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Pimsleur Mandarin Chinese I Notes by Eric Nishio www.self-learner.



w( sh m!i gu rn I am American.

du bu q' Excuse me. !

n' sh m!i gu rn ma? Are you American? !

n' hu shu% y$ng wn ma? Can you speak English? !

sh, w( sh m!i gu rn Yes, I am American.

q'ng wn Please let me ask.

! In Mandarin, yes and no answers change depending on the question. For example, a positive answer to n$ hu shu" ma? would be hu.

n' hu shu% ma? Can you speak? !

b hu No (lit. cannot).

h&o well; good

w( b hu shu% p) t%ng hu I can't speak Mandarin. !

w( shu% de b h&o I dont speak well. !

y di&nr a little

n' h&o Hello.

w( hu shu% y di&nr p) t%ng hu I can speak a little Mandarin. !

m!i gu America !

n' h&o ma? How are you? (With good friends. Not to be used in conjunction with N' h&o.)

h!n h&o, xi xi (n') Very well, thank you.

m!i gu rn American (person) !

sh yes; to be

zi jin Good bye.

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Pimsleur Mandarin Chinese I Notes by Eric Nishio


xu yun l zi n&r? Where is College Road?

zh%ng gu China !

chng "n ji# zi zhr Long Peace Street is located here. !

n' b sh zh%ng gu rn Youre not Chinese. !

sh zi zhr ma? Is it located here? (Sh is used because it is a yes or no question.)

n' ne? How about you? !

w( sh m!i gu rn, n' ne? Im American. How about you? !

b sh, b sh zi zhr No, its not located here. !

k! sh but

sh zi nr Its located over there.

w( b sh zh%ng gu rn, k! sh w( hu shu% p) t%ng hu Im not Chinese, but I can speak Mandarin. !

b zi zhr, zi nr Its not located here, its over there. !

chng "n ji# zi zhr, k! sh xu yun l zi nr Long Peace Street is located here, but College Road is located over there.

n' p) t%ng hu shu% de h!n h&o You speak Mandarin very well.



b sh h!n h&o Not very well. !

w( b zh$ do I dont know. !

n' mng bi You understand. (Understand the situationbut not a language.)

n' zh$ do ma? Do you know?

zh$ do, w( zh$ do Yes, I know. !

w( b mng bi n' shu% shn me I dont understand what youre saying.

w( xi&ng I would like to.

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Pimsleur Mandarin Chinese I Notes by Eric Nishio !

n' xi&ng ch$ y di&nr d%ng xi ma? Would you like to eat something?

w( y! xi&ng I, too, would like to.

y di&nr d%ng xi (a little) something !

n' xi&ng q w( nr ch$ ma? Would you like to go to my place to eat? !

xi&ng, w( xi&ng ch$ y di&nr d%ng xi Yes, I would like to eat something.

shn me sh ho? When?

b xi&ng, xi xi n' No, thank you. !

xan zi now !

k! sh w( xi&ng h# y di&nr d%ng xi But Id like to drink something.

n' xi&ng shn me sh ho ch$? When would you like to eat?

k! sh w( b xi&ng ch$ But I dont want to eat. !

w( b xi&ng xin zi ch$ I would not like to eat now.


gu y hu!r later

n' xi&ng q n&r ch$? Where would you like (to go) to eat? !

w( b xi&ng zi zhr h# I would not like to drink here. !

w( nr my place !

n' xi&ng gu y hu!r h# ma? Would you like to drink later?

q w( nr to my place


w( xi&ng q w( nr ch$ Id like to go to my place to eat. !

n' xi&ng zi nr ch$ ma? Would you like to eat over there? !

y! also

h&o Okay.

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Pimsleur Mandarin Chinese I Notes by Eric Nishio !

fn din restaurant

k! sh w( xin zi b xi&ng h# But I would not like to drink now.

q fn din to a restaurant !

k! sh w( xi&ng xin zi h# y di&nr d%ng xi But I would like to drink something now.

h&o ma? Okay?


ch$ w) fn to eat lunch

n' xi&ng ch$ shn me? What would you like to eat? ! !

q w( nr ma? To my place?

y di&nr ch some tea !

li&ng two (when using a measure word)

w( xi&ng h# y di&nr ch I want to drink some tea. ! !

p ji) beer !

li&ng b#i two glasses/containers

li&ng b#i p ji) two beers

w( xi&ng q fn din I want to go to a restaurant. ! !

k! sh gu y hu!r, h&o ma? But later, okay? !

yo want

w( xi&ng yo ___ Id like to order ___.

xin zi b h&o Not now. ! !

w( xi&ng q b!i j$ng fn din I want to go to the Beijing restaurant. !

w( xi&ng yo li&ng b#i p ji) Id like to order two beers.

hi sh or

b!i j$ng fn dan zi n&r

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n' xi&ng h# ch hi sh p ji)? Would you like to drink tea or beer?


n' zh$ do chng "n ji# zi n&r ma? Do you know where Long Peace Street is located?

n' xi&ng zu shn me? What would you like to do? !

q ji) din to the hotel (Note! Hotels are called fn din in Taiwan.) !

hu zh! or In Mandarin, two different words for or are used, depending on whether they are contained within a statement (hu zh!) or a question (h#i sh).

w( xi&ng m&i y di&nr d%ng xi Id like to buy something. !

w( xi&ng m&i ch hu zh! p ji) I would like to order tea or beer. !

n' xi&ng m&i shn me? What would you like to buy?

n' xi&ng ch$ y di&nr d%ng xi h&i sh h# y di&nr d%ng xi? Would you like to eat something or drink something?

g#n with !

shi who/whom !

k! sh b sh zi zhr But not here.

j' di&n zh%ng? At what time?

y q' along !

g#n shi y q'? (Along) with whom? !

y di&n zh%ng (At) one oclock.

ji) di&n zh%ng nine oclock

g#n n' y q' with you !

n' xi&ng g#n w( y q' h# y di&nr d%ng xi ma? Would you like to eat something with me? !

b" eight

sh b" di&n zh%ng ma? Is it at eight oclock?

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b sh, sh ji) di&n zh%ng No, its at nine oclock.

xin zi j' di&n zh%ng? What time is it now?

li&ng di&n zh%ng two oclock !

y di&n zh%ng Its one oclock. !

b" di&n zh%ng h&i sh ji) di&n zh%ng? At eight oclock or at nine oclock?

w) five

h&o, zi ji) din Okay, at the hotel. !

s"n three !

gu y hu!r ne? How about later?

s four

b h&o, xi xi n', w( b xi&ng li&ng di&n zh%ng h#. No thanks. Id not like to drink at two oclock. !

sh s di&n zh%ng ma? Is it four oclock? !

b xng Impossible.

yo to be going to

y di&n zh%ng b xng, li&ng di&n zh%ng b xng One oclock impossible, two oclock impossible. !

w( yo xin zi ch$ w) fn Im going to have lunch now. !

w( b mng bi shn me? What dont I understand?

n' yo xin zi ch$ y di&nr d%ng xi ma? Are you going to eat something now?


sh Yes. (When answering yes to a going to question) !

w( b xi&ng h# d%ng xi I dont want to drink anything. !

w( a As for me...

d%ng xi thing/anything !

w( a, w( yo ch$ w) fn As for me, Im going to eat lunch. Page 6 of 22

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Pimsleur Mandarin Chinese I Notes by Eric Nishio !

n' xi&ng shn me sh ho g#n w( y q' ch$ w) fn? When would you like to have lunch with me?

j$n ti"n w&n shng this evening


w&n fn dinner !

xin zi s di&n zh%ng Now its four oclock. !

j$n ti"n w&n shng w( yo ch$ w&n fn Im going to eat dinner this evening.

xin zi ma? Now? !

sh ten !

b sh xin zi It isnt now. !

mng ti"n tomorrow

li six !

mng ti"n w( yo g#n n' y q' ch$ w&n fn Tomorrow Im going to eat dinner with you. !

q$ seven !

mng ti"n w&n shng q$ di&n zh%ng tomorrow evening at seven oclock

n me in that case; then !

j$n ti"n w( b xi&ng ch$ d%ng xi Today I would not like to eat anything. !

ba lets say !

n' xi&ng j$n ti"n zu shn me? What would you like to do today?

n me q$ di&n zh%ng ba In that case, lets say seven oclock. !

mng ti"n jin See you tomorrow.

j$n ti"n today !


w&n shng in the evening

sh sh di&n zh%ng ma? Is it ten oclock?

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du% sh&o? How much/many?

The measure word kui is not needed when asking how much.

du% sh&o qin? How much money? / How much does it cost? !

w( y(u sh s kui rn mn b I have 14 renminbi. !

rn mn b renminbi (currency of the Peoples Republic of China)

n' y(u du% sh&o m!i j$n? How many American dollars do you have?

w( y(u sh s kui m!i j$n I have 14 US dollars. !

y kui rn mn b one (unit of) renminbi !

n' y(u ma? Do you have?

sh y$ eleven !

n' y(u mi y(u? Do you have? !

sh r twelve !

mi y(u Dont have.

sh r kui rn mn b 12 renminbi !

n' y(u mi y(u q$ kui rn mn b? Do you have seven renminbi? !

li&ng kui rn mn b two renminbi

mi y(u No (I dont have).


shn me sh ho? sh j$n ti"n ma? When? Is it today?

ji" plus !

sh y$ ji" y$ eleven plus one

hi sh mng ti"n? Or tomorrow? !

n' y(u du% sh&o rn mn b? How much renminbi do you have?

w( mi y(u rn mn b I dont have (any) renminbi.

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Pimsleur Mandarin Chinese I Notes by Eric Nishio ! [n] n, sh kui m!i j$n Here you are, ten American dollars. !

g!i w( y di&nr rn mn b Give me some renminbi.

n' xi&ng b xi&ng ch$ y di&nr d%ng xi? Would you like to eat something? !

b sh h!n du% It isnt very much. !

h&o, n, y b#i p ji) Okay, here you are, one beer.

sh b sh zi nr? Is it located over there?


b k q Dont mention it. !

bo zh' newspaper !

g!i w( sh q$ hu zh! sh b" kui m!i j$n Give me seventeen or eighteen US dollars.

w( yo I want. !

w( g!i n' sh kui m!i j$n Im giving you ten American dollars.

w( b yo rn mn b I dont want any renminbi. !


n' yo b yo? Do you want?

n' shu% shn me? What did you say?

du% much !

g!i n' de for you

n' y(u du% sh&o m!i j$n? How many American dollars do you have?

ch sh g!i n' de The tea is for you.

w( y(u h!n du% rn mn b I have a lot of renminbi. !

y b#i p ji) du% sh&o qin? How much does one beer cost? !

w( y(u y di&nr m!i j$n I have some US dollars.

y kui rn mn b y b#i One renminbi for one cup.

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ch li&ng kui The teatwo units.

k! y', w( j$n ti"n w&n shng k! y' Yes, I can this evening.

w( b k! y' I cant.


sh g!i w( de ma? Is it for me?

w( k! y' I can.

sh b sh g!i w( de?

k! y$ = able to hu = know how to

h!n du% qin Thats a lot of money.

n' k! b k! y'? Can you? !

n' k b k! y' xin zi ch$? Can you eat now? !

ti too; excessively

ti du% le Its too much.

k! y', w( k! y' xin zi ch$ Yes, I can eat now. !

ti du% qin le Its too much money. !

w( b k! y' xin zi ch$ I cant eat now. !

r sh twenty

n' k! b k! y' g!i w( y di&nr qin? Can you give me some money? !

r sh s twenty-four !

w( b k! y' g!i n' I cant give you (any). !

gu le Its enough.

w( y(u y di&nr, b sh h!n du% I have some. Not very many. !

b gu Its not enough. ! With the negative, le is not needed.

n' j$n ti"n w&n shng k! b k! y'? Can you ___ this evening?

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s"n sh w), gu le Thirty-five, thats enough.

xin zi w( y(u s sh y kui rn mn b Now I have 41 renminbi.

ti du% le ma?

n' qin gu ma?

sh b sh ti du% le? Is it too much? !

n' qin gu b gu? Do you have enough money? !

b sh, k! sh gu le No, but its enough.

w( b gu I dont have enough.

n' y(u qin ma? Do you have any money? !

ti gu le Its too expensive. !

n' k! y' g!i w( y di&nr qin ma?

b ti gu Its not too expensive.

n' k! b k! y' g!i w( y di&nr qin? Can you give me some money? !

n' y(u m!i j$n g!i w( ma?


n' y(u mi y(u m!i j$n g!i w(? Do you have American dollars for me? !

n' y(u rn mn b g!i w( ma?

n' shu% de ti kui le You speak too quickly.

n' y(u mi y(u rn mn b g!i w(? Do you have renminbi for me? !

gu ma?

gu b gu? Is it enough? ! !

w( shu% de b kui I dont speak quickly.

n' shu% de h!n kui You speak very quickly.

w( gu le I have enough. ! ! Thus, gu le can also mean to have enough.

w( shu% de kui le ma? Do I speak quickly? !

n' shu% de b kui You dont speak quickly.

w( qin gu le I have enough money. Updated April 26, 2012

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n' qin gu ma?

shu' water

n' qin gu b gu? Do you have enough money? !

m fn n' g!i w( shu' Please give me water.


! !

M fn n$ literally means bothering you.

y b&i one-hundred !

h!n gu Its very expensive. !

shi zi nr? Whos over there?

w( yo g#n w( de xi"n sh#ng y q' ch$ w&n fn Im going to eat dinner with my husband.

zi nr, b ti gu Over there, its not too expensive. !

b' jio gu Its more expensive. (Lit. Its relatively expensive.) !

n me n' xi&ng h# y di&nr d%ng xi ma? Then would you like to drink something?

n me ch ne? Then what about tea?

w( de xi"n sh#ng shu% de h!n kui My husband speaks very fast. !


ti tai wife

li sh b" kui ti gu le Sixty-eight units is too expensive. !

t" zi nr Hes over there.

w( de ti tai zi nr My wife is over there. !

w( de ti tai xi&ng h# y di&nr d%ng xi My wife would like to drink something.

t" zi n&r where is she?

Chn xi"n sh#ng xi&ng h# shn me? What would Mr. Chen like to drink?

zi zhr b' jio gu Here its more expensive. !

q'ng jn Please come in. Updated April 26, 2012 Page 12 of 22

Pimsleur Mandarin Chinese I Notes by Eric Nishio ! M fn n$ is used when asking for something. Its like saying, Please give me. Q$ng is used when making an offer or inviting someone to do something. !

n' g#n n' de ti tai zi y q' ma? You along with your wife are located together?

n' men you (plural) !

An affirmative answer to the previous question: sh.

shi? Who is it?

n' men zh zi n&r? !

n' men zh You (plural) live. !

sh w( de xi"n sh#ng Its my husband.

m fn n' w( men xi&ng h# ch Please, we would like to drink tea.

w( men zh zi zhr We live here. !

h and


t" g!n n' zi y q' ma? Is she with you?

w( de xi"n sh#ng h w( my husband and I !

t" g!n n' de xi"n sh#ng zi y q' She is with your husband.

w( men b zh zi zhr We dont live here.

n' men y(u xi&o hr ma? Do you have children? !

Ellis Ellis ti tai zi n&r? Where is Mrs. Ellis?

j' g xi&o hr? How many children?

w( de ti tai zi w( nr My wife is at my place.

Ge is a measure word used when referring to the size of a group of people.

n' men y(u j' ge xi&o hr? How many children do you have?

w( men zh zi hu shng dn We live in Washington. !

n' zh zi n&r? Where do you live?

w( men y(u s"n ge xi&o hr We have three children. Page 13 of 22

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Pimsleur Mandarin Chinese I Notes by Eric Nishio !

li&ng ge r zi two sons


d r zi older son

y g n) r one daughter !

w( mi y(u r zi I dont have any sons. !

d!ng y hu!r Wait one moment.

n' k! y' d!ng y hu!r ma? Can you wait a moment?

h!n du% xi&o hr Thats a lot of children. !

d big !

xi&o n* r younger daughter

w( de r zi h!n xi&o My son is very young.

w( de r zi h!n d le My son is very grown-up. ! The ending le, in conjunction with d, indicates maturityrather than size.

t" zh#n de h!n xi&o He is really very young. !

zh#n de? Really?

n' de r zi h!n d le ma? Is your son very grown-up? !

sh, t" h!n d le Yes, hes very grown-up.

sh, zh#n de Yes, really.

x' sh(u ji"n zi n&r? Where is the bathroom?

t" b sh h!n d Shes not very grown-up. !

t" men h!n d le Theyre very grown-up.

ji" rn family !

d r zi g#n w( men zi y q' The older son is (together) with us.

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d r zi g#n w( men zi zhr The older son is here with us.

f#i j$ airplane

n' men de ji" rn h!n du% You have a very big family. !

n' men yo zu f#i j$ q ma? Are you going to take a plane? !

b sh h!n du% Not very many.

t" yo zu f#i j$ q xi"ng g&ng She is going to take an airplane to Hong Kong.


f#i j$ ch&ng zi n&r? Where is the airport? !

wn Ask. !

li&ng qi"n two-thousand

zi wn y c Ask it again. !

xi&o sh hour !

w( de ji" rn g#n w( zi y q' My family is with me. !

j' ge xi&o sh? How many hours?

j' ge rn? How many people? !

s"n ge xi&o sh three hours !

n' ji" l' y(u j' ge rn? How many people are in your family? !

yo j' ge xi&o sh? How many hours is it?

l' inside !

yo s"n ge xi&o sh Its going to be three hours.

w( men mng ti"n yo q xi"ng g&ng We are going to go to Hong Kong. !


w( de ji" rn yo q xi"ng g&ng My family is going to go to Hong Kong.

li&ng ge d rn two adults

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p) t%ng hu ___ z!n me shu%? How do you say ___ in Mandarin?

n& ge b"n j$? Which flight?

w( men ji" l' y(u h!n du% rn There are many people in our family. !

n& ge b"n j$ q xi"ng g&ng? Which flight goes to Hong Kong? !

b&i hundred

z(u go (when describing an ongoing motion)

yo j' ge xi&o sh? How many hours is it? !

y zh w&ng qin straight ahead !

h!n yu&n It's very far.

y zh w&ng qin z(u Go straight ahead.

xi"ng g&ng b sh h!n yu&n Hong Kong is not very far. !

zh ge b"n j$ this flight !

xi"ng g&ng h!n yu&n ma?

zh ge b"n j$ q xi"ng g&ng ma? Does this flight go to Hong Kong?

xi"ng g&ng sh b sh h!n yu&n? Is Hong Kong very far? !


h!n gu ma? Is it very expensive? !

zi zh%ng gu zu f#i j$ h!n gu ma?

ti yu&n le It's too far. !

zi zh%ng gu zu f#i j$ sh b sh h!n gu? In China, is it expensive to travel by airplane?

yo sh s g xi&o sh It takes 14 hours.

b"n j$ flight !

n& which !

zu f#i j$ h!n gu Flying is very expensive.

g&ng b Hong Kong dollar

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w( y(u q$ sh kui g&ng b I have 70 Hong Kong dollars.

n& tio sh y$ng hung do? Which is King's Road? (The measure word tio is used to imply "which road".)

w( gu le I have enough. !

zu( bi"n to the left !

y$ng hung do King's Road

zu( bi"n n tio l ma? The road to the left?

z(u y$ng hung do Take King's Road !

z(u zu( bi"n n tio l ma? Take the road to the left? !

tio l road (tio is a measure word for roads)

rn hu then

yu bi"n to the right !

rn hu y zh w&ng qin z(u Then go straight ahead. !

yu bi"n n tio l the road to the right

n tio sh y$ng hung do That is King's Road.

n& tio l? Which road? !

b sh y zh w&ng qin z(u It's not straight ahead. !

gu y) Mandarin (The term is mainly used in Hong Kong.)

n' shu% de ti kui le You speak too fast.

y$ng g"i should !

n' y$ng g"i z(u yu bi"n n tio l You should take the road to the right. !

Q'ng zi shu% y c Please say it again.

fn din b sh h!n yu&n The restaurant isn't too far.

w( y$ng g"i z(u n& tio l? I should take which road?

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w( zh#n de b zh$ do I really don't know.

y$n wi ti w&n le Because its too late.


k"i open !

n tio l zi nr The road is over there. !

k"i mn open doors

w( k! y' zi zhr m&i y di&nr d%ng xi ma? Can I buy something here? !

sh"ng din k"i mn le ma?

n' b k! y' m&i d%ng xi You cant buy anything. !

sh"ng din y(u mi y(u k"i mn? Are the shops open? !

wi shn me? Why?

mi y(u, sh"ng din mi y(u k"i mn No, the shops are not open.

y$n wi because !

xin zi sh"ng din k"i mn le ma? Are the shops open now? !

sh"ng din store

mng ti"n sh"ng din k"i mn? Are the shops open tomorrow?

gu"n closed !

w( xi&ng m&i y di&nr d%ng xi g!i w( de ti tai I want to buy something for my wife.

mn door


b sh h!n w&n Its not too late.

gu"n mn le The doors have been closed. (The le indicates have been.) !

sh"ng din gu"n mn le The stores have been closed. !

n' y(u du% sh&o g&ng b? How many Hong Kong dollars do you have?

n' yo zi nr zu shn me? What are you going to do there? Page 18 of 22

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Pimsleur Mandarin Chinese I Notes by Eric Nishio !

png y(u friend

k! nng s"n ti"n Maybe three days.

w( yo kn j' ge png y(u Im going to see some friends. !

w( k! nng yo kn j' ge png y(u Maybe Im going to see some friends. !

t" men b sh zi xi"ng g&ng Theyre not in Hong Kong.

k! nng yo Maybe yes (I will).

w( y(u j' ge png y(u zi b!i j$ng I have some friends in Beijing. !

w( xi&ng I think. !

g%ng zu work

w( xi&ng w( yo g%ng zu I think Im going to work.

w( yo q nr g%ng zu Im going to go there to work. !


n' yo kn Peter ma? Are you going to see Peter? !

li&ng ti"n two days (a measure word is not needed for days)

w( k! nng yo Maybe I will.

d"i stay !

m fan n' g!i w( j' kui rn mn b Please give me some renminbi. !

w( yo zi nr d"i s"n ti"n Im going to stay there three days.

w( yo zi b!i j$ng d"i j' ti"n Im going to stay some days in Beijing.

n' yo d"i You are going to stay. !

n' xi&ng m&i d%ng xi ma? Would you like to buy something? !

j' ti"n? How many days?

n' yo zi nr zu shn me? What are you going to do there?

k! nng maybe

w( xi&ng w( yo zi nr g%ng zu I think Ill work there.

Updated April 26, 2012

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Pimsleur Mandarin Chinese I Notes by Eric Nishio


w( h w( de xi"n sh#ng y q' My husband and I are together.

n' yo q nr zu shn me? What are you going to go there to do? !

w( men yo y q' z(u Were going to leave together. !

n' yo zi b!i j$ng d"i j' ti"n? How many days are you going to stay in Beijing? !

ji w( y ge rn z(u Im leaving alone.

w( xi&ng z(u le Id like to leave. !

k! nng sh Maybe yes.

n' xi&ng z(u le ma? n' xi&ng b xi&ng z(u? (Le is dropped) Would you like to leave? !


w( b xi&ng z(u Id not like to leave. (Le is dropped)

shn me y si? Whats the meaning?

mng ti"n w( yo z(u le Tomorrow, Im going to leave. !

y si meaning !

w( men yo y q' z(u Were going to leave together. (Le is dropped)

w( men zi zhr j' ti"n le We have been here for some days. (Le = have been)

w( xi&ng g#n n' y q' z(u Id like to leave with you. !

du% ji) le? For how long? !

ji only

j' ti"n le For a few days.

ji w( y$ g rn Im alone. !

ji) ti"n le For nine days. !

ji n' y ge rn ma? Are you alone?

w( xi&ng d"i j' ti"n Id like to stay for some days.

Updated April 26, 2012

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Pimsleur Mandarin Chinese I Notes by Eric Nishio !

n' men yo d"i du% ji)? Youre going to stay how long?

w( men sh zu ti"n do de We arrived yesterday.

k! nng w( yo kn j' ge png y(u Maybe Ill see a few friends. !

n' zu ti"n m&i le shn me? What did you buy yesterday? !

y si sh ___ The meaning is ___.

n' m&i le You bought.

sh ji"n time !

n' m&i le shn me? What did you buy? !

y$n wi w( men mi y(u sh ji"n Because we dont have the time.

w( m&i le y di&nr d%ng xi h# I bought something to drink.

n' men zi zhr du% ji) le? How long have you been here? !

n' ch$ le ma? Did you eat? !

ri y hn le Thats really too bad.

ch$ le Yes, I ate.


w( zu ti"n ch$ le. I ate yesterday. !

x$ng q$ weeks !

w( x' hu"n p ji). I like beer.

j' ge x$ng q$ a few weeks !

w( x' hu"n ch$ d%ng xi I like to eat. !

y ge x$ng q$ one week !

zu ti"n w( mi y(u ch$ d%ng xi I didnt eat anything yesterday.

y ge x$ng q$ le It has been a week. !

Mi y%u is used to express that something did not happen in the past.

Updated April 26, 2012

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Pimsleur Mandarin Chinese I Notes by Eric Nishio !

w( men k! y' y q' ch$ We can eat together.

n' sh shn me sh hou do de? When did you arrive?


zu ti"n z&o shng yesterday morning

w( men sh j$n ti"n z&o shng do de We arrived this morning. !

n' men sh shn me sh hou do b!i j$ng de? When did you arrive at Beijing?

! !

Word order: do [location] de

w( sh g#n w( de ji" rn y q do de I arrived with my family.

g#n w( de s"n g xi&o hr y q with my three children !

n' men zu ti"n q le ti"n tn ma? Did you go to Tiantan (Temple of Heaven) yesterday?

n' shn me sh hou q le? When did you go? !

w( men zi fn din ch$ le y di&nr d%ng xi We ate something at a restaurant.

Updated April 26, 2012

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