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What |s ep||epsy?

Sarah Pamby
A brain disorder that interrupts
the normaI eIectricaI activity
What causes |t?
8ra|n |n[ury
W|thdraw from
A|coho| or drugs
Autosoma| Dom|nant
Benign familial neonatal seizures

Cbildbood absence epilepsy witb febrile seizures

Autosomal dominant |uvenile myoclonic epilepsy

Autosomal dominant idiopatbic generalized epilepsy

Ceneralized epilepsy witb febrile seizures plus
Autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy

Autosomal dominant partial epilepsy witb auditory features

D|scovery and 1reatment

MkI and C1 scan
Med|cat|ons combo of drugs (Ex: Valium and other tranquilizers)
Surgery operable Lumor
@eens ks AulLs arenLs Men Women
lamles Senors
uonaLe Lo un research eplepsy
awareness or oLher charLable evenLs
Many erenL ounaLons
LucaLonal lnormaLon abouL Lplepsy

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