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In the Night Garden

Iggle Piggle

(Approx 34cms Tall)

Using Double Knitting Wool and size 3mm (No.11) needles for all knitting. (If you knit loose use a size smaller needles). It is important that when buying the two Blue yarns you get only one shade difference between the two. Wool required: 1 x 100g ball Light Blue 1 x 100g ball Darker Blue 1 x 100g ball Red (Pillar box) Plus small amount of white and black. Bag of good quality stuffing. Either a snap fastener or an inch of sew-on Velcro (to attach blanket to hand).

This pattern uses more than one ball of yarn in rows. When using separate balls of yarn you MUST twist the yarn around it other when changing colours. (This prevents holes in finished knitting). Instead of balls of wool I find it easier to use yarn bobbins. Abbreviations; K2tog knit two stitches together. m1 - make one stitch by taking up the yarn lying between the last stitch and the next stitch and knitting into the back of it. B & T Tightly - break yarn leaving a long end. Thread through sts on Needle, draw up tightly and fasten off LEGS AND BODY Read D for Darker shade of Blue & L for Lighter shade of Blue Right Leg Begin at lower edge and Using RED, cast on 9sts. Inc. k-wise into every st. (18sts) P (Inc., K1) to end (27sts) P (Inc., K2) to end (36sts) Lp8, Dp20, Lp8 Lk8, Dk20, Lk8 Lk8, Dk20, Lk8 (This row marks bottom of foot) Keeping these number of sts and colours correct as set: 9-14) st-st 6 rows 15) Lk3, Lk2tog, Lk3, Dk2, Dk2tog, Dk5, Dk2tog, Dk5, Dk2tog, Dk2, Lk3, 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

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Lk2tog, Lk3 (31st) 16) Lp7. Dp17, Lp7 17) Lk7, Dk17, Lk7 18) Lp7, Dp17, Lp7 Keeping these number of sts and colours correct as set: 19-36) st-st 18 rows 37) Lk3, Lm1, Lk4, Dk2, Dm1, Dk6, Dm1, Dk6, Dm1, Dk3, Lk3, Lm1, Lk4 (36sts) 38) Lp8, Dp20, Lp8 39) Lk8, Dk20, Lk8 40) Lp8, Dp20, Lp8 Keeping these number of sts and colours correct as set: 41-46) st-st 6 rows * Break off yarn, leave sts on spare needle Left Leg As Right Leg to * 47) Knit across 36st of left leg: Dk14, Lk8, Dk14, then across the 36sts of right leg (held on spare needle) : Dk14, Lk8, Dk14 (72sts) ( Mark both ends of this row with markers) 48) Dp14, Lp8, Dp28, Lp8, Dp14 49) Dk14, Lk8, Dk28, Lk8, Dk14 50) Dp14, Lp8, Dp28, Lp8, Dp14 51, 52) Repeat the last two rows once 53) k3, Dk2tog, Dk6, Dk2tog, Dk1, Lk8, Dk1, Dk2tog, Dk6, Dk2tog, Dk6, Dk2tog, Dk6, Dk2tog, Dk1, Lk8, Dk1, Dk2tog, Dk6, Dk2tog, Dk3 (64sts) 54) Dp12, Lp8, Dp24, Lp8, Dp12 55) Dk12, Lk8, Dk24, Lk8, Dk12 56) Dp12, Lp8, Dp24, Lp8, Dp12 Keeping these number of sts and colours correct as set: 57-66) st-st 10 rows 67) Dk3, Dk2tog, Dk3, Dk2tog, Dk2, Lk8, Dk1, Dk2tog, Dk3, Dk2tog, Dk3, Dk2tog, Dk3, Dk2tog, Dk3, Dk2tog, Dk1, Lk8, Dk2, Dk2tog, Dk3, Dk2tog, Dk3 (55sts) 68) Dp10, Lp8, Dp19, Lp8, Dp10 69) Dk10, Lk8, Dk19, Lk8, Dk10 70) Dp10, Lp8, Dp19, Lp8, Dp10 Keeping these number of sts and colours as set: 71-84) st-st 14 rows

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85) 86) 87) 88) 89) 90) 91) 92)

Dk10, Dm1, Lk8, Dm1, Dk19, Dm1, Lk8, Dm1 Dk10 (59sts) Dp11, Lp8, Dp21, Lp8, Dp11 Dk11, Dm1, Lk8, Dm1, Dk21, Dm1, Lk8, Dm1, Dk11 (63sts) Dp12, Lp8, Dp23, Lp8, Dp12 Dk12, Dm1, Lk8, Dm1,Dk23, Dm1, Lk8, Dm1, Dk12 (67sts) Dp13, Lp8, Dp25, Lp8, Dp13 Dk13, Dm1, Lk8, Dm1, Dk25, Dm1, Lk8, Dm1, Dk13 (71sts) Dp14, Lp8, Dp27, Lp8, Dp14 Cast off.

Using RED yarn gather through cast on sts of both legs and fasten off. Using mattress st join underfoot seam to garter st. Continue to join seams to marked sts (crotch). Join back seam to waist. Turn inside out and with the would be centre back in centre of cast off edge, fold knitting over to form shoulders. Join, using backstitch and below cast off edge, across both shoulders to centre back seam. Turn right side out. Stuff legs, then body up to the shoulders, shaping as you go. When fully stuffed continue to join back seam to end. (See photograph of legs and body) To flatten soles of feet: With a long length of RED yarn and starting at centre bottom of underfoot (gathered cast on sts) take the yarn inside the leg coming out between sts about knee level, pulling the yarn slightly to flatten sole of foot. Use the same hole you came out of to re-enter and take the yarn back to centre of foot again. Do this about 4 times round leg. Fasten off securely in let without ends showing. HEAD Using DARK BLUE and beginning at neck, cast on 28sts. 1-4) st-st 4 rows 5) Inc. into every st. to end (56sts) 6-8) st-st 3 rows 9) K3, (m1, K5) to last 3sts, M1, K3 (67sts) 10-12) st-st 2 rows Start using more than one ball of yarn 13) Dk29, Lk9, Dk29 14) Dp28, Lp11, Dp28 15) Dk27, Lk13. Dk27 16) Dp26, Lp15, Dk26 17) Dk25, Lk17, Dk25 18) Dp24, Lp19, Dp24 19) Dk24, Lk19, Dk24 20) Dp24, Lp19, Dp24

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Keeping these number of sts and colours correct as set: 21-26) st-st 6 rows 27) Dk5, (Dk2tog, Dk2) 4 times, Dk2tog, Dk1, Lk1, (Lk2tog, Lk2) 4 times, Lk2tog, (Dk2, Dk2tog) 5 times, Dk4 (52sts) 28) Dp19, Lp14, Dp19 29) Dk19, Lk14, Dk19 30) Dp19, Lp14, Dp19 31,32) Repeat the last two rows once 33) Dk4, (Dm1, Dk4) 3 times, Dm1, Dk3, Lk1, (lm1, Lk4) 3 times, Lm1, Lk1, Dk3, (Dm1, Dk4) 4 times (64sts) 34) Dp23, Lp18, Dp23 35) Dk23, Lk18, Dk23 36) Dp23, Lp18, Dp23 37) Dk19, Lk1, Dk4, Lk16, Dk24 38) Dp25, Lp15, Dp4, Lp2, Dp18 39) Dk17, Lk4, Dk4, Lk13, Dk26 40) Dp27, Lp11, Dp4, Lp5, Dp17 41) Dk16, Lk7, Dk4, Lk9, Dk28 42) Dp29, Lp8, Dp4, Lp7, Dp16 43) Dk15, Lk9, Dk4, Lk6, Dk30 44) Dp31, Lp5, Dp4, Lp10, Dp14 45) Dk14, Lk11, Dk3, Lk4, Dk32 46) Dp33, Lp4, Dp2, Lp12, Dp13 47) (Dk1, Dk2tog, Dk1) 3 times, Dk1, Lk2tog, Lk1, (Lk1, Lk2tog, Lk1) 3 times, Lk1, Dk2tog, Dk1, (Dk1, Dk2tog, Dk1) 8 times (48sts) 48) Dp27, Lp10, Dp11 49) Dk12, Lk8, Dk28 50) Dp28, Lp7, Dp13 51) (Dk1, Dk2tog) 4 times, (Lk1, Lk2tog) twice, Lk1, Dk2tog, (Dk1, Dk2tog) 9 times (32sts) 52) Dp19. Lp5, Dp8 53) Dk2, Dk2tog, Dk1, Dk2tog, Dk1, Lk2tog, Lk1, Lk2tog, Dk1, Dk2tog, Dk16 (27sts) 54) Dp17, Lp4, Dp6 55) Dk1, (Dk2tog) twice, (Lk2tog) 3 times, (Dk2tog) 8 times (14sts) Using the last D blue used B. & T. Tightly Join row ends, (using mattress st), together from B & T stitches to cast on sts. This seam is the back head seam. Stuff to shape and sew to middle of top of body, taking sts onto the front and back of body, keeping neck hole round. Add extra stuffing at this point into neck to prevent it from flopping. (The top of head should tilt to one side, slightly).

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ALL YARN ENDS TO BE SEWN INTO HEAD SO AS NOT TO BE SEEN EYES WHITES (Make 2) Using WHITE yarn and beginning at outer edge, Cast on 10sts evenly B & T Tightly Oversew side sts and make flat. Using BLACK yarn oversew in centre of eye to make pupil. Sew eyes to face, as shown in photograph. NOSE Using DARKER BLUE, cast on 10sts 1-3) st-st 3 rows

With right side outside, oversew row ends together. Stuff (prefereably with a little dark blue yarn). Sew cast on edge to centre of face, as shown in photograph. MOUTH Using BLACK yarn, back-stitch mouth, as shown in photograph. EYELIDS Using LIGHT BLUE. darn a few straight stitches over eyes at the top. SAUSAGES (Couldnt find a better word) ON TOP OF HEAD (Make 4) Using RED, cast on 6sts 1-6) st-st 5 rows B & T Tightly.

Mattress stitch row ends together. Stuff (Preferably, with some red yarn). Sew securely onto head at cast on row. Spacing evenly, as in photograph. Stitch all yarn ends into head as before.

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ARMS (MAKE 2 ALIKE) Beginning at wrist and using DARKER BLUE, cast on 4sts and on the same needle, using LIGHT BLUE cast on 16sts and still on the same needle and using DARKER BLUE cast on a further 4sts (24sts) Dk4, Lk16, Dk4 Dp4, Lp16, Dp4 Keeping these number of sts. And colours correct as set: 3-12) st-st 10 rows 13) Dk1, Dm1, Dk3, Lk16, Dk3, Dm1, Dk1 (26sts) 14) Dp5, Lp16, Dp5 15) Dk5, Lk16, Dk5 16) Dp5, Lp16, Dp5 Keeping these number of sts. And colours correct as set: 17-26) st-st 10 rows Underarm shaping 27,28) Using DARKER BLUE cast off 2sts at the beginning of these two rows. (22sts) 29) Dk2tog, Dk1, Lk16, Dk1, Dk2tog (20sts) 30) Dp2, Lp16, Dp2 31) Dk2tog, Lk16, Dk2tog (18sts) 32) Dp1, Lp16, Dp1 33) Lk2tog, Lk14, Lk2tog (16sts) Continue in LIGHTER BLUE only 34) P 35-39) Continue decreasing 1st. at each end of next and following alternate rows until 10sts remain. 40) P Cast off. Using mattress stitch join side edges from cast on row to beginning of underarm shaping. Put aside until hands have been completed. HANDS (MAKE 1 RIGHT HAND and 1 LEFT HAND) Beginning at wrist and using DARKER BLUE, cast on 22sts 1) 2) 3) * 4) P K Dp11, Lp11 Lp11, Dp11 (row to show where to sew on arm) 1) 2)

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5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17)

Dp11, Lp11 Lk4, Lm1, Lk7, Dk7, Dm1, Dk4 (24sts) Dp12, Lp12 Lk4, Lm1, Lk8, Dk8, Dm1, Dk4 (26sts) Dp13, Lp13 Lk4, Lm1, Lk9, Dk9, Dm1, Dk4 (28sts) Dp14, Lp14 Lk4, Lm1, Lk10, Dk10, Dm1, Dk4 (30sts) Dp15, Lp15 Using LIGHTER BLUE, cast off 4sts, Lk10, Dk15 Using DARKER BLUE, cast off 4 sts, Dp10, Lp11 Lk11, Dk11 Dp11, Lp11 Keeping these number of sts. And colours as set: 18-26) st-st 9 rows 27) Dp9, Dp2tog, Lp2tog, Lp9 (20sts) 28) (L2tog) 5 times, (Dk2tog) 5 times (10sts)

(26sts) (22sts)

B & T Tightly DARKER SET of sts. Then B & T Tightly LIGHTER set of sts. Leaving one long end of yarn to mattress st. down side of hand, round thumb, down to cast on sts. For other hand knit from * Read DARKER (D) for LIGHTER (L) and LIGHTER (L) for DARKER (D) Stuff hands and arms. Sew hands to arms at wrist. Place palm of hands (lighter), centrally over underarm seam. Slip-stitch around wrist changing to appropriate colours as you go. Sew arms and hands to body, placing them over the lighter side strip and up to the shoulder point. Remembering to change colours where appropriate.

BLANKET Using red yarn, cast on 50sts 1) 2) K K2, Purl to last 2sts, K2

Repeat these two rows until 85 rows in all have been knitted, finishing with a knit row. Cast off k-wise.

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Sew ends into blanket as not to show. Press blanket flat (referring to the yarn manufacturers band instructions on pressing/ironing). You can at this point leave the blanket the size it is to cover Iggle Piggle better or fold in half, sew together all round edges, making it smaller and oblong as in the night garden. Using LIGHTER BLUE sew blanket stitch border on blanket at top and bottom. (As in photograph). Stitch snap fastener or Velcro to blanket and Iggle Piggles hand. _______________________________________ If you have any problems with this pattern, please feel free to contact me on: Tel No. 01773 813277 or E-Mail: [email protected]

And I will do my best to help. Please do not copy this pattern for commercial use, as it took me a long time to devise.

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