Berg vs. Magdalena Estate

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Berg vs. Magdalena Estate G.R. No. L-3784 BAUTISTA ANGELO, J.

: FACTS: The plaintiff and defendant are co-owners of said property, the former being the owner of one-third interest and the latter of the remaining two-thirds. The division is asked because plaintiff and defendant are unable to agree upon the management of the property and upon the partition thereof. Defendant it sold to plaintiff one-third of the property in litigation subject to the express condition that should either vendor or vendee decide to sell his or its undivided share, the party selling would grant to the other part first an irrevocable option to purchase the same at the seller's price. Plaintiff fixed the sum of P200,000 as the price of said share and offered to sell it to defendant, which offer was accepted, and for the payment of said price plaintiff gave defendant a period of time which, including the extensions granted. Defendant claims that, in spite of the acceptance of the offer, plaintiff refused to accept the payment of the price, and for this refusal defendant suffered damages in the amount of P100,000. For these reasons, defendant asks for specific performance. Plaintiff claims that the transaction relative to the property in litigation is not supported by any note or memorandum subscribed by the parties, as in fact no such note or memorandum has been made evidencing the transaction, for which reason, plaintiff claims, this transaction falls under the statute of frauds and cannot form the basis of the special defense invoked by the defendant. ISSUE: Whether an agreement to sell has actually been reached between plaintiff and defendant of the share of the former in the property in litigation for the sum of P200,000. HELD: YES. We are of the opinion that the applications marked exhibits "3" and "4", whether considered separately or jointly, satisfy all the requirements of the statute as to contents and signature and, as such, they constitute sufficient proof to evidence the agreement in question. And we say so because in both applications all the requirements of a contract are present, namely, the parties, the price or consideration, and the subject-matter. In the application exhibit "3", October 17, 1952

Jerome C. Aviso

Ernest Berg appears as the seller and the Magdalena Estate Inc. as the purchaser, the former's interest in the Crystal Arcade as the subjectmatter, and the sum of P200,000 as the consideration.

Jerome C. Aviso

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