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BULLETIN (New Series) OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 6, Number 1, January 1982



This will be a description of a few highlights in the early history of non-euclidean geometry, and a few miscellaneous recent developments. An Appendix describes some explicit formulas concerning volume in hyperbolic 3-space. The mathematical literature on non-euclidean geometry begins in 1829 with publications by N. Lobachevsky in an obscure Russian journal. The infant subject grew very rapidly. Lobachevsky was a fanatically hard worker, who progressed quickly from student to professor to rector at his university of Kazan, on the Volga. Already in 1829, Lobachevsky showed that there is a natural unit of distance in non-euclidean geometry, which can be characterized as follows. In the right triangle of Figure 1 with fixed edge a, as the opposite vertex A moves infinitely far away, the angle 9 will increase to a limit 90 which is assumed to be strictly less than 7r/2. He showed that a = -log tan(0 o /2) if the unit of distance is suitably chosen. In particular,
a (TT/2) - 0O

if a is very small. (In the interpretation introduced by Beltrami forty years later, this unit of distance is chosen so that curvature = -1.)


1. A right triangle in hyperbolic space

By early 1830, Lobachevsky was testing his "imaginary geometry" as a possible model for the real world. If the universe is non-euclidean in Lobachevsky's sense, then he showed that our solar system must be extremely small, in terms of this natural unit of distance. More precisely, taking the vertex A in Figure 1 to be the star Sirius and taking the edge a to be a suitably chosen radius of the Earth's orbit, he used the (unfortunately incorrect) estimate 7 20 ss 1.24 seconds of arc s 6 x 10~6 radians T
Presented to the Symposium on the Mathematical Heritage of Henri Poincar, April 7-10, 1980; received by the editors March 10, 1981 and, in revised form, April 20, 1981. 1980 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 01A55, 01A60, 51M10; Secondary 57R15, 20H10.
1982 American Mathematical Society 0002-9904/82/0000-0245/$05.00



for the parallax of Sirius to conclude that the diameter 2a of Earth's orbit is less than 6 X 10~6. (The correct parallax of 0.37" for Sirius would have given a sharper estimate. In fact, the first reliable measurements of parallax were made by Bessel several years later, in 1838.) By late 1830, he was working out the volumes of pyramids, and other polyhedra in 3-dimensional non-euclidean space. Such computations are not easy, and can be quite interesting. (Compare the Appendix.) A few years later, in 1832, J. Bolyai, a flamboyant officer in the AustroHungarian army, published an independent account of non-euclidean geometry. However, perhaps because he was discouraged by Gauss, he did not pursue the subject as far as Lobachevsky. Although Lobachevsky and Bolyai were the first with the courage to publish, it should be noted that Gauss himself had been privately working on similar ideas for many years. In a letter to Taurinus in 1824 he wrote (roughly translated):1 "The assumption that the sum of the three angles [of a triangle] is smaller than 180 leads to a geometry which is quite different from our (euclidean) geometry, but which is in itself completely consistent. I have satisfactorily constructed this geometry for myself so that I can solve every problem, except for the determination of one constant, which cannot be ascertained a priori. The larger one chooses this constant, the closer one approximates euclidean geometry. . . . If non-euclidean geometry were the true geometry, and if this constant were comparable to distances which we can measure on earth or in the heavens, then it could be determined a posteriori. Hence I have sometimes in jest expressed the wish that euclidean geometry is not true. For then we would have an absolute a priori unit of measurement." His words to Bessel, in 1830, have an even more modern ring: " . . . we must admit with humility that, while number is purely a product of our mind, space has a reality outside of our mind, so that we cannot completely prescribe its laws a priori." For the first forty years or so of its history, the field of non-euclidean geometry existed in a kind of limbo, divorced from the rest of mathematics, and without any firm foundation. However, Gauss' theory of curved surfaces [1827], and Riemann's theory of higher dimensional curved manifolds [1868] provided a way of integrating non-euclidean geometry into more respectable branches of mathematics. In fact Riemann briefly described the theory of manifolds of constant curvature a, citing the metric ds =^dx] + +dxl /(\ + - j ( * ? + +x%)\

as an example. The turning point came in 1868, with the publication of two papers by E. Beltrami. In the first, Beltrami showed that two-dimensional non-euclidean geometry is nothing more nor less than the study of suitable surfaces of
l Gauss [1900, pp. 187, 201]. For other early workers in non-euclidean geometry, see for example Coxeter [1942].



constant negative curvature. Vz introduced the term pseudosphere of radius R for a surface of curvature -i/R2. (In practice, he used the term "pseudosphere" only for complete, simply connected surfaces.) In this first paper, he was baffled by the 3-dimensional case. However, after encountering Riemann's inaugural address, which had been delivered in 1854 but published only after his death, in 1868, Beltrami published a second paper, on -dimensional pseudospherical geometry. He started with what I will call the hemisphere model. Points of the -dimensional non-euclidean geometry are identified with interior points of the hemisphere y =ytf 2 - * ? - ~x2, y > 0,

in (n + l)-dimensional euclidean space, provided with the Riemannian metric ds = Ryjdx2 + + dx2 + ay2 /y. He noted that this model is simply connected, and that the "limit space", consisting of boundary points with y = 0, is infinitely far from the interior in this metric. We will refer to such boundary points as points at infinity. Projecting orthogonally down to the disk x2 + +xl < a2, he showed that each pseudospherical geodesic maps precisely to a euclidean straight line segment. Thus he obtained the projective disk model, later popularized by Klein. On the other hand, projecting the hemisphere stereographically onto a disk, he obtained the conformai disk model, with the metric ds - ^ , / t f + + ^ 2 / ( l - (If + + i 2 ) / 4 * 2 ) which had been noted already by Riemann. Finally, performing an inversion in a boundary point of this disk, he obtained the half-space model, with coordinates xx, . . ., xn_x axidy > 0, and with metric R(dx2 + +dxl_x + <fy2)l/2/y. He pointed out that this half-space metric had been used already by Liouville in the 2-dimensional case. Klein [1871] reinterpreted Beltrami's projective disk model in terms of projective geometry. Following Cayley [1859], he took as his starting point the expression 2l0g\p-a\\b-q\ for the non-euclidean distance between two points p, q, as illustrated in Figure 2. (The factor 1/2 is inserted so that curvature will be -1.) Here \q a\ denotes the euclidean distance from a to q. In this paper he introduced the term hyperbolic geometry for the non-euclidean geometry of Lobachevsky and Bolyai.



2. The Cayley formula for noneuclidean distance, in the projective disk model Poincar [1882] re-introduced the Liouville-Beltrami upper half-plane model; and used it to identify the group of orientation preserving isometries of the hyperbolic plane with the group, now usually called PSL2R, consisting of all fractional linear transformations

z i-> (az + b)/ (cz + d) with real coefficients and with determinant + 1 . As a foundation for the study of automorphic functions, he emphasized the importance of finding discrete groups of hyperbolic isometries. He noted (XIII) that examples of such discrete groups had been described already by Schwarz [1873], and others. In [1883], Poincar showed that the analogous group of orientation preserving isometries of 3-dimensional hyperbolic space can be identified with the group PSL2C consisting of all fractional linear transformations of the plane of points at infinity, with complex coefficients. Again he studied the problem of finding discrete subgroups. Picard [1884] described one particularly interesting example. The ring Z[i] c C of Gaussian integers gives rise to a discrete group PSL2Z[i] c PSL2C, consisting of fractional linear transformations with Gaussian integer coefficients. A fundamental domain for this group, acting on hyperbolic 3-space, is noncompact, but has finite volume. Bianchi [1891] described the analogous construction using the integers of an arbitrary imaginary quadratic number field. The precise volume of a corresponding fundamental domain was computed much later by Humbert [1919], in infinitely many cases. (See the Appendix.) Inspired by examples due to Clifford, Klein [1890] posed the following problem: " . . . to classify all connectivities which can possibly arise among closed manifolds of constant curvature." It must be noted in this context that the concept of a (global) manifold was never defined in any satisfactory way during the nineteenth century. For smooth manifolds in euclidean space, the definition given by Betti [1871] works only if the normal bundle is trivial. Poincar [1895] used a similar definition and also suggested extending a coordinate patch by analytic continuation. Hadamard [1898] clarified the subject by giving a lucid description of surfaces in 3-space in terms of overlapping coordinate patches. Weyl



[1913] paved the way for our modern concept of smooth manifold by defining an abstract surface in terms of overlapping coordinate patches. In particular, he gave a clear discussion of the universal covering surface. The generalization to n dimensions was now straightforward. (For a particularly nice presentation, see Cartan [1928].) During the same span of time, the study of combinatorial manifolds progressed from the rather vague definitions of Dyck [1890] and Poincar to the precise definition of Brouwer [1912]. (See also Tietze [1908], Veblen and Alexander [1913].) The related concept of topological space is due particularly to Hausdorff [1914]. Let us return to the study of manifolds of constant curvature. Killing [1891] related Klein's classification problem to the study of discrete groups of isometries, as follows. If E is either -dimensional hyperbolic space, -dimensional euclidean space, or the -dimensional sphere, and if T is a discrete group of isometries which acts freely on E, then he showed that the quotient E/T is a manifold of constant curvature. He called such a quotient a Clifford-Klein space form. Much later, Hopf [1925] clarified this work by introducing a definition of completeness, showing that Killing's Clifford-Klein space forms are precisely the complete Riemannian manifolds of constant curvature. The concept of completeness was further developed by Cartan [1928] and Hopf-Rinow [1931]. By definition, a hyperbolic manifold is a Clifford-Klein manifold with curvature equal to - 1 . In the years following Killing's paper, a number of examples of hyperbolic manifolds were described. Compare Borel [1963]. The study of such manifolds is currently an extremely active area of research, particularly due to the work of Thurston [1978,1981]. Here let me describe two particularly simple examples. The first is due to Gieseking [1912]. Start with a regular hyperbolic 3-simplex A having all four vertices on the sphere of points at infinity. Each of the six dihedral angles of A is then equal to 7r/3. (Compare the Appendix.) Now identify two faces of A by means of a rotation of 27r/3 about a common vertex. Similarly, identify the opposite two faces by rotating about a common vertex. Then all six edges will be identified. Since the six dihedral angles add up to 2TT, they fit smoothly together so that we obtain a non-singular hyperbolic manifold, even in a neighborhood of the common edge. This Gieseking manifold is nonorientable. It is noncompact, but is complete with finite volume. The second example is due to Riley [1975]. Consider the figure eight knot K, as shown in Figure 3. The fundamental group II of the complement S3 K is generated by two loops a, 13, as illustrated, which are subject to a single defining relation (afi~la~lfi)a = fi(ap~xa~xfi). Suppose that we look for a faithful representation n - PSL2Q and require that the image must be a discrete subgroup. The generators a, ft e II will correspond to unknown matrices A, B, which must satisfy a single matrix equation.




3. The figure eight knot

The possible choices for A and B can be drastically narrowed as follows. Note that every nontrivial element of PSL2C is contained in a unique maximal abelian subgroup which is conjugate either to the group consisting of all diagonal matrices [ x-i] o r t o t n e group of all unipotent matrices of the form [o *], according as the given element does or does not have two linearly independent eigenvectors. Now the generator a of II is contained in a free abelian group Z Z c II, corresponding to the fundamental group of the boundary of a tubular neighborhood of K. It is easy to check that Z Z cannot be embedded as a discrete subgroup of the group of diagonal matrices, which is isomorphic to the multiplicative group C\ Hence a, and similarly /?, must map to unipotent elements of PSL2C, with eigenvalue 1. Using a basis for C 2 consisting of an eigenvector for a and an eigenvector for /?, we may assume that

v4 =

fih+B =

1 -co

0 1

where < is some unknown complex constant. Now computation shows that o these two matrices satisfy the required relation if and only if 1 + co + to2 = 0, so that co = (-1 V^3 )/2. Thus the requirement that the "peripheral subgroup" Z Z c II maps isomorphically to a discrete subgroup of PSL2C leads to a homomorphism h:U~>PSL2C which is uniquely determined, up to inner automorphism and complex conjugation. Since the image h(U) is contained in the Bianchi group PSL2Z[], it is certainly discrete in PSL2C. In fact Riley proves that h maps II isomorphically onto a subgroup h(U) c PSL2Z[oi] of index twelve. Using the HakenWaldhausen theory of 3-manifolds, he then proves that the complement S3 K is actually homeomorphic to the hyperbolic manifold H3/'h(T). In an interesting complement to these two examples, Thurston [1978] shows by direct geometric construction that S3 K is homeomorphic to the 2-fold orientable covering of the Gieseking manifold. In particular, the hyperbolic



manifold S3 K has a kind of triangulation into two regular ideal hyperbolic 3-simplexes, with their boundaries pasted together by suitable isometries. The uniqueness of this Riley representation II - PSL2C illustrates the following fundamental result.
RIGIDITY THEOREM. If two hyperbolic manifolds of finite volume, with dimension n > 3, have isomorphic fundamental groups, then they must necessarily be isometric to each other.

In the compact case, this was proved by Mostow [1971, 1973]. (See also Margulis [1970].) For the noncompact case, it was proved by Prasad [1973], making essential use of Mostow's work. It follows that geometric invariants such as volume, the lengths of closed geodesies, and the eigenvalues of the Laplacian operator, are also topological invariants. For an example to show that these particular geometric invariants are not sufficient to determine the topology of a hyperbolic 3-manifold, see Vignras [1980]. In contrast to this Mostow-Prasad rigidity theorem, Thurston has proved a fundamental result which can be stated in a preliminary form as follows. Suppose that M = H3/T is an orientable hyperbolic 3-manifold which is noncompact, but has finite volume. Then there exists an infinite sequence of hyperbolic manifolds

Mj =


which have strictly smaller volume, and which approximate the original manifold Masj-^oo in the sense that the homomorphisms hj\T-^PSL2C tend to the inclusion T c PSL2C in the topology of pointwise convergence. Furthermore, the volumes of the Mj tend to the volume of M. Of course, according to the Rigidity Theorem, these approximating manifolds Mj cannot be homeomorphic to M, or to each other. In particular, the representations hj cannot be faithful. Their behavior can be described more precisely as follows. To fix our ideas, suppose that the noncompact manifold M has just one end. Then a neighborhood of infinity in M is smoothly covered by a unique field of half-infinite geodesies, which converge exponentially towards each other as we go out to infinity. Any orthogonal trajectory to this field of geodesies is a flat torus. The fundamental group of such a torus-near-infinity is called a peripheral subgroup Z Z, embedded in the fundamental group T of M. As in the discussion of Riley's example, the original representation T c PSL2C must map this peripheral subgroup Z 0 Z to a unipotent subgroup, having just one eigenvector with a double eigenvalue of 1. If we perturb this representation slightly within the space of all homomorphisms T PSL2C, then the single eigenvector will split into two nearby but linearly independent eigenvectors. Hence the subgroup Z Z will map into some subgroup of



PSL2C which is isomorphic to the multiplicative group C'. Such a representation of Z Z cannot be faithful, with discretely embedded image. For most choices of perturbation, the image of Z Z will simply be a nondiscrete subgroup of C'. But for certain carefully chosen perturbations h = hpq9 the images of the two generators x, y of Z Z will be subject to a new relation of the form h(xpyq) = /; and these images will generate a discretely embedded free cyclic subgroup of C\ In fact Thurston shows that such a perturbation exists whenever/?, q are relatively prime integers with \p\ + \q\ sufficiently large. Furthermore, the image hpq(T) is always a discrete subgroup of PSL2C; and hpq tends to the inclusion homomorphism as \p\ + |^r| oo. ^ Topologically, the resulting quotient manifold Mpq = H3/hpq(T) can be obtained from M by cutting off a neighborhood of infinity bounded by a flat torus Sl X Sl and pasting in its place a solid torus Sl X D2 which is attached in such a way as to introduce the required relation xpyq = 1 into the fundamental group. Thurston calls this operation a Dehn surgery. Thus, if M has only one end, the approximating manifolds Mpq will always be compact. If M has several ends, then one or more of them can be capped off by analogous Dehn surgeries. In particular, M can always be approximated arbitrarily closely (in a suitable sense) by compact hyperbolic manifolds. Here is a concluding example to test the reader's powers of visualization. Wielenberg [1978] has shown that the complement of the Whitehead link W of Figure 4 can be given the structure of a hyperbolic manifold H3/T. In fact T can be taken as a subgroup of index twelve in the Picard group PSL2Z[i]. As noted by Whitehead [1937], the complement S3 Wis homeomorphic to the complement of the twisted version on the right. (Proof. Cut along a disk spanning C, rotate through any integral multiple of 2?r, and then paste back together.) Now by filling in a solid torus neighborhood of C we obtain the manifold S3 - K from the hyperbolic manifold S3 - (K (J C) s S3 - W. According to Thurston's theorem, this Dehn surgery must yield a new hyperbolic manifold, in all but a finite number of cases. The knots K obtained in this way are called Whitehead doubled knots. Thus Thurston shows that the complement of a Whitehead double has a hyperbolic structure whenever the number of twists is sufficiently large. Furthermore, the volumes of these manifolds tend from below to a finite limit. Note that the figure eight knot occurs as a special case.


4. The Whitehead Link and a twisted version of it



Appendix. Volume in hyperbolic 3-space. Lobachevsky's formulas for the volumes of certain polyhedra in hyperbolic space can best be expressed in terms of the function

J o log|2 sin u\ du.

The Russian JI is in honor of Lobachevsky, although he himself never used precisely this expression. Compare Clausen [1832], Coxeter [1935], A graph is sketched in Figure 5. The basic properties can be listed as follows.


1. This function


is odd, periodic of period



and satisfies the

identity j\{nO) = n 2
k modrt

(fi + km/n)

for every integer n. Evidently, JI(0) is a continuous function, smooth except at the zeros of sin 0, taking its maximum at 0 = 77/6.

1. Start with the trigonometric identity

AI 1

2 sin nO = II 2 sin(0 + km/n) which can be verified, for small positive values of 0, by substituting z = e~2l in the equation


II \z - e2,nik/n\.
k mod n

The general case follows by analytic continuation.



5. Graph of




Integrating the negative log absolute value of both sides we obtain



Ji(n0)/n = 2 ^{9 + itk/ri) + constant.


For example, if n = 2, then

JI(20)/2 = JI(0) + JI(9 + TT/2) + constant.

Substituting 9 = TT/2 or 9 = 0 in this last equation and subtracting, we see that JI(TT) JI(0) = 0. Since the derivative J\'{0) = -log|2 sin 9\ is periodic of period 77, this proves that JI itself is also periodic of period 77. Finally, to prove that the constant in equation (1) is zero, we can simply average over all values of 9 mod 77, noting that JI has average zero since it is an odd function. This function JI(0) is closely related to the dilogarithm function

which has been studied by Euler, Abel, and many others. The precise relationship is described by the identity L2(em) =
TT 2 /6


- 0) + 2iji(tf)

for 0 < 9 < 77. (Compare Lewin [1958].) This identity can be verified by differentiating both sides f or 0 < 9 < IT, using the limiting value as 9 -> 0 to compute the constant TT2/6. Taking the imaginary part of both sides, we obtain the uniformly convergent Fourier series expansion (2) ^(sin2n9)/n2 = 2ji(9),

which is valid for all values of 9. For actual computation, it is much better to work with the series

W-^-.^i +


which converges for |0| < 7 and hence converges quite rapidly for small 9. 7 Here



30' * '

are Bernoulli numbers. This equation can be proved by twice integrating the usual Laurent series expansion for -cot 9. Here is an illustration of the utility of this function in computing hyperbolic volumes.
LEMMA 2. Consider an ideal hyperbolic 2>-simplex, that is a simplex A with all four vertices on the sphere of points at infinity. If a, fi, y are the dihedral angles along three edges meeting at a common vertex, then a + fi + y = IT, and

volume(A) = Ji(a) + Ji({i) + Ji(y).



It does not matter which particular vertex we choose, since it follows easily that opposite dihedral angles are equal so that we obtain the same three dihedral angles a, /?, y incident to any vertex. This computation would follow easily from formulas of Lobachevsky [1836], although as far as I know he never worked out this particular example. (Compare Coxeter [1935].) PROOF. We will use the Beltrami upper half-space model, with metric ds2 = (dx2 + ay2 + dz2)/z2 and associated volume element dx ay dz/'z3, where z > 0. Let us position the ideal simplex A so that one of its faces lies in the hemisphere z = (1 x2 y2)/2, and its opposite vertex lies at the infinite point. Projecting A orthogonally to the unit disk in the x9 y -plane, we obtain a triangle inscribed in this disk with angles a, /?, y. These are the angles of a euclidean triangle; so evidently a + /? + y = 77. It follows easily from this picture that these angles determine A up to congruence (compare Andreev [1970]), and are subject to no other restrictions.


6. A triangle inscribed in the unit disk

If all three angles are acute, then barycentrically subdividing from the origin, we obtain six right triangles as illustrated in Figure 6. (The case of an obtuse angle can be handled by a similar argument, or by analytic continuation.) Take the region in the upper half space lying over just one of these triangles, namely the shaded one. We must integrate the Beltrami volume element dx ay dz/z3 over the region defined by inequalities


0 < y < x tan a,

0 < x < cos a.

Integrating with respect to z, we obtain \ dx dy/(\ x2 y2). Integrating with respect to y, we obtain dx r i (A , - [\og{A + .
y )

x-ixtana dx, A cos a + x sin a 1 (A - log(A -y)]0 = 4^1gi<C0.a_Jcril|g



where A = (1 - x2)l/2. integrating, we get

Substituting A = sin 0, x = cos 9, dx = -Ad9y and

, 1 r/2 2 sin(0 + a) ,n volume = - I log, . ; \dB 4Ja 2 sm(0 - a) = ( - J I ( | + a) + ji(2a) + J I ( | - a) Now, if we substitute the identity


ji(2a) = 2;i(a) + 2ji(a + TT/2), this reduces easily to volume = ji(a)/2. Adding the volumes of the other five regions, we obtain the required formula.

The maximum possible volume of a hyperbolic ^simplex is

This works out as 1.0149416 . . . . PROOF. We must maximize the continuous function ji(a) + JI(J8) + Ji(y) subject to the constraints a, /?, y > 0 and a + /? 4- y = TT. Since the degenerate cases, where one dihedral angle is zero, all have zero volume, the maximum must occur at an interior point, where the derivative JI'(0) = -log(2 sin 9) is defined and satisfies j i V ) = Ji'(0) = Ji'(y), hence sin a = sin ft = sin y. Inspection shows that a = /? = y = TT/3 is the only interior solution. REMARK. Haagerup and Monkholm [1979] have proved the analogous theorem in -dimensional hyperbolic space. The unique n-simplex of maximal volume is the regular ideal n-simplex. Now let us compare Lemma 2 with Humbert's formulas for the volumes of certain fundamental domains. The presentation will be based on Borel [1981], which contains much further information about arithmetic computations of volume. Let Z[a] be the ring of integers in an imaginary quadratic number field F = Q[a], with discriminant -D = ( a)2 < 0; and let r = PSL2Z[a] CPSL2C be the corresponding Bianchi group of isometries of hyperbolic 3-space. Borel shows that a fundamental domain for T has
volume D3/2$F(2)/4TT29

where fF is the Dedekind zeta function. Using the standard identity

(see for example Hecke [1923, 49]), where Q(2) = 7r2/6, we obtain the formula

^ = w|J7)i


volume =



of Humbert. Here (-D/ri) is a generalized quadratic residue symbol, with values 1 or 0. In order to express this infinite series in terms of the function JI(0), note first that the real-valued function n \-^ (-D/ri) on Z/D is equal to its own Fourier transform, up to a factor of V-D = iVD . More precisely kD\ k I \

for every positive integer n. (See Hecke 52, 58.) Substituting this formula in (3), we obtain vlm = 4 ou e 2 (=-)V*"V*-

Evidently the real parts of the exponentials must cancel out. Hence, using the Fourier series expansion (2) we obtain volume = 2 ( ~r )*( W

Thus the volume of Humbert9s fundamental domain is a finite linear combination, with rational coefficients, of values of the function JI(0) at rational multiples of IT. This suggests the conjecture that there may be some direct geometrical argument, describing such fundamental domains in terms of cutting and pasting of ideal simplices. (Compare Ash [1977].) As an example, taking D = 3 we obtain volume = I ( * ( f ) - J X ^ ) ) =!*(!).

According to Riley, the figure eight knot complement must have volume equal to twelve times this number, or 6JI(7T/3). This is precisely twice the volume 3JI(T7-/3) of a maximal hyperbolic 3-simplex, thus checking Thurston's observation that the figure eight complement can be triangulated by two copies of a maximal 3-simplex. Such results suggest the interest of determining number theoretical properties of the real numbers JI(9). Here is an explicit guess.
CONJECTURE. If we consider only angles 9 which are rational multiples of w, then every Q- linear relation

qX0i) is a consequence of the relations

+ ' * +,*(*)-0

Jl(77 + 0) = Jl(0),

Jl(-0) - -Jl(0),

Ji(n6) = n 2
k mod n

a(0 + kir/n)

of Lemma 1.



For example ^(7r/3) and JI{IT/6) are subject to the Q-linear relation
2JI(TT/6) = 3JI(W/3),

as one easily verifies. But the conjecture would imply that JI(TT/3) and JI(7T/4) are rationally independent. In other words, no finite covering manifold of the figure eight complement should have the same volume as some covering of the Whitehead link complement. A completely equivalent conjecture would be the following. For any fixed n > 2, the q>(ri)/2 real numbers nikm / ri), with 0 < k < n/2 and k relatively prime to n, are linearly independent over Q. Here < is the Euler cp-function. p The author hopes to discuss this question further in a later paper.2

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"On polylogarithms, Hurwitz zeta functions and the Kubert identities" (in preparation).



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JOHN MILNOR [1981] A. Borel, Commensurability classes and volumes of hyperbolic 3-manifolds, Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa CI. Sci. (4) 8, 1-33. M. Gromov, Hyperbolic manifolds according to Thurston and Jrgensen, Smin. Bourbaki 546, Springer Lecture Notes in Math., no. 842, pp. 40-53. D. Sullivan, Travaux de Thurston sur les groupes quasi-fuchsiens et les varits hyperboliques de dimension 3 fibres sur S1, Smin. Bourbaki 554, Springer Lecture Notes in Math., no. 842, pp. 196-214. W. Thurston, Three dimensional manifolds, Kleinian groups and hyperbolic geometry (to appear). , Hyperbolic structures on 3-manifolds, I: Deformation of acylindrical manifolds (to appear).


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