Shaping Machine

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Shaping Machine & its Operations

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Principle of Operation of the Shaping Machine Types of shaper Construction of the Shaper Mechanisms in a Shaper Shaper operations How to specify a Shaper? Introduction to Planer

ME 113, By A. B. Andhare

Principle of Operation of the Shaping Machine

1. Shaper machine is used for generating flat surfaces. 2. Single Point Tool reciprocates on the job. 3. Job is fed across the tool. 4. Tool is moved downward after completion of cross feed. 5. The length of stroke and position of stroke can be changed.
ME 113, By A. B. Andhare

Types of Shapers
1) Horizontal Shaper: Ram is Horizontal a) Push cut type: Cutting action in outward stroke b) Pull cut type: Cutting action in inward stroke 2) Vertical shaper: Ram is vertical. Machine is similar to a Slotter. 3) Mechanical Shaper: Ram drive is Mechanical 4) Hydraulic Shaper: Ram drive is hydraulic
ME 113, By A. B. Andhare


Hydraulic Shaper

Construction of the Shaper

Hand wheel for vertical tool slide Tool slide Clapper box Screw for tool clamping

Ram locking Nut Ram


Cross Rail Table

Hand wheel for cross feed

ME 113, By A. B. Andhare

Clapper Box
Clapper box helps to avoid damage to machined surface during the return stroke of tool.

ME 113, By A. B. Andhare

Details of column
1. Column is of Cast Iron 2. It has guide ways for Ram and table

Guide ways for Ram

3. All other parts are mounted on the column Guide ways for
vertical table travel

ME 113, By A. B. Andhare

Details of Ram

Hand wheel for tool motion Ram locking Nut

ME 113, By A. B. Andhare

Details of Ram Drive

Linkage to Ram Bull gear

Bull gear Adjustable Crank Pinion drive for gear Lever Pivot for lever
ME 113, By A. B. Andhare

Quick Return Mechanism

Stroke ratio = Cutting stroke angle/360 = 220/360

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Shaper cuts only in one stroke (forward stroke). Other stroke is idle. Cutting stroke is slower than the idle (return) stroke. Angle covered by the crank is more in cutting stroke. Hence more time for cutting. Typical values are: Cutting stroke 2200 & Return stroke 1400 Bull gear rotates at uniform speed but ram speed is varying. By changing the length of crank, ram stroke can be changed.
ME 113, By A. B. Andhare

Operating Parameters

Cutting Velocity = 2 * Average forward velocity Cutting speed = 2 * l * N /Rs Where, l = length of stroke (Should be more than length of cut L) N = Rotational speed of bull gear (rpm) Rs = Stroke ratio Cutting time = width / [N * feed]

ME 113, By A. B. Andhare

Setting the Tool

Tool overhang should be minimum. Tool should be clamped properly with adequate support.

ME 113, By A. B. Andhare

Setting the Stroke Length

Max. Stroke length depends on the machine (18, 24, 36 etc.) Stroke length can be adjusted to a value less than maximum. Stroke length depends on the length of job.

ME 113, By A. B. Andhare

Setting the Position of Stroke

Position of stroke is the starting point & end point of stroke.

ME 113, By A. B. Andhare

Position of workpiece
Workpiece should be mounted to machine maximum length in one stroke.

ME 113, By A. B. Andhare

Steps in making a block square & parallel

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Remove all dirt and burrs from the work piece and the vise. Vise jaws should be perpendicular to the line of motion of ram. Tool should be vertical. Set the work piece in the vise with parallel blocks at the bottom. All cutting force should be against the fixed jaw of the vise. Machine the side 1. (It is the surface having the largest area) Machine side 2, with side 1 resting against the fixed jaw. Machine side 3, opposite to side 2 with side 1 resting against the fixed jaw. Machine side 4, opposite to side 1. Then machine the two edges side 5 & 6.

Shaper Operations

1 5 2 4

3 6

ME 113, By A. B. Andhare

Machining a block : sequence of operations

ME 113, By A. B. Andhare

Making a Chuck Key

ME 113, By A. B. Andhare

Making a V Block

Tool slide is tilted at an angle for V Block

ME 113, By A. B. Andhare

Making an external Key way

ME 113, By A. B. Andhare

Making of Dovetail

ME 113, By A. B. Andhare

Making of a Rack

ME 113, By A. B. Andhare

Making of an Internal Key way

ME 113, By A. B. Andhare

Machining a contour
Workpiece with marking Workpiece after machining

ME 113, By A. B. Andhare

Shaper Machine - Specifications

Length of Ram stroke: 457 mm (18) Range of Ram speeds: 12, 24, 40 & 72 strokes per minute Working surface of table: 483 mm * 330 mm Max Table Travel Horizontal: 610 mm Max Table Travel Vertical: 457 mm Angular movement of table on either side: 600 Maximum size of Tool Shank in Tool Head: 51m * 21mm Maximum vertical travel of Tool Slide: 152 mm Maximum swivel of Tool Head: 600 Main Drive Motor: 3 H.P./ 950 rpm

ME 113, By A. B. Andhare

Planing Machine
Tools is/are stationary at a point while cutting. Tool feed is given after completing one stroke. Table reciprocates Used for larger sizes of jobs Less accurate than shaper.

ME 113, By A. B. Andhare

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