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SINGER 111W100 DESCRIPTION Machine 111w100 has one needle and a belt driven rwtary hook and makes the lock stitch. It is designed for stitehing, medium and heavy fabries and is used in the manufacture of over coats, overalls, oil clothin feed which consists of a combination of drop feed an needle feed. ete. ‘The machine has a composind Speed Maximum speed recommended for Machine 111100 is 3000 stitches per minute, depending upon the mature of material being, sewn. ‘The machine should be run slower than the masitsm, speed until the parts which are in movable contact have hecume xlazed by their action upon each other, When the machine is in operation, the balance wheel should always turn over toward the operator. Needles Necalles for Machine 111100 are of Class and Variety 18587, imiade in sizes 7, 8 9 10, 12. 14, 16, 18, 20, sd for corset work 135x11, made in sizes 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20. The size of the needle to be used should he determined by ad whieh must pass [reely through the eye of the needle. If rough or uneven thread is used, or if it passes with, difliculty through the eye of the needle, the successful use of the machine will he interfered with, the size of the th Orders for needles must specify the quantity required, the size number, also the class and variety mimbers separated hy the letter x. ‘The following is an example of an intelligible order 100 No. 14, 13897 Needies, The best results will be obtained in using the needles furnish- ed by the Singer Sewing, Machine Company INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING AND ADJUSTING SINGER SEWING MACHINE t1tw100 THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY Thread Use left twist thread for the needle, Hither left or right twist thread may be used for the bobbin, \ /J8 Fig. 2. How to Determine the Twist Hold the thread as shown above, ‘Turn the thread over taward you between the thumb and forefinger of tovist, the strands will wind tighter: if right twist, the strands he right hand; if lett will unwind ‘The Relative Sizes of Needles and Thread Vhe following sizes of needles and thread are recommended Sizes oF Nuun covves six 2 | 0, $0 00, 0 Mu | 60, 70 oy 6 40 te 60 At 18 0 tw 40 ne To Set the Needle Turn the bakuice wheel over toward you until the needle bar 4 point ; loosen the set screw in the needle bar and put the neeilie np into the bar as far as it will meves up to its hig with its long groove toward the left, the eye of the needle being directly in line with the machine hed, then tighten the set serew To Remove the Bobbin Draw out the slide plate in the bed of the machine, Insert she finger nail of the forefinger under the lateh «CF Jateh and lift out the bobbin, Removing the Bobbin 6 To Wind the Bobbin (See Fig. 4) Fasten the bobbin winder to the table with its driving pulley in front of the machine helt, so that the pulley will drop away from the helt when sufficient thread has been wound on the bobbin, Fig. 4. Winding the ftobbin Place the hobbin on the bobbin winder spindle and push it on as far as it will go. Pass the thread down through the thread tension bracket, around the back and between the tension dises (2). Then wind the end of the thread around the bobbin a few times, push the bobbin winder pulley over against the belt and start the machine, When snfiicient thread has been wound on the bobbin, the bobbin swindler will stop automatically If the thread does not wind evenly on the bobbin, loosen the screw (A) in the tension bracket and miove the bracket to the Fight or left as may be required, then tighten the screw ile (1) iw the ‘The amount of thread wound on the bobbin is regulated by the serew (1). To wind more thread on the bobbin, turn the screw (I) inwardly, To wind less thread on the this serew ontwardly Bobbins can be wound while the machine is stitehing, To Replace the Bobbin and Thread the Bobbin Case Hold the bobbin between the chun and foreinger of the | vig ands the thread desing on the tion from Tet te Fit ‘ rest of the bobbin Draw the thea in he so (1, Fiz 6) and mer the lc of the projection 12 ahve te sue When loan se pla eave just enh Fig, 6 Bobbin Case ‘Threaded 5 ‘To Thread the Needle (See Fig. 7) Pass the thread from the wnwinder from right to left throngh ine and from back the upper hole (1) in the pin on top of the ma the lower hole (2) in the pin, down throngh the zl the hte (5) to front thro hole (3). 1p through the hole (4) and down thres in the thread yuide at the front of the machine, ever from right to felt hetween the tension dises (6), down, under from rig Ieft around the thread controller (7), into the thread controller spring (8) and up through the thread guide (9), from right to left throngh the hole (10) in the thread take-up lever. down through the thread guide (11) and through the thread sguides (12 and 13) through the thread guide (14) at the bottom of the needle bar and from left to right through the eye of the needle (15). To Prepare for Sewing With the teft hand hold the end of the needle thread, leaving it slack from the hand to the needle, “Tarn the bi toward you ntil the needle moves down and np again to its high- est point, thus catching the bobbin thread; draw up the needle thread and the hobhin thread will come np with hole in the feed dog. Lay the threads hack under the presser foot and close the slide, lance wheel over through the To Commence Sewing Place the material beneath the presser foot, lower the presser foct and commence to sew, Uusning the balance wheel over toward you, ‘To Remove the Work Have the thread take-up lever at the highest point, raise the presser foot, draw the work baek and cut the threads eluse to the xonds, Lay the ends of the threads back ander the presser foot Tensions The neculle and bobbin threads should he locked in the centre of the thickness of ISeSEAR Hf the tension on the needle thread is too tight, or if that om the needle thread will Hie straight along the upper surface of the material, thus Peis ess 8, Tight Needie Thread Tension the bobin thread is too loose, If the tension on the bobbin thread is too tight, or if shat on the needle thread is too loose, the bobbin thread will Hie straight along the wnder side of the material, hus Fig. 10, Loose Needte Thread Tension 10 ‘To Regulate the Tensions ulated by the thi nthe front of ‘The tension on the needle thread is 1 ut (R, Fig. 16) at the front of the tension dises he tension, turn this thhimb nat over the machine. ‘To increas to the right, ‘To decrease the tension, turn this Hnuly net over tw the left The tension on the bobbin thread is regulated hy means of the serew nearest the centre of the tension spring on the ontside of the bobhin case, ‘To increase the tension, tir His serew over to the right. ‘To decrease the tension, ten this Serew over to the left. To Regulate the Length of Stitch The length of stiteh is regulated by the thumb serew (\ Fig, Hy at the right of the balauee whee Pig. 11, Stiteh Regulator ns shown ‘There is a notch in the hub of the balance wheel. in Big. I, and the samber appearing in the notch shows: number of stitehes to the ineh that the machine ix ready tom ‘6 lengthen the stitch, turw the thimb serew (A) aver toward you. ‘To shorten the stiteh, ten this thumb screw over from you. n ‘To Regulate the Pressure on Material To increase the pressure, turn serew fF, Fig. H) at the back ofthe machine, downwardly, ‘To decrease the pressure, Luss this screw upwardly ‘The pressure on the material should only he sufficient 10 erable the feed to move the werk along: evenly To Oil the Machine To ensure easy ronning and prevent unnecessary wear of the parts which are in movable comact, the machine requires oiling saul when i continuous use, it should be ailed at Teast twice each day Oil should be applied at the places designated by arrows as 12,13, 14 and 15, Swing back the cover whieh is on the top of the machine at the right, and oil the hearings whieh shuwn in are thus uncovered, then replace the cover Loosen the thumb serew in the upper end of the face plite fina the face plate upward and oil the wick and bearings whieh ars thus uncovered, then turn down the face plate and tighten hs thumb serew Pig. 12, Front of Machine, Showing Olling Points 1B 2 places where there are parts in movable contact, then bring the we back on ity hinges and apply oil at the hy arrows ax shown in Fig. 15, and all other machine ferward into place Fig. 15, Mase of Machine, Showing Oiling Points il the bobbin case bearing in the sewing hook race each time a bobbin is replaced. When the machine is received from the factory, half Il the iD pan Cf, Pig, 15) with Singer Manufacturing: Sewing: Machine each week to e Gil. ‘This oil should be changed at least once Oil should also he applied at the whence it will drop into the eif pan ts Fig. 12. Bnd View of Machine Showing Oiting Points are proper lubrie rs and shaft the ti lubricate the g Fig. 14, Rear View of Machine, Showing, Olling Point 1“ INSTRUCTIONS FOR ADJUSTERS AND MACHINISTS. ‘Thread Controller ‘The function of the thread controller spring is to hold back the slack of the needle thread until the eye of the needle nearly reaches the goods in its descent, as without this controlling action ‘of the spring, the slack thread or silk: (more especially silk) will sometimes he penetrated by the point of the needle as the neclle is deseending. Fig. 16, Adjustment of Phreaed Conteloe For more controller action on the thread, loosen the stop serew (2, Fig, 16) at the right of the tension and set the stop Tower, and for less action sot the stop higher. ‘Yo strengthen the action of the cuntroller spring on the thread, loosen the tension stint serew ((), Fig, 16) at the right ff the stop screw and Lurn the tensfon stud (O, Figg 16) s! to the left with a screwdriver, or to Tighten its aetion turn to the right and retighten the tension stud Screw ‘To Set the Needle Bar See that the needle is up in the bar as far as it will go. There are two lines across the needle bar abowt two inches above the ower end. When the needle ar is mark should be just visible at the end of the needle bar frame. In case the needle bar is not correctly set, Iuosen the needie bar connecting stud pineh serew (E, Fig. 13) and place the needle 24 its Invest position, the upper har in correct position as directed above, then retighten the serew (F) To Set a Needle Bar Which Has no Mark. Set the stitel regulator to indicate & stitehes to the inch, then set the needle Isr so that when it rises yf inch from its lowest position, the point of the sewing hook will be at the centre of the needle amt alont yy inch above the eye Relative Positions of Needle Bar and Presser Bar ‘The distance hetween the needle bar and presser bar, alter turning the feed regulating spindle head so that there is no feed movement of the needle har, should be 13 inch, as shown in Fix, If the distance between the needle bar and presser bar is more or less than 43 inch, insert a screwdriver in the hole (G, Fig. 1) at the rear of the machine and loosen the serew therein, While this serew is loose, the needle bar frame can he moved forward or backward, as may he required, ambit the distance hetween the needle har and presser bar is §5 inch. A piece inch wide may he used to determine the correct distance. When making this adjustment he sure to sce that the feed regulating, spindle head is set se that there is no feeding: movement of the af shect metal JE needle har, When the adjustment has been made, securely tighten the serew at (6). 6 To Time the Sewing Hook ‘et the feed regulating spindle head to indicate eight stitehes to the inch Remove the throat plate and turn the balance wheel aver toward you until the lower mark across the needle bar is just visible at the end of the needle bar irame on the upward stroke ofthe needle bar. If the needle har and sew honk are correctly timed, the point of the hook will he at the centre of the needle and about yy inch above the eye In case the sewing hook is not correctly timed, turn the balance wheel over toward you until the needle har has descended to sts Jowest point and has risen until the lower timings mark across the needle har is just visible at the end of the needle har frame Loosen the two serews in the hook shaft wear (S, Fig, 17) and turn the sewing rook until the point of the hook is at the centre of the needle, alter whieh securely tighten the two screws in the gear, Teaving just enough play in the shaft for lubricating purposes, To Set the Sewing Hook to or from the Needle Vo prevent the point of the hook from dividing the strands of the thread, it should run as close to the needle (within the searty as possible, Fhe. 17. Aqjustment of Hook Saddle Tur the balance wheel over toward yen until the point of the sewing hook is at the centre of the neeite. Loosen the two serews CR, Fig. 17) underneath the hed of the machine and sove. the hook saddie (nthe right a lefl, as wy be revuited, ntl the point of the hnok is as ele Striking it, then securely 4 eto the needle as possible: withont ighten the two serews CR) hhe needle guard washer (AA, Fig. 18) which is attached to the bottom of the sewing hook, shoukl he sprang antil it pre vents the neeille from striking the hook in case the meedle is deflected towards the hook, To Remove the Sewing Hook from the Machine Remove the throat plate, feed dag and the bobhin case open ing lever. Alse remove the bobbin ease, then take ont the two serews from the hook shaft gear (S. Pig. 17) and Tift out the sewing hook, Fig. 18, Sewing Hook Removed trom alachine, ‘To Raise or Lower the Feed Dog Usually when the feed dog is at its highest position, it should show a full tooth above the threat plate Remove the throst plates clean the fit and dust from between the feed points aud replace the throat plate: tip the machine hack andl turn the batince wheel towards vow yntil the feed dog is at its hig est positions Toosen serew (L, Figs 17) in the feed lifting cam fork on the feed har and raise oF lower the feed doz, as may he reqtired, and retighten the pinch screw (1), When raising ar lawering ike food log be carefl thot it underside floes tot drop low enonsh te sttike the sewing he The feed dogs shoul he set so that when the needle i dane i shonwid he slightly in front of the centre toward the operate) ot the needle hie. In case the cede dues tnt ester the hale fn the feed clog correctly, lenwes the pinch serevt tl Fige 13) and adurt the feed dig as Fequived, then securely tighten the pinch serev 1s Adjustment of Feed Regulating Spindle Head ‘The figures on the feed regulating spindle head (DD, Fig. 19), showing through the notch in the balance wheel, indicate the Pig. 19. “X-Ray” View of Feed Driving Regulating Bracket and Shaft, Showing the Food Regulating Spindle and Adjusting Serew (CC) Wich Comes in Contact with the Cone of the Spindle to Gange the Length of Stitel number of stitehes to the inch whieh should be made, If mare or less stitches are made, adjust as follows: Remove serew (IE. Fig. 19), set the indicator at 8 and the feed dog at its highest point, a full tooth showing above the threat plate, then adjust screw (CC, Fig. 19) until eight stitehes to the inch is the result and replace cheek serew (11) firmly Ry making this adjustment with the stiteh indicator set at 8 stitches, the full range of the stiteh regulator is automatically taken care of so that the number appearing in the noteh in the balance whee! will always indicate the correct number of stitches to the inch that the machine is ready to make. To Set the Feed Regulator so that a Stitch Longer Than the One Desired Cannot be Made. Turn the spinille head (DD, Fig, 19) as far as possible in the direction indicated hy the arrow in Fig, 19; remove check serew (ISB) and ijust serew 19 (CC) umtit the machine makes the desired number of stitehes te the incl Uren turn serew C1sH8) down tightly on serew (CC) as a check The stitehes may then he changed by turning the stiteh Fegul:tor (DD) for shorter stite a longer stitch than d es, Dnt operators cannot make al limited hy the above adjustment To Remove the Needle Bar Rock Frame Rock Shaft Renive the face plate sand needie Inr rock frame, then Inosen the chimp serew at (G, Fig. 14) and draw out the rock shalt To Remove the Arm Shaft Connection Belt from Within the Arm Slide the connection belt off lower pulley (M, Fig, 15): re nuove the feed reyatlating spindle head and balance wheel: loosen he arm shaft bashing crew (I, Fig. H) at the back of the arm and remove the bushing ; lift the belt up through the arm cap hole as far as possible and draw it out throsgh the space normally oeenpied by: the bushing Owing to the fact that the sewing look makes two revel tions. one revolution vf the arm shaft, and that dhe feed lift ecventtie is on the hook shail, it is possible to have tie sewing: hook correctly timed without having the feed correctly time To overcome this, the plate (IK, Fig. 15) is attached to the under side cf the bed of the machine, ‘This plate is marked with an urvow at its lower end and directly alongside of the plate is the collar (N, Fig. 15) mounted on the hook shalt, which is also marked with an arrow. When replacing the belt, replace the arm shaft bushing and securely fasten it in position by the serews IL, Fig. 14) at the hack of the machine replace the Feed resclat ing: spindle head and the balance wheel, and place the helt on the upper pulley, and then turn the balance wheel over toward you until the thread take-up lever is at its highest point. Th the hook shaft with the fingers until the two arrows, one on plite “K and the other on collar "N”, are directly in line. Now withost disturhing either the arm shaft or the hook shaft, slip the helt over the lower pulley (M, Fig. 15). ‘The feed will then bbe correctly timed with the needle bar. turn To facilitate the replacing af the helt on the Inwer pulley use belt replacer 241538 (A, Fig. 20). Rest the replacer in the Fig. 20, Putting Belt on Lover Pulley sitt elt eplacer 241538 Joop of the belt and slide it over the hab of the pulley, as shown in Pig. 20, having the notches in the replacer engaye the two set screws in the hub of the pulley. Turn the balance wheel toward you until the belt is fully over the pulley, then remove the replacer. Note: As belt rep it is not regularly furnished with the machine, and must be ordered separately. lacer 241538 will serve for several machines,

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