from Government Special Public Limited Use and
Moderate Use to an intensive utility use for the generation of power.
Therefore, the combined effect of the overall cumulative past, present, and
proposed and reasonably foreseeable projects, including the proposed
project, in the desert region of San Bernardino County would adversely
affect recreation and wilderness resources, resulting in a significant and
unavoidable impact under CEQA

• Visual Resources. The CSP project will result in the installation of a

large, industrial facility on a presently undeveloped (although partially
disturbed) landscape. It will have significant unmitigable impacts to visual
vistas from three of five vantage points used in our analysis. In addition it
will, in combination with the other renewable energy projects proposed in
the project’s viewshed, make a cumulatively considerable contribution to
significant cumulative visual impacts.
Alternatives 2
This alternatives analysis focuses on the consideration of these impacts and the
extent to which they could be reduced or eliminated by the selection of a project

3. Summary of Alternatives Considered

Various site alternatives, technology alternatives, a reduced size alternative and

the no project alternative were initially evaluated and retained or eliminated from
further detailed analysis as summarized in Alternatives Table 1, below. More
information about the eliminated alternatives may be found in the Supplemental
Staff Assessment (Ex. 300, pp. B.2-49 — B.2-84). Further analysis of the
retained alternatives follows the table.

Alternatives Table 1
Summary of Alternatives Retained and Eliminated
Alternative Rationale for Retention or Elimination
Proposed Project/Action Retained. Evaluated as the applicant’s proposal.
- 663.5 MW
- 4,613 acres
26,450 SunCatchers
- 850 MW
- 6,215 acres
- 34,000 SunCatchers
Reduced Acreage Alternative Retained. Evaluated in the SSA because it would
6 substantially reduce impacts of the Calico Solar
-275 MW (up to 350 MW)
Project while meeting most or all of the project
-2,600 acres (41% of
originally proposed)
- 11,000 SunCatchers
No Project/No Action Alternative Retained. Required under CEQA.
Private Land Alternative Retained. Would substantially reduce impacts of
the Calico Solar Project while meeting most
project objectives.
Public Land Alternatives

The Calico Solar Project as described in the SA/DEIS would require approximately 10 acres per
MW of power generated. Since publication of the SA/DEIS, the Calico Solar Project boundaries
have been revised and the project as currently proposed would require 7.3 acres per MW
generated. As such, the amount of energy generated by the Reduced Acreage Alternative could
be up to 350 MW.
3 Alternatives
Alternative Rationale for Retention or Elimination
Avoidance of Donated and Eliminated. Would not substantially reduce
impacts of the Calico Solar Project; it would create
Acquired Lands Alternative
the same general impacts to Mojave fringe-toed
- 850 MW lizard, Nelson big-horn sheep, and other wide-
- 7,050 acres (over 100 % of ranging species as the proposed Calico Solar
proposed) Project.
- 28,800 SunCatchers
Camp Rock Road (AS1) Eliminated. Would not substantially reduce
impacts of the Calico Solar Project; located in
Category I desert tortoise habitat, partially located
in the Johnson Valley OHV area and would
require use of LWCF acquisition lands.
Upper Johnson Valley (AS2) Eliminated. Would not substantially reduce
impacts of the Calico Solar Project; located
entirely within the Upper Johnson Valley OHV
Area and in study area for MCAGCC Twentynine
Palms expansion.
West of Twentynine Palms Military Eliminated. Would not substantially reduce
impacts of the Calico Solar Project; located
Base (AS3)
entirely within the Upper Johnson Valley OHV
Area and in study area for MCAGCC Twentynine
Palms expansion, would require use of LWCF
acquired lands.
I-40 South (AS4) Eliminated. Would not substantially reduce
impacts of the Calico Solar Project; located in
desert tortoise critical habitat, would impact
approximately 3 miles of the Pisgah Crater Lava
Flow, would potentially impact access to three
existing mines.
Broadwell Lake (AS5) Eliminated. Would not substantially reduce
impacts of the Calico Solar Project; potentially
located within proposed national monument;
pending right-of-way grant application for the site,
therefore not considered a viable alternative.
SES Solar Three Alternative Eliminated. Pending right-of-way grant application
for the site, therefore not considered a viable
Technology Alternatives Evaluated
Parabolic Trough Technology Eliminated. Would not substantially reduce
impacts of the Calico Solar Project
Solar Power Tower Technology Eliminated. Would not substantially reduce
impacts of the Calico Solar Project
Linear Fresnel Technology Eliminated. Would reduce area required by 40%
but would not eliminate significant impacts of the
Calico Solar Project
Solar Photovoltaic Technology – Eliminated. Would not substantially reduce
impacts of the Calico Solar Project
Utility Scale

Alternatives 4
Alternative Rationale for Retention or Elimination
Distributed Solar Technology Eliminated. While it will very likely be possible to
achieve 850 MW of distributed solar energy over
the coming years, the limited numbers of existing
facilities make it difficult to conclude with
confidence that this much distributed solar will be
available within the timeframe required for the
Calico Solar Project. Barriers exist related to
interconnection with the electric distribution grid.
Solar PV is one components of the renewable
energy mix required to meet the California
Renewable Portfolio Standard requirements, and
additional technologies like solar thermal
generation, would also be required.
Wind Energy Eliminated. While there are substantial wind
resources in the region, environmental impacts
could also be significant so wind would not reduce
impacts in comparison to the Calico Solar Project.
Also, wind is one of the components of the
renewable energy mix required to meet the
California Renewable Portfolio Standard
requirements; additional technologies like solar
thermal generation, would also be required.
Geothermal Energy Eliminated. Despite the encouragement provided
by Renewable Portfolio Standards and ARRA
funding, few new geothermal projects have been
proposed in the California and no geothermal
projects are included on the Renewable Energy
Action Team list of projects requesting ARRA
funds. Therefore, the development of 850 MW of
new geothermal generation capacity within the
timeframe required for the Calico Solar Project is
considered speculative.
Biomass Energy Eliminated. Most biomass facilities produce only
small amounts of electricity (in the range of 3 to
10 MW) and so could not meet the project
objectives related to the California Renewable
Portfolio Standard. In addition, between 85 and
250 facilities would be needed to achieve 850 MW
of generation, creating substantial adverse
Tidal Energy Eliminated. Tidal fence technology is
commercially available in Europe. However, it has
not been demonstrated and proven at the scale
that would be required to replace the proposed
project, particularly with Pacific tides. Therefore, it
would not substantially reduce impacts of the
Calico Solar Project.

5 Alternatives
Alternative Rationale for Retention or Elimination
Wave Energy Eliminated. Unproven technology at the scale that
would be required to replace the proposed project;
it may also result in substantial adverse
environmental impacts
Natural Gas Eliminated. Would not attain the objective of
generating renewable power meeting California’s
renewable energy needs
Coal Eliminated. Would not attain the objective of
generating renewable power meeting California’s
renewable energy needs and is not a feasible
alternative in California
Nuclear Energy Eliminated. The permitting of new nuclear
facilities in California is not currently allowable by
Conservation and Demand-side Eliminated. Conservation and demand-
management alone are not sufficient to address
all of California’s energy needs, and would not
provide the renewable energy required to meet
the California Renewable Portfolio Standard
Ex. 300, pp. B.2-3 – B.2-6.

Alternatives Retained for Further Evaluation

Reduced Acreage Alternative

The Reduced Acreage Alternative would be a 275 MW solar facility located within
the boundaries of the proposed project as defined by Calico Solar. This
alternative is analyzed because (1) it eliminates about 59% of the proposed
project area so all impacts are reduced, especially those related to desert
washes, biological resources, and cultural resources, and (2) it could transmit the
power generated without requiring an upgrade to 65 miles of the existing 220 kV
SCE Pisgah-Lugo transmission line.

The Reduced Acreage Alternative would consist of 11,000 SunCatchers with a

net generating capacity of approximately 275 MW (potentially up to 350 MW) 7
occupying approximately 2,600 acres of land. This alternative would retain 31%
of the proposed SunCatchers and would affect 41% of the land of the previously
proposed 850 MW project.

The Calico Solar Project as described in the SA/DEIS would require approximately 10 acres per
MW of power generated. Since publication of the SA/DEIS, the Calico Solar Project boundaries
have been revised and the project as currently proposed would require 7.3 acres per MW
generated. As such, the amount of energy generated by the Reduced Acreage Alternative could
be up to 350 MW.
Alternatives 6
The boundaries of the Reduced Acreage Alternative are shown in Alternatives
Figure 1. This area was designed to avoid sensitive cultural resources and areas
that were mapped as occupied tortoise habitat (live tortoise and/or active burrows
and sign). It also excludes all donated lands and lands acquired by BLM with
conservation funds. The boundaries of the Reduced Acreage Alternative do not
coincide with the Applicant’s Phase I project boundaries.

Similar to the proposed project, the Reduced Acreage Alternative would transmit
power to the grid through the SCE Pisgah Substation and would require
infrastructure including water storage tanks, a transmission line, road access, a
main services complex, and a substation (SES 2008a). However, as stated
above, the Reduced Acreage alternative would not require the 65-mile upgrade
to the SCE transmission line. SCE would complete system upgrades within
existing substation boundaries to accommodate the 275 MW, and the 220 kV
transmission line would be used. The main services complex, primary water well,
and substation and onsite transmission line for the Reduced Acreage Alternative
would remain at the location proposed for the proposed project.

The applicant believes this alternative is economically infeasible because it would

have higher unit costs for SunCatcher manufacturing and higher operations and
maintenance costs on a “per MW basis,” increasing by as much as 30 percent.
In addition, the applicant says that this smaller alternative would potentially put its
receipt of ARRA funds at risk. However, the applicant did not provided details
regarding its cost analysis for the Reduced Acreage Alternative. Absent more,
we cannot conclude that this alternative is in feasible for the reasons advanced
by the applicant. (Ex. 300, pp. B.2-13 – B.2-14.)

While the Reduced Acreage Alternative would reduce many of the impacts of the
proposed project, it would also reduce the project’s benefits of replacing fossil
fuel fired generation and reducing associated criteria pollutant and greenhouse
gas emissions.

Private Land Alternative

Multiple scoping comments requested that an alternative site be considered on
disturbed land, and specifically on the agriculture lands and brownfields in the
Daggett/Yermo area, thereby lessening the potential project impacts to the desert
environment. Commenters also noted that because the technology allows for
distributed units, a contiguous site may not be necessary.

7 Alternatives

Alternatives 8

9 Alternatives
Alternatives 10
11 Alternatives
The applicant considered two alternatives in the AFC that included the use of
some private land (Upper Johnson Valley – AS2, and I-40 South – AS4). These
sites were eliminated from further consideration by the applicant because they
lacked railroad access and major highway access and conflicted with other uses.

There are limited areas where undeveloped contiguous private land exists within
the California desert with the slope and solarity requirements defined by the
applicant. The RETI Phase 2A Draft Final Maps (9/01/09) identified private,
disturbed land appropriate for solar development east of Barstow, bounded by
I-15 on the north and I-40 on the south. The Mojave River passes through this
region, and its floodplain ranges from about 2,000 feet to one mile wide. The river
parallels I-15 on a northeasterly trend.

Alternatives Figure 2 shows this area of private land and Alternatives Figures
3A and 3B illustrate the alternative in more detail. This alternative is made up of
two separate and unconnected sections. The Private Land Alternative northern
section has a total of approximately 64 parcels (27 separate landowners) making
up approximately 4,000 acres. The Private Land Alternative southern section has
a total of approximately 45 parcels (22 separate landowners), also comprising
approximately 4,000 acres. Because each section is approximately 4,000 acres,
the alternative would require two phases, each approximately 425 MW. The
alternative is considered viable as an alternative site because the Calico Solar
project defines construction of separate groups of SunCatchers. However,
because the alternative would not be one contiguous parcel, additional major
equipment and substations would be required for at this site, increasing the cost
of the project.

The Private Land Alternative northern section would be located on private land
with a few BLM parcels included, south of and adjacent to Interstate 15 in the
community of Harvard, north of Newberry Springs. The Private Land Alternative
northern section has appropriate insolation and minimal slope. The elevation of
the site is approximately 1,800 feet above mean sea level. The site would be
accessed via Harvard Road, off Interstate 15 at the Harvard Road exit. The
California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) owns lands located just south
of the site boundary. Additionally, there are several existing structures and
residences on some of this private land, and removal of houses or other
structures may be required.

Alternatives 12
The Private Land Alternative southern section is located north of the National
Trails Highway and BNSF railroad. This land has appropriate insolation and
minimal slope and has been previously graded for agriculture use. Existing solar
thermal projects (SEGS I and II) are sited immediately south of the alternative
and the original U.S. DOE Solar Two project was located at this site; however, it
was decommissioned in November, 2009 and the site may potentially be
developed as a solar energy project. The elevation of the site is between sea
level and 20 feet below sea level. The site would be accessed via I-40 at the
Hidden Springs Road exit.

The Private Land Alternative would require acquisition of approximately 110

parcels, although the number of separate landowners is fewer. Due to the
number of parcels that would have to be acquired, this alternative would be
substantially more challenging for an applicant to obtain site control (in
comparison to BLM land). The applicant would have to negotiate separately with
multiple landowners. The Draft Phase 2a Report published by the Renewable
Energy Transmission Initiative (RETI) in early June 2009 identified private land
areas for solar development only if there were no more than 20 owners in a 2
square mile (1,280 acre) area.

The Mojave River is located in between the Private Land Alternative northern
section and the Private Land Alternative southern section. The river is dry most
of the year and flows only during the largest rain events. The land use character
of the immediate alternative site area is open space, agriculture, and rural
residential. Desert Wildlife Management Areas (DWMA) for protection of desert
tortoise are located north and south of the alternative.

Approximately five residences are located within the Private Land Alternative
northern section. Existing agriculture structures are located on the Private Land
Alternative southern section. The Private Land Alternative would also be located
adjacent to low density residential areas near Daggett and Newberry Springs.
The Private Land Alternative southern section would be located adjacent to an
area zoned as regional industrial.

SCE Coolwater-Dunn Siding 115 kV transmission line runs through the Private
Land Alternative northern and southern sections. The Private Land Alternative
sites would require either an upgrade of the SCE Coolwater-Dunn Siding 115 kV
transmission line or the construction of a new 10-mile 230 kV transmission line
that would follow the existing corridor southwest to the Coolwater Substation.
Both the Private Land Alternative sections would require substations; however,
one transmission line could be used for both sites.
13 Alternatives
The Private Lands Alternative would have impacts similar to those of the
proposed site in many disciplines. However, because this alternative would be on
disturbed agricultural lands, the alternative site is likely to have less severe
cultural, visual, and biological resources impacts but greater noise and land use
(agricultural lands) impacts than the proposed site. The Private Land Alternative
presents an additional challenge: its northern section is made up of
approximately 64 parcels with 27 separate landowners and the southern portion
is made up of 45 parcels with 22 separate landowners. Due to the number of
parcels that would have to be acquired, obtaining site control would be more
challenging than at the proposed site where BLM is the only land management
entity. In addition, detailed site engineering and transmission interconnection
would require additional time for this site to be developed; as a result this
alternative would not meet the project objective requiring that a decision to be
made in 2010. (Ex. 300, p B.2-19 – B.2-49.)

6. No Project Alternative

CEQA requires an evaluation of the “No Project” alternative “… to allow decision-

makers to compare the impacts of approving the proposed project with the
impacts of not approving the proposed project.” [14 Cal. Code Regs., §
15126.6(e)(1).] The “No Project” analysis assumes that baseline environmental
conditions would not change because the project would not be constructed, and
that the events or actions reasonably expected to occur in the foreseeable future
would occur if the project were not approved.

If the “no project” alternative were selected, the construction and operational
impacts of the CSP project would not occur. There would be no grading of the
site, no loss or disturbance of approximately 4,600 acres of desert habitat, and
no installation of extensive power generation and transmission equipment. The
“no project” alternative would also eliminate contributions to cumulative impacts
in the project viewshed. It is the environmentally preferred alternative.

In the absence of the CSP project, however, other power plants, both renewable
and nonrenewable, would have to be constructed to serve the demand for
electricity. If the “no project” alternative were chosen, other solar renewable
power plants may be built, and the impacts to the environment would likely be
similar to those of the proposed project because solar renewable technologies
require large amounts of land and similar slope and solarity requirements as the
proposed CSP project. The “no project” alternative may also lead to development
Alternatives 14
of other non-solar renewable technologies to help achieve the California
Renewable Portfolio Standard.

Additionally, if the “no project” alternative were chosen, it is likely that additional
gas-fired power plants would be built or that existing gas-fired plants could
operate longer. If the project were not built, California would not benefit from the
reduction in greenhouse gases that this facility would provide. SCE would not
receive the 663.5 MW contribution to its renewable state-mandated energy
portfolio. (Ex. 300, p. B.2-14.)

Eliminated alternatives of special note

Although eliminated from further consideration during the screening analysis, two
alternatives deserve additional discussion because they were specifically
advanced in testimony or comments as viable alternatives. They are distributed
solar generation and conservation and demand side management.

a. Distributed Solar Technology

Distributed solar generation is generally considered to use PV technology, but at

slightly larger scales, distributed solar can also be implemented using solar
thermal technologies.

Rooftop Solar Systems. A distributed solar photovoltaic (PV) alternative would

consist of PV panels that would absorb solar radiation and convert it directly to
electricity. The PV panels could be installed on residential, commercial, or
industrial building rooftops or in other disturbed areas. In order to be a viable
alternative to this project, there would have to be a sufficient number of panels to
provide 650 MW of capacity.

California currently has over 500 MW of distributed solar PV systems which

cover over 40 million square feet (CPUC 2009). During 2008, 158 MW of
distributed solar PV was installed in California, doubling the amount installed in
2007 (78 MW), and with 78 MW installed through May 2009, installation data
suggests that at least the same amount of MW could be installed in 2009 as in
2008 (CPUC 2009).

Distributed Solar Thermal Systems. Solar thermal technology, specifically

Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) technology, has also been adapted for use at
distributed locations. This technology uses small, flat mirrors which track the sun

15 Alternatives
and reflect the heat to tower-mounted receivers that boil water to create
superheated steam.

Installations of 850 MW distributed solar PV would require up to 255 million

square feet (approximately 5,700 acres). Distributed solar PV is assumed to be
located on already existing structures or disturbed areas so little to no new
ground disturbance would be required and there would be few associated
biological impacts. Minimal grading or new access roads would be required and
relatively minimal maintenance and washing of the solar panels would be
required. It is unlikely that the rooftop solar PV alternative would create erosion
impacts. Relatively large amounts of water would be required to wash the solar
panels, especially with larger commercial rooftop solar installations; however, the
commercial facilities would likely already be equipped with drainage systems.
Therefore, the wash water would not contribute to runoff or to erosion.

Because most PV panels are black to absorb sun, rather than mirrored to reflect
it, glare would not create visual impacts as with the power tower, Fresnel, and
trough technologies. Additionally, the distributed solar PV alternative would not
require the additional operational components, such as dry-cooling towers,
substations, transmission interconnection, maintenance and operation facilities
with corresponding visual impacts. Solar PV panels would be visible to passing
residents and may be viewed by a larger number of people.

The rate of PV manufacturing and installation is expected to continue to grow

very quickly. However, given that there are currently only about 500 MW of
distributed solar PV in California, the addition of an additional 850 MW to
eliminate the need for the Calico Solar Project cannot be guaranteed. This would
require an even more aggressive deployment of PV at more than double the
historic rate of solar PV than the California Solar Initiative program currently
employs. Challenges to an accelerated implementation of distributed solar PV
• RETI Consideration of Subsidies, Tariffs, Cost, and Manufacturing. The
RETI Discussion Draft Paper California’s Renewable Energy Goals –
Assessing the Need for Additional Transmission Facilities published with the
RETI Final Phase 2A Report (September 2009), addresses the likelihood of a
scenario of sufficient distributed solar PV to remove the need for utility scale
renewable development. This discussion paper identified the factors likely to
influence the pace of large scale deployment of distributed solar PV:
subsidies, feed-in tariffs, manufacturing and installation cost, and
manufacturing scale-up.

Alternatives 16
• Cost. The 2009 IEPR states that solar PV technology has shown dramatic
cost reductions since 2007, and is expected to show the most improvement of
all the technologies evaluated in the 2009 IEPR model, bringing its capital
cost within range of that of natural gas–fired combined cycle units. However, the
CPUC 33% Renewables Portfolio Standard Implementation Analysis
Preliminary Results considered a number of cases to achieve a 33% RPS
standard. The results of this study state that the cost of a high distributed
generation case is significantly higher than the other 33% RPS alternative
cases. The study explains that this is due to the heavy reliance on solar PV
resources which are more expensive than wind and central station solar.
• Tariffs. Additionally, the IEPR discusses the need to adjust feed-in tariffs to
keep downward pressure on costs. Feed-in tariffs should be developed based
on the size and type of renewable resources, given that the cost of generating
energy from a 100 MW wind farm is less than the cost of generating to ensure
a good mix of new renewable energy projects. According to the report,
differentiating feed-in tariffs by type and size can ensure a good mix of new
renewable energy projects and avoid paying too much for some technologies
and too little for others.
• Limited Installations. Examples of large scale distributed solar projects are
still limited. In the spring of 2008, SCE proposed 250 to 500 MW of rooftop
solar PV to be installed in 5 years. As of January 2010, SCE had installed
only 3 MW. As the 2009 IEPR points out, the potential for distributed
resources remains largely untapped and integrating large amounts of
distributed renewable generation on distribution systems throughout the State
presents challenges.
• Electric Distribution System. The State’s electric distribution systems are
not designed to easily accommodate large quantities of randomly installed
distributed generation resources at customer sites. Accomplishing this
objective efficiently and cost-effectively will require the development of a new
transparent distribution planning framework.

(Ex. 300, pp. B.2-66 to B.2-69.)

Conservation and Demand-Side Management. Conservation and demand-side

management consists of a variety of approaches to reduction of electricity use,
including energy efficiency and conservation, building and appliance standards,
and load management and fuel substitution. Energy efficiency helped flatten the
state’s per capita electricity use and saved consumers more than $56 billion
between 1978 and 2005. However, with population growth, increasing demand
for energy, and the need to reduce greenhouse gases, there is a greater need for
energy efficiency.

17 Alternatives
Conservation and demand-side management is important for California’s energy
future and cost effective energy efficiency is considered as the resource of first
choice for meeting California’s energy needs. However, with population growth
and increasing demand for energy, conservation and demand-management
alone is not sufficient to address all of California’s energy needs. Additionally, it
will not provide the renewable energy required to meet the California Renewable
Portfolio Standard requirements. (Ex. 300, p. B.2-84.)


Based upon the evidence, we find and conclude as follows:

1. The record contains an acceptable analysis of a reasonable range of site

location and generation alternatives to the project as proposed.
2. The Reduced Acreage Alternative would reduce many of the impacts of the
proposed project, but in doing so itt would also reduce the project’s benefits
of replacing fossil fuel fired generation and reducing associated criteria
pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions.
3. The Private Lands alternative, while reducing the biological, cultural, and
visual impacts of the proposed project, would have greater land use and
noise impacts and be difficult to implement in the time desired due to the
need to assemble upwards of 100 separate parcels with nearly 50 separate
4. The No Project alternative is the environmentally superior alternative. It fails,
however, to achieve the project objectives.
5. None of the site location or other alternatives to the project offer a superior
alternative in terms of feasibly meeting project objectives and reducing its
significant environmental impacts.


1. The record contains a sufficient analysis of Alternatives and complies with

the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, the Warren-
Alquist Act, and their respective regulations.

No Conditions of Certification are required for this topic.

Alternatives 18

Public Resources Code section 25532 requires the Commission to establish a post-
certification monitoring system. The purpose of this requirement is to assure that
certified facilities are constructed and operated in compliance with applicable laws,
ordinances, regulations, standards, as well as the specific Conditions of Certification
adopted as part of this Decision.


The record contains a full explanation of the purposes and intent of the Compliance
Plan (Plan). The Plan is the administrative mechanism used to ensure that the Calico
Solar Project is constructed and operated according to the Conditions of Certification. It
essentially describes the respective duties and expectations of the Project Owner and
the Staff Compliance Project Manager (CPM) in implementing the design, construction,
and operation criteria set forth in this Decision.

Compliance with the Conditions of Certification contained in this Decision is verified

through mechanisms such as periodic reports and site visits. The Plan also contains
requirements governing the planned closure, as well as the unexpected temporary and
unexpected permanent closure, of the Project. The Compliance Plan will be integrated
with a U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Compliance Monitoring Plan (hereafter
referred to as the Compliance Plan) to assure compliance with the terms and conditions
of any approved Right-of-Way (ROW) grant including the approved Plan of
Development (POD)

The Compliance Plan is composed of two broad elements. The first element
establishes the "General Conditions," which:
• set forth the duties and responsibilities of the Compliance Project Manager
(CPM), the project owner, delegate agencies, and others;
• set forth the requirements for handling confidential records and maintaining the
compliance record;
• set forth procedures for settling disputes and making post-certification changes;

• set forth the requirements for periodic compliance reports and other
administrative procedures necessary to verify the compliance status of all
Commission imposed Conditions; and

• set forth requirements for facility closure.

1 Compliance
The second general element of the Plan contains the specific “Conditions of
Certification.” These are found following the summary and discussion of each individual
topic area in this Decision. The individual Conditions contain the measures required to
mitigate potentially adverse Project impacts associated with construction, operation, and
closure to levels of insignificance. Each Condition also includes a verification provision
describing the method of assuring that the Condition has been satisfied.

The contents of the Compliance Plan are intended to be implemented in conjunction

with any additional requirements contained in the individual Conditions of Certification.


The record establishes:

1. Requirements contained in the Compliance Plan and in the specific Conditions of

Certification are intended to be implemented in conjunction with one another.

2. We adopt the following Compliance Plan as part of this Decision.


1. The compliance and monitoring provisions incorporated as a part of this Decision

satisfy the requirements of Public Resources Code section 25532.

2. The Compliance Plan and the specific Conditions of Certification contained in this
Decision assure that the Calico Solar Project will be designed, constructed,
operated, and closed in conformity with applicable law.

3. Conditions of Certification referred to herein serve the purpose of both the

Energy Commission’s Conditions of Certification for purposes of the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and BLM’s Mitigation Measures for purposes
of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

Compliance 2

The following terms and definitions are used to establish when Conditions of
Certification are implemented.


The BLM Authorized Officer for the Project is the BLM Needles Field Manager or his
designated Compliance Inspector that is responsible for oversight and inspection of all
construction and operational related activities on public land.


Site mobilization is limited preconstruction activities at the site to allow for the
installation of fencing, construction trailers, construction trailer utilities, and construction
trailer parking at the site. Limited ground disturbance, grading, and trenching associated
with the above mentioned pre-construction activities is considered part of site
mobilization. Walking, driving or parking a passenger vehicle, pickup truck and light
vehicles is allowable during site mobilization.

Onsite work to install permanent equipment or structures for any facility.

Ground Disturbance
Construction-related ground disturbance refers to activities that result in the removal of
top soil or vegetation at the site beyond site mobilization needs, and for access roads
and linear facilities.

Grading, Boring, and Trenching

Construction-related grading, boring, and trenching refers to activities that result in
subsurface soil work at the site and for access roads and linear facilities, e.g., alteration
of the topographical features such as leveling, removal of hills or high spots, moving of
soil from one area to another, and removal of soil.

Notwithstanding the definitions of ground disturbance, grading, boring and trenching

above, construction does not include the following:
1. the installation of environmental monitoring equipment;
2. a soil or geological investigation;
3. a topographical survey;
4. any other study or investigation to determine the environmental acceptability or
feasibility of the use of the site for any particular facility; and
5. any work to provide access to the site for any of the purposes specified in
“Construction” 1, 2, 3, or 4 above.

3 Compliance
For compliance monitoring purposes, “commercial operation” begins after the
completion of start-up and commissioning, when each of the power plants has reached
reliable steady-state production of electricity at the rated capacity. At the start of
commercial operation, plant control is usually transferred from the construction manager
to the plant operations manager.


BLM’s Authorized Officer (AO) and the Compliance Project Manager (CPM) shall
oversee the compliance monitoring and is responsible for:
1. Ensuring that the design, construction, operation, and closure of the project facilities
are in compliance with the terms and conditions of BLM’s ROW Grant and the
Energy Commission Decision
2. Resolving complaints
3. Processing post-certification changes to the conditions of certification, project
description (petition to amend), and ownership or operational control (petition for
change of ownership) (See instructions for filing petitions)
4. Documenting and tracking compliance filings
5. Ensuring that compliance files are maintained and accessible

BLM’s AO is the contact person for BLM and will consult with appropriate responsible
agencies, Energy Commission, and Energy Commission staff when handling disputes,
complaints, and amendments. The CPM is the contact person for the Energy
Commission and will consult with appropriate responsible agencies, BLM, Energy
Commission, and Energy Commission staff when handling disputes, complaints, and

All project compliance submittals are submitted to BLM’s AO and the CPM for
processing. Where a submittal required by a condition of certification requires BLM’s AO
and/or CPM approval, the approval will involve all appropriate BLM personnel, Energy
Commission staff and management. All submittals must include searchable electronic
versions (pdf or word files).


The Chief Building Official (CBO) shall serve as BLM's and the Energy Commission's
delegate to assure the project is designed and constructed in accordance with BLM's
Right-of-Way Grant, the Energy Commission's Decision including Conditions of
Certification, California Building Standards Code, local building codes and applicable
laws, ordinances, regulations and standards to ensure health and safety. The CBO is
typically made-up of a team of specialists covering civil, structural, mechanical and
electrical disciplines whose duties include the following:

Compliance 4
1. Performing design review and plan checks of all drawings, specifications and
2. Conducting construction inspection;
3. Functioning as BLM's and the Energy Commission's delegate including reporting
noncompliance issues or violations to the BLM Authorized Officer for action and
taking any action allowed under the California Code of Regulations, including issuing
a Stop Work Order, to ensure compliance;
4. Exercising access as needed to all project owner construction records, construction
and inspection procedures, test equipment and test results; and
5. Providing weekly reports on the status of construction to BLM's Authorized Officer
and the CPM.


BLM’s AO and the CPM shall schedule pre-construction and pre-operation compliance
meetings prior to the projected start-dates of construction, plant operation, or both. The
purpose of these meetings is to assemble BLM’s, the Energy Commission’s and project
owner’s technical staff and construction contractor to review the status of all pre-
construction or pre-operation requirements, contained in BLM’s and the Energy
Commission’s conditions of certification. This is to confirm that all applicable conditions
of certification have been met, or if they have not been met, to ensure that the proper
action is taken. In addition, these meetings ensure, to the extent possible, that BLM and
Energy Commission conditions will not delay the construction and operation of the plant
due to oversight and to preclude any last minute, unforeseen issues from arising. Pre-
construction meetings held during the certification process must be publicly noticed
unless they are confined to administrative issues and processes.


BLM and the Energy Commission shall maintain the following documents and
information as a public record, in either the Energy Commission’s Compliance file or
Dockets file, for the life of the project (or other period as required):
• All documents demonstrating compliance with any legal requirements relating to the
construction and operation of the facility;
• All monthly and annual compliance reports filed by the project owner;
• All complaints of noncompliance filed with BLM and the Energy Commission; and
• All petitions/requests for project or condition of certification changes and the
resulting BLM, Energy Commission staff or Energy Commission action.


The project owner is responsible for ensuring that the compliance conditions of
certification and all other conditions of certification that appear in BLM’s ROW Grant and
the Energy Commission Decision are satisfied. The compliance conditions regarding
post-certification changes specify measures that the project owner must take when
requesting changes in the project design, conditions of certification, or ownership.
5 Compliance
Failure to comply with any of the conditions of certification or the compliance conditions
may result in reopening of the case and revocation of the Energy Commission
certification; an administrative fine; or other action as appropriate. A summary of the
Compliance Conditions of Certification is included as Compliance Table 1 at the
conclusion of this section. The BLM ROW grant holder will comply with the terms,
conditions, and special stipulations of the ROW grant. Failure to comply with applicable
laws or regulations or any of the terms and conditions of a BLM ROW grant may result
in the suspension or termination of the ROW grant (43 CFR 2807.17). Prior to
suspending or terminating a ROW grant, BLM will provide written notice to the holder
stating it intends to suspend or terminate and will provide reasonable opportunity to
correct any noncompliance.



BLM’s AO, responsible BLM staff, the CPM, responsible Energy Commission staff, and
delegated agencies or consultants shall be guaranteed and granted unrestricted access
to the power plant site, related facilities, project-related staff, and the records
maintained on-site, for the purpose of conducting audits, surveys, inspections, or
general site visits. Although BLM’s AO and the CPM will normally schedule site visits on
dates and times agreeable to the project owner, BLM’s AO and the CPM reserve the
right to make unannounced visits at any time.


The project owner shall maintain project files on-site or at an alternative site approved
by BLM’s AO and the CPM for the life of the project, unless a lesser period of time is
specified by the conditions of certification. The files shall contain copies of all “as-built”
drawings, documents submitted as verification for conditions, and other project-related
documents. As-built drawings of all facilities including linear facilities shall be provided
to the BLM AO for inclusion in the BLM administrative record within 90-days of
completion of that portion of the facility or project.

BLM and Energy Commission staff and delegate agencies shall, upon request to the
project owner, be given unrestricted access to the files maintained pursuant to this


Each condition of certification is followed by a means of verification. The verification
describes the Energy Commission’s procedure(s) to ensure post-certification
compliance with adopted conditions. The verification procedures, unlike the conditions,
may be modified as necessary by BLM’s AO and the CPM.

Verification of compliance with the conditions of certification can be accomplished by

the following:

Compliance 6
1. Monthly and/or annual compliance reports, filed by the project owner or authorized
agent, reporting on work done and providing pertinent documentation, as required by
the specific conditions of certification;
2. Appropriate letters from delegate agencies verifying compliance;
3. BLM and Energy Commission staff audits of project records; and/or
4. BLM and Energy Commission staff inspections of work, or other evidence that the
requirements are satisfied.

Verification lead times associated with start of construction may require the project
owner to file submittals during the certification process, particularly if construction is
planned to commence shortly after certification.

A cover letter from the project owner or authorized agent is required for all compliance
submittals and correspondence pertaining to compliance matters. The cover letter
subject line shall identify the project by AFC number, the appropriate condition(s) of
certification by condition number(s), and a brief description of the subject of the
submittal. The project owner shall also identify those submittals not required by a
condition of certification with a statement such as: “This submittal is for information only
and is not required by a specific condition of certification.” When submitting
supplementary or corrected information, the project owner shall reference the date of
the previous submittal and BLM/CEC submittal number.

The project owner is responsible for the delivery and content of all verification submittals
to the BLM’s AO and CPM, whether such condition was satisfied by work performed by
the project owner or an agent of the project owner.

All hardcopy submittals shall be addressed to each of the following:

BLM’s Authorized Officer Mary Dyas

(CACA-049537 and CACA-049539) (08-AFC-13C)
U.S. Bureau of Land Management California Energy Commission
2601 Barstow Road 1516 Ninth Street, MS-2000
Barstow, CA 92311 Sacramento, CA 95814

Those submittals shall be accompanied by a searchable electronic copy, on a CD or by

e-mail, as agreed upon by BLM’s AO and the CPM.

If the project owner desires BLM and/or Energy Commission staff action by a specific
date, that request shall be made in the submittal cover letter and shall include a detailed
explanation of the effects on the project if that date is not met.


Prior to commencing construction, a compliance matrix addressing only those
conditions that must be fulfilled before the start of construction shall be submitted by the
project owner to BLM’s AO and the CPM. This matrix will be included with the project
7 Compliance
owner’s first compliance submittal or prior to the first pre-construction meeting,
whichever comes first. It will be submitted in the same format as the compliance matrix
described below. In order to begin any on-site mobilization or surface disturbing
activities on public land, the BLM AO must approve a written Notice to Proceed (NTP).
NTPs will be phased as appropriate to facilitate timely implementation of construction.

Construction shall not commence until the pre-construction matrix is submitted, all pre-
construction conditions have been complied with, and BLM’s AO and the CPM has
issued a letter and BLM has issues a NTP to the project owner authorizing construction.
Various lead times for submittal of compliance verification documents to BLM’s AO and
the CPM for conditions of certification are established to allow sufficient BLM and
Energy Commission staff time to review and comment and, if necessary, allow the
project owner to revise the submittal in a timely manner. This will ensure that project
construction may proceed according to schedule.

Failure to submit compliance documents within the specified lead-time may result in
delays in authorization to commence various stages of project development.

If the project owner anticipates commencing project construction as soon as the project
is certified, it may be necessary for the project owner to file compliance submittals prior
to project certification. Compliance submittals should be completed in advance where
the necessary lead time for a required compliance event extends beyond the date
anticipated for start of construction. The project owner must understand that the
submittal of compliance documents prior to project certification is at the owner’s own
risk. Any approval by Energy Commission staff is subject to change, based upon BLM’s
ROW Grant and the Energy Commission Decision.

Compliance Reporting
There are two different compliance reports that the project owner must submit to assist
BLM’s AO and the CPM in tracking activities and monitoring compliance with the terms
and conditions of BLM’s ROW Grant and the Energy Commission Decision. During
construction, the project owner or authorized agent will submit Monthly Compliance
Reports. During operation, an Annual Compliance Report must be submitted. These
reports, and the requirement for an accompanying compliance matrix, are described
below. The majority of the conditions of certification require that compliance submittals
be submitted to BLM’s AO and the CPM in the monthly or annual compliance reports.


Prior to site disturbance and each increment of construction, the project owner shall
post a surety bond adequate to cover the cost of decommissioning and restoration,
including the removal of the project features that have been constructed for that that
portion of the site and restoring the native topography and vegetation. An “increment of
construction” shall mean a significant feature of construction, such as site grading, a
building, a fluid storage tank, a water treatment facility, a hydrogen production facility, a
switchyard, or a group of solar collectors connected to an electrical transformer
(including that transformer). This Surety bond will apply to all site disturbance features.

Compliance 8
The project owner shall provide the surety bond to the BLM AO for approval and to the
CPM for review with written evidence indicating that the surety bond is adequate to
cover the cost of decommissioning and removing the project features constructed,
allowing for site restoration. The written evidence shall include a valid estimate showing
that the amount of the bond is adequate to accomplish such work. The timing for the
submittal of the surety bond and approval of this document shall be coordinated with the
BLM AO and CPM. Over the life of the project, the surety bond will be updated as
necessary to account for any changes to the project description and/or
decommissioning costs.


A compliance matrix shall be submitted by the project owner to BLM’s AO and the CPM
along with each monthly and annual compliance report. The compliance matrix is
intended to provide BLM’s AO and the CPM with the current status of all conditions of
certification in a spreadsheet format. The compliance matrix must identify:
1. the technical area;
2. the condition number;
3. a brief description of the verification action or submittal required by the condition;
4. the date the submittal is required (e.g., 60 days prior to construction, after final
inspection, etc.);
5. the expected or actual submittal date;
6. the date a submittal or action was approved by the Chief Building Official (CBO),
BLM’s AO, CPM, or delegate agency, if applicable; and
7. the compliance status of each condition, e.g., “not started,” “in progress” or
“completed” (include the date).
8. if the condition was amended, the date of the amendment.

Satisfied conditions shall be placed at the end of the matrix.


The first Monthly Compliance Report is due one month following the Energy
Commission business meeting date upon which the project was approved, unless
otherwise agreed to by BLM’s AO and the CPM. The first Monthly Compliance Report
shall include the AFC number and an initial list of dates for each of the events identified
on the Key Events List. The Key Events List Form is found at the end of this section.

During pre-construction and construction of each power plant, the project owner or
authorized agent shall submit an original and an electronic searchable version of the
Monthly Compliance Report within 10 working days after the end of each reporting
month. Monthly Compliance Reports shall be clearly identified for the month being
reported. The reports shall contain, at a minimum:
1. A summary of the current project construction status, a revised/updated schedule if
there are significant delays, and an explanation of any significant changes to the
9 Compliance
2. Documents required by specific conditions to be submitted along with the Monthly
Compliance Report. Each of these items must be identified in the transmittal letter,
as well as the conditions they satisfy and submitted as attachments to the Monthly
Compliance Report;
3. An initial, and thereafter updated, compliance matrix showing the status of all
conditions of certification (fully satisfied conditions do not need to be included in the
matrix after they have been reported as completed);
4. A list of conditions that have been satisfied during the reporting period, and a
description or reference to the actions that satisfied the condition;
5. A list of any submittal deadlines that were missed, accompanied by an explanation
and an estimate of when the information will be provided;
6. A cumulative listing of any approved changes to conditions of certification;
7. A listing of any filings submitted to, or permits issued by, other governmental
agencies during the month;
8. A projection of project compliance activities scheduled during the next two months.
The project owner shall notify BLM’s AO and the CPM as soon as any changes are
made to the project construction schedule that would affect compliance with
conditions of certification;
9. A listing of the month’s additions to the on-site compliance file; and
10. A listing of complaints, notices of violation, official warnings, and citations received
during the month, a description of the resolution of the resolved actions, and the
status of any unresolved actions.

All sections, exhibits, or addendums shall be separated by tabbed dividers or as

acceptable by BLM’s AO and the CPM.


After construction of each power plant is complete or when a power plant goes into
commercial operations, the project owner shall submit Annual Compliance Reports
instead of Monthly Compliance Reports. The reports are for each year of commercial
operation and are due to BLM’s AO and the CPM each year at a date agreed to by
BLM’s AO and the CPM. Annual Compliance Reports shall be submitted over the life of
the project unless otherwise specified by BLM’s AO and the CPM. Each Annual
Compliance Report shall include the AFC number, identify the reporting period and shall
contain the following:
1. An updated compliance matrix showing the status of all conditions of certification
(fully satisfied conditions do not need to be included in the matrix after they have
been reported as completed);
2. A summary of the current project operating status and an explanation of any
significant changes to facility operations during the year;
3. Documents required by specific conditions to be submitted along with the Annual
Compliance Report. Each of these items must be identified in the transmittal letter,

Compliance 10
with the condition it satisfies, and submitted as attachments to the Annual
Compliance Report;
4. A cumulative listing of all post-certification changes by the Energy Commission or
changes to the BLM ROW grant or approved POD by BLM , or cleared by BLM’s AO
and the CPM;
5. An explanation for any submittal deadlines that were missed, accompanied by an
estimate of when the information will be provided;
6. A listing of filings submitted to, or permits issued by, other governmental agencies
during the year;
7. A projection of project compliance activities scheduled during the next year;
8. A listing of the year’s additions to the on-site compliance file;
9. An evaluation of the on-site contingency plan for unplanned facility closure, including
any suggestions necessary for bringing the plan up to date [see Compliance
Conditions for Facility Closure addressed later in this section]; and
10. A listing of complaints, notices of violation, official warnings, and citations received
during the year, a description of the resolution of any resolved matters, and the
status of any unresolved matters.


Any information that the project owner deems confidential shall be submitted to the
Energy Commission’s Executive Director with an application for confidentiality pursuant
to Title 20, California Code of Regulations, section 2505(a). Any information that is
determined to be confidential shall be kept confidential as provided for in Title 20,
California Code of Regulations, section 2501 et. seq.

Any information the ROW holder deems confidential shall be submitted to the BLM AO
with a written request for said confidentiality along with a justification for the request. All
confidential submissions to BLM should be clearly stamped “proprietary information” by
the holder when submitted.


Pursuant to the provisions of Section 25806(b) of the Public Resources Code, the
project owner is required to pay an annual compliance fee, which is adjusted annually.
Current Compliance fee information is available on the Energy Commission’s website You may also contact the CPM for the
current fee information. The initial payment is due on the date the Energy Commission
adopts the final decision. All subsequent payments are due by July 1 of each year in
which the facility retains its certification. The payment instrument shall be made payable
to the California Energy Commission and mailed to: Accounting Office MS-02, California
Energy Commission, 1516 9th St., Sacramento, CA 95814.


Prior to the start of construction, the project owner must send a letter to property owners
living within one mile of the project notifying them of a telephone number to contact

11 Compliance
project representatives with questions, complaints or concerns. If the telephone is not
staffed 24 hours per day, it shall include automatic answering with date and time stamp
recording. All recorded complaints shall be responded to within 24 hours. The telephone
number shall be posted at the project site and made easily visible to passersby during
construction and operation. The telephone number shall be provided to BLM’s AO and
the CPM who will post it on the Energy Commission’s web page at:

Any changes to the telephone number shall be submitted immediately to BLM’s AO and
the CPM, who will update the web page.

In addition to the monthly and annual compliance reporting requirements described

above, the project owner shall report and provide copies to BLM’s AO and the CPM of
all complaint forms, including noise and lighting complaints, notices of violation, notices
of fines, official warnings, and citations, within 10 days of receipt. Complaints shall be
logged and numbered. Noise complaints shall be recorded on the form provided in the
NOISE conditions of certification. All other complaints shall be recorded on the
complaint form (Attachment A).

At some point in the future, the project will cease operation and close down. At that
time, it will be necessary to implement the Closure, Revegetation and Restoration Plan
to ensure that the closure occurs in such a way that public health and safety and the
environment are protected from adverse impacts. Although the project setting for this
project does not appear, at this time, to present any special or unusual closure
problems, it is impossible to foresee what the situation will be in 30 years or more when
the project ceases operation. Therefore, provisions must be made that provide the
flexibility to deal with the specific situation and project setting that exist at the time of
closure. Laws, Ordinances, Regulations and Standards (LORS) pertaining to facility
closure are identified in the sections dealing with each technical area. Facility closure
will be consistent with LORS in effect at the time of closure. Closure would be
conducted in accordance with Condition of Certification BIO-14 that requires the project
owner to develop and implement a Closure, Revegetation and Rehabilitation Plan.

There are at least three circumstances in which a facility closure can take place:
planned closure, unplanned temporary closure and unplanned permanent closure.


Planned Closure
A planned closure occurs when the facility is closed in an anticipated, orderly manner,
at the end of its useful economic or mechanical life, or due to gradual obsolescence.

Unplanned Temporary Closure

An unplanned temporary closure occurs when the facility is closed suddenly and/or
unexpectedly, on a short-term basis, due to unforeseen circumstances such as a
Compliance 12
natural disaster or an emergency. Short-term is defined as cessation of construction
activities or operations of a power plant for a period less than 6-months long. Cessation
of construction of operations for a period longer than 6 months in considered a
permanent closure.

Unplanned Permanent Closure

An unplanned permanent closure occurs if the project owner closes the facility suddenly
and/or unexpectedly, on a permanent basis. This includes unplanned closure where the
owner implements the on-site contingency plan. It can also include unplanned closure
where the project owner fails to implement the contingency plan, and the project is
essentially abandoned.



In order to ensure that a planned facility closure does not create adverse impacts, a
closure process that provides for careful consideration of available options and
applicable laws, ordinances, regulations, standards, and local/regional plans in
existence at the time of closure, will be undertaken. To ensure adequate review of a
planned project closure, the project owner shall submit a revision or update to the
approved Closure, Revegetation and Rehabilitation Plan to BLM and the Energy
Commission for review and approval at least 12 months (or other period of time agreed
to by BLM’s AO and the CPM) prior to commencement of closure activities. The project
owner shall file 50 copies and 50 CDs with the Energy Commission and 10 copies and
10 CDs with BLM (or other number of copies agreed upon by BLM’s AO and the CPM)
of a proposed facility closure plan/Closure, Revegetation and Rehabilitation Plan.

The plan shall:

1. identify and discuss any impacts and mitigation to address significant adverse
impacts associated with proposed closure activities and to address facilities,
equipment, or other project related materials that must be removed from the site;
2. identify a schedule of activities for closure of the power plant site, transmission line
corridor, and all other appurtenant facilities constructed as part of the project;
3. address conformance of the plan with all applicable laws, ordinances, regulations,
standards, and local/regional plans in existence at the time of facility closure, and
applicable conditions of certification; and.
4. Address any changes to the site revegetation, rehabilitation, monitoring and long-
term maintenance specified in the existing plan that are needed for site revegetation
and rehabilitation to be successful.

Prior to submittal of an amended or revised Closure, Revegetation and Restoration

Plan, a meeting shall be held between the project owner, BLM’s AO and the Energy
Commission CPM for the purpose of discussing the specific contents of the plan.

In the event that there are significant issues associated with the proposed facility
Closure, Revegetation and Restoration plan’s approval, or the desires of local officials
13 Compliance
or interested parties are inconsistent with the plan, BLM’s AO the CPM shall hold one or
more workshops and/or BLM and the Energy Commission may hold public hearings as
part of its approval procedure.

As necessary, prior to or during the closure plan process, the project owner shall take
appropriate steps to eliminate any immediate threats to public health and safety and the
environment, but shall not commence any other closure activities until BLM and the
Energy Commission approves the facility Closure, Revegetation and Restoration plan.


In order to ensure that public health and safety and the environment are protected in the
event of an unplanned temporary facility closure, it is essential to have an On-Site
Contingency Plan in place. The On-Site Contingency Plan will help to ensure that all
necessary steps to mitigate public health and safety impacts and environmental impacts
are taken in a timely manner.

The project owner shall submit an On-Site Contingency Plan for BLM’s AO and CPM
review and approval. The plan shall be submitted no less than 60 days (or other time
agreed to by BLM’s AO and the CPM) after approval of any NTP or letter granting
approval to commence construction for each phase of construction. A copy of the
approved plan must be in place during commercial operation of the facility and shall be
kept at the site at all times.

The project owner, in consultation with BLM’s AO and the CPM, will update the On-Site
Contingency Plan as necessary. BLM’s AO and the CPM may require revisions to the
On-Site Contingency Plan over the life of the project. In the annual compliance reports
submitted to the Energy Commission, the project owner will review the On-Site
Contingency Plan, and recommend changes to bring the plan up to date. Any changes
to the plan must be approved by BLM’s AO and the CPM.

The On-Site Contingency Plan shall provide for taking immediate steps to secure the
facility from trespassing or encroachment. In addition, for closures of more than 90
days, unless other arrangements are agreed to by BLM’s AO and the CPM, the plan
shall provide for removal of hazardous materials and hazardous wastes, draining of all
chemicals from storage tanks and other equipment, and the safe shutdown of all
equipment. (Also see specific conditions of certification for the technical areas of
Hazardous Materials Management and Waste Management.)

In addition, consistent with requirements under unplanned permanent closure

addressed below, the nature and extent of insurance coverage, and major equipment
warranties must also be included in the On-Site Contingency Plan. In addition, the
status of the insurance coverage and major equipment warranties must be updated in
the annual compliance reports.

In the event of an unplanned temporary closure, the project owner shall notify BLM’s AO
and the CPM, as well as other responsible agencies, by telephone, fax, or e-mail, within
24 hours and shall take all necessary steps to implement the On-Site Contingency Plan.

Compliance 14
The project owner shall keep BLM’s AO and the CPM informed of the circumstances
and expected duration of the closure.

If BLM’s AO and the CPM determine that an unplanned temporary closure is likely to be
permanent, or for a duration of more than 6 months, a Closure Plan consistent with the
requirements for a planned closure shall be developed and submitted to BLM’s AO and
the CPM within 90 days of BLM’s AO and the CPM’s determination (or other period of
time agreed to by BLM’s AO and the CPM).


The On-Site Contingency Plan required for unplanned temporary closure shall also
cover unplanned permanent facility closure. All of the requirements specified for
unplanned temporary closure shall also apply to unplanned permanent closure.

In addition, the On-Site Contingency Plan shall address how the project owner will
ensure that all required closure steps will be successfully undertaken in the event of

In the event of an unplanned permanent closure, the project owner shall notify BLM’s
AO and the CPM, as well as other responsible agencies, by telephone, fax, or e-mail,
within 24 hours and shall take all necessary steps to implement the On-Site
Contingency Plan. The project owner shall keep BLM’s AO and the CPM informed of
the status of all closure activities.

To ensure that public health and safety and the environment are protected in the event
of an unplanned permanent closure, the project owner shall submit an On-Site
Contingency Plan no less than 60 days after a NTP is issued for each phase of


The project owner must petition the Energy Commission pursuant to Title 20, California
Code of Regulations, section 1769, in order to modify the project (including linear
facilities) design, operation or performance requirements, and to transfer ownership or
operational control of the facility. The BLM ROW holder must file a written request in the
form of an application to the BLM AO in order to change the terms and conditions of
their ROW grant or POD. Written requests will be in a manner prescribed by the

It is the responsibility of the project owner to contact BLM’s AO and the CPM to
determine if a proposed project change should be considered a project modification
pursuant to section 1769. Implementation of a project modification without first securing
BLM and either Energy Commission or Energy Commission staff approval, may result in
enforcement action that could result in civil penalties in accordance with section 25534
of the Public Resources Code.
15 Compliance
A petition is required for amendments and for staff approved project modifications as
specified below. Both shall be filed as a “Petition to Amend.” Staff will determine if the
change is significant or insignificant. For verification changes, a letter from the project
owner is sufficient. In all cases, the petition or letter requesting a change should be
submitted to BLM’s AO and the CPM, who will file it with the Energy Commission’s
Dockets Unit in accordance with Title 20, California Code of Regulations, section 1209.

The criteria that determine which type of approval and the process that applies are
explained below. They reflect the provisions of Section 1769 at the time this condition
was drafted. If the Commission’s rules regarding amendments are amended, the rules
in effect at the time an amendment is requested shall apply.

The project owner shall petition the Energy Commission, pursuant to Title 20, California
Code of Regulations, Section 1769(a), when proposing modifications to the project
(including linear facilities) design, operation, or performance requirements. If a proposed
modification results in deletion or change of a condition of certification, or makes
changes that would cause the project not to comply with any applicable laws,
ordinances, regulations or standards, the petition will be processed as a formal
amendment to the Energy Commission’s final decision, which requires public notice and
review of the BLM-Energy Commission staff analysis, and approval by the full Energy
Commission. The petition shall be in the form of a legal brief and fulfill the requirements
of Section 1769(a). Upon request, the CPM will provide you with a sample petition to
use as a template.

The ROW holder shall file an application to amend the BLM ROW grant for any
substantial deviation or change in use. The requirements to amend a ROW grant are
the same as when filing a new application including paying processing and monitoring
fees and rent.

Staff Approved Project Modification

Modifications that do not result in deletions or changes to conditions of certification, and
that are compliant with laws, ordinances, regulations and standards may be authorized
by BLM’s AO and the CPM as a staff approved project modification (SAPM) pursuant to
section 1769(a) (2). Once staff files an intention to approve the proposed project
modifications, any person may file an objection to staff’s determination within 14 days of
service on the grounds that the modification does not meet the criteria of section 1769
(a)(2). If a person objects to staff’s determination, the petition must be processed as a
formal amendment to the decision and must be approved by the full commission at a
noticed business meeting or hearing. BLM and the Energy Commission intend to
integrate a process to jointly approve SAPMs to avoid duplication of approval processes
and ensure appropriate documentation for the public record.

Change of Ownership
Change of ownership or operational control also requires that the project owner file a
petition pursuant to section 1769(b). This process requires public notice and approval
by the full Commission and BLM. The petition shall be in the form of a legal brief and

Compliance 16
fulfill the requirements of Section 1769(b). Upon request, the CPM will provide you with
a sample petition to use as a template. The transfer of ownership of a BLM ROW grant
must be through the filing of an application for assignment of the grant.

Verification Change
A verification may be modified by BLM’s AO and the CPM without requesting an
amendment to the ROW Grant or Energy Commission decision if the change does not
conflict with the conditions of certification and provides an effective alternate means of


In performing construction and operation monitoring of the project, BLM and Energy
Commission staff act as, and have the authority of, the Chief Building Official (CBO).
BLM and Energy Commission staff may delegate CBO responsibility to either an
independent third party contractor or the local building official. BLM and the Energy
Commission intend to avoid duplication by integrating the responsibilities of the CBO
with those of a BLM compliance inspector and will work jointly in the selection of a CBO.
BLM and Energy Commission staff retain CBO authority when selecting a delegate
CBO, including enforcing and interpreting federal, state and local codes, and use of
discretion, as necessary, in implementing the various codes and standards.

BLM and Energy Commission staff may also seek the cooperation of state, regional and
local agencies that have an interest in environmental protection when conducting
project monitoring.

BLM’s legal authority to enforce the terms and conditions of its ROW Grant is specified
in 43 CFR 2807.16 to 2807.19. BLM may issue an immediate temporary suspension of
activities it they determine a holder has violated one or more of the terms, conditions, or
stipulation of the grant. BLM may also suspend or terminate a ROW grant if a holder
does not comply with applicable laws and regulation or any terns, conditions, or special
stipulations contained in the grant. Prior to suspending or terminating a ROW grant,
BLM will provide written notice to the holder stating it intends to suspend or terminate
and will provide reasonable opportunity to correct any noncompliance.

The Energy Commission’s legal authority to enforce the terms and conditions of its
Decision is specified in Public Resources Code sections 25534 and 25900. The Energy
Commission may amend or revoke the certification for any facility, and may impose a
civil penalty for any significant failure to comply with the terms or conditions of the
Energy Commission Decision. The specific action and amount of any fines the Energy
Commission may impose would take into account the specific circumstances of the
incident(s). This would include such factors as the previous compliance history, whether
the cause of the incident involves willful disregard of LORS, oversight, unforeseeable
events, and other factors the Energy Commission may consider.

17 Compliance
Any person or agency may file a complaint alleging noncompliance with the conditions
of certification. Such a complaint will be subject to review by the Energy Commission
pursuant to Title 20, California Code of Regulations, section 1237, but in many
instances the noncompliance can be resolved by using the informal dispute resolution
process. Both the informal and formal complaint procedure, as described in current
State law and regulations, are described below. They shall be followed unless
superseded by future law or regulations.

The Energy Commission has established a toll free compliance telephone number of
1-800-858-0784 for the public to contact the Energy Commission about power plant
construction or operation-related questions, complaints or concerns.

Informal Dispute Resolution Process

The following procedure is designed to informally resolve disputes concerning the
interpretation of compliance with the requirements of this compliance plan. The project
owner, the Energy Commission, or any other party, including members of the public,
may initiate an informal dispute resolution process. Disputes may pertain to actions or
decisions made by any party, including the Energy Commission’s delegate agents.

This process may precede the more formal complaint and investigation procedure
specified in Title 20, California Code of Regulations, section 1237, but is not intended to
be a substitute for, or prerequisite to it. This informal procedure may not be used to
change the terms and conditions of certification as approved by the Energy
Commission, although the agreed upon resolution may result in a project owner, or in
some cases the Energy Commission staff, proposing an amendment.

The process encourages all parties involved in a dispute to discuss the matter and to
reach an agreement resolving the dispute. If a dispute cannot be resolved, then the
matter must be brought before the full Energy Commission for consideration via the
complaint and investigation procedure.

Request for Informal Investigation

Any individual, group, or agency may request the Energy Commission to conduct an
informal investigation of alleged noncompliance with the Energy Commission’s terms
and conditions of certification. All requests for informal investigations shall be made to
the designated CPM.

Upon receipt of a request for informal investigation, the CPM shall promptly notify the
project owner of the allegation by telephone and letter. All known and relevant
information of the alleged noncompliance shall be provided to the project owner, BLM
and to the Energy Commission staff. The CPM will evaluate the request and the
information to determine if further investigation is necessary. If the CPM find that further
investigation is necessary, the project owner will be asked to promptly investigate the
matter. Within seven working days of the CPM’s request, provide a written report to the
CPM of the results of the investigation, including corrective measures proposed or
undertaken. Depending on the urgency of the noncompliance matter, the CPM may

Compliance 18
conduct a site visit and/or request the project owner to also provide an initial verbal
report, within 48 hours.

Request for Informal Meeting

In the event that either the party requesting an investigation or the Energy Commission
staff is not satisfied with the project owner’s report, investigation of the event, or
corrective measures proposed or undertaken, either party may submit a written request
to the CPM for a meeting with the project owner. Such request shall be made within 14
days of the project owner’s filing of its written report. Upon receipt of such a request, the
CPM shall:
1. immediately schedule a meeting with the requesting party and the project owner, to
be held at a mutually convenient time and place;
2. secure the attendance of appropriate Energy Commission staff and staff of any other
agencies with expertise in the subject area of concern, as necessary;
3. conduct such meeting in an informal and objective manner so as to encourage the
voluntary settlement of the dispute in a fair and equitable manner;
4. After the conclusion of such a meeting, promptly prepare and distribute copies to all
in attendance and to the project file, a summary memorandum that fairly and
accurately identifies the positions of all parties and any understandings reached. If
an agreement has not been reached, the CPM shall inform the complainant of the
formal complaint process and requirements provided under Title 20, California Code
of Regulations, section 1230 et seq.

Formal Dispute Resolution Procedure-Complaints and Investigations

Any person may file a complaint with the Energy Commission’s Dockets Unit alleging
noncompliance with a Commission decision adopted pursuant to Public Resources
Code section 25500. Requirements for complaint filings and a description of how
complaints are processed are in Title 20, California Code of Regulations, section 1237.

19 Compliance





Certification Date
Obtain Site Control
Online Date
Start Site Mobilization
Start Ground Disturbance
Start Grading
Start Construction
Begin Pouring Major Foundation Concrete
Begin Installation of Major Equipment
Completion of Installation of Major Equipment
First Combustion of Gas Turbine
Obtain Building Occupation Permit
Start Commercial Operation
Complete All Construction
Start T/L Construction
Synchronization with Grid and Interconnection
Complete T/L Construction
Start Gas Pipeline Construction and Interconnection
Complete Gas Pipeline Construction
Start Water Supply Line Construction
Complete Water Supply Line Construction

Compliance 20

COMPLIANCE-1 Unrestricted The project owner shall grant BLM and Energy
Access Commission staff and delegate agencies or
consultants unrestricted access to the power plant
COMPLIANCE-2 Compliance The project owner shall maintain project files on-
Record site. BLM and Energy Commission staff and
delegate agencies shall be given unrestricted
access to the files.
COMPLIANCE-3 Compliance The project owner is responsible for the delivery
Verification and content of all verification submittals to BLM’s
Submittals Authorized Officer and the CPM, whether such
condition was satisfied by work performed or the
project owner or his agent.
COMPLIANCE-4 Pre- • Construction shall not commence until the
construction all of the following activities/submittals have been
Matrix and completed:
Tasks Prior to property owners living within one mile of the
Start of project have been notified of a telephone number
Construction to contact for questions, complaints or concerns,
a pre-construction matrix has been submitted
identifying only those conditions that must be
fulfilled before the start of construction,
all pre-construction conditions have been
complied with,
BLM’s Authorized Officer and the CPM have
issued a letter to the project owner authorizing

COMPLIANCE-5 Posting of A The project owner shall post a surety bond

Surety Bond adequate to cover the cost of decommissioning
and restoration including the removal of the
project features that have been constructed for
that that portion of the site and restoring the native
topography and vegetation.

21 Compliance

COMPLIANCE-6 Compliance The project owner shall submit a compliance
Matrix matrix (in a spreadsheet format) with each
monthly and annual compliance report which
includes the status of all compliance conditions of

COMPLIANCE-7 Monthly During construction, the project owner shall

Compliance submit Monthly Compliance Reports (MCRs)
Report which include specific information. The first MCR
including a is due the month following the Energy
Key Events Commission business meeting date on which the
List project was approved and shall include an initial
list of dates for each of the events identified on the
Key Events List.
COMPLIANCE-8 Annual After construction ends and throughout the life of
Compliance the project, the project owner shall submit Annual
Reports Compliance Reports instead of Monthly
Compliance Reports.
COMPLIANCE-9 Confidential Any information the project owner deems
Information confidential shall be submitted to BLM and the
Energy Commission’s Dockets Unit with a request
for confidentiality.
COMPLIANCE-10 Annual Fees Payment of Annual Energy Facility Compliance
Fee to the Energy Commission;
COMPLIANCE-11 Reporting of Within 10 days of receipt, the project owner shall
Complaints, report to BLM’s Authorized Officer and the CPM,
Notices and all notices, complaints, and citations.
COMPLIANCE-12 Planned The project owner shall submit any revisions or
Facility changes to the Closure, Revegetation and
Closure Restoration Plan to BLM’s Authorized Officer and
the CPM at least 12 months prior to
commencement of a planned closure.

Compliance 22

COMPLIANCE-13 Unplanned To ensure that public health and safety and the
Temporary environment are protected in the event of an
Facility unplanned temporary closure, the project owner
Closure shall submit an On-Site Contingency Plan no less
than 60 days after a NTP is issued for each power

COMPLIANCE-14 Unplanned To ensure that public health and safety and the
Permanent environment are protected in the event of an
Facility unplanned temporary closure, the project owner
Closure shall submit an On-Site Contingency Plan no less
than 60 days after a NTP is issued for each power

COMPLIANCE-15 Post- The project owner must petition the Energy

certification Commission and file an application to amend the
changes to ROW grant to delete or change a condition of
the ROW certification, modify the project design or
Grant and/or operational requirements and/or transfer
Decision ownership of operational control of the facility.

23 Compliance

Complaint Log Number: Docket Number:

Project Name:

Name: Phone Number:








“This information is certified to be correct.”



Compliance 24

The broad engineering assessment of the Calico Solar Project consists of

separate analyses that examine its facility design, engineering, efficiency, and
reliability aspects. These analyses include the on-site power generating
equipment and the project-related linear facilities.


This review covers several technical disciplines including the civil, electrical,
mechanical, and structural engineering elements related to project design and
construction. It addresses consistency with applicable LORS, and does not
extend to the project’s environmental impacts under the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA).


The Application for Certification (AFC) describes the preliminary facility design.
In considering the adequacy of the plans, the Commission reviews whether the
power plant and linear facilities are described with sufficient detail to assure the
project can be designed and constructed in accordance with applicable
engineering laws, ordinances, regulations, and standards (LORS). The review
also includes, as appropriate, the identification of special design features that are
necessary to deal with unique site conditions which could impact public health
and safety or the operational reliability of the project. (Ex. 300, p. D.1-1.)

Staff considered potential geological hazards and reviewed the preliminary

project design with respect to grading, flood protection, erosion control, site
drainage, and site access in addition to the criteria for designing and constructing
related linear facilities such as the transmission interconnection facilities. (Ex.
300, pp. D.1-2 to D.1-3; see also, the Geology and Paleontology section of this
Decision.) The evidence establishes that the project will incorporate accepted
industry standards. This includes design practices and construction methods for
preparing and developing the site. Conditions CIVIL-1 through CIVIL-4 ensures
that these activities will be conducted in compliance with applicable LORS.

Major structures, systems, and equipment are structures and their associated
components or equipment that are necessary for power production, costly or time

1 Facility Design
consuming to repair or replace, are used for the storage, containment, or
handling of hazardous or toxic materials, or could become potential health and
safety hazards if not constructed according to applicable engineering LORS.
(Ex. 300, p. D.1-3.) Table 2, contained in Condition GEN-2, lists the major
structures and equipment included in the initial engineering design for the
project. 1 Conditions GEN-3 through GEN-8 require that qualified individuals
oversee and inspect construction of the facility. Similarly, Conditions MECH-1
through MECH-3 address compliance of the project’s mechanical systems with
appropriate standards, and a quality assurance/quality control program assures
that the project will be designed, procured, fabricated, and installed as described.
Condition ELEC-1 provides assurance that design and construction of major
electrical features will comply with applicable LORS. Compliance with design
requirements will be verified through specific inspections and audits. (Ex. 300, p.

Certain structures in a power plant may be required, under the building codes, to
undergo dynamic lateral force (structural) analysis; others may be designed
using the simpler static analysis procedure. In order to ensure that structures are
analyzed according to their appropriate lateral force procedure, Condition of
Certification STRUC-1 requires the project CBO’s review and approval of the
owner’s proposed lateral force procedures before construction begins. (Ex. 300,
p. D.1-3.)

The Conditions of Certification establish a design review and construction

inspection process to verify compliance with applicable standards and special
requirements. The project will be designed and constructed in conformance with
the latest edition of the California Building Standards Code (currently the 2007
CBSC) and other applicable codes and standards in effect at the time design
approval and construction actually begin. Condition of Certification GEN-1
incorporates this requirement. (Ex. 300, pp. D.1-3 to D.1-4.)

Overall, the evidentiary record conclusively establishes that the project will be
designed and constructed in compliance with all applicable LORS, and that these
activities will not negatively impact public health and safety.

The master drawing and master specifications lists described in Condition GEN-2 include
documents based on the project’s detailed design and may include supplemental materials for
structures and equipment not currently identified in Table 1.
Facility Design 2

Based on the uncontroverted evidence, the Commission makes the following


1. The Calico Solar Project is currently in the preliminary design stage.

2. The evidence summarized in this topic area addresses consistency with
applicable LORS, and does not extend to an evaluation of the project’s
environmental impacts.
3. The facility can be designed and constructed in conformity with the
applicable laws, ordinances, regulations, and standards (LORS) set forth
in the appropriate portion of Appendix A of this Decision.
4. The Conditions of Certification set forth below provide, in part, that
qualified personnel will perform design review, plan checking, and field
inspections of the project.
5. The Conditions of Certification set forth below are necessary to ensure
that the project is designed and constructed in accordance with applicable
law and in a manner that protects public health and safety.
6. The General Conditions, included in the Compliance and Closure
section of this Decision, establish requirements to be followed in the event
of facility closure.

1. We therefore conclude that implementation of the Conditions of
Certification listed below ensure that the Calico Solar Project will be
designed and constructed in conformance with the applicable LORS
pertinent to the engineering aspects summarized in this section of the

GEN-1 The project owner shall design, construct, and inspect the project in
accordance with the 2007 California Building Standards Code (CBSC),
also known as Title 24, California Code of Regulations, which
encompasses the California Building Code (CBC), California Building
Standards Administrative Code, California Electrical Code, California
Mechanical Code, California Plumbing Code, California Energy Code,
California Fire Code, California Code for Building Conservation,
California Reference Standards Code, and all other applicable

3 Facility Design
engineering LORS in effect at the time initial design plans are
submitted to the CBO for review and approval (the CBSC in effect is
the edition that has been adopted by the California Building Standards
Commission and published at least 180 days previously). The project
owner shall ensure that all the provisions of the above applicable
codes are enforced during the construction, addition, alteration,
moving, demolition, repair, or maintenance of the completed facility. All
transmission facilities (lines, switchyards, switching stations and
substations) are covered in the Conditions of Certification in the
Transmission System Engineering section of this document.
In the event that the initial engineering designs are submitted to the
CBO when the successor to the 2007 CBSC is in effect, the 2007
CBSC provisions shall be replaced with the applicable successor
provisions. Where, in any specific case, different sections of the code
specify different materials, methods of construction or other
requirements, the most restrictive shall govern. Where there is a
conflict between a general requirement and a specific requirement, the
specific requirement shall govern.
The project owner shall ensure that all contracts with contractors,
subcontractors, and suppliers clearly specify that all work performed
and materials supplied comply with the codes listed above.
Verification: Within 30 days following receipt of the certificate of occupancy,
the project owner shall submit to the CPM a statement of verification, signed by
the responsible design engineer, attesting that all designs, construction,
installation, and inspection requirements of the applicable LORS and the Energy
Commission’s decision have been met in the area of facility design. The project
owner shall provide the CPM a copy of the certificate of occupancy within 30
days of receipt from the CBO.
Once the certificate of occupancy has been issued, the project owner shall inform
the CPM at least 30 days prior to any construction, addition, alteration, moving,
demolition, repair, or maintenance to be performed on any portion(s) of the
completed facility that requires CBO approval for compliance with the above
codes. The CPM will then determine if the CBO needs to approve the work.

GEN-2 Before submitting the initial engineering designs for CBO review, the
project owner shall furnish the CPM and the CBO with a schedule of
facility design submittals, and master drawing and master
specifications lists. The schedule shall contain a list of proposed
submittal packages of designs, calculations, and specifications for
major structures and equipment. To facilitate audits by Energy
Commission staff, the project owner shall provide specific packages to
the CPM upon request.
Verification: At least 30 days (or a project owner- and CBO-approved
alternative time frame) prior to the start of rough grading, the project owner shall
Facility Design 4
submit to the CBO and to the CPM the schedule, the master drawing and master
specifications lists of documents to be submitted to the CBO for review and
approval. These documents shall be the pertinent design documents for the
major structures and equipment listed in Facility Design Table 2, below. Major
structures and equipment shall be added to or deleted from the table only with
CPM approval. The project owner shall provide schedule updates in the monthly
compliance report.

Facility Design Table 2

Major Structures and Equipment List
SunCatcher Power Generating Unit (CT) Foundation and Connections 1 Lot
Administration Building Structure, Foundation and Connections 1
Maintenance Building Structure, Foundation and Connections 1
Assembly Building Structure, Foundation and Connections 3
Collector Group Generator Step-up Unit Transformer Foundation and Connections 1 Lot
Generator Collection Power Center 1 Lot
Generator Collection Sub-panel 1 Lot
Power Factor Capacitor 1 Lot
Open Bus Switch Rack 6
Shunt Capacitor Bank 6
Dynamic VAR Compression System 6
Disconnect Switch 15
Power Transformer Foundation and Connections 6
Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformer Foundation and Connections 6
Diesel Power Generator Set Foundation and Connections 1
Fire Water Pump Foundation and Connections 1
Water Treatment System Foundation and Connections 1
Potable/Fire Water Tank Structure, Foundation and Connections 1
Well Water Storage Tank Structure, Foundation and Connections 1
Demineralized Water Storage Tank Structure, Foundation and Connections 2
Hydrogen Bottles Storage Area 1 Lot
Chemical Storage Area 1 Lot
Drainage Systems (including sanitary drain and waste) 1 Lot
High Pressure and Large Diameter Piping and Pipe Racks 1 Lot
HVAC and Refrigeration Systems 1 Lot
Temperature Control and Ventilation Systems (including water and sewer connections) 1 Lot
Building Energy Conservation Systems 1 Lot

5 Facility Design
Substation, Switchboards, Transformers, Buses and Towers 1 Lot
Electrical Breakers, Cables/Duct Banks 1 Lot
Prefabricated Assemblies 1 Lot

GEN-3 The project owner shall make payments to the CBO for design review,
plan checks, and construction inspections, based upon a reasonable
fee schedule to be negotiated between the project owner and the CBO.
These fees may be consistent with the fees listed in the 2007 CBC,
adjusted for inflation and other appropriate adjustments; may be based
on the value of the facilities reviewed; may be based on hourly rates;
or may be otherwise agreed upon by the project owner and the CBO.
Verification: The project owner shall make the required payments to the
CBO in accordance with the agreement between the project owner and the CBO.
The project owner shall send a copy of the CBO’s receipt of payment to the CPM
in the next monthly compliance report indicating that applicable fees have been

GEN-4 Prior to the start of rough grading, the project owner shall assign a
California- registered architect, or a structural or civil engineer, as the
resident engineer (RE) in charge of the project. All transmission
facilities (lines, switchyards, switching stations, and substations) are
addressed in the Conditions of Certification in the Transmission
System Engineering section of this Decision.
The RE may delegate responsibility for portions of the project to other
registered engineers. Registered mechanical and electrical engineers
may be delegated responsibility for mechanical and electrical portions
of the project, respectively. A project may be divided into parts,
provided that each part is clearly defined as a distinct unit. Separate
assignments of general responsibility may be made for each
designated part.
The RE shall:
1. Monitor progress of construction work requiring CBO design review
and inspection to ensure compliance with LORS;
2. Ensure that construction of all facilities subject to CBO design
review and inspection conforms in every material respect to
applicable LORS, these Conditions of Certification, approved plans,
and specifications;
3. Prepare documents to initiate changes in approved drawings and
specifications when either directed by the project owner or as
required by the Conditions of the project;

Facility Design 6
4. Be responsible for providing project inspectors and testing agencies
with complete and up-to-date sets of stamped drawings, plans,
specifications, and any other required documents;
5. Be responsible for the timely submittal of construction progress
reports to the CBO from the project inspectors, the contractor, and
other engineers who have been delegated responsibility for
portions of the project; and
6. Be responsible for notifying the CBO of corrective action or the
disposition of items noted on laboratory reports or other tests when
they do not conform to approved plans and specifications.
The resident engineer (or his delegate) must be located at the project
site, or be available at the project site within a reasonable period of
time, during any hours in which construction takes place.
The RE shall have the authority to halt construction and to require
changes or remedial work if the work does not meet requirements.
If the RE or the delegated engineers are reassigned or replaced, the
project owner shall submit the name, qualifications and registration
number of the newly assigned engineer to the CBO for review and
approval. The project owner shall notify the CPM of the CBO’s
approval of the new engineer.
Verification: At least 30 days (or project owner- and CBO-approved
alternative time frame) prior to the start of rough grading, the project owner shall
submit to the CBO for review and approval, the resume and registration number
of the RE and any other delegated engineers assigned to the project. The project
owner shall notify the CPM of the CBO’s approvals of the RE and other
delegated engineer(s) within five days of the approval.
If the RE or the delegated engineer(s) is subsequently reassigned or replaced,
the project owner has five days to submit the resume and registration number of
the newly assigned engineer to the CBO for review and approval. The project
owner shall notify the CPM of the CBO’s approval of the new engineer within five
days of the approval.

GEN-5 Prior to the start of rough grading, the project owner shall assign at
least one of each of the following California registered engineers to the
project: a civil engineer; a soils, geotechnical, or civil engineer
experienced and knowledgeable in the practice of soils engineering;
and an engineering geologist. Prior to the start of construction, the
project owner shall assign at least one of each of the following
California registered engineers to the project: a design engineer who is
either a structural engineer or a civil engineer fully competent and
proficient in the design of power plant structures and equipment
supports; a mechanical engineer; and an electrical engineer.

7 Facility Design
(California Business and Professions Code section 6704 et seq., and
sections 6730, 6731 and 6736 require state registration to practice as
a civil engineer or structural engineer in California). All transmission
facilities (lines, switchyards, switching stations, and substations) are
handled in the Conditions of Certification in the Transmission System
Engineering section of this Decision.
The tasks performed by the civil, mechanical, electrical, or design
engineers may be divided between two or more engineers, as long as
each engineer is responsible for a particular segment of the project (for
example, proposed earthwork, civil structures, power plant structures,
equipment support). No segment of the project shall have more than
one responsible engineer. The transmission line may be the
responsibility of a separate California registered electrical engineer.
The project owner shall submit, to the CBO for review and approval,
the names, qualifications, and registration numbers of all responsible
engineers assigned to the project.
If any one of the designated responsible engineers is subsequently
reassigned or replaced, the project owner shall submit the name,
qualifications and registration number of the newly assigned
responsible engineer to the CBO for review and approval. The project
owner shall notify the CPM of the CBO’s approval of the new engineer.

A. The civil engineer shall:

1. Review the foundation investigations, geotechnical, or soils
reports prepared by the soils engineer, the geotechnical
engineer, or by a civil engineer experienced and knowledgeable
in the practice of soils engineering;
2. Design (or be responsible for the design of), stamp, and sign all
plans, calculations, and specifications for proposed site work,
civil works, and related facilities requiring design review and
inspection by the CBO. At a minimum, these include: grading,
site preparation, excavation, compaction, construction of
secondary containment, foundations, erosion and sedimentation
control structures, drainage facilities, underground utilities,
culverts, site access roads and sanitary sewer systems; and
3. Provide consultation to the RE during the construction phase of
the project and recommend changes in the design of the civil
works facilities and changes to the construction procedures.

B. The soils engineer, geotechnical engineer, or civil engineer

experienced and knowledgeable in the practice of soils
engineering, shall:
1. Review all the engineering geology reports;
Facility Design 8
2. Prepare the foundation investigations, geotechnical, or soils
reports containing field exploration reports, laboratory tests, and
engineering analysis detailing the nature and extent of the soils
that could be susceptible to liquefaction, rapid settlement or
collapse when saturated under load;
3. Be present, as required, during site grading and earthwork to
provide consultation and monitor compliance with requirements
set forth in the 2007 CBC (depending on the site conditions, this
may be the responsibility of either the soils engineer, the
engineering geologist, or both); and
4. Recommend field changes to the civil engineer and RE.
This engineer shall be authorized to halt earthwork and to require
changes if site conditions are unsafe or do not conform to the predicted
conditions used as the basis for design of earthwork or foundations.

C. The engineering geologist shall:

1. Review all the engineering geology reports and prepare a final
soils grading report; and
2. Be present, as required, during site grading and earthwork to
provide consultation and monitor compliance with the
requirements set forth in the 2007 CBC (depending on the site
conditions, this may be the responsibility of either the soils
engineer, the engineering geologist, or both).

D. The design engineer shall:

1. Be directly responsible for the design of the proposed structures
and equipment supports;
2. Provide consultation to the RE during design and construction of
the project;
3. Monitor construction progress to ensure compliance with
engineering LORS;
4. Evaluate and recommend necessary changes in design; and
5. Prepare and sign all major building plans, specifications, and

E. The mechanical engineer shall be responsible for, and sign and

stamp a statement with, each mechanical submittal to the CBO,
stating that the proposed final design plans, specifications, and
calculations conform to all of the mechanical engineering design
requirements set forth in the Energy Commission’s Decision.

9 Facility Design
F. The electrical engineer shall:
1. Be responsible for the electrical design of the project; and
2. Sign and stamp electrical design drawings, plans, specifications,
and calculations.
Verification: At least 30 days (or project owner and CBO approved
alternative time frame) prior to the start of rough grading, the project owner shall
submit to the CBO for review and approval, resumes and registration numbers of
the responsible civil engineer, soils (geotechnical) engineer and engineering
geologist assigned to the project.
At least 30 days (or project owner- and CBO-approved alternative time frame)
prior to the start of construction, the project owner shall submit to the CBO for
review and approval, resumes and registration numbers of the responsible
design engineer, mechanical engineer, and electrical engineer assigned to the
The project owner shall notify the CPM of the CBO's approvals of the responsible
engineers within five days of the approval.
If the designated responsible engineer is subsequently reassigned or replaced,
the project owner has five days in which to submit the resume and registration
number of the newly assigned engineer to the CBO for review and approval. The
project owner shall notify the CPM of the CBO’s approval of the new engineer
within five days of the approval.

GEN-6 Prior to the start of an activity requiring special inspection, including

prefabricated assemblies, the project owner shall assign to the project,
qualified and certified special inspector(s) who shall be responsible for
the special inspections required by the 2007 CBC. All transmission
facilities (lines, switchyards, switching stations, and substations) are
handled in Conditions of Certification in the Transmission System
Engineering section of this Decision.
A certified weld inspector, certified by the American Welding Society
(AWS), and/or American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) as
applicable, shall inspect welding performed on-site requiring special
inspection (including structural, piping, tanks and pressure vessels).

The special inspector shall:

1. Be a qualified person who shall demonstrate competence, to the
satisfaction of the CBO, for inspection of the particular type of
construction requiring special or continuous inspection;
2. Inspect the work assigned for conformance with the approved
design drawings and specifications;

Facility Design 10
3. Furnish inspection reports to the CBO and RE. All discrepancies
shall be brought to the immediate attention of the RE for correction,
then, if uncorrected, to the CBO and the CPM for corrective action;
4. Submit a final signed report to the RE, CBO, and CPM, stating
whether the work requiring special inspection was, to the best of
the inspector’s knowledge, in conformance with the approved
plans, specifications, and other provisions of the applicable edition
of the CBC.
Verification: At least 15 days (or project owner- and CBO-approved
alternative time frame) prior to the start of an activity requiring special inspection,
the project owner shall submit to the CBO for review and approval, with a copy to
the CPM, the name(s) and qualifications of the certified weld inspector(s), or
other certified special inspector(s) assigned to the project to perform one or more
of the duties set forth above. The project owner shall also submit to the CPM a
copy of the CBO’s approval of the qualifications of all special inspectors in the
next monthly compliance report.
If the special inspector is subsequently reassigned or replaced, the project owner
has five days in which to submit the name and qualifications of the newly
assigned special inspector to the CBO for approval. The project owner shall
notify the CPM of the CBO’s approval of the newly assigned inspector within 5
days of the approval.

GEN-7 If any discrepancy in design and/or construction is discovered in any

engineering work that has undergone CBO design review and
approval, the project owner shall document the discrepancy and
recommend required corrective actions. The discrepancy
documentation shall be submitted to the CBO for review and approval.
The discrepancy documentation shall reference this Condition of
Certification and, if appropriate, applicable sections of the CBC and/or
other LORS.
Verification: The project owner shall transmit a copy of the CBO’s approval
of any corrective action taken to resolve a discrepancy to the CPM in the next
monthly compliance report. If any corrective action is disapproved, the project
owner shall advise the CPM, within five days, of the reason for disapproval and
the revised corrective action to obtain CBO’s approval.

GEN-8 The project owner shall obtain the CBO’s final approval of all
completed work that has undergone CBO design review and approval.
The project owner shall request the CBO to inspect the completed
structure and review the submitted documents. The project owner shall
notify the CPM after obtaining the CBO’s final approval. The project
owner shall retain one set of approved engineering plans,

11 Facility Design
specifications, and calculations (including all approved changes) at the
project site or at another accessible location during the operating life of
the project. Electronic copies of the approved plans, specifications,
calculations, and marked-up as-builts shall be provided to the CBO for
retention by the CPM.
Verification: Within 15 days of the completion of any work, the project owner
shall submit to the CBO, with a copy to the CPM, in the next monthly compliance
report, (a) a written notice that the completed work is ready for final inspection,
and (b) a signed statement that the work conforms to the final approved plans.
After storing the final approved engineering plans, specifications, and
calculations described above, the project owner shall submit to the CPM a letter
stating both that the above documents have been stored and the storage location
of those documents.
Within 90 days of the completion of construction, the project owner shall provide
to the CBO three sets of electronic copies of the above documents at the project
owner’s expense. These are to be provided in the form of “read only” (Adobe .pdf
6.0) files, with restricted (password-protected) printing privileges, on archive
quality compact discs.

CIVIL-1 The project owner shall submit to the CBO for review and approval the
1. Design of the proposed drainage structures and the grading plan;
2. An erosion and sedimentation control plan;
3. Related calculations and specifications, signed and stamped by the
responsible civil engineer; and
4. Soils, geotechnical, or foundation investigations reports required by
the 2007 CBC.
Verification: At least 15 days (or project owner- and CBO-approved
alternative time frame) prior to the start of site grading the project owner shall
submit the documents described above to the CBO for design review and
approval. In the next monthly compliance report following the CBO’s approval,
the project owner shall submit a written statement certifying that the documents
have been approved by the CBO.

CIVIL-2 The resident engineer shall, if appropriate, stop all earthwork and
construction in the affected areas when the responsible soils engineer,
geotechnical engineer, or the civil engineer experienced and
knowledgeable in the practice of soils engineering identifies
unforeseen adverse soil or geologic conditions. The project owner shall
submit modified plans, specifications, and calculations to the CBO
based on these new conditions. The project owner shall obtain
approval from the CBO before resuming earthwork and construction in
the affected area.

Facility Design 12
Verification: The project owner shall notify the CPM within 24 hours, when
earthwork and construction is stopped as a result of unforeseen adverse
geologic/soil conditions. Within 24 hours of the CBO’s approval to resume
earthwork and construction in the affected areas, the project owner shall provide
to the CPM a copy of the CBO’s approval.

CIVIL-3 The project owner shall perform inspections in accordance with the
2007 CBC. All plant site-grading operations, for which a grading permit
is required, shall be subject to inspection by the CBO.
If, in the course of inspection, it is discovered that the work is not being
performed in accordance with the approved plans, the discrepancies
shall be reported immediately to the resident engineer, the CBO, and
the CPM. The project owner shall prepare a written report, with copies
to the CBO and the CPM, detailing all discrepancies, non-compliance
items, and the proposed corrective action.
Verification: Within five days of the discovery of any discrepancies, the
resident engineer shall transmit to the CBO and the CPM a non-conformance
report (NCR), and the proposed corrective action for review and approval. Within
five days of resolution of the NCR, the project owner shall submit the details of
the corrective action to the CBO and the CPM. A list of NCRs, for the reporting
month, shall also be included in the following monthly compliance report.

CIVIL-4 After completion of finished grading and erosion and sedimentation

control and drainage work, the project owner shall obtain the CBO’s
approval of the final grading plans (including final changes) for the
erosion and sedimentation control work. The civil engineer shall state
that the work within his/her area of responsibility was done in
accordance with the final approved plans.
Verification: Within 30 days (or project owner- and CBO-approved alternative
time frame) of the completion of the erosion and sediment control mitigation and
drainage work, the project owner shall submit to the CBO, for review and
approval, the final grading plans (including final changes) and the responsible
civil engineer’s signed statement that the installation of the facilities and all
erosion control measures were completed in accordance with the final approved
combined grading plans, and that the facilities are adequate for their intended
purposes, along with a copy of the transmittal letter to the CPM. The project
owner shall submit a copy of the CBO's approval to the CPM in the next monthly
compliance report.

STRUC-1 Prior to the start of any increment of construction of any major

structure or component listed in Facility Design Table 2 of Condition
of Certification GEN-2, above, the project owner shall submit to the
CBO for design review and approval the proposed lateral force
procedures for project structures and the applicable designs, plans and

13 Facility Design
drawings for project structures. Proposed lateral force procedures,
designs, plans and drawings shall be those for the following items
(from Table 2, above):
1. Major project structures;
2. Major foundations, equipment supports, and anchorage; and
3. Large field-fabricated tanks.
Construction of any structure or component shall not begin until the
CBO has approved the lateral force procedures to be employed in
designing that structure or component.

The project owner shall:

1. Obtain approval from the CBO of lateral force procedures proposed
for project structures;
2. Obtain approval from the CBO for the final design plans,
specifications, calculations, soils reports, and applicable quality
control procedures. If there are conflicting requirements, the more
stringent shall govern (for example, highest loads, or lowest
allowable stresses shall govern). All plans, calculations, and
specifications for foundations that support structures shall be filed
concurrently with the structure plans, calculations, and
3. Submit to the CBO the required number of copies of the structural
plans, specifications, calculations, and other required documents of
the designated major structures prior to the start of on-site
fabrication and installation of each structure, equipment support, or
4. Ensure that the final plans, calculations, and specifications clearly
reflect the inclusion of approved criteria, assumptions, and methods
used to develop the design. The final designs, plans, calculations,
and specifications shall be signed and stamped by the responsible
design engineer; and
5. Submit to the CBO the responsible design engineer’s signed
statement that the final design plans conform to applicable LORS.
Verification: At least 60 days (or project owner and CBO approved
alternative time frame) prior to the start of any increment of construction of any
structure or component listed in Facility Design Table 2 of Condition of
Certification GEN-2, above, the project owner shall submit to the CBO the above
final design plans, specifications and calculations, with a copy of the transmittal
letter to the CPM.
The project owner shall submit to the CPM, in the next monthly compliance
report, a copy of a statement from the CBO that the proposed structural plans,

Facility Design 14
specifications, and calculations have been approved and comply with the
requirements set forth in applicable engineering LORS.

STRUC-2 The project owner shall submit to the CBO the required number of
sets of the following documents related to work that has undergone
CBO design review and approval:

1. Concrete cylinder strength test reports (including date of testing,

date sample taken, design concrete strength, tested cylinder
strength, age of test, type and size of sample, location and quantity
of concrete placement from which sample was taken, and mix
design designation and parameters);
2. Concrete pour sign-off sheets;
3. Bolt torque inspection reports (including location of test, date, bolt
size, and recorded torques);
4. Field weld inspection reports (including type of weld, location of
weld, inspection of non-destructive testing (NDT) procedure and
results, welder qualifications, certifications, qualified procedure
description or number (ref: AWS); and
5. Reports covering other structural activities requiring special
inspections shall be in accordance with the 2007 CBC.
Verification: If a discrepancy is discovered in any of the above data, the
project owner shall, within 5 days, prepare and submit an NCR describing the
nature of the discrepancies and the proposed corrective action to the CBO, with
a copy of the transmittal letter to the CPM. The NCR shall reference the
Condition(s) of Certification and the applicable CBC chapter and section. Within
five days of resolution of the NCR, the project owner shall submit a copy of the
corrective action to the CBO and the CPM.
The project owner shall transmit a copy of the CBO’s approval or disapproval of
the corrective action to the CPM within 15 days. If disapproved, the project owner
shall advise the CPM, within five days, the reason for disapproval, and the
revised corrective action to obtain CBO’s approval.

STRUC-3 The project owner shall submit to the CBO design changes to the
final plans required by the 2007 CBC, including the revised drawings,
specifications, calculations, and a complete description of, and
supporting rationale for, the proposed changes, and shall give to the
CBO prior notice of the intended filing.
Verification: On a schedule suitable to the CBO, the project owner shall
notify the CBO of the intended filing of design changes, and shall submit the
required number of sets of revised drawings and the required number of copies
of the other above-mentioned documents to the CBO, with a copy of the

15 Facility Design
transmittal letter to the CPM. The project owner shall notify the CPM, via the
monthly compliance report, when the CBO has approved the revised plans.

STRUC-4 Tanks and vessels containing quantities of toxic or hazardous

materials exceeding amounts specified in the 2007 CBC shall, at a
minimum, be designed to comply with the requirements of that chapter.
Verification: At least 30 days (or project owner- and CBO-approved alternate
time frame) prior to the start of installation of the tanks or vessels containing the
above specified quantities of toxic or hazardous materials, the project owner shall
submit to the CBO for design review and approval final design plans,
specifications, and calculations, including a copy of the signed and stamped
engineer’s certification.
The project owner shall send copies of the CBO approvals of plan checks to the
CPM in the following monthly compliance report. The project owner shall also
transmit a copy of the CBO’s inspection approvals to the CPM in the monthly
compliance report following completion of any inspection.

MECH-1 The project owner shall submit, for CBO design review and approval,
the proposed final design, specifications and calculations for each
plant major piping and plumbing system listed in Facility Design
Table 2, Condition of Certification GEN-2, above. Physical layout
drawings and drawings not related to code compliance and life safety
need not be submitted. The submittal shall also include the applicable
QA/QC procedures. Upon completion of construction of any such
major piping or plumbing system, the project owner shall request the
CBO’s inspection approval of that construction.
The responsible mechanical engineer shall stamp and sign all plans,
drawings, and calculations for the major piping and plumbing systems,
subject to CBO design review and approval, and submit a signed
statement to the CBO when the proposed piping and plumbing
systems have been designed, fabricated, and installed in accordance
with all of the applicable laws, ordinances, regulations and industry
standards, which may include, but are not limited to:
• American National Standards Institute (ANSI) B31.1 (Power Piping
• ANSI B31.2 (Fuel Gas Piping Code);
• ANSI B31.3 (Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping Code);
• ANSI B31.8 (Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Code);
• Title 24, California Code of Regulations, Part 5 (California Plumbing

Facility Design 16
• Title 24, California Code of Regulations, Part 6 (California Energy
Code, for building energy conservation systems and temperature
control and ventilation systems);
• Title 24, California Code of Regulations, Part 2 (California Building
Code); and
• San Bernardino County codes.
The CBO may deputize inspectors to carry out the functions of the
code enforcement agency.
Verification: At least 30 days (or project owner- and CBO-approved
alternative time frame) prior to the start of any increment of major piping or
plumbing construction listed in Facility Design Table 2, Condition of Certification
GEN-2, above, the project owner shall submit to the CBO for design review and
approval the final plans, specifications, and calculations, including a copy of the
signed and stamped statement from the responsible mechanical engineer
certifying compliance with applicable LORS, and shall send the CPM a copy of
the transmittal letter in the next monthly compliance report.
The project owner shall transmit to the CPM, in the monthly compliance report
following completion of any inspection, a copy of the transmittal letter conveying
the CBO’s inspection approvals.

MECH-2 For all pressure vessels installed in the plant, the project owner shall
submit to the CBO and California Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (Cal-OSHA), prior to operation, the code certification
papers and other documents required by applicable LORS. Upon
completion of the installation of any pressure vessel, the project owner
shall request the appropriate CBO and/or Cal-OSHA inspection of that

The project owner shall:

1. Ensure that all boilers and fired and unfired pressure vessels are
designed, fabricated, and installed in accordance with the
appropriate section of the American Society of Mechanical
Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, or other
applicable code. Vendor certification, with identification of
applicable code, shall be submitted for prefabricated vessels and
tanks; and
2. Have the responsible design engineer submit a statement to the
CBO that the proposed final design plans, specifications, and
calculations conform to all of the requirements set forth in the
appropriate ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code or other
applicable codes.

17 Facility Design
Verification: At least 30 days (or project owner- and CBO-approved
alternative time frame) prior to the start of on-site fabrication or installation of any
pressure vessel, the project owner shall submit to the CBO for design review and
approval, the above listed documents, including a copy of the signed and
stamped engineer’s certification, with a copy of the transmittal letter to the CPM.
The project owner shall transmit to the CPM, in the monthly compliance report
following completion of any inspection, a copy of the transmittal letter conveying
the CBO’s and/or Cal-OSHA inspection approvals.

MECH-3 The project owner shall submit to the CBO for design review and
approval the design plans, specifications, calculations, and quality
control procedures for any heating, ventilating, air conditioning (HVAC)
or refrigeration system. Packaged HVAC systems, where used, shall
be identified with the appropriate manufacturer’s data sheets.
The project owner shall design and install all HVAC and refrigeration
systems within buildings and related structures in accordance with the
CBC and other applicable codes. Upon completion of any increment of
construction, the project owner shall request the CBO’s inspection and
approval of that construction. The final plans, specifications and
calculations shall include approved criteria, assumptions, and methods
used to develop the design. In addition, the responsible mechanical
engineer shall sign and stamp all plans, drawings and calculations and
submit a signed statement to the CBO that the proposed final design
plans, specifications and calculations conform with the applicable
Verification: At least 30 days (or project owner- and CBO-approved
alternative time frame) prior to the start of construction of any HVAC or
refrigeration system, the project owner shall submit to the CBO the required
HVAC and refrigeration calculations, plans, and specifications, including a copy
of the signed and stamped statement from the responsible mechanical engineer
certifying compliance with the CBC and other applicable codes, with a copy of
the transmittal letter to the CPM.

ELEC-1 Prior to the start of any increment of electrical construction for all
electrical equipment and systems 480 Volts or higher (see a
representative list, below), with the exception of underground duct
work and any physical layout drawings and drawings not related to
code compliance and life safety, the project owner shall submit, for
CBO design review and approval, the proposed final design,
specifications, and calculations. Upon approval, the above listed plans,
together with design changes and design change notices, shall remain
on the site or at another accessible location for the operating life of the
project. The project owner shall request that the CBO inspect the
installation to ensure compliance with the requirements of applicable
LORS. All transmission facilities (lines, switchyards, switching stations,
Facility Design 18
and substations) are handled in Conditions of Certification in the
Transmission System Engineering section of this Decision.
A. Final plant design plans shall include:
1. one-line diagrams for the 13.8-kV, 4.16-kV and 480 V systems;
2. system grounding drawings.
B. Final plant calculations must establish:
1. short-circuit ratings of plant equipment;
2. ampacity of feeder cables;
3. voltage drop in feeder cables;
4. system grounding requirements;
5. coordination study calculations for fuses, circuit breakers and
protective relay settings for the 13.8-kV, 4.16-kV and 480 V
6. system grounding requirements; and
7. lighting energy calculations.
C. The following activities shall be reported to the CPM in the monthly
compliance report:
1. Receipt or delay of major electrical equipment;
2. Testing or energization of major electrical equipment; and
3. A signed statement by the registered electrical engineer
certifying that the proposed final design plans and specifications
conform to requirements set forth in the Energy Commission
Verification: At least 30 days (or project owner- and CBO-approved
alternative time frame) prior to the start of each increment of electrical
construction, the project owner shall submit to the CBO for design review and
approval the above listed documents. The project owner shall include in this
submittal a copy of the signed and stamped statement from the responsible
electrical engineer attesting compliance with the applicable LORS, and shall
send the CPM a copy of the transmittal letter in the next monthly compliance

19 Facility Design

Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the Commission

must determine whether the consumption of fossil fuel (a non-renewable form of
energy) will result in substantial impacts upon energy resources. (Cal. Code
Regs., tit. 14 § 15126.4(a)(1), App. F.). The Calico Solar Project will not use
natural gas (fossil fuel) for power generation. The project would decrease
reliance on fossil fuel, and would increase reliance on renewable energy
resources. The undisputed evidence establishes that the project would not create
significant adverse effects on fossil fuel energy supplies or resources, would not
require additional sources of energy supply, and would not consume fossil fuel
energy in a wasteful or inefficient manner. (Ex. 300, p. D.3-1; 8/4/10 RT 183: 8-

The evidence examines the efficiency of the Calico Solar project design and
compares project efficiency to that of other solar projects. (Ex. 300, pp. D.3-1 and
D.3-7.) There are no LORS that establish solar power plant efficiency criteria.
(Ex. 300, p. D.3-12.)


The Calico Solar Project is a solar thermal power plant that will produce a total of
663.5 MW (nominal net output) and will employ the Stirling Energy Systems
SunCatcher technology. The project would occupy approximately 4,613 acres of
land and would consist of 26,450 SunCatchers (Ex. 1 AFC §§ 1.1, 1.3, 2.2, 3.1,
3.3; Ex. 300, p. D.3-4; Ex. 317, p. B.1-2.).

Each SunCatcher is composed of a pedestal, a mirrored dish that tracks the sun,
and a power conversion unit (PCU) consisting of a solar receiver, a closed-cycle
Stirling engine, and a generator that captures the solar energy and converts it to
electricity. Each SunCatcher is capable of generating 25 kW of power. Power
would be routed from the SunCatchers to electrical transformers, then to a
switchyard located near the center of the project. ( Ex.1, AFC §§ 3.1, 3.1.1, 3.4.1,
3.4.3,,; Ex. 300, p. D.3-4.).

The project will not use fossil fuel to generate electricity. Each of the 26,450
Stirling engines is filled with hydrogen gas, which acts as a working fluid that
allows the engine to operate. During operation, hydrogen leaks from the engines
and must be continuously replenished from a centralized hydrogen system
connected to each SunCatcher., Some electricity consumption will result due to
the necessity of replacing hydrogen gas that leaks from the Stirling engines. The

1 Efficiency
project will produce hydrogen gas onsite through electrolysis of water, which will
consume 215 MW-hours of electrical energy per year. (Ex. 300, pp. D.3-4 to D.3-

The Stirling engine that is the heart of the SunCatcher technology is cooled by an
automotive-style cooling system. Waste engine heat is conducted via an
enclosed cooling loop to a radiator that dumps the waste heat to the atmosphere.
This is a dry cooling system; its only water consumption is that required to make
up any unintended leakage from the system. Thus, we concur with Staff’s
determination that the cooling technology selected for this project appears
optimum. (Ex. 300, p. D.3-8.)

Applicant and Staff evaluated alternative generating technologies to the

proposed project. Staff independently concluded that from an energy efficiency
prospective, given the project objectives, location, air pollution control
requirements, and the commercial availability of various alternative technologies,
that the selected solar thermal technology is a reasonable selection. This is
evaluated in the Alternatives section of this Decision. (Ex. 300, p. D.3-6.)

1. Fossil Fuel Use - Impacts

The Calico Solar Project, if constructed and operated as proposed, will use solar
energy to generate all of its capacity, consuming no natural gas for power
production. The project will decrease reliance on fossil fuel, and will increase
reliance on renewable energy resources. The evidence establishes that the
project will not create significant adverse effects on energy supplies or resources,
will not require additional sources of energy supply, and will not consume energy
in a wasteful or inefficient manner. (Ex. 300, p. D.3-1.) Therefore, we find that
this project will present no significant adverse impacts on energy resources.

2. Solar Land Use Impacts

The evaluation of solar power plant efficiency includes land use efficiency
because of the large expanses of land covered by these facilities. To address
land use efficiency, solar efficiency must be determined by evaluating the
effectiveness of the specific technology used and the product of three key steps:
capture sun’s rays, convert energy to heat, and convert heat to electricity. The
greater the project’s solar efficiency, the less land the plant must occupy to
produce a given power output. Therefore, land use efficiency is expressed in
terms of power produced, or MW per acre. (Ex. 300, pp. D.3-2, D.3-7..)

Efficiency 2
The evidence includes a comparison of MWs per acre for the Calico Solar
Project and other solar projects currently under review by the Commission.
Efficiency Table 1 provides the power and energy output and the extent of the
land occupied for the Calico Solar Project and other solar projects under review.
For comparison purposes, the table also includes the solar land use efficiency for
a typical fossil fuel-fired (natural gas-fired) combined cycle power plant. (Ex. 300,
pp. D.3-2 and D.3-7.)

According to the Staff analysis, the Calico Solar project will produce power at the
rate of 850 MW net, and will generate energy at the rate of 1,840,000 MW-hours
net per year, while occupying approximately 6,215 acres (Ex. 1. AFC §§ 1.1, 1.3,
2.2, 3.1, 3.11.1.) 1 Staff calculations for the Calico project establish:

Power-based efficiency: 850 MW ÷ 6,125 acres = 0.14 MW/acre or 7.3

Staff calculates energy-based land use efficiency thus:
Energy-based efficiency (the first equation removes energy consumed in
hydrogen replenishment):

1,840,000 MWh/year -215 MWh/year = 1,839,785 MWh/year

1,839,785 MWh/year ÷ 6,215 acres = 296 MWh/acre-year

As seen in Efficiency Table 1 below, the Calico Solar Project, employing the
Stirling Energy Systems SunCatcher technology, will be less efficient in use of
land than the Beacon Solar, Ridgecrest Solar, Palen Solar, and Blythe Solar
projects, which will employ linear parabolic trough technology. Calico Solar is
more efficient in use of land than the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System
project, which will employ BrightSource power tower technology. (Ex. 300, p.

These results are also representative of the performance of the Scenario 5.5 that is certified in
this Decision due to a proportionate reduction in land used and project output. (Ex 317, p. D.3-1.)

3 Efficiency
Efficiency Table 1 — Solar Land Use Efficiency

Land Use Efficiency

(Energy – Based)
Generating Annual Energy Annual Fuel Land Use
Capacity Production Consumption Footprint Efficiency (Power- Solar
Project (MW net) (MWh net) (MMBtu LHV) (Acres) Based) (MW/acre) Total Only1
Calico Solar (09-AFC-13) 850 1,840,000 0 6,215 0.14 296 296
Beacon Solar (08-AFC-2) 250 600,000 36,000 1,240 0.20 484 480
Ivanpah SEGS (07-AFC-5) 400 960,000 432,432 3,744 0.11 256 238
Abengoa Solar (09-AFC-5) 250 630,000 94,280 1,420 0.18 444 434
Blythe Solar (09-AFC-6) 1,000 2,100,000 207,839 5,950 0.17 353 348
Palen Solar (09-AFC-7) 500 1,000,000 103,919 2,970 0.17 337 332
Genesis Solar (09-AFC-8) 250 600,000 60,000 1,800 0.14 333 329
Ridgecrest Solar
250 500,000 51,960 1,440 0.17 347 342
San Joaquin Solar Hybrid
106 774,000 5,899,500 640 0.17 1,209 415
Avenal Energy (08-AFC-1)2 600 3,023,388 24,792,786 25 24.0 120,936 N/A
Net energy output is reduced by natural gas-fired combined cycle proxy energy output; see Efficiency Appendix A.
Example natural gas-fired combined cycle plant.
Source: Ex. 300, p. D.3-7

Efficiency 4
Based on the uncontroverted evidence, we make the following findings and reach
the following conclusions:

1. The Calico Solar Project will provide approximately 663.5 MW of electrical
power and employ Stirling Energy Systems SunCatcher technology, which
does not use fossil fuel to generate electricity.

2. The project will use hydrogen gas in the Stirling engines. Hydrogen gas
will be produced onsite by electrolysis of water, which will consume 215
MW-hours per year of the electricity generated by the facility.

3. The evidence establishes that the project’s fuel consumption will be

negligible and therefore no alternative fuel sources were evaluated.

4. The impact of the project’s fuel consumption on energy supplies and

energy efficiency will be insignificant.

5. The project will decrease reliance on fossil fuel and will increase reliance
on renewable energy resources. Consequently, the project will help in
reducing California’s dependence on fossil fuel-fired power plants.

6. The evidentiary record contains an analysis of the project’s land use

efficiency and energy output in comparison to other solar projects
currently under review by the Commission.

7. The project will occupy approximately 7.3 acres per MW of power output,
a figure higher than many other solar power technologies.

8. The Calico Solar Project represents one of the least land use-efficient
solar technologies proposed among the projects currently in the Energy
Commission’s licensing process.

9. No Federal, State, or local laws, ordinances, regulations, or standards

apply to the efficiency of this project.

1. The Calico Solar Project will not create adverse effects upon energy
supplies or resources, require additional sources of energy supply, or
consume energy in a wasteful or inefficient manner.
No Conditions of Certification are required for this topic area.

5 Efficiency

In order to ensure safe and reliable operation of the Calico Solar Project, the
Commission must determine whether the project will be appropriately designed
and sited. [Pub. Res. Code, § 25520(b); Cal. Code Regs., tit. 20, § 1752(c)(2).]
However, there are no LORS that establish either power plant reliability criteria or
procedures for attaining reliable operation. (Ex. 300, pp. D.4-1 and D.4-8.)

For the purposes of this section, the Commission considers a project is

acceptable if it does not degrade the reliability of the utility system to which it is
connected. This is likely the case if a project is at least as reliable as other power
plants on that system.

The responsibility for maintaining system reliability falls largely to control area
operators such as the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) that
purchase, dispatch, and sell electric power throughout the State. (Ex. 300, p.
D.4-2.) Protocols to ensure sufficient electrical system reliability have been
established. For example, “must run” power purchase agreements and
“participating generator” agreements are two mechanisms that contribute to an
adequate supply of reliable power. (Ex. 300, p. D.4-2.) The California ISO’s
mechanisms to ensure adequate power plant reliability are based on the
assumption that the individual power plants that compete to sell power into the
system will each exhibit a level of reliability similar to that of power plants of past
decades. (Ex. 300, p. D.4-2.)

The “availability factor” of a power plant is the percentage of time it is available to

generate power; both planned and unplanned outages subtract from this
availability. Measures of power plant reliability are based upon two factors: (1)
the plant’s actual ability to generate power when it is considered to be available
and, (2) failures at startup and unplanned (or forced) outages. For practical
purposes, reliability can be considered a combination of these two industry
measures, making a reliable power plant one that is available when called upon
to operate. Power plant systems must be able to operate for extended periods
without shutting down for maintenance or repairs. Achieving this reliability
requires adequate levels of equipment availability, plant maintainability with
scheduled maintenance outages, fuel and water availability, and resistance to
natural hazards. This section examines these factors for the project and
compares them to industry norms. (Ex. 300, p. D.4-2.)

1 Reliability

The Applicant proposes to operate the 663.5 megawatt (MW) (net power output)
Calico Solar Project, a solar thermal power plant facility employing advanced
solar power technology. The Applicant intends to provide dependable power to
the grid, generally during the hours of peak power consumption by Southern
California Edison (SCE), the interconnecting utility. This project would help serve
the need for renewable energy in California, as all its generated electricity will be
produced by a reliable source of energy that is available during hot summer
afternoons, when power is needed most. In the AFC, the Applicant indicated that
it expects the project to achieve an availability factor of 99%. The project is
anticipated to operate at an annual capacity factor of approximately 25% (Ex. 1,
AFC §§ 1.3, 3.1, 3.9.14, 3.11.1; Ex. 300, p. D.4-3.) However, as discussed below
in Plant Maintainability additional information has been provided on this issue.
(Ex. 300, p. D.4-4.)

1. Equipment Availability

Equipment availability will be ensured by use of appropriate quality

assurance/quality control (QA/QC) programs during design, procurement,
construction, and operation of the plant and by providing adequate maintenance
and repair of the equipment and systems. The project owner will use a QA/QC
program typical in the power industry. Equipment will be purchased from qualified
suppliers and the project owner will perform receipt inspections, test
components, and administer independent testing contracts. To ensure these
measures are taken, we have incorporated appropriate Conditions of Certification
in the Facility Design section of this Decision. (Ex. 300, p. D.4-3.) Applicant’s
witness testified to the equipment manufacturer’s warranty obligations and
fulfillment program, which obligates the manufacturer to have sufficient spare
parts on hand to maintain a 98 percent availability factor. (8/4/10 RT 167,174.)

2. Plant Maintainability

The Calico Solar Project will operate only when the sun is shining. Redundant
pieces of the equipment most likely to require service or repair will be kept on site
in order to allow repairs to be made at night when the plant is shut down or
during the day, when the plant is in operation. (Ex. 300, p.D.4-3.) The power
conversion unit (PCU), which contains the Stirling engine, is the component that
has required the most maintenance interventions at the Applicant’s Maricopa test
facility. The PCU on a SunCatcher will, when in need of maintenance or repair,

Reliability 2
simply be changed out and the removed PCU serviced in the shop. Change-out
is considered a normal part of plant operation and typically takes as little as 28
minutes. (8/4/10 RT 170.) During change-out, the affected SunCatcher will not
generate electricity, but this will not affect the other SunCatchers, which will
continue to operate. This modularity is expected to be beneficial to project
reliability. (Id.) The project owner will establish a maintenance program based on
the equipment manufacturers recommendations. Maintenance outages will likely
be planned for periods of low electricity demand. (Ex. 300, p. D.4-4.)

The Applicant predicts that each machine will leak its entire inventory of
hydrogen once a year, thus requiring constant replenishment of hydrogen. The
Applicant proposes a hydrogen electrolyzer and piping system that uses
electricity from the grid to convert water into hydrogen and oxygen, then
compresses the hydrogen and pipes it to each of the 26,450 SunCatchers. (Ex.
300, p. D.4-4.) Experience at the Applicant’s 1.5 MW Maricopa Plant (a pilot plant
using the Stirling Energy Systems SunCatcher units) has shown that Applicant’s
hydrogen leakage predictions are correct and its replenishment procedure is
functioning as expected. (8/4/10 RT 152, 160, 178.)

Staff expressed reluctance to predict the long-term availability factor for the
project. (Ex. 300, p. D.4-5.) However, all the evidence points to an ongoing
upward trend at the Maricopa facility. (8/4/10 RT 153.) The current 96.1 percent
is already within the range of typical power plant availability factors. Although
some individuals have expressed concern due to the fact that this will be the first
installation of SunCatchers on so large a scale (Exs. 300, p. D.4-1.), these
opinions do not take into account the performance of SunCatchers at the
Maricopa test facility. There is no evidence in the record that would tend to show
that the availability factor will decrease.

The Applicant submitted a confidential report claiming an overall availability

factor 1 of 95.1 percent for the Maricopa Plant during the period of March 16 to
June 5, 2010. The proposed Calico Solar Project would be a much larger project
than the 60-unit Maricopa Plant, but with a similar configuration. The Maricopa
Plant has generated 833,738 kWh, representing a capacity factor of 26.7
percent. This represents several hundred hours of plant operation. The applicant
claims that it has used, and will continue to use, lessons learned from the
Maricopa Plant to incorporate engineering and maintenance improvements into
the Calico Solar Project. (8/4/10 RT 180.).
The availability factor of a power plant is the percentage of time it is available to generate
power; both planned and unplanned outages subtract from this availability.

3 Reliability
The Applicant’s revised data from the Maricopa Plant demonstrates an
availability factor based on a limited number of operational hours. The long-term
availability factor will be determined only with more operational experience of this
technology. Staff proposed, and the Applicant has not contested, a condition
requiring periodic reports of the reliability and maintenance data from the
Maricopa plant, which we adopt as Condition of Certification REL-1, below.

3. Fuel and Water Availability

For any power plant the long-term availability of fuel, and water for cooling or
process use, is necessary to ensure reliability. The Calico Solar Project will not
use natural gas or other fossil fuel. Therefore, there is no likelihood that
availability of natural gas will cause concern. (Ex. 300, p. D.4-4.)

The Calico Solar Project will use water from a groundwater well on private land
adjacent to the project site for mirror washing, for potable and fire protection
water, and in an electrolysis process to produce hydrogen gas to replenish the
hydrogen that leaks from the Stirling engines. (Ex. 1, AFC §§ 1.3, 1.4, 3.1.2,
3.5.6, 3.5.10, 3.7.) At the project site, the water will be pumped from the well,
conveyed in an underground pipe to a storage tank, treated and dispersed for
onsite use. Since the Stirling engines are air-cooled, no water will be required for
power plant cooling. (Ex. 300, p. D.4-4.)

To ensure the well can provide an adequate water supply, we adopt Condition of
Certification Soil & Water-9, which requires a Water Conservation and
Alternative Water Supply Plan, should groundwater monitoring indicate long-term
downward trends in water levels and storage. With the implementation of this
condition of certification, we find that the water supply will be adequate for the
project. For further discussion of water supply, see the Soil and Water
Resources section of this Decision.

4. Natural Hazards

The site lies within a seismically active region; see the “Faulting and Seismicity”
portion of the Geology and Paleontology section of this document. The project
will be designed and constructed to the latest applicable LORS. (Ex,1, AFC § Compliance with current seismic design LORS represents an
upgrading of performance during seismic shaking compared to older facilities
since these LORS have been continually upgraded. Because the solar project
will be built to the latest seismic design LORS, this project will likely perform at

Reliability 4
least as well as, and perhaps better than, existing plants in the electric power
system. We adopted conditions of certification to ensure this; see the Facility
Design section. The evidence provides no special concerns with the power
plant’s functional reliability during earthquakes. (Ex. 300, p. D.4-5.)

Portions of the site lie within the 100-year flood plain. (Ex. 1, AFC §§
Project features will be designed and built to provide adequate levels of flood
resistance. Thus, the evidence provides no special concerns with power plant
functional reliability due to flooding. For further discussion, see the Soil and
Water Resources and Geology and Paleontology sections. (Ex. 300, p. D.4-5.)

High winds are common in this region of the site; project features will be built to
withstand winds over 90 miles per hour. However, at winds greater than 35 miles
per hour the SunCatchers will move to a stowed position. (8/4/10 RT 189.)
Design would be in accordance with applicable LORS, including the 2007
California Building Code (Ex. 1, AFC § The evidence provides no
special concerns with power plant functional reliability due to wind. (Ex. 300, p.

5. Comparison to Industry Norms

The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) maintains industry

statistics for availability factors (as well as other related reliability data). The
NERC regularly polls North American utility companies on their project reliability
through its Generating Availability Data System and periodically summarizes and
publishes those statistics on the Internet at <>. Energy
Commission staff typically compares the applicant’s claims for reliability to the
statistical reliability of similar power plants. Because solar technology is relatively
new and the technologies employed so varied, no NERC statistics are available
for solar power plants. Thus our typical comparison with other existing facilities
cannot be accomplished. (Ex. 300, p. D.4-5.)

Nevertheless, typical availability factors for gas-fired power plants range from 94
to 98 percent. See North American Electric Reliability Council 2005–2009
Generating Availability Report, available at <>. Given that
the evidence of limited performance history shows the Calico project will likely
achieve an availability factor within this range, we find that the project compares
favorably with industry norms for utility-scale electrical generation facilities.

5 Reliability

Based on the uncontested evidence, we make the following findings:

1. No federal, state, or local/county LORS apply to the reliability of the Calico

Solar Project.

2. A project’s reliability is acceptable if it does not degrade the reliability of

the utility system to which it is connected.

3. No NERC statistics for solar power plants are currently available.

Therefore, the evidence contains a comparison of the project’s predicted
availability factor to the average availability factor of fossil-fueled plants.

4. The technology used by the Calico Solar Project has certain potential
reliability advantages compared to other generating technologies including
its modularity and the ability to maintain and repair individual units without
materially affecting overall output, and certain disadvantages including a
relative lack of historical field data on commercial-scale installations.

5. The Calico Solar Project is anticipated to operate at an annual capacity

factor of approximately 25

6. Implementation of QA/QC programs during design, procurement,

construction, and operation of the plant, as well as adequate maintenance
and repair of the equipment and systems, will ensure the project is
adequately reliable.

7. Appropriate Conditions of Certification included in the FACILITY DESIGN

portion of this Decision ensure implementation of the QA/QC programs
and conformance with seismic design criteria.

8. The Applicant will use the water from a private well adjacent to the project
site to supply water for the project. The evidence includes additional
information regarding the Lavic Groundwater Basin, and with the
implementation of Condition of Certification SOIL&WATER-9, the water
supply will be adequate for the project.

9. The project will meet or exceed reliability during seismic events, flooding
and high winds.

10. The project will incorporate an appropriate redundancy of function for its

11. The project will provide renewable energy on hot summer days, when it is
most needed.

Reliability 6

1. We therefore conclude that the Calico Solar Project will meet or exceed
industry norms and not degrade the overall reliability of the electrical

2. There are no LORS that establish either power plant reliability criteria or
procedures for attaining reliable operation.


REL-1 From the time of the Energy Commission’s adoption of this condition of
certification to the start of commercial operation of the Calico Solar
Project, or to the closure of the Maricopa Plant, whichever occurs
earlier, the project owner shall obtain and provide to the CPM quarterly
data sets of reliability and maintenance data from the Maricopa Plant,
including the following:

a) logs of equipment failure data and operational data for all major
equipment, including power conversion units, drive mechanisms,
and controls. These logs shall include major equipment and plant
availability factors, and major equipment and plant forced outage
rates, including their causes and durations

b) plant operating logs showing dates and times of dispatch, and

power level of dispatch
During the first two years of the commercial operation of the Calico
Solar Project, the project owner shall maintain quarterly data sets of
reliability and maintenance data, including the information specified in
paragraphs a) and b) above, for the Calico Solar Project and make the
information available to the CPM upon request.

Verification: On a quarterly basis, the project owner shall submit the

Maricopa project data described in paragraphs a) and b) above, to the CPM, and
shall make the Calico Solar Project data available to the CPM upon request.

7 Reliability

The transmission system engineering analysis examines whether the Calico

Solar Project’s proposed interconnection conforms to all laws, ordinances,
regulations, and standards (LORS) required for safe and reliable electric power
transmission. The Commission’s jurisdiction includes “…any electric power line
carrying electric power from a thermal power plant… to a point of junction with an
interconnected transmission system.” (Pub. Res. Code § 25107.) Additionally,
under CEQA, the Energy Commission must conduct an environmental review of
the “whole of the action,” which may include facilities not licensed by the Energy
Commission (Title 14, California Code of Regulations Section 15378). The
Energy Commission must, therefore, identify the system impacts and necessary
new or modified transmission facilities downstream of the proposed
interconnection that are required for interconnection and that, when included with
the other project features, represent the whole of the action. (Ex. 300, p. D.5-1.)

Commission staff relies on the responsible interconnecting authority for analysis

of impacts on the transmission grid, as well as for the identification and approval
of new or modified facilities required downstream from a proposed
interconnection for mitigation purposes. The proposed Calico Solar Project will
connect to Southern California Edison’s (SCE’s) existing 230 kV transmission
network and will require both analysis by SCE and the approval of the California
Independent System Operator (CAISO). (Ex. 300, p. D.5-1.)

The CAISO is responsible for ensuring electric system reliability for all
participating transmission owners and for developing the standards to achieve
system reliability. The power generated by the proposed Calico Solar Project will
be dispatched to the CAISO grid via SCE’s existing Pisgah 230 kV Substation.
Therefore, the CAISO will review the studies of the SCE system to ensure
adequacy of the proposed transmission interconnection. The California ISO
determines the reliability impacts of proposed transmission modifications on the
SCE transmission system in accordance with all applicable reliability criteria.
According to the California ISO tariffs, the California ISO will determine the need
for transmission additions or upgrades downstream from the interconnection
point to insure reliability of the transmission grid. (Ex. 300, p. D.5-2.)

The CAISO reviewed the System Impact Study prepared by SCE for the
proposed project and issued a preliminary approval to SCE. On completion of the
SCE Facility Study, the CAISO will review the study results and provide its
conclusions and recommendations. (Ex. 300, p. D.5-2.)


1. Transmission Facilities Description

The applicant proposes to interconnect the proposed 663.5 megawatt (MW)

Calico Solar Project to SCE’s existing Pisgah 230 kV Substation, which is located
in San Bernardino County approximately 35 miles east of Barstow, California.
The proposed project will be developed in two phases, one 275 MW phase
(Calico Solar Project Phase 1), and one 388.5 MW phase (Calico Solar Project
Phase 2). (Ex. 300, p. D.5-4.)

The Calico Solar Project is a solar concentrating thermal power plant, based on
the proprietary SunCatcher technology of Sterling Energy System, Inc. Each
SunCatcher consists of a 25-kilowatt (kW) solar power generating system. The
project will consist of approximately 34,000 SunCatchers total for the two phases.
Each complete solar group will consist of 60 SunCatchers, which correlates to a
1.5 MW power block with a corresponding GSU (collector group step-up unit)
transformer. The 1.5 MW solar groups will be connected by underground
electrical cables to create the 3, 6, and 9 MW solar groups. MW groups will be
coupled through underground electrical cables and will ascend through a pole
riser to either a 48 MW or 51 MW overhead distribution collector line. The
overhead collector groups will deliver the solar electric generated power to a new
850 MW substation constructed on site as part of the project. (Ex. 1, Section 3.4,
pages 3-27 to 3-32 and Figure 3-1 to 3-45, Ex. 300, p. D.5-4.)

The substation will consist of six open-air bus segments with each segment
consisting of five 1,200A, 35 kV collection feeder circuit breakers. One 48 MW
and two 51 MW overhead collection lines will be connected to each of the six
34.5 kV bus segments via circuit breakers. Additionally, two 35 kV circuit
breakers in each segment will connect to capacitor banks in the substation yard.
For Phase 1 of the project, the first interconnection substation will consist of six
power transformers rated at 100/133/167 MVA each to convert the generation
collection voltage from 34.5 kV to the transmission tie voltage of 230kV. Each
power transformer will serve 3 of the 15 overhead collection lines. The high side
of each step up transformer will be connected to the 230kV bus segments via
2000A, 230kV circuit breakers. One common bus for each phase will be formed
by connecting the 230 kV bus segments through 2000A disconnect switches.
(Ex. 300, pp. D.5-4 to D.5-5.)

An approximately two-mile long 230-kV single circuit will be used to interconnect
the new Calico Solar Project substation to the existing Pisgah Substation. Each
circuit of the overhead line begins at a dead-end structure in the Calico Solar
Project substation, continues east and parallel to the Burlington Northern Santa
Fe (BNSF) railroad ROW, and south crossing the BNSF railroad to a point where
the line turns east leaving the site and undercrossing three SCE transmission
lines before it finally enters the SCE Pisgah substation from the south. The
transmission lines will start within the project site boundary but a 0.14 mile long
segment from the project site to the Pisgah Substation will be outside the project
site boundary. The off-site portion of the 230kV interconnect transmission line will
be routed under existing SCE transmission lines. Construction of that line will
include dead-end structures in the substation and 12 to 15 230 kV lattice steel
towers and/or tubular steel poles and new 1,590 kcmil ACSR conductors for each
phase of the circuit. (Ex. 300, p. D.5-5.)

Furthermore, SCE has proposed expanding and upgrading the existing 230kV
SCE Pisgah substation to a 230/500kV substation, increasing the voltage to
500kV, looping the Eldorado-Lugo 500kV line into the SCE Pisgah substation
and upgrading 65 miles of the existing Lugo-Pisgah number two 230kV
transmission line to 500kV. (Ex. 300, p. D.5-5.)

Pre-Project Upgrade Requirements. The upgrades included below are those

facilities that are required to mitigate reliability violations caused by higher-
queued projects, placed ahead of the project in the generator interconnection
queue, and are expected to be implemented by those higher-queued projects. In
the event that any of these higher-queued projects withdraw their application, the
Calico Solar Project may become responsible for these additional facilities.
• Upgrade of the Inyo 115kV Phase-Shift transformer;
• Inyokern substation conversion to 230kV;
• New Lugo-Kramer Transmission Line project;
• Construction of a third Lugo 500/230kV transformer Bank;
• Mountain Pass-El Dorado 115kV line reconductor;
• Replacing El Dorado 230/115kV transformer Bank with a larger size. (Ex.
300, p.D.5-7.)

2. Transmission System Impacts Analysis

SCE prepared the System Impact Studies (SIS) at the request of the Applicant to
identify the potential impacts of the proposed Calico Solar Project on SCE’s

transmission system. The SIS included power flow, sensitivity, and short circuit
studies, and transient and post-transient analyses. The SIS modeled the
proposed project for a net output of 850 MW. The base cases included all CAISO
approved major SCE transmission projects, and major path flow limits of
Southern California Import Transmission (SCIT), East-Of-River, West-of-River
and upgraded 115kV phase shifting transformer at Inyo substation. The SIS
considered light load conditions with generation patterns and SCIT imports
maximized to identify the extent of potential congestion and to fully stress the
SCE system in the area where the project phases of the proposed Calico Solar
Project will be interconnected. (Ex. 300, pp. D.5-5 to D.5-6.)

The power flow studies were conducted with and without Calico Solar connected
to SCE’s grid at the existing Pisgah Substation, using 2009 heavy summer and
2009 light spring base cases. The power flow study assessed the potential
impacts of the proposed Calico Solar Project on thermal loading of the
transmission lines and equipment. Transient and post-transient studies were
conducted for Phases 1 and 2 of the proposed Calico Solar Project using the
2009 heavy summer base case to determine whether the project will create
instability in the system following certain selected outages. Short circuit studies
were conducted to determine if Phases 1 and 2 of the proposed Calico Solar
Project will overstress existing substation facilities. (Ex. 300, pp. D.5-5 to D.5-6.)

Based on the results of the SIS and the implementation of Conditions of

Certification TSE-1 through TSE-7, we find that the outlet lines and termination
of Phases 1 and 2 of the proposed Calico Solar Project are acceptable and will
comply with all applicable LORS. This determination is based on Commission
staff evaluation of the project transmission lines and equipment, both from the
power plant up to the point of interconnection with the existing transmission
network as well as upgrades beyond that interconnection that are attributable to
the project. (Ex. 300, p.D.5-23.) In addition, the staff analysis included
recommended measures (required facilities) that must be met by the project
owner as part of the project. These required facilities include:

• Expand the existing Pisgah 230kV interconnection facility;

• Loop the existing Eldorado-Lugo 500kV transmission line into the expanded
Pisgah substation;
• Install a new Lugo-Pisgah Number 2 500kV transmission line;
• Require a Special Protection System (SPS) to mitigate thermal overloads;
• Design and construct the project with adequate reactive power resources.
(Ex. 300, pp.D.5-1 and D.5-23.)

3. Cumulative Impacts

The cumulative analysis considers whether the interconnection of the Calico

Solar Project to SCE’s transmission system along with other existing and
foreseeable generation projects will conform to all LORS. The geographic scope
for cumulative impacts on the electric system includes the Southern California
Edison (SCE) grid. The SCE grid includes many natural gas-fired power plants,
several hydroelectric power plants, and a growing number of solar and wind
power plants. The existing transmission system in the project area lacks
additional capacity and will require upgrades for any projects not currently
interconnected to the grid. (Ex. 300, p. D.5-16.)

The impacts identified in the SIS will be mitigated with the identified
recommended measures and conditions of certification, which will minimize the
project’s contribution to cumulative impacts. The evidence also supports positive
impacts because the Calico Solar Project will supplement local solar generation
and import of power to the SCE system, and will meet the increasing load
demand in the San Bernardino County and Riverside County. (Ex. 300, p. D.5-

4. Public and Agency Comments

No public or agency comments were received for transmission system



Based on the uncontroverted evidence of record, the Commission makes the

following finding:

1. The proposed interconnection of the 663.5 MW Calico Solar Project to

SCE’s existing Pisgah 230 kV substation, the new 230 kV Calico substation,
two-mile long transmission line, GSU transformer, and other associated
facilities will be in accordance with NERC/WECC planning standards and
CAISO reliability criteria. We find that with implementation of the required
facilities and the conditions of certification, the requirements and standards
of all applicable engineering LORS contained in Appendix A will be met.

2. The record includes a System Impact Study, which analyzed potential

reliability and congestion impacts that could occur when the Calico Solar
Project interconnects to the grid.

3. The System Impact Study considered power flow with implementation of
pre-project upgrades that will be made by projects in a higher-queue than
the Calico Solar Project and also considered power flow with pre-project
and project-initiated upgrades.

4. The System Impact Study performed by SCE demonstrates that the addition
of the Calico Solar Project will cause new normal (N-0) and single
contingency (N-1) overloads on the Lugo No. 1 & No. 2 500/230 kV
transformer banks and the Lugo-Pisgah 230 kV lines during heavy summer
peak and light spring conditions. However, with all pre-project upgrades and
project-related upgrades, the base overloads were eliminated.

5. The System Impact Study also evaluated transient and post transient
scenarios. The study determined the system remained stable with the
implementation of pre-project and proposed project-related system

6. The record contains analysis of required facilities the Applicant will need to
implement to mitigate project-related thermal overloads.

7. The Calico Solar Project will meet the requirements and standards of all
applicable LORS upon compliance with the recommended Conditions of

8. The Calico Solar Project is a solar generation facility, which will provide clean
renewable energy that will help meet state mandates and goals.


1. With the implementation of the conditions of certification specified in this

Decision, and the conditions of certification which follow, the proposed
transmission interconnection for the Calico Solar Project will not contribute
to significant adverse direct, indirect, or cumulative impacts.

2. The conditions of certification identified below ensure that the transmission-

related aspects of the Calico Solar project will be designed, constructed,
and operated in conformance with the applicable laws, ordinances,
regulations, and standards identified in the appropriate portion of Appendix
A of this Decision.


TSE-1 The project owner shall furnish to the Compliance Project Manager
(CPM) and to the Chief Building Official (CBO) a schedule of
transmission facility design submittals, a Master Drawing List, a Master

Specifications List, and a Major Equipment and Structure List. The
schedule shall contain a description and list of proposed submittal
packages for design, calculations, and specifications for major
structures and equipment. To facilitate audits by Energy Commission
staff, the project owner shall provide designated packages to the CPM
when requested.
Verification: At least 60 days prior to the start of construction (or a lesser
number of days mutually agreed to by the project owner and the CBO), the
project owner shall submit the schedule, a Master Drawing List, and a Master
Specifications List to the CBO and to the CPM. The schedule shall contain a
description and list of proposed submittal packages for design, calculations, and
specifications for major structures and equipment (see a list of major equipment
in Transmission System Engineering Table 1, Major Equipment List below).
Additions and deletions shall be made to the table only with CPM and CBO
approval. The project owner shall provide schedule updates in the Monthly
Compliance Report.

Transmission System Engineering Table 1

Major Equipment List
Breakers Take Off Facilities
Step-Up Transformer Electrical Control Building
Switchyard Switchyard Control Building
Busses Transmission Pole/Tower
Surge Arrestors Grounding System

TSE-2 Prior to the start of construction, the project owner shall assign an
electrical engineer and at least one of each of the following to the
project: A) a civil engineer; B) a geotechnical engineer or a civil
engineer experienced and knowledgeable in the practice of soils
engineering; C) a design engineer who is either a structural engineer
or a civil engineer fully competent and proficient in the design of power
plant structures and equipment supports; or D) a mechanical engineer.
(Business and Professions Code Sections 6704 et seq. require state
registration to practice as a civil engineer or structural engineer in

The tasks performed by the civil, mechanical, electrical, or design

engineers may be divided between two or more engineers, as long as
each engineer is responsible for a particular segment of the project
(e.g., proposed earthwork, civil structures, power plant structures,
equipment support). No segment of the project shall have more than
one responsible engineer. The transmission line may be the
responsibility of a separate California-registered electrical engineer.
The civil, geotechnical or civil, and design engineer assigned in

conformance with Facility Design Condition GEN-5, may be
responsible for design and review of the TSE facilities.

The project owner shall submit to the CBO for review and approval, the
names, qualifications, and registration numbers of all engineers
assigned to the project. If any one of the designated engineers is
subsequently reassigned or replaced, the project owner shall submit
the name, qualifications, and registration number of the newly
assigned engineer to the CBO for review and approval.

The project owner shall notify the CPM of the CBO’s approval of the
new engineer. This engineer shall be authorized to halt earthwork and
to require changes if site conditions are unsafe or do not conform to
predicted conditions used as a basis for design of earthwork or

The electrical engineer shall:

1. Be responsible for the electrical design of the power plant

switchyard, outlet and termination facilities; and
2. Sign and stamp electrical design drawings, plans, specifications,
and calculations.
Verification: At least 30 days prior to the start of rough grading (or a lesser
number of days mutually agreed to by the project owner and the CBO), the
project owner shall submit to the CBO for review and approval, the names,
qualifications, and registration numbers of all the responsible engineers assigned
to the project. The project owner shall notify the CPM of the CBO’s approvals of
the engineers within five days of the approval.

If the designated responsible engineer is subsequently reassigned or replaced,

the project owner shall have five days in which to submit the name, qualifications,
and registration number of the newly assigned engineer to the CBO for review
and approval. The project owner shall notify the CPM of the CBO’s approval of
the new engineer within five days of that approval.

TSE-3 If any discrepancy in design and/or construction is discovered in any

engineering work that has previously undergone CBO design review
and approval, the project owner shall document the discrepancy and
recommend corrective action, (California Building Code, 1998,
Chapter 1, Section 108.4, Approval Required; Chapter 17, Section
1701.3, Duties and Responsibilities of the Special Inspector; Appendix
Chapter 33, Section 3317.7, Notification of Noncompliance). The
discrepancy documentation shall become a controlled document and
shall be submitted to the CBO for review and approval and shall
reference this condition of certification.

Verification: The project owner shall submit a copy of the CBO’s approval or
disapproval of any corrective action taken to resolve a discrepancy to the CPM
within 15 days of receipt. If disapproved, the project owner shall advise the CPM,
within five days, the reason for disapproval, and the revised corrective action
required obtaining the CBO’s approval.

TSE-4 For the power plant switchyard, outlet line, and termination, the project
owner shall not begin any increment of construction until plans for that
increment have been approved by the CBO. These plans, together
with design changes and design change notices, shall remain on the
site for one year after completion of construction. The project owner
shall request that the CBO inspect the installation to ensure
compliance with the requirements of applicable LORS. The following
activities shall be reported in the Monthly Compliance Report:
Receipt or delay of major electrical equipment;
Testing or energization of major electrical equipment; and
The number of electrical drawings approved, submitted for approval,
and still to be submitted.
Verification: At least 30 days prior to the start of each increment of
construction (or a lesser number of days mutually agreed to by the project owner
and the CBO), the project owner shall submit to the CBO for review and approval
the final design plans, specifications, and calculations for equipment and systems
of the power plant switchyard, outlet line, and termination, including a copy of the
signed and stamped statement from the responsible electrical engineer attesting
to compliance with the applicable LORS, and shall include a copy of the
transmittal letter in the next Monthly Compliance Report.

TSE-5 The project owner shall ensure that the design, construction, and
operation of the proposed transmission facilities conform to all
applicable LORS, including the requirements listed below. The project
owner shall submit the required number of copies of the design
drawings and calculations as determined by the CBO.
1. The Calico Solar Project shall be interconnected to the SCE grid via
a segment of 230kV, 1590 kcmil-ACSR, approximately 2 mile long
single circuit extending from the new substation on the project site
to the Pisgah SCE Substation.

2. The Calico Solar Project substation on the project site shall use
34.5kV, 1200A, 25 breakers and six, three phase, 100/133/167.7
MVA, 34.5kV/230 kV transformers.

3. The power plant outlet line shall meet or exceed the electrical,
mechanical, civil, and structural requirements of CPUC General
Order 95 and General Order 98 or National Electric Safety Code
(NESC), Title 8 of the California Code and Regulations (Title 8),

Articles 35, 36, and 37 of the “High Voltage Electric Safety Orders”,
California ISO standards, National Electric Code (NEC), and related
industry standards.

4. Breakers and busses in the power plant switchyard and other

switchyards, where applicable, shall be sized to comply with a
short-circuit analysis.

5. Outlet line crossings and line parallels with transmission and

distribution facilities shall be coordinated with the transmission line
owner and comply with that owner’s standards.

6. The project conductors shall be sized to accommodate the full

output from the project.

7. Termination facilities shall comply with applicable SCE

interconnection standards.

8. The generating facility shall provide sufficient reactive power

resources on the project site as specified by the power factor
design criteria requirements in Large Generator Interconnection
Verification: At least 30 days prior to the start of construction of transmission
facilities (or a lesser number of days mutually agreed to by the project owner and
CBO), the project owner shall submit to the CBO for approval:
1. Design drawings, specifications, and calculations conforming with CPUC
General Order 95 and General Order 98 or NESC; Title 8, California Code of
Regulations, Articles 35, 36, and 37 of the “High Voltage Electric Safety
Orders”; NEC; applicable interconnection standards, and related industry
standards for the poles/towers, foundations, anchor bolts, conductors,
grounding systems, and major switchyard equipment.
2. For each element of the transmission facilities identified above, the submittal
package to the CBO shall contain the design criteria, a discussion of the
calculation method(s), a sample calculation based on worst-case conditions, 1
and a statement signed and sealed by the registered engineer in responsible
charge, or other acceptable alternative verification, that the transmission
element(s) will conform with CPUC General Order 95 or NESC; Title 8,
California Code of Regulations, Articles 35, 36 and 37 of the “High Voltage
Electric Safety Orders”; NEC; applicable interconnection standards, and
related industry standards.
3. Electrical one-line diagrams signed and sealed by the registered professional
electrical engineer in responsible charge, a route map, and an engineering

Worst-case conditions for the foundations would include for instance, a dead-end or angle pole.

TSE 10
description of equipment and the configurations covered by requirements
TSE-1 through 5 above.

TSE-6 The project owner shall provide the following Notice to the California
Independent System Operator (California ISO) prior to synchronizing
the facility with the California transmission system:
1. At least one week prior to synchronizing the facility with the grid for
testing, provide the California ISO a letter stating the proposed date
of synchronization; and

2. At least one business day prior to synchronizing the facility with the
grid for testing, provide telephone notification to the California ISO
Outage Coordination Department.
Verification: The project owner shall provide copies of the California ISO
letter to the CPM when it is sent to the California ISO one week prior to initial
synchronization with the grid. A report of the conversation with the California ISO
shall be provided electronically to the CPM one day before synchronizing the
facility with the California transmission system for the first time.

TSE-7 The project owner shall be responsible for the inspection of the
transmission facilities during and after project construction, and any
subsequent CPM and CBO approved changes thereto, to ensure
conformance with CPUC GO-95 or NESC; Title 8, CCR, Articles 35, 36
and 37 of the “High Voltage Electric Safety Orders”; applicable
interconnection standards; NEC; and related industry standards. In
case of non-conformance, the project owner shall inform the CPM and
CBO in writing, within 10 days of discovering such non-conformance
and describe the corrective actions to be taken.
Verification: Within 60 days after first synchronization of the project, the
project owner shall transmit to the CPM and CBO:
1. As-built engineering description(s) and one-line drawings of the electrical
portion of the facilities signed and sealed by the registered electrical engineer
in responsible charge. A statement attesting to conformance with CPUC
GO-95 or NESC; Title 8, California Code of Regulations, Articles 35, 36 and
37 of the “High Voltage Electric Safety Orders”; applicable interconnection
standards; NEC; and related industry standards, and these conditions shall
be provided concurrently with the submittal of the as-built plans.
2. An as-built engineering description of the mechanical, structural, and civil
portions of the transmission facilities signed and sealed by the registered
engineer in responsible charge or acceptable alternative verification. As-built
drawings of the electrical, mechanical, structural, and civil portions of the
transmission facilities shall be maintained at the power plant and made
available, if requested, for CPM audit as set forth in the “Compliance
Monitoring Plan.”

11 TSE
3. A summary of inspections of the completed transmission facilities, and
identification of any nonconforming work and corrective actions taken, signed
and sealed by the registered engineer in charge.

TSE 12

The Calico Solar, LLC, project’s transmission line must be constructed and
operated in a manner that protects environmental quality, assures public health
and safety, and complies with applicable law. This portion of the Decision
assesses the potential for the generation tie line to create the various impacts
mentioned below, as well as to determine whether mitigation measures are
required to reduce any significant adverse effects to insignificant levels. The
analysis of record takes into account both the physical presence of the line and
the physical interactions of its electric and magnetic fields. Evidence was
submitted by Applicant, Staff, and Intervenor BNSF. (8/25/2010 RT 8, 318-319;
Exs. 1; 300, C.12; 1200-1210.)


The proposed tie-in line system for the two project phases would consist of the
following individual segments:
• A new, single-circuit 230-kV overhead transmission line extending two
miles from the on-site project switchyard to SCE’s Pisgah Substation; and
• The project’s on-site 230-kV switchyard from which the conductors would
extend to the SCE Pisgah Substation.
The on-site segment of the proposed project line would be located within its own
unshared right-of-way as it extends from the on-site substation, crossing over
three SCE transmission lines of 230-kV and 500-kV as it extends to the
connection point within the Pisgah Substation. The proposed routing scheme
was chosen to minimize the length of the required line and to locate the line
within existing line corridors to the extent possible. To accommodate the power
from Phase 1 and later Phase 2, SCE has proposed expanding and upgrading
the 230-kV Pisgah Substation to 500-kV, looping the Eldorado-Lugo 500-kV line
into the Pisgah Substation and upgrading 65 miles of the existing Lugo-Pisgah
No.2 230 line to 500-kV. Modifications within SCE’s El Dorado and Lugo
Substations would also be necessary. These project-related line modifications
would be under CPUC and BLM jurisdiction and would thus be made according
to CPUC guidelines ensuring compliance with existing health and safety LORS.
(Exs. 1, pp. 3-27 to 3-36; 300, pp. C.12-1, C.12-4.)

Potential impacts involve aircraft collisions, interference with radio frequency

communication, audible noise, fire danger, hazardous shocks, nuisance shocks,

and electric and magnetic field (EMF) exposure. (Ex. 300, pp. C.12-5 to C.12-8.)
The evidence conclusively establishes the following:

1. Aviation Safety

Any potential hazard to area aircraft would relate to the potential for collision in
the navigable airspace. The LORS listed in the Supplemental Staff Assessment,
TLSN Table 1 (Ex. 300, p.C.12-2), require FAA notification in cases of structures
over 200 feet from the ground, or if the structure is less than 200 feet in height
but would be located within the restricted airspace in the approaches to public or
military airports. For airports with runways longer than 3,200 feet, the restricted
space is defined by the FAA as an area extending 20,000 feet from the runway.
For airports with runways of 3,200 feet or less, the restricted airspace would be
an area that extends 10,000 feet from this runway. For heliports, the restricted
space is an area that extends 5,000 feet.

The closest area airports are too far from the proposed project and related
facilities to pose a collision hazard to aircraft according to FAA criteria.
Furthermore, the maximum height of 110 feet for the proposed line support
structures would be much less than the 200-foot height that triggers the concern
over aviation hazard according to FAA requirements. (Exs. 1; p. 3-31 and Figure
3.4-39; 300, p. C.12-5.)

2. Interference with Radio-Frequency Communication

This potential impact is one of the indirect effects of line operation and is
produced by the physical interactions of the electric fields. It arises from corona
discharge and is primarily a concern for lines larger than 345-kV. When
generated, it is perceived as interference with radio or television signal reception
or interference with other forms of radio communication. The project’s 230-kV
line will be built and maintained according to standard SCE practices aimed at
minimizing any interference. Moreover, there are no nearby residential
receptors. Thus, no radio frequency interference or related complaints are likely.
(Ex. 300, pp. C.12-5 to C.12-6.)

3. Audible Noise

This is typically perceived as a characteristic crackling, hissing, or frying sound or

hum, especially in wet weather. 1 The noise level depends upon the strength of
the line’s electric field, and is a concern mainly from lines of 345-kV or higher. It
can be limited through design, construction, and maintenance practices. The
project’s line (230-kV) will embody a low corona design to minimize field
strengths. The evidence shows that the line is not expected to add significantly
to the current background noise levels. 2 (Ex. 300, p. C.12-6.)

4. Fire Hazards

Fire can be caused by sparks from the line’s conductors or by direct contact
between the line and nearby trees or other combustible objects. SCE’s standard
fire prevention and suppression measures, and compliance with the clearance-
related aspects of GO-95 as required in Condition of Certification TLSN-3,
ensure that appropriate fire prevention measures are implemented. (Ex. 300, pp.

5. Hazardous Shocks

These could result from direct or indirect contact between an individual and the
energized line. Adherence to minimum national safe operating clearances in
areas where the line might be accessible to the public assures safety.
Compliance with the CPUC’s GO-95, as required in Condition of Certification
TLSN-1, will ensure that adequate measures are implemented to minimize this
potential impact. (Ex. 300, p. C.12-6.)

6. Nuisance Shocks

Nuisance shocks are typically caused by direct contact with metal objects
electrically charged by fields from an energized line. They are effectively
minimized through grounding procedures for all metallic objects within the right-
of-way as specified by the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) as well as the
joint guidelines of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the

In fair weather, audible noise from modern transmission lines is generally indistinguishable from
background noise at the edge of a right-of-way 100 or more feet wide. (Ex. 300, p. C.12-6.)

Overall project noise levels are discussed in the Noise section of this Decision.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). This is required in
Condition of Certification TLSN-4. (Id.)

The railway line of Intervenor Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) bisects the
project site. To avoid the risk of inductive shocks related to the Calico
transmission lines, BNSF requested that Condition of Certification TLSN-4 be
modified to require a minimum clearance of 300 feet between the proposed
transmission lines and the edge of the right-of-way for the BNSF tracks. In
addition, in the location where the transmission line is proposed to cross the
tracks, BNSF argues that the transmission line should do so at a 90-degree
angle, and should travel 300 feet from the far side of the right of way before
returning to a parallel configuration. Applicant and Staff supported BNSF’s
proposed change. We have modified Condition of Certification TLSN-4 and
added a new TLSN-5 to incorporate the BNSF requests. (Exs. 300, pp. C.12-6
and C.12-8; 1200; 1209; 8/25/10 RT pp. 8, 318, 319.)

7. Exposure to Electric and Magnetic Fields

Electric and magnetic fields (EMF) occur whenever electricity flows. The
possibility of deleterious health effects from exposure to EMF has raised public
health concerns about living and working near high-voltage lines. Due to the
present scientific uncertainty regarding these potential health effects, CPUC
policy requires reduction of EMF fields in the design, construction, and
maintenance of new or modified lines, if feasible, without affecting the safety,
efficiency, reliability, and maintainability of the transmission grid. (Ex. 300, pp.
C.12-7 to C.12-8.)

The CPUC requires each new or modified transmission line in California to be

designed according to the EMF-reducing guidelines of the electric utility in the
service area involved. EMF fields produced by new lines must be similar to the
fields of comparable lines in that service area. To comply with CPUC
requirements for EMF management, SCE’s specific field strength-reducing
measures will be incorporated into the project line’s design and include:
• Increasing the distance between the conductors and the ground to an
optimal level;
• Reducing the spacing between the conductors to an optimal level;
• Minimizing the current in the line; and
• Arranging current flow to maximize the cancellation effects from the
interaction of conductor fields. (Ex. 300, pp. C.12-9 to C.12-10.)

Applicant calculated the maximum electric and magnetic field intensities
expected along the Phase I line route. 3 Condition of Certification TLSN-2
requires that actual field strengths be measured, according to accepted
procedures, to insure that the field intensities are similar to those of other SC&E
lines. These measurements will reflect both the effectiveness of the field
reduction techniques used and the project’s potential contribution to area EMF
levels. (Ex. 300, p. C.12-10.)

Since there are no residences in the vicinity of the project’s line, there will not be
the long-term human residential EMF exposures primarily responsible for the
health concern of recent years. The only project-related EMF exposures of
potential significance are the short-term exposures of plant workers, regulatory
inspectors, maintenance personnel, visitors, or individuals in the immediate
vicinity of the lines. The evidence shows that these types of exposures are not
significantly related to an adverse health effect. (Ex. 300, p. C.12-16, C.12-19.)

Overall, the evidence shows that the tie line will be designed, constructed,
operated, and maintained in compliance with applicable LORS. Implementation
of the Conditions of Certification will ensure that any impacts are reduced to less
than significant levels. (Ex. 300, pp. C.12-16 to C.12-17.)

Finally, the evidence addresses the impacts of a 275 MW Reduced Acreage

Alternative and various No Project Alternatives in regard to this topic area. The
Calico Solar Project does not create significant adverse impacts in this topic
area. Therefore, it is not necessary to consider any of the project’s alternatives
as a means of reducing impacts to below a level of significance. (Ex. 300, pp.
C.11-10 to C.12-13.)


Based on the evidence, we make the following findings:

1. The Calico Solar, LLC, transmission facilities consist of an on-site 230-kV

switchyard and a two-mile long, 230-kV single-circuit overhead
transmission tie line extending from the switchyard to SCE’s Pisgah
Estimates are specified for a height of one meter above the ground, in units of kilovolts per
meter (kV/m) for the electric field and milligauss (mG) for the companion magnetic field. The
maximum electric field strength (0.2 kV/m) and the maximum magnetic field intensity (20 mG)
calculated at the edge of the right-of-way are similar to those of other SCE 230-kV lines. (Ex.
300, p. C.12-9.)

2. The evidentiary record includes analyses of potential impacts from the
project’s generation tie line involving aircraft collisions, interference with
radio frequency communication, audible noise, hazardous shocks,
nuisance shocks, fire danger, and EMF exposure.

3. Specific measures have been adopted to minimize the risk of inductive

shocks along the railroad right-of-way adjacent to the project.

4. There are no residences along the route of the project’s new generation
tie line.

5. The available scientific evidence does not establish that EMF fields pose a
significant health hazard to humans.

6. The electric and magnetic fields generated by the project’s generation tie
line will be managed to the extent the CPUC considers appropriate, based
on available health effects information.

7. The project’s generation tie line will comply with existing LORS for public
health and safety.

8. The project’s generation tie line will incorporate standard EMF-reducing

measures established by the CPUC and used by SCE.

9. The project owner will provide field intensity measurements before and
after line energization to assess EMF contributions from the project-
related current flow.

10. The new generation tie line will not result in significant adverse
environmental impacts to public health and safety or cause significant
direct, indirect, or cumulative impacts as a result of aviation collisions,
radio frequency communication interference, fire danger, nuisance or
hazardous shocks, or electric and magnetic field exposure.

11. The record addresses the impacts of a reduced acreage and various No
Project Alternatives in regard to this topic area.

12. Implementation of any of the Alternatives mentioned above is not

necessary or preferable as a means of reducing project related impacts to
below a level of significance.


1. Implementation of the Conditions of Certification, below, will ensure that

the Calico Solar, LLC project’s line complies with all applicable laws,
ordinances, regulations, and standards relating to Transmission Line
Safety and Nuisance as identified in the pertinent portion of Appendix A
of this Decision.

2. The Calico Solar, LLC project’s transmission line will not create a
significant impact due to tie line safety and nuisance factors.


TLSN-1 The project owner shall construct the proposed transmission line
(anywhere along the area identified by the Applicant as available for its
routing) according to the requirements of California Public Utility
Commission’s GO-95, GO-52, GO-131-D, Title 8, and Group 2, High
Voltage Electrical Safety Orders, sections 2700 through 2974 of the
California Code of Regulations, and Southern California Edison’s EMF
reduction guidelines.
Verification: At least 30 days before starting the transmission line or
related structures and facilities, the project owner shall submit to the Compliance
Project Manager (CPM) a letter signed by a California registered electrical
engineer affirming that the lines will be constructed according to the requirements
stated in the Condition.

TLSN-2 The project owner shall use a qualified individual to measure the
strengths of the electric and magnetic fields from the line at the points
of maximum intensity along the route for which the Applicant provided
specific estimates. The measurements shall be made before and after
energization according to the American National Standard
Institute/Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (ANSI/IEEE)
standard procedures. These measurements shall be completed no later
than 6 months after the start of operations.
Verification: The project owner shall file copies of the pre-and post-
energization measurements with the CPM within 60 days after completion of the

TLSN-3 The project owner shall ensure that the rights-of-way of the proposed
transmission line are kept free of combustible material, as required
under the provisions of section 4292 of the Public Resources Code and
section 1250 of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations.
Verification: During the first five years of plant operation, the project owner
shall provide a summary of inspection results and any fire prevention activities

carried out along the right-of-way and provide such summaries in the Annual
Compliance Report on transmission line safety and nuisance-related

TLSN-4 The project owner shall ensure that all permanent metallic objects
within the right-of-way of the project-related lines are grounded
according to industry standards regardless of ownership. A minimum
clearance of 300 feet shall be maintained between the proposed
transmission line and the edge of the right-of-way for BNSF Railroad
Company’s railroad tracks.
Verification: At least 30 days before the lines are energized, the project owner
shall transmit to the CPM a letter confirming compliance with this condition.

TLSN-5 Project owner’s transmission lines shall make any crossing of the BNSF
mainline at a 90-degree angle.
Verification: At least 30 days before the lines are energized, the project owner
shall transmit to the CPM a letter confirming compliance with this condition.




There is wide scientific consensus that climate change is occurring and that
human activity contribute to that change. Man-made emissions of greenhouse
gases, if not sufficiently curtailed, are likely to contribute further to continued
increases in global temperatures. Indeed, the California Legislature has found
that “[g]lobal warming poses a serious threat to the economic well-being, public
health, natural resources, and the environment of California” (Cal. Health &
Safety Code, sec. 38500, division 25.5, part 1). (Ex. 300, p. C.1-64.)

The California Air Resources Board (ARB) has promulgated regulations for
mandatory GHG emission reporting to comply with the California Global Warming
Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32 Núñez, Statutes of 2006, Chapter 488, Health and
Safety Code sections 38500 et seq.) (ARB 2008a). The Calico Solar Project,
which will solely generate electricity from solar power, is exempt from the
mandatory GHG emission reporting requirements for electricity generating
facilities [CCR Title 17 §95101(c)(1)]. However, the project may be subject to
future reporting requirements and GHG reductions or trading requirements as
these regulations become more fully developed and implemented. (Ex. 300, p.

The evidence includes consideration of SB 1368, which addresses the

Greenhouse Gas Emission Performance Standard. The Calico Solar Project, as
a renewable energy generation facility, is determined by rule to comply with the
requirements of SB 1368 (Chapter 11, Greenhouse Gases Emission
Performance Standard, Article 1, Section 2903 [b][1]). (Ex. 300, pp. C.1-62 and

The generation of electricity using fossil fuels, even in a back-up generator at a

thermal solar plant, produces air emissions known as greenhouse gases in
addition to the criteria air pollutants that have been traditionally regulated under
the federal and state Clean Air Acts. California is actively pursuing policies to
reduce GHG emissions that include adding non-GHG emitting renewable
generation resources to the system. (Ex. 300, pp. C.1-66 to C.1-67.)

The greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane
(CH4), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), hydrofluorocarbons (HFC), and perflurocarbons
(PFC). CO2 emissions are far and away the most common of these emissions;
as a result, even though the other GHGs have a greater impact on climate
change on a per-unit basis, GHG emissions are often expressed in terms of
“metric tons of CO2-equivalent” (MTCO2e) for simplicity. (Ex. 300, p. C.1-63.)

The state has demonstrated a clear willingness to address global climate change
through research, adaptation, and inventory reductions. In that context, this part
of the Decision evaluates the GHG emissions from the proposed project,
presents information on GHG emissions related to electricity generation, and
describes the applicable GHG standards and requirements. (Id.)

1. Policy and Regulatory Framework

The Legislature stated 35 years ago, “it is the responsibility of state government
to ensure that a reliable supply of electrical energy is maintained at a level
consistent with the need for such energy for protection of public health and
safety, for promotion of the general welfare, and for environmental quality
protection.” (Pub. Res. Code, § 25001.) Today, as a result of compelling
science showing a clear link between greenhouse gas emissions and negative
environmental impacts, the most recent addition to “environmental quality
protection” is the reduction of GHG emissions. Several laws and statements of
policy are applicable.

a. AB 32

The foundation of California’s GHG policy is the California Global Warming

Solutions Act of 2006. [Assembly Bill 32, codified in Health & Saf. Code, § 38560
et seq. (hereinafter AB 32).] AB 32 requires the California Air Resources Board
(“CARB”) to adopt regulations that will reduce statewide GHG emissions, by the
year 2020, to the level of statewide GHG emissions that existed in 1990.
Gubernatorial Executive Order S-3-05 (June 1, 2005) requires a further
reduction, to a level 80 percent below the 1990 GHG emissions, by the year

Along with all other regulatory agencies in California, the Energy Commission
recognizes that meeting the AB 32 goals is vital to the state’s economic and
environmental health. The scoping plan adopted by ARB relies heavily on cost-
effective energy efficiency and demand response, renewable energy, and

prioritization of generation resources to achieve significant reductions of
emissions in the electricity sector by 2020. Even more dramatic reductions in
electricity sector emissions would likely be required to meet California’s 2050
greenhouse gas reduction goal. Facilities under our jurisdiction, such as Calico
Solar Project, must be consistent with these policies. 1

b. Renewable Portfolio Standard

California statutory law requires the state’s utilities to be obtaining at least 20

percent of their electricity supplies from renewable sources by the year 2020.
(Pub. Util. Code, § 399.11 et seq.) Gubernatorial Executive Orders increase the
requirement to 33 percent and require CARB to adopt regulations to achieve the
goal. [Governor’s Exec. Orders Nos. S-21-09 (Sept. 15, 2009), S-14-08 (Nov.
17, 2008).]

c. Emissions Performance Standard

Senate Bill (SB) 1368 of 2006, and regulations adopted by the Energy
Commission and the Public Utilities Commission pursuant to the bill, prohibit
utilities from entering into long-term commitments with any base load facilities
that exceed an Emission Performance Standard (EPS) of 0.500 metric tonnes of
CO2 per megawatt-hour (this is the equivalent of 1100 pounds CO2/MWh). (Pub.
Util. Code, § 8340 et seq.; Cal. Code Regs., tit. 20, § 2900 et seq.; CPUC
D0701039.) Currently, the EPS is the only LORS that has the effect of limiting
power plant GHG emissions. As noted earlier, Calico Solar must comply with this

d. Loading Order

In 2003, the Energy Commission and the CPUC agreed on a “loading order” for
meeting electricity needs. The first energy resources that should be utilized are
energy efficiency and demand response (at the maximum level that is feasible
and cost-effective), followed by renewables and distributed generation, combined
heat and power (also known as cogeneration), and finally the most efficient

Of course, the Calico Solar Project and all other stationary sources will need to comply with any
applicable GHG LORS that take effect in the future.

available fossil fuel resources and infrastructure development. 2 CARB’s AB 32
Scoping Plan reflects these policy preferences. (California Air Resources Board,
Climate Change Scoping Plan, December 2008.)

3. GHG Emissions During Construction of the Facility

Construction of industrial facilities such as power plants requires coordination of

numerous equipment and personnel. The concentrated on-site activities result in
short-term, unavoidable increases in vehicle and equipment emissions that
include greenhouse gases. Construction of the proposed project has two
phases. There will be approximately 12 month-overlapping period between each
phase, which would result in four years of continuous construction. The
Applicant provided a construction emissions estimate that Staff used to calculate
greenhouse gas emissions for the entirety of the construction activities. The
greenhouse gas emissions estimate is presented below in Greenhouse Gas
Table 1, where the GHG emissions were converted by staff into MTCO2E and
totaled. (Ex. 300, p. C.1-67.)

Greenhouse Gas Table 1

Estimated Calico Solar Potential Construction Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Construction Element CO2-Equivalent (MTCO2E) a,b
On-Site Construction Equipment 4,988.20
On-Site Construction/Delivery Trucks 1,678.36
On-Site Construction/Worker/Security Vehicles 1,805.69
Off-Site Worker/Security Vehicles 13,954.82
Off-Site Delivery Trucks 17,028.23
On-site/Off-Site Train for Water Delivery 2,115.71
Construction Total 41,571.01
Source: Ex. 300, p. C.1-67, Greenhouse Gas Table 2
One metric tonne (MT) equals 1.1 short tons or 2,204.6 pounds or 1,000 kilograms.
The vast majority of the CO2E emissions, over 99 percent, are CO2 from these combustion

The Applicant did not update the GHG emissions to reflect the changes to the
project. However, based on the evidence, we find that the GHG emissions are
expected to minimally decrease due to the proposed project modifications for the
same reasons as identified in the Air Quality section of this Decision. (Ex. 300,
p. C.1-67.)

There is no adopted, enforceable federal or state LORS applicable to Calico

construction emissions of GHG. Nor is there a quantitative threshold over which

California Energy Commission 2008, 2008 Integrated Energy Policy Report Update, (IEPR)
GHG emissions are considered “significant” under CEQA. Nevertheless, there is
guidance from regulatory agencies on how the significance of such emissions
should be assessed. For example, the most recent guidance from CARB staff
recommends a “best practices” threshold for construction emissions. [CARB,
Preliminary Draft Staff Proposal, Recommended Approaches for Setting Interim
Significance Thresholds for Greenhouse Gases under the California
Environmental Quality Act (Oct. 24, 2008), p. 9]. Such an approach is also
recommended on an interim basis, or proposed, by major local air districts.

Staff concluded that the GHG emission increases from construction activities
would not be significant environmental impacts for several reasons. First, the
period of construction would be short-term and the emissions intermittent during
that period, not ongoing during the life of the proposed project. Second, “best
practices” control measures, such as limiting idling times and requiring, as
appropriate, equipment that meet the latest emissions standards, will further
minimize greenhouse gas emissions. The use of newer equipment will increase
efficiency and reduce GHG emissions and be compatible with low-carbon fuel
(e.g., bio-diesel and ethanol) mandates that will likely be part of the ARB
regulations to reduce GHG from construction vehicles and equipment. Lastly,
this renewable energy source will provide power with very low GHG emissions,
and the construction emissions will be offset by the reduction in fossil fuel fired
generation that would be enabled by the proposed project. If the proposed
project construction emissions were distributed over the 40 year life of the project
they would only increase the project life time annual facility GHG emissions rate
by 0.00056 MT CO2 eq per MW. (Ex. 300, pp. C.1-67 to C.1-70.)

Therefore, we find that the measures described above to directly and indirectly
limit the emission of GHGs during construction of the Calico Solar Project are in
accordance with current best practices. We also find the evidence shows that
the GHG emissions from construction activities will not be significant.

4. Direct/Indirect Operation Impacts and Mitigation

a. Anticipated Emissions

Operation of the proposed Calico Solar Project will cause GHG emissions from
the facility maintenance fleet and employee trips, emergency fire pump engine,
and sulfur hexafluoride emissions from new electrical component equipment. (Ex.
300, p. Air-1, C.1-67.) Greenhouse Gas Table 2 shows what the proposed
project could potentially emit in greenhouse gases on an annual basis.

Greenhouse Gas Table 2
Estimated Calico Solar Potential Operating Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Operating Element Annual CO2-Equivalent (MTCO2E)a
Onsite Stationary Equipment Combustion b 0.82
Onsite Vehicle Combustion b 1,635.51
Onsite Train for Water Delivery b 153.75
Offsite Vehicle Combustion b 1,174.54
Offsite Train for Water Delivery b 140.19
Equipment Leakage (SF6) 384.42
Total Project GHG Emissions – MTCO2E b 3,488.22
Facility MWh per year c 1,840,000
Facility GHG Performance (MTCO2E/MWh) 0.00190
Source: Ex. 300, p. C.1-68, Greenhouse Gas Table 3
One metric tonne (MT) equals 1.1 short tons or 2,204.6 pounds or 1,000 kilograms.
The vast majority of the CO2E emissions, over 99 percent, are CO2 from these two emission sources.
Approximately a 25 percent capacity factor.

The proposed project is estimated to emit, directly from primary and secondary
emission sources on an annual basis, nearly 3,500 metric tonnes of
CO2-equivalent GHG emissions per year. The Calico Solar Project, as a
renewable energy generation facility, is determined by rule to comply with the
Greenhouse Gas Emission Performance Standard requirements of SB 1368
(Chapter 11, Greenhouse Gases Emission Performance Standard, Article 1,
Section 2903 [b][1]). Regardless, the Calico Solar Project has an estimated
GHG emission rate of 0.00190 MTCO2E/MWh, well below the Greenhouse Gas
Emission Performance Standard of 0.500 MTCO2/MWh.

The Applicant did not update the GHG emissions to reflect the changes to the
project. However, based on the evidence, we find that the GHG emissions are
expected to minimally decrease due to the proposed project modifications for the
same reasons as identified in the Air Quality section this Decision. (Ex. 300, p.

b. Assessment of Operational Impacts

GHG emissions contribute to global impacts. While it may be true that in

general, when an agency conducts a CEQA analysis of a proposed project, it
does not need to analyze how the operation of the proposed project is going to
affect the entire system of projects in a large multistate region, analysis of the
impacts of GHG emissions from power plants requires consideration of the
project’s impacts on the entire electricity system.

California’s electricity system – which is actually part of a system serving the
entire western region of the U.S., Canada, and Mexico – is large and complex.
Hundreds of power plants, thousands of miles of transmission and distribution
lines, and millions of points of electricity demand operate in an interconnected,
integrated, and simultaneous fashion. Because the system is integrated, and
because electricity is produced and consumed instantaneously, and will continue
to be until large-scale electricity storage technologies are available, any change
in demand and, most important for this analysis, any change in output from any
generation source, is likely to affect the output from all generators (Committee
Guidance on Fulfilling California Environmental Quality Act Responsibilities for
Greenhouse Gas Impacts in Power Plant Siting Applications, CEC-700-2009-
004, pp. 20 to 22.) 3 (Hereinafter referred to as “Committee CEQA Guidance”)

The California Independent System Operator (CAISO) is responsible for

operating the system so that it provides power reliably and at the lowest cost.
Thus the CAISO dispatches generating facilities generally in order of cheapest to
operate (i.e., typically the most efficient) to most expensive (i.e., typically the
least efficient). (Id., p. 20.) Because operating cost is correlated with heat rate
(the amount of fuel that it takes to generate a unit of electricity), and, in turn, heat
rate is directly correlated with emissions (including GHG emissions), when a
power plant runs, it usually will take the place of another facility with higher
emissions that otherwise would have operated. Due to the integrated nature of
the electrical grid, the operational plant and the displaced plant may be hundreds
of miles apart (Committee CEQA Guidance, p. 20.) Because one plant’s
operation could affect GHG emissions hundreds of miles away, the necessity of
assessing their operational GHG emissions on a system-wide basis becomes

As California moves towards an increased reliance on renewable energy, non-

renewable energy resources will be displaced. These reductions in non-
renewable energy, shown in Greenhouse Gas Table 3, could be as much as
36,500 GWh. These assumptions are conservative in that the forecasted growth
in electricity retail sales assumes that the impacts of planned increases in
expenditures on (uncommitted) energy efficiency are already included in the
current retail sales forecast. Energy Commission staff estimates that as much as
18,000 GWh of additional savings due to uncommitted energy efficiency
programs may be forthcoming. This would reduce non-renewable energy needs
by a further 12,000 GWh given a 33 percent RPS.

The report was issued in March 2009 and is found on the Commission website at:
Greenhouse Gas Table 3
Estimated Changes in Non-Renewable Energy Potentially Needed to Meet
California Loads, 2008-2020

California Electricity Supply Annual GWh

Statewide Retail Sales, 2008, estimated 264,794
Statewide Retail Sales, 2020, forecast a 298,697
Growth in Retail Sales, 2008-20 24,903
Growth in Net Energy for Load 29,840

California Renewable Electricity GWh @ 20% RPS GWh @ 33% RPS

Renewable Energy Requirements, 2020 c 57,939 95,600
Current Renewable Energy, 2008 29,174
Change in Renewable Energy-2008 to 2020 28,765 66,426
Resulting Change in Non-Renewable Energy 176 (36,586)
Source: Ex. 300, p. C.1-71, Greenhouse Gas Table 4
a. 2009 IPER Demand Forecast, Form 1.1c. Excludes pumping loads for entities that do not
have an RPS.
b. 2009 IEPR Demand Forecast, Form 1.5a.
c. RPS requirements are a percentage of retail sales.

High GHG -emitting resources, such as coal, are effectively prohibited from
entering into new contracts for California electricity deliveries as a result of the
Emissions Performance Standard adopted in 2007 pursuant to SB 1368.
Between now and 2020, more than 18,000 GWh of energy procured by California
utilities under these contracts will have to reduce GHG emissions or be replaced;
these contracts are presented in Greenhouse Gas Table 4. (Ex. 300, C.1-71.)

Greenhouse Gas Table 4
Expiring Long-term Contracts with Coal-fired Generation 2009 – 2020
Contract Annual GWh
Utility Facility a
Expiration Delivered to CA
Misc In-state
PG&E, SCE 2009-2019 4,086
Qual.Facilities a
LADWP Intermountain 2009-2013 3,163 b
City of Riverside Bonanza, Hunter 2010 385
Department of Water
Reid Gardner 2013 c 1,211
SDG&E Boardman 2013 555
SCE Four Corners 2016 4,920
Turlock Irrigation District Boardman 2018 370
LADWP Navajo 2019 3,832
TOTAL 18,522
Source: Ex. 300, p. C.1-72, Greenhouse Gas Table 5
a. All facilities are located out-of-state except for the Miscellaneous In-state Qualifying
b. Estimated annual reduction in energy provided to LADWP by Utah utilities from their
entitlement by 2013.
c. Contract not subject to Emission Performance Standard, but the Department of Water
Resources has stated its intention not to renew or extend.

This represents almost half of the energy associated with California utility
contracts with coal-fired resources that will expire by 2030. If the State enacts a
carbon adder 4, all the coal contracts (including those in Greenhouse Gas Table
4, which expire by 2020, and other contracts that expire beyond 2020 and are not
shown in Table 4) may be retired at an accelerated rate as coal-fired energy
becomes economically uncompetitive. Also shown are the approximate 500 MW
of in-state coal and petroleum coke-fired capacity that may be unlikely to contract
with California utilities for baseload energy due to SB1368 Emission Performance
Standard. As these contracts expire, new and existing generation resources will
replace the lost energy and capacity. Some will come from renewable
generation; some will come from new and existing natural gas fired generation.
All of these new facilities will emit substantially less GHG than the coal and
petroleum coke-fired generation, which average about 1.0 MTCO2/MWh without

A carbon adder or carbon tax is a specific value added to the cost of a project for per ton of
associated carbon or carbon dioxide emissions. Because it is based on, but not limited to, actual
operations and emission and can be trued up at year end, it is considered a simple mechanism to
assign environmental costs to a project.

carbon capture and sequestration, resulting in a net reduction in GHG emissions
from the California electricity sector. (Ex. 300, p. C.1-72.)

The SWRCB has proposed substantial changes to once-through cooling (OTC)

units, shown in Greenhouse Gas Table 5, which would likely require retrofit,
retirement, or substantial curtailment of dozens of generating units. In 2008,
these units collectively produced about 58,000 GWh. While the more recently
built OTC facilities may well install dry or wet cooling towers, it is unlikely that the
aging, merchant plants will do so. Most of these units already operate at low
capacity factors, reflecting their limited ability to compete in the current electricity
market. New resources would continue to out-compete aging plants, displacing
the energy provided by OTC facilities and accelerating their retirement. (Ex. 300,
p. C.1-72 to C.1.73.)

It must be noted, however, that a project like Calico Solar, located far from
coastal load pockets such as the Greater Los Angeles Local Capacity Area,
would more likely provide energy support to facilitate the retirement of some
aging and/or OTC power plants, but would not likely provide any local capacity
support at or near the coastal OTC units. We expect that local capacity and
voltage support will increasingly be provided by newer, more-efficient natural gas
and other forms of generation, including, to the extent practical, distributed
generation resources such as rooftop solar. These resources will also help
displace older, less-efficient generation and accelerate retirement of those units. 
Regardless, due to its low greenhouse gas emissions, Calico Solar will serve to
reduce GHG emissions from the electricity sector. (Ex. 300, p. C.1-73.)

GHG 10
Greenhouse Gas Table 5
Units Utilizing Once-Through Cooling: 2008 Capacity and Energy Output a
Plant, Unit Name Owner Local Aging Capacity 2008 GHG
Reliability Plant? (MW) Energy Performance
Area Output (MTCO2/MWh)
Diablo Canyon 1, 2 Utility None No 2,232 17,091 Nuclear
San Onofre 2, 3 Utility L.A. Basin No 2,246 15,392 Nuclear
Broadway 3 b Utility L.A. Basin Yes 75 90 0.648
El Centro 3, 4 b Utility None Yes 132 238 0.814
Grayson 3-5 b Utility LADWP Yes 108 150 0.799
Grayson CC b Utility LADWP Yes 130 27 0.896
Harbor CC Utility LADWP No 227 203 0.509
Haynes 1, 2, 5, 6 Utility LADWP Yes 1,046 1,529 0.578
Haynes CC c Utility LADWP No 560 3,423 0.376
Humboldt Bay 1, 2 a Utility Humboldt Yes 107 507 0.683
Olive 1, 2 b Utility LADWP Yes 110 11 1.008
Scattergood 1-3 Utility LADWP Yes 803 1,327 0.618
Utility-Owned 7,776 39,988 0.693
Alamitos 1-6 Merchant L.A. Basin Yes 1,970 2,533 0.661
Contra Costa 6, 7 Merchant S.F. Bay Yes 680 160 0.615
Coolwater 1-4 b Merchant None Yes 727 576 0.633
El Segundo 3, 4 Merchant L.A. Basin Yes 670 508 0.576
Encina 1-5 Merchant San Diego Yes 951 997 0.674
Etiwanda 3, 4 b Merchant L.A. Basin Yes 666 848 0.631
Huntington Beach 1,
Merchant L.A. Basin Yes 430 0.591
2 916
Huntington Beach 3,
Merchant L.A. Basin No 450 0.563
4 620
Mandalay 1, 2 Merchant Ventura Yes 436 597 0.528
Morro Bay 3, 4 Merchant None Yes 600 83 0.524
Moss Landing 6, 7 Merchant None Yes 1,404 1,375 0.661
Moss Landing 1, 2 Merchant None No 1,080 5,791 0.378
Ormond Beach 1, 2 Merchant Ventura Yes 1,612 783 0.573
Pittsburg 5-7 Merchant S.F. Bay Yes 1,332 180 0.673
Potrero 3 Merchant S.F. Bay Yes 207 530 0.587
Redondo Beach 5-8 Merchant L.A. Basin Yes 1,343 317 0.810
South Bay 1-4 Merchant San Diego Yes 696 1,015 0.611
Merchant-Owned 15,254 17,828 0.605
Total In-State OTC 23,030 57,817
Source: Ex. 300, p. Air-1-13, Greenhouse Gas Table 6
a. OTC Humboldt Bay Units 1 and 2 are included in this list. They must retire in 2010 when the new Humboldt
Bay Generating Station (not ocean-cooled), currently under construction, enters commercial operation.
b. Units are aging but are not OTC.

11 GHG
The proposed Calico Solar Project promotes the state’s efforts to move towards
a high-renewable, low-GHG electricity system, and, therefore, reduce the amount
of natural gas used by electricity generation and greenhouse gas emissions. Its
use of solar power, resultant limited GHG emissions, and likely replacement of
older existing plant capacity, furthers the state’s strategy to promote generation
system efficiency and reduce fossil fuel use and GHG emissions.

Net GHG emissions for the integrated electric system will decline when new
renewable power plants are added to: 1) move renewable generation towards the
33 percent target; 2) improve the overall efficiency, or GHG emission rate, of the
electric system; or 3) serve load growth or capacity needs more efficiently, or
with fewer GHG emissions. We find that the Calico Solar Project furthers the
state’s progress toward achieving these important goals and is consistent with
the state policies we discussed in Section 2 of this chapter.

5. Cumulative Impacts on Greenhouse Gases

Cumulative impacts are defined as “two or more individual effects which, when
considered together, are considerable or . . . compound or increase other
environmental impacts.” (CEQA Guidelines § 15355.) “A cumulative impact
consists of an impact that is created as a result of a combination of the project
evaluated in the EIR together with other projects causing related impacts.”
(CEQA Guidelines § 15130[a][1].) Such impacts may be relatively minor and
incremental, yet still be significant because of the existing environmental
background, particularly when one considers other closely related past, present,
and reasonably foreseeable future projects.

GHG assessment is by its very nature a cumulative impact assessment. The

Calico Solar Project will emit a limited amount of greenhouse gases and,
therefore, this assessment presents the potential cumulative impact in the
context of the project’s effect on the electricity system, resulting GHG emissions
from the system, and existing GHG regulatory requirements and GHG energy
policies. The evidence supports our finding that the Calico Solar Project will not
cause or contribute to a significant adverse cumulative impact due to GHG
emissions, and will in fact result in a net reduction in GHG emissions across the
electricity system providing energy and capacity to California. (Ex. 300, p. C.1-

GHG 12
6. Closure and Decommissioning

Eventually the facility will close, either at the end of its useful life or due to some
unexpected situation such as a natural disaster or catastrophic facility
breakdown. When the facility closes, all sources of air emissions would cease to
operate and thus impacts associated with those greenhouse gas emissions
would no longer occur. The only other expected GHG emissions would be
temporary equipment exhaust (off-road and on-road) from the dismantling
activities. These activities would be of much a shorter duration than construction
of the project, equipment is assumed to have lower comparative GHG emissions
due to technology advancement, and would be required to be controlled in a
manner at least equivalent to that required during construction. Therefore, we
find that while there will be a temporary CEQA impact on GHG during
decommissioning, it will be less than significant. (Ex. 300, p. C.1-73.)

7. Mitigation Measures/Proposed Conditions of Certification

No Conditions of Certification related to Greenhouse Gas emissions are

proposed. The project owner will comply with any future applicable GHG
regulations formulated by the ARB, such as GHG reporting or emissions cap and
trade markets.


1. The GHG emissions from the Calico Solar Project construction are likely
to be 41,571.01 MTCO2 equivalent (“MTCO2E”) during the 41-month
construction period.

2. There is no numerical threshold of significance under CEQA for

construction-related GHG emissions.

3. The project owner will use best practices to control its construction-related
GHG emissions.

4. Construction-related GHG emissions are less than significant if they are

controlled with best practices.

5. State government has a responsibility to ensure a reliable electricity

supply, consistent with environmental, economic, and health and safety

13 GHG
6. California utilities are obligated to meet whatever demand exists from any
and all customers.

7. Under SB 1368 and implementing regulations, California’s electric utilities

may not enter into long-term commitments with base load power plants
with CO2 emissions that exceed the Emissions Performance Standard
(“EPS”) of 0.500 MTCO2 / MWh.

8. The maximum annual CO2 emissions from Calico Solar operation will be
3,488.22 MTCO2e, which constitutes an emissions performance factor of
0.00190 MTCO2e / MWh.

9. The SB 1368 EPS is applicable to the Calico Solar Project GHG


10. AB 32 requires CARB to adopt regulations that will reduce statewide GHG
emissions, by the year 2020, to the 1990 level. Executive Order S-3-05
requires a further reduction, by the year 2050, to 80 percent below the
1990 level.

11. The California Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) requires the state’s
electric utilities obtain at least 33 percent of the power supplies from
renewable sources, by the year 2020.

12. California’s power supply loading order requires California utilities to

obtain their power first from the implementation of all feasible and cost-
effective energy efficiency and demand response, then from renewables
and distributed generation, and finally from the most efficient available
fossil-fired generation and infrastructure improvement.

13. There is no evidence in the record that construction or operation of the

Calico Solar Project will be inconsistent with the loading order.

14. When it operates, the Calico Solar Project will displace generation from
less-efficient (i.e., higher-heat-rate and therefore higher-GHG-emitting)
power plants.

15. The Calico Solar Project will replace power from coal-fired power plants
that will be unable to contract with California utilities under the SB 1368
EPS, and from once-through cooling power plants that must be retired.

16. Calico Solar Project operation will reduce overall GHG emissions from the
electricity system.

GHG 14
17. The role of fossil fuel-fired generation will diminish as technology
advances, coupled with efficiency and conservation measures, make
round-the-clock availability of renewables generation feasible.


1. Calico Solar construction-related GHG emissions will not cause a

significant adverse environmental impact.

2. The GHG emissions from a power plant’s operation should be assessed in

the context of the operation of the entire electricity system of which the
plant is an integrated part.

3. Calico Solar operational GHG emissions will not cause a significant

environmental impact.

4. The SB 1368 EPS applies to the Calico Solar Project. Calico Solar has an
estimated GHG emission rate of 0.00190 MTCO2E/MWh, well below the
Greenhouse Gas Emission Performance Standard of 0.500 MTCO2/MWh.

5. Calico Solar operation will help California utilities meet their RPS

6. Calico Solar operation will be consistent with California’s loading order for
power supplies.

7. Calico Solar operation will foster the achievement of the GHG goals of AB
32 and Executive Order S-3-05.

8. The GHG emissions of any power plant must be assessed within the
system on a case-by-case basis to ensure that the project will be
consistent with the goals and policies enunciated above.

9. Any new power plant that we certify must:

a) not increase the overall system heat rate;
b) not interfere with generation from existing renewables or with the
integration of new renewable generation; and
c) have the ability to reduce system-wide GHG emissions.

15 GHG

This analysis evaluates the expected air quality impacts from the emissions of
criteria air pollutants from both the construction and operation of the Calico Solar
Project. Criteria air pollutants are air contaminants for which the state and/or
federal governments, per the California Clean Air Act and the federal Clean Air
Act, have established an ambient air quality standard to protect public health.
(Ex. 300, p. C.1-2.)

The criteria pollutants analyzed within this section are nitrogen dioxide (NO2),
sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O3), and particulate matter
(PM). Lead is not analyzed as a criteria pollutant, but lead and other toxic air
pollutant emissions impacts are analyzed in the Public Health section of this
Decision. Two subsets of particulate matter are inhalable particulate matter (less
than 10 microns in diameter - PM10) and fine particulate matter (less than 2.5
microns in diameter - PM2.5). Nitrogen oxides (NOX, consisting primarily of nitric
oxide [NO] and NO2) and volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions readily
react in the atmosphere as precursors to ozone and, to a lesser extent,
particulate matter. Sulfur oxides (SOX) readily react in the atmosphere to form
particulate matter and are major contributors to acid rain. (Id.)

The evidence includes an evaluation of the following four major issues:

• whether the Calico Solar Project is likely to conform with applicable
federal, state, and Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District
(MDAQMD or District) air quality laws, ordinances, regulations and
standards (Title 20, California Code of Regulations, section 1744 (b));
• whether the project is likely to cause new violations of ambient air quality
standards or contribute substantially to existing violations of those
standards (Title 20, California Code of Regulations, section 1743);
• whether recommended mitigation measures are adequate to lessen
potential impacts under CEQA to a level of insignificance (Title 20,
California Code of Regulations, section 1742 (b)); and
• whether the project would exceed regulatory benchmarks identified and
used by Staff to analyze NEPA air quality impacts, before or after
implementation of recommended mitigation measures. (Id.)

The evidence establishes that with the adoption and implementation of the
recommended Conditions of Certification the Calico Solar Project will meet the

1 Air Quality
provisions of all applicable air quality laws and will not result in any significant
adverse air quality impacts. (Ex. 300, pp. C.1.1 to C-48.)

The Applicant modified the project boundary and significantly reduced the project
footprint from 8,230 acres to 6,215 acres. The revisions to the project do not
substantially change the worst-case onsite construction emissions and would
reduce onsite operation emissions due to the reduction in the project footprint
and vehicle travel requirements. Therefore, the modeling assessment conducted
for the project continues to be valid. However, the Applicant did provide
additional modeling analysis to show compliance with the new federal 1-hour
NO2 standard, which is included in the analysis. (Ex. 300, p. C.1-23.)


The federal Clean Air Act and the California Clean Air Act both require the
establishment of standards for ambient concentrations of air pollutants, called
ambient air quality standards (AAQS). The state AAQS, established by the
California Air Resources Board (CARB), are typically more protective than the
federal AAQS, which are established by the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA). The standards consist of two parts: an allowable concentration of
a pollutant, and an averaging time over which the concentration is to be
measured. The averaging times are based on whether the damage caused by
the pollutant is more likely to occur during exposures to a high concentration for a
short time (one hour, for instance), or to a relatively lower average concentration
over a longer period (8 hours, 24 hours, or 1 month). Air Quality Table 1 lists
the state and federal AAQS. (Ex. 300, p. C.1-7.)

As shown in Table 1, the averaging times for the various air quality standards
and the times over which they are measured, range from one-hour to annual
averages. The standards are read as a concentration in parts per million (ppm),
or as a weighted mass of material per a volume of air in milligrams or
micrograms of pollutant in a cubic meter of air (mg/m3 or μg/m3, respectively.) (Id.)

In general, an area is designated as “attainment” if the concentration of a

particular air contaminant does not exceed the standard. Likewise, an area is
designated as “nonattainment” if the concentration of a particular contaminant
standard is violated. Where there is insufficient data to support designation as
either attainment or nonattainment, the area can be designated as unclassified.
An area could be attainment for one air contaminant while nonattainment for

Air Quality 2
another, or attainment under the federal standard and nonattainment under the
state standard for the same air contaminant. (Ex. 300, p. C.1-8.)

Air Quality Table 1

Federal and State Ambient Air Quality Standards
Pollutant Averaging Time Federal Standard California Standard
Ozone 8 Hour a
0.075 ppm (147 µg/m ) 3
0.070 ppm (137 µg/m3)
1 Hour — 0.09 ppm (180 µg/m3)
Carbon Monoxide 8 Hour 9 ppm (10 mg/m3) 9.0 ppm (10 mg/m3)
1 Hour 35 ppm (40 mg/m3) 20 ppm (23 mg/m3)
Nitrogen Dioxide Annual 0.053 ppm (100 µg/m3) 0.03 ppm (57 µg/m3)
1 Hour 0.100 ppm b 0.18 ppm (339 µg/m3)
Sulfur Dioxide Annual 0.030 ppm (80 µg/m3) —
24 Hour 0.14 ppm (365 µg/m3) 0.04 ppm (105 µg/m3)
3 Hour 0.5 ppm (1300 µg/m3) —
1 Hour — 0.25 ppm (655 µg/m3)
Particulate Matter Annual — 20 µg/m3
24 Hour 150 µg/m3 50 µg/m3
Fine Annual 15 µg/m3 12 µg/m3
Particulate Matter
(PM2.5) 24 Hour 35 µg/m3 —
Sulfates (SO4) 24 Hour — 25 µg/m3
Lead 30 Day Average — 1.5 µg/m3
Calendar Quarter 1.5 µg/m3 —
Hydrogen Sulfide
1 Hour — 0.03 ppm (42 µg/m3)
Vinyl Chloride
24 Hour — 0.01 ppm (26 µg/m3)
Visibility Reducing In sufficient amount to produce
Particulates an extinction coefficient of 0.23
8 Hour — per kilometer due to particles
when the relative humidity is
less than 70%.
Source: Ex. 300, p. C.1-8.
– The 2008 standard is shown above, but as of September 16, 2009 this standard is being reconsidered.
The 1997 8-hour standard is 0.08 ppm.
– The U.S. EPA is in the process of implementing this new standard, which became effective April 12,
2010. This standard is based on the 3-year average of the 98 percentile of the yearly distribution of
1-hour daily maximum concentrations.

3 Air Quality
1. Existing Air Quality

The project site is located in the Mojave Desert Air Basin (MDAB) under the
jurisdiction of the MDAQMD. The San Bernardino County portion of the MDAB
surrounding the project site is designated as non-attainment for the federal and
state ozone and PM10 standards, and the state PM2.5 standard. This area is
designated as attainment or unclassified for the state and federal CO, NOX, SOX,
and the federal PM2.5 standards. Air Quality Table 2 summarizes the area's
attainment status for various applicable state and federal standards. (Ex. 300, p.

Air Quality Table 2

Federal and State Attainment Status
San Bernardino County
Attainment Status a
Federal State
Ozone Moderate Nonattainment Moderate Nonattainment
CO Attainment Attainment
NO2 Attainmentb Attainment
SO2 Attainment Attainment
PM10 Moderate Nonattainment Nonattainment
PM2.5 Attainment Nonattainment
Attainment = Attainment or Unclassified.
Nitrogen dioxide attainment status for the new federal 1-hour NO2 standard is scheduled to be
determined by January 2012.

1. Construction Impacts and Mitigation

The proposed project will be located on approximately 6,215 acres, and will
include the installation of 34,000 SunCatchers, operation of Solar Stirling Engine
Power Conversion Units (PCUs), administration building, the maintenance
building, and the substation building. The proposed project also includes the
construction of a project substation, water treatment infrastructure, and onsite
road construction. The project owner will use well water from the Lavic
Groundwater Basin for construction and operation of the project. Water will be
transported by a 0.51 mile long underground pipeline. (Ex. 300, pp. C.1-14 and

Construction generally consists of site preparation, and construction and

installation of major equipment and structures. Thus, there are two types of
construction emissions fugitive emissions and combustion emissions. Fugitive
dust comes from moving, disturbing, and traveling over the work site and roads,
including grading/excavation and installation of linear facilities. Fuel combustion

Air Quality 4
emissions come from construction equipment exhausts, such as vehicles and
heavy equipment/internal combustion engines. (Exs. 1, p. 5.10-16; 300, p. C.1-

Air Quality Table 3 presents the Applicant’s maximum annual construction-

emission estimates. The Table shows that the maximum annual emissions are
below the General Conformity Rule applicability thresholds for Ozone Precursors:
NOX (100 tons), VOC (100 tons) and PM10 (100 tons). (Ex. 300, p. C.1-17.)

Air Quality Table 3

Calico Solar Construction - Maximum Annual (12-Month) Emissions
Onsite Construction Emissions
Onsite Combustion Emissions 37.73 0.05 36.69 6.89 2.38 2.18
Onsite Fugitive Dust Emissions --- --- --- --- 71.72 10.39
Subtotal of Onsite Emissions 37.73 0.05 36.69 6.89 74.10 12.57
Offsite Emissions
Offsite Combustion Emissions 57.83 0.12 64.48 13.97 3.80 3.33
Offsite Fugitive Dust Emissions --- --- --- --- 12.67 1.66
Subtotal of Offsite Emissions 57.83 0.12 64.48 13.97 16.47 4.99
Total Maximum Annual Emissions 95.55 0.16 101.17 20.86 90.57 17.56
Source: Ex. 300, p. C.1-17

Using estimated peak hourly, daily, and annual construction equipment exhaust
emissions, the Applicant modeled Calico Solar Project’s construction emissions
to determine impacts. The Applicant’s modeling analysis includes onsite fugitive
dust and vehicle tailpipe emissions sources and control measures proposed by
the Applicant. The modeling results are shown in Air Quality Table 4. 1 (Ex.
300, pp. C.1-21 to C.1-24.)

Staff evaluated construction impacts by adding the modeled impacts to the available highest
ambient background concentrations recorded during the previous three years from nearby
monitoring stations. (Ex. 300, p. C.1-27.)

5 Air Quality
Air Quality Table 4
Calico Solar Maximum Project Construction Impacts
Avg. Impacts Background Total Impact Standard Percent of
Period (μg/m3) (μg/m3) (μg/m3) (μg/m3) Standard
1-hr. 68.1 154.4 222.5 339 66%
Annual 3.9 41.8 45.7 57 80%
24-hr 26.5 80 106.5 50 213%
Annual 3.2 29.8 33.0 20 165%
24-hr 4.1 28 32.1 35 92%
Annual 0.6 10.3 10.9 12 91%
1-hr 61 4,025 4,086 23,000 18%
8-hr 32 1,367 1,399 10,000 14%
1-hr 0.07 47.2 47.3 665 7%
3-hr 0.05 42.4 42.5 1300 3%
24-hr 0.02 13.1 13.1 105 12%
Annual 0.004 2.7 2.7 80 3%
Source: Exs.1. Table 5.2-19 Revised; 300, p. C.1-24

As shown, with the exception of 24-hour and annual PM10 impacts, the Calico
Solar Project will not create new exceedances. The modeling analysis also
shows that with the exception of PM10 impacts, the project will not contribute to
exceedances for any of the modeled air pollutants. (Ex. 300, p. C.1-22.)

However, in light of the existing PM10 and ozone-nonattainment status for the
project area, Staff determined that the construction emissions of nonattainment
pollutants and their precursors (NOX, VOC, and PM emissions) are CEQA
significant and therefore, the off-road equipment and fugitive dust emissions
require mitigation. (Id.)

The modeling analysis also shows that with implementation of mitigation

measures, project construction is not predicted to cause new exceedances of the
NAAQS for attainment pollutants. (Ex. 300, p. C.1-25.)

2. Operation Impacts and Mitigation

The Calico Solar Project will be a nominal 663.5 MW solar electrical generating
facility. While the direct air pollutant emissions from power solar generation are
negligible, there are required auxiliary equipment and maintenance activities
necessary to operate and maintain the facility. (Ex. 300, p. C.1-17.)

The results of the Applicant’s modeling analysis of maximum annual operation

emissions are well below the General Conformity Rule applicability thresholds for

Air Quality 6
PM10 (100) and ozone precursors (NOX [100 tons] and VOC [100 tons]). Air
Quality Table 5 presents these estimates. (Ex. 300, p. C.1-20.)

Air Quality Table 5

Calico Solar Operations - Maximum Annual Emissions (tons/yr)
Onsite Operation Emissions
Onsite Combustion Emissions 2.89 0.02 27.71 3.55 0.10 0.08
Onsite Gasoline Tank Emissions --- --- --- 0.09 --- ---
Onsite Fugitive Dust Emissions --- --- --- --- 35.11 5.14
Subtotal of Onsite Emissions 2.89 0.02 27.71 3.64 35.21 5.23
Offsite Emissions
Offsite Combustion Emissions 1.14 0.01 6.20 0.21 0.14 0.08
Offsite Fugitive Dust --- --- --- --- 5.37 0.30
Subtotal of Offsite Emissions 1.14 0.01 6.20 0.21 5.51 0.38
Total Maximum Annual Emissions 4.03 0.03 33.91 3.85 40.72 5.61
Source: TS 2010q and Staff estimates for the gasoline tank. Ex. 300, p. C.1-19

The Applicant also performed a modeling analysis using the EPA-approved

AERMOD model to estimate the impacts of the project’s NOX, PM10, CO, and
SOX maintenance and stationary emissions resulting from project operation. Air
Quality Table 6 presents the results of the Applicant’s modeling analysis. 2

Air Quality Table 6

Calico Solar Operation Emission Impacts
Avg. Impacts Background 1 Total Impact Standard Percent of
Period (μg/m3) (μg/m3) (μg/m3) (μg/m3) Standard
1-hr. 47.8 154.4 202.2 339 61%
NO2 1-hr Fed 51.8 129.6 181.3 188 96%
Annual 0.3 41.8 42.1 57 74%
24-hr 2.8 80 82.8 50 166%
Annual 0.6 29.8 30.4 20 152%
24-hr 0.4 28 28.4 35 81%
Annual 0.1 10.3 10.4 12 87%
1-hr 166 4,025 4,191 23,000 18%
8-hr 72 1,367 1,439 10,000 14%
1-hr 0.62 47.2 47.8 665 7%
3-hr 0.22 42.4 42.6 1300 3%
24-hr 0.07 13.1 13.2 105 13%
Annual 0.001 2.7 2.7 80 3%
Source: Exs. 1, Table 5.2-20 Revised; 300, p. C.1-27.

Staff evaluated the operation impacts by adding the modeled impacts to the available highest
ambient background concentrations recorded during the previous three years from nearby
monitoring stations. (Ex. 300, p. C.1-27.)

7 Air Quality
As shown, with the exception of PM10 impacts, that the proposed project would
not create new exceedances. The table further shows that with the exception of
PM10 impacts, the proposed project will not contribute to existing exceedances
for any of the modeled air pollutants. (Ex. 300, p. C.1-25.)

In light of the existing PM10 and ozone non-attainment status for the project
area, Staff determined that the operating emissions of NOX, VOC, and PM
emissions are potentially CEQA significant and mitigation is required for the off-
road equipment and fugitive dust emissions. (Ex. 300, p. C.1-25.)

The record further shows that based on the modeling analysis and with
implementation of recommended mitigation measures, as adopted in the
Conditions of Certification below, project operations will not cause new
exceedances of NAAQS.

The record shows that the project’s operating emissions are well below the
General Conformity applicability thresholds for the federal PM10 and ozone
nonattainment pollutants. (Ex. 300, pp. C.1-24 and C.1-45.)

3. Construction and Operation Overlap Impacts and Mitigation

For a period of time, the construction and operation of the facilities will overlap
due to the staged construction and operation of the two phases. As discussed
above, the record discloses Applicant’s performance of various modeling
analyses for worst-case emissions. These analyses include modeling for the
worst-case onsite emissions associated with overlap between operation of Phase
I and construction of Phase II. Air Quality Table 7 presents the maximum
annual construction/operation overlapping emissions. (Ex. 300, p. C.1-18.)

As shown, the maximum annual overlapping construction/operation emissions

are below the General Conformity Rule applicability thresholds for PM10 [70
tons] and ozone precursors (NOX [100 tons] and VOC [100 tons].). (Ex. 300, pp.
C.1-21 to C.1-22.)

Furthermore, the Applicant’s emissions analysis indicates that the mitigated

construction/operation overlapping emissions would be no higher than those
determined for the worst-case project construction period. (Ex. 300, pp. C.1-25
and C.1-26.) Staff therefore determined that no significant CEQA or adverse
NEPA impacts would occur after implementation of the mitigation measures
included in the Conditions of Certification adopted herein. (Id.)

Air Quality 8
Air Quality Table 7
Maximum Annual Construction/Operation Overlap Emissions (tons/year)
Onsite Emissions
Onsite Combustion Emissions 31.74 0.04 36.78 6.39 2.11 1.92
Onsite Fugitive Dust Emissions -- -- -- -- 65.55 9.72
Subtotal of Onsite Emissions 31.74 0.04 36.78 6.39 67.65 11.64
Offsite Emissions
Offsite Combustion Emissions 53.36 0.12 65.33 13.17 3.56 3.11
Offsite Fugitive Dust -- -- -- -- 11.77 1.55
Subtotal of Offsite Emissions 53.36 0.12 65.33 13.17 15.33 4.65
Total Maximum Hourly Emissions 85.11 0.16 102.11 19.56 82.98 16.30
Onsite Emissions
Onsite Combustion Emissions 0.42 0.00 3.96 0.51 0.01 0.01
Onsite Gasoline Tank Emissions -- -- -- 0.09 -- --
Onsite Fugitive Dust Emissions -- -- -- -- 5.02 0.74
Subtotal of Onsite Emissions 0.42 0.00 3.96 0.60 5.03 0.75
Offsite Emissions
Offsite Combustion Emissions 0.16 0.00 0.89 0.03 0.02 0.01
Offsite Fugitive Dust -- -- -- -- 0.77 0.04
Subtotal of Offsite Emissions 0.16 0.00 0.89 0.03 0.79 0.05
Total Maximum Hourly Emissions 0.58 0.00 4.85 0.63 5.82 0.80
Construction/Operation Overlap Totals
Construction/Operation Overlap Total 85.69 0.16 106.96 20.19 88.80 17.10
Source: TS 2010e, Table 2.2-6a, and Staff estimates for the gasoline tank. Ex. 300, p. C.1-21.

4. Cumulative Impacts

Cumulative impacts result from the proposed project’s incremental effect,

together with other closely related past, present and reasonably foreseeable
future projects whose impacts may compound or increase the incremental effect
of the proposed project. (Pub. Res. Code § 21083; Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, §§
15064(h), 15130, 15355.)

This analysis is concerned with criteria air pollutants. Such pollutants have
impacts that are usually (though not always) cumulative by nature. Rarely would
a project by itself cause a violation of a federal or state criteria pollutant standard.
However, a new source of pollution may contribute to violations of criteria
pollutant standards because of the existing background sources or foreseeable
future projects. (Ex. 300, C.1-41.)

The record includes extensive analysis of cumulative impacts to air quality. The
“Existing Ambient Air Quality” subsection describes the air quality background in
San Bernardino County, including a discussion of historical ambient levels for

9 Air Quality
each of the significant criteria pollutants. The construction and operation
subsections discuss the proposed project’s contribution to the local existing
background caused by project construction and operation. (Id.)

The record also contains a summary of projections for criteria pollutants by the
MDAQMD’s programmatic efforts to abate such pollution, an analysis of the
project’s localized cumulative impacts, and the project’s direct operating
emissions combined with other local major emission sources. (Ex. 300, pp. C.1-
41 to C.1-43.)

As a solar power generation facility, the direct air pollutant emissions from power
generation are negligible and the emission source would be limited to auxiliary
equipment and maintenance activities. The emissions from the proposed project
would be minimal compared to the other power generation facilities, and it is
unlikely that the proposed project would have significant impact on particulate
matter emissions. (Ex. 300, p. C.1-42.)

The applicable air quality plans do not outline any new control measures
applicable to the proposed project’s operating emission sources. Therefore,
compliance with existing District rules and regulations would ensure compliance
with air quality plans. (Id.)

The Applicant, in consultation with MDAQMD and San Bernardino County Land
Use Service Department, confirmed that there are no projects within a six-mile
radius from the Calico Solar Project site that are under construction or have
received permits to be built or operate in the foreseeable future. Therefore, we
find that no stationary sources requiring a cumulative modeling analysis exist
within a six-mile radius of the proposed project site. (Ex. 300, C.1-44.)

In addition to the projects determined through consultation with the District, there
are several pending solar and wind projects in the Newberry Springs/Ludlow
Area that would be located within a few miles of the Calico Solar Project site, and
there are dozens of other wind and solar projects that have applications pending
with BLM in the California Desert District. This potential for significant additional
development within the air basin and corresponding increase in air basin
emissions is a major part of Staff’s rationale for recommending Conditions of
Certification AQ-SC6 and AQ-SC7 that are designed to mitigate the proposed
project’s cumulative impacts by reducing the dedicated on-site vehicle emissions
and fugitive dust emissions during site operation. (Id.)

Air Quality 10
In addition, we find that because the project’s cumulative air quality impacts have
been mitigated to less than significant, there is no environmental justice impact
for air quality. (Id.)

5. Compliance with LORS

The MDAQCD issued a Preliminary Determination of Compliance (PDOC) for the

Calico Solar Project on June 4, 2009, and a Final Determination of Compliance
on January 27, 2010, (MDAQMD 2010a). Compliance with all District rules and
regulations was demonstrated to the District’s satisfaction in the FDOC. The
District’s FDOC conditions are presented in the Conditions of Certification (AQ-1
to AQ-15). (Ex. 300, p. C.1-45.)

MDAQMD Rules 403 and 403.2 limit fugitive dust emissions in the project area.
Implementation of Staff-recommended mitigation measures AQ-SC3, AQ-SC4,
and AQ-SC7, which we hereby adopt, will reduce the project’s contributions to
fugitive dust emissions to below the level of significance. (Ex. 300, p. C.1-46.)

In addition, Staff recommend several other Conditions of Certification designed to

reduce the project’s air quality impacts to below the level of significance. We
hereby adopt all of Staff’s recommended Conditions of Certification, AQ-SC1
through AQ-SC15. (Id.)


Based on the persuasive weight of the evidence of record, we find as follows:

1. The proposed Calico Solar Project in the Mojave Desert Air Basin and is
under the jurisdiction of the Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District.

2. The San Bernardino County portion of the Mojave Desert Air Basin area is
designated as nonattainment for federal and state ozone and PM10
standards, and the state PM 2.5 standard.

3. The project will not cause new violations of any NO2, SO2, PM2.5, or CO
ambient air quality standards. Therefore, the NOX, SOX, PM2.5, and CO
emission impacts are not significant.

4. The project’s NOX and VOC emissions can contribute to the existing
violations of the ozone standards. However, the required mitigation will
reduce the project’s impact to a level that is less than significant.

11 Air Quality
5. The project’s PM10 emissions can contribute to the existing violations of the
ozone PM10 air quality standards. However, the required mitigation will
mitigate the project’s impacts to a level that is less than significant.

6. The Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District issued a Final

Determination of Compliance imposing conditions of compliance on project
construction and operation to ensure compliance with District Rules and
Regulations. These Rules and Regulations are incorporated into the
Conditions of Certification below.

7. The project’s construction-related impacts are temporary and short-term in

nature. They are mitigated to below a level of significance by measures
identified in the Conditions of Certification.

8. The record contains an adequate analysis of the project’s contributions to

cumulative air quality impacts.

9. Projects, which have been constructed, undergoing construction, or otherwise

reasonably foreseeable have been considered in the cumulative impact
analyses of record. Impacts arguably attributable to such projects do not alter
conclusions reached concerning the Calico Solar Project’s contribution to
cumulative air quality impacts.

10. Implementation of the Conditions of Certification listed below ensures that

Calico Solar Project will not result in any significant direct, indirect, or
cumulative adverse impacts to air quality.


1. The Commission therefore concludes that the implementation of the

Conditions of Certification will ensure that Calico Solar Project will conform
with all applicable laws, ordinances, regulations, and standards relating to air
quality as set forth in the pertinent portion of Appendix A of this Decision.


Staff conditions AQ-SC1 through AQ-SC4 and AQ-SC7 are both CEQA and
NEPA mitigation conditions. Staff Conditions AQ-SC5, AQ-SC6, and AQ-SC8
are CEQA-only conditions. Note that the term “CPM” refers to the Energy
Commission’s Compliance Project Manager.

AQ-SC1 Air Quality Construction Mitigation Manager (AQCMM): The project

owner shall designate and retain an on-site AQCMM who shall be
responsible for directing and documenting compliance with Conditions
of Certification AQ-SC3, AQ-SC4 and AQ-SC5 for the entire project

Air Quality 12
site and linear facility construction. The on-site AQCMM may delegate
responsibilities to one or more AQCMM Delegates. The AQCMM and
AQCMM Delegates shall have full access to all areas of construction
on the project site and linear facilities, and shall have the authority to
stop any or all construction activities as warranted by applicable
construction mitigation conditions. The AQCMM and AQCMM
Delegates may have other responsibilities in addition to those
described in this Condition. The AQCMM shall not be terminated
without written consent of the Compliance Project Manager (CPM).
Verification: At least 30 days prior to the start of ground disturbance, the
project owner shall submit to the CPM for approval, the name, resume,
qualifications, and contact information for the on-site AQCMM and all AQCMM

AQ-SC2 Air Quality Construction Mitigation Plan (AQCMP): The project owner
shall provide an AQCMP, for approval, which details the steps that will
be taken and the reporting requirements necessary to ensure
compliance with Conditions of Certification AQ-SC3, AQ-SC4, and
Verification: At least 30 days prior to the start of any ground disturbance, the
project owner shall submit the AQCMP to the CPM for approval. The AQCMP
shall include effectiveness and environmental data for the proposed soil
stabilizer. The CPM will notify the project owner of any necessary modifications
to the plan within 15 days from the date of receipt.

AQ-SC3 Construction Fugitive Dust Control: The AQCMM shall submit

documentation to the CPM in each Monthly Compliance Report that
demonstrates compliance with the Air Quality Construction Mitigation
Plan (AQCMP) mitigation measures for the purposes of minimizing
fugitive dust emission creation from construction activities and
preventing all fugitive dust plumes from leaving the project site. The
following fugitive dust mitigation measures shall be included in the Air
Quality Construction Mitigation Plan (AQCMP) required by AQ-SC2,
and any deviation from the AQCMP mitigation measures shall require
prior CPM notification and approval.
A. The main access roads through the facility to the power block areas
will be either paved or stabilized using soil binders, or equivalent
methods, to provide a stabilized surface that is similar for the
purposes of dust control to paving, that may or may not include a
crushed rock (gravel or similar material with fines removed) top
layer, prior to initiating construction in the main power block area,
and delivery areas for operations materials (chemicals,
replacement parts, etc.) will be paved or treated prior to taking
initial deliveries.

13 Air Quality
B. All unpaved construction roads and unpaved operation and
maintenance site roads, as they are being constructed, shall be
stabilized with a non-toxic soil stabilizer or soil weighting agent that
can be determined to be both as efficient or more efficient for
fugitive dust control as ARB approved soil stabilizers, and shall not
increase any other environmental impacts including loss of
vegetation to areas beyond where the soil stabilizers are being
applied for dust control. All other disturbed areas in the project and
linear construction sites shall be watered as frequently as
necessary during grading (consistent with BIO-7); and after active
construction activities shall be stabilized with a non-toxic soil
stabilizer or soil weighting agent, or alternative approved soil
stabilizing methods, in order to comply with the dust mitigation
objectives of Condition of Certification AQ-SC4. The frequency of
watering can be reduced or eliminated during periods of
C. No vehicle shall exceed 10 miles per hour on unpaved areas within
the construction site, with the exception that vehicles may travel up
to 25 miles per hour on stabilized unpaved roads as long as such
speeds do not create visible dust emissions.
D. Visible speed limit signs shall be posted at the construction site
E. All construction equipment vehicle tires shall be inspected and
washed as necessary to be cleaned free of dirt prior to entering
paved roadways.
F. Gravel ramps of at least 20 feet in length must be provided at the
tire washing/cleaning station.
G. All unpaved exits from the construction site shall be graveled or
treated to prevent track-out to public roadways.
H. All construction vehicles shall enter the construction site through
the treated entrance roadways, unless an alternative route has
been submitted to and approved by the CPM.
I. Construction areas adjacent to any paved roadway below the grade
of the surrounding construction area or otherwise directly impacted
by sediment from site drainage shall be provided with sandbags or
other equivalently effective measures to prevent run-off to
roadways, or other similar run-off control measures as specified in
the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), only when
such SWPPP measures are necessary so that this condition does
not conflict with the requirements of the SWPPP.
J. All paved roads within the construction site shall be swept daily or
as needed (less during periods of precipitation) on days when

Air Quality 14
construction activity occurs to prevent the accumulation of dirt and
K. At least the first 500 feet of any paved public roadway exiting the
construction site or exiting other unpaved roads en route from the
construction site or construction staging areas shall be swept as
needed (less during periods of precipitation) on days when
construction activity occurs or on any other day when dirt or runoff
resulting from the construction site activities is visible on the public
paved roadways.
L. All soil storage piles and disturbed areas that remain inactive for
longer than 10 days shall be covered, or shall be treated with
appropriate dust suppressant compounds.
M. All vehicles that are used to transport solid bulk material on public
roadways and that have potential to cause visible emissions shall
be provided with a cover, or the materials shall be sufficiently
wetted and loaded onto the trucks in a manner to provide at least 2
feet of freeboard.
N. Wind erosion control techniques (such as windbreaks, water,
chemical dust suppressants, and/or vegetation) shall be used on all
construction areas that may be disturbed. Any windbreaks installed
to comply with this Condition shall remain in place until the soil is
stabilized or permanently covered with vegetation.
Verification: The AQCMM shall provide the CPM a Monthly Compliance
Report to include the following to demonstrate control of fugitive dust emissions:
A. A summary of all actions taken to maintain compliance with this Condition;
B. Copies of any complaints filed with the District in relation to project
construction; and
C. Any other documentation deemed necessary by the, CPM or AQCMM to
verify compliance with this Condition. Such information may be provided via
electronic format or disk at the project owner’s discretion.

AQ-SC4 Dust Plume Response Requirement: The AQCMM or an AQCMM

Delegate shall monitor all construction activities for visible dust plumes.
Observations of visible dust plumes that have the potential to be
transported (A) off the project site and within 400 feet upwind of any
regularly occupied structures not owned by the project owner or (B)
200 feet beyond the centerline of the construction of linear facilities
indicate that existing mitigation measures are not resulting in effective
mitigation. The AQCMP shall include a section detailing how the
additional mitigation measures will be accomplished within the time
limits specified. The AQCMM or Delegate shall implement the following
procedures for additional mitigation measures in the event that such
visible dust plumes are observed:

15 Air Quality
Step 1: The AQCMM or Delegate shall direct more intensive
application of the existing mitigation methods within 15
minutes of making such a determination.
Step 2: The AQCMM or Delegate shall direct implementation of
additional methods of dust suppression if Step 1, specified
above, fails to result in adequate mitigation within 30 minutes
of the original determination.
Step 3: The AQCMM or Delegate shall direct a temporary shutdown of
the activity causing the emissions if Step 2, specified above,
fails to result in effective mitigation within one hour of the
original determination. The activity shall not restart until the
AQCMM or Delegate is satisfied that appropriate additional
mitigation or other site conditions have changed so that visual
dust plumes will not result upon restarting the shutdown
source. The owner/operator may appeal to the CPM any
directive from the AQCMM or Delegate to shut down an
activity, if the shutdown shall go into effect within one hour of
the original determination, unless overruled by the CPM
before that time.
Verification: The AQCMM shall provide the CPM a Monthly Compliance
Report to include:
A. a summary of all actions taken to maintain compliance with this Condition;
B. copies of any complaints filed with the District in relation to project
construction; and
C. any other documentation deemed necessary by the CPM and AQCMM to
verify compliance with this Condition. Such information may be provided via
electronic format or disk at the project owner’s discretion.

AQ-SC5 Diesel-Fueled Engine Control: The AQCMM shall submit to the CPM,
in the Monthly Compliance Report, a construction mitigation report that
demonstrates compliance with the AQCMP mitigation measures for
purposes of controlling diesel construction-related emissions. The
following off-road diesel construction equipment mitigation measures
shall be included in the Air Quality Construction Mitigation Plan
(AQCMP) required by AQ-SC2, and any deviation from the AQCMP
mitigation measures shall require prior CPM notification and approval.
a. All diesel-fueled engines used in the construction of the facility shall
have clearly visible tags issued by the on-site AQCMM showing
that the engine meets the conditions set forth herein.
b. All construction diesel engines with a rating of 50 hp or higher shall
meet, at a minimum, the Tier 3 California Emission Standards for
Off-Road Compression-Ignition Engines, as specified in California
Code of Regulations, Title 13, section 2423(b)(1), unless a good

Air Quality 16
faith effort to the satisfaction of the CPM that is certified by the on-
site AQCMM demonstrates that such engine is not available for a
particular item of equipment. In the event that a Tier 3 engine is not
available for any off-road equipment larger than 50 hp, that
equipment shall be equipped with a Tier 2 engine, or an engine that
is equipped with retrofit controls to reduce exhaust emissions of
nitrogen oxides (NOX) and diesel particulate matter (DPM) to no
more than Tier 2 levels unless certified by engine manufacturers or
the on-site AQCMM that the use of such devices is not practical for
specific engine types. For purposes of this Condition, the use of
such devices is “not practical” for the following, as well as other,
1. There is no available retrofit control device that has been
verified by either the California Air Resources Board or U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency to control the engine in
question to Tier 2 equivalent emission levels and the highest
level of available control using retrofit or Tier 1 engines is being
used for the engine in question; or
2. The construction equipment is intended to be on site for 10 days
or less.
3. The CPM may grant relief from this requirement if the AQCMM
can demonstrate a good faith effort to comply with this
requirement and that compliance is not practical.
c. The use of a retrofit control device may be terminated immediately,
provided that the CPM is informed within 10 working days of the
termination and that a replacement for the equipment item in
question meeting the controls required in item “b” occurs within 10
days of termination of the use, if the equipment would be needed to
continue working at this site for more than 15 days after the use of
the retrofit control device is terminated, if one of the following
conditions exists :
1. The use of the retrofit control device is excessively reducing the
normal availability of the construction equipment due to
increased down time for maintenance, and/or reduced power
output due to an excessive increase in back pressure.
2. The retrofit control device is causing or is reasonably expected
to cause engine damage.
3. The retrofit control device is causing or is reasonably expected
to cause a substantial risk to workers or the public.
4. Any other seriously detrimental cause which has the approval of
the CPM prior to implementation of the termination.
d. All heavy earth-moving equipment and heavy duty construction-
related trucks with engines meeting the requirements of (b) above
17 Air Quality
shall be properly maintained and the engines tuned to the engine
manufacturer’s specifications.
e. All diesel heavy construction equipment shall not idle for more than
five minutes. Vehicles that need to idle as part of their normal
operation (such as concrete trucks) are exempted from this
f. Construction equipment will employ electric motors when feasible.
Verification: The AQCMM shall include in the Monthly Compliance Report
the following to demonstrate control of diesel construction-related emissions:
A. A summary of all actions taken to control diesel construction related
B. A list of all heavy equipment used on site during that month, including the
owner of that equipment and a letter from each owner indicating that
equipment has been properly maintained; and
C. Any other documentation deemed necessary by the CPM, or the AQCMM to
verify compliance with this Condition. Such information may be provided via
electronic format or disk at the project owner’s discretion.

AQ-SC6 The project owner, when obtaining dedicated on-road or off-road

vehicles for mirror washing activities and other facility maintenance
activities, shall only obtain vehicles that meet California on-road
vehicle emission standards or appropriate U.S.EPA/California off-road
engine emission standards for the latest model year when obtained.
Verification: At least 30 days prior to the start commercial operation, the
project owner shall submit to the CPM a copy of the plan that identifies the size
and type of the on-site vehicle and equipment fleet and the vehicle and
equipment purchase orders and contracts and/or purchase schedule. The plan
shall be updated every other year and submitted in the Annual Compliance
Report .

AQ-SC7 The project owner shall provide a site Operations Dust Control Plan,
including all applicable fugitive dust control measures identified in the
verification of AQ-SC3 that would be applicable to minimizing fugitive
dust emission creation from operation and maintenance activities and
preventing all fugitive dust plumes that would not comply with the
performance standards identified in AQ-SC4 from leaving the project
site; that:
A. describes the active operations and wind erosion control
techniques such as windbreaks and chemical dust suppressants,
including their ongoing maintenance procedures, that shall be used
on areas that could be disturbed by vehicles or wind anywhere
within the project boundaries; and

Air Quality 18
B. identifies the location of signs throughout the facility that will limit
traveling on unpaved portion of roadways to solar equipment
maintenance vehicles only. In addition, vehicle speed shall be
limited to no more than 10 miles per hour on these unpaved
roadways, with the exception that vehicles may travel up to 25
miles per hour on stabilized unpaved roads as long as such speeds
do not create visible dust emissions.
The site operations fugitive dust control plan shall include the use of
durable non-toxic soil stabilizers on all regularly used unpaved roads
and disturbed off-road areas, or alternative methods for stabilizing
disturbed off-road areas, within the project boundaries, and shall
include the inspection and maintenance procedures that will be
undertaken to ensure that the unpaved roads remain stabilized. The
soil stabilizer used shall be a non-toxic soil stabilizer or soil weighting
agent that can be determined to be either as efficient or more efficient
for fugitive dust control as ARB approved soil stabilizers, and shall not
increase any other environmental impacts including loss of vegetation
to areas beyond where the soil stabilizers are being applied for dust
The performance and application of the fugitive dust controls shall also
be measured against and meet the performance requirements of
condition AQ-SC4. The measures and performance requirements of
AQ-SC4 shall also be included in the operations dust control plan.
Verification: At least 30 days prior to start of commercial operation, the
project owner shall submit to the CPM for review and approval a copy of the site
Operations Dust Control Plan that identifies the dust and erosion control
procedures, including effectiveness and environmental data for the proposed soil
stabilizer, that will be used during operation of the project and that identifies all
locations of the speed limit signs.
Within 60 days after commercial operation, the project owner shall provide to the
CPM a report identifying the locations of all speed limit signs, and a copy of the
project employee and contractor training manual that clearly identifies that project
employees and contractors are required to comply with the dust and erosion
control procedures and on-site speed limits.

AQ-SC8 The project owner shall provide the CPM copies of all District issued
Authority-to-Construct (ATC) and Permit-to-Operate (PTO) documents
for the facility.
The project owner shall submit to the CPM for review and approval any
modification proposed by the project owner to any project federal air
permit. The project owner shall submit to the CPM any modification to
any permit proposed by the District or U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (U.S. EPA), and any revised federal permit issued by the
District or U.S. EPA, for the project.

19 Air Quality
Verification: The project owner shall submit any ATC, PTO, and proposed air
permit modifications to the CPM within five working days of its submittal either
by 1) the project owner to an agency, or 2) receipt of proposed modifications
from an agency. The project owner shall submit all modified ATC/PTO
documents and all federal air permits to the CPM within 15 days of receipt.

(MDAQMD 2010a)
District conditions AQ-1 through AQ-15 are CEQA-only required Conditions.

Application No. 00010423 (Emergency Generator)

ARB Certified Tier III engine, 399 bhp, fueled on ARB diesel, powering an
electrical generator.

AQ-1 Engine may operate in response to notification of impending rotating

outage if the area utility has ordered rotating outages in the area where
the engine is located or expects to order such outages at a particular
time, the engine is located in the area subject to the rotating outage,
the engine is operated no more than 30 minutes prior to the forecasted
outage, and the engine is shut down immediately after the utility
advises that the outage is no longer imminent or in effect.
Verification: The project owner shall maintain engine operating records as
required in AQ-6 and shall make the site available for inspection of records by
representatives of the District, ARB, and the Energy Commission.

AQ-2 This unit shall only be fired on ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel, whose sulfur
concentration is less than or equal to 0.0015 percent (15 ppm) on a
weight per weight basis per ARB Diesel or equivalent requirements.
Verification: The project owner shall maintain the fuel sulfur content records
for diesel fuel deliveries on site as required in AQ-6 and shall make the site
available for inspection of records by representatives of the District, ARB, and the
Energy Commission.

AQ-3 This equipment shall be installed, operated and maintained in strict

accord with those recommendations of the manufacturer/supplier
and/or sound engineering principles which produce the minimum
emissions of contaminants. Unless otherwise noted, this equipment
shall also be operated in accordance with all data and specifications
submitted with the application for this permit.

Air Quality 20
Verification: The project owner shall make the site available for inspection of
records by representatives of the District, ARB, and the Energy Commission.

AQ-4 A non-resettable four-digit (9,999) hour timer shall be installed and

maintained on this unit to indicate elapsed engine operating time.
Verification: The project owner shall make the site available for inspection by
representatives of the District, ARB, and the Energy Commission.

AQ-5 This unit shall be limited to use for emergency power, defined as in
response to a fire or when commercially available power has been
interrupted. In addition, this unit shall be operated no more than 50
hours per year, and no more than 0.5 hours per day for testing and
maintenance, excluding compliance source testing. Time required for
source testing will not be counted toward the 50 hour per year limit.
Verification: The project owner shall maintain engine use records on site as
required in AQ-6 and shall make the site available for inspection of records by
representatives of the District, ARB, and the Energy Commission.

AQ-6 The project owner shall maintain an operations log for this unit current
and on-site (or at a central location) for a minimum of five years, and
this log shall be provided to District, State and Federal personnel upon
request. The log shall include, at a minimum, the information specified
a. Date of each use and duration of each use (in hours);
b. Reason for use (testing & maintenance, emergency, required
emission testing);
c. Calendar year operation in terms of fuel consumption (in gallons)
and total hours; and,
d. Fuel sulfur concentration (the project owner may use the
supplier's certification of sulfur content if it is maintained as part of
this log).
Verification: The project owner shall submit records required by this
Condition that demonstrating compliance with the sulfur content and engine use
limitations of Conditions AQ-2 and AQ-5 in the Annual Compliance Report
(COMPLIANCE-8), including a photograph showing the annual reading of engine
hours. The project owner shall make the site available for inspection of records
by representatives of the District, ARB, and the Energy Commission.

AQ-7 This gen-set is subject to the requirements of the Airborne Toxic

Control Measure (ATCM) for Stationary Compression Ignition Engines
(Title 17 CCR 93115). In the event of conflict between these
Conditions and the ATCM, the more stringent requirements shall

21 Air Quality
Verification: The project owner shall submit the engine specifications at least
30 days prior to purchasing the engines for review and approval demonstrating
that the engines meet both ATCM and New Source Performance Standard
(NSPS) subpart IIII emission limit requirements at the time of engine purchase.
The project owner shall make the site available for inspection of records by
representatives of the District, ARB, and the Energy Commission.

AQ-8 This unit shall not be used to provide power during a voluntary agreed
to power outage and/or power reduction initiated under an Interruptible
Service Contract (ISC); Demand Response Program (DRP); Load
Reduction Program (LRP) and/or similar arrangement(s) with the
electrical power supplier.
Verification: The project owner shall make the site available for inspection of
records by representatives of the District, ARB, and the Energy Commission.

Application No. 00010422 (5,000 gallon Above Ground Non-Retail Gasoline

Dispensing Facility)

5,000 gallon capacity gasoline tank with Phase I and Phase II vapor recovery.

AQ-9 The toll-free telephone number that must be posted is 1-800-635-4617.

Verification: The project owner shall make the site available for inspection of
records by representatives of the District, ARB, and the Energy Commission.

AQ-10 The project owner shall maintain a log of all inspections, repairs, and
maintenance on equipment subject to Rule 461. Such logs or records
shall be maintained at the facility for at least two years and shall be
available to the District upon request.
Verification: The project owner shall make the site available for inspection of
records by representatives of the District, ARB, and the Energy Commission.

AQ-11 Any modifications or changes to the piping or control fitting of the vapor
recovery system require prior approval from the District.
Verification: The project owner shall make the site available for inspection of
records by representatives of the District, ARB, and the Energy Commission.

AQ-12 The vapor vent pipes are to be equipped with pressure relief valves.
Verification: The project owner shall make the site available for inspection of
records by representatives of the District, ARB, and the Energy Commission.

AQ-13 The project owner shall perform the following tests within 60 days of
construction completion and annually thereafter in accord with the
following test procedures:

Air Quality 22
a. Static Pressure Decay Test per ARB test method TP-201.3B
(2-inch test);
b. Dynamic Back Pressure test per TP-201.4;
c. Liquid Removal Test (if applicable) per TP-201.6;
d. Fuel dispensing rate not to exceed 10 gpm, verified per EO
G-70-200-C Exhibit 4, and;
e. Emergency vents and manways shall be leak free when tested at
the operating pressure of the tank in accordance with ARB test
methods, as specified in Title 17, California Code of Regulations.
The District shall be notified a minimum of 10 days prior to performing
the required tests with the final results submitted to the District within
30 days of completion of the tests.
The District shall receive passing test reports no later than six weeks
prior to the expiration date of this permit.
Verification: The project owner shall notify the District at least 10 days prior
to performing the required tests. The test results shall be submitted to the District
within 30 days of completion of the tests and shall be made available to the CPM
if requested.

AQ-14 The annual throughput of gasoline shall not exceed 500,000 gallons
per year. Throughput Records shall be kept on site and available to
District personnel upon request. Before this annual throughput can be
increased the facility may be required to submit to the District a site
specific Health Risk Assessment in accord with a District approved
plan. In addition public notice and/or comment period may be required.
Verification: The project owner shall submit to the CPM gasoline throughput
records demonstrating compliance with this Condition as part of the Annual
Compliance Report .The project owner shall maintain on site the annual gasoline
throughput records and shall make the site available for inspection of records by
representatives of the District, ARB, and the Energy Commission.

AQ-15 The project owner shall; install, maintain, and operate this equipment
in compliance with ARB Executive Order G-70-200-C or Enhanced
Vapor Recovery (EVR) Phase I and EVR Phase II, and Standing Loss
requirements in affect at the time of construction.
Verification: The project owner shall make the site available for inspection of
records by representatives of the District, ARB, and the Energy Commission.

23 Air Quality

The public health analysis supplements the previous discussion on air quality
and considers the potential public health effects from project emissions of toxic
air contaminants. In this analysis, we review the evidence concerning whether
such emissions will result in significant public health impacts or violate standards
for public health protection. 1


Project construction and operation will result in routine emissions of toxic air
contaminants for which no ambient air quality standards have been established.
These substances are categorized as noncriteria pollutants. In the absence of
standards, state and federal regulatory agencies have developed health risk
assessment procedures to evaluate potential health effects due to these toxic air

The risk assessment consists of the following steps:

• Identify the types and amounts of hazardous substances that the Calico
Solar Project could emit into the environment;
• Estimate worst-case concentrations of project emissions in the environment
using dispersion modeling;
• Estimate amounts of pollutants to which people could be exposed through
inhalation, ingestion, and dermal contact; 2 and
• Characterize potential health risks by comparing worst-case exposure from
the project with the scientific safety standards based on known health
effects. (Ex. 300, p. C.6-3.)

Typically, the initial health risk analysis is performed at a “screening level,” which
is designed to estimate potential health risks. The risks for screening purposes
are based on examining conditions that would lead to the highest, or worst-case,

This Decision discusses other potential public health concerns under various topics. For
instance, the accidental release of hazardous materials is discussed in Hazardous Materials
Management and Worker Safety and Fire Protection. Electromagnetic fields are discussed in
Transmission Line Safety and Nuisance. Potential impacts to soils and surface water sources
are discussed in the Soil and Water Resources section of this Decision. Potential exposure to
contaminated soils and hazardous wastes is described in Waste Management section of this
Exposure pathways, or ways in which people might come into contact with toxic substances,
include inhalation, dermal (through the skin) absorption, soil ingestion, consumption of locally
grown plant foods, and mother’s milk.
1 Public Health
risks and then modeling those conditions to analyze results. Such conditions
• Using the highest levels of pollutants that could be emitted from the power
• Assuming weather conditions that would lead to the maximum ambient
concentration of pollutants;
• Using the type of air quality computer model which predicts the greatest
plausible impacts;
• Calculating health risks at the location where the pollutant concentrations
are estimated to be the highest;
• Assuming that an individual’s exposure to cancer-causing agents occurs
continuously for 70 years; and
• Using health-based standards designed to protect the most sensitive
members of the population (i.e., the young, elderly, and those with
respiratory illnesses). (Ex. 300, pp. C.6-3 to C.6-4.)

The risk assessment for the Calico Project addresses two categories of potential
health impacts: chronic (long-term) non-cancer effects and cancer risk (also long-
term). Chronic non-cancer health effects occur as a result of long-term exposure
(8 to 70 years) to lower concentrations of pollutants. For carcinogenic
substances, the health assessment considers the total risk of developing cancer
and assumes that continuous exposure to the cancer-causing substance occurs
over a 70-year lifetime. (Ex. 300, pp. C.6-4 – C.6-5.)

The analysis for chronic health effects compares the maximum project
contaminant levels to safe levels called Reference Exposure Levels or RELs.
These exposure levels are designed to protect the most sensitive individuals in
the population such as infants, the elderly, and people suffering from illness or
disease, which make them more susceptible to the effects of toxic substance
exposure. The RELs are based on the most sensitive adverse health effects
reported in medical and toxicological literature, and include margins of safety.

The assessment considers risk from all cancer-causing chemicals from the
source of emissions. The calculated risk is not meant to predict the actual
expected incidence of cancer, but is rather a theoretical estimate based on worst-
case assumptions.

Cancer risk is expressed in chances per million and is a function of the maximum
expected pollutant concentration, the probability that a particular pollutant will
cause cancer, and the length of the exposure period. Cancer risks for each

Public Health 2
carcinogen are added to yield total cancer risk. The conservative nature of the
screening assumptions means that actual cancer risks due to project emissions
are likely to be considerably lower than those estimated. (Ex. 300, p. C.6-5.)

If the screening analysis predicts no significant risks, then no further analysis is

required. However, if the predicted risk is significant, then further analysis using
more realistic, site-specific assumptions is performed to obtain a more accurate
assessment of potential health risks. If the site-specific analysis confirms that the
risk exceeds the significance level, then appropriate mitigation measures are
necessary to reduce the risk to less than significant. If a refined analysis
identifies a cancer risk that exceeds the significance level after all risk reduction
measures have been considered, then Staff would not recommend approval of
the project. (Ex. 300, p. C.6-6.)

The evidence shows that both the Applicant and Staff independently performed
screening risk assessments and concluded that no adverse health effects are
expected from project construction or operation.

1. Construction Impacts and Mitigation

Construction of the Calico Solar Project is anticipated to take place over a period
of 48 months. Potential construction-phase health impacts could occur from
exposure to toxic substances in contaminated soil disturbed during site
preparation and to diesel exhaust from heavy equipment. Excavation, grading,
and earth moving activities also have potential to affect public health through
mechanisms such as windblown dust, soil erosion, and the uncovering of
hazardous substances. (Exs. 1, p. 5.16-1; 300, pp. C.6-10 – C.6-11.)

A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment identified no “Recognized

Environmental Conditions” (i.e., found no evidence or record of any use, spillage,
or disposal of hazardous substances on the site). If, however, any unexpected
contamination is encountered during construction, then compliance with
Conditions of Certification Waste-1 and Waste-2 will ensure that contaminated
soil does not affect the public. These Conditions require a registered
professional engineer or geologist to be available during soil excavation and
grading to ensure proper handling and disposal of contaminated soil. (Ex. 302,
p. C.6-10.)

With respect to the air emissions from diesel-fueled engines, the Applicant
estimated worst-case emissions of 457 pounds per day of particulate matter less
3 Public Health
than 10 microns in diameter (PM10) and 57.56 pounds per day and 71 pounds of
per day of fine particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in diameter (PM2.5)
during construction. (Exs. 1, § 5.2, Table 5.2-2-0 Revised; 10, § 5.2.) Because
assessment of chronic (long-term) health effects assumes continuous exposure
to toxic substances over a period from eight to 70 years, the Applicant did not
estimate the health risks resulting from the short duration of the construction
activities. Similarly, Staff did not conduct a quantitative assessment of
construction impacts on public health given the distance from the site to the
sparsely populated area surrounding the site and based on its prior experience
using quantitative risk assessment tools showing that construction vehicle
emissions impacts are generally less than significant. (Exs. 1, p. 5.16-4; 300, p.

Even though the Applicant and Staff independently determined that the
construction impacts would be less than significant, they both proposed
mitigation measures to reduce the maximum calculated PM10 and PM2.5
emissions and further reduce any potential impacts. (Ex. 1, § 5.2; 300, p. C.6-
11.) We have adopted the recommended mitigation measures the Air Quality
section of this Decision. Included in these measures are requirements for use of
aggressive fugitive dust and diesel exhaust control measures. For instance,
these Conditions will reduce exposure to diesel emissions from construction
equipment by requiring the use of ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel and Tier 2 or Tier 1
California Emission Standards for Off-Road Compression-Ignition Engine or the
installation of an oxidation catalyst and soot filters on diesel equipment.

2. Operation Impacts and Mitigation

The record shows that the only stationary source of toxic air contaminants (TAC)
that would be emitted from the Calico Solar Project would be diesel particulate
matter from the emergency generator which will be operated once a month for
about 20 minutes. (Ex. 300, pp. C.6-11-C.6-14.) Mobile sources of TAC
emissions during operations would include gasoline-fueled and diesel-fueled
maintenance and delivery vehicles as well as visitor and staff traffic

The record includes the methodology used in identifying and quantifying the
emission rates of the toxic noncriteria pollutants that could adversely affect public
health. As shown in Public Health Table 1 below, both the chronic hazard index
and the cancer risk are below the level of significance indicating that no long-
term adverse health effects are expected.

Public Health 4
Operation Hazard/Risk at Point of Maximum Impact: Applicant Assessment
Type of Hazard Index/Risk Significance Level Significant?
Acute Noncancer 0.062 1.0 No

Chronic Noncancer 0.00000042 1.0 No

Individual Cancer 0.000667 in 1 million 10.0 in 1 million No

Source: Ex. 302, p. C.6-13.

The record shows that Staff performed an independent qualitative analysis of the
risk assessment results using the Applicant’s emission factors and considering
several specified aspects of facility operations. Staff’s results for acute hazard
index are lower than the results reported by the Applicant due to a change in the
acute REL for acrolein from the value used in the Applicant’s August 2009 report
(0.19 ug/m3) to the value published by OEHHA in their December 2008 guidance,
2.5 ug/m3. (Ex. 300, p. C.6-13.)

The point of maximum impact, PMI, was determined under the 70 year
residential scenario. Three nearby residences, the only residential receptors
located near the facility, were also modeled. Cumulative impacts were not
evaluated as there are no existing or proposed projects within sic miles of the

Public Health Table 2

Operation Phase Emission Rates Listed in Response to Data Requests
LRU Staff &
Maintenance visitor cars, Diesel
Diesel Vehicle Total
Substance Truck van pool, Delivery
Generator (running & Emissions
(running & security Trucks
Idling) truck
Peak Hourly Emissions from all vehicles of each type (lb/hr)
DPM 0.015 0.027 0.042
Benzene 0.024 0.014 0.036 0.074
1,3-Butadiene 0.002 0.001 0.002 0.005
Formaldehyde 0.010 0.006 0.005 0.022
Acetaldehyde 0.005 0.003 0.004 0.012
Acrolein 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.002

5 Public Health
LRU Staff &
Maintenance visitor cars, Diesel
Diesel Vehicle Total
Substance Truck van pool, Delivery
Generator (running & Emissions
(running & security Trucks
Idling) truck
Annual Emissions from all vehicles of each type (lb/yr)
DPM 0.18 13.40 13.58
Benzene 69.78 39.08 36.28 145.14
1,3-Butadiene 5.17 2.90 2.51 10.58
Formaldehyde 29.80 16.69 5.43 51.92
Acetaldehyde 13.45 7.53 4.27 25.25
Acrolein 2.29 1.28 0.30 3.87
Source: Ex. 302, p. C.6-15.
Note: Values listed are for emissions from all vehicles of each type
DPM = diesel particulate matter

The Applicant’s screening health risk assessment for the project resulted in an
acute Hazard Index (HI) of 0.062 and a chronic HI of 0.00000042 at the point of
maximum impact (PMI). The worst-case individual cancer risk was calculated to
be 0.000667 in 1 million at the PMI. As Public Health Table 1 shows, both the
acute and chronic hazard indices and the maximum cancer risk are below the
level of significance, indicating that no long-term or short-term cancer or non-
cancer health effects are expected. (Ex. 300, p. C.6-12.)

Nonetheless, in order to reduce public health impacts, several administrative

changes were made from the original proposal. During construction, unpaved
roads would be sealed, vehicle trip lengths would be reduced and the option of
using alternatively fueled vehicles would be investigated. In order to reduce
public health impacts during operations, the diesel fire water pump would be
changed to an electric unit, gasoline-powered vehicles for mirror wash and other
maintenance vehicles would be used instead of diesels, and gasoline, electric
and/or hybrid, vehicles would be used on-site. The remaining stationary emitting
unit is the diesel-fueled emergency generator, for which the Applicant is
continuing to investigate the possibility of using gasoline or other alternative
fuels. The emergency generator will be used four hours/year for testing
purposes. (Ex. 300, p. C.6-13.)

For the operations phase, atmospheric dispersion modeling of facility emissions

was conducted by the Applicant using AERMOD and the risk assessment was
conducted using the CARB/OEHHA Hotspots Analysis and Reporting Program

Public Health 6
(HARP), Version 1.4a. The HARP On-Ramp program was used to load the
AERMOD results into HARP. Local meteorological data were used and building
downwash effects were included for five buildings. Potential risks to 5,211 grid
receptors and 3 sensitive receptors were modeled. Exposure pathways
assessed include inhalation, ingestion of home-grown produce, dermal
absorption, soil ingestion and mother’s milk. (Ex. 300, p. C.6-13.)

Staff conducted additional HARP modeling in which the one-hour emissions

reported in the HARP files for each mobile source were multiplied by a factor of
2,880 hours/year, which assumes operation of vehicles for eight hours/day, 30
days/month for 12 months/year which is the rate at which the washing and LRU
vehicles are expected to operate. For some vehicles this may be an
underestimation (security vehicles are expected to run 24 hrs/day) or an
overestimation (staff and vanpool vehicles are expected to run two hrs/day).
Cancer risk and chronic hazard index modeled by Staff in this analysis are less
than the significance levels of 10 in 1 million for cancer risk and 1.0 for hazard
index. (Ex. 300, p. C.6-14.)

3. Cumulative Impacts

A project may result in a significant adverse cumulative impact where its effects
are cumulatively considerable. "Cumulatively considerable" means that the
incremental effects of an individual project are significant when viewed in
connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects,
and the effects of probable future projects (Cal. Code Regs., tit.14, § 15130).
NEPA states that cumulative effects can result from individually minor but
collectively significant actions taking place over a period of time. (40 CFR

Cumulative impacts can occur if implementation of the Calico Solar Project could
combine with those of other local or regional projects. Cumulative impacts would
occur locally if Calico Solar Project impacts combined with impacts of projects
located within the same air basin. Cumulative impacts could also occur as a
result of development of some of the many proposed solar and wind development
projects that have been or are expected to be under consideration by the BLM
and the Energy Commission in the near future. Many of these projects are
located within the California Desert Conservation Area, as well as on BLM land in
Nevada and Arizona. The geographic extent for the analysis of local cumulative
impacts associated with the Calico Solar Project includes the Mojave Desert Air

7 Public Health
Basin (MDAB), which contains most of San Bernardino County and parts of
Riverside County and Kern County. (Ex. 300, p. C.6-22.)

Cumulative impacts of the proposed project and other projects within a six-mile
radius were not evaluated by the Applicant. However, there is a potential for
substantial future development in the project area and throughout the southern
California desert region, including several energy projects employing solar or
wind technologies. (Ex. 300, p. C.6-22.)

The maximum cancer risk for emissions from the Calico Solar Project is 2.7 in
one million at the point of maximum impact located at the project fenceline. The
maximum impact location occurs where pollutant concentrations from the Calico
Solar Project would theoretically be the highest. Even at this location, we do not
expect any significant change in lifetime risk to any person, and the increase
does not represent any real contribution to the average lifetime cancer incidence
rate due to all causes. Modeled facility-related residential risks are lower at more
distant locations, and actual risks are expected to be much lower since worst-
case estimates are based on conservative assumptions and thus overstate the
true magnitude of the risk expected. Therefore, we do not consider the
incremental impact of the additional risk posed by the Calico Solar Project to be
either individually or cumulatively significant. (Ex. 300, p. C.6-23.)

Any emissions from construction of these projects would be dispersed over

southeastern California, southern Nevada, and western Arizona and would not
result in chronic health problems to sensitive receptors. Operation of the future
solar and wind energy projects would result in negligible emissions, mostly
related to worker vehicles and maintenance trucks, therefore, operation of these
future projects would not result in negative regional health effects. (Id.)

Public health impacts of the Calico Solar Project would not combine with impacts
of any past, present, or reasonably foreseeable projects to result in cumulatively
considerable local or regional impacts.

4. Public Benefits

The evidence shows that a solar electric generating facility such as the proposed
Calico Solar project would emit significantly fewer TACs than other energy
sources available in California such as natural gas or biomass, thereby reducing
the health risks that would otherwise occur with these non-renewable energy
sources. At the same time, the proposed Calico Solar Project would provide

Public Health 8
much needed electrical power to California residences and businesses at the
time of greatest load (hot afternoons). It is documented that during heat waves in
which elevated air-conditioning use has caused an electrical blackout,
hospitalizations and deaths due to heat stroke increased. (Ex. 302, p. C.6-24.)

5. Compliance with Laws, Ordinances, Regulations and Standards (LORS)

The evidence reflects that the project will comply with all applicable LORS with
implementation of the Conditions of Certification we adopt in this Decision.


Based on the evidence, we make the following findings and conclusions:

1. Construction and operation of the project will result in the routine release of
criteria and noncriteria pollutants that have the potential to adversely impact
public health.

2. Exposure to diesel particulate emissions from construction equipment is

short-term and will not result in long-term carcinogenic or non-cancer

3. Exposure to construction-related diesel particulates will be mitigated to the

extent feasible by implementing measures to reduce equipment emissions.

4. Exposure to fugitive dust due to excavation and construction activities will

be mitigated to insignificant levels by implementing measures to reduce dust
production and dispersal.

5. Emissions of criteria pollutants, as discussed in the Air Quality section of

this Decision, will be mitigated to levels consistent with applicable state and
federal standards.

6. Emissions of noncriteria pollutants or toxic air contaminants are assessed

according to procedures developed by state and federal regulatory agencies
to evaluate potential health effects.

7. Emissions of toxic air contaminants from the project will not cause acute or
chronic non-cancer adverse public health effects or long-term carcinogenic
effects at the points of maximum impact.

9 Public Health
8. The maximum cancer and non-cancer health risks associated with the
project are below the significance thresholds commonly accepted for risk
analysis purposes.

9. Since the project’s contributions to health risks are well below the
significance level, the project is not expected to contribute significantly to a
cumulative health impact.


1. Project emissions of toxic air contaminants do not pose a significant direct,

indirect, or cumulative adverse public health risk.

2. With the implementation of the Conditions of Certification listed in the Air

Quality and Waste Management and sections of this Decision, the project
will not result in significant public health impacts during construction or

3. The project will comply with the applicable laws, ordinances, regulations, and
standards specified in the appropriate portion of Appendix A of this Decision.


No conditions of certification or mitigation measures are proposed.

Public Health 10

Worker safety and fire protection measures are mandated by federal, state, and
local laws, ordinances, regulations, and standards (LORS). Workers at industrial
facilities, such as this project site, routinely operate equipment and handle
hazardous materials. Such workers face hazards, including serious physical
injury, resulting from on-site accidents. Protection measures are employed to
eliminate these hazards or minimize their risk of harm through special training,
protective equipment, and procedural controls. The purpose of this section is to
determine whether the Applicant’s proposed health and safety plans are in
accordance with all applicable LORS and thus legally adequate for the protection
of industrial workers. This section addresses the availability and adequacy of fire
protection and emergency response services, as well as threats from wildland
fires. As required by CEQA, this section also addresses the project’s impacts on
local fire protection services. Under the CEQA Guidelines, a project may have a
significant impact if it would adversely impact acceptable levels of service for fire
protection [Guidelines Appendix G]. (8/6/10 RT 122-219, Exs. 1, §5.17,
Appendix B; 300, §§ B.3, C.15; 113, 300; 310; 1100 – 1105.)


1. Worker Safety

Industrial environments are dangerous during both construction and operation.

The Calico Solar Project will expose workers to loud noise, moving equipment,
trenches, and confined space ingress and egress. Workers may fall and trip, and
suffer burns, lacerations, and other injuries. The project also exposes workers to
the possibility of falling equipment or structures, chemical spills, hazardous waste,
fires, explosions, and electrical sparks or electrocution. It is necessary for the
Calico Solar Project to have well-defined policies and procedures, training, and
hazard recognition and controls to minimize the risks posed by these hazards
and to protect workers. If the facility complies with all applicable LORS, workers
will be afforded legally adequate protection from these health and safety hazards.
(Ex. 300, p. C.15-5.)

The Calico Solar Project will present construction and operational risks to
workers typical of other solar power projects. In addition, the facility will pose
risks associated with use of 34,000 pounds of hydrogen as a working gas. The
risk to workers is minimized through onsite generation (which reduces storage of

1 Worker Safety
hydrogen) and through rigorous safety management practices required by
applicable LORS. (8/6/10 RT 162; Ex. 300, pp. C.15-5 - C.15-6.)

The project owner will prepare a Safety and Health Program to minimize worker
hazards during construction and operation of the project. (Exs. 1, pp. 5.17-2–
5.17-7, 5.17-7–5.17-12; 300, pp. C.15-5 – C.15-11.) The construction safety and
health program (Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations, section 1502 et
seq) will incorporate the orders promulgated by Cal/OSHA and over 20 additional
state programs or requirements that address worker safety. The Applicant has
included outlines of these required programs in the AFC. (Exs.1, Appen. B; 300,
p. C.15-7.) Safety training will be an integral part of this worker safety program.
We adopt Condition of Certification WORKER SAFETY-1 to ensure that the
project owner implements these programs and plans prior to the start of
construction. (Ex. 300, pp. C.15-5 - C.15-7.)

The safety and health program for plant operation will include an injury and
illness prevention program, an emergency action plan, a fire prevention program,
and a personal protective equipment program. As with the construction program,
worker safety-training will be an essential element of the operation program. To
ensure that the programs will be in place before construction and operation
begin, we have adopted Conditions of Certification WORKER SAFETY-1 and -2.
(Ex. 300, pp. C.15-7 to C.15-11.)

This solar power plant will present a unique work environment that includes a
solar field located in the high desert. The area under the SunCatchers must be
kept free from weeds and thus herbicides will be applied as necessary. Worker
exposure to these herbicides by inhalation and ingestion of dusts containing the
herbicides poses a health risk. Workers will regularly inspect the SunCatchers
for broken or non-functioning mirrors, and will clean and service the mirrors on a
regular schedule. All these activities will take place year-round, including the
summer months of peak solar power generation, when outside ambient
temperatures routinely reach 115°F and above. (Ex. 300, p. C.15-10.) While the
Applicant has indicated that workers will be adequately trained and protected, the
Applicant has not included specific precautions to prevent heat stress and
exposure to herbicides. Therefore, to protect workers from these risks and
minimize their effects to less than significant levels, we have incorporated into
Conditions of Certification WORKER SAFETY-1 and WORKER SAFETY-2
requirements for heat illness prevention and management of herbicides. (Ex.
300, pp. C.15-10 – C.15-11.)

Worker Safety 2
Protecting construction workers from injury and disease is one of today’s greatest
challenges in occupational safety and health. (Ex. 300, pp. C.15-11 – C.15-13.)
These hazards increase in complexity in multi-employer worksites typical of
large, complex industrial projects like gas-fired power plants. There are no
OSHA or Cal-OSHA requirements that an employer hire or provide for a
construction safety officer, but doing so has become standard industry practice in
view of OSHA and Cal-OSHA regulations requiring an employer to provide
safety. To satisfy the intent of the Cal-OSHA regulations to provide for a safe
workplace during power plant construction, we adopt Condition of Certification
WORKER SAFETY-3, which requires the project owner to designate and provide
for a project site construction safety supervisor.

Accidents, fires, and a worker death have occurred at Energy Commission-certified

power plants in the recent past because of both the failure to recognize and
control safety hazards and the inability to monitor compliance with occupational
safety and health regulations. (Ex. 300, pp. C.15-11 – C.15-12.) In order to
reduce and/or eliminate these hazards, we find that a professional Safety Monitor
must be on-site to track compliance with Cal-OSHA regulations and periodically
audit safety compliance during construction, commissioning, and the hand-over
to the operations staff. Therefore, we adopt Condition of Certification WORKER
SAFETY-4, which requires the project owner to hire a Safety Monitor. The
Safety Monitor will be hired by the project owner but required to report to the
Chief Building Official (CBO) and the Compliance Project Manager (CPM).

2. Valley Fever

Coccidioidomycosis or "Valley Fever" (VF) is primarily encountered in

southwestern states, particularly Arizona and California. It is caused by inhaling
the spores of the fungus Coccidioides immitis, which are released from the soil
during soil disturbance (e.g., during construction activities) or wind erosion. The
disease usually affects the lungs and can have potentially severe consequences,
including hospitalization and death. The eastern side of San Bernardino County,
including the Mojave Desert where the plant will be sited, experiences high rates
of Valley Fever. (Ex. 300, p. C.15-13.)

The available scientific and medical literature on Valley Fever shows that there is
some potential for Valley Fever to impact workers during construction and
operation of the proposed project. However, the high number of cases reported
in Kern County indicates that the project site may have an elevated risk for
exposure. (Ex. 300, pp. C.15-13 - C.15-19.) To minimize exposure of workers

3 Worker Safety
and the public to VF during soil excavation and grading, the project owner must
employ extensive wetting of the soil prior to and during construction activities and
require the use of dust masks at certain times during these activities. The dust
(PM10) control measures set forth in the Air Quality section of this Decision
must be strictly adhered to in order to adequately reduce the risk of contracting VF.
Therefore, we adopt Condition of Certification WORKER SAFETY-9, which
supplements the dust control measures found in Conditions AQ-SC3 and AQ-
SC4 with additional requirements for development and implementation of a dust
control plan.

3. Fire Protection and Emergency Response

a. Fire Protection

Electrical sparks, combustion of fuel oil, natural gas, hydraulic fluid, mineral oil,
insulating fluid at the project power plant switchyard or flammable liquids,
explosions, and overheated equipment, are all potential sources of small fires on
the project site. (Ex. 300, p. C.15-18.) However, major structural fires, and fires
and explosions of natural gas or other flammable gasses or liquids, are rare at
most power plants. Indeed, according to the evidence, compliance with all LORS
is usually adequate to ensure protection from all fire hazards associated with the
project. (Id.)

Similarly, wildland fires that would use local vegetation as fuel are not likely to be
caused by this project, as the Applicant will remove all vegetation in the vicinity of
the solar power towers, substation and administration areas, and to cut and
maintain vegetation in the solar field. Also, the access road along the perimeter
fence lines of the project site will serve as a fire break. (Ex. 300, p. C.15-19.)

During construction and operation, the project will rely on both on-site fire
protection systems and local fire protection services. The on-site fire protection
system will provide the first line of defense for small fires. A major fire will require
support services from the San Bernardino County Fire Department (SBCFD),
including trained firefighters and equipment for a sustained response. (Ex. 300,
p. C.15-19.) If warranted, mutual aid might be sought from and provided by other
entities, including the Newberry Springs Fire Department. (8/6/10 RT 193, 211-
213, Ex. 300, p 15-22.)

During construction, portable fire extinguishers will be located and maintained

throughout the site and safety procedures and training will be implemented. (Ex.

Worker Safety 4
300, p. C.15-19.) During operation, the project owner shall meet the fire
protection and suppression requirements of the California Fire Code, all
applicable recommended National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards,
and all Cal-OSHA requirements. (Ex. 300, p. C.15-19.) The fire protection
system will be designed to protect personnel and limit property loss and plant
downtime in the event of a fire. The primary source of fire protection water will
be 175,000 gallons stored in the demineralized water tank. A diesel firewater
pump will increase the water pressure to the level required to serve all fire
fighting systems. In addition, the Applicant is expected to implement a number of
Applicant-proposed protective measures that would reduce the potential for harm
to plant personnel and damage to facilities, including removal of all vegetation in
the vicinity of the substation and administration areas. These measures are
detailed in the record. (Exs. 1, pp. 5.17-14 to 5.17-7; 300, p. C.15-19.)

In addition to the fixed fire protection system, smoke detectors, flame detectors,
high-temperature detectors, appropriate class of service portable extinguishers,
and fire hydrants must be located throughout the facility at NFPA-approved
intervals. These systems are standard requirements of the fire code and NFPA.
Implementation of these systems will ensure adequate fire protection and
Conditions of Certification WORKER SAFETY-1 and WORKER SAFETY-2 will
ensure adequate on-site fire protection. (Ex. 300, pp. C.15-19 to C.15-20.)

With respect to off-site emergency access to the project by SBCFD or any other
responder, the evidence establishes that two access gates and roads are
necessary. The Applicant identified only one access gate and one access road
coming from I-40. (Ex. 300, p. C.15-20.) But, based on the evidence, a
secondary access road is required to ensure access to both the northern and
southern solar fields, should the main access road with the above-grade crossing
be blocked or otherwise unavailable. With implementation of Condition of
Certification WORKER SAFETY-6, the project owner will provide secondary
access gates and roads and means of access that are deemed acceptable by the

b. Emergency Response.

Staff produced evidence of SBCFD’s emergency response over the past 12

years to the only three active solar power plants in the state: Solar Electric
Generating Station (SEGS) 1 & 2 in Dagget, SEGS 3 – 7 at Kramer Junction, and
SEGS 8 & 9 at Harper Dry Lake. In Staff’s view, regardless of where a solar
plant is located, the local fire department having jurisdiction will need to provide

5 Worker Safety
some level of service in response areas that include fire response, hazmat spill
response, rescue, and emergency medical services. (Ex. 300, pp. C.15-20 to
C.15-22.) This data shows, however, that, excluding a major fire that occurred at
SEGS 8 in 1990, SBCFD responded to about 30 incidents and emergences at
the three solar facilities combined. Stated otherwise, the incident rate for all
three power plants would be 30 in 12 years or 2.5 emergency calls per year or
0.83 emergencies per solar plant per year. (Id.)

Staff nonetheless concluded that the Calico Solar Project poses unique risks for
fire response because it differs from the industrial, commercial, and residential
development in the San Bernardino County desert region and from the existing
solar plants located in the county. More particularly, the Calico plant will be
larger in scale than the existing power plants and will produce, use, and store a
large amount (34,000 pounds) of hydrogen gas. Staff opined that the use and
storage of this amount of gas, combined with the remote location of the site and
the potential for escalation of a small fire into a large conflagration enveloping the
entire site and perhaps beyond, presents an emergency response challenge for
SBCFD. Thus, according to Staff, the Calico Solar plant’s unique needs and
characteristics would pose significant added demands on local fire protection
services and cause significant direct impacts on SBCFD. (Ex. 300, pp. C.15 -20
to C.15-24.)

We are not persuaded that the Calico Project will result in direct significant
impacts to the physical environment or SBCFD’s provision of a variety of
emergency response services. Specifically with respect to EMS responses, the
evidence shows that incidents at power plants requiring such response are
infrequent and represent an insignificant impact on the local fire departments.
(Ex. 300, p. C.15-22.) Yet there may be rare instances where a rural fire
department with mostly volunteer fire-fighting staff may be insufficient to provide
the required response. While the potential for both work-related and non-work
related heart attacks exists at power plants, the evidence shows that many of the
responses for cardiac emergencies involved non-work related incidences. (Ex.
300, pp. C.15-25 to C.15-26.) The evidence also shows that the quickest
medical intervention would be achieved with the use of an on-site defibrillator
often called an Automatic External Defibrillator or AED because the response
from an off-site provider will take longer regardless of the provider location.
Given the availability of modern, cost-effective AED devices, we adopt Staff-
recommended Condition of Certification WORKER SAFETY-5, which requires
the project owner to maintain a portable AED on site, and train workers in its
proper use.

Worker Safety 6
And, as further shown by the evidence discussed above, it is an event such as a
major fire, and not routine plant operations, that cause concern for SBCFD. As is
also shown by the evidence, the likelihood of such an occurrence is low.
However, as discussed in the Cumulative Impacts section below, we find that
that the project has potential to result in adverse cumulative impacts and that
mitigation is required. (8/6/10 RT 193, 211-213, Ex. 300, p. C.15-22.)

4. Cumulative Impacts

A project may result in a significant adverse cumulative impact where its effects
are cumulatively considerable. "Cumulatively considerable" means that the
incremental effects of an individual project are significant when viewed in
connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects,
and the effects of probable future projects. (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, § 15130.)

Under CEQA, there are two acceptable and commonly used methodologies for
establishing the cumulative impact setting or scenario: the “list approach” and the
“projections approach”. The first approach would use a “list of past, present, and
probable future projects producing related or cumulative impacts.” [14 Cal Code
Regs §15130(b)(1)(A).] The second approach is to use a “summary of
projections contained in an adopted general plan or related planning document,
or in a prior environmental document which has been adopted or certified, which
described or evaluated regional or area wide conditions contributing to the
cumulative impact” [14 Cal Code Regs., § 15130(b)(1)(B)].

This evaluation uses the “list approach” for purposes of state law to provide a
tangible understanding and context for analyzing the potential cumulative effects
of a project. (Ex. 300, pp. B.3-2 to B.3-3.) Reasonably foreseeable future
projects in the Newberry Springs/Ludlow area of San Bernardino County,
including proposed nearby solar and wind projects are shown below in Worker
Safety and Fire Table 1. (See also Ex. 300, § B.3.) These are reasonably
foreseeable projects that may contribute to the cumulative effect because they
are in the immediate vicinity of the Calico Solar Project site (i.e., within a 15-20
mile radius). (Ex. 300, pp. B.3-2 to B.3-2.)

7 Worker Safety
Worker Safety and Fire Table 1
Future Foreseeable Projects in the Newberry Springs/Ludlow Area

ID Project Name Location Status Project Description
A SES Solar T's. 8, 9N., R5E SES BLM received 914 MW Stirling solar
Three (CACA (Immediately Solar completed plant on 6,779-acre site.
47702) west of project Three, amended
site) LLC application June
2007. SES
withdrew the
application for
Solar Three in
December 2009.
As there was a
application, this
becomes the
project proposed
at this location. .

B Broadwell Broadwell Bright- Application filed 5,130-acre solar thermal

BrightSource Valley (T'8N Source with BLM. facility using power
(CACA 48875) and 9N; R7E) – Energy, Potential conflict tower technology.
in northeast Inc. with proposed
direction of National
project site Monument. Plans
withdrawn/put on
hold in September

C SCE Pisgah Immediately Southern Substation upgrade

Substation southeast of California from 220-kV to 500-kV
expansion project site Edison

Worker Safety 8
ID Project Name Location Status Project Description
D Pisgah-Lugo Pisgah Southern The proposed 850 MW
transmission Substation (SE California Calico Solar Project
upgrade side of project Edison would require removal
site) to Lugo of 65 miles of existing
Substation 220-kV transmission line
(near Hesperia) and reinstallation with a
500-kV line.

The Reduced Acreage

Alternative (275 MW)
would require an
upgrade of the
facilities serving the
existing 200-kV Pisgah-
Lugo transmission line.
Specifically, it would
• Replacement of a
portion of existing
Eldorado-Lugo 500-
kV overhead ground
wire with new optical
ground wire between
the Lugo and Pisgah
• Installation of a new
fiber-optic line
between the Pisgah
Substation and Cool
Water Substation (new
fiber to be installed on
approximately 20 miles
of existing electric
distribution poles).
E Twentynine Morongo Basin U.S. NOI to prepare EIS 400,000-acre expansion
Palms (south of Marine to study on the east, west, and
Expansion project site) Corps alternatives south of the existing
published in Oct. 596,000-acre
2009. Draft EIS Twentynine Palms
expected Marine Corps base. In
September 2010. June 2009,
approximately 60,000
acres in all study areas
were removed from
further study, leaving
360,000 acres under
study (USMC 2009).

9 Worker Safety
ID Project Name Location Status Project Description
F Solel, Inc. Southwest of Solel, Inc. BLM received 600 MW solar thermal
(CACA 04942 proposed site, application in July plant proposed on 7,453
4) immediately 2007, POD is acres.
north of under review.

G Wind project Black Lava Oak BLM received Wind project on 17,920
(CACA 48629) T2N, R5E, Creek application acres
T1N, R5E Energy December 2006.
Issues with partial
location in ACEC.

H Wind Project South Ludlow Oak Pending Wind project on 25,600

(CACA 48667) T6N/R6E, Creek acres
T7N/R6E, Energy
T7N/R8E (In
direction of
project site)

I Wind project Troy Lake Power Pending review of Wind project on 10,240
(CACA 48472) T9N&10N, R4E Partners EA. acres
(In west SW
direction of (enXco)
project site)

J Twin Mountain 10 miles west Rinker Permit granted to Plan to re-permit a

Rock Venture of Ludlow and Materials extend permit to cinder quarry on
1 mile south of 2018 approximately 72 acres
I-40; APN of leased land. No
0552-011-10-0 development activity
000 has occurred on project

K Solar thermal Stedman (in Solel, Inc. Application filed 600 MW solar project on
(CACA 49429) southeast with BLM. 14,080 acres. POD
direction of under review.
project site)

Worker Safety 10
ID Project Name Location Status Project Description
L Proposed Between In December The proposed Mojave
National Joshua Tree 2009, Sen. Trails National
Monument National Park Feinstein Monument would protect
(former and Mojave introduced bill approximately 941,000
Catellus National S.2921 that would acres of federal land,
Lands) Preserve designate 2 new including approximately
national 266,000 acres of the
monuments former railroad lands
including the along historic Route 66.
Mojave Trails The BLM would be
National given the authority to
Monument. conserve the monument
lands and also to
maintain existing
recreational uses,
including hunting,
vehicular travel on open
roads and trails,
camping, horseback
riding and

M BLM Along the I-10 BLM Proposed, under The DOE and BLM
Renewable corridor environmental identified 24 tracts of
Energy Study between Desert review land as Solar Energy
Areas Center and Study Areas in the BLM
Blythe and DOE Solar PEIS.
These areas have been
identified for in-depth
study of solar
development and may
be found appropriate for
designation as solar
energy zones in the

Source: Projects were identified through a variety of sources including the project AFC (Section
5.18) and Applicant’s Submittal of CAISO Reports, SES 2010e and websites of the San
Bernardino County Land Use Services Department, BLM, CEC and individual projects.

11 Worker Safety
Worker Safety and Fire Figure 1
Cumulative Scenario

Source: Ex. 300, §B.3.

Worker Safety 12
We find that the Calico Project differs from the existing industrial, commercial and
residential development in the San Bernardino County desert region and existing
solar plants, given its size and proposed production, use and storage of
hydrogen. (Ex. 300, pp. C.15-22 to C.15-23.) The evidence further establishes
that the Calico Project may exacerbate existing fire station drawdown and, in the
event of a major detonation, may cause adverse physical and nonphysical
impacts to SBCFD’s ability to provide timely and adequate fire protection and
emergency services. (8/6/10 RT 198; Ex. 300, pp. C.15-19 to C.15-24.)

Specifically with respect to the project’s use of hydrogen, Asst. Chief Brierty
indicated that this facility will use an innovative system with several tanks and
pipes. (8/6/10 RT 176-177.) Even so, Asst Chief Brierty asserted that he did not
believe that there is any real plausible potential of an explosion with hydrogen.
Staff witness Alvin Greenberg also testified that the chances of a hydrogen
explosion are remote. (8/6/10 RT 179.) But SBCFD is nonetheless concerned
about the risk of fires, and the fires being close enough to the rail line or to some
other combustible material, such as grass or other off-the site materials, that
could cause a fire to escalate throughout the facility. (8/6/10 RT 177.)

Thus, based on the evidence, we find that the incremental impact of the Calico
Project, together with the environmental changes anticipated from past, present
and probable future projects, is cumulatively considerable with respect to fire and
emergency services. We are persuaded by Staff’s evidence (developed in
consultation with SBCFD) that these impacts can be fully mitigated to less than
significant levels if the Calico Project funds its proportionate share of SBCFD
mitigation activities. At some future time there may be need for SBCFD to
construct additional fire infrastructure or improve existing fire stations, related fire
equipment and staff, or related alternative mitigation measures. (Exs. 300, pp.
C.15-24 to C.15-25; 302.)

Staff specifically concludes that impacts attributable to the Calico Project will be
mitigated with the project’s payment to SBCFD of $1,187,000 for capital
improvements and annual payments of $1,095,000 for the life of the project.
(Exs. 300, p. C.15-25; 302.) In contrast, the Applicant maintains that any
payment for impacts should not exceed $62,000 per year. (8/6/10 RT 143.)
While both parties provided documentary evidence and testimony to support their
positions, neither party provided clear evidence that the assumptions and
methodologies underlying the respective funding recommendations adequately
focused on the Calico Project’s reasonable and proportionate contribution to the
identified cumulatively considerable impacts.

13 Worker Safety
Staff’s methodologies and conclusions may require mitigation from the project in
excess of its impacts, while the Applicant’s methodology and conclusions may
result in the project not providing its share of mitigation. For instance, the risk
matrix relied on by Staff and SBCFD appears to give little or no weight to Staff’s
evidence establishing that the combined incident rate for the SEGS VIII, IX, and
Kramer Junction solar facilities was 30 over a period of 12 years, which was
merely 2.5 emergency calls per year or 0.83 emergencies per solar plant per
year. (Ex. 300, pp. C.15-20 to C.15-22.) This evidence suggests that the
analysis proposed by Staff and SBCFD for the Calico Project’s cost allocation did
not properly consider the historical risks posed by solar facilities in San
Bernardino County.

The Applicant’s evidence suggests that under a worst case and unlikely scenario
a hydrogen-related conflagration would have an impact radius that does not
exceed 0.3 miles from the center of the explosion. (8/6/10 RT 135-136, 144.)
Moreover, because the 850 MW project would operate in 9 MW units, with each
SunCatcher connected to valves that would shut off with pressure changes, the
project’s potential impacts to fire and emergency services should result in the
project being viewed as a 9 MW project and not an 850 MW project. (8/6/10 RT
142-143, 166- 167.) However, this approach is overly simplistic and does not
adequately represent the potential for fire risk of the entire project.

The evidence submitted by intervenor Newberry Community Service District

underscores the need for further risk analysis and consideration of the project’s
appropriate mitigation funding. According to District Chief Springer, no
consideration was given to impacts on the outlying areas working in cooperation
with San Bernardino County to meet their response and mitigation factors. If
there is a major event at the Calico site, Chief Springer anticipates receiving a
request to provide and providing support to SBCFD. The Chief stated this would
put a significant drain on resources in the District’s area for coverage, but,
according to Chief Springer, is not addressed by the analyses presented. (8/6/10
RT 212-214.)

Based on the significant and irreconcilable disparities in the assumptions

underlying the proffered methodologies and mitigation funding amounts, we find
that further study is required to more precisely quantify the project’s impacts and
set the corresponding funding level with the identified mitigation activities to be
undertaken by SBCFD. As a result, we have adopted Condition of Certification
WORKER SAFETY-7, which requires the project owner and SBCFD to agree
upon a funding amount and payment terms to ensure that the identified mitigation

Worker Safety 14
can provide adequate fire protection and emergency response as discussed
above. If agreement cannot be reached, the Condition requires preparation of a
study by an independent consultant subject to the specified protocols and
requirements. Plant operation shall not occur until the requirements of WORKER
SAFETY-7 are satisfied.

If the requirements of Condition of Certification WORKER SAFETY-7 are not

satisfied by the time the project owner, in consultation with the CPM, determines
that construction must commence, Condition of Certification WORKER SAFETY-
8 allows the project owner to engage in construction activities upon making pre-
construction mitigation payments to SBCFD based on the project’s proposed
two-phase development. Phase 1 comprises approximately 1,876 acres and
Phase 2 comprises 2,737 acres. Phase 1 will be further broken down into Phase
1a and Phase 1b. Phase 1a includes 250 acres of the project site and linear
elements, and involves (i) construction of the main access road, the waterline,
the Main Services Area, the substation area, (ii) installation of 60 SunCatcher
pedestals, and (iii) the temporary at-grade crossing and the permanent bridge
spanning the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) railroad tracks. All other
aspects of Phase 1 will be completed in Phase 1b.

The mitigation payments set forth in WORKER SAFETY-8 shall be made as

follows: (a) $91,750 (250 acres x $367 per acre) prior to the start of construction
for Phase 1a; (b) $596,742 (1,626 acres x $367 per acre) prior to the start of
construction for Phase 1b; and (c) $1,004,479 (2,737 acres x $367 per acre) prior
to the start of construction for Phase 2. These payment amounts were
negotiated and agreed upon by and among the Applicant, Staff, and SBCFD as
adequate pre-construction mitigation. (8/25/10 RT 294-297.) We have adjusted
them for the reduced footprint of Scenario 5.5 and invite the parties to comment.
This funding shall off-set any initial funding required by WORKER SAFETY-7
above until the funds are exhausted.

5. Public and Agency Comment

Staff received comments from the Applicant and Intervenor Patrick Jackson.
Staff’s responses to and our consideration of these comments are reflected in the
record (Ex. 300, p. C.15-35) and as, appropriate, incorporated into the discussion
above and elsewhere within this Decision (See, e.g., Conditions of Certification

15 Worker Safety
Neither the public nor public agencies submitted comments.


Based on the evidence, the Commission makes the following findings:

1. Industrial workers are exposed to health and safety hazards on a daily


2. To protect workers from job-related injuries and illnesses, the project

owner will implement comprehensive Safety and Health Programs for both
the construction and the operation phases of the project.

3. The project will employ an on-site professional Safety Monitor during

construction and operation.

4. The Conditions of Certification ensure that workers are properly protected

from work-related hazards at the site.

5. The Calico Solar Project will include on-site fire protection and
suppression systems as the first line of defense in the event of a fire.

6. If required, the San Bernardino County Fire Department will provide fire
protection and emergency response services to the project.

7. The project will not have a significant direct or indirect impact on fire
protection and emergency services; however, it may result in significant
cumulative impacts. Implementation of the Conditions of Certification
below will reduce any potential project impacts to fire protection and
emergency service to less than significant levels.

8. With implementation of the Conditions of Certification, below, the Calico

Solar Project will comply with all applicable LORS.


1. We therefore conclude that with implementation of the Conditions of

Certification, the Calico Solar project will not create significant health and
safety impacts to workers, and will comply with all applicable laws,
ordinances, regulations, and standards listed in the appropriate portion of
Appendix A of this Decision.

Worker Safety 16

WORKER SAFETY-1 The project owner shall submit to the Compliance

Project Manager (CPM) a copy of the Project Construction Safety and
Health Program containing the following:
• A Construction Personal Protective Equipment Program;
• A Construction Exposure Monitoring Program;
• A Construction Injury and Illness Prevention Program;
• A Construction heat stress protection plan that implements
and expands on existing Cal OSHA regulations as found in 8
CCR 3395;
• A Construction Emergency Action Plan; and
• A Construction Fire Prevention Plan.
The Personal Protective Equipment Program, the Exposure Monitoring,
the Personal Protective Equipment Program, the Exposure Monitoring
Program, the Heat Stress Protection Plan, and the Injury and Illness
Prevention Program shall be submitted to the CPM for review and
approval of compliance of the program with all applicable safety orders.
These plans shall include programs to prevent exposure of workers to
the unusual hazard of high intensity reflected light from the solar
parabolic mirrors. The Construction Emergency Action Plan and the
Fire Prevention Plan shall be submitted to the San Bernardino County
Fire Department for review and comment prior to submittal to the CPM
for approval.
Verification: At least 30 days prior to the start of construction, the project
owner shall submit to the CPM for review and approval a copy of the Project
Construction Safety and Health Program. The project owner shall provide a copy
of a letter to the CPM from the San Bernardino County Fire Department with the
fire department’s comments on the Construction Fire Prevention Plan and
Emergency Action Plan.

WORKER SAFETY-2 The project owner shall submit to the CPM a copy of the
Project Operations and Maintenance Safety and Health Program
containing the following:
• An Operation Injury and Illness Prevention Plan;
• An Operation heat stress protection plan that implements
and expands on existing Cal OSHA regulations (8 CCR
• A Best Management Practices (BMP) for the storage and
application of herbicides;
• An Emergency Action Plan;

17 Worker Safety
• Hazardous Materials Management Program;
• Fire Prevention Program (8 CCR § 3221); and;
• Personal Protective Equipment Program (8 CCR §§ 3401-
The Operation Injury and Illness Prevention Plan, Emergency Action
Plan, the Heat Stress Protection Plan, BMP for Herbicides, and
Personal Protective Equipment Program shall be submitted to the CPM
for review and approval concerning compliance of the programs with all
applicable safety orders. These plans shall include programs to prevent
exposure of workers to the unusual hazard of high intensity reflected
light from the solar parabolic mirrors. The Fire Prevention Plan and the
Emergency Action Plan shall address special precautions and
responses to implement when a fire involves a SunCatcher or hydrogen
piping located within 200 feet of a fence line where a public access road
exists directly on the other side of the fence. The Fire Prevention Plan
and Emergency Action Plan shall also be submitted to the San
Bernardino County Fire Department and the BNSF railroad for review
and comment.
Verification: At least 30 days prior to the start of operations, the project owner
shall submit to the CPM for approval a copy of the Project Operations and
Maintenance Safety and Health Program.

WORKER SAFETY-3 The project owner shall provide a site Construction

Safety Supervisor (CSS) who, by way of training and/or experience, is
knowledgeable of power plant construction activities and relevant laws,
ordinances, regulations, and standards, is capable of identifying
workplace hazards relating to the construction activities, and has
authority to take appropriate action to assure compliance and mitigate
hazards. The CSS shall:
• Have overall authority for coordination and implementation of
all occupational safety and health practices, policies, and
• Assure that the safety program for the project complies with
Cal/OSHA and federal regulations related to power plant
• Assure that all construction and commissioning workers and
supervisors receive adequate safety training;
• Complete accident and safety-related incident investigations,
emergency response reports for injuries, and inform the
CPM of safety-related incidents; and
• Assure that all the plans identified in Worker Safety-1 and 2
are implemented.

Worker Safety 18
Verification: At least 30 days prior to the start of site mobilization, the project
owner shall submit to the CPM the name and contact information for the CSS.
The contact information of any replacement CSS shall be submitted to the CPM
within one business day.
The CSS shall submit in the Annual Compliance Report documentation of
monthly safety inspection reports to include:
• Record of all employees trained for that month (all records
shall be kept on site for the duration of the project);
• Summary report of safety management actions and safety-
related incidents that occurred during the month;
• Report of any continuing or unresolved situations and
incidents that may pose danger to life or health; and

• Report of accidents and injuries that occurred during the


WORKER SAFETY-4 The project owner shall make payments to the Chief
Building Official (CBO) for the services of a Safety Monitor based upon
a reasonable fee schedule to be negotiated between the project owner
and the CBO. Those services shall be in addition to other work
performed by the CBO. The Safety Monitor shall be selected by and
report directly to the CBO, and will be responsible for verifying that the
Construction Safety Supervisor, as required in Worker Safety-3,
implements all appropriate Cal/OSHA and Commission safety
requirements. The Safety Monitor shall conduct on-site (including linear
facilities) safety inspections at intervals necessary to fulfill those
Verification: At least 30 days prior to the start of construction, the project
owner shall provide proof of its agreement to fund the Safety Monitor services to
the CPM for review and approval.

WORKER SAFETY-5 The project owner shall ensure that two or more portable
automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) are located on site during
construction and operations and shall implement a program to ensure
that workers are properly trained in its use and that the equipment is
properly maintained and functioning at all times. During construction
and commissioning, the following persons shall be trained in its use and
shall be on-site whenever the workers that they supervise are on-site:
the Construction Project Manager or delegate, the Construction Safety
Supervisor or delegate, and all shift foremen. During operations, all
power plant employees shall be trained in its use. The training program
shall be submitted to BLM’s authorized officer and the CPM for review
and approval.

19 Worker Safety
Verification: At least 30 days prior to the start of site mobilization the project
owner shall submit to BLM’s authorized officer and the CPM proof that a portable
AED exists on site and a copy of the training and maintenance program for
review and approval.

WORKER SAFETY-6 Prior to the start of site mobilization for Phase 1b, the
project owner shall:
a. Provide secondary access gates for emergency personnel to enter
the southern and northern portions of the site. These secondary
access gates shall be at least one-quarter mile from the primary
access points and may be restricted to emergency response
b. Provide a second access road or roads that serve both the northern
portion of the site and the southern portion of the site. This road(s)
shall be treated with Soiltac or its equivalent with 80 percent
compaction, at least 20 feet wide. The secondary emergency
access road may cross the BNSF tracks at an at-grade crossing.
c. Maintain the main access road and the secondary access roads
and provide a plan for implementation.
d. Provide funding for a gate (with a lock allowing emergency
response access), posting to direct emergency responders to notify
BNSF operations before crossing, telephone box to allow BNSF
notification at the at-grade crossing of the BNSF rail line on the
secondary access road, and any road improvements required by
the San Bernardino County Fire Department.
e. Provide an at-grade crossing of the BNSF tracks between the
southern and northern portions of the site and provide funding for a
gate (with a lock allowing emergency response access), posting to
direct emergency responders to notify BNSF, a telephone box to
allow for notification to BNSF by emergency responders when
using the secondary access road, and any road improvements near
the crossing recommended by the SBCFD.
Plans for the secondary access gates, the method of gate operation,
secondary emergency access road(s), the above-grade crossing, and
to maintain the roads shall be submitted to the San Bernardino County
Fire Department for review and comment and to the CPM for review
and approval.
Verification: At least 30 days prior to the start of site mobilization for Phase
1b, the project owner shall submit to the San Bernardino County Fire Department
and the CPM preliminary plans showing the location and dimensions of the
secondary access gates to both the southern and northern portions of the site, a
description of how the gates will be opened by the fire department, and a
description and map showing the location, dimensions, and composition of the
main road, location of the secondary emergency access road(s) to the southern

Worker Safety 20
and northern portions of the site, and the engineering drawings and precise
location of the above-grade crossing structure.
At least 30 days prior to the start of site mobilization, the project owner shall
submit final plans plus the road maintenance plan to the CPM review and
approval. The final plan submittal shall also include a letter containing comments
from the San Bernardino County Fire Department or a statement that no
comments were received.

WORKER SAFETY-7 The project owner shall either:

(1) Reach an agreement with the San Bernardino County Fire
Department (SBCFD) regarding funding of its project-
related share of capital and operating costs to build and
operate new fire protection/response infrastructure and
provide appropriate equipment as mitigation of project-
related impacts on fire protection services within the
(2) The project owner shall fund a Fire Needs Assessment and
Risk Assessment conducted by an independent contractor
who shall be selected by the project owner and approved
by the CEC Compliance Project Manager (CPM) and fulfill
all mitigation identified in the independent fire needs
assessment and a risk assessment. The Fire Needs
Assessment must address emergency response and
equipment, staffing, and location needs while the Risk
Assessment must be used to establish the risk (chances) of
significant impacts occurring.
Should the Applicant pursue option (2), above, the Fire Needs
Assessment and Risk Assessment shall evaluate the following:
(a) The risk of impact on the local population that could result from
potential unmitigated impacts on local fire protection and
emergency services (i.e. “drawdown” of emergency response
(b) The extent that the project’s exemption from local taxes will
impact local fire protection and emergency response services;
(c) Recommend an amount of funding that should be provided to
mitigate any identified significant impacts on local fire protection
and emergency response services.

21 Worker Safety
Compliance Protocols for the Fire Needs Assessment and Risk
Assessment shall be as follows:
(a) The study shall be conducted by an independent consultant
approved by the CPM. The project owner shall provide the CPM
with the names of at least three consultants, whether entities or
individuals, from which to make a selection, together with
statements of qualifications. The CPM shall approve one of the
three proffered consultants;
(b) The Fire Needs Assessment and Risk Assessment shall be fully
funded by the project owner. The independent consultant(s)
preparing the Fire Needs Assessment and Risk Assessment
shall work directly for the Energy Commission;
(c) The project owner shall provide the protocols for conducting the
independent fire needs assessment for review and comment by
the SBCFD and review and approval by the CPM prior to the
independent consultant’s commencement of the fire needs
(d) The CPM shall be copied in any correspondence including
emails or letters and included in any conversations between the
project owner and consultant; and
(e) The CPM shall verify that the Fire Needs Assessment and Risk
Assessment are prepared consistent with the approved fire
needs assessment protocols and a risk assessment protocols.
Plant operation shall not occur until funding of mitigation occurs either
(i) pursuant to an agreement reached between the project owner and
the SBCFD, or (ii) pursuant to the independent Fire Needs and Risk
Assessments conducted by an independent consultant approved by the
CPM or (iii) as determined by the Energy Commission or its designee if
the project owner and SBCFD do not agree to the recommendations of
the independent consultant’s study. The Energy Commission or its
designee shall, based on the results of the study and comments from
the project owner and SBCFD, make the final determination regarding
the funding to be provided to the SBCFD to accomplish the above-
identified mitigation.
Verification: If Option 1 of Condition of Certification WORKER SAFETY-7 is
fulfilled prior to plant operation, then the project owner shall provide to the CPM a
copy of the individual agreement with the SBCFD. If option 2 of Condition of
Certification WORKER SAFETY-7 is selected, then prior to plant operation the
project owner shall provide to the CPM a protocol, scope and schedule of work
for the independent Fire Needs Assessment and Risk Assessment and the
qualifications of proposed contractor(s) for review and approval by the CPM; a
copy of the completed Fire Needs Assessment and Risk Assessment showing
the precise amount the project owner shall pay for mitigation; and documentation

Worker Safety 22
that the amount has been paid. If the Energy Commission or its designee
establishes the payment amount, then prior to plant operation, the project owner
shall provide the CPM with a copy of the order or decision and documentation
establishing that the amount has been paid
Annually thereafter, the owner shall provide the CPM with verification of funding
to the San Bernardino County Fire Department for required fire protection
services mitigation pursuant to the agreement with the Fire Department or the
CPM approved independent fire needs assessment.

WORKER SAFETY-8 In the event that the project owner has not satisfied the
conditions set forth in WORKER SAFETY-7 by the time the project
owner, in consultation with the CPM, determines construction must
commence, the project owner shall pay to SBCFD (a) $91,750 (250
acres x $367 per acre) prior to the start of construction for Phase 1a; (b)
$762,259 (2,077 acres x $367 per acre) prior to the start of construction
for Phase 1b; and (c) $1,426,896 (3,888 acres x $367 per acre) prior to
the start of construction for Phase 2. This funding shall off-set any initial
funding required by WORKER SAFETY-7 above until the funds are
exhausted. This offset will be based on a full accounting by the SBCFD
regarding the use of these funds.
Verification: At least 10 days prior to the start of site mobilization for Phase
1a, 1b and Phase 2, respectively, the project owner shall provide to the CEC
CPM either:
a. documentation that the payment described above has been made;
b. that payment has been made pursuant to a contractual agreement with the
The CEC CPM shall adjust any payments initially required by WORKER
SAFETY-7 based upon the accounting provided by the SBCFD.

WORKER SAFETY-9 The project owner shall develop and implement an

enhanced Dust Control Plan that includes the requirements described
in AQ-SC3 and additionally requires:
i. site worker use of dust masks (NIOSH N-95 or better) whenever
visible dust is present;
ii. implementation of methods equivalent to Rule 402 of the Kern
County Air Pollution Control District (as amended Nov. 3, 2004);
iii. implementation of enhanced dust control methods (increased
frequency of watering, use of dust suppression chemicals, etc.
consistent with AQ-SC4 immediately whenever visible dust comes
from or onto the site or when PM10 measurements obtained when
implementing ii (above) exceed 50 µg/m3.

23 Worker Safety
Verification: At least 30 days prior to the commencement of site mobilization,
the enhanced Dust control Plan shall be provided to the CPM for review and

Worker Safety 24

This analysis considers whether the construction and operation of the Calico
Solar Project will create significant impacts to public health and safety resulting
from the use, handling, transportation, or storage of hazardous materials. This
analysis does not address the potential exposure of workers to hazardous
materials used at the project site; the Worker Safety and Fire Protection
section of this Decision addresses this issue. Several site-specific factors affect
the potential for project-related hazardous materials to cause adverse impacts.
These include meteorological conditions, terrain characteristics, and the
proximity of population centers and sensitive receptors relative to the project. In
addition, sensitive subgroups such as the young, elderly, and those with existing
conditions may be at greater risk from exposure to emitted pollutants. (Ex. 300,
pp. C.5-1 to C.5-6.)


1. Potential Risks

The method used to assess risks posed by hazardous materials includes the
following elements:

• A review of chemicals, the amounts proposed for on-site use, and a

determination of the need and appropriateness of their use.

• Chemicals which will be used in small amounts, or whose physical state is

such that there is virtually no chance that a spill will migrate off the site and
impact the public, were removed from further consideration.

• Measures proposed to prevent spills were reviewed and evaluated. These

included engineering controls such as automatic shut-off valves and
different size transfer-hose couplings, as well as administrative controls
such as worker training and safety management programs.

• Measures proposed to respond to accidents were reviewed and evaluated.

These measures included engineering controls such as catchment basins
and methods to keep vapors from spreading, as well as administrative
controls such as training emergency response crews.

• An analysis of the theoretical impacts on the public of a worst-case spill of

hazardous materials even with the mitigation measures in place. (Ex. 300,
pp. C.5-6 to C.5-7.)

1 HazMat
a. Small Quantity Hazardous Materials

Hazardous materials used during construction will include paint, cleaners,

solvents, gasoline, diesel fuel, motor oil, welding gases, and lubricants. Any
impact of spills or other releases of these materials would be limited to the site
because of the small quantities involved, the infrequent use and hence reduced
chances of release, and/or the temporary containment berms used by
contractors. Petroleum hydrocarbon-based motor fuels, mineral oil, lube oil, and
diesel fuel all have very low volatility and would represent limited off-site hazards,
even in larger quantities. (Ex. 300, p. C.5-7.)

During operations, hazardous chemicals such as cleaning agents, lube oil,

sodium hydroxide, diesel fuel, gasoline, ethylene glycol, and other various
chemicals will be used and stored on-site and represent limited off-site hazard
due to their small quantities, low volatility, and/or low toxicity. (Ex. 300, p. C.5-7.)

Hazardous Materials Appendix A (incorporated in Condition of Certification

HAZ-1 at the end of this section) lists the hazardous materials that will be used
and stored on-site. Condition HAZ-1 prohibits the project owner from using
hazardous materials not listed in Appendix A, or storing them in greater
quantities than specified, without prior approval of the Energy Commission’s
Compliance Project Manager

b. Large Quantity Hazardous Materials

Hydrogen is used as the working fluid in the Stirling cycle engines utilized by the
project. Hydrogen will be produced onsite, and distributed through pipes or by
truck in k-bottles to each SunCatcher engine. The Applicant is evaluating both
methods for providing hydrogen to the SunCatchers.

From experience gained at other solar facilities, the Applicant has changed its
original proposal for a hydrogen system and has increased the maximum amount
of hydrogen stored at each SunCatcher from 3.4 to 11 standard cubic feet (scf),
which would accommodate two full charges of the power conversion unit. For
both systems, the hydrogen would be generated by electrolysis using two
generators, each producing 1,820 scf per hour. Both systems would store up to
36,400 standard cubic feet in one tank. The currently proposed centralized
hydrogen system would distribute hydrogen from the central storage tank to 95
compressor groups and from there to each SunCatcher using piping. Each
compressor group would include a 29,333-scf high pressure supply tank and a

HazMat 2
9,900-scf low pressure dump tank. Hydrogen refilling of each SunCatcher supply
tank is expected to occur about three times per year. It would bring the on-site
hydrogen to over 20,000,000 scf. (Ex. 300, p. C.5-8.)

Hazardous Materials Management Table 1, below, provides a comparison of

the proposed hydrogen systems.


Feature Centralized Hydrogen Distributed Hydrogen
System System
Storage - main service 36,400 x 1 tank 36,400 scf x 1 tank
High-pressure supply tank 29,333 x 95 compressor 82 scf x 34, 000
groups SunCatchers
Low-pressure supply tank 9,900 scf x 95 compressor 28 scf x 34,000
groups SunCatchers
Local storage tank --- 489 scf x 34, 000
Single SunCatcher 11 scf 11 scf
Distribution method pipeline truck
Total amount onsite 4,140,00 scf (23, 000 lbs) 20,800,000 scf (116,000
(Ex. 56, Supplement to AFC, p. 1-6, Table 1-1.)

The Applicant conducted an analysis assuming a worst-case release of all the

hydrogen on site. It was assumed that a hydrogen release would form a vapor
cloud and detonate causing an unconfined vapor cloud explosion. The distance
to an over pressure of 1.0 psi was then determined. This is an over pressure that
could cause some damage to structures and injury to exposed members of the
general population. Four different scenarios were evaluated for the centralized
system and three different scenarios for the distributed system. (Ex. 300, p. C.5-

Phase II of the project would place SunCatchers and their stored hydrogen on
land only a few hundred feet from traffic in I-40 and within one fourth-mile of the
residence located to the south of I-40. This would result in traffic on I-40 and the
residence being located within the 0.54 mile of the worst-case overpressure
zone, thus indicating a potential for blast effects on traffic and the residence.

It is nearly impossible to detonate hydrogen in an unconfined vapor cloud

because it disperses very rapidly due to its low density relative to air. The
3 HazMat
evidence establishes that the Applicant’s analysis was conservative and
overestimated the magnitude of the potential risk of any actual explosion that
could occur at the facility. The assessment assumed an instantaneous release
of the entire volume of hydrogen instead of a more realistic release occurring
over a period of time resulting in a significant dispersion of the hydrogen while
the cloud was forming. Actual hydrogen releases have not resulted in
unconfined cloud explosions. It is widely believed that unconfined hydrogen will
not detonate without a high explosive initiating event. (Ex. 300, C.5-9.)

We conclude that an unconfined hydrogen vapor cloud detonation is not

plausible and would not occur at the facility, and that the use of hydrogen posed
some on-site explosion risk but no significant risk to the surrounding area.
However, fires at the Calico Solar Project site could impact traffic on I-40 and the
nearest residence from the extreme heat and the potential escalation of the fire
beyond site boundaries, The BNSF railroad bisects the project site; a derailment
could pose a risk to the site. Therefore, we adopt Conditions of Certification
HAZ-2, HAZ-7, and HAZ-8 to reduce potential impacts associated with the use of
hydrogen for the Calico Solar Project. Condition of Certification HAZ-2 will
require Risk Management Plan that will include an Offsite Consequence
Analysis. In addition, Conditions of Certification HAZ-7 will require that the
hydrogen system – whichever system the Applicant decides to use – is designed
to applicable engineering safety codes and Condition of Certification HAZ-8
requires a hazard analysis conducted by an independent third party.. We find
that with implementation of these Conditions of Certification the project will not
pose a significant risk to the public. (Ex. 300, pp. C.5.1, C.5-8, and C.5-9.)

2. Risk Mitigation

The evidence supports the implementation of specific mitigation measures to

ensure that no significant risk will result from the use of hazardous materials. A
Safety Management Program will reduce the potential for accidents resulting in
the release of hazardous materials. This program would include both
engineering and administrative controls to help prevent accidents and releases
(spills) from moving off-site and impacting the community. Elements of the plan
are summarized below.
• Engineering Controls. The Applicant has proposed use of secondary
containment in storage areas and physical separation of stored chemicals
to prevent accidental mixing of incompatible materials.

• Administrative Controls. The Worker Safety and Fire Protection section

of this Decision requires a Worker Health and Safety Program that
HazMat 4
addresses administrative controls at the proposed project. This would
include worker training on chemical hazards, personal protective
equipment safety operating procedures; fire safety and prevention; and
emergency response actions. (Ex. 300, p. C.5-11.)

We adopt Conditions of Certification HAZ-1, HAZ-2, and HAZ-3 to address the

management of hazardous materials for the Calico Solar Project. Condition of
Certification HAZ-1 requires that only approved hazardous materials be used at
the facility as listed in the application. Condition of Certification HAZ-2 requires
the preparation and approval of a Hazardous Materials Business Plan, a Risk
Management Plan, and a Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures Plan
that will incorporate state requirements for the handling of hazardous materials.
Condition of Certification HAZ-3 requires the preparation of a Safety
Management Plan for project construction and operation. (Ex. 300, p. C.5-12.)

The evidence indicates that a San Bernardino County Fire Department (SBCFD)
hazmat response team is located at Station #322 in Adelanto, about a one-hour
drive from the project site. In the event of a large incident involving hazardous
materials, this station would provide backup support. This hazmat response unit
is capable of handling any incident at the proposed Calico Solar Project. (Ex.
300, p. C.5-12 and C.5-13.)

In order to address spill response, the project owner will prepare and implement
an emergency response plan that includes information on hazardous materials
contingency and emergency response procedures, spill containment and
prevention systems, personnel training, spill notification, on-site spill
containment, prevention equipment and capabilities, etc. Emergency procedures
will be established which include evacuation, spill cleanup, hazard prevention,
and emergency response. We find that, given the remote location, the
hazardous material response time is acceptable, and that the SBCFD is
adequately trained and equipped to respond to a hazardous materials spill
emergency at Calico Solar in a timely manner. (Ex. 300, p. C.5-12.)

3. Transportation Risk Reduction

The evidence shows that containerized hazardous materials will be transported

to the facility via truck. During construction and operation of the Calico Solar
Project, the transport of minimal amounts and types of hazardous materials will
not pose a significant risk of either spills or impacts along any transportation
route. Therefore, we find that no specific transportation route needs to be
identified for this project. (Ex. 300, p. C.5-13.)

5 HazMat
Liquid hazardous materials can be released during a transportation accident, and
the extent of their impact in the event of a release will depend on the location of
the accident and the rate of vapor dispersion from the surface of the spilled pool.
The evidence includes evaluation of the risk of accident and release during the
transportation of hazardous materials. The evidence establishes, and we find,
that the transport on I-40 and then for a short distance from I-40 on a dedicated
road in a remote area, will present a less than significant risk of accident and
release. (Ex. 300, p. C.5-13.)

4. Seismic Issues

The evidence presents the possibility of an earthquake causing the failure of a

hazardous materials storage tank, secondary containment systems, and
electrically controlled valves and pumps. The failure of all these preventive
control measures might then result in the release of hazardous materials that
could move offsite and impact the surrounding areas. (Ex. 300, p. C.5-13.)

The evidence indicates that after the January 1994 Northridge earthquake some
damage was caused to several large and small storage tanks at the water
treatment system of a cogeneration facility. The tanks with the greatest damage,
including seam leakage, were older tanks, while newer tanks sustained less
damage with displacements and attached line failures. Similar analysis of the
February 2001 Nisqually earthquake near Olympia, Washington, showed no
hazardous materials storage tanks were impacted by this quake. The
assessment also considered the recent earthquakes in Haiti and Chile and found
no evidence of impact on hazardous materials storage and pipelines. (Ex. 300,
C.5-14.) The Calico Solar Project will be designed and constructed to the
applicable standards of the 2007 California Building Code for Seismic Zone 4.
On the basis of damage experienced from the Northridge quake to older tanks
and the lack of failures during the Nisqually earthquake with newer tanks, the
evidence discloses, and we find, that tank failures during seismic events are not
likely and do not represent a significant risk to the public. (Ex. 300, pp. C.5-13 to

5. Site Security

The Calico Solar Project proposes to use hazardous materials that necessitate
special site security measures to prevent unauthorized access. The evidence
indicates that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) published an
interim Final Rule to require facilities that use or store certain hazardous

HazMat 6
materials to conduct vulnerability assessments and implement certain specified
security measures. The rule lists hydrogen as a Chemical of Interest with a
threshold level of 10,000 lbs. The Calico Solar Project will have a maximum of
37,243 lbs of hydrogen on-site and therefore the rule will apply. The project
owner will need to submit a “Top Screen” assessment to the DHS consistent with
the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standard (CFATS). (Ex. 300, pp. C.5-3 and

In order to ensure that this facility (or a shipment of hazardous material) is not the
target of unauthorized access, we adopt Conditions of Certification HAZ-4 and
HAZ-5 to address both construction security and operations security plans.
These plans would require the implementation of site security measures that are
consistent with the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC)
Security Guidelines for the Electricity Sector in 2002 (NERC 2002), NERC
Critical Infrastructure Protection standard for cyber security, the U.S. Department
of Energy draft Vulnerability Assessment Methodology for Electric Power
Infrastructure in 2002 (DOE 2002), and Energy Commission guidelines. (Ex.
300, p. C.5-14.)

Additional security measures include perimeter fencing and breach detectors,

guards, alarms, site access procedures for employees and vendors, site
personnel background checks, and law enforcement contact in the event of a
security breach. Site access for vendors will be strictly controlled. Consistent
with current state and federal regulations governing the transport of hazardous
materials, hazardous materials vendors will have to maintain their transport
vehicle fleets and employ only drivers who are properly licensed and trained.
The project owner will be required, through its contractual language with vendors,
to ensure that vendors supplying hazardous materials strictly adhere to the U.S.
DOT requirements regarding security plans (49 CFR 172.802), and ensure that
all hazardous materials drivers are in compliance with personnel background
security checks (49 CFR Part 1572, Subparts A and B). (Ex. 300, pp. C.5-14 to

6. Cumulative Risks

The geographic area considered for cumulative impacts from the use of
Hazardous Materials is the area within one mile of the project boundary. The
record contains analysis of the potential for impacts due to a simultaneous
release of any of the hazardous chemicals from the Calico Solar Project with any
other nearby facilities. The Calico Solar Project would not be expected to

7 HazMat
contribute to the possible short-term, long-term, or decommissioning cumulative
impacts related to hazardous materials. The project will not be located in close
proximity to any other facility that might impact the same surrounding population
in the event of an accidental release of hazardous materials. Based on the
evidence that there are no nearby facilities using large amounts of hazardous
chemicals, we find there is minimal possibility for cumulative hazardous materials
impacts. (Ex. 300, pp. C.5-22 to C.5-23.)

7. Compliance with Laws, Ordinances, Regulations and Standards (LORS)

A listing of Federal, State and Local LORS applicable to the proposed project is
set forth at Ex. 300, p. C.5-2. The evidence shows, and the Conditions of
Certification we have adopted herein require, that the project owner comply with
all applicable LORS.

8. Public and Agency Comments

Three comments were submitted regarding the Calico Solar Project’s use of
hazardous materials. Comments and responses are summarized below.
• Patrick C. Jackson, intervener, commented on the proposed project’s
impact on safety in the surrounding project area especially the use of
hydrogen Staff evaluated the Applicant’s Off-site Consequence Analysis
and determined that there will be no significant risk to nearby populations
as a result of the project.

• The Applicant commented that background checks for 700 construction

personnel as required in HAZ-5 would be onerous. The record indicates
that the requirement applies only to operations personnel and not
construction personnel.

• The BSNF Railway expressed concern that hydrogen gas in an

underground piping system would be vulnerable to leaks and damage in
the event of a train derailment. The record indicates that Staff included
additional analysis of hydrogen use on the project site in the
Supplemental Staff Assessment and identified Conditions of Certification
HAZ-7 and HAZ-8 to address concerns from the BNSF railroad. HAZ-7
requires that the hydrogen system be designed consistent with applicable
design codes and HAZ-8 requires an outside third party review of the
system. Also, HAZ-2 requires an Off-Site Consequence Analysis be
included in the Risk Management Plan if hydrogen will be distributed by
pipeline (Centralized Hydrogen System).

HazMat 8

Based on the uncontroverted evidence of record, the Commission makes the

following findings and conclusions:

1. The Calico Solar Project will use hazardous materials during construction and
operation, including hydrogen.

2. The major public health and safety dangers associated with these hazardous
materials include the accidental release, fire, and potential explosion from
hydrogen gas.

3. The risk of explosion from hydrogen gas will be reduced to insignificant levels
through adherence to applicable codes, and the implementation of effective
safety management practices, and Conditions of Certification.

4. The project owner will submit an approved Safety Management Plan for
handling all hazardous materials and an approved Hazardous Materials
Business Plan prior to delivery of any hazardous materials to the site.

5. Hydrogen poses a fire risk but the evidence indicates that Conditions of
Certification HAZ-2, HAZ-7, and HAZ-8 will reduce the potential for fire to
escalate beyond the site boundaries. .
6. The record includes the evaluation of two options for distribution of hydrogen
gas for the Calico Solar Project. Hydrogen gas will be produced on site and
will be distributed either through a closed-cycle system (pipes) to the
SunCatchers engines or by truck as determined by the Applicant.

7. The existing design of the Calico Solar Project is sufficient to safeguard

against off-site migration of hazardous materials, including berms, secondary
containment, and separate containment of hazardous materials.

8. Condition of Certification HAZ-3 reduces the potential for accidents resulting

in the release of hazardous materials by the implementation of a Safety
Management Program.

9. The San Bernardino County HazMat Team is adequately trained and

equipped to provide backup support if an emergency were to occur at the
Calico Solar facility.

10. Other hazardous substances used on-site will be used in small quantities,
have low volatility, and/or are of low toxicity.

11. Tank failures during seismic events are not likely and do not represent a
significant risk to the public.

9 HazMat
12. Conditions of Certification HAZ-4 and HAZ-5 require both construction and
operational site security measures that include perimeter security, written
procedures, monitoring, and other measures to control site access and
prevent malicious mischief, vandalism, and terrorist attacks.

13. With implementation of the Conditions of Certification, below, the Calico Solar
Project will comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, regulations, and
standards related to hazardous materials management as identified in the
evidentiary record and in the pertinent portion of Appendix A of this Decision.


1. The Commission concludes, therefore, that the use of hazardous materials by

the Calico Solar Project will not result in any significant adverse public health
and safety impacts.


HAZ-1 The project owner shall not use any hazardous materials not listed in
Appendix A, below, or in greater quantities than those identified by
chemical name in Appendix A, unless approved in advance by the
Compliance Project Manager (CPM).
Verification: The project owner shall provide to the CPM in the Annual
Compliance Report, a list of hazardous materials contained at the facility.

HAZ-2 The project owner shall concurrently provide a Hazardous Materials

Business Plan (HMBP), a Risk Management Plan (RMP) that includes
the consequences of a train derailment resulting in a hydrogen pipeline
leak and fire, and a Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure
Plan (SPCC) to the San Bernardino County Fire Department, and the
CPM for review. After receiving comments from the San Bernardino
County Fire Department, and the CPM, the project owner shall reflect
all received recommendations in the final documents. If no comments
are received from the county within 30 days of submittal, the project
owner may proceed with preparation of final documents upon receiving
comments from the CPM. Copies of the final HMBP, RMP, and SPCC
Plan shall then be provided to the San Bernardino County Fire
Department for their records and to the CPM for approval.
Verification: At least 60 days prior to receiving any hazardous material on
the site for commissioning or operations, the project owner shall provide a copy
of a final Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HMBP) and a Spill Prevention,
Control, and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC) to the CPM for approval.

HazMat 10
At least 60 days prior to existence of any hydrogen on the site for commissioning
or operations, the project owner shall provide a copy of a final Risk Management
Plan (RMP) to the CPM for approval,

HAZ-3 The project owner shall develop and implement a Safety Management
Plan for delivery of liquid and gaseous hazardous materials. The plan
shall include procedures, protective equipment requirements, training
and a checklist. It shall also include a section describing all measures
to be implemented to prevent mixing of incompatible hazardous
materials. This plan shall be applicable during construction,
commissioning, and operation of the power plant.
Verification: At least 60 days prior to the delivery of any liquid or gaseous
hazardous material to the facility, the project owner shall provide a Safety
Management Plan as described above to the CPM for review and approval.

HAZ-4 At least 30 days prior to commencing construction, a site-specific

Construction Site Security Plan for the construction phase shall be
prepared and made available to BLM’s authorized officer and the CPM
for review and approval. The Construction Security Plan shall include
the following:
1. Perimeter security consisting of fencing enclosing the construction
2. Security guards;
3. Site access control consisting of a check-in procedure or tag
system for construction personnel and visitors;
4. Written standard procedures for employees, contractors and
vendors when encountering suspicious objects or packages on-site
or off-site;
5. Protocol for contacting law enforcement and the CPM in the event
of suspicious activity or emergency; and
6. Evacuation procedures.
Verification: At least 30 days prior to commencing construction, the project
owner shall notify the CPM that a site-specific Construction Security Plan is
available for review and approval.

HAZ-5 The project owner shall prepare a site-specific Security Plan for the
operational phase and shall be made available to the CPM for review
and approval. The project owner shall implement site security
measures addressing physical site security and hazardous materials
storage. The level of security to be implemented shall not be less than
that described below (as per NERC 2002).
The Operation Security Plan shall include the following:

11 HazMat
1. Permanent full perimeter fence, at least 8 feet high around the
Solar Field;
2. Main entrance security gate, either hand operable or motorized;
3. Evacuation procedures;
4. Protocol for contacting law enforcement and the CPM in the event
of suspicious activity or emergency;
5. Written standard procedures for employees, contractors and
vendors when encountering suspicious objects or packages on-
site or off-site;
6. a. A statement (refer to sample, attachment “A”) signed by the
project owner certifying that background investigations have
been conducted on all project personnel. Background
investigations shall be restricted to ascertain the accuracy of
employee identity and employment history, and shall be
conducted in accordance with state and federal law regarding
security and privacy;
b. A statement(s) (refer to sample, attachment “B”) signed by the
contractor or authorized representative(s) for any permanent
contractors or other technical contractors (as determined by the
CPM after consultation with the project owner) that are present
at any time on the site to repair, maintain, investigate, or
conduct any other technical duties involving critical
components (as determined by the CPM after consultation with
the project owner) certifying that background investigations
have been conducted on contractor personnel that visit the
project site.
7. Site access controls for employees, contractors, vendors, and
8. Closed circuit TV (CCTV) monitoring system, recordable, and
viewable in the power plant control room and security station (if
separate from the control room) with cameras able to pan, tilt, and
zoom, have low-light capability, and are able to view the outside
entrance to the control room, the two hydrogen generator locations
the front gate and emergency access gate(s), and all security
fence that directly abuts the public access road; and
9. Additional measures to ensure adequate perimeter security
consisting of either:
a. Security guard present 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, OR
b. Power plant personnel on-site 24 hours per day, 7 days per
week and one of the following:
Perimeter breach detectors; or

HazMat 12
CCTV able to view both site entrance gates and 100
percent of the power block area perimeter
The project owner shall fully implement the security plans and obtain
CPM approval of any substantive modifications to the security plans.
The CPM may authorize modifications to these measures, or may
require additional measures, such as protective barriers for critical
power plant components or cyber security depending on
circumstances unique to the facility or in response to industry-related
standards, security concerns, or additional guidance provided by the
U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Department of
Energy, or the North American Electrical Reliability Council, after
consultation with appropriate law enforcement agencies and the
Verification: At least 30 days prior to the initial receipt of hazardous materials
on-site, the project owner shall notify the CPM that a site-specific Operations Site
Security Plan is available for review and approval. In the Annual Compliance
Report, the project owner shall include a statement that all current project
employee and appropriate contractor background investigations have been
performed, and updated certification statements are appended to the Operations
Security Plan. In the Annual Compliance Report, the project owner shall include
a statement that the Operations Security Plan includes all current hazardous
materials transport vendor certifications for security plans and employee
background investigations.

HAZ-6 The holder (project owner) shall comply with all applicable Federal
laws and regulations existing or hereafter enacted or promulgated. In
any event, the holder(s) shall comply with the Toxic Substances
Control Act of 1976, as amended (15 U.S.C. 2601, et seq.) with regard
to any toxic substances that are used, generated by or stored on the
right-of-way or on facilities authorized under this right-of-way grant.
(See 40 CFR, Part 702-799 and especially, provisions on
polychlorinated biphenyls, 40 CFR 761.1-761.193.) Additionally, any
release of toxic substances (leaks, spills, etc.) in excess of the
reportable quantity established by 40 CFR, Part 117 shall be reported
as required by the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, Section 102b
Verification: A copy of any report required or requested by any Federal
agency or State government as a result of a reportable release or spill of any
toxic substances shall be furnished to the CPM concurrent with the filing of the
reports to the involved Federal agency or State government.

HAZ-7 The project owner shall ensure that whichever of the two proposed
hydrogen storage and handling systems is used in the project, the
system is reviewed, evaluated by a Mechanical Engineer registered in
California to ensure that it complies with all applicable ANSI, ASME,

13 HazMat
and NFPA design codes, and that the system is approved by this
person as shown by applying a professional “stamp” to the document
review page. No hydrogen will be transported over or under the BNSF
mainline or through the BNSF right-of-way.
Verification: At least 30 days prior to the existence of stored hydrogen on site,
the project owner shall provide to the CPM for review and approval a copy of
design drawings, documentation, and specifications of the hydrogen storage and
handling system that has been reviewed, evaluated, approved, and stamped by a
Mechanical Engineer registered in the state of California.

HAZ-8 The project owner shall:

a. Conduct a process hazard analysis and prepare a Process Safety
Management Plan (PSM Plan) that contains a hazard analysis,
including for rail operations using a Hazard and Operability Study
(HAZOP) for the hydrogen system.
b. Retain an independent outside third party group of professionals to
provide peer review and approval of the process hazard analysis
and the PSM plan before they are submitted to the CPM. The
outside third party shall have expertise in engineering and process
operations, shall include at least one member who has experience
and knowledge specific to the processes being evaluated, and shall
also include one member knowledgeable in the specific process
hazard analysis methodologies being used.
c. Ensure that the hydrogen compressor stations, piping connecting
compressor stations and the piping between compressor stations
and the hydrogen generator are at least 500 feet from the BNSF
d. Include in the hydrogen handling an automatic system for
notification of BNSF operations of any loss of containment from the
hydrogen system.
The final report containing the results of the hazard analysis, the final
PSM Plan, and the review and approval of the outside third party shall
be submitted to the San Bernardino County Fire Department for review
and to the CPM for approval.
Verification: At least 30 days prior to receiving hydrogen gas on the site, the
project owner shall provide a copy of a final hazard analysis, the final PSM Plan,
and the review and approval of the outside third party to the CPM for approval.

HazMat 14
Appendix A:
Hazardous Materials Proposed for Use at Calico Solar
Hazardous Materials Usage and Storage During Operations
Chemical Use Storage Location/Type State Quantity
Insulating oil Electrical Electrical equipment Liquid 60,000 gallons
equipment (contained in transformers initial fill
and electrical switches)
Lubricating oil Stirling Engine/dish Equipment 150-gallon Liquid 40,000 gallons
drives PCU recycle tank located in initial fill with usage
Maintenance Building of 21 gallons per
Hydrogen PCU working fluid Generated on-site and Gas Either 4,140,000
stored in pressure vessel cubic feet or
20,800,000 cubic
feet depending on
hydrogen system
Acetylene Welding Cylinders stored in Gas 1,000 cubic feet
maintenance buildings
Oxygen Welding Cylinders stored in Gas 1,000 cubic feet
maintenance buildings
Ethylene glycol PCU Radiator PCU radiator Maintenance Liquid 40,000 gal initial
Coolant, antifreeze Buildings fill with usage of
21 gallons per
Various solvents, Building Three (3) 55-gallon drums Liquid Ten (10) 55-gallon
detergents, paints, maintenance and and 1-gallon containers will drums
and other cleaners equipment cleaning be stored Maintenance Commercial
Buildings 1-gallon containers
Gasoline Maintenance 5,000 gallon AST at Liquid 5,000 gallons
vehicles refueling station with
Diesel fuel Maintenance Firewater skid Liquid 100 gallons initial
Vehicles 5,000-gallon AST refueling fill
station with containment 5,000 gallons
Sodium Disinfectant for Water treatment structure Liquid 4 gallons
hypochlorite potable water
12.5% solution
AST = aboveground storage tank
PCU = power conversion unit
Source: Ex. 300, Appendix A

15 HazMat
(Attachment A)

Affidavit of Compliance for Project Owners

I, _______________________________________________________________
(Name of person signing affidavit)(Title)

do hereby certify that background investigations to ascertain the accuracy of the

identity and employment history of all employees of:

(Company name)

for employment at:

(Project name and location)

have been conducted as required by the California Energy Commission Decision

for the above-named project.

(Signature of Officer or Agent)

Dated this ___________________ day of ___________________, 20 _______.



HazMat 16
(Attachment B)

Affidavit of Compliance for Contractors

I, _______________________________________________________________
(Name of person signing affidavit)(Title)

do hereby certify that background investigations to ascertain the accuracy of the

identity and employment history of all employees of:

(Company name)

for contract work at:

(Project name and location)

have been conducted as required by the California Energy Commission Decision

for the above-named project.

(Signature of Officer or Agent)

Dated this ___________________ day of ___________________, 20 _______.



17 HazMat

The Calico Solar Project (formerly the Stirling Energy Systems Solar One
Project) will generate nonhazardous and hazardous wastes during construction
and operation. This section reviews the project’s waste management plans for
reducing the risks and environmental impacts associated with handling, storage,
and disposal of project-related nonhazardous and hazardous wastes.

Nonhazardous wastes are degradable or inert materials, which do not contain

concentrations of soluble pollutants that could degrade water quality and are
therefore eligible for disposal at Class II or III disposal facilities. (Cal. Code
Regs., tit. 14, § 17200 et seq.)

Hazardous waste consists of materials that exceed criteria for toxicity, corrosivity,
ignitability, or reactivity as established by the California Department of Toxic
Substances Control (DTSC). (See California Health and Safety Code, § 25100
et seq.; Hazardous Waste Control Act of 1972, as amended; and Cal. Code
Regs., tit. 22, § 66261.1 et seq.) State law requires hazardous waste generators
to obtain U.S. EPA identification numbers and contract with registered hazardous
waste transporters to transfer hazardous waste to appropriate Class I disposal
facilities. (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 22, § 66262.10 et seq.)


1. Phase I Site Assessment

The proposed Calico Solar Project site is approximately 4,613 acres of Bureau of
Land Management (BLM) managed public lands located in San Bernardino
County, California (Ex. 1, p. 3-3; 300, p. C.14-7.) The Burlington Northern Santa
Fe (BNSF) railroad bisects the site from west to east. (Exs.1, p. 3-22; 300, p.

The certification process requires a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment

(ESA) to provide the history of how the site was used and a list of hazardous
waste releases on or near the site to document the presence of any actual or
potential soil or water contamination. If there is reasonable potential that the site
contains hazardous substances, a Phase II ESA must be conducted to analyze
the contamination and to establish a remediation plan. (Ex. 300, p. C.14-8.)

1 Waste Mgmt
A Phase I ESA prepared for the project identified a former rock crusher/ore
processing area in the northeastern corner of the site; the processing area was
once a part of the Logan Mine (Ex. 1, Appendix T and Data Response 88). The
Logan Mine produced primarily manganese and iron with trace production of
phosphorus-phosphates, silica, and sulfur (Ex. 1, Appendix T and Data
Response 89). The record indicates that Staff contacted the County of San
Bernardino and verified that manganese and iron ore production and processing
were not considered hazardous operations (Ex. 300, p. C.14-9). Therefore, the
ESA did not identify any Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) in
connection with historic or current site operations. A REC is the presence or
likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products on a
property under the conditions that indicated an existing release, past release, or
a material threat of a release of any hazardous substance or petroleum products
into structures on the property or in the ground, groundwater, or surface water of
the property. However, in the event that the project owner identifies
contamination during any phase of construction, we adopt Conditions of
Certification WASTE-1 and WASTE-2. These measures require an experienced,
qualified Professional Engineer or Professional Geologist be available if
contaminated soil is encountered, a determination of the nature and extent of the
contaminated soil, and a report that documents findings and recommended
actions. (Ex. 300, pp. C-14-9 – C.14-10.)

2. Construction

Site preparation and construction of the proposed project will last approximately
44 months and generate both non-hazardous and hazardous wastes in solid and
liquid forms. (Exs.1, p. 5.14-1; 300, p. C.14-10.) Before construction can begin,
the project owner will be required to develop and implement a Construction
Waste Management Plan per proposed Condition of Certification WASTE-3.
This plan must describe all waste streams and methods of managing each
waste. Implementation of this plan will ensure that the project owner manages
wastes in accordance with appropriate LORS. (Ex. 300, pp. C.14-10 to C.14-12.)

a. Nonhazardous Wastes

Construction activities (including construction of the substation and portable

SunCatcher assembly buildings) will generate an estimated 40 cubic yards per
week of non-hazardous solid wastes, consisting of scrap wood, steel, glass,
plastic, and paper. Of these items, the project owner will separate recyclable
materials and remove as needed to recycling facilities. Non-recyclable materials

Waste Mgmt 2
(insulation, other plastics, food waste, roofing materials, vinyl flooring and base,
carpeting, paint containers, packing materials, etc.) will be disposed of at a Class
III landfill. Decommissioning and removal of the buildings will generate
approximately 80 cubic yards of waste consisting of surplus packing materials,
lumber, cardboard, lighting, gaskets, and wiring. (Exs. 1, Data Response 172;
300, C.14-10.) We adopt Condition of Certification WASTE-3 requires the
project owner/operator to identity all waste streams and the management method
used for each waste stream, which will ensure adequate treatment of these non-
hazardous wastes. (Ex. 300, p. C.14-10.)

Project construction will generate non-hazardous liquid wastes, including storm

water runoff and sanitary waste. Storm water runoff will be managed in
accordance with appropriate LORS. Sanitary wastes will be pumped to tanker
trucks by licensed contractors for transport to a sanitary water treatment plant.
Please see the Soil and Water Resources section of this Decision for more
information on the management of project wastewater. (Ex. 300, pp. C.14-10 to

b. Hazardous Wastes

During construction, anticipated hazardous wastes include waste paint, spent

construction solvents, waste cleaners, waste oil, oily rags, waste batteries, and
spent welding materials. Estimated amounts are 1 cubic yard of empty
containers (per week), 200 gallons of oils, solvents, and adhesives (every 90
days), and 20 batteries (per year). The project owner will return empty
hazardous material containers to the vendor or dispose at a hazardous waste
facility; solvents, used oils, paint, oily rags, and adhesives will be recycled or
disposed at a hazardous waste facility; and spent batteries will be disposed at a
recycling facility. (Exs. 1, Table 5.14-2; 300, p. C.14-11.)

Under state law, the project owner will be required to obtain a unique hazardous
waste generator identification number for the site prior to starting construction,
which will also be required for operation of the facility. Therefore, we adopt
Condition of Certification WASTE-4 to ensure compliance with California Code of
Regulation Title 22, Division 4.5.

The project owner will collect hazardous waste in accumulation containers and
store them in a lay down area, warehouse/shop area, or storage tank on
equipment skids for less than 90 days. Licensed hazardous waste collection and
disposal companies will manifest, transport, and dispose of accumulated wastes

3 Waste Mgmt
at a permitted hazardous waste management facility. We find that wastes will be
disposed of in accordance with applicable LORS. Should any construction waste
management-related enforcement action be taken or initiated by a regulatory
agency, the project owner will notify the Compliance Project Manager (CPM)
whenever the owner becomes aware of this action as required by the proposed
Condition of Certification WASTE-5. (Ex. 300, p. C.14-11.)

In the event that construction activities identify potentially contaminated soils,

specific waste handling, disposal, or other precautions may be necessary
pursuant to hazardous waste management LORS. We adopt Conditions of
Certification WASTE-1 and WASTE-2 to address any soil contamination that
may be encountered during construction of the project and to support compliance
with LORS. (Ex. 300, p. C-14-11.)

Further, the Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 [Assembly Bill (AB) 939,
Sher, Chapter 1095, Statutes of 1989] set landfill waste diversion goals of 50
percent (by 2000) for local jurisdictions. While the Calico Solar Project is not
responsible to a local jurisdiction, we adopt Condition of Certification WASTE-6
to ensure the project owner/operator meets waste diversion goals of the
construction and decommissioning program, to ensure project wastes are
managed properly, and to further reduce potential impacts to local landfills from
project wastes. Therefore, we find that all construction wastes will be disposed
of in accordance with all applicable LORS. (Ex. 300, p. C-14-11.)

3. Operation

The Calico Solar Project will generate both non-hazardous and hazardous
wastes. To address waste generated during operation, we adopt Condition of
Certification WASTE-7. This Condition requires the project owner/operator to
maintain an accurate record of the project’s waste storage, generation, and
disposal, and requires compliance with waste regulations during operation. (Ex.
300, p. C-14-12.)

a. Nonhazardous Wastes

Non-hazardous solid wastes generated during project operations will consist of

glass, paper, wood, plastic, cardboard, deactivated equipment and parts,
defective or broken electrical materials, empty non-hazardous containers, and
other miscellaneous solid wastes. The project will generate approximately 10
cubic yards of non-hazardous solid waste per week. (Exs. 1, Table 5.14-3; 300

Waste Mgmt 4
p. C.14-12.) Such wastes will be recycled to the greatest extent possible, and
the remainder will be removed on a regular basis for disposal in a Class III
landfill. Non-hazardous oily rags (one 55-gallon drum per month) will be
laundered at an authorized recycle facility. Sanitary wastewater solids will be
treated with an onsite septic system, and sludge will be delivered to an off-site
disposal facility. (Ex. 300, p. C.14-12.)

The project will generate non-hazardous liquid wastes during facility operation as
discussed in the Soil and Water Resources section of this Decision. (Ex. 300,
p. C.14-12.)

b. Hazardous Wastes

Hazardous wastes generated during routine project operation include motor oil
and coolant from the Power Conversion Unit, batteries, oily absorbent and spent
oil filters, and used hydraulic fluid. (Exs. 1, p. 5.14-11; 300, p. C.14-13.) In
addition, spills and unauthorized releases of hazardous materials or hazardous
wastes may generate contaminated soils or cleanup materials that may require
management and disposal as hazardous waste. To ensure proper cleanup and
management of hazardous materials spills, we adopt Condition of Certification
WASTE-8. This measure requires the project owner/operator to document, clean
up, and properly manage and dispose of wastes from any hazardous materials
spills or releases in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local
requirements. The Hazardous Materials Management section of this Decision
provides more information on hazardous materials management spill reporting,
containment, and spill control and countermeasures plan provisions for the
project. (Ex. 300, p. C-14-13.)

The amount of hazardous wastes generated during operation of Calico Solar will
be temporarily stored on site, transported off site by licensed hazardous waste
haulers, and recycled or disposed of at authorized disposal facilities in
accordance with established standards (Title 22, CCR, §66262.10 et seq.). We
adopt Condition of Certification WASTE-5 that requires the project
owner/operator to notify the CPM if an enforcement action is initiated by a
regulatory agency. (Ex. 300, p. C-14-13.)

The Calico Solar Project will have more than 34,000 gallons of oil on site. A
Hazardous Materials Business Plan, which outlines hazardous materials
handling, storage, spill response, and reporting procedures, will be prepared
before construction activities begin. The Lahontan Regional Water Quality

5 Waste Mgmt
Control Board will require a Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan
(SPCC) (Exs.1, Data Responses 170 & 17; 300, p. C.14-13)1) in accordance
with Title 40 CFR, Section 112. Also, Federal Code of Regulations (40 CFR 112
Subpart B) requires owners/operators of non-transportation-related bulk
petroleum storage facilities (depending on size) to prepare and maintain a site-
specific SPCC Plan. Refer to the Hazardous Materials Management section of
this Decision for more information. (Ex. 300, pp. C.14-13 to C.14-14.)

4. Potential Impacts on Waste Disposal Facilities

a. Non-Hazardous Solid Wastes

Construction will generate 41 cubic yards and operation will generate 10 cubic
yards per week of nonhazardous solid waste (wood, paper/cardboard, glass,
plastic, insulation, and concrete). The waste will be stored onsite for less than 30
days, and then recycled or disposed of in a Class III landfill. (Ex. 300, p. C.14-

Four waste disposal facilities in San Bernardino County could take the non-
hazardous construction and operation wastes generated by the Calico Solar
Project. These facilities have over 93 million cubic yards of remaining combined
capacity. (Exs.1, Table 5.14-1; 300, C.14-15.). The total amount of non-
hazardous solid waste generated from project construction is estimated to be
7,872 cubic yards (41 cubic yards per week for 48 months), and the total amount
from lifetime operations is estimated to be 20,800 cubic yards (10 cubic yards per
week for 40 years). These quantities include both recyclable and non-recyclable
wastes; Additional non-recyclable sanitary sludge (the non-liquid portion of 5,000
gallons of wastewater per month during operation) and saltcake (90,200 pounds
per year of operation) will also be disposed off-site (Exs.1, Table 5.14-3;. 300, p.
C.14-15.). The total non-recyclable solid waste will contribute much less than
one percent of the available landfill capacity. We find that disposal of the solid
wastes generated by the Calico Solar Project can occur without significantly
impacting the capacity or remaining life of any of these facilities. (Ex. 300, pp.
C.14-14 to C.14-15.)

b. Hazardous Wastes

Two hazardous waste (Class I) disposal facilities are currently accepting waste
and could be used to manage Calico Solar Project wastes: the Clean Harbors
Buttonwillow Landfill in Kern County and the Chemical Waste Management

Waste Mgmt 6
Kettleman Hills Landfill in Kings County. The Kettleman Hills facility also accepts
Class II and Class III wastes. In total, there is a combined excess of 16 million
cubic yards of remaining hazardous waste disposal capacity at these landfills,
with at least 30 years remaining in their operating lifetimes. In addition, the
Kettleman Hills facility is in the process of obtaining approval for additional
disposal capacity and the Buttonwillow facility has 40 years to reach its capacity
at its current disposal rate. (Ex. 300, pp. C.14-14 to C.14-15.)

Hazardous wastes generated during construction and operation will be recycled

to the extent possible and practical. The project owner/operator will transport off
site those wastes that cannot be recycled to a permitted treatment, storage, or
disposal facility. The project will generate approximately 225 cubic yards of
recyclable and non-recyclable hazardous waste over the 48-month construction
period. The project will generate approximately 50 cubic yards of hazardous
non-recyclable waste over the 40-year operating lifetime. Thus, we find that
hazardous wastes from the Calico Solar Project requiring off-site disposal will be
significantly less than the remaining capacity of either Class 1 waste facility. (Ex.
300, p. C.14-14.)

The closure or decommissioning of the Calico Solar Project will produce both
hazardous and non-hazardous solid and liquid waste. The project’s General
Compliance Conditions of Certification, including Compliance Monitoring and
Closure Plan (Compliance Plan) have been established as required by Public
Resources Code section 25532. While we expect that there will be adequate
landfill capacity available to dispose of both non-hazardous and hazardous waste
from the closure or decommissioning of the proposed project, Conditions of
Certification WASTE-3 through WASTE-8 will continue to apply to the Calico
Solar Project during closure or decommissioning of the project. (Ex. 300, p.

5. Cumulative Impacts

Impacts of the Calico Solar Project will combine with impacts of past, present,
and reasonably foreseeable projects to result in a contribution to local and
regional cumulative impacts related to waste management. The amount of non-
hazardous and hazardous wastes generated during construction and operation of
the Calico Solar Project will add to the total quantity of hazardous and non-
hazardous waste generated in San Bernardino County. However, the project will
generate wastes in modest quantities, employ waste recycling wherever
practical, and several treatment and disposal facilities have sufficient capacity

7 Waste Mgmt
available to handle the volumes of wastes the project will generate. Therefore,
we find that the waste generated by the project will not result in significant
cumulative waste management impacts either locally or regionally. (Ex. 300, p.

6. Public Comment

No public comment was received regarding Waste Management.


Based on the uncontroverted evidence, the Commission makes the following


1. The project will generate nonhazardous and hazardous wastes during

construction and operation.

2. Based on the preparation of a project-specific Phase I Environmental Site

Assessment, no recognized environmental conditions (REC), or historical
RECs were identified on the project site.

3. Conditions of Certification WASTE-1, WASTE-2, and WASTE-3

adequately address any soil contamination that may be encountered
during construction of the project, including preparation of a Construction
Waste Management Plan.

4. The construction contractor and the project owner/operator is required to

obtain a unique hazardous waste generator identification number for the
site prior to starting construction, pursuant to Condition of Certification

5. The project owner/operator has committed to dispose of all construction

wastes in accordance with all applicable LORS.

6. Project compliance with LORS is sufficient to ensure that no significant

impacts will occur as a result of project waste management activities
during construction.

7. Condition of Certification WASTE-5 requires the project owner to notify the

CPM in writing of any impending enforcement action by any agency.

8. The project owner/operator has committed to recycle, as applicable, all

non-hazardous wastes to the greatest extent possible and non-recyclable
wastes will be collected by a licensed hauler and disposed of in a solid
waste disposal facility (Class III landfill).

Waste Mgmt 8
9. To reinforce this commitment, Condition of Certification WASTE-6
requires a reuse/recycling plan that addresses at least 50 percent of the
construction and demolition materials.

10. Condition WASTE-7 requires the Project Owner to develop and implement
an Operation Waste Management Plan to identify all waste streams and
the methods of managing each waste.

11. Condition of Certification WASTE-8 requires the project owner/operator to

report, clean up, and remediate as necessary, any hazardous materials
spills or releases in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local

12. The disposal of the solid wastes generated by Calico Solar Project can
occur without significantly impacting the capacity or remaining life of any
of the facilities located in San Bernardino County, Kings County, or Kern

13. Liquid wastes will be classified for appropriate disposal and managed in
accordance with the Conditions of Certification listed in the Soil and
Water Resources section of this Decision.

14. Disposal of project wastes will not result in any significant direct, indirect,
or cumulative impacts on existing waste disposal facilities.


1. Implementation of the Conditions of Certification, below, and the waste

management practices described in the evidentiary record will reduce
potential impacts to insignificant levels and ensure that project wastes are
handled in an environmentally safe manner.

2. The management of project wastes will comply with all applicable laws,
ordinances, regulations, and standards related to waste management as
identified in the pertinent portions of Appendix A of this Decision.


WASTE-1 The project owner shall provide the resume of an experienced and
qualified professional engineer or professional geologist, who shall
be available during site characterization (if needed), demolition,
excavation, and grading activities, to the CPM for review and
approval. The resume shall show experience in remedial
investigation and feasibility studies.
The professional engineer or professional geologist shall be given
authority by the project owner to oversee any earth moving

9 Waste Mgmt
activities that have the potential to disturb contaminated soil and
impact public health, safety and the environment.
Verification: At least 30 days prior to the start of site mobilization, the project
owner shall submit the resume to the CPM for review and approval.

WASTE-2 If potentially contaminated soil is identified during site

characterization, demolition, excavation or grading at either the
proposed site or linear facilities, as evidenced by discoloration,
odor, detection by handheld instruments, or other signs, the
professional engineer or professional geologist shall inspect the
site, determine the need for sampling to confirm the nature and
extent of contamination, and provide a written report to the project
owner, representatives of Department of Toxic Substances Control
or Regional Water Quality Control Board, and the CPM stating the
recommended course of action.
Depending on the nature and extent of contamination, the
professional engineer or professional geologist shall have the
authority to temporarily suspend construction activity at that
location for the protection of workers or the public. If in the opinion
of the professional engineer or professional geologist, significant
remediation may be required, the project owner shall contact the
CPM and representatives of the Department of Toxic Substances
Control or Regional Water Quality Control Board, for guidance and
possible oversight.
Verification: The project owner shall submit any reports filed by the
professional engineer or professional geologist to the CPM within five days of
their receipt. The project owner shall notify the CPM within 24 hours of any
orders issued to halt construction.

WASTE-3 The project owner shall prepare a Construction Waste

Management Plan for all wastes generated during construction of
the facility and shall submit the plan to the CPM for review and
approval prior to the start of construction. The plan shall contain, at
a minimum, the following:
• A description of all construction waste streams, including
projections of frequency, amounts generated, and hazard
classifications; and
• Management methods to be used for each waste stream,
including temporary on-site storage, housekeeping and best
management practices to be employed, treatment methods and
companies providing treatment services, waste testing methods
to assure correct classification, methods of transportation,
disposal requirements and sites, and recycling and waste
minimization/source reduction plans.

Waste Mgmt 10
Verification: The project owner shall submit the Construction Waste
Management Plan to the CPM for approval no less than 30 days prior to the
initiation of construction activities at the site.

WASTE-4 The project owner shall obtain a hazardous waste generator

identification number from the United States Environmental
Protection Agency (USEPA) prior to generating any hazardous
waste during project construction and operations.
Verification: The project owner shall keep a copy of the identification number
on file at the project site and provide documentation of the hazardous waste
generation and notification and receipt of the number to the CPM in the next
scheduled Monthly Compliance Report after receipt of the number. Submittal of
the notification and issued number documentation to the CPM is only needed
once unless there is a change in ownership, operation, waste generation, or
waste characteristics that requires a new notification to USEPA. Documentation
of any new or revised hazardous waste generation notifications or changes in
identification number shall be provided to the CPM in the next scheduled
compliance report.

WASTE-5 Upon notification of any impending waste management-related

enforcement action by any local, state, or federal authority, the
project owner shall notify the CPM of any such action taken or
proposed against the project itself, or against any waste hauler or
disposal facility or treatment operator with which the owner
contracts, and describe how the violation will be corrected.
Verification: The project owner shall notify the CPM in writing within 10 days
of becoming aware of an impending enforcement action. The CPM shall notify
the project owner of any changes that will be required in the way project-related
wastes are managed.

WASTE-6 The project owner shall provide a reuse/recycling plan for at least
50 percent of construction and demolition materials prior to any
building or demolition. The project owner shall ensure compliance
and shall provide proof of compliance documentation to the CPM,
including a recycling and reuse summary report, receipts, and
records of measurement. Project mobilization and construction
shall not proceed until the CPM issues an approval document.
Verification: At least 60 days prior to the start of any construction or
demolition activities, the project owner shall submit a reuse recycling plan to the
CPM for review and approval. The project owner shall ensure that project
activities are consistent with the approved reuse/recycling plan and provide
adequate documentation of the types and volumes of wastes generated, how the
wastes were managed, and volumes of wastes diverted. Project mobilization and
construction shall not proceed until CPM issues an approval document. Not later

11 Waste Mgmt
than 60 days after completion of project construction, the project owner shall
submit documentation of compliance with the diversion program requirements to
the CPM. The required documentation shall include a recycling and reuse
summary report along with all necessary receipts and records of measurement
from entities receiving project wastes.

WASTE-7 The project owner shall prepare an Operation Waste Management

Plan for all wastes generated during operation of the proposed
project and shall submit the plan to the CPM for review and
approval. The plan shall contain, at a minimum, the following:
• A detailed description of all operation and maintenance waste
streams, including projections of amounts to be generated,
frequency of generation, and waste hazard classifications;
• Management methods to be used for each waste stream,
including temporary on-site storage, housekeeping and best
management practices to be employed, treatment methods and
companies providing treatment services, waste testing methods
to assure correct classification, methods of transportation,
disposal requirements and sites, and recycling and waste
minimization/source reduction plans;
• Information and summary records of conversations with the local
Certified Unified Program Agency and the Department of Toxic
Substances Control regarding any waste management
requirements necessary for project activities. Copies of all
required waste management permits, notices, and/or
authorizations shall be included in the plan and updated as
• A detailed description of how facility wastes will be managed,
and any contingency plans to be employed, in the event of an
unplanned closure or planned temporary facility closure; and
• A detailed description of how facility wastes will be managed and
disposed of upon closure of the facility.
Verification: The project owner shall submit the Operation Waste
Management Plan to the CPM for approval no less than 30 days prior to the start
of project operation. The project owner shall submit any required revisions to the
CPM within 20 days of notification from the CPM that revisions are necessary.
The project owner shall also document in each Annual Compliance Report the
actual volume of wastes generated and the waste management methods used
during the year; provide a comparison of the actual waste generation and
management methods used to those proposed in the original Operation Waste
Management Plan; and update the Operation Waste Management Plan as
necessary to address current waste generation and management practices.

Waste Mgmt 12
WASTE-8 The project owner shall ensure that all spills or releases of
hazardous substances, hazardous materials, or hazardous waste
are documented and cleaned up and that wastes generated from
the release/spill are properly managed and disposed of, in
accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local
Verification: The project owner shall document management of all
unauthorized releases and spills of hazardous substances, hazardous materials,
or hazardous wastes that occur on the project property or related linear facilities.
The documentation shall include, at a minimum, the following information:
location of release; date and time of release; reason for release; volume
released; how release was managed and material cleaned up; amount of
contaminated soil and/or cleanup wastes generated; if the release was reported;
to whom the release was reported; release corrective action and cleanup
requirements placed by regulating agencies; level of cleanup achieved and
actions taken to prevent a similar release or spill; and disposition of any
hazardous wastes and/or contaminated soils and materials that may have been
generated by the release. A copy of the unauthorized release/spill documentation
shall be provided to the CPM within 30 days of the date the release was

13 Waste Mgmt


The Commission must consider the potential impacts of project-related activities

on biological resources, including state and federally listed species, species of
special concern, wetlands, and other resources of critical biological interest such
as unique habitats. The evidence describes the biological resources in the
vicinity of the project site and linear alignments, assesses the potential for
adverse impacts, proposes mitigation measures to reduce those impacts and
assesses the project’s compliance with applicable laws, ordinances, regulations,
and standards (LORS).


1. Project Description

The Calico Solar Project is located in Southern California’s Mojave Desert,

approximately 37 miles east of the city of Barstow. It is bordered on the south by
Interstate 40 (I 40), on the east by the Southern California Edison transmission
line corridor, and the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe rail corridor bisects the
project site from east to west. The Cady Mountain Wilderness Study Area (WSA)
is located north of the Calico Solar Project site. The Pisgah Crater, within the
BLM-designated Pisgah Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC), is
located south and east of the project (south of I 40 by several miles). The ACEC
designation is used by the BLM to identify areas with special management issues
and priorities related to the conservation of important natural, cultural, and scenic
resources, and to identify natural hazards. The Pisgah ACEC supports several
sensitive species including Mojave fringe-toed lizard (Uma scoparia), desert
tortoise (Gopherus agassizii), crucifixion thorn (Castela emoryi), white-margined
beardtongue (Penstemon albomarginatus), and sand linanthus (Linanthus
arenicola). Several underground and above ground utilities traverse the area.

The Cady Mountains north of the project site have been designated as a
Wilderness Study Area by the BLM. Wilderness Study Areas meet the criteria to
be considered Wilderness Areas, but have not been designated as such by
Congress. BLM is required to maintain the wilderness characteristics of a
Wilderness Study Area until a final decision is made by Congress as to whether
or not to include the area as part of the National Wilderness Preservation System

1 Biological Resources
(NWPS). A herd of Nelson’s bighorn sheep inhabit the Cady Mountains
Wilderness Study Area.

The Ord-Rodman Desert Wildlife Management Area (DWMA) is located adjacent

to the southwest portion of the project site. This DWMA, which includes federally
designated critical habitat for desert tortoise, was established by the West
Mojave Plan for the conservation and recovery of the desert tortoise. Public lands
within DWMAs are designated as ACECs. A recent study completed in
cooperation between Caltrans and the CDFG has also identified the project area
as an essential biological connectivity area between the Bristol (to the east of the
project area) and Ord Mountains (to the south).

The Mojave Desert is located between the Great Basin Desert to the north and
the Colorado Desert to the south, and lies in the rain shadow of the Sierra
Nevada and Transverse Mountain ranges. It is generally a large alluvial-filled
basin with many isolated mountain ranges. The Mojave receives most
precipitation during winter months, although summer thunderstorms also occur.
The average annual precipitation at Daggett Airport, approximately 23 miles east
of the project site, is approximately 3.8 inches, and average monthly
temperatures range between 36 and 104°F.

The Applicant originally proposed the project to generate 850-MW on 8,230

acres. To reduce impacts primarily to biological resources the Applicant reduced
the project footprint to 6,215 acres of land within the original foot print. Again in
an effort to address impacts associated with the proposed project, the Applicant
proposed addition reduced acreage scenarios on September 10, 2010. The
Applicant’s preferred reduced acreage scenario, Scenario 5.5 is proposed to
generate 663.5 MW on 4,613 acres of land within the originally proposed project
footprint. (EX. 317, p. B.1-2) With the exception of the project’s water well site,
the land is managed by the BLM. A detailed description of the CSP’s equipment
and structures and operational activities is provided in the Project Description
section of this decision.

2. Biological Setting

The project location includes several linear development features including I-40,
BNSF railway, and SCE transmission lines. Additionally, the area between the
BNSF railroad and I 40 is isolated by the highway and railroad and portions of the
site have been subject to repeated disturbance from pipeline development.
Besides these features, the project area is primarily open land ranging in

Biological Resources 2
elevation from approximately 1,925 to 3,050 feet (587 to 930 m) above mean sea
level. The site lies within a broad alluvial floodplain that transports runoff from the
Cady Mountains to the north. In addition, a collection of small to medium
channels intersects the project from the south and east. All of these drainages
generally collect and flow in a westerly direction.

Project site activities would impact three vegetation communities: desert saltbush
scrub, Mojave creosote bush scrub, and desert microphyll woodland. In addition,
there are 28 acres of developed land uses (e.g., roads, railroads, transmission
lines, and underground gas pipelines) on the site.

Mojave creosote bush scrub: The majority of the project site (approximately
5,946 acres) is Mojave creosote bush scrub. The dominant shrub species are
creosote bush (Larrea tridentata) and white bursage (Ambrosia dumosa). Other
common shrubs include desert senna (Senna armata), Nevada ephedra
(Ephedra nevadensis), encelia (Encelia farinosa, E. actoni, E. frutescens), and
range ratany (Krameria erecta, K. grayii. Shrubs are typically widely spaced and
support a diverse assemblage of annual and perennial herbs in years of
adequate seasonal precipitation.

Creosote bush is well known for forming “creosote rings,” which are very old
plants growing from slowly-spreading root crowns. Creosote rings are protected
under the San Bernardino County Plant Protection and Management Ordinance
and were not evaluated in the Biological Resources Technical Report or the AFC
In some cases, these rings are more than 10,000 years old and apparently
develop on the surfaces of very old bajadas. Staff did not observe creosote rings
at the project site and the project appears to be situated on younger alluvial
surface than the sites where creosote rings have been recorded. Staff also
reviewed aerial images of the proposed project site and did not observe any
indication of creosote rings.

Catclaw acacia thorn scrub (desert microphyll woodland): Within the mapped
creosote bush scrub, dry desert washes in the northern portion of the proposed
project site (i.e., foothills of the Cady Mountains and the upper bajada) support
catclaw acacia (Acacia greggii) at various densities, sometimes in equal or
greater cover and density than creosote bush. Scattered blue palo verde
(Parkinsonia florida) and smoke tree (Psorothamnus spinosus) are also found in
these washes.

3 Biological Resources
Catclaw acacia is a large, deep-rooted shrub or small tree, characteristic of
desert washes, occurring in habitats similar to other desert microphyllous wash
woodland species. It resprouts rapidly following disturbance by floods, and seed
dispersal and germination are apparently initiated by flooding. The seeds are
apparently important to small mammals and, historically, to Native Americans.
Catclaw acacia thorn scrub has no special conservation status ranking.

Lower elevation wash and sandfield vegetation: Areas mapped as creosote bush
scrub in the southern part of the project area, generally from about 0.25 mile
north of the BNSF railroad tracks and southward to the southern project area
boundary, include scattered smoke trees. These areas are characterized by
sandy soils, in deep sandy washes, open sandfields, and active windblown

Sand transport from desert mountain ranges downslope to bajadas and, in some
cases, dunelands, occurs throughout the deserts by fluvial and aeolian (i.e.,
water and wind) processes. Infrequent flooding transports sand downslope along
desert washes. Prevailing winds sort sands according to grain size and further
transport them downwind. Sediments from the Cady Mountains, upslope, are
transported by fluvial processes toward the southern part of the project site, and
redistributed by wind, particularly the southeastern part of the site, where fine
windblown sands spread across the lower bajada and small hills in a small dune
system, associated with active channels and partially stabilized sandfields.

Smoke tree is a shrub or small tree characteristic of desert washes and arroyos.
In some areas it may be the dominant or co-dominant species, often occurring
with other desert wash species (see catclaw acacia thorn scrub, above). Mixed
stands, where smoke trees occur with smaller creosote bush or white bursage,
may be classified as smoke tree woodland, even where smaller shrubs constitute
as much as twice the overall cover. On the project site, a few small smoke trees
occur in washes of the upper bajadas, and they are more common in lower
washes where they are conspicuous, but do not make up a substantial proportion
of total cover. Smoke tree is relatively short lived (to approximately 50 years),
and is strongly tied to active washes. Its stands regenerate following floods,
which abrade dormant seeds, permitting them to germinate. Smoke trees are
protected under the San Bernardino County Plant Protection and Management

Big galleta shrub-steppe (Pleuraphis rigida herbaceous alliance): On the

proposed project site, big galleta (Pleuraphis rigid = Hilaria rigida) occurs in low

Biological Resources 4
sandy areas and around the margins of dunes in the southeastern portion of the
site. These areas are too small to map as separate units. In dune areas, it is
often interspersed with small stands of the desert sand verbena (Abronia villosa)
or desert panic grass (Panicum urvilleanum).

Desert saltbush scrub: The applicant mapped 242 acres of desert saltbush scrub
on the project site. It is strongly dominated by desert saltbush (Atriplex
polycarpa) with white burrobush (Hymenoclea salsola) and inkweed (Suadea
moquinii) at lower cover; generally occurring on fine-textured, poorly drained
saline or alkaline soils. On the project site, staff noted at least two Atriplex-
dominated shrubland types in relictual wash or bajada surfaces in the
southwestern part of the project site. None of the Mojave desert saltbush
shrublands have special conservation status.

Jurisdictional Waters

The project site is located on a large alluvial fan that supports numerous
drainages that flow from the Cady Mountains. This watershed consists of 43
square miles and is capable of producing substantial flood flows during the 100
year storm event. Because of the historic flow patterns, arid climate, and various
levels of soil development desert washes can vary substantially in their

Due to the arid conditions of the area, most of the surface waters that exist in the
region are ephemeral streams, typically dry washes that only flow in response to
precipitation. Regional storms, which generally occur in the winter months, are
typically of low intensity, but can create short-lived ephemeral streams and cause
significant flooding on the playa lake beds. Alternatively, intense summer
thunderstorms within the mountainous portions of the area can produce flooding
in the low-lying valleys. During summer months, ephemeral streams may only
last for a couple of hours. Conversely during the winter, flow within portions of
these drainages has the potential to last up to several days. The West Mojave
Plan (WMP) indicates the most important hydrologic features of these basins are
the alluvial fans.

A total of 282.8 acres of State Jurisdictional Waters exist within the original
Project Disturbance Area. Effected jurisdictional waters were reduced in the site
revised filed by the Applicant on September 10, 2010. The proposed Scenario
5.5 site will impact an estimated 155.2 acres of Jurisdictional Waters. (EX. 317,
p. C.2-12) All of these drainages are ephemeral and are largely characterized by

5 Biological Resources
sparse creosote bush scrub with small associations of microphyll woodland
species such as catclaw acacia thorn scrub, smoke tree woodland, and big
galleta shrub-steppe. In many locations the channels are largely devoid of
vegetation or support scattered populations of annual wildflowers and grasses.
The US Army Corps of Engineers has determined that the site does not support
waters meeting the definition of Waters of the United States. No wetlands are
present in the project footprint.


The project area supports a broad diversity of wildlife species. With the exception
of the areas surrounding the BNSF railroad and existing roads the majority of the
site consists of relatively undisturbed desert scrub communities. While the site
primarily supports creosote bush scrub, a number of unique features occur
throughout the site, including outcrops of black volcanic rock associated with lava
flows from Pisgah Crater and wind-blown sand dune habitats. Numerous sandy
washes also occur throughout the site. These features increase the biodiversity
of the site, as some habitat specialists use these areas exclusively, while other
generalist species are more wide-ranging in the region. For example, the Mojave
fringe-toed lizard is closely associated with sand dunes, sand sheets, and sandy
soils in the Mojave Desert. In addition, genetic variants of several reptile and
small mammal species have been recorded in association with the dark
substrates from the Pisgah lava flows, including melanistic (e.g., darker colored)
forms of desert horned lizard (Phrynosoma platyrhinos), side-blotched lizard (Uta
stansburiana), and long-nosed leopard lizard (Gambelia wislizenii). In addition,
some mammal variation has been documented in this region including coat color
variation in desert woodrats (Neotoma lepida).

Some of the species detected by the applicant during surveys conducted

between 2007 and 2010 include desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii), Mojave
fringe-toed lizard (Uma scoparia), side-blotched lizard, desert iguana
(Dipsosaurus dorsalis), western whiptail (Aspidoscelis tigris), zebra-tailed lizard
(Callisaurus draconoides), desert horned lizard, western banded gecko
(Coleonyx variegatus), long-nosed leopard lizard, and sidewinder (Crotalus
cerastes). Mammals recorded during the surveys include black-tailed jackrabbit
(Lepus californicus), desert cottontail (Sylvilagus audubonii), round-tailed ground
squirrel (Spermophilus tereticaudus), coyote (Canis latrans), American badger
(Taxidea taxus), bobcat (Lynx rufus), and desert kit fox (Vulpes macrotis).

Biological Resources 6
Despite the moderate to low shrub density that occurs on the site the project area
provides forage, cover, roosting, and nesting habitat for a variety of bird species.
In addition, many species, such as golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), are known
to nest in the adjacent Cady Mountains and have been observed over the project
area. Common resident and migratory birds detected in and near the Calico
Solar Project site between 2007 and 2010 by the applicant include common
nighthawk (Chordeiles minor), mourning dove (Zenaida macroura), white-
crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys), horned lark (Eremophila alpestris),
black-throated sparrow (Amphispiza bilineata), and yellow-rumped warbler
(Dendroica coronata). Common raven (Corvus corax), house finch (Carpodacus
mexicanus), California quail (Callipepla californica), northern mockingbird (Mimus
polyglottos), sage sparrow (A. belli), western kingbird (Tyrannus verticalis),
western meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta), and violet-green swallow (Tachycineta
thalassina) were also observed. Raptors and owls detected at or near the site
include red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis), golden eagle, burrowing owl
(Athene cunnicularia), Swainson’s hawk (Buteo swainsoni), prairie falcon (Falco
mexicanus), and turkey vulture (Cathartes aura).

3. Special-Status Species

Biological Resources Table 1, below, lists special-status species that are

known to occur or which could potentially occur in the project vicinity. Many of
these special-status plants and animals are unlikely to occur at the CSP site due
to lack of suitable habitat. However, quite a few were detected during the
2007/2008 surveys or otherwise known to occur at or near the site; they are
indicated by bold-face type.

Potential for occurrence is defined as follows:

Present: Species or sign of their presence observed on the site during surveys
conducted for the proposed project (species that are present are
noted in bold text in Biological Resources Table 3).

High: Species or sign not observed on the site, but reasonably certain to
occur on the site based on conditions, species ranges, and recent
records (within approximately 20 years and 10 miles of project site).

Moderate: Species or sign not observed on the site, but conditions suitable for
occurrence and/or an historical record (greater than 20 years old)
exists in the vicinity (within approximately 10 miles of project site).

Low: Species or sign not observed on the site, and conditions marginal for

7 Biological Resources
Not likely to occur: Species or sign not observed on the site, outside of the
known range, and conditions unsuitable for occurrence.

Biological Resources 8
Biological Resources Table 1
Special-Status Species, Their Status, and Potential Occurrence
at the Calico Solar Project Site
Potential For
Scientific Name Common Name Status Occurrence On-Site
Androstephium breviflorum Pink funnel-lily, Small-flowered CNPS 2.2 Present
Astragalus jaegerianus Lane Mountain milk-vetch FE, Not likely to occur
Astragalus lentiginosus var. Borrego milk-vetch CNPS: 4.3 Low
Blepharidachne kingii King’s eyelash grass CNPS: 2.3 Low
Calochortus striatus Alkali mariposa lily BLM S, CNPS: Not likely to occur
Camissonia boothii var. boothii Booth’s evening primrose CNPS: 2.3 Moderate
Cassia – see Senna
Castela emoryi Emory’s crucifixion thorn CNPS: 2.3 Low
Cleomella brevipes Short-pedicelled cleomella CNPS: 4.2 Low
Coryphantha alversonii Foxtail cactus CNPS: 4.3 Present
[Escobaria vivipara var.
Coryphantha chlorantha [Escobaria Desert pincushion CNPS: 2.1 Low
vivipara var. deserti]
Coryphantha vivipara var. rosea Viviparous foxtail cactus CNPS: 2.2 Low
[Escobaria vivipara var. rosea]
Cryptantha holoptera Winged cryptantha CNPS: 4.3 Present (unconfirmed)
Cymopterus deserticola Desert cymopterus BLM S, CNPS: Low
Cymopterus multinervatus Purple-nerve cymopterus CNPS: 2.2 Low
Cynanchum utahense Utah vine milkweed CNPS: 4.2 Present
Eriophyllum mohavense Barstow woolly-sunflower BLM S, CNPS: Low
Escobaria – see Coryphantha
Gilia – see Linanthus
Linanthus maculatus Little San Bernardino Mountains BLM S, CNPS: Not likely to occur
linanthus 1B.2
Loeflingia squarrosa var. Sagebrush loeflingia CNPS: 2.2 Not likely to occur
Lupinus sp. Undescribed lupine n/a Low
Mentzelia eremophila Solitary blazing-star CNPS: 4.2 High
Mentzelia tridentata Creamy blazing-star BLM S, CNPS: Low
Mimulus mohavensis Mojave monkeyflower BLM S, CNPS: Low

9 Biological Resources
Potential For
Scientific Name Common Name Status Occurrence On-Site
Muilla coronata Crowned muilla CNPS: 4.2 Present (unconfirmed)
Nemacaulis denudata var. gracilis Slender woolly-heads CNPS: 2.2 Low
Pediomelum castoreum Beaver Dam breadroot CNPS: 4.3 Low
Penstemon albomarginatus White-margined beardtongue BLM S, CNPS: Present
Phacelia coerulea Sky-blue phacelia CNPS: 2.3 Not likely to occur
Polygala acanthoclada Thorny milkwort CNPS: 2.3 Low
Senna covesii [Cassia covesii] Coves’ cassia CNPS: 2.2 Present (unconfirmed)
Sphaeralcea rusbyi var. eremicola Rusby’s desert mallow BLM S, CNPS: Low
Tripterocalyx micranthus Small-flowered sand-verbena CNPS: 2.3 Present (unconfirmed)
Wislizenia refracta ssp. refracta Jackass-clover CNPS: 2.2 Moderate
Anniella pulchra pulchra Silvery legless lizard CSSC Low
Gopherus agassizii Desert tortoise FT, ST Present
Heloderma suspectum cinctum Banded gila monster BLM S, CSSC Low
Lichanura trivirgata Rosy boa n/a Moderate
Uma scoparia Mojave fringe-toed lizard BLM S, CSSC Present
Accipiter cooperii Cooper's hawk CDFG WL Low
Aquila chrysaetos Golden eagle BLM S, SP, Present
Asio otus Long-eared owl CSSC High
Athene cunicularia Western burrowing owl BLM S, CSSC Present
Buteo regalis Ferruginous hawk CDFG WL High
Buteo swainsoni Swainson’s hawk BLM S, ST Present (not nesting)
Chaetura vauxi Vaux’s swift CSSC Low
Charadrius montanus Mountain plover BLM S, CSSC Moderate
Circus cyaneus Northern harrier CSSC Low
Eremophila alpestris actia California horned lark CDFG WL Low
Falco columbarius Merlin CDFG WL High
Falco mexicanus Prairie falcon CDFG WL Present (not nesting)
Lanius ludovicianus Loggerhead shrike FBCC, CSSC Present
Polioptila melanura Black-tailed gnatcatcher n/a High
Toxostoma bendirei Bendire’s thrasher BLM S, CSSC Present
Toxostoma lecontei LeConte’s thrasher BLM S, CDFG Present
Antrozous pallidus Pallid bat BLM S, CSSC Moderate
Corynorhinus townsendii Townsend’s big-eared bat BLM S, CSSC Present
Euderma maculatum Spotted bat BLM S, CSSC Low

Biological Resources 10
Potential For
Scientific Name Common Name Status Occurrence On-Site
Eumops perotis Western mastiff bat BLM S, CSSC High
Ovis Canadensis nelsoni Nelson’s bighorn sheep BLM S, SP Present
Spermophilus mohavensis Mohave ground squirrel BLM S, ST Not Likely to Occur
Taxidea taxus American badger CSSC Present
Vulpes macrotis arsipus Desert kit fox n/a Present
FE = Federally listed Endangered
FT = Federally listed Threatened
FD = Federally Delisted
FC = Federal Candidate
FBCC = Federal Bird of Conservation Concern
BLM S = BLM Sensitive
SE = State listed Endangered
ST = State listed Threatened (wildlife)
SR = State listed Rare (plants)
CSSC = California Species of Special Concern (wildlife)
SP = State Fully Protected Species
CDFG WL = California Department of Fish and Game Watch List species
CNPS (California Native Plant Society) Designations:
List 1A = Plants presumed extinct in California
List 1B = Plants considered by CNPS to be rare, threatened, or endangered in California, and throughout their range
List 2 = Plants rare, threatened, or endangered in California, but more common elsewhere in their range
List 3 = Plants about which we need more information – a review list.
List 4 = Plants of limited distribution – a watch list
CNPS Threat Rank:
.1 = Seriously endangered in California (over 80% of occurrences threatened/high degree and immediacy of threat)
.2 = Fairly endangered in California (20-80% occurrences threatened)
.3 = Not very endangered in California (20% of occurrences threatened or no current threats known)
(Ex. 300, pp. C.2-25 – C.2-27.)

a. Plants

Small-Flowered Androstephium (Androstephium breviflorum)

This species is ranked on CNPS List 2.2 (rare, threatened or endangered in

California but more common elsewhere) and as S2.1 by CDFG (fewer than 1000
known individuals or fewer than 2000 acres of occupied habitat). Small-flowered
androstephium is a bulb, generally occurring in sandy or rocky soil, in open
desert shrublands of eastern California, through the Great Basin, to western
Colorado. The documentation of many new occurrences indicates that small-
flowered androstephium is more common in California than previously thought.
However, a large percentage (85 percent) of the occurrences documented in the
CDFG’s California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) are threatened by
development (solar energy projects and Fort Irwin expansion).

Small-flowered androstephium was reported from 52 locations on the project site

and 14 additional occurrences within a 1000 foot buffer surrounding the site.
Numerous additional occurrences were documented on public lands to the west
and east, including many in the Pisgah ACEC. In 2010, more than 1,500

11 Biological Resources
locations were documented on the site and it was reported as “ubiquitous”
throughout the southern part of the project site. (Ex. 300, pp. C.2-27 – C.2-28.)

Lane Mountain Milk-Vetch (Astragalus jaegerianus)

This species is the only listed (endangered) plant species with potential to occur
in the project area. It was not found in or near the project site. Lane Mountain
milk-vetch is locally endemic in the central Mojave Desert, generally on and near
Fort Irwin. All known occurrences are about 25 miles northwest of the proposed
project site, and at higher elevations (3100, 4200 feet) than occur on the site.

The Calico Solar Project site is not within designated critical habitat or areas
formerly proposed for designation as Lane Mountain milk-vetch critical habitat. In
2004, the USFWS proposed four Critical Habitat Units, all to the north of the
proposed project site. In 2005, the USFWS finalized its critical habitat
designation rule, designating 0 acres of critical habitat.

Lane Mountain milk-vetch is a perennial herb that climbs up through desert

shrubs. It flowers during spring and dies back during summer. It almost always
occurs on shallow soils on low ridges or hills of granitic outcrops rather than
bajadas. It is unlikely to occur on the project site because of its distance from
known occurrences and poorly suitable bajada habitat that occurs throughout
most of the project site. (Ex. 300, p. C.2-28.)

Emory’s Crucifixion Thorn (Castela emoryi)

Crucifixion thorn is known from only a few widely scattered occurrences in the
Sonoran Desert and southern Mojave Desert in eastern California, southwestern
Arizona, northern Baja California, and western Sonora (Mexico). Most
populations are fairly small, though one occurrence in Imperial County near the
Mexican border includes about a thousand plants. Crucifixion thorn is a leafless,
densely spiny shrub, about 6 to 20 ft. tall. It occurs along washes or other places
where water may accumulate on plains and bajadas. Its fruits are held on the
plant for several years, and the seeds are surrounded by a thick carpel wall
which must be eroded before germination occurs. Seeds may have historically
been dispersed by now-extinct Pleistocene grazing animals. The common name
“crucifixion thorn” is also used for two unrelated plant species, Koeberlinia
spinosa and Canotia holacantha.

Biological Resources 12
Emory’s crucifixion thorn was found at three locations on the formerly-proposed
project site. All three locations are near the toe slopes of the Cady Mountains,
outside of the amended project footprint. (Ex. 300, p. C.2-28.)

Foxtail Cactus (Coryphantha alversonii = Escobaria vivipara var. alversonii)

Foxtail cactus is typically found in sandy and rocky areas consisting of granitic
soils within Mojavean desert scrub habitat from 245 5000 feet in elevation. It is
recorded from the eastern Mojave and Colorado Deserts in Imperial, Riverside,
and San Bernardino Counties, California. It is a stem succulent that is a CNPS
List 4.3 species. It flowers from April through June (CNPS 2010). It was reported
on the Calico Solar Project site at one location during the 2008 surveys for the
proposed project, though the occurrence was not mapped in the applicant’s
Biological Resources Technical Report (SES 2009aa). It was not relocated on-
site during the follow-up surveys (TS 2010i). Suitable desert shrubland habitat
occurs throughout the site.

Winged Cryptantha (Cryptantha holoptera)

Winged cryptantha occurs on gravelly or rocky substrates in desert scrub

communities at elevations of 328 to 5545 feet (CNPS 2010). It is known in
California from the eastern Mojave Desert and Colorado Desert, and also occurs
in Nevada, Arizona, Baja California, and Sonora (Mexico) (CNPS 2010). It is an
annual herb with grayish foliage that blooms between March and April. It is on
CNPS List 4.3. Winged cryptantha was reported in the applicant’s list of plant
species identified during surveys (SES 2009aa – Appendix D), though its
locations were not mapped or quantified in the applicant’s Biological Resources
Technical Report (SES 2009aa). It was not relocated on-site during the follow-up
surveys (TS 2010i). Suitable desert shrubland habitat occurs throughout much of
the project site. (Ex. 300, p. C.2-29.)

Utah Vine Milkweed (Cynanchum utahense)

Utah vine milkweed is a perennial herb found in the Mojave Desert in San
Bernardino County and in the Colorado Desert in Riverside, Imperial, and San
Diego Counties. This species also occurs in Arizona, Nevada, and Utah (CDFG
2010a). In California its habitat is sandy and gravelly soils, often in washes,
where it climbing up through shrubs. Utah vine milkweed is on CNPS List 4.2. It
in present on the Calico Solar Project site, as the applicant reported one location
onsite near I 40 (SES 2009aa). It was also reported in 2010 (TS 2010i) though its

13 Biological Resources
locations were not mapped or quantified. Additional suitable habitat is found in
washes throughout the project area. (Ex. 300, p. C.2-29.)

Undescribed Lupine (Lupinus spec. nov.)

Several lupine specimens collected near the base of the Cady Mountains, north
of the present project boundary, do not appear to match any known species.
They are similar to bajada lupine (Lupinus concinnus) though they do not match
any of the several described varieties of that species. This is an annual species
with blue flowers. They are apparently distinct in several characters, particularly
the leaflet shape and width. James Andre has noted similar plants elsewhere in
the central Mojave Desert. In Andre’s experience, the plant appears to be
sufficiently rare and geographically restricted to warrant inclusion in either CNPS
List 1B or List 4, though he has not researched it enough to recommend such
listing. During 2010 field surveys, locations of the undescribed lupine species
were mapped throughout the larger project area originally proposed in the AFC.
All of these locations are north of the revised project boundary and no
occurrences were found within the revised project area. (Ex. 300, p. C.2-29.)

Crowned Muilla (Muilla coronata)

Crowned muilla is on CNPS List 4.2. It occurs in Inyo, Kern, Los Angeles, San
Bernardino and Tulare Counties, and east into Nevada. It can be found in
chenopod scrub, Joshua tree woodland, Mojavean desert scrub, and pinyon and
juniper woodlands at elevations of about 2500 6400 feet. It is a bulbiferous herb
that blooms between March and April. Crowned muilla was reported in the
applicant’s list of plant species identified during surveys, though it was not
mapped or quantified in the applicant’s Biological Resources Technical Report
and was not relocated during 2010 field surveys. (Ex. 300, p. C.2-30.)

White-Margined Beardtongue (Penstemon albomarginatus)

White-margined beardtongue is the only CNPS List 1B species documented

within the proposed project area. It is also managed by the BLM as a sensitive
species. White-margined beardtongue occurs in the central Mojave Desert, in
and around the Pisgah lava flow, in stabilized or drifting aeolian sand habitat. It is
a perennial herb, flowering in spring (between March and May) and dying back to
the ground in summer. White-margined beardtongue is a locally endemic species
in three widely disjunct locations in California, Nevada, and Arizona. Most of its
California geographic range is within the BLM Pisgah ACEC. In Nevada, it is

Biological Resources 14
known only from several populations southeast of the I 15 Freeway, between
Stateline and Las Vegas. These occurrences are threatened by a proposed new
construction project. In Arizona, white-margined beardtongue occurs at Dutch
Flat, east or southeast of Needles. In Arizona, as in California, it is regarded it is
“a rare species throughout its range” by the Arizona Rare Plant Committee.

White-margined beardtongue is present at several locations on the CSP site and

numerous other occurrences off-site to the southeast on lands managed by BLM
in the Pisgah ACEC. It appears to require several years of above-average rainfall
to become established from seed, and cross-sections of stem bases suggest that
individual plants may survive for several decades. There is no known feasible
horticultural method to propagate white-margined beardtongue. Due to varying
habitat and rainfall, white-margined beardtongue may exist as “metapopulations,”
where local occurrences are extirpated by poor conditions but are replaced by
new occurrences when seedlings become established at new sites during
favorable conditions. In future years, white-margined beardtongue may have the
potential to occur anywhere in the lower elevation wash and sandfield vegetation
on the Calico project site. (Ex. 300, pp. C.2-30 – C.2-31.)

Coves’ Cassia (Senna covesii =Cassia covesii)

Coves’ cassia, a CNPS List 2.2 species, occurs in scattered California locations
along the desert margin of the Peninsular ranges, interior desert ranges in
Riverside County, and in extreme southeastern San Bernardino County. It is
more common and widespread in Arizona and Baja California, and also occurs in
Nevada and mainland Mexico. It occurs in desert washes, below about 2000 ft.
elevation. It is a low shrub with velvety leaves and stems which distinguish it from
the more common Cassia armata. The flowers are yellow, appearing in spring in
racemes of few flowers each. Though Coves’ cassia was reported in 2009
surveys of the project site, the plant locations are not mapped and there is no
indication of numbers of plants or the extent of distribution across the project site.
If valid, that report would be the first record of Coves’ cassia in the central
Mojave Desert. It was not found during the 2010 survey. Staff concluded, and
we therefore find, that the original report was due to misidentification. Coves’
cassia is unlikely to occur on the project site. (Ex. 300, p. C.2-31.)

Small-Flowered Sand-Verbena (Tripterocalyx micranthus)

This CNPS List 2.3 species is a taprooted perennial herb of desert dunes and
sandy sites. It occurs in the eastern California deserts (where it has been

15 Biological Resources
reported from only two locations), eastward to the Rocky Mountain States. Its
elevational range is approximately 1,800 to 2,800 feet. The only reliable prior
reports in California are from the Kelso area and Eureka Valley in Inyo County.
Small-flowered sand-verbena was reported in 2009 surveys of CSP site, though,
as for Coves’ cassia, above, the locations were not mapped, nor was there an
indication of numbers of plants or extent of distribution across the project site. If
valid, this report would be the first record of small-flowered sand-verbena in the
central Mojave Desert. It was not found during the 2010 survey. We agree with
Staff’s assertion that small-flowered sand verbena is unlikely to occur on the
project site. (Ex. 300, p. C.2-32.)

b. Birds

Western Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia)

The burrowing owl is a small, terrestrial owl of open country. Burrowing owls
favor flat, open grassland or gentle slopes and sparse shrubland ecosystems.
These owls prefer annual and perennial grasslands, typically with sparse, or
nonexistent, tree or shrub canopies. In California, burrowing owls are found in
close association with California ground squirrels. Owls use the burrows of
ground squirrels and other rodents for shelter and nesting. Ground squirrels
provide nesting and refuge burrows, and maintain areas of short vegetation
height, which provide foraging habitat and allow for visual detection of avian
predators by burrowing owls. Habitats lacking ground squirrel populations are
usually unsuitable for occupancy by owls, although owls can also use man-made
features as burrows (such as drain pipes, debris piles, etc). Burrowing owls are
semi-colonial nesters, and group size is one of the most significant factors
contributing to site constancy by breeding burrowing owls. The nesting season,
as recognized by the California Burrowing Owl Consortium, runs from 1 February
through 31 August.

In the Mojave Desert, burrowing owls generally occur at low densities in

scattered populations, but they can be found in much higher densities near
agricultural lands where rodent and insect prey tend to be more abundant
(Gervais et al. 2008). The project area contains suitable foraging habitat and
California ground squirrel burrows that could provide breeding habitat. This
species is present on the project site, as one individual was observed in the
north-central portion of the project site and another individual was observed in
the Pisgah ACEC adjacent to the southeast of the project site during field
surveys in 2008. Protocol surveys for this species were conducted in January

Biological Resources 16
2010, and two burrowing owls and eleven burrows with sign were identified
approximately 0.5 miles north of the project boundary near the toe of the Cady
Mountains. (Ex. 300, pp. C.2-36 – C.2-37.)

Swainson’s Hawk (Buteo swainsoni)

The Swainson’s hawk was once one of the most common birds of prey in the
grasslands of California and nested in the majority of the lowland areas of the
state. Currently, the nesting range is primarily restricted to portions of the
Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys, northeast California, and the Western
Mojave, including the Antelope Valley. The Swainson’s hawk requires large
amounts of foraging habitat, preferably grassland or pasture habitats. Its
preferred prey includes voles (Microtus spp.), gophers, birds, and insects such as
grasshoppers. It has adapted to the use of some croplands, particularly alfalfa,
as well as grain, tomatoes, and beets. Crops such as cotton, corn, rice, orchards,
and vineyards are not suitable because they either lack suitable prey, or prey is
unavailable to the hawks due to crop structure. Swainson's hawks often establish
territories in riparian systems adjacent to suitable foraging habitats as well as
utilizing lone trees or groves of trees in agricultural fields.

Within the West Mojave Plan area, the nearest documented nesting attempts
have been recorded in Victorville, approximately 50 miles southwest of the
project site; nesting is not known from east of this location within the planning
area. Two Swainson’s hawks were observed by the applicant during project
surveys on March 30, 2008; thus the species is considered present within the
project area, though it is not expected to nest there. (Ex. 300, p. C.2-37.)

Prairie Falcon (Falco mexicanus)

Prairie falcons breed throughout California, with the exception of the northwest
corner and along the immediate coast. This species is an uncommon resident
that ranges from the southeastern deserts northwest through the Central Valley
and along the inner Coast Ranges and Sierra Nevada. It is primarily associated
with perennial grasslands, savannahs, rangeland, some agricultural fields, and
desert scrub areas. Prairie falcons were observed on the project site during
surveys conducted in 2010 and in off-site areas during helicopter surveys for
golden eagles. Nesting habitat for this species does not occur onsite; however,
suitable foraging habitat for this species occurs within the project site. This
species likely nests in the nearby Cady Mountains. Thus, the potential for

17 Biological Resources
occurrence of this species within the project area has been determined to be
high, though it is not expected to nest there. (Ex. 300, p. C.2-37.)

Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)

Golden eagles are typically year-round residents throughout most of their

western United States range. They breed from late January through August with
peak activity March through July. Migratory patterns are usually fairly local in
California where adults are relatively sedentary, but dispersing juveniles
sometimes migrate south in the fall. This species is generally considered to be
more common in southern California than in the northern part of the state.
Habitats for this species typically include rolling foothills, mountain areas, and
deserts. Golden eagles need open terrain for hunting and prefer grasslands,
deserts, savanna, and early successional stages of forest and shrub habitats.
Golden eagles primarily prey on lagomorphs and rodents but will also take other
mammals, birds, reptiles, and some carrion. This species prefers to nest in
rugged, open habitats with canyons and escarpments, with overhanging ledges
and cliffs and large trees used as cover.

Absent interference from humans, breeding density is determined by either prey

density or nest site availability, depending upon which is more limiting (USFWS
2009a). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recommendations include a 0.5 mile nest
protection buffer and evaluating an area of 4 miles from nests as foraging habitat.

Golden eagles were observed flying over the project site during both the 2007
and 2008 surveys conducted by the applicant. Staff also observed a golden
eagle above the project site during a reconnaissance survey conducted on May
25, 2010. This species is considered present within the project area and nesting
was documented by the applicant in the vicinity of the project (within a 10 mile
buffer area). Nesting habitat does not occur onsite, and the observed birds likely
nest in the nearby Cady Mountains and forage over the project area. Information
provided by the BLM and the applicant indicate that up to six potential nesting
sites occur within a 10 mile radius of the site. To document potential nest sites for
golden eagles, the applicant conducted helicopter surveys for this species on
March 11th and 12th, 2010. This survey detected approximately 22 stick nests
including eight inactive, but potential golden eagle nests, and one active nest that
contained an incubating adult golden eagle. The active nest is located
approximately 3.5 miles east of the proposed project area. (Ex. 300, pp. C.2-37
– C.2-38.)

Biological Resources 18
Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus)

Loggerhead shrikes are uncommon residents throughout most of the southern

portion of their range, including southern California. In southern California they
are generally much more common in interior desert regions than along the coast.
In the Mojave Desert this species appears to be most numerous in flat or gently
sloping deserts and desert/scrub edges, especially along the eastern slopes of
mountainous areas (Humple 2008). Loggerhead shrikes initiate their breeding
season in February and may continue with raising a second brood as late as
July; they often re-nest if their first nest fails or to raise a second brood.

This species can be found within lowland, open habitat types, including creosote
scrub and other desert habitats, sage scrub, non-native grasslands, chaparral,
riparian, croplands, and areas characterized by open scattered trees and shrubs.
Fences, posts, or other potential perches are typically present. In general,
loggerhead shrikes prey upon large insects, small birds, amphibians, reptiles,
and small rodents over open ground within areas of short vegetation, usually
impaling prey on thorns, wire barbs, or sharp twigs to cache for later feeding.

Suitable habitat for loggerhead shrike occurs throughout the scrub habitats within
the project area and loggerhead shrikes were observed in the project area
between the BNSF Railroad and the I 40 during the 2008 surveys and near the
BNSF railroad during the 2010 surveys. Thus, this species is considered present,
and it likely nests and forages onsite. (Ex. 300, pp. C.2-38 – C.2-39.)

Bendire’s Thrasher (Toxostoma bendirei)

Bendire’s thrashers are known in California from scattered locations in Kern,

Inyo, San Bernardino, and Riverside Counties, and one documented outlier in
San Diego County. This species is a summer resident in California from March to
late August, breeds from late March through July, and departs by mid- to late
August. In the Mojave Desert, this species favors Mojave desert scrub, primarily
in areas that contain large cholla, Joshua tree, Spanish bayonet, Mojave yucca,
or other succulents. The status of populations of this species is poorly
understood, but threats are believed to be loss of habitat due to urbanization and
agricultural development, harvesting of yuccas and cholla cacti, and off-road
vehicle activity.

19 Biological Resources
Bendire’s thrasher is present on the project site, as this species was observed
during surveys in an area adjacent to the project site, and suitable nesting and
foraging habitat occurs throughout the project area. (Ex. 300, p. C.2-39.)

Le Conte’s Thrasher (Toxostoma lecontei)

This species inhabits some of the hottest and driest habitats in the arid
southwest, including the deserts of southeastern California where they occur
year-round. Preferred habitats include sparse desert scrub, alkali desert scrub,
and desert succulent scrub habitats with open desert washes. They seek gentle
to rolling slopes associated with dry desert washes, conditions found on alluvial
fans that are found in the project area. Nests are typically placed in prickly
vegetation such as cacti or thorny shrubs. The Le Conte’s thrasher population
densities are among the lowest of passerine (perching) birds, estimated at less
than five birds per square kilometer in optimal habitats. This low population
density decreases the probability of their detection during field surveys. The
population decline is due in part to the conversion of habitat to agriculture and
urbanization. Le Conte’s thrashers are also affected by off-highway use during
nesting season, which occurs on numerous unimproved roads throughout the
project site. This species requires areas with an accumulated leaf litter under
most plants as cover for its preferred arthropod prey; they also feed on seeds,
insects, small lizards, and other small vertebrates.

Le Conte’s thrasher is present on the project site. One individual was observed
within the project boundary during the 2008 surveys, and three were observed in
2010. This species may nest and forage on the project site. (Ex. 300, p. C.2-39.)

c. Mammals

Nelson’s Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni)

Bighorn sheep are typically found on open, rocky, steep areas used for escape
cover and shelter, with available water and herbaceous vegetation for forage.
Bighorn sheep are agile in steep, rocky terrain, allowing them to escape
predators such as coyotes (Canis latrans), golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos),
and cougars (Felis concolor). Most of the bighorn sheep live between 300–4,000
feet in elevation where the annual precipitation is less than 4 inches and daily
high temperatures average 104°F in the summer.

Biological Resources 20
Bighorn sheep primarily browse shrubs and graze on native grasses throughout
the year. The pulp and fruits of various cacti are eaten during the dry season.
Bighorn sheep have a large rumen, relative to body size, which allows digestion
of grasses, even in a dry state. This gives them flexibility to select diets that
optimize nutrient content from available forage. Consequently, bighorn sheep
feed on a large variety of plant species and diet composition varies seasonally
and among locations. While diet quality varies greatly among years, it is most
predictably high in late winter and spring, and this period coincides with the peak
of lambing. The lambing season of Nelson’s bighorn sheep in the Mojave Desert
is typically between December and June.

Surface water is another element of desert bighorn habitat considered important

to population health. Bighorn sheep congregate near dependable water sources
from May through October. These population aggregations during this period are
due to a combination of breeding activities and diminishing water sources. It is
common for males and females to segregate and occupy different habitats
outside the breeding season. Females tend to choose particularly steep, safe
areas for bearing and initial rearing of lambs. Areas associated with ridge
benches or canyon rims adjacent to steep slopes or escarpments are commonly
preferred lambing areas if available. Males frequently occupy much less
precipitous habitat during the lamb-rearing season. Alluvial fan areas are also
used for breeding and feeding activities.

The population of bighorn sheep in the Cady Mountains just north of the project
area is a native population (not reintroduced or augmented), and was estimated
to contain approximately 25 to 50 individuals in 1995. By 2007, this population
had grown to approximately 300 individuals. No Nelson’s bighorn sheep were
observed during the 2007 or 2008 Calico Solar Project surveys; however,
surveys conducted by helicopter in March 2010 observed 62 bighorn sheep (12
rams, 38 ewes, and 12 lambs) within 10 miles of the project site. In addition, two
bighorn sheep horns, two bighorn sheep skeletons and one occurrence of
bighorn sheep scat were detected during surveys conducted for desert tortoises
and botanical resources between April 5 and April 15, 2010. These occurrences
were observed north of the project detention basins between the Cady Mountains
and the proposed project. In addition, staff observed bighorn sheep scat on the
top of one of the large volcanic rock outcroppings that occur adjacent to the
proposed detention basin at the north boundary of the project. It is likely that
bighorn sheep use portions of the site for foraging and possibly inter-mountain
movement to some degree. (Ex. 300, p. C.2-40.)

21 Biological Resources
Pallid Bat (Antrozous pallidus)

The pallid bat is a light brown or sandy colored, long-eared, moderate-sized bat
that occurs throughout California with the exception of the northwest corner of
the state and the high Sierra Nevada. Pallid bats are most commonly found in
oak savannah and in open dry habitats with rocky areas, trees, buildings, or
bridges for roosting. Coastal colonies commonly roost in deep crevices in rocky
outcroppings, in buildings, under bridges, and in the crevices, hollows, and
exfoliating bark of trees. Colonies can range from a few individuals to over a
hundred. Usually this species occurs in groups larger than 20 individuals.
Although crevices are important for day roosts, night roosts often include open
buildings, porches, garages, highway bridges, and mines. Pallid bats may travel
up to several miles for water or foraging sites if roosting sites are limited. This bat
prefers foraging on terrestrial arthropods in open habitats and regional
populations and individuals may show selective prey preferences. They may also
occur in open coniferous forests. Pallid bat roosts are very susceptible to human
disturbance, and urban development has been cited as the most significant factor
contributing to their regional decline. Although roosting habitat does not appear
to exist onsite, there is a moderate potential for pallid bats to forage over the
entire project area. Roosting habitat occurs nearby in the Cady Mountains and
lava tubes associated with the Pisgah Crater. (Ex. 300, p. C.2-41.)

Townsend’s Big-Eared Bat (Corynorhinus townsendii)

The Townsend’s big-eared bat is a colonial species that feeds primarily on moths
and other soft-bodied insects. Females aggregate in the spring at nursery sites
known as maternity colonies. Although the Townsend’s big-eared bat is usually a
cave-dwelling species, many colonies are found in anthropogenic structures such
as the attics of buildings or old, abandoned mines. Roost sites in California
include limestone caves, lava tubes, mine tunnels, buildings, and other
structures. Radiotracking studies suggest that movement from a colonial roost
during the maternity season is confined to within 9 miles of the nursery.
Townsend’s big-eared bats are very susceptible to human disturbance, and
females are known to completely abandon their young when disturbed. The loss
of maternity and hibernation roosts has been cited as the most significant factor
contributing to their decline throughout their range. In Southern California,
Townsend’s big-eared bat was once common in the coastal plains of Southern
California where mines or caves were prevalent. However, this species has
declined substantially in the region and is now primarily limited to the foothill and
mountain regions of Southern California. Townsend’s big-eared bat was detected

Biological Resources 22
onsite during surveys in 2008. Although roosting habitat does not appear to exist
onsite, Townsend’s big-eared bats are expected to forage over the entire project
area. Roosting habitat occurs nearby in the Cady Mountains and lava tubes
associated with the Pisgah Crater. (Ex. 300, p. C.2-41.)

American Badger (Taxidea taxus)

American badgers were once fairly widespread throughout open grassland

habitats of California. They are now uncommon, permanent residents throughout
most of the state, with the exception of the northern North Coast area. Known to
occur in the Mojave Desert, they are most abundant in the drier open stages of
most shrub, forest, and herbaceous habitats with friable soils. In the southwest,
badgers are typically associated with Mojave creosote bush scrub and
sagebrush. Mating occurs in late summer or early fall and two to three young are
born in March or April. Badgers are fossorial, digging large burrows in dry, friable
soils and will use multiple dens/cover burrows within their home range. They
typically use a different den every day, although they can use a den for a few
days at a time. Cover burrows are an average of 30 feet in length and are
approximately 3 feet in depth. Natal dens are larger and more complex than
cover dens. In undisturbed, high-quality habitat, badger dens can average 0.64
dens per acre, but are usually at much lower density in highly disturbed areas.

American badger is present within the project area, and three burrows were
detected in 2010. Suitable foraging habitat and prey items for this species are
broadly distributed across the project site. (Ex. 300, p. C.2-42.)

Desert Kit Fox (Vulpes macrotis arsipus)

The desert kit fox can be found in much of the same habitat as the badger in the
Mojave Desert. While the desert kit fox is not listed as a special-status species by
the State of California or the USFWS, it is protected under Title 14, California
Code of Regulations (Title 14, Section 460) from trapping and hunting. Kit foxes
are primarily nocturnal, and inhabit open level areas with patchy shrubs. Friable
soils are necessary for the construction of dens, which are used throughout the
year for cover, thermoregulation, water conservation, and rearing pups. Kit foxes
typically produce one litter of about four pups per year, with most pups born
February through April. Desert kit fox is present within the project site, as this
species was detected onsite during surveys. Surveys conducted by the applicant
for burrowing owls detected approximately 36 potential kit fox dens within the
proposed project area. (Ex. 300, p. C.2-42.)

23 Biological Resources
d. Reptiles

Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii)

The desert tortoise is an herbivore that may attain a carapace (shell) length of 9
to 15 inches. The tortoise is able to live where ground temperature may exceed
140° F because of its ability to dig burrows and escape intense solar radiation. At
least 95% of its life is spent in burrows. The tortoise enters brumation (the
reptilian form of hibernation) during the period from September to November and
leaves the burrow during the period from February to April. In the spring this
species becomes most active above ground from March through May when
foraging opportunities are optimal. Tortoises remain active — though to a lesser
extent — between June and October. During the active period in the warmer
months of the year, tortoises retreat to burrows during periods of intense heat, to
rest at night, and to aestivate during extended periods of heat and dryness.
Tortoises may also utilize shady areas underneath bushes or rocks during the
hottest parts of the day. A single tortoise may have a dozen or more burrows
within its home range, and different tortoises may use these burrows at different

Range wide, occupied habitats include desert alluvial fans, washes, canyon
bottoms, rocky hillsides, and other steep terrain. Tortoises are most common in
desert scrub, desert wash, and Joshua tree habitats, but occur in almost every
desert habitat except on the most precipitous slopes. Friable soils, such as sand
and fine gravel, are an important habitat component, particularly for burrow
excavation and nesting. The presence of soil suitable for digging burrows is a
limiting factor to desert tortoise distribution.

Plant species play a major role in defining desert tortoise habitat. Creosote bush,
burrobush (Ambrosia dumosa), Mojave yucca (Yucca schidigera), and
blackbrush (Coleogyne ramosissima) generally distinguish desert tortoise habitat.
At higher elevations, Joshua tree and galleta grass are common plant indicators.

The desert tortoise’s range includes the Mojave Desert region of Nevada,
southern California, and the southwest corner of Utah and the Sonoran Desert
region of Arizona and northern Mexico. The desert tortoise range is divided into
Mojave and Sonoran populations. The desert tortoise in the vicinity of the Calico
Solar Project is part of the Mojave population, which is primarily found in
creosote bush-dominated valleys with adequate annual forbs for forage.

Biological Resources 24
Desert tortoises occur in the project area and are broadly distributed across the
proposed project site. Most of the desert tortoises detected during project
surveys were noted north of the BNSF railroad, primarily in the bajada near the
toe of the Cady Mountains. This area contains good quality habitat for desert
tortoise and has less obstructed connectivity to adjacent natural lands. The area
between the BNSF railroad and I 40 is isolated by the highway and railroad and
portions of the site have been subject to repeated disturbance from pipeline
development. Nonetheless, two tortoises were detected in this area and tortoise
sign was observed in low density near the center of this area by staff and the
applicant. While the railroad poses a substantial barrier to movement, access is
available through the many railroad trestles that span the drainages that flow
across the site.

The results of the 2010 protocol surveys conducted by the Applicant detected
104 tortoises (adult, subadult and juvenile) within the original 8,230-acre project
footprint. In response to staff and agency feedback, the applicant reduced the
project footprint to minimize impacts to desert tortoise linkages. The original
redesigned 6,215-acre project footprint consisted of approximately fifty-seven
(57) tortoises. Subsequent to the committee order, the project was reduced
further to 4,614 acres in Scenario 5.5. The applicant detected 10 tortoises on
this reduced acreage alternative. (EX. 317, p. C.2-4.) Biological Resources
Figure 3 shows the locations of desert tortoises detected during the 2010

The nearest designated critical habitat for this species is located approximately
0.5 mile south of the project site within the Ord-Rodman Desert Wildlife
Management Area (DWMA). Interstate 40 and the BNSF Railroad pose barriers
to movement between that critical habitat and the Calico Solar Project area. (Ex.
300, pp. C.2-32 – C.2-33.)

Banded Gila Monster (Heloderma suspectum cinctum)

The banded gila monster is considered rare in California with only 26 credible
records of the species documented within the past 153. This large and distinct
lizard is difficult to observe even in areas where they have been recently
recorded. As a result, little is known about this species’ distribution, population
status, and life history in California. Most of the historical observations in
California occurred in mountainous areas of moderate elevations with rocky,
incised topography, in large and relatively high ranges as well as riparian areas.
Despite the widespread distribution of potential habitat throughout the California

25 Biological Resources
desert, the few documented observations suggest the California populations may
be confined to the eastern portion of the California desert, and the current
distribution is apparently a function of summer rainfall. All California gila monster
observations except one (Mojave River) occurred east of the 116° longitude in
areas that received at least 25 percent of their annual precipitation during the
summer months. Throughout their range, gila monsters appear to be most active
during or following summer rain events.

Banded gila monsters were not detected onsite during surveys and the project is
avoiding many of the rocky outcrops and lava flows present onsite that could
provide habitat. Although this species is not known from the area and the closest
known sighting is an historic record from the Providence Mountains
approximately 50 miles to the east of the project site, this species is difficult to
detect due to its secretive nature and tendency to remain in underground
burrows for extended periods of time. Therefore, there is a low potential for this
species to inhabit the project area. (Ex. 300, pp. C.2-33 – C.2-34.)

Mojave Fringe-Toed Lizard (Uma scoparia)

Mojave fringe-toed lizards are known almost exclusively from California, primarily
in San Bernardino and eastern Riverside Counties, but are also found to the
north in southeastern Inyo County and historically to the west in eastern Los
Angeles County.

The Mojave fringe-toed lizard is a BLM sensitive species that is found in arid,
sandy, sparsely vegetated habitats, within the broader matrix of creosote bush
scrub, throughout much of its range. It is restricted to habitats where fine, loose,
aeolian sand is available. It burrows in the sand to avoid predators and to
thermoregulate, though it will also seek shelter in rodent burrows. Sand dunes
provide its primary habitat, although it can also be found in the margins of dry
lakebeds, washes, and isolated sand habitat, such as scattered hummocks or
wind-deposited “sand ramps” against hillsides.

The Mojave fringe-toed lizard is primarily insectivorous, but also eats plant food
including leaves, seeds, and buds (Stebbins 1944). It normally hibernates from
November to February, and emerges from hibernacula from March to April. The
breeding season is April to July, and adult Mojave fringe-toed lizards reach
sexual maturity two summers after hatching. Common predators include
burrowing owls, leopard lizards, badgers, loggerhead shrikes, roadrunners,
various snakes, and coyotes.

Biological Resources 26
The Mojave fringe-toed lizard is widespread geographically across the Mojave
and northern Colorado deserts, but its distribution is highly fragmented because it
is restricted to habitats containing loose sand, which is patchily distributed. Many
local populations occur on small or isolated patches of sand and are quite small.
This fragmented pattern of distribution leaves the species vulnerable to local
extirpations from additional habitat disturbance and fragmentation as well as
random events. The loose wind-blown sand habitat, upon which the Mojave
fringe-toed lizard is dependent, is a fragile ecosystem requiring the protection
against both direct and indirect disturbances. Environmental changes that
stabilize sand, affect sand sources, or block sand movement corridors will also
affect this species. Aside from the direct loss of land, development can also
affect Mojave fringe-toed lizards by increasing access by predators, such as the
common raven and small raptors, to their habitat. Raven numbers tend to
increase around developed facilities due to increased availability of water and
trash; other predators may increase in numbers due to availability of new perch
sites (e.g., fence posts, sign posts, structures) which allow them to hunt for
lizards in areas where no perches were previously available. Potential indirect
disturbances are associated with the disruption of the dune ecosystem source
sand, wind transport, and sand transport corridors.

The applicant reported that the Mojave fringe-toed lizard is present on the Calico
Solar Project site, and identified a partially stabilized dune complex located
between the BNSF Railroad and I 40, approximately 16.9 acres, as Mojave
fringe-toed lizard habitat. Staff conducted reconnaissance surveys of the site in
January and May 2010, during which times staff inspected the dune complex and
adjacent habitats. Four Mojave fringe-toed lizards were detected by staff during
the May surveys. These included one lizard within the dune area identified by the
applicant; one in soft windblown sand along the large primary drainage west of
the delineated habitat; and two in fine accumulated sands on the vegetated
windrow that borders the north side of the BNSF railroad. Mojave fringe-toed
lizard was also detected along a wash north of the BNSF railroad during the
applicant’s 2010 desert tortoise surveys. Fine-grained friable sand occurs in
many other areas adjacent to the identified dune complex, both within the
numerous drainages that cross the project site and in small patches of windblown
sand. Similarly, soft friable sands with small patches of micro dunes occur within
the creosote bush scrub habitat across much of the lower project site. In Staff’s
opinion, it is likely that Mojave fringe-toed lizard occurs in low densities across
much of the project site south of the BNSR railroad and within and around soft
sands associated with the drainages north of the BNSF railroad.

27 Biological Resources
Staff calculated the amount of Mojave fringe-toed lizard habitat on the project site
by adding the additional habitat it identified to the 16.9 acres identified by the
applicant and adding a 45-meter surrounding buffer area to account for species
traveling away from its primary habitat, yielding 164.7 acres of suitable habitat.
(Ex. 300, pp. C.2-34 – C.2-36.)

4. Direct and Indirect Impacts and Mitigation

The CEQA Guidelines define direct impacts as those impacts that result from the
project and occur at the same time and place. Indirect impacts are caused by the
project, but can occur later in time or farther removed in distance while still
reasonably foreseeable and related to the project. The potential impacts we
consider here are those most likely to be associated with construction and
operation of the project.

Impacts of the proposed project or alternatives would be considered significant

and would require mitigation if the project would:

• Have a substantial adverse effect on any riparian habitat or other sensitive

natural community identified in local or regional plans, policies,
regulations, or by the BLM, CDFG, or USFWS.

• Have an adverse effect, either directly or through habitat modifications, on

any species listed as endangered, threatened, or proposed for listing or
critical habitat for these species.

• Have a substantial adverse effect, either directly or through habitat

modifications on any species identified as a candidate for listing, sensitive,
or special-status species in local or regional plans, policies, or regulations,
or by CDFG, BLM, or USFWS.

• Have a substantial adverse effect on federally protected wetlands as

defined by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (including, but not limited to
marsh, vernal pool, coastal, etc.) through direct removal, filling,
hydrological interruption, or other means.

• Interfere substantially with the movement of any native resident or

migratory fish or wildlife species or with established native resident or
migratory wildlife corridors, or impede the use of native wildlife nursery

• Conflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological

resources, such as a tree preservation policy or ordinances.

Biological Resources 28
• Conflict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat Conservation Plan
(HCP), Natural Communities Conservation Plan (NCCP), or other
approved local, regional, Federal, or State HCP. (CEQA Guidelines,
(California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, Sections
15000 et. seq, Appendix G, Environmental Checklist Form)

White-margined beardtongue, Coves’ cassia, and small-flowered sand verbena

are not listed under the California or federal Endangered Species Acts. However,
under significance criteria adopted by staff in the Supplemental Staff Assessment
(see Section C.2.3), project impacts to these species, if not mitigated, will be
considered significant pursuant to CEQA. The Energy Commission and other
State agencies such as CDFG, have a history of requiring mitigation for impacts
to special-status plants such as these. Under Section 15380 of the CEQA
guidelines, a species may be considered endangered, rare or threatened, if it can
be shown to meet the criteria for State or federal listing.

The California Native Plant Society (CNPS) cooperates under a memorandum of

understanding with CDFG to identify which plants may be rare or threatened,
evaluate threats to them, share occurrence data, and plan protective measures.
In this role, CNPS evaluates plant taxa according to abundance, distribution, and
threats, and it ranks rare species on a series of lists. The joint CNPS Rare Plant
Program and CDFG’s CNDDB Plant Status Review Process for CNPS List and
CDFG Special Plants List status is a rigorous review process that evaluates
existing literature, reviews herbarium collections, and communicates with experts
before making a recommendation for listing. A summary of information on each
candidate taxon is reviewed by a network of California botanists, representing
State and federal agencies, environmental consulting firms, academic
institutions, CNPS, and other conservation organizations.

All of the CNPS List 1B and List 2 plants potentially occurring in the project area
are also included in the CDFG Special Plants List and are tracked by CDFG’s
CNDDB. The CNPS Inventory has been a broadly recognized and accepted
source of science-based information on the rarity, endangerment, and distribution
of California special-status plants since its first edition in 1974. The Energy
Commission’s regulations refer to CNPS Lists in the definition of “species of
special concern” (California Code of Regulations, Title 20, section 1702 (q) and
(v)), and the BLM has a policy of designating all CNPS List 1B plants, unless
specifically excluded by the BLM State Director, as BLM Sensitive. By CNPS’s
standards, the plants on CNPS Lists 1A, 1B and 2 meet the definitions of
Sections 2062 and 2067 (CESA) of the California Fish and Game Code, and are
eligible for State listing. The Energy Commission considers those plants

29 Biological Resources
appearing on CNPS List 1B or 2 to be potentially eligible, and evaluates project
impacts to each one known from the site, as explained below. (Ex. 300, pp. C.2-
56 – C.2-57.)

a. Construction Impacts

Construction of the Calico Solar Project would result in the permanent land use
conversion of native vegetation communities and the loss of special-status plant
and animal species and their habitat. Permanent loss as defined by staff involves
impacts that would not recover within 5 years (above). The Calico Solar Project
would have long-term impacts associated with project features (e.g.,
SunCatchers, expansion of the Pisgah Substatin, new transmission line towers,
new access roads, altered drainage features, evaporation ponds, and required
maintenance activities that would routinely disturb wildlife and vegetation) that
would continue throughout the life of the project, as well as habitat degradation
that would persist for decades following project closure.


Construction of the Calico Solar Project and associated facilities would result in
the permanent loss of native vegetation from the construction of new access
roads, SunCatcher footings, stormwater facilities, and various appurtenant
structures to support the project. In addition, the project would result in
disturbance to vegetation from mowing. The applicant indicated that prior to
SunCatcher installation, the SunCatcher Array area will be mowed to about 3
inches. During SunCatcher operation, if vegetation within the path of SunCatcher
movement reaches a height of 8 inches, it will likely be re-mowed to 3 inches.
The applicant indicates that re-mowing treatment would be applied to about 5%
of the SunCatcher array area. Vegetation not within the path of SunCatcher
movement or within the access road footprints would be allowed to re-generate.
Mowing is a permanent impact to native vegetation as mowing would likely result
in type conversion of re-mowed areas from creosote bush scrub to more
herbaceous vegetation, and degradation of untreated or once-treated vegetation
by introduction of new edge effects to remnant desert shrubland throughout the
proposed project site.

Direct mortality to vegetation could occur from construction activities that remove
vegetation, grade soils, or cause sedimentation or erosion. Clearing and grading
may also result in the alteration of soil conditions, including the loss of native
seed banks and changes to the topography and drainage of a site such that the

Biological Resources 30
capability of the habitat to support native vegetation is impaired. Indirect effects
could include soil compaction, disruption of the native seed bank, increased dust,
sediment transport, or colonization by invasive non-native species. These actions
may result in reduced habitat quality for upland plants. In addition, the removal of
vegetation cover and the disruption of soil crusts create possibilities for erosion,
dust, and weed invasion that can affect habitat in adjacent areas.

The vegetation present on the Calico Solar project site supports a diversity of
common and sensitive wildlife. The loss of existing vegetation and expected level
of disturbance from weeds and human disturbance (described below) will alter
the functional use of the remaining habitat. These direct and indirect construction
impacts to vegetation, unless mitigated, would be significant under CEQA.

Weeds, include species of non-native, invasive plants included on the weed lists
of the California Department of Food and Agriculture, the California Invasive
Plant Council, or federally listed noxious weeds. The spread of invasive plants is
a major threat to biological resources in the Mojave Desert because these
invasive non-native plants can displace native plants, increase the threat of
wildfire, supplant wildlife foods that are important to herbivorous species, alter
the habitat structure and ecological function of wetland, riparian, and desert wash
communities, and invade or threaten special-status plant occurrences and

Invasive plants, noxious weeds, and other invasive species on BLM lands will be
prevented, controlled, treated, and restored through an Integrated Pest
Management approach per the Vegetation Treatments Using Herbicides on BLM
Lands in 17 Western States, and the 2009 National Invasive Species
Management Plan.

Construction activities and soil disturbance tend to introduce non-native invasive

plant species into new areas and to facilitate their proliferation and spread. New
introductions occur when seed are inadvertently introduced to a site, most often
with mulch, hay bales, or wattles used for erosion control, or when they are
transported on construction equipment or their tires from off-site areas. Many
invasive non-native species are adapted to and promoted by soil disturbance.
Once introduced, they can out-compete native species because of minimal water
requirements, high germination potential and high seed production; can
outcompete native annuals where nitrogen deposition (near major highways such
as I 40) and precipitation rates are higher, leading to higher risk of wildfire, and
can become locally dominant, representing a serious threat to native desert

31 Biological Resources
ecosystems. Invasive weeds generally spread most readily in disturbed, graded,
or cultivated soils, including disturbance by construction equipment. Thus, the
proposed Calico Solar project, including the solar generator construction and
associated Transmission line and other facilities, could introduce or facilitate the
spread of invasive non-native plants. Without control, weeds already present in
the area would increase their abundance in soils disturbed by project
construction throughout the project site and along the linear facilities, especially
where nitrogen deposition is an issue, and that construction equipment could
accidentally import new invasive species from off-site.

Undisturbed desert habitat has been less vulnerable to invasion by weedy

species and only a limited suite of invasive non-native plant species are capable
of invading natural desert areas. The hot and arid environment, undependable
timing and amount of annual precipitation, and often saline or alkaline soils limit
the range of invasive species capable of naturalization in desert areas. However,
certain aspects of the proposed project would change those conditions, creating
habitat more suited to a wider variety of invasive plants and to greater
abundance of the invasive species already present in the area. Initial mowing
and construction disturbance will disrupt soil conditions that favor the colonization
by weedy species. Shade beneath the SunCatchers would then alter the micro-
environments, favoring weedy ephemerals. Studies conducted in the Sonoran
and Mojave Deserts have demonstrated that shading resulted in a cooler,
moister microhabitat below and near structures. Shading and wind deflection
caused by the structures decrease soil temperature extremes and decrease
evaporation from soil surfaces. The addition of water from regular mirror washing
also increases the humidity of the microhabitat around the solar structures. This
change from the normal arid desert environment does not favor the native arid-
adapted species and allows the weedy ephemerals to colonize.

Numerous invasive non-native weeds have already become widespread

throughout the Mojave Desert and for some invasive species the prevention of
further spread is impracticable. Examples of these species include red brome,
cheat grass, Mediterranean grass, red-stemmed filaree, and Russian thistle.
Other invasive species, particularly Sahara mustard, can substantially alter native
habitats if left uncontrolled, but to date, have not become pervasive within or
adjacent to the project area. Still others (e.g., saltcedar, Tamarix ramosissima)
are damaging to specific habitat types but pose little or no threat to widespread
upland desert habitat.

Biological Resources 32
b. Mitigation

The above impacts are reduced to less-than-significant levels with

implementation of impact avoidance and minimization measures described in
Conditions of Certification BIO-1 through BIO-31. Those mitigation measures are
summarized in Biological Resources Table 2, below.

Biological Resources Table 2

Biological Resources Mitigation Measures
Mitigation Provisions for Scenario Mitigation/Impacts
Measure 5.5 site
BIO 1 Project Owner must assign Facilitates monitoring compliance with the
at least one Designated Biological Resources Conditions of
Biologist, possessing Certification; specified qualifications assure the
specified qualifications ability of the individual to properly perform her
BIO 2 Designated Biologists Further facilitates compliance with the
duties include advising Conditions
project owner’s agents and
employees on
implementing the
Conditions of Certification;
mark and periodically
inspect sensitive areas,
inspect for trapped
animals; monitor
compliance with
conditions; maintain
records of tasks, including
those in BRMIMP, below;
BIO 3 Sets forth Biological Specified qualifications assure the ability of the
Monitor qualifications individual to properly perform her duties
BIO 4 Biological Monitor duties Further facilitates compliance with the
include assisting the Conditions
Designated Biologist in
conducting surveys and
monitoring construction
BIO 5 Designated Biologist and Protects from unexpected or impacts to
Biological Monitor have biological resources
the authority to halt activity
in an area if unauthorized
BIO 6 Requires Worker Assists workers in avoiding impacts to
Environmental Awareness biological resources by training them to spot
Program (WEAP) training the resources and explaining why and how
for all onsite employees they can protect them
BIO 7 Project owner must Consolidates measures, conditions and other
prepare a Biological information in a single place to facilitate
Resources Mitigation compliance with the requirements applicable to
Implementation and the project
Monitoring Plan
(BRMIMP), incorporating

33 Biological Resources
avoidance and
minimization measures
from various other
required plans; containing
maps depicting the
locations of sensitive
resources; state and
federal conditions;
descriptions of monitoring
methodologies and
frequencies; mitigation
performance standards
and remedial measures if
those standards are not
BIO 8 Specifies impact These measures avoid injuries to sensitive
avoidance and species and encouraging predators (ravens,
minimization measures etc.) to visit the area, thereby protecting
regarding disturbance tortoises
areas, perimeter fencing,
roads, traffic, juvenile
desert tortoise and other
wildlife entrapment,
minimize standing water
and dispose of road kill

BIO 9 Project owner must allow Assists in assuring compliance with

access to site for Construction Facilitates verification of
inspections ; Designated compliance with Conditions
Biologist must monitor
grading, make daily
checks of tortoise
exclusion; provides an
annual and final( when
operation begins) Listed
Species Status Report
BIO 10 Project owner must Assures the revegetation of the temporarily
prepare a Revegetation disturbed lands
Plan for areas of
temporary disturbance and
restore those areas
according to the approved
plan. Minimum Plan
requirements are specified
BIO 11 Project owner must Provides for the taming of invasive weeds to
prepare a Weed protect sensitive plants from invasive weeds
Management Plan.
Minimum Plan
requirements are specified
BIO 12 A lengthy condition Reduces potential impacts to special status
containing, among other plants to insignificance
features measures to
protect; guidelines for
conducting summer-fall
special status plant
surveys, mitigation

Biological Resources 34
requirements for plants
found in the survey; off-
site compensatory
mitigation; measures to
obtain nursery stock
BIO 13 Requires compensatory Mitigates for the loss of habitat on the project
habitat, estimated at site by purchasing and protecting suitable off
approximately 208 acres, site habitat lands
to mitigate for loss of
Mojave fringe-toed lizard
habitat on the project site
BIO 14 Requires preconstruction Relocating the Gila monsters protects them
surveys for Gila Monsters from injury due to activities on the project site.
and removal and
relocation of any
individuals that are found
BIO 15 Specifies requirements for Protects tortoise during the process of clearing
desert tortoise surveys, the project site.
exclusion fences, tortoise
handling and other matters
relating to the removal for
tortoise from the project
BIO 16 Requires a Desert Tortoise Provides for the protection of tortoise to be
Translocation Plan, relocated and tortoise occupying the relocation
compliant with recently sites. By testing the health of each,
revised guidelines from the transmission of disease will be minimized
US Department of Fish
and Game’s Tortoise
Recovery Office
BIO 17 Requires compensatory Mitigates for the loss of tortoise habitat on the
habitat, estimated at project site by purchasing and protecting
10,302 acres, to mitigate suitable off site habitat lands estimated at
for loss of Mojave desert 24,417 acres
tortoise habitat on the
project site
BIO 18 Requires design and Protects tortoise in the project vicinity by
implementation of a Raven managing the population of ravens, a tortoise
Monitoring, Management, predator
and Control Plan that is
consistent with the most
current USFWS-approved
raven management
guidelines and payment of
fees to support the
USFWS Regional Raven
Management Program
BIO 19 Requires pre-construction Mitigates potential impacts to migratory birds
nest surveys each year by protecting their nests from construction
during the construction activities.
phase if construction
activities will occur during
the breeding period (from
January 1 through August
1); specifies minimum

35 Biological Resources
requirements for such
surveys and establishment
of 500-foot buffer areas
where active nests are

BIO 20 Requires pre-construction Mitigates potential impacts to golden eagles to

surveys for golden eagle insignificant levels
territories within one mile
of the project site. If an
occupied nest is found
within one mile of the
project site, a Golden
Eagle Monitoring and
Management Plan must be
prepared according to
current USFWS protocols.
BIO 21 Requires pre-construction Mitigates potential impacts to burrowing owls to
surveys, avoidance insignificant levels
measures, relocation, and
acquisition of
compensatory habitat
mitigation lands for
burrowing owls.
BIO 22 Requires preparation and Mitigates potential impacts to birds from
implementation of an collision with project equipment to insignificant
Avian Protection Plan to levels
monitor bird collisions with
facility features and use of
the monitoring data to
inform and develop an
adaptive management
program to avoid and
minimize project-related
avian impacts.
BIO 23 Requires daily monitoring Mitigates potential impacts to sheep to
for the presence of insignificant levels
nelson’s bighorn sheep
and halting of construction
activities when the bighorn
sheep are within 500 feet.
BIO 24 Requires pre-construction Mitigates potential impacts to American badger
surveys, avoidance and desert kit fox to insignificant levels
measures, and relocation,
for American badgers and
desert kit fox.
BIO 25 Requires surveys prior to Mitigates potential impacts to bats to
ground disturbance, insignificant levels
avoidance, and provision
of substitute roosting
habitat for bats.
BIO 26 Requires minimization Mitigates potential impacts to jurisdictional
measures for impacts to waters to insignificant levels
jurisdictional waters of the
state, including acquisition

Biological Resources 36
of 153 acres of off-site
mitigation lands, which
may be combined
(“nested”) with desert
tortoise habitat obtained
under Condition BIO 17,
above, and best
management practices in
the construction and
operation of the project
BIO 27 Requires installation of Mitigates potential wildlife mortality at the
netting over project evaporation ponds to insignificant levels
evaporation ponds and
implement an Evaporation
Pond Design, Monitoring,
and Management Plan to
protect wildlife from
mortality in the ponds
BIO 28 Requires, at project Mitigates potential biological impacts due to
closure, implementation of closure of the project to insignificant levels
a Decommissioning and
Reclamation Plan to
remove the engineered
diversion channels,
detention basins, and
other sediment control
features from the project
BIO 29 Requires that the facility’s Mitigates potential biological impacts due to
closure plan include closure of the project to insignificant levels
measures and funding for
the decommissioning,
reclamation, and
revegetation of the project
BIO 30 Allows the project owner to Provides the same degree of mitigation as the
satisfy certain original requirement.
compensatory mitigation
obligations by paying an in
lieu fee to the Department
of Fish and Game
pursuant to Fish and
Game code sections 2069
and 2099.

Provided that the in lieu

fee is found to comply with
BIO 31 Allows for the phasing of Does not affect the level of mitigation or
compensatory mitigation protection of the environment.
and provision of security
deposits according to
specified formulas

37 Biological Resources

Disturbance of the soil’s surface caused by construction traffic, operations traffic,

and other activities such as mirror washing would result in increased wind
erosion of the soil. Windborne transport of dust and sand can result in the
degradation of soil and vegetation over a widening area. Dust can have
deleterious physiological effects on plants and may affect their productivity and
nutritional qualities. Dust and sand can kill plants by burial and abrasion,
interrupting natural processes of nutrient accumulation, and allowing the loss of
soil resources. The destruction of plants and soil crusts by windblown sand and
dust exacerbates the erodibility of the soil and accelerates the loss of nutrients.

To address these potential impacts, we impose Condition BIO 8 (Impact

Avoidance and Minimization Measures) and Air Quality Conditions of Certification
AQ-SC3 and AQ-SC 7 and SOIL&WATER-1. Implementation of these measures
would reduce impacts of dust from the proposed project to biological resources to
less than significant levels by minimizing and controlling project-related dust
sources during construction and operation.

Impacts to Special-Status Plants

Lane Mountain milk-vetch is the only listed threatened or endangered plant

species occurring in the region. It is unlikely to occur on or adjacent to the project
site because of the site’s distance from known occurrences, no plants were found
during the field survey, and unsuitable bajada habitat throughout most of the
project site. Impacts to this species are less than significant.

One CNPS List 1B species (white-margined beardtongue) was documented on

the project site, and five others could occur there, though their probabilities of
occurrence are moderate to low. In Condition of Certification BIO 12 below, we
require follow-up field surveys to inventory potential project impacts to white-
margined beardtongue and other List 1B species, and impact avoidance
measures to conserve occurrences on-site to the greatest extent feasible. This
measure provides for the conservation of rare plants in portions of the project site
through avoidance and evaluates the potential existence of these species on
potential mitigation lands.

Five other plant species that are designated BLM sensitive and CNPS List 1B
species have low potential to occur within the project area:

Biological Resources 38
• Desert cymopterus (Cymopterus deserticola)
• Barstow woolly-sunflower (Eriophyllum mohavense)
• Mojave monkeyflower (Mimulus mohavensis) – Low potential
• Creamy blazing-star (Mentzelia tridentate) – Low potential
• Rusby’s desert mallow (Sphaeralcea rusbyi var. eremicola) – Low

Project impacts to white-margined beardtongue would consist of isolation of

some plants and their habitat within the surrounding solar facility during project
development and operation. In addition, indirect project impacts to this species
could result on-site or off-site, from facility operations (e.g., dust, herbicide
overspray, isolation from pollinators or other ecological associations, or
alterations to the existing wind and hydrological conditions that transport sand.
Proposed project alterations to surface hydrology would avoid or minimize
impacts to minor channels where most of the white-margined beardtongue plants
on-site are located.

Two white-margined beardtongue locations on the project site are near project
area boundaries. One of these, where 17 individual plants were counted, is
outside the proposed disturbance area, due to the plants and other resource
concerns. Another location, where two plants were mapped, is on the eastern
project site boundary, adjacent to the Pisgah Crater ACEC. The proposed project
would avoid impacts to these plants and provide a 250 foot buffer area around
them. Surface hydrology at both locations would not be altered by proposed
project stormwater control structures. The other white-margined beardtongue
locations also would be surrounded by 250 foot buffer areas, but would be
subject to altered hydrology due to stormwater control as proposed by the

White-margined beardtongue apparently exists as a local “metapopulation”

consisting of scattered small clusters or individual plants at locations that may not
persist long-term. Instead, changing environmental conditions such as rainfall,
drought, sand movement, or hydrology cause periodic localized extinctions and
colonizations. Project development and operation would substantially alter soil,
vegetation, and hydrology throughout the project area and would likely prevent
new white-margined beardtongue colonizations within the project area.

The above potential impacts to white-margined beardtongue and other CNPS

List 1B species are mitigated to insignificant levels by our adoption of Condition
of Certification BIO 12, which includes measures to provide buffer areas around

39 Biological Resources
white-margined beardtongue locations; monitor and manage direct and indirect
project impacts and plant persistence within these areas; and monitor and
manage indirect project impacts to occurrences off-site to the east, in the BLM
Pisgah Crater ACEC.

Three CNPS List 2 taxa are reported on the project site, though only one of these
was confirmed by 2010 field surveys. The other two species remain unconfirmed,
and may have been misidentified in the original survey reports. An additional six
could occur on the site, with low potential. Most or all occurrences of CNPS List 2
species onsite, whether documented by prior surveys or not, would be lost or
substantially degraded due to grading; soil compaction during construction and
facilities operation; and the indirect effects of increased weed abundance, weed
control, and alterations to hydrology, soil temperatures, and windborne sand

Small-flowered androstephium was reported at 52 locations on the project site

and 14 additional occurrences within a 1000 foot buffer surrounding the site (SES
2009aa). Follow-up surveys in 2010 documented more than 1500 additional
plants, mapped as one extensive occurrence throughout much of the southern
part of the site. While most small-flowered androstephium on-site, would be lost
or adversely impacted as described above (except those plants within white-
margined beardtongue set-aside areas), those impacts would be less than
significant due to numerous additional occurrences documented elsewhere in
California in recent years, including new occurrences documented by the
applicant on public lands to the west and east, including many in the Pisgah

Emory’s crucifixion thorn is reported from four individual plants at three locations
within the survey area (TS 2010h). All three locations are north of the proposed
project area, near the toe slopes of the Cady Mountains. The reduced project
footprint avoids direct or indirect effects to those occurrences. Emory’s crucifixion
thorn is a large and distinctive shrub; it is unlikely that additional plants will be
found on-site during future surveys.

Coves’ cassia and small-flowered sand-verbena were reported on the project site
in the Biological Resources Technical Report in 2009, but were not confirmed
during more thorough 2010 field surveys. Staff believes that the original reports
may have been erroneous and no impacts to either species are anticipated.
However, if either species is found on-site during follow-up field surveys required

Biological Resources 40
by Condition of Certification BIO 12, appropriate avoidance or off-site mitigation
measures would be required.

Six other CNPS List 2 species have low or moderate potential to occur within the
project area:

• King’s eyelash grass (Blepharidachne kingie) – Low potential.

• Booth’s evening primrose (Camissonia boothii var. boothii) – Moderate
• Viviparous foxtail cactus (Coryphantha vivipara var. rosea) – Low
• Purple-nerved cymopterus (Cymopterus multinervatus) – Low potential.
• Thorny milkwort (Polygala acanthoclada) – Low potential.
• Jackass clover (Wislizenia refracta ssp. refracta) – Moderate potential.

If any of the six species are found on-site during follow-up field surveys required
by Condition of Certification BIO 12, appropriate avoidance or off-site mitigation
measures would be implemented.


Construction of the Calico Solar Project would result in large scale direct and
indirect impacts to common wildlife. These effects could include mortality from
trampling or crushing; increased predation when wildlife is flushed from cover;
increased noise levels due to heavy equipment and SunCatcher engine noise;
light impacts from construction during low-light periods; increased vehicular and
human presence along access roads and desert washes; displacement due to
habitat modifications, including vegetation removal, alterations of existing soil
conditions; fugitive dust; and a modified hydrologic and sediment regime due to
the construction of the storm water management system.

More mobile species like birds and larger mammals are expected to disperse into
nearby habitat areas during construction. However, the dispersal of wildlife from
active construction zones would be hindered by the projects perimeter fencing
(i.e., the tortoise exclusion fence).

By design, the Calico Solar Project would include perimeter fencing to prevent
desert tortoise and bighorn sheep from entering the work area. Prior to
construction, tortoises inhabiting the project site would be translocated to suitable

41 Biological Resources
receptor sites. With the exception of birds this barrier would exclude or entrap
wildlife at the project site. Therefore, during construction, terrestrial wildlife
trapped within the perimeter fence would not be able to disperse from the project
area. This would subject any trapped wildlife to repeated disturbance from
construction and the use of roads to support maintenance activities. (Ex. 300, pp.
C.2-63 – C.2-64.)

Construction noise may affect birds in several ways, including annoyance which
causes birds to abandon nests that are otherwise suitable; raise the level of
stress hormones, interfering with sleep and other activities; cause permanent
injury to the auditory system; and interfere with acoustic communication by
masking important sounds or sound components. In general, 60 dBA Leq hourly
is considered the threshold for disturbance for many bird species, but some
species are less sensitive.

Construction could affect wildlife in adjacent habitats by interfering with breeding

or foraging activities and movement patterns, causing animals to temporarily
avoid areas adjacent to the construction zone. This could disrupt foraging,
breeding, sheltering, and other activities. More mobile species like birds and
larger mammals are expected to disperse into adjacent habitat areas during the
land clearing and grading phases associated with tower construction and road
construction and widening. For example, noise and human presence are likely to
adversely affect bighorn sheep which are expected to avoid the lower foothills
during construction of the proposed project.

Noise from construction activities could also temporarily discourage wildlife from
foraging and nesting immediately adjacent to the project area. A maximum noise
level of 75 dBA Ldn is estimated to occur at a distance of 50 feet from the
acoustic center of the construction activity (most often the power block) and
attenuate to 40 dBA Ldn or less at project site boundaries. Assuming that
construction noise for this project would be relatively constant, the 40 dBA Ldn
estimated at the site boundaries for construction noise would be similar to levels
of ambient noise. The loudest noise likely to occur during construction is created
by the operation of construction equipment. Depending on the type of equipment
used, the noise produced can vary from 77 dBA to 90 dBA at 50 feet.

Noise impacts to nesting birds and other wildlife would be mitigated through
implementation of Conditions of Certification BIO 1 through BIO 9 and BIO 19.
These measures require buffer zones around active nests, which will sufficiently
attenuate construction noise levels at the nests. (Ex. 300, pp. C.2-64 – C.2-65.)

Biological Resources 42
Special Status Wildlife

Mojave fringe-toed lizards were observed by the applicant and staff at several
locations on the project site, and staff estimated that a minimum of 164.7 acres of
suitable habitat is found on the site. Direct project impacts to Mojave fringe-toed
lizards would include direct loss of habitat during site preparation and
construction for the SunCatchers, roads, and drainage channels; mechanical
crushing during site preparation, grading of access roads, preparation of staging
areas, disturbance by noise or vibrations from the heavy equipment and future
operations and maintenance activities; fugitive dust; and general disturbance due
to increased human activity. The cryptic nature of Mojave fringe-toed lizards
increases the likelihood that individuals could be injured or killed during ground-
disturbing activities, even if equipment operators have been trained to avoid

Rather than attempt to preserve the pockets of habitat on the project site, staff
recommends, and we adopt, Condition of Certification BIO-13 requiring the
acquisition, protection and maintenance of 207.5 acres of suitable off-site habitat
for the species. If appropriate, that habitat may be combined or “nested” with
desert tortoise habitat obtained for the project. Implementation of that condition
will reduce impacts to Gila monsters and their habitat to less-than-significant
levels. (Ex. 300, pp. C.2-67 – C.2-70.)

Gila monsters were not observed during biological surveys conducted in 2007,
2008, or 2010. While there is a low potential for occurrence of this species in the
project area, this species occurs in low densities, is difficult to detect, and may be
overlooked during surveys. If present, direct impacts to this species could include
mortality during ground-disturbing activities; being hit by vehicles on access
roads; mechanical crushing during site preparation, grading of spur roads or
drainage features; fugitive dust; and general disturbance due to increased human
activity. Indirect impacts to this species include compaction of soils and the
introduction of exotic plant species.

Potential operational impacts include risk of mortality by vehicle strikes and

disturbance on access roads due to increased use by the public and
maintenance personnel. Other operational impacts include removal and trimming
of vegetation during maintenance activities.

Staff’s proposed, and we adopt, Condition of Certification BIO 14 to requires a

Gila monster survey concurrent with the desert tortoise clearance surveys and

43 Biological Resources
relocation of any individuals found to suitable habitat outside the project site.
Implementation of that condition will reduce impacts to Gila monsters and their
habitat to less-than-significant levels. (Ex. 300, p. C.2-70.)

Desert tortoises are present on the CSP project site and the adjacent desert
areas both east and west of the site. Protocol surveys conducted in 2010
detected 104 tortoises within the originally proposed project footprint. The highest
concentration of tortoises is located north of the Phase 1 boundary of the original
project footprint, located on the foothills and bajadas of the Cady Mountains.
Burrow density was also concentrated in this area; however, burrows were
present to some degree in most of the project area. Although habitat utilized by
desert tortoises is present across most of the site, only eight tortoises were
observed in the Phase I area. Tortoise densities in the portion of the Phase II
area now removed are well over the average tortoise density (4.7 tortoise/km2)
identified by the West Mojave Plan. Because of concerns presented by staff and
the wildlife agencies regarding the preservation of habitat near the toe of the
Cady Mountains to provide a linkage and movement corridor for desert tortoise,
the applicant modified the project footprint to provide approximately 4,000 feet
between the project boundary and the base of the mountains as a movement
corridor, as recommended by the USFWS Desert Tortoise Recovery Office
(DTRO). Subsequent to this modification, the Applicant reduced the project
further in response to the September 3, 2010 Committee Order. Scenario 5.5
substantially reduces the number of desert tortoise that will be impacted and
require translocation when compared to the previous proposed project
configurations. The reduced acreage would avoid some tortoises and would
preserve movement areas and occupied habitat for tortoises. Nonetheless, the
proposed reduced acreage project would result in the loss of high density tortoise
habitat. The 2010 surveys identified 10 tortoises in the reduced project footprint
which equates to an estimated 22 tortoises using the USFWS formula.
Implementation of Scenario 5.5 would require the translocation of approximately
13 desert tortoise (11 adults and subadults, and 2 juveniles) from the project site
compared to approximately 107 (93 adults and subadults and 14 juveniles) for
the proposed project. (Ex. 317, p. C.2-14)

Biological Resources 44
Desert Tortoise Impact Summary

Estimated Number of Adult/Subadult and Juvenile Tortoise

Project Habitat USFWS Requiring Handled Direct - Maximum
Component (Acres) Formula Trans- Indirect Potential
(Min-Max) location Impacts Mortality
Revised 6,215 189 (69- 107 321 682 (300- 194 tortoise
Proposed 378) 1249) 436 eggs
Scenario 4,614 22 (6-59) 13 39 181 (107- 29 tortoise
5.5 292) 56 eggs
Source: EX. 317, p. C.2-37.

Construction of the proposed project would result in the direct loss of

approximately 4,614 acres of occupied desert tortoise habitat, 2,474.1 acres
north of the BNSF railroad and 2,139.9 south of the BNSF railroad. Habitat north
of the railroad and within the Scenario 5.5 footprint constitutes good quality
habitat and supports moderate densities of desert tortoise in some areas. This
area is characterized by creosote bush scrub and has less obstructed
connectivity to adjacent natural lands. Although habitat for desert tortoise is
present in the area between the BNSF railroad and I 40, it provides lower quality
habitat for tortoises. This area is isolated by the highway and railroad, has been
subject to disturbance from pipeline development, and provides little long-term
value to the species. Nonetheless, tortoise sign was detected in this area. In
addition, while the railroad poses a substantial barrier to movement, there are
numerous corridors for dispersal beneath the many railroad trestles that span

During construction of the Calico Solar project desert tortoises could be harmed
during clearing, grading, and trenching activities or may become entrapped within
open trenches and pipes. Construction activities could also result in direct
mortality, injury, or harassment of individuals as a result of encounters with
vehicles or heavy equipment. Other direct effects could include individual
tortoises being crushed or entombed in their burrows, collection or vandalism,
disruption of tortoise behavior during construction or operation of facilities,
disturbance by noise or vibrations from the heavy equipment and the SunCatcher
engines, and injury or mortality from encounters with workers’ or visitors' pets.
Desert tortoises may also be attracted to the construction area by the application
of water to control dust, placing them at higher risk of injury or mortality.
Increased human activity and vehicle travel would occur from the construction
and improvement of access roads, which could disturb, injure, or kill individual
tortoises. Also, tortoises may take shelter under parked vehicles and be killed,
injured, or harassed when the vehicle is moved. The applicant has recommended
45 Biological Resources
impact avoidance and minimization measures to reduce these direct impacts to
desert tortoise, including installation of exclusion fencing to keep desert tortoises
out of construction areas, translocating the resident desert tortoises from the
Calico Solar site, reducing construction traffic and speed limits to reduce the
incidence of vehicles strikes and worker training programs. These
recommendations are included in our conditions of certification, including
Conditions BIO 1 through BIO 9, which apply to protect desert tortoise and other
biological resources in and near the project area, and Conditions of Certification
BIO 15 through BIO 17, which are specific to desert tortoise.

Condition of Certification BIO 15 (Desert Tortoise Clearance Surveys and

Exclusion Fencing) requires installation of security and desert tortoise
exclusionary fencing around the entire project site and along access roads.
Condition BIO 16 (Desert Tortoise Translocation Plan) requires that the applicant
prepare and implement a desert tortoise translocation plan to move the tortoises
found in the project area to proposed translocation sites. Condition BIO 17
requires the acquisition, improvement, and long term maintenance of
compensatory tortoise habitat.

Tortoise translocation, was the subject of extensive testimony and discussion

during our evidentiary hearings. The applicant presented a draft Desert Tortoise
Translocation Plan showing receptor sites to the west of the project, north of I-40
and to the southwest, in the Ord-Rodman DWMA. To date the Draft Desert
Tortoise Translocation Plan remains to be finalized and is being actively
reviewed and commented on by the agencies. In addition, testimony provided by
the CDFG and other recognized experts during the August 18, 2010 evidentiary
hearings is being reviewed by the applicant, staff, and the agencies. Based on
the existing recommendations of the agencies and staff, it is expected that
revisions will be made to the Translocation Plan prior to approval. The reduction
in project size for Scenario 5.5 significantly reduces the number of desert tortoise
that would require translocation. This substantially reduces the risks associated
with handling and translocating desert tortoise and is expected to limit the
amount of translocation mortality that could occur. (EX. 317, p. C.2-33)

During our hearings, the draft Translocation Plan was criticized as inadequate on
various grounds. Among the criticism was that from CURE witness Scott
Cashen, who complained that the draft Plan failed to meet the recently released
guidelines from the USFWS Desert Tortoise Recovery Office entitled
Translocation of Desert Tortoises (Mojave Population) From Project Sites: Plan
Development Guidance (USFWS Guidance). We will not address the individual

Biological Resources 46
points of departure Mr. Cashen identified as the plan is a draft and is under
review, presumably for, among other things, conformance with the USFWS
Guidance. We note, however, that the USFWS Guidance specifies the following

• Determining whether the proposed land use is compatible with desert

tortoises continuing to live on the site.
• Estimating the number of tortoise that will be affected on the project site
through the use of surveys.
• Identifying potential recipient and control sites for the tortoises to be
relocated to and on which to monitor tortoises as a control group for
comparison with the moved tortoises and their new neighbors.
• Estimating tortoise densities at recipient and control sites.
• Developing the translocation plan in coordination with USFWS, State
wildlife agencies, and land management agencies.
• Confirming tortoise densities at the recipient and control sites, health
checkups, including blood tests for disease, and attaching transmitters to
tortoises. Including the relocated tortoises, density at a receiving site may
not exceed 130% of mean density for the desert tortoise recovery unit.
• Determine disposition of tortoises on project site—monitor on site via
telemetry, move to quarantine facility off-site, or, if health problems are
suspected, transferred to the Desert Tortoise Conservation Center in Las
Vegas or other facility for further evaluation, treatment, and potential
return to the wild.
• Construct project fencing.
• Prepare, obtain approval, and execute disposition plan.
• Post-translocation monitoring for a minimum of five years.
• Collection of data throughout the process for use by wildlife and permitting

The Guidance also specifies measures to protect the relocated, receiving area
and control area tortoises, such as disinfection of containers used to transport
them, hydration within 12 hours of release, release at an unoccupied shelter site
and reference to requirements contained in other protocols. In all, we find it to be
a comprehensive and thorough program to minimize harm to tortoises.

Condition BIO-16 requires compliance with the USFWS Guidance as well as any
additional guidance from USFWS and CDFG. Further, the plan must be
approved by the USFWS, CDFG, BLM’s wildlife biologist and our Compliance
Project Manager. Having established clear standards for the plan’s content in
Condition BIO-16, we do not need to wait to review the final plan prior to taking
action on the project as Mr. Cashen and others suggest.

47 Biological Resources
While there was some disagreement on the numbers, there is general consensus
that a substantial percentage of tortoise may perish as a result of the
translocation process. It is expected that 85 percent of the juvenile tortoise, by
their nature difficult to detect, will not be detected during the Clearance Surveys
and will remain on the site during construction, subject to the threats described
above. Translocation requirements from the USFWS and CDFG include blood
testing of both translocated tortoises and current residents of the receiving area
to avoid mixing diseased and healthy tortoises. While multiple efforts will be
expended to minimize tortoise mortality, translocated tortoise may still suffer
injury or die from the stress of handling, blood testing, predation and other
causes. USFWS guidelines require that, for every tortoise translocated, one
tortoise in the receiving area and one tortoise in a control area be tested and
radio-tagged for tracking. Those tortoises may suffer injury of die from the stress
of handling or blood testing and those in the receiving area from the additional
competition for food and shelter. A scenario postulated by Staff estimates that
the number of tortoise perishing due to the translocation effort may could be as
high as the number of tortoise that are relocated. (Ex. 317, pp. C.2-28 – C.2-29,
C.2-37 – C.2-38)

The concerns about tortoise mortality are based in large part on the preliminary
results of a tortoise translocation program on the Fort Irwin military base to the
north east of Barstow, where nearly 50 percent of translocated tortoises have
perished in two years following their translocation. (8/25/10 RT, pp. 90 – 92.)
Whether the same results will hold for this project is somewhat speculative. BLM
biologist Chris Otahal opined that tortoise density in the receiving area influenced
mortality and noted that the candidate receptor sites for this project had lower
tortoise densities than those in the Fort Irwin project. (8/25/10 RT, pp. 134 –

Habitat mitigation. The reduction in acreage for Scenario 5.5 would significantly
avoid areas currently supporting high concentrations of desert tortoise and their
burrows and would substantially increase the width of the linkage area that
occurs along the foothills of the Cady Mountains. Mitigation for the loss of 4,614
acres of desert tortoise habitat on the project site is not dependent on the
successful relocation of tortoise found on the site. Rather, Staff, the applicant,
representatives and the USFWS and CDFG, testified that the acquisition of and
enhancement of habitat compensation lands, required by Condition BIO-17,
serves as the mitigation for the habitat loss. Translocation of tortoises serves to
minimize harm, a requirement under the California Endangered Species Act,
discussed below.

Biological Resources 48
5. Cumulative Impacts

A project may result in a significant cumulative impact where its effects are
cumulatively considerable. "Cumulatively considerable" means that the
incremental effects of an individual project are significant when viewed in
connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects,
and the effects of probable future projects (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, § 15130).
Cumulative impacts must be addressed if the incremental effect of a project,
combined with the effects of other projects is “cumulatively considerable” [14 Cal.
Code Regs., § 15130(a).] Such incremental effects are to be “viewed in
connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects,
and the effects of probable future projects” [14 Cal. Code Regs., § 15164(b)(1).]

The projects considered in the cumulative impacts analysis are described in

Staff’s Supplemental Staff Assessment, Biological Resources Table 9 (Ex. 300,
pp. C.2-131 – C.2-133).

Waters of the State. The cumulative impacts of Scenario 5.5 on waters of the
state would be reduced from those of the original proposal, which staff testified
would not be significant after application of the mitigation measures required by
Condition BIO-26.

Desert Tortoise. Scenarios 5.5’s contribution to cumulative impacts to desert

tortoise would not be considerable because the applicant is required to relocate
all tortoises from the project area; prevent future on-site impacts to tortoises by
fencing the site; monitor and manage raven predation on-site and contribute to
regional raven management; and compensate for habitat loss by protecting
extensive acreage now presently under conservation management.

Golden Eagle. While the overall loss of foraging habitat for golden eagles within
the region is a cumulatively significant impact, the contribution of Scenario 5.5 to
that cumulative effect is less than significant after mitigation. Condition of
Certification BIO 20 requires focused nest surveys within 1 mile of project
activities and if nests are identified, the project owner would establish a
disturbance-free buffer around the nest. No construction activities would be
authorized within the 0.5 mile buffer pending the successful fledging of the nest.
Implementation of Condition of Certification BIO 17, the compensatory mitigation
plan for desert tortoise, would offset foraging habitat loss by the preservation of
similar plant communities.

49 Biological Resources
Burrowing Owl. Staff testified that Senario 5.5’s contribution to significant
cumulative effects on the burrowing owl will be less than significant when the
incremental effects of the project, after mitigation, are viewed in connection with
the effects of other projects. The incremental contribution to the cumulative
effects will not be cumulatively considerable because of required avoidance and
passive relocation in Condition of Certification BIO 21 and implementation of
Condition of Certification BIO 17, the compensatory mitigation plan for desert
tortoise, which will also benefit burrowing owls. The acquisition is expected to
prevent future losses of habitat by permanently protecting more habitat lands
than are being used for the project and further benefit the species by providing
funding for long-term maintenance and management activities on those lands.

Le Conte’s Thrasher. Scenario 5.5’s incremental contribution to the cumulative

effects will not be cumulatively considerable because of mitigation measures
requiring pre-construction breeding bird surveys and avoidance of active nests
(Condition BIO 19) and compensatory habitat mitigation for desert tortoise (BIO-

Migratory Birds. Scenario 5.5’s incremental contribution to the cumulative effects

on migratory birds will not be cumulatively considerable due to mitigation
measures requiring pre-construction breeding bird surveys and avoidance of
active nests (Condition BIO-19) ) compensatory habitat mitigation for desert
tortoise (BIO-17), and avoidance, minimization, and compensation for impacts to
desert washes (BIO-26), thereby reducing impacts to migratory birds from habitat
loss by the preservation of similar plant communities. Condition of Certification
BIO-22’s avian protection measures further reduce impacts to migratory birds
from solar technology.

Mojave Fringe-Toed Lizard. A potentially significant cumulative impact to Mojave

fringe-toed lizards due to blockage of lizard movements from the east to west of
the project is mitigated by the project setbacks from the BNSF railroad (Condition
TRANS-7). The setback area will provide a suitable movement corridor.

Nelson’s Bighorn Sheep. Scenario 5.5 would not contribute significantly to the
loss of bighorn sheep habitat, as most occupied habitat for Nelson’s bighorn
sheep within the Cady Mountains does not overlap the northern portion of the
scenario’s development area. The scenario would avoid large open areas located
on the bajada below the Cady Mountains that could provide connectivity to
adjacent mountain ranges. Therefore, impacts of either scenario on bighorn
sheep are not cumulatively considerable.

Biological Resources 50
American Badger and Desert Kit Fox. Scenario 5.5’s incremental contribution to
the significant cumulative effects will be less than significant. Avoidance and
minimization measures in Condition of Certification BIO-24 combined with
Condition BIO-17’s habitat compensation mitigation plan for desert tortoise, will
reduce the impacts of habitat loss by the preservation of habitat for other
species, including the badger and kit fox.

Bats. Scenario 5.5’s incremental contribution to the cumulative effects will be

less than significant due to avoidance and minimization measures required by
Condition of Certification BIO 25, BIO 17’s compensatory habitat mitigation for
desert tortoise, which preserves habitat similar to that which is being lost, and
Condition BIO-22’s avian protection measures would further reduce impacts to
migratory birds from solar technology.

Wildlife Movement and Connectivity. Scenario 5.5, representing a further

separation from the base of the Cady Mountains to the north of the project,
further diminishes the project’s effect on a key wildlife corridor. It’s contribution is
not cumulatively considerable.

Plant Communities. Scenario 5.5 would contribute at least incrementally to the

cumulative impacts of future projects to Mojave creosote scrub and saltbush
scrub, however that contribution would not be cumulatively considerable because
the incremental effects would be reduced by the compensatory mitigation of
desert tortoise habitat; implementation of Best Management Practices for
minimizing construction impacts; and specifications for restoring temporarily
disturbed habitat.

White-margined beardtongue. Scenario 5.5 would avoid direct impacts to white-

margined beardtongue and its occupied habitat. Areas within the project
boundary that contain the plant will be avoided and protected within
Environmentally Sensitive Areas. Further, and measures to avoid or minimize off-
site impacts to the BLM Pisgah Crater ACEC, including the management of off-
site sand transport, are required in Condition of Certification BIO 12.

Other Special-Status Plants. Condition of Certification BIO-12 similarly reduces,

through plant avoidance and other measures reduces the contributions of the
CSP to cumulative impacts to other special status plants to less than
cumulatively considerable levels.

51 Biological Resources
6. LORS Compliance

The CSP must comply with state and federal laws, ordinances, regulations, and
standards (LORS) that address state and federally listed species, as well as
other sensitive species and habitats, and must secure the appropriate permits to
satisfy these LORS. Our analysis of compliance with Federal, State, and Local
LORS is summarized in Biological Resources Table 3, below, followed by
additional information on selected LORS.

Biological Resources 52
Biological Resources Table 3
Summary of Compliance with LORS
Applicable Law Description Rationale for Compliance
Federal Endangered Species Designates and provides for protection of threatened and The applicant is currently undergoing consultation with the USFWS for project
Act (Title 16, United States endangered plant and animal species and their critical impacts to desert tortoise and a Biological Opinion will be issued for the proposed
Code, section 1531 et seq., habitat. “Take” of a federally-listed species is prohibited project. In addition, Conditions of Certification BIO-1 through BIO-9 and BIO-15
and Title 50, Code of Federal without an incidental take permit, which may be obtained through BIO-18 include measures to minimize and compensate for impacts to
Regulations, part 17.1 et through Section 7 consultation (between federal agencies) the federally listed desert tortoise.
seq.) or a Section 10 Habitat Conservation Plan.
Migratory Bird Treaty Makes it unlawful to take or possess any migratory Condition of Certification BIO-19 includes preconstruction nest surveys, no-
(Title 16, United States Code, nongame bird (or any part of such migratory nongame bird) disturbance buffers around active nests, and monitoring of nests to minimize
sections 703 through 711) as designated in the Migratory Bird Treaty Act unless impacts to nesting birds covered under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.
permitted by regulation (e.g., duck hunting).
Clean Water Act (Title 33, Requires the permitting and monitoring of all discharges to Waters of the U.S. do not occur within the project area.
United States Code, sections surface water bodies. Section 404 requires a permit from
1251 through 1376, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) for a discharge
Code of Federal Regulations, from dredged or fill materials into waters of the U.S.,
part 30, section 330.5(a)(26)) including wetlands. Section 401 requires a permit from a
regional water quality control board (RWQCB) for the
discharge of pollutants. By federal law, every applicant for a
federal permit or license for an activity that may result in a
discharge into a California water body, including wetlands,
must request State certification that the proposed activity
will not violate State and federal water quality standards.
Bald and Golden Eagle Provides for the protection of the bald eagle and the golden A recently issued Final Rule (September 2009) provides for a regulatory
Protection Act (Title 16, eagle by prohibiting, except under certain specified mechanism under the BGPA to permit take of bald or golden eagles
United States Code conditions, the take, possession, and commerce of such comparable to incidental take permits under the ESA. This rule adds a new
section 668) birds. The 1972 amendments increased penalties for section at 50 CFR 22.26 to authorize the issuance of permits to take bald
violating provisions of the act or regulations issued eagles and golden eagles on a limited basis. The BGPA defines the ‘‘take’’ of
pursuant thereto and strengthened other enforcement an eagle to include a broad range of actions, including disturbance. ‘‘Disturb’’ is
measures. Rewards are provided for information leading to defined in regulations at 50 CFR 22.3 as: ‘‘to agitate or bother a bald or golden
arrest and conviction for violation of the act. eagle to a degree that causes, or is likely to cause, based on the best scientific
information available, (1) injury to an eagle, (2) a decrease in its productivity, by
substantially interfering with normal breeding, feeding, or sheltering behavior, or
(3) nest abandonment, by substantially interfering with normal breeding,
feeding, or sheltering behavior.’’
The proposed project may result in “take” of the golden eagle from disturbance
to nesting pairs as well as loss of foraging habitat, which may result loss of

53 Biological Resources
Applicable Law Description Rationale for Compliance
productivity for this species. Golden eagles are known to nest within a 10-mile
radius of the project and at least three pairs occur within 5-miles. Results of
golden eagle nesting surveys and foraging habitat assessment are required to
determine whether construction of the proposed project would result in take of
the species and therefore require a permit.
The USFWS Migratory Bird Division is in the process of developing guidance
regarding implementation of this final rule, including establishing take
thresholds within each Bird Conservation Region that must not be exceeded. If
it is ultimately determined that take of golden eagle would occur as a result of
the proposed project, an individual (non-programmatic) permit would be
required. Permit issuance will be conditioned on various criteria, the most
important of which is that the permitted take is compatible with the preservation
of the bald eagle and the golden eagle (i.e., consistent with the goal of stable or
increasing breeding populations). Staff encourages the applicant to coordinate
closely with USFWS as guidance becomes available regarding implementation
of the revised BGPA. At this time, staff is unable to determine whether the
proposed project would be in compliance with the BGPA.
Condition of Certification BIO-20 includes preconstruction nest surveys, no-
disturbance buffers around active nests, and monitoring of nests to minimize
impacts to nesting golden eagles.
California Desert Administered by the BLM, the CDCA Plan requires that Conditions of Certification BIO-1 through BIO-30 minimize, avoid, and
Conservation Area Plan proposed development projects are compatible with policies compensate for impacts to various biological resources covered by the CDCA
1980, as amended (reprinted that provide for the protection, enhancement, and Plan.
in 1999) sustainability of fish and wildlife species, wildlife corridors,
riparian and wetland habitats, and native vegetation
California Desert Protection An Act of Congress which established 69 wilderness areas, Conditions of Certification BIO-1 through BIO-30 minimize, avoid, and
Act of 1994 the Mojave National Preserve, expanded Joshua Tree and compensate for impacts to various biological resources covered by the
Death Valley National Monuments and redefined them as California Desert Protection Act of 1994.
National Parks. Lands transferred to the National Park
Service were formerly administered by the BLM and
included significant portions of grazing allotments, wild
horse and burro Herd Management Areas, and Herd Areas.

Biological Resources 54
Applicable Law Description Rationale for Compliance
West Mojave Plan As an amendment to the CDCA Plan, the BLM produced Conditions of Certification BIO-1 through BIO-30 minimize, avoid, and
the West Mojave Plan (WEMO) (BLM 2006). The WEMO is compensate for impacts to various biological resources covered by the West
a federal land use plan amendment that (1) presents a Mojave Plan.
comprehensive strategy to conserve and protect the desert
tortoise, the Mohave ground squirrel (MGS) and nearly 100
other plants and animals and the natural communities of
which they are part, and (2) provides a streamlined program
for complying with the requirements of the California and
federal Endangered Species Acts (BLM et al. 2005).
California Endangered Protects California’s rare, threatened, and endangered Conditions of Certification BIO-1 through BIO-9 and BIO-15 through BIO-19
Species Act of 1984 (Fish species. “Take” of a State-listed species is prohibited would ensure that the project is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence
and Game Code, sections without an Incidental Take Permit. of desert tortoise or Swainson’s hawk or result in the degradation of occupied
2050 through 2098) habitat for any State-listed species.
California Code of Lists the plants and animals of California that are declared Analysis of potential project impacts to rare, threatened, or endangered species
Regulations (Title 14, rare, threatened, or endangered. is provided above, and Conditions of Certification are proposed that would
sections 670.2 and 670.5) minimize impacts to these species.
Fully Protected Species (Fish Designates certain species as fully protected and prohibits Golden eagle is designated as fully protected and has been observed in the
and Game Code, sections the take of such species or their habitat unless for scientific project area. However, Condition of Certification BIO-20 includes
3511, 4700, 5050, and 5515) purposes (see also California Code of Regulations, Title 14, preconstruction nest surveys, no-disturbance buffers around active nests, and
section 670.7). monitoring of nests to minimize impacts to golden eagles.
Nest or Eggs (Fish and Game Protects California’s birds by making it unlawful to take, Condition of Certification BIO-19 includes preconstruction nest surveys, no-
Code section 3503 and possess, or needlessly destroy the nest or eggs of any bird. disturbance buffers around active nests, and monitoring of nests to minimize
3503.5) impacts to nesting birds. Condition of Certification BIO-6 includes a Worker
Environmental Awareness Program to educate workers about compliance with
environmental regulations, including Fish and Game Code section 3503.
Migratory Birds (Fish and Protects California’s migratory birds by making it unlawful to Condition of Certification BIO-19 includes preconstruction nest surveys, no-
Game Code section 3513) take or possess any migratory nongame bird as designated disturbance buffers around active nests, and monitoring of nests to minimize
in the Migratory Bird Treaty Act or any part of such impacts to nesting birds. Condition of Certification BIO-6 includes a Worker
migratory nongame birds. Environmental Awareness Program to educate workers about compliance with
environmental regulations, including Fish and Game Code section 3513.
Significant Natural Areas Designates certain areas such as refuges, natural sloughs, Refuges, natural sloughs, riparian areas, and vernal pools do not occur on the
(Fish and Game Code riparian areas, and vernal pools as significant wildlife project site.
section 1930 et seq.) habitat.

55 Biological Resources
Applicable Law Description Rationale for Compliance
California Environmental CEQA defines rare species more broadly than the Implementation of Conditions of Certification BIO-1 through BIO-30 would
Quality Act (CEQA), CEQA definitions for species listed under the State and federal ensure that the project remains in compliance with CEQA.
Guidelines section 15380 Endangered Species Acts. Under section 15830, species
not protected through State or federal listing but
nonetheless demonstrable as “endangered” or “rare” under
CEQA should also receive consideration in environmental
analyses. Included in this category are many plants
considered rare by the California Native Plant Society
(CNPS) and some animals on the CDFG’s Special Animals
Streambed Alteration Regulates activities that may divert, obstruct, or change the Condition of Certification BIO-26 includes measures to minimize and avoid
Agreement (Fish and Game natural flow or the bed, channel, or bank of any river, impacts to jurisdictional waters of the State.
Code sections 1600 et seq.) stream, or lake in California designated by CDFG in which
there is at any time an existing fish or wildlife resource or
from which these resources derive benefit. Impacts to
vegetation and wildlife resulting from disturbances to
waterways are also reviewed and regulated during the
permitting process.
California Native Plant Designates State rare, threatened, and endangered plants. Conditions of Certification BIO-10 through BIO-12 include restoration and
Protection Act of 1977 (Fish compensation for impacts to native plant communities, a Weed Management
and Game Code section Plan, special-status plant surveys, and minimization and avoidance measures
1900 et seq.) to minimize impacts to special-status plants.
California Desert Native Protects non-listed California desert native plants from Condition of Certification BIO-12 includes a Protected Plant Salvage Plan,
Plants Act of 1981 (Food and unlawful harvesting on both public and private lands in which would minimize impacts to specific native desert plants.
Agricultural Code section Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Los Angeles, Mono, Riverside, San
80001 et seq. and California Bernardino, and San Diego Counties. Unless issued a valid
Fish and Game Code permit, wood receipt, tag, and seal by the commissioner or
sections 1925-1926) sheriff, harvesting, transporting, selling, or possessing
specific desert plants is prohibited.
San Bernardino County Includes objectives to preserve water quality and open Implementation of Conditions of Certification BIO-1 through BIO-30 would
General Plan: space to benefit biological resources, and specific policies ensure that the project remains in compliance with the San Bernardino County
Conservation/Open Space and goals for protecting areas of sensitive plant, soils and General Plan.
Element of the County wildlife habitat and for assuring compatibility between
General Plan (County of San natural areas and development. Although the Calico Solar
Bernardino 2007) Project is not located on lands under county jurisdiction, the
general plan provides objectives which are consistent with
some of the LORS listed above.

Biological Resources 56
a. State

The Energy Commission has a one-stop permitting process for all thermal power
plants rated 50 MW or more under the Warren-Alquist Act (Pub. Res. Code §
25500). Under the act, the Energy Commission’s certificate is “in lieu of” other
state, local, and regional permits (Ibid.) The Commission’s streamlined permitting
process accomplishes a primary objective of the Renewable Energy Action
Team, as identified in the Governor’s Executive Order S-14-08 — to create a
“one stop” process for permitting renewable energy generation facilities under
California law. The adopted Conditions of Certification would satisfy the following
state LORS and take the place of terms and conditions that, but for the
Commission’s exclusive authority, would have been included in the following
state permits:

Incidental Take Permit: California Endangered Species Act (Fish and Game
Code §§ 2050 et seq.) The California Endangered Species Act (CESA) prohibits
the “take” (defined as “to hunt, pursue, catch, capture, or kill”) of state-listed
species except as otherwise provided in state law. Construction and operation of
the CSP project will result in the take of desert tortoise, listed as threatened
under CESA. Condition BIO-17 specifies compensatory mitigation for desert
tortoise habitat loss at 5:1, 3:1, and 1:1 ratios, based on habitat quality, with BLM
“nesting” their 1:1 mitigation requirement within this framework. This funding and
mitigation approach provides full mitigation for desert tortoise.

Streambed Alteration Agreement, California Fish and Game Code §§ 1600

1607. Pursuant to these sections, CDFG typically regulates all changes to the
natural flow, bed, or bank, of any river, stream, or lake that supports fish or
wildlife resources. Construction and operation of the CSP would result in direct or
indirect impacts to up to 175 acres of waters of the state. Staff recommends
Condition of Certification BIO-19, which we adopt, to assure compliance.

b. Federal

The CSP project is located on federal land under BLM’s jurisdiction and is
therefore subject to the provisions of BLM’s California Desert Conservation Area
(CDCA) Plan (Revised 1999). As an amendment to the CDCA Plan, BLM
produced the Northern and Eastern Mojave (NEMO) Coordinated Management
Plan (BLM 2002). This document consists of proposed management actions and
alternatives for public lands in the NEMO Planning Area. The CSP project is
located in the southeastern portion of the NEMO Planning Area Boundary.

57 Biological Resources
The BLM has worked with the USFWS to develop a variety of land designations
as tools to protect sensitive biological resources, including the desert tortoise.
The siting of the CSP project considered the management direction of these
designations, as described below:

• Desert Wildlife Management Areas (DWMA) are general areas

recommended by the Desert Tortoise Recovery Plan (USFWS 1994)
within which recovery efforts for the desert tortoise would be concentrated.
DWMAs had no specific legal boundaries in the 1994 Recovery Plan. The
BLM formalized the general DWMAs from the 1994 Recovery Plan
through its planning process and administers them as Areas of Critical
Environmental Concern (see below). The CSP project does not fall within
any DWMA.

• Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC) are specific, legally

defined, BLM designations where special management is needed to
protect and prevent irreparable damage to important historical, cultural,
scenic values, fish and wildlife, and natural resources or to protect life and
safety from natural hazards. The CSP project is not included within any
designated ACEC.

• Critical Habitat consists of specific areas defined by the USFWS as areas

essential for the conservation of the listed species, which support physical
and biological features essential for survival and that may require special
management considerations or protection. Critical habitat for the desert
tortoise was designated in 1994, largely based on proposed DWMAs in
the draft Recovery Plan. The CSP project is approximately 5 miles from
the nearest desert tortoise critical habitat.

BLM provides management direction for species such as desert tortoise within
the NEMO, which include five geographical areas of tortoise habitat in the
planning area. These areas include an Ivanpah Valley and a North Ivanpah
Valley area, with the CSP project located within the Ivanpah Valley habitat area.
Current designations for both Ivanpah areas are as Category III desert tortoise
habitat. Category III management goals are to limit tortoise habitat and
population declines to the extent possible by mitigating impacts.

Potential take of the desert tortoise, listed as threatened by the USFWS, requires
compliance with the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) (16 USC §§ 1531 et
seq.). “Take” of a federally-listed species is prohibited without an Incidental Take
Permit, which would be obtained through a Section 7 consultation between BLM
and the USFWS.

Biological Resources 58
In order to construct and operate the CSP on BLM managed lands, the applicant
has applied for a Right of Way Permit from BLM, which will address the project’s
compliance with federal law.

7. Public Comment

We find no comments which raise a substantial new environmental issue and

require a specific response.


Based on the evidence, we find the following:

1. Construction and operation of CSP will disturb approximately 4,614 acres of

previously undisturbed desert habitat.
2. The diverse plant communities and landscape features in and around the
CSP site support a broad diversity of wildlife, including various threatened,
endangered and special-status species.
3. The CSP project area provides forage, cover, roosting, and nesting habitat for
a variety of bird species.
4. Implementation of Conditions of Certification BIO-1 through BIO-12 andBIO-
17 will reduce impacts to plant species to insignificant levels.
5. Implementation of Conditions of Certification BIO-1 through BIO-9 and BIO-
13 through BIO-27 will reduce impacts to bird and wildlife species to
insignificant levels.
6. A mitigation ratio as specified in the BIO conditions is appropriate for the
provision of habitat compensation lands for desert tortoise and other wildlife
7. The effects of dust on wildlife and plants will be mitigated by the
implementation of Conditions AQ-SC3, AQ-SC4, AQ-SC-7 and Soil&Water-
8. Construction noise is not expected to have a substantial impact on nearby
wildlife with the implementation of Conditions NOISE-1 through NOISE-6.


1. The project owner will implement appropriate avoidance and mitigation

measures to prevent significant adverse impacts to all sensitive species.

2. With implementation of the mitigation measures described in the evidentiary

record and incorporated into the Conditions of Certification below, as well as

59 Biological Resources
those in other portions of this Decision, the project will not result in significant
direct, indirect, or cumulative impacts to biological resources.
3. With implementation of the mitigation measures described in the evidentiary
record and incorporated into the Conditions of Certification, the CSP will
conform to all applicable laws, ordinances, regulations, and standards
related to biological resources as identified above.



BIO-1 The project owner shall assign at least one Designated Biologist to the
project. The project owner shall submit the resume of the proposed
Designated Biologist, with at least three references and contact
information, to the Energy Commission Compliance Project Manager
(CPM) and the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM’s) Wildlife Biologist
for approval in consultation with the California Department of Fish and
Game (CDFG) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS).

The Designated Biologist must meet the following minimum

qualifications: Bachelor's degree in biological sciences, zoology,
botany, ecology, or a closely related field;

1. Three years of experience in field biology or current certification of

a nationally recognized biological society, such as The Ecological
Society of America or The Wildlife Society;

2. Have at least one year of field experience with biological resources

found in or near the project area;

3. Meet the current USFWS Authorized Biologist qualifications criteria

demonstrate familiarity with protocols and guidelines for the desert
tortoise, and be approved by the USFWS; and

4. Possess a California ESA Memorandum of Understanding pursuant

to Section 2081(a) for desert tortoise.

In lieu of the above requirements, the resume shall demonstrate to the

satisfaction of BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the CPM, in consultation
with CDFG and USFWS, that the proposed Designated Biologist or
alternate has the appropriate training and background to effectively
implement the conditions of certification.
Verification: No fewer than 30 days prior to construction-related ground
disturbance, the Designated Biologist(s) shall complete a USFWS Desert
Tortoise Authorized Biologist Request Form

Biological Resources 60
( guidelines) and submit it to the
USFWS, BLM’s Wildlife Biologist, and the CPM for review and final approval.

The project owner shall submit the resume of the Designated Biologist to the
CPM and BLM within 7 days of receiving the Energy Commission Decision. No
construction-related ground disturbance, grading, boring, or trenching shall
commence until an approved Designated Biologist is available to be on site.

If a Designated Biologist needs to be replaced, the specified information of the

proposed replacement must be submitted to BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the
CPM as soon as possible prior to the termination or release of the Designated
Biologist. In an emergency, the project owner shall immediately notify the BLM’s
Wildlife Biologist and the CPM to discuss the qualifications and approval of a
short-term replacement while a permanent Designated Biologist is proposed to
BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the CPM and for consideration.


BIO-2 The project owner shall ensure that the Designated Biologist performs
the activities described below during any site mobilization activities,
construction-related ground disturbance, grading, boring, or trenching
activities. The Designated Biologist may be assisted by the approved
Biological Monitor(s) but remains the contact for the project owner,
BLM’s Wildlife Biologist, and the CPM. The Designated Biologist Duties
shall include the following:

1. Advise the project owner's Construction and Operation Managers

on the implementation of the biological resources conditions of

2. Consult on the preparation of the Biological Resources Mitigation

Implementation and Monitoring Plan (BRM IMP) to be submitted by
the project owner;

3. Be available to supervise, conduct, and coordinate mitigation,

monitoring, and other biological resources compliance efforts,
particularly in areas requiring avoidance or containing sensitive
biological resources, such as special-status species or their habitat;

4. Clearly mark sensitive biological resource areas and inspect these

areas at appropriate intervals for compliance with regulatory terms
and conditions;

5. Inspect active construction areas where animals may have become

trapped prior to construction commencing each day. At the end of
the day, inspect for the installation of structures that prevent
entrapment or allow escape during periods of construction

61 Biological Resources
inactivity. Periodically inspect areas with high vehicle activity (e.g.,
parking lots) for animals in harm’s way;

6. Notify the project owner, the BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the CPM
of any non-compliance with any biological resources condition of

7. Respond directly to inquiries of BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the

CPM regarding biological resource issues;

8. Maintain written records of the tasks specified above and those

included in the BRMIMP. Summaries of these records shall be
submitted in the Monthly Compliance Report and the Annual
Compliance Report to both the CPM and BLM Wildlife Biologist;

9. Train the Biological Monitors as appropriate, and ensure their

familiarity with the BRMIMP, Worker Environmental Awareness
Program (WEAP) training, and USFWS guidelines on desert
tortoise surveys and handling procedures
( guidelines); and

10. Maintain the ability to be in regular, direct communication with

representatives of CDFG, USFWS, BLM’s Wildlife Biologist , and
the CPM, including notifying these agencies of dead or injured
listed species and reporting special-status species observations to
the California Natural Diversity Data Base.
Verification: The Designated Biologist shall provide copies of all written
reports and summaries that document biological resources compliance activities
in the Monthly Compliance Reports submitted to BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the
CPM. If actions may affect biological resources during operation a Designated
Biologist shall be available for monitoring and reporting. During project operation,
the Designated Biologist shall submit record summaries in the Annual
Compliance Report unless his or her duties cease, as approved by BLM’s
Wildlife Biologist and the CPM.


BIO-3 The Designated Biologist shall submit the resume, at least three
references, and contact information of each of the proposed Biological
Monitors to BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the CPM. The resume shall
demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the
CPM, the appropriate education and experience to accomplish the
assigned biological resource tasks. The Biological Monitor is the
equivalent of the USFWS designated Desert Tortoise Monitor (USFWS

Biological Resources 62
Biological Monitor(s) training by the Designated Biologist shall include
familiarity with the conditions of certification, BRM IMP, WEAP, and
USFWS guidelines on desert tortoise surveys and handling procedures
(http://www. guidelines).
Verification: The project owner shall submit the specified information to the
BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the CPM for approval at least 30 days prior to the
start of any site mobilization or construction-related ground disturbance, grading,
boring, and trenching. The Designated Biologist shall submit a written statement
to BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the CPM confirming that individual Biological
Monitor(s) has been trained including the date when training was completed. If
additional biological monitors are needed during construction, the specified
information shall be submitted to BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the CPM for
approval at least 10 days prior to their first day of monitoring activities.


BIO-4 The Biological Monitors shall assist the Designated Biologist in

conducting surveys and in monitoring of site mobilization activities,
construction-related ground disturbance, grading, boring, or trenching.
The Designated Biologist shall remain the contact for the project owner,
BLM’s Wildlife Biologist, and the CPM.
Verification: The Designated Biologist shall submit in the Monthly Compliance
Report to BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the CPM and copies of all written reports
and summaries that document biological resources compliance activities,
including those conducted by Biological Monitors. If actions may affect biological
resources during operation a Biological Monitor, under the supervision of the
Designated Biologist, shall be available for monitoring and reporting. During
project operation, the Designated Biologist shall submit record summaries in the
Annual Compliance Report unless their duties cease, as approved by BLM’s
Wildlife Biologist and the CPM.


BIO-5 The project owner's construction/operation manager shall act on the

advice of the Designated Biologist and Biological Monitor(s) to ensure
conformance with the biological resources conditions of certification.
The Designated Biologist shall have the authority to immediately stop
any activity that is not in compliance with these conditions and/or order
any reasonable measure to avoid take of an individual of a listed
species. If required by the Designated Biologist and Biological
Monitor(s), the project owner's construction/operation manager shall
halt all site mobilization, ground disturbance, grading, boring, trenching,
and operation activities in areas specified by the Designated Biologist.
The Designated Biologist shall:

63 Biological Resources
1. Require a halt to all activities in any area when determined that
there would be an unauthorized adverse impact to biological
resources if the activities continued;

2. Inform the project owner and the construction/operation manager

when to resume activities; and

3. Notify BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the CPM if there is a halt of any
activities and advise them of any corrective actions that have been
taken or would be instituted as a result of the work stoppage.

4. If the Designated Biologist is unavailable for direct consultation, the

Biological Monitor shall act on behalf of the Designated Biologist.
Verification: The project owner shall ensure that the Designated Biologist or
Biological Monitor notifies BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the CPM immediately (and
no later than the morning following the incident, or Monday morning in the case
of a weekend) of any non-compliance or a halt of any site mobilization, ground
disturbance, grading, construction, and operation activities. The project owner
shall notify BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the CPM of the circumstances and
actions being taken to resolve the problem.

Whenever corrective action is taken by the project owner, a determination of

success or failure would be made by BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the CPM within
five working days after receipt of notice that corrective action is completed, or the
project owner would be notified by BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the CPM that
coordination with other agencies would require additional time before a
determination can be made.


BIO-6 The project owner shall develop and implement a Project-specific

Worker Environmental Awareness Program (WEAP) and shall secure
approval for the WEAP from BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the CPM. The
WEAP shall be administered to all onsite personnel including surveyors,
construction engineers, employees, contractors, contractor’s
employees, supervisors, inspectors, subcontractors, and delivery
personnel. The WEAP shall be implemented during site
preconstruction, construction, operation, and closure. The WEAP shall:

1. Be developed by or in consultation with the Designated Biologist

and consist of an on-site or training center presentation in which
supporting written material and electronic media, including
photographs of protected species, is made available to all

2. Discuss the locations and types of sensitive biological resources on

the project site and adjacent areas, and explain the reasons for

Biological Resources 64
protecting these resources; provide information to participants that
no snakes, reptiles, or other wildlife shall be harmed;

3. Place special emphasis on desert tortoises, Mojave fringe-toed

lizards, burrowing owls, golden eagles, nesting birds, badgers, and
white-margined beardtongue, including information on physical
characteristics, distribution, behavior, ecology, sensitivity to human
activities, legal protection, penalties for violations, reporting
requirements, and protection measures;

4. Include a discussion of fire prevention measures to be implemented

by workers during project activities; request workers dispose of
cigarettes and cigars appropriately and not leave them on the
ground or buried;

5. Require all property owner’s contractors and employees to

participate in BNSF’s environmental sensitivity training program
prior to commencing work at the Project site;

6. Describe the temporary and permanent habitat protection

measures to be implemented at the project site;

7. Identify whom to contact if there are further comments and

questions about the material discussed in the program;

8. Include printed training materials, including photographs and brief

descriptions of desert tortoises, Mojave fringe-toed lizards,
burrowing owls, golden eagles, nesting birds, badgers, and white-
margined beardtongue, including behavior, ecology, sensitivity to
human activities, legal protection, penalties for violations, reporting
requirements, and protection measures;

9. Prominently display posters and descriptions in offices, conference

rooms, employee break rooms, and other areas where employees
may congregate of desert tortoises, Mojave fringe-toed lizards,
burrowing owls, golden eagles, nesting birds, badgers, and white-
margined beardtongue, including behavior, ecology, sensitivity to
human activities, legal protection, penalties for violations, reporting
requirements, and protection measures; and

10. Include a training acknowledgment form to be signed by each

worker indicating that they received training and shall abide by the

The specific program can be administered by a competent individual(s)

acceptable to the Designated Biologist.

65 Biological Resources
Verification: Within 7 days of publication of the Energy Commission’s License
Decision, or the Record of Decision/ROW Issuance, whichever comes first, the
project owner shall provide to BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the CPM a copy of the
final WEAP and all supporting written materials and electronic media prepared or
reviewed by the Designated Biologist and a resume of the person(s)
administering the program.

The project owner shall provide in the Monthly Compliance Report the number of
persons who have completed the training in the prior month and a running total of
all persons who have completed the training to date. At least 10 days prior to
construction-related ground disturbance activities the project owner shall submit
two copies of the BLM- and CPM-approved final WEAP. Training
acknowledgement forms signed during construction shall be kept on file by the
project owner for at least 6 months after the start of commercial operation.

Throughout the life of the project, the WEAP shall be repeated annually for
permanent employees, and shall be routinely administered within one week of
arrival to any new construction personnel, foremen, contractors, subcontractors,
and other personnel potentially working within the project area. Upon completion
of the orientation, employees shall sign a form stating that they attended the
program and understand all protection measures. These forms shall be
maintained by the project owner and shall be made available to BLM’s Wildlife
Biologist and the CPM upon request. Workers shall receive and be required to
visibly display a hardhat sticker or certificate that they have completed the

During project operation, signed statements for operational personnel shall be

kept on file for 6 months following the termination of an individual's employment.



BIO-7 The project owner shall develop a Biological Resources Mitigation

Implementation and Monitoring Plan (BRM IMP), and shall submit two
copies of the proposed BRMIMP to the BLM-Wildlife Biologist and the
CPM for review and approval. The project owner shall implement the
measures identified in the approved BRMIMP. The BRMIMP shall
incorporate avoidance and minimization measures described in final
versions of the Hazardous Materials Plan; the Revegetation Plan; the
Weed Management Plan; the Special-Status Plant Protection and
Monitoring Plan; the Special-Status Plant Remedial Action Plan; the
Seed Collection Plan; the Protected Plant Salvage Plan; the Desert
Tortoise Translocation Plan; the Raven Monitoring, Management, and
Control Plan; the Burrowing Owl Monitoring and Mitigation Plan; the
Burrowing Owl Relocation Area Management Plan; the Bighorn Sheep
Mitigation Plan; the Streambed Management Plan; and the Evaporation
Pond Design, Monitoring, and Management Plan.

Biological Resources 66
The BRMIMP shall be prepared in consultation with the Designated
Biologist and shall include accurate and up-to-date maps depicting the
location of sensitive biological resources that require temporary or
permanent protection during construction and operation. The BRMIMP
shall include complete and detailed descriptions of the following:

1. All biological resources mitigation, monitoring, and compliance

measures proposed and agreed to by the project owner;

2. All biological resources conditions of certification identified as

necessary to avoid or mitigate impacts;

3. All biological resource mitigation, monitoring, and compliance

measures required in federal agency terms and conditions, such as
those provided in the USFWS Biological Opinion, the CDFG 2080.1
consultation, and BLM stipulations;

4. All sensitive biological resources to be impacted, avoided, or

mitigated by project construction, operation, and closure;

5. All required mitigation measures for each sensitive biological


6. All measures that shall be taken to avoid or mitigate temporary

disturbances from construction activities;

7. Duration for each type of monitoring and a description of monitoring

methodologies and frequency;

8. Performance standards to be used to help decide if/when proposed

mitigation is or is not successful;

9. All performance standards and remedial measures to be

implemented if performance standards are not met;

10. Biological resources-related facility closure measures including a

description of funding mechanism(s);

11. A process for proposing plan modifications to BLM’s Wildlife

Biologist and the CPM and appropriate agencies for review and
approval; and

12. A requirement to submit any sightings of any special-status species

that are observed on or in proximity to the project site, or during
project surveys, to the California Natural Diversity Data Base
(CNDDB) per CDFG requirements.
Verification: The project owner shall submit the final BRMIMP to BLM’s
Wildlife Biologist and the CPM at least 30 days prior to start of any
67 Biological Resources
preconstruction site mobilization and construction-related ground disturbance,
grading, boring, and trenching. The BRMIMP shall contain all of the required
measures included in all biological Conditions of Certification. No construction-
related ground disturbance, grading, boring, or trenching may occur prior to
approval of the final BRMIMP by BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the CPM.

If any permits have not yet been received when the BRMIMP is first submitted,
these permits shall be submitted to BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the CPM within
five days of their receipt, and the BRM IMP shall be revised or supplemented to
reflect the permit conditions within at least 10 days of their receipt by the project
owner. Ten days prior to site and related facilities mobilization, the revised BRM
IMP shall be resubmitted to BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the CPM.

To verify that the extent of construction disturbance does not exceed that
described in this analysis, the project owner shall submit aerial photographs, at
an approved scale, taken before and after construction to the CPM and BLM’s
Wildlife Biologist. The first set of aerial photographs shall reflect site conditions
prior to any preconstruction site mobilization and construction-related ground
disturbance, grading, boring, and trenching, and shall be submitted at least 30
days prior to initiation of such activities. The second set of aerial photographs
shall be taken subsequent to completion of construction, and shall be submitted
to the CPM and BLM’s Wildlife Biologist no later than 90 days after completion of
construction. The project owner shall also provide a final accounting of the
acreages of vegetation communities/cover types present before and after
construction and a depiction of the approved project boundaries superimposed
on the post project aerial photograph. If final acreages and/or disturbance
footprints exceed those previously approved, the project owner shall coordinate
with staff, CDFG, and USFWS to determine appropriate mitigation for such
impacts. Such mitigation may exceed the requirements as outlined in these
Conditions of Certification (i.e., higher mitigation ratios may be imposed at the
discretion of the wildlife agencies).

Verification: Any changes to the approved BRMIMP (including the project

footprint) must be approved by BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the CPM and in
consultation with CDFG and USFWS before such action is taken.
Implementation of BRMIMP measures (for example, construction activities that
were monitored, species observed) shall be reported in the Monthly Compliance
Reports by the Designated Biologist. Within 30 days after completion of project
construction, the project owner shall provide to BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the
CPM, for review and approval, a written Construction Termination Report
identifying which items of the BRMIMP have been completed, summarizing all
modifications to mitigation measures made during the project's preconstruction
site mobilization and construction-related ground disturbance, grading, boring,
and trenching, naming any mitigation and monitoring items still outstanding, and
providing a timeline for implementing outstanding items. The project owner shall
coordinate with the CPM and BLM’s Wildlife Biologist to revise and finalize the

Biological Resources 68
Construction Termination Report to fulfill its reporting requirements to be outlined
in the BRIMP.


BIO-8 The project owner shall undertake the following measures to manage
the construction site and related facilities in a manner to avoid or
minimize impacts to biological resources. All measures shall be subject
to review and approval by the CPM.

1. Limit Disturbance Areas and Perimeter Fencing. The boundaries of

all areas to be disturbed (including staging areas, access roads,
and sites for temporary placement of spoils) shall be delineated
with stakes and flagging prior to construction activities in
consultation with the Designated Biologist. Spoils and topsoil shall
be stockpiled in disturbed areas lacking native vegetation and
which do not provide habitat for special-status species. Parking
areas, staging and disposal site locations shall similarly be located
in areas without native vegetation or special-status species habitat.
All disturbances, project vehicles, and equipment shall be confined
to the flagged areas. Tortoise fencing shall be placed along the
outside perimeter of the access road that would provide access to
areas north of the project site.

2. Minimize Road Impacts. New and existing roads that are planned
for construction, widening, or other improvements shall not extend
beyond the flagged impact area as described above. All vehicles
passing or turning around would do so within the planned impact
area or in previously disturbed areas. Where new access is
required outside of existing roads or the construction zone, the
route shall be clearly marked (i.e., flagged and/or staked) prior to
the onset of construction.

3. Minimize Traffic Impacts. Vehicular traffic during project

construction and operation shall be confined to existing designated
routes of travel to and from the project site, and cross country
vehicle and equipment use outside designated work areas shall be
prohibited. The speed limit shall not exceed 25 miles per hour
within the project area, on maintenance roads for linear facilities, or
on access roads to the project site. Speed limits on paved roads
shall be consisted with posted speed limits.

4. Monitor During Construction. Due to the likelihood that juvenile

desert tortoises may persist on the site after desert tortoise
clearance surveys and exclusion fencing are completed, the
Designated Biologist or Biological Monitor shall be present at the
construction site during all project activities that have potential to

69 Biological Resources
disturb soil, vegetation, and wildlife. The Designated Biologist or
Biological Monitor shall walk immediately ahead of equipment
during brushing and grading activities. Any time over the life of the
project that a desert tortoise is found within the exclusion fencing,
the Designated Biologist shall immediately contact the CPM,
CDFG, BLM and USFWS; monitor the tortoise’s location and
activities; and implement translocation of the animal in accordance
with and the approved Desert Tortoise Translocation Plan and in
consultation with the USFWS, CDFG, BLM, and CPM.

5. Minimize Impacts of Transmission/Pipeline Alignments, Roads,

Staging Areas. Staging areas for construction on the plant site
shall be within the area that has been fenced with desert tortoise
exclusion fencing and cleared. For construction activities outside of
the plant site (transmission line, pipeline alignments) access roads,
pulling sites, and storage and parking areas shall be designed,
installed, and maintained with the goal of minimizing impacts to
native plant communities and sensitive biological resources.
Transmission lines and all electrical components shall be designed,
installed, and maintained in accordance with the Avian Power Line
Interaction Committee’s (APLI C’s) Suggested Practices for Avian
Protection on Power Lines (APLIC 2006) and Mitigating Bird
Collisions with Power Lines (APLIC 2004) to reduce the likelihood
of large bird electrocutions and collisions.

6. Avoid Use of Toxic Substances. Soil bonding and weighting agents

used on unpaved surfaces shall be non-toxic to wildlife and plants.

7. Minimize Lighting Impacts. Facility lighting shall be designed,

installed, and maintained to prevent side casting of light towards
wildlife habitat.

8. Avoid Vehicle Impacts to Desert Tortoise. Parking and storage

shall occur within the area enclosed by desert tortoise exclusion
fencing to the extent feasible. No vehicles or construction
equipment parked outside the fenced area shall be moved prior to
an inspection of the ground beneath the vehicle for the presence of
desert tortoise. If a desert tortoise is observed, it shall be left to
move on its own. If it does not move within 15 minutes, a
Designated Biologist or Biological Monitor under the Designated
Biologist’s direct supervision may remove and relocate the animal
to a safe location if temperatures are within the range described in
the USFWS’ 2009 Desert Tortoise Field Manual (http
:// nfo/protocols_ guidelines). All
tortoise translocation will be consistent with the measures
identified in the Desert Tortoise Translocation Plan. All access
roads outside of the fenced project footprint shall be delineated with

Biological Resources 70
temporary desert tortoise exclusion fencing on either side of the
access road, unless otherwise authorized by the CPM, BLM Wildlife
Biologist, USFWS, and CDFG.

9. Avoid Wildlife Pitfalls:

a. Avoid Wildlife Entrapment. At the end of each work day, the

Designated Biologist shall ensure that all potential wildlife pitfalls
(trenches, bores, and other excavations) have been backfilled. If
backfilling is not done, all trenches, bores, and other
excavations shall be sloped at a 3:1 ratio at the ends to provide
wildlife escape ramps, or covered completely to prevent wildlife
access, or fully enclosed with desert tortoise-exclusion fencing.
All trenches, bores, and other excavations outside the areas
permanently fenced with desert tortoise exclusion fencing shall
be inspected periodically, but no less than three times,
throughout the day and at the end of each workday by the
Designated Biologist or a Biological Monitor. Should a tortoise
or other wildlife become trapped, the Designated Biologist or
Biological Monitor shall remove and relocate the individual as
described in the Desert Tortoise Relocation/Translocation Plan.
Any wildlife encountered during the course of construction shall
be allowed to leave the construction area unharmed.

b. Avoid Entrapment of Desert Tortoise. Any construction pipe,

culvert, or similar structure with a diameter greater than 3
inches, stored less than 8 inches aboveground area) for one or
more nights, shall be inspected for tortoises before the material
is moved, buried, or capped. As an alternative, all such
structures may be capped before being stored outside the
fenced area, or placed on pipe racks.

10. Minimize Standing Water. Water applied to dirt roads and

construction areas (trenches or spoil piles) for dust abatement shall
use the minimal amount needed to meet safety and air quality
standards in an effort to prevent the formation of puddles, which
could attract desert tortoises and common ravens to construction
sites. A Biological Monitor shall patrol these areas to ensure water
does not puddle and shall take appropriate action to reduce water
application where necessary.

11. Dispose of Road-killed Animals. Road-killed animals or other

carcasses detected on roads near the project area shall be picked
up immediately and delivered to the Biological Monitor. For special-
status species roadkill, the Biological Monitor shall contact USFWS
and CDFG within 1 working day of receipt of the carcass for
guidance on disposal or storage of the carcass. The Biological

71 Biological Resources
Monitor shall report the special-status species record as described
in Conditions of Certification BIO-2 and BIO-26.

12. Minimize Spills of Hazardous Materials. All vehicles and equipment

shall be maintained in proper working condition to minimize the
potential for fugitive emissions of motor oil, antifreeze, hydraulic
fluid, grease, or other hazardous materials. The Designated
Biologist shall be informed of any hazardous spills immediately as
directed in the project Hazardous Materials Plan. Hazardous spills
shall be immediately cleaned up and the contaminated soil properly
disposed of at a licensed facility. Servicing of construction
equipment shall take place only at a designated area.
Service/maintenance vehicles shall carry a bucket and pads to
absorb leaks or spills.

13. Worker Guidelines. During construction all trash and food-related

waste shall be placed in self-closing containers and removed from
the site regularly to prevent overflow. Workers shall not feed wildlife
or bring pets to the project site. Except for law enforcement
personnel, no workers or visitors to the site shall bring firearms or
weapons. Vehicular traffic shall be confined to existing routes of
travel to and from the project site, and cross country vehicle and
equipment use outside designated work areas shall be prohibited.
The speed limit when traveling on dirt access routes within desert
tortoise habitat shall not exceed 25 miles per hour.

14. Implement Erosion Control Measures. Standard erosion control

measures shall be implemented for all phases of construction and
operation to prevent any sediment run-off from exposed slopes
from entering state-jurisdictional streambeds on or off the Project
site. Sediment and other flow-restricting materials shall be moved
to a location where they shall not be washed back into the
streambed. All disturbed soils and roads within the project site shall
be stabilized to reduce erosion potential, both during and following
construction, except that soil stabilizer use may be limited in
portions of roads crossing washes or stream channels consistent
with applicable water quality requirements.

15. Monitor Ground-Disturbing Activities Prior to Pre-Construction Site

Mobilization. If pre-construction site mobilization requires ground-
disturbing activities such as for geotechnical borings or hazardous
waste evaluations, a Designated Biologist or Biological Monitor
shall be present to monitor any actions that could disturb soil,
vegetation, or wildlife.

Biological Resources 72
16. Control and Regulate Fugitive Dust. To reduce the potential for the
transmission of fugitive dust the project owner shall implement dust
control measures. These shall include:

a. The project owner shall apply non-toxic soil binders, equivalent

or better in efficiencies than the CARB-approved soil binders, to
active unpaved roadways, unpaved staging areas, and unpaved
parking area(s) throughout construction to reduce fugitive dust

b. Water the disturbed areas of the active construction sites at

least three times per day and more often if uncontrolled fugitive
dust is noted.

c. Enclose, cover, water twice daily, and/or apply non-toxic soil

binders according to manufacturer’s specifications to exposed
piles with a 5 percent or greater silt content.

d. Establish a vegetative ground cover, consistent with BIO-10, or

otherwise create stabilized surfaces on all unpaved areas at
each of the construction sites within 21 days after active
construction operations have ceased, consistent with erosion
control measures described above.

e. Increase the frequency of watering, if water is used as a soil

binder for disturbed surfaces, or implement other additional
fugitive dust mitigation measures, to all active disturbed fugitive
dust emission sources when wind speeds (as instantaneous
wind gusts) exceed 25 mph.
Verification: All mitigation measures and their implementation methods shall
be included in the BRMIMP and implemented. Implementation of the measures
shall be reported in the Monthly Compliance Reports by the Designated Biologist.
Within 30 days after completion of project construction, the project owner shall
provide to BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the CPM, for review and approval, a
written construction termination report identifying how measures have been


BIO-9 The project owner shall provide Energy Commission staff, BLM, CDFG,
and USFWS with reasonable access to the project site and mitigation
lands under the control of the project owner and shall otherwise fully
cooperate with the Energy Commission’s and BLM’s efforts to verify the
project owner’s compliance with, or the effectiveness of, mitigation
measures set forth in the conditions of certification. The project owner
shall hold harmless the Designated Biologist, the Energy Commission
and staff, BLM, and any other agencies with regulatory requirements

73 Biological Resources
addressed by the Energy Commission’s sole permitting authority for
any costs the project owner incurs in complying with the management
measures, including stop work orders issued by the CPM or the
Designated Biologist. The Designated Biologist shall do all of the

1. Notification. Notify the CPM, BLM, CDFG, and USFWS at least 14

calendar days before initiating ground-disturbing activities.
Immediately notify the CPM, BLM, CDFG, and USFWS in writing if
the project owner is not in compliance with any conditions of
certification, including but not limited to any actual or anticipated
failure to implement mitigation measures within the time periods
specified in the conditions of certification. CDFG shall be notified at
their Southern Region Headquarters Office, 4949 Viewridge
Avenue, San Diego, CA 92123; (858) 467-4201. USFWS shall be
notified at their Ventura office at 2493 Portola Road, Suite B,
Ventura, CA 93003; (805) 644-1766.

2. Monitoring During Grading. Remain on site daily while grubbing and

grading are taking place to avoid or minimize take of listed species,
to check for compliance with all impact avoidance and minimization
measures, and to check all exclusion zones to ensure that signs,
stakes, and fencing are intact and that human activities are
restricted in these protected zones.

3. Fence Monitoring. During construction maintain and check desert

tortoise exclusion fences on a daily basis to ensure the integrity of
the fence is maintained. The Designated Biologist shall be present
on site to monitor construction and determine fence placement
during fence installation. During operation of the project, fence
inspections shall occur at least once per month throughout the life
of the project, and within 24 hours after storms or other events that
might affect the integrity and function of desert tortoise exclusion
fences. Fence repairs shall occur within two days (48 hours) of
detecting problems that affect the functioning of the desert tortoise
exclusion fencing. If fence damage occurs during any time of year
when tortoises may be active, the project owner shall be
responsible for monitoring the site of the damaged fence until it is
fully repaired, to prevent a desert tortoise from entering the project
area. All incidents of damaged tortoise exclusion fence, including
dates of damage and repair; extent of damage; and monitoring
summaries (methods and results) shall be reported to the BLM,
CPM, CDFG, and USFWS. All wildlife found entrapped or dead in
the fence shall be reported to the BLM, CPM, CDFG, and USFWS.

4. Monthly Compliance Inspections. Conduct compliance inspections

at a minimum of once per month after clearing, grubbing, and

Biological Resources 74
grading are completed and submit a monthly compliance report to
the CPM, BLM, USFWS, and CDFG. All observations of listed
species and their sign shall be reported to the Designated Biologist
for inclusion in the monthly compliance report.

5. Annual Listed Species Status Report. No later than January 31 of

every year the Project facility remains in operation, provide the
CPM, BLM, USFWS, and CDFG an annual Listed Species Status
Report, which shall include, at a minimum: 1) a general description
of the status of the project site and construction/operation activities,
including actual or projected completion dates, if known; 2) a copy
of the table in the BRMIMP with notes showing the current
implementation status of each mitigation measure; 3) an
assessment of the effectiveness of each completed or partially
completed mitigation measure in minimizing and compensating for
project impacts, 4) recommendations on how effectiveness of
mitigation measures might be improved, and 5) a summary of any
agency approved modifications to the BRMIMP.

6. Final Listed Species Mitigation Report. No later than 45 days after

initiation of project operation, provide the CPM a Final Listed
Species Mitigation Report that shall include, at a minimum: 1) a
copy of the table in the BRMIMP with notes showing when each of
the mitigation measures was implemented; 2) all available
information about project-related incidental take of listed species; 3)
information about other project impacts on the listed species; 4)
construction dates; 5) an assessment of the effectiveness of
conditions of certification in minimizing and compensating for
project impacts; 6) recommendations on how mitigation measures
might be changed to more effectively minimize and mitigate the
impacts of future projects on the listed species; and 7) any other
pertinent information, including the level of take of the listed species
associated with the project.

7. Notification of Injured, Dead, or Relocated Listed Species. In the

event of a sighting in an active construction area (e.g., with
equipment, vehicles, or workers), injury, kill, or relocation of any
listed species, the CPM, BLM, CDFG, and USFWS shall be notified
immediately by phone by the Designated Biologist or Biological
Monitor. Notification shall occur no later than noon on the business
day following the event if it occurs outside normal business hours
so that the agencies can determine if further actions are required to
protect listed species. Written follow-up notification via FAX or
electronic communication shall be submitted to these agencies
within five calendar days of the incident and include the following
information as relevant:

75 Biological Resources
a. Injured Desert Tortoise. If a desert tortoise is injured as a result
of project-related activities during construction, the Designated
Biologist shall immediately take it to a CDFG-approved wildlife
rehabilitation and/or veterinarian clinic. Any veterinarian bills for
such injured animals shall be paid by the project owner.
Following phone notification as required above, the CPM, BLM,
CDFG, and USFWS shall determine the final disposition of the
injured animal, if it recovers. Written notification shall include, at
a minimum, the date, time, location, circumstances of the
incident, and the name of the facility where the animal was

b. Desert Tortoise Fatality. If a desert tortoise is killed by project-

related activities during construction or operation, or if a desert
tortoise is otherwise found dead, submit a written report with the
same information as an injury report. These desert tortoises
shall be salvaged according to guidelines described in
Salvaging Injured, Recently Dead, Ill, and Dying Wild, Free-
Roaming Desert Tortoise (Berry 2001). The project owner shall
pay to have the desert tortoises transported and necropsied.
The report shall include the date and time of the finding or

8. Stop Work Order. The CPM/BLM may issue the project owner a
written stop work order to suspend any activity related to the
construction or operation of the project to prevent or remedy a
violation of one or more conditions of certification (including but not
limited to failure to comply with reporting, monitoring, or habitat
acquisition obligations) or to prevent the illegal take of an
endangered, threatened, or candidate species. The project owner
shall comply with the stop work order immediately upon receipt
Verification: No later than two calendar days following the above-required
notification of a sighting, kill, injury, or relocation of a listed species, the project
owner shall deliver to the CPM, BLM, CDFG, and USFWS via FAX or electronic
communication the written report from the Designated Biologist describing all
reported incidents of the sighting, injury, kill, or relocation of a listed species,
identifying who was notified and explaining when the incidents occurred. In the
case of a sighting in an active construction area, the project owner shall, at the
same time, submit a map (e.g., using Geographic Information Systems) depicting
both the limits of construction and sighting location to the CPM, BLM, CDFG, and

No later than January 31st of every year the Calico Solar Project facility remains
in operation, provide the CPM and BLM an annual Listed Species Status Report

Biological Resources 76
as described above, and a summary of desert tortoise exclusion fence
inspections and repairs conducted in the course of the year.



BIO-10 The project owner shall provide restoration/compensation for impacts to

native vegetation communities and develop and implement a
Revegetation Plan for all areas subject to temporary project
disturbance, including but not limited to linear features and berms of
detention or debris basins, to the extent permitted by stormwater control
requirements. Upon completion of construction, all temporarily
disturbed areas shall be restored to pre-project grade and revegetated
according to the measures described below. Temporarily disturbed
areas within the project area include, but are not limited to: all areas
where underground infrastructure was installed, temporary access
roads, construction work temporary lay-down areas, and construction
equipment staging areas. For the purpose of this mitigation measure,
“temporarily disturbed areas” shall include disturbances that are
considered permanent impacts in the analyses above (i.e., would take
more than 5 years to recover) but would benefit from the revegetation
activities identified here. The following measures shall be implemented
for all temporarily disturbed areas, excluding areas immediately around
facilities which may be landscaped according to a separate Landscape
Plan. These measures will include:

1. Plan Details. The plans shall include at minimum: (a) locations and
details for top soil storage; (b) methods to salvage and replant
cacti, yucca or other species described in BIO-12 Section E, or to
plant out nursery stock of these species onto revegetation sites; (c)
seed collection guidelines; (d) a schematic depicting the mitigation
area; (e) time of year that the planting will occur and the
methodology of the planting; (f) a description of the irrigation
methodology if used; (g) measures to control exotic vegetation on
site; (h) performance standards (see below); and (i) a detailed
monitoring program. All habitats dominated by non-native species
prior to project disturbance shall be revegetated using appropriate
native species. This plan shall also contain contingency measures
for failed restoration efforts (efforts not meeting success criteria).

2. Topsoil Salvage. Topsoil shall be stockpiled from the project site for
use in revegetation of the disturbed soils. The topsoil excavated
shall be segregated, kept intact, and protected, under conditions
shown to sustain seed bank viability. The upper 1 inch of topsoil
which contains the seed bank shall be scraped and stockpiled for
use as the top-dressing for the revegetation area. An additional 6 to
8 inches of soil below the top 1 inch of soil shall also be scraped

77 Biological Resources
and separately stockpiled for use in revegetation areas. Topsoil
shall be replaced in its original vertical orientation following ground
disturbance, ensuring the integrity of the top one inch in particular.
All other elements of soil stockpiling shall be conducted as
described on pages 39-40 of Rehabilitation of Disturbed Lands in
California (Newton and Claassen 2003).

3. Seed and Nursery Stock. Only seed or potted nursery stock of

locally occurring native species shall be used for revegetation.
Seeds shall contain a mix of short-lived early pioneer species such
as native annuals and perennials and subshrubs. Seeding and
planting shall be conducted as described in Chapter 5 of
Rehabilitation of Disturbed Lands in California (Newton and
Claassen 2003). A list of plant species suitable for Mojave Desert
region revegetation projects, including recommended seed
treatments, are included in Appendix A-8 of the same report. The
list of plants observed during the 2010 special-status plant surveys
of the Project area can also be used as a guide to site-specific plant
selection for revegetation. In conformance with BLM policy, the
project owner shall include salvaged or nursery stock yucca (all
species), cacti (excluding cholla species, genus Cylindropuntia),
smoke tree, mesquites, and desert ironwood in revegetation plans
and implementation, as described in BIO-12 Section E.

4. Monitoring Requirement and Performance Standards. Post-

seeding and planting monitoring will be yearly and shall continue for
a period of no less than 10 years or until the defined performance
standards are achieved (whichever is later). Remediation activities
(e.g., additional planting, removal of non-native invasive species, or
erosion control) shall be taken during the 10-year period if
necessary to ensure the success of the restoration effort. If the
mitigation fails to meet the established performance standards after
the 10-year maintenance and monitoring period, monitoring and
remedial activities shall extend beyond the 10-year period until the
performance standards are met, unless otherwise specified by the
Energy Commission and BLM. As needed to achieve performance
standards, the project owner shall be responsible for replacement
planting or other remedial action as agreed to by BLM and CPM.
Replacement plants shall be monitored with the same survival and
growth requirements as required for original revegetation plantings.
The following performance standards must be met by the end of the
monitoring period: (a) at least 80% of the species and vegetative
cover observed within the temporarily disturbed areas shall be
native species that naturally occur in desert scrub habitats; (b)
absolute cover and density of native plant species within the
revegetated areas shall equal at least 60% of the pre-disturbance
or reference vegetation cover; and (c) the site shall have gone

Biological Resources 78
without irrigation or remedial planting for a minimum of three years
prior to completion of monitoring.

5. If a fire or flood damages a revegetation area within the 10-year

monitoring period, the owner shall be responsible for a one-time
replacement. If a second fire or flood occurs, no replanting is
required, unless the event is caused by the owner’s activity (e.g., as
determined by BLM or other firefighting agency investigation).
Verification: All mitigation measures and their implementation methods shall
be included in the BRMIMP and implemented. Within 90 days after completion of
each year of project construction, the project owner shall provide to the CPM
verification of the total vegetation acreage subject to temporary and permanent
disturbance. To monitor and evaluate the success of the revegetation, the project
owner shall submit annual reports of the revegetation including the status of the
site, percent cover of native and exotics, and any remedial actions conducted by
the owner to the CPM and BLM Wildlife Biologist.

No less than 30 days following the publication of the Energy Commission License
Decision or the Record of Decision/ROW Issuance, whichever comes first, the
project owner shall submit to the CPM and BLM’s Wildlife Biologist a final
agency-approved Revegetation Plan that has been reviewed and approved by
BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the CPM. The Plan shall include a Plant Salvage
and Replacement Section as described in BIO-12 Section E. All modifications to
the Revegetation Plan shall be made only after approval from BLM’s Wildlife
Biologist and the CPM.

Within 30 days after completion of each year of project construction, the project
owner shall provide to the CPM for review and approval, a written report
identifying which items of the Revegetation Plan have been completed, a
summary of all modifications to mitigation measures made during the project’s
construction phase, and which items are still outstanding.

On January 31st of each year following construction until the completion of the
revegetation monitoring specified in the Revegetation Plan, the Designated
Biologist shall provide a report to the CPM and BLM’s Wildlife Biologist that
includes: a summary of revegetation activities for the year, a discussion of
whether revegetation performance standards for the year were met; and
recommendations for revegetation remedial action, if warranted, are planned for
the upcoming year.


BIO-11 The project owner shall revise and implement a Weed Management
Plan that meets the approval of BLM and CPM. The draft Noxious
Weed Management Plan submitted by the applicant shall provide the
basis for the final plan, subject to review and revisions from BLM,
USFWS, CDFG, and the CPM.

79 Biological Resources
The final plan shall include weed control measures with demonstrated
records of success, based on the best available information from
sources such as: The Nature Conservancy’s The Global Invasive
Species Team, Cooperative Extension, California Invasive Plant
Council management/plant profiles/index.php,
and the California Department of Food & Agriculture Encycloweedia: encycloweedia
hp.htm. The methods shall meet the following criteria:

1. Manual: well-timed removal of plants or seed heads with hand

tools; seed heads and plants must be disposed of in accordance
with guidelines from the Riverside County Agricultural

2. Chemical: Herbicides known to have residual toxicity, such as pre-

emergents and pellts, shall not be used in natural areas or within
the engineered channels. Only the following application methods
may be used: wick (wiping onto leaves); inner bark injection; cut
stump; frill or hack & squirt (into cuts in the trunk); basal bark
girdling; foliar spot spraying with backpack sprayers or pump
sprayers at low pressure or with a shield attachment to control drift,
and only on windless days, or with a squeeze bottle for small

In addition to describing weed eradication and control methods, and

a reporting plan for weed management during and after
construction, the final Weed Management Plan shall include at
least the following Best Management Practices to prevent the
spread and propagation of weeds:

• Limit the extent of any vegetation and/or ground disturbance

to the absolute minimum needed, and limit ingress and
egress to defined routes.

• Install and maintain vehicle wash and inspection stations

and closely monitor the types of materials brought onto the

• Reestablish vegetation on disturbed sites with native seed

mixes (measures and performance standards to be
consistent with Revegetation Plan, described in Condition of
Certification BIO-10).

• Monitoring and timely implementation of control measures to

ensure early detection and eradication for weed invasions.
Weed infestations must be controlled or eradicated as soon

Biological Resources 80
as possible upon discovery, and before they go to seed, to
prevent further expansion.

• Use only weed-free straw or hay bales used for sediment

barrier installations, and weed-free seed.

• Reclamation and revegetation shall occur on all temporarily

disturbed areas, including, but not limited to, transmission
lines, temporary access roads, construction work temporary
lay-down areas, and staging areas.

• Control weeds in areas where irrigation and mirror washing

take place.

• Prohibit disposal of mulch or green waste from mown weed

infestations around the solar generators to prevent
inadvertent introduction and spread of invasive plants
beyond the immediate vicinity of the project area and
possibly into rare plant populations off-site. Mulch or green
waste shall be removed from the site in a covered vehicle to
prevent seed dispersal, and transported to a landfill or
composting facility.

• Indicate where herbicides may be used, which herbicides,

and specify techniques to be used to avoid chemical drift or
residual toxicity to special-status plants, consistent with
guidelines provided by the Nature Conservancy’s The Global
Invasive Species Team

( html).

• Avoid herbicide use or other control methods in or around

Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs, see Condition of
Certification BIO-12) on-site or off-site; prevent any herbicide
drift into ESAs.

From the time construction begins and throughout the life of the
project, surveying for new invasive weed populations and the
monitoring of identified and treated populations shall be required
within the project area and surrounding 250-foot buffer area. See
also requirements for weed monitoring and treatment in the
adjacent Pisgah Crater ACEC described in Condition of
Certification BIO-12. Surveying and monitoring for weed
infestations shall occur annually. Treatment of all identified weed
populations shall occur at a minimum of once annually. When no
new seedlings or resprouts are observed at treated sites for three
consecutive, average rainfall years, the weed infestation at that site

81 Biological Resources
can be considered eradicated and weed control efforts, but not
annual monitoring, may cease for that impact site.
Verification: At least 30 days prior to start of any project-related ground
disturbance activities, the project owner shall provide the BLM’s Wildlife Biologist
and the CPM with the revised Weed Management Plan. The project owner shall
coordinate with the CPM and BLM’s Wildlife Biologist to revise and finalize the
Weed Management Plan. Any further modifications to the approved Weed
Management Plan shall be made only after consultation with the CPM and BLM’s
Wildlife Biologist , in consultation with USFWS and CDFG. Within 30 days after
completion of project construction, the project owner shall provide to the BLM’s
Wildlife Biologist and the CPM for review and approval, a written report
identifying which items of the Weed Management Plan have been completed, a
summary of all modifications to mitigation measures made during the project’s
construction phase, and which items are still outstanding. A summary report on
weed management on the project site shall be submitted in the Annual
Compliance Report during plant operations.


BIO-12 This condition contains the following five sections:

ƒ Section A: White-margined Beardtongue Avoidance and

Minimization Measures describes measures to protect all white-
margined beardtongue plants located within the project area or
within 250 feet of its boundaries (including access roads, staging
areas, laydown areas, parking and storage areas) from accidental
and indirect impacts during construction, operation, and closure.
ƒ Section B: Conduct Late Season Botanical Surveys describes
guidelines for conducting summer-fall surveys to detect special-
status plants that may have been missed during the spring surveys.
ƒ Section C: Mitigation Requirements for Special-Status Plants
Detected in the Summer/Fall Surveys outlines the level of
avoidance required for plants detected during the summer-fall
surveys, based on the species’ rarity and conservation status.
Avoidance is based on extent of local occurrences on the project
site and, as applicable, extending onto contiguous public land.
Where avoidance would result in on-site isolation of plant
occurrences from essential ecological processes, or would cause
local populations to become inviable, then off-site compensation
would be allowed.
ƒ Section D: Off-Site Compensatory Mitigation for Special-Status
Plants describes performance standards for mitigation for a range
of options for compensatory mitigation through acquisition,
restoration/enhancement, or a combination of acquisition and
restoration/enhancement, based on the species’ rarity and
conservation status.

Biological Resources 82
ƒ Section E: Plant Salvage describes measures to include potted
nursery stock or salvaged specimens of certain cacti, yucca, and
other species listed in San Bernardino County plant protection
policies in revegetation plans, in conformance with BLM policy.

“Project Disturbance Area” encompasses all areas to be temporarily

and permanently disturbed by the Project, including the plant site,
linear facilities, and areas disturbed by temporary access roads, fence
installation, construction work lay-down and staging areas, parking,
storage, or by any other activities resulting in disturbance to soil or
vegetation. Nothing in this condition requires the project owner to
conduct botanical surveys on private lands adjacent to the project site
when the project owner has made reasonable attempts to obtain
permission to enter the property for survey work but was unable to
obtain such permission.

The Project owner shall implement the following measures in Section

A, B, C, D and E to avoid, minimize, and compensate for impacts to
certain special-status plant species, based on species rarity and
conservation status:

Section A: White-margined Beardtongue Avoidance and Minimization

To protect all white-margined beardtongue plants located within the
project area or within 250 feet of its boundaries (including access
roads, staging areas, laydown areas, parking and storage areas) from
accidental and indirect impacts during construction, operation, and
closure, the Project owner shall implement the following measures:
1. Designated Botanist. An experienced botanist who meets the
qualifications described in Section B-2 below shall oversee
compliance with all special-status plant avoidance, minimization,
and compensation measures described in this condition throughout
construction, operation, and closure. The Designated Botanist shall
oversee and train all other Biological Monitors tasked with
conducting botanical survey and monitoring work.
2. White-margined Beardtongue Impact Avoidance and Minimization
Plan. The Project owner shall prepare and implement a White-
margined Beardtongue Impact Avoidance and Minimization Plan
and shall incorporate the Plan into the BRMIMP (BIO-7). The Plan
shall be designed to prevent direct or indirect effects of project
construction and operation to all white-margined beardtongue
occurrences within the project boundary, and to any other special
status plants including small-flowered androstephium located within

83 Biological Resources
Environmentally Sensitive Areas (defined below). The Plan shall
include the following elements:
a. Designate Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs). Before
construction, designate ESAs to protect all known white-
margined beardtongue locations on the project site or within
250 feet of site boundaries. The ESAs shall include, at
minimum, the approximately 18 acres of white-margined
beardtongue occurrences as identified on Applicant’s Exhibit
57, Alternative Site Layout #2. The locations of ESAs shall
be clearly depicted on construction drawings, which shall
also include all avoidance and minimization measures on the
margins of the construction plans. The boundaries of the
ESAs shall provide a minimum of 250 feet buffer area
between white-margined beardtongue plant locations and
any ground-disturbing project activity. The ESAs shall be
clearly delineated in the field with permanent fencing and
signs prohibiting movement of the fence under penalty of
work stoppages and additional compensatory mitigation.
ESAs shall also be permanently marked (with signage or
other markers) to ensure that avoided plants are not
inadvertently harmed during construction, operation, or
b. Baseline data. Document baseline conditions, including
numbers and areal extent of white-margined beardtongue
and any other special-status plant occurrences within the
c. Success criteria. Specify success standards for protection of
special-status plant occurrences within the ESAs, and
identify specific triggers for remedial action (e.g., numbers of
plants dropping below a threshold);
d. Literature review. Describe and reference any available
information about microhabitat preferences and fecundity,
essential pollinators, reproductive biology, and propagation
and culture requirements for white-margined beardtongue
and any other special-status species within the ESAs;
e. Protection and avoidance measures. Describe measures
(e.g., fencing, signage) to avoid direct and indirect
construction and operation impacts to special-status plants
within the ESAs; these shall include but shall not be limited
to: (1) training components specific to protection of white-
margined beardtongue and surrounding habitat buffer area,
which shall be incorporated into the WEAP described in BIO-
6; (2) detailed specifications for avoiding herbicide and soil
stabilizer drift, and shall include a list of herbicides and soil

Biological Resources 84
stabilizers that may be used on the Project with
manufacturer’s guidance on appropriate use; the Plan shall
reference the Weed Management Plan (see Condition of
Certification BIO-11) and shall be consistent with provisions
of that Plan; (3) measures to ensure that erosion and
sediment control do not inadvertently impact special-status
plants located within an ESA (e.g., by using invasive or non-
native plants in seed mixes, introducing pest plants through
contaminated seed or straw, etc.). Where applicable, these
measures shall be incorporated in the Weed Management
Plan and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. Also,
designate spoil areas; equipment, vehicle, and materials
storage areas; parking; equipment and vehicle maintenance
areas, and; wash areas at least 100 feet from boundaries of
any ESAs;
f. Monitoring and Reporting Requirements. The Designated
Botanist shall conduct weekly monitoring of the ESAs during
any construction or decommissioning activities within 100
feet of the ESAs, and quarterly monitoring for the remainder
of construction and during operations. For the life of the
project, the Project owner shall also conduct annual
monitoring of the avoided occurrences within ESAs on-site,
and off-site occurrences that are within 250 feet from the
project boundary and are located on public lands or on
private lands to which the Applicant has access. The project
owner shall make reasonable attempts to obtain permission
to enter adjacent private property for the purpose of rare
plant monitoring (see Verification, below).
g. Remedial Action Measures. Specify remedial action
measures to be implemented if success standards (above)
are not met at any time during the life of the project;
h. Seed Collection. Over the life of the project, the project
owner shall collect a small proportion of any available seed
produced by white-margined beardtongue plants protected
on-site within ESAs on an annual basis until propagation
research (below) is complete and seed bank curators agree
that sufficient seed has been placed into long-term storage.
Seed collection must only be done under permit from the
BLM; the project owner shall be responsible for obtaining
and complying with applicable permit(s). The collection
technique shall follow seed collection and storage guidelines
contained in (Wall 2009a; Bainbridge 2007). Collection of
seed shall be done by the Rancho Santa Ana Botanic
Garden (RSABG) Conservation Program staff or other
qualified seed or restoration specialist. The Project owner

85 Biological Resources
shall be responsible for all costs associated with seed
collection and storage. All seed storage shall occur at
RSABG or other qualified research institution and at least 40
percent of the collected seed shall remain in long-term
storage at RSABG Seed Conservation Program, San Diego
Natural History Museum, or other qualified seed
conservation program. In the event that construction
schedules or seed production prevent collection within ESAs
on-site, the applicant must substitute off-site seed collection
site as approved by the CPM in consultation with the BLM
State Botanist;
i. Propagation research. The project owner shall be
responsible for evaluating potential white-margined
beardtongue propagation and reintroduction methods with
the objective of developing horticultural techniques suitable
for eventual introduction of nursery-grown white-margined
beardtongue on-site or off-site as remedial action measures
if needed (paragraph g., above); a portion of seed
(paragraph h., above) shall be made available for
propagation research which may at some time inform
contingency propagation efforts on the project site or
elsewhere; propagation experimentation shall be funded by
the project owner and conducted by a qualified research
institution such as Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden and
the results shall not be subject to a non-disclosure
agreement. At minimum, propagation research shall include
germination and seedling establishment trials under a variety
of soil and humidity conditions reflecting the range of
seasonal conditions found in the plant’s natural habitat on
the project site; plant growth from seedling to nursery stock
size; and transplantation methods. These trials shall be
conducted in part within growth chambers where
temperature and humidity are controlled and in part on the
project site or adjacent Pisgah ACEC under natural
j. Off-site sand transport monitoring and management. The
White-margined Beardtongue Impact Avoidance and
Minimization Plan shall include a sand transport monitoring
and management to document and manage project effects
to eastward sand transport to occupied white-margined
beardtongue aeolian sand habitat off-site to the east. At
minimum, the plan shall include the following elements (1)
quantify baseline eastward sand transport from the project
area into the adjacent BLM Pisgah Crater ACEC, following
methods described by Etyemezian et al. (2010); (2) specify
methods and schedule for annual sand transport monitoring
Biological Resources 86
throughout the first five years of the project’s life; (3)
identification of thresholds which would trigger remediation
requirements; and (4) development of adaptive management
strategies to supplement eastward sand transport into the
ACEC if needed. These strategies may include revisions to
project fencing design, importing sand from off-site or
transporting sand across the project site for further dispersal.
No sand transport remediation work would be permitted to
cause new land disturbance outside the project area as
analyzed in this SSA.
k. Off-site weed monitoring and management. The White-
margined Beardtongue Impact Avoidance and Minimization
Plan shall include methods and schedule to monitor and
manage weed abundance in occupied and suitable white-
margined beardtongue habitat to the east. At minimum, the
plan shall (1) quantify baseline weed abundance in the
portion of the ACEC adjacent BLM Pisgah Crater ACEC,
adjacent to and within 500 m of the eastern project
boundary, north of the BNSF railroad tracks; (2) weed
abundance monitoring schedule and methods to implement
throughout that area by collecting and analyzing quantitative
weed abundance during every year of average or greater
rainfall throughout the life of the project; (3) identify weed
abundance thresholds which would trigger remediation
requirements; and (4) specify weed control methods to be
implemented as needed in occupied and suitable white-
margined beardtongue habitat throughout the area described

Section B: Conduct Late-Season Botanical Surveys

The Project owner shall conduct late-summer/fall botanical surveys for
late-season special-status plants as described below:
1. Survey Timing. To the extent feasible, surveys shall be timed to
detect: a) summer annuals triggered to germinate by the warm,
tropical summer storms (which may occur any time between June
and October), and b) fall-blooming perennials that respond to the
cooler, later season storms that originate in the Pacific northwest
(typically beginning in September or October), if identification may
require leaves, flowers, or other structures not available during
spring surveys previously completed. The survey dates shall be
based on plant phenology and the timing of a significant storm (i.e.,
a 10 mm or greater rain or multiple storm events of sufficient
volume to trigger germination, as measured at or within 1 mile of
the Project site) if an event is recorded. Surveys for summer
annuals shall be timed as needed and feasible to identify target

87 Biological Resources
species (below), based upon field visits to reference populations.
However, due to the undependable nature and scattered patterns
of summer and early fall rainfall, it is possible that no suitable rain
event will be documented in the area. Nevertheless, the project
own shall be responsible for conducting late-season botanical
surveys along washes and other lowland areas on-site due to the
possibility that rainstorms in the Cady Mountains may go
undetected, but may initiate summer or fall blooms. In 2010,
summer/fall late-season botanical surveys shall be completed
throughout the project areas designated as Phases 1a and 1b and
throughout washes and drainageways of project areas designated
as Phase 2. Additional surveys throughout all of the Phase 2 area
shall be completed during 2010 or a subsequent year, but prior to
construction of that phase.
2. Surveyor Qualifications and Training. Surveys shall be conducted
by a qualified botanist knowledgeable in the complex biology of the
local flora, and consistent with CDFG (2009) and BLM (2009)
protocols. The botanical survey crew shall be prepared to mobilize
quickly to conduct appropriately timed surveys. Each field botanist
shall be equipped with a GPS unit and record a complete tracklog;
these data shall be compiled and submitted along with the
Summer-Fall Survey Botanical Report (described below). Prior to
the start of surveys, all crew members shall, at a minimum, visit
target species reference sites (where available) and/or review
herbarium specimens to confirm detectability and obtain a search
3. Target Species. Field surveys shall be designed and scheduled to
locate target species, defined as all BLM Sensitive plants, CNPS
List 1B or 2 (Nature Serve rank S1 and S2) or proposed List 1B or
2 taxa, and any newly reported or documented taxa. Because the
potential for range extensions is unknown, the list of potentially
occurring special-status plants shall include all special-status taxa
known from comparable habitats in the central portion of the
Mojave Desert in California. At a minimum, Tthe list shall include all
summer or fall-flowering species identified as potentially occurring
on the site in the applicant’s spring 2010 botanical survey report
(TS 2010i) and by Andre (2010, Intervenor Defenders of Wildlife
Rebuttal Testimony). Determination of flowering season shall be
based upon field visits to reference populations and data available
online from the Consortium of California Herbaria and California
Native Plant Society. Target species also shall include taxa with
bloom seasons that begin in fall and extend into the early spring as
many of these are reported to be easier to detect in fall, following
the start of the fall rains.

Biological Resources 88
4. Survey Coverage. At a minimum, the Applicant shall conduct
comprehensive surveys (i.e., 100 percent visual coverage) of the
washes, dune swales, and other lowlands within the project site. In
the intervening uplands (e.g., bajadas and rock outcrops) surveys
shall be conducted to ensure a 25 percent visual coverage. Other
special or unique habitats associated with rare plants (such as
dunes, washes, and chenopod scrubs) shall also be surveyed at
100 percent visual coverage. Transects shall be “intuitive
controlled” (per BLM 2009b) to ensure a focus on habitat most
likely to support rare plants (such as desert washes or dunes),
rather than on pre-defined, evenly-spaced survey grids.
5. Documenting Occurrences. If a special-status plant is detected, the
full extent of the population onsite shall be recorded using GPS in
accordance with BLM survey protocols. Additionally, the extent and
density of the occupied habitat within one mile of project
boundaries shall be assessed at least qualitatively to facilitate an
accurate estimation of the proportion of the occurrence affected by
the project. For occurrences that are very dense or very large, the
plant numbers may be estimated by simple sampling techniques
and the survey report must provide qualitative or quantitative data
describing the density and roughly mapping the extent on a
topographic map. All but the smallest populations (e.g., a
population occupying less than 100 square feet) shall be recorded
as area polygons; small populations may be recorded as point
features. All GPS-recorded occurrences shall include: the number
of plants, phenology, observed threats (e.g., OHV or invasive
exotics), and habitat or community type. The map of occurrences,
to be submitted with the final botanical report, shall be prepared to
ensure consistency with mapping protocol and definitions of
occurrences in CNDDB: occurrences found within 0.25 miles of
another occurrence of the same taxon, and not separated by
significant habitat discontinuities, shall be combined into a single
‘occurrence.’ The Project Owner shall also submit the raw GPS
shape files and metadata, and completed CNDDB forms to CNDDB
for each occurrence as defined by CNDDB.
6. Reporting. Raw GPS data, metadata, and CNDDB field forms shall
be provided to the CPM within two weeks of completion of each
survey. If field surveys take place during two or more phases (e.g.,
late summer and fall), then a summary letter shall be submitted
following each survey.
The Final Summer-Fall Botanical Survey Report shall be prepared
consistent with CDFG guidelines (CDFG 2009), and BLM
guidelines (2009) and shall include the following components:

89 Biological Resources
a. the BLM designation, NatureServe Global and State Rank of
each species or taxon found (or proposed rank, or CNPS
b. the number or percent of the occurrence that will be directly
affected, and indirectly affected by changes in drainage
patterns or altered geomorphic processes;
c. the habitat or plant community that supports the occurrence
and the total acres of that habitat or community type that
occurs in the Project Disturbance Area;
d. an indication of whether the occurrence has any local or
regional significance (e.g., if it exhibits any unusual
morphology, occurs at the periphery of its range in
California, represents a significant range extension or
disjunct occurrence, or occurs in an atypical habitat or
e. a completed CNDDB field form for every occurrence (i.e., the
summed locations of a given species within 0.25 mile
distance of another location, consistent with CNDDB
methodology), and;
f. two maps: one that depicts the raw GPS data (as collected
in the field) on a topographic base map with Project features;
and a second map that follows the CNDDB protocol for
occurrence mapping, which lumps two or more occurrences
of the same species within one-quarter mile or less of each
other into one occurrence.

Section C: Mitigation Requirements for Special-Status Plants

Detected in the Summer/Fall Surveys
The Project owner shall apply the following avoidance standards to
special-status plants that might be detected during late summer/fall
season surveys. Avoidance and/or the mitigation measures described
in Section D below would reduce impacts to special-status plant
species to less than significant levels.

Mitigation for CNDDB Rank S1 and S2 Plants: If species with a

CNDDB rank of S1 (CDFG 2010b), excluding small-flowered
androstephium (CNDDB S1.2), are detected within the Project
Disturbance Area or would be directly impacted by discharges from or
the diversion of streams around the Project, the Project owner shall
implement avoidance measures to protect at least 75 percent of the
local occurrence(s) of the species. For perennial species, the local
occurrence(s) shall be measured by the number of individual plants
located on the Project site or on public lands contiguous to the project
site. For annual species, the occurrence(s) shall be measured as areal

Biological Resources 90
extent of contiguous occupied habitat on the site and on contiguous
public lands. Avoidance shall include protection of the ecosystem
processes essential for maintenance of the protected plant occurrence.
Plants located within the ESAs established pursuant to Section A
above shall be considered to be “avoided” to the extent that direct
impacts on the plants are avoided and that these processes would be
maintained. If special status plant occurrences are isolated by the
Project from natural fluvial, aeolian, or other processes known to be
necessary for their persistence or reproduction, these occurrences
shall not be considered “avoided.” This evaluation shall be made in
consultation among the project Botanist and the CPM, in consultation
with CDFG and BLM, on a case by case basis, dependent on the
species and its location on the site. The Project owner shall provide
compensatory mitigation as described below in Section D for Project
impacts to CNDDB Rank S1 and S2 plants that are not avoided. If,
after consultation among the project Botanist, CPM, CDFG, and BLM,
on-site avoidance is determined not to satisfy the long-term viability of
the plant occurrence(s), then compensatory mitigation may be
substituted for avoidance for up to 100% of impacts to Rank S1 and S2
plants on the site, as described below in Section D.

Mitigation for CNDDB Rank S3 Plants: If species with a CNDDB

rank of 3 are detected within the Project Disturbance Area, no onsite
avoidance or compensatory mitigation shall be required unless the
occurrence has local or regional significance, in which case the plant
occurrence shall be treated as a CNDDB 2 ranked plant. A plant
occurrence would be considered to have local or regional significance
a. It occurs at the outermost periphery of its range in California;
b. It occurs in an atypical habitat, region, or elevation for the
taxon that suggests that the occurrence may have genetic
significance (e.g., that may increase its ability to survive
future threats), or;
c. It exhibits any unusual morphology that is not clearly
attributable to environmental factors that may indicate a
potential new variety or sub-species.
Should CNDDB Rank S3 plant locations meeting any of the three
criteria above be found on the project site during summer or fall field
surveys, then mitigation requirements for those species shall be as
described above for CNDDB Rank S1 and S2 species.

Pre-Construction Notification for State- or Federal-Listed

Species, or BLM Sensitive Species. If a state or federal-listed
species or BLM Sensitive species is detected, the Project owner shall
immediately notify the CDFG, USFWS, BLM, and the CPM.

91 Biological Resources
Preservation of the Germplasm of Affected Special-Status Plants.
For all impacts to CNPS List 1 or List 2 plants, excluding small-
flowered androstephium, mitigation shall include seed collection from
the affected special-status plants on-site prior to construction to
conserve the germplasm and provide a seed source for restoration
efforts. Where construction schedules or seed availability prevents
seed collection from plant locations to be impacted during a given
season, seed must be collected from another portion of the project site
or, as approved by the CPM in consultation with BLM’s State Botanist,
from public lands off-site. Seed collection must only be done under
permit from the BLM; the project owner shall be responsible for
obtaining and complying with applicable permit(s). The seed shall be
collected under the supervision or guidance of a reputable seed
storage facility such as the Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Garden Seed
Conservation Program, San Diego Natural History Museum, or the
Missouri Botanical Garden. The costs associated with the long-term
storage of the seed shall be the responsibility of the Project owner.
Any efforts to propagate and reintroduce special-status plants from
seeds in the wild shall be carried out under the direct supervision of
specialists such as those listed above and as part of a Habitat
Restoration/Enhancement Plan approved by the CPM.

Section D: Off-Site Compensatory Mitigation for Special-Status Plants

Where compensatory mitigation is required under the terms of Section C,
above, the Project owner shall mitigate Project impacts to CNPS List 1 or List
2 plants, excluding small-flowered androstephium with compensatory
mitigation. Compensatory mitigation shall consist of acquisition of habitat
supporting the target species, restoration/enhancement of populations of the
target species, or a combination of acquisition and restoration/enhancement
as provided within this Condition. Compensatory mitigation shall be at a 3:1
ratio. For annual species, compensation shall provide three acres of habitat
acquired or restored/enhanced for every acre of special-status plant habitat
disturbed by the Project Disturbance Area. For perennial species,
compensation lands shall supporting three living plants of the same species
for each plant disturbed within the project area. The Project owner shall
provide funding for the acquisition and/or restoration/enhancement, initial
improvement, and long-term maintenance and management of the acquired
or restored lands. The actual costs to comply with this condition will vary
depending on the Project Disturbance Area, the actual costs of acquiring
compensation habitat, the actual costs of initially improving the habitat, the
actual costs of long-term management as determined by a Property Analysis
Record (PAR) or PAR-like analysis, and other transactional costs related to
the use of compensatory mitigation.

The Project owner shall comply with other related requirements in this

Biological Resources 92
I. Compensatory Mitigation by Acquisition: The requirements for the
acquisition, initial protection and habitat improvement, and long-term
maintenance and management of special-status plant compensation lands
include all of the following:

Selection Criteria for Acquisition Lands. The compensation lands selected for
acquisition may include any of the following three categories:

1. Occupied Habitat, No Habitat Threats: The compensation

lands selected for acquisition shall be occupied by the target
plant species and shall be characterized by site integrity and
habitat quality that are required to support the target species,
and shall be of equal or better habitat quality than that of the
affected occurrence.
2. Occupied Habitat, Habitat Threats. Occupied compensation
lands characterized by habitat threats may also be acquired
as long as the population could be reasonably expected to
recover with minor restoration (e.g., OHV or grazing
exclusion, pest plant removal) and is accompanied by a
Habitat Enhancement/Restoration Plan as described in
Section D.II, below.
3. Unoccupied but Adjacent. The Project owner may also
acquire habitat for which occupancy by the target species
has not been documented, if the proposed acquisition lands
are adjacent to occupied habitat. The Project owner shall
provide evidence that acquisitions of such unoccupied lands
would improve the defensibility and long-term sustainability
of the occupied habitat by providing a protective buffer
around the occurrence and by enhancing connectivity with
undisturbed habitat.
Review and Approval of Compensation Lands Prior to Acquisition. The
Project owner shall submit a formal acquisition proposal to the CPM
describing the parcel(s) intended for purchase. This acquisition proposal
shall discuss the suitability of the proposed parcel(s) as compensation
lands for special-status plants in relation to the criteria listed above, and
must be approved by the CPM.

Management Plan. The Project owner or approved third party shall

prepare a management plan for the compensation lands in consultation
with the entity that will be managing the lands. The goal of the
management plan shall be to support and enhance the long-term viability
of the target special-status plant occurrences. The Management Plan shall
be submitted for review and approval to the CPM.

Integrating Special-Status Plant Mitigation with Other Mitigation lands. If

all or any portion of the acquired Desert Tortoise, Waters of the State, or

93 Biological Resources
other required compensation lands meets the criteria above for special-
status plant compensation lands, the portion of the other species’ or
habitat compensation lands that meets any of the criteria above may be
used to fulfill that portion of the obligation for special-status plant

Compensation Lands Acquisition Requirements. The Project owner shall

comply with the following requirements relating to acquisition of the
compensation lands after the CPM, has approved the proposed
compensation lands:

a. Preliminary Report. The Project owner, or an approved

third party, shall provide a recent preliminary title report,
initial hazardous materials survey report, biological
analysis, and other necessary or requested documents
for the proposed compensation land to the CPM. All
documents conveying or conserving compensation lands
and all conditions of title are subject to review and
approval by the CPM. For conveyances to the State,
approval may also be required from the California
Department of General Services, the Fish and Game
Commission and the Wildlife Conservation Board.
b. Title/Conveyance. The Project owner shall acquire and
transfer fee title to the compensation lands, a
conservation easement over the lands, or both fee title
and conservation easement, as required by the CPM.
Any transfer of a conservation easement or fee title must
be to CDFG, a non-profit organization qualified to hold
title to and manage compensation lands (pursuant to
California Government Code section 65965), or to BLM
or other public agency approved by the CPM. If an
approved non-profit organization holds fee title to the
compensation lands, a conservation easement shall be
recorded in favor of CDFG or another entity approved by
the CPM. If an entity other than CDFG holds a
conservation easement over the compensation lands, the
CPM may require that CDFG or another entity approved
by the CPM, in consultation with CDFG, be named a third
party beneficiary of the conservation easement. The
Project owner shall obtain approval of the CPM of the
terms of any transfer of fee title or conservation
easement to the compensation lands.
c. Initial Protection and Habitat Improvement. The Project
owner shall fund activities that the CPM requires for the
initial protection and habitat improvement of the
compensation lands. These activities will vary depending

Biological Resources 94
on the condition and location of the land acquired, but
may include trash removal, construction and repair of
fences, invasive plant removal, and similar measures to
protect habitat and improve habitat quality on the
compensation lands. The costs of these activities are
estimated to be $750 per acre ($250 per acre, using the
estimated cost per acre for Desert Tortoise mitigation as
a best available proxy, at a 3:1 ratio, but actual costs will
vary depending on the measures that are required for the
compensation lands). A non-profit organization, CDFG or
another public agency may hold and expend the habitat
improvement funds if it is qualified to manage the
compensation lands (pursuant to California Government
Code section 65965), if it meets the approval of the CPM
in consultation with CDFG, and if it is authorized to
participate in implementing the required activities on the
compensation lands. If CDFG takes fee title to the
compensation lands, the habitat improvement fund must
be paid to CDFG or its designee.
d. Property Analysis Record. Upon identification of the
compensation lands, the Project owner shall conduct a
Property Analysis Record (PAR) or PAR-like analysis to
establish the appropriate amount of the long-term
maintenance and management fund to pay the in-
perpetuity management of the compensation lands. The
PAR or PAR-like analysis must be approved by the CPM
before it can be used to establish funding levels or
management activities for the compensation lands.
e. Long-term Maintenance and Management Funding. The
Project owner shall provide money to establish an
account with non-wasting capital that will be used to fund
the long-term maintenance and management of the
compensation lands. The amount of money to be paid
will be determined through an approved PAR or PAR-like
analysis conducted for the compensation lands. Until an
approved PAR or PAR-like analysis is conducted for the
compensation lands, the amount of required funding is
initially estimated to be $4,350 for every acre of
compensation lands, using as the best available proxy
the estimated cost of $1,450 per acre for Desert Tortoise
compensatory mitigation, at a 3:1 ratio. This amount may
be revised by the CPM in consultation with DFG, BLM
and USFWS, based on further analysis of long-term
management and maintenance costs. If compensation
lands will not be identified and a PAR or PAR-like
analysis completed within the time period specified for
95 Biological Resources
this payment (see the verification section at the end of
this condition), the Project owner shall either: (i) provide
initial payment equal to the amount of $4,350 multiplied
by the number of acres the Project owner proposes to
acquire for compensatory mitigation; or (ii) provide
security to the Energy Commission under subsection (g),
“Mitigation Security,” below, in an amount equal to
$4,350 multiplied by the number of acres the Project
owner proposes to acquire for compensatory mitigation.
The amount of the required initial payment or security for
this item shall be adjusted for any change in the Project
Disturbance Area as described above. If an initial
payment is made based on the estimated per-acre costs,
the Project owner shall deposit additional money as may
be needed to provide the full amount of long-term
maintenance and management funding indicated by a
PAR or PAR-like analysis, once the analysis is completed
and approved. If the approved analysis indicates less
than $4,350 per acquired acre (at a 3:1 ratio) will be
required for long-term maintenance and management,
the excess paid will be returned to the Project owner.
The Project owner must obtain the CPM’s approval of the
entity that will receive and hold the long-term
maintenance and management fund for the
compensation lands. The CPM will consult with CDFG
before deciding whether to approve an entity to hold the
Project’s long-term maintenance and management funds.
The Project owner shall ensure that an agreement is in
place with the long-term maintenance and management
fund holder/manager to ensure the following
requirements are met:

i. Interest. Interest generated from the initial capital

long-term maintenance and management fund shall
be available for reinvestment into the principal and for
the long-term operation, management, and protection
of the approved compensation lands, including
reasonable administrative overhead, biological
monitoring, improvements to carrying capacity, law
enforcement measures, and any other action that is
approved by the CPM and is designed to protect or
improve the habitat values of the compensation lands.
ii. Withdrawal of Principal. The long-term maintenance
and management fund principal shall not be drawn
upon unless such withdrawal is deemed necessary by
the CPM or by the approved third-party long-term

Biological Resources 96
maintenance and management fund manager, to
ensure the continued viability of the species on the
compensation lands.
iii. Pooling Long-Term Maintenance and Management
Funds. An entity approved to hold long-term
maintenance and management funds for the Project
may pool those funds with similar non-wasting funds
that it holds from other projects for long-term
maintenance and management of compensation
lands for special-status plants. However, for reporting
purposes, the long-term maintenance and
management funds for this Project must be tracked
and reported individually to the CPM.
f. Other Expenses. In addition to the costs listed above, the
Project owner shall be responsible for all other costs
related to acquisition of compensation lands and
conservation easements, including but not limited to the
title and document review costs incurred from other state
agency reviews, overhead related to providing
compensation lands to CDFG or an approved third party,
escrow fees or costs, environmental contaminants
clearance, and other site cleanup measures.
g. Mitigation Security. The Project owner shall provide
financial assurances to the CPM to guarantee that an
adequate level of funding is available to implement any of
the mitigation measures required by this condition that
are not completed prior to the start of ground-disturbing
Project activities. Financial assurances shall be provided
to the CPM in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, a
pledged savings account or another form of security
(“Security”) approved by the CPM. The amount of the
Security shall be based upon staff’s estimate of per-acre
acquisition, transaction, and management costs as
described in Condition of Certification BIO-17 for each
acre of occupied habitat impacted using the estimated
cost per acre for Desert Tortoise mitigation as a best
available proxy, at a 3:1 ratio; see Revised Biological
Resources Tables 5 and 7) for every acre of habitat
supporting the target special-status plant species which
is significantly impacted by the project. The actual costs
to comply with this condition will vary depending on the
actual costs of acquiring compensation habitat, the costs
of initially improving the habitat, and the actual costs of
long-term management as determined by a PAR or PAR-
like analysis. Prior to submitting the Security to the CPM,

97 Biological Resources
the Project owner shall obtain the CPM’s approval of the
form of the Security. The CPM may draw on the Security
if the CPM determines the Project owner has failed to
comply with the requirements specified in this condition.
The CPM may use money from the Security solely for
implementation of the requirements of this condition. The
CPM’s use of the Security to implement measures in this
condition may not fully satisfy the Project owner’s
obligations under this condition, and the Project owner
remains responsible for satisfying the obligations under
this condition if the Security is insufficient. The unused
Security shall be returned to the Project owner in whole
or in part upon successful completion of the associated
requirements in this condition.
h. The Project owner may elect to comply with the
requirements in this condition for acquisition of
compensation lands, initial protection and habitat
improvement on the compensation lands, or long-term
maintenance and management of the compensation
lands by funding, or any combination of these three
requirements, by providing funds to implement those
measures into the Renewable Energy Action Team
(REAT) Account established with the National Fish and
Wildlife Foundation (NFWF). To use this option, the
Project owner must make an initial deposit to the REAT
Account in an amount equal to the estimated costs (as
set forth in the Security section of this condition) of
implementing the requirement. If the actual cost of the
acquisition, initial protection and habitat improvements, or
long-term funding is more than the estimated amount
initially paid by the Project owner, the Project owner shall
make an additional deposit into the REAT Account
sufficient to cover the actual acquisition costs, the actual
costs of initial protection and habitat improvement on the
compensation lands, and the long-term funding
requirements as established in an approved PAR or
PAR-like analysis. If those actual costs or PAR
projections are less than the amount initially transferred
by the applicant, the remaining balance shall be returned
to the Project owner.
i. The responsibility for acquisition of compensation lands
may be delegated to a third party other than NFWF, such
as a non-governmental organization supportive of desert
habitat conservation, by written agreement of the Energy
Commission. Such delegation shall be subject to
approval by the CPM, in consultation with CDFG, BLM
Biological Resources 98
and USFWS, prior to land acquisition, enhancement or
management activities. Agreements to delegate land
acquisition to an approved third party, or to manage
compensation lands, shall be executed and implemented
within 18 months of the Energy Commission’s
certification of the Project.
II. Compensatory Mitigation by Habitat Enhancement/Restoration: As an
alternative or adjunct to land acquisition for compensatory mitigation the
Project owner may undertake habitat enhancement or restoration for the
target special-status plant species. Habitat enhancement or restoration
activities must achieve protection at a 3:1 ratio as described above, with
improvements applied to three acres of habitat for every acre of special-
status plant habitat directly or indirectly disturbed by the Project Disturbance
Area for annual species; or to habitat supporting three living plants for each
individual perennial plant directly or indirectly disturbed by the project.
Examples of suitable enhancement projects include but are not limited to the
following: i) control unauthorized vehicle use into an occurrence (or
pedestrian use if clearly damaging to the species); ii) control noxious weeds
that infest or pose an immediate threat to an occurrence; iii) exclude grazing
by wild burros or livestock from an occurrence; or iv) restore lost or degraded
hydrologic or geomorphic functions critical to the species by restoring
previously diverted flows, removing obstructions to the wind sand transport
corridor above an occurrence, or increasing groundwater availability for
dependent species.

If the Project owner elects to undertake a habitat enhancement project for

mitigation, the project must meet the following performance standards: The
proposed enhancement project shall achieve rescue of an off-site occurrence
that is currently assessed, based on the NatureServe threat ranking system
(Master et al. 2009; Morse et al. 2004) with one of the following threat ranks:
a) long-term decline 30%; b) an immediate threat that affects 30% of the
population, or c) has an overall threat impact that is High to Very High.
“Rescue” would be considered successful if it achieves an improvement in the
occurrence trend to “stable” or “increasing” status, or downgrading of the
overall threat rank to slight or low (from “High” to “Very High”).

If the Project owner elects to undertake a habitat enhancement project for

mitigation, they shall submit a Habitat Enhancement/Restoration Plan to the
CPM for review and approval, and shall provide sufficient funding for
implementation and monitoring of the Plan. The amount of the Security shall
be based upon staff’s estimate of per-acre acquisition, transaction, and
management costs as described in Condition of Certification BIO-17 for each
acre of occupied habitat impacted by the project, using the estimated cost per
acre for Desert Tortoise mitigation as a best available proxy, at a 3:1 ratio
(see Revised Biological Resources Tables 5 and 7). The amount of the
security may be adjusted based on the actual costs of implementing the

99 Biological Resources
enhancement, restoration and monitoring. The implementation and monitoring
of the enhancement/restoration may be undertaken by an appropriate third
party such as NFWF, subject to approval by the CPM. The Habitat
Enhancement/Restoration Plan shall include each of the following:

1. Goals and Objectives. Define the goals of the restoration or

enhancement project and a measurable course of action developed to
achieve those goals. The objective of the proposed habitat
enhancement plan shall include restoration of a target special-status
plant occurrence that is currently threatened with a long-term decline.
The proposed enhancement plan shall achieve an improvement in the
occurrence trend to “stable” or “increasing” status, or downgrading of
the overall threat rank to slight or low (from “High” to “Very High”).
2. Historical Conditions. Provide a description of the pre-impact or
historical conditions (before the site was degraded by weeds or grazing
or ORV, etc.), and the desired conditions.
3. Site Characteristics. Describe other site characteristics relevant to the
restoration or enhancement project (e.g., composition of native and
pest plants, topography and drainage patterns, soil types, geomorphic
and hydrologic processes important to the site or species.
4. Ecological Factors. Describe other important ecological factors of the
species being protected, restored, or enhanced such as total
population, reproduction, distribution, pollinators, etc.
5. Methods. Describe the restoration methods that will be used (e.g.,
invasive exotics control, site protection, seedling protection,
propagation techniques, etc.) and the long-term maintenance required.
The implementation phase of the enhancement must be completed
within five years.
6. Budget. Provide a detailed budget and timeline; develop clear,
measurable, objective-driven annual success criteria.
7. Monitoring. Develop clear, measurable monitoring methods that can be
used to evaluate the effectiveness of the restoration and the benefit to
the affected species. The Plan shall include a minimum of five years of
quarterly monitoring, and then annual monitoring for the remainder of
the enhancement project, or until the performance standards for
rescue of a threatened occurrence are met, whichever comes first. At a
minimum the progress reports shall include: quantitative
measurements of the projects progress in meeting the enhancement
project success criteria, detailed description of remedial actions taken
or proposed, and contact information for the responsible parties.
8. Reporting Program. The Plan shall ensure accountability with a
reporting program that includes progress toward goals and success
criteria. Include names of responsible parties.

Biological Resources 100

9. Contingency Plan. Describe the contingency plan for failure to meet
annual goals.
10. Long-term Protection. Include proof of long-term protection for the
restoration site. For private lands this would include conservations
easements or other deed restrictions; projects on public lands must be
contained in a Desert Wildlife Management Area, Wildlife Habitat
Management Area, or other land use protections that will protect the
mitigation site and target species.

Section E: Conformance with BLM and San Bernardino County Plant

Protection Policies
It is BLM policy to salvage yucca and cactus plants (excluding cholla species,
genus Cylindropuntia) and transplant them to undisturbed sites within project
Rights of Way. The San Bernardino County Plant Protection and Management
Ordinance regulates the following where they occur on non-government land
(San Bernardino County Code 88.01): desert native plants with stems 2 inches or
greater in diameter or 6 feet or greater in height: Psorothamnus [Dalea] spinosa
(smoke tree), Prosopis spp. (mesquites), all species of the family Agavaceae
(century plants, nolinas, yuccas), creosote rings 10 feet or greater in diameter, all
Joshua trees; and any part of any of the following species, whether living or
dead: Olneya tesota (desert ironwood), all species of the genus Prosopis
(mesquites), and all species of the genus Cercidium (palo verdes). Staff
recognizes that the project site is on public land and thus not strictly subject to
the County ordinance but believes the County ordinance establishes an
additional mitigation standard that should be applied to the project, as follows:

a. The project owner shall inventory all plants subject to BLM and
County policies on the project site that would be removed or
damaged by proposed project construction.

b. The project owner shall include salvaged plants or potted

nursery stock of any species named in BLM or County policies
in on-site revegetation planning and implementation, as
described in BIO-10. The project owner shall include a
Protected Plant Salvage and Replacement Section in the
Revegetation Plan, in conformance with BLM. The Section also
shall provide for incorporation of salvaged or potted stock of any
species identified in the San Bernardino County standards that
would be impacted by project development affected. The
Section shall be made available for review and approval by the
CPM. For salvaged plants, the Section shall include detailed
descriptions of proposed methods to salvage plants; transport
them; store them temporarily (as needed); and maintain them in
temporary storage (i.e., irrigation, shade protection, etc.). For
both salvaged plants and potted nursery stock, the Section shall
include detailed descriptions of proposed planting tlocations and

101 Biological Resources

methods; proposed irrigation and maintenance methods at
planting sites; and a monitoring plan to verify survivorship and
establishment of the plants for a minimum of five years.

c. Concurrent with any ground-disturbing activities within any

phase of the project, the project owner shall implement the
Protected Plant Replacement measures as approved by the
CPM and BLM’s State Botanist.

Verification: The Special-Status Plant Impact Avoidance and Minimization

Measures shall be incorporated into the BRMIMP as required under Condition of
Certification BIO-7.

Implementation of the special-status plant impact avoidance and minimization

measures shall be reported in the Monthly Compliance Reports prepared by the
Designated Botanist. Within 30 days after completion of Project construction, the
Project owner shall provide to the CPM, for review and approval in consultation
with the BLM State Botanist, a written construction termination report identifying
how measures have been completed.

The Project owner shall submit a monitoring report every year for the life of the
project to monitor effectiveness of protection measures for all avoided special-
status plants to the CPM and BLM State Botanist. The monitoring report shall
include: dates of worker awareness training sessions and attendees, an inventory
of the special-status plant occurrences and description of the habitat conditions, an
indication of population and habitat quality trends, and description of the remedial
action, if warranted and planned for the upcoming year.

Section A. No less than 30 days prior to the start of ground-disturbing activities

the Project owner shall submit grading plans and construction drawings depicting
the location of Environmentally Sensitive Areas and the Avoidance and
Minimization Measures contained in Section A of this Condition. The project
owner shall coordinate with the CPM and BLM’s Wildlife Biologist to revise and
finalize boundaries of the ESAs. The 30 day limit may be reduced by the CPM.

No less than 30 days prior to the start of ground-disturbing activities the Project
owner shall submit to the CPM for review and approval, in consultation with the
BLM State Botanist, the name and resume of the project’s Designated Botanist. If
a Designated Botanist needs to be replaced, the specified information of the
proposed replacement must be submitted to BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the
CPM as soon as possible prior to the termination or release of the Designated
Biologist. In an emergency, the project owner shall immediately notify the BLM’s
Wildlife Biologist and the CPM to discuss the qualifications and approval of a
short-term replacement while a permanent Designated Botanist is proposed to
BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the CPM and for consideration. The 30 day limit may
be reduced by the CPM.

Biological Resources 102

No less than 30 days prior to ground-disturbing activities the Project owner shall
submit a draft White-margined Beardtongue Impact Avoidance and Minimization
Plan to the CPM for review and approval, in consultation with the BLM State
Botanist. Implementation of the white-margined beardtongue impact avoidance
and minimization measures shall be reported in the Monthly Compliance Reports
prepared by the Designated Botanist. Within 30 days after completion of Project
construction, the Project owner shall provide to the CPM, for review and approval
in consultation with the BLM State Botanist, a written construction termination
report identifying how measures have been completed. The 30 day limit may be
reduced by the CPM.

The Project owner shall submit a monitoring report every year for the life of the
project to monitor effectiveness of protection measures for all avoided white-
margined beardtongue ESAs to the CPM and BLM State Botanist. The
monitoring report shall include: dates of worker awareness training sessions and
attendees, an inventory of the special-status plant occurrences and description of
the habitat conditions, an indication of population and habitat quality trends, and
description of the remedial action, if warranted and planned for the upcoming
year. The project owner shall coordinate with the CPM and BLM’s Wildlife
Biologist to revise and finalize monitoring reports and all reports described in this
section, and shall specifically report any difficulties in meeting the protection
goals and cooperatively develop adaptive measures as needed.

Section B. Raw GPS data, metadata, and CNDDB field forms shall be submitted
to the CPM within two weeks of the completion of each survey. A preliminary
summary of results for the late summer/fall botanical surveys shall also be
submitted to the CPM and BLM’s State Botanist within two weeks following the
completion of the surveys. If surveys are split into more than one period, then a
summary letter shall be submitted following each survey period. The Final
Summer-Fall Botanical Survey Report, GIS shape files and metadata shall be
submitted to the BLM State Botanist and the CPM no less than 30 days prior to
the start of ground-disturbing activities. The Final Report shall include a detailed
accounting of the acreage of Project impacts to special-status plant occurrences.

Section C. The Project owner shall immediately provide written notification to the
CPM, CDFG, USFWS, and BLM if it detects a State- or Federal-Listed Species,
or BLM Sensitive Species at any time during its late summer/fall botanical
surveys or at any time thereafter through the life of the Project, including
conclusion of Project decommissioning.

Prior to construction, the project owner shall provide written verification that seed
of any special status plants on the project site have collected and conveyed to a
facility (as described in this measure) and that suitable long-term funding has
been provided by the project owner. As needed, the project owner shall consult
with the CPM and BLM’s State Botanist to identify appropriate seed collection
sites and dates.

103 Biological Resources

Section D. If compensatory mitigation is required (based upon field survey
results and mitigation strategy adopted by the project owner, as described in
Sections C and D), no less than 30 days prior to the start of ground-disturbing
activities, the Project owner shall submit to the CPM Security adequate to
acquire compensatory mitigation lands and/or undertake habitat enhancement or
restoration activities, as described in this condition. The 30 day limit may be
reduced by the CPM.

No fewer than 90 days prior to acquisition of compensatory mitigation lands, the

Project owner shall submit a formal acquisition proposal and draft Management
Plan for the proposed lands to the CPM, with copies to CDFG, USFWS, and
BLM, describing the parcels intended for purchase and shall obtain approval from
the CPM prior to the acquisition. No fewer than 90 days prior to acquisition of
compensatory mitigation lands, the Project owner shall submit to the CPM and
obtain CPM approval of any agreements to delegate land acquisition to an
approved third party, or to manage compensation lands; such agreement shall be
executed and implemented within 18 months of the Energy Commission’s
certification of the Project.

The Project owner or an approved third party shall complete the acquisition and
all required transfers of the compensation lands, and provide written verification
to the CPM of such completion no later than 18 months after the start of Project
ground-disturbing activities. If NFWF or another approved third party is being
used for the acquisition, the Project owner shall ensure that funds needed to
accomplish the acquisition are transferred in timely manner to facilitate the
planned acquisition and to ensure the land can be acquired and transferred prior
to the 18-month deadline. If habitat enhancement is proposed, no later than six
months following the start of ground-disturbing activities, the Project owner shall
obtain CPM approval of the final Habitat Enhancement/Restoration Plan,
prepared in accordance with Section D, and submit to the CPM or a third party
approved by the CPM Security adequate for long-term implementation and
monitoring of the Habitat Enhancement/Restoration Plan.

Enhancement/restoration activities shall be initiated no later than 12 months from

the start of construction. The implementation phase of the enhancement project
shall be completed within five years of initiation. Until completion of the five-year
implementation portion of the enhancement action, a report shall be prepared
and submitted as part of the Annual Compliance Report. This report shall
provide, at a minimum: a summary of activities for the preceding year and a
summary of activities for the following year; quantitative measurements of the
Project’s progress in meeting the enhancement project success criteria; detailed
description of remedial actions taken or proposed; and contact information for the
responsible parties.

Within 18 months of ground-disturbing activities, the Project owner shall transfer

to the CPM or an approved third party the difference between the Security paid
and the actual costs of (1) acquiring compensatory mitigation lands, completing

Biological Resources 104

initial protection and habitat improvement , and funding the long-term
maintenance and management of compensatory mitigation lands; and/or (2)
implementing and providing for the long-term protection and monitoring of habitat
enhancement or restoration activities.

Section E. The project owner shall coordinate with the CPM and BLM’s Wildlife
Biologist to revise and finalize all plans and reports named in this section.
Verification and reporting shall be as described in BIO-10 and shall be included
in reports described therein. Within 90 days after completion of each year of
project construction, the project owner shall provide to the CPM verification of the
numbers or acreage of plants covered in this Condition (i.e., species named in
BLM and County policies) which have been removed or salvaged over the course
of the year. Annual revegetation reports described in BIO-10 verification shall
include summaries of salvage and planting operations and monitoring results.
Compliance reports shall include summaries of written and photographic records
of the plan implementation described above. Compliance reports shall be
submitted annually for a period not less than 5 years to document irrigation,
maintenance, and monitoring results, including plant survival.


BIO-13 The project owner shall provide compensatory land to mitigate for
habitat loss and direct impacts to Mojave fringe-toed lizards based on
revised estimates of suitable Mojave fringe-toed lizard habitat on-site,
to be verified by an expert in this animal’s ecology. The project owner
shall provide compensatory mitigation at a 3:1 ratio for impacts to
breeding habitat (i.e., dune, sand ramp, or fine-sandy wash habitat),
and at a 1:1 ratio for impacts to adjacent suitable foraging and cover
habitat, such as thin aeolian sand overlying bajada surfaces, or
foraging habitat surrounding the breeding habitat. Staff estimates
breeding habitat on site as 21.4 acres, and surrounding suitable
foraging and cover habitat (i.e., 45 meter buffer) as 143.3 acres.
Therefore, staff concludes this condition would require the acquisition
and dedication in perpetuity of 207.5 acres of habitat. The project
owner shall provide funding for the acquisition, initial habitat
improvements, and long-term management of the compensation lands,
as described below.

Biological Resources Table 17

Mojave Fringe-toed Lizard Compensation Acreage Summary

Habitat Function Project Impact Mitigation Ratio Compensation

Acreage Acreage
Foraging and 143.3 acres 1:1 143.3 acres
Breeding 21.4 acres 3:1 64.2 acres
Total 164.7 acres 207.5 acres

105 Biological Resources

This compensation acreage may be included (“nested”) within the
acreage acquired and managed as desert tortoise habitat
compensation (Condition of Certification BIO-17) only if:
• Adequate acreage of qualifying desert tortoise compensation lands
also meet the Selection Criteria (below) as habitat for Mojave
fringe-toed lizard;
• The desert tortoise habitat compensation lands are acquired and
dedicated as permanent conservation lands within 18 months of the
start of project construction.
If these two criteria are not met, then the project owner shall provide
the required number of acres of Mojave fringe-toed lizard habitat
compensation lands, adjusted to reflect the final project footprint and
additional delineation of suitable habitat, independent of any
compensation land required under other conditions of certification, and
shall also provide funding for the initial improvement and long-term
maintenance and management of the acquired lands, and shall comply
with other related requirements this condition. Costs of these
requirements are estimated to be $674,211.24 based on the
acquisition of 207.5 acres (see Revised Biological Resources
Tables 5 and 6 for a complete breakdown of estimated costs).
Regardless of actual cost, the project owner shall be responsible for
funding all requirements of this condition.

The project owner shall provide financial assurances as described

below, in the amount of $660,416.25. In lieu of acquiring lands itself,
the Project owner may satisfy the requirements of this condition by
providing funds for the acquisition to the Renewable Energy Action
Team (REAT) Account established with the National Fish and Wildlife
Foundation (NFWF), as described below. If the Project owner elects to
establish a REAT NFWF Account and have NFWF and the resource
agencies complete the required habitat compensation, then the total
estimated cost of complying with this condition is $674,211.24. The
amount of security or NFWF deposit shall be adjusted up or down to
reflect any revised cost estimates recommended by REAT.

The actual costs to comply with this condition will vary depending on
the final footprint of the Project, the actual costs of acquiring
compensation habitat, the costs of initially improving the habitat, and
the actual costs of long-term management as determined by a
Property Analysis Report (below). The 207.5 acre habitat requirement,
and associated funding requirements based on that acreage, shall be
adjusted up or down if there are changes in the final footprint of the
project or the associated costs of evaluation, acquisition, management,
and other factors listed in Revised Biological Resources Tables 5

Biological Resources 106

and 6. Regardless of actual cost, the project owner shall be
responsible for implementing all aspects of this condition.


1. Method of Acquisition. Compensation lands shall be acquired by
either of the two options listed below. Regardless of the method of
acquisition, the transaction shall be complete only upon completion
of all terms and conditions described in this Condition of
a. The project owner shall acquire lands and transfer title and/or
conservation easement to a state or federal land management
agency or to a third-party non-profit land management organization,
as approved by the CPM in consultation with BLM, CDFG, and
b. The Project owner shall deposit funds into a project-specific
subaccount within the REAT Account established with the NFWF,
in the amount as indicated in Revised Biological Resources
Tables 5 and 6 (adjusted to reflect final project footprint and any
applicable REAT adjustments to costs).

2. Selection Criteria for Compensation Lands. The compensation

lands selected for acquisition to meet Energy Commission
requirements shall:
a. Be sand dune or partially stabilized sand dune habitat with
potential to contribute to Mojave fringe-toed lizard habitat
connectivity and build linkages between known populations of
Mojave fringe-toed lizards and preserve lands with suitable
b. Be biologically contiguous to lands currently occupied by
Mojave fringe-toed lizard;
c. Be near larger blocks of lands that are either already protected
or planned for protection, or which could feasibly be protected
long-term by a public resource agency or a non-governmental
organization dedicated to habitat preservation;
d. Provide quality habitat for Mojave fringe-toed lizard, that has the
capacity to regenerate naturally when disturbances are
e. Not have a history of intensive recreational use or other
disturbance that might make habitat recovery and restoration
f. Not be characterized by high densities of invasive species,
either on or immediately adjacent to the parcels under

107 Biological Resources

consideration, that might jeopardize habitat recovery and
g. Not contain hazardous wastes;
h. Have water and mineral rights included as part of the
acquisition, unless the CPM, in consultation with CDFG, BLM
and USFWS, agrees in writing to the acceptability of land
without these rights; and
i. Be on land for which long-term habitat management for Mojave
fringe-toed lizard and other native biological resources is
3. Review and Approval of Compensation Lands Prior to Acquisition.
The project owner shall submit a formal acquisition proposal to the
CPM describing the parcel(s) intended for purchase. This acquisition
proposal shall discuss the suitability of the proposed parcel(s) as
compensation lands for Mojave fringe-toed lizard in relation to the
criteria listed above and must be approved by the CPM. The CPM will
share the proposal with and consult with CDFG, BLM, and the
USFWS before deciding whether to approve or disapprove the
proposed acquisition.

4. Compensation Lands Acquisition Conditions: The project owner shall

comply with the following conditions relating to acquisition of the
compensation lands after the CPM, in consultation with CDFG, BLM
and the USFWS, have approved the proposed compensation lands:
a. Preliminary Report: The Project owner, or approved third party,
shall provide a recent preliminary title report, initial hazardous
materials survey report, biological analysis, and other necessary or
requested documents for the proposed compensation land to the
CPM. All documents conveying or conserving compensation lands
and all conditions of title are subject to review and approval by the
CPM, in consultation with CDFG, BLM and the USFWS. For
conveyances to the State, approval may also be required from the
California Department of General Services, the Fish and Game
Commission and the Wildlife Conservation Board.
b. Title/Conveyance: The Project owner shall acquire and transfer fee
title to the compensation lands, a conservation easement over the
lands, or both fee title and conservation easement as required by
the CPM in consultation with CDFG. Any transfer of a conservation
easement or fee title must be to CDFG, a non-profit organization
qualified to hold title to and manage compensation lands (pursuant
to California Government Code section 65965), or to BLM or other
public agency approved by the CPM in consultation with CDFG. If
an approved non-profit organization holds fee title to the
compensation lands, a conservation easement shall be recorded in

Biological Resources 108

favor of CDFG or another entity approved by the CPM. If an
approved non-profit holds a conservation easement, CDFG shall be
named a third party beneficiary. If an entity other than CDFG holds
a conservation easement over the compensation lands, the CPM
may require that CDFG or another entity approved by the CPM, in
consultation with CDFG, be named a third party beneficiary of the
conservation easement. The Project owner shall obtain approval of
the CPM, in consultation with CDFG, of the terms of any transfer of
fee title or conservation easement to the compensation lands.
c. Property Analysis Record: Upon identification of the compensation
lands, the Project owner shall conduct a Property Analysis Record
(PAR) or PAR-like analysis to establish the appropriate amount of
the long-term maintenance and management fund to pay the in-
perpetuity management of the compensation lands. The PAR or
PAR-like analysis must be approved by the CPM, in consultation
with CDFG, before it can be used to establish funding levels or
management activities for the compensation lands.
5. Compensation Lands Acquisition Costs: The Project owner shall
pay all other costs related to acquisition of compensation lands and
conservation easements. In addition to actual land costs, these
acquisition costs shall include but shall not be limited to the items
listed below. Management costs including site cleanup measures
are described separately, in the following section.

a. Level 1 Environmental Site Assessment;

b. Appraisal;
c. Title and document review costs;
d. Expenses incurred from other state, federal, or local agency
e. Closing and escrow costs;
f. Overhead costs related to providing compensation lands to
CDFG or an approved third party;
g. Biological survey(s) to determine mitigation value of the land;
h. Agency costs to accept the land (e.g., writing and recording of
conservation easements; title transfer).
1. Land Improvement Requirements: The Project owner shall fund
activities that the CPM, in consultation with the CDFG, USFWS and
BLM, requires for the initial protection and habitat improvement of
the compensation lands. These activities will vary depending on the
condition and location of the land acquired, but may include

109 Biological Resources

surveys of boundaries and property lines, installation of signs, trash
removal and other site cleanup measures, construction and repair
of fences, invasive plant removal, removal of roads, and similar
measures to protect habitat and improve habitat quality on the
compensation lands.
The costs of these activities are estimated at $250 an acre, but will
vary depending on the measures that are required for the
compensation lands. A non-profit organization, CDFG or another
public agency may hold and expend the habitat improvement funds
if it is qualified to manage the compensation lands (pursuant to
California Government Code section 65965), if it meets the
approval of the CPM in consultation with CDFG, and if it is
authorized to participate in implementing the required activities on
the compensation lands. If CDFG takes fee title to the
compensation lands, the habitat improvement fund must be paid to
CDFG or its designee.
1. Long-term Management Requirements: Long-term management is
required to ensure that the compensation lands are managed and
maintained to protect and enhance habitat for Mojave fringe-toed
lizard. Management activities may include maintenance of signs,
fences, removal of invasive weeds, monitoring, security and
enforcement, and control or elimination of unauthorized use.
2. Long-term Management Plan. The project owner shall pay for the
preparation of a Management Plan for the compensation lands. The
Management Plan shall reflect site-specific enhancement measures
on the acquired compensation lands. The plan shall be submitted
for approval of the CPM, in consultation with CDFG, BLM and
3. Long-Term Maintenance and Management Funding. The Project
owner shall provide money to establish an account with a non-
wasting capital that will be used to fund the long-term maintenance
and management of the compensation lands. The amount of
money to be paid will be determined through an approved PAR or
PAR-like analysis conducted for the compensation lands. The
amount of required funding is initially estimated to be $1,450 for
every acre of compensation lands. If compensation lands will not be
identified and a PAR or PAR-like analysis completed within the time
period specified for this payment (see the verification section at the
end of this condition), the project owner shall provide initial
payment of $1,450 an acre for the acres identified in the verified
and approved delineation of habitat required by this condition, or if
the delineation is not completed, shall provide $300,875 calculated

Biological Resources 110

at $1,450 an acre for 207.5 acres into an account for long-term
maintenance and management of compensation lands. The amount
of the required initial payment or security for this item shall be
adjusted for any change in the Project footprint as described above.
If an initial payment is made based on the estimated per-acre costs,
the project owner shall deposit additional money as may be needed
to provide the full amount of long-term maintenance and
management funding indicated by a PAR or PAR-like analysis,
once the analysis is completed and approved. If the approved
analysis indicates less than $1,450 an acre will be required for
long-term maintenance and management, the excess paid will be
returned to the Project owner.
The project owner must obtain the CPM’s approval of the entity that
will receive and hold the long-term maintenance and management
fund for the compensation lands. The CPM will consult with CDFG
before deciding whether to approve an entity to hold the project’s
long-term maintenance and management funds. The CPM, in
consultation with CDFG, may designate another non-profit
organization to hold the long-term maintenance and management
fee if the organization is qualified to manage the compensation
lands in perpetuity.
If CDFG takes fee title to the compensation lands, CDFG shall
determine whether it will hold the long-term management fee in the
special deposit fund, leave the money in the REAT Account, or
designate another entity to manage the long-term maintenance and
management fee for CDFG and with CDFG supervision.
The Project owner shall ensure that an agreement is in place with
the long-term maintenance and management fee holder/manager
to ensure the following conditions:
i. Interest. Interest generated from the initial capital shall be
available for reinvestment into the principal and for the long-
term operation, management, and protection of the approved
compensation lands, including reasonable administrative
overhead, biological monitoring, improvements to carrying
capacity, law enforcement measures, and any other action
designed to protect or improve the habitat values of the
compensation lands.
ii. Withdrawal of Principal. The long-term maintenance and
management fee principal shall not be drawn upon unless such
withdrawal is deemed necessary by the CPM, in consultation with
CDFG, or the approved third-party long-term maintenance and
management fee manager to ensure the continued viability of the
species on the compensation lands. If CDFG takes fee title to the
compensation lands, monies received by CDFG pursuant to this

111 Biological Resources

provision shall be deposited in a special deposit fund established
solely for the purpose to manage lands in perpetuity unless
CDFG designates NFWF or another entity to manage the long-
term maintenance and management fee for CDFG.
iii. Pooling Funds. A CPM-approved non-profit organization
qualified to hold long-term maintenance and management fees
solely for the purpose to manage lands in perpetuity, may pool
the fund with other funds for the operation, management, and
protection of the compensation lands for local populations of
Mojave fringe-toed lizard. However, for reporting purposes, the
long-term maintenance and management fee fund must be
tracked and reported individually to the CPM.
iv. Reimbursement Fund. The project owner shall provide
reimbursement to CDFG or an approved third party for reasonable
expenses incurred during title, easement, and documentation
review; expenses incurred from other State or State-approved
federal agency reviews; and overhead related to providing
compensation lands.

1. Compensation Mitigation Security: The project owner shall provide

security sufficient for funding acquisition, improvement, and long-
term management of Mojave fringe-toed lizard compensation land.
Financial assurance can be provided to the CPM in the form of an
irrevocable letter of credit, a pledged savings account or another
form of security (“Security”). Prior to submitting the Security to the
CPM, the Project owner shall obtain the CPM’s approval, in
consultation with CDFG, BLM and the USFWS, of the form of the

The security amount shall be based on the estimates provided in

Revised Biological Resources Tables 5 and 6. This amount
shall be updated and verified prior to payment and shall be
adjusted to reflect actual costs or more current estimates as agreed
upon by the REAT agencies.

The Project owner shall provide verification that financial

assurances have been established to the CPM with copies of the
document(s) to BLM, CDFG and the USFWS, to guarantee that an
adequate level of funding is available to implement any of the
mitigation measures required by this condition that are not
completed prior to the start of ground-disturbing activities described
in Section A of this condition.

In the event that the project owner defaults on the Security, the
CPM may use money from the Security solely for implementation of

Biological Resources 112

the requirements of this condition. The CPM’s use of the security to
implement measures in this condition may not fully satisfy the
Project owner’s obligations under this condition. Any amount of the
Security that is not used to carry out mitigation shall be returned to
the Project owner upon successful completion of the associated
requirements in this condition.

Security for the requirements of this condition shall be provided in

the amount of $660,416.25 (or $674,211.24 if the project owner
elects to use the REAT Account with NFWF pursuant to paragraph
4 of this condition, below). The Security is calculated in part from
the items that follow but adjusted as specified below (consult
Revised Biological Resources Tables 5 and 6 for the complete
breakdown of estimated costs). However, regardless of the amount
of the security or actual cost of implementation, the project owner
shall be responsible for implementing all aspects of this condition.

i. land acquisition costs for compensation land, calculated at


ii. Site assessments, appraisals, biological surveys, transaction

closing and escrow costs, calculated as $18,000 total per parcel
(presuming 320 acres per parcel);

iii. Initial site clean-up, restoration, or enhancement, calculated at


iv. Third-party and agency administrative transaction costs and

overhead, calculated as percentages of land cost;

v. Long-term management and maintenance fund, calculated at

$1,450 per acre;

vi. NFWF fees to establish a project-specific account; manage the

sub-account for acquisition and initial site work; and manage the
sub-account for long term management and maintenance.

2. Phasing of Security Payment: Compensatory Mitigation Land

Security may be phased according to phasing of the project’s
approval and construction. Phasing of compensation funding shall
be based upon land disturbance and habit impacts for each project
phase. Phasing of the mitigation payment is described further in
staff’s recommended Condition of Certification BIO-31.

3. The project owner may elect to comply with some or all of the
requirements in this condition by providing funds to implement the
requirements into the Renewable Energy Action Team (REAT)
Account established with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

113 Biological Resources

(NFWF). To use this option, the Project owner must make an initial
deposit to the REAT Account in an amount equal to the estimated
costs of implementing the requirement (as set forth in the Security
section of this condition, paragraph 3, above). If the actual cost of
the acquisition, initial protection and habitat improvements, long-
term funding or other cost is more than the estimated amount
initially paid by the project owner, the project owner shall make an
additional deposit into the REAT Account sufficient to cover the
actual acquisition costs, the actual costs of initial protection and
habitat improvement on the compensation lands, the long-term
funding requirements as established in an approved PAR or PAR-
like analysis, or the other actual costs that are estimated in the
table. If those actual costs or PAR projections are less than the
amount initially transferred by the applicant, the remaining balance
shall be returned to the project owner.

4. The responsibility for acquisition of compensation lands may be

delegated to a third party other than NFWF, such as a non-
governmental organization supportive of desert habitat
conservation, by written agreement of the Energy Commission.
Such delegation shall be subject to approval by the CPM, in
consultation with CDFG, BLM and USFWS, prior to land
acquisition, enhancement or management activities. Agreements to
delegate land acquisition to an approved third party, or to manage
compensation lands, shall be executed and implemented within 18
months of the Energy Commission’s certification of the project.

5. The project owner may request the CPM to provide it with all
available information about any funds held by the Energy
Commission, CDFG, or NFWF as project security, or funds held in
a NFWF sub-account for this project, or other project-specific
account held by a third party. The CPM shall also fully cooperate
with any independent audit that the project owner may choose to
perform on any of these funds.

Verification: The project owner shall provide the CPM with written notice of
intent to start ground disturbance at least 30 days prior to the start of ground-
disturbing activities on the project site.

If the mitigation actions required under this condition are not completed at least
30 days prior to the start of ground-disturbing activities, the Project owner shall
provide the CPM and CDFG with an approved Security in accordance with this
condition of certification no later than 30 days prior to beginning Project ground-
disturbing activities. Prior to submitting the Security to the CPM, the project
owner shall obtain the CPM’s approval, in consultation with CDFG, BLM and the
USFWS, of the form of the Security. The project owner, or an approved third
party, shall complete and provide written verification to the CPM, CDFG, BLM

Biological Resources 114

and USFWS of the compensation lands acquisition and transfer within 18 months
of the start of Project ground-disturbing activities.

No later than 12 months after the start of any phase of ground-disturbing project
activities, the project owner shall submit a formal acquisition proposal to the CPM
describing the parcels intended for purchase, and shall obtain approval from the
CPM, in consultation with CDFG, BLM and USFWS, prior to the acquisition. If
NFWF or another approved third party is handling the acquisition, the project
owner shall fully cooperate with the third party to ensure the proposal is
submitted within this time period. The project owner or an approved third party
shall complete the acquisition and all required transfers of the compensation
lands, and provide written verification to the CPM, CDFG, BLM and USFWS of
such completion, no later than 18 months after the issuance of the Energy
Commission Decision. If NFWF or another approved third party is being used for
the acquisition, the project owner shall ensure that funds needed to accomplish
the acquisition are transferred in timely manner to facilitate the planned
acquisition and to ensure the land can be acquired and transferred prior to the
18-month deadline,

The project owner shall complete and submit to the CPM a PAR or PAR-like
analysis no later than 60 days after the CPM approves compensation lands for
acquisition associated with any phase of construction. The project owner shall
fully fund the required amount for long-term maintenance and management of
the compensation lands for that phase of construction no later than 30 days after
the CPM approves a PAR or PAR-like analysis of the anticipated long-term
maintenance and management costs of the compensation lands. Written
verification shall be provided to the CPM and CDFG to confirm payment of the
long-term maintenance and management funds.

No later than 60 days after the CPM determines what activities are required to
provide for initial protection and habitat improvement on the compensation lands
for any phase of construction, the project owner shall make funding available for
those activities and provide written verification to the CPM of what funds are
available and how costs will be paid. Initial protection and habitat improvement
activities on the compensation lands for that phase of construction shall be
completed, and written verification provided to the CPM, no later than six months
after the CPM’s determination of what activities are required on the
compensation lands.

The project owner, or an approved third party, shall provide the CPM, CDFG,
BLM and USFWS with a management plan for the compensation lands
associated with any phase of construction within180 days of the land or
easement purchase, as determined by the date on the title. The CPM, in
consultation with CDFG, BLM and the USFWS, shall approve the management
plan after its content is acceptable to the CPM.

115 Biological Resources

Within 90 days after completion of all project related ground disturbance, the
project owner shall provide to the CPM, CDFG, BLM and USFWS an analysis,
based on aerial photography, with the final accounting of the amount of habitat
disturbed during Project construction. This shall be the basis for the final number
of acres required to be acquired.


BIO-14 Concurrent with Desert Tortoise Clearance surveys (BIO-15, below),

the project owner shall conduct pre-construction surveys for Gila
monsters. If a Gila monster is encountered during clearance surveys or
during construction, a qualified biologist experienced with Gila monster
survey and capture techniques shall capture and maintain it in a cool
(85 degrees F) environment until it can be released to a safe, suitable
area beyond the construction impact zone. The biologist shall
coordinate with staff and CDFG biologists in the transport and
relocation of any Gila monsters encountered during project surveys,
construction, or operation. A written report documenting any Gila
monsters relocated shall be provided to the CPM within 30 days of
Verification: Within 30 days after completion of clearance surveys the
Designated Biologist shall submit a report to BLM’s Wildlife Biologist, the CPM,
USFWS, and CDFG describing implementation and results, including description
of any relocation of Gila monsters. The report shall include the number of Gila
monsters moved; their state of health, including wounds or visible signs of illness;
and the location of relocation.


BIO-15 The project owner shall undertake appropriate measures to manage the
construction site and related facilities in a manner to avoid or minimize
impacts to desert tortoise. Methods for clearance surveys, fence
specification and installation, tortoise handling, artificial burrow
construction, egg handling and other procedures shall be consistent
with those described in the USFWS’ 2009 Desert Tortoise Field Manual or more
current guidance provided by CDFG and USFWS. The project owner
shall also implement all terms and conditions described in the Biological
Opinion for the Project prepared by USFWS. These measures include,
but are not limited to, the following:

1. Desert Tortoise Exclusion Fence Installation. To avoid impacts to

desert tortoises, permanent desert tortoise exclusion fencing shall
be installed along the permanent perimeter security fence and
temporarily installed along the utility corridors at tower locations,
laydown areas, or other staging areas. Tortoise exclusion fencing
shall also be installed as necessary to prevent tortoises on the

Biological Resources 116

southern NAP (not a part) area (between the project site and
Interstate-40) to prevent tortoises from entering the highway. If the
culvert areas cannot be fenced due to restrictions associated with
highway maintenance, the two tortoises would be translocated off
the site (see BIO-16). The proposed alignments for the permanent
perimeter fence and utility rights-of-way fencing shall be flagged
and surveyed within 24 hours prior to the initiation of fence
construction. Clearance surveys of the perimeter fence and utility
rights-ofway alignments shall be conducted by the Designated
Biologist(s) using techniques approved by the USFWS and CDFG
and may be conducted in any season with USFWS and CDFG
approval. Biological Monitors may assist the Designated Biologist
under his or her supervision with the approval of the CPM, BLM,
USFWS, and CDFG. These fence clearance surveys shall provide
100-percent coverage of all areas to be disturbed and an additional
transect along both sides of the fence line. This fence line transect
shall cover an area approximately 90 feet wide centered on the
fence alignment. Transects shall be no greater than 15 feet apart.
All desert tortoise burrows, and burrows constructed by other
species that might be used by desert tortoises, shall be examined
to assess occupancy of each burrow by desert tortoises and
handled in accordance with the USFWS’ 2009 Desert Tortoise Field
Manual. Any desert tortoise located during fence clearance surveys
shall be handled by the Designated Biologist(s) in accordance with
the USFWS’ 2009 Desert Tortoise Field Manual.

a. Timing, Supervision of Fence Installation. The exclusion fencing

shall be installed prior to the onset of site clearing and grubbing.
Fencing shall also be placed along both sides of any
construction access roads within tortoise habitat but outside the
fenced construction area, and maintained throughout the
construction phase of the project, unless otherwise approved by
the CPM, BLM Wildlife Biologist, USFWS, and CDFG. The
fence installation shall be supervised by the Designated
Biologist and monitored by the Biological Monitors to ensure the
safety of any tortoise present.

b. Fence Material and Installation. The permanent tortoise

exclusionary fencing shall be constructed in accordance with the
USFWS’ 2009 Desert Tortoise Field Manual (Chapter 8 –
Desert Tortoise Exclusion Fence).

c. Security Gates. Security gates shall be designed with minimal

ground clearance to deter ingress by tortoises. The gates may
be electronically activated to open and close immediately after
the vehicle(s) have entered or exited to prevent the gates from
being kept open for long periods of time. Cattle grating designed

117 Biological Resources

to safely exclude desert tortoise shall be installed at the gated
entries to discourage tortoises from gaining entry.

d. Fence Inspections. Following installation of the desert tortoise

exclusion fencing for both the permanent site fencing and
temporary fencing in the utility corridors, the fencing shall be
regularly inspected. If tortoise were moved out of harm’s way
during fence construction, permanent and temporary fencing
shall be inspected at least two times a day for the first 7 days to
ensure a recently moved tortoise has not been trapped within
the fence. Thereafter, permanent fencing shall be inspected
monthly and during and within 24 hours following all major
rainfall events. A major rainfall event is defined as one for which
surface flow is detectable within the fenced drainage during the
storm, or for which channels on-site show any evidence of
newly deposited sediments, bank erosion, or channel reworking
following the storm. The project owner shall be responsible for
monitoring storm flows and changes to channels to evaluate
need for fence inspection. Any damage to the fencing shall be
temporarily repaired immediately to keep tortoises out of the
site, and permanently repaired within 48 hours of observing
damage. Inspections of permanent site fencing shall occur for
the life of the project. Temporary fencing shall be inspected
weekly and, where drainages intersect the fencing, during and
within 24 hours following major rainfall events. All temporary
fencing shall be repaired immediately upon discovery and, if the
fence may have permitted tortoise entry while damaged, the
Designated Biologist shall inspect the area for tortoise.

e. Derailment or other emergency. In the case of derailment or

other emergency, project owner is required to provide BNSF
access to the Project site for emergency response. This access
may include, among other activities, temporary removal of
portions of the desert tortoise exclusionary fencing, the
immediate placement of a temporary fence and the placement
of the applicable portion of the permanent fence within 48 hours
of the temporary removal of such portion.

2. Desert Tortoise Clearance Surveys within the Plant Site. Following

construction of the permanent perimeter security fence and the
attached tortoise exclusion fence, the permanently fenced power
plant site shall be cleared of tortoises by the Designated Biologist,
who may be assisted by the Biological Monitors. Clearance surveys
shall be conducted in accordance with the USFWS’ 2009 Desert
Tortoise Field Manual (Chapter 6 – Clearance Survey Protocol for
the Desert Tortoise – Mojave Population) and shall consist of two
surveys covering 100% the project area by walking transects no

Biological Resources 118

more than 15-feet apart. If a desert tortoise is located on the
second survey, a third survey shall be conducted. Each separate
survey shall be walked in a different direction to allow opposing
angles of observation. Clearance surveys of the power plant site
may only be conducted when tortoises are most active (April
through May or September through October). Surveys outside of
these time periods require approval by USFWS and CDFG. Any
tortoise located during clearance surveys of the power plant site
shall be relocated and monitored in accordance with the Desert
Tortoise Translocation Plan (Condition of Certification BIO-1 6).

a. Burrow Searches. During clearance surveys all desert tortoise

burrows, and burrows constructed by other species that might
be used by desert tortoises, shall be examined by the
Designated Biologist, who may be assisted by the Biological
Monitors, to assess occupancy of each burrow by desert
tortoises and handled in accordance with the USFWS’ 2009
Desert Tortoise Field Manual. To prevent reentry by a tortoise or
other wildlife, all burrows shall be collapsed once absence has
been determined. Tortoises taken from burrows and from
elsewhere on the power plant site shall be translocated as
described in the Desert Tortoise Translocation Plan.

b. Burrow Excavation/Handling. All potential desert tortoise

burrows located during clearance surveys would be excavated
by hand, tortoises removed, and collapsed or blocked to prevent
occupation by desert tortoises. All desert tortoise handling and
removal, and burrow excavations, including nests, would be
conducted by the Designated Biologist, who may be assisted by
a Biological Monitor in accordance with the USFWS’ 2009
Desert Tortoise Field Manual.

3. Monitoring Following Clearing. Following the desert tortoise

clearance and removal from the power plant site and utility
corridors and initial memo or verbal completion report to BLM’s
Wildlife Biologist, the CPM, USFWS, and CDFG (below), workers
and heavy equipment shall be allowed to enter the project site to
perform clearing, grubbing, leveling, and trenching. A Designated
Biologist shall monitor clearing and grading activities to find and
move tortoises missed during the initial tortoise clearance survey.
Should a tortoise be discovered, it shall be translocated as
described in the Desert Tortoise Translocation Plan to an area
approved by the Designated Biologist.

4. Reporting. The Designated Biologist shall record the following

information for any desert tortoises handled: a) the locations
(narrative and maps) and dates of observation; b) general condition

119 Biological Resources

and health, including injuries, state of healing and whether desert
tortoise voided their bladders; c) location moved from and location
moved to (using GPS technology); d) gender, carapace length, and
diagnostic markings (i.e., identification numbers or marked lateral
scutes); e) ambient temperature when handled and released; and f)
digital photograph of each handled desert tortoise as described in
the paragraph below. Desert tortoise moved from within project
areas shall be marked and monitored in accordance with the Desert
Tortoise Translocation Plan.
Verification: All mitigation measures and their implementation methods shall
be included in the BRMIMP and implemented. Implementation of the measures
shall be reported in the Monthly Compliance Reports by the Designated Biologist.
Immediately upon completion of clearance surveys and desert tortoise removal
from the site, the Designated Biologist shall provide an initial memo or verbal
report of the results to BLM’s Wildlife Biologist, the CPM, USFWS, and CDFG.
Within 30 days after completion of desert tortoise clearance surveys the
Designated Biologist shall submit a report to BLM’s Wildlife Biologist, the CPM,
USFWS, and CDFG describing implementation of each of the mitigation
measures listed above and compliance with Gila monster clearance survey (BIO-
14). The report shall include the desert tortoise survey results, capture and
release locations of any relocated desert tortoises, and any other information
needed to demonstrate compliance with the measures described above.


BIO-16 The project owner shall develop and implement a final Desert Tortoise
Translocation Plan (Plan) in conformance with standards and guidelines
described in Translocation of Desert Tortoises (Mojave Population)
From Project Sites: Plan Development Guidance (USFWS 2010), any
more current guidance or recommendations as available from CDFG or
USFWS, and meets the approval of USFWS, CDFG, BLM’s Wildlife
Biologist and the CPM. The goal of the Plan shall be to safely exclude
desert tortoises from within the fenced project area and translocate
them to suitable habitat capable of supporting them, while minimizing
stress and potential for disease transmission. Tortoises to be moved
farther than 500 meters shall be tested for disease prior to
translocation. The Plan shall include written correspondence with
CalTrans indicating whether tortoise exclusion fencing may be installed
to prevent tortoises on the southern NAP area (between the project site
and Interstate-40) to prevent tortoises from entering the highway. If
CalTrans does not permit that fencing, then desert tortoises shall be
translocated off the NAP site (see BIO-15). The final Plan shall be
based on the draft Desert Tortoise Translocation Plan prepared by the
applicant and shall include all revisions deemed necessary by USFWS,
CDFG, BLM’S Wildlife Biologist, and staff. The Plan shall include but
not be limited to, a list of the authorized handlers, protocols for disease

Biological Resources 120

testing and assessing tortoise health, proposed translocation locations
and procedures, schedule of translocations, a habitat assessment of
translocation lands, monitoring and reporting, and contingency planning
(e.g., handling an injured or diseased tortoise).
Verification: Within 30 days of publication of the Energy Commission License
Decision or BLM’s Record of Decision/ROW Issuance, whichever comes first, the
project owner shall provide BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the CPM with the final
version of a Desert Tortoise Translocation Plan that has been reviewed and
approved by BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the CPM in consultation with USFWS
and CDFG. The plan shall include the locations of the translocation sites. The
project owner may not translocate more than 98 tortoises unless the project
owner first provides the CPM with documentation demonstrating that adequate
translocation sites have been identified, and obtains CPM approval of those
translocation sites. All modifications to the approved Plan shall be made only
after approval by BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the CPM, in consultation with
USFWS and CDFG. Within 30 days after initiation of translocation activities, the
Designated Biologist shall provide to BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the CPM for
review and approval, a written report identifying which items of the Plan have
been completed, and a summary of all modifications to measures made during
implementation of the Plan. Written monthly progress reports shall be provided to
the BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and CPM for the duration of the Plan implementation,
including the duration of monitoring of translocated tortoises.


BIO-17 The project owner shall provide compensatory mitigation acreage of
10,302 acres of desert tortoise habitat lands, adjusted to reflect the
final project footprint, as specified in this condition. In addition, the
project owner shall provide funding for initial improvement and long-
term maintenance, enhancement, and management of the acquired
lands for protection and enhancement of desert tortoise populations,
and comply with other related requirements of this condition. This
acreage was calculated as follows: a ratio of 1:1 for the project area
south of the BNSF railroad tracks (2,140 acres); a ratio of 3:1 ratio for
2,104 acres of the project area north of the BNSF railroad tracks; and a
ratio of 5:1 for 370 additional acres north of the BNSF railroad tracks.
See Table, below.

Desert Tortoise Compensation Acreage Summary:

Location Project Impact Mitigation Ratio Compensation

Acreage Acreage
South of BNSF RR 2,140 acres 1:1 2,140 acres
North of BNSF RR 2.104 acres 3:1 6,312 acres
(southern Phase 1b

121 Biological Resources

North of BNSF RR 370 acres 5:1 1,850 acres
(northern Phase 2
area, Scenario 5.5
Scenario 5.5 Total 4,614 acres 10,302 acres

Costs of these requirements are estimated to be $31,079,934.00 for

Scenario 5.5 (see Ex. 317, Biological Resources Addendum Tables
5 and 7 for a complete breakdown of costs and acreage).

As many as 4,614 acres of the compensation lands requirement may

be satisfied by applicant’s compliance with the desert tortoise habitat
acquisition or enhancement requirements of BLM, to be calculated as
an acre-for-acre offset in the Energy Commission requirement for
mitigation provided to satisfy BLM’s requirements. For purposes of this
paragraph, credit will be given for BLM-required mitigation without
regard to whether BLM uses the mitigation funds for habitat acquisition
or for enhancement projects to benefit the species.

These impact acreages shall be adjusted to reflect the final project

footprint. For purposes of this condition, the Project footprint means all
lands disturbed in the construction and operation of the Calico Solar
Project, including all linear project components, as well as all
undeveloped areas inside the Project’s boundaries.

The project owner shall provide financial assurances as described

below in the amount of $31,079,934.00. In lieu of acquiring lands itself,
the Project owner may satisfy the requirements of this condition by
depositing funds into a Renewable Energy Action Team (REAT)
Account established with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
(NFWF), as described below. If the Project owner elects to establish a
REAT NFWF Account and have NFWF and the agencies complete the
required habitat compensation, then the total estimated cost of
complying with this condition is $31,755,574.02. The amount of
security or NFWF deposit shall be adjusted up or down to reflect any
revised cost estimates recommended by REAT.

The actual costs to comply with this condition will vary depending on
the final footprint of the Project, the costs of acquiring compensation
habitat, the costs of initially improving the habitat, and the actual costs
of long-term management as determined by a Property Analysis
Report or similar analysis (below). The 4,614 acre habitat requirement,
and associated funding requirements based on that acreage, shall be
adjusted up or down if there are changes in the final footprint of the
project or the associated costs of evaluation, acquisition, management,
and other factors listed in Biological Resources Addendum Tables 5

Biological Resources 122

and 7. Regardless of actual cost, the project owner shall be
responsible for funding all requirements of this condition.


1. Method of Acquisition. Compensation lands shall be acquired by
either of the two options listed below. Regardless of the method of
acquisition, the transaction shall be complete only upon completion of
all terms and conditions described in this Condition of Certification.
a. The project owner shall acquire lands and transfer title and/or
conservation easement to a state or federal land management
agency or to a third-party non-profit land management organization,
as approved by the CPM in consultation with BLM, CDFG, and
b. The Project owner shall deposit funds into a project-specific
subaccount within the REAT Account established with the NFWF,
in the amount as indicated in Biological Resources Addendum
Tables 5 and 7 (adjusted to reflect final project footprint and any
applicable REAT adjustments to costs).

2. Selection Criteria for Compensation Lands. The compensation

lands selected for acquisition to meet Energy Commission and
CESA requirements shall be equal to or better than the quality and
function of the habitat impacted and:
a. be within the Western Mojave Recovery Unit, with potential
to contribute to desert tortoise habitat connectivity and build
linkages between desert tortoise designated critical habitat,
known populations of desert tortoise, and/or other preserve
b. provide habitat for desert tortoise with capacity to regenerate
naturally when disturbances are removed;
c. be near larger blocks of lands that are either already
protected or planned for protection, or which could feasibly be
protected long-term by a public resource agency or a non-
governmental organization dedicated to habitat preservation;
d. be contiguous and biologically connected to lands currently
occupied by desert tortoise, ideally with populations that are
stable, recovering, or likely to recover;
e. not have a history of intensive recreational use or other
disturbance that might cause future erosional damage or other
habitat damage, and make habitat recovery and restoration

123 Biological Resources

f. not be characterized by high densities of invasive species,
either on or immediately adjacent to the parcels under
consideration, that might jeopardize habitat recovery and
restoration; and
g. not contain hazardous wastes that cannot be removed to the
extent that the site could not provide suitable habitat; and
h. have water and mineral rights included as part of the
acquisition, unless the CPM, in consultation with CDFG, BLM
and USFWS, agrees in writing to the acceptability of land
without these rights.
3. Review and Approval of Compensation Lands Prior to Acquisition.
The project owner shall submit a formal acquisition proposal to the
CPM describing the parcel(s) intended for purchase. This acquisition
proposal shall discuss the suitability of the proposed parcel(s) as
compensation lands for desert tortoise in relation to the criteria listed
above and must be approved by the CPM. The CPM will share the
proposal with and consult with CDFG, BLM and the USFWS before
deciding whether to approve or disapprove the proposed acquisition.

4. Compensation Lands Acquisition Conditions: The project owner shall

comply with the following conditions relating to acquisition of the
compensation lands after the CPM, in consultation with CDFG, BLM
and the USFWS have approved the proposed compensation lands:
a. Preliminary Report: The Project owner, or approved third party,
shall provide a recent preliminary title report, initial hazardous
materials survey report, biological analysis, and other necessary or
requested documents for the proposed compensation land to the
CPM. All documents conveying or conserving compensation lands
and all conditions of title are subject to review and approval by the
CPM, in consultation with CDFG, BLM and the USFWS. For
conveyances to the State, approval may also be required from the
California Department of General Services, the Fish and Game
Commission and the Wildlife Conservation Board.
b. Title/Conveyance: The Project owner shall acquire and transfer fee
title to the compensation lands, a conservation easement over the
lands, or both fee title and conservation easement as required by
the CPM in consultation with CDFG. Any transfer of a conservation
easement or fee title must be to CDFG, a non-profit organization
qualified to hold title to and manage compensation lands (pursuant
to California Government Code section 65965), or to BLM or other
public agency approved by the CPM in consultation with CDFG. If
an approved non-profit organization holds fee title to the
compensation lands, a conservation easement shall be recorded in
favor of CDFG or another entity approved by the CPM. If an

Biological Resources 124

approved non-profit holds a conservation easement, CDFG shall be
named a third party beneficiary. If an entity other than CDFG holds
a conservation easement over the compensation lands, the CPM
may require that CDFG or another entity approved by the CPM, in
consultation with CDFG, be named a third party beneficiary of the
conservation easement. The Project owner shall obtain approval of
the CPM, in consultation with CDFG, of the terms of any transfer of
fee title or conservation easement to the compensation lands.
c. Property Analysis Record. Upon identification of the compensation
lands, the Project owner shall conduct a Property Analysis Record
(PAR) or PAR-like analysis to establish the appropriate amount of
the long-term maintenance and management fund to pay the in-
perpetuity management of the compensation lands. The PAR or
PAR-like analysis must be approved by the CPM, in consultation
with CDFG, before it can be used to establish funding levels or
management activities for the compensation lands.

5. Compensation Lands Acquisition Costs: The Project owner shall pay

all other costs related to acquisition of compensation lands and
conservation easements. In addition to actual land costs, these
acquisition costs shall include but shall not be limited to the items
listed below. Management costs including site cleanup measures
are described separately, in the following section.

a. Level 1 Environmental Site Assessment;

b. Appraisal;
c. Title and document review costs;
d. Expenses incurred from other state, federal, or local agency
e. Closing and escrow costs;
f. Overhead costs related to providing compensation lands to
CDFG or an approved third party;
g. Biological survey(s) to determine mitigation value of the land;
h. Agency costs to accept the land (e.g., writing and recording of
conservation easements; title transfer).


1. Land Improvement Requirements: The Project owner shall fund
activities that the CPM, in consultation with the CDFG, USFWS and
BLM, requires for the initial protection and habitat improvement of

125 Biological Resources

the compensation lands. These activities will vary depending on the
condition and location of the land acquired, but may include
surveys of boundaries and property lines, installation of signs, trash
removal and other site cleanup measures, construction and repair
of fences, invasive plant removal, removal of roads, and similar
measures to protect habitat and improve habitat quality on the
compensation lands.
The costs of these activities are estimated at $250 an acre, but will
vary depending on the measures that are required for the
compensation lands. A non-profit organization, CDFG or another
public agency may hold and expend the habitat improvement funds
if it is qualified to manage the compensation lands (pursuant to
California Government Code section 65965), if it meets the
approval of the CPM in consultation with CDFG, and if it is
authorized to participate in implementing the required activities on
the compensation lands. If CDFG takes fee title to the
compensation lands, the habitat improvement fund must be paid to
CDFG or its designee.


1. Long-term Management Requirements: Long-term management is
required to ensure that the compensation lands are managed and
maintained to protect and enhance habitat for desert tortoise.
Management activities may include maintenance of signs, fences,
removal of invasive weeds, monitoring, security and enforcement,
and control or elimination of unauthorized use.
2. Long-term Management Plan. The project owner shall pay for the
preparation of a Management Plan for the compensation lands. The
Management Plan shall reflect site-specific enhancement measures
on the acquired compensation lands. The plan shall be submitted
for approval of the CPM, in consultation with CDFG, BLM and
3. Long-Term Maintenance and Management Funding. The Project
owner shall provide money to establish an account with a non-
wasting capital that will be used to fund the long-term maintenance
and management of the compensation lands. The amount of
money to be paid will be determined through an approved PAR or
PAR-like analysis conducted for the compensation lands. The
amount of required funding is initially estimated to be $1,450 for
every acre of compensation lands. If compensation lands will not be
identified and a PAR or PAR-like analysis completed within the time
period specified for this payment (see the verification section at the
end of this condition), the Project owner shall provide initial

Biological Resources 126

payment of $14,937,900.00 calculated at $1,450 an acre for each
compensation acre, as shown in Biological Resources
Addendum Tables 5 and 7 (above into an account for long-term
maintenance and management of compensation lands. The amount
of the required initial payment or security for this item shall be
adjusted for any change in the Project footprint as described above.
If an initial payment is made based on the estimated per-acre costs,
the project owner shall deposit additional money as may be needed
to provide the full amount of long-term maintenance and
management funding indicated by a PAR or PAR-like analysis,
once the analysis is completed and approved. If the approved
analysis indicates less than $1,450 an acre will be required for
long-term maintenance and management, the excess paid will be
returned to the Project owner.
The project owner must obtain the CPM’s approval of the entity that
will receive and hold the long-term maintenance and management
fund for the compensation lands. The CPM will consult with the
project owner and CDFG before deciding whether to approve an
entity to hold the project’s long-term maintenance and management
funds on any lands. The CPM, in consultation with the project
owner and CDFG, may designate another state agency or non-
profit organization to hold the long-term maintenance and
management fee if the organization is qualified to manage the
compensation lands in perpetuity.
If CDFG takes fee title to the compensation lands, CDFG shall
determine whether it will hold the long-term management fee in the
special deposit fund, leave the money in the REAT Account, or
designate another entity to manage the long-term maintenance and
management fee for CDFG and with CDFG supervision.
The Project owner shall ensure that an agreement is in place with
the long-term maintenance and management fee holder/manager
to ensure the following conditions:
i. Interest. Interest generated from the initial capital shall be
available for reinvestment into the principal and for the long-
term operation, management, and protection of the approved
compensation lands, including reasonable administrative
overhead, biological monitoring, improvements to carrying
capacity, law enforcement measures, and any other action
approved by CDFG designed to protect or improve the habitat
values of the compensation lands.
ii. Withdrawal of Principal. The long-term maintenance and
management fee principal shall not be drawn upon unless such
withdrawal is deemed necessary by the CPM, in consultation with
CDFG, or the approved third-party long-term maintenance and

127 Biological Resources

management fee manager to ensure the continued viability of the
species on the compensation lands. If CDFG takes fee title to the
compensation lands, monies received by CDFG pursuant to this
provision shall be deposited in a special deposit fund established
solely for the purpose to manage lands in perpetuity unless
CDFG designates NFWF or another entity to manage the long-
term maintenance and management fee for CDFG.
iii. Pooling Funds. A CPM- approved non-profit organization
qualified to hold long-term maintenance and management fees
solely for the purpose to manage lands in perpetuity, may pool
the fund with other funds for the operation, management, and
protection of the compensation lands for local populations of
desert tortoise. However, for reporting purposes, the long-term
maintenance and management fee fund must be tracked and
reported individually to the CDFG and CPM.
iv. Reimbursement Fund. The project owner shall provide
reimbursement to CDFG or an approved third party for reasonable
expenses incurred during title, easement, and documentation
review; expenses incurred from other State or State-approved
federal agency reviews; and overhead related to providing
compensation lands.

1. Compensation Mitigation Security: The project owner shall provide

security sufficient for funding acquisition, improvement, and long-
term management of desert tortoise compensation land. Financial
assurance can be provided to the CPM in the form of an irrevocable
letter of credit, a pledged savings account or another form of
security (“Security”). Prior to submitting the Security to the CPM,
the Project owner shall obtain the CPM’s approval, in consultation
with CDFG, BLM and the USFWS, of the form of the Security.

The security amount shall be based on the estimates provided in

Biological Resources Addendum Tables 5 and 7. This amount
shall be updated and verified prior to payment and shall be
adjusted to reflect actual costs or more current estimates as
agreed upon by the REAT agencies.

The Project owner shall provide verification that financial

assurances have been established to the CPM with copies of the
document(s) to BLM, CDFG and the USFWS, to guarantee that an
adequate level of funding is available to implement any of the
mitigation measures required by this condition that are not
completed prior to the start of ground-disturbing activities described
in Section A of this condition.

Biological Resources 128

In the event that the project owner defaults on the Security, the
CPM may use money from the Security solely for implementation of
the requirements of this condition. The CPM’s use of the security to
implement measures in this condition may not fully satisfy the
Project owner’s obligations under this condition. Any amount of the
Security that is not used to carry out mitigation shall be returned to
the Project owner upon successful completion of the associated
requirements in this condition.

Security for the requirements of this condition shall be provided in

the amount of $31,079,934 (or $31,755,574.02 if the project owner
elects to use the REAT Account with NFWF pursuant to paragraph
4 of this condition, below). The Security is calculated in part from
the items that follow but adjusted as specified below (consult
Biological Resources Addendum Tables 5 and 7 for the
complete breakdown of estimated costs). However, regardless of
the amount of the security or actual cost of implementation, the
project owner shall be responsible for implementing all aspects of
this condition.

i. land acquisition costs for compensation land, calculated at


ii. Site assessments, appraisals, biological surveys, transaction

closing and escrow costs, calculated as $18,000 total per parcel
(presuming 320 acres per parcel)

iii. Initial site clean-up, restoration, or enhancement, calculated at


iv. Third-party and agency administrative transaction costs and

overhead, calculated as percentages of land cost;

v. Long-term management and maintenance fund, calculated at

$1,450 per acre;

vi. NFWF fees to establish a project-specific account; manage the

sub-account for acquisition and initial site work; and manage the
sub-account for long term management and maintenance.

2. Phasing of Security Payment: Compensatory Mitigation Land

Security may be phased according to phasing of the project’s
approval and construction. Phasing of compensation funding shall
be based upon land disturbance and habit impacts for each project
phase. Phasing of the mitigation payment is described further in
staff’s recommended Condition of Certification BIO-31 (most
recent revision, below).

129 Biological Resources

3. The project owner may elect to comply with some or all of the
requirements in this condition by providing funds to implement the
requirements into the Renewable Energy Action Team (REAT)
Account established with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
(NFWF). To use this option, the Project owner must make an initial
deposit to the REAT Account in an amount equal to the estimated
costs of implementing the requirement (as set forth in the Security
section of this condition, paragraph 3, above). If the actual cost of
the acquisition, initial protection and habitat improvements, long-
term funding or other cost is more than the estimated amount
initially paid by the project owner, the project owner shall make an
additional deposit into the REAT Account sufficient to cover the
actual acquisition costs, the actual costs of initial protection and
habitat improvement on the compensation lands, the long-term
funding requirements as established in an approved PAR or PAR-
like analysis, or the other actual costs that are estimated in the
table. If those actual costs or PAR projections are less than the
amount initially transferred by the applicant, the remaining balance
shall be returned to the project owner.

4. The responsibility for acquisition of compensation lands may be

delegated to a third party other than NFWF, such as a non-
governmental organization supportive of desert habitat
conservation, by written agreement of the Energy Commission.
Such delegation shall be subject to approval by the CPM, in
consultation with CDFG, BLM and USFWS, prior to land
acquisition, enhancement or management activities. Agreements to
delegate land acquisition to an approved third party, or to manage
compensation lands, shall be executed and implemented within 18
months of the Energy Commission’s certification of the project.

5. The project owner may request the CPM to provide it with all
available information about any funds held by the Energy
Commission, CDFG, or NFWF as project security, or funds held in
a NFWF sub-account for this project, or other project-specific
account held by a third party. The CPM shall also fully cooperate
with any independent audit that the project owner may choose to
perform on any of these funds.

Verification: The project owner shall provide the CPM with written notice of
intent to start ground disturbance at least 30 days prior to the start of ground-
disturbing activities on the project site.

If the mitigation actions required under this condition are not completed at least
30 days prior to the start of ground-disturbing activities, the Project owner shall
provide verification to the CPM and CDFG that an approved Security has been
established in accordance with this condition of certification no later than 30 days

Biological Resources 130

prior to beginning Project ground-disturbing activities. Financial assurance can
be provided to the CPM in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, a pledged
savings account or another form of security (“Security”). Prior to submitting the
Security to the CPM, the project owner shall obtain the CPM’s approval, in
consultation with CDFG, BLM and the USFWS, of the form of the Security. The
project owner, or an approved third party, shall complete and provide written
verification to the CPM, CDFG, BLM and USFWS of the compensation lands
acquisition and transfer within 18 months of the start of Project ground-disturbing

No later than 12 months after the start of any phase of ground-disturbing project
activities, the project owner shall submit a formal acquisition proposal to the CPM
describing the parcels intended for purchase, and shall obtain approval from the
CPM, in consultation with CDFG, BLM and USFWS, prior to the acquisition. If
NFWF or another approved third party is handling the acquisition, the project
owner shall fully cooperate with the third party to ensure the proposal is
submitted within this time period. The project owner or an approved third party
shall complete the acquisition and all required transfers of the compensation
lands, and provide written verification to the CPM, CDFG, BLM and USFWS of
such completion, no later than 18 months after the issuance of the Energy
Commission Decision. If NFWF or another approved third party is being used for
all or part of the acquisition, the project owner shall ensure that funds needed to
accomplish the acquisition are transferred in timely manner to facilitate the
planned acquisition and to ensure the land can be acquired and transferred prior
to the 18-month deadline.

The project owner shall complete and submit to the CPM a PAR or PAR-like
analysis no later than 60 days after the CPM approves compensation lands for
acquisition associated with any phase of construction. The project owner shall
fully fund the required amount for long-term maintenance and management of
the compensation lands for that phase of construction no later than 30 days after
the CPM approves a PAR or PAR-like analysis of the anticipated long-term
maintenance and management costs of the compensation lands. Written
verification shall be provided to the CPM and CDFG to confirm payment of the
long-term maintenance and management funds.

No later than 60 days after the CPM determines what activities are required to
provide for initial protection and habitat improvement on the compensation lands
for any phase of construction, the project owner shall make funding available for
those activities and provide written verification to the CPM of what funds are
available and how costs will be paid. Initial protection and habitat improvement
activities on the compensation lands for that phase of construction shall be
completed, and written verification provided to the CPM, no later than six months
after the CPM’s determination of what activities are required on the
compensation lands.

131 Biological Resources

The project owner, or an approved third party, shall provide the CPM, CDFG,
BLM and USFWS with a management plan for the compensation lands
associated with any phase of construction within180 days of the land or
easement purchase, as determined by the date on the title. The CPM, in
consultation with CDFG, BLM and the USFWS, shall approve the management
plan after its content is acceptable to the CPM.

Within 90 days after completion of all project related ground disturbance, the
project owner shall provide to the CPM, CDFG, BLM and USFWS an analysis,
based on aerial photography, with the final accounting of the amount of habitat
disturbed during Project construction. If this analysis shows that more lands were
disturbed than was anticipated in this condition, the project owner shall provide
the Energy Commission with additional compensation lands and funding
commensurate with the added impacts and applicable mitigation ratios set forth
in this condition. A final analysis of all project related ground disturbance may not
result in a reduction of compensation requirements if the deadlines established
under this condition for transfer of compensation lands and funding have passed
prior to completion of the analysis.


BIO-18 The project owner shall design and implement a Raven Monitoring,
Management, and Control Plan (Raven Plan) that is consistent with the
most current USFWS-approved raven management guidelines and that
meets the approval of the USFWS, CDFG, and the CPM. Any
subsequent modifications to the approved Raven Plan shall be made
only with approval of the CPM in consultation with USFWS and CDFG.
The Raven Plan shall include but not be limited to a program to monitor
increased raven presence in the Project vicinity and to implement raven
control measures as needed based on that monitoring. The purpose of
the plan is to avoid any Project-related increases in raven numbers
during construction, operation, and decommissioning. The threshold for
implementation of raven control measures shall be any increases in
raven numbers from baseline conditions, as detected by monitoring to
be proposed in the Raven Plan. Regardless of raven monitoring results,
the project owner shall be responsible for all other aspects of the Raven
Plan, including avoidance and minimization of project-related trash,
water sources, or perch/roost sites that could contribute to increased
raven numbers. In addition, to offset the cumulative contributions of the
Project to desert tortoise from increased raven numbers, the Project
owner shall also contribute to the USFWS Regional Raven
Management Program. The Project owner shall do all of the following:

1. Prepare and Implement a Raven Management Plan that includes

the following:

Biological Resources 132

a. Identify conditions associated with the Project that might provide
raven subsidies or attractants;

b. Describe management practices to avoid or minimize conditions

that might increase raven numbers and predatory activities;

c. Describe control practices for ravens;

d. Address monitoring and nest removal during construction and

for the life of the Project, and;

e. Discuss reporting requirements.

2. Contribute to the USFWS Regional Raven Management Program.

The project owner shall submit payment to the project sub-account
of the REAT Account held by the National Fish and Wildlife
Foundation (NFWF) to support the USFWS Regional Raven
Management Program. The amount shall be a one-time payment of
$105 per acre of permanent disturbance and a 2% fund
management fee (totaling $494,159.40). Payment may be made in
phases corresponding to proposed phasing of the project described
in Condition of Certification BIO-31.

Verification: No later than 30 days prior to the start of construction, the project
owner shall provide written verification to the CPM that NFWF has received and
accepted payment into the project’s sub-account of the REAT Account to support
the USFWS Regional Raven Management Program.

No later than 30 days prior to any construction-related ground disturbance

activities, the Project owner shall provide the CPM, USFWS, and CDFG with the
final version of a Raven Plan. All modifications to the approved Raven Plan shall
be made only with approval of the CPM in consultation with USFWS and CDFG.

Within 30 days after completion of Project construction, the Project owner shall
provide to the CPM for review and approval, a written report identifying which
items of the Raven Plan have been completed, a summary of all modifications to
mitigation measures made during the Project’s construction phase, and which
items are still outstanding.

On January 31st of each year following construction the Designated Biologist

shall provide a report to the CPM that includes: a summary of the results of raven
management and control activities for the year; a discussion of whether raven
control and management goals for the year were met; and recommendations for
raven management activities for the upcoming year.

133 Biological Resources


BIO-19 Pre-construction nest surveys shall be conducted each year during the
construction phase of the project if construction activities will occur
during the breeding period (from January 1 through August 1). The
Designated Biologist or Biological Monitor conducting the surveys shall
be experienced bird surveyors who have demonstrated experience
conducting nest searches; are knowledgeable of the nesting habitats of
species that may nest on the site; and are familiar with standard nest-
locating techniques such as those described in Martin and Guepel
(1993). Surveys shall be conducted in accordance with the following
guidelines. Nothing in this condition requires the project owner to
conduct burrowing owl surveys by entering private lands adjacent to the
project site when the project owner has made reasonable attempts to
obtain permission to enter the property for survey work but was unable
to obtain such permission. In this situation only, the project owner may
substitute binocular surveys for protocol field surveys.

1. Surveys shall cover all potential nesting habitat in the project site
and within 500 feet of the boundaries of the plant site and linear

2. At least two pre-construction 100-percent coverage surveys shall

be conducted of each proposes construction area, separated by a
minimum 10-day interval. One of the surveys shall be conducted
within the 10 days preceding initiation of construction activity.
Additional follow-up surveys may be required if periods of
construction inactivity exceed one week in any given area, an
interval during which birds may establish a nesting territory and
initiate egg laying and incubation;

3. If active nests are detected during the survey, a 500 foot no-
disturbance buffer zone shall be implemented and a monitoring
plan shall be developed. This protected area surrounding the nest
may be adjusted by the Designated Biologist in consultation with
CDFG, BLM, USFWS, and CPM. Nest locations shall be mapped
using GPS technology and the location data provided in completion
reports (below) to the CPM and BLM Wildlife Biologist; and

4. The Designated Biologist shall monitor the nest until he or she

determines that nestlings have fledged and dispersed. Monitoring
shall avoid disturbing the nests or causing an increased risk of
predation. Activities that might, in the opinion of the Designated
Biologist and in consultation with the CPM and BLM, disturb nesting
activities shall be prohibited within the buffer zone until such a
determination is made.

Biological Resources 134

Verification: Upon completion of the surveys, and prior to initiating any
vegetation removal or ground-disturbing activities (i.e., no more than 10 days
prior to the start of such activities), the project owner shall provide the CPM and
BLM a letter-report describing the methods and findings of the pre-construction
nest surveys, including the time, date, and duration of the survey; identity and
qualifications of the surveyor(s); and a list of species observed. If active nests are
detected during the survey, the report shall include a map or aerial photo
identifying the location of the nest and shall depict the boundaries of the no-
disturbance buffer zone around the nest.


BIO-20 The Project owner shall implement the following measures to avoid or
minimize Project-related construction impacts to golden eagles.

1. Annual Inventory During Construction. For each calendar year

during which construction will occur an inventory shall be
conducted to determine if golden eagle territories occur within one
mile of the Project boundaries. Survey methods and surveyor
qualifications for the inventory shall be as described in the Interim
Golden Eagle Inventory and Monitoring Protocols; and Other
Recommendations (Pagel et al. 2010) or more current guidance
from the USFWS.

2. Inventory Data: Data collected during the inventory shall include at

least the following: territory status (unknown, vacant, occupied,
breeding successful, breeding unsuccessful); nest location, nest
elevation; age class of golden eagles observed; nesting
chronology; number of young at each visit; digital photographs; and
substrate upon which nest is placed.

3. Determination of Unoccupied Territory Status: A nesting territory or

inventoried habitat shall be considered unoccupied by golden
eagles only after completing at least two full surveys in a single
breeding season.

4. Monitoring and Adaptive Management Plan: If an occupied nest2 is

detected within one mile of the Project boundaries, the Project
owner shall prepare and implement a Golden Eagle Monitoring and
Management Plan for the duration of construction to ensure that
Project construction activities do not result in injury or disturbance
to golden eagles. The monitoring methods shall be consistent with
those described in the Interim Golden Eagle Inventory and
Monitoring Protocols; and Other Recommendations (Pagel et al.
2010) or more current guidance from the USFWS. The Monitoring
and Management Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the
USFWS. Triggers for adaptive management shall include any

135 Biological Resources

evidence of Project-related disturbance to nesting golden eagles,
including but not limited to: agitation behavior (displacement,
avoidance, and defense); increased vigilance behavior at nest
sites; changes in foraging and feeding behavior, or nest site
abandonment. The monitoring and Management Plan shall include
a description of adaptive management actions, which shall include,
but not be limited to, cessation of construction activities that are
deemed by the Designated Biologist to be the source of golden
eagle disturbance.
Verification: No later than 30 days after completion of the golden eagle
inventory the project owner shall submit a report to the CPM, CDFG, and
USFWS documenting the results of the inventory.

If an occupied nest is detected within one mile of the Project boundary during the
inventory, the Project owner shall contact staff at the USFWS Ventura Office and
CDFG within one working day of detection of the nest for interim guidance on
monitoring and nest protection. The project owner shall provide the CPM, CDFG,
and USFWS with the final version of the Golden Eagle Monitoring and
Management Plan within 30 days after detection of the nest. This final Plan shall
have been reviewed and approved by the CPM in consultation with USFWS and


BIO-21 The Project owner shall implement the following measures to avoid,
minimize and offset impacts to burrowing owls. Nothing in this condition
requires the project owner to conduct burrowing owl surveys by
entering private lands adjacent to the project site when the project
owner has made reasonable attempts to obtain permission to enter the
property for survey work but was unable to obtain such permission. In
this situation only, the project owner may substitute binocular surveys
for protocol field surveys.

1. Pre-Construction Surveys. The Designated Biologist or Biological

Monitor shall conduct pre-construction surveys for burrowing owls
no more than 30 days prior to initiation of construction activities.
Surveys shall be focused exclusively on detecting burrowing owls,
and shall be conducted from two hours before sunset to one hour
after or from one hour before to two hours after sunrise. The survey
area shall include the Project Disturbance Area and surrounding
500 foot survey buffer.

2. Implement Avoidance Measures. If an active burrowing owl burrow

is detected within 500 feet from the Project Disturbance Area the
following avoidance and minimization measures shall be

Biological Resources 136

a. Establish Non-Disturbance Buffer. Fencing shall be installed at
a 250-foot radius from the occupied burrow to create a non-
disturbance buffer around the burrow. The non-disturbance
buffer and fence line may be reduced to 160 feet if all Project-
related activities that might disturb burrowing owls would be
conducted during the non-breeding season (September 1st
through January 31st). Signs shall be posted in English and
Spanish at the fence line indicating no entry or disturbance is
permitted within the fenced buffer.

b. Monitoring: If construction activities would occur within 500 feet

of the occupied burrow during the nesting season (February 1 –
August 31st) the Designated Biologist or Biological Monitor shall
monitor to determine if these activities have potential to
adversely affect nesting efforts, and shall implement measures
to minimize or avoid such disturbance.

3. Passive Relocation of Burrowing Owls. If pre-construction surveys

indicate the presence of burrowing owls within the Project
Disturbance Area (the Project Disturbance Area means all lands
disturbed in the construction and operation of the Genesis Project),
the Project owner shall prepare and implement a Burrowing Owl
Relocation and Mitigation Plan, in addition to the avoidance
measures described above. The final Burrowing Owl Relocation
and Mitigation Plan shall be approved by the CPM, in consultation
with USFWS, BLM and CDFG, and shall:

a. Identify and describe suitable relocation sites within 1 mile of the

Project Disturbance Area, and describe measures to ensure that
burrow installation or improvements would not affect sensitive
species habitat or existing burrowing owl colonies in the
relocation area;

b. Provide guidelines for creation or enhancement of at least two

natural or artificial burrows per relocated owl, including a
discussion of timing of burrow improvements, specific location of
burrow installation, and burrow design. Design of the artificial
burrows shall be consistent with CDFG guidelines (CDFG 1995)
and shall be approved by the CPM in consultation with CDFG,

c. Passive relocation sites shall be in areas of suitable habitat for

burrowing owl nesting, and be characterized by minimal human
disturbance and access. Relative cover of non-native plants
within the proposed relocation sites shall not exceed the relative
cover of non-native plants in the adjacent habitats;

137 Biological Resources

d. Provide detailed methods and guidance for passive relocation of
burrowing owls occurring within the Project Disturbance Area;

4. Acquire Compensatory Mitigation Lands for Burrowing Owls. The

following measures for compensatory mitigation shall apply only if
burrowing owls that are detected within the Project Disturbance
Area. The Project owner shall acquire, in fee or in easement, 19.5
acres of land for each burrowing owl that is displaced by
construction of the Project. This compensation acreage of 19.5
acres per single bird or pair of nesting owls assumes that there is
no evidence that the compensation lands are occupied by
burrowing owls. If burrowing owls are observed to occupy the
compensation lands, then only 9.75 acres per single bird or pair is
required, per CDFG (1995) guidelines. If the compensation lands
are contiguous to currently occupied habitat, then the replacement
ratio will be 13.0 acres per pair or single bird. The Project owner
shall provide funding for the enhancement and long-term
management of these compensation lands. The acquisition and
management of the compensation lands may be delegated by
written agreement to CDFG or to a third party, such as a non-
governmental organization dedicated to habitat conservation,
subject to approval by the CPM, in consultation with CDFG and
USFWS prior to land acquisition or management activities.
Additional funds shall be based on the adjusted market value of
compensation lands at the time of construction to acquire and
manage habitat. In lieu of acquiring lands itself, the Project owner
may satisfy the requirements of this condition by depositing funds
into the Renewable Energy Action Team (REAT) Account
established with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF),
as described in Section 3.i. of Condition of Certification BIO-17.

a. Criteria for Burrowing Owl Mitigation Lands. The terms and

conditions of this acquisition or easement shall be as described
in Paragraph 1 of BIO-17 [Desert Tortoise Compensatory
Mitigation], with the additional criteria to include: 1) the
mitigation land must provide suitable habitat for burrowing owls,
and 2) the acquisition lands must either currently support
burrowing owls or be within dispersal distance from an active
burrowing owl nesting territory (generally approximately 5
miles). The burrowing owl mitigation lands may be included with
the desert tortoise mitigation lands ONLY if these two burrowing
owl criteria are met. If the burrowing owl mitigation land is
separate from the acquisition required for desert tortoise
compensation lands, the Project owner shall fulfill the
requirements described below in this condition.

Biological Resources 138

b. Security. If burrowing owl mitigation land is separate from the
acreage required for desert tortoise compensation lands the
Project owner or an approved third party shall complete
acquisition of the proposed compensation lands prior to initiating
ground-disturbing Project activities. Alternatively, financial
assurance can be provided by the Project owner to the CPM
with copies of the document(s) to CDFG, BLM and the USFWS,
to guarantee that an adequate level of funding is available to
implement the mitigation measure described in this condition.
These funds shall be used solely for implementation of the
measures associated with the Project. Financial assurance can
be provided to the CPM in the form of an irrevocable letter of
credit, a pledged savings account or another form of security
(“Security”) prior to initiating ground-disturbing Project activities.
Prior to submittal to the CPM, the Security shall be approved by
the CPM, in consultation with CDFG, BLM and the USFWS to
ensure funding. The estimated costs of enhancement and
endowment are discussed in condition BIO-17. The final
amount due will be determined by the PAR analysis conducted
pursuant to BIO-17.
Verification: If pre-construction surveys detect burrowing owls within 500 feet
of proposed construction activities, the Designated Biologist shall provide to the
CPM, BLM, CDFG and USFWS documentation indicating that non-disturbance
buffer fencing has been installed at least 10 days prior to the start of any
construction-related ground disturbance activities. The Project owner shall report
monthly to the CPM, CDFG, BLM and USFWS for the duration of construction on
the implementation of burrowing owl avoidance and minimization measures.
Within 30 days after completion of construction the Project owner shall provide to
the CPM, BLM, CDFG and USFWS a written construction termination report
identifying how mitigation measures described in the plan have been completed.

If pre-construction surveys detect burrowing owls within the Project Disturbance

Area, the Project owner shall notify the CPM, BLM, CDFG and USFWS no less
than 10 days of completing the surveys that a relocation of owls is necessary.
The Project owner shall do all of the following if relocation of one or more
burrowing owls is required:

a. Within 30 days of completion of the burrowing owl pre-construction

surveys, submit to the CPM, CDFG and USFWS a Burrowing Owl Relocation
and Mitigation Plan.

b. No less than 90 days prior to acquisition of the burrowing owl

compensation lands, the Project owner, or an approved third party, shall
submit a formal acquisition proposal to the CPM, CDFG, and USFWS
describing the 39-acre parcel intended for purchase. At the same time the

139 Biological Resources

Project owner shall submit a PAR or PAR-like analysis for the parcels for
review and approval by the CPM, CDFG and USFWS.

c. Within 90 days of the land or easement purchase, as determined by the

date on the title, the Project owner shall provide the CPM with a management
plan for review and approval, in consultation with CDFG, BLM and USFWS,
for the compensation lands and associated funds.

d. No later than 30 days prior to the start of construction-related ground

disturbing activities, the Project owner shall provide written verification of
Security in accordance with this condition of certification.

e. No later than 18 months after the start of construction-related ground

disturbance activities, the Project owner shall provide written verification to
the CPM, BLM, CDFG and USFWS that the compensation lands or
conservation easements have been acquired and recorded in favor of the
approved recipient.

f. On January 31st of each year following construction for a period of five

years, the Designated Biologist shall provide a report to the CPM, USFWS,
BLM and CDFG that describes the results of monitoring and management of
the burrowing owl relocation area. The annual report shall provide an
assessment of the status of the relocation area with respect to burrow
function and weed infestation, and shall include recommendations for actions
the following year for maintaining the burrows as functional burrowing owl
nesting sites and minimizing the occurrence of weeds.


BIO-21 The Project owner shall implement the following measures to avoid,
minimize and offset impacts to burrowing owls. Nothing in this condition
requires the project owner to conduct burrowing owl surveys by entering
private lands adjacent to the project site when the project owner has
made reasonable attempts to obtain permission to enter the property for
survey work but was unable to obtain such permission. In this situation
only, the project owner may substitute binocular surveys for protocol
field surveys:
1. Pre-Construction Surveys. The Designated Biologist or
Biological Monitor shall conduct pre-construction surveys for
burrowing owls no more than 30 days prior to initiation of
construction activities. Surveys shall be focused exclusively on
detecting burrowing owls, and shall be conducted from two
hours before sunset to one hour after or from one hour before to
two hours after sunrise. The survey area shall include the
Project Disturbance Area and surrounding 500 foot survey

Biological Resources 140

2. Implement Avoidance Measures. If an active burrowing owl
burrow is detected within 500 feet from the Project Disturbance
Area the following avoidance and minimization measures shall
be implemented:
a. Establish Non-Disturbance Buffer. Fencing shall be installed
at a 250-foot radius from the occupied burrow to create a
non-disturbance buffer around the burrow. The non-
disturbance buffer and fence line may be reduced to 160 feet
if all Project-related activities that might disturb burrowing
owls would be conducted during the non-breeding season
(September 1st through January 31st). Signs shall be posted
in English and Spanish at the fence line indicating no entry
or disturbance is permitted within the fenced buffer.

b. Monitoring: If construction activities would occur within 500

feet of the occupied burrow during the nesting season
(February 1 – August 31st) the Designated Biologist or
Biological Monitor shall monitor to determine if these
activities have potential to adversely affect nesting efforts,
and shall implement measures to minimize or avoid such

3. Passive Relocation of Burrowing Owls. If pre-construction

surveys indicate the presence of burrowing owls within the
Project Disturbance Area (the Project Disturbance Area means
all lands disturbed in the construction and operation of the
Genesis Project), the Project owner shall prepare and
implement a Burrowing Owl Relocation and Mitigation Plan, in
addition to the avoidance measures described above. The final
Burrowing Owl Relocation and Mitigation Plan shall be approved
by the CPM, in consultation with USFWS, BLM and CDFG, and
a. Identify and describe suitable relocation sites within 1 mile of
the Project Disturbance Area, and describe measures to
ensure that burrow installation or improvements would not
affect sensitive species habitat or existing burrowing owl
colonies in the relocation area;

b. Provide guidelines for creation or enhancement of at least

two natural or artificial burrows per relocated owl, including a
discussion of timing of burrow improvements, specific
location of burrow installation, and burrow design. Design of
the artificial burrows shall be consistent with CDFG
guidelines (CDFG 1995) and shall be approved by the CPM
in consultation with CDFG, BLM and USFWS;

141 Biological Resources

c. Passive relocation sites shall be in areas of suitable habitat
for burrowing owl nesting, and be characterized by minimal
human disturbance and access. Relative cover of non-native
plants within the proposed relocation sites shall not exceed
the relative cover of non-native plants in the adjacent

d. Provide detailed methods and guidance for passive

relocation of burrowing owls occurring within the Project
Disturbance Area; and

4. Acquire Compensatory Mitigation Lands for Burrowing Owls.

The following measures for compensatory mitigation shall apply
only if burrowing owls that are detected within the Project
Disturbance Area. The Project owner shall acquire, in fee or in
easement, 19.5 acres of land for each burrowing owl that is
displaced by construction of the Project. This compensation
acreage of 19.5 acres per single bird or pair of nesting owls
assumes that there is no evidence that the compensation lands
are occupied by burrowing owls. If burrowing owls are observed
to occupy the compensation lands, then only 9.75 acres per
single bird or pair is required, per CDFG (1995) guidelines. If the
compensation lands are contiguous to currently occupied
habitat, then the replacement ratio will be 13.0 acres per pair or
single bird. The Project owner shall provide funding for the
enhancement and long-term management of these
compensation lands. The acquisition and management of the
compensation lands may be delegated by written agreement to
CDFG or to a third party, such as a non-governmental
organization dedicated to habitat conservation, subject to
approval by the CPM, in consultation with CDFG and USFWS
prior to land acquisition or management activities. Additional
funds shall be based on the adjusted market value of
compensation lands at the time of construction to acquire and
manage habitat. In lieu of acquiring lands itself, the Project
owner may satisfy the requirements of this condition by
depositing funds into the Renewable Energy Action Team
(REAT) Account established with the National Fish and Wildlife
Foundation (NFWF), as described in Section 3.i. of Condition of
Certification BIO-17.
a. Criteria for Burrowing Owl Mitigation Lands. The terms and
conditions of this acquisition or easement shall be as
described in Paragraph 1 of Condition of Certification BIO-17
[Desert Tortoise Compensatory Mitigation], with the
additional criteria to include: 1) the mitigation land must
provide suitable habitat for burrowing owls, and 2) the

Biological Resources 142

acquisition lands must either currently support burrowing
owls or be within dispersal distance from an active burrowing
owl nesting territory (generally approximately 5 miles). The
burrowing owl mitigation lands may be included with the
desert tortoise mitigation lands ONLY if these two burrowing
owl criteria are met. If the burrowing owl mitigation land is
separate from the acquisition required for desert tortoise
compensation lands, the Project owner shall fulfill the
requirements described below in this condition.

b. Security. If burrowing owl mitigation land is separate from

the acreage required for desert tortoise compensation lands
the Project owner or an approved third party shall complete
acquisition of the proposed compensation lands prior to
initiating ground-disturbing Project activities. Alternatively,
financial assurance can be provided by the Project owner to
the CPM with copies of the document(s) to CDFG, BLM and
the USFWS, to guarantee that an adequate level of funding
is available to implement the mitigation measure described
in this condition. These funds shall be used solely for
implementation of the measures associated with the Project.
Financial assurance can be provided to the CPM in the form
of an irrevocable letter of credit, a pledged savings account
or another form of security (“Security”) prior to initiating
ground-disturbing Project activities. Prior to submittal to the
CPM, the Security shall be approved by the CPM, in
consultation with CDFG, BLM and the USFWS to ensure
funding. The estimated costs of enhancement and
endowment shall be based upon land acquisition and
management costs as discussed in Condition of Certification
BIO-17 and shall include all associated costs as described in
that Condition. See Revised Biological Resources Tables
5 and 7. This amount may be revised by the CPM in
consultation with DFG, BLM and USFWS, based on further
analysis of long-term management and maintenance costs.
The final amount due will be determined by the PAR analysis
conducted pursuant to Condition of Certification BIO-17.
Verification: If pre-construction surveys detect burrowing owls within 500 feet
of proposed construction activities, the Designated Biologist shall provide to the
CPM, BLM, CDFG and USFWS documentation indicating that non-disturbance
buffer fencing has been installed at least 10 days prior to the start of any
construction-related ground disturbance activities. The Project owner shall report
monthly to the CPM, CDFG, BLM and USFWS for the duration of construction on
the implementation of burrowing owl avoidance and minimization measures.
Within 30 days after completion of construction the Project owner shall provide to

143 Biological Resources

the CPM, BLM, CDFG and USFWS a written construction termination report
identifying how mitigation measures described in the plan have been completed.

If pre-construction surveys detect burrowing owls within the Project Disturbance

Area, the Project owner shall notify the CPM, BLM, CDFG and USFWS no less
than 10 days of completing the surveys that a relocation of owls is necessary.
The Project owner shall do all of the following if relocation of one or more
burrowing owls is required:
a. Within 30 days of completion of the burrowing owl pre-construction surveys,
submit to the CPM, CDFG and USFWS a Burrowing Owl Relocation and
Mitigation Plan.

b. No less than 90 days prior to acquisition of the burrowing owl compensation

lands, the Project owner, or an approved third party, shall submit a formal
acquisition proposal to the CPM, CDFG, and USFWS describing the 39-acre
parcel intended for purchase. At the same time the Project owner shall submit
a PAR or PAR-like analysis for the parcels for review and approval by the

c. Within 90 days of the land or easement purchase, as determined by the date

on the title, the Project owner shall provide the CPM with a management plan
for review and approval, in consultation with CDFG, BLM and USFWS, for the
compensation lands and associated funds.

d. No later than 30 days prior to the start of construction-related ground

disturbing activities, the Project owner shall provide written verification of
Security in accordance with this condition of certification.
e. No later than 18 months after the start of construction-related ground
disturbance activities, the Project owner shall provide written verification to
the CPM, BLM, CDFG and USFWS that the compensation lands or
conservation easements have been acquired and recorded in favor of the
approved recipient.

f. On January 31st of each year following construction for a period of five years,
the Designated Biologist shall provide a report to the CPM, USFWS, BLM and
CDFG that describes the results of monitoring and management of the
burrowing owl relocation area. The annual report shall provide an assessment
of the status of the relocation area with respect to burrow function and weed
infestation, and shall include recommendations for actions the following year
for maintaining the burrows as functional burrowing owl nesting sites and
minimizing the occurrence of weeds.



BIO-22 The project owner shall prepare and implement an Avian and Bat

Biological Resources 144

Protection Plan to monitor bird and bat collisions with facility features
(study described below). The Project owner shall use the monitoring
data to inform and develop an adaptive management program that
would avoid and minimize Project-related avian and bat impacts.
Project-related bird and bat deaths or injuries shall be reported to the
CPM, CDFG and USFWS. The CPM, in consultation with CDFG and
USFWS, shall determine if the Project-related bird or bat deaths or
injuries warrant implementation of adaptive management measures
contained in the Avian and Bat Protection Plan. The study design for
the Avian and Bat Protection Plan shall be approved by the CPM in
consultation with CDFG and USFWS, and, once approved, shall be
incorporated into the project’s BRMIMP and implemented. The Plan
shall include adaptive management strategies that include the
placement of bird flight diverters, aerial markers, or other strategies to
minimize collisions with the SunCatcher units.

The Avian and Bat Protection Plan shall include a Bird Monitoring Study
to monitor the death and injury of birds and bats from collisions with
facility features such as reflective mirror-like surfaces and from heat,
and bright light from concentrating sunlight. The study design shall be
approved by BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the CPM in consultation with
CDFG and USFWS, and shall be incorporated into the project’s
BRMIMP and implemented. The Bird Monitoring Study shall be based
upon prior studies by McCrary et al. (1986) or other applicable literature
including the Region 8 Interim Guidelines for the Development of a
Project-Specific Avian and Bat Protection Plan for Solar Energy Plants
and Related Transmission Facilities (USFWS 2010), and shall include
detailed specifications on data and carcass collection protocol and a
rationale justifying the proposed schedule of carcass searches. The
study shall also include seasonal trials to assess bias from carcass
removal by scavengers as well as searcher bias and proposed
disposition of dead or injured birds.
Verification: No more than 30 days following the publication of the Energy
Commission License Decision or BLM’s Record of Decision/ROW Issuance,
whichever comes first, the project owner shall submit to the CPM, BLM’s Wildlife
Biologist, USFWS and CDFG a final Avian Protection Plan. Modifications to the
Avian Protection Plan shall be made only after approval from BLM’s Wildlife
Biologist and the CPM.

For one year following the beginning of power plant operation, the Designated
Biologist shall submit quarterly reports to BLM’s Wildlife Biologist , CPM, CDFG,
and USFWS describing the methods, dates, durations, and results of monitoring.
The quarterly reports shall provide a detailed description of any project-related
bird or wildlife deaths or injuries detected during the monitoring study or at any
other time. Following the completion of the fourth quarter of monitoring the
Designated Biologist shall prepare an Annual Report that summarizes the year’s

145 Biological Resources

data, analyzes any project-related bird fatalities or injuries detected, and provides
recommendations for future monitoring and any adaptive management actions
needed. The Annual Report shall be provided to the CPM, BLM’s Wildlife
Biologist, CDFG, and USFWS. Quarterly reporting shall continue until BLM’s
Wildlife Biologist and the CPM, in consultation with CDFG and USFWS
determine whether more years of monitoring are needed, and whether mitigation
and adaptive management measures are necessary. After the Bird Monitoring
Study is determined by BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the CPM to be complete, the
project owner or contractor shall prepare a paper that describes the study design
and monitoring results to be submitted to the CPM, BLM’s Wildlife Biologist,
CDFG, USFWS, and a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Proof of submittal shall
be provided to BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the CPM within one year of
concluding the monitoring study.


BIO-23 The Designated Biologist or Biological Monitor shall be responsible for
daily binocular scans of the project area and surrounding hills and
bajadas to search for Nelson’s bighorn sheep. At any time bighorn
sheep are seen within 2000 feet of any active construction site, the
Designated Biologist or Biological Monitor shall monitor their activity
until the animals leave the area. If the bighorn sheep approach within
500 feet of any active construction site, then construction shall cease
until the animals have moved farther than 500 feet away from
construction activities, even if construction is occurring within an area
that had been fenced with tortoise exclusion fencing. This buffer may be
modified with the approval of the CPM, BLM, and CDFG. In addition,
the project owner shall provide resource agency staff and private
conservation foundation staff and volunteers permanent access to the
Cady Mountains via Hector Road or another suitable route for any
activities related to Nelson’s bighorn sheep monitoring or management.
Verification: Impact minimization measures and implementation methods for
Nelson’s bighorn sheep and their implementation methods shall be included in
the final BRMIMP and implemented during construction and operation of the
project. Implementation of the measures shall be reported in the Monthly
Compliance Reports by the Designated Biologist.



BIO-24 Prior to ground disturbance the project owner shall conduct pre-
construction surveys for American badgers and desert kit fox. These
surveys may be conducted concurrent with the desert tortoise surveys.
Surveys shall be conducted as described below:

Biological Resources 146

Biological Monitors shall perform pre-construction surveys for badger
and kit fox dens in the project area, including areas within 90 feet of all
project facilities, utility corridors, and access roads. If dens are
detected, each den shall be classified as inactive, potentially active, or
definitely active.

Inactive dens that would be directly impacted by construction activities

shall be excavated by hand and backfilled to prevent reuse by badgers
or kit fox. Potentially active dens that would be directly impacted by
construction activities shall be monitored by the Biological Monitor for
three consecutive nights using a tracking medium (such as
diatomaceous earth or fire clay) and/or infrared camera stations at the
entrance. If no tracks are observed in the tracking medium or no photos
of the target species are captured after three nights, the den shall be
excavated and backfilled by hand.

Occupied badger dens shall be flagged and ground-disturbing activities

avoided within 50 feet of the occupied den. Maternity dens shall be
avoided during the pup-rearing season (15 February through 1 July)
and a minimum 200-foot disturbance-free buffer established. Buffers
may be modified with the concurrence of CDFG and CPM. Maternity
dens shall be flagged for avoidance, identified on construction maps,
and a biological monitor shall be present during construction.
If avoidance of a non-maternity den is not feasible, badgers shall be
relocated or allowed to escape the project area (e.g., by providing a
temporary monitored opening in the tortoise exclusion fence and
directing the animal toward the opening with temporary plastic
construction fencing). If necessary, dens will be slowly excavated
(either by hand or mechanized equipment under the direct supervision
of the biologist, removing no more that 4 inches at a time) before or
after the rearing season (15 February through 1 July). Any relocation of
badgers shall occur only after consultation with the CDFG and CPM. A
written report documenting the badger removal shall be provided to the
CPM within 30 days of relocation. In the event that passive relocation
techniques fail for badgers, the Applicant will contact CDFG to explore
other relocation options, which may include trapping.
Verification: The project owner shall submit a report to the CPM, BLM, and
CDFG within 30 days of completion of badger and kit fox surveys. The report
shall describe survey methods, results, mitigation measures implemented, and
the results of the mitigation.


BIO-25 The project owner shall conduct a survey for roosting bats prior to any
ground disturbance activities in all areas within 200 feet of rocky
outcrops or the existing BNSF railroad trestles. The project owner shall

147 Biological Resources

also conduct surveys for roosting bats during the maternity season (1
March to 31 July) within 300 feet of project activities at the existing
railroad trestles and rocky outcrops. These areas shall be surveyed by
a qualified bat biologist, who shall be approved by the Designated
Biologist. Surveys shall include a minimum of one day and one evening
visit. If active maternity roosts or hibernacula are found, the rock
outcrop or trestle occupied by the roost shall be avoided (i.e., not
removed) by the project, if feasible. If avoidance of the maternity roost
is not feasible, the bat biologist shall survey (through the use of radio
telemetry or other CDFG/CPM/BLM-approved methods) for nearby
alternative maternity colony sites. If the bat biologist determines in
consultation with and with the approval of the CDFG, BLM Wildlife
Biologist, and CPM that there are alternative roost sites used by the
maternity colony and young are not present, then no further action is
required. However, if there are no alternative roost sites used by the
maternity colony, provision of substitute roosting bat habitat is required.
If active maternity roosts are absent, but a hibernaculum (i.e., a non-
maternity roost) is present, then exclusion of bats prior to demolition of
roosts is required.

1. Provision of substitute roosting bat habitat. If a maternity roost will

be impacted by the project, and no alternative maternity roosts are
in use within 1 mile of the site, substitute roosting habitat for the
maternity colony shall be provided on, or in close proximity to, the
project site no less than three months prior to the eviction of the
colony. Alternative roost sites will be constructed in accordance
with the specific bats’ requirements in coordination with CDFG,
BLM Wildlife Biologist, and the CPM. Alternative roost sites must be
of comparable size and proximal in location to the impacted colony.
The CDFG shall also be notified of any hibernacula or active
nurseries within the construction zone.

2. Exclude bats prior to demolition of roosts. If non-breeding bat

hibernacula are found in rocky outcrops scheduled to be removed
or in crevices in rock outcrops within the grading footprint, the
individuals shall be safely evicted, according to timing and under
the direction of the qualified bat biologist, by opening the roosting
area to allow airflow through the cavity or other means determined
appropriate by the bat biologist (e.g., installation of one-way doors).
In situations requiring one-way doors, a minimum of one week shall
pass after doors are installed and temperatures should be
sufficiently warm for bats to exit the roost. This action should allow
all bats to leave during the course of one week. Roosts that need to
be removed in situations where the use of one-way doors is not
necessary in the judgment of the qualified bat biologist shall first be
disturbed by various means at the direction of the bat biologist at
dusk to allow bats to escape during the darker hours, and the roost

Biological Resources 148

tree shall be removed or the grading shall occur the next day (i.e.,
there shall be no less or more than one night between initial
disturbance and the grading or tree removal).

If an active maternity roost is located in an area to be impacted by

the project, and alternative roosting habitat is available, the
demolition of the roost site must commence before maternity
colonies form (i.e., prior to 1 March) or after young are flying (i.e.,
after 31 July) using the exclusion techniques described above.
Verification: The project owner shall submit a report to the CPM, the BLM
Wildlife Biologist, and the CDFG within 30 days of completion of roosting bat
surveys and any subsequent mitigation. The report shall describe survey
methods, results, mitigation measures implemented, and the results of the


BIO-26 The project owner shall implement the following measures to avoid,
minimize and mitigate for direct and indirect impacts to jurisdictional
waters of the State and to satisfy requirements of California Fish and
Game Code sections 1600 and 1607. Throughout this condition,
“jurisdictional” refers to streambeds or acreages of streambed meeting
CDFG criteria as waters of the State.

Section A: Acquire Off-Site State Waters.

The project owner shall acquire, in fee or in easement, a parcel or
parcels of land that includes no fewer than 152.3 acres of State
jurisdictional waters. Prior to construction the applicant shall map the
vegetation with emphasis on desert wash, including microphyll
woodland, communities within the drainages subject to project
disturbance and provide a map to the CPM, CDFG and BLM. The
parcel or parcels comprising the 152.3 acres of ephemeral washes
shall include the same types of vegetation as mapped in the project
This compensation acreage may be included (“nested”) within the
acreage acquired and managed as desert tortoise habitat
compensation (Condition of Certification BIO-17) only if:
• Adequate acreage of qualifying state-jurisdictional streambed
delineated within the desert tortoise compensation lands;
• The desert tortoise habitat compensation lands are acquired
and dedicated as permanent conservation lands within 18
months of the start of project construction.
If these two criteria are not met, then the project owner shall provide no
fewer than 152.3 acres of state-jurisdictional streambed compensation

149 Biological Resources

lands independent of any compensation land required under other
conditions of certification (adjusted to reflect the final project footprint
and expert’s delineation of streambed on the compensation lands), and
shall also provide funding for the initial improvement and long-term
maintenance and management of the acquired lands, and to comply
with other related requirements this condition. Costs of these
requirements cannot be estimated in advance because jurisdictional
streambed would make up only a small portion of any acquired parcel
and might vary widely among available parcels. In general, however
the total costs shall be based upon land acquisition and management
costs as discussed in Condition of Certification BIO-17 and shall
include all associated costs as described in that Condition. This
amount may be revised by the CPM in consultation with DFG, BLM
and USFWS, based on further analysis of long-term management and
maintenance costs. See Biological Resources Addendum Tables 5
and 9. The terms and conditions of this acquisition or easement shall
be as described in Condition of Certification BIO-17. Mitigation for
impacts to State waters shall occur within the surrounding watersheds,
as close to the project site as possible.
The project owner may elect to comply with the requirements in this
condition for acquisition of compensation lands, initial protection and
habitat improvement on the compensation lands, or long-term
maintenance and management of the compensation lands by funding,
or any combination of these three requirements, by providing funds to
implement those measures into the Renewable Energy Action Team
(REAT) Account established with the National Fish and Wildlife
Foundation (NFWF). To use this option, the Project owner must make
an initial deposit to the REAT Account in an amount equal to the
estimated costs of implementing the requirement. If the actual cost of
the acquisition, initial protection and habitat improvements, or long-
term funding is more than the estimated amount initially paid by the
project owner, the project owner shall make an additional deposit into
the REAT Account sufficient to cover the actual acquisition costs, the
actual costs of initial protection and habitat improvement on the
compensation lands, or the long-term funding requirements as
established in an approved PAR or PAR-like analysis. If those actual
costs or PAR projections are less than the amount initially transferred
by the applicant, the remaining balance shall be returned to the project
The responsibility for acquisition of compensation lands may be
delegated to a third party other than NFWF, such as a non-
governmental organization supportive of desert habitat conservation,
by written agreement of the Energy Commission. Such delegation shall
be subject to approval by the CPM, in consultation with CDFG, BLM
and USFWS, prior to land acquisition, enhancement or management
activities. Agreements to delegate land acquisition to an approved third
Biological Resources 150
party, or to manage compensation lands, shall be executed and
implemented within 18 months of the Energy Commission’s
certification of the project.
Management Plan for Acquired Lands: The project owner shall prepare
and submit to Energy Commission CPM and CDFG a draft
Management Plan that reflects site-specific enhancement measures
for the drainages on the acquired compensation lands. The objective of
the Management Plan shall be to enhance the wildlife value of the
drainages, and may include enhancement actions such as weed
control, fencing to exclude livestock, or erosion control. Where
applicable, the management plan should be integrated with desert
tortoise compensation land habitat management planning
requirements as described in BIO-17.

Section B: On-site Measures:

1. Copies of Requirements, Stop Work Authority: The project owner
shall provide a copy of the Streambed Impact Minimization and
Compensation Measures to all contractors, subcontractors, and the
applicant's project supervisors. Copies shall be readily available at
work sites at all times during periods of active work and must be
presented to any CDFG personnel or personnel from another
agency upon demand. The CPM reserves the right to issue a stop
work order after giving notice to the project owner, if the CPM, in
consultation with CDFG, determines that the project owner is not in
compliance with any of the requirements of this condition, including
but not limited to the existence of any of the following:
a. The information provided by the applicant regarding streambed
alteration is incomplete or inaccurate;
b. New information becomes available that was not known to the
Energy Commission at the time of project certification; or
c. The project or project activities as described in the
Supplemental Staff Assessment/ Final Environmental Impact
Statement have changed.
2. Best Management Practices: The project owner shall comply with
the following conditions to protect drainages near the Project
Disturbance Area:
a. The project owner shall not operate vehicles or equipment in
ponded or flowing water except as described in this condition.
b. With the exception of the retention basins and drainage control
system installed for the project the installation of bridges,
culverts, or other structures shall be such that water flow
(velocity and low flow channel width) is not impaired. Bottoms of

151 Biological Resources

temporary culverts shall be placed at or below stream channel
c. When any activity requires moving of equipment across a
flowing drainage, such operations shall be conducted without
substantially increasing stream turbidity.
d. Vehicles driven across ephemeral drainages when water is
present shall be completely clean of petroleum residue and
water levels shall be below the vehicles’ axels.
e. The project owner shall minimize road building, construction
activities and vegetation clearing within ephemeral drainages to
the extent feasible.
f. The project owner shall not allow water containing mud, silt, or
other pollutants from grading, aggregate washing, or other
activities to enter ephemeral drainages or be placed in locations
that may be subjected to high storm flows.
g. The project owner shall comply with all litter and pollution laws.
All contractors, subcontractors, and employees shall also obey
these laws, and it shall be the responsibility of the project owner
to ensure compliance.
h. Spoil sites shall not be located at least 30 feet from the
boundaries and drainages or in locations that may be subjected
to high storm flows, where spoils might be washed back into
i. Raw cement/concrete or washings thereof, asphalt, paint or
other coating material, oil or other petroleum products, or any
other substances that could be hazardous to vegetation or
wildlife resources, resulting from project-related activities, shall
be prevented from contaminating the soil and/or entering waters
of the State. These materials, placed within or where they may
enter a drainage by the project owner or any party working
under contract or with the permission of the project owner, shall
be removed immediately.
j. No broken concrete, debris, soil, silt, sand, bark, slash, sawdust,
rubbish, cement or concrete or washings thereof, oil or
petroleum products or other organic or earthen material from
any construction or associated activity of whatever nature shall
be allowed to enter into, or placed where it may be washed by
rainfall or runoff into, waters of the State.
k. When operations are completed, any excess materials or debris
shall be removed from the work area. No rubbish shall be
deposited within 150 feet of the high water mark of any

Biological Resources 152

l. No equipment maintenance shall occur within 150 feet of any
ephemeral drainage where petroleum products or other
pollutants from the equipment may enter these areas under any
m. Stationary equipment such as motors, pumps, generators, and
welders, located within or adjacent to a drainage shall be
positioned over drip pans. Stationary heavy equipment shall
have suitable containment to handle a catastrophic spill/leak.
Clean up equipment such as booms, absorbent pads, and
skimmers, shall be on site prior to the start of construction.
n. The cleanup of all spills shall begin immediately. The CDFG,
BLM Wildlife Biologist, and CPM shall be notified immediately
by the project owner of any spills and shall be consulted
regarding clean-up procedures.
3. Non-Native Vegetation Removal. The owner shall remove any non-
native vegetation (Consistent with the Weed Management Plan,
see Condition of Certification BIO-11) from any on-site portion of
any drainage that requires the placement of a bridge, culvert or
other structure. Removal shall be done at least twice annually
(Spring/Summer) throughout the life of the Project.
4. Reporting of Special-Status Species: If any special-status species
are observed on or in proximity to the project site, or during project
surveys, the project owner shall submit California Natural Diversity
Data Base (CNDDB) forms and maps to the CNDDB within five
working days of the sightings and provide the regional CDFG office
with copies of the CNDDB forms and survey maps. The CNDDB
form is available online at: This information shall be
mailed within five days to: California Department of Fish and Game,
Natural Diversity Data Base, 1807 13th Street, Suite 202,
Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) 324-3812. A copy of this information
shall also be mailed within five days to CDFG, BLM Wildlife
Biologist, and the CPM.
5. Notification: Prior to any activities that cross or have the potential to
impact any jurisdictional drainage, the project owner shall provide a
detailed map to the CDFG, BLM Wildlife Biologist, and CPM in a
GIS format that identifies all potential crossings of jurisdictional
habitats including retention basins, detention basins, reconfigured
channels and culverts. The maps shall identify the type of crossing
proposed by the owner such as bridges, culverts, or other
mechanism and the best management practices that would be
employed. The project owner shall notify the CPM, BLM Wildlife
Biologist, and CDFG, in writing, at least five days prior to initiation
of project activities in jurisdictional areas and at least five days prior

153 Biological Resources

to completion of project activities in jurisdictional areas. The project
owner shall notify the CPM, BLM Wildlife Biologist, and CDFG of
any change of conditions to the project, the jurisdictional impacts,
or the mitigation efforts, if the conditions at the site of the proposed
project change in a manner which changes risk to biological
resources that may be substantially adversely affected by the
proposed project. The notifying report shall be provided to the
CPM, BLM Wildlife Biologist, and CDFG no later than 7 days after
the change of conditions is identified. As used here, change of
condition refers to the process, procedures, and methods of
operation of a project; the biological and physical characteristics of
a project area; or the laws or regulations pertinent to the project, as
described below. A copy of the notifying change of conditions report
shall be included in the annual reports.
a. Biological Conditions: a change in biological conditions includes,
but is not limited to, the following: 1) the presence of biological
resources within or adjacent to the project area, whether native
or non-native, not previously known to occur in the area; or 2)
the presence of biological resources within or adjacent to the
project area, whether native or non-native, the status of which
has changed to endangered, rare, or threatened, as defined in
section 15380 of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations.
b. Physical Conditions: a change in physical conditions includes,
but is not limited to, the following: 1) a change in the
morphology of a river, stream, or lake, such as the lowering of a
bed or scouring of a bank, or changes in stream form and
configuration caused by storm events; 2) the movement of a
river or stream channel to a different location; 3) a reduction of
or other change in vegetation on the bed, channel, or bank of a
drainage, or 4) changes to the hydrologic regime such as
fluctuations in the timing or volume of water flows in a river or
c. Legal Conditions: a change in legal conditions includes, but is
not limited to, a change in Regulations, Statutory Law, a Judicial
or Court decision, or the listing of a species, the status of which
has changed to endangered, rare, or threatened, as defined in
section 15380 of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations.
Verification: No fewer than 30 days prior to the start of any site or related
facilities mobilization activities, the project owner shall implement the mitigation
measures described in this condition. No fewer than 30 days prior to the start of
work potentially affecting waters of the State, the project owner shall provide
written verification (i.e., through incorporation into the BRMIMP) to the CPM and
BLM Wildlife Biologist that the above best management practices will be
implemented and provide a discussion of work in waters of the State in
Compliance Reports for the duration of the project.

Biological Resources 154

Within 30 days after completion of the first year of project construction, the
project owner shall provide to the CPM for review and approval a report
identifying that appropriate mitigation lands have been obtained, verification of
the acreage of state jurisdictional streambeds on the compensation lands (to be
delineated using methodology identical to the delineation of on-site jurisdictional
streambeds), a draft Management Plan for review and approval by the CPM and
CDFG, and verification on ongoing enhancement techniques, and a summary of
all modifications made to the existing channels on the project site.


BIO-27 The project owner shall install netting over the evaporation ponds and
design and implement an Evaporation Pond Design, Monitoring, and
Management Plan (Evaporation Pond Plan) to be based upon the draft
Evaporation Pond Plan submitted by the applicant. The Plan shall meet
the approval of the USFWS, CDFG, BLM’s Wildlife Biologist, and the
CPM. The goal of the Evaporation Pond Plan shall be to avoid the
potential for wildlife mortality associated with the evaporation ponds.
The Evaporation Pond Plan shall include: a discussion of the objectives
of the Evaporation Pond Plan; a description of project design features
such as side slope specifications, freeboard and depth requirements,
covering, and fencing; a discussion on the placement of the evaporation
pond as to reduce the potential of collision or electrocution of wildlife
near the transmission line; avian, pond, and water quality monitoring for
selenium and other Title 20 compounds, management actions such as
bird deterrence/hazing and water level management, triggers for those
management actions; and annual reporting requirements.
Verification: At least 30 days prior to start of any project-related ground
disturbance activities, the project owner shall provide the CPM, BLM’s Wildlife
Biologist, USFWS, and CDFG with the final version of the Evaporation Pond Plan
that has been reviewed and approved by USFWS, CDFG, and staff. The CPM
and BLM’s Wildlife Biologist would determine the plan’s acceptability within 15
days of receipt of the final plan. All modifications to the approved Evaporation
Pond Plan must be made only after consultation the staff, USFWS, and CDFG.
The project owner shall notify the CPM and BLM’s Wildlife Biologist no less than
5 working days before implementing any BLM- and CPM-approved modifications
to the Evaporation Pond Plan.

Within 30 days after completion of evaporation pond construction, the project

owner shall provide to the CPM for review and approval a report identifying which
items of the Evaporation Pond Plan have been completed, a summary of all
modifications to mitigation measures made during the project’s construction
phase, and as-built drawings of the evaporation ponds. Throughout the life of the
project, the project owner shall provide annual reports on results of the previous
year’s evaporation plan monitoring, including but not limited to description and

155 Biological Resources

summary of wildlife mortality, water quality, and management actions taken or


BIO-28 Upon project closure, the project owner shall implement a final
Decommissioning and Reclamation Plan to remove the engineered
diversion channels, detention basins, and other sediment control
features from the project site. The goal of the plan shall be to restore
the site’s topography and hydrology to a relatively natural condition and
to establish native plant communities within the Project Disturbance
Area. The Channel Decommissioning and Reclamation Plan shall
include a cost estimate for implementing the proposed
decommissioning and reclamation activities. The plan and cost estimate
shall be consistent with the guidelines in BLM’s 43 CFR 3809.550 et
seq., subject to review and revisions from BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and
the CPM in consultation with USFWS and CDFG.
Verification: No less than 90 days from publication of the Energy Commission
Decision or the Record of Decision, whichever comes first, the project owner
shall provide to BLM’s Wildlife Biologist and the CPM an agency-approved final
Channel Decommissioning and Reclamation Plan. Modifications to the approved
Channel Decommissioning Plan shall be made only after approval from BLM’s
Wildlife Biologist and the CPM, in consultation with USFWS, and CDFG.

No more than 10 days prior to initiating project-related ground disturbance

activities the project owner shall provide financial assurances to BLM’s Wildlife
Biologist and the CPM to guarantee that an adequate level of funding would be
available to implement measures described in the Channel Decommissioning
and Reclamation Plan, pursuant to 43 CFR 3809.550 et seq.


BIO-29 The project owner shall implement and incorporate into the facility
closure plan measures to address the local biological resources related
to facility closure. A funding mechanism shall be developed in
consultation with staff to ensure sufficient funds are available for
revegetation, reclamation, and decommissioning. The facility closure
plan shall address biological resources-related mitigation measures. In
addition to these measures, the plan must include the following:

1. Removal of transmission conductors when they are no longer used

and useful;

2. Removal of all above-ground and subsurface power plant site

facilities and related facilities;

Biological Resources 156

3. Methods for restoring wildlife habitat and promoting the re-
establishment of native plant and wildlife species;

4. Revegetation of the project site and other disturbed areas utilizing

appropriate methods for establishing native vegetation;
components of the revegetation plan, including performance
standards and monitoring, shall be as described in Condition of
Certification BIO-10;

5. A cost estimate to complete closure-related activities, to be based

upon decommissioning costs required under 43 CFR 3809.550 et

6. An implementation and monitoring plan to ensure successful and

satisfactory completion of every element of the Facility Closure

In addition, the project owner shall secure funding to ensure

implementation of the plan and provide to the CPM and BLM Wildlife
Biologist written evidence of the dedicated funding mechanism(s). The
financial assurances may be in the form of an irrevocable letter of
credit, a performance bond, a pledged savings account, or another
equivalent form of security, as approved by the CPM and BLM Wildlife
Verification: Prior to initiating ground-disturbing project activities, the project
owner shall provide financial assurances (as described in this condition, above)
to the CPM and BLM Wildlife Biologist to guarantee that an adequate level of
funding will be available to implement decommissioning and closure activities
described above.

At least 12 months prior to commencement of planned closure activities, the

project owner shall address all biological resources-related issues associated
with facility closure, and provide final measures, in a Biological Resources
Element. The draft planned permanent or unplanned closure measures shall be
submitted to the CPM, BLM Wildlife Biologist, CDFG, and USFWS. After revision,
final measures shall comprise the Biological Resources Element, which shall
include the items listed above as well as written evidence of the dedicated
funding mechanism(s) for these measures. The final Biological Resources
Element shall become part of the facility closure plan, which is submitted to the
CPM and BLM Wildlife Biologist within 90 days of the permanent closure or
another period of time agreed to by the CPM and BLM Wildlife Biologist.

In the event of an unplanned permanent closure, or an indeterminate suspension

of operations, the project owner shall notify the CPM and BLM Wildlife Biologist ,
as well as other responsible agencies, by telephone, fax, or e-mail, within 24

157 Biological Resources

hours and shall take all necessary steps to implement the on-site contingency
plan (see Compliance Conditions of Certification).

Upon facility closure, the project owner shall implement measures in the
Biological Resources Element and provide written status updates on all closure
activities to the CPM and BLM Wildlife Biologist at a frequency determined by the
CPM and BLM Wildlife Biologist.


BIO-30 The Project owner may choose to satisfy certain compensatory

mitigation obligations identified in this Decision by paying an in lieu fee
to the Department of Fish and Game pursuant to Fish and Game code
sections 2069 and 2099, to the extent the in-lieu fee provision is found
by the Commission to be in compliance with CEQA and CESA
Verification: If electing to use this provision, the Project owner shall notify the
Commission that it would like a determination that the in-lieu fee proposal meets
CEQA and CESA requirements.


BIO-31 As an alternative to providing mitigation or security for the entire

project prior to the start of the first ground-disturbing activities, the
Project Owner may elect to provide compensatory mitigation for the
total Project Disturbance Area in two phases and may elect to provide
security in three phases as specified in this condition.

Only the phases identified as Phase 1a, Phase 1b, and Phase 2, as
described in this condition, in text and maps provided on September
10, 2010 by the Project Owner (tn: 58411, Applicant’s submittal of
Updated Reduced Project Boundary Scenarios 5.5 or Figures 17 and
18 [Scenario 5.5]) may be used for the phasing of mitigation and
security requirements. To the extent those sources are found to
contain conflicting information about Project phasing, the description in
this condition shall control. In particular, the Project Owner has divided
the project’s Phase 1 activities into two separate sub-phases, identified
as Phase 1a and Phase 1b, since the Supplemental Staff Assessment
was prepared. This condition presumes that the phases identified in
this condition are identical to the phases that the Bureau of Land
Management (BLM) will authorize work on through issuance of “notices
to proceed”; if phases used by BLM are not identical to the phases as
described in this condition and the materials identified above, the
Project Owner shall obtain separate written authorization from the
CPM prior to beginning work on each of the three phases.

Biological Resources 158

For purposes of this condition:

“Project Disturbance Area” or “ground disturbance area” means all

areas that will be temporarily or permanently disturbed during
construction or operation of the Project, including all linear facilities.

“Project footprint” means the Project Disturbance Area and

undeveloped areas inside the Project’s boundaries that will no
longer provide functional habitat value, including but not limited to
desert tortoise habitat, Mojave fringe-toed lizard habitat, burrowing
owl habitat, rare plant habitat, and areas within ephemeral washes
and drainages.

“Project construction” or “construction” means any ground-

disturbing activity, including but not limited to construction work, site
mobilization, fence construction, or any tortoise translocation

“Security” means the security that is required under other biological

conditions of certification to ensure required mitigation measures
will be implemented, or payments by the Project Owner into the
National Fish and Wildlife Service mitigation account in accordance
with the option provided in other conditions of certification.

Overview of Project Phases

Phase 1a is strictly limited to construction of the main access road, the
waterline, the Main Services Area, the substation area, the installation
of 60 SunCatcher pedestals, the temporary at-grade crossing over the
Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) railroad tracks, the permanent
bridge spanning the railroad tracks, and any surveys, translocations, or
other activities required within the Phase 1a area that are required by
Commission Conditions of Certification. The ground disturbance area
during Phase 1a shall be no greater than 250 acres and shall be
limited to the geographic areas indicated on the maps identified above.

Phase 1b is strictly limited to construction of solar fields and related

facilities located throughout the remainder of the area identified as
Phase 1 in the Supplemental Staff Assessment and in applicant’s
Scenario 5.5 6 (tn: 58411, Applicant’s submittal of Updated Reduced
Project Boundary Scenarios 5.5 Information), and any surveys,
translocations, or other activities required within the Phase 1b area that
are required by Commission Conditions of Certification. The ground
disturbance area during Phase 1b shall be limited to the areas
indicated on the maps identified above.

159 Biological Resources

Phase 2 is strictly limited to the remainder of the project site as
identified as Scenario 5.5 in applicant’s maps (tn: 58411, Applicant’s
submittal of Updated Reduced Project Boundary Scenarios 5.5).

General Requirements

At no time may the Project Owner cause ground-disturbance to any

location outside of the area that has been approved for construction
according to the phasing plan identified in this Condition of

Prior to initiating construction in any phase of the Project, the Project

Owner shall comply with all pre-construction requirements in this and
other Conditions of Certification and shall notify the CPM that it has
obtained a Notice to Proceed for the phase or subphase from the BLM.

Construction activities, including work on linear and non-linear

features, shall not occur outside desert tortoise exclusion areas that
have been fenced and cleared in accordance with USFWS protocols
and as described in Condition of Certification BIO-15 (Desert Tortoise
Clearance and Exclusion Fencing).

The Project Owner shall provide security to ensure implementation of

the mitigation requirements in Conditions of Certification BIO-12
(Special-Status Plant Impact and Avoidance and Minimization), BIO-13
(Mojave Fringe-Toed Lizard Mitigation), BIO-16 (Desert Tortoise
Translocation Plan), BIO-17 (Desert Tortoise Compensatory
Mitigation), BIO-21 (Burrowing Owl Impact Avoidance and
Minimization Measures), and BIO-26 (Streambed Impact Minimization
and Compensation Measures) for each of the three phases prior to any
Project construction associated with that phase. Phasing of security
only applies to security required by the Conditions listed above. If the
Project Owner elects to phase payments of security, the amount of the
security (including payments to NFWF [see definition of security
above]) will be adjusted by the CPM in consultation with CDFG, BLM
and USFWS prior to each phase to reflect the CPM’s best estimate at
that time of the estimated costs of land acquisition, long-term
management and maintenance costs, and other costs that are included
in the security computation. Those costs may be greater than the costs
identified in the Conditions of Certification.

Even when security has been provided, the Project Owner shall
complete the acquisition, protection and transfer of all compensation
lands required in the Conditions of Certification listed above, as well as
all funding requirements associated with those lands, within the time
periods identified in those Conditions of Certification, except that the

Biological Resources 160

time period for providing compensation lands and funding associated
with both Phases 1a and 1b shall be measured from the start of
construction of Phase 1a alone, and the period for providing lands and
funding required for Phase 2 activities shall be measured from the start
of construction of Phase 2.

Additional requirements within the Project’s Conditions of Certification

that are not expressly phased in this Condition shall be phased as
necessary to carry out the purpose of this condition, or to ensure that
no project construction occurs in an area for which the Project Owner
has not provided security and obtained permission to begin
construction. Examples may include such activities as construction and
location of desert tortoise exclusion fencing or timing of pre-
construction clearance surveys for other species. The Project Owner
shall first obtain approval from the CPM, acting in consultation with
BLM, CDFG and USFWS, for the phasing of any requirements or
deadlines that are not expressly phased in Conditions of Certification.

Detailed Phasing Requirements

Phased impacts and compensation requirements are described in

tables below, by phase.

Phase 1a

Phase 1a would result in the loss or isolation of 250 acres of desert

tortoise habitat from the placement of fencing, road construction,
and the development of project facilities. The construction and
fencing of the temporary and Main Access Road would also result
in the temporary isolation of approximately 650 acres of desert
tortoise habitat. In addition, proposed Phase 1a Project
construction would affect state-jurisdictional streambeds and,
possibly, burrowing owl or rare plant locations that are identified
during pre-construction and late-season botanical surveys. The
applicant shall provide an enumeration of streambed, burrowing
owl, and rare plant habitat impacts and shall provide security for
required compensation those impacts as described in Conditions of
Certification BIO-12 (Special-Status Plant Impact and Avoidance
and Minimization), BIO-17 (Desert Tortoise Compensatory
Mitigation), BIO-21 (Burrowing Owl Impact Avoidance and
Minimization Measures), and BIO-26 (Streambed Impact
Minimization and Compensation Measures) prior to initiating
Project construction associated with Phase 1a, as set forth in the
verification section of this Condition.

161 Biological Resources

All project access throughout Phase 1a construction shall be via
temporary or permanent access as mapped by the applicant.
Isolation of desert tortoise habitat between the proposed temporary
and permanent construction access routes shall be limited to winter
months when tortoises are largely inactive. Desert tortoise
exclusion fencing shall be installed along the existing temporary
construction access routes prior to other ground disturbance at the
project site, and fencing shall be maintained as described in
Condition of Certification BIO-15 (Desert Tortoise Clearance and
Exclusion Fencing) until completion of the proposed Main Access
Road. Desert tortoise exclusion fencing shall be installed along the
proposed Main Access Road alignment prior to beginning
construction of that road. If project-related access along the
temporary construction access route continues beyond March 15,
2011, the Project Owner shall provide additional security to the
CPM for all acreage within the area isolated between the two
fenced access routes (estimated by staff as approximately 650
acres) by March 15, 2011 and shall implement desert tortoise
clearance surveys and translocation of any tortoises within the
isolated area consistent with the requirements of Condition of
Certification BIO-15 (Desert Tortoise Clearance and Exclusion
Fencing) . If the Main Access Road is complete by March 15, 2011
and no further project access via the temporary route is necessary,
desert tortoise fencing along the temporary access road shall be
removed on or before March 15, 2011

BIO-31 Table 1a.

Phase 1a Impacts and Compensation Acreage (Scenario 5.5)

Resource Phase 1a Impact (acres) and Compensation

Mitigation Ratios (acres)
Direct impact: Desert tortoise 56 ac. S of BNSF at 1:1 56
habitat 194 ac. N of BNSF at 3:1 582
State Jurisdictional streambed 1 [to be provided by Project
Owner] at 1:1
Mojave fringe-toed lizard 1 0 0
Additional (burrowing owl, [to be provided by Project
special status plants) 1 Owner] at 3:1
Total per-acre basis for Phase 6382 acres
1a Security (through 15 March
Potential impact: Isolation of 650 acres at 1:1 650 acres
desert tortoise habitat (after 15 [staff estimate; to be verified by
March 2011) Project Owner]
Total per-acre basis for Phase 1,288 2 acres
1a Security (after 15 March
2011, pending status of
temporary access route)
1. Compensation may be nested within desert tortoise compensation land.

Biological Resources 162

2. Acreages to be adjusted upon completion of each construction phase and upon confirmation
by CPM in consultation with CDFG, USFWS, and BLM of acres impacted.

Phase 1b

Phase 1b consists of solar generators in the central portion of the

project area, north of the BNSF railroad. Phase 1b would directly
impact 1,626 acres of desert tortoise habitat. Compensation
mitigation ratios for these project components shall be as described
in Condition of Certification BIO-17(Desert Tortoise Compensatory
Mitigation). Construction of stormwater detention basins and debris
basins that may be constructed during Phase 1b, pending
hydrology analyses and BNSF review pursuant to Condition of
Certification SOIL AND WATER 8 will also result in direct impacts
to State jurisdictional streambeds located downstream in portions of
Phase 2. For that reason, all jurisdictional waters that occur below
any future detention basins may also be included in the calculation
of Phase 1b security and in the calculation of Phase 1 mitigation
requirements. In addition, proposed Phase 1b Project construction
could affect burrowing owl or rare plant locations that may be
identified during pre-construction and late-season botanical surveys
required in the Conditions of Certification described below. The
applicant shall provide the CPM with an enumeration of burrowing
owl and rare plant habitat impacts and shall provide security for
required compensation of those impacts as described in Conditions
of Certification BIO-12 (Special-Status Plant Impact and Avoidance
and Minimization), BIO-17(Desert Tortoise Compensatory
Mitigation), BIO-21(Burrowing Owl Impact Avoidance and
Minimization Measures), and BIO-26 (Streambed Impact
Minimization and Compensation Measures). Security shall be
provided prior to the start of any Phase 1b construction, as set forth
in the verification section of this Condition, or prior to September 1,
2011, whichever occurs first.

BIO-31 Table 1b.

Phase 1b Impacts and Compensation Acreage (Scenario 5.5)

Resource Phase 1b Impact (acres) and Compensation

Mitigation Ratios (acres)
Desert tortoise habitat 1,626 at 3:1 4,878 acres
(excluding disturbed or isolated
acreage reported above in
Phase 1a)
State Jurisdictional streambed 1 [to be provided by Project
at 1:1
Mojave fringe-toed lizard 1 [to be provided by Project
Owner] at 1:1
[to be provided by Project

163 Biological Resources

Owner] at 3:1
Additional (burrowing owl, [to be provided by Project
special status plants) 1 Owner]
Total per-acre basis for Phase 4,8782 acres
1b Security
1. Compensation may be nested within desert tortoise compensation land.
2. Acreages to be adjusted upon completion of each construction phase and upon
confirmation by CPM in consultation with CDFG, USFWS, and BLM of acres

Phase 2

Phase 2 construction would directly impact desert tortoise habitat

north and south of BNSF railroad tracks. Phase 2 would impact
2,085 acres of occupied desert tortoise habitat south of the BNSG
railroad tracks to be mitigated at a 1:1 ratio. In addition, Scenario
5.5 would impact 369 acres of high-density occupied desert tortoise
habitat to be mitigated at the 5:1 ratio. Compensation mitigation
ratios for these project components shall be as described in
Condition of Certification BIO-17(Desert Tortoise Compensatory
Mitigation). In addition, proposed Phase 2 Project construction
would affect Mojave fringe-toed lizard habitat and could affect
burrowing owl or rare plant locations that may be documented
during late-season field surveys. The applicant shall provide the
CPM an enumeration of burrowing owl, and rare plant habitat
impacts and shall provide security for required compensation of
those impacts as described in Conditions of Certification BIO-12
(Special-Status Plant Impact and Avoidance and Minimization),
BIO-13 (Mojave Fringe-Toed Lizard Mitigation), BIO-16 (Desert
Tortoise Translocation Plan), BIO-17 (Desert Tortoise
Compensatory Mitigation), BIO-21 (Burrowing Owl Impact
Avoidance and Minimization Measures), and BIO-26 (Streambed
Impact Minimization and Compensation Measures) Security shall
be provided to the CPM, prior to beginning of any project-related
ground disturbing activities, as set forth in the verification section of
this Condition.

BIO-31 Table 2.
Phase 2 Impacts and Compensation Acreage.

Resource Phase 2 Impact (acres) and Compensation

Mitigation Ratios (acres)
Desert tortoise habitat 2,085 acres S of BNSF at 1:1 2,085
(excluding disturbed or isolated 283 acres N of BNSF at 3:1 849
acreage in Phase 1a; see Table
Desert tortoise habitat at 5:1 369 acres at 5:1 1,845
(Scenario 5.5 only)
State Jurisdictional streambed 1 0 0

Biological Resources 164

Mojave fringe-toed lizard 1 21.4 acres at 1:1 21.4
143.3 acres at 3:1 429.9
Additional (burrowing owl, To be provided by the Project
special status plants) Owner.
Total Scenario 5.5 per-acre 5,2302 acres
basis for Phase 2 Security
1. Compensation may be nested within desert tortoise compensation land.
2. Acreages to be adjusted upon completion of each construction phase and upon confirmation
by CPM in consultation with CDFG, USFWS, and BLM of acres impacted.

Verification: No fewer than 30 days prior to the start of desert tortoise

clearance surveys for each phase, the Project owner shall submit a description of
the proposed construction activities for that phase to CDFG, USFWS and BLM
for review and to the CPM for review and approval. The description for each
phase shall include the proposed construction schedule, a figure depicting the
locations of proposed construction and number of acres of rare plant habitat,
burrowing owl habitat, and state-jurisdictional streambeds to be disturbed.

If all mitigation requirements, including habitat acquisition and protection, are not
completed for a Project phase at least 30 days prior to the start of ground-
disturbing activities for that phase, the Project Owner shall provide verification to
the CPM and CDFG that approved security (as described in Conditions of
Certification BIO-12 (Special-Status Plant Impact and Avoidance and
Minimization), BIO-13 (Mojave Fringe-Toed Lizard Mitigation), BIO-16 (Desert
Tortoise Translocation Plan), BIO-17 (Desert Tortoise Compensatory Mitigation),
BIO-21 (Burrowing Owl Impact Avoidance and Minimization Measures), and BIO-
26 (Streambed Impact Minimization and Compensation Measures)) has been
established in accordance with these Conditions of Certification no later than 30
days prior to beginning ground-disturbing activities for each Phase. Prior to
submitting verification regarding the security to the CPM, the project owner shall
obtain the CPM’s approval of the security as required by the other Conditions
For Phase 1b, the Project Owner shall obtain the CPM’s approval of security and
shall provide verification that approved security has been established by
September 1, 2011 or 30 days prior to the start of Phase 1b construction,
whichever occurs first. The fixed deadline for Phase 1b security is necessary
because under terms of this Condition, compensation lands and associated
funding for both Phase 1a and Phase 1b will be due in the first half of 2012,
assuming Phase 1a construction begins as planned in late 2010, and security
must be in place well in advance of the mitigation obligations that are being

The Project Owner shall provide written verification to the CPM, CDFG, BLM and
USFWS of the compensation lands acquisition, protection, and transfer
requirements and satisfaction of associated funding requirements as set forth in
BIO-17 and other conditions within the following time frames: (1) For Phase 1a
and Phase 1b mitigation, verification shall be provided no later than18 months
after the start of construction of Phase 1a, and (2) for Phase 2 mitigation, such

165 Biological Resources

verification shall be provided no later than 18 months after the start of
construction of Phase 2. Other verification, notification and reporting
requirements and other deadlines set forth in BIO-17 and other Conditions that
relate to compensation land requirements, to the option of funding mitigation
through the NFWF account, or to use of approved third parties to carry out
mitigation requirements also apply to Phase 1 (1a and 1b combined) and to
Phase 2.

Within 90 days after completion of all project related ground disturbance for each
project phase or sub phase, the project owner shall provide to the CPM, CDFG,
BLM and USFWS an analysis, based on aerial photography, with the final
accounting of the amount of habitat disturbed during Project construction.

Biological Resources 166


This section focuses on the soil and water resources associated with the Calico
Solar Project (Calico) as proposed by the Applicant in their reduced acreage
Scenario 5.5 on September 10, 2010, including the project’s potential to induce
erosion and sedimentation, adversely affect water supplies, and degrade water
quality. Mitigation measures are included in the Conditions of Certification to
ensure that the project will have no significant impacts on the environment and
that it will comply with all LORS.


The Applicant originally proposed an 850 MW project on 8,230 acres of

undeveloped land located within the Mojave Desert in the central portion of San
Bernardino County. Subsequent to the Committee Order issued on September
3, 2010, the Applicant proposed two reduced acreage scenarios for the Calico
Solar Project site: Scenario 5.5 which will produce approximately 663.5 MW on
4,613 acres and Scenario 6 which will produce approximately 603.9 MW on
4,244 acres within the original project footprint. The site is located approximately
37 miles east of Barstow, California with its southern boundary adjacent to
Interstate 40 (I-40) (Soil and Water Figure 1 with original project footprint
overlay). The project will utilize SunCatchers – 40-foot tall Stirling dish
technology developed by the Applicant - which track the sun and focus solar
energy onto Power Conversion Units (PCU) to generate electricity. Each PCU
consists of a solar receiver heat exchanger and a closed-cycle, high-efficiency
Solar Stirling Engine specifically designed to convert solar power to rotary power
via a thermal conversion process. The engine drives an electrical generator to
produce grid-quality electricity. The site will contain approximately 26,450
SunCatchers and associated equipment and infrastructure within a fenced
boundary. (Ex. 300, pp. C.7-9 to C.7-10., Ex. 317 pp. C.7-6 to C.7-7.)



1 Soil and Water Resources

Soil and Water - Figure 1

Source: Exhibit 300

Site construction will be accomplished in two phases, Phase 1 (including Phases

1A and 1B) and Phase 2. Phase 1 construction will take place during the first
26-month period, consisting of construction of the primary access routes, the
construction laydown areas, the rough grading for the Main Services Complex
and the substation sites, as well as the clearing areas disturbed by the
construction of each solar group. Phase 2 will take place during construction
months 32 through 60. Phase 2 will mostly involve construction of additional
access roads and continued solar field development. (Ex. 300, p. C.7-17.)

The project site lies within the Lavic Valley Groundwater Basin. The basin is
approximately 159 square miles in area and is bounded by nonwater-bearing
rocks of the Cady Mountains on the north and east, the Bullion Mountains on the
south and east, the Lava Bed Mountains on the southwest, and the Pisgah fault
on the west. Parts of the eastern and northern boundaries are drainage divides.
The southern part of this basin lies within the Twentynine Palms Marine Corps
Base. (Ex. 300, p. C.7-11.)

In the northern part of the basin, which includes the project site, surface drainage
is westward toward the Mojave River. In the southern part of the basin, surface
drainage is toward Lavic (dry) Lake. (Ex. 300, p. C.7-11.)

The evidence indicates that groundwater flow at the project site appears to be to
the southeast, but not toward Lavic (dry) Lake which is a surface water playa

Soil and Water Resources 2

above the regional water table. Rather, groundwater apparently flows eastward
into the Broadwell Valley Basin near the (ghost) town of Ludlow. This
interpretation is consistent with recharge modeling that indicates the largest
source of recharge to the Lavic Valley Basin is rainfall infiltration in the Bullion
Mountains that border the southern end of the basin. (Ex. 300, p. C.7-11.)

Precipitation supplies water to the basin, primarily by infiltration of mountain

runoff across the alluvial deposits and through ephemeral washes. Recharge
from precipitation on the valley floor is minimal. When runoff or precipitation
does reach the dry lakes, infiltration to groundwater is negligible and most of the
water is removed by evaporation. Groundwater discharge from the basin occurs
mainly through pumping and underflow towards the Las Vegas Valley. (Ex. 300,
p. C.7-11.)

Water from a well in the southern part of the basin near Lavic Lake sampled in
1917 was sodium sulfate in character with total dissolved solids (TDS) content of
1,680 milligrams per liter (mg/L). Water from a well in the northeastern part of
the basin sampled in the 1950s was sodium sulfate in character with a TDS
content of 1,721mg/L. Water from a well in the northwestern part of the basin
near Hector Siding sampled in the 1950s was calcium-sodium bicarbonate in
character with a TDS content of 278 mg/L. The Applicant proposes to use
groundwater for project construction and operation obtained from Well #3, a new
community well located on private property adjacent to the project site which has
been deeded to the Applicant as of September 2010. Well #3 was originally
drilled in March 2010 and analytical test results conducted on water samples
collected from the well indicate groundwater contains 1,340 mg/L total dissolved
solids. (Ex. 300, p. C.7-12; Ex. 114 , Attachment A 4.)

1. Storm Water

The project site is in the southwest portion of the Mojave Desert, which is
characterized by broad alluvial fans and fluvial terraces, playas, and scattered
mountains. There are no perennial streams within the project site or in the area.
The site drains towards Troy (dry) Lake in the Mojave Valley, five miles west of
the site. The proposed site occupies a broad alluvial fan/plain with relatively little
topographic variation. (Ex. 300, p. C.7-12.)

The overall landform is relatively flat with shallow slopes trending from the north
to south and in some areas to the southwest. The ground generally slopes in a
northeast-to-southwest direction, ranging from two percent to five percent across

3 Soil and Water Resources

the site, except for the western portion where the slope reduces to one percent.
Several drainage patterns occur on the site. The land between I-40 and the
BNSF railroad slope to the west, ultimately towards Troy Dry Lake, a playa that is
located west of the site. There are no well-defined channels on-site, although
some discontinuous flood terraces occur in a few areas on-site. The drainage
features on-site exhibit a mixed pattern of sheet flow or shallow concentrated
flow across isolated, wide areas of land. Relatively undefined drainage features
traverse most of the site with evenly distributed desert scrub vegetation
throughout. (Ex. 300, pp. C.7-12 to C.7-13.)

In general, drainage in Phase 1 (including 1A & 1B) of the project area flows
southwest from the Cady Mountains. However, along the southern boundary of
Phase 1, some flows are diverted by the railroad and flow straight west (see Soil
and Water Figure 2 through Soil and Water Figure 3 with the original project
footprint overlay). As shown, there is an offsite watershed area of nearly 20
square miles which drains either directly to the Phase 1 project site or drains to
the railroad tracks and is partially diverted into the Phase 1 site. The Phase 1
site is nearly 10 square miles, so the total watershed area for Phase 1 is
approximately 30 square miles. Several blue line streams pass through the
Phase 1 project area and all drain to the railroad at the southern boundary of the
Phase 1 site. The runoff from the Phase 1 site flows through the existing trestles
at the railroad. A 100-year flood will generally be conveyed along the railroad
and through the trestles along the railroad right-of-way. This right-of-way is
excavated and maintained by the BNSF Railroad Company to allow the water to
pond and flow at low velocities. The right of way is delineated along the north
line with a barbed wire fence. (Ex. 300, p. C.7-13.)



Soil and Water Resources 4

Soil and Water – Figure 2

Source: Exhibit 300

Soil and Water – Figure 3

Source: Exhibit 300

The offsite watershed impacting the Phase 1 site emanates from the Cady
Mountains which flank the northeast side of the project area. Washes are often
well incised near the base of the mountains. However, these same washes
transition into sheet flow and shallow concentrated flow areas which do not have
a well incised channel or a series of small channels which are braided, each of
which may carry a fraction of the total flow. Sheet flow areas appear to be more

5 Soil and Water Resources

prevalent at distal locations from the apex of the fan. These locations are
primarily within the proposed site development area. Because the sheet flow and
braided wash flow may carry a sediment load and follow unpredictable flow
paths, development within these areas could be impacted by the storm water.
(Ex. 300, pp. C.7-13 to C.7-14.)

Flows that traverse the site emanate from the Cady Mountains watershed, drain
through the trestles on the railroad and then continue west through the Phase 2
site. Upstream of the railroad trestles, the railroad embankment has diverted and
channelized much of the flow creating numerous ponding areas. The trestles
and ponding areas attenuate the peak flow and allow most of the sediment to
drop out on the upstream (north or east) side of the railroad embankment.
Additional drainage flows south from the Cady Mountains, west of the Phase 1
property limits, is diverted at the railroad tracks and then flows south in the Phase
2 area. In addition to the Cady Mountain watershed, a second watershed is
located south of the freeway and includes the Pisgah Crater and lava flow area.
Runoff from this watershed generally flows either north or west. It reaches I-40
and then continues north through numerous culverts and bridges into the Phase
2 project area. After flowing through the culverts at the highway, the runoff
commingles with the flow from the Cady Mountains and then flows west to the
outfall. As with the Cady Mountain watershed, the Pisgah watershed runoff is
diverted by the I-40 road embankment and associated dikes and berms and is
routed through culverts. Ponding occurs at these culvert locations and this
reduces the peak flow and sediment loads which pass through the culverts. (Ex.
300, p. C.7-14.)

Storm water flows on the project site are considered “waters of the State” by the
Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board and are subject to regulation
under the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act. As such, manipulation of
the “waters” (i.e., area of flow) on the site and installation of project facilities
within those areas would constitute “discharge of waste” subject to Waste
Discharge Requirements (Ex. 300, pp. C.7-89 – C.7-121, (Soil and Water
Appendices B, C and D). The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has determined
that no “waters of the U.S.” exist on the project so no federal wetland permitting
is required. (Ex. 300, p. C.7-14.)

2. Soil and Erosion

Primarily two soil associations would be affected by project construction; the

Carrizo-Rositas-Gunsight and the Nickel-Arizo-Bitter associations. The Carrizo-

Soil and Water Resources 6

Rositas-Gunsight soil association occupies the majority of the site, while the
Nickel-Arizo-Bitter association is present over much of the southern portion of the
site, south of the BNSF rail lines. The Rock Outcrop-Lithic Torriorthents-Calvista
association is present in the mountains along the northern site perimeter and the
Rock Outcrop-Upspring-Sparkhule association is present on the southwest
corner of the project-site, as well as north and northwest of the site. The soil
characteristics are contained in Soil & Water Table 1, below. (Ex. 300, p. C.7-

Soil & Water Table 1

Summary of Soil Characteristics
Depth of
Surface Land Wind Erosion Natural Permeability
Layer Capability Erodibilit (K) Drainage in inches
Soil Texture (Inches) Class1 y Group2 Factor3 Class4 per hour5
Carrizo- Loamy 9 7S 2 0.15 Somewhat 6–20
Rositas- Fine Excessively
Gunsight Sand Drained
Nickel-Arizo- Gravelly 7 7S 5 0.10 Well 2–6
Bitter Sandy Drained
Rock Outcrop- Gravelly 8 7E 8 0.20 Excessively 2–6
Lithic Loam Drained
1 - Land capability classification shows, in a general way, the suitability of soils for most kinds of field crops.
Class 7 soils have very severe limitations that make them unsuitable for cultivation and that restrict their
use mainly to grazing, forestland, or wildlife habitat. Class 8 soils and miscellaneous areas have
limitations that preclude commercial plant production and that restrict their use to recreational purposes,
wildlife habitat, watershed, or esthetic purposes.
2 - Wind erodibility groups range from 1 to 8, with 1 being highly erodible and 8 having low erodibility.
3 - This is an index of erodibility for standard condition and includes susceptibility of soil to erosion and rate
of runoff. Low K values (below 0.15) indicate low erosion potential. High K values (above 0.4) are highly
erodible. See report text for additional information.
4 - Table presents nonirrigated land capability classification. Land capability classification shows, in a
general way, the suitability of soils for most kinds of field crops. Capability classes range from 1 to 8, with
higher numbers indicating progressively greater limitations and narrower choices for use: Class 1 - slight
limitations that restrict use; Class 2 - moderate limitations restricting choice of plants, or requiring
moderate conservation practices; Class 3 - severe limitations restricting plant choice or requiring
conservation; Class 4 - severe limitations, requiring very careful management; Class 5 - subject to little or
no erosion, but mainly restricted use to pasture, rangeland, forestland, wildlife habitat; Class 6 - severe
limitations, generally unsuitable for cultivation, restrictions per Class 5; Class 7 - severe limitations,
unsuitable for cultivation, restrictions per Class 5. Capability subclasses: e - erosion is main hazard
unless close-growing plant cover maintained; s - soil limited because shallow, droughty or stony; c - chief
limitation is very cold or dry climate. Capability units (after '-') are soil groups within a subclass with
similar suitability for crops and pasture plants with similar management requirements and productivity.
5 - Permeability refers to saturated hydraulic conductivity for the surface layer. Permeability rates listed are
minimum and maximum expressed in inches/hr.
Source: (Ex. 300, p. C.7-14).

7 Soil and Water Resources

Vertical foundation elements (hollow metal pipes) for the SunCatchers will be
inserted into the subsurface using track driven vibratory equipment. The
vibratory insertion method eliminates conventional drilling techniques that would
generate cuttings that typically require dust suppression for stockpiling,
transferring, trucking and disposal of the cuttings. The track mounted equipment
will also reduce ground disturbance (rutting) by spreading the load over a larger
surface area. (Ex. 300, p. C.7-17.)

2. Project Water Supply

Groundwater is the primary water source available in the site vicinity.

Groundwater occurrence and quality varies significantly within the Mojave
Desert. The Applicant discovered a water bearing zone beneath the site that
produced a volume and rate that is sufficient to supply both construction and
operation water. The well boring was drilled in March 2010, to a depth of 1,147
feet below ground surface. Aquifer testing indicated the well is capable of
producing at least 100 gpm over a 24-hour period without incurring excessive
drawdown. Water samples collected from the well indicate that the groundwater
contains a TDS concentration of 1,340 mg/L. The record indicates that the newly
constructed well will provide all water needs for the project and no back-up
supplies are proposed. (Ex. 300, p. C.7-17.)

Potable Water
The Applicant proposes to use treated groundwater for potable needs. The
groundwater will first be demineralized, then stored in a designated storage
facility equipped with chemical dosage for disinfection. This treated potable
water will be available at the Main Services Complex. (Ex. 300, p. C.7-17.)

Construction Water
Water demands during construction of the project will be relatively light for a
project of this size. Site construction will be accomplished in primarily two
phases, Phase 1 (including both 1A & 1B) and Phase 2. Phase 1 construction will
require less than 92,107,331 gallons or approximately 282.67 AF. Phase 2 will
require less than 103,421,405 gallons or approximately 317.39 AF. The
Applicant estimates that during the 60 months of project construction, the water
demand for combined construction and dust suppression will be less than 600
AF. During construction, water use is expected to vary from approximately 3.108
million gallons (9.54 AF) per month (at the 18th month), to 4.046 million gallons
(12.42 AF) per month (after the 34th month). (Ex. 300, pp. C.7-17 to C.7-18. Ex.

Soil and Water Resources 8

317, pp. C.7-8 to C.7-10.) Condition of Certification SOIL&WATER-4 limits
construction water use to 145 AFY.

Operations Water
Water use during electricity generation will be minimal due to the technology
proposed for the Calico Project (Stirling engines). The raw site groundwater will
require treatment to remove dissolved solids for SunCatcher mirror wash water
applications and additional treatment to meet drinking water quality standards.
Water treatment processes identified by the Applicant for demineralization are
Reverse Osmosis (RO) and ion exchange. Potable water consumption,
groundwater treatment, and SunCatcher mirror washing under average monthly
maintenance routines will require less than 15.6 gpm of water per day. A
maximum requirement of less than 41 gpm of water per day will be needed
during the months when each SunCatcher receives a scrub wash. (Ex. 300, p.
C.7-19. Ex. 317 p. C.7-10.) Condition SOIL&WATER-4 limits operational water
use to 21 AFY.

Water consumption during operation will be limited to mirror washing (10.3 AFY),
water treatment (5.2 AFY), potable use (2.2 AFY), and dust control (2.5 AFY).
Additionally, water will be used to generate hydrogen used in the SunCatcher
engines. The record indicates that for Scenario 5.5, less than 205 gallons per
day (0.23 AFY) of water will be required to produce a sufficient volume of
hydrogen for power plant use. The evidence shows that the total maximum
annual consumptive use of groundwater for operation of the reduced acreage
power plant will be less than 20.4 AFY. (Ex. 300, pp. C.7-17 to C.7-18. Ex. 317
pp. C.7-10 to C.7-11.)

a. Wastewater

Sanitary Wastewater
Initially, control of sanitary waste will be accomplished using portable chemical
toilets. No public or private entities manage sanitary wastewater in the vicinity of
the project site. Therefore, construction of a permanent onsite wastewater
disposal system consisting of a septic tank and leach field will be completed to
handle sanitary wastewater. According to the evidence, a facility of this type will
be designed to meet the requirements of the Lahontan RWQCB and the San
Bernardino County Public Health Department, and will meet operation and
maintenance guidelines required by the California Department of Public Health.
(Ex. 300, pp. C.7-20 to C.7-21.) SOIL&WATER-5 requires compliance with the

9 Soil and Water Resources

County of San Bernardino requirements for the construction and operation of the
project’s proposed sanitary waste septic system and leach field.

Construction Wastewater
Sources of wastewater will include equipment wash water and piping and vessel
hydrostatic test water. Improper handling or containment of construction
wastewater could cause a broad dispersion of contaminants to soil or
groundwater. Discharge of any non-hazardous construction-generated
wastewater will require compliance with discharge regulations. Equipment wash
water would be transported to an appropriate treatment facility. Hydrostatic test
water will be reused to the extent possible and, pending analytical results of the
water, will be discharged to land or trucked offsite to an appropriate treatment
and disposal facility. (Ex. 300, p. C.7-21.) SOIL&WATER-2 requires compliance
with Waste Discharge Requirements for any waste or storm water discharge by
the project. In addition, SOIL&WATER-10 will require the preparation and
implementation of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) under the
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program to protect
storm water from accidental releases of wastes or other pollutants.

Process Wastewater
Extracted groundwater will require treatment to remove dissolved solids for
SunCatcher mirror wash water applications and additional treatment will be
required to meet current drinking water quality standards. The water will be
demineralized to prevent mineral deposits forming on the SunCatcher mirrors.
Treatment processes proposed to remove TDS include reverse osmosis (RO)
and ion exchange. The wastewater generated by the RO unit will contain
relatively high concentrations of TDS. The Applicant proposes to discharge the
high TDS wastewater into two double-lined evaporation ponds. The wastewater
discharge is expected to be classified as a “designated waste” and will comply
with the requirements for Class II surface impoundments set forth in California
Water Code section 13173. Each pond will be designed to contain one-year of
discharge flow, estimated to total three million gallons. Discharge to the ponds
will alternate on an annual basis, allowing one pond to undergo evaporation while
the other receives the effluent. Treating the groundwater using demineralization
equipment to attain a concentration suitable for mirror washing will create a
waste water stream that will contain four to five times as much TDS as the
source water, or approximately 5,500-7,000 mg/L. (Ex. 300, p. C.7-2.1.)
SOIL&WATER-2 requires the project owner to comply with the Waste Discharge
Requirements regarding the design, construction and operation of the

Soil and Water Resources 10

impoundments and the monitoring and reporting associated with the operation of
waste water evaporation ponds.

3. Impact Evaluation Criteria

To evaluate if significant environmental impacts to soil or water resources would

occur, we apply the following criteria. Where a potentially significant impact is
identified, we apply mitigation to reduce the potential impacts to less than
significant levels.
• Would the project substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the
site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or
river, or substantially increase the rate or amount of surface runoff in a
manner which would result in flooding or substantial erosion or siltation on
or offsite?
• Would the project create or contribute runoff water which would exceed
the capacity of existing or planned storm water drainage systems or
provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoff?
• Would the project place structures within a 100-year flood hazard area
which would impede or redirect flood flows?
• Would the project violate any water quality standards or waste discharge
• Would the project substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfere
substantially with groundwater recharge such that there would be a net
deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of the local groundwater table level
(e.g., the production rate of pre-existing nearby wells would drop to a level
which would not support existing land uses or planned uses for which
permits have been granted)?
• Would the project contribute to any lowering of groundwater levels in the
groundwater wells of other public or private water users?
• Would the project contribute to any lowering of the groundwater levels
such that protected species or habitats are affected?
• Would the project cause substantial degradation to surface water or
groundwater quality?

11 Soil and Water Resources

4. Construction Impacts and Mitigation

As proposed in reduced acreage Scenario 5.5, the project will be developed in

two phases. Construction of Phase 1 is expected to take 26 months to complete
and Phase 2 is expected to take 28 months. Construction will, therefore, occur
over three or four winter seasons. Construction of the proposed project would
include soil excavation, grading, installation of utility connections, installation of
finned pole SunCatcher foundations, road building, paving, erection of structures
and the use of groundwater. (Ex. 300, pp. C.7-21 to C.7-22.)

Groundwater use will primarily be for dust suppression, hydrostatic testing of the
project’s pressure vessels, moisture conditioning compacted soil and mixing
concrete. Potential impacts to soils related to increased erosion or release of
hazardous materials are possible during construction. Potential storm water
impacts could result in an increase in flooding and sedimentation downstream if
there is an increase in runoff flow rates and volume discharges from the site.
Water quality could be impacted by discharge of hazardous materials released
during construction. Project water demand could decrease the quantity of
groundwater available. (Ex. 300, p. C.7-22.)

These construction activities can impact soil resources including increased wind
and water-related soil erosion, soil compaction, loss of soil productivity, and
disturbance of soils crucial for supporting vegetation and ephemeral water
dependant habitats. Activities that expose and disturb the soil leave soil particles
vulnerable to detachment by wind and water. Soil erosion results in the loss of
topsoil and increased sediment deposition downstream. (Ex. 300, p. C.7-24.)

The magnitude, extent, and duration of those impacts depends on several

factors, including the exposure of the soils to water and wind, the soil types
affected, and the method, duration, and time of year of construction activities.
Prolonged periods of precipitation or high intensity and short duration runoff
events coupled with earth disturbance activities can result in accelerated on-site
erosion. In addition, high winds during grading and excavation activities can
result in wind borne erosion leading to increased particulate emissions that
adversely impact air quality. The implementation of appropriate erosion control
measures will help conserve soil resources, protect downstream properties and
resources, and protect air quality. Conditions of Certification in the Air Quality
section of this Decision provide mitigation that would prevent significant impacts
from fugitive dust and soil erosion. Conditions of Certification AQ-SC3 and AQ-
SC7 limit vehicle speed to 10 miles per hour during project construction and

Soil and Water Resources 12

require all unpaved roads and disturbed areas in the project and linear
construction sites to be watered as frequently as necessary during grading and
stabilized thereafter with a non-toxic soil stabilizer or soil weighting agent.
Condition of Certification AQ-SC4 and BIO-8 establishes performance standards
for controlling fugitive dust and requirements for additional effort should they be
exceeded. The requirement to use soil weighting and bonding agents following
grading would conserve freshwater by reducing the need for water as a means to
control fugitive dust. (Ex. 300, p. C.7-24.) These techniques and erosion
controls measures will also be reflected in the SWPPPs and the staff’s Drainage,
Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (DESCP) as required in the Conditions of
Certification SOIL&WATER 1, 2, 3, 8, 10 and 11.

The evidence analyzed the potential impacts to soil resources, including the
effects of construction activities that could result in erosion and downstream
transportation of soils and the potential contamination of soils and groundwater.
There are extensive regulatory programs in effect that are designed to prevent or
minimize these types of impacts. These programs are effective, and absent
unusual circumstances, an Applicant’s ability to identify and implement program-
approved Best Management Practices (BMPs) to prevent erosion or
contamination is sufficient to ensure that these impacts will be less than
significant. In addition, soils will be protected by the development and
implementation of grading plans and a Drainage, Erosion and Sedimentation
Control Plan (DESCP). The DESCP provides the plan for the use of BMPs to
mitigate erosion and sedimentation impacts caused by site grading and other
construction activities. (Ex. 300, pp. C.7-24 to C.7-25.)

The temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures to be used during

construction will be designed to prevent sediment from being displaced and
carried off-site by storm water runoff. Before beginning excavation activities, on-
site debris basins, silt fence, straw bales, or other BMPs will be installed along
the perimeter of the Project, where minor runoff to off-site areas could occur.
On-site debris basins will be constructed for the major site runoff discharge and
will also provide for low flow detention. The silt fences will filter sediments from
construction runoff. Berms with culverts will be used at road crossings and other
locations as needed to pass flows. During construction, the extent of earth
disturbances will be minimized as much as is practical. A sediment trap will be
constructed for the major site runoff discharge. The sediment trap will be located
immediately upstream of the downstream property boundary. (Ex. 300, p. C.7-

13 Soil and Water Resources

If necessary, as determined by the studies required by Condition of Certification
SOIL&WATER-8, diversion swales with berms will be constructed to divert runoff
from off-site areas and on-site undisturbed areas around the construction site.
Temporary BMP control measures will be maintained during the rainy season
throughout the construction period. Proposed erosion and sedimentation control
measures include, but are not limited to: scheduling installation of BMPs to
precede or coincide with construction activities; on-site debris and detention
basins; preserving the existing vegetation to the extent possible; wetting or using
soil binders or weighting agents in active construction and laydown areas;
controlling speed on unpaved surfaces; placing gravel in entrance ways; and
placement of straw bales, silt fences, and earthen berms. The Applicant will
conduct a geomorphic and hydraulic analysis and other analyses to determine
the maximum design storm that can be routed through the site and what
drainage features must be incorporated into the project design to avoid adverse
impacts to the railroad, roads or adjacent properties resulting from drainage and
storm flows (SOIL&WATER 8). These analyses will be used in the development
and implementation of a DESCP as required in Condition of Certification
SOIL&WATER-1 to ensure potential erosion and loss of soil is mitigated. In
addition, Condition of Certification SOIL&WATER-2 requires the compliance with
waste discharge requirements for any waste or storm water discharges and
SOIL&WATER 10 requires the project owner to develop and implement a
construction SWPPP and comply with the dredge and fill requirements developed
by the Lahontan RWQCB. (Ex. 300, p. C.7-27; Ex. 317, pp. c.7-12 through C.7-
15) The construction SWPPP and discharge controls will incorporate the findings
and recommendations of the Condition of Certification SOIL&WATER-8

Due to the project’s large scale, numerous physical variables exist that could
affect the soil resources within the site boundaries. These variables are
associated with various site conditions (erodibility) and potential environmental
considerations (precipitation). In order to address possible outcomes given the
various site conditions and possible environmental factors, the record contains
mathematical calculations and probabilistic modeling to estimate anticipated
potential impacts. While modeling and calculations can be used in an attempt to
estimate future effects from a variety of environmental considerations, and they
provide a basis for structural design parameters, these methods are based on
assumptions and projections that are imprecise and untested in this environment.
Should these assumptions and calculations be inaccurate, the consequences of
flash flood damage or modified sedimentation and erosion rates could be
significant. (Ex. 300, pp. C.7-27 to C.7-28.)

Soil and Water Resources 14

Condition of Certification SOIL& WATER-3 will mitigate potential scour and flood
impacts by requiring that all SunCatcher pole foundations will be designed to
withstand storm water scour from surface erosion or channel migration based on
the results of the SOIL&WATER-8 analyses. SOIL& WATER-3 will also require
the project owner to develop a Storm Water Damage Monitoring and Response
Plan to evaluate potential impacts from storm water, including pole foundations
that fail due to storm water flow or otherwise break and scatter mirror debris and
other SunCatcher components on to the ground surface. We find that
implementation of Conditions of Certification SOIL&WATER-1, -2, -3, -8 and -10
will mitigate potential impacts from construction activities to soils at the project
site below significance.

Water used for construction of the Calico Solar Project will have a less than
significant impact on the groundwater balance and the availability of groundwater
to other basin users. The average annual water use during construction (150
AFY) is 38-75 percent of the estimated recharge to the Lavic Valley Basin (200 to
400 AFY), and average water use over the life of the project (31 AFY) is only six
to 13 percent of the estimated recharge. The record shows that no other local
users are known to rely on that recharge. The water use is less than one percent
of the yield of the Lavic-Broadwell-Bristol Lake groundwater system, given the
range of estimates of yield for the Bristol Lake Basin (5,000 AFY). (Ex. 300, p.
C.7-31; Ex. 317, p. C.7-8 and C.7-10.) Condition of Certification SOIL&WATER-4
limits water use to less than 145 AFY during construction and less than 21 AFY
during operation and requires annual reporting of actual use to the Energy
Commission. In addition, Condition of Certification SOIL&WATER-7 requires
continual groundwater monitoring and reporting by the Applicant.

The record further shows that project pumping will not affect groundwater levels
or flow at that location so any impact to groundwater salinity, if any, is therefore
less than significant. We find that construction impacts to groundwater levels will
be mitigated below significance.

Improper handling or containment of construction waste water creates a potential

risk that the material would percolate down to the water table and contaminate
groundwater. The evaluation of impacts associated with hazardous materials
indicated that liquid hazardous wastes present at the site would consist of fuels,
solvents, cleaners, motor oil, lubricants and paints. The record shows that
because of their small quantities and low mobility and/or toxicity, there is limited
potential for off-site impacts. We find that potential on-site impacts are less than
significant due to physical and administrative controls over the storage and use

15 Soil and Water Resources

of these materials imposed by measures HAZ-1 through HAZ-5 that provide for
worker training, spill response, safety plans, site control and other measures that
minimize the risk of a leak or spill capable of contaminating groundwater. (Ex.
300, p. C.7-35.) These controls will also be reflected in the measures
implemented under SOIL&WATER-2 and in the construction SWPPP required by

Sources of waste water would also include equipment wash water and piping and
vessel hydrostatic test water. Equipment wash water will be transported to an
appropriate treatment facility. Hydrostatic test water will be reused to the extent
possible and, pending analytical results of the water, will be discharged to land or
trucked offsite to an appropriate treatment and disposal facility in accordance
with the SWRCB Water Quality Order No. 2003-003-DWQ as a discharge to land
with a low threat to groundwater and the requirements identified in Soil and
Water Appendices B, C, D and E that are referenced in Condition of
Certification SOIL&WATER-2. Compliance with these requirements will reduce
the potential impacts from release of wastewater to less than significant levels.
(Ex. 300, p. C.7-36.)

With the implementation of the mitigation measures described above,

construction related impacts of the Calico Solar Project to erosion of soils;
drainage of surface water, groundwater supplies and groundwater quality will not
be significant.

5. Operational Impacts and Mitigation

The record analyzed impacts from the operation of the Calico Solar Project that
could lead to accelerated soil erosion, increased storm water runoff, as well as
potential water quality and water supply impacts. Soils may be potentially
impacted through wind and water-related erosion or the release of hazardous
materials used in the operation of the proposed project. Storm water runoff from
the project could result in potential impacts if increased runoff flow rates and
volumes discharged from the project increase erosion of the soil and increase
downstream flooding. Water quality could be impacted by discharge of eroded
sediments from the project or discharge of hazardous materials released during
operation. Water supply used for dust suppression, SunCatcher mirror washing,
and fire protection could lead to potential quantity or quality impacts to
groundwater resources. (Ex. 300, p. C.7-36.)

Soil and Water Resources 16

The analysis of record considered the potential impacts to soil resources caused
by operation of the facility that could result in erosion and downstream
transportation of soils and the potential contamination of soils and groundwater.
There are extensive regulatory programs in effect (NPDES, SWPPP, NRCS) that
are designed to prevent or minimize these types of impacts. These programs are
effective, and absent unusual circumstances, an applicant’s ability to identify and
implement program-approved BMPs to prevent erosion or contamination is
sufficient to ensure that these impacts will be less than significant. The
requirements of these programs are reflected in Condition of Certification
SOIL&WATER-11. In addition, soils would be protected by the development and
implementation of the DESCP required in SOIL&WATER-1. (Ex. 300, pp. C.7-36
to C.7-37.)

The proposed project will be located on a series of undeveloped alluvial fans.

Construction of the proposed project will change natural drainages, remove some
natural vegetation and soil structure, and add impervious areas to the site, all of
which could cause an increase in storm water runoff. (Ex. 300, p. C.7-37.)

Storm water flow volume and velocity is affected by several parameters, such as
surface infiltration rates and the roughness of the flow surface. Construction,
operation, and decommissioning of the proposed project may modify the
infiltration rate through several processes, including earthmoving, compaction,
and use of dust suppressants. (Ex. 300, p. C.7-37.)

Water quality could also be impacted if the storm water drainage pattern
concentrates runoff in areas that are not properly designed or protected with
BMPs or causes increased erosion and sediment discharge offsite. Project
components that could alter or concentrate existing drainage patterns could
include the installation of linear fences, access roads, buildings, SunCatchers,
and associated infrastructure. (Ex. 300, pp. C.7-37 to C.7-38.)

With concentrated flows, scour may transport sediment long distances. Scour
may occur under sheet flow conditions due to water depths, velocities, and soil
parameters. Scour of existing or future channelized flow paths can meander and
move during large flow events, which is common on alluvial fans. The proposed
reduced acreage Scenario 5.5 includes a total of 26,540SunCatchers supported
by a single metal fin-pipe foundation hydraulically driven into the ground.
Migration of channels and local scour caused by storm water flows could remove
sediment supporting individual poles and cause them to fall to the ground. Once
on the ground during a storm event, the broken glass associated with the mirrors

17 Soil and Water Resources

could further break and be transported downstream. Also, the SunCatchers
structure itself and the associated wiring and piping, could be transported
downstream. Although the security fence located on the downstream side of the
proposed project area could stop larger pieces from leaving the property, it would
not stop small glass fragments. Also, the fence itself could be threatened by
storm water flows and could not guarantee the onsite capture of all damaged
materials. (Ex. 300, p. C.7-37; Ex. 317 p. B.1-2.)

The record establishes that the effects of wind and water-related erosion and
storm water flow onto and off the proposed project will be mitigated through
implementation of Conditions of Certification SOIL&WATER-1, -2, -3, -8 and -11.
SOIL&WATER-1 requires the project Applicant to develop a DESCP to ensure
protection of water quality and soil resources. SOIL&WATER-2 requires the
Applicant to develop an Industrial SWPPP that meets the requirements for
discharges of storm water. Condition of Certification SOIL&WATER-3 requires
the Applicant to develop a Storm Water Damage Monitoring and Response Plan
to monitor the SunCatchers and mitigate potential impacts from SunCatchers
damaged during storm events. SOIL&WATER 11 requires the Applicant to
comply with the RWQCB requirements for operational stormwater protection. All
of these plans and designs will be based on the results of analyses required by
Condition of Certification SOIL&WATER-8 and maintained over the life of the
project. We find that Conditions of Certification SOIL&WATER-1, -2, -3, -8 and
11 mitigate these potential stormwater flow impacts below significance. (Ex. 300,
p. C.7-39; Ex. 317 p. C.7-12 through C.7.15.)

Intervenor, BNSF devoted substantial time developing a record to suggest the

need to include drainage basins in the design and implementation of stormwater
protection BMPs. (9/20/10 RT 73-326). Although the testimony varied on the
necessity for drainage basins at the site, the parties agreed that the
determination of the need for drainage basins would benefit from a hydrologic
study. (Id.) SOIL&WATER-12 requires the Applicant to fund a hydrologic study
commissioned by BNSF to determine the erosion and sedimentation impact, if
any, on BNSF infrastructure resulting from the project’s planned emplacement of
SunCatchers, flood control structures and runoff control measures. (9/20/10 RT

The project’s operational water demand is estimated to be approximately 20.4

AFY. The Applicant has proposed to pump groundwater from Well #3, a well
located on private land adjacent to the project site. The water will be pumped
from the well, conveyed in an underground pipe to a water storage tank, treated
and dispersed for on-site use. (Ex. 300, p. C.7-39.)

Soil and Water Resources 18

Sanitary wastewater from buildings on the site will be disposed of by means of an
on-site septic system and leach field. Reject brine from the demineralization
facility will be discharged to two on-site ponds for evaporation. (Ex. 300, p. C.7-

As described above under "Construction Impacts and Mitigation," the impact of

the project on groundwater levels will be negligible and the impact less than
significant from project construction as well as operation. Condition of
Certification SOIL&WATER-4 will ensure the project supply will be limited to the
maximum needed for project construction and operation. To ensure the well can
provide an adequate water supply, the project owner will be required to comply
with Condition of Certification SOIL&WATER-9 that requires a Water
Conservation and Alternative Water Supply Plan, should groundwater monitoring
indicate long-term downward trends in water levels and storage. (Ex. 300, p.

Although there are no known existing groundwater users near enough to the
project site to be substantially affected by project pumping, hydrogeologic
conditions are uncertain. The evidence shows that the Pisgah Fault likely
prevents drawdown from extending into the Lower Mojave River Basin and any
overdraft effects in the Lower Mojave River Basin from extending into the Lavic
Lake Basin. To confirm these findings, Condition of Certification
SOIL&WATER-7 will require the Applicant to comply with the County of San
Bernardino’s Desert Groundwater Management Ordinance and implement a
monitoring plan that would characterize baseline water levels in the project
vicinity, characterize aquifer materials, integrate water level measurement with
any existing monitoring network, and provide for analysis of the project effects on
water levels in the area. The Applicant will monitor static water levels quarterly in
the project water supply well and select dedicated wells located on either side of
the Pisgah Fault. The data will be made available to San Bernardino County and
agencies responsible for regional water level monitoring (i.e., DWR and USGS).
If monitoring data indicate downward trends in water levels and groundwater
water storage, Condition of Certification SOIL&WATER-9 requires the project
owner develop and implement a Water Conservation and Alternative Water
Supply Plan to mitigate impacts. (Ex. 300, p. C.7-40.)

Project operation will produce three wastewater streams that are potential
sources of groundwater contamination: reject brine from the RO/demineralization

19 Soil and Water Resources

facility, utility water used for equipment washing and maintenance, and septic
system leachate from domestic water use. (Ex. 300, pp. C.7-40 to C.7-41.)

During project operation, septic system percolation will amount to approximately

2.2 AFY, which is the amount of water used for domestic purposes. The
unsaturated zone above the water table is 344 feet thick at the project site (the
depth to water in Well #3). Percolation through the unsaturated zone will
certainly remove any pathogens in the waste water and will likely allow
substantial denitrification. Domestic water use normally contributes
approximately 200 mg/L of total dissolved solids to waste water. The TDS
concentration of domestic water will be at least partially demineralized to meet
the secondary drinking water standard of 1,000 mg/L. The TDS concentration of
sanitary waste water would therefore be around 1,200 mg/L, or comparable to
the local TDS concentration in the aquifer (1,340 mg/L at Well #3). Therefore,
the septic leachate will not increase groundwater salinity. Further, the septic
system will meet the permitting requirements of the San Bernardino County
Department of Public Health as required in SOIL&WATER-5. All of these factors
support our conclusion that the impact of the septic system on groundwater
quality will be less than significant. (Ex. 300, p. C.7-41.)

The Applicant proposes to discharge the waste water to one of two concrete-
lined evaporation ponds. Each pond will be sized to contain one year of
discharge flow or approximately three million gallons. A minimum of one year is
expected to be required for the waste water to undergo the evaporation process.
After the first year, the second pond will receive all treatment waste water while
the first pond is undergoing evaporation. The two ponds will alternate their
functions on an annual basis. After the brine has gone through the evaporation
process, the solids that settle at the bottom of the evaporation pond will be tested
by the Applicant and disposed of in an appropriate non-hazardous waste
disposal facility. The solids will be scheduled for removal during the dry summer
months. As indicated by the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board
(see Soil and Water Appendices B, C, D and E), the Applicant has not provided
information necessary to complete development of requirements for discharges
of brine waters to evaporation ponds or sanitary septic systems. This information
is needed to ensure that the ponds will be designed, constructed and operated to
prevent concentrated brine leaking and reaching the water table. However, the
requirements for the design, construction and operation of evaporation pond as
well as the restrictions on the waste water are very specific. The use of these
types of surface disposal facilities is well documented and is prevalent in power
plant siting cases. Impacts associated with the construction and operation of

Soil and Water Resources 20

these disposal facilities are routinely mitigated. As a result, we find that impacts
will be mitigated to less than significant with the implementation of Condition of
Certification SOIL&WATER-2 which requires the project owner to comply with
the Waste Discharge Requirements regarding the design, construction and
operation of the impoundments as well as the monitoring and reporting
associated with the operation of waste water evaporation ponds. (Ex. 300, p.

Maintenance of the Power Conversion Units (PCU) and other mechanical

devices (e.g., drive repair) will be performed in onsite service stations. These
service stations consist of modular, containerized work stations to perform
equipment prewash and inspection, disassembly/reassembly, parts storage, end
of service inspection, etc. The prewash and inspection station will include
heated, pressurized water spray to clean engine components before
maintenance performance. Expected waste water production is 15 gallons per
wash (3 gpm sprayer for five minutes). The waste water generated will be
captured in the service station and diverted to containers (e.g., drums) for offsite
recycling by third party providers. Prior to disassembly of engines, the fluids will
be drained and captured for recycling. These engine fluids will be captured,
aggregated in containers (e.g., drums) and recycled by third party
providers. Collection and recycling of this waste water will be managed in
accordance with Conditions of Certification WASTE-7 and -8. (Ex. 300, p. C.7-

There will be no significant wastewater related impacts to water or soil during

operations if the project owner complies with proposed Conditions of Certification
SOIL&WATER-2 and -5. SOIL&WATER-2 establishes the requirements for
waste and storm water discharges and SOIL&WATER-5 establishes the
requirements for the installation of the proposed septic tank and leach field. (Ex.
300, p. C.7-42.)

6. Cumulative Impacts and Mitigation

A project may result in a significant adverse cumulative impact where its effects
are cumulatively considerable. "Cumulatively considerable" means that the
incremental effects of an individual project are significant when viewed in
connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects,
and the effects of probable future projects (California Code Regulation, Title 14,
section 15130). NEPA states that cumulative effects could result from
individually minor but collectively significant actions taking place over a period of

21 Soil and Water Resources

time (40 CFR §1508.7). There is the potential for future development in the Lavic
Valley area and throughout the southern Mojave Desert region. Cumulative
impacts can occur if implementation of the proposed project could combine with
those of other local or regional projects. The locations of existing and reasonably
foreseeable developments in the Lavic Valley area are presented in Soil &
Water Table 2 and 3. (Ex. 300, p. C.7-56.)

Soil and Water Resources 22

Soil & Water Table 2
Existing Projects in the Newberry Springs/Ludlow Area
ID Project Name Location Agency/ Status Project Description
1 Twentynine Morongo U.S. Existing The Marine Corps’ service-level
Palms Marine Basin (to the Marine facility for Marine Air Ground Task
Corps Air south of Corps Force training. It covers 596,000 acres
Ground Combat project site) to the south of the Calico Solar Project
Center site and north of the city of
(MCAGCC) Twentynine Palms
2 SEGS I and II Near Daggett Sunray Existing Solar parabolic trough facilities
(17 miles Energy, generating 13.8 MW and 30 MW,
west of Inc. respectively.
project site)
3 CACTUS Near Daggett University Existing A non-working 10 MW solar power
(formerly Solar (to the west of California tower plant converted by UC Davis into
One and Solar of project Davis an Air Cherenkov Telescope to
Two) site) measure gamma rays hitting the
atmosphere. The site is comprised of
144 heliostats. This project had its last
observational run in 2005. SCE has
requested funds from the California
Public Utilities Commission to
decommission the Solar Two project.
(UC Davis 2009)
4 Mine 2 miles west Existing Small-scale aggregate operation
of project site (AFC p. 5.3-12)
along I-40
5 Mine 14 miles west Existing Larger aggregate mining operation
of project site that produced less than 500,000 tons
along I-40 per year in 2005 (AFC p. 5.3-12)
Source: Ex. 300, p. B.3-9.

23 Soil and Water Resources

Soil & Water Table 3
Future Foreseeable Projects in the Newberry Springs/Ludlow Area
ID Project Name Location Agency/ Status Project Description
A SES Solar T's. 8, 9N., SES Solar BLM received 914 MW Stirling solar
Three (CACA R5E Three, LLC completed plant on 6,779-acre
47702) (Immediately amended site.
west of application June
project site) 2007. SES
withdrew the
application for
Solar Three in
December 2009.
As there was a
application, this
becomes the
project proposed
at this location. .
B Broadwell Broadwell Bright- Application filed 5,130-acre solar
BrightSource Valley (T'8N Source with BLM. thermal facility using
(CACA 48875) and 9N; Energy, Potential conflict power tower
R7E) – in Inc. with proposed technology.
northeast National
direction of Monument. Plans
project site withdrawn/put on
hold in September
C SCE Pisgah Immediately Southern Substation upgrade
Substation southeast of California from 220-kV to 500-kV
expansion project site Edison

Soil and Water Resources 24

ID Project Name Location Agency/ Status Project Description
D Pisgah-Lugo Pisgah Southern The proposed 850 MW
transmission Substation California Calico Solar Project
upgrade (SE side of Edison would require removal
project site) of 65 miles of existing
to Lugo 220-kV transmission
Substation line and reinstallation
(near with a 500-kV line.
Hesperia) The Reduced Acreage
Alternative (275 MW)
would require an
upgrade of the
facilities serving the
existing 200-kV Pisgah-
Lugo transmission line.
Specifically, it would
• Replacement of a
portion of existing
Eldorado-Lugo 500
kV overhead ground
wire with new optical
ground wire between
the Lugo and Pisgah
• Installation of a new
fiber-optic line
between the Pisgah
Substation and Cool
Water Substation
(new fiber to be
installed on
approximately 20 miles
of existing electric
distribution poles).
E Twentynine Morongo U.S. NOI to prepare EIS 400,000-acre
Palms Basin (south Marine to study expansion on the east,
Expansion of project Corps alternatives west, and south of the
site) published in Oct. existing 596,000-acre
2009. Draft EIS Twentynine Palms
expected Marine Corps base. In
September 2010. June 2009,
approximately 60,000
acres in all study areas
were removed from
further study, leaving
360,000 acres under
study (USMC 2009).

25 Soil and Water Resources

ID Project Name Location Agency/ Status Project Description
F Solel, Inc. Southwest of Solel, Inc. BLM received 600 MW solar thermal
(CACA 04942 proposed application in July plant proposed on
4) site, 2007, POD is 7,453 acres.
immediately under review.
north of
G Wind project Black Lava Oak BLM received Wind project on 17,920
(CACA 48629) T2N, R5E, Creek application acres
T1N, R5E Energy December 2006.
Issues with partial
location in ACEC.
H Wind Project South Oak Pending Wind project on 25,600
(CACA 48667) Ludlow Creek acres
T6N/R6E, Energy
T7N/R8E (In
direction of
project site)
I Wind project Troy Lake Power Pending review of Wind project on 10,240
(CACA 48472) T9N&10N, Partners EA. acres
R4E (In west SW
direction of (enXco)
project site)
J Twin Mountain 10 miles Rinker Permit granted to Plan to re-permit a
Rock Venture west of Materials extend permit to cinder quarry on
Ludlow and 1 2018 approximately 72 acres
mile south of of leased land. No
I-40; APN development activity
0552-011-10- has occurred on project
0000 site.
K Solar thermal Stedman (in Solel, Inc. Application filed 600 MW solar project
(CACA 49429) southeast with BLM. on 14,080 acres. POD
direction of under review.
project site)

Soil and Water Resources 26

ID Project Name Location Agency/ Status Project Description
L Proposed Between In December 2009, The proposed Mojave
National Joshua Tree Sen. Feinstein Trails National
Monument National Park introduced bill Monument would protect
(former and Mojave S.2921 that would approximately 941,000
Catellus National designate 2 new acres of federal land,
Lands) Preserve national including approximately
monuments 266,000 acres of the
including the former railroad lands
Mojave Trails along historic Route 66.
National The BLM would be
Monument. given the authority to
conserve the monument
lands and also to
maintain existing
recreational uses,
including hunting,
vehicular travel on open
roads and trails,
camping, horseback
riding and
M BLM Along the BLM Proposed, under The DOE and BLM
Renewable I-10 corridor environmental identified 24 tracts of
Energy Study between review land as Solar Energy
Areas Desert Study Areas in the BLM
Center and and DOE Solar PEIS.
Blythe These areas have been
identified for in-depth
study of solar
development and may
be found appropriate
for designation as solar
energy zones in the
Source: Ex. 300, pp. B.3-10 through B.3-13Cumulative Impacts to Soiland Storm Water

Construction and operation of the Calico Solar Project will result in both
temporary and permanent changes to the soil and storm water drainage patterns
at the project site. Without the use of BMPs determined by the results of
analyses required by Condition of Certification SOIL&WATER-8 that would be
incorporated into a final DESCP and construction SWPPP, these changes could
incrementally increase local soil erosion and storm water runoff. However, as
discussed above, these potential impacts would be prevented or reduced to a
level of less than significant through the implementation of BMPs, a final DESCP,
and construction SWPPP, and compliance with all applicable erosion and storm
water management LORS. Similarly, compliance with these LORS and

27 Soil and Water Resources

SOIL&WATER-1, -2 and -3, would ensure that the Calico Solar Project’s
contribution to cumulative impacts would not be cumulatively considerable. (Ex.
300, p. C.7-60; Ex. 317 C.7-12 through C.7-15.)

Cumulative Impacts to the Basin Balance

As discussed above, during construction and operation of the Calico Solar
Project, the groundwater demand would average less than 150 AFY during
construction and less than 20.4 AFY during operation. Because of subsurface
flow between basins, the groundwater system that would be affected by
groundwater pumping for the project includes the Lavic Valley, Broadwell Valley
and Bristol Lake Basins. Six projects listed in Soil and Water Table 2 and 3
would be located within that area and would consume groundwater. These
include a reactivated cinder quarry and an expansion of the Twentynine Palms
Marine Corps base. The water requirements for those projects are not known.
The remaining four projects are solar power projects. Two of those projects
would be dry cooled and have small water requirements similar to those of the
Calico Solar Project: the Stirling Energy Systems Solar Three Project (application
withdrawn but replaced by another renewable energy project ROW application
with the BLM) adjacent to the west boundary of the Calico Solar Project and the
Bright Source (power tower) project in the Broadwell Valley. The remaining two
proposed solar power projects appear to use solar trough technology, but the
proposed method of cooling is unclear. If the projects use wet cooling,
groundwater consumption per megawatt-hour of energy production would be on
the order of 10 times larger than dry-cooled plants such as the Calico Solar
Project. (Ex. 300, p. C.7-60 to C.7-61; Ex. 317 C.7-8 and C.7-10.)

The record indicates that wet-cooling of parabolic trough solar power plants
requires an average of 930 gallons of water per megawatt-hour of electricity
generated. A wet-cooled parabolic trough plant the size of the Calico Solar
Project (850 MW) operating 2,500 hours per year would consume 6,000 AFY of
water, or 300 times more than the Calico Solar Project. Dry-cooled parabolic
trough plants typically consume 80 gallons per megawatt-hour of energy
produced, which is still 30 times larger than water use for the Calico Solar
Project. From the standpoint of efficient use of scarce water resources, the
incremental impact of the Calico Solar Project groundwater use is minute
compared to the potential impact of any wet-cooled projects. (Ex. 300, p. C.7-

If all four of the other solar projects are as water-efficient as the Calico Solar
Project, their combined consumptive use of groundwater (approximately 100 AFY

Soil and Water Resources 28

during operation) would be small compared to total groundwater recharge to the
Lavic-Broadwell-Bristol Lake groundwater system. For example, groundwater
consumption for those projects is 25- to 50-percent of the recharge in just the
Lavic Lake Basin, and therefore probably insignificant relative to the entire Lavic-
Broadwell-Bristol Lake groundwater system which receives substantially more
than 200 to 400 acre-feet per year of recharge. Nevertheless, even in the
absence of more evidence, we conclude that the Calico Project’s negligible
contribution to cumulative impacts to the groundwater basin will not be
cumulatively considerable.

Cumulative Impacts to Wells

The cumulative impact on groundwater levels caused by groundwater pumping to
supply the four additional solar projects in the Lavic-Broadwell-Bristol Lake basin
area depends on the type of technology and cooling method selected for those
plants. If all four were as water-efficient as the Calico Solar Project, water level
declines at Bristol Lake and nearby wells would be less than one inch. A single
wet-cooled plant with a generating capacity as large as the Calico Solar Project
(850 MW) would more than double estimated groundwater pumping from the
three basins and potentially cause significant impacts. Nevertheless, we still find
that the Calico Project’ contribution to cumulative impacts to the groundwater
basin will not be cumulatively considerable.

7. Compliance with LORS

Clean Water Act

The proposed project would satisfy the requirements of the RWQCB with the
adoption of the following Conditions of Certification:
1) Development of the DESCP in accordance with SOIL&WATER-1;
2) Development of a Storm Water Damage Monitoring and Response Plan in
accordance with SOIL&WATER-3,
3) Compliance with wastewater discharge requirements in accordance with
SOIL&WATER-2 and as specified in Soil & Water Appendix B, C, and D. In
addition, the Applicant would be required to comply with California
Department of Fish and Game’s Streambed Alteration Agreement
requirements in accordance with Condition of Certification BIO-27.

4) Compliance with storm water protection in accordance with SOIL&WATER-

10 and 11.

29 Soil and Water Resources

Public Resources Code, Sections 25300 through 25302
Through compliance with Conditions of Certification SOIL&WATER-4,
information required by Staff to conduct assessments and forecasts of potable
and industrial water consumption by power plants is achieved. The Commission
also promotes “all feasible means” of water conservation and “all feasible uses”
of alternative water supply sources (Section 25008).

California Water Code Section 6000 to 6004.5 and 6025.5

Through compliance with SOIL&WATER-8 and GEO-2 and -3, information
required by Staff to analyze the Applicant’s compliance with these sections is
achieved. The Applicant will provide information that the debris basins are in
compliance with the State of California Department of Water Resources, Division
of Safety of Dams (DOSD).

California Code of Regulations, Title 23, Division 2, Chapter 1, Article 303

Through compliance with SOIL&WATER-8 and GEO-2 and -3, information
required by Staff to analyze the Applicant’s compliance with this regulation is
achieved. If necessary, Applicant will provide evidence that the developer has
appropriate water rights before an application for the construction or enlargement
of a DOSD Jurisdictional dam can be approved.

Energy Commission Policy

Sources of Policy
The Energy Commission has four sources for statements of policy relating to
water use in California applicable to power plants. They are the California
Constitution, the Warren-Alquist Act, the Commission’s restatement of the state’s
water policy in the 2003 Integrated Energy Policy Report (“IEPR”) and the State
Water Resources Control Board (“SWRCB” or “Board”) resolutions (in particular
Resolutions 75-58 and 88-63).

California Constitution
California’s interest in conserving water is so important to our thirsty state that in
1928, the common law doctrine of reasonable use became part of the state
Constitution. Article X, Section 2 calls for water to be put to beneficial use, and
that “waste or unreasonable use or unreasonable method of use be prevented.”
(Cal. Const., art. X, § 2; emphasis added.) The article also limits water rights to
reasonable use, including reasonable methods of use. (Ibid.) Even earlier in the
20th Century, a state Supreme Court case firmly established that groundwater is
subject to reasonable use. (Katz v. Walkinshaw (1903) 141 Cal. 116.) Thus, as
modern technology has made dry-cooling of power plants feasible, the

Soil and Water Resources 30

Commission may regard wet-cooling as an unreasonable method of use of
surface or groundwater, and even as a wasteful use of the state’s most precious

Warren-Alquist Act
Section 25008 of the Commission’s enabling statutes echoes the Constitutional
concern, by promoting “all feasible means” of water conservation and “all feasible
uses” of alternative water supply sources. (Pub. Res. Code § 25008.)

Integrated Energy Policy Report

In the 2003 Integrated Energy Policy Report (“IEPR” or “Report”), the
Commission reiterated certain principles from SWRCB’s Resolution 75-58,
discussed below, and clarified how they would be used to discourage use of
fresh water for cooling power plants under the Commission’s jurisdiction. The
Report states that the Commission will approve the use of fresh water for cooling
purposes only where alternative water supply sources or alternative cooling
technologies are shown to be “environmentally undesirable” or “economically
unsound.” (IEPR (2003), p. 41.) In the Report, the Commission interpreted
“environmentally undesirable” as equivalent to a “significant adverse
environmental impact” under CEQA, and “economically unsound” as meaning
“economically or otherwise infeasible,” also under CEQA. (IEPR, p. 41.) CEQA
and the Commission’s siting regulations define feasible as “capable of being
accomplished in a successful manner within a reasonable amount of time,” taking
into account economic and other factors. (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, § 15364;
tit. 20, § 1702, subd. (f).) At the time of publication in 2003, dry cooling was
already feasible for three projects - two in operation and one just permitted.
(IEPR, p. 39.)

The Report also notes California’s exploding population, estimated to reach more
than 47 million by 2020, a population that will continue to use “increasing
quantities of fresh water at rates that cannot be sustained.” (IEPR, p. 39.)

State Water Resources Control Board Resolutions

The SWRCB not only considers quantity of water in its resolutions, but also the
quality of water. In 1975, the Board adopted the Water Quality Control Policy on
the Use and Disposal of Inland Waters Used for Power Plant Cooling (Resolution
75-58). In it, the Board encourages the use of wastewater for power plant
cooling. It also determined that water with a TDS concentration of 1,000 mg/L or
less should be considered fresh water (Resolution 75-58). One express purpose
of that Resolution was to “keep the consumptive use of fresh water for power

31 Soil and Water Resources

plant cooling to that minimally essential” for the welfare of the state (Ibid;
emphasis added).

In 1988, the Board determined that water with TDS concentrations of 3,000 mg/L
or less should be protected for and considered as potential supplies for municipal
or domestic use unless otherwise designated by one of the Regional Water
Quality Control Boards (Resolution 88-63.)

San Bernardino County Ordinance 3872 (Code Title 3, Division 3, Chapter 6,

Article 5)
To help protect groundwater resources in San Bernardino County, the County
enacted Ordinance 3872. This ordinance requires a permit to locate, construct,
operate, or maintain a new groundwater well within the unincorporated,
unadjudicated desert region of San Bernardino County. CEQA compliance must
also be completed prior to issuance of a permit. The article does not apply to
“groundwater wells located on Federal lands unless otherwise specified by inter-
agency agreement.” The BLM and County entered into a MOU that provides that
the BLM will require conformance with Article 5 for all projects proposing to use
groundwater from beneath public lands. The MOU provides that the County and
BLM will work cooperatively together to ensure conformance with applicable
LORS by project developers on BLM land. As part of meeting the requirements
of the County’s permitting process, the County may require the project owner to
prepare a groundwater monitoring plan in accordance with the County’s
“Guidelines for Preparation of a Groundwater Monitoring Plan” dated January
1998. Condition of Certification SOIL&WATER-7 will require the project owner to
ensure that all onsite groundwater wells would be installed in accordance with
the County of San Bernardino requirements and to submit a well construction
packet to the County for comment and written evaluation. The project owner
would also be required to submit well completion reports to the DWR in
accordance with the DWR well completion reporting requirements.

8. Public Comment

No public comment was received regarding the Calico Project effect on soil and
water resources.

Soil and Water Resources 32


1. The Calico site (Scenario 5.5) will contain approximately

26,540SunCatchers and associated equipment and infrastructure within a
fenced boundary.

2. No “waters of the U.S.” exist on the project so no federal wetland

permitting is required.

3. The newly constructed Well #3 adjacent to the project site will provide all
water needs for the project.

4. Phase 1 construction will require less than 92,107,331 gallons or less than
282.67 AF.

5. Phase 2 will require less than 103,421,405 gallons or less than 317.39 AF.

6. During the 60 months of project construction, the water demand for

combined construction and dust suppression will be less than 600 AF.

7. Condition of Certification SOIL&WATER-4 limits construction water use to

145 AFY.

8. Water consumption during operation will be limited to mirror washing (10.3

AFY), water treatment (5.2 AFY), potable use (2.2 AFY), dust control (2.5
AFY) and hydrogen generation (0.23 AFY).

9. The total maximum annual consumptive use of groundwater for operation

of the power plant will be less than 20.4 AFY.

10. Condition SOIL&WATER-4 limits operational water use to 21 AFY.

11. Compliance with Condition of Certification SOIL&WATER-5, will mitigate

any potential impacts from the operation of sanitary waste septic system
and leach field to a less than significant level.

12. The BMPs identified in the record and required by the Conditions of
Certification will avoid significant soil erosion and subsequent
sedimentation during construction.

13. Conditions of Certification in the Air Quality section of this Decision

provide mitigation that would prevent significant impacts from fugitive dust
and soil erosion.

33 Soil and Water Resources

14. Adherence to the procedures and restrictions of the Waste Discharge
Requirements required by Condition SOIL&WATER-2, the DESCP
required by Condition SOIL&WATER-1 and compliances with the
requirements of the NPDES program required by SOIL&WATER-10 and -
11 will conserve soil resources, maintain water quality, prevent
accelerated soil loss, and protect air quality.

15. Conditions of Certification SOIL&WATER-1, -2, -3, -8,-10 and 11 will

mitigate potential impacts to soils at the project site below significance.

16. Water used for construction and operation of the Calico Solar Project will
have a less than significant impact on the groundwater balance and the
availability of groundwater to other basin users.

17. Calico Solar Project pumping will not affect groundwater levels or flow so
any impact to groundwater salinity, if any, is therefore less than significant.

18. Potential on-site impacts from the risk of a leak or spill of hazardous
materials contaminating groundwater are less than significant due to
physical and administrative controls over the storage and use of these
materials imposed by measures HAZ-1 through HAZ-5.

19. Compliance with the requirements identified in Soil and Water

Appendices B, C, D and E that are referenced in Condition of
Certification SOIL&WATER-2 will reduce the potential impacts from
release of wastewater to less than significant levels.

20. The SWPPP and DESCP required by Condition SOIL&WATER-1 through

Condition SOIL&WATER-3 and SOIL&WATER-8, 10 and 11 which
establish methods to control and manage storm water flow ensure that
construction and operational impacts of the Calico Solar Project to erosion
of soils, drainage of surface water, groundwater supplies and groundwater
quality will not be significant.

21. Wastewater will be processed and disposed of according to standards,

required by Condition SOIL&WATER-2 and -5, that will protect surface
waters and ground water.

22. Condition of Certification SOIL&WATER-7 requires the project owner to

comply with the County of San Bernardino’s Desert Groundwater
Management Ordinance and implement a monitoring plan that will
characterize baseline water levels in the project vicinity, characterize
aquifer materials, integrate water level measurement with any existing
monitoring network, and provide analysis of the project’s effects on water
levels in the area.

Soil and Water Resources 34

23. If monitoring data indicate downward trends in water levels and
groundwater water storage, Condition of Certification SOIL&WATER-9
requires the project owner develop and implement a Water Conservation
and Alternative Water Supply Plan to mitigate impacts.

24. SOIL&WATER-5 ensures that the impact of the septic system on

groundwater quality will be less than significant as the septic system must
meet the permitting requirements of the San Bernardino County
Department of Public Health.

25. Calico Solar Project will annually alternate discharging waste water into
one of two concrete-lined evaporation ponds sized to contain one year of
discharge flow or approximately three million gallons.

26. Implementation of Condition of Certification SOIL&WATER-2 which

requires the project owner to comply with the Waste Discharge
Requirements, including monitoring and reporting associated with the
operation of waste water evaporation ponds, will mitigate impacts
attributable to the evaporation ponds to less than significant.

27. The Calico Solar Project’s contribution to cumulative impacts to soil and
water resources will not be cumulatively considerable.


With implementation of the Conditions of Certification as set forth herein, the

Calico Solar Project will comply with all applicable LORS, and will not result in
any unmitigated and significant direct, indirect or cumulative adverse impacts
related to Soil or Water Resources.



SOIL&WATER-1 Prior to site mobilization, the project owner shall obtain the
CPM’s approval of a site specific Drainage, Erosion and Sediment
Control Plan (DESCP) that ensures protection of water quality and soil
resources of the project site and all linear facilities for both the
construction and operation phases of the project. This plan shall
address appropriate methods and actions, both temporary and
permanent, for the protection of water quality and soil resources,
demonstrate no increase in off-site flooding potential, and identify all
monitoring and maintenance activities. The project owner shall
complete all necessary engineering plans, reports, and documents
necessary for Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway (BNSF) and the

35 Soil and Water Resources

CMP to conduct a review of the proposed project and provide a written
evaluation as to whether the proposed grading, drainage
improvements, and flood management activities comply with all
requirements presented herein. The plan shall be consistent with the
grading and drainage plan as required by Condition of Certification
CIVIL-1 and shall contain the following elements:
• Vicinity Map: A map shall be provided indicating the
location of all project elements with depictions of all major
geographic features to include watercourses, washes,
irrigation and drainage canals, major utilities, and sensitive
• Site Delineation: The site and all project elements shall be
delineated showing boundary lines of all construction areas
and the location of all existing and proposed structures,
underground utilities, roads, and drainage facilities. Adjacent
property owners shall be identified on the plan maps. All
maps shall be presented at a legible scale.
• Drainage: The DESCP shall include the following elements:
a. Topography. Topography for offsite areas is required
to define the existing upstream tributary areas to the
site and downstream to provide enough definition to
map the existing storm water flow and flood hazard.
Spot elevations shall be required where relatively flat
conditions exist.
b. Proposed Grade. Proposed grade contours shall be
shown at a scale appropriate for delineation of onsite
ephemeral washes, drainage ditches, and tie-ins to
the existing topography.
c. Hydrology. Existing and proposed hydrologic
calculations for onsite areas and offsite areas that
drain to the site; include maps showing the drainage
area boundaries and sizes in acres, topography and
typical overland flow directions, and show all existing,
interim, and proposed drainage infrastructure and
their intended direction of flow.
d. Hydraulics. Provide hydraulic calculations to support
the selection and sizing of the onsite drainage
network, diversion facilities and Best Management
Practices (BMPs).
• Watercourses and Critical Areas: The DESCP shall show
the location of all onsite and nearby watercourses including
washes, irrigation and drainage canals, and drainage
ditches, and shall indicate the proximity of those features to

Soil and Water Resources 36

• Clearing and Grading: The plan shall provide a delineation
of all areas to be cleared of vegetation, areas to be
preserved, and areas where vegetation would be cut to allow
clear movement of the heliostats. The plan shall provide
elevations, slopes, locations, and extent of all proposed
grading as shown by contours, cross-sections, cut/fill depths
or other means. The locations of any disposal areas, fills, or
other special features shall also be shown. Existing and
proposed topography tying in proposed contours with
existing topography shall be illustrated. The DESCP shall
include a statement of the quantities of material excavated at
the site, whether such excavations or fill is temporary or
permanent, and the amount of such material to be imported
or exported or a statement explaining that there would be no
clearing and/or grading conducted for each element of the
project. Areas of no disturbance shall be properly identified
and delineated on the plan maps.
• Soil Wind and Water Erosion Control: The plan shall
address exposed soil treatments to be used during
construction and operation of the proposed project for both
road and non-road surfaces including the specific
identification of all chemical-based dust palliatives, soil
bonding, and weighting agents appropriate for use at the
proposed project site that would not cause adverse effects to
vegetation. BMPs shall include measures designed to
prevent wind and water erosion including application of
chemical dust palliatives after rough grading to limit water
use. All dust palliatives, soil binders, and weighting agents
shall be approved by the CPM prior to use. With regard to
erosion risk and stormwater runoff, debris and detention
basins shall be installed which are sized and located to
intercept storm water flow from off-site areas as it enters the
project site. On-site roadways and other infrastructure shall
be designed and located to avoid existing and proposed flow
paths to the extent feasible.
• Project Schedule: The DESCP shall identify on the
topographic site map the location of the site-specific BMPs
to be employed during each phase of construction (initial
grading, project element construction, and final
grading/stabilization). Separate BMP implementation
schedules shall be provided for each project element for
each phase of construction. This scheduling should require
the installation of debris basins, detention/ infiltration basins,

37 Soil and Water Resources

swales, and related storm water management facilities
before construction commences on each phase.
• Best Management Practices: The DESCP shall show the
location, timing, and maintenance schedule of all erosion-
and sediment-control BMPs to be used prior to initial
grading, during project element excavation and construction,
during final grading/stabilization, and after construction.
BMPs shall include measures designed to control dust and
stabilize construction access roads and entrances. The
maintenance schedule shall include post-construction
maintenance of treatment-control BMPs applied to disturbed
areas following construction.
• Erosion Control Drawings: The erosion-control drawings
and narrative shall be designed, stamped and sealed by a
professional engineer or erosion-control specialist.
• Comments: The DESCP shall include copies of
recommendations, conditions, and provisions from the
BNSF, County of San Bernardino, California Department of
Fish and Game (CDFG), and Lahontan Regional Water
Quality Control Board (RWQCB).
• Monitoring Plan: Monitoring activities shall include routine
measurement of the volume of accumulated sediment in the
onsite drainage ditches, and storm water diversions and the
requirements specified in Soil and Water Appendix B, C,
and D.
Verification: The DESCP shall be consistent with the grading and drainage
plan as required by Condition of Certification CIVIL-1, and relevant portions of
the DESCP shall clearly show approval by the chief building official (CBO). In
addition, the project owner shall do all of the following:
a) No later than 30 days prior to start of site mobilization, the project owner shall
submit a copy of the DESCP to the County of San Bernardino, the RWQCB,
BNSF and the CPM for review and comment. The CPM shall consider
comments received in approving the plan.
b) During construction, the project owner shall provide BNSF and the CPM an
analysis in the monthly compliance report on the effectiveness of the
drainage-, erosion- and sediment-control measures and the results of
monitoring and maintenance activities.
c) Once operational, the project owner shall provide BNSF and the CPM
information on the results of storm water BMP monitoring and maintenance
activities in the annual compliance report.

Soil and Water Resources 38

d) The project owner shall provide BNSF and the CPM with two copies each of
all monitoring or other reports required for compliance with San Bernardino
County, CDFG, and RWQCB.


SOIL&WATER-2 The project owner shall comply with the Waste Discharge
Requirements presented in Soil and Water Appendices B, C, D and E
for the design, construction and operation of the surface impoundments
(evaporation ponds) and storm water management system. These
requirements relate to discharges, or potential discharges, of waste that
could affect the quality of waters of the state, and were developed in
consultation with staff of the State Water Resources Control Board
and/or the applicable California Regional Water Quality Control Board
(hereafter "Water Boards"). It is the Commission's intent that these
requirements be enforceable by both the Commission and the Water
Boards. In furtherance of that objective, the Commission hereby
delegates the enforcement of these requirements, and associated
monitoring, inspection and annual fee collection authority, to the Water
Accordingly, the Commission and the Water Board shall confer with
each other and coordinate, as needed, in the enforcement of the
requirements. The project owner shall pay the annual waste discharge
permit fee associated with this facility to the Water Boards. In addition,
the Water Boards may "prescribe" these requirements as waste
discharge requirements pursuant to Water Code Section 13263 solely
for the purposes of enforcement, monitoring, inspection, and the
assessment of annual fees, consistent with Public Resources Code
Section 25531, subdivision (c).
Verification: No later than sixty (60) days prior to any wastewater or storm
water discharge, the project owner shall provide documentation to BNSF and the
CPM, with copies to the LRWQCB, demonstrating compliance with the WDRs
established in Appendices B, C, D and E. Any changes to the design,
construction, or operation of the ponds or storm water system shall be requested
in writing to the CPM, with copies to BNSF and the LRWQCB, and approved by
the CPM, in consultation with the LRWQCB, prior to initiation of any changes.
The project owner shall provide to the CPM, with copies to the LRWQCB and
BNSF, all monitoring reports required by the WDRs, and fully explain any
violations, exceedances, enforcement actions, or corrective actions related to
construction or operation of the ponds or storm water system.


SOIL&WATER-3 The project owner shall ensure that all SunCatcher pole
foundations are designed to withstand storm water scour from surface
erosion and/or channel migration based on a Pole Foundation Stability
Report to be completed by a Professional Engineer and Professional

39 Soil and Water Resources

Geologist. The Pole Foundation Stability Report shall establish a
Minimum Depth Stability Threshold. The project owner shall also
develop a Storm Water Damage Monitoring and Response Plan to
evaluate potential impacts from storm water, including pole foundations
that fail due to storm water flow or otherwise break and scatter mirror
debris and other SunCatcher components on to the ground surface.
The Storm Water Damage Monitoring and Response Plan shall include
the following elements:
• Detailed maps showing the installed location of all
SunCatcher pole foundations within each project phase,
including existing and proposed drainage channels.
• Each SunCatcher pole foundation should be identified by a
unique ID number marked to show initial ground surface at
its base, and the depth to the tip of the pole below ground.
• Minimum Depth Stability Threshold to be maintained of
SunCatcher pole foundations to meet long-term stability for
applicable wind, water and debris loading effects;
• Above and below ground construction details of a typical
installed SunCatcher pole foundation.
• BMPs to be employed to minimize the potential impact of
broken mirrors to soil resources.
• Methods and response time of mirror cleanup and measures
that may be used to mitigate further impact to soil resources
from broken mirror fragments.
Monitor and Inspect Periodically, Before First Seasonal and After Every
Storm Event:
• Security and Tortoise Exclusion Fence: Inspect for damage
and buildup of sediment or debris.
• SunCatcher Pole Foundations within Drainages or Subject to
Drainage Overflow: Inspect for tilting, mirror damage, depth
of scour compared to foundation depth below ground and
the Minimum Depth Stability Threshold, collapse, and
downstream transport.
• Drainage Channels: Inspect for substantial migration or
changes in depth, and transport of broken mirror glass.
• Constructed Diversion Channels: Inspect for scour and
structural integrity issues caused by erosion, and for
sediment and debris buildup.

Soil and Water Resources 40

Short-Term Incident-Based Response:
• Security and Tortoise Exclusion Fence: repair damage, and
remove build-up of sediment and debris.
• SunCatcher Pole Foundations: Remove broken glass,
damaged structures, and wiring from the ground, and for
foundations no longer meeting the Minimum Depth Stability
Threshold, either replace/reinforce or remove the
SunCatcher to avoid exposure for broken glass.
• Drainage Channels: no short-term response necessary
unless changes indicate risk to facility structures.
• Constructed Diversion Channels: repair damage, maintain
erosion control measures and remove built-up sediment and

Long-Term Design-Based Response:

• Propose operation/BMP modifications to address ongoing
issues. Include proposed changes to monitoring and
response procedures, frequency, or standards.
• Replace/reinforce SunCatcher Pole Foundations no longer
meeting the Minimum Depth Stability Threshold or remove
the SunCatchers to avoid exposure for broken glass.
• Propose design modifications to address ongoing issues.
This may include construction of active storm water
management diversion channels and/or detention ponds.
Inspection, short-term incident response, and long-term design-based
response may include activities both inside and outside of the approved
right-of-way. For activities outside of the approved right-of-way, the
Applicant will notify BLM and acquire environmental review and
approval before field activities begin.
Verification: At least 30 days prior to commercial operation, the project owner
shall submit a copy of the Pole Foundation Stability Report and the Storm Water
Damage Monitoring and Response Plan to BNSF for review and the CPM for
review and approval prior to commercial operation. The project owner shall retain
a copy of these documents onsite at the power plant at all times. The project
owner shall prepare an annual summary of the number of pole foundations failed,
cause of the failures, and cleanup and mitigation performed for each failed pole


SOIL&WATER-4 The proposed project’s use of groundwater for all
construction activities shall not exceed 145 AFY. The proposed
project’s use of groundwater for all operational activities shall not

41 Soil and Water Resources

exceed 21 AFY. Use of ground or other water sources in excess of
these limits are prohibited unless the project owner seeks a Project
Prior to the use of groundwater for construction, the project owner shall
install and maintain metering devices as part of the water supply and
distribution system to document project water use and to monitor and
record in gallons per day the total volume(s) of water supplied to the
project from the water source. Documentation of the installation and
operation of the metering devices shall be submitted to the Commission
prior to use of any groundwater for project activities. The metering
devices shall be operational for the life of the project. An annual
summary of daily water use by the project shall be submitted to the
CPM in the annual compliance report.
Verification: At least 30 days prior to the start of construction of the proposed
project, the project owner shall submit to the CPM a copy of evidence that
metering devices have been installed and are operational.
Beginning six months after the start of construction, the project owner shall
prepare a semi-annual summary of amount of water used for construction
purposes. The summary shall include the monthly range (daily minimum and
daily maximum) and monthly average of daily water usage in gallons per day.
The project owner shall prepare an annual summary, which will include daily
usage, monthly range and monthly average of daily water usage in gallons per
day, and total water used on a monthly and annual basis in AF. For years
subsequent to the initial year of operation, the annual summary will also include
the yearly range and yearly average water use by source. For calculating the
total water use, the term “year” will correspond to the date established for the
annual compliance report submittal.


SOIL&WATER-5 Prior to the start of construction, the project owner shall
provide the design of a sanitary waste septic system that complies with
the County of San Bernardino requirements for the construction and
operation of the project’s proposed sanitary waste septic system and
leach field to the CPM for review and approval.
Project operation shall not commence until documentation equivalent to
the County’s required wastewater treatment system permits are issued
by the County and approved by the CPM.
The project owner shall remain in compliance with the County
requirements for the life of the project.
Verification: The Project owner shall submit all necessary information and the
appropriate fee to the County of San Bernardino to ensure that the project has
complied with the county’s sanitary waste disposal facilities requirements. A
written assessment prepared by the County of San Bernardino confirming that

Soil and Water Resources 42

the design of the project’s sanitary waste septic system conforms with county
requirements must be provided to the CPM for review and approval 30 days prior
to the start of site construction.
A written assessment prepared by the County of San Bernardino of the project’s
compliance with county’s sanitary waste disposal facilities requirements must be
provided to the CPM for review and approval 60 days prior to the start of power
plant operation.

SOIL&WATER-6 The Project owner shall identify likely decommissioning
scenarios and develop specific decommissioning plans for each
scenario that will identify actions to be taken to avoid or mitigate long-
term impacts related to water and wind erosion after decommissioning.
Actions may include such measures as a decommissioning SWPPP,
revegetation and restoration of disturbed areas, post-decommissioning
maintenance, collection and disposal of project materials and
chemicals, and access restrictions.
Verification: At least 30 days prior to the start of site mobilization, the project
owner shall submit decommissioning plans to BNSF for review and the CPM for
review and approval prior to site mobilization. The project owner shall amend
these documents as necessary, with approval from the CPM, should the
decommissioning scenario change in the future.


SOIL&WATER-7 The project owner shall submit a Groundwater Level

Monitoring and Reporting Plan to San Bernardino County and to the
CPM for review and approval in accordance with the County of San
Bernardino Code Title 3, Division 3, Chapter 6, Article 5 (Desert
Groundwater Management Ordinance).
The Groundwater Level Monitoring and Reporting Plan shall provide
detailed methodology for monitoring background and site groundwater
Monitoring shall be conducted prior to construction, during
construction, and throughout project operation. The primary objective
for the monitoring is to establish pre-construction and project related
groundwater level trends that can be quantitatively compared against
observed and simulated trends near the project pumping well and
dedicated monitoring wells. Water level measurements in the project’s
water supply well shall represent non-pumped conditions, and be
collected a minimum of four hours after pump shut-down.
Prior to project construction, monitoring shall commence to establish
pre-construction base-line conditions and reporting shall include existing
monitoring data collected in the project area useful for quantifying
hydraulic gradients across the Pisgah Fault and between the Lavic

43 Soil and Water Resources

Lake and Lower Mojave groundwater basins. The monitoring network
shall therefore be designed to also incorporate and report relevant
ongoing monitoring and reporting activities currently occurring in
existing groundwater wells located within the Lavic Lake and Lower
Mojave groundwater basins.
In areas where groundwater elevation data is needed but existing wells
are absent or do not represent the water-bearing zone from which the
project water supply well extracts groundwater, the monitoring network
shall be comprised of wells screened to measure water levels
representing the water-bearing zone from which the project water
supply well will extract groundwater.
In addition, the project owner shall install 5 surveyed monument
markers between the Railroad ROW and the water supply well, with
one marker adjacent to the supply well. If the measured static
groundwater level drops 5' or more, the project owner shall: (1) notify
the CPM and BNSF of the drop and (2) prepare a Subsidence
Mitigation Plan that will be reviewed and commented on by BNSF, and
approved by the CPM.
Verification: The project owner shall complete the following:
1. At least two (2) months prior to power plant construction, a Groundwater
Level Monitoring and Reporting Plan shall be submitted to the County of San
Bernardino for review and comment before completion of Condition of
Certification SOIL& WATER-3, and a copy of the County’s comments and the
plan shall be submitted the CPM for review and approval. The plan shall
include a scaled map showing the site and vicinity, existing well locations, and
proposed monitoring locations (both existing wells and new monitoring wells
proposed for construction). The map shall also include relevant natural and
man-made features (existing and proposed as part of this project). The plan
also shall provide: (1) well construction information and borehole lithology for
each existing well proposed for use as a monitoring well; (2) description of
proposed drilling and well installation methods for new wells; (3) proposed
monitoring well design; and, (4) schedule for completion of the work.
2. At least one (1) month prior to construction, a Groundwater Level Network
Report shall be submitted to the CPM. The report shall include a scaled map
showing the final monitoring well network. It shall document the drilling
methods employed, provide individual well construction as-builds, borehole
lithology recorded from the drill cuttings, well development, and well survey
results for all new wells. The well survey shall measure the location and
elevation of the top of the well casing and reference point for all water level
measurements, and shall include the coordinate system and datum for the
survey measurements. Additionally, the report shall describe the water level
monitoring equipment employed in the wells and document their deployment
and use.

Soil and Water Resources 44

3. As part of the monitoring well network development, any newly constructed
monitoring wells shall be permitted and constructed consistent with San
Bernardino County and State specifications.
4. At least one (1) week prior to project construction, all water level monitoring
data shall be provided to the CPM. The data transmittal shall include an
assessment of pre-project water level trends, a summary of available climatic
information (monthly average temperature and rainfall records from the
nearest weather station), and a comparison and assessment of water level
5. After project construction and during project operations, the project owner
shall submit the monitoring data annually to the CPM. The summary shall
document water level monitoring methods, the water level data, water level
plots, and a comparison between pre- and post-project start-up water level
trends. The report shall also include a summary of actual water use
conditions, monthly climatic information (temperature and rainfall), and a
comparison and assessment of water level data. As part of this assessment,
the project owner shall calculate water level trends and complete a 5-year
projection of future water levels based on these trends and an evaluation of
water supply reliability.


SOIL&WATER-8: The project owner shall submit two copies of the 30-percent,
60- percent and 90-percent design drawings for the grading and
drainage facilities to BNSF and the CPM for review and comment. The
30-percent, 60-percent and 90-percent design drawings for the grading
and drainage facilities shall be accompanied by a basis of design
report to convey and support the design approach. To prepare the
grading and drainage facilities drawings and accompanying basis of
design report, the project owner shall do the following:
1. At a minimum, the design report shall ensure the project meets the
following performance standards:
a. Project construction and operation shall not alter the existing
watershed boundaries.
b. Project construction and operation shall not adversely affect any
railroad structures through changes in the volume or velocity of
storm water runoff reaching the railroad structure.
c. No SunCatcher shall be placed in an area where adequate
hydrologic studies indicate the water surface resulting from a
100 year, 24-hour storm could be more than 1.5 feet above the
pre-storm ground surface.
d. Post development runoff from the project site shall be equal to
or less than predevelopment runoff.

45 Soil and Water Resources

e. Post development sediment transport through the project site
shall be equal to predevelopment sediment transport.
f. At a minimum, all storm water, hydraulic and drainage reports
used for project development shall comply with the
requirements of the San Bernardino County Drainage Manual
2. Conduct an analysis to quantify the design discharges and
associated volumes of water, debris, and sediment associated with
the 100-year storm at the apex of the fan under current watershed
3. Conduct a geomorphic and hydraulic analysis to determine the
maximum design storm that can be routed through the site utilizing
existing fluvial washes that will not result in significant damage to
proposed site infrastructure.
4. Conduct a geomorphic and biologic analysis to determine the
minimum design storm that can be routed through the site utilizing
existing fluvial washes that will provide the necessary sediment
load through the site and “downstream areas” to maintain existing
sensitive habitat needs, as described in the Geomorphic
Assessment of Calico Solar Project Site. This analysis must
consider and address the need for fine sand to support the existing
sensitive habitat and the potential episodic nature of the associated
dune complex evolution that depends upon El Niño events (i.e., wet
winters occurring approximately every three to seven years)
delivering sediment to the lower fan and the accompanying La Niña
events (i.e., dry winters occurring approximately every three to
seven years) eroding and transporting fine sands to these dunes
through wind action.
5. Determine the pass through design storm that can be routed
through the site unimpeded to deliver the necessary sediment load
through the site to maintain existing sensitive habitat needs in
“downstream areas” and not result in significant damage to
proposed site infrastructure.
6. If it is determined that detention basins are needed, size, locate,
and design each basin to allow the pass through design storm to
move through the site unimpeded while capturing larger design
storm flows and related sediment and debris to protect the
proposed infrastructure.
7. Convey design of each basin by showing supporting calculations
and design drawings to convey the basin in plan view, cross-
sections, depth to spillway, amount of freeboard to top of basin,
basin volume to spillway, description of sidewall slopes, method of
providing pass through design storm and related sediment

Soil and Water Resources 46

unimpeded, method of providing erosion protection of basin side
walls, inlet design, outlet design, spillway design, spillway erosion
control, combined outlet maximum flow, transition from outlet to
existing downstream fluvial wash, tortoise fence location and
design, maintenance of tortoise fence, maintenance of basin,
maintenance of excess sediment in basin from larger flood flows.
8. The project owner shall request comments from the Department of
Water Resources Division of Safety of Dams (DSOD) for the plans
and specifications for the construction of any dam(s) or reservoir(s)
that are under DSOD jurisdiction prior to beginning construction,
and forward all comments to BNSF and the CPM.
9. For all flood control basin dams, the project owner shall provide at a
• specific locations of basins and dams on appropriate scale
• configuration of all basins and dams including basin-specific
cross sections,
• a description of all materials designed to be used in the
construction of the dams,
• footings designs,
• designs of cutoff walls,
• designs of keyways,
• description and design of drainage pass though methods,
• flow metering (ability to maintain maximum discharge to that
of the maximum on-site flow design) technique and design,
• method of and design of debris deflection (i.e. trash racks)
for each basin,
• emergency spillway design,
• pass through pipe outlet energy dissipation method and
design, and
• basin inlet erosion protection.
10. In addition to the criteria discussed above, the basis of design
report shall also follow the procedures outlined in the following
documents as far as is applicable:
a. San Bernardino County Drainage Manual and 2007
Development Code (amended, March 25, 2010).

47 Soil and Water Resources

b. Federal Emergency Management Agency Guidelines for
Determining Flood Hazards on Alluvial Fans and Guidelines and
Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners.
11. The project owner shall prepare a set of design specifications to
supplement the 90-percent design drawings. Plans, specifications,
computations and other data shall be prepared by persons properly
licensed by the State of California. If the 60-percent plans or 90-
percent plans and specifications do not comply with the appropriate
Conditions of Certification, the necessary changes or revisions to
the plans shall be made by the project owner. If the CPM finds that
the work described in the plans and specifications conform to the
Conditions of Certifications in the Energy Commission Decision and
other pertinent LORS, then the project owner shall submit two
copies of the 100- percent set for CPM review and approval. All
design drawings must be submitted on bound or stapled 24” x 36”
size paper.
Verification: Prior to site mobilization, the project owner shall prepare
preliminary (30-percent) grading and drainage facilities drawings and
accompanying basis of design report for BNSF review and CPM review and
approval. No later than 30 days after publication of the Energy Commission
Decision, the 60-percent set of design drawings and accompanying basis of
design report shall be submitted to the BNSF for review and CPM for review and
approval. The project owner shall submit the 90-percent design drawings and
accompanying basis of design report to BNSF for review and the CPM for review
and approval after the person who originally drew the plan or their duly
authorized agent addresses the CPM’s 60-percent submittal comments and
required changes. The 100-percent design drawings and specifications
(construction documents) shall be signed and sealed by a Registered
Professional Engineer in the State of California and submitted as the final,
approved set of construction documents prior to site mobilization. Prior to
initiation of site construction, the 100-percent design drawings and specifications
(construction documents) shall be submitted along with the final basis of design
report signed and sealed by a Registered Professional Engineer and a
Registered Professional Geologist in the State of California to the CPM for review
and approval.
Thirty days prior to initiation of construction of any dams that would be
considered under the jurisdiction of DSOD, the project owner shall receive
approval for dam construction from the CPM based on comments the CPM has
received from the DSOD for dam design adequacy.


SOIL&WATER-9 The annual monitoring report required by SOIL&WATER-7
shall include an evaluation of water supply reliability. Based on the
results of this evaluation, the CPM may request the project owner
develop and submit a Water Conservation and Alternative Water

Soil and Water Resources 48

Supply Plan. The purpose of this plan is to curtail and minimize water
use to remediate observed water level and storage declines in the
water bearing zone utilized by the project until the proposed alternative
supply is available.
Verification: The project owner shall provide a Water Conservation Plan
within 30 days after the request of the CPM. The plan shall be implemented
immediately upon approval by the CPM. Part of this plan shall include
suspension of mirror washing until the water supply has stabilized or an
alternative supply is available to provide the water. The project owner shall
submit a Notice of Completion to the CPM within 30 days of securing the
alternative supply. The Notice of Completion shall list each plan component and
document that it has been completed. Part of the documentation shall include
water use records that show the conservation savings achieved. If development
of an alternative water supply was part of the plan, the project owner shall
provide all documentation, permits, as-builts, proof of a contract or other right to
a long term supply and test results that may be required for the water supply. The
Water Conservation Plan shall remain in effect until CPM approval of the project
owner’s Notice of Completion.


The project owner shall comply with the requirements of the general
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for
discharge of storm water associated with construction activity. The
project owner shall submit copies of all correspondence between the
project owner and the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB)
or the LRWQCB regarding this permit to the CPM. The project owner
shall also develop and implement a construction SWPPP for
construction on the Calico Solar Project main site, laydown areas,
pipeline, and transmission line.
Verification: The project owner shall submit a copy of the construction
SWPPP to the CPM at least 10 days prior to site mobilization for review and
approval, and retain a copy of the approved SWPPP on site throughout
construction. The project owner shall submit copies of all correspondence
between the project owner and the SWRCB or the LRWQCB regarding the
NPDES permit for the discharge of storm water associated with construction
activity to the CPM within 10 days of its receipt or submittal. Copies of
correspondence shall include the Notice of Intent sent to the SWRCB, the
confirmation letter indicating receipt and acceptance of the Notice of Intent, any
permit modifications or changes, and completion/permit Notice of Termination.


The project owner shall comply with the requirements of the General
NPDES Permit for Discharges of Storm Water Associated with

49 Soil and Water Resources

Industrial Activity, including development of an Industrial Facility
SWPPP. If the Regional or State Board finds the project does not
require a General NPDES Permit for Discharges of Storm Water
Associated with Industrial Activity, written confirmation from either
board confirming this permit is not required would satisfy this Condition.
Verification: The project owner shall submit a copy of the Industrial Facility
SWPPP for operation of the project to the CPM at least 60 days prior to the start
of commercial operation and shall retain a copy of the approved SWPPP on site
throughout the life of the project. The project owner shall submit copies of all
correspondence between the project owner and the LRWQCB regarding the
general NPDES permit for discharge of storm water associated with industrial
activity to the CPM within 10 days of its receipt or submittal. Copies of
correspondence shall include the Notice of Intent sent by the project owner to the
SWRCB, the confirmation letter indicating receipt and acceptance of the Notice
of Intent, and any permit modifications or changes.


SOIL&WATER-12 Project owner shall fund a hydrologic study commissioned

by BNSF to determine the erosion and sedimentation impact, if any, on
BNSF infrastructure resulting from the project owner’s planned
emplacement of SunCatchers, flood control structures and runoff
control measures.

Verification: Within ninety (90) days of completion of the hydrologic study

commissioned by BNSF, the project owner shall provide documentation to the
CPM that the study has been paid in full. Within thirty (30) days of completion of
the hydrologic study, the results of study shall be provided to BNSF, the CPM
and the project owner.

Soil and Water Resources 50


The potential for impacts to cultural resources depends upon whether such
resources are present and whether they would actually be encountered during
project development and construction activities. Cultural resource materials such
as artifacts, structures, or land modifications reflect the history of human
development. Certain places that are important to Native Americans or local
national/ethnic groups are also considered valuable cultural resources. Analysis
in this topic area pertains to the structural and cultural evidence of human
development in the project vicinity, as well as appropriate mitigation measures
should cultural resources be disturbed by project excavation and construction.
Potential impacts to these resources from the proposed project may include, but
are not limited to, destruction of resources, alteration of a historical feature and
diminishment of the significance of a cultural resource caused by construction
and operation the facility. These impacts and the thresholds for determining the
significances of these impacts are discussed in this section.

The discussion focuses primarily on the requirements of the California

Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), local laws, ordinances, and regulations, and
eligibility of cultural resources for listing in the California Register of Historical
Resources (CRHR). However, because the proposed project will be located on
federal land, several federal laws are equally applicable to this project. As a
result, this the discussion includes certain findings and conclusions reached by
the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) relating to the National Environmental
Policy Act (NEPA), consultation with Native American tribes and representatives,
and eligibility of cultural resources for listing in the National Register of Historic
Places (NRHP) under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act
(NHPA). 1

The supporting evidence for this analysis is contained in the following exhibits:
8/18/10 RT 413-462, 8/25/10 RT 19-74, 113-118,Exs. 1, § 5.7, 57, 75,108, 129,
133, 300, §B.3, 309;§ C-2-2, 312, 441, 442.

Given that the proposed Calico Solar Project is located on lands managed by BLM and requires
BLM authorization, the proposed action is considered a federal undertaking, and must comply
with the NHPA and implementing regulations. NEPA addresses compliance with the NHPA, and
the required corresponding environmental documentation (whether it is an Environmental
Assessment or an Environmental Impact Statement) must discuss cultural resources.

1 Cultural
Determining the Historical Significance of Cultural Resources
Three kinds of cultural resources, classified by their origins, are considered in
this assessment: prehistoric, ethnographic, and historic. Cultural resources are
categorized as buildings, sites, structures, objects, and districts under both
federal law for the purposes of the National Environmental Policy Act and the
National Historic Preservation Act), Section 106, and under California state law
for the purposes of the California Environmental Quality Act.

California Register of Historic Resources and CEQA

When a cultural resource is determined to be significant, it is eligible for inclusion
in the California Register of Historic Resources (CRHR). (Pub. Res. Code, §
5024.1; Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, § 4850 et seq.) An archaeological resource that
does not qualify as an historic resource may be considered a “unique”
archaeological resource under CEQA. (see Pub. Res. Code, § 21083.2.) In
addition, structures older than 50 years (or less if the resource is deemed
exceptional) can be considered for listing as significant historic structures. The
Office of Historic Preservation’s Instructions for Recording Historical Resources
(1995) endorses recording and evaluating resources over 45 years of age to
accommodate a five-year lag in the planning process.

The CEQA Guidelines define historical resources to include:

(1) A resource listed in, or determined to be eligible by the State Historical
Resources Commission, for listing in the CRHR,
(2) A resource included in a local register of historical resources or identified
as significant in a historical resource survey meeting the requirements of
Section 5024.1(g) of the Public Resources Code, or
(3) Any object, building, structure, site, area, place, record, or manuscript
which a lead agency determines to be historically significant or significant
in the architectural, engineering, scientific, economic, agricultural,
educational, social, political, military, or cultural annals of California,
provided the lead agency’s determination is supported by substantial
evidence in light of the whole record. [Cal. Code Regs. tit. 14, §
Historical resources that are automatically listed in the CRHR include California
historical resources listed in or formally determined eligible for the National
Register of Historic Places (NRHP) as well as California Registered Historical
Landmarks from No. 770 onward. [Pub. Res. Code, § 5024.1(d).]

Cultural 2
Under the CEQA Guidelines, a resource is generally considered to be historically
significant if it meets the criteria for listing in the CRHR. These criteria are
essentially the same as the eligibility criteria for the NRHP. In addition to being
at least 50 years old, a resource must meet at least one of the following four
criteria: (1) it is associated with events that have made a significant contribution
to the broad patterns of our history (Criterion1); (2) it is associated with the lives
of persons significant in our past (Criterion 2); (3) the resource embodies the
distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction, or that it
represents the work of a master, or possesses high artistic values (Criterion 3);
or, (4) the resource has yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important
to history or prehistory (Criterion 4). (Pub. Res. Code § 5024.1.) Historical
resources must also possess integrity of location, design, setting, materials,
workmanship, feeling, and association (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, § 4852(c); Pub.
Res. Code § 5020.1 (j), 5024.1).

Even if a resource is not listed or determined to be eligible for listing in the

CRHR, CEQA allows the lead agency to make a determination as to whether the
resource is a historical resource.

Resources include historic district or landscapes. There are state and federal
guidelines for evaluating whether certain resources are historic districts. The
National Park Service defines a historic district as “a significant concentration,
linkage, or continuity of sites, buildings, structures, or objects united historically
or aesthetically by plan or physical development” (U.S. Department of the
Interior, National Park Service 2002:5).For a grouping of cultural resources to be
considered eligible for listing in the NRHP as a “district,” those resources must be
historically or functionally related and visually convey a historical theme or
environment. In addition, the district must possess sufficient historical
significance and integrity.

The California Code of Regulations similarly defines historic districts as “unified

geographic entities which contain a concentration of historic buildings, structures,
objects, or sites united historically, culturally, or architecturally. Historic districts
are defined by precise geographic boundaries. Therefore, districts with unusual
boundaries require a description of what lies immediately outside the area, in
order to define the edge of the district and to explain the exclusion of the
adjoining areas” [Title 14, California Code of Regulations, Chapter 11.5, Section

3 Cultural
With respect to historic landscapes, the National Park Service provides the
following definition: “a geographical area that historically has been used by
people, or shaped or modified by human activity, occupancy, or intervention, and
that possesses a significant concentration, linkage, or continuity of areas of land
use, vegetation, buildings and structures, roads and waterways, and natural
features” (U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service 1999:1-2).

Historic landscapes exhibit evidence of human use or activities and typically are
one of the following types: agriculture (including various types of cropping and
grazing); industry (including mining, lumbering, fish-culturing, and milling);
maritime activities such as fishing; shell fishing, and shipbuilding recreation
(including hunting or fishing camps); transportation systems; migration trails;
conservation (including natural reserves), and sites adapted for ceremonial,
religious, or other cultural activities, such as camp meeting grounds (U.S.
Department of the Interior, National Park Service 1999:3).

Although the National Park Service recognizes the cultural landscape categories
as descriptive terms, landscapes that are listed in or determined eligible for the
NRHP are officially classified as districts. Sites are small landscapes with no
buildings or structures as sites. Larger landscapes with numerous buildings,
structures, and sites are classified as districts.

NEPA and National Historic Preservation Act

As discussed above, this discussion also considers actions and determinations of

BLM under NEPA and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act
(NHPA). (16 United States Code [USC] 470f).) NEPA is implemented by
regulations of the Council on Environmental Quality, 40 CFR 1500-1508. In
summary, NEPA establishes national policy for the protection and enhancement of
the environment. Part of the function of the Federal Government in protecting the
environment is to “preserve important historic, cultural, and natural aspects of our
national heritage.”

Cultural resources are not required to be NHPA to receive consideration under

Section 106 of NHPA requires federal agencies to consider the effects of their
undertakings on any district, site, building, structure, or object that is included in
or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and to
afford the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) a reasonable
opportunity to comment on such undertakings (36 CFR Part 800.1). Under

Cultural 4
Section 106, the significance of any adversely affected cultural resource is
assessed and mitigation measures are proposed to resolve such effects.

Under NHPA (36 CFR Part 800), significant resources that might be affected by
the undertaking must be identified. Significant cultural resources (historic
properties) are those resources that are listed in or are eligible for listing on the
NRHP per the criteria listed at 36 CFR 60.4 (Advisory Council on Historic
Preservation 2000). Impacts to the resources must be identified and mitigation
measures must be developed an implemented to offset or eliminate adverse
impacts. All three steps require consultation with interested Native American
tribes, local governments, and other interested parties.

Value criteria for NRHP eligibility fall into the following categories:
1. Associate Value (Criteria A and B): Properties significant for their
association with or linkage to events (Criterion A) or persons (Criterion B)
important in the past.

2. Design or Construction Value (Criterion C): Properties significant as

representatives of the man-made expression of culture or technology.

3. Information Value (Criterion D): Properties significant for their ability to

yield important information about prehistory or history.

Cultural resources deemed eligible for listing in the NRHP (with State Historic
Preservation Officer (SHPO) concurrence), are termed “historic properties” under
Section 106, and are afforded the same protection as sites listed in the NRHP.

Criteria for Determining the Significance of Project Impacts on Historically

Significant Cultural Resources

Guided by the requirements of CEQA, NEPA, and Section 106, we evaluated the
character of the effects or impacts that a proposed project may have on
historically significant cultural resources. The analysis takes into account three
primary types of potential impacts: 1) direct effects or impacts, (2) indirect effects
or impacts, and (3) cumulative effects or impacts. We discuss the character of
the potential impact, whether each such effect is significant, relative to specific
regulatory criteria under CEQA, NEPA, and Section 106, and feasible mitigation.

Direct and Indirect Impacts under CEQA

In general, direct impacts to cultural resources are those associated with project
development and construction. Construction usually entails surface and

5 Cultural
subsurface disturbance of the ground, and direct impacts to archaeological
resources may result from the immediate disturbance of the deposits, whether
from vegetation removal, vehicle travel over the surface, earth-moving activities,
excavation, or demolition of overlying structures. Construction can have direct
impacts on historic built-environment resources when those structures must be
removed to make way for the project or when the vibrations of construction
impair the stability of historic structures nearby.

New structures can have direct impacts on historic structures when the new
structures are stylistically incompatible with their neighbors and the setting, and
when the new structures produce something harmful to the materials or structural
integrity of the historic structures, such as emissions or vibrations.

Indirect impacts to cultural resources and archaeological resources in particular,

are those which may result from increased erosion due to site clearance and
preparation, or from inadvertent damage or outright vandalism to exposed
resource components due to improved accessibility. Similarly, historic structures
can suffer indirect impacts when project construction creates improved
accessibility and vandalism or greater weather exposure becomes possible. (Ex.
309, pp. C.2-7 – C.2-11.)

Direct and Indirect Effects under NEPA

The concepts of direct and indirect effects under NEPA are almost equivalent to
those under CEQA. Direct effects under NEPA are those “which are caused by
the [proposed or alternative] action and [which] occur at the same time and place”
(40 CFR § 1508.8(a)). Indirect effects are those “which are caused by the
[proposed or alternative] action and are later in time or farther removed in
distance, but are still reasonably foreseeable” (40 CFR § 1508.8(b)).

Direct and Indirect Effects under Section 106

The Section 106 regulation narrows the range of direct effects and broadens the
range of indirect effects relative to the definitions of the same terms under CEQA
and NEPA. The regulatory definition of “effect,” pursuant to 36 CFR § 800.16(i),
is that the term “means alteration to the characteristics of a historic property
qualifying it for inclusion in or eligibility for the National Register.” In practice, a
“direct effect” under Section 106 is limited to the direct physical disturbance of a
historic property. Effects that are immediate but not physical in character, such as
visual intrusion, and reasonably foreseeable effects that may occur at some point
subsequent to the implementation of the proposed undertaking are referred to in
the Section 106 process as “indirect effects.”

Cumulative Impacts
The concept of cumulative impacts applies under CEQA and NEPA. Although
each law has its own definition of cumulative impacts, both definitions

Cultural 6
encompass the idea that cumulative impacts reaches beyond the project area of
analysis or the area of potential effects. It is a consideration of how the effects of
a proposed or alternative action in those areas contributes or does not contribute

to the degradation of a resource group or groups that is or are common to the

project area of analysis and the surrounding area or vicinity. (Pub. Resources
Code sec. 21083; Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, secs. 15064(h), 15065(a)(3), 15130,
and 15355, 40 CFR § 1508.7, (40 CFR § 1508.27(b)(7).)

Cumulative Effects under Section 106

The Section 106 regulation makes explicit reference to cumulative effects only in
the context of a discussion of the criteria of adverse effect (36 CFR
§ 800.5(a)(1)). Cumulative effects are largely undifferentiated as an aspect of the
potential effects of an undertaking. Such effects are enumerated and resolved in
conjunction with the consideration of direct and indirect effects.

Section 106 regulation makes explicit reference to cumulative effects only in the
context of a discussion of the criteria of adverse effect (36 CFR § 800.5(a)(1)).
Cumulative effects are largely undifferentiated as an aspect of the potential
effects of an undertaking. Such effects are enumerated and resolved in
conjunction with the consideration of direct and indirect effects.


1. Project Area of Analysis

The project area of analysis (or “project area”) is the area within and surrounding
the Calico Solar project site, as well as all associated linear facility corridors. The
evidence shows that the area reflects the minimum standards set out in the
Energy Commission Power Plant Site Certification Regulations (Cal. Code Regs.,
tit. 20, § 1701 et seq., Appen. B, subd. (g)(2)) and is large and comprehensive in
geographic area to facilitate and encompass considerations of both direct and
indirect effects to archaeological, ethnographic, and built-environment resources.

The project area is a composite geographic area that allows for analysis of the
following resource types:
• For archaeological resources, the project area of analysis is minimally
defined as the project site footprint, plus a buffer of 200 feet, and all
project linear facilities routes, plus a buffer of 50 feet to either side of the
rights-of way for these linear routes.

7 Cultural
• For built-environment resources, the project area of analysis is confined to
one parcel deep from the project site footprint in urban areas, but in rural
areas is expanded to include a half-mile buffer from the project site and
above-ground linear facilities to encompass resources whose setting could
be adversely affected by industrial development.
• For a historic district or a cultural landscape, the project area of analysis is
based on the particular characteristics of each siting case (i.e., specific to
that project).
• For ethnographic resources, the project area of analysis is expanded to take
into account traditional use areas and traditional cultural properties which
may be far-ranging, including views that contribute to the significance of
the property. These resources are often identified in consultation with
Native Americans and other ethnic groups, and issues that are raised by
these groups may define the area of analysis. (Ex. 309, pp. C-2-3 – C-2-

2. Physical Setting

The proposed Calico Solar project is located on 4,613 acres in eastern San
Bernardino County within the central Mojave Desert, approximately 115 miles
east of Los Angeles and 37 miles east of Barstow, California. Nearby
communities include Newberry Springs and Ludlow, both approximately 12 miles
to the west and east, respectively, of the project site.

The project site is situated on the north side of Interstate-40 (I-40), primarily east
of Hector Road. The southern project boundary borders I-40, the western
boundary borders undeveloped BLM land, the southeastern boundary borders an
existing transmission line; and the northern and eastern site boundaries border
the base of the Cady Mountain range.

The Cady Mountain Wilderness Study Area and the Sleeping Beauty Proposed
Wilderness Area are located north and northeast, respectively, of the project
area. Pisgah Crater, located within the Pisgah Area of Critical Environmental
Concern, is located south of the project site.

The project area is rural but there is evidence of prior land use activities in the
form of dilapidated mining-related structures, mining processing equipment,
corrals, water tanks, barbed wire fencing, and several underground and above-
ground utilities. The primary sources of previous disturbance within and adjacent
to the project area include cattle grazing, off-road vehicle use, historic mining

Cultural 8
activities, construction of a series of underground pipelines, construction and use
of the Southern California Edison (SCE) Pisgah Substation and associated
transmission lines, and the construction and use of a number of transportation
routes, including the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) railroad tracks, 2 the
National Old Trails Road, U.S. Route 66, and I-40.

3. Environmental Setting

a. Geology and Geomorphology

The Project area is located within the geomorphic province of the Mojave Desert,
which occupies approximately 25,000 square miles of southeastern California
The Mojave Desert is a wedge shaped area largely bound by major faults and
structurally referred to as the Mojave Block.

The Mojave Desert Geomorphic Province is characterized by broad expanses of

desert with localized mountains and dry lakebeds and is bound by the San
Bernardino Mountains and the Pinto fault to the south, the San Andreas fault to
the west, the Garlock fault to the north and the Basin and Range Province to the
east. The Mojave Block has a series of northwest to southeast striking faults
referred to as the Eastern California Shear Zone (ECSZ).

The project area of analysis is within a broad valley between the Southwestern
and Southeastern Cady mountains, in the central portion of the Mojave Desert
Geomorphic Province. (Ex. 309, pp. C.2-21 – C.2-22.) More particularly, the
area is characterized by Holocene-age and Pleistocene-age alluvial deposition.
Alluvial deposits from the adjacent highlands are composed of silty sands and
gravels with localized gravel and cobble channels.

The Mojave River has been a significant factor affecting the geomorphology of
the Mojave region, and specifically the Calico Solar project area of analysis. This
river and its drainage system represent the largest present-day hydrological
system in the Mojave Desert. Climate changes and the changing path of the
Mojave River resulted in the formation of several freshwater lakes including Lake
Manix, which consists of several subbasins. It appears that at one point in time,
the Lake Manix shoreline reached an elevation of 557 meters. At this level, the
southern extent of the lake itself would have pushed east, potentially abutting the
westernmost Calico Solar project area of analysis. Extensive prehistoric remains

This railway was formerly known as the Atlantic & Pacific Railroad/Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe

9 Cultural
are found along the shores of Lake Manix, indicating that this lake was an
important element in a regional network involving the inhabitants of the project

Desert pavements occur within the Calico Solar project area of analysis. In
particular, the pavements on the slopes of the Cady Mountains are broader and
better developed atop the older, up-slope Pleistocene fanglomerates as
compared to the younger surfaces at lower elevations. The older surfaces, and
likely the younger ones as well, predate the accepted presence of man in the
new world. The most stable pavements, and likely the oldest, lie atop Quaternary
alluvium woven among the fanglomerate hills and lava flows within the southern
portion of the project area of analysis. Buried cultural deposits are not likely to be
found beneath these stable surfaces. (Ex. 309, pp. C-2-22 – C-2-23.)

b. Paleoecology.

The Calico Solar project is located within the Mojave Valley-Granite Mountains
ecological subsection (Subsection 322Ah) of the broader Mojave Desert. The
general environmental setting is that of a wide valley within arid desert, along
which is an expansive alluvial fan that is divided by numerous unnamed south-
southwest trending washes and ephemeral drainages.

The project area is composed of multiple Life Zones whose animal and plant
communities attracted and tempered the settlement and adaptations of a long
sequence of prehistoric and historic populations. The Life Zones are identified as:
Arctic/Alpine (10,000 feet and above), Canadian/Hudsonian (7,000 to 10,000
feet), Transition (5,000 to 7,000 feet), Upper Sonoran (3,300 to 5,000 feet), and
Lower Sonoran (3,300 feet and below). Most settlement and subsistence
activities were concentrated in the Transition, Upper Sonoran, and Lower
Sonoran Zones.d -227 feet in altitude (approximately a mile vertical distance).

The inhabitants of the project area are presumed to have lived primarily in the
Lower Sonoran Life Zone, when Troy Lake, Lavic Lake, and Broadwell Lake
were wet. During times when the lakes were dry, settlement and subsistence
were focused on the Upper Sonoran Life Zone in the Cady Mountains and
beyond. (Ex. 309, pp. C.2-23-24.)

Cultural 10
c. Geoarchaeological Investigation.

The record describes the geoarchaeological sensitivity analysis performed by the

Applicant to assess the potential for buried archaeological sites with no surface
manifestations. (Exs. SES 2009dd, 309, p. C-2-25.) The Applicant identified
major landforms within the project area using aerial photography in combination
with existing geologic maps of the area. This information then informed
assumptions that the Applicant verified and modified during an initial field
reconnaissance. This reconnaissance included an on-the-ground examination of
the landscape and key indicators such as relative slope, desert pavement
development, and subsoil formation. It also included subsurface examinations.

The Applicant’s boring and test pit activity is detailed in the record. According to
the Applicant, no archaeological materials were observed during any of the
geotechnical borings or test pits. (Exs. 1, 309, pp. C-2-24 to C-2-25.)

The Applicant also identified and described major landforms within the project
area. (Ex. 309, pp. C.2-25 to C.2-36.) Cultural Resources Table 1 below
summarizes the potential for these land forms to harbor buried archaeological
deposits. As shown by the Applicant’s investigatory results, there is a range of
no to low potential for all areas except the Axial Channel of the southern section,
which shows very low to moderate potential.

11 Cultural
Cultural Resource Table 2
Summary of Geoarcheological Sensitivity of Landforms within the
Calico Solar Project Study Area

Staff provided supplementary narrative regarding each identified landform and

restated the significant conclusions of the Applicant’s geoarchaeological
investigation. (Ex. 309, pp. C-2-25 to C-2 -36.)

As explained by Staff, the Applicant’s investigation indicates that the axial

channel and associated deposits may represent the only geomorphic feature in
the Calico Solar project area where buried archaeological deposits (with no
surface manifestation) may reasonably be expected. (Ex. 309, pp. C-2-36 to C-2-
37.) If present, these deposits will likely be sparse, in aerially confined sites, and
buried under up to two meters of very recent fine-grain alluvium.

Because the vast majority of the northern alluvial fan piedmont is represented by
a subsurface depositional environment that is too high-energy and coarse, with
no observed paleosols, to preserve buried archaeological deposits, buried
deposits are not expected in this portion of the project area. The lack of
depositional sensitivity together with an absence of economically viable lithic
resources and high-energy erosional contacts between buried paleo-surfaces
and overlying mantle deposits within the fan aprons, largely precludes the

Cultural 12
presence of buried archaeological deposits within in this portion of the project
area as well. (Id.)

Both the very old age and largely erosional nature of the major landforms in the
southern section of the project area indicate that buried archaeological sites (with
no surface manifestation) are very unlikely. It appears that the greatest potential
for site burial in the southern portion of the Calico Solar project area is in those
places where unconsolidated and active eolian sands have obscured alluvial
landforms. However, these eolian features appear to be so limited that they are
unlikely to obscure any significant portion of an archaeological site. (Id.)

The information obtained from the investigation further indicates that prehistoric
site location within the Calico Solar project area seems to be largely dictated by
the availability of raw lithic materials. The series of coalescing fans that make up
the alluvial fan piedmont north of the railroad tracks have their source in the Cady

The evidence indicates that the dominant material present above these fans is
granite to quartz monzonite, with more limited and likely more resistant outcrops
of basalt and andesite. For instance, the subsurface geoarchaeological
investigations of the alluvial fans show that the majority of material present is
coarse-grained granitic sands, gravels, and cobbles, with little utility for
prehistoric tool making. In comparison, the fanglomerate remnant alluvial fans
and inset alluvial fans, which are generally comprised of reworked fanglomerates
that make up the majority of the landforms south of the railroad tracks, have a
much more variable parent material and are more conducive to prehistoric tool
production. (Ex. 309, pp. C.2-36 to C.2-37.)

4. Historical Setting

a. Prehistoric Background

Human populations have occupied the California desert for at least 10,000 years.
The Paleo-Indian Complex (about 10,000–8000 cal B.C.) occurred during the first
half of the early Holocene. A common theme among nearly all North American
Paleo-Indian sites was tool assemblages of fluted projectile points. The Lake
Mojave Complex (ca 8000-6500 cal B.C.) occurred during the second half of the
early Holocene and is characterized Lake Mojave projectiles (leaf-shaped, long-
stemmed points with narrow shoulders) and Silver Lake projectiles (short-bladed,
stemmed pints with distinct shoulders), abundant bifaces, flaked stone crescents,

13 Cultural
and a variety of large, well-made scrapers, gravers, perforators, heavy core tools,
and ground stone implements. (Ex. 309, pp. C.2-37 to C.2-38.)

The Pinto Complex (ca. 6500-4000 cal. B.C.) spans portions of the early and
middle Holocene. Toolstone use, based on sites attributed to this complex, focus
upon use of flaked stone technology, including less reliance on obsidian and
cryptocrystalline silicates, as well as the prevalence of ground stone implements
in the material culture. Beginning roughly in 3000 to 2000 BC, conditions in the
Mojave Desert were warmer and drier and few archaeological sites date to this
period. This suggests population densities were very low and it is possible some
areas were largely abandoned. The Gypsum Complex (ca. 2000 cal B.C.–cal
A.D. 200), is characterized by medium to large stemmed and corner notched
projectile points, including Elke series, Humboldt Concave Base, and Gypsum.

During the Rose Spring Complex (ca cal. A.D. 200 - 1100), cultural systems
changed in the southern California deserts with the introduction of the bow and
arrow. During this time, a major increase in population appears to have occurred,
possibly resulting in part from a more efficient hunting technology. During the
Late Prehistoric Period (cal. A.D. 1100–Contact), horticultural practices and
pottery were introduced (most likely from the Anasazi in the southwest).
Characteristic artifacts of this Complex include Desert series projectile points,
Brownware ceramics, and unshaped handstones and millingstones. The use of
obsidian dropped off during this time with the increase used of cryptocrystallined
silicates. (Ex. 309, pp. C-2-37 to C-2- 43.)

b. Ethnographic Background

Ethnographic resources represent the heritage of a particular ethnic or cultural

group, such as Native Americans or African, European, or Asian immigrants.
These resources can include traditional resource collecting areas, ceremonial
sites, topographic features, cemeteries, shrines, or ethnic neighborhoods and/or

During prehistoric times, there was a large movement of people across the
Mojave Desert and ethnographically, several groups are associated with the
project area of analysis and surrounding Mojave Desert region. (Ex. 309, p. C-2-
44.) The Kawaiisu, Kitanemuk, Southern Piute, Serrano, Chemhuevi, Tabtulabal,
and Panamint occupied the Mojave Desert region to the north, south, west, and
east of the project site. (Ex. 309, p. C-2-44.)

Cultural 14
The Serrano, Vanyume (Beñeme), and the Chemehuevi occupied the region in
which the project is located. However, the project area of analysis and
surrounding valleys were not conducive for large scale inhabitation based on the
fluctuating environmental conditions and overall arid nature of the region;
therefore, groups occupying and using the area would have been small and
nomadic. (Ex. 309, pp. C-2-44 to C-2-48.)

Other groups who used and occupied the Mojave Desert included the Anasazi
and Mohave. The Anasazi of southern Nevada influenced cultures within the
region as they traveled to take advantage of turquoise deposits. The Mohave
similarly influenced the culture of the region even though they lived southeast of
the project area, along the east and west banks of the Colorado River, as they
traveled throughout southern California and northern Arizona spreading new
technologies, beliefs, and ideas throughout the desert southwest region. (Ex.
309, pp. C.2-47 to C-2-48.)

c. Major Regional Historical Themes

The major historical themes for the Mojave Desert region and the Calico Solar
vicinity in particular, are centered on the establishment of transportation routes,
water access, mineral exploitation, and military uses. (Ex. 309, pp. C.2-49 to C-

Soon after California was granted statehood in 1850, the government sought to
promote immigration to the state, facilitate trade and communication, and
develop routes of defense by recognizing all of the trails running through
California. (Ex. 309, p. C-2-50.) In the late 1850s the General Land Office in
California began the process of mapping the Mojave Desert areas. (Ex. 309, p.
C.2-51.) Beale’s Wagon Road was built in 1857 north of the project area and
was used through 1861. However, it appears that most of the traffic through the
Mojave Desert into Southern California took place via the Old Spanish Trail to the
west of the project area or the Mojave Road to the north.

After the Civil War ended, the Atlanta & Pacific Railroad (A & P) partnered with
the St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad and the Atchison, Topeka, & Santa Fe
Railroad to construct a transcontinental railroad that would include a railway from
the east to the California border. (Ex. 309, p. C.2-51.) The Southern Pacific
Railroad also constructed a rail line that ran between Mojave and Needles. (Ex.
309, p. C-2-52.)

15 Cultural
The Southern Pacific’s route through the Mojave Desert facilitated mining
operations. This railroad, which was later acquired by A&P, changed the course
of travel across the Mojave Desert in the project vicinity by facilitating the
transport of miners to the region.

By 1885, the California Southern Railroad and A&P joined to provide service
from Kansas City to San Diego. The junction of the lines was located at what is
now known as Barstow. This rail service brought more settlers and miners to the
area and was a popular line for freight and passenger service. (The A&P is now
known as the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway). Specifically with respect to
mining, the desert region has produced a variety of mineral deposits, including
gold, silver, manganese, and copper. The period between 1900 and 1919 was
known as the “Great Years” for mining in northeastern San Bernardino County.
(Ex. 309, p. C.2-57.) Mining still occurs in the desert area, particularly around the
Kings Mountains in the vicinity of Interstate 15. (Id.)

Automobile travel across and within the Mojave Desert area first developed using
existing wagon roads. By the early twentieth century, the automobile became the
preferred means of transportation, and in 1916, Congress approved the Federal
Highway Aid Act to help fund rural roads. In 1926, the National Old Trails Road in
the Mojave Desert was redesignated as U.S. Route 66. The section of U.S.
Route 66 from Needles to Los Angeles was the most heavily traveled section of
the highway. While accommodations in the project area were limited to road-side
camping, the heavy use of U.S. Route 66 caused thousands of businesses to
emerge, such as grocery stores, service stations, restaurants, and motels, to
serve cross-country travelers. (Ex. 309, pp. C-2-54 to C.2-55.)

Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, U.S. Route 66 served as the primary road
between the midwest and west coast. It was eventually replaced by a newer
interstate highway system. (Id.)

In 1958, Interstate 15 opened between Victorville and Barstow and began the
modern highway era in the Barstow area. Thereafter, in 1961, the entire length
of Interstate 15 from Los Angeles to Las Vegas was opened. (Ex. 309, p. C-2-
56.) Interstate 40 begins at the junction of Interstate 15 with Interstate 40 in
Barstow. Interstate 40 runs through the Mojave Desert to Needles and into
Arizona. Interstate 40 is located along the southern edge of project area of
analysis. The segment of Interstate 40 in the project vicinity was not constructed
until 1968.

Cultural 16
In addition to transportation improvements, the region saw other development.
For instance, the Hoover Dam was constructed between 1931 and 1935 and
power production for use began in 1936. Furthermore, the SCE 220-kilovolt
North and South transmission lines, constructed between 1939 and 1941,
originate at the SCE switchyard at the Hoover Dam and terminate in Chino,
California. The lines were constructed to deliver power from the Hoover Dam to
SCE service areas in southern California. (Ex. 309, p. C-2-58.)

5. Cultural Resources at the Calico Solar Site

a. Records Searches

The Applicant performed a literature and records search including all known
cultural resources within a one-half-mile radius of the plant site, laydown area,
and appurtenant linear facilities. Sources checked included:
• The San Bernardino Archaeological Information Center (SBAIC), which is
the California Historical Resource Information System (CHRIS) cultural
resources database repository for San Bernardino County;
• Previously documented cultural resources or archaeological studies in the
project area and a one-mile search radius;
• National Register of Historic Places (NHRP);
• California Register of Historical Resources (CRHR);
• California Landmarks; and
• California Places of Historical Interest (Ex. 309, p. C.2-62.)

The SBAIC/CHRIS literature research shows that cultural resources studies have
been conducted within the project footprint and a one-mile search radius. One of
these studies (Class II inventory–literature review) was prepared for the BLM on
behalf of the Applicant, and was submitted in August of 2006. This earlier report
provided a preliminary assessment of the project area and includes a cultural
resource record search results and background setting, but does not include a
pedestrian survey of the Calico project area. It appears that about 95 percent of
the Calico project area had not been previously investigated.

Nineteen of the previous survey reports within the record search radius were
positive for cultural resources, 10 of those reports pertain to the Calico Solar
project footprint. With the exception of a few recent studies, the majority of these
previous investigations were conducted more than 15 years ago. (Ex. 309, pp.

17 Cultural
C.2-63 to C.2-64.) The various survey reports are identified with particularity in
the record. (Id.)

Sixty-eight previously documented cultural resources were identified in the

project area of analysis and the one-mile search radius. Of these resources, 24
are prehistoric isolates, 38 are prehistoric archaeological sites, and six are
historic-era resources (two of which are built-environment properties). Sixteen of
these previously recorded cultural resources occur either partially or fully within
the Calico project area of analysis, including one prehistoric isolate, twelve
prehistoric archaeological sites, one historic archaeological site, and two historic
built-environment resources. (Ex. 309, pp. C-2-66 to C-2-67.) Cultural
Resources Table 2 below identifies the 68 previously recorded cultural

Cultural Resources Table 2:

Previously Recorded Cultural Resources Within the Calico Project Area and One-mile Radius
Resource Cultural Cultural Resource In Within Latest
Designation Resource Description Project the one- Update
Type Footprint mile

36-061415 Prehistoric Isolated jasper flake X 1990

Two isolated chalcedony
36-061416 Prehistoric X 1990
36-061417 Prehistoric Isolated chalcedony flake X 1990
Isolated chalcedony flake and
36-061420 Prehistoric X Unknown
isolated rhyolite flake
36-061421 Prehistoric Isolated jasper flake X 1991
36-061423 Prehistoric Isolated cryptocrystalline flake X 1990
Isolated white cryptocrystalline
36-061424 Prehistoric X 1990
Isolated white cryptocrystalline
36-061425 Prehistoric X 1990
Isolated red cryptocrystalline
36-061426 Prehistoric X 1990
One isolated red
36-061427 Prehistoric cryptocrystalline flake tool and X 1990
one red cryptocrystalline flake
Two isolated cryptocrystalline
36-061428 Prehistoric X 1990
Isolated cryptocrystalline
36-061429 Prehistoric X 1990
silicate flake
Isolated cryptocrystalline
36-061430 Prehistoric X 1990
silicate flake
36-061431 Prehistoric Isolated cryptocrystalline X 1990

Cultural 18
Resource Cultural Cultural Resource In Within Latest
Designation Resource Description Project the one- Update
Type Footprint mile
silicate flake
Isolated cryptocrystalline
36-061432 Prehistoric X 1990
silicate flake
Two isolated cryptocrystalline
36-061433 Prehistoric X 1990
silicate flakes
Isolated cryptocrystalline
36-061434 Prehistoric X 1990
silicate flake
Isolated cryptocrystalline
36-061435 Prehistoric X 1990
silicate flake
Isolated cryptocrystalline
36-061436 Prehistoric X 1990
silicate flake
Isolated chert flake and one
36-064406 Prehistoric X 2001
piece of angular waste
Two isolated chalcedony
36-064407 Prehistoric X 2001
Isolated red jasper flake
36-064408 Prehistoric X 2001
36-064409 Prehistoric Isolated agate bifacial core X 2001
One isolated red jasper flake
36-064410 Prehistoric and a second flake with dorsal X 2001
Small lithic test and quarry
CA-SBR-10649H Prehistoric X 2001
area with flakes and one core
Also known as EM-266, this is
CA-SBR-1585 Prehistoric X 1976
a Petroglyph Site
Pottery sherds, awl, two
CA-SBR-1793 Prehistoric X 1963
Lithic scatter containing
CA-SBR-1889 Prehistoric metates, projectile points and X 1969
Also known as SBCM 674, this
site consists of two projectile
CA-SBR-1893 Prehistoric points, scrapers flakes and X 1963
bone which were collected at
time of recordation
Jasper quarry with sparse
CA-SBR-1905 Prehistoric scatters consists of flakes, X 1980
bifaces and scrapers
Large quarry area containing
CA-SBR-1907 Prehistoric X 1990
debitage, cores and bifaces
Low density; sparse cobble
testing/ quarry area consisting
CA-SBR-1908 Prehistoric X X 1979
of cryptocrystalline silicate,
basalt and rhyolite materials.

19 Cultural
Resource Cultural Cultural Resource In Within Latest
Designation Resource Description Project the one- Update
Type Footprint mile

Also known as National Old

Trails Road/Highway 66/
SM364. This is an early 20th
CA-SBR-2910H Historic X X 2001
century two lane paved road at
Mile Post 183 where it
becomes a graded dirt road.

Historic/ Two rock rings, it was not

CA-SBR-3515 determined if they were X 1978
Prehistoric historic or prehistoric
Lithic quarry site containing
Prehistoric flakes and cores of chert
CA-SBR-3516 X 1991
/Historic material and historic trash
CA-SBR-3076 Prehistoric Chalcedony lithic scatter X 1985
CA-SBR-4307 Prehistoric Several lithic scatters X 1980
Two lithic reduction stations
CA-SBR-4308 Prehistoric X 1980
that contain flakes and cores
Lithic scatter with a lithic
reduction station. Possible
CA-SBR-4309 Prehistoric X 1980
basalt and andesite tools
present on site.
A booth and cargo loading
CA-SBR-4405H Historic platform located where the X 1980
railroad splits.
Also known as SBCM 4918,
This site is a 1930s and 1940s
manganese mining area
CA-SBR-4558H Historic X X 1979
containing a galvanized steel
structure, mill tailings, mine
and historic trash scatters
CA-SBR-4681 Prehistoric Lithic scatter X 1980
CA-SBR-5600 Prehistoric Lithic reduction station X 1980
CA-SBR-5598 Prehistoric Large cobble test/quarry area X 1991
CA-SBR-5599 Prehistoric Lithic scatter and rock rings X 1980
Cobble quarrying and lithic
CA-SBR-5794 Prehistoric X 1989
reduction area
Lithic scatter originally
containing 100s of flakes,
CA-SBR-5795 Prehistoric X 2001
several biface fragments and
Low density lithic scatter
CA-SBR-5796 Prehistoric X 2001
containing flakes and cores
Very large low density lithic
CA-SBR-6511 Prehistoric scatter containing debitage X 1989
and shatter
Also known as MP-26, this is a
CA-SBR-6512 Prehistoric small low density lithic scatter X 1989
that contains debitage

Cultural 20
Resource Cultural Cultural Resource In Within Latest
Designation Resource Description Project the one- Update
Type Footprint mile

Also known as MP-27, this is a

single segregated lithic
CA-SBR-6513 Prehistoric reduction locus containing X 1989
approximately 15 felsite flakes
Small flake scatter with one
CA-SBR-6517 Prehistoric X 1989
core and eight flakes
Small cobble test and quarry
CA-SBR-6518 Prehistoric area with two segregated X 1989
reduction loci and debitage
A single Segregated
CA-SBR-6519 Prehistoric Reduction Locus made up of X 1989
approximately four flakes
Small cobble test and quarry
CA-SBR-6520 Prehistoric area with one segregated X 1989
reduction locus and debitage
Low density cobble test and
CA-SBR-6521 Prehistoric quarry area with debitage, X 1989
cores, bifaces and blanks
Prehistoric Low density cobble test and
CA-SBR-6522/H and quarry area with debitage, X 1989
Historic cores, bifaces and blanks
Also known as MP-84, this is a
low density lithic scatter that
CA-SBR-6525 Prehistoric X 1989
contains one lithic reduction
locus flakes and debitage
Also known as MP-85, this site
CA-SBR-6526 Prehistoric contains two adjacent lithic X 1989
reduction loci and flakes
Also known as MP-86, this site
CA-SBR-6527 Prehistoric is a small low density flaked X 1989
stone scatter
Also known as MP-87, this is a
CA-SBR-6528 Prehistoric X 1989
small density lithic scatter
Railroad Line built in 1883 for
CA-SBR-6693H the Atlantic and Pacific
Railroad Co., associated
NRHP E SBR Historic X X 2001
artifacts include track and train
94028 parts, railroad tableware, and
insulator glass fragments
Cobble quarrying area
CA-SBR-6786 Prehistoric comprised of approx. 200 X 1990
flakes and four cores
Small lithic scatter containing
CA-SBR-6836 Prehistoric X 1991
approximately six jasper flakes
Single Segregated Reduction
CA-SBR-6895 Prehistoric X 1990
Locus containing flakes
Small lithic scatter containing
CA-SBR-10637 Prehistoric X
at least nine chert flakes

21 Cultural
Resource Cultural Cultural Resource In Within Latest
Designation Resource Description Project the one- Update
Type Footprint mile

Two sets of foundations (one

P1084-1 Historic concrete and one concrete X
Hector train siding, 20 miles
P1793-1H Historic X X
west of Ludlow, CA

b. Consultations

Although the Energy Commission has no specific regulatory obligation to consult

with Native American tribes and/or individuals as a requirement under CEQA,
Staff routinely consults with local Native American representatives as a matter
general policy. The consultations are intended for Staff to obtain input and
identify any concerns regarding potential effects to cultural resources of
importance to Native Americans.

Because the proposed Calico Solar project is located on land owned by the
federal government and managed by BLM, BLM took the lead in all Native
American Consultation in this project in accordance with the Memorandum of
Understanding between the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land
Management, California Desert District, and the California Energy Commission
Staff Concerning Joint Environmental Review for Solar Thermal Power Plant
Projects (

Staff presented evidence of the following consultation efforts:

• On August 20, 2007, the BLM initiated contact with local Native American
tribal organizations regarding a number of upcoming solar energy projects
proposed on BLM land in the region, including the Calico Solar project.
The Chemehuevi Reservation; the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians;
the Colorado River Indian Tribe; and the Twenty-nice Palms Band of
Mission Indians; and the Fort Mojave Indian Tribe were among the tribal
organizations contacted.
• On July 22, 2008, the Applicant contacted the Native American Heritage
Commission (NAHC) requesting a search of the NAHC’s Sacred Lands
File (SLF) to determine the presence or absence of Native American
sacred sites within the project area. The response from the NAHC in July
2008 indicated that the SLF search identified no sacred sites in the project

Cultural 22
area of analysis. The response also included a list of local Native
American representatives who could be contacted regarding potential
concerns or knowledge of cultural resources that could be affected by the
• In a letter dated November 5, 2008, the BLM initiated formal consultation
with the tribes as a part of its obligation under Section 106 of the NHPA.
Since that time, the BLM has maintained ongoing communications with
the local tribal organizations through letters, phone calls, and meetings.
It appears that to date, no Native American representatives have identified
specific cultural resources of concern to them within the project limits;
however, they have indicated an interest in the project and concerns for
the resources that the Applicant has identified as being in the project area.
• On April 29, 2010, Staff attended the BLM’s Cultural Resources
Programmatic Agreement (i.e., possible 36 CFR §§ 800.6 or 800.14(b)
agreement among agencies that include the Bureau of Land Management
or other Federal agencies, and the California State Historic Preservation
Officer), kick-off meeting for this project. Also present at that meeting were
representatives of the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians, who
expressed concerns for both cultural and biological resources that may be
affected by the project.
• On June 13, 2010, Staff participated in an onsite field visit with the BLM
and several members of the local Native American community including
representatives of the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians; the
Chemehuevi Tribe, the Twentynine Palms Band of Mission Indians; the
Fort Mojave Indian Tribe, and the AhaMaKav Cultural Society. During the
field visit, the participants visited selected sites and expressed interest in
and concern with the cultural resources identified by the Applicant during
the cultural resource inventory.
• On July 26, 2010, in follow up to the June 13, 2010, site visit, Staff
attempted further contact with several tribal members. Staff’s discussions
with tribal members indicated that the tribes and/or members were not
necessarily aware or fully informed of the other remaining archaeological
sites in the project area beyond those identified on June 13, 2010.

In addition to the consultations with Native American representatives, there were

consultations with other third parties. The Applicant contacted the San
Bernardino County Land Use Services, City of Barstow Community Development
department, and Mojave River Valley Museum to identify cultural resources

23 Cultural
within a one-mile radius around the project footprint that had been listed pursuant
to ordinance or recognized by a local historical society or museum. According to
the evidence, no esponses were received from these agencies and entities.

In July and August 2010, Staff also consulted with the following organizations
regarding built-environment resources: Route 66 Corridor Preservation Progam
of the National Park Service; San Francisco Architectural Heritage; and the
Western Regional Office of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. (Ex. 309,
pp. C-2-70 to C-2-72.)

c. New Inventory Investigations

The evidence shows that several field surveys and inventories were conducted.
The Applicant conducted an initial cultural resource field inventory between
August 4 and October 31, 2008. Additional field surveys and more refined site
recordation took place between October 2009 and March 2010. The cultural
resource inventory discussed herein encompasses the initially-proposed 8,230-
acre project site (the project footprint was reduced to 6,215 acres in June 2010
and reduced again in September 2010 to 4,613 acres). ).

Included among the surveys was a Class III Intensive Field Survey. The
pedestrian survey covered the original 8,230-acres and an additional 200 feet
beyond the project site. The principal survey methods consisted of a systematic
walk-over in regularly spaced parallel transect intervals. With the exception of
certain caves and ridge tops situated within or atop steep terrain, the Applicant
did not survey areas of steep terrain (i.e., terrain at an angle greater than 45°),
where access was not feasible due to unsafe or unstable surfaces. The angle
and decomposition of volcanic rocks eroding downslope in these areas, which
total less than 11 acres and occur within the northeastern project area along the
south-southwest facing slope of the Cady Mountains, suggest that these areas
have an extremely low likelihood of containing cultural resources.

The Applicant reported that the archaeological data recorded during the Class III
intensive field survey represents a preliminary in-the-field assessment based
solely on observations of artifacts and other cultural components visible on the
surface. (Ex. 309, p. C.2-73.). BLM Barstow archaeologist Jim Shearer provided
the guidelines applied by the Applicant to field survey and its recordation of
cultural resources within the Project area of analysis. Based on this guidance
and previous archaeological investigations completed within or near the Calico
Solar project area, the Applicant developed 14 categories of archaeological site

Cultural 24
types that one could expect to encounter during the Class III intensive field
survey and which provide a framework for the definition and documentation of
resources identified in the project area. Each category type is described in the
record. (Ex.1,§5.7 309, p.C-2-74 –C-2-76.)

The Applicant identified a total of 335 cultural resources, including 206

archaeological isolates, 119 archaeological sites, and 10 historic built
environment resources. These resources include 12 of the 16 previously-
recorded cultural resources and are specifically identifies as P-36-064407, CA-
SBR-1908, CA-SBR-2910H, CA-SBR-3076, CA-SBR-4681, CA-SBR-5600, CA-
SBR-5794, CA-SBR-5796, CA-SBR-6521, CA-SBR-6528, CA-SBR-6693H, and
P1793-1H were relocated during filed surveys. The remaining four resources
(CA-SBR-10649, CA-SBR- 1893, CA-SBR- 6511, and CA-SBR- 6520) appear to
no longer exist. (Ex. 309, pp. C-2-72 to C-2-73.) (Ex. 309, pp. C-2-72 to C-2-84.)



25 Cultural
Each of these archaeological resources is described in Cultural Resources
Table 3 below.

Cultural Resource Table 5

Cultural Resources Inventory for the Calico Solar Project Area

Cultural 26
27 Cultural
Cultural 28
29 Cultural
Cultural 30
31 Cultural
As shown, the archaeological sites comprise 94 prehistoric sites, eight historic-
era sites, 15 multi-component sites (containing both prehistoric and historic-era
components), and two rock cluster feature sites of indeterminate age.

In summary, results of the Applicant’s investigation show the overall potential for
buried archaeological resources to occur in the project area ranges from very low
to moderate, depending on the underlying landform and the degree of desert
pavement stabilization present on the project site. “Desert pavement” is defined

Cultural 32
in the Applicant’s analysis as a desert surface covered with closely packed,
interlocking angular or rounded rock fragments of pebble and cobble size.

Staff provided further explanation of the Applicant’s results. (Ex. 309, pp. C.2-84
— C.2-87.) According to Staff, it appears that the less stable or poorly developed
desert pavement surfaces exhibit more sediment visibility and are therefore more
likely to contain buried archaeological deposits. (As shown, the archaeological
sites include 94 prehistoric sites, eight historic-era sites, 15 multi-component
sites (containing both prehistoric and historic-era components), and two rock
cluster feature sites of indeterminate age. And, although a well-formed desert
pavement does not preclude the existence of a buried component to a site
located on that pavement, it does significantly decrease the likelihood that a
buried archaeological deposit not already evident on the surface is buried below

The majority of archaeological sites identified during the survey were found in the
southern portion of the project area where the land surface is covered by varying
degrees of desert pavement. These areas contain an abundance of naturally
occurring cryptocrystalline silicate materials such as chalcedony and jasper,
which are suitable for the production of flaked stone tools. Thus, the locations of
the prehistoric sites observed within the project study area appear to be largely
dictated by the availability of these lithic raw materials that are constituents of the
desert pavements. (Id.)

Furthermore, according to the Applicant’s study, the most likely sources for
buried archaeological deposits within the archaeological sites are the Holocene
alluvial deposits within and adjacent to the landform identified as the east-west
Axial Channel. The Channel is in the southern portion of the project area.
Archaeological sites identified along this drainage contain a variety of artifact
types, including groundstone and other indications of, at the least, food
processing localities. The loose sandy matrix and the seasonal rain and flood
events are likely to have obscured portions of these deposits. (Id.)

The Applicant’s survey and prior research in the Calico Solar project area
revealed 21 temporally diagnostic prehistoric artifacts (one of which was
previously collected in 1990 for a different project), which indicate a broad time
span of regional site use. Of the total temporally diagnostic artifacts in the
project area, 18 occur at archaeological sites and three are isolated finds. The
record identifies each artifact. (Exs. 309, p. C.2-87, -

33 Cultural
d. Built Environment Survey

On August 19 and October 27 through 28, 2008, the Applicant conducted a

historic built environment field survey within the project footprint and a one-half-
mile built-environment buffer. The Applicant focused on properties that appeared
older than 45 years and evaluated them under NRHP and CRHR eligibility

The Applicant also conducted site-specific and general primary and secondary
research using SBAIC/CHRIS and university resources, and initiated contact with
entities that included but were not limited to the San Bernardino County Land
Use Services, City of Barstow Community Development Department, and the
Mojave River Valley Museum, and SCE. The Applicant also obtained and
reviewed historic maps including 1955 15-minute U.S. Geological Survey
quadrangles, five maps depicting the Old National Trails Highway, Punnett
Brothers Map of San Bernardino County (1914), Kremmerer’s map of San
Bernardino County (1925), and Thomas Brothers Settlers and Miner’s Map of
San Bernardino County (1932). (Ex. 309, pp. C-2-87 – C-2-88.)

As a result of its surveys, the Applicant identified 10 built-environment resources

older than 45 years. The properties are identified in Cultural Resources Table
4 below. (Ex. 309, pp. C.2-89 – C-2-90.)

Cultural Resources Table 4:

Built-Environment Resources within the Calico Solar Project Area
Year Description of
Trinomial Resource Name Eligible by Location
Constructed Resource

Phase 2
CA-SBR- National Old remnants of
1912 No and one half-mile
2910H Trails Road historic road
U.S. Route 66 1930s historic highway (conflicting One half-mile buffer
Atlantic & Pacific
historic railroad
CA-SBR- Railroad/Atchison,
1882-1883 and associated Yes One half-mile buffer
6693H Topeka, & Santa
bridge structures
Fe Railroad
pine T-post utility
CA-SBR- SCE 12-kilovolt
1961 pole transmission No One half-mile buffer
13114H power line

Cultural 34
Year Description of
Trinomial Resource Name Eligible by Location
Constructed Resource

SCE 220-kilovolt single-circuit, steel

North 1936-1939 lattice tower Yes One half-mile buffer
Transmission Line transmission line
SCE 220-kilovolt single-circuit, steel
South 1939-1941 lattice tower Yes One half-mile buffer
Transmission Line transmission line
SCE switching
station including
switch gear, bus
CA-SBR- bars, and 3
Pisgah Substation 1940 Yes One half-mile buffer
13117H structures used for
relay and station
battery equipment
and storage

CA-SBR- late 1930s to one-lane, graded

Hector Road No Phase 1 and Phase 2
13118H early 1950s dirt road

CA-SBR- Pisgah Crater late 1930s to

asphalt paved road No One half-mile buffer
13119H Road early 1950s
Exempt under Sec. Phase 2
Pacific Gas and natural gas
N/A prior to 1955 106. Not evaluated – and one half-mile
Electric Pipeline pipeline
no effect. buffer
Exempt under Sec. Phase 2
natural gas
N/A Mojave Pipeline prior to 1955 106. Not evaluated – and one half-mile
no effect. buffer
SCE- Southern California Edison
* Both the National Old Trails Road and 1930s alignment of U.S. Route 66 have been recorded under site
number CA-SBR-2910H. Because remnants of both the 1912 alignment of the National Old Trails Road and
the 1930s alignment of U.S. Route 66 are located within the Project area of analysis, these resources are
listed separately and separate update forms were completed.

6. Historical Significance of Archaeological Resources

a. Individual Prehistoric Archaeological Resources

Staff testified that the Applicant’s data regarding available prehistoric

archaeological resources is not sufficiently refined to inform an adequate
evaluation of the significance of these resources. According to Staff, the data
potential of the prehistoric resources within the project area of analysis was not
exhausted through recordation and additional investigation is warranted to more

35 Cultural
definitively draw conclusions regarding archaeological site significance. (Ex. 309,
p. C-2-91.)

BLM revisited seven of the 119 archaeological sites identified by the Applicant.
These sites appear to have been selected on following criteria: (1) the types of
surface artifacts observed during site recordation (all sites are classified as
Complex Lithic Scatters, with the exception of one); (2) the location of the sites in
proximity to the Axial Channel/Inset Fan (which is considered to have a moderate
sensitivity for subsurface archaeological deposits per the geoarchaeological
analysis); 3) the presence of rock cluster features or potential hearths (because
the rock cluster features are indeterminate and have not been formally evaluated,
the BLM is assuming them to be eligible for the NRHP); and (4) the low degree of
desert pavement development reported during the Applicant’s site recordation.

Although BLM did not prepare a formal report of its investigation, it submitted
informal data to Staff. BLM’s activities and conclusions regarding the seven sites
are summarized as follows:
• CA-SBR-13126/H – BLM excavated five “post-holes” (11-inch diameter) to
a depth of 70 centimeters. No cultural artifacts or organic staining
(midden) were observed from the post-hole excavation, but subsurface
remains may exist in the portion of the site that lies outside the project
area of analysis to the west. BLM determined that the portion of the site
within the project area of analysis is not eligible for nomination to the
• CA-SBR-13443/H – One “post-hole” (11-inch diameter) was excavated to
a depth of 70 centimeters. In-situ fire-affected rock was recovered from 50
to 70 centimeters below the surface. BLM concluded that subsurface
cultural remains exist in at least one portion of the site that also has
groundstone and flaked stone assemblages on the surface. BLM further
determined that this site is eligible for nomination to the NRHP.
• CA-SBR-13093/H –BLM determined, without engaging in subsurface
testing, that the portion of this resource that contains 37 rock cluster
features, is eligible for nomination to the NRHP. However, it also
determined that the remaining portions of the site, which contain complex
lithic scatter loci, are non-contributing elements to the rock features and
are, therefore, not eligible for nomination to the NRHP.
• CA-SBR-1908/H – BLM determined, without engaging in subsurface
testing, that the portion of this resource that contains 498 rock cluster
features is eligible for nomination to the NRHP. BLM has also determined

Cultural 36
that the remaining portions of the site, which contain lithic reduction
scatter loci, are non-contributing elements to the rock features and are,
therefore, not eligible for nomination to the NRHP.
• CA-SBR-13075 – The Department of Parks and Recreations (DPR) site
form prepared by the Applicant indicated that there was a near absence of
well-developed desert pavement surface. BLM concluded that the site is
covered by “moderate desert pavement development.” On this basis and
without engaging in subsurface testing, BLM concluded that there is no
potential for subsurface cultural artifacts and, therefore, determined that
the site is not eligible for nomination to the NRHP.
• CA-SBR-13007 – The DPR site form prepared by the Applicant indicated
that the soils throughout the site show no development of desert
pavement. BLM concluded that the site area is covered by “moderate
desert pavement development that has been disturbed throughout by
braided slope erosion.” On this basis and without engaging in subsurface
testing, the BLM concluded that there is no potential for subsurface
cultural artifacts to occur at this site and, therefore, determined that the
site is not eligible for nomination to the NRHP.
• CA-SBR-6528 – The DPR site form prepared by the Applicant indicated
that ten of the 27 loci are on poorly developed desert pavement surfaces,
one is on loose sands with no desert pavement, and the rest are on
moderately to well developed desert pavement. BLM concluded that “the
site area is covered by low to moderate desert pavement development.”
On this basis and without engaging in subsurface testing, BLM concluded
that there is no potential for subsurface cultural artifacts to occur here and,
therefore, determined that the site is not eligible for nomination to the

Thus, based on its own investigation, BLM determined that three of the 119
archaeological sites in the project area of analysis are eligible for nomination to
the NRHP (CA-SBR-13126/H, CA-SBR-13443/H, and CA-SBR-13093/H),
discussed above,) (Ex. 309, pp. C-2-91 – C-2-92.)

With respect to the remaining 116 sites, the Applicant applied NRHP and CRHR
eligibility criteria to each one and recommended that all are ineligible for NRHP
and CRHR. (Ex. 309, p. C-2-92.) The Applicant’s rationale is presented in the
record. (Id.)

37 Cultural
Guided by concerns about project impacts to biological and cultural resources,
the Applicant reduced the original 8,230-acre footprint to 6,215 acres and
reconfigured the portions of the southern project area to avoid all or portions of
the three archaeological sites identified as NRHP eligible. (Ex. 57 More
specifically, CA-SBR-13443/H has been entirely excluded from the project area
and the majority of the two other sites (i.e., the portions containing the rock
cluster features), CA-SBR-1908/H and CA-SBR-13093/H, have also been
excluded from the project footprint. In September 2010, the project site was
reduce again to 4,613 acres. Only the “non-contributing” (lithic scatter) portions
of these two sites remain within the project area of analysis. (Ex. 309, pp. C.2-91
– C.2-93.)

Ten additional archaeological sites are now also excluded from the project
footprint based on the alternative project layout. These sites were in close
proximity to the site areas targeted for avoidance and/or proximity to biological
resources being avoided, The ten additional archaeological sites now wholly
excluded from the project footprint include: CA-SBR-4558H; CA-SBR-13013; CA-
SBR-13028; CA-SBR-13029; CA-SBR-13030; CA-SBR-13054; CA-SBR-13105;
CA-SBR-13107; P36-014578; SM-S1-005. A portion of site CA-SBR-13126/H is
now also excluded from the project footprint. (Ex. 309, p. C.2-93.)

Thus, 108 archaeological sites are currently entirely or partially within the most
recent proposed project footprint and would be directly affected by the project.
Among the 108 remaining archaeological sites, 100 are prehistoric sites (14 of
which are multi-component sites with a minor historic component), seven are
historic sites, and one is indeterminate.

Based on the evidence as just summarized above, the Applicant has

recommended, and the BLM has determined, based on surface observations,
that the data potential has been exhausted through recordation for all 108
archaeological sites within the project current footprint and those sites are,
therefore, not eligible for nomination to the NRHP or CRHR. (Ex. 309, p. C.2-93.)

Despite the Applicant’s and BLM’s investigatory efforts, we are unable to

conclude that all potentially significant datasets have been identified and that
representative samples of archaeological data potential have been exhausted
through recordation for the 100 remaining prehistoric archaeological sites in the
project area. Staff submitted evidence underscoring the necessity of further
study. (Ex. 309, pp. C.2-93 – C.2-96.) We are particularly persuaded by Staff’s
contention that the Calico project area is compelling in that: (1) a large number of

Cultural 38
formed artifacts were reported in the DPR forms for the sites in the project area;
(2) because the project will be on public land, there is a high likelihood that
unauthorized artifact collection (i.e., looting) has occurred in the project area,
which may have skewed the surface visibility of lithic materials (particularly
diagnostic artifacts) and correspondingly, any conclusions drawn about the sites
based on surface observations alone; (3) the geology of the area is such that a
sizable expanse of toolstone-quality material was available and actively exploited
by prehistoric inhabitants over an apparently broad expanse of time, and the
sites’ constituents reflect the importance of lithic raw material procurement and
initial treatment activities; and (4) while the project area of analysis was
predominantly a lithic raw material procurement/assaying area, there is also
evidence of other activities beyond primary lithic reduction (e.g.,
secondary/tertiary lithic reduction, late-stage bifacial tools, fire-affected rock, and
groundstone artifacts).

Furthermore, the sites in the project area suggest that activities were not limited
to basic toolstone procurement. (Ex. 309, pp. C-2-95 to C-2-96.) Thus, given the
size and quantity of the pavement quarry area, attempts to more accurately
characterize the technology and reduction organization through further study of
the sites prior to their permanent destruction by the project’s construction are
warranted to more precisely determine archaeological site significance. (Ex. 309,
pp. C-2-94 – C-2-96, C-2-100, 8/18/10 RT 418-426.) We have adopted
Conditions of Certification CUL-4 and CUL-5 to accomplish this.

b. Prehistoric Archaeological Landscape

The Applicant and BLM on the one hand and Staff on the other hand, presented
different characterizations of the project area landscape. (Ex. 309, pp. C-2-96 to
C-2-100.) In Staff’s view, the potential prehistoric archaeological landscape is a
subtle but potentially significant resource that may reflect underappreciated
patterns of prehistoric land use that were important to the economy and to the
maintenance of the regional social fabric during particular periods in prehistory.
The landscape retains sufficient integrity to convey this significance. As
explained by Staff, the landscape has potential to provide information necessary
to the reconstruction of those economic and social patterns, and may also
provide information important to the reconstruction of toolstone acquisition and
lithic production trajectories in prehistory. Staff is therefore concerned that the
project would permanently destroy a large portion of a prehistoric archaeological
landscape that may exist on the project site. (Ex. 309, p. C-2-96.)

39 Cultural
In contrast, the Applicant and BLM argue against the significance of the
landscape. The Applicant agrees that bolson in which the project area of
analysis is situated can be characterized as an archaeological landscape, but
suggests that in terms of a definable geographic area that can be distinguished
from surrounding properties by changes such as density, scale, type, age, or
style of sites, rich sources of tool stone are not confined to the project area, nor
are they unique. As a result, the tool stone source and landscape is not well
bounded and that similar formations occur throughout the southern California
deserts that were used prehistorically.

The Applicant further asserts that the characteristic theme of the archaeological
landscape cannot be dated and does not have the distinctive or significant
qualities required for eligibility under Criterion C/3. In addition, the lack of datable
material at the sites within the project area precludes their consideration for
eligibility under Criteria A/1 and B/2, as both criteria require information – which
is not known -that could link the landscape with particular events and trends, or
with historically significant people. The Applicant also asserts, based on
underlying data that the lithic reduction sites and landscape do not have sufficient
data potential to qualify for listing under Criterion D/4.

We find that the evidence shows that the project may result in the permanent
loss of important prehistoric landscape and this impact would be significant. (Ex.
309, pp. C-2-96 – C-2-102.) We concur with Staff’s recommendation that the
preparation of carefully crafted protcols is required before the start of ground
disturbance. These protocols shall facilitate the gathering and analysis of
information to further refine the assessment of the historical significance of the
archaeological resources in the project areas. We have adopted Condition of
Certification CUL-4 to require the project owner to prepare the protocols subject
to a suite of specified criteria and standards. Subsequent to the completion of the
implementation of each protocol, the project owner must prepare and submit for
the review and approval of the Compliance Program Manager, separate reports
on the results of the implementation of each protocol, on the analysis and
interpretation of that data, and on the CRHR evaluation of the resource type, type
group, or large-scale resource that a subject protocol addresses.

Meaningful testimony was presented by Staff, BLM and intervenor California

Unions for Reliable Energy (CURE) regarding the proposed design and
methodology for retrieving the data contemplated by Condition of Certification
CUL-4. (8/25/10 RT 21-71.). While Staff, BLM, and the SHPO (by way of written
correspondence) were in general agreement that some form of mechanical

Cultural 40
excavation would be appropriate, CURE submitted an opposing view. According
to the testimony of CURE witness Dr. David Whitley, hand excavation is the only
acceptable method in this case (8/25/10 RT 62-71). Dr. Whitley was also
concerned that the criterion for eligibility for the subject sites is going to be based
primarily on whether subsurface archaeological deposits are present or are not
present. In his view, this is unsatisfactory as there are many examples of
archaeological sites that have provided very important scientific information even
though they are surface archaeological manifestations. (Id.) We have considered
the evidence and testimony and are persuaded that the proposed design and
methodology as set forth in CUL-4 are appropriate and adequate for this project.

And, with implementation of Condition of Certification CUL-5, the project owner,

prior shall – before the start of ground disturbance - submit a Cultural Resources
Monitoring and Mitigation Plan (CRMMP), to the CPM for review and approval.
The CRMMP shall be prepared by or under the direction and shall identify
general and specific measures to minimize potential impacts to sensitive cultural

In combination, these Conditions would address questions pertaining to the

eligibility of the prehistoric sites within the project area and would provide for
mitigation for any significant impacts, should any of the sites be determined
eligible for the NRHP or CRHR.

c. Historical Archaeological Resources

After the Applicant reduced the project footprint from 8,230-acres to the current
6,215 acres, the total number of historical archaeological sites within the project
area of analysis was reduced to 19 sites. Among these 19 sites, 16 are
comprised of historical refuse deposits consisting of a sparse distribution of
domestic, commercial, construction, or industrial debris (e.g., cans, bottles,
ceramic tableware, milled lumber, machinery, and appliances) that predates
1963. The three remaining sites consist of a survey/mapping feature, mining
remains, and a trail, respectively. In September 2010, the project site was
reduced again to 4,613 acres to address biological resources concerns
associated with the northern portions of the site.

The Applicant applied the NRHP and CRHR criteria to each of the historical
archaeological sites and does not recommend any for NRHP or CRHR eligibility.
According to the Applicant, (1) the sites are not associated with events that have
made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of the history and cultural

41 Cultural
heritage of the United States or California (Criterion A/1); (2) the sites are not
associated with the lives of persons significant to the nation's or California's past
(Criterion B/2); (3) the sites do not embody distinctive characteristics of a type,
period, region, or method of construction, or that represent the work of a master,
or that possess high artistic values, or that represents a significant and
distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction (Criterion
C/3); and (4) based on the geology of the sites, there is low likelihood of buried
archaeological remains. Thus, according to the Applicant, research potential of
the 19 sites has been exhausted through recordation and they are not likely to
yield information important to the prehistory or history of the nation or of
California (Criterion D/4). (Ex. 309, pp. C.2-101 – C.2-102.) Based on its own
review of the site information, Staff concurs that these 19 historical
archaeological sites/components within the project area are not eligible for the
NRHP or CRHR. We find that the evidence supports the Applicant’s and Staff’s

7. Historical Significance of Built-Environment Resources

As discussed above, the historic built environment survey identified 10 resources

within the project area of analysis. The Applicant recommends the following five
of the historic built resources within the project area of analysis as eligible for
listing on the NRHP and CRHR:

National Old Trails Road (CA-SBR-2910H)

Within the project area of analysis, the National Old Trails Road consists of eight
remnant segments of a batched mix oil road. The condition of the road segments
is poor. Most of the road surface is crumbled, cracked, and has eroded away in
places. Some segments are buried in sand, but may be partially intact.

Based on the historic context and evaluative considerations for NRHP and CRHR
eligibility as discussed above, the portions of Old National Trails Road in the
project area of analysis would not be considered a contributing element to the
potential significance of the entire Old National Trails Road alignment or
considered an individually significant segment of Old National Trails Road.

For instance, within the six-mile segment of the roadway within the project area,
there are no standing structures or architectural properties associated with Old
National Trails Road, such as businesses, roadside attractions, automobile
courts, and so on. Nor are there properties within the project area associated
with the theme of automobile transportation in the Old National Trails Road era.

Cultural 42
Further, the portion of the former roadway within the project area does not reflect
any important trend or accomplishment associated with road engineering,
highway design, or construction and there are no major or significant erosion-
control features or landscape modifications within the segment. Distinctive
engineering features are lacking and the general feeling of the open roadway
within the desert in this segment has been affected by the modern non-historic
visual and atmospheric intrusions, such as the multi-lane Interstate 40, wooden
and metal lattice tower power lines, transmission lines, and a fairly large
electrical substation with associated infrastructure.

These intrusions have diminished the property’s visual narrative, context, and
feeling. This portion of Old National Trails Road is not contiguous with rest of the
Old National Trails Road/U.S Route 66 system, and is not associated with events
which reflect the important land use activities, traditional cultural activities, and
development that has characterized (and is important) to San Bernardino County,
California, and the nation. There are no important people or events associated
with this segment of the roadway. In addition, the property does not have the
potential to yield important information.

The Applicant concluded that the portion of Old National Trails Road within the
project area of analysis does not appear to be a contributing element to the
significance of the entire National Old Trails Road/U.S. Route 66 system. And,
therefore, it does not appear to be individually eligible for the NRHP, CRHR, or
considered a historical resource for purposes of CEQA.

Staff performed an independent evaluation of this segment and similarly

concluded that it does not appear to possess sufficient historic integrity of setting,
feeling, materials, workmanship, and association to be considered eligible for
listing to the NRHP, CRHR, or considered a historical resource for purposes of
CEQA. Staff further determined that the addition of a solar plant near the
roadway would not create a new adverse effect or significant impact to the
portion of the historic-period property within the project area.

We find that the evidence presented supports the conclusions reached by the
Applicant and Staff. (Ex. 309, pp.C.2- 102 - C.2-104.)

U.S. Route 66 (CA-SBR-2910H)

The Applicant evaluated the eligibility of the segment of Route 66 in the project
area of analysis: Applicant identified eligible Route 66 resources to include
individual properties such as motels, gas stations, restaurants and cafes, and

43 Cultural
roadside attractions that may be individually eligible for listing on the NRHP. In
order to be eligible as a Route 66 resource, a resource must be able to reflect its
association with the theme of automobile transportation in the Route 66 era.

Guided by eligibility criteria, the Applicant initially determined that that the portion
of Route 66 within the built-environment area of analysis does not appear to be a
contributing element to the significance of the entire U.S. Route 66 system, and
the segment within the one-half mile built-environment area of analysis does not
appear to be individually eligible for the NRHP, the CRHR, and would not be
considered a historical resource for purposes of CEQA. (). However, at Staff’s
request, the Applicant considered whether three historic districts should be
defined within the area of analysis, including a “National Old Trials Road/U.S.
Route 66 Historic District.” As part of this evaluation, the Applicant concluded
that the segment of U.S. Route 66 in the project area of analysis retains historical
integrity and is considered eligible. This revised conclusion caused Staff to
further research the history, context and character-defining features of U.S.
Route 66. (Exs., 309, pp. C-2-104 to C.2-106).

The record discloses Staff’s independent evaluation of this segment of Route 66.
Unlike the Applicant who appeared to focus primarily on the architecture that
resulted from the establishment of Route 66 as a major travel route, Staff
considered the significance of Route 66 itself as a national highway. In so doing,
Staff consulted and presented evidence of the Route 66 Corridor Preservation
Program, established by National Park Service as a result of Public Law 102-
400, the Route 66 Study Act of 1990. This reference notes the significance of
Route 66 as the nation’s first all-weather highway linking Chicago and Los
Angeles and described in some detail, hallmarks of Route 66 including its
symbolizing the optimism that pervaded the nation’s post World War II economic
recovery. According to the evidence, the Route 66 Corridor Preservation
Program commissioned the Route 66 Corridor National Historic Context Study,
published in 2004, which details the national significance of Route 66, identifies
the period of significance (1926-1970), and identifies the historic and
architectural property types associated with it. The Route 66 Corridor National
Historic Context Study also identifies those features that a road segment must
retain in order to be considered eligible, including the original cross -section
template (cut banks, fill slopes, roadbed, grade); original alignment or later
realignment; and associated features such as bridges and culverts (even if they
have been modified or replaced). The context study also states that those
segments of road that have been widened after the end of the period of
significance may still be included if they link other significant sections of the

Cultural 44
route, and, notably, that pavement is “an inherently fragile feature of highways
and is routinely covered over and replaced.” (Ex. 309, pp. C-2-106 – C-2-108.)

Staff applied the information from the Route 66 Corridor National Historic Context
Study to Route 66 as described in the original evaluation in the project area of
analysis. Staff determined that this section would be a contributor to a larger U.S.
Route 66 historic district, should such a resource be determined eligible, and that
this section would therefore be considered a historic resource for the purposes of
CEQA based on factors such as the section of roadway being pristine; it is a
realigned section of the road to reduce sharp turns, steep grades and
accommodate higher speeds. And, while there is evidence that the road has
been resurfaced and widened since its construction at undetermined times, Staff
posits that these changes took place within the identified Route 66 period of
significance 1926-1970 to accommodate modern traffic. (Id.)

This section of road also retains those character-defining eligibility features noted
in the Route 66 National Historic Context Study: the original cross-section
template, later (1934) realignment, and four associated single-span bridges that
were constructed from 1939 to 1952. These bridges retain features that indicate
they are likely original features of Route 66, including the concrete decking, and
are in good state of preservation. (Id.).

Staff produced evidence that the Southern California Edison (SCE) 220-Kilovolt
North and South Transmission Lines and the Pisgah Substation were all
constructed between 1936 and 1941, beginning only two years after the
construction of Route 66 in 1934. Interstate 40 was constructed in 1968, also
within the national period of significance. The SCE 220 kV lines and the Pisgah
Substation have been determined to be NRHP- and CRHR-eligible resources for
their association with the Hoover Dam and their significance in the World War II
effort (Criterion A/1). These resources would have been part of the Route 66
travel experience and landscape across this section of the Mojave Desert, and
therefore would not compromise the integrity of Route 66. (Id.)

Staff’s reported consultation with the Route 66 Corridor Preservation Program

further underscores Staff’s position that rural sections of Route 66, such as that
found in the project area and in the eastern Mojave Desert in general, are
particularly significant for the vast, open landscapes and viewsheds. Those
landscapes and viewsheds are considered character-defining features of the
travel experience of Route 66. The consultation further informed Staff that the
project area is included in the proposed Mojave Trails National Monument

45 Cultural
currently being heard by Congress, one purpose of which is the preservation of
Route 66 ( (Id.)

In light of the evidence presented, we concur with Staff’s determination that the
portion of Route 66 within the project area of analysis contributes to the
significance of Route 66, is potentially eligible for the NRHP and CRHR as a
contributing resource to the larger Route 66 system under Criterion A/1 for its
association as one of the first all-weather highways in the United States, and is
therefore it is a historical resource for the purposes of CEQA.

Atlantic & Pacific/Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad (CA-SBR-6693H)

SBR-6693H is the railroad line that was originally built in 1883 for the Atlantic and
Pacific Railroad Company. From 1890, the railroad was operated by the
Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad until its merger in 1996 with the
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway (BNSF). Between 1993 and 2002 portions
of this site (none within the project area) have been given status codes 2S2
(individual property determined eligible for the NRHP by a consensus through
Section 106 process; listed in the CR) and 6Y (determined ineligible for NR by
consensus through Section 106 process, not evaluated for CR or Local Listing).
SBR-6693H bisects the project area and is located within both phases of project

The BNSF Railway is located within the one-half mile built-environment area of
analysis. In addition to the railroad track, associated historical artifacts include
glass, metal, track and train parts, and railroad tableware. The railroad has been
previously determined to be eligible for the NRHP and the CRHR under Criterion
A (Criterion 1) for its association with the history of transportation in California.

Although much of the railroad has been upgraded for continued use and few
historical materials remain in place, the Applicant states that it retains integrity of
location and the level of significance established by the previous recordings.
However, we agree that the evidence presented by Staff showing that the
replacement of railway and bridge historic materials with modern materials and
the resulting loss of integrity do not support a recommendation of NRHP or
CRHR eligibility for the BNSF Railway and five bridge structures within the
project buffer. (Ex. 309, pp. C-2-109 to C-2-110.)

Southern California Edison 12-Kilovolt Transmission Line (CA-SBR-13114H)

The SCE 12-kilovolt transmission line was constructed in 1961 as a rural
distribution line. The line within the project area of analysis consists of fifteen 40-

Cultural 46
foot-tall utility poles, which are each 0.75 foot in diameter. The poles have a
single T-post on the top with 3 ceramic insulators and 3 transmission lines. The
poles are creosote-treated pine and each pole features an identification tag and
an embossed nail on the left for height (40) and an embossed date nail (61) on
the right. There also is an associated 207-foot-long historic transmission road
and sparse historic trash in the vicinity of the transmission line.

The evidence shows that the 12-kv transmission line is not associated with any
distinctive or significant event, persons design or construction, and all data
potential has been accounted for during the recordation process. Thus, we
concur that based on site investigations and historic research, the SCE 12-
kilovolt transmission line is recommended not eligible for the NRHP or the CRHR
under any of the criterion for eligibility, and there is not a historic resource
pursuant to CEQA. (Ex. 309, p. C-2-110.)

Southern California Edison 220-Kilovolt North and South Transmission Lines

(CA-SBR-13115H and CA-SBR-13116H)
The SCE 220-kilovolt North and South Transmission Lines are single-circuit
transmission lines with lattice steel, wedge A-frame and metal-waisted tower
structures. The evenly-spaced tower structures are approximately 75-feet-tall and
include 3 conductor wires, 2 static wires, and insulators. The transmission lines
originate at the SCE switchyard at the Hoover Dam and terminate in Chino,

Two approximately 4.7-mile-long segments of the transmission lines were

recorded within the historic built-environment one-half mile project area of
analysis. Within the project area each tower structure has four legs, which are
anchored in concrete footings. The transmission lines are located in a rural
setting on property managed by the BLM.

The SCE 220-Kilovolt North Transmission Line was constructed between 1936
and 1939, using the same design and technology SCE had been using for its
existing high-voltage transmission lines in southern California (including its
Vincent 220-kilovolt line), and the design used by the Metropolitan Water District
for its Hoover Dam line. The transmission line began receiving power from the
Hoover Dam in 1939, after the completion of Hoover generating units A-6 and A-
7 (Myers 1983; Schweigert and Labrum 2001). When World War II began in
Europe, SCE planners anticipated an increase in demand for power in southern
California. SCE began construction on a second transmission line, the SCE

47 Cultural
South 220-Kilvolt South Transmission Line (SCE South or Hoover-Chino No. 2),
in 1939.

The lines are associated with the early operation of Hoover Dam and both played
a significant role in providing electricity essential to World War II industries
located in southern California. Both lines were previously recorded in Nevada
(site numbers 26CK6249 and 26CK6250) during the Boulder City/U.S. 93
Corridor Study, and were determined eligible for the NRHP by the Federal
Highway Administration and Nevada State Historic Preservation Office (Federal
Highway Administration 2005).Furthermore, both lines are in-use and regularly
maintained in the project area.

The evidence also establishes that the lines retain sufficient integrity to be
considered for listing on the NRHP and CRHR. (Ex. 309. pp. C-2-110 to C-2-

Pisgah Substation (CA-SBR-13117H)

The Pisgah Substation is a Southern California Edison switching station that was
constructed in 1940 during the construction of the SCE South 220-Kilvolt South
Transmission Line and is considered a component of the transmission line. A
switching station is an intermediate station, which has incoming and outgoing
power lines of the same voltage. Unlike other substations, a switching station
does not transfer power from a higher voltage to a lower voltage, but instead
works to control increases and decreases in voltage. The Pisgah Substation also
has three buildings, which house the relay station and battery equipment. All of
the buildings are in good condition and appear to be in-use.

The evidence shows that the Pisgah Substation is not associated with distinctive
or significant person, is typical of the design of its era, and is not considered a
rare surviving example of its era. However, this switching station is associated
with the Southern California Edison 220-Kilovolt North and South Lines, which –
as discussed above -are recommended eligible for the NRHP and CRHR under
Criteria A/1. Because the Pisgah Substation is a component of the transmission
line, it is appropriate for an NRPH or CRHR eligibility recommendation under
Criterion A/1. It is also appropriately characterized as a historic resource under
CEQA. (Ex. 309, pp. C-2-112 to C-2-113.)

Hector Road (CA-SBR-13118H)

Four segments of Hector Road were recorded within Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the
project area of analysis. The Hector Road interchange on I-40 provides access to

Cultural 48
the project area of analysis. South of the interchange, Hector Road is a two-lane
paved roadway that extends south for a short distance to U.S. Route 66. North of
the Interstate 40 interchange, Hector Road is reduced to one-lane, graded, dirt
roadway. This segment of the roadway has been realigned since its original
construction, and much of the historic segment of the road between Interstate 40
and the BNSF is not within the project area of analysis. An improved railroad
crossing has been constructed at Hector Road, which remains locked with a gate
and padlock and is only used by local traffic with access permission. The
improved crossing includes crossing arms and slightly sloped asphalt ramps that
bring the road up to railroad grade and back down to road grade level.

From the BNSF Railroad, Hector Road continues northward about one mile to
the northwest corner of Section 3, Township 8 North, Range 6 East, and then
continues eastward along the section line for three miles. At the northeast corner
of Section 1, Township 8 North, Range 6 East, Hector Road turns to the
southeast and continues across sections 6 and 8 until its junction with the SCE
220-kV transmission line road. This segment of the road is a one-lane, graded
dirt road that appears to be maintained and frequently used. The route of Hector
Road from the railroad to the transmission line road has not been modified since
its original construction in the late 1930s or early 1950s. Sometime after 1955,
Hector Road was extended about one-half mile southeast to a road that leads to
the Black Butte manganese mine. Hector Road likely was constructed to provide
access to mines in the Project vicinity. The road also could have been used to
transport construction materials to the SCE 220-kV transmission line and the
Pisgah Substation from the railroad.

According to the evidence, Hector Road is a modest example of a typical one-

lane dirt graded rural road. It is not associated with any distinctive or significant
events, persons, design/construction, or has the potential to yield important
information about the past. The road is representative of typical construction,
which has been well-documented in California and the West. Thus, we concur
with the Applicant’s and Staff’s respective conclusions as supported by on site
investigations and historic research, that Hector Road is not eligible for listing in
the NRHP and CRHR, and would not be considered a historic resource pursuant
to CEQA. (Ex. 309, p. C.2-113.)

Pisgah Crater Road (CA-SBR-13119H)

Pisgah Crater Road currently runs between the SCE 220-kilovolt transmission
line road to the Pisgah Crater, a volcanic cinder cone located south of the project
area of analysis. U.S.G.S. 15-minute topographic quadrangles indicate that this

49 Cultural
road was extended sometime after 1955 because the map only depicts the road
between Pisgah Crater south of U.S. Route 66 and a small segment north of U.S.
Route 66 that terminates at the BNSF Railway. The segment of Pisgah Crater
Road that is 45 years old or older is paved with asphalt and is approximately 24
feet wide.

The Pisgah Crater currently is being mined for aggregate and is located on
private land. The road does not appear to be regularly maintained and likely is
only sporadically used to access the mine.

The evidence indicates that Pisgah Crater Road is not associated with any
distinctive or significant event, person, design, or construction, and the data
potential has been accounted for during the recordation process. The majority of
the road is located on private land and much of the crater has been destroyed by

As further explained by Staff, no records were found to indicate that the Pisgah
Crater was ever a well-known tourist destination for U.S. Route 66 travelers. The
road is representative of typical construction and design, which has been well-
documented in California and the west, and further study, is unlikely to yield
important information about the past.

We therefore find that Pisgah Crater Road is not eligible for listing in the NRHP
or the CRHR and is not a historical resource pursuant to CEQA. (Ex. 309, pp.
C.2-113 to C.2-114.)

Pacific Gas and Electric and Mojave Pipelines

The Pacific Gas and Electric Pipeline and the Mojave Pipeline are natural gas
pipelines constructed before 1995 that run through the Phase 2 portion of the
project area. According to the evidence, there are no visible features of either
pipeline in the project area. In addition, the Advisory Council on Historic
Preservation has exempted federal agencies from taking into account the effects
of their undertakings on historic natural gas pipelines (Advisory Council on
Historic Preservation 2002). Thus, the pipelines appear are ineligible for NRHP
or CRHR under any criteria. PR 523 forms were not completed for either pipeline.
(Ex. 309, p. C-2-114.)

Cultural 50
8. Ethnographic Resources

There are no known ethnographic resources within the footprint or viewshed of

the proposed project area. (Ex. 309, p. C.2-115.)

9. Historic Districts and Landscape Considerations

Southern California Edison Historic District

Resources that could be included in the potential SCE Historic District are the
SCE 220-kV North and South Transmission Lines (CA-SBR-13115H and CA-
SBR-13116H), Pisgah Substation (CA-SBR-13117H), and archaeological site

As discussed above, the SCE transmission lines originate at the SCE switchyard
at Hoover Dam. They terminate in Chino, California. Because of the association
of the transmission lines to Hoover Dam and their significance in the World War
II effort, the SCE 220-Kilovolt North and South Lines were evaluated as eligible
for the NRHP under Criterion A and the CRHR under Criterion 1. And, because
the Pisgah Substation is a component of the SCE 220-kV North and South
Transmission Lines, is also deemed eligible for the NRHP under Criterion A and
for the CRHR under Criterion 1.

Archaeological site CA-SBR-12992H near the SCE North and South

Transmission Lines, and may be the remains of a work camp related to the
construction of the transmission lines and the Pisgah Substation. More
particularly, the site is a small, low density scatter of historic trash with four
concentrations of historic refuse. The record shows that the site was evaluated
as not eligible for the NRHP and CRHR because of the low quantity of artifacts,
lack of integrity, low probability of subsurface artifacts and features, and little
potential for the site to yield important information or be a contributor to the
potential historic district.

Both the National Park Service and State of California definitions indicate that
historic districts must have definable and precise boundaries and that these
boundaries rarely are defined by planning or management boundaries, or by
ownership parcels, but rather must be based upon the spatial locations of the
district’s contributing properties (Title 14, California Code of Regulations, Chapter
11.5, Section 4852(a)(5); U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service
2002). Only about 4.7 miles of the transmission lines were recorded as part of
the Calico Solar project within the historic built environment one-half mile buffer.

51 Cultural
Because the entire route of the transmission line was not studied as part of the
project, the evidence does not allow for the delineation of a boundary that is not
arbitrarily defined. Therefore, based on the evidence, it appears inappropriate to
define a district based on these resources. (Ex. 309, pp. C.2-117 to C.2-118.)

Atlantic & Pacific (Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe) Railroad Historic District
Resources that could be included in a potential A&P Railroad historic district are
the railroad (CA-SBR-6693H) and seven nearby refuse deposits. The Atlantic &
Pacific Railroad was originally recorded as a historic resource in California in
1990. The railroad currently is used and maintained as the BNSF. In the project
area of analysis, the railroad has a double trackway on a raised, ballasted bed.
The railroad has been previously evaluated as eligible for the NRHP and CRHR
under Criterion A/1 for its association with the history of transportation in
California. Although much of the railroad has been upgraded for continued use
and few historical materials remain in place, the segment in the Project vicinity
retains integrity of location. Thirteen previously unrecorded bridges were
identified during the Class III intensive field survey along the railroad within the
Project area of analysis and the one-half mile built environment buffer. Five of
these retain sufficient integrity to be considered contributing elements to the

As discussed above, both the National Park Service and State of California
definitions indicate that historic districts must have definable and precise
boundaries and that these boundaries rarely are defined by planning or
management boundaries. The railroad is a long, linear resource that extends
across seven states, and only about 10.5 miles of the railroad were recorded as
part of this Project within the historic built environment one-half mile buffer.
Because the entire route of the railroad was not studied as part of this Project,
we cannot delineate a boundary for a segment of the railroad in the Project
vicinity that would not be arbitrarily defined by the Project and buffer areas.
Therefore, it seems inappropriate to define a district.

With respect to the seven historic refuse sites located in the vicinity of the
railroad, including CA-SBR-13002/H, -13012H, -13014H, -13017H, -13023/H, -
13101, and -13108H, the evidence shows they have few temporally diagnostic
artifacts. It is therefore unclear whether these sites are contemporaneous. In
addition, the types of artifacts associated with these sites do not indicate clear
associations with the railroad. Three of these sites were evaluated as not eligible
for the NRHP and CRHR because of the low quantity of artifacts, lack of integrity,
low probability of subsurface artifacts and features, and little potential to yield

Cultural 52
important information. Four of these sites (CA-SBR-13002/H, -13012H, -13014H,
and -13017H) were recommended as eligible for the NRHP and CRHR for their
potential to yield important information although further testing is required to
determine if additional information can be obtained to support the hypothesis that
these sites are related to railroad activities or some other activity. Inclusion of
those properties in a historic district would not upgrade their status for
preservation purposes. (Ex. 309, pp.C-2-118 –C-119.)

National Old Trails Road/U.S. Route 66 Historic District

Resources that could be included in the potential National Old Trails Road /U.S.
Route 66 Historic District are extant segments of National Old Trails Road, U.S.
Route 66, and two rock concentrations. The CEC and BLM identified a third rock
concentration, P36-014578, that appears unrelated to the highways.

National Old Trails Road and U.S. Route 66 are more fully discussed above. In
summary, the evidence shows National Old Trails Road in the project area of
analysis is represented by eight remnant segments of a batched mix oil road.
The condition of the road segments is poor—most of the road surface is
crumbled and cracked, and in places has eroded. Some segments buried by
sand may be partially intact.

In 1926, the National Old Trails Road was designated as U.S. Route 66, but in
the 1930s the segment in the project area of analysis was abandoned in favor of
a route to the south, which is the current alignment of historical U.S. Route 66.
Both the National Old Trails Road and 1930s alignment of U.S. Route 66 have
been recorded under site number CA-SBR-2910H, and previously evaluated as
eligible for the NRHP under Criterion A as one of the first all-weather highways in
the United States. The segment of U.S. Route 66 in the project area of analysis
retains historical integrity and is considered eligible. The National Old Trails Road
in the project area of analysis is isolated, segmented, in generally poor condition,
and is recommended as a non-contributing element of the highway.

Two rock clusters also were recorded (P36-014519 and P36-014520) along the
abandoned segment of the National Old Trails Road. However, no historical as-
built drawings of the highway have been located, and thus, a direct association
between the rock clusters and the highway remains ambiguous. The rock
clusters are recommended ineligible for the NRHP and not significant historical
resources eligible for listing in the CRHR.

53 Cultural
Segments of U.S. Route 66 and the National Old Trails Road have been listed in
the NRHP in several states. U.S. Route 66 related districts have been listed but
they include properties such as roadside businesses related to the development
of the highway within the boundaries of a specific town or locality. There are no
such properties in the project vicinity.

A statewide inventory of U.S. Route 66 has not been conducted for California. If
a historic district or multiple property listing of the highway was defined in
California, the segment of the 1930s U.S. Route 66 in the Project vicinity
probably would be considered a contributing element. However, defining a U.S.
Route 66 district at the project limits would be arbitrary for a highway that ran
through Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and
California. Further, because the other associated properties have little historic
value, there is no established justification for defining a National Old Trails
Road/U.S. Route 66 Historic District. (Ex. 309, pp. C-2-119 to C-2-120.)

Potential Early Twentieth Century Gravel Mining Landscape

Staff recommended the consideration of a historical archaeological landscape
that represents an early twentieth century gravel mining operation in the south-
central portion of the project area of analysis. Gravel was applied to sections of
the road during improvement activities in the mid 1920s, and some of this gravel
may have been obtained from the well- developed desert pavements adjacent to
the road alignment.

Research and site revisits have revealed no conclusive data to determine the
age of the surface disturbance (cleared area) along the National Old Trails Road
that occurs within the Project area of analysis. There have been several other
past Projects (historic and modern) that may be attributed to the surface
disturbance found within the Project area of analysis other than the National Old
Trails Road, such as the BNSF railroad and three pipelines within the same area
as the disturbances. Modern surface prospects also occur in the Project area of
analysis. These modern prospects are found on modern maps (1982 U.S.G.S.
7.5-minute topographic quadrangles), and are absent from historic maps (1955
U.S.G.S. 15-minute quadrangles). In addition, the majority of surface deposits
lack diagnostic material (documentation and/or datable cans/refuse). San
Bernardino County was responsible for route planning at the time the National
Old Trails Road was designated, and the route may or may not have been
professionally engineered. No historical as-built drawings of the highway have
been located, and thus, a direct association between surface disturbances
remains ambiguous.

Cultural 54
The National Park Service states that the boundaries of a district or landscape
“must be a definable geographic area that can be distinguished from surrounding
properties by changes such as density, scale, type, age, style of sites, buildings,
structures and objects, or by documented differences in patterns of historic
development or associations” (U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park
Service 2002:6). In this regard, the evidence indicates that while the spatial
relationship between historic road and surface gravel mining disturbance is
distinctive, the utilization of the surface for stone resources within the project
area of analysis cannot be well bounded. As a result, defining an early twentieth
century gravel mining landscape seems inappropriate because the activity lacks
sufficient data to be directly attributed to gravel mining for the construction and
maintenance of the National Old Trails Road. Additionally, the surface mining
activity cannot be clearly linked with the early twentieth century period because a
number of historic and modern ground disturbing related Projects have taken
place in this area over time, the lack of directly associated temporally diagnostic
artifacts, and the absence of historical documentation providing location and time
period for this specific activity. The lack of datable material also severely limits
the utility of cleared areas to address important research issues. Thus, there is
no basis for defining a landscape. (Ex. 309, pp. C-2-120 to C-2-122.)

10. Construction and Operation Impacts

We have evaluated the potential project impacts to the identified CRHR-eligible

cultural resources to determine if these impacts are substantial and adverse. We
have also assessed whether the proposed project has the potential to impact as-
yet-unknown buried archaeological resources. Our findings are summarized

a. Construction Activities

Site preparation would be based on avoiding major washes and minimizing

surface-disturbing activities. Areas of sensitive habitat and cultural resources
would also be avoided wherever possible. Brush trimming, which consists of
cutting the top of the existing brush while leaving the existing native plant root
system in place to minimize soil erosion, would be conducted between
alternating rows of SunCatchersTM.

After brush trimming, blading for roadways and foundations will be conducted
between alternating rows of SunCatchersTM to provide access to individual
SunCatchersTM. Blading would consist of removing terrain undulations and would
55 Cultural
be limited to 3 feet in cut and 3 feet in fill. The blading operations would keep
native soils within 100 feet of the pre-development location, with no hauling of
soils across the site.

Paved roadways would be constructed as close to the existing topography as

possible, with limited cut-and-fill operations to maintain roadway design slope to
within a maximum of 10 percent. Minor grading would also be required for
building foundations and pads and parking areas in the Main Services Complex
and substation areas. The clearing, blading, and grading operations would be
undertaken using standard contractor heavy equipment.

From the preliminary geotechnical investigations, it is expected that lightly loaded

equipment and structures, would be supported on shallow footings. Shallow
footings would be continuous strip and isolated spread footings.

The majority of each SunCatcherTM would be supported by a single metal pipe

foundation that is hydraulically driven into the ground. These foundations are
expected to be approximately 20 feet long and 24 inches in diameter. Shallow
drilled pier concrete foundations of approximately 36 inches in diameter and an
embedment depth with a minimum socketed depth into rock of 6 feet would be
used for hard and rock-like ground conditions. The buildings and major structures
such as yard tanks would be supported on shallow spread and continuous
footings or mat-type foundations. Deep foundations would be required for heavy
items, such as the power transformers at the electrical substation.

With respect to materials and equipment staging, 100-acre lay down yard will be
cleared on the southeast corner of the project site where SunCatchers will be
assembled. Assembly buildings will be constructed adjacent to the Main Services
Complex for the onsite assembly of the SunCatchers. The assembly buildings
will be decommissioned and salvaged for re-use once all Calico Solar
SunCatchers have been installed. SunCatchers will be installed in the area
vacated by the removal of the construction laydown areas and assembly
buildings when construction is completed.

Regarding trenching for buried linear facilities (i.e., pipelines, transmission)

SunCatcher systems will be tied together by an underground cable system. And,
Final design and construction of transmission facilities and reliability upgrades at
the SCE Pisgah Substation and the Pisgah-Lugo 230 kV Transmission Line
(should they be required) will be completed by SCE as more fully discussed in
the Project –Related Future Actions section below.

Cultural 56
b. Construction Impacts

As discussed above, the 6,215 acre footprint will avoid three sites identified by
BLM as eligible for inclusion in the NRHP. As a result, BLM issued a finding of no
adverse effect to historic properties and sought concurrence from the State
Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO). (Ex. 309, p. C.2-26.) The SHPO concurred
with BLM’s determination that the sites deemed eligible are eligible for NRHP.
that BLM the SHPO neither concurred with nor objected to the BLM's
determination that the remaining sites within the area of potential effects were not
eligible. (8/25/10 RT .21.)

But, as also discussed above, Staff has produced evidence establishing that
construction of the project may wholly or partially destroy the majority of surface
archaeological resources in the project area, which were identified by the
Applicant. More particularly, it appears that 100 surface prehistoric
archaeological sites in the current project footprint have not yet been adequately
investigated or evaluated in terms of potential to yield data important to the study
of prehistory. It also appears that project construction has potential to destroy a
large portion of a potential prehistoric archaeological landscape that may exist in
the project area.

The evidence also establishes the potential for indirect effects to archeological
sites in the exclusion areas as a result of activities such as increased traffic
during project construction. Project area may also increase the amount of sheet
washing and water runoff during heavy rainfall and indirectly cause damage to
sites outside the project area.

The evidence presented does not identify precisely which of the different
archaeological resources are historically significant, leaving us unable to identify
with particularity the exact character of the effects that the construction of the
proposed facility would have on such resources. We can nonetheless draw a
reasonable inference from the evidence that the construction of the proposed
facility could have a significant effect on the environment that requires mitigation
under CEQA and that feasible mitigation measures can be implemented building
upon the analytical process that has already been initiated, documented, and
explained in the record.

More specifically, the Applicant, Staff, and BLM have defined an appropriate
geographic extent of the project area of analysis and they have collectively
contributed to the creation of an inventory of the known cultural resources within
57 Cultural
that area. With implementation of Conditions of Certification CUL-1 through
CUL-5 and CUL-7 through CUL-11, potential impacts to both known and
unknown resources will be avoided or mitigated to less than significant levels.
The Conditions of Certification require the project owner to collect the necessary
surface and subsurface data on the resources sufficient to develop formal
recommendations of historical significance, assess effects to significant
resources, and implement mitigation measures that meet the standards for the
resolution of significant effects to significant cultural resources. In addition,
Energy Commission licensing decisions and BLM right-of-way grant decisions
also typically identify the likelihood of encountering previously unknown
resources and contain provisions that require specific procedures to ensure that
any effects to these resources can be resolved.

Cultural resources that are found to be significant on the basis of their

information value (principally archaeological deposits) would be subject to
treatments which would variably be to actively avoid all or part of subject
deposits, to record and preserve representative samples of the unique spatial or
associative information that is intrinsic to the depositional history of each deposit,
to collect and curate representative samples of material culture assemblages, to
provide for the preparation and dissemination of professional technical
publications and public interpretative materials, and to develop and implement
plans to foster the long-term historic preservation of subject deposits.
Archaeological resources in the project area of analysis that may be subject to
unique treatment plans may include archaeological landscapes and/or districts, in
addition to individual archaeological sites.

c. Operation Activities and Impacts

SunCatcher mirror washing, operations dust control, potable water use, and
water treatment under regular maintenance routines will require an average of
33.4 gallons of raw water per minute, with a daily maximum requirement of 56.6
gallons of raw water per minute during the summer peak months each year,
when each SunCatcher receives a single mechanical wash. Road and
SunCatcher area long-term maintenance would include:
• Temporary soil stabilization (SS) techniques, such as scheduling construction
sequences to minimize land disturbance during the rainy and non-rainy
seasons and employing BMPs appropriate for the season; preserving existing
vegetation by marking areas of preservation with temporary orange propylene
fencing; using geotextiles, mats, plastic covers, or erosion control blankets to
stabilize disturbed areas and protect soils from erosion by wind or water;

Cultural 58
using earth dikes, drainage swales, or lined ditches to intercept, divert, and
convey surface runoff to prevent erosion; using outlet protection devices and
velocity dissipation devices at pipe outlets to prevent scour and erosion from
storm water flows; and/or using slope drains to intercept and direct surface
runoff or groundwater to a stabilized water course or retention area.
• Sediment Control (SC) techniques, such as using silt fences, straw bales,
and/or fiber rolls to intercept and slow the flow of sediment-laden runoff such
that sediment settles before runoff leaves the site.
• Wind Erosion (WE) control by applying water or dust palliatives, as required,
to prevent or alleviate windblown dust.
• Tracking Control (TC) techniques to limit track-out, such as using stabilized
points of entering and exiting the project site and stabilized construction
roadways on the site.
• Other measures, as appropriate, to comply with the regulations.

Many direct and indirect impacts described above as part of construction also
apply to the operation phase. During operation of the proposed power plant,
repair of a buried utility or other buried infrastructure could require the excavation
of a large hole. Such repairs have the potential to impact previously unknown
subsurface archaeological resources in areas unaffected by any original trench
excavation. Thus, Conditions of Certification CUL-1, CUL-2, and CUL-8 through
CUL-10 are equally applicable to project operations to mitigate impacts to known
and unknown archaeological resources. (Ex. 309, pp.C.2-129 to C-2-130.)

11. Impacts to Built-Environment Resources

As discussed above, four built-environment resources are eligible for NRHP or

CRHR (U.S. Route 66 (CA-SBR-2910H), the SCE 220-kilovolt (kV) North and
South Transmission Lines (CA-SBR-13115H and 13116H, respectively), and the
Pisgah Substation (CA-SBR-13117H)).

The evidence shows that there will be a direct visual effect to U.S. Route 66 from
the installation of the proposed 26,450 solar dishes. The installation of this large
number of SunCatchers, consisting of an approximate 40-foot diameter solar
concentrator dish that supports an array of curved glass mirror facets, will alter
the vast, open landscape that is a character-defining feature of this section of
Route 66, as well as of the rest of Route 66 in the Mojave Desert. The travel
experience of this section of Route 66—which has been substantially unchanged
since its construction—will be permanently impaired.

59 Cultural
Potential mitigation measures were proposed such a providing on-site and/or off-
site screening or eliminating the first few rows of solar dishes. Screening
measures are infeasible given that the area is relatively flat and consists only of
scrub vegetation. The significance of Route 66 in the Mojave is the view of the
vast, unobstructed, flat expanse of desert landscape which would be impeded by
any type of screening, either on the roadway itself or on the edge of the project
site. Furthermore, eliminating the first few rows of solar dishes would not lessen
the visual impact of the proposed project, as the views are unobstructed for
approximately 20 miles.

Although we therefore find that this impact is significant and unavoidable, we

have also determined that overriding considerations justify this impact and make
factual findings in support thereof in the Override Findings section of this

Notwithstanding the unmitigable nature of the impact, we also adopt Condition of

Certification CUL-6 requiring photodocumentation of the roadway view of the 9-
mile segment of roadway and associated landscapes and viewsheds within the
project area. The photodocumentation would include large-format negatives that
clearly depict the appearance of the property and areas of significance or the
site, perspective-corrected and fully captioned. Undertaking the HABS
recordation activities prior to certification would not affect the project’s
certification prospects. (Ex. 309, pp. C-2-128 to C-2-129.)

12. Project Closure and Decommissioning

Decommissioning of the proposed project may wholly or partially destroy all

archeological sites on the surface of the project area. (Ex. 309, p. C.2-90.) Re-
excavation and removal of SunCatchersTM and ancillary facilities could impact
cultural resources. Conditions of Certification CUL-1, CUL-2, and CUL-8 through
CUL-10 would provide for mitigating impacts to cultural resources encountered
during project decommissioning activities.

13. Project –Related Future Actions

We also consider the potential impacts of future transmission line construction,

line removal, substation expansion, and other upgrades that might be required by
SCE as a reasonably foreseeable result of the Calico Solar project if approved
and constructed as proposed. (Ex. 309, pp. C-2-136 to C-2-141.)

Cultural 60
Our focus here is on two possible upgrade scenarios:
(1) The 275 MW Early Interconnection Option – This includes upgrades to the
existing SCE system to result in 275 MW of additional latent system
capacity. The Pisgah Substation would be expanded adjacent to the
existing substation, one or two new 220kV structures would be
constructed to support the gen-tie line from the project into the Pisgah
Substation, and new telecommunications facilities would be installed
within existing rights of way.
(2) The 850 MW Full Build-Out Option – This include replacing a 67-mile 220
kV SCE transmission line with a new 500kV line, expanding the Pisgah
Substation at a new location and making other telecommunication
upgrades to allow for additional transmission system capacity to support
operation of the Calico Solar project. (Ex. 309, p. C.2-137.)

Staff produced evidence generally describing the potential environmental and

health effects that may result from these upgrades. BLM and the California
Public Utilities Commission will fully evaluate the SCE upgrades and related
projects in an Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement

Environmental Setting
The upgrades would be within the Lugo-Pisgah project area located in the
western Mojave Desert where numerous large-scale inventory projects have
been conducted. In part, these projects have defined a cultural chronology for
the area that spans the last 12,000 years. Ethnographically, the project area is
centered on the traditional lands of the Serrano, a Numic speaking group related
to the Shoshone. Between these earliest and latest Native American periods is a
rich cultural history.

The Mojave Desert is suggested to have been the area of principal point of origin
for the migration of the Numic language group, which spread northeastward into
the Great Basin and eventually the northern Colorado Plateau. Many of the
distinctive projectile point types described for the Great Basin and Southwest
culture areas may have originated in the broad geographic area of the Mojave

Native American history begins with the Clovis culture, the earliest substantively
established cultural period in the Western Hemisphere and the only “classic”
Paleo-Indian period represented in the project area. Dated from 10,000 to 8,000

61 Cultural
B.C., the Clovis period is represented by distinctive spear points with a central
flute or groove on either side of the point. These points are extremely well made
and have been found in association with extinct Pleistocene megafauna.

The evidence shows that the transition from the Pleistocene to the Holocene is
marked by significant environmental changes that resulted in equally significant
changes in human settlement and subsistence strategies. The Lake Mojave
Complex follows Clovis and subsumes several other named complexes,
including the Western Pluvial Lakes Tradition and the San Dieguito Complex,
among others. Again, the Mojave Complex is represented by a distinct projectile
point that tapers to a rounded base. Dates of the complex are ca. 8000 to 6000
B.C. The period is associated with relatively wet conditions and periodic lake
recharge in the region. Material culture for the period is dominated by a stone
tool technology geared towards a forager-like subsistence strategy. Such a
strategy reflects the frequently changing environmental conditions and patchy
resources that would be available necessitating frequent settlement shifts.

Changing environmental conditions to more arid, present-day conditions, marks

the transition to the Middle Holocene and the Pinto Complex, which overlaps
slightly with the preceding Lake Mojave Complex, and persists to about 3000
B.C. There is broad similarity with the Lake Mojave Complex, especially in
toolstone selection and overall technology; however, the Pinto Complex begins
the first extensive use of milling tools presumed to reflect the intensification of
vegetal processing. An emphasis towards plant resources probably reflects a
more predictable biotic environment. The range of settlements across the
landscape also suggests more predictable subsistence resources and
characterizes the complex overall as spatially extensive.

The evidence details the characteristics of complexes, including the Deadman

Lake Complex (7500 – 5200 B.C.) and the post 2000 B.C. Gypsum Complex,
represented by well-known projectile point styles, including the contracting
stemmed Gypsum, Elko series, and Humboldt series projectile point types. By
A.D. 200 the Rose Springs Complex marks the introduction of the bow and arrow
technology and significant population increase.

The Late Prehistoric period extends from the close of the Rose Springs Complex
ca. A.D. 1100 and ends with the ethnographically described groups occupying
the area at contact in the 16th century. It is during this period that Ancestral
Puebloan groups are known to have exploited turquoise mines and probably
interacted with resident Numic speaking Paiute and Shoshone groups. It is

Cultural 62
during this period that the postulated Numic expansion took place out of the
Mojave Desert northeastward into the Great Basin. A return of warm and dry
conditions, coupled with linguistic evidence, suggest this expansion began
sometime before A.D. 1000 (SES 2008a).

Spanish settlement of southern California took place after the first mission was
established in 1769. The Serrano, a Shoshonean group, were the primary
inhabitants of the project area. Serrano lived in large square communal houses
and practiced an extensive trade network with the coast. Secularization of the
Spanish missions in 1834 led to the development of large ranchos that extended
into the interior from the coast. Ranchos often forced Native American groups
into a form of indentured servitude. These closed, fortified communal settlements
continued after non-Mexican immigrants entered the region. Upon statehood in
1850, industrialization began with the building of railroads, including the Atchison,
Topeka & Santa Fe (AT&SF), mining, and the development of military
installations ((Ex. 309, pp C.2-137-C.2-139.)

Potential Cultural Resources.

To date, no formal file and literature review and no intensive cultural resources
inventory has taken place in the area of potential effect along the Lugo-Pisgah
right of way (ROW).

Based on the cultural resources overview presented above, it is likely that a

number of prehistoric cultural resources would be identified during inventory for
the proposed area of the 850 MW Full Build-Out upgrades. The 275 MW Early
Interconnection upgrades would require substantially less ground disturbance
and the chance of encountering cultural resources would be reduced. Likely
locations for prehistoric archaeological sites include the edges of intermittent
drainages, such as those that drain into Antelope Valley near the western end of
the project area and ultimately the terraces above the Mojave River. East of the
Mojave River it is expected that the number of prehistoric resources will decrease
as the corridor extends across Apple and Fifteen-Mile Valleys. However, the
many ephemeral drainages that bisect these areas are relict stream channels
that could have archaeological sites in association. The margins of both Rabbit
Lake and Lucerne Lake also have the potential to contain prehistoric resources.
Sites along relict stream channels and desiccated lake margins could include
prehistoric campsites and resource processing localities.

Potential historic resources include both the Pisgah and Panoche/Lugo

substations, if more than 45-years old, and the 220 kV transmission line that is to

63 Cultural
be replaced by the new 500-kV line. If these resources meet the age criteria for
consideration then a qualified architectural historian must document the
resources on appropriate Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) forms and
assess the significance and potential impact to these resources. Other potential
historic resources include the crossing of the AT&SF Railroad (two locations) and
the California Aqueduct. Numerous other transmission lines would also be
crossed. (Ex. 309, p. C.2-139.)

Environmental Impacts
Impacts to cultural resources are unknown pending a formal file and literature
review and intensive inventory. Since the proposed 500 kV transmission line
corridor would follow an existing ROW for much of its proposed length, it is
possible that impacts to cultural resources would be lower due to prior impacts.
New construction would have the potential to adversely affect cultural resources
from ROW/access road construction, blading, equipment storage, pole
placement, substation expansion and line installation.

Ground disturbance, the presence of vehicles driving over the top of sites and the
installation of new towers could damage archaeological resources. After the work
area is defined and after archaeological and historic surveys are complete in any
areas that have not been protocol-level surveyed previously by SCE,
archaeological sites or historic resources within the built environment may be
identified. Depending on when they were built, if the existing SCE 220 kV line or
the Pisgah and Panoche/Lugo Substations are determined eligible for the
National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), the upgrades and removal effort
would result in an impact to historical resources. Other potential historic
resources include the crossing of the AT&SF Railroad (two locations) and the
California Aqueduct. Whether the impact is significant would need to be
determined after the line, substations and/or other infrastructure are evaluated.

Some new lines would be installed in places where there were none previously,
and some existing overhead lines would have structures retrofitted and replaced
along existing lines. The trench for undergrounding for the Pisgah-Gale fiber
optic cable (under the 275 MW Early Interconnection) would normally be
excavated in an existing underground cable trench or in a new 600-foot-long
trench near the SCE Pisgah Substation, and trenching would not come within 12
inches from any existing fence, wall, or outbuilding associated with an adjacent
property. Therefore, there would be no potential to adversely impact the physical
condition of existing above-ground cultural resources. The only potential to
adversely impact existing above-ground cultural resources would arise from a

Cultural 64
change in the visual setting of the property due to the addition of taller poles or
new poles, new overhead lines, and new substation equipment depending on the
location in the project area.

Any potential for the project to impact cultural resources would be limited to
undiscovered below-ground cultural deposits. It is possible that buried cultural
deposits could be encountered during ground disturbing project activities including
trenching for the installation of underground fiber optic cables, during ground
disturbance associated with the removal or installation of transmission structures,
or ground disturbance associated with the expansion at the Pisgah Substation.
The 275 MW Early Interconnection upgrades would require substantially less
ground disturbance than the 850 MW Full Build-Out, and the chance of impacting
cultural resources would be reduced. (Ex. 309, p. C-2-140.)

Prior to the start of construction, cultural resources sites would be identified and
avoided by vehicles and construction activities. After the construction area has
been identified and after work for Section 106 has been completed, Staff
recommends that the archeological sites be evaluated for eligibility for listing in
the NRHP or CRHR if it appears that any would be affected by the project. Sites
that have been evaluated as “not eligible” would warrant no further consideration
and avoidance will be required.

Sites that have not been evaluated and sites that are considered “potentially
eligible” should be treated as eligible resources pending formal evaluation. If
found to meet age and significance criteria, the historic resources identified
above, including the substations and the existing 220 kV transmission line, would
require Level 1 Historic American Engineering Records (HAER) be completed in
order to mitigate adverse effects. The crossing of the AT&SF railroad, other
historic transmission lines, and the California Aqueduct would likely result in the
determination of no adverse effect.

Staff recommends conducting data recovery as a mitigation measure for

archaeological sites that are recommended as eligible to the CRHR or NRHP
and would be impacted by the project. Monitoring of project-related excavation
within an archaeological site is not appropriate mitigation and may destroy the
site. SCE should comply with provisions of the National Historic Preservation Act
and should consult with a California State Historic Preservation Officer regarding
appropriate mitigation should any cultural materials be encountered during
construction or other ground-disturbing activities.

65 Cultural
In the event of a site discovery during project implementation, all work shall stop
in the immediate area in order to afford time for documentation, evaluation, and
consultation between the lead federal agency, the California State Historic
Preservation Officer (SHPO), and all consulting tribes if a discovery is aboriginal
in origin. Consultation with the above entities would ensue regardless of whether
the discovery is located on private or federal lands. If consultation determines
that the discovery is eligible for the NRHP, a consideration of effects should be
undertaken pursuant to 36 CFR 800.5 of the National Historic Preservation Act
(NHPA, 1966, as amended). If consultation results in a determination of adverse
effects to a historic property, mitigation measures would be proposed and
implemented following consultation with the California SHPO, the lead federal
agency, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP), and all consulting
Tribes, if necessary. Avoidance would be the preferable mitigation measure in all
instances. (Ex. 309, pp. C-2-140 to C-2-141.)

Staff’s analysis further indicates that while SCE would attempt to avoid effects to
known cultural sites, it is possible that the corridors have sensitive cultural
resources that may not be avoidable and could be affected. Thus, with
implementation of Conditions of Certification adopted herein, it would be possible
to mitigate all impacts to cultural resources to less than a significant level and to
implement recommended measures that apply to cultural resources. Known
sensitive areas would be avoided and construction activities would be monitored.
(Ex. 309, p.C.2-141.)

14. Cumulative Impacts

The geographic area considered for cumulative impacts on cultural resources is

the Calico Solar Project area (Newberry Springs/Ludlow area). Future
development projects in the immediate Newberry Springs/Ludlow area have also
been identified. The following projects or developments are considered most
relevant to effects on cultural resources. (Ex 309, p. 309, p C-2-142, See also Ex.
300, §B.3, Tables 1A, 1B, 2, 3, Figures 1 - 3):

Cultural 66
Project Location
Twentynine Palms Marine Corps Air Morongo Basin (to the south of project
Ground Combat Center (MCAGCC) site)
SEGS I and II Near Daggett (17 miles west of project
CACTUS (formerly Solar One and Solar Near Daggett (to the west of project
Two) site)
Mine 2 miles west of project site along I-40
Mine 14 miles west of project site along I-40

According to the evidence, cultural resources in the geographic area have been
impacted by past and currently approved projects in the following ways:

1. Because cultural resources are non-renewable, the removal or destruction

of any resource results in a net loss of resources

2. Existing development in the Newbury Springs/Ludlow area and the

surrounding areas has resulted in the removal or destruction of cultural
resources, which has resulted in a net loss of resources in these areas
Cultural resources are also expected to be further affected by the following
reasonably foreseeable future projects:

SES Solar Three (CACA 47702)

SES Solar Six (CACA 49540)
SCE Pisgah Substation Expansion
Pisgah-Lugo transmission upgrade
Twentynine Palms Expansion
Broadwell BrightSource (CACA 48875)
Wind project (CACA 48629)
Wind Project (CACA 48667)
Wind project (CACA 48472)
Twin Mountain Rock Venture
Solar thermal (CACA 49429)
Proposed National Monument (former Catellus Lands)
BLM Renewable Energy Study Areas
SES Solar Three (CACA 47702)
SES Solar Six (CACA 49540)
SCE Pisgah Substation Expansion
Pisgah-Lugo transmission upgrade
Twentynine Palms Expansion
Broadwell BrightSource (CACA 48875)

67 Cultural
Wind project (CACA 48629)
Wind Project (CACA 48667)
Wind project (CACA 48472)
Twin Mountain Rock Venture
Solar thermal (CACA 49429)
Proposed National Monument (former Catellus Lands)
BLM Renewable Energy Study Areas

In combination with the above-identified projects, the construction of the Calico

Solar project would likely result in permanent adverse impacts related to the
removal or partial destruction of archaeological resources on the project site
during construction-related ground disturbance. As discussed above, the
construction of the proposed project would also result in unmitigable adverse
impacts to several built-environment resources, particularly a contributing
segment of U.S. Route 66, due to the profound visual intrusion of the project on
the landscape.

It is further expected that the construction of some or all of the foreseeable

cumulative projects which are not yet built may also result in the permanent,
potentially unmitigable, adverse impacts as a result of the removal or partial
destruction of the archaeological resources on the sites for those projects and as
a result of the visual intrusion of some of these projects on Mojave Desert vistas.

The construction of the Calico Solar Project and other foreseeable cumulative
projects will contribute to permanent long term, potentially unmitigable, adverse
impacts as a result of the physical degradation of and visual intrusion on
significant cultural resources on those sites and an overall net reduction in
cultural resources in the area.

Project operation may also result in similar impacts as a result of some or all of
the cumulative projects, as more people come into this area associated with
those new land uses. As a result, operation the Calico Solar Project and the
other cumulative projects may contribute to a cumulative adverse impact on
cultural resources as a result in increased access to the area and the potential
for increased vandalism, illegal collection of artifacts, and/or destruction of
resources during operation related activities. (Ex. 309, pp. C-2-141 to C-2-144.)
To minimize the region-wide, significant cumulative impacts to less than
significant levels, we adopt Conditions of Certification CUL-1 through CUL-10.

Cultural 68
15. Compliance with LORS

Projects licensed by the Energy Commission are reviewed to ensure compliance

with all applicable laws. Although the Energy Commission has pre-emptive
authority over local laws, it typically ensures compliance with local laws,
ordinances, regulations, standards, plans, and policies. The BLM is responsible
for compliance with NEPA and Section 106 of the NHPA.

The evidence discussed above establishes that, if Conditions of Certification

CUL-1 through CUL-11 are properly implemented, the proposed project would be
in compliance with CEQA and all applicable state laws, ordinances, regulations,
and standards (LORS). The applicable LORS are identified in Appendix A to
this Decision, and resolve effects under Section 106 of the NHPA on known and
newly found cultural resources. The Applicant proposed CUL-11 to ensure
compliance with the requirement of California Health and Safety Code section
7050.5 if human remains are encountered.

Specifically with respect to local LORS, the County of San Bernardino’s General
Plan has general language promoting the county-wide preservation of cultural
resources. The Conditions of Certification require specific actions to promote
and effect historic preservation and mitigate impacts to all cultural resources.
Thus, if the project owner implements the Conditions, its actions would be
consistent with the County’s historic preservation goals.

16. Response to Comments

Intervenor California Unions for Reliable Energy (CURE) commented on the

cultural resources section of the SA/DEIS relating to opportunities for meaningful
public participation in the proceedings, the sufficiency of environmental setting
description and data relating to potentially significant impacts to cultural
resources. Those comments, and Staff’s responses, are more fully set forth in
the SSA, Ex. 309, pages C.2-145 through C.2-147. We have carefully
considered the comments and responses, and that consideration is reflected in
our discussion of this topic and our findings. No public comments were received.


Based on the evidence, the Commission makes the following findings and
reaches the following conclusions:

69 Cultural
1. Without mitigation, the Calico Solar project would have a significant direct
impact on historically significant archaeological resources.

2. Without mitigation, the Calico Solar project has the potential to have a
significant indirect impact on contributors to a historically significant
cultural landscape, including ethnographic resources.

3. There are resources within the proposed Calico Solar site footprint and
linear facilities corridor that are eligible or assumed eligible for listing in the
NRHP and the CRHR.
4. Tribal governments have been contacted for a Section 106 consultation.

5. The project will result in a significant and unavoidable visual impairment

impact to a segment of historic U.S. Route 66 by altering the vast, open
landscape that is a character-defining feature of that section of Route 66;
overriding considerations justify approving this project despite this and
other significant unmitigated impacts as is more fully explained in the
Override Findings section of this Decision.
6. Conditions of Certification CUL-1 through CUL-11 ensure that all direct,
indirect, and cumulative impacts to cultural resources will be mitigated to
insignificant levels.


1. With implementation of the Conditions of Certification below, the Calico

Solar Project will conform to all applicable laws, ordinances, regulations,
and standards relating to cultural resources as set forth in the pertinent
portion of Appendix A of this Decision.

2. Even with implementation of the Conditions of Certification the project will

have a significant and unavoidable impact to a segment of U.S. Route 66
by altering the Route’s viewscape in the project vicinity. All other potential
direct, indirect, and cumulative cultural resources impacts are mitigated to
insignificant levels.


CUL-1 Prior to the start of ground disturbance (includes “preconstruction site

mobilization,” “ground disturbance,” and “construction grading, boring,
and trenching,” as defined in the General Conditions for this project),
the project owner shall obtain the services of a Cultural Resources

Cultural 70
Specialist (CRS) and one or more alternate CRSs (at the project
owner’s option).
The CRS shall manage all cultural resources monitoring, mitigation,
curation, and reporting activities in accordance with the Conditions of
Certification (Conditions). The CRS may elect to obtain the services of
Cultural Resources Monitors (CRMs) and other technical specialists, if
needed, to assist in monitoring, mitigation, and curation activities. The
project owner shall ensure that the CRS makes recommendations
regarding the eligibility for listing in the California Register of Historical
Resources (CRHR) of any cultural resources that are newly discovered
or that may be affected in an unanticipated manner. No ground
disturbance shall occur prior to Compliance Project Manager (CPM)
approval of the CRS and alternates, unless such activities are
specifically approved by the CPM.

Approval of a CRS may be denied or revoked for reasons including but

not limited to non-compliance on this or other Energy Commission
projects. After all ground disturbance is completed and the CRS has
fulfilled all responsibilities specified in these cultural resources
conditions, the project owner may discharge the CRS, if the CPM
approves. With the discharge of the CRS, these cultural resources
conditions no longer apply to the activities of this power plant.

Cultural Resources Specialist

The resumes for the CRS and alternate(s) shall include information
demonstrating to the satisfaction of the CPM that their training and
backgrounds conform to the U.S. Secretary of Interior’s Professional
Qualifications Standards, as published in Title 36, Code of Federal
Regulations, part 61 (36 C.F.R., part 61). In addition, the CRS shall
have the following qualifications:
1. The CRS’s qualifications shall be appropriate to the needs of the
project and shall include a background in anthropology,
archaeology, history, architectural history, or a related field;
2. At least three years of archaeological or historical, as appropriate
(per nature of predominant cultural resources on the project site),
resource mitigation and field experience in California; and
3. At least one year of experience in a decision-making capacity on
cultural resources projects in California and the appropriate training
and experience to knowledgably make recommendations regarding
the significance of cultural resources.
The resumes of the CRS and alternate CRS shall include the names
and telephone numbers of contacts familiar with the work of the
CRS/alternate CRS on referenced projects and demonstrate to the

71 Cultural
satisfaction of the CPM that the CRS/alternate CRS has the appropriate
training and experience to implement effectively the Conditions.

Cultural Resources Monitors

CRMs shall have the following qualifications:

1. a B.S. or B.A. degree in anthropology, archaeology, historical

archaeology, or a related field, and one year experience monitoring
in California; or

2. an A.S. or A.A. degree in anthropology, archaeology, historical

archaeology, or a related field, and four years experience
monitoring in California; or

3. enrollment in upper division classes pursuing a degree in the fields

of anthropology, archaeology, historical archaeology, or a related
field, and two years of monitoring experience in California.

Cultural Resources Technical Specialists

The resume(s) of any additional technical specialist(s), e.g., historical
archaeologist, historian, architectural historian, and/or physical
anthropologist, shall be submitted to the CPM for approval.
Verification: At least 45 days prior to the start of ground disturbance, the
project owner shall submit the resume for the CRS, and alternate(s) if desired, to
the CPM for review and approval.
At least 10 days prior to a termination or release of the CRS, or within 10 days
after the resignation of a CRS, the project owner shall submit the resume of the
proposed new CRS to the CPM for review and approval. At the same time, the
project owner shall also provide to the proposed new CRS the AFC and all
cultural resources documents, field notes, photographs, and other cultural
resources materials generated by the project. If no alternate CRS is available to
assume the duties of the CRS, a monitor may serve in place of a CRS so that
ground disturbance may continue up to a maximum of 3 days without a CRS. If
cultural resources are discovered then ground disturbance will remain halted until
there is a CRS or alternate CRS to make a recommendation regarding
At least 20 days prior to ground disturbance, the CRS shall provide a letter
naming anticipated CRMs for the project and stating that the identified CRMs
meet the minimum qualifications for cultural resources monitoring required by this
At least 5 days prior to additional CRMs beginning on-site duties during the
project, the CRS shall provide letters to the CPM identifying the new CRMs and
attesting to their qualifications.

Cultural 72
At least 10 days prior to any technical specialists, other than CRMS, beginning
tasks, the resume(s) of the specialists shall be provided to the CPM for review
and approval.
At least 10 days prior to the start of ground disturbance, the project owner shall
confirm in writing to the CPM that the approved CRS will be available for onsite
work and is prepared to implement the cultural resources conditions.

CUL-2 Prior to the start of ground disturbance, if the CRS has not previously
worked on the project, the project owner shall provide the CRS with
copies of the AFC, data responses, confidential cultural resources
reports (upon BLM approval), and the Energy Commission’s
Supplemental Staff Assessment Part II (SSA Part II) and the BLM’s
Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the project. The
project owner shall also provide the CRS and the CPM with maps and
drawings showing the footprints of the power plant, all linear facility
routes, all access roads, and all laydown areas. Maps shall include the
appropriate USGS quadrangles and a map at an appropriate scale
(e.g., 1:2400 or 1” = 200’) for plotting cultural features or materials. If
the CRS requests enlargements or strip maps for linear facility routes,
the project owner shall provide copies to the CRS and CPM. The CPM
shall review map submittals and, in consultation with the CRS, approve
those that are appropriate for use in cultural resources planning
activities. No ground disturbance shall occur prior to CPM approval of
maps and drawings, unless such activities are specifically approved by
the CPM.
If construction of the project would proceed in phases, maps and
drawings not previously provided shall be provided to the CRS and
CPM prior to the start of each phase. Written notice identifying the
proposed schedule of each project phase shall be provided to the CRS
and CPM.
Weekly, until ground disturbance is completed, the project construction
manager shall provide to the CRS and CPM a schedule of project
activities for the following week, including the identification of area(s)
where ground disturbance will occur during that week.
The project owner shall notify the CRS and CPM of any changes to the
scheduling of the construction phases.
Verification: At least 15 days prior to the start of ground disturbance, the
project owner shall provide the AFC, data responses, confidential cultural
resources documents, the SSA Part II, and the FEIS to the CRS, if needed, and
the subject maps and drawings to the CRS and CPM. The CPM will review
submittals in consultation with the CRS and approve maps and drawings suitable
for cultural resources planning activities.Project owner shall submit confidential
information to the CPM, only after receiving approval from the BLM.

73 Cultural
At least 15 days prior to the start of ground disturbance, if there are changes to
any project-related footprint, the project owner shall provide revised maps and
drawings for the changes to the CRS and CPM.
At least 15 days prior to the start of each phase of a phased project, the project
owner shall submit the appropriate maps and drawings, if not previously
provided, to the CRS and CPM.
Weekly, during ground disturbance, a current schedule of anticipated project
activity shall be provided to the CRS and CPM by letter, e-mail, or fax.
Within 5 days of changing the scheduling of phases of a phased project, the
project owner shall provide written notice of the changes to the CRS and CPM.

CUL-3 Changes to the proposed project or to the character of its construction,

operation, and maintenance that may become necessary subsequent to
the approval of the project, were such approval to occur, may in turn
require the re-consideration of the extent of the original project area.
Where such changes indicate the need to alter the original project area
to include additional lands that were not elements of analysis during the
certification process, the effects of any proposed changes on historical
resources that may be on such lands would need to be taken into
account. Changes in the character of the construction, operation, and
maintenance of the proposed project may include such actions as
decisions to use non-commercial borrow or disposal sites.
Upon the recognition that proposed changes to the project would
require the use of lands that were not a part of the original project area
of analysis, the project owner shall ensure that the CRS surveys any
such lands for cultural resources and record each newly found resource
on DPR 523 Series forms. Exceptions would be made to this protocol in
cases where cultural resources surveys no greater than five years in
age are documented for the entirety of the subject lands and approved
by the CPM. Where new cultural resources surveys are warranted, the
project owner shall convey the results of such surveys, along with the
CRS’s recommendations for further action, to the CPM, who will
determine whether further action is necessary. If the CPM determines
that historical resources may be present and that any such resource
may be subject to a substantial adverse change in its significance, the
project owner shall ensure that the CRS provides the CPM with
substantiated recommendations on whether each such resource is
eligible for listing in the CRHR and recommendations for the resolution
of any such significant effects. The CRS, the project owner, and the
CPM shall then confer on said recommendations, and, upon the
concurrence of the CPM with those recommendations, the project
owner shall ensure that the CRS proceeds to implement them, and
reports on the methods and the results of any such work in the final
Cultural Resources Report (CRR) (CUL-8).

Cultural 74
Verification: Upon the recognition that proposed changes to the project or to
the character of the construction, operation, and maintenance of the project
would require the use of lands that were not a part of the original project area,
the project owner shall notify the CRS and CPM. The project owner shall then
provide, for CPM review and approval, documentation of any cultural resources
surveys five years or less in age that exist for the additional lands.
At least 105 days prior to the use of the new additional project area lands, in the
absence of any such cultural resources surveys or when the extant cultural
resources surveys do not cover the entirety of the lands to be added to the
project area, the project owner shall ensure that the CRS surveys the additional
lands for cultural resources, notifies the project owner and the CPM of the results
of the new cultural resources survey, and recommends further action.
No more than 15 days subsequent to the receipt of the information in verification
2, CUL-3, above, the CPM shall determine whether historical resources may be
present and whether any such resources may be subject to substantial adverse
changes in significance.
At least 60 days prior to the use of the new additional project area lands, if the
CPM determines that historical resources may be subject to substantial adverse
changes in significance, the project owner shall ensure that the CRS provides the
CPM with substantiated evaluations, based on archival and field research, on
whether each such resource is eligible for listing in the CRHR and
recommendations for the resolution of any potential significant effects.
For no longer than 15 days, the project owner, the CRS, and the CPM shall
confer about the above evaluations and recommendations, and, upon the
concurrence of the CPM with those evaluations and recommendations, the
project owner shall ensure that the CRS proceeds to resolve any significant
effects pursuant to the above recommendations prior to the use of the new
additional project area lands.
The project owner shall ensure that the CRS reports on the methods and the
results of all such work in the CRR (CUL-7).
Project owner shall submit confidential information to the CPM, only after
receiving approval from the BLM.

CUL-4 Prior to the start of ground disturbance, the project owner shall develop,
prepare, and implement a series of protocols the purposes of which will
be to gather and analyze information to refine the assessments of the
historical significance of the archaeological resources in the project
area of analysis. The project owner shall prepare and submit, for the
review and approval of the CPM and consistent with the guidance found
in the February 1990 “Archaeological Resource Management Reports
(ARMR): Recommended Contents and Format” and the February 1991
“Guidelines for Archaeological Research Designs,” separate protocols
for the CRHR evaluation of each archaeological site type or site type
group in the CPM-approved, final archaeological resource taxonomy

75 Cultural
and for each archaeological district, landscape, or other large-scale
archaeological resource in the subject taxonomy. A field methodology
will be included in each protocol which outlines a representative sample
of 20% of each of the site types which would be selected for further
evaluation. Ground disturbance on or in the vicinity of sites selected for
evaluation may not commence until the evaluation reports have been
completed. Ground disturbance may begin on portions of the project
area which do not contain sites selected for further evaluation, subject
to the construction monitoring provisions of CUL-9. Among the large-
scale resources that the project owner shall explicitly are a prehistoric
archaeological landscape that encompasses the numerous and diverse
individual prehistoric archaeological sites across the desert pavements
in the southern portion of the project area, a potential historical
archaeological gravel mining district over roughly the western to west-
central portion of the project area, and the archaeological remnants of
the segment of the National Trails Road in the project area that may be
a contributing element to a National Trails Road historic district.
Each CRHR evaluation protocol shall include, at a minimum, the
following elements:
1. A background research section which develops interpretive
contexts germane to each protocol and which presents information
on previous research in the vicinity of the project area, generally,
and on previous research on the specific resource types under
consideration in the respective protocols.
2. An evaluation phase research design which, in the case of
protocols prepared for individual archaeological resource types or
type groups, should include a rationalized 20% sample of the
resources in a type or type group, rather than a protocol structured
to sample 100 percent of the population of a type or type group,
and which explicitly takes into account extant information on the
subject resources.
3. A detailed and explicit field methodology tailored to acquire the data
necessary to address specific research questions.
4. Provisions for specialists to be present on site and specialized
laboratory analyses of recovered cultural materials where feasible
and if determined necessary to complete CRHR evaluation.
5. Provisions for laboratory analyses of chronometric samples, and
organic remains and residues , where feasible and if determined
necessary to complete CRHR evaluation .
Where defensible relative to archaeological theory, the project owner
may submit documents that, within a single document, tier several
separate evaluation protocols from common background research. In
such documents, the project owner would develop and present

Cultural 76
germane prehistoric or historic contexts and present a general review of
previous archaeological research in the project area vicinity before
laying out the specific evaluation protocols for particular archaeological
resources by reviewing previous archaeological research specific to a
resource type, type group, or large-scale resource, and then developing
and presenting custom research designs for those particular resources.
Subsequent to the completion of the implementation of each protocol,
the project owner shall prepare and submit, for the review and approval
of the CPM, separate reports on the results of the implementation of
each protocol, on the analysis and interpretation of that data, and on
the CRHR evaluation of the resource type, type group, or large-scale
resource that a subject protocol addresses.
Each CRHR evaluation report shall include, unless otherwise
determined by the CPM , the following elements:

1. Synopses of the background research section, evaluation phase

research design, field methodology, and material culture,
chronometric, and organic analyses as set out in the relevant
original evaluation protocol.

2. A detailed, explicit, illustrated presentation of the results of the field

and laboratory work done under the relevant protocol.

3. An analysis and behavioral interpretation of data from previous

research and of field and laboratory data acquired as the result of
the implementation of the relevant protocol.

4. Formal evaluation of the specific resource types relative to the

CRHR program.

The project owner may lump the evaluation reports into report
documents that reflect any prior approved protocol documents that
contain more than one protocol.

Should an agreement document be executed in consideration of the

proposed action pursuant to 36 CFR §§ 800.6 or 800.14(b) among the
Bureau of Land Management or other Federal agencies, and the
California State Historic Preservation Officer, with or without the
participation of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and
should that document provide for the collection of factual evidence
sufficient to substantiate the evaluation of the California Register of
Historical Resources eligibility of those potentially effected
archaeological resources, as determined by the CPM, then the
applicant shall adhere to the executed agreement document to mitigate
any significant effects. The requirements as set out in the executed
agreement document shall supersede the requirements set out above

77 Cultural
and the requirements set out above would have no further force or

Should the executed agreement document be amended in such a

manner that it no longer can be reasonably judged to provide for the
collection of factual evidence sufficient to substantiate the evaluation of
the California Register of Historical Resources eligibility of those
potentially effected archaeological resources, as determined by the
CPM, or should the executed agreement document be terminated prior
to the complete implementation of the mitigation measures set out in it,
then the project owner shall implement the above requirements, in
addition to any measures set out under the amended agreement
document and in addition to any measures that may have been partially
completed prior to the termination of said agreement.
Verification: At least 15 days prior to the start of ground disturbance, the
project owner shall have submitted all CRHR evaluation protocols to the CPM for
review and approval . CPM review will take no longer than 5 days.
At least 60 days prior to the start of ground disturbance, which would impact
sites selected for further evaluation , the project owner shall have submitted all
CRHR evaluation reports to the CPM for review and approval.
Project owner shall submit confidential information to the CPM, only after
receiving approval from the BLM.
CUL-5 Prior to the start of ground disturbance, the project owner shall submit
the CRMMP, as prepared by or under the direction of the CRS, to the
CPM for review and approval. The CRMMP shall follow the content and
organization of the draft model CRMMP, provided by the CPM, and the
authors’ name(s) shall appear on the title page of the CRMMP. The
CRMMP shall identify general and specific measures to minimize
potential impacts to sensitive cultural resources. Implementation of the
CRMMP shall be the responsibility of the CRS and the project owner.
Copies of the CRMMP shall reside with the CRS, alternate CRS, each
CRM, and the project owner’s on-site construction manager. No ground
disturbance shall occur prior to CPM approval of the CRMMP, unless
such activities are specifically approved by the CPM.
The CRMMP shall include, but not be limited to, the following elements
and measures:

1. The following statement included in the Introduction: “Any

discussion, summary, or paraphrasing of the Conditions of
Certification in this CRMMP is intended as general guidance and as
an aid to the user in understanding the Conditions and their
implementation. The conditions, as written in the Commission
Decision, shall supersede any summarization, description, or
interpretation of the conditions in the CRMMP. The Cultural

Cultural 78
Resources Conditions of Certification from the Commission
Decision are contained in Appendix A.”
2. A proposed general research design that includes a discussion of
archaeological research questions and testable hypotheses
specifically applicable to the project area, and a discussion of
artifact collection, retention/disposal, and curation policies as
related to the research questions formulated in the research design.
The research design will specify that the preferred treatment
strategy for any buried archaeological deposits is avoidance.
Specific mitigation plans shall be prepared and submitted, for the
review and approval of the CPM, for any unavoidable significant
effects to archaeological resource types, type groups, or large-
scale archaeological resources determined by the process in CUL-
4 to be eligible for listing in the CRHR. Specific mitigation plans
shall also be prepared and submitted, pursuant to CUL-6, for the
review and approval of the CPM, for the unmitigable significant
effects that the project will have on U.S. Route 66, and for any
other significant effects that the project may have on other
significant built-environment resources. Prescriptive treatment
plans for construction-related discoveries may also be included in
the CRMMP for limited archaeological resource types.
3. Indication of how recovered materials and records will be
disposed, taking into account the expressed wishes of the
consulting Native Americans.
4. Inclusion of a schedule for providing the consulting Native
Americans with periodic updates on implementation of the
Treatment Plan.
5. Inclusion of a schedule for completing a final data recovery and
discovery report and specify when and to whom this report will be
6. Inclusion of a curation agreement that ensures that all materials
(other than Native American human remains and grave-associated
materials) and records are maintained in accordance with 36 CFR
Part 79. Materials recovered from privately owned lands, other
than Native American human remains and grave-associated
materials, that are to be returned to their owners, will be maintained
in accordance with 36 CFR Part 79 until their analysis is completed.
7. Specification of the manner in which human remains and grave-
associated artifacts recovered during data recovery or discovered
during subsequent construction will be treated according to the
applicable laws and regulations, and in consultation with the wishes
of the consulting Native Americans.

79 Cultural
8. Specification of the implementation sequence and the estimated
time frames needed to accomplish all project-related tasks during
the ground-disturbance and post-ground–disturbance analysis
phases of the project.
9. Identification of the person(s) expected to perform each of the
tasks, their responsibilities, and the reporting relationships between
project construction management and the mitigation and monitoring
10 A description of the manner in which Native American observers or
monitors will be included, the procedures to be used to select them,
and their role and responsibilities.
11. A description of all impact-avoidance measures (such as flagging or
fencing) to prohibit or otherwise restrict access to sensitive
resource areas that are to be avoided during ground disturbance,
construction, and/or operation, and identification of areas where
these measures are to be implemented. The description shall
address how these measures would be implemented prior to the
start of ground disturbance and how long they would be needed to
protect the resources from project-related effects.
12. A statement that all encountered cultural resources over 50 years
old shall be recorded on Department of Parks and Recreation
(DPR) 523 forms and mapped and photographed. In addition, all
archaeological materials retained as a result of the archaeological
investigations (survey, testing, data recovery) shall be curated in
accordance with the California State Historical Resources
Commission’s Guidelines for the Curation of Archaeological
Collections, into a retrievable storage collection in a public
repository or museum.
13. A statement that the project owner will pay all curation fees for
artifacts recovered and for related documentation produced during
cultural resources investigations conducted for the project. The
project owner shall identify three possible curation facilities that
could accept cultural resources materials resulting from project
14. A statement that the CRS has access to equipment and supplies
necessary for site mapping, photography, and recovery of any
cultural resource materials that are encountered during ground
disturbance and cannot be treated prescriptively.
15. A description of the contents, format, and review and approval
process of the final Cultural Resource Report (CRR), which shall be
prepared according to ARMR guidelines.

Cultural 80
Verification: Upon approval of the CRS proposed by the project owner, the
CPM will provide to the project owner an electronic copy of the draft model
CRMMP for the CRS.
At least 30 days prior to the start of ground disturbance, the project owner shall
submit the CRMMP to the CPM for review and approval.
At least 30 days prior to the start of ground disturbance, in a letter to the CPM,
the project owner shall agree to pay curation fees for any materials generated or
collected as a result of the archaeological investigations (survey, testing, and
data recovery).
Within 90 days after completion of ground disturbance (including landscaping), if
cultural materials requiring curation were generated or collected, the project
owner shall provide to the CPM a copy of an agreement with, or other written
commitment from, a curation facility that meets the standards stated in the
California State Historical Resources Commission’s Guidelines for the Curation
of Archaeological Collections, to accept the cultural materials from this project.
Any agreements concerning curation will be retained and available for audit for
the life of the project.
Project owner shall submit confidential information to the CPM, only after
receiving approval from the BLM.

CUL-6 Prior to the start of ground disturbance the project owner shall complete
Historic American Landscape Survey (HALS) large-format photographs
(with negatives), sketch plan(s), and written documentation of the 9-
mile long segment of U.S. Route 66, including its landscape, viewshed,
and character-defining features within the project area from the
roadway. In total, no more than fifteen negatives will be prepared. The
written component shall be equivalent to HALS Level II documentation.
Photographs shall be keyed to a locational map, which shall also
include any bridges or culverts associated with the road.
The project owner shall ensure that archivally stable original
photographs and negatives (HALS Level III), written documentation
(HALS Level II) are submitted to the following repositories and agencies
for archival storage and public use: California Historical Resources
Information System (CHRIS) (to receive the original set), the County of
San Bernardino, California Energy Commission, and the Bureau of
Land Management. The project owner shall be responsible for any
associated curation fees. Documentation may also be submitted to the
HALS program for archival storage.
Documentation shall adhere to the established HALS recordation
guidelines and be undertaken and completed by a person meeting the
U.S. Secretary of Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards for
history or architectural history , as published in Title 36, Code of
Federal Regulations, part 61 (36 C.F.R., part 61) and a qualified
architectural photographer. The resumes of the qualified personnel

81 Cultural
and architectural photographer shall include the names and telephone
numbers of contacts familiar with their work on referenced projects and
demonstrate to the satisfaction of the CPM that the qualified personnel
and architectural photographer have the appropriate training and
experience to effectively implement this condition. The applicant may
undertake the HALS level-photographic and written recordation
activities prior to certification. The applicant undertaking such activities
would do so, at their own risk, as a means of advantaging their
The project owner shall submit the final HALS level-photographic and
written documentation to the CPM for review and approval. The final
written report shall be provided in the format specified by the HALS
Level II guidelines and photographic documentation shall be provided
in the format specified by HALS Level III guidelines. The applicant
may undertake the HALS recordation activities prior to certification.
The applicant undertaking such activities would do so, at their own risk,
as a means of advantaging their schedule.
The HALS documentation shall be submitted to a local repository,
approved by the CPM, to be displayed in an area easily accessible by
the public. The display shall include photographs of the project site
and include a written history of Route 66 and its significance in the
eastern Mojave, to be reviewed and approved by the CPM prior to
Should an agreement document be executed in consideration of the
proposed action pursuant to 36 CFR §§ 800.6 or 800.14(b) among the
Bureau of Land Management or other Federal agencies, and the
California State Historic Preservation Officer, with or without the
participation of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and
should that document provide for more intensive HALS Level I or II
documentation than the requirements set out above, as determined by
the CPM, then the applicant shall adhere to the more stringent
requirements in the executed agreement document to mitigate the
significant effects of the proposed action on US Route 66. The
requirements as set out in the executed agreement document, as they
apply to US Route 66, shall supersede the lesser requirements set out
above and those lesser requirements would have no further force or
effect. Should the executed agreement document be amended in such
a manner that the mitigation measures for US Route 66 become less
stringent than those set out above, as determined by the CPM, or
should the agreement document be terminated prior to the complete
implementation of the US Route 66 mitigation measures set out in it,
then the project owner shall implement all of the above requirements, in
addition to any measures set out under the amended agreement
document and in addition to any measures that may have been partially
completed prior to the termination of said agreement.

Cultural 82
Verification: At least 25 days prior to the start of ground disturbance, the
project owner shall submit the resume for the qualified personnel and
architectural photographer to the CPM for review and approval . CPM review will
take no longer than 5 days .
At least 15 days prior to the start of ground disturbance, the project owner shall
submit the draft HALS report to the CPM for review and approvalCPM review will
take no longer than 5 days.
Within 15 days after the CPM approval of the HALS report, the project owner
shall provide documentation to the CPM confirming that copies of the final report
have been provided to the CHRIS, and the HALS. CPM review will take no
longer than 5 days .
Within 10 days after CPM approval of the HALS report, the project owner shall
provide documentation to the CPM confirming that copies of the final report have
been provided to CHRIS, County of San Bernardino, and Bureau of Land
Management .
At least 60 days prior to the completion of Phase 1 construction, the project
owner shall submit to the CPM for review and approval , the photographs of the
project site and written history that is to be submitted to the local repository.
At least 120 days after the completion of Phase 1 construction, the project owner
shall submit evidence that the photographs of the project site and written history
has been submitted to the local repository .
CUL-7 The project owner shall submit the final Cultural Resources Report
(CRR) to the CPM for approval. The final CRR shall be written by or
under the direction of the CRS and shall be provided in the ARMR
format. The final CRR shall report on all field activities including dates,
times and locations, results, samplings, and analyses. All survey
reports, Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) 523 Series forms,
data recovery reports, and any additional research reports not
previously submitted to the California Historical Resource Information
System (CHRIS) and the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO)
shall be included as appendices to the final CRR.
If the project owner requests a suspension of ground disturbance
and/or construction activities, then a draft CRR that covers all cultural
resources activities associated with the project shall be prepared by the
CRS and submitted to the CPM for review and approval on the same
day as the suspension/extension request. The draft CRR shall be
retained at the project site in a secure facility until ground disturbance
and/or construction resumes or the project is withdrawn. If the project is
withdrawn, then a final CRR shall be submitted to the CPM for review
and approval at the same time as the withdrawal request.
Verification: Within 30 days after requesting a suspension of construction
activities, the project owner shall submit a draft CRR to the CPM for review and

83 Cultural
approval . Project owner shall submit confidential information to the CPM, only
after receiving approval from the BLM .
Within 90 days after completion of ground disturbance (including landscaping),
the project owner shall submit the final CRR to the CPM for review and approval.
If any reports have previously been sent to the CHRIS, then receipt letters from
the CHRIS or other verification of receipt shall be included in an appendix.
Within 10 days after CPM approval of the CRR, the project owner shall provide
documentation to the CPM confirming that copies of the final CRR have been
provided to the SHPO, the CHRIS, the curating institution, if archaeological
materials were collected, and to the Tribal Chairpersons of any Native American
groups requesting copies of project-related reports.

CUL-8 Prior to and for the duration of ground disturbance, the project owner
shall provide Worker Environmental Awareness Program (WEAP)
training to all new workers within their first week of employment at the
project site, along the linear facilities routes, and at laydown areas,
roads, and other ancillary areas. The training shall be prepared by the
CRS, may be conducted by any member of the archaeological team,
and may be presented in the form of a video. The CRS shall be
available (by telephone or in person) to answer questions posed by
employees. The training may be discontinued when ground disturbance
is completed or suspended, but must be resumed when ground
disturbance, such as landscaping, resumes.
The training shall include:
1. A discussion of applicable laws and penalties under the law;
2. Samples or visuals of artifacts that might be found in the project
3. A discussion of what such artifacts may look like when partially
buried, or wholly buried and then freshly exposed;
4. A discussion of what prehistoric and historical archaeological
deposits look like at the surface and when exposed during
construction, and the range of variation in the appearance of such
5. Instruction that the CRS, alternate CRS, and CRMs have the
authority to halt ground disturbance in the area of a discovery to an
extent sufficient to ensure that the resource is protected from
further impacts, as determined by the CRS;
6. Instruction that employees are to halt work on their own in the
vicinity of a potential cultural resources discovery and shall contact
their supervisor and the CRS or CRM, and that redirection of work
would be determined by the construction supervisor and the CRS;
7. An informational brochure that identifies reporting procedures in the
event of a discovery;

Cultural 84
8. An acknowledgement form signed by each worker indicating that
they have received the training; and
9. A sticker that shall be placed on hard hats indicating that
environmental training has been completed.
No ground disturbance shall occur prior to implementation of the WEAP
program, unless such activities are specifically approved by the CPM.
Verification: At least 30 days prior to the beginning of ground disturbance, the
CRS shall provide the training program draft text and graphics and the
informational brochure to the CPM for review and approval.
At least 15 days prior to the beginning of ground disturbance, the CPM will
provide to the project owner a WEAP Training Acknowledgement form for
each WEAP-trained worker to sign.
Monthly, until ground disturbance is completed, the project owner shall provide in
the Monthly Compliance Report (MCR) the WEAP Training Acknowledgement
forms of workers who have completed the training in the prior month and a
running total of all persons who have completed training to date.
CUL-9 The project owner shall ensure that the CRS, alternate CRS, or CRMs
monitor full time all ground disturbance at the project site, along the
linear facilities routes, and at laydown areas, roads, and other ancillary
areas, to ensure there are no impacts to undiscovered resources and to
ensure that known resources are not impacted in an unanticipated
Full-time archaeological monitoring for this project shall be the
archaeological monitoring of ground disturbance for as long as the
activities are ongoing. An archaeological monitor shall be made
available to observe both the active ground-disturbance/excavation of
soils, as well as the disposal of any removed soils. The number of
monitors required shall be determined by the CRS. It is anticipated that
during the monitoring effort the archaeological monitors will be moving
in and around the construction equipment in order to meaningfully
inspect the soils. The archaeological monitors shall observe the ground-
disturbance and/or soil disposal activities within a close enough
distance to reasonably allow for the detection of cultural artifacts and/or
features that could potentially be unearthed during construction, no
farther away than 50 feet, or as otherwise directed by the CPM.
A Native American monitor shall be invited to monitor ground
disturbance , in the presence of an archaeological monitor, in areas
where Native American artifacts may be discovered. Contact lists of
interested Native Americans and guidelines for monitoring shall be
obtained from the Native American Heritage Commission. Preference in
selecting a monitor shall be given to Native Americans with traditional
ties to the area that shall be monitored. If efforts to obtain the services
of a qualified Native American monitor are unsuccessful, the project

85 Cultural
owner shall immediately inform the CPM. The CPM will either identify
potential monitors or will allow ground disturbance to proceed without a
Native American monitor.
The research design in the CRMMP shall govern the collection,
treatment, retention/disposal, and curation of any archaeological
materials encountered.
On forms provided by the CPM, CRMs shall keep a daily log of any
monitoring and other cultural resources activities and any instances of
non-compliance with the Conditions and/or applicable LORS. Copies of
the daily monitoring logs shall be provided by the CRS to the CPM, if
requested by the CPM. From these logs, the CRS shall compile a
monthly monitoring summary report to be included in the MCR. If there
are no monitoring activities, the summary report shall specify why
monitoring has been suspended.
The CRS or alternate CRS shall report daily to the CPM on the status of
the project’s cultural resources-related activities, unless reducing or
ending daily reporting is requested by the CRS and approved by the
In the event that the CRS believes that the current level of monitoring is
not appropriate in certain locations, a letter or e-mail detailing the
justification for changing the level of monitoring shall be provided to the
CPM for review and approval prior to any change in the level of
The CRS, at his or her discretion, or at the request of the CPM, may
informally discuss cultural resources monitoring and mitigation activities
with Energy Commission technical staff.
Cultural resources monitoring activities are the responsibility of the
CRS. Any interference with monitoring activities, removal of a monitor
from duties assigned by the CRS, or direction to a monitor to relocate
monitoring activities by anyone other than the CRS shall be considered
non-compliance with these Conditions.
Upon becoming aware of any incidents of non-compliance with the
Conditions and/or applicable LORS, the CRS and/or the project owner
shall notify the CPM by telephone or e-mail within 24 hours. The CRS
shall also recommend corrective action to resolve the problem or
achieve compliance with the Conditions. When the issue is resolved,
the CRS shall write a report describing the issue, the resolution of the
issue, and the effectiveness of the resolution measures. This report
shall be provided in the next MCR for the review of the CPM.
Verification: At least 15 days prior to the start of ground disturbance, the
CPM will provide to the CRS an electronic copy of a form to be used as a daily
monitoring log.

Cultural 86
Monthly, while monitoring is on-going, the project owner shall include in each
MCR a copy of the monthly summary report of cultural resources-related
monitoring prepared by the CRS and shall attach any new DPR 523A forms
completed for finds treated prescriptively, as specified in the CRMMP.
At least 24 hours prior to implementing a proposed change in monitoring level,
the project owner shall submit to the CPM, for review and approval, a letter or e-
mail (or some other form of communication acceptable to the CPM) detailing the
CRS’s justification for changing the monitoring level.
Daily, as long as no cultural resources are found, the CRS shall provide a
statement that “no cultural resources over 50 years of age were discovered” to
the CPM as an e-mail or in some other form of communication acceptable to the
At least 24 hours prior to reducing or ending daily reporting, the project owner
shall submit to the CPM, for review and approval, a letter or e-mail (or some
other form of communication acceptable to the CPM) detailing the CRS’s
justification for reducing or ending daily reporting.
No later than 30 days following the discovery of any Native American cultural
materials, the project owner shall submit to the CPM copies of the information
transmittal letters sent to the Chairpersons of the Native American tribes or
groups who requested the information. Additionally, the project owner shall
submit to the CPM copies of letters of transmittal for all subsequent responses to
Native American requests for notification, consultation, and reports and records.
Within 15 days of receiving them, the project owner shall submit to the CPM
copies of any comments or information provided by Native Americans in
response to the project owner’s transmittals of information.
Project owner shall submit confidential information to the CPM, only after
receiving approval from the BLM.

CUL-10 The project owner shall grant authority to halt ground disturbance to the
CRS, alternate CRS, and the CRMs in the event of a discovery.
Redirection of ground disturbance shall be accomplished under the
direction of the construction supervisor in consultation with the CRS.
In the event that a cultural resource over 50 years of age is found (or if
younger, determined exceptionally significant by the CPM), or impacts
to such a resource can be anticipated, ground disturbance shall be
halted or redirected in the immediate vicinity of the discovery sufficient
to ensure that the resource is protected from further impacts. Monitoring
and daily reporting, as provided in other conditions, shall continue
during the project’s ground-disturbing activities elsewhere. The halting
or redirection of ground disturbance shall remain in effect until the CRS
has visited the discovery, and all of the following have occurred:
1. The CRS has notified the project owner, and the CPM has been
notified within 24 hours of the discovery, or by Monday morning if

87 Cultural
the cultural resources discovery occurs between 8:00 AM on Friday
and 8:00 AM on Sunday morning, including a description of the
discovery (or changes in character or attributes), the action taken
(i.e., work stoppage or redirection), a recommendation of CRHR
eligibility, and recommendations for data recovery from any cultural
resources discoveries, whether or not a determination of CRHR
eligibility has been made.
2. If the discovery would be of interest to Native Americans, the CRS
has notified all Native American groups that expressed a desire to
be notified in the event of such a discovery.
3. The CRS has completed field notes, measurements, and
photography for a DPR 523 “Primary” form. Unless the find can be
treated prescriptively, as specified in the CRMMP, the “Description”
entry of the DPR 523 “Primary” form shall include a
recommendation on the CRHR eligibility of the discovery. The
project owner shall submit completed forms to the CPM.
4. The CRS, the project owner, and the CPM have conferred, and the
CPM has concurred with the recommended eligibility of the
discovery and approved the CRS’s proposed data recovery, if any,
including the curation of the artifacts, or other appropriate
mitigation; and any necessary data recovery and mitigation have
been completed.
Verification: At least 15 days prior to the start of ground disturbance, the
project owner shall provide the CPM and CRS with a letter confirming that the
CRS, alternate CRS, and CRMs have the authority to halt ground disturbance in
the vicinity of a cultural resources discovery, and that the project owner shall
ensure that the CRS notifies the CPM within 24 hours of a discovery, or by
Monday morning if the cultural resources discovery occurs between 8:00 AM on
Friday and 8:00 AM on Sunday morning.
Within 48 hours of the discovery of a resource of interest to Native Americans,
the project owner shall ensure that the CRS notifies all Native American groups
that expressed a desire to be notified in the event of such a discovery. Unless
the discovery can be treated prescriptively, as specified in the CRMMP,
completed DPR 523 forms for resources newly discovered during ground
disturbance shall be submitted to the CPM for review and approval no later than
24 hours following the notification of the CPM, or 48 hours following the
completion of data recordation/recovery, whichever the CRS decides is more
appropriate for the subject cultural resource.
Project owner shall submit confidential information to the CPM, only after
receiving approval from the BLM.

CUL-11: If human remains are encountered, State Health and Safety Code
Section 7050.5 states that no further disturbance shall occur until the County
Coroner has made necessary findings as to origin and disposition of the remains

Cultural 88
pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 5097.98. The following actions must
be taken in the event that human remains are discovered on Federal, private or
State land:

1) Stop work immediately and contact the County Coroner must be notified
immediately of the find and the BLM archaeologist shall be notified concurrently.

2) The Coroner has two working days to examine human remains after being
notified by the responsible person. If the remains are determined to be prehistoric
of Native American origin, the BLM will notify the Native American Heritage

3) The Native American Heritage Commission will immediately notify the person
it believes to be the most likely descendent of the deceased Native American.
With the permission of the landowner or agency or an authorized representative,
the MLD may inspect the site of the discovery; and

4) The most likely descendent makes recommendations to the owner, or

representative, for the treatment or disposition, with proper dignity, of the human
remains and grave goods.

If the commission is unable to identify a descendent, or the descendent identified

fails to make a recommendation, or the landowner rejects the recommendations
of the descendent and the mediation provided for in subdivision (k) of Section
5097.94 fails to provide measures acceptable to the landowner, the landowner or
his or her authorized representative shall reinter the human remains and items
associated with the Native American burial(s) with appropriate dignity on the
property in a location not subject to further subsurface disturbance.

89 Cultural

This section summarizes the record concerning the project’s potential effects on
geological and paleontological resources. We evaluate whether project-related
activities could result in exposure to geological hazards, as well as whether the
facility can be designed and constructed so that any such hazard would not
impair its proper functioning. Hazards include volcanic eruptions, faulting and
seismicity, liquefaction, dynamic compaction, hydrocompaction, subsidence,
expansive soils, landslides, tsunamis, and seiches. Of these, dynamic
compaction, hydrocompaction, subsidence, and expansive soils are geotechnical
engineering issues but are not associated with public safety concerns. We also
assess whether the project will impact any geologic or mineralogical resources.
Finally, we examine whether fossilized remains or trace remnants of prehistoric
plants or animals are likely to be present at the site and, if so, whether the
project’s potential impacts to these resources are adequately mitigated. (Ex.
300, pp. C.4-1 and C.4-2.)


1. Geologic Hazards

The proposed site is located in the central portion of the Mojave Desert. The
Mojave Desert is a broad interior region of isolated mountain ranges, which
separate vast expanses of desert plains and interior drainage basins. The
potential site is located within the structurally defined Eastern California Shear
Zone (ECSZ). The property lies on the southwest flank of the Cady Mountains
on federal land managed by the BLM. Overall, the site slopes southwest toward
the local topographic low at the normally dry Troy Lake. (Ex. 300, p. C.4-7.)

Surface cover at the site consists of Quaternary alluvium and fanglomerate

composed of sediments washed down from the Cady Mountains to the northeast.
Small outcrops of Tertiary basalt, andesite, and volcanic breccia occur in the
northernmost portion of the site. A small outcrop of basalt flow from the
geologically recent Pisgah Crater eruption is present along the southernmost site
boundary. (Ex. 300, p. C.4-7.)

1 Geo/Paleo
Earthquakes are the main geologic hazard at this site. (Ex. 300, p. C.4-7) Thirty-
two type A and B faults and fault segments lie within 80 miles of the site. 1 Of
these faults, the Lavic Lake and Pisgah-bullion fault zones are in close proximity
to the proposed project site. Both of these faults are designated Alquist-Priolo
Earthquake Fault Zones. These faults are subparallel Type B fault systems that
extend beneath the southern portions of the site. Project site layouts do not
show any occupied structures within 50 feet (the required minimum setback) of
either fault. However, to address concerns about these faults, we adopt
Condition of Certification GEO-1 that requires evaluation of the Pisgah and Lavic
Lake faults by a qualified geologist. (Ex. 300, p. C.4-11.)

Two earthquakes have recently been recorded in or near the project area. The
Hector Mine Mw 7.1 earthquake (1999) occurred 18 miles south of the project site
and caused no damage to the project area, but some minor damage at Interstate
Highway 40. The unnamed Mw 5.1 earthquake (2008) occurred within the project
boundaries. These earthquakes show the proposed site could be subject to
intense levels of earthquake-related ground shaking in the future. (Ex. 300, p.

The site soil class is seismic Class C, and Applicant’s site-specific analysis
indicates that the estimated peak horizontal ground acceleration for the power
plant is 0.5 times the acceleration of gravity (0.5g) for bedrock acceleration
based on a two percent probability of exceedance in 50 years. (Ex. 300, p. C.4-

The evidence establishes that, assuming compliance with the required design
standards set forth in the Facility Design section of this Decision, the potential is
low for geologic hazards to impact the project during its practical design life. (Ex.
300, pp. C.4-1, C.4-7.) Proposed Condition of Certification GEO-1 requires that
the Pisgah and Lavic Lake faults be located and evaluated in the field so that
proper setbacks can be assured for occupied structures. Further, the project
owner will implement additional fault and geologic hazards measures as part of
the final project design, as required by the California Building Code (CBC). (Ex.
300, p. C.4-7.) Therefore, we adopt Condition of Certification GEO-1 to address
the potential for geology related impacts.

These are identified in Exhibit 300, Table 2, p. C.4-9. Type A faults have slip-rates of >5
millimeters per year (mm/year) and are capable of producing an earthquake of magnitude 7.0 or
greater. Type B faults have slip-rates of 2 to 5 mm per year and are capable of producing an
earthquake of magnitude 6.5 to 7.0.

Geo/Paleo 2
The deep groundwater table (over 300 feet down) indicates no potential for
liquefaction. Because the proposed Calico Solar Project site is not subject to
liquefaction, there is no potential for lateral spreading during seismic events. (Ex.
300, p. C.4-12.) Site specific geotechnical investigation indicates that the site’s
underlying subsurface alluvial deposits are too dense to allow significant
hydrocompaction or dynamic compaction. (Ex. 300, p. C.4-12.)

The dense alluvial deposits and the absence of petroleum, natural gas, or water
withdrawals at the site minimize the possibility of subsidence. (Ex. 300, p. C.4-

The alluvium and volcanic rocks that form the site subsurface are not considered
to be expansive. However, expansive clays encountered at depth in soil borings
can be mitigated by standard engineering design. (Ex. 300, p. C.4-13.)

Landslides, tsunamis, and seiches similarly pose insignificant risks. (Ex. 300, p.

The project includes approximately 12 detention basins that will intercept

stormwater on the north side of the site. The down-slope sides of the detention
basins will require an engineered embankment up to approximately 15 feet high
and a spillway. (Ex. 300, C.4-6.) Because the proposed site is topographically
elevated above terrain to the south and west, the potential for flooding at the site
is limited to infrequent high volume (flash flood) events due to heavy rainfall in
the adjacent Cady Mountains. If flash flooding occurs it will primarily affect the
drainages that cross the site (northeast to southwest), and the record indicates
that overbank flow is not expected to occur. The proposed detention basins
along the northern (upslope) site border will minimize the potential for flash flood
damage to the project. Proposed Conditions of Certification GEO-2 and GEO-3
will ensure that detention basins and detention dams (as defined by DWR) are
designed in accordance with current regulations and standards. Therefore, we
find that the likelihood of catastrophic flooding at the proposed project site is low.
Application of civil engineering design standards will minimize the potential for
flash flood damage. (Ex. 300, p. C.4-13; see also, Soil and Water Resources
section of this Decision.)

The proposed Calico Solar Project site is located immediately northwest of the
Sleeping Beauty volcanic area. The Sleeping Beauty area is part of the regional
Amboy Crater – Lavic Lake volcanic hazard area, an approximately 6,000 square
mile area within the Mojave Desert. The proposed Calico Solar Project lies in an
area, which has been and may again be subjected to ash and cinder falls
associated with nearby vents. However, a recurrence of these eruptions from
vents in the Amboy Crater – Lavic Lake hazard area has not been predicted, and

3 Geo/Paleo
is estimated to be in the range of 1,000’s of years or more. Therefore, based on
the evidence in the record, we find that there is a low likelihood of volcanic
activity that may affect operation of the proposed Calico Solar Project. Eruptive
activity would likely be limited to ash fall, which would have a minor, short-lived
affect on the project. This would involve having to shut down and probably cover
the generators to prevent damage from the abrasive ash and having to clean the
mirrors once the eruption was over. Mirrors will need to be cleaned periodically
as part of normal plant operation and maintenance. (Ex. 300, p. C.4-13.)

Therefore, we find that the design-level geotechnical investigation, required for

the project by the CBC (2007) and proposed Condition of Certification GEN-1 will
provide standard engineering design recommendations for mitigation of
earthquake ground shaking and excessive settlement (see Proposed Conditions
Of Certification, Facility Design).

2. Mineralogic and Paleontologic Impacts

The proposed Calico Solar Project is not located within an established Mineral
Resource Zone and no economically viable mineral deposits are known to be
present. Several operating and closed mines and mineral prospects are present
within five miles of the proposed project boundaries. These have produced a
number of industrial minerals, primarily manganese, borates, clay, and talc. No
active mines are known to have existed within the proposed project boundaries
(Ex. 300, p. C.4-14).

The evidence shows that Staff reviewed the Applicant’s paleontological

resources assessment and the confidential paleontological resources report.
(Exs. 1, § 5.8 and Appen. H; 300, p. C.4-14.) Staff has also reviewed
paleontological literature and records searches conducted by the Natural History
Museum of Los Angeles County. These studies indicate the Quaternary
alluvium, fanglomerate, and volcanic rocks within and near the proposed project
site contain few fossils. Older Quaternary alluvium, which underlies the site at
uncertain depth, may contain significant fossil vertebrates. (Ex. 300, p. C.4-15)

Construction will include grading, foundation excavation, and utility trenching.

Unauthorized, unmonitored ground disturbances in these areas could potentially
damage paleontologic resources. We adopt Conditions of Certification PAL 1 to
PAL 7 to mitigate paleontological resource impacts. These Conditions require a
worker education program in conjunction with the monitoring of earthwork
activities by a professional paleontologist.

Geo/Paleo 4
Based upon the literature and archives search, field surveys, and compliance
documentation for the Calico Solar Project, the Applicant has proposed
monitoring and mitigation measures to be followed during the construction of the
project. We find that the facility can be designed and constructed to minimize the
effect of geologic hazards and impacts to potential paleontological resources at
the site during project design life. (Ex. 300, p. C.4-15.)

Construction and Operation of the proposed new solar energy generating facility
will not have any adverse impact on geologic, mineralogic, or paleontological
resources. In addition, the future decommissioning and closure of the proposed
project will not negatively affect geologic, mineralogic, or paleontological
resources since the ground disturbed during plant decommissioning and closure
would have been already disturbed, and mitigated as required in this Decision.

3. Cumulative Impacts

The Cumulative analysis includes other renewable energy projects and

foreseeable future projects in the immediate Newberg Springs/Ludlow area. The
geographic area considered for cumulative impacts on geology and paleontology
is the central portion of the Mojave Desert, more specifically, San Bernardino and
Riverside Counties. The potential impacts are limited to those involving
paleontological resources since no geological or mineralogical resources have
been identified within the boundaries of the proposed project. There are no
geological hazards with potential cumulative effects, other than regional
subsidence from ground water withdrawal. Significant ground water withdrawal
is not part of the proposed project. (Ex. 300, p. C.4-26.)

Construction of the proposed Calico Solar Project would require localized

excavation or ground disturbance over a very large area. Because the project
area lies within geologic units with moderate to high paleontological sensitivity,
the required excavation could, potentially, damage paleontological resources.
Any damage could be cumulative to damage from other projects within the same
geological formations. Implementation and enforcement of a properly designed
Paleontological Resource Monitoring and Mitigation Plan (Condition of
Certification PAL-3) will result in a net gain to the science of paleontology by
allowing fossils that would not otherwise have been found to be recovered,
identified, studied, and preserved. Therefore, the evidence indicates that
cumulative impacts from the Calico Solar Project, in consideration with other

5 Geo/Paleo
nearby similar projects, will be either neutral (no fossils encountered) or positive
(fossils encountered, preserved, and identified). (Ex. 300, p. C.4-28.)

Operation of the Calico Solar Project will not affect paleontological resources,
and will not increase potential cumulative effects on paleontological resources.
The longer the plant operates, however, the more likely it is to be damaged by
hazards, primarily earthquake-related ground shaking. Construction and
operation of the plant does not increase the potential for geological hazards at
the site. The decommissioning of the Calico Solar Project will also not result in
adverse geology or paleontology impacts. (Id.)

4. Compliance with Laws, Ordinances, Regulations and Standards (LORS)

Federal, state, or local/county LORS applicable to this project or alternatives are

detailed in Appendix A of this Decision. The evidence shows that the project will
comply with applicable LORS.

5. Public and Agency Comments

One agency comment was received relating to Geology and Paleontology. The
County of San Bernardino, Land Use Service Department, requested additional
discussion of the Lavic Lake fault that partially underlies the project site.
Additional descriptive information was added in the Staff Assessment to address
this comment. To further address this comment, Condition of Certification GEO-
1 was identified to require detailed geologic and field evaluation of both the
Pisgah and Lavic Lake faults.


Based on the uncontroverted evidence, we make the following findings:

1. The project is located in an active geologic area.

2. Ground shaking, flash flooding, and volcanic activity are the main geologic
hazards, which could affect the Calico Solar Project.

3. Potential geologic hazards to the project are effectively mitigated by standard

engineering design measures as specified in Conditions GEN-1, GEN-5, and
CIVIL-1 of the Facility Design section of this Decision. Hazards from
volcanic activity would be short-term and limited to ashfall.

Geo/Paleo 6
4. There is some potential for fault rupture along two mapped active faults that
underlie the project site. Condition of Certification GEO-1 requires that the
faults be located and evaluated so that occupied structures can be properly
setback from these faults and their splays.

5. The project includes detention basins to intercept stormwater on the north

side of the project site. Conditions of Certification GEO-2 and GEO-3 ensure
that the detention basins are designed in accordance with current regulations
and standards.

6. Liquefaction, lateral spreading, dynamic compaction, hydrocompaction,

ground subsidence, landslides, tsunamis, and seiches pose low or negligible
project risks.

7. There is no evidence of existing or potential geological or mineralogical

resources at the project site or along the linear alignments.

8. The evidence addresses the potential cumulative impacts of the project in

conjunction with other renewable energy and foreseeable future projects
identified in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties.


1. The Conditions listed below ensure that project activities will not cause
significant adverse direct or cumulative impacts to geological, mineralogical,
or paleontological resources.

2. Compliance with the Conditions of Certification specified below will ensure

that the Calico Solar Project conforms to all applicable laws, ordinances,
regulations, and standards identified in Appendix A of this Decision.


GEO-1 The two Alquist-Priolo faults (Pisgah fault and the Lavic Lake fault)
shall be located (if actually present) by trenching or suitable
geophysical methods with sufficient accuracy and confidence to assure
that no occupied structures are placed within 50 feet, either side, of an
established fault trace or any identified splays. Other structures
deemed critical to the project, by the owner, may also be set back, as
practical, prudent and appropriate. [
Verification: At least 30 days prior to ground breaking (prior to final project
design) the project owner shall submit a fault evaluation report signed and
stamped by a geologist licensed in the state of California. The evaluation shall

7 Geo/Paleo
include sufficient field exploration to establish whether or not either or both faults
(or their splays) extend onto the project site. Surveyed locations shall be
obtained for any faults encountered and a map showing the fault locations in
relation to project structures shall be provided. Onsite faults shall be considered
active unless conclusive field evidence shows otherwise.

GEO-2 Because of the embankments on the downhill side, the proposed storm
water detention basins constitute detention dams, some of which may
be large enough to be under the jurisdiction of the State of California,
Department of Water Resources, Division of Safety of Dams. Each
detention dam site shall be characterized in a geotechnical
investigation to establish foundation conditions and assess geologic
hazards that affect embankment design. Appropriate geotechnical
recommendations shall be provided for use in design and construction
of the embankments and the associated storage area. All dams must
be designed by a California licensed geotechnical or civil engineer
familiar with design of small dams.
Verification: At least 60 days prior to ground breaking for the detention
basins, the project owner shall submit a geotechnical investigation report
covering each proposed detention basin. Appropriate geotechnical
recommendations and specifications shall be provided for use in design and
construction of the embankments and the associated storage area. All detention
facilities can be included in a single report or in the overall final project
geotechnical report. One set of stamped design drawings, typical of the detention
dams, must be submitted by the project owner, prior to starting detention dam

GEO-3 The California Department of Water Resources, Division of Safety of

Dams has jurisdiction over proposed and existing dams that impound
50 acre-feet of water or more. Embankments six feet high or less are
excluded, regardless of storage capacity and embankments
impounding less than 15 acre-feet of water are excluded, regardless of
height. Any detention basin meeting the Division of Safety of Dams
jurisdictional criteria for a dam shall be permitted through that agency.
Verification: If final detention basin design results in no jurisdictional dams,
the project owner shall submit a letter of verification from the design engineer. If
one or more detention basins fall within the jurisdiction of the Division of Safety of
Dams, the project owner shall submit copies of the permit application(s) to the
Division of Safety of Dams. Upon completion of construction of jurisdictional
dams, the project owner shall submit copies of acceptance documents from the
Division of Safety of Dams.

PAL-1 The project owner shall provide the Compliance Project Manager CPM
with the resume and qualifications of its paleontological resource
specialist (PRS) for review and approval. If the approved PRS is
replaced prior to completion of project mitigation and submittal of the

Geo/Paleo 8
Paleontological Resources Report, the project owner shall obtain CPM
approval of the replacement PRS. The project owner shall keep
resumes on file for qualified paleontological resource monitors (PRMs).
If a PRM is replaced, the resume of the replacement PRM shall also be
provided to the CPM.
The PRS resume shall include the names and phone numbers of
references. The resume shall also demonstrate to the satisfaction of
the CPM the appropriate education and experience to accomplish the
required paleontological resource tasks.
As determined by the CPM, the PRS shall meet the minimum
qualifications for a vertebrate paleontologist as described in the
Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP) guidelines of 1995. The
experience of the PRS shall include the following:
1. Institutional affiliations, appropriate credentials, and college
2. Ability to recognize and collect fossils in the field;
3. Local geological and biostratigraphic expertise;
4. Proficiency in identifying vertebrate and invertebrate fossils; and
5. At least three years of paleontological resource mitigation and
field experience in California and at least one year of experience
leading paleontological resource mitigation and field activities.

The project owner shall ensure that the PRS obtains qualified
paleontological resource monitors to monitor as he or she deems
necessary on the project. Paleontological resource monitors (PRM)
shall have the equivalent of the following qualifications:
• BS or BA degree in geology or paleontology and one year of
experience monitoring in California; or
• AS or AA in geology, paleontology, or biology and four years’
experience monitoring in California; or
• Enrollment in upper division classes pursuing a degree in the fields
of geology or paleontology and two years of monitoring experience
in California.
Verification: At least 30 days prior to the start of ground disturbance, the
project owner shall submit a resume and statement of availability of its
designated PRS for on-site work.
At least 20 days prior to ground disturbance, the PRS or project owner shall
provide a letter with resumes naming anticipated monitors for the project, stating
that the identified monitors meet the minimum qualifications for paleontological
resource monitoring required by the Condition. If additional monitors are obtained
during the project, the PRS shall provide additional letters and resumes to the

9 Geo/Paleo
CPM. The letter shall be provided to the CPM no later than one week prior to the
monitor’s beginning on-site duties.
Prior to the termination or release of a PRS, the project owner shall submit the
resume of the proposed new PRS to the CPM for review and approval.

PAL-2 The project owner shall provide to the PRS and the CPM, for approval,
maps and drawings showing the footprint of the power plant,
construction lay-down areas, and all related facilities. Maps shall
identify all areas of the project where ground disturbance is
anticipated. If the PRS requests enlargements or strip maps for linear
facility routes, the project owner shall provide copies to the PRS and
CPM. The site grading plan and plan and profile drawings for the utility
lines would be acceptable for this purpose. The plan drawings should
show the location, depth, and extent of all ground disturbances and be
at a scale between 1 inch = 40 feet and 1 inch = 100 feet. If the
footprint of the project or its linear facilities changes, the project owner
shall provide maps and drawings reflecting those changes to the PRS
and CPM.
If construction of the project proceeds in phases, maps and drawings
may be submitted prior to the start of each phase. A letter identifying
the proposed schedule of each project phase shall be provided to the
PRS and CPM. Before work commences on affected phases, the
project owner shall notify the PRS and CPM of any construction phase
scheduling changes.
At a minimum, the project owner shall ensure that the PRS or PRM
consults weekly with the project superintendent or construction field
manager to confirm area(s) to be worked the following week and until
ground disturbance is completed.
Verification: At least 30 days prior to the start of ground disturbance, the
project owner shall provide the maps and drawings to the PRS and CPM.
If there are changes to the footprint of the project, revised maps and drawings
shall be provided to the PRS and CPM at least 15 days prior to the start of
ground disturbance.
If there are changes to the scheduling of the construction phases, the project
owner shall submit a letter to the CPM within 5 days of identifying the changes.

PAL-3 The project owner shall ensure that the PRS prepares, and the project
owner submits to the CPM for review and approval, a PRMMP to
identify general and specific measures to minimize potential impacts to
significant paleontological resources. Approval of the PRMMP by the
CPM shall occur prior to any ground disturbance. The PRMMP shall
function as the formal guide for monitoring, collecting, and sampling
activities and may be modified with CPM approval. This document
shall be used as the basis of discussion when on-site decisions or

Geo/Paleo 10
changes are proposed. Copies of the PRMMP shall reside with the
PRS, each monitor, the project owner’s on-site manager, and the
The PRMMP shall be developed in accordance with the guidelines of
the SVP (1995) and shall include, but not be limited, to the following:
1. Assurance that the performance and sequence of project-related
tasks, such as any literature searches, pre-construction surveys,
worker environmental training, fieldwork, flagging or staking,
construction monitoring, mapping and data recovery, fossil
preparation and collection, identification and inventory, preparation
of final reports, and transmittal of materials for curation will be
performed according to PRMMP procedures;
2. Identification of the person(s) expected to assist with each of the
tasks identified within the PRMMP and the Conditions of
3. A thorough discussion of the anticipated geologic units expected to
be encountered, the location and depth of the units relative to the
project when known, and the known sensitivity of those units based
on the occurrence of fossils either in that unit or in correlative units;
4. An explanation of why, how, and how much sampling is expected to
take place and in what units. Include descriptions of different
sampling procedures that shall be used for fine-grained and coarse-
grained units;
5. A discussion of the locations of where the monitoring of project
construction activities is deemed necessary, and a proposed plan
for monitoring and sampling;
6. A discussion of procedures to be followed in the event of a
significant fossil discovery, halting construction, resuming
construction, and how notifications will be performed;
7. A discussion of equipment and supplies necessary for collection of
fossil materials and any specialized equipment needed to prepare,
remove, load, transport, and analyze large-sized fossils or
extensive fossil deposits;
8. Procedures for inventory, preparation, and delivery for curation into
a retrievable storage collection in a public repository or museum,
which meet the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology’s standards and
requirements for the curation of paleontological resources;
9. Identification of the institution that has agreed to receive data and
fossil materials collected, requirements or specifications for
materials delivered for curation and how they will be met, and the
name and phone number of the contact person at the institution;

11 Geo/Paleo
10. A copy of the paleontological Conditions of Certification.
Verification: At least 30 days prior to ground disturbance, the project owner
shall provide a copy of the PRMMP to the CPM. The PRMMP shall include an
affidavit of authorship by the PRS and acceptance of the PRMMP by the project
owner evidenced by a signature.

PAL-4 Prior to ground disturbance and for the duration of construction

activities involving ground disturbance, the project owner and the PRS
shall prepare and conduct weekly CPM-approved training for the
following workers: project managers, construction supervisors,
foremen, and general workers involved with or who operate ground-
disturbing equipment or tools. Workers shall not excavate in sensitive
units prior to receiving CPM-approved worker training. Worker training
shall consist of an initial in-person PRS training during the project kick
off for those mentioned above. Following initial training, a CPM-
approved video or in-person training may be used for new employees.
The training program may be combined with other training programs
prepared for cultural and biological resources, hazardous materials, or
other areas of interest or concern. No ground disturbance shall occur
prior to CPM approval of the Worker Environmental Awareness
Program (WEAP), unless specifically approved by the CPM.
The WEAP shall address the possibility of encountering
paleontological resources in the field, the sensitivity and importance of
these resources, and legal obligations to preserve and protect those
The training shall include:
1. A discussion of applicable laws and penalties under the law;
2. Good quality photographs or physical examples of vertebrate
fossils for project sites containing units of high paleontological
3. Information that the PRS or PRM has the authority to halt or
redirect construction in the event of a discovery or unanticipated
impact to a paleontological resource;
4. Instruction that employees are to halt or redirect work in the vicinity
of a find and to contact their supervisor and the PRS or PRM;
5. An informational brochure that identifies reporting procedures in the
event of a discovery;
6. A WEAP certification of completion form signed by each worker
indicating that he/she has received the training; and
7. A sticker that shall be placed on hard hats indicating that
environmental training has been completed.

Geo/Paleo 12
Verification: At least 30 days prior to ground disturbance, the project owner
shall submit the proposed WEAP, including the brochure, with the set of reporting
procedures for workers to follow.
At least 30 days prior to ground disturbance, the project owner shall submit the
script and final video to the CPM for approval if the project owner is planning to
use a video for interim training.
If the owner requests an alternate paleontological trainer, the resume and
qualifications of the trainer shall be submitted to the CPM for review and approval
prior to installation of an alternate trainer. Alternate trainers shall not conduct
training prior to CPM authorization.
In the monthly compliance report (MCR), the project owner shall provide copies
of the WEAP certification of completion forms with the names of those trained
and the trainer or type of training (in-person or video) offered that month. The
MCR shall also include a running total of all persons who have completed the
training to date.

PAL-5 The project owner shall ensure that the PRS and PRM(s) monitor
consistent with the PRMMP all construction-related grading,
excavation, trenching, and augering in areas where potential fossil-
bearing materials have been identified, both at the site and along any
constructed linear facilities associated with the project. In the event
that the PRS determines full-time monitoring is not necessary in
locations that were identified as potentially fossil bearing in the
PRMMP, the project owner shall notify and seek the concurrence of
the CPM.
The project owner shall ensure that the PRS and PRM(s) have the
authority to halt or redirect construction if paleontological resources are
encountered. The project owner shall ensure that there is no
interference with monitoring activities unless directed by the PRS.
Monitoring activities shall be conducted as follows:
1. Any change of monitoring from the accepted schedule in the
PRMMP shall be proposed in a letter or email from the PRS and
the project owner to the CPM prior to the change in monitoring and
will be included in the monthly compliance report. The letter or
email shall include the justification for the change in monitoring and
be submitted to the CPM for review and approval.
2. The project owner shall ensure that the PRM(s) keep a daily
monitoring log of paleontological resource activities. The PRS may
informally discuss paleontological resource monitoring and
mitigation activities with the CPM at any time.
3. The project owner shall ensure that the PRS notifies the CPM
within 24 hours of the occurrence of any incidents of non-
compliance with any Paleontological Resources Conditions of

13 Geo/Paleo
Certification. The PRS shall recommend corrective action to resolve
the issues or achieve compliance with the conditions of certification.
4. For any significant paleontological resources encountered, either
the project owner or the PRS shall notify the CPM within 24 hours,
or Monday morning in the case of a weekend event, where
construction has been halted because of a paleontological find.

The project owner shall ensure that the PRS prepares a summary of
monitoring and other paleontological activities placed in the monthly
compliance reports. The summary will include the name(s) of PRS or
PRM(s) active during the month; general descriptions of training and
monitored construction activities; and general locations of excavations,
grading, and other activities. A section of the report shall include the
geologic units or subunits encountered, descriptions of samplings
within each unit, and a list of identified fossils. A final section of the
report will address any issues or concerns about the project relating to
paleontological monitoring, including any incidents of non-compliance
or any changes to the monitoring plan that have been approved by the
CPM. If no monitoring took place during the month, the report shall
include an explanation in the summary as to why monitoring was not
Verification: The project owner shall ensure that the PRS submits the
summary of monitoring and paleontological activities in the MCR. When feasible,
the CPM shall be notified 10 days in advance of any proposed changes in
monitoring different from the plan identified in the PRMMP. If there is any
unforeseen change in monitoring, the notice shall be given as soon as possible
prior to implementation of the change.

PAL-6 The project owner, through the designated PRS, shall ensure that all
components of the PRMMP are adequately performed including
collection of fossil materials, preparation of fossil materials for analysis,
analysis of fossils, identification and inventory of fossils, the
preparation of fossils for curation, and the delivery for curation of all
significant paleontological resource materials encountered and
collected during project construction.
Verification: The project owner shall maintain in his/her compliance file copies
of signed contracts or agreements with the designated PRS and other qualified
research specialists. The project owner shall maintain these files for a period of
three years after project completion and approval of the CPM-approved
paleontological resource report (see Condition of Certification PAL-7). The
project owner shall be responsible for paying any curation fees charged by the
museum for fossils collected and curated as a result of paleontological mitigation.
A copy of the letter of transmittal submitting the fossils to the curating institution
shall be provided to the CPM.

Geo/Paleo 14
PAL-7 The project owner shall ensure preparation of a Paleontological
Resources Report (PRR) by the designated PRS. The PRR shall be
prepared following completion of the ground-disturbing activities. The
PRR shall include an analysis of the collected fossil materials and
related information and submit it to the CPM for review and approval.
The report shall include, but is not limited to, a description and
inventory of recovered fossil materials; a map showing the location of
paleontological resources encountered; determinations of sensitivity
and significance; and a statement by the PRS that project impacts to
paleontological resources have been mitigated below the level of
Verification: Within 90 days after completion of ground-disturbing activities,
including landscaping, the project owner shall submit the PRR under confidential
cover to the CPM.

15 Geo/Paleo
Certification of Completion
Worker Environmental Awareness Program
Calico Solar Project (08-AFC-13)
This is to certify these individuals have completed a mandatory California Energy
Commission-approved Worker Environmental Awareness Program (WEAP). The
WEAP includes pertinent information on cultural, paleontological, and biological
resources for all personnel (that is, construction supervisors, crews, and plant
operators) working on site or at related facilities. By signing below, the participant
indicates that he/she understands and shall abide by the guidelines set forth in the
program materials. Include this completed form in the Monthly Compliance Report.

No. Employee Name Title/Company Signature

Cultural Trainer: Signature:__________________ Date: ___/___/___

PaleoTrainer: Signature:__________________ Date: ___/___/___

Biological Trainer: Signature:__________________ Date:___/___/___

Geo/Paleo 16

The effect of a power plant project on the local area depends upon the nature of
the community and the extent of the associated impacts. Technical topics
discussed in this portion of the Decision consider issues of local concern
including Land Use, Noise, Socioeconomics, Traffic and Transportation, and
Visual Resources.



Because the Calico Solar Project is subject to meet the requirements of both
NEPA and CEQA, the methodology used for determining environmental impacts
of the proposed project includes a consideration of guidance provided by both
laws and NEPA Implementing Regulations (40 CFR Parts 1500-1508).
Thresholds for determining significance in this section are based on Appendix G
of the CEQA Guidelines (CCR 2006) and performance standards or thresholds
identified by Energy Commission staff. In addition, environmental effects of the
proposed project on land uses (i.e., those listed below) includes an assessment
of the context and intensity of the impacts, as defined in the CEQA and NEPA
Regulations, 40 CFR Part 1508.27. Effects of the proposed project on the land
uses and the environment (and in compliance with both CEQA and NEPA) have
been determined using the thresholds listed below.

Agricultural Lands and Rangeland Management

• Conversion of Farmland or Rangeland.

• Conversion of Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide
Importance (Farmland), as shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the
Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program of the California Resources
Agency, to non-agricultural use.
• Conflict with existing zoning for agricultural use, or a Williamson Act
• Involve other changes in the existing environment which, due to their
location or nature, could result in conversion of Farmland, to non-agricultural

1 Land Use
Wilderness, Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC) and Recreation
• Directly or indirectly disrupt activities in established federal, state, or local
recreation areas and/or wilderness areas.
• Substantially reduce the scenic, biological, cultural, geologic, or other
important factors that contribute to the value of federal, state, local, or
private recreational facilities or wilderness areas.

Horses and Burros

• Involve changes in the existing environment which, due to their nature or
location, result in interference with BLM’s management of Herd
Management Areas (HMAs).

Land Use Compatibility and LORS Compliance

• Directly or indirectly divide an established community or disrupt an existing
or recently approved land use.
• Conflict with any applicable land use plan, policy, or regulation of an agency
with jurisdiction, or that would normally have jurisdiction, over the project
adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating environmental effects.

The majority of the Calico Solar Project site is located within the “Moderate Use”
category of the BLM’s CDCA Plan, with some areas designated as “limited”
(Class L). (Ex. 300, p. C.8-10.Z) LAND USE Table 1 provides a general
description of the land use LORS applicable to the proposed project.

Land Use Table 1

Laws, Ordinances, Regulations, and Standards (LORS)
Applicable LORS Description
Federal Land Policy and Establishes public land policy; guidelines for administration; and provides for the
Management Act (FLPMA), management, protection, development, and enhancement of public lands. In
1976 – 43 CFR 1600 particular, the FLPMA’s relevance to the proposed project is that Title V, Section
501 establishes BLM’s authority to grant rights-of-way for generation, transmission, and
distribution of electrical energy (FLPMA 2001).
Bureau of Land The 25 million-acre CDCA contains over 12 million acres of public lands spread
Management -California within the area known as the California Desert, which includes the following three
Desert Conservation Area deserts: the Mojave, the Sonoran, and a small portion of the Great Basin. The 12
(CDCA) Plan, 1980 as million acres of public lands administered by the BLM are half of the CDCA.
Amended (BLM 1980)
The CDCA Plan is a comprehensive, long-range plan with goals and specific actions
for the management, use, development, and protection of the resources and public
lands within the CDCA, and it is based on the concepts of multiple use, sustained yield,
and maintenance of environmental quality. The plan’s goals and actions for each
resource are established in its 12 elements. Each of the plan elements provides
both a desert-wide perspective of the planning decisions for one major resource or
issue of public concern as well as a more specific interpretation of multiple-use class
guidelines for a given resource and its associated activities.

Land Use 2
Applicable LORS Description
Public Rangelands Establishes and reaffirms the national policy and commitment to inventory and
Improvement Act (1978) identify current public rangeland conditions and trends; manage, maintain and
(PRIA 1978) improve the condition of public rangelands so that they become as productive as
feasible for all rangeland values in accordance with management objectives and the
land use planning process; and continue the policy of protecting wild free-roaming
horses and burros from capture, branding, harassment, or death, while at the same
time facilitating the removal and disposal of excess wild free-roaming horses and
burros which pose a threat to themselves and their habitat and to other rangeland
Wild and Free-Roaming The BLM protects, manages, and controls wild horses and burros under the
Horse and Burro Act (1971) authority of the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971 (Act) to ensure
(BLM 2009j) that healthy herds thrive on healthy rangelands. The BLM manages these animals
as part of its multiple-use mission under the 1976 Federal Land Policy and
Management Act. One of the BLM’s key responsibilities under the Act is to
determine the "appropriate management level" (AML) of wild horses and burros on
the public rangelands.
County of San Bernardino The policies and programs of the County of San Bernardino General Plan, adopted
2007 General Plan (CSB March 13, 2007, are intended to serve as a blueprint for most land use decisions.
2007a) Preparing, adopting, implementing, and maintaining a general plan serves to:
identify the community’s land use, transportation, environmental, economic, and
social goals and policies as they relate to land use and development; form the basis
for local government decision-making, including decisions on proposed
development; provide residents with opportunities to participate in the planning and
decision-making processes of their community; and inform residents, developers,
decision makers, and other cities and counties of the ground rules that guide
development within the community.
County of San Bernardino San Bernardino County has adopted a “one-map approach” for both the General
2007 Development Code, Plan land use designations and zoning classifications to assure land use
Title 8 of the San consistency between the General Plan and Development Code. The Development
Bernardino County Code Code was adopted March 13, 2007, and amended August 20, 2009 and February
(CSB 2007b; CSB 2010d) 2010. The purpose of this Development Code is to implement the San Bernardino
County General Plan by classifying and regulating the uses of land and structures
within unincorporated San Bernardino County. In particular, the purposes of the
Development Code are as follows: to provide standards and guidelines for
continuing orderly growth and development; to conserve and protect the County's
important agriculture, cultural, natural, open space and scenic resources; to create a
comprehensive and stable pattern of land uses upon which to plan transportation,
water supply, sewerage, energy, drainage/flood control and other public facilities
and utilities; to encourage the most appropriate uses of land in order to prevent
overcrowding of land and avoid undue concentration of population, and maintain
and protect the value of property; and to ensure compatibility between different
types of development and land use.
The Development Code was most recently amended on February 9, 2010, to
include Chapter 84.29 (Renewable Energy Generation Facilities) for the purpose of
establishing “...standards and permit procedures for the establishment, maintenance
and decommissioning of renewable energy generation facilities” (CSB 2010).
(Ex. 300, pp. C.684 to C.8-5.)

3 Land Use
1. The Site

The proposed Calico Solar site is approximately 4,613 acres and is located in
San Bernardino County approximately 37 miles east of Barstow. The site
consists primarily of public land administered by the BLM. Within the site
boundaries are 2,246 acres of undeveloped private land under the jurisdiction of
San Bernardino County; however, the private land would not be a part of the
proposed project. This private land, as well as non-BLM lands within 1 mile of the
project, is designated as Resource Conservation by county zoning. The southern
boundary of the proposed project site is adjacent to Interstate Highway 40 (I-40),
and the northern side of the project site borders the Cady Mountains. (Ex. 300, p.

The Calico Solar site primarily consists of undeveloped desert land. Existing
onsite land uses include the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) railroad right-
of-way (ROW), which traverses the site from east to west; several underground
high pressure gas pipelines generally parallel to I-40 and the railroad; Hector
Road which enters the site from I-40 and traverses it for approximately 0.5 mile;
and Southern California Edison’s (SCE) Pisgah Substation and overhead
transmission line which are adjacent to the southeast border of the project site. In
addition, approximately 775 acres on the northeast portion of the original project
site (i.e., the original 8,230-acre project site proposed in the AFC) are designated
as Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) mitigation lands. Based on the
evidence, it appears that LWCF lands are located within the revised project site
boundary. However, the exact acreage of the affected LWCF lands within the
proposed project site boundary has not been provided by the applicant. (Ex. 300,
p. C.8-6.)

The proposed project would occur in two phases. Phase I would consist of the
construction of up to 11,000 SunCatchers and would require approximately
2,327acres of BLM land. Phase II would expand the project to a total of 34,000
SunCatchers and would require approximately an additional 3,888 acres of BLM
land. In addition to the proposed project site and construction areas, there are
other features and facilities associated with the proposed project (the majority of
which are located on the proposed project site or construction laydown areas),

• approximately 26,450 38-foot solar dish Stirling systems (i.e., SunCatchers)

and associated equipment and infrastructure within a fenced boundary;
• a 220-kV substation in the center of the project site;

Land Use 4
• approximately 1 mile within the project site of twelve to fifteen 220-kV
transmission line structures (90 to 110 feet tall) from the proposed Calico
Solar Substation to SCE’s Pisgah Substation;
• a Main Services Complex including an administration building
(30,000 sq. ft.) and a maintenance building (45,000 sq. ft.);
• two 175,000-gallon water storage tanks (40 feet in diameter) and two
17,000-gallon water storage tanks (18 feet in diameter);
• main roads with a combination of roadway dips and elevated sections
across drainage features;
• a buried septic tank system with a dual sanitary leach field; and
• permanent access to the project site to be provided by a bridge over the
BSNF railroad along Hector Road.

2. Potential Impacts

Agricultural Lands and Rangeland Management. The project site is located

within the desert region of central San Bernardino County, which is not notable
for productive agricultural land. The United States Department of Agriculture’s
(USDA) Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) provides information on
the designation of soils in areas with agricultural lands, including farmland
classifications such as Prime Farmland and Farmland of Statewide Importance.
However, data for the project site was not available through the NRCS’s Web
Soil Survey (WSS). Similarly, the California Department of Conservation’s (DOC)
Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program (FMMP) provides designations and
statistics on the conversion of farmland to non-agricultural uses throughout the
State. However, the proposed project site is not within the survey boundaries of
the FMMP. As such, no agricultural land is within the project boundaries. (Ex.
300, p. C.8-8.)

Rangeland allotments are designated BLM pastures for wildlife and livestock.
The majority of the proposed project is located within the Cady Mountains
rangeland allotment. According to BLM’s online GIS mapping program
(Geocommunicator), the southwest boundary of this allotment follows the BNSF
railroad. As such, approximately 6,400 acres of the project site that is north of the
BNSF railroad is within the Cady Mountains rangeland allotment (BLM 2009c).
There is currently no grazing permit issued within the proposed project area. In
addition, the northern boundary of the Ord Mountain allotment is approximately
0.75 mile south of the project site. (Ex. 300, p. C.8-8.)

5 Land Use
Based on the lack of federal, state or local farmland/agricultural designations, the
proposed project would not convert important farmland, would not conflict with
agricultural zoning designations or Williamson Act contracts, and would not result
in a change in the existing environment that would lead to a conversion of
farmland. Therefore, the proposed project would not adversely impact agricultural
land. (Ex. 300, p. C.8-11.)

The project would be located within the Cady Mountains grazing allotment. This
allotment consists of 177,293 acres which is designated by BLM as available for
grazing livestock. According to the West Mojave Plan, the allotment was
identified as an area that would benefit from voluntary relinquishment. Therefore,
grazing is not currently authorized on this allotment. The proposed project would
convert approximately 6,400 acres of the Cady Mountains rangeland allotment to
another use, which accounts for approximately 3 percent of the allotment.
Therefore, the proposed project is not expected to result in an adverse impact to
inactive livestock grazing. For discussion of impacts to the desert bighorn sheep,
please see the Biological Resources section of this Decision. (Ex. 300, p. C.8-

Wilderness and Recreation. Recreational activities, including camping and off-

road vehicle use, are permitted in the Cady Mountains Wilderness Study Area
(WSA) located just north of the project site. In addition, the project would be
approximately 8 miles north of the closest wilderness area (the Rodman
Mountains). As such, the proposed project would not directly disrupt wilderness
or recreation activities. However, the proposed project could indirectly impact the
recreational and wilderness values of the Cady Mountains WSA by changing the
natural and undisturbed landscape; and construction and operation activities
would have the potential to degrade the qualities of solitude and unconfined
wilderness and recreation in this remote area of the Mojave Desert. The CDCA
Plan amendment associated with the proposed project would not affect the
wilderness characteristic values of the WSA since the proposed project site is not
located within the WSA area. The evidence shows that numerous wilderness
and recreation areas are in the vicinity of the project site which provide
alternative options for recreation and wilderness destinations. Therefore,
potential indirect impacts from the proposed project would not be adverse from a
land use perspective. Please refer to the Biological Resources, Cultural
Resources, and Visual Resources sections of this Decision for detailed
discussions of proposed project effects on scenic, biologic, and cultural
amenities. (Ex. 300, p. C.8-11.)

Land Use 6
Horses and Burros. The proposed project would not contain or traverse any
established BLM Herd Areas (HAs) or Herd Management Areas (HMAs). The
Granite-Providence HA is the closest HA, which is located approximately 32
miles east side of the proposed project site. Therefore, the proposed project
would not result in an interference with BLM’s management of an HMA or HA.
(Ex. 300, pp. C.8-9 to C.8-10.)

Division of Existing Community. The proposed project site is located on

undeveloped lands under the jurisdiction of the BLM, which is not located within
or near an established community. Therefore, neither the size nor the nature of
the project would result in a physical division or disruption of an established
community. In addition, due to the temporary nature of construction activities,
construction generated nuisances such as dust and noise are not expected to
adversely affect existing land uses in the area. For a detailed analysis of
construction-related nuisance impacts, please see the Air Quality, Public
Health, Traffic and Transportation, and Noise sections of this Decision. (Ex.
300, p. C.8-12.)

3. Consistency with Land Use LORS.

As required by California Code of Regulations, Title 20, Section 1744, Energy

Commission staff evaluates the information provided by the project owner in the
AFC (and any amendments), project design, site location, and operational
components to determine if elements of the proposed project would conflict with
any applicable land use plan, policy, or regulation of an agency with jurisdiction
over the project, or that would normally have jurisdiction over the project except
for the Energy Commission’s exclusive authority.

The Applicant has submitted an application to the BLM requesting a ROW to

construct the proposed project and its related facilities. Pursuant to the California
Desert Conservation Area (CDCA) Plan, sites associated with power generation
or transmission not identified in the CDCA Plan are considered through the Plan
Amendment process. Under Federal law, BLM is responsible for processing
requests for ROWs to authorize such proposed projects and associated
transmission lines and other appurtenant facilities on land it administers. The
CDCA Plan, while recognizing the potential compatibility of solar generation
facilities on public lands, requires that all sites associated with power generation
or transmission not identified in the Plan be considered through the Plan
Amendment process. BLM would use the following Planning Criteria during the
Plan Amendment process:
7 Land Use
• The plan amendment process would be completed in compliance with the
Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA), NEPA, and all other
relevant Federal law, executive orders, and management policies of the
• The plan amendment process would include an EIS to comply with NEPA
• Where existing planning decisions are still valid, those decisions may remain
unchanged and be incorporated into the new plan amendment;
• The plan amendment would recognize valid existing rights;
• Native American Tribal consultations would be conducted in accordance
with policy, and Tribal concerns would be given due consideration. The plan
amendment process would include the consideration of any impacts on
Indian trust assets (please see the Cultural Resources section of this
• Normally, consultation with the State Office of Historic Preservation (SHPO)
would be conducted throughout the plan amendment process. At the time of
the writing of this SSA, it appears that the BLM may address cultural
resources issues through the BLM’s Statewide Protocol, whereby BLM does
not conduct a public section 106 process or SHPO consultation (please see
the Cultural Resources section of this Decision for details regarding this
issue); and
• Consultation with the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) would be
conducted throughout the plan amendment process (please see the
Biological Resources section of this Decision). (Ex. 300, pp. C.8-12 to C.8-

If the ROW and proposed land use plan amendment are approved by BLM, the
proposed solar thermal power plant facility on public lands would be authorized in
accordance with Title V of the FLMPA of 1976 and the Federal Regulations at 43
CFR Part 2800. The BLM’s Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) acts as the
mechanism for meeting NEPA requirements, and also provides the analysis
required to support a Plan Amendment identifying the site location within the
Plan. (Ex. 300, p. C.8-13.)

An additional LORS compliance issue was raised by the public during the
scoping process for this document. According to some private landowners, the
public and private landowners have been using Hector Road at the railway
crossing to access the land north of the BNSF railway for over fifty years. This
includes the private properties in Section 1, Township 8 North, Range 5 East,
and Section 36, Township 9 North, Range 5 East. However, according to these
private landowners, recently-placed gates and barricades at the crossing have
blocked access to these lands. Private landowners assert that Hector Road has

Land Use 8
been in use prior to the passage of the FLPMA, and therefore, is a county road,
and blocking access is a violation of the Unlawful Enclosures of Public Lands Act
of 1885 and the CDCA Plan, which classifies the project site as an “open area.”
(Ex. 300, p. C.8-13.)

As the proposed project developer, Tessera Solar responded to the private

landowners by explaining that due to additional safety requirements, BNSF
requires gates to be installed at all crossings where an entity other than BNSF
(i.e., the Applicant) would have access. The private crossing granted to Calico
Solar/Tessera is for the purposes of establishing an access to the western side of
the proposed project site. As such, in addition to installation of the gate and
barricades, the Applicant had to acquire insurance for potential damage to BNSF
property and attend a safety course. Tessera complied with these conditions and
was granted access, which established the need for gates and barricades. In
addition, BLM representatives stated that the crossing was established as a
BNSF ROW for access to, and maintenance of, the rail line and, and therefore,
the crossing is not a legal road with authorized access for the public. As such,
the crossing is a physical access and not a legal access, and has been used in a
passive and unauthorized manner. Therefore, the recent blockage of this
crossing does not result in a conflict with any applicable LORS. The issue
appears to be a private dispute, not amenable to resolution by this Commission.
We note that the private landowners have not cited any authority under which the
Energy Commission could act to resolve their dispute. (Ex. 300, p. C.8-13.)

As the proposed project would be located solely on BLM-administered land, there

are no state, regional, county, or other local land use LORS applicable to the
proposed project. Staff’s analysis of the proposed project’s consistency with
applicable federal land use LORS is presented in LAND USE Table 2 at the end
of this section. Based on Staff’s independent review of applicable LORS
documents, the proposed project would not be consistent with certain applicable
land use LORS; in particular the current BLM Interim Policy Memorandum
regarding LWCF mitigation lands (see discussion in the table below). (Ex. 300,
p. C.8-14.)

4. Cumulative Impacts

A project may result in a significant adverse cumulative impact where its effects
are cumulatively considerable. "Cumulatively considerable" means that the
incremental effects of an individual project are significant when viewed in
connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects,

9 Land Use
and the effects of probable future projects [Cal. Code Regs., title 14, §

Agricultural Lands and Rangelands

Although, the proposed project by itself would not convert agricultural land to
nonagricultural uses, the conversion of lands due to past and present projects,
and the potential development of the approximately one million acres of land,
would all combine to result in adverse effects on agricultural lands (one of the
state’s most important resources) and rangeland. Therefore, although the
development of renewable resources in compliance with federal and State
mandates is important and required, this conversion would contribute to a
significant and unavoidable cumulative impact to agricultural resources. (Ex. 300,
p. C.8-34.)

Wilderness and Recreation

In addition to the proposed Calico Solar facility, there are many past, present, or
reasonably foreseeable future actions that contribute to impacts to recreation and
wilderness areas. Regionally, there have been both positive and negative
impacts to recreational and wilderness resources as a result of development
projects within San Bernardino County. Development of highway access to the
region has provided direct vehicular access to open desert scenery for residents
throughout southern California. This increased access has improved the
recreational experience for some users by making the area more accessible, but
has also detracts from the recreational experience for other users who prefer
remote camping, hiking, and hunting away from populated areas.

Presently, as noted above, numerous energy-related development projects,

including the proposed project, would remove large acreages of land from
potential recreational use, and would have adverse effects on the viewscape that
would result in some users seeking out other areas of the desert for their
activities (see the cumulative analysis in the Visual Resources section of this
Decision). Similarly, within wilderness areas, the attraction of hiking, camping,
and other outdoor activities is likely to decrease due to the increased human
activity in the region, and the consequent impact of development on the
viewscape. The proposed project would permanently change the nature of land
use at the proposed project site from Government Special Public Limited Use
and Moderate Use to an intensive utility use for the generation of power.
Therefore, the combined effect of the overall cumulative past, present, and
proposed and reasonably foreseeable projects, including the proposed project, in

Land Use 10
the desert region of San Bernardino County would adversely affect recreation
and wilderness resources, resulting in a significant and unavoidable impact under
CEQA. (Ex. 300, pp. C.8-36 to C.8-37.)

Horses and Burros

Although the proposed Calico Solar facility would not adversely impact horses or
burros, there are other present or reasonably foreseeable future actions that
could contribute to impacts to HMAs within the region. Authorized and
unauthorized vehicle use, and maintenance and construction of utility rights-of-
way can have a slight impact to burros by removal of vegetation utilized for
forage, and there is always a danger of vehicles colliding with burros. The impact
of the proposed and probable development projects would cumulatively remove
and isolate potential grazing sites for burros. However, in areas of close proximity
to HMAs, development projects would be required to consider impacts related to
wild horses and burros. Therefore, cumulative impacts would be less than
significant. (Ex. 300, p. C.8-38.)

Land Use Compatibility and LORS Compliance

Proposed developments near the project site that would have the potential to
induce cumulative impacts include solar and wind energy generation projects, and
the expansion of the existing military base. In consideration of cumulative land
use compatibility impacts, the implementation of renewable projects in southern
California would occur mostly in undeveloped desert lands or areas of rural
development and open space, and therefore, would not create physical divisions
of established residential communities. Nonetheless, as noted above,
approximately one million acres of land are proposed for solar and wind energy
development in the southern California desert lands. The conversion of these
lands would preclude numerous existing land uses including recreation,
wilderness, rangeland, and open space, and therefore, would result in a
significant cumulative land conversion impact. The proposed project’s conversion
of approximately 6,215 acres in an undeveloped portion of San Bernardino
County and on BLM lands in combination with the land conversion impacts of
past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future projects in the area would be
cumulatively considerable, and a significant and unavoidable impact under
CEQA. (Ex. 300, p. C.8-39.)

11 Land Use
5. Public Comment

Public comments made on August 4, 2010 on land use are listed below: (8/4/10
RT 214 – 216.)

Fred Stearn, Real Estate Agent representing landowners in Sections 1 and 36,
expressed concern about landowners being landlocked by the proposed project
and being subjected to potentially significant environmental impacts. His main
concern was access to the landowner’s properties.


Based on the evidence, the Commission makes the following findings:

1. As the proposed project would be located wholly on BLM administered

land, no state, regional, or local land use LORS would be applicable to the
2. No farmland or rangeland conversion impacts are expected as a result of
the proposed project, and the project would not involve other changes in
the existing environment which could result in conversion of farmland to
non-agricultural uses.
3. The proposed project would indirectly impact the recreational and
wilderness values of the Cady Mountains WSA. However, due to the
numerous wilderness and recreation areas throughout the county and in
the vicinity of the project site, this indirect impact would not be significant.
4. The proposed project would not contain or traverse any established BLM
Herd Areas (HAs) or Herd Management Areas (HMAs).
5. The proposed project would not disrupt or divide the physical arrangement
of an established community.
6. The proposed project may not be consistent with a BLM Interim Policy
prohibiting surface disturbing activities on lands donated to BLM or
acquired with assistance from the federal Land and Water Conservation
Fund. We are uncertain if any such lands remain in the Scenario 5.5
footprint and, if they do, whether BLM will find the project compliant with
the Policy.
7. The implementation of renewable projects in Southern California would
occur mostly in undeveloped desert lands or areas of rural development,
and therefore, would not create physical divisions of established residential
communities. Nonetheless, approximately one million acres of land are
proposed for solar and wind energy development in the Southern California
desert lands. The proposed project would combine with other past and

Land Use 12
reasonably foreseeable future projects to substantially reduce scenic
values of wilderness areas and recreational resources in the Mojave
Desert and southern California desert region and therefore, would result in
a significant and unavoidable cumulative land use impact in this regard.


1. The record contains an adequate analysis of the land use laws, ordinances,
regulations, and standards that are relevant to the project and establishes
that the project will not create any unmitigated, significantly adverse direct
land use impacts as defined under the California Environmental Quality Act.
2. The Calico Solar Project would combine with other past and reasonably
foreseeable future projects to substantially reduce scenic values of wilderness
areas and recreational resources in the Mojave Desert and southern
California desert region and therefore, would result in a significant and
unavoidable cumulative land use impact in this regard.
3. The project is consistent with all applicable LORS with the possible exception
of BLM LM Interim Policy Memorandum (CA 2009 020) regarding lands
donated to BLM or acquired with assistance from the federal Land and Water
Conservation Fund. As a federal policy, it is not subject to override by the
Energy Commission. The BLM, as the author of the policy, is best qualified to
interpret and apply it to this project and will do so as part of its decision on the
CSP’s Right of Way application. Our decision to approve the CSP is
therefore contingent upon the grant of the Right of Way application, which we
will interpret as a BLM determination that the Policy is satisfied.

No Conditions of Certification are proposed.

13 Land Use
Land Use Table 2
Project Compliance with Adopted Land Use LORS
LORS Description of Applicable LORS Consistent? Basis for Consistency
Federal Land Policy (a) The Secretary, with respect to the public lands YES The FLPMA authorizes the issuance of a right-
and Management … are authorized to grant, issue, or renew rights- of-way grant for electrical generation facilities
Act, 1976 – 43 CFR of-way over, upon, under, or through such lands and transmission lines. In addition, based on
1600, Sec. 501. [43 for: staff’s review of the Federal Power Act, the
U.S.C. 1761] (4) systems for generation, transmission, and requirements would not be applicable to the
distribution of electric energy, except that the proposed project as they are not related to
applicant shall also comply with all applicable renewable resources, and are otherwise related
requirements of the Federal Energy Regulatory to administrative procedures. Therefore, the
Commission under the Federal Power Act, proposed project would be in compliance with
including part I thereof (41 Stat. 1063, 16 U.S.C. this policy.
791a-825r) [P.L. 102-486, 1992]
Farmland As required by section 1541(b) of the [Farmland YES As discussed above in detail in Section C.8.4.2
Protection Policy Protection Policy] Act, 7 U.S.C. 4202(b), Federal (under the subsection entitled “Agricultural
Act, Section 658.1 agencies are (a) to use the criteria to identify and Lands and Rangelands”), the farmland
take into account the adverse effects of their conversion impacts of the proposed project
programs on the preservation of farmland, (b) to would not be adverse. In addition, construction
consider alternative actions, as appropriate, that of the proposed project and its onsite linear
could lessen adverse effects, and (c) to ensure that facilities would be temporary, and the project
their programs, to the extent practicable, are would not involve other changes in the existing
compatible with State and units of local government environment that could result in conversion of
and private programs and policies to protect farmland, to non-agricultural uses. Therefore,
farmland. proposed project would be consistent with the

Land Use 14
LORS Description of Applicable LORS Consistent? Basis for Consistency
Bureau of Land Chapter 2 – Multiple-Use Classes YES The proposed project site is administered by
Management – MULTIPLE-USE CLASS GUIDELINES (with BLM’s the BLM and is managed under multiple use
California Desert MULTIPLE-USE CLASS L (Limited Use) project-specific Class L (Limited Use) categories in conformance
Conservation Area 6. Electrical Generation Facilities – CDCA Plan with the CDCA Plan (SES 2008a). The proposed
(CDCA) Plan (BLM Electric generation may be allowed. (See Amendment) project consists of an electrical generating
1980) wind/solar/ geothermal, below) facility, a substation, a transmission line, and
ancillary facilities. As such, development of
– Wind/Solar
the proposed project is an allowed use under
May be allowed after NEPA requirements are met.
the Multiple-Use Class Guidelines.
7. Transmission Facilities –
New gas, electric, and water facilities and cables In addition, the CDCA Plan, while recognizing
for interstate communication may be allowed only the potential compatibility of solar generation
within designated corridors (see Energy Production facilities on public lands, requires that all sites
and Utility Corridors Element). NEPA requirements associated with power generation or transmis-
will be met. [#5,85] sion not identified in the Plan be considered
through the Plan Amendment process. There-
fore, the BLM would undertake a project-specific
CDCA Plan amendment along with the ROW
grant for the proposed Calico Solar Project.
Upon BLM’s amendment of the CDCA plan for
the Calico Solar Project, the proposed project
would be fully compliant with the CDCA Plan.
The BLM’s Environmental Impact Statement
(EIS) acts as the mechanism for meeting
NEPA requirements, and also provides the
analysis required to support a Plan
Amendment identifying the facility within the

15 Land Use
LORS Description of Applicable LORS Consistent? Basis for Consistency
MULTIPLE-USE CLASS M (Moderate Use) YES The proposed project site is on lands adminis-
6. Electrical Generation Facilities (with BLM’s tered by the BLM, and is located within the
project-specific “Moderate” (Class M) use category of the BLM’s
All types of electrical generation plants may be
CDCA Plan CDCA Plan, with some areas designated as
allowed in accordance with State, Federal, and
Amendment) “Limited” (Class L). These lands are managed
local laws.
under the Multiple-Use Class M and Class L
—Wind/Solar categories in conformance with the CDCA Plan
May be allowed after NEPA requirements are met. (SES 2008a). The proposed project consists of
7. Transmission Facilities — an electrical generating facility, a substation, a
New gas, electric, and water facilities and cables transmission line, and ancillary facilities. As such,
for interstate communication may be allowed only development of the proposed project is an allowed
within designated corridors (see Energy Production use under the Multiple-Use Class Guidelines.
and Utility Corridors Element). NEPA requirements In addition, The CDCA Plan, while recognizing
will be met. [#5,85] the potential compatibility of solar generation
facilities on public lands, requires that all sites
associated with power generation or transmis-
sion not identified in the Plan be considered
through the Plan Amendment process. There-
fore, the BLM would undertake a project-specific
CDCA Plan amendment along with the ROW
grant for the proposed Calico Solar Project.
Upon BLM’s amendment of the CDCA plan for
the Calico Solar Project, the proposed project
would be fully compliant with the CDCA Plan.
The BLM’s Environmental Impact Statement
(EIS) acts as the mechanism for meeting NEPA
requirements, and also provides the analysis
required to support a Plan Amendment identi-
fying the facility within the Plan.
Chapter 3 YES As noted in the “Setting and Existing Conditions”
Wild Horse and Burros Element subsection above, the proposed project site is
not in the vicinity of an HA or HMA; therefore,
Goal 2. Protect wild horses and burros on public
the project site and surrounding area are not
lands by conducting surveillance to prevent
notable for the presence of wild horses or burros.
unauthorized removal or undue harassment of
As such, the proposed project would not result
in any interference with BLM’s management
of an HMA, and would be consistent with this

Land Use 16
LORS Description of Applicable LORS Consistent? Basis for Consistency
element of the CDCA Plan.
Chapter 3 YES The proposed project’s linear facilities would
Energy Production and Utility Element be within the project site, and would
Goal 1. Fully implement the network of joint-use interconnect at the SCE Pisgah Substation
planning corridors to meet projected utility needs to which is adjacent to the eastern boundary of
the year 2000. the project site. Therefore, the proposed
project would utilize existing ROWs, and
Specific electrical and natural gas right-of-way or
would be consistent with this element of the
power plant site applications made under the
CDCA Plan.
provisions of this element should be consistent
with adopted California Energy Commission
forecasts, which are reviewed biennially.
Decision criteria are to:
(1) Minimize the number of separate rights-of-way
by utilizing existing rights-of-way as a basis for
(2) Encourage joint use of corridors for
lines, canals, pipelines, and cables;
(3) Provide alternative corridors to be considered
during processing of applications;
(4) Avoid sensitive resources wherever possible;
(5) Conform to local plans whenever possible;
(6) Consider wilderness values and be consistent
with final wilderness recommendations;
(7) Complete the delivery-systems network;
(8) Consider ongoing projects for which decisions
have been made, for example, the Intermountain
Power Project; and
(9) Consider corridor networks which take into
account power needs and alternative fuel

17 Land Use
LORS Description of Applicable LORS Consistent? Basis for Consistency
Addendum B: Interim Management Guidelines YES The non-impairment standard, directs that
Chapter III. Guidelines for Specific Activities “until Congress has determined otherwise” the
lands under review be managed so as not to
Lands Actions – Disposal, Rights-of-Way, Access
impair their suitability as wilderness (CRS
and Withdrawals
2004). As the proposed project would not
2. Rights-of-Way: Existing rights-of-way may be traverse an established Wilderness Area or
renewed if they are still being used for their Wilderness Study Area, the project would be
authorized purpose. New rights-of-way may be in compliance with this guideline of the CDCA
approved only for temporary uses that satisfy the Plan.
non-impairment criteria.
3. Right-of-Way Corridors: Right-of-way corridors
may be designated on lands under wilderness
Federal Wilderness (a) Establishment; Congressional declaration of YES As the proposed project would not traverse an
Act, 16 U.S.C. policy; wilderness areas; administration for public established Wilderness Area, the project
§ 1131-1136 use and enjoyment, protection, preservation… would be consistent with this guideline.
provisions for designation as wilderness areas In
order to assure that an increasing population,
accompanied by expanding settlement and growing
mechanization, does not occupy and modify all
areas within the United States and its possessions,
leaving no lands designated for preservation and
protection in their natural condition, it is hereby
declared to be the policy of the Congress to secure
for the American people of present and future
generations the benefits of an enduring resource
of wilderness.
Public Rangelands Establishes and reaffirms the national policy and YES As noted in “Setting and Existing Conditions,”
Improvement Act commitment to inventory and identify current public the project site would be located within the
rangeland conditions and trends; manage, maintain Cady Mountains rangeland allotment. However,
and improve the condition of public rangelands so according the BLM’s Rangeland Specialist
that they become as productive as feasible for all from the Barstow Field Office, the land is
rangeland values in accordance with management currently permitted for grazing, and is identi-
objectives and the land use planning process; and fied in the West Mojave (WEMO) Plan, for
continue the policy of protecting wild free-roaming voluntary relinquishment (BLM 2009n). There-
horses and burros. fore, the proposed project would not interfere
with the Cady Mountains rangeland allotment.

Land Use 18
LORS Description of Applicable LORS Consistent? Basis for Consistency
Wild and Free- Establishes BLM’s authority to protect, manage, YES As discussed above in detail in Section C.8.4.2,
Roaming Horse and and control wild horses and burros to ensure that the proposed project would not contain or
Burro Act healthy herds thrive on healthy rangelands. BLM traverse an established HMA. As such, the
determines the "appropriate management level" proposed project would be consistent with this
(AML) of wild horses and burros on the public Act.
LM Interim Policy • Lands acquired by BLM under donation agreements, INCONSISTENT As noted in the “Setting and Existing Conditions,”
Memorandum acquired for mitigation/ compensation purposes (for the proposed the proposed project site may still include
(CA-2009-020) and with LWCF funds, are to be managed as project) lands that have been acquired for mitigation/
avoidance/ exclusion areas for land use authori- compensation purposes by LWCF funds. The
zations that could result in surface disturbing applicant has not provided the exact acreage
(for Reduced
activities. of the affected LWCF mitigation lands that
• Should BLM–California managers have use currently occur within the revised project site
authorizations applications pending, or receive boundary. Nonetheless, based on our review
new applications on lands that meet the above of the BLM’s Final Environmental Impact
criteria, they are required to notify the State Statement, it appears that some of the lands
Director and set up a briefing to address how to proposed for Scenario 5.5 may be LWCF
respond to those applications. lands. In an Interim policy dated May 28,
2009, the State Director of the BLM issued
• Should managers have inquiries related to pre-
an Instruction Memorandum regarding
application activities for any land use authorizations
management of donated land and lands
on lands that meet the above criteria, please notify
acquired by LWCF funds. As a result, LWCF
applicants regarding the location of these lands
lands are to be managed as
as soon as possible and advise them to avoid
avoidance/exclusion areas for land use
these lands or provide details on how they would
authorizations that could result in surface
plan to operate or mitigate their project in a manner
disturbing activities (BLM 2009a).
consistent with the values of the lands donated or
Construction and operation of the proposed
acquired for conservation purposes.
project may not be in compliance with this
policy, because even with the further revised
project boundary, these mitigation lands may
still be affected by the proposed project. We
encourage the parties to provide further
data and information in their comments on
the PMPD. In the interim, we may also
receive BLM’s decision on the Right of
Way permit and, in doing so, must address
the project’s status under the policy.
However, the Reduced Acreage Alternative,
which is smaller in size from Scenario 5.5 by

19 Land Use
LORS Description of Applicable LORS Consistent? Basis for Consistency
roughly half is said to avoid LWCF lands, and
therefore, would not result in surface
disturbing activities in the avoidance/exclusion
areas. As such, this alternative would be
consistent with this BLM Interim Policy and its
San Bernardino COUNTYWIDE GOALS AND POLICIES OF THE YES In May 2010, the applicant submitted a
County General LAND USE ELEMENT supplemental report for modifications to the
Plan (CSB 2007a) LU 1.2 The design and siting of new development primary water supply, which would require a
will meet locational and development standards to pipeline that would traverse two private
ensure compatibility of the new development with parcels (APNs 052928134 and 052928123)
adjacent land uses and community character. that were previously not within the project
boundary. The private parcels are
undeveloped land located within the county’s
Resource Conservation (RC) zoning
CO 10.2 The location of electric facilities should be
consistent with the County’s General Plan, and the
General Plan should recognize and reflect the The county has a “one-map approach” for
need for new and upgraded electric facilities. both the General Plan land use designations
and zoning classifications to assure land use
consistency between the county’s General
Plan and its zoning code. As noted in Land
D/OS 1.3 Maintain Rural Living (RL) and Resource
Use Table 1, the county recently adopted
Conservation (RC) Land Use Zoning Districts or
Development Code Chapter 84.29
zoning on steep slopes and remote areas to
(Renewable Energy Generating Facilities);
minimize hillside grading and to protect the rural
therefore, the county recognizes the need for
and natural environment.
renewable power generating facilities. Refer
to the discussion below for the proposed
project’s consistency with Chapter 84.29.
Given the allowances for development of solar
power in the RC zone in the county’s newly
adopted Development Code Chapter 84.29
(Renewable Energy Generating Facilities), the

Land Use 20
LORS Description of Applicable LORS Consistent? Basis for Consistency
proposed water pipeline would be consistent
with these goals and policies.
DESERT REGION GOALS AND POLICIES OF YES The proposed water pipeline is a component
THE CONSERVATION ELEMENT for the development of a solar energy farm
GOAL D/CO 2. Encourage utilization of renewable that would produce up to a nominal 500 MW
energy resources. net of power. The power generated by the
COUNTYWIDE GOALS AND POLICIES OF THE proposed project would be conveyed into
CONSERVATION ELEMENT SCE’s electric grid to provide electricity supply
CO 8.3 Assist in efforts to develop alternative for the area’s population. Because the
energy technologies that have minimum adverse proposed project makes use of a renewable
effect on the environment, and explore and resource (i.e., sun light), it is consistent with
promote newer opportunities for the use of this goal of the General Plan. In addition, the
alternative energy sources. county recently adopted Development Code
Chapter 84.29 (Renewable Energy
Generating Facilities). Therefore, the county
recognizes the need for renewable power
generating facilities and has adopted a code
to support renewable energy development;
and as a component of the proposed project,
the water pipeline would be consistent with
this goal and policy.

21 Land Use
County of San CHAPTER 84.29 RENEWABLE ENERGY YES This chapter of the county Development Code
Bernardino 2007 GENERATION FACILITIES was recently adopted in February of 2010 in
Development Code recognition of the State’s need for Renewable
(CSB 2007b) 84.29.020 Applicability and Land Use Zoning
Power Generating Facilities. The proposed
water pipeline is within the RC zone, and as a
The Land Use Zoning Districts that allow
facility associated with development of solar
renewable energy facilities are limited to the
power is consistent with the county’s
Development Code.
RC (Resource Conservation)
AG (Agriculture)
FW (Floodway)
RL (Rural Living) Note: If a facility is proposed
solely in the Rural Living land use zoning district,
it must include a minimum of 20 acres in the
development proposal.IR (Regional Industrial)

Land Use 22

This section addresses the extent to which the proposed project will affect the
local area’s transportation network. The evidence includes an analysis of the
roadways proposed for construction and operation; potential traffic-related
problems associated with the use of these routes; and the anticipated
encroachment upon public rights-of-way during the construction of the proposed
project and associated facilities.


The project site is located in San Bernardino County on approximately 4,613

acres of land owned by the United States government and managed by the US
Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM). (Ex. 1, B.1-2.) The
Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BSNF) railroad bisects the site from west to east.
The key roadways for this project include the following:

• Interstate-40 (I-40) – This is an east-west interstate freeway located south of

the project site, and which would serve as a major access road to the project.
I-40 is a four-lane highway with two lanes in each direction. The existing
average daily traffic (ADT) near the vicinity of the Calico Solar Project site is
15,600 vehicles per day; 43 percent is truck traffic. (Ex. 300, p. C.11-6.)
• National Trails Highway (Route 66) – This east-west two-lane highway is
located approximately 300 feet south of the proposed project site and runs
parallel to the I-40. (Ex. 300, p. C.11-6.)
• Hector Road – This is the primary access road to the Calico Solar Project
site. It is a local road running north-south and begins at Route 66 south of the
I-40 and ends south of the BNSF railroad tracks. The existing ADT on Hector
Road near the vicinity of the project site is 31 vehicles per day. (Ex. 300, p.

Three airports were identified in the general project vicinity, but all of these
airports were over 18 miles away from the project site. (Ex. 300, p. C.11-8.)

The BNSF provides long-haul freight service throughout the United States. Near
and on the project site, BNSF operates a double-track railroad line through the
project site from east to west. AMTRAK’s Southwest Chief route from Los
Angeles to Chicago travels on this rail line through the site. The BNSF rail lines
are heavily used by freight trains. The trains, some of which are approximately
10,000 feet long, cross the tracks approximately every fifteen minutes from both
directions.. (Ex. 300, pp. C.11-7 and C.11-9.)

1 Traffic and Transportation

The Levels of Service (LOS) 1 for street intersections in the project vicinity are
shown below in Traffic and Transportation Table 1:

Traffic and Transportation Table 1

2011 Peak Hour Roadway Traffic Volumes
Design Capacities, and Levels of Service Without Project
Morning Peak Evening Peak
2011 Existing Conditions without Calico
Hour Hour
Average Average
Roadway Segment LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS
(sec/veh) (sec/veh)
I-40 – West of Hector Road 15,6601 B4 8.8 A 8.8 A
I-40 – East of Hector Road 16,8501 B4 8.8 A 8.8 A
2 5
Hector Road – North of I-40 10/10 A/A --- --- 8.5 ---
Hector Road – South of I-40 10/155 A/A5 --- --- ---
National Trails Highway –
10/102 A/A5 8.5 A 8.5 A
West of Hector Road
National Trails Highway –
10/152 A/A5 8.5 A 8.5 A
East of Hector Road
BLM Access Road –
N/A N/A --- --- --- ---
North of I-40
Notes and Sources: 2007 Traffic Volumes (Caltrans, 2008a); 2AM/PM Volumes (Higher Volumes
between Northbound and Southbound Direction), Source: National Data Services, 2008a; 2007 Truck
Volumes (Caltrans, 2008b); 4 ADT LOS; 5 Peak Hour LOS; 6 Peak Hour LOS is based on Table
5.11-3, San Bernardino CMP, 2003 Update. Information not listed was not available; ADT = Average
Daily Traffic; LOS = Level of Service. Source: URS Corporation; Ex. 300, C.11-14, Table 1.

1. Construction Traffic

The Applicant anticipates that construction will take approximately 44 months

beginning in 2010 and ending in 2014. The construction work force will peak
during month 16 at approximately 731 workers per day in month seven (2011)
and average approximately 400 workers over the course of construction. The
construction workforce will be drawn from San Bernardino and Riverside
counties. Approximately 20 percent of the workers are expected to travel east on
I-40; approximately 80 percent, west on I-40. (Ex. 300, pp. C.11-11 to C.11-12.)

To evaluate the worst-case scenario, the traffic analysis assumed no workers

would carpool and all workers would arrive during the morning peak period (7 AM
The operating conditions of a roadway (surface street) system, including intersections, are
described using the term “level of service.” Level of service (LOS) is a description of a driver’s
experience at an intersection or roadway based on the level of congestion (delay). LOS can
range from “A,” representing free-flow conditions with little or no delay to “F,” representing
saturated conditions with substantial delay.

Traffic and Transportation 2

to 9 AM) and depart during the evening peak period (4 PM to 6 PM). During
peak construction, the daily round trips for workers would total 1,462 trips, 731
inbound in morning and 731 outbound in evening. (Ex. 300, p. C.11-11.)

Parking for workers will be provided in the 14-acre construction laydown area
adjacent to the main services complex as well as the 26-acre laydown and
staging areas south of the complex. Employees may travel to and from the site
and/or the laydown parking areas in shuttles or other similar vehicles. We adopt
Condition of Certification TRANS-2 that requires the Applicant to develop a
parking and staging plan for workforce and construction vehicles. This plan will
include any impediments that may occur because of the need to cross the BNSF
Railway tracks.. (Ex. 300, p. C.11-11.)

According to the Applicant, for the first ten months of construction temporary
access for construction will be provided from an existing road off I-40, which will
be designed to cross the railroad tracks. In October 2011, construction traffic will
use a permanent access road designed to use the same exit off of Hector Road
and, which will be designed with a new bridge over the BNSF railroad tracks. We
adopt Condition of Certification TRANS-1 that requires the Applicant to obtain an
easement from BNSF Railway to construct the road on its right-of-way before
construction begins. This Condition also requires the Applicant to construct an
all-weather road so emergency vehicles have access to the site. (Ex. 300, p.

The existing BSNF line could pose a safety hazard for construction workers and
others visiting or making deliveries to the project site. The frequency of the trains
(every fifteen minutes) could result in traffic backing up or stacking on I-40 as
workers wait in vehicles for the train to pass and to cross the tracks. The same
scenario could occur as workers leave the site. State and federal regulations
require that a flag person be present at all times wherever workers, delivery
persons, or visitors cross an unattended or open track. To address this issue, we
adopt Condition of Certification TRANS-2 to require implementation of measures
that reduce traffic on I-40 during critical commute times and ensure safe crossing
of the BSNF Railway tracks. This Condition requires a traffic control plan that will
also address access by emergency service vehicles. (Ex. 300, p. C.11-10.)

During construction, most deliveries will occur between 7 AM and 5 PM on

weekdays. Because delivery trucks will use the temporary intersection off I-40 to
Hector Road controlled by a stop sign, we adopt Condition of Certification

3 Traffic and Transportation

TRANS-2 so that arrival and departure time of these trucks does not occur in
peak traffic periods. (Ex. 300, p. C.11-15.)

To transport this equipment, the Applicant must obtain special permits from
Caltrans to move oversized or overweight materials and address other issues
such as routes used and delivery times. We adopt Condition of Certification
TRANS-3 to ensure the project owner complies with vehicle size and weight
limitation requirements of Caltrans and other relevant jurisdictions; Condition of
Certification TRANS-4 to ensure the Applicant complies with Caltrans’ and other
relevant jurisdictions’ limitations on encroachments into public rights of way; and
TRANS-5 to ensure that the project owner will restore all public roads,
easements, and rights-of-way that have been damaged due to project-related
construction activities. (Ex. 300, pp. C.11-16.)

The evidence shows that vicinity roadways would continue to operate at LOS C
or better during the morning and evening peak hours. Table 2 below shows that
construction would not cause any of the Levels of Service to deteriorate to a level
that would have a significant impact. (Ex. 300, pp. C.11-14 and C.11-15, Tables
4 and 6.)
Traffic and Transportation Table 2
2011 Peak Hour Roadway Traffic Volumes
Design Capacities, and Levels of Service With Project
Morning Peak Evening Peak
2011 Existing Conditions with Calico
Hour Hour
Average Average
Roadway Segment LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS
(sec/veh) (sec/veh
I-40 – West of Hector Road 17,0001 B4 15.5 C 13.1 B
I-40 – East of Hector Road 17,2501 B4 16.5 C 11.0 B
Hector Road – North of I-40 705/7752 B/C5 --- --- --- ---
Hector Road – South of I-40 10/152 A/A5 --- --- --- ---
National Trails Highway –
10/102 A/A5 8.5 A 8.5 A
West of Hector Road
National Trails Highway –
10/152 A/A5 8.5 A 8.5 A
East of Hector Road
BLM Access Road – North of
81/122 A/A5 --- --- --- ---
Notes and Sources: 2007 Traffic Volumes (Caltrans, 2008a); 2AM/PM Volumes (Higher Volumes between
Northbound and Southbound Direction), Source: National Data Services, 2008a; 2007 Truck Volumes (Caltrans,
2008b); 4 ADT LOS; 5 Peak Hour LOS; 6 Peak Hour LOS is based on Table 5.11-3, San Bernardino CMP, 2003
Update. Information not listed was not available; ADT = Average Daily Traffic; LOS = Level of Service. Source:
URS Corporation 2008; Ex. 300, p. C.11-14.

Traffic and Transportation 4

2. Construction Phase Transport of Hazardous Materials and Waste

Approximately ten types of hazardous materials, including hydrogen gas, will be

used at the site during construction. These materials will be transported to the
site and removed from the site by trucks via I-40. We adopt Conditions of
Certification TRANS-2 that requires the traffic control plan to address the
transport of hazardous materials and TRANS-6 to ensure that the transporting of
hazardous materials will comply with all applicable federal and state regulations.
(Ex. 300, p. C.11-16.) The handling and disposal of hazardous substances is
also addressed in the Hazardous Materials Handling discussion in this

3. Operation Impacts and Mitigation

Operation of the Calico Solar Project will result in a small amount of vehicular
traffic. Operational workforce is estimated to be 164 workers. The arrival and
departure time of those workers will be staggered in three 8-hour shifts over
operations on a 24 hour, 7-day-a-week basis. Consequently, peak week-day
traffic will be 53 vehicles even if every employee were to commute in his or her
own vehicle. The surrounding roadways and intersections are projected to
operate well below LOS capacity when the project is operational in 2016. (Ex.
300, p. C.11-17.)

The Applicant will build a permanent access road to the site directly from I-40.
To ensure adequate access for emergency vehicles, we adopt Condition of
Certification TRANS-1 to ensure that the access road conforms with local,
county, and State Fire Marshal Codes. (Ex. 300, p. C.11-17.)

Parking for workers would be provided on a 10-acre satellite services complex

located in the eastern portion of the project site. When operational, the project
would employ up to 164 workers, who would work in three 8-hour shifts. We
adopt Condition of Certification TRANS-2 that requires a traffic control plan to
ensure adequate parking for workers. (Ex. 300, p. C.11-18.)

As noted earlier, the BNSF operates a double-track railroad line through the
project site. The project includes construction of a bridge over the tracks that will
be used for permanent access at the project site. Therefore, we find that no
mitigation is necessary to address crossing of the tracks during operation. (Ex.
300, p. C.11-17.)

5 Traffic and Transportation

Similar to the discussion in construction, the project will use hazardous materials
during operation. These materials will be delivered to and removed from the site
by truck via the I-40. To address the transport of hazardous materials, we adopt
Condition of Certification TRANS-6 that will require compliance with all applicable
federal and state regulations. (Ex. 300, p. C.11-16.)

The proposed Calico Solar Project will use SunCatchers— a 40-foot tall, 25
kilowatt-electrical (kWe) solar dish developed by Stirling Energy Systems. The
SunCatcher system consists of a unique radial solar concentrator dish structure
that supports an array of curved glass mirror facets. These mirrors are designed
to automatically track the sun and collect and focus or concentrate its solar
energy onto a patented power conversion unit (PCU).

The SunCatcher mirrors have the potential to pose a visual hazard (glare). The
SunCatcher mirrors have the potential to move off-axis during cloud cover, and
the reflection of the sun on the mirrors nearest the rail line or roadways may pose
a hazard (temporary flash blindness) to motorists on Hector Road, I-40, and
Route 66; and to train crews using the BNSF tracks. To address the potential for
flash blindness, we adopt Condition of Certification TRANS-7, which requires the
project owner to modify the normal and offset tracking position to specific
specifications and ensures specific morning-stow and night-stow procedures are
followed. This Condition also requires a 223-foot minimum distance from any
SunCatcher reflector assembly to the BNSF ROW or any public roadway to
reduce the possibility of temporary flash blindness. The project owner must also
prepare an emergency glare response program that includes a monitoring plan;
plan for reporting malfunctions and complaints; immediate repositioning of
malfunctioning units; and a process of evaluating intrusive light conditions
through video surveillance. (Ex. 300, p. C.11-19.)

BNSF Railway has communicated its concern about the effect of glint and glare
on the railroad engineers’ ability to clearly and accurately see signal lights. Staff
has taken these comments into consideration. Because of the significance of the
signal lights to the operational safety of the crews and trains, Staff has
determined that any escaping glint and glare that may affect the railroad
engineer’s ability to clearly and accurately see signal lights will require shielding.
Therefore, we adopt Condition of Certification TRANS-7, which requires the
Applicant to work with the BNSF Railway to determine the appropriate size and
design of shields to be affixed to signal lights as well as measures to increase the
contrast of the signal light, including orienting the shield around the signal light;

Traffic and Transportation 6

ensuring the darkest background possible on the signal light; or use of current
LED signal technology. (Ex. 300, p. C.11-19.)

The evidence shows that vicinity roadways will continue to operate at LOS C or
better during the morning and evening peak hours. Operation will not cause any
of these Levels of Service to deteriorate to a level that will have a significant
adverse impact. In addition, the evidence shows that the Calico Solar Project
has the potential to cause glint and glare in the project area. However, with the
implementation of Condition of Certification TRANS-7 the project will not have a
significant adverse impact to motorists or to the BNSF Railway.

4. Cumulative impacts

A significant cumulative impact may be created as a result of the combination of

the proposed project together with other projects causing impacts. The evidence
shows that seven projects were identified in the general vicinity of the Calico
Solar Project. The traffic-related impacts of these existing or proposed projects
when combined with the traffic-related activities of the Calico Solar Project were
considered in the cumulative impact evaluation. (Ex. 300, p. C.11-25.)
Eleven projects either exist or are projected to be constructed during the same
time frame as the Calico Solar Project. There is no evidence in the record that
the construction or operation of these other projects will result in cumulative
impact to traffic flow during the construction or operation of the Calico Solar
Project. We find that the Calico Solar Project will not contribute to cumulative
impacts for the following reasons: (Ex. 300, pp. C.11-27 and C.11-28.)

• The number of workers needed for existing projects is minimal.

• The Calico Solar Project mitigation measures will result in acceptable levels
of service on roads and highways.
• Even if all existing and proposed projects used the same roadways, which is
not the case, the locations of the various projects, different start times, and
direction of travel used by workers; and Conditions of Certifications imposed
on the projects, including the Calico Solar Project, to keep traffic at
acceptable LOS level, will help to ensure that affected roadways operate at
acceptable levels.

Truck travel as well as other non-employee site visits will be very small and will
typically occur during non-peak periods. Consequently, cumulative operational
impacts will not be significant and will not require mitigation. (Ex. 300, p. C.11-27

7 Traffic and Transportation

5. Public and Agency Comments

Comments were received from the Applicant and from the BSNF Railway
regarding the project. These comments are summarized below.

The Applicant contends that there is no potential for cumulative traffic impacts
between the Calico Solar Project and the Abengoa Mojave Project because
employee travel patterns will not overlap. The Calico Solar workforce is
expected to originate almost entirely in Barstow and in the opposite direction of
the Abengoa project. As such, the Applicant requested that Staff delete
Condition of Certification TRANS-2. Staff considered the Applicant’s comments,
reviewed the documents filed, and modified Condition of Certification TRANS-2
to address Applicant concerns. The revised Condition now provides the
Applicant flexibility in determining its options for controlling traffic. (Ex. 300, p.

On July 29, 2010, BSNF Railway submitted a comment letter that identified
concerns with glint and glare and requested intervener status on the project.
BNSF Railway also presented this letter/request at the Commission’s Prehearing
Conference on July 30, 2010. BNSF requested a site-specific glint and glare
study prior to the first SunCatcher disc being mounted on a pedestal. (Ex. 300,
p. C.11-31.)

Staff worked with BNSF representatives to resolve their concerns with glint and
glare. A glint and glare study was prepared for the project, which was reviewed
with BNSF Railway representatives. BNSF representatives also expressed
concern with the effect of glare on the railroad engineer’s ability to correctly
perceive the color of the signal lights. Staff identified Condition of Certification
TRANS-7 to require the Applicant to work with BNSF Railway to fund and
conduct a study to determine the specific measures needed, if any, to ensure
that the correct signal color is visible to BNSF Railway engineers. Staff
determined that measures such as hooding or increasing the intensity of the
lights will ensure that BNSF Railway engineers can correctly perceive the color of
the signal. This study and modifications to the signal, if required, are to be
completed before operation of the Calico Solar Project. (Ex. 300, p. C.11-32.)

Traffic and Transportation 8


Based on the evidence, we find and conclude as follows:

1. The additional traffic associated with construction and operation of the

Calico Solar Project will not have an adverse effect on existing levels of
service for roads in the project vicinity with the implementation of
Conditions of Certification TRANS-1 to TRANS-5.

2. Development and implementation of a construction traffic control program

will offset any temporary, short-term increases in congestion resulting from
construction of the project.

3. The Suncatcher mirrors have the potential to produce glint and glare near
public roads and the BNSF railroad right-of-way. Condition of Certification
TRANS-7 will reduce these impacts.

4. Potential adverse impacts associated with the transportation of hazardous

materials during construction and operation of the project will be mitigated
to insignificance by compliance with applicable federal and state laws and
Condition of Certification TRANS-6.

5. The traffic associated with cumulative projects will not impact regional and
local roadways with the implementation of the Conditions of Certification.

6. Implementation of the Conditions of Certification, below, ensure that both

construction and operation of the project will comply with all applicable
laws, ordinances, regulations, and standards regarding traffic and
transportation as identified in the pertinent portion of Appendix A of this


1. The Commission, therefore, concludes that construction and operation of

the project, as mitigated herein, will not result in any significant, direct,
indirect, or cumulative adverse impacts to the local or regional traffic and
transportation system and will comply with all applicable LORS.


TRANS-1– Construction of All-Weather Roads and Bridge. If an easement is

granted and the Applicant begins construction, the Applicant shall
construct an all-weather road according to (1) California State Fire
Marshall specifications as outlined in California Fire Code Section

9 Traffic and Transportation

902.2.1 et seq. These roads shall be constructed with appropriate
materials, including culverts and paving, so that they will be safe for
use in crossing washes at the site.
In addition, the Applicant shall coordinate its activities with the BNSF
Railway. Those activities include working with the Public Utilities
Commission to ensure compliance with provisions of the California
Public Utilities Code Sections 1201- 1220.
During construction of both the temporary and permanent road,
temporary crossing of BNSF tracks, and permanent crossing of BNSF
tracks, the Applicant shall prepare and coordinate with BNSF Railway;
California Public Utilities Commission; and Federal Railroad
Administration a safety plan for ensuring that all state and federal
safety requirements for railroad crossings are followed.
That plan shall be reviewed and coordinated with BNSF Railway,
appropriate regulatory agencies, and the CPM to ensure compliance
with all state and federal requirements and approved by those
agencies s well as the CPM.
Verification: At least 30-days prior to the start of mobilization, right-of-way
easements shall be obtained and presented to the CPM. In addition to the BSNF
easement, the project owner shall provide the CPM a copy of all documents
pertaining to approvals from the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA); and the
California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). A courtesy copy shall be provided
to the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), District 8 Office. Within
30 days after the completion of each road and railroad crossing improvements,
the project owner shall provide the CPM with a copy of written approvals from
BNSF, FRA, and CPUC as to the adequacy and safety of the roads and bridge.

TRANS-2 – Traffic Control Plan. Prior to the start of construction for the Calico
Solar Project, the project owner shall prepare and implement a traffic
control plan (TPC) for the project’s construction and operation traffic.
The plan shall address the movement of workers, vehicles, and
materials, including arrival and departure schedules and designated
workforce and delivery routes.
For the project’s construction period, the plan is to be designed to take
into account any impediments that may or could occur because of the
need to cross BNSF Railway tracks. In developing this plan the
Applicant is required to consider off-site parking and staging in
designated areas and the use of buses to transport workers to and
from the construction site.
Once the bridge is constructed, the Applicant shall prepare a parking
and staging plan to require all project-related parking to occur on-site
or in designated off-site parking areas and that staging occurs on-site
in a specifically-defined area.

Traffic and Transportation 10

The project owner shall consult with the BNSF Railway; County of San
Bernardino; and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
District 8 office in the preparation and implementation of the plan and
shall submit the proposed traffic control plan to the BNSF Railway;
County of San Bernardino; and Department of Transportation
(Caltrans) District 8 office in sufficient time for review and comment.
The plan, along with any written comments from the BNSF Railway,
County of San Bernardino; and Department of Transportation
(Caltrans) District 8 office, shall then be submitted to the Energy
Commission Compliance Program Manager (CPM) for review and
approval prior to the proposed start of construction and implementation
of the plan.

The traffic control plan shall include:

• A work schedule and end-of-shift departure plan designed to

ensure that stacking does not occur on intersections necessary to
enter and exit the project site. The project owner shall consider
using one or more of the following measures designed to prevent
stacking: (1) staggered work shifts; (2) off-peak work schedules;
and (3) restricting travel to and departures from the project site to
ten or fewer vehicles every three minutes during peak travel hours
on Interstate 40.

• Provisions for at least two flaggers stationed at the BNSF Railway

crossing during each day of construction until the proposed bridge
is constructed and operating. Flaggers shall be present at the
BNSF Railway crossing to ensure the safe crossing of workers,
visitors, and delivery persons arriving and leaving the project site.
• Provisions for an incentive program such as an employer-
sponsored Commuter Check Program to encourage construction
workers to carpool or use van or bus service or both.
• Provisions for delivering and staging of heavy equipment and
building material deliveries as well as for the movement of
hazardous materials to the site.
• Limitation on truck deliveries to the project sites to only off-peak
hours to ensure adequate exit and entry at appropriate
intersections and railroad tracks.
• On I-40, provisions for direction and redirection of construction
traffic with flag persons as necessary to ensure traffic safety and
minimize interruptions to non-construction-related traffic flow.
• Placement of signage, lighting, and traffic control devices at the
project construction site and laydown areas.

11 Traffic and Transportation

• Signage along eastbound and westbound appropriate roads and at
the entrance of the Hector Road I-40 northbound and southbound
off-ramps to notifying drivers of construction traffic throughout the
duration of the construction period.
• A heavy-haul plan designed to address the transport and delivery of
heavy and oversized loads requiring permits from Department of
Transportation (Caltrans) or other state and federal agencies.
• Parking for workforce and construction vehicles, including
consideration of off-site parking prior to opening of bridge across
BNSF Railway tracks, to prevent stacking on I-40 roads and
intersections and facilitate timely and safer crossing across tracks
for workers, visitors, and delivery persons as well as for emergency
Verification: At least 30-days prior to the start of construction, including any
grading or site remediation on the power plant site or its associated easements,
the project owner shall submit the proposed traffic control plan to BNSF Railway;
San Bernardino County; and the Department of Transportation (Caltrans) District
8 office for review and comment and to the CPM for review and approval. The
project owner shall also provide the CPM with a copy of the transmittal letter to
BNSF Railway; San Bernardino County; and the Department of Transportation
(Caltrans) District 8 office requesting review and comment.
At least 60 calendar days prior to the start of construction, the project owner shall
provide copies of any comment letters received from BNSF Railway; San
Bernardino County; and the Department of Transportation (Caltrans) District 8
office along with any changes to the proposed traffic control plan for CPM review
and approval.

TRANS-3 – Limitations on Vehicle Size and Weight. Due to the dynamic

nature of the construction environment, at least 30 days prior to the
start of construction, the project owner shall consult with the BNSF
Railway, San Bernardino County, and the Caltrans District 8 office to
coordinate procedures for obtaining required and necessary easement
and permits on an as-needed basis.
After consultation with BNSF Railway, San Bernardino County, and the
Caltrans Office District 8 office, the project owner shall prepare a
coordination plan designed to comply with limitations imposed by
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) District 8 office and
other relevant jurisdictions including San Bernardino County on vehicle
sizes and weights. In addition, the project owner or its contractor shall
obtain necessary transportation permits from Caltrans and all relevant
jurisdictions for use of roadways.
Verification: At least 30 calendar days prior to construction, a copy of the
coordination plan shall be provided to the CPM for review and comment. In
addition, the project owner shall provide copies of easements and permits

Traffic and Transportation 12

obtained from BNSF Railway; San Bernardino County; and the Caltrans District 8
office to the CPM.
In the Monthly Compliance Reports (MCRs), the project owner shall submit
copies of any easements or permits or both received during that reporting period.
In addition, the project owner shall retain copies of these permits and supporting
documentation in its compliance file for at least six months after the start of
commercial operation. The project owner shall retain copies of BNSF Railway
easements for the life of the project.

TRANS-4 – Encroachment into Public Rights of Way. The project owner and
its contractor shall comply with Caltrans and other relevant jurisdictions
limitations for encroachment into public rights-of-way and shall obtain
necessary encroachment permits from Caltrans and all relevant
Verification: In the monthly compliance reports (MCRs), the project owner
shall submit copies of permits received during the reporting period. In addition,
the project owner shall retain copies of these permits and supporting
documentation in its compliance file for at least six months after the start of
commercial operation.

TRANS 5 – Restoration of All Public Roads, Easements, and Rights-of-Way.

The project owner shall restore all public roads, easements, and rights-
of-way that have been damaged due to project-related construction
activities to original or near-original condition in a timely manner, as
directed by the CPM. Repairs and restoration of access roads may be
required at any time during the construction phase of the project to
assure safe ingress and egress.
Verification: At least 30 days prior to the start of mobilization, the project
owner shall photograph or videotape all affected public roads, easements, and
right-of-way segments and/or intersections and shall provide the CPM, the
affected local jurisdictions, and Caltrans (if applicable) with a copy of these
images. The project owner shall rebuild, repair and maintain all public roads,
easements, rights-of-way in a usable condition throughout the construction phase
of the project.
In addition, the project owner shall consult with the County of San Bernardino
and California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) District 8 and notify them
of the proposed schedule for project construction. The purpose of this notification
is to request that San Bernardino County and Caltrans consider postponement of
public right-of-way repair or improvement activities in areas affected by project
construction until construction is completed and to coordinate with the project
owner regarding any concurrent construction-related activities that are planned or
in progress and cannot be postponed. The purpose of this requirement is to help
ensure cooperation from San Bernardino County and Caltrans so that the
Applicant’s construction work is accommodated and the project can be
completed in a timely and safe manner.

13 Traffic and Transportation

TRANS 6 – Permits/Licenses to Transport Hazardous Materials. The project
owner shall ensure that permits and/or licenses are secured from the
California Highway Patrol and Caltrans for the transport of hazardous
Verification: The project owner shall include in its monthly compliance reports
(MCRs), copies of all permits and licenses acquired by the project owner or
contractors or both concerning the transport of hazardous substances.

TRANS-7 – Prevention of Glare from SunCatchers to BNSF Train Crews and

Motorists on Hector Road; Route 66; and Interstate 40
This Condition of Certification is divided into two sections. Section One
concerns the testing of signals to ensure that they are easily visible to
train engineers. Section Two concerns general location, operating, and
reporting procedures pertaining to the SunCatcher mirrors.

I. Signal Light Modifications

Immediately after the installation of the first SunCatcher mirrors near

the BNSF Railway right-of-way but before operation of the mirrors, the
Applicant will work with BNSF Railway to ensure that the operation of
the SunCatcher mirrors will not interfere with the railroad engineers’
ability to accurately see and respond to appropriate signal lights.
The Applicant will work with BNSF Railway to determine the
appropriate size and design of shields to be affixed to signal lights as
well as measures to increase the contrast of the signal light, including
orienting the appropriately sized shield around the signal light and
increasing the brightness of the signal light emitter over historic light
levels using current LED signal technology.
In addition, the Applicant will work with BNSF Railway to determine
emergency reporting procedures to immediately identify, report, and
repair any malfunctioning or missing shield.
Verification: Signal Light Modifications. At least 45 days before the first
SunCatchers are operated, the Applicant shall consult with BNSF to prepare a
plan to design, develop, and manufacture the appropriate shields to ensure that
railroad engineers can accurately identify and respond properly to signal lights.
As part of the development process, the Applicant shall coordinate the
development of the plan as well as the manufacture and installation of these
shields with BNSF Railway, California Public Utilities Commission, and the CPM.
The completed plan shall be submitted to the CPM for review and approval at
least 30 days prior to the start of operations.
At least 30 days before the first SunCatchers are operated, the Applicant shall
consult with BNSF Railway to test the shielded signal lights to ensure that the
railroad engineers can accurately identify and respond to the appropriate signal.
The CPM shall also be notified when testing shall occur.

Traffic and Transportation 14

Once BNSF Railway, California Public Utilities Commission has accepted the
modified shield and verified that it allows the railroad engineers to accurately
identify and respond to the proper signal, the Applicant, along with BNSF
Railway, shall coordinate methods and reporting procedures to ensure their safe
and effective use.
The Applicant shall develop, with BNSF Railway’s input and approval, a
monitoring plan that shall provide for the immediate reporting of any defective
shield as well as its immediate replacement. This plan shall include methods for
coordinating and implementing these reporting procedures with all necessary
federal, state, and local agencies as well as BNSF Railway. This monitoring plan
shall be submitted to the CPM for review and approval.
In addition, the project owner shall provide the CPM a monthly report that
includes the date, time, location, response, and response time of any
malfunction, public complaint, or video detection covered by the emergency glare
response program; any determinations made by the project owner as to cause of
the problem; and methods taken to resolve the problem. A copy of these reports
shall be kept by the project owner for at least five years.

II. General Location, Operating, and Reporting Procedures

The project owner shall accomplish the following:

1. Modify the offset tracking procedure to use a 25-degree offset instead of the
proposed 10-degree offset.

2. Ensure the morning stow position-to-offset position transitions occur at least

30 minutes before sunrise and end in the 25 percent offset tracking position.

3. Ensure that the “Night Stow” should occur 30 minutes after sunset to avoid any
intrusive light effects.

4. Ensure that the minimum distance from any SunCatcher reflector assembly to
the BNSF right-of-way (ROW) or any public roadway shall be a minimum of
223 feet to reduce the possibility of temporary flash blindness. In addition,
during the normal tracking and offset tracking positions, the project operator
shall adhere to the following procedures and specifications:

5. Develop and implement an emergency glare response program that includes

all of the following:

a. Monitoring plan that requires (1) the use of video surveillance trucks to
identify and document intrusive light conditions, covering all hours of
operation on a weekly basis for five years; and (2) monitoring of the status
of individual SunCatchers during all hours of operation to immediately

15 Traffic and Transportation

identify any malfunctioning units with the potential to create glare within
the BNSF Railway right-of-way; or on I-40, Route 66, or Hector Road.

b. Procedures that allow motorists and train operators, including AMTRAK

and BNSF, to report to the project owner, as well as to Caltrans, California
Highway Patrol (CHP), and the County of San Bernardino. In the case of
complaints from motorists, any problems with glint or glare resulting from
the operation or malfunction of SunCatchers. The procedures developed
by the Applicant for public reporting of glare problems shall be developed
in consultation with BNSF Railway, California Department of
Transportation (Caltrans) District 8 office, California Highway Patrol
(CHP), and San Bernardino County. These procedures shall include a toll-
free number for reporting problems as well as a process for written
notification to the project owner and to California Department of
Transportation (Caltrans, District 8) and San Bernardino County, in the
case of complaints from motorists; or to AMTRAK or BNSF Railway, or
both, in the case of complaints from train operators or passengers.

c. Procedures for the immediate (1) repositioning of any malfunctioning units

to avoid potential glare within the BNSF Railway right-of-way or on I-40,
Route 66, or Hector Road; investigation and resolution of complaints
received from train operators or motorists or both.

d. Process for evaluating intrusive light conditions identified by the video

surveillance and determining, in consultation with the CPM, what
operational or other changes may be warranted to reduce or eliminate the
identified intrusion.

e. Procedures for documenting instances when malfunctioning units with the

potential to create glare are identified, or when train operators or motorists
complain of glare, and the actions taken in response to those instances or

f. Period reports to the Project CPM detailing instances of SunCatcher

malfunction, public complaints about glare, or video-detected problems
that are covered by the emergency glare response program.
Verification: General Location, Operating, and Reporting. At least 30 days
before the first SunCatchers are tested or operated, the project owner shall
submit documentation to the CPM necessary to verify that the operational
measures and setback requirements included in this Condition of Certification will
be implemented and achieved.
At least 15 days before the SunCatchers are tested or operated, the project
owner shall .submit to the CPM, for the CPM’s review and approval, a copy of the
project owner’s draft emergency glare response program, including methods for
coordinating and implementing the program with all state, county, and local
agencies as well as BNFS Railway and AMTRAK.

Traffic and Transportation 16

Beginning no more than 30 days after the first SunCatchers are tested or
operated and continuing for the duration of project operations, the project owner
shall develop a procedure for any motorist, passenger, worker, train personnel,
or visitor to report a malfunctioning unit and make those procedures known and
available to those groups. The project owner shall provide the CPM a monthly
report that includes the date, time, location, response, and response time of any
malfunction, public complaint, or video detection covered by the emergency glare
response program; any determinations made by the project owner as to cause of
the problem; and methods taken to resolve the problem. A copy of these reports
shall be kept by the project owner for at least five years.

17 Traffic and Transportation


The socioeconomic and environmental justice analysis reviewed the

demographic characteristics of the project site to evaluate the potential impacts
of project-induced population increases and the fiscal and physical capacities of
local communities to accommodate population increases. The project’s economic
benefits, including local project-related expenditures, property and sales tax
revenues, as well as school impact fees, are also discussed. Additionally, an
environmental justice screening analysis is included to determine whether the
project will result in disproportionate impacts on minority and/or low-income
populations and, if so, whether mitigation is required.

The evidence for this topic was uncontested. (Ex. 300, p. C.10-1 et seq.)


Under the CEQA Guidelines, a project may have a significant effect on

socioeconomics if it would:

• Induce substantial population growth in an area, either directly or indirectly;

• Displace substantial numbers of people and/or existing housing, necessitating
the construction of replacement housing elsewhere; or
• Adversely impact acceptable levels of service for fire and police protection,
schools, parks and recreation, and other public facilities. (Ex. 300, p. C.10-2.)

The Applicant will construct the Calico Solar Project in two phases over an
approximate 44-month period. The project site will be located on undeveloped
land in San Bernardino County, primarily on BLM-administered land. The
proposed project site is approximately 37 miles east of the City of Barstow. This
assessment used San Bernardino County and Riverside County labor markets to
evaluate construction worker availability. To determine if a project would have
any significant impacts, Staff analyzed whether community services and
capacities could absorb the project- related impacts. The project’s property
taxes, sales tax, local school impact fees, or development fees can help local
governments augment public services. If the project’s impacts could appreciably
strain or degrade these services, then the impact would be significant adverse.
(Exs. 1, p. 5.10-2; 300, p. C.10-2 and C.10-4.)

1 Socioeconomics
1. Potential Impacts

An increased demand for labor could result in an influx of non-local workers and
their dependents, resulting in a strain on housing, schools, parks and recreation,
law enforcement, and medical services. (Ex. 300, p. C.10-2 to C.10-3.)

During the 41-month construction period for the Calico Solar Project, the project
owner will employ an average of 400 construction workers a month, with a peak
of 700 workers in the seventh month. The types of construction workers sought
by the project will include laborers, craftspeople, technicians, supervisory,
support, and management personnel. The construction trades include
occupations that will assemble the proposed SunCatcher units; workers engaged
in these occupations will require on-site training. (Exs. 1, p. 5.10.16; 300, p.

The evidentiary record indicates that the total labor by skill in the Riverside-San
Bernardino-Ontario and Los Angeles County Metropolitan Statistical Areas
(MSA) is more than adequate to provide construction labor for the Calico Solar
Project. Because the majority of the construction workforce resides within San
Bernardino and Riverside Counties, we find that construction of the project will
not adversely induce substantial population growth. (Ex. 300, pp. C.10-6 to

The record indicates that power plant construction workers will typically commute
up to two hours from their homes to a project site rather than permanently
relocating to the site. (Exs. 1. p. 5.10-16; 300. p. C.10-2.) Because of the large
labor force within commuting distance of the project, the majority of construction
and operations workers will commute to the project daily from their existing
residences. Some workers may stay in local motels or other rental properties
during the workweek but return to their homes on weekends for the duration of
their job assignments. The evidence shows that an adequate supply of motels
and rental properties is available in the City of Barstow, and San Bernardino and
Riverside Counties to accommodate weekly commuters and/or temporary
residents. (Exs. 1, p. 5.10.22; 300, p. C.10-8.)

The project would have 180 full-time employees; the majority of whom are
expected to already reside in the area or within a one hour commute of the
project site. The Applicant expects to recruit 20 operational jobs from outside the
immediate project area. Some workers may relocate with their families to the

Socioeconomics 2
Barstow area with no expected adverse impacts on the local infrastructure or
community services. (Exs. 1, §; 300, p. C.10-8.)

The Calico Solar Project will be located primarily on BLM-administered land in a

relatively remote and largely uninhabited area. Therefore, we find that
construction and operation of the project will not adversely impact existing
housing supply or require new housing construction. (Exs. 1, § 300, p.
C.10-8 to C.10-9.)

Since project-induced population changes will be minimal, construction and

operation of the project will not result in significant adverse impacts on schools,
parks and recreation, law enforcement, hospitals, or emergency services in the
local communities. (Exs. 1, §§ and; 300, pp. C.10-9 to C.-10-
12.) See further discussion in the Worker Safety and Fire Protection section of
this Decision regarding fire safety services..

The Calico Solar Project site is located within the Sliver Valley Unified School
District. The Barstow Unified School District is also located within the vicinity of
the project site. Section 17620 of the California Education Code allows school
districts to levy school development fees for new commercial or industrial
construction within school district boundaries. (See also Govt. Code, §§ 65996-
65997.) These fees are based on the project’s square feet of habitable space.
Because the main services complex of the Calico Solar Project (considered
“habitable space”) will be constructed entirely on BLM land, no private land would
be affected and therefore, the provisions of Education Code Section 17620 would
not apply to this project. In addition, the Silver Valley Unified School District
indicated that the proposed project will be exempt from the school impact fees
because it would be developed on federal lands. (Ex. 1. p. 5.10 13; Ex. 300, p.

2. Section 25523(h) Public Benefit Findings

Public Resources Code section 25523(h) requires discussion of the project’s

economic benefits. The project’s fiscal benefits, based on property value,
payroll, local purchases of equipment, supplies, and associated expenses,
include the following estimates:

3 Socioeconomics
Property Taxes. Under existing state law, the Calico Solar Project is exempt
from property taxes as a qualifying solar energy project. 1 If the property tax
exemption should lapse, the estimated tax would be $220,000 based on the local
tax rate of 1.1 percent applied to the solar project components (storage, power
conditioning equipment, transfer equipment, and parts relating to functioning of
these items). (Ex. 1, p 5.10-30.)

Capital Costs and Payroll. The total capital cost of the Calico Solar Project is
estimated at $1 billion for the final build-out of both phases of development. The
total construction payroll over 44 months is estimated at $159 million. The
construction payroll, local purchases of materials and supplies, and sales tax
revenues generated by the expenditures will have a temporary beneficial impact
on the San Bernardino County economy. (Exs. 1, p 5.10-24; 300. P. C.10-19.)

The annual operations and management (O&M) budget for the project is
estimated at $8.4 million for goods and supplies. The project will have an annual
payroll of approximately $10.1 million, which would include all salaries, overtime,
benefits, and incentives. The payroll, local purchases, and sales tax revenues
generated by the expenditures will likely have long-term beneficial effects on the
San Bernardino County economy. (Exs. 1. p. 5.10-29; 300, p. C.10-19.)

Indirect and Induced Benefits. The project will also create indirect economic
benefits and induced short-term employment in the study area. The Applicant
used an Impact Analysis for Planning (IMPLAN) input-output model of the study
area to estimate the project’s multiplier effects associated with construction and
operation. The IMPLAN results show that purchases by construction workers
and permanent employees as well as project expenditures for materials and
supplies will generate quantifiable secondary economic benefits that are likely to
occur if the project is developed.

3. Environmental Justice Screening Analysis

Executive Order 12898, “Federal Actions to address environmental justice in

Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations” requires state and federal
agencies to incorporate environmental justice concerns in their environmental
reports. The agencies are required to identify and address any disproportionately
high and adverse human health or environmental effects of their programs,
policies, and activities on minority and/or low-income populations.

California Revenue and Taxation Code, Section 73.

Socioeconomics 4
In energy siting cases, Commission staff uses a demographic screening analysis
to determine whether a low-income and/or minority population exists within the
potentially affected area of the proposed site. The potentially affected area
consists of a six-mile radius of the site and is consistent with air quality modeling
of the range of a project’s air quality impacts. The demographic screening is
based on information contained in two documents: “Environmental Justice:
Guidance Under the National Environmental Policy Act” (Council on
Environmental Quality, December, 1997) and “Guidance for Incorporating
Environmental Justice Concerns in EPA’s Compliance Analyses” (U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, April, 1998). The screening process relied on
Year 2000 U.S. Census data to determine the presence of minority and below-
poverty-level populations. (Ex. 300, p. C.10-5.)

The assessment included mapping the minority populations within the six-mile
radius of the project site and reviewing the analysis for all of the technical issue
areas addressed in the Calico Solar Project SA/DEIS. If minority populations are
identified then the analysis also considers all potential impacts and mitigation
measures and whether there would be a significant impact on a minority or low-
income population. (Ex. 300, pp. C.10-4 and C.10-5.)

According to existing federal guidance, minority individuals are defined as

members of the following groups: American Indian or Alaskan Native; Asian or
Pacific Islander; Black, not of Hispanic origin; or Hispanic. A minority population,
for the purposes of environmental justice, is identified when the minority
population of the potentially affected area is greater than 50 percent or
meaningfully greater than the percentage of the minority population in the
general population or other appropriate unit of geographical analysis. (Ex. 300,
p. C-10-5.)

The total population within the six-mile radius of the proposed site is 83 persons
and the total minority population is 20 persons, or about 24 percent of the total
population. (Ex. 300, p. C.10-5.) Therefore, we find that there are no
environmental justice impacts related to the Calico Solar Project. (Ex. 300, pp.
C.10-5 to C.10-6 and C.10-21.)

4. Cumulative Impacts

Cumulative socioeconomic impacts could occur when more than one project in
the same area has an overlapping construction schedule, thus creating a
demand for workers that cannot be met locally. An increased demand for labor

5 Socioeconomics
could result in an influx of non-local workers and their dependents, resulting in a
strain on housing, schools, parks and recreation, law enforcement, and medical
services. (Ex. 300, p. C-10-17.)

The evidence shows that the total construction labor force by MSA for the region
is more than sufficient to accommodate the labor needs for construction of power
generation facilities and other large industrial projects. Because of the robust
local and regional construction labor force, the record concluded that there would
be no influx of non-local workers and their dependents to the project area and no
significant and adverse impacts on housing, schools, parks and recreation, law
enforcement, and emergency medical services. Therefore, we find that
construction and operation of the Calico Solar Project will not contribute to any
significant adverse cumulative socioeconomic impacts. (Ex. 300, p. C-10-18.)

5. Facility Closure and Decommissioning

The solar generating facility is expected to have a lifespan of 40 years.

Temporary closure would be a result of necessary maintenance, hazardous
weather conditions, or damage due to a natural disaster. Permanent closure
would be a result of damage that is beyond repair, adverse economic conditions,
or other significant reasons. Both temporary and permanent closures would
require the Applicant to submit and receive approval for a contingency plan or a
decommissioning plan. (Exs.1, § 3.12; 300, p. C.10-20.)

Upon closure of the facility or decommissioning, the Applicant would be required

to restore lands affected by the project to their pre-project state. The proposed
project site is located on undeveloped land with current evidence of high levels of
disturbance (due to OHV use). Given the temporary nature of decommissioning
activities and the eventual return of the lands to their current state, we find that
decommissioning would not adversely impact the socioeconomic characteristics
of the project area.

6. Mitigation Measures/Proposed Conditions of Certification

Based on the evidence provided for the Calico Solar Project, we find that the
project does not need Conditions of Certification for Socioeconomics and
Environmental Justice. The project owner will comply with all applicable

Socioeconomics 6

Based on the uncontroverted evidence of record, we make the following findings:

1. A large, skilled labor pool in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties is

available for construction and operation of the project.

2. Over the 44-month construction period, an average of approximately 400

construction workers a month, with a peak workforce of about 700 for
month seven, will be needed.

3. The project will hire approximately 180 permanent, full-time employees

mostly from the local area for project operations.

4. The project will not cause an influx of a significant number of construction

or operation workers to permanently relocate to the local area because
most of the workers would reside within commuting distance of the site.
However, during operation, he Applicant does estimate that 20 workers
may permanently relocate to the project area.

5. There is an adequate supply of motels and rental properties within the

project vicinity to accommodate workers who stay in the area temporarily
during their work assignments and return to their homes on hiatus.

6. The project will not result in significant adverse effects on local

employment, housing, schools, parks and recreation, law enforcement, or
emergency services.

7. The total capital cost of Calico Solar Project is estimated at $1 billion.

8. The total construction payroll for both phases of Calico Solar Project is
estimated at over $159 million.

9. The anticipated construction payrolls, the local purchases of materials and

supplies, and the sales tax revenues generated by the expenditures will
have a temporary beneficial impact on the San Bernardino economy.

10. When both phases of Calico Solar Project are completed, the project will
provide an annual operations payroll of approximately $10 million and an
annual operations and maintenance budget estimated at over $8.4 million.

11. The project owner will not be required to pay the school development fee
to the Silver Valley Unified School District because the main services
complex would be constructed entirely on BLM land, and no private land
will be affected.

7 Socioeconomics
12. The project will provide direct, indirect, and induced economic benefits to,
San Bernardino County.

13. No minority population or low-income population within a six-mile radius of

the project site exceeds the 50 percent threshold established in
environmental justice guidance.

14. The project will not create disproportionate impacts on minority and/or low-
income populations because the project did not result in any significant
health or environmental impacts to any population in the project vicinity.

15. Construction and operation of the project will not result in any direct,
indirect, or cumulative significant adverse socioeconomic impacts.


1. We therefore conclude that implementation of all Conditions of

Certification in this Decision ensures that the project will comply with all
applicable laws, ordinances, regulations, and standards relating to
socioeconomic factors as identified in the pertinent portions of Appendix

2. The project will not create any significant socioeconomic effects as

defined under the National Environmental Policy Act or the California
Environmental Quality Act.

3. The project will not create any disproportionate adverse effects on minority
or low-income populations.

No Conditions of Certification are required.

Socioeconomics 8

The construction and operation of any power plant create noise. A combination
of factors such as loudness, time of day, and proximity to sensitive receptors
determines whether the source of noise will cause significant adverse impacts.
In some cases, vibration may be produced as a result of construction activities,
such as blasting or pile driving, which may cause structural damage and
annoyance. The discussion below summarizes the noise and vibration
potentially produced by the construction and operation of the Calico Solar
Project, and presents the recommended mitigation to reduce significant
environmental impacts and comply with applicable law.


The Calico Solar Project (Calico Solar) would be constructed on a 4,613 acre site
located in San Bernardino County, approximately 37 miles east of the City of
Barstow, California. The site is on undisturbed public land managed by the BLM.
(Ex. 300, p. C.9-6.)

Noise sources in the project vicinity include train traffic, highway traffic, aircraft
traffic, wind, and wildlife. Two sensitive receptors (two residences) were
identified in the vicinity of the project site. The closest one is a single residence
(SR1) located approximately 1,200 feet from the project’s southwest border. A
second residence (SR2) is located approximately 7,800 feet east of the project
boundaries. (Exs. 1, §, Figure 5.12 1; 300, p. C.9-6.)

The baseline used to compare predicted project noise to existing ambient noise
was based on an applicant-prepared ambient noise survey (Exs. 1, §;
300, p. C.9-7.) The survey was conducted from November 2 to November 7,
2008, and monitored existing noise levels at two locations near SR1. Existing
ambient noise measurements were not taken at the second sensitive receptor
because one of the measurements taken for SR1 was considered to be
representative of the noise levels that could occur at SR2. (Ex. 300, p. C.9-7.)
Noise Table 1 provides the results of the ambient noise measurements.

1 Noise and Vibration

Noise Table 1
Summary of Measured Ambient Noise Levels
Measurement Measured Noise Levels, dBA
Location Leq – Daytime1 Leq – Nighttime2 L90 – Nighttime3
LT3/SR1 65 63 47
LT4/SR2 41 38 35
Source: Ex. 300, p. C-9-7
Staff calculations of average of 10 daytime hours (Ex. 200, p. C-9-7.)
Staff calculations of average of 8 nighttime hours (Id.)
Staff calculations of average of 4 consecutive quietest hours of the nighttime (Id.)

1. Construction Noise

Construction noise is usually considered to be temporary. The Calico Solar

Project will be constructed in two phases over a period of 41 months. (Exs.1, §; 300, p. C.9-8.) This construction timeframe is significantly longer than
for a typical gas-fired power plant. However, the Applicant will construct the
project in modular units. Each module will take approximately four months to
construct. Thus, maximum construction noise would occur during the
construction of the module closest to the receptor for a duration of four months
and would decrease as construction activity moved on to other modules, further
from the receptor. (Ex. 300, p. C.9-9.)

Aggregate construction noise may be expected to reach levels as high as 62 dBA

Leq at the sensitive receptor east of the project, SR2, for a period of
approximately four months; an increase of 21 dBA during daytime hours (see
Noise Table 5, above). At SR1 it would be even higher—74dBA. Such
increases are substantial enough to be perceived as annoying at SR1 and SR2
and would generally be considered a significant impact. (Ex. 300, p. C.9-9.)
However, construction noise levels at the sensitive receptors will diminish as
modules are completed. The highest construction noise levels at those receptors
will be for a period of four months. In addition, the San Bernardino County
Development Code prohibits noisy construction activities at all times except from
7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and altogether on Sundays and
federal holidays. To ensure that these hours are enforced, we adopt Condition of
Certification Noise-6, which requires compliance with this time restriction. (Ex.
300, p. C.9-9.)

In addition, we adopt Conditions of Certification Noise-1 and Noise-2 to require a

notification process to alert residents to proposed project activities and a
complaint process that requires the Applicant to resolve problems caused by
project-related noise.
Noise and Vibration 2
Linear facilities include two miles of new electrical transmission lines
interconnecting a proposed new on-site substation to the transmission system on
the project’s eastern boundary. The transmission lines would not pass any
sensitive receptors. While construction noise levels for these facilities will be
noticeable, no particular area is exposed to noise for more than a few days.
Further, construction activities would be limited to daytime hours. (Ex. 300, p.

The only construction activity likely to produce vibration that could be perceived
off-site would be pile driving. Although the Applicant did not identify pile driving
as part of its application, noise associated with pile driving was evaluated. We
adopt Condition of Certification Noise-6 to ensure that pile driving will be limited
to daytime hours. (Ex. 300, p. C.9-10.)

The Applicant acknowledges the need to protect construction workers from noise
hazards and has recognized applicable LORS that would provide this protection
to workers. (Ex. 1, § To ensure that construction workers are
adequately protected, we adopt Condition of Certification Noise-3. (Ex. 300, p.

With the implementation of the Conditions of Certification described above, we

find that temporary noise impacts from construction of the Calico Solar Project
would be less than significant.

2. Operational Noise

A power plant operates as a steady, continuous noise source. As such, power

plant noise contributes to, and becomes part of, the background noise level.
Where power plant noise is audible, it will tend to define the background noise.
The primary noise sources of the project include the Stirling Engines (including
generator, cooling fan, and air compressor), step-up transformers, and the new
substation. (Ex. 300, p. C.9-11.)

The Applicant performed noise modeling to determine the project’s noise impacts
on sensitive receptors. Noise Table 2 summarizes the results of this modeling.

3 Noise and Vibration

Noise Table 2
Power Plant Operational Noise Impacts at Nearest Sensitive Receptors
Location Power Plant Ambient Cumulative Change from
Noise Level, Noise Level, Noise Level, Ambient Level
dBA Leq dBA Leq dBA dBA
SR1 57 65 66 +1
SR2 52 41 52 +11
Source: Ex. 300, p. C.9-12

As a solar thermal generating facility, the Calico Solar Project would operate only
during daytime hours, typically 15 hours per day during the summer (with fewer
hours during the fall, winter, and spring), when sufficient solar insolation is
available. (Ex. 300, p. C.9-12.)

Power plant noise levels are predicted to be no greater than 57 dBA Leq and 52
dBA Leq at receptors SR1 and SR2, respectively, during daytime operation.
When projected plant noise is added to the daytime ambient value, the
cumulative level is higher than the ambient value at location SR1 by an inaudible
amount (see Noise Table 2). The cumulative level at location SR2 is
considerably higher, more than 10 dBA, than the ambient value. At night, no
change in ambient noise at any sensitive receptor would result from plant
operation. (Ex. 300, p. C.9-12.)

Daytime project-operating noise increases of up to 10 dBA are considered below

the level of significance. In order for the cumulative level to be no more than 10
dBA over ambient at SR2, the project noise alone must not exceed 51 dBA at
location SR2. Thus, we find that the Applicant’s predicted noise level of 52 dBA
must be reduced to 51 dBA, at SR2. We adopt Condition of Certification Noise-4
to ensure that the project does not increase operational noise levels more than
10 dBA. (Ex. 300, p. C.9-12.)

Another source of disturbance would be strong tonal noises. Tonal noises are
individual sounds (such as pure tones) that, while not louder than permissible
levels, stand out in sound quality. The Applicant can avoid the creation of
annoying tonal (pure-tone) noises by balancing the noise emissions of various
power plant features during plant design. To ensure that tonal noises do not
cause annoyance, we adopt Condition of Certification Noise-4. (Ex. 300, p. C.9-

Noise and Vibration 4

Noise effects from the electrical interconnection line typically do not extend
beyond the right-of-way easement of the line. Therefore, we find that noise from
the electrical interconnection would be inaudible to receptors. (Ex. 300, p. C.9-

Vibration from an operating power plant could be transmitted by two chief means;
through the ground (groundborne vibration) and through the air (airborne
vibration). The operating components include a reciprocating engine, cooling
fans, and air compressor. All of these pieces of equipment must be carefully
balanced in order to operate. Given the distributive layout of the project, we find
that the ground borne vibration from the Calico Solar Project would be
undetectable by any likely receptor. (Ex. 300, p. C.9-13.)

Airborne vibration (low frequency noise) can rattle windows and objects on
shelves and can rattle the walls of lightweight structures. None of the project
equipment is likely to produce low frequency noise; this makes it highly unlikely
that the Calico Solar Project would cause perceptible airborne vibration effects.
(Ex. 300, p. C.9-13.)

The Applicant acknowledges the need to protect plant operating and

maintenance workers from noise hazards and has committed to comply with
applicable LORS. (Ex. 1, § To ensure that plant operation and
maintenance workers are adequately protected, we adopt Condition of
Certification Noise-5. (Ex. 300, p. C.9-13.)

3. Cumulative Impacts

Section 15130 of the CEQA guidelines (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14) requires a
discussion of cumulative environmental impacts. Cumulative impacts are two or
more individual impacts that, when considered together, compound or increase
the impact.

The Applicant identified two potential projects in the vicinity of Calico Solar that
might cause cumulative noise impacts. The Applicant originally planned to
propose an additional solar project (SES Solar Three) northwest of the Calico
Solar project site. Subsequent to the AFC filing, the Applicant withdrew the Plan
of Development for the SES Solar Three Project with the BLM and does not
intend to develop the site. Another development is proposed west of the Calico
Solar Project. The proposed solar project would be located on the opposite side
of the Calico Solar Project site and the identified residences, and no significant

5 Noise and Vibration

cumulative impact is expected. There is also a wind power facility that has been
proposed to the east of the Calico Solar project site. Noise data from the
proposed wind power facility is not available for the cumulative impact
assessment. Additional projects outside the immediate vicinity of Calico Solar
would not pose a potential for cumulative noise impacts. (Exs. 1, § 5.12.3; 300,
p. C.9-19.) There is no evidence in the record that there are any other projects
which, when combined with the Calico Solar Project, would have a cumulatively
considerable effect on noise impacts in the project area.

4. Closure and Decommissioning

Upon closure of the Calico Solar Project, all operational noise from the project
would stop, and no further adverse noise impact from its operation would be
possible. The remaining potential temporary noise source would be the
dismantling of the solar structures and equipment and any site restoration work
that may be performed. Since this noise would be similar to that caused by the
original construction, it can be similarly treated, that is, noisy work could be
performed during daytime hours, with machinery and equipment properly
equipped with noise-reducing devices. Any noise LORS that were in existence at
that time would apply. Applicable Conditions of Certification included in the
Energy Commission Decision would also apply unless modified. (Ex. 300, p.

With the implementation of the Conditions of Certification described above, we

find that noise impacts from decommissioning of the Calico Solar Project would
be less than significant.

5. Compliance with Laws, Ordinances, Regulations and Standards (LORS)

In this section we discuss the project’s compliance with applicable noise-related

LORS. The applicable federal, state and local LORS are set forth in Appendix A
of this Decision.

Construction of an industrial facility such as a power plant is typically noisier than

permissible under usual noise ordinances. In order to allow the construction of
new facilities, construction noise during certain hours of the day is commonly
exempt from enforcement by local ordinances.

The Applicant has predicted the noise impacts of project construction on the
nearest sensitive receptors. A comparison of construction noise estimates to
measured ambient conditions is summarized in Noise Table 3.
Noise and Vibration 6
Noise Table 3
Predicted Power Plant Construction Noise Impacts
Receptor Highest Measured Cumulative Change
Construction Existing Ambient2 (dBA Leq) (dBA)
Noise Level1 (dBA Leq)
(dBA Leq)

65 daytime 75 daytime +10 daytime

SR1 – South
63 nighttime 74 nighttime +11 nighttime

41 daytime 62 daytime +21 daytime

SR2 – East
38 nighttime 62 nighttime +24 nighttime

Source: Ex. 300, p. C.9-8.

The San Bernardino County Development Code exempts construction noise from
established limits during the daytime hours of 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. except
Sundays and federal holidays. To ensure that these hours are, in fact, enforced,
we have adopted Condition of Certification NOISE-6.

Compliance with NOISE-6 would insure that the noise impacts of Calico Solar
Project construction activities would comply with the local noise LORS.

The Applicant performed noise modeling to determine the project’s operational

noise impacts on sensitive receptors. As seen in Noise Table 4, the project’s
operational noise level at the nearest sensitive receptor would be no more than
57 dBA Leq. While this value exceeds the noise level limits specified in the San
Bernardino County Development Code (55 dBA Leq for residential receptors), it
follows the stipulated allowable increase in noise level given that the measured
daytime ambient level at that receptor (65 dBA Leq) is greater than the stated
limit, and is thus in compliance. The project’s operational noise at the second
sensitive receptor is below the specified LORS limit. The project’s operational
noise levels therefore comply with applicable LORS.

7 Noise and Vibration

Noise Table 4
Plant Operating Noise LORS Compliance

Receptor LORS LORS Limit Projected Noise

Level (CNEL)
65 dBA Leq, Existing
SR1 57 dBA
San Bernardino County Daytime Ambient
Development Code 55 dBA Leq, LORS
SR2 52 dBA
Daytime Requirement
Source: Ex. 300, p. C.9-11.

The Applicant has committed to comply with applicable noise LORS intended to
protect workers during construction and operation of the facility. We discuss
these fully in the WORKER SAFETY section of this Decision.

6. Public and Agency Comments

Comments were received from the Applicant on the Noise and Vibration section.
The Applicant provided text to clarify Conditions of Certification and to correct a
reference in Noise Table 1 of this Decision. Staff concluded that all clarifying
text was appropriate and the corresponding changes were made. All of the
comments were minor and did not change the original conclusions of the
analysis. (Ex. 300, pp. C.9-19 to C.9-21.)

Based on the evidence, the Commission makes the following findings and
reaches the following conclusions:


1. Construction and operation of the Calico Solar Project will not significantly
increase noise levels above existing ambient levels in the surrounding
project area.

2. Construction noise levels are temporary and transitory in nature and will
be mitigated to the extent feasible by employing measures such as sound
reduction devices and limiting construction to daytime hours in accordance
with local noise control laws and ordinances.

3. Measures contained in the Conditions of Certification and compliance with

local LORS will assure that noise from construction and operation is
mitigated to below the level of significance.

Noise and Vibration 8

4. Operational noise will not cause significant impacts to nearby residences.

5. The project owner will implement measures to protect workers from injury
due to excessive noise levels.

6. The Calico Solar Project will not create ground or airborne vibrations,
which cause significant off-site impacts.

7. Implementation of the Conditions of Certification identified below, ensure

that project-related noise emissions will not cause significant impacts to
sensitive noise receptors.


1. The Commission concludes that implementation of the following

Conditions of Certification ensure that the Calico Solar Project will comply
with the applicable laws, ordinances, regulations, and standards on noise
and vibration as set forth in the pertinent portion of Appendix A of this
Decision, and that the project will not cause indirect, direct, or cumulative
significant noise impacts.



NOISE-1 At least 15 days prior to the start of ground disturbance, the project
owner shall notify all residents within two miles of the site, by mail or
other effective means, of the commencement of project construction.
At the same time, the project owner shall establish a telephone number
for use by the public to report any undesirable noise conditions
associated with the construction and operation of the project and
include that telephone number in the above notice. If the telephone is
not staffed 24 hours per day, the project owner shall include an
automatic answering feature, with date and time stamp recording, to
answer calls when the phone is unattended. This telephone number
shall be posted at the project site during construction in a manner
visible to passersby. This telephone number shall be maintained until
the project has been operational for at least one year. If construction
outside the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. is required for any
construction activity, the project owner shall provide an additional
notice, to the CPM as well as to all residents within two miles of the
site, by mail or other effective means, of the commencement and
anticipated duration of the nighttime construction, at least 15 days prior
to the commencement of the nighttime construction.

9 Noise and Vibration

Verification: Prior to ground disturbance, the project owner shall transmit to
the Compliance Project Manager (CPM) a statement, signed by the project
owner’s project manager, stating that the above notification has been performed
and describing the method of that notification, verifying that the telephone
number has been established and posted at the site, and giving that telephone


NOISE-2 Throughout the construction and operation of the project, the project
owner shall document, investigate, evaluate, and attempt to resolve all
project-related noise complaints. The project owner or authorized
agent shall:
• Use the Noise Complaint Resolution Form (below), or a
functionally equivalent procedure acceptable to the CPM, to
document and respond to each noise complaint;
• Attempt to contact the person(s) making the noise complaint within
24 hours;
• Conduct an investigation to determine the source of noise related
to the complaint;
• Take all feasible measures to reduce the noise at its source if the
noise is project related; and
• Submit a report documenting the complaint and the actions taken.
The report shall include: a complaint summary, including final
results of noise reduction efforts, and if obtainable, a signed
statement by the complainant stating that the noise problem is
resolved to the complainant’s satisfaction.
Verification: Within five days of receiving a noise complaint, the project
owner shall file a copy of the Noise Complaint Resolution Form with the CPM,
documenting the resolution of the complaint. If mitigation is required to resolve a
complaint, and the complaint is not resolved within a three-day period, the project
owner shall submit an updated Noise Complaint Resolution Form when the
mitigation is implemented.


NOISE-3 The project owner shall submit to the CPM for review and approval a
noise control program and a statement, signed by the project owner’s
project manager, verifying that the noise control program will be
implemented throughout construction of the project. The noise control
program shall be used to reduce employee exposure to high noise
levels during construction and also to comply with applicable OSHA
and Cal/OSHA standards.
Verification: At least 30 days prior to the start of ground disturbance, the
project owner shall submit to the CPM the noise control program and the project
Noise and Vibration 10
owner’s project manager’s signed statement. The project owner shall make the
program available to Cal/OSHA upon request.

NOISE-4 The project design and implementation shall include appropriate noise
mitigation measures adequate to ensure that the operation of the
project will not cause the noise levels due to plant operation alone to
exceed an average of 51 dBA Leq measured at or near monitoring
location SR2, and an average of 57 dBA Leq measured at or near
monitoring location SR1.
No new pure-tone components shall be caused by the project. “Pure-
tone” shall be understood to mean, for purposes of this Condition, a
prominent one-third octave band with prominence evaluated between
adjacent one-third octave band project operation sound levels and
using frequency-dependent prominence ratio criteria values similar to
those as defined by ANSI S1.13-2005 A.8.6. No single piece of
equipment shall be allowed to stand out as a source of noise that
draws legitimate complaints.
A. When the project first achieves a sustained output of 85 percent or
greater of rated capacity, the project owner shall conduct a 25-hour
community noise survey at monitoring location SR2, or at a closer
location acceptable to the CPM. This survey shall also include
measurement of one-third octave band sound pressure levels to
ensure that no new pure-tone noise components have been caused
by the project.
B. During the period of this survey, the project owner shall also
conduct a short-term survey of noise at monitoring location SL1 or
at a closer location acceptable to the CPM. The short-term noise
measurements at this location shall be conducted during morning,
early afternoon, and evening hours.
C. The measurement of power plant noise for the purposes of
demonstrating compliance with this Condition of Certification may
alternatively be made at a location, acceptable to the CPM, closer
to the plant (e.g., 400 feet from the plant boundary) and this
measured level then mathematically extrapolated to determine the
plant noise contribution at the affected residence. The character of
the plant noise shall be evaluated at the affected receptor locations
to determine the presence of pure tones or other dominant sources
of plant noise.
D. If the results from the noise survey indicate that the power plant
noise at the affected receptor sites exceeds the above specified
values, mitigation measures shall be implemented to reduce noise
to a level of compliance with these limits.

11 Noise and Vibration

E. If the results from the noise survey indicate that pure tones are
present, mitigation measures shall be implemented to eliminate the
pure tones.
Verification: The survey shall take place within 30 days of the project first
achieving a sustained output of 85 percent or greater of rated capacity. Within
15 days after completing the survey, the project owner shall submit a summary
report of the survey to the CPM. Included in the survey report will be a
description of any additional mitigation measures necessary to achieve
compliance with the above listed noise limit, and a schedule, subject to CPM
approval, for implementing these measures. When these measures are in place,
the project owner shall repeat the noise survey.
Within 15 days of completion of the new survey, the project owner shall submit to
the CPM a summary report of the new noise survey, performed as described
above and showing compliance with this Condition.


NOISE-5 Following the project’s first achieving a sustained output of 80 percent
or greater of rated capacity, the project owner shall conduct an
occupational noise survey to identify the noise hazardous areas in the
The survey shall be conducted by a qualified person in accordance
with the provisions of Title 8, California Code of Regulations sections
5095–5099 and Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations section 1910.95.
The survey results shall be used to determine the magnitude of
employee noise exposure.
The project owner shall prepare a report of the survey results and, if
necessary, identify proposed mitigation measures that will be
employed to comply with the applicable California and federal
Verification: Within 30 days after completing the survey, the project owner
shall submit the noise survey report to the CPM. The project owner shall make
the report available to OSHA and Cal/OSHA upon request.


NOISE-6 Heavy equipment operation, including pile driving, and noisy

construction 1 work relating to any project features shall be restricted to

Noisy Construction: “Noise that can potentially draw legitimate complaints.”
Legitimate Complaint: “A legitimate noise complaint refers to a complaint about noise that is
confirmed by the CPM to be disturbing, and that is caused by the Calico project as opposed to
another source. A legitimate complaint constitutes a violation by the project of any noise
condition of certification (as confirmed by the CPM), which is documented by an individual or
entity affected by such noise.”

Noise and Vibration 12

the times of day delineated below, unless a variance has been issued
by San Bernardino County for limited nighttime construction, unless:

• the project owner obtains the consent of the homeowners at

SR1 and SR2; or

• the CPM determines that the noise will not exceed the
daytime ambient noise levels at SR1 and SR2 (as shown in
Noise Table 5) by more than 10 dBA and the nighttime
ambient noise levels at SR1 and SR2 (as shown in Noise
Table 5) by more than 5 dBA; or

• construction that is expected to increase those daytime

ambient noise levels at those locations by more than 10 dBA
continues no longer than four consecutive weekends or
construction that is expected to increase nighttime ambient
noise levels at those locations by more than 5 dBA continues
no longer than five consecutive nights.

Mondays through Saturdays: 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Sundays and Holidays: No Construction Allowed

Haul trucks and other engine-powered equipment shall be equipped

with mufflers that meet all applicable regulations. Haul trucks shall be
operated in accordance with posted speed limits. Truck engine exhaust
brake use shall be limited to emergencies.
Verification: Prior to ground disturbance, the project owner shall transmit to
the CPM a statement acknowledging that the above restrictions will be observed
throughout the construction of the project. Prior to ground disturbance, a copy of
the variance issued by the county, if one should be issued, shall be submitted to
the CPM for review and approval.

At least 20 days prior to the start of construction activities to occur outside the
above required schedule restrictions, the project owner shall submit to the CPM a
letter showing the affected homeowner’s consent. If the consent cannot be
obtained, at least 15 days prior to the start of those activities, the project owner
shall submit to the CPM documentation showing the expected construction noise
levels at SR1 and SR2, the nature of the work, the time of day/night that work will
occur, and the duration of the work.

13 Noise and Vibration

Calico Solar Project
NOISE COMPLAINT LOG NUMBER ________________________

Complainant's name and address:

Phone number: ________________________

Date complaint received: ________________________
Time complaint received: ________________________
Nature of noise complaint:

Definition of problem after investigation by plant personnel:

Date complainant first contacted: ________________________

Initial noise levels at 3 feet from noise source _________ dBA Date:
Initial noise levels at complainant's property: __________ dBA Date:

Final noise levels at 3 feet from noise source: ________ dBA Date:
Final noise levels at complainant's property: __________ dBA Date:
Description of corrective measures taken:

Complainant's signature: ________________________ Date:

Approximate installed cost of corrective measures: $ ____________
Date installation completed: ____________
Date first letter sent to complainant: ____________ (copy attached)
Date final letter sent to complainant: ____________ (copy attached)
This information is certified to be correct:

Plant Manager's Signature: ________________________

(Attach additional pages and supporting documentation, as required).

Noise and Vibration 14


Visual resources are the features of the landscape that contribute to the visual
character or quality of the environment. CEQA requires an examination of a
project’s visual impacts in order to determine whether the project has the
potential to cause substantial degradation to the existing visual character of the
site and its surroundings, substantially affect a scenic vista or damage scenic
resources, or create a new source of substantial light or glare affecting day or
nighttime views in the area. (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14 § 15382, Appen. G.)

CEQA Guidelines Appendix G Environmental Checklist pertaining to “Aesthetics

include the following:
1. Would the project have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista?
2. Would the project substantially damage scenic resources, including, but
not limited to trees, rock outcroppings, and historic buildings within a state
scenic highway?
3. Would the project substantially degrade the existing visual character or
quality of the site and its surroundings?
4. Would the project create a new source of substantial light or glare which
would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area?

In addition, we have evaluated potential impacts in relation to standard criteria

described in detail in Appendix VR-1 of the Supplemental Staff Assessment. (Ex.
300, pp. C.13-46 to C. 13-48.) The evidence includes Staff evaluations of both
the existing visible physical environmental setting, and the anticipated visual
change introduced by the proposed project to the view from representative, fixed
vantage points called “Key Observation Points” (KOPs). KOPs are selected to be
representative of the most characteristic and most critical viewing groups and
locations from which the project would be seen.

Staff experts testified regarding the likelihood of a visual impact exceeding

Criterion C. of the CEQA Guidelines, above, by two fundamental factors: (1) the
susceptibility of the setting to cause an impact as a result of its existing
characteristics (reflected in its current level of visual quality, the potential visibility
of the project, and the sensitivity to scenic values of its viewers); and, (2) the
degree of visual change anticipated as a result of the project. These two factors
are summarized respectively as visual sensitivity (of the setting and viewers),
and visual change (due to the project) in the discussions below. KOPs with high
sensitivity (due to outstanding scenic quality, high levels of viewer concern, etc.)

1 Visual Resources
that experience high levels of visual change from a project are more likely to
experience significant adverse impacts.

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires that the federal
government use “all practicable means to ensure all Americans safe, healthful,
productive, and aesthetically (emphasis added) and culturally pleasing
surroundings” (42 U.S. Code 4331[b][2]).

Typically, U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) evaluates visual effects of

actions with the use of its Visual Resource Management (VRM) system.
However, in the case of the area managed under the California Desert
Conservation Area (CDCA) Plan (including this project), VRM classes were not
assigned under that management plan. In the case of the Calico Solar Project
(CSP) site, no current visual inventories by BLM are available, and no Interim
VRM Classes have been assigned. The BLM is currently in the process of
beginning visual inventories of areas within the CDCA that have not yet been
inventoried, including this site. However, the results of those studies are not
anticipated within the time frame of this project application, and delineations of
scenic quality rating units or visual resource inventory classes are not available.
Therefore, it was agreed by Staff for the Energy Commission and BLM that the
analysis for the Calico Solar Project would be conducted using the Energy
Commission’s standard visual assessment methodology.

Commission staff experts testified that, in their professional opinion, despite

certain differences in approach and emphasis between the two methodologies,
the assessment framework and impact thresholds of the Energy Commission
method used in this study are substantially consistent with those typically applied
by BLM under its own procedures. Staff thus considers that the conclusions of
its analysis are substantially equivalent to those that would be reached by
applying BLM-specific methods of visual assessment.

In addition, we have reviewed federal, state, and local LORS and their policies or
guidelines for aesthetics or preservation and protection of sensitive visual
resources that may be applicable to the project site and surrounding area. These
LORS include local government land use planning documents (e.g., General
Plan, zoning ordinance) and can be found in Appendix A of this Decision.

Visual Resources 2

1. Background Visual Features

The proposed CSP would be built in the Mojave Desert in San Bernardino
County. The site is roughly 37 miles east of the town of Barstow and 17 miles
east of Newberry Springs. It is adjacent to the north side of Interstate 40 (I-40)
and near the historic Route 66/National Trails Highway that generally parallels I-
40 on the south in this area. The site is on BLM-administered land and is largely
bounded by BLM-administered land, although private tracts abut some portions
of the site and a Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railroad line traverses the
site. (Ex. 300, p. C.13-3.)

The 84,400-acre Cady Mountain Wilderness Study Area borders the site on the
north and the Pisgah Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC) is adjacent
to the site’s eastern/southeastern boundary. The Kelso Dunes Wilderness and
Bristol Mountains Wilderness are approximately 10 miles east of the site. Much
of the Cady Mountain WSA and all of the Pisgah ACEC would be within in the
Mojave Trails National Monument proposed as part of the proposed 2010
California Desert Protection Act legislation. The proposed monument would
extend from the site’s east boundary to near Needles. I-40 forms the southern
boundary of the site. Three miles south of I-40 is the northern boundary of a
closed live-fire training area on Twentynine Palms Marine Corps Base. Also
south of I-40 and immediately southwest of the project site is the Ord-Rodman
Desert Wildlife Management Area (DWMA). The Rodman Mountains Wilderness
is three miles distant, also to the southwest. The west side of the site is bounded
by undesignated BLM-administered land. Visual Resources Figure 1, Project
Setting, depicts the project site in its immediate regional context in relation to
these various protected areas. (Ex. 300, pp. C.13-3 to C.13-4.)

The site lies within the east-west trending Mojave Valley, a broad desert valley
resting between the Cady and Bristol Mountains to the north and northeast and
the Bullion, Lava Bed, Rodman, and Newberry Mountains to the south and
southwest. The valley floor ranges from approximately 1,800 feet to 2,200 feet in
elevation; the mountains rise to between 3,000 feet and 4,400 feet in elevation.
(Ex. 300, p. C.13-4.)

Native vegetation cover of the region consists of sparse, low-growing green-to-

tan Mojave creosote bush scrub typical of the western Mojave Desert.

3 Visual Resources
Visual Resources – Figure 1
Calico Project – Project Setting

Source: Exhibit 300

The project site comprises approximately 4,613 acres of public land administered
by the BLM. It does not include any private land except the site of the project’s
water well, adjacent to the BLM lands. Although not part of the project, three
adjacent tracts of private land are each surrounded on three sides by the
proposed project. The most prominent man-made features at or near the site are
I-40, which abuts the site on the south, and the BNSF Railroad traversing the
site. These features, though evident, remain visually subordinate to the vast
open expanse of the site and surroundings. (Ex. 300, p. C.13-4.)

The site occupies a band of bajadas, or alluvial fans typical of the Mojave Desert
landscape, which slope gently but noticeably southward toward the railroad and
highway, from the feet of the prominently visible Cady Mountains immediately
north of the site. The site is largely undisturbed and is currently managed by
BLM as Multiple-Use Class (MUC) M (Moderate Use), except for a very small

Visual Resources 4
portion along the northern boundary of the project, which is classified as MUC
Class L (Limited Use). (Ex. 300, p. C.13-4.)

No communities lie within the project viewshed, which extends five miles from the
site boundaries. 1 The project would be visible from various locations within the
five-mile radius with the exception of mountainous areas to the north and east
where terrain encloses views near the site boundary. The nearest rural
residence is located about two miles east of the site. (Ex. 300, p. C.13-4.)

Visually, the primary CSP features to be introduced to the site are:

● 26450 40-foot solar dish Stirling systems (SunCatchers);
● Main Services Complex located generally in the center of the site for
administration and maintenance activities, which would include buildings
up to 78 feet in height, parking facilities, and access roads;
● Construction Staging/Laydown Area adjacent to the Main Services
Complex for use during construction;
● Construction Staging/ Laydown Area adjacent to the eastern site
boundary, near the existing power line and railroad;
● 220-kV Substation located generally in the center of the site, south of the
Main Services Complex;

Linear facilities will include:

● 1.7-mile 220-kV transmission line connecting to the existing Southern
California Edison (SCE) Pisgah Substation located at the southeast
boundary of the project site;
● Three overhead 34.5-kV collection circuits to convey power to the
substation within the project; and
● Approximately 25.2 miles of surface-treated roadways, approximately 168
miles of north-south access routes, and approximately 102 miles of east-
west access routes. The access routes would be surface-treated to
reduce fugitive dust while allowing full access to all dishes and
infrastructure. (Ex. 300, pp. B.1-8; C.13-11.)

A “viewshed” can be defined as the area from which the project can be seen, or which can be
visually impacted by the project, and upon which the visual impacts analysis is based. KOPs will
fall within the viewshed. An annotated map of the viewshed used for the Staff analysis is found in
the Supplemental Staff Assessment. (Ex. 300, Visual Resources Figure 3.)

5 Visual
2. Direct/Indirect Impacts and Mitigation

a. Construction Impacts

Construction activities will occur over approximately 44 months. In addition to

the facilities that will be constructed, there will be a temporary 14-acre
construction staging/lay-down area adjacent to the Main Services Complex. (Ex,
300, p. B.1-8.)

Site grading would cause a significant visual impact during construction. Surface
disturbance of the proposed site, as in most desert landscapes of the region,
would result in high contrast between the disturbed area and surroundings, due
to high contrast between the disturbed soil color and solar reflection (albedo),
and the color and albedo of the existing undisturbed, vegetated surface.
Mitigation of this impact is not feasible, because effectiveness of revegetation in
this arid environment is difficult, of limited effectiveness, and capable of recovery
only over a very long-term time frame. (Ex. 300, p. C.13-11.)

b. Operation Impacts

Visual Resources Figure 2 depicts the locations of the five KOPs selected for
visual analysis:

• KOP 1 – looking from a point along Route 66 looking generally northeast

into the site across I-40.
• KOP 2 – looking south into the site, from an elevated position just inside
the Cady Mountain WSA.
• KOP 3 – looking northwest toward the site from the vicinity of the
nearest residence to the project.
• KOP 4 – looking north into the site from where the BNSF Railroad
crosses under an existing electric transmission line about 800 feet
from the eastern edge of the site.
• KOP 5 - view from I-40 eastbound, looking east-northeast across
westbound I-40 into the site.

Visual Resources 6

7 Visual
Before considering individual KOPs, we consider generally whether the project
will cause substantial degradation to the existing visual character of the site and
its surroundings, substantially affect a scenic vista or damage scenic resources,
or create a new source of substantial light or glare affecting day or nighttime
views in the area [Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, Appen. G, § I, subds. (a), (b) and (d)].
.(Ex. 300, p. C.13-21.)

A high level of viewer concern for scenic values was associated with the project
viewshed as seen from the highway due to the eligible State Scenic Highway
status of I-40 and the historic interest of Route 66. Views of the background
mountains are the most scenic element of views from the highways in the project
area, and these could potentially be blocked by the project, if the mirror units are
sited sufficiently close to the highway. With recommended Condition of
Certification VIS-3, those views would be preserved, though the foreground
would be strongly altered by the vast array of mirror units, strongly attracting
attention. With this measure, views would not be blocked, but the project’s effect
on the quality of those views would be strongly adverse and significant. (Ex. 300,
pp. C.13-21 to C.13-22.) We judge this to be a significant, unmitigable visual

The primary threat that Calico Solar Project poses to the visual environment is
whether the project will substantially degrade the existing visual character or
quality of the site and its surroundings [Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, Appen. G, § I,
subd. (c)]. The Commission’s analysis of this issue involves examining the
project from several Key Observation Points, or KOPs.

KOP 1 – Route 66/Interstate 40 (Figures 3A and 3B)

In the Energy Commission assessment approach, KOPs are rated according to

the visual quality of their setting, and an assessment of their level of viewer
concern and viewer exposure. Those three primary attributes are summarized in
a KOP’s overall visual sensitivity rating, which reflects an assessment of the
overall susceptibility to visual impact of the viewer group/receptors it represents.
These sensitivity ratings serve as the environmental baseline against which
potential project impacts, measured in terms of level of visual change, are
evaluated. KOP photos are selected to represent key sensitive viewer groups
who would potentially be affected by the project. Project simulations are then
imposed on these views to illustrate how the same view would appear with the
project in place. In the discussion that follows, the reader is referred to these
‘before project’ photos.

Visual Resources 8
KOP 1 is taken from Route 66 (National Old Trails Highway), which parallels I-40
slightly to the south in this segment. It receives relatively high levels of traffic
(15,600 vehicles per day) (Ex. 1, p. 5.13-5). The KOP is fairly representative of
motorists on both of these roadways, though it differs from typical views from I-40
in that the project is seen from Route 66 at a greater distance. The visual
sensitivity of this KOP is moderately high. Existing scenic quality of this
landscape is moderate. Although some visually compromising elements
(including the highway, low-voltage utility lines, the BNSF rail line, and
disturbance from a pipeline right-of-way) are present, these remain visually
subordinate and the bajadas comprising the project site, descending from the
intact and visually vivid Cady Mountains nearby, appear predominantly
undisturbed and intact. However, viewer concern is moderately high since the
focus of many Route 66/National Trails Highway users would be on the historic
nature of this roadway and the encompassing landscape which earlier travelers
would have experienced. Viewer concern 2 is also elevated by the I-40’s state
eligible scenic highway status. Viewer exposure 3 is high. (Ex. 300, p. C.13-12.)

Visual Resources Figures 3A and 3B depict a “before and after” view

northward from Route 66 (National Trail Highway), at a foreground distance of
less than 1,000 feet to the site. Figure 3B shows project simulations imposed on
the existing view to illustrate how the same view would appear with the project in
place. However, as discussed further below, the nearest SunCatcher units
depicted in this simulation are located over 1,700 feet away. The range of actual
view of the project would extend from foreground, throughout the middle-ground,
to the background five miles distant. The project would appear very prominent,
dominating the view from foreground locations on Route 66 and I-40. From such
viewpoints near the project site, the project would strongly dominate the vista.
(Ex. 300, p. C.13-13.)


“Viewer concern” represents the reaction of a viewer to visible changes in the viewshed — an
area of land visible from a fixed vantage point. For example, viewers have a high expectation for
views formally designated as a scenic area or travel corridor as well as for recreational and
residential areas. Viewers generally expect that those views will be preserved.
“Viewer exposure” is a function of three elements previously listed, visibility, number of viewers,
and duration of view. Viewer exposure can range from a low to high. A partially obscured and
brief background view for a few motorists represents a low value; and unobstructed foreground
view from a large number of residences represents a high value.

9 Visual
Visual Resources – Figures 3A
Calico Solar Project – Existing view of project site from KOP 1 – Route 66/I-40

Source: Exhibit 300

Visual Resources – Figure 3B

Calico Solar Project – Simulated view of project site from KOP 1 – Route 66/I-40

Source: Exhibit 300

Visual Resources 10
Project visual contrast 4 would be very strong. Texture and form contrast with the
existing landscape of the vast rows of SunCatchers at this distance would be
strong, lending a distinctly man-made, industrial character to the location. Color
contrast with the existing natural environment would also be strong, and although
the field could at times resemble a vast lake surface, reflecting the sky, at other
times the mirrors are expected to appear very bright, to the point of representing
a strong nuisance or distraction, though not a hazard to navigation. In addition,
the long, linear, bright SunCatcher rows, which are oriented perpendicularly to
the highway, would rapidly alternate with the darker-colored land between each
row, introducing a large-scale flickering effect at the highway frontage that would
compound the nuisance and distraction of glare for some viewers.

From some viewpoints, the taller buildings of the Main Services Complex (up to
77 feet tall) could be visible in the middle of the site, exhibiting some vertical form
and line contrast and attracting attention, although at this distance they appear
relatively inconspicuous. Likewise, poles for the electric collection system,
though not depicted in the simulation of KOP 1, would be visible throughout the
site and introduce vertical and horizontal elements of visual complexity that
would detract from the visual unity of the scene and add to the overall industrial
character. However, these features generally would be dwarfed by the vast
scale and dominance of the SunCatcher fields. (Ex. 300, p. C.13-13.)

The project would exert extraordinary horizontal scale and spatial dominance,
occupying a vast expanse of the landscape along nearly five miles of highway
frontage. As depicted in the simulation, the overall proportion of the view
occupied by the project would be extensive compared to the foreground terrain,
background mountains, and sky, due to the sloping terrain and resulting site
exposure. (Ex. 300, p. C.13-13.)

As depicted in the simulation of KOP 1 (Figure 3B), the project does not
physically block scenic views of the Cady Mountains in the distance from
viewpoints along the highway. This feature of the simulation is discussed further,
below. Nevertheless, overall visual change to viewers from Route 66 is high.

“Contrast” concerns the degree to which a project’s visual characteristics or elements —form,
line, color, and texture — differ from the same visual elements in the existing landscape. The
degree of contrast can range from low to high. A landscape with forms, lines, colors, and textures
similar to those of a proposed energy facility is more visually absorbent; that is, more capable of
accepting those characteristics than a landscape in which those elements are absent4. Generally,
visual absorption is inversely proportional to visual contrast. (Ex. 300, p. C.13-48.)

11 Visual
This is because the project would demand attention, could not be overlooked,
and would be dominant in the landscape. (Ex. 300, pp. C.13-13 to C.13-14.)

In the context of moderately high overall visual sensitivity 5 , the high level of
visual change experienced by the majority of Route 66 and I-40 viewers – those
looking toward the project from KOP-1 within foreground and near-middle-ground
distance from the project – the impacts are significant. (Ex. 300, p. C.13-14.)

Condition of Certification VIS-3, Set-Back of SunCatchers from Highway I-40,

would require siting of the SunCatchers to the north of the existing pipeline ROW,
with a minimum set-back of the SunCatchers from the highway of 223 feet. With
this measure, as depicted in Figure 3B, project effects would still remain
substantial and continue to dominate the landscape. However, they would be
considerably less than a project without these set-backs, because they would
allow views of mountains from Highway I-40 and would reduce nuisance glare
impacts. In addition, in order to reduce the contrast of non-mirror project features
as seen from all off-site viewpoints, we required Condition of Certification VIS-1,
Surface Treatment of Non-Mirror Project Structures 6 . With these measures,
visual contrast and dominance of the project would be considerably reduced.
However, visual contrast and dominance 7 of the projects would remain strong,
and impacts would remain significant due to the project’s high contrast with the
natural dessert surroundings and its dominance of the surroundings for many
viewers. (Ex. 300, p. C.13-15.)

“Visual sensitivity” is comprised of three elements previous listed, visual quality, viewer concern,
and viewer exposure. Viewer sensitivity tends to be higher for homeowners or people driving for
pleasure or engaged in recreational activities and lower for people driving to and from work or as
part of their work. (Ex. 300, p. C.13-47.)
Applicant argued that Condition VIS-1 would be infeasible as applied to SunCatchers, since
dark colors would allow excess heat buildup. However, Applicant states that other light colors are
being investigated. If light colors that would blend with the background landscape are feasible,
Applicant shall use light, non-white colors on the backs of SunCatchers in order to reduce visual

Dominance is a measure of (a) the proportion of the total field of view occupied by the field; (b)
a feature’s apparent size relative to other visible landscape features; and (c) the conspicuousness
of the feature due to its location in the view. A feature’s level of dominance is higher if it is (1)
near the center of the view; (2) elevated relative to the viewer; or (3) has the sky as a backdrop.
As the distance between a viewer and a feature increases, its apparent size decreases; and
consequently, its dominance decreases. The level of dominance ranges from low to high.

Visual Resources 12
KOP 2 – Cady Mountains WSA (Figures 4A and 4B)

Visual Resources Figure 4A represents a view of the project site from KOP 2
within the Cady Mountains WSA, as viewed from slightly over one-fourth mile
from the northern boundary of the site, at an elevation of roughly 300 feet above
the base of the nearest SunCatchers, and 500 feet above the BNSF rail line
visible in the view. (Ex. 300, p. C.13-15.)

As represented in Visual Resources Figure 4B from KOP 2, project contrast at

this distance would generally be moderate. Color and texture contrast with the
existing landscape at this distance would be strong, lending a conspicuous,
distinctly man-made character to the view. Form and line contrast, however,
would be relatively weak, blending with the broad horizontal lines of the level
terrain. (Ex. 300, p. C.13-16.)

In general, at this distance the project would exert strong horizontal scale and
spatial dominance, occupying a vast extent of the landscape. Due to the
viewshed characteristics in the Cady Mountains described above, however,
visual dominance would vary considerably, as a function of visual exposure due
to terrain. In the most exposed conditions, for example in the areas north of the
proposed project area, viewers could overlook a panorama of up to eight square
miles of SunCatchers or four times the area depicted in the simulation, with the
nearest of these seen at foreground distance. From such viewpoints, project
dominance would be very strong, occupying the largest part of the overall view
and overshadowing all other elements. In other cases, as in the simulated view,
where the preponderance of the project is hidden by terrain, contrast and
dominance could be moderate, and the project would appear to be visually co-
dominant with the background mountains. (Ex. 300, p. C.13-16.)

The project would not block scenic views, occupying the visual foreground of the
background mountains, although it would block view of the natural valley floor.
(Ex. 300, p. C.13-16.)

13 Visual
Visual Resources – Figure 4A
Calico Solar Project – Existing View of Project Site from KOP 2 – Cady Mountains WSA

Source: Exhibit 300

Visual Resources – Figure 4B

Calico Solar Project – Existing View of Project Site from KOP 2 – Cady Mountains WSA

Source: Exhibit 300

Visual Resources 14
Visual change from KOP 2 and similar middle-ground viewpoints would thus
range from moderate to strong depending on location and distance. However,
according to viewshed mapping, from the majority of locations at distances
approaching a mile or more, visual exposure would decline due to intervening
terrain, as would visual dominance due to distance. In view of the very scattered
and intermittent visibility of the project predicted by viewshed mapping within the
one- and two mile distance zones, the relatively low levels of visitation, the small
proportion of the WSA that would be affected, and correspondingly limited view
durations, overall visual change from the Cady Mountains is considered to be
moderate. (Ex. 300, pp. C.13-16 to C.13-17.)

In the context of moderately high overall visual sensitivity, the moderate level of
visual change experienced by visitors to Cady Mountains WSA at distances of
over roughly one mile would be somewhat adverse. However, in view of the
small proportion of the Cady Mountains WSA potentially affected at closer
distances, overall impacts to viewers in the WSA are less than significant. (Ex.
300, p. C.13-17.)

No mitigation measures are considered necessary at distances of over roughly

one mile. No measures are available for nearer viewpoints. Those nearer
viewpoints are sufficiently intermittent and represent so small a proportion of the
WSA, however, as not to require mitigation. (Ex. 300, p. C.13-17.)

KOP 3 - Eastside View of Project Site, Visual Resources (Figures 5A and


KOP 3 represents the view from the nearest residence to the project, situated
approximately 1.5 miles to the east of the site (Visual Resources Figure 5A).
Based on the evidence, this viewpoint may be the only residence within the
project viewshed and may thus be unique, and not representative of a larger
viewer group. It is, however, informative of the appearance of the project at this
distance. Staff testified that this simulation does not accurately convey the level
of brightness expected from the face of the mirrors under typical conditions. (Ex.
300, p. C.13-17.)

15 Visual
Visual Resources – Figure 5A
Calico Solar Project – Existing View of Project Site from KOP 3 – Eastside View

Source: Exhibit 300

Visual Resources – Figure 5B

Calico Solar Project – Simulated View of Project Site from KOP 3 – Eastside View

Source: Exhibit 300

Visual Resources 16
As illustrated in Visual Resources Figure 5B, at this distance the existing SCE
500-kV and 230-kV transmission line towers and poles are evident, though
visually subordinate within the view. The line and towers do not intrude into the
skyline due to the mountains in the background. The project would begin at the
transmission line and extend away from the viewer. However, numerous towers
and poles required by the project internal to the site would increase the degree of
vertical form and line contrast with the horizontal landscape. The contrast of the
combined transmission lines could attract attention and begin to dominate the
characteristic landscape. Due to the relatively level grade/elevation relationship
between the project and viewpoint, at this distance the project occupies a narrow
portion of the overall field of view due to the oblique viewing angle. The reduced
dominance due to oblique viewing angle is somewhat off-set however by the vast
horizontal extent of the project from viewpoints at this distance, resulting in high
spatial dominance; and by high contrast of anticipated mirror brightness under
many extended, typical conditions. Although not obstructing views of the distant
background, the extensive array of regularly spaced solar units along the project
boundary would completely dominate the middle-ground. Accounting for the
anticipated brightness of the mirror field for extended periods, and the strong
horizontal spatial dominance of the project, overall visual change at this distance
would be strong. The project would demand attention, could not be overlooked,
and would be dominant in the landscape. (Ex. 300, p. C.13-17.)

In the context of moderate overall visual sensitivity from this and similar
locations, due to low visual magnitude and very low viewer numbers, the
moderately high level of anticipated visual change of the project is considered
adverse but less than significant. (Ex. 300, pp. C.13-17 to C.13-18.)

No mitigation measures are considered necessary from KOP 3. (Ex. 300, p.


KOP 4 - BNSF Railroad/I-40 West (Visual Resources Figures 6A and 6B)

Based on the evidence that Amtrak passengers service occurs only after dark,
Amtrak passengers on the BNSF rail line were determined not to be sensitive
receptors. However, KOP 4 is retained to help convey the appearance of the
project at foreground distance from similar viewpoints on I-40. (Ex. 300, p. C.13-

17 Visual
Visual Resources – Figure 6A
Calico Solar Project – Existing View of Project Site from KOP 4 – BNSF and I-40 West

Source: Exhibit 300

Visual Resources – Figure 6B

Calico Solar Project – Simulated View of Project Site from KOP 4 – BNSF and I-40 West

Source: Exhibit 300

Visual Resources 18
According to the photo location, the camera position is very roughly 700 - 800
feet from the project boundary. When compared to other simulations in which
the SunCatchers are located at distances of one half mile or more, the difference
in level of impact as a function of distance is apparent. In addition, KOP 4
illustrates the effect of foreground views where grade relationships are relatively
level. In such situations, the mirror units are likely to block and enclose views, as
suggested by the simulation. (Ex. 300, p. C.13-18.) However, even with their
mitigation, the visual impact from KOP-4 is significant.

For most of the frontage of the project, I-40 is elevated in relation to the adjoining
ground. However, that amount of elevation is not sufficient by itself to prevent
the 38-foot-tall mirror units from blocking views and being highly dominant.
Based on USGS topographic maps, however, elevations of the adjoining plain
northward from the road edge tend to decrease along much of the highway
frontage until the point of the BNSF rail line, which generally represents a low
point. Thus, as indicated in simulations of KOP 1 (Visual Resources Figure
3B) above, and KOP 5 (Visual Resources Figure 7B), below, sufficient set-
backs from the highway are a critical factor in reducing the visual height and
magnitude of the mirror units, and for preventing view blockage or enclosure from
the highway by the mirror units. Condition of Certification VIS-3 proposes siting
of the SunCatchers to the north of the existing pipeline ROW, with a minimum
set-back of the SunCatchers from the highway of 500 feet. (Ex. 300, p. C.13-18.)

KOP 5 – Interstate 40 Eastbound (Visual Resources Figures 7A and 7B)

KOP 5 represents near-middleground views of the project by motorists on I-40
eastbound. Because this view looks across foreground that is not a part of the
project, it is not fully representative of what a viewer would experience while
travelling on I-40, but depicts views along the roughly one mile section of
excluded highway frontage. The viewpoint appears from Visual Resources
Figure 2 to be roughly one mile from the site. The simulation of KOP 5 (Visual
Resources Figure 7B) primarily depicts the south-easternmost corner of project
Phase 2, covering an area of roughly two sections (square miles). (Ex. 300, p.

At this set-back distance, the contrast and dominance of the project is

substantially reduced when compared to KOP 1 and, especially, to KOP 4.
Similarly, the spatial dominance of the project appears much less than in KOP 1
because the area depicted is considerably smaller. Based solely on this image
one could conclude that the project could appear co-dominant with the
surrounding landscape. (Ex. 300, p. C.13-18.)

19 Visual
Visual Resources – Figure 7A
Calico Solar Project – Existing View of Project Site from KOP 5 – Interstate 40 Eastbound

Source: Exhibit 300

Visual Resources – Figure 7B

Calico Solar Project – Simulated View of Project Site from KOP 5 – Interstate 40 Eastbound

Source: Exhibit 300

Visual Resources 20
However, in order to fully understand the visual effect of the project from this or
other viewpoints on I-40, it is important to recall that for approximately five miles
the project fronts on I-40. In addition, the project would be visible for roughly
three miles to the east of the project and for roughly five miles to the west of the
project, particularly during morning and afternoon hours when diffuse reflection
could be strongest. (KOP 3 depicts the appearance of the project from a
distance of roughly two miles). The view in the KOP 5 simulation represents the
greatest distance between the highway and the project at any point in the five
miles of frontage. Over 80 percent of the frontage on I-40 could be as little as a
few yards from the highway right-of-way. Thus, based on the evidence, a closer
approximation of the I-40 experience is provided in KOPs 1 and 4, although as
discussed, this would only be true assuming adoption of recommended Condition
of Certification VIS-3. Without that measure, the project could potentially appear
more prominent than depicted in KOP 4 for a considerable portion of the I-40
frontage, because it could be located at a closer distance.

Similarly, although spatial dominance of the project in this image appears

moderate, a rotation to the left from this same viewpoint would depict a view of
most of the eight square miles of the proposed project behind the BNSF rail line,
where the project would extend to its highest elevations at the foot of the Cady
Mountains (up to an elevation of approximately 2,200 feet). At that angle, or in
views from locations throughout the I-40 frontage directed toward the project, the
view would resemble the simulation of KOP 1. Although the simulation is not
necessarily inaccurate, the diffuse reflective brightness of the mirror fields would
be substantially greater than depicted in this view for a substantial proportion of
the day, increasing overall contrast accordingly.

Based on the evidence, the simulations of KOPs 1 and 4 are more

representative of the I-40 motorist’s experience than KOP 5 and together, more
representative of the salient aspects of the project’s visual characteristics.
That is, with sufficient set-backs from the highway, most views from I-40 would
resemble KOP 1, exposing the vast area of the mirror fields due to the sloping
topography and exhibiting a highly unusual level of character contrast and spatial
dominance. Without sufficient set-backs from the highway, the project would
resemble the simulation of KOP 4. That is, visual height and magnitude of the
individual SunCatchers would be great, collective diffuse glare could be strong,
and there would be a potential for scenic view blockage and enclosure by the tall
mirror units. That is, overall visual change to viewers from Route 66 is
considered high. The project would demand attention, could not be overlooked,
and would be dominant in the landscape.

21 Visual
In the context of moderately high overall visual sensitivity, the high level of visual
change experienced by the majority of Route 66 and I-40 viewers – those within
foreground and near-middle-ground distance from the project – project impacts
are significant.

3. Impacts/Night Lighting 8

Nuisance glare is a major issue of concern for the Calico Solar Project, primarily
for aesthetic and comfort reasons. Affected receptors would be motorists on the
highways; and hikers, climbers and other visitors in Cady Mountains WSA and
associated open trails. Staff conducted an independent review of potential glare
impacts based on field data of the SunCatcher test site in Maricopa, Arizona
provided by the Applicant (refer to the Transportation section of this Decision for
a detailed discussion on glare). With recommended Condition of Certification
VIS- 3 (set back of SunCatchers locations from I-40) and TRANS-9, impacts
would be glaringly adverse, but would be reduced to less-than-significant levels
for motorists in I-40. (Ex. 300, p. C.13-21.)

The project viewshed is now largely dark at night. The pristine, unlit night sky is
an important part of the desert experience for many visitors to remote areas such
as this. Unmitigated night lighting of the project is an adverse impact to the
experience of campers in the nearby WSAs and other visitors to the area at

Night lighting of the Main Services Complex would consist of 400-watt high-
pressure sodium lights, with illumination falling to 0.0 foot-candles on the ground
a short distance from the facility. Parking and roadway lighting would consist of
full cut-off luminaires to minimize night sky light pollution. Preliminary
photometric studies depict illumination from these fixtures falling to 0.0 foot-
candles a short distance from each roadway. (Ex. 300, p. C.13-20.)

However, night roadway lighting from tall light standards could be reflected into
the SunCatchers in stow position at night, reflecting bright illumination skyward
and causing night light pollution. (Ex. 300, p. C.13-20.) To reduce the impacts of
nighttime glare from the project while also meeting safety and security lighting
requirements, including construction lighting, Condition of Certification VIS-2,

Please refer to the Transportation section of this Decision for a detailed discussion on glare

Visual Resources 22
Temporary and Permanent Exterior Lighting requires design of project lighting to
minimize skyward light reflection.

4. Cumulative Impacts and Mitigation

A project may result in a significant cumulative impact where its effects are
cumulatively considerable. "Cumulatively considerable" means that the
incremental effects of an individual project are significant when viewed in
connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects,
and the effects of probable future projects. (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, § 15130.)

There is the potential for substantial future development in the Mojave Desert
area and throughout the southern California Mojave desert region. Known past,
current and foreseeable future projects are summarized in the Cumulative
Scenarios Section of the Staff’s Analysis. (Ex. 300, pp. B.3-4 to B.3-13.)

Cumulative impacts occur if implementation of the CSP project would combine

with those of other local or regional projects. The CSP project would have two
types of cumulative impacts:
• cumulative impacts within the immediate project view shed, essentially
comprising foreseeable future projects in the Mojave Desert area of San
Bernardino County; and
• cumulative impacts of foreseeable future solar and other renewable
energy projects within the southern California Desert, or other broad basin
of the project’s affected landscape type. The widest applicable basin of
cumulative effect would include all of southern California Desert
landscapes extending into neighboring states.
Past and present projects occurring in the viewshed of the proposed project site
and affecting its existing visual quality consist of recreational activities managed
by the BLM, SCE transmission lines, the Pisgah substation, utility lines, and the I-
40 and Route 66 highways. (Ex. 300, p. C.13-30.)

The locations of existing and reasonably foreseeable developments in the vicinity

of the CSP are presented in the Cumulative Scenario section of Exhibit 300
(pp.B.3-4 to B.3-13) listing foreseeable future projects within the project vicinity.
The setting of the CSP is situated within a fairly limited local viewshed, enclosed
by nearby mountains. Potential projects with the greatest potential for having
cumulative visual impacts with the project are listed in Figure 3 of Exhibit 300
and include the Pisgah-Lugo transmission upgrade, the Pisgah Substation
Expansion, the renewable project next in line for the withdrawn SES Solar 3, Oak

23 Visual
Creek Wind Energy, and possibly the Power Partners wind project. These are
the projects that appear to have the potential to directly interact with the Calico
Solar Project visually. (Ex. 300, p. C.13-31.)

Because the evidence shows that the effects of the Calico Solar Project alone
would have substantial visual impacts; cumulative impacts would also be
significant. Even with the mitigation measures contained in the Conditions of
Certification, the project would still contribute to a significant cumulative visual
impact. Staff’s Supplemental Staff Assessment Cumulative Impacts Table 1
identifies 72 solar projects and 61 wind project applications with a total overall
area of over one million acres within the CDCA. This figure does not include
renewable projects within the Nevada and Arizona portions of the Mojave Desert.
With this very high number of renewable energy applications currently filed with
BLM, the potential for profound widespread cumulative impacts to scenic
resources within the southern California is clear.

These cumulative impacts could include a substantial decline in the overall

number and extent of scenically intact, undisturbed desert landscapes, and a
substantially more urbanized character in the overall southern California desert
landscape. In particular, the number of current renewable applications before the
BLM and Energy Commission that could potentially be prominently visible from
the desert region’s major highways is proportionally high, and the proportion of
those highways that could be affected is also high.. (Ex. 300, p. C.13-31.)

Within the broad Newberry Springs-Ludlow area of potential cumulative effect,

the project in combination with foreseeable projects would have the effect of
substantially degrading the overall visual quality of a slightly broader segment of
Highway I-40. The segment of I-40 west of the CSP site is already considered to
be visually compromised by development. However, the listed projects have the
potential to further degrade a currently intact segment of I-40, which is listed as
an eligible State Scenic Highway, from the CSP site eastward. This effect would
be cumulatively significant, depending upon the details of the specific projects.
(Ex. 300, p. C.13-31.)

5. Regional Projects

Staff asserts that cumulative viewed impacts across the entire Mojave Desert
must be considered and concludes that the CSP project, when combined with
past and foreseeable future projects will have significant visual impacts in the
California portion of the Mojave Desert. (Ex. 300 pp. C.13-30 to C.13-32.)

Visual Resources 24
We decline to cast such a wide net in our cumulative impact analysis. Staff’s
analysis demonstrates that is not possible to do more than speculate in general
terms about the nature of regional impacts. (Ex. 300, pp. C.13-31 to C.13-32.)
We find it appropriate to define a single area for the cumulative analysis, not the
broader, regional areas as Staff suggests. That more localized area, for this
topic is the project viewshed, which is discussed above. The concern over the
denigration of viewsheds is adequately addressed by our analysis of direct and
cumulative impacts to the project’s viewshed.

6. LORS compliance

As is discussed in the LORS section of this Decision, the project will conform to
all applicable laws, ordinances, regulations and standards relating to Visual


1. Construction will occur over approximately 44 months.

2. We have applied the Commission’s standard visual assessment
methodology to analyze visual impacts of the CSP. This approach was
supported by experts for both the Commission staff and BLM.
3. CSP’s new source of substantial light to nighttime views will be less than
significant with the effective implementation of the Applicant’s specified
mitigation measures and Condition of Certification VIS-2.
4. As required by Condition of Certification VIS-1, all CSP equipment other
than the solar arrays will have non-reflective surfaces and neutral colors
such that the project structures will not be a source of substantial glare
that could adversely affect daytime views.
5. The project’s potential impacts on visual resources were analyzed from
five defined key observation points (KOPs) at different locations
surrounding the project site.
6. From KOP-1, taken at Route 66 (National Old Trails Highway), there will
be a moderately high overall visual sensitivity, viewer exposure is high,
and there is a high level of visual change and contrast against the natural
setting experienced by the majority of Route 66 and I-40 viewers – those
looking toward the project from KOP-1 - within foreground and near-
middle-ground distance from the project. Views of the project will
dominate the surroundings.

25 Visual
7. Since the focus of many Route 66.Historic Trails Highway users is on the
historic nature of the roadway environs, the expansive landscape, and the
integrity of the view, the impacts of the project are significant.
8. From KOP-1 the project will create a strong, adverse, unmitigable and
significant visual impact.
9. All feasible mitigation measures have been adopted and other mitigation
steps, such as a reduced-size project alternative, fail to mitigate visual
impacts to a level of less than significant. The visual impacts that remain
after applying all feasible mitigation, are those described in Finding 6 and
7 above. We find these impacts are significant.
10. For KOP-2, which looks south across the project area from within the
Cady Mountains WSA, visual change would range from moderate to
strong depending on location and distance. In the most exposed views of
the project, viewers would overlook a panorama of up to eight square
miles of SunCatchers, with the nearest of these in the foreground, creating
a strong visual impact. However, in view of the small proportion of the
Cady Mountains WSA potentially affected at closer distances, overall
impacts to viewers in the WSA are less than significant.
11. KOP-3 represents the view from the nearest residence to the project but
may be unique. Due to low visual magnitude and very low viewer
numbers, the moderately high level of anticipated visual change of the
project is considered adverse but less than significant.
12. KOP-4 depicts the view from the BNSF rail line, looking northwest into the
project’s eastern boundary at a distance of roughly 800 feet. KOP-4
closely resembles viewing conditions of I-40 motorists in close proximity to
the project boundaries and, particularly, the SunCatcher units, along much
of the I-40 project frontage. The visual intrusion is high profile, high
contrast and interferes with distant views. We determine the visual impact
to be significant.
13. KOP-5 is a view northeastward from eastbound I-40 across the opposite
lanes of I-40. Viewer concern is moderately high, due to an elevated level
of concern with scenic values within the CDCA in general, and a high
proportion of motorists on I-40 concerned with those scenic values.
Viewer exposure is high; views are predominantly open and unobstructed
over an extensive area, and the project site is viewed at foreground and
middle-ground distance, along a highway frontage of roughly four miles.
We determine the visual impact to be significant.
14. The project’s impacts on views from the Cady Mountains Wilderness
Study Area are less-than-significant.

15. Implementation of the CSP would substantially degrade the existing visual
character and quality of the site and its surroundings, resulting in damage
to scenic vistas and significant impacts to motorists on Highway Interstate
40 and National Trails Highway/Route 66.
Visual Resources 26
16. Project impacts will be significant over an area of almost 10 square miles,
including approximately five miles of frontage on I-40. Visual impacts to
motorists on Highway I-40 are therefore significant.

17. The record contains mitigation measures which would greatly reduce, but
not eliminate, impacts which would remain significant and unavoidable.

18. The record contains an analysis of a Reduced Acreage Alternative. While

impacts of this alternative would be substantially less than those of the
proposed project, the impacts would nevertheless remain significant.

19. The anticipated visual impacts, of both the Calico Solar Project and the
Reduced Acreage Alternative, in combination with past and foreseeable
future local projects in the immediate project viewshed, are cumulatively
considerable, significant, and unavoidable.

20. We have limited our cumulative impacts analysis of the project to the
localized area surrounding the CSP and the project viewshed. Our
cumulative impacts analysis does not take in the entire Mojave Dessert.


1. All feasible mitigation has been applied to the visual impacts of the project.
Such mitigation reduces, but does not eliminate the project’s significant
visual impacts.
2. Feasible alternatives examined in the record would reduce, but not
eliminate, significant visual impacts of the CSP project.
3. The evidence establishes that the project will substantially degrade the
existing visual character and quality of the site and its surroundings
4. Based on expert testimony and the visual simulations imposing the project
on KOPs 1, 3 and 5, we conclude that significant, unmitigated visual
impacts will remain after implementation of the Conditions of Certification.
5. The project will comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, regulations and
standards regarding project design, architecture, landscaping, signage, and
other requirements related to Visual Resources.




VIS-1 To the extent feasible, the project owner shall treat all non-mirror
surfaces of all project structures and buildings visible to the public such

27 Visual
that a) their colors minimize visual intrusion and contrast by blending
with the existing tan and brown color of the surrounding landscape; b)
their colors and finishes do not create excessive glare; and c) their
colors and finishes are consistent with local policies and ordinances.
The transmission line conductors shall be non-specular and non-
reflective, and the insulators shall be non-reflective and non-refractive.
This measure shall include coloring of security fencing with vinyl or
other non-reflective coating; or with slats or similar semi-opaque, non-
reflective material, to blend to the greatest feasible extent with the
background soil.
The project owner shall submit for CPM review and approval, a specific
Surface Treatment Plan that will satisfy these requirements. The
treatment plan shall include:
A. A description of the overall rationale for the proposed surface
treatment, including the selection of the proposed color(s) and
B. A list of each major project structure, building, tank, pipe, and wall;
the transmission line towers and/or poles; and fencing, specifying
the color(s) and finish proposed for each. Colors must be identified
by vendor, name, and number; or according to a universal
designation system;
C. One set of color brochures or color chips showing each proposed
color and finish;
D. A specific schedule for completion of the treatment; and
E. A procedure to ensure proper treatment maintenance for the life of
the project.
The project owner shall not specify to the vendors the treatment of any
buildings or structures treated during manufacture, or perform the final
treatment on any buildings or structures treated in the field, until the
project owner receives notification of approval of the treatment plan by
the CPM. Subsequent modifications to the treatment plan are prohibited
without CPM approval.
Verification: At least 90 days prior to specifying to the vendor the colors and
finishes of the first structures or buildings that are surface treated during
manufacture, the project owner shall submit the proposed treatment plan to the
CPM for review and approval and simultaneously to San Bernardino County for
review and comment. If the CPM determines that the plan requires revision, the
project owner shall provide to the CPM a plan with the specified revision(s) for
review and approval by the CPM before any treatment is applied. Any
modifications to the treatment plan must be submitted to the CPM for review and
Prior to the start of commercial operation, the project owner shall notify the CPM
that surface treatment of all listed structures and buildings has been completed
Visual Resources 28
and they are ready for inspection and shall submit to each one set of electronic
color photographs from the same key observation points identified in (d) above.
The project owner shall provide a status report regarding surface treatment
maintenance in the Annual Compliance Report. The report shall specify a): the
condition of the surfaces of all structures and buildings at the end of the reporting
year; b) maintenance activities that occurred during the reporting year; and c) the
schedule of maintenance activities for the next year.


VIS-2 To the extent feasible and consistent with safety and security
considerations, the project owner shall design and install all temporary
and permanent exterior lighting so that:
a) lighting does not cause excessive reflected glare;
b) lighting does not illuminate the nighttime sky;
c) mounting heights and locations of all lighting fixtures, including
roadway lighting, will not allow light to fall on the mirror surfaces of
the SunCatchers in the stowed position,
d) illumination of the project and its immediate vicinity is minimized as
to times of use and extent, and;
e) lighting on the exhaust stacks shall be the minimum needed to
satisfy safety and security concerns.
Permanent night lighting shall comply with all applicable standards,
practices, and regulations including, and specifically, the following
Illuminating Engineering Society documents:
• RP-33-99 Lighting for Exterior Environments
• DG-13-99 Outdoor Lighting
• TM-1 0-00 Addressing Obtrusive Light (Urban Sky Glow and
Light Trespass) in Conjunction with Roadway Lighting
• TM-1 5-07 Luminaire Classification System for Outdoor
Verification: At least 30 days prior to ordering any exterior lighting, the project
owner shall contact the CPM to show compliance with all of the above
requirements. This shall include, but not be limited to, final lighting plans, fixture
and control schedules, fixture and control cut sheets and specifications, a
photometric plan showing vertical and horizontal footcandles at all property lines
to a height of 20 feet, and the proposed time clock schedule.
Prior to construction and prior to commercial operation, the project owner shall
notify the CPM that the installation of the temporary and permanent lighting has
been completed and is ready for inspection. If after inspection the CPM notifies
the project owner that modifications to the lighting are needed, within 30 days

29 Visual
after receiving the notification the project owner shall implement the modifications
and notify the CPM when the modifications are competed and ready for
Within 48 hours of receiving a lighting complaint, the project owner shall provide
the CPM with a complaint resolution form as specified in the Compliance General
Conditions, including a proposal to resolve the complaint, and a schedule for
implementation of the proposed resolution. The project owner shall notify the
CPM within 48 hours after completing the resolution of the complaint. A copy of
the complaint resolution form report shall be submitted to the CPM within 30 days
and included in the Annual Report.


VIS-3 To reduce the visual dominance and glare effects of the SunCatchers to
motorists on Highway I-40, the Applicant shall set back the nearest
units to the area north of the existing pipeline right-of-way, and at a
minimum distance of 223 feet from the edge of the roadway, whichever
is greater.
Verification: At least 30 days prior to start of construction, the project owner
shall present to BLM’s Authorized Officer and the CPM a revised plan depicting
how the proposed SunCatchers will be set back from the highway. If the CPM
determines that the plan requires revision, the project owner shall provide to the
CPM a revised plan for review and approval by the CPM.
The project owner shall not begin construction until receiving CPM approval of
the revised plan.

Visual Resources 30

Based on our analysis of the evidence in this proceeding, we find that the Calico
Solar Project (CSP) will have significant direct and cumulative unmitigated
environmental impacts, which are described in detail below.

The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires that we make certain
findings before approving a project. We address the requirement as follows:

CEQA prohibits a public agency from approving a project which identifies one or
more significant effects on the environment unless both of the following occur:

“(a) The public agency makes one or more of the following findings with
respect to each significant effect:
(1) Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated
into, the project which mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the
(2) Those changes or alterations are within the responsibility and
jurisdiction of another public agency and have been, or can and
should be, adopted by that other agency.
(3) Specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other
considerations, including considerations for the provision of
employment opportunities for highly trained workers, make
infeasible the mitigation measures or alternatives identified in the
environmental impact report.
(b) With respect to significant effects which were subject to a finding
under paragraph (3) of subdivision (a), the public agency finds that
specific overriding economic, legal, social, technological, or other benefits
of the project outweigh the significant effects on the environment.”
(Pub. Res. Code § 21081.)

1. Significant Project Impacts

In the Cultural Resources, Land Use, and Visual Resources sections of this
Decision, we discuss in detail our findings that CSP will have the following
significant environmental impacts:

• Cultural Resources. The CSP cumulative contribution to permanent long

term, potentially unmitigable, adverse impacts to historic Route 66 in the
project vicinity as a result of the physical degradation of and visual

1 Override
intrusion on significant cultural resources on those sites and an overall net
reduction in cultural resources in the area

• Land Use. The CSP project would permanently change the nature of land
use at the project site from Government Special Public Limited Use and
Moderate Use to an intensive utility use for the generation of power.
Therefore, the combined effect of the overall cumulative past, present, and
proposed and reasonably foreseeable projects, including the proposed
project, in the desert region of San Bernardino County would adversely
affect recreation and wilderness resources, resulting in a significant and
unavoidable impact under CEQA

• Visual Resources. The CSP project will result in the installation of a

large, industrial facility on a presently undeveloped (although partially
disturbed) landscape. It will have significant unmitigable impacts to visual
vistas from three of five vantage points used in our analysis. In addition it
will, in combination with the other renewable energy projects proposed in
the project’s viewshed, make a cumulatively considerable contribution to
significant cumulative visual impacts.

2. Project Benefits

The CSP, if constructed and operated as set forth in this Decision, will provide
the following benefits to California and its residents:

• CSP will provide 663.5 MW of renewable energy power, which will assist
in meeting California’s Renewable Portfolio Standard, which specifies that
retail sellers of electricity serve 20 percent of their load with renewable
energy by 2010. (Pub. Util. Code, § 399.11 et seq.) Governor’s Executive
Order S-14-08 increased the requirement to 33 percent by 2020.

• Producing electricity from renewable resources provides a number of

significant benefits to California's environment and economy, including
improving local air quality and public health, reducing global warming
emissions, developing local energy sources and diversifying our energy
supply, improving energy security, enhancing economic development and
creating jobs. (2009 CEC Integrated Energy Policy Report, page 231.)

• Scientific studies quantify the negative impacts of global climate change to

California’s and the world’s population, environment, food supplies, flora
and fauna, coastal regions, and public health. In order to reduce the
impact, the State has adopted goals to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions through, among other things, renewable energy development.

• CSP will assist the state in meeting its ambitious GHG reduction targets
by generating 709 MW of electricity with substantially lower greenhouse
gas emissions than existing fossil fuel burning generating facilities.

Override Findings 2
• In its June 2010, Staff Report on California’s Renewable Electricity
Standard, Initial Statement of Reasons, the California Air Resources
Board (CARB) estimates that the environmental benefits resulting from a
20 percent renewable energy goal in 2020 are as follows:

a. GHG reductions from California’s electricity sector by at least 12

million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MMTCO2E) in
2020, making renewable energy development one of California’s
largest GHG emission reduction strategies.

b. The overall GHG emission benefit from adding wind and solar
generation is 830 lbs CO2e per MWh (GHG emissions from
displaced or avoided fossil fuel generation) minus emissions from
combustion turbines used to backup wind and solar generation.

c. Reductions in statewide criteria pollutant emissions by five to 10

percent. These criteria pollutants under the Clean Air Act include
reactive organic gas (ROG), NOx, SOx, CO, and PM2.5. Most of the
pollutant reductions result from decreased generation by existing
natural gas plants. These reductions, in turn, should lead to
reductions in the incidence of a variety of adverse health impacts.

d. Decreased statewide emission of toxic air contaminants (TACs) as

fossil-fuel power generation - including coal, once-through cooled,
and natural gas generation - is displaced by renewable generation.

• By generating electricity through the use of solar energy, CSP will reduce
California’s dependence on fossil fuels.

• CSP will provide construction jobs for an average and peak workforce of
400 and 700, respectively, and approximately 180 jobs during operations.
Most of those jobs will require highly trained workers.

• Construction and operation of CSP will add to the economy a $159 million
construction payroll over 44 months, a local annual operation payroll of
$10.1 million, sales and use taxes during construction of $623,100 and
during operation of $387,500 annually. An estimated $8.4 million would
be spent annually for local operations and maintenance.

• Additional indirect economic benefits, such as employment in local service

industry jobs and induced employment, will result from these expenditures
associated with the construction and operation of CSP.

3 Override
3. Comparison of Project Alternatives

As discussed in the Alternatives section, the Reduced Acreage Alternative would

reduce many of the impacts of the proposed project, but in doing so would
reduce the project’s benefits of replacing fossil fuel fired generation and reducing
associated criteria pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions. The Private Lands
alternative, while reducing the biological, cultural, and visual impacts of the
proposed project, would have greater land use and noise impacts and be difficult
to implement in the time desired due to the need to assemble upwards of 100
separate parcels with nearly 50 separate owners. The No Project alternative,
while the environmentally superior alternative, fails to achieve any of the project
objectives. Distributed solar energy (photovoltaic or thermal) generation and
other renewable technologies are required in addition to large scale projects such
as this in order to meet our renewable energy and GHG policy goals; the two
complement, rather than compete with, each other.

4. Site Characteristics

The CSP project will be constructed on an approximate 4,613-acre site located in

San Bernardino County, California. The project site is approximately 37 miles
east of Barstow, 17 miles east of Newberry Springs, 57 miles northeast of
Victorville, and approximately 115 miles east of Los Angeles. The project
location includes several linear development features including I-40, BNSF
railway, and SCE transmission lines. Additionally, the area between the BNSF
railroad and I 40 is isolated by the highway and railroad and portions of the site
have been subject to repeated disturbance from pipeline development. Besides
these features, the project area is primarily open land ranging in elevation from
approximately 1,925 to 3,050 feet (587 to 930 m) above mean sea level.

5. Official Notice

In arriving at the following findings, we have taken official notice of the following

• The California Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) was created in 2002

under Senate Bill 1078 and further accelerated in 2006 under Senate Bill
107. The RPS program requires electric corporations to increase
procurement from eligible renewable energy resources by at least 1
percent of their retail sales annually, until they reach 20 percent by 2010.

Override Findings 4
• EXECUTIVE ORDER S-21-09 was signed by Governor Arnold
Schwarzenegger establishing the 33 percent Renewable Electricity

• Climate Action Team Report to Governor Schwarzenegger and the

Legislature. CalEPA, March 2006.

• AB 32 Scoping Plan. CARB, December 2008.

• Integration of Renewable Resources. CAISO, Nov. 2007.

• 2007 Integrated Energy Policy Report. CEC, Nov. 2007.

• 2009 Integrated Energy Policy Report. CEC. Nov. 2009.

• California Air Resources Board Staff Report on California’s Renewable

Electricity Standard, Initial Statement of Reasons, June 2010.

• Draft Final Opinion on Greenhouse Gas Regulatory Strategies:

- Joint Agency Proposed Final Opinion. CPUC/CEC 2008.

• Framework for Evaluating Greenhouse Gas Implications of Natural Gas-

Fired Power Plants in California. CEC (MRW and Associates). May 2009.

Based upon the above documents, evidence and Staff recommendations, we find
that overriding considerations warrant the approval of the project as mitigated
through the Conditions of Certification we adopt herein. We further find that the
project is required for public convenience and necessity and that there are no
more prudent and feasible means of achieving such public convenience and


Based on the evidence and the conclusions drawn in other sections of this
Decision, we make the following findings and conclusions:

1. Climate change poses a serious threat to the economic well-being, public

health, natural resources, and the environment of California.
2. The proposed project will have the following impacts which cannot be
mitigated to insignificant levels:
a. A cumulative contribution to permanent long term, potentially unmitigable,
adverse impacts to historic Route 66 in the project vicinity as a result of

5 Override
the physical degradation of and visual intrusion on significant cultural
resources on those sites and an overall net reduction in cultural resources
in the area

b. A permanent change the nature of land use at the project site from
Government Special Public Limited Use and Moderate Use to an intensive
utility use for the generation of power. The combined effect of the overall
cumulative past, present, and proposed and reasonably foreseeable
projects, including the proposed project, in the desert region of San
Bernardino County would significantly impact recreation and wilderness

c. The installation of a large, industrial facility on a presently undeveloped

(although partially disturbed) landscape will have significant unmitigable
impacts to visual vistas in the project vicinity. In addition it will, in
combination with the other renewable energy projects proposed in the
project’s viewshed, make a cumulatively considerable contribution to
significant cumulative visual impacts to the viewshed.
3. This Decision will result in mitigation of all direct project impacts for CSP,
except to Land Use and Visual and Cultural Resources, as noted above,
and imposes all feasible mitigation measures to reduce the significant
direct impacts of the project below a level of significance.
4. This Decision will result in mitigation of all cumulative project impacts for
CSP, except to Land Use and Visual and Cultural Resources, as noted
above, and imposes all feasible mitigation measures to reduce the
project’s contribution to cumulative impacts to insignificant levels.
5. The project will provide the following benefits:

a. Contribution of 663.5 MW of renewable energy power toward

meeting California’s Renewables Portfolio Standard and
California’s adopted renewable energy and GHG policy goals.

b. A significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions when

compared with existing fossil fuel-burning generating facilities.

c. Other important benefits to California's environment and economy

include improving local air quality and public health, developing
local energy sources, and diversifying our energy supply.

d. Reduction of California’s dependence on fossil fuels.

e. Boost the economy due to the purchase of major equipment,

payroll, and supplies, and increased sales tax revenue. Additional
indirect economic benefits, such as indirect employment, and
induced employment, will result from these expenditures as well.
Override Findings 6
f. CSP will provide construction jobs for an average and peak
workforce of 400 and 700, respectively, and approximately 180 jobs
during operations. Most of those jobs will require highly trained

6. The CSP is in the vicinity of existing development including Interstate 40,

BNSF Railway, and existing electricity infrastructure including major
transmission lines.


1. The CSP project benefits outweigh the significant direct and cumulative
impacts identified above.
2. It is appropriate to approve the CSP despite its remaining significant
environmental impacts.
3. As shown in the record, much of the debate over the CSP project was over
the impacts to biological resources, specifically the federally-listed
threatened species, desert tortoise and special-status plants found on the
project site. There was general agreement by wildlife, botanical, and
ecology experts that testified at the evidentiary hearings that there is a
combination of both natural and manmade processes that are affecting the
global climate; and that these special-status species are not immune to the
effects of climate change, but it is possible that they could adapt and
survive if given enough time. There was also general agreement that the
exact impacts of climate change to the biological resources are unknown –
various models predict varying temperature changes and precipitation
amounts for California’s desert region – resulting in potential detriment or
benefit to biological resources, depending on the habitat needs of the
species. It is the intent of this Commission to take all reasonable measures
to preserve the continued existence of the desert special-status species.
This Commission believes that this project, and other renewable energy
projects, will result in the reduction of greenhouse gases which will help
curb or reduce the impact of climate change to California, thereby allowing
for the continued existence of the desert special-status species.
4. Therefore, this decision overrides the remaining significant unavoidable
impacts that may result from this project, even with the implementation of
the required mitigation measures described in this Decision.

7 Override

Appendix A: Laws, Ordinances,

Regulations, and

Appendix B: Exhibit List

Appendix C: Proof of Service List

Applicable LORS Description
40 Code of Federal Nonattainment New Source Review (NSR) requires a permit
Regulations (CFR) Part 52 and requires Best Available Control Technology (BACT) and
Offsets. Permitting and enforcement delegated to Mojave
Desert Air Quality Management District (MDAQMD).
Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) requires major
sources or major modifications to major sources to obtain
permits for attainment pollutants. The Calico Solar Project is a
new source that does not have a rule listed emission source
thus the PSD trigger levels are 250 tons per year for NOx,
VOC, SOx, PM10, PM2.5 and CO.
40 CFR Part 60 New Source Performance Standards (NSPS), Subpart IIII
Standards of Performance for Stationary Compression Ignition
Internal Combustion Engines. Establishes emission standards
for compressions ignition internal combustion engines,
including emergency fire water pump engines.
40 CFR Part 93 Requires determination of conformity with State
General Conformity Implementation Plan for Projects requiring federal approvals if
project annual emissions are above specified levels.
Health and Safety Code Permitting of source needs to be consistent with Air Resource
(HSC) Section 40910-40930 Board (ARB) approved Clean Air Plans.
HSC Section 41700 Restricts emissions that would cause nuisance or injury.
California Code of Airborne Toxics Control Measure for Stationary Compression
Regulations (CCR) Section Ignition Engines. Limits the types of fuels allowed, established
93115 maximum emission rates, establishes recordkeeping
requirements on stationary compression ignition engines,
including emergency fire water pump engines.
Local (Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District, MDAQMD)

Requires a Permit to Construct before construction of an

Rule 201 and 203 Permits emission source occurs. Prohibits operation of any equipment
Required that emits or controls air pollutant without first obtaining a
permit to operate.
Rules 401, 402, 403, and
Limits the visible, nuisance, and fugitive dust emissions and
403.2 Nuisance, Visible
would be applicable to the construction period of the project.
Emissions, Fugitive Dust
Rule 404 Particulate Matter Limits the particulate matter concentration from stationary
- Concentration source exhausts.
Rule 406 Specific The rule prohibits sulfur compound emissions in excess of 500
Contaminants ppmv.
Rule 407 Liquid and The rule prohibits carbon monoxide emissions in excess of
Gaseous Air Contaminants 2,000 ppmv.
Rule 409 Combustion
Limits the emissions from fossil fuel combustion.

Appendix A - 1
Applicable LORS Description
Rule 431 Sulfur Content of Limits the sulfur content of liquid fuels to no more than 0.5% by
Fuels weight.
Rule 461 Gasoline Transfer This rule specifies the vapor recovery requirement for gasoline
and Dispensing tank filling (Phase I) and vehicle refueling (Phase II) for
gasoline storage and refueling facilities.
Rule 900 Standard of
Incorporates the Federal NSPS (40 CFR 60) rules by
Performance for New
Stationary Source
Specifies BACT/Offsets technology and requirements for a
Rule 1303 New Source
new emissions unit that has potential to emit any affected
Rule 1306 Electric Energy Describes actions to be taken for permitting of power plants
Generating Facilities that are within the jurisdiction of the Energy Commission.

Applicable LORS Description
40 Code of Federal Regulations This rule requires mandatory reporting of GHG emissions for
(CFR) Part 98 facilities that emit more than 25,000 metric tons of CO2
equivalent emissions per year.
California Global Warming This act requires the California Air Resources Board (ARB) to
Solutions Act of 2006, AB 32 enact standards that will reduce GHG emission to 1990 levels
(Stats. 2006; Chapter 488; Health by 2020. Electricity production facilities will be regulated by the
and Safety Code sections 38500 et ARB.
California Code of Regulations, These ARB regulations implement mandatory GHG emissions
tit. 17, Subchapter 10, Article 2, reporting as part of the California Global Warming Solutions Act
sections 95100 et. seq. of 2006 (Stats. 2006; Chapter 488; Health and Safety Code
sections 38500 et seq.)
Title 20, California Code of The regulations prohibit utilities from entering into long-term
Regulations, section 2900 et seq.; contracts with any base load facility that does not meet a
CPUC Decision D0701039 in greenhouse gas emission standard of 0.5 metric tonnes carbon
proceeding R0604009 dioxide per megawatt-hour (0.5 MTCO2/MWh) or 1,100 pounds
carbon dioxide per megawatt-hour (1,100 lbs CO2/MWh).

Appendix A - 2

California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)

Energy Commission staff is required by agency regulations to examine the

“feasibility of available site and facility alternatives to the Applicant’s proposal which
substantially lessen the significant adverse impacts of the proposal on the
environment.” (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 20, § 1765.)

The “Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act,”

Title 14, California Code of Regulations, Section 15126.6(a), requires an
evaluation of the comparative merits of “a range of reasonable alternatives to the
project, or to the location of the project, which would feasibly attain most of the
basic objectives of the project but would avoid or substantially lessen any of the
significant effects of the project.”

In addition, the analysis must address the No Project Alternative. (Cal. Code Regs.,
tit. 14, § 15126.6[e].) The analysis should identify and compare the impacts of the
various alternatives, but analysis of alternatives need not be in as much detail as
the analysis of the proposed project.

The range of alternatives is governed by the “rule of reason,” which requires

consideration only of those alternatives necessary to permit informed decision
making and public participation. CEQA states that an environmental document
does not have to consider an alternative if its effect cannot be reasonably
ascertained and if its implementation is remote and speculative. (Cal. Code
Regs., tit. 14, §15126.6[f][3].) However, if the range of alternatives is defined too
narrowly, the analysis may be inadequate (City of Santee v. County of San Diego
[4th District, 1989] 214 Cal. App. 3d 1438).

Appendix A - 3

Applicable LORS Description

Federal Endangered Designates and provides for protection of threatened and endangered
Species Act (Title 16, plant and animal species and their critical habitat. “Take” of a federally-
United States Code, listed species is prohibited without an incidental take permit, which may
section 1531 et seq., and be obtained through Section 7 consultation (between federal agencies) or
Title 50, Code of Federal a Section 10 Habitat Conservation Plan.
Regulations, part 17.1 et
Migratory Bird Treaty Act Makes it unlawful to take or possess any migratory bird (or any part of
(Title 16, United States such migratory bird including active nests) as designated in the Migratory
Code, sections 703 Bird Treaty Act unless permitted by regulation (e.g., duck hunting).
through 711)
Clean Water Act (Title 33, Requires the permitting and monitoring of all discharges to surface water
United States Code, bodies. Section 404 requires a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of
sections 1251 through Engineers (USACE) for a discharge from dredged or fill materials into
1376, and Code of waters of the U.S., including wetlands. Section 401 requires a permit from
Federal Regulations, part a regional water quality control board (RWQCB) for the discharge of
30, section 330.5(a)(26)) pollutants. By federal law, every applicant for a federal permit or license
for an activity that may result in a discharge into a California water body,
including wetlands, must request State certification that the proposed
activity will not violate State and federal water quality standards.
Bald and Golden Eagle Provides for the protection of the bald eagle and the golden eagle by
Protection Act (Title 16, prohibiting, except under certain specified conditions, the take,
United States Code possession, and commerce of such birds. The 1972 amendments
section 668) increased penalties for violating provisions of the act or regulations issued
pursuant thereto and strengthened other enforcement measures.
Rewards are provided for information leading to arrest and conviction for
violation of the act.
California Desert Administered by the BLM, the CDCA Plan requires that proposed
Conservation Area Plan development projects are compatible with policies that provide for the
1980, as amended protection, enhancement, and sustainability of fish and wildlife species,
(reprinted in 1999) wildlife corridors, riparian and wetland habitats, and native vegetation
California Desert An Act of Congress which established 69 wilderness areas, the Mojave
Protection Act of 1994 National Preserve, expanded Joshua Tree and Death Valley National
Monuments and redefined them as National Parks. Lands transferred to
the National Park Service were formerly administered by the BLM and
included significant portions of grazing allotments, wild horse and burro
Herd Management Areas, and Herd Areas.
West Mojave Plan As an amendment to the CDCA Plan, the BLM produced the West Mojave
Plan (WEMO) (BLM 2006). The WEMO is a federal land use plan
amendment that (1) presents a comprehensive strategy to conserve and
protect the desert tortoise, the Mohave ground squirrel (MGS) and nearly
100 other plants and animals and the natural communities of which they
are part, and (2) provides a streamlined program for complying with the
requirements of the California and federal Endangered Species Acts”
(BLM et al. 2005).

Appendix A - 4
Applicable LORS Description
California Endangered Protects California’s rare, threatened, and endangered species. “Take” of
Species Act of 1984 (Fish a State-listed species is prohibited without an Incidental Take Permit.
and Game Code, sections
2050 through 2098)
California Code of Lists the plants and animals of California that are declared rare,
Regulations (Title 14, threatened, or endangered.
sections 670.2 and 670.5)
Fully Protected Species Designates certain species as fully protected and prohibits the take of
(Fish and Game Code, such species or their habitat unless for scientific purposes (see also
sections 3511, 4700, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, section 670.7).
5050, and 5515)
Nest or Eggs (Fish and Protects California’s birds by making it unlawful to take, possess, or
Game Code section 3503) needlessly destroy the nest or eggs of any bird.
Birds of prey (Fish and Birds of prey are protected in California making it “unlawful to take,
Game Code section possess, or destroy any birds of prey (in the order Falconiformes or
3503.5) Strigiformes).”
Migratory Birds (Fish and Protects California’s migratory birds by making it unlawful to take or
Game Code section 3513) possess any migratory nongame bird as designated in the Migratory Bird
Treaty Act or any part of such migratory nongame birds.
Significant Natural Areas Designates certain areas such as refuges, natural sloughs, riparian areas,
(Fish and Game Code and vernal pools as significant wildlife habitat.
section 1930 et seq.)
California Environmental CEQA defines rare species more broadly than the definitions for species
Quality Act (CEQA), listed under the State and federal Endangered Species Acts. Under
CEQA Guidelines section section 15830, species not protected through State or federal listing but
15380 nonetheless demonstrable as “endangered” or “rare” under CEQA should
also receive consideration in environmental analyses. Included in this
category are many plants considered rare by the California Native Plant
Society (CNPS) and some animals on the CDFG’s Special Animals List.
Streambed Alteration Regulates activities that may divert, obstruct, or change the natural flow or
Agreement (Fish and the bed, channel, or bank of any river, stream, or lake in California
Game Code sections designated by CDFG in which there is at any time an existing fish or
1600 et seq.) wildlife resource or from which these resources derive benefit. Impacts to
vegetation and wildlife resulting from disturbances to waterways are also
reviewed and regulated during the permitting process.
California Native Plant Designates State rare, threatened, and endangered plants.
Protection Act of 1977
(Fish and Game Code
section 1900 et seq.)
California Desert Native Protects non-listed California desert native plants from unlawful
Plants Act of 1981 (Food harvesting on both public and private lands in Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Los
and Agricultural Code Angeles, Mono, Riverside, San Bernardino, and San Diego counties.
section 80001 et seq. and Unless issued a valid permit, wood receipt, tag, and seal by the
California Fish and Game commissioner or sheriff, harvesting, transporting, selling, or possessing
Code sections 1925-1926) specific desert plants is prohibited.

Appendix A - 5
Applicable LORS Description
San Bernardino County Includes objectives to preserve water quality and open space to benefit
General Plan: biological resources, and specific policies and goals for protecting areas
Conservation/Open of sensitive plant, soils and wildlife habitat and for assuring compatibility
Space Element of the between natural areas and development. Although the Calico Solar
County General Plan Project is not located on lands under county jurisdiction, the general plan
(County of San provides objectives which are consistent with some of the LORS listed
Bernardino 2007) above.

Appendix A - 6

Applicable LORS Description

National Historic Section 106 of the Act requires Federal agencies to take into account the
Preservation Act of effects of a proposed action on cultural resources (historic properties) and
1966, as amended, 16 afford the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation the opportunity to
USC 470(f) comment.
36 CFR Part 800 (as Implementing regulations of Section 106 of the National Historic
amended August 5, Preservation Act
National Environmental This statute requires Federal agencies to consider potential environmental
Policy Act (NEPA): impacts of projects with Federal involvement and to consider appropriate
Title 42, USC, section mitigation measures.
4321-et seq.
Federal Land Policy and This statute requires the Secretary of the Interior to retain and maintain
Management Act public lands in a manner that will protect the quality of scientific, scenic,
(FLPMA): Title 43, USC, historical, ecological, environmental, air and atmospheric water resource,
section 1701 et seq. and archaeological values [Section 1701(a)(8)]; the Secretary, with respect
to the public lands, shall promulgate rules and regulations to carry out the
purposes of this Act and of other laws applicable to public lands [Section
Federal Guidelines for The Secretary of the Interior has published a set of Standards and
Historic Preservation Guidelines for Archaeology and Historic Preservation. These are
Projects, Federal considered to be the appropriate professional methods and techniques for
Register 44739-44738, the preservation of archaeological and historic properties. The Secretary’s
190 (September 30, standards and guidelines are used by Federal agencies, such as the Forest
1983) Service, the Bureau of Land Management, and the National Park Service.
The California Office of Historic Preservation refers to these standards in its
requirements for selection of qualified personnel and in the mitigation of
potential impacts to cultural resources on public lands in California.
Executive Order 11593 This order mandates the protection and enhancement of the cultural
May 13, 1971 (36 environment through providing leadership, establishing state offices of
Federal Register 8921) historic preservation, and developing criteria for assessing resource values.
American Indian Protects Native American religious practices, ethnic heritage sites, and land
Religious Freedom Act; uses.
Title 42, USC, Section
Native American Graves The stature defines “cultural items,” “sacred objects,” and “objects of
Protection and cultural patrimony;” establishes an ownership hierarchy; provides for
Repatriation Act (1990); review; allows excavation of human remains, but stipulates return of the
Title 25, USC Section remains according to ownership; sets penalties; calls for inventories; and
3001, et seq., provides for the return of specified cultural items.
U.S. Dept. of the 1. Broaden the archaeological and historical knowledge of the CDCA
Interior, Bureau of Land through continuing efforts and the use of existing data. Continue the effort
Management (BLM), the to identify the full array of the CDCA’s cultural resources.
California Desert 2. Preserve and protect representative sample of the full array of the
Conservation Area CDCA’s cultural resources.

Appendix A - 7
Applicable LORS Description
(CDCA) Plan 1980 as 3. Ensure that cultural resources are given full consideration in land use
amended – Cultural planning and management decisions, and ensure that BLM-authorized
Resources Element actions avoid inadvertent impacts.
Goals 4. Ensure proper data recovery of significant (National Register of Historic
Places-quality) cultural resources where adverse impacts can be avoided.
California Environmental CEQA requires that state and local public agencies to identify the
Quality Act (CEQA), environmental impacts of the proposed discretionary activities or projects,
Sections 21000 et seq. determine if the impacts will be significant, and identify alternatives and
of the Public Resources mitigation measures that will substantially reduce or eliminate significant
Code (PRC) with impacts to the environment.
Guidelines for
Historical resources are considered a part of the environment and a project
implementation codified
that may cause a substantial adverse effect on the significance of a
in the California Code of
historical resource is a project that may have a significant effect on the
Regulations (CCR),
environment. The definition of “historical resources” is contained in Section
Title 14, Chapter 3,
15064.5 of the CEQA Guidelines.
Sections 15000 et seq.
AB 4239, 1976 Established the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) as the
primary government agency responsible for identifying and cataloging
Native American cultural resources. The bill authorized the Commission to
act in order to prevent damage to and insure Native American access to
sacred sites and authorized the commission to prepare an inventory of
Native American sacred sites located on public lands.
Public Resources Code No public agency, and no private party using or occupying public property,
5097.97 or operating on public property, under a public license, permit, grant, lease,
or contract made on or after July 1, 1977, shall in any manner whatsoever
interfere with the free expression or exercise of Native American religion as
provided in the United States Constitution and the California Constitution;
nor shall any such agency or party cause severe or irreparable damage to
any Native American sanctified cemetery, place of worship, religious or
ceremonial site, or sacred shrine located on public property, except on a
clear and convincing showing that the public interest and necessity so
Public Resources Code Requires a landowner on whose property Native American human remains
5097.98 (b) and (e) are found to limit further development activity in the vicinity until he/she
confers with the Native American Heritage Commission-identified Most
Likely Descendents (MLDs) to consider treatment options. In the absence
of MLDs or of a treatment acceptable to all parties, the landowner is
required to reinter the remains elsewhere on the property in a location not
subject to further disturbance.
California Health and This code makes it a misdemeanor to disturb or remove human remains
Safety Code, Section found outside a cemetery. This code also requires a project owner to halt
7050.5 construction if human remains are discovered and to contact the county

Appendix A - 8
Applicable LORS Description
County of San GOAL CO 1. The County will maintain to the greatest extent possible
Bernardino 2007 natural resources that contribute to the quality of life within the County.
General Plan, C.
GOAL CO 3. The County will preserve and promote its historic and
Countywide Goals and
prehistoric cultural heritage.
Policies of the
Conservation Element POLICIES
CO 3.1 Identify and protect important archaeological and historic cultural
resources in areas of the County that have been determined to have known
cultural resource sensitivity.
CO 3.2 Identify and protect important archaeological and historic cultural
resources in all lands that involves disturbance of previously undisturbed
CO 3.3 Establish programs to preserve the information and heritage value
of cultural and historical resources.
CO 3.4 The County will comply with Government Code Section 65352.2
(SB18) by consulting with tribes as identified by the California Native
American Heritage Commission on all General Plan and specific plan
CO 3.5 Ensure that important cultural resources are avoided or minimized
to protect Native American beliefs and traditions.
County of San 82.12.010 Purpose
Bernardino 2007
(a) Many of the resources are unique and non-renewable; and
Development Code
(b) The preservation of cultural resources provides a greater knowledge of
County history, thus promoting County identity and conserving historic and
scientific amenities for the benefit of future generations.
82.12.040 Development Standards
Archaeological and historical resources determined by qualified
professionals to be extremely important should be preserved as open
space or dedicated to a public institution when possible.

Appendix A - 9
Applicable LORS Description
Federal Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 1910,
Occupational Safety and Health standards
State 2007 California Building Standards Code (CBSC) (also known as
Title 24, California Code of Regulations)
Local San Bernardino County regulations and ordinances
General American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
American Welding Society (AWS)
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

Appendix A - 10
Applicable LORS Description
Antiquities Act of The proposed Calico Solar Project is located entirely on federal
1906 (16 United (Bureau of Land Management) land. Although there is no specific
States Code mention of natural or paleontological resources in the Act itself, or in
[USC], 431-433 the Act’s uniform rules and regulations (Title 43 Part 3, Code of
Federal Regulations [43 CFR Part 3], ‘objects of antiquity’ has been
interpreted to include fossils by the Federal Highways Act of 1956, the
National Park Service (NPS), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM),
the Forest Service (USFS), and other Federal agencies. All design will
also need to adhere to any applicable BLM design standards.
Antiquities Act of The proposed Calico Solar Project facility site is located entirely on
1906 (16 United land currently administered by the Bureau of Land Management
States Code (BLM). Although there is no specific mention of natural or
[USC], 431-433) paleontological resources in the Act itself, or in the Act’s uniform rules
and regulations (Title 43 Part 3, Code of Federal Regulations [43 CFR
Part 3], ‘objects of antiquity’ has been interpreted to include fossils by
the Federal Highways Act of 1956, the National Park Service (NPS),
the BLM, the Forest Service (USFS), and other Federal agencies.
National Established the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), which is
Environmental charged with preserving ‘important historic, cultural, and natural
Policy Act (NEPA) aspects of our national heritage’.
of 1970 (42 USC
4321, et. seq.)
Federal Land Authorizes the BLM to manage public lands to protect the quality
Policy and scientific, scenic, historical, archeological, and other values, and to
Management Act develop ‘regulations and plans for the protection of public land areas
(FLPMA) of 1976 of critical environmental concern’, which include ‘important historic,
(43 USC cultural or scenic values’. Also charged with the protection of ‘life and
1701-1784) safety from natural hazards’.
Paleontological Authorizes Departments of Interior and Agriculture Secretaries to
Resources manage the protection of paleontological resources on Federal lands.
Preservation Act
(PRPA) (Public
Law [PL] 111-011)
California Building The CBC (2007) includes a series of standards that are used in
Code (CBC), 2007 project investigation, design, and construction (including grading and
erosion control).
Alquist-Priolo Mitigates against surface fault rupture of known active faults beneath
Earthquake Fault occupied structures. Requires disclosure to potential buyers of
Zoning Act, Public existing real estate and a 50-foot setback for new occupied buildings.
Resources Code Portions of the site and proposed ancillary facilities are located within
(PRC), Section designated Alquist-Priolo Fault Zones. The proposed site layout
2621–2630 places occupied structures outside of the 50-foot setback zone.

Appendix A - 11
Applicable LORS Description
The Seismic Areas are identified that are subject to the effects of strong ground
Hazards Mapping shaking, such as liquefaction, landslides, tsunamis, and seiches.
Act, PRC Section
PRC, Chapter 1.7, Regulates removal of paleontological resources from state lands,
Sections 5097.5 defines unauthorized removal of fossil resources as a misdemeanor,
and 30244 and requires mitigation of disturbed sites.
Warren-Alquist The Warren-Alquist Act requires the Energy Commission to “give the
Act, PRC, Sections greatest consideration to the need for protecting areas of critical
25527 and environmental concern, including, but not limited to, unique and
25550.5(i) irreplaceable scientific, scenic, and educational wildlife habitats;
unique historical, archaeological, and cultural sites…” With respect to
paleontological resources, the Energy Commission relies on
guidelines from the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, indicated
California Mandates that public and private entities identify the potential impacts
Environmental on the environment during proposed activities. Appendix G outlines
Quality Act the requirements for compliance with CEQA and provides a definition
(CEQA), PRC of significant impacts on a fossil site.
sections 15000 et
seq., Appendix G
Society of The “Measures for Assessment and Mitigation of Adverse Impacts to
Vertebrate Non-Renewable Paleontological Resources: Standard Procedures” is
Paleontology a set of procedures and standards for assessing and mitigating
(SVP), 1995 impacts to vertebrate paleontological resources. The measures were
adopted in October 1995 by the SVP, a national organization of
professional scientists.
San Bernardino Chapter 82.15 requires that a geological study will be undertaken
County 2007 where roads and structures are to be constructed. Also requires that
Development roads and utilities will be perpendicular to faults. Chapter 82.20
Code, Chapters defines criteria for site evaluation for paleontological resources in the
82.15, 82.20 and county, including preliminary field surveys, monitoring during
Safety Element construction, and specimen recovery; also defines qualifications for
professional paleontologists. The Safety Element requires compliance
with geological/geotechnical reports, the CBC, and other state
agencies and regulations.

Appendix A - 12
Applicable LORS Description
The Superfund Contains the Emergency Planning and Community
Amendments and Right To Know Act (also known as SARA Title III).
Reauthorization Act of 1986
(42 USC §9601 et seq.)
The Clean Air Act (CAA) of Establishes a nationwide emergency planning and
1990 (42 USC 7401 et seq. response program, and imposes reporting requirements
as amended) for businesses that store, handle, or produce significant
quantities of extremely hazardous materials.
The CAA Section on Risk Requires states to implement a comprehensive system
Management Plans (42 to inform local agencies and the public when a
USC §112(r) significant quantity of such materials is stored or handled
at a facility. The requirements of both SARA Title III and
the CAA are reflected in the California Health and Safety
Code, section 25531, et seq.
49 CFR 172.800 Requires that the suppliers of hazardous materials
prepare and implement security plans in accordance
with U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)
49 CFR Part 1572, Requires that suppliers of hazardous materials ensure
Subparts A and B that their hazardous material drivers comply with
personnel background security checks.
The Clean Water Act Aims to prevent the discharge or threat of discharge of
(CWA) (40 CFR 112) oil into navigable waters or adjoining shorelines.
Requires a written spill prevention, control, and
countermeasures (SPCC) plan to be prepared for
facilities that store oil that could leak into navigable
Title 49, Code of Federal Outlines gas pipeline safety program procedures.
Regulations, Part 190
Title 49, Code of Federal Addresses the transportation of natural and other gases
Regulations, Part 191 by pipeline. Requires preparation of annual reports,
incident reports, and safety-related condition reports.
Also requires operators of pipeline systems to notify the
U.S. Department of Transportation DOT) of any
reportable incident by telephone and submit a follow-up
written report within 30 days.

Appendix A - 13
Applicable LORS Description
Title 49, Code of Federal Addresses transportation of natural and other gases by
Regulations, Part 192 pipeline: Requires minimum federal safety standards,
specifies minimum safety requirements for pipelines,
and includes material selection, design requirements,
and corrosion protection. The safety requirements for
pipeline construction vary according to the population
density and land use that characterize the surrounding
land. This part also contains regulations governing
pipeline construction, which must be followed for Class 2
and Class 3 pipelines, and requirements for preparing a
pipeline integrity management program.
6 CFR Part 27 The CFATS (Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standard)
regulation of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
(DHS) that requires facilities that use or store certain
hazardous materials to submit information to the DHS
so that a vulnerability assessment can be conducted to
determine what certain specified security measures
shall be implemented.
California Health and The California Accidental Release Program (Cal-ARP)
Safety Code, section 25531 requires the preparation of a Risk Management Plan
to 25543.4 (RMP) and Off-site Consequence Analysis (OCA) and
submittal to the local Certified Unified Program Agency
(CUPA) for approval.
Title 8, California Code of Requires facility owners to develop and implement
Regulations, Section 5189 effective safety management plans to ensure that large
quantities of hazardous materials are handled safely.
While these requirements primarily provide for the
protection of workers, they also indirectly improve public
safety and are coordinated with the RMP process.
Title 8, California Code of Sets forth requirements for design, construction, and
Regulations, Section 5189 operation of the vessels and equipment used to store
and transfer ammonia. These sections generally codify
the requirements of several industry codes including the
American Society for Material Engineering (ASME)
Pressure Vessel Code, the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI) K61.1, and the National
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspection Code. These
codes apply to anhydrous ammonia but are also used
to design storage facilities for aqueous ammonia.

Appendix A - 14
Applicable LORS Description
California Health and Requires that “No person shall discharge from any
Safety Code, Section source whatsoever such quantities of air contaminants
41700 or other material which causes injury, detriment,
nuisance, or annoyance to any considerable number of
persons or to the public, or which endanger the comfort,
repose, health, or safety of any such persons or the
public, or which cause, or have a natural tendency to
cause injury or damage to business or property.”
California HSC Sections Requires the preparation of a Spill Prevention, Control,
25270 through 25270.13 and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plan if 10,000 gallons or
more of petroleum is stored on-site. The above
regulations would also require the immediate reporting
of a spill or release of 42 gallons or more to the
California Office of Emergency Services and the
Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA).

California Safe Drinking Prevents certain chemicals that cause cancer and
Water and Toxic reproductive toxicity from being discharged into sources
Enforcement Act of drinking water.
(Proposition 65)
2007 California Fire Code Adopts the California Fire Code, 2007 Edition, into San
Title 24, Part 9 Bernardino County regulations.

Appendix A - 15
Applicable LORS Description
Federal Land Policy Establishes public land policy; guidelines for administration; and
and Management provides for the management, protection, development, and
Act (FLPMA), 1976 enhancement of public lands. In particular, the FLPMA’s
– 43 CFR 1600 relevance to the proposed project is that Title V, Section 501
establishes BLM’s authority to grant rights-of-way for generation,
transmission, and distribution of electrical energy (FLPMA 2001).
Bureau of Land The 25 million-acre CDCA contains over 12 million acres of
Management - public lands spread within the area known as the California
California Desert Desert, which includes the following three deserts: the Mojave,
Conservation Area the Sonoran, and a small portion of the Great Basin. The 12
(CDCA) Plan, 1980 million acres of public lands administered by the BLM are half
as Amended (BLM of the CDCA.
1980) The CDCA Plan is a comprehensive, long-range plan with goals
and specific actions for the management, use, development,
and protection of the resources and public lands within the
CDCA, and it is based on the concepts of multiple use, sustained
yield, and maintenance of environmental quality. The plan’s
goals and actions for each resource are established in its 12
elements. Each of the plan elements provides both a desert-
wide perspective of the planning decisions for one major
resource or issue of public concern as well as a more specific
interpretation of multiple-use class guidelines for a given
resource and its associated activities.
Public Rangelands Establishes and reaffirms the national policy and commitment
Improvement Act to inventory and identify current public rangeland conditions
(1978) (PRIA 1978) and trends; manage, maintain and improve the condition of
public rangelands so that they become as productive as
feasible for all rangeland values in accordance with management
objectives and the land use planning process; and continue the
policy of protecting wild free-roaming horses and burros from
capture, branding, harassment, or death, while at the same
time facilitating the removal and disposal of excess wild free-
roaming horses and burros which pose a threat to themselves
and their habitat and to other rangeland values.

Appendix A - 16
Applicable LORS Description
Wild and Free- The BLM protects, manages, and controls wild horses and
Roaming Horse and burros under the authority of the Wild Free-Roaming Horses
Burro Act (1971) and Burros Act of 1971 (Act) to ensure that healthy herds
(BLM 2009j) thrive on healthy rangelands. The BLM manages these
animals as part of its multiple-use mission under the 1976
Federal Land Policy and Management Act. One of the BLM’s
key responsibilities under the Act is to determine the
"appropriate management level" (AML) of wild horses and
burros on the public rangelands.

Appendix A - 17
Applicable LORS Description
Federal (OSHA): 29 U.S.C. § 651 Protects workers from the effects of occupational
et seq. noise exposure.

State (Cal/OSHA): Cal. Code Protects workers from the effects of occupational
Regs., tit. 8, §§ 5095–5099 noise exposure.

San Bernardino County General Establishes noise limits as specified in the
Plan Noise Element Development Code (below)

San Bernardino County Establishes property line noise limits for various
Development Code, Ch. 83.01 receiving uses. Exempts construction noise during
certain hours. Establishes vibration limits.

Appendix A - 18

No federal, state, local, or county laws, ordinances, regulations and standards (LORS)
apply to the efficiency of this project.


No federal, state, local, or county laws, ordinances, regulations and standards (LORS)
pertain to the reliability of this project.

Appendix A - 19
Applicable LORS Description
Clean Air Act section 112 This act requires new sources that emit more than 10
(Title 42, U.S. Code section tons per year of any specified Hazardous Air Pollutant
7412) (HAP) or more than 25 tons per year of any
combination of HAPs to apply Maximum Achievable
Control Technology.

California Health and Safety These sections establish thresholds of exposure to
Code section 25249.5 et seq. carcinogenic substances above which Prop 65
(Proposition 65) exposure warnings are required.
California Health and Safety This section states that “no person shall discharge from
Code section 41700 any source whatsoever such quantities of air
contaminants or other material which cause injury,
detriment, nuisance, or annoyance to any considerable
number of persons or to the public, or which endanger
the comfort, repose, health, or safety of any such
persons or the public, or which cause, or have a natural
tendency to cause injury or damage to business or
California Public These regulations require a quantitative health risk
Resource Code section assessment for new or modified sources, including
25523(a); Title 20 California power plants that emit one or more toxic air
Code of Regulations (CCR) contaminants (TACs).
section 1752.5, 2300–2309
and Division 2 Chapter 5,
Article 1, Appendix B, Part
(1); California Clean Air Act,
Health and Safety Code
section 39650, et seq.
Mojave Desert Air Quality New Source Review for Toxic Air Contaminants.
Management District
(MDAQMD) Rule 1302

Appendix A - 20
Applicable LORS Description
Emergency Economic Extends the 30% investment tax credit (ITC) for solar energy property for
Stabilization Act of 2008 eight years through December 31, 2016. The bill allows the ITC to be
(P.L. 110-343) Business used to offset both regular and alternative minimum tax (AMT) and waives
Solar Investment Tax the public utility exception of current law (i.e., permits utilities to directly
Credit (IR Code invest in solar facilities and claim the ITC). The five-year accelerated
depreciation allowance for solar property is permanent and unaffected by
passage of the eight-year extension of the solar ITC.
California Education The governing board of any school district is authorized to levy a fee,
Code, Section 17620 charge, dedication, or other requirement for the purpose of funding the
construction or reconstruction of school facilities.
California Government Except for a fee, charge, dedication, or other requirement authorized
Code, Sections under Section 17620 of the Education Code, state and local public
65996-65997 agencies may not impose fees, charges, or other financial requirements
to offset the cost for school facilities.
California Revenue and Property taxes are not assessed on solar facilities. Assembly Bill 1451
Taxation Code Section extended the current property tax exclusion for new construction of solar
70-74.7 energy systems to January 1, 2017.

Appendix A - 21
Applicable LORS Description
Clean Water Act (33 The Clean Water Act (CWA) (33 USC § 1257 et seq.) requires states to
U.S.C. Section 1257 et set standards to protect water quality, which includes regulation of storm
seq.) water and wastewater discharges during construction and operation of a
facility. California established its regulations to comply with the CWA under
the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act of 1967.
The CWA also establishes protection of navigable waters through Section
401 and 404. Section 404 permitting and. Section 401 certification through
the Army Corps of Engineers and Regional Water Quality Control Board
(RWQCB) is required if there are potential impacts to surface waters of the
State and/or Waters of the United States, such as perennial and
ephemeral drainages, streams, washes, ponds, pools, and wetlands. The
Army Corps and RWQCB can require impacts to these waters to be
quantified and mitigated.
Resource Conservation The Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA) is a comprehensive
and Recovery Act, 40 body of regulations that give U.S. EPA the authority to control hazardous
CFR Part 260 et seq. waste from the "cradle-to-grave.” This includes the generation,
transportation, treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste.
RCRA also sets forth a framework for the management of non-hazardous
solid wastes.
California Constitution, This section requires that the water resources of the State be put to
Article X, Section 2 beneficial use to the fullest extent possible and states that the waste,
unreasonable use or unreasonable method of use of water is prohibited.
The Porter-Cologne Requires the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) and the
Water Quality Control Act nine RWQCBs to adopt water quality criteria to protect state waters. Those
of 1967, Water Code Sec regulations require that the RWQCBs issue Waste Discharge
13000 et seq. Requirements specifying conditions for protection of water quality as
applicable. Section 13000 also states that the State must be prepared to
exercise its full power and jurisdiction to protect the quality of the waters of
the State from degradation.
California Water Code Defines “waters of the State.”
Section 13050
California Water Code The Basin Plan establishes water quality objectives that protect the
Section 13240, 13241, beneficial uses of surface water and groundwater in the Region. The Basin
13242, 13243, & Water Plan describes implementation plans and other control measures designed
Quality Control Plan for to ensure compliance with statewide plans and policies and provides
the Lahontan Region comprehensive water quality planning. The following chapters are
(Basin Plan) applicable to determining appropriate control measures and cleanup levels
to protect beneficial uses and to meet the water quality objectives:
Chapter 2, Present and Potential Beneficial Uses; Chapter 3, Water
Quality Objectives, and the sections of Chapter 4, Implementation, entitled
“Requirements for Site Investigation and Remediation,” “Cleanup Levels,”
“Risk Assessment,” “Stormwater Problems and Control Measures,”
Erosion and Sedimentation,” “Solid and Liquid Waste Disposal to Land,”
and “Groundwater Protection and Management.”

Appendix A - 22
Applicable LORS Description
California Water Code Requires filing, with the appropriate RWQCB, a report of waste discharge
Section 13260 that could affect the water quality of the state unless the requirement is
waived pursuant to Water Code section 13269.
California Code of This chapter requires the submission of analytical test results and other
Regulations, Title 23, monitoring information electronically over the internet to the SWRCB’s
Division 3, Chapter 30 Geotracker database.
State Water Resources The SWRCB regulates storm water discharges associated with
Control Board General construction projects affecting areas greater than or equal to 1 acre to
Permit CAS000002. protect state waters. Under General Permit CAS000002, the SWRCB has
issued a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
General Permit for storm water discharges associated with construction
activity. Projects can qualify under this permit if specific criteria are met
and an acceptable Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is
prepared and implemented after notifying the SWRCB with a Notice of
State Water Resources This general permit applies to the discharge of water to land that has a low
Control Board threat to water quality. Categories of low threat discharges include piping
2003-003-DWQ hydrostatic test water.
California Code of Title 22, Division 4, Chapter 15 specifies Primary and Secondary Drinking
Regulations, Title 22 Water Standards in terms of Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs). These
MCLs include total dissolved solids (TDS) ranging from a recommended
level of 500 milligrams per liter (mg/l), an upper level of 1,000 mg/l and a
short term level of 1,500 mg/l. Other water quality MCLs are also specified,
in addition to MCLS specified for heavy metals and chemical compounds.
California Code of Title 23, Division 3, Chapter 15 applies to waste discharges to land and
Regulations, Title 23 requires the Regional Board issue Waste Discharge Requirements
specifying conditions for protection of water quality as applicable.
County of San Bernardino Grading in San Bernardino County is subject to terms and conditions of
General Plan and San Bernardino County’s General Plan, Development Code and California
Development Code Building Code, based upon the 2006 International Building Code. Although
the proposed site is located on federal land, county regulations for public
health and safety are considered to be applicable to the project. If a county
grading permit is required, the grading plan would need to be completed in
compliance with San Bernardino County’s General Plan and Development

Appendix A - 23
Applicable LORS Description
California Safe Drinking Requires public water systems to obtain a Domestic Water Supply Permit.
Water Act and San The California Safe Drinking Water Act requires public water systems to
Bernardino County Code obtain a Domestic Water Supply Permit. Public water systems are defined
Title 3, Division 3, as a system for the provision of water for human consumption through
Chapter 6, Public Water pipes or other constructed conveyances that has 15 or more service
Supply Systems connections or regularly serves at least 25 individuals daily at least 60
days out the year. California Department of Public Health (CDPH)
administers the Domestic Water Supply Permit program, and has
delegated issuance of Domestic Water Supply Permits for smaller public
water systems in San Bernardino County to the County. Under the San
Bernardino County Code Title 3, 5.15-6 Division 3, Chapter 6, Public
Water Supply Systems, the County Department of Environmental Services
monitors and enforces all applicable laws and orders for public water
systems with less than 200 service connections. The proposed project
would likely be considered a non-transient, non-community water system.
San Bernardino County To help protect water resources in unregulated portions of the desert while
Title 3, Division 3, not precluding its use, the County adopted this article. This article requires
Chapter 6,Article 5, a permit to locate, construct, operate, or maintain a new groundwater well
Desert Groundwater within the unincorporated, unadjudicated desert region of San Bernardino
Management County. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance must be
completed prior to issuance of a permit, and groundwater management,
mitigation, and monitoring may be required as a condition of the permit.
The ordinance states that it does not apply to “groundwater wells located
on Federal lands unless otherwise specified by inter-agency agreement.”
The BLM and County entered into a Memorandum of understanding
(MOU) that provides that the BLM will require conformance with this code
for all projects proposing to use groundwater from beneath public lands.
San Bernardino County Section 82.13.080 establishes regulations and procedures to control
Development Code human existing and potential induced accelerated erosion. Elements of
Section 82.13.080, Soil this ordinance include project planning, preparation of Soil Erosion and
Erosion and Sediment Sediment Control Plans, runoff control, land clearing, and winter
Control Plans/Permits operations.
San Bernardino County The current Permit, Order No. R8-2010-0036 adopted January 29, 2010,,
Municipal Stormwater outlines a schedule of monitoring requirements, best management
Permit practices, and conditions designed to promote the reduction of pollutants
in stormwater discharges.
San Bernardino County This ordinance requires the following compliance for all liquid waste
Ordinance Code, Title 3, disposal systems: (1) compliance with applicable portions of the Uniform
Division 3, Chapter 8, Plumbing Code and the San Bernardino County Department of
Waste Management, Environmental Health (DEHS) standards; (2) approval by the DEHS and
Article 5, Liquid Waste building authority with jurisdiction over the system; or (3) for alternative
Disposal systems, approval by the DEHS, the appropriate building official of this
jurisdiction, and the appropriate California RWQCB.
San Bernardino County This ordinance describes the installation and inspection requirements for
Ordinance Code, Title 6, locating disposal/leach fields and seepage pits.
Division 3, Chapter 3,
Uniform Plumbing Code

Appendix A - 24
Applicable LORS Description
State Policies and Guidance
Integrated Energy Policy In the 2003 Integrated Energy Policy Report (IEPR), consistent with
Report (Public Resources SWRCB Policy 75-58 and the Warren-Alquist Act, the Energy Commission
Code, Div. 15, Section adopted a policy stating they will approve the use of fresh water for cooling
25300 et seq.) purposes by power plants only where alternative water supply sources and
alternative cooling technologies are shown to be “environmentally
undesirable” or “economically unsound.”
State Water Resources The “Antidegradation Policy” mandates that: 1) existing high quality waters
Control Board Res. of the State are maintained until it is demonstrated that any change in
No. 68-16 quality will be consistent with maximum benefit to the people of the State,
will not unreasonable affect present and anticipated beneficial uses, and
will not result in waste quality less than adopted policies; and 2) requires
that any activity which produces or may produce a waste or increased
volume or concentration of waste and which discharges or proposes to
discharge to existing high quality waters, must meet waste discharge
requirements which will result in the best practicable treatment or control
of the discharge necessary to assure that: a) a pollution or nuisance will
not occur and b) the highest water quality consistent with maximum benefit
to the people of the State will be maintained.
State Water Resources The principal policy of the SWRCB that addresses the specific siting of
Control Board Res. 75-58 energy facilities is the Water Quality Control Policy on the Use and
Disposal of Inland Waters Used for Power Plant Cooling (adopted by the
Board on June 19, 1976, by Resolution 75-58). This policy states that use
of fresh inland waters should only be used for power plant cooling if other
sources or other methods of cooling would be environmentally undesirable
or economically unsound.
State Water Resources States that all groundwater and surface water of the State are considered
Control Board Res. to be suitable for municipal or domestic water supply with the exception of
No. 88-63 those waters that meet specified conditions.
State Water Resources Adopts the concept of sustainability as a core value for State Water Board
Control Board Res. programs and directs its incorporation in all future policies, guidelines, and
2005-0006 regulatory actions.
State Water Resources Requires sustainable water resources management such as low impact
Control Board Res. development (LID) and climate change considerations, in all future
2008-0030 policies, guidelines, and regulatory actions. Directs Regional Water Boards
to “aggressively promote measures such as recycled water, conservation
and LID Best Management Practices where appropriate and work with
Dischargers to ensure proposed compliance documents include
appropriate, sustainable water management strategies.”
The California Safe The California Health & Safety Code Section 25249.5 et seq. prohibits
Drinking Water and Toxic actions contaminating drinking water with chemicals known to cause
Enforcement Act cancer or possessing reproductive toxicity. The RWQCB administers the
requirements of the Act.

Appendix A - 25
Applicable LORS Description
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Includes standards for determining physical
Title 14, Aeronautics and Space; obstructions to navigable airspace; information about
Part 77, Objects Affecting Navigable requirements for notices, hearings, and requirements
Airspace (14 CFR 77) for aeronautical studies to determine the effect of
physical obstructions to the safe and efficient use of
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Includes procedures and regulations pertaining to
Title 49, Subtitle B, Sections 171-177; interstate and intrastate transport (including hazardous
Sections 350-399; Appendices A-G materials program procedures) and as well as safety
Other Regulations Relating to measures for motor carriers and motor vehicles
Transportation operating on public highways.
California Vehicle Code (CVC), Pertain to licensing, size, weight, and load of vehicles
Division 2, Chapter 2.5, Div. 6; operated on highways; safe operation of vehicles; and
Chap. 7, Div. 13; Chap. 5, Div. 14.1; transporting hazardous materials.
Chap. 1 and 2, Div. 14.8, Div. 15
California Streets and Highway Code, Pertain to regulating rights-of-way encroachments and
Section 117; Section 660-695; granting permits for encroachment on state highways
Section 700-711; Section 1450; 1460 and freeways and on county roads.
et seq.; and 1480 et. Seq.
California Health and Safety Code; Pertain to operators of vehicles transporting hazardous
Section 25160 et seq. materials
San Bernardino General Plan, Pertains to public policies and strategies for the
Circulation and Infrastructure transportation system in San Bernardino County,
Element, Desert Region including those pertaining to transportation routes,
terminals, and facilities; construction of extensions of
existing streets; and levels of services (LOS).
San Bernardino Traffic Code, Section Pertains to requirements for oversize and overweight
52.0125 vehicles.

Appendix A - 26
Applicable LORS Description
Aviation Safety
Title 14, Part 77 of the Code of Describes the criteria used to determine the need for a
Federal Regulations Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) “Notice of
(CFR),”Objects Affecting the Proposed Construction or Alteration” in cases of potential
Navigable Air Space” obstruction hazards.
FAA Advisory Circular Addresses the need to file the “Notice of Proposed
No. 70/7460-1G, “Proposed Construction or Alteration” (Form 7640) with the FAA in
Construction and/or Alteration of cases of potential for an obstruction hazard.
Objects that May Affect the
Navigation Space”
FAA Advisory Circular 70/460-1G, Describes the FAA standards for marking and lighting
“Obstruction Marking and Lighting” objects that may pose a navigation hazard as established
using the criteria in Title 14, Part 77 of the CFR.
Interference with Radio Frequency Communication
Title 47, CFR, section 15.2524, Prohibits operation of devices that can interfere with
Federal Communications radio-frequency communication.
Commission (FCC)
California Public Utilities Governs the construction and operation of power and
Commission (CPUC) General communications lines to prevent or mitigate interference.
Order 52 (GO-52 )
Audible Noise
San Bernardino County General References the county’s Ordinance Code for noise limits.
Plan, Noise Element
San Bernardino County Noise Establishes performance standards for planned
Ordinance residential or other noise-sensitive land uses.
Hazardous and Nuisance Shocks
CPUC GO-95, “Rules for Overhead Governs clearance requirements to prevent hazardous
Electric Line Construction” shocks, grounding techniques to minimize nuisance
shocks, and maintenance and inspection requirements.
Title 8, California Code of Specifies requirements and minimum standards for safely
Regulations (CCR) section 2700 et installing, operating, working around, and maintaining
seq. “High Voltage Safety Orders” electrical installations and equipment.

Appendix A - 27
Applicable LORS Description
National Electrical Safety Code Specifies grounding procedures to limit nuisance shocks.
Also specifies minimum conductor ground clearances.

Industry Standards
Institute of Electrical and Specifies the guidelines for grounding-related practices
Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 1119, within the right-of-way and substations.
“IEEE Guide for Fence Safety
Clearances in Electric-Supply
Electric and Magnetic Fields
GO-131-D, CPUC ”Rules for Specifies application and noticing requirements for new
Planning and Construction of line construction including EMF reduction.
Electric Generation Line and
Substation Facilities in California”
CPUC Decision 93-11-013 Specifies CPUC requirements for reducing power
frequency electric and magnetic fields.
Industry Standards
American National Standards Specifies standard procedures for measuring electric and
Institute (ANSI/IEEE) 644-1944 magnetic fields from an operating electric line.
Standard Procedures for
Measurement of Power Frequency
Electric and Magnetic Fields from
AC Power Lines
Fire Hazards
14 CCR sections 1250-1258, “Fire Provides specific exemptions from electric pole and tower
Prevention Standards for Electric firebreak and conductor clearance standards and
Utilities” specifies when and where standards apply.

Appendix A - 28

Applicable LORS Description

The North American North American Reliability Council (NERC) Reliability

Electric Reliability Standards for the Bulk Electric Systems of North America
Corporation (NERC) provide national policies, standards, principles and
guidelines to assure the adequacy and security of the
electric transmission system. The NERC Reliability
Standards provide for system performance levels under
normal and contingency conditions. With regard to power
flow and stability simulations, while these Reliability
Standards are similar to NERC/WECC Standards, certain
aspects of the NERC/WECC Standards are either more
stringent or more specific than the NERC Standards for
Transmission System Contingency Performance. The
NERC Reliability Standards apply not only to
interconnected system operation but also to individual
service areas (NERC 2006).

Western Electricity The Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC)

Coordinating Planning Standards are merged with the North American
Council’s (WECC) Electric Reliability Council (NERC) Planning Standards
and provide the system performance standards used in
assessing the reliability of the interconnected system.
These standards require the continuity of service to loads
as the first priority and preservation of interconnected
operation as a secondary priority. Certain aspects of the
NERC/WECC standards are either more stringent or more
specific than the NERC standards alone. These standards
provide planning for electric systems so as to withstand
the more probable forced and maintenance outage system
contingencies at projected customer demand and
anticipated electricity transfer levels, while continuing to
operate reliably within equipment and electric system
thermal, voltage and stability limits. These standards
include the reliability criteria for system adequacy and
security, system modeling data requirements, system
protection and control, and system restoration. Analysis of
the WECC system is based to a large degree on Section
I.A of the standards, “NERC and WECC Planning
Standards with Table I and WECC Disturbance-
Performance Table” and on Section I.D, “NERC and
WECC Standards for Voltage Support and Reactive
Power”. These standards require that the results of power

Appendix A - 29
flow and stability simulations verify defined performance
levels. Performance levels are defined by specifying the
allowable variations in thermal loading, voltage and
frequency, and loss of load that may occur on systems
during various disturbances. Performance levels range
from no significant adverse effects inside and outside a
system area during a minor disturbance (loss of load or a
single transmission element out of service) to a level that
seeks to prevent system cascading and the subsequent
blackout of islanded areas during a major disturbance
(such as loss of multiple 500 kV lines along a common
right of way, and/or multiple generators). While controlled
loss of generation or load or system separation is
permitted in certain circumstances, their uncontrolled loss
is not permitted (WECC 2006).

California Public Specifies uniform requirements for the construction of

Utilities Commission overhead electric lines. Compliance with this order
(CPUC) General ensures both reliable service and a safe working
Order 95 (GO-95), environment for those working in the construction,
Rules for Overhead maintenance, operation, or use of overhead electric lines,
Electric Line and for the safety of the general public.

CPUC General Establishes uniform requirements for the construction of

Order 128 (GO-128), underground electric lines. Compliance with this order also
Rules for ensures both reliable service and a safe working
Underground environment for those working in the construction,
Electric Line maintenance, operation, or use of underground electric
Construction lines, and for the safety of the general public.

National Electric Provides electrical, mechanical, civil, and structural

Safety Code 1999 requirements for overhead electric line construction and

California California ISO Planning Standards also provide standards,

Independent System and guidelines to assure the adequacy, security and
Operator (CAISO) reliability in the planning of the California ISO transmission
grid facilities. The California ISO Grid Planning Standards
incorporate the NERC/WECC and NERC Reliability
Planning Standards. With regard to power flow and
stability simulations, these Planning Standards are similar

Appendix A - 30
to the NERC/WECC or NERC Reliability Planning
Standards for Transmission System Contingency
Performance. However, the California ISO Standards also
provide some additional requirements that are not found in
the WECC/NERC or NERC Standards. The California ISO
Standards apply to all participating transmission owners
interconnecting to the California ISO controlled grid. They
also apply when there are any impacts to the California
ISO grid due to facilities interconnecting to adjacent
controlled grids not operated by the California ISO
(California ISO 2002a).

California ISO/FERC Electric Tariff provides guidelines for

construction of all transmission additions/upgrades
(projects) within the California ISO controlled grid. The
California ISO determines the “Need” for the proposed
project where it will promote economic efficiency or
maintain system reliability. The California ISO also
determines the Cost Responsibility of the proposed project
and provides an Operational Review of all facilities that are
to be connected to the California ISO grid (California ISO

Appendix A - 31
Applicable LORS Definition
National As discussed above, applicable federal requirements for
Environmental visual impact assessment are enacted through application of
Policy Act (NEPA) the BLM VRM methodology, discussed below.

Federal Land Policy Section 102 (a) of the Federal Land Policy and Management
and Management Act of 1976 (FLPMA) states that “ . . . the public lands be
Act of 1976 managed in a manner that will protect the quality of
(FLPMA) scientific, scenic, historical, ecological, environmental, air
and atmospheric, water resource, and archeological
values …. “

Section 103 (c) identifies “scenic values” as one of the

resources for which public land should be managed.

Section 201 (a) states that “The Secretary shall prepare and
maintain on a continuing basis an inventory of all public
lands and their resources and other values (including ...
scenic values) ....”

Section 505 (a) requires that “Each right-of-way shall contain

terms and conditions which will... minimize damage to the
scenic and esthetic values....”

California Desert The CDCA Plan represents the Resource Management Plan
Conservation Area (RMP) for the area required under FLPMA. The CDCA Plan
Plan (CDCA Plan) did not contain VRM mapping as in most RMPs.
The Calico site is classified in the CDCA Plan as Multiple-
Use Class (MUC) M (Moderate Use). MUC M lands are
managed to provide a wider variety of uses such as mining,
grazing, recreation, utilities, and energy development, while
conserving desert resources and mitigating damages
permitted uses may cause.
Under the CDCA Plan Electrical Power Generation
Facilities, including Wind/Solar facilities, may be allowed
within MUC Class M if NEPA requirements are met.
National Historic Under regulations of the NHPA, visual impacts to a listed or
Preservation Act eligible National Register property that may diminish the
(NHPA) integrity of the property’s “. . . setting . . .(or) feeling . . . .” in
a way that affects the property’s eligibility for listing, may
result in a potentially significant adverse effect. “Examples of
adverse effects . . . include . . .:

Appendix A - 32
Applicable LORS Definition
Introduction of visual, atmospheric, or audible elements that
diminish the integrity of the property’s significant historic
features . . . . “ (36 CFR Part 800.5)

State Scenic The State Scenic Highway Program promotes protection of
Highway Program designated State scenic highways through certification and
(CA. Streets and adoption of local scenic corridor protection programs that
Highways Code, conform to requirements of the State program.
Section 260 et seq.)
County General
Plan (2007) GOAL CO 1. The County will maintain to the greatest extent
possible natural resources that contribute to the quality of
Applicable life within the County.
Element Goals, Policy CO 1.2 The preservation of some natural resources
Objectives, requires the establishment of a buffer area between the
Programs resource and developed areas. The County will continue the
review of the Land Use Designations for unincorporated
areas within one mile of any state or federally designated
scenic area, national forest, national monument, or similar
area, to ensure that sufficiently low development densities
and building controls are applied to protect the visual and
natural qualities of these areas.

Policy CO 8.1 Maximize the beneficial effects and minimize

the adverse effects associated with the siting of major
energy facilities. The County will site energy facilities
equitably in order to minimize net energy use and
consumption of natural resources, and avoid inappropriately
burdening certain communities. Energy planning should
conserve energy and reduce peak load demands, reduce
natural resource consumption, minimize environmental
impacts, and treat local communities fairly.

The County will consult with electric utilities during the

construction of their major transmission line towers to
ensure that they are aesthetically compatible with the
surrounding environment.

Appendix A - 33
Applicable LORS Definition
The County shall consult with electric utilities during the
San Bernardino planning construction of their major transmission lines
County General towers to ensure that they are aesthetically compatible with
Plan (2007) the surrounding environment.


Element Goals, GOAL OS 4. The County will preserve and protect cultural
Objectives, resources throughout the County, including parks, areas of
Programs regional significance, and scenic, cultural and historic
(continued) sites that contribute to a distinctive visual experience
GOAL OS 5. The County will maintain and enhance the
visual character of scenic routes in the County.

Scenic Route: Interstate 40 from Ludlow northeast to

Needles. (p. 223)


GOAL D/LU 1. Maintain land use patterns in the Desert

Region that enhance the rural environment and preserve the
quality of life of the residents of the region.


GOAL D/CO 3. Preserve the dark night sky as a natural

resource in the Desert Region communities.

D/CO 3.1 Protect the Night Sky by providing information
about and enforcing existing ordinances:

a. Provide information about the Night Sky ordinance and

lighting restrictions with each land use or building permit
b. Review exterior lighting as part of the design review

D/CO 3.2 All outdoor lighting, including street lighting, shall

be provided in accordance with the Night Sky Protection
Ordinance and shall only be provided as necessary to meet
safety standards.

D/CO 3.3 Allow for desert communities’ input on the need

for, and placement of, new street lights.

Appendix A - 34
Applicable LORS Definition

San Bernardino
County General
Plan (2007)

Element Goals,
San Bernardino Sets various standards and conditions for external lighting in
Development Code residential and commercial situations. Exempts facilities on
Chapter 83.07.040 Federal Property
Glare and Outdoor
Lighting - Mountain
and Desert

Appendix A - 35
Applicable LORS Description
Title 42, United States The Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended and revised by the
Code (U.S.C.), §6901, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) et al.,
et seq. establishes requirements for the management of solid wastes
(including hazardous wastes), landfills, underground storage tanks,
Solid Waste Disposal and certain medical wastes. The statute also addresses program
Act of 1965 (as administration, implementation and delegation to states,
amended and revised enforcement provisions, and responsibilities, as well as research,
by the Resource training, and grant funding provisions.
Conservation and
RCRA Subtitle C establishes provisions for the generation, storage,
Recovery Act of 1976,
treatment, and disposal of hazardous waste, including requirements
et al.)
• Generator record keeping practices that identify quantities of
hazardous wastes generated and their disposition;
• Waste labeling practices and use of appropriate containers;
• Use of a manifest when transporting wastes;
• Submission of periodic reports to the United States
Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) or other
authorized agency; and
• Corrective action to remediate releases of hazardous waste
and contamination associated with RCRA-regulated
RCRA Subtitle D establishes provisions for the design and
operation of solid waste landfills.
RCRA is administered at the federal level by U.S. EPA and its 10
regional offices. The Pacific Southwest regional office (Region 9)
implements U.S. EPA programs in California, Nevada, Arizona, and

Appendix A - 36
Applicable LORS Description
Title 42, U.S.C., The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and
§9601, et seq. Liability Act (CERCLA), also known as Superfund, establishes
authority and funding mechanisms for cleanup of uncontrolled or
Comprehensive abandoned hazardous waste sites, as well as cleanup of accidents,
Environmental spills, or emergency releases of pollutants and contaminants into
Response, the environment. Among other things, the statute addresses:
Compensation and
• Reporting requirements for releases of hazardous
Liability Act
• Requirements for remedial action at closed or abandoned
hazardous waste sites, and brownfields;
• Liability of persons responsible for releases of hazardous
substances or waste; and
• Requirements for property owners/potential buyers to
conduct “all appropriate inquiries” into previous ownership
and uses of the property to 1) determine if hazardous
substances have been or may have been released at the
site, and 2) establish that the owner/buyer did not cause or
contribute to the release. A Phase I Environmental Site
Assessment is commonly used to satisfy CERCLA “all
appropriate inquiries” requirements.
Title 40, Code of These regulations were established by U.S. EPA to implement the
Federal Regulations provisions of the Solid Waste Disposal Act and RCRA (described
(CFR), Subchapter I – above). Among other things, the regulations establish the criteria for
Solid Wastes classification of solid waste disposal facilities (landfills), hazardous
waste characteristic criteria and regulatory thresholds, hazardous
waste generator requirements, and requirements for management
of used oil and universal wastes.
• Part 257 addresses the criteria for classification of solid
waste disposal facilities and practices.
• Part 258 addresses the criteria for municipal solid waste
• Parts 260 through 279 address management of hazardous
wastes, used oil, and universal wastes (i.e., batteries,
mercury-containing equipment, and lamps).
U.S. EPA implements the regulations at the federal level. However,
California is an RCRA-authorized state, so most of the solid and
hazardous waste regulations are implemented by state agencies
and authorized local agencies in lieu of U.S. EPA.
Title 49, CFR, These regulations address the United States Department of
Parts 172 and 173. Transportation (DOT) established standards for transport of
hazardous materials and hazardous wastes. The standards include
Hazardous Materials requirements for labeling, packaging, and shipping of hazardous
Regulations materials and hazardous wastes, as well as training requirements
for personnel completing shipping papers and manifests. Section
172.205 specifically addresses use and preparation of hazardous
waste manifests in accordance with Title 40, CFR, section 262.20.

Appendix A - 37
Applicable LORS Description
Federal CWA, 33 USC The Clean Water Act controls discharge of wastewater to the
§ 1251 et seq. surface waters of the U.S.
Title 40 CFR Section This establishes procedures, methods, equipment, and other
112 requirements to prevent the discharge of oil from non-
transportation-related onshore and offshore facilities into or upon
the navigable waters of the United States or adjoining shorelines, or
into or upon the waters of the contiguous zone, or in connection
with activities under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act or the
Deepwater Port Act of 1974.
Subpart B - The Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures
(SPCC) Plan includes procedures, methods, and equipment at the
facility to prevent discharges of petroleum from reaching navigable
California Health and This California law creates the framework under which hazardous
Safety Code (HSC), wastes must be managed in California. The law provides for the
Chapter 6.5, §25100, development of a state hazardous waste program that administers
et seq. and implements the provisions of the federal RCRA program. It also
provides for the designation of California-only hazardous wastes
Hazardous Waste and development of standards (regulations) that are equal to or, in
Control Act of 1972, as some cases, more stringent than federal requirements.
The California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA),
Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) administers and
implements the provisions of the law at the state level. Certified
Unified Program Agencies (CUPAs) implement some elements of
the law at the local level.
Title 22, California These regulations establish requirements for the management and
Code of Regulations disposal of hazardous waste in accordance with the provisions of
(CCR), the California Hazardous Waste Control Act and federal RCRA. As
Division 4.5. with the federal requirements, waste generators must determine if
their wastes are hazardous according to specified characteristics or
Environmental Health lists of wastes. Hazardous waste generators must obtain
Standards for the identification numbers; prepare manifests before transporting the
Management of waste off site; and use only permitted treatment, storage, and
Hazardous Waste disposal facilities. Generator standards also include requirements
for record keeping, reporting, packaging, and labeling. Additionally,
while not a federal requirement, California requires that hazardous
waste be transported by registered hazardous waste transporters.
The standards addressed by Title 22, CCR include:
• Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste (Chapter 11,
§66261.1, et seq.).
• Standards Applicable to Generator of Hazardous Waste
(Chapter 12, §66262.10, et seq.).
• Standards Applicable to Transporters of Hazardous Waste
(Chapter 13, §66263.10, et seq.).
• Standards for Universal Waste Management (Chapter 23,
§66273.1, et seq.).

Appendix A - 38
Applicable LORS Description
• Standards for the Management of Used Oil (Chapter 29,
§66279.1, et seq.).
• Requirements for Units and Facilities Deemed to Have a
Permit by Rule (Chapter 45, §67450.1, et seq.).
The Title 22 regulations are established and enforced at the state
level by DTSC. Some generator and waste treatment standards are
also enforced at the local level by CUPAs.
HSC, Chapter 6.11 The Unified Program consolidates, coordinates, and makes
§§25404 – 25404.9 consistent the administrative requirements, permits, inspections,
and enforcement activities of the six environmental and emergency
Unified Hazardous response programs listed below.
Waste and Hazardous
• Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act requirements for Spill
Materials Management
Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans.
Regulatory Program
(Unified Program) • Hazardous Materials Release and Response Plans and
Inventories (Business Plans).
• California Accidental Release Prevention (CalARP)
• Hazardous Materials Management Plan / Hazardous
Materials Inventory Statements.
• Hazardous Waste Generator / Tiered Permitting Program.
• Underground Storage Tank Program.
The state agencies responsible for these programs set the
standards for their programs while local governments implement the
standards. The local agencies implementing the Unified Program
are known as CUPAs. The DTSC’s Calexico Field Office is the
CUPA for the Calico Solar Project.
Note: The Waste Management analysis only considers application
of the Hazardous Waste Generator/Tiered Permitting element of the
Unified Program.
Title 27, CCR, While these regulations primarily address certification and
Division 1, implementation of the program by the local CUPAs, the regulations
Subdivision 4, do contain specific reporting requirements for businesses.
Chapter 1, §15100, et
• Article 9 – Unified Program Standardized Forms and
Formats (§§ 15400–15410).
Unified Hazardous • Article 10 – Business Reporting to CUPAs (§§15600–
Waste and Hazardous 15620).
Materials Management
Regulatory Program
Public Resources The California Integrated Waste Management Act (CIWMA)
Code, Division 30, establishes mandates and standards for management of solid
§40000, et seq. waste in California. The law addresses solid waste landfill diversion
requirements; establishes the preferred waste management
California Integrated hierarchy (source reduction first, then recycling and reuse, and
Waste Management treatment and disposal last); sets standards for design and
Act of 1989

Appendix A - 39
Applicable LORS Description
construction of municipal landfills; and addresses programs for
county waste management plans and local implementation of solid
waste requirements.
Title 14, CCR, These regulations implement the provisions of the California
Division 7, §17200, et Integrated Waste Management Act and set forth minimum
seq. standards for solid waste handling and disposal. The regulations
include standards for solid waste management, as well as
California Integrated enforcement and program administration provisions.
Waste Management • Chapter 3 – Minimum Standards for Solid Waste Handling
Board and Disposal.
• Chapter 3.5 – Standards for Handling and Disposal of
Asbestos Containing Waste.
• Chapter 7 – Special Waste Standards.
• Chapter 8 – Used Oil Recycling Program.
• Chapter 8.2 – Electronic Waste Recovery and Recycling.
HSC, Division 20, This law was enacted to expand the state’s hazardous waste
Chapter 6.5, Article source reduction activities. Among other things, it establishes
11.9, §25244.12, et hazardous waste source reduction review, planning, and reporting
seq. requirements for businesses that routinely generate more than
12,000 kilograms (approximately 26,400 pounds) of hazardous
Hazardous Waste waste in a designated reporting year. The review and planning
Source Reduction and elements are required to be done on a 4-year cycle, with a
Management Review summary progress report due to DTSC every fourth year.
Act of 1989
Title 22, CCR, These regulations further clarify and implement the provisions of the
§67100.1 et seq. Hazardous Waste Source Reduction and Management Review Act
of 1989 (noted above). The regulations establish the specific review
Hazardous Waste elements and reporting requirements to be completed by
Source Reduction and generators subject to the act.
Management Review
Title 23, CCR These regulations relate to hazardous material storage and
Division 3, Chapters 16 petroleum UST cleanup, as well as hazardous waste generator
and 18 permitting, handling, and storage. The DTSC San Bernardino
County CUPA is responsible for local enforcement.
County of San The General Plan ensures all new development complies with
Bernardino General applicable provisions of the County Integrated Solid Waste
Plan Management Plan.
San Bernardino This document sets forth the county’s goals, policies, and programs
County, Countywide for reducing dependence on landfilling solid wastes and increasing
Integrated Waste source reduction, recycling, and reuse of products and waste, in
Management Plan compliance with the CIWMA. The plan also addresses the siting
and development of recycling and disposal facilities and programs
within the county.

Appendix A - 40
Applicable LORS Description
29 U.S. Code This Act mandates safety requirements in the workplace, with the
sections 651 et seq. purpose of “[assuring] so far as possible every working man and
(Occupational Safety woman in the nation safe and healthful working conditions and to
and Health Act of preserve our human resources” (29 USC § 651).
29 CFR sections These sections define the procedures for promulgating regulations
1910.1 to 1910.1500 and conducting inspections to implement and enforce safety and
(Occupational Safety health procedures to protect workers, particularly in the industrial
and Health sector.
Safety and Health
29 CFR sections These sections provide federal approval of California’s plan for
1952.170 to enforcement of its own safety and health requirements, in lieu of most
1952.175 of the federal requirements found in 29 CFR §1910.1 to 1910.1500.
2007 Edition of NFPA standards are incorporated into the California State Fire Code.
California Fire Code The fire code contains general provisions for fire safety, including road
and all applicable and building access, water supplies, fire protection and life safety
NFPA standards systems, fire-resistive construction, storage of combustible materials,
(24 CCR Part 9) exits and emergency escapes, and fire alarm systems.
Title 24, California The California Building Code is comprised of 11 parts containing
Code of Regulations building design and construction requirements as they relate to fire,
(24 CCR § 3, et seq.) life, and structural safety. It incorporates current editions of the
International Building Code, including the electrical, mechanical,
energy, and fire codes applicable to the project.
8 CCR all applicable Requires that all employers follow these regulations as they pertain to
sections (Cal/OSHA the work involved. This includes regulations pertaining to safety
regulations) matters during the construction, commissioning, and operation of
power plants, as well as safety around electrical components, fire
safety, and hazardous materials usage, storage, and handling.
24 CCR section 3, et Incorporates the current edition of the International Building Code.
Health and Safety Requires a Hazardous Materials Business plan detailing emergency
Code sections response plans for hazardous materials emergencies at a facility.
25500 to 25541

Appendix A - 41
Applicable LORS Description
Local (or locally enforced)
Fire and Hazardous Includes California Fire Code and specific codes to regulate permits
Materials: San activities and administrative penalties. Adopts the 2007 California Fire
Bernardino County Code and adopts State requirements and guidelines as governing
Code, Title 2, hazardous materials release response plans and inventories.
Division 3, Chapter 1
et seq.
Health and Safety: Includes specific codes to regulate permits, activities (e.g., solid waste
San Bernardino management), and administrative penalties.
County Code Title 3,
Division 1, et seq.
Building and Adopts national standards such as Uniform Building Code and
Construction: San National Electrical Code.
Bernardino County
Code, Title 6,
Division 3, Chapter 1
et seq.

Appendix A - 42
1-800-822-6228 – WWW.ENERGY.CA.GOV

Docket Number: 08-AFC-13 Date: August 25, 2010

Project Name: Application for Certification for the CALICO SOLAR Project


Applicant’s Exhibits
Exhibit Brief Description Offered Admitted

1. Application for Certification, dated December 1, 2008, docketed December 2, 2008

a. 1.0 Executive Summary
b. 2.0 Project Objectives/Need
c. App A MOU
d. App C Property Owners
e. App D Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad ROW
f. 3.0 Project Description and Location
g. App B Solar Stirling Engine
h. App F Mechanical and Fire Protection Design Criteria
i. App G USGS Project Maps
j. App H System Impact Study
k. App I Electric and Magnetic Field calculations
l. App J Water Balance Flow Diagrams
m. App K Hydrogen System Design
n. App L Hazardous Materials Handling
o. App M Structural Engineering Design Criteria
p. App N Initial Drainage Report
q. App O Civil Engineering Design Criteria
r. App P Electrical Engineering Criteria
s. App Q Control Systems Design Criteria
t. App R Fuel handling Design Criteria

Appendix B - 1
Exhibit Brief Description Offered Admitted

u. App S Materials Safety/Equipment

v. App T Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
w. App EE Environmental Summary Lugo-Pisgah
x. 4.0 Alternatives
y. 5.1 Introduction
z. 5.2 Air Quality
aa. App V – Air Quality Data
bb. 5.3 Geologic Hazards
cc. App E Preliminary Geotechnical and Geologic Hazards Evaluation
dd. 5.4 Soils
ee. App W Soil loss calculations
ff. 5.5 Water Resources
gg. 5.6 Biological Resources
hh. App Y – Biological Technical Report
ii. 5.7 Cultural Resources
jj. App Z Cultural Tech Report
kk. 5.8 Paleontological Resources
ll. App AA Paleontological Resources Tech Report
mm. 5.9 Land Use
nn. 5.10 Socioeconomics
oo. 5.11 Traffic and Transportation
pp. App BB Traffic Counts
qq. 5.12 Noise
rr. App CC Noise Measurements
ss. 5.13 Visual Resources
tt. 5.14 Waste Management
uu. 5.15 Haz Mat Handling
av. 5.16 Public Health and Safety
ww. App DD Public Health and Safety Data
xx. 5.17 Worker Safety
yy. 5.18 Cumulative Impacts
zz. 6.0 Financial Information
aaa. 7.0 List of Preparers

Appendix B - 2
Exhibit Brief Description Offered Admitted

2. Application to MDAQMD, dated January 28, 2009, docketed January 28, 2009
3. Data Adequacy Supplement, dated April 6, 2009, docketed April 6, 2009
a. Responses 1-5 Air Quality
b. Response 6 Economic benefits of alternate site
c. Responses 7-11 Biology
d. Responses 12-23 Cultural
e. Responses 24-26 Land Use
f. Responses 27-28 Noise
g. Responses 29 Project Overview
h. Response 30-32 Site ownership
i. Response 33 Transmission Line Route
j. Response 34-36 Socioeconomics
k. Response 37 Fill disposal location
l. Response 38 Soils
m. Responses 39 Traffic
n. Response 40-41 Agency contacts and other permits
o. Response 42-44 One-lines and agencies
p. Response 45-46 Visual
q. Response 47 Waste Management
r. Responses 48, 53-55 Surface Water
s. Responses 49-52 Groundwater
t. Response 50 Back-up water supply
4. Additional Information, dated April 29, 2009, docketed April 29, 2009, Pump Test Data
5. CEC/BLM Data Responses 49-70, 74, 75, 80, 82-84, 88-91, dated July 17, 2009,
docketed July 17, 2009
a. Response 49 Alternate site map
b. Responses 50-52, Biology, U.S. and State Waters 54-56, 82-84
c. Response 53 Evaporation Pond
d. Responses 57-60 Hydrogen system
e. Response 61 Paleontology
f. Responses 62-63 Project boundary
g. Responses 64-67 Land use
h. Response 68 Noise

Appendix B - 3
Exhibit Brief Description Offered Admitted

i. Responses 69-70 Groundwater

j. Responses 74,75, Water requirements 80
k. Responses 86-87 Waste management and ore processing
6. CEC/BLM Response 55 – Raven Monitoring and Control Plan, dated July 17, 2009,
docketed July 17, 2009
7. CEC/BLM response 50 – Report to Map Federal and State Waters, dated July 17, 2009,
docketed July 17, 2009
8. CURE Data Request Responses 1-228, dated July 27, 2009, docketed July 27, 2009
a. Responses 1-162, 165, Biology 224-228
b. Responses 163, 164 SunCatcher washing
9. Response to Public Comments, dated July 30, 2009, docketed July 30, 2009
a. Response 4 Aquifer recharge
b. Responses 5, 6, 17 Public Information
c. Response 13 Land Purchases
d. Response 14 Siting
e. Responses 8-12, 16, 18 Biology
f. Response 15 Cumulative Impacts
g. Responses 19, 20, Phasing, POD, Access 23-26
h. Responses 21, 22, 24 Technology
10. CURE data request responses 229-275, dated August 13, 2009, docketed August 13,
Responses 229-275 Interconnection, Overloads, Mitigation
11. CEC/BLM Responses 113-127, dated August 20, 2009, docketed August 20, 2009
a. Responses 113, 114 Economics and fire funding
b. Responses 115, 117, Access, site spacing 123,127
c. Responses 120, Visual 124-125
d. Responses 116, 118, ROW 119, 121, 122,124,126
12. CEC/BLM Responses 1-48, 81, 109-112, dated August 31, 2009, docketed August 28, X
a. Responses 1-8, 10, 11, Air 13, 19, 22-29, 31-43, 45-48
b. Responses 9, 12, Engineering 14-18, 20, 21, 30, 44
c. Responses 109-112 Public Health
13. CEC/BLM Response 81, dated August 31, 2009, docketed August 31, 2009 Response
Appendix B - 4
Exhibit Brief Description Offered Admitted

14. CEC/BLM Info Request Responses (9/16/09 workshop), dated October 15, 2009,
docketed October 15, 2009
a. Soil stabilizer and County contacts
b. Use of private parcels
15. CURE DR Responses 276-380, dated November 13, 2009, docketed November 12, 2009
a. Responses 276-282 Hydrogen
b. Response 283-285 BNSF water
c. Response 286 Soil testing
d. Response 287 Worker Safety
e. Responses 288-295 BNSF water
f. Responses 296-297, MTBF, emergencies283-285
g. Responses 298-303 SunCatcher testing
h. Responses 304-306 Delay
i. Responses 307-309 Funding
k. Responses 310-312 Land Use
l. Responses 313-359, Biology361-374, 377-379
m. Response 360
n. Responses 375, 376, Project description 380
16. CEC/BLM DR Responses, Set 1, part 2, dated November 19, 2009, docketed November
19, 2009
a. Response 92, 93 Geomorphology
b. Response 94-108 Cultural
17. CEC/BLM DR Responses 71-73, 76-79, 85, 128-141, dated November 23, 2009,
docketed November 23, 2009
a. Responses 71-73, Groundwater and aquifer data 77-79, 85
b. Response 76, 137, Well location 138, 139
c. Responses 128 Geotextile
d. Response 129-131, Road assumptions 136, 140
e. Response 132-134 Alternatives
f. Response 135 Biology impacts
g. Response 141 Traffic
18. CURE DR Responses 378-402, dated December 2, 2009, docketed December 3, 2009
a. Response 378-394 Biology
b. Response 395-402 DWMA ACEC Upper Johnson Valley
Appendix B - 5
Exhibit Brief Description Offered Admitted

19. DOW and BRW DR Responses, dated December 4, 2009, docketed December 4, 2009
DOW Responses 6-8, Alternative sites 11
a. DOW Responses 9, 10 Alternatives
b. DOW Responses 1-5 Biology
c. BRW Responses 1-3 Biology
20. CEC/BLM DR Responses, Set 2, dated December 4, 2009, docketed December 4, 2009
a. Response 142 Channel grading
b. Response 143 Research overview
c. Response 144-153 Groundwater
d. Response 154-161 Sediment, culverts
e. Response 162-166 PCU luminance/mirror visibility
Response 167-174 Oil storage, SPCC, waste streams
21. Updated project map, dated December 21, 2009, docketed December 21, 2009
Project Map Biology
22. Donated Parcel Study, dated December 17, 2009, docketed December 17, 2009
a. Biology
b. Cultural Resources
c. Geology
d. Soils
e. Land Use
f. Noise
g. Public Health
h. Visual Resources
23. Project Description for 275 MW Interconnection, dated December 23, 2009, docketed
December 23, 2009
SCE Description for 275 Interconnection
24. Biological Resources Technical Report, Biological Resources Baseline Study, and
Noxious Weed Management Plan, dated December 23, 2009, docketed December 23,
25. Geotech Engineering Report, dated January 6, 2010, docketed January 8, 2010
26. Responses to CURE letter, dated January 7, 2010, docketed January 7, 2010
DR 10, 379, 380, 382
27. CAISO, Corridor Conflict Analysis, dated January 6, 2010, docketed January 8, 2010
Corridor Conflict & BLM letter
Appendix B - 6
Exhibit Brief Description Offered Admitted

28. Response to CEC transmission questions, dated January 8, 2010, docketed January 8,
a. Items 1-3, 7 Biology
b. Items 4, 9 SCE transmission and 11
c. Items 5-6 Cultural
d. Items 8 & 10, Flood zones 12, 14
e. Item 13 BMPs for Erosion
29. Additional Alternatives Analysis, dated January 7, 2010, docketed January 8, 2010
a. Introduction, Land Use
b. Biological Resources
c. Cultural Resources
d. Water Resources
30. Additional Information on Water Supply, dated January 15, 2010, docketed January 15,
Field efforts and back-up water supply
31. MDAQMD Final Decision, dated January 27, 2010, docketed January 27, 2010
32. Supplemental Information, dated January 27, 2010, docketed February 3, 2010
a. Sections 1.0 & 1.2 Cadiz water supply
b. Section 2.1 Introduction
c. Section 2.2 Air Quality
d. Section 2.3 Geology
e. Section 2.4 Soils
f. Section 2.5 Water
g. Section 2.6 Biology
h. Section 2.7 Cultural
i. Section 2.8 Paleontology
j. Section 2.9 Land Use
k. Section 2.10 Socioeconomics
l. Section 2.11 Traffic
m. Section 2.12 Noise
n. Section 2.13 Visual
o. Section 2.14 Waste Management
p. Section 2.15 Hazardous Materials
q. Section 2.16 Public Health
Appendix B - 7
Exhibit Brief Description Offered Admitted

r. Section 2.17 Worker Safety

s. Section 2.18 Cumulative
33. Response to January 5, 2010 workshop items, dated January 29, 2010, docketed
January 29, 2010
a. Items 1-4, 6-21, Biology 23-34
b. Item 5, 22 Evaporation ponds
34. Drainage Layout, dated February 12, 2010, docketed February 12, 2010
Drainage Layout
35. Construction Milestone Schedule, dated February 12, 2010, docketed February 12, 2010
Construction milestones
36. Burrowing Owl Survey, dated February 19, 2010, docketed February 13, 2010
37. CEC/BLM Responses, dated February 24, 2010, docketed February 24, 2010
Response 102 and 103
38. LGIA, dated February 26, 2010, docketed February 26, 2010
39. Clean Water Act 401 Application and Notification of Lake or Streambed Alteration, dated
March 4, 2010, docketed March 4, 2010
40. Revised Project Layout, dated March 8, 2010, docketed March 8, 2010
41. Existing and Future Access Roads, dated March 8, 2010, docketed March 8, 2010
42. Use of Rail to Transport Water, dated March 26, 2010, docketed March 26, 2010
43. 2010 Burrowing Owl survey results, dated March 26, 2010, docketed March 26, 2010
44. Biological Assessment, dated April 1, 2010, docketed April 1, 2010
45. Comments on SA/DEIS, dated April 14, 2010, docketed April 14, 2010
46. Construction Schedule, dated April 21, 2010, docketed April 21, 2010
47. Additional information from April workshop, dated April 20, 2010, docketed April 20, 2010
a. Soils
b. Access
c. Worker Safety
d. Efficiency
e. Traffic
48. Suggested Revised Biological Conditions, dated April 27, 2010, docketed April 27, 2010
49. Federal NO2 1-hour Modeling Analysis, dated April 30, 2010, docketed April 30, 2010
50. Results from Helicopter Surveys for Golden Eagle Nests/Bighorn Sheep, dated April 30,
2010, docketed April 30, 2010
51. Letter pertaining to Glint & Glare, dated April 30, 2010, docketed April 30, 2010
Appendix B - 8
Exhibit Brief Description Offered Admitted

52. Additional information, dated May 4, 2010, docketed May 4, 2010

53. Department of Army Permit, dated May 6, 2010, docketed May 6, 2010
54. 2010 Early Spring Botany Survey Results, dated May 20, 2010, docketed May 20, 2010
55. 2010 Desert Tortoise Survey Results, dated May 18, 2010, docketed May 18, 2010
56. Supplement to AFC, dated May 14, 2010, docketed May 14, 2010
a. Site boundary
b. Hydrogen system
c. Water Supply
57. Site Layout Alternative #2, dated June 2, 2010, docketed June 2, 2010
58. Maricopa Construction and Operation, dated June 11, 2010, docketed June 11, 2010
59. Information in Response to 6/4/2010 CEC email, dated June 11, 2010, docketed June 11,
60. Additional Information in Response to 6/4/2010 CEC email, dated June 16, 2010,
docketed June 16, 2010
61. 2010 Late Spring Botany Survey Results, dated June 16, 2010, docketed June 16, 2010
62. Submittal of Microphyllus Species Distribution, dated June 22, 2010, docketed June 22,
63. Opening Direct Testimony for Felicia Bellows x 8/4/10
64. Opening Direct Testimony for Sean Gallagher x 8/4/10
65. Opening Direct Testimony for Mike Alhalabi
66. Opening Direct Testimony for Robert Byall
67. Opening Direct Testimony for Noel Casil
68. Opening Direct Testimony for Matt Dadswell
69. Opening Direct Testimony for Michael Hatch
70. Opening Direct Testimony for Shawn Johnston
71. Opening Direct Testimony for Angela Leiba
72. Opening Direct Testimony for Julie Mitchell
73. Opening Direct Testimony for Patrick Mock
74. Opening Direct Testimony for Matt Moore
75. Opening Direct Testimony for Rachael Nixon
76. Opening Direct Testimony for Rick Reiff
77. Opening Direct Testimony for Robert Scott
78. Opening Direct Testimony for Joe Stewart
79. Opening Direct Testimony for Mark Storm
Appendix B - 9
Exhibit Brief Description Offered Admitted

80. Opening Direct Testimony for Waymon Votaw

81. Opening Direct Testimony for Tricia Winterbauer
82. Rebuttal Testimony for Felicia Bellows x 8/4/10
82-A. Applicant’s Requested Changes to Conditions x 8/4/10
82-B. Maps of Pre- and Post-Project Public Access Routes x 8/4/10
82-C. Map of Biological Resources Avoided by Project Boundary Modification x 8/4/10
82-D. Revised Project Base Map x 8/4/10
82-E. July 1, 2010 BNSF letter x 8/4/10
83. Rebuttal Testimony for Julie Mitchell
84. Rebuttal Testimony for Robert Scott
84- A. Map of Wells in the Vicinity of the Calico Solar Project
85. Rebuttal Testimony for Joe Liles
86. Rebuttal Testimony for Robert Byall
87. Rebuttal Testimony for Patrick Mock
88. Rebuttal Testimony for Theresa Miller
89. Rebuttal Testimony for Waymon Votaw
90. Rebuttal Testimony for Tariq Hussain
90-A. Map of Offsite Consequences Analysis for Two Independent Centralized Hydrogen
91. Rebuttal Testimony for Noel Casil
92 Proposed changes to conditions Bio 12, Bio 13, and Bio 17. x 8/6/10
93 Desert Tortoise Relocation plan dated July 28, 2010
94 Revised version of [Ex. 90]
95 Final Environmental Impact Statement dated ____. x 8/6/10
96 Additonal Air Quality Analysis for NO2 (8/4)
97 Hydrogen Compressor Map
98 Data sheets for Desert Tortoise translocation plan
99 Phase 1A Plan and narrative dated _____
100 Revegetation acreage calculation
101 Updated detention basin specifications and figures
102 Abstract of [Study of Ft. Irwin Tortoise Relocation Project] No
103 Proposed revisions to Cultural Conditions
104 Proposed revisions to Biological Conditions

Appendix B - 10
Exhibit Brief Description Offered Admitted

105 IVS Glint and Glare report No

106 Nixon/Hollanes testimony and resume
107 Lange testimony and resume
108 Calico Revised Conditions
109 Map: Phase 1 fencing information
110 Response to Staff request for Road information
111 BLM route maps from West Mojave Plan
112 Applicant’s response to Committee questions
113 Revised conditions compilation submitted August 26, 2010
114 Declaration of Felicia Bellows dated 9/13/10
115 Declaration of Patrick J. Mock, PhD dated 9/13/10
116 Declaration of Theresa Miller dated 9/13/10
117 Declaration of Howard H. Chang PhD dated 9/13/10
118 Declaration of Robert Byall dated 9/13/10
119 Declaration of Matt Moore dated 9/13/10
120 Declaration of Rachael Nixon dated 9/13/10
121 Declaration of Noel Casil dated 9/13/10
122 Declaration of Matt Dadswell dated 9/13/10
123 Declaration of Michael Hatch dated 9/13/10
124 Declaration of Tariq Hussain dated 9/13/10
125 Declaration of Angela Leiba dated 9/13/10
126 Declaration of Julie Mitchell dated 9/13/10
127 Declaration of Joe Stewart dated 9/13/10
128 Declaration of Mark Storm dated 9/13/10

Staff’s Exhibits
Exhibit Brief Description Offered Admitted
300 Supplemental Staff Assessment
301 Final Determination of Compliance
302 “Estimated Location of Fire Facility Cost to Proposed Solar Energy Installations,” June 3,
2010, Stanley R. Hoffman Associates (for San Bernardino County Fire Department)
303 Staff Rebuttal Testimony and first Errata (updating the Biological Resources Section of the
SSA and Conditions of Certification BIO 17 and BIO 18), July 29, 2010.
Appendix B - 11
Exhibit Brief Description Offered Admitted
304 [Identification of future transmission system upgrades.]
305 Appendix A, Biological Resources
306 Soil and Water Figures 5A and 5B
307 Staff proposed revisions to Condition AQ-SC9
308 Staff proposed revision to Conditions Noise-1, etc.
309 Supplemental Staff Assessment, Part 2, dated August 9, 2010
310 Second errata to Supplemental Staff Assessment
311 8/25/10 letter from Wayne Donaldson to Roxie Trost
312 Cultural-4 Condition insert
313 Staff response to Committee questions
314 Tonya Moore email to Chris Huntley
315 Revisions to Worker Safety-6
316 Revisions to Haz-8
317 Supplemental Staff Assessment Addendum dated September, 2010

Intervenor CURE
Exhibit Brief Description Offered Admitted
400 Opening Testimony of David Marcus on Behalf of California Unions for Reliable Energy on
Transmission for the Calico Solar Project
401 Marcus Declaration
402 Marcus c.v.
403 131 FERC 61,071, Docket ER10-796, order issued April 26, 2010
404 (No Exhibit)
405 Rebuttal Testimony of Boris Poff on Behalf of California Unions for Reliable Energy on
Soil and Water for the Calico Solar Project
406 Poff c.v.
407 McFadden, Wells, Jercinovich, Department of Geology, Univ. of New Mexico, Influences
of eolian and pedogenic processes on the origin and evolution of desert pavements
408 Seager, Ting, Held, Kushnir, et al., Model Projections of an Imminent Transition to a More
Arid Climate in Southwestern North America Soil/Water Boris Poff
409 Okin, Murray, Schlesinger, Degradation of sandy arid shrubland environments:
observations, process modeling, and management implications
410 Okin, Gillette, Herrick, Multi-scale controls on and consequences of Aeolian processes in
landscape change in arid and semi-arid Environments
Appendix B - 12
Exhibit Brief Description Offered Admitted
411 Angel, Palecki, Hollinger, Storm Precipitation in the United States. Part II: Soil Erosion
412 Anderson, Wells, Graham, Pedogenesis of Vesicular Horizons, Cima Volcanic Field,
Mojave Desert, California
413 Rebuttal Testimony of Vernon C. Bleich on Biological for the Calico Solar Project
414 Bleich c.v.
415 Bleich, Wejaisem. Ramey, Rechel: Metapopulation Theory and Mountain Sheep:
Implications for Conservation
416 Epps, Wehausen, Bleich, Torres, Brashares: Optimizing dispersal and corridor models
using landscape genetics
417 Wehausen: Nutrient predictability, birthing seasons, and lamb recruitment for desert
bighorn sheep
418 Oehler, Bleich, Bowyer, Nicholson: Mountain Sheep and Mining: Implications for
Conservation and Management
419 Schwartz, Bleich, Holl: Genetics and the Conservation of Mountain Sheep
420 Belich, Wehausen, Holl: Desert-dwelling Mountain Sheep: Conservation Implications of a
Naturally Fragmented Distribution
421 Bleich, Bowyer, Wehausen: Sexual Segregation in Mountain Sheep: Resources or
422 Epps, Wehausen, Palsoboll, McCullough: Using Genetic Tools to Track Desert Bighorn
Sheep Colonizations
423 Torres, Mulchahy, Gonzales, Pauli, Andrew: Human Induced Migration and Homing
Behavior of a Desert Bighorn Ram in the Whipple Mountains, California: Or Herman the
Trailer Park Ram
424 Rebuttal Testimony of Scott Cashen on Biology for the Calico Solar Project
425 Cashen c.v.
426 Belnap, Webb, Miller, et al.: Monitoring Ecosystem Quality and Function in Arid Settings of
the Mojave Desert
427 California Partners in Flight and PRBO Conservation Science: The Desert Bird
Conservation Plan, a Strategy for Protecting and Managing Desert Habitats and
Associated Bids in the Mojave and Colorado Deserts
428 U.S. Department of the Interior, USGS: Threats to Desert Tortoise Populations: A Critical
Review of the Literature
429 U.S. Department of the Interior, USGS: Modeling Habitat of the Desert Tortoise
(Gopherus agassizii) in the Mojave and Parts of Biology Scott Cashen 2309-080a 12 the
Sonoran Deserts of California, Nevada, Utah and Arizona
Appendix B - 13
Exhibit Brief Description Offered Admitted
430 Pagel, Whittington, Allen: Interim Golden Eagle Inventory and Monitoring Protocols; and
Other Recommendations
431 Marzluff, Knick, Vekasky, Schuek, Zarriello: Spatial Use and Habitat Selection of Golden
Eagles in Southwestern Idaho
432 Survey Protocols Required for NEPA/ESA Compliance for BLM Special Status Plant
433 Okin, Murray, Schlesinger: Degradation of sandy arid shrubland environments:
observations, process modeling, and management implications

434 Record of Decision, West Mojave Plan, Amendment to the California Desert Conservation
Area Plan
435 U.S. Dept. of Interior: Effects of the International Boundary Pedestrian Fence in the
Vicinity of Lukeville, Arizona, on Drainage Systems and Infrastructure, Organ Pipe Cactus
National Monument, Arizon
436 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Final Environmental Assessment, Proposal to permit Take
as provided Under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act
437 Southern California Edison act three overview map for the Calico Solar Project. x 8/4/10
438 Memorandum from Christopher Meyer to Felicia Bellows and Bob Therkelsen re: SES
Solar One Project—Transmission Line Upgrades
439 2008 and 2009 Annual Reports for the Fort Irwin Translocation Project. [authors], undated
440 Bighorn Habitat Connectivity Map
441 8/16/10 Rebuttal Testimony of David S. Whitley on Behalf of the California Unions
for Reliable Energy on Cultural Resources forthe Calico Solar Project (c.v. and
442 2001 Desert Pavement and Buried Archaeological Feature in the Arid West: A
Case Study from Southern Arizona
443 Testimony of Scott Cashen on the Desert Tortoise Translocation Plan or the Calico Solar
Project dated August 17, 2010.
444 Desert Tortoise Council Abstracts 33 1d Annual Meeting and Symposium Biology
Scott Cashen
445 Desert Tortoise Council Abstracts 34th Annual Meeting and Symposium Biology
Scott Cashen
446 2/2010 Desert Tortoise Council Abstracts 35 th Annual Meeting and Symposium
Biology Scott Cashen

Appendix B - 14
Exhibit Brief Description Offered Admitted
447 4/2/09 US Dept. of the Army, Memorandum for Desert Tortoise Recovery
Coordinator, re Fort Irwin FISS Depredation Biology Scott Cashen
448 7/29/05 T. Esque, K. Nussear, P. Medica, Desert Tortoise Translocation Plan for
Fort Irwin's Land Expansion Program at the U.S. Army National Training Center
(NTC) & Fort Irwin - Biology Scott Cashen
449 5/1/09 T. Esque, K. Nussear, K. Drake, K. Berry, P. Medica, J.Heaton, Amendment
to Desert Tortoise Translocation Plan for Fort Irwin's Land Expansion Program at
the U.S. Army National Training Center (NTC) & Fort Irwin Biology Scott Cashen
450 Spring 2010 - Calico Solar Desert Tortoise Translocation Plan Recipient Site
Photograph; Photograph #4: Long Distance DWMA Translocation Area Biology
Scott Cashen
451 K.H. Berry, Draft Decision for Short-Distance Translocation of Desert Tortoises
Biology Scott Cashen
452 Single Factor ANOVA Model and Tests, Control Treatment Biology Scott Cashen
453 K. Berry, M. Christopher, Guidelines for the Field Evaluation of Desert Tortoise
Health and Disease Biology Scott Cashen
454 812540 —TestimonyS-cooftto-Cn-aDsheensert-Tortoise-Impacts-in--Staffs —Scott
Cashen Errata #2 Biology
455 K.E. Nussear, T.C. Esque, D.F. Haines, C.R. Tracy, Desert•Tortoise Hibernation:
Temperatures, Timing and Environment Biology Scott Cashen
456 C.H. Ernst, J.E. Lovich, Turtles of the United States and Canada
457 J.M. Germano, P.J. Bishop, Suitability of Amphibians
458 J.S. Heaton, et al., Spatially explicit decision support for selecting translocation
areas for Mojave desert tortoises
459 9/14/04 Redlands Institute Decision Support Team, Habitat Potential Knowledge
Base (cover and pp. 30-32)
460 Adaptive Management Working Group, The U.S. Dept. of the Interior Technical
Guide, 2009 ed., Chapter 1
461 9/17/10 Additional Rebuttal Testimony of Scott Cashen on Behalf of the California
Unions for Reliable Energy on the Applicant's Proposed Scenarios 5.5 and 6 for
the Calico Solar Project (c.v.) Biology Scott Cashen
462 2007 K.E. Nussear, T.C. Esque, D.F. Haines, C.R. Tracy, Desert Tortoise
Hibernation: Temperatures, Timing, and EnvironmentBiology Scott Cashen
Appendix B - 15
Exhibit Brief Description Offered Admitted
463 8/2008 Public Review Draft Recommendations of Independent Science Advisors
for The California Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan (DRECP)
464 2007 K.E. Nussear, C.R. Tracy, Can Modeling Improve Estimation of Desert
Tortoise Population Densities? (Ecological Applicationspp.579-586)
465 9/17/10 Additional Rebuttal Testimony of David S. Whitley on Behalf of the
California Unions for Reliable Energy on Cultural Resources for the Calico Solar

Intervenor Defenders of Wildlife

Exhibit Brief Description Offered Admitted
600 Rebuttal Testimony of James M. Andre 7/29/2010
601 Rebuttal Testimony of Jeff Aardahl 7/29/2010
602 Revision of Disease Testing Requirements Based on Translocation Distance, Desert
Tortoise Recovery Office 7/2010

603 Spencer, W.D., P. Beier, K. Penrod, K. Winters, C. Paulman, H. Rustigian-Romsos, J.

Strittholt, M. Parisi, and A. Pettler. 2010. California Essential Habitat Connectivity Project:
A Strategy for Conserving a Connected California. Prepared for California Department of
Transportation, California Department of Fish and Game, and Federal Highways
604 Habitat Use and Food Preferences of the Desert Tortoise, Gopherus agassizii, in the
Western Mojave Desert and Impacts of Off-Road Vehicles. Proceedings of the New York
Turtle and Tortoise Society: Conservation, Restoration, and Management of Tortoises and
turtles - An International Conference, pp. 42–45.
605 Applicant’s Responses to Defenders of Wildlife Data Requests Set 1. 12/4/2009
606 Zitzer, S., King, J., and Etyemezian, V., 2008. Unveiling the mysterious ecology of a rare
relict Mojave Desert forb (Penstemon albomarginatus): Will ecological knowledge put a
damper on exponential growth in Southern Nevada? Report for 93rd Ecological Society of
American Annual Meeting.
607 Scogin, R. 1989. Studies of Penstemon albomarginatus in California. Report for Rancho
Santa Ana Botanic Garden, Claremont, California.
608 CPUC Phase I direct testimony of Dr. Barry Butler, CPUC Application 06-08-010 6/1/2007
Appendix B - 16
Exhibit Brief Description Offered Admitted
609 T. Mancini, P. Heller, B. Butler, B. Osborn, W. Schiel, V. Goldberg, R. Buck, R. Diver,
C. Andraka, J. Moreno, Dish-Stirling Systems: An Overview of Development and Status,
Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 125, pp. 135-151, May 2003.
610 Schwartz, O.A., V.C. Bleich, and S.A. Holl. 1986. Genetics and the conservation of
mountain sheep Ovis canadensis nelsoni. Biol. Conserv. 37:179-190.
611 Epps, C. W., P. J. Palsbøll, J. D. Wehausen, G. K. Roderick, R. R.Ramey, D. R.
McCullough, 2005. Highways block gene flow and cause a rapid decline in genetic
diversity of desert bighorn sheep. Ecology Letters, (2005) 8: 1029–1038.
612 Fish and Wildlife Service. 1994. Desert tortoise (Mojave population) Recovery Plan.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Portland, Oregon. 73 pages plus appendices
613 Abstracts, Thirty-fifth Annual Meeting and Symposium, The Desert Tortoise Council,
February 25-28, 2010.
614 Picture of Desert Tortoise observed on site by DOW staff.
615 Bureau of Land Management, 2005. West Mojave Plan: A Habitat Conservation Plan and
California Desert Conservation Area Plan Amendment. California Desert District, Moreno
Valley, CA. Page 2-116.
616 Palen Connectivity Study for CEC
617 Culvert Photograph #1.JPG
618 Culvert Photograph #2.JPG
619 Ram Skeleton Photograph
620 Testimony of Jeff Aardahl

Intervenor Basin and Range Watch

Exhibit Brief Description Offered Admitted
800 Informal survey tracks and photographs at Calico Solar Project site, San Bernardino X 9/20/10
County, California.
801 Mojave fringe-toed lizard habitat at Ford Dry Lake area, Riverside County, California. X X
802 Satellite imagery of sand in the Calico Project Site area. X X
803 Visual summary of Impacts from the Calico Project. X X
804 Supplemental Testimony by Kevin Emmerich. X X

Appendix B - 17
Intervenor Sierra Club
Exhibit Brief Description Offered Admitted
1000 Photo of Nelson’s Bighorn Sheep X X
1001 Photo of Nelson’s Bighorn Sheep X X
1002 Photo of Golden Eagle X X
1003 Photo of Golden Eagle X X
1004 Photo of Desert Tortoise X X
1005 Photo of Desert Tortoise X X
1007 Photo of White-margined beardtongue X X
1008 Photo of Mojave fringe-toed lizard X X
1009 Photo of Mojave fringe-toed lizard X X
1010 Calico Project Site Map X X
1011 Photograph
1012 Photograph
1013 Photograph
1014 Photograph
1015 Photograph
1016 Photograph
1017 Photograph
1018 Photograph
1019 Photograph
1020 Untitled map X X
1021 Letter from Raymond Lee, Field Manager, BLM to Todd Stewart, Brightsource
Energy dated April 8, 2008 with attachment: Comments/Observations on Ivanpah X X
SEGS Sormwater Manaement
1022 Live Tortoise Encounter Form dated 4/4/10; URS Corp. Calico Solar 2010 Desert
Tortoise Protocol Transect Survey dated 3/30/10
1023 Calico Solar Tortoise Burrow Data dated ____ X X

Appendix B - 18
Intervenor Newberry Community Services District
Exhibit Brief Description Offered Admitted
1100 Rebuttal Testimony – Newberry CSD
1101 San Bernardino County LAFCO Fire Districts Map
1102 San Bernardino County LAFCO Newberry CSD Boundary Map
1103 Location Reference Map Newberry CSD & Project Site Western Boundary
1104 SB County Fire – North Desert Division Site Map
1105 Newberry Springs Fire Department Incident Response Statistics

Intervenor BNSF Railway Company

Exhibit Brief Description Offered Admitted
1200 Prepared Direct Testimony of Dennis Skeel
1201 Prepared Direct Testimony of Edward P. Phillips
1202 Prepared Direct Testimony of Thomas Schmidt
1203 Prepared Direct Testimony of Joseph Schnell
1204 Prepared Direct Testimony of Dennis Skeels
1205 Prepared Direct Testimony of Dr. David Krauss
1206 Prepared Direct Testimony of Edward P. Phillips dated 8/17/10
1207 7/1/2010 letter comments to BLM and CEC
1208 7/29/2010 letter comments to BLM and CEC
1209 Proposed changes to Conditions TLSN-5, etc.
1210 General Code of (Railway) Operating Rules
1211 Prepared Direct Testimony of Douglas Hamilton and Exhibits (Attachments 1 – 7)
1212 Prepared Direct Testimony of Steven Metro
1213 Prepared Direct Testimony of David Miller
1214 Individual Suncatcher locations imposed on terrain map showing washes by Mr. Metro

Appendix B - 19
1-800-822-6228 – WWW.ENERGY.CA.GOV


For the CALICO SOLAR (Formerly SES Solar One)


Felicia Bellows California ISO California Unions for Reliable
Vice President of Development [email protected] Energy (CURE)
& Project Manager c/o: Loulena A. Miles,
Tessera Solar Jim Stobaugh Marc D. Joseph
4800 North Scottsdale Road, BLM – Nevada State Office Adams Broadwell Joseph
#5500 P.O. Box 12000 & Cardozo
Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Reno, NV 89520 601 Gateway Boulevard, Ste. 1000
[email protected] [email protected] South San Francisco, CA 94080
[email protected]
CONSULTANT Rich Rotte, Project Manager
Angela Leiba Bureau of Land Management Defenders of Wildlife
AFC Project Manager Barstow Field Office Joshua Basofin
URS Corporation 2601 Barstow Road 1303 J Street, Suite 270
1615 Murray Canyon Rd., Barstow, CA 92311 Sacramento, California 95814
#1000 [email protected] e-mail service preferred
San Diego, CA 92108 [email protected]
[email protected] Becky Jones
California Department of Society for the Conservation of
APPLICANT’S COUNSEL Fish & Game Bighorn Sheep
Allan J. Thompson 36431 41st Street East Bob Burke & Gary Thomas
Attorney at Law Palmdale, CA 93552 P.O. Box 1407
21 C Orinda Way #314 [email protected] Yermo, CA 92398
Orinda, CA 94563 [email protected]
[email protected] INTERVENORS
County of San Bernardino Basin and Range Watch
Ella Foley Gannon, Partner Ruth E. Stringer, Laura Cunningham &
Bingham McCutchen, LLP County Counsel Kevin Emmerich
Three Embarcadero Center Bart W. Brizzee, P.O. Box 70
San Francisco, CA 94111 Deputy County Counsel Beatty, NV 89003
[email protected] 385 N. Arrowhead Avenue, [email protected]
4th Floor
San Bernardino, CA 92415-
[email protected]

Appendix C - 1

Patrick C. Jackson ANTHONY EGGERT

600 N. Darwood Avenue Commissioner and Presiding Member
San Dimas, CA 91773 [email protected]
e-mail service preferred
[email protected] JEFFREY D. BYRON
Commissioner and Associate Member
Gloria D. Smith, Senior Attorney [email protected]
Travis Ritchie
Sierra Club Paul Kramer
85 Second Street, Second floor Hearing Officer
San Francisco, CA 94105 [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] Lorraine White, Adviser to
Commissioner Eggert
Newberry Community e-mail service preferred
Service District [email protected]
Wayne W. Weierbach
P.O. Box 206 Kristy Chew, Adviser to
Newberry Springs, CA 92365 Commissioner Byron
[email protected] e-mail service preferred
[email protected]
Cynthia Lea Burch
Steven A. Lamb Caryn Holmes
Anne Alexander Staff Counsel
Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP [email protected]
2029 Century Park East,
Ste. 2700 Steve Adams
Los Angeles, CA 90067-3012 Co-Staff Counsel
[email protected] [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] Christopher Meyer
[email protected]

Jennifer Jennings
Public Adviser
e-mail service preferred
[email protected]

Appendix C - 2

I, , declare that on , 2010, I served and filed copies of the attached , dated
, 2010. The original document, filed with the Docket Unit, is accompanied by a copy of the most recent
Proof of Service list, located on the web page for this project at: [].

The documents have been sent to both the other parties in this proceeding (as shown on the Proof of Service list)
and to the Commission’s Docket Unit, in the following manner:

(Check all that Apply)


sent electronically to all email addresses on the Proof of Service list;

by personal delivery;
by delivering on this date, for mailing with the United States Postal Service with first-class postage thereon
fully prepaid, to the name and address of the person served, for mailing that same day in the ordinary
course of business; that the envelope was sealed and placed for collection and mailing on that date to those
addresses NOT marked “email preferred.”



sending an original paper copy and one electronic copy, mailed and emailed respectively, to the address
below (preferred method);
depositing in the mail an original and 12 paper copies, as follows:


Attn: Docket No. 08-AFC-13
1516 Ninth Street, MS-4
Sacramento, CA 95814-5512
[email protected]

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct, that I am employed in the county where this
mailing occurred, and that I am over the age of 18 years and not a party to the proceeding.

Appendix C - 3

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