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Issue: 016 Sep’ 08 The VOICE Messenger

 Uncompromising Srila Prabhupada………………………………………………………………………………………………….…1
 Transcendental time bombs planted at hostels by Lord Chaitanya’s army………………………………2
 TAPAS-SAPAT’ – A moment of special remembrances at RV VOICE………………3
 Six priorities for Pune devotees………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4
 Hare Krishnas enter COET, Pune………………………………………………………………………………………………………4
 Janma shuddhi express or Janma durupyog express? Apki gadi chuniye…….…………………….……5
 First time in the history of Corporate VOICE…………………………………………………………………………….…6
 From illusion to reality…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..6
 Shreshta for the month - HG Tulasi pr……………………………………………………………………………………………7
 VOICE releases three new books……………………………………………………………………………………………….…..…8

Uncompromising Srila Prabhupada

News Flash…! Srila Prabhupada wore a coat Dr. Mishra had given him,
but he never gave up wearing his dhoti, despite the cold, windy
 Surathkal VOICE is now
walks. Swami Nikhilananda of the Ramakrishna Mission had
‘Shantipur dham VOICE’
advised Prabhupada that if he wanted to stay in the West he
 Logon to HG RSP’s site
should abandon his traditional Indian dress and strict
vegetarianism. Meat-eating and liquor, as
 Weekend meetings topics
well as pants and coat, were almost a
hence forth- ‘Bhagavatam
study circle’ for seniors & necessity in this climate, he had said.
‘108 themes from Gita’ for Before Prabhupada had left India, one of
younger devotees. his God-brothers had demonstrated to him
 Devotees categorized into how he should eat in the West with a knife
A+, A and B to ease the task and fork. But Prabhupada never considered
of counselors. taking on Western ways. His advisors
 Preaching started at SRM cautioned him not to remain an alien but to
College in Chennai where get into the spirit of American life, even if it
HG RSP did his B.Tech meant breaking vows he had held in India; almost all Indian
 HG Vaiyasaki Pr drowns immigrants compromised their old ways. But Prabhupada's idea
ISKCON Pune in Kirtan was different, and he could not be budged. The others may have
had to compromise, he thought, but they had come to beg
 HG RSP visits VOICEs and technological knowledge from the West. "I have not come to beg
YOGAs across India.
something," Srila Prabhupada said, "but to give something."

“Success is sure for the rigid practitioner” – BG 6.24 purport


Transcendental time-bombs planted at hostels by Lord Chaitanya’s Army

RVCE: On the first evening of book distribution, which was on the very day Prabhupada started
for US on his mission of spreading Krishna Consciousness throughout the world 43 years ago,
the end-score was 108. What a score to get started with! “I thought I
wouldn’t even be able to speak, but by Krishna’s mercy I was able to
convince many boys to buy the books” said Prasad pr, a 3rd yr
devotee. One of the boys told ‘bravely’ to Prasad pr, “I am an
atheist”. Hearing this, some devotees remembered the article of HG
CCP on “God doesn’t believe in atheists!” Finally on 3rd day, the grand
total went up to 259 books, the best in RV history.
IIM Bangalore: Preaching started this academic year in IIMB again in a very systematic
manner. Regular sessions are being held
and boys are responding in a favorable way. NITK 177 54 37 33 43 344
RVCE 111 54 17 36 41 259
NITK: The book distribution started with big NITR 97 - 21 32 20 170
BMS 30 10 15 1 - 56
bang with 76 books being Chennai 110 - - - - 110
distributed in just 2 hours IIMB 24 6 9 9 2 58
and a new record in the Mayapur 147 53 30 37 43 310
GGD 149 49 27 36 - 261
history of NITK VOICE COEP 78 7 7 12 1 105
was setup with 344 books
being distributed in 3 days. This was followed by a one-time session on “ART
OF SELF MANAGEMENT” given by H.G Rampriya pr which was attended by the Dean and more
than 140 first year students. The Director of NITK was so appreciative that he even suggested
VOICE to occupy one of the rooms in YOGA centre which is next to NITK beach.
GGD VOICE: The devotees at GGD VOICE also had really good time
participating in book distribution and conducting t he DYS sessions. 10
groups participated in this 3 day distribution and reached to around 350
students, registering over 190 students and distributing around 261
books. At the end of all sessions around 50 enthusiastic boys were taken
up for further facilitation and follow up.

Preaching at a ‘Unique College’

Devotees from Chennai Yoga ventured into preaching at SRM engineering college, the
very same college where HG RSP did his engineering (1986 to 1990)!!! SRM is counted
amongst top 10 private universities of India.
The response from both the students as well as the college authorities is
extremely positive. Totally 135 students have registered for DYS course out of
which 110 students have taken DYS books. The college authorities came
forward happily to arrange for the facilities like seminar
hall, volunteers etc. They also came across 2 students
who are already chanting Hare Krishna and were very eager to visit the
Yoga center. “It’s very nice that you all are trying to help our boys by
giving them knowledge about Vedas”, said Mr. Nanda Kumar, one of the
hostel wardens of SRM college. Whereas a third year electronics topper
Krishna said, “My name should be the first one in your registration list”. Then he took 5 extra
registration forms from us and next day got 5 of his friends registered.
Vikram pr said, “I am feeling very fortunate to get this unique opportunity of
preaching KC where HG Radheshyam pr himself studied”. – VIKRAM PR, CHENNAI YOGA


‘TAPAS-SAPAT’ – A moment of special remembrances at RV VOICE

TAPAS-SAPAT is the festival of share our feelings”, some of the second
gratitude celebrated in every VOICE for the year devotees poured out their hearts by
passing out senior devotees, where every sharing their experiences with final year
other devotee shares his heart-felt gratitude devotees and their wonderful glories. Then
for them. The seniors then share their HG Prem Nivas pr and Vishal Pr shared his
gratitude, experiences with VOICE & advice appreciations for all the final year devotees
the younger devotees for their spiritual for their efforts in setting up the RV VOICE.
growth. Expressing their heartfelt gratitude
The recent TAPAS-SAPAT held in for HG RSP, HG PNP, HG BGP & Vishal pr,
Radha Vrindavan Chandra VOICE was a the passing out devotees grabbed the
perfect example of the fact that it is the opportunity to share their hearts and
association of devotees that inspires & spiritual advices with their younger
empowers us the brothers. Bharat Prabhu said “Nowhere
most in Krsna outside will you get this training which you
consciousness. undergo here”. Nagaraj pr said “Each and
In the everything on each and every day in KC is
presence of HG special. This RV Voice is nothing but an
Prem Nivas pr & extension of Vishal Prabhu’s heart. Try to
HG Krsna Bhajan preach to maximum number of devotees as
pr, Vishal Kaushal ours is a preaching movement”. Sandesh
pr led the whole event beginning with a Prabhu advised to have very thick
melodious kirtan by Chethan Pr, a passing relationship amongst each other and follow
out devotee. In line with the introduction a 2 point formula-
given by Vishal Prabhu, “This is indeed an “Always follow instruction of authorities.
emotional evening. A moment of special Never hurt or displease any devotee.”
remembrance for final years… where we can -Manjunath, RV VOICE


During the visit of HG Radheshyam Pr to NITK VOICE during September 21st to Sept
25th, he named the VOICE ‘Shantipur dham’ seeing the preaching going on
in a stable and flourishing way. This is all due to the efforts of the
previous PMs - HG SRP, HG SCP and current PM
HG SYP and by glorious efforts of all senior
devotees Aditya pr, Venkatesh pr, Raghu vamsee
pr, Sudhir pr, Anurag pr, Sreekanth TS pr Srikanth
PK pr and others. He explained the spiritual
significance and the past times of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Advaita
acarya at Shantipur Dham. The main theme of the camp is SRCGD, the
5 most important qualities which every devotee must cultivate.
S–Service attitude; R–Respect; C–Care; G–Glad to see others’ progress D-Dependence
While speaking on service attitude, HG RSP said, “The essence of
service is service attitude. In Vrindavan, everyone is selflessly trying to
serve Krishna. We should try to cultivate that mood”. On respect he said
that we have to respect others opinions and feelings. While speaking on
“care”, quoting “Atmavat sarvabhuteshu”, he told us ‘we can take care of
others nicely when we treat them like ourselves. While speaking on
“Glad”, he elaborately spoke that all other anarthas
can be engaged in the service of Krishna but only LEADERSHIP EXCELLENCE
‘envy’ can’t be engaged. He told “Vaishnava means "O ne of your main fu nctio ns as
no ego problem”. Harish from 2nd year exclaimed a leader is to ex press love and
“HG RSP has stolen all of our hearts”. h elp others develop th eir
– Chandrashekar pr, NITK
exp erience of love." - HHB TSM
Six priorities for Pune devotees
During the Vrinda camps held in August, HG Radhe Shyam Prabhu has given 6 most important
priorities for Pune-devotees
devotees in their spiritual life.

1. Studying Srila Prabhupada’s books with scrutiny and present the basic philosophy of
Krsna Consciousness in a simple manner for the common people – We should sho learn to preach
from Srila Prabhupada.. Conversations from ‘Science of self realization’, ‘Life comes
come from life’,
‘BTG articles’, will help in this regard.
2. Master the topics of ‘Discover yourself’ & ‘Essence of Bhagavad Gita’ Courses.
3. Book distribution and Harinam Sankirtan.
4. Understand the tattva of Sri Sri Radha and Krsna - Since we are calling out their Holy
names daily for 2 hrs, it is important for us to know about Their
nature and the nature of devotional service rendered to Them. ‘Krsna Sri Sri Radha Kunjabihari
book’, ‘Nectar of devotion - 19 chapters’,
chapters ‘waves of devotion’ help in Darshan on Radhastami
this aspect.
5. Preaching – Speaking about Krsna helps us to develop
appreciation for Him. Every initiated devotee should have at least 1
preaching program per week. We should not just distribute books to
boys,, but also make them into devotees. Devotees
Devo who score 80% in
both body and soul score are eligible for preaching.
6. Spirit of detachment – simplicitysimp in dress, food, speech,
avoiding comforts like soft beds, ice creams etc. HG RSP said, “Without
Without this spirit of detachment,
we may tend to become the enjoyers.”
earing these priorities, Taranath pr from Mumbai wondered,
wondered “Where is sadhana
and morning program? Are they not in our priority?” For that, HG RSP said, “The importance of
morning program and sadhana in our lives is so much that they go even without being

Hare Krishnas enter COET,Pune

Under the constant guidance of HG Radhe Shyam pr and HG Gaur Lila pr, devotees from
various YOGAs and VOICEs started preaching at COET, Pune. Even before
any seminar was conducted, 40 boys registered for the DYS course, course an
immense positive response from the side of the boys.
boys Colorful entry passes
captured the attention of many boys. When Amarjit
Amarji pr conducted ‘Art of
harnessing Mind power’ in the hostel, the boys responded very happily, not
caring for their early morning cozy sleep on a weekend.
weekend Later, at the huge
college auditorium, HG Rama-Priyariya Prabhu very systematically introduced
spirituality to more than 250 students through the ‘Discover Yourself Course’.
Course’ Sandip Baviskar
pr, who has been coordinating the COET preaching said,, “The boys are sincere & very
inquisitive” indicating the bright prospects
prospects for spreading the message of Krsna Consciousness
in the campus. - Bh. SANDIP BAVISKAR

Srila Prabhupada’s request for every one of us

"I have come here in this old age neither for sightseeing nor for any personal interest. It is for the

interest of the entire humanity that I am trying to implement the science of Krishna which will

actually make them happy. So it is the duty of every devotee of Lord Krishna to help me by all means."
from a letter to Sumati Morarji

Yatrigan kripaya dhyan dijiye…apki gadi chuniye…
“Oh! House full again…” This is the response of the
devotees who missed the “The Journey of life” show
set up at Teenage Boys VOICE stall on Janmastami.
Under the guidance of HG Tulasi pr, the devotees
came up with a marvelous idea of “The Train” with
the leadership of HG Sundar Kanhai pr. The 3-D 3
animation model very graphically depicted the
analogy of the life a spiritualist and a materialist
through two trains,
trains Train
108 ‘Janma
‘ shuddhi
express’ and Train no 420
Janma durupyog express’
Throughout the
show there was continuous uproar by the audience as the trains
reached each station. When the e Janma vyardha express reached
Rogeshwar station, the vendors sold out deadly diseases
dis saying
Dharmapur “tanda
tanda malaria, tb tb tb tbeee…”
HG Sundar Kanhai pr said,
ight of us sat for eight hours
trying to brainstorm the
station names, the narrations,
the dialogues and so on so as
to make the script as
entertaining and as educating
Kirtan nagar as possible”. The devotees even
approached professional-
professional Hell recording
recording studios to record the scripts. “Recording can be fun
and especially when you are with friends doing such an
interesting script. We had a Krishna Conscious blast!” says
Kundan Pr. Since many of the devotees could not see the
project on Janmastami due to various services, there was a
special show put up for all the 2000 devotees on
Rogeshwar Radhas
Radhashtami. H.G. Radheshyam Pr liked the project very much. He
said we could also have it kept in the new temple and have regular shows.
shows An English version
is in the making and soon both these versions would be uploaded on the net for the benefit of

One more feather in the bonnet of VOICE – NIT Rourkela

NIT Rourkela is one of the top 10 NIT’s and one of
the prime centers where VOICE is flourishing in jet
speed. On 9th September HG Chaitanya Charan pr
gave a discourse on “ENERGY, Your Sutra for Positive
king “addressing all the 1st year students. The
institute’s Director Dr. Sunil Kumar Sarangi and Dean
Krishna Pramanik who is also a life member of ISKCON were the chief
guests, inspiring over 100 first year students present over there. The Director appreciated the
program saying “In today’s world of rat race and cut throat competition students forget the
valuable principles of life by which one should live. VOICE is teaching these wonderful
wonderfu principles
of life through value education.” The prospects of spreading Krsna Consciousness in the college
seem very bright. -



In the history of Corporate VOICE a
Spiritual-Retreat camp was conducted
for the first time on 31st Aug at Katraj
Jain temple hill for all the Discover Your
Self participants, in which 25 candidates
took active participation. Many
participants appreciated the scenery of
the location. All the participants came to temple had beautiful Sringar Darshan of their Lordships
and then started for the location. HG Vamsi Vadan Pr addressed the participants on “Why we
do, What we do?”, where he described about the Vaishnav culture and life style.
The participants were very happy to solve the quiz on Prahlad Maharaj. One participant
said, “The experience of performing “Boatman and scientist” drama was is so thrilling that it
made me forget all my worries and anxieties of company life and
experience fun with colleagues”. As they
watched the video show on “Your Ever well
Wisher”, they were so touched upo n how one
Indian at very old age went to west and spread
Krishna consciousness all over the world.
Prakash said, “I never realized how the day
passed. We all want such retreats more often”. Amazingly 120 people
have registered for the subsequent DYS course. - HG AMAL PURAN DAS

From illusion to reality – Chetana Festival

On 30th Aug, a group of 80 girls made an exciting flight for which the
pilot was H.G. Rasasundari Mataji & was supported by H.G. Braj Rani Priya
Mataji. The flight was perfectly on the ground! Surprised? We are referring
to the Monthly Chetana festival on the topic ‘From Illusion to Reality’! Then
the Girls presented a skit about how the Youth of today is misguided due to
various external influences like Cinema,
Shopping plazas etc. The skit also portrayed
how by taking shelter of devotees, one can be
saved from such evil effects.
H.G. Rasasundari mataji said, “Perception is through our
Senses & Mind. It is like a tinted view of the world, as the color of
the tint changes, the perception changes. So in the present world,
our mind is being used as an instrument to create perceptions.”
Following this everyone was transported to Spiritual World through tumultuous dancing
kirtan performed by H.G. Braj Rani Priya & H.G. Shyamala Gopi matajis. – HG JAI GOPAL DAS




Shreshtha – Tulasi prabhu

NAME : HG Tulasi pr
About Tulasi pr : Tulasi pr is one of the dynamic grihasthas in ISKCON
Pune, introduced to the path of Krsna Consciousness at during his 2nd year B.E
Academic background: He has done BE mechanical with distinction from Pune
university. He worked for TATA Technologies and is now Team Leader in
INCAT Incorporation, a MNC. He also worked in well known Aerospace
companies - Boeing in USA & Airbus in UK for 2 yrs.
Services being rendered: Acting as coordinator of Teenage Boys VOICE,
Congregation counselor, Key role in Tech Mahindra corporate preaching program

Let us hear from Tulasi Prabhu about his experiences in Krsna Consciousness.

Q: Hare Krsna Tulasi pr! How were you introduced to Krsna Consciousness?
Tulasi pr: I came to Krsna Consciousness in my second year of B.E. I was very attracted by
the path of spirituality that Conducted first preaching program in fourth year of engineering.

Q: As a grhastha, can you tell something about the importance of VOICE training?
Tulasi pr: I am seeing the advantage of training even more so in Grhastha ashram. Family life
is so busy that you might not get enough time to train yourself. So, VOICE teaches regulated
lifestyle at a young age which is difficult to introduce amongst older people. The bliss
experienced of attending regular morning program brings you to do better Sadhana. It
cultivates dynamic preachers at young age & sets a standard of life amongst all youth which
stands out as an example for others & is similar across all social backgrounds. Once war starts
you can’t request enemy to wait so that you can get trained. Time is now before you enter
outside world. Grab the opportunity to get trained in various aspects of Krsna Consciousness.

Q: What was your experience practicing and Preaching Krsna Consciousness in UK & USA:
Tulasi pr: Unless one runs to the association of devotees in the nearest center he can’t survive
in that hostile environment. While in UK, I stayed in Bhaktivedanta Manor every alternate
week-end and in USA, both my wife and I were staying near temple in a devotee’s house every
In West, people can’t just hear whole lecture, they need participation in program.
Cultural background is different. So Bhakti Vriksha (BV) programs suited well. Management is
also easy for them. With RSP’s notes ready with us, we started this systematic presentation
and it was well accepted. One BV grew to 3 in 6 months & we both were running to various
houses to take programs. Local devotees also picked up the theme – they only needed
systematic presentation of basic Krsna Consciousness philosophy which Radheshyam pr’s notes
did well. Over months they started conducting BVs and we started a program “Journey of
Growing Devotee”, a series of lecture for serious devotees to learn deeper aspects of Krsna
Consciousness. Radheshyam pr’s notes came handy even for this program.
World is in need of systematic presentation of Krsna Consciousness and Radheshyam pr
has done excellent service by doing so through various books. We only need to be a medium.

Q: what is message to VOICE devotees?

Tulasi pr:
• Relish your stay in VOICE, blissfully learning & serving without any struggle to
live in VOICE.
• You won’t get this chance in your whole life ever.
• If in Nityananda sabha, marry a devotee girl, it helps a lot

Thank you Tulasi pr! We wish you all the best.


VOICE releases three new books

The Spiritual Scientist II takes you on an enlightening tour of the world around you
and the world within you, offering striking insights on:
 Married Strangers
 The Cricket of Life Come..!
 The Origin of AIDS
 God’s gender Exploretheworld
 God’s language Excavateyourheart
 Break or break-down?
 God’s message of love
 Fat or fit? Experiencethetransformation
 When is Love > Law?

Science and Spirituality, a compilation of articles that unravel the mysterious

relationship between the two fundamental human faculties, the scientific and
the spiritual, offers penetrating insights about:
• The missing dimension of modern education
• Artificial Rains – Imaginary Gains, Real Pains
• The Re-spiritualization of Science and many more concepts
Filled with powerful quotes, piercing analysis, pragmatic examples and pregnant
vocabulary, Science and Spirituality will help:
• The scientifically-minded to discover the spiritual dimension of life
• The spiritually-minded to boost their scientific discrimination
• All to rise to a holistic understanding of life by unifying science and spirituality

Drawing from the insights of ancient wisdom traditions and

modern management gurus, E.N.E.R.G.Y. presents powerful
principles and practices to:
 Experience the peace and power of meditation
 Break free from negative attitudes & habits
 Uncover your spiritual qualities
 Increase your willpower
Filled with easy to remember acronyms, memorable quotes,
striking examples, entertaining stories, revealing statistics,
E.N.E.R.G.Y. will energize you for all-round success.

Editorial Board
HG Radheshyam Das, M.Tech, IIT Bombay & Director, VOICE
HG Chaitanyacharan Das, B.E, COEP, Pune
Sudhir Anurag Pandey
Sandeep Gera Sri Ram Tushar
Aditya Mittal Venkatesh
2024 readers this month! To invite your friends mail to [email protected]
For helping us Enlighten (more) Aimless Suffering Youth, contact [email protected] or +919881235254
Vedic Oasis for Inspiration Culture and Education (VOICE),
4-Tarapore Road, next to Dastur’s Boys School, Camp Pune-01

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