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I dedicate this book to my beautiful children, Noah and Lucy

As a baby, I was a dead-ringer for my son, Noah. Here I am, already interested in music and, as you can see, a believer that one should own ones own albums.


to the


This memoir took me unknowingly to new highs and new and uncharted lows. Its been a pleasure to work with David Ritz, an artist and tireless worker. Ive relived pains as well as the highest of heights. Ive felt deflated and elated to dig through the maze that is the mind and soul. Mining through the cobwebs to explore the whys and why nots. The human heart filled with sorrows and gold inspired me to dig further through this marathon or labyrinth in order to get the answers, find truth, and forgive injustices endured in order to move forward happy mostly, sad lovingly, and purged of the nightmares of the past. Its been a grand endeavor. But worth it. Peace to All, Scott R. Weiland

ts 2010 and improbablyhell, impossiblyStone Temple Pilots is back together and blazing hot, especially after our second single debuted at number one. Our new single debuted at number one. Our new album is selling like crazy. Old fans are back. New fans are lining up. Even the critics, who once

delighted in deflating us, are praising us to the sky. We were written off as the band of disastrous dysfunction with too many personal problems to survive. Or rather, I was written off as the guy whose hopeless addictions hadand would alwaysruin everything for everyone. Well, here we are, like Led Zep, playing sold-out arenas all over the world. I couldnt be happier. And I couldnt be more pissed because one rock-and-roll rag, our nemesis from back in the day, has, like the monster from the black lagoon, reemerged. They did a profile of me that was so off I didnt even recognize myself. Quotes were taken out of context and old clichs about me were rewritten to look new. Well, maybe the timing of this wrong-headed article isnt so bad after all. Maybe it serves to remind me how glad I am to be offering up my

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own story in my own words. As youll see, Im not afraid of documenting details about the life Ive led. I have nothing to hide. Ive done what Ive done. Ive done loads of things right and loads of things wrong that could be considered uncouth. Its all here, all documented in my dreams, my musical schemes, my drama-poem-lyrics. Youll see that much of this has to do with love. Im in love with loveor is it the idea of being in love with love? I believe that love only happens truly twice, but why, I wonder, does love always equal a broken heart? With all this in mind, Ive decided to tell my story. Ive sold nearly 40 million records and at the time I didnt appreciate it much. I felt it would be different later with Magnificent Bastards, both solo records (Twelve Bar Blues and Happy in Galoshes), Velvet Revolver, and finally the rebirth of STP. This book is an attempt to appreciate the complexity of so much success in the midst of so much chaos. I wrote these Earthling Papers so you can hear directly from me. Im not arrogant enough to call it the truth. But I do call it my truth. My life had been twisted, demoralized, redemptive, remarkable. Let me start by jumping back to the point, only two years ago, when my mind was a mess. Be ready for the rabbit hole.


me that I cant survive without them. Then there are the pay-for-hire get-off-drugs professionals with their own methods and madness. They help, they hurt, they welcome me into their institutions . . . and, well, their madness. Welcome to my life. Two years ago, my life was self-restricted to a sober living house, meaning that I walked through the doors of my own free will. Within hours, I watched the game of communal free will get stepped on, laughed at, and batted around like a Ping-Pong ball. One of my fellow patients was a rocker chick just turned twentyone. She had a problem with depression. We met in the lounge and talked the night away, smoking cigarettes, exchanging words of comfort. Am I pretty? she asked me. You are beautiful, I told her. Everyone says I smell because I havent showered. Everyone can get fucked, I told her. When youre depressed, youre not exactly in the mood for a shower.

very time i try to catch up to my life, something stops me. Different people making claims on my life. Old friends telling me new friends arent true friends. All friends trying to convince

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She told me a story of grief and confusion. I listened. When she was through, we hugged good night. She kissed me sweetly. She wanted more. We cant do this, I said. Its not right. Not now, not here. A day later, I was approached by one of the counselors whom I considered a first-class shit talker. Rumor has it that the two of you were intimate. Whats intimate? I asked. Sex. No! She obviously has a crush on you. Okay. What of it? I heard you two had sex in the Jacuzzi. No Jacuzzi, I said. No sex. Besides, who has sex in a Jacuzzi? I want to know what happened, she insisted. We were flirtatious. That was inappropriate. So we stopped. This young woman was confronted at our next group session. Sixteen hours later, she sliced her leg down past the fatty tissue. She was a cutter. They took her out of the villa and put her in a psych ward. What can I do about it? I write a poem, The Little Villa and Painted Egg. Minds squall, alcohol, heroin The man, the boy, the girl The little villa where you live You need to fill that pain inside Xanex, Valium, barbituratesthey ease the easy side Of all you fucked-up managerial types

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You love to rule by what you say Not by what you find Beautiful garden, Easter eggs, those that you never really had You stole our experiences and stole our baskets Thats how you found twenty-one out of fifty-seven that was last month. This week Im home dealing with those who manage my business life, those who, for their own purposes, direct my moves. They are my partners, assistants, and drug coaches (whom we call minders). There is no peace, not for an hour, not for thirty seconds. Someone is always showing up with calculated suggestions and implied instructions. I dont know, but I think Ive done pretty well for myself, even during my long-lasting, narcotic misadventuresall without the protective bubble of paranoid employees, partners, and helperser, minders. Meanwhile, the facts are these: It has been eight and a half years since I shot dope and nearly three years since I did coke. I still drink. A regular garden-variety boozer, I am like any other barfly or drink-alone kind of guy. My relationship to liquor is not romantic the way I once envisioned my love affair with dope. I struggle to stop drinking, but I dont see it as suicidal. In any event, Im not drinking today. Today Im inviting you into the middle of my life and the middle of my head. My heart feels a bit closed off because Im realizing that there are few people, if any, that I fully trust. Thats an amazing statement to make and brings me to what may be the purpose of this book. How did I get to this point? One word could probably sufficeloss. Im searching for explanations.

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Someone recently gave me a T-shirt that said, im in like seven bands. There is a Stone Temple Pilots story to tell. There is a Velvet Revolver story to tell. There is a love story to tell. And a drug story to tell. among my great loves is that category of substances called heroin. Narcotic alkaloids. Derivatives of opium. I describe this stuff lovingly. I do so at the risk of high irresponsibility. It is not my intention to mislead anyone looking to live a righteous life. God knows that the shit will kill you, inside and out, soul to the bone. At the same time, I am committed to an honest assessment of the wreckage of my past. I loved opiates; I hated opiates; I am attracted to opiates perhaps the way John Keats was attracted to death. One hundred ninety years ago, the romantic poet wrote Ode to a Nightingale: I have been half in love with easeful Death, Calld him soft names in many a mused rhyme, To take into the air my quiet breath; Now more than ever seems it rich to die, To cease upon the midnight with no pain, With thou art pouring forth thy soul abroad In such an ecstasy! is death the muse? Is rock and roll the nightingale? Are opiates the key to unlocking the magical kingdom where colorful flowers fade to black? Why should anyoneespecially a kid or a man who suspects that he or she may have talentbe drawn to such a kingdom?

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I dont know. Except that the pull is visceral. It may also be an act of self-loating or anger against home or society or even the human condition in which the promise of death shadows us from those first fresh moments of birth. I think of the young woman overwhelmed by a compulsion to cut herself. The compulsion is heartbreaking and bizarre, but maybe not bizarre at allmaybe its simply the most honest compulsion of all because it gets to the heart of the matter. My long opiate-dazed days and sleepless nights were all about cutting myself emotionally. When I got high, the last thing in the world I wanted to do was party or interact with other human beings. I retreated to the dark corners of my room and my life. I stayed alone and disappeared down black holes where no one could find me. I couldnt find myself. I didnt want to find myself. I became invisible. Or, as I put it in the song Dead and Bloated, I am smellin like the rose that someone gave me on my birthday deathbed.

Dad Kent and me at age five

Dad Dave and me at age three

hy is the world so different now? I used to take my fishing rod and go down to the lake by myself. Now the world is one organized playdate after another.

In my childhood, I relied on my imaginationI could walk in the

woods and be in Camelot, or Narnia, or wherever my mind envisioned. I had a vivid imagination, and still do. Today, though, how can you compete with a computer that, with the touch of a button, gives you every answer to every question? In a technologically more innocent era, I was born Scott Kline in Santa Cruz, California, on October 27, 1967, to Sharon and Kent Kline, who divorced when I was two. Then Mom married Dave Weiland and I became Scott Weiland. I lost my name. I lost my father. I gained another father. Later I resented the hell out of my blood father, Kent, for not insisting that I keep his name. I felt abandoned. Gave his name away, gave his son away. Meanwhile, I saw Kent as a cool dude who drove a Pepsi truck for a living but smoked dope at night and listened to the Doors and Merle Haggard. When I think about my dad and Martha, the artist he married after Mom, I hear Fleetwood Macs Rumours. Kents the father I wanted to be with. At age forty-two, Im still looking to connect with him.

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My new dad was a good guy whose middle name was discipline. An aeronautics engineer with TRW Space and Electronics, he was always working on advanced degrees. Shortly after he married Mom, he moved us to Chagrin Hills, a woodsy suburb outside Cleveland, Ohio. Im stuck on that nameChagrin Hills. Chagrin means distress, pain, anxiety, sorrow, affliction, mental suffering. Usually, idyllic suburbs have names like Pleasant Valley or Paradise Falls. Chagrin Falls makes no sense. In some ways, my childhood made good sense; in other ways, it didnt. My childhood was green pastures and bee stings, learning to play baseball and football, living in a nice house, waitingalways waiting for the start of summer so I could go to California and see my dad Kent. I was already a teenager when this dream started recurring. Its form changed slightly, but the basic structure stayed the same: Posters are plastered all over the cityon billboards and buses, in splashy newspaper ads and screaming TV commercials. Its all over the radio and the Internet. Its tonight, its now, its what the worlds been waiting for. Its the ultimate Battle of the Bands. Midnight tonight at a great outdoor stadium. The witching hour. The dark night of the soul. The moment of truth. Its three years before Im born. Or maybe its the year of my birth, or the moment of my birth. Or maybe Im three years old. Or five. Or ten. Whatever my age, Im there. Im involved. Im engaged. Im riveted by the battle. My life is at stake. My pulse is racing, my heart pounding inside my chest. The excitement has me crazy with anticipation.

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Two bands. Two bandstands. The Rolling Stones versus the Kingston Trio. Over the Stones flies a pirate flag. Over the Kingston Trio flies the stars and stripes. Chaos versus Order. Nihilism versus Responsibility. Crooked versus Straight. The crowd fills the stands. Half of them are fraternity boys and sorority girls, suits and dresses, blazers and loafers. The other half are freaks, punks, dopers, bikers, renegades. Im sitting in the dugout next to my mom. My father is introducing the Stones. He and Keith are dressed identically in psychedelic bell-bottoms. He and Mick are sharing a joint. He calls the Stones the greatest rock-and-roll band in the world. My stepdad introduces the Kingston Trio. Theyre all wearing buttondown blue oxford shirts and neatly pressed khaki trousers. My stepdad says, This is real music. This is harmony. This is beauty. My father shouts over to him, This is darkness! This is the real shit! Go out there, my mom whispers in my ear. Go out there and help. I run out onto the field. I look up and see a hundred thousand screaming people. The bands have started playing simultaneously. Riffs of Satisfaction. Riffs of Tom Dooley. I run toward my dad, Kent, but hes disappeared into the crowd. Mick and Keith dont know me. Security is chasing after me. Im chasing after my dad, but I cant find him. Im running up and down, running all over the stadium, but I cant find him, cant find him, crying hysterically, I cant find my dad . . .

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fathers and sons, sons and brothers. My brother, Michael, was born to my stepfather and my mother when I was four and a half. On the day Mom came home from the hospital, I remember bright sunshine lighting our house. When I saw my baby brother, I was filled with wonder. He was fast asleep; he looked helpless, adorable, more doll-like than human. Whenever he squeezed my finger with his tiny hand, I felt flooded with love. I wouldnt feel that kind of pure love until the birth of my own children. For the first time in my life, instead of worrying about being protected, I had someone to protect.

Me and Michael

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The Scott-and-Michael story centers on two brothers to whom God gave musical talent. Im the one who sought success; hes the one who feared it. We both fell into drink and drugs. When I got caught with a beer, our stepdad brought the wrath of the gods down on my head. When Michael got caught with pot, he said, Its Gods herb, and Father Dave just sort of shook his head. Maybe the wrath did me good. Maybe the tolerance did Michael harm. Later, I gave Michael his first beer, his first shot of dope, his first hit of crack. Do I feel guilty about that? Yes and no. I wish I hadnt made those introductions, but knowing Michael, he would have done anything anywayjust to get away. Michael was always way ahead of the curve.

Campinghippy-stylea little weed and Big Foot: me at age six, cousin Chris, and Craig, 1973

In the lane the snow is glistening: my childhood house in Cleveland

wo states of mind: Ohio and California. Ohio is cold and square; California is cool and hip. At least in the mind of a kid.

the beer buzz is a small buzz, but its an intriguing buzz if youre looking for any kind of buzz. In the sixth grade, living in Cleveland, I lived for the summertime. Summertime meant California and my dad, Kent, and his wife, Martha. Summertime meant watching them cultivate their pot plants in the backyard and throwing their parties with Emmylou Harris and Stones records and margaritas and shots of Cuervo Gold. Summertime meant pals like Billy, a cool dude who already had long hair, Levis super-bell cords, and Vans slip-ons. Billy was the first guy I met who played guitar. He taught himself Zeppelin and taught me about a beer buzz. Billy, my stepbrother, Craig, and Jonathan, the son of Marthas best friend, snuck beers out of Dads fridge. While the grown-up party was building its own buzz, we chugged down the

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brews, and then another, and another, and walked out into the backyard, the secret inside our heads. I liked the feeling of entering an alternate energy field. I liked the psychological and chemical rearrangement brought on by the alcohol. Other times we invaded Dads liquor cabinets: times when Billy, Craig, Jonathan, and I got sick, times when we pushed the envelope and smoked weed, which hit me like acid. I tripped on the sunlight streaming through a trellis fence. The pattern of shade became a three-dimensional revelation, a maze containing the very mystery of life, a key connecting all feelings to all forms. Back in Cleveland for the seventh grade, the California sunshine was replaced with the Ohio snow. My Ohio friends werent as cool as Billy. My Ohio extracurricular activities centered on sports. Breaking tackles. Wrestling and fishing. Getting up at six a.m. in the dark for swimming practice and going at it again after school. One day I came home from school and walked over to my friend Marks house. His parents, who worked late, had a killer liquor cabinet. Over ice, I filled a tumbler with Black Velvet, gin, and vodka, took it to the woods, sat against a tree, and drank it down. The moment was pivotal precisely because it was solitary. I got blasted all alone. The isolation did something to meremoved me from life and realitythat I experienced as strangely wonderful. The winter was long. I studied the calendar, watching the months slowly pass until fall gave way to winter, winter to spring, and spring to summertime back in California, where I learned to surf. I wasnt a champ, but I could do it. While surfing I felt free from time, suspended in space, thoughtless and alive.

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having two dads and no dad was confusing. I wanted my biological dad but he seemed to want me only during the summers. He was the one listening to Hank Williams. My stepdad was telling me to do my homework. Meanwhile, the teachers told my stepdad that I was smart but hyper. I was diagnosed with attention deficit disorder. Psychologists suggested that I go on Ritalin. Mom wouldnt allow it. But she would allow me to visit her ex-husband at the end of the school year. So I was off to California to visit Dad and Martha and Marthas son, Craig, who was my age. Craig was a great guy and one of my closest friends, but I couldnt help but be a little jealous of him. He had my dads attention all the time. Craig had become my replacement. Then two years later, Craig was dead.

Me hugging Craig

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i remember sitting in mr. burkes creative-writing class. Mr. Burke was my favorite teacher. The school year was almost over. I was still in shock. I still couldnt process the news. Mr. Burke knew what happened back in California. He told me to write about it. He said writing would help. I remembered thenand still remember nowevery moment, every conversation that took place between me and Craig. Our encounters were etched into my psyche. I wrote this: Yesterday was rainy. The sky was crying rain. I was standing at the end of our driveway when I heard my mothers voice. She said, Hurry, Scott, theres a call for you. I ran in the house. My heart was beating like crazy. I knew something was wrong. My fathers voice sounded different. His voice was crying pain. From there, I wrote another ten pages, raw words flowing out of the ink like a bad, black dream. I turned in the paper and the teacher understood. Thats all I could write. Id memorized my fathers words, but couldnt repeat them: Craig was riding a wheelie. You know how hes the best wheelie rider around. He didnt see the car coming. It hit him head-on. His brain is swelling. Theres a hole in his brain. Theyre operating tonight. I couldnt repeat what my father said when he called the next morning: Craigs dead. I couldnt describe my memories of how, for week after week, month after month, year after year, Dad would take me and Craig dirt-bike riding. I couldnt say anything when I visited Dad that summer. He was completely remote and removed from me. I couldnt tell himcouldnt tell anyoneabout the feelings overwhelming me. I was angry, guilty, sad, resentful, longing to have my father back. I was covered with confusion.

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fathers and sons, sons and brothers. Craig was my brother, and even though he wasnt Dads blood son, I know that when Craig died, part of Dad died with him. Thats a part of my father Ive never been able to reach. Much later in life when my brother Michael died, part of me disappeared and has never returned. It hurts to love.

Leaping for the stars

scribner A Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc. 1230 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10020 Copyright 2011 by Scott Weiland All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address Scribner Subsidiary Rights Department, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. First Scribner hardcover edition May 2011 scribner and design are registered trademarks of The Gale Group, Inc., used under license by Simon & Schuster, Inc., the publisher of this work. For information about special discounts for bulk purchases, please contact Simon & Schuster Special Sales at 1-866-506-1949 or [email protected]. The Simon & Schuster Speakers Bureau can bring authors to your live event. For more information or to book an event contact the Simon & Schuster Speakers Bureau at 1-866-248-3049 or visit our website at Designed by Brian Chojnowski Manufactured in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Weiland, Scott. Not dead & not for sale / Scott Weiland with David Ritz. 1st Scribner hardcover ed. p. cm. 1. Weiland, Scott, 1967 2. Rock musiciansUnited StatesBiography. 3. Stone Temple Pilots (Musical group). I. Ritz, David. II. Title. III. Title: Not dead and not for sale. ML420.W357A3 2010 782.42166092dc22 2010025147 [B] ISBN 978-0-7432-9716-5 ISBN 978-1-4391-9997-8 (ebook) All photographs are courtesy of the author unless noted otherwise. Fall To Pieces 2004; For A Brother; The Last Fight; Mary Mary 2007 Chrysalis Music/Ready Set Go Publishing/Dracsorum Music/Pimp Music/DTK Music. By Scott Weiland/Matt Sorum/Duff McKagan/David Kushner/Saul Hudson. All Rights Administered by Chrysalis Music (ASCAP). All Rights Reserved. Used By Permission. International Copyright Secured. All other lyrics by Scott Weiland used by permission, courtesy of the author; Foxy Dead Girl Music; Triple Kauf Noplate; and Bug Music, Inc.

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