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Human body is non linear and follows the

holistic rules of universe

Dr. B.M Hegde
The modern equation of disease:
Damage done by Harmful agent + Bodys reaction =
Our science follows a distinctive discretion of the
disease, centered for the purpose of treatment:
Vikara prakrti : adhnntari: hetuviea =
Ayurveda never visualizes cohorts but it views through individual phenotypes.
In clinical medicine dont be satisfied by
seeing the flower (the obvious), try to see
the insect sitting over it (the minute); but
missing the obvious and seeing the
minute is unpardonable.
Dr Kashinath padhiary
Concept of disease in routine ayurvedic clinical
practice .
ka punarasau roga iti. avasthviio
narasihabhyam. 1-1
Message from Caraka

Line of treatment

* 9
~ 9

Apakaraa Prakrti vighta nidna tyga
bhyantara bhya bhyantara
Bhya abhyaga
Prakrtivighta duasya dode dehasthasya amana
Vikprakrti :
General components analysed (Like dovastha) :
ma, lna, utkliha etc.
Specific disease pattern, like (roge dovasth)
Raktotleda ( rakta pitta , visarpa)
Bahu, abaddha medo-msa arraja kleda
Rakta mrga nihanana (vtarakta)
Dhtu aithilya (pu, kutha )
Sahata doa (otha)
And the basic knowledge of
smnya vydhi
nntmaja vydhi
Smnyaja or nntmaja vydhi
Bhya kriy kram
Kutha opha- visarpa
otha Visarpa kutha
Tridoa tridoa tridoa
Tvak tva tva
Msa lask lask
Asrk asrk asrk
mia mia

Bahi sir bahi sir tiryagg sir

Sahata sopha utklita svabhva dayanti lath krtya

odhana Nirhrte asre odhana
- less Viuddhe anta
Doe tva-mmsa Saraye

bahi kriya
Vta vydhi

Kevala varaaja vta oita

Dhtu srata kaya pratibandhakatvt margvaraa and rakta dui

Sneha svedau odhana meda-kapha sme

Sauddhasya hya vtokta sveda,
Utthite agni vidhi

Sneha svedau vta oitak
Kevala vta- dhtu srakaya
Sneha Sveda

Sauka dhtn vakra
Puti stabdha
Bala savedana
Agni bala
Pui yathehanamayitu
+r-r -r r rrrr =r=rr-r+-rrr-r! |
rrr|r|r-rrrrr rrr |rrrr-r!!
Role of the different modes of bhya sneha / sveda
To meet the different nuances of doas / expression of same disease
Ayurveda never visualizes cohorts but it views through individual phenotypes.

vte kaphe dvayo
snigdha rka sdhra
The variant forms of sveda and the clinical states where they have to be
administered are well expounded in Brhadyogataragi.
rrnrrrrr-rrrrrrrrr r+|c:rrr-r!
=rr|=rrrr-rr r =-rr=rrrrr!!
===r-r rrr=r=rr-r +r|r+!!
r-r r|=r|-r +rrr =r-rr |-rrr rrr!
rrr-rrrrrrrr =-rrrr |r|+|=rr !
=rr=r=r-r+r+rr+rr rr-r !!
rr r =+r rr =-rrr-r|rrr!
In conditions like bhyyma, antaryma,
prvala, kaigraha, khall, dapatnaka,
sneha sveda is the first line of management.
In conditions like rustambha rka sveda
has to be implemented primarily.
In vmana, agasakoca, bhaga,bheda,
graham and vyath sveda is indicated.
In agaraukya, stambha, kampa, krya,
toda, daurbalya, sphuraa, bhraa
snehamardana is recommended.
Bhya kriykram
Mrdha sekdi vidaya sahitsvapi scit.
Keralydrtacai sdhu vakye kriykrama.
Abhyaga seka picavo vasticaiva caturvidha.
Dvityasecanatatra pradhnamribhi smrtam. SSV
The bhya kriykrams are basically grouped into four categories viz.
abhyaga; seka ; Picu Vasti
And the variant procedres; of which seka is given higher importance.
Kya seka
1. fever with burning
sensation & dizziness milk Y 2/57
2. nocturnal fever ,, Y -2
3. Arocaka ,, C.M
4. Somaroga ,, C.M
5. Svarasda rodhr and vasti Y 11/1
6. jvara (antarvraa) takradhra Y 2/76
7. ardita irodhra and kyaseka
With baltaila Y 40
8. Prameha Takradhra Y 26
9. asrgdhara milk Y 26
10. ardhvabhedaka irodhra AKD
Experiments on irodhr elucidate some of its actions over the
physiological and psycho-somatic strata of the body.
irodhr induced bradycardia, and the expired gas analysis showed a
decreased tidal volume and CO
A power frequency analysis of R-R variability in ECG during
shirodhara, in order to assess the balance of the autonomic nervous
system, indicated that the cardiac sympathetic activity was suppressed
during and after irodhra.
The EEG results monitored during the process of irodhr indicated
restful alertness in which the frontal lobe, limbic systemand medulla
oblongata were activated. These metabolic, ECG, and EEG findings
support the reported experiences of relaxed and low metabolic states
during irodhr.
The differences in heart rate, CO
excretion, sympathetic tone, and EEG
were quite similar to the findings reported in the study of meditation, and
they indicate a change in the function of the frontal lobe, limbic system,
brain stem, and autonomic nervous system.
The assessment of POMS (Profile of Mood States) score after a
course of irodhr revealed anxiolytic effects. The result indicated
a significant decrease of tension and anxiety, and a tendency towards
a decrease in exhaustion. It also showed some kinds of ASC (Altered
States of Consciousness). The highest ASC scores were obtained in
the domains of trance, passiveness, timeless sensation, wordless
sensation, and concentration.
A study showed that irovasti and irodhra, in progressive
degenerative cerebellar ataxia showed subjective improvement in
walking and there was a statistically significant improvement in the
overall and anteroposterior balance indices of dynamic stability.
- Sriranjini SJ, etal Improvement of balance in progressive
degenerative cerebellar ataxias after Ayurvedic therapy: A
preliminary report. Neurol India 2009;57:166-71; Department of
Neurology, National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences,
Kya seka
In Dhrkalpa we find a very brief mentioning of the
procedure, kyaseka. The first detailed description
regarding the procedure of kyaseka is found in the
Hrdayapriya of Paramevaraivadvija (Vaikkaittu
vatottara roga
Duration - yamardha
Sneha seka Benefits
Drudhatha of Dhathus
Vrushatha, Deha, Agni, Varna, Ojas
Jaraso mandyam, Chira jeevitham
Indications of kyaseka
oa vta
rakta vta
Sramsa vysa vyath
sarvga ekga vta gulma mehdikeu api
1. burning sensation and thirst
in prameha sarvga takradhra
2. kepa , yma,
and apatnaka Snehadhr and
ika pia sveda Y 40
3. Ati vta vikras taila ghrta CM
4. apatnaka traivritsneha Suruta
5. bhyyma, paguvta rasataila AKD
dapatnaka vtani taila AKD
manystambha vtan taila
dhnvantara taila
Nasal discharge / block
Without oil sigru / thulasi swarasa with
breast milk
With Eranda thaila with thrikatu etc
Ardita trimiraka taila
baldhtrydi taila Y 40
Oil is warmed to
Oil poured into the
vasthiputaka through a
strip of cloth &
coconut leaflet which
touches the scalp
Filled up to a height of
2-3cm above the hair
Time - between 3 to 6 pm
Pre operative procedure:
Shave the head
Make sure to empty bowel
and bladder
Keep cotton /cloth in both
to prevent the entry of
oil in to the ear.
Do generalised
Siro Vasthi
Sirovasthy - indications
Thrimisraka thaila / baladhathryadi
Darunaka thailam/ durdhoorapathradi
sirovasthi with dasamoola, mathulunga etc. >>> oil
Insomnia, Indriyasada, dryness of eyes etc
The indications of ikasveda

sarvanga ekanga sosha
ghoreshu anila vyadhishu
Ayama- akshepa
1. It is clear from Agasagrahakra, vtavydhi cikitsa that the diseased
condition of vta which is not associated with any other do-s (i.e., kevalnila
avasth), is ideal for administration of pia sveda.
2. The first reference regarding this procedure is detected in the rjayakma cikits-
adhikra of Carakasahit; wherein svedana with a preparation of grains boiled in
milk is mentioned in condition of la( caused by vta doa) in the regions of the
head (ira), flanks (prva) and shoulder blade (asa).
A.H. Ci. 4/14
3. The reference from vsa also clarifies that the svedana using milk etc., is ideal in
conditions where the benefits of svedana are looked for but the patient is not suitable
for the svedana.
4. ikapia sveda is advocated in vtika ksa associated with emaciation
5 In vsa ikapiasveda and sneha dhr with ghee and oil is beneficial
6. ika piasveda and snehadhr are also employed similarly in the m anagement
of hiccup (hidhm)
7. In hemiplegia (pakghta), sudation with the bolus of sesame seeds or ika rice
is recommended, or godhmapiasveda processed in the milk decoction of bal and
the flesh soup of wild cock is also recommended
8. ika piasveda is also advocated in the management of chardi, udvarta,
halmaka, vtalemajmar.
9. In the management of diseases of vta (vtavydhi) ikapiasveda plays an
essential role, it is prescribed in the treatment of ardita, apabhuka, kepa, yma,
sarvgavta, jaghgraha, rugraha, trikagraha, prhagraha and kaigraha,
sakthisvpa, jihvstabha, saktioa and la.
10. In khalyakhaja, godhma pidasveda processed in milk and saireyaka
decoction is indicated
11. ika pia sveda is indicated in khaja vta.
12. Sveda with tilakalka is advocated in vtaja la
13. In ardhvabhedaka and sryvarta sudation with tila triturated in milk and jvanya
group of drugs is beneficial;
14. I n vtaja mtrakrcchra, snigdha sveda, lepa, seka and avagha are indicated.
ma sveda
The other treatment processes which are in vogue at Kerala are:
patra poala sveda,
jabra poala sveda,
dhnya poala sveda and
cra poala sveda.
+ ~9

4\ F

~8 97
A.H.Su. 17/6
Some of the materials used for ma sveda are:
utkrik - It is a ball-like cake prepared by boiling
grains or pulses and seeds like atas, kusubha etc.
loa - earthen lump
kapla - brick fragments
upala - stone
psu - sand
patrabhaga - chopped leaves
dhnya - grains and pulses
kara - dung of cow and other animals
sikat - gravels
tua - husk.
Patrapoala sveda
The process of sudation using a bolus of chopped leaves is called patrapoala sveda.
This procedure is extension of the verse patrabhagena in m sveda. ridsapaita
explain that patrabhaga refers to a cluster of chopped leaves and sprouts.
4\ 4 \ , 4\ ridsapaita
A direct reference regarding patra poala sveda is available in the traditional text of
Kerala, rogya kalpadruma, under the context of vtavydhi cikits.

7 7 F ~ H7 ~ ~7 H
7 ~ ~8 U 4 ~8 8
A.K.D. 17/36,37
The leaves of the following plants are usually used for this purpose, either entirely or
selectively as necessary:
eraa - Ricinus communis Linn.
arka - Calotropis gigantica R.Br
Dhattra - Datura metel.Linn.
nirgu - Vitex nigundo Linn.
igru - Moringa oleifera Lam.
varaa - Crataeva religiosa Forst.
vsa - Adhatoda vasica Nees.
karaja -Pongamia pinnata(Linn)
vrkmla - Tamarindus indica Linn.
Method of preparation
The fresh leaves are cut into small pieces and fried in a pan with grated coconut
and a suitable medicated oil till it assumes a brownish colour. In certain cases,
powdered drugs may also be added. This mixture is divided into two or four equal
parts, added into the pieces of cloth and tied in the form of a bolus with a tuft of
cloth above it to hold.
Some of the clinical conditions where patrapoala sveda is indicated are:
patrapoala sveda with castor leaves and coconut gratings is beneficial
in painful state of ntravrddhi
sveda with the leaves of tamarind and coconut gratings is indicated in
the same poala is also beneficial in pakghta and sarvga vta
the sudation with the leaves of castor is indicated in kagraha
in prvala, poala sveda with arkapatra is applied after anointing
either with dhnvantara taila, krabal taila or vtan taila.
The sveda from vluka is also a variety of ma sveda.
In the early texts the vluksveda is indicated for sanniptajvara; and in the
later texts it is extended to other conditions like mavta. Vluksveda is one
of the primary treatment processcess in tridoaja jvara and in vtakapha jvara
The purpose of its indication is mainly to eradicate the kapha, by which the
pitta and vta can be pacified easily. By the depletion of kapha the channels
get clarified resulting in lightness of the body.
It is in Bhvapraka and later texts that the vluk sveda is indicated in the
treatment of mavta.
1. Udvartana with tvak, patra, rsn, aguru, igru, kuha, vac and athv triturated
in dhnymla cures khall and viscik.
2. Udvartana with the paste of siddharthaka, rajan, prapunna , tila mixed in oil is recommended
in tapitta.
3. Eldi gaa is also used for udvartana.
4. Udvartana with picumana and other drugs is indicated in rustambha.
5. Nimbdi and mustdi udvartana formulations are also mentioned. Udvartana with the leaves of
ragvadh, kkamc triturated in buttermilk is mentioned in kha.
6. In sidhma, udvartana with the friut of dhtr, sarjarasa, pkya (yavakra), triturated in sauvra
is beneficial.
7. Rk udvartana is advocated in prameha.
8. In kaya, udvartana with the paste of avagandha, apmrga, nkul, gaurasarapa, til and
bilva is indicated.
9. Udvartana with burnt turmeric removes the bad odour of the body
10. Udvartana with tila and other drugs cures the bad odour caused by vitiated medas.
7. In sidhma, udvartana with the friut of dhtr, sarjarasa, pkya (yavakra), triturated in
sauvra is beneficial.
8. Rk udvartana is advocated in prameha.
9. In kaya, udvartana with the paste of avagandha, apmrga, nkul, gaurasarapa, til
and bilva is indicated.
10. Udvartana with burnt turmeric removes the bad odour of the body
11. Udvartana with tila and other drugs cures the bad odour caused by vitiated medas.
Na amula likhyate kicit na anapekita muchyate

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