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Goodnight Mister Tom

Carol singing and New beginnings

Reading challenge

1. The chapter starts with ‘Bah! ‘Umbug! he cried as he

paced the floor’ What does this tell you about Willie’s
mood? (1)

2. Record some of the similarities and differences

between Mrs Hartridge’s class in chapter 14 and your
classroom today. (4)

3. Why do you think Mrs Hartridge did not scold George,

despite the fact that he did not continue chanting his
three times table? (1)

4. What does the author mean on page 170 when she says
that ‘…Willie resumed painting and drew deaf to his
surroundings.’? (1)

5. Find an example of personification from page 171 and

rewrite the sentence. (1)

6. Record some examples of how you think Willie’s character has

changed during this section of the text. (4)
Journey to the River Sea
Chapter thirteen and fourteen
Reading challenge

1.What was the promise that Bernard

Tavernor made to Miss Minton if he was
able to successfully escape from
Westwood and make it to the Amazon?

2.Find and copy out four sentences that

contain unusual, quality verbs from
this section of the book. (2)

3. “You’re not to spoil it for him…” (Page

205) What do you think Miss Minton
meant when she said this to Maia? (1)
4.Can you find four VCOP sentences? The
first showing a good example of
ambitious vocabulary, the second an
outstanding connective, the third an
interesting sentence opener and the
last one an unusual for of punctuation.
5.If you were the author, Eva Ibbotson,
how would you end the story? (5)

The Silver Sword

Thirteen, fourteen and fifteen

1.In this section of the book we discover

that Jan has got a real talent. Explain
what this is. (2)

2. What do you know about the British

officer, Mark, from reading chapter 15?

3.Can you find four VCOP sentences? The

first showing a good example of
ambitious vocabulary, the second an
outstanding connective, the third an
interesting sentence opener and the last
one an unusual for of punctuation. (4)

4. Which character in The Silver Sword

would you like to be and why? (3)

5.Which character would you like to

change something about and why? (3)
On the Razzle Dazzle
Read pages 21 to 40.
1. In ‘Autumn Evening’ on page 26, explain what is happening
outside and indoors. (2)

2. Read the Haiku poems on page 22 and 39. Can you find any
poetic devices (e.g. rhyme, alliteration, similie, metaphor,
personification)? (4)

3. Read the poems ‘Gus’ on page 21 and ‘Ted’ on page 25.

Investigate the pattern of rhymes in the two poems and
write what you have discovered. (2)

4. How does the rhyme of the tanka poem on page 22

compare and contrast with the two haiku poems you read in
question 2? (2)

5. Do you have a new favourite poem after reading this

section of the book? Why/Why not? (2)

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