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The book of Exodus explains how God delivered His covenant people from slavery in Egypt and how His presence came to dwell among them personally.

Authorship & Genre

Exodus is the second volume of the Pentateuch, which is technically one long book. See Genesis for more discussion of authorship. The genre is primarily narrative, with a significant amount of legal material (laws) in the later portion of the book.

Key Verse
Exodus 12:13 The blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you live; and when I see the blood I will pass over you, and no plague will befall you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt. (NASB)

1 11 12 18 Israel in Egypt Deliverance from Egypt Slavery Plagues Burning Bush Passover Manna Redemption 10 Plagues 19 Israel camped at Mt. Sinai Law Golden Calf Tabernacle Construction Revelation 10 Commandments 40

Theological Themes

Salvation: Gods deliverance of Israel from slavery in Egypt through the Passover provided not only physical salvation for His people, but also a picture of the spiritual salvation available through Him as well. Ten Commandments & Mosaic Covenant: Exodus contains the beginning of Gods laws for the people of Israel, which form the basis of the Mosaic Covenantan expansion to the Abrahamic Covenant dealing specifically with the aspect of land. Tabernacle: The tabernacle, constructed at the end of Exodus, provided a physical dwelling place for God in the midst of His people. It was the beginning of restored fellowship with God after the Garden of Eden. Yahweh: Though the name Yahweh was known prior to the Exodus, it is here that God reveals the true meaning and character of this name. Its basis is I AM, and emphasizes His constant, unwavering faithfulness to His covenant.

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