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'J ournal of the Sinister'

Volume V, Issue One
'Journal of Satanism
and the Sinister'
Volume ~ Issue One
Publishe13 by:
Vindex Press
P.O. Box 631194
Houston, TX 77263-1194
Vindex Press, 1998eh
Cover Artwork: The Magickian*, Christos Beest, DNA
*A now replaced image from the Sinister Tarot.
Once the official external publication of the English Traditional Satanist Order, the Or
der of Nine Angles(ONA), 'Fenrir' has now taken a somewhat new face. In lieu of the aNA's re.
turn to coversion; Vindex Press has decided to continue 'Fenrir' as a publication of Satanism and
the Sinister. The focus of 'Fenrir' has, however somewhat changed. Rather than exclusively focus
ing on Traditional Satanism as explicated by the aNA, 'Fenrir' will serve as a publication con
cerning a variety 'underground' organizations.
One fundamental difference that will surely be noticed between 'Fenrir' and other Satanic
magazines is the focus of attention. As there are already quite a few professional and widely
distributed magazines covering the tenets and virtues of 'LaVeyan' Satanism, 'Fenrir' will retain its
focus, at least for now, on the more 'hidden' traditions within the Left Handed Path.
'Fenrir' is geared mainly toward those more involved and understood in the eSoteric teach
ings of the Left Hand Path, Satanism, Darkside Paganism, Aeonics, Vampirism, and such like.
Thus the material contained herein is essentially of an 'initiated' level.
Any organizations, or independent parties, who wish to submit their writings to appear in
'Fenrir', please do so to the following address. Anonymous submissions are accepted.
P.O. Box 631194
Houston, TX 77263-1194
Email: [email protected]
*This is not to suggest that 'Fenrir' has a bias, the editor of 'Fenrir' wishes only to not rehash al
ready well circulated information, but rather new and useful information. Should further submis
sions come from more overt organizations, 'Fenrir' will give the same opportunity for publication
within its pages.
The main purpose of 'Fenrir' is to make available to the general public certain esoteric
teachings of the Left Hand Path. In the life-long quest for Insight that so expresses the Left Hand
Path, it is important that readers seek to understand with an open mind the information that
finds them. It is this willingness to view things from all sides of the spectrum, and make personal
assessments after a relatively complete understanding is attained (or more importantly experienced),
that truly separates the Individual from the easily influenced.
'Fenrir' exists as yet another avenue through which the Sinister can flow.
Vindex Press and the Internet Satanic Syndicate
Fenrir, Volume IV, Issue One
Christos Beest; aNA. 1998eh
Christos Beestj aNA. Revised 1998eh
Christos Beestj aNA. 1998eh
aNA. 1998eh
Emperor Nordukj Tempel Azagthoth Principality of the Society of the Dark Sun.
From the Black Book of Satan I, Conrad Robury.
It had taken him many years of dreamcraft to locate the planet; long stretches of time seeking an
answer to a question only intuitively felt. And now, through the power of Thought, Squilver
stood upon the desert soil of yet another world.
But this world was very different to those others he and his ancestors had explored - those ances
tors who, aeons ago, had left their green and blue home to spread outwards into the cosmos, as
befitted a race of gods. That home now only existed in images and ageless legends.
Squilver knew that They would one day guide him to this place. The faith he carried within had
been nurtured throughout the achingly long span of aeons by the shadowy and often misunder
stood few who had waited, as They had waited, for the time to come full circle. Tradition spoke of
those few guardians, and kept alive their names and deeds.
The old chants weaved patterns in his mind: N,thra kthunae Atazoth ... Reryh, meril eildo/ /eterit
n,e ... And his soul sang the living songs of all those who had gone before him. Squilver, follower
of the Seven-Fold Way, stood now as All Things - all histories; all creatures; all individuals. As he
breathed, so did the planet: this primal realm, now more than just the dream which first inspired
his species to yearn for the wide spaces beyond.
And the purple sand was blown around him and blown across the shells of the past, beneath a
diamond shaped moon, of lizard-green.
He moved among geometric forms that were visible only to his inner eye and sensed their pres
ence, though long silent, long neglected, still puncturing the dimensions. He rested beside one,
and listened to the chanting wind.
Squilver took from a bag a humanoid skull, blackened with age. Legend related it as being the
head of a follower of the Path, who lived upon and was buried in the earth of the green and blue
homeland. His body had been removed from its secret place and re-buried on the first new world,
when the seeding of the cosmos had began. The head of this individual remained in the keeping
of each Heir to the Tradition. Red hair was still matted to the jaw-line, and within the skull was
lodged an equally aged crystal, shaped as a tetrahedron.
Squilver held the object and fixed his gaze on the horizon. Volcanic extrusions and screes of shat
tered rock brought to him an ancestral echo, and very briefly he saw, standing amongst the grey
and white rocks, the phantasms of two humanoids of male and female appearence. Others clam
bered the rocks to stand by the couple, but the vision was soon obscured by the distant clouds of
With one hand, Squilver held the skull, and with the other touched the unseen object by which
he stood. The object was a dodecahedron, and whilst ice-cold, began to thrill Squilver's flesh with
the current of Life. And thus, he began to chant: Otonen Satanas, laus rige cedar [ising, Mach
beada ...
As the chant swelled, he visualised the rotating, scything wheel under which his people had first
spread out into the starry realms. He sensed his consciousness expand likewise into the cold
depths as the chant took him over - as the crystal, as the unseen form, as the dust and rock and
wind flowed with his voice, until there was only the surge of Life itself ...
And yet, the experience was tinged with something unsettling. Forces opposed to Squilver and
his Way groaned and stirred and clawed their hatred in some far distant place. There was a mo
mentary wavering of intent, as something within Squilver recognised the Forces as those long re
garded as vanquished.
But it was of no matter now: the many invisible shapes that littered the landscape filled with
green life which broke through to unfurl across and within the sand. The sound of water took
over as the chant reached its completion.
His first task complete, Squilver let his instinct walk him through the crawling land, the growing
light of the sky and the scent of rain mirroring his own inner awakening. The purpose of his indi
vidual life no longer slept as a promise, but was now embodied and living within every cell of his
Being, within every cell of all the life forms that flourished around him - as it had always been inti
mated, by the legends and traditions of his people.
He was led to stand by an awakened stream that flowed down from high, rocky hills. The water
of the stream was quietly fed from above by a pool shaded by gentle moorland slopes. Squilver sat
amidst the young heather and looked out over a bay that opened out into a calm sea, the spar-
kling waters bearing distant islands.
On a far shore across the bay, stood a dwelling. To Squilver, it appeared breath-takingly ancient,
the thrill of some older treasured time living before his eyes. It was a squat, white building, of
stone, crowned with a long dark brown roof, possibly of grass or moss. A wooden door, rough and
mis-shapen, barred the entrance while the windows, small cubes of darkness, intimated the empti
ness within. Behind the dwelling, the rising slopes were cut with strips, presumably for the grow
ing of crops.
Tears of ecstasy, of revelation, welled in his eyes as he gazed upon his future. In that dwelling,
Squilver would reside for a season, and complete the tasks of a prospective Magus. On comple
tion, the others would join him, and the long trek of Ages since Their banishing would truly be at
an end.
And through Their joining, the legendary Nexion would become fully opened, heralding a new
cycle of Aeons. No one would dare again seek to seal the rent ...
One of the long-term aims of the Dark Tradition is to bring to consciousness for the majority the
reality of the Force that is Satan. This 'dis-covering' will result in the upward evolutionary surge
known as the 'New Aeon'.
A magickal Order, such as the aNA, is only one of several forms by which Satan is presenced
and presenced in the most undiluted of ways, without the obstruction of mortal fears. In one
sense, all genuine sinister orders are an invokation to Satan: they constitute in themselves a
magickal ritual, with each member understanding the conditions required if the long-term goal of
the rite is to be attained. This magickal ritual, being founded upon the uncompromising princi
ples of Nature, contains within it spontaneous or unknown factors which defy the imposition of
abstract dogma. By this magickal ritual the unique creativity, the uniqueness of Being possesed by
each Adept, is allowed to develope of itself.
But that uniqueness of Being is also the Will of the Cosmos itself, and thus certain types of in
dividual creativity are Life made manifest during its course of Evolution - this is to say, in esoteric
terms, that certain types of creativity presence the acausal. In essence, the creativity/magick that
marks Adeptship is nurtured and expressed by individual defiance. the uniqueness of Being which
is Satan.
Because genuine acts of magick presence the acausal, the relationship of magick with 'the
world' can be said to be "wholistic": a relationship where the difference and diversity of Nature
and 'forms' e
xist to enable the spirit (or Being) of the Cosmos to thrive and evolve - ultimately there is nothing
which exists external to this continous flow of Change; nothing which can be influenced or
changed in isolation. A genuine Adept understands this, and begins to embody in their individual
life, this most natural of esoteric paths: the way of empath,. As all genuine sinister magickians are
quick to point out, this apprehension currently exists at odds with conventional esotericism. A
well-quoted example is the qabalistic approach (as sickeningly influential today as ever) which in
volves the magickian - or more accurately 'sorcerer' - in viewing the forces of Nature as separate,
often barbarous material to be dominated and manipulated for personal ends.
A highly evolved esoteric Order would not be characterised by this 'grimoire' approach, since
such an approach lacks a binding purpose, a great and clear vision which would enable members
to transcend the personal and become the organic whole of a true magickal order - an order which
is the life of the Cosmos manifested in a conscious way, and pertinent to a particular moment in
causal time. A profusion of this latter type of magickal Order would be one such result of the New
Aeon made manifest.
In other words, what could be described as conventional occultism is that which is swayed by
abstract theories over observation and intuition, whilst the genuine Western Way - for which read
'the Septenary System', Traditional Satanism, and so on - is concerned with what actually exists
beyond limited personal forms. In real magiclc, there is an initial attempt to mimic the flow of
natural forces, until an integration is achieved and with it, large-scale Willed Change - that is, con
scious aeonic evolution. Via this process of magick - still the provence of the select few (Satanists
of course!) - the Cosmos can progress to its next stage of existence: to live consciously via its mani
festations; to evolve from childhood to adult existence. This is the secret of The Great Work.
This path of genuine magick does not involve however the slavish following of some 'cosmic
docttine'/mandate, or any other such dogma. It involves the individual in freeing themselves from
all influences in order to live, or become, the reality of the forces of Life itself. Thus the purpose
of the Seven-Fold Way: to guide its Initiates towards the attainment of self-insight, where the
'personal' exists as a method to express the Cosmos, and not as a hinderence - through projections
of the apprehension of Life as a unified whole. The reality can only ever be experienced anew by
each Initiate, since this apprehension of Life is a wa, of Being, and can only, as yet, be partially de
scribed by abstract methods. Thus each new Satanist - and genuine Satanic order - is a new mani
festation of the living essence: thus there is Evolution.
A magickal order such as the ONA is not motivated by trends in contemporary thinking, al
though it may on occassion manipulate 'fashion' to provoke an appropriate outcome. All forms
from magickal systems, to 'Art,' to revolutionary political organisations (etc.) - have a finite life
span, but the criteria by which present-day Occultists judge forms as 'useful' or 'outmoded' is most
usually influenced by temporal trends, by the status quo; little though this is consciously recog
One type of essential form so judged is the archet:YPe. As discussed in Order MSS relating to Ae
onics, the life-span of an archetype is not tied to 'linear time', or effected in any way by fleeting
trends in society. At the very least, archetypes die when the civilisation to which they are bound
dies - when a new aeon becomes manifest. Thus, they are subject to an aeonic/'alchemical' mode
of time rather than the abstracted form by which we tend to live our personal lives, since 'time' is
simply a measure of the change of Cosmic matter and energy.
But even on the cusp of a new aeon, an archetype may spawn offspring - or rather, it may con
tinue to change according to its nature and particular mode of time. This occurs when the ethos of
one aeon is continued and evolved into the next, as hopefully will occur during the transition
from this present Western Aeon to the next 'Galactic' one.
In order to really understand such things as archetypes, one must attain through self-effort, the
aforementioned liberation from all contemporary influences - and from those influences which lie
outside temporal forms. Most who do not follow the Seven-Fold Way will not achieve those stages
beyond 'individuation' because the present concept of 'liberated thinking' or occult understanding
is still in itself dictated b, the influences that engineer this present sodet:Y/culture. With regard to imple
menting the practical, 'magickal' purpose of archetypes, personal 'like' or 'dislike' of one form or
another does not necessarily validate or invalidate the reality of that form, and should not provide
the basis for making a reasoned judgement of what is, or is not, of aeonic significance (this is par
ticularly true of 'politics' ...).
In general, archetypes exert influence upon the unconscious, with mostly indirect results. How
ever, Satan (or perhaps more accurately Satanas) is a numinous s,mbol, a living, Earth-based mani
festation of the acausal. As such Satan is that force made conscious, and the gateway through
which we as sentient Beings become the Will of the Cosmos.
Thus, Satan is the word, "image", vibration, chant and deed of Cosmic evolution itself. The
'magick' of Satan and the Dark Gods in general are for us the keys to that Evolution. How present
(or past) cultures view Satan is not entirely relevant, and should not be seriously considered by
those attempting to form a judgement. Again, the reality has to be experienced.
A Sinister organisation [and Satanas is the epitome of the Sinister] possesses that reality and
seeks to increase the Cosmic Tides via its works in the 'real world'.
Thus, the "chaos" trend of viewing all causal forms as merely means towards the 'Occult' attain
ment of some 'thing' is mistaken, because in this, a purely causal frame of reference - particularly
in terms of 'time' - is used to judge that which actually possesses both causal and acausal compo
Not all forms by their causal nature express limited understanding of acausal forces. While some
methods are practical tools by which the individual may attain various magickallevels (as in some
Insight Roles), others are those forces made manifest in the causal world: that is, the form so cre
ated is not a nexion to channel or presence the essence - it is the very essence itself; the essence
evolving as it must evolve in causal time and space. This is so because such manifestations possess
the greatest capacity to presence the continuous flow of Change that is Life [and significantly, do
not always conform to coventional 'Occult' expectations: they are viewed as 'exoteric']. That some
forms may express things that are culturally understood as 'plebian', primitive, or "Old Aeon" is
absolutely irrelevant to their capacity to cause aeonic Change. This discernment requires the Sa
tanic qualities of insight, knowledge, intuition and reason.
For those unique individuals whose Destiny is tied to such a form, there is no living of that
form while hiding the "esoteric reality", the esoteric wisdom - the occult aspect. There is no clever
deceit, no skilled manipulation, because the form created is the reality, is that esoteric wisdom made
real and practical. This is the domain of Vindex, that much misunderstood embodiment of crea
tive Change. Vindex does not really need 'the Occult' in conventional terms, to presence, or ac
cess the numinous ideals that s/he represents. Such things, in this case, only obscure the essence
of Change, of evolution - as they can often distance a person from the creative numen which can
and does provoke such an evolution.
Because of the nature of human consciousness, we possess the capability to extend and ~
symbols and forms (such as language, or more simply sound) which could describe the essence it
self. Not all abstract symbols [whether mathematical, magickal or other] need inherently and ulti
mately obscure the essence; and neither is it in their nature - or in the nature of any form for that
matter - to presence the acausal by purely intellectual procedures. In this we need to understand
and integrate with existing numinous symbols in order to spawn completely new forms - this ini
tial confrontation and then synthesis of 'opposites' (in terms of the psyche) allows the necessary
organic (and latent) relationship to develope between human life and symbols and other forms.
The majority are still swayed by archetypal forces conventionally described as "light" and "dark".
That there exists a reality beyond such opposites does not mean that those opposites, for the major
ity, do not exist. They exist and exert influence until they are confronted and transcended. A
magickal Order understands this, and thus seeks to guide its adherents towards the realms
'beyond opposites' via appropriate ordeals/Grade rituals - that is, via the fires of experience. That
some (and they are very few) may attain this transcendence does not mean that such archetypes
cease to exist for others, or that the realms beyond opposites are any more 'real'. Each realm, from
those symbolised by Initiate to Magus, expresses a reality in the process of Evolution, and cannot
be accurately comprehended in linear terms. In one practical sense, what is "good" and what is
"evil" may be said to exist, since these are the concepts, at this point in time, by which a society
views the world - by which life, for the majority, is still influenced. That the definition of moral
absolutes may alter over the ages does not itself alter the essence by which they effect the process
of human living.
This bifurcation still exists because that is the nature of our species at present, as it has been for
despite the many external changes that have occurred, and despite the intellectual mus
ings of philosophers and occultists alike. This is unlikely to begin to change significantly until the
emergence of the next aeon - some four hundred years from now. Thus a rite such as the genuine
Black Mass still possesses real magickal purpose for individuals at a certain level of their develop
ment, as well as contributing to the necessary, broader aeonic changes. Such a rite accesses Naza
rene/Magian energies and then re-directs them in a sinister way - and, as has been stated else
where in ONA MSS, the Satanist does not believe in the realitY-of MOod", or the 'divinity' of the
Nazarene, only that others so believe. Thus, there is still great relevance in promoting and practis
ing a system of genuine "Black" magick which aims to counter the works of those who promote
and practise magick of the "White" variety: in terms of the psyche of the West, a cosmic battle must
still be played out if a synthesis is to be achieved by civilisation as a whole. In esoteric terms, this is
to say that our civilisation has not as yet evolved to the stage of Adeptship. The goal of the Sinis
ter Initiate is to aid this aeonic synthesis, and the methods by which they achieve this for the majar
ity will differ in many instances from those which enabled this achievement for them as individu
In reality, both an esoteric Black and White Order do exist, but the form that is now conven
tionally understood as "evil" is instead the way that will allow the necessary transition to take
place, and thus prevent the stagnation and decay that would result from the triumph of Magian
forces [as presenced by the "White" Order]. In the most profound sense therefore, it is the Sinister
Path that enshrines 'divinity', little though this would be understood by the majority - but such an
understanding by the majority is neither relevant, desirable, nor possible at this time.
In this very real Cosmic battle, Satan does not feature as some Judaeo-Nazarene device to op
press 'the Folk., but as a numinous symbol for our civilisation, of all that defies the counter
evolutionary force of the Magian. What is rarely expressed, however, amidst the rabid cries for a
Ragnarok, is that such counter-evolutionary forces are part of the process of Cosmic Change, part
of the W".d of Western civilisation. For without such opposition there is no real evolution, no Tri
umph of the Will- and no Life. Thus to oppose such counter-evolutionary forces is to positivel, aid
aeonic evolution and bring the intergration with Nature so often sought by those who follow an
Occult way.
As practitioners of magick, we must have the understanding to allow those numinous symbols
which presence - or 'order' - the wyrd of the aeon to which we are bound, to evolve unhindered
according to their own mode of time; to flow with, and consciously become those forces, rather
than aid counter-evolutionary powers by allowing limited personal ideas and projections to domi
Real practitioners of Aeonic magick do not project their own understanding onto the society of
their time, as they do not seek in their practises to elevate the understanding of their contem
pories by willful self-expression. Changes in the collective psyche will take much longer than one
lifetime, and will instead swell in waves, over Aeons. Thus, a genuine practitioner of Aeonic
magick works with the raw materials and possibilities that characterise the society of their time:
they do not work beyond practical boundaries. And in this, importantly, an Aeonic magickian is
not swayed solely by the desire to witness the frUits of their understanding in their own personal
lifetime; they plan for centuries ahead, and embody in their Being the slowness of evolution, the
Wisdom of Ages ...
For the Present, we exist in a society characterised by a 'supermarket' approach of choice and
consumption, where individuals no longer create history, but look backwards and study, and ro
manticise - and distort. The realm of the Esoteric is no exception to this, and thus it is vital that
we as Occultists, as creative individuals, cease to waste our time delving into the folk-tales and leg
ends of past, dead cultures - this includes those of the Norse, Celtic, Saxon, and whatever else
passes for conventional esoteric interest.
Because to derive esoteric inspiration from the dim and distant deeds of an archetype is an utter
waste of the magickal opportunity that exists now, with the people who exist now and the potential
that they can embod., in the future. To create and perform rituals based on a dim and distant fireside
tale - or employ the symbolism of a past communal life-style - is a counter-productive [in aeonic
terms] indulgence. A 'culture' is, magickally, unimportant. What matters is civilisation - or more
precisely, the living, evolving force that moves a civilisation forwards, and which is in itself embod
ied by that civilisation. In this, the creativity of an associated culture is only of relevance if it
presences this living, moving force.
When we enter a place of enigmatic 'historical interest', such as an old settlement or stone cir
cle, we do not need to psychically unravel - or seek to re-enact - the secrets of a past community:
we who live now are those secrets, we are that enigma. We must only tap into the genius of our
creatvity and flow forwards, leaving the monuments, the ruins - the dead shells - where they be
long. If there is a message locked within the unknown dolmen, it is this.
However, to use the form of an ancient or old archetype for the purpose of doing something
with that archetype in the world is another matter. But this implies re-presenting such an arche
type as the hero of a new mythos - a mythos entirely representational of the current aeonic phase,
and by that token one which allows the next phase to be reached.
Thus, a new mythos would feature an established archetype COtitting great acts of nobility
(and great acts of terror), the nature and form of which would ins ire and liberate the 'modern
masses'. The magick of the archetype would be in its living now in, e real world, rather than hav
ing existed in some ethereal realm of the past; a past when the m,nifestation of Human life was,
in many respects, very different to today. These differences lie in what is and what is not practi
cally needed in order for the people of modem 'Western' society to feel inspired towards overcom
ing the problems, self-imposed and otherwise, of their day-to-day existence.
Thus, the deeds of this archetype could be a re-presentation of those acts committed by a real
life, modem day hero (such as a Satanist) - or the creation of a new legend, the practical basis of
which has yet to occur, therefore inspiring individuals to bring it to life in the causal world ... The
ways and methods of this powerful magickal technique are legion.
And so in this, and in other ONA writings, the practical meaning of Magick is explicated - all
that is now required of sinister esoteric Orders and individuals is the Will to make the meaning a
reality. Thus, in conclusion, the magickal aims of a genuine sinister organisation should be as fol
1) To continue to maintain the existing Tradition by diseminating the various teachings and
methods [as published in MSS such as Codex Saerus, Naos and others].
2) To practically aid those 'exoteric' forms which will bring the New Aeon.
3) To extend the Tradition by creating new forms of the sinister. These would include Artistic
[musick/images/writing); 'Magickal' [new ceremonial/hermetic forms); and practical, numinous
ways of living [as in the creation of an esoteric rural community, or communities].
Though many will dismiss it because they do not have the courage to try, the Way of Satan re
mains, amidst the myriad of 'paths' the essence of the Great Work. Experto credite.
And when the works are complete, a Satanist disappears from sight. toward the next stage, leaving aston
ishment, disbelief and many questions in their wake. And then the failures begin their campaign, of distor
tion and lies. Just occassionally, the:1 may hear our laughter.
(c. Beest. Revised, DNA 1998 eh)
The aim of this dissertation is to focus upon some of the ritual magical aspects of modem
Satanism without recourse to the sensationalism that is only too evident when Satanism is misun
derstood. It is only when one steps aside from one's preconceptions and morality that Satanism
can be understood in a clear and balanced light.
There has been in the past a tendency to approach Satanism with a deliberately ignorant mis
understanding, where Satanism is only, and definitively understood as being a cult phenomenon
for the paedophile, sadist or teenage rebel. Yet throughout the history of Satanism, which has its
roots in pre-christian cults, there has been a number of individuals who have sought, through a
magical process of alchemy to change themselves through both ritualistic and non-ritualistic proc
esses. These individuals have continually questioned that which is commonly accepted, as Magda
lene Graham says in an article entitled 'Re-Defining Satanism.' (Dark Lily. 1989). We want to
know. Those four words summarise the Satanic quest.'(l)
Yet again and again there arises the sensationalist articles in the press and the literary spheres
promoting Satanism as a mindless cult of sex, drugs, murder and torture all practiced hedonisti
cally for the sole pleasure or ego-gratification of the Satanists. In an attempt to redress the imbal
ance I have therefore focused upon five different areas that are particularly relevant within the
context of Satanism as a whole. These areas are also most relevant when attempting to counter
the false claims made by both the media and the church concerning the activity of Satanists and it
is the media and the church that, according to Satanic adherents, hold the masses in a strangle
hold of repressive and unnarural morality and slave-like consciousness.
Satanism is therefore suggested to offer freedom, true freedom of thought, rather than artifi
cial freedoms that are offered by political or religious systems. Satanism deals with the here and
now, with reality as it is. Satanism accepts the inequality of people, of sexes and of races. It accepts
the necessity of disease, famine and death. Take away such things and mankind creates a danger
ous imbalance in narure and it is in narure that Satanism is firmly grounded.
However, in order to return to a narural way of living, certain practices are deemed useful in
order to free the individuals contaminated psyche from the education of a society and civilization
racked with guilt, repression and taboo. One may ask whether society in the latter half of the
twentieth cenrury is really as oppressive as the Satanist makes out. In answer to this the
Satanist may cite many examples of political policy that encroach upon individual liberty. The pre
dominance in equal rights - for sex and race - practically forced upon the inhabitants of western
society. The continual repression and taboo concerning minority sexual groups, be they for exam
ple sado-masochistic, transvestite or homosexual. The forbidding of an individuals right to kill in
self defence and the maintenance of the laws against euthanasia are all examples of the (generally
unconscious) influence of society upon the individual. It is for these reasons and many more be
sides that the Satanist seeks to find liberation by utilising ritual procedures which also, if effective
enough, release large amounts of psychical energy which can then be directed towards specific
goals be they external or internal of the practitioner.
Magic in this context is defined in two ways, largely dependant upon the way the word is
spelt. Traditionally magic has been spelt 'magic', the definition of which is generally understood to
mean causing changes in the world or the individual's consciousness in accordance with the indi
viduals will using psychical or occult forces. The second spelling of magic adds a 'k' to the end of
the word, thus 'magick.' This spelling dates back to the writings of Aleister Crowley's system of
magick - itself based upon older qabalistic and eastern magical traditions. Crowley added the letter
'k' in order to differentiate between his own brand of sex magick and other non-sexual forms of
magic. In this essay I have however used both forms of the word, in relation to how the relevant
Satanic group spells the word.
During the 13th century a secret religious society known as the Luciferans was discovered op
erating in Germany. The Luciferans believed that Lucifer had been wrongly cast out of heaven but
that one day he and his worshippers would resume their rightful place in heaven. During the in
vestigation that ensued, the Roman church also discovered an initiation ritual which some of the
Luciferians confessed to under the threat of death. According to their confessions the new initiate
was required to kiss the behind of a toad, after which he was approached by 'a man with black
eyes who was pale, emaciated and icy cold.'(2) The man, most likely representing the devil himself,
was kissed by the initiate who then instantaneously lost his Catholic faith. After this a feast was
held and 'a large black cat appeared, emerging from a statue which was always present.'(3) Again
the members present would kiss the cats behind and then the rirual was concluded with an orgy.
Some of the more sensationalist accounts of Satanic Initiations have added to the early Sa
tanic tradition mentioned above as also including the ritual slaughter of a virgin, usually female,
or of a baby or young child and the drinking of a concoction of urine, sperm and!or vaginal fluid
and blood whilst the participants blasphemed against God and Jesus Christ. From a moral per
spective there is little, or often, no attempt to apologise for such cases from any Satanic quarter.
Here one comes across the Satanic morality, or amorality where what is traditionally accepted by
society is not by Satanism. It is by going against the accepted norm that the Satanist finds the free
dom within, by going to extremes of emotion, thought and action the Satanist can find a balance
between them, one that is based, not on rhetoric, but on both personal experience and premedi
tated action. So whilst society has attempted to imbue its members with moral constraints which
are often portrayed as being permanent and absolute, Satanists see themselves as tending towards
a more honest approach, developed from conscious experience, where morality is considered as
being both temporal and relative. It is obvious from this perspective that Satanic morality is both
offensive and dangerous and here then lies another barrier for the Satanic Initiate, for he or she
must face and question his or her own morality.
The concept of initiation originates in a non-Satanic religious source where initiation is held
to be a symbolic transition from one stage to another. The differences occur in the use of symbol
ism and of dieties. Thus in some examples of a Satanic initiation the neophyte may undergo a rit
ual coupling with a Temple Priest or Priestess. This coupling is a symboliC union of Satan and his
bride Baphomet. Thus if the neophyte is female, then a Priest, representing Satan will couple with
her, or if the neophyte is male a Priestess, representing Baphomet, will couple with him. The obvi
ous exception is if the neophyte is gay and then he or she must seek out a relevant Sapphic or
Uranian Temple. The individual to be initiated may also undergo tests - both during and previous
to the initiation ritual - and may be subjected to both humiliation and pain. Humiliation may
take the form of being stripped naked and bound before the Temple into which the neophyte is
seeking initiation. The symbology here is of a stripping of personality, wherein the individual is no
longer protected by his or her personality as symbolised by his or her clothing and is instead bared
to all devoid of any societal position or power that he or she may have. Adding to this feeling of
nakedness, which is enhanced by the unfamiliarity of the Temple and its members, the neophyte
may also be subjected to a ritual scourging representative of the neophytes worthlessness, unclean
liness and weakness.
The necessary prequisite to undergo such a Satanic initiation begins simply with the feeling
'that there is more to life than the normal round of work and pleasure.'(4) It is from this perspec
tive that the individual may seek and join a Satanic Temple or Tradition, yet this will usually only
occur if the individual is to some extent free from the manipulations of society and its adherent
morality as mentioned earlier. Once the ritual initiation has been completed there then begins a
process of psychological change. To a large extent this change is simply a development of con
scious awareness of one's actions, thoughts and feelings. The individual, having successfully passed
through the first stage of initiation, as symbolised by the initiation ritual, must then undergo
such further development and it is this development that is reflective of a true initiation, not sim
ply Satanic but of any religious, occult or mystical path. It is therefore unfortunate that great em
phasis is placed upon the external form of initiation together with the exaggerated interpretations
of blasphemy, sacrifice and sexual depravity whilst little emphasis is placed upon an understand
ing of the internal form of initiation.
This internal initiation has also been likened to the process of rebirth. Yet this rebirth is an
internal one, which is not simply reduceable to a change of mind but also involves the develop
ment of the astral body and, dependant upon which tradition the initiate belongs to, later on of
the mental and divine bodies. With some ritual initiations, if they are powerful enough, the astral
body of the neophyte may become so strong that the individual will have a spontaneous out of
body experience. Yet in order for the astral body(5) to be fully developed a long process of inner
work must begin and this may take the form of self study. Here the premise Know Thyself is of
the utmost importance where the initiate studies his or her reactions to all his or her experiences.
Thus he/she will slowly become aware of patterns of thought or emotion that he/she follows dur
ing a specific event, or events. This conscious awareness establishes that the individual usually re
acts in a set way to set occurrences. By being aware of this the individual is then advised to cease
reacting and thereby begin to control his or her psychological processes.
Whilst this method is most notably advanced by the Society of Dark Lily, there are a number
of Satanic groups that also promote the idea of conscious awareness, which is eventually followed
by conscious control of one's actions. Another interesting concept that is connected to the role of
the initiate is that the individual, once initiation is complete has become a part of a larger timeless
tradition. This concept is mainly found in Traditional Satanic groups such as the Order of Nine
Angles. Initiation, whilst essentially being individual, that is, focusing upon the individuality of
the new initiate which will therefore determine specific events that he or she may undergo, means
that the individual will, by virtue of his or her initiation, add to the larger Sinister Tradition of
which he/she is now a member. Examples of this role are found in the development of new ways
to manifest the sinister energy of the Tradition. Art, music, philosophy, politics and literature are
all examples of this creative expression that the new initiate is eventually expected to develop fur
ther, a development that should essentially imbue within the creation the energy of the Dark
Gods themselves.
The Black Mass
The most infamous Satanic ritual is the rite known as the Black Mass. The development of
the Black Mass is not, as some authors have understood it, a recent development, but one that
has occurred over a period of 1200 years and its origin, far from lying in an established Satanic
tradition, lies within the rituals and ceremonies of the early Christian church.
The Mass of the Dead is considered by some(6) to be the originator of the Black Mass and,
although considerably different from the modem versions of the Black Mass, it's sole function was
to procure the death of a person. This variation of the early Christian Mass was performed by a
Christian priest accompanied by a female server, with whom he had copulated prior to the ritual.
The Mass took place in a disused church, water from a well in which an unbaptized child had
drowned replaced wine and a black triangular host was duly consecrated.
The progression from the Mass of the Dead into the modem Black Mass took a new tum
when it was linked to the medieval witches sabbath. Accordingly the inclusion of a homed figure
who presided over the ceremony and who came to be associated with the Hebraic scape-goat came
to be one of the central aspects of the Black Mass. The orgy was also then included, something
that was most likely derived from the rites of the Bacchanalia or Dionysiac cults of ancient Rome
and Greece, of which shall be spoken presently.
In his book The Black Arts (Pan Books Ltd. 1967.), Richard Cavendish outlines the proceed
ings of the witches sabbath. Commencing with the witches paying homage to the Devil. The
witches would light a fire whilst the Devil was seated upon a throne in the form of either a goat,
representing Satan himself, or a dog, which may have been connected with the dark Goddess - the
dog being one of the sacred animals of Hekate - rather than with Satan himself. The witches
would then approach and adore the Devil, though their approach would be in a manner foreign
to normal men, such as walking crab-like or with their backs turned to him. After this 'came the
offering of the candles to the Devil and the obscene kiss.'(7) where the witch kisses the Devils be
hind. Following the obscene kiss, initiation, baptism or marriage would occur followed by the
feast and the orgy which concluded the witches sabbath.
The inclusion of a feast and an orgy at the end of the witches sabbath is very much reminis
cent of the Bacchanalia that existed during the times of the Roman empire. The Bacchanalia was
originally a secret sorority that eventually initiated men into its cult. Its members, who were said
to indulge licentiously in their passions, were also alleged to have been responsible for a number
of deaths, performed in secret caves, and defilements of its male members who refused to take the
oath of the cult or to commit specific vices. When the cult was finally repressed by the authorities
there was estimated to be some 7000 men and women who were members, many of whom were
arrested and imprisoned whilst their meeting places were destroyed and the Bacchanalia were pro
hibited throughout Rome. The similarity between the Bacchanalia, the witches sabbath and the
Black Mass are therefore fairly evident.
In modem times there are numerous versions of this ritual used by different Satanic groups.
The Black Mass contained within the Church of Satan's 'The Satanic Rituals' (Avon Books. 1972)
is based upon a combination of the rite used by the Societe de Luciferiens, a French Satanic soci
ety that operated in the 19th and early 20th centuries, and the fictional work of j.K. Huysmans
entitled La Bas. Explained as a psychodrama that elevates the 'concepts of Satanism to a noble
and rational degree:(8) the Black Mass is considered to free the individual from the constraints
that have been acquired - both consciously and unconsciously - from past indoctrination and
stigma. The actual ritual as laid out in the Satanic Rituals consists of a priest, who acts as the
main celebrant, accompanied by two assistants, being referred to as the deacon and the subdeacon
respectively, a nun adorned in habit and wimple and a naked female who serves as the altar and a
congregation. The ritual begins with an invocation to the Prince of Darkness and his host of de
mons, followed by a renunciation of past allegiances and a dedication to Satan-Lucifer. The ritual
progresses through the Satanic Offertory, Canon and consecration of the host. The Mass is com
pleted with the recital of the fifth Enochian Key and the Repudiation and Denunciation, whereby
the power and divinity of Christ is denied and the power of Satan is invoked to cause vengeance
to Christ and his host of angels. After this has been said the rite is concluded with the wafer
which, having been consecrated by insertion into the vagina of the female altar, is then cast to the
floor and trodden upon. The participants drink from the chalice and the ritual is then officially
declared completed.
The Order of Nine Angles offer a similar though different tradition concerning the Black
Mass. Whilst in the Church of Satan's Black Mass, the naked female takes the place of the altar,
the Black Mass of the Order of Nine Angles stipulates that it is a naked male who serves as the al
tar. Three further participants and a congregation complete the number of celebrants. As opposed
to the accepted understanding of a Black Mass where the participants are all adorned in black
robes, the three leading participants wear white (Priestess), scarlet (Mistress of the Earth) and Pur
ple (Master of the Temple) and whilst the Church of Satan exclude the sexual element that seems
to have been prevalent in many of the previous versions of the Black Mass, the Order of Nine An
gles have included two specifically sexual elements, the first being the masturbation of the Priest
by the Priestess, who then ejaculates over the host, which is duly trampled upon by the congrega
tion and the inclusion of an orgy at the end of the ritual.
The usefulness of the Black Mass has a number of different features. Its first and most uni
versal function within Satanic orders is that it is a powerful ritual of psychic release, a catharsis
that enables its participants to free themselves from the conscious and unconscious influences of
the prevailing authority of the Christian church. By inverting or altering the texts and ritualistic
procedure of the Christian Mass, the participants of the Black Mass effectively tap into and alter
their own, often unconscious, feelings and thoughts that pertain to the Christian world-view.
From such a perspective the theory that Satanists who perform the Black Mass hold the Christian
world-view as their own becomes a fallacy. For the Satanist is trying to free him or herself from the
Christian world-view in virtue of his or her performance of the Black Mass. For example, in the
Order of Nine Angles version of the Black Mass the Christian 'Our Father' is replaced by the
'Satanic Our Father' thus:
'Our Father which wert in heaven hallowed be thy name
In heaven as it is on Earth. Give us this day our ecstasy
And deliver us to evil as well as well as temptation
For we are your kingdom for aeons and aeons.'(9)
Whilst this seems to be the central function of the Black Mass, the Order of Nine Angles
also state that if the ritual is performed correcdy the energy so raised may be directed by the chief
celebrants according to their wills. From this perspective the Black Mass can effectively live up to
its seventh century predecessor The Mass of the Dead and cause the death of an opponent or ad
The importance of the Black Mass in modem Satanism therefore has a number of purposes
and even though some groups - such as the Society of Dark Lily - regard its cathartic use as some
thing of the past, such catharsis being performed intellectually - it still remains one of the most
potent and blasphemous rites of Black Magic.
One form of modem blasphemy is the Mass of Heresy of the Order of Nine Angles. The the
ory behind this Mass is based upon the assumption that Christianity has produced an effect not
only on the magical or psychic level of human life but also on the sociological level. This social as
pect of Christianity is considered to be manifest mainly in the political forms of Communism and
liberalism. The concept of equality of races and sexes, the goal of eternal peace and the upholding
of Jewish state from which Christianity is assured a firm foundation in its Holy birthplace, all
amount to a Holy Crusade according to Satanists. The need for a new form of the Black Mass,
one that frees the psyche of the protagonists from the unconscious influences of liberalism and
equality is one that has been answered in the form of the Mass of Heresy. Whilst this Mass ne
gates equality it upholds and positively identifies with the positive aspects of National Socialism.
Thus the individual pronounces that he/she believes in the inequality of races and the divine
status of Adolf Hitler, who is perceived as being god-like, a saviour of the Aryan race. The Holo
caust is denied and the Swastika and Mein Kampf are focal points for the ritual, Mein Kampf re
placing the Black Book of Satan which is used in the Black Mass and other traditional forms of
Satanic Ritual.
To many individuals such a ritual appears to be pointless and unnecessary. The holocaust is
proven and therefore such a ritual seeks to deny the truth. Yet such reasoning only strengthens
the Satanists' case. Nazi Germany has become a scapegoat for the projection of the Jungian
Shadow(lO) according to some Satanists'. In the case of the defence even Simon Wiesenthal has
openly defended the view that not all camp guards were brutal and cruel sadists, rather only 10%,
a fraction of what many would have one believe. The key then to the use of rites such as the Mass
of Heresy is to free the psyche from prejudice, in relation to this a member of the Order of Nine
Angles says 'individuals who participate in genuine Satanic Masses sometimes experience a kind of
'satori' - or sudden enlightenment - and are thus led to an increase in their consciousness as well as
an enhanced vitality because they have broken free of constraining opposites.'Ol) Yet probably
the best example to show the blasphemous nature of the Mass of Heresy is that in some countries
individuals who perform it may be liable to prosecution and imprisonment.
Ritualised Sexual Magic
'If Sex Magick is the most popular subject within Occultism this merely proves that it is also
the most misunderstood.'(2) This introduction to the subject of ritualised Sexual Magic by the
Society of Dark Lily, indicates how some Satanists view sex. This view is also true of the Order of
Nine Angles, who place Sexual Magic in a rational position amongst other forms of Ritual Magic.
From these examples alone the true use of sex cannot simply be reduced to the uncontrolled
indulgence of the Satanist. To the Satanist sex is a powerful force, a force that is to be respected
not misused, after all it is through sex that a being is born and this by itself indicates the vast
amount of power that sex beholds to the Satanist. Sexuality in Satanism then is not simply reduci
ble to sado-masochism, rape, child-abuse or sexual torrure, such observations reflect a psychologi
cal problem within the opposers of Satanism rather than the Satanists themselves. For the Satan
ists say that it is the Christian religion that has disrespected the most important act of the animal
kingdom by reducing it to a sinful act.
In Satanism a number of different approaches to sex are taken and whilst groups such as the
Order of Nine Angles include numerous sexual elements in their rituals, including orgies, other
groups such as the Society of Dark Lily view sex as an important aspect of self-knowledge. From
this perspective the Satanist should understand and accept his or her sexuality, an understanding
which requires 'a complete comprehension of one's attitude and behaviour in relation to [one's]
sexuality...'(l3) By experimenting with one's own sexuality one should eventually find the mode of
sexual expression that he or she is best suited to and it is only by such sexual experimentation that
this can be found.
An anonymous article in the Society's journal 'Dark Lily' entitled 'Sex and the Occult' (Dark
Lily 10) refers to the practical use of sex in the context of accessing the participants' subconscious
mind. The author of this article goes on to say that by performing a sexual ritual the participants
are able to access their own subconscious mind far qUicker than is possible in other circumstances
such as prolonged meditation. Such methods of sexual magic, when performed under a ritualistic
setting provide the participants with a focus for the conscious mind, which then enables the more
advanced of the two participants to raise the level of contact to the psychological rather than the
purely physical. Under such methods 'the work of many weeks can be compressed into days or
hours.'(l4) The transference from the physical to the psychological is a method whereby the en
ergy raised may be directed within the psyche and used to balance and cleanse the individual psy
chologically, where the destruction of specific aspects of the individual's psyche are necessary for
further development to be made. The use of sex is considered then, not to be - as the Order of
Nine Angles perceive it - drawing forth energy, but rather in the speed that the changes in con
sciousness are made and in the creation of balance and the restoration of health.
Even though both the Society of Dark Lily and the Order of Nine Angles differ in their con
ceptual approach to ritualistic sexual magic the Order of Nine Angles Rite of Nine Angles pro
vides a prime example of a method of ritualistic Sexual Magic. The sexual nature of the rite may
be performed in two ways. Firstly, a Priest and Priestess perform the ritual naked upon an iso
lated hilltop. The rite itself involves the use of the Sound Magick technique known as vibration,
which involves the Priest projecting, in syllables the following words of power: "Nythra Kthunae
Atazoth." Thus the syllable "Ny" is sounded for a period of between ten and twenty seconds, then
"thra" is sounded for the same period of time and so on. Such methods of Sound Magic enable
the participants to activate hitherto unknown areas of their minds and cause changes in con
sciousness as though inducing a semi trance-like state. The Priest therefore vibrates these words in
the direction of the Priestess who holds a quartz crystal tetrahedron in her palms. After this vibra
tion has been completed, the Priestess lies on the ground, still holding the crystal whilst the Priest
performs cunnilingus. When the Priestess is suitably aroused the Priest then begins copulation,
during which the Priestess visualises a gateway situated in the stars above them opening and a
black nebulous chaos flowing downwards to the earth.
The second form of the Rite of Nine Angles, known as the Cthonic form, is performed with
the addition of a congregation who hold an orgy after the rite whilst the Priest and Priestess vi
brate specific words of power and trained cantors chant a particularly difficult and elaborate Sinis
ter Chant. The energy from the orgy is used to enhance the presencing of the Dark Gods who are
then said to manifest. The changes of consciousness that may occur through such a rite can be
equated on one level with the creation of the Antichrist, that is, the Satanist who absorbs the
power brought forth through the ritual becomes akin to the Antichrist, an individual who embod
ies the power of the Dark Gods of the Sinister Tradition. Such an individual is considered to be,
on a psychic level, a gateway to the abode of the Dark Gods.
The role of the orgy within Satanism has two main functions. Firstly it provides a release of
any sexual repression, be it conscious or unconscious, that has been acquired during and prior to
the individual's puberty. This period of sexual development has largely been corrupted, according
to Satanists, by the rise of Christian morality concerning sexuality. By virtue of this repression
during the most important period of sexual development, Christianity has distorted numerous
psyches with an un-insightful advocation of celibacy that does not lead one to self-knowledge but
to psychical disorder. This repression is therefore inevitably sublimated in numerous ways. Ac
cordingly some individuals may sublimate the sexual energy in such a manner that they orientate
towards sexual criminality.
The role of the Satanic orgy is therefore to indulge and delight in sexual congress in whatever
manner the individual desires. The orgy takes place, according to the tradition of the Order of
Nine Angles, after an external magical ritual, the Black Mass being one of the more common. The
second function of sex within the orgiastic sphere is that concerning the direction of the energies
rajsed through unrestrained sexual indulgence. With the inclusion of an orgiastic element within
Traditional Satanic rites, the energy that the ritual would have produced is naturally expanded to
include the sexual energy which is then directed towards a specific intent according to the preset
aims of the Master and Mistress of the Temple. An alternative method is for the energy to be
stored in a crystal for use at a later date.
Although the above are the balanced expressions of ritualistic sexual magic, there are cases
where some Satanists utilise aspects of sexuality that are considered abhorrent, evil and that are
unlawful. Yet, although there are cases whereby women initiates may become the so-called victim,
there is no evidence whatsoever that paedophilia is occurring within Satanism and even though
there have been numerous allegations from the media connecting Satanism to child-abuse, the
only cases of ritual child abuse that have been successfully prosecuted in court are those that find
the paedophile to be a Christian minister or Priest.
The Abyss
Central to Satanic magic is the concept of the Abyss. The word Abyss comes from the Greek
word abussos meaning bottomless lao, not + bussos,bottom]. In reference to Satanic magic how
ever it is considered to have a number of different meanings which are used by different groups.
Firstly the abyss is more commonly understood as being a reference to the Satanic under
world wherein Satan and his demonic army reside. This interpretation largely stems from Chris
tian sources, most especially Revelations in the New Testament: 'And the fifth angel sounded, and
I saw a star from heaven fallen unto the earth: and there was given to him the key to the pit of the
abyss. And he opened the pit of the abyss; and there went up a smoke out of the furnace; and the
sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.'(l5)
According to Andrew Collins, writing in The Black Alchemist (ABC Books. 1988), the
Friends of Hekate and associated individuals have used this form of symbolism in their magical
activities where they have utilised the apocryphal imagery of the Christian bible in an attempt to
construct a magical version of the Antichrist.
A second interpretation of the abyss comes from the Order of Nine Angles who suggest the
abyss to be located where the world of causality meets with the world of a-causality. Whilst the for
mer is understood primarily as rational and physical, the latter is understood to be irrational, non
physical and magickal. This understanding of the Abyss as a gateway between two different worlds
has long past associations with the concept of the Temple as a gateway to the world of the gods.
This in itself is interesting bearing in mind that many preChristian Temples, upon which Chris
tians built their churches are believed to be situated on ley lines, which carry two currents of en
ergy around the planet. It is this belief that is reflected in the theory that the Abyss is a location
point where the magical worlds and the mundane worlds collide. Yet this gateway is also believed
to exist within the human psyche at the point where the conscious and the unconscious meet and
it is from this point that the Satanic magician draws forth his magical power through the medium
of Satanic ritual.
Magical use of the abyss from this perspective varies according to the tradition of the Order
of Nine Angles One may utilise the tarot cards as pathworking images to explore the hidden side
of the human psyche, the side that normally remains untouched in the abyss. Alternatively the in
dividual may undertake a specific ritual that draws forth the powers or energies contained within
the abyss as they are, that is without any form of imagery or symbolism. This ritual involves a long
and arduous walk - 80 miles over two days for males, 56 miles for females - followed by a ceremo
nial ritual where the individual invokes the chaotic energies of the Abyss by visualising a crystal
filling with darkness whilst continually chanting the word "chaos." Entrance into the abyss, if suc- .
cessful, will result in changes of consciousness that will culminate in the individual himself be
coming such a gate between the two worlds. Speaking less esoterically this means that the individ
ual will, by virtue of the changes in consciousness that include the crystallisation of the astral
body, be able to manifest magical energies without recourse to the procedure of magical ritual.
Symbolism is therefore no longer necessary although it may still be used by the new Master or
The third interpretation of the abyss comes from the Society of Dark Lily who teach that it is
symboliC of the journey from Initiate to Adepthood. As such, the Satanist passes through the
Abyss over a long period of time in order to attain Wisdom: the 'Abyss is that awful thing you go
through or go across to get to where you think you want to be, that is, Adepthood.'(l6) The
method whereby the Satanist passes through the abyss may vary from individual to individual.
The Master who leads the Society of Dark Lily suggests h o w e v ~ r that there is only one method to
cross the Abyss and that is that the individual must 'subdue [his or her] subconscious mind.'(l7)
By subjugating one's subconscious mind the individual gains complete control over his or her ac
tions and reactions, thoughts and feelings. Here then every part of the individual's mind - both
conscious and unconscious (or subconscious) is understood and controlled.
One more notable interpretation of the energies representative of the Abyss is the doctrine
of the Qliphoth. This concept links the Christian apocryphal tradition of the abyss, or bottomless
pit with the Cabalistic concept of energy that was left over from the creation of the universe
known as the Qliphoth. The Qliphoth, or 'Kelipth'(l8) are desCiibed as being 'husks' or 'shells' by
Asim MaTheP Lamm.(l9) 'They are the waste or litter or filth which the organism of the universe
gives off.'(20) From this perspective the Qliphoth can be utilised by the Black Magician to work
dark magic, using a powerful form of universal energy. As such, Kenneth Grant, the head of the
English Lodge of the Ordo Templis Orientis, more commonly known by it's initial's O.T.O., has
written a trilogy of books on the subject of using such dark energies. This has been formulated
into the Typhonian Current,' a system of magic that works with the dark side of the Cabalistic
Tree of Life. Although some groups such as the Order of Nine Angles oppose a Cabalistic inter
pretation of Satanic magic, the O.T.O. uses what is described as 'the esoteric doctrines of the
'black' magick of the left hand path.'(21) Opposition to Left Hand Path Cabalism is largely due to
an aeonic approach to magic in general which views the Judeo-Christian esoteric and mystical tra
ditions as being a distortion upon the pagan ethos which lacked any absolute duality. This is indi
cated by the dual nature of the pagan gods, possessing both light and dark sides, rather than being
either solely good or evil.
Working with the energies of the abyss there are obviously innumerable dangers that
threaten both the sanity and the life of the Satanist that seeks to pass through or across the Abyss.
Reasons for this danger lie in the requirement of specific preparation of both body and mind. Ac
cording to the Order of Nine Angles the two main problems that may occur are most likely to be
'madness or extreme personal dis-orientation resulting in a 'possessed' personal life and/or loss of
vitality... [or] personal delusion about one's own abilities and understanding, both personal and
Yet for whatever method that is used to cross or pass through the Abyss there can primarily
be one of three results. Firstly the individual may renounce the Satanic quest, secondly the ener
gies encountered may cause dramatic changes detrimental to the individual's psyche and thirdly
the individual may pass through successfully achieving Adepthood and wisdom.
The first result, that of renunciation, occurs when the individual has gained more knowledge
than he or she can cope With. Explanations of such a development can only be inadequate due to
the nature of the changes in consciousness that such knowledge brings. Reality, for the individual
has changed, everyone else remains the same, but the Satanist now sees things in a completely dif
ferent way. An analogous example of this experience would be as follows. Imagine you are stand
ing in the hallway of a house. The hall light is already turned on, but, since it is night-time you
need to tum on the light whenever you enter a different room. When you enter the dining room
you tum on the light and see on the table the severed head of a policeman. This scares you and
your immediate reaction is to leave... The analogy is simple, the light is the acquisition of knowl
edge. But once you have learnt something - seen the policeman's severed head on the table - you
cannot unlearn it. Therefore you have to live with that knowledge. The acquisition of occult
knowledge concerning oneself and the world is not simply learning how to do spells, invoke de
mons or make a pact with the devil, rather it implies the acquisition of something that will drasti
cally change the way the Satanist sees the world. It is akin to the eastern concept that life as man
knows it is an illusion and that magical traditions can take man from the falsehood of normal un
initiated life, to the truth and meaning of existence. Renunciation, once one has begun to explore
both oneself and the world at large, is therefore not uncommon.
The second result of entering the Abyss is far harsher than renunciation of the quest. For
this is the path that leads to dementia, delusion and!or death. Primarily this is experienced when
the Satanist seeks to encounter demonic, chaotic, negative or darker energies before he or she is
ready. Preparation for such invocation is a lengthy process. Cathartic rites such as the Black Mass
may be of use here, where the individual re-programmes his or her mind and emotions in order to
free him or herself from the unconscious influence of repression, morality and guilt. If there is
doubt or uncertainty within the Satanist's mind the energies may manifest in a manner that is det
rimental to the Satanist. Many people consider the examples of individuals using black magic,
Ouija boards and so forth as always causing harm to the individuals themselves, but this is a
misunderstanding, since the individual using such methods must undergo a process of catharsis in
order to remain in conscious control of the forces summoned. It is for this reason that some Sa
tanic groups promote indulgence and then control of the animal nature in man.
Although outwardly the traditions of the Order of Nine Angles and the Society of Dark Lily
both approach and describe the concept of the Abyss differently, there are similarities when one
considers what occurs when there is a successful passing of the Abyss. Thus the concept of 'all is
one' is found in both systems. Yet both groups advocate a maintenance of individuality in relation
to a unification with the natural order of the cosmos. Thus there is no loss of self-hood in Satanic
tradition, no absorption by the godhead as represented by the Right Hand Path traditions.(23)
Together with a unification with the natural order, is the acquisition of wisdom that is found
not only in Satanic and Left Hand Path traditions but also in those of the Right Hand Path. Here
wisdom refers to an understanding of the cosmos in essence, as it is. From a Jungian perspective it
implies a withdrawal of not only one's own projections but also of all the projections from aU
other people onto the universe. Everything is therefore understood according to its inner nature
rather than its exterior form. This is referred to as 'acausal perception' by the Order of Nine An
gles, that is, perception that occurs other than causally and it is this form of perception, partly as a
product of a successful crossing of the Abyss, that is said to determine the adept from the initiate.
Lastly the Order of Nine Angles believe that personal Wyrd or Destiny is finally achieved
when the individual successfully passes through the Abyss. The Satanist has then passed the per
sonal and become part of the larger natural forces a 'Becoming-One with them'(24) whilst main
taining his or her individuality. Finally, as the Adept guiding the Society of Dark Lily says 'there is
no question of choosing to take the Right Hand Path or the Left Hand Path. There is only one
route. You either cross or you do not cross. But what you do when you get to the other side is en
tirely up to you. You then have access to everything.'(25)
Ritual Sacrifice
The concept of ritual sacrifice has been the subject of much debate within the sphere of the
Satanic underground. On the whole there can be seen to be two main camps emerging. On one
side lies groups such as the Order of Nine Angles and the now-defunct Friends of Hekate. These
groups, although differing in their approach to ritualistic magic, can be said to promote the use of
human and!or animal sacrifice under certain conditions and for specific reasons. That is, they
promote the conscious and willed use of sacrifice rather than the weak indulgence epitomised by
the modem day serial killer who has no or very little control over his actions. On the opposite
bench can be found the Society of Dark Lily, the Church of Satan and the Temple of Set. Lying
inbetween both camps can be found the diabolist who may sacrifice animals during his or her
rituals of invocation. Yet whilst the diabolist who often is a solo practitioner, working alone and
in secret may kill animals in his rites, it is doubtful if he would perform human sacrifice on the
scale of the Order of Nine Angles or the Friends of Hekate and it is to these two groups one
should tum in order to gain a deeper and more constructive insight into the concept and of hu.
man sacrifice.
The Friends of Hekate, operated throughout England between the 1960's and the 1980's.
Although the group is believed to still operate under a different name or names, they have been
linked to a number of disappearances and deaths that occurred in Sussex during the 1970's and
80's. Altogether the deaths of five people have been connected to the sacrificial rites of the
Friends of Hekate: a policeman, a vicar, an old age pensioner and two women all disappeared dur
ing this space of time. Both the policeman and the vicar were found on a ley line and further
more, both the vicar whose disappearance occurred on 31st October - and the policeman were
found in an area that had been thoroughly searched beforehand. The vicar himself was the rector
of two villages in Sussex where a number of Satanists were alleged to operate and, according to a
letter received by Toyne Newton, author of The Demonic Connection' which examines the activi
ties of the Friends of Hekate and the concept of an international Satanic conspiracy, members of
the Friends of Hekate actually lived within these villages. Another supportive piece of evidence to
suggest accusations of human sacrifice are true concerning the Friends of Hekate, comes from a
letter addressed to Toyne Newton, care of The Unexplained magazine. In this letter the anony
mous writer practically confirms that the Reverend was ritually sacrificed by the Friends of
'A few years back a friend of mine joined them, they are called the friends of Hekate,
they meet in the woods and bam up by the church and make ritual sacrifices at the time
of Orion and the archer.'
The anonymous writer goes on to say that his friend:
'...was very frightened when the police (were) looking out for the vicar you mention
(Rev. Harry Neil Snelling) and when I said I was going to join the search party on
the downs he said no need, they'd got him.'(26)
Whilst the evidence points to the fact of ritual sacrifice by the Friends of Hekate, little is ac
tually known of their rites although they are believed to focus specifically upon the worship of the
ancient Greek goddess Hekate. Whilst the information concerning the connection of the Friends
of Hekate with human and animal sacrifice is both scarce and hypothetical a far more open ap
proach is advocated by the Order of Nine Angles.
The sacrificial tradition of the Order of Nine Angles is believed to date back to the time of
the land of Albion. Originally the Order of Nine Angles state that the sacrificial
custom occurred once every seventeen years, when a Priest of the tradition was sacrificed in order
to 'retain the 'cosmic balance' in modem times to keep a nexion open.'(27) This tradition has
continued until modem times and although it is believed to have remained as it once was in es
sence, the outward form, that is, the words and chants of the ritual are believed to have been al
tered over the years. What is understood is that the ritual sacrifice was performed in honour of
the dark and violent goddess Baphomet the severed head being associated with her worship. The
Priest himself would have secured an acausal existence in the Land of the Dark Gods and would
thereby become immortal.
In more modem times the Order of Nine Angles approach to ritual sacrifice has significantly
altered from a willing sacrificial victim that of the initiated Priest to that of an unwilling sacrifi
cial victim. Yet such acts are not performed without conscious decision, accurate planning and
reasoned behaviour, for the Sinister Satanist as a follower of the Order of Nine Angles Tradition
is sometimes known is an individual who is in control of his or her actions, actions that are both
conscious and willed. It is for this reason that the victims, or Opfers as they are more commonly
known, are usually selected in this tradition impersonally. They are tested according to their char
acter and, should they fail the test, are judged to have selected themselves. As an Order of Nine
Angles manuscript states 'the actions/life of a victim are indicative of weakness, of all these traits
and actions which Satanists despise. Things such as cowardice, sycophancy, treachery, fear, lack of
Combined with this judgement is the decision to select an Opfer whose death
will in some way aid the Satanic dialectic. As such victims include 'zealous interfering Nazare
nes'(29) journalists or politicians or businessmen whose philosophy and actions
are anathema to the Satanic Spirit.
Probably the most Sinister of all rites of Sacrifice to be found in modem days is the rite
known as The Sinister Calling. The rite itself requires a complete Satanic Temple trained in sinis
ter chant and 'assumes willing sacrifice.'(30) The preparation for the rite which takes places over a
period of seven days requires all Temple members participating to adhere to a Black Fast. The
Fast itself demands absolute silence save for the chanting nine time a day at sunset of the Diabo
Ius, a Satanic version of the Christian Dies Irae chant. Further the members must 'wear only
monial robes, will abstain from intoxicating drinks and sexual pleasures and eat no meat.'(3l) The
rite may be performed in one of three locations: A sinister Temple, a cave, or an isolated hilltop.
Prior to the actual rite the sacrificial Priest is chosen by lot. The congregation then assemble in the
Temple and the rite begins. The Priestess serves as the altar for this rite whilst the Opfer is held by
the Temple Guardian. The Master and the Mistress then conduct the rite which begins with a rit
ual dance accompanied by the rhythmic chanting of "Binan ath ga wath am." The Master of the
Temple opens a nexion, or gate to the realm of the Dark Gods from which the Dark Gods will
presence themselves if the rite is successful. The Opfer-Priest is then united with the Priestess in
coition whilst the Priestess visualises the Gate opening further. The Priest is then led away to a
secluded place where the Master of the Temple will then perform the ritual sacrifice. Returning to
the Temple the Master will present the Mistress of the Earth with a bowl containing the blood of
the sacrificed Priest. The Mistress will then wash her hands and face in his blood as a representa
tion of the dark goddess Baphomet. The rite itself is concluded with a feast.
An alternative ritual of sacrifice is that known as the Giving which occurs once every 51
years. The function of human sacrifice according to the Order of Nine Angles occur on two levels.
Firstly it releases a vast amount of magical or psychical energy that can be directed in accordance
with specific goals, or, alternatively stored in a crystal for later use. The second use of human sacri
fice is that it 'draws down dark forces or entities.'(2)
One other aspect of the Order of Nine Angles methods of sacrifice is that the victim is tradi
tionally beheaded. This tradition stems back to the ancient head cults of Europe, a tradition that
was still in existence in Great Britain up until at least the 17th century, when a Scottish clan
leader beheaded seven treacherous member of the Madonnell clan and ceremonially washed their
heads in a well on the shore of Loch Oich.
Differing from the two groups mentioned above, the Church of Satan and the Temple of Set
have both actively disputed the traditional view that Satanists need to sacrifice humans or ani
mals. The Temple of Set have even gone to the extent of banning its members from association
with the Order of Nine Angles due to the latter's views on, and advocation of, human sacrifice.
The Church of Satan have approached the choice of human and animal sacrifice from the
perspective of the amount of energy that it dispels. When comparing this dissipation of energy
with the energy produced through emotiqnal and sexual release, Anton La Vey, High Priest of
the Church of Satan, concludes that 'the only time a Satanist would perform a human sacrifice
would be if it were to serve a two-fold purpose; that being to release the magician's wrath in the
throwing of a curse, and more important, to dispose of a totally obnoxious and deserving individ
ual.'(33) It is apparent then that there is a comparison between the Order of Nine Angles meth
ods for the selection of victims and that of the Church of Satans. Both select victims that are
naturally obvious as targets for Satanic wrath. However, the Chruch of Satan, although adhering
to this Satanic tradition, do not actively carry out direct human and/or animal sacrifice as do
both the Order of Nine Angles and the Friends of Hekate.
It can be seen from the above examples, stemming from modern Satanic traditions, that the
concept of the virgin or small-child as victim is obsolete in modern Satanism and whilst the media
often portrays the essential nature of Satanism as one that advocates and indulges in virgin sacri
fice, child abuse and the like, the actual fact of the matter is that traditional Satanic groups, such
as the Order of Nine Angles and the Church of Satan, would be more inclined to sacrifice the
child abuser than the child.
Throughout this survey of Satanic Black Magic there has been an attempt to approach the
subject without recourse to the sensationalism that often appears in the reports of Satanic activity
made by the media and the church. There has also been an attempt to focus upon the reasons be
hind the practice of Black Magic by Satanists rather than simply focusing upon the rituals them
selves. Thus, where Satanic traditions, such as that of Sacrifice are discussed there has been an at
tempt to relate the reasoning behind the tradition and thereby reveal the reasons why such a tradi
tion exists.
It is hoped that in virtue of the areas discussed, it has also been shown that Satanism can no
longer simply be reduced to a 'cult' phenomenon with all the associated stigma that is attached to
the word. For Satanists, freedom from society and most especially morality, is an important aspect
of Satanism. Yet this does not imply that Satanism can be reduced purely to a process of cathartic
rebellion. Thus, some teachings within Satanic groups, most notably those advocated by the Or
der of Nine Angles and the Society of Dark Lily, focus upon the attainment of wisdom and of an
understanding of how the universe works devoid of the individual's subjective feelings, wishes or
desires. There is therefore no attempt to hide from the natural laws of the universe or from the
fierceness and danger that such laws imply.
Further, Satanists believe that Satanism, by virtue of it's adherent philosophies, is a system of
magical practice that is suitable for only a minority of individuals who can see through the tradi
tional morality of the day. In itself Satanism is not dedicated to acquiring new followers. Rather it
is considered by the Satanists themselves as a method for personal evolution whereby the individ
ual may reach a higher level of awareness; an expansion of consciousness and it is this that reveals,
according to the Satanists, the true nature of the Left Hand Path. For the difficulties in achieving
such a freedom of thought are evident in the fact that very few individuals can claim to have suc
cessfully passed through or beyond the Abyss and gained direct knowledge of the universe as it is
in essence. Thus Satanism maintains the theory that man, as he is, is only a partly developed be
ing, a being that through the practices of Satanic magic, and magic in general can complete his
Notes & References
1. Graham, Magdalene. Re-Deflnlng Sataniml. Dark lily 8 (Dark lily: London, 1989), p. 10.
2. Cavendish, R. The Black Arts (Pan Books Ltd: London, 1967), p. 331.
3. ibid, p. 331.
4. Society of Dark Uly. 'Dialogue Between Adept and Pupil' in Dark Uly 1 {Dark Uly: London, 1987), p. 10.
5. The name astral body Is a term used to refer to a magical body created from psychical energy by magical methods such as prolonged visualisa
tion. It is considered to consist of a form of energy that vibrates at a higher level than the physical matter.
6. Rhodes, H.T.F. The Satanic Mass (Rider &. Company: London, 1954).
7. Cavendish, Richard. The Black Arts (Pan Book Ltd: London, 1967), p. 345.
8. La V ~ , Anton. The Satanic Rituals (Avon Books: NewYotk, 1972), p. 34.
9. Robury, Conrad. The Black Mass, in The Black Book of Satan (Brekekk: Newport, Year of Fire 102), p. 15.
10. The Jungian Shadow is the name given to the darker side of the Individuals' psyche. It consists of repressed instinctive energy. The Order of
Nine Angles believe that the white European race possesses a collective shadow which was presenced dUring the Third Reich.
11. Order of Nine Angles. Satanism, Blasphemy and me Blade Mass {Order of Nine Angles. No publishing date>.
12. Sociery of Dark Lily. The LHP View of ScxMagick' in Dark Lily 6 (Dark Lily: London, 1988), p. 12.
13. ibid, p. 12.
14. Society of Dark Lily. 'Sex and me Occult' in Dark Lily 10 (Dark Lily: London. 1990), p. 16.
15. Revelations 9:13.
16. Society of Dark Lily. 'Crossing the Abyss' in Dark Lily 4 (Dark Lily: London, 1988), p. 17.
17. ibid, p.18.
18. Cavendish. Richard. The Black Arts (Pan Boolcs Ltd: London, 1967), p. 296.
19. Lamm, Asim MaTheP, The Qlipboth CMaTheP Lamm. 1991).
20. Cavendish, Richard. The Black Arts (Pan Boolcs Ltd: London, 1967), p. 296.
21. Grant, K. Nightside ofEdcn (Skoob Boolcs Publishing: London. 1994), Dustjacker
22. Order of Nine Angles, The Abyss' in Hostia volume 1(Thonnynd Press: Shrewsbury, 1992).
23. The Right Hand and Left Hand Paths are distinguished primarily in mat whilst the Rightl1and Pam primarily accepts an absolute duality,
understood to a certain extent in me belief in an absolute moraliry, me Left Hand Pam accepts an interaction of what may be inadequately termed
good and cvil. See Appendix 1.
24. Order of Nine Angles. 'Notes on Esotcrlc Tradition X,' in Fcnrir vol. IV no 1. (Rigel Press: Yorlc, 1996).
25. Society of Dark Lily. 'Crossing me Abyss.' Dark Lily 4 {Dark Lily: London, 1988), pp. 18-19.
26. Newton, Toyne. The Demone Connection (Blandford Press: Poole, 1987), between pp. 96 and 97.
27. Order of Nine Angles. 'Esoteric Tradition VI: Baphomet, Opfer and Related Matters' in Hostia volume II (Thormynd Press: Shrewsbury,
28. Order of Nine Angles. 'Victims A Sinister Expose' in Hysteron Proteron (Thormynd Press: Shrewsbury, 1992).
29. Order of Nine Angles. 'A Gift for the Prince A Guide to Human Sacrifice.' in Hostia volume 1(Thormynd Press: Shrewsbury, 1992).
30. Order of Nine Angles. The Sinister Calling.' in Hostia volume II (Thonnynd Press: Shrewsbury, 1992).
32. Order of Nine Angles. 'AGift for me Prince AGuide to Human Sacrifice.' in Hosria volume 1iThormynd Press: Shrewsbury, 1992).
33. La Vey, Anton. The Book of Ludfer.' in The Satanic Bible (Avon Boolcs: NewYorlc, 1969), p. 88.
Barton, Blanche. The Church of Satan HeU's Kitchen Productions, Inc.: New York, 1990.
Baskin, Wade. Satanism Citadel Press: Secaucus, 1972.
Beest, Christos. The Black Book of Satan U1 Rigel Press: Shrewsbury, Year of Fire 103.
Bccst, Christos. CaelemL The Black Book of Satan II Thonnynd Press: Shrewsbury, Year of Fire 103.
Black, S. Jason, &. Hyatt, Christopher S. Ph.D. P.et3 wim the Devil New Falcon Publications: Phoenix, Arizona, 1993.
Brown, Stephen. The Satanic Letters ofStephcn Brown Thormynd Press: Shrewsbury, No publishing date given.
Cavendish, Richard. The Black Arts Pan Boolcs Ltd: London, 1967.
Collins, Andrew. The Black Alchemist. ABC Books: Leigh-on-Sca, 1988.
CoUins, Andrew. The Second Coming. Century: London, 1993.
Dark Lily. The Voice of me Left Hand Path. No's 1 15. Dark Lily: London, 1987 . 1993.
Fenrir. Volume IV. Nos 1 &. 2 Order of Nine Angles. Rigel Preso: York, 1996.
GeTtings, Fred. Dictionary of Demons. Rider: London, 1988.
Gram, Kennem. Nightside of Eden. Skoob Boolcs Publishing: London, 1994.
Holy Bible, The. Oltford University Press: London, 1937.
laVey, Anton Szandor. The Satanic Bible Avon Books: New York, 1969.
laVey, Anton S:andor. The Satanic Rituals Avon Boolcs: New York, 1972.
Long, Anton. Hostia. Secret Teachings of me O.NA Volume 111 Thormynd Press: Shrewsbury, 1992.
Long, Anton &. O.NA Hysteron Proteron.lnnerTeachings of me O.NA Thonuynd Press: Shrewsbury, 1992.
Long, Anton. Satanism: An 1nrroduction For Occultists. Thormynd Press: Shrewsbury, 1992.
Lurker, Manfred. Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses, Dcvils and Demons Roudedge: London, 1988.
Man, Myth &. Magic. 12 volumes. BPC Publishing Ltd: London. 1971.
Newton, Toyne, The Demonic Connection Blandford Press: Poole. 1987.
O'Grady, Joan. The Prince of Darkness Element Boolcs: Shaftesbury, 1989.
Order of Nine Angles. Hostia. Secret Teachings of me O.NA Volume 1Thormynd Press: Shrewsbury, 1992.
Order of Nine Angles. Hostia. Secret Teachings of me O.NA Volume 11. Thormynd Press: Shrewsbury, 1992.
Parker, John. At me Hcarr of Darkness Sidgwick &. Jaclcson Ltd: London, 1993.
Rhodes, H.T.F. The Satanic Mass Rider &. Company: London, 1954.
Roburv, Conrad. The Black Book of Satan Brekeklc: Newpott, year of Fire 102.
Rumven, Suzanne. Malleus Satani. The Hammer of Satan 19n0lUS press: London, 1994.
West, Thurstan. Naos (A Practical Guide to Modem Magick.) Cox1and Press: Reading, 1990.
The very essence of Satanism is that we can become gods: that we can be those future beings who
will be revered not only by our own species, but by other life-forms elsewhere in the cosmos. By
using only our Will, we can be the indomitable ones destined to carve out the path to the next
aeon. By great deeds, we can be the makers of history.
All that has led to this point in time can be surpassed, all that has made great warriorship,
heroism, discovery and creativity, can be surpassed, and All the gods, all
the great figures of our history who spawned gods, can be bettered.
We can possess the one real secret guarded by all our past gods: that those gods are but pale
imitations of the beings that we ourselves can become. This secret is the grail that sleeps within
the soul of our Western Race, and which so many occult forms have failed to wake.
All past gods of the various Western Traditions are rendered obsolete by the forces which Sa,
tanism alone is unleashing. These are the forces of cosmic evolution, taking the form of the Ae,
onic Magickian. The cosmos is now seeking to discard the tired old gods of our past, and is hun
gry for new expressions, to spawn new forms that will begin the next cycle of history.
Fading are the old Earth,bound symbols, giving way to those of acausal dimensions; those nu,
minous forms which presence now the Galactic future that awaits. Rising are the chants of the
stars, the wordless ceremonies, the living nexions that are worlds apart from the occult, from the
old realm of temples, circles and runic readings.
The Satanist does not need to study or the past, and indulge in what has long been
established: he is that past, the present, and the future. And each new willed act is another re,
expression of the essence, another of cosmic meaning , another dis<overing of the
potency of life presenced in each one of us.
Another reminder that individuals do possess the choice to act or not to act for the greater
cause of evolution: that each act can matter, can make a difference ...
We do not have to simply consume and pay homage to past glorious deeds; to behave as if we
believe history itself has now ceased, or has been rendered the future realm of an officially ap
pointed few. Those appointed few are like the old gods of the past: they exist so that we individu
als can, through adversity, discover our own potential, the potential that is really one potential:
that of the cosmos itself.
Thus, Satanists do not follow gods. So what then of Satan, that greatly mi8'understood living
symbol? Satan is not tied to cultural phases, and does not in image represent a once great society.
Instead, Satan is the timeless flow of the cosmos, seeking existence. Satan is the grail itself, that
secret guarded by the inadequate gods of our past.
Satan is the very essence of the striving to become a god ' Satan is the arrogance within that
enables us to leave behind the archaic gods, and to find the courage to be the new gods. Satan is
how we live, how we die, and how we shall be after causal life.
Satan is the word that when invoked presences the very essence of our striving and defiance.
As a living Being, Satan desires new life, new expression, and the constant surpassing of each
shadowy archetype created to represent Him. As living Beings, when we are living right, we are
Satan, both as individuals and collectively, as the new species of Human that is yet to be.
Let us stop grovelling to old archetypes, stop forming fan-elubs for the Old Ones, and discard
the superstition and academia that is so precious and so useless. We possess the creative genius to
set in motion new Earth-shattering forms, and the arrogance to behave as the embodiment of the
future that we, in essence, are. The future implies an upward surge away from the near medieval
times we still live in, and in this becoming of evolution, we do not need to seek answers from any
where but within ourselves.
The future gods bear our names ...
CB, ONA 1998eh
A great deal has been written over the years concerning the concept of the nexion, and while the
basic meaning is widely understood that of a nexion being a point where the acausal intrudes
into the causal universe (and vice versa) the outer form that a nexion may take requires some fur
ther explanation.
Firstly, a nexion can take many forms, and may even be a combination of forms. According to
very rare conditions, an aeonic nexion may be an individual. Or it could be a revolutionary Relig
ious form. Or, as stated, it could constitute several such forms co-existing in the world in order to
bring forth the aeonic transition.
However, the standard image is usually that of an isolated, wind-swept hill, which may perhaps
include upon it some ancient ruined structures. It is such an isolated place that is usually sought
by occultists when attempting to open a gate/nexion. This attempt will most likely involve regular
performance at the chosen site of rituals designed to presence the acausal (such as Nine Angles
ceremonies, etc. qv. Order MSS 1hemn). Thus, a tradition is started whereby a reservoir of ener _
gies is created for future Adepts to draw from and direct according to desire. Several such places
have been established over the years in the British Isles, with one site in particular having been
opened in an area of the Welsh Marches over 1,000 years ago in order to inaugurate the Western
Aeon, as has been documented by the Dark Tradition.
Thus, the nexion associated with the present Western Aeon was indeed an isolated, genuinely
esoteric place. However, it was only thus because of the nature of the times in which it was ere
ated: times characterised by the Nazarene oppression, which demanded an esoteric approach to
preserving what we sometimes term as the 'Western ethos'.
This was in contrast to the nexion which presenced the Hyperborian Aeon of Albion. This nex
ion existed in the area of Stonehenge. The nexion then was not solely the henge itself, or the land
upon which it was built, or the folk who lived and worshipped there: it was a combination of all
those factors. The nexion of Albion was the organic whole of the community which grew there, a
living, working centre where all the threads of nature and humankind were woven as one. What
can be found at that site now is the dead shell of what was once a living organism a nexion by
which life evolved significantly.
Because of the enervating nature of this present time, the nexion associated with the next aeon
and which is being established now, is also an organic whole a community. But this community
must in this present age develope covertly, since to openly establish it as an 'occult' venture would
be to hinder its slow, natural growth, and tum it into something short-sighted and shortlived: a
'project' attempting to bend the Will of Nature in accordance with a set of accepted 'ideas'. That
is, such a venture would seek to project upon the essence a limited understanding of what consti
tutes the 'esoteric', and would thus represent a step backwards, into that which is already dying.
The community instead allows the essence to dictate the ways of living, and remains always
separate from 'occult' forums and trends in order that it may presence the future by founding a
new organic approach to Life itself. From this slow, aeonic development will come the new forms,
the new expressions, the new magick of themselves, unhindered by any pre-conceptions or expec
tations, and free from all past and fading archetypes.
Thus the community itself will become the new esoteric path; the new religion. the new country.
In order to make this next phase meaningful and significant. that is, practical. a leap of faith is
required: a breaking away from the established, on all levels. Thus, the spirit of real pioneering is
to be invoked, and there is no reason why ultimately this leap of faith cannot be repeated across
the diverse regions of the Earth.
In establishing this nexion, the cycle that began in Albion will have returned to its new begin.
ning. This beginning is in essence quite simple: it is the cultivating of the conscious apprehension
of the acausality of 'time', from which all else shall follow. Only from these seemingly humble, ru
ral beginnings can emerge the race that will practically extend towards the stars, since both the
Will and the form of technology required to fulfil the Galactic Destiny can only develope organi
cally from revolutionary organic beginnings and methods.
The hidden, outwardly 'non-esoteric' community will be this new beginning, and must subse
quently be nurtured in such a way that it flourishes for at least 1,000 years. This new form signi
fies the closing of all that outwardly consitutes this present age, and is the essence itself, not merely a
vehicle for the expression of the essence. It is a combination of both causal and acausal: it is a liv
ing nexion the next stage, made practical, in our evolution.
What is described above represents the essence of magick.
ONA, 1998eh
Tradition tells of a community who venerated the goddess in an area of what is now North Scot
land. This community is believed to have comprised of the ancestors of 'The Picts', and they were
based around the River Oykel. The Latinized form of their name, given by Ptolemy, was Smertae,
which means 'stained' or 'smeared folk'.
The name by which this community knew the goddess is not recorded, but in Gaulish inscrip
tions there is reference to a war goddess named RosmeTta. Her name translates as 'the greatly
smeared goddess' that is, smeared with blood. It is quite possible that the Smertae were con
nected with her worship, and they were said to smear themselves with the blood of their enemies,
in her honour.
Interestingly, another community which lived near the region of the Smertae during the same
era, was known by a name which translates as the 'cat people' (see Note on the Name II).
Cirrostratus Valley Wolf
Nimbostratus Rocky outcrop (dawn) Hare
Venus Cirrocumulus Lake/ Loch White Hind
Stratocumulus Cave Lizard
Cumulonimbus Moorland! Heath Frog
Jupiter Cumulus River (dusk) Salmon
Altostratus Mountains (dusk) Eagle
Mid end of April; Early November; Spring Equinox; Mid end of May; Summer Solstice; Early.
mid.August; Autumn Equinox; Winter Solstice; Late January. late Feb
[Note: The above Satanic/Sinister fests represent the times when the seasonal energies/cosmic
tides are at their most pronounced. These times are not marked by the performance of the stan
dard seasonal rites as used within the occult/pagan' sulxulture: the energies, in themselves un
bound by an) phase in history, are, in the manner of magick, re-expressed each year according to the
circumstances of the celebrating and the broader esoteric changes occurring at that time. Of nec
cessity a traditional form such as a Nine Angles rite provides the basis for each fest but such a
rite is in itself unbound by imagery from the dead and distant past (qv. Black Book Ill). In essence,
the 'Galactic' or acausal magick that will presence the Future, is expressed through chant and
thought, and thus brings the living synthesis of Being that each act of magick seeks.
This is the magick that has always characterised the meaning of genuine Satanism: the Way of
Empath). The practising of the fests expresses a conscious integration with the living cosmic forces,
and reaches the height of expression when woven into the life of a rural community.]
Essay by Emperor Norduk of the
Tempel Azagthoth Principality of the Society of the Dark Sun
* Note: Tempel of Azagthoth is an Outer Temple of a larger family called the Society of the Dark
Sun. SDS is based upon the Ancient Babylonian practices of Vampirism, and passes this knowl
edge down through a living tradition inherent in their structure. Tempel of Azagthoth was created
several years prior to my knowledge of the SDS, as an independent group teaching the path of the
Vampire. Upon my knowledge and increasing affiliation with the Dark Sun Vampire Family, the
Tempel was embraced into the body of the Society. Tempel of Azagthoth exists as a forum for di
verse teachings concerning Vampirism, with the main contact from the senior office being duly
aligned towards grooming students towards a more serious understanding of Vampirism in align
ment with the path of the Black Vampire, the Society of the Dark Sun. The members of the tem
pel are not part of the structure of the Inner Vampire Family of the Society unless sufficient prog
ress has been made to earn recommendation, or the member has made the move to obtain the
higher teachings themselves. Our structure is primarily educational in nature. We hold diverse
knowledge, yet through our position as an Outer Temple, we provide the means for those to
learn, train, and make the move towards higher teachings later on. .
The teachings within this essay are not a direct rendering from the Inner Vampire Family, but my
own reflections based upon truths I have discovered through experience and application of the
Vampiric truths (as well as my own personal association with the Hare Krishna cult itself over a
period of time). Any readers are welcome to contact me in correspondance concerning what I
have related here by sending electronic email to: [email protected] or writing to me via
the Tempel of Azagthoth contact address listed at the bottom of this article.
One of the oldest and most thorough philosophies and creation epics exists within the holy writ
ings of India, called the 'Vedas' Oiterally 'Knowledge'). The foremost of these being the Mahabha
rata, which is mainly a historical epic - and secondly the Bhagavad-Gita, which is called the 'jewel'
of India's spiritual knowledge. They call Bhagavad-Gita a 'jewel' for good reason, for within the
pages of the Bhagavad-Gita lies an immense amount of spiritual knowledge. It exists to this day as
one of the most thorough and complete ancient religious texts ever transcribed.
Suprisingly, amongst those who traverse the Sinister Paths, I have seen that there have been very
little printed studies concerning concerning the Bhagavad-Gita and Vaisnavism - the Cult that
sprang from its text (within its original Sinister form, that persists to this day). Thusly, I will seek
to explore only a few of the Sinister archetypes within the Vedic tradition, and in specific, the
Vaisnavites. Let us now begin to explore the vampiric origin of the Vedic train of thought.
Vaisnavites are much more strict, and monetheistic in ways than a regular Hindu. A Vaisnavite
bhakti-yogi (one who practices bhakti-yoga, the supreme science of relationship with the Godhead
as taught within the Vedic world) would see it as a waste of time in most cases to offer obesiances
before the demigods, when one could instead have communion with Krishna - which would be
seen parallel within Vampirism as the original blood that forged the universe. Within Vaisnavism,
Krishna is considered to be the supreme being. He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and
from his body emantes the entire universe. The Bhagavad-Gita actually says that several universes
exist within the body of Krishna. When we, as those of a instinctual leaning begin to interpret the
Bhagavad-Gita through Krishna representing our own self-god, we have a clear glimpse into the
nature of the dark inner state of our beings beyond our own physicaVmundane perception. In
understanding this connection, it is important to know that the ethereal manifestation of our ac
tions is not the origin of the actions themselves. When one tries to interpret ancient teachings
into a modernized Occult train of thought, and then begins interpreting the higher self as an
outer god (thinking that the truths of the self are products of the ego) then much confusion
comes into play. Our treatise on the Vampiric nature of Vaisnavism is based upon VAMPIRISM,
not anything else. Vampirism realistically in every sense is derived from Ancient Sumeria and
Babylon. Before the Right and Left hand path came about, there was Vampirism. Before the Hel
lenic symbol of Satan, there was the Vampire as well. It is a base knowledge that should be under
stood that Vampirism is a more ancient path than what is largely popular today, thus the height
of folly to systematically undestimate the nature of Vampirism through one's own obsessive mor
tal consciousness. We seek to return to the primal functioning of the self, to re-establish the lost
link with what is Godhead and beyond.
Krishna (as the supersoul) can be seen as the existence of the Dark One. The Dark One is a term
used within higher vampiric practice - designating the inner awareness, the original chaotic being
and astral mind that manifests itself within the vampire's waking state. The Dark One within the
Dark Realm is the first of three independantly functioning parts of the Vampire's being. Within
these three parts of being, there are three realities - each of these realities named for one of the
three realms of being. In the outer reality of the Dark Realm (the first realm), the Dark One will
have a visible form. This has been described as "a shadow being" within teachings of the SDS.
Krishna is a designation of the Dark One's form within the outer reality of the Dark Realm. As
the original chaotic being, he has been referred to in the Vedic texts as the Supersoul. The Super
soul is the part of the individuals being aligned with the universal being. This supersoul manifests
(visually) within the Vaisnavite Cult as Sri Vishnu. Sri Vishnu most often manifests as a beautiful
blue-eolored male, with four arms. In his various hands he holds (among other things) flowers as
well as a club for battling demons (more about the Vedic concept of 'demons' later on). Seeing the
chaotic essence which birthed the individual as a archetype such as Krishna is an interpretation
only. It is unto the levels of awareness and perception that one can perceive such things, one can
not fit a hurricane into a box. The truth of the Vampiric condition and awakened state exists in
acting through the mandates of the divine inner self. One reaches power when there are no inter
nal contradictions, one is best able to experience the Dark One by action - not by speculation.
There is a parallel between the visual manifestation of the Supersoul (within Vaisnavite Cults)
and the visual manifestation of the outer reality of the vampire's astral mind {the true form hav
ing no substance visible to trained eyes, being the original and pure astral state of the individual
being). The vampiric teachings quoted here are those being gleaned from the teachings of Ancient
Babylon. The most qualified orginization concerning Vampirism that I have encountered that is
based upon the original (earthly) manifestation of Vampirism within Sumeria, Babylon, and sur
rounding Ancient countries is the Society of the Dark Sun. Those who are interested in this
group may inquire at their offices, for which I have given the address at the end of this article.
Let us now take a look at the Vaisnavites, the cult of the Hare Krishna. We can see the manifesta
tion of Vampirism and the alchemical path, pursuing individual spiritual evolution - is the main
purpose of the Hare Krishna. They sustain themselves through spiritual food, called prasadam.
Prasadam is food that is first offered in front of the dieties. All dedicated Vaisnavites offer all of
their food before the diety statues (the most common are those of Krishna and Radha, that are
within the Temple themselves) or to an image of Krishna within their home. The places which the
seed ofVaisnavism will most greatly fructify for most people, is the Vaisnavite temples or commu
nities. These establishments are the same as monastaries within the Christian religion in many
ways, however, they usually present a more interesting atmosphere for the arising Black
Magickian/Vampire. Vaisnavism is a very old, and Ancient tradition. This tradition was revived
by Lord Caitanya in Bengal during the 1500's. This is when the Sankirtan movement originated,
Sankirtan is the chanting of the mantra (or called 'mahamantra' within the Sanskrit, literally
'great mantra') which is : Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama
Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. We should notice the eating of only food offered FIRST to
Krishna within the Vaisnavite religion. It is taught within the Ancient texts of the Vedas that this
food is cooked only for Krishna, and that the devotees may eat only the remnants of that food.
The food literally becomes spiritualized, and injects the person who eats it into "Krishna Con
sciousness". We who are realized Vampires recognize this as a literal blood flow from the collec
tive blood of the Vaisnavite cult, headed by the Vampire Narayana (there are several meanings to
this statement), to the person who consumes the food. We who are vampires believe that blood is
the conscious form behind all existence, this is the substance that we feed on and subsist our
magical working upon, this is the stuff that causes Godhead in the first place. Physical blood sub
stance to us is useful, but it is actually the result of the astral blood flowing out unto chaotic sub
stance (causing material matter). From developing our actual astral senses and awareness, Vam
pires begin to actually partake of this spiritual sustenance directly. This is referred to briefly in
many traditions, and is actually the 'secret art' of success in the evolutionary path. (A seemingly
unrelated piece here, but useful in stressing my point concerning the very astral nature of blood
feeding. Here from "Confessions of Aleistar Crowley" page 525 and 526, chapter 59 concerning
Crowley's initiation into the Secret Chiefs of the Third Order). "Yet after, by a strong effort of
will, I banished my sore throat and my surroundings, and went up into my Body of Light.
Reached a room in which a cruciform table was spread, a naked man being nailed thereto. Mnay
venerable men sat around, feasting on his living flesh and quaffing his hot blood. These (I was
told) were the adepts, whom I might one day join. This I understood to mean that I should get
the power of taking only spiritual nourishment - but probably it means much more than this."
The Sinister Lord Nrsimhadeva
In the song to Lord Nrsimhadeva (which is sung every morning in the Hare Krishna temples
across the globe), the lionheaded humanoid form of Lord Krishna appears to the Demon Hiran
yakasipor to kill him. Demon is not seen within Hare Krishna as western people identify demons,
but rather as ungodly persons who are ignorant and ignore the Vedic wisdom. So in this sense, we
are talking about our everyday people. They are the ignorant who would hinder the enlightened.
It is a significant step up on the ladder from Christianity even with some of the seemingly moralis
tic undertones of this cult. There is not really 'good' and 'evil' in the regular sense but rather
'wisdom' and 'ignorance' (or 'truth' and 'illusion'). In the Bhagavad-Gita, there is explicit explana
tions of the modes of material nature, the fact that material entanglement/confusion derives from
being awestruck from the shimmering external potency of Krishna. This has significant links ta
wards Vampirism. It is a truth within Vampirism that if the Vampire looses touch with it's inner
chaotic nature, it's existence will disentegrate. Those who loose touch with their inner essence
(The Dark One, Krishna) will surely be 'sacrifice' unto the consuming forces of the Causal world.
The mortal is blinded to the functions of the astral realm, the experiences within their ethereal
nature blind them to further awareness. Vampirism is scary, because it is based upon an action of
creation itself. Separation and functioning in both realms, growing through imbuing the Vampire
with blood essence, creating perpetual realities within the astral and ethereal states of conscious
ness. These things are products of the Dark One, the being in the pure blood abyss of the Vam
Bhagavad-Gita contains a mine of spiritual knowledge and should not be overlooked. When we
begin to interpret Bhagavad-Gita according to it's Vampiric origin, we begin to see that a truth
concerning the inner state in relation to the outer state is revealed. The poetic language and gen
eral thorough content of the Bhagavad-Gita provides much insight for the Vampire and a flawless
creed for the religious. Here is an actual formula for entrance into the inner dark state from the
Gita. "When the embodied living being controls his nature and mentally renounces all actions, he
resides happily in the city of nine gates (the material body), neither working nor causing harm to
be done. The embodied spirit, master of the city of his body, does not create activities, nor does
he induce people to act, or does he create the frUits of action. All this is enacted by the modes of
material nature. Nor does the Supreme Lord assume anyone's sinful or pious activities. Embodied
beings, however, are bewildered because of the ignornace which covers their real knowledge." The
inner state, through force of blood and will, moves the ethereal nature into being. From that ori
gin point comes the force that acts, yet the force in itself is not the active participant. Krishna as
the inner state, is the 'director' of the activities of the vampire's material nature. Suspension of
the physical activities, provides a gateway unto the powers of the astral. Silencing the endless flow
of thoughts in the mind while in the physical states, strengthens the Vampire's desires and thusly
strengthens in both the ethereal and astral natures in a reciprocating fashion, powered by the pure
blood essence of the universe.
Krishna in his form of Nrisimhadeva, like other Sinister archetypes, possess a legend of wary cau
tion surrounding dealings with this form. The vision which we most often see Nrsimhadeva in
these days is his form of Ugra-Nrsimhadeva (ie: his violent form). Vaisnavites specifically identify
Nrsimhadeva as the form of Krishna as 'the origin point' of the existence of sentient beings. It is
quite interesting that the most violent form of Krishna also signifies his manifestation as the ori
gin. A carving out the will from chaos births the conscious being. There is only one full sized diety
statue of Nrsimhadeva that is known on this earth, which is located in Mayapur, India. During
the first years of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, the most organized and in
fluential Vaisnavite cult, they searched throughout India to find someone to construct a statue of
Nrsimhadeva in his violent form of Ugra-Nrsimhadeva. They finally found one person to do this.
According to the tradition of those who construct diety statues, the last part to be added to the
statue is the eyes. The eyes are considered to actually hold the 'spirit' of the statue, and once the
eyes are constructed in the statue, that physical substance is imbued with the energy of the God
for which it has been constructed. The statue of Nrsimhadeva was constructed in a large shed be
hind the artist's residence. Finally, the statue was completed. The artist went to run some errands,
and when he returned he was horrified to find that the entire shed had burned to the ground.
But standing in the middle, amongst the smouldering ruins, was the grinning statue of Nrsim
hadeva, which was unscathed. The artist quickly called up the Hare Krishna devotees and pleaded
with them to please take the statue, it was disturbing him mentally and had destroyed his work
Nrsimhadeva appears in particular more fierce than any of the other figures I know of within the
Vedic cosmology. As an actual form of Krishna, there are many implications. Even the most fierce
races of evil beings, those beings whose job is punishment of the humans (these are referred to as
the "Yamas" and is led by Yamaraja, who is mentioned as being a great devotee of Krishna even
though most all of his activites are gauged as 'sinful'), are unto Krishna. We come to an under
standing of an implict alchemical truth. Alchemy, is the art of'transmutation', it is a process of
evolution upon the self (the fact that the evolved creature influences his surroundings is secon
dary, a natural action). Connecting with this truth of the inner self is the purpose of the Vais
navite and yogi {true yoga is much more than physical exercises, it is an ongoing science and func
tion of those who practice it}.
For one to digest the Teachings of Narayana in a practical and workable perspective, one must
shift their own awareness and gather a higher awareness to perceive. Don't look once, don't look
twice, look several times over anything that you may read or study. Not only that, you should also
keep the teachings which have been revealed to you in your mind and apply and test them in real
situations and through real experiences. Just like any ancient texts, the secrets remain closed for
those who do not have ears to hear. Even some who think they hear, may be interpreting every
thing in a distorted sense. From this folly comes the endless product of religions and mystical
paths, each as equally diluded as the other yet each reaching towards a common truth. There will
always be those who are in mortal consciousness, for there must be food for the higher beings of
the universe. The vampire should not be confused or blinded by the endless hunger of humanity,
the time has come for you to rise as predator and cease to be prey. Affirm: I am a Vampire, I am
God, and from that teaching begin to seek the alchemical truths. Master the control of the self, be
adept at internal magick, and the path will lead towards mastery over other things.
Those who are interested in the contents of this article may feel free to correspond with the
author. Please enclose a self addressed stamped envelope or sufficient postage for a reply to help
offset costs. Emperor Norduk can be contacted at:
Tempel of Azagthoth
P.O. Box 4932
Cary, NC 27519-4932
Society of the Dark Sun can be contacted at:
Society of the Dark Sun
PO Box 2555
Richmond, VA
(From the Black Book of Satan I)
1. Satan in particular and the Dark Gods in general are a means to self
fulfillment and self-understanding.
2. Only by journeying through the darkness within us and without can we at
tain self-divinity and thus fulfil the potentiality of our existence.
3. Our rites, ceremonies and practices are alllife-affirming, and show us the
ecstasy of existence and the self-overcoming of the true Adept.
4. We are feared because we defy and seek to know and thus understand. We
rejoice in living: in all its pleasures but most particularly in its possibilities.
We thus extend the frontiers of evolution while others sleep or cry.
5. We detest all that enervates and would rather die than submit to anyone or
anything. this pride is the pride of Satan, and Satan is a symbol of our de
fiance and a sign of our life-enhancing energy.. Others see our way of living
and our way of dying and are afraid.
6. When we hate we hate openly and with arrogance, and when we love, we
love with a passion to match this arrogance: always mindful never to love
anyone so much that we cannot see them die, for death is a natural chang
ing of energies.
7. We prepare - through our magick and our ways of living - for the Age of Fire
{the Aeon of the Dark Gods} which is to come, when we elitist few shall
reach out toward the stars and the galaxies and the new challenges they
will bring.
8. Our way is difficult and dangerous and is for the few who can truly defy the
matrix of illusions - of 'good' and 'evil' that stifle the potentiality of our
9. What does not kill us, makes us stronger.

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