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Supplements and sports foods


16.1 Introduction
Supplement use is a widespread and accepted practice by athletes, with a high prevalence of use and a large range of different types and brands of products. Such observations are illustrated by the results of a study of 77 elite Australian swimmers (Baylis et al. 2001), which found that 94% of the group reported the use of supplements in pill and powder form. When the use of specialised sports foods such as sports drinks was also taken into account, 99% of swimmers reported supplement use and a total of 207 different products was identied. According to other recent studies, supplement use is also widespread among athletes at high school and collegiate levels (Massad et al. 1995; Krumbach et al. 1999; Froiland et al. 2004).

16.2 Overview of supplements and sports foods

Dietary supplements, nutritional ergogenic aids, sports supplements, sports foods and therapeutic nutritional supplementsthese are some of the terms used to describe the range of products that collectively form the sports supplement industry. Just as there are a variety of names for these products, there are a variety of denitions or classication systems. Characteristics that can be used to categorise supplements include:
r function (for example, muscle building, immune boosting, fuel providing) r form (for example, pills, powders, foods or drinks)


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r availability (for example, over-the-counter, mail order, Internet, multi-level r scientic merit for claims (for example, well-supported, unsupported, unde-

marketing), and cided).

This last approach has been adopted recently by the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) to guide the use of supplements by the athletes within its programs. The goal of this approach is to provide objective information to athletes, coaches and sports administrators regarding the likely efcacy of these products so that individuals can make informed decisions about their intended use. The specic details of the AIS Sports Supplement Program will be addressed later in this chapter. For the purposes of this chapter we will discuss supplements and sports foods that meet one or more of the following denitions:
r They provide a convenient and practical means of meeting a known nutri-

ent requirement to optimise daily training or competition performance (for example, a liquid meal supplement, sports drink, carbohydrate gel, sports bar). r They contain nutrients in large quantities in order to treat a known nutritional deciency (for example, an iron supplement). r They contain nutrients or other components in amounts that directly enhance sports performance or maintain/restore health and immune function scientically supported or otherwise (for example, caffeine, creatine, glycerol, ginseng). There is an ever-increasing range of supplements and sports foods that are easily accessible to athletes and coaches. It is of primary importance for the sports nutrition professional to have a thorough working knowledge of the various sports foods and supplements in order to provide sound advice about appropriate situations of use, possible benets, potential side effects and risks associated with use.

16.2.1 Regulation of supplements and sports foods

The regulation of supplements and sports foods is a contentious area and encompasses issues of manufacture, labelling and marketing. In addition to the concerns of efcacy and safety faced by the general consumer, athletes are faced with the problem of contamination with prohibited substances, leading to a positive doping offence. There is no universal system of regulation of sports foods and supplements. Countries differ in their approach and practice of the regulation of sports foods and supplements, with some involving a single government body (such as the Food and Drug AdministrationFDAin the United States of America), while others fall under several government agencies (for example, Food Standards Australia and New Zealand for food-based products and Therapeutic Goods Administration for pill-based products in Australia).


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Athletes need to have a global understanding of the regulation of dietary supplements, since regular travel and modern conveniences such as mail order and the Internet provide them with easy access to products that fall outside the scrutiny of their own countrys system. Although it is outside the scope of this chapter to review the various regulatory issues in different countries, the important changes that can be attributed to the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 in the United States are worthy of special mention. This Act reduced the regulation of supplements and broadened the category to include new ingredients, such as herbal and botanical products, and constituents or metabolites of other dietary supplements. As a result, a new group of products ooded the US and international market: the pro-hormones or compounds including androstenedione, DHEA, 19-norandrostenedione and other metabolites found in the steroid pathways that can be converted in the body to testosterone or the anabolic steroid nandrolone (Blue & Lombardo 1999). These products will be discussed later in the context of doping and inadvertent doping outcomes. The other important outcome of the 1994 Dietary Supplement Act was to shift responsibility from the supplement manufacturer to the FDA to enforce safety and claim guidelines. Since the passing of the Act, good manufacturing practice has not been enforced within the supplement industry, leaving non-compliant products or manufacturers to ourish unless there is specic intervention by the FDA. Athletes and coaches often fail to understand that, in the absence or minimisation of rigorous government evaluation, the quality control of supplement manufacture is trusted to supplement companies. Large companies that produce conventional supplements such as vitamins and minerals, particularly to manufacturing standards used in the preparation of pharmaceutical products, are likely to achieve good quality control. This includes precision with ingredient levels and labelling, and avoidance of undeclared ingredients or contaminants. However, this does not appear to be true for all supplement types or manufacturers, with many examples of poor compliance with labelling laws (Gurley et al. 1998; Parasrampuria et al. 1998; Hahm et al. 1999) and the presence of contaminants and undeclared ingredients (see sections 16.3.4 and 16.3.5). Although manufacturers are not meant to make unsupported claims about health or performance benets elicited by supplements, product advertisements and testimonials show ample evidence that this aspect of supplement marketing is unregulated and exploited. For example, a survey of ve issues of body-building magazines found 800 individual performance claims for 624 different products within advertisements (Grunewald & Bailey 1993). It is easy to see how enthusiastic and emotive claims provide a false sense of condence about the products. Most consumers are unaware that the regulation of such advertising is generally not enforced. Therefore, athletes are likely to believe that claims about supplements are medically and scientically supported, simply because they believe that untrue claims would not be allowed to exist.



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Pros Assistance to meet nutritional goals (indirect performance enhancement) Direct performance enhancement Placebo effect (psychological boost) Cons Expense Side effects Contamination causing inadvertent doping outcome Redirection of resources from real performance enhancing factors

Questions to ask in considering the use of a particular supplement Is it safe? Is it legal? Is it effective?

Figure 16.1 Issues to consider in the decision to take a supplement

16.3 The pros and cons of using supplements and sports foods
The decision by an athlete to use a supplement or sports food should be made after careful consideration of several issues. Figure 16.1 provides an overview of important questions that should be answered regarding the safety, efcacy and legality of any product. It also characterises the balance between the arguments for and against the use of the product. The potential for both positive and negative outcomes will now be discussed in greater detail.

16.3.1 Prostrue performance benets

Some supplements and sports foods offer real advantages to athletic performance. Some products work by producing a direct performance-enhancing (ergogenic) effect. Other products can be used by athletes to meet their nutrition goals and, as an indirect outcome, allow the athlete to achieve optimal performance. In some cases these effects are so well known and easily demonstrated that benecial uses of sports foods or supplements are clear-cut. For example, there are many studies that support the benets of consuming sports drinks to supply carbohydrate and uid during exercise (see Coombes & Hamilton 2000). But even when indirect nutritional benets or true ergogenic outcomes from supplement use are small, they are often worthwhile in the competitive world of sport (Hopkins et al. 1999). Of course, athletes need to be aware that it is the use of the product as much as the product itself that leads to the benecial outcome. Therefore education about


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specic situations and strategies for the use of supplements and sports foods is just as important as the formulation of the product.

16.3.2 Prosthe placebo effect

Even where a sports food does not produce a true physiological or ergogenic benet, an athlete might attain some performance benet because of a psychological boost or placebo effect. The placebo effect describes a favourable outcome arising simply from an individuals belief that they have received a benecial treatment. In a clinical environment, a placebo is often given in the form of a harmless but inactive substance or treatment that satises the patients symbolic need to receive a therapy. In a sports setting, an athlete who receives enthusiastic marketing material about a new supplement or hears glowing testimonials from other athletes who have used it is more likely to report a positive experience. Despite our belief that the placebo effect is real and potentially substantial, only a few studies have tried to document this effect in relation to sport. In one investigation, weightlifters who received saline injections that they believed to be anabolic steroids increased their gains in lean body mass (Ariel & Saville 1972). Another investigation in which athletes were given either a sports drink or a sweetened placebo during a 1-hour cycling time trial found that performance was affected by the information provided to the subjects (Clark et al. 2000). The placebo effect caused by thinking they were receiving a CHO drink allowed the subjects to achieve a small but worthwhile increase in performance of 4%. Being unsure of which treatment was being received increased the variability of performance, illustrating that the greatest benets from supplement use occur when athletes are condent they are receiving a useful product. Additional well-controlled studies are needed to better describe the potential size and duration of the placebo effect and whether it applies equally to all athletes and across all types of performance. In the meantime we can accept that the placebo effect exists and may explain, at least partially, why athletes report performance benets after trying a new supplement or dietary treatment.

16.3.3 Consexpense
An obvious issue with supplement use is the expense, which in extreme cases can equal or exceed the athletes weekly food budget. Such extremes include the small number of athletes identied in many surveys (Baylis et al. 2001) who report a polypharmacy approach to supplements, identifying long lists of products that often overlap in ingredients and claimed functions. However, even a targeted interest in a small number of supplements can be expensive: the cost of some individual products such as ribose or colostrum can exceed A$50 per week to achieve the manufacturers recommended dose or the amounts found to have a true ergogenic outcome in scientic studies. The issue of expense is compounded for teams and sports programs that have to supply the needs of a group of athletes.



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Expense must be carefully considered when there is little scientic evidence to support a products claims of direct or indirect benets to athletic performance. But even where benets do exist, cost is an issue that athletes must acknowledge and prioritise appropriately within their total budget. Supplements or sports food generally provide nutrients or food constituents at a price that is considerably higher than that of everyday foods. At times, the expense of a supplement or sports food may be deemed money well spent, particularly when the product provides the most practical and palatable way to achieve a nutrition goal, or when the ergogenic benets have been well documented. On other occasions the athlete may choose to limit the use of expensive products to the most important events or training periods. There are often lower-cost alternatives to some supplements and sports foods that the budget-conscious athlete can use on less critical occasions; for example, a fruit smoothie drink fortied with milk powder or a commercial liquid meal replacement product is a less expensive choice to supplement energy and protein intake than most protein-rich body builder products.

16.3.4 Consside effects

Since most supplements are considered by regulatory bodies to be relatively safe, in many countries there are no ofcial or mandatory accounting processes to document adverse side effects arising from the use of these products. Nevertheless, information from medical registers (Perharic et al. 1994; Kozyrskyj 1997; Shaw et al. 1997) shows that while the overall risk to public health from the use of supplements and herbal and traditional remedies is low, cases of toxicity and side effects include allergic reactions to some products (for example, royal jelly), overexposure as a result of self-medication and poisoning due to contaminants. During the 1980s, deaths and medical problems resulted from the use of tryptophan supplements (Roufs 1992); products containing Ephedra and caffeine are a more recent source of medical problems, sometimes causing deaths in susceptible individuals. Many reports call for better regulation and surveillance of supplements and herbal products, and increased awareness of potential hazards (Perharic et al. 1994; Kozyrskyj 1997; Shaw et al. 1997).

16.3.5 Consdoping outcomes


A number of ingredients that may be found in supplements are considered prohibited substances by the codes of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and other sports bodies. These include pro-hormones (steroid-related compounds such as androstenedione, DHEA, 19-norandrostenedione) and stimulants such as ephedrine or related substances. Although the group of pro-hormone substances is not available for sale in Australia, they can be bought as over-the-counter products in countries such as the United States of America. Drug education programs highlight the need for athletes to read the labels of supplements and sports foods

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carefully to ensure that they do not contain such banned substances. This is a responsibility that athletes must master to prevent inadvertent doping outcomes. However, even when athletes take such precautions, inadvertent intake of banned substances from supplement products can still occur. This is because some supplements contain banned products without declaring them as ingredients; this is a result of contamination or poor labelling within lax manufacturing processes. The pro-hormone substances seem to provide the greatest risk of inadvertent consumption via supplement use, with a positive test for the steroid nandrolone being one of the possible outcomes. The most striking evidence of these problems was uncovered by a study carried out by a laboratory accredited by the International Olympic Committee (Geyer et al. 2004). This study analysed 634 supplements from 215 suppliers in 13 countries, with products being sourced from retail outlets (91%), the Internet (8%) and telephone sales. None of these supplements declared pro-hormones as ingredients, and came from both manufacturers who produced other supplements containing pro-hormones as well as companies who did not sell these products. Ninety-four of the supplements (15% of the sample) were found to contain hormones or pro-hormones that were not stated on the product label. A further 10% of samples provided technical difculties in analysis such that the absence of hormones could not be guaranteed. Of the positive supplements, 68% contained pro-hormones of testosterone, 7% contained pro-hormones of nandrolone, and 25% contained compounds related to both. Forty-nine of the supplements contained only one steroid, but 45 contained more than one, with eight products containing ve or more different steroid products. According to the labels on the products, the countries of manufacture of all supplements containing steroids were the USA, the Netherlands, the UK, Italy and Germany; however, these products were purchased in other countries. In fact, 1020% of products purchased in Spain and Austria were found to be contaminated. Just over 20% of the products made by companies selling pro-hormones were positive for undeclared pro-hormones, but 10% of products from companies that did not sell steroid-containing supplements were also positive. The brand names of the positive products were not provided in the study, but included amino acid supplements, protein powders, and products containing creatine, carnitine, ribose, guarana, zinc, pyruvate, HMB, Tribulus terristris, herbal extracts and vitamins/minerals. It was noted that a positive urinary test for nandrolone metabolites occurs in the hours following uptake of as little of 1 g of nandrolone pro-hormones. The positive supplements contained steroid concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 190 g per gram of product. This is a major area of concern for serious athletes who compete in competitions that apply anti-doping codes, since many of these codes place liability with the athlete for ingestion of banned substances, regardless of the circumstances and the source of ingestion. As such, full penalties can be expected for a positive doping test arising from the ingestion of a banned substance that is a contaminant or undeclared ingredient of a supplement. Further information on contamination of supplements can be found in reviews by Maughan (2005) and Burke (2006).



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Athletes should make enquiries at the anti-doping agencies within their countries for advice on the specic risks identied with supplement use, and any initiatives to reduce this risk.

16.3.6 Consdisplacement of real priorities

A more subtle outcome of reliance on supplements is the displacement of the athletes real priorities. Successful sports performance is the product of superior genetics, long-term training, optimal nutrition, adequate sleep and recovery, stateof-the-art equipment and a committed attitude. These factors cannot be replaced by the use of supplements, but often appear less exciting or more demanding than the enthusiastic and emotive claims made for many supplements and sports foods. Athletes can sometimes be side-tracked from the true elements of success in search of short-cuts from bottles and packets. Most sports dietitians are familiar with individual athletes who are reliant on supplements while failing to address some of the basic elements of good training and lifestyle.

16.3.7 Special issues for the young athletes and supplement use
Success in sports involves obtaining an edge over the competition, and children and adolescents may be uniquely vulnerable to the lure of supplements. The pressure to win at all costs, extensive coverage in lay publications, and hype from manufacturers with exciting and emotive claims all play a role in the use of supplements by young athletes. The knowledge that famous athletes and other role models use or promote supplements and sports foods adds to the allure. An array of ethical issues arises in the consideration of supplement use by young athletes, including all the factors previously outlined in this section. Displaced priorities and the failure to build a foundation of sound training, diet and recovery strategies are particularly important since a long-term career in sport is underpinned by such an investment. The lack of information about the longterm safety of ingesting various compounds on a growing or developing body is a special concern. Various expert groups have made strong statements against the use of supplements by young athletes. The American Academy of Pediatrics policy statement on the use of performance enhancing substances (2005) condemns the use of ergogenic aids, including various dietary supplements, by children and adolescents. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that creatine not be used by people under 18 years of age (American College of Sports Medicine 2000). These policies are based on the unknown but potentially adverse health consequences of some supplements and the implications of supplement use on the morals of a young athlete. Many people consider supplements to be an entry point to the decision to take more serious compounds, including prohibited drugs.


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16.4 Finding proof of the efcacy of supplements and sports foods

The process of substantiating the performance benets or outcomes from supplement use is difcult. To various audiences, proof comes in different forms, including testimonials from satised customers and scientic theories that predict the outcome from the use of a product. On evaluation, however, these methods are awed in their ability to provide denite support for the actions of a supplement. The scientic trial remains the best option for measuring the potential benets of the use of a product. Nevertheless, the limitations of scientic studies need to be understood before a full interpretation of the results can be applied to real-life sport.

16.4.1 Scientic theories

The current focus of the sports supplement industry is on compounds and nutrients that act as cofactors, intermediary metabolites or stimulants of key reactions in exercise metabolism. The rationale behind supplementation is that if the system is supercharged with additional amounts of these compounds, metabolic processes will proceed faster or for longer time, thus enhancing sports performance. The marketing of many contemporary supplements is accompanied by sophisticated descriptions of metabolic pathways and biochemical reactions, with claims that enhancement of these will lead to athletic success. In some cases, these descriptions are supplemented with data from studies on patients with an inherited deciency of these compoundsthese patients respond when supplementation is able to correct their deciency. To the scientist, a theory that links an increased level of a compound with performance enhancement may be a hypothesis that is worthy of testing, but it does not constitute proof for the idea. However, to the public, a hypothesis can be made to sound like a fait accompli, and athletes can be induced to buy products on the strength of a scientic breakthrough that exists only on paper. In an era when sports scientists feel challenged by the apparent sophistication of the scientic theories presented by supplement companies, it is unlikely that athletes will possess sufcient scientic knowledge to be critical of these proposals. While a supercharging hypothesis may appear plausible at rst glance, there are many reasons why it may not occur. Other issues to be considered include:
r Will oral ingestion of the compound increase concentrations at the sites that

are critical? r Does the present level of compound fall below the critical level for optimal metabolism? r Is this reaction the rate-limiting step in metabolism or are other reactions setting the pace?



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A scientic theory or hypothesis should be developed and ne-tuned before setting up a supplementation study. Since studies are expensive in time, money and resources, it is important that ideas that make it to trial are based on sound logic. But while a scientic theory should be developed in preparation for a study (or to explain the data collected in a study), it cannot be accepted as proof of the efcacy of a supplement until veried by actual research.

16.4.2 Anecdotal support

Testimonials provide a powerful force in the advertising and marketing of sports supplements, particularly in the case of products that target the body-building or resistance-training industry. This is also true of supplements sold through multi-level marketing schemes, where individual distributors are encouraged to have a personal story of how the product has enhanced their life. Testimonials for supplements and sports foods highlight the successful health or performance outcomes that people have achieved, allegedly as a result of their use of a supplement product. Often famous athletes or media stars supply these testimonials, but sometimes they also feature the exploits of everyday people. Although people sometimes receive payment for their testimonials, in other cases the endorsement for a supplement is provided by hearsay, observation or direct recommendation from a satised customer. Successful athletes and teams are perpetually being asked to nominate the secrets of their success by peers, fans or the media. In the following reviews of well-known ergogenic aids, there are many examples where public interest in a product can be traced back to the recommendation or testimonial of a winning sportsperson. It is hard for athletes to understand that success in sport results from a complicated and multi-factorial recipe, and that even the most successful athletes may not fully appreciate the factors behind their prowess. In many cases, it is likely that the athlete has succeeded without the effects of the supplements they are takingand in some cases, perhaps, in spite of them! Unsupported beliefs and superstition are key reasons behind many decisions to use supplements. The idea that everyone is doing it provides a powerful motivation to the athlete contemplating a new product. Sometimes, this manifests as a fear that others may have a winning edge that I dont have. The ad hoc and undiscriminating patterns of supplement use reported by some athletes are testament to the power of word of mouth. Of course, the anecdotal experiences of athletes may be useful when considering the scientic investigation of a supplement. These experiences may support the case for expending resources on a study, or help in deciding on protocols for using a supplement or for measuring the outcomes. However, by itself, a selfreported experience provides very weak support for the benets of a supplement. Many of the benets perceived by athletes who try a new supplement result from the psychological boost or placebo effect that accompanies a new experience or special treatment.


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16.4.3 The scientic trial

The scientic trial remains the gold standard for investigating the effects of dietary supplements and nutritional ergogenic aids on sports performance. Scientists undertaking scientic trials should test the effects of the supplement in a context that simulates sports performance as closely as possible. Additional studies might be needed to elucidate the mechanisms by which these effects occur, but, overall, sports science research must be able to deliver answers to questions related to real-life sport. It is beyond the scope of this chapter to fully explore the characteristics of good research design. However, there are many variables that interfere with the outcomes of research and need to be considered. Table 16.1 summarises the Table 16.1 Factors in conducting research on supplements and sports foods
Factors to consider in designing a research protocol to select independent and dependent variables of importance r Subject variablesage, gender, level of training, nutritional status r Measurement variablesvalidity and reproducibility of techniques, costs, availability of equipment, subjective versus objective measures, application to the hypothesis being tested r Study designacute versus chronic supplementation, lab versus eld, blinding of subjects and researchers, crossover versus parallel group design, placebo control r Supplementation protocolstiming and quantity of doses, duration of the supplementation period Strategies to undertake to eliminate or standardise the variables that might otherwise confound the results of a supplement study r Recruit well-trained athletes as the subjects level of training may alter the effect of the supplement and will affect the precision of measurement of performance. r Incorporate the use of a placebo treatment to overcome the psychological effect of supplementation. r Use repeated measures or crossover design to increase statistical power; each subject acts as their own control by undertaking both treatment and placebo. r Allow a suitable wash-out period between treatments. r Randomly assign subjects to treatment and placebo groups and counter-balance the order of treatment. r Employ a double-blind allocation of treatments to remove the subjective bias of both researcher and subjects. r Standardise the pre-trial training and dietary status of subjects. r Design the parallel conditions to mimic real-life practices of athletes. r Choose measurement variables that are sufciently reliable to allow changes due to the supplement to be detected, and that are applicable to the hypothesis being tested. r Choose a performance test that is highly reliable and applicable to the real-life performances of athletes. r Choose a supplementation protocol that maximises the likelihood of a positive outcome. r Interpret the results in light of what is important to sports performance.



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issues that need to be addressed to control for these variables, along with other issues to consider in designing trials to test the effects of supplements on sports performance. Several factors that are important to consider in the interpretation of results will now be discussed. Are we testing the athletes denition of improvement?

In the world of sport, the difference between winning and losing can be measured in hundredths of seconds and millimetres. To the athlete or coach, that hundredth of a second or millimetre seems a meaningful improvement in performance. This helps to explain why supplements that promise a performance boost are greeted with such enthusiasmthe chance of the tiniest improvement seems worth their investment. Unfortunately, the traditional framework of sports science research works on a different basis. The scientist aims to detect (declare statistically signicant) an effect, with acceptably low rates for detection of nonexistent effects (5%) and failed detection of a real effect (20%). Most scientic investigations of supplements are biased towards rejecting the hypothesis that the product enhances performance, due to small sample sizes and performancetesting protocols with low reliability. In effect, most intervention studies are able to detect only large differences in performance outcomes. Changes that are smaller than this large effect are declared to be not statistically signicant and are dismissed. Hopkins and colleagues attempted to nd some middle ground between what scientists and athletes consider signicant (Hopkins et al. 1999). First, they established that an athletes required improvement is not the tiny margin between the place-getters in a race (also known as between-athlete variation). Each athlete has their own day-to-day or event-to-event variability in performance, known as the within-athlete variation or coefcient of variation (CV) of performance. This variation would inuence the outcome of an event if it were to be rerun without any intervention. By modelling the results of various sporting events in track and eld, Hopkins suggested that worthwhile changes to the outcome of most events require a performance change equal to 0.40.7 times the CV of performance for that event. Note that this worthwhile change does not guarantee that an athlete would win an event, but would make a reasonable change to an athletes likelihood of winningfor example, improve the probability of winning, for an athlete who has a true probability of winning the race 20% of the time, to 30%. Across a range of track and eld events, Hopkins noted that the CV of performance of top athletes was within the range of 0.55%, thus making performance changes of up to 3% important to detect (Hopkins et al. 1999). Even though worthwhile performance differences are larger than the tiny margins considered important by athletes, these changes are still outside the realms of detection for many of the studies commonly published in scientic


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journals. As discussed by Hopkins et al. (1999), a change of 0.7 of the CV in a parameter requires a sample size of about 32 for detection in a crossover study in which every athlete receives an experimental and placebo treatment. For a parallel group designed study, 128 subjects would be needed. Such sample sizes are beyond the patience and resources of most sport scientists! To bridge the gap between science and the athlete on the issue of a signicant performance change, Hopkins proposed a new approach to reporting and interpreting the results of intervention studies (Hopkins et al. 1999). He suggested that outcomes should be as a per cent change in a measure of athletic performance for example, a study may nd a 1% enhancement in time, caused by a 0.8% improvement in mean power, as a result of the use of a supplement. The reporting of the 95% condence limits for the outcome will provide the likely range of the true effect of the treatment on the average subject. For example, in our study, the 95% CI for the change in time might be 1% to +3%. This can then be interpreted in terms of the likely effect on athletes in an event. For example, the outcome in this study includes the possibility of a small decrement in performance as well as a substantial improvement in performance. Both possibilities could change the outcome of an event, and the athlete needs to consider the small risk of a negative outcome as well as the more likely chance of a noticeable improvement in nishing order. It is hoped that sports scientists will undertake such interpretations of the results of their studies. Individual responses

Notwithstanding the general variability in performance, there is evidence that some treatments cause a range of different responses in individual athletes. In some cases, the same intervention can produce favourable responses in some individuals, neutral responses in others and, sometimes, detrimental outcomes to another group. For example, research has identied that some athletes are nonresponders to caffeine or creatine supplementation (Graham & Spriet 1991; Greenhaff et al. 1994). It is useful to have metabolic or other mechanistic data to substantiate real differences in response, and to differentiate these from the general variability of performance. For example, it has been shown that subjects whose muscle creatine levels did not increase by at least 20% as a result of creatine supplementation did not show the functional changes and performance enhancements seen by the rest of the experimental group (Greenhaff et al. 1994). Studies employing simple group analysis and small sample sizes are not appropriate for situations in which there is true variability in the size and direction of the response to an intervention. Such studies will fail to detect a difference in performance, even though this is a real outcome for some subjects in the group. Ideally, studies employing large sample sizes and co-variate analysis should be used; this approach will allow real changes to be detected and may also identify



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the characteristics of individuals which predict response and non-response. At present, such studies are rare.

16.5 The AIS Sports Supplement Program

In some cases, sporting organisations or institutions make policies or programs for supplement use on behalf of athletes within their care. This may range from a single sporting team, to an entire sports program such as that of the National Collegiate Athletics Association (Burke 2001). Since 2000, the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) has implemented a supplement program for athletes within its funding program with the stated goals of:
r allowing its athletes to focus on the sound use of supplements and special r ensuring that supplements and sports foods are used correctly and appro-

sports foods as part of their special nutrition plans

priately to deliver maximum benets to the immune system, recovery and performance r giving its athletes the condence that they receive cutting edge advice and achieve state of the art nutrition practices r ensuring that supplement use does not lead to an inadvertent doping offence. A key part of the AIS program is a ranking system for supplements and sports foods, based on a risk-to-benet analysis of each product by a panel of experts in sports nutrition, medicine and science. This ranking system has four tiers, each of which has a prescribed level of use by AIS-funded athletes. Although the hierarchy of categories was developed for long-term use, there is a regular assessment of supplements and sports foods to ensure that they are placed in the category that best ts the available scientic evidence. The hierarchical system allows the program to avoid the black and white assessment that any particular product works or fails to live up to claims. Rather, the available science is reviewed to place supplements into categories ranked from what is most likely to provide a benet for little risk, to what provides least benet and a denite risk. Table 16.2 provides a summary of the AIS supplement program at the time of publication. The remainder of this chapter provides a summary of the current scientic support for a range of products within the various supplement categories.


16.5.1 Supplements in Group A of the AIS Sports Supplement Program

According to the judgements of the expert panel of the AIS Sports Supplement Program, products listed in Group A have scientic support to show that they can be used within an athletes nutritional plan to provide direct or indirect benets to performance.

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Table 16.2 Australian Institute Sport Supplement Program 2006 (see
Supplement category and explanation of use within the AIS supplement program Group A: Approved supplements r Provide a useful and timely source of energy and nutrients in the athletes diet, or r Have been shown in scientic trials to provide a performance benet, when used according to a specic protocol in a specic situation in sport. AIS Sports Supplement Panel position We know that athletes and coaches are interested in using supplements to achieve optimal performance. Our supplement program aims to focus this interest on products and protocols that have documented benets, by: r making these supplements available and accessible to the AIS athletes who will benet from their appropriate use. In particular, to provide these supplements at no cost to AIS sports programs, through systems managed by appropriate sports science/medicine departments. Strategies to provide products range from individual prescription of supplements requiring careful use (e.g. creatine) to creative programs that make valuable sports foods and everyday foods accessible to athletes in situations of nutritional need (e.g. post-exercise recovery bars) r providing education to athletes and coaches about the benecial uses of these supplements/sports foods and their appropriate use, with the emphasis on state-of-the-art sports nutrition r ensuring that supplements/sports foods used by AIS athletes carry a minimal risk of doping safety problems. Group B: Supplements under consideration Supplements may be classied as belonging to Group B if they have no substantial proof of health or performance benets, but: r remain of interest to AIS coaches or athletes r are too new to have received adequate scientic attention r have preliminary data that hint at possible benets. AIS Sports Supplement Panel position These supplements can be used at the AIS under the auspices of a controlled scientic trial or a supervised therapeutic program. Products included in category

r Sports drinks r Liquid meal supplements r Sports gels r Sports bars r Caffeine r Creatine r Bicarbonate r Anti-oxidants: vitamin C, vitamin E r Sick pack (zinc and vitamin C) r Multivitamin/mineral supplement r Iron supplement r Calcium supplement r Glycerol (for hyperhydration) r Electrolyte replacement

r Echinacea r Glutamine r Hydroxymethylbutyrate (HMB) r Colostrum r Probiotics r Ribose




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Table 16.2 (Continued )

Supplement category and explanation of use within the Products included in AIS supplement program category Group C: Supplements that have no clear proof of benecial effects r Amino acids (these can be This category contains the majority of supplements and sports products promoted to athletes. Supplements not provided by everyday foods specically listed within this system probably belong or sports foods in Group A) r Ginseng here. r Garlic These supplements, despite enjoying a cyclical pattern of r Cordyceps popularity and widespread use, have not been proven r Nitric oxide stimulators to enhance sports performance or recovery. r Inosine In some cases these supplements have been shown to r Coenzyme Q10 impair sports performance or health, with a clear r Cytochrome C mechanism to explain these results. r Carnitine AIS Sports Supplement Panel position r Bee pollen In the absence of proof of benets, these supplements r Gamma-oryzanol and should not be provided to AIS athletes from AIS ferulic acid program budgets. r Chromium picolinate If an individual athlete or coach wishes to use a r Pyruvate supplement from this category, they may do so r Vitamin B12 injections providing: r Injectable forms of other r they are responsible for payment for this supplement vitamins r any sponsorship arrangements are within guidelines of r Oxygenated water AIS marketing r All supplements from r the supplement brand has been assessed for doping network marketing safety and considered low risk, and companies r the use is reported to an AIS sports dietitian or r Most of the other physician. supplements not listed in this system Group D: Banned supplements These supplements are either directly banned by the WADA anti-doping code or provide a high risk of producing a positive doping outcome. AIS Sports Supplement Panel position These supplements should not be used by AIS athletes.


r Androstenedione r DHEA r 19-norandrostenedione and 19-norandrostenediol r Tribulus terristris and other herbal testosterone supplements r Ephedra r Strychnine Sports foods and dietary supplements that achieve nutritional goals
Sports foods that provide a practical way to meet goals of sports nutrition are among the most valuable special products available to athletes. Table 16.3

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summarises the major classes of sports foods together with the situations or goals of sports nutrition that they can be used to address. Substantiation for many of these nutrition goals is well accepted and often includes situations where a measurable enhancement of performance can be detected as a result of the correct use of the sports food. More detail about the uses of these products can be found in various chapters throughout this text (see Table 16.3 for cross-referencing). Although most sports foods have specialised uses in sport, some products (for example, sports drinks) have crossed successfully into the general market. As long as consumers are prepared to pay the appropriate price for a niche product and sports nutrition messages are left intact, most sports nutrition experts are not unduly concerned by this outcome. In fact, there is some support for the use of products such as sports drinks by weekend warriors and recreational exercisers, since the benets of uid intake and carbohydrate replacement during a workout are determined by the physiology of exercise rather than the calibre of the person who is exercising. In fact, most studies of sports drinks have been undertaken on moderately-to-well-trained performers rather than elite athletes; therefore, where evidence of a performance benet does exist, it is directly relevant to these sub-elite populations. Vitamin and mineral supplements that are used to correct or prevent a suboptimal nutrient status can also be considered as supplements that help an athlete achieve their nutritional goals. These include multivitamin, iron and calcium supplements used in specic situations or individuals (see Table 16.3). Caffeine
Caffeine is a drug that enjoys social acceptance and widespread use around the world. This acceptance now includes its use in competitive sport following the removal of caffeine from the WADA list of prohibited substances in January 2004. Caffeine is the best known member of the methyl xanthines, a family of naturally occurring stimulants found in the leaves, nuts and seeds of a number of plants. Major dietary sources of caffeine such as tea, coffee, chocolate, cola and energy drinks typically provide 30100 mg of caffeine per serve, whereas some non-prescriptive medications contain 100200 mg of caffeine per tablet. The recent introduction of caffeine (or guarana) to energy drinks, confectionery and sports foods/supplements has increased the opportunities for athletes to consume caffeine, either as part of their everyday diet or for specic use as an ergogenic aid. The complex range of actions of caffeine on the human body has been extensively researched (Tarnopolsky 1994; Spriet 1997; Graham 2001a, 2001b; Fredholm et al. 1999). Briey, caffeine has several effects on skeletal muscle, involving calcium handling, sodiumpotassium pump activity, elevation of cyclicAMP and direct action on enzymes such as glycogen phosphorylase (see Chapter 1). Increased catecholamine action, and the direct effect of caffeine on cyclicAMP, may both act to increase lipolysis in adipose and muscle tissue, causing



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Table 16.3 Sports foods and dietary supplements used to meet nutritional goals
Supplement Sports drink Form Powder or liquid Composition 58% CHO Sports-related use Chapter Optimum delivery of 13 uid + CHO during exercise Post-exercise 14 rehydration Post-exercise refuelling 14 Supplement high-CHO training diet Carbohydrate loading Post-exercise CHO recovery May be used during exercise when CHO needs exceed uid requirements Rapid and effective rehydration following dehydration undertaken for weight-making Replacement of large sodium losses during ultra-endurance activities Rapid and effective rehydration following moderate to large uid and sodium decits (e.g. post-exercise) Supplement high energy/CHO/nutrient diet (especially during heavy training/competition or weight gain) 14

Sports gel

Gel 3040g sachets or larger tubes

1025 mmol/L sodium 35 mmol/L potassium 6070% CHO (25 g CHO per sachet) Some contain MCTs or caffeine

12 14 13

Electrolyte replacement supplements

Powder sachets or tablets

2% CHO 5760 mmol/L sodium 1020 mmol/L potassium



Liquid meal supplement


Powder (mix with water or milk) or liquid

11.5 kcal/mL 1520% protein 5070% CHO low to moderate fat vitamins/ minerals: 5001000 mL supplies RDI/RDAs




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Table 16.3 (Continued )

Supplement Form Composition Sports-related use Low-bulk meal replacement (especially pre-event meal) Post-exercise recoveryprovides CHO, pro- and micronutrients Portable nutrition for travelling athlete CHO source during exercise Post-exercise recoveryprovides CHO, protein and micronutrients Supplements high energy/CHO/nutrient diet Portable nutrition (travelling) Chapter 12 4, 14

23 13

Sports bar

Bar (50 60 g)

Vitamin/ mineral supplement

Capsule/ tablet

4050 g CHO 510 g protein Usually low in fat and bre Vitamins/ minerals: 50100% of RDA/RDIs May contain creatine, amino acids Broad range 14 RDI/RDAs of vitamins and minerals

5, 14 14 23

Iron supplement

Capsule/ tablet

Calcium supplement


Ferrous sulfate/ gluconate/ fumarate Calcium carbonate/ phosphate/ lactate

Micronutrient support for low-energy or weight-loss diet Micronutrient support for restricted variety diets (e.g. vegetarian diet) Micronutrient support for unreliable food supply (e.g. travelling athlete) Heavy competition schedule where normal eating patterns may be disrupted Supervised management of iron deciency (including treatment and prevention) Calcium supplementation in low-energy or low dairy food diet? Treatment/ prevention of osteopenia






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an increase in plasma free fatty acid concentrations and increased availability of intramuscular triglyceride. It has been proposed that an increased potential for fat oxidation during moderate-intensity exercise promotes glycogen sparing. However, studies have found this effect to be short-lived or conned to certain individuals, and are unable to explain the ergogenic effects seen with caffeine supplementation (for review, see section 15.8.1). Caffeine may also inuence athletic performance via central nervous system effects, such as a reduced perception of effort or an enhanced recruitment of motor units. Breakdown products of caffeine such as paraxanthine and theophylline may also have actions within the body. Caffeine supplementation is a complex issue to investigate due to the difculty in isolating individual effects of caffeine, and the potential for variability between subjects. The effect of caffeine on exercise performance has received extensive scientic attention for almost a century (Rivers 1907), with recent excellent reviews including Spriet (1997), Graham (2001a, 2001b) and Doherty and Smith (2004, 2005). Due to the large volume and turnover of such research we will present our summary of the available peer-reviewed literature as a continually updated online publication at the following website ( This resource includes a tabulation of the results of studies of caffeine supplementation and exercise/sports performance, divided according to the type of exercise task and the method of administration of caffeine administration. Some of the key information from this resource will now be presented to summarise our current knowledge of the effects of the quantity, timing and source of caffeine on exercise performance.
Caffeine dose


An obvious interest of athletes is to nd the dose of caffeine that elicits the greatest benet to their specic performance for the minimum level of risk or side effect. Unfortunately, it is difcult to conduct this analysis across all of the available literature due to the mixture of studies providing caffeine in absolute doses (for example, 250 mg caffeine) and relative doses (for example, 3 mg/kg body mass of caffeine) across populations of differing body sizes. When including studies using an absolute dose protocol in our tabulated summary of caffeine and exercise performance, we have tried to include an approximate value of the caffeine intake per kilogram of body mass. However, this gure is calculated from the mean weight of the subjects within that study so care should be taken with any interpretation. Studies that have investigated a doseresponse relationship with caffeine supplementation, by examining the performance outcomes following the intake of different doses of caffeine by the same subjects, have been isolated for specic comment (see Table 16.4). These include a number of brief high-intensity performance (<20 minutes) in relatively untrained (Dodd et al. 1991; Perkins et al. 1975) and trained subjects (Anderson et al. 2000; Bruce et al. 2000). In untrained

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subjects, the data show that caffeine supplementation in any dose fails to provide a detectable change in exercise capacity. However, in the studies undertaken by trained subjects who were familiarised to the performance protocol (Anderson et al. 2000; Bruce et al. 2000), 6 and 9 mg/kg of caffeine had similarly positive effects on a time trial performance. In events of slightly longer duration (1 hour) the effects of caffeine supplementation appear more consistent. Similar benets to endurance or performance were identied at caffeine doses of 5, 9 and 13 mg/kg (Pasman et al. 1995) and at 3 and 6 mg/kg (Graham & Spriet 1995). Kovacs and colleagues (1998) demonstrated a threshold of the performance benets to a cycling time trial at a caffeine dose of 3.2 mg/kg dose (that is, no further benet with 4.5 mg/kg). Whereas caffeine did not have a detectable benet to the performance of a half-marathon in the heat at intakes of 5 or 7 mg/kg (Cohen et al. 1996), Cox and co-workers (2002) found that intakes of as little as 12 mg/kg caffeine enhanced the performance of a time trial at the end of 2 hours of cycling to the same degree as an intake of 6 mg/kg. In some trials (Graham & Spriet 1995), large amounts of caffeine (9 mg/kg) reduced endurance compared to smaller doses. Overall, it appears that, for the performance of events lasting 1 hour or longer, benets are seen at low doses of caffeine (13 mg/kg), and there do not seem to be further benets at doses higher than this. Further research of this type is warranted so that athletes can identify the smallest dose of caffeine that produces a worthwhile benet to their performance.
Timing of intake of caffeine

Caffeine is rapidly absorbed, reaching peak concentrations in the blood within 1 hour after ingestion (for a review of caffeine pharmacokinetics see Fredholm et al. 1999). This explains why the traditional approach to caffeine supplementation has been to consume the caffeine dose 1 hour prior to exercise. In the case of prolonged exercise (>60 minutes), this protocol of intake is often associated with a benet to endurance or performance, whereas the effect on shorter term high-intensity exercise is less consistent (see the tables on caffeine supplementation at Whether this relates to the real outcome, the reliability of the exercise in allowing changes to performance to be detected, or the timing of the intake of caffeine is unknown. Caffeine is slowly catabolised (half life 46 hours) and individuals maintain peak concentrations for 34 hours (Graham 2001a, 2001b). Studies have reported that the ergogenic benets of caffeine may be sustained for up to 6 hours postingestion (Bell & McLellan 2002), even after a prior bout of exhaustive exercise (Bell & McLellan 2003). Although early studies (Ivy et al. 1979) demonstrated the potential benets of consuming caffeine both before and throughout an exercise task, it is only recently that there has been a renewed interest in investigating the effects of divided or progressive doses of caffeine during exercise (Kovacs et al. 1998;






Enhanced performance Summary No detectable effects on RPE or performance at either dose compared with placebo trial No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 mg/kg enhanced TT performance by 3% independently of timing of intake. Similar performance enhancement achieved by consumption of smaller dose of caffeine during last third of exercise protocol (e.g. when athlete is fatiguing). Study B conrmed ndings of ergogenic benets of 1 2 mg/kg caffeine, attributing most of the benet of consuming Coca-cola late in exercise due to caffeine (13 mg/100 mL) rather than increased intake of CHO compared with sports drinks (11% versus 6%)




Table 16.4 Doseresponse studies of caffeine on exercise performance using placebo-controlled crossover design (for updates see

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Reference Exercise protocol Subjects Caffeine dose Protocols >60 minutes exercise, caffeine taken 1 hour pre-exercise Cohen et al. Running 5 male & 2 female 0, 5 and 9 mg/kg r half-marathon (1996) trained runners in hot conditions Protocols >60-minute event, caffeine taken 1 hour pre-exercise and during exercise Cox et al. Cycling Study A: 12 Study A: r 2 hours (70% r placebo (2002) well-trained r 6 mg/kg 1 hour male cyclists/ VO2 peak ) + TT triathletes pre-exercise r 6 1 mg/kg @ 20Study B: 8 well-trained minute intervals during male cyclists/ exercise r 12 g/kg caffeine triathletes @ 100140 minutes of exercise (2 5 mL/kg Coca-cola) Study B: Double-blind placebo presentation of cola drinks r 6% CHO, no caffeine r 11% CHO, no caffeine r 6% CHO, 13 mg/100 mL caffeine r 11% CHO, 13 mg/100 mL caffeine




3060-minute event, Caffeine taken 1 hour pre-exercise Pasman et al. Cycling 9 well-trained r 80% Wmax to (1995) male cyclists exhaustion 0, 5, 9 and 13 mg/kg Yes

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Graham and Spriet (1995) 8 well-trained male runners 0, 3, 6, 9 mg/kg Yes (3 AND 6 mg/kg only)

Running r 85% VO2 max to exhaustion


Time to exhaustion was 27% longer in caffeine trials. No greater gains with increasing caffeine doses. Large individual variation in urinary caffeine concentrations following the intake of a given dose of caffeine. Endurance improved by 22% with both 3 and 6 mg/kg but outcome with 9 mg/kg not signicantly different to placebo. Highest dose of caffeine had the greatest effect on epinephrine and metabolites, yet had the least effect on performance. Yes


3060 minute event, caffeine intake before and during exercise Kovacs et al. Cycling 15 well-trained 0, 2.1, 3.2 and 4.5 mg/kg r 60 minutes (1998) male cyclists Doses divided between 75 min TT pre-exercise and 20 and 40 minutes during TT

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Addition of caffeine to CHO/ electrolyte drinks improved 60 minute TT performance at all levels of intake. Improvement with 3.2 and 4.5 mg/kg caffeine doses equal, and greater than improvement with 2.1 mg/kg. Urinary concentrations of caffeine remained below 12 g/mL in all subjects at all doses. (Cont.)





Summary Caffeine consistently extended time to fatigue (21.7 8.1 minutes versus 27.0 8.4 for placebo and caffeine respectively). Exercise capacity was improved regardless of caffeine dose, or whether trial was preceded by intake of coffee, decaffeinated coffee or placebo (brown water). Time to exhaustion unaffected by caffeine dose or intake history. Caffeine-naive subjects showed heightened HR and ventilatory responses.




Table 16.4 (Continued )

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Enhanced Reference Exercise protocol Subjects Caffeine dose performance 20-minute events, caffeine taken 1 hour pre-exercise (unless stated) McLellan and Cycling 9 male + 4 female Coffee consumed 1.5 hours prior to Yes r 80% VO2 max Bell (2004) untrained exercise + capsules 30 minutes to exhaustion subjects; later r Decaf coffee + placebo habitual r Decaf coffee + caffeine (5 mg/kg) caffeine users r Coffee (1.1 mg/kg) + caffeine (5 mg/kg) r Coffee (1.1 mg/kg) + caffeine (3 g/kg) r Coffee (1.1 mg/kg) + caffeine (7 mg/kg) r Brown water (placebo coffee) + caffeine (5 mg/kg) 17 moderately 0, 3 and 5 mg/kg No Dodd et al. Cycling r Incremental test trained male (1991) to exhaustion subjects (8 caffeine naive and 9 habitual caffeine users)





5-minute events, caffeine 1 hour pre-exercise Perkins and Cycling 14 female r Incremental test Williams undergraduate (1975) to exhaustion students 0, 4, 7 and 10 mg/kg caffeine consumed 30 minutes prior No 8 well-trained female rowers 0, 6 and 9 mg/kg Yes



Anderson et al. Rowing 2000 m (2000) TT



Bruce et al. (2000) 8 well-trained female rowers 0, 6 and 9 mg/kg

Rowing r 2000 m TT


No effect on performance, HR or RPE either at submaximal or maximal intensities with any caffeine dose Dose-dependent improvements in time and power, especially in rst 500 m of TT. High dose achieved 1.3% improvement and moderate dose achieved 0.7% reduction in time to complete task. Reduction in RER seen with 6 mg/kg only. No effects on RPE. 6 mg/kg achieved 1.3% improvement, 9 mg/kg achieved 1.0% improvement in TT performance. Changes in RER values during submaximal exercise but similar values during the TT.

February 1, 2006

Sprint events No studies available



RER = respiratory exchange ratio, RPE = rating of perceived exertion, TT = time trial, HR = heart rate



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Cox et al. 2002; Hunter et al. 2002; Conway et al. 2003). Conway and coworkers (2003) investigated the performance of a time trial following 90 minutes of submaximal cycling with supplementation of 6 mg/kg caffeine, either 1 hour pre-trial or 3 mg/kg pre-trial and 3 mg/kg at 45 minutes of exercise (= 3 + 3 mg/kg). There was a large reduction (that is, an improvement) in the mean time to complete the task (28.3, 24.2 and 23.4 minutes for placebo, 6 mg/kg and 3 + 3 mg/kg, respectively); however, differences between trials were not found to be statistically signicant (see section We recently showed that similar performance benets of a 3% improvement in time-trial performance were achieved when six doses of caffeine of 1 mg/kg were spread throughout a 2-hour submaximal cycling bout prior to the TT, when 6 mg/kg of caffeine was consumed 1 hour prior to the cycling bout, or when small amounts of caffeine (1.5 mg/kg) were consumed over the last third of the protocol (Cox et al. 2002; see Table 16.4). It may be that subjects become more sensitive to small amounts of caffeine as they become fatigued. Further investigations are required to conrm this and the potential for strategic timing of intake of caffeine in various sporting and exercise activities.
Source of caffeine


A number of studies have investigated the effects of caffeine on exercise, using coffee as the source of caffeine (that is, providing subjects with decaffeinated coffee added caffeine) (Costill et al. 1978; Wiles et al. 1992; Trice & Haymes 1995; Graham et al. 1998; Vanakoski et al. 1998; McLellan & Bell 2004). The results of these studies have shown that coffee intake can both enhance performance (Costill et al. 1978; Wiles et al. 1992; Trice & Haymes 1995; McLellan & Bell 2004) and fail to have a detectable effect (Graham et al. 1998; Vanakoski et al. 1998). Only two of these studies (Graham et al. 1998; McLellan & Bell 2004) included trials in which the performance responses to caffeinated coffee were compared to responses to pure caffeine. Graham and co-workers found that runners increased their treadmill running time to exhaustion following the intake of caffeine compared to their endurance following the intake of the same amount of caffeine consumed in coffee. The differences in performance occurred despite similar appearance rates of caffeine and other caffeine metabolites; it has been suggested that other components within coffee might antagonise the responses to the caffeine or counteract its ergogenic effects by directly impairing performances. However, McLellan and Bell (2004) demonstrated that the consumption of one cup of coffee (either decaffeinated or caffeinated) prior to the consumption of pure caffeine failed to dampen the ergogenic effect gained from the larger caffeine doses (see Table 16.4). Further research is needed on this issue, since in the real world, athletes often consume coffee before competing or training, either as part of their normal social and dietary patterns, or as an intentional source of caffeine as an ergogenic aid.

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Food tables generally provide a range for the typical caffeine content of coffee, to account for the variable quantities of caffeine in the coffee bean and differences in the way that coffee drinks are prepared for consumption by individualseven among the same type of drink prepared under seemingly standard conditions. For example, we have recently demonstrated larger than anticipated variations in the caffeine content of an individual serve of retail preparations using ground coffee. We found that the caffeine content of a single espresso purchased from a large number of separate outlets varied from 25 to 214 mg/serve (Desbrow, in review). This unexpectedly large, and otherwise unknown, variation in the caffeine content of coffee and the potential interaction between the caffeine and other active ingredients in coffee (for example, derivates of the chlogogenic acids) suggest that coffee should not be the preferred source of caffeine for athletes. Only one study (Cox et al. 2002) has investigated the effect of the use of cola-containing beverages on the performance of endurance cycling, to mimic the patterns practised in real life where athletes consume a sports (carbohydrateelectrolyte) drink for the rst two-thirds of their event before switching to dezzed cola drinks. As summarised in Table 16.4, we found that the consumption of 750 mL of Coca-cola towards the end of our cycling protocol enhance the performance of a time trial to a similar extent as larger amounts of caffeine. A separate study was then conducted to test whether this effect was achieved by the presence of the caffeine (12 mg/kg BM) or the increase in carbohydrate concentration between the cola and sports drink. The second study conrmed the nding of a 3% enhancement of performance of the time trial with the intake of Coca-cola towards the end of the trial, nding that the majority of this effect (2%, P < 0.05) could be explained by the caffeine content (Cox et al. 2002). Similarly, a single study has been published on the effects of caffeine on exercise when ingested in the form of an energy drink (Alford et al. 2001). This study reported that the consumption of Red Bull Energy Drink (a carbohydratecontaining drink with the additional ingredients of caffeine, taurine and glucuronolactone) enhanced the performance of a battery of tests, including measures of aerobic and anaerobic performance, and psychomotor traits. Unfortunately, this study did not distinguish the contribution of caffeine, and the authors concluded that the results reected the effects of the combination of ingredients.
Summary of caffeine and exercise r There is sound evidence that caffeine enhances endurance and provides a small but worthwhile enhancement of performance over a range of exercise protocols. There is still no consensus on the mechanism to explain this performance improvement, but it is unlikely to result from the so-called metabolic theory (increase in fat oxidation and sparing of glycogen utilisation during exercise).



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Instead, altered perception of fatigue and effort, or direct effects on the muscle, may underpin performance changes. Most studies of caffeine and performance have been undertaken in laboratories; studies that investigate performance effects in elite athletes under eld conditions or during real-life sports events are scarce. Caffeine may enhance competition performance, but is also likely to be a useful training aid, allowing the athlete to undertake better and more consistent training. r There is evidence, particularly from recent studies, that benecial effects from caffeine intake occur at very modest levels of intake (13 mg/kg BM or 70 150 mg caffeine), when caffeine is taken before and/or during exercise. Furthermore, there is little evidence of a doseresponse relationship to caffeinethat is, performance benets do not appear to increase with increases in the caffeine dose. This information is an advance on the traditional caffeine supplementation protocols, which provided intakes of 69 mg/kg BM (for example, 400600 mg) 1 hour prior to the exercise. Further research is needed to dene the range of caffeine intake protocols that provide performance enhancements across various sports or exercise activities. r The effects of caffeine supplementation differ between individuals. Some people are non-responders and some people experience negative side effects such as tremors, increased heart rate, headaches and impaired sleep. Such side effects are more common at higher dosesfor example, exceeding 69 mg/kg BM. These side effects may cause a direct impairment of performance. They may also indirectly impair exercise outcomesfor example, disturb the sleep patterns of athletes who compete in a multi-day sport and need to recover between days of competition. r Coffee is not an ideal vehicle for caffeine supplementation by athletes, because of the variability of caffeine content and the possible presence of chemicals that impair exercise performance. Furthermore, there is a lack of investigations of the effects of available caffeine sources, such as cola drinks, energy drinks and caffeinated sports products, compared to those of pure caffeine. Therefore many athletes may nd it difcult to apply the results of caffeine studies to their real world scenarios. Creatine
When the rst edition of this book was written in 1994, creatine was the latest hot supplement, with testimonials from gold medal winners at the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games. However, unlike many supplements that draw the attention of athletes, creatine enjoyed some scientic support, with the 1992 publication of a study that showed that muscle creatine stores could be increased by the intake of large doses of an oral source of creatine (Harris et al. 1992). Since then, creatine supplements have become a phenomenon in sports nutritionan ergogenic aid that records huge annual sales and has been the topic of over 200 investigations, book chapters and reviews. It is not often that scientists and athletes are excited


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by the same product. The coincidental rise of the Internet has assisted the rapid spread of scientic and testimonial information. Although some lay publications and manufacturers have labelled creatine as a legal steroid, this is an incorrect and unfair comparison. In fact, creatine is a muscle fuel, and the ability of creatine supplementation to increase muscle creatine stores makes it similar to CHO loading. Creatine (methylguanidine-acetic acid) is a compound derived from amino acids and is stored primarily in skeletal muscle at typical concentrations of 100150 mmol/kg/dry weight (dw) of muscle. About 6065% of this creatine is phosphorylated. Creatine phosphate (CrP) provides a rapid but brief source of phosphate for the resynthesis of ATP during maximal exercise, and is therefore an important fuel source in maximal sprints of 510 seconds. Other functions of creatine phosphate metabolism are the buffering of hydrogen ions produced during anaerobic glycolysis and the transport of ATP, generated by aerobic metabolism, from the muscle cell mitochondria to the cytoplasm where it can be utilised for muscle contraction. Creatine metabolism is covered in more detail in Chapter 1 and in reviews of creatine metabolism and supplementation (Spriet 1997; Greenhaff 2000, 2001; Hespel et al. 2001). The daily turnover of creatine, eliminated as creatinine, is approximately 1 2 g/day. This can be partially replaced from dietary creatine intake, found in animal muscle products such as meat and eggs, and typically consumed in amounts of 12 g/day in an omnivorous diet. Additional creatine needs are endogenously synthesised from arginine, glycine and methionine, principally in the liver, and transported to the muscle for uptake. Creatine is transported into the muscle against a high concentration gradient, via saturable transport processes that are stimulated by insulin (Green et al. 1996a, 1996b). High dietary intakes temporarily suppress endogenous creatine production. Vegetarians who do not consume a dietary source of creatine are believed to have a reduced body creatine store, suggesting that they do not totally compensate for the lack of dietary intake (Green et al. 1997). The reason for the variability of muscle creatine concentrations between individuals is uncertain. There are some suggestions that females typically have higher muscle creatine concentrations (Forsberg et al. 1991) and it appears that creatine stores decline with ageing. The effect of training on creatine concentrations also requires further study.
Protocols for creatine supplementation

The watershed study by Harris and colleagues showed that muscle creatine levels were increased as a result of supplementation with repeated doses of creatine, large enough to sustain plasma creatine levels above the threshold for maximal creatine transport into the muscle cell (Harris et al. 1992). The protocol provided four to six doses of 5 g creatine (monohydrate) for 5 days to increase total muscle creatine concentrations by 20%, and reach an apparent muscle threshold of 150160 mmol/kg dw. About 20% of the increased muscle creatine content was stored as CrP and saturation occurred after 23 days. Increases in muscle



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creatine stores were greatest in those who had the lowest pre-supplementation concentrations and when coupled with intensive daily exercise. Although this discovery appears to be recent, in fact, studies showing that oral creatine doses are largely retained in the body were available 80 years ago (Chanutin 1926). However, it is only now that muscle biopsy procedures and imaging techniques are available to enable scientists to monitor muscle stores of creatine and investigate the success of creatine loading protocols. Over the past decade a number of studies have rened our knowledge of supplementation protocols. Rapid loading is achieved by consuming a daily creatine dose of 20 25 g, in split doses, for 5 days. Alternatively, a daily dose of 3 g/day will achieve a slow loading over 28 days (Hultman et al. 1996). Elevated muscle creatine stores are maintained by continued daily supplementation of 23 g (Hultman et al. 1996). Across studies there is evidence that the creatine loading response varies between individuals, with 30% of individuals being non-responders or failing to signicantly increase muscle creatine stores (Spriet 1997; Greenhaff 2000). Co-ingestion of substantial amounts of CHO (75100 g) with creatine doses has been shown to enhance creatine accumulation (Green et al. 1996a, 1996b) and to assist individuals to reach the muscle creatine threshold of 160 mmol/kg dw. Creatine appears to be trapped in the muscle; in the absence of continued supplementation, it takes 45 weeks to return to resting creatine concentrations (Hultman et al. 1996). Many studies have reported an acute gain in body mass (BM) of 1 kg during rapid creatine loading. This is likely to be primarily a gain in body water, and is mirrored by a reduction in urine output during the loading days (Hultman et al. 1996).
Effects of creatine supplementation on performance

Many studies have investigated the effect of creatine supplementation on muscle function exercise and performance. Studies vary according to the characteristics of subjects (gender, age, training status), the mode of exercise, and whether supplementation involved an acute loading intervention or a chronic effect on training adaptations. It is beyond the scope of this chapter to summarise the large and growing body of literature on creatine supplementation and performance effectseven those that are carried out in trained individuals with relevance to sports activities. We will provide this information via an updated online resource ( However, we offer the following summary of this literature, and of recent reviews (Juhn & Tarnopolsky 1998a, 1998b; Kraemer & Volek 1999; Branch 2003; Rawson & Volek 2003; Bemben & Lamont 2005):


r The major benet of creatine supplementation appears to be an increase in

the rate of creatine phosphate resynthesis during the recovery between bouts of high-intensity exercise, producing higher creatine phosphate levels at the start of the subsequent exercise bout. Creatine supplementation can enhance the performance of repeated 630 s bouts of maximal exercise, interspersed with short recovery intervals (20 s to 5 minutes), where it can attenuate the

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r r

r r

normal decrease in force or power production that occurs over the course of the session. Oral creatine supplementation cannot be considered ergogenic for single-bout or rst-bout sprints because the likely benet is too small to be consistently detected. The exercise situations that have been most consistently demonstrated to benet from creatine supplementation are laboratory protocols of repeated highintensity intervals, involving isolated muscular efforts or weight-supported activities such as cycling. In theory, acute creatine supplementation might be benecial for a single competitive event in sports involving repeated high-intensity intervals with brief recovery periods. This description includes team games and racquet sports. Similarly, chronic creatine supplementation may allow the athlete to train harder at exercise programs based on repeated high-intensity exercise, and make greater performance gains. These benets may apply to the across-season performance of athletes in team and racquet sports, as well as the preparation of athletes who undertake interval training and resistance training (for example, swimmers and sprinters). For many specic sports, the benets of creatine are theoretical since few studies have been undertaken with elite athletes or as eld studies. Performance enhancements may not always occur in complex games and sports; even if changes in strength or speed are achieved by creatine-assisted training, these may not translate into improvements in game outcomes (for instance, goals scored). Evidence that creatine supplementation is of benet to endurance exercise is absent or inconsistent although it may enhance muscle glycogen storage. Acute creatine loading is associated with an increase in body mass of 0.6 1.0 kg. Performance enhancements will occur in weight-bearing and weightsensitive sports (such as light-weight rowing and rock climbing) only if gains in muscular output compensate for increases in body mass. There is variability in the performance response to creatine supplementation within and between studies. This may reect the difculty of detecting small changes in performance, individual responses to treatment or a combination of both factors. Whether the long-term gains in muscle mass reported in studies of resistance training are caused by direct stimulation of increased myobrillar protein synthesis by creatine, enhanced ability to undertake resistance training or a combination of both factors remains to be determined.


Concerns with creatine use

Whether there are side effects from long-term use of creatine, particularly with the large doses associated with rapid loading, remains to be determined. To date, there are anecdotal reports of nausea, gastrointestinal upset, headaches and muscle


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cramping/strains linked to some creatine supplementation protocols. Some of these adverse effects are plausible, particularly in light of increased water retention within skeletal muscle (and perhaps brain) cells. At this time, however, studies have failed to nd evidence of an increased prevalence or risk of these problems among creatine users (Greenwood et al. 2003, 2004; Kreider et al. 2003b). Some concern is directed to long-term creatine users, particularly those who self-medicate with doses far in excess of the recommended creatine usage protocols in this chapter. Although it is commonly suggested that creatine supplementation may cause renal impairments, these are limited to case reports in a few patients with pre-existing renal dysfunction. Longitudinal studies have reported that creatine intake had no detrimental effects on renal responses in various athletic populations (Poortmans et al. 1997; Mayhew et al. 2002). Nevertheless, until long-term and large population studies can be undertaken, bodies such as the American College of Sports Medicine have taken a cautious view on the benets and side effects of creatine supplementation (American College of Sports Medicine 2000). However, a suggestion from a French food safety agency that creatine supplementation is carcinogenic has been discredited (see Hespel et al. 2001). Creatine supplementation should be limited to well-developed athletes. Young athletes are able to make substantial gains in performance through maturation in age and training, without the need to expose themselves to the expense or small potential for long-term consequences of creatine use. Bicarbonate and citrate

Anaerobic glycolysis provides the primary fuel source for exercise of near maximal intensity lasting longer than approximately 2030 seconds. The total capacity of this system is limited by the progressive increase in the acidity of the intracellular environment, caused by the accumulation of lactate and hydrogen ions (see Chapter 1). When intracellular buffering capacity is exceeded, lactate and hydrogen ions diffuse into the extracellular space, perhaps aided by a positive pH gradient. Since the 1930s it has been recognised that dietary strategies that decrease blood pH (for example, intake of acid salts) impair high-intensity exercise, while alkalotic therapies improve such performance (Dennig et al. 1931; Dill et al. 1932). In theory, an increase in extracellular buffering capacity should delay the onset of muscular fatigue during prolonged anaerobic metabolism by increasing the muscles ability to dispose of excess hydrogen ions.
Protocols for supplementation with bicarbonate and citrate


The two most popular buffering agents are sodium bicarbonate and sodium citrate. Athletes have practised soda loading or bicarbonate loading for over 70 years, with sodium bicarbonate being ingested in the form of the household product bicarb soda or as pharmaceutical urinary alkalinisers such as Ural. The general protocol for bicarbonate loading is to ingest 0.3 g of sodium bicarbonate/kg BM 12 hours prior to exercise; this equates to 45 teaspoons of bicarb

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powder. Bicarbonate loading is not considered to pose any major health risk, although some individuals suffer gastrointestinal distress such as cramping or diarrhoea. Consuming sodium bicarbonate with plenty of water (for example, a litre or more) may help to prevent hyperosmotic diarrhoea. Sodium citrate is also usually ingested in doses of 0.30.5 g/kg BM. Bicarbonate or citrate loading is not considered a banned practice for human performances, although it is not permitted in dog or horse racing. It is difcult to detect the use of bicarbonate- or citrateloading strategies by athletes, since urinary pH varies according to dietary practices such as vegetarianism and high CHO intake (Heigenhauser & Jones 1991). Some athletes need to compete in heats, semis and nals to decide the outcome of their event. Swimmers, rowers and track athletes may compete several times over a series of days, and sometimes more than once on the same day. Whether buffering protocols can be repeated on each occasion and how such protocols are best undertaken are questions that require investigation. Issues for study include the determination of the lowest effective dose of bicarbonate or citrate, in order to minimise side effects such as gastrointestinal discomfort or disturbances to postrace recovery. After all, although an acute supplementation protocol may enhance the performance of the immediate race, side effects in the post-race period could jeopardise the outcomes of the following events. It is also important to investigate whether subsequent doses are still effective and without side effects at this level. It is possible that a lower dose may be effective in a repeated supplementation protocol, especially if the rst dose has not been completely washed out. It is also possible that a subsequent dose may have a reduced or absent effect. In this case the athlete might need to decide if the priority is to enhance performance to make the nal, or to trust that they will make the nal without aid and save any supplementation protocols for the most important race. In the case of bicarbonate, a chronic loading protocol has been investigated as an alternative to the repetition of acute protocols. McNaughton and colleagues studied the effect of 56 days of bicarbonate supplementation with a total of 500 mg/kg/day, spread into four doses over the day (McNaughton et al. 1999a; McNaughton & Thompson 2001). This protocol was found to achieve an increase in plasma base excess, which was sustained over the days of bicarbonate intake. Further, it enhanced the performance of a prolonged sprint undertaken on the 12 days after the bicarbonate supplementation ceased compared to the pre-trial performance (McNaughton & Thompson 2001). The persistence of the ergogenic outcome may be a desirable feature for sports involving a series of competition events. Alternatively, it may allow the athlete to nish their intake of bicarbonate (and the risk of gastrointestinal side effects) on the day prior to their competition, while maintaining the benet to performance.
Effect of buffering protocols on performance


Bicarbonate or citrate loading may be a useful strategy to enhance the performance of athletic events that are conducted at near maximum intensity for the duration


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of 17 minutes (for example, 4001500 m running, 100400 m swimming, kayaking, rowing and canoeing events). Sports that are dependent on repeated anaerobic bursts, such as team games, might also benet from bicarbonate loading. It is beyond the scope of this chapter to review individually the 50 or more studies of the effects of bicarbonate or citrate loading on exercise performance in humans (for reviews see Heigenhauser & Jones 1991; Linderman & Fahey 1991; McNaughton 2000). In fact, we will limit our interest to studies involving trained subjects and protocols with relevance to sport or athletic events. Nevertheless, the ndings of a meta-analysis of the general literature on bicarbonate supplementation (Matson & Tran 1993) provide some interesting insights. This analysis included 29 randomised double-blind crossover investigations of bicarbonate loading and physical performance, examining 35 effect sizes from a total pool of 285 subjects (mainly healthy male college students). There was some variation in the protocols of bicarbonate loading, with different doses and times of ingestion being employed. While cycling was the most frequently used mode of exercise, there were a variety of exercise protocols (single efforts of 30 s to 57 minutes of near maximal intensity, or repeated intervals of 1 minute with short rest times between) and a variety of performance outcomes (changes in power over a given time period, total work performed in a specied time, or time to exhaustion at a specic exercise intensity). Overall, this meta-analysis concluded that the ingestion of sodium bicarbonate has a moderate positive effect on exercise performance, with a weighted effect size of 0.44that is, the mean performance of the bicarbonate trial was, on average, 0.44 standard deviations better than the placebo trial. Overall, there was only a weak relationship reported between the increased blood alkalinity (increase in pH and bicarbonate) attained in the bicarbonate trial and the performance outcome. However, ergogenic effects were related to the level of metabolic acidosis achieved during the exercise, suggesting the importance of attaining a threshold pH gradient across the cell membrane from the combination of the accumulation of intracellular H+ and the extracellular alkalosis. Signicant variability within studies suggests that bicarbonate ingestion has an individual effect on different subjects. Popular theories about bicarbonate and citrate loading include the likelihood that anaerobically trained athletes should show less response to protocols because their intrinsic buffering capacity is already better, and the risk that performance of prolonged high-intensity exercise will be impaired if bicarbonate/citrate supplementation leads to increased rates of glycogen utilisation. However, studies that have examined bicarbonate or citrate loading using sports-specic protocols and well-trained subjects (Table 16.5) fail to support these theories. Some, but not all, studies of well-trained athletes have found performance improvements following bicarbonate/lactate loading prior to brief (110 minutes) or prolonged (3060 minutes) events involving high-intensity exercise (see Table 16.5). Until further research can clarify the range of exercise activities that might benet from bicarbonate or citrate enhancement, individual athletes are advised

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to experiment in training and minor competitions to judge their own case. It is important that experimentation is conducted in a competition-simulated environment, including the need to undertake multiple loading strategies for heats and nals of an event; the athlete needs to discover not only the potential for performance improvement but also the likelihood of unwanted side effects. Glycerol
Glycerol, a three-carbon alcohol, provides the backbone to the triglyceride molecule. It is released during lipolysis and slowly metabolised via the liver and kidneys. Athletes are interested in glycerol not for its energy potential but, rather, its role as a hyperhydration agent. Oral intake of glycerol, via glycerine or special hyperhydration supplements, achieves a rapid absorption and distribution of glycerol around all body uid compartments, adding to osmotic pressure. When a substantial volume of uid is consumed simultaneously with glycerol, there is an expansion of uid spaces and retention of this uid. Effective protocols for glycerol hyperhydration are 11.5 g/kg glycerol with an intake of 2535 mL/kg of uid. Typically, such a protocol achieves a uid expansion or retention of about 600 mL above a uid bolus alone via a reduction in urinary volume (see review by Robergs & Grifn 1998). Glycerol hyperhydration may be useful in the preparation for events that challenge uid status and thermoregulation, for example for exercise at high intensity and/or in hot and humid environments, where sweat losses are high and opportunities to replace uid are substantially less than the rates of uid loss. It may also be useful to enhance the recovery of a moderate-to-large uid decit, for example in brief recovery periods between events or important training sessions, or between the weigh-in and competition following weight making strategies in weight-division sports. Scientic investigations have focused on its potential for hyperhydrating prior to an endurance event (see Table 16.6). Some of the apparent inconsistency in the results of these investigations occurs because of differences in study methodologies. For example, some studies have investigated the effect of glycerol in assisting the body to retain larger amounts of a uid bolus consumed in the hours before exercise, whereas others have used protocols in which glycerol is consumed with only a modest uid intake (Inder et al. 1998). At present, the best-supported scenario involves the use of glycerol to maximise the retention of uid bolus just prior to an event in which a substantial uid decit cannot be prevented. In some, but not all, studies of this type, glycerol hyperhydration has been associated with performance benets, particularly in well-trained athletes (Hitchins et al. 1999; Anderson et al. 2001; Coutts et al. 2002). However, the mechanism for this effect is not clear since the theoretical advantages of increased sweat losses and greater capacity for heat dissipation, and attenuation of cardiac and thermoregulatory challenges, are not consistently seen. Further investigation is needed to replicate and explain performance benets.






Subjects 8 endurance-trained male cyclists No Dose 300 mg/kg sodium bicarbonate 2 hours pre-exercise Performance enhancement 8 endurance-trained male cyclists No Exercise protocol Cycling r 30 min @ 77% VO2 max + TT (30 minutes) 200 mg/kg, 400 mg/kg Cycling r 40 km TT including and 600 mg/kg 500-m, 1-km and sodium citrate 1 hour 2-km sprints pre-exercise 10 well-trained male cyclists Cycling r 60 min TT Yes Summary Increase in blood lactate but no difference in muscle glycogen utilisation or lactate Increasing citrate dose increased blood pH but no effect on sprint performances or overall 40 km TT performance (58:46, 60:24, 61:47 and 60:02 minutes for citrate (200, 400 and 600 mg/kg doses) and placebo) 14% more work completed with bicarbonate 8 male cyclists 300 mg/kg sodium bicarbonate 90 minutes pre-exercise 500 mg/kg sodium citrate 90 minutes pre-exercise Cycling r 30 km TT Yes Reduction in TT time (57:36 minutes versus 59:22). Sodium citrate raised pH values from 10 km onwards and improved power output in the initial 25 minutes.



Table 16.5 Placebo-controlled crossover designed studies of bicarbonate or citrate loading with relevance to sports specic performance (for updates see



Reference Stephens et al. (2002)


Schabort et al. (2000)


McNaughton et al. (1999b)

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Potteiger et al. (1996a)






Montfoort et al. (2004) Yes for bicarb Perhaps for citrate

15 competitive male distance runners

300 mg/kg sodium bicarbonate or 525 mg/kg sodium citrate 90180 minutes pre-race

Running r Treadmill run to exhaustion at speed designed to last 12 minutes


Oopik et al. (2003)

17 male collegiate distance runners

500 mg/kg sodium citrate 2 hours pre-exercise

Running r 5000 m treadmill run


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Analysis estimated likelihood of treatments increasing endurance compared to placebo by at least 0.5% (considered to be the smallest worthwhile improvement). Bicarbonate produced 2.7% enhancement of endurance (96% chance of improvement); citrate enhanced endurance by 0.5% (50% chance). Overall, authors concluded that bicarbonate is most effective, and citrate is possibly not as effective. No difference in gastrointestinal symptoms. Performance signicantly faster ( P < 0.05) for citrate trial (1153 s) compared with placebo trial (1183 s). High risk of gastrointestinal distress. Blood lactate concentration higher after race with citrate trial. (Cont.)







Subjects 7 elite male + 2 elite female athletes Yes Dose 500 mg/kg sodium citrate 1.5 hour pre-race Exercise protocol Running r 3000 m Performance enhancement 7 well-trained male runners No 300 mg/kg sodium bicarbonate and 500 mg/kg sodium citrate 2 h pre-exercise Running r 30 minutes @ LT + time to exhaustion @ 100% LT 11 collegiate female runners + 4 untrained controls Running r 600 m No Summary Performance time signicantly faster ( P < 0.05) for citrate trial (610.9 s) compared with placebo trial (621.6 s). High risk of gastrointestinal distress. Both citrate and bicarbonate supplementation increased blood pH during steady-state run. No differences in run to exhaustion: 287 s, 172.8 s, 222.3 s for bicarbonate, citrate and placebo. No performance effect despite signicant changes to acidbase status. 12 trained middle-distance runners Running r 1500 m Yes 300 mg/kg sodium citrate or sodium bicarbonate 2.5 hours pre-exercise 300 mg/kg sodium bicarbonate 90 minutes pre-exercise Performance in bicarbonate trial improved compared with placebo trial (253.9 versus 256.8 s, P < 0.05)



Table 16.5 (Continued )



Reference Shave et al. (2001)



Potteiger et al. (1996b)


Tiryaki and Atterbom (1995)

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Bird et al. (1995)






Goldnch et al. (1988) Yes

6 trained male runners

400 mg/kg sodium bicarbonate 60 minutes pre-exercise

Running r 400 m



Wilkes et al. (1983) Yes

6 varsity track male athletes

300 mg/kg sodium Running bicarbonate 2.5 hours r 800 m pre-exercise


Mero et al. (2004) 8 male + 8 female national level swimmers 30-day washout 300 mg/kg bicarbonate or gelatin placebo, 2 hours pre-exercise (6 days @ 20 g/day creatine also taken prior to bicarb trial) Yes (?) Swimming r 2 100 m swims with 10 m passive recovery


Pierce et al. (1992) 7 male collegiate swimmers

Improved running time (56.94 s versus 58.63 [placebo] and 58.46 [control]). Elevated post-exercise values for pH and base excess. Improved running time (2:02.9 minutes versus 2:05.1 [placebo] and 2:05.8 [control]). Elevated post-exercise values for pH, lactate and blood bicarbonate. Faster time for second swim with creatine/bicarb trial than with placebo: 1 s reduction in performance from rst swim in placebo compared with 0.1 s drop-off in supplement trial ( P < 0.05). Study unable to indicate individual effect of bicarbonate. No difference in swim times between trials.

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200 mg/kg bicarbonate, Swimming r 100 yards freestyle sodium chloride No r 2 200 yards swims No placebo or control, 1 hour pre-exercise 20 minutes recovery between each race (simulation of competition program)







Subjects 10 male collegiate swimmers Yes Dose 250 mg/kg sodium bicarbonate 1 hour pre-exercise Exercise protocol Swimming r 5 100 yard swim with 2 minute rest (simulation of training program) Rowing r 6 minutes maximum Yes effort on ergometer Performance enhancement 7 female team sports players 300 mg/kg sodium bicarbonate 95 minutes pre-exercise 2 200 mg/kg bicarbonate @ 90 minutes and 20 minutes pre-exercise Team sport simulation r Intermittent cycling Yes protocol of 2 36-minute halves involving repeated 2 minute blocks (all-out 4 s sprint, 100 s active recovery at 35% VO2 peak , and 20 s of rest) Summary Faster times in 4th and 5th swim ( P < 0.05). Supplementation also associated with higher post-race blood lactate concentrations. Increased work and distance rowed in bicarbonate trial (1861 m versus 1813 m). Increased lactate levels. Bicarbonate supplementation failed to produce any effect on performance in rst half, but caused trend towards improved total work in the second half ( P = 0.08). In particular, subjects completed signicantly more work in 7 of 18 4-s sprints in second half in the bicarbonate trial.



Table 16.5 (Continued )




Reference Gao et al. (1988)


McNaughton and 5 highly trained male Cedaro (1991) rowers


Bishop and Claudius (2005)

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Price et al. (2003) 8 active male runners

300 mg/kg sodium bicarbonate 1 hour pre-exercise


Team sport simulation: r Intermittent cycling Yes protocol of 30 minutes involving repeated 3-minute blocks (90 s @ 40%, 60 s @ 60% and 14 s @ 90% VO2 max )


Signicant main effect with greater PPO achieved in 14 s sprints across protocol in bicarbonate trial, whereas placebo trial showed gradual decline in PPO across time. Blood lactate levels elevated to 1012 mmol/L by 10 minutes and remained elevated across rest of protocol. Such values are higher than is generally reported in team sports; thus movement patterns may not reect the true workloads or physiological limitations of team sports.

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TT = time trial, LT = lactate threshold








Subjects 6 well-trained male cyclists Crossover design Glycerol dose 1 g/kg with 20 mL/kg low joule cordial (compared with low joule cordial overload) Exercise Enhanced protocol performance Cycling r 90 minutes @ 98% Yes LT + 15 minutes TT hot environment (35 C) 8 well-trained male cyclists Crossover design 1 g/kg with 22 mL/kg Cycling r 30 minutes @ xed dilute sports drink, power + 30 minutes 2.5 hours pre-exercise TT. Hot (compared with environment (32 C) sports drink overload) Yes Comments Glycerol allowed retention of additional 400 mL of uid above hyperhydration with cordial alone. 5% improvement in work done in 15 minutes TT. No change in muscle metabolism. Reduced rectal temperature at 90 minutes with glycerol trial. Glycerol treatment expanded body water by 600 mL and increased (5%) work achieved in TT. This was achieved largely by preventing the drop in power seen at the start of placebo TT. No difference in power prole at end of TTs. No difference in cardiovascular, thermoregulatory, RPE between trials despite differences in power output.



Table 16.6 Placebo controlled crossover designed studies of glycerol hyperhydration and performance (for updates see



Study Anderson et al. (2001)




Hitchins et al. (1999)

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Inder et al. (1998) 8 highly trained male 1 g/kg with triathletes 500 mL water, Crossover design 4 hours pre-exercise (compared with 500 mL water) No

Cycling r 60 min @ 70% VO2 max + incremental ride to exhaustion



Montner et al. (1996) Yes

11 active male and female cyclists 7 active male and female cyclists Crossover design 8 heat-acclimatised men Crossover design

Glycerol was consumed with a modest uid load. No increase in pre-exercise hydration status, sweat losses or urine production during exercise. No difference in time to exhaustion or workload reached. Three subjects experienced gastrointestinal problems with glycerol. Reduced heart rate and increased time to exhaustion with pre-exercise glycerol treatment by 20%.



Latzka et al. (1998)

1.2 g/kg with Cycling r Cycling @ 60% 26 mL/kg water, 1 hour pre-exercise Wmax until same pre-treatment + exhaustion sports drink during exercise 1.2 g/kg lean BM + Running r Treadmill running at 29 mL/kg water, 55% Vo2 max until 1 hour pre-exercise (compared with water exhaustion or high hyperhydration or rectal temperature. control) Hot environment (35 C) without further uid intake

Yes (better than control but equal to water hyperhydration)

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Both hyperhydration trials increased body uid by 1400 mL. Time to exhaustion longer in both trials compared with control. Performance changes not explained by differences in sweat losses, cardiac output or temperature control. Some gastrointestinal and headache symptoms with glycerol. (Cont.)





Glycerol Subjects dose 7 male + 3 female 1.2 g/kg BM + well-trained triathletes 25 mL/kg sports Crossover design drink, Difference in conditions: 2 hours pre-exercise r hot day (30 C) (compared with r warm day (25 C) sports drink placebo) Exercise protocol Olympic distance triathlon (eld conditions) Hot conditions 2530 C Enhanced performance Yes Comments Decrease in triathlon performance (especially run time) between warm and hot conditions was greater in placebo group (11:40 minutes) than glycerol group (1:47 minutes). Greatest difference in times between placebo and glycerol group was found on hot day. Hyperhydration increased uid retention of drink and reduced diuresis.

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Table 16.6 (Continued )


Study Coutts et al. (2002)


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TT = time trial, RPE = rating of perceived exertion


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Side effects reported by some subjects following glycerol use include nausea, gastrointestinal distress and headaches resulting from increased intracranial pressure. Fine-tuning of protocols may reduce the risk of these problems, yet some individuals may remain at a greater risk than others. At the present time, although glycerol hyperhydration seems to show some promise for the performance of endurance exercise in hot conditions, it should remain an activity that is supervised and monitored by appropriate sports science/medicine professionals and used in competition situations only after adequate experimentation and ne-tuning have occurred.

16.5.2 Supplements in Group B of the AIS Sports Supplement Program

According to the AIS Sports Supplement Program, some supplements enjoy preliminary data that are supportive of performance benets or hypotheses that strongly suggest such benets. However, this information is not sufcient to be sure of a positive outcome, nor to dene the situations and protocols that would achieve an optimal result. Because these supplements are of interest to athletes and coaches, they should be prioritised for additional research to either conrm their value to athletes or downgrade the interest. Colostrum
Colostrum is a protein-rich substance secreted in breast milk in the rst few days after a mother has given birth. It is high in immunoglobulins and insulinlike growth factors (IGFs). Unlike the adult gut, the gut of a baby has leaky junctions that allows it to absorb whole proteins including immunoglobulins, thus developing the immuno-competence needed to survive outside the uterus. A number of companies have developed supplements rich in bovine colostrum (colostrum derived from cows) for use by humans. In 1997, attention was focused on these products after a study reported that sprinters and jumpers who consumed a colostrum supplement (BioenervieTM ) for 8 days while undertaking resistance and speed training experienced an increase in plasma IGF-1 levels (Mero et al. 1997). Although supplementation failed to improve vertical jump performance in these athletes, the study raised several intriguing issues. First, it appeared to show that humans could absorb intact proteins from a supplement and, second, it appeared to show that colostrum could provide a dietary source of IGF, an anabolic hormone the intentional intake of which is banned by WADA. Subsequent discussion of this paper suggested that the increase in IGF concentrations was spurious, caused by inaccurate techniques for measuring these growth factors. However, a follow-up study by this group (Mero et al. 2002) reported an increase in plasma IGF-1 following supplementation with another colostrum product (DynamicTM ). In this follow-up study, gel electrophoresis



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techniques showed that there was little direct absorption of IGF-1 from the oral supplement. This suggests that the intake of colostrum stimulated endogenous production of growth factors. Nevertheless, other studies have failed to demonstrate any change in IGF-1 levels in response to colostrum supplementation (Buckley et al. 2002; Kuipers et al. 2002). There are also inconsistencies in effect of colostrum supplementation on immune parameters, with various studies showing either an increase (Mero et al. 2002) or no change (Mero et al. 1997) in salivary immunoglobulin A (IgA). One study has reported a reduction in the self-reported symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections following colostrum supplementation in a large group of subjects (Brinkworth & Buckley 2003); this nding warrants further investigation. A number of studies have investigated the chronic effects of supplementation with colostrum products, particularly an Australian product (IntactTM ), on the outcome of training programs undertaken by both trained and previously untrained subjects. The results of these studies are summarised in Table 16.7. Buckley and colleagues studied the effects of 8 weeks of running training (3 45 minutes/week) in combination with 60g/day of colostrum powder or a whey placebo in two groups of previously untrained men (Buckley et al. 2002). The test set, consisting of two incremental treadmill runs to exhaustion, with a 20minute recovery interval, was undertaken at 0, 4 and 8 weeks. The study found that after 8 weeks the treatment group completed more work and ran further in the second of two treadmill runs than subjects in the placebo group. However, no differences were seen at 4 weeks, and no measurements were taken to explain the performance improvements seen in the second run at 8 weeks. Another study involving trained cyclists (Coombes et al. 2002) also used a protocol involving two incremental tests to exhaustion separated by 20 minutes. In contrast to the results of the previous study, neither the colostrum nor the placebo groups improved their cycling max test performance in either of the two tests after 4 or 8 weeks of supplementation with colostrum. However, another measure of performance was undertaken by these cyclists on a separate day, in the form of a submaximal ride followed by a time trial. In this protocol, cyclists who had received colostrum recorded a greater improvement in the performance of the time trial at week 8 compared with those who had received a placebo. Again, there were no mechanisms to explain this enhancement of performance. In several other studies, there have been reports of an enhancement of the performance of the treatment group compared with the group taking a placebo product. However, there is inconsistency in the literature, with one study reporting an improvement in vertical jump in previously untrained subjects who undertook plyometric and resistance training (Buckley et al. 2003) and others nding no enhancement in vertical jump in highly trained team sport players (Hofman et al. 2002) or track and eld athletes (Mero et al. 1997). Similarly, colostrum supplementation has been reported to enhance the improvement in sprint performance in one study of previously untrained men (Buckley et al. 2003), while failing to alter this outcome in trained team sport athletes (Hofman





Table 16.7 Placebo-controlled studies of colostrum supplementation and exercise performance (for table updates see
Exercise protocol Tests at baseline and 8 weeks: r 1 RM biceps curl No Performance enhancement

Reference Brinkworth et al. (2004)

Subjects 34 active male subjects Parallel group design


Colostrum dose and training 8 weeks @ 60 g/day colostrum or placebo (whey protein) 4/week one-armed resistance training




Buckley et al. (2003)

51 active males colostrum = 26 placebo = 25 Parallel group design

8 weeks @ 60 g/day Resistance and plyometric training, 3/w

Tests at baseline, 4 weeks and 8 weeks r 3 vertical jump r 3 10 s cycle sprints r 1 RM of a number of resistance movements

Yesonly @ 8 weeks Yesonly @ 8 weeks No

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Comments Increase in biceps curl 1 RM in trained arm, but no difference between placebo and colostrum group. Increase in circumference and MRI determined cross-sectional area of trained arm of colostrum group compared with placebo group ( P < 0.05), principally due to increase in subcutaneous fat and skin. At week 4, no differences in peak cycling power, anaerobic work capacity or peak vertical jump power between groups. At week 8, peak vertical jump power and peak cycle power higher in colostrum group, but no differences in anaerobic work capacity. No difference in strength over 8 different movements. No changes in IGF-1 in either group (Cont.)






Exercise protocol Tests at baseline, 4 weeks and 8 weeks r 2 30 minute incremental running tests to exhaustion separated by 20 minutes




Table 16.7 (Continued )

Colostrum dose Reference Subjects and training Buckley et al. 30 active males 8 weeks @ 60 g/day (2002) (colostrum = 17; colostrum or placebo = 13) placebo (whey Parallel group protein) design 45 min running @ 3/week


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Brinkworth et al. (2002)

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Coombes et al. (2002)


Performance enhancement Comments 4 weeksno Training improved peak running for either speed in both runs in both groups run at week 8. No differences between 8 weeksno groups in either run at week 4 for rst run, although trend to lower peak speed yes for in second run with colostrum second run group. At week 8, no difference in peak speed in rst run, but greater speed in second run in colostrum group ( P < 0.05), suggesting better recovery between runs. 13 elite female 9 weeks @ 60 g/day Tests at baseline and 9 weeks: No Rowing performance increased by r 2 incremental rowing rowers of colostrum or week 9 in both groups. No (colostrum = 6; placebo (whey tests with 15-minute difference between groups at week placebo = 7) protein) 18 recovery interval (each = 9 for either maximal rowing Parallel group hours/week 3 4-minute submaximal performance. Higher value for design rowing + 3/week workloads + 4-minute index of blood buffering capacity resistance training maximal effort) at week 9 in colostrum group. 28 trained male 8 weeks @ 60 g/day Tests at baseline and 8 weeks No difference between groups or cyclists (high dose colostrum or 20 on separate days: between weeks for performance of r 2 VO2 max tests separated No colostrum = 10; g/day colostrum either VO2 max test. Greater low dose or placebo (40 by 20 minutes improvement at week 8 in TT r 2 hours @ 65% colostrum = 9; g/day whey following 2-hour submaximal ride Yes placebo = 9) protein) in both colostrum groups (4%; VO2 max + 12 minutes Parallel group 1.5 hours/day 19%; 16% P < 0.05 for placebo, TT design cycling low dose and high dose).




Hofman et al. (2002) Yes No No No

17 female and 18 male highly trained hockey players Parallel group design

8 weeks @ 60 g/day of colostrum or placebo (whey protein) 3/week training + game 1/week

Tests at baseline and 8 weeks: r 5 10 m sprint r vertical jump r shuttle run r suicide agility test

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Antonio et al. (2001) No No No No

Active male + females Parallel group design 8 weeks @ 20 g/day of colostrum or placebo (whey protein) 3/week aerobic and resistance training Tests at day 6 of each program: r counter-movement jump Tests at baseline and 8 weeks: r treadmill run to exhaustion r bench press: 1 RM r submaximal repetitions to exhaustion

No improvements in shuttle run, jump or agility run over 8 weeks in either group. Signicant improvement in sprint performance for both groups with larger improvement in colostrum group (0.64 s versus 0.33 s, P < 0.05). Similar increases in lean BM in both groups. Colostrum group experienced signicant increase in lean BM (1.5 kg), while placebo group showed increase in BM (2 kg) as measured by DXA.


Mero et al. (1997)

9 male sprinters and 8 days @ 25 mL/day jumpers colostrum or Crossover design with 125 mL/day or 13 day wash-out placebo (milk whey) 6 sessions speed and resistance training

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Serum IGF increased over time with colostrum supplementation (although still within physiological ranges) compared with placebo. No change in serum or saliva immunoglobulins between treatments.



RM = repetition maximum



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et al. 2002). Reports of the changes in body composition have also showed inconsistencies. While one study has reported an increase in lean body mass following a period of colostrum supplementation (Antonio et al. 2001), other studies have found no changes in body mass or body composition (Hofman et al. 2002). The nding that a colostrum-supplemented group showed an increase in subcutaneous fat and skin thickness in their arms following resistance training is curious (Brinkworth et al. 2004). The only consistent ndings from the present studies of colostrum supplementation are that there are no apparent benets to the outcomes of resistance training (Antonio et al. 2001; Buckley et al. 2003; Brinkworth et al. 2004), and that when benets are detected, they are apparent only after more than 4 weeks of treatment (Buckley et al. 2002, 2003). The results of the current literature have been aggressively marketed by the manufacturers of colostrum supplements. Claims include enhanced recovery, superior muscle buffering capacity and increased growth of muscle contractile proteins. Furthermore, the benets have been transferred from athletes to other groups including manual workers and sufferers of chronic fatigue. Although the observations of enhanced training or performance outcomes are of real interest to athletes and coaches, there are several explanations for the reluctance of most sports scientists to consider colostrum as a proven ergogenic aid. The inconsistency of the literature is problematic, even when the difculties of detecting small changes in performance are taken into account. The lack of a plausible hypothesis to explain how colostrum might enhance the response to exercise is also an important absence. Not only is there a lack of support for the current observations, but, without a possible mechanism to explore or exploit, there are difculties in identifying the type of athletes or situations of exercise that might benet from colostrum supplementation. Whether all colostrum supplements are of equal quality or efcacy is also a concern. Finally, colostrum is an expensive supplement. The typical dose provided to subjects in the current studies is 60 g per day, which would cost about A$70 per week to purchase at retail rates. In light of this expense, and the suggestion that it may take up to 8 weeks to provide a detectable outcome, greater levels of support for colostrum are needed before it can pass a cost-benet analysis. Ribose
Ribose is a pentose (5-carbon) sugar that provides part of the structure of a variety of important chemicals in the body (including DNA and RNA) and the adenine nucleotides ATP, AMP and ADP. Ribose is found naturally in the diet but puried forms have also been released onto the market, nding their way into sports supplements. Oral ribose is quickly absorbed and tolerated even at intakes of 100 g, but, at A$700 per kg, ribose powders represent an expensive form of carbohydrate. In the body, the pentose phosphate pathway is a rate-limiting pathway for the interconversion of glucose and ribose-5-phosphate. The ribose-5-phosphate can


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be converted to phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate (PRPP), which is then involved in the synthesis or salvaging of the adenine nucleotide pool. It has been suggested that suboptimal amounts of PRPP may limit these processes, and ribose infusion has been shown to enhance ATP recovery and exercise function in animal models of myocardial ischaemia (see Op t Eijnde et al. 2001). High-intensity exercise has been shown to cause a reduction in the muscle ATP content and the total adenine nucleotide pool, possibly because the rate of nucleotide salvaging and synthesis falls behind the massive rates of nucleotide degradation. It has been suggested that oral intake of ribose might increase the rate of nucleotide salvaging/synthesis and achieve quicker recovery of exercise-mediated reductions in the muscle total adenine nucleotide pool. Sports supplements containing ribose typically provide doses of 35 g of this sugar, often in combination with creatine. Marketing claims for such products include dramatic reductions in recovery from 72 hours to 12 hours and the most sophisticated energy support systems. Several early studies that appeared in abstract form from conference presentations reported favourable results following ribose supplementation in heavily training athletes. However, the brief form of these reports does not provide sufcient information to judge the quality of the study and the interpretation of results. To date, only six studies have been published in full in peer-reviewed journals (see Table 16.8). These studies have investigated daily doses of 240 g ribose in conjunction with programs of intermittent high-intensity exercise such as weight training or interval training. Two studies have tracked the muscle content of adenine nucleotides in response to fatiguing protocols of intermittent exercise and ribose supplementation (Op t Eijnde et al. 2001; Hellsten et al. 2004). In one study, muscle ATP content and power/force characteristics were compared after two intermittent training sessions 24 hours apart on two occasions; the rst occasion was a baseline measure on active subjects, whereas the second test set followed a 7-day training program involving two bouts of intermittent exercise each day while taking ribose (four doses of 4 g/day) or placebo. The rst exercise bout in each testing occasion caused a decrease in muscle total adenine nucleotide, with muscle ATP content being reduced by 20% at the time of the second bout. However, ribose supplementation did not alter the loss or recovery of ATP resulting from this exercise protocol, nor did it change muscle force or power characteristics during maximal testing (Op t Eijnde et al. 2001). The authors suggested that plasma ribose concentrations achieved by the supplementation were too low to achieve a signicant change in nucleotide synthesis/salvage. However, the doses used in the study were already higher than that recommended by most supplement manufacturers. In the other study, daily ribose supplementation of 600 mg/kg body mass (42 g for a 70 kg subject) was provided after a 7-day training program involving twice daily bouts of sprint training (Hellsten et al. 2004). Muscle ATP content was reduced by 25% immediately after the last training bout, and remained low at 24 hours, in both the supplementation and placebo trials. By 72 hours,






Cycling sprints: r two 30 s Wingate No anaerobic sprint tests separated by 3 minutes of rest recovery Comments 7-day training program caused reduction in muscle ATP by 25% immediately after last bout. ATP remained lower at 5- and 24-hour supplementation. After 72 hours, muscle ATP had returned to pre-training in ribose trial but was still lower in placebo trial. However, mean and peak power outputs during the test performed at 72 hours were similar in both trials. Test protocol achieved a decrease in power output across 30 s of sprinting, and a lower work output in sprint 2 compared with sprint 1. No difference between preand post-supplementation values for peak power, average power, fatigue index or time to peak power for either group. Ribose group showed a higher total work for second sprint during post-supplementation trial than placebo group, due to deterioration in placebo group. No difference in blood lactate and ammonia proles between groups.




Table 16.8 Placebo-controlled studies of ribose supplementation and exercise performance (for updates see

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Ribose dose Exercise Performance Study Subjects and training protocol enhancement Hellsten et al. 8 active males 3 days @ 3 Cycling sprints: r 15 10 s all-out (2004) Crossover 200 mg/kg ribose No following 7 days of design 5 day sprints, separated by washout 2/day repetition of a 50 s rest period, sprint training undertaken 72 hours (15 10 s all-out after last training sprints) session and following supplementation


Kreider et al. (2003a)

19 resistance10 g/day D-ribose trained (2 5 g daily) for males 5 days Parallel group design

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Berardi and Ziegenfuss (2003) No



No No

Ribose supplementation caused a marginal and inconsistent increase in power characteristics of the spring protocol on day 3 compared with placebo trial. It was concluded from this study that ribose supplementation does not have a consistent or substantial effect on anaerobic cycle sprinting. Both groups increased LBM, muscle strength and strength endurance over 8 weeks of training, but no differences between groups. Did not utilise a protocol likely to disturb adenine levels, thus may not have allowed the proposed mechanism of ribose supplementation to take effect.




8 recreationally 32 g powdered ribose Cycling sprints active males spread over 3 days r 6 10 s cycling sprints with 60 s Crossover (4 8 g doses) recovery design Test protocol undertaken day 1 2 (a.m. and p.m.) and day 3 1 (p.m.) Falk et al. 28 resistance2 g/day for 8 weeks Resistance training r 1 RM bench press (2003) trained (as part of an r repetitions 80% RM males effervescent Parallel supplement also bench press to fatigue group design containing CHO, creatine and glutamine) Resistance training Van 19 recreational 10 g/day for 4 weeks. Resistance training r 1 RM bench press Gammeren male body (2/day, 30 et al. builders 60 minutes pre(muscular strength (2002) Crossover and post-training) test). design Resistance training r 10 sets @ bench press at 100% body mass to exhaustion with 1 minute recovery (muscular endurance test) Yes

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Both groups increased muscle strength and endurance over 4 weeks of training. However, only in the case of the ribose group did these training effects reach statistical signicance, e.g. 20% versus 12% increase in 1 RM for bench press for ribose and placebo groups, respectively. Ribose-supplemented group experienced a signicant increase in muscular strength and endurance. This improvement may be related to the role that ribose might play in the phosphagen system. However, ribose-supplemented group seemed to be less trained than placebo group. (Cont.)





Performance enhancement No Ribose dose and training 16 g/day for 6 day (4 4 g/day) 2/day training: Bout of 15 12 knee extensions with 15 s recovery Exercise protocol Isolated leg extensions r Two exercise bouts separated by 60 minutes. Each bout = 15 12 maximal intermittent knee extensions with the right leg with 15 s rest Comments Oral ribose supplementation at 16 g/day did not enhance the restoration of the fall in ATP concentrations following each exercise bout. The 6-day exercise protocol achieved training effect; mean power output in post-trial testing was 10% higher than pre-trial testing. However, no differences between ribose and placebo group. Authors suggested that the ribose dose was too low to increase plasma levels enough to increase muscle uptake, although dose was higher than recommended by most manufacturers.

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Table 16.8 (Continued )


Study Op t Eijnde et al. (2001)


Subjects Recreationally active males involved in sprint and resistance activities (n = 19 M) Parallel group design


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RM = repetition maximum


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however, ribose supplementation elevated muscle ATP above that seen in the placebo trial and restored it to pre-training levels. This was not accompanied by superior performance of the intermittent sprint protocol. The authors concluded that even though the availability of ribose in the muscle may be a limiting factor for the rate of resynthesis of ATP, the reduction in muscle ATP observed after intense training is not limiting for the performance of intermittent high-intensity exercise. Overall, the published evidence for benets from ribose supplementation is not promising. Only one of the published studies has reported an enhancement of performance following ribose use; recreational body builders who consumed 10 g/day over a four week period of resistance training achieved larger gains in strength and muscular endurance than a group receiving a placebo (Van Gammeren et al. 2002). Five other studies failed to detect any performance benets from the use of ribose. Several of the authors have noted that their ribose treatments were well in excess of the doses recommended by manufacturer and, given the expense of this supplement, there are questions about its cost-effectiveness (Berardi & Ziegenfuss 2003). HMB -hydroxy--methylbutyrate (HMB), a metabolite of the amino acid leucine, is claimed to increase the gains in strength and lean body mass associated with resistance training and enhance recovery from exercise (see Slater & Jenkins 2000). HMB is claimed to act as an anti-catabolic agent, minimising protein breakdown and the cellular damage that occurs with high-intensity exercise. The hypothesis underpinning these claims is that the anti-catabolic effects that are sometimes associated with leucine feeding during times of stress are mediated by HMB. Interest in HMB supplementation stemmed from animal studies, with some but not all investigations nding that HMB supplementation increased gains in carcass weight or feed efciency, dened as weight gain per unit feed, during periods of growth (for review see Slater & Jenkins 2000). HMB supplements were rst introduced to the sports market in the mid-1990s and by 1998 were achieving annual sales of US$3050 million in the United States of America alone (Slater & Jenkins 2000). A number of scientic investigations of HMB supplementation and resistance training have been undertaken with a focus on changes in body composition and strength. The results of investigations that have been published in full in peerreviewed journals are summarised in Table 16.9. This table shows there is mixed support for the hypothesis that HMB can enhance the response to resistance training as a result of reducing exercise-induced protein breakdown or damage. While some studies have reported a benet of HMB supplementation (Panton et al. 2000; Jowko et al. 2001; Nissen & Sharp 2003; Thomson 2004), others have failed to detect any enhancement of the training response (Kreider et al. 1999; Slater et al. 2001; OConnor & Crowe 2003; Ransone et al. 2003; Hoffman et al. 539





HMB dose and training 3 g/day HMB for 10 days Sports-related training 3 g/day HMB for 9 weeks Resistance training Yes Exercise protocol Tests at baseline and at 10 days: r anaerobic power test Performance enhancement No No No Comments No difference in anaerobic power was seen between groups. Plasma concentrations of cortisol decreased and CK increased over the 10-day training in both groups. Signicant increase in leg extension strength following HMB supplementation. No effect of HMB supplementation on body composition. No differences in aerobic power from multi-stage tness test or anaerobic capacity (peak power, total work and peak lactate levels) between groups at end of trial. No signicant changes in muscular strength or in body mass or body fat levels due to supplementation. No No No 3 g/day HMB or 3 g/day HMB-creatine for 6 weeks Sports-related training 3 g/day HMB Sports-specic training (20 hours/week) Tests at baseline and at 9 weeks: r 1 repetition maximum strength testing Tests at baseline and 6 weeks r multi-stage tness test r 60 s max cycling test Tests pre- and posteach 4 week supplementation r bench press r squats r power cleans



Table 16.9 Placebo-controlled studies of HMB supplementation on training adaptations and performance (for updates see




Study Hoffman et al. (2004)

Subjects 26 male collegiate football players Parallel group design


Thomson (2004)

34 resistance trained males Parallel group design


OConnor and Crowe (2003)

27 elite male rugby league players Parallel group design

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Ransone et al. (2003)

35 male collegiate football players Crossover design






Slater et al. (2001) No No No

All groups increased strength and lean BM with no differences in response between groups. No differences in urinary 3-MH or plasma CKcrude markers of muscle breakdown and damage between groups.



Jowko et al. (2001) Yes


27 elite male 3 g/day conventional or Tests at baseline, rowers and time-release HMB for 3 weeks and 6 weeks: male water polo 6 weeks r bench press players Sports-related training r leg press Parallel group including 3/week r chin-ups design resistance training Provided with nutritional advice + CHO/protein supplement 40 untrained 3 g/day HMB, 3 g/day Tests at baseline and males HMB-creatine, or 3 weeks: r strength in Parallel group creatine for 3 weeks design Resistance training various resistance exercises


Vukovich and Dreifort (2001)

Creatine caused greater increase in lean BM and strength than placebo group. Greater strength and trend to greater increase in lean BM with HMB than placebo. Effects were additive. HMB reduced plasma CK levels and urea, suggesting nitrogen sparing. Signicant increase in VO2 peak following HMB supplementation but not other supplementation periods. Yes

Tests pre- and posteach 2 week supplementation: r VO2 peak

Panton et al. (2000)

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8 trained male 3 g/day leucine or cyclists 3 g/day HMB Crossover study Cycling training (2 week washout) 39 males and 3 g/day HMB for 36 females of 4 weeks varying training Resistance training status 3/week Parallel group design Tests at baseline and 4 weeks: r strength in various resistance exercises



Data pooled across training status and gender. HMB group showed greater increase in upper body strength and a trend to greater gains in lean BM, and loss of body fat than placebo, regardless of gender or training status (Cont.)





HMB dose and training 3 g/day or 6 g/day HMB for 8 weeks Resistance training 3/week Exercise protocol Tests at baseline and 8 weeks: r muscle strength r peak isokinetic or isometric torque 3 or 6 g/day HMB for 4 Tests at baseline and weeks 4 week: r bench press Resistance training 7 r leg press hours/week Tests at baseline and 3 weeks: r weight lifted in training session Tests at baseline and 7 weeks: r bench press r squat r clean Yes No No

Table 16.9 (Continued )


Study Subjects Gallagher et al. 37 untrained (2000a) males Parallel group design

Performance enhancement Comments No differences in strength gains between treatments. 3 g/day HMB No supplementation increased gains in Yes some measures of isokinetic or isometric torque and lean BM, and decreased the rise in plasma CK. No difference in improvements in strength between groups, or changes in lean BM No or body fat levels. No differences No between plasma CK level and LDH levels (another marker of catabolism). HMB associated with decrease in urinary 3-MH and plasma CK. Trend to Yes increased gain in lean BM with HMB. Dose-responsive increase in weight lifted during training session with HMB compared with placebo. Control group was stronger at baseline in upper body strength; gains made by HMB group simply caused groups to be equal in upper and lower body strength at end of study. Greater increase in lean BM during early part of study in HMB group was absent by 7 weeks.? Effects of HMB diminish over time. Diet not controlled.



Kreider et al. (1999)

40 resistance trained males Parallel group design


Nissen et al. (1996)

41 untrained males Parallel group design


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Nissen et al. (1996)

1.5 g/day or 3 g/day for 3 weeks Resistance training 3/week Groups further divided into 117 or 175 g/day protein Resistance trained 3 g/day for 7 weeks males Resistance training Parallel group 23 hours/day design


3-MH = 3-methylhistidine, CK = creatine kinase, LDH = lactate dehydrogenase

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2004). Other studies that have simply monitored indices of muscle damage following eccentric exercise have found that HMB supplementation either reduced (Knitter et al. 2000) or failed to change the normal responses (Paddon-Jones et al. 2001). A meta-analysis of the studies published up until 2001 reported that HMB supplementation signicantly increased net lean mass and strength gains above resistance training alone. However, the effect sizes of these improvements were trivial to small; effect sizes for gain in muscle mass = 0.15 and strength = 0.19 (Nissen & Sharp 2003). In addition, this meta-analysis has received criticism on the basis that the studies emanate from only three different laboratories, and may show experimental bias because of interdependence (Decombaz et al. 2003). It is difcult to nd a common thread to the ndings of the present HMB research. One theory is that HMB supplementation might be most valuable in the early phases of a new training program, or when previously untrained subjects undertake resistance training, where it is able to reduce the large catabolic response or damage produced by unaccustomed exercise. However, once adaptation to training occurs, reducing the residual catabolism/damage response, HMB supplementation no longer provides a detectable benet. If this were the case, it would explain why HMB tends to produce favourable results in novice resistance trainers rather than well-trained subjects, and why positive results are reported in shorter studies (24 weeks) but not at the end of longer studies (8 weeks). Further well-controlled studies are required to clarify if, and under what circumstances, HMB is a useful training aid. Short-term supplementation with HMB does not appear to cause any adverse effects on indices of health (Gallagher et al. 2000b; Crowe et al. 2003). Athletes are warned that although HMB itself is not banned by anti-doping codes and does not lead to a positive doping nding (Slater et al. 2000), supplements that are popularly promoted as body building or legal alternatives to steroids are often at risk of contamination with banned substances such as pro-hormones. Glutamine
Glutamine is the most abundant free amino acid in human muscle and plasma. Likely roles of glutamine within the body including transfer of nitrogen between organs, the maintenance of the acidbase balance during acidosis, regulation of protein synthesis and degradation, provision of a nitrogen precursor for synthesis of nucleotides and, nally, a fuel source for gut mucosal cells and cells of the immune system (for review, see Rowbottom et al. 1996). Numerous studies have been conducted to investigate the effects of glutamine supplementation on the immunosuppression that occurs after strenuous exercise; the consensus from this literature will be discussed in the commentary on nutrition for the immune system (see the commentary by Pyne on pp. 5818). This chapter will focus only on the studies that have directly investigated the effects of acute or long-term glutamine supplementation on exercise performance. These studies are summarised



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in Table 16.10. Although the acute intake of glutamine prior to exercise has been hypothesised to enhance blood buffering capacity, the available studies fail to support this theory or any benecial outcome on the performance of exercise (Haub et al. 1998; Antonio et al. 2002). Similarly, chronic protocols of supplementation with glutamine have not been associated with any enhancement of the adaptations to training (Candow et al. 2001; Falk et al. 2003; Lehmkuhl et al. 2003).

16.5.3 Supplements in Group C of the AIS Sports Supplement Program

The claims made for the majority of supplements available to athletes are not supported by sound scientic research. This is because the products have not been studied, or because the available literature has failed to provide evidence of a detectable benet to training or competition performance. Herbal products



Ginseng, extracted from the roots of ginseng plants, has enjoyed popularity as a health supplement for many centuries. The chemical composition of commercial ginseng supplements is highly variable due to differences in the genetic nature of the plant source, variation in active ingredients according to the season and cultivation methods, and differences in the methods of production into supplements. Several species of ginseng are known to exist: American, Chinese, Korean and Japanese (Bahrke & Morgan 1994). These belong to the Panax species and are related. However, Russian or Siberian ginseng is extracted from a different plant (Eleutherococcus senticoccus) and often goes by the name of ciwujia. A number of chemically similar steroid glycosides or saponin chemicals, known as ginsenosides, have been identied as active ingredients in ginsengs. Unfortunately for the process of scientic study, there is a great variability in the active ingredients within and between products. The bioavailability of supplements can also vary according to the method of administration (chewing gum, pill, capsule, tablet or liquid). Some ginseng preparations also provide additional agents such as vitamins, minerals or other herbal compounds. Ginseng has been used widely in the herbal medicines of oriental cultures to cure fatigue, relieve pain and headaches, and improve mental function and vigour. It is also claimed to increase non-specic resistance to various stressors, described by Russian and Eastern European scientists as an adaptogenic response. An adaptogen is a substance purported to normalise physiology after exposure to a variety of stresses. It exhibits a lack of specicity in its actions and can both reduce and increase a response that has been altered by a stressor. This theory

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represents a philosophy of physiology or medicine different from the traditional western understanding. Despite the history of use in eastern or traditional medicine, ginseng has only recently emerged as a purported ergogenic aid for exercise performance. In athletes, ginseng is claimed to reduce fatigue and improve aerobic conditioning, strength, mental alertness and recovery. However, several reviews of the literature on supplementation with ginsengs on exercise have noted that there is a lack of well-controlled research to support these claims (Bahrke & Morgan 1994; Dowling et al. 1996; Bahrke & Morgan 2000; Goulet 2005). In many cases, the studies that appear to show benets to athletic performance are either awed in design (for example, failure to include a control or placebo group) or lacking in detail due to their publication in a foreign language journal. Our review of the literature on ginseng supplement and exercise outcomes (Table 16.10) has not included these studies. Studies that have appeared in abstract form, and have not been published in a peer-reviewed forum, have also been omitted. Finally, we have only included studies that have involved a measurement of exercise capacity or performance. On the whole, the studies that have been included in Table 16.11 fail to provide clear support for any benets to performance following ginseng supplementation. Although a few studies have reported enhancement of physical exercise capacity or performance following chronic ginseng use (McNaughton et al. 1989; Liang et al. 2005), the majority have failed to detect an enhanced outcome (Dowling et al. 1996; Morris et al. 1996; Engels et al. 2001, 2003; Hsu et al. 2005). There are claims that ginseng supplementation may be valuable for athletic training in producing an enhancement of immune function, reduction in muscle damage or improved levels of psychomotor performance and wellbeing. Indeed there is some support for some of these claims (Ziemba et al. 1999; Hsu et al. 2005). However, other studies found a failure of supplementation with ginseng to enhance immune system parameters in athletes (Gaffney et al. 2001) or untrained subjects undertaking exercise (Engels et al. 2003), or to improve psychological function or wellbeing (Cardinal & Engels 2001). A noticeable feature of the summary provided in Table 16.11 is that there are few studies of supplementation with ginsengs in trained subjects. Therefore it is fair to say that the effect of ginseng supplementation on athletic performance has not been adequately researched. However, the range in the types of ginseng and the variability in the content of commercial ginseng supplements create a difculty in undertaking a thorough investigation in any population. Furthermore, these factors would also create caution in applying the results of a particular study to general education for athletes. For example, Chong and Oberholzer (1998) assayed 50 commercial ginseng preparations and noted that 44 products ranged in ginsenoside concentration from 1.99.0%, with the other six preparations failing to produce a detectable level of ginsenosides. Thus, even if well-controlled studies were to report benecial outcomes from ginseng use, athletes could not be certain of receiving the appropriate dose and type of active ingredients from






Glutamine dose and training Comments 0.3 g/kg BM glutamine or 0.3 g/kg BM glycine ingested 60 minutes prior to test protocol Exercise protocol Performance enhancement No difference in performance of resistance sets between trials. Plasma lactate and pH not measured to test out the hypothesis that acute glutamine supplementation would enhance buffering capacity. Although researchers speculated that glutamine ingestion would increase buffering capacity, no differences were observed in plasma bicarbonate concentration at any time point. 0.03 g/kg BM glutamine, ingested 90 minutes prior to test protocol Resistance training: sets of exercise to fatigue: r 2 leg press @ No 200% BM r 2 bench press No @ 100% BM Cycling r 4 60 s bouts at No 100% of maximal power output followed by a time to exhaustion effort Both groups increased LBM, muscle strength and strength endurance over 8 weeks of training, but no differences between groups. 3 g/day glutamine for 8 weeks (as part of effervescent supplement with creatine + ribose) Resistance training Resistance training: r 1 RM bench press No r repetitions 80% No RM bench press to fatigue




Table 16.10 Placebo-controlled studies of glutamine supplementation on training adaptations and performance (for updates see

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Study Subjects Acute supplementation Antonio et al. 6 resistance(2002) trained male subjects Crossover design



Haub et al. (1998)

10 active male subjects Crossover design

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Chronic supplementation Falk et al. 28 resistance(2003) trained male subjects Parallel group design





Candow et al. (2001)

31 untrained male 0.9 g/kg lean tissue and female mass/day for 6 weeks subjects (consumed after Parallel group training and prior to design bed). Resistance training No

r 1 RM bench press No r 1 RM squat No r Peak knee No extensor torque


Lehmkuhl et al. (2003) No No

19 male and female collegiate track and eld athletes Parallel group design

4 g/day glutamine in addition to creatine for 8 weeks (glutamine + creatine versus creatine alone) Supervised event-specic resistance training program

r 5 5 s cycling sprints with 50 s recovery r Static jump r Countermovement jump

Glutamine and placebo groups both increased in strength, knee extensor torque, lean body mass and index of muscle protein degradation (urinary 3-methyl histidine) in response to training. No differences seen between groups. Creatine supplementation in conjunction with training was associated with an increase in cycling power and increase in lean body mass. However, the addition of glutamine did not further enhance these gains.


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RM = repetition maximum, LBM = lean body mass







Performance enhancement Yes Ginseng dose Chinese ginseng Panax notoginseng 1350 mg/day for 30 days Exercise protocol Cycling r Incremental test to exhaustion G115 Chinese/Korean ginseng (Panax CA Meyer) 400 mg/day for 8 weeks Cycling r 3 consecutive 30-s No Wingate tests with 3-minute recovery periods Cycling r 30 s Wingate test No G115 Chinese/Korean ginseng (Panax CA Meyer) 400 mg/day for 8 weeks Unspecied Panax ginseng 350 mg/day for 6 weeks No Yes Chinese/Korean ginseng (Panax CA Meyer) 200 mg/day for 3 weeks Cycling r Incremental test to exhaustion r Reaction time measured at each stage Cycling r Incremental test to exhaustion No No enhancement of total workload, RPE and lactate at submaximal loads or VO2 max due to ginseng supplementation



Table 16.11 Placebo-controlled studies of ginseng supplementation and performance (for updates see


Study Liang et al. (2005)

Subjects 29 active males and females Parallel group design



Engels et al. (2003)


27 active males and females Parallel group design


Engels et al. (2001)

19 active females Parallel group design

Ziemba et al. (1999)

15 male soccer players Parallel group design

Comments Ginseng group improved endurance by 7 minutes ( P < 0.05) over treatment while no change seen in placebo group. Ginseng treatment also associated with a reduction in blood pressure and VO2 during exercise. Comparison of post-test to pre-test scores showed no difference between groups in power during cycling or heart rate response. No difference in salivary IgA response to exercise due to ginseng. Comparison of post-test to pre-test scores showed no difference between groups in power during cycling or heart rate response. No change in lactate threshold or VO2 max . However, enhanced reaction time at submaximal workloads.

February 1, 2006

Allen et al. (1998)


28 active males and females Parallel group design





Morris et al. (1996) No

No change in time to exhaustion or metabolic parameters. No change in RPE.

Hsu et al. (2005) No

8 active males and Unspecied ginseng females 8 mg/kg/day or 16 mg/kg/day for Crossover design 1 week 13 active males American ginseng Crossover 400 mg/day for design 4 weeks

Cycling r Time to exhaustion @ 75% VO2 max Running r 80% VO2 max to fatigue



Dowling et al. (1996)


20 highly trained male and female runners Parallel group design No

Running r 10-minute treadmill test at 10-km race pace r Maximal treadmill test

No difference in endurance with ginseng supplementation; however, plasma CK levels were lower during exercise and for 2 hours post-exercise in ginseng trial, indicating lower levels of muscle damage. No change in metabolic characteristics at race pace or performance of treadmill max. and RPE. Low statistical power may prevent small changes from being detected.


Pieralisi et al. (1991)

Active male subjects Crossover design

Running r Incremental treadmill test to exhaustion


Increased VO2 max and reduced O2 consumption at submaximal workloads.

February 1, 2006

McNaughton et al. (1989)

30 active males and females Crossover design

Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) 60 drops/day (maximum recommended dose) for 6 weeks Ginsana 115 2 capsules/day for 6 weeks (ginseng, vitamins, bitartrate + minerals) Chinese ginseng (Panax CA Meyer) or Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) 1 g/day for 6 weeks Physical testing r VO2 max, grip r pectoral strength r quadriceps strength Yes Yes Yes

Signicantly greater increase in VO2 max and pectoral and grip strength with Chinese ginseng. Trends for enhancement with Siberian ginseng.




RPE = ratings of perceived exertion, CK = creatine kinase


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all preparations in the commercially available range. Furthermore, one product that was included in this assay contained large amounts of ephedrine (Chong & Oberholzer 1988); this would be a cause of an inadvertent doping outcome. The conclusion that must be made about ginseng at the current time is that there is no substantial evidence to support claims that this supplement is of benet to performance or recovery.
Cordycepssinensis and Rhodiolarosea

Several other herbal compounds with a history of medical use or as tonics in other cultures have recently become available in supplements promoted to athletes. These include Cordyceps sinensis, a Chinese herb extracted from a mushroom, and Rhodiola rosea, popular in Asian and Eastern European medicine. Whereas Cordyceps is claimed to increase vasodilation and facilitate the delivery of oxygen to the working tissue, Rhodiola is said to stimulate the nervous system (de Bock et al. 2004; Earnest et al. 2004; Parcell et al. 2004). The small amount of literature on supplementation with these products on exercise capacity or performance is summarised in Table 16.12. To date, there is little evidence to support any of the claims made for these compounds. There has been insufcient research on the effects of these supplements on exercise or athletic performance to allow further discussion. Carnitine
The rst reports on carnitine in the early 1900s described it as a vitamin (an essential component of the diet). Following the discovery that carnitine can be manufactured in the liver and kidney from amino acid precursors (lysine and methionine), it is now considered to be a non-essential nutrient. Most animal foods provide a dietary source of carnitine, but due to losses in the cooking and preparation of foods there are few data on the total content of the diet. Carnitine ingested or synthesised by humans is in the l-isoform and is carried via the blood for storage, predominantly in the heart and skeletal muscle. Within these tissues, carnitine plays a number of roles related to fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Carnitine is a component of the enzymes carnitine palmityltransferase I (CPTI), carnitine palmityltransferase II (CPTII) and carnitine acylcarnitine translocase (CAT). These enzymes are involved in the transportation of longchain fatty acids (LCFAs) across the mitochondrial membrane to the site of their oxidation (see Chapter 15). Because of this function, it has been suggested that carnitine supplementation might enhance fatty acid transport and oxidation. As a result, carnitine is a popular component of supplements claimed to enhance the loss of body fat, and has been embraced by body builders wanting to cut up and by other populations interested in weight loss. An increase in fatty acid oxidation during exercise could be of advantage to endurance athletes if it resulted in a sparing of glycogen during events in which carbohydrate stores are otherwise limiting.


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During exercise, carnitine also plays the role of a sink for acetyl-CoA production. By converting this to acetyl-carnitine and CoA, carnitine helps to maintain CoA availability and to decrease the ratio of acetyl-CoA:CoA. If carnitine supplementation could increase this function it might enhance ux through the citric acid cycle. Furthermore, it could enhance the activity of the enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase, which is otherwise inhibited by high levels of acetyl-CoA, thus increasing oxidative metabolism of glucose. If this results in lower lactate production, it might enhance exercise performance in situations that might otherwise be limited by excess lactate and hydrogen ion accumulation. Extensive reviews of carnitine function are available (Cerretelli & Marconi 1990; Wagenmakers 1991; Clarkson 1992; Heinonen 1996). When muscle carnitine activity is inadequate, as in the case of inborn errors of metabolism, individuals demonstrate lipid abnormalities and reduced exercise capacity. Carnitine supplementation is an established medical therapy for these conditions and helps to attenuate such symptoms. However, whether additional carnitine intake in healthy individuals enhances metabolism and exercise performance is a different issue. A positive outcome would require one or more of the following scenarios: heavy training causing suboptimal levels of muscle carnitine; carnitine supplementation increasing muscle carnitine content; carnitine being a limiting factor in fatty acid transport; or carnitine being a limiting factor in pyruvate dehydrogenase activity or citric acid cycle ux. However, thorough reviews cast doubt on the potential for enhanced metabolic function via enhanced carnitine status (Wagenmakers 1991; Heinonen 1996). These reviews summarise that normal muscle carnitine levels appear to be adequate for maximal function of CPTI and CPTII, and that there is no proof that fatty acid transport is the rate-limiting step in fat oxidation. Furthermore, pyruvate dehydrogenase is believed to be fully active within seconds of high-intensity exercise, and additional carnitine is unlikely to stimulate this activity further. Optimal muscle carnitine content in athletes is probably the most important issue to address. Exercise is known to increase carnitine excretion and it is possible that muscle carnitine content may decrease during intense training. However, a series of reviews conclude that although most human studies nd an increase in plasma carnitine levels following carnitine supplementation of 16 g/day, there is no compelling evidence that muscle carnitine levels are enhanced as a result of supplementation (Cerretelli & Marconi 1990; Wagenmakers 1991; Heinonen 1996). While one study has reported an increase in lipid utilisation during exercise following chronic carnitine supplementation in trained men (Gorostiaga et al. 1989), the majority of studies have not reported any changes in substrate utilisation during exercise as a result of carnitine use, even under conditions in which fat availability was increased (Vukovich et al. 1994) or muscle glycogen stores were depleted (Decombaz et al. 1993). Studies that have investigated the effects of carnitine supplementation on exercise performance are summarised in Table 16.13. On balance, there is little credible evidence of increased performance during submaximal or high-intensity exercise resulting from carnitine supplementation.






Performance enhancement Comments Yes No No No No Compared with placebo, supplementation with Rhodiola rosea produced increased time to exhaustion in cycling protocol. No effect seen on muscle strength, or measures of reaction time and responsiveness to stimuli. No No No change in aerobic capacity (VO2 peak ) over time in either group. No change in time to complete cycling time trial over time or between groups.

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Table 16.12 Placebo-controlled studies of supplementation with Cordyceps sinensis or Rhodiola rosea on performance (for updates see


Supplement Exercise Study Subjects dose protocol Acute supplementation de Bock et al. 24 active males 200 mg Rhodiola rosea 1 Battery of tests: r incremental cycling to (2004) Crossover hour pre-exercise design fatigue r isokinetic knee torque r speed of limb movement r reaction time r sustained attention Chronic supplementation Parcell et al. 22 well-trained 3.15 g/day Cordyceps Cycling r VO2 peak+ (2004) male cyclists sinensis (CordyMax r TT lasting 1 hour Parallel Cs-4) for 5 weeks group design Normal training

February 1, 2006 4:7





Earnest et al. (2004) No

Cycling r Incremental cycling time to exhaustion to assess peak power output, VO2 peak

No change in cycling endurance or aerobic capacity in either group over time.



de Bock et al. (2004) No No No No No

17 endurance- 1 g/day Cordyceps trained male sinensis + 300 mg cyclists Rhodiola rosea for Parallel 2 weeks (+ group design chromium, pyruvate, phosphate, ribose, adenosine) OptygenTM 23 active males 200 mg Rhodiola rosea Parallel for 4 weeks group design Battery of tests: r incremental cycling to fatigue r isokinetic knee torque r speed of limb movement r reaction time r sustained attention

Neither treatment nor placebo group showed any changes in response to test battery. Previously seen benets of acute intake of Rhodiola rosea on exercise capacity not apparent after chronic supplementation.

February 1, 2006 4:7







Carnitine dose Acute administration 2 g @ 1 hour before exercise Yes Exercise protocol Cycling r Cycle to exhaustion Performance enhancement Acute administration 2 g @ 1 hour before exercise Cycling r Incremental cycling to exhaustion Yes 2 g/day for 2 weeks 2 g for 4 weeks Cycling r Progressive test to exhaustion No Comments Increased time to exhaustion. Carnitine reduced the increase in plasma lactate and pyruvate after maximal progressive work. However, dose and time frame for uptake into muscle seem unrealistic. Increase in time (and work) until exhaustion. Decrease in lactate production and oxygen consumption at same workload. However, dose and time frame for uptake into muscle seem unrealistic. No signicant physiological changes. Changes in performance were small and inconsistent.

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Table 16.13 Studies of carnitine supplementation and metabolism on performance



Study Siliprandi et al. (1990)

Subjects 10 moderately trained males Crossover design



Vecchiet et al. (1990)

10 moderately trained males Crossover design

February 1, 2006

Greig et al. (1987)

9 untrained males and females 10 untrained males and females Crossover design






Trappe et al. (1994) No

20 highly trained 4 g/day for male collegiate 7 days swimmers Parallel group design 2 g @ 2 hours Running r Marathon run + before run and at submaximal performance 20 km mark test day after marathon No 4 g/day for 2 weeks No Yes? Running r supramaximal work (jumps) r treadmill VO2 max

Swimming r 5 91.4 m swims

No difference in performance times between trials or between groups.


Colombani 7 endurance-trained et al. (1996) male athletes Crossover design

No change in exercise metabolism or marathon running time. No change in recovery and submaximal test performance on following day. Increase in VO2 max by 6%. However, no effects on oxygen utilisation and RER at submaximal loads, or change in lactate accumulation with jumps. Results appear inconsistent.


Marconi et al. (1985)

6 national class walkers Crossover design

February 1, 2006

RER = respiratory exchange ratio





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Despite the popularity of carnitine in fat-loss supplements and the marketing claims associated with these products, the effect of carnitine supplementation on body-fat levels has not been studied in athletes. Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10, or ubiquinone, is a non-essential, lipid-soluble nutrient found predominantly in animal foods and in low levels in plant foods. It is located in the body primarily in skeletal and cardiac muscle, inside the mitochondria. Coenzyme Q10 is part of the mitochondrial anti-oxidant defence system, preventing damage to DNA and cell membranes, and provides a link in the electron transport chain producing ATP. Some cardiac and neuromuscular dysfunction is believed to result from coenzyme Q10 deciency. Indeed, patients with ischaemic heart disease are often seen to have lower plasma coenzyme Q10 concentrations and improve their exercise capacity following coenzyme Q10 supplementation. The marketing campaigns for coenzyme Q10 supplement promote increased vigour and youthfulness as a benet of their use. For athletes, there are claims of enhanced energy production and reduced oxidative damage from exercise. Peer-reviewed studies of coenzyme Q10 supplementation on exercise metabolism, oxidative damage caused by exercise and performance are summarised in Table 16.14. There are few data that support an ergogenic benet of coenzyme Q10 on exercise performance. By contrast, several studies have shown that coenzyme Q10 has an ergolytic, or negative, effect on high-intensity performance and training adaptations (Laaksonen et al. 1995; Malm et al. 1996, 1997; Svensson et al. 1999). A series of studies found that coenzyme Q10 supplementation had no effect on indices of lipid oxidation (indicated by plasma malondialdehyde concentrations) or catabolism of adenine nucleotides (indicated by plasma uric acid and hypoxanthine concentrations) when previously untrained men undertook twice daily sessions of repeated sprints (Svensson et al. 1999). In fact, supplementation with coenzyme Q10 may have increased oxidative damage, as indicated by higher plasma creatine kinase levels in response to exercise compared with the placebo trial (Malm et al. 1996). In these circumstances, coenzyme Q10 was believed to act as a pro-oxidant rather than an anti-oxidant. Training adaptations were impaired by coenzyme Q10, with the placebo group outperforming the coenzyme Q10 group either during training or at the end of the supplementation phase (Malm et al. 1996, 1997). Similarly, a crossover study found that trained subjects had greater endurance during a cycling test at the end of the placebo trial compared with the period of coenzyme Q10 supplementation. An increase in plasma Q10 concentrations in response to supplementation is not associated with an increase in Q10 concentrations in skeletal muscle or isolated skeletal muscle mitochondria (Svensson et al. 1999). Further work is required to investigate the effects of coenzyme Q10 supplementation on exercise performance and training. However, at present there is


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no clear evidence to recommend coenzyme Q10 supplementation to athletes undertaking high-intensity training. Inosine
Inosine is a nucleic acid derivative that occurs naturally in brewers yeast, liver and other glandular organ meats. It is a non-essential nutrient, since our bodies can make all nucleic acids from their amino acid and sugar precursors provided in protein and carbohydrate foods. Specically, inosine is a purine nucleoside and a precursor of the nucleotide, inosine mono-phosphate (IMP). This is, in turn, an intermediary in the degradation and salvage of the adenine nucleotides ATP, AMP and ADP. Thus, it has been hypothesised that inosine supplementation could increase the muscle content of ATP. Other mechanisms by which inosine supplementation is claimed to enhance exercise performance include an increase in 2,3-diphosphoglycerate in red blood cells, which theoretically shift the oxyhaemoglobin curve to increase the release of oxygen into the muscle. Inosine is also believed to have vasodilatory effects and anti-oxidant properties. However, these are only hypothetical situations that have not been supported by research. Further information on inosine can be found in Williams et al. (1990) and Starling et al. (1996). The main support for inosine supplementation is testimonial, with reports from athletes, especially from Russian and ex-Eastern-bloc countries, and musclebuilding magazines. One popular magazine, Muscle and Fitness, published an article describing a 6-week study of inosine supplementation on four trained athletes (Colgan 1988). The report claimed the study was undertaken using a double-blind crossover design and found strength gains as a result of the supplementation. This study has not appeared in a peer-reviewed publication or in adequate detail to judge the validity of these claims. The athletes reported irritability and fatigue while taking the inosine supplements. Table 16.15 summarises the results of the only three well-controlled studies of inosine supplementation that have been published in the peer-reviewed literature. Inosine was also an ingredient in a multi-compound ergogenic aid (CAPS) that failed to enhance performance of triathletes in a study by Snider and colleagues (1992); this study has been reviewed in section The three studies of isolated inosine supplementation all failed to nd either favourable metabolic changes or performance benets following inosine supplementation in welltrained subjects (Williams et al. 1990; Starling et al. 1996; McNaughton et al. 1999c). There were no data to support any of the theoretical actions of inosine supplementation. Although muscle substrates were not directly measured in these studies, purported changes to ATP concentrations are unlikely to enhance exercise performance since ATP is not depleted by exercise, even at the point of fatigue (see Chapter 1). Of note, two studies reported that subjects showed better performance of high-intensity tasks while on the placebo treatment than on the inosine trial,





Coenzyme Q10 dose 100 mg/day for 8 weeks Exercise Performance protocol enhancement Cycling r Incremental test with No increase of 50 W/minutes until exhaustion Comments Supplementation did increase plasma Coenzyme Q10 levels, but did not improve aerobic power. Cycling r Incremental VO2 max test to exhaustion No No effect on maximal oxygen uptake or muscle energy metabolism (determined by NMRS). 1 mg/kg/day for 28 days Cycling Anaerobic test Placebo and Q10 group both improved (days 1, 11, 15 and 20) performance of repeated sprint test r 30 s Wingate cycle + Noin fact, after training, however, only placebo 5 minute recovery + impairment group maintained this improvement 10 10 s sprints during recovery to day 20. Placebo Aerobic test (pre-trial group achieved higher average power, and day 18) and greater improvement in latter r Cycling VO2 max No intervals during anaerobic training sessions. No change in VO2 max Aerobic test: pre-trial and day 22 outcomes in either group over time or r Running VO2 max No in oxygen use during submaximal cycling. Cycling Test undertaken pre- and post 28 d of r Incremental test to No training; coenzyme Q10 did not exhaustion enhance performance compared with placebo group


Table 16.14 Studies of coenzyme Q10 supplementation and exercise performance (for updates see



Study Bonetti et al. (2000)

Subjects 28 recreational cyclists Parallel group design



Nielsen et al. (1999)


Malm et al. (1997)


7 well-trained 100 mg/day for male triathletes 6 weeks (+ vitamin Crossover E + vitamin C) design 18 males 120 mg/day for Parallel group 22 days design Days 29: usual activity Days 1114: 2/day anaerobic training Days 1522: recovery

February 1, 2006

Weston et al. (1997)


18 trained male cyclists and triathletes Parallel group design



Malm et al. (1996)

15 active males Parallel group design

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Laaksonen 11 young and 8 et al. (1995) older trained males Crossover design


Braun et al. (1991)

10 male cyclists Parallel group design


Snider et al. (1992)

11 highly trained triathletes Crossover design

February 1, 2006

Ylikoski et al. (1997)


25 national-level cross-country skiers Parallel group design

120 mg/day for Cycling Placebo group improved anaerobic work r Days 1, 11, 15 and 20 20 days capacity at day 15 or 20training r 30 s Wingate cycle + Noin fact, Days 210: usual effect. However, Q10 group did activity 5 min recovery + impairment achieve this training effect. CK levels Days 1115: 2/day 10 10 s sprints maintained during placebo trial but anaerobic training were increased at various time points in Days 1620: recovery Q10 group. No change in muscle coenzyme Q10 120 mg/day for Cycling r Prolonged endurance Noin fact, concentrations or plasma 6 weeks test to exhaustion performance malondialdehyde as a result of impairment coenzyme Q10 supplementation. Negative effect on time to exhaustion (placebo had greater endurance). 100 mg/day for Cycling Performance increased equally in both r Incremental test to 8 weeks No groups from pre- to exhaustion post-supplementation. Coenzyme Q10 had no effect on cycling performance or any measured parameters. Malondialdehyde concentrations reduced in both groups after training. 100 mg/day for Cycling and running No difference in time to exhaustion 4 weeks (+ vitamin r 90 min on treadmill No between trials. No differences in blood E, inosine, @ 70% VO2 max + metabolites or RPE. cytochrome c ) cycling @ 70% VO2 max to exhaustion 90 mg/day for Cross-country skiing Improved VO2 max with coenzyme Q10 r Treadmill 6 weeks supplementation. Increase in aerobic Yes and anaerobic thresholds. No control pole-walking to of exercise during supplementation exhaustion periods.



CK = creatine kinase, RPE = rating of perceived exertion, W = watts





Inosine 10 000 dose 10 000 mg for 5 and 10 days Enhanced performance No Comments No improvements in sprint times or TT performance. Increase in plasma uric acid concentrations. 5000 mg/day for 5 days Noin fact, performance impairment 6000 mg/day for 2 days (maximum recommended dose) Exercise protocol Cycling r 5 6 s sprints r 30 s sprint r 20 minute TT Cycling r Wingate 30 s test r 30-min TT r supramaximal sprint to fatigue Running r Submaximal warm-up run r 3-mile treadmill TT r maximal treadmill run Noin fact, performance impairment No difference in Wingate performance or 30-minute cycle. Negative effect on time to fatigue. Increase in plasma uric acid concentration. No effect on 3-mile run time, VO2 peak or other variables. Negative effect on maximal run.

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Table 16.15 Studies of inosine supplementation and exercise performance (for updates see


Study McNaughton et al. (1999c)

Subjects 7 well-trained males Crossover design


Starling et al. (1996)

10 competitive male cyclists Crossover design


Williams et al. (1990)

9 highly trained male and female endurance runners Crossover design

February 1, 2006

TT = time trial


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suggesting that inosine supplementation might actually impair the performance of high-intensity exercise (Williams et al. 1990; Starling et al. 1996). Potential mechanisms for exercise impairment include an increased formation of IMP in the muscle, either at rest or during exercise. High IMP concentrations have been found at the point of fatigue in many exercise studies; furthermore IMP has been shown to inhibit ATPase activity (Sahlin 1992). It is possible that increased resting concentrations of muscle IMP reduced the duration of high-intensity exercise before critically high levels were reached, causing premature fatigue. Such a theory can only be investigated by direct measurements of muscle nucleosides. Another possible mechanism of performance impairment is an increase in levels of uric acid, a product of inosine degradation. In the present studies, two days of inosine supplementation did not change uric acid levels; however, 5 days and 10 days of intake doubled blood concentrations to levels above the normal range (Williams et al. 1990; Starling et al. 1996; McNaughton et al. 1999c). Thus, chronic inosine supplementation may pose a health risk since high uric acid levels are implicated as a cause of gout. In summary, since there is a lack of evidence of performance benets, and the possibility of performance decrements and side effects, there is little to recommend the use of inosine supplements by athletes. Chromium picolinate

Chromium is an essential trace mineral. Good sources of dietary chromium include liver, eggs, poultry and whole grain cereals; however, absorption of chromium from food is poor. Insufcient data exist to establish a recommended dietary intake for chromium. Adequate intakes, determined from estimates of nutrient intake by healthy people, are within the range of 2535 g per day. The lack of reliable food composition data on the chromium content of foods often causes an underestimation of chromium intake. Chromium plays many roles in maintaining proper metabolism, including roles in glucose, lipid and amino acid metabolism (see Stoecker 1996). Glucose tolerance factor (GTF), found in brewers yeast, may be the most biologically active and absorbable form of chromium. GTF potentiates insulin activity and is responsible for normal insulin function related to uptake of glucose and amino acids into the cell. Optimal chromium intake appears to decrease the amount of insulin required to maintain normal blood glucose levels. Chromium deciency is rare, but it is suggested that marginal chromium intakes may contribute to the development of conditions such as insulin resistance and poor growth. People with chromium deciencies often show improvements in growth or glucose tolerance in response to chromium supplementation (Stoecker 1996). However, research is yet to show convincing proof that chromium supplementation improves glucose metabolism in people with type 2 diabetes. Since exercise has been shown to increase the urinary excretion of chromium, it has been suggested that athletes are at risk of becoming chromium decient and that supplementation would



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be benecial. Further research is required to determine if the body adapts to increased excretion of chromium by increasing the absorption of chromium. As is the case for many micronutrients, athletes with restricted energy intakes are most at risk of low chromium intakes. Chromium supplements are available in the form of chromium nicotinate, chloride and picolinate. Chromium picolinate is claimed to be the most biologically active form, and the claims for the efcacy of chromium picolinate have caused an interesting public debate between the patent holders and other trace element/mineral experts (Leva et al. 1992; Evans 1993; Leva 1993). A concern with chromium supplementation is that chromium potentially competes with trivalent iron for binding to transferrin, thus predisposing those with chronically high intakes of chromium to iron deciency (Lukaski et al. 1996). Some (Lukaski et al. 1996), but not all (Campbell et al. 1997), studies have reported a reduction in iron status as a result of chromium picolinate supplementation. The main claims for chromium supplements are that they will enhance handling of glucose, amino acids and fatty acids, allow dramatic gains in muscle mass and strength, and reduce body fat. Initial studies reported increases in muscle mass and a reduction in body fat following supplementation with chromium picolinate in subjects undertaking aerobic exercise classes (Evans 1993) and weight training (Evans 1989). These studies have been criticised for methodological aws, such as lack of a control group, inadequate control of diet or training status, and the reliance on unreliable and insensitive methods of assessing body composition (Leva et al. 1992; Leva 1993). We have not included such investigations in our summary of the literature (Table 16.16). This summary shows that studies that use gold standard techniques for measuring body composition (underwater weighing, dual X-ray absorptiometry and MRI) have found no change in lean body mass or loss of body fat above the effects achieved by training alone. A study in which chromium picolinate was added to a sports drink consumed during exercise found that there were no additional benets to exercise performance above that achieved by the carbohydrate in the drink (Davis et al. 2000). Therefore, chromium picolinate supplementation does not appear to provide any acute benets to carbohydrate metabolism. In summary, there is certainly no support for the dramatic claims made in some advertisements that position chromium picolinate as a legal anabolic agent. The only situation in which chromium supplementation is likely to be useful is in treating individuals whose dietary intake is inadequate.

16 Medium chain triglycerides

Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) are fats composed of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA) with a chain length of six to 10 carbon molecules. They are digested and metabolised differently from the long-chain fatty acids that make up most of our dietary fat intake. Specically, MCTs can be digested within the intestinal lumen with less need for bile and pancreatic juices than long-chain

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triglycerides, with MCFAs being absorbed via the portal circulation. MCFAs can be taken up into the mitochondria without the need for carnitine-assisted transport (see Chapter 15 for more details on fat metabolism). In clinical nutrition, MCT supplements derived from palm kernel and coconut oil are used as energy supplements for patients who have various digestive or lipid metabolism disorders. In the sports world, MCTs have been positioned as easily absorbed and oxidised fuel sources, and have been marketed to body builders as fat sources that are less likely to deposit as body fat. However, the role of MCTs in the general diet of athletes has not been studied. Another role for MCTs in sport is to provide a fuel source during endurance and ultra-endurance events that could potentially spare glycogen, and prolong the availability of important CHO stores. Jeukendrup and colleagues (1995) reported that the co-ingestion of MCT with CHO during prolonged exercise increased the rate of MCT oxidation, possibly by increasing its rate of absorption; the maximum rate of MCT oxidation was achieved at around 120180 minutes of exercise, with values of 0.12 g/min. Table 16.17 summarises the ndings of studies that have examined the effect of the co-ingestion of MCT and CHO on ultra-endurance performance; the results are inconsistent and appear to depend on the amount of MCT that can be ingested and the prevailing hormonal conditions. Studies in which the intake of large amounts of MCT raised plasma FFA concentrations and allowed glycogen sparing reported a performance benet at the end of prolonged exercise (van Zyl et al. 1996). However, these metabolic (and performance) benets may be compromised when exercise is commenced with higher insulin levels, as is the case following a CHO-rich pre-exercise meal (Goedecke et al. 1999; Angus et al. 2000). Critical to the whole issue is the ability of subjects to tolerate the substantial amount of MCT oils required to have a metabolic impact. Jeukendrup et al. found that the gastrointestinal tolerance of MCT is limited to a total intake of about 30 g, which would limit its fuel contribution to 37% of the total energy expenditure during typical ultra-endurance events (Jeukendrup et al. 1995). At greater intakes, subjects report gastrointestinal reactions that range in severity from insignicant (van Zyl et al. 1996) to performance-limiting (Jeukendrup et al. 1998; Goedecke et al. 2005). Differences in gastrointestinal tolerance between studies or within studies may reect differences in the mean chain length of MCTs found in the supplements, or increased tolerance in some athletes due to constant exposure to MCTs. The intensity and mode of exercise may also affect gastrointestinal symptoms. In summary, although some CHO gels are marketed with the addition of MCTs, there is little evidence to support an ergogenic effect from these special products. In fact, Goedecke and colleagues (2005) reported a performance decrement in an ultra-endurance protocol following the intake of MCTs before and during cycling. This appeared to have causes other than the gastrointestinal disturbances, since all subjects experienced an impairment of time-trial performance, while only half the group reported gastrointestinal problems.






Chromium dose and form Comments 400 g/day Cr-Pic (400) Intermittent high-intensity exercise r shuttle running and fatigue test No Testing at baseline and 12 weeks r strength r body composition No Nomales Yesfemales Exercise protocol Enhanced performance Cr added to a CHO-electrolyte sports drink did not enhance performance beyond the benet of ingesting CHO during exercise. 200 Cr-Pic for 12 weeks Resistance training program Testing at baseline, mid and 9 weeks: r strength r body composition No No Testing at baseline and 8 weeks: r strength r body composition r iron status No No No No benecial effects on lean BM, body fat or strength above training effect. No difference between chromium preparations. Trend for iron status ( transferrin status) with chromium picolinate.



Table 16.16 Studies of chromium picolinate supplementation and body composition and performance (for updates see


Study Subjects Acute supplementation studies Davis et al. 8 active males (2000) Crossover design

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Chronic supplementation studies Hasten et al. 59 male and female (1992) college students Parallel group design


Clancy et al. (1994)

Both groups gained BM and reduced body fat. Greater in BM in females with chromium but no difference with males. No differences in strength changes due to chromium picolinate. No enhancement of BM, body composition or strength above placebo group.

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Lukaski et al. (1996)


36 male collegiate 200 g/day Cr-Pic football (gridiron) for 9 weeks players Pre-season Parallel group design resistance and conditioning training 36 untrained males 3.4 mol/day Parallel group (200 g/day) design Cr-Pic or Cr-chloride for 8 weeks Resistance training program




Hallmark et al. (1996) No No

16 untrained males Parallel group design


Walker et al. (1998) No No No No No


200 g/day Cr-Pic for 12 weeks Resistance training program 20 male collegiate 200 g/day Cr-Pic wrestlers for 14 weeks Parallel group design Resistance and conditioning training program

No differences in body composition with training or supplement. Strength increases independent of supplement. No enhancement of body composition or performance variables beyond improvements seen with training alone.


Livolsi et al. (2001)

15 female collegiate softball players Parallel group design

500 g/day Cr-Pic for 6 weeks Resistance training program

Testing at baseline and 12 weeks: r strength r body composition Testing at baseline and 14 weeks r strength r peak power r body composition r Wingate test r VO2 max on run treadmill Testing at baseline and 6 weeks strength r IRM for variety of lifts Body composition r Hydrostatic weighing No No

Muscle strength increased with training but no difference between groups. No signicant differences in body fat or LBM. Urinary Cr excretion increased in treatment group.

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MCT dose 2 L of 4.3% MCT or 10% CHO or 10% CHO + 4.3% MCT Total intake of MCT = 86 g Exercise Enhanced protocol performance Cycling r 2 hours @ 60% Yes VO2 max + 40 km TT (70 minutes) 20 mL/kg of 10% CHO or 10% CHO + 5% MCT or 5% MCT or placebo Total intake of MCT = 86 g No 1.6 L of 10% CHO or 10% CHO + 1.7% MCT or 10% CHO + 3.4% MCT Total intake of MCT = 26 or 52 g Cycling r 2 hours @ 63% No VO2 max + 40 km TT (70 min) Cycling r 2 hours @ 60% VO2 max + TT (15 min) Comments MCT + CHO enhanced TT performance times (65.1 minutes) compared with CHO (66.8 minutes) and MCT (72.1 minutes). Increase in FFA and glycogen sparing with MCT + CHO. No difference between CHO, CHO + MCT or placebo (14 minutes) but MCT alone impaired performance (17.3 minutes). MCT + CHO showed slightly higher fat oxidation than CHO alone. No glycogen sparing. No differences in TT performance. 2 subjects experienced gastrointestinal distress with higher MCT intake. Higher FFA with MCT but no change in CHO oxidation.

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Table 16.17 Studies of medium-chain triglycerides + CHO supplementation and ultra-endurance performance (for updates see



Study Van Zyl et al. (1996)

Subjects 6 endurance-trained cyclists Crossover design



Jeukendrup 9 endurance-trained et al. (1998) male cyclists/triathletes Crossover design

February 1, 2006

Goedecke et al. 9 endurance-trained (1999) male cyclists Crossover design




Angus et al. (2000) No

8 endurance-trained 1 L per hour of 6% male cyclists/ CHO + 4% MCT triathletes (versus 6% CHO or Crossover design placebo) Total intake of MCT = 42 g per hour or 120 g

Cycling r 100 km TT (3 hours)



Vistisen et al. (2003)

Well-trained cyclists 2.4 g/kg CHO or (7 M) 2.4 g/kg CHO + Crossover design 1.5 g/kg MCT/LCFA mixture over 4 hours Total intake of MCT mixture = 93128 g over 4 hours

Cycling r 3 h @ 55% No VO2 max + 800 kJ TT (50 min)

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CHO enhanced performance over placebo, but addition of MCT did not provide further benets. 4 subjects experienced gastrointestinal problems with MCT. No differences in fat oxidation, plasma FFA between MCT and CHO + MCT. Suppression of fat oxidation may be due to high exercise intensity or pre-trial CHO meal causing high insulin concentrations. No difference in TT performance between CHO and CHO + MCT mixture (50.8 3.6 versus 50.0 1.8 minutes, NS). Signicantly lower RER (greater fat use) during rst hour of ride, but not signicantly different thereafter, indicating only minor differences in substrate utilisation as a result of the treatment. No major GI side effects during trial, but problems experienced next day with CHO + MCT mixture trial. No difference in substrate utilisation (RER) during submaximal exercise. Half the subjects experienced GI side effects with MCT. Overall, TT performance compromised in MCT trial (12.36 versus 14.30 minutes)



Goedecke et al. 8 male 1 hour pre-exercise Cycling r 4.5 hours @ 50% Noin fact (2005) endurance-trained 75 g CHO or 32 g cyclists MCT PPO + 200 kJ impaired Crossover design During exercise TT (15 600 mL per h of 10% minutes) CHO or 10% CHO + 4.2% MCT Total intake of MCT = 148 g over 6 hours



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16.6 Summary
Sports dietitians frequently observe a chaotic pattern of use of supplements and sports foods by athletes and coaches, and an almost never-ending range of products that are claimed to achieve benets needed to enhance sports performance. The poor regulation of supplements and sports foods in many countries allows athletes and coaches to be the target of marketing campaigns based on exaggerated claims and hype rather than documented benets. However, scientic study has identied a number of products that offer true benets to performance or the achievement of nutritional goals. A systematic approach to educating athletes and coaches about supplements and sports foods, and managing their provision to athletes and teams, can allow sports people to include the successful use of these products with the activities that underpin optimal performance.

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