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Potchefstroom College Old Boys society

Special points of interest:

2013 starting with a bang Annual subs Social media Website upgrade FAQs for 100Club Calder Ghost Old Boys News

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2013 starting with a bang!

A belated happy 2013 to all who form part of the College family. It is really amazing to think we are already into the second month of the year. The Old Boys committee has already spent close to 5 hours this year planning. It will again to be a year filled with activities for Old Boys as well as projects we are working on. The committee is in the process of planning a Johannesburg Old Boys reunion dinner which we are hoping to hold on one of the two final Fridays in May. We are really looking forward to seeing as many Old Boys at this event as possible. It is the traditional lads only event. The other events for the year will include a family day at the school in July. This day will be replacing the traditional Old Boys rugby day. There are a few reasons for this with the first reason Boys society. The aim of the family day is to bring Old Boys and their families back to College. I am sure that there are many Old Boys who have not had the time to visit their old school let alone show it off to their loved ones. It will be a great opportunity to come and see what has been going on at College over the years. We will get the hostels opened for viewing and of course the school itself. There will be face painting for the kids along with jumping castles and possibly pony rides. Braai facilities will be provided and we will arrange a hockey game vs. the school along with touch rugby games. The year will then finish with the traditional November Armistice Service and reunion dinner at College .

Inside this issue:

Social media Website upgrade Committee structure FAQs for 100Club FAQs for 100Club Inspiring stories Inspiring stories Old Boys News Corner Old Boys News Corner History Calder Ghost November reunion

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being the most crucial. By law Old Boys (men) are not allowed to play rugby against school boys and if someone got injured there is potential for major penalties to the school and Old

Old Boys annual subs and 100Club

Gentlemen I cannot stress enough how important it is that all Old Boys please contribute to the Society by paying your annual subs. The subs are only R150 per annum and assist in the day to day running of the society. Currently only about 250 Old Boys pay their subs which is really not sufficient to run a world class Old Boys society. There is a link on the Old Boys website to pay subs from or you can EFT the monies via online banking or at your nearest branch. Please make the effort guys. ducted from your contributions on an annual basis to pay your subs. Unless you want to there is no need to separately pay subs as we take care of it on your behalf. Please guys if you could all play your part it will make a huge difference.

With regards to the Bank details for 100Club and 100Clubif you are a member of the 100Club the annual subs on bottom of pages 6 and 7. R150 is automatically de-

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Social Media update

Facebook gets sent out as a tweet and is very easy to then retweet to your followers. We are still not using Twitter to its full capacity and are working with the school to find the best way to keep us updated with up to the Facebook608 followers. minute sports results and This remains the main other news from the channel of communication school. that we try and keep updating on a daily basis. We aim LinkedIn82 members. to have over 1000 followers Our member list in LinkedIn is growing very by the end of June 2013. quickly and there are Twitter134 followers. many uses for LinkedIn Everything we broadcast on Social media has played a crucial role in improving communication amongst the Old Boys network. Over the past 8 months or so we have built a strong community through various social media sites including; that we are trying to maximize including Old Boys advertising job roles they may have available to Old Boys notifying the network that they are looking for jobs etc. Another part of this we want to get to is assisting the younger Old Boys potentially with resume writing and mentoring programs. More on this in coming months. Scribd is another very useful tool for digital document libraries which we use for newsletters and letters we receive from Old Boys. See page 6 for links to these various social media sites.

Proud to be a College boy!

Old Boys website upgrade

Time for old boys to give back to the school that gave them so much
In the last newsletter we spoke about the need to upgrade the Old Boys website as it really should be the public showcase to the society. upgrade. We would like to thank Lance Haig who has offered his assistance with the redesign of the website however the committee feels we need the website to be maintained on an ongoing basis and the best way to do this properly is get a professional web design team to take on the task. excited to move forward on this and would like to thank Andrew Cole for all his efforts over the years with regards to setting up and maintaining the Old Boys website. At this stage we are requesting quotes from a few companies and will keep you updated to the progress we are making.

Unfortunately we have not had any Old Boys who are professional web designers come forward to offer their help. This has forced us to look to the wider community and pay for a website The committee is very

Committee structure
College! A School with a Heart The Old Boys committee has aligned itself with Inkazimulo The Shining Light trust. What this means for the society is that the financial aspects of the society are now controlled by the Trust fund which really becomes the financial arm of the Old Boys society. The trustees on Inkazimulo The Shining Light trust include: Wally Hopton, Geoff Peck, Craig Wilson, Darian Nolan and Greg Mortimer All 5 of the trustees along with Percy Fell and Athol Weddell form the Old Boys committee. We feel that the new structure really does leave the Old Boys society in very capable hands and this has been proven over the past 8 months with a lot of hard work being put in by all involved.

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Frequently Asked Questions regarding the 100Club

Can I join the 100Club? Yes, the 100Club is open to the following people: Old Boys Parents of pupils Companies (see below regarding qualification for B-BBEE points and tax deductions) Friends of College Why is it called the 100Club? This is due to the monthly contribution amount being in increments of R100. There are however members of the 100Club who donate considerably more than the usual amount R100 per month and some who donate less than the R100 per month. There is not a limit placed on the monthly amount as all donations are greatly appreciated.

Is there a limit on the number of members? No, there is no limit. We aim to have as many as 500 members in the next 5 years.

Do I still need to pay my annual Old Boys society fees? No, we automatically pay across your annual society fee from your 100Club contributions and thus remain a paid up member of the society as well as being a 100Club member.

How do I sign up for the 100Club? Stop-order - The easiest way to contribute is to set-up a monthly debit order with your bank for the amount you want to contribute. If you have internet banking this is very simple to do, alternatively if you pop into your local branch they will do it for you in less than 5 minutes. Please make sure you insert your initials and surname as the reference; Debit-order We are in the process of setting up debit order facilities and will communicate the details in due course; Pay-Pal We are working on this option for overseas payments to be made easily via PayPal Once off payments These can be made directly into the bank account (details below). Please make sure you insert your initials and surname as the reference. Bank Details: Bank: Account name: Branch Code: Account Number: Reference: For offshore payments: SWIFT CODE: SBZAZAJJ Standard Bank - Northcliff InkazimuloThe Shining Light Trust 006305 002950952 First name/surname and 100 Club

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I currently make monthly / quarterly payments to the Old Boys society. Can I switch these contributions over to the 100Club? You most certainly can change over to the 100Club. Please just email us at [email protected] and request the changeover. Please include your full name, years at College and hostel along with the date of contributions if it is consistent as well and the amount of the contributionthis will help us track it down and complete the changeover. What will my donations be used for? All of the money collected by the 100Club and Inkazimulo The Shining Light trust is used for the benefit of College, the boys and the staff. Areas of support specifically covered by Inkazimulo The Shining Light trust include: Welfare and financial assistance of pupils, their parents and the staff; Healthcare support for pupils and the staff; Educational and development support via the provision and/or support of further and better educational, academic and recreational facilities; Financial support to pupils through the provision of facilities and/or financial support to advance their education; Sport through the support and development of individuals who show promise and ability; and Funding for the provision of bursaries, maintenance of the School, financial assistance to pupils on a needs basis. Are these contributions tax deductible? Yes, all contributions to the 100Club and Inkazimulo The Shining Light trust are tax deductible in terms of s18 of the Income Tax Act. The required tax certificates will be issued during March each year to all persons and companies that have made contributions. Inkazimulo The Shining Light trust is registered with and has been granted Tax Exempt Status with the South African Receiver of Revenue. Does my business get Broad based black economic empowerment scoring from donations? All contributions to the 100Club and Inkazimulo The Shining Light trust fulfill the definition of Qualifying Socio-Economic Development Contributions in term of the B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice, and would therefore count 100% towards a contributors Generic Scorecard for B-BBEE purposes. Please contact us directly for more information around the specific characteristics of Inkazimulo The Shining Light trust for BBBEE purposes.

Inspiring Stories

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Shekina Kamina was at College in 2011 however he had to leave College due to financial restraints and contacted us via Facebook a story that shows what can be done it you are passionate and in this case I take my hat off to a boy who through his own means fought to get back to College, the school he loveshere is some of his messages he sent to us via Facebook: In September 2012 we received the following: September 4 Shekina Kamina If the is any old respective old boys out there who love POTCHEFSTROOM BOYS HIGH as much as I do then you will understand my story. My name is Shekina Kamina I'm an sportsman and an athletic boy I run 100m and 200m my time in 100m is 11. 03 next year I'm going to run 10. 05 I also play rugby this December I'm going to a rugby school so I can play first team rugby for boys high I'm also going to gym for 7 hours a day. My parents took me out of boys high because due to my dads business financial problems my dad could not pay for my brothers and I hostel fees so he had to take me out. I also applied for a scholarship at Parktown but the say there not keeping promises. Every time I put on boys high uniform I feel proud of my school especially when we playing a rugby match boys high can't give scholarship. So is there any old boys who can please please help me whit hostel fees not school fees it dream for me to finish what I have started I'm my beautiful school I would even die for my school lot of kids that are talented leave the school but I'm talented and I want to come back because once a boys high always a boys high Potch Old Boys Shekina, thanks for your email. It does sadden me that you do not have the chance to return to the school we all loved so much. I will pass this email on and get back to you but unfortunately there are not many old boys that do at this stage sponsor boys to go to College. Regards. Shekina Kamina OK thanks at least I tried and I will never give up hope VIVA POTCH BOYS HIGH I have always wanted to go to boys high since grade 6 even when I had the chance to go to K. E. S. I even made a promise to my friends that don't like boys high that one day when I become a millionaire I will buy the school from the government and make Potch the best school in S. A even better then GREY COLLEGE and that is a promise. The Committee felt this was possibly a slightly over the top message from a young boy going into grade 10. After receiving a letter addressed to the President of the Old Boys Society from a young Old Boy pleading Shakimas case we met with the Headmaster Johan Van Vuuren and Alex Paiva sports Coordinator. Both were enthusiastic and so with some support from Inkazimulo-The Shining Light Trust Parent/Pupil Fund Shekina is happy back at college. Whilst we do not have sufficient funds at this stage for much more of this type of support our aim is to be able to allocate trust funds for Pupil support in the future. Last year our main project was the upgrade of the McFarlane Pavilion into a world class Health and Fitness Centre. This year the Ackermann Entertainment Centre requires funding for a much needed upgrade. Kind Regards Wally Hopton Email: [email protected] Cell No: 083 468 3692

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Inspiring Stories
From Wally Hopton (President, Old Boys Society) Andrew Molokoe has an Accounting Degree obtained at Johannesburg University 2011. He struggled to find a job until about September last year. It was about this time I asked him to let me see his CV which I passed on to my daughter Helen who has a small placement agency. She responded quickly and asked if Andrew liked to do shows. I called Andrew and asked him the question, I received a blank silence and then hearty laughter. He said no he had once helped a friend at a show for two weeks. The point for many job seekers is that while the CV looks good it is not concentrating on what the applicant can do and wants to do. It was not six weeks after receiving his improved CV that I was required to provide a reference for him. To whom it may concern I have known Andrew since 2011 when he became eligible to receive a free Potchefstroom College Old Boys blazer and badge, along with some of the boys who wrote matric with him in 2006. Since then he has proved himself to be a quiet but very confident person and leader. As the blazer scheme was new to the boys concerned Andrew became the main spokesperson for the group obtaining all information required in dealing with the Trust Fund. He is in touch with me regularly and a few months ago arranged a braai at my home for his matric year class. I have found him to be bright and intelligent and is someone his peers accept and trust as a leader. I have gone into some detail with this message as I believe that CVs that dont reflect the capabilities of the applicant accurately do not assist effectively at all. I also believe that Andrew is a true product of college as are many others that I meet and interact with, it is always a pleasure and promises well for the future. Just to finish Andrew is in a Graduate Manager Programme at Edcon and is telling me how hard he is working doing a familiarisation period in one of Edgars stores. He is looking forward to going back to the head office. Kind Regards Wally Hopton Email: [email protected] Cell No: 083 468 3692

Social media links

Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Scribd

Bank Details for 100Club: Bank: Account name: Branch Code: Account Number: Reference: Standard Bank - Northcliff The InkazimuloShining Light Trust 006305 002950952 First name/surname and 100 Club

Old Boys news corner

Trevor Batchelor (Buxton 1972) passed away last Thursday afternoon (10th January) after a fairly long illness.Our thoughts go out to his family and friends. Old Boys living in the Cape -

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Email us with your news stories at [email protected]

Nick McFall wants to please hear from all Old Boys living in the Cape region in order to plan various Old Boys functions / activities. Please contact Nick via email with your details [email protected]

Hi Old Boys. I see in your pages you have a list of school principals old Boys. I was in Calder 1956, Buxton 1957 & Granton 1958 to 1960. My mates at school were Pierre Leibbrandt and Pete Cawdry. You have them listed as School Principals. Cawdry - Northcliffe High and Pierre, Westridge High. I was Principal of Princess High in Roodepoort from 1996 to 2007. Thank you for updating. Regards Mike Webb From Rob Lang via FB: Anyone know the whereabouts of Russel Richards Milton House 1973-1978? Midmar Mile All the very best to the Old Boys swimming the Midmar Mile this week-end. I believe McGill Alexander will be swimming as well as George Watson who is swimming in his 37th consecutive year out of the 40 years since it was first swum. Dave Russell will be swimming his 27th consecutive Midmar. On the other end of the scale Greg Mortimer is making his Midmar debut. An amazing achievement by George and wishing all participating Old Boys the very best!

Old Boys doing well playing rugby On Monday evening with the Varsity cup competition an old boy M Bouwer played for Potch University he matriculated in 2010 Puk beat Tukkies 26 -23 Claude Chidibi who matriculated in 2011 is currently in the Lions sqaud and has played in two matches . Another old boy K Brock who matriculated in 2011 is playing for Potch university Under 21 team Good luck to all these Old Boys and rememberGO COLLEGE!
Dear Athol I thought that this old article I found amongst my late fathers newspaper cuttings would be of interest to all boys and Old Moois who attended Potchefstroom Boys High (College). I wonder how many of us knew that the Calder Ghost lived to the ripe old age of 88 !!!!!!!! My father used to work for The Star newspaper in the seventies / 80s and must have kept this article as proof that The Ghost was no ghost at all and this is illustrated in the attached article. It was still great fun to scare the new boys though, do you remember what fun we had throwing rocks onto the dormitory roofs and scaring the living daylights out of those poor New Boys. It was better than Halloween!!Anyway I hope that you will include this in your next newsletter Ha, Ha !! I had to smile at this. Wishing you and your Old Boys committee everything of the best for 2013. Kind Regards, Mike Ford (see page 8 for the newspaper article)

Bank details for payment of annual subs: Bank: Account name: Branch Code: Account Number: Reference: Standard Bank - Northcliff Potchefstroom College Old Boys Society 006305 002971186 First name/surname/book

HistoryCalder Ghost

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Article appeared in The Star newspaper on the 1st October 1980 (see email on page 7 from Michael Ford)

Class reunion dinner - 9 November 2013

Date: 9th November 2013

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One of the reasons for the success of this event over the years has been that Old Boys from each participating year, have contacted old classmates and encouraged them to make up a group over this weekend. Should you require contact details we will give you all the help we can. Wife's and girlfriends are most welcome to attend.

CLASS 1943 1953 1963 1973 1983 1993 2003

YEAR 70 years 60 years 50 years 40 years 30 years 20 years 10 years

CLASS 1948 1958 1968 1978 1988 1998 2008

YEAR 65 years 55 years 45 years 35 years 25 years 15 years 5 years

Please start making contact with your class mates now, in order to have a wonderful and successful reunion at College. You won't regret it. ALL College Old Boys are invited to this dinner however it is a very special occasion for the anniversary years mentioned above and as such each year mentioned above will be given an opportunity to make a speech. The dress code is dark suit and tie. The Cost of the Dinner - To be advised If you need any assistance in tracking down friends from your years please do get in touch with us and we will assist via our database and / or Facebook to help track Old Boys down. Email for assistance: [email protected]

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The Rev Dr. J.B. Webb (OM) on the occasion of the schools 50th anniversary in 1955 Potchefstroom College for Boys has made its impact upon the life of this country and beyond its borders. It has provided leadership in many spheres of public life, and it has sent forth thousands of young men whose names will never appear in any scrolls of fame, but who did learn how to live and how to maintain the decencies and fidelities without which life is but a shambles. May the spirit of the school continue to convince succeeding generations that: Justorum Semita Lux Splendens
E-mail: [email protected]

Potchefstroom College Old Boys society

(The Path of the Just is a Shining Light)


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