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January 2013
The New World becomes one with the eternal family tree of life - I will open the gate of Paradise
Life will be lifted up to something much more than man and life of today including breathtaking beauty and no limits to our abilities. Everyone will receive cosmic conscience in our New World, which is a profound expansion of consciousness with a highly developed faculty of intuition being able to sense and understand the whole universe and the divine principle of creation. We transferred life to the hall of the Source, which is completely priceless, and to our surprise, there was a deepening of water, which we first had to cross bringing me incredible sufferings, which was done to bring back the family tree of life to its original location, and to avoid heavens falling down on Earth bringing strong sufferings to man. Father, mother and Son united as ONE God at the top of the Pyramid of everything of our New World, and at the level beneath this, we will still continue being the father, mother and Son as the Trinity. My inner self was hidden inside the sexual invention of darkness using its energy to save and create if I could bear it. This is my sofa of reproduction, where darkness never expected to find me. My job as darkness was to terminate life, but when I went against darkness, this brought down darkness saving life instead. If I gave up to darkness, it would make me explode terminating life starting all over and now my end will be the start of our New World. Man making love was ultimately about bringing me/God alive. I saved the world and love and warm feelings of the world and my mother brought my inner self back as the last from the dead of darkness instead of dying and first resurrecting after the opening of our New World. I received the final key to my new self and New World created by my mother from material of my father, and as part of the game as my old self I followed the difficult end of the line going from something to nothing to become part of God. God is now ending my journey and connecting the physical world to the eternal family tree of life. I am standing in front of the gate of Egypt, which will open and lead us all inside the beginning of Paradise. I saved the piano of everything of the Source from falling down on the world, and arrived at the pure water of the Source with our spiritual and physical worlds now merging into ONE.

And more!

Written and published by Stig Dragholm, 31st January 2013

Available online at, and

One God, One People

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January 2013

Table of Contents
The number of each of the paragraphs below represents the day of publishing on my website in January 2013.

2. We have collected all papyrus documents of all creations/worlds forever uniting everything to our New World4
1st January: We have collected all papyrus documents of all creations/worlds forever uniting everything to our New World ...... 5 2nd January: We are still painting the faade of the dark ship, and I am being set up as the Command Central of the Source ..... 11

4. Life will be lifted up to something much more than man and life of today including breathtaking beauty ..... 19
3rd January: Life will be lifted up to something much more than man and life of today including breathtaking beauty ............... 20 4th January: We will receive a whole new way of life with no limits to our abilities, which we will use fully ................................. 26

6. Transferring life to the hall of the Source, which is completely priceless our eternal journey awaits ..... 39
5th January: Fighting the strongest darkness to release the spirit of my mother of the most inner cave of all ............................. 39 6th January: Transferring life to the hall of the Source, which is completely priceless our eternal journey awaits ............. 45

8. Father, Mother and Son have united as ONE GOD, but we are still our old selves at the level underneath ..... 54
7th January: Going through sufferings to avoid heavens falling down; we are only seconds away from our New World........... 55 8th January: Father, Mother and Son have united as ONE GOD, but we are still our old selves at the level underneath .............. 65

10. Bringing our New World to its perfect location at the family tree of the Source of God................................ 75
9th January: Bringing our New World to its perfect location at the family tree of the Source of God with MUCH suffering ...... 76 10th January: We have moved the family tree of life and started photographing people to become their new selves ................. 85

12. I saved the world and the world will save/bring me home with love and understanding of my mother ..........94
11th January: I saved the world and now the world will bring me home with love and understanding of my mother .................. 95 12th January: My inner self is (was) hidden inside the sexual invention of darkness using its energy to save and create ........... 103

14. Love and warm feelings of the world and my mother brought my inner self back from the dead of darkness112
13th January: Love and warm feelings of the world and my mother brought my inner self back from the dead of darkness ..... 113 14th January: The Danish Railways misuse of power is a sign to bring out ALL skeletons ALL over the world ............................ 120

16. I received the final key to my new self and New World created by my mother from material of my father ... 138
15th January: It is almost impossible to continue time and the Old World, I struggle to keep alive as my old self ...................... 139 16th January: I received the final key to my new self and New World created by my mother from material of my father ......... 143

18. Following the difficult end of the line going from something to nothing to become part of God ........... 155
17th January: Following the difficult end of the line going from something to nothing to become part of God ................... 155 18th January: Change your routine, put an end to the tears, decide on the policy of truth and become CLEAN ..................... 164

20. As the last inside darkness, I was meant to die and first resurrect after the opening of our New World ....... 170
19th January: As the last inside darkness, I was meant to die and first resurrect after the opening of our New World .............. 171 20th January: It is almost impossible to hold back light and the opening of the gate of Egypt as the beginning of Paradise....... 183

22. God is ending my journey and connecting the world to become one with the eternal family tree of life ...... 193
21st January: God is ending my journey and connecting the world to become one with the eternal family tree of life .............. 194 22nd January: I have been laid into the grave in Egypt and now only wait for magic to bring me out ...................................... 203

24. We have started the merger of the New World and the Source and to bring me alive as my new self .......... 214
23rd January: I am VERY close to the end of time being at the stage right before becoming one with the Source ...................... 215 24th January: We have started the merger of the New World and the Source and to bring me alive as my new self ................. 222

26. Heaven is just around the corner and I am throwing down the secret world government! .......................... 234
25th January: I decided NOT to become my new self Dec. 21 because the world was SILENT saving you from sufferings .......... 235 26th January: Heaven is just around the corner and I am throwing down the secret world government .................................... 242

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28. The window of our New World has opened with the light of our new creation gradually shining through .... 256
27th January: My journey and time will end opening for an endless line of New Worlds when I soon will give up the game . 257 28th January: The window of our New World has opened with the light of our new creation gradually shining through ........... 271

31. Arriving at the PURE WATER of the Source, which created the world as a self-sustainable entity of its own 279
29th January: The Predator is now entering me as the last darkness of God carried by love of my father and mother............... 281 30th January: Arriving at the PURE WATER of the Source, which created the world as a self-sustainable entity of its own ........ 290 31st January: We are completing the work converting God and the spiritual world into everything of our new physical world 299

The front page: The drawing of the Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci symbolizes the ideal man living in pact with spirit and matter of the Universe in order to maintain eternal life with the divine source inside our New World.

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January 2013

2. We have collected all papyrus documents of all creations/worlds forever uniting everything to our New World
1. SUBJECT 1st January: We have collected all papyrus documents of all creations/worlds forever uniting everything to our New World SUMMARY Dreaming of Russia bringing me the worst darkness of all, John being a pessimist, and saving much life of previous creations working completely without energy. I was utterly broken down after a difficult Christmas and New Year including feelings of lack of faith and disappointment that we are not finished with the journey yet, and the strongest darkness challenged me to cross my old rules of my own behaviour, but I stood my ground, and eventually decided to finish my work also today continuing work to save big lumps of life. This darkness still wants to explode and to grind me, but follows me when deciding that this is not how we work. Darkness has spread poison all over here, and I am not supposed to be here, but am when I am doing my best also breaking the code of it, and when not showing enough crises to my family for the darkness of my mother to overtake me. I did the re-installation of Bettinas computer, which she gave me as a gift, and I succeeded to correct the previous installation errors on it symbolising that we are removing errors of previous creations to make everything work of our combined New World inside the Source. We have collected all papyrus documents of life of all creations/worlds forever uniting this to our New World. We have now removed the bag (of darkness) of these previous creations, and now there is only a lamp shining on it. We are now bringing back the last life of this darkness. Short stories of Fanny bringing her New Year greetings and darkness, darkness of Mads makes me start the new year as a Zombie. Dreaming of doing my best work inside of darkness expanding our New World and the amount of life of it. I worked much to overcome mentally impossible work to do with an overload of work given to me after I had used time yesterday to set up the new computer. We are still painting the faade of the dark ship, and I was shown myself inside a very little floating balloon, which is inside the most inner of the Source at the Command Central itself. We are almost happy by now still handling the last darkness. Jettes Google Earth pictures of her Facebook group show heads growing even bigger (with new life), Greenland (of God) is an angel-wing, a band around Earth with big heads on its sides, darkness still tries to hid from me. Dreaming of having lost my working capacity but I keep working, the power of the secret world elite working against me, and Karen loved a man treating her as dirt killing her and me via her. Bringing out my inner self as the last from darkness of nothing is the greatest challenge of all, which John will help doing tomorrow when he will help transferring data from the hard disk of my old computer and the ram-memory of it symbolising the transfer of a large amount of hidden life as nothing as everything, which my inner self will bring. I am completely without energy only working because of will power. More pictures from Jettes Facebook group show New Year cleaning, dark hiding behind light, my bad heart, one clear heart to fill and one full to empty, I am a very big and sad alone, big head, and lumps of life gathering.

2. 2nd January: Bringing out my inner self as the last from darkness including much life of nothing is the greatest challenge of all

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Short stories of Michael Sadler not believing in me, I receive smiles for fighting the director of Helsingr Commune, the US economy did not slide into the abyss which the world did also not, a sign showing that my mothers friend Kte has faith in me, and the meaning of life is also to live in pact with God bringing you happiness. feelings of life, and the absolutely warmest there is because of the Electric Light Orchestra box, and this is because we are saving this life of previous creation becoming part of rhus, i.e. our New World. I was utterly broken down with the strongest darkness challenging me to give up, but no, we will continue work! Despite of the sleep, I was still broken completely down this morning, and I checked Facebook updates, and when I just had to watch a few beautiful ladies too, and saw how I was inspired to watch a few teen ladies, I knew that this was the most inner and worst darkness of all challenging me to do what is wrong, and you will have to imagine this as a very direct pressure coming to me with darkness bringing me very direct feelings and desire to do what is wrong, but no, this is not my cup of tea, so there was not much danger at all, but I felt how destructive this was potentially. I was told that we had four boxes at goal the four-leaf New World and we are still working on the fifth one (previous creations), which is a major German test as I was told. I was a yacht out on sea in beautiful weather, but we are still fighting the worst darkness inside of the cabin as I was told and shown. I was told that rhus and the ancient Greek are not yet fully in, so we will continue. And I was shown and told that people of other civilizations will make the most beautiful entry flying in fleets of their spaceships. I received a large lump of life and was told no, we will not become tax deductions, and yes thats right, still thinking of you, David. I was so tired that I had to take a long bath before thinking of starting work today, and at bath, I was shown the end of an underground train line with a solid wall at the end of the tunnel, and I was asked what you do when you have to get into the core of this, which is concentrated darkness, and explosion was put in my mouth, and I said only if this is the last option. I was told that my mother and sister together being completely deaf are this darkness. Here in bath, I was much affected by the incredible difficult Christmas and New Year I went through and my continuous tiredness/exhaustion, and I had hoped that this night would have been it ending my journey and sufferings, but here I lay with much darkness still coming against me, still suffering and darkness still wanting to bring me my "old nightmare" if I just gave it one small opening, and I also received doubts and lack of faith because when will anything happen (?), and this came
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1 January: We have collected all papyrus documents of all creations/worlds forever uniting everything to our New World
Dreaming of saving much life of previous creations working completely without energy Finally at approx. 01.30 I could go to bed and I slept until 08.20, which is still far too little to cover my need of sleep, and these are the dreams. I am with Karen, I am 30 centimetres higher than her, but she has another boyfriend being 30 centimetres higher than me, whom I feel like a Russian. o Russia is this worst darkness bringing me the worst sufferings there is, which is about Karen being unfaithful to me! John is Trafic Minister, and I ask him why it is not possible to receive customer service in the airport about passenger ships, trains and aeroplanes to unite all customer service departments of these three to benefit customers and John says that as long as each of these dont work, they will not be united. I see that he has one man included in his network, who is working at Jyske Bank and climbing up. o This is about a cracker, which we pulled yesterday, which said that a pessimist is a man seeing problems in every situation of opportunity, and this is the kind of man that John is, and this dream is about uniting the Trinity, which is not easy to do with John seeing problems in everything. The Jyske Bank man is Bent from Skive, who is really now at the top management of Spar Nord Bank.


I received the lyrics Oh no, not me, I never lost control from David Bowies the man who lost the world, and this is what I did. I have been hired by Amagerbanken, I dont have updated qualifications to work there, but I attend a music quiz for all employees, where everyone received at least 5 of 7 right answers will win a prize, and this includes me receiving just 5 right answers. I see a box including all albums of Electric Light Orchestra in an incredible delicious packing and all of the albums are remastered, and I would very much like one of these. Something about the longest street becoming rhus where everyone is led into a repair shop to bring out beer from heaven or something like that. o Amagerbanken went bankrupt in 2011 I believe, and this is to say that I am working as my old self being completely emptied from energy, and still I receive warm
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together with the feeling of Elijah in relation to me, and yes Elijah this is what your lack of reading/understanding and your doubts in me is bringing me directly, so I had to decide being stronger than all of this, and to decide not to be weak and give in to all of this, so this is what I did, and no, I do NOT want to give up and that includes NOT to give up on my own rules, which is what was tested to the extreme this morning. I was told that it is still very violent going through a night of sleep, and what was the outcome (?), and yes some gold bracelets stolen and nothing much because we were guarded, and yes Stig, we are back on the chain gang, the train is still rolling deeper. Your mother has not cough mixture, but I have. It feels like some did not catch the plane home, but we are still here all of us (?), so we will just continue, and yes also fuelled by Bjarne from the Commune sending this destructive darkness. There is nothing wrong with my photo equipment but it is as if it is not installed correctly because something is lacking from your mother, and is it love (?), is it support and yes we know it is faith, and without it Stig we cannot walk any further, and I feel Chris from the chocolate factory and poor excuses so I have only one answer for you, which is to continued and to please make everything perfect and that is because you can, and I feel Obama with me again. It is a rigid party, its not your party anymore, where is the veterinarian, I cannot stand it I feel Sanna here and no, he is not and I mean not Jesus because anyone can tell that he is not, and yes those kind of things take on your sister and mother. This is only a very little fishing competition, but who is right (?), and yes that doesnt matter because to your sister and family, it is all about feelings. With sadness we cannot get in when you sleep, yes we turn into bastards chasing your mother instead and that is right after being laid to bed, and no, no dreams on this, but you better take my work for it. Your mother and sister have a hole in their heads, they have completely lost it, now not a matter of what is right or wrong, but no, we dont want to lose Stig, and what is he getting into and so on. The truth is that we have been expecting you, Stig, there is no one in here to feed but you, you dont have a porpoise, do you (?), and yes small whales, which we are picking up. No one here has pocket money for her, she is far too expensive, she is this worlds Toruk Makto (from the Avatar film), you cannot approach her, and this is what you still do and yes ask to get the cupboard stand right and that is next to me and for all of you to follow me to the light. And we would much rather go to the hospice, and I am shown the one at Frederiksberg (CopenOne God, One People

hagen), but we know that you will take us to the call centre (Excellent as it was called) and get us all out of here, it is only a matter of time. And no, you are not as cynical as you pretend to be, because when you open up the feelings of both your mother and sister, it pours out of them and these are the main sources of what you receive these days, and yes your sister is very concerned for you bringing your mother down too. We have reached as far down as Southern Germany covering our New World of ALL creations, and we only have some loose ends here and there to cover, and then we will surely start up this place wont we? Yes, not even a small news story on DR P1 radio is what they could do about the incident December 21 and this is also what is fuelling this extra tour. So this is still about remember the tooth brush and yes you promised your mother to visit the dentist after New Year, and you had absolutely no idea that you would still be your old self making this come into force. We dont need a key anymore to get in, we feel you are in, and I feel my sister and mother, and now only a matter of time. We dont have any standard songs here, this song is going to be hanged up in the ceiling and this one on the floor, and no you are not going to kiss anyone but only use this energy wisely. It is not a matter of money anymore, and she this one is not dead yet, right? There is nothing to do, he does not want to give up, and yes Stig instead of an explosion, we will remove the radio tower of this darkness via the work you decide to continue doing today and that is despite of all because nothing is going to stop you/us. This was the remaining of the chrysanthemum bomb, which wanted to explode, and if it had, it would have been directed at your mother and sister, but only if I accepted of course. I was told that it is incredible that none, who has seen you as your new self coming, has not called you yet, and for some time I have been given the name Irene, and I have a vague memory of having gone to EFG-school in 1980/81 with a woman of this name. What if you put the sugar pipe down there and soak, do you get the rest up (?), and yes Stig, it is something like this we are doing. We had to get rid of that antenna to be able to open our new radio/TV store here too (communication inside these worlds of previous creation), and I see an iron pole being cut over. A little later I was told that now this is in the lunch box.

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I received strong pain inside of my right foot, and the ventilator of my computer kept on turning on and speeding quicker than it is supposed to do and yes bringing danger to my old computer to break down before changing to my new. At 15.10 I was told thank you when I was updating my script of yesterday including the chapter on New Years Eve, which was NOT easy writing because of how I feel, and I felt that doing this is what is bringing in this life of darkness wishing me good new year too at midnight. This also means that we can soon stamp out from here. I was shown a machine looking like a scanner, which was designed to grind us all, but there is nothing to do, he does NOT want to enter, and when this is the case, we can only give up, but maybe he will give us another chance tomorrow, and yes to break him, to bring him down with his neck. I received the taste of food, and was told by my understanding friend of this darkness that there is nothing to be burned, and that is because we are still making everything of this back into life. I received a feeling of cold fear coming to me from this darkness to the right of me, and told that I can still be given a heart attack, which I received a small of, but this was also to bring me the understanding that no matter what happens from here, this darkness will follow my rules not to kill me and to protect my family/friends etc. the best, and this was given because of the work I did today also writing this script. I felt Bjarne from the Commune and was shown the mental hospital of Helsingr, so in your mind, there is no doubt that I am crazy, Bjarne (?), and you are only the director of this Commune with a wrong attitude who cannot understand and yes the most sad is that his man is placed on top receiving a very high payment for doing what, Bjarne (?), and is that nothing? I was shown the unicorn and its sharp spear together with perfect teeth of my jaw and told that this is connected. I received more life walking up from stairs in light in front of me, and they spoke of wanting to have an ice cream kiosk, which is really about sufferings, and this is what they come from, but back to life, back to reality they are too. So we are going on to the top of the the Swedish pop, and yes Mauro Scocco, and this is to say that Swedish music knows about me too, and about newly saved life going to the top of our New World. We have collected all papyrus documents of all creations/worlds forever uniting everything to our New World I was told that we have spread poison all over here, you are not supposed to being here, we did our best to keep you out, but how can he then (?), and yes because I am the one and when

doing my best I am better than this darkness breaking its code everywhere, but still this darkness wants to hide from me. I was told that you have not been unemployed since last Friday, and Bjarne from the Commune is the worst darkness wanting to kill me by removing my cash help. And it is my threat to bring him in the newspaper, which makes him give up this plan, and yes he hates to have negative stories written about his city, so there you have it, and when I shared our Facebook dialogue on my Facebook timeline, the mayor of Helsingr also saw it, so do you want to attack me, or are you cowards giving up? It is like Nixon looking back on World War I saying what do we do from here. And I was told that we will now load coffee (warm feelings/love). I started working on Bettinas computer this afternoon after receiving the Windows XP CD-rom, and yes I have accepted that if I can get it to work re-installing it with Windows XP, this is what I will do instead of the newest software, and that is because even though this computer is fine, it is not a new computer and it does not have as much memory as I would have liked it to. I was told that you have not shown enough crises to your mother/family for the darkness of your mother to overtake you and this is what the game these days is also about. You ought to believe that there has been a war of the wehrmacht inside here, but there has not, everything is perfect just underneath the carpet, which I expected to find again some day. It is not nice when you have been a Dracula to be told to recreate everything, and is this what Bjarne is doing by not closing you down (?), so my comment to Bjarne was a message to the inner world to close down darkness and open to Stig. I was shown myself driving a train almost not being a train anymore, but only outlines of it, and I was told that this is the last part of the train journey without any energy, to reach the salt of everything, and with this to start from the beginning. I kept on working on Bettinas computer, and I was wondering if this re-installation would mean that the errors of her, now mine, computer would be corrected, and yes the Internet connection did not work before, USB plugs also not and other smaller things too, which here is a symbol of previous creations, which also did not work, and if I can get this computer to work, it is to say that we are making everything now also of previous creations to work, and I worked with destructive power around me making me suffer (including to my right ankle), nervous and removing my energy making it almost impossible to work, and I would MUCH rather relax this afternoon/evening instead, but I thought that I might as well get this done too. I was shown what looked like the Alhambra Palace in Granada, Spain, which I visited in 2007, and I looked out into a square
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with the building around it, and I was told and shown that light is removing darkness of the building with the speed of light. The re-installation of Windows was now on-going on the new computer, and it took maybe 45 minutes to do and when it was working, I was shown and felt data of previous creations being transferred to me, and told that this is the opposite of counting money. But I was not sure that it would work, and with this feeling, I was shown a black train puff, puff, and is this going to be thrown out (?) as I was asked, and we know, NO it is not! Finally, the Windows installation finished, and I was now excited to see if it had corrected the errors of the previous installation, and if the Internet would work, and when I inserted my Telia Internet CD automatically searching for and setting up the connection, I was almost throwing up food I had had the last hours, and I saw that the Internet really did work now, and I was told that this is how close we were to spit out everything, and yes do you remember the night when I published a new script at Hotel Marienlyst is it 9-10 months ago (?), and yes where darkness had decided to leave me, and it only stayed because I decided that it was not allowed to leave, and yes an example. I felt Henriette and was told that without her and without choosing the right 3 times 12 of the Trinity, we could not do this. I was told that there is now no more Kongeen (the King River), which is where the border between Denmark and Germany went from 1864 to 1920 after Denmark had lost a battle including the Southern Jutland to Germany, and this is the story of how Denmark was a large kingdom, which was almost eliminated during history, but it survived at the very end as a small country as a symbol of life self with darkness almost destroying it. We have now removed the bag (of darkness), which contained all of this, and now there is only a lamp shining on it. The mission is accomplished. And we have not given you one warning all the road as your old self/the spirit of my mother. I was encouraged to call Bettina here at 20.00 as it had now become, and that was to remove her nervousness of me having access to her old private documents, which she had not deleted on the computer, so this I did, and I told her that I had not accessed any document and by now they had been deleted, and of course I thanked her much for her kind help. How did Spain (the home of darkness) look like that last time we were there (?), and yes we could not get access, and now it is open via Bettina, who decided to help me via my mother speaking to her. And the bag of darkness is what Sanna voluntarily has given from her because she had confidence in our mother, who had confidence in me.

I was told that you decided to drive the whole road taking your exam with a little or some help of God (?), and yes it was a game to see how much the spirit of my mother could do through me, and we could have done this without the help of my old self, but it would have made my mother sick/die (via Michella brought to me), and I am given a strong feeling of Karen here, and told that she is just here, Stig, and I feel her as darkness but becoming more and more part of me, because with the end of darkness of your sister, this is bringing these old worlds of darkness inside of you. I was told that you really took the easiest road in this respect only receiving little of your old nightmare, and only when sleeping also meaning that I took the maximum amount of sufferings, which I could take on me to save my family, friends etc., thus the world. I was told that we have not received a new duvet since 1864, and we have done all of this only having this little (part of Denmark, thus life) remaining, and I was thinking if this was really the case, because God was still 99.99% of everything behind darkness, wasnt it? This was the goal of today to set up the new computer, and if I had not gone through the extreme darkness today, I would have been told that we would not be able to get access to the Source. I was shown the flag of pirates/darkness and told that it is singing its last verse, and soon it will be jingle bells. I kept on working on the computer now making sure that the USB plugs also worked, which they did, and I discovered that there was no sound drivers on it, so I had to download and make these work too, and before I knew of it, I was going through the complete installation also including the Microsoft Office package, which was included in Bettinas package to me and also in the old installation and other programmes and individual settings to personalise the computer making it work to me, and as you know, this takes time to do, so I was working on this the whole evening therefore NOT writing the many notes given to me today, which means that this chapter is first written tomorrow being UNDER PRESSURE, but I decided not to give up, which you know is the recipe to keep the game/dream alive of completing this game at its very end. I was told that the alternative would have been a giant bus (i.e. making love) would be brought to me as my old nightmare, and the force of this would bring everything forward but also much sufferings to my family, friends etc., thus the world which would have made the end result the same perfect but it would have made my family, friends etc. and the world not believe that this would be the case, but that Armageddon was ongoing.

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I felt a police car and Elijah, and I was told that he brought me right to the foot of darkness, which required his lack of faith to bring me there! So everything is a rain coat of sufferings until the very end, where I will meet the inner coat of light only. Earlier in the day I was told about teachers, who were forced to enter the teachers room, which i did not write down because I did not understand it, but this are teachers of darkness being brought home, and they did not give me any warnings when I chose the direct road home without errands on the way. And even if we worked against you as darkness, our inner code was to work for this, and I felt Mogens Amdi Petersen (the founder of the Tvind school community, and I am here shown how the worst darkness also overtook him making him a sexual devil) and was told that he also feels me and this development, and I am given a mark to my left ankle and told we did not bring any ladies (of my old nightmare) here. I was shown how papyrus was put into ancient vases everywhere of all creations/worlds, which was the only way to do it, and I understand that these are books of life of everything ever created, which we guarded with our lives. We have done this as common teachings, and I was thinking that this is piece upon piece of MANY pieces, and I am really only the last in line making us come through darkness and bringing everything together, and yes it took an individual effort in the end to bring all collective together. I was shown a globe coming to me, but the backside of it is all white, which we are still painting, which means to refresh life. It is not nice being in London (of a New World) and then being removed, I tell you, I have tried it MANY times and yes by my own lieutenants/creations trying to set me up perfectly, and you were the only one who could, which was really with the message to say that I cannot, but my inner self can when I decided to bring the energy making him and my spiritual friends work. We have just lifted all of the aeroplane up again everything to see if there is any more down here before we will get the unity of all of this to work together as one. Are there any more bombs hidden in London somewhere (?) was part of this, and no, the answer is no, there is no chocolate but a piece of white paper saying good ahead and yes your turn to get back to everything, Stig, and stop being nothing. How did the hostage drama of Munich in 1972 end (?), and yes what was the morale from that story (?), and it is connected with this very time and place now (?), and yes can you find it (?), and as Stig, I can only read what Wikipedia says, which does not bring me answer, but maybe the world can see it (?): The Munich massacre is a common reference name for an attack that occurred during the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, Bavaria, in southern West Germany, when 11 members of the
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Israeli Olympic team were taken hostage and eventually killed, along with a German police officer, by the Palestinian group Black September.[3][4][5][6] Shortly after the crisis began, they demanded the release of 234 prisoners held in Israeli jails, [7] and the release of the founders (Andreas Baader and Ulrike Meinhof) of the German Red Army Faction, who were held in German prisons.[8] Black September called the operation "Ikrit and Biram",[9] after two Christian Palestinian villages whose inhabitants were expelled by the Haganah in 1948. By now, I was moving files from my old to my new computer, and was told that this means to do the final installation of our New World to the Source. And the loss of gravy of your mother was that she was/we were ready to give you a box on the ear and yes because you exhibited your tiredness, which (was IMPOSSIBLE not to do and) endangered this mission, but still you pulled it through. And the teachers room is what Mogens Amdi Petersen and his school community symbolises, but was NEVER meant to be a business for your own benefit, Mogens, this is where things started going wrong, this was the Devil working inside of you, and if it had not, we/I would also not have been able to go through this journey of mine, so many things for a long time were required to make this work, and I was only the last man having to do my part too. Did you get your hair coloured at the hair dresser (?), and yes I did not even know that I did, but him there, i.e. Stig, brought the colour, and then it was simply to say yes, and this is what is happening when you once again install the programmes you need on your computer. I was given a small heart attack, the feeling of Elijah, and shown a plastic cup including a couple of keys, and I was told that this was one of the hidden keys; for Elijah to lose faith in me, and how could you, Elijah (?), and yes slow understanding, negativity, laziness and a strong temper was the name of the game of Elijah. I was given a feeling of being in Brussels in 2001 (on a General Electric course), so the European Union is also about to fall in place. I was shown my old colleague/friend, Paul, and told that he is one of the dark men playing violin inside of darkness waiting for the light to return. And I was shown the whole island of Corsica wanting to be brought to Italy (of joy and happiness), and I was told that some papyrus documents changed hands from one darkness to another to avoid being burned off, and yes we saved everything from darkness, and I was told that Lars G. would have destructed all of this, and this is at least the feeling given to me, and yes I would not have been able to fight Lars G. if I had told him about me, and he had read my scripts of him, which would have made him chase me without ever giving up, which I did NOT have the strength to resist on top of everyone else chasing me, whom however did not have the incredible stubbornness of Lars.
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This is how little it took to create sunshine all over, and yes let us say that it was the bakerman bringing it deciding NOT to be Laid Back . Be careful that he does not get that sport car is now only a show, because the truth is that we have helped you all the way the guards of darkness without you knowing about it. At 22.50 I had finished the setup of the computer of today making most of what I will do and everything works, and I now have access to a CD/DVD reader/writer again, which I did not have for approx. 2 years when the old broke down because of darkness, and this means that I can burn my own music CDs again, thus bring my love to the world. I was told about the Nilfisk (Nile fish) cleaners and Klaus Riskr Pedersen trying to do a hostile overtake of this company in 1988 and yes it is as simple as this with fish being me in the Nile and our chance for the fish to reach the Pyramids to make everything survive, which is what this RICH and fraudulent man did what he could to prevent, and yes Klaus is also a special friend of mine as I have known about for years. I was told about Niklas and the crme I won in the package game the 26th December, and the connection between Niklas, Benjamin Crme and me, which is not all lost, which is also of importance. I was told that the spirit of my mother has been on my side since we reached more than half of the world to be able to save more than have which also means that the worst was the start to bring her and everything on my side. I was told that I have not once been down into the Dutchman abyss, which would make us hurt you with regret. Eventually I worked with my new computer until midnight, and I was happy to do this because then I had done something instead of just relaxing. --Ending the day with these short stories: Fanny was kind to send her new year greetings including tears (of joy) saying goodbye to the old, dancing and entering the new, which will be good, and she thanked me for that and later she said that there is a leak of Mother planet asking me to step carefully, we cannot be detected and have to get back to Earth to take over the command, and to me this sounds like darkness self we cannot be detected, this is how darkness works and I told her that we are now saving life of previous creations before we will switch on our New World. Mads said that as usual he starts the new year as the vanguard of the Zombie-apocalypse, and yes it is good enough, Mads, you are darkness also making me into a Zombie and that is in order to stop the apocalypse, which you otherwise would have brought.

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be revealed, so he comes over on the other side of the building to me, on an external gallery, and he asks me what I have been doing since visiting him in 2009, which he is excited to her, and I tell him that I have only worked a few places since, and I have come to get the cases I worked on when working for him, and I have found half a metre of cases, and Peter Nissen (my old colleague from Aon, and now a sales director of PFA Pension) arrives together with another, and he is all red in his head, and I also now see a part of Jacob (my old Acta colleague) in him, and he does not want to speak to me, and that is even though I smiled at him and said der er Jule-nissen jo (there we have the Christmas-dwarf which nissen means in Danish), and I thought that he is reacting just as disgracing/poorly to me as I expected, and he has transferred an amount to a customer in the Netherlands, and the third man is a manager placed even higher than Peter, and he says that he has to transfer the amount in D-mark, which Peter does not care about, but this third man, who was an old bank colleague of mine (maybe Peter J. from 3107), tells him that he has to. o Running in rhus is to say that our work is progressing fine because of the work I keep doing to my scripts, and the Trinity is happy about this bringing new facilities of God, i.e. the bar, to our New World of rhus. I was confirmed in Mrdrup Church in 1980, which is to say that I am bringing luggage out of there and also of Tore/LWR, which is previous life of darkness, and this dream says that Tore has been busy lying about me after having found me in 2009 and presented me to the whole company and management of LWF in Geneva, where after I cheated him by leaving them and writing the truth about them, which also was unacceptable to do of course, and it seems that both Peter Nissen, focusing on his career in the company of darkness, PFA, and Jakob are mad on me, and yes showing themselves and their poor behaviour to the world. I have gone home to Snekkersten to work, and when I look out the windows, I see one person imitate another walking directly in his heels, which is recorded and broadcasted by hidden camera, and when he is detected, he keeps on imitating, which hurts the victim, and Sanna arrives and asks me if I should not work, and I tell her that I do, and also that I found room inside my closet to include two refrigerators instead of only one, which I am happy with making me able to store the double amount of food, and they are a little dirty and need cleaning. I also go directly to the face of Sanna and shouts with a very loud voice that I dont NEVER want to see her poor behaviour again, which she has to stop forever and ever. o Snekkersten is still darkness where my sister is working against me with her far too big and misunderstood mouth, but this is also what is bringing me life inside of this darkness of previous worlds, which is doubling the amount of life of the refrigerator of our New World, and when I shout at her to stop her wrong behaviour, it is because of what I write in my scripts, which is what is making this darkness stop, and yes if my mother, sister
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2 January: We are still painting the faade of the dark ship, and I am being set up as the Command Central of the Source
Dreaming of doing my best work inside of darkness expanding our New World and the amount of life of it I went to bed at midnight still feeling way too poorly, and I could have hoped for a normal sleep, but at 04.20 I was woken up given the chance to write the last part of the script of yesterday the last three pages which I decided to do, but first I had to recreate information to my scripts of the 31st December and 1st January, which I had lost when changing computer, and I could get it from my website, which took 1 hours and 15 minutes to do and yes putting me on my extreme edge because of the amount of work waiting for me, and now it is 09.40 when coming to the script of today, and yes I have some more work to do on the computer and to update of my December book to do too, so we better get going, and here are some dreams. I am running from one place to another. In rhus, three boys with one of them being a very young Peter A.G. Nielsen is very happy about what an exhibition has done to the youth scene giving them a special stage including a bar next to it to perform on. I keep running, I run fine, and I know that I have to run towards Mrdrup Church and bring luggage with me from there instead of running without, and when I get there, I see Tore Samuelsson (from Lutheran World Federation) speaking on the phone lying about me to protect himself, and he speaks of my past working for the General Electric company claiming that I was placed wrongly according to what they have told him (!), and I stop around the corner for a short while thinking of listening in to the call, but I decided that I will not, this is wrong to do, but he has seen me coming, and is afraid to
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and family had not had enough of my far too long scripts, they would still have the patience to read me, which would make them stop seeing me again, which would make it impossible to enter here, because this is also done with the love of my mother and sister, which is what is the most important of everything the love we share as a family and everything else is really only details, and yes when we left my mother and John at New Years Eve I was shown how Sannas and Karens attitudes are the same, they are made by the same darkness of cheating, lying and better-knowing behaviour, which you know is the WORST I know of. At New Years Eve, Sanna and I had pulled two crackers, and they included two crowns, which she symbolically put over my New Years hat, which was a symbol saying that she gave up bringing me the kingdom of our New World. And yes I also had Dirch Passer and other actors with me this evening to underline that the whole evening was an act of my spiritual friends to divide darkness, and yes a hell it was for me to come through but I appreciate VERY much what my mother and all did to make it a good evening, and yes they did their best, please dont misunderstand this. I am at a class, which feels like my old Commercial Class in Helsingr, which has done a thorough cleaning of this room where I am, and they have found MANY hidden insects, which the owner did not know about, and the owner overtook it as it was only being painted on the surface, and just underneath this, it has all of these bugs, which were gross also to me, but still I decide to open some delicacies inside of here. o This is to say that there was much sexual indecency of these previous worlds with sexuality being the language of darkness brought to me which we have now cleaned in order to bring out the finest life. We are still painting the faade of the dark ship, and I am being set up as the Command Central of the Source I was told that we have said goodbye to auto updates from darkness, but still we have not reached the bottom of it. I received the amazing song uptight by Stevie Wonder and the lyrics ev'rything is alright, uptight, clean out of sight, which will have to be about nervousness of darkness still being brought to me, but evrything is alright, really. We were ready to take an overdose of morphine, and yes your mother too, and we only kept her because of your work making her think differently (not to take her own life). We have had a hand up behind creation itself at what is absolutely nothing in order to understand everything, which is. And still he is not dead, but continuing his work.

I felt happiness but was told that you are now going back to what was supposed to be the most dangerous of all parts of the journey, and that is the opening to the Source self (?), or have we already done this also making this a game (?), and yes Stig, you are home without being home yet, so what we are now going through is only a matter of time and how to divide sufferings. I was told that my mother and sisters fear is that I am building a sect, which will end with collective suicide or something like that, and what can you do against it (?), there is nothing you can do, and this is their feeling. I was told that we would have been able to make it look to you and the world that the walls of our world were coming down, which you would believe in, and yes the alternative scenario, you know. It is truly not the easiest to switch computer, to make it work and still to continue your work having a load to do, and even though the new computer is clean, stabile and dont have extreme overloads of spiritual darkness making it extremely slow in periods, I am surprised to see that in everyday use, it works slower than my old computer, and this new computer is from 2006, where the old is from 2001, and this might be to say that I have to move computer memory from the old to the new if I can, and if not, John has offered to help me, which I might follow up on later. And the new computer has a constant noise, which is bothering me, but not as much as the machine gun of the old computer, which was making me crazy to listen to for thousands of hours. Is that Stig coming there again (?), and I saw myself cycling through darkness now becoming visible again to my spiritual friends, and yes catching up on work to keep updated, which was not easy to do today having to cross the mentally impossible to do barrier. So we are now about to bring the cycle pump and everything from here to support you, and yes you are given the face of an actor you dont know the name of, which is saying that this is an act and you dont know for how long this will continue, and you have decided that if it takes all January or even all 2013, you/I will do that, but it is only a matter of days now, isnt it? I was told and shown that we are still painting the faade of the dark ship if you would like to know. I was told that we have not once run idle; the motor has kept on going all of the time because of my work. I was told about the Concordia luxury liner running aground in January 2012, and was this a symbol to show the world that the end was very near (?), and yes it is, and now they are ready to raise this ship I have noticed. I was shown myself inside a very little floating balloon looking out on the city, and I understood that this is me being inside the most inner of the Source at the Command Central itself, or the
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egg as I was told, and to me this is to say that we are almost done, but also not quite yet. I am not spiritual, I am (!), which is from where everyone receives spiritual information, which is the difference, and I am told this from time to time. It is now almost impossible to us to speak negatively to you. Dont you think that we will be able to hold board meetings without being infected by darkness in the future (?), and yes we will, and also not easy to hold board meetings of the Universe when darkness forces you to speak in tongues like some talking heads you know including deceptions. I was given a sneeze and told that this is going to be one of the last because there is nothing inside of here, which can now be destroyed. The radio host this morning on DR P4 radio used the word umanerlig (immensely in English), which in Danish is not very often used, and it was a new referral to the song Nrmest lykkelig (almost happy) by the Danish band TV2, where they sing hvad nu hvis det kun er dit hr som jeg syns er umanerligt pnt sat op (what if it is only your hair, which I think is put up immensely nice?), which is part of what makes them immensely happy, and with this song, this is what my spiritual friends including my own inner self is saying will bring happiness to our New World, and yes hair and hairdresser are symbols of spiritual communication, which is working fine, and yes setting up our command/communication central of our New World, and this is from the golden period of Danish music to me, which is from the end of the 1980s. I received some deep pain to one of my left fingers, and darkness wanted me to forget about this life, and I said never (!), and was asked if we will now save terminated life of yesterday, and yes we will, and that is if there is any. I was somewhat surprised when I received a new strong heartburn coming, so there is still more darkness down there. I was told that without meeting these people in Brussels, I would have stood down a too steep hill of darkness making it impossible for me to do my journey too. I was told that we will now never again have to enter here inside nothing to get out beer (of terminated life). We would never have been able to handle darkness if we had not divided it collectively among us, and I feel a large ship rocking and sailing into me, and this is what we are uniting and yes removing darkness after we found out how to do it.

I published the first part of the script of today at 13.25 where I received very strong darkness/pain when I was preparing it, and here a small heart attack thank you, mother, for your concern and I was told that we cannot even afford to park where we do park now, which is still in the middle of nothing. Google Earth shows heads growing even bigger (with new life), Greenland (of God) is an angel-wing Jettes Google Earth pictures of her Facebook group show heads growing even bigger (with new life), Greenland (of God) is an angel-wing, a band around Earth with big heads on its sides, darkness still tries to hid from me.

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government bodies, armed forces, businesses etc., and they are the force driving against me, which also would have terminated the entire world, and can it be that even the Queen belong to this secret party and yes party because we will soon starting to celebrate forgetting about old sins when they are out of the way so to say. I am speaking with Karen and a former boyfriend of hers, something about taking stimulating drugs in the coffee, and much chocolate, and she says that 6 months ago she decided not to take Denis nor me as her boyfriend, but Tom meaning empty/nothing, and in reality being Kim and when he tells her that if she does not come over, he will get another woman to come, she is there straight away. o This is about Karens curse being in love with the Devil sending her a man dominating her, which is what she fell for without seeing/understanding that he was killing her, and me too via her besides from making me unhappy. Bringing out my inner self as the last from darkness including much life of nothing is the greatest challenge of all I was told that we dont bleed now when you sleep. We have found a way to survive this but you give us immense pain when you sleep. So in other words, you have jumped out with a parachute on, but you also bring us much pain, and this may be, but I cannot do without sleep, so we will have to take it as it comes, and I will NOT let this pressure me even more. Does it mean that the tour to the cinema this evening has been cancelled (?), no he is back, but we will not open before everything is done. And this is how we have decided to bring your inner self out, by going through pain ourselves. You are so much welcome home, Stig, but not yet now includes your own inner self, and yes if you have hidden more darkness for me to find, now is the time to come forward, and I will find you. This is because there is now nothing remaining of the pole. And your mother will receive no blood nose, we will make sure to get you out, isnt this what we say, and yes it is but the question is if this is right (?), and there is only one way to tell, and that is to see what will happen and to do my best work myself. And we have also handed over our bag, Stig, so there is nothing left here, and why it is that I dont believe in you and that you probably are hiding life from me I went to the library even though I had so little energy that even short walks seem impossible to do to do a new PDFdocument of my December book, which I later uploaded to Scribd and my library. My inner self showed him as an ant being soaked up by me as the anteater, this is how small my inner self is.
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Dreaming of having lost my working capacity but I keep working, the power of the secret world elite working against me How do we end everything now without hurting; to do the most difficult of all (?), and I received the feeling of the late actor Grethe Snck when she went down on all four with difficulties when playing the Erling Bundgaard TV-quiz, this is how I feel when going down on my four for example plugging in the new computer, with GREAT difficulties and she said I cannot tell you too, and yes we know, Stig first want to exit when there is nothing more at all inside darkness. Later I felt my new self coming from right of darkness and he said something like its too bad and was negative influenced by this darkness, but no, you are of course welcome too, and yes Stig, now updating this at 22.10 and I am still incredible tired with absolutely no energy to do this work and that is even though I slept approx. three hours this afternoon receiving these dreams. I am crawling over a bridge across the tracks of the train station being afraid of heights. Here are claim forms to report redundancy etc., and I am looking for the form to report loss of working capacity, but it is not there, and these forms belong to Rikke, who is VERY efficient handling 100 claim cases per day, which is putting her to her extreme edge, and she is grossly misused by her employer. I am now down at the tracks and decide to run my own train in the middle of three tracks, but to my surprise, another trains is heading towards mine, and when I enter this, everything inside of here is of the highest secrecy with guards wanting to report me to the police, which they however do not, and I see that the train is incredible luxurious, and feel that the Danish Queen is located further down the train, where I dont go, but in the first wagon, where I am, I see how a crowd of people is now entering, and they all receive the finest and very cheap lunch, and there are now so much that the expression herring in a barrel comes to dignity do you say this in English too (?) and so much that I have to lift myself up over this crowd not to suffocate. I meet Steen, my old GEFI-colleague, who is VERY annoyed that Morten J., our colleague, did not even say a word or look at us, and the mayor is there too. o This is to say that I have in fact lost my working capacity and am only working because of my will power. I got the feeling that this train is the secret world elite, who are really the same people as you see in charge of politics,
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I was happy having a UFO following me, and several showing small blinks of light on the sky to tell me that they are everywhere MANY of them without light on, and others having light on in altitudes of only a few hundred metres but still man believes they are stars, and yes to cover for the lack of stars on the sky when the Judgment were hanging over us about to kill us all (!), and I was told by some of these that life of old creations is incredible beautiful, and I do look forward to this thinking of some of the positive words I described Elijahs family and mother in their rural village not being destroyed by the culture of darkness also destroying Nairobi as example. I kept on receiving the words Pollux, which reminded me from when I was a boy playing the table game Derby with Thomas, my mothers man Oles youngest son, and I remember the name of this and other stars, which was given horses at this game, and I understood that this is from where these people of other civilizations come from (a star in the northern constellation of Gemini). I was told that paintings of Eckersberg are also beautiful, and yes I dont know much about other culture than music, but here is an example I found.

this (and to carry heavy things for her), and instead I told her that I have managed to set up Bettinas computer removing the installation errors of it, which made her very happy, and so happy that she asked John to get to the telephone, and he was so kind to follow up on his previous offer to help me remove data from my old hard-disk and also the ram-memory to make the new computer faster, so they will now come tomorrow afternoon, and here my inner self says that he is not nothing, but really everything of what remains as nothing, and this is what we will bring here when John will help transfer this data and expand the memory of our New World to make this possible; to bring in more beer as I was told, so this was the answer about hidden life of darkness. I was happy to hear that my mothers severe back pain is now doing better again. Afterwards, I was told that we are already home, Stig, this is only how to divide the sufferings, and I also felt how a King of red was entering me, and when writing these lines, I receive a new kind of much pressure/strain to my heart coming from outside together with the feeling of light, but it is first and foremost an incredible pressure to my heart almost making me nervous, which is about my inner self including all remaining life returning. I was shown a truck with a large missile entering a valley from the Mask of Zorro film, where slaves work to find gold for the masters, and this truck belongs to Israel, and I was told that they were almost bringing you down from within, and yes simply for deciding NOT to stand forward revealing your knowledge and also faith in me, and yes you were the sinners watching the event of the Dome of the Rock right in front of your noses and you decided NOT to tell the world anything to save your own skin, but consulted with Vatican/the Pope (?), and when they also decided not to say anything, you believed that this was for the best, and as you know, this was the WRONG decision, but what we counted on you doing herewith being the RIGHT decision to save us when the world was turned upside down. I was told about what John thinks of and believes after I told him at the hospital a few months ago that he would receive help from a power unknown to doctors, and now he is almost well again, and yes did this bring faith of John in me too, which he however does not express? I was told that there is only one lamp post bringing light to our New World and that is you, Stig. Google Earth shows my bad heart, one clear heart to fill and one full to empty, and I am a sad and alone More pictures from Jettes Facebook group show New Year cleaning, dark hiding behind light, my bad heart, one clear heart to fill and one full to empty, I am a very big and sad alone, big head, and lumps of life gathering.

While in town, I truly felt that I am completely out of energy, and still I continued receiving the strongest pain coming to me from darkness pressuring me from outside, which also included strong negative speech and threats of sexual torments. And it also wanted me to accept torments being given to my family, for example my father, because of the torments they have brought to me, and I had to say no despite of being in great pain not having anything really to stand against with. When I came home, I called my mother thanking her for a fine New Years Evening, which it really was on the surface of it I cannot speak about the deeper truth that I write, which is really also why I write and my mother kept on repeating meget godt (very good) as Lama Ynten used to say and yes Buddha you know, so he is still with me, and she asked me if I had been out cycling, and no that would have been impossible to me, but it shows that my mother believes that I still have strength to do
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--Ending the day with these short stories: Michael did not believe that I am the truth going back to make a brand new stand. B107B5D31DD5
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next job from here, it so stop all of this public spending by introducing our New World Order.

This is the continuation of Bjarnes thread from the other day, where Anne says that it is good to bring positive stories, but we have to be spaciousness enough, which we can learn from (you can tell that she read my comment), and Bjarne said that he agreed but he wants to prioritise the positive more because the negative comes by itself, and yes there is a difference in being negative and to tell the truth from which you can learn from and the reason why I bring this is really because Birgitte says what I have been told these days, which is smile to the world and the world will smile at you, and Carsten brought Victor Borges saying, which I have taken from him, which is that a smile is the shortest distance between people, and I received the feeling that smiling is what we do because I decided to fight Bjarne, the director of the Commune, and not to accept him winning over me.

For some time, Jettes comments to her Facebook group have been disguised like this when I received emails, and as you can see, her comments now appear as if they come from my mothers friend Kte posting to the Facebook group including pictures of Helsingr, which they do not, and this is to me to show the importance of my Facebook postings and comments, which Kte sees as my Facebook friend, which my mother does not, so here it seems that Kte is believing in me, which my own mother cannot, which is quite interesting, dont you think (?), and also that my own family does not want to speak to me about the story of my scripts (?), and yes terrible it really is, or what do you say?

Obama was backed up by US Congress passing the Fiscal Deal to end the US economy falling into the abyss, which is really the same as saying go ahead here too, and it makes me wonder how the greatest nation on Earth is it really, Obama (?) can be so incredible irresponsible not making sure that income will cover expenses, and yes it is as easy as that, and that is despite of what all the wise economists say out there, and a fear of taxes is what it is about, and yes we know as long as you have an OLD and WRONG system based on public spending, you need to make sure that the public finance the spending, and the
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Jette said that the meaning of life is what you put into the now, and she showed the picture of the happy elephant, which is really to say that the meaning of life is also to live in pact with God bringing you much happiness.

I noticed that John from Kenya was online on Facebook during the day today, but unknown for some reason, he decided NOT to write to me, and does it take much preparation mentally for you to sit down and use a few minutes to write to me, John (?), and I am thinking of what may be more important for you to do? This is also how people are, Andrew, and do you remember how you treated me for being different to the truth, which you believed in even though I am the truth?

I received a text message from Fanny saying that her computer is dead, the monitor is not working and she cannot afford buying a new computer, so they got me, and that is darkness, and I told her that I know this from myself darkness was destroying my laptop and almost my old desk top encouraged her to write to me on text messages or via the library computer.

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4. Life will be lifted up to something much more than man and life of today including breathtaking beauty
1. SUBJECT 3rd January: Life will be lifted up to something much more than man and life of today including breathtaking beauty SUMMARY We jeopardised all life October 31 believing that we would be stronger than remaining darkness and survive. Dreaming of doing impossible work to bring out my inner self from darkness. I am continuing my extremely difficult journey without energy out of darkness on my way towards freedom, and I continued updating drivers and programmes on my new computer to make my inner self including all of mine/his findings enter my heart, and it brought me much heart pain because the surface of this is red darkness, but the inner is light/pure gold and breathtaking information on life self. My mothers John was VERY kind to visit me and help to move ram-memory from my old to my new computer and to connect the old hard-disk to the new computer symbolising that all life of everything is connected to our New World. Creation was not possible at all with the access we had to life, which would have made new creation fail forever, and that is if we had not gone outside to nothing of darkness bringing in breathtaking information of life, which will make everything work for an eternity and will lift life up to something much more than man and life of today, which will unfold before the eyes of man as beautiful as you can imagine. The Google Earth pictures from Jettes Facebook group show a VERY tall lady, incarnations shown together, more darkness, and big heads of lumps of life. Short stories of David being kind to wish me a new brother . Dreaming of Danica as the New World cancelling co-operation, which may be the highest game of darkness. And later about light of our New World of the finest quality not being switched on yet. We will receive a whole new way of life with no limits to our abilities, which we will use fully. Darkness does really only exist in our imagination, and when we remove this, it will show what life of our golden times really is about;, a party of fireworks and happiness. My old friend/colleague Preben is helping to bring this to man also being released from strings of his old being. Heaven will fall down to reveal our New World, which is much better than darkness (!), and my spiritual friends bring me many smiles. We are still bringing everything in to the most inner of everything for everyone to come HOM for everyone to come HOME . I am now seeing myself as the Source with the New World just on the other side of little darkness on its way in, and I feel how it is God sending out this darkness, and only when creation was strong enough to return with everything, we would be able to declare a perfect New World. The Trinity has become a duet with the Son after father and mother have united as one. And darkness tried to misuse Fanny stealing and hiding keys of mine with her to potentially close the gate to the Source, which I refused to happen, and Fanny had difficulties knowing if she should be loyal to me or to her nice spiritual voice of darkness disguised as light. Jette wrote about the Google Earth pictures of her Facebook group a cyclone (of darkness) looking like a radio-car from Tivoli (of Paradise), the most clear face I have seen on the sky, life being happy for being rescued having the crocodile of darkness after it, and the little fat has keys in his hand, which may be about me still being too fat having the keys for everything to enter the Source, we were also shown the key as well as the key-hole and later that
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4 January: We will receive a whole new way of life with no limits to our abilities, which we will use fully


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the ladies are not happy..I think you caught them in stealing the key... Short stories of the world elite also clicking in on my library, Helena coughing and being annoyed that she cannot exercise like me, and politicians dont have time to read/understand what they vote about turn the pyramid upside down, lazy and sensitive Lars Lkke, Helena showing herself as the true Devil using slander and sex as her weapon, my heart is about to move in with me at the Source, I gave the CLEAR sign to let the sunshine in, Bo from Dahlberg and David from London treating me wrongly, and asking Preben for his help to adjust my new cycle making me able to use it (and the New World as it symbolises). Dreaming of doing impossible work to bring out my inner self from darkness At 03.00 I decided to see if I would be allowed to get a nap, which I did after some time until 04.50 receiving this dream. I am at a military test over three days where I have done well theoretically and when the teacher sees that I have received 6,800 points in physical tests an obstacle course he says that it would have been good if I had received more than 8,000 points, which would have made me super-elite, but still 6,800 is above average and he believes that I have the potential to reach even higher (despite of what I believe myself), and already the first day out of three he decides to say that I have passed the whole test. I meet my old class friend Lone G. and also Jack, who normally is doing better than I in tests like this, and Lone asks me how I normally do, and I say averagely. I see myself being tied up to a test machine of the size of some metres, and I have to throw an item and hit a small hole at the end of it, which practically no one does, but I do, and when I do, it removes the strings keeping me tied up, and I can swim out through a hole, which is also not easy to do, but I did it, and I saw that one other also managed doing it. I am told that the women of our team performs in the cow stable, and I am not motivated to go because I understand from the excited men that they wear very sexy outfits, which is practically nothing including to showing their breast, which I will not see, but I know that I have to go through this test too, which I do, and I look away when needed, but practically I dont see any bare breast. At the end I see an exercise, which I and another must go through, which is for a female of the team to give me an intimate shave, which she does, and afterwards Jarl Friis Mikkelsen has to give me a normal shave but using a sword doing it, and to my surprise I get out of this test without bleeding. o This test is to get my inner self out of the worst darkness, and I do what is impossible to do to get free from the strings, which tie me up, and this is done via my continuous work, which is truly the most difficult now as it has ever been. And the almost naked women are about the risk of my old nightmare and for me to not look at beautiful ladies on the Internet showing breasts, which may sound easier to you than what it is because of the feelings and desire I am given, and not least because the Internet is FULL of this. And the last
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3 January: Life will be lifted up to something much more than man and life of today including breathtaking beauty
We jeopardised all life October 31 believing that we would be stronger than remaining darkness and survive After midnight when working on the publish of my script of yesterday, I was told that we know you dont like to hear it but we jeopardised all life October 31 believing that we would be stronger than remaining darkness and survive, and yes we did, and if I had calculated wrongly, we would have ended up as nothing forever and ever, but we did not. And this was meant to be given as a question for you do you have the courage to see if this will work or not (?), but no, we know that you have decided that we will decide so this is what we did. And I have been told about Czech girls today, which to me are the most beautiful in the world and what brought an incredible amount of sexual indecency with prostitution and pornography to this country (before my spiritual opening when I lived in sin and still had the power without knowing it) - and this is what I could have had myself as darkness of the Devil if I decided for it, but when I turned it down, this was the same as bringing us survival and yes when I could take on darkness attacking me. You have only gone through difficulties like this because of working your best, and I was shown myself working at the Hotel in Nairobi as example when the locals where watching Champions League football, and that is to prioritize work over pleasured always. As usual when preparing to publish my script, darkness was very strong truly making this impossible to do, and when I had published it at 01.00, darkness said he is truly a tough employer and yes for us to have to accept him treating us like this. They keep on showing Westerns on Swedish TV, and yes is darkness and the end all that the world is seeing too, and we know maybe they also see me and my arrival? I was shown and told that it will be the spirit of my mother who will let the curtain go when stopping the game and bringing me forward as my new self. I was told that you cannot invade this darkness, but I did when it did not suspect me, and it is here my mother.


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shave is with a risk to cut me off and that is the sex of me, which will have to be me really, but I come through this one too, and it seems as if Jarlen is speaking much about me, is that the case, Jarl? Going through an extremely difficult journey out of darkness with pure gold of breathtaking life When I woke up, I was given two loud hiccups, but there is no more life to destroy? I was shown a giant Russian canon pointing directly at me, which I succeeded to remove. I was given a giant portion of Lasagne by my mother, which is about love and also joy and happiness of the spirit of my mother, and lasagne has always been a favourite dish of my mother to do, and it has always been delicious. I received the catchy song (baby) come back by Eddy Grant, which of course here is about my inner self to come back (from darkness) to the world. I was shown a statue (of liberty) on the top of a wardrobe closet, and saw that I have gone through this even though I could hardly reach it, and I am now going through the arm of the statue held high, and I was told that trust in me is what is bringing me freedom. I was shown that all life here is connected as beautiful, naked ladies also bringing cookies. I was told that darkness cannot terminate any life inside darkness when I sleep because this life is me. I was given the feeling to believe the worst case scenario, which is often the case and then I was told about the understanding of me being a potential killer with Karen as my potential victim (!), and about how Bjarne, the director of Helsingr Commune, became an allied receiving access to secret files about me and would that be from the National Police, and the same who believed that Henrik Sass Larsen was infiltrated by the Danish Rocker-environment after one random with one at a public restaurant (?), and yes I am excited to see what is bottoms up on this story, and who was drunk listening to their own compulsory thoughts. My mother (and John) also gave me a new wireless keyboard and mouse in Christmas gift, which I however decided to exchange to receive the money back, which I gave to my mother, who will give me another gift later because I did not know what to get and I exchanged it because I have what should be two fined wireless keyboards from Logitec, which I believed would work fine on the new computer, and at least one of them, but when I tried this morning, they did NOT work, so the story should have been that I should have kept my mothers gift to receive a perfect New World symbolised by my
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new computer, but I could not tell, but this was part of the story, and no, I am not going back to get that keyboard now, all of this is only a symbol and I will get a completely new computer one day, and that is if I should need it, which I may not at all .! It corresponds to taking in water into the basement without anyone being there. Do you freeze (for my inner self) yes and no. Is it you then who will bring the sun in here or what (?), and yes as mentioned before it is the light of the world, which will be reflected in here. I had more updates to do on the new computer and really much more than what I suspected, which was under the surface, which is ALWAYS a good place to look (!), so I downloaded Java and when I watched the acoustic half hour video with Jeff Lynne and saw how the video was hacking, I realised that there had to be a problem with either the graphics card driver or the graphic cards itself, and sure enough, Windows XP had not recognised it, and there was no driver in the box with computer CDs from Bettina, so I had to find a programme, which could search my computer for needed driver updates and to give recommendations of which driver to download and install, and after having used at least a couple of hours on this, I found one fitting the card really (a SIS 650 to 760 series) without knowing which card it is, and after installation of this, the system worked MUCH better, but still it is in need of more ram-memory only having 500 MB as is now, and when doing this update on the graphics card driver, I received the WORST heart pain coming from my inner self on his way in, and so much that I was truly about to break down. I cannot forget that you decided no energy at all and did not care what we told you, and yes not even to write down about the pressure we put on you, and yes we could talk, but it did not change my mind. So it is the hand, which went out to nothing of what was not created which is now returning, and I felt the red of it coming, and this darkness is influencing my body and head negatively as if my whole body is throwing up, which is how it has been for a long time, but now stronger than ever, and of course I am still tired. I heard speech to the spirit of my mother you werent sick were you, i.e. the world (?) while I continued the work on drivers for the computer. It feels like having been to war against my self and that I am now returning as the soldier. Well, we arent going to enter through the same hole we made to get out to nothing, shall we (?), and yes it is now made bigger symbolised by the modifications on the computer. If your father had died, we would not have gone this way, he is the security to return to the world, which might have looked differently if he had died because we would not have had the overview of everything as we had here. And had he died while being out here, we would have had to throw away some of the
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sensational findings of our origin away in order to be able to come back. As example, it was out there that we learned that we were beings before sexuality. And it required that you took on the absolutely worst sexual torments, which I my inner self otherwise could have taken the spirit of my mother of. And I continued receiving MUCH pain to my heart together with the feeling of red darkness, but the outcome of this is the greatest quality, and later I received three small heart attack still with the feeling of red given to me, but now also all light inside of it, which we found, and I was told that the world will never be the same again with the finding of this. It is all of this, which is needed to unite the whole cake of our New World and to divide all of this with everything. We could also have chosen the millionaire-package, which would have stopped us a long time ago never getting into this layer. I had placed red guards along the way, and had you lost it, I would have too and I would have gone through much more pain than now, which I was told after having received a series of hiccups symbolising pain to my inner self. I was told that Didier and Diana have also been all the way out here to discover what is. So I am the train, and we had the power to burn down houses, i.e. worlds, here, but only if you accepted it via the old nightmare, this is how it works also here. I was told again that if I had lost it, it would have looked like firemen pulling huge items of darkness feeling whales up of the Pedestrian Street of Copenhagen, which would have looked dead (but was not inside of it), but now you are Spider man doing this task yourself. The thought is that Sanna will discover that you are the truth (I was here given the name of the Norwegian city Sandefjord meaning true fiord), which will be followed by your mother. I have received the words you are not unemployed for some time and now I am told that this is because this is what Bjarne from the Commune was thinking right until I let the bomb explode on him and not me, and now I am unemployed again, and yes for my cash help not to be stolen from me. I continued working on updating software on my computer, and I continued receiving errors, which was spiritual darkness working, and it was as annoying as it gets with the same programs, which decided not to download or install, and sometimes the computer was completely jammed blocking where nothing happened, and this was a complete waste of time in itself almost making me give up because it took 10 times longer than

needed and is impossible to do, and I dont have that much energy you know. Here are a couple of examples with the first being the installation of Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 to replace version 6, where an undefined error occurred, but eventually it succeeded, and afterwards, I tried to get Windows Update to locate what I needed to update to Windows and Internet Explorer, but it kept on giving me the same error not being able to show the page, and here there was nothing I could do to make it work today, and yes darkness is simply too strong to make it work I was told that this is Toruk Makto darkness, the worst of all, from the Avatar movie - and yes I am given feelings and also some speech whenever this happens.

It is still true that it is amazing that you did this alone without the doctor, i.e. Karen, as example helping you, and the Toruk I am meeting is still all of the resistance of Karen and my family, friends etc., thus the world working against me. I was shown that my inner self is bringing the purest gold back home. I was told that I could not AT ALL look at attractive women in the summer of 2010 because I had reached the Source where sexuality was not yet defined, and yes I remember that I looked down in the road all of the time for months and not on people and this was sufferings at such an extreme level that no one understood (?) or will understand (?), and yes just one look at a beautiful lady I remember, whom I almost bumped into in Lyngby, would have brought the end of the world, this is how strong it was. We have been out here in a previous world, which is why we know and could plan to take it in. I decided to cross my no energy feeling and cycled to the Irma supermarket maybe 500 metres from here to buy a cake for John, and my new bicycle is truly fantastic, and that is if it did not have two errors completely annoying me but I cannot become negative, so a part of the game (!) and one thing is
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that the saddle stick is very smart where a switch easily can adjust the height of the saddle, but another thing is that when I lift the saddle up maybe 15-20 centimetres, it takes it less than two minutes when cycling to fall down again, and yes there is no screw to tighten to solve this (!!!), and another thing is that some of the gears keep falling out of gear giving me very uncomfortable jumps when cycling, and yes if these details were in order, it would be perfect to me, and they will probably be corrected with the opening of our New World, and yes this was making me almost lose it because of annoyance, which I really did not need on top of everything else. Life will be lifted up to something much more than man and life of today including breathtaking beauty John arrived at 14.30 as agreed to help move ram-memory from the old to the new computer and also to transfer data from my old hard disk via a special tool of his making it possible to take out the hard-disk of the old computer and to connect it to the new via a USB-plug. Already before he arrived, I was told that John takes his time being careful with everything he does, and also taking longer than what most have patience for, and this was also the case here, where mostly he separated the old computer and took out 2 ram-memory cards of 512 MB each, and when he opened the new one and tried to insert the cards in the clickable slots, he tried it MANY times but was never satisfied because it was as if they did not click right, and I felt how extreme impatience was given to me wanting me to push him or even to take over, but I knew that this was wrong and decided to do the opposite to give him all the time in the world as the world gives me to do this creation perfect and to bite the pain and voice of darkness given to me in me, and eventually he succeeded, and that was to add one extra card, because the new computer only have room for two cards giving a total of 1 GB ram-memory, and that is double as good as it was, but still nothing compared to the 4 GB, which John told me that he has in his computer, but this is how life is here. Afterwards, the task was to get out the hard-disk of the old computer, which John declared was impossible or almost impossible to do, because my old computer only had access from one side, with the three other being impossible to open, however it was possible to get off the front cover and eventually requiring much patience from me it was possible to take out the hard-disk and now it was time to use his tool to connect the lose hard-disk to power and to the USB-plug of the new computer, and this hard-disk had other plugs than what John had seen before making him in doubt if he could, and he said that he was sorry that he could not get the wires to work straight away, and I told him to take his time, we have plenty of it and to try all logical options where the wires fitted, and I was told that the impatience I am given is the same as my mother receives, which makes her the most impatient of all not being able to control her temper, but I am going against it deciding to show the opposite attitude, which is because this is right to do, and eventually he also connected this, and when I tested it, it worked so now I got you as I am told here, and yes bringing
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all data of everything with us to our New World, which this symbolises, and that is included what we tried to hide from you. And the fun part is that the old computer said that my harddisk was full of errors, which it continued saying for months, but when it is now attached to the new computer, there is NOTHING wrong with it no error messages (!!!), and furthermore now it does not give the same noise as a machine gun making me crazy, so it was the cabinet around it, i.e. the creation of the world, which was not good enough, and with our new set up, it works perfectly. During his visit of almost 1 hours it was no longer than this I was also given surprising and breathtaking information, which only came in lumps making it impossible to understand and write down when John was here, but here is what I received afterwards. Well, you can imagine that our surprise was big when coming out here (to nothing) beyond the point where anyone has been before seeing that creation was not possible at all no matter what we did (!), and we had to go deep enough to bring material from the most inner as we were able to go to make everything work, and you can imagine our celebration when we learned this. I was told something about Karen and I not being able to get children, i.e. to make creation of a world work. And this is what we have now ended, Stig, yes setting up a completely New World and new structure, where you and Karen are eeehhh not the same after all, and yes who did we find out here (?), can you remember (?), and no I was told some while John was here, but I did not understand and/or remember and did not take notes hoping that you will repeat it, and it was something about our child and who we are/are not. What did the state report say (?), bad to very bad, and yes a new creation was not possible, but we never gave up because you never gave up, and together with LTO and yes a long night mare also here, my friend, Stig, we pulled it out, and yes because of this content from nothing where it was stuck at its original location of darkness of our creation surrounding it, and if we would never be able to get in here, we would continue making New Worlds not being able to survive. We are not here at all, no, life was/is meant to be so much more/higher, which we did not know about because we had never entered this place before, and this is what will unfold before the eyes of man as beautiful as you can imagine, and then again we can not really ourselves, and yes Stig, we are not those people we created, we are something else, something much more, much more than man and life, and yes lifted up to/by God to become and yes for you to see shortly. There is no money inside of there, and only by deciding not to produce energy here, we could enter it. And I was told that we wish that we could have done this at the original creation.

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I continued receiving the STRONGEST feelings when John was here to be careless about everything and to let this darkness hurt people around me and the world and yes it can be so strong that the risk is that the torture of it would make me give up and become careless, but no, I have decided that I will do my best to avoid this, so this is what I do. And no, John did not want to have a piece of cake .. --When writing the script this afternoon, I kept on receiving visions of where I went to on Mallorca in 2007, and I received the feeling that without doing this also visiting many beaches, I would not have been able to fight darkness as effectively as I did. I was told that Allan Gretes husband has had a cold heart lately, but I do hope that he will survive this too depending on how well I do my work. I was given a deep, red pain to my left ankle and was told that this is also brought to me by my sister. I was told that the wrong behaviour of Helena and Sren Pind was also what made it possible to push me out there in darkness where we have never been before. After John had left, it was impossible to resist impatience and tiredness/exhaustion and to get back into a work rhythm to write this script when all I wanted to do was to relax my heavy head, but somehow will power made this possible again. Darkness was extreme until 17.45 making life the destructive feeling of darkness together with negative voices the worst hell, and here at 17.45 it lifted some giving me some relief, and yes every second is still unbearably to go through. My mother called me and offered me to go to Ikea tomorrow morning to buy a closet for the bathroom, but I told her that I really dont need more room to my few things on the bathroom, and instead that I might wish for a cover for my old hard disk, which I will look at over the coming days. I was told that we are coming in through the same hole, whihc made my throat hurt some weeks ago. I received the feeling of Gandalph from Lord of the Rings and was told that this is to say that we are not really here, Stig, and yes what does this mean (?), and this is connected with the great discovery of life, which is what it is also about. This means that we have no basis points here, which also means that we can develop into a completely different direction than what we thought possible and yes when daring to face and overcome darkness, a whole New World of opportunities opened to us, and now we will not share anymore today because he is still as tired that half could be enough as we say here.
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This was not the most dangerous part of it, was it (?), and that is to bring all this data to our New World. I received pain to my left foot and is this about two worlds being brought together (?), yes we could cry because of this beauty and that is if we were not darkness. And this is because no one has been this way before; remember that creation was done by the spirit of my mother outside the Source. We went out there to save the world, but we found something completely different, and we will be both. You are the only one in the world knowing about this, and yes all of the normal grind (trummerum in Danish, a word based on drumming, herewith also about original life returning) continues on the news, Facebook etc. with people doing what they normally do WITHOUT YOU. I was shown a vision of Peter, my old class friend from Alberslund (1972-76), and I had almost forgot about him, and that is even though I believe he and I were friends (?), and yes Niels and Bjarne were my best friends of the class, and I remember where they lived, but Peter was also a good friend of mine, and where did he live (?), and yes the memory of this has been removed from my head, this is how it is and a sign of darkness removing life. We are now inside the cinema, and I was reminded about John speaking of a BLUE MONITOR, which to him was a danger sign, but to me this is to say that everything is blue of me, and we will now adapt everything, wont we (?), and the feeling is that we have already done this, and yes all of this because of faith in you, which is bigger than you believe. Google Earth shows both light and darkness including a VERY tall lady The Google Earth pictures from Jettes Facebook group show a VERY tall lady, incarnations shown together, more darkness, and big heads of lumps of life.

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--Ending the day with these short stories: David was kind to communicate again, which seems to be impossible to do to John and especially Elijah, and I dont understand why you just dont to it, my friends?

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Kims company. And I see myself playing badminton in the garden with someone, and the balls are hit incredible high in the garden. o Normally Danish is the good company symbolising our New World, and PFA the bad, so what is now this about with Danish cancelling the co-operation (?), is this darkness inside our New World, hence the smoking, trying to play a game with me to make me nervous saying that we cannot get the New World to work or ? We will receive a whole new way of life with no limits to our abilities, which we will use fully I received a very uncomfortable cough here at 02.00, which is strong darkness giving it to me, and I was told that Preben was about to die from being famous. Sadly you have to stand up, and no, I could no more. I was told that the these will be the last days of our lives as our old selves. I was told that Flemming Sanna and Hans friend also put on cream (sent me darkness as sexual torments because of his wrong behaviour, and I am here given the taste of red wine, and told that this is what the cream has now become), which also ravaged our property. It is not a Columbus egg, it is a whole new way of life. I was given fights and Norway, i.e. darkness, and was told that we were nothing without knowing it, which created darkness. I received the lyrics det er p club det foregr (it is on club it happens), which is inspired by det er p disk det foregr (it is on disc it happens) from shu-bi-duas fiske-disk (fishdisc), and this was with the feeling of Karen, and the new nightclub, which has opened in her beloved and nearby Rungsted Harbour, where Dan Rachlin by the way is the DJ, and this is about the song of meeting loverboys to use Karens language, which does NOT make me happy, but as the song says, it is also about having your hair arranged by the hair-dresser (to receive communication as your new self), and to trade with fish, which is to become our new selves, and I was told that Karen has a fifth place here. When the feeling will spread that the police, i.e. darkness, has never been here, there will be no limits to our abilities, which will we use the absolutely best that we can. I was told that this could not been done without a lot of unnecessary crying of my family. It is difficult to find someone like that down at the negotiating table. Those students there etc. dont really exist other than in our imagination, and when we remove this, it will show what life really is, a party of fireworks and happiness. At 07.20 this morning, Per Gessle from Roxette was inspired to share Roxettes video Fireworks, so this is the connection, and

4 January: We will receive a whole new way of life with no limits to our abilities, which we will use fully
Dreaming of Danica as the New World cancelling co-operation, which may be the highest game of darkness At 20.00 yesterday, there was no limit to how tired I was so I went to bed, and when I was waken up with a dream at 02.00 and encouraged to stand up writing, I thought it was a lie and that I only had slept a couple of hours, so when I kept on trying to fall asleep, eventually I was allowed doing this, but after receiving information for a while, and then I slept until 05.50, where I decided to stand up to finish a little to the script of yesterday and to start writing this, and this is even though I would really have liked to continue sleeping, so here we go again again, and I wonder for how long. I am attending a status meeting as Kim S employee between Kim and Danica the Life & Pension company which I normally do not, and the Danica-man, who smokes much, says that they have bad news, which is that they have had to cancel co-operation with insurance brokers, and now they will tell the last two, which also includes


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yes I LOVED Roxette before they became a BIG SUPER-GROUP world-wide, and yes their story reaching fame was with a little bit of help from my friends, and I saw this AFTER bringing Joyride by the band below, and yes I LOVE to see that it is Per self bringing these Facebook updates, which makes him unique compared to most other bands on Facebook, and yes I wonder what the girls on TV2 have to say about this (?), and yes I love GOLDEN TIMES too, and yes Pers old Swedish band (Gyllene Tider), and you may understand a connection to me (?), and not only during summer times (?), and yes this band was a part of the Swedish wave of music of the 1970s making me fall in love with Swedish music.

where not even a pin (of darkness) is allowed to fall to the ground. This is build on Prebens faith and we could have chosen Ib from Skive too, and this is the force replacing everything with magic. Today is a unique opportunity to prepare the last of this, which will remove the western, which mad the girl, i.e. my mother, and everyone SCREAM. This is like digging out a moat and sailing all life hidden inside of there out in a liver pate package, which is very uncomfortable, but joyride is coming, and the liver pate is given here as example because after I froze the last I bought, it was looking gross when it came out, but there was nothing wrong with it as I could see when heating it, and this is how it is to get out of the freezer of darkness. I was told about Preben indulging whisky (of darkness). =EvpYdXjE0Rc I received the lyrics I can still remember how that music used to make me smile from Don McLeans American Pie, combined with these will be the days of our lives, which is about what is coming to us and that these days are the last of our lives before the change and during the night I kept on receiving when music dies from this song, which I could only think was darkness still wanting to kill love, which it really means, and yes confusing me as the dream with Danica also did. I was told that there will be no more Black Renault, which is about a car of darkness and a cognac symbolising darkness, and the disgusting coughing I am given is the last of the old, which is removed, and when this will be gone, we will receive an incredible revelation, you, mother and the world, which is not about waking up to who we are, but more a feeling of being. I was told about secret negotiations of Aon with 247 high school students, which was a reference to Preben again (where he now was working, because he stopped January 1 without having new work), and this is how we could continue, and I was told that there is also explanation in this (about Preben). I was reminded to say that I of course have NOT activated Windows Firewall and also have NO virus protection on my new computer, so I am completely open to the world, and the only protection I have is from God being stronger than attacks of darkness also to my computer and that is as long as I dont give up, you know. I was told no dictionary about our New World, where everyone will know and there will be no limits to what everyone can do. This is the secret of the smallest part of the Source,

So this was the information above, which I received maybe until 03.00, and hereafter with this combination of dreams and visions/speech, but mostly the last, and yes it is really the same with the only difference being if I sleep or do not sleep. My sister tells me about how Prebens wife Lone, has written a negative text about me, which makes me conclude that I have not seen everything. I was told and shown a postman setting up a ladder to reach a hole on the top left side, and he is carrying gold packages, and yes this is where we are going. I was shown the inner fish coming and being full visible a LARGE fish - and I was told that I am decided an entrepreneur and could not do this without Preben, who has also been lifted up and out of his skin to help bring man out, and in through the left entrance there to the inner fervour of everything, which is completely without thrombosis etc., which is only given on the way there, and they have no toilets, i.e. destruction, there because they have never invented this. I was told that everything apparently will be revealed to us the first day, which we have known about for approx. one month, and I was told that everything new will come on top of what we know. I kept on being asked to stand up to write, and I was still too tired, and I was given threats that if I do not, my family will suffer, and those are the things, which you really dont like to hear. Dreaming of light of our New World of the finest quality not being switched on yet I had this dream.

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I am in Helsingr and wonder why the light in not switched on at the kiosk next to the bus station, and everything should be fine inside of there. I notice how stores having street displays of their goods sell different qualities of handmade bread rye bread and white bread and I notice one rye bread being the most delicious I have ever seen, and I meet my mother and John there, and my mother says that she would like to visit people on her own without always having me and John with her, and I tell her that it is fine by me and I am sure also by John if she visits people without us up to half of all visits, and she says that she is going to visit Allan Bak, and I tell her of the coincidence that this is the man who has made this delicious rye bread. Down at the flower-square, I see remaining of white bread one large and two small slices which used to be very delicious, but now is less delicious with the crust becoming crisp, and I ask the seller of how much he wants for this, and he says 20 DKK, Stig, which makes me annoyed because it is not worth more than 10 DKK, and I am surprised that he knows my name. o Helsingr is still our New World, where the light is not switched on yet, which is what I and the world is waiting for, and I love street displays of goods, and the VARIATION and quality of homemade products instead of boring, similar and poor quality industrial products and the dream of visiting people with or without your family/partner will probably be to say that you have the FREEDOM to do what suits you the best as long as you are considerate and let people know of your plans, and yes to BOTH prioritize the community and individuality of people, and no, there are NO books telling you that just because you are married, you have to be together always, and also the opposite for that matter. In our New World the goal is really to find the RIGHT price on products based on what it is REALLY worth, and to do your best doing this, and I am here given the vision and speech of the Suede Glenn from the Ftex Supermarket, who is also active on the Helsingr Facebook groups as example of people of Helsingr now knowing me after I went up against Bjarne the other day.

together, and egg is creation, and what was it again that sugar is about (?), and was that new energy if I remember correctly, so this is what is coming to us, and what I am given some of today making me able to exercise again. I was told about himlen faldt ned (heavens fell down), which sounded as a negative sign, but is this what will happen when we will get through to everything of our New World at the Source, which will be visible on the sky (?), and yes det var bedre end af fyre en fed (it was better than smoking a joint) (of darkness) as Shu-bi-dua sings, so this is how it is going to be and this is in a whole New World as they sing, and we know it is pingeling (!), and yes I LOVE this song from their golden period, and what would life be without Shu-bi-dua (?), and yes certainly NOT the same . I was told that it is NOT fly high, fall deep as we also say here and no, I do NOT know if you say this elsewhere too (?) and this was half drunk darkness telling me, and the reason why this comes, is because I saw on TV yesterday that Fly high as the American comic film Airplane! is called in Danish won a vote on being the funniest film ever, and this is really to say that I love these kind of movies deliberately misunderstanding and making a fool of yourself, which Leslie Nielsen of course was the master in, and this is to share the smiles of my actors with you, and also an inspired film showing you the difficulties of stayin alive against all odds. Who are those parking at the top of the mountains there (?), and this is my inner self returning, and with him also UFOs, which will come out. This is with other words such non-celebrity as a Royal Wedding happening. Yes, and you can get a ketchup conk (!), ha ha ha, and yes a very warm laughter, which impossible can be darkness, right (?), and yes this is the laughter which I gave Lucas and the entire world because of course it was impossible in their minds that the world could go under, because how could it (?), and yes how could you all tell as ignorants not knowing what you spoke of (?), and yes this example should be pretty clear to our future; dont pretend to know about what you dont! We practically dont complain anymore (because we dont read) is about my family, and darkness told me that this is because of my work, and really because I am doing well under the circumstances. I was told that the main parts of your heart have not arrived yet, and can it really be (?), and if this is the case, more sufferings are coming. The everyday use of my new computer symbolising our New World is that it is much more stable than the old, and does not
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Heaven will fall down to reveal our New World, which is much better than darkness I was told that not being able to sell tickets to his family to make them believe in me is part of the game, and I received hiccups because of the pain my sleep is bringing my inner self. I was still tired when waking up, but when this is written now at 09.05, I feel more fresh than for a long time, and so fresh that I will cycle to the swimming hall today, and yes I have really felt poor/annoyed that I have not been able to exercise, and in general that I have NEVER been able to exercise as I would have liked to, and yes the last few years were of course the worst of all to go through also in this respect. I was told if we have butter, flower, sugar and eggs, which are ingredients for a cake you know, and I was shown sugar and egg

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have the incredible long waiting time as the old did for example every time I inserted a picture or a hyperlink, which now is done without delays, and yes it is NOT the best computer of today, but as a symbol of our New World, it will have to work and I really thought that the symbol would become my old laptop again working AFTER the opening of our New World, but you never know my friend as a warm voice tells me here, and yes also of darkness and that is of course impossible for clairvoyants to misunderstand, and this is how they are kept passive in darkness. I was told that we have not come out yet, and also received big smiles. You and Karen have not had any children yet, and Stig you are really your own child, and yes I do believe that this is what I was told yesterday when John was here, and something about me being the father, and now I am the Son (again again), and yes I started my journey as the father (and mother) in order to end up as the Son, but here also about what we discovered on the other side as my origin as I understand it. I was given the feeling of black darkness to the inside of my right lower leg and told that it is not impossible that it is within this that the gold lies, which is what we are still coming to. In the morning when working, suddenly Microsoft Word received another life not acting at all to my commands meaning that when I hit a key, something completely different happened, and yes the play for today by darkness, so I had to start all over switching off and on the computer to make it work again, and yes as my inner self does too. I was told that my mother would not survive a weekend without seeing me, which is also about the healing I give her, and I continued receiving negative voices, and when hearing what they say I dont often enter it it said let her die then, and no, my spiritual friend, this is NOT how we work here, and yes easy to do the opposite of what darkness pressures on me, and in theory that is because the power of darkness you know .! Yes, we have the stamp completely pressed to the bottom, and yes signing him there off to become the new great King, and yes is that you there (up on the wall) and also you there, and yes we are really here, there and everywhere. I was told that this is/was the sharpest turn right of all, before we shortly will turn left coming HOME, and yes here you have both of these songs, which I love equally as MUCH, and very special they are to me. I felt the spirit of my father and darkness and he asked has he not given up yet jumping on the back of a motorcycle and riding to the right, and no, he does not want to give in, and this is to say that it is still God above making this game continue, and yes
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as long as it takes, and since the world is still silent about me, we might as well continue and yes for as long as it takes. I continue receiving a few sneezes per day. Will we soon go out fishing (?), and yes my actor and I STILL receive darkness around him, when we will get HOME. I was told about an application I did to Ejendomsinvest (Property Invest) in Copenhagen after being WRONGLY dismissed by Acta in 2007, and yes I attended a public meeting, which they arranged, and decided to write a memo in detail explaining them what they did wrong and could improve, but you dont do things like that, so professionals as they are, they did not like me to tell them (?), so you did not invite me and not even send me a reply, and no I did not want to follow up, and this is both to say that these professionals showed themselves as amateurs, and here I was told what did they use as reference when improving their public meetings (?), and yes you might want to take a guess? I continued working until 11.30 before I could get a little time off. I was shown a lasagne plate on the top of the shelves to the left on its way out of a hole to the wall of the shelves, which is where we are heading and yes follow me, and that is with the love of my mother, hence the lasagne, which is making this possible. When a really get move-in comes, you will know that the time has come, Stig, but not yet. I keep hearing kill him, kill him or telephone and yes what are we to choose if he should give up, and yes it is still not easy to go through this journey, and it still requires my best no to give up. Is it really possible to lead everything up to where you just had your hand up, and yes inside nothing, and I wonder if this is where the hole of the shelves is leading to. I was told airport and tasted Champagne with the taste coming from an area right in front of me, and I was told that we cannot lie anymore, it is straight ahead giving me that understanding that we are truly only days from home? I was told that it is not only FC Midtjylland in female handball, who are special but also Bkkelaget in Norway (women) and Kiel in Germany (men) as examples, and yes I wonder how far the word on me has spread among the handball world, and yes did you see the Danish Handball Federations amateurish performance once again at the last Euorpean Championships when they did not know the rules thinking that a fifth place would qualify to the World Championships, which it did not and yes just showing you POOR WORK of people who loves to talk talk instead of TRULY knowing their work, and yes you better come out too, Morten Stig Christensen, the chairman and yes as a special friend of mine.
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John told me yesterday that Niklas will come next week and help him set up some technical things, and Niklas is ALWAYS nice to help people, which he has done with Bettina and Sren MANY times over the years with their IT-equipment, and I was thinking about asking Niklas to come and visit me too because maybe my old hard disk can fit inside Bettinas cabinet instead of buying a special cover, but then again, I will NOT ask him based upon my last experience with him, and I will also not start to mess with the details myself, this is not how highly I prioritize it now, but if I had, this is what I would have done myself first, and yes learning while doing it, and if I could not, I could ask a mentor, and this is really GENERALLY how I like to work. And by the way, I am happy to be able to use the Firefox browser again, which was blocked to me for months on the old computer, and to me this is way better than all the other. I went to the swimming hall and when cycling there, I discovered that I truly dont have much energy, and just because I feel better does not mean that I feel fine, and I noticed that they will now replace all showers, which I has asked them to do months ago as I am sure that MANY people have asked them to do, and yes they were of TERRIBLE quality, and you should think that basic services of a swimming hall will be working properly (?), which they did not, and yes also giving people life dangerous bacteria, and to me this was also a positive sign really. I exercised on the left cross trainer, and I felt that I have not exercised for a while because it was tough, and after 17-18 minutes, I very directly received the worst darkness attacking me giving me the strongest desire to stop, which I received 5-6 times, and I dont know how I came through this, but I did, but after 20 minutes, I had no more to give, and I had used 354 calories by then, and we will see if I can make 30 minutes the next time. I am now seeing myself inside the Source with the New World on its way in, and I heard myself being addressed also as the mother, which is to say that mother and father are becoming ONE, and I was told/thinking that when creation was strong enough to return to the Source, it is because we have made perfect creation, and I felt this darkness around me, and also Preben inside this darkness, and I was told that he is really darkness and yes because of what he told others in the insurance business about me not having read and understood me and you can add much selfishness too both in terms of money and speaking of himself, but despite of this, I of course like Preben very much, and I was told that we would still like to say that you are coming home without receiving the help of your mother. When I was cycling, it was raining and the saddle again went down annoying me so much that what should be a pleasure became the opposite, this is how low I was sitting, and furthermore the gear jumps (when I was NOT changing gear) became EXTREME today, and I was almost sure before cycling today that these gear jumps were spiritual darkness doing this, and it now kept on happening also making me potentially crazy because of just how annoying it was, and I was given more and more
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clear feelings of darkness just around me actively changing my gear when I did not do it myself (!), and when I did it myself, I noticed that what normally had been an immediate shift, now came with delay or even did not shift, so this is spiritual darkness and at the end I was told that this is really about fitting in the New World to the Source, and we are testing the gears up and down to make it fit. I felt someone who wanted to remove the connections via my ankles and immediately a response from another voice not to do it, and is this right or wrong to do (?), and is it right or wrong to move out of the shelves to the hole to the left of the shelves (?), and yes I really dont care because I have said that I dont know, so it is up to light to decide what is RIGHT to do because it has to be PERFECT, and yes this could potentially evolve into completely impossible to decide tasks. I felt Karen just on the other side of this darkness and was told you are a mean banana, which is what she will tell me when coming here, and that is because I did not give up to the power of her and my family, friends etc. and MANY people opposing me. I was told by God here and yes at the Source behind this darkness that it was him working as darkness and also him giving me/us three chances to carry out important tasks, and if I could not, it would have been the end of the world, and yes I received a few of these warning during my journey, and cannot remember now what they were about. I continued receiving some negativity today, but the pressure of this and physical darkness with negative feelings and a weak heart was MUCH lower today, and as if the power decreased from maybe 10 times my strength to what is now maybe 1 or 2 (?), and it includes the same relief to my right ankle, and yes this is a relief of what became an incredible difficult Christmas/New Year Eve. God also said that keep on, keep on, keep on as I continued DECIDING to say was also coming from him. I was also told about a sexual detail of Karen, which could make strong men start to cry, this is how dreadful it was for me to hear, and I truly felt MUCH alone not having anyone I can speak to as a TRUE friend really listening to and supporting me, and yes I am glad for Jette, Fanny and also Meshack and David, but I truly dont have a good friend, who will offer to sit down and speak to me for hours doing his best to LISTEN and UNDERSTAND and yes to show him/herself as a TRUE friend, and no, I had NO true friends in this manor. I was told that Nixon placed an atomic bomb in South Vietnam in secrecy before leaving in disgrace, and he wanted to bring this to explosion later, and this was told as if there is now a new threat potentially making it impossible now to connect the New World the last short road to me at the Source, and this sounded so crazy that I was very close not to write it down, but sometimes what sounds crazy is the truth which MANY people out there will understand, in relation to me (?) so here is this story too, and yes is it darkness or light speaking a lie or the truth?

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I have been told several times about my mother thinking what will become of me when she dies, and yes because it is impossible for me to take care of myself (?), and yes you will have to get further out on the country with this, and yes it is really far out and we know .. My mothers old friend Ely called me by mistake again as she also did a couple of months ago, and since she has sent textmessages to my mother on my phone, so another lady not in much control (!), and again she was surprised to hear my voice, but it gave us a couple of minutes to speak before her other telephone rang and she had to end our conversation, and I was given some difficulties to speak, which told me that she and my mother have spoken about their misunderstandings of me behind my back, and I asked her how her husband John and son are doing, and terrible was her answer, and yes he is very sick after a fall a few years ago, and her son is of course crazy, and yes destiny that she and my mother both should receive crazy sons with the truth being that it was the mothers, who were crazy. I continued receiving the voice of darkness wanting me to say that you are not welcome, but NOT! I was told that we dont pass such a small guard without Bjarne from the Commune, and yes he is still with me and must be playing the role of darkness too, and yes am I too strong on you, Bjarne? I felt Jeff Lynne in darkness around me and was told that my mothers father is also helping me to move in through this darkness. I continued receiving a machine gun of noises to my right ear for maybe 15 or 30 minutes, which is about spiritual development or maybe just development now. I received the feeling of Kim S. and saw HUGE oxygen metal containers being lifted up from sea maybe 12 and I was told that these were connected to the story of the atomic bomb, which was the last surprise because there is not room enough at the Source to store the whole New World with the logics being that we had to explode it to make room for the rest, and then I was told that it of course would require my acceptance of my old nightmare, and later that in order to avoid this, I have to stay awake until 08.00 tomorrow morning, but no, I believe in the first I am told, and I will NOT accept my old nightmare, so I will also try to get some sleep tonight. And this is MUCH darkness having to scare me as its basis, but no, I dont want to be scared, which I otherwise easily could become, and no thank you to darkness coming from my right to sexual offers/temptations and yes this is part of the game. I was shown darkness installing the spear to my head for me to become the Unicorn, and I was told that we are a little late installing this because we just had to get the remaining life with us after I completed the 360 degree tour is that 2 or 3 months by now?

The Trinity has become a duet with the Son after father and mother have united as one I received a text message from Fanny telling me about the building stones of the Universe, and I asked her to send me daily or maybe a couple of times per week emails instead because it costs me money every time to send a text message, which I would like to avoid, and later in the day, she sent me a Facebook email saying that she had prayed for her computer to get to work again, which it then did, and I told her that the worst darkness has lifted today, and she asked me if I got something out from her building stones, and I was told that they helped to push the New World in the right direction towards me at the Source, and also that this has to do with our heart, which will be united as one when the father and mother now unites, and the Son is part of God too, but a different individual (?), or are the three of us now one (?), and yes I have been told that God is One but divided into two beings, father and son, so this is what I will stick too, and yes the Trinity has become a duet of father/mother and son. Fanny was also kind to say that Earth has been healed and it is now possible to send light from here and darkness truly has a problem now, they want to return but are absorbed by love of light, and yes this is what understanding makes possible, for Fanny to work for light too, and yes I was happy for her to decide continue our dialogue even though she knows that I publish it, and maybe she was not that afraid of being OPEN, and at least this makes me happy that she did.

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Two hours after Jette had written that the ladies are not happy.. I think you caught them in stealing the key.., I received this message by Fanny saying that after I wrote perfect, she received the perfect-diamond-immunity-key and the little key-harem-freedom fighters, and I remembered what Jette wrote two hours ago, and decided that this has to be darkness trying to hide my keys with Fanny, so this is what I wrote to her and also that I cannot allow these keys to be given to her, which could potentially risk the opening of the Source, and I asked her to say NO to receive these keys, but this is truly Fannys problem, and yes her VERY NICE voices of darkness speaking to her, how in the world can they be wrong, and this is the play we are playing once again because Fanny had decided to show faith/loyalty to Archangel Michael and she said I am the one giving you the Universal key and also that I have Archangel Michaels protection, so I had to send her Jettes two-hour old picture where this scenario was predicted where I caught them in stealing the key.

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are to be with my new self opening to the Source, and yes for you to do this PERFECT and that is NO MATTER WHAT! --I decided to add to the front page of my website that the Trinity has now become a duet, and I was told that this is also why I receive sneezes and also heartburn, but I was told that there is now almost no more darkness to give me so the heat burn I was here given, was only little, and yes a potential match being lid is what I smell here too. I received a strong pain to my left testicle and was told that we will now avoid having to do this, to give me and the world (?) this pain when opening, and yes because of writing about the Trinity now being a duet. Google Earth shows darkness of a cyclone becoming light of Paradise because the little fat has keys in his hand Jette wrote about the Google Earth pictures of her Facebook group a cyclone (of darkness) looking like a radio-car from Tivoli (of Paradise), the most clear face I have seen on the sky, life being happy for being rescued having the crocodile of darkness after it, and the little fat has keys in his hand, which may be about me still being too fat having the keys for everything to enter the Source, we were also shown the key as well as the key-hole and later that the ladies are not happy..I think you caught them in stealing the key... Jette believed she saw me in the picture two, but when I looked at it, I saw more features of my father and strangely enough also of Niels Bohr!!! Later I understood why I also saw Niels Bohr in this picture together with my father, which I did not write here, and that was because of the threat of the atomic bomb, but there is no such threat, because it would require that I accepted my "old nightmare" to take place, i.e. for darkness to overtake me sexually, which is what would destroy the world, and secondly this is only a game by now, where I am convinced that even in such a situation, God would let us in leaving his role, and yes the game is only to see how far I could enter as my old self, and to avoid sufferings to be given to my family and the world, and so it is.

A little later I was told that we have now come a step even closer to you, and yes as darkness we have decided to be loyal to you, and not to Fanny, and no he will not allow us, all keys
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January 2013 --Ending the day with these short stories: The other day I brought a link to a picture from my confirmation in 1980, which is located at my library at Mediafire, which does not receive as many visits as Scribd, which is easier for people to access at least mentally and this picture is called 80-konfirmation-i-kirke as you can see below and it has received a total of now 46 downloads/visits, and I dont know how many it had before, but the other pictures from my confirmation has a 6 to 10 downloads, so this is telling me as I was told about that the magic also works here, which is to say that the world elite reading me in secrecy is also revealed when clicking on links to my library, and if this has a clicking rate of 1%, it says that approx. 4,000 read this script of mine, and yes something like this it is, and even though it makes me VERY SAD to see this WRONG behaviour of all of you silent people out there, it also makes me happy to see that some people at least are following me, and yes faith of the ones bringing the world down, is also what is making the world survive strange magic right . Helena also received the flue also with a very annoying cough (hoste) as you can tell, and this morning she said that she needs to run and does not like this ridiculous virus anymore, and this is of course some of the cough of darkness sent to man via this flue, and Helena showing you my feelings of being annoyed that I cannot exercise because of darkness keeping me down, which is you know because of tiredness/exhaustion.

This article is about local politicians of Denmark drowning in material, which they do not understand and do not prepare thoroughly before they are pressured to vote (!), and yes this is about the system of the Devil where a few people sit on top of the local community or the whole country (or United Nations!) having to decide on everything even though they know only little or even nothing (!), and I am here shown a Pyramid of these people sitting on top deciding on behalf of everyone else, which everyone soon will understand was the game of the beast with the only right thing to do is to make sure that all people work their best and those knowing about the details also being the ones deciding. (I have written our New World Order including the new New World Government thinking of only giving it limited tasks compared to today).

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And this article from August 2012 shows the attitude of the country organisation of local communities, which is local politicians dont need all information in order to decide (!!!), and yes this is really what it says, and my dear friends, the idea is really for you to turn the Pyramid upside down to make the man on the floor decide on his own life and work, and what else is more right (?), and yes nothing is of course.

Since Lars Lkke lost the election to Helle ThorningSchmidt it seems that he has been relaxing (?), and at least he has not be on the platform of the Danish Parliament the last 12 months (!) what do you REALLY do, Lars (?) and Helena said that she had read the front page of a newspaper saying that Lazy Robert the one who did not want to take the first the best job as a cash help receiver said And? .. he still receives his pay cheque, and the word And? is really why I bring this because this is what Camilla told me when she showed her most insolent behaviour, and yes the worst darkness, and this becomes a little more complicated, which is what many thinks, and that is because of her relation to Sren Pind, whos has Lars Lkke as his boss, and when this is the case, she better be careful what to say, and Sren Pind was the subject among the two ladies below with Jane saying that Sren will tell her off because of this, and Helena said that he would be too busy for this and also it is some very sensitive buttons we push here, and yes those of Sren Pind and Lars Lkke as examples, and this is again the worst darkness which makes it impossible for people to speak out the truth straight forwards, and yes Lars and Sren, two of the worst people of darkness, but of course we are the nice people as they will say also today (?), but no, my
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friends, I do NOT like people doing backroom deals as you and most politicians and MANY other, in fact this is what I tell you to stop and instead to be OPEN, DIRECT and HONEST, and what is wrong with that (?) as now almost previous darkness here asks me (?), and no, nothing (!), and that is because the world knows .

Tomas Ledin will be on Swedish TV this evening, which I recommended, and I just (nu) had to find a song to follow it and with the right mood it had to be, and it the beautiful a part of my heart, which I afterwards figured out was to say that the New World is my heart about to move in at me at the Source and yes this is my view point now feeling the New World just on the other side of little darkness.

Here is another by Helena, who showed herself as the worst darkness and just by thinking the thought (!) I wonder where she gets it from as the voice giving it to her says and she saw James Bond the other day and now thinks about men torturing each other to solve a conflict, and for her, women are much easier when it comes to revenge, which is about speaking poorly about each other and if necessary to go to bed with the husband of the enemy, and the good about this is that you can have both sex, revenge and handle job and possible family life the day after, and yes the Devil as long as it takes and yes for all of us to break the last barrier of darkness to get into you at the Source, Stig.

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A couple of weeks ago I was encouraged to upload Michael Sadlers solo album to Grooveshark, and the answer came today when Anja SUNSHINE was sorry not to find any of Michaels songs on YouTube, which was the sign given to me to say that EVERYTHING IS CLEAR and yes to let the sun shine in.

lem, but maybe Preben can (?), and I wonder what Preben will say to see me again after what Lone has told him about me and yes her view on me (?), and this is what I am told, and also the darkness I have to go through, and no, I did NOT include problems about the gear shift, because this is spiritual darkness, which will disappear. Later Preben was kind to offer his help, which will probably be in two or three days from now, and at this place because after he stopped working for Aon, he cannot afford to drive to long in the car in order to be able to afford staying in the house. And let me say that if I had more time and energy, I would try to fix this problem myself, and only if I could not, I would ask for help and yes in other situations, you may decide that you do not want to use time on this and yes a matter of prioritization, and it is really about ATTITUDE because I dont like the attitude of many people today, I do NOT bother and let us get it done as easy as possible without me learning anything. The other day I invited Dahlbergs insurance broker connection in London towards Lloyds of London, David, to become contacts on Linkedin, which he has NOT accepted despite of our VERY close contact when I worked there in 2008, and afterwards I saw that Bo entered my Linkedin profile, and yes what makes two and two, and yes four, and this is about Bo and David speaking much about me, and how crazy I am, Bo (?), and yes while we are at it with Davids, I asked David from the Jerusalem UFO group about his website and if he had uploaded his research, and yes NO ANSWER was what he decided to send me, and yes SAD of this WRONG behaviour of people is STILL what I become. I decided to write this email to Preben telling him about the problem to adjust the height of the saddle on my bicycle in practise making it impossible to use and yes a sign that our New World cannot be used, and yes a warning about danger, but no, only a game to be solved is what I am convinced about, and I asked for his help saying that I am not skilled at this and cannot avoid to go to a repair shop, which I am not sure would be able to solve the prob-

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6. Transferring life to the hall of the Source, which is completely priceless our eternal journey awaits
1. SUBJECT 5th January: Fighting the strongest darkness to release the spirit of my mother of the most inner cave of all SUMMARY Dreaming of bringing injured life out of a tunnel, darkness tried to cheat me yesterday, creating a credit card to bring out energy of darkness, darkness now only has one road of the kingdom of Germany to drive, my mother is darkness inside our New World still trying to destroy life, and looking for secret life inside an atomic reactor of darkness. At this inner cave I have arrived, my mother is finished as a pop singer meaning that she does not send out love after darkness a LONG time ago overtook her completely making her believe that she would NEVER return as light, and it was this darkness, which tried to hide inside of Fanny, but was forced to get out when I did NOT accept this. This work is difficult to do because my old class friend Sren D-N does not have faith in me. Everything inside of here is a complete mess up, which we have now started to go through carefully in order to bring out all life of it. This is part of the work of cleaning the strongest darkness of all, the Toruk Mokto. Jettes Google Earth pictures show what a fight (with the strongest darkness) and what is right and wrong with thousands of heads? Short stories of fires of darkness on an island of darkness, my old music teacher may have faith in me, and SAGA DELETED the post where I brought Michaels album for free! Dreaming of finding the secret life and finalising approx. of the setup of the 12 parts of God, Cher seems to be part of my mother/God too, NORMAL LIFE will come to the world but NOT because of the United Nations! I bought a new, used hard-disk and transferred data from my old to the new hard-disk symbolising the transfer of life to the Source and my own self arriving at our New World, and I felt how the sunshine moved into me. Life origins directly from the family tree, which is what I now am after being selected as the one, which I was not born to be from the beginning. The fourdivided world was to bring us here, and we now arrive at the hall of the Source, which in itself is completely priceless and will begin our journey for an eternity deeper and deeper into it, and we dont know what it will bring, also of answers to our origin. Jette brought Google Earth pictures at her Facebook group showing shallow ladies with darkness hiding behind them, calmness and fear on either side, dog of man making friends with a lady, and BIG LOVE of God as the foundation of darkness. When we had entered the Source, we were SURPRISED to see that the light and axis of life had moved to a deeper room, and we decided to go through enormous darkness/sufferings to reach this making us believe that life was jeopardised again, but it was a deliberate move from God to bring us even greater reward of life. Short stories of doing and working my best bringing the best cars of our New World, darkness wanted to spit out and crash the aeroplane of the world but was stopped, Helena is the Devil showing sexual indecency bringing me sufferings and also that sex and power are ingredients in the play of the Old World. Dreaming of looking for secret life inside an atomic reactor of darkness


6th January: Transferring life to the hall of the Source, which is completely priceless our eternal journey awaits

5 January: Fighting the strongest darkness to release the spirit of my mother of the most inner cave of all


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I was told to my surprise by darkness thank you for the work I did yesterday, which will help to prevent sexual contributions, and off he was again, because I am busy, and yes this has been the story of my life being WAY TOO busy with work stealing my private life, and some of these songs by Grace Jones are truly one of a kind. I was told that if there was one who had to grease the hair, it became Preben, and we had not settled for this in forehand, but this was the best choice or so we thought, and yes I will be going there on Monday the 8th and Preben said that there is a solution so hopefully he will be able to fix it thus also helping to fix it making the New World enter/fit in height with the Source. I went to bed at 01.45 where darkness tried to scare me also by showing a dark spirit in my bed ready to carry out my old nightmare, but no, there will be no such thing, and yes maybe not the easiest decision to do to sleep, but I felt sure that this was fine to do, and here are the dreams. I am in Helsingr and feel that Fuggi is with me too. I am about to enter a tunnel, but it has been announced that an injured man will be brought out, which then happens just in front of me. o So more life of darkness coming out, and I was asked isnt it with this that you will peel off the roof of the train to being able to look at us inside (?), and it may be, and I understand that getting in to the Source is not the easiest thing in the world to do. I had a dream where I dont remember the details, but I remember the message which was something about trying to cheat me, this is not the end of the world, and I felt Fanny, and yes the victim of darkness. I am at a course together with my girlfriend. I meet a lady, whom I have been together with at a previous course, and we want to create a credit card to be used by employees of Danske Bank, and we also think about doing a marketing campaign of it and know that it will take MUCH work to do and I feel attracted to this lady. o This is inside darkness and the credit card it to take out money from darkness, and that is energy, and this is what I have decided that I dont care about as long as we do what is needed in order to make everything perfect, and yes I will produce NO energy for darkness, and if it is old energy that we bring out to bring out life, it is of course fine by me, but difficult it is, and we still meet challenges of the lady symbolising my old nightmare. I have moved into a place in Germany, which also works at a toy store. I leave to look for a three headed microphone, which is of better quality than the usual microphones, and I see Hans and Niklas together inside an electronics store, and I am thinking that they are now out again spending money. I am told that such a microphone is 800 DKK. Back at the toy store, the floors and everything has been

washed perfectly so we can go on holiday. On the 1st floor I meet a couple of people including a man in a suit where his tie is not tied 100% perfectly, it has a small flap at the side of it at the knot, and he does not want to buy clothes, and says that Danske Bank employees are using the road for Bonn, which is the only one still being open. o Germany is our new kingdom, and toy is what I am bringing everyone, i.e. new life, and the microphone is new communication of our New World, and the three headed phone is for the Trinity, which might become two headed in the end after the Trinity has become a duet. The tie is to say that not everything is perfect yet, and we are still chasing darkness and there is now only one road open for darkness of Danske Bank, and this is what we are following until the very end. I am inside a forest and feel a giant whale underneath it, and I see divers and come into a room inside of the whale, where a very old dinner table several hundred years old is standing as the only furniture of the room. My mother is there too and is pushing the dinner table making it rock and almost break. o The forest is the home of God, the whale is our world, and dinner table is about food and more ancient life to get out, and it is my own mother working against me as darkness, and if the table did not break entirely, it was very close doing it. o During the whole night when I was awaken with dreams, I received the song just nu (right now) by Tomas Ledin, which is obviously to say that were are coming right now with the end of this work, and yes it is really lying in the air you know, and yes here is a couple of songs by Tomas ending with Just nu. I am together with a couple of others at a remote open cave on Mallorca it is as if it is a nuclear plant too. I believe it is Kim S father, who used to live there until he died in year 2000, and since no one has been there making all of his remainings still be there, but now looking like a COMPLETE mess. We are looking after something, and it makes the other couple of people realize that there is no other way than to go through everything from an end despite of how impossible it looks like doing, and when we start, I am surprised to find money notes here, there and everywhere, and also that they are still here with no one else having been here. And we are looking for clothes, and print outs, a secret is inside of here. o This has to be what risked exploding as an atomic bomb yesterday, and is this the next level inside the Source, where darkness has also been storing money as energy of life, and yes clothes seems to be life we are looking for also inside of here, and a secret too, and yes SECRET LIVES is what this will have to be about.

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Fighting the strongest darkness to release the spirit of my mother of the most inner cave of all Finally, I woke up at 10.30, which also included the feeling of Jack being annoyed also not having had children as I. I was told that your mother is finished as a pop singer (meaning that the spirit of my mother does not send out love), and I felt Whitney Houston, and what was this then about (?), and I also thought it I did wrong in relation to Fanny yesterday (?), and no, I dont believe so, and I told me that if I did, the top rule of everything having to be perfect and to correct my errors if needed will have to set in, but on I could not see it differently, it was darkness trying to hide from me by trying to remove Fannys faith from me and to believe in darkness disguised as light instead. I was told that my FREE dictionary has not arrived yet and also just carry on, Stig, which was because I was VERY SAD this morning that the game simply goes on and on and on and nothing apparently happens, and yes it is NOT nice waking up to yet a new day of sufferings and more of the same work. I was told that the spirit of my mother is finished as a pop singer does not mean that I am finished as a rock singer and that is as the spirit of my father so inside of this nuclear plant we are missing the part of the spirit of my mother, which may be the secret, and yes where is it, and have you looked here and here and yes Stig, only by doing your work thoroughly also in this phase, you will bring us the same attitude to find what is inside of here, and if you decided to jump over where the fence is at its lowest as we say here, and no I still dont know if you say the same where you are, and no, I dont know yet what these symbols mean about what we are saying here, and yes communication in order to understand (?) it would mean that we would be careless not really looking everywhere to find it. Shall we tell him about one of the big works of one of the great masters/painters (?), did we find that (?) and yes via Fanny and what else (?), and yes nothing via Sren D-N (my old class friend), who is not here to witness your development, and yes he had no faith, so we had to adjust your journey because of this fact solely, and yes no soul, no sun without it, it was thought, so we went out to buy something cheap to replace it, and no, does not work so go back to the cave and try to find it, and yes as revolutionary as it is cheap, a new wave in heating so to say, and yes yes yes where is it has Karen stolen it or is it really so that we managed to keep it out of the hands of Fanny and Archangel Michael and that is the dark side of him, and yes only light and perfect and all of that, does it work really (?), and Stig, this is the big question today, and no I am not lying, and not easy for anyone of you to understand what is the truth or deception of my voice. And I am thinking what I have been thinking/feeling often, which is that Sren D-N may be a turned around part of the spirit of my mother too, and when he decided to cut me off, we are missing this part of him/her at the most inner, and when this is the case, we will have to bring sufferings to find it, so this is what we are doing.

It would correspond to bleeding if we did not have that and that and that article, so this is mainly about a book we are missing, and yes cant do without it, it is thought, so what do we do now (?), and we know, Stig, we keep searching for it until we find it, or to follow the light if it has better suggestions. And I hear reports coming in saying that no, we dont have it, and it is from darkness, so normally such reports are not to be trusted, so we will have to search high and low, and I am here given the taste of the pork with chilli and vanilla and the feeling of my mother, and yes darkness of my mother is making this happen, but no, we will NOT give up, so go ahead and do your finest work. It is because I get so furious that I cannot keep it inside of me. It is not the eyes of evilness you have met, Stig, you are home, but not if you cannot find this, a magic eye so to say to make us see all. It is because there is no more blockbuster video. Bye, bye no Denis in here is part of it too. It does not correspond to your mother cutting the umbilical cord, does it? Will we not be going out shopping anymore (?), no, this is part of it. Because your mothers name was always the last in the class. It corresponds to finding a gold age finding, but without the last of it. It corresponds to letting England wait in a football match with a crowd going wild because of impatience, and yes we dont care, Stig, you are also not going anywhere before everything is perfect, so what do we have here, a deadlock (?), or is it dreadlock holiday, and yes an old favourite song too, and I know Karen, the (beautiful) song Im not in love (with Stig), is this how it is? This is how it goes when you pull out the Devil from his cave. It corresponds to Chelsea or Ipswich (of darkness) only getting silver, Stig, because we do know this road, we have been here before, and know what to do, we only have to keep on going. So this is where we need many potatoes, right? I was told another detail about Karen and prostitution from her own apartment, and there was an eagerness to bring me sexual details of the worst kind because this is from where it comes but no, I will NOT write about it other than say of the worst kind. We will soon wake up from the Moon base alpha dance, Stig and Jack too this is just half the way through what we expected. Isnt it here we normally would give a warning (?), but no, because he has nothing to fight with, and yes Jack you know. And then it ends up with Stig still getting the bow (of original life) in the end, smart right? So we remove the potency extension, which hit Denis and you too in some degree (?), and this is in relation to Karen and what she did, but no, I did not feel it, and during much of writing down these notes, Roxette was playing inside my head

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with Joyride and magic friends, and these are indeed magic friends of mine. And in the end we will still get to dance the balloon dance you say (?), and we just have to go through a rough time again. I felt people of other civilizations, and told that it would also feel as if we were never to leave our planet without this. So this is part of sending your clothes to be cleaned? This is part of the finish of the train journey to get everything with you. And part of the photographing too. Because there is nothing on the other side of 12 oclock (we have to get everything with us now). This is about the total cleaning of the bathroom. And that is if there is power enough to get it? It was when we were dismantling sexuality of man that we almost forgot this. You could also go on strike, which would mean nothing much other than and then I was given a not that loud sound to the window frame of my apartment as if this would mean entrance of darkness. I was shown myself inside of darkness at the bow of a ship museum, with the museum self being the bow of the ship, which however was also a building (!), with everything outside being light very close to shining in. This would also be part of bleeding, to get you right down into my sack, but no, we are now going to turn this upside down too. This is what we would handle underneath darkness if this had broken out if you had lost it but when it did not, we are showing the work to you instead. And if you had not shouted as loud as you did via my scripts we would also not be here. At the shower I was shown darkness wanting to delete the coast line of Costa Brava, Spain symbolically which you know is the old story of darkness wanting to terminate life, but no, you are NOT allowed! Your decision to work means that you after this will receive no more English homework. It is a little bit like cutting yourself out from the car with a blowtorch hoping that no one will die. I was surprised that my mothers friend Ely called again still believing that she was calling my mother (!), and I smiled at her asking her have you had put something in the coffee other than sugar (?), and yes making her lose it of course and she said that she is VERY confused these days and also that my number is listed as Lona home, and now she will change it to Stig and I asked her again about how her husband and son are, but she really did not want to speak about it other than terrible and eehhh is that because I am sick too (?), but no Stig sounded completely open and normal, and yes someone you can trust in, right (?), so this is why I opened up a little bit she told me about seeing her son Lars daily and that it is impossible to get him to say a word, and I offered to come and speak to him because I am good at communication and know better than many how he feels, and yes it made Ely happy to hear,
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which SHE will consider much, and yes I hope she will ask Lars about it, because HE is the right man to decide, and yes this was to help open the worst darkness, see? And it surely was the most lovely morning in 100 years and Im alive and yes the coffee tasted great here, and no, Gnags, I have put NOTHING in it, and we know in my mind it is to pollute the coffee if you add sugar as I have always said, and yes I take it black as it is . I told Ely as I have told my mother that she needs amusement from me, mother, her family etc. so negativity around her dont become entirely negativity pulling her down too, and she said you are absolutely right, and yes I am just thinking that I was allowed to handle all negativity of the WORST kind myself non-stop without anyone offering to TRULY speak to me . Fanny sent a text message at 02.00 saying that when you wrote that I had to speak against Michael, my computer broke down, and I wrote back telling her that she here received the answer to if darkness wants me, they will shut down my PC again, so this is what they wanted (!), and again I told her be careful not to get cheated, and when it comes to creation, you can refer to me and say that everything has to be perfect without going in details, and Fanny simply replied by thank you, and maybe 15 minutes after this, sad darkness came to me from right and yes we better hand over to him, which is because of the acceptance of Fanny to let me do the dirty job and yes DO NOT HIDE FROM ME, DARKNESS! But there is no beach there, there is no beach there, but still there is indeed and this is what we decide to save too (?), and yes dont rush, darkness, take your time, make EVERYTHING perfect. When I was writing this script, it was with the feeling that it is still not easy working having a heavy head and feeling without energy despite of the sleep of the night. I also received a feeling of laziness coming to me from right giving me the desire to do nothing, and it came together with the feeling of Ely, who was also too lazy to read me, and we know I dont have to read him to tell that he is crazy, but eehhh Ely, is this also how you feel now? I felt a GIANT spirit of darkness and was told that this is still the TORUK MAKTO that we are fighting, and yes not easy to do. I was told by people of other civilizations that it is a shame that we cannot show you air guitar now, and that was because of my decision to keep on working, which they like much thank you my friends and yes best regards to you and from you and yes all of us . I was told with a low voice that this is one of the beers, which tasted the absolutely best of all, and yes this is now gradually coming out of darkness to the right of me, and yes the strongest you know, and this is what my inner self is also bringing out,
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which I just have to help him do, and yes the secret you know. I was told that nobody enters here and also there is not even a restaurant here, it is such a long time ago that I have been alive that I have become accustomed to be darkness self, and if I want to survive, and yes when you ask me directly, pooh fine then and yes bring it on, so this is what we do bringing the eternal torch here, and yes this is what we thought that darkness would be and for light to never return, but when you are here, and say that you are stronger than us and have the key, and we know we are not allowed to hide as you told Fanny and us as darkness, this is then what we have to do, and we had almost forgotten about this power being stronger than us, and yes the only one who can save us, came to save us and yes walking all the way into here, and we know it cannot be done, but we did it. I felt Hitler and was told that this was part of his plan too, and yes to remove your mother from me entirely. Late in the afternoon I decided to continue the setup of my new computer and to see if I now could download/setup programs, which I have not been allowed to do until now, and yes now I was able to download and also install Windows Live Writer, and later I found out that now my old way of publishing scripts now work again (!) meaning that I can do all the formatting relatively easily at Microsoft Live Writer and to copy all of this into the WordPress editor INCLUDING all formatting code, which was lost before for was it maybe 2 or 3 months, and from WordPress I do the final edits (which cannot be done in the Live Writer), and yes this is to say that now I dont have to manually copy and paste each paragraph when publishing new scripts, which was a NIGTHMARE to do (!), but of course you cannot tell when looking at the final result, but this is how it was, and yes as physical Stig, and I do believe also as my old self in order to keep the Old World going to do the last creation, and yes not easy. It is not my birthday yet, is it (?), and yes this is darkness still speaking and the symbol is that you are coming closer and closer to the birth of your new self as you continue setting up your new computer eventually to make it perfect despite of the problems you face on your way with darkness and drivers etc. This is like a boxer, and then to change the whole colour spectrum of your TV, and yes for this part of me to return. You are not getting the finest voucher for the Magasin Department Store now, are you (?), and yes he is still working as his old self. I was told that we could not photograph also a little because of China, but MOSTLY because of Russia, and yes this is still the worst darkness we are going through, and I feel like smoking here. I heard the spirit of my father speaking inside of me as the son of darkness saying this is me too and he said welcome
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home and that is to this part of the spirit of my mother, and yes right here at the Source. It is still a joy to work on this new computer and even though it is not very fast compared to the very new, it is MUCH faster than my old computer, and yes clean is what it is and the extra ram-memory of John made if possible now to open my own long websites without breathing problems as the computer had before this expansion. I continued installing drivers etc. to the computer and was told that this corresponds to installing the lung of my mother, and I received some very uncomfortable beating knocks to the underside of my left thigh, and this is the same as saying that there is no more Cola, and yes we are returning home to our very first place of living and yes alive ourselves and now as part of something much greater and that is the son including ALL creation after us, and yes who should have known that, and yes dont you remember that before taking our sleep medicine we promised each other let us build a new house and sea if our son cannot come back and save us and yes Stig, this is to bring creation back to the origin of creation and just as we thought of really, and yes I felt God as the actor on top of all of this and speaking this to me. I was shown the caf on the 1st floor of Lyngby Shopping Centre nice coffee, i.e. warm feelings - and told that it is almost to cry over and the feeling this is how beautiful it is. I spoke to my mother and told her about my conversation with Ely and it made my mother aggressive what did you speak to her about (?) and it was with the feeling of maybe she would be revealed about what she has told Ely about me (?), and I told her that I have given the offer to speak to Lars (which my mother obviously has NOT given to Evy/Lars!), and what was her reaction (?), and yes negative and dont get involved with that family and yes my mother keeps Ely on ice at the moment (!) as she said, and yes because she is unbalanced and a shame it is because Ely just wanted to hear how my mother and John is, and I could tell that she truly needed to speak to a friend because of how sad she is with her husband and son, but no, she is on ice. I was shown how a long carpet was rolled out inside of here, and how a very long stack of newspapers were removed, and shortly thereafter I installed and had my previous email client Thunderbird up and running together with my Gmail account, and yes Microsoft Outlook is also installed on this computer, but when I tried to use this, it would not let me enter the email setup, and I was thinking back on my experience with Microsoft in 2009 when I was in Kenya, and it seems as if Microsoft is not my preferred partner, and yes we like FREEDOM here you know. I was shown a sausage and a train driving out of the tunnel with the train turning upside down and yes deliberately and isnt this what you think by now, that the overtake by darkness was necessary to do for some reason in order to do creation.

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We have just found out, Stig, that there are really no dogs at all out here in the snow, and yes it was all pretending by the big man, and yes waiting for you to bring home everything. Isnt it funny that we have not peed at all (?), and yes you thought that you were destroying everything (?), and yes, Stig, isnt the truth that all of this was a play to bring out EVERYTHING we had and yes fear and sufferings were much more effective tools than everything else, and with the end of this, we will now remove these tools and yes to show you the love I am really about (?), and yes this is what I do believe has to be behind the act of all of this. So it is not the semen bringing out life from the egg (?), no it is an underlying mechanism behind this, and yes the stamp of God is what you might call it, and this is what I will show you when you get home and yes as the first isnt this what I told you (?), and yes look who we have for dinner (?), and yes to your mother who is not there, because who are we when we are nothing (?), and yes you will see, my boy. I noticed how the white pages of Denmark had a wrong telephone number listed for me, which is an Internet telephone number, which was included with my Internet subscription, and I could not change the telephone number myself because it was required that I called from this telephone number to confirm that I am me, and since this requires a hardward-telephone, which I do not have (!), I sent a form from their website asking them to register my telephone number and I gave them my website-address and Facebook address and told them that they can see that I am me via these and also call me to receive confirmation, and I wonder if they can find out to do this or will reject me, and yes not smart to have a telephone number registered, which is not in order. I used some time to create my new email signature from the add-on programme WiseStamp to the Thunderbird email programme, and yes I was very happy with how this works, and yes a very fine small programme and seldom that I am so satisfied with a small programme, but it could include free social icons instead of choosing from a long list, and yes there were a few I would have liked to include if I could. We are now replacing the train with shining sunshine together with the feeling I thought you like to know. I received a noise from the kitchen and the spirit of my father said I am still in here, I never moved and yes a part of me moved and that was the spirit of my mother now returning. I was told by the spirit of my father that if there are no inhabitants, you become lonely, which I understand is the case here. Jettes Google Earth pictures show what a fight (with the strongest darkness) Jettes Google Earth pictures show what a fight (with the strongest darkness) and what is right and wrong with thousands of heads?
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--Ending the day with these short stories: Fire has broken out at Tasmania, which is also the home of the Devil you know.

The SAGA Facebook group decided to remove Anjas post (!), and maybe it was to push it to the limit that I also brought Michaels solo album for FREE, and yes you do NOT like that, Michael (?), and there is really no difference between Grooveshark and YouTube but in the minds of people, there seem to be, and yes my words on a New World Order about bringing income to artists too seem not to matter in this respect, and yes lack of faith and love of money apparently. So I am probably not that popular with Michael and the band about this (?) but maybe Anja is (?), and yes again a story about how the interests of few destroys it for many. But they did not throw my out of the group, and not yet that is, and why is that, Michael?

My old music teacher from Albertslund commented on this calculation and yes what is the answer to this (?), and it either has to be 1 or 12 right (?), and yes I am no eagle at this this is ALSO what we say here, and yes at the most inner place where I am shown the first eagle of everything now returning to his/her sleeping place inside the mountain, and this is about a duvet too, you know but I do believe that you multiply first and add afterwards, and if this is the case, 12 is the right answer with 12 being the numbers of us and this will have to say that Mogens is believing in me, and yes I have very often had feelings of Mogens and asked myself the question that I wonder if he has faith in me, and I dont know why, but this somehow had importance to me.

6th January: Transferring life to the hall of the Source, which is completely priceless our eternal journey awaits Dreaming of finding the secret life and finalising approx. of the setup of the 12 parts of God At 21.40 I was destroyed by tiredness, and when I kept on closing my eyes, I also kept on receiving the strongest jerks to my body coming to me from darkness. I slept poorly on the sofa until 02.00 receiving these dreams.

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We are going to some kind of company event, and Morten J. will come too bringing his entire family and possibly also camping wagon. Something about having 1 to 8 or 9 delicious food items and working on the last up to 12 and some kind of accessory is missing, and we go out into the city asking for this. I come to a French hotel where a very good looking waiter asks to receive my order, she only speaks French, and I order one piece only of what seems to be the accessory we are missing, and I discover that I have a credit card, so I could really order all, and I notice how the clothes on the back side of the waiter is about to cut open. o This is still about setting up the 12 of me, and as I understand it, we are still 3 times 12 (?) even though the Trinity has been reduced to a duet (?) we will see, and the waiter was the Spanish actress Penelope Cruz, who is Spanish, thus being darkness, and working in Paris, where we are, which is my city of light and home, and this is really the same place to look as the cave of Mallorca of yesterday, and we have now found the secret item, which is a part of food or in other words a part of life, which I can now bring also because I have this credit card to take out energy of darkness, and the beauty of the waiter is still also about darkness wanting to carry out my old nightmare, and no, it never becomes tired and will first disappear with the complete transformation of all darkness, and that should be very soon by now. o I woke up to SAGAs Goodbye once upon a time and the lyrics Goodbye once upon a time, No more living in the past, What's mine is mine, so close we are.

doing what is right, which should have been EASY for you (?), and also that my mother may not realize the efforts and pain it takes for me to continue doing this work writing my scripts. o I also had a dream saying that NORMAL LIFE in terms of sexual relations will also come to the world. Transferring life to the hall of the Source, which is completely priceless our eternal journey awaits He cannot keep playing football, can he (?), but there he is again, and this time this came with joy from the returned mother of here. What about the Hobbit movie, you never saw this too (?), and no, your mother did not want to go anyway, and yes hidden messages of this film too, and what about going this week, Stig (?), and maybe if this can become part of the postponed Christmas gift of my mother, which I am not sure about, we will see. House on the beach road and how is Michael Laudrup doing (?), and yes is fine the right word to use about his Swansea football team, which goes up and down in performances and almost as if it comes in waves (?), and yes the story when you were meditating one day in 2006 with Lis, Kirsten and Lotus, and my voice had just broken through (spiritual voice), and it asked you all to look up in heaven and there was nothing to see, and also that I would get Michael Laudrups house on the beach road as reward for my work, and yes this is indeed what was said, and is this to say that Michael is totally in love with money that he lost his common sense of what is wrong and right to do (?), and yes as many millionaires around the world did, and a disgrace is exactly what it is when you look at the number of people screaming and dying from starvation and other suffering. This is really the same as shooting knot swans. There is nothing as releasing prisoners in Teheran, do you have any idea of how they treat people there and many other places too around the world (?), and yes we do love to see people receiving their FULL freedom with my arrival. We are not going to smoke rya carpets are we (?) with rya also meaning smoke with a good will in Danish, and that is to destroy life. And yes Stig you are given many stories with a low voice difficult/impossible to hear, which is really putting your patience on test because the natural reaction of today would be to become VERY negative and curse, but no, you are welcome, and I will write what I can hear, and yes this is MUCH more annoying than you can dream of. This Glistrup thing (never give up) means that you had to live on your smallest to get you through, and yes I both managed to live on a small budget, and decided that I will have wine as part of my road and yes sometimes I even feel like living a good life when I get delicious meat on sale (however costing only little compared to what people otherwise pay here), and yes I am not having much compared to what Danes have, but I live a lux-

I am at a concert in Copenhagen broadcasted on live TV, one of the original members of the band is Cher, who comes over to me, and I see that she is the author of all songs or that is variations of her name. o So Cher is also a candidate to be another part of my mother and really part of God, and yes who would BELIEVE in that (?), and this is also about warm feelings, and yes she is FANTASTIC in concert, isnt she? I am about to finalise a long report of more than 100 pages, which I write on basis of a UN survey of hunger of the world, and I see a poor boy in the poor world telling visitors that all he wants is for his village to have a normal life with life on the street (of open stores, working people etc.), and I now have only little time to finish my report, which will become good but I would have liked more time to improve it to do my best work, which I tell my teacher, Vera, and my mother offers me to visit her to write in the report over one morning, and I decline her offer telling her that I have now been working on this for more than 2 months, so the work is much greater than what she believes. o This is to say that NORMAL LIFE will come to the world, but not via the United Nations, who could not lift such a basic task like this because of a POOR world in terms of
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ury life compared to many Africans as example, and if I really had pushed this to my ultimate limit, I could have managed with maybe 800 and not 1,200 DKK per month in average, and it was really the limit of Western Union and their fee policy, which made me decide to transfer a maximum amount of DKK 2,800 per month to my LTO friends in Kenya, which last month became DKK 2,900 because I noticed that they raised their limit to DKK 3,000, so this is the story behind this. And yes, my small budget has not been suffering compared to having the Devil work actively inside of me, or vice versa, making me a living dead for years. I am happy to say that my aunt is now back as a regular reader of mine, which she has been for approx. one week by now, and I wonder how she and my father are (?), but you will not tell me, because you do not like to appear in my scripts (?), and yes with this behaviour you work for darkness against me also bringing me sufferings very directly, and yes who should have known about this (?), and yes not that difficult to understand if you ask me. I was told about Russia not being happy about being mentioned in my scripts as the worst darkness of all, and I was told that plans do exist also in Russia to eliminate a large number of man (?), and yes why is that (?), to make life easy and good for the elite (?), and tell me how you prepared it and believed that it could be done also without my intervention (?), and yes looking like natural disease, is this how it is? Will you get the ambulance (?), which I was told just before starting to work again, and yes to save life, and we would have told him that it would be impossible to bring in anymore, but no it goes fine, and yes bring in more/the last life. Isnt it wonderful that we will never again bring out newspapers (?) and mail too (?), and I dont know about the last one, but the first one is at least right. You can see the farm, and he did not run a metre (?), and yes since a long time ago now and why was that (?), and yes because he cannot (!), but the cross trainer suited me fine under the circumstances. I kept on receiving encouragements to mention the international Sunni pan-Islamic political organisation Hizb ut-Tahrir, and no, I dont know much about it, so I will not say much about it, but I do NOT appreciate violence and Islamic law/Shariah, which has NOTHING to do with me, so for all those believing that they are fighting in the name of Allah, there is no such name, and just so you know, my friends, and I was told that the development of this organisation is related to an old friend I had when I lived on Frederikssundsvej in Copenhagen (1988-90 I believe), I believe her name was Birgitte I wish that I had not lost contact to her and MANY other people just like what most people believe and she told me about how she had written a letter to the editor of a newspaper asking for a ban of facemasks at demonstrations, and yes to tell Muslims that I do NOT like people hiding your true face, which ONLY people of Satan does but you do remember that all people are people of the
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TRUE God, and you are my people as much as everyone else, and I love you as much as I love all, and I here receive very warm feelings of love. I received some stomach pain and also pain to my spinal column from drinking coffee, and I was told about and shown Bjarne from the Commune, and yes he still thinks about me . And a little later the feeling is still that this is giving me so much pain that it is removing my working capacity as it also did as example when I worked for Falck in Lyngby in 2011, and even though this is not nice now, it was even worse back then. Thank you for dong this, Stig, this is for the protection of data, i.e. life, so she will not bleed anymore. This is also to say that NO DATA has been destroyed. This is the most important of all, and yes to find a permanent solution Stig, because we are tired of being out here in the cold, and yes this is the symbol of bringing home the New World with all life. I received a small heart attack this aeroplane is not delayed, is it? But isnt this data saved already (?), and no, Stig, this is only a temporary solution, remember, and yes this is what is inside of the Mallorca cave. And this is to get out of the cold freezing closet here. But we cannot move our apartment all the way up there, can we (?), and yes Stig, this is about making everything perfect and that is right to the Source. We feared the most that we would not have enough gasoline on, but we solved that with the new credit card. Isnt this to bring the apartment right on the very top of everything (?), and yes it is, and that is without anyone crushing a hair on him. So we have all of the music and celebration ready just on the other side of this little darkness as you feel. There were no ends to the plays we could have played saying that your mother ended at the last place and what would you like to avoid bringing with you etc. while we were working inside of this to bring everything and yes that it the amazing part, but no you did not want to play the game like that. Nothing has disappeared of it you say (?), and yes we are bringing back the ORIGINAL paint of everything. Lst couple of weeks more careless what I eat knowing that we are home. You truly have to pay a lot to get such a big apartment? We origin directly from the family tree, but none are the family tree and that is up until now, when we have given it a name, and yes given it to you being the one we selected, isnt this true (?), and yes his name was not born to be alive like this, was it (?), yes, but was he this from the beginning, and no (!), and yes and no and not not but yes, and everything has a start and was he there too, and yes as much or little as anyone else, so there you have it.

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We may have looked a little through the keyhole to the inside of this place, but we never believed that you would open to it for all of us, but this is how it is and when he say home this is home to us, and yes we know no where else, and yes comes together with the completely insane feeling. I was shown a hospital bed entering me together with the feeling and it was really also said that we were prepared to go a long way and yes to give everything we had to bring birth to you. Fanny was about to open up to her own washing room (with the keys), so it had probably worked out too dont you believe? At 07.00 I tried to see if I could get some more sleep, which I could until 10.30, and I dreamt about having my office in our old row house in Snekkersten, where Sanna lives, and when she leaves for work in the morning, I ask her to leave the key, which she was almost forgetting, I am listening to nice music, and when I find the dog string, my dog Don is as happy as I have ever seen it to get a walk outside, and this will have to get freedom, and yes the key here will have to be the secret life we found. Yesterday evening I had used some time to see how much a small hard disk cabinet is to contain my hard disk I dont want to try to fit it inside the computer, which is too complicated for me now only having little time and energy, and I suspect, but dont know for sure, that the motherboard of the new computer does not have the correct wires to this SATA-hard disk of mine and I found out that it is approx. 250 to 300 DKK, and as an alternative I looked up both cabinets and external hard disks for sale on, and there were no cabinets, but I found an external hard disk of 320 GB, where my old is 200 GB, for sale of 200 DKK, which and it really had to be this then, and I called and made an agreement to come and buy it in Allerd by 13.00 today, and I could have taken the train and walked from the station, which however would have taken some time, but when I told my mother, she was kind to let me offer to borrow the car, so this is how we will carry this out, and yes to install a new, used external hard disk, and to transfer the data from the old hard disk, and to have this in reserve for the future, and so it is, and I was told that it is sad, there will be no repeat of our act because of this, and also that this is what Flemming is about (to make sure that the house will not burn). For some reason my mother was surprised that I called her this morning, and asked is something wrong (?), and no, I just did as I told her yesterday, to check on the hard disk, and I am here told that there is not a long way to make her lung fail. And I was told that if I did not move the data to a fixed media, we would continue to (try to) bring you your old nightmare, but this today and yes Preben tomorrow, and it had really been better to visit Preben also today, but I came to say Monday (tomorrow) instead of Sunday, so this is how this has to be. I received the song Pokerface by Lady Gaga what a smashy hit this also was and I like it very much too and the lines P-pOne God, One People

p-poker face, p-p-poker face (Mum mum mum mah), and this is how I feel like knowing what will happen when my mother is still kept in the blind, which I actually feel sorry that she and the family still are. So this hall alone is completely priceless, and yes this is how we feel, and Stig we have no idea what is deeper inside of your house, which is what we will call it now. How much is a kilo of coffee inside there (?), and yes that is the good part, it is nothing, it just comes to us. After lunch I went to my mother to borrow the car I used the cycle and darkness still makes the gear jump but less, and I thought that it is logical to get the data on place today and the saddle of my bicycle tomorrow symbolising that our New World is now in place - and from there the 40 minutes to Allerd, and when I was driving there I was told that the four-back chain the four-divided world was only made to bring us back to the Source, and we dont know yet what is inside of there, and how our future world will become. I was told that buying this hard disk and getting a permanent solution of where to store all data, i.e. the symbol of all life, corresponds to setting up the last light. I met the young man selling the hard disk, and we made a fine deal, and I gave him the 200 DKK for it. I was told that when I will receive no homework any longer it means that my sufferings will stop, and yes the whole day it continues with negativity coming to me putting me on my edge, and it is still the most disgusting you can imagine, which includes everything being made into sex and sexual objects also including the worst language given to me and this afternoon also a strong pressure to my chest, which was because of Bjarne from the Commune, whom I was told that he had a crisis meeting with the mayor about me, and yes not nice to exhibit the Commune negatively, Bjarne (?), which you have not deserved making you sad, is that it (?), and yes the opposite world you know, and yes he is influenced by journals on me from the last three years of the Communes of Helsingr and Lyngby-Taarbk and also the mental hospital, and all of their misunderstandings also makes it impossible for you to understand, Bjarne (?), and yes I still wonder about his astronomical pay cheque and his lack of basic qualities. And I was told that these difficulties in understanding is not different to the whole world, and yes was it difficult to understand me, and not the official journals about me? On my way home from Allerd, I decided to drive over Hrsholm and to visit the shopping centre there, where I have not been for a long time which was part of my everyday life when living in Hrsholm from 1996 to 2009 and I went to the book store because the Christmas gift from my mother was 350 DKK (the money from the returned keyboard), and I really needed a proper underlay for the keyboard and mouse on my table to reJanuary 2013

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place dinner underlays as I have used temporary, and yes I found a fine plastic underlay with a map of the world, and I thought that this is really a symbol of the world coming all the way home, and yes it looks fine on my table. I was SAD to see that the caf on Hrsholm main street, which I visited so often when I lived there, has closed, and I thought back on the advise I gave the nice man and woman of the caf in 2008 to receive cheaper rent, but it was impossible for them to communicate with the landlord as they told me about, and yes the result was consequently that it had to close. I was afraid of meeting Karen and also Ren when I was there in Hrsholm, and I was sad that I had to be afraid of meeting them because of their misunderstandings. I returned home, and I was told that it is as if Himmler is dancing around up here. Despite of my sleep, I was also today feeling completely without energy, and it is a great overcoming every day to make the programme, thus also today, and just to have to drive back the car to my mother and cycle the approx. 1 kilometre home knowing that I had to transfer the hard disk data and write the rest of the script today was truly taking out all of my mental capacity, and yes can I really do it, and this is how it is when you drive on your edge. I was given Adore by Prince and the lyrics until the end of time, and yes if we have not reached this yet, we should be pretty close, which is also about the relation between Prince and I as I am told, so another candidate for the twelve of me? When I came home after getting the bicycle, I had much darkness with me, and the chest pain of Bjarne followed me, and this together with Bo from Dahlberg, Mettes son Christoffer speaking wrongly about me because of wrong input from his mother as I was told and other sources of darkness came to me strongly, and I was told with MUCH eagerness/willingness of my spiritual friends if I want to be a frog, as I was shown, and to start destruction, or maybe to eat spinach to chose the figure of Popeye instead (Skipper Fear in Danish), and yes had I done this during my journey, there would be no hesitation or opposition of my spiritual friends supporting me to be darkness, and yes because of the behaviour of my family, friends etc., thus the world. A little later I was told that I have now been turned around now realising that Popeye is not bad, but good . Just before I started copying the data from the old to the new hard-disk, I was told that you cannot reach all aeroplanes, can you (?), and yes this is really the basic idea, and yes to bring everything and everyone with me in here. Finally from 15.50 to 17.10 I copied all approx. 40 GB of data to the new hard disk, and yes I feared possible trouble, but it worked fine, no problems at all, and I was told that this correOne God, One People

sponds to taking a picture of you, which is really to let me enter the New World myself. I was told if it is now that I will get up, but no, I will not receive a hello yet and my gift - which is what darkness tells me, and that is because I still have more to install on my computer before it is perfect, and yes I still have the challenge with Windows Update not working and then some individualisation of the Firefox browser and Thunderbird email client, and also to install audio and video software to make everything work. I was given a noise from the kitchen and felt the spirit of my father and was told that the most FRAGILE is the most inner of him, and in order to get here, it required a decision to never give in to darkness and I do believe also to have the tool of recreation, and this was also to bring one of the most beautiful of Stings songs, which was with a feeling that he is a special friend too. While the transferral of hard disk data was on-going, I felt how the sunshine was moved inside of me. I started receiving some information, which I did not believe in what to believe in, but it was about Hans, and I was told that he was NOT with me despite of what I have been told but a part of the blocking of darkness keeping the New World out, and we had to get around this. And I was told that it was not your sister but him, who lead the family behind the light, and no, this I do NOT believe in, because he is careful in what he says on contrary to my sister, and it is her having the shoes on in this respect, and I was told that we will not be able to continue on this road because I did not believe in it and I was asked may we come anyway, but of course you may. I was told about my old colleague from Danske Bank, Espergrde (1984-86), Steen M., that he has also humiliated me, and no I did not want to write it, but was told that this is also part of the blocking darkness I had to cross, so it is not your mother all of it no, but I do understand that all of this is also influencing my mother to be as she is, thus bringing me the sufferings as she does. I was shown my spiritual friend with a dark pen telling me all of these stories, and I was told that he will now soon be brought away, and yes he is part of the origin and has been waiting for us to arrive, and when I was told this, I was given a deja vue that this speech and my writing of it is what is making all of us able to continue my journey using this voice as the guidance to get to my inner self behind all darkness. I was told that we only enter the hall now and eternity is inside of you and we dont know what we will find, and maybe our origin is in there somewhere. I kept on receiving darkness, which tried to stay out and to receive my acceptance, and I was told that no one has been

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beaten up yet during this process of transferral, Stig, and I was given even more annoyance/coughing to my throat. We had reached the Source, but God had moved light/life even deeper to bring us even greater reward of life I spoke to my mother on the phone, and again I had stammering because of the force of darkness, and yes every time I have this ALSO in relation to my mother, it is because of her misunderstood voice speaking wrongly about me behind my back, and today she and John visited Johns brother Kyril and his wife to play cards, so there you have it. I was given the name of the Danish comedian Simon Jul, which was followed by a new maybe 1/8 out of this world pain to my right ankle, which came as a big surprise to me; this late in the game (?), and can it be that Simon as example of Danish comedians is suffering because of me (?), and maybe because of your silence too? We are standing out here almost crying from happiness, but not yet, and I still went through much darkness, and yes it is still a strong fight getting hidden darkness out. And the BIG question is if there is room for all, and Stig says yes, and then we are all welcome. The whole airport needs a change of air, and that is really to remove the darkness we are breathing with light. A couple of days in a row, I have used my oven, and a few minutes after the food had finished, it turned to the E3 error position being hit by darkness, but first AFTER the food was ready. I felt people of other civilizations and was told that they have spoken to Obama, so there is direct communication between us and them (?), and yes it does NOT get any more beautiful than this . I received the voice of the spirit of my father to the right side of me, and he said that he just wanted me to know that it does not look like a bombed privy anymore, and the most important was to transfer the data, and now I need the updates to my computer, and also video and audio, which is about seeing and hearing. This has been much more wild than expected, which also brings even greater rewards when entering the smallest, known hole through the biggest darkness of all, which is from where we will start, and I was told that this road was founded via the work I did for the National Museum at Brede Park, which was tough to say the least. I was shown how a monster of the Aliens film turned into a big egg without darkness, and how we were brought to a new axis, which we knew nothing about, which we after due consideration decided to follow, and I received big hiccups, and was told is this an octopus of darkness (?), and then I was given a
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jump from my left and told or a deliberate move from God the right way? It is not a ship disaster, which could have happened (?), which is why the saddle on your new bicycle was not working, and yes it was a shock to us too. I was not allowed to tell you before now because of darkness of your mother. And this is where we have now moved in, which was also impossible to do, but you decided that we had to go through it. We were about to take in so much water (of sufferings), so we could not make it, which is why we continued the fight/game, and yes risking it all if you could not continue. This is why you have received extreme sexual torments here at the end, which you handled, and yes who knows what would have happened if you did not, but now we are home here, and what will then happen? I was shown on ancient Egyptian room, but it is the next room where the light shines, and we decided to believe that there would be no trapdoor in the floor leading to darkness, and then we were helped in, and it turned out that it was not that dangerous at all, but it felt as a big thing having to ask you to save the world again, so was this move done by God or by me as my old self (?), or maybe even both/or, and yes when I was given this information, I was given MUCH fear again, which I know is a sign of darkness, but still this made me nervous and almost give up everything and also becoming negative using negative words to let out my almost frustration - because were we in risk of destruction when entering this place believing that we had come home, but then we had to move to the next room, which was also jeopardising all life (?), and yes I was thinking that this happened October 31, which I am now experiencing on my journey as my old self too, and yes it truly made me feel BAD, and I felt how an EXTREME amount of darkness rolled in over me, which was a strong part of it. At 21.50 I was again completely broken down also with a tired crisis, which I had really had a couple of hours, and I decided to go to bed, and on my way, I was given the word Rialto, which here is a theatre, which will have to be confirmation saying that I went through another play this evening, and I was asked how much of the root net have we brought with us (?), and told that we had to explode that bomb (the atomic bomb of the other day), which corresponds to the effect of going through your old nightmare. Before sleeping I was told that we lacked something from Lars G., and God did this for us, otherwise there would have been no doctor present, which would have . (led to destruction). It is completely against all odds to get in here, and this is no play, this is what the bicycle tomorrow is about, do you believe that Preben will make it work, and yes if not, the game is that . and I was here given even more nervousness because if I cannot make the bicycle work, we cannot make the New World work, thus destruction, and yes these are very fine actors of mine being able to make me believe in everything, and yes I am feeling the Crazy Christmas Cabaret here, so there you have it,
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and yes Stig, this last chapter was written tomorrow morning from 05.30 to 06.30, and yes I had to finish the script and publish it before going to Preben, and I here felt how my heart was physically moved beating wrongly and as if it was moved to the right, and yes giving me fear of dying, because this is NOT what you do, but this is how it was done. I was told that Stauning was the first Prime Minister of Denmark being told about you, but not the last. Google Earth shows BIG LOVE of God as the foundation of darkness Jette brought Google Earth pictures at her Facebook group showing shallow ladies with darkness hiding behind them, calmness and fear on either side, dog of man making friends with a lady, and BIG LOVE of God as the foundation of darkness. --Ending the day with these short stories: My spiritual friends keeps posting this as the first on my Facebook timeline, so now I will bring it, and that is because I am impressed by the design of Jaguar cars, and this is to say that I am still doing and working my best and fastest.

Anja said that she would like the SAGA Facebook group not to be public because everyone can find it and read it from Google, so she had an attack of darkness wanting to
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be in private, which made Ccile react with the right answer, which is that we have nothing to hide, and so it is.

does not matter much if it is with a man or woman (?), and she shows in practise the Devil giving her the desire of casual sex with anyone she likes, and she is living what the Devil wants to give to me, and just by reading these stories, the same Devil tries to make me imagine, but this is NOT what I want, so this is just to tell you that her sexual indecency is giving me much suffering and yes as the indecency of the world does.

This drunk passenger on Icelandair was spitting at and groping on other passengers, which made the employees pacify him like this, and yes he even said that the plane would crash, and you may understand that this is how we deal with darkness to avoid anything being spit out or for the aeroplane of our world to crash. Helena spoke about political parties receiving financial support from outsiders, and the discussion developed into how much insider-knowledge Helena has from Sren Pind, which is nothing as she says, and Jesper said we will have to see if Sren Pind tears apart Nicolai Wammen at the next election, which is not only because of political differences, but just maybe also a fight over this woman (?), and yes have you been there too, Nicolaj (?), so this story is about high politics, power and sex, and yes true ingredients of the Old World.

Yesterday Saturday evening Helena asked if anyone offered Coffee after 23.00, and I mean coffee because she had to go on work Sunday morning, thus no sex, and Jette was kind to volunteer, and during the night, Helena said that coffee, carbohydrates and love. Life is good, so this looks like Helena receiving some casual sex and it
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January 2013

8. Father, Mother and Son have united as ONE GOD, but we are still our old selves at the level underneath
1. SUBJECT 7th January: Going through sufferings to avoid heavens falling down; we are only seconds away from our New World SUMMARY Dreaming of meeting darkness as Spanish on a white wall, the WORST sexual dream ever because of going through the WORST darkness ever, and receiving nice music and playing too low volume. I kept on receiving more darkness right after waking up making me nervous about our destiny inside the Source, until I had passed this darkness now being told that this is done with love of God who loves you until the end of time, and it is NOT founded of darkness of the world, but inside the Source self to bring us even deeper in order to bring even more love, joy and happiness of our New World. The task of today was to visit Preben, to fix the saddle stick of the bicycle and to cycle the 48 kilometres home, as it showed out. This is part of lifting the train of creation off its frame and onto the family tree of the Source. This is the end of my/our train journey back home. Preben easily fixed the cycle as I could have done myself (!) herewith saying that there is NOTHING wrong with my new self and our New World. I did the cycle tour home without being in form thus bringing me extreme pain to my behind and legs, and GREAT sufferings from darkness attacking me and also in periods the gear of my cycle, and this was to save the world from experiencing heavens falling down on you. We are now seconds away from the shell of my old self to dissolve, Preben was helping to bring me the duvet, i.e. sexuality, of our New World, and we now only have to put gold of creation on me. The family tree has now been moved back to its original location, and the connection is still there. I have now become ONE with Karen as the spirits of my mother and father are too. In order to create, your father had to create an explosion and the idea was then for this life to return home, which is what we are now doing. First, the Trinity of God was made into a duet when the spirits of my mother and father united as one, and now as ONE when father/mother and I as the Son have united to become ONE GOD. Short stories of whats going on, Helena being the (ignorant) cross of my life, Eric Idle and Jeff Lynne bringing me darkness, MAD rulers of Iran using fear to make people submissive, Politicians have WRONGLY decorated on their WikiPedia profiles, Dan and his network was VERY inspired when receiving the words of God, he thought it was funny when I told him and this thread is the MOST inspired of all telling you about my coming birth as my new self, darkness wanted to spit out life because of wrong behaviour of politicians and media, the good heart of Helena, Inge and Tommy could also only think of their own selfish needs, and Eligael do believe in the message of the Jerusalem Video even though he rejected the video 6 bringing this message? Dreaming of receiving faith of darkness and all of its wine and energy of creation. The stories today was concentrated of having passed what we thought was the location of the Source having to go through more great sufferings to go back to the original location. You father, mother and son - are ONE as God, but you are still your individual selves as before, the three of you and everyone else, and this is the Pyramid with God at the tiny room at the top, and the Trinity of my father, mother and my new self in the room below and from there it will go all the way down until the newest level of life, so I am both God and my own self as the Son, and this is the structure of it.


8th January: Father, Mother and Son have united as ONE GOD, but we are still our old selves at the level underneath

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We can hardly keep darkness away, and are close to celebrate in Champagne because of enthusiasm of what we have achieved. I am catching up on Jettes Google Earth pictures from January 6 and 7, which show someone eating faeces, combined pig-ants (light and darkness), a long line of people as in World War II waiting to receive life, a clown of darkness, and it is about time to begin the beguine with one big lump of life with all having good values of light. And also a dog of darkness waiting to become life, everything is now under one hat returning to Paradise of God, a not satisfied God (as part of the play as darkness). Jettes pictures show the Source lining up lost bits of my scripts, a meeting, dolls having to wake up, and my name again on the sky. I used the evening to update my computer with audio and video software and codecs, which brought me the key to enter the penthouse of everything, which has waited on me always to return to finalise our New World when I was done with all creation, and this is now what will become the final creation of our New World when we will do it without any limits bringing cosmic conscience (as Martinus had) to everyone, and completely changing how you look and see life. Short stories of the importance of Stonehenge to the survival of the world, David Bowie brought the greatest surprise in music history (?) when releasing a new song and album to come, and Messi is still a symbol of me being the best football player in the world, the Commune and Police wanted to shut me down online, is Nicolai Wammen stalking Helena (?), instead of WRONG sexual behaviour the world will receive its wake-up call, the energy of nothing of God everywhere, we are now VERY close to being home at the Paradise of God. ing it out with what may be the dark side of me, so then again, it may be. I also had a dream about receiving and playing a CD-box, which to my surprise includes much good music after I started playing the wrong song and I play it on my stereo of VERY good quality, and others play it next to me, and because the volume of mine is low, they cannot hear it. o This is about Andrew from the SAGA Facebook group, which has done amazing work with his SAGA radio station and also Cosmic Paradigm Radio playing non-stop around the clock, and I considered sending him a positive comment when seeing the second station (I have known about his first for a long time now), but I decided that I would like to know it even better before doing this. We passed the strongest darkness of God - NOT part of the world to bring even more love of our New World I was told that we really dont know if we are allowed to stay and yes more darkness/nervousness brought to me only seconds after waking up, and yes the negative voices still wanting to overtake me still follows. This is not only because we dont like to be photographed. So not only about Hitler, but another force in here than expected, and yes will it destroy or save us (?), and what did it do, didnt it save us (?), and yes but only because we dared to take that step forward (and for that we will remain eternal grateful for what
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7 January: Going through sufferings to avoid heavens falling down; we are only seconds away from our New World
I had the WORST sexual dream ever because of going through the WORST darkness ever I went to bed at 21.50 and with disturbances slept until 05.00 with these dreams. Something about Spanish on a white wall, and I am writing an essay about what does it mean to you, and a couple agreeing to meet. o Spanish on a white wall is about darkness on the wall of light of the Source. I received the worst and strongest sexual dream I may have ever had about wanting to make love to Vivian, who does not want to make love to me because I am insecure and not strong enough, and it makes her make love to others in Vapnagrd, Helsingr right before me, and an older couple arrives where this man is so heavy that I cannot lift him. o This is in continuation of the story of yesterday evening where we had to go through the strongest darkness to reach the next ancient, Egyptian room where God had moved the light and axis of life to, and this is interestingly enough not about my old nightmare, but about Vivian as another part of the spirit of my mother bringOne God, One People


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you did, never looking back, Stig and yes sometimes I write down information like this given to me). So it has been an incredible journey, Stig, but it has almost not started yet, and where will this lead us? This is truly a COLD buttermilk soup with no French fries (as I have started eating again, and yes the last couple of weeks I have been somewhat more careless about what I eat knowing that we have won), and yes pure destruction, and is that what we had to pass on our way, but still you say every little thing is to survive, so we have had to make a whole new road inside of here in order to get to where the axis had moved? And yes, this is pretty much it, and I have never had as wet pants before as this, i.e. going through as much sufferings. So it was not an easy calculation to do, how many can we save or spare (?) and what will it take to get us there (?), and yes using energy, which we did not have, and this is what you have showed the world. So nothing has happened to the TV (of everything), we just moved it, and we are all still carrying on, and yes for now it is, Stig. It was a feeling like it is going to destroy us, but it was build on love , and your you are heartfelt welcome is still what is opening the door to us. We cannot keep preaching about how important it was for you to keep the door open to us so long as I was here told with a voice fading out. This has nothing to do with darkness of Soviet Union or Russia as it is called today, but a phenomenon completely taking us by surprise, as if we needed to pass a test/solve a riddle to get in to where the axis has moved (???), and yes bringing us a VERY BIG surprise. So no one has ever boxed like this way before, and yes with the strongest darkness AND love, and that is to get to a new location of what we believed was in the room we already had reached. And the axis is the axis of life or family tree if you will. And this has nothing to do with you deciding to lift life self many times by moving this family tree and yes to its exact right position (?), which was said with this voice of course it has, and yes you and also we decided that when he continues working like that, we might as well go to the extreme to reach what is perfect. And what about sacrifices/terminations of the night, and yes didnt that happen because of my old nightmare being carried out (?), and eeehhh Stig, the dream was strong but you and Vivian were not together, so eeehhh was this also a play for today (?), and this is what I understand it is, and yes we are now starting to bring the full picture of what this is about, and yes you know the game by now, first you give me fear of darkness
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believing that we are still in risk of terminating life, and after some time, you bring me the full story and relief, and yes this is simply going even deeper into the Source and to follow the road of God. I received George Michaels very beautiful Father Figure, which is quite a while since I received the last time, and the lyrics I will be the one who loves you until the end of time, and this is what this is about, God bringing us even deeper in to bring us even greater love, joy and happiness of our new life. Nitroglycerin, we walked right next to what could have been the biggest explosion of all, and Stig, this was the story of the Toruk Makto, and yes not very easy to go through, we know. I am told that my sister also see my new Facebook postings of scripts, and yes Stig has NOT stopped writing yet, which I told my mother that I would do in December, and do you have any idea of how much more sufferings/fuel this is bringing me from these concerned ladies, and yes there you have it again again. There are no newspapers inside of here, Stig, but what is then this darkness about (?), and that is the next part of the story, but first a shower, and then off to Preben, and yes I decided to take the train not borrowing my mothers and Johns car and I also decided not to tell them not to bring any more concerns, and yes which may be good or bad for the game, but this is how I decided to play it. How stupid as a cod can you be (?), I simply forgot to bring this out to the world, and is this it? And later I was told that this darkness simply had to have a beginning/end, which is what we are now reaching, and that is directly connected to the family tree. I was told that it felt like our engine going on fire and then we were pulled in by the strongest love, isnt this how you understand it? I was told about the Pope waking up with nightmares about the world going under, so how do you think things are going yourself, Benedict (?), and yes not easy when you cannot read and understand and have to guess yourself, and yes pure darkness you know. I was told that Rikke from Dahlberg has to fight the stupidity of these slow working and thinking people, and yes not only Bo, but also Torben and several others as I showed you when I worked there, and yes it would be a shame to call them true professionals, which they are NOT, but maybe amateurs is what you like to use instead (?), and yes I am NOT popular for having spoken the truth about them too, and yes not easy, Rikke, knowing about me via Facebook updates, which no one else gets in Dahlberg because they are not my Facebook friends. Going through great sufferings to avoid heavens falling down; we are seconds away from our New World
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I left at 09.00 to cycle to the station and take the train to Hellerup to visit Preben as agree, and I was wondering if he has less money than I, but no, he did not think of that when asking me to visit him. On my way I was told that life of our New World will be lifted up trillions of times, and this was about volume, but I am thinking that it will also become MUCH stronger in terms of quality/concentration. I was told that there are people out there also wanting to hear about Mussolini, and all I was told was my spiritual friends asking each other who of us played that part? For some time I have received the name Jesper W. the sales director of Danica Pension and I was told that he is one of the chorus saying that Stig cannot be used as a sales professional, and also speak wrongly behind me behind my back, and yes this is the general perception of people remembering me from the Life & Pension industry, which is that I was a clever professional but NOT as a sales man, because it goes without saying that a clever professional cannot be a skilled sales professional, and yes the truth is that I was the best if people simply had allowed me to show me true skills, but when they did not believe in me, this was planted to the few potential BtB clients, which I spoke to not receiving any other results to speak of than the Union Frie Funktionrer when working for Fair Insurance, and yes this is simple logic, right (?), of how peoples perception of me was planted as resistance because of whom I am. And I was told that I have really done the best sales work to be found and accepted as the Son of God even though I am a normal human being, which was NOT the easiest because of the Old World, which really did NOT want me to bring a New World, and yes the rulers etc. of the Old World did NOT want my intervention, and I was told that the tool to doing this was to write both level 1, 2 and 3 of all of my website and scripts (headlines, summaries and full text), and to start with the full text, and to base headlines and summaries on this making these very concentrated, which is really the BEST way to sell, and yes instead of all of the empty air as poor sales people gives you. It is alright to lift all of the train off its frame (which was used outside the Source) and yes to put it directly on to the family tree, and with a little help from my special friends, it works, and yes faith is growing in me all of the time as I am told. Who has decided that Jacqueline Bisset was to become beautiful as I have always thought she was as young, and still for that matter and I was told that it comes from the tree all the way from inside of here, and yes how could it be different, because this is the Source of life. I was told that your mother is incredible rich (on darkness), and she would not be able to live if it was not because of you and the love she feels for me, and I for her.

This is the last blood offering of your mother brought here, this is how it works and what we sent you to stop, and yes the whole concept of darkness. I was told that Bjarne from the Commune believed that I was dangerous without reading or knowing me, but guessing because of journals on me, and yes like others from the Commune did in the beginning, and not easy to see my comments ending with smiles and friendly regards (?), and not the opposite, which is what would be logical in your twisted mind, Bjarne (?), and that Johannes, who is my Facebook friend, which Bjarne is not, who has seen me as more peaceful and friendly via the music, pictures of paintings and posts I send out, which was also how he saw me at the Town Hall last autumn, and yes was this enough for you to understand that I am not dangerous (?), and I might add that the only dangerous people here are people like you who could not control your thoughts and unnecessary fear in relation to me. I was told about Kim Larsen and his album Kielgasten, and it made me take K and G from Kielgasten, and this was the start of KGH, which is the Royal Greenland Trading Department, and Greenland is God, so I was told that this is another candidate you know, and yes I know that I dont know, you know. I was told that this train journey symbolised the end of my entire (train) journey bring all of creation back to the Source. I kept on receiving I am the shadow man by David Bowie, and this is what God/I am, and isnt this just a wonderful song, and yes from the unreleased toy album, and why was this not released (?), and yes I wonder. I was told about previous General Secretaries of the Soviet Union being marionettes of a powerful system, which was impossible to kill even by Gorbachev and Jeltsin and that it has its own plan of controlled termination of life? Well, it isnt a plan solution made for the Soviet, is it? And I was told that symbolically there is now placed a statue of you on the Red Square itself, and yes thank you for deciding to be with me. I was told that this was done as usual with Russians without faith being in strong majority and only having little faith in me over there to support me and a little like Fernando Mghe from the Matador TV-series, who lived on a lie with people believing she was 100 years old, where she was only 90, and this is how the Russian evil empire is based on a lie, which has become reality, and yes with the evil system surviving until now behind closed doors showing a positive face to the outside including the west. This darkness inside the Source is part of the pole self, which you decided to dissolve yourself by not giving up and by continuing work. So, Dragholm, you are not an expenditure in the books of your mother because she decided to follow and not reject you, and this love is because the world decided to accept God, and yes behind closed doors.
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If he, i.e. Stig, did not wear goal keeper gloves, you would see a fever save from inside of here, which was prepared because no one except me could break through this darkness, and if I gave up, it was only the tree of God self who could break this darkness. I was told that my mother has been coded with the road to the Source, which she cannot remember as her normal self, and it might be but the other day I was told that we found the Source because of the voice speaking inside of me, so either this is wrong or can it be both/or? I arrived at Preben in Hellerup at 10.30 and just before entering, I was told that some lamps have overturned, which we will have to rise again, and yes much sand of darkness was let out. Preben hung up the bicycle and took off the saddle stick, and then he manually screwed the screw, which was not a screw, which I thought was impossible to adjust, and back on with the saddle stick, and yes this was it, piece of cake, and it proves as an example to me and everyone which is NOT to give up saying that I cannot do this, and yes this is what I thought and had I had more energy, I would have tried to look at it myself, and yes as I told Preben this is the most stupid of anything I have done, and we know, Preben could easily have told me this over an email of the phone, but he did not, so I had to drive all of this way to learn this lesson, so there was NOTHING wrong with the cycle (!), thus the New World, and I understood that the true test was to cycle home, and as I told Preben, no, I dont believe I am able to cycle all the way home, so I might cycle to Rungsted or Espergrde and take the train from there . Preben was inspired to speak about his son, Jakob, who is 19 and has become a professional model working in PARIS and other fashions capitals on the runway and having photographs taken of him, and he showed him on the Internet and especially a Zegna suit of 30,000 DKK, which to me looked extremely elegant, classic as well as modern at the same time, and yes this is EXACTLY my taste, and I could not help smiling because these were symbols about coming home to the city of light, Paris, symbolising the Source, and the finest suit imaginable is to say that I bring home the finest life imaginable. Preben also entertained me about all of the wrong doings of Aon, and yes according to Preben both parties believed it was a good idea that Preben stopped because of lack of sales results, which Preben said meant that for the first time in 20 years he was not able to make an income about the high tax limit here, which is approx. 400,000 DKK or 33,000 DKK per month (I receive approx. DKK 11,000 in cash help), and he told me about the POOR quality of telemarketing leads, which he and his colleagues were given to do sales on (sales of pension plans) with far too many misunderstandings etc. making the leads not hot, and I told him about the importance of working DETAILED with the telemarketing concept and my own experience in this taking care of all details of the process, and also that this is the most important part of this part of Aons business, and the end part to do the final sale is really not difficult for a proOne God, One People

fessional, and the most difficult of this, is to make the telemarketing process work, and I did not understand that the managers or others of Aon did anything else than complain about poor results without having the time or energy to go in detail with this yourselves (?), and when I told him this, I received the feeling of being employed there to do this work, and this was the feeling of Preben while we spoke, and yes yes yes, Preben was supposed to be independent, but when you only co-operated with three of maybe 10-15 relevant suppliers in the market because these are the only ones offering you commission (!), it goes without saying that you cannot be independent, thus making this whole concept a lie to the customer, and yes not really thinking of the best for the customer, but the most money for yourselves, which you know is the infection of the world, and yes they receive 0.65% in commission of all deposits, and the partners received 0.15% of this and yes on a yearly basis (!), and that is without moving a finger (!!!), and yes the money machine of Hell, and I was told that Preben stopping to work for Aon was a condition in order to remove him from the worst darkness to being able to work for me, and that is help me through this darkness, and yes he spoke non-stop about himself the 30-35 minutes I was there, and not one single question to me (!) Preben in a nut-shelf (!) and I was told that when I decided NOT to speak about my writings or my spiritual self, this in itself gave more faith of Preben in me, so there you have it. When he spoke about one of his old Aon managers, he said that he was small and always sat in a high position to compensate, which made me think of Uffe Conrad, the previous CEO of Danish FSR Accountants, and it made Preben smile and say my thought almost like Uffe Conrad, and I was told that this was to tell that I have solved the most difficult task of them all, and yes to return to Preben to do this very task of today on top of everything else recently. I could not help noticing that Preben has several training cycles of the most superb quality, and his computer is an APPLE with an ENORMOUS monitor of maybe 28 or even 32 inches (?), and yes in comparison I was thinking about the conditions I had to live with both with computers and work places in order to write my more than 7,000 pages . Preben also did a Google search on himself to show me that almost no results show up, and it made me somewhat nervous if he would see results on him from my website, but no, there was none, and this is because I have decided to write only the first name and sometimes the first letter of the sir name of people, and this is also what could break or make it, and had I consequently written the full names of people, I felt and still feel that it would have been impossible for me to come through all the way home, because it would probably have made more attack me even more strongly to remove my writings on them, and yes this was such a let us do it like that thing, which I decided to do quickly in the beginning of my writings, and yes so it is and so was most of my decisions; i.e. taken too quickly to what I would normally do, and yes Preben is apparently one, who has not discovered my writings on him, and just as he did not discover my stunt back then in DFM about
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the hidden line in a proposal for a customer, which he also did not read. I asked him if there were still any of our old colleagues of Aon remaining from when we worked there in 1995-97, and he told me that Irene was still there and yes this was REALLY what the name Irene meant, and yes you know I was given her name was it 1-2 weeks ago (?) and she worked as a handy woman for Niels de Knald back then. Preben made the cycle work, and talked about Paris and a perfect suit, which is about the perfect life of our New World, which I am bringing to the Source. I left, and yes the saddle was now FIRMLY tightened, and I felt that there is nothing wrong with the gear except from when darkness in the air comes and shifts the gear up and down, which only happened in periods on my way home, and in other periods, darkness did not intervene, and yes I felt the power of darkness as part of the air around me, and I could almost see how it literally changed my gear, and yes a power inside the air itself, and I was told that the official world has also done research on me in relation to Gods particle, and semen tests I gave in the 1990s when Camilla and I tried to get a child, and I was told that my DNA keeps changing? I was told that the alternative to go through this road, was to be told about the dead mans button of the train, which would make the train crash. And now we only have to bring on the gold on you. I was told that it does not hurt, you have now become ONE with Karen as we are too, i.e the spirits of my mother and father, and this also means that all life has now been picked up. And Preben is helping to bring in my new duvet. I was now on my way back to Helsingr, and because I drove a little bit almost backwards, the route became approx. 48 kilometres, which was TRULY impossible to do, and especially because I was NOT in form at all to do this cycling, and yes compared to last year when cycling on my old mountain bike, I am in MUCH poorer shape now, and this was the tour of Hell I had to take, and I was told that this was to help avoiding heavens falling down as mentioned the other day and later I was told that we are really only seconds away from my old shell to dissolve, and this is what it is about, and if I did not have the strong voice of God helping me to not give up, I would have given up already at Skodsborg and taken the train home from there, because my behind and legs were hurting, and it only became worse and worse the longer I drove, and when it was too much, it was simply impossible for me to cycle, and I almost overturned just when I stood off the cycle to take a break, which I did in Skodsborg, Vedbk, Mikkelborg, Niv/Humlebk and Espergrde on my way home (!), and yes when I was almost giving up, darkness came to me even stronger, and I felt it even stronger inside the air than I have ever done before, and it changed my gear up and down at the most critical moments of this cycle tour, and I also kept on receiving notes to write down, and I can only say that I hurt so much that I VERY easily could have decided to give up and take the train, or simply to express my giving up attitude and yes give me what you have
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as darkness, but no, I will NEVER do this, and this is because my inner will makes this impossible to do in practise and that is even when the voice of darkness became so strong that it broke through to me, but no I will NEVER do actions of darkness, and no, I will NEVER be negative! When I held breaks of maybe 5-10 minutes at a time, I felt myself walking as my mother and my legs being dark frames of the absolutely last part of darkness as I am living on also making this cycling tour only for mad men and yes Englishmen still being silent/mad about me! Much of the tour home and for days I have been given with low volume the song She sells sanctuary by the Cult, and this is easily because I am now coming to this place, where the sanctuary is, and yes I really dont like too fine words for what is a normal thing, and yes I loved this song too in 1985 I believe, and much better than much anonymous pop music of today. =pieI3ctfMfM I was told that I had all of these people of family, friends etc. representing the world - against me and I only had the voice of God at the most inner to help me meaning that I had no physical or mental advantages over other, and yes this voice and a strong will is what it took to be strong than all darkness/negativity to bring us out from here, and yes I am shown a typical British actor, and yes one of those teachers from Harry Potter, and this is what the British are, poor actors when their culture often makes them yes-sayers, silent and speak behind the backs of people instead of simply speaking out the truth directly, and yes my ladies and gentlemen, I have not met anyone worse than you in this respect, but you do understand that I still love you, dont you? I was told that the family tree has now been moved back to its original location, and the connection is still there. I decided to take lunch at the pizzeria Big Bens in Espergrde, which I had use to motivate myself to come as far as to Espergrde, and I had 36 DKK on me thinking that I could get a lunch offer pizza one of the extremely rare pizzas I eat out, and is this the second in three years paid for my own money (?) but their pizzas were 40 DKK, which almost made me give up and leave, but no, I needed food/energy to drive on, so I entered and I asked him MANY times dont you have anything you can sell me for 36 DKK, and yes a cheap sandwich or something like this, and I was thinking that if I was in his place, I would try to find something, but no, his mind was completely closed not often that he uses it apparently but when I continued and asked again and again and again, I finally broke through and he suggested me to have a lunch pizza for 36 DKK and to come back another day paying the last 4 DKK, and yes I would happily do this, so this is how I also got something to eat on this tour, and yes no drinks other than from the water tab at the toilet, because maybe he would charge me to have a glass of water!
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Even though I was completely broken down, I decided to do some shopping in Helsingr, and finally at 15.30 I was home and yes I had started at 11.05 in Hellerup I believe, and no, I could not drive quickly and yes my behind and legs hurt VERY much, and when I came home, and took off my warm jacket it as only 3-4 degrees Celcius today my t-shirt was soaking wet, and yes as far as I could see there was not one single dry spot on it. I was told as examples that Shannon - who now lives in Denmark, but go to Turkey from time to time to teach one of her spiritualist teams tells about me wrongly behind my back, and when Birgit tries to explain Jan L. from the Martinus workgroup and yes that Jan, who invited me into their work group was it in 2005-06 (?), but could not accept my Facebook friendship in 2010 or 2011, and yes difficult for him to believe in me, but you may remember Jan when I told you about a new coming, and you remembered that even though Martinus WRONGLY said that no one would come after him he was the second coming you also told me that at the end of Martinus life, he said that someone would come, and yes giving you some doubts about me, my friend? I have been told about Tony Franke my old business contact from the FSR accountants, and today the director of Danish IT again and again, so how are you Tony, do you want to give me a special clearance too to the secret network (?) and also about the party Liberal Alliance, and that it is simply laziness, which makes them not read and understand me, and Thyra is a special deliverer of messages to you, Anders? I was told that by now many have seen Stig as an angel, but none are saying anything? You dont know what your tour today has saved man from experiencing, and yes this is basically the idea, to save man from sufferings. It is like this: In order to create, your father had to create an explosion and the idea was then for this life to return home, which is what I have been waiting for. I had a lack of sugar when I came home, and I had to drink most of a 1,5 litre orange soda as I bought to bring back sugar, and if this was the worst cycling tour ever (?), no it was the second worst, because the worst was in 2000 and something, when I was not in form and driving approx. 120 kilometres being maybe 40-50 kilometres away from home realising that I had NOTHING to drive with, and yes it made it impossible for me to stand out of bed next morning because of the physical after effects on my body, which is stronger than what others receive, you know. So after this cycling tour, it was NOT easy to write this long chapter, and not easy at all, and mentally impossible to do, but because I decided to sit down next to the computer and not TV, I expected that some kind of working rhythm would eventu-

ally come, which it also did, and this is really how I write/end these scripts, and yes by not giving up. I felt life of light just on the other side and told that we have not looked up and in because you are still not finished with your computer. I was shown a back of hand grenades turning into three bowling cones, and I was told that there is in reality only one, and asked if you are ready to become the one and only, and yes a surprise it was, and this is about first uniting the spirits of my mother and father into one as we did some time ago, and then Karen and I as one, and now all of the original Trinity as ONE GOD, and I could only say that if this is right to do according to light, let it be, and I was thinking that we may only be 12 parts of us, and not 3 times 12. I was told that it was impossible to bring you and your mother out alive and to have everything perfect, but it could be done when doing performances like what you did today, so this is what we did, and I received the taste of nice food here. I was encouraged to invite Jesper W. from Danica to become my LinkedIn contact, which I did and I also had a look of the management of Danica Pension, and discovered several that I knew and I am already connected to Jens (old colleague and tool of Niels de Knald against me in Aon), so I invited some of the others, and yes I was SURPRISED to see that Mia, my old overrated but good looking colleague from Aon is in the management too and she is not on LinkedIn, so I could not invite her, but here you can see that last four invitations, which are to managers of Danica and the status of people who could or could not accept me, and yes I wonder if this move of mine will make Danica speak about me (again), and yes this is really a symbol of entering my final location at the family tree of God.

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Helena thought that this was funny, funny without having understood that she and her WRONG behaviour is the cross of my life, and also that I am this close to her, and yes quite amazing what a strong, inner and WRONG voice of people can lead to.

Eric was singing together with Jeff Lynne all night long, and their new name seems to indicate that this is what you are bringing me too, and yes, I wonder if you also spoke of me?

I was told that it was an effort without comparison to keep the police away from you, which Bjarne from the Commune was the anchor of. --Ending the day with these short stories: I noticed yesterday how Facebook has started bringing short messages like hows going, Stig and also whats going on to motivate me to bring updates, and when I saw the whats going on, I thought about this FINE song my Marvin Gaye, which is then what Zahra later also did.

After I was encouraged to write about the appalling conditions of prisoners in Iran, Suzanne shared this photo showing executions of people, who are hung up for everyone to see to keep the population in an iron grip of constant fear and submissiveness, and it seems like rulers of this place have gone MAD too, and yes amazing that you even can THINK about doing this. are

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Dan said that he was going to use most of the day to correct information on him on WikePedia and expect that I at the end of the day among others can be credited with having discovered penicillin, zumba and the apple slice pan, have been member of Simon & Garfunkel and been married to Daimi (!), and this was his funny comment to the fact that the party organization of the Liberal Party of Denmark have had a declared policy to amend information on Wikipedia on MPs and also the previous Prime Minister Lars Lkke, and yes you can read about the example of Lars Lkke here where they wanted only good stories and to remove so called negative stories even though they are true (!), and yes just like Bjarne from the Commune, and yes PURE DARKNESS (!), and there is another example of the MP Ellen Trane here and others can be found too, and yes this is of course WRONG to do because the idea is to bring a FULL and RIGHT picture of people not forgetting anything (of importance), and this thread from Dan showed out to be a thread with MUCH inspiration from my spiritual friends because they were in good mood, and Lars said that he took on the shoes and starting stepping, which is for me/us to take on the shoes of our new lives, and yes Dan claimed that he now also wrote the scripts of the film Godfather (!) coming as inspiration to him from God self and it made Rakul ask if it wasnt also him writing to be or not to be. Thats the question (?), and yes it probably was as Dan said, and you may understand the direct inspiration here?

He continued saying that he only sleeps 8 minutes during nights, the rest of the time he plays games (!), and yes that is the darkness you are sending me removing my sleep (!), and I decided to speak the truth and your direct contact with God (without knowing it), and yes there was NO joke over this because this is what I am showing you even though it is his cousin as darkness speaking/working through him but still Dan and another liked this as funny (?), and Henrik wondered about the part of Dan playing in Simon & Garfunkel because he believed it was Peter, Paul and Mary, and then he asked who the hell is Mary then (?), which is really about the Bloody Mary, which he (and many others) was sending me because of his darkness/lack of understanding/interest.

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not invent Apple, because you would not be here anymore then, which made Dan say that he settled with Mllers tran (extracted from liver of codfish) and push-up-ice creams, and yes he did not support me creating the apple of our New World, and that is other than bringing ice cream/sufferings of darkness but also fish, which may reveal who he ALSO is, and yes the voice you know and Paul wanted to know who have you kissed in the door, which is about the actor Daimi, who Dan claims to have been married to, and yes playing together in this memorable sketch together with Dirch Passer, whom Dan in the next thread calls for a long orangeade pipe with orange still being a symbol of God, so Dirch was also part of God?

Henrik asked if Dan also had a finger in the ugly duckling (by H.C. Andersen), and Dan said that he was mobbing H.C. Andersen so much that he went home to write it, which is here because it had a strong impact on me seeing the actor Peter Mygind on TV helping to decrease mobbing in schools, and that is because of his personal story and because mobbing to me is the worst crime you can imagine bringing great wounds of children/people, and also of course that it is Dan etc. making me the ugly duckling, which is what I have now almost grown from becoming the swan you know, and yes amazing how inspired they are (?) you may remember these stories from previous scripts of mine and Henrik later said good that you did

And finally Klaus wanted to know if Dan is not neighbour with Elvis Presley, Which made Dan say that he is and we are going to a birthday party today, which is really inspired speech about my birthday as my new self, and yes with Elvis also being another part of me (?), and Camilla asked to say hi up there. There were probably two or three one would like to meet, and yes for example Elvis, Michael Jackson and Mozart (?), and yes they are all been invited for my birthday and the time to come, and yes this is the most inspired of all inspired threads I have brought you,
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and really to say that we are now coming home, and my birthday is coming up soon.

Helena spoke about people not being able to handle loss of other people, which she herself does admirable after having lost her mothers sister, and she speaks about how other people could not visit her after she became ill, and yes I liked what I wrote, and this is showing you the good heart of Helena, which I also wanted to show you. Anders from Liberal Alliance said about the newspaper Politiken that if you have no arguments, you might as well spit and scream, and this is to say that SPITTING OUT LIFE is what darkness wanted because of the WRONG behaviour of politicians and media including yourself Anders.

I saw this GIANT duck in Australia, which simply is about our new creation .

Kirstens mother and Johns brother Tommys wife, Inge, shared a pictured from a cruise to the Caribbean, and Jeanette one of Tommys two daughters, Jeannett, who could not accept my Facebook invitation months ago, and yes in the past many years ago, I do believe we had good impression on each other, didnt we, Jeannett (?) was here saying that when her father, Tommy, is fine, you can go again too, and yes to cruises in Europe as Inge said,
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and yes yes yes we know, LAZY PEOPLE THINKING ABOUT THEIR OWN SELFISH NEEDS and yes this does NOT look good in a world when millions of people starve and also not good when you could not read and support me with your faith and also with financial support by helping me (and our LTO friends) with just a little of what you decided to spend on yourselves (?), but no, this is NOT how it was supposed to be.

8 January: Father, Mother and Son have united as ONE GOD, but we are still our old selves at the level underneath
Dreaming of receiving faith of darkness and all of its wine and energy of creation I received scratching to the bottom of my head, which is still about the sufferings of LTO, and is it really so that Elijah and maybe also John prefer NOT to receive my money, because I have required from them to communicate with me, and yes I wonder who will be able to understand this, and I was told that it was important to receive my old friend from Karenvej in Espergrde, Morten B., as a Facebook friend to get the news of me out to the whole music industry of Denmark (he is playing the keyboards of Danser med Drenge). I went to bed at 22.00 after I had been COMPLETELY broken down including a tired crisis, and I slept until 05.30 with this dream. Jens Ove and Kresten (from DanskeBank-Pension) have faith in me, and give me the wine catalogue, and I have attached a label with name of a street and telephone number, which I know that they would like to remove including the first blank pages of the catalogue, but it remains as it is with my attachment. They have given me a task of counting the money of a customer, and there is MUCH money, including money notes and stamps of a value, I have never seen before, and Benta has received some of it, and she would like to count it together with me, and I ask her to wait 5-10 minutes, while I count my portion, and for some reason I have put up the money on a small balcony and exactly when I think that the wind may take the money, this is what it does but only one 500 DKK and three 100 DKK notes, and I quickly move all other money in-doors and ask Lars D. P. to look after it, which I rush down the stairs because I dont want the money to be taken by others, and I see how the 500 DKK and the first two 200 DKK notes float down in the air for me to grab them, and I dont see the last note, but I notice how birds are chopping the foundaJanuary 2013


After a long time, Eligael has now finally found the decoding videos of Gerald Vano here and here which I uploaded when writing my website on decoding of the Barbury Castle crop circle and Jerusalem UFO, and isnt it funny that he thinks this is interesting when he rejected video 6 of the Jerusalem UFO, which is the only connection linking the crop circle and the Jerusalem UFO (which had the same diagram on the underside of the spaceship as this crop circle), so this is telling about Eligael having faith in this connection even though he has rejected it publically (?), and yes it is also funny that he does not link to my decoding website telling the full story, which this is only part of (?), and yes WHY IS THAT, ELIGAEL???

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tion of the house in order to get in building nests inside the darkness of the small caves they create, and I see a famous Spanish football player eating tomato soup. o So this is faith of the worst darkness to me bringing me the wine and energy of it, and there is still a fight on little money/energy, and yes I dont know what to believe in regarding the question on energy or not, and I have decided to play my game as I have done for a long time, which is that I will not accept energy to be produced for darkness, but isnt this what I did with the cycle tour yesterday (?), and yes not to bring energy to darkness but to create energy to free what is tied up as energy of darkness of this place, and this might be it. And the Spanish football player eating tomato soup is about my inner self becoming my new self, and yes I was told yesterday that this is the Costa Brava coast (from Barcelona to France) of God, which we are recreating, and yes I drove this exact route together with Camilla in 1999, and a very beautiful landscape it is. Something about my mother died because of John who did not want to follow me, and yes as example not to install the WIMP music programme, which simply did not have his interest the same as my scripts.

together to its original position, which is where we are now, Stig, so what is remaining now, and yes some more loving feelings of your mother, and work of you, and it is just like the prick of the i on top, which we will now do. No, there was not that great debt on the plot of land, and yes the cycle tour was supposed to pay for it, this is how it was. I was shown a three wheeled cycle becoming a (single) scooter (the Trinity of the world becoming ONE), which is loaded to a truck, and I was told that this is what was needed to create our child, because this is how I see the world. I was shown ourselves arriving at a VERY big plug, but instead of plugging into this, we drove by and continued our journey, and I was shown Elvis coming out next to this plug playing his guitar, and I was told that this is also what we saw/felt, which is God as the creator leading us the last way in and up to Paradise of God. I was told that the angel of Stig is visible on the sky (!), and no, the world could not publish this information to the world (?), and what was that again again? I was told that you havent had the whole Intelligence Service going through the Peblinge Lake (of Copenhagen), have you (?), and yes not nice for you to be exhibited in my scripts for your incompetence? I worked from I stood up and until 10.15, and it was really an effort to write the script so far including the catch up on Jettes Google Earth pictures, and I have much other work to do with my computer and updates to my website, and I am also encouraged to exercise at the swimming hall today I dont feel physically poor after yesterday, but TIRED and I have to take matters into my own hand saying that I need a break now, and that will have to be a long bath, and after this there will be more work to the script and hereafter my website and computer and yes in this order. I was so tired with my eyes running into water and also from work that I decided not to write everything down of the continuous machine gun of information given to me I cannot do this speed anymore and CERTAINLY no exercise today, and yes I am continuously taken to my extreme limit where you cannot keep being all of the time, and here is what I decided to write down. We succeeded combining blue and red as your old self into a small super plane the dot above the I isnt this just what we are saying? And this is where you are ONE as God, but you are still your individual selves as before, and yes father, mother and Son, the three of you and everyone else, and I understand this as the Pyramid with God being at the tiny room at the top, and the Trinity of my father, mother and my new self in the room below and from there it will go all the way down until the newest level of life, and this is how I understand it. And since I was told yesterday that the three of us had become one, I have tried to be influenced by extreme feelings of wanting to stay myself, and yes I have decided not to care as long as it is light deciding,
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Father, Mother and Son have united as ONE GOD, but we are still our old selves at the level underneath I was told that we are dismantling the dark house of the police at the old axis, fun right (?), and I am shown Paradise with a square of the floor of it being pressured down into a tunnel when creation was done, and this it what we are now bringing all the way back to Paradise. I was shown a reindeer with light all over lying down, which is now rising up, and I was told that it was wrong to give the key to the axis making the world believe that this is where I was located, and then it was not, but it was the only way to get you in. And the efforts yesterday were to bring power to this remote house to return as light. I was shown a load of cigarettes turning into golf clubs, which is darkness that played against me/us too, and yes Stig, the outer joint of your left little finger is hurting and annoying you MUCH today when writing, and no, it NEVER became good, but the pain of it was kept down so I could continue writing, and today this pain is just there constantly when writing, which is bothering it much. This was not a random shock because when we entered here, we thought that this will be the end of the King and everything, but no, it did not, Stig, because you were with us, and this is really why. I was told that my mothers nightmare has been to be alone after the death of John and to be placed on a retirement home. Surely we are not still playing the international football match, are we (?), and yes he had changed the location of the axis to help us reach it, and when first in, we would take the last step
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and yes I am both God and my own self as the Son, and this is the structure of it. I was told that I can hardly keep darkness away any longer, and I was shown how this darkness entered the caf on the main square of Epernay, France, looking out the Avenue de Champagne, which is where I sat several times with you Camilla, do you remember (?), and I was told that this fine avenue with fine Champagne houses were made to celebrate this moment uniting our New World with the Source. I was shown a factory machine previously producing ice chocolate cubes because of the wrong behaviour of man, and now this is producing what I cannot remember nor read from my notes, but it was the opposite, and yes LOVE of God to man, and I was told that this is because of my decision going against the wish of man in terms of behaviour, but when asking everyone directly would you like this New World, I do believe that everyone will say yes, and at least on the other side you know. I was shown a large row boat with people rowing, and told that the biggest decision was to dare becoming nothing, which makes it possible for us to become the new hybrid of physical and spiritual life, where everyone will see and understand how we are connected via cosmic consciousness. I was told that we dont know which leg to stand on because of enthusiasm of what will come now. God prevented three out of the four divided world to be created to use the energy of darkness to drive creation forward, and I was told that pills as an example of the worst darkness in reality is the invention of God as the Devil not to harm but to create and yes via survival, and we know it is not easy creating life. I was shown the last part of buildings coming in on land from the sea, and just before land was a deepening of water, which we did not know about. I was shown the beautiful Paustian furniture house of Copenhagen harbour with a grey front and told that we have moved in, and light is almost shining through, which is why Jette receives symbols of both darkness and light on Google Earth. I was told that Falck is also part of the steel skeleton of a car, which I was shown formed as a diamond. I continued receiving the hand sign for stop time, which we to my surprise have not done yet and yes who should have believed that we would be able to continue time after December 21, 2012 (?), but this is how it became. Who should have thought that the Source was hiding in darkness, and that all sexual activity in reality is a desire to return to the Source, and I was given examples of women in love with me, and was told that they were because I am the Source, and yes it was hidden inside of darkness of me.

I was shown and told that it will not be like switching on the ignition of the car to start our New World this is not how it works, and you will know when you are here because then you will be and know. I was told and felt that Mrsk Mckinney Mller, Asger Lorentzen and Helene (Hans mother) as examples are still with me. I am shown a long valley with red sky and an incredible number of soldiers, which is the non existing road back to the original location of the family tree, and I am told that if I give up, we will not bring it all the way back, but no, this has to be a game, because I have decided that everything is to be perfect and this is then what it will become, and we know Stig, you are closer than ever to simply stop working saying that I cannot anymore, the strain is too great on me, and still the pressure simply continues without signs of stopping. I was not able to write all information down and was shown how darkness wanted to destroy small pieces of plants at the Avenue leading up to the castle, and I had to say strongly, no you are NOT allowed to do this, and yes I have no idea from where energy will come, and let us just stick to my old decision, which is that energy comes from thinking and not from me cycling, so this is the force I ask you to use, and yes this has to be right, and the cycling tour of yesterday a clever part of the game of darkness. I kept on receiving speech and visions, which I did not have the energy to write down, and later I was told that I found a solution, arent you happy, and yes it has to do with calculations and the credit card, and what you cannot deliver yourself is what we will get from where (?), and yes the endless energy of God, which you showed me yesterday, and it cannot be otherwise, the only logical answer, so thank you for showing me this. Entering the penthouse of everything from where we will do the final creation of the New World without limits I was shown people about to climb up on the roof of a house, and when I wiped away water from my tired eyes, it was almost if I was wiping away this life, and this is the temptation given to me that I cannot take this suffering anymore so you cannot all enter this is about Nazi darkness allowing some life to enter and other life to terminate but no, this is NOT how I am, I will not fall for that trick, because EVERY LITTLE THING is to survive despite of the incredible pressure you put on me, and yes you may use the force of my old self to do this, and if this is not enough, you will use the force of my new self/the Source to help out, and so it has to be. I tried to see if I was allowed to enter Windows Update to download updates to my Windows XP but no, darkness still keeps me out. This roof apartment is far too expensive for anyone to enter, Stig, (?), and yes I am given the feel of Sren Pind here, so you are suffering too, my friend (?), and yes if you sum all sufferings
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of the world, this is what is opening to this apartment, and that is the top floor of everything, which we have now been allowed to decorate, and yes with the finest gold available. I did some clean up of my new computer, it still had some old programmes/files installed from the previous installation, and I was shown a complete opening including light in the train and still being in darkness but starting to feel the magic around me, and I installed audio codec including the lossless FLAC enabling me to play this, and I was told that this is removing many newspapers (of destruction), and even though this should be a continuous game, I cannot tell you just how strongly this darkness is potentially hurting me much, but only just to the line. I also downloaded video software and codecs, and was told that without all of this audio and video updates, it was thought of that the new TV could not start. I downloaded the Media Player Classic, which to me is a fine and light programme to watch practically all type of video files, and it was not easy to download because I have tried the official entrance several times, but it would not install because I dont have Windows XP Service Pack 3 installed on my computer, which I cannot get because Windows Update does not work yet (!), but then I found it as a backdoor via a video codecs package, and yes I downloaded four of these packages trusting this site because I no nothing about the subject myself, and now I can watch all videos and practically all or most audio, and if there should be audio files I need to listen to and dont have installed, I can easily find and install them. Later I discovered that on my system, the VLC player worked even better. No, nothing has been destroyed either inside this top apartment, it has simply waited for me to return the day when I was done with all creation, and this is where you are leading me/us, Stig, and yes this is the place from where we will start all over again. I was told that this is the same as installing the gold on top of me. Now we dont have to take on the night clothes, because now we can see even in darkness (?), and yes this is how smart it is done, and just like a flash light, and we need this to open to the door to the apartment of this top floor, and yes there are plenty of both apples and oranges inside of here, and yes before you can eat, we also need to do some setup here, and this is where your website comes in, and do you believe you will be able to update as much as you can to your website before the end of the week (?), and yes it is Tuesday today, and I can give it a try not knowing how much or little time and energy I will have, so we will see, and yes it can be done with little or much work, so we will see how it will go. And yes, he has walked the road himself all the way here. There are no kitchens in here yet, Stig, and yes this is where we will do the final instalment of our New World, and what would you do if you had EVERYTHING in hand and no limits at all, and yes you would let everything be everything wouldnt you (?), and yes Stig, please make your ultimate dream scenario come
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through, so this is what we will now install with all of these new drivers (no, I did not install new drivers when the old ones work perfectly) and yes new audio and video capabilities. Isnt it funny that a man from Scotland is seeing flashes of light, a machine gun and that he is told that he is blocking himself, but he cannot think of what more he can do, and yes my good friend Benjamin Crme is also brought up here at the top to help do this last part of creation. This corresponds to washing yourself. No, your mother doesnt mind that you live in a flat on top of everything, and yes Stig, we set ourselves up to be one God, and now you have the choice no, you fool he has told us do everything perfectly and yes PERFECT, which you know and I dont so just carry on, my Son and ehhh ., we will take care of this, and yes this is still done from darkness as you can tell. If you had not come here in the play, you would have been told that the top flat the penthouse would have burned, but no, everything is in here just waiting for this day and last hour of time before we will make everything and yes disappear in order for everyone to take on their new clothes, and yes it is not as dangerous as it may sound, but it will completely change how you look and see, and that is not to say too much. With this you cannot invite new people to come over, and yes just continue Stig while we here decide what is the best way to arrange/set up all of this. And it is the darkness you meet on your way in, which has this setup-information included as part of it, and yes connected with the work you continue doing on your new computer. And yes, Stig, what will happen when we will open our New World, will the Old World have disappeared, and no it will not, but it might become what we have always planned for it to be, and that is so much more, and yes you experience problems with no matter which FLV-player you download, it will not work or claims that you dont have a new flash-player installed, which you do, and yes also that your desktop is now not placed where it should be, and we know small errors, which we could do without, but we will probably find a good solution also to this, Helle . And later I had solved these problems via the VLCplayer and the other error had stopped when re-starting the computer. Later I was told that it would have required that we were allowed to burn this place off, and yes this is still a desire of darkness to do. And yes, I decided to do some work not requiring me to think much, which was to do some updates on the computer, and we know, if I had energy to work on my website, this is what I would have done first, but I did not. I was shown the fire engine returning back home to its garage, and it was not a normal fire engine, because it both included the fire as well as the extinguisher, where I was the last one.
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Shall we not give him his gift now (?), and no, Stig, we have gone through this road, which is what we are showing you as your old self to avoid sufferings given to the world. So it is possible to open the door from the inside, so now we know that. Google Earth shows that it is about time to begin the beguine with one big lump of life and light I am catching up like catching up a fish you know on Jettes Google Earth pictures from January 6 and 7, and here are first some from her Facebook group of January 6 showing someone eating faeces, combined pig-ants (light and darkness), a long line of people as in World War II waiting to receive life, a clown of darkness, and it is about time to begin the beguine with one big lump of life with all having good values of light. Here are more pictures from yesterday, which I also commented this morning, and as you can see, this is about a dog of darkness waiting to become life, everything is now under one hat returning to Paradise of God, a not satisfied God (as part of the play as darkness).

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Google Earth shows the Source lining up lost bits of my scripts These are Google Earth pictures of today, and no, I did not believe that I could do this too, and I have decided that I will not have work on the agenda the rest of the day it is now 16.00 and that is to my website (ONE God etc.) and to continue working on the lacks of my computer, and I might do nothing, and I might do something, we will see. Jettes pictures show the Source lining up lost bits of my scripts, a meeting, dolls having to wake up, and my name again on the sky. --Ending the day with these short stories: Michael announced a few coming shows, which made Mike, the drummer of SAGA, ask if they will be playing Stonehenge, which appears to be a song besides from a prehistoric monument in England, and you can read the importance of this place to the survival of the world when Michael says that we wont get out of the building if we dont, so expect also a coming show at Stonehenge .

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This came out of no where, David Bowies first new album in TEN YEARS not five, but TEN years (!) as you can see from his website only here, and when I wrote what could you wish for more than this (?), I was thinking both of Roxy Music (!) and before that Electric Light Orchestra too (!) and giving the feeling that this is what David was inspired to do as a gift for me coming this far, and yes THANK YOU, David, for making this a very special day to me . I was told that this is also because there are no buried dogs. And I was told that Bowie is singing about Berlin, which will become the capital of our New World.

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January 2013 =FOyDTy9DtHQ And you might have noticed that Messi became the best football player in the world for the fourth consecutive year, and yes a symbol showing that I am doing well playing the game against darkness. For some time, I have noticed that the Danish to English dictionary of Gramtrans has had problems loading on my website bringing LONG waiting time, and this was of course spiritual darkness, and today, it did not load at all, and to my surprise it showed an error message of WordPress, which I dont believe that it has anything to do with (?), and it made me afraid that my website was now closed, but when I checked, it worked fine, and I was told that this is because of speech behind my back and is this also included in the considerations of Bjarne and the police to shut me down online (?), and yes my friends, this is what I am told, and I do look forward to see what is right and wrong of this story.

Helena wrote about nick names given by Ekstra Bladet/the media, and used drug mayor as an example of what the mayor of Fredericia is called these days, and others had other nick names of politicians, which they remembered, and yes not very flattering, but negative, and Jesper said the eel Wammen, which is about the Europe Minister being slippery as an eel (?), and he fell deeply in love with Helena, is this it (?), and Helena remembered Casanova Wammen, and Jesper wrote STALKER about him, so is this what he does, and that is almost stalking Helena because of being unhappy in love (?) and he used a word, which I do NOT like (!) and this made Helena say what I wrote the other day, which is that where there is power and money, there are women (and sex), and Helena made it clear that she is not turned on Nicolai.

Helena published January 1 that she is in a relationship, and forgive me Helena, I dont know who that may be with (this time)?

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January 2013 This is Niels Bohr as I was shown on the sky the other day, and, and the power of everything real is God, who is all over and inside of us, and this is the power I was demonstrated on my cycle tour yesterday, and yes there is an immense energy and will inside the air of everything, and this energy is nothing of God.

Helena said that she believed I was going to watch Helena-porn, but instead I received a wakeup call, and yes instead of your WRONG sexual behaviour, you are going to wake up together with the entire world, and that is after we have gone through a dangerous road back to the Source as this video symbolises, and yes If you want to achieve something great, you have to risk more than usual, so this is what we did.

Helena wanted to get out, and told that she is going on skiing holiday to Slden, Austria, and when you sit up in the lift and disappear far above the clouds, where the sun shines down, the snow creaks, the music plays, everyone smiles and are happy, so . so I am definitely as close to paradise as you can get. I LOVE IT, and this was Helenas way to tell you what I have told you, which is that we are now VERY close to being home at the Paradise of God.

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I received this Facebook error because of extreme darkness pressuring onto me, which I can hardly keep away, and yes you are welcome, but this is what this power of darkness does, and I can only hope that it is indeed a temporary error.

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10. Bringing our New World to its perfect location at the family tree of the Source of God
1. SUBJECT 9th January: Bringing our New World to its perfect location at the family tree of the Source of God - with MUCH suffering SUMMARY Dreaming of still being at my waiting hall with make believe darkness attacking me, I am setting up my new helicopter to lift the world, and I was the most happy in my Old life as a boy at the Jgerspris summer camp symbolising the happiness of our New World. I am about to get access to the engine room and cornucopia of God removing darkness and sufferings of this place. All worlds of our New World will connect directly to me, and not in our previous four-divided world. We are bringing everything of our New World inside of here, and it fits perfectly, which is being helped by the deepest darkness of the world coming to me, and this meant that after I had completed the setup of my computer using days on this, the computer broke completely down impossible to start again, which forced me to do a new installation followed by a new installation of many programs, drivers and individualisation, but the data symbolising life was not harmed. This was the deepening water I experienced when reaching home with our perfect New World still making it impossible to enter because darkness together with the warm voice of God motivated us to continue working to do a new installation (because God wanted to bring the family tree back to its original location). This is me going through what my inner self did already October 31 still in order to save the world from heavens falling down on you. Jette brought Google Earth pictures in her Facebook group showing the birth year of my sister and darkness, and we are looking for water on our way to finish everything saying thats all folks, and yes it did not take many minutes before feelings started coming in of people reading my post below on David Bowie and listening to this song, and yes people of the secret network of the elite of the world. Short stories of LTO not meeting as a team anymore, spiritual darkness also invading my Thunderbird email client symbolising errors of creation of the Old World, Helena and the FIREBRAND of Sren Pind, my spiritual friends brings me positive F-words through Helena about my new self and FREEDOM coming, people of the secret network of the world including royalties and Intelligence Services could not keep their mouths shut about me, it takes nothing to be expelled by Facebook and I was protected by my spiritual friends, and Jimmy has lost his girlfriend, work and home as his sufferings. Dreaming of a tiger of darkness still wanting to eat me, and darkness does not want me to enter the game. I finished that instalment of almost everything of new programmes, drivers and individualisation on my new computer today - for the second time this week and I felt how the last actors of darkness was coming in, who in reality has a code of light/love underneath darkness. We have now moved the location of the family tree, and only very little furniture now remains to be installed. We have started photographing people to become their final new selves of our New World, and I am approaching the outer edge of the gold of our New World. The cross of darkness/death was the same as the guitar of light/creation with God playing both parts to create life in the middle of this until it would become strong enough to bear life self as it has become now. Jette brought Google Earth pictures in her Facebook group showing still some darkness blocking the view of God/me, sailing in a wooden shoe of life knitting socks, and still fights with snakes of darkness. Later, she brought pictures showing a reptile of darkness returning to the beginning, it is all very
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10th January: We have moved the family tree of life and started photographing people to become their new selves

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old-fashioned, and the cinema of our New World is now visible behind the darkness. Short stories of visitors from the secret world elite, now I have reached the top, mother, it is bloody cold here, you have a future of ONLY LIGHT, did Facebook save me because they know who I am (?), IMAGINE to exchange terrible violence with PEACE, and poor abilities of Elijah and John to communicate. have taken MANY pictures of the place and written a text, which I hand to them and tell them that it is online on my website, which makes them negative, because can I really write this on him or her, which may be considered negative, and their behaviour surprises me and makes me sad, and when I leave, I meet the manager again out on the ground, and he has set up the strangest fish trap I have ever seen, which is on land, and this has caught a walking weaver fish (!), which he gives to me as a gift, and points at a boy driving on his bicycle having a dark splint covering one of his lower legs, and says that the boys is in much pain, and I see the boy cycling with much speed directly into the fence with his side. o Even though I dont remember one FEELING of a happy moment of my life, this is the place where I was the happiest, the one week every year meeting Anders, the twins Lars and Bo and yes all of the others, whom I cannot remember today, and the beautiful nature, and walks through Jgerspris to Isefjorden, so this is one of the good things my mother did when I was a boy. The yellow is still about the colour of my mother and our New World I guess, which also is blue. The fish is me, but this fish is also poisonous, which may be about darkness of me, and I was told that this child is me because of my sufferings. Finally, I had the feeling of check cash help, he is not drinking etc, so how deeply is the Commune and others going to search on me in this relation in order to learn about me? And the walk is about me being the WANDERER, and yes this is a SUMMER camp , and yes wasnt she also another part of my mother, and yes I am looking forward to learn as much as you about who is who? And this summer camp is also a symbol of the beauty and happiness of our New World. Bringing our New World to its perfect location at the family tree of the Source of God with MUCH sufferings When I woke up this morning, it was with the feeling that It is so terrible knowing that now the wave of darkness will enter you and the next many hours torment you constantly, and I still cannot describe how unhappy and poorly this makes me feel, and can I really continue working just until the end of this week (?), and we will see. I was told that we will also finish work on a group of world servants. Where is the Whitsun party you say (?), and yes him there is afraid of me (?), and why is that because I am not dangerous and no, he is and Fanny, and yes she is right here, a prisoner and ready to enter the sack if you ask me, but him, no we have
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9 January: Bringing our New World to its perfect location at the family tree of the Source of God with MUCH suffering
Dreaming of still being at my waiting hall and setting up my new helicopter to lift the world Again yesterday evening, I felt like a bomb had exploded inside of me, this is how tired I was, and I kept awake until 22.40 trying to make my night/day rhythm normal so I would not awake too early, and now it became 06.15 and no, I still do NOT feel fresh at all, but this is how it is, so we better get started with this script too, and as usual a few dreams. I am at Hotel Marienlyst in Helsingr, and something about not lending out a computer, models and Preben attacking me when it gets dark, but he is not really there, I am pouring with a board, but lose it and have to collect thousand bits before tomorrow. And outside it is the most beautiful moon shine over the sea. o The hotel is still my waiting hall been there for a long time and darkness is only make believe, and what is it about this board (?), and nevertheless it brings much additional work. I have bought a helicopter, which I would like to use to get to Jylland (Jutland) this afternoon, but I will first have to get out to collect it, John is driving my mother and I to the workshop, where there is another one before us to be serviced first, and I realise that if we can collect it this afternoon, I still dont know who to fly it, and I dont want to take any chances, to I tell them that we better take good time so I can take a certificate, and I look at programmes of evening schools, and see helicopter training is on the programme, and instead I will drive to Jutland, where I understand there are many parties, which also makes me wonder if I can afford attending. o The helicopter is really our New World you know, and I will not use it before we have collected it all and I have learned to fly it, and Jutland is also our New World where celebration is ongoing. I am WALKING home from North-West Zealand, which is more than 50 kilometres, and on my way home I visit the Jgerspris summer camp (which I went to every summer for 7 to 8 years as a boy/teenager), and I meet the manager, who is alone to start with, and I tell him that I had my best time there, which he is somewhat sceptical to, but this is what it is, and I ask him for permission to look inside, which he allows me to, and now I see how employees all dressed in yellow arrive and eat at the dining room, and I


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tried and he does not want to, so we have to comply with him and now he says that he fears me have, you heard it all of you (?) and eehhh there is only you and me here, and yes no pretending anymore. You have now secured yourself a place on the board for an eternity. I received the song Goodbye once upon a time (this video has content from UMG. It cannot be viewed in your country how much or little do you think that I like this, and yes the Internet is spread with this virus of darkness!) by SAGA and the lyrics Goodbye once upon a time, No more living in the past, What's mine is mine, so this is what we are now setting up. It is also in here that we release the slave strings, which follow all the way home to you and me, that is us, i.e. me, now. So it was your mothers task to bring cream to you, which was really to get you here. There is no more hunchback of Notre Dame in here anymore, only me, and yes sufferings, and this new thing, which we will continue unfolding today. The information of your mother finished as a pop singer was to say that you could not get here yourself, but you could. Otherwise we would have had to borrow a coat from someone else for you to get here, but this will get too complicated to explain, and yes as many people believe today because many people dont care to listen and mainly not to details, which will also change in our New World Has the news about you almost drowning went around the world again and is this also how it reached Prince? Yes vorsprung durch technik has only be read by few, i.e. my scripts, but the word on you has spread to many, this is how the rings of the water spread, my dear LTO friends. This is what holiday is about, to get in here. No one has been deeper inside Ibiza, i.e. darkness, and all of this is what we use as ingredients of the work we will now do together with the know-how of God. I was told that I will now get access to the engine room of everything, and we will only need to change a few wires here and there, and yes to remove the giant fountain inside the yard of the four-divided square building, and then we will simply continue the old setup of the four-divided world, wont me (?), and no, a little later I was told that all new worlds have strings directly attached to me, which is what we did the setup of during my journey, and yes Stig, this is what you are coming with, the New World as you decided to set it up, and I am really only giving you the final location of it, and yes it matches perfectly when you come here, because I have already adapted to it being the mirror of it, so this process is not that dangerous, and

yes you thought that this could mean deep changes to your website too and MUCH extra work, but no. From the morning, my right computer speaker did not work, which is really a catastrophe when you love music and are tied to the computer the whole day, and yes do not use your normal stereo mainly of considerations to your neighbours, and I unplugged and plugged the sound wires both to the speak and the computer, and this made the right speaker work again, but for the next hours, the speakers changed from playing all notes to only playing low frequencies without the high, and yes there is NOTHING wrong with the speakers, and yes I do feel how this darkness is coming to me from right and yes as if there is now almost no more sand bringing a life giving hole to air and that is new air coming in, and if this is annoying me as much as the gear changes to my bicycle (?), and yes you got it (!), and we know Stig, this could easily also make me start speaking negatively to darkness, which is what it wants me to do, so I also have to be careful about this, and yes if it makes it difficult/impossible to work (?), and sure it does, but a work day without music (?), and no, it does NOT work when I am alone, but when I am with others at normal work environments, I prefer to have NO music or disturbances. And by the way, when there is no music to my right speaker, it is also an old sign of my father dying, so if he is not dead yet Inge or Kirsten (???) he seems to still be in pain, and yes it is mostly the fading up and down on low and high frequencies, which is making me mad, and yes my fathers old problem in relation to me, and when he decided not to see me, he also decided that not to receive healing energy of me, but then again, I have sent him MUCH healing energy, and so much that he still made it, and I wonder how many times his concerns too and WRONG speech about me behind my back would have killed me (?), and yes the totally opposite world you know. And this sufferings given to me via the speaker was also to remove sufferings given to me directly, which I simply could not take this morning, and after a couple of hours, they worked fine again also playing the high notes. I was told that the world know about the road I have been driving, which was vanishing when I drove it, and I was shown myself now on what I easily can call the TALLEST bridge in the world, which is extremely tall, and I saw that this bridge/road is being built while I drive it on basis of my continuous work and it has the most spectacular view over landscape and water, so this is what we are driving now, and I was thinking that this is how it is to be God on top of everything. I was given a 1/8 out of this world pain to my right ankle as I also was yesterday and I was asked what about this one (?) and yes in relation to make believe darkness, and is this still about saving/bringing in more life from the right and yes extreme right of darkness it is. I was told that all of this work and coming here is STILL based on your mother refusing to believe that you can be the Tivoli gardens itself, which is also what is still bringing me sufferings. Eeehh, Stig, you have made it here without the world bleeding and yes we would have liked to convince you that the world is
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still bleeding, but it is not, is it (?), and no I feel while writing here a lift of darkness, which is a lift of me, and yes to the left top, and yes Stig, there is still a road to drive to get to the ultimate end of me, so this is where we are going. I was shown my self inside a recording studio with the walls being of SILVER did you forget about this my new colour, and yes I did and there is a microphone for me to sing in when recording, and yes recording is the creation of this place, which we really have already created, so it looks more to me that it is to bring it the last part of the road all the way up to the left, and yes I still become nervous a feeling given directly to me from darkness when I think of what happens if I cannot, but yes, I can! So is everything really about opening the safe of God and to bring everything inside of there (?), and is that what we are still doing (?), and yes it looks as if he will make it, right (?), and yes, Stig, to finish your work doing your best, and it is now 10.30, and no, you are not that tired and also not that fresh, but this may give more time to finish the setup of my computer still have some things to do before I will look at my website again, and yes I know from a feeling inside of me that if I can finish this, this is the same as finishing all of my journey, and not very easy indeed. I looked at which programs and services, which automatically start when I start the computer, and yes a mess is what can be collected here making every computer slow, and yes Thomas Bo Larsen knows too and an act this is what this is, Thomas, and I was told that this continuous work is still dissolving darkness and I felt a clearing inside of me for doing this work. I felt ladies and was told that not all can be your wife with the feeling that we have arranged something/someone special for you. I felt how more darkness came to me, and I was told that you are taking in the deepest darkness (of your mother/the world) in history/known to man, and this came together with the installation of the lightning calendar to my Thunderbird email client, and I like this because it both includes events and tasks (an action plan) and yes not very detailed, but fine for my needs today, and of course you will have to do MUCH better in our New World bringing level 1, 2 and 3. We have decided to play a little film for you, Stig, showing you as the first how our New World will become, and yes for you to SIGN OFF, and we know not easy for Bjarne to get rid of you and yes my nasty way of treating his staff, and is this how you were thinking, Bjarne, before you started to understand? And yes we would like you to call your mother today and to call for the big wagon is what this is about, and that is to tell her about your cycle tour making her believe once again that you truly have all of the power in the world, which is what is making us come through this darkness directly to the place where you and everything was born. And I received a deep

wind of nothing going through me and was told it is because your heart is ready/welcome. And this is because the tie does not hang the wrong way out of the throat anymore, and yes you defeated the Toruk Makto too. I cannot stress enough that the design of all of this world says that IT CANNOT BE DONE TO LEAVE YOUR SCHOOL WITHOUT THE FAITH OF YOUR MOTHER and this would require for some of the world to terminate, but no, you decided to keep on, keep on, keep on and with this, we decided to develop solutions on our way and discovered that yes, it can be done, and this is why you are standing here today as the victor without the other two your father and mother and yes they will come together with the awakening call of the world, and so it is, and no, we are NOT kidding you, and this also goes in relation to Karen not having faith in you, this could NOT be done, but we made it work. And yes I personalised the search and address bars of my Firefox browser, which took some time to do, but I like to setup things properly in order to make it work even better and faster in the future, and yes I am happy as it is now. The swimming hall is closed today new showers you know and I was encouraged to exercise on my cycle today also to keep the poker game on-going with my mother, but no it is too cold and I decide to concentrate on work, and yes to continue exercise when the swimming hall will re-open in two days, and that is if I can. I installed the Nero CD burning ROM, and what should be the first new homemade CD, I would burn (?) and yes of course MR. BLUE SKY by Electric Light Orchestra, which is why Dan was inspired to bring this too today, see the short stories, and this doesnt mean that you are well by now not sick anymore does it (?), and yes now I am able to produce new music, which is to send out all of my love, and it includes us who almost did not catch the aeroplane, but dont you worry about a thing, this is also what the feelings of nothing going through me is about. And yes what A BEAUTIFUL NEW DAY this is listening to the new versions of Jeffs/Electric Light Orchestras old hit songs on my stereo system and yes in the absolutely best quality, which this is thought to be, and yes you know, this is also about our New World, THIS IS THE DAY WE HAVE WAITED FOR . And if I can hear that the songs are more clear, crisp, dynamic and yes better quality than the original, and yes YOU BET, Jeff, and yes MUCH that is and that is even though I am writing this without sitting in the right position listening carefully to the songs, and yes THIS IS HOW TO DO IT . Later: IT IS CRAZY HOW MUCH THE SOUND HAS IMPROVED, JEFF (!), and yes now listening to cant get it out of my mind, and we know FORGET ABOUT MP3 FILES, THROW THEM FAR AWAY AND DONT EVER START A DEVELOPMENT POORER THAN WHAT YOU CAME FROM only because you wanted to be smart and make money (Apple Computers with MP3 and Ipods). I received another smaller out of this world pain to my right ankle and told that this is also us, who were supposed to bring enJanuary 2013

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ergy to bring everything back except from us, and yes we made a magical formula making sure that EVERY LITTLE THING would be saved, and now is it also almost your turn, and yes the next LITTLE WONDER on the way in. I spoke to my mother and she was impressed with the long cycling tour I had done, and yes she would like to come and see my new computer equipment, which she may do tomorrow, and yes they had been to the hospital, and Johns figures look fine, which also made the hospital happy, and yes maybe also a little bit curious to know how in the world he could become better/well again? And not that long after I was told that this is about opening for the next phase and yes my mother does not suspect that I am more dead than alive, and this is how I bring in everything, and yes before she would change her mind, and she wondered if I sleep normally, and yes I sleep during nights and expect also to do it the coming night, and this is how we play this POKER game. And the truth is that I am still broken completely down without having any energy. I was shown my spiritual friend holding BIG dogs in a string to my right and told that we cannot hold the dogs steady, and yes your mothers concerns over Christmas and New Year has been so great that she has brought you ALL OF THE POWER/DARKNESS we needed to get up here, and of course provided that you did not break down, and yes not easy to understand it is when you dont read and understand. I was shown a giant monster in the shower taking me and actually bringing me in, and when we first would be in, we would receive our new life without being terminated, this is how it was thought, but now, I will not let you take me with darkness. I was told about the Danish Intelligence Service PET if they can interrogate people without rights, and told that it happens all the time, and is this what you were expecting/planning to do with me? I completed the setup of my computer almost to what was 100%, and the very last thing was to correct a small error, which had happened when I was in doubt if I could have installed another graphics card driver, which I tried to do the other day, but it gave an error, and afterwards the file systray.exe of the first driver I downloaded would not load anymore, and I looked for a long time for the latest version of the driver, and then I saw the latest version of another driver of the same company, which an automatic driver detector scanning my system had suggested to use, and I thought that maybe this would be even better than the first, so I downloaded and installed this, which I really should not have done, because hereafter it was completely impossible to open the computer again, and yes just like when we expected to get access to the Source and it was impossible because of new darkness keeping us out, and this was simply what I had run into now seeing that Windows COULD NOT load no matter what and that is neither in normal condition or safe
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mode, and yes it gave me some nervousness, but nothing more than this because I knew that in the worst case scenario, I could install Windows again and start the installation of additional drivers, programmes and individualisation from scratch, and that is what would not survive this new installation, and I thought that all of my old data was safe on the external hard disk not affected by this and I had some new files on the internal hard disk including this script, which I thought would also probably not be affected, but it was not nice at all to experience and especially not because of how I feel because I am still as exhausted as ever before not having the energy to start over with what I had just finalised, but instead of giving up and going to bed or doing nothing, I decided to do my best first to open windows, which I could not I was shown two boots in an attack from behind kicking me up, and I understood that my sudden change in which driver to download came from the worst darkness making the computer break down and instead I inserted the Windows CD rom, which I was planning to give back one of these days to Bettina (the next time visiting my mother on Friday, in two days), and first I tried to use the option of reestablish Windows, which however would not work because it asked for an administrator password of the computer, which is not existent and then it jammed (!), and the next option was to repair windows, which it tried to do copying and transferring Windows files, but no, Windows would still not open, and yes no matter what I did, it would not open to me, so there was only one thing to do, which was to do a whole new installation of Windows knowing that it would delete/overwrite much of what I have done the last days, so I started doing this and was also told by a warm voice of God inside this darkness that I dont want to bring any harm, and I thought that this is simply what met the New World and my new self October 31, and yes the deepening of water/sufferings just before reaching home, where we had to do everything all over, but we did it because we dont want to give up, and because God led us the right way, and yes just like here, so this is what I am going through now in this game to take on sufferings myself to save my family and the world. And despite of not being that afraid, I felt that I still became concerned about what will happen if it is simply impossible to install and get to work again, but I told myself that it will, and also that I will not lose any data really no matter what. During all of this, the newspaper BT called wanting to sell me a subscription, and no thank you, I did not have time to read your newspaper, which I still do not, and yes the WORST darkness showed itself here when it had just crashed my computer and yes the New World, which we brought, but only the installation and not the data/life of it. While the Windows installation was copying files, I decided to cycle to town, I needed to get some fresh air, and I was told that my mother and sister maybe also (?) think about Stig receiving voices and having no girlfriend, so you understand my sufferings even though it is only on the surface but no, you dont say anything, and I was told that it hurts them, and they think that I am no nerd, so why do I have these difficulties (?), and yes I wonder why .
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I was told that we now are crossing the last Guldborgsund (the strait between the Danish islands of Lolland and Falster) which is close to where Jette lives, and I was told that we are doing this with her help. I was told by this darkness that it is me being tax collection tax is still termination and I could only tell that I will NOT allow you, and instead this is the next life now coming in as mentioned before. At the desk at the supermarket, the customer in front of me was paying with a special credit or maybe debit card, which she could not get to work because she did not have the password, and the assistant told her to enter 0000, which was really to say that this is my situation too, I do have the administrator password to my computer, thus the New World. I read the newspaper at the library, and felt God as Gandalf coming to me from right, and I was told that the encouragement to watch the Hobbit film was to say that I am coming. I was told that you should believe that your mother was employed by the HK union because everything has been transferred to her, and here as example all of the negativity of Falck in relation to me because of my memo on them I wonder how many of you from the secret network, who will click on this link knowing that I can see you doing it (!) and from her further on to me, and she lives because of you, and you live because of will power (and of course also because of her love). I felt this darkness coming to me, but with it I also felt freedom and relief coming to me from right from God, and who is coming from right (?), and yes my new self and New World, so there you have it, and can you see it too, my dear world? I was shown and told that it floats with pans and pots in here, it is a cornucopia, and that is because darkness in here is about to being cleaned up making me able to see. How will we tell him that not one single, whom he met on his way (all of my life really), we could do without, and I was given the name of Bente N. a Facebook friend and previous Fair colleague who is very silent in relation to me and generally on Facebook as far as I can see, but still she is busy speaking about me behind my back too. I received the beautiful song Thursdays child by David Bowie from his album HOURS dont have many of those remaining before the end of time and the lyrics Throw me tomorrow, Now that I've really got a chance, Throw me tomorrow, Everything's falling into place. I was told that the same darkness bringing down the computer or programme with Fanny and Jette, is what also brought my computer down requiring a new installation, and I was told that

this is also because of darkness coming towards me from my fathers wife Kirsten. I was told that we have not come to your sofa yet, which will come as the absolutely last, and this is about my own sexuality. I was shown a GIANT key, and was told that this is the master key (for everything) because you are everything, and because of this, I cannot do anything else than to open to you, and this is of course right after doing the last details here. I came home, and continued the Windows installation, and in the waiting time, I listened to the old Electric Light Orchestra songs in new versions on my stereo, and yes they sound brilliantly but I do miss some of the opera parts in your new versions, Jeff and I was shown Bev Bevan and told dont forget about him too. I was told that we did this despite of too much chocolate, which is a reference to me buying chocolate powder the other day in the supermarket, which I normally do not and the first time in many years, and this was from God saying that he would really have liked me to use less money on my self during my journey, and yes to experience more sufferings barely surviving too on food and drinks, but when I decided to carry out my journey with what may be 1,200 DKK in average budget per month and not 800 DKK as example it meant that I was given even more darkness/sufferings in other terms because I had to received what I received. I got Windows to work again, and saw that my documents were still there, but audio and video drivers had vanished, and the same had Microsoft Office, other programs and all of the individualisation of Firefox and Thunderbird (including the WiseStamp autosignatur) was also lost, and yes this will take many hours to re-establish, but now I have in fresh memory what to do, and then it is really only to do it with the greatest challenge being that I received these many notes to write down in my script, which I decided to write today even though I started re-installing Microsoft Office, some programs/drivers/individualisation, but I could not finalise all today, so some things today including the script and the rest tomorrow, and yes it is a GREAT challenge to write and publish the script of today, but nothing different to how many of the scripts have been, and yes on the other side of what is normally possible to do also for me. No, I am not at all as ugly now, and we are now over the worst and up and running again with the computer and New World and that is instead of giving up and deciding to do nothing because of being broken down, and yes this will lead no where, and this is how it was thought of a long time ago. You dont build a bridge without going down in cadence, this is how the New World will see it. I was told that Putin is a well kept secret, and he has also helped me/us not having energy, and I was told that it was also exciting for you to read me, Putin, but you had some loyalty
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problems towards your system, and yes a GIANT dog as I am shown, but now here in control on my left side. When I re-installed programs, I felt an opening inside of darkness to the right of me, and I saw/heard an incredible whispering, which is about people speaking (wrongly) of me behind my back. Is it possible for the world stage to see that you are breaking down today, but now you have decided to go through this darkness too (?), and yes it is, and I am here feeling Putin, who also receives information of me and the world from your system? This is the quickest road to the gold, and yes I am doing the same work, which I have just finalised, but no, it does NOT mean that I will do short-cuts despite of the mental challenge, which is really no challenge, because the right thing to do is to do what is right and I am here told that we expected this tunnel to break down, and yes for heavens to break down, this is how it would feel before you would be able to see my new self on the other side, but now, we are still keeping this membrane intact, and you can almost see us through it, cant you my dear world? I was told about a fight between the central China, the government, and the Southern parts of China, and later that it is nothing against what he did to terminate and yes in the great Maos name, which is about keeping down numbers of population, but no, this is NOT how the great God wishes it, and I do NOT speak of Mao! And with this, we have prepared for the next chapter of China to be revealed. If I lost it, we would open up and pretend that everything would now be in the power of darkness and yes destroying whatever you would decide, but no, he will not do that no matter what. The newspaper Kristeligt Dagblad also called, and yes you may understand the symbol of newspapers being termination of darkness here attacking me, and this very eager salesman thinking of his own sales and not the customer as usual could not sell me anything when I told him about the old fashioned newspaper not having faith, and yes you may keep a record of this conversation (?), and you may also hear my difficulties speaking, which I had here, and even more when speaking to my mother, and yes strong darkness, and maybe my mother could not resist speaking about me with my sister once again . I felt Jack clearly and was told that he is one of those the furthest ahead wanting to get home. I was given a sound to my kitchen, which was immediately followed by a sound to my shelves and I was told that there is now a direct connection between what used to be the spirit of my father and the spirit of my mother, now united as one. During the evening, I also experienced that both Google, Wordpress and Facebook logged me out, even though I should be
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locked in, and yes the new system still cannot recognize me so I had to show myself and yes using the key to log myself in again. But the computer speakers are playing perfectly again this evening without the problems of the morning, which was really much darkness coming in over me and the computer, and yes breaking it down. She does not like doing it but here it is your mother bringing back her golden ring, which is what we gave her the opposite story to look after and yes to burn if I got near again, but now she sees that there is nothing stopping us and nothing dangerous. Finally, I published this script at 23.55 today, and yes one of the worst of all to publish, but we did it. Google Earth shows the beginning of darkness, thus very close to Paradise of God on the other side Jette brought Google Earth pictures in her Facebook group showing the birth year of my sister and darkness, and we are looking for water on our way to finish everything saying thats all folks, and yes it did not take many minutes before feelings started coming in of people reading my post below on David Bowie and listening to this song, and yes people of the secret network of the elite of the world.
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this (!), and I am here told that this symbolises errors of the world/creation, and this makes it necessary to MANUALLY every single time to click the button show remote content, and yes I here feel that this is what God does to the world, and yes manually makes it work instead of having an automatic setup, which is what we will get in our New World. --Ending the day with these short stories: I sent this email (via the Thunderbird email client, which I now use again) with the script yesterday to the LTO team, and no, they (almost) dont meet as a team anymore, which you may remember that I have encouraged you to do (?), and that is to STAY TOGETHER, and you can also see the auto signature I did via the small add on programme of WiseStamp, and yes I like the outcome of this, and it makes me think of how many auto-signatures there are within each company not taking standards of the best quality seriously, and yes I am still wondering .

And this is how the email looks like after having clicked show remote content.

Let me here share with you another example of spiritual darkness, which has followed me since 2009, but this is the first time I write about it, and it is in relation to the Thunderbird email client, which does not show remote content (pictures) as a standard, and when I click the link always load remote content from , it does not accept this, but instead every single time (!) opens the new contact pop up window, which has NOTHING to do with
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As written in the text, Dan was inspired to bring Mr. Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra because this is the first CD I burned when I could do this again.

(?), and that Helena is still having casual sexual relations with others (?), and yes I dont really get the picture here, and yes THE WORST DARKNESS is what you are looking directly on, my dear friends, which is also what they are, but they dont know yet. FC Brndby is losing sponsors and employees will not accept a salary decrease as part of a rescue plan, and this is the worst darkness trying to terminate life of darkness self.

In continuation of Helenas thread on nick names, Pia Kjrsgaard and Morten Messerschmidt from Danish Peoples Party were called Nazi Pia and Nazi Morten, which you know is almost right, and Helena said that she has invented the hobbit herself how holy Franzish this is of me which is a referral to what I was told about seeing the Hobbit the other day, and no, I have not prioritised it despite of the potential meaning of it and Gandalf (symbolising me/God) as I am here told, and Jesper said that she also had many nick-names on Sren Pind back when she thought he is a weirdo, and she said that he is still mega weird with strange interests, but he is VERY funny and insanely intelligent, which made Jesper say you are a funny mix, you and Mr. Pind and Helena to say My own little firebrand, and yes a FIREBRAND you were, Sren, when you could NOT control your negative emotions as I have shown you before, which should have been EASY to do (!), and is this to say that Helena and Sren are still together

Helena said that the days tastes of F, and you do remember my old line of POSITIVE F-words (fantastisk, forrygende etc. in Danish), and here Helena added with free, fresh, fruit, hairdresser and Fitness World, and yes fruit as
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oranges and apples as we have in here, and hairdresser is really to setup communication, and Kim of course added fish, and yes my new self is coming together with FREEDOM, which also will make me/us feel FRESH and to get proper exercise, and yes looking much forward to that. And talk about Helena being inspired by my spiritual friends.

Dan said that he has the wildest DJ-jobs over the next week, and then I am not allowed to speak anything about them. Do you realize how difficult it is from Dan Rachlin to keep his mouth shut (?), and both Laila and Pia encouraged him to run out in the woods and scream it out loud, and this is really to say that people of the secret world elite reading me in secrecy, could not keep their mouth shut making the rings of me spread from one person to the next have you heard about Jesus/Stig coming (?) and Henning encouraged him to tell, which made Dan say I will have to shoot you then, so telling this secret was not well seen by the secret network and yes what could happen with you if they knew you told (?), and Paul said that you cannot pressure Dan to say anything because he will then break the contract he has made with William and Kate, so are you examples of people, who could not keep your mouth shut as you had been ordered to (?), and Dan said and PET (the Danish Intelligence Service) and I am told that this includes Jack and those people), and this is from where the orders where given (including CIA and whatever they are called around the world), but even they could not keep their mouths shut, and isnt it wonderful that the power of people to speak in secrecy behind the backs of people were so powerful that this was a vital tool to bring survival to us all?

Pias Kjrsgaard wrote on Facebook that the Prime Minister is simply to stupid and nave, which someone reported to Facebook, which made Facebook remove Pias comment and giving he a SECOND warning she has done this crime before and it made me think that it is incredible how little it takes to make Facebook sour, and also that I really must have been protected by my spiritual friends to keep me on Facebook because with all of the people reporting me, I have not received any true warnings from Facebook, and yes first priority is what I decided that it was for me to remain on the Internet including Facebook.

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10 January: We have moved the family tree of life and started photographing people to become their new selves
Dreaming of a tiger of darkness still wanting to eat me, and darkness does not want me to enter the game I went to bed at 00.20 and woke up far too early at 07.00 still feeling completely down, and yes another full day can I really (?) and to my surprise, I can only remember these dreams. Something about a tiger wanting to eat me, tastes me, had many young one and bed and kitchen is here. o An aggressive cat wanting to eat light/life, but soon over it is. I am seeing myself in parts of the zoo, where there is not many people, and I see and hear teams competing with each other where the game is who can run the fastest and hit and opponent with the hand, which will bring him out of the game. I see beautiful women smoking, and a new game is about to begin, and I am surprised not to be invited, so I go to the desk placed at the Kings way in Hrsholm where Sanna and Hans used to live, and the grill bar next to them, and I ask to be enrolled, but I cannot. o This game is still about terminating life, it seems, and I am not allowed to enter (?), and maybe because I am all out of energy (?), but on the other hand, I am still working, thus still playing the game. The beautiful women smoke because they cannot get through to me. We have moved the family tree of life and started photographing people to become their new selves
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Jimmy has lost his girlfriend as he wrote about recently and also his home and job, and he is now moving into a room in a basement without light, and asks his network for a job, and this is how he is suffering helping to absorb darkness, and I was encouraged to write a word of comfort to him, but I was too tired with too little energy it was EXTREME today so this I decided not to do, and no, I did not hear from Jimmy ever to bring me words of comfort, and no, NEVER!

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How does it feel like to have gone to the extreme edge of everything, and not to have fallen in (?), and yes you tell me, Stig, you did it, I just followed you, this is also how it is seen from here. I was told about Jacks late father, John, and that it was not easy to receive cancer and at some stage to be told about me and what would be coming without being able to tell your family (?), and I here feel Jacks mother, Evy, so did John tell you Evy, and what did you do with this information and that is if he did (?), because I dont know I only write what I am told not knowing if this is light or darkness speaking the truth or a deception. I was told and felt that we have almost all versions of the spirit of my mother inside of me. We can now climb down from the clouds, there was no Royal Fire, which was also a reference to the Danish insurance company Kgl. Brand meaning exactly this. I was told what about bringing Vinterdage (winter days) by Ss Fenger snow on my window because your mother like it so much (?), and yes I keep an eye on you is what my mother does with me, and what my spiritual friends do too, and yes how does it feel like to never have any privacy with my spiritual friends ALWAYS being around me (?), and yes this is also part of my sufferings. And beautiful this song is indeed . I was told that Bent (from Rungsted and Danica, a friend around 1990) did not know that he was switching off light by stealing Liselotte from me in the beginning of the 1990s, and that is because she was spiritual, and opening the eyes of this world to me via her stories to me (we saw each other not that many times, but she made a great impact on me, and maybe also the other way (?), but this was before my debut, thus making me VERY nervous to be around such a beautiful lady, and yes one of the few I had the courage to ask out with my heart beating like a drum in my throat I remember when meeting her at a discothque in Copenhagen), and when she and he decided to leave me because of poor conscience both of them, this also meant the end of what could have been an earlier development of me, which first came many years later instead. This is how it feels like, to come out of a forest on fire, and yes broken down also today is not the word. It is first now we put up the lamps which had fallen down, there are not that many. The photo camera cannot keep up the pace, meaning that we have started photographing people to become their final new selves. So there is no place outside, and we dont wear any shoes and are not burned either, and yes we have a pass port, and then we enter here as if it is the rollercoaster of Tivoli which is where the magic will happen, and yes our New World at its final placement inside the Source.

I was shown myself now in a very small room with some but not much furniture, among others a mirror standing against the wall, which made me think that this is the mirror of God bringing what you give, which hereafter can only be light. My heart is still beating, right Stig (?), yes (!), and we are still walking all the way in here, and I can bring everyone you say, and yes I dont want you to separate people in live or die, which I know was your role, and yes to let some die for others to live, and that is because when we can make all live, this is what we OF COURSE prefer to do. I was told that my mother wakes up in the night being asked to take the telephone, and yes she still does not know about me . My mother told me yesterday that she may come for a cup of coffee today, so even though I did NOT feel like it, I decided to clean the apartment this morning, and yes even though it was really not dirty or a mess, it was a good feeling to make it look the best instead of having a few things lying here and there, and yes not having cleaned the tables etc. I was told with a nice/serious voice without acting that you are first now approaching the outer edge of the gold, but you are coming here and this is what we will now open to you over the coming days. I felt red of darkness and was told that that no one can shoot you, so I will enter too, and I was shown someone entering and waving at me as the German Carsten did on a picture I took from our holiday in Vorupr (which is where Jacks mother is born) in 1982, wasnt it, Jack? There is NO ONE, who is going to take my place, but ok, if it is him there, it is alright, and yes it is everything coming, and yes I would like to get on that wagon, and this is really how it is thought, and that is all the way in here (with life/guards) but not that many pains to my right ankle remaining, which I was then given. My mother called without my phone ringing (!) it was right in front of me when working, and it did NOT ring, but it gave a message about a new voice mail from my mother and when I tried to call back, nothing happened. Later she called again, this time it rang, and she was now visiting her friend Kate helping her to get a time with the dentist as she had visited herself this morning, and yes he could give Kate a better and more modern treatment than the alternative, and because of this, she will not come today, and when I spoke to my mother, and also to Kate my mother liked me to say what I told her, which is that I notice that Kate is active on the Helsingr pictures Facebook group and when I finished the call with her, the question was if this was the finish of the entire call, or if my mother would return to the phone, so I decided to wait a few seconds, where nothing happened other than my mother saying no, he cannot hear this he has finally received his new mountain bike, and they were going to continue this talk about me, which I could have decided to listen to because Kate did not hung up the telephone,
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but I did NOT want to, so I hung up right after this, and yes good for my mother to know that I cannot hear what she says about me (?), and yes how sad do you think this made me (?), and yes this is NOTHING compared what she still does with your sister. I was told that if I want to do what is WRONG to do sexual indecency on the Internet as example you have to do it now, because you will soon not be able to do this (because of being light only). I was told that the Crazy Christmas Cabaret show December 22 also received a little bit of magic on stage, but you did not tell about it, Vivienne (?), and yes enough to make you curious about me? And we know, Stig, it is 13.30 and you are almost falling down the chair of tiredness, and how in the world am I to continue work or just staying up the rest of the day (?), and I really have hours of work to do on my computer, and maybe also more to the script, which keeps coming in. I was told that my mother is now taking off her wedding dress because there was NEVER going to be a wedding between mother and son and that is if we were going to make it this time around on contrary to all the others before us. I started working on the setup of the computer again, and was told no, there is no darkness inside of here, he is just here and that is reflecting us, so when we have converted all darkness to light, he is happy to have us here, and yes smiling back as we are smiling at him. And your mother has received ear plugs only making it possible for her to listen to what she wants to believe and what John tells her, and not me, and these are also being removed now. Your mother will not get the pleasure to act as the bailiff removing and destroying furniture at your/our home, which is what the many visits I had by the bailiff until approx. 2000 symbolised, and yes darkness of the world removing my furniture. And the most important is, Stig, that if there was a back, we did not need, this back i.e. world would be recreated inside of the Source with the main thing being that we returned. I had received double users on my Windows installation, both myself as the new user and still my old self as the old user from the previous installation, and when I deleted my old self, I was shown and told that this is like tidying up inside of this room. I received the feeling of people of other civilizations together with darkness and kept imprisoned at military areas in USA and told that we know you are suffering much, but we are too, and this is what this sweeping is also about. And we are also bringing in flowers which will not become dark pianos and dead, and yes because of what the U.S. Air Force
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had us doing, and I am given the thought of Alien abductions and yes they were our masters, but not anymore, and yes you will also be free to go my friends. We have not flied the last tour in space if it is up to our commanders, who still dont believe in you, some of them, and what do you want us to tell them and yes the truth directly, honestly and openly, and that is if you can only follow my command and not theirs, this is the truth, and no, I do NOT want you to continue missions of evil. I received new darkness coming to me as heartburn. No, we also did not need these air attack alarms, and yes all designed to help you coming through. I was told that we had place a coffee pot of light not in the shelves but all the way out of a hole of the shelves where darkness would not be able to get it, which was also to secure our survival. And then we will get this I cannot see it up from the intestine, and the best is that it is inside of here that we have hidden. I have MANY times for a long time been given the feelings of Angela my old colleague from Fair and friend and yes hvem FIK RET (who was right) (?), and is this about this, Angie (?), and this is because we always met at the restaurant/caf Fik Ret in Sborg when we met until approx. 2008. Yes, you were allowed to play a little with the sand box, and yes we could not help it, Stig, and that is when the darkness of other people was too strong against you, but we have recovered everything, which is to say that darkness is really not here at all, and yes isnt this exciting (?), a tool of creation it is. I continued updating my computer with Adobe Reader, the video codecs etc. and was told that this is like receiving back your clothes (from darkness now returning). I was told about my old friend Thomas H. how many times have I asked him to call you (?) and asked via thoughts given to him, but no, no one could call me to support/talk to me. You cannot continue opening the lock to this place, but yes this is how it works. I continued updating for hours programmes and settings including some nervousness of things going wrong, and there were some moment of truths here and there with the computer acting strange, and on my way, I as told that we are getting closer to the kitchen. I felt how a previous monster from the Aliens film entered me and it was told do you remember your original code (?), which is the code of light/love before darkness, and yes, it does.

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I was shown a fireman in Brussels pulling forward a Formula 1 car in a string and was told that this is how to get forward the quickest way possible, and yes via the stories of the European Union previously in my scripts, and how are you doing, are you still lying down (?), and yes it hurts to be exhibited as fools and ignorant, which is really what you are when you cannot communicate nor do what is right to do, but keep thinking of yourselves and yes the Old World Order. This corresponds to having completely turned around Snekkersten, i.e. darkness, and to say that this is from here we will now start all over. I received darkness including heartburn etc. and was told you dont know how happy it makes me that we will not get married, and with this part of the spirit of my mother, which is really the spirit of my father as I felt returned to me too. I was told by a spiritual friends entering me that it was also me playing the game making Karen believe that you were demanding and yes of course selfish without being able to see herself that the roles in REALITY were opposite. And I was told that Karen and Denis have been fighting about me many times. This is the food manager saying that we are almost up and running again, and yes moving the whole system from one place to another was symbolised by breaking it and my computer down and to install it somewhere else and yes the new installation, which I had hoped to finish today, which I may have a chance to do still here at 17.25. If we should play dead ball situations it is now, which is about the elimination of darkness of the spirit of my mother. I was shown the spirit of my father as the judge coming in from my right with the feeling that he is there and about to enter to make sure that we will bring everything, and this was when I was also re-installing the Thunderbird calendar, the WiseStamp signature (and setup again again) and Nero CD/DVD burning software and yes I was encouraged to burn Jeff Lynnes solo album, but no, I am almost begging for Mercy, mercy now, but of course only when it comes to Jeffs beautiful version of this song . I was told that when I went with my mother that day some months ago to the auction in Hornbk, it was also to receive a GIANT iron cross, and I do mean GIANT as it is shown to me, and I was told that this cross of termination/death is really the same as the guitar of creation, and yes we had to stand on our heads to solve the riddle of how to become something in between, and when we had i.e. physical life and this was strong enough to stand alone, as it is now, we can remove the other bearing leg, which was the dark side of the cross, and there you have it.

So a cancer as example is every single time God working inside of it to solve the riddle of life to bring you/us all eternal life in joy and happiness.

In stead of letting John die from cancer, we discovered that we could get much more out of him and your mother by giving him good health, and yes to let your mother concentrate her concerns on you. So this game was about how we the best possible way could create our New World, and I was shown one of the guards of life contracting this behind a wall of darkness. I felt more darkness coming in and also Japan and told that this also has to be pressured in, and I wonder what you have been up to over there, but I am sure that you will soon tell? I was told about Madonna and the question if she is another part of the spirit of my mother their might be 3 times 12 of the Trinity after all (?) and told that my information about who these may be was designed to create the greatest degree of nervousness to help us too. I was shown and told that we have now found the biggest refrigerator and darkness, which came while I was installing the new graphics card driver, and yes this became perfect, and my new installation is now (almost) over, and it has become the most perfect I have ever done, and yes also the fastest, and I have not yet done the Windows Update, which I will see tomorrow if this works, and yes satisfied about the day (?), and you bet and especially compared to the difficulties also coming through today. I am really not that dangerous anymore. I published the script at approx. 20.30 and continued working until 20.50 this evening, and yes somewhat less stress today, but truly a hard day UNDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES otherwise it would have been easy if I was not tired and without energy. Google Earth shows still some darkness blocking the view of God and also the cinema of our New World now visible Jette brought Google Earth pictures in her Facebook group showing still some darkness blocking the view of God/me, sailing in a wooden shoe of life knitting socks, and still fights with snakes of darkness. Later, she brought pictures showing a reptile of darkness returning to the beginning, it is all very oldfashioned, and the cinema of our New World is now visible behind the darkness.

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January 2013 --Ending the day with these short stories: I published my script late yesterday evening including a link to my memo on Falck at Scribd, and even though it was late and despite of writing in my script I wonder how many of you from the secret network, who will click on this link knowing that I can see you doing it (!), you can see from the green line below that it brought a clear increase in the number of visitors to 17 yesterday, and yes normally it is between 0 to 5 per day and the last increase was simply because of the last time I brought a link to it on my website, and yes my script of yesterday had officially zero visits yesterday, so I wonder where this increase to Scribd comes from (?), and yes you do get it by now, dont you?

What may be a Dane playing an American singing the Danish lyrics to Str p en Alpetop (Stands on an Alp top) in the video below because it brings healing and many smiles when watching it, especially as a Dane made people laugh and as Mads said we will become a people of healers thanks to Shubidua, ha ha, and better yet, Shubidua healed the Danes via their WARM and HUMOUROUS music, and it made me say that this is what beautiful music and smiles/laughs do to people, and what may be the most difficult to believe in, which in reality is what is the truth, is also true in other connections, for example with the lyrics from the song now I have reached the top, mother, it is bloody cold here with cold being sufferings because of misunderstandings and wrong human behaviour, which sends sufferings to others, and yes to me, and this is really to say that what is the most difficult for people to believe in in relation to me being the Son of God, or really God now is what is the truth, and who can avoid smiling from a lovely song by Shu-bi-dua as this, which used to be their ending song, which herewith is to say that I have reached the top, mother, I am cold and suffering like never before, but I reached the top of the Pyramid of everything, and with an ending, there is always a new beginning and that is in the greatest context you can imagine.

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Pia received an excuse from Facebook today after they had cut her down yesterday after their Nordic Manager had contacted their European office having special people hired knowing about and dealing with Nordic cases, and I am thinking that one employee there decided to ban Pia, who did not do anything wrong when addressing Helle Thorning-Schmidt, and as Pia said when I think about what I have experienced of the worst comment about me and my person, I have difficulties seeing why this has not been blocked and deleted by Facebooks censorship group, and yes it is difficult for people to see what is negative and what is not and Pias comments are in the group of NOT being negative, and I am wondering if Facebook did not receive many complaints about me and my negative comments and spam (?), which you could not understand (?), and why was I not deleted by Facebook (?), and is that because my spiritual friends kept complaints from you (?), or is it because someone kept the hand over me knowing about who I really am giving your employees orders to save me (?), and yes we will see. Michael Wulff brought this the other day with the text well kids, what do you think of the view, this is your future, and yes a future of ONLY LIGHT .

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Now I better understand why John Lennons beautiful song Imagine came to me so strongly the other day, which is to say that my heart is included in this and yes IMAGINE to have terrible violence replaced by PEACE .

Once again I was happy to hear from David, and I am wondering if I am completely lost to Elijah and John, or if you are lost to me because of you own incapabilitys, which basically is about your POOR abilities to understand and communicate, and this is basically the mean of everything evil.

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12. I saved the world and the world will save/bring me home with love and understanding of my mother
1. SUBJECT 11th January: I saved the world and now the world will bring me home with love and understanding of my mother SUMMARY Dreaming of Kim and Pernille having started the most beautiful and a GIANT company of our New World with only little still remaining at darkness and stealing something from darkness of Karen. I saved the world, and now the world is going to save me too bringing me as dead from darkness as the last one over to light, and this road will be as difficult as the last difficult darkness I have crossed. This is the point where I will die as my old self, and hopefully soon wake up as my new self to much better times. I was encouraged to produce CDs with Jeff Lynne and Electric Light Orchestra for my mother, which I brought her this evening awakening much love inside of her when remembering these songs from when I lived at home (until 1986), and together with two of her friends, as I have spoken to over the phone recently, telling her just how much they like me bringing my mother the final understanding that I am indeed POSITIVE and NOT negative as my sister has claimed, this is what is bringing me and my inner self - over from the dark side (of the moon) to the light of the Source and our New World, which will make my diamond shine. Jettes Google Earth pictures of her Facebook group show darkness of Esso/the oil industry, which cannot be cleaned (I wonder ), a TALL lady over the COLD Russia, and dogs of darkness turning into DIAMOND DOGS . Short stories of Michael Sadler apologising for not giving the right photographer credit as he will apologise to me too, Dan Rachlin played as a DJ for the Danish Parliament and his thread includes MUCH inspired speech about the darkness of politics but also happiness of surviving, visit by a Tax Minister symbolising the WORST darkness, more about the world elite reading me in secrecy, do your best to read/listen and understand instead of making up your own mind, and we will soon start to shine on you crazy diamond. Dreaming that man will be removed from Earth to our new planet Niburu, because work is to be done on Earth, I should be able to defeat not that strong darkness now, our new life is the greatest life ever made, and bringing my new self up from darkness as the high points of our career. Jettes Google Earth pictures from her Facebook group show SMILE , big big faces of BIG LIFE of our New World, extreme weather conditions of Australia, which is about resistance of the world against my return, I thought Earth was round (?), and a couple with a baby. My inner self have arrived at the Source turned around as darkness without being switched on, and mother love is helping me to turn around going against extreme resistance to me of family, friends etc., thus the world symbolised by extreme weather over Australia, which again is symbolising our New World. This is my match ball, which I should be strong enough to win over darkness. I am now becoming the Lord as we have never been before, but will be now that we have arrived with everything and I am still God of nothing too having created everything. Inside the one man cell of darkness of me was also the worst darkness on Earth, which was the British navy working as the worlds hit men removing unwanted garbage threatening their plans of a future world in control of mankind to protect its own business and power interests, which included plans to kill me and people in my surroundings because I was a national security threat, and this was stopped because Jack was loyal to me working as my


12th January: My inner self is (was) hidden inside the sexual invention of darkness using its energy to save and create

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informer bringing managers without faith in me - of the British navy down with express speed. Norwegian oil-dollars were working to finance an evil New World Order without free energy. My inner self is hidden inside the sexual invention of darkness using its energy to save and create if I could bear it. This is my sofa of reproduction, where darkness never expected to find me. My job as darkness was to terminate life, but when I went against darkness, this brought down darkness saving life instead. If I gave up to darkness, it would make me explode terminating life starting all over and now my end will be the start of our New World. Short stories of more darkness of the Vatican Church, extreme weather of Australia trying to block me out, Dan receiving many symbols of darkness and new life too, fraud and waste of the European Union is made by the purest darkness too, RAVING MADNESS of Nike and the Old World Order. mail of Denmark they dont have the mail anymore and they have not met at work yet, they will first come at 10.00 and on the door a sign says fart off. o This is the company of our New World, floating/flying is still about continuing to work, my behaviour in relation to the pension scheme is selfish thinking of receiving the best interest/most money, but I do expect that people of our New World will have a healthy interest in buying products of the best quality and price as a combination following the strongest principle to build life on and the shopping centre is about life of our New World, where we have overtaken all mail, but what are packages about (?), is that life too (?), and at least there is still an old department of this belonging to darkness with a lazy and wrong attitude at the traditional Danish national mail, which is not very different to how the old Eastern block worked when they did work, and yes having 5 or 10 people to take care of a process, which one person should have taken care of. The cameras are about accepting and bringing people alive as their final selves inside of our New World. I remember flashes of dreams of cleaning up, this room used by everyone and also about taking something from Karen and visiting the hair dresser at the ground floor of her building, and was it a lunch pack (?), it could have been, and no she did not see it even though she was following right in my footsteps, but without catching me, and yes a symbol of darkness wanting to bring me down.

11 January: I saved the world and now the world will bring me home with love and understanding of my mother
Dreaming of Kim and Pernille having started the most beautiful and a GIANT company of our New World I went to bed before 22.00 and slept until 07.00 this morning without becoming any fresher of this, I am still without energy and as usual I start a new day by checking Facebook and having breakfast, a bath and yes updating the script of yesterday and starting the script of today with dreams, which I have now done and yes every single day since arriving in Nairobi in May 2009 where I was encouraged to start writing my experiences and yes not knowing that more than 7,000 pages were waiting ahead of me to be written . , and I do look forward to changing this rhythm, but for the time being, let us continue, so here are the dreams. Kim and Pernille S. have opened a GIANT new insurance company both general insurance and life & pension and it is incredible beautiful and modern. Preben is speaking about me to new employees making them understanding that I am very clever, I see myself floating for them. I see there is a call centre selling general insurance, I receive a new pension scheme myself deciding to receive average interest instead of market interest because I believe the market will decrease, and instead of letting the bookkeeper know about payments to be done to our pensions, Preben believe that my idea of asking Pernille is good, and he and I are working in the department of life & pension, and I am surprised to see that there is an also incredible beautiful department of managers, and that I dont work there. We go there meeting both Kim and Pernille, I see three video cameras on the wall and am told about who the other managers are, Janne from Fair is regional responsible for part of the world, Torben S. fra Aon should have been a manager but decided not to take the job because of concerns, and I ask Kim and Pernille as the owners if they have not brought in plenty of money to do this, which they confirm. Next to the business is the biggest and most beautiful shopping centre I have ever seen, which is part of the company, and I fly there too, and also enter the first floor, which is a package company still belonging to the national


I saved the world and now the world will bring me home with love and understanding of my mother I received a pretty strong cough during the night, which was also with me this morning, together with the feeling of becoming sick, which might be the flu coming to get me too (?), and we will see, and yes it is a sign of more darkness coming at me. And yes, you cannot imagine the joy of working now sitting in a proper chair, at a proper table having a proper computer reacting instantly when I right click on the mouse or using the normal menus while working in Microsoft Word as example, which was NOT the case of the old, where there was always shorter and often LONGER waiting time, and yes just to have the machine
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gun sound of the old computer removed is a relief, and think if people would have helped me with proper work tools to make my work to write my scripts easier (?), and yes, it would have been to help the Devil because this was part of my pain. He has lifted up from very bad to nice, guys, yes that man there. We dont take pictures during the winter, do we (?), no but he does, and yes the Ss Fenger album/song was really to say that he is hurting because of his mothers wrong behaviour. It is not at all bad over there in Sweden, and no he does not try to cheat us, and we know still a few problems/updates on your computer to do now I dont have an AKB-driver for my Android phone to connect to Windows XP, and no I have never had that problem before and dont know what it is about and what it will do, because there is contact to the phone (!), and yes I will look at this later. So we are delivering a totally different world than what we received, and yes the process of him there, and we know uniting everything to one whole. Here is your bed from all of us, Stig. You saved us, and now we save you, and that is mighty nice of you all and yes we are you and you are us, and when bringing us in, you are bringing yourself in. We just wanted to say that we can now see the Swedish coast, yes the final destination after you tricked us with the deepening of water making us do more work than expected. For days I have thought about the possibility that I may write the chapter on creation to my website, which however may take MANY hours to write, which I may not have neither the energy nor the time to do before Sunday in two days from now, and yes I have more work to do on scripts and a little on my computer yet, and yes this has been stressing me too, and that is just the thought of writing it and how to write it, and realistically I will not be able to write this, but I do have some amendments to do on my website, which I plan to do before Sunday, and this will have to be it unless I am given more time and energy. I was told that we have all three been inside of there, so your mother and Fanny etc. do know the road leading there, and yes as part of their inner selves, which is information not part of their physical selves. I was told that it is also a catastrophically course the last way, but I will lead you. We will go through similar darkness to what you have just done, dont you believe me (?) which was difficult, but if you say so . and this is where I laid plans for you and your mother together. This corresponds to being alone in the forest without people, and how do I get over on the other side then?

I continued working until lunch truly still being tired/without energy and I had decided that I would go to the swimming hall today, so this is what I did after lunch, and first I drove to the Telia (telephone, internet, TV) store in town because the remote control to my TV had broken, and no, they did not have any on store, but I could call their customer service, which I did, and they were kind to pack and send one immediately, and to me, this is to say that I cannot control the TV, i.e. world, as my old self, and when the new will arrive, probably on Monday, this is my new self controlling the New World as light and no longer darkness. And yes, Telia hung up is it now you again, Madonna (?), and yes been thinking of you before when writing hung up a LOT of balloons in front of their store, and you do remember that balloons are one of those symbols of celebration/happiness. I was shown a drunk character of darkness bringing me down as dead from the 1st floor, and is he still alive after having saved all (?), and yes you are still the King but not the easiest to get in. I was shown and felt how I have soaked in the whole world and this feeling came together with one of Madonnas too much sex songs (!) it will not justify to be brought here - and it is now from within that the New World will break out to the edge of me, thus the world. I was told about how my mother and father met many years ago, which was at KTAS the Copenhagen telephone company where my mother worked at the desk connecting people, and my father was an electrician setting up telephone centrals, and isnt it funny that they produced me as light with the task to make all phone numbers (of all people of the world forever and ever) work (?), and yes so it is. I did 25 minutes exercise on the left cross trainer today, and yes I am still broken down without energy but somehow after some minutes, I am still able to exercise, and after ten minutes I had used 160 calories, 250 after 15, 340 after 20 and finally I did the hardest exercise I have done while living in Helsingr when I gave almost all I had using 100 calories in five minutes making the total 440 after 25 minutes. And yes, the swimming hall has now opened after exchanging their old very poorly working showers with new, which work perfect. While exercising, I received some minutes with immense darkness coming to me feeling like a lid being put over me, and it included the game of me producing energy or not, and yes coming with an incredible strength making me hurt much, and I only have one answer, which is I dont care, light decides, but I will NOT produce energy for darkness. I was told that we are now getting to the point where I will have to die, and that is not because of a traffic accident, and yes you gave me the words getting to the point a couple of hours ago, so here I wrote them, which was really to getting to the point as predicted.

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January 2013 For 2/3 of my cycling, the gear was working without interference of spiritual darkness, and the last 1/3, it included the gear being shifted up and down MANY times annoying me incredible, and I was often told just before it happened because of your father, and yes not easy to be sick, father, without your own son and yes did I abandon you (?), or isnt the truth that it was you (and Kirsten and her family), who could not understand my sufferings NEVER bringing me any support and decided to leave me, and yes this is what this misunderstanding/darkness is about, and then I was made to think about Shannon being negatively influenced about me by Paul the great from the Arthur Findlay College in Stansted, and when I thought of him, my gear went completely bananas, and I was told that he uses me as example of what can happen negatively if all of this spiritual interests gets over your head, and yes a TRUE teacher of darkness, he is, and yes the most respected of his kind he is.0 On my way home from the swimming hall, I was given the idea of burning music with Jeff Lynne/Electric Light Orchestra to my mother (I now have a working CD/DVD burner, which I have not had for 1 to 2 years), who I was going to visit this evening, and suddenly I was now busy because it was already afternoon and I had to buy a CD pen to write the content directly on the CD and I had to get home, as I did and to start seeing what I had of songs in lossless format, and what I had to download, and yes I started this work at 15.40 and I also had to download some additional software APE lossless and cue splitter and also Jeffs solo album in FLAC quality, and yes using APE and FLAC files without loss of sound quality, and I had most of Electric Light Orchestras greatest hits, maybe 100 songs, on my computer to choose from, and even though I could not find a few songs with such short notice to include, I did one full CD of Electric Light Orchestra and one of Jeff Lynne (and some extras), which ended up looking like this removing the most up-tempo songs, which my mother dont like, but I thought that this might work out fine, and had I had more time, the content would have been a little bit different, but not much, and yes starting the first CD with the new version of cant get it out of my head and ending the second CD with the old version of cant get it our of my head, and yes my mothers old favourite song of yours, Jeff .

And this is one of MANY beautiful songs of these CDs and yes a moment in Paradise, which will be forever . When I had finished doing this work burning the CDs, I was told that we have not started giving him gifts yet, and also that the end document will be about only love, which is what we are all about (behind darkness). I arrived at 19.00 on the minute at my mother and John, and gave my mother the new CD, and when she heard the first song, cant get it our of my head, she truly remembered it and liked it much, and yes at dinner she continued remembering this and that song from old days when I used to play these songs when I lived at home with her in Snekkersten from 1978-86, and John

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said that it is indeed fine songs, and my mother added it is different when you remember the songs from back then, and yes this is part of it really, for my mother to remember good old days bringing me/us even more love. At dinner we also spoke about Johns remarkable recovery and he said that it was against expectation as the journals of the doctors say, and I told him if he remembered what I told him at the hospital in Hillerd, which is that there are other forces than what the doctors believe in, and yes he would take it all, and this is what has made him recover, and he and my mother said that this is also what Bettina has told him, and my mother added she believes that she has done it, and yes my mother does not fully understand that Bettina works as a medium through which we send our healing, but the main part is that they both got it yes I would have liked to include some of Jeffs hits with Roy Orbison and others as a producer (and sometimes song writer), but I did not get time to find them and yes believing that there is indeed a spiritual world working, and with this, we are really as close as we can get of faith without having faith in me! And next week he will receive the status of how his cancer is doing, and we know, this is what the doctors a couple of months ago said that he would have no more than half a year to live in, and will John also be able to make this (?), and yes when believing in me bringing him healing, it can, so there you have it again again . I have often been given the words Fru Madsen (Mrs Madsen), which I have thought was the old Danish teacher I had in was it 8th of 9th grade in Espergrde (?), but I understood that this is my mother self, which she told about over dinner and yes she was not adopted by Petra, but in care by Petra because it was only temporary that her true mother decided to place her outside her home, and yes she met a new man becoming the father of Per, who is the name of her brother, and this man did not want anything to do with my mother, so from she was 7 months old until 2 years, my mother was at a childrens home without the critical contact to her mother/parents and afterwards with Petra, who I have always considered being my grandmother, and yes one day as a child, my mothers true mother returned asking to bring my mother home, which Petra declined, and yes these is the reason why my mother received uncontrollable feelings because of her miss of a true mother/father and family and no contact with her mother in the critical first couple of years as a child, and we know also Petra, who could not show her feelings, and not an easy upbringing of my mother it was, and yes her true mother was called Madsen was it Helga as her first name, and yes I believe it was and this is what my mother was also called, Madsen, before her new sir name became Erlandsen after Petra, and later Dragholm when marrying my father, so there you have it. Mrs Madsen was really my own spiritual mother speaking to me saying that we are fine but how in the world are we going to bring him up too? My mother prepared Asian wok-food for the first time ever after she bought a wok-pot recently, and yes new life is what this is symbolising, and she told that she has now finally received her new tooth replacing the old ones not working, and
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everything is perfect now, and I was told that this is what we have been waiting on, and what this has been symbolising, and yes the tooth operation of my mother taking months to complete, but now it is done as our New World arriving at the Source is done too. And my mother was very proud after she spoke to her old friend Ely, who had been kind saying that she was happy for me to ask about her husband and son, and how happy this made her, and yes also Kate as I spoke to on the phone when my mother called from her place the other day, and we know, her friends are telling her just how much they like me as they have always done and then it is difficult to maintain the illusion, which my sister gave for years, which is about my negative view and yes so much that I was a potential killer, but no, Stig is as he has ever been and it was only you, who could not understand/tell, and yes we know, Stig, and that is all of us. We watched X-factor together, and even though I like many of your comments and the love behind it, Thomas, I really encourage you NOT to swear, which sounds VERY wrong (!), and also NOT to judge people before you have given them a chance, and yes there was this wonderful dark young woman, who had written a song about her now late mother, which really caught you in the wrong bed, so please dont JUDGE people in forehand give everyone a chance to show their best, and yes just like the man, who could NOT sing (a special song), but still did his best, which won your heart, Thomas, and my too . During a period of approx. 10 minutes I received the absolutely worst sexual vision, which you just dont want to receive while being together with your mother, and it was almost breaking me as usual, and I was shown and told that my mother would not have been able to handle darkness if I gave up, and it made me think that it would have been other parts of me taking over in case I could not. --We are about to set up a new sofa for him, and yes when he and Karen will make love, it will produce new worlds, this is how we have also established it for ourselves. Google Earth shows darkness of Esso/the oil industry, which cannot be cleaned Jettes Google Earth pictures of her Facebook group show darkness of Esso/the oil industry, which cannot be cleaned (I wonder ), a TALL lady over the COLD Russia, and dogs of darkness turning into DIAMOND DOGS .

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Michael Sadler brought the IMPORTANT story below telling how the band had used a photo crediting the WRONG photograph thus discrediting the right one and he says that this was wrong and should have never occurred and he gives his apology, and this is to say that this is what he will also understand in relation to me, and discovering the right photographer is also confirmation to the story of yesterday that we have started photographing people as their final selves of our New World, and yes it will come as a BIG SURPRISE to the world when I return, which is really what the new surprising music by David Bowie was about, a sign of my arrival too. --Ending the day with these short stories:

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These are some of the replies to Michael, and Andrew uploaded and brought my favourite SAGA song believe to
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YouTube, where it has not been before, and yes he did it using Michael Sadlers YouTube account, whom he is close to, and maybe they noticed that I loved this song as my favourite and decided to upload it when it was not there (?), and yes YouTube is fine to publish to in order to market you, Michael, but not Grooveshark, which is stealing your money? And maybe I dont become popular too bringing the full video of Live in Bonn at the Internet Archive (?), as you can watch here, so is money what is the main trouble between you and I, Michael, which is making you blind?

The fine people, whom Dan played to as a DJ was no one else than the Danish Parliament at a Party yesterday evening/night and these are the ones he was not allowed to speak about the same way as they are not allowed to speak about me (!) - and he did not want to say who opened the party as he said, which made people guess on Helle Thorning-Schmidt and Villy Svndal or Mikael simply the clown, which is about darkness of the Parliament (!), and Pato thought about the good old song der noget galt i Danmark (there is something wrong in Denmark), which is about darkness needing to be replaced, and really all of this Parliament as a symbol of the world of politics, and it made Dan think about the rock raisin and the sausage ends (with sausage ends symbolising my old nightmare), which apparently is a band, which Paul
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brought, and yes singing Shu-bi-dua songs for example the Red Thread, which is what I am bringing you - and Amin Jensen, another famous Danish comedian, whom I just subscribed to yesterday, said I shot the sheriff, which is really about darkness of comedians and politicians of Denmark shooting down the man bringing order to you, and yes a New World Order.

why they did not use live music, which made Mikkel say that Dan is still alive or what (?), and yes I am STILL alive, which you know too at the Parliament the sufferings, which you give me too, have NOT killed me and yes the last three comments were also inspired with Snapstinget being a symbol of drunk politicians, i.e. DARKNESS, the song jeg har set en rigtig negermand (a huge hit from when I was a boy encouraging everyone to become BLUE my colour and to stop racial discrimination), and the dance Simon Emil (from Liberal Alliance), with dance meaning celebration of (some parts) of the Parliament for surviving, and just to say that Dans threads are VERY inspired ..

Jane was making fun with Margit asking Dan if he dares to have Margit in here, and Margit asked if she cannot be a sparetime stalker without her interference, and yes just for fun, but here it is about the Parliament knowing about my story of Karen, and do you believe that I am stalking Karen with the potential aim to hurt you (?), and yes this is what I have been told that the National Police and maybe PET Intelligence Service too believe (?), and yes not easy to make the official authorities understand the truth because of your inability to read/listen and understand anything else than your own voice making up your own mind (later I was told that the all dominant perception now is that she was the one hurting me much), and Annette asked Facebook has OFTEN shown me Ole Stavad a previous Danish Tax Minister as a someone I may know, and this is just to say that you are also visiting my Facebook site, Ole (?), and you do realise that TAX MINISTER is a symbol of the WORST darkness, which wanted to cut off life (?), and yes the darkness still haunting me.
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I liked this one by Deepak Chopra, and you may like to add ASK and REFLECT too .

Much of the secret network of the world elite reading me in secrecy/public silence first saw my script of the day before yesterday after midnight to yesterday, which is why the link to my Falck memo included in my script of the day before yesterday continued to bring secret visitors to my Falck memo on Scribd, and yes normally it receives between 0 to 5 visitors per day, but the day before yesterday it was 17, and yesterday it was 23, and with a click rate of maybe 1%, this is still about some thousands of people reading me in secrecy, and yes incredible that none of you have the nerve to speak the truth about me and you in public.

The amazing album Dark side of the moon includes Shine on you crazy diamond, which Pink Floyd shared today, and yes I understand just how important this album is in world history as an inspired work, and also because there was a lecture of this album on Helsingr Library earlier this week, which I thought about attending, and yes a sign of the diamond of my new self, which will start to shine on all of you, and isnt this music simply beautiful and yes it brings me the same feelings as when listening to Neil Young, which is that there is nothing more beautiful than this .
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12 January: My inner self is (was) hidden inside the sexual invention of darkness using its energy to save and create
Dreaming that man will be removed from Earth to our new planet Niburu and bringing my new self up from darkness I was VERY tired when returning home from my mother yesterday evening, and could not finish the writing of my script of yesterday, and by 22.45 I went to bed sleeping until 07.00 this morning but still as tired/without energy as usual and here are the dreams that I remember. I am with my class visiting USA, and I explain that you have to believe much more than you believe, and UFOs will remove us somewhere else in the Universe because there is work to do at our old location. I am sitting next to my old school friend Sren D-N, I remove a Volvo station car to make passage for a bus. We are now in Copenhagen, I have never seen more beautiful buildings than this, and the entrance to the underground metro station has been expanded with slot machines. I see a place with HUGE hams being made they are the size of pigs which are as juicy as I have ever seen and with the most crisp rind imaginable, and people are killing for fun, and they come in teams, who are not that strong, it is only the leader of each team being somewhat strong. o I understand the dream that man will be removed from Earth to our new planet Niburu, which I did not believe was necessary I saw Niburu as an alternative but here the dream says that work is to be done on Earth. o USA and my old school friends are about darkness, which Copenhagen is too, and bus is to bring in my new duvet really, and the slot machines are darkness, which I have to face taking this train journey, and there are people of darkness not that strong, so I should be able to be strong enough, and the hams are of course about the greatest life ever made, which is our new selves and our future. I am a visitor at an auction house with two male employees, one has been there for MANY years, and they show me a small glass statue called Jesus Svendsen, which originally was DKK 1,200, but now it is worth DKK 52,000, and I look out their big panorama window, which is shown the bottom of the sea, and they are lifting up a statue from the bottom using a very special machine/tool, which is work done not without danger, but it goes fine, and it makes the two men say that this is the highpoint of their career. I feel I am an outsider to this team only being a visitor, but then Helle (from DanskeBank-Pension, the beautiful one with the house she thought was sinking, there were three Helles there, if not more) grabs my hand making me feel how incredible I miss love and support of a girlfriend. o This is about bringing in my new self from darkness to light with the help of love and understanding of my mother, and I do understand that after yesterday, this
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has now happened, and yes bringing me out of the sea of sufferings also meaning that my sufferings should stop any day now. The dream also says that it is ALWAYS wrong for a product to gain value because of demand the product is NOT more valuable because of this, and it is the TRUE value of the product, which is determining the value of it, nothing else (!) and the beautiful Helle is yet again a threat of my old nightmare. My inner self arrived at the Source as darkness not switched on, and mother love is helping me to turn around I worked until 11.15 to finish my script of yesterday before starting to write the script of today. Now we only have to count everyone, and I was told that we have done this despite of evil tongues, and yes of my family, friends etc., thus the world. I am now inside the house (of the Source) without being switched on, and I was told that this process bringing me here could not have be done quickly if for example darkness of England had lost it. And you have the cream tool with you and everything is intact (?), and yes this is what mother love helped with. I was told that Dr. Elster as he is called my old friend Christian - has never trained before, i.e. seen you like this before, and if not for him, we could also not have done this. Later I was told that this is what the biggest shot of drugs is about, and I here understand that Christian was living the rich life using much money on drugs for your pleasure, which could have helped my LTO friends and me, but then again, if you had, you would have killed us and not saved us, so there you have another, who could not do what is right to do. We have never lost a re-match against FC Lyngby before, and not that it matters now. This is what the game in relation to your mother was about, and your hard cycle tour and also to the swimming hall yesterday, and yes everything is fine to enable this operation. Have you opened the Champagne (?), and have I been transferred to our new house (?), and yes this is the state I have been in since October 31 still turned around on the dark side inside of the Source- and it is now your decision what to happen from here, also to involve/invite your sister (?), and yes one of many suggestions I have, and who knows (?), and yes I know, it is Saturday today, and I have work to do and tomorrow I agreed to go with mother and John to the Vestervang Church for a classical/opera concert, so it will not be this weekend. It is now not the least dangerous you said the most dangerous but changed it because you have now showed that the key worked, and when you are in here, what do you do then (?),
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and yes both nothing and continue working until I have turned around, and yes I here received pain to my heart and whole left side of the body, and we know I have continued receiving small heart attacks too. We are not the Lord now are we, Stig (?), and that is because we have never been before, but we have now arrived with everything, and here is also just cold and dark reminiscences of what used to be - and no you dont have to switch anything on, so this is about me taking off my dark coat if I dare, and this is what your sister was meant to help with, but if you cannot invite her, and yes with a short notice because of what you said, we will see if we can use the connection to your sister via your mother to get this done, and I am still given nervous feelings and yes I am still tired. We have avoided a mass marriage if things went wrong people suffering because of the marriage between mother and son and what will happen now if we cannot get this up, a wooden pole from darkness (?), as I am shown here. So you are not only not stupid, but you are (still) kind to other people, which your mother has discovered, and yes herewith testing your sisters word of Stig being negative/crazy. I was told once again that John played the Devil here making me hurt. And we know, it is too short notice to invited Sanna and Hans today this is how it is here and it would be too little time to invite for coffee tomorrow afternoon before the church concert, but of course there it was, to invite them for the church concert, and if they like coffee first, so this is what I did as you can see here. I was told that we need all the bull semen we can get to do this, and apparently this is how to do it.

And this is first and foremost about your mother discovering that you are NOT negative with others, and yes as I have NEVER been, which all people will admit to after my journey is done, but still impossible to do when this is written. And isnt this great that we will (probably) be meeting and it is with my favourite music of Jeff Lynne/Electric Light Orchestra in the middle, which symbolises my greatest love (?), and yes just telling my mother and the world that nothing (of my sister) could remove my love from man, and this is what they are now discovering, and yes the fuel to convert darkness to light of me. So you already have the gold inside of you I feel it here and it is the true love of the family to you, which will switch it on. And I kept on hearing Fanny, and this is to say that Fannys computer has worked on and off, but yesterday it finally stood off, and she asked me in a text message to write about this on her Facebook wall, which I did, and this is not only for her network to see, but also mine, and yes seen by my sister, and probably heard by my mother, and we know youre not alone, and this is also part of the big picture.

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January 2013 And yes we will do completely different this time, Michael, and yes I do get it (!), and you will have to watch the video to understand, and yes youre not alone in here really . After some time, my sister wrote that it was a good idea, and they would have liked to come but Niklas and Isabelle are looking at a house in Humlebk to buy, and they will go there tomorrow afternoon, so they will not be able to come, which will leave me with my mother and John at the Church concert, so this is how it had to be. And I felt how darkness wanted me to say this is simply too much and also potentially to hurt them, but this is only in the background, because already a long time ago, I decided that nothing is to happen to all of my selfish family, friends etc. and I have repeated this thousands of times making this wish much stronger than darkness also bringing us here. I was encouraged to find the house they are looking at to show you just how much money they need to pay as down payment, and my sister wrote that it is the neighbour house of a house we visited a 2-3 years ago after we went to the Lousiana museum, and yes then it was quite easy to find this house, which Isabelle and Niklas want so much, and isnt it adorable next to the lake and sea and yes a beautiful garden and terrace and what more can you want (?), and yes when you can only think of yourself deciding to spend all money on yourself not giving me one single Krone (dollar) except from the few my mother gave me this is really how to save the world, when it was created as the opposite world, and yes with darkness bringing life, and we know the price of the house is 4 million DKK with a down payment of 200,000 DKK (!), and yes Niklas has truly been born under a lucky star, and yes the star of darkness, that is, and is it now you again, Madonna (?), but you are welcome, and yes just to say that it is the spirit of my mother opening to the inside of me bringing me HOME . So this is about removing the last degree of frost from your sister/mother. I received an almost not worth mentioning maybe 1/12 pain to my right ankle but this is still about life coming in and turning the Source the right way. This is a match ball as great that you cannot and must not miss, Stig. Isnt it funny, I have now arrived and I still have the closet my self turned with the back to you, and all I have to do is to turn it around, and yes inviting your sister, Stig, was what made this possible, and that is even though they could not come, because they know that you dont mind inviting them, and that it is not only them inviting all of the time. I was told that my sister is really a man born as a woman, so now you know this too, which is the reason whey she also dont like scrimps, which are a symbol of making love (with men), and yes apparently interested in women, she is. I was told that there is no kennel inside of the Source, it is all inside of my head, and yes the head of God of nothing making everything of the world. I continued receiving the taste of much delicious food, I cannot remember the taste of much of it, but nuts here is part of it,
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and that is about creating life, and I keep receiving visions of famous people knowing about me, which I have decided to mostly not write about. I was shown a large ship turning around, which made me say I dont have to write about this, which I do often, and then I was shown a helicopter landing spot on the deck of the ship and told also when it includes this one and yes to LIFT ME UP and with me the world too, and yes let us bring this one of my favourite Jeff Lynne songs . And I will decide myself which rooms I want to start using first (?) and this is my inner self waking up to REALITY asking my mother about this, and yes because him there decided that this is how it is. I was told with a voice behind the game that there is no one we have looked more forward to to returning home. I kept on receiving sticks of pain to my heart during the afternoon, which together with no energy and darkness still wanting to use me as its tool also made today a hell to come through. So I dont have to worry anymore about people not making the aeroplane or to be stopped in customs (?), and yes Stig, you brought everything out, and now we only have to bring all of you out alive too. I felt so extremely poorly with the inner of my body making trouble including continuous heart pain and some out of this world pain to my right ankle that this is the worst nightmare to come through, and I was shown a dead sword fish being dragged in, and this is me, and yes I am dead even though I decide to be alive as physical Stig, and this is really what is making me hurt, and that is to live as the most extreme Zombie. I received the new remote control to my TV box already today, so now everything should be ready for me to become my new self. I finished writing and also publishing the last two days of scripts at 15.40 today an update will come later and I could choose to use maybe 1-2 hours from here to update my website, but no, I am completely broken down, so now I will do what I have not done for a long time, which is to relax on the sofa hoping to become strong enough to do this work later today. The British Navy was the WORST DARKNESS wanting to eliminate me, but Jack infiltrated the navy as my informer It is now 19.10 and here follows the promised update, and we know, Stig, I am pushed to and beyond my extreme limit without anything holding back darkness coming to me, and only when I decide to relax, darkness is led away from me hitting something/somewhere else, and here is what I decided to write down of information given to me also not writing down much
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information, which was too much for me to take, and yes I really cannot continue but maybe I can do this chapter too, let us see. I was given a GIANT sneeze and told that this is what I save the world for because of my work. I received EXTREME resistance to allowing my self to enter and had to stick to my old you are welcome, and darkness wanted to bring out the worst side of me speaking its words and really cutting off myself, and yes because of the WRONG resistance of family, friends etc. and the world! No, I dont have a letter in the bag for you came together with smiles when I was almost giving up, and told that this is an act, and yes it is given to me as long as I dont give up, this is how it is, so the stronger I decide to be way above what a man can do the more darkness I continue being given without limits. I was shown and told that we have now moved to the one man cell of darkness of you, and the power inside of here with the total power decreasing is what we would have let go on the world if you could not do this work. I was told that the FBI in USA were the most crazy there wanting to kill me, and why is that? At around 16.00 I had a strong tired crisis, but passed it, and I am NOT feeling good now either, not at all in fact, and I was so disgusted as never before thinking of doing more work when I kept on receiving a pressure to continue working also including the wake up of my computer, which I had set on sleep. I was told that welcome back from hell is coming closer and closer. It is possible to fit in the British Royal Navy inside of this small cell (?), and yes they are among the worst darkness there is, and it is the navy where we placed Jack to help bring you out by infiltrating it, and yes loyalty problems was not only about Jack show my loyalty towards the navy or Stig (?) but also the navy in relation to me. If there is one navy army we are to announce as the worst killing me slowly, this is it, the British, and I feel biological warfare/weapons, which is not told to the public, and yes part of the future threatening the public; if you dont do as we tell you, we will kill you, but you managed to keep protected yourselves? And this is what you thought, but you did not count on me, whom you could do nothing about, and yes faith of Jack in me removed the stripes of these British navy managers, so this is also about Jack in me returning home from darkness to light at the Source. So Jacks mission was to work for the Devil and his stick doing everything wrong until I came to turn him around in his mind, and who could see this (?), and yes with him all of you, this was
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my weapon against you exactly as thought of, and this is what we just needed to clean too, Stig, and I was shown a door vault opening, which is impossible to open, this is what this is about. So there are no informers in your lines, this is the explanation to your decline. I was told that there are people who wanted to hit Fanny too to hit me in their desperation, and this is what her computer giving up shows. And it was only with my outermost will that we succeeded stopping these, and was Jack part of these plans (?), and yes, but not on their but my side, so there you have my informer. So it is Jack who ordered the air flight, and yes by bringing myself inside the worst darkness and by telling him that this is now what you (I) do. And I was told that this is also the channel the original dark side that Jeff Lynne was fed, and this is also what led to Istedgade/the red light district of Copenhagen, and the birth of Lavenders dream, and yes the fish of me you know, this is what brought me back, and sadly I dont know much about his music, but I can tell that he is my kind of singer, so there is much for me to discover and enjoy too, and this is at least very beautiful in my mind too . I was told about the British navy being the toughest hit men of the world removing so called garbage not wanted, which also included me, and we had to have Jack there too on my side, which was necessary to come through. We have been moving on the edge of a new world war since World War II, and if it has not been one against the other, it has been the other against the one, and the Cuba crisis was nothing, and we had to avoid this too, which was about everything dark wanting to eliminate the world in order to stop development of eternal life of our New World, which cannot be made because it goes against nature of me. This is the energy we released with Hitler as a buffet of the world to take freely from, and who would do a mistake first (?), who could not endure (?), whom we would punish, which would NOT bring me/us free, which is why we all worked hard to come to the day of today bringing you freedom. Yes, you were not like the character Niles Crane of the TV series Frasier who was a wimp in relation to his wife which was really turned around, and yes how many did you want to kill of my surroundings to reach me when you could not kill me directly? So Jack is the most secret agent of the world working for me bringing the bivouac I was told bio and vuak in Danish uniting the two words of cinema and the bivouac shelter of Greenland for everyone. And now there is no one who can kill me, they have been replaced with express speed, which is what my computer breaking down the other day was about, and yes did you want to kill me right up until now (?), and this made me think that the
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other day I was told that it was not Jack ordering the helicopters flying around here . I was told that they managers of the British navy were sure that it would come to a clash with me, and that is because they did not have faith in me, and you did NOT like what I wrote in my scripts and on my website making me a national security threat to you. This is what faith of others in me helped me fight, and this is what my strong coughing/sickness was about. And this is what bacon and potatoes of life is about, for Jack to work inside of the worst darkness as my inner self was too, and that is without being detected as my family did not detect who I was and what I truly did. So Halvorsen a typical Norwegian name was not the worst darkness as I was told again and again especially around 2005 +/-, but the British were, but maybe Norway was a hide for many, because billions of Norwegian oil-dollars, yes these nice people on the outside, was financing a New World without free energy for the Old World to stay in power, and this is why I worked for the Norwegian company Acta in 2007 coming to Stavanger a number of times, and yes a capital of the Norwegian oil industry and that was to infiltrate you. I was told that nothing of this hell broke loose, I am proud of you, and everything was controlled by the work and mind of this man. I was also told that no one as the British are do deeply involved as the man on the moon, and here about using it for military purposes, which is also what brought lack of sleep to me. And all these threads of darkness led to me but now no longer because I found a way to finally convert them to light. And Jacks problem was that he did not know if you knew about him, and this was to play the game also there. And I was told that much of this is of course done without the knowledge of the British Prime Minister Cameron and government and these planned attacks on me was because of the lack of understanding and wrong doings of my own mother. My inner self is hidden inside the sexual invention of darkness using its energy to save and create if I could bear the suffering It is now tomorrow morning at 08.40 and I am starting the day by writing down the notes I received yesterday evening, and yes still far too much work to do still making me feel let us say beyond what is normally reasonable to feel like. I was told that this is like a bundle of cotton becoming bigger and bigger, and that is the cleaned thread of my inner self coming in, and the published story of the British navy also helps doing this. We can continue going further and further down, and I was shown an outdoor standing toilet with a portion of rice porridge
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on the floor, and I can go into this and also into the smaller entity of butter in the porridge as example. So our goal is to enter as deeply as possible to save as much as possible. I was told that this is the female part of my mother that I am bringing in, and we found something amazing there, which is not only a part of the sofa but the sofa itself of me, which we had hidden there, which she never dreamed about looking for there, which also means that sexual pleasure of the world in reality was bringing energy to bring me back to life, back to reality. And we first discovered this when your mother discovered the other day that you are still yourself (!), which made us see and there you were, which is from where you controlled the world without existing. And this is from where we are helping you out. Your mother never received potatoes like you being down to Earth which she could not see herself, and isnt it funny that this was a put-on behaviour of hers on contrary to you. I was shown all (old) keys hanging on a horizontal bar over the cash desks of an old bank given to me because I watched Matador and I was told that now we only miss the head cashier self. You were the part, which darkness thought was used to bring out newspapers (i.e. terminate life), but when you did not work according to nature but opposite, you became the weapon against darkness, which they could not see because they could not see light inside darkness as the navy could not see me. So it is me my inner self floating up here as darkness as I was shown, and as long as we can, which in reality is up to you (as long as I can keep working without breaking down). And it is our little child, which we hold up to the gods and ask is perfect perfect enough to bring out all of your/my secrets (?), and yes perfect is perfect. This corresponds to being completely bald without a hair on the head I have really understood this for some time, which is the symbolic goal at the hair dresser, to have all hair of darkness cut off. This is not a result of the opening of the corps flower in the Botanic Garden of Copenhagen in June 2012, because if it had not opened which no one had expected we would also not have been here today. Part of this work of ours was to reveal the secrets of sexuality. I had some poor conscience for not working this evening I knew it would be good to do, but I could not and I felt people of other civilizations and was given some cough, and told that they are taking on sufferings because I cannot work, which really did not make me feel good to hear. I was told that when I visited the Skanderborg music festival in 2008, it was a goodbye to the world, but also hello to our New World, and that is because we put a key there for someone to

overtake if I could not continue and end my journey, but no, I took my own keys myself. I was told that I carried my mother, i.e. the world, to her grave, and refused to give up myself, this is how everything and everyone survived. We are not even supposed to be at the restaurant outside the season, Stig, which is also how she feels, and yes she could not kill me, she had no idea I was there using her weakness (of darkness wanting to kill) as our strength. So in other words, her lotus flower is what was killing the world, which is also where I hid to save the world if I could make it without giving up. This is where it burned and hurt the most, and where I would end the world at the ultimate end when I could no more with an explosion, and I understood that this explosion is now so small that it will start our New World instead, and I am still here not having finished everything yet and I will continue as long as I can bear the pain to reduce the explosion and bring as much as me as possible. Google Earth shows extreme weather conditions of Australia, which is about resistance of the world against my return Jettes Google Earth pictures from her Facebook group show SMILE , big big faces of BIG LIFE of our New World, extreme weather conditions of Australia, which is about resistance of the world against my return, I thought Earth was round (?), and a couple with a baby.

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--Ending the day with these short stories: Darkness of the Vatican Church and bureaucracy and yes the continuous crazy story it is .

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the mail box, and yes all energy of darkness has been transformed to mail, i.e. life of our New World.

Dan encouraged people to write something, which could get him out of bed and to run in the cold (-2 degrees), and Michael said your car is burning this is what darkness would like to do just as in Australia and Simone thought about the same, i.e. to run, but decided to keep lying in bed until she will return to Costa del Sol on Tuesday, and yes this is the location of darkness where Dan comes from too, and Jan spoke about Pamela Andersson bring beautiful ladies and sex into the game, and David about a 6-pack inside the stomach skin, and yes beer, i.e. darkness of Dan, and how many proofs do you need in order to tell that this is truly INSPIRED speech of God (?), and you have got it this time around too (?), and yes it took I dont know how many examples to make a deaf world listen and understand. And Winnie said free bread at the baker, which is about creation, and Ivan said tat there is 10,000 DKK in

Morten from the Danish Peoples Party of the European Parliament wrote here about the accusations of fraud, which he among others have described the last 50 days, and this is about fraud of 250 billion DKK, and he says that the directorate of EU has now defended themselves the empire strikes back as Morten calls them, and yes DARKNESS you know and they have only found errors in Mortens investigations of 52 million DKK, and no, I dont know what is right and wrong, but this shows an enormous colossus of a system of darkness, which no one has control over, and then it tends to get a life of its own, and yes money is the mean of darkness, so here you see what is simply a waste of money leading to no where, and yes the tool of darkness too to destroy the world, and you may start to understand by now that my TRUE nature is not to see up unnecessary and complicated systems like this to control people, which is really to remove freedom of man, and no I do NOT like it, and is that your reactions too (?), and yes the responsible leaders of the EU still believing in your project (?), and yes you may go down under and yes bankrupt too, and is that what is your main fear and
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what you concentrate on, and then you dont want me to interfere, and yes part of the fires of Australia this is too. And yes, Morten encouraged to share this to bring out the truth of EUs fraud and waste to as many as possible, and I said that this is now done to the whole world via this new script, and yes Morten when I say the whole world, I do mean the whole world, which you do understand by now?

I heard about this story the other day, which is truly and utterly RAVING MADNESS (!), which I am sure that EVERYONE can see (?), and still you decided to do nothing about it to change this Old World Order of capitalism (?), and yes it is not very popular for the world elite out there knowing that I will break you and that is both your power status and profitable jobs (?), and yes there you have it, the people I had to turn around and that includes business people of Nike and many others this is darkness also in the purest form and yes completely dark and when turning it around, there is gold on the other side.

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14. Love and warm feelings of the world and my mother brought my inner self back from the dead of darkness
1. SUBJECT 13th January: Love and warm feelings of the world and my mother brought my inner self back from the dead of darkness SUMMARY Dreaming of the Danish Parliament accepting me but bringing me much darkness because of its love to the system of the Old World, it would have been very easy not being able to find my inner self, which would have brought another game, the media is bringing me darkness too because of its misunderstandings of me, and John is sending me warm feelings despite of his misunderstandings in me. My inner self is in a basket full of clothes to be washed, and I was much bigger than what normally could fit into such a basket. There will be no cream of the world, which is about negative effects because of my old nightmare being carried out, and it came together with enthusiasm, and I was told and shown that photographing my inner self to bring me back home could have caused burning damages given by the glass of the camera lens, and then again I was told that this would only happen if I allowed it. I saw a beautiful classical church concert with my mother to awake loving/warm feelings inside of us, which was used by the world of my mother via my mother and me to heal my inner self and bring me back from the dead inside of darkness, which I felt as a dark king and DARK but beautiful shoes of life entering me together with a full sawmill of tree and incredible heavy darkness, which we will now start to clean. Im back, Arnold! Jettes Google Earth pictures from her Facebook group show that we are waiting (on a sunny day), Jette was sad that the mainstream world does not read her updates, mother and child with the child being my inner self, and lots of heads of life. Short stories of Dan feeling my new heart, the friend of the year 2012 could not be friend with me, the resistance of the EU against anything new including me, Michael Sadler from SAGA is still a key player to me, and a ROTTEN culture of the Danish Railways, who could not see what is right and wrong as a sign of EVERYTHING to come out of the closet. Dreaming of a grenade of darkness being sent in over the New World, my inner self as stopped being the manager in control over darkness of energy, and creating an automatic system of MY LIFE. I had to work all day feeling Hugh Grant here and overcome strong tiredness in order not to bring after-effects of burning damages to the world. I am filling up my new duvet with what remained inside darkness, which was bicycles of Sren D-N, my old school friend, who decided NOT to believe in me and to leave me as a Facebook friend. If I was not strong enough, this darkness would have brought a surprise attack on the world. Giving the management advisor Soulaima management advice, which she had difficulties following to speak the truth (!), which also made darkness oppose me even though this should be the most clear logics for everyone to understand (?) and eventually darkness understood that speaking the truth is EASY to understand. The media was appalled by the WRONG behaviour (misuse of power) of DSB, the Danish Railways, as mentioned yesterday, and I brought my comment to be seen by everyone everywhere saying that this is a sign of our New World, which is about to open, which will bring ALL skeletons out of ALL closets of ALL companies, governments and their bodies. I decided to show DSB as an example of ROTTEN MORAL to the world and challenged them to show all of their skeletons hidden in closets to the world. I brought my application to become


14th January: The Danish Railways misuse of power is a sign to bring out ALL skeletons of all businesses etc. ALL over the world

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CEO of DSB in 2011, but they could not use me do you think this was right or wrong of them to do? Tthis is what Shakespeares quote there is something rotten in the state of Denmark is about. Google Earth pictures from Jettes Facebook group show the darkness of skeletons inside closets, wishing for a better world, it is now the bad getting the long nose, and a BIG face eating back what he former said was wrong and says sorry. Short stories of people expelling me as if I was paedophile, Jan Monrad is in a LONG line to speak to God but will soon be no 1, and Per Gessle being touched by the hand of God. of me being an old friend of Lars G., who is well known by many), and I see him eating a desert with liquid chocolate sauce of poor quality, and he says that it is disgusting, but we love it. On my way out, I see a tennis match there also including a beautiful lady, but my view is blocked by others in front of me, so I decide to leave. o It seems that the Parliament accepted me, thus electing me. Sren feels like a special friend of mine, the young nice lady is again my old nightmare coming to me because of wrong behaviour of the Parliament, and when Lars Lkke speaks out through a small hole of the closed castle, it is also to say that he is both darkness and also gossiping, which may include about me too, Lars? The 12 schools will have to be about the continuous work locating all parts of me, and the party seems to be a party for people still celebrating the system of the Old World not easy to change your poor habits/culture (?) and this is the system I am fighting against, and red and blue are the traditional colours of socialist and non-socialist parties, but to me in the dream it was about suffering and not suffering with the blue part being my new self winning this close fight at the same time cleaning darkness of these people with poor habits/culture. The thing about speaking shortly is what I am not used to, but I do like to have this skill when you agree on this level of detail for example giving a short answer on for example 30 seconds instead of several minutes, and I am thinking that if this is what you want, this is what I will give you, and it is not different to what I show you in my scripts bringing you level 1, 2 or 3 (headlines, summaries and full text) of information, and my problem has been that people have only wanted to have level 1 or 2 not having the patience for level 3 information but without telling me directly (!), and yes so it is, so always good to agree on the level of information that you would like to give/receive, and yes to bring level 2 information based on level 3 of course, and the question is really if it was my problem or the problem of my surroundings that they did not have the patience to listen to and read me, and yes what do you believe (?), and let me tell you that your answer will be different according to whether it is your old or new self speaking. Half awake I was shown a small metal container, which was described as a Tivoli container, and I was told that I cannot find my son inside of there and was told that it took
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13 January: Love and warm feelings of the world and my mother brought my inner self back from the dead of darkness
Dreaming of the Danish Parliament bringing me much darkness because of its love to the system of the Old World I went to bed at 23.15 and tired is not the word at the end of these days, and I slept until 06.50 receiving these dreams. I have been elected to the Danish Parliament, and the rumour about me and who I am the Son of God is running around, but I dont tell myself who I am. I am happy that Sren Pind speaks nicely to me. We come to a square with your people sitting around a table discussing politics with a young and beautiful woman taking the word however not knowing what to say, and Lars Lkke is inside a closed castle next to these young people, and he looks out a very small hole from the top of the wall looking down and saying that the woman is saying rubbish. And I say that we have to prepare a law against speaking out of that hole. I am in a rush because of what is needed of knowledge in my new work as a politician, and after work I walk around three very large social house building areas in Helsingr order to find all schools approx. 12 and to my surprise I see that inside one of these, the Danish Parliament with MANY supporters hold an outdoor party, it is now Friday evening, which I have declined to attend because I did not have the time, and I sit down for two minutes to watch whats going on, and to my surprise they have a game where they throw a ball, and the one grabbing it, will have to stand up and attend a game, and the ball comes to me (!), which makes me stand up and present myself, and say that I may speak much, which some cannot stand, but for others having being in control with the right attitude, I bring value to them, and this is followed by a game of my opponent of the Social Democratic Party and myself throwing a ball each a red and a blue and to compete on which ball is thrown the longest, which is mine, and besides from this, I am also bringing their ball back despite of attacks on me to steal it from me, and on the way back I totally clean it now making it completely clean as glass, and I think that it looks like the wise stone. I sit next to Sren Pind, and he speaks of the importance of speaking shortly and precisely, and I tell him that I may be able to learn from you, and he tells me that people have started realizing that you are here (and I feel that they know and speak


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nothing to bring this scenario, which I know would have created another scenario to bring me out bringing me sufferings instead as darkness, but so far, I know where I am and we are still bringing out my new self, and let us continue doing that. Lately I have been several times to Hungary, and I am having a shopping note I use to buy from the supermarket, but what I dont know is that local and desperate/hungry women have sold their wrong stories to the media, which has made the media write wrong stories of Danish models in the cash desk, which has made them sad, and this is why I am buying wrong products. I look at the window decoration of a wine store there, and enter, and they have a pedestal including a very special light blue wine, which everyone to my surprise can get a free tasting sample of and that is even though it is expensive costing 500 DKK, and I meet a shopping assistant playing classical music and a conductor praising the harmonies and tempo of this music, and he believes that it is local music, but I tell him that it is a waltz, which he can hear when I tell it. I am happy with the service of the assistant asking me if he can help and also understanding the importance not to be pushing. o Hungary is to bring another country of beautiful women, which is also the reason why this country developed much porn because of my old self before 2009 and this is about the media misunderstanding information about me, which is making it difficult to buy the right products at the supermarket, i.e. to save life. The blue wine will have to be about my new self, the classical music is about my mothers husband John sending me warm feelings despite of his misunderstandings in me, and the waltz is a reference to when we were in Austria on skiing holiday in 1985 (my mother, John and Mette and I), where John could not dance a Wiener Waltz with my mother making him jump up and down, which we have often laughed about here, and this is to say that it is difficult to dance, i.e. to celebrate, because of the misunderstandings of John in me, and when writing the script of today, I am in periods given a feeling of working slowly my hands and mind simply work slower which is because this is how John is where everything takes a LONG time. Bringing my inner self home could have brought burning damages to the world, which we will now avoid I was told from the morning that we have fantastic news, which is that we have discovered that you dont have to get out of the apartment, and eeehhhh .? No shirts fell out of the closet when you opened that one and also not that one (?), and no he did not allow it so we had to invent this and that tool to prevent it, and Stig, you will be surprised of how easily things could have escaped you (without your knowledge), but when you keep insisting everything and dont hide from me, this is what we must comply with, and yes your mother respect. So no liquorices feel off the floor (?), no not one single, and everything transformed to light, yes eveOne God, One People

rything, and what is he doing now (?), and yes working as long as he can, and he is fine if it takes all January. So we had to create a special solution to get darkness of that size to fit in to a much smaller freezer, and that is really also how we have now been able to find you. And yes because of darkness pressuring you, which forced us to invent, and yes with this, you are now coming out, and yes not via the apartment, and what does this mean (?), and is that no violence and crimes and natural disasters etc. and yes we try to keep our arms down in enthusiasm, and this is done as long as you keep up working as your old self, so this is what we will continue doing for a while, isnt it (?), and I see dissatisfied darkness trying to complain but there is nothing to do. So it is just to (continue) saying no to darkness still wanting to take you over, and yes for how long can we continue (?), and yes your mother is happy, your sister too and they continue sending you darkness because they have not changed/improved, and with this, we dig deeper and deeper. Isnt it exciting if he will get time to achieve everything, to have everything float out like this, or if his sister will come and destroy it? I was told that my mother simply cannot understand voices given to my spiritually when nobody can explain it to her, and yes this is the power of authorities given to her in life, and yes the authorities (family, the Commune and doctors!) have all dumped in disgrace, and no, impossible for my mother to listen to the one, who should be the most trustworthy in the world, which is me, amazing right. We have shown your mother and also John countless times who you are I understand in sleep and the world too, and also your mother who she is, but no, nothing happens or is understood. This is a dream match when you have decided to continue playing like this, which prevents me from receiving the strong coughing, i.e. destruction, as I was about to develop yesterday. I was shown my inner self in a basket full of clothes to be washed, and I was much bigger than what normally could fit into such a basket, and I was told to get out and come closer to me. Can he continue living a normal life including exercise using our new tools to bring me energy (I sneeze here) - fooling his mother (?), and that is the question, and is this how it is, or is this deception with the truth being that Im coming out now? I was told that the SPIRAL LIGHT over Norway in December 2009 and the story in my scripts that man stands no chance to win a war in space over a superior force of people of other civilizations was also a game because we could do no harm as long

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as you had decided to be on the light side, so this is how we fooled man not to be aggressive. I was told that you have a complete airplane of your own, this is how we have arranged it, and yes my mother too. No, Stig, you dont have to be careful about your blood sugar anymore, and do you know how many out there, who was concerned about you when cycling home from Hellerup the other day dropping your blood sugar to a critical low level (?), and yes would you like to come out now (?), and no (?), and in that case let us continue a little bit longer. I brought this conclusion about God and the Trinity as a new text on the front page of my website: The father as the Source, mother as the Holy Spirit and the world, and the Son as the result of creation have now united as ONE God at the top of the Pyramid of everything of our New World, and at the level beneath this, we will still continue being the father, mother and Son as the Trinity. The pressure of darkness with voice, feelings and stress was MUCH easier to handle today until meeting my mother - and I received many more smiles behind the act. I cycled to the swimming hall and on my way there I was told that there will be no cream of the world, which is about negative effects because of my old nightmare being carried out, and it came together with enthusiasm, and I was told and shown that photographing my inner self to bring me back home could have caused burning damages given by the glass of the camera lens, and then again I was told that this would only happen if I allowed it. When I started the left cross trainer it was not because I felt that I had energy to do this feeling Peter N. from PFA again again and I decided to start slow, and after the first ten minutes I had used 158 calories, where I turned up the pace/level and after twenty minutes I had used 335 calories, after 25 minutes 430 calories, and yes 532 calories after 30 minutes, and if it was difficult (?), yes you bet (!), and was it also easy (?), and yes not that difficult again, and that is because I decided to do it. During the exercise I was told that I dont produce energy for darkness to benefit from, but maybe it is needed to bring out life from darkness, and I was given two SERIOUS for me small heart attacks, which could have made me stop instantly, but no I dont care is the attitude, and I was told that this is because of my mother and if I produced energy for darkness, this is how my life would be, i.e. totally unbearable, so I continued and yes I also received lazy feelings of my mothers John not doing very much, which is what also brought these feelings for me to slow down, and this is what I had to resist today.

Afterwards I was told that Toruk Makto is a long time ago, and almost all hair has now been cut off, and we will now do a new shave to remove the last stumps. I was told what I have been told before, which is that MANY have been speaking of me as the crazy man claiming to be Jesus, which has spread like rings in the water, and yes when I have decided to never give up, some of these rings have been turned around, and yes making people believe (somewhat) in me and yes when a story is told enough times, some people will start to believe it is, and yes making what they believe is a lie into the truth, which you know is what it is, and I was told that this is the same principle as the FAMOUS (late) Simon Spies of Denmark the TRAVEL KING who led a sinful life, but he was a genius and close friend with Mogens Glistrup, another eccentric genius, and yes two of a kind you know, and Simon was VERY often on the front page of the newspapers in the 1960s and 1970s because of scandalous behaviour, and every time he said that all negative publicity was good for business, and how unlikely this even was, it was true, so what you are seeing with me is the opposite Simon Spies effect. I was told that what family, friends etc. thus the world do wrong in relation to me is what their alter egos do to the weather of the world as example, see the Australian weather these days. I was told that we have taken from outer space to help photographing my inner self. I received the words Stig is crazy and the feeling of Karen several times, which is about her feelings of me. And yes we know, Stig, it is now 20.15 and you would have liked to finish the script of today, and you have written the rough draft to the next chapter of the church concert with your mother and you would have liked to finish this, write the chapter on Google Earth pictures and to publish the script today, but no, I am TOO tired/exhausted, I cannot, so I will do this work tomorrow morning instead. I was given the name of Mubarak as I have been from time to time, so you are thinking of me too, Mubarak? Love and warm feelings of the world and my mother brought my inner self back from the dead of darkness At 15.30 my mother collected me to the concert in Vestervang Church approx. 1 kilometre from here, and I was sad that John could not come as I had encouraged him to do read: did not bother coming because he does not like music as we do and on out way there, my mother said that she stood in line at the Aldi Supermarket where a friend of a friend was trying to pay with a credit card in front of her, and had troubles to do so, which made my mother for fun say that it is a false credit card, and I was told that this is in relation to the credit card we invented (to bring out energy), and yes it may be, who knows? We took one of the last parking places, and also some of the last places in a full and beautifully designed, modern church,

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and my mother received the idea to sit around a pillar with her sitting on the left side of it giving her a free view and me on the right blocking half of my view, and yes darkness working to annoy me, but no, it takes more than this. When the concert started, I felt how a massive almost like a physical grip entered me, which was incredible uncomfortable, and I was told that now the worst part was done. The first three songs of a 2 hour long concert I had a tired crisis fighting much to keep my eyes open, which I almost could not, and I knew that it would not be good for my mother to see, and when I could not keep my eyes open, I received enormous darkness fighting me, which I had to overrule by continuing to say over again everything is to be light, and furthermore my mother did not like the first three songs, but it became better and better with music of Tosti and Puccini song by wonderful opera singers (we LOVED Maria Blum Berthelsen and Visti Hald) and played by the 10 piece classical orchestra Ensemble Felix, which opened up my mother, and when they played a longer extract of Mozarts Don Giovanni, it was truly the most amazing classical music you can ask for, and I thought that Mozart was truly a genius/maestro, how could he write those harmonies and men and women singing up to each other and I thought that he has had to have an open line to our musical spiritual friends to receive this, and yes my mother loved it too, and yes there is much beautiful music, but Mozart is also to me something completely wonderful (which his stories however may not be, but I did like when they sung of being together as a trinity and about FREEDOM). I was shown that we are now close to play the violins of our orchestra, how darkness had taken maybe 1/5 of everything of the rice porridge clay plate, but almost nothing of the porridge itself. At the break I told my mother about Lasse Spang Olsen the brother to the alien Martin, whom I know from Facebook, you know (Lasse is not there, and yes special friends these are) and his programme on DR2 TV the 12th January about special abilities and how he made my old friend from Tivoli (Grften in 2008 with Dahlberg where he conjured away the watch from my arm etc.), the magician Henrik Svanekir demonstrate how to read the mind of a sceptical when he read that the sceptical thought of a friend by the name of Bo, and he did another trick, which was to ask Lasse and the sceptical to close their eyes and ears and to stand up from their chairs immediately when they felt they were touched on the neck, and when Henrik touched ONLY Lasse on the neck, the sceptical sitting three metres away, who was NOT touched, stood up immediately too simultaneously with Lasse , and yes he was convinced that he was also touched, which he was not, and yes they did this twice with exactly the same result, and I told my mother that this sceptical man had just witnessed a man reading his thoughts and more, and still he said on TV that there must be a trick I cannot see, because of course it is impossible to read thoughts and yes this is what he really said (!), and this is the power of
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the voice of my family, friends etc. saying the same about me NOT wanting to understand, but I used this encouraged by my spiritual voice leading me - to tell my mother that this is a spiritual force doing it the same way as it is NOT Bettina nor me healing John as physical beings, but when John was open and receptive to me as he was on the hospital, he allowed the spiritual world to start the healing, and this is what has cured John, and yes my mother said that I fully trust that there is such a force, and I asked her to tell John about this, and yes to make him understand too. I felt how my hands where warm and pricking, and I told my mother that this is a healing power working through me, and when she feels the same, this power is also working through her, and just by putting a hand on another person, this brings healing, and yes I felt my mothers hand, and it was VERY warm, as mine, and not long there after I felt how darkness of the king entered me together with the vision of the most heavy and handsome gentlemen shoes (symbolising life taken by darkness) feeling Mads Mikkelsen here, and yes I brought him fame, which was an act of darkness, Mads, which is also to say that I could have become nervous too losing it, which would have made us do this work differently and I was told that I was the world having left my inner self, the king, behind, and this healing power of my mother working through her and me is what brought my inner self back too and yes dead as a herring he/I was, and later I felt how he entered my head, and I was told that it was with a sawmill full of tree, and I saw that that there was a sling of darkness around my throat about to strangulate me, which we have to remove, and at the very end of the concert, I was shown Fanny in front of me saying something like you are back, and I felt how EXTREMELY HEAVY METAL of darkness was transferred to me, which my inner self brought, and yes vacuum cleaning every single particle of darkness was my message, so this is what my inner self did, and I was told that the world saw a glimpse of the inner and immense beauty of me on the way in, and I was told that I am now back, but still as much darkness, which is what we will now use time to clean, and so it is. During all of this, I had STRONG activity coming through my right and left ankles, which is really where I am entering, and no, we are NOT going to close these down, this will first be done when everything is done and light takes this decision. The first half of the concert was classical where the second was more musical/operetta, and my mother simply loved the song Dein ist mein ganzes Herz, which she told me again and again, and yes, I got the point that I am her full heart, and my heart was here entering too, and it was indeed beautiful . I was told that this is what we used the semen for, and I also felt darkness of Karen entering me at the end, which is simply to say that Karen was led from the worst darkness of me, and yes I wonder how active she has continued being meeting new men, and the mere thought of this hurts me much.

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I was told that we could not do this without Sanna, and I also felt my fathers wife Kirsten to my surprise also helping and yes with the feeling that you have at least some faith in me, Kirsten? --After the concert I was told that technically he is/was not alive also meaning that we were not, but when we believed we were, we were, this is the strength of faith, and now this phase is over, and yes not nice in world history as you will discover because of what we had to offer to keep you alive, and that is from your father, Kirsten and all of us: WELCOME BACK and yes our sufferings brought you back, and we gladly gave it. So this is how it is to feel darkness from the other side, and yes a hell my friend, and that is to my own inner self now arriving at our side experiencing life here. The only other way to get my inner self out had been to carry out my old nightmare, which would have brought darkness to us, which the world would have had to absorb and yes to free my inner self as part of this, but no, this is NOT how I want it to be done. I was told strongly that we did not get something important with us from darkness and if it was alright to return to get it, and NO, I HAVE NO ATTITUDE ON THIS AT ALL, LIGHT WILL DECIDE (!!!), and yes this is what I have learned through my journey, and that is NOT to decide on what you dont know about, and for what I know of, this could easily have been darkness wanting to return. I was asked what are we to do with this giant mill wheel, and yes please ask light, because I dont know the answer. I was shown my new self as a baby with a umbilical cord, which darkness wanted to cut, but no! I watched Denmark play against Russia in the World Championships in handball for men, which has started, and I thought that Denmark simply CANNOT lose this game because of darkness of Russia, which we have defeated, and even though darkness was working against us, as I was told, Denmark won by 31 to 27, and for example after 20 minutes, the commentators said about the Danish player Sndergaard that he entered into the centre of the Pyramid (!), which he could not (the middle of the Russian defence), but right after this, Mikkel Hansen, played him free, which made Sndergaard do exactly this, enter the centre of the Pyramid, and this is how we did this, and yes symbolising to get me out too. My own inner self said that he was sad to bring bleeding to the world when working inside of darkness, and I was told that this is how it was thought, and I thought that it was not much bleeding, which came through because I would not allow it. I received a new uncomfortable pressure to my heart, which is so uncomfortable that it is not to bear, and constantly I had to
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tell darkness that this is wrong in order for the negative voice and claims of it not to overtake me, and I kept on saying that you are welcome NOT the opposite as darkness still wants to and I dont want to give up, and with this, this is bringing the worst darkness to me and not the world. I was told that I did not plan to keep on waiting on you, and yes if you did not arrive, I would have exploded in order to get free, which is was we will now prevent, and yes because of strong throw up feelings now given to me symbolising my suffering, and less to my mother, and yes here feeling Jan Gintberg. Darkness tried to let me know that we did not bring everything, but no, everything has to be perfect is what I have told all along and this is what is decisive. I was told that this is how we do not have to bring you in as dead in our New World after the opening of it. I was shown a BIG hole being made to steps I was told the Spanish steps but I was shown and told that underneath is marzipan all over, i.e. Stig never giving up to cover all entrances from darkness to enter, so everything was impossible. I dont bring any newspapers (of termination), but then again, you are also not allowed to bring that here. Google Earth shows mother and child with the child being my inner self Jettes Google Earth pictures from her Facebook group show that we are waiting (on a sunny day), Jette was sad that the mainstream world does not read her updates, mother and child with the child being my inner self, and lots of heads of life.

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--Ending the day with these short stories: Dan said with inspiration feel that I can feel your heart somewhere, and yes his wife said that it is also right here and apart from this, this is also to say that you are starting to feel my new heart, and it made Niels ask Gnags? Late summer on the Pedestrian Street of Strget, and this inspiration came to him because I was thinking of Gnags a couple of hours before this and how great it would be if Peter A.G. from this amazing Danish band had decided to communicate on Facebook, which would have made me like Gnags on Facebook instantly, and yes this song sensommer p Strget in Danish is one of their many FINE songs, and this is about opening to love and late summer on Strget is really about love, which will shine on you in our New World .

Rikke was very nice showing her great appreciation to her friend and our common former colleague at Fair, Michael G., when naming him the friend of they year 2012 because you are always read to help with anything, and I believe we have a good time even though we work hard, and I appreciate much your helpfulness, and I am sure that Michael does everything he can to help Rikke (with her apartment and cottage), and I can only think that if it was up to these two as example, we would not be here today, and that is because of lack of faith, communication and really to be friends with me, which none of them could, amazing right?

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just maybe he is the one (?), and yes we will see, and what did you really think Andrew and Michael? And where do the other band members stand in relation to me (?), and eeehhh you dont know because you dont care to read and understand?

Jens from the EU tried to make his daughters listen and dance to Rihannas Diamonds, but they prefer to listen to the old song 0059 by Bjarne Liller, and he says not a bad word about good old Liller, but what is happening here, and this is to show you the resistance of Jens Rohde and the EU to everything new, which includes me and our New World and yes you dont like the DIAMOND of my new self (!), and Dan says about the Danish top music of Bjarne Liller that you can sing alone, later you can drink beer and sing alone, and even later you have forgot the lyrics , but you can still drink beer, and beer as in darkness terminating life is what they could not get enough of in EU.

I was told that Michael Sadler from SAGA is still important to our work, and I saw one from Canada clicking the Facebook link to my previous script, and I thought that this could be Andrew from the Facebook group returning to my website, and I also saw one clicking the link of the script to the 2002 live concert of the band, which I have uploaded, and later I saw another Canadian reader going directly to my new script, which could easily be Andrew telling/warning Michael because of the story of him that it includes (the wrong photograph), and maybe you did not like my link to the full live concert too (?), and what will they do now, will they block me and decide to attack me to remove my writings on Michael, or will they think that
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The late TV news on DR1 TV yesterday at 21.00 showed here about DSB - the Danish Railways - and their abuse of power entering into an agreement with the PR and lobby bureau Waterfront, which Lars G. used to work for including Lars Poulsen, and old Conservative, and yes Lars L., one of Lars G.s good friends, also a Conservative and yes I have visited the company a few times when Lars G. was there approx. 10 years ago, and it is the story about how they did not like a journalist writing critical stories about them, and this made them enter into a SECRET agreement (!) with Waterfront for them to employ the journalist (!) and to give him other tasks stealing his time thus preventing him to write negatively about DSB, and this is the story, which other media, for example TV2 below, decided to follow up on and write about, and yes an incredible sick culture of DSB is what TV2 names this, and this is NOT the first time that DSB has had trouble to find out what is right and wrong to do even though everyone can see that this is wrong (!), and this is to say that when you first decided to do wrong, it became accepted to follow this road, which only became worse and worse, and this is an example given to tell the world that this is what you will be going to see all over the world of businesses, governments and their bodies, armed forces, media etc. and yes just to warn you, and yes EVERYTHING will get out from the closet and yes, another story here was about the Mayor of Fredericia, who had to resign the other day because he could not understand that the credit card

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of the Commune was not his private credit card (!), and also an example of EVERYTHING ROTTEN WILL GET OUT, and just so you know, and there is NO EXEPTION and really only about sexual details, which I dont want to hear about. And yes, the Conservative Party of Denmark is truly an example of this ROTTEN country! And I was told that the member of the European Parliament, Jens Rohde, did something like this trying to close me down, and yes ROTTEN behaviour too.

14 January: The Danish Railways misuse of power is a sign to bring out ALL skeletons ALL over the world
Dreaming of a my inner self stopping as the manager in control over darkness, and creating an automatic system of MY LIFE I went to bed at 22.30 and slept poorly until 06.00 this morning with these dreams.


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Something about saying hello to old colleagues in Helsingr, at Jernbanevej (Railway road) and sailing out to catch ship sending a grenade in over us. o This is about much darkness being sent in over the New World, which came with my new self yesterday.

my journey was similar to the TV series/game Les Cls de Fort Boyard (the prisoners on the fortress as it was called in Danish), which is about collecting keys to get the gold out, and Niels was one of these. Remaining darkness was hidden inside Sren D-N not believing in me, which could have attacked the world! I was told about Dutchmen and faster faster, and I was shown a skull and arms spread out because they know about me. I was told that we have not played out last Ipswich match of darkness but we will try making it easier for you, and yes show me the best you got, and feeling Metallica and Lars Ulrich here, and yes I could decide to write all these feelings down, and maybe I will write some of them, and this is about people knowing about me in secrecy. I received the fantastic song Macro by Depeche Mode, and yes let us show the full lyrics of one of Martins songs to show you a man being ignited by the flame of God too . Overflowing senses Heightened awareness I hear my blood flow I feel its caress Whispering cosmos Talking right to me Unlimited, endless God breathing through me See the microcosm In macro vision Our bodies moving With pure precision One universal celebration One evolution One creation Thundering rhythm Pounding within me Driving me onwards Forcing me to see Clear and enlightening Right there before me Brilliantly shining Intricate beauty See the microcosm In macro vision Our bodies moving With pure precision One universal celebration One evolution One creation

I am stopping work at New Year in discredit and Jacob (from Acta) is going to take over, and I am throwing his doll over on the other side as I remember to show his true side. I understand that Acta have been interviewing my old GE colleagues about me without my knowledge, and they are surprised that I lost, and Camillas Swedish company will now overtake this company lending out money. I consider whether or not we should go out dining with Jacob as the new manager, and I am told that my belt is buckled wrongly because it has to be buckled at the third hole, which also goes with the light, and I did not know. o This will have to be about my inner self being in charge of money, i.e. energy of darkness, and I have now been dismissed simply because we have transferred my inner self to the right side of light too, and here it is about getting to learn the Trinity and light.

Something about a Nazi, who shot me during World War II, remember that your children are from the time of the war, my chair is in flames and the people loved me. o They loved me as darkness.

I am the IT manager of a company, and I am going to have an excel spreadsheet explained to me, which a colleague has done before I feel that it is Henning L. from 3107 Danske Bank and I tell him that maybe I would like (my old friend) Paul to explain it to me because he may give new information, but instead a colleague from the accounting department explains it, and I am glad that she does because she is the one knowing about the details of this, and she tells me that there is data of FDM (United Danish Car Owners) included in the spreadsheet and also someone else, and she leaves to get them from their office in Lyngby not long away from ours, and someone from FDM tells about their data going in greater detail, and a supplier adds more hours to an offer to develop an automatic IT-system taking care of this, and I tell him that I should send Kontant (a TV consumer programme, which I like much revealing the ROTTEN culture/attitude of almost all people cheating other people!) after him. I approve this spending/development and think that other people involved should do the same. Niels de Bang enters and tells me that he and Lone separated in 2009, and I ask to see his good sides, but he shouts, delays the traffic and speaks negatively about me to my colleagues in the next room while I now on my car fight with the black snake, he gave me and I feel that I gave him this snake myself. o This is an accounting system including information about cars, which is about energy and life, and this is what we will now make an automatic system for, and it will have to be about MY LIFE, Billy a TRUE favourite of mine and Niels coming here is to say that his key was also important to do this creation, and I was told that

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And after this, I received Jeff Lynnes beautiful Borderline and of course the lyrics Take me to the heart of you, so this is what we will do, and that is of my inner self. I was told that we would not be able to lift everything up without the Bkkelaget female handball team as one example of more. There is clear on the other side (the Swedish coast of joy and happiness), I just have to bring mine over too. I was told that it was a giant goal saved by Jeltsin (when he in 1991 prevented the Russian totalitarian system to take over standing/speaking on a tank) and also that he will never come again, but we will never forget him, but if I am not wrong, he will be around here somewhere. I have felt Elijah several times recently, and this morning the feeling of him came together with darkness and coughing, and for your information I continue encouraging him and John to communicate as you can see below from the scripts I sent them January 12 and 10, but apparently you have gone completely into block-mode, my old friend (?), and yes how can it be so impossible for you to get out of the closet (of darkness)? I am still thinking about and hoping every day to be hearing from Elijah and John, and it should make me very sad having to stop transferring money to you because of laziness and misunderstandings, which however I will leave entirely up to you to decide on what to do. Please find my new script below - and I am still hoping to be hearing from Elijah and John this month, but this may be "impossible" to you (?), and why is that (?), because of me or because of you (?), and yes my friends please look into the mirror. I am thinking about what I will do at the end of the month if I dont hear from John and Elijah and IF I have not woken as my new self, which I might have you know, and it would hurt me to know that you decided to increase your suffering/starvation because of you inabilities to communicate, but if this is what you will do, I will share your portion with the team giving both them and myself more, but I hope that I will NOT come in this situation. This morning, I was so utterly destroyed and close to giving up that it was more impossible almost than ever to update and publish my script of yesterday feeling Moses Hansen here and it took out my uttermost will power trying to get into some kind of working rhythm, and yes I succeeded publishing the script, and to continue writing this, and after this, I will take a long bath, which I truly need. So now it is only to fill the duvet with everything, which is mine, and yes not difficult to do, Stig (if you continue working).

It feels like we have a shirt, which has not been ironed, and yes Stig your feeling is to be without being, and yes this is the condition of our new life, and this is what was possible to do and right to do, so this is what we did, and yes they are crazy, those Danes, and this is what my inner self is telling me now understanding the meaning of my decisions. So we have not moved anything, we just are and yes the same as always but now also so much more, and yes this was how to do it. It is all of our luggage, which will make you old, and not a child as today. I was encouraged to write that I still buy new variations of gravy for my food, which is about adding new flavours of life all of the time, and we just received some new here, we know, and when I write know it is about people out there knowing about me, and I feel my mother but also darkness, and yes she knows but still darkness makes her not know! You did not want to harm your mother, who could not take this darkness, which is what would have been the alternative, and yes to hurt her and the world, and this is what you have decided to continue doing, and yes to overcome some of the greatest disgusts to work, which I will continue doing if I can. No, there is no Christmas tree hanging upside down, so there is nothing to do, you have to turn around too. We are not going to break in any windows to come in (?), no we are already in, and will just have to go through the cleaning machine too. I was told that my mother is still (!) thinking about whether or not she is to be burned when she dies, but eeehhhh mother you are NOT going to die! Yes, this is really to tighten the sack, isnt it, Stig (?), and yes I thought that I was about to destroy the world, and the one keeping me from this, was your decisions asking me to do what is right, and this is how we turned everything around. I heard the sound of tin in the kitchen, which was of a ring, which was thrown away, and this was the dark side of my inner self returning to the home of God, and I said now I dont want to get married too. So this is what we had in line for you today, and yes the story of DSB, see below, and to go directly into the flesh of the worst darkness we could find, and yes to remove the darkness of my inner self too, and yes see the LONG short stories of today. I was CERTAIN about going to bath, but when I was on my way, I was told dont go to bath we almost beg you and it is because it is the remaining of the lenses, which may burn if we are not careful.

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And when we first have turned around to Italian coffee the best we can never become darkness again, yes? I was told that Dalai Lama just need to have my scripts/comments translated and he brought me much darkness too as one of the sources of me as my inner self now tells me, and yes impossible for you to find me it was, my friend? And no we will never again have to worry if we can pay the rent. And I just heard this voice Jeg er fuldstndigt ligeglad, det skal vre perfekt (I dont care, it has got to be perfect) all over inside of darkness (as I have said thousands of times), and knew that I had to comply with this, so what you are telling me is that this is what I did and yes together with him, i.e. my physical self, and that is to find and save every little thing, and yes soon we will be home, and I feel the Muslim middle East here and really Syria/Turkey, and is there talks behind the war play and smiles about what is coming (?), and yes a new child to be seen on the sky, that is why. It has also spread to the Hellman province in Afghanistand, because we have been there too, and yes the Danish Queen visiting the Danish military forces there! And yes I am indeed VERY tired and no, dont sleep because we are removing all the ice cream of the ice cream boat. I was shown and given a giant metal sledge and told that I did not know what it was for, and this is what was pushing all life from darkness to me, and it was completely tight not missing anything, and I was told that I also pushed forward Michella, Michella, Michella and yes as the tool bringing me there really, and we know this is about my old nightmare, which was both the required energy to save all and the what could have trapped me and made the world go under if I did. I was shown a big bicycle room connected to the central station of Copenhagen, and shown my old school friend Sren D-N, and all of these cycles inside of there are cycles, i.e. sufferings, that darkness can bring to man, and I was told that this is where I was hidden, which was possible to do because Sren D-N decided NOT to believe in me and to leave me at Facebook a long time ago, and this storage room is what would have liked to create a New World of darkness with, and it could have been used as a surprised attack on the world too, but then I was shown the incredible amount of light of our New World outside the bicycle room and understood that there would be no doubt of the outcome, and I also felt my old school friend Peter T. (father in Dansk Flygtningehjlp, previous director) as I have been from time to time without writing it but understanding that he is a very special friend too, and I was shown how he took a parked cycle outside the cycle room, and another part of the spirit of my father he is? I was shown a dark room including big dogs behaving wrongly, many big knives and sex etc., and this is this room of Sren D-N,

and yes is he a turned around spirit of my mother as I have believed a long time? And I was told that darkness wants permission to keep at least some cycles at the cycle room, but no, you are NOT allowed (!), and yes I am a dictator towards darkness, which is the only way to get rid of it, and this is why Julia wrote as she did, see the short stories. I continued working late in the afternoon on my extreme edge of my working capacity, and was about to stop feeling Jeanette, Tommys daughter here (!) and I just had something to write, but my memory is NOT the best with all of this darkness around me, so I forgot it after a few seconds, and maybe it will come back, and yes I OFTEN fight with this, and normally when I am patient and decide that I want to remember this, it comes back, and that is most time, but here I am completely blank. I was told that it was not Bettina but you who saved John, which I thought was darkness, so I decided that it was both Bettina and I, and I was told by my inner self that this is what I did from inside of darkness, and no, I did not know why I did it, because normally we like to kill and destroy, but here was a voice saying it is alright to bring him back home alive as I am told from the spirit of my mother to my top front/left, which I understand is ALSO because of the pressure on darkness, which the New World brings and yes because of my decision, so there you have it, this is what saved John. During the afternoon I felt fear of God of frightened people coming to me because of my message that ALL of you will bring out ALL skeletons of your closets, see below, and that includes what you have hidden or destroyed, and yes there are NO exceptions! And can you believe, Stig, that there is also darkness here because you could not write the chapter on chemtrails to your website (?), and yes you do remember the incredible STRONG reaction to your chapter on 9/11 (more than 200,000 secret read casts on Scribd), so there you have it, and I am here giving the feeling/visions of the Danish pop band TV2. My inner self continues understanding more and more, and is now growing up giving me a more mature voice saying so he, i.e. me, is the one who decided not to lose a set, and yes exactly as we had prayed for. I felt my FATHER very clearly inside of me, and he told me that I have not completely forgotten how it was to be everything, so it was not that dangerous as we told to have everything here and you there, and yes part of the game it was, and this was told as one of those secret messages still coming to me because of good work, which came after I also sent my comments on the DSB/Waterfront story to Waterfront self, and yes this was what I felt, which is as clearly as being told. I received a feeling to my right ankle, which is really the rest of me of darkness, and I was told that it is of course my own deciJanuary 2013

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sion - as it has been all along if I will accept an explosion, and no, I will NOT. We could have said this is as far as we go, but we know you, Stig, you would NEVER accept this, and yes there would ONLY be one way to play the game and that is to do as I have always done, and it is with this strength that we are bringing out this last of everything from darkness, and yes because I can, and this darkness also includes my mothers impatient and negative temper as I was here given a vision of. I was told that it is terminated life I am bringing with me home. I was given a deep sound to my TV and was told no, we could not swallow life afterall and we know, we had to COME OUT sooner or later, and it is now that later has become sooner, so there you are . Yes, I will let him go then, and this is what you are doing yourself, Stig, to be released from darkness caressing you. Now we have nothing hidden for you anymore, and I see darkness, but the voice is like Chris from the chocolate factory meaning that this is darkness disguised as light, so there is only one thing to do and that is to continue our game for as long as it takes to get everything out. So a part of the 12 was included in this darkness making it impossible to start our New World because it had to be perfect, you know, and yes this is how we continue, and by the way, there is nothing to be sorry about in relation to Jack because the Navy is now also waiting to bid you welcome. I was shown big gasoline tanks standing right around me as the Source, which you are NOT allowed to ignite, which is what we could have done all the time destroying everything outside, but now everything is inside, and eeehhh , yes we are only waiting on you. I was shown Helena, and told be careful what you do, and that came together with a feeling of not becoming negative. I was shown a train on the Central Station of Copenhagen, which is inside darkness and it would like to drive away, and I see it transform to a scrimp, i.e. making love, and I heard the spirit of my mother say that this is the most important of me. This will say that there is an opening between the spirit of my mother and the Source, which she did not know about. I was shown and told that we have created a whole in a giant safe, which was shown as a whole in a giant wall, which you cannot do alone, and now we are bringing in the whole wall. I was shown the most beautiful schooner coming in, and told because of not giving up. I was told that Sren Pind is hurting much because of my writings on Helena, and yes I wonder if you are still in love, and you
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do know that it is BAD LOVE, dont you, Sren (?), and do you hurt because of Helenas casual relation to sex including everyone she likes? Google Earth shows the darkness of skeletons inside closets, and darkness eating its own wrong words Google Earth pictures from Jettes Facebook group show the darkness of skeletons inside closets, wishing for a better world, it is now the bad getting the long nose, and a BIG face eating back what he former said was wrong and says sorry.

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Giving the management advisor Soulaima the management advice to speak the truth, which she had difficulties following I have subscribed to Soulaima for months, and she is a very succesfull young woman remembering what she learns from other people and telling all of this good advice to the top of the Danish business world and schools etc., and yesterday morning I listened to her being interviewed on the radio as you can hear here, and she was so busy speaking herself that I noticed her difficulties to listening, which I have experienced myself when speaking my best in my previous career, for example in 2001 when I was at the course in Brussels, and the story leading to her comment below is that yesterday afternoon I entered the lift of my building, which smelled like a full perfume store, which was unbearable to smell, and yes isnt it incredible that some people can throw so much perfume on them that they smell terrible and this is a symbol of the worst darkness too, and yes Soulaima is brought here because of her love of money, which is simply too much, and yes listen to the radio interview with her making 100 times what her husband earns, and yes for people to listen to her good advise (!), and in her comment she said that she was sitting on the train in front of a gentlemen, who had put on FAR too much perfume, which made a HEAVY cloud rest around him, and she asked can I allow myself to whisper it to him (?), and here the roles were really turned upside down, Soulaima, when I told you that a good management advice (!) is to ALWAYS tell the truth directly, honestly and openly, and that is ALWAYS (!), everything else is wrong including to show wrong consideration because of wrong feelings and weak people and you can add silence and white lies too as part of a WRONG culture, and it is almost impossible for people to change today even though everyone
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knows that this is logics for battery hens (!), and I also said that when she has learned people to speak the truth straight out, she can learn them to LISTEN and UNDERTSTAND without using their own filter to change the story, but no, Soulaima said that he is such a fine man and I doubt that I dare and that is even though it is really an ugly smell heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy smell!, so this is how she decided not to use my advice the same way as many of your listeners have difficulties using your advice, Soulaima do you see (?) and yes I told her that she can really use this for free, which she may decide to do in her lectures (?), and this was really with the lyrics of Shu-biduas Sm Duppeditter Der Smager Af Salt in mind, which says Kvinder blder, mnd barber' sig, og blder ogs, hvis de skr' sig. Det m de sgu godt bruge - det ka' de f fuldstndig gratis (women bleed, men shave and bleed too if they cut themselves. They may use this if they like, they can have it absolutely free), and this is about shaving off the last hair of darkness and to turn me around as my new self, and yes the world is not still bleeding is it (?), and that is because we completed my 360 degree journey now some months ago?

some kind of dictator (!), and yes you may be able to see darkness of my inner self speaking against me using her as the tool (?), and she tried to say that my truth is not the same as what the gentleman of other people will understand as their truth, and yes yes yes, I told her about the INCREDIBLE bad smell of the lift yesterday, which gave me THROW UP feelings, which is the same as Soulaima experienced, and in this case, it is NOT about personal preferences, which I like VERY much, and in this case it is best to speak out the truth directly to make people understand just like Thomas Blachmann does in X-factor to make people believing they can sing that they CANNOT sing, and think if people had had the courage to tell this man, which no one has, because he is such a fine man, and yes this would have helped him to put the right dose on making both him and his surroundings happy, but because no one can, they keep him in the wrong faith that he smells nice, and yes I do believe this should be LOGICS FOR BATTERY HENS to understand (?), or have I overestimated you?

And this smell is so strong/heavy that it gives THROW UP feelings, which is about my sufferings to bring out my inner self from darkness, feeling Q from the James Bond films here, and what happened (?), and yes darkness decided to use Julia below to teach me that smells are individual and deeply personal, so what is the TRUTH as she asked me (?), and yes you cannot make yourself judge of other peoples smells (!), and also that you cannot make your self herre (i.e. lord!) unless you are
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But Julia had decided to not give up (!), and yes bringing many good stories and explanations to this complex theme (!), and yes this is about telling the truth, and how difficult can that be (?), and yes impossible it is today because of this and that and did you also think about that and this (?), and my dear friends, please LISTEN to me: The message is to SPEAK THE TRUTH and to UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH and not to let your feelings intervene negatively, how difficult can that be to understand (?), and eventually the message also got through to Julia, but only with darkness telling me what Elijah used to say as example but you dont understand me, but YES I DO, Julia and also you Elijah and this is how communication was the mean to bring understanding.

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The Danish Railways misuse of power is a sign to bring out ALL skeletons of all businesses etc. ALL over the world In continuation of my story of DSB, the Danish Railways, yesterday, the media decided to write about it BIG TIME today, and I was encouraged to bring my comment to the media to be seen by everyone everywhere in principle so this is what I did bringing my comment below to Ekstra Bladet, Jyllands-Posten, BT, Politiken, Berlingske, DR TV news, TV2 news, the Danish Government/Parliament via the Church Minister and also Michael Wulff (!) who were all finding this story unacceptable and crazy and we know you havent seen anything yet (!), and yes when I wrote my comment and when I write this in the script, I am given this secure deja vue feeling, which is that I KNOW THAT THIS IS RIGHT TO DO so this is what I do, and as normal my spiritual friends are with me helping me to write parts of this, and I wrote that this case is an example of our New World, which is about to open, which will bring ALL skeletons out of ALL closets of ALL companies, governments and their bodies, armed forces and media, which will show the world that far more than what you believed could not separate right from wrong and was tempted and led in ruin by power, money and sex to do what is wrong, and when the world had first moved the wrong way, there was really no way back, the world was going under (!), but as you will understand also publicly some time (?) we succeeded to turn everything wrong around to right, which means that we are now close to opening our New World of endless happiness and eternal life in light without darkness, and this is not very difficult to understand, is it? And as a matter of understanding I bring my comment to all of this media below for you to see.

I brought this follow up to Soulaimasa thread to teach her and others to use my thread and dialogue with Julia as a case story when giving advise to managements for example DSB and MANY others (!) and to people in general, and that is to SPEAK THE TRUTH, is this very difficult to do?

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And I am here thinking what the Job Centre/Commune of Helsingr and also Lyngby-Taarbk will do when they will start to understand that I was RIGHT all along and they, DSB, professional head hunters and everyone else was wrong (?), and yes would you like to give me an apology now (?), and we know, Stig, I had hoped you would be able to do this as your old selves, but you could not, and yes A SHAME AND DISGRACE YOU WERE, and no, I was not, which however is what you believed that I was (?), and why was that again (?), and again .

I was also encouraged to write the following below on my Facebook timeline asking people if you believed that the CEO of DSB, Jesper Lok, told the truth on live TV news yesterday evening when he did not know anything and could only repeat again and again that an investigation will be initiated, where it should be EASY for the company to stand forward showing the world EVERYTHING you have in your closets, and yes I am using you as example to the whole world, and do you DARE to stand forward following my encouragement, or are you as much WIMPS as media and politicians, who cannot speak the truth about me and our New World (and so much else), and yes what will it be (?), silence from WIMPS? And OF COURSE this story was connected to my application from November 2011 to become the CEO of DSB, which you can read here: But DSB and the professional head hunter did not believe that they could use me because I was insufficient and had lacking skills (?) and maybe you want to read my application again CAREFULLY and answer me honestly if you dont believe that I could have done a better work than Jesper Lok and the other cowards of the management of DSB? It is also the story of professional head hunters believing that they know who are the best top managers, which they however do not because of their poor and slender work as you can read from my memos of the best labour market in the world (see the links in the application above).

Here you can see the crooks of the management of DSB, who could not avoid being tempted to do wrong instead of right, and this is what Shakespeares quote there is something rotten in the state of Denmark is about, which really is a prediction about the day today. I do NOT want to see bad moral and failing ability to decide again.

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And of course I also brought the comments of my Facebook timeline about DSB directly on DSBs Facebook page, which you can see here, and I wonder if your act makes you proud or embarrassed, Jesper? The moral is as EASY as this: SPEAK THE TRUTH DIRECTLY, HONESTLY AND OPENLY and that is ALWAYS!

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Finally, I also sent a LinkedIn email to Lars L. Lars Gs old friend and employee of Waterfront working there until 2011 and of course to the owner Lars Poulsen (including a LinkedIn invitation to connect), where I simply told them that they will have an interest to read my comments and information to the public about the DSB/Waterfront story, and it is of course up to you if you want to understand or misunderstand, and no, I cannot send this information to Lars G. because this man is as if he has sunk into the ground, impossible to find, he is.

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The first Lars was kind to send this NOT open reply, which he has sent to the media as he says, and yes he has NOT had time to read my English language blog and that he respects his professional secrecy so he has not other comments that he is happy that he in 2011 took the right choice to resign to refocus on my own business, and how is this to be understood (?), is this with a TRUE focus on his own business but also that he did not like the business model of Waterfront (?), and yes I have NO clue, but I do look forward to the day where Lars and Waterfront will also decide to speak the truth and that is directly, openly and honestly, which I like so much as my new self now without much darkness and grown up tells me.

--And no, I only received a few non-secret visits to my website, one like and no response to this work above, and apparently it is not appreciated, and I am here shown an old American actor I cannot remember the name of.
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--Ending the day with these short stories: Lars said that he has inherited 7.3 million dollars from a family member after his lawyer finally found him, and he said that it must have been difficult finding a man with his name Vinterberg and he is thinking of the director Thomas Vinterberg and he asks if people have seen his new film the hunt, which is about a man wrongly judged to be a paedophile, which makes him expelled by everyone, and this is really similar to the treatment I have received, and the fun part here is that there seems to be a few people actually believing that Lars will receive this inheritance, and this is then an example of what NOT to do, and yes these spam emails trying to cheat people float around in millions poor moral you say (?) which I am sure will stop very soon, and Kristian said Fantastic, I presume that you will give a round to the whole gang in the airport, and these were really the hidden inspired words here with a round being celebration, the airport being the world and the whole gang as I normally say, and yes come on, show me the best you got and that goes for the whole gang as example.

The funny man Jan Monrad from Monrad & Rislund some VERY funny comedians (if you remove sex and primitive language) brought his drawing saying You have called God. All of our lines are busy. You are in line as number 56 billion 48 million 418.334. It is still busy. You are now in line as no. 56.48.418.333, and I told him that he will soon be no. one with kind regards from , and yes who do you think (?), and that is even though he believe that beer is God, and it is really more accurate to say that beer is the Devil, but then again the Devil was God as the tool of creation, so there you have you have your inspiration, Jan .

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January 2013 I told Per Gessle that he is indeed touched by the hand of God .

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16. I received the final key to my new self and New World created by my mother from material of my father
1. SUBJECT 15th January: It is almost impossible to continue time and the Old World, I struggle to keep alive as my old self SUMMARY Dreaming of my aunt playing a game with me speaking behind my back, and darkness but also warm feelings coming to me from my old friend Thomas, doing the final adjustments to my work, and I have great difficulties continuing to open the Old World and my old self. My story of DSB yesterday and reactions of DSB, media etc. sending me negative thoughts and feelings were making me the worst zombie closer than ever before to give up and to accept negativity taking me over, but I held it together and also did the script today because I decided to do it. There is nothing to fear in relation to darkness, I am much stronger as my new self than it. You are watching my struggle to stay alive as my old self, which I will continue doing as long as I can in order to save the world from sufferings. I was told with a sigh that nothing happened today, and this is to say that today was the biggest risk of all days for negativity of darkness to take me over, it was extreme. It is almost impossible to continue time and the Old World, I struggle to keep alive as my old self. Short stories of the world elite reading my DSB application in secrecy, you are watching my suicide in slow motion as my old self, and darkness is taking the fall. Dreaming of darkness, which does not want to carry out my old nightmare, darkness stealing energy of the world, and passive acceptance of Russia of me makes it possible to seek corners of the Universe without life. Just before opening to the light of my new self and our New World, we have discovered other potential life of our Universe, which goes back to before creation, which is about other directions, which life could have turned, and we are now emptying darkness from these also bringing these as future life opportunities too of our New World. After this, we will bring forward the taxi of my new self. In our New World you will be able to build your own custom car, i.e. home, i.e. life of your future life. Because of my aunt, Inge, and also despite of her, I have free access to the New World, and she motivated my father/Kirsten to visit my website today, which was needed for my father to give me the key to my new self and our New World created by my mother from material of my father. I have now access to all life on the other side of the door, which was impossible to open alone without help from others. Jettes Google Earth pictures from her Facebook group show not many happy faces continuing to eat destructive darkness, some have found their group, ONENESS is coming up, seek and you shall find (the gold at the end of the rainbow), and lumps of life in groups. New pictures show lumps of life all connected, the Source shows us the connection between Greenland and Canada, a priest at Australia, the face of a Mali over Mali, and a big fish symbolising me Short stories of Soulaima the management advisor loving managers, who TALK TALK and TALK, a helicopter crash in London because of darkness, which does not want me to LIFT up the world, darkness will NOT get any of its pictures exposed, TIME was blinking on and off on Facebook showing that TIME and our Old World is coming to an end, even darkness of Mads speaking about shine like a diamond, there are still a few thousand world leaders reading me in secrecy, TV and other media still dont have the courage to bring the story of me still bringing me darkness, Jimmy likes to see, hear and meet people, but did not with me, I believe my father/Kirsten visited my website (!!!), and a HUGE traffic accident symbolises the STRONGEST darkness.
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16th January: I received the final key to my new self and New World created by my mother from material of my father

One God, One People

15 January: It is almost impossible to continue time and the Old World, I struggle to keep alive as my old self
Dreaming of having great difficulties continuing to open the Old World and my old self It is NOT possible to write this script today, so if you see it, it is because I have passed the greatest resistance ever to work. Before going to bed my inner self told me that we dont even want to become sweethearts now, and also that we have much trouble with the media, because they cannot overview my writings, and is it really that difficult to you? I went to bed at 22.30, slept poorly and at 05.30 I was asked to get up because of darkness, and these are the dreams I received. Inge is losing and crashing a wine carafe, she is speaking about me to friends of her card club, and I say that I have only written as I have to show how people guess and misunderstand. o Apparently my aunt is speaking wrongly behind me behind my back as part of the game. I am with Thomas H. in Copenhagen, we have a good time. He will get a new house in Vedbk next year, and has been working in Russia for the bank, and he is happy that the next 10 years of his life is secure. We visit Grethe (from Phonoteket) and her clothes store, which has the most beautiful clothes and design imaginable, and at the end, there are pictures of Sanne Salomonsen. I say that it is about wakening up passion of people, and we are going to the finest area of Copenhagen where there are Formula 1 racing cars, and nice restaurants, and he uses 100 DKK without thinking on a burger and extra coins of maybe 15 DKK for additionals, and I believe this is too expensive, I only have 100 DKK, and the music is very loud there. o My old colleague and friend from Danske Bank, Thomas, has a fine job today making a lot of money, and it seems that he is the worst darkness too. However there is a bond of warm feelings between us he is my Facebook following me symbolised by Grethe, whom I used to buy music from in the 1980s. And the racer cars and nice food are good signs, arent they (?), but the music is high, and yes is this my music making Thomas hear (?), and yes let us say that it is. And the fine clothes is at least about the finest life. Something about Helena putting on revealing make up, I can see her, but she cannot see me. My mother moves the toilet, I have half an hour to do the final adjustments to a BIG report connected to Kim S., he is pretending like sleeping, we are at my mothers apartment, and she is shouting and telling us off and I tell her to stop because she is destroying it with her temper. Something about receiving all products from the finest grocer, and a family member speaking Swedish.


o The final adjustments to my work with darkness around me trying to hide. The finest products = finest life. I work at Danske Bank, Espergrde. A new employee does not have the courage to search on the Internet because he is afraid of being caught, which is an attitude the union has influenced on him. Bjarne B. (from 3107) is here the manager and he decides to call someone because of this, and is is only two minutes before opening hours at 09.30, and I discover that I have to open the right cash desk because Eva the main cashier has not come yet, but she enters this very moment bringing gifts and smiles with her. I am stressed trying to open my cash desk on time, Benta (also from 3107 here at 3183!!!) helps me. I notice that it is the old IT-system, and I am surprised that I have to move many pot plants first. o Is the world following me and what I search on on the Internet (?), and yes did this potentially remove your faith in me not understanding that I am a product of man receiving the greatest hormones of all, no girlfriend and still I had to be careful what I was looking at? This is about difficulties to continue opening as my old self, and yes as our Old World, this is really not easy to continue doing. It is almost impossible to continue time and the Old World, I struggle to keep alive as my old self I wrote the short stories of the script this morning, but other than that I simply could NOT work I am so utterly broken down, dizzy and without energy that I cannot anymore, but have decided to at least write the script of today to see if tomorrow will become better, and if not, this may be the end of my work and yes as my old self really - and I knew that a long bath was not good, but since I could not write without receiving more energy, this was the only thing I could do. And I was given a sneeze, so is this what the world will do (?), and that is to help me receive energy. There is not only border trade, we are bringing everything up from Germany, and then back again (?), and eeehhh Stig, we have an empty chamber getting you out of and is the idea to get everything back there (?), and we know, YOU DONT KNOW but believe the family tree is at its right location but will let light decide. Nobody has followed you with greater interest than me, with shark teeth, how is he doing, can he manage, am I to get out (?), and yes these are my actors controlling me now almost looking up showing themselves to me because can I continue another day (?), and that is truly the question now. No, there are no people in Egypt liking me anymore says a voice of darkness with sadness, but controlled by my actors, and yes shouldnt we say that he has enough (?), but no, Stig, it is up to you to decide, and you are NOT done yet, and yes impossible to get to do the last changes to your website it is.

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There are no bukke bruse (billy goats) here and this is how we can continue if he can, and this is also the story of how a big goat was much stronger and not afraid of the troll to say that this is how my new self is in relation to the last darkness of my old self. My father came to me, and my voice said through me nobody is going to die, and yes this is my struggle to keep alive as my old self, which is doomed, because one day I have to give in, and yes we are all waiting for a sunny day, which is for me to become my new self, and the world the New World. I told myself that I cannot continue staying awake and work much, and when planning to take a long bath, this is where I have to be careful, because my actors still want to make me accept negative voice of darkness wanting to destroy, so I had to decide being strong still going against the strong feelings to give in, and yes it would be so easy, so easy to say well, just do it also accept my old nightmare (!) - and to be relieved myself, but no, I have to be disciplined deciding NEVER to give in and that is NO MATTER WHAT, so this is what I hope I shall be strong enough to continue doing and here I am feeling Meshack, who helps bringing me strength with Elijah doing the opposite because he has decided to show himself as a weak coward to the world, who is taking much of my energy and will power, but no, you can NEVER bring me down (!), and yes he is one out of many of course. After writing the short stories to my script of yesterday, I published it on Facebook thinking that this was really on my extreme edge, and can I do it again (?), and I was shown and told that we are exchanging pupils of the class, and yes still from darkness to light, and there are still more to come. I want you to be good, yes Stig, this is also how we feel with you. And I keep feeling my old friend Ren, and here also my fathers late mother. The late Danish singer and actor Poul Bundgaard told me with a big smile that I am at least as good as many of the great singers, am I not (?), and yes in my mind you are indeed, Poul, and he gave me the beautiful song Herren som skabte alt p jord (The Lord who created everything on Earth), and it ended with tak for livet (thank you for life), and I guess that this is what it is all about, this was my job to bring you all for an eternity to come. It is now a fight of getting everything with me because I am all out of energy and there is still more life inside of darkness, and I was shown and asked if I dont want any more onion soup, but of course I do, but it will be in my speed, which will be SLOW today, and it goes without saying that I cannot exercise today, and maybe not even go to town even though I need to do a little shopping. And yes, Stig, this is about going down in smaller and smaller unities, and I see one doll inside another, which goes on and on.

And then it is just bad luck for us at the end, Stig? No, all of you will be saved (!), and that is one way or another. So you will not accept darkness to burn off and you cannot work right now, which is forcing us to do a new invention called wait for me until I can work. So what I am offering you is to take over the remote control of darkness and yes for your pleasure, but no thanks (!), and yes I am having to go against strong darkness and coughing in order to say no, and it is not as easy as it may sound. And when the negative voice was almost getting to me, I was furthermore given out of this world pain to my right ankle a few times, which is STILL as disgusting as ever, and yes in itself able to make me give up, unless I decided not to of course. I was told that to control this darkness, which is really against all odds, it means that the membrane will not burst, and I wonder for how long I can continue doing this, but as long as it goes, it goes, and it means that the potential sufferings given to the world with our wake-up will decrease day by day. What do you do when you cannot pay rent (?), yes we felt no in-flow of new energy, and we know, we thought he is soaking us out and that includes yourself, so you are now alive as practically nothing, Stig, but no, I will NEVER give up, I am not done yet, and as long as it goes, it goes. I went to a LONG bath from maybe 10.00 to 13.00 (!), and was told that you create a heart in darkness, which cannot beat, and you are inside of this and turning it around, and yes it goes against nature to create life. I was shown myself next to the bar inside of a discothque of darkness, where people were living a (love) life in sin, and a beautiful lady wanted my attention, and there is nothing more I would like see my attraction to the ladies in Kenya in book 2 as example but I have to stay strong saying no to my desire. I was told that we are now transferring life using half power, and yes at least it is better for me to stay awake than sleep when I dont work. I was told that I felt 50 red wagons of DSB when you did that yesterday, and yes not nice to be exhibited to the world not being able to show the content of skeletons of your closets yourselves (?) and yes having to pay for a long lasting and expensive investigation done by an external law firm (!), and yes it is embarrassing that you cannot just come out and speak the truth and put forward all documents, which should be EASY (!) why is this so difficult to you (?), and yes you dont want to lose face (?), but still you know that there is NOTHING to do, because the full truth will come out anyway so why not do what you can now instead of dragging the pain unnecessary (?), and yes a pain that Im used to is what you are giving me, and yes this is why I am COMPLETELY broken down today, so there you have it (!), and yes there was probably many seeing me in different media on Facebook sending me negative thoughts/feelings.
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One God, One People

Page 140 I was told that it is not much work remaining, and also that I am keeping not only myself but everything alive as their old selves, also including John and his key, and we decided to use him to show the meaning of what I have said all along, which is that I want people to be good despite of what they have done to me, and yes John has sent me MUCH darkness and sufferings because it was impossible for him to read and understand, but as you saw, I was strong enough to help saving him. At bath, I was shown groceries and a dark mail man wanting to continue work to be saved too, and also a giant lemon form, which has now transformed to cinema seats and an amusement in Tivoli, and I was told that there are no more lemons of darkness soaking out and destroying life. I was shown different visions of GIANT ships at harbour one of them for example with the painting of Gajol liquorice, which is darkness, but only a very thin layer. I was asked to destroy the connections to my ankles, but no, you will NOT get my permission to do this. After these approx. three hours, I felt people of other civilizations and they asked me when I would stand up, and I received a sneeze, and do you SUFFER WELL in order to make me relax (?), and yes much influence of Martin and Depeche Mode these days. I received the name of the city Odense and then the former mayor of this city and also chairman of the Danish Handball Federation, Jan Boye, who died in 2011, came to me from right and said that handball is a key for the New World to cross, so this is what handball is helping me and all of us to do, and yes to bring our New World alive. And yes, how CRAZY the main reaction of people yesterday, but not all it may sound, I managed to get into some kind of rhythm also writing the script today, and yes this was the worst of all to get started with, but not the most difficult of all when looking at how short it is. During the afternoon I was so extremely tired and exhausted that I decided not to do any shopping today, and I kept receiving negativity of darkness on my limit to overtake me. It does not look like a gift when you give it first, because we first have to get the wrapping off first, and isnt it what we are doing now, my friend . When we first have entered the apartment, we have no chance to win, but we will keep on as long as we have darkness in us. First we dug you up, and at the very end, we will open you up.

I received strong scratching to my head again, which is about the sufferings of LTO not having much to eat, and it made me wonder that Elijah and maybe John too (?) are willing to further decrease your situation because you cannot communicate with me (?), and yes this goes WAY beyond me, how could you .? I was told that all darkness has almost been peeled off Karen, and still she is playing the game of darkness. And we have used this work to improve Karen. I was asked what happened to Arafat? Did you watch the second half in handball in the World Championships between Iceland and Macedonia (?), and did you notice that it was impossible for the referee table to control the clock and score board (?), and yes a show for the world to see, which essentially was to say that it is almost impossible for me to continue letting time and the Old World go. I am thinking about the media writing about Lance Armstrong these days a few days before the interview with Oprah Winfrey, which was recorded the other day, will be broadcast, and everyone says that Armstrong has now admitted to using doping, and I wonder if this is really the case (?), and we know I was told that this is a good time for him to meet the world, so maybe there is more to this story than what the media believe or what like to believe? And I am thinking that it is WISE to wait commenting before you are sure that you understand the story, which is really what I learned at management meetings at Aon Benefits in 1995-97 where I noticed how people opened their mouths later especially you Jens M. without knowing what you spoke of, and I decided to listen to you and to understand the bigger picture before I gave my comments, and can it be that this is a stunt to show these wrong-doings of the media, who really want Armstrong very much to be guilty (?) or am I the one being cheated by darkness (?) and yes we will see. I was told that nothing is burning here, thus the world, and we are now beginning to send in orange balloons to you. I was shown my self visiting Hifi-klubben in Lyngby, which must have been in 2011, and told that things did not work out that fine and it was about the chance to retrieving me from Sanna already then, but no, so this is first happening now. I was told with a sigh that nothing happened today, and this is to say that today was the biggest risk of all days for negativity of darkness to take me over, it was extreme. And I was told that Britain tries to cheat, nothing is wrong here, which is part of the darkness coming to me, and you can be sure that EVERY LITTLE THING will be revealed with or without your help. I was told that Britain is where it took the longest for me to break through, thus also the longest to remove darkness. I was told about gold beer and told that we were the gold around darkness of the world.
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I was told about Lars G. and I often visiting cafs and partying in Copenhagen (until I met Camilla in 1994), and I was shown a caf with a HUGE coffee machine, which is ready to start. In other words, you have been lying on your keys as young and if your life went as expected, we would open with one key after the other and now with the last, which will bring you all the way home to me at the Source. It is a long time ago that the spiritual world and physical world were united, and we are now working to make the mirror of the Source work properly. And we have closed for darkness forever, which also will lead to the end of military activities. So we are not workers and the yard anymore, and will never return (as darkness) to China. --Ending the day with these short stories: In my script yesterday I brought a link to my application to DSB in 2011 to become their new CEO, and once again, you saw the same phenomenon as many times before, which is that MANY more clicked this link than what the official counter of my WordPress has registered as visitors, and as you can see from the WordPress statistics, my script of yesterday including the link to my application received 23 or maybe 24 official visitors, and still my application on Scribd received an increase from normally 0 to 1 visit per day to 74 (!), and yes it could also be people clicking the link to the application, which I put up on my own Facebook timeline and also DSBs, but since only few clicked on my script, I believe that only few clicked on my application too, and this is really to show you once again about the world elite reading me in secrecy, which God helps me to see with the opening of the true clicks from WordPress to my documents on Scribd, and if there was a click rate of maybe 1.5-2%, it means that there are still around maybe 4,000 6,000 reading me, and it will be exciting to see the TRUE numbers, and also if all of you have RED ears (?), or do you simply not have any conscience because you are used to do what is WRONG to do (?), and you are certainly bringing me darkness all of you too.

Mads said that an article of 2.1 million Danes (out of 5.5) living on others money is the Danish version of the zombie-apocalypse, and Sren said but we, who work, are fine, right to which Mads said yes, in the extend that you can be fine while watching a national suicide in slow motion, and you do know by now that Mads is also a very inspired special friend of mine, so when he speaks of the zombie, he speaks of me as a living dead, and what you are seeing is my suicide in slow motion (as my old self) because of what darkness of the world does to me, and I really thought that I had it today, which is why Mads wrote this today.

Isnt it funny that Mads has a play list on Spotify called the Fall (?), and yes the fall is my old favourite song by Electric Light Orchestra on the Xanadu album, and to me this has been about the fall of darkness or light, and it became you and darkness, Mads, who will take the fall.

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16 January: I received the final key to my new self and New World created by my mother from material of my father
This night was the coldest of this winter with approx. -17 degrees Celsius, which is also to say that this is the coldest, i.e. strongest of my sufferings. Dreaming of passive acceptance of Russia of me, which makes it possible to seek corners of the Universe without life I went to bed at 22.00 at my ultimate tiredness, and slept poorly once again until 04.30, however a little better than yesterday, also making today a hell to come through, and here are the dreams. Something about sleeping with wolves means that I never sleep entirely, so there you have the truth about my tiredness. Michella is visiting me her old friend Nicolai is around too and she rejects my approach. o This is about my old nightmare not being carried out. I have been out of work and attended Buddha courses. I am now working again doing the best job, but unhappy that I dont make the same as what for example Sidsel does. I work with Life & Pension at Dahlberg, and on my way home, I visit the general insurance department, and they show me that there is something wrong with the ITsystem, because when one employee speaks to a business client information him about the premiums, another employee can speak with the client too at the same time looking up the same premiums, which however is 40% lower because of a discount keyed into the system. One of the employees leaves and later calls me saying that he forgot an insurance collection for a client with me and if I still have it (?), and yes everything is intact. I have been on my way home 2-3 times but decided to stay to say hello to these colleagues of mine and to learn, and they plan to work over the coming days, and I say that it is good to have the attitude of enjoying it, and I think that I should work over myself too when they do it. I leave and see how close I am to the central station of Copenhagen. o Insurance is a general system of the world and here it is about the premiums and a 40% difference, which is about collection and money is energy, so Dahlberg is darkness taking out energy of the world. I have entered the small office of a Russian travel agency, and have booked a travel for another person to Greenland there are two stations, one in Middle and one in North Greenland and they have very poor service, but I help myself with the passive acceptance of one employee, and I pack together a package, which I call Russian Gold Service, which includes the ticket, a credit card and a car key,


which will be formed at the destination. I notice coins on the desk, which just lay there. We dont know if the weather will be cold. And I was shown Anne Linnet and another judge, who plan to leave too and they will first visit the middle station, and if the weather allows, they will also go to the North station. o This is about the passive acceptance of Russia of me, which makes it possible to investigate new corners of God, and I was told that we will go all the way out in our Universe, where there is not yet life. Removing darkness from other potential directions of life before the taxi of my new self will arrive I was VERY tired at 04.30 and had hoped to be able to continue sleeping but instead I was attacked by new information given to me to write down, and yes darkness saved for me, which was NOT easy to handle feeling this poorly, and yes Stig, this lasted until 05.10 where after I had breakfast, read Facebook and took a bath before starting impossible work again today, and even though I feel slightly better than yesterday, I still feel ROTTEN today, which is also how DSB feels (?), and things dont work fast now, so after updating the script of yesterday, it is now 07.40 and I am trying to keep it together also writing all of these notes down in the script of today, and yes before I will sleep because I cannot go through today without receiving a nap, and I dont know how many times I have sit down, taken a break and thinking can I really also write this, or shouldnt I stop now (?), and we know, let us see if we can also this. I was told and shown that it is the end of the dark night at the airport, where we are getting in the last aeroplanes before the light of the morning soon will come. It sounds as if my mother is calling, oil. I see large zippers being opened and behind is not Fantas as we had hoped, but small Cola reserves, and I was shown not very big shelves including ring binders in it, which we now go through, and this is what is giving me sticking pains to my heart now and again this morning. I was told that everything is you, and everything has been controlled by one voice, mine, and no ones else. I was told about Eureka, and you were in risk until recently, also because of Inges son Jan, but now Stockholm knows that I am coming, and I wonder if Eureka is really a pan-European research and development funding and coordination organization as Wikipedia says here as I was told months ago, or if it is about an interjection used to celebrate a discovery, a transliteration of a word attributed to Archimedes, which it also means according to Wikipedia here, and yes it may be the last really, and we know the sudden, unexpected realization of the solution to a problem, but I dont really know. I was shown my self zooming into a bar, and the white part of it being the diamond, and that is because we can.

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I was told about the board, and told that back then everyone went to Espergrde school, which was before Mrdrup School was established, and this is about the story of Espergrde school, which was threatened to be closed as you can read about for example here, and I was told that it was because of Camilla bringing dark newspapers, and we just have to re-open this, and then we will go straight home to the diamond, and yes isnt it wonderful that the Roskilde Festival a TRUE rockfestival have decided to have Rihanna as their main act at the 2013 festival in June (?), and yes you know about her song DIAMONDS and how it symbolises me, right? I was told that we will take the taxi bringing my new self very soon, but if we can do this first, we will, and after this, we will bring coffee in an endless stream. But this darkness is strong enough to make you believe that we will not get it, but he does not care, we are not finished and will finish no matter what, which is why we do this, and we found all of this on our way in. I was shown Kim S and the inside of a large parking house, which however is completely empty, but I see that the top right corner is connected via a small hole to a car parked outside, and this is because of the dance with Regitze as I was told, which is about the dance around the golden calf, and really Kims dance around the hot porridge deciding to do NOTHING in relation to me, thus this being about his poor behaviour. And this is what the previous Mrs. Madsen (the previous state of my mother, which this is about) is a function of, who can now be freed too. Several times the last days I have been given visions about my new self arriving after darkness, and I felt and was shown the orange and my new self coming to me in a tunnel after not much darkness. I was shown a triangle of the Trinity and was told that it feels like the endless tunnel of the Trinity, which we are entering, but no, what we are doing now is what the change of the description of the Trinity to my website the other day opened to. We are now before creation too, close to the championship and all of those trophies there, which is about when I was with my mother at the church concert the other day, where I was also shown many of the FIFA World Cup gold trophies coming to me, and we did not know there, but they are other, potential ways of development, which life could have followed, which are still out there not visited by anyone for an eternity before now, and this will have to be about the not very big shelves that we now enter. It is like entering a new pyramid coming back to a time where everything was possible, where we every time choose to go the same way, why is that (?), and this answer is now coming from the dark butcher saying that the food was not as good there, and I recommend you to go that way, which will give you the

best chance to survive, and this is what it has been about every single time. I was told that there have been climatic top negotiations, which also did not fell into place, which are like a lamp post for me to hit, and this is about the world blocking my way forward too because you cannot do what is right to do. We will also have to make you drink urine here, and here are also unopened lemon sodas even more dangerous than what we went through, and we can see this now, and yes dont be afraid because they cannot attack us now, the lack the connection to Sanna and her energy. I was shown a Danish pastry bar and how this tried to remove my camera, which is about the resistance of this potential world/life to life self, which had to be passed in order to make life the natural condition of being. I was shown a dinner table of one of these potential worlds being glued with the strongest glue imaginable, and this happened inside darkness of an airplane hangar where the BIG door to the light outside if open and I see a pilot entering, and this pilot is my inner self, who will first test another airplane, and I was thinking about Tom Cruise and his role as the pilot in Top Gun, which was also a big film here of the 1980s, and yes he also had an impossible task to fight in order to win, and I had an almost invisible touch by Obama here. I was told that what we do now corresponds to walking upstairs white steps feeling in Spain where everything is white except from a windscreen wiper floating and wiping in the air on my way up, and I received three hiccups, which is to say that the Universe is still with me bringing me almost unlimited support, thank you . I was shown darkness eating an arm, and was told that I am in a metal container without knowing it, and I was told that we are all marked by these potential worlds/life, which we considered sacrificing if the result had become 5 to 1 and not 6 to 0. I was told that intercalary day is part of this, i.e. not perfect creation, which is going back all the way here. We dont have any money left when entering here, but darkness has? And this is where you were allowed a withdrawal despite of what your mother said? I was told Common denominator, and I thought about everything has to be equal, which has come to me from darkness for a long time, and this common denominator was required to secure the survival of this potential life. And without this, we would not be able to make the accounts fit in the end. So these small shelves include the power of a whole New World, and yes other directions we could have taken. There is a pizza on its way, and yes this is as easy to do as everything else, which is to turn it from minus to plus, and maybe you (which was just saved) can show me the direction to the next and next

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and and yes this is also how it works here, and it is first now that we see these. Yes, there is also a potential over burn here, had to cool this place off, and the feeling is that we are working at more of these places at the same time. And yes, Stig, they are very willing to serve you, they just had to know their new direction, and would you believe it, they were also part of creation/darkness pressuring on life. You have no idea or ability to comprehend what they have done to Southern China but we will make sure that there will also be a party there, and yes for EVERYONE, Stig. It feels like your mother is hitting the nail, i.e. steps on it, and this is the speed required to bring you home. And all of this is also in the Nile, which we are removing from darkness and into the Pyramid. You are really covered with gold all over, we just thought we would take this too. What about Leepu (?); we want Leepu, we want Leepu, we want Leepu, and yes I will include Leepu here (the Bangladesh car designer, whom I also saw with Bernie on Discovery TV a few years ago), and yes you have given me his name for days, which I decided was not important, but it is of course about designing your own car as you have done and yes giving everyone the chance to do the same, which is to build your own custom car, i.e. home, i.e. life of your future life and here the childish insist is to say that this is also behaviour coming from darkness. And Alex the psychiatrist is sad that he did not bother to borrow the book of Alice Bailey as I offered him? I was given a maybe 1/10 out of this world pain and the vision of my mother and told that this time it is good enough, and yes more of the Source being turned around. I was shown an old train on the prairie stopping and people with straw hats walking out, and into a tunnel of a mountain next to from where they pull out a locomotive and railway tracks which are now connected to ours, and they shout hurray and this will have to be about another of these potential directions of life being saved. Almost to my surprise I managed to reach this point at 09.00 meaning that I will also finish the script of today, and yes what now (?), and yes the following chapter on Jettes Google Earth pictures, and if I dont fall asleep, I also need to wash clothes and do a little shopping, and if I still have more energy, there is still some work to be done to my computer and website, however not that much, and no, I will not be able to re-write the chapter on creation.

I was told that my mother is thinking of are Stigs voices the power that healed John, so this is a good power, and it was Stig and not Bettina healing him, and this is really to say that the last days I have received some information about what others think, which I feel is coming to me because I am and that is connected with these thoughts going out. I still have the worst negative voice just under the surface, which is and then I will give a damn about everything else, now I will do nothing as example, and yes still fighting I am. I was told that some of these potential other life-shelves did not want to come, and I said that there is nothing you can do, you are all becoming light, and yes in that case it is alright, and we know, we did not like you being a dictator, but this is what it took to bring you TRUE freedom and light, see? We will also have to give Lucas credit for this, he took much with him down into the eternal grave, and yes then it was really just to follow him and you too Mads Mikkelsen coming to me here again and yes continue the play until the very end also coming through this. I did not have much energy also today, however more than yesterday, so I took the cycle and went out in the cold weather cycling to town, but in town my spiritual friends helped me to think that I could get cheaper bread in the Prvesten Shopping Centre, so I went there instead, so this is how I cycle 10 kilometres even though I had no energy, and I am often told that I have more material goods than LTO, but this is NOT part of my sufferings. I was given nice voices telling me this (darkness) does not continue all of the time, which came together with feelings this was it, not that difficult, and yes creation you know, and will I wake up to more darkness tomorrow (?), maybe I will because I received MUCH in the church the other day. And this joy was given to me because of the warm feelings of Jette, and after a few minutes, it decreased and yes back to basics and the game. I was told that I have not been told much about China and their faith or lack of faith in me, and then that the red river of Yangtze made the difference; this is what it took to make its leaders believe in me. What do we do with this, Stig (?) I was shown a black piece of a slate roof and yes this is the absolutely last of darkness as I understand it, and you show me that it is impossible to keep on time of our Old World, so is this it, Huey? I was told about Libya as example knowing about me when will he come and the tea party movement of the US and Sarah Palin, and yes you are WIMPS too (!), and deeply involved in the fear policy and even deeper of USA (?), and yes yes yes we could give many examples

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I was shown three Santa Clauses entering Show Whites cottage, and at the corner, wooden planks were hammered up in crosses blocking access to darkness and behind the walls there was also darkness, and I saw a big dark pot inside the house, which was to be used for terminations, and here I was told the old story that terminations of life was to bring me energy to make it easier to come through, but then again, if life was terminated including people of my family, friends etc. possessing keys, how would I be able to come through 360 degrees of my journey (?), and yes this would have been an exciting puzzle to lay, and dont you think that he would have made it no matter what he did (?), and yes it was all a game as I have told you, but you decided that you dont want to see any terminations, and yes Stig, there was some on the way, and you saw the picture of Scribd yesterday showing the day before including terminated life, and this will have to be about sacrifices of the world to make me come through, and at the same time it is also to say that we have recreated this life today as you can see from the Scribd picture today, and I here feel the late BBC host Jimmy Savile saying how do you do, I am not quite dead and yes HIGH MOOD and smiles behind me, and also about the incredible negative feelings of people in Britain against him (because of his abuse of children etc.) was also given to me as darkness, and finally, I am told that this Top of the Pops host was hit because of my love of this show, and yes since 1982 really when I saw it the first time on TV in London with my Commercial school class after having heard about it many years before. I continued working during the afternoon, and went through the day without taking a nap, which I thought was impossible to do this morning. I am told that Niklas and Isabelle believe that it is impossible that I am the one, and yesterday I was told the same about Tobias, and yes I have been thinking about how Tobias has been burning off his money on parties and alcohol and how my mother has had the shopping sickness making her buy practically everything she and John wants without having had to save, and yes this means that you use FAR MORE than when you turn around almost every coin you have, and yes just wondering of course . I was encouraged to write this, which is that since I became Facebook friends with Michael Sadler, he has been shown on my screen without break among the 15 of my Facebook friends showing at the right pane are these the closest Facebook friends (?) but since my script the other day including the story of him and the wrong photographer, he has NOT been shown on the right pane, but he is still a Facebook friend of mine, and yes apparently a sign showing that he is not that thrilled about me. I was told about Sidsel believing in me (?), and that is after I months ago decided to post my new scripts also on LinkedIn, where we are still connected after she abandoned me on Facebook in anger because of my writings on her and I was told that her belief is opening up my mother improving our relation and her belief in spirituality, and then it is piece of cake really.
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For days I have been told about the Danish National team in football knowing about me, and given visions of previous players as examples of this including Lars Elstrup, Morten Bisgaard and Jon Dahl-Tomasson, and I feel very dizzy here, which is because of their collective silence as they agreed upon, and yes too sensitive to tell the media about (?), or was it the media telling you about me and some of my writings on you (?), and yes there are many threads here, and when I get sorted out all of them, I will ONLY be able to speak the truth . And what we are telling/showing you is that we were the ones helping to play against you, and yes the Danish National Team in football protecting this secret to come out, thus working directly for the Devil, thus working directly for me, because this was the only way to save us all creating our New World, so there you have it. I was shown a simple dark wooden wagon on its way in, and I see it as empty even though I feel that this is about my arrival as my new self, and yes Stig, there is no one on this stretcher and that is because you are NOT dead, so therefore we have decided and eeehhh, no stretcher, he will come in a taxi instead but save the stretcher together with everything else (!) and yes a BLUE BLINK is what I am shown and that should be on top of the roof of this taxi, but it is put on top of my head, which is to say that I am already here, I am the taxi myself I am shown the actor Lars Knutzon here also knowing about me (?) so I have arrived, and I will wake up as my new self after sleeping, and yes that is what I have asked for, and is that coming now, or will there come a new surprise tomorrow as usual (?), we will see. Yes, I cannot get any closer than this as I am told by darkness to the right of me, and that is because I will soon change my costume as I am shown with different hats, and yes come out as Robin Hood, which is my TRUE self. And this is because there is no more line, so this will have to be the end of the line, and yes I am seeing one actor looking at a very short piece of line, and is wondering what happened to everything else (?), and yes dont cry, we are all here on the other side as I feel the New World saying through this last darkness. I was shown the stadium of darkness, which is now only a very short part of one of the stands a few metres only and it is being pressured by a new giant and very good looking stadium of darkness, and that is if we are going to play football, and yes as in no game, and I here feel Lance Armstrong, and yes Lance, I am as excited as everyone else to hear your words and what you actually said in the interview instead of hearing what others believe that you said. I was told that in the summer of 2010 it was the opposite situation where everything was water, i.e. sufferings, and we only had an extremely thin layer of gold around, and now we have
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everything with this extremely thin layer of darkness around it almost not existing anymore. And you are lucky that the moon did not fall down and yes do you remember when looking at it in Kenya in 2009 (?), this was the power you brought, to keep it up there. How did we get in, did we use the window or the door (?), and yes we dont know Stig, but the main part is that you are saying that all of us here, you and me, are the only ones in darkness, and all others are waiting on us on the other side, and eeehhhh we are on this other side, but as darkness, which we will also turn around now, and only to find more dirt, and no we dont want to eat that so permission not granted a last trick to stay as darkness but are they going to use our power to do this and that is to terminate us and then to wake up on the other side, and we know let light decide, so this is what we do, we know that line far too well, and yes it was also him, that is me, saying it over and over again. So we dont need a stamp because we have already been registered you say? I was shown some kind of metal tool being inserted from light of the New World outside into the smallest imaginable round item, where I am inside, and this is the tool, which will bring me out, and I was shown and told that people will believe this is completely impossible for this immensely small item to run everything of the Old World including the turning of planets etc., but this is how it is. What do they do at the Panum Institute in Copenhagen (the Faculty of Health Sciences) (?) and not only research on rats (?), but humans too (?), and this is the question I could ask all over the world, and that is because the temptation was too great (?), and that is despite of the law and what some politicians say, and we better not speak openly about it then, and yes we could go on, and yes all of this speech and writing, it is now 18.15 and still working/not sleeping, is also bringing you out from this item or ball is better really. I heard something like under the laws of the USA, you are arrested, and yes this is what we also prevented, and amazingly how unpopular my coming has been to so many. I was told that not one single thing has been made wrong, which we would have to struggle with in our New World, and yes a deja vue here about this, meaning that everything is perfect, and yes I receive a heartburn together with the feeling of yellow, and this is in relation to my Facebook friend Desiree. I received the final key to my new self and New World created by my mother from material of my father I received some times this evening quite strong attacks of darkness of nothing going through my head, but there will probably be many of you believing that this is what I already have inside my head, i.e. nothing, so the difference is really nothing or what do you say, and that is if you have any voice, and
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eeehhh hello (?), can you speak my dear readers (?), or did I forget to give you the ability to speak when you were born? As usual I am given much pressure coming to me and I keep on saying you are welcome going against the voice of darkness but as part of this, I receive VERY happy voices and balloons, celebration, and that is of the New World now being extremely close. I was told with great eagerness of darkness that we want to launch new GMO food now, which is about the evil world wanting to launch food resistance to effects of heavy metal of chemtrails polluting the world and food. I was given more hiccups meaning sacrificing of the world, and I was reminded that this is the Old World so this is myself sacrificing, but I am everything, so still it is people sacrificing out there somewhere? I was told that because I have done what is right, my special friends have come to the right place of their lives, for example Janne working at Reden helping prostitutes in Copenhagen. I was told that no enamel is to be destroyed, and it made me think of the world of all time hidden inside my teeth and maybe also my mothers teeth (?) and she has had severe damages, and I some, however not that much, and I was told that there was not destruction of content, which was moved somewhere else, among others to Meshack. I felt my aunt Inge, which was the start of a VERY UNPLEASANT heart pain for the next 10 minutes making me uneasy and nervous, and I was told that it is because of her and despite of her that there is free access for me to enter our New World, and a little but later I saw my father/Kirsten visiting my website, see the short stories, and I think that there is probably a connection with Inge speaking about me motivating this visit. Darkness tried strongly to ask for my acceptance to enter as darkness, which would be so easy just to accept it comes crawling where it is difficult to sense the danger and tempting just to accept and it came with strength, but no, you can ONLY enter as light, this is how it is. I was told that when you have continued doing this, it means that spirits of darkness has been transferred to your new self delivering its keys when entering, this is really how it is, and the last key, which you now received, is the key for the New World of your new self, which I have created for you my son, and I felt the spirit of my mother saying this, and from me, and I felt the spirit of my father saying this, and darkness wanted me to decline receiving this key, but there is only one right answer and that is to say yes thank you, so this is what I did, and that was together with my appreciation, which I have to ALL beings without exception including animals, who are also both living and communicating beings behind their silent faade. And this is the key for the heavy door leading to all of us on the other side waiting patiently on you, and the door, which was
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completely impossible to open without receiving help from others, and here I am feeling Thomas Skov from DR TV. I was given the smell of a wet dog on its way up, and this is my own inner self because it is only I remaining, and the spirit of my father told me that it is really my key, which I am giving you, but who cares, because we are all ONE GOD . I was also told that this is the strongest darkness also meaning that Karen has never been worse in relation to me than now, and still she believes that I am the one being gross, and I am just asking, who of us was TRULY gross, Karen? --One of the Jeff Lynne songs I was searching for the other day hoping that I could include it on the CD I made for my mother, was his recording of the Beatles song with a little help from my friends from 1976, and I did NOT want it in a MP3 version as I have heard it before, and finally this evening, I found what may be the only remaining source on the Internet of this file in FLAC/lossless quality, and yes I love this song in THIS version so much that it made me HAPPY just to have received, and yes yes yes I will make a new Jeff Lynne CD tomorrow and listen to it in perfect quality on my stereo, and this is to say the obvious that only with a little help from my (spiritual) friends, I was able to do this, and yes only when you decided that let light decide we were able to do this, and yes it goes both ways as they tell me, and we know my dear listener, try to imagine the SAD sound quality of this replaced by the best for you to hear CRYSTAL CLEAR strings and horns, and this is what is coming to you all . And did you see Denmark blowing Iceland out of the court by eight goals in the handball World Championships (?), and as the Danish speakers said; it looks like they can walk on water, and yes indeed it does . And also the Icelandic volcano has burned out a long time ago, and we know, this was the volcano threatening to explode the world, but now there is no darkness left. There is now not one single newspaper remaining, which was a requirement before this key could be given to you, and you will now decide yourself when you are ready to open, and we know, Stig, when there is no more darkness, and this will require that I feel tomorrow, and yes I LOVE THAT SONG, ROBBIE and of course it is about I just wanna feel, Real love feel the home that I live in so this is about coming home, and by the way, I dont laugh of your plans . Google Earth shows that we continue eating destructive darkness and ONENESS is coming up Jettes Google Earth pictures from her Facebook group show not many happy faces continuing to eat destructive darkness,
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some have found their group, ONENESS is coming up, seek and you shall find (the gold at the end of the rainbow), and lumps of life in groups.

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Google Earth shows the Source showing us the connection between Greenland and Canada and a priest at Australia Later in the day, Jette brought this update speaking about the Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt as a Barbie-doll because of her and the governments decision to take part of the new Mali-war stopping Muslims wanting to introduce Sharia, and I bring it here because Barbie is the Aqua song bringing references to my old nightmare really, and this is ultimately what darkness want/wanted to carry out, and I also bring it because Jette decided to show Google Earth pictures of Mali of which I show one here, and finally because when I saw her comment, I received pain and darkness to the back side of my right lower leg, and I understood that the war in Mali and Muslims forcing Sharia including terror and fear on the population was started because of the strong darkness still inside of here. Otherwise her new pictures show lumps of life all connected, the Source shows us the connection between Greenland and Canada, a priest at Australia, the face of a Mali over Mali, and a big fish symbolising me.

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teams as well as individually and be supported by a mentor when necessary, and yes to eliminate all of these (middle) managers wasting their time to talk talk and talk to make other (often lazy, too sensitive and selfish) people feel good, and yes also how you REALLY discover and use skills of people, which you do NOT by talking and making people feel good, but if I did, would you continue being quiet, Soulaima, because of course it goes without saying that I am wrong (?), and does it really (?), and yes because Soulaima LIKED much what Jannik WRONGLY told her, and we know not a work to me making me sad to be ignored once again .

--Ending the day with these short stories: Soulaima was on her way this morning to leading employees from the public sector to speak about how to be prepared for changes, how they can navigate through economical low water and how they mentally prepare for a new form of dialogue with the citizens, and I told her to bring my regards and say that the future will bring FREEDOM instead of their wide use of paternalism, which will come via their own close down, and that is if she DARES (?), and no, Soulaima apparently does not dare, so all I receive from her is SILENCE too but are you speaking to your network about me, Soulaima (?) and the manager Jannik suggested to ask the question he asked his employees what can I do as a leader for you to make you feel good and release your best competences (?) and yesterday my employees said: You can continue to support, listen and smile, and yes the Jesper from Falck type, who does everything he can to make people feel good and that includes to TALK TALK TALK, and yes isnt this wonderful, and yes irony my friends, and I could have decided to continue this telling Soulaima that in our New World everyone will become their own manager and work together in

I was given a little heart attack coming together with the feeling of the SAGA Facebook group, and right after I saw this post about a helicopter crashing in London, and this is a symbol of darkness, which does NOT want me to lift up the world to become light only, and yes this is what this is about as my voice repeats.

Helena has been on skiing holiday and yes she will go on a new in a couple of weeks (!) and here she says that she will soon explode (!), and this is something darkness says and for example let helicopters do (!), and the reason being that she cannot transfer the pictures from her telephone camera to her computer, and it made her so aggressive
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that she said that she needed to take two boxing hour this evening following by a lot of swearing, and this is about darkness not being able to expose any pictures, i.e. is dying, and when I took a copy of the screen, it showed me a new feature, I have never seen before, which was the time indication for example 2 hours ago was blinking on my screen, and no, this is NOT a Facebook feature, but to say that time is now about to stop, and you can see her update without and with time indication, which I copied when the blinking was off and on.

One should believe that you have read my script of today, Mads and that Svend read my script the other day bringing the crazy song by Pink Floyd, and Nina brought a link to the crazy Michael Wulff saying that people dont need to fear because Rihanna will only sing Bruce Springsteen songs on the Roskilde Festival, and yes if I should have a guess it will be waiting on a sunny day and that is the connection really, and you know, the day of my arrival as my new self. And as you can see, the TIME continued to blink and here it was off.

In my script of yesterday I showed you the world elite reading my DSB application the day before yesterday on Scridb in secrecy, which continued yesterday, when my script of January 14 including the link to the DSB application was only read 5 times, and despite of this, my DSB application received 47 reads yesterday (making the total number of readers a few thousand with a click rate of 1-2%), which are practically all of them coming from world leaders, thus not from my Facebook links now two days ago, which no one saw yesterday and no one used as example to enter my script of January 14, and yes my dear NERVOUS world elite, tell me again why you were FOOLS, WIMPS and COWARDS (?), and is it really because you did not like the thought of being temps losing your jobs (?), and yes quite astonishing right (?), and yes it still goes quick enough here, thank you very much, and yes you too Michael Palin, and no it does not take me 80 days to get around the world, a few minutes only, and yes thats what it takes, and can you hear the sound of BOTH George and Jeff here (?), and yes I LOVE IT .

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January 2013 Johannes from TV2 said that they are right now working on a story, which with guarantee will wake attention, which made Martin guess with inspiration that Santa Claus is real, and I said that it is like Martin says: Santa Claus is real It is about time for a return, but TV2 dont bother telling about this, even though it is a story, which with guarantee will wake attention, and then I have NOT said too much, and I am bringing this to say that the silence and WIMPY attitude of the media all over the world is still bringing me darkness too. By the way, Anne wonders if it is about the dead crocodile, which has been found in a bicycle shed (?), and yes crocodile is the worst darkness and the bicycle shed could be the one I was shown the other day next to the Central Station of Copenhagen, which is to say that this darkness is now eliminated.

Jimmy is wise on love and life saying that when two people meet, both parties have a need to be seen, heard and met, and either this is how we feel or the opposite, which is overseen, overheard and ignored (!), and yes, can you guess what I feel after meeting you, Jimmy?

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Earlier in the day I was told that my father had only looked at my website once seeing that I have also been alive as Hitler, which was all he needed to know that I was crazy, and then today I received this surprising visit from Mlv, which is where my father lives, and I just believed that this has to be my father or maybe Kirsten visiting my site and yes also looking at my photos, which my counter for some reason dont record, and is this curiosity or is there some faith behind this? When I closed my eyes shortly hereafter, I was shown Jacks late father, John, and he said that I am also your father, so what do you know ? A little later I was given a new and very strong pain to my left hand wrist and told that this was needed in order for your father to bring you the key.

From the statistical page of my WordPress website, I am given even more information where you can see someone searching on my fathers name five times and you can see that he liked the 2009 picture of me with Big Katama (in Kenya), but also other pictures.

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Yesterday, what may be the biggest traffic accident ever in Sweden/Scandinavia happened in icy weather and dense fog when 100 vehicles smashed into each other on the motorway outside Helsingborg, Sweden, only a few kilometres from here, and it goes without saying that this is a symbol of the strongest darkness working against us.

I received this from a new Facebook friend of mine in Kazakhstan, and you can read his blog here.

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18. Following the difficult end of the line going from something to nothing to become part of God
1. SUBJECT 17th January: Following the difficult end of the line going from something to nothing to become part of God SUMMARY Dreaming of sexuality of darkness being the tool of creation. I solved the challenge to update the Windows System of my computer, which helped removing darkness/sufferings and installing a new floor to bring me the last part of the road to nothing of the Source. I am going through the most extremely thin line at the end of the tunnel, and you may or may not become what I was myself before starting to build a thing called life, and yes can you get all the way up here as your old self (?), which is to go from something to nothing, which is not easy. This is helped by feelings of pride of my father after reading my website of yesterday, but also strong feelings brought to me, which is part of making this stage the strongest ever of darkness as well as faith in me. This darkness is so strong that it is being brought on my cycle when cycling, symbolising the New World, making it feel as if it is breaking down under me, which is to say that it is NOT easy to get become nothing as our final destination. I am shown that I am very close to the garden and light of Paradise. My inner self is being turned automatically around inside the Source because of the wish of the New World, but it is not done without the greatest sufferings. And it is the opening of feelings of my father in relation to me, which is opening the entrance here. I am still moving straight forward, but this darkness was so strong that it made my cycle, thus the New World, unsteady, and in another scenario, we would have lost the main part of me here on the way in, which first later would become alive again. But this hidden part is now becoming visible again because of the opening of my father. Short stores of a special friend helping me to save life, taking out energy via Helena if required, Helena understands how terrible it must have been to go through a pain hell without anyone bringing relief do you know someone having done this (?), speaking almost the same language as Stanislav, Italian coffee and strong darkness opposing Helle Thorning-Schmidt and Annette Vilhelmsen. I was IMMENSELY tired again today, and had to go against my voice and what was right to do taking a long bath with a nap, which brought terminations of life on the last part of the road to the Source, but since darkness is an illusion, this life is or will be recreated inside the Source. I have given everything I have to reduce sufferings of the world as much as possible, and I am told that I might be able to continue the game some days with my own goal being until the end of January. As the Source I am still hidden inside of darkness driven by my sister and Karen - now only the size of a football, and I have decided to continue the game for as long as I can. Lance Armstrong finally became CLEAN admitting to his wrongdoings taking doping and Helena showed as an example to the world just how FALSE that Sren Pind is, which is my encouragement for everyone to change your routine, decide on the policy of truth and become CLEAN . Short stories of I ask everyone to COME CLEAN and of course to speak the truth (!), Google Earth pictures showing much life and light. Dreaming of sexuality of darkness being the tool of creation


18th January: Change your routine, put an end to the tears, decide on the policy of truth and become CLEAN

17 January: Following the difficult end of the line going from something to nothing to become part of God


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I went to bed at 23.30 yesterday without taking a nap during the day (!) and woke up at 07.00 almost as bombed as yesterday, and I only remember this dream. I am walking at an underground station with MANY people, and I notice how some are making love in the open room, which I do my best to not look at. o This was the basics of the dream and a voice trying to tell me that I have now done the basics and I am sorry but there is more and yes the journey and more sufferings, and this is the same voice showing itself as my father sending me STRONG darkness this morning, and yes I was not popular yesterday, and did you see that he also read my chapter on him my father only understand his own strong voice (?) as you can see from the statistics of yesterday and yes this is not a chapter, which receives visits everyday, but yesterday it received some, and yes it is not everything that my counter catches, but according to WordPress, I do believe he or maybe Kirsten also read this page (finally!). And I was told that this sexuality of darkness is what is creating! I woke up to ABBAs the name of the game, and yes so I wanna know, and this is simply about the game I am finishing, and it was called Stig, find yourself and lead us to our New World, and I clearly remember when ABBAs the album was released in 1977 with a different sound, which some reviewers did not like, and I do believe that Bjrn promised to return to the normal ABBA sound after this album, and yes, to me it had this amazing SPECIAL touch and feel already when hearing it the first time (Christmas Evening 1977 at my fathers mother), and this is how it has stayed over the years, a unique sound if you ask me, and some of the best work that ABBA ever did (even though they only almost made fine work), and this goes for the entire album.

ankle and was told just because of this, and yes my father visiting my website. I received Danser med grise (dancing with pigs) by Shu-bidua, and not very often this happens, but to me this title means celebrating life, so there you have it . I was shown a GIANT ship with a library in the middle of it, and out of it came a raccoon wanting to hide on the ship, and this bear is called the European Union and yes grown up men (and ladies) doing what Devils do, which is to be silent and trying to hide, and I thought you should know by now that this is NOT how I am. I was told that it is growing faith of Kirsten, who worked as the eye opener of my father, and yes yes yes, this is what you say, but I know how sceptical and better-knowing he is, so it should surprise me if he has faith in me. It isnt a completely new airplane is it (?), and yes it is and this is about our New World. I was still very tired and also very tired because of being very tired especially the last days, and it was TOUGH to get started to work today instead of just relaxing, and I forced myself to sit at the computer waiting to wake up and my rhythm and concentration to enter, and yes it normally takes some hours to do, and yes receiving the vision of the dark haired lady from Desperate housewives here, and is this still about people knowing about me (?), or that the play is on-going (?) or maybe both really as I am told. I decided to do a few updates to my computer as I also did yesterday installing Skype and Spotify etc. and it included to download the HTC Sync programme to my HTC Wildfire (android based) phone, which I could not remember the name on and it was not written on the phone, so it took some time to find (!), and when doing this I was told and shown that I can now almost look into the secret US command centre and yes of all of your secret activities. And I am thinking that when I do this work, it will help to reduce the pain/sufferings even more to wake up as my new self. As you can see, it also brought trouble to install this programme, which required other programmes to be installed first, and the installation of Adobe Air failed, and I am thinking that this is about installing one thing after the other and to have one thing up and working before the next will work, so it will be exciting if this will work, and also at some stage if the Windows Update program will work too, we will see. Following the difficult end of the line going from something to nothing to become part of God This morning, I received a constant annoying voice in the background he was in contrary wind but dont care, which is how he moved on, there is only lunch package paper in here now etc. I was told that the Panama channel is also like hell and yes also because of the US. Yesterday evening I was thinking that it is fine to start the New World when we can do so without leaving anything behind, and I was given a potential great physical pain as part of this promise, which scared me, and is this how it is going to be (?), and is this also how the world will feel it? I was told that we are making a 5 room apartment, and I received another maybe 1/10 out of this world pain to my right

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about Stig is not mad at me (?), and yes better understanding me after reading about my chapter on him on my website. I heard I cannot be made responsible for this, which is about people of the secret or even official world, who want to run from your responsibilities, and dont you know that this is only what WIMPS do, and all others made of the right stuff will stand forward like a man or woman for that matter and say this is what I did (WITHOUT hiding anything), and this is why I did it, and if I feel proud (?), no, I do not, I apologise for what I did and will NEVER do it again, or something like this, you know. I am the last foreman and have promised to keep open until you have come all the way into the New World too, and I was shown the foreman as in a ship yard, this is where I am, and yes building the ship of the New World of course and not destructing it, and that is by being stronger than darkness (!) on the path towards the New World. Isnt it him, who built the bridge (?), and yes Stig it is still here, we have not removed it, so now it is simply up to you when you want to cross, and yes you are not done with the last work for your computer and website, we know, and we will see if we can keep the world going as your old self while you continue doing your work. I tried to run the Windows Update in the Internet Explorer again because I know that there are MANY updates to my Windows XP, but it still shows an error message and this is practically the last task I have on my list on updating the computer, so if this will not work, I can only say that I am happy with how it works, and yes there are NO Windows firewall and NO virus protection software on my new computer, which this is about, and yes I am protecting myself and there will be no sicknesses of our New World. And yes, I have automatic updates from Windows switched on to install everyday, but nothing happens, so either this is darkness preventing me, or light saying that we have everything we need for our perfect new system. I was told that we have also used the road from Marbella bus station to the city and marina and that is to escape darkness, and this is because I went to Marbella on sightseeing in 2007 walking much around. I was shown myself on my way up from a deepening in the ground, and yes it is still the deepening I met on my way in to the Source, which I am climbing up from bringing everything with me, and I am shown not much anymore remaining. I tried to look deeper on the Windows update not working and followed a link to a forum, which by co-incidence told me that I needed to have Windows XP service pack 3 installed before it would work (!), and yes why did it not tell me (?), and when this is written, and when I discovered this, I was told that there is no

Despite of the problems above I already had Adobe Air the installation of the HTC Sync software including drivers succeeded, which also removed the previous AKB-error message when plugging in my phone, and with this, I was told that your father is proud of you for having passed your sufferings, so this may be the feeling he had when reading about my sufferings, and yes everyone should be able to understand that I love my family, also my father, very much when reading about it (?), and yes at the same time telling the truth straight out. This is the most crazy ride we have experienced, and yes to get your father back to the computer reading your website some of it at least and yes, Stig, completely impossible because of his better-knowing attitude it is, and yes he possesses the strongest of such an attitude of all people, so there you have it again again. I was given the taste of TRUE Italian coffee, and yes there is really nothing better than this and I have been given the brand Segafredo even though this is not what I have most experience with Illy and Lavazza is, but it is far too long since I have tasted the TRUE and ORIGINAL taste of coffee, and yes this is a symbol of the TRUE and ORIGINAL love of mine, which I will share with all of you when coming this far, and again, this is what my physical father opening to me is opening to the world . I was UNHAPPY to see that apparently all of my subscribers, which are now called followers, on Facebook had disappeared (!), and what had happened (?), and yes it cost me half an hour to search for and find the answer that they are still there behind a curtain, and yes apparently completely gone, but when you click the plus icon on your timeline, you can add them again, and yes I wonder why this can happen to Facebook, who are not as professional as you would like to appear (?), and I wonder how many thousands have had the same shock/challenge as I (?), and no, it was not enough for you to decide to communicate what went wrong and how to solve it by emailing people with followers? I was told about my father understanding/believing in me, which I decided not to believe in, and then I was told what

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limits to how proud your psychical father is of you, and I received much enthusiasm. After difficulties to find out whether or not it was safe to download and install a network installation of this service pack 3 - because it was impossible to find a standalone I found out that it was, and installed it, and it took maybe half an hour where I was somewhat nervous that something should go wrong again, but it did not. I was told that Ankara could have shot me down, this is how important Turkey is for the world situation/installation, which this is about. I was told that it is your golden watch coming closer and closer with perfect installation of my computer coming closer now with the possible update of the Windows operation system, which was not very easy to do even for me having some experience working on this. I was told that Arne Treholt a former Norwegian Labour Party politician and diplomat convicted of high treason and espionage on behalf of the Soviet Union and Iraq during the Cold War installed important files of mine in relation to the Soviet Union. This is to go through the flames I felt Burger King which also would have grilled you, i.e. me, and yes given a small heart attack here, like this you know. I was told that you are a donkey meaning stubborn or let us say having will power first installing all data of the world (the transfer of the hard disk) and now this, which is about the update of your father. You could easily get around the globe with the ring you have already earned, but you are serious about getting the most valuable I have said with a smile and yes based on your old self, and what is that, and yes you have already received access to our New World, and when you decide to do your job perfectly still miss the chapter on creation, however the world understands you and yes with this you may or may not become what I was myself before starting to build a thing called life, and yes can you get all the way up here as your old self (?), and yes we would also like to know, so the game continues while we figure this out, and yes what will he do (?), and yes to go from something to nothing is apparently not very easy to do, and yes two people are speaking together, which is my new and old self (?), and yes God and then the Son also becoming nothing and this is the road we have prepared for you, so tell me if you can find it (?), and yes father fine, sister finer, mother fine, and everyone is fine, and by the way, how do you think Kte is doing seeing over the rainbow on his Facebook update, yes it was her husband Erling dying from cancer maybe five years ago having this as his favourite (?), and what will it do to her faith and yes see him again (?), and is Stig God or becoming God (?), and yes quite amazing what you can do as a normal human being breaking through to people nothing reading, listening or wanting to understand, but if you can do this, this is also what we
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can, and yes to lift you up, which the Englishmen and you know the Intelligence Service over there also do not like, or do you (?), and yes did you enjoy the show almost from your windows (?), and yes do you finally get it (?), and yes Stig when you add one after the other, you continue climbing the stairs of the ladder and on top of the world is nothing, this is where you are, and then you just have to find the right road up here to find us because we are inside of this darkness being without being, and do you have any idea of how this is done (?), and no, none other than a feeling and yes this is what he has followed all throughout his journey and what he will use here, and together with growing faith of the secret world and some others too he might also get in here before we declare the game entirely over, and yes this is also what Lance Armstrong going public is about, and yes can you read through him or cant you (?), and yes if there is one who can see his secret message it may be you, Stig, and yes is Lance the access to us (?), and yes yes yes we could speak much more and yes by telling off the world media of their mistakes, or are we darkness speaking here (?), and e will see, and good luck my friend, and yes he has decided to go out cycling again today, and we know to buy a little extra and another 10 kilometres on cycle and maybe exercise at the swimming hall again despite of being on the edge and really preferring to sleep now, but no, better do what is right to do, so this is what we do. I was told that I am going the most extremely thin line to nothing, and yes it is really the end of the tunnel, and I was given the understanding that this will really hurt, and do you dare (?), and no, I have absolutely no meaning on this, I will simply go on, and this is how it normally is here as my voice says. I was thinking that for 2,500 DKK I could have bought a completely new computer with Windows 8, 750 GB hard-disk and 6 or 8 GB ram, but no, I could not afford it, so this is the long way around I had to take, which was also really for the best . And yes I tested Windows Update again after the installation of the Service Pack 3 before, and finally it worked without error messages after some additional installation of software as it wanted and here is really how the New World looks when it works, and yes including an additional 125 files to install (!) and I better do this installation too, but it will be when I come home, and yes it is 15.00 and time flies, and yes this is what Michael also thinks being THE FLYER .

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And you will believe that this is the strangest in the world and we know, this place is not a home, but this is how it is and that is until you will discover who I really am, and yes Bowie is the symbol of me inside of nothing, and you know the being, or I (simply) am. So Elijah has become what he said (with all of his temper) that he (certainly) was not, which is someone who is not my friend and misusing me because of my money, and yes Elijah, I knew you had it in you as the spirit of my mother tells me here from the New World coming through to me via not much darkness, and this darkness includes you still trying to prevent creation, and yes because you could not and would not understand me believing that I could not understand you, and yes that is your destiny. So the blood of your mother is circulating fine (?), and yes she is in perfect condition now, this is what this means, so it was good that you did not give up. And all new blood is coming directly from you/me/us and yes from the Source of nothing. I cycled to town and out to the Aldi Supermarket and had planned also to go to the swimming hall and afterward the Netto Supermarket, but inside Aldi, I felt just how extremely poorly that I feel still with darkness pressuring on me making my whole body feel like give up/scream mode, so I decided to cycle home here, which may have been about 8 kilometres of cycling, which was really enough, and on the way I was told that no one can help you with this, not even the Lord, and if one wants to, one has to take care of it by himself, and I told myself that this sounds wrong, so I did not believe in it, and on my way home in a cross on the Kings Road, the only lorry passing me had written the flyer on it, and with this, I smiled and knew that I am still on the right track to enter nothing of the Source and there is really only one way doing it, and that is to do as I have always done, which is to never give in and continue working and when there is no more darkness, I should be in, and yes yes yes my cycle yesterday started a phenomenon, which continued today, which was mostly the back wheel but sometimes also the front wheel which had now decided to buckle so it clearly could be felt all over the cycle including the steer, which also started to buckle, and it was with the feeling that the whole cycle was about to break down under me, and I was told that this was to give the impression that there would be problems entering the last stage and pretending a fight just before this (because of feelings of my physical father and others), but I both feel and also hear two individuals inside the Source, which is my father and my own inner self (been there since October 31 making this a game only to enter as my old self), so I am not that worried even though the game is convincing, and yes the gear was some times too also shifted up and down, and I can only say that I feel the force of nothing doing this, and it happens so I feel it and sometimes it is on, then changes and then is off, so a game only it is to show/teach me that entering here with the New World is not the easiest to do in the world.
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I came home and downloaded and installed all of the 125 updates above and again I was fearing that something should go wrong, but it went fine, and took maybe one hour to do. And I was told that we had created a bog for you to go through but instead we are now installing the finest wooden floor helping to bring me the last way. So it is you (son) and not me (father) now sitting on the safe, and you just have to get used to that, and later I was told by my father behind the game that you will get your sleep soon, and yes we will still need sleep in our New World, and at least to start with. I was told that this was the chapter on my father on my website which was needed for my father as the last to go through this, and I understood that my mother, sister and Karen, whom the other chapters in my sufferings are about, have gone through this, and yes bringing many STRONG feelings you know to be used for my way forward. I have been given physical shakings and almost cramps to two of my left fingers sometimes the last couple of days and I was told that this is also to symbolise the New World almost breaking down on our way in here. I was shown a small and open tool shed with the door open to the fine garden (and light), and I was told that it is inside of here that we have lawn mower etc., and this small room includes the tools inside of darkness to be used for creation and it is now very open meaning that it cannot take long for everything to be light with Paradise being the combination of our New World and the Source. I felt my mothers (adoptive) mother Petra and isnt it funny that this was me, and yes God alive coming from nothing and not being able to show feelings as part of the desired upbringing of my mother also to give her the desired upbringing of me. I was shown myself on the way into me (!) with the lowest part of my right leg being held back by a force of darkness trying to prevent me, and at the same time this force of darkness is being
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used to build more and more of my leg and me i.e. the New World. I was told that there has never been as much darkness as now and also never as much faith. And I was given the feeling of Fuggi around me and told that exactly as expected, he could not read me and is now part of this darkness trying to prevent me. I was given the thought of when I lived with my mother and father on Rrholmsgade in Copenhagen, which we did until 1972 (my father moved out before when my mother and father were divorced maybe in 1971?), and I was given the memory of my father joking with becoming 29 at his next birthday and not 30 because he did not want to become this old, and this was in September 1970, where I was four years old, and I remember it clearly when I told him or thought - on the stairs in front of our door never mind, just say that you are becoming 30, and I understood that the reason why I thought of this was because my father is thinking of me, and also that this is some of my first memory of all, and this is a symbol of going all the way back to the beginning of everything. I was shown the feet of an eagle, and then a penguin and I felt actors inside darkness around me as if I am inside a circle, and they stand around the circle directing it and I was told that we are the actors (father and son) even though we are really not here (and that is as the presence of the natural being of God). I was told that the successful update of Windows corresponds to having received a new goalkeeper, so now we can continue a little now again. My right computer speaker is now receiving a new order I feel it when I am giving an active feeling inside of my body when it happens and it is to momentarily play and play with reduced volume, and the right speaker is the symbol of my father, and apparently this is to say that he is suffering much, which will have to be after reading my website yesterday, and yes there are many pages, which he and Kirsten could read to get an understanding of the Big Picture, but very few works like this I can see, and then it is better to guess you think? I was told that I am still inside the refrigerator i.e. producing life and have NEVER left the world as some people say, but darkness became STRONG, that is right. I was told and felt that the entrance is completely open and please remember that you will decide yourself when to enter, and we know Stig, not as long as there is still more work to do, and no, I will not force it. The opening of feelings of my father to me is opening the entrance to the Source, which could have killed much of me This is information given to me in the evening written down tomorrow morning.

It is not nice for Lars G., who has now been told, and yes he still has contacts to the Conservative Party. To my surprise, Windows Update continued to suggest new updates to be downloaded and installed almost all evening, which I did it took hours to do and I thought that this is the update of the Source with me as the Son entering. Hours before the interview with Lance Armstrong would be sent, I was told that he had prepared this moment in time and was nervous because of the entire world watching and me too, Lance? I continued receiving visions of MANY famous people apparently knowing about me or it may be darkness coming out like this too and I have felt the Spandau Ballet band for days, and now again. We are not about to also hand over the golden necklace to him are we (?), and yes that too, and it was part of the cross, and yes you will get automatically turned around here when this is your wish, and this is also how we thought it was, so it is the wish of the New World to turn you around from dead to alive without your physical death to wake up a little after you as dead was brought to your left and this is the reason of Messi/Barcelona (winning the first 18 out of 19 matches this season on its way to set even higher records for the best season). I was told by the spirit of my mother that the task was to come here. This is part of us, and you are all us, and when we will bring you back and enter you again, it is your rebirth, and this process is on-going. So we have tested if you can enter here as nothing and turn something, which really is no longer, and you can, and this becomes you. So you were not alive my inner self, but my physical self was when arriving, and then you have been given some of our heart, which is also you, and this is about rebirth, so dont give up, we are not done at all, and the Helsingr Convent is also part of this, and yes people centuries ago knowing that you would come here through information given via meditation etc. Your mother knows nothing, so she does not have part of this .. shark bite ... dont worry, she is also not dead, she is also kept alive because of you keeping John alive. We thought this was better than lose John and her. And I felt strongly and was told that it is me, still my inner self, coming from outside here, who is the worst darkness of all, and I am being released by my father, and yes his opening to me is the reason why, and take some days extra to see how much we can bring. So this is the part we bring because we can, and this came with the strong feeling that this one is truly impossible/crazy to do. You will get apple slices not matter what, but if you do/did not do this, we would have had to cut off this the biggest part of you pretending to never see this again, but this would only be
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until we came in to bring everything alive. This saves you and the world from much sufferings. I was told that the Theosophical Fellowship in Copenhagen are also formidable opponents offering no help or support but plenty of talk about me behind my bag, and I felt the late Lady Ananda from here and the question how do you feel about Jan and others from there (?), and yes embarrassing (?), and yes they did not even offer to visit you and talk, but they know all about you, and you too, Inger? This is how to give birth to small children, but not even the size you have asked for, which is perfect age and size, which your mother and the world was meant to do if you did not live as your physical self and we dont know how without your help, but since you are here, we are too and together this is what we do. Kirstens son Stephan is a sneak, so there is plenty of power, this is not the problem, it is more if you can survive. I felt Sren Pind all over and was shown myself with his help crossing the connection from one side to the other. And I was thinking that I have both been told about only little darkness remaining, and here about the strongest of all darkness arriving, and what is the truth and not (?), and I received such strong darkness that it also made me nervous about what will happen if I lose it, this is part of the feeling it gives me, and I was told that this the strongest darkness comes because my father is sad because of me. You will not be killed, but we also cannot liberate you now. You are not a wimp. You dont come to your father asking for war or peace with the strength he possesses, and how would he react (?), was the message of love (on my chapter on him) strong enough and that is for me/us to come through without war but with love (?), and yes yes yes no hell love of Karen, but TRUE love, which is why we have given you the feeling of Spandau Ballet, so here is this MAGNIFICENT song . Your soul has not arrived yet, but you did succeed to get in to your father, which is about entering my father as the Source, and this is how you did it, and we will help each other to transfer the last. This is what the unsteady cycle was about. And what would have happened if your father did not long back (?), and yes dying as the only way out maybe. You cannot come through here after so many years where your father apparently has had no feelings for his old family, but yes you can, when the son comes and asks for access, which this webpage on my father is about, and yes, then you are granted access because of love. So you have now broken through this barrier. Do you know how much your webpage on the Jerusalem UFO meant to make the rulers of the world understand the meaning/importance of this (?), and yes without this, there would also not be a New World.

I was shown an extremely dark hangar and a jet fighter being pulled out of there, and I was told if this was a hidden plane (?), which is now being pulled out because of the darkness and opening of my father (?), and yes this is also connected with Jack, and my father is his too. So we are coming through the entrance of your father without being asked to return anything with apologies like there is no room etc. And in this case, there would only be one way in, and that is via you old nightmare. I was told that you are not such a dr. hook (a pirate) anymore when your father gets out of your shirt as I was shown, and yes changed his attitude in relation to you. This is the way in for fish and everything else as your old self and this is what would have been enough to make you turn us over as the gold treasure without knowing how otherwise to enter. The truth is that you are still heading directly for the GOLD, and yes this is what Spandau Ballet is also about, and we know because of the attitude, I dont care about your obstacles, I am coming in. The last couple of days I have received a symbol of destruction stjysk Musikforsyning (!) and today you saw Muslims in Algeria taken hostages leading to deaths and casualties when the military intervened, and yes they wanted to open the gates of hell because of the situation in Mali, and this is really what we do except from the fact that going through this the strongest darkness of my father is to come home to Paradise, and I am here giving a strong burning feeling to my left foot. What do you do if you cannot swim through everything (?), and we dont know, it hasnt happened yet, and he, i.e. me, will not allow us to do anything else, so we are only doing what he wishes. For a few days, I have been given the memory of MANY old dreams with the underlying encouragement also to write these down, which however has been impossible, and yes too much information is what this is about again. I was told that there will not come new million invoices, energy has been secured, and today was yet another of the most important days of history. --Ending the day with these short stories: My old colleague from Fair, Kim, is in Mexico doing the same with a pyramid there as he did in Egypt, and I understand that he is a special friend of mine receiving a nice taste of food here so this is what his journeys mean, to save life and brought to me (!), and as I commented, it is only one metre tall, and you should really believe that it as taller, but an optical illusion it must have been .
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Of course they shall fill the place precisely within their profession giving us a community where the best skills are divided the best way possible, and yes how difficult can it be to understand (?), and yes all of the experts in the administration, Ministry and Government/Parliament dont understand it (!), and you might say within their skills instead of profession, but the meaning is good enough as we still say here. And yes, Helena has now opened up for subscribers to comment and that includes previous Facebook friends like me, whom she could not stand any longer.

Helena gave an emergency number because she had handed over her phone including the sim-card, and she said it was her secretary doing it, which made people tell her to dismiss her, and Jess to say if you send her down after money, she will leave the credit card in the dispenser, and this is about the credit card taking out energy of darkness, but didnt we entirely close down energy at one stage (?), and I believe we did, and this is what I am playing after despite of all of the references to energy. I was happy to find Stanislav almost speaking the same language as I. This is an update to our public communication yesterday.

Helena spoke about a six year old boy, who was badly burned in the face because of an adult using inflammable liquid on a burning fire, and furthermore the adults believed that he did not required treatment, which made her say he had he has lived a pain hell without anyone coming to his relief, which made her feel poorly, and yes tell me about it, Helena (and the world!), and she also thought of the law on unemployed asking them to seek wide, which is everything and as she says NO, they shall not!

In my script of yesterday I included a link to my memo on Scribd to Alex the psychiatrist, which was not important now compared to the DSB link the other day, and even though my script of yesterday was only read two times yesterday as you can see below, suddenly there was an increase from normally 0 to 2 readers on my Scribd memo to

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Alex to 61 (!!!), and yes it is still good enough, these are visits of the world elite, and my best guess is still a click rate of 1-2% making the true number of secret visitors to my scripts, which are NOT recorded, between 3,000 to 6,000, so a few thousand is my best guess, and yes all of them not saying a word, and yes SPEECHLESS they are these cowards of leaders of states, businesses, media, armed forces and royalties, and yes isnt it incredible (?), and how many of you would have liked to support me if only I could (?), but no you could not herewith brining (young) blood to me again, and so it is.

Both the Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt and also the new leader of the Socialist Peoples Party, Annette Vilhelmsen, receive MUCH resistance these days from people opposing them and speaking behind their backs, and Politikens Kristian put it like this: Cough, cough, which is about the worst darkness as I feel exactly like this: Cough, cough, so there you have this one too, and we know Stig, a little old this quote maybe, but we still receive more life from inside this the most dark, dusty bedroom as you show me, and yes incredible small this room is.

Some hours after I was given Italian coffee, see the script of today, Paolo was inspired to read about this INCREDIBLE album by SAGA, Worlds Apart and that was with my Italian coffee.

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I could not keep up the page of the game being IMMENSELY tired bringing temporary terminations I was truly incredible tired again today, and it was only with my outmost will that I wrote the last chapter of my script of yesterday and published it at 08.00 and I did it thinking that this could be the last script I will do (?), and then I better do it before I cannot do it anymore, and yes still receiving 1/10 out of this world pain to my right ankle here. If he has not mixed his cards well, this might be his last day alive, and yes this is how strong this storm is, but if you have yes including China and so on you might be strong enough to continue one day (at a time), let us see. The roundabout, what is status (?), and there are also no burning marks there, and yes how did he succeed getting in (?), and yes his father and not to give in (?), and is that it (?), and yes there you have it, the recipe for not falling in love with darkness to do this work. Bruce Springsteen, Stig, would you believe that he sends you darkness too? There is not moved a whole refrigerator, or is there? In a former life we would have become married, are you strong enough to give up on me, your own mother, no father playing that role (?), and yes I will do the best I can to support you, but the last step is impossible to take and I see much darkness. Is it a former prisoner who is still sitting there (?), and yes refusing to give up and to his old nightmare.

18 January: Change your routine, put an end to the tears, decide on the policy of truth and become CLEAN
Dreaming of practically not being alive as my old self I went to bed at 22.50 being INCREDIBLE tired as I am these days and I slept until 05.00 still feeling destroyed when standing up, there was nothing to do, the game started again meaning that I was attacked by negative voices, which is really not a very nice way to start every single day, but this is how it is, and here are some dreams too. Something about being locked up together with the most beautiful lady at a hotel, and cannot speak nor make love, and I see my self as half because I am closing down. o This is my old self being closed down, I am practically not alive. Many different teams from Norway, Sweden and now also Denmark are on holiday, it feels like the Island of Fyn, I feel nature, we check houses, there are big birds, a beautiful lady wearing a yellow jacket and something about being disciplined. o The lady is my mother, and the rest is about .?


It is meant to look as a surprise when he enters as the spirit of my mother said. So the sale of tickets is done, and there is no fear anymore, so he is ready to be lifted up (?), and yes by himself, and that is me, and the New World. There is not much blood dripping over this, it is more like a relocation inside of here. You with him God and Son - or is it the other way around, and yes all of this is put in my hands. And he would have said that we could forget everything about the farm in Sweden etc. and that is just to get us on place. This was only one of those bicycles at the Central Stations you know (of Sren D.N. some time ago). Do you remember that there is a secret access from me the spirit of my mother to the Source (?), and yes this is what we are using, and we were going in that direction anyhow, so we might as well continue. And this is how we have saved you from going through a big fire as she says. And it is in Egypt that the fight begins and now also ends.

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After publishing my script of yesterday, I simply had to take a long bath, and I was told not to do it, but I had to overrule this because I simply could not take anymore, so this is how I took another maybe three hours there including a nap too, and I did not write much down, but here is some. Can you imagine our surprise that we did not only speak on the phone, but also have direct access (?), and that is from the spirit of my mother to the Source. So Jerusalem was the place of birth of this world, and the access to the Source, and this has now been moved to Helsingr, to Kronborg Castle. This is what the song halo by Depeche Mode is about one of the STRONG songs I was woken up to when my spiritual voice opened in 2006 incredible STRONGLY one night after the other for example giving me the chorus of this song over and over again and this is the great discovery really. And this is what the impossible opening of Lance Armstrong is about finally admitting to his doping which is about the opening to the Source and yes the opening of my father, and I was told that this has completely changed the Source self. I was shown that we are inside the library of the Source, and one shelve after the other was put in our way not to enter our final destination. I was shown the fighter plane, and the opening of the cockpit of it, which changed into a missile, which is about the world we are opening for. It was clear that going to bath was NOT a good thing to do, but I had to give in, and afterwards I was told, dont you believe that we hung on with our outermost too, Stig, yes not only you having to take a bath. We were also almost moving those groceries there, but then he could no more, and now he says, please carry on the work, and yes they are crazy those Swedes, and also Romans, thinking of you here Benedict. It almost felt like Ipswich equalising to 1 to 1, so now you know, and yes dont you ever do that again, dont come here and so on, this was the prize we had to pay. But not for long, because he will accept no terminations and only the best is good enough, so there is still room for everyone and yes also the unlucky red dog and so on. I was told that it felt like destruction, and I was shown eggs being removed from one tray to another and told that we saved them. This is what the shark bite was about. And I was told that this is what Stanislavs message confirmed, that darkness is an illusion, so everything survived. Later however, I was told that this is what the Shu-bi-dua song from the other day about bleeding was about, and is this the

truth, that we did bleed, i.e. terminate life, on the way in (?), and if we did, it is or will be recreated. I keep hearing that France would like me to say what I believe of its intervention in Mali, and I can only say that I do NOT like war and oppression of people, and if things cannot be perfect, I prefer the solution bringing the least violence and oppression to people according to your best judgment, and this is really it. It was expected that your mother would fall on her behind as part of the game, but not this late in the game my boy as she says. So it means that there is really no dirt inside the engine (?), and I see someone looking interesting with a small flash, which will have to be John, and yes another part of me trying to find you too through the fog, which is what the accident in Sweden the other day was about, and yes Stig, you concentrate on doing your best work under the circumstances, and have said that I still have more to do, and yes the computer is perfect now, but I may be able to do a few updates to my website if I can generate will and energy to do so, and we know it is 14.30 now, and I have more work today and am going to my mother this evening, who has had back pain all week, so she is feeling it too, and I may have a few more days to continue doing my work, and we will see how much I will do, and I will be happy with just a little. So there are no flat bicycles (?), and no, that is the best part of it as I felt a smiling God say, and yes my task was simply to get in bringing as little suffering to the world as possible. I hear yes, you are allowed to come with the ambulance too, which has to be about our people recovering life on the way, but no, not yet, we are not done working yet, and yes let us see if we can work until the end of January as the goal. I just had a glimpse of my new bicycle, and yes it is completely white, as I was told with a voice of much excitement/anticipation. Something about HK (the union symbolising darkness coming from Falck to me), and it became your mother after all doing the head cleaning here, and that will have to be the New World helping me to do what I could not, and yes not easy when you were told that your mother could not, but this is how the game was designed to help bringing as little sufferings to the world. No, we will not build a new ship yard because when we are done, we are done, and will NEVER go through this road again, and this is why he says that he will continue and yes until the end of January if he can, and yes let him as I am told. I am reminded that the last couple of days I have received the name of the previous ski racer Gustav Thni, and I understand that this is about terminations on our way in as part of the game.

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I was told about fire, no class parties etc., and also that the floor is now not wet anymore. I continue hearing through darkness to the right of me that we are ready, and that is to start our New World, but no, there is still darkness, and when there is darkness, I have decided that we cannot start, this is how it was and still is. I was told about the importance of delivering practically everything about my self I did not exhibit people compared to myself and again about the importance of speed being crucial in order to defeat darkness. One of the things darkness has made me do stronger and stronger as it also did when I was a child and my young years is to make me bite my nails, and yes another suffering, which has been completely impossible to resist. Yes, it is a mean Satan you have to go through here at the end, but there is a meaning with everything. Stig, darkness does not even want to say thank you for the match, and we know, this is how they are, and no my family, friends etc. and the world cannot say we are sorry, and yes still thinking about Elijah and how sorry I am that he cannot say that he is sorry and cannot behave, which will only make things worse for him and his family, and yes this is what he is thinking and too proud to speak with me again, Elijah (?), and yes I have been thinking all along that I will probably be my new self before the end of January to help you out anyway, but we will see. How shall we make him understand that he is not me (?), and yes Stig, Karen is not you (?), but that does not fit what you have said before, and now you say that we are one as God at the top but we found a way to make you different people at the level below, so this is what we are. My book is not published on RIGET the Danish national hospital but it is quite spread anyway, and yes I have been told about Riget some times and is that because my case is interesting for the leading experts to learn from (?), and yes you might want to tell me why (?), and maybe how can a man live even though he should be dead and to continue working hard as if it did not bother him, is this it? I was told still to the right of me that here she was arranged ready to kiss and yes all of this set up of darkness my old nightmare you know, but no, I dont want it! And we almost took the ticket there ourselves, i.e. dying, and yes to sell tickets to the world and yes to get you to read, understand and follow me of course. Bringing the Cure to my mother and family driven by LOVE - receiving a mixture of darkness and smiles of light I was told that the last football match will be Germany, where your home is, and Denmark/Helsingr is the Northern region of
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this. Arent you soon finished with all of those clap hats (?), and the feeling is that we are still working and yes with celebration of our New World coming. I was told that this is the longest we could extend it without the world going to war because of you (!), and yes could you not agree, my friends (?), and we will see just for how long I will continue working. For a couple of days I have received the name of the band the Cure, and is this because of Robert & Co. knowing/thinking about me (?), and when I met my mother this evening, I understood what this is also about, because after I spoke to her on phone this morning where her back was in pain and had been all week, she was suddenly this evening completely without pain (!), and yes this is what the Cure is about, and I was told that it was given to her after giving me strong darkness of speech of my old nightmare of a king you just dont want to receive, and yes John is even better than before, and I have been told that my father is also better (?), and yes what song to play by the Cure other than the plain LOVE SONG of course, and yes also from an exceptional album it is . John and my mother told me that they will be going to an event tomorrow where they will have patty shells for lunch, and yes beginners, main and desert, and I told them to be sure not to have too many, otherwise it will go them as it did Harry from the DSB commercial film, who simply had too many shells making him almost throw up in the train, and yes this is a symbol of the sufferings/throw up feelings I went through when new food continued coming to me, which I had to eat/absorb in order to save every little thing, but still we take it easy (tar det let) as I have always said and yes this cannot be true, can it (det kan da ikke pasta, kan det), but yes, it can, this is also how I am . My mother served veal rump steak, which is one of her favourites, and this time, the meat was even more sweet and tender than ever before, so this is what my voice through me called for the best meat in the world, and yes still about our new life just behind our faade, you know. For a very long time, John has not had wine, but lately, he has had beer (after water for a long time), but this evening, he liked to have a glass of wine, and afterward I was told that this is to say that John is changing too from beer of darkness (terminations) to wine of light (i.e. everything which is). My mother told me that Niklas and Isabelle had decided not to buy the house in question, and also that if John gets the permission of doctors to fly, they will order a holiday to Egypt with only a few days notice and leave in the beginning of February, and yes they were happy visiting Egypt the last time, and as she said you will probably understand that we have been through a very tough period, but of course I will, mother, but you may
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understand that I was thinking that it truly makes me sad that you dont understand that I have been going through an even tougher period than you, and of course, I know, I cannot afford to go on holiday, so therefore I need to stay at home it goes without saying and if John liked it, I am sure that he could also invite me, couldnt he (?), and this is how it is, and yes my mother had bought me a sweater on sale (reduced from DKK 400 to 100), and we know she surely looks after me, and you do get it by now, dont you (?), and I can give you more examples of Stig cannot afford, so he cannot get but we can because we can afford, and so it is. And my mother and John in Egypt in the beginning of February, which may be to say that this is where I will open as my new self and show myself to the world (?), and yes walking out of a Pyramid there (?), and yes wouldnt it be good (?), and yes a true favourite of mine too . We watched X-factor on DR1 still not live shows and I do like Anne Linnet and her strength playing up against Thomas Blachman, but dont say that he does not have humanity, Anne, because I do believe that the world will agree with me that he has, and that it is really only weak and too sensitive people also of darkness who cannot take Thomas, and yes there were some examples of this this evening, and yes also of two couples of siblings having the greatest difficulties to sing together in pairs because of far too big egos, which I was VERY sad to see, and yes how can it be difficult to do what should be the most natural thing to do? And my mother is really either white or black, and yes either things are FANTASTIC with great enthusiasm or the opposite, and we know RAP is certainly NOT her cup of tea, and she kept on telling me just how much she hates this this is NOTHING to do with singing etc. and can you imagine that her negativity, which is repeated endlessly, because she receives this input endlessly, is also making me suffer (?), and yes because I do NOT want to think negatively myself, and this is exactly how it is but it also goes the other way you know when she is positive and I could only say that rap is NOT my kind of music, but when I hear people having a great talent, for example Jokeren or L.O.C., I can truly hear that this is great too, but will you please CLEAN wrong/disgusting language from much rap/hip hop because this I truly dont like. And this was also a game of my spiritual friends, whom I heard with smiles (!) leading the voice of my mother, and the game was to say that we want to ELIMINATE these from the game, which is really the message of these reality shows JUDGING people (!), and I could only smile my best too looking away from the distraction of it knowing that this is wrong. During this evening, I received a mixture of the worst darkness including references to my old nightmare and smiles of light. As the Source I am still hidden inside of darkness now only the size of a football

When I came home, I was told that it is first now via the entrance of your mother, that it has been possible to separate you and Karen. I was told interception and now we will inform you about what we did not bring (from darkness), and what to do about this, and yes the feeling was that the game would be because of this, we cannot make it work, but I know that this is a game and because of the way I played it, this is NOT how it will be effected, and I was told that this one was too difficult, and I felt/understood that this darkness is represented through people on Earth resisting me, and I felt Karen and was told that she is the only one having the strength to fight me here, and that it goes via her wrong sexual behaviour. I was told not unemployed, which is about the Commune and told no, this is not it. This is now the last darkness, which you have NOT given up on, so will you get this as a gift of God (would surely be easy/nice) or do you want to give it self (?), and yes the right answer is of course to continue fighting until the end, and yes if I can of course, and this is where my walking around Mijas in 2007 comes in, and that is because darkness has no way out to escape from me. I was told that this is then the force, which wanted to shut everything via your sister bringing lack of faith to your mother, but we neutralised it not long ago, and except from this, there is reasonable clean inside of here, so we will just keep on going this direction and that is with everything/everyone and yes towards the eye at the end, and that is the eye of God. I have been given the feeling of Kim S on and off, and was told that it is typical of people hiding that they dont communicate, so Kim did not want to play bowling (?), but he cannot communicate about this to me (?), and also not Preben for that matter? I heard a giving up voice saying that we have gathered so much darkness around Cala dOr, Mallorca (where I lived on holiday in 2007), so we might as well give up and walk on by, but NO, NEVER! I was told that you the Source is still hiding inside darkness now the size of a football, and it is inside of here that the whole power device of the world is located, and it is from here the secret world that WRONG information on you NOT being the Son of God is spread out, and yes HOW COULD YOU??? And I was told that this darkness is driven by my sister, who still needs some comfort because of me! Change your routine, put an end to the tears, decide on the policy of truth and become CLEAN Finally, the Oprah Winfrey interview of Lance Armstrong was sent, and no, there was NO DOUBT, he had really taken doping for years to help him win the Tour de France seven years, and yes like everyone else, but not Rolf Srensen (the Danish star rider of the 1990s), who still claims that he was clean, and
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this is what this story behind the acting is TRULY about, which is to come CLEAN, which is both about everyone doing the same as Lance Armstrong, which is to tell the truth about your wrongdoings but NOT to leave anything out including details/names, which Lance still does (!) - and here also supported by the song CLEAN by Depeche Mode also from their Violator album, which is one of the greatest albums in history if you ask me, so this is really an encouragement for everyone to tell the truth, to come CLEAN. And to me this is also about victory feeling Martin Gore as a gentle soul around me, and yes light only starting to enter me and that is because it was IMPOSSIBLE for Lance Armstrong to come out telling this story, but when he did, everyone can! Finally, this was also a BIG surprise to myself as part of the game, where it turns out that it was darkness telling me for years that Lance was clean only being doped by the force of God, and this made me so disappointed to hear this morning that it also almost knocked me out, and I kindly ask you to remember that I receive both the truth and deceptions based upon behaviour of man, so this was one of many lies given to me because of the behaviour of man. And yes, I feel like playing the whole VIOLATOR album, so why dont you join me listening to it here and maybe you will also REACH OUT AND TOUCH FAITH . Later I was told with a strong voice of God through darkness to me that this is about getting sin out of my house. Afterwards, I thought that what Lance did was WRONG, but it is equally as wrong of the world now to threaten him with law suits and run smear campaigns against him, and yes I told my mother this evening that the POSITIVE is that he did WRONG, but now he did RIGHT (however not 100%), and we should focus on what is RIGHT, but my mother had very negative thoughts about him focusing on what he did WRONG (!), and yes this is apparently how darkness is still working, so will you please help me to change this focus and yes to focus positively on what people do right? Helena brought this dialogue she has had with a politician, which she could not hide saying is from the Liberal Party, and Jane could not help revealing that this is about Sren Pind through her dialogue with Helena, and yes this politician asked her why she has chosen the special, she has, which made her say that she has always wanted to help the weak as a call, which made the politician laugh out loud asking her to peel off another layer, lady, I want the right answer, which she could only say eeehhh to as I would have done too, you know and this politician really had his layer of darkness peeled off here when he said you are not a politician and you dont stand in front of rolling cameras on TV2 News. SO TELL IT LIKE IT IS, and yes completely impossible for him to understand that this is really her motive (!), which she told him that it was, and this is really about PEELING OFF DARKNESS, which has been my mission also the last days making my circle of life immensely little, and to Sren and the world I can only ask you to NEVER AGAIN tell lies, but to always follow THE POLICY OF TRUTH, and I can only think that I am SURPRISED to see the

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TRUE face of Sren as the professional politician showing himself in a FALSE light, which to me is as disgusting as it gets, and yes Sren, do you feel proud or embarrassed by your girlfriend and me here (?), and yes, this is your destiny too to be the example of the FALSE world, and this is really about putting down all facades and being HONEST.

SPEAK THE TRUTH about your wrongdoings, and hash is the worst darkness, so these young people also brought me much darkness, but they will come CLEAN too.

Jette brought these Google Earth pictures yesterday, and decided to be silent not bringing any comments on what she saw, which is why I bring a few pictures here as are. --Ending the day with these short stories: Nikolaj is one of those group of young people finding me interesting approx. one year ago, but I havent heard from any of you for a long time, but you are still noticing my Facebook messages (?), and here he apparently came CLEAN saying that his double life will have to stop now, and he admits to having smoked hash during high school, which he is not proud of, and he will now actively fight for a CLEAN Danish youth, however he believes that his name and reputation can do more damage than good, he retires from all voluntary work (!!!); and yes this is also to say to
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20. As the last inside darkness, I was meant to die and first resurrect after the opening of our New World
1. SUBJECT 19th January: As the last inside darkness, I was meant to die and first resurrect after the opening of our New World SUMMARY Dreaming of waking up the last life inside of now only little darkness, which has almost become light, the Commune is considering whether to send me in work practise or on early retirement pension (!), there are now almost no line on the horizon it is MAGNIFICENT . The New World is now reaching through a very narrow tunnel to me at the Source now only with reminiscences of darkness coming in between. The official world could not support me or speak publicly about my arrival because it was preparing for the opening of a new totalitarian world government. I received new pain of darkness to my right foot, which is about life of darkness being hidden from me right until this day, but now this is being transferred too, and in order to do this, I have to open the door to my father and inner self at the Source. I was meant to explode as the last of darkness, being spread all over and first after the opening of our New World, I would be located and resurrected, but now I will be included from the beginning, and that is because I am still alive and because the world allows it making me work in silence to bring ALL life out of darkness. Jette brought Google Earth pictures in her Facebook group showing a big soul and brought rap/hip hop music as a symbol of my inner self being saved from inside the worst darkness, and she could not answer my repeated question from where she suddenly likes this music thus showing closeness and not openness, there is still lots of work to do, modern art of two opposite faces, eating more darkness, the children seem clean, light over Australia, and Blue Eyes is still suffering, thats life. Short stories of PR companies being the worst tool of the Devil, hateful people wants a Romanian murderer to rot up in Romania not understanding the need of helping the criminal as much as the victim to remove crime, which was also used to activate Dan Rachlin to help me turn around the last darkness, a human being in fact being a man from a people of another civilization could not listen, read and understand me but lectured me about being psychiatric etc. herewith bringing me MUCH darkness, and a Bulgarian Party leader almost being assassinated because of darkness of politicians not wanting to take responsibility of their WRONG actions. Dreaming of the difficult creation of my self as the fifth part, being the only one facing the opposite way, darkness is now playing an extremely poor game, light inside of darkness, my nephew Tobias is also bringing me darkness, it is impossible to find new shoes/life, I will show you, you're so much better than you know, and is John crazy too? Jettes Google Earth pictures from her Facebook group shows the permanent pattern of my mother and I on the North Pole, the mirror of my inner self, big lumps of life and help from the Source, a clear grey face of darkness, many souls are climbing up, the King asking you to pull yourself together, and the oil industry is still destroying the world! I was shown and told how the last layers of my inner self leave darkness to enter light, and there are no new motorways of darkness to open. I am bald now after having removed hair of darkness, having saved all terminated life inside the metal container, which is now empty, and received the golden watch by original people of Peru. There is almost nothing left to do than to clap the white horse (of the New
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20th January: It is almost impossible to hold back light and the opening of the gate of Egypt as the beginning of Paradise

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World). We almost only have the diamond to bring you now, and I was shown the gate of Egypt, which I will open and walk through with our New World to enter the beginning of Paradise. We have run out of fuel, and it is almost impossible to hold back light of our New World. We continue on a day by day basis because I still have more work to do. I was told about how the Commune approx. one year ago feared I was a potential Breivik murderer, and how they spoke to my mother behind my bag, and my mother told them about her misunderstanding brought to her by Sanna that I was indeed offensive, which was close to lock me up behind bars of a mental hospital, but I was saved by my letter to doctors/the system in 2008 telling them that it is against the law to imprison me, and apparently my mother is feeling poorly about what she said because afterwards she discovered that I am truly kind and loving as I have ALWAYS been. Short stories of the WORST darkness of RICH PEOPLE buying politicians, politicians believing that lazy unemployed are the problem, which is really about the poor world order (and themselves), FREEDOM is coming to the world also to freely share everything (good) on the Internet, EVERYONE has something to remorse, Danske Bank is a symbol of THE WORST DARKNESS too going badly because of my progress. not send money (?), and I dont really know and the only one I feel sure that I would hear from regardless of money of the four of the LTO team is Meshack. The application will be to see if my work can bring out this darkness too, and the work practise may be about what the Commune is planning for me behind my back (?), and yes CRAZY they are that they now may feel that I need work practise (?), and it is really employers and not me needing this, and this reaction of the employer of the dream may be the reaction of employers of our New World, when they can see, hear and understand the truth about me? The amplifier is of course about life of the finest quality inside this darkness, the cake is about creation and yes even on the 1st floor, which is where darkness lives, and this is to say that there is so much light inside of this darkness that it is almost being brought home, but we can still improve the cakes of it, and yes one thing is that you will not work for 30 years the same place in our New World doing exactly the same day in and day out. I am at DanskeBank-Pension where I have worked hard to produce a thorough report of what may be 100 pages or so. Jens Ove is leading a Friday meeting poorly without an agenda other than the hidden agenda to have it over with ASAP, and I tell about my report over unemployment benefit funds and their control of early retirement pension and the advise they offer, but it is impossible to be heard because of noise, something about three birthdays, and to my surprise Amagerbanken has taken over DanskeBankPension we are now no longer part of the largest bank anymore and that is via their Swedish property company, and I understand that the consultants knew about this, but I was not told, and I tell them that the worst is that you knew! o This is the department of Danske Bank that I worked from 1988-91 as part of the world of darkness, the report about early retirement pension may be to say
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19 January: As the last inside darkness, I was meant to die and first resurrect after the opening of our New World
Dreaming of waking up the last life inside of now only little darkness, which has almost become light I went to bed at 23.15 and was surprised when I was allowed to continue sleeping until 07.25 however still with the usual wake ups during the night morning making me more fresh, but not normal today, and yes, Stig, there are still new dreams, so here we go once again. I am at a small call centre at sterbro in Copenhagen. I have gone there with my mother finding the rest, David (from Kenya) is here too, and I have two weeks and am writing an application. I tell people that poor and selfish behaviour in Denmark really brings the problem that people are not ready to work when they cannot control their negative feelings, and this feels like a work practise of a period of only 2 weeks, and it makes a man next to me ask if I really can work my best for two weeks not knowing what comes after this, which he cannot himself, and I tell him of course I can. An employee tells a manager about me after having discovered how special I am after opening my mouth that he is a superman, we have to employ him, and this is the same man going to buy a new amplifier of outstanding quality of 60,000 DKK. I am giving a nice cake. After this work late in the afternoon I will continue work at DanskeBank-Pension and on my way there, I pass a caf on 1st floor where the owner has worked for 30 years making delicious white cakes, and he believes they are fantastic but I can tell that they are good but could be even better. o So a small call centre this is to wake up the last life inside darkness of the football surrounding the Source, and darkness is here represented by my mother and you too, David (?), and yes would I hear from David if I did
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that this is the option, which the Commune considers about me (?), and darkness is now only very little, which is why the small bank of Amagerbanken has taken over, and this is really to say that it does not exist anymore, this darkness our game is an illusion after October 31 and really only a matter of how we divide/absorb the last of it and that is because Amagerbanken does not exist anymore, after it went into administration a couple of years ago, which was really wrong because it had more assets than obligations, and this is the strength of our New World, and yes I remember that Bjarne and I at DanskeBank-Pension often did not receive the same information as the fine but lazy consultants, which at least I felt was VERY wrong making me feel less than they. My old colleague Carsten H. was strongly present in this dream too, which may be because he is busy speaking wrongly about me behind my back because of the updates he receives as a LinkedIn connection of mine. I am at the cottage and take a walk to the stadium close by, and somehow I can turn over the pages including events week by week, and I see U2 playing a concert and to my surprise also how some women uncover their breasts. I return to the cottage, it is the warmest period of the year, and we can still hear U2 playing at the stadium. o The cottage is our final destination, and the stadium is the place of fighting darkness, and it here seems that U2 to my surprise who should be about light only is bringing out darkness wanting to bring me my old nightmare, and it may be about your WRONG way of life, my gentlemen, and yes not living a simple life like me, and when you do not, you become servants of darkness (too), so there you have it, and yes MAGNIFICENT is still what this band is, and there is almost no line on the horizon anymore, and yes only the end of it, you know, and yes I LOVED this the latest album by U2, and look much forward to the next. As the last inside darkness, I was meant to die and first resurrect after the opening of our New World From the morning I received the sweetest perfection to call my own by Depeche Mode, which is also from the magnificent VIOLATOR album and this is where we are still heading, our new home. I heard speech about the bell on my own racing cycle, and yes we are ringing in for the last round, Stig (?), and yes this is about Dan being confused about you see the short stories and who is this Stig character (?), and yes READ and UNDERSTAND, Dan . We have decided that you decided yourself how long to sleep, which made me think that is this really the strongest darkness, or is it so that we have now passed the worst of all of
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John and my father (?), and yes I am not that tired and tormented by darkness today for the first time in some time, and the worst may have been when my father was reading me the other day? Your mother is not only one of the richest around , and yes you get the picture, she IS too and that is part of the Source. But it has got to be voice controlled (?), and no, we simply are. The stamp has not been damaged by darkness, and we are now working with the stamp in bottom, which is impossible. I was shown darkness now almost being light to the right of me and was told think that he found me hiding inside of here. So we have no newspapers running down this channel anymore, and yes I see the New World arriving through this channel to me at the Source. I felt the New World bringing in signals through a very narrow tunnel to me, and it brings references to Lani and Vivian (!), which is both about my old nightmare, and yes because of the (reminiscences of) darkness still inside this thin tunnel/line, but there is hole through. What about UFOs, they have not landed yet (?), no they are not in this country, but the feeling is that they have landed (?), and people of other civilizations have quite serious talks also with the US President at remote areas, and yes what do you know, Obama (?), and that is because what do I know, get it (?), and yes this is still one of my true favourites of SAGA, and it used to be THE favourite, but today it is among top 3 at least. All of this we are going through is part of the goal of the Source, which was removed, and this is also about bringing home my mother to the Source. I wonder if he isnt also washing potatoes with me. I am enjoying VERY much to listening to my Jeff Lynne homemade CD on my stereo over and over again, and yes for the first time since 2009, the right channel of my amplifier is NOT turning up the volume to crazy levels, which is about my father not being able to control himself in relation to me, or the amplifier clicking on and off as it always did when I lived in Lyngby, and yes a JOY is what it is. I received some pain to my behind, which is to say that my father is still thinking of me and sending me darkness too, and yes we are still playing, Stig, right (?) as the actor of darkness here asks me and gives me some annoyance to my throat, and yes we are, and is this darkness of my father coming through Dan (?), and this is the feeling here given to me. I was told about how people of Dadaab are waiting for me to come and liberate them, and yes giving me the same feeling as people of World War II waiting to be liberated from the Germans (or others), and yes I am coming.

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In the afternoon I cycled to the swimming hall again, and I have to say that I am cycling slowly when even ladies overtake me, and yes because of lack of energy you know, but when I first get started on the cross trainer, I use more and more strength. On my way there I was told that the European Union was planned to become ONE SUPER MINISTRY of the totalitarian New World Government, and during the tour and exercise I was told that the Vatican Church as example would also receive a representative of this government (!), and later that the Danish government as example would also be represented, and this is why people cannot support or talk about me publicly. I was told as example that the day on the sofa in 2011 in Lyngby when darkness came crawling in over me wanting to carry out my old nightmare, and when I stood firm on my ground REFUSING this to be done, this was because darkness had caught me because of immensely strong darkness of my sister, thus family and when I was strong enough to refuse this, it was because of the Source helping me out, and I was told this to say that I did not do all myself, but was helped by the Source and yes probably on many occasions more or less and of course also by the world suffering taking on VERY MUCH of my sufferings, otherwise it would have killed me in seconds, so there you have it, and yes life of darkness is still coming in, and we do write January 2013, and yes on the other side of what should have been the end of time December 21, 2012, funny right (?), and no suffering is really the right word, but you do understand that it is possible to smile in the midst of your sufferings, dont you (?), and yes Jeff is STILL playing with a little help from my friends on the stereo, which is about the Source and the world helping me, and yes will he NEVER get tired (?), and it has played maybe five times today, and no, I will NEVER get tired in relation to continue doing my job, and yes I will try to make the last of all of my work, and that is if I can. I received darkness coming in, and was told that this is because some politicians of the Danish Parliament have now read my thread with Dan, see the short stories. I did not believe that it would be as difficult as it turned out to exercise today, and yes besides the cycling of course, and all 30 minutes on the left cross trainer was hell to come through I understood that it was the effect of the last days of extreme pressure on me and I was more than happy for not giving up after both 2, 7, 12, 17, 22 and 27 minutes and to finish what I started, and yes burning 520 calories today, and after maybe 17-18 minutes I received a sting as I often do and I received the feeling from Kim S. I am desperate, what am I to do, which was really the strong feeling of darkness wanting me to become desperate right there when exercising and this is about Kim not looking well because of my public writings on him (also on Scribd, and yes in the description of the best insurance system in the world you know) and it made me think that the reason why he and Pernille did not sue me was because they did not want to bring more secret information about them out in the public room (?), and I also received the feeling of Jeanette, Kirstens daughter and also about Danish politicians wanting me to spit them out, which was the strong physical
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feeling I received, and yes still (!!!), and this is about the strongest darkness surrounding me, and yes of desperate people, and it made my sting become stronger and stronger, and I felt how it tried to attach to the bones of the right side of my skeleton first time I have ever tried this (!) and this was the STRONGEST darkness wanting to terminate me, but there was nothing it could do, it had to leave me again because of the strength of our New World, which is inside of me just underneath the surface. On my way home, I received the feeling of giving up, which is about entering this last football of darkness, and I understood that this is the feeling of my mother really about giving up on life, which is given to her from this the worst darkness, and I was told that it is among other reasons is because of her comments about me to the Commune, which is the worst she has ever done, and yes I hope this is the truth I am told, but I never really know, but this was 100% accurately what was said to me, and in this perspective, the story is the truth. I was also told by my mother underneath the game that here is incredible beautiful and yes of our New World. I was told that if I had not found the white paper on the law on free process to have the public pay for a law suit when you cannot afford it yourself, which was ONLY granted by the public because I documented sloppy law work (!) in 1997 when suing Aon for wrongfully having expelled me, it would not have brought me MUCH darkness to go through, and this would have cost the life of one of my parents already back then (!), and alter I was told that instead Jack lost his father, and yes thats life, blue eyes, and you too, Jack. I received the feeling of Obama and then for the second time really a new feeling of pain to my right ankle, which was a very precise and concentrated beam of darkness given to my ankle from outside, and it came together with the information that Obama has been flying in space with people of other civilizations because of selfish reasons, this is what I was told (!), and I understood this as the right people of other civilizations, but shortly thereafter I was told that it was the system (of military forces) influencing him to fly with UFOs in their possession, and this is exactly how it was told me, and my old rule is that the first is right, so this may be what it is, and no matter what, I was told that Obama here is the reason why I am given this concentrated beam of darkness, and yes the most inner of the football, and apparently darkness, which has tried to hide and escape from me right until this day, but no, you are NOT allowed, and yes I dont care, if Obama has made mistakes, these will come out too the same way as I try not to spare myself when I do mistakes, and what is the truth really, Obama? I was also told that the system has convinced him to use the nuclear weapon if needed, and can this really be true (?), and yes I thought that of course it must be difficult for Obama to always take the right decisions because of the immense pressure of darkness of the US military and we know congress and business world too, and where is he to draw the line and where to play an act, and yes it must be difficult, but you do fine, my
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friend as long as you NEVER lose your COMMON SENSE and decide to do what is RIGHT to do, and I do believe that everyone has this natural feeling inside of them, and then it is only to follow that direction, which is really not difficult, and yes if you have the energy of course . I was reflecting, and yes always good to do to understand - so this is about hidden darkness right until this day, but no, I will accept NO DARKNESS TO HIDE, so now it is COME OUT IN THE SUNSHINE ALL OF YOU and yes WITHOUT EXCEPTION!!! And I was given the song nigthboat to Cairo by MADNESS, and told that this is the last boat or train if you will on my way to Egypt, and Madness is given again because this is what some people still thinks of me out there. I felt and was told about the old city of Stockholm and told about Anna Karin and the Finance Minister, and you have been up there in some meetings too, and if this is the truth, which it may or may not be, Anna Karin is also working for the Devil being silent about and not supporting me. I was shown a giant crane and the elephant of it, and a new ship (the New World) being lifted up from dock, and yes we are ready is the message, but I am not! You are not a hay thief are you (?), and yes hay is material of our world, so please put it back where it belongs, and yes to our New World of course and that is no where else. I was told that we have secured a direct line to Buckingham Palace, do you want to hear (?), and no I have no personal desire, but I would like to be told what light believes is right to let me and my readers know, and that is really nothing for the time being even though I feel Kate here, and yes I understood that the direct line is you following me on Facebook, and I am here given the vision of Prince Harry, so how are you (?), and yes I like a kingdom too, is that your feelings, and dont you worry about a thing, you will all feel as Kings and Queens in our new Kingdom, because this is what you are, and yes everyone of you . I was told that you needed someone strong going through this darkness, so this is what we brought you see the short stories, and I was told that many of Desirees network now have faith in me after reading the thread there, and a few minutes later, I was told that they have not together with the feeling that darkness cannot no longer lie to me, and yes normally it is the first version, which is correct, but here I do believe that it is the last, so this might also be the case with Obama? I was told that Harry is nothing without Potter, and that this is the general perception, and in relation to me it means that people reading me (in secrecy) believe that I am nothing without God and my spiritual friends, and that is right, or let me say that I am a mere human being.

I was told (again) that I am far too big to be inside the train, but I am still there, and yes MADNESS it (he as many think) is, and I was shown that this darkness was meant to burn the greatest value, but no, NOTHING is going to be burned, EVERYTHING has to be perfect, and yes we know! And this is the gravy, which you are still packing, which was meant to be discovered later, but this will not be included from the beginning. So we believed that we would drive down the great driving teaching, and you would first arrive later then, but now when you are alive, and mother/John/father etc. too, we will turn around your inner self, which is not easy. And we do it because we can, which Harry (of DSB, and some magic of potter too) is helping to do, and we know that every day we come closer and yes every day we transfer a new great vintage. This is the darkness, which I should be able to defeat as I was told despite of its immense strength and this is because my inner self decided that I will go home now and because the world allows it, and it is only a question of how much sufferings you will take compared the world. We have not been so proud since World War II where we also tried to get out during all of the chaos and disorder, but we could not unite all parts together as you have done now, and yes we were working inside darkness of Hitler to use this energy for goodness. I received the feeling of Karen inside of here in relation to me, which is that she does not care about me (!), and yes strong darkness, but still I believe that I was the only one being strong enough to speak to the goodness of her heart. And no, it does not take that much to open the door to me/us, and yes Stig, your inner self is with me at the Source, so the only way for you to meet me/us was to walk the line, so this is what you decided to do. I still receive feeling to both of my ankles, sometimes constantly, and yes we are still holding on tight, which will have to be about the last life of darkness attached to me. I stopped working at 22.00 still having a couple of hours of work to do on the script of today, which I will do tomorrow, and yes I am told that I also used one hour to watch Mrs. Violet in Matador, and that is the dancing teacher of course, and yes every time I see it, I confirm to my self that this has got to be the greatest TV series of all times, and at least what I know of, and what do I know, and yes I know nothing, and that is because I am from Barcelona you know, and yes Jimi, my Facebook friend, whom I met as a business contact at Green Credit when I served them working at Dahlberg, today lives and works in Barcelona, and spread the word about me he has too, and when checking him on Facebook, he is now doing the same as Michael Hardinger and Helena always used to do miss his humour which is to be half vanished, but he will probably reappear, this is what Michael and Helena always used to do.
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i.e. mine, effort to collect flowers instead and this is because you are transferring part of your own self to the right of you to me in the middle/front of you, and this seems to be the way to do it for everything to become nothing, but still we are everything. Your mother is as sure as damned dead, isnt she (?), and no, I see now, it was all a game and I am him sitting there too, so now it is my turn to get up, and yes you are the next, and that is him another part of me sitting next to, and yes for how long can this go on (?), we will see. I felt Jack clearly, and was shown that I am exactly on the borderline between nothing and everything with the shelves of a living room continuing through the wall into a substance of nothing, and I understood that I am here very close to being Jack, or simply being Jack, and no I have no intentions to read his mind, and yes let light decide what is right to give me, and thats it. To tell you the truth we cannot bear to be ship yard workers. All of DSB had been destroyed now if it wasnt for you, and yes DSB also here meaning the world. We have only created hating losing like Ipswich, and yes to bring out everything of life to secure life, and is that difficult to understand (?), and no, we do not believe it is. Only by putting your hand into the worst hell bringing the worst sufferings, which was an honour given you we could do what it takes to create. We also did not receive many deductions from the Suez channel, which could have been lethal too. Rap/hip hop music as a symbol of my inner self being saved from inside the worst darkness Jette brought Google Earth pictures in her Facebook group showing a big soul and brought rap/hip hop music as a symbol of my inner self being saved from inside the worst darkness, and she could not answer my repeated question from where she suddenly likes this music thus showing closeness and not openness, there is still lots of work to do, modern art of two opposite faces, eating more darkness, the children seem clean, light over Australia, and Blue Eyes is still suffering, thats life.

And no, we will NOT wear a handbag again, and I am given the greatest smiles you can imagine by father and Son, and yes I do believe my mother is there too, or is she still the New World on the way in, but I do believe that it is from all three acting as ONE. I received a very precise and now constant thin laser-beam of darkness now on the lower part of my right, front leg approx. 15 centimetres from my ankle, and I was told that this is from where my inner self is coming, or is it the New World coming to my inner self and yes I have the view point of my inner self, so it has got to be the last, right? And this is how you got your new bedroom moved up here and yes as your old self. And the concept here is feel free to be and yes decorate as you like to. You have not brought a full bus here have you (?), and yes in principle we have. So we are about to announce a winner, but oh no not yet, because there is more work, and yes I do feel God and my inner self very close because of elimination of darkness and they are my actors speaking together. No, we could not hurt a fly, so why did we have to develop darkness in order to create, and yes we will tell you on the other side for you to understand. Well, for once there are two or maybe three cinema tickets, which has now found a winner, and yes all of us, and with this, the rest of the world. And it is with tennis ciphers 6 to 0 that we are closing the game. So we are close to where Hans brought us, and yes your sisters husband, who did have faith according to this. So we dont begin a New World with an earth quake, which could be felt all over, and yes the darkness of me being spread all over, which we had to locate and reunite first. And yes, Hans, I am wise enough to be who I am (?), and this is also what the feeling of the FUNNEL really to my throat was about weeks ago. What am I (also) doing (?), and yes collecting firewood for my own funeral, and yes that is part of me, but no, and here feeling FERDINAND THE BULL who knows now that I am redirecting his,
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January 2013 --Ending the day with these short stories: Ekstra Bladet brought this on Lars Poulsen and his PR company, Waterfront, saying that Waterfront is a gross business, and what they do is to help businesses navigate in the political environment and to promote their interests in legislation etc., and yes, this is the WORST that I know of, and you know THE WORST DEVIL that is, and no, I do NOT like businesses working in hiding, and to give what appears in this case as example - to be WRONG personal characteristic about politicians (to DSB) and their own valuable contributions to help influence politicians to take what their client believe is the right decision (to
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help them out, make money or escape problems etc.). And you can add gifts to politicians, and yes bribery, and some are direct and some are hidden or in a grey zone, and yes the worst game of the Devil. I like communication, which is DIRECT, OPEN and HONEST, and this is NOT what PR companies like Waterfront practises, and yes welcome on the front page of Ekstra Bladet, Lars, and there are many more to come.

forgiveness and that it is as important to help the criminal as the victim, and how sad I am to see the blunted negativity and hate of people here, and it should be logics to anyone to help BOTH sides and not only to punish as the society (mainly) does today, also to avoid the same crime to come, and yes everyone deserves a life and to receive help when they for one reason or another has come in trouble.

Dan wrote about a Romanian killing a stewardess at a Danish hotel in 2010 as Ekstra Bladet writes about here today, and he says that some may believe that it is relevant and good style that Ekstra Bladet uses several pages and well set up photos on the Romanian dog, who maltreated a Norwegian stewardess at a hotel in Copenhagen just two years ago. I do not. And this led to people showing their worst negative feelings/hate when for example Michael said send home the dog (to Romania) and let him rot and Peter that such people are to be forgotten .. put them in a black hole .. take their well deserved punishment, and Thomas that he should be silenced to death in a Romanian hole instead of watching Danish TV with free food and pension and yes the black hole is about this the last WORST darkness around me wanting to terminate life (!), and Dan had decided that this man is helpless and a simple murderer, who does not regret and will resume his career whenever he has the chance, and yes he was really annoyed by Ekstra Bladet writing as they did about this man, and I decided that I might as well comment this, which I did mainly to see if this could bring even more darkness to me from Dan, so I wrote this old story about the importance of

And yes, this should be EASY for people to understand if they have an open mind, but not for all as you can see from a couple of comments to me, and Dan decided to start his reply by unnecessary confronting me with you speak as you have a mind for, Stig do I or do ya, Dan (?) and he wanted me to start reading the story to understand this exact criminal before I comment, and he said that we ought to use our power and forgiveness to integrate Danish criminals in society, not a Romanian murderer, and yes here is Dan in principle agreeing with me, but darkness using the old argument of country borders we only want to help our own and it made me tell him that in ALL cases no matter crime for example also Catholic priests abuse of children/young people it is about HELPING both sides, not least the criminal and that is instead of doing what people show here let him rot up etc. and if society had used all of its will and effort, you could have changed life and culture as the only way to remove crime, but when people AND politicians could not abstract from their negativity, you tried to remove negativity with negativity, and as you will know from my case, this is NOT how it works, this only makes the cancer grow (!), and the only way to reJanuary 2013

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move darkness is to help, and that is to throw light on it, and the only way to remove gun shootings at schools in the US is to REMOVE weapon, which they can also not understand in US because of a WRONG culture, and yes how difficult is this really for you to understand out there (?), and yes if you dont want to listen to/read me, you cannot, but it seems that my influence has some impact because in the last picture, Kenneth said that dogs are nice, so he is not a dog, but a pig, and you do know that pigs are symbols of life, and yes I shared this on my own Facebook timeline to make at least a few people understand that I am really not that crazy as what some may feel, and I wrote both there and at the end of this thread that you also see examples of how negative/hateful people have become today and lack of understanding of the big picture, which is that if the world society did everything to HELP and not to punish, and when everyone believes that you cannot help the worst psychopaths, as some said here, of course you cannot, but if everyone of world society did their best to help, you would have changed life and the whole culture, and with a little bit of help from God and not Satan, you would have removed crime and victims of crime, and yes this is REALLY how it works. And Jacob with the very saying name beer meaning terminations you know said that now I become even more scared of you than a Romanian dog, who only deserves one way, and yes Jacob, you can SERVE as an example of the worst hate/darkness of the world, which was about to terminate us all, and maybe you would like to serve me one day soon instead?

And I thought that my last comment above would be the end of this, but no, not to Dan, because is a fighter of Gods grace do you say that too in English (?) so he decided to use some darkness to attack me again, and he said that if people of his calibre was to be helped, it starts with him wanting to be helped, but this murderer shows no signs on remorse and now I ask you to stop, Stig, you call people for hateful. I call you for noisy nave on the border of being crazy-good, and yes this is what he called me, so now I am the problem because I am not allowed to call people hateful when this is what they are, but no, Dan, dont change me, because my mission is to change you and the world, which you will now finally get a chance doing, yes using this part of me to open for darkness as I am shown to the right of me, and it made me say guided by my spiritual voice that the one who laughs last, laughs best
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I do believe you say this in English too, right (?) which is about the we did it feeling shining through from the New World right on the other side, and I told him that nave people often dont know that this is what they are and without being able to admit that this is what they are they are not smart enough (!) and yes instead they insist to be right, and this is really often the description of Dan, but he cannot see (or understand) it, and I asked him this as a question and gave him my kind regards; and yes he decided as darkness to focus on my kind regards this time, and not on the fact that he is nave and not smart the opposite world you know - so there is a proof of darkness almost being turned around.

amazing that she has blind faith to Benjamin Crme via his website Share International apparently not understanding my message about Benjamin also being attacked by spiritual darkness, which he cannot admit to, but maybe she will understand this concept better when reading this thread, but better to be silent, Desiree? And yes, I decided to prioritize these short stories of today over work to my website because I thought it would be good to bring more darkness this way. Here is the link to Jesus in Nairobi 1988 from my website, which I bring in the thread below.

I met this human Wolfeh Raven Heart in Desirees thread below, and when I read his comments and saw his commitment, I thought that this might be a man from a people of other civilizations disguised as a human being like Martin Spang Olsen as example and this is also what he confirmed as you can see from the thread below, but he did not bring me as much information as I would have liked here afterwards I am encouraged to search on his name, and I found among others this channelled message from the Commander of the Ashtar Command, which he had received, and no, my task now is NOT to read and decide what is true and not true of these channelled messages, which I dont have the time, energy or know-how to do, and this is not what my spiritual friends is helping me to do, and as you can see below, he received the same stroke as almost everyone else when seeing my website for the first time, which is that this man has got to be crazy, and yes simply because of his own strong inner voice, and yes I do have experience with these people of other civilizations sending me an incredible amount of darkness as Martin also did in the beginning, so this was really the purpose, and yes also to help Desiree regain faith in me, which she may has lost when she decided to stop reading me, and yes I wonder if people will believe that I am simply speaking the truth also when bringing TRUE documentation that we are almost OUT OF TIME, or am an imposter using Photo-Shop to make my own documentation (!) as he naturally thought, and yes a man working both for light and darkness as you can tell, and no, he could not accept my Facebook invitation, but maybe I got him to think about himself and his mission and can it be that I am in fact receiving darkness, and yes my friend, you are NOT only light, but a victim of darkness too, and yes an incredible strong voice he has and that is the same as Martin, and impossible it is that you are wrong, but is it really? And no, Desiree did not say a word, and isnt it
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Here are the two pictures mentioned above with and without a time stamp. And no, I do NOT cheat by using PhotoShop, which I dont have, or similar programs (which I also dont have), and that is simply because it is NOT in my nature to speak lies, only the truth. And our dialogue continued here, and as you can see, gradually he overcame his shock and decided to concentrate on our dialogue, which is what has happened to many people before him, and yes a pattern it is.

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bringing, and yes some or much of it is darkness, and not very different to darkness of my scripts given to me because of the same phenomenon, and yes I could have told this to him too to help his understanding, but difficult it is when people cannot/will not accept the truth of them being victims of darkness too as ALL people receiving spiritual information have been. But light is in there you know, and yes using deceptions of darkness as part of the bigger plan to make us reach our final destination, and yes if I decided not to give in, so there you have it again again. Here is a previous post by Desiree and an answer from Wolfeh, which I as mentioned will NOT comment, but it is given for you to understand the kind of messages he is
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20 January: It is almost impossible to hold back light and the opening of the gate of Egypt as the beginning of Paradise
Dreaming of the difficult creation of my self as the fifth part and being the only one facing the opposite way We know, Stig, it is now 12.55, it is after lunch and I used the morning to finalise and publish my script of yesterday, and yes I went to bed at midnight and first received STRONG visions of LIGHT including a vision of being at a museum of a king and queen, and I was told that Indonesia has helped me too thank you - and the visions were so bright, clear and would not leave me so I could not sleep for some time, and I was shown the most beautiful golden threads being connected to an even more beautiful white Christmas tree and told that you have finished. I slept pretty poorly until 08.00 with these dreams. I am at a cooking competition of five people, and somehow I have to reduce necessary 67 hours to do the job to only 23 hours. I see how the other four receive a snegl each (Danish Pastry) for the competition, which I do not, but still I prepare a special honey icing, which will improve it if and when I get one myself, and also a special cheese from a caf, which I visit, however I only receive very little, and it is FAR TOO EXPENSIVE, and when I call my confectioner from there, I am told that he risks being fired because of my call. I see only few ring binders at this kitchen. o The four may be the old four-divided world, and the fifth is me in the middle of everything with everything conOne God, One People Page 183 January 2013

th When I read the news of this failed attempt to assassinate the Bulgarian Party leader Ahmed Dogan, I was told they dont try to escape, do they, so this is really darkness you see because of WRONG behaviour of politicians of the old school, who are trying to run from their responsibilities knowing that it will be my New World Order taking over, and not their evilness, and do you know who you can thank for being alive, Ahmed (?), and yes I am looking forward to registering you too, and that is if you want to, do you?

nected to me, which is difficult to do and that is because of darkness trying to bring out energy of me, and yes still bringing me threats to be fired, which will have to be get out of here, let us be, but no, I will not! Guests are coming to the hotel, and I see a couple moving in to the most valuable room, which is the only one having a view the other way, and the room is really far too expensive and also worn down, and something about too noisy sexual activity, and Paris Hilton being judge. My mothers John is wearing a jacket making his clothes look like a regular suit, but it is a special code, and he is told that it is fine, and others have other codes. o The hotel is still our waiting hall, and there is only one room turning towards darkness, which is where the rest of me is, and the suits are about our final selves. o During the night, I kept on receiving mercy, mercy by Jeff Lynne and the lyrics Have mercy, Have mercy on me, and this is what I could tell my family, friends etc. and the world, but no matter what I tell you, it does not help when you simply cannot do what is right. I am following Tiger Woods, who is mentoring a young man in golf, and they play at the Hrsholm golf course, and I get the feeling that I am not welcome, and both of their first strikes, are terrible only coming a few metres. It is a strong wind, and they show me a little fire in between some trees and are concerned that it may reach the tree, but no, it does not, it is isolated. o This is to say that the game of darkness is going extremely poorly, and yes there is nothing it can do. It is New Years evening, and Sanna has invited the family for dinner, and is calling me at my old apartment in Hrsholm and inviting me too, and I have difficulties to get things done and keep agreements, but I say that I will come maybe at 21.00 to 21.30 because I first have to visit my father and Kirsten on the main street of Hrsholm, and I come to a party, where Christian Philipson is serving sparkling wine, but to my surprise it is not Champagne, thus not of the best quality, and furthermore it is not free, but you have to pick up French chips from a bowl of water, and pay maybe 45 DKK to receive some, and later, he invites the ladies of the party, but not me, to join him at a new party at the Great Belt ferries (which used to unite Denmark, but was replaced by a fine bridge in 1997), and after this, I am now on my way to my sister, and it is now after midnight, so I should really have been calling sister midnight, but I did not! o New Year is about opening our New World, but still there is darkness, and this is where I am, in the dark city of Hrsholm, and even inside of darkness, it is becoming light symbolised by the wine merchant Christian, who became my Facebook friend some weeks ago, so I have influenced you too (?), and yes the poorer sparkling wine and French chips say that we are not quite there.

And I continued receiving have mercy on me by Jeff Lynne. o I was shown a very fine dinner table with only one light on it and was shown that this is you, and it is about standing on your own legs. Tobias has received a new mountain-bike of another brand than mine, and it has a back screen over the tire, and I offer him to try mine, and first he brings down the saddle all down and when he drives it, he continues falling because he is drunk. o This is about my youngest nephew, what is he by now (?), maybe 23 years old, and his priority of partying and living life in the fast lane, and this is what is making him drunk, i.e. a man of darkness, and when he puts down the saddle, it is to say that his darkness and inability to understand and support me, also made the saddle of my cycle break as it did twice in the last year and yes to bring me down you know, and I am here told about Tobias being very sensitive, and yes when he was VERY sad because of Johns sickness some months ago, how do you believe he was reacting when his mother, my sister, told him about me (?), and yes he was CRYING, and yes a favourite of my mothers and me too, and yes to say that this is what was also necessary in order to save us all. I am shopping with my mother, who wants to buy new shoes for me, and we find a very nice looking blue shoe in size 42, but there is only one and not two, and we cannot find the other, and I am disappointed by this but think that I already have shoes. o For some reason Lloyd shoes has always held sales of shoes in size 42, and shoes mean life, so this is about shoes not in my size and only one, so either this is about life we cannot save, or that it is not right, and yes I have shoes already, and can only repeat that everything has to be saved. Another dream of sexual content having to say no to porn. I woke up to by your side by Sade and the lyrics I will show you, you're so much better than you know, which will have to be about my new self, and yes when watching and hearing this song by Sade (after 1:41:15 below), you may understand why I am crazy about her? I was told half awake that before it rings, I will bring you more worst darkness. My mothers John has been put to sleep here in the weekend, and my mother says that yesterday he was crazy, and I ask her if he had a diagnosis. o If the doctors were to look for mental sicknesses of John, how many do you think they would find (?), and yes not many, but a few, which I am told, and yes this
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is better, but just to say that he would also be declared crazy, and not normal is what he is in terms of social behaviour etc., but we all love him anyway. It is almost impossible to hold back light and the opening of the gate of Egypt as the beginning of Paradise I may be half as tired as the day after I brought my public comments about DSB receiving darkness from MANY people in return, and yes because of darkness of people thinking negatively about me after reading my comments to Dans and Desirees threads yesterday, so I received MUCH darkness/life because of this. And this again made work impossible to do where the disgust and displeasure factor was immensely great making me desperate not to do anything, and yes an incredible impatience and disgust to do anything, and this is what darkness is bringing me, and yes I had to work slowly to be able to do work also today, and terrible is not the word . It is like going into a lamp store not getting anything , YOU ARE SO UNFAIR (!), and yes I just discovered that I am the one being wrong, but no, you will not get me, but yes, and I am shown a wheel barrow carrying this part of me now with a small Australian flag, where do you take me, because I dont want to be saved, and yes isnt it funny that many people of other civilizations born on this planet to help apparently dont have faith in me and the saviour of the world? It is not cloudy today (?), and Kaj Ikast and the others from the traffic committee of the Danish Parliament are not going to open new motorways (?), and no, because there are no new roads of darkness, I have made sure, counted and double checked, and yes I am here, but part of me is dark, so we know the road, and so it is, go right ahead my friend, as the dark man sitting in the barrow says, and eehhh what is this, you are taking me to light, and it did not say this in my manual or operations directions, and we know, I have been fooled too and yes by darkness, and with this I fooled people, and yes this is about the alien of Desirees Facebook group yesterday and people like him. I am giving strong pain to my left foot the instep and told that you have decided not to party without me (?), and yes we have good time to get you in and that is because nothing happens in the world, everyone is waiting for me without saying anything. Is that the man called Stempelkvist (stamp twig), yes it is, alright I better be going home then, and yes this is I, the part of me, which was dark now, and now I am going directly through there you say and yes right in front of me, and inside there are the other parts of me already transferred, and yes hi, how are you, and yes everyone says hi here, and this is how it is .

No, is that a helicopter (?), and yes are you aware of what they (now I) are planning, Stig (?), and yes they are COMPLETELY CRAZY!!! It feels like getting a new child with every layer of me being saved. The moon is now out of what could have been a dangerous out of phase situation. I was told that if I had decided to go on safari holidays with one of Elijahs neighbours, who had a small company and bus arranging such tours, which Elijah would have liked (!), I would have lost my mother, and told now we better get started, dont you think? Can you feel Stig that it is me approaching the gate, and yes the next part of me about to leave darkness, and this is how quickly it goes now. I heard my mother saying with a huge smile how is it to cut off the hair of a bald (?), and bald it seems that we are/I am removing the hair of darkness allowing every little thing to enter. Where is the toilet (?), but you are going a completely different way (!), and yes I really do know, I am heading for the light. When I was preparing to publish my script of yesterday late this morning, I received the usual stronger darkness trying to stop me including a new out of this world pain to my right ankle, which however now comes with a feeling of almost only light and I was told that now we see what he is doing (from darkness), which is that I am completely careless, and yes about darkness, which is NOT going to stop me, and yes when he publish new scripts, this brings new reactions of his family, friends etc. and the world, and this is what we are using to get out through, and yes cracks of light to open for darkness, and this is what we will also use too Stig, when it is now our turn next as the actor of my inner self here tells me. I was given the day dreamer view a few seconds before shaking it off, and it came together with a feeling of Elijah sitting down and looking straight out without seeing anything because he is day dreaming, and why dont you get started writing an email to me showing yourself as a little bit responsible instead of doing nothing, Elijah? It has got to be perfect, and yes he does not want a layer of us i.e. darkness over him (?), and no, nothing at all, everything has to be clean, and this is what the story of Waterfront of yesterday also will help to secure, and yes when it gets out, and hurts the Conservative even more, and yes not nice to read about your own wrong doings is it (?), and do you think that I am to blame for writing the truth, and not you having done what is wrong (?), and yes this is really the general idea of how to fight darkness and its wrong reactions. There is almost nothing left to do than to clap the white horse (of the New World), Stig, this is how far you have reached.

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I received the feeling of my mother and I and John was there too walking from the car to Riget the National Hospital of Denmark and first I thought that this was simply to say that they are still with me, but then I was told that they have also confirmed my story about my mother being more dead than alive, and yes you have her journals and medical history too? Again I received the taste of fish and sea water and was told that this is still the direct road back home isnt it (?), and yes it is, and we know Stig, I am the wanderer now returning, and that is right, I was shown the wanderer all over the inside of me yesterday, and yes if you felt it, you would understand that it gives a great impression. So this is really more about the cover of the duvet arriving more than the duvet itself. And yes also a taste of pan fried onions. When I was finished preparing the publish of the script of yesterday taking maybe 30 minutes to do, the last voice of darkness still led by my actor told me that no I am not disappointed at all, I now see that you have build a castle much finer than mine, and to tell you the truth, I really never liked this old worn down and rotten castle, but this was the only tool I had to bring about creation in a reasonable time, otherwise we would maybe never be able to create, so there you have it once again. I am sometimes told about stories, which I missed, and yes a GIANT piece of gold found the other day was one of them, and yes a picture of one of my Facebook friends showing Pippi Longstocking and her two friends smoking the other day was another and that was a symbol of darkness, and yes there are stories planted for me, which I dont see and others that I decide that they are too small to bring. We have moved inside of you with the greatest care not to bring any physical damage. The spirit of my mother said cant we give him the table football game now (?), and yes ending the game once and for all (?), and yes it is coming very close, but no, I am not done yet. I dont know how much I weigh, my weight is not working, but I do believe looking at me physically that I have lost a little/some weight. Even though I am closer to only light and smiles/warmth than ever before, I am still receiving enough darkness to make life a pain, when it is now brought to me by the spirit of my mother and yes of our New World pressing on bringing this darkness to me trying to make me speak and think negatively, which is still the WORST and yes I have to be very careful not to let it slip away, David, and that is simply one second to be overtaken by darkness, which I will NOT accept myself doing. Would you believe that Karen has not stopped thinking about how you are doing (?), and yes, I shouldnt be surprised.

I received a strong, clear and open feeling of Jakob Scharf, and yes nothing stopping it, so how are you doing, Jacob. I heard we are going to tie the last tie on you, which is the last darkness of me, and it was given when I was almost desperate NOT wanting to work anymore at 13.30. Suddenly I received a new and even finer attack to my right ankle, which comes from the Source, this is how it feels, and it is now an incredible fine/thin laser beam directed and hitting the area of my right ankle, which tells me that this is really the end of the line, and the thinnest part of it. Afterwards I received a little pain to my behind, which is to say that this darkness is still coming from my father. Do you have any idea of how much power the fear of the official world of the world going under brought (?), and yes part of creation you know. I was told (again?) about John being healed spiritually, and that this brings him faith too (?), and yes in general at least. I was told that no one today knows exactly just how great my sufferings have been with work, tiredness and also the threats of my old nightmare, and yes it requires for people to have read everything and to be able to imagine, and yes when no one can imagine how terrible it is to live at the Dabaab refugee camp because the world cannot or will not, no one is able to understand the degree of my sufferings, but you will. I heard the spirit of my mother say we almost only have the diamond to bring you now and we have travelled a long way to reach you. In one of the short stories of today, I received the word offensive, and was told that this is what the Commune spoke to my mother about approx. one year ago, and yes my offensive behaviour, and this is what my own mother confirmed, that I was offensive and yes towards my sister as example (?), and with this acknowledgement we could have loaded off the entire loud of the lorry onto the world as I am here shown, and yes all darkness, and that is because this said that Stig is aggressive and yes a potential Breivik, and can you see the headlines in front of you (?), and yes everything was based on peoples inabilities to read and understand me, and to speak wrongly about me behind my back making it impossible for me to intervene, so the only way to save us was really NOT to break down because of this immense darkness, which my closest family and the system brought on me, and yes yes yes, my mother should know of all that I have ALWAYS been kind and positive and that is NON-AGGRESSIVE (!), and in my scripts, you will find absolutely none threats at all, only the direct truth about my sisters and others behaviour, and yes laziness, misunderstandings, poor behaviour of people who could not control their negative emotions brought this, amazing right? And what do you do to people who are threats of society (?), and yes if you cannot imprison them, you really only have one
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way out, and that is to lock them up on mental hospitals (!), and this is what my letter/memo to doctors etc. from December 2008 explaining WHY it is against the law to hospitalize me because I am no danger to myself or others had to be strong enough to withstand, and yes who wants to go up against Stig knowing the law in detail (?), and yes apparently I was strong enough to break down the system, who decided to give up on me, and yes I was told that it took a few months watching you to see that you truly were not dangerous, and I am excited to see what the journals of the system about me, and yes EVERY LITTLE THING (!), and no, I have not wanted to waste my time on doing this yet, and I could have decided to do so, but there was really so much else to do. And I was told that this is what my mother discovered later, and that is that it was WRONG that I am aggressive, because I am exactly as I have always been kind and non-aggressive as everyone CLEARLY can see (!!!) and this is what has made her remorse, and yes a heavy burden it is, and yes this is how darkness of my sister was working to influence my mother, and it would have been my mother, who had brought me, thus all of us down for not knowing what she did, which would be to kill me, thus herself and the world. And can it really be that it was my nice friend from the Commune, Lisbeth, who was so shaken by the information on me coming from the job course seeing ghosts when there were none (Stig has to be potentially dangerous), and yes so she decided to call my mother behind my back (?), and yes you do remember the attitude of Lisbeth the first few times, when her mind was completely locked on the fact that I was potentially dangerous, and yes reporting me to the National Police, and yes people could not read, understand and see me as the positive and likeable person as I normally am, and can you guess what people will say when all of this is over with (?), and yes, Stig, but of course he was the nicest, hardest and best working person we have met, but eeehhhhl, we were blinded by the light making us misunderstand, so there you have it once again. I was told that it was needed like this to come as close to the family tree to bring it down also so we were able to move it later on. This is how we will recognise myself, but first when I get this sorted out, and yes assembled again, and there is still more work to do, and can you do it, my friend (?), and yes some days are better than others, and today was a matter of survival, and that is really just to get through, and when I feel better, I can set in new attacks on darkness or prioritize to do a few updates to my website. I was told that we only went to extreme because you decided to NEVER give up, and we heard everything has to be PERFECT again and again inside of here, so this is what we did, and yes we were in control of this game handled from inside of darkness as long as you decided to NEVER give up meaning that darkness of your family and the system did not stand a chance!

And yes, Stig, it is now 17.00 and still working, and I am feeling physically disgusted, and yes feeling as if my whole body is throwing up is the best way I can describe the feeling, and that is every part of me. And I was told that if they had taken the phone from me, there would still be a chance, and yes if they had locked me up, dont you believe that my mother would receive cold feet doing everything she could to bring me out again (?), and yes with a change of mind of your sister too (?), and this is also how we could have worked in another scenario. But no one has called me up yet, and this is how we like it to be. I was told that my mother would have stayed in bed to use Matador-language about being depressed all through this if it was not for and yes the injection you brought to cheer her up, and yes simply by being. I am given coughing today, so much darkness. The US has known since the days of Nixon that this day of my arrival would come, and still they decided to build an evil New World, and yes talk about STUPIDITY! And this also goes in relation to Dahlberg, where I saw the other day that Stinne my Facebook friend and old colleague from Fair (!) has been employed as a sales professional, and yes, Bo does not like to sell, but he LOVES to go to London and dine and look at naked ladies on the invoice of the company (!), and isnt it funny that Bo was convinced that I could not sell, but he could (!), which of course was also the opposite world (and told to him by references on me from previous managers misusing me to do their work) and maybe Stinne would like to tell about her impression on me preparing all of her work with a memo on how to do professional and effective sales meetings, and through list of prospective clients and a description of practically all insurance programs and their marketing potential as you can dream about, and no, Bo, I could not sell, but you knew all, but forgot to think, is this it? I was told that it will come as a shock to my family about who I am, as great a shock as if they knew nothing, and that is because of my sister having told them that I am crazy (!), and yes with the fun part being that all of them should know, and easily that is. I received some physical touch around my private parts, and was asked if I have thought about God doing this and is bringing sexual sufferings to the world as a tool of life and really goodness of life, and yes there was more than this which I did not really get. I was told that God played this game completely clean without differing from the rules, and this is also what brought confidence to me as the Source of people of other civilizations, otherwise I would not be able to be here today, and yes as the Source inside of me, and I was given home by the sea by Genesis, which is one of my favourite songs of theirs.

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January 2013 Couldnt we have finished this a long time ago with Sanna changing attitude (?), and yes both yes and no, and no because Karen would not be finished, and this is because we needed darkness to create so everything had to finished together, which is where we are now, and finally we can lift the acting. I was shown a VERY BIG gate and was told that you dont get out of the kingdom of death without dying yourself and in through the gate to Egypt, as this was, which is the start of Paradise, but since you are now here, we think that it will probably work out anyway . We cannot stress this enough, and people of other civilizations know it too, and I felt their presence from outside. I was given the feeling of Indiana Jones and told that it is really Raiders of the Lost Ark, which we are after, and the magical moment will come when the New World will meet the Source without darkness in between. I was told about Braco, and that he is all forward in the Pyramid for helping to save me when I attended a healing meeting of his in 2010 in Copenhagen, I believe. I felt how darkness was almost running along with me, which is really an old feeling when there is too much pressure/stress on me, and this is how it feels when it comes in too quick and uncomfortable waves. I was told that the Associated Press were close to send a personal letter to you saying that we dare, but still you did not?

no, this would be to be weak, which darkness would misuse, so therefore I could not behave like this at any point. I was told something about unpacking our New World as unpacking an archive, and a few seconds after in the World Championships handball match between Denmark and Tunis, the commentator said it was a gift they received there, and fortunately he unpacked it, and later they also said that he looks like a wandering mummy, which he is woken up from, and this is of course to say that I will soon go through the gate to Paradise of Egypt and wake up as my mummy there, and yes maybe while my mum is there too in the beginning of February? And yes, Denmark won comfortably over Tunis showing where the closet is as we also say here, and I believe they were ahead by 27 to 14 but only won by 30 to 23 because they lost concentration during the last maybe 10 minutes, and no, I do believe this is WRONG to do, and yes do your best all the way from beginning to end no matter how much you may be ahead or behind for that matter NEVER GIVE UP! I was shown and told that we will just get in with a new barrel of gold coins, and yes you are welcome. I was told by darkness that it says X here and I felt orange, and was asked what does this mean (?), and X was no access, but I said that if this is darkness, please continue, and if it is not, please ask light, and I was told that it is good enough, there is a big lemmedasker (a tall/lanky person with long arms and legs dont you have this word in English?) on the barrel, which is really me, and yes another part or layer of me. I was told about the lady from Montenegro, whom I met at the A2B job search course in Gladsaxe in 2010 what was her name (?), I have forgot as usual and how precious she is still having contacts to handball of her home country, and yes a network within handball is helping me on my journey and also now, so please do your best, Denmark, and why dont you become World Champions (?), you are really the best team and at least so far. I was told that this was the penalty kick that I was given, and it was like coming a cork into a very small hole placed at a hotel on Mallorca. I was shown the empty end of the inside of a dark metal container, and told that we have reached the end and have now saved terminated life including my inner self, and what do we do to remove this container (?), and I thought that it may be darkness too, so whey dont we convert it to light? I felt the New World around me and was told that you have your head inside of this container, and when you decided to come out, we will be ready. I was shown my self inside the Statue of Liberty and told that I am inside one of the tips on her head, thus already being inside the statue itself with the statue being all of me, thus our New World.

I was told that my description of the 9/11 attack planned and carried out by the secret government of USA self (!) helped to make the world understand of this fact, and this was a decisive stroke to darkness. Isnt it funny that you finish your journey in disgrace, and will be met with honour, which is already (silently) here, and again I receive the feeling of Lance Armstrong as I am now and again. I was told that information sent within the Commonwealth about me is full of errors, but the main part was to inform about my arrival, and I was told that I come too late to budget negotiations to some countries (?), and yes bringing you trouble now because you decided to wait on me instead of continuing your work to do your best, and yes this is always a poor idea, and you really always need to do your best from start to finish without relaxing and losing your concentration on the way, which should also be simple logic for everyone? I was still feeling so poorly physically and with negativity of darkness coming in over me speech and feelings that it keeps me on the limit of actually crying because of despair, but

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I was told that we have run out of fuel, but you dont care as long as you feel darkness coming at you. There is nothing much else for us to do than to say that it has been a pleasure to know you, and yes likewise, and especially the first 14 days of 2006 where you showed a little about what you are about, and I know, the rest was darkness and acting from our side. I was shown a fan instrument with such little darkness on it that it is almost impossible to not break through and I was also told that we can hardly not hold it anymore, and I have thought for days that I feel pressured to publish a new script in the evening because what if I will not be able to finish it in the morning waking up as my new self, and I told myself that I cannot finish the script this evening, but it is now 23.30 and I have written the last notes the last hour or so, and yes a good habit it will be to do this. I felt and was told that there is also darkness of Jack here, because he is still a man of the system, and also that it is almost nothing now, and I received a new small out of this world pain to my right ankle together with the feeling of orange the symbol of God and this is really to help putting the sofa on its right place. I was told that Britain and Herbert Pundik as examples are happy that I dont live where they live, and yes risking my stories on you. I was also given the feeling of original people from Peru, and see what we found in here, and yes the golden watch, and I was shown it covered with darkness, and a knife is there too, and yes much other not that fancy things and what are we looking for (?), a treasure map, and yes SAVE EVERY LITTLE THING and convert it to light, and yes we know by now. And yes, Stig, the most important now is finish and publish a new script everyday, and if you cannot hold it tomorrow, you may open, but if you can, I will keep on working, and that is because I can, so this is my priority, and yes I will continue right until the breaking point, and just so you know my friend. I felt Obama, and was told that I feel like an actor, and yes congratulations with your swearing-in today, and I know, a big act it is, and also to me, you feel. I continued working until 00.40 until I had published also the script of today, and yes at 22.30, this was looking like mission impossible but after one hour it was easier to do, but no, never very easy really. Google Earth shows the permanent pattern of my mother and I on the North Pole and the Source helping Jettes Google Earth pictures from her Facebook group shows the permanent pattern of my mother and I on the North Pole, the mirror of my inner self, big lumps of life and help from the Source, a clear grey face of darkness, many souls are climbing up, the King asking you to pull yourself together, and the oil industry is still destroying the world!
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has just arrived home from the most grandiose and cosy birthday party ever, and besides from a divine dinner (!), Bryan Ferry with band entertained (!!!), and yes incredible what rich people can do to entertain themselves instead of giving Bryans fee to feed some thousands of poor people, and when seeing this, I simply felt disgusted, and that is also to see Anders and Simon from the Liberal Alliance sitting to the left and right at the picture below, and yes they are bought by Lars and Saxo Bank to mean what Saxo Bank means, and yes another symbol of the WORST DARKNESS, which is, and we know, I like Liberal Alliance wanting to remove taxes etc., but their anti-social belief of people on cash help like me having too much and misusing the system (I could have decided to write about the anti-social behaviour of Joachim B. Olsen from this party MUCH more than I did) really does not fit with their flatter for the rich Denmark wanting them to become even richer, and I do know that these are also special friends of mine also the connection of Saxo Bank sponsoring Bjarne Riss and his cycle team but they are showing themselves as the worst darkness there is, and yes I could have commented this and also Anders thread of today telling you about my attitude of you, but it would be impossible to make you listen and understand without being called crazy, so I decided not to do this but to bring the story of you here also making the headlines some day - and that is also because I have decided not to be active on Facebook today because of how poorly I feel.

--Ending the day with these short stories: The incredible wealthy Lars Seir one of the owners of Saxo Bank and yes it is completely wild that you can become rich like that (!) held his 50 years birthday party yesterday, which Suzanne attended and he said that she
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employed cash help receivers and good that the Liberal Party finally broke the code, and what politicians are doing, is to punish the unemployed more and more (reduce payments and increase demands), but it is really not the unemployed, who are the problem, but the world society because of a poorly working world order, and yes the problem is that there are not enough jobs, and in Denmark because many jobs have been exported to China and other cheap labour countries, and yes completely crazy, and in fact a much more expensive salutation for everyone. And in many countries, there are not even social welfare, which makes people rot up and die from hunger and diseased, but I do hope that Suzanne, the Liberal Alliance, Saxo Bank and Bryan Ferry loved their cosy party (?), and yes it is completely wild!!!

I was happy to see this because I do LIKE FREEDOM very much, you know (?), and of course you will not find and share porn and other offensive material in our New World.

The Liberal Party in Denmark will now force unemployed people to move to another part of the country to get jobs, which is to totally remove the freedom of people as the worst dictators they are yes, a LIBERAL party (!) and Helena said WITH IRONY what should be simply logic for everyone, which is that employers scream for long time unPage 191 January 2013

One God, One People I could also have written stories about just how unlucky Danske Bank have been over the last few years bringing commercial campaigns and new policies making people see them as they truly are, the WORST darkness first and foremost thinking about how to make money, and yes you saw darkness of this bank being too much for the nation, and that is because of my progress. Jette shared this picture today re-naming Danske Bank (Danish Bank) to Udanske Bank (un-Danish Bank), which really says it all about how they succeeded to get the public on their neck.

Politiken shared this drawing of the most famous rock band ever of Denmark, Gasoline, and asking for absolution of having had too many beers, smoked hash, and taken drugs, and yes they do it to the Oracle of the Matrix films, and the message is that EVERYONE HAS SOMETHING TO ANGER, so please go right ahead, my friends.

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22. God is ending my journey and connecting the world to become one with the eternal family tree of life
1. SUBJECT 21st January: God is ending my journey and connecting the world to become one with the eternal family tree of life SUMMARY Dreaming of going forward still playing against darkness to recover what the lost faith of Paul destructed. At the beginning of the day, the game kept on when I met an even smaller layer of darkness of me, and it is inside of this darkness that the design of darkness via the world elite has been spread, which is what I am stopping now. I was shown remaining life inside of darkness being wiped away together with the end of time. We have removed the shoes (i.e. main life) of me from darkness, and with this, the last darkness is loyal to me and has to follow too. I was shown heads of parts of me still inside darkness, which now come up as light because God has started bringing out the last of this life. We are ending the game because I have accepted it to finish under condition that every little thing is saved. I stand right next to the eternal family tree, which we will now connect to and become one with when starting our tour of Paradise with the opening of the Gate of Egypt. Jettes Google Earth pictures from her Facebook group show the big hat of darkness in disguise, oil production and pollution makes it necessary for man to move to our new planet Niburu, chaotic savings, someone walking to and from Greenland, a big head made of small and eating more faeces of darkness. She brought a new set of pictures including an African head shouting (as two of my LTO friends not understanding/communicating with me), the lifting of the Excalibur sword, solving the Gordian knot having God helping to lift my journey, more light to Australia, and a zipper to open our New World, where you dont have to hold on as tight as if I had not taken on as much sufferings as possible. Short stories of darkness cannot drive out darkness, I was included in a Facebook group of Egypt symbolising that I lean up against the Egypt gate to Paradise, a BIG gold nugget symbolising our new creation, there is STILL more life to be recovered, it should be elementary to have faith when being a priest, I do NOT like extravaganza of rich and selfish people in a world full of POOR people suffering, Helena is coming home too, Desiree is not deterred by me but the opposite, we have sold out on all shelves of the Old World making maximum of our New World, do NOT report or speak wrongly/negatively about people behind their bags! Dreaming of continuing work when the world is silent, I cannot stop flying, i.e. being lifted up, sending my application to continue working against darkness, I have difficulties finding my wallet bringing me energy to continue work, being my STRONGEST when working against darkness, which is killing it, the old location of the family tree has now received gold, working at the taxi company (to bring out my new self), and the official world is afraid of darkness being released at the transition from our Old to our New World. Everything around me is now solid tree of God/creation after having gone through an amazing wrestling fight with my mother of the world to show that I was strong enough to increase the standard of the world to my standards, and if it is good enough for you, its good enough for me, and that is nothing less than perfect is good enough for me. We have put you into the grave in Egypt and now only wait for you to come out. We cannot tell you how valuable it is that no one has dug down to my
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22nd January: I have been laid into the grave in Egypt and now only wait for magic to bring me out

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body, which is the body or my previous self, and apparently I will wake up inside this body, and what about my body here (?), and how will I get transported to Egypt (?), and yes magic is the only right answer. The family tree is the only thing being eternal, which is why the New World will have to become one with the tree to become eternal itself. I am now receiving (only little) energy from darkness after it used to take out energy of me. The roles have being swapped. We are working on the last piece of the cheese cake saving much neglected life, which we will soon finish, and everything has to be ready at the same time. I was told that Venezuela did not believe in me and their uncontrollable feeling could have ignited the nuclear arsenals of the world if we had not been able to control it, and this is a crisis not known to the world community and also not Obama because it was handled on military levels. Venezuela is now also part of the fold. Jettes Google Earth pictures from her Facebook group show God helping to remove darkness, Australia covered in light, chaotic activity beneath Australia, and the arrival of my new self as the new King. Short stories of Falck still sending me darkness, the home base of my gold is Germany, our happiness/celebration of receiving all life inside our New World, the Restaurant Vejlegrden is an example of poor communication between people leading to tragedy. surroundings being crazy, and that I am the opposite of being anti-social despite of the feelings of darkness given to me! I was told that John was also not without faults influencing your mother wrongly, thus bringing WRONG information to the Commune. I received heart pain for some time, and then suddenly I received severe heart pain making me nervous, and yes welcome to the next and even darker part of me. I went to bed at approx. 01.30 and was woken up at 08.00 not allowed to sleep anymore, and yes as tired as yesterday also going to make today a hell to go through, and I only remember this dream. I am on my way to football stadium, it feels as if it lies beneath the hill at Hjstrup Station here in Helsingr, but it says Valby Park, where Frem (Forward) is playing, but then again I see that it is the team of Hellerup playing on home ground (!), and I really have no plans to stay, I am planning to walk on by, but I see Paul in the audience watching, he sees me too but does not say anything, and the row of seats continue to the left of him, but the seat at the very end is destroyed. And something about a poor opponent and to cheat him for fun. I also felt South America during the dream! o This is the football match against darkness, which I really would like to end, but we are still moving forward, and I understood the dream that when Paul lost faith in me was it in 2010 (?), and yes the old dream of destruction at the restaurant, and ice cubes he broke the first parts of me, which is what we are recovering now, and yes the upper seat of this dream. And yes I simply LOVE

21 January: God is ending my journey and connecting the world to become one with the eternal family tree of life
Dreaming of going forward still playing against darkness to recover what the lost faith of Paul destructed When publishing my script of yesterday, I was shown Christoffer Mettes son and told that I have been waiting on you out here, and according to this he is another part of me here at the end of everything. After publishing the script, I was told about the media being the guard dog of the world, or this is what you believe (?), but eeehhh it was almost impossible to wake you up and make you interested in me and to start understanding the truth (?), and why is that (?), and yes because most of you do NOT like to work with details, but quick and good stories/sensations is what sell, and then on to the next and next and next story, so you did not have time to concentrate on me, and to read me thoroughly to understand (?), and no, not easy to get the world read, understand and have faith in you. I was shown a very small room on top of a house where it has been burning, and there are Falck firemen there, and I am told about the journalist Kurt Strand, yesterday I was told about the DR1 TV news director Ulrik Haagerup, and yes there is a ladder leading further up to an even smaller room on top of this, and yes we will go there too, and just to say that these silent journalists are THE WORST DARKNESS IN THE WORLD; and yes WHY DONT YOU COME OUT NOW WITH ALL OF YOUR SECRETS??? I was told that the Commune and my mother also also went through you being lonely, and yes anti-social of course, and no, they could not understand that it was not me but all of my
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the music of Bacharac/David, which I would always stop up to listen to, and yes not to walk on by, so here we are, and what now, Stig (?), and yes we know, no energy to work also today . God is ending my journey and connecting the world to become one with the eternal family tree of life I was shown and told that we have a FULL manual of darkness on how to kill you, and when turned around, it is a manual full of opportunities on how to awake you. Has Jack not published a book to the Russians, which has also reached the top in Pennsylvania (?) which may be the Avenue we talk about, and yes in Washington DC (joining the White House and United States Capitol) and this is where Lance Armstrong also comes from, and that is to show you that we are ready to confess to our sins? We look forward to receiving a new child as never before. You have borrowed one of the seats on the board, and now comes the decisive moment when God/You will head in the ball in the net and make you king, this is only what we are saying, and yes still darkness speaking I feel, but knowing what is right to do, and yes with the actor in the background. You have not spread lies on purpose (i.e. spiritual darkness), this has been understood, but it has not been understood that you NEVER lie yourself, and this is in relation to the blinking time stamp on Facebook, and yes there are people out there also not believing in me, and yes Panama and all of those people in charge of the channel you know, yes those with dirty flour in the bag, and when you have that, how can you believe in people not lying (?), yes impossible it is, but this is how it is here, and again I feel Armstrong. We almost did not walk the direct road to the Egypt gate, and yes part of the game to confuse you with we cannot find home and all of that, because of wrong behaviour of the world, but no, we are still heading directly towards the light, and we really only need to ring the bell, and yes let us see what the manual says: Never call light to receive help, let the dark man come and get you, and when he does, DO NOT LIE, and yes a message to the USA and others really being this darkness, and yes let him bring you safely out when he does his best, dont object to him, let him run with the ball and when he is done, try to kill him , and eeehhh isnt it funny, Stig, that we have an even smaller layer of you to bring in first (?), and yes the game goes on. My mother has not stopped endlessly in front of BP, has she (?), and yes not only Esso destroying Earth but all oil companies removing life giving elixir of Earth. It is not that unusual that you want to escape think of the Danish politicians when exercising the other day no, the unOne God, One People

usual is that we had no idea that HE would come and get us, because the manual does not mention this situation, and yes there is only one thing to do, and that is to FOLLOW ME and that is because I set the rules, I am your manual, and I do NOT want any darkness, and yes there are no alternatives, and no handcuffs as you show me, just follow me to light and FREEDOM. Hans Henrik Palm is also not here anymore (darkness of (previous) rich people responsible for bringing down the economy), no this group only includes the worst criminals of all, this is hardcore (this is about TRUE heart blood here, favourite music it is, and yes also a reference to my old nightmare), not even the Norwegian money-men are here, no, this is the place of the brains of the evil world revolution, and yes the ones designing a new EVIL World Order, and how are you doing over there (?), and how do you like being defeated in this game of mine (?), and yes not funny, and isnt it incredible, Stig, that these people know about their defeat and I am here first told that they sent forward Armstrong as a sign of being prepared to admit to their sins in public, and then that they carry on their evil plans without slowing down, and what is right (?), and maybe both and that is because you have started an evil destroyer, which you cannot stop, which only I can, so this is what I am doing. I surely felt as poorly today as yesterday making work very difficult indeed to do, and it made me question if I can do anything more than the script of today and yes impossible to do the final work to my website, but maybe I will become better as usual also starting to do this work later (?), we will see. We just have to report it first (?), what about the police (?), but we are the police (!), and yes who do we have to face then (?), and yes Stig, that man there, a mere human being (?), and no we cannot do that, we have to wait until he will become the Son of God and yes so everyone can see, and is this is (?), and yes COWARDS is the only right word I can find to describe you. Do what is RIGHT to do, and forget all about politics and bad habits too, do you think you can (?), and no, you cannot, and yes COWARDS you are!! And I feel Obama, and that is because he is right at your heels, dont hurt us and yes weak people they are these leaders of this world revolution, which will NOT be carried out. We are in the outskirts of Oslo, where there are no police officers, but when you enter town, and yes they will try to stop you at toll gates on your way in, but when you are first here, there is nothing really to be seen, it is the eye of the storm, and yes from where darkness goes out because of what man brings in and this is what you are facing, and yes I have started being giving direct attacks coming from darkness outside to my throat not only making me cough but as if everything immediately falls

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into the wrong throat, which requires that I instantly clears my throat, and this is the power doing it. You are also held up by trade over the borders, which they dont want to stop. It is a giant crocodile now on swamp feet coming in, and it doesnt know why it has to get up now, and yes the next layer of me. For days I have been told about my old class friend and leader of Espergrde Youth School, Jais, who has been telling stories about me and yes have you heard that he claims to be the Son of God and yes MY old classmate (!), so the word on me is also running free there, and I have kept receiving visions of Britt, my old friend, and yes the only one leaving me TWICE on Facebook! I was shown a HUGE metal pole planted right in front of me, and this is the eternal family tree with no end to it, and afterwards I felt a red spirit to the left of me with the strong feeling of it wanting to physically stick in its hand to take out my heart, which was VERY uncomfortable, and yes just like Indiana Jones in the Temple Doom scene, and this is really what the doom of darkness was about, to remove my heart to remove all life. I was told that we are already the New World and are looking back in time seeing you do this work (!), and yes I decided NOT to write this down, but then again, I am also a reporter having to be objective, so I bring this to you too, and if I believe in it (?), no, I do not, but this does not mean that it is not true, and yes how many are there of you having such a faith in me waiting to see what will happen (?), and yes probably quite a few. No, it does not matter what he wears in Caribbean, and yes when coming home. Shall we give him a gift/surprise, there is ignition liquid in here, and much more, which we have not even come to, is this how it is? It is also inside here that the deductions of life has been designed, and if I remember it (?), and yes I do believe it is coming forward to me now, and yes this is the design of God to use the threat of terminate to create energy/life. You have not run yet inside the state prison (?), and no, I am not able to run more than a few minutes, but the cross trainer still fits me fine, and yes the best way for me to exercise at the moment, but no, I am far too broken down today to exercise, and maybe, and only maybe, I will cycle to a supermarket to do a little shopping, and yes to cross strong tiredness, and yes when I had to work everyday at Brede Park in 2010, there was nothing to do feeling as I do today, it was simply to take out the iron-horse as we also say here, and to cycle to the park during winter in coldness and darkness, and yes those days were not very good really, but I came through them .

I was giving up at 14.00 today and at least to work now - nothing else and I was told be careful what you wish for now, which I understood as a risk of ending the game now, but no, I will not do this with more darkness remaining, and I was shown my own dead inner self (next layer) being rolled out from the head of a rocket, which will be the part we will save one way or another. I was told that Molotov cocktails dont get very old in here, and had to regenerate on basis of life, which it stole from light. I was shown a mooring right in front of me, which I understood was of darkness, and this is where we have moved back the family tree, and this is the place we take over from the worst darkness. I watched some TV and maybe at 14.30, I simply had to get a nap, and yes it takes much for this to be a necessity, and I was allowed to sleep until 17.00, which I surely needed, and I dreamt about telling people that I made a survey in the 1970s concluding that man is crazy, which included some details about man taking two kinds of drugs, which I then had described with the conclusion that everyone is crazy (!!!), and someone tried to look into my research and question my results. I was told that this sleep is part of a lump game in front of the goal, and also that we have not yet brought all rooms in, but if you want to sleep, this is what we do I was told that I have raised darkness to be loyal to you, but still this darkness speaks negatively to me, but I do feels its loyalty now. The next question is how we will grasp and become one with this tree, which will make remaining darkness stand off, this is how it is thought. And he has decided not to stop now and accept his old nightmare, which is also mine, and with this decision, we will carry on. I was asked what will happen if you decide to stop working (?), which I will not, and later that we were about to hang up pictures on the wall, and then he came and said that he wanted us to do nothing and yes to sleep, and I am here again given the understanding that this darkness is loyal to me. I was shown the time stamp on Facebook blinking again, and also how darkness was being wiped away with time, but no, the idea is NOT to stop time before we have transferred everything, and this is what I kindly ask you to continue doing. It is because your mother or was it I (?), and yes your mother pressuring on me from outside, which made me find this wet tie too I dont like that which almost makes me promise you to bring out everything here, and I am shown my inner self inside darkness holding this tie not being satisfied with it and standing in maybe 10-20 centimetres water, and yes tie is life
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too. And that is because we cannot stand being in here without my shoes, which are also somewhere around here, arent they (?), and no the gentleman leaving before me took them with him out, and with this, we have no other choice than to follow, because whomever wears the shoes, has my sympathy and yes loyalty you know. So this picture (coming back) looks a little bit like me, yes he is crying, but almost tears of light and that is because they have started carrying me out of here, and as I understand it, this is God bringing out the last and that is NOT to destroy anything, because this is against my wish, and yes I will save some as my old self, and God the rest. This does not mean that you are given up (prisgivet was the Danish word I received meaning price given when directly translated) and that a price has been set on my head and yes you and you and you too and yes, Stig, these are all heads now coming up as light, and if you will, heads, you could not bring out yourself, but you gave it your best shot, yes we saw it. And this is because you have accepted us to finish, and that is under condition that we bring every little thing, so this is what we have started. I cycled to town and the Prvesten shopping centre, and was told that soon we cannot play together anymore, and I felt relief from before and after sleep. I was told that my mother used to use me as a lever telling about how well I did with work etc. and since I stopped working at Dahlberg in 2008/09, it has been downhill to her, but of course she has been able to use just how well my sister has been doing, and yes I turned out to be the black sheep of the family, or did I really (?), and yes not easy for my mother to see and understand. I was told we have missed that building stone and told that I will be spared to listen to statements like this. Isnt it bad luck that the evil world order needed a signature of USA to proceed (?), and then Obama did the impossible to win the US election? When I was cycling and shopping, I received more desperate feelings completely surrounding and almost choking me, and the feeling is so strong that this is almost what I become, and when all energy has been soaked out of me, and I feel that now I simply cannot anymore, it is really not very funny to continue, but then again, I had to get home, I could not stay there all the time you know. I was shown parts of me to my right about to being removed and cant I be with you at your exhibition, and I heard with him there you mean (?), and no, not now, and this is about parts of me, which according to this will not become part of me when opening our New World, but gradually afterwards, and I could

only say that to me, it is fine, let every little thing become part of my exhibition. I was told that blood tracks of my mother thus the world in theory could have brought us here, with the feeling that this was not needed because I went all the way. We are not going to a corps house meaning that I will not die but these are not unimportant parts of you and life, and yes what will happen to these parts of me/us, will they be transferred to my new self as I have said I would like to if possible, or will they become part of me/us later at the New World (?), and I receive a mark to the last, so we will see. After my sleep, the negative speech, feelings and pressure given to me from darkness here feeling Annete Vilhelmsen, how are you (?) reduced much, and I can only tell you to be glad not to have experienced the sufferings I had; they were truly as disgusting as anything gets. Later I felt life of darkness now pressuring on me again, and I was by this darkness I dont want to return and yes to him, and this is God bringing back this life to me, and yes because I dont want you to remove it from me, so therefore! I was told that Obama also would have liked to send money to help Elijah and his family, but no, as part of the game it is not good, and yes this is not the way to discover who the US President really is, and yes, Stig, no one could ask me the right question, so this is how this secret was kept making us work on saving/creation right until the end, and yes because of POOR COMMUNICATION of the world, and yes using the poor characteristic of darkness to our benefit. Stig, you have never accepted your old nightmare to be carried out, and yes also having the recreation tool, so this means that I have been allowed, extraordinary, to return to life and yes by the kind man to the right of me (?), and yes if you can bring me in before the end of time, that is, and yes I will continue working, but no, I will not work on my website today, and not even after my nap this afternoon, and it is now 23.20, and I will first finish my work today after midnight, and yes then I need to relax a little, and if we still play a game tomorrow, and if I can, I will, and if I cannot, I cannot. I received a STRONG feeling of Peter Asschenfeldt, who used to be in a relation with my old friend Britts twin sister, Ann, and I wonder if they still speak with him, also about me, and yes do you remember, Stig, he has become crazy, and what one says, is brought on by the next, and yes, did you do this too, Peter (?), and this is a man of the higher social circles of Denmark, and the news of my view on Lars Seirs 50th birthday is also spreading among you (?), and yes no likes on this? At the end of the evening I feared that we may lose the last parts of me for good, but then I thought that God has promised to make everything perfect, which I do hope is true.

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I was told from my right, which is that I cannot move with you, Stig, because I am not very strong, and it came together with the Chris from the chocolate factory feeling, which is to say that we will be seeing each other on the other side. I was shown an open room with a drum set, and many bongo drums being lined up giving me the feelings that they should be easy to get out and bring with us too. There are no duvets on sale here, Stig, are there (?), and yes this is what you are giving me, and yes duvets for your new, big duvet, and that is cheaply for sale, it does not take much to receive much by now. I was shown and told that we are now letting the dogs out again, which will never happen again hereafter, is this how it is, Stig? And this came when I was preparing to publish my script, which took out much of me I am feeling my neighbour Preben here also being responsible for this and yes bringing me more desperate pressure while uploading MANY pictures, which requires the patience of an angel, which I do not have and yes because of Preben and others continuing to destroy me, which is the game I have to go through in order to transfer these parts of me too. I was given a vision of one of the cafs, which Camilla and I sat at in Paris when we visited the city of light together in the end of the 1990s, and yes in the Latin Quarter. This is also about the back of the sofa, which will be used to lift up the world, and yes we are about to setting this up now, are you ready? So we dont have to think about a funeral anymore, and no him there, he cannot die, we have tried, there is nothing to do. And this means that we dont have to go down into the grave, which would hurt us, and yes the world, and Stig, we found a new solution making it possible to save you and the world from pain, and simply pretending that you dont exist even though you do and yes it only takes a moment of time, and then I am back as the baker/pizza-chef, and yes what will it be (?), and we know THE FINEST YOU HAVE because this is what that gentleman there writing these lines have asked for, so this is what we have done, and yes one of those new inventions you know. I received the vision of Camilla and was told that she has woken up a few times thinking what if Stig is really the one, and dreaming she may be, and no, she is not a BLONDIE, but this one is . Thank you for the national game, Stig, and we know you are breaking down preparing your script and receiving an incredible amount of stress from us, and now tired again, and so it is, a new game we designed. Finally, at 01.05 I had published the script of today.

Google Earth shows oil production and pollution, which makes it necessary for man to move to our new planet Niburu Jettes Google Earth pictures from her Facebook group show the big hat of darkness in disguise, oil production and pollution makes it necessary for man to move to our new planet Niburu, chaotic savings, someone walking to and from Greenland, a big head made of small and eating more faeces of darkness.

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--She brought a new set of pictures including an African head shouting (as two of my LTO friends not understanding/communicating with me), the lifting of the Excalibur sword, solving the Gordian knot having God helping to lift my journey, more light to Australia, and a zipper to open our New World, where you dont have to hold on as tight as if I had not taken on as much sufferings as possible. --Ending the day with these short stories:

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The other day I said in my script that you cannot fight darkness/negativity with darkness/negativity, and I now see that someone said this before me, and bringing this picture was not the only inspiration, no the breathing out of butterflies is to show you the beauty of our New World, and Only love came to Valentina, because this is the song I have brought some times also not long ago, and now again again .

Here was the gold nugget found the other day, and yes not everyday you do this, and of course in Australia and gold symbolises creation and Australia our New World, so there you have it once again.

My Facebook friend William decided to include me in this group on Egypt, which is really just to say that I am leaning up against the gate of Egypt, which is still locked, and yes not we, but he darkness looks confused here has the key, but he will not open it before ALL OF YOU around here have become light, and this darkness gives me here a STRONG pain to my left foot, and yes do not like it as part of the game, but this is the ONLY RIGHT CHOICE and yes for me to continue working until I break down, and no I have not broken down yet, and have no plans to do so, so this is why we are still playing .

This statistical information of my Scridb documents shows no visitors the 18th January, which is really saying that there is indeed more life to be recovered inside the metal container, and yes it had another room, which also tried to hide from me, but no, we are NOT leaving from here before EVERY LITTLE THING has been recovered, and yes I expect to see this ZERO visitors being corrected one of the next days.

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A Danish church is looking for a priest believing in God (!), and yes there are examples of priests here not believing in God, and it has made some intellectuals discuss that it is not appropriate to write this in the job ad, and I could only say that a priest without faith is like a chef not being able to cook, and this is difficult to understand for some (?), also including the Church Minister Manu as the article says (!), and yes what are you to believe in these days (?), and elementary if you ask me . Helena will be going to Greenland to do a project, and yes she is coming home (to God) too.

It looks like Bryan Ferry and band was VERY happy to be travelling in style with the company jet of Saxo Bank when going to his party the other day, and yes I wonder how much this has set you back, Lars Seir (?), but nothing is to be spared when you turn 50, is that it (?), and yes it must be wonderful for you to be in such a situation that you can enjoy the sweetness of life and making a whole lot of friends loving you because of all of your love and eeehhh money too (?), and yes, Bryan, you will also wake up some day understanding that I really do NOT at all like this extravaganza very much in a world where millions of poor people scream and die on the streets in terrible pain, and yes have you heard about Haiti as example (?), and why dont you send your jet and money there, Lars (?), and eeehhh not that funny and entertaining for you (?), but just maybe this would bring you TRUE SATISFACTION, and yes wrong love is also what your money tempts you to do (?), and yes THE WORST DARKNESS is what you see here, and together with him ALL RICH PEOPLE OF THE WORLD DOING THE SAME!!! And if you can dance, Bryan, but of course you can, and soon from joy/celebration .

Diana from the SAGA Facebook group, who became my Facebook friend, has now decided to leave me as Facebook friend, and yes it was her time to have had more than enough of me, and yes making you feel disgusting, Diana (?), and yes herewith bringing me your feelings too. And Jimi D. is still only half visible, so there is still a risk of losing life as this says, but no, I dont believe so. I was happy to see that Desiree had not become deterred, but the opposite maybe, from my dialogue with the alien in on her thread, and here she asked me about transmission meditation, so maybe a sign of faith after all.

In Denmark, almost all local municipalities, or Communes as I call them, offer people to anonymously to report on people on social fraud etc., and DR News asked if it is alright to report on each other, and I gave an old reply really,
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which is that it is only a pathetic society anonymously report and speak wrongly/negatively about each other, and the only right thing to do is ALWAYS to tell the truth and to treat people as you would like to be treated yourself, which should be easy for all to understand and to follow, also for government and local municipalities, and this shows wrong behaviour everywhere - both of people individually cheating and of people employed by authorities chasing people cheating and this goes right to the top of the society, where we really should have role models for the population, but we have not (!), so what we need is a paradigm shift and new culture, and as luck is, this is what we will get with our New World (!), and yes the media could have decided to show the RIGHT way, but no, their accepted norms with money, careers and sex too being the motive power made them as rotten as everyone else, if not worse, pulling the population in the wrong direction, and sad is really what this is; that a whole society/world could not behave correctly simply following what everyone knows is right behaviour, amazing right? And this is one of my few comments receiving many likes, which will have to be because these people dont know who I am.

Cheese is the product of milk, which is about my old nightmare really, and cheese is such the result of creation, and here Henrik brought another splendid sketch by Monty Python where the only thing the cheese store does not have, is cheese (!), which is to say that we have sold out on all shelves, and yes transferring everything to our New World making minimum of our Old World to make maximum of our New World, and so it is, and yes the man machine/KRAFTWERK, which of course is what I was, the energy plant to help building our New World, so this is what Kraftwerk is REALLY about. This is inspiration given to Jais and my nephew Tobias speaking about wrong sexuality because of their wrong behaviour in relation to me bringing darkness/my old nightmare to me.

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Now we will withdraw again, and we will see if a new game will come tomorow. Finally at 01.45 I went to bed, and I was shown the remaining dark part of me inside of darkness, and instead of leaving out the door, this part went together with me in bed as a spirit crawling down with me under the duvet and that is because this darkness is still me as Stig alive. I was not allowed to sleep for quite some time, and I did not write down all, but I was shown myself looking at watches in a store (to extend time maybe ), and how I have returned my old and the first fine suit I bought in the 1980s, which was a Rene Lezard suit from the Lord Nelson store on Strget in Copenhagen, and to my surprise the suit has a stain on one of the legs. I was shown my self walking with Peter Duetoft a former politician close to Mimi Jacobsen and I have recorded a video of how poorly they work including the founder/management, and he asks me if I want to continue, and I reply that I will if you will let me be, and now I am flying up into the ceiling of the hall, which I cannot help doing because this is what this is about, and that is my work going to lift me up to become me/our new selves. I was told that you will believe it is a lie, but Irene from Aon hs the key to keep this going without the world breaking down, and yes Preben has told her about me (?), and for days I have felt her, and I was shown her in front of the shelves receiving horns being put on wrongly on her, and yes I remember her as somewhat backwards from when we worked together even though she worked on the floor above me and I did not have much contact with her.

22 January: I have been laid into the grave in Egypt and now only wait for magic to bring me out
Dreaming of continuing work when the world is silent, I cannot stop flying, i.e. being lifted up I received a small sound to my windows, and was shown parts of my old self now on the other side and I felt my mother meaning that this part of me is now becoming integrated with our New World as I understand it, and yes I hope that it will not bring great sufferings to the world to do this, and I will be fully assembled on the other side as I understand it. I continue receiving attacks of nothing coming to me and lasting for maybe 1-2 seconds, which is almost making me faint. Sometimes as now I still receive a dark pressure to the instep of my right foot which is from where terminate life gets out. It had to correspond for man to dig you out of the gas chamber, and yes we have to get everything out not matter what, and this has been knocked into our heads.


I was really on my way to stand up, but somehow I fell asleep, and slept poorly until 06.45 with these dreams. I am writing an application on an old type writer at an office in Helsingr where Anders Ladekarl (from Red Cross) is the manager, and I am impressed to see the speed of how a male colleague of my is typing. I see how Danish military troopers walk in line at Helsingr Station and they are in camouflage with dense fog hiding them so they will not be discovered by the Russians, whom they are going to fight, and I cannot take a photo of them. o The application is to keep on working inside darkness to reduce the worst darkness, i.e. the Russians, in order to make the transition to our New World as easy as possible. And the fast typing is about what some may believe I do. I am at a small store at some kind of camp, and yesterday I hid my plasticbag including my wallet behind some kind of device standing in the floor closet, and when I now return, I see how the female middle aged assistant has taken out this device making me fear that my bag has been stolen, and when I ask for it, she starts to search for it without being able to find it, but she is clearly incoherent, and finally
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she finds it and that is at the place where I put it, and another assistant asks me if I did not became nervous knowing about the importance of this, and instead of becoming concerned/stressed while she was searching, I decided to be calm. The first assistant also has some kind of board including her clothes, and this board is hiding my clothes behind it, which I would like to get access to. o The wallet is money, thus energy, and I have absolutely no energy these days, and as long as I keep the game ongoing, I do not have access to my final clothes as my new self. I am on visit at Aon together with a few colleagues from Dahlberg, and I am surprised to see two British former contacts of mine sitting at the reception with one being Paul (an old connection from Woodchester/GE Capital Bank in Denmark), and he gives me and a colleague of mine, whom he also knows, a warm welcome. I wear a fine suit, but I am surprised to see that I wear sandals and have no socks on, and I think that I really should have taken on my business shoes. I meet the IT manager Sren on the way, and I ask him how quickly he believes that Niels de Bang will get out of the office when hearing me, and if he will have lost his temper, and it is no surprise that when I have walked up the stairs and Niels hears me, he instantly comes out from his office having lost his temper, and to my surprise, Fuggi is also arriving on visit, he has also been working here before (in the dream at least), and he is very popular by the employees, but not by Niels, and Fuggi has a pram in front of him, which Niels pushes to in order to push him out, but does not succeed. And I tell Niels directly when the employees heat it that everyone knows that he is the problem, and you have to give employees responsibility in order to be happy and improve, and when he does not listen, I shout directly into his face that you are the problem, you are sick in your head, and I can tell that he knows, and he replies something about what about my pay of 2.1 millions dollars, and I see that he is losing his balance because of just how strongly I effect him, and it makes me concerned that he will die in front of me. Later I sit with him at his office, and gives him a plastic folder including detailed calculations on accounts, and he promises to have a detailed look on this and to come back with his decision on whether or not he can follow my suggestion. I ask him to remember that the main thing is that we like him. Afterwards, at the floor below of the Benefits department, I have asked to see old colleagues including Anja, but I am surprised to see that it takes time for them to come out, and in the waiting time, I remember that the three files I have prepared for them is in the folder I gave Niels, and I think about returning to him to get these files, or alternatively to send them later from home where I also have them. o This is about continuing the game inside darkness of Niels de Bang, and when being stronger than this/him, it will bring new information to our New World symbolised by the benefits department, and this may also be to say that my contact to Niels de Bang via LinkedIn some weeks ago, was almost killing him, and yes not very
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nice to think about whom I may be and to think back about havine disgraced me the most grossly and wrongly when expelling me from Aon in 1997. I am visiting the place where my employer used to be located, and the view is not as nice as our new location, there is much construction work here, and I see that one of the tall buildings have received a golden faade. o This will have to be where the family tree was located until it was moved back to its original location, and this is where we are converting darkness to light. I am working as a new assistant at sterbro Taxabil, and I have taken my first two orders by telephone, and promised to send out taxis, and I am now looking for the employee who can arrange this, and I come to the lunch room where I ask the first man I meet, and he is the manager, and there are others there too, and they say that I have been offered to drive out with the taxi, but it is against the law and something about deceptive spray making things disappear. o The taxi is bringing my new self, and it is from darkness that this happens because this company felt as dusty as the worst and most lazy social democratic environments of the 1970s where everything took forever because of people working slowly and talking much. The deceptive spray is darkness, which apparently wipes out life even though it really does not. In the harbour a machine is designing a city after my invention, but the Kraftwerk/power plant is moved to another station at the harbour, and something about counting down. I cannot look out from my bedroom because of curtains blocking my view. People are afraid that it will explode. Something about wearing two pregnancies, and we have taken a test from evilness of my mother, and if the pregnancies turn out to include this evilness we can remove them. The freezer is opened, and I am surprised to see a huge creature almost looking like Frankenstein, who runs out and directly towards a man, who he is trying to kill/drown in a bowl of soup, but this man, who has no brain, is given an injection by a needle, which kills him. o Harbour is the symbol of my old safe haven and it is from here that we are designing, but I have no energy to continue doing this, but I dont care, I work the best I can under the circumstances, and this will have to bring us as far as possible. And this will have to be about the official world being afraid of what will happen when remaining darkness (the explosion and Frankenstein) is released with the transition from our Old to our New World. I have been laid into the grave in Egypt and now only wait for magic to bring me out I woke up to the song When Im Sixty Four by Beatles/Paul McCartney, and I was given the name of the Beatles throughout the night and who won the trophy (?) with the answer being the Beatles - and this was a direct encouragement to tell the story I was told the other day without writing it, and it was
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about my old feeling that I would have loved to experience the 1960s and to see the Beatles when they were active (and the impact they had on the everyday of the time), and not just afterwards, and I am here shown my sister as little in the 1960s, which is to say that darkness unfortunately also hit this band, and yes when I was asked to collect one of the greatest, I thought about who it should be, and yes I chose John Lennon and not you Paul McCartney, and yes so it was, but instead there is a secret hidden inside of you Paul, and yes I am AGAIN given the another part of me feeling, so we are back to the question about who the (thre times) 12 really are, and the other day, I was told that Paul would also like to experience me himself, and yes, you will Paul, and a great surprise is also coming your way, and yes who would love to see the Beatles play live again, and yes what about warming up with Mozart, have some Beatles, Elvis and the Electric Light Orchestra with a full orchestra, and yes just one of those dreams of wild times you know, which may not be completely impossible to carry out . When I woke up I was told by my actor playing the dark character Stop, we are not going to the sawmill and I was shown people carrying solid wood (of God), which is everywhere around me, and no, we are not because everything will have to be perfect. So we will not be carrying out his old nightmare, no! I had another day, where I was at least as broken down as the last two days if not more, and it was truly completely impossible to start writing the script of today and the many dreams, and I had to write one minute, relax two minutes and so on something like that and waiting for things to turn over knowing that eventually it will also be possible to work today, and yes I was looking at one point at the monitor and feeling so disgusted that it was really impossible to work, and then I told myself you can do it, just do it, ignore how you feel, so this is what I did, and now I have done the worst part of it, but the question is truly if I will be able to do some work to my website today, and that is also because I have promised myself to take a long bath after writing what I can this morning, and yes I know it is no good, but it is needed. I was told with a very weak voice that my heart has arrived, and it will be delivered in some days from now. I received the lyrics I wonder from the beautiful song runaway by Del Shannon, and you may understand that I like it even better in Jeff Lynnes version (Del Shannon is his great idol, and later also collaborator), and yes I wonder why you were a runaway, Karen, making me walkin in the rain. I was told that we will bring you a ringing bell for your bicycle in Christmas gift, and yes this was another task I have not done, and that is to move the bell from my old to my new bicycle, which has none.

So he is not even feeling poorly today, is he (?), but yes, still tired and still us actors giving him darkness/voice. We have mixed our cards endlessly, which darkness really could not understand, and this is basically the key of our success/survival, that no one can infiltrate our system, which is way too complicated and now simple too, which is the beautfy of it. This is what the game was for, to turn around darkness to make everything strong as I understand it. You dont give the Devil a little finger without getting it 10 times back, and yes because of the improvement this brings when doing a new creation. It corresponds to removing the gas mask of man what we will now be starting to do. We saw this result coming already when we were winning 4 to 0, where darkness became weaker, but we did not say anything, we had to keep the game going. And this was said just seconds before I read about this not dangerous gas leak over Paris.

We could not turn the back to you I see my mother before we risked you scoring to 2 to 0, talk about playing well. There is no camel smell here, yes Arabia and oil, and yes of our New World, and just to underline that. So only by getting out of an amazing wrestling fight between your mother and yourself, you showed that you were strong enough to increase the standard of the world to my standards, and if it is good enough for you, its good enough for me, and
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yes nothing less than perfect is good enough for me, we know. There will come a letter with the mail to your mother, maybe not tomorrow, but certainly within the next couple of weeks, right (?), and yes as darkness we have absolutely no knowledge when this will happen, but as light, let us say that you are following the plan. You dont get out of there without your father shouting out loud (as he did recently when reading my website on him). There is almost no more blood pounding in your mother, so how do we get this back (?), which will become part of the transition. You can go under the (Christmas) tree too, and yes gifts to be unpacked. Do you think man will forgive me for using darkness and extreme sufferings (?), and no not as the Old World, but the beauty is that you will in the New World where you will also forget about all sufferings of the past. Isnt it funny that we have shown you our spaceships looking like airplanes when you first see them, and this is also because this is what man has developed with manmade clones of our spaceships and that is with the purpose to fool man saying that it is not us flying those (aggressive) saucers, but it is. How would it be like closing the airport a full Sunday for example (?), yes it would feel like the world going under, and that is until we had exploded/removed the last darkness, which is what you will be saved from now, but you will receive some pain (?), and yes depending on what I do now, i.e. how much work I will do. I am often given your name, Tony Franke, and here that you were disgusted too (?), and yes wrong resistance was amazing. Det er helt hen I vejret (it is way up in the air) as we say here, and it is amazing in itself that no meteorologists have spoken out loud when seeing my force changing the weather, and yes strange weather among other things. I was told yesterday and also today that Soulaima has used the case story of not having the courage to help the man in the train to remove his stench of perfume and the importance of speaking the truth, and she is right now in Davos together with the greatest leaders of the world, who enjoy themselves by giving lectures, and yes a good life on top of this, and it gave me an attack directly to my throat of darkness, which made me almost get it in the wrong throat if I did not clear it, and it was followed by strong darkness now to the back of my right foot. Well, your mother is not a teacher as you are, but she is too isnt she (?), and yes just to say that we have now divided the roles between us of our New World, and yes we are One God and I do believe we have the roles, which you can read from the
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front page of my website, and more will come, yes isnt it exciting to see if I will get work done to my website today? I was shown one candle light burning, which is the family tree, and I was told that this is the only thing being eternal, which is why the New World will have to become one with the tree to become eternal itself. And I am still driving in a small military wagon, which almost looks like a small tank having only a small hole to look out of, where I see a jungle around me, and yes as darkness, which is what this says. I was shown an ancient Egyptian head and then a Nazi, and told that I am going directly from one to another. For a long time, I have been told about the Swedish music industry knowing about me including the Swedish part of the Eurovision Song Contest remember the winner of 2012 Loreen and her fantastic song/performance EUPHORIA and my story of her bringing the light to me in Helsingborg (?) and now I was told that the Danish 2012 contestant Soluna Samay also knows, and also that the music industry/artists in general is spreading the news of me because I love music as much as I do. I was shown a turkey roast, and in the middle is an egg the middle of everything and I was told that my fathers wife Kirsten is also part of this, and yes earlier I was told about my old class friend Christian G. and his resistance to me not being able to accept me as Facebook friend after having seen my website and that is because he is part of us too, and his resistance brought me MUCH darkness as a consequence. I was told that I am a stingray, and it made me think of fast Corvette Stingrays because of my work bringing us forward, and also of the Australian crocodile hunter Steve Irwin, who was killed by a stingray in 2006, and yes the work of darkness chasing me! I was shown smaller and smaller rings leading to the Source in the middle, and I was shown and told that we had to get all the way in here before my mother will be released on the planet of our New World. I continue being told about names for example Sys Bjerre having heard about me, but this will do for now only bringing you examples here and there, and also not knowing if this is light or darkness speaking through me. I was shown the Danish Parliament of Christiansborg and told that this used to be the worst darkness, but now this has been turned around too and yes becoming light of our New World. Where is my regular table at the bar (?), have you moved it (?), and yes Stig, we are going to my extreme limit of work again today, and just to look up words in the Danish-English dictionary is putting me on my extreme edge, and yes because of the immense stress factor of work, speech and how poorly I feel.

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This morning, I listened to the Danish singer Stig Rossen being interviewed on DR4 radio, and here (after 1:03:15) he was telling about how he had been on a VERY long tour singing in the Les Miserables musical, and they had reached Hong Kong, where he feel asleep on stage and only woke up because it was his time to sing (!), which he then did, and then song bring me home of course and yes as beautiful as ever so he had to be VERY tired before coming home (?), and yes just like me, and he said that the same evening he watched the INSPIRED Groundhog Day movie, where Phil experiences the same day over and over and over again, and Stig said that this was exactly his feeling when doing exactly the same every day on this very long tour, and yes this was the sign to change his life, and here it is a sign of me also going to change my life after I have experienced the same day over and over and over again going through sufferings, being alone and writing all of these pages, so there you have your inspiration, Stig. I have no Volvo yet parked inside of him (?), and no, there is still darkness inside of him remaining. I was shown a dark horse carriage, and the back axis of this and I felt Elijah inside of this and his negative energy making it turn around, and I felt my mother too, and was shown how the axis was moved from the back and inside the cabin self while the carriage was still driving, and this is what we have done with the family tree while the world was still driving. I was shown a large board of the New York Stock Exchange showing stock prices, and it was shown as the worst darkness just in front of light on the other side of it, and you will understand from my New World Order and previous writings that a buffet of take yourself what you like without any limits/moral is NOT what I like, this is the game of darkness. Now we dont have to build a bridge, because we are him, but still acting as darkness and yes until he decides to come out, and we know, there is more work to do, but now it is 12.00, and I will take my long bath hopefully being able to do some work to my website later depending on how much more work there will be to the script. Schoolbag , your mother and father too were not evil as the starting point, but when knowing that this would be the end point, we decided to use darkness as the tool to get there the best and quickest way. It is now 15.30 and I have had my long bath, and must say that I am fully, utterly and completely destroyed today, so I will write the script but I will NOT start work on my website, I need to feel better than this, and yes no exercise or even a cycling tour today. We have put you into the grave in Egypt and now only wait for you to come out.
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Half awake in the bath, I was told that Hitler in the last days of his life became mainly light/good. I was told about Hans Engell the previous leader of the Danish Conservative Party (coming from my old city Espergrde) that he is a key contact person in Denmark, and I understood this as for the secret world government, so there you have even more darkness of this party, and later I was shown that right behind the Conservative Party, is a Christmas Tree and balloon swings, which is to say that I have several special friends there, who were taken over by darkness, and yes even you, Brian!! I was told that the grass was created as red (darkness), and became more and more green through each new world created, so darkness was indeed the building stone of our world. I was sleeping a little, I believe, in bath, and dreamt about going on a car tour to Sweden together with Lars G., and we only have one day, and we will drive almost 1,000 kilometres north, then east before driving south, and our goal is to visit cities as directly north as possible, and I see on the map some cities, which crosses the North Pole and reaches the other side! I was also shown a large yacht crossing with immense speed, and saw myself in the water at the entrance to a harbour, and there are large sea animals with most of them being kind coming close to me, but there are also some biting after me, but I know how to handle those. I also saw two local politicians on their way home to southern Jutland, and they decide to visit my old friend, Jane, the MP of the Liberal Party, on the way, and they dont call, they just show up, which stresses Jane much. Later I was half awake told that Janes and I have family lines meeting two generations back. I have been told about Hans in relation to his friend Bent Michael, whom I have always spoken well with, but who could not accept my Facebook invitation maybe two years ago, and what has Hans told him now (?), and what is Bent Michael thinking, and this has importance too. I am at one of the tunnels of Kronborg Castle with a lid torch, which a large group of people is attracted to, and I have a tresure map showing the road to the most sacred room, which is where Holger Danske (Ogier the Dane) sits, and yes you do remember that he will wake up as a sign with my arrival, right (?), and I was given the feeling that this Holger statue is what was the inspiration why Denmark was hit by the Holger flu maybe 10-20 years ago where everyone wanted to find Holger, which first was inspired by the political slogan Holger and the wife says no to the (European) Union, and then a game also on TV can you find Holger (?), and yes not easy to find Holger, i.e. to reach home at the most sacred inner part of me. I was told that Wenche Myhre a Norwegian singer apparently also knowing about me is helping to save a much neglected
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calf standing in water at the end of the stable with its head turning the wrong way. Darkness asked what to do because we cannot afford two new pins, and I was told that we have turned around energy making me receive energy from darkness to survive and not the opposite direction as it used to be, so it is energy of darkness giving me also a little nap today. I felt and was shown darkness as a Coca Cola looking backwards up on its actor asking that he, i.e. me, smashes us and this turns us into the finest vintage wine (?), and yes this is basically the idea. I was shown a very special transport belt next to a water mill where the belt is made of dark pasta, which is soft and impossible to get to work, and I was told that we are all the way out there impossible to get to work life like the calf above and this is shown because my mother has strongly recommended me not to eat pasta because everyone knows that carbohydrates is not good when you have to lose weight, and yes I know that it was important for me to loose weight in order to receive faith from my mother that I am feeling good, but I refused to stop eating carbohydrates meaning that I have enjoyed eating pasta and of course also rice, potatoes and white bread, but of course (!), and yes because I will NOT accept to eat what is NOT normal! I was shown and told that we have hidden BIG sunflowers, i.e. love, inside each part of darkness, and all we needed was energy to unpack it. Half awake, I heard bliss and was told that all parts have to be ready at the same time, and I was shown two pieces connecting like a star, and I thought that this is the New World connecting to the family tree. I was told that all people are in connection with the Source via me via sperm cells and their way to the egg to produce new life. I was shown a three dimensional cube of darkness with my actor just behind it, and told that this is the building stone, and I am now so close that I can almost reach out and touch (somebodys hand) and make this world a better place. And this is the building stone we are all made of; i.e. from destructive darkness. I was shown that we are working on the last piece of the cheese cake and I was shown a piece on its way in made by blue cheese, and on top of the cake, I was shown many whole eggs, and this is the last little piece we lack to make everything perfect. I was told about Lisbeth from the Commune again and what she did when they thought I was potentially dangerous (!), and I was shown my CV, and told that she has also called previous
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employers to check up on me, and that is behind my back and can you do that (?), and yes in a crisis situation you can, and so it was thought (!), and who did she call, and I was not told but I was shown the sister of Pernille S. (Kim S wife, and I worked with Kim from 1991-1995 at DFM, and from 1995-97 at Aon), and told that this is how everything matches, so did Lisbeth somehow get connected with Kim? I was told that the video yesterday of the Indiana Jones film of the dark man removing the heart of a man made the world scared, which is why I am incredible tired/destroyed today, and yes did you not read carefully in order to understand that there is nothing to be afraid of? I was told that we cannot tell you how valuable it is that no one has dug down to my body, and yes this is the body or my previous self in Egypt, and I am told that I will wake up in this body, and what about my body here (?), and yes just wondering I am, and how will I get transported to Egypt, and yes magic is the only right answer. I was told that my father has received (some) faith in me, and my reaction was that this is impossible because of the incredible strength of his better-knowing and WRONG voice. I was told that my shirts have been fine after wash, and they have not shrunk at all, which has to mean that all of me will be saved. I still receive some loud sneezes. I was shown the Danish Defense Minister Nick Hkkerup from the Social Democratic Party and was told that it was him starting it all, and I was told no more, but I thought about conspiration of the Social Democratic Party, and yes connected to Henrik Sass-Larsen maybe (?), and we will see what this story covers when it gets revealed, and maybe you would like to tell, or even to send me an email explaining how you have wrapped me up? When preparing the publish of the script today, I was asked can we now get home to our father (?), and only if you cannot make it anymore, otherwise we will continue working. I published the script at 19.40 after having worked slowly most of the time, and no, I will NOT work this evening, and yes I WILL suffer simply by continuing to receive more information/notes without being able to relax, and yes another new day tomorrow morning with a new script . Uncontrollable feelings of Venezuela could have led to world arsenals of nuclear weapons to be ignited! It is now tomorrow morning, and even though I feel somewhat better now, I am still so tired and disgusted by reading and more than this also having nothing/so little energy that it hurts more than you can believe to do this, but here is the information I was giving during the evening.

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The reaction of darkness after stopping work was now we dont bother doing this, we will also throw this away, and yes EASY to just relax and say just do it, but no, this is WRONG, I want you to save everything, which is really not the easiest thing to do. The spirit of my mother said that I will not get in without the very big shower, and I was given the feeling of David Bowie and was told that this goes for me too, i.e. the spirit of my father. I was told Lord Britannia; we also just had this on place meaning that nothing more is now going to hinder us. For maybe 1-2 hours I felt strong darkness all around me, but I was not given visions or negative speech, this was kept back, and yes it should not be as I expected to receive much disturbances during the evening, but it came. I was told that I walked up the ladder I was shown the other day and am now at the very top of the house at a very small room going directly after the Blue Mountain coffee of Jamaica, and I was also shown an incredible little God walking around/working in the harbour. I was told that this will bring me even bigger heart pain/problems, and I could only say come on, give me the best you got, and yes no change really. And the rest of the evening, I received high and uncomfortable pumping sounds/feelings of my heart beating bringing me some concerns of what would happen, but nothing happened. I was so incredible tired again this evening that I really could not stay awake, but I did not want to go to bed too early knowing that this would wake me up during night and not in the morning. I was given the name of the Turkish city Izmir with the first two letters underlined meaning ice in Danish, thus the symbol of sufferings, and isnt it funny that Turkey did not know about the great sufferings they very directly brought me (?), and this is why there is a focus on my sufferings in the Google Earth pictures of today. I was told that I have been allowed to receive more darkness by God because this is your wish, and this is the only reason why I do it, and yes I dont want to escape if I can. I was told that it was during the last days of Hitlers life that he planted the seed corn, which I collected when visiting Berlin in the 1990s, and without this, there would be no New World, and this was the purpose of Hitlers and your life. I was told that Venezuela also has decisive impact in the world history, and I was given the understanding that when Camilla and I visited Isla de Margarita in 1996, it was not good that we did not carry out our considerations to also visit the mainland of Venezuela, and this is because this country is/was a powder barrel, and could we keep them in chess (?), and this is why the President Hugo Chvez became ill with cancer

I was told that this branch gives the biggest cough, which I was given, and yes a crisis not known to world community, we shoot hostages, and yes Stig is not truth, this is western propaganda, they are deaf and threaten with nuclear weapons, if they have these, Stig (?), yes we keep our breath and wonder what they will do, however their thinking activity is still influenced by my visit in 1996, and I am told that the Montenegro lady (from the A2B course you know) and the handball network is designed to handle deviations including Venezuela, and this is the crises I now enter going into the next layer of darkness, and it could have made the world bring its enormous arsenals of nuclear weapon to ignition if we could not control it, and no, Obama does not know, it has not been dealt with by the government, but military and yes part of preparation of a world government, and if you dont want to, we will force you, and big words, shouting and risk. This is one of the doors we could have taken out as darkness, which required extra protection. No, there will come no Arafat investigation, which is also because of my arrival. There are even greater values inside this darkness, just hold on, Stig. This is why we were silent earlier this evening, this Venezuala was part of your Mission Impossible. It feels a little like joint property now, because they are now part of the fold too, and yes it was impossible for Obama to win (?), and no, you did not cheat with the US election, did you (?), and that was to guarantee Romney the win bringing forward a new world government of your choice (?), can you imagine this? So the world has brought you extreme coldness. Your mother, thus the world, could easily have smashed you out, but no, love also from Inge to you when no one else could handle me influencing my mother made her stick to you with her outermost, otherwise we would all be on the bottom of the sea. And that Yemen conflict is nothing in relation to this, i.e. Venezuela. Italy has not tried before to fling someone like you out, but this is how the lynch-mode against me from the blind and deaf Berlusconi people was (because of my writing on Berlusconi on my media and politicians website). Your mother equip you with binoculars etc. but she has not said what she really thinks about you, and yes she drinks too (as I have written about), which is about her believing that she is taking on the worst sufferings coming from her son not to lose her son, thus life self. I was told that we have locked up the most important photos of us inside here, where no one in the world would come, but we did not believe that Jesus would refuse to give up as extreme as this, which is why are still in play-mode, and I was given a little smell of burning, and was told that this means that there is still life and yes inside this darkness.

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Is Tommy Johns brother the drum stick for you (?), with drums meaning original life. This evening, I was beyond what you can call feeling poorly in a traditional sense, I had reached and surpassed my ultimate limit, and told my self that I cannot kep on like this, and the negative pressure/voices still coming to me, which you cannot feel/hear my readers, are completely unbearable, and I have to feel better tomorrow in order to continue, otherwise this is it. Google Earth shows the arrival of my new self as the new King Jettes Google Earth pictures from her Facebook group show God helping to remove darkness, Australia covered in light, chaotic activity beneath Australia, and the arrival of my new self as the new King. ml

-- As a follow up to pictures of yesterday, Jette encouraged me to tell about my sufferings and she decided to get in contact with my LTO friends.

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--Ending the day with these short stories: Helena was very busy today saying that the ends cannot reach, and she is looking (for fun) for a secretary, and when people asked about the pay, she said that it will be according to the collective agreement of the HK union, and yes just saying that darkness of Falck is still active because of my memo telling the truth about their poor work (see my Scribd profile) and sent to me, this is what HK means-

Germany is bringing home gold reserves, which it has placed in USA and France, which is to say that my home base is Germany.

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Dan wrote about his friend Eddie, who is an excellent photographer, and if you visit him, he becomes so happy that he dances tarantella (folk) dance, and this is again about our happiness/celebration of photographing all life to become part of our New World, and yes he sews all his clothes himself, which is about bringing new clothes, i.e. life, to everyone.

The labour conflict at the Restaurant Vejlegrden took a new development some time ago when the restaurant was set on fire, and when the tenant NOT the owner said that he was attacked, and his life was in danger, and yes was this an attack by the Union, or was it himself, who put the restaurant on fire (?), and now he has been arrested for doing it himself, and I dont know what is up and down on this story, but more than anything it is a story shown to the world what conflict because of poor communication between people can lead to, and yes NOT NICE to follow and just thinking that if you had been able to communicate and solve any issues without conflict, this would have been a well run restaurant today, but instead it has ended in unnecessary tragedy.

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ture, but are so focused on themselves and their own interests.

Since January 12, a few dates before the visit of my father to my website, this person has been visiting and returning to my website with 2/3 of the visits being to my chapter my father only understood his own strong voice, and furthermore my photos (focusing on photos of my father, but also others), Doomsday Scenario, Jesus in Nairobi 1988, and very little also my front page, and I wonder who this is (?), can it be Kirstens daughter Jeanette (?), and do we talk about uncontrollable feelings here (?) and saying to my father/Kirsten you have to read this (?), and this is my best guess without knowing, but as usual I am VERY SAD to see that people cannot read to understand the big pic-

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24. We have started the merger of the New World and the Source and to bring me alive as my new self
1. SUBJECT 23rd January: I am VERY close to the end of time being at the stage right before becoming one with the Source SUMMARY Dreaming of Preben stabbing me in the back, darkness took the wrong beatle, I found my own way out, my heart will move on to our New World, the spirit of my mother of our New World is joining the Trinity. I am still completely broken down without energy, but still working thus receiving even more life from darkness, which cannot stand the light without becoming light itself. We only continue this game because this is what I have decided bringing in the last of me on airplanes, which are now becoming gold themselves. I am now update with my work except from the chapter on creation to the front page of my website, which I cannot do unless I receive time and energy to do it. I am strongly feeling that I am now coming to the end. I received darkness in the form of the tool creating darkness self and more, and I am now at the stage just before becoming united with the Source having walked the road as my old suffering self. I will not burn nor have pieces of me being cut off because of loss of life, but survive right until I will open up the eyes of my new self. We are now trying our best to bring everything from the Old World with us before the end of time, which is VERY near; I feel it. Jettes Google Earth pictures from her Facebook group show that I am flying (being lifted up to become me/our new selves), lots of souls, collecting coins of life, all for one, one for all to save all life all of love, and God is shouting at darkness. Short stories of the connection between Michael Sadler and I, the most disgusting darkness of a PR company, the worlds 100 richest could have ended global poverty but could not (!), the Commune does NOT like that I tell the world that they harass me, the world could not kill me, Helena was darkness pointing her laser pen to my right ankle. I was shown in a vision/dream that I would suffer this night, which I did when it started with not being allowed to sleep, but instead I was shown that I am standing right in front of the light, and told that the creator with my mother will now start the impossible process of hatching the egg of me using strong darkness to do so, which is about exchanging my old self with my new self. Dreaming that the set up of the world of the Source can be improved much, which we have started doing, and it has cost temporary terminations to reach the command central of the world of the Source, which we are reaching now. We used the entire strength of the New World having to temporary sacrifice life in order to enter the room of the Source full of darkness/sufferings bringing me maximum sufferings and a risk to be thrown out again, and we will now re-design all of it and bring it back to its original grandiose design before becoming darkness. This is the kitchen of God to produce life, and I am vacuum cleaning all of it to become part of the fish of everything of me. This kitchen of God is the final location of all worlds of my mother, which we are bringing here, and where they will be plugged in, which will end all darkness and start the magic of our New World. There is an even deeper level of the Source, which we will use the Shu-bi-dua singer Michael Bundesen to enter, and this is the magical entrance of all light. Strong darkness tried to confuse me/us, but we agreed to work as a team and to let light show us the road to perfect at the absolute top of the Source, and without Michael, I could not open to this part of me. Finding and entering the command central of the Source corresponds to find-


24th January: We have started the merger of the New World and the Source and to bring me alive as my new self

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ing a gold ring placed at one beach of all beaches of the world. I have now received the gold ring of the Source, and will start to transfer and install all of the New World, which will gradually make me stronger and stronger. This is how my old self is becoming my new self, to go from completely empty to become everything, which is. This place is becoming as beautiful/perfect as it can because this is what I decided for it to become. Besides from darkness of my family, friends etc., thus the world, it was hidden love of Karen bringing me here. And we will also now start to save terminated life on our way here. Short stories of Preben sending me darkness terminating life, telling Benedikte Kjr that I am the one and only, sending my love to refugees of Syria, the take-yourself-table of the EU, a ferry caught fire symbolising STRONG darkness, it is festive, fantastic and delightful to enter the command central of the Source, we are about to RISE and SHINE, our New World is now yellow and wine all over. system, which used to include double wiring from the amplifier to the speakers, but I made it into single wiring and created a new way, and I am afraid that someone will notice, but none does, and also if I should have said it myself, which I however did not, and I am now cleaning up and bringing down items from the roof, which Bowie says that the assistant working there can do, but I decide to do it myself. o I have known for a long time that David Bowie symbolises God, but it is first now that I learn that Jeff Lynne symbolises me as the Son, and busses are still about making love, so the plant of life really, and I have done what is impossible to become my new self without my new self discovering it (!), and now Im gone and not to be found, which is because I have created my own way, where I used to be connected with God, but I found a road of my own leading to Egypt, I presume, and I continue bringing down items at the very top of the house, which are also impossible to bring down, which God would have done. I could not read the notes on this, but it was about drum sets at the most inner, you will not get any further than this, DR radio/TV also being there (darkness!!!), my heart will be moving on and no one can see me, we meant this was the best, I have only one visitor, the most valuable of all, and I should have been sent home. o As the Son I am at the most inner of all only together with God, and it is from here that my heart will move on to our New World. I have returned to work at DanskeBank-Pension together with Bjarne. I am still not a head clerk, which makes me sad. I have an interview with a potential employee called Michael Boldsen as the number three of Bjarnes and my group, and he has previously turned us down taking another job instead, but now he is back, my manager Kresten is busy so I take the interview alone, and invite the candidate to see the whole head office of the bank to give him an impression of just how big it is including the hidden underground tunnels. I have absolutely nothing negative I can find on him making me wonder if there is something I have
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23 January: I am VERY close to the end of time being at the stage right before becoming one with the Source
Dreaming that I found my own way out and spirit of my mother of our New World is joining the Trinity I went to bed at 23.20 and was told that the waste pipe has been secured so he will not fall no matter what, but he keeps on, so this is what we do too, and I slept somewhat better but still poorly until 07.00 this morning, and yes even more dreams. First I was shown giant monsters at the bar, which is the darkness I am facing now, and Preben smoking pipe at my apartment taking tobacco from my cupboard, and I smoked too, which is about the darkness he is bringing me, so you could not keep your mouth shut with misunderstandings about me, Preben? I received afraid by David Bowie and the lyrics But I put my faith in tomorrow, I believe we're not alone I believe in Beatles, I believe my little soul has grown, and this is about the wrong guy of Beatles, which darkness took apparently with Paul McCartney carrying the secret of whom he is to the world.

rd I have become Facebook friend with Jeff Lynne without him knowing about it, and I am writing his name in an impossible part of the circle, which is outside what can normally be reached by his Facebook friends. He helds musical shows for his Facebook friends, and he looks at one of his Facebook groups including me and says hi, my young friends, and this group is really younger than his normal friends, and it makes me afraid that he will check and find me, but he does not. I am standing with Jeff at the entrance to where public busses are parked next to Helsingr Station, and David Bowie stands further in, and I see how Jeff Lynne is led to the door of a building inside this place, and then he is gone, and together with David Bowie, I am checking the roof, where he is not, and he is also not at his apartment, and I have changed the wires from Jeffs stereo

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overseen, I have recorded him on video, and consider taking two references on him, and afterwards I suggest Kresten to invite him for a second interview where we can interview him together, and Kresten suggest that we invite him out for dinner, and then I see Kresten on the roof of a Norwegian Bank on 26th floor making him dizzy. We have all been asked to write two songs, which I am not good at, and I see that Bjarne is much better skilled at this than I,but I decide that my second song will be called meeting old friends, which I what I believe I am now working together with many of my old colleagues here. The new employee starts, and now he is a she, and she is given somekind of cube including strings of it, which can be turned and used as some kind of game to unfold. o This sirname of this new no. 3 employee includes ball, which is to say that we are still playing the game and also a reference to Joachim Boldsen, one of the Danish handball-heroes, we are still working inside darkness and Kresten is dizzy on top of darkness have you heard about me, Kresten (?) and this third employee turns into a woman, which is my mother thus uniting the Trinity. Later in the day I was told that this is the spirit of my mother of our New World! o I woke up to caught in a bad romance by Lady Gaga, which is what darkness wanted to be carried out as my old nightmare, and it was because I was thinking of hits of the time and just how strongly Lady Gaga is compared to others. I am still without energy, completing my work and feeling that I am now coming to the end We dont have Scania Bank, do we (?), and Scania are here Scania Trucks sending out much pollution, which is to say that there is an incredible amount of pollution of the world, which is what Jette is showing much of in her Facebook group these days more than what I have brought in my scripts. I was shown myself living at a patricia apartment in a beautiful building in Copenhagen, with a parking place outside, which I dont use, and I see a sign on a nearby store, which I believe is the Electric Light Orchestra logo, but it is in fact flowers, and I see this as darkness, but flowers is what is the true essence of darkness, and yes love/light in disguise as darkness, and yes which you first will see when you get all the way in changing the name of the game. You dont get fried any more collecting a cat from this darkness. There is no more Gustav Thni inside of here, you have removed him/me, so we are really just an empty shell led by the actor. If you did not get in from the motorway yourself, you could not have brought your mother in too. So those two, him there and the sad remains of him there will be united into one without any losses you say?
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We dont hand out gifts yet until tomorrow (?) and yes also to that man sitting there writing these lines (?), and yes I think I got it by now, even your sister thinks my brother is not special or is it very special, and yes YOU CHOOSE, Sanna. All of those lamps there, Stig, are not pee-good because I am disappearing because of them, I simply cannot stand being darkness receiving all of those light, and yes almost like vampires staying up during daytime, but here with the difference that we become light too. And it is him there refusing to bend his neck and being punished by darkness despite of the sufferings he go through? I am not a full licquirice or undertaker anymore, Stig. I was shown a small seagull egg, and told that this is how Rikke also is, and that is to harsh about me to others. I received another out of this world pain to my right ankle, now mostly with the feeling of light inside of it, and I was told that this is because I am publishing the story of Venezuela in my script of yesterday, which I updated this morning. We constantly tried to get a new bathroom table set up and yes because of the input of Sanna to your mother, but no, there is nothing to do, and yes Stig, the first couple of hours today almost beats the record of how disgusting work can be, but you decided to work and not relax knowing that your rhythm would be stronger than darkness just waiting for this to overtake, which it has now finally done at 10.15, and with this, we will keep on working, and maybe even also do some work to my website today, we will see, and yes I am truly almost out of time, this is the VERY strong feeling coming together with my feeling of stopping to work, which cannot take long to do, and I am here given the feeling of Karen, which was mixed with Sanna of darkness, which was required to bring her home to you that way, and yes going the worst possible way through darkness to reunite with you before becoming her TRUE self, and so it is. You have done the house without invoice. I was given feelings of Falck in Lyngby and the officer in charge of work thinking of me right now, and I was told that this is like sitting in a kitchen dunghill also for your mother, and that is because of the darkness sent to us because of this. This used to be the office of the judge, but there is really no point telling you, because this also does not exist anymore. We are headed to Tivoli to defeat him. No, we are also not going to throw this out, and I am shown myself walking slowly around kicking this and that on the floor, and I am told that I am now back at the cave was it on Mallorca (?) where there was an explosion inside, and yes Stig, it took some weeks (or is this 2-3 months ago?) to tidy up this
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room, and with this, we will now proceed but no, as another voice says, and yes that is the loyal voice of darkness sticking to me and not the actor as I am shown, and yes to follow my decision, which is that if we have not completely cleaned up everything here, we will continue, so this is what we do, and yes with the power/energy I have left. And we are here looking out to the most outer of the Universe, and I am shown a dark eye of people of other civilizations, who are not there at all (?), and why am I then shown this (?), and yes I also do not know, and have no energy to write, but here it is anyway, this is not you, this is me or that is life, which could have been if we had not taken another road feeling Sren Pilmark here, how are you Sren (?) and this is what you have asked us to clean up some more, so this is what we will do, and yes also do this before entering himself, and yes that poor thing there. Have you remembered to buy toilet paper (?), no we dont believe we will need it anymore, there is no power to destruct. So the last airplane up there has not departed yet (?), and no, and that is even though I see the gold dust surrounding the plane, and yes continuing the game right until the end we are, and yes Stig, this can be compared to driving in with the Jubilee Line of the London Underground. I was told that Danas have (garden) is also beautiful, so here it is, and maybe there is more to these lyrics than what you can hear, Kim? And yes, Stig, it would still only take one short moment of nonconcentration for darkness to speak out itw worst language via me, and we dont want that, no. The game we are playing now is to NOT let darkness pressured by the New World on the other side under any circumstances come out of me as negativity, which would harm the world, and in periods an incredible pressure is put on me to do exactly this, but no, this is NOT how I am going to wake up, I will NEVER give in to darkness, and yes you can only imagine how it is when you are still completely without energy making this torture to go through. It was not because I liked it very much, but I decided to cycle to town and the SPAR supermarket on Kingosvej happy that I found that only a couple of months ago to buy cheap wine, and yes not easy to come through a cycling tour like this, and maybe I could have exercised today but only with the greatest trouble so I left it with the cycling, and I thought about the scenario that if I had lost all energy not making it possible to leave my apartment to go shopping (!), I would have had to tell my mother, but no, this was not necessary. I saw a lady looking like Karen, and was thinking of how much I would have hoped that it was her, and that we could meet without misunderstandings and facades, and just be.
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I was shown a very heavy dark piece of furniture being moved down from the roof, so there is still some more cheese to be moved, and darkness wanted to shut me off here because I may stop working now, but no, I will keep on working until the very end. I was thinking that now I may have a few hours of work to do on my website, and then that is it (!), and I cannot tell you just how strongly I am looking forward to finish this work, which is truly impossible to do, and to relax and that is at least when I feel as I feel. I received five minutes of heart pain as if an arrow was stuck into the heart, and I was told that this is because of my story of Venezuela. We dont have any dogs in running time, yes we have one, she is now also part of you helping to bring all of you home, and I am given a loud cracking noise to my window and told that this is the spirit of my mother from the other side and that is the New World. You are not the only one feeling that we are coming to an end because just because you are thinking and wanting this, this is what is received by many around the world. I was told by the spirit of my mother of our New World that it is her task to bring my new duvet in over me, and yes you are very welcome . I updated my old work document on creation and uploaded it to the frontpage of my website, and yes it is truly impossible for me to finish even though I would have liked to do this work. I also updated the front page of my website with the information that mankind will move to our new planet Nibiru because Earth needs to recover, and I was told that Obama knows of this also from people of other civilizations, and when writing it, I received a pretty strong pain of orange as I was told to my right let, and also that when this is now written on my front page we can start bringing God from Earth to Nibiru or to mirror God to Nibiru, and yes I dont know the right answer, so will you please do what is right to do, my friends of light, and yes sir and we know you dont like to address people with sir and madam etc. And this really finished the updates I have decided to do for now, and yes I could have written a little more to my Doomsday page some time ago, but it was not essential, and I might take a note about checking video links, which may not work, and yes to the fixed pages of my website, and not all scripts, which is impossible to go through, and yes I may decide to do the summary of the January book too and yes still because I can, Obama as I feel here, and to update this on my website, and together with the script, this will have to do it for today, and yes I am given visions of people knowing about me, and sometimes they come with several in a row very quickly, but no, this is not prioritized.
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I was shown a telephone and an incredible small tunnel, almost wire, leading into me in a very small room, which is how we have communicated, and we cannot tell you just how big the difference will be when you simply are in our New World, and I am here giving a smell of fine baking as in fine creation. My mother called me from the supermarket and asked me if there was anything I needed, which was inspired because of my thought one hour earlier, and no thank you, I have everything, but I had ran out of telephone time and written her an email saying that I will buy more time the 1st, but she was kind to say that she will buy it and come around with it, which she then did also giving me a few groceries and a little money, and yes this is how my mother is, there is nothing that she would not do to help, but understanding me as the most important thing of all was what she did not understand and so many others too. I was told that my sister will not be able to understand how I survived, but I did it with the love of my mother. At 17.45 I had also written the summary of my January book so far, and updated the front page of my website with this, and yes making me feel good knowing that I now have the evening to myself, and I really have to do my own version of greatest hits with Electric Light Orchestra, which I have postponed for days prioritizing work first, and yes also watch Denmark defeat Hungary in the finals in handball, and yes sleep, and start a day of the same again tomorrow, and yes I am not finished working, because I have a new script to write, and should I fine time and energy, I may decide to start writing the chapter on creation, and that is just maybe, but not a promise. How is it going with those excavations (?), and yes Stig, if it was not for poor work and inabilities of the Egyptian government, we would not be able to get out of our Egyptian imprisonment and yes really through the gate of Egypt to our new home, which means that my old mortal remains are intact and not found. I received smiles of what is now possible to do because of the changes to my website and that is because of the world reading, understanding and accepting what I write, and when this is the case, this is how it is going to be, and yes among others cosmic conscience, which everyone will receive in our New World, which is a profound expansion of consciousness sensing and understanding the whole universe and divine principle of creation. I was shown a microphone rolling down to me, and I was told that this cannot be different, and yes the microphone, which my actors used to speak to me through, and when you ask to receive everything, we will give you this tool too and I am here feeling Lance Armstrong again, and do you know and also receive spiritual information (?) and yes Stig there is no limit to how dizzy and restrained you feel in your head, and not here is a good description, because I am practically nothing with practically everything of me still floating around me just waiting for me to give up, but no, never!
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And despite of being inside what is nothing, everything here is still darkness with negativity and sexual speech and torments. I am VERY close to the end of time being at the stage right before becoming one with the Source It is now 22.50, and I am strongly encouraged also to write notes of this evening into the script, which I really did not expect that I would or could to, but let us see how far we will get. So you do hope to reach a minimum level of us being able to hold up the world, which will force us to start the New World, and also to never accept negativity and your old nightmare, and alright, we allow you, and the only thing is that you dont know how long you have until the end. I felt the Source together with the cockpit of a Boeing 747 the New World being all close to and looking in through the windows of a very little dark cottage house where I am sitting inside not being in a rush but insisting that we have good time, and I felt impatience, but no, this is WRONG. We are not going to see him burn up (?), and we will also not cut pieces of you (?), which made me feel very poorly, and yes we are sorry but we had to cut pieces off you to remove life if this is what you had decided, but since we have saved everything, we have decided that nothing will be cut off. This is part of your gift not to be destroyed, which is what darkness tells me, and this darkness is so loyal to me now that it/he will almost not allow the actors behind to come close, and this is how much we have changed his habits, but yes the actors are welcome too. I felt Sren Pind as example and was told that there are almost no limits to the act and cover-up of people who did not want to speak about me, admit to their knowledge of me or to get confronted with me, and yes WIMPS! I was shown my self looking into the periscope of a submarine with the Marine and Jack being the target of what I look at, this is how they feel, and I received a first hitting me from out of the periscope, and yes you did not like it? I was shown myself playing a piano in a small room and I am playing the far left keys saving the maltreat life out here, and I was shown a dark thief wanting to escape through the window, but no you are going no where! I received many names of people apparently knowing about me Jytte Abildstrm and Maria Bramsen as a few of these and unimportant stories for now (I was also Alexander the Great), and I was told if he, i.e. I, had deserved to receive this gift, which is the last piece of darkness producing the red of darkness self, and with this, I receive this. I was again told what should have been so obvious to everyone that it was SCREAMING OUT LOUD, which is that I was NOT unJanuary 2013

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employed but working hard, and yes in practise no one could see this because they did not want and could not see what they were seeing with their own eyes, and this is how it became that I was unemployed in their minds, and yes, why try your best i.e. your worst (!) to help me find a job when I did not need it (?) and why could you not see that all I needed was financial help with practically every private individual and the Commune would have helped giving me without blinking if only you read, understood and had faith in me? Is this here where you have to hand over your passport (?), and yes it is, so this centre has now also been transferred to me, and I was told that this is the step right before my enrolment with the Source also meaning that I went all the way as my old suffering self, and this is why the spirit of my mother is here; to help opening the gift. I felt the Source and the New World and can you feel that time almost stands still (?), and yes I felt it, and this is the natural condition, which will return when all life with return to the eternal now of the family tree of the Source. Darkness asked if we are really going to bring all of this out now, and not recreate it later, and yes EVERYTHING inside of the old house has to get out, and that is without exception, I will accept nothing hiding at all, and just so you know, and yes no matter what! I received a dj vue about the need of mankind having to start life a new place on Niburu, leaving Earth and it made me think of what I wrote in 2010 when I visited different museums and that is that we can bring some museums and part of cities with us to remind us of the culture of the Old World, and this is what is still the case, and yes I will also write this to the front page of my website. I was told that the game I have gone through has been much more detailed than what I know and have written, and as example, it has also had importance of the truth of details of dreams written in my script. I was shown the open lock of a bicycle attached to a bicycle pump, which is leading directly into the Source, and I was told that there is no battery, i.e. no energy, in this pump, and will you please write this down this evening, and here by 21.50 when this note was written, the answer was a clear no, but now at 23.15, it became alright, Ill do it because it does not take that long to do, and I can still do it, so there you have it again, again again, and yes a new out of this world pain to my right ankle, and here given by my mother still uncertain about the result of the scanning John went through last week, and yes on January 31 he will receive the answer about the status of his cancer, and can it be that he is almost or maybe even completely healed against ALL odds (?) he received 6 months to live some months ago (!) and we will see. I was told that my old colleague Jacob from Acta has had decisive impact on the Danish Parliament in relation to me, which will have to be about I know him.
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I received the yellow colour of the spirit of my mother and was told that we can almost not pres more furniture in, which I understood was because nothing much is remaining? There is ONE mark only remaining in the famous line. It is also impossible to create something from out of nothing, I will tell you about it, but when you believe in it not knowing, it can be done, and this was the task of the spirit of my mother. I received the feeling of weingut Joseph Leitz in Rheingau, which Lars and I imported is he family to me as I have been told (?) and I was told that this is the most clean, which is, thus symbolising our creation. We have now sent this darkness to detoxification, which is what is giving me constant restlessness, disgust and nervousness, which I try my best to shake off. I was told that Utya is also a dynamo all the way inside of here. I watched Denmark play against Hungary in handball, and in the first half, Denmark played the best handball in the world at one stage almost having scored double as many goals as Hungary and being in front by 18 to 11 at half time, and everyone knew that now this game was settled, but it is exactly what I told you the other day, which is NEVER to give up and that is both when you are in front and behind, and Denmark decided to slow down, and Hungary never gave up, and this was darkness of Denmark working and slowly Hungary ALMOST ate up all of what they were behind, and with one minute left, Denmark had one player sent off, Hungary had reduced the lead to only one, and had a big chance to come back, but at this critical phase, a Danish player did what he never does, which was to score a goal from left wing, which he has not done for 20 years, but in the ball went, and Denmark won as I had said, and yes this team is playing from inside of darkness, and yes with my support. By the way, Mikkel Hansen has been halfdamaged during these championships not playing his absolutely best, which is just like I being half-damaged. I received the feeling of Esso and pollution continuously being shown on Jettes Google Earth pictures and the the cracking of or maybe even explosion of Earth (?), and I was told that it is the worst darkness facing us just before the end/opening to our New World. I was asked that if there is one song you want to play with Siouxsie & the Banshees, what should it be (?), and yes Rapture was the only one I could think of as appropriate, so it comes here, and yes because rapture now means to bring mankind in safety on our new planet Nibiru. I was told that to bring everything before the end of time is really also impossible to do, which is why I receive a pressure to write this this evening.
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I was told about my visits at Lama Ynten, and there is really only one the new Buddha who do not bend down on his knees to the Lama, which is what my action not doing this means, which Lama Ynten could not understand, but maybe it came to you my dear friend? Will he write or not this evening (?), because this is one of his last chances to get the gift, and yes still alive he is. I was shown an incredible small motorcycle now opening up to and driving into the clay bowl/plate normally containing rice porridge, but now it is empty, and we are now removing this plate itself too. I was told that Putin does not know if he has to laugh or cry because of this, and yes impossible to read all of the pages that he writes, and is it really, my friend? I was told that Sikhs do not understand me simply because I as Stig a mere human being do not understand the religion of Sikhs! And updating this chapter including summary at 23.45. Google Earth shows that I am being lifted up to become me/our new selves Jettes Google Earth pictures from her Facebook group show that I am flying (being lifted up to become me/our new selves), lots of souls, collecting coins of life, all for one, one for all to save all life all of love, and God is shouting at darkness.

---Ending the day with these short stories: This is from the SAGA Facebook group including the word extravaganza as I was given the other day writing about very rich people, so is this also what Michael Sadler is (?), and yes just showing our connection really.

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Doesnt this make you think why it was completely impossible to remove poverty and people screaming/dying on the streets (?), and how does it make you feel (?), and how does this make the worlds 100 richest feel (?), and is that proud or ashamed?

It seems as if Lars Povlsen from Waterfront truly is the WORST darkness you can get not answering the questions truthfully when interviewed on TV, and now a former employee maybe Lars L. (?) has reported him to the police for monitoring of private emails, and furthermore he has hired new employees without paying anything to them before they have created an income for his company of at least DKK 80,000 per month, and when they have done this, they will get DKK 30,000 meaning that Lars scores DKK 50,000 himself for doing nothing, and yes employees can earn more but everything is 100% commission, and yes as I told you, the most disgusting darkness, so Lars, you better get out of there and join my team of light where you truly belong!

The number of visits to my document on Scridb about Helsingr Commune harassing me, which normally only gets very few visitors, suddenly received 26 visitors yesterday (the green line), and this is WITHOUT me bringing a link to it, which can only mean then that the Commune is finding this document very interesting, and will you please tell me that this is because you want to help me or to do the opposite because some of your feelings are hurt? And I was told that people of Lyngby-Taarbk Commune are still following me too, and yes I am an exciting case to see how a citizen is playing with the system?

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Dan said that Im alive and this is really what I still am, and yes the world could not kill me.

I was half sleeping for 20 minutes where I saw my self at my home together with my mother and someone else, and I see a water glass bowl, which is not mine, and I ask where it comes from, and I tell it fly, which is then does, and it flies over to my bed and lands on my pillow, and this is both to show my power to my mother (which she obviously knows), and also to tell that I will receive a night full of sufferings, and I was told something about doing two things at the same time with one of them being a normal intercourse. I was told what I was also told yesterday without writing it, which is that Soulaima at Davos meeting the leaders of the world speaks about me, which also has importance in this relation. So it was the fever of dance that the King received, and I was asked to work the whole night and start writing my creation chapter, which I can only give a clear no to, I cannot do this. I have received the disgusting/racist word nigger for some days, and now here again, and I was told that this is because of Obama in relation to me. I was told that what we will do now is like hatching an egg, which dont want to hatch, and I was shown the small entrance to a cave full of light our end destination behind broken, dark wood planks in front of it, this is the end of the line. This corresponds to letting East and West Jutland meet and swap places with one becoming the other, and this is what my father reading me some days ago is leading to. I was told that David Cameron speaking about Britain and the European Union yesterday is having poor conscience in relation to me because of his speech, and no, David, I have NO opinion on this, this is Old World Order to me, which will lose its importance, and to me, you are only playing a game. I was given the feeling of diarrhoea and was told that when we stand here right in front of the entrance, this is the loveliest active darkness, which is going to bring me there, and yes part of this is that your mother was about hanging you, which makes her think of hanging herself as result, and this is used to bring your old worn self together with your new self. And the cherry, which was about to be missing to make you believe that it was which I felt as the most inner of everything, and together with your mother, this is what will bring you. And now you are here, and we will not use the gas chamber (reference to Jews being exterminated during World War II), but the opposite, and yes the creator of the world this is, and together with you my friend, we now initiate the first step against what the world is waiting on, and yes you cannot do this without faith, thus showing faith of the world in me, thus also of my mother in me. Go up and write this, and go back to sleep, and yes these were the words given to me, and I understood that publishing this
January 2013 The last days I have written about the very precise pain given to my right ankle as if it was a laser beam, and today Helena was inspired to write cat + laserpen = psychosis, and she was playing with her cat having it to chase the the dot of the laserpen, which made her friends call her evil, and yes cat is life of light, so what she is saying is that her darkness is what is bringing me the laser beam of darkness to my right ankle, and yes when turning it around to light, so there you have inspiration once again, and yes how many of these did I write to let the world slow world read and understand?

24 January: We have started the merger of the New World and the Source and to bring me alive as my new self
My father and mother have started the impossible task to exchange my old self with my new self I went to bed at 00.20 and was told that there are still people of the Commune as part of the strongest darkness wanting to lock me up at mental hospital, and even to belt me, and yes, is that a fact or darkness speaking?
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together with the understanding of this, is what is the purpose of doing this. I was told that the Veszprm handball club (of Hungary) together with all other top handball clubs are involved in this handball network helping me, which is because of the talk about me. There is not a farm lying down to the lake is there (?), with the feeling that it looks beautiful. I was told about the strong reaction of my father to my website, and yes will he accept to have writings like this on him lying publically to be read by everyone, or will he try to shut me down (?), and can it be that this is what simple minded people on my fathers side is planning to do, and yes because what I have done is completely unacceptable disgracing my father (?), and yes for telling the truth? After writing the above, I updated the front page of my website with information that Earth in fact is in critical condition, and that it will be possible to bring examples of cities, monuments and culture to our New World. And I was told that there is a reason to say congratulation because you have now initiated this process, which cannot be stopped and yes because it is alright with the world. It is not easy if we shall give you hiccups of darkness or joy of light, which is because we can bring you both. I was shown a roundabout with all of my keys hanging around it, and there is an embankment of Earth to the side of it, and I am given the feeling of digging out through the embankment, but I also see sea, so will this bring us great sufferings to do? And I kept on receiving more information here at 02.20, and I am so tired/exhausted that I truly very much would like to get some sleep now, which instead brought me a strong out of this world pain to my right ankle as a warning of what will happen if I do not do what is required, and yes we will see what will happen. I received immensely strong darkness trying to speak me into accepting sexual torments/temptations of darkness, but no, NEVER! It doesnt correspond to quickly cross the Kings River and back again, does it (?), and yes Stig, this is what we just did, we brought you part of your new self, which in time will grow big and yes based on your continuous work, so now you will decide yourself when you will be the man you are, and when you believe you are, we can begin our new tasks. And this is instead of using the key directly to open for the White House, and yes, this is still to save the world from sufferings, so maybe not the best idea to remove the Earth embankment from before.

You are not a routined teacher, but you are the best we have, so we have decided to stick with you all of us, and yes you now have the responsibility of the future of our world in your hands, and how does it feel, and yes completely unrealistic and when you say it like this, this is of course darkness pushing a pressure on me, which I cannot take other than doing what I normally do which is to do my best work. --It is now 10.00 and I will start writing a LOT of notes, and I feel as terrible/tired as ever and this task as tall a mountain as ever, and I can only hope that I will also be able to handle this, so lets go. It corresponds to finding a gold ring at any beach (all over the world), which now has been transferred to you. I felt darkness all around me and Dennis, my old class friend from Espergrde as part of this, and the feeling of him actually comes to me now and again. I received a mark to my right instep and was told that this is from here that we are getting out alive, i.e. from terminated life. It corresponds to moving into the fine Restaurant at lsgrde Beach Road (I am thinking of it while Jan Hurtigkarl had it, not knowing about it today), this is where we will start up. And then it is only to deliver all basil (of the New World), which will make you stronger and stronger. This was it, and in principle you are now your new self, and that is still without energy in the beginning. Dreaming that it has cost temporary terminations to reach the command central of the world of the Source Hereafter I fell asleep at the sofa receiving these dreams. A wire from the head store of Hifi-klubben on Aaboulevarden in Copenhagen leads directly to their store in Hrsholm. I meet an assistant and the owner of the store, who is Michael Bundesen (the singer from Shu-bi-dua), and I tell him about how wonderful the store is. I bring home two large boxes of equipment from the store, and am surprised to see that one includes and old Bang & Olufsen wheel-towheel tape recorder and not my much newer and more modern Denon cassette tape recorder, and I think if it is possible to return to get the Denon recorder. My father has set up a TV before, and to my surprise, I now see many men helping me to completely change this installation, and it seems that the TV/stereo is connected via a simple system to inner walls of the room, which is torn down, because it can be done much better, and when looking at the TV set, somehow my father has installed the TV placed too high, and the signal can improve much by installing it at its right, lower position.

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o Hifi-klubben is my favourite stereo store, and this is about doing the final setting up of the perfect TV/stereo system of our New World, and it seems that the old setup coming directly from my father at the Source can be improved much it is based on very old technology made many worlds ago - and yes we are still in darkness of Copenhagen and Hrsholm and Michael Bundesen has a main role to play here so let us bring another old favourite song of theirs sounding like a boys choir from Bethlehem, and yes you had to be there in the time pocket back then (and now too for that matter in relation to this task of ours) and to know Danish to experience the humour, atmosphere and just how great impact this song also brought a boy like me. I am together with my mothers husband John at cinema, and we are going below the cinema, and can choose to go left or right, and we go right trough an old and closed supermarket, where I notice incredible long white breads on the shelves, and we reach the command central of the cinema, and I have the code 31/12/00 (even though I was uncertain about the year), which grants us access. At the same time I see David Letterman on TV presenting a song by Madonna, and she has brought a full video of two hours, and to my surprise, David decides to pour out everything of the video including a great deal of water, and I see how SAGA is playing on all of the wires of a hanging bridge in New York as if they were guitar strings, and I fear that they will break and tear down the bridge because they are really swinging much from side to side, but they keep, but I see the effects of this, which is that people on the bridge have received the absolutely worst burning, which have killed many and I see the fear printed in the faces of people when dying. o It seems that this is the water from behind the earth embankment, which has been led out terminating life, but it is part of BIG CREATION because of the guitar of SAGA, which is also a bridge, and in order to cross this to reach the True Blue of the Source, we have to sacrifice bringing (temporary) terminations. We entered the Source using all strength of the New World and have started the work to become ONE I woke up at 07.15 where I received this pressure of information coming to me. I was told that this is also like Geneva, which was about getting access to secrets of NGOs as I did in 2009 when visiting Lutheran World Federation (see my library), and to release them as I did. I was told that we will do a complete re-decoration too of this place. This is only the start of painting and re-designing everything of that command central. You can still get a taxi at any point, but we recommend you to carry on, and yes if I dont do
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this, this re-decoration can be released from an earth quake bringing much sufferings to man, which we would like to avoid. I was told about Frau Rieber one of the teachers from Mrdrupskolen as I remember, but not one of the regular teachers of our class, but she was feared, wasnt she (?) and she is one of the constructors here, and yes darkness has decided that every time Microsoft Word do an automatic save, it changes window to another open application, and yes done that before it has (in Lyngby). I was told that we have now reached the 31st December 1996, and there are pins of darkness and maximum coldness, because no one of my family, friends etc. will stand on the stage i.e. to be public which is why we are burning people of fear, and I received the old German wander song Falderie, Faldera with falderie giving to me as in falder i, which is Danish for falling in, and this is the STRONG feeling of darkness given to me this experience this night and morning is among the strongest of all coming to me including potential nervousness but the song is happy and about the wanderer, so this is the road I wander, and I was told that this is part of the entrance. I was shown and told about national-socialists playing at the conference centre Bella Centre in Copenhagen and they brought the strongest negative words on my mother, and yes poor losers is what darkness is. I was told that there can almost be no more gold medals in the closet. If we had used the entrance to the left, we had been expected and would not have received access, but no one expected access from the right via the secret access to the Source of my mother, and for us to use the entire strength of our New World. This is how to open the lock to the oldest combination of the world by the use of sheer strength, and I here feel the Cure. This is how much it means that FC Barcelona knows about you, and I was also told do you know how much the Stig (the BBC character) has done to you and yes to help out too. I was shown and told that we are now again testing the left wheel of the wheel-to-wheel tape recorder, and no, no tax money will be repaid because I dont care, everything has to be saved does not work here, as I was told, which required that I had to overrule this feeling Nicolas Cage here not knowing what is right or wrong to do here, and if this decision would have negative consequences, but it has been a strong rule of mine NEVER to accept terminations, which I will also not do here, so the decision is still to save every little thing. I was told that you are terrorising with power and a 23 year old man has been sacrificed, but we the New World have far more power than what is needed here, but it may look violent, but just keep on, this is what we recommend you, and yes the experience of this was STRONG feeling you again Mads Mikkelsen, and yes MUCH acting here.

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I was told that we also did this 14 years ago, and that is to visit this place to prepare the work we do now. I was shown raw meat and told that we have taken the initiative away from the Devil self, and as reward I give you myself and that is God behind this invention, and how do we get in there? I was shown a toast with much cheese on it, which made me think of France, which is darkness, and I was shown Michael Bundesen from Shu-bi-dua again, and I was told that this is him I am lowering down into the deep, and there is still darkness there, but we hear the voice of your self, so this is the magical entrance, and I was told that Jonathan and the entire old meditation group I attended when moving to Helsingr, are part of opening this closet because of the shock I brought them when telling about who I am and directly that they were wrong, which is also bringing the strength necessary doing this. And also the belief of the official system here that I am so sick that not even medicine can help me! In reality, this is Gods kitchen (to produce life), and I was shown a VERY big kitchen where I have started vacuum cleaning the kitchen table top to the left, and I am told that I am catching fish too doing this inside of here. I am here given the feeling of darkness of Irene from Aon, and told that she cried too when she heard about me. I was shown and told that you found the white chair at the very highest point of a building in Helsingr, and we are now bringing you to the very highest point of all buildings of Helsingr. And I was told that Anne Grethe (from the old Phonoteket store) could not do this any better, and this is about music, singing and happiness. My mother is not only the asphalt (of my road home), but the inspiration to walk this road, and without her faith in me when it comes to exercising etc., we would not walk this road. This is what the French revolution was about, to fight the tyranny, but it became a corrupt tyranny itself, and this is also part of this darkness. If this is an article writing about the background, which I felt that this script of today is, this is what you do, and I was told about Berlingske, and given the thought that you have written a background article about me, which you have shared with the world? This is how fast it goes to transform the farm of Sweden to something new including the finest design, and I am here given the delicious taste of a biscuit with strawberry filling. It is not Intel/Insel you are shooting off, is it (?) with Intel being the mind of the computer and Insel being German for island and I was told to be careful what you do here, and yes giving me potential nervousness again, and yes I should not be here (by my mother/the world), but now that I am here, I am given this warning as part of the darkness I go through, and I do still

believe that if I cannot, the sheer yellow force of our New World will be able to help, but let us see how it will turn out. I was shown and told that it is the smallest unit of the world, which I am now fighting a battle with, and part of this darkness is as mentioned corruption of France (the political system etc.). I was shown and told that I drive directly into a room full of water, and now we can see the contours of this room much bigger and very beautiful as it was originally designed (before darkness), and that is if you can find the drawings (?), and yes I can because they will come to me via continuous work, and yes just a feeling of course . Has he burned himself (?), no this is what man was intended to be used for and that is in theory all sacrificing for you to walk through here alone, but now there are MANY following you. How is it to be zuruck/back when I need your strength to pull back all of this and change it into the soul train. This is what Carnival is about; the most beautiful party on Earth. I was shown a cool figure fighting in front of a small screen in the cinema and told and shown that the outcome of this fight against darkness will decide the outcome of the big screen, so it seems that we are taking on only little of this darkness, and as usual, when we defeat this, the remaining darkness will follow us before it can mobilise to fight us. I was told that all roads lead to Germany, and now there is nothing in the world, which can prevent our arrival. Again I was told that this may seem like hard to go through, but it has been part of the plan for immemorial time. I was shown and told that there were several holes, which the train could come through, but you took the easiest if you ask me. All of this above were notes written down when lying in bed, and I receive the feeling of my old friend Kirsten Inges daughter as I have received several times lately, and when I looked out the window right after, I was shown one of the most beautiful sunrises and views out over the blue sky and blue sea this morning; it was incredible beautiful, and is this also to say that I have reached Kirstens heart, who is finally starting to understand and believe in me? I was told about the Balkans and that it is not surprising that Denmark will now meet Croatia in handball again in the semifinals at the World Championships, and something about vacuum clearing and this is where the Jubilee Line is taking us via snaps of darkness to the end stations of the fine BOND Street in the centre of London, and yes the home of 007 you know and that is in my mind at least.

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I was told about an old dream, which I normally dont write about when I receive these visions, but here I will do an exception, and it is a dream several years old, which is about a visit to Danske Bank, Espergrde, which has been completely modernised, and I am entering the archive in the cellar to clean up, which is what I do here too with one bread after the other of my mother having arrived, and I see that one bread used to have a mouse of darkness inside, but now it is solid bread of creation/light, and this is the final destination off these breads of worlds of my mother, and I see how they can be plugged in in a line, and this is the force of everything good, good new music (love) etc. I was told that we God and I inside the Source in reality are right here, and I was shown ourselves underneath only a very thin layer of sand as part of the railways itself, and we are really only providing the facility for you, i.e. life/the world, to do this setup. Instead of walking around many kilometres in the desert, we are going directly to the dish, and this is when the magic will be switched on and all red of darkness will be eliminated, and yes when all of these breads/worlds of my mother will be plugged in. I was told about a Stratocaster and Fender guitar, and told that we have been here before, but no one would ever believe that it could become as beautiful/perfect as it is now becoming, where it will takes us what (used to be) centuries just to find around inside all life, which you bring. I was told that the Algier hostage crisis at the BP gas facility was about bringing fuel to doing this task now, and I was asked if there is a dark poppy seeds bread following (?), and yes Preben as a dark world in itself also to bring fuel and that is because of him speaking about me behind my back, and I was told that now we dont need him anymore, and we can then and yes SAVE him too, you are absolutely right (!) not the opposite as darkness wanted and this cost power to do too, which I dont have. I was told that USA also keeps on bringing damage, and I was asked what do you see out of your window (?), and yes only a BLUE SKY without chemtrails, and this is the future, but they have to be convinced first. And I was told that there has not been measured colder temperatures in the Siberia because of you, so all of this and more is the power to make this old bathroom of darkness work, and what do you believe will happen when the world will be lifted up (?), and yes all of this darkness of the world will automatically get better thoughts and give up.

So if we had met in court, she would have said that it was meant friendly as Shu-bi-dua sings in what was a HUGE hit here in the beginning of the 1990s, which is about sexual chicane, thus my old nightmare with destructions of the world, but we would still get coffee i.e. love of God afterwards, and that is when reaching this place, and this will be like the golden trumpet, which is a special story of the new, Danish Donald Duck (Kalle Anka as I was told, which is the Swedish name of Donald Duck) cartoon written by the famous Sigurd Barret (playing piano for children etc.), which is about a treasure hunt to find musical instruments, and yes love of God it is .

No you do not shake on your hand just because of this we also know a Paul Anka you know and yes DUCK is the word (meaning creation), so therefore we will continue as if nothing has happened, and yes you will soon meet the baker behind it all. No, you are NOT unemployed, NOT unemployed, NOT unemployed (!), how many times do I have to repeat it before people will understand (?), and yes difficult it still is for people because you dont bring value to community, Stig (?), and yes are people thinking this (?), and YOU BETTER THINK TWICE, and this is about stupidity and better-knowing attitude of darkness also still being part of this. Isnt it fine, we are laughing underneath the school bag, Stig, and yes school bag of my journey, and of course this is only a game, but truly one of the greatest of them all, and my actors only show themselves very little, but here they were, and the true message is that this is AS PLENTY SMILES AS YOU CAN CARRY and yes those are without limits, so here you just received an eternity of them. Dont say a word, I will just hand this over in Haugesund (Norway I dont know what it is about this city, or maybe it is really
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We have looked very much forward to this moment coming with you sitting at the end of this table since World War II because of all of the destruction which would come. But Ipswich did not get one single goal in, so this is how we have succeeded keeping everything intact and that is on the surface of it you should have seen how the judgment could have looked like!
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a reference to Torsten, the old CEO of GE Capital Bank in Denmark when I was with GE Insurance (?), and yes HAUGE was his sir name), and no, this is NOT how I want it, every little thing is still to survive, and we did not scare you enough to believe that you had to accept terminations (?), and no, this is a ground rule I will NOT give up on, but yes, I was scared not truly knowing. This does not correspond to jumping into the water from the five metre board, but to go right on top from the highest 10 metre, and at the same time I was told that going right to the top as we do here is also one of those crazy stories, and yes I want NOTHING to stop me, but everything to be perfect and that goes also in here. No, you did not develop whims being who you are, which also could have stopped you. And his decision is also to make this the most beautiful bathroom we can imagine, and yes please go ahead with the work, and I am still afraid of having to write the chapter on creation, which I cannot do or oversee to do feeling as I do, so this is really my decision, and we know unless you will get energy and time, and yes the fear is about receiving time but having no energy to work And yes your mother also continues stabbing you in the back, which is also why we have come here, so everything is still going according to plan, and yes no ambition to relax now, and we know I will write my scripts, this is my promise, and it may mean less work to come, we will see. This also means that we enter almost without receiving heart pain, which I am now given but only for a short time. Those rumours on Stig also have nothing on them, is this how it sounds more and more out there in the landscape, and yes you can almost hear it. We cannot raise the fee for you to enter here, you know that but if you did not, maybe we could play a game with you, and I receive an immensely strong smiling feeling here of your mother underneath the game. You cannot get the stamp coffee any more concentrated than that (?), and no, as my mother says, because he decided to bring us here as perfect. Writing today was also impossible to do bringing much disgust, but a little easier than the first couple of hours of the last days. I was asked if the British Government would let me fall, or come to my support (?), and was told that after my comment on Camerons EU-speech, which I consider as acting, they will support me. We did not know if you had it in you the power to wait another day until you would come to this place, but here you are and yes still on-going.
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I was given a TRUE favourite song of mine, which is Nobodys diary by Yazoo and when hearing this song and reading the lyrics, my tears come pouring out my eyes, and yes my ladies and gentlemen, because of such an extreme pressure given to me that this is a natural feeling and yes when hearing what back then and ever since has been a top favourite song of mine, and yes I love Yazoo and their fantastic songs, and this goes right to the very depth of me, and yes you do remember feelings as a tool of darkness, so this is what this helps to do, and yes to open for all of the love and light inside of here, and that is because these are the feelings I receive with this song not least because of these lyrics about moving my life onto another stage, and yes this has an incredible strong impact on me and that is today because of this immense pressure and incredible burden put on my shoulders. If I wait for just a second more, I know I'll forget what I came here for, My head was so full of things to say, But as I open my lips all my words slip away and anyway, I can't believe you want to turn the page, And move your life onto another stage, You can change the chapter you can change the book, But the story remains the same if you'd take a look. I was told about people of other civilizations being trapped inside the secret Area 51 military base in USA that their feelings are similar to mine, which is that it is HELL to be trapped in here, and we look VERY much forward together with you, Stig, to open to FREEDOM. I am already the most photographed in history, but it doesnt hurt to take some more photos, and yes just a little bit more, and this is like my mother giving birth, which is truly not very easy to do. I also received Im a wonderful thing baby by Kid Creole & the Coconuts, which is music I associate with a beautiful Caribbean island symbolising God. I was told that you now dont need to be careful anymore because the risk of completely falling out of the Source has now stopped, which was a couple of hours after receiving the warning feeling the Aqua writer here and that is because of your decision also to work today, and yes we will not be thrown out from here. I have been encouraged to run at the fitness centre at the swimming hall both yesterday and today, and yes theoretically, I may be able to run five or maybe even 10 minutes, and I write theoretically not believing that I will go to this extreme feeling as poorly as I do again today. I was told that we also could not do this without the help of Dan Rachlin, which is why I finally decided to bring him my comments to a thread of his the other day.

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What do we have here (?), and yes another good story of the Source, which we have just picked up, and it says when you have reached this far, go straight ahead and you will find that you are at home, but all I see is darkness (?), and yes because you bring the content self, which is what I will adapt to, and this was basically the idea from the beginning you know, and yes to let life decide to stay alive overcoming sufferings of darkness saying that life is not possible, but now when you are here, you have proved yourself worthy of eternal life, and this is the next secret I will pull out of here, and yes what do you see, Stig, and yes purple flowers made of paper, and yes hidden love of Karen to you is what is bringing you here, amazing right? I was told that we have not yet seen what is behind all of this, but with this speed, we expect to do this tonight. I was given maybe 1/10 out of this world pain to my right ankle and told that this is because of the publish of the script of today too, which I plan to do during the afternoon because then it is done, and if there is much darkness in here, it is also normally a good idea to work fast. Will we not soon get access to and benefits of the turned around golden watch (?), and yes I receive the feeling of diarrhoea together with orange and told all in due time, and yes we have good time. I was told that the feeling of my mother he cannot be completely crazy also has importance here, and yes because of the healing of John too, and I here feel Per Gessle, and yes as you can see, if I open up to it, I am given feelings of other people all of the time. I was told that when I visited Genve in 2009, we also visited this place to see what it took to open the door here, and if we had not, we would also not be able to do it and here feeling Paprika Steen. I received the smell of sulphur of a match, and this is what was hidden inside of here, and yes burning darkness, which we had to cross, so this is what we did. How many bottles of beer can you open inside of here (?), and yes all of them, just bring them on (!), so this is what we do, and yes there is still terminated life from Scribd the other day, and some new when entering here, and will you please turn this into wine. Yesterday, I was given the thought that I am no longer friends with Elijah and John, so unless anything happens between now and the end of the month, I will stop sending them money and also exclude them from my email list, but I will still send the same amount, which is as much as I can spare, and send it to Meshack and David, and ask them to decide how they want to use the money, and if they decide to share with their friends Elijah and John, the outcome will be the same for everyone, but the difference will be that Meshack and David will follow in my footsteps despite of their own difficulties, and yes do you believe they can do this, or will they, and let us say David, decide
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to keep all money to himself (?), and yes exciting to see the outcome of my dear world (?), and no, none of you could send me/us as much as one dollar, and not one single dollar from any of you, and this is the world elite you know!!! I heard in the background another scenario, where we would not have moved the Source back to its original location, and was told that this is what the dream of the TV is about, and yes doing this change of setup, moving back the family tree of the Source, is what will improve everything much too. It is not because he does not want to do his homework, and if it was, we would never have come this far, and I am here shown Carlos Santana, which is about playing guitar, i.e. creating. When I was minutes from publishing the update of my script of today thinking that it was important to get out I received even more darkness trying to prevent me, but was also told that now there is really no more difficult/dangerous work in here. I was told about Brazilian football when they play their best as another symbol of doing my best work when publishing this update at 15.30, and yes it was certainly not easy to do, it took some sufferings, but then it was not worse than this. Will Uffe Conrad become not fine again, and yes there is never a guarantee against this, and yes just think about how far we have extended this game, and you had no imagination to think that this could continue after Christmas, and yes your sufferings were at the worst there too making it impossible to continue, and hasnt this really been the case for a long time, and yes you remember January 2010 as completely impossible to go through where you were thinking about lying down, cry and let darkness take me, and yes the scripts of November 2010 were also impossible to do, and I could keep on, so this is what I did, and I wonder for how long this game can continue keeping on and on and on (?), and maybe Bjrn and Benny can tell me? And then we would have blown that light on the cake out too, and at the end, he would believe that he was in great trouble not being able to do anything else than give up, which is where we would open up anyway welcoming you home, but the difference is and yes my dear friends to take on as much sufferings myself in order to save you. This was done with practically no spill of oil or blood as I was told, and I now feel darkness in the kitchen of God and also Bubber which we will continue to clean from here. And during the day today I can say that my old nightmare has been closer than ever to be carried out, and yes as the alternative to doing this work in order to bring destructions to the world to bring fuel doing this work, but no, you would NEVER get my approval of this, but yes, if NEEDED and ONLY if needed, you could use the head rule to make it work no matter how, and would this come into force (?), and yes that is really the question.

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I decided to get out and cycle a little to the Fakta supermarket and this time and the last 1-2 times, there have practically been NONE spiritual darkness shifting my gear many times, and yes it decided to stop. I received the feeling of Soulaima, who is in Davos and having the time of her life being together with the finest business people and politicians of the world including Gordon Brown, David Cameron, Bill Gates and many more and yes she is TRULY impressed and isnt it funny that many of these are the world elite I write about reading my scripts in secret, and I wonder if any of you could not keep quiet about my arrival during one of her confidential meetings (?), and yes Soulaima, you have not been very impressed by me, have you (?), and isnt it funny that much of what these oracles preach (in economical terms etc.) is OLD WORLD POLICY on its way out (?), but still you are amazed of how a girl like you suddenly receive a place of the inner of the world (?), and yes maybe you have even been recruited to the secret network? At 17.40 I was told that it is about time to inspect the bathroom, and yes how does it look after I have worked most of the day and yes publishing my story (?), and the question is if there is still darkness inside of there, and yes some here as I understood but nothing here, where it is mostly blue/yellow, and to you now see whey the flag of Sweden is blue/yellow - symbolising my new self and my mother and here the merger of the Source and the New World and why I have LOVED Sweden since 1975 at least when going to Motala on holiday for one week with my father and his previous cohabitee Annie, so it is looking good, or better or what do you want me to say (?), and yes this is my inner self directed by the actor still inside of darkness, and he is looking like crazy to find and bring out all clothes of the wash basket, and yes we are saving terminated life, remember?

It is now tomorrow morning again, and I will write the notes of this evening. Isnt it incredible what can be inside practically nothing, and yes the absolutely last pieces of hair, and yes the deeper in, the more concentrated. I was shown a whale swimming towards me, which is the combination of my mother and I. I was shown a waiting polar bear and told that we also did not know that we would be met be such wanting to burn us off, but now I see that there is almost no fire inside its fireplace. I felt my self with the view point of the Source again still having darkness around me, and also Michael Bundesen and what should we sing (?), but of course DANMARK, my old favourite song of Shu-bi-dua, so here it is . You keep saying you are heartfelt welcome, and instead your sister, i.e. darkness, dies. I felt Michael Bundesen speaking about my heart, and what do you believe he has told Michael Hardinger I believe Michael Bundesen must have had experiences in relation with his sickness (?), otherwise I would not meet him here, and I am happy to see that he is now better and yes he is surprised to find me here. He asked me how are you (?), and I felt that he believed that I wanted to kill him with the stroke he received, and I said that it was not. He said that it is his job to bring me out, and yes I would like to be set free (from darkness), and I said that there is nothing keeping me here unless light says otherwise, and I was told that it does not and that when I say that everything has got to be perfect, it also covers this, and I was told that we expect to get you out before tomorrow, right (?), and I felt that this was darkness asking my actor. Later I was told that we have been told that it is better for all of us to enter you, and yes you are welcome and I thought it enough as a Dane not very skilled in English would say, for example Bent van Helsingr, and yes it has to be perfect all the way up to the very top of the Source, and I received pain to my right instep. Louise Wolff and Sofie Lassen-Kahlke are two out of three hosting the Danish part of the Eurovision Song Contest on Saturday, and they were interviewed in Aalborg live from the studio of Aftenshowet on DR1 TV, and did you notice that Sofie LassenKahlke could not hear so she had to ask Louise to tell her what happened (?), and yes a little after, her ear plug started working again, and this was really to show you that my mother has started listening to me and we know Stig is not entirely crazy when it comes to the spiritual world, and yes Louise, you are one of many I have received feelings of also knowing about me,
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The yellow in the Swedish flag is my mothers colour, the blue is my colour and the combination is symbolising the merger of the New World of my mother and the Source of me, and Sweden as a whole is symbolising our new joy and happiness And can you imagine just how many times family, friends and previous colleagues have been asked the question how is Stig any news (?), and yes if you cannot understand, you should really not answer, but when most peoplecannot help it, they brought the most crazy answers about you, and yes I am thinking about the same people being asked about work they know nothing or only little of, and still many will try to sound like experts Bo from Dahlberg is the worst I know of this or on all kind of different subjects. ---

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so how are you and also your colleagues and just maybe you like this song too? Around 19.00 to 20.00 I was to incredible and DEEPLY tired that I thought that I truly cannot stand this, but it just became one more of thouse tired crisis I stood out because it was too early to go to bed. Michael Bundesen continued being with me all evening, and now said that this is why I hand over myself to you because you dont give up, and eeehhh what did this mean (?), and no, I dont want you to die, Michael. So it is you we have all waited for, and now you dont want to come out, and I received the strongest pain to my right instep and felt inside the strongest and most disgusting darkness of all, and let me underline that the feeling of this is NOT COMFORTABLE if you should be in doubt, and yes you are (still) welcome. Michael Bundesen said, no, you dont need a doctor, I can see that and I have been with you for a while, so the thrombosis of Michael Bundesen in May 2011 opened up to a channel reaching me (?), and yes this is what this says. And he asked if we can see the inner side of you with the feeling that until now this has been impossible (because of darkness closing the access), and I could only say that of course you can, everything is open here, and yes he said that this is not what I told him, so I am the Source inside of here, and was told more accurate the combination with Michael Bundesen, and you will never get access to yourself without me, and I felt how a strong force tried to withhold this, but I was told that yes, we will give it to him even though he did not re-write the chapter on creation. And without me, you would not get in, and I was told, take care, we now look inside, and ha, got him, he is now locked up (!), and I felt drunk darkness, and this is how the game was played, and I felt Michael Bundesen again saying that you dont get in there without me, and I was shown him leaving me to the right, and I had to repeat that I am the Source, everything is inside of me and you are welcome, but it made me somewhat in doubt because of Michael leaving me, so I said that everything has to be perfect and light will decide what is right to do, and I know that his will NEVER fail, and Michael Bundesen said, right, so my roll is more to move furniture out (?) and we know light will decide, and this was darkness of my sister trying to confuse us, and I said that I feel fine partnering with Michael, and I was told that he feels fine about this too, and he said that you dont know how much pain I have had waiting on you here, and I was told that we have made a small hash cake with Michael Bundesen. --Ending the day with these short stories:
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Preben only rarely brings Facebook updates, but here he thought that he would like to say what do you have on heart. The answer is still: FAT so this will be changed, and fat is about destructive darkness terminating life, so this is the darkness you are still sending me, which is giving me heart pain and trying to destruct me, but this is the power we are using to do the exchange of my old self with my new self, and yes a BIG MOUTH is what you have, Preben (?), and when you cannot read, you cannot understand, remember?

Benedikte has experienced the discourageement/disappointment to be called for Henriette and that is because of the now previous politician and minister Henriette Kjr, whom obviously is close to the previous minister Benedikte Kjr, and yes even on the front pages of the local newspaper here and also Berlingske (!), and I simply told her and others that I am the one and only.

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Naser wrote about now 3 million internal refugees in Syria and 700,000 escaped to the neighbour countries with children dying because of night frost and this is because of CRAZY PEOPLE/WIMPS in power (!) and I sent my love, and regrets that this is needed, but they bring MUCH help to our creation. And Lisbeth below claimed that the heart is her compass, and is this what is leading you on holidays, the golf course, and fine clothes and food, Lisbeth (?), and yes, let me tell you a secret, there is something wrong with your heart/understanding/behaviour, but heart is given to her and Preben because of the final instalment of my/our new heart.

Morten was inspired to write about the take-yourself-table of the European Union with people receiving millions, and this is really the buffet-table I was speaking about the other day, and yes planted to be used by Morten here.

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I like the morning show of P6 radio much both because of the music they play and because of their passion for and knowledge of music, which makes them MUCH MORE interesting to listen to compared to most radio hosts working on a much lower level, and they were inspired to write RISE and SHINE, which is what we are doing now, and I asked them if they would play this beautiful song by SAGA, but received no answer.

A ferry between Denmark (Jutland) and Sweden caught fire this morning, and when seeing it, I understood that it was a sign of strong darkness too, but I was told that we have reduced the strong heat from this, and yes via a VERY strong marzipan bread, which is because of my attitude not to give up.

Sren wrote about 4,000 Chinese people on their way to Greenland which is part of the Danish Kingdom and we know to plunder what they can really, and the capital Nuuk only had a population of 15,000, so the Chinese will be very visible, and with irony he said all of these positive F-words (festive, fantastic, popular, delightful and colourful), which is really the HAPPY message of the event of today entering the command central of the Source.

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I saw this update from Anne Sophia via Jens Rohde, and she simply said that she drinks Pinot Noir, which is red wine originating from Burgundy, which is where my heart is too wine of people coming from Bornholm, my island you know and her picture is yellow all over, which is to say that the spirit of my mother of our New World is now wine, i.e. creation/everything, all over. And yes, the finest smell of a Burgundy wine is when it smells of a cow stable (!), and this is really to say that a cow symbolises God/Buddha, and when you convert the faeces of these symbolising destruction of darkness, you will get the finest wine of creation/everything, see?

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26. Heaven is just around the corner and I am throwing down the secret world government!
1. SUBJECT 25th January: I decided NOT to become my new self Dec. 21 because the world was SILENT herewith saving the world from sufferings SUMMARY Dreaming of cleaning my sofa as the kitchen of God producing life. I received indications of having difficulties to continue my journey through darkness to reach my inner self, but I decided that it has to be perfect no matter what. The only reason why I did not open the eyes of my new self December 21, 2012, was to save the world from killings/sufferings, which I could do because I had more to give when not giving up, which is why we pushed time in front of us, and this was also possible to do when the media/world decided NOT to report about me thus enabling me to convert darkness of my own inner self as the last man inside darkness to light instead of giving it as destructions to the world. Denmark won in GREAT style over unbeatable Croatia in the semi-finals in the World Championships in handball playing in a gear, which NO ONE can follow, and the team of Croatia was literally dissolving because of darkness dissolving, but still I was shown the next part of half hidden darkness of my inner self about to become visible, and this is seaweed of darkness, which is more terminated life, which is really not terminated at all, but negative nonliving life, which I will now start to turn around to positive life too. Short stories of Helena showing my difficulties to get inside the very heart of me, my father visiting my website again because I am not crazy anyway (?), is the prince of darkness, Henrik Sass Larsen, also trying to throw me off my chair (?), a Danish handball player was SCREAMING in pain but continued playing just like I do, I do not like people dying from religious fanaticism when they could be saved and also people hating these people. Dreaming about being a prisoner of darkness of people even thought they love me, the official system chasing and grossly humiliating me, the VERY TRADITIONAL staff of the White House being forced to follow me against their wish and now seeing the view of our New World, telling my story to the world elite bringing me sufferings when not having the full patience to understand and when media pretends that nothing has happened doing what they normally do. My story does NOT only have impact on the state of Denmark but the whole world because Denmark is controlled by God reflecting the attitude/behaviour of the whole world. Heaven is just around the corner, where everyone will be FOREVER YOUNG when receiving eternal life. I am everyday news all over the White House, and will use their negative feelings/reactions sending me darkness to get out of the battle ship, and that is to throw down the sitting (secret) world government, which has been working on and thinking that their New World Order of totalitarian capitalism inspired by China would come into force, but no, this is NOT what I really, really want, and instead you will get FREEDOM with diamonds and pearls of love of my New World. My mother is the angel of the world having the greatest love and affection loving me whether I'm right or wrong- everything else doesnt matter! I was told that the last piano will come out at once opening to my new self and our New World as when you open the cork of a bottle of wine, and also that this may mean that I will not be able to take on all sufferings myself, thus hav-


26th January: Heaven is just around the corner and I am throwing down the secret world government working for totalitarian capitalism

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ing to bring one time only sufferings to the world, which will be recovered at our New World. Later, however, I was told that there is no energy inside of this almost making black of darkness the same as orange of God, and this is the game we are playing now: Is there potentially destructive energy inside of this, which will hurt the world if I cannot take the sufferings myself? The winner of the Danish part of the Eurovision Song Contest this evening became the beautiful song only teardrops, which includes the story of teardrops of my mother and family because of their misunderstandings in me. The show was VERY INSPIRED when bringing the winning recipe including our heart of existence and gold of divine creation, and with this, everyone will receive love of God and their new golden shoes of our New World with Heaven opening up. Furthermore, the show showed how silence of me is darkness trying to knock me out, which I still use as building stones. Jettes Google Earth pictures of her Facebook group show a SPECIAL tall lady, dancing queens celebrating our New World, rough sea and tall waves (of sufferings), strength of having South America in one arm, the arrival of the Creator, another VERY TALL lady, the light of God and our New World shining through including the story of my new self already having been brought out of the taxi meaning that for now I am hidden to the world (and my self for that matter). Short stories of Dan telling the story of my mother and father dancing of joy and happiness because of our new creation, telling NATO that money dont matter (i.e. the secret world government will step down), more of my fathers new family reading my website on my father and not the big picture, everyone will receive COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS when the secret world government will give up, it will open to our New World , and melted butter means that the last part of my inner self has been demantled. all supermarkets have it. I am told that the next exercise is to let two cows rot on the sofa, and I think if it will be possible to remove all traces of these cows too, and the dream continued being about sex with light women moving in, and Fuggi being lazy not bothering to get things from the supermarket etc. o SAGA did NOT do an album in 1984 but in 1983 and 1985 and their music is ending now, which may be about darkness ending, and 1984 is about big brother is watching you, so this could be about Michael and Jim from the band as my Facebook friends following me? When writing about the stain remover and supermarket, I received the feeling of two people I used to meet on the streets of Nairobi the one I gave a date of my arrival/opening, which of course was wrong because it was given to me by darkness and that is because to clean my sofa also means to bring normal life to the world. The sofa is really about the kitchen of God producing life, where we are still removing darkness from, and Fuggi is helping to bring this darkness not truly helping because of his laziness to read, which is really about him being too lazy to help saving life. I decided NOT to become my new self Dec. 21 because the world was SILENT herewith saving the world from sufferings I was told that we will now take the last decisive suitcase this evening.

25 January: I decided NOT to become my new self Dec. 21 because the world was SILENT saving you from sufferings
Dreaming of cleaning my sofa as the kitchen of God producing life And yes, Stig, it is now 12.15, I have updated and published my script of yesterday, I have had lunch, and now I will move my self and the chair in under the table again and that is as far as I can get and take on the alright, let us do it concentrated attitude instead of the opposite of being loose/unconcentrated as so many people are/keep on being and yes TAKE ME ON AND ON and yes on and on and on once again, and no not easy to do because of what I have been through. I went to bed at around 22.00, and was allowed to sleep until 07.45 and better than for a long time making me feel better today, and only with one dream that I remember. SAGA is playing their album from 1984 as a theatre concert, and Fuggi is there loving this band as much as I do. After the concert where the stage is being removed, I put on a CD, and help to remove the last projector from their show. I am shown a small bottle of a special very efficient stain remover, which someone puts on a stain of my sofa, and it will need some time to dissolve the stain, but I am told that it WILL come off, and I am impressed by this remover and ask where it can be bought, and I am told that


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I received the song the sign by Ace of Base and the lyrics but where do you belong, which comes after the lyrics No one's gonna drag you up to get into the light where you belong, which I was NOT told, and I also received I am happy now followed by living without you, which I did NOT get, so is this about I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes (?) or is the game that I am not getting into the light now because I have misunderstood the game (?), and we know a game it is, but no, I will NEVER believe that I dont get into the light, because this is my very being as I am told/feel, and the light is inside me, so dont you worry about a thing, it will come sooner or later, and yes many songs here and there. I was told that it is a little like throwing away the key. Do you know any good local real estate brokers up there? So a game it is . Which currency do they use here (?), is that a fact (?), they dont take money here, Stig (?), it has something to do with your way of life, Stig (?), and eehhhh no we cannot accept, and yes you will guess the rest, my friend, while the blood runs out . He doesnt care, he simply says that everything has got to perfect/light and I will wait until you will show me the road, and yes me as darkness confusing you, and yes this is how it is. It was still impossible to work from the morning, but I do feel better today, and that is at least when sitting down, but often when I stand up and especially when going/cycling out, I feel (much) poorer, and I do believe that I will exercise today, we will see. Michael Bundesen is still here but says we will go another place and yes, Stig, if you cannot break the code of how to enter? And we know, everything has got to be perfect/light this is what I ask you to do, and then it should be not much longer than this as we say here, and I am in no mood to guess, and have no FANTASY to imagine that you can keep me out because this goes against my wish, and you are obliged to follow me as I understand it. No, it is not you are welcome, is it (?), and yes Stig knows that the Source is inside of him, so therefore you are welcome will have to do. And I felt darkness and does that mean that I have to walk into him (?) this is Michael Bundesen, and no you dont like it. Does he have a lie detector (?), and yes big smiles, and no there is nothing to do, we have to get closer he says, so this is what we will do, and yes not easy to convince darkness. A little later I felt the spirit of my mother and she asked, does this apply for me too (?), and yes all of you are welcome.
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So it doesnt cost a thing to enter here, and yes there is no energy here. I was told about a frozen oil pan, which is a reference to a poorly working oil pan of 1.6 Ford diesel motors as I saw on TV the other day with Ford cheating its customers not speaking the truth, which I do NOT like to see, and yes I see it EVERYWHERE; weak people lying and cheating making me sad and I was told smashed too, and this is about the most inner of me, which is where I am approaching. I received the clear taste of onion, and was told just in there, and then we are home. Shall we lift the veil, and yes he has had his hand all the way in here before reaching us and I feel the greatest smiles, and receive more heart pain, and no he doesnt care, he just want to get HOME, so shall we take him in (?), and what do you say (?), and I feel/see my inner self and father negotiating about this, and yes there is no doubt, he will not give up, so it has to be a matter of time only, and yes he found the road leading all the way in here, and that is for not giving up. So the plane, which we could not bring down, will have to land there (?), and yes, Stig at the very top of everything. I heard something about stamp and we could have used our money as teaching money inside of here, and yes, there is no energy here. I received the strong feeling and vision of violent temper and yes it would have been/felt like smashing a lunch package (which is not there), and that is to let out energy here. So you dont weigh seven tons inside of here, and no, Stig, this is the place you have reached/are reaching where you just are, and yes you are thinking that you have emptied yourself completely of everything, and when you are nothing, you are simply becoming us, and how difficult can it be (?), and still the world is everything, which I will also be myself, which will have to be the level below, and if I understand this correctly, the worlds of my mother are being installed below us and connected to us, and we are here on top just being, and we are here ONE, but still you show me both father and Son (?), and this is how I understand it. And this is the chairman of the teachers coming there (?), and yes you have no lunch package with you (?), and again I feel Michael Bundesen, so we are walking in here together. So there is no square four-divided (world) inside of here (?), and no we just are. I have bled and almost missed, is this how it is, Stig (?), and yes this is about your mother, thus the world, and you are asking me as Stig, how should I know? So, he has risen from the sofa .
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There are also liquorice traffic signs showing the road inside of here, and yes I love them too, you know the liquorice pack . I was shown the three nephews of Donald Duck walking down the ladder from the top floor of God, and they brought a game of Ludo I believe, and I was told that the game was about whether to bring down the Source or to bring up the world, and yes please make it perfect and I can only say that the Source is INSIDE of me not anywhere else and we are going to the very top with the top being nothing and yes everything just below us, and that is as I understand it, and yes the Doomsday priest of Indiana Jones did not cut out my heart on my way here, and this was the strength of darkness I had to pass, so will we let him pass (?), and we know I only have one thing to say, which is dont let it pass you by, and now I understand why you gave me the vision of Bjarne from the Commune a few minutes ago, an that is because you knew that I would think of this amazing song by UB40 (which you can watch from their full concert after 26:40 below, and yes a concert from 1981, which was the top of their career if you ask me when I also saw them in Copenhagen), and yes unemployed I still am to bring me Unemployment Benefit, or cash help as they call it here for the losers on the floor of the society, which is where I am working from, and yes in the view of the society of course. It is now only about cosmetic changes when coming here? So there is no risks at all that he will not get his drivers license, but there are more enrolment tests first (?), and yes as I understand it as my actor-friend says because this is what I say. We are still in the process of exchanging darkness to flowers (?), and yes because this is what him there, i.e. I, says, and I get a strong taste of fish, and yes we are still vacuum-cleaning. And no, I dont know if we are bringing furniture out or in of this place or it is simply is on top of everything else and yes let it be perfect, and you tell me (!), and then I was told that if it was not because the family tree had been removed, you would not be here at all. No, you are in no Asiatic newspapers, and not yet as I am told. I was told the Trinity and I was given the feeling of Clint Eastwood and told that his inspired speech to the empty chair of Obama and yes completely crazy you know is what opened the eyes of Asian people. No, it is not only us having made the cream-machine, who are inside of here, there is also pure darkness, and if this is the case, there is life inside of this darkness meaning that we are bringing out more furniture to become part of our New World and that is before I reach the stage of just being. Dont you have more matches (?), and yes couldnt it be fun to pour on gasoline and to burn down this place (?) and the
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feeling is that we cannot do this no more, and also that this is what you did, Amin (from Restaurant Vejlegrden) (?), and yes to burn down a restaurant is about removing life of God, so this is also what this symbolised, but no, I will NOT accept it. This morning I sent this email with my script of yesterday to LTO, and yes it is full of lyrics from songs, which is about my true feelings of these friends having difficulties to remain friends, and I wonder why it is so difficult for you to do what is RIGHT to do instead of WRONG?

During the following hours, I was given the feeling of David thinking more money, which must have been nice to you David, but what about the others? I was surprised when I had finished work for now already at 13.30 today, and also did not receive an enormous pressure of darkness neither physical pressure nor much negative feelings/speech and is this a game because I have not walked the right way in (?), or is this because of the end of darkness (?), and I dont care, because I am walking right in, this is what I have decided to do and I am sure that my spiritual friends will help me, and yes, this will bring me time to go to the swimming hall, so this I will now do. No we have not called him and found him busy and yes, he has been working constantly, so what is the matter if anything is the matter? I went to the swimming hall, and on my way, negative speech and feelings now became so strong again that I could have not have giving me the feeling that it totally ruins my mood, and yes try to imagine having someone shouting everything negative you can imagine into/inside your head, and you cannot give up
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turning negative yourself because of negative consequences it will bring feeling Obama here, do you know about this feeling too (?) and it keeps on coming stressing you incredible, and furthermore I am INCREDIBLE tired of working as I do, being tired, having no energy, not being able to exercise fully, being fat, feeling unwell in my clothes, being alone without a girlfriend, biting nails and making me embarrassed too etc. and yes all because of darkness, and it was so much that I lost motivation to exercise on my way, but I decided to do it anyway and only to let the game continue and that is to be able to tell my mother that I am still exercising, and yes so everything is normal feeling Prince Harry here, you know and I could not help smiling when I passed two teenagers on the way, and just when passing one of them shouted I LOVE TOMATOES, and yes this was the only thing I heard, but it means that he loves my new self really. When I stood on the left cross trainer again I do NOT have energy enough also to swim and that is a long time since I did this I told myself that this is completely impossible to do, there is no way that I will come through this and a voice asked me to remember this, and we know, this was the reason why I only had used 150 calories after 10 minutes, and I felt so tired and without motivation and not least tired by my negative voice, and so much that I was told that the only alternative would be to give me my old nightmare to explode my self out, and then I was told that this is indeed about getting my inner self out, and that is to give birth to my inner self, and I understood that the judgment also in previous worlds has always been about my birth, and if there was too much darkness, it would destroy the world, and if not, we would survive, and yes I thought about darkness being turned to me to absorb and convert to light, and did I not do this, it could only be turned to the world as destructions feeling Helle Thorning-Schmidt here and for days I have received the word neon and now I was told that we are forming my mothers name in neon lights and I felt that this is the last work we are doing, and yes because of the KRAFTWERK of me, and the last 15 minutes was indeed impossible/difficult to come through also because I felt laziness of President Kibaki of Kenya, which was given to me as a pretty strong feeling trying to make me give up the last exercising, and I was told that he has been looking forward to relaxing, and he will soon be replaced because of the Kenyan election coming up and a New World too (!) and I was told that he has been told about me, but dont know much about me and also that Kenya was told about me by US Intelligence when I was in the country in 2009. And yes, I burned off 515 calories on 30 minutes, and I did it! And I was told that the only reason why I did not open the eyes of my new self December 21, 2012, was to save the world from killings/sufferings, and that is because I had more marzipan to give, i.e. to never give up, which is why we pushed time in front of us, and yes because the media/world decided NOT to report about me and this is how it was also possible to convert me as the last man inside darkness to light, and furthermore I was told dont you believe that the (official) world celebrated
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when it discovered that we survived (?), and yes, but still you could/would not speak out loud the truth to the world? When I came home, I had received this email from John, and yes it really gave me mixed emotions, and certainly I was happy to be hearing from him, but it also told me that if I had not pressured him because of money, I would not have heard from him, and besides from a short text message at Christmas, I have not heard from John since August 24, 2012 (!), and the only reason, John, is because of laziness, which is truly what makes me VERY sad, and yes this little exercise shows that you have no problems communicating if only you want to (?), and yes money can make a man stretch himself, and this makes me extra sad to see, because it is UNNECESSARY because I know about the friendly feelings of John, which is the essential, but you have to show it, John (!), and will the same happen to Elijah, or will he try to make a statement by NOT communicating (?) and yes because he cannot stand me and has lost (some) faith in me, my friend (?) and yes, I will now keep John on my money and email-list, and in case I have not heard from John again in February and have not opened the eyes of my new self before the end of February, which today seems completely unthinkable, I will leave him out, and yes I will not accept to never hear from friends, who have no problems to receive my money, and so it is. So now it is up to you, Elijah, and yes how strong are you to keep on fighting me, are you about giving in too?

And yes, Stig, we discovered a new way to bring you alive, which was not to explode you and collect you afterwards. Denmark won over unbeatable Croatia in handball playing in a gear, which NO ONE can follow This is written tomorrow morning: I was told that when we spoke of looking back in time recently it is because we have seen how life will turn out in the future, which I felt made my spiritual friends incredible happy. Some times I have been given the feelings of and also told just how impossible it is to release strings of darkness wrapped around me, and this is because of my family, friends etc., thus the world who quite simply cannot understand me, thus not having faith in me, so when I remove darkness, it is also because I open up for more faith of family, friends etc., thus the world, via my work. I was told that what I have gone through December 21 has been coal black darkness. I visited my mother and John again this evening, and the first thing John said was that he did not believe that Denmark would
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be able to defeat Croatia having played dream handball this World Championships and that is because of their second half the other day, and I told him that I did believe that they would win and that is because of their first half the other day (!!!), and this was really as saying as anything and that is to show the difference in attitude between he and I, and yes there is absolutely no doubt that Denmark plays the most wonderful handball in the world when they play their best they have a gear like no one and the question was only if this is what they would be able to do today, and yes depending on the strength of darkness too of course. At dinner I said that I was very excited to see how Johns cancer results will be (January 31), and also heart results (February 21), and my mother said that he walked right back from town the other day (approx. on kilometre) WITHOUT becoming exhausted, and yes a sign that his heart is much better, and she do believe that the results will be better, and yes then they spoke about heart medication again (!), and yes what do you know, and yes old and poor habits focusing on medicine instead of him being healed by my spiritual friends, which they should be able to understand by now, and yes, by the way, I was told one of these days that it is not only medicine for mental sufferings, which is completely off, it is medicine in general, and yes if only people and their surroundings live a good life with right behaviour and life content, they would not become sick. My mothers back is also better after she has started to go to massage, and yes she also receives light treatments giving her more energy (it is DARK here during winter), so LIGHT she receives, and yes feeling better too, she does, and then I am really the last one to be pulled up from this hole of no energy. I received the smell of seaweed, and understood that this is a symbol of terminated life, and the first time that this symbol is given to me, and yes this is what we will continue saving, and here feeling the parking place of a city near Weingut Christmann, which is about my thinking that today, which is tomorrow morning you know, I may get some hours to do what I like, and no, I will NOT start to write the chapter on creation, I am too exhausted and have too little energy to start doing this, and that is at least today, and yes this is my decision, but maybe one of the next days, if I am given the opportunity. We watched X-factor while Spain as expected won the other semi-finals against Slovenia and two of the judges took their teams to very fine hotels in rhus and Berlin, but Thomas Blachman had decided to bring his team to the Job Centre in Gladsaxe of all places (!), and yes NOTHING GLAMOROUS about this (!), which is how I live my life, and he had made a completely crazy questionnaire, which he asked his attendants to answer, and yes there might have been a deeper meaning to this to teach the world about most people being alone/isolated from other people as one of them and yes just like what I have said too but to me, this was to say how completely crazy Job Centres work asking people to do crazy things as dictators, and yes my mother shifts from liking Thomas Blachman much to disliking him much and yes being too
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tough, and you ARE too tough sometimes, Thomas (!), and need to relax more, and when you show your serious self without losing your temper, you are doing a great job, but the most important thing is to do as you do which is to ALWAYS tell the truth directly, openly and honestly to make even deaf people with wrong interceptions of themselves UNDERSTAND, and yes this is what we agree on, and as I have errors, Thomas has too. And maybe you noticed Anne Linnet in the Xtra Factor follow up show playing fish pond with Emil (?), and yes to pull up a fish is what X-factor is really about (!), and yes via Thomas Blachmans work playing with the feelings of not only contestants but viewers too! My mother asked me seriously about my writings, and I told her that I decided to keep on writing, which I still do, but I will finish this work at any time now, and yes I wonder what my sister and mother speak about, and are they waiting to see what may happen any day soon now and yes for me to become my new self (?), which is a clear message I give to everyone to see on Facebook as my sister does - and yes just wondering I am because no one tells me! Later I was told that seeing me physically suffering over Christmas and New Year also has importance here. And then we watched the semi-finals between Denmark and Croatia, and within no time Denmark was ahead by 6 to 1 (!), and yes against the unbeatable Croatians, which had NOT been in difficulties in this tournament, and again you saw this very special gear making the Danes so much better than any other team, and I thought that this is the same as looking at the Danish football team of the 1980s, which was the absolutely best team in the world when they played their best, and it was only the evil spirit of Spain stopping them (!), and the same goes with athletes like Peter Gade in Badminton at his height of his career having a speed/gear like no one else, and this is the same as you saw with Ingemar Stenmark as example and yes, this is what you saw this evening, and what you believed in (!), so this is what we gave them (!), and I was told directly many times when Croatia scored against us because of darkness coming from my mother etc., so Denmark had to win over this team and had to defeat resistance of darkness playing on the side of Croatia! So this is what they did, and yes Croatia showed that they are truly a fantastic team too, but you saw how the teams in the 1 st half fought over the ball sometimes lying down in lump games (!), and yes Croatia was tired and had some of their key players injured, they could no more (!), and the commentators today o DR1 (I like commentators on DR1, but I LOVE the commentators on TV2 they share the broadcastings of these World Championships - and yes here TV2 are almost 100 points to me, and DR1 maybe 85 to 90, but in other shows it is vice versa for example with Aftenshowet on DR1 against similar programmes on TV2) said that the Croatian team is breaking apart and the Croatian team is completely dissolving they have not seen this coming at all and when they said this, I felt my sister, and this was about darkness now completely dissolving, and no, my sister had not seen this coming at all, and we know my fight to bring myself alive as my new self, which is the fight all of the
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world can see, but no one including my sister is commenting on this, and yes apart from Jette really and rarely Meshack. So Denmark won in great style by 30 to 24 and can now walk on the water as the commentators said (!), and will now play against Spain in Spain in the final, and we know, there is practically no more darkness, however still some of my inner self, but if the caves of Spain have emptied for darkness, it should be easy for Denmark to win this final too, and yes to get the GOLD medals over their necks. When leaving, as usual I received left-overs to bring home, and my mother had bought some more groceries for me, and I always say you should NOT have done this, and my mother always say the opposite, and as usual this is how my mother expresses her love to me, which is really what is bringing me darkness, and yes because the way she should do it should have been to listen to, understand and support me, but then again, this would have ended the world as you know, but more sufferings is what this essentially brings me, and yes who should have known because she only wants to help! During the day/evening, I was several times receiving the feeling of Inges son Jan, and yes, he has been a GREAT opponent too trying to influence his mother Inge against me, and yes Inge is reading and doing her best to understand me, and yes at the moment, she does not read all scripts, but maybe half, and difficult to get over the negative influence of Jan in relation to me it is, Inge (?), and this is what I am told and understand, but I was also told that Inge is now again running the veins of my mother, and yes this is what I was told and felt too for that matter, which is about faith returning. I was told that world leaders and politicians in Davos speak about me and my arrival coming very soon now, but still silent you are??? I was shown a half hidden dark bear at the player tunnel of a stadium more hidden darkness of me about to be released and this came together with the commentators saying that we look forward to making a party on Sunday, because this is going to get wild, and the key here was PARTY because this is about the feelings of my spiritual friends influencing them here and that is just behind the game I am still going through. I felt herrings around me inside of darkness, and I felt that this is darkness of seaweed, and I was told that we are not really dead, but yes, you are negative life, so I will continue working and playing the game to turn you around to light too, and I heard my self saying not good enough maybe 50 times in a row, and yes I am not finished with my work yet, so this is what I say and this is what comes to my from my spiritual friends, and I was told so I am heartfelt welcome too, but of course you are! --Ending the day with these short stories:

Helene was swearing and saying that she wanted to hit the manager of the city planning of rhus when there is a left swing road on the cost road and I understood this as when driving to the city centre (?), and I understood this as difficulties to reaching the very heart of me, but Jane said that there is indeed a lane and that is when goods are not delivered and garbage collected etc. and yes of the stores on the way as I understand it, and I can only see this that there is a road driving right through darkness trying to prevent me from reaching my own heart, and no, I have NO intentions of anything to stop me, and no also not Falck as you give me the vision of here.

I have now changed the IP-address of my father into far, i.e. father, and again today he or Kirsten visited me, and now NOT the script of my father, but eeehhhh normal life, and yes he is not too quick to understand and not very busy too trying to read one full page after the other, but here he shows that there might be something good working inside of Stig (?), so is this a sign that Stig is not crazy anyway (?), and I was told no, it wasnt Ricki, was it (?), and Ricki is Kirstens son, and several weeks ago when I visited the Prvesten Shopping Centre in Helsingr with my mother, I was passing a man, whom looked much like Ricki, and I only saw him right when passing, and he looked surprised too, so was this Ricki (?), and was this also a help making my father read?

I do NOT like RUMOURS and not even the ring of it but rumours have been strong the last days about the Social Democratic Party planning a coup against the Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt, and so strong that one of the suspects, our good old friend, Henrik Sass Larsen, had to say publicly that there are no coup plans, and here Peter talks about good Latin Quo Vadis (?), is this good enough, Peter (?) which is that when a politician is needed to say this publicly, it is because there are indeed such plans with the Finance Minister Bjarne Corydon being the new chairman candidate, and I dont know about this,
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but if there are/were these plans, I can only say that Henrik Sass has a very unlucky role being darkness then and still now trying to throw not only Helle but also mean down from my chair, and yes this is the worst darkness I meet on my way up to the very top of the Source, and this is what I am told, so we will see if this story holds water as we say here

Helena is an example of most Denmark supporting the Danish handball team with MUCH enthusiasm these days, and when the Danish player Mlgaard had his finger out of joint and was SCREAMING in pain, she wrote just tape that finger up, and away with him (!), so this is what he did, and this was really a symbol of how darkness I feel my sister again brought me pain, which made me SCREAM, but still I just had to get away really (yes, Maurice White IS Earth Wind & Fire together with Philip Bailey if you ask me), and yes in a positive meaning of course , and Helena also said that he can smell blood, so he doesnt feel a thing, and blood is here terminated life, which I am saving when continuing work, so there you have it really, and as she says it will end with a happy ending .

Here is a thread with Helena telling about just how much she contempts the Jehova Witnesses, which is a feeling of TRUE HATE as most people of this country shares, and yes the Devil right back in work via her as the symbol of the world, and I will not go into a greater detail on this other than saying that some of what the Jehova Witnesses do is wrong, and some of what Helena does here contempting them is wrong too, and yes it should not be necessary to receive blood transfusions as example if people lived normal lives, but when they do, I do appreciate doctors doing their best to save lives but it is more complicated than this with doctors also killing much life with medicine, but this is really to say that I do not like people to let people die when they could be saved, and I do NOT like people being as negative and hateful as Helena is here, and yes I met very nice people of the Jehova Witnesses when they witnessed my presence here approx. one year ago, and of course without being able to open their eyes as everyone else too.

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Dreaming of the VERY TRADITIONAL staff of the White House being forced to follow me against their wish I went to bed at 00.20 and slept until 08.00 making me as fresh (!) as yesterday, and yes with quite a few dreams to write down, and no I dont like doing this also because sometimes I really cannot read my notes written during the night, which is bringing me sufferings too when I cannot write down the dream accurately as I received it leaving out details, which I MUCH would like to include, and yes this is how it is, and in this respect I am also suffering really, but let us see if I can read the notes today. I am a prisoner of the police and am in a traffic accident, a car and house is separated and I am brought to a new place, where birds, which are really people/police treat me endlessly poorly but it feels as a game and they really love me and I am walking on the earth embankment myself with my old dog Don in a string, and there is nothing else that my dog wants more than to get its freedom also experiencing life and to make love, but I will not allow it, and this brings me to the prison of Jyske Bank, they feel poorly for me and Glenn (the Swede from Ftex) believes that I am treated with unjust, and I receive the task to write about myself to bring away the misunderstandings of journalists bringing wrong quotes of me, which gives me yet another task, which I know I can do, but I really dont have the time to do it feeling Michael Bolton here a little, not much, but he really knows too. o This is about darkness holding me as its prisoner just look at my life, Billy (!) and that is despite of people actually loving me, but this is how it is when you cannot show the right behaviour, and Don is my old beloved dog (1975-88), and really more than anything in my life, and here it is symbolising myself watching life without living it as I have thought about often also when I have no love-life myself, and it still seems as if the media is doing POOR WORK about me writing wrongly about me, so will you please IMPROVE my friends, and FIND AND BRING THE TRUTH, which should not be difficult if you only do your best. o I was told when writing down the note of this dream that this is driven by my mother believing that I am not stupid, and because of my influence on her without Sanna, which is helping the world to believe in me. I have been brought as a prisoner of two guards/police men on a bus driving on Nrrebrogade in Copenhagen, and this is a tour for a day, which the system abuses me to do bringing me an incredible humiliation, which I tell people about to make them understand. o This is the system chasing me not realising just how much they humiliate me, and is this solely about the Commune, or maybe I can add the Danish police/intelligence. I have created a new play by an amateur theatre ensemble, and we are playing the premiere of our show to people of
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Jimi is still only half alive as my Facebook friend, but today he also invited me to connect via LinkedIn, so he is really still alive and kicking inside darkness.

26 January: Heaven is just around the corner and I am throwing down the secret world government
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Inner mission a VERY TRADITIONAL Danish church movement of people and this is a large group as I see in the theatre watching this show even though they did not at all want to watch, but preferred to do their traditional singing/chanting, which originally was on their programme today, and when watching, many are singing with low volume to express their dissatisfaction, and when we make fun of the Conservative Party, half of this traditional audience cannot take it, and leave. Afterwards I see how joints of a flower on a table has been cut off making it impossible to stand up as my colleague wants it, and there is dust beneath the vase, which she cannot remove, which I then decide to do also knowing that I am watched by these traditional people. I now notice that we are inside the most beautiful house in America, and when I enter a large dining room, I see that we are inside the White House in Washington, and to my surprise there are not only one long dinner table but two with MANY people, and I believe that the first table includes all the fine people of the White House and the second our theatre ensemble, and first I decide to stand up on a chair of the first table even though it is fine and I wear shoes and that is to see if I can see the sea from the window, which I can, and I tell people can you see the sea (?), and I hear Americans correcting me when saying can you view the sea (?), and when I get to the next table, which is next to the window, I now see that the sea is MUCH more visible than what I thought because everyone can see it from here, and I hear people saying that Navratilova cannot get back by now to become the world champion, but now we have Djokovic who can. I see a free chair at the next table, which I discover is next to a very good looking woman, who is actually not sitting in the first line of the table, but somehow the second and that is even though there is room at the table with a couple of free places/plates, and I thought that this table would only include the theatre ensemble, but I feel that there are also people of the White House sitting here, and I say that I did not realise how serious they would take it and measure it. o This is my play to the world, which is received by the VERY TRADTITIONAL Conservative Old School of the White House, and yes, they do NOT want to become part of my play, but would much rather like to play their old traditional wicked game, but there is nothing you can do, you are forced to play the game, and you do NOT like me writing the truth about the Conservative Party or the Republicans in the US which you decide is negative behaviour and yes you do find SIMPLE MINDS everywhere (!), and the dining room here will have to be about changing the view (!) of people, and yes before you could not see the sea, but now it is clear to you too, and this is the old symbol of sufferings, but here it is also the feeling that we are watching out over the sea for our New World, and the dinner table is almost ready, but there are some details we are working on, which includes the spirit of my mother sitting in the second row here. When I wrote down the note of this dream, I was told that it is as if everyone is now eating on Restaurant Lumskebugten, which is where Jack was

kind to invite me for dinner maybe 8-10 years ago, and yes we had one of the best salmons I have ever had, and this is to say that Jack has helped to open the eyes all the way into the VERY TRADITIONAL Old School system of the White House, and yes, Obama, how can you stand being together with this darkness surrounding you (?), and yes how is it to be traditional staff wanting an evil world order only to discover that your boss is God self too (?), and yes have you got it by now (?), and we know, not easy at all for you to listen and understand it is? And the dream about whether to use the word see or view is about TRADITIONAL people not wanting to understand that I present myself as a normal human being not being perfect in English, but God/Jesus has to be is what you tell me (?), and that is because this is how it has to be like according to you (?), and that is because you dont want to do what it takes to understand that I am simply a normal human being until we will open our New World? Somehow by co-incidence I am at an incredible cold place with a lot of people telling my story in a microphone with people listening but eventually they lose patience/focus, and starts to ask questions before having heard all of my story, and some are raising their hands to show me that they would like to ask, and one simply asks/interrupts, and I see that Peter Mygind arrives to help me, and an amateur cook brings me a taste of what I believe was sole inside a bivalve, which it however was not, and now I see talented cooks on TV, and Louise from Aftenshowet is interviewing Anne Linnet in the back of the large room, where I was speaking, something about coffee and now Anne Linnet presents a big cheque and says that this is then a deal to have a new auction on TV. o This is really the dark room of the official world, which I am telling my story to via my website/scripts, and it is incredible cold because you are the world bringing me darkness because of your wrong-doings and wrong behaviour in relation to me, and your impatience and misunderstandings of me is keeping part of the fish away from me, and the media decides to do their own show without me pretending as if nothing had happened, and yes Anne Linnet is a special friend of mine too, and she is much in focus now in Denmark as the new judge on Xfactor together with Thomas Blachman, and yes as her son Xander was a few months ago on the Voice. Heaven is just around the corner and I am throwing down the secret world government working for totalitarian capitalism I received speech right from the morning often it comes to me in the morning as a machine gun as a pressure from the night, which we have to get released and the first I was told was if you want to join killing many people (?), and no, I do not. This has not been too simplified/made Danish, which is about the attitude of the world watching not believing that you can use what I write about and the Danish focus, and to this, I ask
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you to remember that I have made the state of Denmark reflecting the attitude/behaviour of the whole world, so indeed this is what you can! You have reached the majority of Swedish pop, none are sick, and yes I was encouraged to tell you that I love Lisa Nilsson too, but of course, how could I otherwise with Mauro Scocco making her big not only in Japan, but also forever young here (two VERY SPECIAL songs to me ), which is what we will become in our New World with eternal life (!), and yes this is to say that this is about himlen runt hrnet because HEAVEN IS INDEED JUST AROUND THE CORNER as this means in English, and I do believe that even Cock Robin should be able to find it very soon, and yes a collection of songs coming here with love as usual, and I am sure that Lisa and this song will become a HUGE international hit too, and yes I love the music of ALL of your career, Lisa .

of life, and yes to use darkness as the factor making creation possible. I was told that on turn, we have thrown snow balls after you, and I felt that this is my father and own inner self, and then I received a VERY well known song and after some seconds, I recognised it and yes And through it all she offers me protection, A lot of love and affection, Whether I'm right or wrong, And down the waterfall, Wherever it may take me, I know that life won't break me, When I come to call, she won't forsake me, I'm loving angels instead, and this is of course ANGELS by Robbie Williams one of the most beautiful songs I know of and the angel is my mother protecting me with all of her love whether Im right or wrong, and this is what is the inner of my mother where everything else really doesnt matter at all, Jeff, so let us bring this incredible song too, and let us all sing along on this master piece, and yes I am brought tears here, which is because of the tears of my mother thinking of what I am going through as I understand it and through these tears I feel how light is almost shining through .

No, you have not hidden yourself, and yes this is your mothers evaluation of you, and my aunt Inge is running in her veins again. No, we dont have to stand on the toes of our feet on the milk box anymore (with milk being sufferings of my old nightmare), this is what the dream of the chair at the White House is about, you are everyday news all over the White House. No one at the mental hospital knows about this the official world knowing about me - and no one of the official world has spoken to the hospital about me confirming who I am, and yes the only one managing to stay out of the hospital was me, and it was quite as difficult as expected when the system wanted to lock me up being unable as dictators to look deep inside, and instead I was the problem, which they wanted to lock away, and yes potentially a dangerous man (!!!), and we know, this was to show you a system of people being crazy and not able to listen/understand what should be easy to understand. And here I am given the vision of Anders M. my GEFI manager for a period in 2000/01, and did the Commune speak to him (?), and yes a game it is to discover whom they spoke to? We have not only divided mail with express speed but also done the unthinkable to extend time itself to bring out my own inner self after saving the world, and yes to avoid bringing sufferings to man when exploding my darkness. And you can do the calculations of the accounts of how impossible/difficult it is to reach the family tree (how much it would take out of me/the world), and then you can add how much it takes to save myself too with the world of the spirit of my mother helping me, and what is the result (?), and yes it cannot be done, but that is only if you think that you cannot, because when you dont know that it is, and have decided not to give up fearing my old nightmare and natural destruction as the consequence, this is what makes the impossible possible, and this is really the recipe

I was told that Obama was afraid of me getting arrested by the Danish authorities, and also that he could see this through his IT system set up by the American Intelligence. We might first get out of the battle ship tomorrow, Stig, and yes this is what we will use the reactions/feelings of the White House to help us doing, and that is because of the darkness you crazy dogs will bring me, and yes you might want to check the link my friends seeing what I really, really want and bring you when changing you from crazy to diamond - and yes Spice Girls too bringing the link to the zigazig you know, which is where it all started, and we are full of good links really (yes this is leading you to good links if you search for it), and this is leading to the fish of me, got it (?), and yes this is not that bad at all as they say in Jutland, remember Morten J. when we said this at a GE course in London (?), and yes thats why! And all of this music is of course the climax of love of God coming to all of you. I was told is this strong enough to throw down a sitting world government and understood that it is, and yes the power of God and light almost shining through that is, and with this I was told that there is truly a sitting SECRET world government in place working on the transition to your new power generation, but NO; money dont matter tonight, which is to say pack up your old clothes and go home, I have other plans for you and that is because I am going to bring DIAMONDS AND PEARLS OF LOVE to you and a completely different power generation compared to what you thought.

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D to the I to the A to the M, O to the N to the D to the pearls of love, D to the I to the A to the M (To the M), O to the N to the D to the pearls of love. And I was told that the idea was for this world government to almost come into force and yes visible to the whole world, and believing that it would, and who could have imagined that a poor and strange man from Denmark would ruin your plans (?), and yes of a totalitarian regime build on Capitalism and yes strange experiment it is (?), but you learned from China that this is possible to do, and then it is only to enrol out all over the world, so this is what you are still planning to do (?), but oh no, not any longer, the game is over, my ladies and gentleman, come out from your hiding places and SHOW THE WORLD WHO YOU REALLY, REALLY ARE and I will tell you what I really, really want, and yes FREEDOM (!), see (?), and yes that is right NOTHING WILL HAPPEN TO YOU, you were part of my plan bring creation of eternal life and our New World, which required that we had to fool nothing that it was winning again, when it in fact was losing, but you do see this now dont you? You have not been presented for the supreme court to hear what is possible in relation to me (?), and yes with the law of today, how can we control desperate and potential dangerous lunatics like Stig, or something like this (?), and is this how far you decided to go, and to leave me out in darkness? I tasted cigarette smoke and was told that this is the decisive battle Stig, and yes we know, but you concentrate on hearing Robbie Williams from Knebworth and his all time favourite song Mr. Bojangles and seeing a little in between while writing this, and yes I agree with you, Robbie, this song is incredible good, and fantastic when you sing it, and MAGICAL when Sammy David Jr. sings it and hit the high notes what an incredible voice (!) - and yes it doesnt get any better than this is the feeling I get EVERY TIME when listening to this, and yes MAGIC is what the Diamond of me is about, and just you wait and see my dear world.

We thought that we cannot get him through that piano, but he said bring the piano too, and this is what made it possible. Yes, Stig, this is still about stepping on it or to have the iron in bottom as we say here, and that is to continue bringing out new stories and yes to absorb darkness, and when this is done, you simply say come on, bring me more, and yes when there is no more furniture or pictures behind the piano I just see darkness now what do you do then (?), and yes when there is no more darkness, you are welcome to wake me up as my new self, but if there is, we will continue, and yes this is the crazy attitude I have brought you as you want me to say so this is how it is and yes WE TWO ARE ONE, so this is how we did it. I heard when are you coming to the cottage playing with us (?) and also the answer I cannot get off the chains of my ankles quickly enough but Stig says first when everything is perfect, so we continue work you know. I was told about the healing I received several weeks in a row on Frederiksberg (Copenhagen) in 2010, when I fought to staying alive, and also that we could not help bringing (some of these) healers at the most inner of me, and yes I had reached the absolute low point being inside of here, and they started to not only heal me but to build my new self, so you are going to meet these nice people again not having a clue about the importance of the healing they did to me. My mother says almost with a sigh that there is nothing more that I can kill now, but a voice behind this voice tells and shows me an incredible heavy piano, which will fall down, and just so you are warned, and this may include immense sufferings (?), and yes it cannot be any worse than when Laurel & Hardy removed both the piano and the hat of the professor, can it (?), and here hat is darkness, and professor is really too as Jan Monrad would have said, and in this respect it is to remove darkness of the secret world government, and here is the full movie of Laurel & Hardy, and yes I loved them too.

I was told that you can leave your keys over here, and also that Michael Bundesen has now almost carried out his job. I was told that we cannot change plans now because he, i.e. me, has insisted everything to be perfect for such a long time that this had grown inside everything, and this is light shining through the worst darkness, and yes this is what is opening the world and what the secret world government is seeing coming through, and that is also via the Google Earth pictures as my tool communicating to the world via kind assistance of Jette. Some time after sharing the last of Jettes Google Earth pictures to my Facebook timeline including the summary of bringing down the secret world government and after bringing my birthday greetings to Anders Fogh Rasmussen, I received the feeling of my mothers mother which is God self who told me that the process (of bringing down this world government) has now started, and yes the battleship you know.
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And I was told that this means that all faeces will be let out at once from here, and I dont believe that I can take all of this, so the world will probable also absorb this darkness, and if this is the case, I can only pray that sufferings will be as small as possible, and this is what I have done my best to bring you. And I was told change of air over again, and also that this will bring the first change of air to me because this is about removing the piano imprisoning me behind it, and in this respect I understand that this is about the removal of the last darkness as the cork in the end, and I here feel the old boyfriend (who did not want to commit himself) of the character Carrie Bradshaw of the movie/TV series sex and the city, and no, I see no trouble of the Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt being thrilled about meeting the actor of this character, Sarah Jessica Parker on the street, which many people here have ridiculed, which I simply cannot understand why you can be so
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negative/low, but I do see a PROBLEM with the human attitude, which this series is about, and that is casual sex, which you know is what was destroying the world because this attitude is NOT sustainable with life itself, and this is also a reference to New York being the city of sin, and I also feel a relation to the secret world government, and yes we are coming back to the United Nations, and how much DIRTY WORK (also bringing me sufferings of my old nightmare you know) have you already carried out inside of there to make everything of the transition be as smooth as possible so the world will have no chance to turn back the clock (?), and yes my dear friends, it is TIME for you to STOP ACTING and to play with OPEN CARDS, because this is how I like the game to be played as you understand from my OPEN scripts for everyone to see. I continued receiving the taste of the most delicious baking and fish, and also a constant work pressure until 19.15 bringing me MUCH more work today than I could imagine in my wildest dreams, and yes I just ended this, and later this evening I will publish my scripts of the last two days. And I am still given the feeling of a big dark lump to my right ankle, which I understand is what is going to be released together with this piano, and yes it may run down the steps you know. I was also told about government leaders speaking about our coming New World of darkness but in the corners speaking about me coming to save us all. I was told thank you for not leaving me and this came from the outermost of the Universe from far beyond all life of today, and this is part of my inner self having been everywhere to save everything. And now I need to take a break because I received one of these PHYSICAL visions directly on my LEFT EYE with lots of flicker and COLOURS making it very difficult and even impossible to see what is behind and it includes country flags, happiness, and dictionaries being uploaded to my new self, but first and foremost a long line of country flags as I am told and I see the Swedish flag meaning joy and happiness and hear thank you for coming to save us all, and yes because none of you really want to rule the world as a totalitarian regime, and yes because everybody wants to rule the world and the reality is that these are a bunch of WIMPS, who could not do what it takes to remove me to bring your own rule forward, and yes because of FEAR, so there you have the meaing of TEARS FOR FEARS and this their biggest hit of all. And yes you are allowed to explode the last of my right ankle if this is your LAST option and if this is according to light, and that is even though you have not given me my old nightmare, which I will NEVER accept no matter what, but please continue to do your best to avoid this, and yes this is what you tell me, so this is what we do, and yes I have not given up, and will also work tomorrow.
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Later I was told that this will have to include my old nightmare giving me the feeling that it is impossible to avoid, and I said NEVER (!) please invent something new. I received feedback after people had seen my sharing of the last of Jettes pictures today, see below, and that is because Stig is trustworthy and has always been as people may recall, and when hearing this I was also told that here is another out of this world pain to your right ankle for you, so this is what I received, and yes this late in the game. I was told that peeing into the bowl comes closer and closer. By the way, did you notice Mikkel Hansen hit the post of the goal was it in the semi-finals or maybe even quarter-finals (?), and the ball had so much power that it decided to lift right up to and hit the lamp in the ceiling, and this was simply to say that light if coming to the world, and yes Mikkel has been halfdamaged this World Championships only scoring few goals himself, but he has been a perfect playmaker making the other players shine, and I have been told that this is what I have done myself making the balls for the world via my scripts, and yes leaders of the world etc. have used these to work for me and all of us. I was told that Jack had to give up a big position offered to him in our New World in order to support me, and yes not easy to do. Finally at 21.15 I published the last two days of scripts, and it was with the absolutely last I had after having been bombarded with work/information because of darkness coming to me and life inside of this to be saved, and I had to slow down this work, otherwise I would not have been able to publish today. Darkness kept on coming in and wanted to destruct, but no, my rules have not changed, I will NOT accept this to happen unless you have no other choice, so when there is no explosion, it simply means that we have another choice, and yes to let me continue the play so this is what we do when and if I can. So you have told me not to lose the piano but to bring it with me, and yes of course because this is the only right thing to do. I was told that it was necessary to bring me fear of all of the piano coming at once to hurt not only the world but also myself physically. I received yet again the kill, kill command, which was really more kill me, kill me, and it came together with the strong feeling of Karen, so her misunderstandings of me are so strong that this is what she makes darkness want to do, which is to kill me, and that is really herself. And this is how we are coming down anyway without losing anything, and yes by walking through the door as darkness and to close it from the other side, which we really already have
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done (October 31, remember?), and also expected that you would do as you do now. This is what we have done now after receiving your approval, and now we wait for the dark piano to roll down towards us when the secret world government will give up and then the idea is that we stop this darkness via my suffering to spare the world. I was told that when I did a business plan for the French insurance company Assurdiscount in 2002 which I dont believe exists anymore working at GE Frankonas offices in Copenhagen on a business plan and presenting a summary of it in Paris, it was a condition to continue the game to save the world that it would be accepted in Paris as it was, but later silly/stupid people silly because of my spiritual friends being in good mood turned it down because it was too complicated and you did not want a nerd like me to run this company (?), which was also to show the world wrong decisions of people. I was told that what we do now corresponds to going to the planet of the apes, i.e. the worst darkness, to find a very little coal black bunker inside the jungle full of energy, and I see an elephant of it, and to decide not to blow it up. And it is our invention making it possible not to do this. I was told that we have not been at the Bay of Biscay (France/Spain), and I was told about a lost atomic vessel being hidden from the world, which is also a ticking bomb under the sea risking the break down of the world. No, there will be no scratchings to any pane, and yes it is only me on the other side, and I take on these sufferings because I can, and that is when continuing the game still receiving love of my mother as condition. I was told that the half-loss of Jimi on Facebook shows that we were almost about to lose it. I was told that if I had been together with the beautiful Vicky from the mental hospital in Helsingr, who invited me home, we would also have lost it because it was too late for me to be together with any lady when I had to be pure. Yes, Stig, there is no money here, i.e. energy, meaning that black is almost the same as orange, so we have been playing on fear of the official world as part of the game of the piano hitting them. So it is now up to Anders Fogh Rasmussen see the short stories to make the world give up on its world government, and I was shown my inner self standing on top of the stairs on 1st floor balancing with the piano, and yes is there or isnt there dark energy inside of this piano, which potentially can hurt the world (?), and can I hold it from the world (?), yes that is the game. I forgot to write that my mother also served Asian wok food again yesterday, which I understood was a symbol of Asian supOne God, One People

port in me, and the rest from here should be piece of cake because no one wants a totalitarian world removing freedom of people. So what/who was hidden all the way out there at the end of the Universe, where there is no life (?), and yes my inner self, this is from where I return. Well, she did not receive a drivers license before the end of time (?), and yes you mean Karen (?), and no, she did not and none of them really, and yes Stig, you decided to go through alone without true faith of your closets family mother/John, father/Kirsten, Sanna/Hans and Karen too but you decided that no matter what I have to get through, so this is the road we created for you and yes they will think I am crazy too as my inner self says turning his back telling the part of me not in yet, but this is how he was, he could not get enough and that was to protect the people he knew was making his life a constant misery and killing him. Rasmus T. followed in my footsteps throwing him self in at the most dangerous places in the world because this is what I did. And then we were almost running out of our own form, and yes did it really but wait on the other side and that is to get the form with us. And we did not have to get to the Southern Germany and all the way back here to bring our selves back alive, and yes he decided to accept our new invention, so this is what we do instead. My cinema was not very big, but there is much following me. And then it soon will start to rain down from here. It may feel like the Matrix dissolving, but it is not stop making him afraid says the director smoking here, or darkness and yes bring it on! And you are the closest to throwing up yet, which is what your surroundings are too, and yes now it is midnight, and I cannot and will not work fearing to stay awake tonight, but no, I have decided that I cannot work, so this is how it becomes, and I end the day by receiving a vision of Anders Fogh, my good old friend if you understand such a small one, and yes if it was up to him, you know. The Eurovision Song Contest included our heart of existence and gold of divine creation bringing man your golden shoes This evening also brought the Danish final of the Eurovision Song Contest, and as usual it was very professionally made, however with varying quality of the songs if you ask me, and in the end, the winner became the VERY beautiful song only teardrops by Emmelie I like the flute, drums, verse/lyrics much - and when it was announced, I felt my mother and was told that this is about the teardrops wasted on me because of misunderstandings, and as the lyrics say:

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Tell me, How many times can we win and lose?, How many times can we break the rules between us?, Only teardrops and Lets leave the past behind us, and we know START TO UNDERSTAND AND BY HAPPY instead of the opposite. And as one of the other contestants said about this song: I have to say that my heart opened when I heard it, and I felt the same way. This was the only song, which could win. Before this conclusion of the evening, the show also contained inspired speech, so here are some examples. The three presenters had sent themselves on a task to find out the RECIPE of a winning song of the Eurovision Song Contest, and besides from a good melody and show, they said that a it needs to have something on heart, and this is what they showed here bringing the original big drum from the Danish winning song of 1978 Boom boom by Mabel, and yes to me, this original drum symbolises original life and the heart is love and really survival and everything of me/us, and as Mabel sings, it says boom boom, and knocks as possessed, it hammers and knocks day and night, and that is because of only love you know.

world knowing about me decide to be SILENT, you are bringing me maximum darkness because of what is VERY WRONG of you to do, and yes working directly for the worst darkness bringing full destruction if I was not able to absorb this darkness, but not as in full termination you know, but destruction of part of us until everything would be resurrected in our New World. And finally, Kato, who was the symbol of the black dog this evening said at the end of the show here that I am excited to see how the hall and the TV-viewers receive my votes, which obviously was because he did not have the popular winning song as his favourite, and a little later, Louise asked him well Kato, do you dare to continue (?) to which he replied it feels as if I am at cross examination right now and also based on my music taste, I feel sure that we have to get someone, who can knock out everyone up in Sweden, and again, this is what darkness of silence does to me, to knock me out (lack of sleep, negative voice of the Devil tormenting me etc.), and even though this is VERY WRONG of you to do, it is actually right to do in this game, and what we had expected that the world generally would do, and yes we are now at the end of January 2013, and the news of me has still not reached the mainstream world, which is why we are still playing with a chance to end the game saving the world from most sufferings, which you otherwise would have been given. Here, the former national football player of Denmark, Flemming Poulsen, who was part of the 1992-team winning the European Championships in Sweden, was asked by Sofie if he had something he could add to the recipe of winning the Eurovision Song Contest, and sure he had, he had brought the GOLD MEDAL from 1992, which he always carries close to my heart as he said, and he gave this as inspiration for the Danish winners, who will represent Denmark in the European final in May, and you do know that GOLD is creation, so this song contest was really telling you the story of how to put together ingredients to win a song contest, and you need to have a good song/show and yes a heart of gold, and that is about divine creation and to receive all love of God, which I herewith bring you, and this is really said to me from the part of my inner self still on his way out of darkness. And hereafter, all three girls attacked Flemming and kissed him all over, and this is the man bringing the gold, which is to show you the love of man I will meet because I brought the finest gold of creation to everyone.

The recipe to win the Eurovision Song Contest includes to have something on heart symbolising our heart of existence and the coming of original life The Danish musician/producer Kato was part of the jury this evening, and here he was asked what the artists had to do to receive his votes, and he answered with inspiration to me, this is much about this magical moment, where the whole hall and whole Denmark receive the shiver, and this is of course what we hope one will do, or maybe even more will do this evening, I dont want to say if I have received it yet, and this made the host Louise ask I was almost asking you if your hair was about to rise, and yes this was a funny thing to ask a bald man (!), and he replied with a laugh I dont want to say yet, and to me this is about the magical moment coming of our New World, and Kato did not want to say anything, which is about his knowledge of me, and yes the music industry knows, and this is at least what I am told and this shows too, and yes SILENCE you know. And later here, he spoke about full destroy, and he really meant it to encourage people at home to vote on their favourite song, but this is how it turned out and it should be obvious to everyone that the meaning of this is that when the
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The winning recipe also includes a heart of gold with gold symbolising divine creation and love of God

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The three-time former winners of the Danish contest, Kirsten & Sren, was interviewed and Kirsten said that at the European final in 1988, when she was pregnant (three weeks from giving birth), maybe I could have given birth on the stage, but it would probably not have been very delicious, and this was really to say that if I decided to bring birth to my new self before time had run out, it would not have been very delicious to the world with the last of darkness exploding as a result, and yes det lige det jeg gr og tnker p (this is exactly what I am thinking on), and that is in case sku du sprge fra nogen (if you should ask from someone). The previous winner Anne Herdorph was here asked what she should have done to have won the European final, and she said I should have tied up Johnny Logan to his chair at his hotel room, and this was also given to you from above, Anne, and this is to say that you belong to darkness having tied me up at my hotel, and yes this is what I am still working on, and that is to untie me self from darkness, which is really to continue working to spread faith in me. Jrgen Mylius was also part of the jury, and he said about the winning song that I almost thought that when the panpipe came, Roger Whittaker would enter the stage, and you do know that Roger is also a special friend of mine yes, a white man coming from Kenya and I wonder if it was a new world in the morning you were thinking of, Jrgen (?), and at least this includes a panpipe, and as Roger sings Everybody talks about a new world in the morning and it does take so long as he also sings, but one day soon it is here, and then you will forget about all of your troubles and sadness of all time, which is also a message here given by my mother to me. And when writing this about Jrgen, I was shown boots of a Western film symbolising darkness, and given yet another out of this world pain to my right ankle, so this is what silence is bringing me, and that is building stones of darkness here turning even more parts of me around. The show had decided to ask three former winners of the Eurovision Song Contest of the recipe to win, and I was VERY happy to see that they had also invited them to come and play their well-known and yes VERY POPULAR previous winner songs, and first up was Brotherhood of Man playing their WONDERFUL I feel John Cleese here, and yes say cheese, Cleese and smile - winning song from 1976 save all your kisses for me, and LISTEN TO THE ROAR OF THE AUDIENCE OF HAPPINESS when hearing this, and now I understand better why I was given this song was it 1-2 weeks ago? AND OF COURSE (!), they had also invited Herreys from Sweden to come and play their 1984 winning song Diggy-loo diggy-ley, and as I have written about MANY MONTHS ago, this is truly an INSPIRED song about what we are now almost about to discover, which is our GOLDEN AGE coming where everyone will receive their new GOLDEN SHOES of life lifting everyone up to

receive cosmic consciousness, and as the Swedish brothers sing: I have visions for millions, Golden shoes for you and happiness is a fact Diggy-loo diggy-ley, the sky was opening up, You hardly believe your eyes, Oh... and I almost begin to fly, In my golden shoes Oh... I'd like to wish, For everyone golden shoes And just how happy do you believe it made me to hear and see this again (?), and also to see the audience going absolutely crazy hearing this song, and yes from our neighbour country, which is something very special here .

Sofie borrowed the golden shoes from Herreys symbolising the final creation of God bringing everyone their final life of everything opening up and making everything possible Finally, they had also invited Johnny Logan to come and play his 1987 winning song hold me now, which is whey Jette was inspired to play him also 1-2 weeks ago (?) and as he suddenly said in Danish during the song Jeg elsker allesammen (I love everyone), and when he said this, I was given the feeling of Eddie Skolller, and told that this is about what we learned in school and yes that is to LOVE YOU ALL, which we will in our New World, which was impossible to say for many of the Old World, and WONDERFUL it is this song too . --And when writing this chapter, I was told that you would like to read my chapter on your inspired show (?), and this goes to those of the hosts, participants and DR TV knowing about me, and yes this was my vote, and you did fine with the show, and WRONG with your silent behaviour, but LOVE OVER GOLD it really was, and yes we have saved this song all throughout the writing of this chapter so tell you about my love of man, so here it came anyway. Google Earth shows the arrival of the Creator and light of God/our New World shining through

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Jettes Google Earth pictures of her Facebook group show a SPECIAL tall lady, dancing queens celebrating our New World, rough sea and tall waves (of sufferings), strength of having South America in one arm, the arrival of the Creator, another VERY TALL lady, the light of God and our New World shining through including the story of my new self already having been brought out of the taxi meaning that for now I am hidden to the world (and my self for that matter).

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January 2013 I shared Jettes picture above on my Facebook timeline and also brought these two extra comments.

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which is pain I have to take on and on and on, and that is among others because of darkness of you, Dan, and yes to cross and bring your piano too, and finest shoes is to say that this is still about creating the finest life, and I feel Karen here, and no I have not written about what I was told a couple of weeks ago about you and Karen meeting at the new nightclub in Rungsted Harbour (?), and if the two of you did as I was told you did, this also brought me much sufferings, and I was told that this was also the only way that Karen could get to the hairdresser, and yes reaching me through Dan, and of course through the worst darkness of them both.

--Ending the day with these short stories: Dan was in the mood to rhyme today saying that when the Danish part of the Eurovision Song Contest is finished this evening and when you have had your coffee, he will play up to dance at Madam Sprunck, which is a nightclub here in Helsingr maybe I should go and say hello to you, Dan (?), but no, it will have to wait until I feel better, but I could do it if I wanted to and he ended by saying come and feel the rhythm of the music and dance like the nun and monk, and yes, Dan, where do you get it from (?), and yes from OUT OF THE BLUE of course, and what is it about (?), and we know, it is of course about the joy and happiness of my mother and father as the nun and monk celebrating, and it is indeed poetry at its highest level as Jens said with a glimpse in his eye, and yes just the way that I like it in fact, and because it rhymed in Danish, Frank said that he wanted to kick Dan in the testicle (!), and this made Dan ask if he just wanted to kick him in one testicle (?), and yes this is because this is what rhymed, and Frank said that it indeed was and also how precisely he kicks when wearing his finest shoes, and yes it may sound as volapk to you, but yesterday I had pain to my left and only my left testicle,

And Mia was funny when she said that this is pretty good by a man on 73! Maybe one should drop by with a plum in Madeira, and isnt it wonderful that she should mention Madeira here as a reference to my cousin Jan living on Madeira (?), and this is to say that darkness sent by Jan helped to make me a wonderful thing, baby and that is because I decided to take it on by continuing to have more marzipan, and yes we know symbolising to never give up, and this is really the main ingredient together with Madeira of these chocolates. And Dan does not know that he is a poet, so surprise he will become too
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Some time after I had included Prince and the story of money dont matter tonight in my script of today, Anders, the previous Prime Minister of Denmark and present Secretary General of NATO, was inspired to write this on his 60th birthday including the words that age doesnt matter, and this seems to be a theme of the script today, and I understood that Anders has got to be involved in the thinking and planning (?) of the evil New World, and this was the feeling given to me, so I gave him my greetings too thinking that he will understand this symbolic language saying that the secret world government will step down, and if you do not, Anders, you are always welcome to read my scripts of course . And when finishing this, I am given heartburn of darkness.

I saw this visitor from Herlev reading my webpage on my father, and I saw that he/she has visited my website three times this month and every time ONLY reading the page on my father (!), and the funny part is that the first visit on January 11 at 22:48 came only a few hours before the first visit of the visitor I showed you and wrote about January 22, who visited my site the first time January 12, 01:32, and to me, this seems that the jungle drums work with what I can only think is my fathers wife Kirstens family reading and gossiping about this site of mine of my father, and this seems to be far too much for you to handle (?), thus sending me MUCH darkness, and maybe an eye opener too (?), but incredible that you cannot read other sites than this.

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I saw this crop circle including a message about a superior degree of consciousness, which made me tell the world that EVERYONE WILL RECEIVE COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS including a profound expansion of consciousness sensing and understanding the whole universe and divine principle of creation.

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And I brought the above comments to my Facebook timeline too including this little song of mine, and little is given here by people walking with very small shoes knowing now that they will have to SHOW THEMSELVES TO THE WORLD as they are, and yes your feeling will change from small of the Old World to BIG of our New World .

When I visited my mother yesterday, she gave me 20 DKK on the way out the door saying that I could buy two packages of butter on sale in the Netto supermarket, and I thought that it was funny that she gave me 20 DKK for this sometimes she gives me maybe 50, 100 or 150 DKK and the answer came here when Kenneth said that he had hard butter from the refrigerator, and he wanted to soften it, so he put it inside his microwave oven (!), and forgot a little bit about it (!), which of course melted the butter, and this is a planted story about melted butter, which is the opposite of creation, so this is showing you that my inner self is being de-constructed, and yes I know because I write this tomorrow, when I was told about this. Even Daniel could bring the news that Capitalism has crashed and that is of course totalitarian capitalism of the secret world government, so DO YOU GET IT BY NOW, and yes this is a BIG LUMP to swallow, but when you do, this is bringing the New World free .
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28. The window of our New World has opened with the light of our new creation gradually shining through
1. SUBJECT 27th January: My journey and time will end opening for an endless line of New Worlds when I soon will give up the game SUMMARY Dreaming of suffering much being inside nothingness to save the part of my inner self here, there is only an empty shell of darkness remaining, darkness treating me wrongly also coming from my family, and can I bring in everything before the end of time (and here feeling Peter Kr). This last part of me inside darkness was split up in a part of life without content and content without life to be carried out with me as the Zombie living without living (!) doing it. We already have countless number of editions of me of New Worlds being created, and now we are receiving even more from even finer potential life inside of this nothingness. Turkey and their inability to read and understand were a card of darkness designed to help destructing (parts of) the world, and Britain read me without wanting to understand because of their STRONG and WRONG voice, which made them the worst sinners bringing me darkness to terminate the world and also to help me build the New World! This afternoon it was time for Denmark to win the World Championships in handball as everyone knew that they would/could being the strongest team, but they were playing against Spain in Spain, which symbolises the worst darkness on its home ground, which again is ALL CONDENSED DARKNESS of my family, friends etc., thus the world, playing against me, which is much stronger than I, and this was the explanation to what else was a mystery of how Denmark could collectively break down catastrophically losing with as much as 35 to 19, which is really also to show you the power of God changing the performance of even the best team from the best in the world to the most catastrophic, which can be from day to day or half to half. However, the game continues because I am still bringing in more life of this darkness still scoring goals. But I am coming to the end where time and the game will end when I will stop scoring and cannot no longer breath/survive, which will make God/my inner self pull me up the last few steps to the top of everything of an endless line of worlds/editions of me, where I really already am, and again I am playing this game pretending to be the Old World taking on sufferings in order to save the physical world from pain when opening to our New World. Jettes Google Earth pictures from her Facebook group show the Pearly gate to Heaven, the painted lady in Gold, a lady stands behind me, dressed for coldness/success, handing over the keys again, caretaking, what will happen now (?), many grey of strong darkness, and a pearl with a prince. Short stories of Kenneth dreaming of God, we continue to go west, Scribd shows more terminations, Margrethe Vestager was one of the finest servants of darkness, Mads again shows you that we was working for darkness to end the world, Dan shows our connection again via his inspiration, Soulaima taught people not to misunderstand but to look deep inside and I taught Soulaima to THINK when she was wrong, nobody REALLY wants to hold my hand, we are coming to the end and Deutschland, Deutschland ber alles, the world saw me screaming because of darkness attacking me and did NOTHING (!), Berlusconi showed himself as a Fascist and the WORST darkness, the SAGA workgroup decided to damn God, and many deaths of a nightclub fire in Brazil symbolises terminations of darkness. Dreaming of darkness of the world trying to stop me from lifting up the world and catching more of the WORST darkness of all.


28th January: The window of our New World has opened with the light of our new creation gradually shining through

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I continued playing the game receiving yet another layer of nothing going through me and I received several small heart attacks and felt how they were on their way to become stronger to kill me if it was not for the Source keeping me alive. The wine cork of our New World has cracked open, and our new piano is now gradually coming out. We have shaved everything off and now the roof of our new house is lifting off with my self, thus the world, being pulled up to the top level of God and our New World. Jettes pictures from her Facebook group shows granny of God in a hurry to save as much life inside of darkness as possible, the window coming up through the Earth opening for our New World (!), I am still absorbing destructive darkness of man, greeting from upstairs, much darkness everywhere, light over Australia (and silence of the world), massive attack of darkness bringing a teardrop (all sufferings of all life of all time brought creation, and you do remember the title of the song winning the Danish part of the Eurovision Song Contest the other day?), and more darkness is hiding.. Short stories of the recipe of perfect eggs/creation, there will be NO STATE to guarantee for businesses of our New World, I ask the business world ALSO to PUT ALL CARDS ON THE TABLE, if you remove the business climate of our New World, you will remove foundation of life itself, Helena wants to be lifted up. him to visit the youth hostel, which he does, but instead of being cheap, which was the reason for recommending it, I see how the taxi driver is being asked to pay 370 DKK from a lady of the hotel complaining loudly. o The taxi is still about my arrival, and I want to sleep almost more than anything else and that is REALLY to sleep without being tired from light sleep and this is about darkness treating me wrongly and asking for money, i.e. energy, but no, we stopped that a long time ago. I am at a hotel and my mother, Sanna and Tobias have said that they want to come for a visit tomorrow morning, which I dont like much because I have much to do and only little time. The view is fine. o This dream also included strong sexual references, and this is about what my family sends me, and yes I have much to do before the end of time, and can we bring in everything before we will have to stop time? I meet my old school friend Allan at the harbour of Helsingr. I have just thrown out the last coffee into the harbour, and did not see that I was almost hitting a man in a small rubber boat beneath. And I am surprised to see that the Internet of my telephone is working again with my old provider. o I have always had cold coffee in my cup, which I have had to throw out, and yes I now understand that this means to say goodbye to warm feelings/love, which will have to be part of life, which we cannot save, and that is theoretically at least because all terminations will be resurrected if not now, then in our New World. For approx. two years, I have only used my telephone as a telephone without connection to the Internet to save money, and when I here get contact to the Internet

27 January: My journey and time will end opening for an endless line of New Worlds when I soon will give up the game
Dreaming of suffering much being inside nothingness to save the part of my inner self here I went to bed after midnight and slept until 08.00 so darkness of the official world did not keep me up, and I had also said that I could not have stayed up, and had I been asked to do this, I would probably have turned this down for the first time on my journey, this is how exhausted I felt - receiving these dreams. I have been collected by someone invading me, and I am driving with him and two others, and I ask them to drive nicely, but instead they drive in Copenhagen with an insane speech, which is directly uncomfortable. o I was told that not before now I am in nothingness, and the currency is called wet as in sufferings and there is nothing and no life here but me. I see how Niels de Bang has received a budget forecast from the Life & Pension division of his company, and together with his general division, he has put together the whole forecast of the company, and when I look at the numbers, I see that there is absolutely nothing behind it, which is no details of how to achieve the budget, which is taken from out of the blue, and later I see Niels driving up in a lift, and he is cheated standing on the top of the lift trying to reach another floor, which he cannot reach. o This is about the frame of darkness, which is completely empty inside, and yes thanks to my spiritual friends explaining the dream to me when I wrote it down above. I meet a taxi at Helsingr Station, and the driver asks me where it is possible to sleep 3-4 hours, and I recommend
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again, it may mean to get contact to EVERYTHING of our Old World. The last part of my inner self is split up in life without content and content without life to set me free I was told that we would have had to say goodbye to this part of life of me making me think that I would never see this again. It corresponds to losing a large portion of punched cards into the freezer, which is about potential life from way back before our world at this nothingness. You have not burned the family tree have you (?) (this part of me), no no, I am coming out because this is what him there, i.e. me, believes in. We were almost meeting each other and yes on our way in or out, me going home and you coming out to get me, and I understood this as my inner self and physical self. You have not even been to South Germany, but this is how it feels like, yes the effect of my invention saving myself. This is what that pump was needed for, to bring you out. You already prepared this in Lyngby, and I was shown a beautiful farm from the old city of Lyngby. The spirit of my mother told me that she, i.e. the world, was dripping of blood to help my inner self start moving. It will not be so tough from here even if you work less and this was said because this morning I had the feeling that I cannot stand more work, the disgust is especially strong in the morning as this. We are handing over school bags as our passport to enter, and this is darkness, which we had to cross to make life a reality at this part of the Universe not having life. I heard legalise hash (!) and then no, I am a harbour worker, which is about the conflict of darkness disturbing life on its way in. We do our best not to spill cream on you. This is not an exaggerated strong motorcycle, and yes Stig, your mother is all the way up here to receive you, and as I understand this, it includes temporary terminations, but what do you do when words are not enough (?), and yes it is to let the love light carry. Are we going through that gate (?), and that and that and that too in order to come home (?), and yes Stig, no one is going to believe that the love between your mother and you are strong enough to make this last, and yes to come through without hurting yourself and the world, and yes we found a way to minimise sacrifices and that is on our way home, and I here feel
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Anders Fogh again, and are you as efficient as you have always been, Anders (?), and yes to help us on this day to bring down not the EU flag full of stars on a blue background, which also could have been the star of Mercedes yes the world industry is part of the plans of the totalitarian new world government but the flag of the evil New World itself (?), and yes this is what I put my trust in. Now it is your chance, your big time has come, and no not easy to put the message forward to the world to say that we have lost to God, but this is what I do with a trembling hand as I am told here, and yes this is written while I speak these words. Cant we get a new duvet (?), and yes Stig, we are looking directly into it, and this is from the viewpoint of the worst darkness, which is also to say that the world can look right in to the light of our New World opening, which is what it also sees via Jettes Google Earth pictures included in my scripts, and yes thats very smart as Frede would have said in hit first, Frede and yes to use the knife of darkness to open the orange of God . So you dont wear a tie at all (?), and yes this is what he allowed me to do, and that is to split up in two with one part of life without anything and the other part as everything without life, and we thought that he is used to be a Zombie, so why not being able to take on this too, so this is how we are coming in, and yes bringing both life and the piano box surrounding it. Yes, we had replaced all of Egypt with a Python snake in order to get her, and that is to say that darkness was the only mean powerful enough to bring us all the way home. And then we will simply take on the night clothes and walk (?), and yes night clothes as in Zombie, and yes with your permission, Stig, this is what we (continue) to do. We cannot count all numbers of editions of you, whom we have already given birth to via New Worlds, but here comes a bunch of I dont know how many else and that is of potential yous of even finer quality, where we however were not able to make life grow, and that is before now, and yes Stig, this is also what you are bringing home now, and I received more praise for doing this, and yes I only continue working on my scripts, so it is you doing the magic, and I am just a writer really. And this is part of what we told you to be careful about before, but not now (?), and yes you really dont care, I just keep on working taking as long as it takes, and if that includes February, we will do that too, and yes if I can and if it is needed. I was told that if I had decided to accept my old nightmare to be carried out, it would have felt as the end of the world coming to me and probably to the world too and feeling Jesper Langberg here but in fact it would only have been a smaller part of me as the spirit of my mother says, and this would be resurrected afterwards in our New World, so dont you want

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me to do this now (?) as darkness asks, and no, NEVER (!) and that is because it is WRONG, therefore. You were at the World Cup in football in Germany in 2006 to initiate a network of these football players too, and here I feel the new Danish X-factor judge, Ida Corr, being overwhelmed. So we dont really have a license anymore, are that is not living but it really doesnt matter, and yes because of the world government coming to its senses, which is bringing as much darkness that it makes this possible. I was told how my sister is thinking of me because I did a Facebook update bringing the Brotherhood of man song this morning and I was told that the darkness I am going through now also comes from inside of her! He does not bother to play I have bought a guitar of 85 does he (?), and yes because of how utterly and completely broken down he is/I am, and yes Michael Bundesen is still working inside of here, Stig, and it has got to be celebrated with a proper bang really . I was told about Jill K., Vivians mother, and also about Vivian having spoken to her about me and he was such a nice young man, and yes I have received much darkness/resistance, also coming from here. I was told that we did not believe you would have the courage to walk right in with all of us to get out your most dirty laundry of all, but this is what we are bringing out now, and that is simply because you have decided to continue working also today, and I receive some of these layers of darkness as very uncomfortable physical pain given to my body at different places. And this part is going to Germany you say (?), and yes we take the direct road to Germany and that is because there is not much pee over him, i.e. me, as I was told. We almost do not dare speak to you about anything is also a feeling coming directly here from darkness, which is about my family when they tried to CORRECT me instead of just listening to and understanding me (on my website/scripts that is, not in general), which made me tell them straight out the truth, and so much that they became scared of me, and as you know, there was nothing to be scared about other than yourselves because all it took was for you to LISTEN and UNDERSTAND instead of question and resist me wrongly. Did you never see the Germany-match (?), and yes the TRUE fight on losing or winning and yes everything, which we would have played for you, and no, he decided that he did not want to lose, so we never got this far, and that is in the game you know. And this would include for you to go without pants/underpants and being told that Turkey lost, which it was very close doing difficult for you to LISTEN/READ and UNDERSTAND my Turkish friends (?), and yes not very much TURKISH DELIGHT over you in relation to me (?) and would you like to hear more
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about what would have happened in this fight (?), and yes I receive questions like this from time to time trying to trick me into saying no, I dont want to listen to you, which I however will not be tempted to do, because this would be wrong, and this is also to say that Turkey thought that I was a dictator, and you did not realise that I had to be strong on you as darkness, but I am NOT a dictator but the opposite when I give you FULL FREEDOM in our New World and yes HAVE YOU GOT IT BY NOW (?), OR DO YOU WANT ME TO REPEAT THE SAME MESSAGE OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN ALSO FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND? This would make my mother hit her own clothes so hard that it would make us lose part of existence/life itself, this is how it was thought of, and yes Turkey being one of the worst cards of darkness played out against me, but I am sure that you would like to wake up too in our New World and NOT to die/terminate (?), and was this the fear, which finally made you decide to jump on board too? No, you really cannot get a guitar of 85, and it has to be used at least, and then maybe you can, but what you tell us is to bring in the finest marble too from here, and yes be careful not to waste this, Stig, because this is truly the final station before lifting you up, and yes God is at the end of the Universe, and we are going from STATION TO STATION to reach home. And you did not even have to give him the slightest sexual services (I changed the wording of this), and no, he denied to let it happen. We are looking directly into the clear crystals of light, as I was shown too. England has been with you since the story of the belly dancer (I put my hands on her, and it made her neck physically move/get back in order, and wrote about this a long time ago, I believe), but still they could not believe in me, which is quite impressive and yes to have such strong character that you could not believe in me? And afterwards I was shown a nuclear weapon flying in my direction ready to hit me and explode, and yes Britain is the worst sinner in this connection, and yes bringing darkness to me potentially exploding/terminating the world. I was told about darkness of Geneva also being part of life now being uploaded to me and believe it or not we also influenced NATO, when you were in Geneva in 2009, and yes I did not write about this yesterday when I was told that same because the head office of Geneva is in Brussels, but you may have an arm or two in Geneva? No, your mother is not a form white bread (a popular white bread here), but the most delicious Danish pastry you can imagine. First at 15.30 I had written the rest of the script of yesterday it took hours to write the chapter on the Eurovision Song Contest
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having to see/hear all of the show once more and published it, and in-between I received speech of the script today, which I am now editing here at 17.20. I was told about Synnve Se and mental problems given to her already when she was a child and that was to being able to support you if the world would have judged you as crazy, and yes, she was, but for no use at all, so sorry about doing that Synnve, but we did not know that it was unnecessary, but you were on the sideline all of the time, and yes I have been told about Synnve before, and that goes several years back. So leaving this place would be to leave the piano, which is part of me behind, and no, I will accept NO LOSSES. And if you did not, you would allow me to start chopping directly into the wood of me I am here shown an axe chopping directly into me and I am given the feeling that God of me would stop this (?), and even so, it is better to be on the safe side, and here feeling Johnny Madsen, and you may feel that it is out of the season to speak about me publicly? There is life of God out here but not man and you, so in reality there is only you and I here, which is about being nothing of God. I was given the feeling of the short road between Falck in Lyngby and Lyngby Shopping Centre, which also includes the Job Centre of the Commune, and I was told that Falck are still busy putting a pressure on Lyngby-Taarbk Commune in order to do something about my writings on them (!), and can they ask Helsingr Commune to delete my Falck memo (?), and yes dont be surprised about how mean people who cannot understand really are, and I was told that this is also what Soulaimas and Dans Facebook postings of today are about, see the short stories, and that is to look deep within yourself and yes to see what you were, which this is really about as the voice tells me from the New World! Denmark suffered a catastrophic loss in handball to the most condensed darkness of Spain on its home soil I watched handball from 16.00 to 19.30, quickly commented Jettes pictures below because I had to not to make pictures older than one day, and I stopped working at 20.20 with severe disgust, I simply could not continue working even though I had much more to do not having written the short stories yet and more, but this will have to be tomorrow morning, where I am now finalising the script of today, so here we go. So now it was time for Denmark to win the World Championships in handball, which everyone knew that Denmark had to because everyone had seen that they were the best team, and yes they won by 30 to 24 over Croatia in great style, who yesterday defeated Slovenia in the bronze match by 31 to 26, and Spain had only be able to defeat Slovenia by 26 to 22 in the semi-finals, and furthermore, Denmark had won over Spain the last four times, so this was almost sure and yes Denmark should run them over with the fantastic defence and quick attack, and of course they were much quicker than the Spanish
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players, right (?), but no, this is not how it was supposed to be, because this was to play Spain on Spains homeground (Spain was the home of darkness you remember, thus the old evil spirit of Denmark in football), and in other words this is a symbol of my fight being alone inside of darkness trying to defeat it on its homeground, and this darkness is the small bunker inside the jungle of the planet of darkness as I showed you yesterday, I believe, and it includes ALL resistance, misunderstandings and lack of faith in me from family, friends, ex-colleagues, the official system and the world, and this is what I was fighting alone, and the question from the beginning was if I could win this one and if God would come and help (?), but no, you saw it, I could not win, the most concentrated darkness was simply too strong, and what about God ? It did not take long before one of the commentators on TV2 said that now our own medicine is injected directly into our blood, which was when Spain simply ran us over, and this is the darkness running in my blood, the darkness of my family, friends etc., thus the world, and the commentator said at the end of 1st half when Denmark was behind with 8 goals (!!! that det er en omer (it is a redo), and this is of course the slogan of Danish Tuborg beer commercials, and the meaning in the commercials is about a man, who cannot do the right commercials, but it is really inspired and means it is a redo in connection with life and that is if we had to terminate life once again to redo everything from scratch and I was shown digital scratching to faces of players on my TV also meaning terminations - and this is the power of darkness of Spain coming against us, and yes this the last and most concentrated is impossible to win over, but as you know it will not mean the end of the world by now, only to say that I cannot defeat this without the help of the world and God. At the half I was asked if God will use the spirit of my mother, i.e. the world, to help us come through the hardest nut of all as I was told, and Brian gives a pretty good impression of the mood half time in Denmark when he wrote that he likes that Denmark give Spain so many chances to be a little ahead, which only makes the ending even more exciting when enthusiasm will show when they will take over, and he was almost peeing in his pants of excitement, and yes peeing means destruction as darkness of Spain does too, - here feeling Sren Rasted from Aqua - and yes today it was the opposite roles with the road runner of Spain running from the Coyote of Denmark but you know, this is ONLY in the centre of Barcelona we speak of with the rest of the world already being light having run from Spain.

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I have told you about some of them in my scripts, so this was your role, Morten, and this was the darkness being released today. And I was told that all of this darkness I have gone through for weeks is because of lack of faith of my old school friend Sren D. N. in me, so this is his importance. Finally, Denmark lost in disgrace by 35 to 19, and yes this was the best coach in the world, Ulrik Wilbek, who shortly afterwards said that he did not know what happened, and yes EVERYTHING went wrong, the players lost concentration, the will to fight and did not keep agreed tactics, and how could everyone have such an off-day when everyone knew that they were the best (?), and yes a total mystery it was (?), and as you have guessed, this is the power of God, and you have seen how strong he makes players when being on their side, and how weak he can make the same players the day after, and even in the same match as you remember from the match against Hungary when Denmark was ahead by 7 goals half time and only just won at the end, and yes this should be strong enough for everyone to understand, and that is if you want to understand? And Ulrik felt too weak/poor to meet the media after this defeat, so he decided to run away as he also did at the Olympics (taking 14 days to recover) receiving MUCH criticism, and yes are you indeed the best coach in the world, Ulrik (?) not necessarily having the best team in the world (?) - or do you believe that luck and the will of God also had importance (?), and are you able to control your negative feelings and impatience yourself (?), and yes just wondering I am And Brian was hanging with his beak as we say here when receiving this slap in the face, and yes then the only thing you can do is to show the other side, so this is what we will do also with this, and he concluded at the end of the match that it is uphill to say the least and also that the Smurfs apparently on another TV channel is quite exciting (people did not want to watch this humiliation of the Danish team the same way as darkness humiliated me really, and I also did not see the second half, only heard it) and he said at least they are blue, and this is certainly what we are including this last darkness too! And Henrik asked why he was thinking of the old Danish racing cyclist Jesper Skibby when he was once asked at the Tour de France about how he would deal with the Pyrenees, and he said that the best would probably be if they vanished during the night, and yes I also loved Jaspers humour, and here it is to say that the last of the mountain of my sufferings will soon vanish. I was asked if we can put our shopping bags here (?), and yes you are welcome, and I was told that even though darkness here is much stronger than I, we are still saving out some. And despite of darkness also coming against me when watching this, I kept on saying that nothing will be destroyed, and I was given a cracking sound to my kitchen (of God) and was told that not a knot is destroyed and you are allowed to enter anyway. Watching Denmark being run over, which continued almost even stronger in the second half, was also an eye opener to me showing me that I could not come through this without receiving help from the world of my mother and from the Source. I was told that darkness from A2B the job search course I visited in Gladsaxe in the beginning of 2010 which we never was released entirely from (I was told that this is especially coming from Olive, who was not convinced about me), has been hidden and grown stronger, and today works through my mother and from her to my father. And later I was told not to mentioned David and it continued when I received examples of one after the other of family, friends, colleagues and system, and yes the darkness inside the most concentrated nut of everything, which I am here fighting. And I am only doing this fight because of the love of my mother supporting me, and if I did not have this, we would never have made it to here. I was told that Morten Stig Christensen the chairman of the Danish handball federation, previous manager of the sport news on TV2, and a star handball player in his time dismissed Jrn Mader as TV2 commentator on the Tour de France transmission after 14 years because of drinking problems and that is without giving him a chance and despite of Mader being loved by most of the population watching Tour de France, and that Morten Stig is darkness self working inside this handball federation, and yes you have seen scandals over recent years, where
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posite deciding to challenge darkness with give me the best you got. During the evening I received the feeling of many knowing about me (?), for example Anja Andersen, Helge Adam Mller and yes several others, whom I did not write down. I was told that we are now on the border of you can come out now, and we are really not on your TV channel, but on the new, so why have we not changed over yet (?), and yes to avoid destructions/sufferings of the physical world when burning off remaining darkness. I was told that I did not move the ringing bell from my old to my new bicycle meaning that I cannot pass this darkness, and I was reminded that I decide myself when we will close this (old) cinema, and yes when there is no more darkness, or when I cannot no more. Is it with Berlusconi see the short stories as the worst darkness of all that we will now close? And how does it make you feel, Spain (?), that you only won because of the help of darkness making you win? My journey and time will end opening for an endless line of New Worlds when I soon will give up the game I was told that we are trying to say that even though everything is dark here, everything is also blue (the colour of my new self), and it only has to do with set up, and I was giving the thought of the dream of birds bringing me darkness the other day, and yes birds are normally light and freedom, and yes Prince Harry is with me again again. We are now trying ourselves to step down from the top steps here unless you want to come to me (?), and I could only say that perfect is still the goal, and I have not given up walking the last steps. So no new darkness is being produced, and this is what we are going through to get home, and to open everything of me. It this a question on how far back I could move our family tree? After watching TV for some hours before returning to the computer to write my short comments to Jettes pictures below, my sufferings were reduced negative voice/feelings reduced and I was shown God/my self on his way down the stairs, and when I decided to walk right back to my computer are the Brothers Olsen here too (?), yes thinking of you everytime when writing these words I was given far more sufferings again, and yes this is how it is with pain given to me when doing the right thing, but no, this has NEVER influenced me, but really the opI was shown the Little Mermaid and a large fish inside a small bag and the fish cannot breath, and I was told that it will die if we dont change now, so this is why we are on the border, and all I could say was that det styrer I bare (you control this entirely) as Lars G. always used to say. And again, darkness wanted to carry out my old nightmare, but no, I will NOT accept this to happen NO MATTER WHAT (!), and you will have to pass this darkness otherwise, and that is if you can. I was told that when I developed the NOA system in Aon in 1995/96 overview of a customers life & pension schemes together with a full insurance tariff and calculation/bonus system including ALL Danish insurance companies (!) this was impossible to do, and I was shown the IT developer, Ole, whom I worked together with, and he did his best, but it was impossible to him to bring out my visions, and I was told that this was also a test I had to pass to save the world, and it was never finalised according to my specifications, but it was introduced with all advisers receiving laptops and transportable printers as the first in Denmark, and this was what it took (!), and yes Niels de Bang took the decision of this investment, and impossible it was to bring him over on my side, but this is what I did. I received a famous song from the 1990s where they sing to the left I cannot remember or find the name of the band now, but American they are so this is the road we are taking. I was shown myself at Piccadilly Circus in London the very centre of London and a yoyo with no more line and also a Joker having no more cards, which was to say that I have reached the very centre of everything, and this darkness is run from our New World, which we can only do because you are here with us, but decided to carry on the old game taking on sufferings to
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save the physical world from sufferings in the transition to the New World. So you are not there at all, but here (!), and the New World is perfect, so you are really living in the past! I was told that there are finished articles of me ready to be printed, but they contain misunderstandings of me, and did you read and understand my text on Berlusconi as example (?), and yes please do as I have told everyone, which is to READ and UNDERSTAND objectively instead of making your own mind up. For a few days and now again I have been given the vision of the old basketball player Flemming Danielsen from Stevnsgade the best player of Denmark ever and I was shown him scoring, and was told that as long that I keep on scoring, we will keep on the game, and when I cannot no more, time is up and we will end the game. I was shown the mountain top of a Tour de France stage, and just on the other side of the top, I am shown the leader in yellow jersey crashing on his way downhill, and it is not only his jersey, which is yellow, everything is yellow, i.e. the colour of my mother, and I was told that the meaning was that when Lance Armstrong went public with his confession, you could no more, but we know, I have taken on some more days, and we will see if I can continue, and I here feel my old self as Jesus as you would imagine him looking like 2,000 years ago on the way to the cross really but no, this is not how you will see me as my new self, where I will show myself as modern to the world, and yes it is a MODERN WORLD right (?), and yes I LOVED this song, and it was really this, which made me become a fan of the Jam, and yes focus on the music and expression of raw energy, which is what I loved about Paul, and not necessarily the lyrics, even though you will be RELEASED from all of the people of today constantly telling you what is RIGHT AND WRONG because you know and they know too - and yes receiving a TRUE mentor when and if you need it that is, and yes listen to the energy of the last 30 seconds of this song, and there is nothing better than this . I was shown and shown that there are no rye bread sandwich and no scrimps remaining, and also that life inside of this darkness, which I have gone through for weeks, have only entered our New World because I went through it also meaning that what remains, will first become part of us after having started our New World also physically. I was shown thin curtains of darkness being removed from a LARGE number of TV screens all over a room, and told that it is about time for us to remove these curtains to show you our new creation, and I was told that I came incredible close, so the question is now if I will come down to get you? I felt my physical father and was told that you dont come through this darkness without him and his darkness with his family apparently going nuts over me and my writings on him
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and I felt how the last darkness of me (feeling Prince Harry here again again (!) was spread out to the outermost of my fingers, which I understood is what it will be in the Universe of our New World. Google Earth show the Pearly gate to Heaven Jettes Google Earth pictures from her Facebook group show the Pearly gate to Heaven, the painted lady in Gold, a lady stands behind me, dressed for coldness/success, handing over the keys again, caretaking, what will happen now (?), many grey of strong darkness, and a pearl with a prince.

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--Ending the day with these short stories: Kenneth said that he dreamt about an elephant being happy about him, and I told him that the elephant is God and that he is a special delegate of God, which he later liked.

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Pet Shop Boys are coming to Denmark again, which made an inspired Michael ask Rikke if they should go west again, and yes this is about the West END girls you know with end being the end of the game .

When I saw this update from the Economy Minister, I was told that Margrethe has seen and knows that we are about to end time, and if you knew my symbols better, Margrethe, you would probably not have published this innocent posting with the headline of the poster saying let your restrains lose, and she believed that eating a cookie is a wildness, which Danes can overview, and what she did not know is that cookie means creation and milk is about my old nightmare, which is really destructive darkness as the building stone to create the cookie, and yes so it is, and in this respect, Margrethe, you were one of the finest servants of darkness bringing me sufferings of this darkness because of your better-knowing will and attitude working on behalf of the Old World. Scribd shows even more days of apparently no visitors, which is the old code meaning terminations, so there is life I am not saving these days because of the strength of darkness, hence the handball match against Spain.

Mads is a funny man, but a man truly infected by darkness and here he said Then the Lord told Satan: Now you will get the power over all that he owns, but you cannot reach the hand out to himself. And finally I want that his

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sufferings will be to give him a Nupo-diet, and I wonder who he is here, Mads (?), but nevertheless, this is what your game was about, which was to hand over the power from the Lord to Satan, which would have brought the end of the world, but you did not believe in that? This is to show you how close Dan and I really are, and yes a couple of hours after I had remembered to bring love over gold by Dire Straits in my script of yesterday one of my TRUE favourite songs of Dire Straits Dan was inspired to give good advise to people meeting him as a DJ, which included that you may have a good evening even if your favourite song by Dire Straits will not be played, so there you have our connection once again, and yes his inspiration is me, and he loves music, which is really to bring love of God to the world and that is what is working underneath his darkness. And this is part of the lesson to look deep inside yourself before deciding that the DJ is the problem, and it is really showing POOR BEHAVIOUR of people, which they cannot see themselves.

And Soulaima followed up on Dan teaching people on poor behaviour and to start looking yourself in the mirror and make that change and yes I know we have already made the change, Stig and she said: Before you COMPLAIN over something, ask yourself if you have done the finest you could. Always! and At any time I can challenge you on: Have you done EVERYTHING you could. Do you blame others? What have you decided to do about it?, and Asger asked who will evaluate if I have done what I could (?), which really made Soulaima lose her head when she replied you should know best yourself, which made me tell her and her network that the problem is that most have a potential to much more/better than they show work, intellectual capacity, behaviour and performance but complacency, selfishness and laziness had meant that most people really under-perform sadly without being able to or wanting to understand that this is the truth and therefore, they need a mentor, who can tell the truth straight out, but this requires a mentor, who perform his outmost himself and who sees purely to have the necessary credibility to be able to work as a teacher to lift up people, which this really is about, so I am sorry, Soulaima, but your advise above (you should know best yourself) is not right or thought over, and what do you want to do when you as advisor receive advise (?), do you decide to be open and
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receive, or will you also move up into the red field and block to the truth as most people wrongly do when they meet a TRUE mentor (?), and yes this was to say that she is really not the best teacher, but this is what she believes she is she has incredible success so of course she is, right (?) and here she was not open enough to reply to my comment, and I felt that this was also about not being open enough to understand that I am the World Teacher, Soulaima (?), and yes SILENCE is the best tool of darkness, so here you have it again again, and we know, SAD is what this lady also makes me.

Everybody wants to hold my hand, but when I show myself saying that I want to hold your hand, everyone is silent, and do you get it?

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Per brought a link to the amazing later singer Nico I dont really know her other than her name and he said that seeing her in concert in 1982 was one of the most fascinating concert experiences he has had, and Henrik was inspired to ask him if it wasnt at this concert that she played Deutschland, Deutschland ber alles, which made Per burst out: GOD, YES, and this is really to show you that this is THE END and we are coming home to our New Kingdom as Germany is the centre of, and already the other day I was told that Haydn, who has composed this the national anthem of Germany, was a gifted composer, and the link came here. A couple of days again an American student in Copenhagen was attacked in a full bus, which did NOTHING (!), and today I was told that this was a symbol of my family, friends etc., thus the world, who saw me being attacked by darkness making me scream in pain, and what did they do (?), and yes ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Jette found some pictures of the moon saying that there are others and different figures there than what she hs described on Earth, and I told her that I am sure that they are also dancing up there .

I was happy to be hearing from David again, but it was when my dinner was served, and I was all out of energy.
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Jette brought a link to me leading to this article showing himself to the world as a true Fascist, Berlusconi (?), which made me bring my writings on Berlusconi from my website on media and politicians, and when I did this, I received the worst darkness coming and was told is this to witness the existence of gas chambers, which also shows me that he is probably one of my very dear friends too as I am here helped to say, and yes working through the worst darkness as the building stone of life.

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Jan from the SAGA Facebook group was inspired to write about the damning of this group of God, which is truly a killer, if you understand such a small one (?), and yes you do understand what these small words mean, right (?), or you may ask Lars Hjortshj to find out . And yes, this track killer by Adamski/Seal is one of the best dance songs of all time if you ask me.

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January 2013 I was sad to hear about the many deaths of a nightclub in Brazil, and I was told that they symbolises the (TEMPORARY!) terminations of life taking place these days because of the most condensed darkness of all.

28 January: The window of our New World has opened with the light of our new creation gradually shining through
Dreaming of darkness of the world trying to stop me from lifting up the world and catching more of the WORST darkness of all I went to bed at 22.40 being completely empty, which is really the best word describing how I am, and I slept until 08.00 making me fresh under the circumstances today, and had these dreams. A girl of maybe 10 or 11 has followed me home, and inside the yard of house buildings in Copenhagen, where I have a helicopter, which is locked, and somehow she is disturbing this helicopter and I ask her to leave, but she is unshakable and somehow I believe that the helicopter is now inside a plastic bag because of her, but I see that it still is in the yard. o I am looking forward to flying this for the first time to lift the world, and this may be my mother as a girl, i.e. darkness of the world, trying to stop me, but that will NOT happen. I am the manager of Customer Service of the credit card division of GE Capital Bank with the purpose to lend out money, and employees encourage people to use this card. At the curve of the hall, I see a dog catching a big rat, and I enter the Finance Managers office to escape the rat, and he is cold, dont speak and asks me to leave. I walk to the management at the 1st floor bringing a gift and a card to
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someone having birthday there, and I congratulate him and also see that Sren H. is working at this office too, and I feel Ib from Skive working at the top management several floors above, and how he supports me. o I am managing darkness, and this dog has come over on my side to help me catch more darkness, and RATS are the worst darkness of all, and the Finance Manager dont want to speak to me, which may be because he is protecting darkness from me, and I am giving my gift to darkness on the 1st floor, which is saying that darkness and light are really about the same, and the top management is God above watching my every step and the Police of darkness. o When writing down this dream, I received the memory of VERY OLD dreams, which I had totally forgotten about something about flying around the coast line of Amager MUCH MORE BEAUTIFUL than reality and working at a company with an INCREDIBLE BEAUTIFUL round staircase in noble tree in the middle and this was because I could not remember details of the dream above as I cannot remember details of these old dreams, but in general if I have not written about this before, MANY dreams I have had all of my life have been MUCH MORE BEAUTIFUL than reality, and yes cities, buildings and nature all being much finer than reality, which only can be to say that life of our Old World is nothing compared to what is waiting you, my dear world. A short dream about parking my car in the city where it may be possible, but extremely difficult to park at the first row, but then I see that there are free places at the third row.

and yes because of fear of your mother and the sickness of John being the fuel, and with this we practically saw the end coming, i.e. the final structure of our New World. So it was not from here, but way down below, that we thought that we would be pulling you up, but now only from here? I was told that the number of deaths after Chernobyl is nothing compared to the number of deaths after the meltdown of the Japan nuclear power plant during the tsunami in 2011, which the media agreed not to write about to keep the world ignorant thus not receiving the public against itself and its plans to take over the world, but this is nothing compared to me and this was basically the reason why the world could not write about me, and yes the one who did would had his head cut off or something like that, and who was one of the main architects of this (?), and could it be Berlusconi (?), which is the reason why I received the chance to highlight my writing on him. I received a pressure to accept darkness and what could happen about doing this because I now know that it is pure/blue and from the same source as light, but no, NEVER (!), and yes as a matter of principle, and still the easiest would be to accept, but no! I was given the name Jrgen and asked if it isnt so that everything inside of this concentrated darkness is energy, and when you have decided that there is no energy, you can pass it (?), and yes I have absolutely no idea, and here I feel Ghita Nrby from her role on the gasoline tank, which symbolises energy of darkness, and shall we guess that this is about silence too, Ghita (?), and yes I loved that film too, and there are some old Danish films with an incredible gallery of the best actors the world has seen, which you can find in these old Danish films from let us say mainly the 1950s and 1960s. I received yet another layer of nothing going through me and was told thank you for deciding to continue to work, and I received several small heart attacks and felt how they were on their way to become stronger to kill me, and I was told that if it was not for the Source, this is what this darkness would do to me, and yes kill me and you know because of my family, friends etc., thus the world, who cannot take me. I was told that Procter & Gamble is one of the companies gambling with the world and yes part of the secret world elite, and here I am given the feeling of Teacher Andersen from Matador, which is both about one of these FINE Danish actors of old time and also about his role STEALING dinners from single ladies without wanting to pay, which here is a symbol of darkness of this company and others of the same standing, which is stealing food of the world symbolising the termination of life, and yes WELCOME ON THE FRONT PAGE too (!), and yes Ekstra Bladet, do you still hesitate while I dare? I was told about the video below filmed January 21 that it is the wine cork, which has cracked open and is about to reveal the wine of our New World, and also that I am the one holding back
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The wine cork of our New World has cracked open, and our new piano is now gradually coming out I went to the baker and received pizza, which is to first create and then to receive joy and happiness. Did I win in that election too, or do I have to fight? Will it be beach weather now (?), no, but the weather here will now change from very cold below zero as it has been for a while to above zero, so less sufferings it means. I have this whale on the drawing table, but do I bother and can I make it before the end of time to get it in? I was told that when my mother and John together with Bettina and Sren is it now 6 or 9 months ago visited the restaurant in Hornbk where my mothers old colleague, June, lives, it was decisive and yes does he have a voice (Stig hearing voices), and yes your mother speaking wrongly about you behind your back, and as a consequence we had to give John the food poisoning, which he received there, so this is what we took care of, and what you did not know was that this made us move this from there to there, which we could not have done otherwise
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not to release everything at once in order to save the world from sufferings during this transition. Does this mean that we will soon be on TV (?), and yes you got it, this is where the sun always shines on TV, and yes a new A-ha experience you know, and yes I have always LOVED this one . We also dont have to play the game to your family about no, it is completely impossible to locate Stig and we will not tell you where he is, and yes there are no limits to the difficulties of finding you, if you had given up here, there, or there as examples as I am told. I received pretty strong heart burn this afternoon, which I understand as darkness of my father given to me, and no thank you, I do NOT want to receive my old nightmare in disguise as a beautiful lady, so there you have the nature of this darkness. I was shown secret missiles hidden in underground facilities and also fighting professional soldiers, and I was shown myself as Rambo the character of Sylvester Stallone being the one man army having to combat the armed forces of the world, and I was told that we are still surprised of not having met true resistance, and yes maybe a little looking through my windows and spying on me, but no, you did not have what it took trying to poison me or similar dirty tricks of your books. I was shown a Indian with BIG FEATHERS to the right and behind me, and yes inside of this darkness about to come through to me too, and it continued with strong feelings given to me that we are just around you and with the feeling of being opened very soon because we cannot keep the game going, and I was given annoyance/coughing to my throat and the feeling that this is the last darkness I am now throwing up. I was told that we will not transmit on FM-radio of our New World, which will be the BIGGEST change, and yes I can only try to imagine what it will mean to OPEN up everything, which I really cannot. I was told that you are not a new duvet yet, but I felt myself being vacuum cleaned and that is pulled up, which is the process I am going through now, and yes I am actually nervous because I still have the old feeling of I really just wanted to be the human being Stig living in quietness, but life is about to change, and this is for the good, and we know, there are no Tears for Fears here so you can change (?) or are there (?), and yes there are elements of this first album by this amazing band, which I find is the most beautiful of all that they made, but then again, they made MUCH beautiful music, but just maybe you were too rich and too lazy, my friends? And I heard by the actor of darkness feeling my mother too (?) now I really dont want to continue this play, and yes, Stig, there are CLEAR feelings of this act dissolving, and the same
January 2013 =6teN6oCvrdo#at=142 I received too much information to write down, and heard something about this will be thrown out too, and yes I cannot write all of this too much information meaning that my spiritual friends have to slow down while I use today to catch up on my scripts, but no, I have NOT approved anything to be thrown out. I used the day to finalise my script of yesterday, which was a TRUE KILLER to write too much work and too little time and first by 15.20, I had finished it before I could start to write the script of today. I was told that Sergey Bubka in pole vault is another example of an athlete receiving these vitamins of God making him so much better than everyone else, which was really to say that we have used darkness of Russia as the SPRING BOARD to create our New World, and you may remember that we already in 1917 warned about darkness of Russia (?) the Apparitions of Virgin Mary in Fatima, Portugal, in 1917 including the prediction of the emergence of Russia as a world power, which would spread its errors throughout the world causing wars and persecutions against the Church and the break out of World War II but no, they did not improve, and this was needed in order to save the world and create our New World, and I am here given a vision of a young Russian lady from about that time, and I dont know who she is, but I have often thought that I only receive visions of people I know or know about, but I did not know this young woman. I was told that I have shaved everything off and now the roof is lifting off, and more of this I am incredible proud of you, and this is coming from my mother, and I feel my father just behind, and yes I received the feeling of Kraftwerk, and this is to say that my mother is the model of my father really.
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feeling as when people are leaving a party or dinner when everyone knows that now its over. So what you are seeing now is the piano of our New World being brought carefully down instead of thrown down. I was told that the heartburn I receive is also because of darkness of Elijah being sent to me I have given him SEVERE sufferings making him consider whether to stay in touch receiving my money or to continue showing his anger/silence not receiving my money and I was encouraged to show you my email to the LTO team yesterday, so here it is. No, he does not feel himself that he has received a new racing cycle, and when will he (?), and that is when all of the New World has opened. I received MUCH impatience today as if the New World would open now, which I did not have time for because I was working concentrated, and I decided to keep doing this NOT accepting to be rushed. I actually worked the whole day until I published this at 21.15, and no, I did not have time to go to the swimming hall today, but now I am up to date, so maybe tomorrow (?), and yes I have decided NOT to prioritize visiting a dentist yet my scripts is first priority, a dentist is not and that is even though I have been told that the world would like to see an update on my teeth, and yes I do believe they look like they did in 2008 (!), and I may decide to book a time tomorrow and that is unless something not foreseen will happen, and it very often does here, and yes yes yes Prince Charles, Angelina Jolie and Niels Bjerre Poulsen were among the people I received feelings of today. Google Earth shows the window coming up through the Earth opening for our New World!

I was told that there were people believing that I tried to create a sect and to make money from people supporting me, which forced me to write on my page of donations that I will no longer accept donations. You will not find me in the bedroom, Stig, but this was the road you decided to take, and yes following your mother and not your father, so this was the role I had to play, and yes to bring you the threat of your old nightmare with your mother, and not with your father, which was the other way, and yes still your old nightmare, but with your father instead of your mother, and yes even more disgusting, but these were the two roads there were to come all the way home. Isnt it funny that there is really nothing inside of here, i.e. no energy, only a shell and this is what you are walking right through. We are almost about to say that without Kaiser Chiefs the concert in 2008 bringing you and Jack together again as friends we would also not have made it, and we did not even realize ourselves at the time of the great importance of this, and yes waking up old feelings of friendship, and yes which Jack understands when reading your scripts, and of course he does not feel as you as Karen also does not and this is how it is to play the role of darkness, but when you talk about your old best friend saying that this is also what I was to Jack, NO DOUBT ABOUT IT, this is what forces me to brings friendly feelings to Jack, and without these, he would not have done as he did, thus not bringing the whole world to me, and yes this is coming from the Source on the other side as new information, and yes this was to never miss a beat, you know.
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Jettes pictures from her Facebook group shows granny of God in a hurry to save as much life inside of darkness as possible, the window coming up through the Earth opening for our New World (!), I am still absorbing destructive darkness of man, greeting from upstairs, much darkness everywhere, light over Australia (and silence of the world), massive attack of darkness bringing a teardrop (all sufferings of all life of all time brought creation, and you do remember the title of the song winning the Danish part of the Eurovision Song Contest the other day?), and more darkness is hiding.

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--Ending the day with these short stories: Dan was the doubtful attendant on the Masterchef programme on TV, which made his young daughter tell him that she can show him how to make pancakes, and yes I have been thinking of making pancakes myself for a long time, if only I had time to do it, and Mette asked if she can also teach her to cook eggs (?), which Dan claimed that even he can yes, there are no limits to what you can do, Dan, if only you knew and it made Martin bring Dirch Passer, who as a comedian was as brilliant as Sergey Bubka was in pole vault as example, or David Bowie in music as another, and we know simply the best you know, and he knows that it takes 3 minutes to boil an egg, and yes to do perfect creation, which this little thread is about.

me out of here because I will continue working until I can no more and you remove me by force and so it is. And here Mads brought a link to the Danish Railways having lost 900 million DKK (160 million USD) on coffee wagons in trains (!!!), and this is really to show you an incredible lack of love in the world, which is what the Danish Railways keep on showing through POOR BUSINESS MORAL and also poor business conduct, which was the name of the game of this thread, which started by Mads saying Long live the state it can only go too slow to nationalise the banks, which of course was irony because the Danish Railways is owned by the Danish State guaranteeing its operation in theory regardless of its accumulated deficit (!), and this is OF COURSE NOT how to run a business, which should be simple logic to everyone, and let me tell you that there will be NO SUCH THING of our New World meaning that business, which cannot survive will close down, and yes only the strongest will survive, and that is really the name of the game of life, and Troels below said that there are probably also examples of private business making big mistakes, which made Mads say that a private business acting as DSB will die in the market, and Svenning the old EU commentator for TV2 and dark man you know said that the private company Arriva operates trains in Jutland driving on time and with a profit, which can be done as long as tax payers dont guarantee on the deficit (and yes there will be no profits of our New World to share between owners because we will all own all production, but otherwise this is basically the idea, i.e. for business to be strong enough to make it themselves without a state guaranteeing). The time stand on Facebook was here blinking again, but NOT when I took the next three hardcopies, and this is to say that it is just before time will be removed and time only exists because I keep on working, and yes you have to pull
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Svenning here brought a list of other Danish state owned businesses also giving HUGE deficits with HUGE debts and said that as long as tax payers and compulsory committed consumers cover the deficit, billion-deficit and billion-debt will grow, and yes isnt it funny that this makes people lazy not doing their best, and we know give them a pillow, and they will sleep, and yes you do know in DSB about my tiredness, and no, you did not help to reduce it by following my encouragements to stand forward yourselves and PUT ALL CARDS ON THE TABLE and we know there are as many WIMPS of the business world as there are of the media, political and military worlds, and yes what about the HAFNIA SCANDAL in Denmark as I am here given examples of again, and yes PUT ALL CARDS ON THE TABLE for EVERYONE TO SEE!

And yes, there will be NO state to guarantee for banks of our New World, and that is because there will be no state and no banks (!) read the New World Order and Mads here said that DSB with debts of 18 billion DKK would have gone bankrupt if they were not held up by the Danish State and the same goes with the Scandinavian Airlines, and yes just as examples, and what about the American Auto Industry if Obama had not saved it (?), didnt he do the right thing (?), and yes, I am sure that he did, but there is a HUGE difference between what was right to do in the Old World, where it often was impossible to do what was right having to choose between bad or even more bad (!), and our New World, and in our New World, you will NOT see a state, this is how it is, but a small New World Government led by Obama during a transition period, and do you know just how unpopular you can become by statements like this, Stig (?), and yes among Old World leaders, who DO NOT want to give up power voluntarily (?), and yes there you have the nature of the game of darkness, who dont want to understand the big picture, but focus on your own small selves (?), and yes HOW COULD YOU???

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but when it is made into cheese or butter, it becomes light/creation and yes symbols of the process of creation you know, and yes life comes through darkness, and it also made me think that if you remove ownership/profits of Capitalism, and let us all own everything, and keep freedom of Capitalism, this is the business climate of our New World, and what do you want to call it (?), and no, I have NO NAME for it, it just is, and so it is, and this means, that this is a recipe of life itself, which is how I used the building stone, and should this theoretically be changed, it will also remove the foundation of life itself, do you see?

Helena said that when she will grow up, she wants to become a helicopter pilot and except from the sun glasses as she also said, this is what you will feel, Helena, when you too will be LIFTED UP, and yes, Elijah, we are still finishing what we started, and I am sure that Jeff knows what I speak of here.

Here is a joke by Mads about Fascism, Socialism and Capitalism showing you how much he loves Capitalism, and yes if you have two cows, he says that in Fascism, the state will take them and sell the milk to you, in Socialism, the state will take one cow and give it to your neighbour, and in Capitalism you will sell one and buy a bull instead, and in Denmark, he says, if you want coffee to your milk, you can buy it at 600 DKK per cup at DSB because of the joke of DSB of today and this made me think that thought that cow is the symbol of God/Buddha, milk is the building stone of God, which is darkness in its raw form,

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31. Arriving at the PURE WATER of the Source, which created the world as a selfsustainable entity of its own
1. SUBJECT 29th January: The Predator is now entering me as the last darkness of God carried by love of my father and mother SUMMARY The evil New World of man had planned to eliminate poverty/starvation not by eliminating the course, but by eliminating poor people also using chemtrails killing people if you would not receive medicine. I entered into a new cage of darkness where I met the Navy and was told about the story of how they had almost broken the code of spaceships of people of other civilizations turning them around to attack me when one sent a strong light through the window to me many months ago with the purpose to bring me out for closer inspection, which would have ended my/our days as a hash cake of darkness, but the attack was prevented, and instead the spirit of my mother of our New World helped to create an unbreakable code, which the Old World cannot break even though they still try (!), and I was told that man has fought people of other civilizations over me shooting down spaceships, and yes amazing that you could not understand and had to have it the hard way to understand that my protection is basically not to give up to darkness, which constantly tried to overtake me bringing me the worst voices/feelings of darkness, and this is what fed my friends to protect instead of attacking me. Dreaming of being inside the worst darkness saving life and my mother saving me from not being killed by darkness, I have no more work to do inside of darkness, life inside of darkness is terminating and I cannot bring out the finest life of this darkness because of immense selfishness of people around me. I was shown the monster of Predator flying out from a vertical rock mountain and down to attack me way below, and this is part of getting to the inner core and origin/bottom of the family tree of the Source self. Fanny received a new computer and resumed contact with me and her love helped this process, together with an opening of my father and his love to me and of course still the love of my mother. The Predator is the last darkness of old God coming down to me, which I did not bring myself, and most of God is already part of the New World, but still this is the biggest portion yet, which we are bringing over, and the thought was that God had to do this alone with first me and now my mother and sister dying, but we are all still alive because I decided not to give up. I was told that we will now start opening the second window to our New World, and I am wondering if this will take days, weeks or maybe even a month (?), and that is if I can hold it, and we will see. Short stories of Paul and Sren F-J being dismissed after Sren H. insurance company has closed, I cannot protect the world from being afraid, but I can lead and shown them that I am not, and that everything is good and magical, Depeche Mode and I invite you to Enter Heaven, terminations being lifted, what makes friends friends, the half-Nazi showed the world his lack of love and understanding, the teenager in love Soulaima was TIRED not knowing how she will make it . Dreaming of Morten from Danish Peoples Party being born as darkness with much (potential) hate, darkness inside our New World terminating life, and everyone sees me destructing life (which will be resurrected inside our New World). The combination of my father and mother makes it possible to move our New World in under me, and the final parts of God continued entering me today, and this is done with the world of my mother grounding me to Earth forcing down darkness of the last steps up to God and my inner self at the Source. We
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30th January: Arriving at the PURE WATER of the Source, which created the world as a self-sustainable entity of its own

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are now becoming ONE, the New World with me being everything living as a normal human being as part of it and also as the Source as the natural force, which is everywhere. I was shown a bottle of the clearest water being pulled up, and I was told that this is the Source, you know, and also that when life gets a chance, it develops into darkness, and this is to say that the origin self is the most clear building material or MAGIC if you will from where life was created in a huge diversity of variation. I am now arriving here at the very Source of everything, which is nothing of God and also my inner self as the Son, and I am told that there is now no more darkness, and the actor speaks to me with a normal voice, but then again there is still a little bit more darkness coming against me as negative voices, and as long as there is darkness, I will continue the game, so time of our Old World still goes on a little bit longer even though time is really two minutes past 12. The Source created the world and life to be self-sustainable as an entity of its own, and yes we might have a little to do with future development of this our creation by keep on adding to it for an eternity to come. Jettes Google Earth pictures from her Facebook group show PURE NAM NAM (celebration), lots of white WINGS (because we were LUCKY), the worst darkness of Saudi Arabia, darkness eating light (before light later absorbed it), the white horse of our New World, which came into being with a little luck (Lucky Luke symbolising me being lucky to save everything), and the King of the Universe. Short stories of three swans as the Trinity, the monster-system of the European Union will be closed down, Mads shows that darkness has given up fighting me, and resurrection of terminated life. Dreaming of the army of me entering me as PURE DIAMOND, top business people of the evil World Order as the WORST darkness, American media bringing me darkness, abuse of children, I am continuing the game saving more life of darkness/pure water of God because my sister is open to me, and the life entering now of God is the most precious wine of all. Remaining parts of nothing of God or the piano - keeps on coming in, and instead of breaking glass when entering the world, we continue turning minus to plus. To combine the Source and the New World has always been our highest wish of everything, and doing this work is potentially very dangerous to burn, but this is kept away from me, and everything enters me without problems because I have NEVER asked it to stay away but to always welcome it, and this code is part of this darkness impossible to change. Elijahs extreme darkness in relation to me is a driving factor doing this work, and I transferred money to the three of the team today, but not Elijah who is no friend of mine, when he cannot control his negative feelings and cannot communicate with me, which will probably make him even more negative? The Universe is expanding much with the last parts of God as the Source entering, and we are now completing the task of converting and merging everything of the spiritual world into our new physical world, which is what was impossible to do because nothing would resist with everything it had when life and everything was NOT the natural way of life, but this is what I/we did. My mothers husband Johns cancer is reduced, he is becoming better simply because I am removing darkness of everything. Jettes Google Earth pictures from her Facebook group show a tall figure carrying a lamb, the mirror/glass, which the Source is turning around to enter our New World, extreme pollution of Earth, Russians in glass, the death of the old King of Karen as opposite love, and the (new) King is white and in the crowd.


31st January: We are completing the work converting God and the spiritual world into everything of our new physical world

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Short stories of Pure Water of God resurrecting all terminated life, Dan is on his way home to original life of God and everyone will follow him, Danish pigs are grossly tortured/abused, which I do NOT approve of, will FC Brndby be saved or will they have to start all over (?), the chicken of a Health Minister and the pharmaceutical industry, Mads speaks about my new self living and arriving in a taxi, the Danish star racing cyclist Michael Rasmussen is now a clean chicken admitting to his use of doping, but do NOT tell about others behind closed doors and do not laugh or cry because of people admitting to their sins, but be happy of this as a sign of what the whole world will do. I was shown Michael Bundesen singing on the stage of Bakken north of Copenhagen and directing two out of three light projectors towards me. You have not seen what we have changed the four houses and yourself to, the entrance here is breathtaking, and it is only the start of it, and yes this is because this is Paradise. I was shown a vertical mountain wall with hatches opening and World War I fighter planes flying out, which is more darkness coming to meet me, and I am here feeling John F. Kennedy, and yes he is also up here just on the other side supporting me. I was told that I am now facing another entrance, which is rough to come through and also that it is actually impossible to enter also here and that is without carrying out your old nightmare, and during these house I received a very strong negative pressure and voices tormenting me and wanting me to stop, but the game is recognizable, and it is really only about doing the right thing, so nothing is going to stop us. For some time I have been given stories of how I was followed on Mallorca in 2007 and Kenya in 2009 and how potentially dangerous it was for me to meet the Muslim criminals of the mosque in Nairobi if they knew who I was and also how people planned to kill me when I had breakfast every morning with Camilla at a public caf on Isla Margarita in 1996, and yes examples you know of not an easy life to come through without being hurt/killed. I constantly had to tell darkness wrong about all of the things it wanted me to negatively say and agree to, and I was told that darkness again will go for my heart, and now I receive a much weaker and insecure darkness saying something like if you want to, and yes do you see the difference between being weak or strong, and yes had I decided to be weak against darkness just once, it would have killed me a long time ago, and here I feel Jack, and yes your assignment was to get rid of me, Jack? Wasnt it the idea for the bank of earth to protect against water (?), and yes it was, we just had to set it up and turn you around to be able to do it, and this is now in place and I here feel Janet Jackson. I was shown Bunny Bugs inviting me to enter his very little cave in the mountain and inside of it, it is full of slot machines, which is a clear sign of darkness, but yes, thank you for inviting me, and no, I would never miss a chance to enter darkness by runJanuary 2013

29 January: The Predator is now entering me as the last darkness of God carried by love of my father and mother
Man fought war in space over me against people of other civilizations and tried to kill me via a UFO outside my window! Before going to bed at 02.30, I received much new information, which I have decided to bring in this script, and yes to start a new day, and it is now 10.30, and I am again REALLY TIRED making work even more disgusting, but it should really work out, so here we go. I was told that the 4 divided world was the right creation of our Old World in order to come here and create something completely different, which I have had in my head all of the time. I was told that it is now soon over with verkehr-service (traffic service), and the word verkehr had really come to me for years, and I was told that I have stored darkness for me until it returned as light. I was shown my self cleaning an oven, and I was told that doing this in Lyngby at my old apartment before moving was also crucial to do it was very dirty, and I had to scrape off dirt from the inner side of the glass window maybe taking 1-2 hours to do and I was told that not being thrown out of the apartment by Poul-Erik was crucial too. I was given the active thought about people of Dadaab and other places received the same rat-food day in and day out, and how the careless world does not react, and I was told that the way that the evil New World would have solved this problem was not to eliminate hunger, but to eliminate poor people, so there are plans of how this is done, and yes chemtrails is part of this because they are designed to kill people who cannot afford medicine. I was told that the difference of coming home to the Source via my father or mother is that using the entrance of my father was the direct entrance to the castle and not the long way around as I used via my mother, but it would require that my father decided to follow me and not Kirsten, who held him down, and since I decided NOT to see them after 2008 because of their better-knowing, wrong and selfish attitude, this road was not an option, so I had to go the long way home via the world of my mother, which included to save every little thing on the way.


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ning away as most would do, so let us see what you have to offer inside of here. I was shown my TV distorting the faces of people, which means (temporary) terminations and I was given the feeling of Jack and the Navy, and I was asked about the UFO flying just outside my window taking a picture of me sending me a strong light in through the window (this was many months ago by now, but I cannot remember if it was here in Helsingr or in Lyngby, and I guess that it was in Lyngby, thus before October 2011?) - and if this was an attempt to murder me, which we disarmed (?), and yes isnt it funny that there was one, who tried to kill you and did they discover the hard way that Stig is Stig because of our protection of you? I was told that I ought to know what otherwise has happened out here, and this is what we also had to go through to reach the pizza on the other side, and yes no one is so stupid that they will attack me (?), and was someone in the Navy pressured to do this (?), and was it Jack doing it before you became mine (?), and I was writing down these notes wondering if this is the truth, which it just might be, or darkness designed to make me afraid just for the sake of darkness bringing this feeling. I was shown that there is only one cage bird left before the ducks, and I was shown ducks taking up sesame-rolls from a main street of Acapulco with an incredible amount of traffic making this both difficult and dangerous to do, and I was shown this because yesterday evening, I watched a fine documentary of a fearless man symbolising me, the TV2 war-journalist etc. Rasmus Tantholdt, on Acapulco, Mexico, and the EXTREME violence/killings of this city making it one of the most dangerous of the world with MANY killings every day, which no one wants, but happens as a result of drug gangs fighting not only each other but also the population, and yes in the most cruel way cutting off the heads of people etc. and hanging them up for the public to view etc., and yes it made me DISGUSTED to see, but we know, this is also part of creation, and because of the incredible strong fuel that it brings to create what otherwise could not be created (!), this is how it is, I was told that UFOs have been fighting and shot down each other because of me man-made controlled UFOs against me and UFOs of the Universe or spaceships as you know we like to call our vehicles on my side and I kept on receiving darkness wanting me to say that those against me are not welcome, but no, this would be WRONG to do, so therefore everyone is welcome, and that also goes to you fighting against me, and I was told by my dark voice but surely not them (?), but yes, it is good enough and here I am told that he is still working and yes I now receive a very little voice and that is of people being so embarrassed by now that they could curl their toes, do you say this in English too (?), and yes because of your decision to fight me, and now knowledge of whom I truly am, and I was told if there were people believing that you were only pig lucky do you say this too (?) and deciding to try again, and yes there were, but no, this time we have an unbreakable iron
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ring around you, and was it one of our own (?), which you could decide to send in disgrace, but no, and yes manipulation of our receivers/transmitters, and it is much more complicated than what you believe, and this is also what right now is giving you a very uncomfortable feeling of red (of darkness) inside of your mouth, throat and face, and this is because this is still on-going, but not by us, and your defence (to NEVER give up to darkness trying to overtake me via negative speech of my spiritual voice tormenting me) had to be stronger than them, or they would have killed me and terminated the world, and they did not understand that they could not do this, and this was because Stig is Stig and would NOT accept darkness, and yes we saw it, and turned the light, which would have paralysed you and brought you out here for closer inspection, which would have ended you as a hash cake making people on the management hallways able to continue their sinister plans after having removed me as their small problem, and these are the people, which Teaher Andersen from Matador is about, and yes people stealing food, i.e. terminating life because of their wrong-doings being unsustainable to life self. So WELCOME ON THE FRONT PAGE also to you as killers of life, but of course you are HUMAN too (!), so there is nothing for you to be afraid of, you will all become part of our wonderful New World even though you were very close to shooting me and it down. I was told that it would not really have hit the family tree, because we had protected it, and this is what the world would like to see (intact?), so will you please go to the dentist (?) alright, I will order a time not knowing if this is light or darkness asking and I was told that having no curtains (on the 4th floor) and waving out to helicopters and UFOs as I have continued doing was invaluable to do because it showed them that you were not afraid giving us time to build a new system to defend you, and yes there was a period where your mother/the world could not defend you, but they did not no, and if they had, I/we would not exist by now, funny right? It gave maximum discomfort just to be told about this, but I decided that I dont want to care about this (now), and that is because this is an act of darkness the cave of Bugs Bunny and because I really have nothing to fear now, and I was told that this happened when I was a torn in the eye of my mother, which brought her negative feelings to the world, which as a consequence tried to kill me, and yes misunderstandings of my mother, you know, amazing right? And I was told that your mother has been here to look at the apartment, which was not without danger, because it is the spirit of my mother of our New World who visited me at the Old World to secure me with an unbreakable code at a far higher level than the Old World, so you were also a hybrid being of the New World with a risk to kill us, but no, you were protected by people of other civilizations because you asked us to join the war as it was (back at Brede Park in 2010), and this is what we were used for, and yes access to the new database had to be
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perfect, and the best is that they never understood what happened so they are still trying to break the code, which protects you. You dont enter here without your old nightmare, but since you are now here, it was me inside this darkness giving this order to attack, and I was told that these people attacking me dont even know how they will apologise to me here I feel Lance Armstrong again, so you have the same feeling because you let me down (?), but let me tell you that you did have this boost of God making you as sovereign as others I have given examples of and the best you can do is simply to speak out the FULL and DETAILED truth openly, directly and honestly, and yes this is all that it takes, and this should not be difficult to do (?), and yes DO WHAT IS RIGHT TO DO should be easy, right (?), but it isnt (?), and will you tell me again why this is? After this, I received a strong taste of fish again, and was told that this was this entrance, then, and also that we have grown incredible also when going through this stage, and I was told that it hurts me to say that I have lost my big wallet, which is about darkness having lost energy (including man-made controlled UFOs etc.), and I am here giving feelings of ladies having had a crush on you and yes Blue Eyes you know and this is the energy brought to them by darkness because the idea was for me to go through life being as pure as possible, which was not that easy to do when you had the greatest difficulties and hormones and yes making life so much a hell being alone with my frustrations that killing myself was a constant thought I had until I met my first girlfriend, Camilla, in 1994 (!), but yes, I did not have the courage or desire to kill me, so this was the other force keeping me alive, and you do remember that I have PLUSSES and MINUSSES about everything, so there you have it again again. And I was told that I will not come through the last gate without going to the dentist (!), and yes is this really as important (?), and it may be, so I will make that agreement and yes later at 08.25 I had, so dentist, here I come and yes the 5th February, and I wonder if we are still playing a game by this day, and we will see. I was told about UFOs flying forth and back MANY times to the moon to construct a devil war machine and when they started not to follow your instructions anymore, you had to find an explanation why, and yes this was the reason why a general I feel/see a general him here decided to try to kill me to see if it was me being in control of your war machine, and yes it was, but you came pretty close, but not close enough, and yes fools, clowns, wimps and all of that, but the main part is that you have the love of God, because you simply did what I instructed you to do as darkness, see? And yes, I have received potentially STRONG pain to the backside of both my right and left lower legs because of the immense strength of this darkness, and I really had not planned to write it, and yes feeling Annette Vilhelmsen here, and how is it
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to be a leader when you have become a leader (?), and yes let me recommend you the combination of LISTEN/UNDERSTAND, do what is LOGIC/RIGHT to do and be STRONG, not weak, and yes this is very shortly the recipe to succeed, and yes Annette has shown beginner mistakes when not following these advice, and I wonder if you have received a MENTOR for you to consult (?), and yes you are welcome to call or visit me, Annette, and what time should we say (?), and eeehhh you are also not structured (?), so it starts with an ACTION PLAN and yes for you to get in control of your everyday and people instead of people getting in control of you, see? Months ago, I kept on being told about the secret world getting access to my computer without my knowledge, and now they had read this and that and I do believe that I said many times that I dont want you to enter my computer because it is WRONG to do without my permission/acceptance, but I also do believe that I have really had the attitude that I dont really care, and for some time again, I have been told again about the secret world getting access, and yes I have decided that the right answer is that everything is OPEN here, you can enter my computer and read my documents while I write them, which is most often what I am told is happening, and I will leave it up to your own conscience to do what you like to do, feel Prince Harry again again, but not very strongly in this respect, and all I can promise you is that a record of who has visited me when will be put forward for everyone to see, and yes I do NOT like people of darkness doing what is WRONG to do, and you do know that, right (?), and yes I was given a spirit coming to me because of this clear decision and told about difficulties to get full access here, but now there is and yes also spiritually in some other meaning here as I understand without being told more. I was told that this is also why we had a copy of you, and that is if man should have succeeded to kill me, and yes you do remember that we had created a spare world many months ago, right (?), and yes I keep receiving feelings of now American actors and here a few I cannot remember the name of, and just telling you that when I have opened to this, it continues, and I have decided to bring you a few examples here and now, and here came the feeling/vision of Jane Fonda and also you Hugh Grant. Dreaming of being inside the worst darkness saving life and my mother saving me from not being killed by darkness As mentioned, I first went to bed at 02.30 and I slept poorly and was woken up already at 08.00, so today is a new day of TIREDNESS given to me with the first couple of hours being the worst to go through, but now we are here, it is after lunch now, and let us also write down some dreams. There is a hunger, I am with my mother, who is here a young woman, at a farm and she breaks in to steal food from our old masters, whom we used to serve under, but she is revealed and they chase her, and I see on the streets that all people in Copenhagen steal food from each other, but to my surprise there is food enough. I end up with a
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group of ladies in lingerie in some kind of game taking place on a big cube where a crazy man kills the weakest, and I am the best to play this game, and I keep trying to save someone who is just on the edge of this game, and it is someone who is actually the opposite of this game having reversed his disc so it accurately matches the plate of this cube, but he has been revealed and the crazy man now wants to kill him by removing his code, but I am allowed to save this man. o This is obviously still about saving life from the worst darkness, and maybe it was my mother winning this extremely difficult game over darkness and not me, but at least it is my inner self of light playing as darkness inside of here, which is what darkness does not like, but so far we are still playing and that is even though I have been revealed. Something about running via Helsingr harbour and Snekkersten to win, several are about to drown, the most beautiful horses and dont you believe we know him, we have waited until this moment to sleep better, he will never push us to kill us. o Still the game about running with darkness. o I received the song diggiloo diggiley by Herreys and the lyrics Diggi-loo diggi-ley, the sky was opening up, You hardly believe your eyes, so this is what is happening,; Heaven is opening. I am working at a bank, and am surprised to see that I only have two more invoices to pay for customers before I will have no more work to do, and Berit says that she has arranged a meeting with the local newspaper with me after they have stopped subscribing to us, but this is first in May 2011, and we are here in 2010. I am incredible tired, and tell my male colleague that I would like to leave earlier today also because there is no work, and he tells me about an event centre feeling Cliff Richard here at Rrholmsgade where I lived as a little boy, and about an event, which we might go to together, and I tell him about the galleries today at this small street. o The bank used to be about energy, but there is nothing to do here now other than being tired. The galleries are about pictures, which is about developing/accepting more life of our New World. The bank is now located on the beach, and today is the last day of very warm summer weather. I am surprised to see that the left side of the shed of the bank including my bicycle has burned down, and I say that this at least makes it easier to clean up. My old colleague/friend Paul has started working at the bank, and to my surprise the manager has allowed him to rent out the most expensive Scanomat cocoa machines to business clients. I am on my way out, and have three plates of standard bread, which I first think of bringing with me, but then I think that I am on my way to a concert and I cannot bear the bread at the concert, so I throw in the bread of two plates through the mail box to the bank, and am on my way out carrying the third plate, and I hear how my colleagues start speaking behind my

back for not sharing, which makes me turn around and say that I simply did not think of it, but here they are, and they should just tell me directly and not speak behind my back, I feel Suzanne Bjerrehuus, and I see how Paul has the absolutely most delicious bread and Danish pastry and he has MUCH of it but dont share. I was on my way to a concert in Helsingr I felt together with Fuggi but now I dont have time to make it. o Beach is sufferings, bank is darkness, which is burning down, which is terminating, but no, I have NOT accepted this, so all of this will not be removed, it will be resurrected whenever we can. The finest cocoa machines of Paul is about the strongest selfishness of a man thinking of himself first and yes you could not help neither LTO nor me, Paul (?), and I only bring out some standard life from here not being able to get the finest life in the possession of darkness of Paul, so I can only hope and believe that this will come to us later after the opening of our New World. The Predator is now entering me as the last darkness of God carried by love of my father and mother I was told about an Aalto vase (I have always loved these, and I have a white myself, which my sister gave me in gift a few years ago) in relation to my mother, which is about flowers and her love to me, and I was told and shown that this is why the bathroom is completely white. I was truly completely broken down when standing up at 08.00 I wonder where this darkness came from and I received a song I cannot remember now, but it included the lyrics I wanna be free again. I was told that I no longer have a heart error. I continued telling myself that this is only an act even though it truly is strong enough to be felt, and it made my voice say so I dont wear shirt and tie the opposite way at all, and no, you are only acting. I received a strong distortion to my computer monitor this morning, so strong darkness above anything else I have met, which this is about, and I am given feelings of Danske-Bank employees and told about Per S. speaking about me in the bank. I was shown myself entering yet another new cave, and inside of this was a piano (our New World) with myself sitting on top of it, and I saw how I started to move it out. Isnt it your mother, who was supposed to hold the main speech at your funeral (?), well, it will not happen now with this visit to the dentist. No, we will not use these money notes. I was told that Suzanne Bjerrehuus has brought me up with Lars Seir from Saxo Bank, and I was shown an underground station,

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but we did not have to going underground but on the top floor of a building to find it (!), and this is where the worst darkness of Lars and Saxo Bank is located, and of course also special friends of mine, but completely hopeless they are with the power of the Devil having taken over their souls with money, power and sex as the main weapon you know. I was shown a complete vertical rock mountain with a hatch opening, and a the monster of Predator flying out, and down towards me way below, and yes a much stronger darkness on its way to terminate me, and yes come on and give me the best you got, you are really not mean, my friend. I was shown my father entering the football stadium as a player with number 33, and I saw how darkness came out of a tunnel not existing, which however opened, and I was told that this darkness is all in the mind of my father, and that it really does not exist. I received the feeling of Gwyneth Paltrow here, and also Bjrn Skifts and the singer from Bo Kaspers Orkester, and no we will never die, Bo . I was shown the claws of an eagle as if it has brought me here, and I see myself at the inner core of the family tree, and that I am I am going deeper and deeper down inside of the tree to reach the very bottom/origin of it, and this is to go back to the very origin of the family tree of life. I was shown the coach Alex Ferguson from Manchester United on the stand of a stadium and also a big grasshopper (symbolising darkness bringing me sexual sufferings), and I was told that we have brought him there, and yes a player of darkness too, but I understand a special friend too. I was given some high-frequency pain to my stomach together with the feeling of people of other civilizations telling me that they remove this pain from me, which is about the world reducing my sufferings much, and if they did not, I would not be able to work, because it was surely extremely uncomfortable. I was told hush, hush, but Germany is preparing the welcome of a hero, and yes what can I say other than we are ALL heroes because everyone took part in the creation of our New World as an act designed by my inner self, so there you have it , and yes this is my favourite song of all and it is MADE IN BERLIN, GERMANY, so you might get it by now? I was told that we will now start opening the second window to our New World, and I am wondering if this will take days, weeks or maybe even a month (?), and that is if I can hold it, and we will see.

I was told that I might receive physical pain during the next stage, and I could only say that you are free to do what you feel is best, but the old rule about making sure that I keep my working capacity remains, and I was also told that we have considered removing a branch of the tree to come through, and no, it would not make it perfect, so we are still playing with the old rules. If you have to, you have to, and this is about diarrhoea, and I was told that this it the most outermost of the tongue from the kiss of death as I am now going through. We were almost giving him an electric guitar giving him an electrical shock, but no, this is what LTO is about, and yes the meaning of getting John back in the fold. I am now going to let out what I could not before because you held something hidden from me my computer and this is the most inner of God, and I have been given speech and pressure that this is way above what I can take, and what I can say is that I am feeling so poorly that I cannot write this. Break. I was told that we could remove a branch from the tree if you want to go through easier, but no, never! I was told that the reason why my mother has not been able to understand that I suffer because of her is because people of the world cannot look into the mirror understanding their own mistakes blaming others, and yes the crazy world you know. I was reminded about how Bo was the most difficult of all to pass except from my sister when I published my scripts in February 2010, and I felt Bo several times here, and was told that this is how it is now again, so he is an example of how to be judged guilty solely because of speaking wrongly behind the backs of people. It is impossible to get a cola unless we manage to get out of here I dont want to say that all eyes of the world are focussed on me here, but many are thinking of moving up here, and with the feeling that many eyes are. Now there is open again to inside of here, yes via Fanny, and it took for her to get a new computer, and no, I decided not to communicate via text messages with her to save money. So we have done this tour only with the love of your mother and not via direct presence of Fanny. Where are you heading (?), we are about to bring him a new communication system and that is to replace the old telephone system. This is what we could reach from Earth, meaning what I could do from here based on Earth in relation to the big Universe. The next is that you are now being grounded completely and I see my self literally being grounded to Earth with darkness of
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me being desperate because it knows its destiny which is to disappear and yes become just like you as it says, and here it is a combination of darkness and the voice of Fanny speaking, who after her return helped to push this even further, and this is because of this dialogue, which we had, which was really only about her, and yes she was happy with it, which is more than I was as you may understand, and I could have decided to go more directly to her, but I knew that it was impossible to make her change her mind about how little or much she has given because of course she has done everything she could (?) and yes remember the words from and to Soulaima (?) - but very easy for her to misunderstand and become unhappy, so this was the balance I decided to play the game with, and yes to receive her love helping us the rest of the way, which was the most important here.

And yes, THIS IS WHERE I CAME IN and that is again again, and yes we want to see ALL four brothers together again and that is all for one, and one for all really . --It is now 22.10, and again I am way too tired to work, but I was encouraged to write down the notes of the evening and to publish my script today and yes if I can, and yes I still can, so therefore I cannot avoid doing it, and this is how I feel, and yes as Jim Carrey in the film having my gift making it impossible for him to lie. I felt my father and was told that I am also coming through together with his love and when thinking of the love of my mother too I was told that we transfer everything because love is no greater than this. I was told if you can imagine your father now listening/understanding better after having read my website on him telling him and the world about how impossible it is to him to listen to anyone else than himself, and at least in relation to me. I was told that we are now coming down to you and it is us being the Predator. This was where Niels de Bang was supposed to bring us, and it was through Niels, that we established an opening to your father. Please remember that I cannot be stopped when I tell you that I am still not part of you (father not part of son as everything), which we also just have to get organised here, and I was given pain to my left ear, and I was told that this is where I am coming in, so there you have the meaning of the Bee Gees song, and
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yes I loved it since hearing it the first time, and who should have thought that this became their last record together (?), and at least of the Old World. This is then the marble plate arriving. I was told that the reason why I went to Holmens Church in Copenhagen for a Christmas concert in 2010 was because this is the church of the Navy, and I had to go there to get them under my skin in order to use their own weapon against them as my defence. I was told that it is just the old railway tracks that we are breaking up inside of here, because behind this, everything of me is now inside the New World. I was shown a small white door and a giant elephant walking through carrying the dead body of my mother and I believe my sister was included, and I was told that the idea was for God to bring us in through this door where both I and also my mother and sister were dead. You have not receive vegetables/salad enough, and it was also a condition for you to live healthy in order to be able to receive me now, and I was shown God as a giant Brussels sprouts, and if there is something I dont like, it is this, and here much of it comes, and I am really not in terrific form to receive this, but let us see if it doesnt work out. I received feelings of Ulrik Wilbek, the national coach in handball, Kim B. (my old class friend) and also Britt, my old friend from sterbro, and not long after having received pain to my left ear, I was given a constant flow of approx. 20 strong pains to my right instep, which I tried my best to ignore without becoming negative, which was difficult, and I was told that Britt is also helping in this process with her and my heart being connected, and yes she has only shown me darkness leaving me twice on Facebook, so this is what the help is about, and yes I was told that she has never been feeling as poorly as she does with me. I felt God on his way in, and he said I am heartfelt welcome all the way, and yes he knows my words from before. I received the clearest and slowest distortion of all to my TV, which froze part of the picture momentarily, and I was told that we are now where I, i.e. God, had expected to have to finish the rest by myself without your mother (because this is her I used as my road), but this would have required you to accept the old nightmare and for you to be inside of your mother, but now you are clean, and then I can do like this and this instead. I was given the name of the city Birkerd as example, and was told that these are the last connections, which you have not located and saved yourself, which I am bringing with me in, which gave me a clear understanding that this is God as the Source bringing the last parts of our old self also meaning that far the greatest part is already inside the New World.

But still this is the biggest yet, which we bring in at one time, and I felt a strain to my heart, but not as much as expected, and I was told that there is almost no wind here going against us, sorry for being wrong about the strength coming against you, and we know poor habits to exaggerate. And there was almost no end to the praise I received for doing this work, and how crazy my sister and mother and yes father too will believe I was for coming through this alone without their faith and direct support in me. I received the feeling of Johannes, the mayor of Helsingr, and was told that no one in the Commune dared to hospitalise me because they were afraid of the public writings I would do on them, and yes detailing their errors as I did in the letter to the doctors of December 2008. I was told about Elijah and that I have written everything there is to know about him and his misunderstandings, but has he read it (?), and much of it, no, and did the team tell him (?), and no, and this is how it was impossible for him to understand, and that is as expected, and yes poor communication. I was told that the guitarist etc. of Simple Minds, Charlie Burchill, also receives spiritual experiences. I was told about Peter A., my old CEO from Fair, that he is reading/thinking about my Facebook postings, and also that he is important too. And here I received the feeling of Sicily in 1978, which is because this is the finest holiday I have been on with my mother and sister, which is about love being saved for this day, and this is given to me because we always think of Bee Gees when thinking of this holiday, and Bee Gees is what I listened to this whole evening when working. Your mother was the dog in a game of cones. I was told that Camilla, whom I lived together with from 19942001, was such a big challenge to me because of her challenging behaviour and ingoing personality that it should also have made me lose a tooth or more, but it did not, the first and only tooth I lost (half of) came in 2006. Finally at 23.20 I published the script of today, and yes it was really not very difficult to do compared to my standards even though I felt rotten, but very uncomfortable is what it still is. And I was told that when my mothers John was lazy as he has OFTEN been and decided to take a nap in the afternoon instead of being active, cycling or walking when he could and he can at the moment, but he does not bother, and yes I told him directly that he was lazy the last time and this simply means that he steals sleep directly from me, and yes a man not being able to see his own selfishness completely draining me to make him feel good. I was told that there is no light here at all, and I was shown a number of Buddhists meditating here, and that is because they
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are deaf not listening to others than their inner voice based on the STRONG brainwash they have received, and they will be happy to know that you came to bring them out too. Think that you could spell this without having a spell plate as I was told and yes to find you, and that is because I put a spell on you, which is one of the top cover songs of Bryan Ferry and yes a TRUE 100 point song and PERFORMANCE this is too, and just listen to the flow, the bass-line and the elegance of this music, and it will make you happy . Havent we stop bleeding yet, Stig (?), and no, I dont know, but I am here told that little-brother from the TV series The Kingdom by Lars von Trier is symbolising the bleeding of the world. Shall I get a bucket to throw up in, and yes is this the feeling of people of the Navy after I published my story of today? This is still about removing the last hair. --Ending the day with these short stories: First I saw Lasse writing with inspiration that people who have chosen to look for new, exciting opportunities as usual make this choice right after having been dismissed.

it, which was because of lack of solvency (!) and you might add the worst telemarketing sales methods lying to and cheating people with the old typical setup of Sren H., which is we dont want to send you the policy wordings and an offer, but give us all of your personal information and we will establish the insurance now (!) and this happened in November 2011 and the portfolio or some of it was transferred in 2012 to another Swedish Insurer, and yes I wonder what happened (?), and if it was true deficits of the company bringing them in trouble or if the management took out way too much cocoa in wages, company cars etc. from the business (?), and yes Sren H. struggled to keep the company in business taking the Swedish FSA to court, but no, they were closed down, and this is of course a symbol of the worst darkness losing the fight too, so now Paul and also Sren F-J is without jobs as I can see on LinkedIn, but since Sren H. is neither here or there, I cannot tell, but he still has on old Danish portfolio giving him income as far as I can see, and you are still living in a big luxury house in Saltsjbaden, Stockholm, with a big luxury car, Sren (?), and yes, these tragedies of these rich people losing their jobs is of course also helping to open them up from the inside and yes light spreading through their rotten inner selves of darkness, so there you have it, and when I saw this, the next couple of hours I received INCREDIBLE STRONG darkness wanting me to glee because of their misfortune, and yes it came to me HUNDREDS of times, which I had to reject every single time, and this was really to say that these three people old close colleagues/friends have brought me an incredible amount of darkness not being able to listen to, read and understand me and also not support me, but to speak WRONGLY about me behind my back and living themselves lives in luxury from money stolen from the customers of their insurance company, and yes so it is!

And a couple of hours later I received a LinkedIn update showing my old colleague/friend Paul yes the one from the dream of this morning now looking for new opportunities, and yes you do remember the story that he and Sren F-J from Fair was employed by Sren H. to start a Danish branch of Srens Swedish insurance company, which I believe they did in 2007, and since Lasse had just told me that Paul had been dismissed (!), I wonder what had happened, and when I searched the Internet I found the answer as examples here and here saying that the Swedish Financial Authorities had closed down the Swedish Insurance company, thus also the Danish being a branch of
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Manyar is truly a special man an Afghan film director living and working in Denmark and here he said that I cannot protect the world from being afraid, but I can lead and shown them that I am not, and that everything is good and magical, and it was as if these words came out of my own mouth!

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We are opening Heaven these days, and today Depeche Mode decided to invite people to Enter Heaven, so you may understand our link?

After John was not able to communicate for months, I have now heard from him twice in a few days, and I can only recommend you to do as Meshack as example, which is at least to write me once a month, and tell me about yourself, your life, family and experiences, and you know what makes friends friends. Two days of terminations have now been lifted, and isnt it strange to see the number of visitors to my DSB application (the green line) being zero most days and then the BIG effect of the one link to it, which I brought in my script (?), and yes even though my script officially only had much less visitors than the peak here to Scribd indicates, and I am here feeling Carrie-Anne Moss, who by the way played TRINITY in the Matrix, and yes I loved your part too.

The Dutch Queen decided to abdicate yesterday making her son the new King, and today, Thomas Blachman said what a majority of Danes feel, which is for Queen Margrethe to abdicate too making her son the new King, and this gave Morten from the Danish Peoples Party an opportunity to show the world how he lost his head when he was VERY negative about Thomas talking about his narcissism and infantile need of exhibitionism on DR TV and now his unsuitable remarks about our Majesty, which is too much, and will someone please let him settle for dilettante shows on DR TV and that is because he is hardly any oracle, and yes isnt if funny how the intelligent and know-all Morten lost his head showing just how negative he is too (?) and that is when he cannot recognise the love of God also working inside of Thomas Blachman, and yes, Morten you may be wise on many things, but you are NOT a good character on people, and I told him that he is wrong and should OPEN his mind and ability to understand by removing his own negative voice and that is to understand the true depth, which Thomas speaks with, but impossible to do Morten because you are better than others (?), and know the truth, which Thomas do not (?) and we know because you are used to mean everything about everyone and that is also on things you do not know of, and let us include HUMAN LOVE as one of them.

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30 January: Arriving at the PURE WATER of the Source, which created the world as a self-sustainable entity of its own
Soulaima wrote yesterday that she feels like having run 6 marathon at once, having given birth to a couple of children and received the flue, everything at the same time, I have never been so smashed and she has travels the rest of the week (Tuesday to Sunday) and she wondered I wonder if I will make it, and to this I can only say welcome to the club (!), and yes this is NOT to the club of the world elite, Soulaima, because this is the Devil you are flirting with showing yourself as a teenager in love, but to my club, and yes it takes SUFFERINGS to fight the Devil, and you may here be a little bit tired as I have been for years thinking everyday if I would be able to make it, and you may know by now what I speak of, but silent you are too .? Dreaming of darkness inside our New World terminating life I went to bed at around 00.30 and slept until 09.00, but I sure still feel tired making this an awful morning once again, and a few dreams. I am together with many people, who are starting to get to know me, which also includes a man from the Danish Peoples Party who comes over to speak to me, and we look at two different semen-tests having two different names, and I ask him why they have two different names when they do the same, and he cannot ask, and I think of him looking much like two other men from their party all of them being homo-sexual. o This may be about Morten Messerschmidt after my comment to him yesterday, but it did not prevent him nor BT to contact him to receive his comments about Thomas Blachman, which you can read here, and no, Morten did not hear and could not hear what I told


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him because the strength of his negative feelings and own voice was too powerful and with this, he decided to publicly throw dirt as Thomas as so many do without understanding Thomas message of love to man. And the two semen tests may be to say that people have been created differently, and Morten does not feel and understand the same kind of love as I do as example, but was one of these people of Nazi-darkness, who could have been one of my (!) leaders to destruct the world if I had decided to become anti-Christ and yes if darkness had taken me over, killed me, and as dead leading him and his party towards glory of the black kingdom ruling and yes leading directly to the Word War III against Muslims, but you do know this other scenario by now, dont you (?), and eeehhhh you did not read me carefully enough to fully comprehend this (?), and yes so it is, meet Morten, a man FULL of darkness and (potential) hate bigger than most. After work, we are colleagues going to Anja (my old Aon colleague) to get a drink, and I drive on my cycle there and have some difficulties to lock it, which gives me dirt on my hands, and I notice a very fine cycle on the hallway of these row houses, which she lives in, and I am surprised that her apartment was perfect not needing to be cleaned up before we arrived without notice, and inside I see that she has a big bowl of apples and how she has an enormous appetite on these. My old school friend Sren D. N. is there, and we speak together, which he did not want to do before, and there are other guests, whom I only feel but dont see. They are on their way out for dinner, but first Sren D. N. is leaving and people say let him eat alone, and I dont have time myself to join them because I am going home to Helsingr to meet my mother. o There was something about a tax card in the dream too, inspired by a part of Huset on Christianshavn as I watched yesterday (from the Telia library of my TV), where Larsen and Olsen received the GREATEST shocks to receive their new tax cards with taxes taking 52% and 54% of their income, and this is a symbol of darkness terminating life, and we are here at Anjas home with MANY apples symbolising our New World, which indicates that Anja, who is my Facebook friend too, may have faith in me, and the people we are with are people of darkness terminating life with Sren being the worst of them, and when writing down the notes of the dream, I had this feeling of the aura of one of the persons of the dream, whom I did not see, but I recognised the feeling of her, and then it came to me, and yes Gitte, the old claims manager of Fair Insurance (whom I am NOT connected with neither on Facebook nor LinkedIn), and yes darkness she is too, and apparently the old network of colleagues are speaking about me behind my back and yes not believing in me? I had a short dream too where my sisters husband Hans is holding a dinner I feel that it is for fine people and for some reason, the toilet is completely open and everyone sees me peeing.

o Peeing is destruction of darkness too, and this might be what is happening when God walked down the steps meeting me, and if I cannot resurrect all life now, I can only hope that it happens from within our New World. Arriving at the PURE WATER of the Source, which created the world as a self-sustainable entity of its own Think if your mother is Djokovic (darkness killing me) and your father saved you. This is how the combination of them did not become poisonous, and this is how we can move a whole New World in under you. We did not believe that there was enough marzipan i.e. that I continued working without giving up with all of the resistance against you from family, friends etc., thus the world, I was told that the worst contact ad in the world would be when your mother had to swing over to your father based on French fries and yes unhealthy living, but I really dont believe that I lived that unhealthy, did I (?), and yes I have had vegetables/salad almost every day for a LONG time. So you did not fall down with a helicopter what hapened (?) because of the resistance to you, and no, there was no hair being burned on the road, which would be a condition, and I am thinking about what God helped to bring in, which I did not do myself, did this not burn? So it is him the small one down there we will enter (?), and yes Stig, we will now continue the game (after sleep), and I feel how it requires the biggest patience in the world to do, and how impatience wants me to finish now. I feel darkness and the smell of being drugged at the dentist. You are not that much a king in the minds of Russian as example, and yes because they forget and are caught by the everyday of old world activities, and yes this is how one day after the other. I was shown two giant platforms moving towards each other with a very little crack in between them where I am walking on a beach, and I was told that this is still about our physical and spiritual worlds moving together but now much finer than before. There has not been people inside of here for a lifetime, and I was shown the inner of a house where a huge claw of darkness had grabbed around the inner structure of the house (which I understood as the spirit of my mother grabbing on to the Source, and what my ankles are about), but becoming smaller and smaller and about to disappear, which is old creation, and the house is the Source, and I was told that there are a huge number of photographs inside of here, which contain all life I have not yet had time to issue. I was shown a bottle of the clearest water being pulled up, and I was told that this is the Source, you know, and also that when
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life gets a chance, it develops into darkness, and this is to say that the origin self is the most clear building material from where life was created. So this is the pure water of me and now you too which you meet after having gone through hell of creation to return, and as you see, I am nothing and the only thing pouring out of here is pure water containing everything you can imagine from which life self has formed life. I was told that visiting the Circus building in Copenhagen with my mother maybe 10 years ago seeing the magician Joe Labero performing was also important to our development, and this is of course to say that life self is magical and that you are about to see MAGIC as you have never seen before with our New World, and you do understand that Joe is only an actor showing you magic of God, which he and the likes of him could not admit to, and yes because gold and glitter was more important to them and yes Olivia, this amazing song may be my favourite of all your songs, and will you please send my thanks to John Farrar too . You have to believe, We are magic, Nothing can stand in our way I was told that Bo and the Navy as examples should have had much power of darkness opposing me at this stage (?), but they had not and yes this darkness was practically an empty shell. We could have played many games with your heart has not arrived yet but now you are, and really only wait for the day when you will wake up as your new self and the world will have changed into our New World. So here is the entrance Stig, and yes you just had to cross darkness on the way to find it behind you, and yes to enter into your new self. For months I have not been able to access my net-bank because the JAVA-programme did not work any longer on my old computer, but this morning I tried to open the net-bank on my new computer, and it asked me to download JAVA, which I obviously had not done, which I then did, and yes voila, now the bank is open to me too, and this is symbolising your access to everything. So these were the thin/black nylon stockings, which has now been worn up, as I was shown and feeling Ulrik Wilbek again, and yes I wonder if you have a problem controlling your temper and negative feelings, Ulrik (?), and that comes from the best leader in the world, which is how you like to see yourself (?), but negative press when things go against you is not what you like the most (?), and is this what makes you the best leader, you think?

No, until now we have not been allowed to move, and this is darkness and I feel the actor now speaking with a normal voice of my sister having had this role and you said not before there is no more darkness, so this is how we designed the whole game, and yes, Stig, if there is truly no more darkness, it is about time for you too and everyone to come home, to enter my New World. So even if you should decide to give in/lose it, you will not be able to make me terrorise you as darkness any more. And no, not even South Turkey can now provoke me to start this engine again. And this is from where Karen received her sour pig toes as I was encouraged to write, and yes the twisted world is what twisted her mind and sexuality, which almost made Kim, her old loverboy win, which ultimately would have been to kill her during the play/act. This is what made your mother and you and yes John and father dead sick. I received the feeling of Peter A.G. Nielsen and was told welcome home. And this is what I am told, i.e. no more darkness, and also almost feel, but I also feel that there is at least some darkness still fighting me and giving me negative speech, so almost home we are. I was told that when my mother had faith in and understood that John was healed because he accepted to be healed when I told him about it at the hospital in Hillerd, this is what was decisive in this game and what ultimately eliminated the last darkness inside of me, and yes my mother believing in me even though she believes in my sister (Stig is crazy) and yes with her mind, and this is how there was an entrance through your mother and yes via her heart too even though her mind said no. It was a doll or only a paper that you were sick, and yes no one could see it in reality, but the power of public authorities (not knowing what they speak of), brainwash and poor habits of people were stronger than what people could see with their own eyes, and yes this was the game of darkness, to make it impossible for you to see reality as it was played directly in front of your eyes. I am very often given visions of myself working at Brede Park, and yes the park is a symbol of our New World too. So there are both no elephants grassing here at the same time as we theoretically are everything, and yes without us, there would be no life, but we have created life to be self-sustainable so it is an entity of its own, so there you have it, and yes we might have a little to do with future development of this our creation, and yes keep on adding to it for an eternity to come, and this is basically our role, and yes your mother is on the steps arriving here at any moment, and yes Stig, you thought she was already at home .
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I was told that I (in 2001) received a good relation to Per Ericsson, the Nordic and Baltic Manager of General Electric when I worked for GE Insurance in Sweden (besides from Denmark) as temporary manager, and also that he is part of this evil New World and he led me to the American Embassy in Stockholm on its yearly barbecue as one of very few people from GE invited by Per that year, and yes this was my way in to this secret network, and yes through the American Embassy in Stockholm, and yes you know that I also went to their embassy in Copenhagen one year together with Camilla and her parents on a public dinner, so there you have it too, and yes let is see, one heart there, another one there, and yes when you continue receiving hearts from all over the world, you have a complete new blanket, i.e. duvet, and yes this is really what it is like, and here thinking of some of the ladies from Matador doing a what do you call it blanket when you collect many different small parts made by different people in different designs (?), and yes, this is how life is, a huge diversity of variation from one place to another where life developed differently, and just you wait and see and that is with a Big Smile, and yes I have often looked at incredible creatures of the sea as example of our own Earth here, and thinking of HUGE variation here, and just how big do you believe variation is EVERYWHERE (?), and yes both in life and culture of life, and yes I cannot wait to get to learn, and this is basically the idea, and that also goes to you, Morten and the Danish Peoples Party and that is to LOVE other people and cultures instead of only yourself and your beloved Queen, whom you simply cannot do without, and yes it is about reversing you to the opposite of what you are/were, which is darkness contracting to destroy, and yes OPEN UP and LOVE what is different to you instead of only loving yourself and people who look like you, do you see? So we have not run out of time yet, Stig (?), which I was told together with the feeling that we almost are, and we know, you decide to keep on working as long as there is work to do and you receive darkness, and when this is the case, we will continue time until further notice . You cannot keep shopping with the face you are wearing, can you (?) and yes when you FACE THE MUSIC, you can, and yes I am listening to all albums of Electric Light Orchestra from scratch, and right now I am listening to Eldorado, and FACE THE MUSIC is the next, and this is really what I have done and will continue doing as long as I can and as long as there is a game, and yes this is about STRANGE MAGIC coming when we are going DOWN HOME TOWN to take another than the obvious song to pick, so there you have it once again, and feeling Peter A. and Sren H. here. Do you realise that the time is TWO MINUTES PAST 12, Stig (?), and I am shown a strong and long arm pointing at the watch right in front of me, and yes we know, we are in NO HURRY, and that is right because hurry is a game of darkness too.

So it was your mother grounding you to Earth, and I felt that this is what took terminations of life to do. It is like standing on the 9-metre board and saying, well alright, I will take the last steps up to the 10-metre, to reach everything, and yes Stig, it took the world of your mother to bring down the last part of the steps up to you/God, and we were happy to assist you, and yes to do this before the end of time. I will never ever exchange this for everything because I now see what I got the spirit of my mother or our New World speaking - and yes a total clean access to the Source with NO DARKNESS blocking it, and it is from here that we can select exactly what we want to become part of our future life. Arent we also going to pack down darkness/negativity of Elijah and yes it comes streaming out of this, and yes a music instrument really, which was his part, and yes to bring me as much building material as possible to create our New World, and no, Elijah, you never really understood, and how could you? And I STILL have STRONG scratching to the bottom of my head, and when I scratch it, it is almost impossible not to continue scratching, and yes my friend, COME OUT NOW, this is really the drill I am playing with you, but no, Elijah is stubborn and negative, so you have decided to keep on playing the game to the end showing the world that you simply cannot accept me, Elijah, and is that because you could not get into your mind that I truly am the one I have told you about all along (?), and yes lack of patience and acceptance of your situation sacrificing to help me/us all (?), and yes I am No, he never became ready to kiss, and yes ALL OF THIS, Stig, was the Toruk Makto as I am shown here, and yes first now I was told about Cyprus as example and no, we dont bother and I was told do you know how many times they have been encouraged to read you (?), and yes almost impossible it was to the world (?), and no, no patience (?), and we know it took nothing to read it, and everything to write it. I felt my mother preparing my bed for me, and yes to come home as you are as part of the New World, which you have created yourself, and yes the Source inside of your own creation (?), and yes Stig, this is basically the idea, and that is for everything to become ONE, thus receiving eternal life. Will tomorrow be another beer-day (?), and yes to bring out everything you can of beer, but not for much longer. I have no clear glass ready for you, or needle (of drugs) for that matter as the spirit of my mother says, and I provide the room for your new life, and this is about your decision to be a man too, Stig, so this is what we are converting too, isnt it (?), and no, we are both/and and not either/or because my inner self preferred to become part of the Source, which I accepted, so this will become the combination of the Source of the natural force, which is (as part of the air everywhere) and our physical New World.
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From the morning I had really felt as if a flu was almost breaking through making me sick, but I decided that this is nothing and that it will leave, which is what I am feeling here at 15.00 that it is, and yes part of the game to receive the last part of darkness at once, and yes was the piano really only remained form the last steps upstairs down to me downstairs (?), and yes I believe it was. Wait a minute (!), has anyone been thinking how nice it must be for Stig to be free from work everyday (?), and yes as you would also like yourself, and we know I am of course misusing the public system providing for me without doing anything myself (?), and yes part of the misunderstandings of many. Your mother was running with a nose bleed, and I was shown the blood returning to her, and yes this is what I do hope and believe will become the final result with every little thing surviving, and we know it was truly a much harder game than I thought, and yes remember back in 2009 before moving from Hrsholm to Kenya when I almost could no more (?), and yes having the worst ahead of me, and if I had received the question back then knowing what was ahead of me do you think you will be able to do this (?), and can you guess the answer (?), and no, this is IMPOSSIBLE to do, no one can do this as a normal human being, but this is what I did, and yes with the help of my spiritual friends leading the voice (also) here (but not all of the time, only partly as you know). I decided to cycle to the swimming hall and exercise, and on my way there, there is now NO PROBLEMS with the gear of my new bicycle, but my back wheel is still buckled and also losing air now, which is so much that it is NOT making cycling a joy but the opposite, and this is also to bring me more sufferings as long as I have not opened the eyes of my new self, and it is so annoying that I had to be VERY careful not to become negative, and yes the game is still on-going so I am still receiving let us say a factor time 10 or maybe 50 of what most people receive when it comes to the feelings and active voice in my case wanting me to turn negative. I was told that Bo from Dahlberg has now calmed down with the help of the spirit of my mother, and that the only way to make John believe in maybe not me but power of my spiritual friends was to heal him doing what was impossible for the doctors to do, and yes you do remember that he was saying goodbye to his family, friends etc. only a few months ago, so this is also what is helping us in. I was told that as my living self as Stig I can only become the sum of all life, which is. When cycling, I discovered just how smashed I am and I did a little shopping at the Prvesten centre, and decided to cycle home via the Aldi Supermarket too, and yes to skip the exercise, and I thought that I might have exercised for the last time as my old self, we will see.

When I was cycling and thinking negatively was almost breaking through, I was punished with severe ankle pain and VERY uncomfortable small heart attacks, which continued maybe half a minute. And 200 metres from home after the gear had worked perfectly, I was first told about Apple Computers now experiencing the loss of the Steve Jobs-factor (?), and about how wealthy managers of the Samsung electronic company is shovelling money in, and how they still believe that this is what they will continue doing and yes milking the cow understand the meaning of this now (?) in the EVIL New World, and exactly when receiving this information, my gear started to jump/hop EXTREMELY, but only for maybe 10 seconds. Cant we get our two airplane-tickets exchanged for something else (?), and yes we are freezing, but no! Does that mean that we can colour bodies of Heaven in the exact colours as we like (?); and yes my friends, you can change condition instantly from a variety of millions to choose from, and that is if you want, and yes this is the kind of MAGIC we speak of. If I had accepted nothing of the Source now becoming everything, it would have created a game with we dont have room for you, do you want to terminate me and me and me instead?, which I avoided and later I was told that it looks mostly like a free place if you ask me, and yes because we are nothing but still we are everything of this too, and yes quite amazing isnt it, and yes I am both this nothing and inside of the physical everything of me living as a life part of it, and yes we made your dreams come through, Stig, and so you are. Sometimes I am told about the world checking my information in detail, and an example was given when I was told that the world now knows who Anders and also the twins Lars and Bo from the Jgerspris summer camp are, and yes you like to follow in my foot prints? I was told that the door is right over there, but no, I will not enter it before you will do it for me when I sleep, and I feel darkness inside of me being me, so there is still some more to go, and yes I am given attacks of dizziness of nothing, which is NOT nice. I was told with a very kind and loving voice that there is no snaps or syrup water inside of here you shall be so welcome, Stig. We cannot continue having you tied up, so is it MAGIC we are using to set you free, free, set them free, and yes I LOVE IT, Sting , and I am here reminded of when I did body-bike in Lyngby using all of my power about to faint, where I was saved just before fainting, and yes this injection came from the Source and this is also where this magic is coming from, and yes Stig we have been allowed to use it to make you free, free, set them free, so this is really how you got it.

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January 2013 A spirit came flying in over me and said you are not the first, who has tried to prevent destruction of Doomsday, and I understood that this is one of countless editions of me, thus of worlds, and yes looking forward to meeting you or me or what do you say (?), and yes boller fra Koberg of course, and yes you will get such a small one too . I was told that Dan Rachlin as example did not receive as much as a VOICE-TEST communication from our spiritual friends and that is because I decided to go all the way myself making this unnecessary. I was told that without receiving Christian P. from Philipson Wine as Facebook friend, it would also have been difficult to finalise the last, and I was here shown an island from Robinson Crusoe, so this is what he believes, that I am alone on my island. I was given an ice cream and felt my self as darkness in uniform and was told that you are really yourself the darkness of armed forces still wanting to attack you (?), and yes come on and show me the best you got (!), or shoot me down on open street, have you thought about this too (?), and we know not as easy for you to run away and hide like this, is this it (?), and yes this is what Michael and I call a WRAP, and Jackson you know. I was shown that we are standing in the dark hall-way with the door half open to the light of the living room, and I was shown the stairs upstairs and told that we are not there anymore, and yes the top floor(s) have been emptied. I was told that God simply decided to walk down the stairs when I could walk no more, and also that if I had spit out life, it would also be returned now, and yes because I made it 360 degrees around. I continued receiving cracking sounds to my kitchen the kitchen of God, and first they were dark, but at the end of the evening, they were more orange than dark, which is to say that we are coming through the darkness. I was told that my mother will not believe in reaching the zeropoint, which no one can reach, and yes this is repeated to me often, and zero-point is to go back all the way to the Source with everything. The line or string of the Old World had become so thin that it could no longer bear itself, and this was the point you reached before we have to walk down to meet you. Do you want to try to walk over to Egypt and see what will happen (?), and yes Stig when you first enter, this is no way back, so what do you want, and yes to continue the game as long as I can. We will just have to get that adjustable spanner out of there and into the ship, and then we just have to exchange these
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tickets and yes for a passport and so on, and Stig all of this is hidden to you, and that is what you cannot score yourself. I was told kill you, kill you it is just me Stig, just testing and yes to see if there is hole through, and feeling Lis Srensen here, and no, I decided not to continue writing down feelings of people for example Lars Muhl and others who have read me or heard about me. And the sexual sufferings was simply for me to and eeehhh transform to physical life, but you have decided that I will keep living as the natural force, and yes if you say it is so, it is so now it is you, I am tired, and this is one actor to the other and that is son and father of the Source speaking and this is to inform you that we can take any form we might decide and also forms, which have not yet been released to the Universe. So have we found the last closet even though we were drunk (?), and it looks like it. It is like running out of a very narrow drain pipe, and to fall down into the forest not knowing where you will land. So everyone will have had a visit by Stigs hairdresser before the end of next week or was it this week (?), and yes FOLLOW ME and you will know. I was told think if we fell off from a Jumbo Jet and no one knew, which was followed by a cracking sound to my kitchen and I was told we have thought of this too, and yes whatever could not be saved could not be saved until we had brought the big wagon through, and when this big wagon of everything has united with the new (little) wagon of our New World, it should be possible to make everything live again, and yes this was/is really the art, Stig, to united these two parts of me to become one, and yes the New World and the Source as the two platforms becoming one. I was told by my mother that you have entered purely, and yes no worries (!), and still I am given some nervousness because of this game and feelings of nervousness simply given by darkness. And then we can finally go to the cinema together as the spirit of my mother of our New World tells me behind the actors, and that was after a few more walks. This is what you jumped over, this is also how we feel like, Stig, but ha, we are in too, and yes because we wanted to. So the truth is that your mother has been in the menopauseALDER and no, no surprises here, he just decided to only write what we tell him, and yes he does his best to do this all of the time, but what you dont know my dear reader is that sometimes I speak so low that he can only hear/feel fractions of it, and this is really because these are the last bits of me difficult to obtain, and yes it annoys him/me much not hearing clearly when I want to get down everything, and then we have to

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speak up a little or dont get included and yes sometimes this, and sometimes that, and it depends on the feeling of course. You cannot walk out of the building and say that you have been there, you need help, and it is I from the New World now dragging I from eeehhh outside the New World and in to the New World and yes to form our New combined Universe inside of here, and yes this is how we have decided for it to be. And without this, we dont get the required silver inside of here to make the Lords dreams come through of how a new life is also to him/me (father/son). It corresponds to a BACALHAU (split cod) being blown up with water as you and your mother are and that is to reach out as far as you can get to me, and we saw how far you came, didnt we, and yes with that performance, we decided to come and meet you before you actually died one of you. Google Earth shows the white horse of our New World, which I had to have a little luck to bring you Jettes Google Earth pictures from her Facebook group show PURE NAM NAM (celebration), lots of white WINGS (because we were LUCKY), the worst darkness of Saudi Arabia, darkness eating light (before light later absorbed it), the white horse of our New World, which came into being with a little luck (Lucky Luke symbolising me being lucky to save everything), and the King of the Universe.

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Morten from the European Parliament an opponent to the EU working from within (!) published his new leaflet of 50 examples of how the European Union is wasting billions of DKK/EUROs including corruption etc., and nothing happens because on one can control this monster of a system, and I decided to share it too here, and to say that this is the reason why this monster-system (and its equals) will cease to exist and be replaced by FREEDOM of our New World with its New World Order and New World Government. 05379&feature=iv&src_vid=Y6Gm3acD0V4&v=lPT9hHo6Gsw --Ending the day with these short stories: I liked this picture of the three swans much, and yes the Trinity is what they mean to me.

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Mads was thinking of a VERY special Danish phrase fi-fi dong and asked if there is agreement of what it covers (?), and people said that it is that everything is fine, and Mads believed himself that it is moving inside a landscape of hash and sex, which is really about his darkness symbolising darkness of the world, and how it has come to terms with the fact that everything is ok, and later Ib asked if Mads also thought about sex when Tiger Woods puts a ball into hole, and it made him say that Golf is so boring that I simply dont understand why they dont allow car chases in those small, silly cars and topless dance, and as you can see, he is still dark on the surface, but he has given up playing golf against me, and yes I do find that you are immature Mads speaking of sex as you do and as often as you do it. As you can see from Scribd visits today including information from yesterday as the last dot, we have now almost resurrected all terminated life, and yes on one hand I am told that this is the worst darkness I am going through terminating life, but still Scribd shows that the opposite is happening, so this will have to be the power of the Source with addition of the New World and yes our wish to make every little thing survive, and this is then what happens, isnt it (?) as I am told, and yes it looks like it. And by the
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way, this is terminated life as parts of us, and not life completely terminated.

I have bought cigarettes at a kiosk I feel the kiosk as being served by American people of the media and I cannot read the notes but something about a shirt, a restaurant with Finns and a room where guest arrive, and Hans points and says that there is sweet inside that bag, and Niklas and Flemming (Hans and Sannas friend) tell me that I did not show for the change. o American media is bringing me darkness because of its silence and lies to the public too, and sweet is still a symbol of abuse of Children.

31 January: We are completing the work converting God and the spiritual world into everything of our new physical world
Dreaming of the army of me entering me as PURE DIAMOND and life entering now of God is the most precious wine of all I went to bed at 00.20 and slept until 08.00 with these dreams. First I was told before sleeping that types like Per Ericsson are responsible for regions including everything that it takes including murders etc., and I was told about 95 million dollars and yes receiving an enormous amount of money for doing nothing, but they do love to TALK, TALK and TALK, which I remember that Per was truly fantastic to do, but what about WORKING, Per? I was shown my self having a dagger made by ivory and I am the leader of an enormous army of monster-men, who look dangerous making me somewhat scared when they walk towards me, but I see that they change attitude and show me big smiles when entering around me. o This is the remaining army of me arriving, and yes Bjrk in the 1990s is on the very top of my list as the most amazing/experimental music, truly fantastic, also this one, and yes it is from inside of my teeth that these monster men are coming out and transforming into PURE DIAMOND driving the lorry of the world as you can see, but it is no longer needed to explode the world to bring me alive, and yes a VERY INSPIRED artist she is. I have been following professional golf players without playing myself, and they laugh over amateur golf players. o I received the feeling that this is top business people like Per Ericsson believing they are so much better than others, and are you really, Per (?), and no, I dont believe so, on the contrary in fact.
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I am at Sannas home and want to remove her opened iron board, but there are coins on it of hers, so I leave it. I encourage her to walk her dog, a cocker spaniel, which truly needs to receive exercise, to run, and she talks about a place of hers in the forest, which I understand as a place of darkness. We are in the year 2030, and I am shown on TV an artificial skiing hill, which is made to the right of a big social building area, and it is being criticised because it has a long straight piece, and people there are interviewed about a place in the forest, which they like to visit, and they say that they would rather not talk about it, but everyone knows now they talk about it on TV. Later I am in the Hrsholm shopping centre with Sanna, and they sell tickets for a wine tasting, and I ask Sanna if she wants to attend, which she finally accepts, and I dont know if I have enough money, the tickets are 200 DKK, but I decide to buy three tickets also for Hans and the salesman is an old man TALKING so much that it creates a VERY LONG line of people after me, and he says that he doesnt know if the 1st or 2nd flight (i.e. tasting) is the best, but I see that one bottle of 3,400 DKK is to be tasted, and I say that I wonder how it is possible at all to produce such an expensive wine. o The iron board is where my shirt is being ironed, and when I dont put it down, it is because there is still more life, i.e. coins, to be saved and once again, this means energy, and the dog is really myself after my decision yesterday that I might stop exercising now and I also had French fries and fat dressing yesterday (!), which I have almost not had when living in Helsingr. The place in the forest is the worst darkness, or concentration of PURE WATER, of God, and this is now on TV meaning that the world knows that I have arrived at this place of the Source, and this is what is bringing us by far the most concentrated wine of life, and yes with the acceptance of my sister, who I will visit on Sunday together with my mother and John, we are continuing the game, and the 1st of 2nd flight is still about which level I will end my journey, if I can do it going through the most difficult level or if I have to go down to the 2nd, and yes exercise seems still to have some importance, but not easy to do it is these days.

We are completing the work converting God and the spiritual world into everything of our new physical world I felt all over and was shown a giant insect coming in, and insect is the worst sexual torments really, but now the most condensed life-giving water of the Source.
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I was told finally in Swedish (!), and that is because I can stop being the murderer trying to kill James Bond and I am here shown the scene of James Bond (Roger Moore) in the hotel room where a man with a German accent plans to kill/torture together with his partner in crime. I was shown rope being fastened to shore, which is what we continue doing, and yes grounding me. I was told that we say goodbye inside that shop, we dont get anything more from there, Stig, and my reply is that we have to get everything everywhere, so please carry on and try again. We have also not been on Gran Canaria (with Lars G. in 1991) for nothing, so this is where this life is coming out from, as if it was Napalm bombs, this is the sheer strength of it. Is the gasoline not far too heavy for him, i.e. Stig, to lift (?), the piano you know, and let us see, we will give it a go, and yes it is a big piano you know. I wonder if you are not a horse head ahead, and I here feel the Mafia, and yes darkness wanting to kill me, which is about the business world, and no, you do not dare coming after me today after that incident with the UFO, which could not penetrate the window to my apartment. The Marchmann family believes that you have to get released from being tied up at the mental hospital, and yes because of your good old school friend, Allan, who could not read and understand before giving his judgment of me to his brother and family. I was shown and told that it is not as if we are hiding at every street in Helsingr with darkness and energy of big bombs, it is nothing like this, or is it (?), and yes my friend, darkness had WAY MORE energy to bring against you if your mother, thus the world, had decided to use it, and this is what we are also transforming and getting inside of you now. For the last time, hold/leave me now as I am told, and yes this is the Johnny Logan song, and hold or leave is still the feeling of darkness. So the meaning was that I with all of this darkness via your mother was meant to kill you and for you to come here and help me to get everything through and yes first killing your mother/sister, and yes for us to get this through, but no, you did not want to die, so this is what we invented, and yes a new invention to carry this through based on I will NEVER give up and this has build up so much energy here so when I open a little for this, it makes this darkness feeling my mother/sister sop afraid of you that they will do everything they can to accommodate you, and yes the opposite world of the opposite world,, strange right? You were half way to get a warning (about being killed) but then you entered safety.
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And the watch is still inside this darkness and it is still going you know as Jeff Lynne would have said. I was told that to combine the Source and the New World has always been our highest wish of everything, and this could only be done when you would be far too big inside a far too small room at the every end, as now you know. Well, you are NOT the companys man are you (?), and yes we are speaking of MAFIA methods of the business world to stay in power, and what would the business world by itself be capable of doing if they dont send UFOs after me (?), and yes to kill me with cold blood on the streets (?), and yes GO FOR IT, try to do it if you DARE, so the only question I have for you is: DO YOU DARE OR ARE YOU CHICKENS TOO (?), and yes, you are as pumped with darkness/hate/lust as the chicken the racing cyclist Michael Rasmussen was, who was the next in line today to stand forward and tell it like it is, and yes this is the NEW WAVE coming with people standing forward admitting to and apologising for their wrongdoings/sin, so what about you, my dear business world (?), and what do you say, DSB, to get started and yes by admitting to EVERYTHING of your ROTTEN business moral and culture? It is like having sent a rocket away from Earth, and it is getting further and further away, but the bottom of the rocket is now off, and the light of Earth is spreading to the inside of the rocket. And the question is how long it will take to bring your bag (of darkness or PURE WATER really, i.e. of God) down to us all. I received a combination of speech/feelings/visions with the content that God is right at my back wheel, and we are now packing everything together around me as you would wrap a Danish Pastry really, and yes a part of the pram of my new self, and I was given a maybe 1/15 out of this world pain to my right ankle (still uncomfortable) and told that this is one of the last times I need to do this (to turn around everything you know). How many heart attacks can you get in January (?), and yes we know, Stig, you decided to survive them all (receiving help), and you did not really believe that you would make it until today, but here we are, and yes the new goal is now to continue and to make all February too, and that is if needed, and we know this would be completely crazy of course, but only if needed, and yes it may look easy to you to continue writing these scripts, but I can ONLY do it by NOT taking breaks, and yes to concentrate from the morning EVERY SINGLE DAY and to continue until I finish, and this is TRULY not easy to do, and also not now, but we better make this script too, and yes later in the day to go to town to transfer money to LTO and yes to call my mother and John to hear about his cancer results, and we know maybe I will finish my greatest hits compilation by Electric Light Orchestra this evening (?) it takes a long time to do when deciding to LISTEN TO ALL SONGS and choose the best in my taste
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from here, and I have done this and now have 3 CDs, which I will narrow down to 3 and yes to make 1-2 to my sister when visiting her on Sunday three days from now and so it is. My monitor started to blink again, which it has not done for a long time, which is about the end coming again again, and it kept on having a constant yellow/green colour nuance, and yes it could also be the colour canon self arriving (?) as I am asked, and yes who knows? I was given a strong burning smell and was told what I felt, which is that this goes right pass my nose without hitting me, and yes the army of me entering you know. I was told by more pure water/worst darkness of God entering that it does without telling me that we cannot find your heart and that is because I have always said you are welcome and not the opposite and also because I have always said about people hurting me I want them to feel good and when you only want the best, this is also what is good enough for me, and this is really why we bring you the best of me without playing a game that we cannot make it. I was told that we could also bring you a warning when entering you, but no, we cannot, and yes because you have been 100% clear/pure that EVERYTHING HAS GOT TO BE PERFECT/LIGHT and so much that even I with the worst darkness/purest water has got it by now, and yes a reference to people out there, who has got it by now, and yes faith in me and us being heroes you know. I was shown a crane and my self as a crane driver, and everything of the crane zooming in on me, and yes another way to say that we are coming home all of us and yes inside of you and your small heart, which hereafter is the New World as everything. I was told that we are not even an airplane now, but I am shown an airplane and how it zigzags down to me, and yes this is really a reference to Ziggy, and also what I understand the music industry is following/understanding and yes when I wrote about this not that long ago. I was told/felt/shown that if we had not washed Elijahs hands back then in 2009 allowing him to enter our New World without having shown a clean heart, we would not have made it to here, which was the only way for us to open up for this part of the Source, and yes through the worst darkness, which is, and yes Elijah, welcome in the club, and this is to say that the club of the world elite is reading and understanding about Elijah too. So this is what the top room has been designed for (?), and yes for you/God to be here as your new home. I cycled to town this afternoon to transfer money to the LTO team with the exception of Elijah and on my way there I was told that what I am doing now is to turn around remaining parts
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of God instead of breaking through the glass, and we all know what breaking glass sounds like, and yes it can make you feel LOW really, so this is what we avoid doing remember Fuggi from the school (?), and here is the email I sent asking them to at least think about sharing their money with Elijah or someone else, and yes I wonder if they CAN (?), and feeling Obama here too, and yes we are still struggling to get around, but as you see it is not that bad, but I wonder how much Elijah is suffering, and why it is completely impossible for you to communicate, Elijah (?), and is it time for you to send one of these I am so very very sorry emails again (?), and yes I will never do it again, but always support you (?) and do you remember, Elijah (?), and yes a man, who cannot understand and who is not to be trusted and that is despite of what I taught you about Basic Rules/Recommendations (?), remember Elijah (?), and yes LAZINESS is an enemy of the worst, which you could not shake of you?

I was happy when John decided to do THE RIGHT THING instead of being lazy, and I do believe that you have learned your lesson, John, and I am only sad that it took money to change your mind to start communicating with me again. And I was told that there is no room for the rest of the Source to enter, and what do you do then (?), and yes later I was told that the Universe is expanding to provide enough room and yes with God self changing form into everything of the Universe, and yes I am about to learn this game, and yes the simple answer is that God changed from a spiritual being of nothing into a physical being of everything, this is what all of this was for, and yes why (?), and that is to LIVE and enjoy life, and because we could, and yes God came from nothing, which is the same as darkness or all negativity and when creating life, the idea was for life to grow stronger and stronger from the outside of everything and eventually to become stronger than darkness and yes by going deeper and deeper to convert everything from minus to plus, which is what I did. And all of the resistance, misunderstandings and angriness/sadness you have met of people in relation to me, was darkness of nothing working inside of people fighting to remain as nothing because this was
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the natural starting point, and yes not everyday that we take a full ship with its top upside down and to turn everything around, and yes do you follow me Johannes from TV2 (?), and no, you are NOT a chicken are you (?), but yes you are, and what the chicken of the racing cyclist did today when he admitted to having taken doping in his active career is the same you will go through when you will admit to the world that you knew about me but was SILENT and yes just like Michael, and you know that this is wrong as Michael knew that it was wrong but both of you did because this is what was the WRONG culture of your businesses, and when Michael was TOO TIRED to meet you at a direct interview at the TV2 news broadcast at 19.00 this evening, it is to say that you are DARKNESS when you keep being silent, and yes you may understand that too tired is a reference to me being tired because of cowards like you (?), and yes I am only saying things straight out, and yes for people to understand, so you understand? I had been STRONGLY encouraged to exercise this afternoon and yes to cross the wheel of my cycle annoying me and to get going, so this is what I did when I cycled from town to the spiritual world, and yes I did half an hour on the RIGHT cross trainer, and burned 552 calories, which was good under the circumstances, and yes it shows approx. 7% more than the left. When exercising, I felt my mother being excited/happy, and by this time, I had not called yet to hear about the cancer results of John, and I felt a BIG part of remaining God now part of the New World, and he was HAPPY and spoke of having FLYING EARS and yes just like the Walt Disney elephant JUMBO you know. I received a couple of maybe out of this world pain to my right ankle, which is about this part of God that we are turning around. And then I called my mother, and yes, she was happy because Johns cancer has REDUCED, and I had really hoped that all of if would have been cured by now, but no, there is still more darkness remaining, so the day when all nothing is everything, there is no darkness, thus no sicknesses left and that goes for the whole world and not only John, and yes I am hoping that the progress of John is also the situation for my father and Inge, and yes how are you, Inge (?), and do you read this (?), and yes she only reads some and NOT ALL of my scripts by now, and why is that (?), and yes would you like to tell me how you are my father are (?), or do you still prefer SILENCE OF DARKNESS? My mother checked if I had ordered a time with the dentist, and yes I had good for the game you know and now she has seen an offer including x-rays, which she believes I should have taken, and want to check tomorrow in town that this is indeed the dentist at Fiolgade 7 I have booked with, and if it is another, I will have to reschedule, which is something, I do NOT like as a head rule, but we will see. And no, dinner tomorrow on the regular Friday evening is postponed to Saturday, because Niklas had a coupon of some art to the SAS Radisson Hotel in Copenhagen, so he decided to inOne God, One People

vite my mother and John on dinner there (!), and yes next week, he is going to Tasmania, and yes some people can, and that is when they receive help from the Devil you know. I was told and felt that here my old school friend Christian G. entered, and yes an important old school friend he is too as you will understand as I have also been told before. I was active most of the day working until 22.00 before I had published the script of today, and I had hoped to get a part of the day for my self to continue work on my greatest hits compilation with Electric Light Orchestra, but maybe I will use 1-2 hours now. Did you pack your suitcases (?), well, some of us did not, we were simply brought here. And yes the day contained the old game of whether or not there is energy remaining, and if I need or dont need to produce energy to liberate this life of darkness, and yes I receive a STRONG pressure, and have to say 50 times I dont care, let light decide, and I am still kept on one of my borders not the highest, but still very annoying of darkness about to speak negatively through me, and yes all the worst you know of speech and acceptance of old torments/temptations. Did you give him Chloroform (?), and no he keeps on saying it has got to be perfect, and what you did today is also about the game of going through on the 1st or 2nd flight, and yes today is a clear 1st flight, and that is because I cannot work better or harder. Is it Karens turn now to close the door behind us? And the voice you are NOT welcome keeps on coming strongly to me and this is still the wish of my family, friends etc. thus the world because of its misunderstandings, lack of faith and wrong behaviour. Cant I have your phone number which is about the last lines of darkness being connected here, and I felt DanChurchAid being one of them. Because of the story of the chicken of today I was given the fine song something happened on its way to heaven by Phil Collins and the lyrics How many times can I say I'm sorry How many times You know, You can run and you can hide But I'm not leaving less you come with me. Google Earth shows the death of the old King of Karen as opposite love, and the (new) King is white and in the crowd Jettes Google Earth pictures from her Facebook group show a tall figure carrying a lamb, the mirror/glass, which the Source is turning around to enter our New World, extreme pollution of Earth, Russians in glass, the death of the old King of Karen as opposite love, and the (new) King is white and in the crowd.
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Dan is on his way to Greenland too, funny that both Helena and Dan are going there, right (?), and yes Helena is already there, and Dan is leaving today to play as a DJ tomorrow and the day after, and he says that he is sitting in the train, yes I take the train to Greenland as he says,
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which is really about taking the train of Gold to return home to God, and Kasper said that he will try this route too when Dan returns, and yes EVERYONE will try this route, and Steen asked if he will bring back the tooth of a narwhale, and you may understand that it is inside of my teeth that everything of the Source is hidden and whale is a symbol of the Source, therefore (!), and Henrik said that he thought it was the driver only using the dead man button (of the train), and no, Henrik, no one will use this button, this is simply about Dan also returning home, and to bring the Source to the world via my teeth. Episode 24 of the Danish TV-series Borgen (the Parliament) was shown the other day, and it was about the POOR meat quality and life of pigs of the HUGE Danish production of pork meat and I am here given the thought that pig symbolic means life to me, which is why Denmark is among the leading producers of the world of pork, but the way that it is done is the worst HELL self with no concerns to the life of pigs but only to efficiency and cost control above anything, which is the same as TORTURE of not only pigs, but also people eating pigs bulging from medicine/penicillin, which is also making people sick and yes even die. And it showed that farmers would never dream to eat their own mass-produced meat, but prefer pork from pigs having been out in the free living a good life, which of course is SIMPLE LOGIC to everyone, but not to the greedy business wanting to make money, and people wanting to buy the cheapest they can get herewith in practise accepting mistreat of pigs, and yes the worst darkness again.

Later Dan was at the airport on his way there, and I told him that you have to think new thoughts if you want people out on the dance floor up there. Here is a free tip, which cannot fail, and then I brought a popular artist from Greenland, and this was to tell Dan that he needs to change to get people to celebrate over our New World, and that is to return to being original life, which is where we are headed, and yes the free tip is a reference to the Shu-bi-dua song about shaving off the last hair of darkness.

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It made Lecia bring this comment asking man to STOP the CRAZY abuse of animals and think if you had to be fixed and not able to move yourself, and never get out to see the light of the day, and yes this is why I was told as I was about the Marchmann family believing that I should be fixed on the mental hospital and yes not to have me running around as a free man tormenting people with all of my rubbish (!), is that how it is?

Here is the list, which Lecia brought above, made by Protection of the Animals among others saying that antibiotics for pigs may be dangerous to people, 25,000 piglets die EVERY DAY (!!!), pigs are fixed in metal hangers (TORTURE!!!), NEVER get out and more, and you have probably guessed that I do NOT approve of man treating animals like this, and not at all. The only RIGHT thing to do is to NEVER torture/mistreat/abuse animals and do what is simple logics for everyone to do.

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These days are critical for FC Brndby. They have made a survival plan and their survival now depends on the players, their association and banks, and the question is if they will manage to sail through the pitfalls and survive (?), and I do hope they will because we really cannot do without them, and if they cannot, they will have to start from scratch just as the destiny of Glasgow Rangers, which went into went into liquidation and have now started over in the Scottish third division, and yes we will see what will become the result of Brndby as part of this play, and yes by now, the previous chairman, Per Bjerregaard, who was the man bringing Brndby on top in Denmark and also the man bringing them down, is out, and yes after it took years for everyone wanting him out, and will they survive Per (?), and we will see, but so far the players association has saved them.

dustry in USA and elsewhere, do you (?), and yes what happens if you do (?), and yes are they so addicted to power and money that they could think of killing small Stig in Denmark (?), and yes whom else is working actively against your EVIL New World Order (?), and do you get it by now (?), you will NEVER be able to hit me because you are too weak, and I am too strong, and yes it is all in between the ears, and this is where I am sane/strong and you are insane and CHICKENS (!), and yes you can walk into the line of people and businesses admitting to their sins and yes the FULL story .!

The Health Minister said that she is happy the fewer mentally ill patients are exposed to force this is also about my inner self as it really is being tied up you know by darkness of these stupid politicians and the whole system and when seeing this I was told that this is where I also receive insects from, and yes is it also very uncomfortable when I spam you with the eeehhhh the truth (?), which you dont like to hear, Astrid (?), and yes I wrote the old truth that the minister with the top responsibility DOES NOT UNDERSTAND that you kill/destroy people with killer medicine, but maybe it is too inhuman to go up against the whole system (?) as I do and feeling Falcks head office here too, and yes I have been a couple of times to your head office too as the coolie of your Lyngby branch and I asked her to bring my regards to the crazy Parliament, because it is you inside of there who are mental sick, and yes is it spam to tell you the truth, and do you think so Astrid (?), and I am here speaking to my actors of darkness, who are the ones feeding you, Astrid, but if you had a TRUE heart and courage, you would do as I do, and yes MINISTER you are (?), and let me say that you are a doll wagging its tale, because you dont mess with the billion dollar inPage 306 January 2013

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Mads said that he was driving with a taxi-driver, who sees the traffic law as a living document, and what you were REALLY speaking of here is my new self arriving with the taxi, and yes I am ALIVE AND KICKING, and you were the building stones to create me, and yes the WORST darkness, and yes, Mads you were so stupid that you could not understand me despite of your intelligence and what he said was strangely enough also intelligent and then we are back to your inner voice, which did NOT want to understand to bring me as much darkness as possible with life inside of it wanting to become light of everything too.

Today it was the former STAR racing cyclist, Michael Rasmussen called the chicken to admit to HEAVY use of doping for 12 years, and for lying and betraying people around him, and yes he is now RELIEVED, which is how you feel when you start telling the truth, which is the only RIGHT thing to do, and also to tell details of it, and yes Armstrong could not tell about details and names of people involved, which the chicken could, but he decided to do it behind CLOSED DOORS to the Danish sport authorities, and to be silent in front of cameras, and no, this is NOT how it works, how difficult can it be (?), and yes when I encourage you to speak the detailed truth including names etc., I mean to do this OPENLY, DIRECTLY and HONESTLY and of course to make sure that people involved will know about what you say, because I do NOT like at all people to speak behind the backs of other people, do you get it by now (?), and yes Michael, back to the table and tell it EXACTLY like it is, will you (?), and yes you are not a chicken for nothing, are you (?), and yes I might add that you are now a CLEAN CHICKEN as a symbol of the world becoming clean of darkness.

It did not take long with pressure, hard work and little sleep for Soulaima to visit the doctor, who told her to go to bed to sleep for 12 hours, and yes given to you to understand what I have been giving for years, and yes really since 2004 and even worse from 2006.

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And DR P4 radio said about Michael that we dont agree if this is tragic of comic (?), and yes how difficult can it be for you to understand that this is neither/or, but a HAPPY event when people admit to their sins, which is a sign of a new and better world coming, and yes EVERYONE is going to do the same, to stand forward and admit to their sins, and notice that my post is brought as the first in the thread even though it was only no. 13 with all others you can see in this picture coming before mine, and this is to say that this part of God/me now arriving, is entering at the top of the Pyramid of our new creation, which is about the most inner becoming the top of the structure of our New World.

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