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Strengths Discovery and Action-Planning Guide

What makes you stand out?

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Strengths Discovery and Action-Planning Guide


Your Top 5 Themes


What's in This Guide?

• For each of your top five themes, you will find:

• A brief Shared Theme Description
• Your Personalized Strengths Insights, which describe what makes you stand
out from others with the same theme in their top five
• Some examples of what the theme "sounds like" — real quotes from people
who also have the theme in their top five
• 10 Ideas for Action
• A Strengths Discovery Activity to get you thinking about how your talents and your
investment work together to build strengths that you can apply to your work and personal
• A Strengths-Based Action Plan for review with a friend, manager, or colleague


Shared Theme Description

People who are especially talented in the Input theme have a craving to know more. Often they like to
collect and archive all kinds of information.

Your Personalized Strengths Insights

What makes you stand out?

By nature, you feast on the ideas in books and other printed material. In the process of reading, you
accumulate lots of information for its own sake. During the week, you likely spend several hours
reflecting on your treasure trove of facts, data, history, or research. Often one or two of your
newfound concepts, theories, or findings consumes the majority of your thinking time. Because of
your strengths, you thirst for new ideas and knowledge. Often you lose yourself in a book. You pore
over the ideas contained on its pages for long stretches of time. Why? You want to absorb as much
information as you can. Chances are good that you possess the physical and mental endurance
needed to spend hours studying, reading, or researching. The more you know, the more questions
you have to ask. Your diligence reflects your need to work harder and longer than most people can.
You set lofty goals for yourself and relentlessly pursue them. Once you have reached your objective,
you direct much of your energy toward a second goal. You are self-motivated. You prefer to push
yourself rather than relax. It’s very likely that you acquire knowledge more easily when you can talk
with others about ideas, concepts, or theories. Thoughts come alive for you when questions are
posed and answers are proposed. You have a delightful time thinking out loud and listening to
intelligent people express themselves. You naturally document or store in your mind bits and pieces
of discussions. You want to refer back to these insights or facts whenever the opportunity presents
itself. Driven by your talents, you are willing to spend time sharing your ideas with intelligent
individuals. Of course, you want them to tell you their latest thinking. Conversations that involve a lot
of questions and answers stimulate your mind. You know you have spent your time wisely when you
have a number of new ideas, theories, or concepts to somehow file away or remember for future use.

Input sounds like this:

Ellen K., writer: "Even as a child, I found myself wanting to know everything. I would make a game of
my questions. ‘What is my question today?' I would think up these outrageous questions, and then I
would go looking for the books that would answer them. I often got in way over my head, deep into
books that I didn't have a clue about, but I read them because they had my answer someplace. My
questions became my tool for leading me from one piece of information to another."

John F., human resources executive: "I'm one of those people who thinks that the Internet is the
greatest thing since sliced bread. I used to feel so frustrated, but now if I want to know what the stock
market is doing in a certain area or the rules of a certain game or what the GNP of Spain is or other
different things, I just go to the computer, start looking, and eventually find it."

Kevin F., salesperson: "I'm amazed at some of the garbage that collects in my mind, and I love
playing Jeopardy and Trivial Pursuit and anything like that. I don't mind throwing things away as long
as they're material things, but I hate wasting knowledge or accumulated knowledge or not being able
to read something fully if I enjoy it."

Ideas for Action:

Look for jobs in which you are charged with acquiring new information each day, such as
teaching, research, or journalism.
Devise a system to store and easily locate information. This can be as simple as a file for all
the articles you have clipped or as sophisticated as a computer database.
Partner with someone with dominant Focus or Discipline talents. This person will help you
stay on track when your inquisitiveness leads you down intriguing but distracting avenues.
Your mind is open and absorbent. You naturally soak up information in the same way that a
sponge soaks up water. But just as the primary purpose of the sponge is not to permanently
contain what it absorbs, neither should your mind simply store information. Input without
output can lead to stagnation. As you gather and absorb information, be aware of the
individuals and groups that can most benefit from your knowledge, and be intentional about
sharing with them.
You might naturally be an exceptional repository of facts, data, and ideas. If that's the case,
don't be afraid to position yourself as an expert. By simply following your Input talents, you
could become known as the authority in your field.
Remember that you must be more than just a collector of information. At some point, you'll
need to leverage this knowledge and turn it into action. Make a point of identifying the facts
and data that would be most valuable to others, and use this information to their advantage.
Identify your areas of specialization, and actively seek more information about them.
Schedule time to read books and articles that stimulate you.
Deliberately increase your vocabulary. Collect new words, and learn the meaning of each of
Identify situations in which you can share the information you have collected with other
people. Also make sure to let your friends and colleagues know that you enjoy answering
their questions.


Shared Theme Description

People who are especially talented in the Learner theme have a great desire to learn and want to
continuously improve. In particular, the process of learning, rather than the outcome, excites them.

Your Personalized Strengths Insights

What makes you stand out?

Driven by your talents, you yearn to be inspired by your work. You want experience to be your
teacher. You need to feel enthused by your work or studies. You constantly acquire knowledge and
skills. Whenever you study facts, ponder concepts, test theories, or sharpen your skills, you feel most
alive. You are inclined to avoid people and situations that prevent you from expanding your mind.
Instinctively, you are excited to discover new facts about historic events and key people. Your
commonly rely on experts who have conducted in-depth research on various periods of history. It’s
very likely that you have little difficulty giving intense effort to projects, problems, or opportunities that
capture and keep your attention. Chances are good that you prefer to work in groups. You are
attracted to teams whose activities and challenges intrigue you. You usually give these matters your
undivided attention. Because of your strengths, you enjoy reflecting on what you already know and on
what you want to know. Your concentration leads you to major and minor discoveries. You need
ample quiet time to critically examine new information, theories, concepts, or philosophies. Wherever
you go and whatever you do, your mind is seldom at rest. You consider what you have observed. You
pose never-before-asked questions. Thinking deeply about things is a necessity for you. It is not a
luxury. It is not an option.

Learner sounds like this:

Annie M., managing editor: "I get antsy when I am not learning something. Last year, although I was
enjoying my work, I didn't feel as though I was learning enough. So I took up tap dancing. It sounds
strange, doesn't it? I know I am never going to perform or anything, but I enjoy focusing on the
technical skill of tapping, getting a little better each week, and moving up from the beginners' class to
the intermediate class. That was a kick."

Miles A., operations manager: "When I was seven years old, my teachers would tell my parents,
‘Miles isn't the most intelligent boy in the school, but he's a sponge for learning, and he'll probably go
really far because he will push himself and continually be grasping new things.' Right now, I am just
starting a course in business-travel Spanish. I know it is probably too ambitious to think I could learn
conversational Spanish and become totally proficient in that language, but I at least want to be able to
travel there and know the language."

Tim S., coach for executives: "One of my clients is so inquisitive that it drives him crazy because he
can't do everything he wants to. I'm different. I am not curious in that broad sense. I prefer to go into
greater depth with things so that I can become competent in them and then use them at work. For
example, recently one of my clients wanted me to travel with him to Nice, France, for a business
engagement. So I started reading up on the region, buying books, and checking the Internet. It was
all interesting and I enjoyed the study, but I wouldn't have done any of it if I wasn't going to be
traveling there for work."

Ideas for Action:

Refine how you learn. For example, you might learn best by teaching; if so, seek out
opportunities to present to others. You might learn best through quiet reflection; if so, find
this quiet time.
Develop ways to track the progress of your learning. If there are distinct levels or stages of
learning within a discipline or skill, take a moment to celebrate your progression from one
level to the next. If no such levels exist, create them for yourself (e.g., reading five books on
the subject or making three presentations on the subject).
Be a catalyst for change. Others might be intimidated by new rules, new skills, or new
circumstances. Your willingness to soak up this newness can calm their fears and spur them
to action. Take this responsibility seriously.
Seek roles that require some form of technical competence. You will enjoy the process of
acquiring and maintaining this expertise.
As far as possible, shift your career toward a field with constantly changing technologies or
regulations. You will be energized by the challenge of keeping up.
Because you are not threatened by unfamiliar information, you might excel in a consulting
role (either internal or external) in which you are paid to go into new situations and pick up
new competencies or languages quickly.
Research supports the link between learning and performance. When people have the
opportunity to learn and grow, they are more productive and loyal. Look for ways to measure
the degree to which you and others feel that your learning needs are being met, to create
individualized learning milestones, and to reward achievements in learning.
At work, take advantage of programs that subsidize your learning. Your organization may be
willing to pay for part or all of your instructional coursework or for certifications. Ask your
manager for information about scholarships and other educational opportunities.
Honor your desire to learn. Take advantage of adult educational opportunities in your
community. Discipline yourself to sign up for at least one new academic or adult learning
course each year.
Time disappears and your attention intensifies when you are immersed in studying or
learning. Allow yourself to "follow the trail" by scheduling learning sessions during periods of
time that will not be interrupted by pressing engagements.


Shared Theme Description

People who are especially talented in the Achiever theme have a great deal of stamina and work
hard. They take great satisfaction from being busy and productive.

Your Personalized Strengths Insights

What makes you stand out?

Driven by your talents, you probably work diligently, persevering to the very end. You are gratified
when people tell others you are a competent, trustworthy, and accomplished individual. Instinctively,
you exhibit the physical and mental endurance needed to continuously toil long after others have
stopped working. You are hardwired to pursue goals until they are reached. When obstacles arise,
you become even more determined to succeed. Chances are good that you are no stranger to long
hours of work. You very much enjoy teaming up with friends. Why? They, like you, probably expend
mental and physical energy for as long as it takes to reach the goal. Because of your strengths, you
earnestly evaluate problems by identifying the basics facts. You normally let reason rather than
emotion guide you to the proper solution or the correct conclusion. By nature, you periodically leap
into the middle of difficult tasks. Perhaps you take over projects that must be done meticulously and
accurately. Occasionally you feel you are the only person who can produce the right outcomes. Why?
You likely set high standards of excellence for yourself and others. Often you trust only yourself to
reach them.

Achiever sounds like this:

Melanie K., ER nurse: "I have to rack up points every day to feel successful. Today I've been here
only half an hour, but I've probably racked up thirty points already. I ordered equipment for the ER, I
had equipment repaired, I had a meeting with my charge nurse, and I brainstormed with my secretary
about improving our computerized logbook. So on my list of ninety things, I have thirty done already.
I'm feeling pretty good about myself right now."

Ted S., salesperson: "Last year I was salesperson of the year out of my company's three hundred
salespeople. It felt good for a day, but sure enough, later that week, it was as if it never happened. I
was back at zero again. Sometimes I wish I wasn't an achiever because it can lead me away from a
balanced life and toward obsession. I used to think I could change myself, but now I know I am just
wired this way. This theme is truly a double-edged sword. It helps me achieve my goals, but on the
other hand, I wish I could just turn it off and on at will. But, hey, I can't. I can manage it and avoid
work obsession by focusing on achieving in all parts of my life, not just work."

Sara L., writer: "This theme is a weird one. First, it's good because you live in pursuit of the perpetual
challenge. But in the second place, you never feel as though you've reached your goal. It can keep
you running uphill at seventy miles an hour for your whole life. You never rest because there's always
more to do. But, on balance, I think I would rather have it than not. I call it my ‘divine restlessness,'
and if it makes me feel as if I owe the present everything I have, then so be it. I can live with that."

Ideas for Action:

Select jobs that allow you to have the leeway to work as hard as you want and in which you
are encouraged to measure your own productivity. You will feel challenged and alive in
these environments.

As an achiever, you relish the feeling of being busy, yet you also need to know when you
are "done." Attach timelines and measurement to goals so that effort leads to defined
progress and tangible outcomes.
Remember to build celebration and recognition into your life. Achievers tend to move on to
the next challenge without acknowledging their successes. Counter this impulse by creating
regular opportunities to enjoy your progress and accomplishments.
Your drive for action might cause you to find meetings a bit boring. If that's the case, appeal
to your Achiever talents by learning the objectives of each meeting ahead of time and by
taking notes about progress toward those objectives during the meeting. You can help
ensure that meetings are productive and efficient.
Continue your education by attaining certifications in your area or specialty in addition to
attending conferences and other programs. This will give you even more goals to achieve
and will push your existing boundaries of accomplishment.
You do not require much motivation from others. Take advantage of your self-motivation by
setting challenging goals. Set a more demanding goal every time you finish a project.
Partner with other hard workers. Share your goals with them so they can help you to get
more done.
Count personal achievements in your scoring "system." This will help you direct your
Achiever talents toward family and friends as well as toward work.
More work excites you. The prospect of what lies ahead is infinitely more motivating than
what has been completed. Launch initiatives and new projects. Your seemingly endless
reserve of energy will create enthusiasm and momentum.
Make sure that in your eagerness to do more at work, you do not skimp on quality. Create
measurable outcome standards to guarantee that increased productivity is matched by
enhanced quality.


Shared Theme Description

People who are especially talented in the Intellection theme are characterized by their intellectual
activity. They are introspective and appreciate intellectual discussions.

Your Personalized Strengths Insights

What makes you stand out?

It’s very likely that you derive much pleasure from pondering things deeply. After much forethought,
you customarily reach conclusions, offer new ideas, suggest different ways of looking at situations, or
ask probing questions. Chances are good that you tend to be earnest, businesslike, and dignified in
what you say and do. Understandably, the books and publications you read are apt to reflect your
no-nonsense approach to life. You aim to accumulate knowledge whenever you peruse -- that is,
studiously examine -- the printed word. Instinctively, you have kept conversations centered on ideas
since childhood. As a child, you likely listened carefully to discussions among adults. This approach
allowed you to join in without rocking the boat -- that is, without causing trouble where none was
welcome. Today, you continue to listen intently to collect information before adding your ideas,
contributing your insights, offering your suggestions, or asking your questions. Driven by your talents,
you eagerly welcome opportunities to think out loud about ideas, theories, or philosophies. You derive
pleasure from conversations that force you to ponder matters that exist only in the realm of thought,
not in reality. By nature, you probably acquired a fascination for reading as a child. During your
formative years, becoming totally engrossed in a book is likely to have been your means of "staying
out of the way" to avoid upsetting some adults or youngsters who were your age. Besides keeping the
peace and being absorbed into the group, you commonly collected information about fictional
characters, human nature, geography, historic events, other cultures, or science.

Intellection sounds like this:

Lauren H., project manager: "I suppose that most people who meet me in passing presume that I am
a flaming extrovert. I do not deny the fact that I love people, but they would be amazed to know how
much time alone, how much solitude, I need in order to function in public. I really love my own
company. I love solitude because it gives me a chance to allow my diffused focus to simmer with
something else. That's where my best ideas come from. My ideas need to simmer and ‘perk.' I used
this phrase even when I was younger: ‘I have put my ideas in, and now I have to wait for them to

Michael P., marketing executive: "It's strange, but I find that I need to have noise around me or I can't
concentrate. I need to have parts of my brain occupied; otherwise, it goes so fast in so many
directions that I don't get anything done. If I can occupy my brain with the TV or my kids running
around, then I find I concentrate even better."

Jorge H., factory manager and former political prisoner: "We used to get put into solitary confinement
as a punishment, but I never hated it as much as the others did. You might think that you would get
lonely, but I never did. I used the time to reflect on my life and sort out the kind of man I was and what
was really important to me: my family, my values. In a weird way, solitary actually calmed me down
and made me stronger."

Ideas for Action:

Consider beginning or continuing your studies in philosophy, literature, or psychology. You

will always enjoy subjects that stimulate your thinking.
List your ideas in a log or diary. These ideas will serve as grist for your mental mill, and they
might yield valuable insights.
Deliberately build relationships with people you consider to be "big thinkers." Their example
will inspire you to focus your own thinking.
People may think you are aloof or disengaged when you close your door or spend time
alone. Help them understand that this is simply a reflection of your thinking style, and that it
results not from a disregard for relationships, but from a desire to bring the most you can to
those relationships.
You are at your best when you have the time to follow an intellectual trail and see where it
leads. Get involved on the front end of projects and initiatives, rather than jumping in at the
execution stage. If you join in the latter stages, you may derail what has already been
decided, and your insights may come too late.
Engaging people in intellectual and philosophical debate is one way that you make sense of
things. This is not the case for everyone. Be sure to channel your provocative questions to
those who similarly enjoy the give and take of debate.
Schedule time for thinking; it can be energizing for you. Use these occasions to muse and
Take time to write. Writing might be the best way for you to crystallize and integrate your
Find people who like to talk about the same issues you do. Organize a discussion group that
addresses your subjects of interest.
Encourage people around you to use their full intellectual capital by reframing questions for
them and by engaging them in dialogue. At the same time, realize that there will be some
who find this intimidating and who need time to reflect before being put on the spot.


Shared Theme Description

People who are especially talented in the Ideation theme are fascinated by ideas. They are able to
find connections between seemingly disparate phenomena.

Your Personalized Strengths Insights

What makes you stand out?

It’s very likely that you have been described as someone who reads a lot. You probably carry reading
material with you just in case you have to wait in line, eat alone, or sit beside a stranger. Because the
printed word feeds your mind, you frequently generate original plans, programs, designs, or activities.
Instinctively, you occasionally feel a need to update, upgrade, or renovate. Perhaps few things please
you more than devising original tactics, inventing new processes, designing useful tools, or proposing
innovative solutions. By nature, you probably are known for your strength in taking apart ideas,
objects, processes, or data. You methodically examine how the individual parts function or fail to
function as well as how the pieces link or fail to link to one another. Because of your strengths, you
logically think through how your team can approach its projects. You are the person who steps back
to figure out how things actually work. You consider why mechanisms, processes, programs, or rules
failed in the past. You rely on facts to decide how many people need to be deployed, how much time
they require to complete each phase of the endeavor, or what tools they need to succeed. Chances
are good that you relish conversations with people whose vocabulary is as sophisticated as their
thinking. Discussing philosophies, theories, or concepts is exhilarating. You do not have to translate
this or that word or explain the basic points of a complex thought. You love to ask questions and be
readily understood. As engaged as you are in the dialogue, you still make a point of pulling together
insights so you can use this knowledge later.

Ideation sounds like this:

Mark B., writer: "My mind works by finding connections between things. When I was hunting down the
Mona Lisa in the Louvre museum, I turned a corner and was blinded by the flashing of a thousand
cameras snapping the tiny picture. For some reason, I stored that visual image away. Then I noticed
a ‘No Flash Photography' sign, and I stored that away too. I thought it was odd because I
remembered reading that flash photography can harm paintings. Then about six months later, I read
that the Mona Lisa has been stolen at least twice in this century. And suddenly I put it all together.
The only explanation for all these facts is that the real Mona Lisa is not on display in the Louvre. The
real Mona Lisa has been stolen, and the museum, afraid to admit their carelessness, has installed a
fake. I don't know if it's true, of course, but what a great story."

Andrea H., interior designer: "I have the kind of mind where everything has to fit together or I start to
feel very odd. For me, every piece of furniture represents an idea. It serves a discrete function both
independently and in concert with every other piece. The ‘idea' of each piece is so powerful in my
mind, it must be obeyed. If I am sitting in a room where the chairs are somehow not fulfilling their
discrete function -- they're the wrong kind of chairs or they're facing the wrong way or they're pushed
up too close to the coffee table -- I find myself getting physically uncomfortable and mentally
distracted. Later, I won't be able to get it out of my mind. I'll find myself awake at 3:00 a.m., and I walk
through the person's house in my mind's eye, rearranging the furniture and repainting the walls. This
started happening when I was very young, say seven years old."

Ideas for Action:

Seek a career in which you will be given credit for and paid for your ideas, such as
marketing, advertising, journalism, design, or new product development.
You are likely to get bored quickly, so make some small changes in your work or home life.
Experiment. Play mental games with yourself. All of these will help keep you stimulated.

Finish your thoughts and ideas before communicating them. Lacking your Ideation talents,
others might not be able to "join the dots" of an interesting but incomplete idea and thus
might dismiss it.
Not all your ideas will be equally practical or serviceable. Learn to edit your ideas, or find a
trusted friend or colleague who can "proof" your ideas and identify potential pitfalls.
Understand the fuel for your Ideation talents: When do you get your best ideas? When
you're talking with people? When you're reading? When you're simply listening or
observing? Take note of the circumstances that seem to produce your best ideas, and
recreate them.
Schedule time to read, because the ideas and experiences of others can become your raw
material for new ideas. Schedule time to think, because thinking energizes you.
You are a natural fit with research and development; you appreciate the mindset of
visionaries and dreamers. Spend time with imaginative peers, and sit in on their
brainstorming sessions.
Partner with someone with strong Analytical talents. This person will question you and
challenge you, therefore strengthening your ideas.
Sometimes you lose others' interest because they cannot follow your abstract and
conceptual thinking style. Make your ideas more concrete by drawing pictures, using
analogies or metaphors, or simply explaining your concepts step by step.
Feed your Ideation talents by gathering knowledge. Study fields and industries different from
your own. Apply ideas from outside, and link disparate ideas to generate new ones.

Strengths Discovery Activity

As you begin to think about your talents, consider this equation:

Talent (a natural way of thinking, feeling, or behaving)

X Investment (time spent practicing, developing your skills, and building

your knowledge base)

= Strength (the ability to consistently provide near-perfect performance)

Here is an example:

Talent is: Truly listening to your customers’ wants and needs

X Investment is: Researching products and keeping up-to-date on the industry

= Strength is: Consistently providing near-perfect customer service

Now, think about what you naturally do best. How can you invest in that talent to build strength?

Do your own Strengths Discovery Interview:

Your Talent is: ________________________________________________

Your Investment is:________________________________________________

= Your Strength is: ________________________________________________

My Strengths-Based Action Plan

Now that you have discovered your top five themes and considered action items for development,
choose 1-3 themes that describe you best, and list them below. Talk to people who know you well, and
ask them to describe how you embody these themes. Ask them for specific examples of times when
they have seen you using each theme in action or how each theme manifests itself in you.




Now, write down some specific actions that you could take in the next week, month, and year to build
and apply your strengths. Refer to your Personalized Strengths Insights and Ideas for Action if you need

In the next week, I will:

In the next month, I will:

In the next year, I will:

Next, list the name of at least one person who you will meet with to review this plan. Be sure to choose
someone who can help you to keep these goals "top of mind" and who will help you leverage your
talents to build strengths.

Name: Date reviewed:

Name: Date reviewed:


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