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Transferring many yarns from a creel of single end packages forming a parallel sheet of yarns wound on to a beam or a section beam. OBJECTIVES: To prepare warp either for a loom or knitting machine. Placing equal length of yarns parallel to each other on a beam or drum. Collecting the required number of yarns. Transferring yarns from small packages such as cones or cheese to warp beam. Introducing a pattern/ design (sequence of colored yarns). TYPES OF WARPING: 1. High speed warping or direct warping 2. Sectional warping 3. Ball warping

Suraj cotton mills limited (weaving unit)

use high speed warping so we discus only this type of warping in detail. HIGH SPEED WARPING: Yarn transfer directly onto a wrapper beam. Useful for long runs of fabric. More productive as compared to other warping. A flange beam is used, since all yarns are wounded at same time, the flanges provide sufficient yarn stability on the beam. Warping machine sections: Warping machine have two major parts Creel Headstock CREEL Frameworks on which yarn packages are placed while the warping take place. Types of creels Two basic types Fixed type Moveable type Some other types are Automatic creel Unrolling creel Because in high speed warping V shaped creel is used also in suraj cotton mills limited so we will discuss this type of creel. Parallel types of creel are used for sectional warping and direct warping. V-shaped creel has a number of types given below. We will discus only one type that is used in high speed warping. V-SHAPED CREEL: V-creel with reversible frame.

V-creel with traveling packages.

HEADSTOCK Headstock houses the driving mechanism and machine control. It is the heart of warping machine. Parts of headstock and creel will discuss briefly on next pages. SPECIFICATIONS OF WARPING MECHINES IN Bhanero textile. Machines # 1 Name Ben Direct Make 2005 Made Benninger Germany Maximum Speed 1200m/min Running Speed 600-900m/min Type of drive +ve No of wings 2 Creel w.r.t shape V- shape Creel w.r.t construction chain type No of columns per wing 60 No of spindles per column 9 Creel capacity 1080 Stop motion sensor capacitive Beam width 2400mm Working width 2400mm Flange dia 980mm Barrel dia 300mm Creel angle 35degree Machines # 2 Name Make Made Maximum Speed Running Speed Type of drive No of wings Creel w.r.t shape Creel w.r.t construction No of columns per wing No of spindles per column Creel capacity Stop motion sensor Beam width Working width Flange dia Barrel dia Creel angle

Ben Direct 2005 Benninger Germany 1200m/min 600-900m/min +ve 2 V- shape chain type 60 9 1080 capacitive 2400mm 2400mm 980mm 300mm 35degree

CREEL ANGLE CALCULATION: An Angle b/w two wing of creel is known as creel angle. To find creel angle first we find wing angle i.e. half of the creel angle. Distance b/w two back column D = 1101.5cm Distance b/w two front column d = 190cm A and B is length of wing = 1502.1 Now Dd=a 1101.5 190 = 911.5cm A/2 = 911.5/2 = 455.75cm From diagram Sin `c, = a/2/A = 455.75/1502.1 = 0.30341 And `C, = 17.66degree This is wing angle; creel is double of this angle. So creel angle = 2c = 2*17.66 = 35degree

WARP BEAM CAPACITY The maximum length of warp sheet that we can warp on warp beam is called warp beam capacity. It is measured in term of length in meters. Length (meter) = 1.33*D* (A2 B2)*L*C/E Where D = density of warp beam (g/cm3) A = flange dia (mm) B = barrel dia (mm) L = space b/w two flanges (mm) C = count of yarn E = total ends per beam Density of warp beam depends upon Speed of warp beam Creel tension Pressure b/w drum & beam Space from 0.5cm is left from each side as warp sheet may damage. Density for different qualities use 20Ne 0.35g/cm3 60Ne 0.45g/cm3 40Ne 0.50g/cm3 SET CALCULATIONS Creel capacity = 1080 (1060 were in use) Machine = Benninger Count = 40 Cone weight = 4.167 lbs.

Quality =

60 60 110 110" 180 106 Total ends = 13530 No. of beams = Total ends Creel capacity = 13530 / 1060 = 12.764 = 13 Ends per beams = 13530 / 13 = 1040.76 = 1041 / 6, 966 / 8 Cone length = Cone weight 768 count = 4.167 1041 40 = 173543 m We will take 1% cone remainder, Length taken = 173543 m We take set length by dividing length taken to the total number of beams; Set length = cone length / beam = 173543 m / 13 =13349m We have two creels, No. of bags = total ends no. of creels No of beams cones / bag = 13530 2 13 24 = 86.73 bags = 86 bags 1 cone

PARTS OF CREEL V-shaped reversible creel is used in high speed warping. Condition when outer portion is working the inner spindles can fill by packages. Chain type V-shaped creel is used when it need to high speed and more production. Chain moves by an electric motor and columns move with the help of chain. We find maximum creel capacity by following formula. Creel capacity = 2*no of columns * no of spindles/column = 2*60*9 = 1080 CREEL V-shaped creel used in high speed warping and has following major parts. Vertical rods (cone stands or columns) Spindles Yarn guide Tension rods Thread brake Opto stop Cutter

Drive arrangement Pneumatic and hydraulic pressure arrangement

MAINTENCE SCHEDULE The maintenance schedule for warping is following on the basics of period; 1. Machine cleaning one time in one shift. 2. Oil change of hydrolic system after 6 month 2 tymes in a year. 3. Oil check in every shift. 4. Rod sensor cleaning in a one month 5. Creel cleaning and Head stock one time in a shift. 6. Bearing and beem break checking in every shift. 7. Mechanical and power techniciion in every time. The existing maintenance schedule is followed strictly. These schedules are quite satisfactory as they fulfill machines maintenance demands. Daily cleaning and check list is checked and recorded. TO CALCULATE (lb./break) Formula Lb./b = E*L*1.0936/840*Count*no. Of breaks Where E = ends to be warp L = length to be warp Lb/break determine the quality of yarn (weight method). Table for yarn Breakages on Warping Machine sr.# Name of yarn break Identification Paper cone cut Cut on paper cone 1 2 Weak yarn Yarn is break 3 Loose yarn Cone is not so dense 4 Lepta yarn bundle of yarn joint 5 Cone short Not enough length 6 Double yarn or taar Two yarn joint 7 Cut cone Cut on cone 8 pp. plastic Plastic thing are spin with yarn

Source of fault winding spinning winding winding winding winding transport spinning

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