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LESSON 6 VOCABULARY tabemasu nomimasu suimasu mimasu kikimasu yomimasu kakimasu kaimasu torimasu {shashin o~} shimasu aimasu

{tomodachi ni~} gohan asagohan hirugohan bangohan eat drink smoke a {cigarette} see,look at, watch listen read write,draw,paint buy take {a photograph} do meet{a friend} meal, cooked rice breakfast lunch supper pan tamago niku sakana yasai kudamono mizu ocha koucha gyuunyuu ju-su bi-ru {o}sake bread egg meat fish vegetable fruit water tea, green tea black tea milk juice beer alcohol Japanese wine

BUNKEI (SENTENCE PATTERN) 6.1. Watashi wa ju-su o nomimasu ..................ocha..................... ..................gyuunyuu.............. Anata wa nani o nomimasu ka. 6.2. Watashi wa eki de shinbun o kaimasu .. mise.. Anata wa doko de shinbun o kaimasu ka. 6.3. Issho ni ocha o nomimasen ka . ............. bi-ru ........................... Kyouto e ikimasen ka. Toukyo Eiga o mimasen ka. Bideo 6.4 Chotto yasumimasho. REIBUN (PRACTICE SENTENCES) Do you smoke cigarette? ..Yes, I smoke. .No, I dont smoke. What do you eat daily? ..... I eat bread and egg. What did you eat this morning? .....I didnt eat any. I drink juice. ..........tea ...........milk What do you drink? I buy a newspaper at the station. .. store Where do you buy newspaper? Lets drink tea together. beer ..... Wouldnt you go to Kyoto? Tokyo? Wouldnt you watch movie? Lets take a rest for a while.

1. Tabako o suimasu ka. Hai, suimasu Iie, suimasen 2. Maiasa nani o tabemasu ka .Pan to tamago o tabemasu 3. Kesa nani o tabemashita ka. Nani mo tabemasen deshita.

4. Doyoubi nani o shimashita ka. .Nihongo o benkyoushimashita . Sore kara eiga o mimashita. Nichiyoubi wa nani o shimashita ka. Tomodachi to Nara e ikimashita. 5. Doko de sono kaban o kaimashita ka. . Amerika de kaimashita 6. Issho ni biiru o nomimasen ka. Ee, nomimasho Tabemono kome tamago kai kyuuri tomato nasu mame kyabetsu negi hakusai hourensou retasu jagaimo daikon tamanegi ninjin ichigo momo suika budou nashi kaki mikan ringo banana Food rice egg shellfish cucumber tomato eggplant beans, peas cabbage Welsh onion Chinese cabbage spinach lettuce potato Japanese radish onion carrot strawberry peach watermelon grape Japanese pear persimmon mandarin orange apple banana

What did you do last Saturday? .I studied japanese language. .....Then, I watched a movie. What did you do last Sunday? I went to Nara with a friend. Where did you buy your bag? I bought it in America. Wouldnt you drink beer together? Yes, lets drink.

LESSON 7 VOCABULARY kirimasu okurimasu agemasu moraimasu kashimasu karimasu oshiemasu naraimasu kakemasu panchi hocchikisu sero te-pu keshi gomu kami hana shatsu puresento nimotsu ryokou omiyage EXPRESSIONS Gomen kudasai Irasshai Douzo oagari kudasai Shitsureishimasu [__wa] ikagadesu ka? Itadakimasu Excuse me./ Anybody home?/ May I come in? (expression used by visitors) Welcome. Do come in Thank you./ May I? Wont you have __?/ Would you like to have__? (used when offering something) Thank you./ I accept. (said before starting to eat or drink) eraser paper flower, blossom shirt present, gift baggage, parcel trip, tour souvenir, present cut, slice send give receive lend borrow teach learn make [a telephone call] punch stapler Scotch tape, clear adhesive tape te hashi supon naifu fo-ku hasami fakusu wa-puro pasokon okane kippu Kurisumasu chichi haha otousan okaasan mou mada korekara Supein Yu-roppu hand, arm chopsticks spoon knife fork scissors fax word processor personal computer money ticket Christmas (my) father (my) mother (someone elses) father (someone elses) mother already not yet from now on, soon Spain Europe

BUNKEI (SENTENCE PATTERN) Watashi wa wapuro de tegami o kakimasu. Watashi wa Kimura-san ni hana o agemasu. I write letter by word processor. I give flower to Ms. Kimura.

Watashi wa Karina-san ni chokoreto o moraimashita. I received chocolate from Ms. Karina REIBUN (PRACTICE SENTENCES) Japanese eat by chopsticks. Indonesians eat by spoon and fork. Americans eat by knife and fork. By what utensils do you eat?

Nihon-jin wa hashi gohan o tabemasu. Indoneshia-jin wa supun to foku o tabemasu. Amerika-jin naifu to foku o tabemasu. Nan de tabemasu.ka.

LESSON 8 VOCABULARY wakarimasu arimasu suki [na] kirai [na] jouzu [na] heta [na] ryouri nomimono supo-tsu yakyuu dansu ongaku uta kurashikku jazu konsa-to karaoke Kabuki e ji kanji hiragana katakana ro-maji komakai okane chiketto jikan youji yakusoku goshujin otto/shujin okusan tsuma/kanai kodomo yoku daitai takusan sukoshi zenzen hayaku __kara doushite EXPRESSIONS Zannen desu [ne] Sumimasen Moshi moshi Aa Isshoni ikaga desu ka? [__wa] chotto.. Dame desu ka? Mata kondo onegaishimasu Im sorry [to hear that] I am sorry Hello (used on the phone) oh Wont you join me/us? [__] is a bit difficult So you cannot [come]? Please ask me again some other time. understand have like dislike good at poor at dish (cooked food), cooking drinks sport (_o shimasu:play sports) baseball (_o shimasu:play baseball) dance (_o shimasu:dance) music song classical music jazz concert music karaoke Kabuki (traditional Japanese musical drama) picture, drawing letter, character Chinese characters Hiragana script Katakana script the Roman alphabet small change ticket time something to do, errand appointment, promise (someone elses) husband (my) husband (someone elses) wife (my) wife child well, much mostly, roughly many, much a little, a few not at all (used w/ negatives) early, quickly, fast because__ why

BUNKEI (SENTENCE PATTERN) Watashi wa Itaria-ryori ga suki desu. Watashi wa Nihon-go ga sukoshi wakarimasu. Kyo wa kodomo no tanjobi desu kara, hayaku kaerimasu. REIBUN (PRACTICE SENTENCES) eiga ga suki desu. supotsu Kankoku-ryori I like movies. sports Korean food. I like Italian food. I know a little Japanese. I will go home early today because it is my childs birthday.

Watashi wa

Ongaku poppusu rokku jazu raten kurashikku minyou enka mu-shikaru opera

Music pop rock jazz Latin American music classical music folk music traditional Japanese popular songs musical opera

Eiga SF horaanime dokyumentarirenai misuteribungei sensou akushon kigeki

Film SF film horror film animated film documentary film romantic film mystery film movie based on a classical work war film action film comedy film

Supo-tsu sofuto bo-ru sakkaragubibare-bo-ru basuketto bo-ru tenisu bo-ringu suki-

Sports softball soccer rugby football Volleyball Basketball Tennis Bowling Skiing

Supo-tsu suke-to yakyuu takkyuu sumou Juudou Kendou suiei

Sports skating baseball ping-pong sumo judo Japanese fencing swimming

LESSON 9 VOCABULARY imasu exist, be (referring to animate things) arimasu exist, be (referring to inanimate things) iroiro [na] various otoko no hito man onna no hito woman otoko no ko boy onna no ko girl inu dog neko cat ki tree, wood mono thing firumu film denchi battery hako box suicchi switch reizouko refrigerator te-buru table beddo bed tana shelf doa door mado window posuto post biru building kouen park kissaten coffee shop honya bookstore __ya __store noriba a fixed place to catch taxis, trains, etc. ken prefecture ue on, above, over shita under, below, beneath mae front, before ushiro back, behind migi right [side] hidari left [side] naka in, inside soto outside tonari next, next door chikaku near, vicinity aida between, among __ya __ [na do] __, __, and so on ichiban__ the most__ -danme the th shelf [doumo] sumimasen thank you chiri so-su chili sauce oku the back supaisu ko-naspice corner Tokyo Dizuniirando Tokyo Disneyland

BUNKEI (SENTENCE PATTERN) Asoko ni Sato-san ga imasu. Mr. Sato is over there. Tsukue no ue ni shashin ga arimasu. There is a portrait on the desk. Kazoku wa Nyuyoku ni imasu. My family is in New York. Tokyo Dizuniirando wa Chiba-ken ni arimasu. Tokyo Disneyland is in Chiba Prefecture. REIBUN (PRACTICE SENTENCES) Asoko ni otoko no hito ga imasu ne. Ano hito wa dare desu ka. ---IMC no Matsumoto-san desu. There is a man over there. Who is that person? IMCs Matsumoto.

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