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Subject: Tibetan/Buddhist Studies Multiple Choice Questions Instruction: Please choose the most appropriate amongst the option

given. 1. What was the name of the clan in which Buddha born? a. Koliya b. Sakya c. Maurya d. Nanda 2. Identify the name of country who follows Mahayana tradition of Buddhism a. Thailand b. Myanmar c. Tibet d. Sri Lanka 3. Identify the country who follows Sthaviravada or Hinayana tradition of Buddhism a. China b. Sri lanka c. Tibet d. Bhutan 4. Where is Central University of Tibetan Studies (CUTS) situated? a. Patna b. Delhi c. Mumbai d. Sarnath 5. Identify the ordained name of present Dalai Lama a. Thubten Gyatso b. Tenzin Gyatso c. Sonam Gyatso

d. Gelek Gyatso 6. How many Dalai Lama has been incarnated in Tibet before the present one? a. Fourteen b. eleven c. Twelve d. Thirteen 7. Who was the King responsible for introduction of Buddhism in Tibet? a. Ti song Deu Tsan b. Kalsang gyatso c. Gedun Druk d. Srong Tsan Gampo 8. All things are devoid of intrinsic nature this statement is taken from a. Tsod Dog (vigrahavyawartani) of Nagarjuna b. Zhi gyapa (Chatuh stavak) of Arya Dev c. Rinchen Phrengba (Ratnamala) of Nagarjuna d. Lalitavistara 9. Tsonkhapa was the founder of a. Kargyud Sect of Buddhism in Tibet b. Gelug Sect of Buddhism in Tibet c. Nying Ma Sect of Buddhism in Tibet d. Sakya Sect of Buddhism in Tibet 10. Identify the person who is also known as Guru Rinpoche a. Sonam Gyatso b. Tsayangg Gyatso c. Padmasambhava d. Nagarjuna 11. Sera, Gaden and Drepung are the name of

a. Eminent persons of Tibetan Buddhism b. Great Monasteries of Tibet c. Great centers of learning in Nepal d. Buddhist caves of Dunhuang in China 12. Which according to Buddha is the Fourth Noble Truth? a. Cause of Suffering b. Suffering c. Way to cessation of Suffering d. Cessation of Suffering 13. The Dependant Origination is a twelve point rules that describes us the root cause of Suffering. As per this theory the root cause of suffering is a. Contact b. Ignorance c. Birth d. Death 14. Right speech, Right Action, Right Concentration etc. are part of a. Eightfold Path b. Dependant origination c. Theory of Void (Sunyavada) d. Cause of suffering 15. Prince Siddhartha was brought up by his step mother and aunt named a. Mahamaya b. Vishakhamigarmata c. Gotami d. Sulakshana

16. Vinaya Pitaka is name of the collection of a. compilation of Codes of conduct for monks and nuns b. Words of Buddha c. Higher Philosophical and Logical texts d. Box containing items related to worship of Buddha 17. Lumbini is the place associated with a. Mahaparinirvana of Lord Buddha b. Where Buddha got enlightenment c. Birth place of The Buddha d. Where first Buddhist council was convened 18. Lord Buddha, gave his first sermon Dhammachakkappavattana or turning the wheel of Dharma into motion at a. b. Patliputra Sarnath

c. Rajgriha d. Vaishali 19. The first Buddhist council was convened at a. Vaishali b. Patliputra c. Rajgriha d. Sarnath 20. The Second Buddhist council was held at a. Vaishali b. Patliputra c. Rajgriha d. Sarnath

21. The third Buddhist Council was convened at a. Vaishali b. Patliputra c. Rajgriha d. Sarnath 22. The famous water dispute of the Rohini river at the time of Buddha was between a. Sakya and koliya b. Maurya and Sakya c. Guptas and Maurya d. Koliya and Naga 23. The first sect of Buddhism established in Tibet by Pdmasambhava is a. Nyingma b. Kargyud c. Sakya d. Gelug

24. Milaras pa, one of the most famous personality of Tibetan Buddhism was great teacher in a. Nyingma

b. Kargyud c. Sakya d. Gelug 25. Ajitkesakambali, Purankashyap, Sanjayvelatthiputta were a. Contemporary thinkers of Buddha b. Minister of King Shuddodana c. Followers of Buddha

d. Cousins of Devadatta 26. Madhyamakkarika was wrriten by a. Aryadeva b. Vasubandhu c. Nagarjuna d. Dignaga 27. As per Tibetan Sources Vajrayana was propounded by a. Lord Buddha in first year of his enlightenment at Rishipattana in First Dhammachakkapavattana b. Lord Buddha in thirteenth year of his enlightenment at Gridhakuta mountain in Second Dhammachakkappavattana c. Lord Buddha at sixteenth year of his enlightenment at Sridhanyakataka in third Dhammachakkappavattana d. After the demise of the Buddha, Ananda Propounded it at Rajgriha 28. Name the Nepalese wife of King Srong Tsen Gam Po? a. Sonam b. Bhrikuti c. Wang Yan d. Kalsang 29. Tse School of Tibetan Buddhism was founded by a. The first Dalai lama

b. The Fifth Dalai Lama c. The Seventh Dalai Lama d. The fourteenth Dalai lama 30. Who was the first Grammarian making the Tibetan alphabets? a. Gedun Drub b. Srong Tsang Gampo c. Thonmi Sambhota

d. Thonmi Anu 31. How many consonants are there in Tibetan Alphabet? a. 30 b. 31 c. 33 d. 34 32. How many vowels are there in Tibetan Alphabet? a. Twelve b. Ten c. Six d. Four 33. Ladon is the name of group of case endings pertaining to the a. Accusative, Dative and Locative cases b. Nominative, Instrumental and Possessive cases c. Accusative, Ablative and vocative cases d. Instrumental and Possessive cases 34. Idon is the name of group of case endings pertaining to the a. Accusative, Dative and Locative cases b. Nominative, Instrumental and Possessive cases c. Accusative, Ablative and vocative cases d. Instrumental and Possessive cases 35. How many letters are said to be sub-joint letters in Tibetan Grammar? a. Two b. Three c. Four d. Six 36. How many letters are said to be surmounted letters in Tibetan Grammar?

a. Two b. Three c. Four d. Five 37. What is the name of script of Tibetan Language used for Buddhist Texts? a. Li-Chan b. Dzong kha c. U-Chan d. Roman 38. How many suffixes are there in Tibetan Grammar? a. Ten b. Twelve c. Fourteen d. Twenty 39. How many prefixes are there in Tibetan Grammar? a. Four b. Five c. Six d. Eight

40. How many letters are as additional suffix in Tibetan Grammar? a. One b. Two c. Three

d. Four 41. Buddhist teachings were First time collected at a. Rajgrih b. Patliputra c. Vaishali d. Kashmir 42. What does the word Lama means? a. Guru b. Great exponent of Buddhism c. abbot of Monastery d. Spirit 43. Buddhism does not approve existence of soul yet affirms rebirth. What is the term used for the existence that revives in next birth? a. Atma b. Pudgala c. Pannha d. Jhanna 44. Name the king who received direct teaching from Buddha in his life time a. Ashoka b. Kanishka c. Ajatsatru d. Brahmadatta 45. In his childhood prince Siddhartha saved a swan from his cousin. Name the cousin. a. Ananda b. Devadatta c. Shuddodana d. Nanda

46. In the modern era of Globalization, Buddhism is relevant because of a. Its teachings are based on action and results and hence set an order in society that is an essential for growth across the Globe b. It supports all the Gods of all religions c. It creates monotheism in society hence relevant d. Its teaching are available in all major languages of world, hence relevant to all 47. Gender inequality is a common phenomenon across the time and space. What is the name of special rules meant for women in Vinaya? a. Parajika b. Pachitya c. Eight Guru Dhamma d. DhammaSangini

48. Does Buddhism created a revolution for social change in 6th Century BCE? a. Yes, On the basis of action and result theory and dependant origination, Buddhism created a base for social equality among the feudal structure of Indian class system b. Yes, The Statue of Buddha is worship among almost all races and class hence created a base for social change c. No, Buddhism is also like other religions and its field is spiritual upliftment, not social change. d. No, Rites and rituals in Buddhism are same by another names as prevalent in all major religions 49. B. R. Ambedkar created a history when a mass conversion took place at Nagpur in 1956. What is so special about its idea? a. If your present religion is not providing solutions to your individual and social problems, one should change ones religion as per own wish. b. Drafting the constitution for free India make Ambedkar important, hence conversion took political gains. c. Ambedkar made conversion legal.

d. Independent India paved the way of converting downtrodden and deprived section of the society to Buddhism. 50. Considering the Buddhist order of monks and nuns can it be said that Buddhism negates family life? a. Yes, for emancipation, we must renounce the household life as Buddha did. b. No, if everybody will leave household life, all worldly affairs will come to stand still and the food and shelter for all including monks and nuns will become impossible. c. Although mendicancy is mandatory to reach at higher stages of practices, Buddha never condemned household life. Hence no need to renounce household life. d. Yes, following the eightfold path, only monk can achieve the highest goal, Arhathood or Buddhahood.


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