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TEORIJA PREVOENJA (Translation Studies) Upute za ispit (a) Pismeni ispit: (a) pismena obrada tri lanka (vidi:

1. Teme za pismeni ispit i Literaturu - 2b) (b) prijevod kraeg teksta 2. Usmeni ispit: vidi Literaturu (2a Obvezna literatura) + teme iz pismenog ispita 3. (izborno) Seminarski rad (kontrastivno istraivanje engleskog i hrvatskog leksika i teksta) (seminarski rad valja predati 15 dana prije ispita i prezentirati ga na usmenom ispitu) (b) Usmeni ispit: OBVEZNA LITERATURA ZA USMENI ISPIT (UDBENICI): 1. Munday, J. (2001) Introduction to Translation Studies, Theories and Applications, Routledge 2. Ivir, V. (1978) Teorija i tehnika prevoenja ********************************************** 1. TEME ZA PISMENI ISPIT Introduction to translation studies; central issues; (B.P. lectures, Munday 2001: 4-17; Bonai M. 1999: 15-24,, Bassnett 1991: 13-38; Crystal 1987) Translation: theory, studies? (Ivir 1978 p.: 53-60 + B.P. lectures) Definition of translation (linguistic, philological, communicative) theory vs. science, theory vs. practice components of translation theory units of translation problems of methodology History of translation: (Ivir 1978 p. 21-22, + Bassnett 1991: 39-75; Steiner (2000) After Babel + B.P. lectures) The Romans Bible translation: Saint Jerome, Luther, etc. Early theorists, the Renaissance 17th and 18th century (Montaigne, P.D. Huet - 1680; Dryden, Pope) 18th to19th cent. Schleiermacher (1813)- von Humboldt: hermenutic inquiry 20th century - A.: formalist movement; linguistic theory, formal logic, professional organisations & journals; 20th century - B.: universalist and relativist position: psychology, anthropology, sociology, ethno- sociolinguistics; holistic The nature of translation - translation and communication, process of translation, (Ivir 1978 p. 9-12, Bell 1991, + B.P. lectures) Social role of translation and the translator (Ivir 1978 p. 15-18, & Ivir 79 - 81) Types of translation: (Pritchard 2000; Ivir 1978 p. 25 - 32 + B.P. lectures) MT, human, written - oral; simultaneous - consecutive; literary - non-literary Communication and the communicative model of translation: (Ivir 1978 p. 39 49; Ivir 1994: 93-101+ B.P. lectures) - translation as a modern means of communication Approaches to translation: linguistics and translation: (Ivir 1978 p. 35 - 39, Ivir 1994: 93101), R. Jakobson 1959: 144-151 The equivalence problem & definition of translation; translation difficulties (Ivir 1978: 85 - 94, , Chesterman 1998: 16-36; Ivir 1981: 51- 59, Ivir 1988: 101-109; Fawcett 53-63 + B.P. lectures) Translation tools: (Pritchard 2000; Trujillo 1999; B.P. lectures + Ivir 1977: 75-77

linguistic aids; dictionaries and glossaries; MT and translators; (Systran etc.), translation aids and sources on the WWW Translation procedures, strategies and techniques: (B.P. lectures + Wills 1992: 85-111 'linguistique compare', Callagher 1989: 28-33) literal vs. free transliteration emprunt (direct borrowing) calque - loan translation transposition: syntactic-syntagmatic structures with the same meaning but not not corresponding formally modulation, communicative equivalence, adaptation - shifts in semantic perspective while preserving functional equivalence, reduction paraphrase false friends Culture and translation: (Ivir 1978 p. 63 - 73, + B.P. lectures) Translation of word-plays & translation of metaphors (P. Newmark 1985: 104-113, + B.P. lectures) Discourse / textlinguistics and translation - an integrated approach to translation (Fawcett 1997: 101-115; P. Newmark 1985, B.P. lectures) Translation, Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis (Newmark 1985: 54-67, Fawcett 1997: 85-100, + B.P. lectures) textual equivalence: (type of texts) cohesion (substitution and ellipsis) conjunction lexical cohesion communicative intent pragmatic equivalence: coherence; implicature, illocutionary force Contrastive analysis of English and Croatian: - general issues (Ivir 1978: 85 - 94, Ivir 1977: 14-26, Ivir 1981: 51-59, + B.P.) translation equivalence vs. formal correspondence; back-translation as a test on formal correspondence; contrastive analysis on various levels - contrastive analysis and translation on the phonological and graphological level (Ivir 99-197) - contrastive analysis and translation on the lexical level: (Ivir 109 - 142, Pritchard 1998: 143-156, B.P. lectures) contrastive analysis on the lexical level false friends/pairs: internationalisms Ivir 1980: 117-123 false pairs - equivalent meaning false pairs - different meanings false pairs - overalpping in meaning invented pairs lexical and conceptual gaps Pritchard 1998: 143-156 collocations, fixed lexical sets I Ivir 1976: 20-48 set phrases, idioms - Contrastive analysis and translation on the grammatical (morphosyntactic) level: (Ivir 1978 p. 143 - 162, M. Baker 1992: 82-118, B.P. lectures) contrastive analysis on the grammatical / syntactic level: grammatical false friends transposition

translation of prepositions and prepositional phrases case and prepositions transposition of parts of speech transposition of sentence parts 20. Translation Criticism (Wills 1992, Newmark 1985) ********************************************************************** 2. LITERATURA: 2.a) OBVEZNA LITERATURA ZA USMENI ISPIT (UDBENICI): 1. Ivir, V. (1978) Teorija i tehnika prevoenja 2. Munday, J. (2001) Introduction to Translation Studies, Theories and Applications, Routledge 3. arevi, S. (1997) New Approach to Legal Translation, Kluwer, The Hague 2.b) DOPUNSKA LITERATURA ZA PISMENI ISPIT (lanci iz knjiga i asopisa) za svaki rok pismenog ispita nastavnik odreuje tri teme iz sljedeih: 1. Baker, M. (1992) In Other Words: Grammatical equivalence 2. Baker, M. (1997) The Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies, London and New York: Routledge 3. Bassnett, S. (1991) Translation Studies: Central Issues 4. Bonai, M. (1999) Tekst, diskurs, prijevod (1. Prijevod i prevoenje 1.1 in, proizvod, proces; Analiza prijevodnog diskursa, p. 149-237), Knjievni krug, Split: 15-24 5. Callagher, J.D. (1989) German-English Translation: Translation Procedures 6. Crystal, D. (1987) The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Language: Translating and interpreting 7. Chesterman, A. (1998) Contrastive functional Analysis. John Benjamins Publ. , Amsterdam 8. Fawcett, P. (1997) Translation and Language: 5. Equivalence: 53-63 9. Fawcett, P. (1997) Translation and Language: 8. Text Structure: 85-100 10. Fawcett, P. (1997) Translation and Language: 9. Text Functions: 101-115 11. Hickey, L. ed. (2001) The Pragmatics of Translation, Multilingual Matters 12. Ivir, V. (1978) Teorija i tehnika prevoenja, S. Karlovci 13. Ivir, V (1980) The Semantics of False-Pair Analysis: SRAZ: 117-123 14. Ivir, V. (1981) Formal correspondences vs. translation equivalence 15. Ivir, V. - Tanay, V. (1980) The Contrastive Analysis of Collocations, YSCEP, 20-49 16. Ivir, V. (1988) Ekvivalencija u prevoenju 17. Ivir, V. (1993) Lingvistika sastavnica teorije prevoenja 18. Jakobson, R. (1959) On Linguistic Aspects of Translation, in Schulte, Biguenet eds. (1992): 144-151 19. Munday, J. (2001) Introduction to Translation Studies, Theories and Applications, Routledge 20. Newmark, P. (1985) Theory and Practice of Translation, Prentice-Hall 21. Osimo, B. (2003) Translation Course 22. Pavlovi, N. & D. Poslek (1999) 'British and Croatian Culture-Specific Concepts in Translation'. In: British Cultural Studies: Cross-Cultural Challenges, p. 157-168, 23. Pritchard, B. (1998) On Some Cultural Issues in Translating Lexical Sets, British Studies Conference - Cross-Cultural Challenges, The British Council, 84-103,

24. Pritchard, B. (2000) Strojno prevoenje: izazovi i ogranienja, Zbornik HDPL 2000 25. Snell-Hornby, M. 1988. Translation studies: An integrated approach. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamin Publishing Company. 26. Steiner, G. (1975, 2000) After Babel, Aspects of Language and Translation, London, OUP 27. arevi, S. (1997) New Approach to Legal Translation, Kluwer, The Hague 28. Toury, G. (1995) Descriptive Translation Studies and beyond. (Part Two, Ch. 2 The Nature and Role of Norms in Translation, p. 53-69; Part Three, Ch. 8 Excursus B. 'Translation of Literary Texts' vs 'Literary Translation', p. 166-180. ) Amsterdam, Benjamins 29. Venuti, L. ed. (2000) The Translation Studies Reader, London & new York: Routledge 30. Wills, W. (1992) The Science of Translation: The Translation Process and Translation Procedures NAPOMENA: Za citirane lanke studenti se mogu obratiti Biblioteci Filozofskog fakulteta u Rijeci KONZULTACIJE (kolska godina 2005/2006): Translation Studies - za vrijeme nastave (zimski i ljetni semestar): utorkom, 17.30 - 19.00 (Pomorski fakultet, soba 326) - u veljai, lipnju i srpnju te rujnu: utorkom od 10.00 do 12.00 (Pomorski fakultet, soba 326) Tekstovi uz teme: vidi program i literaturu za Translation Studies

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