Understanding Personality

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University of Bucharest Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures Department of Modern Applied Languages

Understanding Human Personality

Work coordinated by: Associate Professor Daria Protopopescu

Candidate: Susoiu Stefania Roxana

I. INTRODUCTION I.1. Understanding Human Personality I.1.1 What is Personality ........3 I.1.2 Studying Personality...3 I.1.3 Research Strategies ....4 I.1.4 Theories about Personality ....6 II. TEMPERAMENT THEORIES : YOUR BODY AND YOUR PERSONALITY II.1 Personality Pathways: Exploring personality type and trait II.1.1 Categorizing with types. The four humours ..7 II.1.2 The Nature of Personality Traits .......8 II.1.3 Describing With Traits ..9 II.2 Do Traits Predict Behaviors? II.2.1 The Consistency Paradox ..9 II.2.2 Identifying Universal Trait Dimensions .9 II.2.3 Biotypes for Basic Personality Dimensions? 12 II.3 Psychodynamic Theories II.3.1 Freudian psychoanalysis ...13 II.3.2 The structure of Personality ..14 II.3.3 Consciousness and The Unconscious 15 II.3.4 Repression and Ego defense .16 II.3.5 Borderline Defense Mechanisms ..17 II.3.6 Neo-Freudian Theories .18 II.4 Humanistic Theories II.4.1 Features of Humanistic Theories19 II.4.2 A person-centered approach...19 II.5 Learning Theories II.5.1 A strict behavioristic approach..20

II.5.2 Reconciling the analytic and behavioral approaches.20 II.5.3 Banduras Social Learning Theory20 II.5.4 Self-efficacy..21 II.6 Cognitive Theories II.6.1 Personal Construct Theory21 II.6.2 Mischel's Cognitive - Affective Personality Theory..22

III. THE SELF AND SELF-SCHEMA III.1 Self Theories III.1.1 Dynamic aspects of Self-concepts..22 III.1.2 Self-esteem and Self-presentation..23 III.1.3 Possible Selves and Self Guides.23 III.1.4 From the Western Self to the Cross-cultural Self..24 III.2 A cognitive information-processing approach to personality III.2.1 Implicit Personality Theory25 III.2.2 From Cognition to Feeling and Motivation...26 III.2.3 From Thinking to Action26

IV. TERMINOLOGY IV.1 Definition IV.2 Technical Terminology IV.3 Glossary V. METHODS AND PROCEDURES V.1 The semantic fields V.2 Concept map V.3 Predictions VI. GLOSSARY VII. CONCLUSIONS VIII. REFFERENCES


INTRODUCTION I.1. Understanding Human Personality

I.1.1. What is personality? People look different or respond differently to a given stimulus. There also seems to be a subjective, private aspect of individuals that gives coherence and order to their behavior. Taken together, these special features, unique aspects, orderly and consistent properties of individuals are what we usually mean by personality. In popular usage, the word personality is something akin to attractiveness, charm, or charisma. There are two different perspectives on psychology, one that studies the whole person as the sum of those separate processes of feeling, thoughts, and actions and another that focus on specific processes that are similar in all of us, such as nerve signal transmission, perception, conditioning and decision making.

I.1.2. Studying Personality Interest in personality is obviously not limited to psychologists. Philosophers, theologians, dramatists, and novelists have long sought to understand how personality and character are formed, maintained, or transformed. The special province of the psychologist however, is the measurement of personality. The character which shapes our conduct is a definite and durable something, and therefore it is reasonable to attempt to measure it1 The field of personality psychology puts the person back into psychology by attempting to integrate all aspects of functioning of the individual person. Personality psychology also goes beyond an interest in the normally functioning. It provides the research and theoretical foundation for understanding personal problems and pathologies of body, mind and behavior, as well as a basis for therapeutic approaches to change personality. Simply put, personality is what characterizes an individual. It includes the unique psychological qualities of an individual that influence a variety of characteristic behavior patterns ( both overt and covert) across different situations and over time.2 Over the past few
1 2

Psychometric theory Galton, Francis (1884). page 179 Measurement of Character, Fortnightly Review, 36 Personality theories concepts Corsini, Raymond J., 1977, Current Personality Theories, Itasca, Illinois: F.E Peacock Publishers

decades, personality psychology reached the consensus that the adjectives people use everywhere could be subsumed into five general constructs. The search for these began with Sir Francis Galton, the first individual to search the dictionary for personality-related terms, and published his findings in 1884. What does characterize an individual? Without really thinking about it we are able to recognize our friends, even if we have not seen them for some time. If we know people well enough, we are even able to recognize them from someone elses account of their behavior. We are able to recognize individuals and to characterize them to others, by the ways they are consistent across different situations and over time. Even if they are consistently unpredictable, that is something we can say about them that distinguishes them from less mercurial3 individuals. Many searchers today are finding that the notion of consistency in personality across different situations and over time may not be as simple as had been though. When human behavior is studied, both personal consistency and variability due to situational influences are observed. Theories and research must indicate when and how life circumstances influence the personal characteristics people bring to those situations, as well as how personality affects reactions to those situations.

Quick and changeable in temperament

I.1.3 Research Strategies

The objective data of psychology are observable stimuli and observable responses. Psychological research is based on the scientific method, a set of attitudes and procedures for ensuring objectivity in gathering empirical information and for minimizing error. All research methods in psychology are based on observation of behavior. They range from observation of natural, ongoing behavior in unrestricted settings to observation under focused, highly controlled, artificial conditions where the researcher changes the stimulus conditions and limits the responses that are possible. Three major research strategies for collecting information about the nature of personality are: the case study approach, the correlational approach, and the experimental approach. Those are combined and special methods combine two or more procedures from the five basic methods ( naturalistic observation, surveys, interviews, tests, and controlled experiments). The case study method. It was the primary method used by Sigmund Freud in understanding abnormal behavior. Case studies are scientific biographies of selected individuals. They are a method for trying to capture the richness and uniqueness of human personality. Psychologists who use the case study method to study personality by identifying persons unique characteristics follow an idiographic approach. In this approach, each trait is viewed as unique in each personality because it functions differently, depending on the overall pattern of traits. In the contrasting nomothetic approach, individuals differ only in the degree to which they possess personality traits. Researchers using a nomothetic approach try to establish universal, lawful relationships between different aspects of personality functioning, such as traits. The correlational method. The correlational method is called for when a researcher wants to determine if there is a consistent relationship between two or more behaviors (or events) for a group of people that are observed under the same conditions. Researchers want to go beyond knowing just that two variables are related to knowing how they are related. But the correlation itself does not provide any causal information. When two variables are found to be correlated (and you thing you have eliminated the possibility of coincidence),one may cause the other, or they both may be caused by a third variable, or they may be related in some other way. Since correlations are relationships between sets of measurements, predictions based on them are group predictions. Correlation cannot always be accurate predictions for

individuals (except in the rare cases where there is a perfect correlation). For example, a positive correlation between heavy smoking and incidence of cancer tells us that there will be more cancer among heavy smokers than among nonsmokers but does not tell us whether any particular individual will get cancer. The experimental method. This method studies what conditions are causally related to characteristic behavior of individuals. The experimental method involves manipulating one variable to determine if changes in one variable cause changes in another variable. This method relies on controlled methods, random assignment, and the manipulations of variables to test a hypothesis. There is a trade-off when using this method; the gain in control of variables, along with precision and reliability of specific information gathered, comes at the expense of less breadth of information collected. Personality researchers who follow a learning or cognitive theoretical view4 tend to use the experimental method more than do proponents of other personality theories. Alternative perspectives. Psychological research has included studies of instinctive behavior in lower animals, studies of skill development, studies of particular processes in humans (such as sensation, learning, and attitude change), studies of neurobiological functions, studies of the development and course of mental disorders, studies of conformity pressures. It is hardly surprising that curious investigators, focusing on different kinds or aspects of behavior and using different research methods, have developed different perspectives from which to explain the behaviors they were studying.

I.1.4 Theories about personality

Psychological claims are unavoidable aspect of the daily life of any thinking, feeling, acting person in this psychologically society. Every day you address the same issues psychologists do: you ask questions about your own behavior or that of other people, you seek answers from your theories or observations or what authorities say, and you check out the answers against the evidence available to you. Different theorists approach the complexity of human nature and the functioning of mind and behavior from different starting points, using different levels of analysis, while seeing some variables and processes as more important than other investigators believe them to be. Some deal with specific traits and behaviors, while others deal with more general

Theories discussed in chapter II.5 and II.6

dispositions. Some are more concerned with what a person is, while others place more emphasis on how he or she has changed or may develop in the future. Some theories grew out of observations of people with psychological problems, while others are based on observations of normal people in normal circumstances. Thus, each theory approaches the subject at hand from different orientation. Each can teach us something about personality. The many current theoretical approaches to understanding personality can be grouped into five categories: type and trait theories, psychodynamic theories, humanistic theories, learning theories, and cognitive theories.

II.1. Personality Pathways: Exploring personality type and trait II.1.1. Categorizing with types Some personality theorists classify people into separate groups according to their personality types, which are distinct patterns of personality characteristics. In a typological approach, people are assigned to categories on the basis of particular similarities. One of the earliest type theories was proposed in the fifth century B.C by Hippocrates. He theorized that the body contained four basic fluids or humors5, each associated with a particular temperament. Each individuals personality depended on which one of these humors were predominant. Hippocrates pairing of body humors with personality temperament was: Blood Sanguine temperament, cheerful and active; Phlegm Phlegmatic temperament, apathetic and sluggish; Black bile Melancholic temperament, sad and brooding; Yellow bile Choleric temperament, irascible and excitable. An interesting popular type theory of personality was one advanced by an American physician, William Sheldon (1942). Sheldon sought to relate physique to temperament. He assigned people to categories based on their somatotypes, or body builds: Endomorphic ( fat, soft, round ), Mesomorphic ( muscular, rectangular, strong ), or Ectomorphic ( thin, long, fragile ). The point of the typology was to specify relationships between these physiques ( or constitutional types ) and particular personality traits, activities, and preferences. A more recent, better accepted type approach attempts to reduce the complexity of personality to a few major categories. H. J. Eysenck ( 1970, 1975 ), suggested that the two major dimensions of personality are Introversion Extraversion and Stability Instability ( or neuroticism ). Extraverts are sociable, outgoing, active, impulsive, tough-minded people.

Sheldons Somatotype Theory (1942) Body Type Temperament

Introverts are their psychological opposites tender-minded, withdrawn, passive, cautious, and reflective. Although the data show that people have many traits, the traits cluster into four categories that represent the smallest number of basic personality types according to this view. While most people fall at intermediate points within each of the four quadrants of Eysencks personality circle6, it is the extremes that distinguish the types.

II.1.2 The nature of Personality Traits The scientific study of traits develops two aspects of common-sense-discourse on personality. First, it formalizes the tendency in natural language to use trait descriptors of individuals. Second, it formalizes the popular awareness that there are generalities of personalities, such that individuals of a similar disposition may be grouped together. This tendency is seen in folk psychology: astrology has twelve personality-based sun signs, and there is a Chinese custom of ascribing certain aspects of personality to the year in which a person was born; for instance those in the years of cow are said to be conscientious and hardworking. Traits emerged from folk psychology and medicine, and from natural language. The history of traits is a story which may be told in various ways: through tracing the

Eysencks Personality Questionnaire; Manual of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (1975) with S. B. G. Eysenck

counterparts to extraversion and neuroticism identified in different epochs ( Eysenck and Eysenck, 1969; Eysenck, 1981 ), or through emphasizing the evolution of currently dominant five factor model of personality ( Goldberg, 1993 ).

II.1.3 Describing with traits. Psychologists who identify people as types assume that there are separate, discontinuous categories into which people fall. By contrast, psychologists who describe people in terms of traits typically assume the existence of underlying, continuous dimensions, such as intelligence or generosity, that everyone has to some degree. Traits are assumed to be qualities or attributes that people possess which influence behavior because they act as generalized action tendencies. Gordon Allport7 ( 1937, 1961 ) viewed traits as the building blocks of personality and the source of individual uniqueness. Allport identified three kinds of traits. A cardinal trait is one around which a person organizes his or her life. For some it might involve power or achievement; for others, self-sacrifice for the good of others. Not all people develop cardinal traits. Central trais are traits we think of as major characteristics of a person, such as honesty. Secondary traits are less important characteristics that are not central to our understanding of the individuals personality, such as particular attitudes, preferences, and style of behavior.

II.2.1 The consistency paradox Columbia University psychologist Walter Mischel is one of the strongest critics of the concept of general personality traits. Mischel argues that personality is better understood as having temporal stability ( not changing over time ) than as showing cross-situational consistency ( consistency from one situation to another ). Could it be that our tendency to perceive consistency in personality is an extension of this general process of organizing our world to make it coherent, orderly, and more readily predictable? Do traits predict behavior? Often others will behave the way they think we want them to, thus exaggerating their apparent consistency in our eyes. They may act quite differently in the presence of other observers. Most of us are free to choose the situations we enter, and we enter those we expect to feel comfortable. Those situations tend to be familiar ones, where the opportunities for new

Gordon Willard Allport (November 11, 1897 October 9, 1967) was an American psychologist. Allport was one of the first psychologists to focus on the study of the personality, and is often referred to as one of the founding figures of personality psychology. He contributed to the formation of Values Scales and rejected both a psychoanalytic approach to personality and a behavioral approach.


stimulation, conflict, or challenge are limited. In those situations our behavior tends to be restricted and thus does indeed tend to be consistent. Our judgments of others often come not from what we observe them doing but from what they tell us they do. Such self-reports are often biased and not accurate evidence of their behavior. Our first impressions bias us strongly. Thereafter, we tend to interpret what we see as fitting in with and confirming our original view, which we assume was accurate. Once established, a belief needs little evidence to support it but much to refute it and prop up an illusion of consistency. There are many others examples of inconsistency, which show that personality ratings across time and different observers are consistent, while behavior ratings of a person across situations are not consistent. Regardless of how this controversy is resolved about the conditions under which personality trait scores predict behavior, we should not lose sight of a basic property of trait theories. They provide a static view of personality as a set of more or less enduring qualities.

II.2.2 Identifying Universal Trait Dimension Raymond Cattells Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire Trait theorist Raymond Cattell reduced the number of main personality traits from Allports initial list of over 4,000 down to 1718, mostly by eliminating uncommon traits and combining common characteristics. Next, Cattell rated a large sample of individuals for these 171 different traits. Then, using a statistical technique known as factor analysis, he identified closely related terms and eventually reduced his list to just 16 key personality traits. According to Cattell, these 16 traits are the source of all human personality. He also developed one of the most widely used personality assessments known as the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire ( 16PF ). Eysencks Three Dimensions of Personality Personality trait dimensions, based on self-report questionnaires or ratings by others, represent the most abstract level of description. The three broad personality dimensions postulated by Eysenck (1967) can be identified in both men and women. Eyscnck's scales,

Cattell, R.B. (1965). The scientific analysis of personality. Baltimore: Penguin Books


Extraversion (E), Neuroticism (N), and Psychoticism (P) are good markers for these dimensions: Introversion Extraversion: Introversion involves directing attention on inner experiences, while extraversion relates on focusing attention on other people and the environment. So, a person high in introversion might be quiet and reserved, while an individual high in extraversion might be sociable and outgoing. Neuroticism / Emotional stability: This dimension of Eysencks trait theory is related to moodiness versus even-temperedness. Neuroticism refers to an individuals tendency to become upset or emotional, while stability refers to the tendency to remain emotionally constant. Psychoticism: Later, after studying individuals suffering from mental illness, Eysenck added a personality dimension he called psychoticism to his trait theory. Individuals who are high on his trait tend to have difficulty dealing with reality and may be antisocial, hostile, nonemphatetic and manipulative.9 The Five Factor Theory of Personality Recent research indicated that five factor overlap Eysencks original three, best characterize personality structure. The Five - Factor model ( the Big Five )10 illustrated five common trait themes: Extroversion: Talkative, energetic, and assertive versus quiet, reserved, and shy Agreeableness: Sympathetic, kind, and affectionate versus cold, quarrelsome, and cruel Conscientiousness: Organized, responsible, and cautious versus careless, frivolous, and

Neuroticism: Stable, calm, and contented versus anxious, unstable, and temperamental Openness to experience: Creative, intellectual, and open minded versus simple, shallow,
and unintelligent

The PAD Model Albert Mehrabian has a three-dimensional temperament model that has been well received. It is based on his three-dimensional model of emotions. He theorizes that you can

Eysenck, H.J. (1992). Four ways five factors are not basic. Personality and Individual Differences, 13, 667-673 Cattell, H.E. (1996). "The original big five: A historical perspective". European Review of Applied Psychology 46: 514.


describe just about any emotion with these three dimensions: pleasure-displeasure (P), arousal-nonarousal (A), and dominance-submissiveness (D). P means that, overall, you experience more pleasure than displeasure. It relates positively to extraversion, affiliation, nurturance, empathy, and achievement, and negatively to neuroticism, hostility, and depression. A means that you respond strongly to unusual, complex, or changing situations. It relates to emotionality, neuroticism, sensitivity, introversion, schizophrenia, heart disease, eating disorders, and lots more. D means that you feel in control over your life. It relates positively to extraversion, assertiveness, competitiveness, affiliation, social skills, and nurturance, and negatively to neuroticism, tension, anxiety, introversion, conformity, and depression. II.2.3 Biotypes for Basic Personality Dimensions? The nineteenth-century "science" of phrenology proposed that each personality trait had a particular locus in the brain that shaped the skull above it. Today, we view this kind of brain localization as fallacious. But in the search for simplicity we may be creating a new kind of phrenology, one more in accord with real brain entities and modern neurophysiology, but still inaccurate. The new phrenology" suggests that each personality trait is based on one particular brain structure or system or one biochemical. Personality traits are elaborations of what once were relatively simple reflexive mechanisms. A simple organism like a paramecium has two basic "personality traits": approach and withdrawal. Anxiety, for instance, requires "anticipation," including abstraction from the common elements of past situations of danger, storage of them in memory, their control over behavior in the appropriate circumstances, and a rapid shift in the physiology of the body toward the demands of defense and survival. Any personality trait involves a variety of behavioral mechanisms and each behavioral mechanism is likely to be mediated by a number of biological mechanisms. It is these biological mechanisms that are most directly under the control of the genotype through its assembling of chemical components. Given this kind of complexity in brain behavior relationships, a "top down" rather than a "bottom up" approach to defining basic personality traits may be best. A top down approach ( Eysenck ) is a (1) definition of personality dimensions at the highest or broadest level; (2) a delineation of narrower traits composing them; (3) an identification of behavioral mechanisms involved in the personality traits; and (4) finding the

biological mechanisms controlling the behavioral ones and thereby the personality traits. A "bottom up" approach ( Gray ) starts with the biological bases of behavioral mechanisms, as developed from comparative studies of other species, followed by extrapolation to the behavior and personality traits of humans. Theoretically, both approaches could yield the same isomorphic solution. Because of the problem of finding the appropriate animal models for human traits, it is more likely that different solutions will be reached by those starting from the top and those working up from the bottom. Gray, for instance, has attempted to redefine the basic dimensions of personality within Eysenck's model by drawing the axes at peculiar angles through the three-dimension space without regard for the empirically derived structure of personality traits as revealed in factor-analytic studies. While Gray has identified basic bio-behavioral mechanisms in rats, their involvement in human personality traits is open to question. II.3 Psychodynamic Theories II.3.1 Freudian Psychoanalysis By the end of the nineteenth century, Charles Darwin11 had made the world aware of the common bonds that link human beings and animals. Psychologists were quick to borrow Darwins concept of instinct and transform it from its original use in accounting for stereotyped patterns of animal behavior to a concept representing the force underlying virtually all human actions. They had a new term instinct but not a better understanding of the psychological processes it was meant to describe. A more fruitful approach was needed. For many, this was provided in the work of Sigmund Freud. He gave new meaning to the concept of human instincts, he revolutionized the very concept of human personality, as Darwin had done for the concept of human evolution. Freuds theory of personality is a grand theory that bodily attempts to explain the origins and course of personality development, the nature of mind, the abnormal aspects of personality, and how personality can be changed by therapy. At the core of personality, according to psychoanalytic theory, are events within the persons mind, intrapsychic events that motivate behavior or are intentions to act. Often we are aware of the motivations. But some motivations also operate at an unconscious level. For

Charles Robert Darwin FRS (12 February 1809 19 April 1882) was an English naturalist. He established that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestry, and proposed the scientific theory that this branching pattern of evolution resulted from a process that he called natural selection.


Freud, all behavior was motivated, every human action had a purpose and a cause that could be discovered by psychoanalyzing a persons thought associations, dreams, errors, and other behavioral clues. There is no room for chance events in psychoanalytic theory; all acts are determined by motives. In Freuds analysis, four concepts form the core of psychodynamic approach: psychic determinism, early experience, drives and instincts, and unconscious processes. Psychic determinism. In the late 1800s, cases of hysteria were recorded in Europe of bodily affliction for which no adequate physical explanation could be found. Those afflicted would experience paralysis or blindness and yet they would have intact nervous system and no obvious organic damage to their muscles or eyes. Freud observed that this particular physical symptom often seemed related to a prior forgotten event in the patients life. For example, under hypnosis, a blind patient might recall witnessing her parents having intercourse when she was a small child. Her blindness might represent an attempt on her part to undo seeing the original event, and perhaps also to deny sexual feelings in herself. Her symptom would also have a secondary function ( secondary gain ). By making her helpless and dependent, it would bring her attention, comfort, and sympathy from others. Early experience. Freud assumed a continuity of personality development from womb to tomb, with all a persons past experience contributing to the personality he or she shows today. But Freud believed that it is in infancy and early childhood that experience has its most profound impact on personality formation. Drives and instincts. The source of motivation for human actions was ascribed to psychic energy found within each individual. Each of us is assumed to have an inborn instincts or drives that are tension systems created by the organs of the body. These energy sources, when activated, can be expressed in many different ways. Although they are often referred to as instinctual urges, Freuds German term Triebe is closer to the concept of drive than to instinct (which is an inherited tendency to act in a characteristic way ). Freud originally postulated two basic drives. One he saw as involved with the ego or self-preservation (hunger, thirst) and the other he called Eros (related to sexual urges). Clinical observation of patients who had suffered traumatic experiences during World War I led Freud to add the concept of Thanatos (the death instinct) to his theory. Thanatos drives people toward aggressive and destructive behaviors. Unconscious processes. There is also a latent content to our behavior that is concealed from us by unconscious processes. The meaning of neurotic (anxiety based)

symptoms, as well as of dreams and slips of the pen and tongue, are to be found at the unconscious level of thinking and information processing. The concept of unconscious motivation adds a new dimension to personality by allowing for greater complexity of mental functioning than does a rational model. The notion of an unconscious mind threatens those who want to believe they are in full command of their ship of mental state as it travels along. II.3.2 The structure of personality Freud accounted for personality differences by attributing them to the different ways in which people deal with their fundamental drives. To explain these differences, he pictured a continuing battle between two parts of the personality, the id and the superego, moderated by a third aspect of the self, the ego. The id is conceived as the primitive, unconscious part of the personality, the storehouse of the fundamental drives. It operates irrationally. It acts on impulse and pushes for expression and immediate gratification no matter what. The id is governed by the pleasure principle, the search for unregulated sexual, physical, and emotional pleasure. The superego is the store house of an individuals values, including moral attitudes learned from society. It corresponds roughly to the conscience; it develops as a child internalizes the prohibition of parents. It is the inner voice of oughts, and should nots. The superego also includes the ego ideal, the individuals view of the kind of person he or she should strive to become. The id wants to do what feels good, while the superego, operating on the morally principle, insists on doing what is right. The ego is the reality-based aspect of the self that arbitrates the conflict between id impulses and superego demands. The ego represents the individuals personal view of physical and social reality. Part of the egos job is to choose actions that will gratify id impulses without having undesirable consequences. The ego is governed by the reality principle, which puts reasonable choices before pleasurable demands. When the id and the superego are in conflict, the ego arranges a compromise that at least partially satisfies both. II.3.3 Consciousness and The Unconscious Many theories postulate some sort of unconscious, not necessarily as a place where our worst fears bubble and boil, but as a way of accounting for many things that influence us without our full awareness. There are three aspects of the unconscious: The first is biological. We come into this life with something like Freuds id or


Jung Collective unconscious12 in place. It is likely composed of whatever instincts remain a part of our human nature, plus our temperament or inborn personality, and perhaps the preprogramming stages of life. Second, there is the social unconscious, which actually resembles Freuds superego more than Freuds id. It might include our language, social taboos cultural habits. It includes all the cultural things we were surrounded with in our childhood and have learned so well that they have become second nature to us. And third, there is the personal unconscious, perhaps understood as the unconscious aspect of the ego. It is composed of our idiosyncratic habits, the more personal things we have learned so well we no longer need to be conscious of them in order to enact them like knowing how to drive so well that we can light a cigarette or talk on the phone at the same time. Included among those well learned things might be the defense mechanisms. With these we ignore, with habitual efficiency, uncomfortable realities in order to save our sense of self-worth.

II.3.4 Repression and Ego Defense Repression is an important, uniquely Freudian concept that provides a psychological means through which strong conflicts created by id impulses are taken out of

Chapter II.3.6 Neo Freudian Theories


conscious awareness pushed into the unconscious and their overt expression controlled . Repression is the most basic of the ego defense mechanisms, which are mental strategies the ego uses to defend itself from the conflicts experienced in the normal course of life. These mechanisms are vital to an individuals psychological adaptation to conflicting demands from id, superego, and external reality. They are mental processes that enable the person to maintain a generally favorable self-image by utilizing a variety of mental tactics and strategies. One of the more interesting aspects of repression is its effect on cognition and affect. The person is no longer consciously aware of the ideas that have been repressed, but continues to experience feelings associated with the repressed material. For example, repressed hostility toward a parent might be expressed as general rebellion against authority. For Freud, anxiety is an intense emotional response caused by the preconscious recognition that a repressed conflict is about to emerge into consciousness. That is, anxiety is a danger signal: Repression is not working! Red alert! More defenses needed! II.3.5 Borderline defense mechanisms The list of defense mechanisms is huge and there is no theoretical consensus on the number of defense mechanisms. Classifying defense mechanisms according to some of their properties (i.e. underlying mechanisms, similarities or connections with personality) has been attempted. Different theorists have different categorizations and conceptualizations of defense mechanisms. Primitive psychological defenses are projection, denial, dissociation or splitting and they are called borderline defense mechanisms. Also, devaluation and projective identification are seen as borderline defenses. Projection is a primitive form of paranoia. Projection also reduces anxiety by allowing the expression of the undesirable impulses or desires without becoming consciously aware of them; attributing one's own unacknowledged unacceptable/unwanted thoughts and emotions to another; includes severe prejudice, severe jealousy, hypervigilance to external danger, and "injustice collecting". It is shifting one's unacceptable thoughts, feelings and impulses within oneself onto someone else, such that those same thoughts, feelings, beliefs and motivations are perceived as being possessed by the other. Denial is the refusal to accept external reality because it is too threatening; arguing against an anxiety-provoking stimulus by stating it doesn't exist; resolution of emotional conflict and reduction of anxiety by refusing to perceive or consciously acknowledge the more unpleasant aspects of external reality.

Dissociation is a temporary drastic modification of one's personal identity or character to avoid emotional distress; separation or postponement of a feeling that normally would accompany a situation or thought. Splitting is a primitive defense. Negative and positive impulses are split off and unintegrated. Fundamental example: An individual views other people as either innately good or innately evil, rather than a whole continuous being. II.3.6 Neo-Freudian Theories Many of those who came after Freud kept his basic picture of personality as a battleground on which unconscious primal urges fight it out with social values. But many of Freuds intellectual descendants were also dissidents who made some major changes in the psychoanalytic tenets of personality. Erich Fromm and Karen Horney were the followers who attempted to balance Freuds biological emphasis with more attention to social influence. But Freuds two most celebrated followers were Alfred Adler and Carl Jung. Adler (1929) accepted the notion that personality is directed by unrecognized wishes: Man knows more than he understands. But he rejected the significance of Eros and the Pleasure principle. He believed that we all experience feelings of helpless, dependent, small children and that our lives become dominant by the search for ways to overcome those feelings. Carl Jung (1959) expanded the conception of the unconscious. For him, the unconscious was not limited to the individuals unique life experiences but was filled with fundamental psychological truths shared by the whole of the human race. This collective unconscious predisposes us all to react to certain stimuli in the same way. It is responsible for our intuitive understanding of primitive myths, art forms, and symbols which are the universal archetypes of existence. An archetype is a primitive symbolic representation of a particular experience or object. Each one is associated with an instinctive tendency to feel and think about that object or experience in a special way. Jung postulated many archetypes from history and mythology: the sun, the gold, the hero, the earth mother. Animus is the male archetype that women experience, while anima is the female archetype that men experience. The archetype of the self is the mandala or magic circle; it symbolizes our striving for unity and wholeness.


II.4 Humanistic Theories II.4.1 Features of Humanistic Theories Humanistic personality theorists, such as Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow have stressed a basic drive toward self-actualization as the organizer of all the drives forces whose interplay continually creates what a person is. Humanistic theories have been described as being holistic, dispositional, phenomenological, and existential. They are holistic in the sense that they explain a persons separate acts always in the terms of his or her entire personality. Humanistic theories are dispositional because they focus on innate qualities within the person that exert the major influence over the direction behavior will take. Humanistic dispositions fill the personality with a unitary tendency to become actualized that will find its natural expression in a healthy personality. They are phenomenological because they emphasize the individuals frame of reference, the persons subjective view of reality. This view is also one of the here and now, the present as perceived by the person. Past influences are important only to the extent that they have brought the person to the present situation. Finally, humanistic theories are existential. They focus on the persons conscious, higher mental processes that interpret current experiences and enable the person to meet or be overwhelmed by the everyday challenges of existence.

II.4.2 A person-centered approach For Carl Rogers, therapy is client-centered and personality theory is personcentered. It is the private world of the individual that must be understood. At the core of this theoretical approach is the concept of self-actualization, a constant striving to realize ones inherent potential, to develop ones capacities and talents to the fullest. Unfortunately, this drive at times comes into conflict with the need for approval or conditional positive regard from both the self and others. If important people in a childs environment express dismay at some things the child does without making it clear that their criticism applies to the behavior rather to the child, he or she may begin to do only things that are acceptable to others.


II.5 Learning Theories II.5.1 A strict behavioristic approach The crux of a behavioristic approach is its focus on environmental contingencies that control behavior. From this perspective, behavior and personality are shaped primarily by the outside environment. Personality, then, is seen as the sum of overt and covert responses that are reliable elicited as a consequence of an individuals reinforcement history. People are different because they have had different histories of reinforcement. When people seem to be acting differently in the same situation, it is because they are actually responding to slightly different stimuli or their behavior is on different reinforcement schedules not because of their different personalities. If you want to understand why a particular person does a particular thing, look to the situation not to traits, dispositions, or similar mental way stations. II.5.2 Reconciling the analytic and behavioral approaches The process of learning distinguishes four significant features: drive, cue, response, and reinforcement (reward). Drives get the organism into action, cues suggest what behavior is appropriate, response is behavior itself, and reinforcement strengthens the connection between cue and response by reducing the tension of drives. A coverant is an operant of the mind, a covert operant response that is influencedby the consequences it produces. Self-statement are thoughts we express to ourselves that are coverants. They may influence operants, as when the thought he makes me angry influences my aggressive action toward him. They may be influenced by operants, as when studying hard increases the probability you will think Im learning a lot and I enjoy this course. The third way coverants act is by influencing other coverants. One thought leads to another, as when you think What a jerk I was believing him. II.5.3 Banduras social learning theory From a social learning perspective, human beings are neither driven by inner forces nor the helpless pawns of environmental influences. A social learning approach stresses the uniquely human cognitive processes that are involved in acquiring and maintaining patterns of behavior, and thus, personality. Because we can manipulate symbols and think about external events, we can foresee the possible consequences of our actions without having actually experience them. Also, we can evaluate our own behavior and provide ourselves with reinforcements.

Thus we are capable of self-regulation, able to control our own actions, rather than being automatically controlled by external forces. Social learning theory thus rejects the environmental determinism of a strict behavioristic perspective. Instead, it points to a complex interaction of individual factors, behaviors, and environmental stimuli. Your behavior can be influenced by your attitudes, beliefs, or prior history of reinforcements, as well as by available stimuli in the environment. What you do can have an effect on the environment, and important aspects of you personality can be affected by the environment or by feedback from your behavior. In this reciprocal determinism, all the components are important in understanding human behavior, personality, social ecology.

II.5.4 Self-efficacy Self-efficacy is a belief that one can perform adequately in a particular situation. A persons sense of capability influences his or her perception, motivation, and performance in many ways. We dont even try to do things or take chances when we expect to be ineffectual. We avoid actions when we dont feel adequate to the performance they require. Even when we do have the ability we may not take the required action, or persist in order to complete it successfully if we think we lack what it takes. Beyond our actual accomplishments, other sources of efficacy judgments include our observations of the performance of others; social and self-persuasion; and monitoring of our emotional states as we think about or approach a task. For example, anxiety suggests low expectancies of efficacy; excitement suggests expectation of success. II.6 Cognitive Theories II.6.1 Personal Construct Theory George Kelly developed a theory of personality that places primary emphasis on each persons active, cognitive construction of his or her world. He argued strongly that no one is ever a victim of either past history or the present environment. People can always reconstruct their past, or define their present difficulties in different ways. We want to be able to predict and explain the world around us, especially our interpersonal world. The theories we use to do so are called personal constructs. Kelly defined a personal construct as a persons belief about how two things are alike and different from the third. For example, I might say that my uncle and my brother are alike because they are highly competitive, whereas my sister is different from them because she likes to take back seat to others. In this case, I seem to be using a construct of competitiveness versus

giving in to others to organize my perception of people around me. Each persons belief system set of personal constructs determines how he or she will think, feel, act, and define new situations. In other words, for Kelly, each persons total system of such personal constructs is that individuals personality. People differ in the content of their constructs. In order to understand other people, we have to try to see the world as they see it, through their construct system rather than our own.

II.6.2 Mischel's Cognitive - Affective Personality Theory How you respond to a specific environmental input, according to Mischel, depends on any or all of the following variables or processes: Competencies what you know, what you can do, and your ability to generate certain cognitive and behavioral outcomes; Encoding strategies the way you process incoming information, selectively attending, categorizing, and making associations to it; Expectancies your anticipation of likely outcomes for given actions in particular situations; Personal values the importance you attach to stimuli, events, people, and activities; Self-regulatory systems and plans the rules you have developed for guiding your performance, setting goals, and evaluating your effectiveness; What determines the nature of these variables? They result from the individuals observations and interactions with other people. When people respond differently to the same environment input, it is because of the differences in these persons variables.




III.1 Self theories William James was the earliest advocate of theories addressing how each individual manages his or her sense of self. James identified three components of the selfexperience: material me: the bodily self, along with surrounding physical objects; social me: the individual's awareness of how others view him or her; spiritual me: the self that monitors private thoughts and feelings. III.1.1 Dynamic aspects of Self concepts Self-concept is a dynamic mental structure that motivates, interprets, organizes, mediates, and regulates intrapersonal behaviors and processes. Components of self-concept include: memories about one's self; beliefs about one's traits, motives, values, and abilities; ideal self: the self that one would most like to become; possible selves that one contemplates enacting; positive or negative evaluations of one's self (self-esteem); beliefs about what others think of one's self. Possible selves are "ideal selves we would very much like to become... the selves we could become and the selves we're afraid of becoming." Consistency in personality, according to Carl Rogers, is between this actual and ideal self rather than between parts of personality, traits and actions, or past and present aspects of functioning. III.1.2 Self-esteem and self-presentation Self-esteem is a generalized evaluation of the self, influencing thoughts, moods, and behavior. about Low the self-esteem self and may be characterized include the (in part) by that less one




does not know much about one's self. Doubt in one's ability to perform a task may see engagement in self-handicapping behavior, in which one deliberately sabotages ones own performance. Self-presentation is an aspect of self-esteem, explaining behavioral differences between individuals with high and low self-esteem.
III.1.3 Possible selves and Selves Guides

Possible selves represent what people think they might become, what they would like to become, and what they are afraid of becoming. In this sense, possible selves not only serve

to organize information but also have a powerful motivational influence, directing us toward becoming certain things and away from becoming other things Self-guides represent standards for individuals to meet. They result from early social learning experiences that are associated with emotional consequences for meeting or failing to meet standards. Like other self-schemas, self-guides organize information. In addition, however, self-guides play a major role in emotion and motivation. The ideal self represents the attributes that ideally we would like to possess, the ought self the attributes we feel we should possess. According to Higgins's self-discrepancy theory, we are motivated to reduce discrepancies between how we actually see ourselves and how ideally we would like to be, and motivated to reduce discrepancies between how we actually see ourselves and how we ought to be. III.1.4 From the Western Self to the Cross-cultural Self You may ask, aren't the personality structures and processes present in one culture also present in another culture? Just as people in all cultures have the same bodily parts and processes, don't they have the same personality structures and processes? Doesn't everyone have a self? Well, some cultures have no word for self, and in other cultures the self is very different from that known in Western society . In societies emphasizing the individual self, one's identity is based on unique qualities associated with the individual. When asked "Who are you?" most Americans respond with their name and what they do. The Self: Cultural differences exist concerning how the self is defined and experienced. In societies emphasizing the group, one's identity is based on ties to other members of the group. When asked "Who are you?" persons from such a society might answer in terms of the town they come from and the family they are part of. In individualistic societies, one's identity is based on what one owns and what one accomplishes. Value is placed on being independent and self-reliant. Most Americans, if asked about their "true self," would locate it somewhere within the body; but in India, the true self is the spiritual self that lies outside the body. What is self-relevant for one is not self-relevant for the other.


III.2 A cognitive information-processing approach to personality III.2.1 Implicit Personality Theory How we organize information about the personality functioning of others and ourselves is known as implicit personality theory. The term implicit personality theory suggests that each of us has a theory of personality, defined in terms of the categories we use to describe people, the content and organization of these categories, and our explanations for why people behave as they do, including causal explanations and attributions. Such theories are considered implicit in that most people cannot make them explicit or organize them as part of a formal theory of personality. Although difficult to make explicit, you can begin to examine your own implicit theory of personality in terms of the categories you use to perceive others, the characteristics that define membership in each category, and the explanations you typically give for events. Can the categories you use be arranged in a hierarchy and if so, what are the fundamental distinctions (categories) you make among people? Are there prototypic people for each category? For example, if you use the category extravert, do you have an image of someone who best combines the characteristics of extraverted people? On the other hand, are there people who are hard to classify because they fall into the fuzzy area between categories? To what extent do you categorize people on the basis of some characteristic and then assume that they have all the other category characteristics (i.e., pigeonhole someone), as opposed to thinking of them in terms of their unique combination of attributes? Or, having categorized someone, to what extent are you prepared to observe behavior in a particular situation that is inconsistent with such a categorization? To what extent do you use middle-level categories, such as traits, as opposed to more abstract categories such as types or more situation-specific categories such as responses in your characterizations of people? Do your causal explanations vary depending on the people and circumstances involved or do you have a fairly standard set of explanations for events? From an information processing standpoint, these are some of the questions that would be relevant to understanding your personality.


III.2.2 From Cognition To Feeling and Motivation People may think like computers, or computers may be made to think like humans, but people also feel and are motivated. Our feelings and motives influence what we think, and our thoughts influence what we feel and do. Recent work within this approach has become strongly focused on such relationships, as illustrated by work on the self. Concepts such as possible selves and self-guides speak to the motivational properties of self-schemas; that is, we are motivated to become like some self-schemas and avoid being like other self-schemas, and we are motivated to behave in accord with ideal and ought selfstandards. In addition, there is evidence that we are motivated toward a positive self-image but also toward self-verification, even if such verification involves a negative statement. Thus, cognitions such as self-schemas are always affecting our feelings and motives, but they in turn are always being affected by them. III.2.3 From Thinking to Action In contrast with an exclusively cognitive emphasis on thoughts, there is an added emphasis on action. In contrast with the trait emphasis on what people have, there is an emphasis on what people are trying to do (Cantor, 1990). Once more, a variety of concepts have been used to express this motivational emphasis, concepts such as goals, personal projects, personal strivings, and life tasks (Cantor & Zirkel, 1990). Common to these concepts is an emphasis on the motivation to reach desired ends, as suggested by concepts such as possible selves and self-guides. From a cognitive perspective, there is an interest in how people frame their goals and develop plans or strategies for reaching them (Cantor & Harlow, 1994). What is important here is that rather than leaving the person mired in thought, the theory focuses on how the person translates thought into action, that is, how the person sets a goal and maps out strategies for solving life's tasks.


IV. TERMINOLOGY IV.1 Definition The international standard ISO 1087: 1990 defines terminology both as a discipline (the science of terminology is the scientifically study of the notions and the terms used in the specialized languages) and as a set of terms (terminology is a set of terms which represents a system of notions of a particular field). Thus, terminology is the sum of specialized terms used in a discipline or another branch of activity. Terminology is a discipline whose object is the systematic study of the designating of concepts particular to one or more fields or domains of human activity, through research and analysis of terms in context, for the purpose of documenting and promoting correct usage. This study can be limited to one language or can cover more than one language at the same time.13 The discipline of terminology is based on its own theoretical principles and consists of the following aspects: Analyzing the concepts and concept structures used in a field or

domain of activity Identifying the terms assigned to the concepts Establishing correspondences between terms in the various

languages in case of bilingual or multilingual terminology Compiling the terminology on paper or in databases Managing terminology data bases

As a discipline, terminology is related to translation. Large translation departments and translation bureaus will often have a terminology section, or will require translators to do terminology research.


Multilingual terminology, bilingual terminology


IV.2. Technical terminology Technical terminology is the specialized vocabulary of a profession or of some other activity to which a group of people dedicate significant parts of their lives. Sometimes technical terminology is called jargon or terms of art. Technical terminology exists in a continuum of formality. Precise technical terms and their definitions are formally recognized, documented and taught by educators in the field. Other terms are more colloquial, coined and used by practitioners in the field, and are similar to slang. The boundaries between formal and slang jargon, as in general English are quite fluid, with terms sliding in and out of recognition. Technical terminology evolves due to the need for experts in a field to communicate with precision and brevity, but often has the undesired effect of excluding those who are unfamiliar with the particular specialized language of the group. IV.3. Glossary A glossary is an alphabetical list of terms relating to a specific subject, text, or dialect, with explanations. It comes from Latin glossarium, from glossa explanation of a difficult word. A glossary is different from a dictionary and also from a vocabulary. A dictionary is a list of words with their definitions or a list of words with corresponding words in other languages. Many dictionaries also provide pronunciation information, word derivations, histories, or etymologies, illustrations, usage and guidance, and examples in sentences. Lexicology is a specialization in linguistics dealing with the study of lexicon. The term first appeared in 1820s, though obviously there were lexicologists before that. A good example of lexicology at work, and one everyone is familiar with, is the dictionary. As there are many types of dictionaries, there are many different types of lexicologists. So, while terminology deals with glossaries, lexicology deals with dictionaries.




When creating a technical glossary one should respect the basic principles of terminology with regard to terms, concepts, the relation between terms and between terms and concepts, the accuracy of definitions, the structure of the conceptual maps, and the rules of association and establishment of hierarchy. Taking these principles into consideration, a series of procedures were devised to create the present glossary (Personality Description Concepts). The procedures are enumerated as follows: The rigorous documentation with respect to the chosen domain in both languages English and Romanian. The identification and record of the key terms specific to the domain and the context in which they appeared. The thorough analysis of terms and concepts and their structure taking into consideration the principles of association and hierarchy. The identification of the Romanian correspondents for the English terms and of different terms used to translate the English terms in Romanian specialized literature. The research for definitions, generic concepts, hyperonyms, antonyms, synonyms that describe the chosen terms in both English and Romanian documents. Assembling of the information in a specialized glossary.

V.1. The semantic fields The semantic fields for the English and Romanian terms are: 1.I.D. language / limba vedetei; 2.I.D. country / ara vedetei; 3.The standard definition field / definiia standard. Describing the meaning of the lexical unit from the psychological point of view. The definition has to replace the term it defines from a semantic and syntactic point of view.


4.The definition source14 field / sursa definiiei which quotes the title, the author and the imprimery for the document from which the definition was extracted; 5.The context / collocations field / contexte / colocaii relevant phrases in which the term makes use of its semantic features. The contexts must be extracted from genuine documents. 6.The context source/ sursa contextului 7.The Nota Bene field which represents extra information about the ethymology, origin, from the linguist`s point of view. 8.The grammatical category field / categoria gramatical; 9. The hyperonym field - The general term in the semantic relationship between a general and a more specific term 10. The hyponym field / hiponim. A hyponym is a term whose meaning denotes a subordinate or subclass 11. The synonym field / sinonim. Synonyms are different words with similar or identical meanings. In terminology there are few cases of perfect synonymy, quasisynonyms are found more frequently; 10. The antonym field / antonim. Antonyms are words having a meaning opposite to that of another word; 11. The variant field / varianta - a different spelling, pronunciation, or form of the same word; 12. The abbreviation / abreviere - a shortened form of a written word or phrase used in place of the whole; 13. The commentary field / comentariu is the field in which other important information about the term is added; 14. The use area field / aria de utilizare designates the domain in which the term defined in the standard definition field is used; 15. The designation status field / statutul desemnrii a term may be official, accepted, rejected or obsolete. 16. The Romanian correspondent for the English terms and the English correspondent ( corespondent n limba englez ) for the English terms, which represents the Romanian / English correspondent of the same concept;


Dictionaries, technical glossaries and other documents


16. The Italian correspondent for the English term; 17. correspondent source / sursa corespondentului (of the Italian term); The standard definition field / definiia standard (of the Italian correspondent). A very economic and concise way of describing the meaning of the lexical unit. The definition has to replace the term it defines from a semantic and syntactic point of view. 18. The definition source15 field / sursa definiiei (of the Italian correspondent) which quotes the title, the author and the imprimery for the document from which the definition was extracted;

V.2. The Concept Map

In order to better understand the conceptual map, we have to be aware of how term, concept, word are defined from the terminological point of view. Concept is the basic notion in terminology. It represents a mental process, an element of thought. A term is the linguistic expression of a concept, the designation by means of a linguistic unit of a notion defined in a specialized language. A term can be composed of one or several units. Lexicology studies the words of a language both simple and complex. Lexicology also analyses their meaning and their behavior in context. The word is the smallest significant unit that may appear independently in a phrase. Terminology is interested only in terms, simple or complex words that belong to a specialized language, it analyses networks of concepts, units of thought structured and linked between them. A concept map is a way of organizing terms belonging to a domain. The structure of the group of terms from the concept map is described by a series of properties and/or hierarchical or associational relations, lexical and/or semantically. In a concept map the basic relation between terms are: relations of equivalence, expressed by synonyms and quasi-synonyms


Dictionaries, technical glossaries and other documents


hierarchic relations which can be generically and underlines the link between a category and its elements, partitive when the mentioning of a part implies the whole and individualistic which appears between a category of items and the individual specimen associative relations: terms dont belong to the same class of equivalents or to a hierarchic chain, but they are linked semantically. Terms belonging to the same category may form associative relations when they share the same generically term (they could have a partial supraordination), instead there are no equivalences. The concept map contains approximate 10 terms which have been selected as follows: the super ordinate level, meaning generic terms the basic level, which means the basic terms of the domain the subordinate level, meaning the derivates, the subtypes deriving from the basic terms














V.3 Predictions First, complex systems can be divided in more than one valid way. Second, not all divisions are equally valid. Consider the analogy to another complex system -- a city. A city structure can be conceived of in a variety of valid ways. Different maps will depict different aspects of the structure. In the case of Manhattan, for example, one valid structural depiction is of the subway system. There are a number of ways that have been employed to divide personality. Well before the advent of modern psychology, Moses Mendelsohn had divided personality into motives, emotion, and cognition. Freud divided personality into the conscious, preconscious, and unconscious, and later, into the id, ego, and superego. For example, Freud's division of the mind help distinguish between areas of personality that differ in their level-of-processing. Whereas the id represents evolutionarily early-developing processes, the ego represents later-evolved processes. Of these psychic structures the id (literally the "It") is the source of libido, and the only structure present at birth. The Id thinks primarily in visual and irrational terms - called primary process thinking. After birth, part of the id differentiates into the ego, whose function it is to translate the id's internal wishes (experienced in the form of images) into contact with actual objects. This is secondary process thinking. Despite the ego being the "I", part of it exists in the unconscious. The last structure to develop is the superego (the "Over-I"), which is the result of the resolution of the Oedipal complex, and the internal representation of parental and societal values. It is a sort of internalised parent, formed of reaction formations to unconscious sexual wishes. Obeying this inner voice results in the secondary narcissism of pride, an expectation of being loved by a parent figure, and disobeying it creates guilt. It is divided into two parts - the conscience, which represents the internalised taboos, and the ego ideal, which contains the internalized aims and goals. Like the ego, the superego operates partly in the conscious part of the mind, and partly in the unconscious and id. Of the three levels, the Conscious is what is in awareness, the Preconscious is those thoughts which although not conscious at the moment can be made conscious voluntarily. The Unconscious is that part of the psyche which is repressed and therefore not part of awareness. The contents of the unconscious are

heavily influenced by early childhood experiences.


VII. Glossary ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.apa.org/research/action/glossary.aspx STANDARD DEFINITION: The study of mental and emotional disorders or maladaptive behavior, or of mental phenomena such as dreams, hypnosis, and altered states or levels of consciousness. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/abnormal+psychology ETIMOLOGY: The Early Years and Stone Age, when early societies attributed abnormal behavior to the influence of evil spirits, spiritual possession; witchcraft, animalism later during the Middle Ages (1400s 1600s). ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Psihopatolgia GRAMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: The science of mental life CONTEXT: The field of abnormal psychology identifies multiple different causes for different conditions, employing diverse theories from the general field of psychology and elsewhere, and much still hinges on what exactly is meant by abnormal. There has traditionally been a divide between psychological and biological explanations, reflecting a philosophical dualism in regard to the mind-body problem. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abnormal_psychology CONTEXT: The theoretical field known as abnormal psychology may form a backdrop to such work, but clinical psychologists are nowadays unlikely to use the term abnormal in reference to their practice. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abnormal_psychology SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Psicopatologa CORRESPONDENT SOURCE: http://pdf.rincondelvago.com/glosario-de-psicologia-general.html SPANISH DEFINITION: Rama de la psicologa que estudia la causa y naturaleza de las perturbaciones del comportamiento humano y de las enfermedades mentales.


DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario ilustrado de Trminos Mdicos. Alvaro Galiano. 2010.

SYNONYM: Psychopathology HYPONIM: Mental Disorders HYPERONIM: Psychological Science USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


PSIHOPATOLOGIE LIMBA VEDETEI: Romna ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/psihopatologie DEFINITIE STANDARD: Ramur a psihologiei care studiaz aspectele patologice ale activitii psihice. SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/psihopatologie ETIMOLOGIE: Provine din fr. psychopathologie, cf. gr. psyche suflet, pathos boal, logos tiin CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Abnormal Psychology CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv comun CONCEPT GENERIC: Aberaie mentala CONTEXT: Psihopatologia are ca obiect descrierea formelor unor stri psihice modificate morbid, respectiv descrierea simptomelor i tablourilor normale la investigarea i explicarea mecanismelor psihice. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: . http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psihiatrie CONTEXT: In Romnia asociaiile profesionale de psihoterapie ofer formare profesionale att pentru psihoterapeui cat i pentru consilieri, viyiunile asupra diferenelor intre consiliere si psihoterapie find diferite n cadrul diverselor asociaii profesionale: n timp ce unele considera consilierea psihologica o treapta inferioara psihoterapiei (consilierul ocupndu-se de probleme mai simple sau de aspecte care in de dezvoltarea profesional, iar psihoterapeutul tratnd inclusiv tulburri care in de psihopatologie). SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psihoterapie CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Psicopatologa SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: http://pdf.rincondelvago.com/glosario-de-psicologiageneral.html DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Rama de la psicologa que estudia la causa y naturaleza de las perturbaciones del comportamiento humano y de las enfermedades mentales. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario ilustrado de Trminos Mdicos. Alvaro Galiano. 2010 SINONIM: Psihologia bolilor mentale HIPONIM: Tulburri psihice HIPERONIM: Anormalitate ARIA DE UTILIZARE:Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial

ACTING OUT ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/acting+out STANDARD DEFINITION: The display of previously inhibited emotions (often in actions rather than words); considered to be healthy and therapeutic. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/acting+out ETYMOLOGY: 1590s, verbal noun or preposicional adjective. From to act (verb). The meaning "performing temporary duties" dates from 1797; acting out in psychology dates from 1945.

ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Acting Out GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: Acting out behavior CONTEXT: Acting out is a hidden manifestation of destructive anger. Perhaps the most dangerous form of destructive anger is one that is not experienced as anger or any feeling at all, but is acted out instead. The repressed, unrecognised, destructive anger can turn also against the self and appear in many different guises. The patient might suffer from psychosomatic symptoms, become accident-prone, attempt suicide, or commit unconscious acts of self-sabotage or destruction in relationships, in his work, and so on. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.net.klte.hu/~keresofi/psyth/a-to-z-entries/acting_out_.html CONTEXT: This is the process of expressing unconscious emotional conflicts or feelings via actions rather than words. The person is not consciously aware of the meaning or etiology of such acts. Acting out may be harmful or, in controlled situations, therapeutic CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.abess.com/glossary.html SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Acting out CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: http://pdf.rincondelvago.com/glosario-de-psicologia-general.html SPANISH DEFINITION: Expresin de un conflicto intrapsquico o de una emocin dolorosa, que se manifiesta abiertamente como una conducta generalmente neurtica, defensiva e inconsciente, que puede llegar a ser destructiva o peligrosa. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.esacademic.com/dic.nsf/es_mediclopedia/25120

SYNONYM: Acting out behavior HYPONIM: Childrens play therapy HYPERONIM: Borderline defense mechanism USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychopathology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


ACTING OUT LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://www.e-psihiatrie.ro/pg/glosar-de-termeni DEFINITIE STANDARD: Termen folosit in psihanaliza pentru a desemna actiunea care prezinta cel mai adesea un caracter impulsiv relativ discontinuu fata de sistemele de motivatie obisnuite ale subiectului, relativ distinct in cadrul activitatilor sale si luand deseori o forma auto- sau hetero-agresiva. In aparitia acting out-ului, psihanalistul identifica semnul emergentei continutului refulat. Cand se petrece in cursul unei analize (fie in cadrul sedinte, fie in afara acesteia), acting out-ul trebuie inteles in conexiunea sa cu transferul si deseori ca o tentativa de a-l contesta in mod radical pe acesta. SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://www.e-psihiatrie.ro/pg/glosar-de-termeni ETIMOLOGIE: Din englezescul acting out. Se pstreaz traducerea in englez. Postpoziia out introduce dou nuane: a exterioriza, a arta n afar ceea ce se presupune c este inuntru i a realiza rapid, pn la finalizare, o aciune. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Acting out CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv CONCEPT GENERIC: Proces subcontient de aprare a eului CONTEXT: Acting out: Punerea in act a unei dorinte sau fantasme inconstiente, in mod impulsiv, ca o modalitate de a evita afecte dureroase. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.pleteriu.ro/articol/Mecanismele-de-aparare-a-Eului:-descriere CONTEXT: Din punct de vedere descriptiv, gama actelor incluse de obicei n categoria acting-out-ului este foarte larg cuprinznd ceea ce psihiatria clinic denumete passage lacte (trecere la act), dar i forme mult mai discrete, cu condiia de a conine caracterul impulsiv, insuficient motivat chiar i pentru subiectul nsui, n opoziia evident cu comportamentul su obinuit, chiar dac aciunea n cauz este ulterior raionalizat o astfel de particularitate semnific pentru psihanalist o ntoarcere la refulare. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Vocabularul Psihanalizei, Jean Laplanche si J.-B. Pontalis, Traducere de Radu. Clit, Alfred Dumitrescu, Vera Sandor, Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu, Humanitas, Bucursti, 1994, pagina 6



http://pdf.rincondelvago.com/glosario-de-psicologia-general.html DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Expresin de un conflicto intrapsquico o de una emocin dolorosa, que se manifiesta abiertamente como una conducta generalmente neurtica, defensiva e inconsciente, que puede llegar a ser destructiva o peligrosa. SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://www.esacademic.com/dic.nsf/es_mediclopedia/25120

SINONIM: Comportament Impulsiv HIPONIM: Act ratat, Compulsia de destin HIPERONIM: Mecanisme de aprare ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihiatrie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


ANXIETY ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/anxiety STANDARD DEFINITION: The experience of apprehension, tension, and dread without an awareness of an appropriate causal determinant. DEFINITION SOURCE: Philip Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, Allyn & Bacon, 19th edition 2002

ETYMOLOGY: The word is derived from the Latin word anxietatem noun of quality from anxious, meaning to choke or strangle. Psychiatric use dates to 1904. Early 16th century: from French anxite. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Anxietate GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: Worry, Nervousness, Emotion CONTEXT: In contrast to fear, which is a realistic reaction to actual danger, anxiety is generally related to an unconscious threat. Physiological symptoms of anxiety include increases in blood pressure and pulse rate, accelerated breathing rates, perspiration, muscular tension, dryness of the mouth and diarrhea. CONTEXT SOURCE: Encyclopedia http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/126960/Columbia-

CONTEXT: When the man looks over the edge, he experiences a focused fear of falling, but at the same time, the man feels a terrifying impulse to throw himself intentionally off the edge. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Concept_of_Anxiety SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Ansiedad CORRESPONDENT SOURCE: http://pdf.rincondelvago.com/glosario-de-psicologiageneral.html SPANISH DEFINITION: Diagnstico de enfermera, aprobado por la NANDA, que hace referencia a un sentimiento de intranquilidad, desasosiego, agitacin, incertidumbre y miedo, que aparece al prever una situacin de amenaza o de peligro, generalmente de origen intrapsquico ms que externo y cuya causa suele ser desconocida o no admitida.


DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. HYPONIM: Castration anxiety , Hypochondria HYPERONIM: Mental state USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychopathology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


ANXIETATE LIMBA VEDETEI: Romn ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/anxietate DEFINITIE STANDARD: Tulburare a afectivitii manifestat prin stri de nelinite, teama i ngrijorare nemotivat, n absena unor cauze care s le provoace. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dicionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucureti, 1973 ETIMOLOGIE: Provine din franuzescul anxit (nelinite), i din latinescul anxietas. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Anxiety CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv feminin CONCEPT GENERIC: Stare de nelinite, team CONTEXT: Psihologia existenialist se ocup mult de anxietate sau angoas, ca form accentuat de anxietate, intruct consider c aceasta este starea permanente a omului. Ca simptom psihopatologic se ntalnete in melancola anxioasa, n nevroza obsesiv, fobii. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dicionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucureti, 1973 CONTEXT: Cum putem diferenia o trstur de o stare efemer ? Aceast intrebare i-au pus-o n special cei care au studiat anxietatea si alte raspunsuri negative. Charles Spielberger si colaboratorii si au difereniat pentru prima dat starea anxietate de trstura anxietate. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Psihologia-Personalitatii http://www.scribd.com/doc/36682804/Andrei-Chirita-

CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Ansiedad SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: http://www.esacademic.com/dic.nsf/es_mediclopedia/2476 DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Diagnstico de enfermera, aprobado por la NANDA, que hace referencia a un sentimiento de intranquilidad, desasosiego, agitacin, incertidumbre y miedo, que aparece al prever una situacin de amenaza o de peligro, generalmente de origen intrapsquico ms que externo y cuya causa suele ser desconocida o no admitida. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SINONIM: Nelinite , temere, frmntare HIPONIM: Atac de panica, Fobia HIPERONIM: Frica ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihoterapie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial



ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/archetype STANDARD DEFINITION: An original model or type after which other similar things are patterned, a prototype. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/archetype ETIMOLOGIE: First attested in English in 1540s, the word derives from the Latin noun archetypum, the Romanization if the greek noun archetuponand adjective archetupos, meaning first-moulded, which is a compound of beginning, origin + tupos, amongst other pattern, model, type. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Arhetipul GRAMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: Typical example CONTEXT: The archetypes form a dynamic substratum common to all humanity, upon the foundation of which each individual buids his own experience of life, developing a unique array of psychological characteristics. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jungian_archetypes CONTEXT: Jung postulated many archetypes from history and mythology: the sun god, the hero, the earth mother. Animus is the male archetype that women experience, while anima is the female archetype that men experience. CONTEXT SOURCE: Philip Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, Allyn & Bacon, 19th edition 2002 SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Arquetipo CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: http://www.esacademic.com/dic.nsf/es_mediclopedia/27164 SPANISH DEFINITION: (en psicologa analtica) idea o modo de pensar primordiales y heredados, que derivan de la experiencia de la raza humana y que residen en el inconsciente del individuo en forma de estmulos, talantes y conceptos. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SYNONYM: Pattern, prototype, stereotype, epitome HYPONIM: Prototype



ARHETIP LIMBA VEDETEI: Romn ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/arhetip DEFINITIE STANDARD: Model, tip iniial dup care se cluzete cineva. SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/arhetip ETIMOLOGIE: Din fr. archtype, cf.lat. archetypum, gr. archetypos < ache nceput, typos tip CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Archetype CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv comun CONCEPT GENERIC: Model CONTEXT: Arhetipurile nu au un coninut determinat dect din momentul n care devin contiente, adica alimentate cu materialul experienei contiente Arhetipul este vid, este un element pur formal, nimic altceva dect o posibilitate de preformare, tendina de reprezentare dat a priori. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.carl-jung.info/arhetipurile.html CONTEXT: Dac stramoii triau mitul pentru a da sens lumii exterioare, conectarea cu arhetipurile pentru omul modern permite reconectarea cu lumea interioar, si posibilitatea de a tri lumea exterioar cu sens profund existenial. Arhetipurile ne permit astfel s ne simim in aceasta existen acas. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.universulterapiilor.ro/munaiki.html CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Arquetipo SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: http://www.esacademic.com/dic.nsf/es_mediclopedia/27164 DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: (en psicologa analtica) idea o modo de pensar primordiales y heredados, que derivan de la experiencia de la raza humana y que residen en el inconsciente del individuo en forma de estmulos, talantes y conceptos. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SINONIM: Original HIPONIM: Prototip




ASSERTIVE ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/assertive STANDARD DEFINITION: Person that has the quality or state of bold or confident selfexpression, neither aggressive nor submissive. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/assertive ETYMOLOGY: 1560s, "declaratory, positive, full of assertion," from assert + -ive. Meaning "insisting on one's rights" is short for self-assertive (1865). Assertiveness "tendency toward self-assertion" is from 1881.

ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Autoritar GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Adjective GENERIC CONCEPT: Dominant CONTEXT: "Assertive people ... are willing to compromise with others, rather than always wanting their own way ... and tend to have good self-esteem". CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assertiveness#Assertive_people CONTEXT: Assertive attitudes and behaviors are at the heart of effective advocacy. A person with an assertive attitude recognizes that each individual has rights. These rights include not only legal rights but also rights to individuality, to have and express personal preferences, feelings and opinions. The assertive individual not only believes in his or her rights but is committed to preserving those rights. An assertive attitude is important in recognizing that rights are being violated. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.headinjury.com/assertquiz.htm SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Agresivo CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: http://www.psicoactiva.com/diccio/diccio_a.htm SPANISH DEFINITION: Estado emocional que consiste en sentimientos de odio y deseos de herir a otra persona, animal u objeto. La agresin es cualquier forma de conducta que pretende herir fsica y/o psicolgicamente a alguien. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.psicoactiva.com/diccio/diccio_a.htm

SYNONYM: Decisive HYPONIM: Self-assertive HYPERONIM: Energetic USE AREA/ FIELD: Personality Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Ofiicial


AUTORITAR LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/autoritar DEFINITIE STANDARD: Care caut s i impun autoritatea sau voina proprie. SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/autoritar ETIMOLOGIE: Din franuzescul autoritaire. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Assertive CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Adjectiv CONCEPT GENERIC: Imperativ CONTEXT: R. Sears a descoperit o relaie direct ntre stilul autoritar si primitiv de educaie i dezvoltarea comportamentului pasiv-agresiv la copii. Bieii sunt mai nclinai spre agresivitate pentru c sunt i se instruiesc n acest fel, angajnd i tehnici, instrumente. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 35 CONTEXT: Caracterul autoritar al colericului puternic face ca partenerului s i fie greu s impun ceva n activitile sau planurile din gospodrie. Din cauza acestei probleme, soul sau soia colericului puternic trebuie s insiste pe o comunicare bidirecional. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Personality Plus - Personalitate Plus Cum sa-i ntelegi pe ceilalti ntelegndu-te pe tine nsuti, Florence Littauer - Traducere de Anca Florina Srbu, Publicata cu acordul ASE World Enterprises,USA, iulie 1999, pagina 100 CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Agresivo SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: http://www.psicoactiva.com/diccio/diccio_a.htm DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Estado emocional que consiste en sentimientos de odio y deseos de herir a otra persona, animal u objeto. La agresin es cualquier forma de conducta que pretende herir fsica y/o psicolgicamente a alguien.

SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://www.psicoactiva.com/diccio/diccio_a.htm SINONIM: Poruncitor HIPONIM: Imperativ





ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.all-about-psychology.com/psychology-dictionary.html STANDARD DEFINITION: A personal belief of an evaluative nature, such as good or bad, likeable or not likeable, which influences our reactions towards people or things. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.all-about-psychology.com/psychology-dictionary.html ETYMOLOGY: 1660s, from the fr. Attitude, from the it. Attitudine disposition, posture, also aptness, promptitude, from the lat. Aptitudinem. Originally from 17c. a technical term in art for the posture of a figure in a statue or painting; later generalized to a posture of the body supposed to imply some mental state ( 1725 ). Sense of settled behavior reflecting feeling or opinion is first recorded in 1837. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Atitudine GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: A complex mental state CONTEXT: On the other hand those students who persist in the face of failure tend to believe that they can improve their ability and acquire the needed skills through practice and increased effort, which reflects a sense of industry, or a can-do attitude. CONTEXT SOURCE: The Psychology of Personality: viewpoints, research, applications, Bernardo J. Carducci, 2nd edition, 2009, page number 191 CONTEXT: It was hypothesized that attitude-behavior correlations are stronger when the two components are consistent rather than inconsistent with each other. CONTEXT SOURCE: Attitudes Personality and Behavior by Icek Ajzen, New York, 2005, page number 49 SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Actitud CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario ilustrado de Trminos Mdicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010. SPANISH DEFINITION: En psiquiatra las fuerzas integradoras fundamentales en el desarrollo de la personalidad que dan consistencia a la conducta del individuo. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario ilustrado de Trminos Mdicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010.



ATITUDINE LIMBA VEDETEI: RO ARA VEDETEI: Romnia SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/atitudine DEFINITIE STANDARD: Modalitate relativ constant de raportare a individului sau grupului faa de anumite laturi ale vieii sociale si faa de propia persoan. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dicionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucureti, 1973, pagina 73 ETIMOLOGIE: Din it. Attitudine si fr. Attitude CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Attitude CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv CONCEPT GENERIC: Concepie, Comportare CONTEXT: Noi, cei care am trit in lagarele de concentrare, ne putem aminti de acei oameni care, trecnd din barac in barac, ii druiau altora ultima lor bucata de pine. Vor fi fost puini la numr, dar ndeajuns de muli pentru a dovedi c totul i poate fi luat omului, mai puin un lucru: ultima dintre liberti - aceea de a-i alege atitudinea ntr-un anumit set de circumstane, de a-i alege propiul mod de a fi. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Omul in cautarea sensului vieii, Viktor Frankl traducere in limba romana de Silvian Guranda, Editura Meteor Press 2009 CONTEXT: Sub raportul structurii psihice atitudinea relev un coninut sintetic, amalgamnd componente afective, cognitive i comportamentale. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dicionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucureti, 1973, pagina 73 CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Actitud SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: http://www.esacademic.com/dic.nsf/es_mediclopedia/590 DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: En psiquiatra las fuerzas integradoras fundamentales en el desarrollo de la personalidad que dan consistencia a la conducta del individuo. SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://www.esacademic.com/dic.nsf/es_mediclopedia/590 SINONIM: Comportare



BEHAVIOUR ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/behavior STANDARD DEFINITION: The aggregate of the responses or reactions or movements made by an organism in any situation. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/behavior ETYMOLOGY: Late 15c., essentially from behave, but with ending from havour "possession," a word altered (by influence of have) from aver, from O.Fr. aveir "to have." ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Comportament GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: Mental reactions CONTEXT: Thus emotion is seen as a transitory change in the state of the organism and as a concrete set of neural configurations organized by maps of relational structures. These organizations are formed very early, influencing the development of the infant mind, and are able to condition a persons behavior and thought throughout his or her entire life. CONTEXT SOURCE: Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience, Mauro Mancia, Springer, Italy, 2006 CONTEXT: Maladaptive behaviors are a set of behaviors that a child might exhibit that are inappropriate or disruptive in nature. The reason for the display of inappropriate behavior is a combination of their perception of themselves and because of their emotional reactions to their perceptions and the stress of the situation. Maladaptive behavior can be displayed through: attention getting, revenge, power-seeking initiatives, and a display of general inadequacy. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://disease.disease.com/Therapy/Behavior/maladaptive-behavior.html SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Conducta CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: http://www.esacademic.com/dic.nsf/es_mediclopedia/5574 SPANISH DEFINITION: Alguna o todas las actividades de una persona, incluyendo las acciones fsicas que se pueden observar directamente y la actividad mental que es inferida e

interpretada. Algunas clases de conducta son: conducta anormal, conducta automtica, conducta invariable y conducta variable. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SYNONYM: Manner HYPONIM: Adaptive behaviour HYPERONIM: Behaviourism USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


COMPORTAMENT LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/comportament DEFINITIE STANDARD: Dup Tilquin, ansamblul reaciilor adaptative, obiectivobservabile, pe care un organism, prevzut cu sistem nervos, le execut ca rspuns la stimulii din ambian, care, de asemenea, snt obiectivobservabili. Echivalent al termenului de behaviour. n sens larg, reacie total a unui organism, prin care se rspunde la o situaie trit, n funcie de stimulrile mediului i de tensiunile sale interne i ale crui micri succesive sunt orientate ntr-o direcie semnificativ (Lenhardt). SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 123 ETIMOLOGIE: Din franuzescul comportement, i italienescul comportamento. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Behaviour CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv neutru CONCEPT GENERIC: Reacie CONTEXT: Sentimentul de inferioritate poate provoca reacii de compensare ineficace, cnd subiectul i atribuie n reverie capacitile sau puterile care i lipsesc pentru a realiza un echilibru real sau printr-un comportament brutal, cinic, duplicitar. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 123 CONTEXT: Mama sa, sangvinic popular, a fost impresionat de comportamentul su neobinuit de agresiv; i-a adunat prietenii s se uite la tirile de la ora ase, cnd ar fi trebuit s apar grupul lui Tim. Cnd a aprut marul de protest, Tim nu era nicieri n imagine, pn cnd camera a filmat spectatorii, unde mama sa, dezamgit, l-a vzut stnd pe o bordur, cu capul n mini. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Personality Plus - Personalitate Plus Cum sa-i ntelegi pe ceilalti ntelegndu-te pe tine nsuti, Florence Littauer - Traducere de Anca Florina Srbu, Publicata cu acordul ASE World Enterprises,USA, iulie 1999, pagina 41 CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Conducta SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Alguna o todas las actividades de una persona, incluyendo las acciones fsicas que se pueden observar directamente y la actividad mental que es inferida e interpretada. Algunas clases de conducta son: conducta anormal, conducta automtica, conducta invariable y conducta variable. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SINONIM: Conduit HIPONIM: Comportament anormal HIPERONIM: Behaviorism ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


CARDINAL TRAIT ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trait_theory STANDARD DEFINITION: A basic and dominant characteristic, as greed or ambition, that, according to a theory developed by psychologist Gordon Allport (1936), controls the behavior of many people. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/cardinal+trait ETYMOLOGY: Trait - From Latin tractus draft, drawing, drawing out later line drawn, feature . Sense of particular feature, distinguishing quality is first recorded in 1752, from the meaning line, streak, feature (1560s) which is common to English, French, Latin. Cardinal From the Latin cardinalis principal, chief, essential or from cardo (cardinis) on which something turns or depends. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Trstur cardinal GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: Dominant trait CONTEXT: Cardinal traits are those that dominate personality to the point that people are famous for them. Allport believed that personalities dominated by one cardinal trait are rare, with most people exhibiting a number of central traits. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://psychology.about.com/od/cindex/g/cardinaltraits.htm CONTEXT: For example, Mother Teresa is often identified as exemplifying the cardinal trait, altruism, as her life was completely devoted to helping others, even at her own expense. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.alleydog.com/glossary SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Rasgo Cardinal CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: http://diccionario.medciclopedia.com/c/2008/cardinal/ SPANISH DEFINITION: Relativo a algo tan fundamental que otras muchas cosas dependen de ello, como en el caso de un rasgo cardinal que influye en la conducta global de cada uno. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://diccionario.medciclopedia.com/c/2008/cardinal/ SYNONYM: Fundamental Trait

HYPONIM: Honesty HYPERONIM: Trait USE AREA/ FIELD: Personality Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


TRSTUR CARDINAL LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 DEFINITIE STANDARD: Trsturi cardinale sau teleonomice, 1-2 trsturi persistente, dominante, i reprezentative pentru subiectul n cauz. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 761 ETIMOLOGIE: Trstura tras + sufixul tura, Cardinal din latinescul cardinalis i franuzescul cardinal. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Cardinal Trait CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv CONCEPT GENERIC: Trstur dominant CONTEXT: Clasificarea trsturilor individuale permite prezentarea caracterului ca sistem organizat concentric. Cercul interior subsumeaz trsturile cardinale, cel mediu include trsturile centrale, iar cel exterior cuprinde trsturile secundare. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Introducere in psihologie, Mielu Zlate, Editura Polirom, 1999, Bucureti CONTEXT: Allport clasific trsturile de caracter n trsturi cardinale, centrale si secundare. Primele sunt atitudini permanent directoare ce domin, integreaz si controleaz pe toate celelalte. Se reia astfel tema calitii stpne, definitorii pentru un caracter, pe care lau afirmat umanitii francezi i l-a pus n eviden literatura. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 103 CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Rasgo Cardinal SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: http://diccionario.medciclopedia.com/c/2008/cardinal/ DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Relativo a algo tan fundamental que otras muchas cosas dependen de ello, como en el caso de un rasgo cardinal que influye en la conducta global de cada uno. SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://diccionario.medciclopedia.com/c/2008/cardinal/ SINONIM: Trstur fundamentala

HIPONIM: Onestitatea HIPERONIM: Trstur ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologia Personalitii STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


CASTRATION ANXIETY ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/castration+anxiety STANDARD DEFINITION: The fantasized fear of injury or loss of the genital organs, often as the reaction to a repressed feeling of punishment for forbidden sexual desires. It may also be caused by some apparently threatening everyday occurrence, such as a humiliating experience, loss of a job, or loss of authority. A general threat to the masculinity or femininity of a person or an unrealistic fear of bodily injury or loss of power. Also called anxiety complex. See also anxiety disorder. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/castration+anxiety ETYMOLOGY: early 15c., castracioun, from the Latin castrationem (nom. castratio), noun of action from popular stem of castrare "to castrate, prune," related to *castrum "knife,". Freud's castration complex is attested from 1914 in English. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Complex de castrare GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun phrase GENERIC CONCEPT: Castration complex

CONTEXT: According to this psychoanalytical theory, male castration anxiety comes about as a natural part of development for young boys when they notice the lack of a penis in the male genitalia and associate it to being castrated. They convince themselves that this is a form of punishment that has been meted out to the girls. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/castration-anxiety.html

CONTEXT: For example, Freud assumed males experience castration anxiety because they imagine their fathers will retaliate against them for having sexual urges toward their mothers. CONTEXT SOURCE: Philip Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, Allyn & Bacon, 19th edition 2002, page 399 SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Ansiedad de castracin CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SPANISH DEFINITION: 1. temor fantstico a la lesin o prdida de los rganos genitales, generalmente como reaccin a un sentimiento reprimido de castigo ante deseos sexuales prohibidos 2. amenaza general a la masculinidad o femineidad de una persona o temor irreal de lesin corporal o de prdida de poder. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SYNONYM: Castration complex HYPONIM: Genital organs HYPERONIM: Anxiety disorder USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


COMPLEX DE CASTRARE LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: Vocabularul Psihanalizei, Jean Laplanche si J.-B. Pontalis, Traducere de Radu. Clit, Alfred Dumitrescu, Vera Sandor, Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu, Humanitas, Bucursti, 1994 DEFINITIE STANDARD: Complex centrat pe fantasma castrrii, care ofer un rspuns problemei puse copilului de diferen anatomic dintre sexe (prezena sau absena penisului): aceast prezen este atribuit tierii penisului la feti. Structura i efectele complexului castrrii sunt diferite la biat i la fat. Biatul se teme de castrare ca de realizarea unei ameninri paterne cu rspuns la activitile sale sexuale; de aici rezult pentru biat o intens team de castrare. La fat, absena penisului este resimit ca un prejudiciu pe care ea incearc s il nege, compenseze sau repare. Complexul castrrii se afl n strns relaie cu Complexul Oedip. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Vocabularul Psihanalizei, Jean Laplanche si J.-B. Pontalis, Traducere de Radu. Clit, Alfred Dumitrescu, Vera Sandor, Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu, Humanitas, Bucursti, 1994 ETIMOLOGIE: Din franuzescul complexe, latinescul complexus. Prima data n 1908. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Castration anxiety CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv neutru CONCEPT GENERIC: Teorie sexual infantil CONTEXT: n expunerea teoriei sexuale infantile, Freud descrie cele dou complexe fundamentale pentru dezvoltarea normal a sexualittii: complexul lui Oedip si complexul castrrii. Complexul lui Oedip reprezint un ansamblu de investitii erotice si ostile pe care copilul le face asupra printilor n faza sa falic. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.psihohipnoza.ro/lucrari-colaboratori/psihosexualitatea-i/ CONTEXT: Complexul castrarii sau al afirmarii de sine in plan sexual se refera in acest caz la dificultatea individului de a se afirma personal, responsabil si autonom in plan sexual, cel mai adesea datorita parintilor. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.garbo.ro/articol/Lifestyle/3089/Complexele-personale-o-piedica-in-caleapotentialului-creativ.html CORESPONDENT SP: La Ansiedad de Castracin

SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. DEFINITIE SP: 1. temor fantstico a la lesin o prdida de los rganos genitales, generalmente como reaccin a un sentimiento reprimido de castigo ante deseos sexuales prohibidos 2. amenaza general a la masculinidad o femineidad de una persona o temor irreal de lesin corporal o de prdida de poder. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SINONIM: Fanstasma castrrii HIPONIM: Complexul Oedip HIPERONIM: Complex ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial



ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personality_psychology STANDARD DEFINITION: A major characteristic of a person that is assumed to be basic to an understanding of the individual. DEFINITION SOURCE: : Philip Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, Allyn & Bacon, 19th edition 2002 ETYMOLOGY: Trait - From Latin tractus draft, drawing, drawing out later line drawn, feature . Sense of particular feature, distinguishing quality is first recorded in 1752, from the meaning line, streak, feature (1560s) which is common to English, French, Latin. Central 1640s, from the latin centralis, pertaining to a center, from centrum. As U.S colloquial for central telephone exchange first recorded in 1889 and central processing unit attested from 1961. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Trasaturi Centrale GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: A personal trait that is considered central. CONTEXT: These are the basic building blocks that shape most of our behavior although they are not as overwhelming as cardinal traits. An example of a central trait would be honesty. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_Allport CONTEXT: Allport recognizes that some traits are most closely tied to the proprium ( ones self ) than others. Central traits are the building blocks of your personality. When you describe someone, you are likely to use words that refer to these central traits: smart, dumb, wild, shy, sneaky, dopey, grumpy He noted that most people have somewhere between five and ten of these. SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Rasgo Dominante CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SPANISH DEFINITION: Caracterstica dominante, como el color de los ojos, que es probable que aparezca en la descendencia aunque slo se encuentre en uno de los padres. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

CONTEXT SOURCE: http://webspace.ship.edu/cgboer/allport.html SYNONYM: Characteristic feature HYPONIM: Specific feature HYPERONIM: Personality USE AREA/ FIELD: Personality Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


TRSTUR CENTRAL LIMBA VEDETEI: RO ARA VEDETEI: Romania SURSA: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dicionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucureti, 1973 DEFINITIE STANDARD: Trsturi centrale sau principale ce definesc profilul persoanei. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dicionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucureti, 1973 ETIMOLOGIE: Trasatura tras + sufixul atura ; central din fr.central, lat. centralis. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Central Trait CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv CONCEPT GENERIC: nsuire de personalitate CONTEXT: G.Allport ine seama de dispoziia ierarhic a trsturilor n sistemul de personalitate i delimiteaz: trsturi cardinale sau teleonomice (1-2), trsturi persistente, dominante i reprezentative pentru subiectul n cauz, trsturi centrale sau principale (20-30) ce definesc profilul persoanei, trsturi secundare, mai puin clar conturate n numr de mii. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dicionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucureti, 1973 CONTEXT: Allport credea c personalitile dominate de o singur trstura central sunt mai rare, cele mai multe persoane prezentnd o serie de trsturi centrale. Persoanele cu astfel de personalitai de multe ori devin atat de cunoscute pentru aceste trsturi c numele lor este de multe ori sinonim cu aceste caliti. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.e-psiho.ro/trasaturi-fundamentale-ale-personalitatii CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Rasgo Dominante SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Caracterstica dominante, como el color de los ojos, que es probable que aparezca en la descendencia aunque slo se encuentre en uno de los padres. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SINONIM: Trsturi caracteristice HIPONIM: Onestitate


HIPERONIM: Persoana machiavelic ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologia Personalitii STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


CHARACTER ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Character STANDARD DEFINITION: The sum of a person's relatively fixed personality traits and habitual modes of response. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Character ETYMOLOGY: Early 14c., from O. French caractere (13c., Mod.Fr. caractre), from the Latin character, from the Greek kharakter "engraved mark," also "symbol or imprint on the soul," from kharassein "to engrave," from kharax "pointed stake,". ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Caracter GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: An individual's set of emotional, cognitive, and behavioral patterns learned and accumulated over time. CONTEXT: It is understandable why the term procedure lends itself to improvisation and particularly to a way of consolidating early relationships and experiences which become habits, the way we see things, which then become part of our character and influence the way we relate to others as adults. CONTEXT SOURCE: Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience, Mauro Mancia, Springer, Italy, 2006, page number 42 CONTEXT: Sir Francis Galton was was prescient in hypothesizing that individual differences in personality might be represented in natural language terms, and trawling Rogets Thesaurus for character-descriptive terms. CONTEXT SOURCE: Personality Traits by Gerald Matthews , Ian J. Deary, Martha C. Whiteman; Cambridge University Press 2003; Cambridge, England; Page number 10 SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Carcter CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SPANISH DEFINITION: Conjunto de rasgos y modos de conducta que confieren a una persona la capacidad para reaccionar de un modo determinado frente a los usos y costumbres de una sociedad. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SYNONYM: Personality traits HYPONIM: Trait HYPERONIM: Personality USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


CARACTER LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/caracter DEFINITIE STANDARD: Veche denumire dat individualitii psihice, considerat n ceea ce are ca distinctiv ca structur sau tipar, ce se imprim constant comportamental. Ansamblul nsuirilor psihice, caracteristice pentru individ- n sens restrictiv, caracterul apare ca unit cu al personalitii, intruct exprim alt partea profund individual cit i valoarea moral personal. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 ETIMOLOGIE: Din franuzescul caractre, latinescul character. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Character CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv neutru CONCEPT GENERIC: Ansamblul nsuirilor psihice CONTEXT: Acolo unde alii nu pot s se hotrasc, colericul putenic va decide instantaneu. Ei rezolv probleme i economisesc timp, chiar dac nu toi apreciaz tria lor de caracter. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Personality Plus - Personalitate Plus Cum sa-i ntelegi pe ceilalti ntelegndu-te pe tine nsuti, Florence Littauer - Traducere de Anca Florina Srbu, Publicata cu acordul ASE World Enterprises,USA, iulie 1999 CONTEXT: Sunt sigura ca te intereseaza ce caracter comportamental ai, raportat la grupa ta sanguina. Descoperirea biologica a celor patru grupe sanguine umane este destul de recenta, de la inceputul secolului al XX-lea. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.eva.ro/psihologie/legatura-minte-trup/grupele-sanguine-si-caracterulcomportamentului-i-articol-7015.html CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Carcter SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Conjunto de rasgos y modos de conducta que confieren a una persona la capacidad para reaccionar de un modo determinado frente a los usos y costumbres de una sociedad.

SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SINONIM: Individualitate psihic HIPONIM: nsuire HIPERONIM: Personalitate ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


CHOLERIC ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/choleric STANDARD DEFINITION: Extremely irritable or easily angered; irascible: a choleric disposition DEFINITION SOURCE: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/choleric ETYMOLOGY: Dates from 1300 50 from the Middle English colerik, Medieval Latin colericus, Latin cholericus, Greek choleriks. The meaning of bilious of temperament or complexion dates from the middle 14-c., and easily angered, hot-tempered from the 1580s, from the supposed effect of excess choler. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Adjectiv GENERIC CONCEPT: Choleric personality type CONTEXT: A person who is a choleric is a do-er. They have a lot of ambition, energy and passion, and try to instill it in others. They can dominate people of other temperaments, especially phlegmatic types. Many great charismatic military and political figures were cholerics. They like to be leaders and in charge of everything. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Temperaments#Cholerich CONTEXT: If you are a choleric, you are a dynamic, self-motivated leader who can set your sights on a target and relentlessly pursue it until success is achieved. You are a strong-willed individual who makes decisions quickly and decisively, and who readily and easily grasps difficult concepts and strategies. Cholerics are often accused of being stubborn, domineering, and dictatorial. You demand loyalty from your friends, and thrive when you are in control. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a choleric president: "There is nothing I love as much as a good fight," he famously said. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.catholicmatch.com/temperaments/choleric.html SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Colrico CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SPANISH DEFINITION: Que tiene un temperamento fuerte o es de naturaleza irascible.


DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SYNONYM: Irascible , Peevish, Wrathful HYPONIM: Choleric-melancholic, Choleric-sanguine HYPERONIM: Ill humored USE AREA/ FIELD: Pathology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


COLERIC LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/coleric DEFINITIE STANDARD: Despre persoane, care se caracterizeaz prin dese manifestri de mnie; care se supr uor. Temperament caracterizat prin impulsivitate, nestpnire. SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/coleric ETIMOLOGIE: Provine din franuzescul colrique. Cuvntul a luat natere odata cu apariia cuvntului temperament, secolul al XVI, cnd temperamentum era interpretat n farmacie ca un amestec de umori ale corpului uman . Astfel, apare coleric de la chole ( fiere galben sau bil). CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Choleric CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Adjectiv CONCEPT GENERIC: Persoana care se nfurie uor. CONTEXT: Temperamentul coleric este corespunztor tipului puternic neechilibrat, excitabil, caracterizat prin relativ slabiciune a inhibiiei active de unde tendine de nestpnire de sine, impulsivitate, agitaie, tumultuozitate, nerbdare, explozivitate emoionala, oscilaie intre activism impetuos i despresie, nclinie spre stri de alarm i spre exagerare. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 120 CONTEXT: Colericii au n special tendina de a se aprinde imediat. Tremur de nervi, vorbesc urt, devin nedrepi i asprii cu cei din jur, chiar nevinovai fiind. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.ziare.com/articole/coleric CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Colrico SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Que tiene un temperamento fuerte o es de naturaleza irascible. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SINONIM: Violent

HIPONIM: Coleric-sangvinic HIPERONIM: Temperament ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


COGNITIVE DISSONANCE ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/cognitive+dissonance STANDARD DEFINITION: A condition of conflict or anxiety resulting from inconsistency between one's beliefs and one's actions, such as opposing the slaughter of animals and eating meat. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/cognitive+dissonance ETYMOLOGY: 1957, developed and apparently coined by U.S. social psychologist Leon Festinger (1919-1989). ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Disonan cognitiv GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: Conflicting cognitions CONTEXT: The Fox and the Grapes by Aesop. When the fox fails to reach the grapes, he decides he does not want them after all, an example of adaptive preference formation, designed to reduce cognitive dissonance. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_dissonance CONTEXT: According to cognitive dissonance theory, there is a tendency for individuals to seek consistency among their cognitions (i.e., beliefs, opinions). When there is an inconsistency between attitudes or behaviors (dissonance), something must change to eliminate the dissonance. In the case of a discrepancy between attitudes and behavior, it is most likely that the attitude will change to accommodate the behavior. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://tip.psychology.org/festinge.html CONTEXT: Dissonance theory applies to all situations involving attitude formation and change. It is especially relevant to decision-making and problem-solving. Consider someone who buys an expensive car but discovers that it is not comfortable on long drives. Dissonance exists between their beliefs that they have bought a good car and that a good car should be comfortable. Dissonance could be eliminated by deciding that it does not matter since the car is mainly used for short trips (reducing the importance of the dissonant belief). CONTEXT SOURCE: http://tip.psychology.org/festinge.html SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Disonancia cognitiva CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SPANISH DEFINITION: Estado de tensin provocado por una discrepancia entre el sistema de referencia emocional e intelectual de una persona para interpretar o asumir su entorno. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SYNONYM: Conflicting cognition HYPONIM: Hedonistic Dissonance; Moral dissonance; Smoking HYPERONIM: Motivational Drive USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official



LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 DEFINITIE STANDARD: Teorie psihologic elaborat de L. Festinger (1957). Acest fenomen personal sau interpersonal dizarmonic este trit ca o stare confuz, tensional, disconfort psihic, elemente cognitive i afective, a atitudinilor, comportamentului i aceasta prin interaciuni psihosociale cu sens compensator, echilibrator. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 ETIMOLOGIE: Din fr.anuzescul dissonant i franuzescul cognitif. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Cognitive Dissonance CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv CONCEPT GENERIC: Nearmonizare a structurilor psihice CONTEXT: Se pleaca de la ipoteza ca, daca factorii cognitivi pot fi schimbati, atunci si comportamentul poate fi schimbat. Un exemplu de stare psihologica interioara dobndita, care influenteaza comportamentul, este disonanta cognitiva. Aceasta presupune un sentiment de disconfort, generat de descoperirea anumitor inconsecvente n cazurile, atitudinile sau comportamentul nostru, ceea ce provoaca nevoia de a schimba atitudinea pentru a restabili echilibrul. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.scritube.com/sociologie/psihologie/comunicare/MODELE-PSIHOLOGICEALE-COMUNIC1711218513.php CONTEXT: M simt nevoit s reiau discuia despre vaccinuri deoarece observ ca tot mai multe persoane educate i care au posibilitatea de a gsi informaii corecte cad prada biasului de confirmare selectand din informaia gsit numai lucrurile care le confirma credinele. n momentul n care li se prezint dovezi contrare propriilor credine intervine cognitiv ce duce la imaginarea celor mai ciudate conspiraii. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://parinti-rationali.blogspot.com/2011/02/navigand-printrebiasuri-si-disonanta.html CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Dissonancia Cognitiva SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Estado de tensin provocado por una discrepancia entre el sistema de referencia emocional e intelectual de una persona para interpretar o asumir su entorno. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SINONIM: Disconfort psihic HIPONIM: Fumatul HIPERONIM: Eroare cognitiv ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/collective+unconscious STANDARD DEFINITION: In Jungian personality theory, that part of an individuals unconscious which is inherited, evolutionarily developed, and common to all members of the species. DEFINITION SOURCE: Philip Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, Allyn & Bacon, 19th edition 2002 ETYMOLOGY: Collective - early 15c., from M.Fr. collectif, from the Latin collectivus, from collectus; Unconscious - 1712, "unaware, not marked by conscious thought," from un"not" + conscious. Meaning "temporarily insensible, knocked out" is recorded from 1860. In psychology, the noun the unconscious (1884) is a loan-translation of the German das Unbewusste. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Incontient colectiv GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun phrase GENERIC CONCEPT: Unconscious mind CONTEXT: This collective unconscious predisposes us all to react to certain stimuli in the same way. It is responsible for our intuitive understanding of primitive myths, art forms, and symbols which are the universal archetypes of existence. CONTEXT SOURCE: Philip Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, Allyn & Bacon, 19th edition 2002, page 398 CONTEXT: This collective unconscious does not develop individually but is inherited. It consists of pre-existent forms, the archetypes, which can only become conscious secondarily and which give definite form to certain psychic contents. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_unconscious CONTEXT: Jung saw a personal definition of the unconscious as only a superficial layer of the unconscious mind, however, and he coined the term collective unconscious for the greater part he felt Freud left out. Jung knew, from his own profound inner work and that of his patients that we are tied to a much greater archaic collective unconscious mind that emits universal symbols and processes we all share. He believed that it isn't possible to separate ourselves from all that has affected us as a collective soul. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.eupsychia.com/perspectives/defs/collective.html


SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Inconsciente colectivo CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SPANISH DEFINITION: (en psicologa analtica) parte del inconsciente comn a todo el gnero humano. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SYNONYM: Unconscious mind HYPONIM: Archetype HYPERONIM: Psych USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology


INCONTIENT COLECTIV LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 DEFINITIE STANDARD: Concept introdus de Karl Jung pentru a defini, spre deosebire de inconticntul individual, stratul profund de incontient, avnd un coninut trans-individual (dup L. Blaga. anonim dar corespunztor schemei general-umane i modelelor cultural propriu comunitii etnologice corespunztoare. Dup Blaga n incontientul colectiv se fixeaz trsturile culturii. Acestea rezult din comunitatea aezrilor, din limba i relaii familiale (Levi-Straus - din mituri i tradiii, mod de trai. Jung propune ca uniti component ale incontientului colectiv arhetipurile. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 ETIMOLOGIE: Din franuzescul inconscient i collectif, i latinescul collectivus. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Collective unconscious CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv CONCEPT GENERIC: Incontient biologic

CONTEXT: Incontientul colectiv este un datum universal, altfel spus fiecare fiin omeneasc are de la natere n dotarea sa psihic acest strat arhetipal. Arhetipul poate fi descris i ca o librrie universal de conduite (paternuri) umane, or neleptul din om, nelepciunea transcendental care ghideaz omenirea. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.carl-jung.info/inconstient_colectiv.html CONTEXT: Dup Jung, incontientul colectiv este alctuit din materiale psihice suprapersonale, cu un mare grad de autonomie, numite arhetipuri. Aceste arhetipuri, sau reprezetri colective, snt concepute sub forma unor nclinaii nnscute ale psihicului de a crea reprezentri i conduite tipice care corespund tendinelor de comportament ale biologilor (patterns of behavior). SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.freudfile.org/psihanaliza/inconstient.html CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Inconsciente colectivo SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: (en psicologa analtica) parte del inconsciente comn a todo el gnero humano.

SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SINONIM: Incontient HIPONIM: Arhetip HIPERONIM: Psihic ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


COMPLEX ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Complex(psychology) STANDARD DEFINITION: A complex is a core pattern of emotions, memories, perceptions, and wishes in the personal unconscious organized around a common theme, such as power or status. Jung described a "complex" as a 'node' in the unconscious; it may be imagined as a knot of unconscious feelings and beliefs, detectable indirectly, through behavior that is puzzling or hard to account for.

DEFINITION SOURCE: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Complex(psychology) ETYMOLOGY: The term "complex," or "feeling-toned complex of ideas, " ; psychological sense of "connected group of repressed ideas" was established by C.G. Jung in 1907. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Complex GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: Core pattern CONTEXT: In Jung's theory, complexes may be conscious, partly conscious, or unconscious. Complexes can be positive or negative, resulting in good or bad consequences. There are many kinds of complex, but at the core of any complex is a universal pattern of experience, or archetype. Two of the major complexes Jung wrote about were the anima (a node of unconscious beliefs and feelings in a man's psyche relating to the opposite gender) and animus (the corresponding complex in a woman's psyche). Other major complexes include the mother, father, hero, and more recently, the brother and sister. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Complex(psychology) CONTEXT: Oedipus complex, in psychoanalytic theory, a desire for sexual involvement with the parent of the opposite sex and a concomitant sense of rivalry with the parent of the same sex; a crucial stage in the normal developmental process. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/425451/Oedipuscomplex SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Complejo CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SPANISH DEFINITION: (en psicologa) grupo de ideas asociadas con fuertes contenidos emocionales que afectan a la actitud de las personas.

DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 SYNONYM: Unconscious feeling HYPONIM: Opedipus complex; The Anima HYPERONIM: Personal unconscious USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


COMPLEX LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 DEFINITIE STANDARD: Complexul poate fi denumit ca o structur dinamic incontient, nzestrat cu mecanisme de autoreglare, reprezentnd reacia mpotriva existenei, la nivelul ntregii structuri a personalitii, a unei surse permanente de dezechilibru. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 ETIMOLOGIE: Din franuzescul complexe, latinescul complexus. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Complex CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv neutru CONCEPT GENERIC: Totalitatea trsturilor personale cu fond afectiv intens CONTEXT: Complexul lui Oedip, ataament erotic al copilului fa de printele de sex opus, refulat din cauza conflictului de ambivalen preferenial ntre prini. Complexul este negativ cnd ataarea copilului se manifest ctre printele de acelai sex. Dup S. Freud acesta este un fenomen normal n dezvoltarea copilului, care in condiii normale este depit. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 CONTEXT: Deci complexul poate fi denumit ca o structura dinamica inconstienta, inzestrata cu mecanisme de autoreglare, reprezentind reactia impotriva existentei, la nivelul intregii structuri a personalitatii, a unei surse permanente de dezechilibru. Dupa Laplanche si Pontalis, complexul este un ansamblu organizat de reprezentari si amintiri cu o puternica valoare afectiva partial sau total inconstient. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.psychologies.ro/Dictionar-de-psihologie/C/COMPLEX-1245336

CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Complejo SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: (en psicologa) grupo de ideas asociadas con fuertes contenidos emocionales que afectan a la actitud de las personas.

SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SINONIM: Structur dinamic incontient HIPONIM: Complexul Oedip HIPERONIM: Incontient ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


COMPULSIVE ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/compulsive STANDARD DEFINITION: Caused or conditioned by compulsion. Noun: A person with patterns governed by a compulsion. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/compulsive ETYMOLOGY: From French compulsif, from L. compulsus, popular of compellere (see compel). Psychological sense is from 1902. As a noun, it is attested from 1630s; psychological sense from 1957. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Obsesiv GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Adjective GENERIC CONCEPT: Controlled CONTEXT: Among the forms of pathological anxiety, the DSM-IV-TR [1] distinguishes, in addition to generalized anxiety, phobias, panic attacks, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). CONTEXT SOURCE: Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience, Mauro Mancia, Springer, Italz, 2006, page number 175 CONTEXT: Plenty of people suffer from one form of compulsive behavior or another. There's compulsive shopping, hoarding, eating, gambling, or even pulling one's hair out. And of course there is garden variety obsessive compulsiveness. When a person has a compulsion, he is trapped in a pattern of repetitive and senseless thinking--indeed these are behaviors quite difficult to overcome. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.psychologytoday.com/basics/compulsive-behaviors SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Compulsivo CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SPANISH DEFINITION: Relativo a un acto realizado repetidamente por un impulso irresistible DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.


SYNONYM: Obsessive HYPONIM: Obsessive-Compulsing Disorder, Compulsive-sexual behavior HYPERONIM: Controlled USE AREA/ FIELD: Personality Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


OBSESIV LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/obsesiv DEFINITIE STANDARD: Referitor la obsesii, cu caracter de obsesie obsesional. SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/obsesiv ETIMOLOGIE: Din franuzescul obsessif. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Compulsive CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Adjectiv CONCEPT GENERIC: Compulsiv CONTEXT: In cadrul acestei maladii psihice, o persoana devine blocata mental intr-un model de ganduri si comportamente repetitive care sunt lipsite de sens si suparatoare, dar sunt dificil de depasit. De exemplu, gandul obsesiv ca o persoana se poate contamina prin atingerea clantelor de la usa sau a altor obiecte "murdare". SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.sfatulmedicului.ro/Anxietatea-si-fobiile/maladia-obsesiv-compulsiva_6 CONTEXT: Similar, n cazul instalrii pe zone ntinse ale cortexului a unor procese de inhibiie, ca n cazul alcoolemiei, intervine procesul de contiin de scurtcircuit. In anumite structuri, i fixaii obsesive i desfurri superficiale, apropiate de automatisme. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 143 CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Compulsivo SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Relativo a un acto realizado repetidamente por un impulso irresistible. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SINONIM: Compulsiv HIPONIM: Obsesiv-compulsiv


HIPERONIM: Maladie obsesiv ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologia Personalitii STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


CONSISTENCY ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/consistency STANDARD DEFINITION: Agreement or accordance with facts, form or characteristics previously shown or stated. Conformity with previous attitudes, behavior, practice. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/consistency ETYMOLOGY: From the Medieval Latin consistentia or directly from the Latin consistentem. The meaning state of being in agreement or harmony ( with something) dates from the 1650s, and also self-consistent from 1716. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Consisten GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: Compatibility CONTEXT: In a third extensive study of consistency of introversion and extraversioncounselors were trained to keep records on 51 boys. For three weeks they noted occurrences of behaviors related to nine personality traits ( such as independence and gregariousness ) in over 30 situations. CONTEXT SOURCE: Philip Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, Allyn & Bacon, 19th edition 2002, Page number 390 CONTEXT: Modern developments of traditional theory seek to identify and explain underlying sources of consistency in behavior, whether these are conceived as genetic, psychological or cognitive in nature. CONTEXT SOURCE: Personality Traits by Gerald Matthews , Ian J. Deary, Martha C. Whiteman; Cambridge University Press 2003; Cambridge, England; Page number 7

SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Consistencia CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: http://es.thefreedictionary.com/consistencia SPANISH DEFINITION: Cohesin entre las partculas de una masa o cuerpo. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://es.thefreedictionary.com/consistencia SYNONYM: Compatibility

HYPONIM: Intelectual Consistency, Moral Consistency HYPERONIM: Psychodiagnosis USE AREA/ FIELD: Personality Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS : Ofiicial


CONSISTEN LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/consistenta DEFINITIE STANDARD: n logic, calitate a unui sistem aximoatic de a nu conine o formul oarecare n acelai timp cu negaia ei, adic de a mai fi contradictoriu in psihodiagnostic. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dicionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucureti, 1973, Pagina 67 ETIMOLOGIE: Din italienescul consistenza i franuzescul consistance. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Consistency CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv feminin CONCEPT GENERIC: Caracter consistent CONTEXT: In evaluare testelor, se calculeaz prin diverse formule un coeficient de consisten prin care se exprima omogenitatea testului, msura n care itemii ce-l compun sunt concordani, astfel nct rezultatul dat de un item s fie semnificativ pentru rezultatul general obinut la test. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dicionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucureti, 1973, Pagina 67 CONTEXT: Construcia testelor de personalitate a fost influenat n cea mai nalt msur de teoriile care concep personalitatea ca un sistem de trsturi , acestea din urma fiind nelese ca moduri specifice i caracteristice de comportament, cunoatere, simire. Prin termenul de trstur de personalitate nelegem o dispoziie sau caracteristic subiacent ce poate fi folosit ca explicaie pentru regularitile si consistena comportamentului individual. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.scribd.com/doc/31989081/Gheorghe-Pertea-Psihodiagnoza-PersonalitatiiChestionarele-Update CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Consistencia SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: http://es.thefreedictionary.com/consistencia DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Cohesin entre las partculas de una masa o cuerpo. SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://es.thefreedictionary.com/consistencia SINONIM: Compatibilitate

HIPONIM: Consisten Caracterologic, Consisten intelectuala, Consisten moral HIPERONIM: Psihodiagnostic ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologia personalitii STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


COVERT BEHAVIOR ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: Philip Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, Allyn & Bacon, 19th edition 2002 STANDARD DEFINITION: The unseen psychological processes, such as thoughts, images, or feelings, or physiological reactions that cannot be directly observed. DEFINITION SOURCE: Philip Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, Allyn & Bacon, 19th edition 2002, Glossary ETYMOLOGY: Covert - c.1300, from O.French covert "hidden, obscure, underhanded," literary "covered," popular of covrir "to cover" and behavior - late 15c., essentially from behave, but with ending from havour "possession," a word altered (by influence of have) from aver, from O.Fr. aveir "to have ". ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Comportament inaparent GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun phrase GENERIC CONCEPT: Unseen psychological processes CONTEXT: Covert behavior is any mental, social, or physical action or practice that is not immediately observable. Some examples of covert behavior include deception and lying, systemic discriminatory practices against certain social groups, and political candidates omitting important information to make their case seem strong. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090503145849AAJDeNF CONTEXT: The first is its introduction of covert-behavior events. These events are supposed to be inner events that have behavioral features. But although the events play a central role in behavior analysis, they have not been clearly defined. Rather, they are usually introduced with the help of examples. Thus, Moore (2001) gives as an illustration of covertbehavior events the process of thinking, which may be defined as acting in a way that produces stimuli that have some effect on the thinker and that are associated with subsequent reinforcement. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.behavior.org/resources/129.pdf SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Conducta retrada CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SPANISH DEFINITION: Situacin en la que se produce un embotamiento de las emociones y una ausencia de respuesta social. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SYNONYM: Unseen processes HYPONIM: Lying, Deception HYPERONIM: Behavior USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


COMPORTAMENT INAPARENT LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 DEFINITIE STANDARD: Comportamentul inaparent ('covert behavior') include modificarile interne, indirect decelabile, ce insoesc procesele gndirii, emoiei, limbajului etc. dintre care amintim: modificrile ritmului respirator, ale ritmului cardiac, a secreiei salivare, intensificarea activitii glandelor sudoripare, a compoziiei chimice i hormonale a sngelui, creterea conductanei electrice a pielii etc. SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://www.stiucum.com/drept/psihologie-judiciara/Investigareapsihologica-a-com21135.php ETIMOLOGIE: Format din alturarea cuvntului comportament i inaparent. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Covert Behavior CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv CONCEPT GENERIC: Procese psihologice neobservabile CONTEXT: Nu orice eveniment intern al organismului constituie un comportament inaparent, dup cum nu orice comportament inaparent poate fi simultan sau nu cu desfurarea lui, observat i msurat. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.scribd.com/doc/6541295/Psihologie-Juridica-Conf-Univ-Dr CONTEXT: Exist o continu interanjabilitate ntre cele dou modaliti comportamentale, n sensul c unui comportament aparent i corespund obligatoriu forme de comportament inaparent, ns nu oricror manifestri inaparente le corespund manifestri de comportament aparent. Att modalitile aparente ct i cele inaparente sunt aspecte ale unui comportament larg cu o caracteristic de unicitate pentru momentul respectiv. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.scribd.com/doc/23874629/Psihocriminalistica CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Conducta retrada SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Situacin en la que se produce un embotamiento de las emociones y una ausencia de respuesta social. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SINONIM: Comportament neobservabil HIPONIM: Minciuna HIPERONIM: Comportament ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial

DEFENSE MECHANISM ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/defense+mechanism STANDARD DEFINITION: Any of various usually unconscious mental processes, including denial, projection, rationalization, and repression, that protect the ego from shame, anxiety, conflict, loss of self-esteem, or other unacceptable feelings or thoughts. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/defense+mechanism ETYMOLOGY: 1300c., "forbidding, prohibition," also "action of guarding or protecting," from O.Fr. defense, from L. defensus, pp. of defendere "ward off, protect"But it also arrived (without the final -e) from O.Fr. defens, from L. defensum "thing protected or forbidden," . First used 1935 as an euphemism for "national military resources." Defense mechanism in psychology dates from 1913. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Mecanism de aprare GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun Phrase GENERIC CONCEPT: Self-protection CONTEXT: However, a few days after the incident, I read Cimino and Correales paper Projective identification and consciousness alteration, in which they suggest that projective identification, as well as being a defense mechanism, also has a powerful communication role. CONTEXT SOURCE: Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience, Mauro Mancia, Springer, Italz, 2006, page number 56 CONTEXT: An ego defense mechanism becomes pathological only when its persistent use leads to maladaptive behavior such that the physical and/or mental health of the individual is adversely affected. The purpose of ego defense mechanisms is to protect the mind/self/ego from anxiety, social sanctions or to provide a refuge from a situation with which one cannot currently cope. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defence_mechanism SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Mecanismo de defensa CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.


SPANISH DEFINITION: Reaccin inconsciente, intrapsquica, que ofrece autoproteccin ante una situacin de tensin. Los mecanismos defensivos son: compensacin, conversin, disociacin, desplazamiento y sublimacin. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SYNONYM: Defense reaction HYPONIM: Projection; Isolation; Displacement HYPERONIM: Unconscious process USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


MECANISM DE APRARE LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 DEFINITIE STANDARD: n psihanaliz (uneori dat ca aprrile eului"), reprezint o serie reprezentativ de operaii care se opun ruperii echilibrului i dezagregrii individualitii biopsihice. ntruct eul socotit instana ce asigur constana individual, mecanismele de aprare se pun pe seama sa dei nu au ntotdeauna caracter contient i nici foarte diverse. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 ETIMOLOGIE: Din fr. mcanisme, germ. Mechanisme; aprare din Latinescul Apprre, cf. it. appararse, provine de la apar, din spaniola aparar substantiv feminin (evantai; dig de aprare; n general, orice obiect care protejeaz). CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Defense Mechanism CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv CONCEPT GENERIC: Msur defensiv CONTEXT: Experienta de viata presupune, intre altele, formarea si exersarea unor mecanisme de aparare, care tin de structura propriei personalitati si de maturitate. Utilitatea cunoasterii acestora consta, in primul rand, in a le constientiza existenta si a le accepta ca atare. Mecanismele de aparare, in sens comun, constituie "instrumente" care apar constient sau inconstient, in vederea protejarii sinelui, si cuprind masuri defensive sub diferite forme.

SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.eva.ro/psihologie/situatii-si-sfaturi/care-sunt-mecanismele-de-aparare-alesubconstientului-articol-11220.html CONTEXT: Identificarea cu agresorul este un mecanism de aprare complex. Ca structur defensiv utilizeaz un mix intre dou componente psihice identificarea si proiecia impotriva unor factori de natur extern dar i a unora de natur intern. n alt ordine de idei, n forma sa nepatologic, Anna Freud subliniaz importana acestui mecanism n formarea supraeului i aduce n discuie rolul sau n maturizarea si dezvoltarea psihic a copilului. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://spatiulmental.wordpress.com/tag/mecanism-de-aparare/ CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Mecanismo de defensa

SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Reaccin inconsciente, intrapsquica, que ofrece autoproteccin ante una situacin de tensin. Los mecanismos defensivos son: compensacin, conversin, disociacin, desplazamiento y sublimacin. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SINONIM: Mecanism de defensa HIPONIM: Clivaj, Denegare, Refulare HIPERONIM: Mecanism Patologic, Mecanism Neurotic ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial



ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/denial STANDARD DEFINITION: An unconscious defense mechanism characterized by refusal to acknowledge painful realities, thoughts, or feelings. A psychological process by which painful truths are not admitted into an individual's consciousness. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/denial ETYMOLOGY: 1520s; see deny + -al. Replaced earlier denyance (middle 15c.). Meaning "unconscious suppression of painful or embarrassing feelings" first attested in 1914 in A.A. Brill's translation of Freud's "Psychopathology of Everyday Life".

ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Denegare GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: Defense mechanism CONTEXT: In fact, in this period of life the baby cannot repress painful and traumatic experiences, nor the defenses linked to them, since the structures necessary for the explicit memory (the hippocampus) indispensable for such repression are not yet mature. Rather, the baby uses unconscious modalities characterized by denial and splitting and projective identification of distressed parts of Self. It will be the mothers task to render these harmless and return them to the neonate for introjection. CONTEXT SOURCE: Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience, Mauro Mancia, Springer, Italz, 2006, page number 20 CONTEXT: The theory of denial was first researched seriously by Anna Freud. She classified denial as a mechanism of the immature mind, because it conflicts with the ability to learn from and cope with reality. Where denial occurs in mature minds, it is most often associated with death, dying and rape. More recent research has significantly expanded the scope and utility of the concept. Unlike some other defense mechanisms postulated by psychoanalytic theory (for instance, repression), the general existence of denial is fairly easy to verify, even for non-specialists. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Negacin CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario ilustrado de Trminos Mdicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010.

SPANISH DEFINITION: Mecanismo psquico por el cual el sujeto rechaza las ideas, sentimientos y deseos que le son puestos de manifiesto a menudo como consecuencia de deficientes fsicas o emocionales. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario ilustrado de Trminos Mdicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010. SYNONYM: Self-abnegation HYPONIM: Minimizing, Erotic-sexual denial HYPERONIM: Pathological defense mechanism USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychopathology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


(DE)NEGARE LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/denegare DEFINITIE STANDARD: Procedeu prin care subiectul formuleaz dorine, gnduri, sentimente pn atunci refulate, dar continu s se apere de ele, negnd c i-ar aparine. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Vocabularul Psihanalizei, Jean Laplanche si J.-B. Pontalis, Traducere de Radu. Clit, Alfred Dumitrescu, Vera Sandor, Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu, Humanitas, Bucursti, 1994, pagina 48 ETIMOLOGIE: Format de la negare, din latinescul i italienescul denegare (a denega). n german Verneinung desemneaz negare n sensul logic sau gramatical al termenului, dar i (de)negarea n sens psihologic (refuz al unei afirmaii pe care tocmai am facut-o). n francez, se pot distinge pe de o parte, dnacion sau den (refuz) care implic contestare sau tgduire. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Denial CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv feminin CONCEPT GENERIC: Mecanism de aprare CONTEXT: Ideea c accesul refulatului la contiin este semnalat adesea, n cur, prin (de)negare constituie punctul de plecare al articolului pe care Freud l consacr n 1925. Nu exist prob mai puternic pentru reuita descoperirii incontientului dect reacia analizatului prin cuvintele: << Nu m-am gndit (niciodat) la asta>> . Cu ajutorul simbolului (de)negrii, gndirea se elibereaz de limitele refulrii. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Vocabularul Psihanalizei, Jean Laplanche si J.-B. Pontalis, Traducere de Radu. Clit, Alfred Dumitrescu, Vera Sandor, Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu, Humanitas, Bucursti, 1994, pagina 113 CONTEXT: n dependen de gradul su de manifestare negativismul poate fi pasiv exprimat n indiferen, apatie, tcere sau activ, constnd din fug, opoziie, aciune invers celei solicitate. n psihanaliz, se are n vedere ca mecanism de aprare, negarea sau denegarea (v.). SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 234 CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Denegacin SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario ilustrado de Trminos Mdicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010.

DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Mecanismo psquico por el cual el sujeto rechaza las ideas, sentimientos y deseos que le son puestos de manifiesto a menudo como consecuencia de deficientes fsicas o emocionales SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario ilustrado de Trminos Mdicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010. SINONIM: Denegaie, Negare HIPONIM: Negarea sexualitii HIPERONIM: Mecanism de aprare ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihanaliz STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


DISPLACEMENT ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Displacement STANDARD DEFINITION: In Freuds psychology, is an unconscious defense mechanism whereby the mind redirects affects from an object felt to be dangerous or unacceptable to an object felt to be safe or acceptable. For instance, some people punch cushions when they are angry at friends; a college student may snap at his roommate when upset about an exam grade. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Displacement+%28psychology%29 ETYMOLOGY: From German Verschiebung, literally meaning 'shift' or 'move'. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Deplasare GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: A sub-conscious defense mechanism CONTEXT: If you have ever had a bad day at work, then gone home and taken out your frustration on family and friends, you have experienced the ego defense mechanism of displacement. Displacement involves taking out our frustration, feeling and impulses on people or objects that are less threatening. Displaced aggression is a common example of this defense mechanism. Rather than express our anger in ways that could lead to negative consequences (like arguing with our boss), we instead express our anger towards a person or object that poses no threat (such as our children or pets). CONTEXT SOURCE: http://psychology.about.com/od/theoriesofpersonality/ss/defensemech_4.htm CONTEXT: Displacement is what arranges the content of the dream around features that are not its main lines, so the essential aspects of the dream come to look as though they are not really valuable. Displacement also involves the affects, but its most interesting aspect regards the language of the dream and its narration. CONTEXT SOURCE: Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience, Mauro Mancia, Springer, Italz, 2006, page number 307

SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Desplazamiento CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SPANISH DEFINITION: (en psiquiatra) mecanismo defensivo inconsciente para evitar conflictos emocionales y ansiedad transfiriendo emociones, ideas o deseos desde un objeto a otro que produce menor ansiedad. Cambio brusco en un sistema analtico que contina a un nuevo nivel.

DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SYNONM: Redirection HYPONIM: Transference, Aggression Displacement HYPERONIM: Defenses USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


DEPLASRE LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/deplasare DEFINITIE STANDARD: Spre deosebire de deplasarea in spaiu, termenul aa cum este el folosit n psihanaliz, definete mecanismul incotient de transferare a unei ncrcturi psihice fie numai afective, fie mai complexe (afective i ideatice cum sunt credinele, opiniile) de la obiectul ei direct la un alt obiect. Declanarea acestui mecanism este determinat fie de inacceptabilitatea obiectului direct pentru contiin, fie de indisponibilitatea obiectiv a acestuia. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 187 ETIMOLOGIE: Din franuzescul dplacement, germana verschiebung. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Displacement CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv feminin CONCEPT GENERIC: Mecanism de aprare CONTEXT: Deplasarea in vis, rstoarn valorile, denatureaz sensul, face s fie obscur la nivel manifest ceea ce era semnificant la nivel latent, centreaz astfel visul. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Marele dicionar al psihologiei, Larousse, Editura Trei, 2006, pagina 1297 CONTEXT: Din punct de vedere psihologic, se poate constata la Freud o aparent oscilaie n ceea ce privete estinderea care ar trebui dat termenului deplasare. Uneori, el opune deplasarea, ca fenomen ce se produce ntre reprezentri i caracteriznd n special nevroza obsesional, conversiei, n care afectul este suprimat i n care energia de investire si schimb registrul, trecnd din domeniul reprezentrii n domeniul somatic. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Vocabularul Psihanalizei, Jean Laplanche i J.-B. Pontalis, Traducere de Radu. Clit, Alfred Dumitrescu, Vera andor, Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu, Humanitas, Bucurti, 1994, pagina 114 CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Desplazamiento SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.


DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: (en psiquiatra) mecanismo defensivo inconsciente para evitar conflictos emocionales y ansiedad transfiriendo emociones, ideas o deseos desde un objeto a otro que produce menor ansiedad. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SINONIM: Transfer HIPONIM: Cenzur, Metonimie HIPERONIM: Aprare ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihanaliz STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


DRIVES ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/drives STANDARD DEFINITION: A strong motivating tendency or instinct related to selfpreservation, reproduction, or aggression that prompts activity toward a particular end. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/drives ETYMOLOGY: From the adjective driven, meaning motivated, attested in 1972. To drive original sense of pushing from behind, altered in Modern English by application to automobiles. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Motivaii GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: Instigated motivations CONTEXT: David Hume suggested that without motivational and emotional drives, we would not be able to start nor finish anything. This idea was later followed up by Nietzsche, who stated that, in contrtast to the traditional Aristotelian view on the control of the emotions by reason, the will to overcome an emotion is ultimately only the will of another emotion. CONTEXT SOURCE: Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience, Mauro Mancia, Springer, Italz, 2006, page number 125-126 CONTEXT: Drive theory is based on the principle that organisms are born with certain physiological needs and that a negative state of tension is created when these needs are not satisfied. When a need is satisfied, drive is reduced and the organism returns to a state of homeostasis and relaxation. According to the theory, drives tend to increase over time and operate on a feedback control system. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drive_theory SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Estimulante CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 SPANISH DEFINITION: Cualquier producto que aumenta el ritmo de actividad de un sistema corporal. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999

SYNONYM: Motivations HYPONIM: Hunger, Thirst HYPERONIM: Behavior USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


MOTIVAII LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/motivatii DEFINITIE STANDARD: Ansamblu de imbolduri, pulsiuni interne, activri, mobiluri ale aciunilor i conduitei, n timp ce tensiunea este unitatea ce activeaz dinuntru nafar, motivaia este neleas ca un ansamblu al motivrii sau mpingere spre aciune. Ele sunt definite de Michotte drept cauze interne ale conduitei. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 464 ETIMOLOGIE: Din franuzescul motivacin CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Drives CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv feminin plural CONCEPT GENERIC: Imbold instigator CONTEXT: Componentele sistemului motivaional sunt numeroase, variaz ca origine, mod de satisfacere si funcii. Aa cum s-a afirmat, motivaia umana include trebuine, motive, interese, convingeri, tendine, intenii, dorine, aspiraii. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.logopedics.info/motivatia.php CONTEXT: Adugm faptul ca niciodata omul nu acioneaz sub imperiul unui singur motiv, ci sub influena unor constelaii motivaionale, n care de regul se produc i depesc conflicte. Ed. Claparede arta c la om orice ndeplinire de dorin nseamn i o renunare. n linii mari, la om motivaiile se divid n fiyiologice, psihologice i sociale, acestea din urma constituind un adevrat labirint. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 465 CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Estimulante SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Cualquier producto que aumenta el ritmo de actividad de un sistema corporal. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.


SINONIM: Consideraii HIPONIM: Setea, Foamea, Frigul HIPERONIM: Motivaia biologic ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


DYNAMIC STEREOTYPE ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Dynamic+Stereotype STANDARD DEFINITION: The dynamic stereotype is the most vivid manifestation of the extremely subtle analyzing and synthesizing activity of the cerebral cortex and is the product of very complex interactions between the areas of the cortex. The dynamic stereotype is the physiological basis for the automation of skills. It aids in the efficient performance of tasks and in rapid adaptation to the conditions of existence. Human habits and simple labor skills are expressions of dynamic stereotyping. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Dynamic+Stereotype ETYMOLOGY: From the Greek dynamikos "powerful," from dynamis "power," from dynasthai "to be able, to have power, be strong enough," of unknown origin + stereotype from Gk. stereos "solid" + Fr. type "type." ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Stereotip dinamic GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun phrase GENERIC CONCEPT: Automatic stereotype CONTEXT: Yet, Pavlov (1951a), relying on experimental evidence, some of which is presented, held that the interaction of higher organisms with the external environment was based on the dynamic stereotype, that is, on the integration in the cortical hemispheres of neural traces coming from the external and internal environments. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.researchgate.net/publication/14555452_Pavlov%27s_conceptualization_of_the_d ynamic_stereotype_in_the_theory_of_higher_nervous_activity CONTEXT: dynamic stereotype: Pavlov coined the term to describe mental functioning: it is neurologically stable (stereotyped) but responsive to the environment (dynamic). CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.psychnut.com/gloss.htm SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Estereotipo dinamico CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.


SPANISH DEFINITION: : Generalizacin sobre una forma de conducta, un individuo o un grupo que tiende a cambiar o que insta al cambio, como la relacin dinmica enfermeropaciente.

DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SYNONYM: Automatic sterotype HYPONIM: Human habits HYPERONIM: Mental functioning USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


STEREOTIP DINAMIC LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 DEFINITIE STANDARD: Sistem de reflexe condiionate interconectate i reprezentnd o ordine a aplicrii stimulilor i apariiei reaciilor. Prin efecte de conexiune invers reacia duce la ateptarea stimulului b i prepar reacia b. Pavlov a acordat s.d. pe care 1-a descoperit, o mare nsemntate, artnd c acesta explic o scrie de fenomene complexe cum snt gcstaltul, deprinderile, configuraiile logic, sentimentele etc. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 ETIMOLOGIE: Fiziologic: stereotip dinamic din franuzescul stereotype. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Dynamic stereotype CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv masculin CONCEPT GENERIC: Complex de micri sistematizate n urma unor repetri CONTEXT: Memorarea - este primul proces al memoriei, cel in care are loc intiparirea,fixarea experientei noastre. In procesul memorarii,legaturile nervoase se sistematizeaza si se constitue in stereotipuri dinamice. Dupa cum ne amintim, intr-un stereotip dinamic e vorba de un ir de acte integrate intr-un ansamblu cu sens unitar. Cuvintele unei poezii nu se insira,pur si simplu, in memoria nostra, cum se insira margelele unui sirag. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://psihologie.myphpbb.eu/board/post15330.html CONTEXT: Trebuie fcut o distincie ntre stereotip dinamic i structurile cognitive, primele referindu-se la anumite aspecte ale proceselor de gndire, n timp ce structurile cognitive se refer la sistemele care mediaz aceste procese. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Estereotipo dinamico SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Generalizacin sobre una forma de conducta, un individuo o un grupo que tiende a cambiar o que insta al cambio, como la relacin dinmica enfermeropaciente.

SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SINONIM: Sistem de reflexe HIPONIM: Memorarea HIPERONIM: Gandirea ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


DYNAMIC UNCONSCIOUS ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/dynamic+unconscious STANDARD DEFINITION: Unconscious forces which can affect the operation of conscious levels of personality function. DEFINITION SOURCE: Philip Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, Allyn & Bacon, 19th edition 2002, Page number 395 ETYMOLOGY: Dynamic - Introduced in 1817 as a term in philosophy; in 1827 it was introduced in the sense of pertaining to force producing motion. Derived from the French dynamiqu, introduced by German mathematician Gottfried Leibnitzin 1691 from the German dynamikos powerful. Also derived from dynasthai which means to be able, to have power, to be strong enough, of unknown origin. Unconscious Introduced in 1712 meaning unaware, not marked by conscious thought. In psychology, the noun the unconscious (1884) is a loan-translation of the German das Unbewusste . ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Incontient Dinamic GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun Phrase GENERIC CONCEPT: Psychodynamics CONTEXT: Jacques Lacans psychoanalytic theory contends that the unconscious is structured like a language. In this way, Lacans thesis of the structurally dynamic unconscious is also a challenge to the ego psychology of Anna Freud. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unconscious_mind CONTEXT: As already stated, certain memories are being kept out of awareness because they create dissonance with the self narrative. The dynamic unconscious connects memories based on the emotions they evoke, along semantic trees, and also based on illogical criteria such as assonance. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.psychoscience.net/cognitive_and_dynamic_uncons.htm SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Inconciente dinamico CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.


SPANISH DEFINITION: (en psiquiatra) parrte de la funcin mental en la que los pensamientos, las ideas, emociones o recuerdos estn ms all de la consciencia y que no se pueden recordar instantneamente, que tiende a cambiar o que insta al cambio, como la relacin dinmica. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SYNONYM: Affective Unconscious HYPONIM: Rational Unconscious HYPERONIM: Psychic USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


INCONTIENT DINAMIC LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://www.freudfile.org/psihanaliza/termeni.html DEFINITIE STANDARD: Incontientul are un sens dinamic, baz pulsional i sediu principal al conflictelor interne, i un sens topic, delimitat de contiin, uneori chiar nchis. Incontient dinamic sau afectiv. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 343 ETIMOLOGIE: Termenul incontient provine din germanul das unbewuste necunoscutul. Termenul dinamic provine din franuzescul dynamique si italienescul dinamico. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Dynamic Unconscious CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv CONCEPT GENERIC: Incontient psihic CONTEXT: Uneori, atitudinile fixate n incontient neaga ordinea mpins de contiin, manifestrile lor aprnd ca iraionale sau inexplicabile ca in situaiile explicate prin dictonul de gustibus non disputandum. Freaud nu ine seama de structurrile automatizate i prezint dramatic incontientul afectiv i dinamic declarnd suntem trii de fore necunoscute fr ca s ne dm seama. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 346 CONTEXT: Termenul nglobeaz mai multe semnificaii dup cum aveam de a face cu o abordare descriptiva si una dinamica a incontientului. Din punct de vedere dinamic, incontientul desemnez materiale psihice refulate care se afl ntr-o relaie conflictual cu mintea contient. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.freudfile.org/psihanaliza/termeni.html

CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Inconsciente dinamico SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: (en psiquiatra) parrte de la funcin mental en la que los pensamientos, las ideas, emociones o recuerdos estn ms all de la consciencia y que no se pueden recordar instantneamente, que tiende a cambiar o que insta al cambio, como la relacin dinmica.

SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SINONIM: Incontient Afectiv HIPONIM: Incontient Raional HIPERONIM: Psihic ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


ECTOMORPHIC ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/ectomorphic STANDARD DEFINITION: A somatotype characterised by a body build that is thin, long and fragile in appearance. DEFINITION SOURCE: ETYMOLOGY: Philip Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, Allyn & Bacon, 19th edition 2002, Glossary - VII ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Ectomorf GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Adjective GENERIC CONCEPT: Thin CONTEXT: Ectomorphics would be brainy, artistic and introverted; they would think about life rather than consuming it or acting upon it. CONTEXT SOURCE: : Philip Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, Allyn & Bacon, 19th edition 2002, page number 386 CONTEXT: In contrast a predisposition towards criminality might me influenced by a somatotype high in ectomorphy, and endomorphs were found to be more common in mental institutions. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somatotype_and_constitutional_psychology

SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Ectomorfo CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SPANISH DEFINITION: Persona cuya complexin se caracteriza por labilidad y fragilidad y por el predominio de estructuras derivadas del ectodermo. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SYNONYM: Thin HYPONIM: Thin Muscles HYPERONIM: Slim



ECTOMORF LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 DEFINITIE STANDARD: Dezvoltare corporal predominant extern, poziie i micare reinute, inhibiii, ermetism, nsingurare, activism mintal, aprehensiuni, secretivitate de sentimente, aprehensiune de sine n micarea ochilor i a feei, sociofobie, inhibiii n public, reineri vocale, evitarea zgomotului, prezentare infantil. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 739 ETIMOLOGIE: Format pornind de la stratul germinativ al dezvoltrii embrionare, endoderm, de la endo i derm (piele). Din franuzescul ectomorphe. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Ectomorphic CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Adjectiv CONCEPT GENERIC: Slab CONTEXT: Cnd Sheldon mparte temperamentul n endo, mezo, i ectomorf, pornind de la componente ale embrionului, i totodat declar c primul (viscerotonic) este bonom, senzual, conciliant, secundul (somatotonic) este reactiv, cu iniiativ, activ, practic, pe cnd terul (cerebrotonic) ar fi hipersensibil, meditativ, teoretic nu putem s ne explicm nici cum alte caliti sunt inerente membrelor embrionare i nici cum devin intrinseci temperamentului. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 706 CONTEXT: Contributii remarcabile in domeniul tipologiilor constitutionale le-au avut E.Kretschmer si W. Scheldon (1927) care distinge tipul somatic-endomorf cu dezvoltare accentuata a viscerelor, avand corespondent temperamental visceroton (relaxat, comunicativ, dorinta de confort); tipul mezomorf cu dezvoltarea sistemului osos si muscular, avand corespondent temperamentul somatoton (energic, dominator, curajos, agresiv) si tipul ectomorf cu constitutie corporala astenica, avand corespondent temperamentul cerebroton (reinut, izolat, inhibat, ncordat, meditativ). SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.scritube.com/sociologie/psihologie/Laturile-personalitatii61299.php CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA:Ectomorfo SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.


DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Persona cuya complexin se caracteriza por labilidad y fragilidad y por el predominio de estructuras derivadas del ectodermo. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SINONIM: Slab HIPONIM: Membre lungi HIPERONIM: Fragil ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


EGO IDEAL ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/ideal+ego STANDARD DEFINITION: In psychoanalysis, the part of one's ego that contains an idealized self based on those people, especially parents and peers, one admires and wishes to emulate. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.yourdictionary.com/ego-ideal ETYMOLOGY: Ego - 1714, as a term in metaphysics, from the Latin ego "I" . Psychoanalytic sense dates from 1894. Ideal - early 15c., from L.Latin idealis "existing in idea," from the Latin idea in the Platonic sense. Sense of "perfect" first recorded 1610s. The noun meaning "perfect person or thing" is first recorded in 1796 in a translation of Kant.

ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Eu Ideal GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun Phrase GENERIC CONCEPT: Idealized self CONTEXT: Ego and the Id and the two or three shorter works immediately following it, the 'ego ideal' disappears almost completely as a technical term. It makes a brie [sic] reemergence in a couple of sentences in the New Introductory Lectures (1933a), Lecture XXXI; but here we find a return to the original distinction, for 'an important function' attributed to the super-ego is to act as 'the vehicle of the ego ideal by which the ego measures itself'almost the exact terms in which the ego ideal was first introduced in the paper on narcissism. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.ptypes.com/ego-ideal.html CONTEXT: The super ego also includes the ego ideal, the individuals view of the kind of person he or she should strive to become. CONTEXT SOURCE: Philip Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, Allyn & Bacon, 19th edition 2002, pagina 395 CONTEXT: The "ego-ideal," on the other hand, is a structure within the mind organized based on our reactions to parental criticisms, the good loving feelings of our parents, and the most valued aspects of the self. From these one develops a set of goals, standards, and ideals that function as a sort of check list against which one can compare oneself.


CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.thefreelibrary.com/THE+FREUDIAN+CONCEPT+OF+NARCISSISMa01073880351

SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Yo Ideal CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SPANISH DEFINITION: Imagen de uno mismo a la que una persona aspira, tanto de forma consciente como inconsciente, con la que que el individuo se compara a s mismo y su comportamiento. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SYNONYM: Perfect Self HYPONIM: Self HYPERONIM: Personality structure USE AREA/ FIELD: Personality Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


EU IDEAL LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 DEFINITIE STANDARD: Proiecie a imaginii de sine, aa cum persoana gndete c ar trebui s fie. n teoria psihanalitic, eul ideal este o form de manifestare a supraeului. La unii eul ideal este formulat n termeni fermi, la alii, el apare abia conturat. Eul ideal este rodul tendinelor de a cuta un model, uneori acesta fiind o expresie a amalgamrii mai multor tipuri extrase din viaa de relaie a individului. Eul ideal este o for puternic n determinarea valenelor comportamentelor, a performanelor, a stilului de via. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 249 ETIMOLOGIE: Eu - din Lat. ego, mihi, me + ideal din latinescul idealis. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Ego Ideal CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Locuiune adjectival CONCEPT GENERIC: Sine idealizat CONTEXT: Imaginea de sine este definita de modul in care ne percepem propriile noastre caracteristici fizice, emotionale, cognitive, sociale si spirituale care contureaza si intaresc dimensiunile eului nostru. in functie de perceptia noastra la un moment dat al dezvoltarii noastre, de ceea ce ne-am dori sa fim sau ceea ce am putea deveni, putem distinge mai multe ipostaze ale eului nostru: eul actual, eul ideal si eul viitor. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.sfatulmedicului.ro/Psihologie-si-psihoterapie/imaginea-de-sine-stima-de-sine-siincrederea-in-sine_34 CONTEXT: Eul Ideal aparine registrului imaginarului, fiind un ideal narcisic de atotputernicie, un suport pentru identificarea eroic. Idealul Eului constituie un model de devenire, format prin identificarea cu prinii sau cu subtituii lor, dup imaginea persoanelor iubite, admirate. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.imagossite.ro/#art-eul-ideal-351i-idealul-eului

CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Yo Ideal SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Imagen de uno mismo a la que una persona aspira, tanto de forma consciente como inconsciente, con la que que el individuo se compara a s mismo y su comportamiento. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.



EGO ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/EGO STANDARD DEFINITION: In psychoanalysis, the division of the psyche that is conscious, most immediately controls thought and behavior, and is most in touch with external reality. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/EGO ETYMOLOGY: From the Latin I. Translation of the German Ich, a special use of Ich as I, as a psychoanalytic term from 1894. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Eu GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: Conscious mind CONTEXT: It is clear in any event that our mind does not rest, even during sleep. The mental activity changes, basically because the dreamers ego has a different relationship with reality. Perceptive reality is replaced with hallucinatory reality, with self-representation and strong emotional participation in the dream events. CONTEXT SOURCE: Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience, Mauro Mancia, Springer, Italy, 2006, page number 317. CONTEXT: The ego is the reality-based aspect of the self that arbitrates the conflict between id impulses ans superego demands. The ego represents the individuals personal view of physical and social reality, his or her conscious beliefs about what will lead to what and which things are possible. Part of egos job is to choose actions that will gratify id impulses without having undesirable consequences. CONTEXT SOURCE: Philip Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, Allyn & Bacon, 19th edition 2002, page numebr 395

SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Yo CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: http://pdf.rincondelvago.com/glosario-de-psicologia-general.html SPANISH DEFINITION: Segn Freud, es el "principio de realidad", es consciente y tiene la funcin de la comprobacin de la realidad, as como la regulacin y control de los deseos e impulsos provenientes del Ello. Su tarea es la

autoconservacin y utiliza todos los mecanismos psicolgicos de defensa. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://pdf.rincondelvago.com/glosario-de-psicologia-general.html

SYNONYM: The self HYPONIM: Pure Ego, Impure Ego HYPERONIM: Consciousness USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


EU APERSONAL ( SINE) LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 DEFINITIE STANDARD: Una dintre cele trei instane ale personalitii, descris de Freud ca fiind un complex de instincte i de tendine refulate, care are caracter apersonal i nu este trit in mod contient.Astfel, sinele constituie polul pulsional al instinctelor vieii i morii. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 658 ETIMOLOGIE: El nsui, din Latinescul se, modelat ca mine, tine pentru a evita prezena unui cuvnt monosilabic n poziie tonic. Se folosete ca mine, dar a ajuns s nsemne cuget luntric, sens cu care se folosete ca sine. n secolul XIX s-a folosit pentru a traduce prefixul auto, sineiubire (egoism). CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Ego CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Pronume CONCEPT GENERIC: Sine CONTEXT: Teoria psihanalitic ncearc s explice geneza eului n dou registre relativ eterogene, fie considerndu-l un aparat adaptiv difereniat din cadrul sinelui in contact cu realitatea exterioara, fie definindu-l ca produs al identificrilor care conduc la formarea nuntrul persoanei a unui obiect de iubire investit de ctre sine. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Vocabularul Psihanalizei, Jean Laplanche i J.-B. Pontalis, Traducere de Radu. Clit, Alfred Dumitrescu, Vera andor, Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu, Humanitas, Bucurti, 1994, pagina 136 CONTEXT: Sinele este deci considerat ca o component biologic a personalitii, reprezentant al influenelor ereditare, sistemul originar al persoanei, rezervorul energiei psihice, exponent al lumii interioare i al experienei subiective. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 658 CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Yo SURSA SORESPONDENTULUI: http://pdf.rincondelvago.com/glosario-de-psicologia-general.html DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Segn Freud, es el "principio de realidad", es consciente y tiene la funcin de la comprobacin de la realidad, as como la regulacin y control de los deseos e

impulsos provenientes del Ello. Su tarea es la autoconservacin y utiliza todos los mecanismos psicolgicos de defensa.

SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://pdf.rincondelvago.com/glosario-de-psicologia-general.html



ENDOMORPHIC ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/endomorphic STANDARD DEFINITION: A somatotype characterized by a body build that is full, round, or soft in appearance. DEFINITION SOURCE: Philip Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, Allyn & Bacon, 19th edition 2002, Glossary VII ETYMOLOGY: 1940 as one of Sheldons three types of human bodies; from endo + the greek morphe form. Named after the germ layer of embryonic development endoderm which develops into the digestive tract. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Endomorf GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Adjective GENERIC CONCEPT: Fat CONTEXT: Sheldon sought to relate physique to temperament. He assigned people to categories based on their somatotypes, or body builds: endomorphic (fat, soft, round). CONTEXT SOURCE: Philip Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, Allyn & Bacon, 19th edition 2002, page number 386 CONTEXT: Sheldon failed to produce a personality test that supported his notions statistically. His research did show that a predisposition towards criminality might be influenced by a somatotype high in mesomorphy and intermediate in ectomorphy. In contrast, a predisposition towards suicidality might be influenced by a somatotype high in ectomorphy, and endomorphs were found to be more common in mental institutions. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somatotype_and_constitutional_psychology SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Endomorfo CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SPANISH DEFINITION: Persona cuya constitucin corporal se caracteriza por un rostro suave y redondeado, tronco y cintura anchas, extremidades cnicas, depsitos de grasa en todo el cuerpo y un predominio de estructuras derivadas del endodermo.


DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SYNONYM: Curvy HYPONIM: Wide waist HYPERONIM: Fat USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


ENDOMORF LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/endomorf DEFINITIE STANDARD: Dezvoltare corporal predominant intern, plcerea relaxrii in poziie i micare, reacii ncete, iubire de ceremonii, sociofilie, uniformitate in curgerea emoional, toleran fa de semeni, complacere n propia situaie, trsturi netemperate, comunicare uoar i rapid, fire extravertit. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 738 ETIMOLOGIE: Din franuzescul endomorphe. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Endomorphic CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Adjectiv CONCEPT GENERIC: Gras CONTEXT: Unele teorii denumite constituionaliste se adreseaz n special constituiei fizice si psihice a omului, aa cum au fost ele stabilite n clasificarea Kretschmer (tipul picnic, astenic, atletic sau distrofic), a lui Sheldon (tipul endomorf, exomorf sau mezomorf) i a lui Pavlov (tipul sangvin, flegmatic, sau melancolic). Astfel tipurile endomorf si mezomorf ar fi dominatoare i competitive, iar tipurile exo- sau ectomorf ar fi retrase i imprevizibile. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.criminalistic.ro/teorii-comportamentale-biologice-ipshilogice-privind-cauzele-delicvenei/ CONTEXT: H.Sheldon, pornind de la componente ale embrionului, mparte temperamentul n: endomorf (viscerotonic) bonom, senzual, conciliant , mezomorf (somatotonic) reactiv cu iniiativ, activ, practic , ectomorf (cerebrotonic) hipersensibil, teoretic. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.psychologies.ro/Dictionar-de-psihologie/T/TEMPERAMENT-1257001 CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Endomorfo SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Persona cuya constitucin corporal se caracteriza por un rostro suave y redondeado, tronco y cintura anchas, extremidades cnicas, depsitos de grasa en todo el cuerpo y un predominio de estructuras derivadas del endodermo. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.



EXTROVERTED ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/extroverted STANDARD DEFINITION: Marked by interest in and behavior directed toward others or the environment as opposed to or to the exclusion of self; gregarious or outgoing. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/extroverted ETYMOLOGY: In modern psychology, 1915, a variant of extroverted- extravert. Extravert also existed as a verb in the middle to late 17century., meaning "to turn outward so as to be visible," from the Latin extra "outward" + vertere "to turn." ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Extravertit GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Adjective GENERIC CONCEPT: Examining what is outside yourself. CONTEXT: Carl Jung and the authors of the Myers-Briggs provide a different perspective and suggest that everyone has both an extroverted side and an introverted side, with one being more dominant than the other. In any case, people fluctuate in their behavior all the time, and even extreme introverts and extroverts do not always act according to their type. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extroversion_and_introversion CONTEXT: Thats because extroverted men and needy, anxious women are the most fertile coupling, according to a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.nydailynews.com/lifestyle/health/2010/06/12/2010-0612_extroverted_men_neurotic_women_are_the_most_fertile_combination_study.html#ixzz1 EX 1IyWe6 SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Exrovertido CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario ilustrado de Trminos Mdicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010. SPANISH DEFINITION: Persona cuyas preocupaciones se dirigen fuera de s misma, preocupada fundamentalmente por la realidad y el entorno fsico externo, en lugar de por sus sentimientos y pensamientos internos. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario ilustrado de Trminos Mdicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010. SYNONYM: Extrospective, Forthcoming

HYPONIM: Extreme Extrovert HYPERONIM: Dominant Extroverted Intuition USE AREA/ FIELD: Personality Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


EXTRAVERTIT LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/extravertit DEFINITIE STANDARD: Tip extravertit = tip psihologic caracterizat prin proiectarea tendinelor psihice interioare asupra lumii nconjurtoare, prin exteriorizarea sentimentelor; sociabilitate. Caracterizat prin proiectarea tendinelor psihice interioare asupra lumii din afar; deschis. SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/extravertit ETIMOLOGIE: Din franuzescul extravert. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Extroverted CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Adjectiv CONCEPT GENERIC: Care i ndreapt atenia spre lumea din afar; sociabil, deschis; extrovert. CONTEXT: Introvertitii extravertit se distreaza mod diferit, insa un extravertiti ne refuza dreptul de a avea preferinte. Va fi amuzant! insista ei timp ce ne tarasc trupul din scaunul nostru foarte confortabil din colt ne alaturam lor o activitate ingrozitoare cum ar fi Karaoke, ma deranjeaza privesc alti oameni timp ce canta, dar ma urc eu pe scena? Nici gand. Asta este pentru extravertii exibitionisti. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.psihoterapie.net/articole/psihologie/va-fi-amuzantsi-alte-minciuni-extravertite.html CONTEXT: El nu vede viaa ca fiind foarte distractiv i gsete c este imposibil s zmbeti dimineaa, nc este introspectiv i analitic i convieuirea ntr-o familie de extravertii puternici nu i-a schimbat modelul de temperament. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Personality Plus - Personalitate Plus Cum sa-i ntelegi pe ceilalti ntelegndu-te pe tine nsuti, Florence Littauer - Traducere de Anca Florina Srbu, Publicata cu acordul ASE World Enterprises,USA, iulie 1999 CONTEXT: Homogenic, cel de-al treilea album al lui Bjrk, a fost lansat n 1997. Artista a cobort imaginea sa de zn, cultivat pe albumele anterioare. n afar de Howie B., cu cine Bjrk a deja colaborat, Mark Bell din LFO i Eumir Deodato i-au ajutat cu producerea pieselor. Homogenic a fost primul album conceptual al artistei i este recunoscut ca unul dintre cele mai experimentale i extravertite ale ei pn acum. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bjrk CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Exrovertido SURSA CORESPONDETULUI: Diccionario ilustrado de Trminos Mdicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010.


DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Persona cuyas preocupaciones se dirigen fuera de s misma, preocupada fundamentalmente por la realidad y el entorno fsico externo, en lugar de por sus sentimientos y pensamientos internos. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario ilustrado de Trminos Mdicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010. SINONIM: Sociabil HIPONIM: Extravertit sangvinic popular HIPERONIM: Temperament ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologia Personalitii STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


GENOTYPE ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/genotype STANDARD DEFINITION: The genetic makeup of an organism as distinguished from its physical characteristics. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/genotype ETYMOLOGY: "genetic constitution of an individual," 1910, from Ger. Genotypus (1909); gene + type. Earlier the same word was used with a sense of "type species of a genus" (1897); in this case, the first element is from genus.

ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Genotip GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: Genetic constitution CONTEXT: Maybe the conditions are not suitable for growing Achillea at 1400 meters. But this explanation is not true because the cutting from parent #24 thrived at this level compared to the performance of this genotype at low and high altitude. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.flyfishingdevon.co.uk/salmon/year3/psyc364evolutionary_psychobiology/psy364 _genotype_phenotype/psy364_genotype_phenotype.htm CONTEXT: The most common chromosomal aneuploidy is a trisomy of chromosome 21 which manifests itself as Down syndrome. Current technological limitations typically allow only a fraction of an individuals genotype to be determined efficiently. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genotype#Determining_Genotype

SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Genotipo CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SPANISH DEFINITION: Constitucin gentica completa de un organismo o un grupo, determinada por la combinacin y localizacin particulares de los genes en los cromosomas. grupo o clase de organismos que tienen la misma configuracin gentica; la especie tipo de un gnero.


DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SYNONYM: Genetic constitution HYPONIM: AO blood genotype HYPERONIM: Behaviourism USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


GENOTIP LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/genotip DEFINITIE STANDARD: Ansamblul informatiilor" ereditare care, prin interaciune cu mediul, realizeaz genotipul. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 142 ETIMOLOGIE: Din franuzescul gnotype i latinescul genus neam, typus tip. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Genotye CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv neutru CONCEPT GENERIC: Ansamblul genelor CONTEXT: Trebuie s se disting o caracteristic, ceea ce se vede (fenotip, cum a fost numit mai trziu totalitatea caracteristicilor) i factor, ceea ce st la baza caracteristicii (numit ulterior gen, ansamblul genelor formnd genotipul). SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 411 CONTEXT: Eficiena dietelor este scris n genotip Eficiena unei cure de slbire ar putea fi o chestiune de motenire genetic i nu ar ine neaprat de respectarea strict a unei diete alimentare, cel puin acesta este rezultatul unui studiu efectuat de cercettorii americani. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.evenimentul.ro/articol/eficienta-dietelor-este-scrisain-genotip.html

CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Genotipo SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Constitucin gentica completa de un organismo o un grupo, determinada por la combinacin y localizacin particulares de los genes en los cromosomas. grupo o clase de organismos que tienen la misma configuracin gentica; la especie tipo de un gnero. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SINONIM: Germen HIPONIM: Genotip AB negativ HIPERONIM: Psihogenetica ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


HUMOR ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/humor STANDARD DEFINITION: Pointing out the funny or ironic aspects of a situation. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://psychology.about.com/od/theoriesofpersonality/ss/defensemech_9.htm ETYMOLOGY: In ancient and medieval physiology, "any of the four body fluids" (blood, phlegm, choler, and melancholy or black bile) whose relative proportions were thought to determine state of mind. This led to a sense of "mood, temporary state of mind" (first recorded 1520s); the sense of "amusing quality, funniness" is first recorded 1680s, probably via sense of "whim, caprice" (1560s), which also produced the verb sense of "indulge," first attested 1580s. "The pronunciation of the initial h is only of recent date, and is sometimes omitted ...." [OED] Humorous in the modern sense is first recorded 1705. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Umor GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: Defense mechanism CONTEXT: Each humor was also associated with one of the four elements, the basic substances that made up the universe in ancient schemes of thought. Blood was the warm, moist humor associated with the element fire, and phlegm was the cold, moist humor associated with water. Black bile was the cold, dry humor associated with the earth, and yellow bile was the warm, dry humor associated with the air. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/humor CONTEXT: Galen wrote in his Diagnosis from Dreams that dreams can have a premonitory character (somnia) but also reflect natural processes, changes in the body humors (insomnia). CONTEXT SOURCE: Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience, Mauro Mancia, Springer, Italz, 2006, page number 341

SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: El Humor CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.


SPANISH DEFINITION: Todo lquido corporal, como la sangre o la linfa. El trmino se usa a menudo para referirse al humor acuoso o al humor vtreo del ojo.

DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SYNONYM: Pantagruelism HYPONIM: Blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile HYPERONIM: Ilness; Defects in personality USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychopathology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


UMOR LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://www.psiho-med.ro/mecanisme-de-aparare/ DEFINITIE STANDARD: In sensul restrans retinut de Freud, umorul consta in prezentarea unei situati traite ca traumatizante astfel incat sa fie reliefate aspectele ei placute, ironice, insolite. Numai in acest caz (umor aplicat siesi) umorul poate fi considerat un mecanism de aparare. SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://www.psiho-med.ro/mecanisme-de-aparare/ ETIMOLOGIE: Din franuzescul humeur. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Humor CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv neutru CONCEPT GENERIC: Mecanism de aprare

CONTEXT: Un brbat relata amuzat o amintire din copilrie n care mama sa l urmrea n jurul casei pentru a-l lovi cu un cablu de prelungitor. n timp ce povestea despre acest abuz fizic, el nu era contient de furia sau de vinovia resimite la adresa mamei. Pacientul s-a simit furios i ulterior i a neles c aceast furie i trezea vinovie, ntruct considera c mama sa ncerca s-l nvee diferena dintre bine i ru. mpotriva conflictului dintre furie i vinovie el a mobilizat o serie de aprri, printre care: izolarea afectului (s nu mai simt furie sau vinovie), umorul (era amuzat de acest abuz) i formaiunea reacional (simea iubire pentru mam, n locul urii). SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://edituratrei.wordpress.com/2010/08/18/te-urasc-dar-teiubesc-101-mecanisme-de-aparare/ CONTEXT: Umorul Obinuieti s glumeti, pentru a evita s te gndeti la sentimentele dureroase. Dac devii extrem de excitat, eti hipomaniacal. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://psihologus.wordpress.com/2010/11/20/mecanisme-de-aparare/ CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: El Humor SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Todo lquido corporal, como la sangre o la linfa. El trmino se usa a menudo para referirse al humor acuoso o al humor vtreo del ojo.


SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SINONIM: Mecanism de aprare al subcontientului HIPONIM: Umor negru HIPERONIM: Aprri mature ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihopatologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


ID ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.yourdictionary.com/id STANDARD DEFINITION: That part of the psyche which is regarded as the reservoir of the instinctual drives and the source of psychic energy: it is dominated by the pleasure principle and irrational wishing, and its impulses are controlled through the development of the ego and superego. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.yourdictionary.com/id ETYMOLOGY: New Latin (translation of German Es, a special use of es, it, as a psychoanalytic term), from Latin, it; see i- in Indo-European roots. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: ID GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: Unconscious psyche CONTEXT: The id is conceived as the primitive, unconscious part of personality, the storehouse of the fundamental drives. It operates irrationally. It acts on impulse and pushes for expression and immediate gratification no matter what, without consideration of whether what is desired is realistically possible, socially desirable, or morally acceptable. The id is governed by the pleasure principle, the search for unregulated sexual, physical, and emotional pleasure. CONTEXT SOURCE: Philip Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, Allyn & Bacon, 19th edition 2002 CONTEXT: The id is an important part of our personality because as newborns, it allows us to get our basic needs met. Freud believed that the id is based on our pleasure principle. In other words, the id wants whatever feels good at the time, with no consideration for the reality of the situation. When a child is hungry, the id wants food, and therefore the child cries. When the child needs to be changed, the id cries. When the child is uncomfortable, in pain, too hot, too cold, or just wants attention, the id speaks up until his or her needs are met. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://allpsych.com/psychology101/ego.html SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Ello CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.


SPANISH DEFINITION: 1. (en psicoanlisis) parte de la psique que funciona en el inconsciente y que es fuente de la energa instintiva, los impulsos y las conductas. 2. el verdadero inconsciente.

DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SYNONYM: Unconscious HYPONIM: Drives HYPERONIM: Personality USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


ID LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/id DEFINITIE STANDARD: Unde dintre cele trei instane ale personalitii, descrise de Freud, ca fiind un complex de instincte i de tendine refulate, care are un caracter apersonal i nu este trit n mod contient. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 ETIMOLOGIE: Din latinescul se. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: ID CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv neutru CONCEPT GENERIC: Subcontient CONTEXT: Supraeul este achizitia recenta si relativ fragila a individului, dezvoltata in conformitate cu normele si nivelul sociocultural al comunitatii din care face parte. El isi are originea in Id (sinele) si se dezvolta in interrelatia ocazionata de experientele eului (egoului), in cadrul personalitatii. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.psychologies.ro/Dictionar-de-psihologie/S/SUPRAEU-SUPER-EGO-1256956 CONTEXT: Conform psihanaizei, personalitatea are 3 instane: contient, subcontient, incontient sau ego-ul, id-ul, superegoul. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.logopedics.info/psihanaliza.php CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Ello SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: 1. (en psicoanlisis) parte de la psique que funciona en el inconsciente y que es fuente de la energa instintiva, los impulsos y las conductas. 2. el verdadero inconsciente.

SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.




ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/idiographic STANDARD DEFINITION: The approach of investigating individuals in personal, in-depth detail to achieve a unique understanding of them. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://cranepsych.edublogs.org/files/2009/07/idiographic_versus_nomothetic.pdf ETYMOLOGY: Idios = private or personal in ancient Greek; this approach assumes that humans are unique. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Abordare idiografic GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun phrase GENERIC CONCEPT: Investigation CONTEXT: Psychologists who use the case study method to study personality by identifying a persons unique characteristics follow an idiographic approach. In this approach, each trait is viewed as unique in each personality because it functions differently, depending on the overall pattern of traits. CONTEXT SOURCE: Philip Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, Allyn & Bacon, 19th edition 2002, pagina 384 CONTEXT: Idiographic is based on what Kant described as a tendency to specify, and is typical for the humanities. It describes the effort to understand the meaning of contingent, unique, and often subjective phenomena.

CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nomothetic_and_idiographic

SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Teora Ideogrfico CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: http://es.thefreedictionary.com/ideogrfico SPANISH DEFINITION: Ya que cada personalidad es nica, algunos psiclogos sostienen que cada persona debe ser estudiada individualmente y que la comparacin de los individuos no tiene sentido. Este punto de vista se denomina ideogrfico. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://es.thefreedictionary.com/ideogrfico

SYNONYM: Investigation HYPONIM: Specific HYPERONIM: Pattern USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


ABORDARE IDIOGRAFIC LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/idiografic DEFINITIE STANDARD: Ceea, ce reprezint singularul, unic, exclusiv si ca atare irepetabil. G. Allport folosete termenul de idiografic n realizarea trsturilor de personalitate ntrucit acestea par a fi exclusiv individuale i deci rmnem la nivelul descriptiv nu sunt subsumabile unui numr generic. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 ETIMOLOGIE: De la grecescul idio-specificitate. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Idiographic Approach CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv CONCEPT GENERIC: Studiul individului uman CONTEXT: Astfel, din perspectiv idiografic, deosebim metode clinice de evaluare a personalitii (observaia, convorbirea, metoda biografic, studiul de caz, studiul produselor activitii personale i tehnicile proiective), iar din perspectiv nomotetic, distingem metodele psihometrice (testele de personalitate). SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.psihologiaonline.ro/download/lucrari/L013_Imgdesine.pdf CONTEXT: Abordarea idiografic a comportamentului (idiographic-behavior approach), care are ca obiect de studiu un comportament specific, dezvolt procedee pentru evaluarea sa inductiv i stabilete adecvana acestor proceduri pe baza modului n care variaz scorurile aceluiai individ. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.terapiam.ro/evaluarea-psihologica

CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Teora Ideogrfico SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: http://es.thefreedictionary.com/ideogrfico DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Ya que cada personalidad es nica, algunos psiclogos sostienen que cada persona debe ser estudiada individualmente y que la comparacin de los individuos no tiene sentido. Este punto de vista se denomina ideogrfico. SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://es.thefreedictionary.com/ideogrfico

SINONIM: Evaluare HIPONIM: Trstur de personalitate HIPERONIM: Evaluare comportamental ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial



ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/instinct STANDARD DEFINITION: An inborn pattern of behavior that is characteristic of a species and is often a response to specific environmental stimuli. A powerful motivation or impulse. An innate capability or aptitude. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/instinct ETYMOLOGY: Early 15c., "a prompting," from the Latin instinctus "instigation, impulse," pp. of instinguere "to incite, impel," from in- "on" + stinguere "prick, goad,". Sense of "innate tendency" is first recorded in the 1560s, from the notion of "natural prompting." ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Instinct GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Adjective GENERIC CONCEPT: Inborn pattern of behavior CONTEXT: An inherited tendency of an organism to behave in a certain way, usually in reaction to its environment and for the purpose of fulfilling a specific need. The development and performance of instinctive behavior does not depend upon the specific details of an individual's learning experiences. Instead, instinctive behavior develops in the same way for all individuals of the same species or of the same sex of a species. For example, birds will build the form of nest typical of their species although they may never have seen such a nest being built before. Some butterfly species undertake long migrations to wintering grounds that they have never seen. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/instinct CONTEXT: Long-term memory is understood by analogy to Aristotles famous notion of memory as a wax tablet on which experiences are written. If the demons recognize a certain pattern in current information as being similar to a memory structure stored in the long-term memory, this structure will be transferred to the short-term memory, where it then is accessible to conscious remembering. CONTEXT SOURCE: Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience, Mauro Mancia, Springer, Italz, 2006, page number 74

SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Instinto CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SPANISH DEFINITION: Representacin psicolgica innata de una necesidad, como los instintos vitales de hambre, sed o el instinto sexual, o los instintos mortales destructivos y agresivos. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SYNONYM: Feeling, urge, talent, tendency, intuition, aptitude, impulse HYPONIM: Inherent aptitude HYPERONIM: Id USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


INSTINCT LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/instinct DEFINITIE STANDARD: n mod obinuit, schem de comportament motenit, proprie unei specii animale, prezentnd mici variaii de la un individ la altul, derulndu-se dup o secven temporal puin susceptibil de a fi perturbat i prnd s rspund unei finaliti. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Vocabularul Psihanalizei, Jean Laplanche si J.-B. Pontalis, Traducere de Radu. Clit, Alfred Dumitrescu, Vera Sandor, Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu, Humanitas, Bucursti, 1994, pagina 89 ETIMOLOGIE: Termen utilizat de unii autori din literatura francez ca traducere sau echivalent al termenului Freudian Trieb, pentru care ntr-o terminologie coerent, e mai bine s recurgem la termenul pulsiune. Din franuzescul instinct i latinescul instinctus. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Instinct CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv neutru CONCEPT GENERIC: Mecanism nnscut de declanare, de stimuli. CONTEXT: Concepia Freudian asupra pulsiunii (Trieb), ca for mobilizant relativ nedetereminat n raport cu comportamentul pe care-l induce i n raport cu obiectul care ofer satisfacerea, difer clar de teoriile instinctului, att n forma lor clasic, ct i n noirile pe care i le-au adus cercetrile contemporane (noiunea de pattern comportamental, de mecanisme nnscute de declanare, de stimuli semnale specifice). SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Vocabularul Psihanalizei, Jean Laplanche si J.-B. Pontalis, Traducere de Radu. Clit, Alfred Dumitrescu, Vera Sandor, Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu, Humanitas, Bucursti, 1994, pagina 89 CONTEXT: Dup Pieron, instinctul are urmtoarele caracteristici: a) actul instinctiv e ngust, specializat la una din cerinele speciei animale falimentar, de reproducere b) modalitile de comportament instinctive snt nscrise n bagajul ereditar al individului, ceea ce atrage dup sine o uniformitate deosebit a instinctului n cadrul aceleiai specii; c) odat declanat de un stimul specific, instinctul se deruleaz ca o activitate unitar, continu. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Instinto SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Representacin psicolgica innata de una necesidad, como los instintos vitales de hambre, sed o el instinto sexual, o los instintos mortales destructivos y agresivos. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SINONIM: Sim; Pulsiune HIPONIM: Instinct de conservare, de reproducere,de socializare; HIPERONIM: Eros i Thanatos ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


INTROVERSION-EXTRAVERSION ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Extraversion+and+Introversion STANDARD DEFINITION: Extroversion means "outward-turning" and introversion means "inward-turning." These specific definitions vary somewhat from the popular usage of the words. The preferences for extroversion and introversion are often called as attitudes. Briggs and Myers recognized that each of the cognitive functions can operate in the external world of behavior, action, people, and things (extroverted attitude) or the internal world of ideas and reflection (introverted attitude). DEFINITION SOURCE: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Introversion++Extroversion ETYMOLOGY: The noun (opposed to extrovert) is 1918, from Ger. psychology, introduced there by C.G. Jung (1875-1961) - Middle17c., "condition of being turned inside out," modern use in psychology attested by 1920. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Introversiune - Extraversiune GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun phrase GENERIC CONCEPT: The trait of extroversion-introversion is a central dimension of human personality. CONTEXT: Extroversion and introversion are typically viewed as a single continuum. Thus, to be high on one is necessarily to be low on the other. Carl Jung and the authors of the Myers-Briggs provide a different perspective and suggest that everyone has both an extroverted side and an introverted side, with one being more dominant than the other. In any case, people fluctuate in their behavior all the time, and even extreme introverts and extroverts do not always act according to their type. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extroversion_and_introversion CONTEXT: The first dimension of behaviour that personality type measures is Extraversion-Introversion. These terms have become part of our general vocabulary but here they are used in a more precise way. An Extravert (Jung spelled it with an 'a') does not necessarily mean a wild boisterous person who dances around with a lampshade on the head; nor does being an Introvert mean living like a hermit in a cave. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://users.trytel.com/~jfalt/Ene-med/e-i.html SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Introversin - Extroversin CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SPANISH DEFINITION: Estado de preocupacin total o principal por la propia experiencia intrapsquica vs estado de preocupacin total o primaria por lo que ocurre fuera de uno mismo. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SYNONYM: Introverted extraverted behavior HYPONIM: Melancholic HYPERONIM: Behavior USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


INTRAVERSIUNE - EXTRAVERSIUNE LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: Craciunescu Romulus Introversiune-Extraversiune, Editura Stiintifica, Bucuresti, 1991 DEFINITIE STANDARD: n decursul anilor 40-50 s-au dezvoltat o serie de abordri diferite ale personalitii, privind modul n care oamenii pot fi grupai i comparai ntre ei este vorba n principal de abordarea nomotetic. Aceti psihologi au avut o contribuie deosebit la elaborarea testelor psihometrice, utilizate la msurarea inteligenei, creativitii i personalitii nsei. Un astfel de psiholog este H.J.Eysenck. El a completat descrierea personalitii n termeni de introversiune-extraversiune, aa cum aprea la Jung, cu dimensiunea nevrozismului sau a nevrozei (neuroticism). SURSA DEFINITIEI: Craciunescu Romulus Introversiune-Extraversiune, Editura Stiintifica, Bucuresti, 1991 ETIMOLOGIE: Din franuzescul introversion extraversion. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Introversion - Extraversion CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv feminin CONCEPT GENERIC: Tipuri de personalitate CONTEXT: Preferinta pentru culori a fost corelata si cu structura introversiuneextraversiune a tipului temperamental. Persoanele introvertite sunt cele care se axeaza pe lumea interioara, sunt inalt preocupate de propriile idei si vise, iar aceasta preocupare intensa le face de multe ori sa para detasate de lumea reala. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.kudika.ro/articol/print/4988/Ce-spun-culorile-despre-personalitatea-ta.html CONTEXT: Inconstient colectiv, arhetip, introversiune-extraversiune, individuatia Sinelui sunt cateva dintre conceptele fundamentale jungiene care au transgresat domeniul psihologiei analitice, intrand in marea istorie a ideilor acestui veac. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.humanitas.ro/humanitas/jung-0 CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Introversin - Extroversin SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Estado de preocupacin total o principal por la propia experiencia intrapsquica vs estado de preocupacin total o primaria por lo que ocurre fuera de uno mismo.

SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SINONIM: Tipuri de personalitate HIPONIM: Melancolic HIPERONIM: Personalitate ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


INTROVERTED ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/introverted STANDARD DEFINITION: Marked by interest in or preoccupation with oneself or one's own thoughts as opposed to others or the environment; shy or reserved. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/introverted ETYMOLOGY: 1650s (implied in introversion), from the Latin intro- "inward" + vertere "to turn". Introverted (adj.) dates from 1781. The noun (opposed to extrovert) dates from 1918, from Germanic psychology, introduced there by C.G. Jung (1875-1961). ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Introvertit GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Adjective GENERIC CONCEPT: Inner-directed CONTEXT: Introverts are people whose energy tends to expand through reflection and dwindle during interaction. Introverts tend to be more reserved and less outspoken in large groups. They often take pleasure in solitary activities such as reading, writing, music, drawing, tinkering, playing video games, watching movies and plays, and using computers, along with some more reserved outdoor activities such as fishing and hiking. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extroversion_and_introversion CONTEXT: Whatever any mind doth or saith is after a law; and this native law remains over it after it has come to reflection or conscious thought. In the most worn, pedantic, introverted self-tormenter's life, the greatest part is incalculable by him, unforeseen, unimaginable, and must be, until he can take himself up by his own ears. What am I? What has my will done to make me that I am? Nothing. I have been floated into this thought, this hour, this connection of events, by secret currents of might and mind, and my ingenuity and wilfulness have not thwarted, have not aided to an appreciable degree. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://emerson.thefreelibrary.com/Essays-First-Series/11-1#introverted SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Introvertido CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SPANISH DEFINITION: Persona cuyos intereses estn dirigidos hacia su interior y que se muestra tmida, retirada, reservada y autoabsorta.

DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SYNONYM: Introspective, Self-examining HYPONIM: Melancholic HYPERONIM: Dominant Introverted Intuition, Sensing, Thinking or Feeling USE AREA/ FIELD: Personality Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


INTROVERTIT LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/introvertit DEFINITIE STANDARD: Gnditor introspectiv, reflexiv; adncime i intensitate n gndire; nu tie s-i exploateze ideile personale; refractar lumii exterioare; inadaptabil; impresionabil; redus capacitate de observaie exterioar; tcut, calm; inaei esib'l; sentimente intense sub masca indiferenei; stabilitate. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 743 ETIMOLOGIE: Din franuzescul introverti, i italienescul introvertito. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Introverted CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Adjectiv CONCEPT GENERIC: Apolinic, meditativ CONTEXT: n timp ce sangvinicul popular este un extravertit, melancolicul perfect este un introvertit. n timp ce sangvinicului popular i place s vorbeasc i s fac totul public, melancolicul perfect este profund. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Personality Plus - Personalitate Plus Cum sa-i ntelegi pe ceilalti ntelegndu-te pe tine nsuti, Florence Littauer - Traducere de Anca Florina Srbu, Publicata cu acordul ASE World Enterprises,USA, iulie 1999, pagina 22 CONTEXT: Omul, u pofida diferenierii in extrovertii si introvertii, se dovedete a fi un subiect precumpnitor extrospectiv i prea puin introspectiv. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 185 CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Introvertido SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Persona cuyos intereses estn dirigidos hacia su interior y que se muestra tmida, retirada, reservada y autoabsorta. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.


SINONIM: Gnditor, Introspectiv HIPONIM: Apolinic, Rationalist, Clasic HIPERONIM: Concentric ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


LIBIDO ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/libido STANDARD DEFINITION: The psychic energy that drives individuals toward sensual pleasures of all types, especially sexual ones. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.apa.org/research/action/glossary.aspx#l ETYMOLOGY: "psychic drive or energy, usually associated with sexual instinct," 1892, carried over untranslated in English edition of Krafft-Ebing's "Psychopathia Sexualis"; 1909 in A.A. Brill's translation of Freud's "Selected Papers on Hysteria" (Freud's use of the term led to its popularity); from the Latin libido "desire, lust," from libere "to be pleasing, to please," ultimately cognate with O.E. lufu. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Libido GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: Psychic energy CONTEXT: Freud pointed out that these libidinal drives can conflict with the conventions of civilized behavior, represented in the psyche by the superego. It is this need to conform to society and control the libido that leads to tension and disturbance in the individual, prompting the use of ego defenses to dissipate the psychic energy of these unmet and mostly unconscious needs into other forms. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libido CONTEXT: In explaining the suggested several overlapping avoidance through pleasure), superego)and the topographic unconscious layers). interactions between the various parts of the psyche, Freud theories: the economical ( the hydraulics of unpleasurethe dynamic (libido movements through id, ego, and (psyche as structured into conscious, preconscious, and

CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.kheper.net/topics/psychology/Freud.html SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Libido CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: http://es.thefreedictionary.com/libido SPANISH DEFINITION: Deseo o impulso de placer sexual: para el psicoanlisis, la libido es la fuerza creadora y el impulso fundamental.

DEFINITION SOURCE: http://es.thefreedictionary.com/libido



LIBIDO LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/libido DEFINITIE STANDARD: Termen psihanalitic descmnnd o tendin, dorin ascuns, energie instinctiv sau dobndit, izvornd din fondul incontient i acionnd asupra contiinei i comportamentului ca o pulsiune sau imbold. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 ETIMOLOGIE: Din latinescul, franuzescul libido. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Libido CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv neutru CONCEPT GENERIC: Energie psihic CONTEXT: Este dificil de dat o definiie satisfctoare a libidoului. Nu numai ca teoria libidoului a evoluat o dat cu diferitele etape ale teoriei pulsiunilor, dar conceptul nsui este departe de a fi primit o definiie univoc. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Vocabularul Psihanalizei, Jean Laplanche si J.-B. Pontalis, Traducere de Radu. Clit, Alfred Dumitrescu, Vera Sandor, Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu, Humanitas, Bucursti, 1994, pagina 103 CONTEXT: Represiunile de 1ibido i contradiciile dintre ele ca i cele rezultate din refulare duc, dup psihanaliz, la dezvoltarea unor complexe. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Libido SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: http://es.thefreedictionary.com/libido DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Deseo o impulso de placer sexual: para el psicoanlisis, la libido es la fuerza creadora y el impulso fundamental. SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://es.thefreedictionary.com/libido SINONIM: Eros HIPONIM: Instinct HIPERONIM: Incontient



MEDICAL HISTORY ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/medical+history STANDARD DEFINITION: The case history of a medical patient as recalled by the patient. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/medical+history ETYMOLOGY: Given widespread extended and transferred senses in English in law, medicine, etc.; the grammatical sense was in Latin. In case "in the event" is recorded from mid-14c. Case history is from 1912, originally medical; case study is from 1933, originally legal. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Anamnez GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun phrase GENERIC CONCEPT: Case history CONTEXT: History of the present illness; an account obtained during the interview with the patient of the onset, duration, and character of the present illness, as well as of any acts or factors that aggravate or ameliorate the symptoms. The patient is asked what he or she considers to be the cause of the symptoms and whether a similar condition has occurred in the past. See also health history. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/romanian_to_english/medical_general/3463027istoricul_bolii.html CONTEXT: The medical history or anamnesis of a patient is information gained by a physician by asking specific questions, either of the patient or of other people who know the person and can give suitable information (in this case, it is sometimes called heteroanamnesis), with the aim of obtaining information useful in formulating a diagnosis and providing medical care to the patient. The medically relevant complaints reported by the patient or others familiar with the patient are referred to as symptoms, in contrast with clinical signs, which are ascertained by direct examination on the part of medical personnel. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_history SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Historia Clnica CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.


SPANISH DEFINITION: (en enfermera y medicina) recopilacin de la informacin obtenida a partir del paciente y de otras fuentes con respecto al estado fsico, psicolgico, social y sexual del paciente. La historia facilita una base de datos con la que se puede hacer un plan diagnstico, teraputico, asistencial y de seguimiento del paciente. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SYNONYM: Case history; Anamnesis; Health history HYPONIM: Heteroanamnesis HYPERONIM: History USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


ANAMNEZ LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/anamnez DEFINITIE STANDARD: n clinica medical, investigare, fie direct a unui subiect care constituie un caz. Fie a persoanelor din anturajul acestuia, n scopul obinerii de informaii privind antecedentele sale personale, sau accidentale morbide precedente. n psihiatrie, prin anamnez se urmrete reconstituirea etiologici respectivei psihopat ii sau psihoze iu vederea unei psihoterapii adecvate. Prin extensie, n psihologie, anamneza se aplic analogic ca o secven a biografiei psihologice, n vederea stabilirii originii i condiiilor dezvoltrii unor particulariti individuale (trsturi de caracter, sentimente, capaciti, vocaie. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 50 ETIMOLOGIE: Din grecescul anamnesis, i franuzescul anamnse. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Medical History , Case History CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv feminin CONCEPT GENERIC: Investigare CONTEXT: Freud folosea anamneza solicitnd pacienilor si nevrotici s-i relateze faptele i ntmplrile din perioada n care s-au mbolnvit. Adeseori se folosea de hipnoz pentru a aduce la suprafa evenimentele traumatice pe care pacienii nu i le mai aminteau. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.freudfile.org/psihanaliza/anamneza.html

CONTEXT: Examinari psihologice:

Interviul clinic si anamneza psihologica Examene psihologice proiective finalizate cu sinteze privind structura de personalitate si /comportament

SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.prolifeclinics.ro/specializari/psihologie.html CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Historia Clnica SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: (en enfermera y medicina) recopilacin de la informacin obtenida a partir del paciente y de otras fuentes con respecto al estado fsico, psicolgico,

social y sexual del paciente. La historia facilita una base de datos con la que se puede hacer un plan diagnstico, teraputico, asistencial y de seguimiento del paciente. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.



MELANCHOLIC ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/melancholic STANDARD DEFINITION: Characterized by or causing or expressing sadness. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/melancholic ETYMOLOGY: Late 14 century, from Latin melancholicus, from greek melankholikos, from melankholia, sadness. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Melancolic GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Adjective GENERIC CONCEPT: Affected with or subject to melancholia CONTEXT: Galens temperamental terms, melancholic (tending towards low mood), choleric (tending toward anger), phlegmatic (tending towards stolid calmness), and sanguine (tending towards optimism and confidence), survive in todays English. When the humours were blended in a balanced fashion, an optimal temperament resulted: Imbalance led to physical ilness, but also to mental disturbance. For example the melancholic temperament, associated with feelings of depression and anxiety, resulted from an exces of black bile.

CONTEXT SOURCE: Personality Traits by Gerald Matthews , Ian J. Deary, Martha C. Whiteman; Cambridge University Press 2003; Cambridge, England; Page number 19 CONTEXT: The captain was a clever, melancholic man, who had no unsual grip on his crew. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://conrad.thefreelibrary.com/Falk-A-Reminiscence/1-1-5#melancholic CONTEXT: According to their relative predominance in the individual, they were supposed to produce, respectively, temperaments designated sanguine (warm, pleasant), phlegmatic (slow-moving, apathetic), melancholic (depressed, sad), and choleric (quick to react, hot tempered). CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.ptypes.com/temperaments.html SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Melanclico CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: http://www.esacademic.com/dic.nsf/es_mediclopedia/42606

SPANISH DEFINITION: Obsoleto, el principal trastorno afectivo depresivo. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SYNONYM: Miserable, Depressed, Saddened, Sorrowful HYPONIM: Choleric-melancholic, The pure melancholic HYPERONIM: Black Temperament USE AREA/ FIELD: Personality Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


MELANCOLIC LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/melancolic DEFINITIE STANDARD: Temperament hipotonic, rezultat din tipul slab de activitate nervoas superioar. Se caracterizeaz prin redus capacitate de lucru n condiii de suprasolicitare, slab rezisten neuropsihic, dar i printr-o acut sensibilitate. Dificultile de adaptare la condiiile vieii sociale sunt compenstae frecvent prin retrageri n sine, triri profunde, reverii. H. Eysenck observ nalta corelaie dintre acest temperament i introversiune. Melancolicii sunt capabili de aciuni migloase, ce implic analiz de finee i mult rbdare. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 435 ETIMOLOGIE: Din franuzescul mlancolique. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Melancholic CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Adjectiv CONCEPT GENERIC: Fire nchis CONTEXT: La polul opus, accesul depresiv sau melancolic se caracterizeaz printr-o intens ncrcare afectiv negativ, trit ca durere moral, nsoit de inhibiia funciilor psihice i lentoare psihomotorie. Bolnavul prezint o atitudine inert, o inut puin ngrijit, o inimic ndurerat, cu frunte cutat, marcat de omega melancolic, privire fix, o concentraie interioar; mobilitatea mimic este redus la o expresie de profund durere moral. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 593 CONTEXT: Cnd l-am adoptat pe fiul nostru, Fred, nu tiam nimic despre temperamente i nu i-am recunoscut firea de melancolic perfect. Asistentul social ne-a spus c era un copil serios, care niciodat nu zmbea, iar la trei luni prea c i analizeaz pe toi cei care treceau pe lng el. Aceste trsturi au fost constante n viaa lui. Ca adolescent, era serios i de ncredere i de multe ori era iritat de atitudinea vesel a Maritei. El nu vede viaa ca fiind foarte distractiv i gsete c este imposibil s zmbeti dimineaa, nc este introspectiv i analitic i convieuirea ntr-o familie de extravertii puternici nu i-a schimbat modelul de temperament. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Personality Plus - Personalitate Plus Cum sa-i ntelegi pe ceilalti ntelegndu-te pe tine nsuti, Florence Littauer - Traducere de Anca Florina Srbu, Publicata cu acordul ASE World Enterprises,USA, iulie 1999, pagina 22

CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.ptypes.com/temperaments.html CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Melanclico

SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: http://www.esacademic.com/dic.nsf/es_mediclopedia/42606 DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Obsoleto, el principal trastorno afectivo depresivo. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SINONIM: Profund, Gnditor, Analitic HIPONIM: Melancolicul perfecionist, Geniu-Intelect, Talentat, Creator HIPERONIM: Introvertit ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologia Personalitii STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


MULTIPLE PERSONALITY ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/multiple+personality STANDARD DEFINITION: A mental disorder in which an individual's personality appears to have become separated into two or more distinct personalities, each with its own complex organization. Nontechnical name split personality. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/multiple+personality ETYMOLOGY: Multiple - 1640s, from the French multiple, from the Latin multiplus "manifold," from the Latin multi- "many, much" + -plus "fold," from base of plicare "to fold, twist;". Personality - late 14c., "quality or fact of being a person," from Medieval Latin personalitatem (nom. personalitas), from Latin personalis (see personal). Sense of "a distinctive character" is first recorded in 1795, from the French personnalit. Split personality was first attested in 1919. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Personalitate multipl GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: Split personality; Dissociative identity CONTEXT: In order to understand multiple personality it is first important to eliminate a popular misconception. Many people confuse multiple personality with schizophrenia. However, schizophrenia is an entirely different disorder and does not have anything to do with multiple personality. One characteristic of schizophrenia is a "split" between thinking and affect (feelings) which results in an inappropriate expression of affect. Some people incorrectly believe that schizophrenia is a "split personality" manifested by different, or multiple personalities. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://psychologydoc.com/multiple_personality.htm

CONTEXT: These normal fragments of personality are often called ego states, a term derived from the clinical hypnosis work of John & Helen Watkins. In contrast, Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) is an abnormal condition in which the personality becomes so fragmented that the various parts cannot even communicate with each other. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.guidetopsychology.com/mpd.htm SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Personalidad mltiple CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.


SPANISH DEFINITION: Trastorno en el que est fragmentada la organizacin de la personalidad. Se caracteriza por la presencia de dos o ms subpersonalidades. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SYNONYM: Split personality HYPONIM: Ego HYPERONIM: Dissociative disorder USE AREA/ FIELD: Personality Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official



LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://www.medical.news20.ro/word/PERSONALITATE_MULTIPLA.html DEFINITIE STANDARD: Tulburare disociativ caracterizat prin existena la acelasi individ a dou sau a mai multor personaliti diferite, fiecare dominnd la un moment dat compor-tamentul subiectului. Dup unii autori, personalitatea multipl ar putea fi cuprins n cadrul nevrozei isterice. SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://www.medical.news20.ro/word/PERSONALITATE_MULTIPLA.html ETIMOLOGIE: Personalitate din fr. personnalite, germ. Personalitt i multipl - din franuzescul multiple, lat. multiplus. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Multiple personality CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv feminin CONCEPT GENERIC: Tulburarea de identitate disociativ CONTEXT: Personalitatea multipl. Reprezint prezena a dou sau mai multe personaliti distincte, fiecare cu propriul model de gndire, percepie i relaionare. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://psihologie.myphpbb.eu/board/isteria-nu-doar-o-boala-afemeilor-t1915.html CONTEXT: La Spitalul "Socola" se trateaz un pacient - om de afaceri cu o familie model care i-a ocat pna i pe psihiatri. "M-a lovit peste fata. Aa, dintr-o data... Eram dupa ase ani de csnicie n care nu ridicase absolut niciodat glasul la mine", povestete soia pacientului. n ciudatul eveniment era de fapt debutul unei boli extrem de rare in lume: personalitate multipl. Citii un incitant articol despre acest uimitor caz.

SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.ziaruldeiasi.ro/local/iasi/caz-socant-omul-cu-personalitate-multipla~ni31mg CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Personalidad mltiple SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Trastorno en el que est fragmentada la organizacin de la personalidad. Se caracteriza por la presencia de dos o ms subpersonalidades.

SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SINONIM: Tulburare disociativ de identitate HIPONIM: Isterie, Schizofrenie HIPERONIM: Tulburare disociativ ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologia Personalitii STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


NEUROTIC ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/neurotic STANDARD DEFINITION: A person suffering from neurosis. A person prone to excessive anxiety and emotional upset. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/neurotic ETYMOLOGY: 1775, "acting upon or stimulating the nerves," from the Greek neuron "nerve" + -otic, as in hypnotic. Sense of "affected by neurosis" dates from 1887. The noun meaning "a neurotic person" dates from 1896. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Nevrotic GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Adjective GENERIC CONCEPT: Affected with emotional disorder. CONTEXT: What neurobiology adds to psychoanalytic theory is that events and their emotional significance may not be available to memory and consciousness, not because of neurotic defenses, such as repression or disavowal, but because of the immaturity of the childs brain at the time of the event. CONTEXT SOURCE: Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience, Mauro Mancia, Springer, Italz, 2006, page number 199 CONTEXT: Neurotic tendencies are common and may manifest themselves as depression, acute or chronic anxiety, obsessive-compulsive tendencies, specific phobias, such as social phobia, arachnophobia or any number of other phobias, and even personality disorders, such as borderline personality disorder or obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. It has perhaps been most simply defined as a "poor ability to adapt to one's environment, an inability to change one's life patterns, and the inability to develop a richer, more complex, more satisfying personality." CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neurosis SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Neurtico CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SPANISH DEFINITION: 1. perteneciente o relativo a la neurosis o los procesos neurticos 2. persona enferma de neurosis 3. coloquial, persona emocionalmente inestable.

DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SYNONYM: Psychoneurotic; Mental Case HYPONIM: Obsessive-compulsive disorder; Pyromania; Anxiety; Histeria; Phobias HYPERONIM: Defense mechanism USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychiatry DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


NEVROTIC LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/nevrotic DEFINITIE STANDARD: Nevroticul este n chip definitoriu un suferind care i comenteaz i i asum suferina printr-o atitudine participativ. Deci nevroticul triete un pernanent conflict ntre partea sa miloas" i cea bolnav" a subiectivitii sale, aceasta desfurndu-se i organizndu-se pe fondul unei contiine clare, nealternd semnificativ raporturile cu lumea. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 ETIMOLOGIE: Din franuzescul nvrotique. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Neurotic CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Adjectiv CONCEPT GENERIC: Neurotic CONTEXT: Nevroticii cad victim conflictului artat i devin incapabili de aciune.Terapia psihanalitic i propune defularea respectivelor tendine i contientizarea lor. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 614 CONTEXT: Jackson are o tineree dificil, condiionat de un caracter nevrotic introvertit cu explozii colerice violente, din care cauz este exclus de mai multe ori din colile frecventate. Gsete un refugiu n teosofia mistic propagat de Jiddu Krishnamurti, dup care la fericire se poate ajunge doar prin descoperirea contiinei de sine, doctrin care avea s-i influeneze ntreaga dezvoltare artistic. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://mirceaeliade.wikispaces.com/AS_Jackson+Pollock CONTEXT: Cum recunoti ns unnevrotic, o persoan cu afecte i comportamente perturbate? Iat o parte dintre criteriile oferite de terapeutul american (decedat acum trei ani la vrsta venerabil de 93 de ani). SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://edituratrei.wordpress.com/2010/05/14/cum-recunti-un-nevrotic CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Neurtico


SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: 1. perteneciente o relativo a la neurosis o los procesos neurticos 2. persona enferma de neurosis 3. coloquial, persona emocionalmente inestable.

SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SINONIM: Cinic, Agresiv HIPONIM: Astenic, Isteric, Obsedat HIPERONIM: Mecanism de aprare ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihiatrie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial



ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/nomothetic STANDARD DEFINITION: The approach of investigating large groups of people in order to find general laws of behaviour that apply to everyone. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://cranepsych.edublogs.org/files/2009/07/idiographic_versus_nomothetic.pdf ETYMOLOGY: Nomos= laws in ancient Greek; 1650s, from the Greek nomothetikos, from nomos usage, custom, law.

ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Abordare nomotetic GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun phrase GENERIC CONCEPT: Investigation CONTEXT: Nomothetic is based on what Kant described as a tendency to generalize, and is typical for the natural sciences. It describes the effort to derive laws that explain objective phenomena in general. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nomothetic_and_idiographic CONTEXT: The nomothetic approach assumes that there is an underlying basic structure to personality and that universal trait dimensions common to everyone provide this structure. In this view, individuals differ only in the degree to which they possess personality traits. Researchers using a nomothetic approach try to establish universal, lawful relationships between different aspects of personality functioning, such as traits, by means of the correlational method. CONTEXT SOURCE: Philip Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, Allyn & Bacon, 19th edition 2002, pagina 384

SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Teora Nomottica CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: http://es.thefreedictionary.com/nomotetica SPANISH DEFINITION: Teora que intenta explicar caractersticas que comparten todas las personas, por ejemplo. : todos los colricos se caracterizan por su irritabilidad. Son

principios generales propios de diferentes personas. Pretenden encontrar los principios generales y lo que determina que cada uno sea. Ejemplo: colrico.

DEFINITION SOURCE: http://html.rincondelvago.com/psicologia-de-la-personalidad_16.html

SYNONYM: Investigation HYPONIM: General HYPERONIM: Pattern USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


ABORDARE NOMOTETIC LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 DEFINITIE STANDARD: Abordarea nomotetic privete analiza individului n globalitatea sa, fiind o abordare dinamic ce presupune considerarea tuturor componentelor n interaciune. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 ETIMOLOGIE: De la a aborda i din germanul nomothetisch. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Nomothetic Approach CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Sintagm CONCEPT GENERIC: Analiza individului CONTEXT: n decursul anilor 40-50 s-au dezvoltat o serie de abordri diferite ale personalitii, privind modul n care oamenii pot fi grupai i comparai ntre ei este vorba n principal de abordarea nomotetic. Aceti psihologi au avut o contribuie deosebit la elaborarea testelor psihometrice, utilizate la msurarea inteligenei, creativitii i personalitii nsei.

SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.megapega.ro/2008/10/personalitatea-aspecte-generale/ CONTEXT: Unicitatea existenei umane: omul nu trebuie considerat ca un caz particular al unei realiti generice, ci ca o fiin unic ce trebuie neleas n ea nsi. Psihologia este n mod necesar o tiin nomotetic, dar fiecare persoan reprezint o combinaie unic de elemente i legi generale, imposibil de redus la o schem general.

SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.dictsociologie.netfirms.com/P/Termeni/psihologie_umanista.htm CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Teora Nomottica SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: http://es.thefreedictionary.com/nomotetica DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Teora que intenta explicar caractersticas que comparten todas las personas, por ejemplo. : todos los colricos se caracterizan por su irritabilidad. Son principios generales propios de diferentes personas. Pretenden encontrar los principios generales y lo que determina que cada uno sea. Ejemplo: colrico.

SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://html.rincondelvago.com/psicologia-de-la-personalidad_16.html

SINONIM: Analiza individului HIPONIM: Personalitate HIPERONIM: Psihologie umanist ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


PATTERN ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/pattern STANDARD DEFINITION: A composite of traits or features characteristic of an individual or a group. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/pattern ETYMOLOGY: Early 14c., "the original proposed to imitation; the archetype; that which is to be copied; an exemplar" [Johnson], from O.French patron, from Medieval Latin patronus (patron). Extended sense of "decorative design" first recorded 1580s, from earlier sense of a "patron" as a model to be imitated. The difference in form and sense between patron and pattern wasn't firm untill 1700s. The meaning "model or design in dressmaking" (especially one of paper) is first recorded in 1792, in Jane Austen. Verb phrase pattern, after "take as a model", dates from 1878. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Pattern GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: Model, Archetype CONTEXT: Long-term memory is understood by analogy to Aristotles famous notion of memory as a wax tablet on which experiences are written. If the demons recognize a certain pattern in current information as being similar to a memory structure stored in the long-term memory, this structure will be transferred to the short-term memory, where it then is accessible to conscious remembering. CONTEXT SOURCE: Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience, Mauro Mancia, Springer, Italz, 2006, page number 74 CONTEXT: Traits cannot be directly observed, but rather must be inferred from patterns of behavior and experience that are known to be valid trait indicators. CONTEXT SOURCE: Personality Traits by Gerald Matthews , Ian J. Deary, Martha C. Whiteman; Cambridge University Press 2003; Cambridge, England; Page number 22 SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Prototipo CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SPANISH DEFINITION: Forma primaria u original de un objeto u organismo.


DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SYNONYM: Model; Prototype; Archetype HYPONIM: Trait HYPERONIM: Pattern Recognition USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


PATTERN LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/pattern DEFINITIE STANDARD: Termen uzual n psihologia american, dcsemnnd un prototip, un model funcional, o structur sau form de organizare general, considerat n ceea ce are ea definitoriu, ca o constelaie de raporturi fr a se face referin la coninut. Form caracteristic a activitii, ntr-o anumit msur stereo tipizat. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 521 ETIMOLOGIE: Din englezescul pattern. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Pattern CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv neutru CONCEPT GENERIC: Model specific, tipar reprezentnd simplificat structura unui fenomen psihologic. CONTEXT: Existnd n form latent, arhetipul s-ar actualiza n expresii artistice, n stri onirice sau patologice. n etnologia i psihologia social contemporan s-a trecut peste aseriunile lui C.G. Jung despre nativitatea i universalitatea a., termenul fiind utilizat n sens de model simbolic comunitar sau de tipar (pattern) cultural. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 62 CONTEXT: Adu-ti aminte la scoala cand profesorul vorbea in mod normal si brusc batea cu palma in catedra tare si apoi zicea ceva important. Toata lumea era atenta si asculta. Acela era un pattern interrupt. Stii cand hipnotizatorul te pune sa stai linistit, iti vorbeste rar si ritmat si apoi brusc pocneste din degete si iti zice sa dormi? Acela este un pattern interrupt. Pattern interrupt(psihologie) se refera la schimbarea brusca a unei situatii ceea ce il va face pe participant sa aiba un comportament anume.

SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://vladgrigorescu.ro/teorie/pattern-interrupt/ CONTEXT: O tulburare de personalitate este un pattern durabil de experienta interna si de comportament care deviaza considerabil de la cererile culturii individului, este pervasiv si inflexibil, are debutul in adolescenta sau precoce in perioada adulta, este stabil in cursul timpului si duce la detresa sau deteriorare.


SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.psihoterapie.net/forum/psihoterapie/tulburari-depersonalitate/tulburarile-de-personalitate.html CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Prototipo SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Forma primaria u original de un objeto u organismo. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SINONIM: Model, Prototip, Arhetip HIPONIM: Caracteristic HIPERONIM: Tulburare de personalitate ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


PERSONAL CONSTRUCT THEORY ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Personal+construct+theory STANDARD DEFINITION: A social psychological theory developed by George Alexander Kelly in The Psychology of Personal Constructs (1955), which argues that a person's processes are psychologically channelized by the ways in which he anticipates events. Like phenomenology, social constructionism and symbolic interactionism, the theory therefore examines the ways in which people construct meanings. In this case, the orientation is to the future, the argument being that a person's personal constructs (the distinctive categories by which he or she orders close interpersonal relationships or role-constructs) are an anticipation of future events in terms of similar events experienced in the past. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1O88-personalconstructtheory.html ETYMOLOGY: Personal - late 14c., "pertaining to the self," from O.Fr. personel (12c., Fr. personnel), from L. personalis "pertaining to a person; Construct - the noun is recorded from 1871 in linguistics, 1890 in psychology, 1933 in the general sense of "anything constructed. " Theory - from Gk. theoria "contemplation, speculation, a looking at, things looked at," from theorein "to consider, speculate, look at," from theoros "spectator," from thea "a view" + horan "to see". ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Teoria constructelor personale GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun phrase GENERIC CONCEPT: A psychological theory of human cognition. CONTEXT: Personal construct theory is very difficult to grasp largely because it emphasizes organization and structure as opposed to content. It tells us not what to think but rather how to go about understanding what we do think. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.oikos.org/vincpcp.htm CONTEXT: Kelly defined a personal construct as a persons belief about how two things are alike and different from a third. For example, I might say that my uncle and my brother are alike because they are highly competitive, whereas my sister is different from them because she likes to take a back seat to others. CONTEXT SOURCE: Philip Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, Allyn & Bacon, 19th edition 2002, page 409 SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Teora de los constructos personales

CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teora_de_los_constructos_personales SPANISH DEFINITION: La teora de los constructos personales (TCP) es una teora desarrollada por George A. Kelly (1995/1991; 2001) que parte del postulado filosfico del alternativismo constructivo segn el cual el significado que atribuimos a la experiencia es resultado de una construccin personal. La realidad estara por tanto sujeta a variadas construcciones personales, algunas de las cuales pueden ser provechosas para el individuo y otras no serlo. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teora_de_los_constructos_personales SYNONYM: Human cognition theory HYPONIM: Symbolic interactionism HYPERONIM: Cognitive theories USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


TEORIA CONSTRUCTELOR PERSONALE LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 DEFINITIE STANDARD: T.c.p. a fost interpretat i categorizat n diferite moduri de diferii oameni de tiin. Ceea ce este semnificativ ns este faptul c ea constituie o expresie explicit i elaborat a unui punct de vedere particular n legtura cu natura funciei omului. n acelai timp reprezint un cadru de interpretare nu numai a comportamentului uman n general dar i a celui care a dus la elaborarea i formularea teoriei insi, avnd astfel un pronunat carcter reflexiv. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 ETIMOLOGIE: Teoria Cosntructelor Personale TCP elaborat n 1995 de G. Kelly, constructul reprezentnd pentru fiecare persoan un model reprezentativ al lumii care i permite s dea sens comportamentului su. Aceast perspectiv a fost cunoscut drept abordarea fenomenologic. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Personal Construct Theory CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Sintagm CONCEPT GENERIC: O abordare fenomenologic a constructelor personale CONTEXT: Teoria constructelor personale a fost elaborat de G. Kelly, n 1955. el a considerat c lucrul cel mai important este felul n care nelegem ceea ce ni se ntmpl, prin urmare o teorie a personalitii trebuie s ofere o metod prin care terapeutul s-i poat da seama de modul n care pacientul su nelege lumea. Aceast perspectiv a fost cunoscut drept abordarea fenomenologic. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.megapega.ro/2008/10/teorii-ale-personalitatii/ CONTEXT: n Teoria Constructelor Personale experiena se refer la constructe i la revizuirea acestora realizat n funcie de evenimente, iar nvarea nu se definete ca un proces aparte ci ea este cea care definete persoana prin generalitatea ei i prin faptul c se produce continuu. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 711 CORESPONDENT SPANIOL: Teora de los constructos personales

SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teora_de_los_constructos_personales DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: La teora de los constructos personales (TCP) es una teora desarrollada por George A. Kelly (1995/1991; 2001) que parte del postulado filosfico del alternativismo constructivo segn el cual el significado que atribuimos a la experiencia es resultado de una construccin personal. La realidad estara por tanto sujeta a variadas construcciones personales, algunas de las cuales pueden ser provechosas para el individuo y otras no serlo. SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teora_de_los_constructos_personales SINONIM: Teoria personalitii HIPONIM: Construct HIPERONIM: Teorie cognitiv ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


PERSONAL UNCONSCIOUS ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/personal+unconscious STANDARD DEFINITION: In analytical psychology, the personal unconscious is Carl Jung's term for the Freudian unconscious, as contrasted with the collective unconscious. Often referred to by him as "No mans land," the personal unconscious is located at the fringe of consciousness, between two worlds: "the exterior or spacial world and the interior or psychic objective world". DEFINITION SOURCE: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/personal+unconscious ETYMOLOGY: Late 14c., "pertaining to the self," from O. French personel, from the Latin personalis "pertaining to a person," + 1712, "unaware, not marked by conscious thought," from un-"not" + conscious. The meaning "temporarily insensible, knocked out" is recorded from 1860. In psychology, the noun the unconscious (1884) is a loan translation of the German das Unbewusste. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Incontient personal GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun phrase GENERIC CONCEPT: Egos unconscious CONTEXT: And third, there is the personal unconscious (to borrow Jungs term), perhaps understood as the unconscious aspect of the ego. It is composed of our idiosyncratic habits, the more personal things we have learned so well we no longer need to be conscious of them in order to enact them -- like knowing how to drive so well that we can comb our hair, talk on a cell phone, light a cigarette. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://webspace.ship.edu/cgboer/conclusions.html CONTEXT: The ego, Jung says, is the center of the conscious, and if it tries to add unconscious contents to itself (i.e. collective contents, not the personal unconscious or shadow which does belong to the ego) it is in danger of destruction, like an overloaded vessel which sinks under the strain. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Dream+journey%3a+a+new+heartcentered+therapies+modality-a0179075924 SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Inconsciente Personal CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SPANISH DEFINITION: (en psicologa analtica) pensamientos, ideas, emociones y dems fenmenos mentales adquiridos y reprimidos durante la vida de la persona. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SYNONYM: Egos unconscious HYPONIM: Habits HYPERONIM: The unconscious USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


INCONTIENT INDIVIDUAL LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 DEFINITIE STANDARD: Ansamblu de dispoziii, stri, procese psihofiziologice i psihice care, momentan sau stabil, nu snt contiente, nu se contientizeaz; psihismul baza sau de profunzime"; acea zon, parte, instan a sistemului psihic uman ce nu intr n sfera contientului, deci este (termen mai adecvat) acontient, fr a nceta s fie psihogen sau pregnant psihic. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 ETIMOLOGIE: Din franuzescul inconscient (dup contient). CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Personal Unconscious CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv neutru CONCEPT GENERIC: Incontient personal CONTEXT: C.G. Jung a susinut c, alturi de incontientul individual exista un incontient colectiv n care snt fixate modelele culturale de baz ale comunitii etnologice. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 CONTEXT: Incontientul individual se compune din dou segmente, cu coninut si rol diferit n dinamica sistemului personalitii: incontientul primar si incontientul dobndit. Spre deosebire de incontientul primar ce include tendinele, pulsiunile i instinctele primare, legate de asigurarea echilibrului fizionomic al organismului, incontientul dobndit este "contiina morala a societii" codificata. n sistemul personalitii el corespunde instanei supraeului; astfel se reduce concepia incontientului la cuplul: "sentimentul inferioritii reacia de compensare." SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.afladespre.ro/inconstient-vs-subconstient-1741.htm SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Inconsciente Personal CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SPANISH DEFINITION: (en psicologa analtica) pensamientos, ideas, emociones y dems fenmenos mentales adquiridos y reprimidos durante la vida de la persona. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SINONIM: Incontient personal, Supraeu HIPONIM: Incontient primar HIPERONIM: Incontient ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


PHENOTYPE ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/phenotype STANDARD DEFINITION: The physical appearance of an organism as distinguished from its genetic makeup. The phenotype of an organism depends on which genes are dominant and on the interaction between genes and environment. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/phenotype ETYMOLOGY: 1911, from the german phaenotypus (1909); see pheno- + type. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Fenotip GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: Specific trait

CONTEXT: Phenotype refers to an individual's anatomical structure, physiology and behavior. The phenotype refers to everything that can be easily observed and measured about a plant, animal or human being. Our phenotype is the product of genes inherited from our biological parents, our environment, and developmental noise. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.flyfishingdevon.co.uk/salmon/year3/psyc364evolutionary_psychobiology/psy364 _genotype_phenotype/psy364_genotype_phenotype.htm CONTEXT: Phenotype is not just a function of your genes though - many of the characteristics of a person that are observable are the result of the combination of what is inherited and the environment. For example, a person may have the genotype for depression but because the family was very loving, happy and well adjusted, the person never develops the symptoms of depression.

CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.alleydog.com/glossary/definition.php?term=Phenotype SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Fenotipo CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SPANISH DEFINITION: Caractersticas observables completas de un organismo o grupo, como los caracteres anatmicos, fisiolgicos, bioqumicos y conductuales, determinados por la interaccin de la estructura gentica y de los factores ambientales.


DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SYNONYM: Specific trait HYPONIM: Stature; Blood type; HYPERONIM: Personality USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


FENOTIP LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/fenotip DEFINITIE STANDARD: Rezultatul vizibil" si constatabil din organism, rspuns al genomului fa de incitaiile i tensiunile mediului. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 268 ETIMOLOGIE: Din franuzescul phnotype. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Phenoype CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv neutru CONCEPT GENERIC: nsuire specific CONTEXT: ntr-adevr, activitatea eseniala a fenotipului este reprezentat de comportament, acesta asigurnd circularitatea relaiilor dintre organism i mediu; organismul i alege mediul, modificndu-l n msura n care depinde de el. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 268 CONTEXT: Tulburrile din spectrul autist ar putea fi fenotipuri de la extremele unor trsturi distribuite normal n populaie (fenotipul autist extins). Cercetri recente investigheaz relaia dintre trsturile autiste i performana cognitiv i socio-emoional n populaia preclinic. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.emcoglab.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3&Itemid=3 SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Fenotipo CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SPANISH DEFINITION: Caractersticas observables completas de un organismo o grupo, como los caracteres anatmicos, fisiolgicos, bioqumicos y conductuales, determinados por la interaccin de la estructura gentica y de los factores ambientales. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SINONIM: Trstur vizibil HIPONIM: Statur; Grup de snge HIPERONIM: Psihogenetica ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


PHLEGMATIC ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/phlegmatic STANDARD DEFINITION: Having or suggesting a calm, sluggish temperament. Having a solid or unemotional disposition. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/phlegmatic ETYMOLOGY: Cool, calm, self-possessed, and in a more pejorative sense, cold, dull, apathetic. 1570s, from lit. sense "abounding in phlegm (as a bodily humor)" (mid-14century), from French fleumatique, from Latin phlegmaticus, from Greek phlegmatikos "abounding in phlegm". ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Flegmatic GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Adjective GENERIC CONCEPT: Not easily excited CONTEXT: Galens temperamental terms, melancholic (tending towards low mood), choleric (tending toward anger), phlegmatic (tending towards stolid calmness), and sanguine (tending towards optimism and confidence), survive in todays English. When the humours were blended in a balanced fashion, an optimal temperament resulted: Imbalance led to physical ilness, but also to mental disturbance. CONTEXT SOURCE: Personality Traits by Gerald Matthews , Ian J. Deary, Martha C. Whiteman; Cambridge University Press 2003; Cambridge, England; Page number 19 CONTEXT: In the ideal personality, the complementary characteristics or warm-cool and dry-moist were exquisitely balanced. In four less ideal types, one of the four qualities was dominant over all the others. In the remaining four types, one pair of qualities dominated the complimentary pair; for example; warm and moist dominated cool and dry. These latter four were the temperamental categories Galen named "sanguine", "melancholic", "choleric" and "phlegmatic" after the bodily humors. Each was the result of an excess of one of the humors that produced, in turn, the imbalance in paired qualities. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Temperaments SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Flemtico CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.


SPANISH DEFINITION: Relativo a una persona que es apagada, aptica o no fcilmente excitable. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SYNONYM: Affectless, Apathetic, Cold-blooded, Emotional, Impassive HYPONIM: Melancholic Phlegmatic HYPERONIM: Flat-type temperament, Introverted USE AREA/ FIELD: Personality Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


FLEGMATIC LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/flegmatic DEFINITIE STANDARD: Profil temperamental, dezvoltat pe baza tipului de activitate nervoas superioar, puternic, echilibrat-inert, i avnd drept particulariti relevante calmul, lentoarea, slaba reactivitate afectiv i durabilitatea sentimentelor, rbdarea natural, nclinaia spre rutin, refuzul schimbrilor, compensat prin capacitatea de eforturi ndelungate i tenace. .J. Kysenck caracterizeaz tipul flegmatic prin introversiune.

SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 274 ETIMOLOGIE: Din franuzescul flegmatique. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Phlegmatic CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Adjectiv CONCEPT GENERIC: Persoan cu sistem nervos puternic, echilibrat, lucid, rece CONTEXT: n viziunea originar i naiv a lui Galenus i Hipocrat acea caracteristic dinamic a organismului, comportamentului i vieii psihice, explicat prin amestecul celor patru humori socotite ca fundamentale (snge, fiere neagr i fiere galben, sput) din care una ar domina, de unde i denumirile ce s-au pstrat de coleric, sangvinic, flegmatic, melancolic.

SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina CONTEXT: Flegmaticul linitit este o persoan comod, adaptabil, bun la toate, care dorete mai mult ca orice s evite controversele i conflictele.

SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Personality Plus - Personalitate Plus Cum sa-i ntelegi pe ceilalti ntelegndu-te pe tine nsuti, Florence Littauer - Traducere de Anca Florina Srbu, Publicata cu acordul ASE World Enterprises,USA, iulie 1999, pagina 31 SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Flemtico CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SPANISH DEFINITION: Relativo a una persona que es apagada, aptica o no fcilmente excitable. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SINONIM: Limfatic, Calm, Nepstor HIPONIM: Flegmaticul linitit HIPERONIM: Introversiv ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologia Personalitii STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


PLEASURE PRINCIPLE ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/pleasure+principle STANDARD DEFINITION: In Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality, the pleasure principle is the driving force of the id that seeks immediate gratification of all needs, wants, and urges. In other words, the pleasure principle strives to fulfill our most basic and primitive urges, including hunger, thirst, anger, and sex. When these needs are not met, the result is a state of anxiety or tension. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://psychology.about.com/od/pindex/g/def_pleasurepri.htm ETYMOLOGY: Pleasure - late 14c., "condition of enjoyment," from O.Fr. plesir "enjoyment, delight" (12c.), from plaisir (v.) "to please," from L. place. Meaning "sensual enjoyment as the chief object of life" is attested from 1520s. Principle - late 14c., "fundamental truth or proposition," from Anglo-Norm. principle, from O.Fr. principe, from L. principium (pl. principia) "a beginning, first part," from princeps. Meaning "origin, source" is attested from early 15c. Sense of "general rule of conduct" is from 1530s. Used absolutely for (good or moral) principle from 1650s. Scientific sense of "general law of nature" is recorded from 1802. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Principiul plcerii GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: Ids driving force CONTEXT: The pleasure principle (psychoanalysis) is the governing principle of the id; the principle that an infant seeks gratification and fails to distinguish fantasy from reality. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/pleasure+principle CONTEXT: In Freuds language, as the child grows, the reality principle gradually begins to control the pleasure principle; the child learns that the environment does not always permit immediate gratification. SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Principio del placer CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: http://psicopsi.com/Diccionario-de-psicologia-letra-P-Placer-principio-de-terminos-depsicologia


SPANISH DEFINITION: Principio que rige el funcionamiento psquico, segn el cual la actividad psquica tiene como objetivo evitar el displacer y procurar el placer. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://psicopsi.com/Diccionario-de-psicologia-letra-P-Placer-principio-de-terminos-depsicologia CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/275332/humanbehaviour/24910/Psychoanalytictheories?anchor=ref390892

SYNONYM: Pleasure-pain principle HYPONIM: Drives HYPERONIM: Id USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


PRINCIPIUL PLCERII LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 DEFINITIE STANDARD: Principiul conform cruia, dup Freud, subiectul tinde s evite sau s ntrerup strile de excitaie penibil (neplcut), s reduc tensiunea prin apelul la obiecte i actiuni de natur s produc o descrcare, sau prin vise, reverie. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 ETIMOLOGIE: Principiu - din latinescul principium, italienescul principio, franuzescul principe Plcere - din latinescul placere. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Pleasure Principle CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv CONCEPT GENERIC: Scala plcere-neplcere CONTEXT: Noiunea de principiu al plcerii rmne neschimbat n toat opera freudiana. Una din ipotezele constatate ale lui Freud n cadrul modelului pe care-l d aparatului psihic afirm c, n principiul funcionrii sale, sistemul percepie-contiin este sensibil la o ntreag diversitate de caliti provenind din mediul exterior, n timp ce n interior el nu percepe dect creterile i diminurile de tensiune care se traduc ntr-o singur gam calitativ: scala plcere-neplcere. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Vocabularul Psihanalizei, Jean Laplanche si J.-B. Pontalis, Traducere de Radu. Clit, Alfred Dumitrescu, Vera Sandor, Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu, Humanitas, Bucursti, 1994 CONTEXT: n funcie de perioada de educaie n care s-a produs fixaia de principiul plcerii distingem i trsturi de caracter tipice. Dac, de exemplu, fixaia de principiul plcerii a avut loc foarte de timpuriu, atunci cu siguranta persoana respectiv va fi una dependent, cu tendine acaparatoare i cu un nivel de anxietate ridicat fat de despariri. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.afladespre.ro/formarea-si-dezvoltarea-personalitatii-2315.htm SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Principio del placer


CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: http://psicopsi.com/Diccionario-de-psicologia-letra-P-Placer-principio-de-terminos-depsicologia SPANISH DEFINITION: Principio que rige el funcionamiento psquico, segn el cual la actividad psquica tiene como objetivo evitar el displacer y procurar el placer. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://psicopsi.com/Diccionario-de-psicologia-letra-P-Placer-principio-de-terminos-depsicologia



PSYCHIC DETERMINISM ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/psychic+determinism STANDARD DEFINITION: A philosophical doctrine stating that all psychological and behavioral phenomena, such as human cognition, behavior, decision, and action, are determined by the inevitable consequences of previous occurrences. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.biology-online.org/dictionary/Psychic_determinism ETYMOLOGY: 1871 (n.) "a medium;" 1873 (adj.) "of or pertaining to the human soul" (earlier psychical, 1640s), from the Greek psykhikos "of the soul, spirit, or mind," from psykhe- "soul, mind"; and determinism - 1846, in theology (lack of free will); 1876 in general sense of "doctrine that everything happens by a necessary causation," from the French dterminisme, from the German Determinismus, perhaps a back formation from Praedeterminismus. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Determinism psihic GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun phrase GENERIC CONCEPT: Controlled psychic activity CONTEXT: I have been struggling to convey the idea that curiosity and a deep belief in psychic determinism are the foundation of good clinical care. CONTEXT SOURCE: A recent review shows that SSRIs have a mild positive impact on mild ... by Fink, Paul J. / Clinical Psychiatry News CONTEXT: Psychic determinism is a philosophical concept that assumes the causality of human emotions and actions - intentional or unintentional - as a result of emotional experiences or events that happened in the past. It believes that all psychological phenomena occur not by chance but by choices, which are determined consciously or subconsciously by previous events. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.biology-online.org/dictionary/Psychic_determinism CONTEXT: Psychic determinism: states that all processes occurring in mind are not spontaneous and free as they seem, but governed by unconscious rules or complexes. For example: when one tries to speak freely about what it comes in his/her mind in relation to a word of his/her free choice, the lines of thoughts are related each other and focus on an unconscious psychic complex.


CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.freudfile.org/psychoanalysis/dictionary.html

SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Determinismo Psiquico CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Determinismo_psquico SPANISH DEFINITION: Concepto del psicoanlisis que parte de que todo fenmeno psquico tiene una causa y, por lo mismo, tambin la libre eleccin o decisin humana, en las que la causa es la fuerza del motivo ms potente, o bien la situacin interna psicolgica determinada por todos los condicionamientos procedentes de la herencia, la biologa, la educacin, el temperamento y el carcter de la persona que decide o el inconsciente. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Determinismo_psquico SYNONYM: Psychological determinism HYPONIM: Homosexuality HYPERONIM: Unconscious USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


DETERMINISM PSIHIC LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 DEFINITIE STANDARD: In psihologie, principiul de a crui promovare depinde constituirea tiinific. Ideea despre psihic ca zon a liberului arbitru, lacun n lanul determinismului universal este netiinific, n secolul nostru psihologia constituindu-se prin treptata ei infirmare. La nivelul omului, cel mai nalt i specific organizat sistem cu autoreglaj, determinarea trece progresiv n autodeterminare. n sfera mental dotat cu legi proprii se produc determinri de o nsemntate inapreciabil. Fiind plural determinat psihicul uman devine prin recuren, la rndul su, un important factor de determinare a transformrii lumii. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 ETIMOLOGIE: Din franuzescul dterminisme. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Psychic determinism CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv neutru CONCEPT GENERIC: Activitate psihic controlat CONTEXT: Teoria determinismului psihic este amplu dezbtut n lucrarea lui Freud "Psihopatologia vieii cotidiene". Tot acolo gsim foarte multe exemple de asociaii legate de diferite acte ratate i simptomatice, dovedindu-se astfel c i actele psihice involuntare snt determinate de cauze determinate. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.freudfile.org/psihanaliza/asociatii_libere.html CONTEXT: Aceast afirmaie exprim de fapt o mare deschidere spre activitatea psihicului abisal i mai ales, credina n determinismul psihic, n ideea c toate faptele psihice au semnificaie, sens, i se conecteaz la activitatea diurn, chiar dac ntr-o manier mai puin vizibil. Contrar opiniei generale a lumii tiinifice a epocii sale, pentru Freud visul este o activitate psihic coerent, care poate face obiectul unei analize profunde. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.freudfile.org/psihanaliza/interpretarea_viselor_psihanal.html CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Determinismo Psiquico SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Determinismo_psquico DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Concepto del psicoanlisis que parte de que todo fenmeno psquico tiene una causa y, por lo mismo, tambin la libre eleccin o decisin humana, en las

que la causa es la fuerza del motivo ms potente, o bien la situacin interna psicolgica determinada por todos los condicionamientos procedentes de la herencia, la biologa, la educacin, el temperamento y el carcter de la persona que decide o el inconsciente. SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Determinismo_psquico



PSYCHIC ENERGY ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/psychic+energy STANDARD DEFINITION: In Freudian theory, the primary source of motivation for human actions and the dynamic force behind all behavior. DEFINITION SOURCE: Philip Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, Allyn & Bacon, 19th edition 2002 ETYMOLOGY: Psychic - 1871 (n.) "a medium;" 1873 (adj.) "of or pertaining to the human soul" (earlier psychical, 1640s), from the Greek psykhikos "of the soul, spirit, or mind," from psykhe- "soul, mind"; Energy - 1590s, "force of expression," from Medieval French nergie (16c.), from the Latin energia, from the Greek energeia "activity, operation," from energos "active, working," from en "at" + ergon "work, that which is wrought. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Fora Psihic GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun phrase GENERIC CONCEPT: Mental energy CONTEXT: In The Ego and the Id, Freud argued that the id was the source of the personality's desires, and therefore of the psychic energy that powered the mind. Freud defined libido as the instinct energy or force. Freud later added the death drive (also contained in the id) as a second source of mental energy. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_(psychological) CONTEXT: We all have Chakras and an Aura that influence out body. Imagine an energy field of light all around you like you are in a bubble. This is your psychic energy. Everyone has a personal space. Your psychic energy is that space. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.psychicguild.com/articles_view.php?id=444 SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Energa psquica CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SPANISH DEFINITION: Energa corporal que se utiliza para funciones psicolgicas como pensar, percibir y recordar.


DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SYNONYM: Mental energy HYPONIM: Libidinal energy HYPERONIM: The Id USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


FOR PSIHIC LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 DEFINITIE STANDARD: Distinctiv fa de fora fizic sau nervoas, indic intensitatea tririlor psihice (posibil opus celei nervoase) i, n general, capacitatea, randamentul, eficiena activitii psihice n baza susinerii afectiv energetice corespunztoare. Se msoar dup efectele ce rezult din cauze psihice. Forme particulare: fora motivelor, a scopurilor, a convingerilor, a ideilor, a raiunii. Nu poate fi redus totui la dimensiuni cantitative ntruct se recomand n principal prin semnificaii i valori n sistemul lui P. Janet, sinonim al tensiunii. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 ETIMOLOGIE: Fora - din franuzescul forcer i italienescul forzare Psihic - din germanul psychisch, franuzescul psychique. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Psychic Energy CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv comun CONCEPT GENERIC: Energie mental CONTEXT: De exemplu, dac ntr-o familie se nasc consecutiv dou fetite, iar al treilea copil este bietel, nseamna ca mama a dominat psihic relaia n prima parte a acesteia, nsa cu timpul situaia s-a echilibrat i s-a intors n favoarea brbatului. Presupunnd c ntr-o familie se nasc consecutiv cinci fii, se poate deduce de aici n mod cert c echilibrul de fore psihice este net n favoarea tatlui. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.garbo.ro/articol/Psihologie/7161/Poate-dominareapsihica-sa-influenteze-sexul-copilului-tau.html CONTEXT: Ca medic, Freud a cercetat procesul lent de degradare al organismului uman odat cu trecerea anilor. El a postulat c acest proces este dirijat de o for psihic, de instinctul morii ndreptat spre autodistrugere ( prin auto-distrugere trebuie neles n acest context pur i simple deteriorarea treptat a organismului). SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.psih.uaic.ro/~sboncu/romana/Curs_psihologie_sociala/Curs30.pdf CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Energa psquica SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Energa corporal que se utiliza para funciones psicolgicas como pensar, percibir y recordar. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SINONIM: Energie mental HIPONIM: Fora raiunii HIPERONIM: Activitate psihic ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


RECIPROCAL DETERMINISM ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/reciprocal+determinism STANDARD DEFINITION: A concept of Banduras social learning theory referring to the notion that a complex reciprocal interaction exists between factors of the individual, behavior, and environmental stimuli, with each of these components affecting the others. DEFINITION SOURCE: Philip Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, Allyn & Bacon, 19th edition 2002, Glossary ETYMOLOGY: 1560s, from the Latin reciprocus "returning the same way, alternating," from pre-Latin *reco-proco-, from *recus (from re- "back" + -cus, adjective formation) + *procus (from pro- "forward" + -cus, adjective formation); and determinism, dates from 1846, in theology (lack of free will); from 1876 in general sense of "doctrine that everything happens by a necessary causation," from the French dterminisme, from the German Determinismus, perhaps a back formation from Praedeterminismus.

ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Determinism Reciproc GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun phrase GENERIC CONCEPT: Determined, controlled behavior CONTEXT: Reciprocal determinism is the theory set forth by psychologist Albert Bandura that a person's behavior both influences and is influenced by personal factors and the social environment. Bandura accepts the possibility of an individual's behavior being conditioned through the use of consequences. At the same time he asserts that a person's behavior (and personal factors, such as cognitive skills or attitudes) can impact the environment. These skill sets result in an under- or over-compensated ego that, for all creative purposes are too strong or too weak to focus on pure outcome. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/reciprocal+determinism CONTEXT: Thus, presumably, there is similar reciprocal determinism when considering the interaction between the individual and the social cultural context and/or with tools and artifacts. CONTEXT SOURCE: Distributed learning: understanding the emerging workplace knowledge by Elliott, Robert; Journal of Interactive Learning Research



CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SPANISH DEFINITION: Acuerdo mutuo para intercambiar privilegios, dependencias o relaciones, como el acuerdo que existe entre dos rganos gubernativos para aceptar las credenciales de los mdicos licenciados en cada comunidad. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SYNONYM: Determined behavior HYPONIM: Social environment HYPERONIM: Behavior USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


DETERMINISM RECIPROC LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 DEFINITIE STANDARD: Teorie privind raporturile necesare, sistemele de legi, ansamblul interaciunilor i dependenelor proprii realitii i anumitor domenii particulare. In psihologie, principiul de a crui promovare depinde constituirea tiinific. Ideea despre psihic ca zon a liberului arbitru, lacun n lanul determinismului universal este netiinific, n secolul nostru psihologia constituindu-se prin treptata ei infirmare. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 ETIMOLOGIE: Din franuzescul rciproque, latinescul reciprocus i din franuzescul dterminisme. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Reciprocal determinism CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv adjectival CONCEPT GENERIC: Comportament controlat CONTEXT: Respingnd atat concepia ca indivizii sunt exclusiv condui de fore interne, ct i cea conform creia ei sunt antrenai de stimulii din mediu, teoria social-cognitiv sugereaz c un comportament poate fi explicat n termenii unei interaciuni ntre persoan i mediu, un proces pe care Bandura l-a denumit determinism reciproc. Indivizii sunt influenai de forele din mediu, dar n acelai timp ei au libertatea de a alege cum s se comporte. Astfel persoana nu doar rspunde la diferite situaii din mediu, dar i construiete activ i influeneaza situaii. Indivizii selecteaz situaii i sunt totodata modelai de ele; ei pot influena comportamentul altora dar sunt n acelai timp supui modelrii de ctre acetia. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.preferatele.com/docs/psihologie/9/teoria-social-cognit22.php CONTEXT: Ulterior, teoria Gestalt susine c este vorba despre un determinism policauzal al afeciunii n cauz, la nivel de Umwelt manifestndu-se atat factorii psihici, ct i cei somatici/organici. n loc de a considera c avem de-a face cu o cauz fizic sau psihic, Gestalt- terapia trateaza afectiunea ca avndu-le incorporate pe amandou. ntre factorii psihici i somatici exist un paralelism i un determinism reciproc. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.romedic.ro/cabpsiho/articol/3371 CORESPONDENT SPANIOL: Reciprocidad Tridica


SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Acuerdo mutuo para intercambiar privilegios, dependencias o relaciones, como el acuerdo que existe entre dos rganos gubernativos para aceptar las credenciales de los mdicos licenciados en cada comunidad. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SINONIM: Comportament controlat HIPONIM: Mediu HIPERONIM:Comportament ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


REINFORCEMENT ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Reinforcement+(psychology) STANDARD DEFINITION: Reinforcement is a term in operant conditioning and behavior analysis for the process of increasing the rate or probability of a behavior (e.g. pulling a lever more frequently) by the delivery or emergence of a stimulus (e.g. a candy) immediately or shortly after the behavior, called a "response," is performed. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Reinforcement+(psychology) ETYMOLOGY: 1610s, from reinforce + -ment. Related: Reinforcements. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Stimul (Excitant) GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: Stimulus that emerges when the response behavior is performed. CONTEXT: Reinforcement hierarchy is a list of actions, rank-ordering the most desirable to least desirable consequences that may serve as a reinforcer. A reinforcement hierarchy can be used to determine the relative frequency and desirability of different activities, and is often employed when applying the Premack principle. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Reinforcement+(psychology) CONTEXT: While it is clear that nursing in the newborn period also involves subcortical brain structures concerned with the regulation of appetite, sucking and satisfaction of hunger, the reinforcement of the rhythmic activity at the age of 6 months explicitly shows that the connectivity between subcortical and cortical areas has matured enough to create a basis for an organized neural network that allows the cortical registration of nursing-related sensory events together with the activation of subcortical centers regulating feeding behavior.

CONTEXT SOURCE: Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience, Mauro Mancia, Springer, Italz, 2006, page number 422 SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Refuerzo CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.


SPANISH DEFINITION: (en psicologa) proceso en el cual una respuesta se ve reforzada por el temor al castigo o por la espera de una recompensa. El refuerzo negativo hace referencia al procedimiento por el cual la eliminacin de un estmulo negativo va seguida de la emisin de una respuesta y ocasiona un aumento en la tasa de respuestas. El refuerzo positivo es la presentacin de un acontecimiento como consecuencia de un operante (conducta), aumentando la probabilidad de recurrencia del operante. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SYNONYM: Stimulus HYPONIM: Attention; Flattery; Giving gifts; Smiling HYPERONIM: Positive reinforcements USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


STIMUL LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 DEFINITIE STANDARD: Reprezint orice factor de mediu care declaneaz modificri reversibile n materia vie. Un excitant(stimul) se caracterizeaz printr-o anumit natur, intensitate, distribuie n spaiu intensitate) i n timp (protensitate). SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 ETIMOLOGIE: Din lat., fr. Stimulus. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Reinforcement CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv neutru CONCEPT GENERIC: Excitant CONTEXT: Behaviorismul este o psihologie stimul-raspuns (S-R) si studiaza categoriile de stimuli care declanseaza anumite tipuri de raspunsuri, n sensul unei actiuni observabile; ncearca sa nteleaga pattern-urile recompensa si pedeapsa care sustin aceste raspunsuri si modificarile comportamentale operate ca urmare a unei modificari de secventa recompensa/pedeapsa. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.scritube.com/sociologie/psihologie/comunicare/MODELE-PSIHOLOGICEALE-COMUNIC1711218513.php CONTEXT: Scopul teoretic al acestei tiine este predicia i controlul comportamentului. Noua strategie propus presupunea variaia stimulului din mediu, observarea reaciei organismului la aceast schimbare. Argumentele decisive mpotriva introspecionismului le-a formulat zoopsihologul John B. Watson, care a susinut c, dac psihologia vrea s devin tiin, trebuie s i schimbe obiectul cunoaterii, nlocuind contiina cu comportamentul, singurul care poate fi perceput i supus msurrii.

SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behaviorism CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Refuerzo SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: (en psicologa) proceso en el cual una respuesta se ve reforzada por el temor al castigo o por la espera de una recompensa. El refuerzo negativo hace

referencia al procedimiento por el cual la eliminacin de un estmulo negativo va seguida de la emisin de una respuesta y ocasiona un aumento en la tasa de respuestas. El refuerzo positivo es la presentacin de un acontecimiento como consecuencia de un operante (conducta), aumentando la probabilidad de recurrencia del operante. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SINONIM: Excitant HIPONIM: Stimul cognitiv HIPERONIM: Behaviorism ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


REPRESSION ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/repression STANDARD DEFINITION: The unconscious exclusion of painful impulses, desires, or fears from the conscious mind.The subconscious rejection of thoughts and impulses that conflict with conventional standards of conduct. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/repressionn ETYMOLOGY: Late 14c., noun of action from repress. Psychological sense dates from 1908. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Represiune GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: Defense Mechanism CONTEXT: The repression is caused when an external force puts itself in contrast with the desire, threatening to cause suffering if the desire is satisfied, thereby posing a conflict for the individual; the repressive response to the threat is to exclude the desire from one's consciousness and hold or subdue it in the unconscious. Repression plays a major role in many mental illnesses, and in the psyche of average people. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_repression CONTEXT: When explaining repression, Freud compared the process to "condemnation" and stated the following: "Let us take a model, an impulse, a mental process seeking to convert itself into action: we know that it can suffer rejection, by virtue of what we call 'repudiation' or 'condemnation'; whereupon the energy at its disposal is withdrawn, it becomes powerless, but it can continue to exist as a memory. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.alleydog.com/glossary/definition.cfm?term=Repression(repressed memory) SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Represin CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SPANISH DEFINITION: (en psicoanlisis) mecanismo de defensa inconsciente por el cual se eliminan de la consciencia pensamientos, sentimientos, ideas, impulsos o recuerdos inaceptables, especialmente los relacionados con algn acontecimiento pasado traumtico,

debido a la asociacin con una culpabilidad dolorosa o a su contenido desagradable, y son enterrados en el subconsciente, donde permanecen inactivos pero operativos y dinmicos. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SYNONYM: Subjugation, control, constraint, supression, inhibition HYPONIM: Sexual Repression HYPERONIM: Mental Conflict; Defense Mechanism USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


REPRESIUNE LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/represiune DEFINITIE STANDARD: Conform psihanalizei, mecanism de respingere contient i voluntar a unor pulsiuni sau tendine de satisfacere a unor dorine intime. Subiectul proiecteaz contient consecinele posibile ale satisfacerii tendinei i ncerend sentimente penibile, reduce virulena acesteia, o contracareaz. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 ETIMOLOGIE: Din franuzescul repressin. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Repression CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv CONCEPT GENERIC: Mecanism subcontient de aprare. CONTEXT: Represiunea poatea vea diverse grade de intensitate mergind de la renunare ezitant pn la respingere ferm i interzicere a libidourilor inacceptabile moral. Dei ndeplinete funcii analoage, represiunea nu trebuie confundat cu refularea ce este un mecanism subcontient de aprare a enlui i fug de augoas. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 CONTEXT: Sunt supuse represiunii si gandurile sau scopurile in dezacord cu valorile acreditate constient. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.psychologies.ro/Dictionar-de-psihologie/R/REPRESIUNE-1256788 CORESPONDENT SPANIOL: Represin SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: (en psicoanlisis) mecanismo de defensa inconsciente por el cual se eliminan de la consciencia pensamientos, sentimientos, ideas, impulsos o recuerdos inaceptables, especialmente los relacionados con algn acontecimiento pasado traumtico, debido a la asociacin con una culpabilidad dolorosa o a su contenido desagradable, y son enterrados en el subconsciente, donde permanecen inactivos pero operativos y dinmicos.

SURSA DEFINTIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SINONIM: Refulare HIPONIM: Represiune sexual HIPERONIM: Mecanism de aprare ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihiatrie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


SANGUINE ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/sanguine STANDARD DEFINITION: Having blood as the dominant humor in terms of medieval physiology. Having the temperament and ruddy complexion formerly thought to be characteristic of a person dominated by this humor; passionate. Cheerfully confident; optimistic. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/sanguine ETYMOLOGY: The source of the Middle English word was Old French sanguin, itself from Latin sanguineus. Both the Old French and Latin words meant "bloody," "bloodcolored," Old French sanguin having the sense "sanguine in temperament" as well. Latin sanguineus was in turn derived from sanguis, "blood," just as English sanguinary is. The English adjective sanguine, first recorded in Middle English before 1350, continues to refer to the cheerfulness and optimism that accompanied a sanguine temperament but no longer has any direct reference to medieval physiology. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Sangvinic GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Adjective GENERIC CONCEPT: Sanguine in temperament, cheerfully optimistic. CONTEXT: The similarity in form between sanguine, "cheerfully optimistic," and sanguinary, "bloodthirsty," may prompt one to wonder how they have come to have such different meanings. The explanation lies in medieval physiology with its notion of the four humors or bodily fluids (blood, bile, phlegm, and black bile). The relative proportions of these fluids was thought to determine a person's temperament. If blood was the predominant humor, one had a ruddy face and a disposition marked by courage, hope, and a readiness to fall in love. Such a temperament was called sanguine, the Middle English ancestor of our word sanguine. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/sanguine CONTEXT: Galens temperamental terms, melancholic (tending towards low mood), choleric (tending toward anger), phlegmatic (tending towards stolid calmness), and sanguine (tending towards optimism and confidence), survive in todays English. CONTEXT SOURCE: Personality Traits by Gerald Matthews , Ian J. Deary, Martha C. Whiteman; Cambridge University Press 2003; Cambridge, England; Page number 19 CONTEXT: His sanguine temper, and fearlessness of mind, operated very differently on her. She saw in it but an aggravation of the evil. It only added a dangerous character to himself.

He was brilliant, he was headstrong. Lady Russell had little taste for wit, and of anything approaching to imprudence a horror. She deprecated the connexion in every light. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://austen.thefreelibrary.com/Persuasion/1-4#sanguine SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Sanguneo CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SPANISH DEFINITION: Relativo a la sangre. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SYNONYM: Bloody-minded, Bloodthirsty, Homicidal HYPONIM: Sanguine-melancholic HYPERONIM: Extroverted, Social-type USE AREA/ FIELD: Personality Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


SANGVINIC LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/sangvinic DEFINITIE STANDARD: Temperament, tip de temperament caracterizat prin vioiciune, mobilitate. SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://www.dexonline.news20.ro/cuvant/sangvinic.html ETIMOLOGIE: Din germanicul sanguinisch. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Sanguine CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Adjectiv CONCEPT GENERIC: Despre oameni - la care circulaia sngelui este foarte activ. CONTEXT: Sangvinicii populari tipici sunt emoionali i expansivi, trans-form munca n distracie i le face plcere s fie nconjurai de oameni. Sangvinicii populari vd emoie n fiecare experien i retriesc savoarea fiecrei ocazii n descrieri pline de culoare. Sangvinicii populari sunt orientai spre exterior i optimiti. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Personality Plus - Personalitate Plus Cum sa-i ntelegi pe ceilalti ntelegndu-te pe tine nsuti, Florence Littauer - Traducere de Anca Florina Srbu, Publicata cu acordul ASE World Enterprises,USA, iulie 1999, pagina 13

CONTEXT: Dac: sunteti vesel si voios; sunteti energic si activ; adesea nu duceti un lucru nceput la bun sfrsit; aveti tendinta de a va supraaprecia; sunteti capabil de a asimila repede tot ce e nou; interesele si atractiile dvs nu sunt stabile; treceti usor peste esecuri si neplceri; v acomodati usor la diferite conditii; v pasioneaz orice activitate nou; atunci cnd o activitate nceteaz s v mai intereseze, o tratati cu indiferent; treceti usor de la o activitate la alta; v displace munca cotidian, monoton; sunteti sociabil si receptiv, nu v jenati n prezenta unor oameni noi; sunteti rezistent si laborios; vorbiti repede, tare si articulat, gesticulati, aveti o mimic expresiv; nu v pierdeti calmul ntr-o situatie com- plex, neasteptat; sunteti totdeauna bine dispus; adormiti si v treziti repede; adesea nu sunteti suficient de mobilizat, nu v cntriti bine deciziile; uneori sunteti superficial, distrat, atunci sunteti un sangvinic pur.

SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.medfam.ro/mf/mf/mf14/psiho14.html CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Sangune SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Relativo a la sangre. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SINONIM: Sangvin HIPONIM: Sangvinic popular, Colerico-sangvinic, Sangvinic Pur HIPERONIM: Extrovertit ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologia personalitii STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial



ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/sceptical STANDARD DEFINITION: Not convinced that something is true, doubtful. Tending to mistrust people, ideas, in general. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/sceptical ETYMOLOGY: Arhaic and US skeptical.

ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Sceptic GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Adjective GENERIC CONCEPT: Negativistic personality CONTEXT: Skepticism is an approach to accepting, rejecting, or suspending judgment on new information that requires the new information to be well supported by evidence. Individuals who proclaim to have a skeptical outlook are frequently called skeptics, often without regard to whether it is philosophical skepticism or empirical skepticism that they profess. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skepticism CONTEXT: Discovering the unexpected: the case for a Sceptical Archaeology Pseudo-archaeologists claim that revolutionary new theories abound within the garish covers of their books. Meanwhile, mainstream archaeology trundles along as usual, with archaeologists continually re-assessing their data and refining their interpretations as a result (sometimes in fundamental and radical ways). CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.badarchaeology.net/bad/sceptical.php SYNONYM: Disbelieving, Distrustful, Doubting, Incredulous, HYPONIM: Pessimist HYPERONIM: Intellectual USE AREA/ FIELD: Personality Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


SCEPTIC LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/sceptic DEFINITIE STANDARD: Persoan care nu are ncredere n nimic, care se indoiete de toate.Adept al scepticismului. SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/sceptic ETIMOLOGIE: Din franuzescul sceptique. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Sceptical CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Adjective CONCEPT GENERIC: Persoan nencreztoare CONTEXT: Definirea termenilor din testul pentru determinarea profilului de personalitate. Sceptic. Caracterizat de ndoial i de lipsa ncrederii c va reui vreodat. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Personality Plus - Personalitate Plus Cum sa-i ntelegi pe ceilalti ntelegndu-te pe tine nsuti, Florence Littauer - Traducere de Anca Florina Srbu, Publicata cu acordul ASE World Enterprises,USA, iulie 1999, pagina 111 - Adaptat dup Personality Patterns de Lana Bateman, publicat de Huntington House, Inc., Lafayette, LA. CONTEXT: Destul a vegetat Ionesco n limbul absurdului camusian. i exegeii si, de asemenea. Era vremea unor revizuiri care s confere autorului, i egal exegetului, o nou personalitate n urma naturalului joc consacrare/contestare. Orice erezie e n fond un act de curaj i nu altfel s-ar putea numi atitudinea polemic a Laurei Pavel n cartea sa Ionesco. Anti-lumea unui sceptic, ce i propune s se distaneze de ionescologia francez, angloamerican i romneasc, disociind teatrul ionescian de categoria absurdului i tulburnd apele unei sintagme aproape blocate n banalitatea ei: teatrul absurdului SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Teodora Dumitru, nc un Ionesco, n Adevrul literar i artistic, nr. 714, 27 aprilie 2004, p. 5

SINONIM: Nencreztor HIPONIM: Pesimist HIPERONIM: Intelectual ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologia Personalitii STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


SECONDARY GAIN ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/secondary+gain STANDARD DEFINITION: An indirect benefit, usually obtained through an illness or debility. Such gains may include monetary and disability benefits, personal attention, or escape from unpleasant situations and responsibilities. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/secondary+gain ETYMOLOGY: Secondary - late 14c., from the Latin secundarius "pertaining to the second class, inferior," from secundus + gain - late 15c., from the Medieval Fr. gain, from O.Fr. gaaigne "gain, profit, advantage; booty; arable land" (12c.), from gaaignier "to gain". ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Motivaie secundar GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun phrase GENERIC CONCEPT: External and incidental advantage derived from an illness. CONTEXT: Her blindness might represent an attempt on her part to undo seeing the original event, and perhaps also to deny sexual feelings in herself. Her symptom would also have a secondary function (secondary gain). By making her helpless and dependent, it would bring her attention, comfort, sympathy from others. CONTEXT SOURCE: Philip Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, Allyn & Bacon, 19th edition 2002, page 393 CONTEXT: Secondary gain is a standard psychoanalytic concept and is considered a reason that neurotic symptoms are so difficult to give up. The same unconscious dynamic holds for self-defeat in sports. Loss has the potential to produce enormous secondary gain. One need only recall Greg Norman's humiliating defeat by giving up a six stroke lead in the 1996 Masters which was witnessed by millions of television viewers. In the next few weeks he received thousands of sympathy letters as well as supportive articles in all the major newspapers around the world. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.athleticinsight.com/Vol1Iss2/Psychoanalytic_Anxiety.htm SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Beneficio secundario


CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: http://psicopsi.com/Diccionario_de_Psicologia_letra_B_Beneficio_primario_y_secundario_d e_la_enfermedad.asp SPANISH DEFINITION: El beneficio secundario podra distinguirse del anterior por: - su aparicin con posterioridad, como ganancia suplementaria o utilizacin por el sujeto de una enfermedad ya constituida; - su carcter extrnseco en relacin con el determinismo inicial de la enfermedad y con el sentido de los sntomas; - el hecho de que se trata de satisfacciones narcisistas o ligadas a la autoconservacin ms que de satisfacciones directamente libidinales. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://psicopsi.com/Diccionario_de_Psicologia_letra_B_Beneficio_primario_y_secundario_d e_la_enfermedad.asp SYNONYM: Incidental advantage HYPONIM: Primary gain HYPERONIM: Unconscious USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


MOTIVAIE SECUNDAR LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 DEFINITIE STANDARD: Ct privete motivaiile intrinseci, acestea pot fi primare (legate de trebuine bazale) sau secundare, derivate din motivaii extrinseci, prin interiorizarea lor. Aa elevul, iniial, nva din motive colaterale obiectului de studiu, dar cu timpul ajunge s invee din plin interes cognitiv. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 ETIMOLOGIE: Din franuzescul motivation i latinescul seciundarius. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Secondary gain CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv neutru CONCEPT GENERIC: Avantaj indirect CONTEXT: Astfel, la om, organizarea sferei motivationale se realizeaza nu numai dupa forta sau intensitatea energetica a motivelor, ci si dupa o dimensiune valorica, socio culturala, trebuintele primare fiind subordonate celor secundare, dobandite. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.scritube.com/sociologie/psihologie/MOTIVATIA81513.php CONTEXT: Maslow considera ca motivatiile sunt dispuse ierarhic, ca trebuintele primare sunt prioritare fata de cele dobandite. Nesatisfacerea nevoilor primare impiedica manifestarea nevoilor secundare, mai elevate. Trebuintele umane au fost studiate si de alti cercetatori. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.preferatele.com/docs/marketing/1/motivatia--rolul-in-15.php CORESPONDENT SPANIOL: Beneficio secundario SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: http://psicopsi.com/Diccionario_de_Psicologia_letra_B_Beneficio_primario_y_secundario_d e_la_enfermedad.asp DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: El beneficio secundario podra distinguirse del anterior por: - su aparicin con posterioridad, como ganancia suplementaria o utilizacin por el sujeto de una enfermedad ya constituida; - su carcter extrnseco en relacin con el determinismo inicial de la enfermedad y con el sentido de los sntomas; - el hecho de que se trata de satisfacciones narcisistas o ligadas a la autoconservacin ms que de satisfacciones directamente libidinales.

SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://psicopsi.com/Diccionario_de_Psicologia_letra_B_Beneficio_primario_y_secundario_d e_la_enfermedad.asp

SINONIM: Motivaie extrinsec HIPONIM: Motivaie primar HIPERONIM: Homeostaza ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


SELF-ACTUALIZATION ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/self-actualization STANDARD DEFINITION: A concept in personality psychology referring to a persons constant striving to realize ones potential and to develop inherent talents and capabilities; many humanistic psychologists see the need for self-actualization as the most basic human need. DEFINITION SOURCE: Philip Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, Allyn & Bacon, 19th edition 2002, Glossary ETYMOLOGY: 1939, from self + actualization. Popularized, though not coined, by U.S. psychologist and philosopher Abraham H. Maslow. (1908-1970). ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Autorealizare GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: To understand oneself CONTEXT: Jung, chosen by Freud as the crown-prince of the psychoanalytic movement, led a palace revolt by rejecting the primary importance of libido, so central to Freudian sexual theory. To the basic urges of sex and aggression he added two equally powerful unconscious instincts, the need to create and the need to self-actualize. CONTEXT SOURCE: Philip Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, Allyn & Bacon, 19th edition 2002, pagina 398 CONTEXT: As a person moves up Maslow's hierarchy of needs, eventually they may reach the summit self-actualization. Maslow's hierarchy of needs begins with the most basic necessities deemed "the physiological needs" in which the individual will seek out items like food and water, and must be able to perform basic functions such as breathing and sleeping. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-actualization#Self_Actualization_in_Psychology SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Autoactivacin CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SPANISH DEFINITION: Proceso de activacin por s mismo, como sucede cuando una glndula es estimulada por sus propias secreciones.

DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SYNONYM: Organisms drive HYPONIM: Need HYPERONIM: Development USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


AUTOREALIZARE LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/autorealizare DEFINITIE STANDARD: Cea mai celebr exprimare a acestei idei este teoria lui Maslow conform creia autorealizarea o motivaie fundamental ce are puterea maxim atunci cnd au fost satisfcute motivaiile mai simple, cum ar fi obinerea securitii fizice. Autorealizarea este cel mai uor de perceput din unghiul fenomenologic; persoana neactualizat se poate simi depersonalizat i desprins de triri, n vreme ce persoana actualizat are o senzaie de plenitudine, realizare i bogie a contiinei. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Psihologia personalitii - Trsturi, cauze, consecine; Matthew Gerald, Ian I. Deary, Martha C. Whiteman, Editura Polirom, Bucureti, 2005, pagina 148 ETIMOLOGIE: Format cu prefixul auto adugat cuvantului realizare. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Self-actualization CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv feminin CONCEPT GENERIC: Autoconstrucia personalitii CONTEXT: Conform piramidei trebuinelor, propus de A. Maslow (1954), exist apte tipuri de trebuine organizate ierarhic, dup cum urmeaz: trebuine fiziologice, trebuine de securitate, de dragoste i afiliere, trebuine de stim i statut, trebuine de cunoatere, trebuine estetice i trebuine care vizeaz autorealizarea propriului potenial. n adolescen, ntregul set este prezent,dar primeaz trebuinele sinelui (de cunoatere i estetice). n adolescena prelungit, pregnant pare a fi trebuina de autorealizare. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.psihologiaonline.ro/download/lucrari/L013_Imgdesine.pdf CONTEXT: Acestea sunt cele mai dificil de mplinit nevoi si ntelegerea satisfacerii lor tinde sa ia diverse forme si esente, de la individ, la individ. Pentru unii oameni, nvatarea unei profesiuni noi, pornirea ntr-o cariera noua, sau a deveni cel mai bun" n unele stradanii si ncercari, pot fi cai de satisfacere a nevoii de autorealizare. Maslow sugereaza ca oamenii lucreaza pentru satisfacerea nevoilorlor fiziologice, la nceput, apoi a nevoilor de siguranta si asa mai departe pna la nevoile din vrf ale piramidei. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.scritube.com/economie/Motivarea-personalului22819415.php CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Autoactivacin SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

DEFINITIA CORESPONDENTULUI: Proceso de activacin por s mismo, como sucede cuando una glndula es estimulada por sus propias secreciones. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SINONIM: Trebuina sinelui HIPONIM: Trebuin HIPERONIM: Sine ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial



ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Self-efficacy STANDARD DEFINITION: Self-efficacy has been defined in a variety of ways: as the belief that one is capable of performing in a certain manner to attain certain goals, as a persons belief about their capabilities to produce designated levels of performance that exercise influence over events that affect their lives. It is a belief that one has the capabilities to execute the courses of actions required to manage prospective situations. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Self-efficacy ETYMOLOGY: Self + efficacy - "one's own person, same,". ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Auto-eficacitate GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: A person's belief in their own competence. CONTEXT: The idea of self-efficacy is one of the center points in positive psychology; this branch of psychology focuses on factors that create a meaning for individuals. It is believed that our personalized ideas of self-efficacy affect our social interactions in almost every way. Understanding how to foster the development of self-efficacy is a vitally important goal for positive psychology because it can lead to living a more productive and happy life. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-efficacy CONTEXT: Self-efficacy versus self-concept. Self-efficacy is concerned with beliefs of personal capability, they are judgments of one's capabilities to perform given actions. Selfconcept, however, is measured at a more general level of specificity and includes the evaluation of such competence and the feelings of self-worth associated with the behaviors in question.

CONTEXT SOURCE: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Self-efficacy SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Confianza CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SPANISH DEFINITION: Proceso que conlleva riesgo en el que una situacin individual depende de la conducta futura de otra persona.

DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SYNONYM: Self-confidence HYPONIM: Self HYPERONIM: Positive psychology USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


AUTO - EFICACITATE LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/eficacitate DEFINITIE STANDARD: Bandura definete autoeficacitatea ca fiind convingerea sau ncrederea individului n capacitile sale de a organiza i executa aciunile necesare pentru a produce rezultatele dorite. SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://psihologia.sinners.ro/category/motivatia-in-sport-si-exercitiulfizic/page/2/

ETIMOLOGIE: Format din auto + eficacitate Din franuzescul efficacit. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Self-efficacy CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv feminin CONCEPT GENERIC: Eficien CONTEXT: Alaturi de autoeficacitate, perceptia despre propria capacitate de a controla o situatie sau un eveniment isi pune amprenta asupra reactiei individuale la boala. Conceptul de locus al controlului defineste modul in care o persoana isi explica succesul sau esecul Pentru o mai buna intelegere a notiunii de locus al controlului, oferim cate exemple de control extern, asa cum sunt formulate de catre pacienti. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.medicultau.com/boli-si-tratamente/educatia-terapeutica/boala-cronica/locusul-decontrol.php CONTEXT: Autoeficacitatea perceputa (Bandura, 1982) se refera la convingerea unei persoane n capacitatile sale de a-si mobiliza resursele cognitive si motivationale necesare pentru ndeplinirea cu succes a sarcinilor date. Astfel, autoeficacitatea perceputa poate fi definita ca o anticipare a rezultatelor pozitive n actiunile ntreprinse datorita cunostintelor si abilitatilor posedate. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.e-scoala.ro/psihologie/rolul_convingerilor_despre_sine_si_lume.html CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Confianza SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: Proceso que conlleva riesgo en el que una situacin individual depende de la conducta futura de otra persona.

SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SINONIM: Eficien HIPONIM: Sine HIPERONIM: Psihologia pozitiv ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


SELF-REGULATORY SYSTEM ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Self-regulation+theory STANDARD DEFINITION: Self-regulation from the social cognitive perspective looks at the triadic interaction between the person (e.g., beliefs about success), his or her behavior (e.g., engaging in a task), and the environment (e.g., feedback from a teacher). DEFINITION SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-regulated_learning ETYMOLOGY: Self - "one's own person, same,"+ regulatory - 1650s, agent noun in Latin form from regulate; system - The meaning "animal body as an organized whole, sum of the vital processes in an organism" is recorded from 1680s. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Sistem de autoreglare GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun phrase GENERIC CONCEPT: Performance guiding variable CONTEXT: How a specific environmental input, according to Mischel, depends on any or all of the following variables or processes: Competencies; Encoding strategies; Expectancies; Personal Values; Self-regulatory systems and plans. CONTEXT SOURCE: Philip Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, Allyn & Bacon, 19th edition 2002, page 410

CONTEXT: Ideal self is your representation of the attributes that someone (yourself or another) would like you, ideally, to possess ( a representation of someone's hopes, aspirations, or wishes for you). The "ideal-self" is what motivates individuals to change, improve and achieve. The ideal self-regulatory system focuses on the presence or absence of positive outcomes (love provided or withdrawn). CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-Discrepancy_Theory SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Aprendizaje cognitivo CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario ilustrado de Trminos Mdicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010. SPANISH DEFINITION: 1. aprendizaje relacionado con la adquisicin de la capacidad de resolucin de problemas y con la inteligencia y el pensamiento consciente.2. teora que define el aprendizaje como un cambio de conducta basado en la adquisicin de informacin a partir del entorno.


DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario ilustrado de Trminos Mdicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010.

SYNONYM: Self-regulating HYPONIM: Self HYPERONIM: Cognitive organization USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


SISTEM DE AUTOREGLAJ LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: DEFINITIE STANDARD: Modalitate de echilibrare a unui sistem n raport cu programul su care poate fi stabil, fix sau apt de modificri, modelri, reorganizri. La om, prin autoreglaj se poate nelege i autoconducere. Dup Al. Golu a. este ,,un ansamblu, de aciuni (transformri) aplicate de ctre un subsistem (numit mecanism de reglare) altui subsistem (numit obiect" al reglrii) in interiorul -unuia i aceluiai sistem" (aceasta n cazul autoreglajului, in cazul reglajului un sistem acioneaz asupra unui obiect sau sistem extern). SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 ETIMOLOGIE: Sistem din latinescul systema i autoreglaj - din franuzescul autorglage. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Self-regulatory system CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv CONCEPT GENERIC: CONTEXT: Filosoful si psihologul roman M. Ralea releva faptul ca factura si mediul sociocultural determina conduita individual si constiinta, chiar autoreglajul activitatii intelectuale este derivate din sistemul de autoreglaj social, conduita intelectual rezulta din interiorizarea unor conduite motorii structurate social, iar comunicarea umana este, de exemplu, o conduita psihosociala ce vizeaza transmiterea cate ceilalti a unei informatii, prin utilizarea limbajului, mimicii, atitudinilor, gesturilor. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.scritube.com/sociologie/psihologie/CONCEPTELEFUNDAMENTALE-ALE-PS25331.php CONTEXT: Sistemul Homeostatic de Vindecare este sistemul de autoreglare i autoregenerare cu care ne-am nscut fiecare dintre noi. Acesta determin o stabilitate fiziologic care la rndul ei ne asigur supraveuirea. El era potrivit pentru viaa omului primitiv dar nu mai poate face fa singur realitilor vieii moderne caracterizate de: alte opiuni alimentare, de micare i mediu peste care se suprapun nivele foarte mari de stres. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.vitalitate.com/Noutati/Noutati/tabid/157/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/6861/ Medicina-Integrala-Tehnica-Radianta.aspx CORESPONDENT SPANIOLA: Aprendizaje cognitivo SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario ilustrado de Trminos Mdicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010.

DEFINITIE SPANIOLA: 1. aprendizaje relacionado con la adquisicin de la capacidad de resolucin de problemas y con la inteligencia y el pensamiento consciente.2. teora que define el aprendizaje como un cambio de conducta basado en la adquisicin de informacin a partir del entorno.

SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario ilustrado de Trminos Mdicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010. SINONIM: Autoreglaj HIPONIM: Eu HIPERONIM: Organizare cognitiv ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


SELF-RELIANT ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/self-reliant STANDARD DEFINITION: Having confidence in and exercising ones own powers or judgement. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/self-reliant ETYMOLOGY: First known use of the word in 1848, from self and reliant. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Autonom GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Adjective GENERIC CONCEPT: Free from external control and constraint in action and judgement. CONTEXT: Sharpton encourages self-reliance during speech at NM Capitol - Silver City Sun News SANTA FE - The surest way to eliminate racism is to raise expectations, the Rev. Al Sharpton said Friday. "Don't let anybody tell you what you can and cannot be. To fit people into social boxes is not the way we made history," Sharpton said. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.dictionary30.com/meaning/Self-reliance

CONTEXT: Self-reliant diabetics at higher risk of death. A report in Diabetes Care, a scientific journal published by the American Diabetes Association, found that diabetics who are more independent and lack a solid support structure have a 33-percent-higher risk of death. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://dailyuw.com/2010/3/31/research-insider-student-wikipedia-usage-independe/

SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Autonmico o autnomo CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SPANISH DEFINITION: Que tiene capacidad para funcionar independientemente sin influencias externas. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SYNONYM: Self-directed, Autonomous HYPONIM: Independent ANTONYM: Dependent, Reliant, Helpless USE AREA/ FIELD: Personality Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


AUTONOM LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/autonom DEFINITIE STANDARD: Care se bucur de autonomie. Care este liber, care nu depinde de nimeni. SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/autonom ETIMOLOGIE: Din franuzescul autonome i grecescul autonomus. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Self-reliant CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Adjectiv CONCEPT GENERIC: Liber in gndire si aciune. CONTEXT: Definirea termenilor din testul pentru determinarea profilului de personalitate: nevoie de ajutor. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Personality Plus - Personalitate Plus Cum sa-i ntelegi pe ceilalti ntelegndu-te pe tine nsuti, Florence Littauer - Traducere de Anca Florina Srbu, Publicata cu acordul ASE World Enterprises,USA, iulie 1999, pagina 108 - Adaptat dup Personality Patterns de Lana Bateman, publicat de Huntington House, Inc., Lafayette, LA. CONTEXT: Metempsihoza definete interpretarea mistic despre mutaia sufletelor ( concepute autonome ) de la un organism la altul, putmd trece de la plante la animale i la oameni. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 444 CORESPONDENT SP: Autonmico o autnomo SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. DEFINITIE SP: Que tiene capacidad para funcionar independientemente sin influencias externas. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SINONIM: Liber, Volnic HIPONIM: Independent ANTONIM: Dependent, Subordonat, Supus



SENESCENCE ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/senescence STANDARD DEFINITION: Depression of body functions as part of the process of growing old. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/senescence ETYMOLOGY: From the Latin senescere, to grow old. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Senescen GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: Ageing CONTEXT: Senescence is, strictly speaking, the last year or so of a full life, during which time the organs begin to deteriorate and shut down. We don't usually see this as a stage, and in fact most people never reach it (accidents and diseases usually beat senescence to the punch). But socially speaking, in our culture we certainly prepare ourselves for this inevitability, and that might constitute a social stage, if not a biological one. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://webspace.ship.edu/cgboer/conclusions.html CONTEXT: Aging, or senescence, is the major cause of suffering, disease, and death in Western civilization. Gerontology, also called biogerontology, is the science that studies the aging process to prevent age-related disease and degeneration, preserve health, and prolong human life. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.senescence.info/ SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Senescencia CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SPANISH DEFINITION: Envejecimiento. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SYNONYM: Ageing HYPONIM: Disease HYPERONIM: Gerontology

USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official SENESCEN LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/senescenta DEFINITIE STANDARD: Proces biologic general care se manifest la toate nivelele de integrare a organismului. Senescena este o vrst a vieii, a treia dup cea. a creterii i ca adult. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 ETIMOLOGIE: Din fr.anuzescul snescence. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Senescence CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv feminin CONCEPT GENERIC: mbtrnire CONTEXT: Imbatranirea normala a tesuturilor organismului, senescenta, este un fenomen fiziologic, progresiv si ireversibil, legat de interactiunea unui numar de factori. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.corpul-uman.com/2010/10/senescenta-efectele-varstei-asupra.html CONTEXT: Senescenta nu este o boala, este un proces fiziologic, chiar daca imbatranirea se asociaza, de regula, desi nu obligatoriu, cu imbolnavirile. Diversele modificari fiziologie par sa fie in raport direct cu imbatranirea, dar multe persoane varstnice isi conserva capacitatile lor functionale, cu toata degenerescenta organica aparenta. Se considera astazi, ca prag al batranetii, varsta de 60 - 65 de ani. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.prolifeclinics.ro/specializari/geriatrie-gerontologie.html CORESPONDENT SP: Senescencia SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. DEFINITIE SP: Envejecimiento. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SINONIM: mbtrnire



SOMATOTYPE ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/somatotype STANDARD DEFINITION: A descriptive category which classifies a person on the basis of a few salient physical characteristics with the hope of relating these to personality characteristics. DEFINITION SOURCE: Philip Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, Allyn & Bacon, 19th edition 2002 ETYMOLOGY: 1952, from comb. form of Gk. soma (gen. somatos) "body + type - late 15c., "symbol, emblem," from the Latin typus "figure, image, form, kind," from the Greek typos "dent, impression, mark, figure, original form," from root of typtein "to strike, beat," . The meaning "general form or character of some kind, class" is first attested in English in 1843, though it had that sense in Latin and Greek. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Somatotip GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: Body build CONTEXT: The term somatotype is used in the system of classification of human physical types developed by U.S. psychologist W.H. Sheldon. In Sheldons system, human beings can be classified as to body build in terms of three extreme body types: endomorphic, or round, fat type; mesomorphic, or muscular type; and ectomorphic, or slim, linear type. A somatotype number of three digits is determined for an individual classified by the system, with the first digit referring to endomorphy, the second to mesomorphy, and the third to ectomorphy; each digit is on a scale of 1 to 7. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/553976/somatotype CONTEXT: An interesting, popular type theory of personality was one advanced by an American physician, William Sheldon. Sheldon sought to relate physique to temperament. He assigned people to categories based on their somatotypes, or body builds: endomorphic (fat, soft, round), mesomorphic ( muscular, rectangular, strong ), or ectomorphic ( thin, long, fragile).

CONTEXT SOURCE: Philip Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, Allyn & Bacon, 19th edition 2002 SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Somatotipo

CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SPANISH DEFINITION: 1. tipo corporal o fsico 2. clasificacin de los individuos segn el tipo corporal, basada en determinadas caractersticas fsicas. Los principales tipos son: ectomorfo, endomorfo y mesomorfo.

DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SYNONYM: Body build HYPONIM: Endomorphic HYPERONIM: Body USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


SOMATOTIP LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/somatotip DEFINITIE STANDARD: Tip constituional al unei persoane care, conform criteriilor stabilite de W. H. Sheldon si S. S. Stevers, traduce ponderea relativa, constituitia fizica, a dezvoltarii celor trei foite ale *blastoder-mului; *endoderm, *mezoderm si *ectoderm. Autorii mentionai au exprimat cantitativ aceasta pondere printr-o serie de trei cifre, cu valori numerice de la 1 la 7, prima cantificnd gradul de endomorfie (v. endomorf), a doua de mezomorfie (v. mezomorf) si a treia gradul de ectomorfie (v. ectomorf). Cifrele 1 si 7 reprezinta gradul minim si, respectiv, maxim de dez-voltare. SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://www.dictio.ro/medical/somatotip ETIMOLOGIE: Soma, -atos = corp; lypos = tip, model, marca. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Somatotype CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv neutru CONCEPT GENERIC: CONTEXT: Cifrele 1 si 7 reprezint maximul si minimul de dezvoltare. De exemplu dac aceste tipuri exist, atunci formula 7-1-1 ar corespunde endomorfului, formula 1-7-1 ar corespunde mesomorfului extrem, iar notaia 1-1-7 ectomorfului absolut. Cat despre somatotipul 4-4-4, acesta ar exprima tipul perfect echilibrat. Fiecare persoan particip ns n mod inegal la cele trei tendine i exist multe somatotipuri mijlocii ( 4-3-5 de exemplu). SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.scribd.com/doc/6365042/Dictionar-Psihologie-Larousse1 CONTEXT: Dezvoltarea corpului supus la un antrenament de rezistenta musculara depinde si de tipul organismului, adica somatotipul. Orice femeie se incadreaza in unul dintre cele trei tipuri de organism. Ectomorfii sunt foarte slabi ( ex. Paula Radcliffe), endomorfii sunt voluptosi (ex. Dawn French) si mezomorfii au muschii foarte dezvoltati, umeri mari si solduri mici (ex. Kelly Holmes). SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.elady.ro/articole/Fitness/Antrenamentul-de-rezistenta-musculara.html CORESPONDENT SP: Somatotipo SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

DEFINITIE SP: 1. tipo corporal o fsico 2. clasificacin de los individuos segn el tipo corporal, basada en determinadas caractersticas fsicas. Los principales tipos son: ectomorfo, endomorfo y mesomorfo. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SINONIM: Tip de corp HIPONIM: Endomorf HIPERONIM: Tipologie, Corp ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


SPLITTING ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/splitting STANDARD DEFINITION: The Freudian defense mechanism in which an object or idea (or, alternatively, the ego) is separated into two or more parts in order to remove its threatening meaning. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/splitting ETYMOLOGY: 1580s, from Medieval dutch. splitten, from spl(e)it from (s)plei- "to split, splice". The meaning "leave, depart" was first recorded in 1954, U.S. slang. Of couples, "to separate, divorce" from 1942, split personality - first attested in 1919. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Clivajul GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: Defense mechanism CONTEXT: The importance of affective relations, linked primarily to primary experiences, suggested that it was not repression that triggered our mind to work in dreams, but more likely a dynamic relation between affective representations (internal objects) that have precipitated and layered themselves in the unconscious in early infancy but manifest themselves through the primary processes of splitting and projective and introjective identification. CONTEXT SOURCE: Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience, Mauro Mancia, Springer, Italz, 2006, page number 309 CONTEXT: The individual deals with emotional conflict or internal or external stressors by compartmentalizing opposite affect states and failing to integrate the positive and negative qualities of the self or others into cohesive images. Because ambivalent affects cannot be experienced simultaneously, more balanced views and expectations of self or others are excluded from emotional awareness. Self and object images tend to alternate between polar opposites: exclusively loving, powerful, worthy, and kind--or exclusively bad, hateful, angry, destructive, rejecting, or worthless. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.ptypes.com/splitting.html SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Escisin CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario ilustrado de Trminos Mdicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010.


SPANISH DEFINITION: Segmentacin o divisin, como en la divisin celular o en el desdoblamiento de una molcula compleja en molculas ms sencillas. Extirpacin de un tejido u rgano DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario ilustrado de Trminos Mdicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010. SYNONYM: Rending HYPONIM: Narcissist HYPERONIM: Mental mechanism; Personality disorder USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychoanalysis DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


CLIVAJ LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/clivaj DEFINITIE STANDARD: Actiunea de separare, de divizare a eului (clivajul eului) sau a obiectului (clivajul obiectului) sub influena unei ameninri angoasante, aciune avnd ca rezultat coexistena celor dou prti astfel separate care nu se cunosc ntre ele, in condiiile n care formaia de compromis este imposibil. SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://www.psiho-med.ro/mecanisme-de-aparare/ ETIMOLOGIE: Din franuzescul clivage. Termenul Spaltung (ger.) pentru care am adoptat echivalentul francez clivage, este de mult utilizat in psihanaliz i psihiatrie avnd sensuri variate: numeroi autori, printer care si Freud, l-au folosit pentru a desemna faptul c omul se scindeaz de el insui sub un aspect sau altul. La sfritul secolului al XIX lea, lucrrile de psihopatologie, n special cele asupra isteriei i hipnozei, abund n noiuni cum ar fi : dedublare a personalitii, contiin dubl, disociere a fenomenelor psihologice, etc. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Splitting ( Cleavage) CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv nominal CONCEPT GENERIC: Mecanism de aprare CONTEXT: Este evident c acest clivaj un este o aprare a eului n adevratul sens al cuvntului, ci o modalitate de a face posibil coexistena a dou procede de aprare, dintre care unul este orientat spre realitate (refuz) iar cellalt spre pulsiune, cel din urm putnd conduce, de altfel, la apariia de simptome nevrotice (simptomul fobic, de pild). SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Vocabularul Psihanalizei, Jean Laplanche si J.-B. Pontalis, Traducere de Radu. Clit, Alfred Dumitrescu, Vera Sandor, Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu, Humanitas, Bucursti, 1994, pagina 81 CONTEXT: Narcisismul este un mecanism de aprare care se afl n relaie cu mecanismul de clivaj. Narcisicul esueaz n a-i vedea pe ceilali (oameni, situaii) ca fiind alctuiti din elemente bune i rele. Ei ori ii idealizeaz obiectul, ori l devalorizeaz. Lucrurile sunt vzute n alb si negru, obiectul este ori bun ori ru. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.sfatulmedicului.ro/Schizofrenia-si-alte-tulburari-psihice/narcisismul_63 CORESPONDENT SP: Escisin SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario ilustrado de Trminos Mdicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010

DEFINITIE SP: Segmentacin o divisin, como en la divisin celular o en el desdoblamiento de una molcula compleja en molculas ms sencillas. Extirpacin de un tejido u rgano SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario ilustrado de Trminos Mdicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010.

SINONIM: Contiin dubl HIPONIM: Narcisismul HIPERONIM: Tulburare de personalitate ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihopatologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


SUPEREGO ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/superego STANDARD DEFINITION: In Freudian theory, that aspect of personality representing the internalization of soceietys values, standards, and morals; the inner conscience. DEFINITION SOURCE: Philip Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, Allyn & Bacon, 19th edition 2002 ETYMOLOGY: "that part of the psyche which controls the impulses of the id," 1924, as a translation of the German ber-Ich; super- and ego. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Supraeu GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: Inner conscience CONTEXT: One of the most important reasons why Freud introduced his second topography was that he realized that no single agency could be described as the unconscious, since not only the Id but parts of the Ego and Superego in the second topography could be described as unconscious. CONTEXT SOURCE: Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience, Mauro Mancia, Springer, Italy, 2006, page number 47 CONTEXT: The superego works to suppress the urges of the id and tries to make the ego behave morally, rather than realistically. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://psychology.about.com/od/sindex/g/def_superego.htm SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Superyo CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SPANISH DEFINITION: Parte de la psique que acta principalmente en el inconsciente y se desarrolla cuando se incorporan al yo las normas de los padres y de la sociedad. El superyo tiene dos partes, la consciencia y el yo ideal. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SYNONYM: Inner conscience HYPONIM: Ideal Ego HYPERONIM: Ego USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


SUPRAEU LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/supraeu DEFINITIE STANDARD: Una dintre instanele personalitii descris de Freud n cadrul celei de a doua teorii asupra aparatului psihic: rolul s[u este echivalent cu cel al unui judector sau cenzor n raport cu eul. Dup Freud, contiina moral, autoobservarea, formarea idealurilor sunt funcii ale supraeului. In mod clasic, supraeul este definit ca motenitor al complexului Oedip. El se constituie prin interiorizarea exigenelor i interdiciilor parentale. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Vocabularul Psihanalizei, Jean Laplanche si J.-B. Pontalis, Traducere de Radu. Clit, Alfred Dumitrescu, Vera Sandor, Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu, Humanitas, Bucursti, 1994, pagina 204 ETIMOLOGIE: Dup franuzescul sur-moi. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Superego CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv neutru CONCEPT GENERIC: Contiin CONTEXT: Categorisirea unui impuls ca inacceptabil rezult de regul n urma unor interziceri, a unor norme morale sau a unei cenzuri exercitate de "Supra-Eu". Cnd exigenele "Supra-Eului" nu se ndeplinesc, persoana respectiv poate dezvolta un sentiment de ruine sau culpabilitate. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psihanaliz%C4%83 CONTEXT: Supraeul este foarte ndeprtat de interdiciile i preceptele pronunate n realitate de prini i educatori, att de ndeprtat nct severitatea supraeului poate fi inversul severitii lor. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Vocabularul Psihanalizei, Jean Laplanche si J.-B. Pontalis, Traducere de Radu. Clit, Alfred Dumitrescu, Vera Sandor, Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu, Humanitas, Bucursti, 1994, pagina 425 CORESPONDENT SP: Superyo SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.


DEFINITIE SP: Parte de la psique que acta principalmente en el inconsciente y se desarrolla cuando se incorporan al yo las normas de los padres y de la sociedad. El superyo tiene dos partes, la consciencia y el yo ideal. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SINONIM: Contiin Moralitate HIPONIM: Eul ideal HIPERONIM: Eul ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


TEMPERAMENT ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/temperament STANDARD DEFINITION: An inborn pattern of behavior that tends to remain constant throughout life; a constitutional predisposition to react in a particular way to stimuli. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/temperament ETYMOLOGY: From the Latin temperamentum, mixture in proper proportions. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Temperament GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: A person's natural or genetically determined disposition. CONTEXT: For example, the melancholic temperament, associated with feelings of depression and anxiety, resulted from an excess of black bile. CONTEXT SOURCE: Personality Traits by Gerald Matthews , Ian J. Deary, Martha C. Whiteman; Cambridge University Press 2003; Cambridge, England; Page number 8 CONTEXT: Temperament change can be important in animal management or indicative of disease, e.g. vicious change in mare with ovarian adenocarcinoma, assumption of male characters in cow with ovarian tumor, disengagement in dogs with brain tumor. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/temperament

SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Temperamento CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SPANISH DEFINITION: Caractersticas de una persona que reflejan su personalidad, cmo siente, cmo piensa. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SYNONYM: Disposition HYPONIM: Stimuli HYPERONIM: Behavior USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official

TEMPERAMENT LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/temperament DEFINITIE STANDARD: n viziunea originar i naiv a lui Galenus i Hipocrat acea caracteristic dinamic a organismului, comportamentului i vieii psihice, explicat prin amestecul celor patru humori socotite ca fundamentale (snge, fiere neagr i fiere galben, sput) din care una ar domina, de unde i denumirile ce s-au pstrat de (v.) coleric, sangvinic, flegmatic, melancolic. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 ETIMOLOGIE: Din latinescul temperamentum, de la temperare a amesteca pentru a dilua, modera. CORESPONDENT ENLEZ: Temperament CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv neutru CONCEPT GENERIC: Latura dinamico-energetic a personalitii CONTEXT: G. AHport arat c temperamentul se refer la fenomene caracteristice firii unui individ, la nelegerea susceptibilitii sale la stimuli emoionali, la fora i rapiditatea rspunsurilor sale, precum i la calitatea dispoziiei sale persistente, la intensitatea dispoziiei i la particularitile fluctuante. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 CONTEXT: Toi ne-am nscut cu propriile trsturi de temperament, cu propria materie prim, cu propriul nostru tip de roc. Unii dintre noi sunt din granit, alii din marmur, unii din alabastru, alii din gresie. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Personality Plus - Personalitate Plus Cum sa-i ntelegi pe ceilalti ntelegndu-te pe tine nsuti, Florence Littauer - Traducere de Anca Florina Srbu, Publicata cu acordul ASE World Enterprises,USA, iulie 1999 CORESPONDENT SP: Temperamento SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. DEFINITIE SP: Caractersticas de una persona que reflejan su personalidad, cmo siente, cmo piensa.

SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SINONIM: Fire HIPONIM: Humori HIPERONIM: Comportament ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial



ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/mandala STANDARD DEFINITION: The assumed archetype of the self, appearing as a circle and symbolizing the striving for unity and wholeness. DEFINITION SOURCE: Philip Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, Allyn & Bacon, 19th edition 2002, Glossary ETYMOLOGY: The word mandala comes from the Sanskrit language and means a circle. Yet, in order to understand it thoroughly and correctly we will have to add "holy" meaning a holy circle or a healing circle, which is symbolized by the circle and the sphere. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Mandala GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: The embodiment of the self CONTEXT: The example of the mandala leads towards an insight showing that the process of thinking with pictures operates in the human cognition and enables us the design process. In addition, the design process is actually based on configuration materials preserved in the human culture and thinking processes from the beginning of mankind. These are preserved in the collective subconscious of each and every one of us. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.mandaladesign.com/about-mandalas/the-masterious-mind workshop/mandalasymbol.html CONTEXT: In Jungian theory, the Self is one of several archetypes. It signifies the coherent whole, unifying both the consciousness and unconscious mind of a person. The Self, according to Jung, is realized as the product of individuation, which is defined as the process of integrating one's personality. For Jung, the self is symbolized by the circle (especially when divided into four quadrants), the square, or the mandala. The Wise Old Woman/Man can also serve as 'a symbolic personification of the Self.' CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychology_of_self CONTEXT: The psychoanalyst Carl Jung saw the mandala as "a representation of the unconscious self" and believed his paintings of mandalas enabled him to identify emotional disorders and work towards wholeness in personality. In common use, mandala has become a generic term for any plan, chart or geometric pattern that represents the cosmos metaphysically or symbolically, a microcosm of the Universe from the human perspective.

CONTEXT SOURCE: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/mandala SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Mndala CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mndala SPANISH DEFINITION: El psiquiatra Carl Gustav Jung los privilegiara como expresiones probables de lo inconsciente colectivo. Para Jung, el centro del mndala figura al s-mismo (Selbst), que el sujeto intenta lograr perfeccionar en el proceso de individuacin. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mndala SYNONYM: The self HYPONIM: Pattern HYPERONIM: Archetype USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


MANDALA LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/mandala DEFINITIE STANDARD: Mandala este o reprezentare grafic a centrului (Sinele la Jung). Ea poate aprea n vise i viziuni sau poate fi creat spontan ca oper de art. Ea este prezent n reprezentrile culturale i religioase. Exemple de mandala exist n toate culturile vechi. O gsim n cretinism sub forma frescelor cu imagini animaliere reprezentnd pe apostoli (i zodiacul). Zodiacul astrologic i versiunile lui snt exemple de mandala. De asemenea, n practicile spirituale indiene sau panindiene gsim exemple fascinante de mandala, cu simboluri ale panteonului local. SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://www.carl-jung.info/mandala.html ETIMOLOGIE: Cuvntul mandala vine din sanscrit i nseamn ntreg spiritual. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: The Mandala CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv feminin CONCEPT GENERIC: Sinele inconstient CONTEXT: n visele noastre mandala indic fenomenul de centrare a psihicului individual n care eul i reconsider poziia (dominant) prin asimilarea coninuturilor incontientului colectiv (simboluri sau imagini arhetipale ). n visele moderne o mandala poate fi un dispozitiv electronic sofisticat - un ceas electronic, de exemplu - o mainrie circular. OZNurile vzute pe cer snt i ele de cele mai multe ori simboluri de mandala. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.carl-jung.info/mandala.html CONTEXT: Mandala este frecvent folosit n ritualurile budiste i pentru meditaie. Mandalele au existat nc din preistorie i sunt privite ca fiind structuri simbolice universale. Mandalele apar n tradiia Budhist tibetan dar i n triburile amerindiene Navajo. n psihologia Jungian mandalele sunt interpretate ca vise vizualizate, simboliznd dorina de unitate a sinelui. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://oanamariapopescu.consiliere.info.ro/?tag=mandala CORESPONDENT SP: Mndala SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mndala DEFINITIE : El psiquiatra Carl Gustav Jung los privilegiara como expresiones probables de lo inconsciente colectivo. Para Jung, el centro del mndala figura al s-mismo (Selbst), que el sujeto intenta lograr perfeccionar en el proceso de individuacin. SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mndala



TRAIT ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/trait STANDARD DEFINITION: A genetically determined characteristic or condition. Traits may be physical, such as hair color or leaf shape, or they may be behavioral, such as nesting in birds and burrowing in rodents. Traits typically result from the combined action of several genes, though some traits are expressed by a single gene. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/trait ETYMOLOGY: Late 15c., "shot, missiles;" later "a stroke, short line" (1580s), from Medieval French trait, from the Latin tractus "draft, drawing, drawing out," later "line drawn, feature," from the popular stem of trahere "to pull, draw". Sense of "particular feature, distinguishing quality" is first recorded in 1752, from the meaning "line, streak, feature" (1560s), which is common to English, French, and Latin. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Trstur GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: Feature, characteristic. CONTEXT: The idea of personality traits may be as old as human language itself. Aristotle, writing the Ethics in the fourth century BC, saw dispositions such as vanity, modesty and cowardice as key determinants of moral and immoral behavior. He also described individual differences in these dispositions, often reffering to excess, defect and intermediate levels of each. CONTEXT SOURCE: Personality Traits by Gerald Matthews , Ian J. Deary, Martha C. Whiteman; Cambridge University Press 2003; Cambridge, England CONTEXT: Eysenck's three factor model contains the traits of extroversion, neuroticism, and psychoticism. The five factor model contains openness, extroversion, neuroticism, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. These traits are the highest-level factors of a hierarchical taxonomy based on the statistical technique of factor analysis. This method produces factors that are continuous, bipolar, can be distinguished from temporary states, and can describe individual differences.

CONTEXT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trait_theory SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Rasgo


CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999. SPANISH DEFINITION: 1. modo caracterstico de conducta o cualquier peculiaridad o caracterstica fsica que distingue a un individuo o cultura de otro u otra 2. cualquier cualidad o alteracin caracterstica determinada genticamente y heredada como un genotipo especfico.

DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SYNONYM: Characteristic, Feature HYPONIM: Extroversion HYPERONIM: Personality USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


TRSTUR LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/trstur DEFINITIE STANDARD: Concept descriptiv ce semnific empiric segmente, componente, uniti seirnificative ale unui portret, profil, ansamblu. n psihologie termenul este utilizat n variate sensuri i echivalat cu nsuire sau particularitate relativ stabil a unui proces sau, mai ales, a personalitii. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 700 ETIMOLOGIE: De la tras derivat cu sufixul tur. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Trait CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv CONCEPT GENERIC: Caracteristic CONTEXT: R. Meili (1963) consider c exist i trsturi izolate. ntotdeauna trsturile fac parte dintr-un ansamblu, dar sistemul de personalitate nu este reductibil la ceea ce J. Guilford numete constelaie specific de trsturi." n primul rnd fiecare trstur sau nsuire de personalitate este particular, ntruct este o formaiune sintetic, dispunnd de o relativ stabilitate i generalitate, determinnd constante comportamentale, fiind totui relaii plastice i contribuind ca atare /.- definirea individualilaii. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 700 CONTEXT: Pn acum sunt sigur c toi ai neles ntr-o oarecare msur ce nseamn efervescentul, voiosul sangvinic popular i profundul, analiticul melancolic perfect. Ambele temperamente, dei extrem de opuse n eluri i reacii, au n comun o trstur major. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Personality Plus - Personalitate Plus Cum sa-i ntelegi pe ceilalti ntelegndu-te pe tine nsuti, Florence Littauer - Traducere de Anca Florina Srbu, Publicata cu acordul ASE World Enterprises,USA, iulie 1999, pagina 30 CORESPONDENT SP: Rasgo SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.


DEFINITIE SP: 1. modo caracterstico de conducta o cualquier peculiaridad o caracterstica fsica que distingue a un individuo o cultura de otro u otra 2. cualquier cualidad o alteracin caracterstica determinada genticamente y heredada como un genotipo especfico.

SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999.

SINONIM: nsuire HIPONIM: Extrovertit HIPERONIM: Personalitate ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


TYPE ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/type STANDARD DEFINITION: A number of people or things having in common traits or characteristics that distinguish them as a group or class. The general character or structure held in common by a number of people or things considered as a group or class. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/type ETYMOLOGY: Late 15c., "symbol, emblem," from L. typus "figure, image, form, kind," from Gk. typos "dent, impression, mark, figure, original form," from root of typtein "to strike, beat," from PIE base *(s)teu- "to strike, cut, hew". Extended 1713 to printing blocks with letters carved on them. The meaning "general form or character of some kind, class" is first attested in English from 1843, though it had that sense in Latin and Greek. The verb meaning "to write with a typewriter" is attested from 1888. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Tip GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: General character CONTEXT: Wundt described the four temperamental types in terms of two dimensions: strong-weak emotions versus changeable-unchangeable activity. CONTEXT SOURCE: Personality Traits by Gerald Matthews , Ian J. Deary, Martha C. Whiteman; Cambridge University Press 2003; Cambridge, England; Page number 20 CONTEXT: Traits are durable characteristics of a person. Types are collections of traits that are said to occur together in some individuals. A type is a good example of a construct: it is a concept that exists in the head of the observer, and it may not correspond to anything stable in the real world. Also, types tend to be a product of a particular place, time, and culture. When reading descriptions of personality types and traits from the 1930s, for example, the traits (extraversion, etc.) sound familiar, but the types seem strikingly out-of-date or just unfamiliar, like something from another time and place...which is exactly what they are. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.psywww.com/intropsych/ch11_personality/traits_vs_types.html SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Tipo CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: Diccionario ilustrado de Trminos Mdicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010.

SPANISH DEFINITION: Carcter general o preeminente de una cosa o de una persona. DEFINITION SOURCE: Diccionario ilustrado de Trminos Mdicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010.

SYNONYM: Character HYPONIM: Temperament HYPERONIM: Trait USE AREA/ FIELD: Personality Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


TIP LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/tip DEFINITIE STANDARD: Individ, exemplar care ntrunete anumite trsturi caracteristice pentru un grup, o ras, totalitatea caracterelor distinctive eseniale ale unui grup, ale unei rase, familii, caracter distinctiv, particularitate, exemplar ale crui caractere constituie trsturile eseniale ale unei specii, familii etc. de plante sau de animale. Personaj care ntrunete trsturile comune, caracteristice tuturor indivizilor din categoria pe care o reprezint. SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/tip

ETIMOLOGIE: Din franuzescul type, latinescul typus i grecescul typos care inseamn reprezentare schematic. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Type CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv neutru CONCEPT GENERIC: Model, variant a unei clase. CONTEXT: Ceva ce permite s se avanseze ctre structura esenial fr a reprezenta esena ultim; schem sumar de o generalitate medie (intermediar intre concretul-singular i generalul-universal) ce corespunde, dup H. Murray, unei grupe_ sau subcategorii, subspee. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973, pagina 735 CONTEXT: Le vom da ascultare colericilor puternici, care sunt nscui conductori. i ne vom relaxa cu flegmaticii linitii, care sunt fericii i mpcai cu viaa. Indiferent cine suntem, avem ceva de nvat de la fiecare din aceste tipuri temperamentale. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Personality Plus - Personalitate Plus Cum sa-i ntelegi pe ceilalti ntelegndu-te pe tine nsuti, Florence Littauer - Traducere de Anca Florina Srbu, Publicata cu acordul ASE World Enterprises,USA, iulie 1999, pagina 7

CORESPONDENT SP: Tipo SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: Diccionario ilustrado de Trminos Mdicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010.


DEFINITIE: Carcter general o preeminente de una cosa o de una persona. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Diccionario ilustrado de Trminos Mdicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010.

SINONIM: Prototip; Model; Tipar HIPONIM: Specie HIPERONIM: Categorie ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


UNDOING ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/undoing STANDARD DEFINITION: Undoing is a defence mechanism in which a person tries to 'undo' an unhealthy, destructive or otherwise threatening thought or action by engaging in contrary behaviour. For example, after thinking about being violent with someone, one would then be overly nice or accommodating to them. It is one of several defence mechanisms proposed by the noted psychiatrist Sigmund Freud during his career, many of which were later developed further by his daughter Anna Freud. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Undoing_%28psychology%29 ETYMOLOGY: Undone "not accomplished" is recorded from c.1300; sense of "destroyed" is recorded from mid-14c.; the notion is of "to annul something that was done." Undoing "action of bringing to ruin" is recorded from late 14c.

ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: Anulare retroactiv GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Noun GENERIC CONCEPT: The act of reversing CONTEXT: Undoing is a ritualistic effort to undo damage and reduce guilt over some action in the past. Nobody can change the past, so the act of undoing is usually symbolic. An example of undoing occurs when a girl sends a pleasant Valentine's Day card to an exboyfriend with whom she broke up. The girl who sends the card feels guilty about having hurt the other person's feelings. The message is, "I am really not such a bad person." A boy who received such a card thought his ex-girlfriend was being sadistic, trying to make him hurt. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.psywww.com/intropsych/ch11_personality/defense_mechanisms.html CONTEXT: The defense mechanism of "undoing" is based on the notion that it is possible to make amends, to correct mistakes made. In essence, it involves feeling guilty and trying to do something to undo the harm that may have been inflicted. It is trying to reverse or undo a feeling by acting in some opposite or compensatory manner. The simplest example of this defense mechanism at work is an apology. CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Defense_mechanism#Undoing

SPANISH CORRESPONDENT: Undoing (Deshaciendo, Perdicin) CORRESPNDENT SOURCE: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psique SPANISH DEFINITION: Undoing (deshaciendo, o perdicin). Es un mecanismo por el cual la persona ejecuta una accin que "deshace" o "neutraliza" algo reprochable o controvertido que ocurri anteriormente. Ejemplo: Una persona tiene a su madre enferma. Piense lo que piense de ella. Piensa que su salud es tan buena como la de cualquier otro. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psique SYNONYM: Reversal HYPONIM: Reciting backwards HYPERONIM: Obsessive - compulsive acts USE AREA/ FIELD: Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


ANULARE RETROACTIV LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: Vocabularul Psihanalizei, Jean Laplanche si J.-B. Pontalis, Traducere de Radu. Clit, Alfred Dumitrescu, Vera Sandor, Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu, Humanitas, Bucursti, 1994 DEFINITIE STANDARD: Mecanism psihologic prin care subiectul face eforturi s anuleze retroactiv gnduri, cuvinte, gesturi, fapte nfptuite, el folosete n acest scop un gnd sau un comportament cu semnificaie opus. Este vorba aici de o compulsie cu aspect magic, caractersitic mai ales nevrozei obsesionale. SURSA DEFINITIEI: Vocabularul Psihanalizei, Jean Laplanche si J.-B. Pontalis, Traducere de Radu. Clit, Alfred Dumitrescu, Vera Sandor, Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu, Humanitas, Bucursti, 1994 ETIMOLOGIE: Din latinescul annullare + franuzescul retroactif. CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Undoing CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Substantiv CONCEPT GENERIC: Reversie CONTEXT: S notm c anularea retroactiv apare sub forme destul de diverse. Uneori, un comportament este anulat prin comportamentul direct opus. Astfel, omul cu obolani reaeaz pe drum o piatr pe care, ntr-un prim timp o lsase pentru ca vehiculul prietenei sale s nu se loveasc; alteori acelai aspect este repetat, dar cu semnificaii, contiente sau incontiente, opuse; n alte cazuri, actul de anulare este contaminat de actul pe care ncearc s il tearg. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Vocabularul Psihanalizei, Jean Laplanche si J.-B. Pontalis, Traducere de Radu. Clit, Alfred Dumitrescu, Vera Sandor, Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu, Humanitas, Bucursti, 1994, pagina 20 CONTEXT: Pornind de la celebra fraz a tatlui su, Wo Es war, soll Ich werden (Acolo unde Sinele, trebuie s ajung Eul), Anna atribuie eului, forei i fragilitii acestuia, o importan major i descrie, teoretic i, prin exemple clinice, mecanismele de aprare ale acestuia (refulare, regresie, formaiune reacional, izolare, anulare retroactiv, transformare n contrar, sublimare, negare, proiecie, idealizare, identificare cu agresorul etc), fr de care consider c nici un individ nu ar supravieui. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://www.cabinetpsy.ro/psihanaliza-copilului-si-adolescentului/psihanaliza-copilului-siadolescentului/primul-articol.html CORESPONDENT SP: Undoing (Deshaciendo, Perdicin) SURSA CORESPONDENTULUI: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psique

DEFINITIE : Undoing (deshaciendo, o perdicin). Es un mecanismo por el cual la persona ejecuta una accin que "deshace" o "neutraliza" algo reprochable o controvertido que ocurri anteriormente. Ejemplo: Una persona tiene a su madre enferma. Piense lo que piense de ella. Piensa que su salud es tan buena como la de cualquier otro. SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psique

SINONIM: Reversie HIPONIM: Iubire/ur ; Retractarea unei afirmatii; HIPERONIM: Nevroz obsesional ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologie STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


VENTURESOME ID LANGUACE: English ID COUNTRY: USA, UK SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/venturesome STANDARD DEFINITION: Disposed to venture or to take risks, daring. DEFINITION SOURCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/venturesome ETYMOLOGY: 1660s, from venture+some. ROMANIAN CORRESPONDENT: ndrzne GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: Adjective GENERIC CONCEPT: Hazardous CONTEXT: Traits associated with the three dimension of Eysencks model of personality: Extraversion: Sociable, lively, assertive, sensation seeking, carefree, surgent, dominant, venturesome.

CONTEXT SOURCE: Personality Traits by Gerald Matthews , Ian J. Deary, Martha C. Whiteman; Cambridge University Press 2003; Cambridge, England; Page number 33 CONTEXT: One who is adventurous is inclined to adventure; the word may or may not imply indiscretion or imprudence in incurring risk or hazard ... Venturesome frequently implies an excessive tendency to take chances ... Daring heightens the implication or fearlessness ... Daredevil implies ostentation in daring and is often specifically applied to stunts performed for hire as a public spectacle or to their performers ... Rash implies imprudent hastiness or boldness in word or action; reckless, utter heedlessness or carelessness of consequences ... Foolhardy implies a foolish daring or recklessness and may be used of persons or of their acts .

CONTEXT SOURCE: http://www.ptypes.com/adventurous.html SYNONYM: Daring, Adventurous, Spirited, Bold, Daredevil HYPONIM: Sensation seeker HYPERONIM: Adventurous USE AREA/ FIELD: Personality Psychology DESIGNATION STATUS: Official


NDRZNE LIMBA VEDETEI: Romnia ARA VEDETEI: RO SURSA: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/ndrzne DEFINITIE STANDARD: Care nu se teme de greuti i de pericole, curajos, cuteztor, ndrznitor. Original, excentric. Care i ngduie prea multe, obraznic. SURSA DEFINITIEI: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/ndrzne

ETIMOLOGIE: Format de la verbul a ndrzni + sufixul e CORESPONDENT ENGLEZ: Venturesome CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA: Adjectiv CONCEPT GENERIC: Frp fric, cuteztor, fr team de risc. CONTEXT: Cunoaterea personalitilor poate s ne ajute pe fiecare din noi s acionm mai bine n situaiile sociale, s conversm ntr-o manier potrivit i plcut cu ceilali i s le nelegem prile negative i pozitive. De aici nainte te vei distra mai mult, acum c ai nvat s identifici vorbreul, ndrzneul, gnditorul i privitorul. Nu-i aa c este minunat c nu suntem toi construii la fel? SURSA CONTEXTULUI: Personality Plus - Personalitate Plus Cum sa-i ntelegi pe ceilalti ntelegndu-te pe tine nsuti, Florence Littauer - Traducere de Anca Florina Srbu, Publicata cu acordul ASE World Enterprises,USA, iulie 1999, pagina 94 CONTEXT: Prin stilul indraznet si modelele inedite Coco Chanel a reusit sa schimbe moda feminina, marcand trecerea de la hainele rigide si ample la modele inspirate de moda masculina - materiale usoare, modele comode si practice, pastrand nota de eleganta aparte. A fost primul stilist care a impus negru in moda, iar rochia sa neagra a devenit in scurt timp nu doar foarte cautata, dar si caracteristica pentru stilul Chanel, pastrandu-si mult timp pozitia de lider in topul preferintelor. SURSA CONTEXTULUI: http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chanel SINONIM: Curajos, Obraznic, nfipt HIPONIM: ano, Impulsiv HIPERONIM: Puternic ARIA DE UTILIZARE: Psihologia Personalitii STATUTUL DESEMNARII: Oficial


VII. Conclusions The glossary contains 150 entries, 75 in English and 75 in Romanian; in fact, there are 75 English terms with their Romanian correspondent. These entries represent terms, concepts specific to the domain of Personality Psychology. VII.1. The structure of the glossary Each term is followed by a description made according to the semantic fields, in both Romanian and English. The English terms are arranged alphabetically and each term is followed by the description of its Romanian equivalent. The description of each term is made according to the semantic fields. The semantic fields for the English and Romanian terms are:

English terms: 1. I.D. language: English; 2. I.D. country : U. K ., U.S.A. 3. The standard definition field: the definition has to replace the term it defines from a semantic and syntactic point of view and has to be complete in a very economic and concise way. E.g. Acting out is the display of previously inhibited emotions (often in actions rather than words); considered to be healthy and therapeutic. 4. The definition source field: which represents the document from which the definition was extracted. . E.g. : Philip Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, Allyn & Bacon, 19th edition 2002. 5. The context field: The sentences in which the term makes use of its semantic features. E.g. for cognitive dissonance: According to cognitive dissonance theory, there is a tendency for individuals to seek consistency among their cognitions (i.e., beliefs, opinions). When there is an inconsistency between attitudes or behaviors (dissonance), something must change to eliminate the dissonance. 6. The Nota Bene field which represents extra information about the ethymology, origin, from the linguist`s point of view. E.g for the word compulsive - From French compulsif, from L. compulsus, popular of compellere (see compel). Psychological sense is from 1902. As a noun, it is attested from 1630s; psychological sense from 1957.


7. The grammatical category field with the remark that most of the terms are are nouns (nouns or noun phrases). 8. The hyperonym field. The general term in the semantic relationship between a general and a more specific term. E.g. hyperonym of superego is ego. 9. The hyponym field. A superordinate term, which includes the term defined (in the standard definition) in its class E.g. the hyponym of choleric is choleric-melancholic. 10. The use area field. All the specialized terms in this glossary are related to the same domain. 11. The designation status field all the terms of this glossary are considered to be official. 12. The Romanian correspondent for the English terms; E.g.: denial = denegare. 18. The Spanish correspondent for the English terms; E.g.: pattern - prototipo 19. The standard definition of the Italian correspondent field: the definition has to replace the term it defines from a semantic and syntactic point of view and has to be complete in a very economic and concise way. E.g.: for desplazamiento : mecanismo defensivo inconsciente para evitar conflictos emocionales y ansiedad transfiriendo emociones, ideas o deseos desde un objeto a otro que produce menor ansiedad.

VII.2 Parallel between the English and the Romanian terms The Romanian vocabulary has adopted some terms that are very similar or quite mota-mot to foreign terms. In order to be able to understand and use these terms properly, the glossary provides necessary information and translations where necessary. One of the most crtical decisions in studying personality psychology, is how best to divide the system. A complex system such as personality can be validly divided in more than one way and new techniques are brought into use. Romanian language presents a tendency to introduce in its vocabulary English words due to the lack of an authority having the meaning of giving the Romanian equivalents for the foreign terms. Most medical terms originate in Latin, and this would appear to help terminologists to establish the correct meaning of a term. Indeed, most terms that were included in this glossary, both English and Romanian originate in Latin. The origins of medical terms are various but most of them derive from Latin, Greek, French or German.


It is also interesting the fact that English and Romanian language themselves have different origins: English is a Germanic language, whereas Romanian is a Latin language. Most of the words I chose for the glossary have their origin in Lain or in Greek therefore they have almost the same form, the root word being the same for both English and Romanian words. For example: Depersonalization/Depersonalizare Cognitive Dissonance/Disonan Cognitiv Repression/Represiune Neurotic/Nevrotic Anxiety/Anxietate Archetype/Arhetip Choleric/Coleric Melancholic/Melancolic Genotypes/Genotip Phentotypes/Fenotip Some words have exactly the same form both in English and in Romanian:
Example: borrowed it) Acting Out/Acting Out (from the verb to act; Romanian language

Complex/Complex (from the French complexe and the Latin complexus) Id/Id (New Latin, a translation of the German Es, as a special psychoanalytic term; from the Latin it, borrowed by Romanian language) Instinct/Instinct (from the Latin instinctus - instigation, impulse and the French instinct) Libido/Libido(from the Latin libido) Pattern/Pattern

Some English words kept the original Latin/French form while the Romanian correspondent suffered changes:
Ego(Latin)/Eu Apersonal Trait(Medieval French)/Trstur Character(French)/ Caracter

We can observe that even though Romanian is more close to Latin because its a Latin language, English still has more terms that were preserved unchanged from the mother language. Some of the words or noun phrases are completely different from one language to another: Castration Anxiety/Complex de Castrare Covert Behavior/ Comportament Inaparent (English language borrowed it from the French covert while Romanian translated it as inaparent (meaning: indirect). Instinct of Self-Preservation/Pulsiune de Autoconservare ( English

language borrowd the form instinct from the French instinct, while Romanian translated it from the German Trieb) Medical History/Anamnez ( Romanian language preserved it from the Greek anamnsesis the form is accepted in English too, but is commonly used the term Medical History from Case History with the grammatical sense in Latin) Reinforcement/Stimul ( the English termn describes the process of
increasing the rate or probability of a behavior by the delivery or emergence of a stimulus , Romanian language preserved only the concept of stimul, from the Latin Stimulus ) Secondary Gain/Motivaie Secundar Splitting/Clivaj (English language borrowed the German Spaltung, while Romanian preserved the French clivage) Drives/Motivaii

Some terms preserved the greek/latin prefix in both languages : Endomorphic/Endomorf (Endo latin) Ectomorphic/Ectomorf (Ecto greek) Abnormal/Anormalitii (ab greek, away from even though in the glossary I chose to use the concept of psihopatologie instead of psihologia anormlaitii which is a proper translation) Depersonalization/Depersonalizare (de latin; down, from, away from) Introversion-Extraversion/Inroversiune-Extraversiune (intro latin; within and ex both latin and greef with the sense of out of) Consistency/Consisten (con latin; with)

VII.3 The relations within the Concept Map The domain Personality Psychology is concerned with the study of personality and individual differences. The study of personality has a broad and varied history in psychology, with an abundance of theoretical traditions. The major theories include dispositional (trait) perspective, psychodynamic, humanistic, biological, behaviorist and social learning perspective. There is no consensus on the definition of "personality" in psychology.

Consciousness Unconsciousness

The structure of personality the concept considers personality to be like an iceberg; most of personality exists below the level of awareness, just as the massive part ot an iceberg is beneath the surface of the water. Most of the important personality processes occur below the level of conscious awareness.


Conscious Preconscious Unconscious

Of the three levels, the Conscious is what is in awareness, the Preconscious is those thoughts which although not conscious at the moment can be made conscious voluntarily. The Unconscious is that part of the psyche which is repressed and therefore not part of awareness. The contents of the unconscious are heavily influenced by early childhood experiences.

Ego, Superego, Id

In examining people's conscious thoughts about their behaviors, we can see some reflections of the ego and the superego. Whereas the ego and superego are partly conscious and partly unconscious, the primitive id is the unconscious, the totally submerged part of the iceberg.

The superego - It is divided into two parts - the conscience, which represents the internalised taboos, and the ego ideal, which contains the internalized aims and goals. Like the ego, the superego operates partly in the conscious part of the mind, and partly in the unconscious and id. Primary process thinking, Secondary process thinking

Of these psychic structures the id (literally the "It") is the source of libido, and the only structure present at birth. The Id thinks primarily in visual and irrational terms - called primary process thinking. After birth, part of the id differentiates into the ego (whose function it is to translate the id's internal wishes (experienced in the form of images) into contact with actual objects. This is secondary process thinking. Despite the ego being the "I", part of it exists in the unconscious.




VIII. Refferences Bibliography: 1. Philip Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, Allyn & Bacon, 19th edition 2002 2. Personality Traits by Gerald Matthews , Ian J. Deary, Martha C. Whiteman; Cambridge University Press 2003; Cambridge, England; 3. Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience, Mauro Mancia, Springer, Italy, 2006 4. Friedman, Lawrence. (1995). Psychic reality in psychoanalytic theory. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 76, 25-28 5. Diccionario de 90 trminos de importancia para la psicologa, Edgardo Jaramillo, Pereira-Colombia, Junio de 2009 6. Eysenck, H. J., & Eysenck, M. w. Personality and individual differences: A natural science approach. New York: Plenum, 1985 7. Zuckerman M., Kuhlman, D. M., & Camac, C. What lies beyond E and N? Factor analyses of scales believed to measure basic dimensions of personality. Journal o Personality and social Psychology, 1988,54, 96-107 8. Paul Popescu Neveanu, Dictionar de Psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 1973 9. Psihologia personalitaii - Trasaturi, cauze, consecine; Matthew Gerald, Ian I. Deary, Martha C. Whiteman, Editura Polirom, Bucureti, 2005 10. Marele dictionar al psihologiei, Larousse, Editura Trei, 2006 11. Vocabularul Psihanalizei, Jean Laplanche si J.-B. Pontalis, Traducere de Radu. Clit, Alfred Dumitrescu, Vera Sandor, Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu, Humanitas, Bucursti, 1994 12. Personality Plus - Personalitate Plus Cum sa-i ntelegi pe ceilalti ntelegndu-te pe tine nsuti, Florence Littauer - Traducere de Anca Florina Srbu, Publicata cu acordul ASE World Enterprises,USA, iulie 1999 13. Eysenck, H.J. (1991). Dimensions of personality: The biosocial approach to personality. In J. Strelau, A. Angleitner (Eds.), Exploration in temperament (pp. 87103). London: Plenum Press 14. Zuckerman, M. (1991). Psychobiology of personality. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press 15. Zuckerman, M., Kuhlman, D.M., Joireman, J., Teta, P.,Kraft, M. (1993). A comparison of three structural models for personality: The big three, the big five and the alternative five. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65, 757-768. 16. The Psychology of Personality: viewpoints, research, applications, Bernardo J. Carducci, 2nd edition, 2009 17. Attitudes Personality and Behavior by Icek Ajzen, New York, 2005 18. Diccionario Mosby - Medicina, Enfermera y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 19. Diccionario ilustrado de Trminos Mdicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010. 20. Introducere in psihologie, Mielu Zlate, Editura Polirom, 1999, Bucureti


1. http://www.thefreedictionary.com 2. http://www.e-psiho.ro 3. http://dexonline.ro 4. http://www.etymonline.com 5. http://en.wikipedia.org 6. http://www.freudfile.org 7. www.yourdictionary.com 8. http://www.universulterapiilor.ro 9. http://www.all-about-psychology.com 10. http://www.esacademic.com 11. http://www.e-psihiatrie.ro 12. http://www.britannica.com 13. http://www.scribd.com 14. http://www.headinjury.com 15. http://www.psicoactiva.com 16. http://dictionary.reference.com 17. http://diccionario.medciclopedia.com 18. http://www.psihohipnoza.ro 19. http://www.e-psiho.ro 20. http://tip.psychology.org 21. http://www.eupsychia.com 22. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com 23. http://www.psychologies.ro 24. http://www.psychologytoday.com 25. http://www.sfatulmedicului.ro 26. http://es.thefreedictionary.com 27. http://www.behavior.org 28. http://www.stiucum.com 29. http://spatiulmental.wordpress.com 30. http://www.logopedics.info 31. http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com 32. http://www.researchgate.net 33. http://www.psychnut.com 34. http://www.ptypes.com 35. http://www.thefreelibrary.com 36. http://www.psihoterapie.net 37. http://www.encyclopedia.com 38. http://webspace.ship.edu 39. http://www.afladespre.ro 40. http://www.alleydog.com 41. http://www.emcoglab.org 42. http://psicopsi.com

43. http://www.biology-online.org 44. http://www.psychicguild.com 45. http://www.psih.uaic.ro 46. http://www.preferatele.com 47. http://www.romedic.ro 48. http://austen.thefreelibrary.com 49. http://psihologia.sinners.ro 50. http://www.medicultau.com 51. http://www.e-scoala.ro 52. http://www.dictionary30.com 53. http://www.dictio.ro 54. http://www.ptypes.com 55.


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