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Jennifer E. Gill GE Power Systems Schenectady, NY

The GE MS9001 heavy-duty gas turbine has gone through a series of uprates since its original introduction to the market in 1975. These uprates are made possible by technology advances in the design of new machines based on information accumulated through tens of thousands of fired hours, new materials and GEs continuing research. This paper will discuss evolutionary design advances in critical components for the GE MS9001 series of turbines. It will also discuss how the latest E technology advances can be applied to enhance the performance, extend the life and provide economic benefits by increased reliability and maintainability of all earlier MS9001B and MS9001E turbines. The following E technology uprate packages will be described: MS9001 B to E turbine uprates MS9001E firing temperature increase to 2020F/1104C MS9001E firing temperature increase to

2055F/1124C The paper also describes options for reducing emissions, tradeoffs and expected reductions, and, GE programs for uprating, either as a single project or phased in over time.

The past decade has seen unprecedented pressures on both utilities and independent power producers to hold the line on new investments, to become more effective in operations and maintenance, and to be more efficient in producing power. Modernizing and uprating their installed fleet of turbines is emerging as an economically attractive solution. An uprate offers these benefits: Performance improvements in output and heat rate Extension of inspection intervals while shortening their duration Availability and reliability improvements Emission reductions


Figure 1. MS9001E Simple-Cycle single-shaft heavy-duty gas turbine


Life extension Uprates are made possible as a result of GEs underlying design philosophy which is to maintain interchangeability of components for a given frame size such that components can be installed in earlier vintage units with little or no modifications. Installing the latest technology hardware and taking advantange of the highest firing temperatures allows owners/operators to remain competitive in the marketplace. Virtually every key component in the MS9001 series has gone through significant design improvements since the first MS9001B was shipped in 1975. Buckets, nozzles, shrouds and combustion components have undergone multiple evolutions based on new designs, manufacturing techniques, materials and field experience. Figure 1 illustrates the basic MS9001E configuration. Uprates make very good investments, with most exhibiting prompt payback. Each turbine application must be evaluated on its own merits, but paybacks under two years have been registered. Uprates can be phased in according to the outage schedule, or installed in a single outage, with appropriate advance scheduling. Gas Turbine reference codes (e.g., FT5X for an MS9001 B to E advanced technology uprate have been added to the text and to many of the figures and tables for easier correlation to other published information on specific uprate packages or components.

(base load), the same firing temperature as the MS7001B, the MS9001B design represented an increase of 42% in output over the MS7001B. This introductory design incorporated the air-cooled stage 1 buckets and nozzles and stage 2 bucket material improvements based on the MS7001B design experience gained prior to 1975. As seen in Figure 2, the output of the MS9001 has increased by 45% based on technology improvements through 1994, not including the EC or F/FA product lines. Introduced in 1978, the MS9001E, incorporated the experience gained from MS7001E production and operation as well as the design improvements that had evolved since the MS9001B was first introduced. The introductory firing temperature was 1955F/1068C. As apparent from performance increases, the MS9001E has seen many design improvements since it was introduced as an MS9001B, with one obvious change being the increased firing temperature. Advances in materials, coating and cooling technology have supported a series of firing temperature increases. The current firing temperature of the latest MS9001E is 2055F/1124C. All earlier vintage MS9001E gas turbines can be uprated to the 2055F/1124C firing temperature.


Product technology derived from ongoing new product development, field service reports and new materials and techniques has resulted in improvements to combustion liners, transition pieces, high flow inlet guide vanes and all stages of buckets, nozzles and shrouds. The component improvements can be applied individually or as a complete uprate package, depending on schedule, budget and machine condition. Design improvements and rationale will be described, as well as their effect on performance and maintenance.

The first MS9001, shipped in 1975 as a model MS9001B for the 50 Hz market, incorporated design experience from the successful MS7001B. Operating with a design firing temperature of 1840 F/1004 C
Ship Dates 1975-81 1978-81 1981-83 1983-87 1988-91 1991 1996 1993-94 1994 ISO Performance* kW 85,200 105,600 109,300 112,040 116,930 123,450 165,700 209,740 223,760 Firing Temp. F/C 1840/1004 1955/1068 1985/1085 2000/1093 2020/1104 2055/1124 2200/1204 2300/1260 2350/1288 Air Flow (106 lbs/hr 106 kg/hr) 2.736/1.241 3.155/1.431 3.183/1.444 3.214/1.458 3.222/1.461 3.231/1.466 4.044/1.834 4.804/2.179 4.819/2.186 Heat Rate (Btu/kW/hr kJ/kWh) 10,990/11,592 10,700/11,286 10,700/11,286 10,570/11,149 10,290/10,854 10,080/10,632 9,870/10,411 10,080/10,632 9,630/10,158 Exhaust Temp. F/C 945/507 953/512 968/520 977/525 980/527 998/537 1,037/558 1,082/583 1,097/592

Model PG9111B PG9141E PG9157E PG9151E PG9161E PG9171E PG9231EC PG9301F PG9311FA


Efforts to advance the combustion system are driven by the need for higher firing temperatures and for compliance with regulatory requirements to reduce exhaust emissions. Relatively simple parts in

*Base Load Distillate Fuel, Includes 0/0 Inches H2O Inlet/Exhaust Pressure Drops
GT18469 I

Figure 2. MS9001 Performance History


Louvered Liner

SlotCooled Liner


Figure 3. Improved slot-cooled liner vs. original louvered liner

early gas turbines are now complex hardware pieces with sophisticated materials and processing requirements. Combustion system upgrades can be supplied as a package or as individual options. Depending on the option chosen and other machine conditions, upgraded combustion system components produce substantial improvements in component life and/or for extensions in recommended combustion inspection intervals.

Combustion Liners (FR1G/FR1H)

The MS9001B/E series consists of 14 combustion chambers. The original combustion liner on the

MS9001B was the louvered liner, which was cooled through louvered punches in the liner body. The body could experience cracking due to stresses inherently introduced during the manufacturing process. The louvered liner was replaced with a slot-cooled liner with the introduction of the first MS9001E. Both liners are shown in Figure 3. The slot-cooled liner provides a more uniform distribution of cooling air flow for better overall cooling. Air enters the cooling holes, impinges on the brazed ring and discharges from the internal slot as a continuous cooling film. The liner material is Hastelloy-X, a nickel-base alloy, which has not changed since the introduction of the MS9001B in 1975. Today, however, a thermal barrier coating (TBC) is applied to the liners. The TBC consists of two materials applied to the hot side of a component (Figure 4): a bond coat applied to the surface of the part and an insulating oxide applied over the bond coat. This TBC provides a 0.015-inch insulating layer that reduces the underlying base material temperature by approximately 100F/38C. The addition of TBC also mitigates the effects of uneven temperature distribution across the metal. With the MS9001E firing temperature increase to 2055F/1124C, the thickness of the liner was also increased by approximately 10 mils to accommodate the higher temperatures.

Transition Piece (FR1D)

Top Coat Bond Coat


Coating Microstructure


Figure 4. Thermal barrier coatings 1 3


MS9001B Parallel Arrangement

MS9001E Canted Arrangement

MS9001E Canned Arrangement


Figure 5. MS9001 combustion system comparison

The original 9B combustion system was a parallel system, with the combustion liner parallel to the centerline of the rotor. When the first 9E was
Old Design Aft Bracket

developed, the combustion system was redesigned. The redesigned system was a canted system consisting of a shorter transition piece and the slotcooled liner. Shortening the length of the transition section of the transition piece increased its stiffness. The canted design reduced the angle through which the combustion gases had to flow, thus providing a more direct flow path. The canted design made it possible to shorten the transition section of the transition piece, and therefore shorten the overall length of the transition piece. When the firing temperature was increased to 2055F/1124C, the canted arrangement was upgraded to the canned arrangement. The canned arrangement consists of a longer transition piece with a thicker slot-cooled liner, as previously mentioned. The longer transition piece essentially pushes the liner out of the wrapper. Outer combustion casings as seen in Figure 5. The transition piece was lengthened by adding a 15-inch long cylinder to the forward end. While the transition piece length was increased, the curved section remained the same, thereby retaining its stiffness. The transition piece was lengthened to relocate the transition piece-liner interface, in order to minimize wear induced by the compressor discharge flow. Figure 5 illustrates the differences between the current 9E production canned arrangement, the 9E canted arrangement and the 9B parallel combustor. Early 9B turbines utilized a thin-walled transition piece constructed of Hastelloy-X material. The original 9E transition piece was a thick- walled Hastelloy-X. In the mid 1980s, the transition piece
Redesigned Aft Bracket

Aft End

Transition Piece

Transition Piece

Figure 6. Comparison of transition piece aft bracket 4


Liner Hula Seal to Transition Forward Sleeve

Fuel Nozzle to Floating Collar

Crossfire Tube, Retainer & Stop

T/P H Block to Bullhorn

Transition Place Seal Frame


Figure 7. ExtendorTM combustion system

material was changed to Nimonic 263 which is a nickel-base alloy with better strength characteristics than Hastelloy-X. Nimonic 263 demonstrated superior creep life and could increase the inspection interval to 12,000 hours. The Nimonic 263 transition pieces are coated with thermal barrier material, thereby reducing metal temperatures and increasing component life. The Nimonic 263 transition piece has a positive curvature body and aft bracket that reduces cracking at the bracket weld area by allowing the transition piece to pivot about the pin during thermal cycles. A comparison of the original and redesigned aft bracket design is shown in Figure 6. GE has recently designed a new Nimonic transition piece for the MS9001B to provide a substantial increase in creep strength over the current design. The uprate potential of the current MS9001B machines is limited by the inability of the current transition piece to withstand higher firing temperatures. This improved transition piece enables these units to be uprated beyond their current rated firing temperature. Additionally, this improved transition piece is required for these units to realize the full benefits of the Extendor Combustion System.

wear and material creep. GE has developed a product Extendor to increase combustion inspection intervals. The Extendor combustion system, shown in Figure 7, decreases combustion component wear and increases combustion inspection intervals by reducing the relative movement and associated wear of parts in the combustion system. Application of the Extendor wear system extends transition piece inspection intervals up to 24,000 hours. Figure 8 details the improved combustion wear inspection intervals. Customer savings occur with the elimination of labor costs associated with combustion inspections and reduction of component repair costs. Extendor can be applied as a component modification during routine maintenance or as a complete retrofit. Extendor is currently available for MS9001 series gas turbines with slot-cooled liners and Nimonic transition pieces.

Dry Low NOx Combustion System (FG2B)

Customers without diluent supplies for injection purposes can achieve NOx emission requirements through the use of Dry Low NOx combustors. The DLN combustion system for the MS9001E is shown in Figure 9. The DLN combustion system reduces NOx emissions without steam or water injection on gas fuel units. This is done by fuel staging, with lean fuel to air ratios dependent upon premixing fuel with

Extendor Combustion System (FR1V/FR1W)

All GE heavy-duty gas turbines require periodic combustion inspections due to TBC coating erosion,


hot compressor discharge air to yield lower temperature rises across the combustor. The DLN combustor (Figure 10) has six individual fuel nozzles in the primary combustion zone, and a single fuel nozzle in the secondary combustion zone. The DLN combustion system offers lower NOx emission levels on gas fuel-fired units without parts life reduction associated with waer or steam injection NOx reduction systems. Emission levels of 15 ppmvd at 15% O2 or less can be reached by using the DLN combustion system.

Outer Casing

Flow Sleeve

Primary Fuel Nozzles (6) Centerbody Lean and Premixing Primary Zone Secondary Fuel Nozzle (1) Secondary Zone Dilution Zone

Venturi End Cover


Figure 10. Dry Low NOx combustor

There have been significant design and material improvements made to the turbine components since the first MS9001B was manufactured. The improved
9B Combustion Liners Transition Pieces - Thin Wall - Thick Wall - Nimonic Hot Gas Path Major 3,000 3,000 8,000 12,000 24,000 48,000 Hours 9E ExtendorTM 8,000 ---8,000 12,000 24,000 48,000 24,000 ------24,000 24,000 48,000

Stage 1 Bucket (FS2H)
Four major changes have been made since the original MS9001B stage 1 bucket was introduced.

Original Design and Thermal Gradients

Significant Savings in Maintenance Cost

Blunt Nose Bucket With Improved Thermal Gradients

Figure 8. Typical MS9001B vs. MS9001E maintenance

Primary Fuel Nozzle & Combustion Cover Assembly Wrapper


Figure 11. Sharp and blunt leading edge bucket design comparison

Flow Sleeve

Secondary Fuel Nozzle Assembly Case, Combustion Outer

Compressor Discharge Casing

Transition Piece

Design. The original designs sharp leading edge has been blunted to allow more cooling air to flow to the leading edge, which reduces thermal gradients and, therefore, cracks. The Blunt Leading Edge (BLE) design, shown in Figure 11, was used as the first MS9001E stage 1 bucket. Materials. The original MS9001B stage 1 bucket was IN738, a precipitation-hardened, nickel-base super alloy. In 1987, the material was changed to an Equiaxed (E/A) GTD-111, also a precipitationhardened, nickel-base super alloy, a greater low cycle fatigue strength than IN-738. GTD-111 also provides the industry standard in corrosion resistance. Coatings.

Figure 9. MS9001 dry low NOx combustion system

component designs can withstand higher firing temperatures due to advanced materials and coatings, as well as the addition of air cooling for some of the components. This section will describe the evolution of these technologies. The latest technology components now used in current production MS9001E can be retrofitted to earlier models.


Core Plug Enlarged View A-A

Cooling Hole


Figure 12. MS9001E stage 2 air-cooled bucket

The first 9E bucket coating, platinum aluminide, was applied to stage 1 buckets in order to prevent oxidation and corrosion. In 1991, with the addition of turbulated cooling holes, the bucket coating was changed to GT-29 INPLUS. This coating is a vacuum plasma spray with an aluminide coating on the bucket exterior and the internal cooling hole passages. In 1997 the coating was changed again to GT-33 INCOAT. GT-33 is a vacuum plasma spray coating like GT-29, but offers an increased resistance to through cracking. INCOAT refers to an aluminide coating on the cooling holes passages. GT-33 INCOAT is GEs new standard coating for stage 1 buckets, however GT-29 INPLUS is still available and is recommended when burning corrosive fuels.

Cooling. The original MS9001B stage 2 bucket did not have internal air cooling. The MS9001E design contains air-cooled stage 2 buckets, as shown in Figure 12. The addition of air cooling allows for higher firing temperatures. In order to replace non air-cooled stage 2 buckets with the new air-cooled buckets, the 1/2 wheel spacer must be replaced with the new design that allows air to flow to the stage 2 bucket. This bucket can be supplied without internal cooling air passages as a direct part replacement for the MS9001B. With this option, the 1/2 wheel spacer would not have to be replaced. While lower in cost, the non-air-cooled version of this bucket would not be able to withstand an increase in firing temperature above 1905F /1040C. Tip Shroud. The shroud leading edge was scalloped (Figure 13), the shroud tip was thickened between the seal teeth, and the underside of the shroud was tapered. Scalloping the leading edge decreased the stress at the top of the fillet. The final design (Figure 14) resulted in a 25% reduction in stress levels and an 80% increase in creep life over the original design.

Stage 2 Bucket (FS2F)

The stage 2 bucket has changed significantly since the original bucket was introduced.


Figure 13. Scalloping of bucket shroud 7


The most recent design change added cutter teeth to the bucket tip rails. These cutter teeth were designed for use with the new Honeycomb stage 2 shrouds. The twisted rail design cutter teeth, standard on all new stage 2 buckets, essentially rotates the tip rails by 0.5 degrees, causing the tip rails of each bucket to be offset relative to the preceding and subsequent buckets. This offset creates the cutter tooth. required with honeycomb shrouds. During transients when the bucket tip clearance is the smallest, the cutter teeth cut a path through the honeycomb material in the shroud, thus minimizing the steady-state clearance. Stage 2 buckets with cutter teeth are required for use with honeycomb shrouds, but can also be used with the traditional design shrouds. Cutter teeth can also be applied to buckets in good condition with fewer than 48,000 hours of operation in a qualified service shop. Materials. The original bucket was made of U-700, a precipitation-hardened, nickel-base alloy. Since then, there have been two changes to the bucket material. For early MS9001E production, the material was changed to IN-738, a precipitation-hardened, nickelbase super alloy which provided an increase in elevated temperature strength and hot corrosion resistance. In 1992, the material was changed to GTD-111, also a precipitation-hardened, nickel-base super alloy, to improve rupture strength. In addition to a higher rupture strength, GTD-111 has higher low-cycle fatigue strength. Coating. With the change in material to GTD-111, GT-29 INPLUS coating was added. INPLUS coating refers to PLASMAGUARD GT-29 with an overaluminide aluminide coating on the internal cooling passages. Like the stage 1 bucket, the standard coating was changed to GT-33 INCOAT in early 1997. GT-33 INCOAT consists of GT-33, a vacuum plasma spray coating, on the exterior of the bucket and an aluminide coating on the interior of the cooling hole passages. GT-33 INCOAT provides superior through crack resistance relative to GT-29 INPLUS. GT-29 INPLUS is still available and is recommended for use in corrosive fuel applications.


Figure 14. Final configuration of bucket shroud

The MS9001B stage 3 bucket has experienced changes in design, manufacturing process and material. Design. With the introduction of the 9E, the airfoil was rotated to take advantage of the additional airflow. The airfoil was further rotated in 1991 as part of the uprate program. These rotations are the basis of the performance improvements shown in Figures 35 and 36. The trailing edge was thickened, and the chord length increased. Like the stage 2 buckets previously described, the shroud leading edge was scalloped, the shroud tip was thickened between the seal teeth, and the underside of the shroud was tapered. These design changes resulted in an increase in creep life of the bucket. Like the stage 2 buckets, the most recent change was to add cutter teeth to the bucket tip rails. These cutter teeth are required for use with stage 3 honeycomb shrouds, as previously described. Current production stage 3 buckets include cutter teeth. Cutter teeth can be added to the stage 3 buckets in good condition with fewer than 48,000 hours of operation in a qualified service shop. In order to use the 9E bucket on a 9B machine, the stage 3 shrouds must be replaced or modified. Figure 15 illustrates the machining points on the shroud which is required for the modification. Additionally, due to interference with the angel wing, owners/operators may elect to machine the exhaust frame to facilitate rotor removal, however it is not required.

Stage 3 Bucket (FS2K)


9B Stage 1 Nozzle

9E Clean Fuel Stage 1 Nozzle

9E Universal Fuel Stage 1 Nozzle

9E Chordal Hinge Stage 1 Nozzle


Figure 16. Comparison of 9B and 9E stage 1 nozzles

The MS9001 stage 1 nozzle has evolved through Process Change. The original MS9001B stage 3 bucket was cold straightened after being cast, inducing strain in the material. The combination of the induced and creep strains resulted in potential creep-rupture cracks, further propagated by high-cycle fatigue. GE developed a new manufacturing process for the MS9001E bucket which eliminates the need for the cold straightening step, thus eliminating the processinduced strain in the material.

Bucket material has recently been improved. The stage 3 bucket was originally made of U-500, a precipitation-hardened, nickel-base alloy. To improve elevated temperature strength and hot corrosion resistance, the bucket material was changed in 1992 to IN-738, a precipitation-hardened, nickel-based super alloy.

1 Modify Existing Third Stage Shrouds as Shown Above.


Figure 15. Machining required on stage 3 shroud

Stage 1 Nozzle (FS2J)

four generations, each improving on the preceding one, starting with the MS9001B 4-vane nozzle. The second generation, designed for the MS9001E, was used primarily for clean fuel applications. The third generation the Universal Fuel Nozzle was significant because it is applicable for gas, distillate and ash-bearing fuels. The fourth generation, known as the Chordal Hinge Nozzle, incorporated GE Aircraft Engine technology as well as improved


cooling and sealing technology. This section will discuss the design improvements brought about in each generation. A comparison of the cross-sections of each generation is shown in Figure 16. Several design modifications were made to the original MS9001B stage 1 nozzle to develop the MS9001E clean fuel stage 1 nozzle. One of the most dramatic changes was made in response to the vane fillet cracking problem (Figure 17) caused by high thermal stress induced by the high thermal gradient across the sidewall/vane interface. By decreasing the number of vanes per segment, structural redundancy and the thermal stresses were reduced, thus minimizing the vane fillet cracking. The original 9B stage 1 nozzle had four vanes per segment and required 12 segments. The clean fuel nozzle has only

Center Rib

Core Plugs


Figure 18. Stage 1 nozzle airfoil pressure side film cooling modification

Pressure Side Film Holes Replaced With Slots to Provide Better Coverage
Closer Spacing Better Exit Condition

two vanes per segment with a total of 18 segments. As illustrated in Figure 16, the interface between the support ring and nozzle was moved downstream. At the same time that the number of vanes per segment was reduced, the shape of the airfoil was optimized and the vanes were rotated to reduce the throat area. The new airfoil shape and reduction in throat area increased the pressure ratio. Installing this design into an MS9001B can increase the pressure ratio by as much as 6%. The suction side wall thickness of the nozzle airfoil at the pitch section was increased by 13%, which effectively reduced the aerodynamic-induced mechanical stress and increased the creep life of the part. The stress level was further reduced by the addition of an internal center rib. The center rib is shown in Figure 18. The Universal Fuel Nozzle was developed from the clean fuel nozzle in response to the need to burn residual fuels, as well as clean fuels. The airfoil shape was rounded making it more blunt and the entire cooling system was redesigned. The pressure side cooling holes were replaced with slots and placed closer together to provide more uniform cooling(Figure 19). Trailing edge cooling was also added as seen in Figure 19. This improved cooling design decreased surface metal temperature by as much as 5% thus minimizing cracking, airfoil ballooning, and trailing edge bowing. The nozzle support ring interface was moved

Modification Introduced With OSW Cooling Redesign

Modified Slot Pattern Pressure Side Film Cooling Holes Old Hole Pattern Trailing Edge Cooling Holes
Inner Sidewall

Outer Sidewall

Center Rib

Suction Side Cracks Film Cooling Holes Core Plugs




Figure 19. Stage 1 nozzle airfoil pressure side film cooling Figure 17. Cracked center stage nozzle 1 10


Present Design

Final Design

Hook Machining Relief

Improved Seal

Lug Maching Relief

further downstream in line axially with the nozzleretaining ring interface. This change was implemented to minimize torsional forces exerted on the sidewall near the nozzle-retaining ring interface. In 1992, a tangential support lug consisting of an integrally cast side support lug with a milled radial slot was introduced to the stage 1 nozzle inner side wall. A support pin and bushing were also added to secure the nozzle segment. A lockplate and a single retainer bolt were used to keep the support pin in place. This arrangement provided additional tangential support for the nozzle. The forth and current generation of stage 1 nozzle is the chordal hinge nozzle introduced in 1994. This nozzle is the result of two major design changes maintaining the philosophy of burning both clean and heavy fuels. The first design change was made to reduce the leakage between nozzle segments and between the nozzle and support ring. The chordal hingewhich incorporates the latest in GE Aircraft Engine sealing technology, was added. The chordal hinge refers to a straight line seal on the aft face of the inner side wall rail which ensures that the seal is maintained even if the nozzle rocks slightly. The chordal hinge and the new sidewall seal design are illustrated in Figure 20. The chordal hinge reduces the leakage between the nozzle and the support ring.

Chordal Hinge Seal


Figure 20. Stage 1 nozzle improved sidewall sealing with chordal hinge

The leakage between the nozzle segments was decreased by improving the sidewall, or spline seals. The second major change was to improve the sidewall cooling. As the firing temperature increased over the development of the MS9001E, the nozzle was exposed to higher temperatures, causing oxidation and erosion to occur on the sidewalls. To reduce the oxidation and surface erosion, the cooling effectiveness was increased. The overall cooling effectiveness was improved by relocating some of as seen in Figure 21. When the chordal hinge nozzle was introduced, the original tangential pin hardware was replaced with a single piece bushing/tangential pin to secure the nozzle and a flat lockplate with two retainer bolts was used to keep the bushing/tangential pin in place (Figure 22). More recently the tangential pin hardware has been eliminatedfield inspections have indicated that the hardware is not required. In addition to eliminating the hardware, the forward flange on the support ring has been eliminated (Figure 23). These design modifications make the universal nozzle and chordal hinge nozzle completely interchangeable with no support ring modifications required. As seen in (Figure 16), the 9B stage 1 nozzle and the 9E clean fuel nozzle support ring interface is


located further upstream than either the Universal or Chordal Hinge stage 1 nozzle. Therefore, to install the chordal hinge stage 1 nozzle in a unit that currently has the 9B stage 1 nozzle or the 9E clean fuel nozzle, a new support ring must also be provided. As previously mentioned, when installing the chordal hinge stage 1 nozzle in a machine that currently has the Universal stage 1 nozzle, a new support ring is not required because the location of the support ring interface is the same for both designs. Throughout the development of the MS9001 stage 1 nozzle, the nozzle material, FSX-414, has not been changed. FSX-414 is a cobalt-base super alloy which provides excellent oxidation, hot corrosion and thermal fatigue resistance, and has good welding and casting characteristics. This materials superior properties warrant its continued use in this application.

either the one- or two-piece stage 1 shroud with new tuning pins in conjunction with the GTD-222 stage 2 nozzle. (The original one piece shroud must have the aft cooling hole size reduced in order to realize the full performance benefit). Because the existing MS9001B stage 2 nozzle is not air cooled, installing this air-cooled stage 2 nozzle will result in an output loss of approximately 1.0% due to the air extracted from the system for cooling airflow.

Stage 2 Nozzle (FS1P)

The original MS9001B stage 2 nozzle had a tendency to creep as reflected in the tangential downstream deflection (Figure 24), resulting in more frequent nozzle repairs. In order to minimize the tangential deflection, a series of design changes were implemented. The first step was to add internal core plug air-cooling to the nozzle, which resulted in a decrease in metal surface temperature. All MS9001E units have air-cooled stage 2 nozzles. The next major change was to increase the chord length (Figure 25), which reduced stress levels in the vanes and improved creep resistance. In late 1991, the original nozzle material (FSX-414) was replaced with GTD-222, a nickel-base alloy previously described, because of its superior creep strength. Figure 26 provides a comparison of the nozzle creep deflection of GTD-222 and FSX-414. An aluminide coating was added to protect against high temperature oxidation. With the material change to GTD-222, less cooling flow for the nozzle was required, due to the materials superior high temperature creep properties. The cooling was decreased by inserting a longer tuning pin in the stage 1 shroud and decreasing the size of the cooling hole in the aft face of the shroud. For better distribution of cooling air, the nozzle core plug was redesigned and the size of the pressure side cooling holes was decreased. Reducing the cooling flow yields an increase in output. The MS9001E will see an increase in output of approximately 1.0% with


Current Design


Film Cooling Relocated to Cover Distressed Area


Figure 21. Stage 1 nozzle improved outer sidewall film cooling

GE is currently developing a brush seal for the stage 2 nozzle diaphragm based on the success of the High Pressure Packing and No. 2 bearing brush seals. The seal between the diaphragm and the 1-2 spacer regulates the amount of cooling air flow between the first aft and the second forward wheelspaces. The current seal is a labyrinth seal with a series of short and long teeth on the diaphragm and high and low lands with teeth on the spacer. The stage 2 nozzle cooling air comes in through the stage 1 shroud and enters the nozzle core plug via the plenum formed between the outer sidewall of the nozzle and the turbine shell. The air flows through the nozzle core plug; some of the air exits the nozzle via the trailing edge cooling holes and the remainder of the cooling air flows into the cavity between the diaphragm and the nozzle. This air flows to the first aft wheelspace and through the diaphragm/spacer seal (inner stage packing) to the second forward wheelspace. Our experience on MS7001 and MS9001 gas turbines shows that these wheelspace temperatures run significantly cooler than the design limit. Based on this experience, the cooling flow can be reduced providing additional output without affecting parts life. The brush seal design will utilize a brush seal in place of the middle long tooth on the diaphragm. This brush seal is expected to provide a performance improvement due to the reduction in cooling flow.

This design is currently being tested on an MS7001EA; test results should be available by the end of 4Q 1997. The stage 2 nozzle diaphragm brush seal for the MS9001E will be available by 3Q 1998.

Stage 3 Nozzle (FS1R)

The original stage 3 nozzle, like the stage 2 nozzle, experienced tangential deflection. In order to decrease the tangential deflection, thus minimizing the creep, three design changes were made. First, the chord length was increased to reduce overall airfoil stress levels. Secondly, an internal airfoil rib, similar to the one for the stage 1 nozzle, was added to provide additional stability and increase the components buckling strength. Finally, in 1992, the material was changed from FSX-414 to GTD-222. Unlike the stage 2 nozzle, an aluminide coating is not necessary due to lower temperatures seen in stage 3. Since this nozzle is not aircooled there is no performance benefit like the stage 2 nozzle.

Stage 1 Shroud Blocks (FS2C)
The stage 1 shroud block was redesigned for the MS9001E 2055F/ 1124C firing temperature uprate


program in 1991 (Figure 27) and consists of two pieces rather than one. The original one piece design did not provide adequate LCF life at the higher firing temperature. The two piece design is film cooled using airflow from the stage 2 nozzle to inhibit cracking. The film cooling required additional flow which translates into a performance loss. This performance loss can be regained by installing the GTD-222 stage 2 nozzle with the appropriate tuning pins for the stage 1 shroud. The two-piece stage 1 shroud design is only required for the 2055F/1124C firing temperature. The main advantage of the two piece design is that it allows the damaged caps to be replaced without having to remove the shroud block bodies or turbine nozzles. Each piece of the shroud block is made of a different material. The body and hook fit are made of 310 stainless steel and the cap is made of FSX-414. GE is currently developing a new one piece design shroud to regain the lost performance associated with the two piece design. This new shroud will be made of Haynes HR-120 which, in conjunction with some design modifications to the original one piece design, will provide sufficient LCF life at 2055F firing temperature. The new design will also incorporate improved inter-segment seals to reduce leakage. This material is used in the latest design stage 1 shroud for the MS6001B as well as the MS7001EA. This design will be available in early 1998.

Honeycomb seals are made of a high-temperature, oxidation resistant alloy with 1/8 inch cell size and 5 mil foil thickness is brazed between the teeth on the shrouds. Cutter teeth on the leading edge of the shrouded stage 2 and 3 bucket tip rails will cut the honeycomb material away when contact occurs during transients. This produces steady-state running clearances which are, on an absolute basis, no larger than the difference between the steady-state and the transient clearances. The effective clearance is actually tighter than the absolute clearance, since the resulting groove in the honeycomb provides a tighter labyrinth seal than could be obtained with solid materials. Installation of honeycomb shrouds requires buckets with cutter teeth. As previously mentioned, current production stage 2 and 3 buckets have cutter teeth. Additionally, buckets with fewer than 48,000 hours of service can have cutter teeth applied in a qualified service shop.

The first four stages of the MS9001B compressor were completely redesigned for the MS9001E model. Because new compressor casings and all new compressor rotor and stator blades would be required to upgrade the MS9001B compressor to the later design compressors, this is usually not economically feasible and not typically quoted as part of a turbine uprate. Instead, the existing MS9001B compressor can be re-bladed with the same design/length blades, with special blade coatings or materials available for certain applications. Until recently, a NiCad coating was applied to the first 8 stages of the compressor. NiCad coating helps prevent corrosion pitting on the blades by combining a tough barrier coating of nickel with a sacrificial cadmium layer. NiCad coating has been replaced by GECC1. GECC1 provides the same protection as NiCad without the use of cadmium. Both GECC1 and NiCad possess outstanding corrosion resistance in neutral and sea salt environments.

Stage 2 and 3 Shroud Blocks (FS2T and FS2U)

Stage 2 and 3 shroud blocks provide bucket tip sealing. The original seal was labyrinth seal. In an effort to provide better sealing in this area, honeycomb material was recently applied to both the stage 2 and 3 shrouds. Honeycomb seals are designed to reduce bucket tip leakage, resulting in an improvement heat rate and output. Honeycomb shrouds are illustrated in Figure 28. Honeycomb will allow contact between the bucket tip and casing shrouds during transient operation and will provide relatively tight clearances during steady state operation. The cold clearances for the labyrinth seal were set based on avoiding contact between the shrouds and the bucket tips during transients. Honeycomb seals are designed for contact between the bucket tips and shrouds to occur during transients, thus providing relatively tighter clearances during steady-state operation.

High Pressure Packing Seal (FS2V)

The seal between the compressor discharge casing inner barrel and the compressor aft stub shaft is called the High Pressure Packing (HPP). The HPP is designed to regulate the flow of compressor discharge air into the first forward wheel space. The HPP


clearance determines the amount of flow to the wheel space. Ideally this flow is limited to the amount required for first forward wheelspace cooling. With the conventional labyrinth tooth/land seal packings on the inner barrel, the minimum clearance that can be tolerated is dictated by the expected rotor displacements during transient conditions and by wheelspace cooling requirements. If a rub does occur, the labyrinth teeth can be damaged and cause excessive leakage through the packing. A 20 mil rub is equivalent to a loss of approximately 1% in output. Two different designs have been used to reduce leakage through the HPP. New units built since April, 1994 have shipped with a honeycomb seal on the inner barrel (similar to the design used for stage 2 and 3 shrouds previously described). Retrofitting honeycomb seals would involve removing the rotor, and replacing the aft stub shaft with a new design with cutter teeth. The inner barrel would also have to be replaced. A new brush seal arrangement has been developed that provides the same level of performance improvement associated with honeycomb seal and requires fewer modifications to the unit. The HPP brush seal is shown in Figure 29. Rub-tolerant brush seals are designed to withstand rotor excursions and maintain clearances in this critical area. Metallic brush material is used in place of one of the labyrinth teeth on the inner barrel. With brush seals at the high pressure packing, the unit will be able to sustain initial performance levels over an extended period of time because the inevitable rub will not increase the clearance. In order to retrofit a brush seal, the existing inner barrel must be removed and replaced with an inner barrel of a brush seal. The inner barrel with brush seal is designed for use with the existing compressor aft stub shaft with high/low lands. High pressure packing brush seals, which are available for both the 9B and the 9E, provide 1.0% increase in output and 0.5% improvement in heat rate when replacing the original labyrinth design. The high pressure packing brush seal provides 0.2% improvement in both output and heat rate relative to the honeycomb design.

turbine, any reduction in this flow will result in an increase in performance. This upgrade has been tested in the field, but the performance benefit has not yet been quantified. Brush seals for the No. 2 bearing are illustrated in Figure 30.


A widely used product of the MS7001F development program is the GTD-450 reduced camber, high-flow inlet guide vane shown in Figure 31. The new design, introduced in 1986, was quickly applied across the entire GE heavy-duty product line to enhance field unit performance. The reduced camber, high-flow inlet guide vane is a flatter, thinner inlet guide vane designed to increase air flow while remaining directly interchangeable with the original IGV. The reduced camber IGV, when open to 84, can increase power up to 4.3% and decrease heat rate by up to 0.7% (depending on the model of the gas turbine) while improving corrosion, crack and fatigue resistance. Opening the IGVs to 86 increases the output an additional 0.4% at the expense of the heat rate, which will increase by 0.2%. The enhanced IGVs have higher reliability due to the use of a special precipitation-hardened, martensitic stainless steel, GTD-450, which is improved over the type 403 previously used (Figure 32). Material developments include increased tensile strength, high-cycle fatigue, corrosion-fatigue strength and superior corrosion resistance due to higher concentrations of chromium and molybdenum. The modification kit includes new tight clearance, self-lubricating IGV bushings. A new rack and ring assembly, which controls guide vane positioning, can be provided for improved reliability. GTD-450 IGVs are available for the 9000IE and the 90001B.


Each of the advanced technology components described can be installed in any of the existing MS9001 units with little or no modification. The major component design improvements are outlined in Figure 33. While some of these components provide performance benefits individually (Figure 34), the most dramatic performance benefits are obtained through increases in firing temperature. Generally, increases in firing

No. 2 Bearing Brush Seals

The Frame 9E is a three bearing machine that includes two air seals in the No. 2 bearing housing one on either side of the bearing. The brushes provide a tighter seal than the original labyrinth seal. Since any air that leaks past these seals into the bearing housing does not perform any additional work in the


temperature require a series of component changes based on the original configuration of the unit and the desired firing temperature. Therefore, several different packages have been designed for the MS9001 to provide the maximum benefit to the customer. There are four packages for the MS9001B and two packages for the MS9001E. In this section each of the packages will be discussed.

MS9001B Turbine Uprates (FT6X)

The MS9001B turbine uprate is based on installing current production MS9001E components into the MS9001B. This uprate package contains four different options. The performance improvements associated with each of these options are given in Figures 35 and 36. The major design improvements associated with the components included in this uprate are outlined in Figure 33. In addition to improving performance, the maintenance/inspection intervals can be increased. Figure 8 contrasts the inspection intervals of the MS9001B and MS9001E for some components. Option 1 contains the advanced technology stage 1 buckets and nozzles and GTD-450 reduced camber inlet guide vanes. This option maintains the firing temperature at 1840F/1004C while increasing the thermal efficiency, which decreases the exhaust temperature. This uprate option provides an increase in output of 6.4% at ISO conditions, with the IGVs open to 86. Option 2 raises the firing temperature to 1905F/1040C, which is the maximum firing temperature that can be achieved while maintaining the original exhaust temperature. In addition to the components supplied for Option 1, this option includes new stage 2 buckets and nozzles, new stage 1 shroud, TBC coated slot-cooled liners, Nimonic transition pieces and the Extendor combustion upgrade. The stage 2 buckets are advancedtechnology GTD-111 buckets without air-cooling. Option 2 is feasible for combined-cycle applications where a decrease in exhaust temperature would reduce the overall combined-cycle efficiency and an increase in exhaust temperature might be limited by the Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG). It should be emphasized that the performance benefits given in Figure 34 are based on the IGVs opened to 86, and assume that all of the options have been installed. Option 3 is designed to raise the exhaust temperature to the limit by increasing the firing

temperature to 1965F/1074C. In addition to the material provided for Options 1 and 2, stage 3 buckets, nozzles, shrouds and the turbine rotor 1/2 wheel spacer are also provided. Unlike Option 2, the stage 2 bucket will be air cooled. This uprate option provides a 18.2% increase in output at 86 IGV angle and ISO conditions. Option 4 raises the firing temperature to 2020F/1104C. This option includes all of the components in Option 3, as well as a new exhaust frame and two 100 hp exhaust frame blowers to accommodate the increase in exhaust temperature. Increasing the firing temperature to this level can increase the output by 24.1% at 86 IGV angle and ISO conditions. Prior to the sale of any of these options, an engineering review of the turbine/generator performance will be required to ensure that the load equipment can accommodate the increase in output. This review may indicate that the load equipment needs to be uprated. In many cases the generator can be uprated by operating at a higher power factor. A typical MS9001B performance study is illustrated in Figure 37.

MS9001E Uprate to 2020F/1104C Firing Temperature (FT6C)

This uprate package is designed for MS9001E units with firing temperatures below 2020F/1104C. Like the MS9001B turbine uprates, this package is based on installing the latest technology components into earlier vintage machines. The material required for the firing temperature increase is listed in Figure 34. An engineering review of the current turbine configuration will be provided to determine the material that will be required for the uprate. Figure 38 contrasts the combustion inspection intervals for various combustion systems with and without ExtendorTM. The increase in output associated with the uprate is also dependent upon the original configuration of the unit. Figures 35 and 36 provide the performance gains associated with each of the components as well as the entire uprate package. Again, it is important that the turbine/generator be evaluated to determine if the current load equipment can withstand the increase in output associated with this uprate.

MS9001E Uprate to 2055F/1124C Firing Temperature (FT6Y)


This uprate package is designed for MS9001E units with firing temperatures below 2055F/1124C. This package will provide the advanced technology components to increase the firing temperature of an earlier vintage MS9001E to 2055F/1124C, the highest firing temperature available on an MS9001E. The material required for the firing temperature increase is listed in Figure 34. The material required for a given unit will vary depending on the current turbine configuration. An engineering review can define the material that will be required for the uprate. The increase in output associated with the uprate is dependent upon the original configuration of the unit. Figures 35 and 36 provide the performance gains associated with each of the components as well as the entire uprate package. Again, it is important that the turbine/generator be evaluated to determine if the current load equipment can withstand the increase in output associated with this uprate.

Emission levels are affected when the gas turbine is uprated, and these levels must be accounted for in planning. Emission control options reduce the emission levels, and Figure 39 compares typical NOx emission levels before and after uprates for many of the options discussed. Individual site requirements and specific emission levels can be provided with any uprate study.


The MS9001 turbines are controlled by the SPEEDTRONIC Mark I through Mark V generation controls. Several control system enhancements and upgrades are available for all vintages of gas turbine control systems. More reliable operation is offered by todays superior control technology. Enhanced operating control can be realized by units with older control systems. Control System Upgrades for Existing Gas Turbines in the 1990s (GER-3659) details available control and instrumentation upgrades available for the MS9001 series.


The performance uprates discussed in this paper are based on airflow or firing temperature increases directly related to performance increases, expressed as percentage or delta increases. Quantifying turbine performance degradation is difficult due to the lack of consistent and valid field data. In addition, several variables exist; including site conditions and maintenance characteristics, operation modes, etc. which affect turbine performance and degradation trends. Delta uprates, providing a percentage change, are consistent with or without turbine degradation factors. Absolute guarantees must factor in degradation losses to calculate the final expected performance level. Therefore, the absolute performance guarantees offered usually appear slightly different than delta percentage changes in order to account for turbine degradation.

MS9001 Uprate Experience

The MS9001B is a scaled version of the MS7001B and the MS9001E is a scaled version of the MS7001E; therefore, the confidence level on the MS9001B/E uprate is very high based on a successful history in MS7001B/E uprate experience. GE has successfully uprated twelve sets of complete MS7001B/EA uprate hardware on field units. Figure 40 lists the MS7001 uprate experience list to date. Additionally, dozens of upgrades and uprates are being reviewed with customers continually. Yet, many other customers have chosen to install current design 7EA components as single spare parts replacements just as components are required. The first MS9001E to 2055F/1124C uprate was successfully completed at ESB Ireland in 1990. Because this was the first uprate of its kind, extensive testing was completed to monitor compressor performance and start-up characteristics. Upon successful testing it was concluded that the 9E to 2055F/1124C uprate program would be offered. To date the uprate at ESB is the only full unit firing temperature uprate package that GE has completed,

Owners can also take advantage of technology improvements by using state-of-the-art components to replace older component designs during major and/or hot gas path inspections instead of replacing in kind. The advanced technology components yield an increased service life when used in machines that fire at temperatures lower than that for which the component was designed.


however dozens of customers have realized the performance benefits associated with many of the latest technology components on a individual basis.


Some customers may prefer to order certain components only as individual parts. For these customers, GE can develop a staged uprate program to meet their individual needs. Design technology benefits, and material and maintenance improvements allow upgrade components to be integrated on an individual basis as an alternative to a complete uprate package. As new technology parts are installed, completion of the uprate can be scheduled and controls modified to achieve the new design firing temperature or other uprate objectives.

3568, GE Industrial & Power Systems, August 1994. 5. Dunne, P.R., Uprate Options for the MS7001 Heavy-Duty Gas Turbine, GER-3808, GE Industrial and Power Systems, 1995. 6. Johnston, J.R., Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines, GER-3571, GE Industrial & Power Systems, August 1994. 7. GEA-12526 (8/95), 12220.1 (1/94) MS9001E Gas Turbines: Conversions, Modifications and Uprates.

GE has an advanced technology uprate package available to uprate all GE design MS9001 heavyduty gas turbines. These advanced uprate technology packages provide significant savings derived from reduced maintenance, improved efficiency, output, reliability and life extension. Regulatory requirements may necessitate the need for emission controls due to changes in emission levels when uprating the gas turbine, and modifications are available to significantly reduce emissions. Todays technology and enhanced production components allow customers to bring their aging turbines back to better than new condition based upon these offerings.

1. Beltran, A.M., Pepe, J.J. and Schilke, P.W., Advanced Gas Turbines Materials and Coatings, GER-3569, GE Industrial & Power Systems, August 1994. 2. Brandt, D.E. and Wesorick, R.R., GE Gas Turbine Design Philosophy, GER-3434, GE Industrial & Power Systems, August 1994. 3. Brooks, F.J., GE Gas Turbine Performance Characteristics, GER-3567, GE Industrial & Power Systems, August 1994. 4. Davis, L.B., Dry Low NOx Combustion Systems For Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines, GER-


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