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Tom Sawyer Mark Twain
by Eric F. Oatman
Editor, Scholastic Update
Scholastic Inc.
Murray Bromberg, Principal,
Wang High School of Queens, Holliswood, New York
Past President, High School Principals Association of New York City

(C) Copyright 1985 by Barron's Educational Series, Inc.

Electronically Enhanced Text (C) Copyright 1993, World Library, Inc.

SECTION............................ SEARCH ON

THE AUTHOR AND HIS TIMES............................. TTOMAUTH

The Plot.............................................
The Characters.......................................
Other Elements
Point of View...................................
Form and Structure..............................
THE STORY............................................


Tests and Answers.................................... TTOMTEST
Term Paper Ideas and other Topics for Writing........ TTOMTERM
The Critics.......................................... TTOMCRIT
Advisory Board....................................... TTOMADVB
Bibliography......................................... TTOMBIBL



Mark Twain's life illustrates a point he makes in The Adventures

of Tom Sawyer- that there is no single, simple formula for success.
A school dropout at eleven, he spent twenty years in a variety of
jobs. He was a typesetter, but, by his own admission, not a very

good one. He piloted riverboats, but the Civil War put him out of
work. He tried soldiering- and deserted. He spent a disastrous year
mining gold and silver.
In desperation, he became a newspaper reporter in Nevada. Running
afoul of the law, he fled to San Francisco, found another newspaper
job- and got fired.
Twain was thirty now, and about this time he sat in his room,
pointed a gun at his head, and contemplated pulling the trigger. It
was a good thing he held back. For he soon discovered that he had a
talent for "literature," as he wrote his brother, "of a low orderi.e., humorous." Over the next two decades, he wrote several books,
which made him rich and world famous. Among those books were two of
America's most important contributions to world literature: The
Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
Surely this is the type of startling reversal worthy of Tom
Sawyer- the boy who breaks every rule imaginable, longs for a romantic
death, and ends up a rich and revered member of his community. How did
Twain manage this feat? For an answer, you should take a close look at
the man, his art, and the times in which he lived.
Twain was born on November 30, 1835, in the frontier hamlet of
Florida, Missouri. His parents named the sickly child, their fifth,
Samuel Langhorne Clemens. (He adopted the pen name Mark Twain in
In 1839, John Clemens moved his family from their poor, two-room
shack in Florida to Hannibal, Missouri, on the banks of the
Mississippi River. Hannibal boasted only 450 citizens when they
arrived, but the town seemed destined to thrive and raise the
Clemens family's fortunes with it. Hannibal grew, but the Clemenses
did not prosper. Although John Clemens became one of the town's most
respected citizens, he went bankrupt, lost all his property in
Hannibal, and died of pneumonia in 1847. Samuel was eleven at the time
of his father's death. His mother, Jane Clemens, took him into the
room where his father's coffin lay and made him promise to behave.
"I will promise anything," Twain would remember saying, "if you
don't make me go to school! Anything!"
"No Sammy; you need not go to school anymore. Only promise to be a
better boy," his mother said. "Promise not to break my heart."
You will hear echoes of Jane Clemens in Tom Sawyer. Twain modeled
Tom's Aunt Polly after his mother, whom he called his "first and
closest friend." Aunt Polly is not Jane Clemens with a different
name and a frontier dialect, however. Jane Clemens was stronger and
quicker than Polly. When defending the oppressed, Twain would
remember, she was "the most eloquent person I have heard speak."
For two years after his father's death, Samuel worked as an
apprentice to a Hannibal printer. In 1850 his older brother, Orion,
bought a local newspaper. Samuel went to work for him, but Orion ran
such an unprofitable operation that Samuel often went without pay.
In 1853, at age seventeen, Samuel set off on his own. For two
years he worked as a typesetter in St. Louis, New York, and
Philadelphia before returning to the Mississippi Valley and working
once more for Orion, who was now a printer in Keokuk, Iowa.
At this point, Samuel had published several short pieces in
Orion's newspaper and a humorous sketch in a Boston magazine. Yet he
had no desire to make writing his life's work. He left Keokuk in
November 1856, and in the spring he persuaded a steamboat pilot on the
Mississippi River to teach him his trade. He spent the next few
years steering steamboats up and down the Mississippi. In April

1861, the Civil War halted river traffic between the North and South
and put Clemens out of work.
Clemens was unhappy to leave the river. He loved the work and its
high pay. Besides, as he wrote in 1875, "A pilot, in those days, was
the only unfettered and entirely independent human being that lived in
the earth...."
In Chapter 6 of Tom Sawyer, Twain speaks of Huck Finn in similar
terms. "Huckleberry came and went, at his own free will... he did
not have to go to school or to church, or call any being master or
obey anybody...."
In Iowa, Samuel's brother Orion had backed Abraham Lincoln's 1860
race for the U.S. presidency. His reward was an appointment to a
high administrative post in the Nevada Territory. He went with Orion
and spent a year unsuccessfully prospecting for gold and silver in
Nevada. Broke, he took a job writing for the Territorial Enterprise in
Virginia City, where for the first time he began signing his pieces
"Mark Twain"- the river call for a depth of two fathoms.
Precisely how he chose that name is a mystery. Clemens said he
"confiscated" it from a newspaperman who wrote for the New Orleans
Picayune in the 1850s. However, scholars can find no record of any
writer's using that name before Clemens. In Virginia City, Clemens
used the river term in a unique way. He would tell bartenders to "mark
twain"- that is, to add two more drinks to his bill. Scholars
believe it's likely he invented the New Orleans journalist story to
disguise his pen name's link to the barroom after he became
"respectable" in the East.
After fleeing to California and losing his newspaper job there,
Twain wrote sketches for a humor magazine. He published a tall tale in
a New York magazine in late 1865. The story- "The Celebrated Jumping
Frog of Calaveras County"- was reprinted in newspapers all over the
country, and marked the true start of Twain's writing career.
In January 1867, he went to New York City to write a series of
travel letters for a California newspaper. He continued writing
dispatches for the newspaper after he joined a group of wealthy
tourists bound for Europe and the Holy Land.
The trip took five months and had two important consequences for
Twain. First, it provided him with material for a book, The
Innocents Abroad, which brought him fame when it was published in
1869. Second, the trip led to his meeting Olivia ("Livy") Langdon, who
would become his wife. Livy's brother had gone on the trip and
introduced Twain to his sister afterwards. Twain and Livy were married
in February 1870 and went to live in Buffalo, New York. Some
scholars believe that Twain's description of Tom and Becky's courtship
in Tom Sawyer is a parody (take-off) of his own bumpy courtship of
The couple moved to Hartford, Connecticut, in 1871. There Twain
wrote Roughing It, a book about his experiences in Nevada and
California. Published in 1872, the book added to his reputation as a
In 1873, he collaborated with a neighbor, Charles Dudley Warner,
on his first novel. Called The Gilded Age, the novel satirized the
political corruption and the mania for speculation that
characterized the post Civil War era. The book earned Twain a great
deal of money. In 1874 he built his family an extravagant home in
Before moving into the home, the family spent the summer in Livy's
hometown of Elmira, New York, where Twain began working in earnest

on The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. He had actually begun the book during
the winter of 1872-73, in Hartford, but had put it aside to work on
The Gilded Age. Now, in Elmira from April to September 1874, he was
able to work almost daily on the project. Soon the writing became
forced and artificial. "I had worked myself out, pumped myself dry,"
he wrote a friend. So he put the manuscript aside and wrote a series
of articles on his steamboating days, "Old Times on the
Mississippi." It wasn't until eight months later that he returned to
Tom Sawyer.
When the book was finally published in December 1876, the reviews
were favorable. Sales, however, were another matter. A Canadian
publisher undercut the U.S. edition by flooding the country with a
cheap pirated version. Twain's own publisher sold fewer than 27,000
copies of the novel during the first year. Oddly, sales of Tom
Sawyer never really took off until after 1885, when The Adventures
of Huckleberry Finn appeared and reviewers began to link the two books
in the public's mind. Since then, Americans have bought millions of
copies of the novel. It is a favorite of both children and adults- a
testament to Twain's genius for enriching his tales of childhood
with humor and penetrating insights into human nature.
Most readers agree that Tom Sawyer is Twain's second-best book.
First-place honors must go to Huckleberry Finn, where Twain explores
both language and ideas in greater depth. However, Tom Sawyer is
probably Twain's best-loved novel, and its extraordinary success
with people of all ages seems to prove it.
To understand Tom Sawyer, it may help to put yourself in Twain's
place- that of a worldly man, nearing forty, who is viewing
childhood across the bridge of thirty years. Between Twain and his
boyhood stand years of personal travel, trial, and error; a civil
war marked with heroism and sacrifice but also greed and cruelty; an
end to slavery; and startling developments in industry and
communications. From the vantage point of the post Civil War era,
the 1840s must have seemed idyllic indeed- as carefree and innocent as
an endless summer.
Primarily, Tom Sawyer is a reminiscence of Twain's boyhood, which he
recalls with a longing for the past. But it is more than a remembrance
because Twain has let his broad literary background shape his
Literary sources for Tom Sawyer include Charles Dickens' A Tale of
Two Cities, which contains a grave-robbing scene like the one Tom
and Huck witness. The treasure hunt contains elements of Edgar Allan
Poe's story, "The Gold Bug." Although in 1869 Twain claimed to dislike
Thomas Bailey Aldrich's The Story of a Bad Boy, many readers feel that
he borrowed ideas from that book, as well.
Thus, you shouldn't read Tom Sawyer as Twain's autobiography. In
fact, you even have to read Twain's real autobiography with a grain of
salt, for as he warns at the end of one chapter: "Now then, that is
the tale. Some of it is true."
The Hannibal of Twain's youth was a far rougher and shabbier place
than St. Petersburg, Twain's fictional version of his hometown. A
village on the American frontier, Hannibal had a darker side, which
Twain only hints at. As a boy, he nearly drowned three times. He
watched villagers try- unsuccessfully- to hang an anti-slavery man. He
witnessed a hanging, and he watched a man burn to death in a jail
cell. He also saw two drownings, an attempted rape, as well as two
attempted and four actual murders.
Such experiences helped Twain to understand that life is not a

continuous holiday- even for children. Tom's nightmares are one

indication of that, as are Twain's angry asides about the villagers'
Twain doesn't dwell on life's darker side in this novel, however. He
wanted to write a light-hearted, entertaining book. Yet woven
through it are a number of themes that link it to Twain's later,
more philosophical works. (See "Themes" later in this guide.)
As he grew older, Twain began to examine the less appealing
aspects of human nature more relentlessly. The Adventures of
Huckleberry Finn (1885) is peopled with all types of evil, stupid,
or mean characters. The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson (1894), for all
its humor, concerns man's corruptness.
The year Pudd'nhead Wilson was published, business reverses forced
Twain into bankruptcy. He embarked on a world tour, lecturing for
$1,000 a night. The success of that tour and of Following the Equator,
the travel book that came out of it, enabled him to pay his debts.
As he moved toward the end of his life, Twain shed his comic mask
and confronted themes of evil and dishonesty with increasing
bitterness. This bitterness is evident in such works as "The Man
That Corrupted Hadleyburg," a story, and the nonfiction tract, What Is
Gnawing financial difficulties and family sorrows were partly
responsible for his emphasis on the bleak. His favorite daughter,
Susy, died in 1896, his wife in 1904. Another daughter died in 1909.
Twain died of heart failure on April 21, 1910, in Redding,
For his readers, Twain lives on- a symbol, like Tom Sawyer, of
something raw and unyielding in the American character.
Tom's ability to triumph, whatever the odds, is no doubt a major
reason that Twain wrote of him so admiringly. It is surely one
reason you will be drawn to Tom, and why you may never forget him.



An orphan named Tom Sawyer lives with his Aunt Polly in St.
Petersburg, Missouri, a small town on the banks of the Mississippi
River. Tom is not a "model boy," and early one summer around 1845,
he proves it. In a single day, he eats jam behind his aunt's back,
plays hooky from school and lies to his aunt about it, and fights with
a new boy in town.
With helpful hints from Sid, Tom's half-brother, Polly sees
through the lie. She punishes Tom by ordering him to whitewash her
fence on Saturday. However, Tom finds a way to avoid the work. He
makes whitewashing seem like so much fun that other boys give up their
prize possessions for the privilege of doing Tom's work.
After playing war games with friends, he notices a new girl in townBecky Thatcher- who throws him a flower. Smitten, Tom goes home,
only to be blamed by Polly for Sid's crime- breaking the sugar bowl.
At Sunday school, Tom trades his whitewashing loot for tickets
that boys earned reciting biblical verses. On the way to school the
next day, Tom runs into Huckleberry Finn, son of the town drunk, and
the two plan a midnight meeting. In school, Tom proposes marriage to
Becky, who accepts until she learns that Tom was "engaged" before,
to Amy Lawrence. Sulking over his rejection, Tom skips the afternoon

session of school and ends up playing Robin Hood with a friend.

After midnight, Tom and Huck walk to the graveyard, where they
witness an attempted grave robbery and a murder. Muff Potter and Injun
Joe, two drifters, balk at completing the grave robbery until Dr.
Robinson, who hired them, doubles their pay. Robinson knocks out
Potter, and Injun Joe murders Robinson. Injun Joe shifts the blame for
the murder to Potter, a drunk, who is led to believe he might be
guilty. Tom and Huck are so frightened of Injun Joe that they pledge
never to reveal the truth. After Potter is arrested and jailed, the
boys smuggle food and tobacco to his cell but don't tell him they know
he is innocent.
Back at school, Becky crushes Tom with another rejection. Tom
decides to run away to Jackson's Island, downriver from St.
Petersburg. He persuades Huck and another friend, Joe Harper, to
join him as "pirates." After midnight, the three steal a raft and head
out on their adventure.
The next day they realize that the villagers think they've
drowned. While Huck and Joe sleep, Tom returns to St. Petersburg and
eavesdrops on a conversation in Polly's house. Tom then returns to the
island. Four days later, the boys astonish the villagers by walking in
on their own funeral.
At school once more, Tom plays hard-to-get with Becky. She feigns
interest in Alfred Temple, who ends up spilling ink on Tom's
spelling book. The teacher, however, blames Tom and punishes him. To
protect Becky, Tom takes the blame for her accidental tearing of the
teacher's anatomy book. This act wins him Becky's love.
Summer passes slowly. Becky has left town. Tom joins and quits a
temperance group (dedicated to abstinence from alcohol), catches the
measles, and lies in bed for five weeks. After much soul-searching,
Tom testifies at Muff Potter's trial and Injun Joe flees. With Injun
Joe at large, Tom is terrorized by nightmares.
After a while, Tom ventures out with Huck in search of buried
treasure. The boys hide upstairs in a "haunted" house and watch
Injun Joe and a sidekick uncover a box of gold coins. Joe takes the
box with him, telling his friend he'll hide it in "Number Two- under
the cross."
Tom and Huck hunt for the treasure in a local temperance tavern
and discover Injun Joe drunk in room No. 2. While Tom is at a picnic
hosted by Becky, Huck follows Injun Joe and his sidekick up to the
widow Douglas' house on Cardiff Hill. Huck runs for help after
learning that Joe plans to avenge an old slight by disfiguring the
widow. A Mr. Jones and his two sons rush to the widow's aid, but Injun
Joe escapes.
At the picnic, Becky and Tom become lost in an enormous cave.
After three days in the cave, during which time Tom spots Injun Joe,
Tom manages to become a hero once more by leading Becky to safety. Two
weeks later, he learns that Becky's father has sealed the cave with an
iron door. Inside the cave, they find Joe, dead of starvation.
Tom and Huck later return to the cave in search of the box of gold
coins. They find them and row back to St. Petersburg, intending to
hide the coins in Mrs. Douglas' hayloft. But Mr. Jones ushers them
into the widow's house, where she is holding a party to thank everyone
who helped her against Injun Joe. Tom steals center stage by
bringing in the treasure, which amounts to $6000 for each boy.
The boys are now relatively rich. Becky's father has lofty plans for
Tom- a military and legal education. Huck lives with the widow, who
tries to civilize him. When Huck runs away, Tom persuades him to

return by promising him a place in Tom Sawyer's Gang, if Huck

becomes "respectable."




Tom, the novel's hero, appears in almost every scene. Poorly
behaved, scrappy, and often thoughtless in his pursuit of the
spotlight, he triumphs in spite of his bad behavior.
One of Tom's great strengths is his ability to turn everything- from
fence-painting to death- into play. He is also a born leader. Again
and again, he persuades his friends to do his bidding. Under his
command, they become fence painters, soldiers, and English knights.
Tom's leadership ability stems in part from his wide reading of
romantic literature, which makes him an "expert" on such childhood
pleasures as treasure-hunting, pirating, and the lore of Sherwood
Forest. Tom also succeeds by trickery. He makes fence-painting seem
like so much fun that boys pay him for the right to do it.
Tom is not without qualms, however. His Presbyterian upbringing
and his superstitious nature often give him bad dreams and feelings of
Tom is basically a good boy, in spite of his continual warfare
with adults. He apologizes to Polly for embarrassing her. To protect
Becky, he takes the blame for the page she tore. He loves his aunt and
tells her so- although tardily.
Do you feel, as some readers do, that Tom matures as the novel
progresses? Or do you think he simply joins the society whose ways
he tested throughout the novel? Perhaps both views are valid- that is,
as Tom matures, he realizes how senseless it is to remain, like
Huck, at odds with "civilized" society. The novel gives you abundant
evidence to support all three views.
Curiously ageless, for most readers Tom stands as a symbol of
boyhood on the threshold of the adult world.
The novel's heroine, Becky Thatcher, is as complex a figure as
Tom. Like Tom, her age is not clear- anywhere from nine to thirteen.
She has blue eves and blond hair. As the book begins, she is a
new-comer in town, on an extended visit to her uncle. As the book
ends, it appears- Twain is unclear on this point- that her family
has settled in St. Petersburg. Her father is a judge, well off and
highly respected by all citizens. Twain modeled Becky after his
first sweetheart, Laura Hawkins.
Becky reflects her upbringing. She is polite, respectful of her
elders, and so well-behaved that she has never been whipped in school.
Yet in some ways she is no more a "model girl" than Tom is a "model
boy." She can be cruel. She feigns interest in Alfred Temple when it
enables her to taunt Tom. She can be vindictive. She doesn't stand
up for Tom when he's accused of spilling ink on his spelling book
because she wants him punished. She can be disobedient. Behind her
mother's back, she agrees to Tom's plan to visit Mrs. Douglas'
house. She can be a pest. She "teased" her mother to win her consent
for the picnic. She has a quick temper, as Tom discovers several

Still, Becky is basically warm and considerate. Lost in the cave,

she regains hope in order to make Tom stop blaming himself for their
plight. She appreciates Tom's efforts on her behalf and says so, to
Tom and her father. Yet she is generally presented as so strong-willed
that some readers are startled by the speed with which, at the outset,
she gives up hope in the cave. This passive acceptance of fate seems
out of character. During Twain's time, however, women were
considered the weaker sex, and their characterization in fiction
reflected this view.
The sister of Tom's dead mother, Polly is modeled after Twain's
mother, Jane Clemens. Twain claimed that, besides having Polly speak
in dialect, he couldn't "think up other improvements" for his
mother. However, Twain's mother was stubborn, proud, and quick-witted;
Polly is none of these. Some readers believe that Polly is partly
modeled after Mrs. Partington, a character in one of Twain's
favorite books, Benjamin P. Shillaber's Life and Sayings of Mrs.
Partington. A strict Calvinist, Mrs. Partington nevertheless cannot
bear to discipline her orphaned nephew, Ike, who outwits her at
every turn. Similarly, Polly believes it her duty to discipline Tom,
yet she is too soft-hearted to do it regularly.
Huck is in many ways Tom's opposite. Part of St. Petersburg's
outcast community- a group that includes slaves, drunks, and
criminals- Huck represents all that the village's "respectable"
citizens abhor. He is dirty, lazy, uneducated, and the son of a town
drunk. He is a follower, not a leader. Untouched by formal religion,
he is not harassed by his conscience as Tom is. He puts his own safety
first until, near the end of the novel, he aids Mrs. Douglas. The ways
of civilization hold no joys for him, as he learns when he becomes
"rich" and Mrs. Douglas tries to mold him into a sort of "model boy.
Twain modeled Huck after a boy named Tom Blankenship, someone he
remembered as "the only really independent person- boy or man- in
the community." But some readers believe Huck's relationship with
Tom is based on Twain's reading of Miguel de Cervantes' Don Quixote de
la Mancha, a seventeenth century burlesque of popular Medieval
romances of chivalry. Huck, like Quixote's sidekick, Sancho Panza,
is uneducated and matter-of-fact. Twain develops his character more
fully in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, whose popularity caused
Huck to overshadow Tom in the public's imagination. Here, however,
Huck is clearly subordinate to Tom.
Twain uses Tom's half-brother, Sid, to make good boys look bad.
Sid stays out of trouble yet never tires of reporting Tom's
infractions to Polly. He is sneaky and mean-spirited, gaining
attention at the expense of others.
Twain's younger brother, Henry Clemens, served as the model for Sid.
However, Twain defended his brother by calling Henry "a very much
better and finer boy than Sid ever was."
Tom's cousin, Mary, is an even-tempered teenager who is the fourth
member of Aunt Polly's household. She is kind to Tom, who likes her. A
patient girl, she rewards Tom for his successes instead of scolding

him for his mistakes. Mary is thought to be modeled after Pamela

Clemens, Twain's sister, who, after their father died, taught piano to
help support her family.
The only evil character in the novel, Injun Joe is one of St.
Petersburg's outcasts. He is of mixed Indian and white parentage, like
the man of the same name who lived in Hannibal during Twain's youth,
and whose worst crime was getting drunk.
Injun Joe is driven by a desire for revenge. He murders the young
Dr. Robinson because Robinson's father had him jailed as a vagrant
some years earlier. He wants to disfigure Mrs. Douglas because her
late husband, a justice of the peace, had ordered him whipped on the
same charge. Some readers see the "murderin' half-breed" as the victim
of racial injustice and his actions as a product of that injustice.
Some readers feel that Injun Joe is not a totally believable
villain. They see him as a comic book caricature of a villain- more
amusing than threatening. Do you agree or disagree?
A good-for-nothing, Potter acts kindly toward the boys, sharing
his fish with them and fixing their kites. He gets drunk often
enough to believe that he might not have remembered killing Dr.
Robinson at the graveyard. He seems too mild-mannered to hold a
grudge, and he is not at all angry to learn that Tom waited weeks
before revealing the evidence that saved him from the gallows.
Potter's real-life counterpart seems to have been Benson, the
older brother of Tom Blankenship (the model for Huck). Like Potter,
"Bence" Blankenship was treated as an outcast by Hannibal's adults.
Many of Hannibal's children, on the other hand, viewed him as a
The widow of St. Petersburg's justice of the peace, she is a
hospitable and attractive woman in her early forties. She likes
children, and they visit her often. She nurses Huck back from his
illness and agrees to take him under her roof. When Huck disappears,
she is so distressed that she spends two days hunting for him.
Twain modeled the widow after Mrs. Richard Holliday, a wealthy woman
who lived on Holliday's Hill (Cardiff Hill in the novel). As a boy,
Twain watched her shoot and kill a man who had gone to her house to
assault her.
Becky's father, a county judge, is highly respected by the
villagers, one of whom is St. Petersburg's lawyer Thatcher, Jeff's
father. An authoritative figure, he is given the seat of honor when he
visits the Sunday school. He leads the search for Becky and Tom and
heads the party that discovers Injun Joe dead in the cave.
A young physician, Robinson makes the fatal mistake of asking
Injun Joe- whom he had once refused to feed- to help him rob a
grave. His counterpart in Twain's youth was Dr. E. D. McDowell, who
ran a medical school in St. Louis and stole corpses for his students

to study.
The Welshman who lives with his sons on Cardiff Hill, he rushes to
the widow's aid when Huck alerts him. He promises Huck he won't tell
who alerted him and remains true to his word. After Injun Joe is found
dead, however, he reveals Huck's part in the episode. He is thought to
be based on John Davies, a bookseller in Hannibal.
The schoolmaster, frustrated in his attempt to become a doctor, is
not a happy man. He vents his unhappiness on his students, who
avenge themselves on "Examination Night" by having a cat pull off
his wig in front of the audience. The schoolmaster in Twain's time was
J. B. Dawson, whose son, Theodore, was Hannibal's "model boy."
A newcomer from St. Louis, Temple is a snob who wears shoes on
weekdays, while all the other boys go barefoot. He is briefly Tom's
rival for Becky's affections. Spurned, he turns into a sneak and pours
ink on Tom's spelling book.
Tom's best friend, Joe accompanies Tom and Huck to Jackson's Island.
He is the first of the three to admit to homesickness.



The Adventures of Tom Sawyer takes place in the "poor little

shabby village of St. Petersburg," Missouri, on the banks of the
Mississippi River. West of the town lies Cardiff Hill, a "Delectable
Land" of fantasy and dreams where Tom loves to play and where the
widow Douglas lives, Downriver a few miles, near the Illinois bank, is
Jackson's Island, an uninhabited place to which Huck, Tom, and Joe
Harper escape for several days of freedom.
St. Petersburg is an idealized version of Hannibal, the Missouri
river town where Twain lived as a youngster from 1839 to 1853. This
prettified portrayal of the scene of his youth has led many readers to
call the novel an idyll- a work that paints a scene of country life as
one of tranquil happiness.
Yet St. Petersburg is not simply the heavenly place its name
suggests. It is a frontier town, literally on the edge of
civilization, where anything can happen. The outwardly placid
setting is seeded with insincerity, violence, and downright evil.
St. Petersburg, like the Hannibal of Twain's youth, contains
people of all types, from all classes. It has the lawyers and
drunks, slaves and slave-owners, hypocrites and honest souls. If you
appreciate these many distinctions- especially those of social
class- you will have a more complete understanding of the novel.
In fact, some readers argue that the novel is one of the first
attempts in American literature to portray the social life of a
typical American community. Like a tour guide, Twain takes you on a
visit to Sunday school, church, an inquest, a funeral, a school's
closing exercises, a trial, a picnic, and a party. He also takes you

behind the scenes, where you witness a murder, an attempted assault on

a widow, a bar masquerading as a non-liquor serving "temperance
tavern," as well as multiple hypocrisies. Largely set in motion by
adults, most of these forces serve as obstacles to Tom. The novel is
in one sense a chronicle of Tom's attempts to overcome them- to
survive in spite of the setting's visible perils and those that lurk
beneath its surface.
The book takes place simultaneously in a second setting- the world
of childhood. This world of innocence and experimentation exists in no
specific time frame and no specific physical setting.



Many readers have trouble spotting a central idea or important

themes in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. You may agree, noting that, as
Twain stated in his preface, one of his main goals was to generate
nostalgia- playing off adults' longing for the simpler world of
On the other hand, a close reading of the novel may suggest
several themes to you. Here are some of those themes and evidence to
support them.
Violence is a fact of life in St. Petersburg. Drownings, murders,
and other threats to life are commonplace. Tom is haunted by his
fear of Injun Joe, whose reputation for violence is such that no
villager dares charge him with grave robbery. Tom and Becky narrowly
escape starving to death in McDougal's cave. All four plot strands
concern death or near death- Dr. Robinson's; the runaway boys';
Becky's and Tom's; and Injun Joe's.
Questions of right and wrong are woven through the text. Is Tom
right to steal a doughnut when his aunt isn't looking? Should the boys
have stolen provisions for their trip to Jackson's Island? What is the
right thing for Tom and Huck to do about the murder they witnessed? Is
it right for Tom to con his friends out of their prized possessions,
and then trade them for a Bible he does not deserve?
The characters don't resolve all these (and other) questions,
leading one reader to complain of Twain's "moral evasiveness." Yet the
characters- especially Tom- are painfully aware of them, as their
troubled consciences testify.
The novel is full of showoffs- from Aunt Polly, who is mildly
vain, to Tom, who strives to be the center of attention. In between
these extremes are characters like the fashionable Sunday school
superintendent, whose boot toes are bent "like sleigh-runners," and
the bewigged schoolmaster, Mr. Dobbins.
As for revenge, this motive stands behind Injun Joe's murder of
Dr. Robinson and his attempt to disfigure Mrs. Douglas' face.
Revenge motivates Becky's desire to see Tom punished for something
he didn't do, and it prompts Tom to hurl clods of dirt at his
half-brother, Sid.

Tom buys temporary success in Sunday school, wins a Bible, and
gets to stand near the great Judge Thatcher. After finding the
treasure, he and Huck- an outcast for most of the novel- become
celebrities and full-fledged members of St. Petersburg society. Some
readers even believe that Tom becomes that society's apologist (a
person who speaks or writes in defense of a cause).
Tension between adults and children is a recurrent theme that runs
through the novel from its first sentences to its last. Adults aim
to "civilize" children- something that children, being free spirits,
often find intolerable and rebel against. Tom and the adults in his
world are in a constant state of war- one in which he tends to win
most of the battles. Viewed from an adult perspective, Tom and
especially Huck are outlaws for refusing to accept the code of
civilized behavior. In their fantasies- as Robin Hood, pirates, and
robbers- and in the wilderness of Jackson's Island, they flourish
and are happiest.
In the end, however, Tom seems to join the enemy. He takes it upon
himself to civilize Huck, the last holdout against the bondage of
those values- cleanliness, regularity, scholarship, religious
devotion- that society deems desirable.
Twain exposes insincerity many times in the novel. At the boys'
funeral, the minister, with the complicity of the congregation,
turns the boys' faults into praiseworthy deeds. On "Examination
Night," young ladies demonstrate that they have learned how to tack
sermons of "glaring insincerity" onto their compositions.
Tom is the type of person that many children's books used to warn
children not to be. Twain turns the message of those books on its head
here, creating a hero, rather than a villain, who lies, steals,
cheats, and disobeys his elders, yet still ends up healthy, wealthy,
and wise.



In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Twain uses language that is, for
the most part, simple, direct, and unpretentious. In most of his
sentences, every word has a job. "The old lady pulled her spectacles
down and looked over them, about the room," he writes in Chapter 1;
"then she put them up and looked out under them." A typical Twain
sentence, it describes a comic action- Aunt Polly's glasses were
useless- with precision and not a word more than needed. No wonder his
spare (lean) style influenced so many writers who followed him,
including Ernest Hemingway, who once said that all American literature
begins with Mark Twain.
Twain's style in this novel is not consistently spare, however. In
places, his style becomes indirect, wordy, and unnecessarily
"fancy." Sulking in Chapter 3, Tom "wandered far from the accustomed
haunts of boys, and sought desolate places that were in harmony with
his spirit. A log raft in the river invited him, and he seated himself
on its outer edge and contemplated the dreary vastness of the

This is one of the many passages that Twain might have simplified
but didn't. He probably wanted to mock Tom's romantic posturing by
using the type of overblown prose that writers such as James
Fenimore Cooper used. However, no such reasoning can explain
complicating his prose with such words as "ambuscade" and
"adamantine"- both found in one sentence at the end of Chapter 1.
Compared with the simple words Twain uses most of the time, these
words seem phony, an attempt to sound "literary."
Twain himself preaches against "fine language" and "prized words" in
Chapter 21. In general, he heeds his own advice and sticks to simple
words and sentences.
Twain's imagery- mostly visual, sometimes auditory and tactile
(pertaining to touch)- is never flashy. It is most evident when his
attention turns to nature, as on Jackson's Island in Chapter 14. Tom
awakens to a "cool gray dawn" (tactile and visual) and observes
"beaded dew-drops" (visual) on the leaves. "A white layer of ashes
covered the fire, and a thin blue breath of smoke rose straight into
the air" (visual). The birds awaken, and "presently [Tom hears] the
hammering of a woodpecker" (auditory).
There's nothing forced about such images. They are as simple and
as natural as Twain's informal language. Yet there's a beauty to their
simplicity that gives them power. It might be useful to jot down the
first ten images that make an impression on you and ask yourself why
they are memorable.
Much of the book's humor comes from the several dialects (variations
of local speech) that Twain's characters speak. "Hang the boy, can't I
never learn anything?" Polly asks herself in Chapter 1. "Ain't he
played me tricks enough like that for me to be looking out for him
by this time? But old fools is the biggest fools there is."
By recording the way people actually talked on the Missouri
frontier, Twain makes his characters both believable and funny. He
points up the humor in everyday situations. Such a writer is called
a "comic realist"- someone who portrays life humorously but
Twain faces the everyday world as a frontier humorist, a writer
(or lecturer) who masks his sophistication behind an unassuming
"aw-shucks" demeanor. This air of innocence enables Twain to deliver
social criticism in an offhanded, almost unintentional way. "A
robber is more high-toned than what a pirate is- as a general
thing," Tom tells Huck in Chapter 33. "In most countries they're
[robbers are] awful high up in the nobility- dukes and such." With a
seemingly innocent remark, Twain pokes fun at society's upper crust by
suggesting that it is made up of thieves. This aspect of his humor can
be seen as, ultimately, subversive.
Twain can evoke terror as well as laughter with his descriptions.
You will notice that much of the power of Chapter 31, in which Tom and
Becky are lost in the cave, comes from Twain's ability to direct
your attention to key details. "Under the roof," he writes, "vast
knots of bats had packed themselves together, thousands in a bunch;
the lights disturbed the creatures and they came flocking down by
hundreds, squeaking and darting furiously at the candles." Twain's
simple descriptive style is a flexible tool, and he uses it
masterfully to tell his story and guide your reactions to it.


The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is told by a third-person omniscient

(all-knowing) narrator. Some readers believe that Twain made a mistake
by writing in the third person. They feel the use of the third
person forced him to use a more formal vocabulary than he was
comfortable with. As you read Tom Sawyer, you might want to ask
yourself if a retelling by Tom, in the first person, would have made
certain scenes more effective.
The narrator is perhaps Tom's most ardent fan. Some parents might
scold their child for conning his friends into doing his work and
having them pay for the privilege. Twain doesn't censure Tom for
that or for the thoughtless way he hurts Polly's feelings in Chapter
8. Instead, he looks on tolerantly, with a "boys-will-be-boys"
attitude that is infectious.
Ordinarily, the narrator lets the material speak for itself.
However, a few times he addresses you directly- an occurrence that
many readers find jarring. In all, the narrator is a reliable reporter
of the events in St. Petersburg. Yet, St. Petersburg is not
Hannibal, the town after which it is modeled, and it would be a
mistake to think so. A distance of thirty years allowed Twain to
view his hometown- and boyhood- through rose-tinted glasses.



The novel's title is a clue to its structure. Rather than a

tightly plotted story, it is a series of adventures that Twain has
strung together chronologically in thirty-five chapters. The novel's
episodic form has led some readers to say that The Adventures of Tom
Sawyer has no plot at all. However, a close look will show you that
four loose plot lines help tie the novel together and give it unity.
The first of these four stories involves Tom's courtship of Becky
Thatcher. This plot line begins in Chapter 3 and runs, intermittently,
all the way to Chapter 35. The main climax of this story comes in
Chapter 32, with the couple's escape from McDougal's cave. A less
important climax occurs in Chapter 20, when Tom wins Becky's heart.
The second story concerns the framing of Muff Potter for Dr.
Robinson's murder. This plot line begins in Chapter 9, has its
courtroom climax in Chapter 23, and ends in Chapter 24.
The third story concerns the Jackson's Island episode the boys'
running away and their return to witness their own funeral. It
begins in Chapter 13, has its climax at the funeral in Chapter 17, and
concludes with Chapter 19.
The fourth story traces Injun Joe's fate from the time he flees
the courtroom in Chapter 17. The story continues to Chapter 35,
where Twain explains how Tom and Huck have been affected by the
treasure that Injun Joe found for them. The climax to this plot line
occurs in Chapter 33, when the villagers discover Injun Joe's body.
Five chapters (1, 2, 5, 21, and 22) are wholly devoted to adventures
that are unrelated to any of the four plot lines. These chapters allow
Twain to introduce and develop Tom's character (chapters 1 and 2),
describe a church service or a school exercise (chapters 5 and 21),
and sum up several weeks in a few pages. By detailing everyday
events in these chapters and elsewhere, Twain adds realism to his
treatment of life in a Missouri river town before the Civil War.
Readers have pointed to several parallels among the plot lines.
For one thing, they all involve deaths- real or imagined. For another,

they all end somewhat predictably- two with resurrections, one with
a narrow escape from the gallows, and one with a villain's death and
the capture of his treasure. Finally, all four stories have the same
hero- Tom Sawyer- an orphan who raises himself from near rags to
near riches on the strength of his courage and imagination.




Twain adored his wife, Olivia Langdon Clemens, whom he had married
only two years before beginning work on Tom Sawyer. She read his books
before they were published and often suggested changes.
When Twain finished Tom Sawyer, he felt that he had written a book
for adults. Olivia and Twain's friend, the novelist and editor William
Dean Howells, convinced him otherwise. "Mrs. Clemens decides with
you that the book should issue as a book for boys, pure and simpleand so do I," he wrote Howells. "It is surely the correct idea."


Like the conclusion that Twain tacks onto the end, the preface is an
integral part of the novel. Don't skip it. Its three short
paragraphs suggest Twain's aim of creating a realistic portrait of
small-town life "thirty or forty years ago." Since the novel was
published in 1876, this places the action in the 1840s.
The 1840s were idyllic times for Hannibal, the model for St.
Petersburg. The little river town of more than a thousand people in
the mid-1840s was thriving. The question of allowing Missouri to enter
the Union as a slave state had been fiercely debated two decades
earlier, with Missouri entering the Union as a slave state in 1821.
The upheaval of the Civil War was still a long way off.
Twain says that "most of the adventures recorded in this book really
occurred." This statement is largely true, although Twain
embellished his adventures with material gleaned from his wide
reading, as has been noted in "The Author and His Times" section.
Twain also refers to the superstitions "prevalent in the West"
(the Midwest, today) when he was a boy. These superstitions- part of
the folklore of his times- fascinated him. He had begun taking notes
on them more than ten years before he wrote Tom Sawyer.
Finally, Twain tells you exactly for whom the book was written.
Always on the lookout for ways to enlarge his readership, Twain
describes the book's audience in the broadest terms. It is a book
for boys and girls, he says. But, he hopes adults will read it, too,
as a reminder of "what they once were themselves, and of how they felt
and thought and talked...."


Approach this chapter as you would another world- one that existed
nearly a century and a half before you were born. Try to imagine the
people who live there. You meet two of the book's major characters:
Tom Sawyer and his Aunt Polly. You also meet two minor characters
who act as Tom's "foils"- people who make him look better. One is Sid,

Tom's half-brother. The other is a boy with a "citified air" who is

a stranger in town.
As Twain opens the book, Aunt Polly is calling her nephew, Tom.
The fact that he doesn't answer is a clue to his character: either
he isn't where he is supposed to be, or he's just not listening.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: TWAIN'S USE OF NOSTALGIA Mark Twain took great pride in being
able to hold the attention of audiences he lectured to. With this
simple opener, he shows he knows how to hook readers too. Tom's
situation- being the object of an adult's shout- is one anyone can
identify with. Most people can remember, with a mixture of pain and
warmth, the emotions they felt when called away from a private task by
a familiar parental voice. Twain no doubt knew this. And he probably
suspected that Polly's shout would capture the attention of many
adults by its appeal to nostalgia- their longing for experiences of
the past.
--------------------------------------------------------------------From the start, Aunt Polly is a comic figure, but one that Twain
portrays warmly. Vain, like other mortals, Polly wears spectacles "for
'style,' not service." To see, she has to peek over or below them.
Tom doesn't seem to be inside. Polly pokes under the bed with a
broom but raises only a cat. Nor is Tom outside in the garden, a
tangle of tomato vines and smelly jimson weeds. Only when he tries
to sneak by her does Polly realize that he has been hiding in a
closet. From the "truck" (rubbish) on his mouth and hands, she knows
that he has been helping himself to jam.
Polly decides to flog him, but Tom is too quick for her. "Look
behind you, aunt!" he says, and as she does so, he leaps over the
fence. This is only the first of many practical jokes he will play
on her. Tom's escape makes Polly laugh. His tricks amuse her, though
she is troubled that she allows herself to be charmed by him. Tom is
her "own dead sister's boy." She accepts the fact that he is full of
the "Old Scratch" (the devil), but she feels responsible for his
upbringing. Still, she can't bring herself to whip him.
Tom plays hooky from school. He returns home just in time to do
his chores- helping a slave boy, Jim, saw wood.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: SLAVERY Twain calls Hannibal, his boyhood home, St.
Petersburg- St. Peter's place, a reference to Heaven. However, it
isn't Heaven for everyone, and the appearance of Jim is a clue. Jimmodeled after Sandy, a slave the Clemenses kept in Hannibal- is
Polly's slave. As previously mentioned, Missouri was admitted to the
Union as a slave state in 1821. Twain dealt with the injustices of
slavery in two of his most famous books, Huckleberry Finn and
Pudd'nhead Wilson. However, he almost completely avoids such weighty
issues here, in this pleasurable romp through childhood. In any
case, you should note the role of such figures as Jim in the novel.
--------------------------------------------------------------------At dinner, Polly pumps Tom for clues to his whereabouts during the
afternoon. Tom has nearly convinced her that he didn't go swimming
when Sid points out that Tom's collar is sewn shut with black
thread, although Polly had sewn it with white thread in the morning.
(In his Autobiography, Twain says that his mother used to sew his

shirt tight to keep him from skipping school for a swim.)

Tom darts out the door, vowing to beat up Sid for giving him away.
Twain adds a comment, telling you- as if you didn't already know- that
Tom "was not the Model Boy of the village." Why does Twain tell you
something you already know? First, he's setting up a joke, whose punch
line is, "He knew the Model Boy very well though- and loathed him."
Second, he's giving you a clue to one of his goals in writing Tom
Sawyer. By making a "bad boy" a hero, Twain is making fun of books
that present boys and girls with perfect behavior as models for
their readers.
Tom comes upon a newcomer- a dressed up boy whose "citified air"
irks him. It's Friday, and the boy is wearing shoes, something Tom
would do only on Sundays. What bothers Tom most is that the boy's
clothes make Tom feel "shabbier and shabbier." His first comment to
the newcomer is a challenge: "I can lick you!"
The boys fight, and Tom wins. He chases the boy home and waits
outside his house until his enemy's mother orders him away. Tom
tries to sneak into his own house after dark by climbing through a
window. But Polly is waiting for him, determined to punish him.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: TOM'S AGE Twain never specifies Tom's age. Sometimes- as when
Polly catches him with jam on his face- he seems no more than eight.
Other times, as when he curses his bad luck and wrestles with the
overdressed boy, he seems considerably older, maybe twelve or
thirteen. Later, he seems even older. Why doesn't Twain keep Tom's
actions consistent with those of a particular age group? Some
readers see this inconsistency as a flaw. Others dismiss the
question by suggesting that Twain is recreating, in the time frame
of a few months, all of boyhood- a stage of development that takes


In this chapter, Twain recounts one of the most famous scenes in

American literature. Take a few moments after reading the chapter to
decide how he makes whitewashing a fence such a memorable experience.
Saturday morning brings Tom's punishment. Aunt Polly has ordered him
to whitewash ninety square yards of fence. To make matters worse,
the weather is gorgeous. Notice how Twain sets the scene in the
opening paragraph. The summer morning is "bright and fresh" and
"brimming with life." Cardiff Hill, just north of the village, seems
"dreamy" and "inviting."
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: A "DELECTABLE LAND" Twain compares Cardiff Hill to the
Delectable Mountains in John Bunyan's religious allegory, Pilgrim's
Progress, published in 1678. In the mid-19th century most literate
Americans were acquainted with Pilgrim's Progress, one of the great
works of literature, whose symbolic place- names, characters, and
action were designed to teach a lesson in Christian moral values.
Why do you think Twain introduces this reference to a moral story as a
preface to the whitewashing scene?

Tom steps into this blissful scene armed with a bucket of

whitewash and a brush. His depression deepens when he compares his
first stroke with the "far-reaching continent of unwhitewashed fence."
He sits, moping, on a box built around a tree to protect it.
Jim comes by, and Tom promises to do Jim's chore- fetching water- if
Jim helps paint the fence. But Jim won't consider risking Polly's
wrath until Tom offers him an alabaster marble- a "white alley."
It's a "bully" (slang for excellent) "taw," a large, fancy marble
normally used for shooting. By relying on these unusual terms, Twain
reminds you that the world of childhood has its own language. How does
Twain's use of these words help make his story seem true-to-life?
When Tom tops his offer by promising Jim a glimpse of his sore
toe, Jim can't resist. But Polly kills the deal by appearing out of
nowhere, swatting Jim's rear with a slipper, and sending him on his
way and Tom back to work.
Ben Rogers, one of Tom's friends, "hove in sight" (came into
view)- a sailor's term that indicates Ben is lost in the fantasy
that he is a steamboat. Notice the loving detail with which Twain
presents Ben's fantasy. He recreates the tooting of the fog horn and
the ding-dong of the ship's bells, the captain's orders, even the
motions of the pilot at the wheel.
Tom pretends to be engrossed in his own project. Ben says he is
going swimming, but Tom refuses to take the bait. He keeps working
as if he enjoys it. Pretty soon, Ben asks if he can "whitewash a
little," and Tom consents in exchange for Ben's apple. Other boys come
by, and Tom manages to sell them the chance to whitewash the fence
By midafternoon, the fence has three coats of whitewash on it, and
Tom is "literally rolling in wealth." For the right to whitewash the
fence, St. Petersburg's boys have given him their most valuable
How did he do it? According to Twain, he discovered "a great law
of human action": that you can make people want something by making
that something hard to get. Twain- "the writer of this book"- steps
into his own story here with a definition of work ("whatever a body is
obliged to do") and play ("whatever a body is not obliged to do"). The
comment doesn't seem out of place because Twain introduces it with
irony- saying one thing (that he is "a great and wise philosopher")
and meaning another (that he is not a philosopher at all).
What does this chapter teach you about Tom? It's clear that he is
a clever actor and a leader. But he is still a child, able to
cherish items that adults would consider worthless: a piece of
broken glass, a brass doorknob, and a knife handle.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: THE SCENE AS SATIRE Some readers feel that Twain satirizes
(makes fun of) adult society throughout Tom Sawyer. It's an
interesting point of view and one that finds support in this scene.
Here, some readers feel, Twain uses comedy to ridicule the acquisitive
instincts that seemed to rule American society after the Civil War,
when Twain wrote the novel. With double-talk, Tom manipulates his
friends into doing his work and ends up "rolling in wealth." But the
wealth is just things- worthless things, at that.

This chapter takes the story of Tom's Saturday from late afternoon
to bedtime. Its episodic structure- seven episodes strung togetherreflects the structure of the entire novel. A close look at the way
the episodic pattern works in this chapter will help you understand
the way the novel is structured.
EPISODE 1: Tom reports "his" fence-painting success to Aunt Polly,
who examines the work to make sure he's telling the truth. When she
discovers the job done, she turns a compliment into a lesson: "You can
work when you're a mind to, Tom." She even delivers his reward- an
apple- with a quote from the Bible. This lesson misses its mark,
too. As she talks about the value of getting something "without sin
through virtuous effort," Tom steals a doughnut.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: POLLY'S HOUSE Twain's description of Polly's house is a
clue that he is thinking of the house he lived in as a boy in
Hannibal. The Clemens house still exists and can be visited, as can
the house across the street, which belonged to Elijah Hawkins. The
Hawkins house is mentioned later in this chapter as the Thatcher
--------------------------------------------------------------------EPISODE 2: Outside, Tom settles a score with Sid by clobbering him
with clods of dirt. Polly rescues Sid, and Tom leaps the fence, in too
much of a hurry to use the gate.
EPISODE 3: Tom and his friend Joe Harper lead opposing "armies" of
boys in a mock battle in the village square. Tom's army wins a
"great victory."
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: TOM'S GENERALSHIP Whenever Tom is with other boys, he takes a
leadership role. Often, as here, the role is a romantic one. What does
this tell you about Tom's character? Does he have a need to manipulate
others? Or does his love of being in the spotlight as a heroic
figure prompt him to devise ways to gain attention?
--------------------------------------------------------------------EPISODE 4: Tom passes Jeff Thatcher's house and spots a "lovely
little blue-eyed creature with yellow hair." She is Becky Thatcher,
although Twain doesn't reveal her name here. Tom is so taken by this
pretty stranger that he forgets his former love, Amy Lawrence, and
begins showing off in front of Becky. Playing her part in this
courting ritual, Becky tosses a pansy to Tom as she disappears into
the house. Tom remains in front of her house until nightfall, still
showing off.
EPISODE 5: Tom's spirits are so high at supper that his aunt's
scolding doesn't faze him. Sid accidentally breaks the sugar bowl, and
Tom can't wait to see his good brother punished. Polly assumes Tom
broke the bowl, however, and knocks him down.
She is conscience-struck when she realizes she hit the wrong person.
Yet as a figure of authority, she can't bring herself to admit she was
wrong. Tom, in a sulk, refuses to allow her to make up to him. He
fantasizes revenge: lying on his deathbed, he refuses to forgive
her; drowned, he does not come to life when Polly begs God to "give
her back her boy." These fantasies foreshadow the adventures that will

take place in chapters 15 and 17.

--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: EMOTIONAL INSIGHTS Take a second look at the paragraph that
describes Tom's sulking. This wonderful passage shows Twain once
more making good use of nostalgia. More importantly, it gives you a
chance to appreciate Twain's understanding of human emotions- Tom's
and Polly's- and his willingness to indulge Tom's feelings of
self-pity. Most children have had the kind of emotional tug-of-war
that Tom has with Polly. Most also have fantasies of the
"she'll-be-sorry" type. Twain appeals to your sense of nostalgia
with his perfect description of Tom's swallowing his tears. But he
goes beyond that. He shows Tom actually enjoying his unhappiness.
--------------------------------------------------------------------EPISODE 6: Sitting on a raft and wishing he were dead, Tom remembers
Becky's flower. He goes to her house, lost in self-pity, and lies
beneath her window. He clasps the pansy to his chest as if he were a
corpse. Just as he envisions her dropping "one little tear upon his
poor lifeless form," a maid opens the window and pours a pitcher of
water on him. He runs home.
EPISODE 7: Tom examines his wet clothes by candlelight before
going to bed. Sid wakes up and sees Tom but thinks better of saying


This chapter concerns Sunday school and the preparations for it. The
first chapter in which adults play an extensive role, it gives you a
chance to compare the children and their elders- and perhaps to
discover some resemblances.
Sunday morning begins with breakfast and family worship. The worship
consists largely of biblical quotations and "a grim chapter of the
Mosaic Law"- codes of conduct, including the Ten Commandments,
handed down mainly in the Old Testament by Moses.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: THE NOVEL AS IDYLL Many readers describe Tom Sawyer as an
idyll- a composition in poetry or prose that paints a scene or
episode, especially of country life, as one of tranquil happiness. The
opening paragraph of this chapter defines such a scene. So does the
first sentence of the chapter, when it evokes the "tranquil world"
of a "peaceful village" on a Sunday morning. But what follows- Tom's
escapades in Sunday school- may seem far from idyllic. Yet, his pranks
are essentially harmless and playful, as are all activities that are
ordinarily memorialized in idylls.
--------------------------------------------------------------------Before Sunday school, Tom focuses his energies on learning by
heart five verses from the Bible. In Sunday school, the children
earn a small blue ticket for every two verses they recite
accurately. Once they have memorized 2000 verses, they can cash in
their tickets for 40-cent Bibles. Mary earned two Bibles this way, and
a boy "of German parentage" won four or five.
To get Tom to learn his verses, selected from Jesus' Sermon on the
Mount (Matthew 5-7), Mary offers him another prize. This turns out

to be a "Barlow" knife- a single-bladed pocket knife of the type first

produced in the 1700s by Russell Barlow. Delighted, Tom is about to
test its ability to scar the bureau when he has to get washed and
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: "A MAN AND HIS BROTHER" Twain describes Tom after Mary has
washed him as "a man and a brother, without distinction of color."
This refers to a medallion that the English ceramics master Josiah
Wedgwood designed in 1787. The medallion showed a black man in chains,
his hands raised to Heaven, asking, "Am I not a man and a brother?"
The motto was quite popular during Twain's youth. It appeared in a
variety of places, including at the head of "My Countrymen in Chains,"
an anti-slavery poem that John Greenleaf Whittier wrote in 1835.
What do you think Twain meant to suggest by this reference? Why do you
think he compared Tom, when clean, with a slave?
--------------------------------------------------------------------At the church, Tom quickly trades the riches he gained in Chapter
2 for the tickets that could earn him a Bible. Inside, the Sunday
school superintendent, Mr. Walters, introduces a distinguished
visitor, Jeff Thatcher's uncle, Judge Thatcher. The Judge is
accompanied by his wife and their child, Becky, whom Tom had tried
so hard to impress the day before. Tom begins showing off the moment
he sees her. Everyone else, from Mr. Walters to the little girls,
tries to win the Judge's attention by showing off, too.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: SHOWING OFF Throughout the novel, you'll note adults
showing off as much as children. Twain makes fun of his characters'
vanity in a gentle, indulgent way. Mr. Walters' fashionable dress is
an expression of his vanity just as Aunt Polly's useless glasses are
an expression of hers. Everyone in the Sunday school becomes a
showoff, aiming their performances at the Thatchers. In what way might
the Judge- a distinguished visitor from the town of far-off
Constantinople, twelve whole miles away- be putting on a show, too?
Where is his audience?
--------------------------------------------------------------------As usual, Tom finds a way to steal the spotlight. He steps forward
and delivers his tickets to Mr. Walters, who must present him with a
Bible. Now Tom is "elevated to a place with the Judge and the other
Tom's heroism is short-lived. When the Judge asks him to name two of
Jesus' Twelve Disciples, he can't name one. Instead, he comes up
with the names of David, king of the ancient Hebrews, and the giant he
slew as a boy.
Twain lets you imagine the way this embarrassing scene ended. What
might this chapter have lost if he had provided an ending himself?


The church service gives the townspeople and their minister, Mr.
Sprague, ample chance to show off. It also allows Twain to continue to
describe Hannibal's cast of characters and routine happenings.
Twain finds a great deal to mock in the procession of townspeople

down the church aisle. The "unnecessary" mayor, the young girls
dressed in fancy linen ("lawn-clad"), and their "oiled and simpering
admirers." To Tom, the "Model Boy, Willie Mufferson" stands out as
particularly noxious. The boys hate Willie, who has been held up by
their parents as an example of proper behavior.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: TWAIN'S ASIDES Twain steps into his narrative a couple of
times in this chapter to comment on the action. In one instance, he
adds an aside about "ill-bred" church choirs. In another, he
comments on the "queer custom" of ministers' reeling off
announcements. Some readers see these asides as awkward intrusions.
Others view them as a fitting part of Twain's unique storytelling
style, which he developed while touring as a lecturer. How do the
asides affect you?
--------------------------------------------------------------------The Reverend Mr. Sprague is an impressive speaker- to his ears and
those of other adults, at least. To Tom, he is a bore. During the
prayer, Tom focuses on a fly; during the sermon, he counts the pages
that Sprague reads from.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: "PREDESTINED ELECT" To understand one of this chapter's
best jokes, you have to know something about the beliefs of the
Presbyterian Church. The "predestined elect" are those chosen by God
before their deaths to enter Heaven and join God in everlasting joy.
Apparently, Sprague has made this designated elite group seem so small
that they appear insignificant to Tom, who wonders why such a tiny
group should be worth God's notice at all.
--------------------------------------------------------------------Tom perks up when the minister describes the millennium- the
thousand years of righteousness and happiness that the Bible
predicts are coming. According to one prophecy (Isaiah 11:6),
animals that were once foes will become friends, with a little child
to lead them. This idea appeals to Tom, who would like to be that
child- and the center of the world's attention.
Almost accidentally, Tom converts the church service into play, as
he does most everything else. Playing with a beetle he has brought
to church, he drops it on the aisle, out of his reach. A dog plays
with the beetle and gets pinched by it, to the delight of the


Twain introduces Huckleberry Finn in this chapter, giving you a

chance to compare Tom with a freer spirit. Twain also proceeds with
the story of Tom's courtship of Becky.
With a week of school awaiting him when he awakens Monday morning,
Tom checks his body for an injury that will allow him to stay home.
A "mortified" toe won't do, nor will a loose tooth, which Aunt Polly
deftly pulls.
On the way to school, Tom meets Huckleberry Finn, the town drunk's
son and the opposite of the model boy. Tom is under orders not to play
with Huck. This ban makes Huck more attractive to Tom, who plays

with this outcast every chance he gets.

--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: THE LURE OF HUCK FINN In a single paragraph, Twain lists
those aspects of Huck Finn's life that make him the envy of "every
harassed, hampered, respectable boy in St. Petersburg." The list
adds up to total freedom- doing what he pleases, when he pleases,
and never having to obey anybody. How are the lives of "respectable
boys" like Tom different from Huck's? In what ways are they
"hampered?" Might Huck's way of life hamper him in ways that a
"respectable" boy like Tom can't imagine?
--------------------------------------------------------------------Huck is carrying a dead cat that he bought from another boy. He
intends to use the cat at the graveyard that night to cure his
warts. He promises to take Tom with him. This promise will allow Twain
to introduce one of the novel's major plot lines in Chapter 9.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: FOLKLORE The superstitions the boys discuss in this chapter
were current in the Midwest during Twain's youth. Thus, they are
interesting historically as folklore, which is usually passed on by
word of mouth and rarely written down. When it is written down, as
here, it enables you to glimpse the way people once thought.
--------------------------------------------------------------------Tom's chat with Huck makes him late to school. To everyone's
astonishment, he admits he talked to Huck. As punishment, the
schoolmaster canes Tom and orders him to sit on the girls' side of the
room, in the vacant seat next to Becky Thatcher. This was exactly
the "punishment" that Tom had hoped his honesty would bring him.
Once next to Becky, he draws a picture for her, which she admires.
He offers to teach her how to draw during the noon recess, and she
agrees. ("Good,- that's a whack," says Tom, meaning "It's a deal.")
The teacher catches Tom showing Becky the words "I love you," which he
has written on the slate. Tom finds himself back in his own seat
with a "jubilant" heart. He is unable to focus on his studies- even
his best subject, spelling. In a spelling bee, he misses some of the
simple words and gets "turned down"- moved from the head of the line
to the bottom with each misspelling. In the process, he loses the
pewter medal which, as the class's best speller, he had worn for
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: USE OF THE WORD "NIGGER" The first mention of black people in
the novel, in Chapter 2, is a reference by the narrator to "negro boys
and girls." Here, however, Tom and Huck employ the ugly and
disparaging word "nigger." Twain's use of the word has gotten his
books labeled racist and banned from some libraries.
Actually, Twain uses the word "nigger" only when trying to give a
realistic report of the speech of the people with whom he grew up.
When speaking in his own voice- or his narrator's- he usually uses the
term "negro," without the capital N that editors of his books often
added during this century.
Did he make a mistake by recording the speech current during his
boyhood? What might the novel have gained- or lost- if Twain had
made Huck and Tom use the word "negro"?



Twain divides this chapter into two episodes. In the first, you meet
Tom's best friend, Joe Harper. The second episode continues the tale
of Tom's courtship of Becky Thatcher.
Bored with school, Tom begins to play with the tick that Huck traded
him. He devises a game with Joe Harper, who is as intrigued with the
bug as Tom is. When the boys argue over the tick, the schoolmaster
gets wind of their diversion and whacks them.
During the noon recess, Becky and Tom sneak back into the school.
Tom proposes marriage to Becky, who likes the idea of being
"engaged" to him. But Tom makes a slip, and Becky realizes that he has
been "engaged" before, to Amy Lawrence. Becky refuses to be
consoled. Hurt, Tom leaves the school.


Tom's mood jumps from gloom to delight in this chapter. Note how
fantasy and play help him rebound from the sadness caused by a
real-world disappointment.
Reacting to Becky's rejection, Tom runs through the woods for a half
hour. He finds his way to a familiar spot and thinks how liberating
death would be- "if he could only die temporarily!" This wish
foreshadows the events in Chapter 17, when he attends his own funeral.
He fantasizes becoming a soldier, an Indian chief, and a pirate.
What's the point of these fantasies? Are they a kind of revenge- a way
of showing "his companions," especially Becky, how dashing a figure
they had as a friend? Or is it that projecting himself into romantic
situations makes him feel better about himself?
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: BURLESQUE OF ROMANTIC LITERATURE The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
is in many ways a burlesque- a takeoff on a literary work or type of
work. As already noted, it makes fun of the type of book that shows
how good boys (or model boys) prosper. In this chapter's opening
paragraph, Tom's brooding appears to many readers as a burlesque of
the nineteenth-century convention, in Romantic novels, of the
melancholy forest scene. However, Twain uses Tom's imitation of a
Romantic hero in another way. Tom's brooding ends with a joke, "if
he could only die temporarily!" Here, instead of mocking a literary
convention, Twain mocks Tom as well. A good part of the novel's
humor comes from this gentle indulgence on the part of the narrator.
--------------------------------------------------------------------Tom's decision to run away and become a pirate energizes him. He
tests a superstition about recovering lost marbles and finds it
doesn't work. Yet he refuses to lose faith in superstitions. He
convinces himself that a witch made his test fail.
The blast of a toy trumpet announces the start of another episode.
Joe Harper appears, pretending to be Guy of Guisborne, and Tom
transforms himself into Robin Hood for a series of adventures played
"by the book."

--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: TOM'S LITERARY SOURCES Tom, like Sam Clemens as a boy,

seems to be an avid reader of swashbuckling romances. Earlier in
this chapter, while fancying himself a pirate, he shows his
familiarity with Ned Buntline's The Black Avenger of the Spanish Main,
or the Fiend of Blood, a boys' book published in 1847. The Sherwood
Forest adventures that Tom and Joe Harper seem to know by heart come
from Joseph Cundall's Robin Hood and His Merry Foresters.


The novel's major plot line- the framing of Muff Potter in Dr.
Robinson's murder- begins in this chapter. The chapter also
indicates that St. Petersburg has a dark side.
As Tom lies in bed awaiting Huck's appearance, he is frightened by
the sound of a beetle (a "death-watch") ticking in the wall. He
believes the superstition that its sound- a watch's ticking- means
that someone is about to die. The events that follow won't
contradict this belief.
Huck arrives as promised, carrying his dead cat and sounding like
a live one. They walk to a graveyard about a mile and a half outside
of town.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: TWAIN'S LANGUAGE Twain once said, "The difference between the
right word and the wrong word is the difference between the
lightning and the lightning bug." Watch how carefully Twain chooses
his words especially adjectives and verbs- as he sets his spooky scene
here. The fence is "crazy." Grass and weeds grow "rank" (excessive).
Old graves are "sunken." "Worm-eaten" boards "staggered" over the
graves while a "faint" wind "moaned." Watch for other examples of
Twain's suggestive imagery.
--------------------------------------------------------------------The "solemnity and silence" of the graveyard keep the boys quiet
while they hide a few feet from Hoss Williams' fresh grave. The
sound of people approaching terrifies them. For a moment Huck thinks a
lantern is "devil-fire"- the burning of gases released by decaying
matter. Soon they realize that they are in the presence not of
devils but of three men they know: Muff Potter, a good-for-nothing;
Injun Joe, a "half-breed"; and Dr. Robinson, a young physician from
the town. Dr. Robinson has hired the others to dig up Hoss Williams'
body so that he can experiment on it. (Because of legal
restrictions, there was always a shortage of cadavers for doctors
and medical students to study, and the practice of grave robbing, or
body snatching, was not uncommon.)
When Hoss Williams' body has been dug up and tied to a
wheelbarrow, Potter and Injun Joe demand more money. The men fight.
Robinson knocks out Potter, and Injun Joe murders Robinson with
Potter's knife. Tom and Huck, caught up in a real adventure and not
a fantasy, leap up and flee.
The narrator lingers behind to report the murder's aftermath.
Injun Joe robs Robinson's body and places the murder weapon in
Potter's hand. When Potter comes to, Joe convinces him that he
(Potter) murdered the doctor; Potter trots off, leaving his knife

--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: INJUN JOE'S VENGEFULNESS Twain goes to some length to provide
Injun Joe with a motive for killing Robinson. Injun Joe feels he was
mistreated five years earlier when the Robinsons refused him food
and had him jailed as a vagrant. Injun Joe's vengefulness is a key
to his character- one that will explain his later actions and
terrify Tom and Huck into silence.


This chapter serves as an interlude, allowing Tom and Huck to

catch their breath- literally and figuratively. It also serves as a
transition back to the civilized world of aunts, school, and young
The boys flee to an old tannery (where leather is made) on the
outskirts of St. Petersburg. They mull over the murder and what they
ought to do about it. They decide it's safest to keep quiet. "That
Injun devil wouldn't make any more of drownding us than a couple of
cats," Huck says. With their blood, they initial a pledge of silence
that Tom writes on a pine shingle with red chalk. Huck, who doesn't
understand how painful writing is for Tom, admires Tom's choice of
words and the ease with which he seems (to Huck, at least) to write
The boys' superstitions cause them some fright when a dog howls
outside the tannery. They believe that the howling of a stray dog
spells death for anyone the dog is facing. The howling stops and is
replaced with loud snoring. Relieved and feeling adventurous once
more, they tiptoe to the snorer, who turns out to be Muff Potter. As
they escape, they see the howling dog facing Potter and believe he's
the one who's doomed.
Tom doesn't know that Sid is awake when he sneaks into their
bedroom. In the morning, Polly lets him oversleep. After breakfast,
she takes him aside and cries over his behavior. Her tears, to Tom,
are "worse than a thousand whippings."
He mopes off to school, where the schoolmaster flogs him for playing
hooky the previous afternoon. The final blow to his self-esteem
comes when he sits down at his desk and finds that Becky Thatcher
has returned the brass andiron knob he had given her.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: CONTRASTS BETWEEN TOM AND HUCK This chapter gives you a
chance to explore further the differences between Huck and Tom.
Clearly, Tom is the more educated of the two. He thinks up the oath,
writes it, and teaches Huck to scrawl his initials. But Huck has
"street smarts." He knows how important it is for his and Tom's safety
to keep his mouth shut. He also knows that ensuring silence requires a
pledge as solemn as a blood oath. Tom's suggestion- "you just hold
hands and swear"- is, as Huck points out, inappropriate for "a big
thing like this." At this point in the story, Huck seems the more
practical and down-to-earth of the two. As you read on, watch to see
if he stays that way.



This chapter adds weight to the opinion that St. Petersburg is not
an entirely idyllic place. Mixed with the nostalgia are corpses,
citizens ready to condemn the innocent before trial, and haunting
The discovery of Dr. Robinson's body electrifies the town. The
schoolmaster gives the students the afternoon off, and the townspeople
flock to the graveyard.
The murder weapon has been found and identified as Muff Potter's.
So, when he turns up- seeking his knife- the sheriff confronts him
with the evidence. Broken, he tells Injun Joe, who is in the crowd, to
explain what happened. Huck and Tom stand dumbfounded as they listen
to the real murderer pin the crime on Potter.
When Injun Joe helps put Robinson's corpse in a wagon, the body
seems to bleed a little. According to superstition- a corpse bleeds
when its murderer is near. But since Muff Potter is only three feet
away at the time, no one in the superstitious crowd except Huck and
Tom thinks to suspect Injun Joe.
Tom has begun crying out in his sleep, so tormented is he by his
secret knowledge. Sid is eager to crack the mystery, and Tom is just
as eager to hide it. Tom pretends he has a toothache so that he can
tie his jaw closed at night to keep himself from talking.
In time, Tom is haunted less and less by nightmares. To ease his
conscience, he smuggles "small comforts" to Potter, who has been
jailed in "a little brick den" on the side of the village.
The boys aren't the only people in town who are afraid of Injun Joe.
Some want to tar-and-feather him for his part in the body-snatching,
but no one has the courage to do it.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: PARALLELS WITH TWAIN'S CHILDHOOD When Twain was eighteen,
in 1853, he gave some matches to a drunken tramp who had been put in
Hannibal's jail- an unguarded place very much like the one Potter is
held in here. That night the tramp accidentally set fire to his cell
and burned to death. Twain recalled years later that the tramp "lay
upon my conscience a hundred nights afterwards and filled them with
hideous dreams." How might his feelings about the tramp have helped
Twain understand Tom's guilt over Potter?


Twain offers you some comic relief in this chapter. The episode
serves as a bridge between two story lines: the murder and its
aftermath, and Tom's running away to Jackson's Island in Chapter 13.
The chapter uses another plot line- Tom's courtship of Becky
Thatcher- as a springboard. Becky is sick, and her absence from school
takes all the joy out of Tom's life. It seems that Becky's sickness is
one thing that Tom can't transform into play.
Yet Aunt Polly manages to turn Tom's woe into a form of play for
herself. She loves to experiment with patent (non-prescription)
medicines, and Tom's depression provides a challenge to her

--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: MODEL FOR POLLY'S QUACKERY As early as 1866, when Twain was
on a steamer headed for Hawaii, he jotted down memories that would
become part of Tom Sawyer. Some of those notes described his
mother's attempts to make him swallow a patent medicine called
Pain-Killer (spelled, incorrectly, Painkiller in some editions). The
medicine was supposed to be used externally to soothe aching muscles
and bruises. But his mother, an avid reader of the "quack periodicals"
Twain criticizes here, thought that Pain-Killer might have internal
uses, as well. Twain, in turn, gave a dose of the medicine to his catwith the consequences he elaborates on in this chapter.
--------------------------------------------------------------------Tom can't hide from Polly's "persecution." But, despite his
gloominess, he finds a defense, once more, in a game from which he
will emerge victorious. He pretends to want her Pain-Killer so much
that she finally allows him to serve himself, and Tom pours doses of
the vile liquid through a crack in the floor. While he is doing
this, Peter, the cat, begs for a taste. Tom gives him one, and Peter
leaps around the room in pain. "Cats always act so when they're having
a good time," he tells Polly.
He continues speaking ironically- saying one thing and meaning
another- even after Polly discovers what has happened. "I done it
out of pity for him- because he hadn't any aunt." Tom now has Polly
where he wants her- feeling remorseful. "What was cruelty to a cat
might be cruelty to a boy, too," she allows. Tom has won his game.
But the chapter ends in defeat for him. He sets off to school
early and hangs around the schoolyard gate hoping to see Becky
Thatcher. She shows up, and Tom is suddenly beside himself with
happiness. But his showing off only brings a reproach from Becky,
crushing him.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: TOM'S BEHAVIOR Some readers aren't amused by Tom's
strenuous efforts to gain attention. "Adults might think such antics
are cute," Robert Keith Miller writes in his book, Mark Twain. "But
they're not the ones being knocked over or having their hat
snatched. The actual victims of his aggression probably welcomed the
days on which Tom chose to stay away from school." What do you think
Tom's classmates feel about him? Could Twain's nostalgia for his
boyhood lead him to overlook the fact that Tom might be a nuisance? Or
are such speculations beside the point?


A third story line- Tom's running away with Joe Harper and Huckbegins with this chapter. This story will be the focus of the novel
for five chapters
Driven away by the two girls he loves- Polly and Becky- Tom sulks.
He convinces himself that he has been forced to "lead a life of
crime." The school bell rings as he walks away from it, and he sobs.
Tom meets Joe Harper, who also plans to run away. Tom persuades him to
become a pirate. Once more, Tom's fantasies, gleaned from books,
overpower a comrade.

--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: "TWO SOULS," ETC. Twain calls Joe and Tom "two souls with but
a single thought." This is a reference to the last two lines of
Ingomar the Barbarian, a play by Von Munch Bellinghausen that Twain
saw in Virginia City, Nevada, in 1863. The play ends, "Two souls
with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one." Evidently,
Twain believed that his readers would recognize the quote.
--------------------------------------------------------------------The boys decide to run away to Jackson's Island- Twain's fictional
name for Glasscock's Island, opposite Hannibal. They get Huckleberry
Finn to join them. The three boys steal provisions and meet at
midnight two miles above the village.
They are clearly enacting an adventure- one right out of
storybooks that Tom has read. Note the gallant names: Tom, "the
Black Avenger"; Huck Finn "the Red-Handed"; and Joe "the Terror of the
Seas." Ned Buntline's Black Avenger, noted earlier, is the source of
Tom's nickname. Buntline's 1847 book, The Last Days of Callao, may
be the source of Huck's nickname. In that book, a pirate ship hoists a
white flag emblazoned with "a blood-red hand."
They steal a raft and head out into the Mississippi. Tom, naturally,
is in charge- after all, it's his fantasy. His companions man the
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: TWAIN'S STYLE Twain's use of words, especially in descriptive
passages about nature, can be quite beautiful. Take a moment to
savor his description of the boys' nighttime view of St. Petersburg,
"peacefully sleeping, beyond the vague vast sweep of star-gemmed
water...." You might want to note poetic passages like this and
write about them later in a consideration of Twain's style.
--------------------------------------------------------------------The raft drifts downstream five miles and comes to rest on the north
end of Jackson's Island, where they make camp.
Afterwards, they have a discussion that accentuates the
differences between Huck and the other two boys. Tom and Joe are
thrilled to think that their classmates would envy them. Huck
doesn't care what others think. Nor is he happy, as Tom is, not to
have to "go to school, and wash"- things Huck never does anyway.
Huck is content to be eating well and to be out of range of St.
Petersburg's respectable citizens, who badger ("bully-rag") him.
Huck lights a pipe and smokes it- something the other boys have
never done. He's ashamed of his clothes. "I ain't dressed fitten for a
pirate," he concludes. Yet he sleeps easily. The other boys, more
accustomed to telling right from wrong, feel guilty and have trouble
falling asleep.


This chapter describes the boys' first full day on Jackson's Island.
It is a day of roller-coaster mood swings, especially for Joe and Tom.
Notice how plot twists shape the boys' moods and how the moods, in
turn, shape the story.
The chapter opens with a long description of the island's animal
life "shaking off sleep and going to work." The boys spend most of the

day swimming, fishing, and exploring the island. Late in the

afternoon, they begin to feel homesick.
The booming of cannon on the ferryboat interrupts their thoughts.
They realize that the boat is trying to locate the body of someone who
has drowned. (During Twain's youth people believed that the concussion
of the cannon blasts were capable of bursting a sunken corpse's gall
bladder, causing it to float to the surface.) It's Tom who understands
who is thought to have "drownded- it's us!" Nothing more wonderful had
ever happened to them. They are the talk of St. Petersburg.
After dinner, however, their thoughts become more somber. Tom and
Joe begin to feel guilty about the grief they've caused their
families. But when Joe suggests they return home, Tom makes him feel
foolish. Tom stays awake after the others fall asleep. He writes two
notes on sycamore bark, pockets one, and places the other in Joe's
hat. Then he bolts toward the sandbar. What's on his mind?


This chapter explains Tom's secrecy and sets the stage for the
next two chapters. It also gives you a glimpse of Tom as a genuinely
loving nephew.
Tom wades, then swims to the Illinois shore, where he hides in a
rowboat tied to the stern of the ferry and is towed back to
Missouri. In St. Petersburg, he sneaks into Polly's house and crawls
under her bed in the sitting room. Sid, Polly, Mary, and Joe
Harper's mother are at the table, bemoaning the lost children. Their
words give Tom a nobler opinion of himself than ever before."
Tom's earlier hope of dying- temporarily- has come true. He hears
his former tormentors grieve over him and he's overwhelmed, partly
with pride, partly with love for his aunt. He learns that the boys'
funerals will be held Sunday morning- four days away.
After Mrs. Harper leaves, Polly goes to bed. Her prayer for Tom is
so moving, it makes him cry. She falls asleep, and Tom creeps over
to the table, where the candle still burns, and leaves the note he
wrote for her. But a thought makes him change his mind. He pockets the
note, kisses his sleeping aunt, and exits. He rows back to the
Illinois shore and, after sunrise, swims back to Jackson's Island.
After recounting his adventures, he sleeps until noon while Huck and
Joe play.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: TOM'S CRAFTINESS Skillful storytellers build suspense by
withholding enough of their stories to keep readers turning pages.
Twain does this here, raising questions about Tom's goals, revealing
them by describing his journey home, then creating another mystery
by having Tom pocket the note he has written to Polly.
Interestingly, Twain's narrative method parallels Tom's method as a
strategist. Tom keeps his goals a secret from his family and friends
until he can reveal them with a final dramatic flourish. In Chapter
12, he plotted a game designed to stop Polly from persecuting him with
Pain-Killer, and he never revealed his goal until he had Polly
cornered. Similarly, he doesn't let his friends know the purpose of
his trip home. Can you guess why he is so slow to show his hand?


In terms of writing and character development, this is one of the

richest chapters in the novel. It's all the more remarkable because it
seems no more than a description of two days of play for the three
"pirates." Examine it closely, however, and you'll see how skillful
Twain is at depicting the anguish of three boys trying ever so hard to
become men.
After breakfast Friday morning, they shed their clothes and frolic
in the water. Later, they play marbles: "knucks" (shooters must keep
their knuckles on the ground), "ring-taw" (shooters knock marbles
out of the ring), and "keeps" (players keep the marbles they win).
Tom, his superstitions intact, refuses to follow the others into the
water for a second swim because he has lost his lucky charm- an anklet
made of rattlesnake rattles, which he believes can ward off a
variety of sicknesses.
The three boys all struggle to subdue feelings of homesickness.
Tom tries to divert his friends' attention from their misery but
fails. Joe finally admits he wants to go home. Tom is determined not
to let him.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: JOE'S CONFESSION Joe's admission that he wants to go home
sets him apart from Huck and Tom. Tom calls him a crybaby and mocks
him for wanting to see his mother. This attempt to embarrass Joe
into staying reminds you that Joe is the only one of the three who has
a mother to return to.
--------------------------------------------------------------------As Joe begins to wade toward the Illinois shore, Huck says he
wants to leave, too. Tom is able to stop them only by playing his
trump card. He reveals "his secret"- which Twain refuses, at this
point, to reveal to you. Tom's craftiness surfaces here. He had
planned all along to reveal his scheme, but only as a "last seduction"
to keep the boys on the island. The ploy works.
After lunch, Huck teaches his friends how to smoke. Tom and Joe
pretend to like smoking. But the dominant feeling is nausea. Joe
excuses himself by saying he must hunt for his knife, and Tom offers
to help. An hour later, Huck looks for them and finds them asleep.
There are indications that both have been sick.
That night, Joe wakes his friends as a storm brews. The boys sit
by the fire, waiting for something to happen. Beyond the fire,
"everything was swallowed up in the blackness of darkness"- one of
Twain's favorite biblical phrases. It comes from the New Testament
Book of Jude, where false teachers are compared with shooting stars
that flare up only to be lost forever "in the blackness of darkness."
Saturday morning, they sleep a little in the sun and are soon
overcome with homesickness. Tom manages to lift their spirits by
organizing a game of Indians, and they pass the day chasing each other
around the island. For Tom and Joe, the day is almost ruined at the
end, when, according to customs they've read or heard about, they must
puff a peace pipe. To their delight, they discover that this time they
don't get "sick enough to be seriously uncomfortable."
After supper, they smoke again. This new skill makes them happier
than "the scalping and skinning of the Six Nations." This is a
reference to the powerful Iroquois confederation- originally of five
tribes (the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Senecas, and Cayugas),

later of six, after the Tuscaroras joined them around 1722. These
tribes dominated the western part of what is today New York State.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: UNDERSTANDING TWAIN'S ALLUSIONS Why is it worth your while to
track down these allusions, or passing references, such as the mention
of the Six Nations and the phrase from the Book of Jude? For one
thing, the effort gives you a deeper appreciation of The Adventures of
Tom Sawyer as literature and as a historical document. It leads you to
a deeper understanding of the text- of Twain's meaning and the way
he expresses it. In addition, the references are clues to the way
Twain's contemporaries thought, and to what they thought about. For
example, Indians were much on Americans' minds in the 1870s.
(General George Custer made his famous "last stand" against the
Sioux in 1876, the year Tom Sawyer was published.) Also, it was a rare
American family that didn't own a Bible and refer to it regularly.
Biblical stories and teachings shaped the way Americans thought, and
biblical phrases cropped up in conversation the way lines from popular
songs do now.


Twain reveals Tom's secret in this short chapter, which provides the
climax of the Jackson's Island adventure. As you read, note how subtly
Twain uses irony to bring out the underlying humor of this elaborate
practical joke.
On Saturday, while the boys are playing Indians on Jackson's Island,
the town of St. Petersburg is shrouded with grief. Becky, in tears,
wishes she had kept the brass andiron knob "to remember [Tom] by."
Elsewhere, children envy those among them who were the last to see the
boys alive.
On Sunday, the boys' funerals take the place of the regular church
service. The minister's "text,"- the New Testament passage that
introduces the subject of his sermon- is John 11:25-26. In this
passage, common at funerals, Jesus promises life after death to people
who believe Him to be the resurrection and the life"- the giver of
eternal life. Would the boys qualify as believers? For evidence, you
might reread Tom and Huck's exchange inside the tannery in Chapter 10.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: USE OF IRONY Twain shows himself a master of irony- saying
one thing while suggesting another- in this chapter. Note especially
how he describes the minister's "pictures of the graces, the winning
ways and the rare promise of the lost lads." Of course, few peopleprobably including the minister- ever saw anything but "faults and
flaws" in the boys. The funeral sermon is a literary convention (a
generally accepted form) that regularly transforms sinners into
saints, and Twain gently mocks that convention here.
Note that though he may be stretching the truth, the minister is not
speaking ironically. He wants his listeners to believe he is
sincere. It's Twain who is being ironic. He presents alternative
interpretations of the boys' characters and pranks to suggest that the
minister's view of the boys' "sweet, generous natures" may be
inaccurate. Inaccurate, perhaps, but convincing. At the end, even
the minister is in tears!

--------------------------------------------------------------------As if on cue, a miracle occurs. The boys are resurrected, just as

the Bible passage promised they would be. Tom, Joe, and Huck march
up the aisle after having heard their funeral sermon from the empty
gallery above the congregation. Twain reveals Tom's secret scheme at
Dumbfounded, the minister orders the congregation to sing the
Doxology- a hymn of praise for God. ("Old Hundred," the tune to
which the Doxology is sung, is so called because Psalm 100 was once
sung to it.) Tom swells with pride, confessing to himself "that this
was the proudest moment of his life."
Remarkably, no one is angry with the boys. The townspeople have
had such a good time that they feel it was worth being "sold"
(tricked) and made to look ridiculous.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: THE FUNERAL AS ENTERTAINMENT Tom, as you've seen,
transforms everything he can into play, with himself as the central
figure. Here, he turns his funeral into entertainment- not just for
himself, but for the entire town. Like Huck and Joe on Jackson's
Island, or the boys who paint Polly's fence, the townspeople become
willing participants in the fun and end up grateful to Tom for
orchestrating it.


With this chapter, Twain begins to discard the plot line that
described the escapade on Jackson's Island. He returns Tom to "the
world of the living"- and to Tom's difficult courtship of Becky
Twain opens with a paragraph that ties up loose ends about the boys'
return to St. Petersburg. Then he moves on to breakfast before
school Monday morning. Polly can't understand how Tom let her
believe he was dead.
To make her feel better, he says, "I dreamed about you, anyway.
That's something, ain't it?" At Polly's urging, he tells her about his
"dream," a detailed description of the activities he witnessed from
beneath Polly's bed. Polly is amazed at this clairvoyance- the ability
to see things that one does not witness in person- and rewards him
with an apple.
At school, Tom and Joe are heroes. They embellish their adventures
with imaginary "material" and dazzle their friends with their new
skill- smoking.
Tom decides to play hard-to-get with Becky. While she tries to
gain his attention, he carries on an animated conversation with Amy
Lawrence. Becky vows to get even. At recess, she sits with Alfred
Temple, the new boy from St. Louis with whom Tom fought in Chapter
1. Tom, incensed, suddenly finds Amy's chirping "intolerable."
Tom goes home at noon, beside himself with jealousy. Once Tom is
gone, Becky loses interest in Alfred Temple and dismisses him. Smart
enough to realize why, he slips into the deserted schoolhouse and
spills ink on Tom's spelling book. Although Becky sees Alfred do this,
she is so angry with Tom that she decides to let him be punished for
something he didn't do.

--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: BECKY'S CHARACTER This chapter gives you a deeper

understanding of Becky. Like Tom, she is an interesting figure because
she is not a model child. Although she is certainly better behaved
than Tom, she has certain traits- a quick temper, a vindictive spirit,
and a tendency to show off- that would have made her unacceptable as a
heroine in most children's books of Twain's day.


With this brief chapter, Twain gives Tom a chance to redeem

himself with Polly- and with you, if you have begun to wonder, like
Polly, whether Tom's heart is made of stone.
Tom returns home from school to discover that Aunt Polly is
furious with him. That morning she went to Sereny Harper's house to
tell her about Tom's "dream." But Mrs. Harper had a surprise for
her. She told Polly that Tom had secretly visited St. Petersburg.
Polly wonders how Tom could have let her make a fool of herself in
front of Mrs. Harper.
Tom is genuinely remorseful. His joke, the narrator tells you, now
seems "mean and shabby" to him. He apologizes lamely to Polly,
explaining that he "didn't think." Still, Polly doesn't believe him
when he says he returned home to tell her "not to be uneasy about us."
Tom explains that he pocketed the sycamore bark note because he
couldn't "bear to spoil" the idea of attending his own funeral.
Polly's soft side begins to show. When Tom tells her he kissed her
as she slept, "a sudden tenderness dawned in her eyes." Tom says he
kissed her because he loves her. Does this sound like Tom to you? To
Polly, it sounds like he's telling the truth- but she's not sure.
She sends Tom off to school and immediately runs to the closet to
dig into his jacket pocket for the sycamore bark note.
At this point, a wonderful piece of stage business illustrates
Twain's weakness for sight gags. Polly tries to get up the nerve to
check Tom's pockets, but she is afraid she'll discover that Tom is
lying to her. She holds his jacket- then puts it back.
Twice she reaches into the closet, and twice her hand comes out
without the jacket. The third time, she convinces herself that, if
he is lying, "it's a good lie- I won't let it grieve me."
To her surprise, the note Tom wrote her is there. She reads it
through "flowing tears" and admits she could forgive him now "if
he'd committed a million sins."


Twain continues to "rehabilitate" Tom in the eyes of those readers

who might think Tom went too far in some of his earlier pranks. For
the first time, you see Tom make a real sacrifice and not just dream
about doing so.
As the noon break ends, Polly has sent Tom back to school in high
spirits. His good mood prompts him to apologize to Becky for being
mean to her that morning. But Becky is unforgiving. In the schoolyard,
the two exchange insults, and Becky can't wait to see Tom flogged
for the ink Alfred Temple spilled on his book.

Soon Becky is in a fix herself. Before school resumes, she sneaks

a look at the schoolmaster's anatomy book, which he keeps under lock
and key. Tom surprises her, and she accidentally rips the page on
which a naked figure was printed.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: HINT OF SEX As previously noted, Tom is a curiously ageless
boy, seeming anywhere from eight to fourteen. You may think this is
a flaw in Tom's characterization, as many readers do. But others point
out that by making Tom's age indeterminate, Twain freed himself to
write about boyhood instead of a single boy.
This broader approach may explain why the subject of sex is so
blurry in Tom's world. In Chapter 7, Tom explains kissing to Becky,
who acts as if she's never heard of the practice before. Here, Twain
fails to tell you whether the "stark naked" figure in the anatomy book
is male or female.
As Twain first wrote it, this scene did have the children confront
the mystery of sex. Twain emphasized the nature of the picture as much
as the rip in the page. "How could I know it wasn't a nice book?"
Tom originally said. "I didn't know girls ever-." And Becky, after
worrying about being whipped for tearing the page, told Tom: "But that
isn't anything- it ain't half. You'll tell everybody about the
picture, and O, O, O!" In revision, Twain deleted these words and a
passage in which Tom realizes how the revelation might shame Becky.
From what you know about late nineteenth-century attitudes about
morality, why do you think Twain made these changes?
--------------------------------------------------------------------Becky tells Tom how terrified she is of a whipping. "I never was
whipped in school," she says. This assertion indicates that she
fears the pain less than the indignity of the punishment. Becky
assumes that Tom is going to tell on her. She tells him ominously,
"I know something that's going to happen. You just wait and you'll
Sure enough, Tom gets whipped for the mess Alfred Temple made of his
spelling book. Becky refuses to intervene because she's sure Tom
will tell Dobbins what she did to the anatomy text.
An hour later, Dobbins discovers the tear in his book. He begins
to ask individual students if they're to blame. Becky is "white with
terror" and seems about to give herself away when Tom springs to his
feet and shouts, "I done it!" Though Tom had no selfish motive- he
wanted only to protect Becky- he is well rewarded for his bravery.
He takes his flogging in front of Becky's adoring eyes.
Tom goes to bed that night plotting vengeance on Alfred Temple,
whose deed Becky has told him about. As he drops off to sleep, he
remembers Becky's words: "Tom, how could you be so noble!"
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: BECKY'S VENGEFULNESS Becky's less-than-model character was
noted in the discussion of Chapter 18. In Chapter 20, she lets Tom
take the blame for something she knows he didn't do. Twain provides
her with a motive- she fears Tom will tell on her and wants to see him
hurt, too. But the contrast between her behavior and Tom's selfless
action raises several questions. Does Becky's motive excuse her
behavior? Why doesn't Tom seem angry about the deceit? Finally, what
do you make of the fact that for once Tom has become a model boy? Is
he maturing?



Faced with patent insincerity, the indulgent narrator takes off

his gloves here. Twain has tucked an expository essay into this
chapter to explain his anger and some of his views on writing. Yet the
chapter is still hilariously funny.
As the school year winds down, Mr. Dobbins prepares his students for
the ordeal of Examination Night, the closing exercise. Dobbins is
especially eager for a good performance. He literally whips his
students into shape- at least, those students too small to fight back.
Remember that the one-room schoolhouse of Twain's day served
students of all ages. The oldest student in Twain's school, Andy
Fuqua, was twenty-five.
The smaller boys hatch a plot to get revenge on Examination Night.
Except to say that the sign-painter's boy has been enlisted in the
scheme, Twain keeps you in the dark about the plot until the very
end of the chapter. Can you suggest why?
The bulk of the chapter describes Examination Night. Read the
description closely to discover Twain's criticism of a popular
literary style and of what passed for education in his day.
The entire town seems to have assembled to see the students
perform and compete for prizes. The first "scholar" to appear is a
little boy, who recites an old favorite- David Everett's 1791 poem,
"Lines Written for a School Declaration by a Little Boy of Seven."
(Twain provides only the first two lines.) Although his delivery is
unnatural (his gestures are like those of a machine "a trifle out of
order") and he is "cruelly scared," the boy survives the experience.
Tom Sawyer does not survive his. He struggles through Patrick
Henry's 1775 speech to the Virginia Convention, is seized with stage
fright, and leaves the stage "utterly defeated."
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: TOM'S FAILURE Tom loves the limelight and will do almost
anything to be the center of attention. But those occasions when he is
the focus of attention in academic settings are excruciatingly
painful. In Chapter 4, when pressed to name Jesus' first two
disciples, he is so far off base that Chapter Twain draws "the curtain
of charity over the rest of the scene." How do you explain Tom's
success at schemes that he designs and controls and his failure at
those designed by others?
--------------------------------------------------------------------Following Tom's defeat, others recite such "declaratory gems" as
Felicia D. Hemans' "Casablanca" and Lord Byron's "The Destruction of
Sennacherib." (Twain refers to these poems respectively by their first
lines, "The boy stood on the burning deck" and "The Assyrian came
down.") The night includes a spelling bee, recitations in Latin, and
reading exercises.
But the evening's highlight comes when the older girls read their
original essays, which Twain reviews with disdain. As Twain notes at
the end of the chapter, he did not create these examples of
"schoolgirl prose." He lifted them, word-for-word, from Mary Ann
Harris Gay's 1871 book, The Pastor's Story and Other Pieces: or, Prose
and Poetry.

--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: TWAIN'S CRITICISMS What irks Twain about these "original

'compositions?'" First, they're not very original. "The themes were
the same that had been illuminated upon similar occasions by... all
their ancestors in the female line clear back to the Crusades."
Second, the compositions are full of overworked melancholy. Third,
they are wordy and artificially pumped up with "fine language."
Fourth, their authors re-use pet words and phrases until they are
"worn entirely out." Fifth, they are "marred" by preachiness- "the
intolerable sermon that wagged its crippled tail at the end of each
and every one of them." In sum, the essays are unfelt and insincere.
By implication, Twain's criticism condemns the adult world that
encourages insincerity. The adult listeners whisper such compliments
as "How eloquent!" and "So true!" during the readings and applaud
Is Twain being too harsh on the authors and their parents? You can't
answer accurately until you've applied Twain's standards to the
three excerpts he includes in this chapter. You might also ask
yourself how Twain might grade some of the essays you or your
classmates have written. How free is Twain's own writing of the
flaws he describes?
--------------------------------------------------------------------The chapter ends with a bigger joke- the scheme of revenge that
the smaller boys have devised. Dobbins is trying to draw a map of
the U.S. on the blackboard when a hatch door leading to the attic
opens above him. The boys lower a blindfolded cat on a string. The cat
snatches Dobbins' wig, baring his bald, gold-painted head- the work of
the sign-painter's boy, at whose house Dobbins lives.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: TWAIN'S COMIC METHOD Take a moment to analyze this joke.
Suppose Dobbins' head hadn't been painted and the boys had pulled
off the wig with a fishhook instead of a cat. The gag would still be
funny. But the extra elements- the cat, the cat's blindfold, and the
gold paint- make the joke hilarious. What does the elaborateness of
the joke add to it?


This chapter, along with the last one, acts as a bridge between plot
lines. Two chapters back, Twain took a break from the story of Tom's
courtship of Becky. Now Tom marks time during the first weeks of
summer until Twain, in Chapter 23, picks up the threads of the
murder story with Muff Potter's trial. Twain, however, doesn't waste
your time here. He presents an entertaining review of small-town
life before movies, TV, and radio provided the distractions they do
Tom is attracted to the temperance movement not by any urge to stamp
out drinking and smoking but by the chance to wear a showy uniform.
Just as Huck Finn became an irresistible companion when parents
forbade their children to play with him, Tom is now tormented by an
urge to drink and swear- two things he promised not to do when he
joined the Cadets of Temperance.

--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: CADETS OF TEMPERANCE This organization actually existed in

the late 1840s and early 1850s. It was part of the youth wing of the
national temperance movement that campaigned vigorously against
alcohol and smoking. Twain joined the cadets when he was about
fifteen. He pledged not to smoke in exchange for the privilege of
wearing a red merino (wool and cotton) sash during public holidays and
parades. "The organization was weak and impermanent," Twain
concluded in his Autobiography, "because there were not enough
holidays to support it." He remained a cadet "until I had gathered the
glory of two displays- May Day and the Fourth of July." Then he
resigned and resumed smoking- something he had been doing since he was
--------------------------------------------------------------------Tom stays in the organization because a prominent public figure,
Judge Frazer, is on his deathbed, and Tom foresees a chance to march
in his funeral. But the judge takes a turn for the better. Tom, in
disgust, resigns from the lodge, and that very night the judge dies.
Now Tom must watch the funeral parade with envy. No longer bound by
his pledge, he loses the urge to drink and swear.
Looking for amusement, he begins a diary but can't think of anything
to write in it. A minstrel show- a variety show of music, dancing, and
comedy performed by white people made up as blacks- comes to town
and is a sensation. Led by Tom and Joe Harper, the children devise
their own minstrel act and are "happy for two days."
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: MINSTREL SHOWS Before movies and TV, small towns like St.
Petersburg had to import their entertainment or manufacture their own.
Lecturers- Twain himself would become one of the best- were popular.
So were circuses and troupes of actors who criss-crossed the nation
performing one or two plays. Minstrel shows first appeared in 1843
in Virginia and were nationally popularized by such troupes as Edwin
P. Christy's, which was founded in Buffalo, New York, in 1846. In
their use of dialect, dance movements, and humor, the minstrel shows
caricatured black people and, in so doing, planted damaging
stereotypes in white people's minds.
--------------------------------------------------------------------The summer plods on, with each high point followed by a low one.
Missouri's most famous politician, U.S. Senator Thomas Hart Benton
(1782-1858), proves a disappointment to Tom when he makes an
appearance at the July 4th parade. A phrenologist and a mesmerizer
(hypnotist) break the monotony. (Phrenologists claimed to be able to
"read" peoples' character traits by feeling the contours of their
scalps.) Becky's absence (she has returned to her parents' home in
Constantinople for vacation), the "dreadful secret of murder," and
finally the measles keep Tom at a low ebb.
After he recovers from the measles, Tom discovers that an evangelist
has passed through town and that everybody has "got religion." Even
Huck is quoting the Bible. Tom concludes that as the only
irreligious person in town he is doomed to eternal damnation. A
driving rainstorm confirms his fears. He is sure that God is trying to
punish him for his sins, and he is grateful to find himself alive when
the storm ends. Yet he doesn't change his ways and become more

religious. In Tom's view, that proves to be a mistake, because he

suffers a relapse and has to spend the next three weeks in bed.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: TOM'S "PRESBYTERIAN CONSCIENCE" Twain often spoke of his
"Presbyterian conscience"- a sense of guilt stemming from the belief
that, one way or another, all sins had to be answered for. The
corollary held that any setback- sickness, bankruptcy, storm damage,
even violent death- was a punishment for sin. As a boy, Twain, like
Tom, was haunted by guilt. "Mine was a trained Presbyterian
conscience," he wrote in his Autobiography, "and [it] knew but the one
duty- to hunt and harry its slave upon all pretexts and on all
occasions, particularly when there was no sense nor reason in it." How
might this "Presbyterian conscience" explain some of Tom's fears and
nightmares and the "chronic misery" of keeping his secret about the


The plot line that concerns Dr. Robinson's murder ends with Muff
Potter's trial and Tom's testimony, which provides the climax of the
story (and, some readers feel, of the novel itself). As the murder
story is resolved, a fourth story begins, involving the fate of
Injun Joe.
Muff Potter's trial for murder brings the sleepy town to life. Tom
and Huck wrestle with their consciences. But they won't come forth and
tell what they know about the murder for fear Injun Joe will kill
During the first two days of the trial, the boys hang around outside
the courthouse and learn that things are going poorly for Potter.
Tom stays out late the night of the second day, although Twain doesn't
explain why. Tom's "tremendous state of excitement" keeps him awake
for several hours. Can you imagine where he has been?
The courthouse is packed on the third day of the trial. Tom takes
the stand as a surprise witness.
He glances at Injun Joe and is at first speechless. Yet he finds his
voice and explains that he and someone else (Potter's lawyer
counsels him not to reveal Huck's name yet) saw Muff Potter knocked
out and Dr. Robinson murdered by Injun Joe.
At these words, Injun Joe leaps through the window and disappears.
Thus ends the story of Dr. Robinson's murder. But its resolution
creates another mystery and a fourth plot line. What will happen to
Injun Joe? Will he try to kill Tom and Huck, as the boys feared?
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: TOM'S MATURATION Does Tom's bravery surprise you? It
shouldn't, because Twain has carefully prepared you for it with a
parallel episode, where Tom took the blame for Becky after she tore
Mr. Dobbins' anatomy book. He seems to have reached a stage in his
moral development where he is not merely able to tell the difference
between right and wrong but also to act what he believes is right.
How does he differ from Huck in this regard? Why didn't Huck step
forward with Tom, or instead of Tom? Some readers feel that, as a
child of the streets, Huck lives by a code that puts his own
survival first. Others explain the difference between the two boys

by pointing to Tom's "Presbyterian conscience"- his fear of God's

wrath. Watch for further evidence of Tom's maturity in the remaining


The next ten chapters largely concern Injun Joe's fate. This chapter
describes the aftermath of Tom's testimony and builds suspense by
reminding you several times that the murderer is still at large.
Tom is a genuine hero. His celebrity, though delicious to him,
does little to calm his fears. His nights are "seasons of horror,"
terrorized by dreams of Injun Joe.
Huck is terrified that Injun Joe might hear that he witnessed the
murder, too. Potter's lawyer has promised to tell no one. But Huck has
lost faith in such promises, now that Tom has broken the blood oath
between them.
Tom fears that he will never be safe until he has seen Injun Joe's
corpse. Remember this statement. It foreshadows the resolution of this
plot line by setting- in Tom's eyes- the only acceptable terms for a
successful outcome.
A big-city detective from St. Louis arrives to investigate the case.
He finds a clue (Twain spelled it "clew")- hardly a substitute for
Injun Joe's corpse.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: OUTSIDERS The citizens of St. Petersburg are in awe of
outsiders such as the detective from St. Louis and Judge Thatcher,
whose "very eyes had looked upon the county court house," twelve miles
away in Constantinople. By citing the townspeople's exalted view of
outsiders, Twain demonstrates that St. Petersburg is small and
isolated enough to give its residents an inferiority complex. However,
the narrator's ironic tone lets you know he is even more sophisticated
than the outsiders. He calls the detective "one of those omniscient
and awe-inspiring marvels" in a tone that indicates that the man is
anything but awesome. One of the novel's minor villains- in Tom's
eyes, at least- is Alfred Temple, another outsider from St. Louis.
What Temple has in common with the two adults is that he seems like an
adult, dressing like a dandy and wearing shoes. Only one outsider,
Becky Thatcher, comes off well. Can you suggest why?


Twain sets the stage for further adventures with this chapter, in
which Tom and Huck hunt for buried treasure. The chapter gives you a
wonderful chance to note the many differences between the boys.
Tom can't find anyone to hunt treasure with until he bumps into
Huck. Huck goes along, because Tom's proposal promises to be
entertaining and free. Huck, you're told, has a "superabundance of
that sort of time which is not money." Tom is once again the leader of
an adventure he designed. Huck regards him as an expert on
treasure-hunting, and Tom is happy to live up to Huck's
expectations. He explains where treasure is likely to be hidden, who
hides it, and why. Huck, whose mind is very practical, can't

understand why anyone would hide money. "I'd spend it and have a
good time." So would Tom, but he knows from books that "robbers
don't do it that way."
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: "STILL-HOUSE BRANCH" Tom says there may be treasure in the
old haunted house "up the Still-House branch." This refers to an
actual stream (branch) in Hannibal where one of the town's three
distilleries was located.
--------------------------------------------------------------------While digging beneath a dead tree limb, the boys discuss how they'll
spend their treasure. Tom surprises Huck by saying he'll use some of
his money to get married. Huck remembers his parents' fights. "The
girl I'm going to marry won't fight," Tom says. Is he deceiving
himself? How much time have he and Becky spent together without
The boys haven't dropped their superstitions, as their discussion of
witches and ghosts illustrates. Folk wisdom, perhaps gleaned from a
book, tells Tom that they can best locate the site of buried
treasure at midnight. So the boys return at night- an indication
that Tom's fear of Injun Joe has abated. They measure the shadow of
a dead limb and start digging. When they find no treasure, they decide
they must have measured the shadow at the wrong time.


The story of Injun Joe speeds up in this chapter. It also picks up

some complications enough to add to the suspense and keep you
turning pages.
The next day, the boys meet at the dead tree to collect their tools.
They are about to traipse off to a nearby haunted house when Huck
remembers that it's Friday- an unlucky day. Huck remembers that the
night before he dreamed about rats- a sign, to the superstitious, that
the dreamer has secret enemies.
Tom and Huck quickly change their plans. They play Robin Hood all
afternoon and return for their tools on Saturday. They smoke and do
a little more digging- something that will cause problems laterthen head for the haunted house. They are upstairs exploring when
two men enter. The boys watch them through the holes in the floor.
They recognize one as a deaf and dumb Spaniard who has recently
visited the town. But the Spaniard is really Injun Joe, something
the boys realize as soon as he speaks.
The two men have planned a "dangerous job," and Injun Joe wants
his partner to go "up the river" until the time is right to pull it
off. After a lengthy nap, Injun Joe digs a hole in a corner to bury
their "swag" (stolen money) in. While digging, his knife strikes a
chest full of gold coins. The stranger guesses that the chest was left
by a gang led by John A. Murrell (misspelled by Twain as Murrel), an
outlaw whose bloody exploits were well known to children growing up
along the Mississippi during the 1840s.
With all that money, the stranger suggests that they won't have to
do the "job" they'd planned. Injun Joe disagrees. His goal is not just
robbery but revenge.

NOTE: INJUN JOE'S MOTIVE Revenge is a common motive in this

novel. Tom pays Sid back for tattling and vows to avenge Becky's snub.
Becky lets Tom get whipped for something he didn't do in order to
avenge a deed she expects him to commit. The smaller students take
vengeance on Mr. Dobbins by baring his gilded head. And Injun Joe, who
murdered Dr. Robinson to avenge an old slight, now plans another
vengeful act- one that will be described in Chapter 29.
--------------------------------------------------------------------To Tom and Huck's distress, Injun Joe decides not to leave the
treasure in the house. Fresh dirt on the boys' tools has made him
suspicious. He'll take the booty to his "den": "Number Two- under
the cross. The other place [Number One]," he says, "is bad- too
common." These clues are not explained further, but you can be sure
you'll discover their meaning later on.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: "BY THE GREAT SACHEM" Injun Joe swears "by the great
Sachem" that he won't rebury the treasure in the house. A sachem was
the chief of some American Indian tribes and tribal confederations. In
effect, Joe is saying something like, "Good Lord no!" Why might it
seem appropriate for Injun Joe to use the word Sachem instead of
Lord or God? How might its use suggest that Joe doesn't share the
religious values of the people of St. Petersburg?
--------------------------------------------------------------------Injun Joe begins to climb the stairs to see if the pick's owner is
on the second floor. But the rotten staircase crumbles beneath his
weight. Before dark, he and his crony leave the house and head "toward
the river" with the treasure.
The boys curse the fact that they brought their dirty tools into the
house and made Injun Joe suspicious enough to remove the treasure.
They resolve to keep watch out for him and follow him to "Number Two,"
wherever that might be.


This brief chapter allows the boys to assess their situation and
plot a future course. It also establishes, perhaps more clearly than
ever, the differences between Tom, the visionary leader, and Huck, the
more down-to-earth follower.
Tom dreams of possessing the treasure but awakens knowing it has
eluded his grasp. Thinking how unreal Saturday's adventure seems, he
concludes that it might all have been a dream. He rushes out to
compare notes with Huck, who assures him that their adventure was
painfully real.
Huck is cursing their luck that they failed to get the money.
Furthermore, he sees no hope of ever obtaining it, since he believes
that a person has "only one chance for such a pile- and that one's
Tom, being more imaginative, is still hopeful. He persuades Huck
that they must find Injun Joe and "track the money." Both boys are
afraid of confronting Joe, but the lure of money enables them to
overcome their fears. Tom guesses that Number Two refers to a room
in one of the village's two taverns. In a half hour, he has discovered
that room No. 2 in the less expensive tavern is a mystery. The

tavern-keeper's son told him it was kept locked all the time and
that people use it only at night.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: TOM'S VIEW OF HUCK Notice that Tom investigates the taverns
alone because he doesn't "care to have Huck's company in public
places." Why do you think he feels this way about Huck? Is Tom a snob?
Might he fear getting in trouble by associating with Huck? How might
Tom's discomfort with Huck in public show that the residents of St.
Petersburg are divided along class lines, and that Tom is very much
aware of the class to which he belongs?
--------------------------------------------------------------------The boys agree that the mysterious tavern room is the Number Two
they're looking for. The room has an outside entrance whose door Tom
hopes he can find a key to. He tells Huck to "get hold of all the
door-keys you can find, and I'll nip all of Auntie's." The first
dark night, they'll try the keys on the door.
Meanwhile, Tom wants Huck to watch for Injun Joe and follow him if
he appears. Huck's not eager to take on this dangerous assignment. But
he agrees to do so after Tom reminds him that Joe might pass up a
chance to avenge himself and go straight for the money.
Tom turns the meeting into a pep rally at the end. "Don't ever
weaken, Huck, and I won't," he says. Is this mere bravado on Tom's
part? Or is it an attempt to manipulate Huck- to get him to do
something that Tom would rather not do, Just as he got his friends
to paint his aunt's fence in Chapter 2?


Tom penetrates room No. 2 and uncovers some secrets not only about
Injun Joe but about the hypocrisy of some of St. Petersburg
citizens, as well. The chapter gives you another opportunity to
study Twain's method of storytelling.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: "THAT NIGHT" Twain seems to have lost track of time here.
Because the episode at the haunted house took place on a Saturday,
Chapter 28 must have occurred on a Sunday. Thus, "that night" should
mean Sunday night. However, it probably means Monday night. Had he
realized the action in Chapter 27 took place on a Sunday, he almost
certainly would have mentioned church and perhaps a Bible reading at
home after breakfast.
Twain sometimes broke off work on a novel for months or even years
before returning to it. Losing track of time is not a major flaw here,
unless it confuses you. Nor is it terribly harmful that the summer
he describes seems to last at least a month longer than most
summers. Still, Twain's carelessness about time is a reminder that
when he wrote The Adventures of Tom Sawyer he was a novice in the
art of novel-writing.
--------------------------------------------------------------------The boys keep watch outside the tavern for three nights. On a
moonless Thursday night, with thunder rumbling in the distance, Huck
stands guard outside the tavern. Tom heads toward the door of No. 2
with his lantern, which he has "blindfolded" with a towel.

Twain doesn't let you follow Tom. Instead, he tries to make you feel
Huck's "season of waiting anxiety." How does this approach add to
the chapter's suspense?
Suddenly Tom rushes by with his lantern bared and tells Huck to
run for his life. The two reach a deserted slaughterhouse just as a
storm bursts. There, Tom tells what happened. The door to No. 2 was
unlocked. Tom pushed it open and spotted Injun Joe, who was lying dead
drunk on the floor. Tom realizes, however, that the room is haunted
with spirits other than ghosts.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: TEMPERANCE TAVERNS Twain takes a second dig at the temperance
movement here. During the 1840s, Hannibal had three whiskey
distilleries and at least six bars, or "groggeries" as they were
called. A temperance tavern was a place where men could assemble
without drinking whiskey or beer. Twain is suggesting that even
these high-minded places weren't above selling spirits on the sly.
--------------------------------------------------------------------The boys decide it's too risky to return to No. 2 and hunt for the
box. Tom figures that the best course is to wait for Injun Joe to
leave some night. Huck proves himself less brave than Tom. He offers
to do the watching if Tom will do the snatching of the treasure, and
Tom agrees. Huck will wake him up if he sees Joe leave.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: "GOOD AS WHEAT" The phrase Huck uses to emphasize his
agreement is a comment on their plan. To indicate that the plan is
"great," he calls it "good as wheat." The phrase dates back to
colonial times, when wheat, a valuable staple food source, was used as
a medium of exchange. Something "good as wheat," like something
"good as gold," was of solid value.
--------------------------------------------------------------------As the boys leave the slaughterhouse, Huck says he's going to
sleep in Ben Rogers' hayloft. This is okay with the Rogers' slave,
Uncle Jake, who often shares his food with Huck. Huck and Jake get
along because Huck doesn't look down on him.
How might Huck's attitude toward Jake reflect his own situation as
an outcast? Why do you think Huck is embarrassed about eating with a
slave? What does Huck's embarrassment tell you about his understanding
of acceptable behavior between whites and blacks in a slave state?


The story of Tom's courtship of Becky overlaps that of Injun Joe's

fate in this chapter. And Huck proves himself not only brave but
also capable of risking his own neck to help others.
Becky's family has returned to town, and Becky is once more Tom's
main interest. Friday, they play games of tag ("hi-spy" and
"gully-keeper") with schoolmates, and Becky convinces her mother to
let her host a picnic the next day.
The picnic trip begins late Saturday morning. The Thatchers have
hired an old steamboat to take the children and their chaperones three
miles down the river to eat lunch and frolic. Sid can't go because
he is sick, and Mary stays home to care for him. Because the boat is

expected to return late, Becky's mother suggests she stay at Susy

Harper's house near the ferry landing.
Tom has another plan. He wants to go to the Widow Douglas' house for
ice cream after the picnic. He persuades Becky to agree to the plan
and tries to forget the fact that Huck might need him.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: KEY DETAILS Observe throughout this chapter how seemingly
insignificant details end up being important to the story. Episodic as
Twain's narrative is, it is intricately interrelated. Sid and Mary's
absence and Becky's intention to stay at the Harpers' are essential
details, as you will see. Introducing the Widow Douglas- by name and
reputation- prepares you for action that takes place in the second
part of the chapter.
--------------------------------------------------------------------The ferryboat lets the children off three miles downstream. They
explore McDougal's cave, an enormous, labyrinthine system of
chambers too vast for anyone to know completely. Tom has explored it
many times before and knows it as well as anyone.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: MCDOUGAL'S CAVE Twain didn't invent this cave. It actually
exists south of Hannibal and was called McDowell's cave when Twain was
a child. McDowell was a surgeon from St. Louis who once stored weapons
there in a plot to invade Mexico. For a number of years he
experimented there with the body of a fourteen-year-old said to be his
daughter. He stored the body in a copper cylinder filled with
alcohol in order to see if the body would turn to stone in the
limestone cave.
--------------------------------------------------------------------The children split up into groups and reassemble outside the cave at
nightfall. The ferry, which has been waiting an hour for its
passengers, finally pushes off and moves upstream for home.
Huck is at his post outside the tavern when he sees the ferry go by.
Uninvited to the picnic, he wonders for a moment what the boat is.
Near midnight, two men leave room No. 2 and brush past him. One is
carrying a box that Huck assumes to be the treasure. Despite his
fears, he follows the men up Cardiff Hill in hopes of spotting them
burying the treasure.
Near the Widow Douglas' house, the men stop. Huck is terrified. He
shakes as if taken by "a dozen agues" (fevers).
Injun Joe is upset to find the widow's lights on, because she may
have company. Is it Tom and Becky? You won't find out until the next
Huck realizes that Joe intends to seek revenge on the widow.
Although she has been kind to Huck, he doesn't dare call out a warning
to her for fear he'll get killed.
Whether she has company or not, Joe intends to get his revenge.
The widow's late husband was the judge who jailed him on the
vagrancy charges that Dr. Robinson's father brought. Worse, in Joe's
eyes, was that the judge had ordered him horse-whipped in public
like a slave.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: A DEFENSE OF INJUN JOE Some readers explain Joe's evil as a

reaction to racial injustice. They point out that this "half-breed,"

as Twain identifies him, suffered rejection and public humiliation
by the whites of St. Petersburg. This harsh treatment, they argue,
made Joe determined to seek revenge from his tormentors. You may
reject this interpretation. However, Tom Sawyer does reveal Twain's
interest in race as a social problem- a major theme in his later
novels. Note, for example, the contrast between Joe's treatment by the
elder Dr. Robinson and Huck's treatment by Uncle Jake. The white man
chased the "half-breed" away from his kitchen while the black man
shared his food with the poor white boy. What do you think Twain is
saying by making this contrast?
--------------------------------------------------------------------Injun Joe doesn't want to kill the widow. He wants to mutilate her
face- "slit her nostrils [and] notch her ears."
Huck holds his breath and slips away. What a wonderfully detailed
description Twain gives of Huck's departure. You might want to read it
aloud to appreciate how efficiently Twain meshes action and emotion
Halfway, down the hill, Huck bangs on the Welshman's door. He
awakens the old man and his two sons. Notice how careful he is to
protect himself. He makes them promise not to reveal the source of
their information. In minutes, the three men are up the hill with
their guns. Huck hangs back. When the guns go off, he turns and
flees down the hill.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: HUCK'S MATURATION Is Huck's emerging ability to think
beyond his own safety a sign of his growing maturity? Some readers
think so. Whether you agree or disagree, you will find support for
your view in later chapters.


Twain continues to intertwine the courtship story with Injun

Joe's. He moves both stories forward with twists designed to keep
St. Petersburg- and you- on edge.
Huck slinks up to the Welshman's door at dawn, hoping to find out
what happened at the Widow Douglas's. The Welshman tells him he is
"welcome"- the first time Huck can remember anyone saying that to him.
Inside, Huck learns that the Welshman's sneeze alerted Injun Joe and
the stranger, who escaped despite a chase. A sheriff's posse has
waited until daylight to search the woods for the villains.
The Welshman pumps Huck for information about the men. Huck tries
hard to oblige without revealing any secrets about the treasure. But
his tale has holes in it that make the Welshman suspect that Huck is
holding back. Huck startles the Welshman by reporting words spoken
by the supposedly mute Spaniard. Caught, Huck admits: "'Tain't a
Spaniard- it's Injun Joe!"
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: "WHITE MEN DON'T" The Welshman accepts Huck's revelation
immediately because it fits his stereotypical view of Indians as
savages. "White men don't take that sort of revenge," he says.
Though Twain doesn't tell you how to interpret that remark, some

readers think this is being ironic. They argue that his own
experience, living during a period of lynchings and civil war,
taught him that whites are as capable of mutilating tortures as
members of any other race. Why might Twain want to show that a
generally decent man like the Welshman harbored warped views of
Indians? On the other hand, might Twain, as a member of his society,
be capable of sharing the Welshman's views?
--------------------------------------------------------------------Twain shifts the scene to church, where Aunt Polly and Mrs. Thatcher
are horrified to learn that their children might be lost in the
cave. Might they have learned this earlier if Twain hadn't made Sid
and Mary stay home, and if he hadn't had Becky's mother ask Becky to
stay with the Harpers?
Within five minutes, alarm bells are ringing, and the men of the
village are swarming toward the cave. The Cardiff Hill episode is
suddenly forgotten. The villagers search the cave for three days and
nights and discover only two traces of Becky and Tom: their names
written on a wall with candle smoke, and one of Becky's ribbons.
Meanwhile, Huck takes sick and is nursed by the Widow Douglas.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: HUCK'S ILLNESS Does Huck's illness come on too suddenly for
you? It does for many readers, who are reminded that Twain used this
device once before, in Chapter 22, when he kept Tom ill for five weeks
before the trial began. This time, Twain seems to have a similar
problem. He has to keep Huck occupied while you turn your attention to
the hunts for Becky and Tom and Injun Joe. What might Twain have had
Huck do instead of falling sick?


Though this chapter contains not a grain of humor, many readers

think it the most masterfully written in the novel. Twain infuses this
misadventure with a nightmarish quality that makes the children's
terror yours.
Tom and Becky wander off from their friends and explore the cave
alone. Tom ducks behind a limestone "waterfall" and discovers a
"natural stairway" into an unexplored section of the cave. Eager to
discover new territory, he calls Becky, and they descend into the
cave's "secret depths."
Inside an enormous room, the light of their candles excites hundreds
of bats, who swoop down at the children. Tom hurries Becky into a
corridor just as a bat extinguishes her candle with its wing.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: BUILDING SUSPENSE As you read, keep track of the elements
that raise your fears for the children's safety. Surely the
maze-like caves, where it's easy to get lost, help create the
atmosphere of suspense. Next, Twain notes the "vast knots of bats,"
adding a touch of menace to the adventure merely by mentioning them.
Twain then has the bats chase the children and swat out Becky's
candle. Suddenly, you are aware of another danger: the vulnerability
of the children's source of light. To discover how he controls your
emotions, put an X in the margin each time Twain intensifies the

suspense by making you aware of a new danger. How might this episode
be different if Twain had listed the cave's many dangers in a single
paragraph early in the chapter?
--------------------------------------------------------------------While avoiding the bats, the children become totally lost. Tom
pretends to be confident, but his assurances sound hollow and frighten
Becky. Tom's shout returns to him as "a ripple of mocking laughter."
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: TOM'S MATURITY Despite moments of despair, Tom manages to
keep a cool head throughout this episode and to demonstrate
continued emotional growth. He takes the blame for their
predicament, then feigns confidence so as not to frighten Becky. He is
level-headed enough to seek out a spring and stop there. Watch for
more signs of Tom's maturity throughout the chapter.
--------------------------------------------------------------------The children share a piece of cake that Becky saved from the picnic.
Becky, who yields to her fears more readily than Tom, checks an
impulse to call the cake their last meal. They watch their last candle
flicker out.
They fall asleep, and when they awaken, Tom figures it must be
Tuesday- three days after they entered the cave. Unraveling a kite
string as he walks, Tom leads Becky down a corridor and is so startled
to see Injun Joe that he shouts. Tom tells Becky, who didn't see Injun
Joe, that he shouted only "for luck."
A long while later, back at the spring, Becky gives Tom permission
to go exploring alone. She is sure they are doomed and makes him
promise to hold her hand when the time comes to die. He kisses her
and, with a show of confidence he really doesn't feel, he crawls
away on his hands and knees, unraveling the kite line as he goes.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: A MOCK MARRIAGE? Becky and Tom will never be closer than they
are here. Their closeness leads some readers to think that in the
final part of this chapter, Twain intends to suggest that the children
are newlyweds. Becky sets the idea in motion when she speaks of "our
wedding cake." The children eat and sleep, then promise to die
together- a reminder of the final words of traditional wedding vows:
"till death do us part." Finally, Tom shows a protectiveness toward
Becky that, at least in literature, is often associated with husbands.


This chapter provides the climax to the story of Becky and Tom's
courtship. Also, Twain begins to resolve many of the novel's remaining
questions here.
Late Tuesday afternoon, the scene shifts from the cave to the
town. The children are still lost, and the villagers are heartsick.
Becky's mother is delirious with grief.
At night, the villagers are aroused from their beds by a "wild peal"
of bells- a signal that Becky and Tom have been found. It's the climax
of this plot line. The children are paraded through town in an open
carriage pulled not by horses but by St. Petersburg citizens. On the

"greatest night the little town had ever seen," no one returns to bed.
After the parade, a procession of townspeople passes through Becky's
house to congratulate and hug the children.
Lying on the couch, Tom fills in the villagers- and you- on the
details of their rescue. He followed three corridors the length of his
kite line, finally glimpsing a speck of daylight at the end of the
third corridor. The exit led to a bluff (cliff overlooking the
Mississippi River. He returned for Becky, who was hard to budge
because she had prepared herself mentally for death. Outside, after
crying "for gladness," they hailed a rowboat and learned from the
two men in it that they were five miles south of the cave entrance.
The men rowed them to a house, fed them, and made them rest. After
dark, they returned to St. Petersburg.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: FICTION vs. REALITY Twain may have combined three true
stories here. In his youth, he and a girl became lost in Hannibal's
cave, A search party found them just before their last candle went
out. Hannibal's Injun Joe got lost in the cave, too. He managed to
survive by eating bats. A town drunk named "General" Gaines was lost
in the cave for a week. He "finally pushed his handkerchief out of a
hole in a hilltop near Saverton, several miles down the river from the
cave's mouth," Twain writes in his Autobiography, "and somebody saw it
and dug him out."
--------------------------------------------------------------------Some townspeople bring Judge Thatcher the good news in the cave,
where he and a handful of diehard searchers have been seeking the
children. The children are exhausted from their ordeal. Tom stays in
bed until Friday; Becky doesn't leave hers until Sunday.
Tom tries to visit Huck on Friday, but his friend is too sick to see
him until Monday. Widow Douglas won't let Tom talk about his adventure
for fear that it might excite Huck. Tom hears about the Cardiff Hill
adventure at home and learns that Injun Joe's sidekick, the "ragged
man," was found drowned in the river, where he apparently fell while
trying to escape.
Two weeks after his escape from the cave, Tom learns that Judge
Thatcher has had the cave sealed with an iron door. Tom is shocked.
"Injun Joe's in the cave!" he blurts out.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: TOM'S REACTION What does Tom's reaction to the news of the
iron door reveal about his character? Although he is frightened to
death of the murderer, he seems genuinely upset. The second
paragraph of Chapter 33 should give you an insight into Tom's


This chapter has two parts: the discovery and disposition of Injun
Joe's body and the recovery of the treasure by Huck and Tom. In each
part, Twain addresses the story's remaining questions.
Rescuers head for the cave in twelve rowboats, followed by
spectators aboard the ferry. What do you make of the fact that Tom
rides alongside Judge Thatcher in a rowboat? Has saving Becky's life

brought him to the top of St. Petersburg society?

The discovery of Injun Joe lying dead inside the cave door is the
climax of the plot line that tracks his fate. Tom has mixed feelings
about the "sorrowful sight." He pities Joe because he imagines how
much the trapped man suffered. However, Joe's corpse affords him an
immense sense of relief, much as he felt it would back in Chapter
24. You may remember that the idea that Joe might be captured alive
frightened Tom, who thought he would feel safe only after viewing
Joe's corpse.
Joe had survived by eating bats and candle wax and drinking water
that dripped into a cup scooped into the stump of a stalagmite (a
deposit of calcium carbonate on the floor of a cave). The dripamounting to a spoonful every day- prompts Twain to meditate on the
possibility that natural laws, not chance, govern all events. "Has
everything a purpose and a mission?" he asks. "Did this drop fall
patiently during five thousand years to be ready for this flitting
human insect's need?"
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: DETERMINISM What does this speculation have to do with the
progress of the story or with the interests of Twain's primarily
juvenile audience? Very little, it would seem, although it has
everything to do with Twain's budding interest in determinist
philosophy. In later years, Twain would become fascinated with the
doctrine of determinism, which holds that all events have causes and
that free will is an illusion. How might the superstitions that
Twain sprinkles through Tom Sawyer also indicate his interest in
--------------------------------------------------------------------Injun Joe's funeral is well attended, both by people who would
have preferred him hanged and by those who had been eager to
petition the governor for his pardon. Twain reserves special disdain
for those who wanted the murderer pardoned. "If he had been Satan
himself," Twain says, "plenty of weaklings would have signed a
petition to save him.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: TWAIN'S REACTION TO INSINCERITY This satirical swipe lacks
the gentleness of much of Twain's humor. Does it strike you, as it
does some readers, as overly harsh? Compare its tone with those of
Chapter 24, when he satirizes the detective from St. Louis, or Chapter
12, when he mocks Aunt Polly's experiments with Pain-Killer. How is
Twain's humor gentler in these cases than here?
--------------------------------------------------------------------The day after the funeral, Tom takes Huck aside and tells him he's
sure that the treasure is in the cave. Huck's not sure he has the
strength to hunt for it, so Tom offers to row him down and back.
This time, Tom is prepared for the cave's perils. The boys assemble
bags, pipes, extra kite strings, and "lucifer matches"- wood matches
with phosphorous tips that were "new-fangled" in the 1840s.
The boys "borrow" a rowboat and float down to the hole through which
Becky and Tom escaped the cave. The hole is so well hidden, Tom has
decided to use it as a hideout when he becomes a robber. Once more, he
becomes Huck's teacher, explaining the attractions of the robber's

Deep inside the cave, the boys come to the corner where Tom had seen
Injun Joe. He points out a cross marked on a big rock with candle
smoke. The boys explore around the rock and locate the box of gold
Tom and Huck carry the money out of the cave in bags, and Tom rows
them back to St. Petersburg. There they decide to hide the money in
the Widow Douglas' woodshed. They "borrow" a child's wagon to haul
their treasure up Cardiff Hill where they meet Mr. Jones, the
Welshman. Mr. Jones tells them that people are waiting for them at the
Widow Douglas'. He doesn't say why as he helps them pull the wagon,
which he thinks holds scrap metal.
At Mrs. Douglas', he pushes the boys into the drawing room. All of
the village's important people are there: the minister, the editor,
the Thatchers, and Aunt Polly, among others. The boys are filthy. Mrs.
Douglas takes them into a bedroom and gives them new clothes to put
What's the purpose of the gathering? Twain doesn't tell you, in
order to entice you to turn the page.


Huck is welcomed into the fold of St. Petersburg societysomething he's not quite ready for. Twain draws a further contrast
between the two boys, showing once more how Huck and Tom differ.
Tom and Huck are dressing as the chapter opens. Huck can think
only of escape- of "sloping" (slipping away) by letting themselves
down to the ground with a rope. Tom, who wants to stay, won't hear
of it.
Sid enters the room and explains that the party is to thank the
Welshman and his sons for protecting the widow. Sid also knows that
the Welshman plans to surprise the gathering by revealing Huck's
part in protecting the widow. Yet Sid has spoiled the plan by giving
away the secret beforehand. Angry that Sid would sink so low, Tom
kicks him out of the room and dares him to tattle.
At supper downstairs, Mr. Jones makes his announcement about Huck,
and the guests pretend to be surprised. Huck shrinks from the
attention, which makes him want to crawl under a rock. Why do you
think he responds to praise so differently than Tom?
Tom sees his chance to jump into the spotlight when the widow says
she'll house and educate Huck and someday give him money to start a
business. "Huck don't need it," Tom says. "Huck's rich!" The guests
think he's making a joke. Tom rushes outside and returns with the
sacks of coins, which he spills on the table. When it's counted, it
amounts to more than $12,000- a sum larger than anyone his ever seen
at one time.


The book's final chapter gives you a glimpse of Tom and Huck's
life after they've achieved "success." As you read, watch how their
characters remain consistent to the end.
Tom and Huck's newfound wealth has changed not just their lives
but the lives of everyone in the village. Even "grave, unromantic men"
are ransacking abandoned houses, board by board, in hopes of finding
stashed treasure.

The boys have become celebrities, "courted, admired, stared at"

everywhere. They are quoted and written about, and their pasts are
"discovered to bear marks of conspicuous originality."
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: CREATING A MYTH Twain calls the boys' $12,000 a "windfall,"
something that came their way by luck. But the townspeople refuse to
accept that explanation. Instead, they create a myth about Tom and
Huck, emphasizing episodes in their pasts to explain how the boys
obtained the treasure as a result of their cleverness. Suddenly,
almost against their wills, Tom and Huck have become model boys. Why
does Twain make fun of this effort to misunderstand the boys' success?
How is his description of Tom and Huck's treatment part of his
parody of the "good-boy" books he so detested?
--------------------------------------------------------------------Tom and Huck have hefty incomes now: about $360 a year each, more
than the minister can hope to earn. It's an enormous sum at a time
when, as Twain tells you, a boy cost his parents only about $65 a year
to house, clothe, feed, and educate. No wonder they have become
Judge Thatcher, who once heard Tom flub a question on Jesus'
disciples, now thinks Tom an extraordinary boy. He hopes to see Tom
attend West Point and law school.
Huck, however, can't stand his new life. He disappears from Mrs.
Douglas' house after suffering through three weeks of cleanliness,
good manners, and other "bars and shackles of civilization." Tom finds
him, ragged once more, in an empty hogshead down by the
slaughterhouse. "Everything's so awful reglar," Huck says about the
widow's household, "a body can't stand it." To rid himself of all
the headaches involved with wealth, he offers his money to Tom.
Tom refuses the money and tricks Huck into giving his new life
another chance. "Being rich ain't going to keep me back from turning
robber," he says. For Huck to be part of the gang, however, he must be
respectable. Being a robber isn't like being a pirate, Tom explains.
"A robber is more high-toned." Convinced, Huck agrees to try the
widow's house for another month.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: PERILS OF WEALTH Twain makes some interesting points about
wealth and wealthy people. "Being rich ain't what it's cracked up to
be," Huck says. It's "a-wishing you was dead all the time." Twain
satirizes the wealthy, too, by suggesting that they are less than
honest. "In most countries," Tom says, "[robbers are] awful high up in
the nobility- dukes and such." Remember that Twain coauthored an
attack on corruption in high places in The Gilded Age.
--------------------------------------------------------------------As the novel ends, the boys are lost in a fantasy about their gang
of robbers. Complete with initiation ceremonies and secret pledges
signed in blood, the gang sounds like a club. But the boys don't
notice this. Huck even believes the widow will be proud of him if he
succeeds at robbery.
Can a boy with these beliefs ever be civilized? To find out,
you'll have to read The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, where Twain
retells the final chapter of Tom Sawyer on the first page.

--------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: SELLING OUT-OR REMAINING TRUE? In this chapter, Tom becomes a

spokesman for the society whose rules he tested throughout the
novel. Is this turn of events out of character? Is it a sign of his
maturity? Does it make Tom a traitor to the "cause" of boyhood- one
Huck still represents with his refusal to live within civilization's
The way you answer these questions will depend on your perception of
Tom's character. Many readers hold that he is a part of St.
Petersburg's mainstream from the start, unlike outcasts such as
Huck, Injun Joe, and Uncle Jake. Far from rebelling against this
society, these readers argue, Tom tries hard to win its respect and to
dominate it by engaging others in his fantasies. What evidence does
the novel contain, if any, that might enable you to contradict this

Twain ends The Adventures of Tom Sawyer with two paragraphs that
make a joke out of stopping the story. He claims that he ended the
novel to keep it from becoming the story of a man. Moreover, he
indicates that ending novels about juveniles is an uncertain procedure
for which there are few guidelines. Novelists who write about adults
have an easier time, he suggests, because their stories invariably end
with marriages.
The second paragraph continues to promote the idea, mentioned in the
Preface, that the novel is largely factual. "Most of the characters
that perform in this book still live," Twain says. He states that he
might tell the story of their adult lives later.
Twain uses the word "perform" to describe what the book's characters
do. How might this word be a key to understanding the characters and
their perceptions of themselves as actors on public display?


1. A major theme of Tom Sawyer can be stated as

I. "There's more than one road to success."
II. "Boys will be boys."
III. "Nice guys finish last."


A. I, II, and III

B. I and II only
C. II and III only

2. Sunday school gives most of the children and adults

present a chance to
A. swap stories

B. show off
C. plan the week's events


A. Huck is more imaginative than Tom

B. Tom enjoys Huck's sense of humor
C. Tom has been forbidden to play with Huck





7. The superstitions mentioned throughout the novel

A. suggest the primitive nature of the children's minds
B. add to the realism of Twain's portrait of small-town
C. both A and B

6. Tom's pangs of conscience can be traced to

A. his inborn sense of right and wrong
B. the harsh teachings of his church
C. his poor self-image

5. Showing off is a St. Petersburg pastime that

A. only Tom engages in
B. only Tom and other children engage in
C. both adults and children engage in

4. Tom's courtship of Becky burlesques

A. children pretending to be grown up
B. divisions of labor by gender
C. adult courtship

3. Tom is drawn to Huck in part because

8. After discovering they had been tricked into a funeral

for three boys who were still alive, the villagers are
A. enraged
B. grateful for the entertainment
C. awed by the originality of the trick


9. Tom finally wins Becky's heart by

A. kissing her
B. rescuing her from the cave
C. taking her whipping

_____ 10. The narrator's anger is most easily excited by

A. signs of insincerity
B. people motivated by revenge
C. the villagers' vanity

11. In what way is Tom Sawyer an idyll- a work of literature that

paints country life as a scene of tranquil happiness?
12. In his Autobiography, Twain notes that in his hometown of

Hannibal "there were grades of society... class lines were quite

clearly drawn." Point out some of the class divisions in St.
Petersburg, and show how they help shape the villagers' attitudes
and actions.
13. Contrast Tom's character with Huck's, noting how each is the
other's foil- someone who brings out another's character more sharply.
14. Discuss the novel's four main story lines as illustrations of
Tom's growth. How does each demonstrate his movement toward maturity?
_____ 1. Throughout the novel, Tom's major goal is to
A. please Polly
B. be the center of attention
C. impress Becky Thatcher
_____ 2. Injun Joe is mainly motivated by
A. greed
B. confusion over his ancestry
C. revenge
_____ 3. Polly goes against her religious beliefs- her "duty"- by
A. quoting Scripture
B. blaming Tom for breaking the sugar bowl
C. not punishing Tom severely
_____ 4. Tom runs away to Jackson's Island because he
A. feels sorry for himself
B. wants to attend his own funeral
C. likes to camp out
_____ 5. Tom hurts Polly's feelings when he
A. attends his funeral
B. lets her think he is a clairvoyant
C. feeds the cat Pain-Killer
_____ 6. Tom's membership in the Cadets of Temperance and the
discovery of whiskey in the Temperance Tavern give Twain
a chance to
A. satirize hypocrisy
B. show the harm of bad habits
C. support the cause of temperance
_____ 7. At first, Huck doesn't tell the Welshman who the
"Spaniard" is because he
A. wants credit for capturing Injun Joe
B. doesn't know who he is
C. is afraid of reprisal from Injun Joe


8. Tom discovers an exit from the cave during

A. daylight hours
B. the hours of darkness
C. a thunderstorm


9. The villagers refuse to believe that Tom and Huck's good

fortune came their way
A. mostly by accident
B. through the boys' cleverness
C. honestly

_____ 10. Tom persuades Huck to return to the widow's house by

telling him that if he does, he can

A. go to West Point and law school

B. join Tom's gang of robbers
C. eat well and wear clean clothes

11. In what ways is Tom Sawyer a satire of people's desires for

power and money?
12. Discuss Tom's uncanny ability to turn nearly everything into
13. Twain had a fondness for burlesques- takeoffs on literary
conventions and forms. What are the targets of his burlesques in Tom
Sawyer, and how does he make fun of his targets?
14. What role does religion play in the novel and in the lives of
the people of St. Petersburg?
1. B
2. B
3. C
4. C
5. C
6. B
7. C
8. B
9. C
10. A
11. An idyll is a composition in poetry or prose that paints a scene
or episode, especially in country life, as one of tranquil
happiness. Twain's portrait of St. Petersburg- the Hannibal of his
youth- is very much an idyll, painted by a man looking back to his
childhood across the span of thirty years. The first paragraph of
Chapter 2 sets the stage for such a portrait, describing "the summer
world... a song in every heart... a Delectable Land" of Cardiff
Hill. Another day opens in Chapter 4 with the sun rising "upon a
tranquil world."
Tragedies and near-tragedies do occur in this idyll, of course: a
murder, a framing, a death by starvation, a drowning, the near death
of Becky and Tom and the attempted disfigurement of Mrs. Douglas.
However, Twain's treatment of these episodes takes the threat and
the horror out of them.
Vanity and vindictiveness exist in St. Petersburg, but they are
presented with indulgence- with a wink that renders them harmless. Tom

lies, cheats, shows off, fights, and steals. But the narrator's
tolerant attitude- boys, after all, will be boys- places these acts in
a neutral moral zone. Despite the violence and the genuinely
terrifying moments in the cave, all ends happily, with the town in
peace- surely an idyllic ending.
12. Though Twain doesn't focus on it, a class system does exist in
St. Petersburg, and it determines the villagers' attitudes toward
one another. At the top of the social ladder are such notables as Mrs.
Douglas and Judge Thatcher. At the bottom are the outcasts: Injun Joe,
the half-breed; Jim and Uncle Jake, slaves, and Muff Potter and
Huckleberry Finn, who sleep and eat wherever they can. Tom Sawyer, who
has two sets of clothes, is somewhere in between: a member of St.
Petersburg's poor but respectable middle class.
Class determines attitude in St. Petersburg. Respectable parents
forbid their children to associate with Huck Finn. Most, like Polly
and Mrs. Douglas, keep slaves. Injun Joe is scorned and turned away
from Dr. Robinson's door. In Chapter 27, Tom admits he "does not
care to have Huck's company in public places."
There's a hierarchy even among the outcasts. The slaves are at the
bottom of the bottom. Huck is embarrassed to say he ate with Uncle
Jake. Joe is irate that he was whipped "like a nigger."
It is possible to move from rung to rung on St. Petersburg's
social ladder. Through courage and imagination, Tom raises himself
to the top, winning Becky's heart and her parents' approval. Huck's
share of the treasure raises him a couple of notches, against his
will. In St. Petersburg, money and celebrity bring status, and in
the end, the boys have a great deal of all three.
13. Tom is educated, romantic, and imaginative. Huck is uneducated
and matter-of-fact, and although he enjoys playing pirate and
robber- romantic pursuits to a boy- he is not imaginative enough to
think these games up by himself. When Tom and Joe invite Huck to
become a pirate, "he joined them promptly, for all careers were one to
him; he was indifferent."
Huck defers to Tom's superior knowledge of piracy, treasure-hunting,
and robbers. In this he is Tom's foil, reminding you of the distance
between the two in social class and education. In Chapter 10, Huck
is "filled with admiration" for Tom's writing ability. In Chapter
35, he falls for Tom's ploy about the need for Huck to be
respectable if he is to join Tom Sawyer's gang.
Tom is the leader, Huck the follower. Each acts as a foil for the
other, showing, by contrast, the ways each boy's character differs
from the other's. These contrasts extend to their maturity. In some
ways, Huck is more "worldly," and experienced than the civilized
Tom. Huck teaches Tom to smoke making him sick. In addition, Huck's
independence is a reminder, to you and to Tom, of just how constrained
by civilization the rest of St. Petersburg's citizens are.
14. Tom moves from childishness to maturity in each of the four
story lines. He begins his courtship of Becky by showing off "in all
sorts of absurd boyish ways in order to win her admiration" (Chapter
3). Later, he takes her whipping (Chapter 20) and rescues her from the
cave (Chapter 32). The Muff Potter episode begins with a superstitious
trip to the graveyard (Chapter 9) and ends with Tom's courageous
appearance in court (Chapter 23). The Jackson's Island story begins
with Tom's feeling sorry for himself (Chapter 13); it ends with his

apology to Polly for his "mean and shabby" joke (Chapter 19). Tom
and Huck's aimless digging for treasure (Chapter 25) starts them on
the way to solving the mystery of Injun Joe's disappearance. By the
end of that story (Chapter 35), Tom has become a spokesman, to Huck,
for the ways of civilization.
1. B
2. C
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. A
7. C
8. A
9. A
10. B
11. Twain pokes fun at people's lust for power and money
throughout the novel. Some readers see the whitewashing episode in
Chapter 2 as a satire on the society's acquisitiveness. Tom wheels and
deals, manipulating others for his own gain. But all Tom's
capitalistic enterprise is essentially futile. His "wealth" is a
laughable collection of odds and ends. He trades these items for
tickets that earn him a cheap Bible. But he doesn't want the Bible; he
wants the glory that comes from winning the Bible. Some readers
believe this is Twain's sly way of poking fun at the urge to own
"things"- which turn out, in the end, not to be worth owning at all.
In Chapter 35, Twain mocks the "grave, unromantic men" who turn into
children, seeking treasure in every haunted house in the county.
Huck's disappointment with "being rich all the time" makes their quest
look doubly ridiculous. Finally, Tom deflates the notion that people
of money and stature are necessarily better than anyone else, when
he tells Huck that in many countries robbers are part of the nobility.
In similar ways, Twain cuts the people of power in Tom's world
down to size. Judge Thatcher is revered because "he had traveled,
and seen the world"- Constantinople, twelve miles away. Mr. Dobbins, a
visiting detective, the superintendent of the Sunday school, and the
Rev. Mr. Sprague- all are made less than impressive by Twain's
portraits of them. Twain seems to be saying that the powerful are no
better than the rest of us, and probably worse.
12. Tom has a wonderful knack for turning nearly everything into
play- and for getting others to play with him. You can find examples
of this knack in nearly every episode. Work becomes play- for
himself and his chums- in the whitewashing scene (Chapter 3); church
becomes play- for himself and other churchgoers- in Chapter 5; medical
treatment becomes "play"- for himself and a cat- in Chapter 12; his
self-pity becomes an adventure on Jackson's Island; and his "death"
becomes an entertainment for the entire town (Chapter 17). You can add
innumerable examples to this list.
13. The major targets of Twain's burlesques are juvenile
literature which claims that only virtue and industry are rewarded;
prayers, sermons, and eulogies; literary compositions encouraged by
schools; and adult courtship. The entire novel turns the good-boy
stories on their heads, showing that bad (i.e., mischievous) boys
can become rich, famous, and respected. Tom is the exact opposite of
the model boy. While it's hard to demonstrate that he owes his success
to his mischievousness, it's certainly true that he succeeds in
spite of it.
Twain burlesques church services in Chapter 5 and pokes fun at the
insincerity of eulogies in Chapter 17. In Chapter 5, Twain skewers
everything from the minister's reading of notices to the

irrelevantly detailed prayer and the absurd sermon that "thinned the
predestined elect down to a company so small as to be hardly worth the
saving." The minister's eulogy at the funeral paints pictures of
boys that the villagers never knew- and yet everyone accepts his
"whitewashing" of the boys' misdeeds as the true interpretation.
Twain mocks the "petted melancholy," the "fine language," and the
phony sermonizing of school compositions in Chapter 21. Reread that
chapter for examples.
He makes gentle fun of the conventions of courtship by having
children "act out" the ups and downs of adult relationships. Tom and
Becky flirt, show off, quarrel, sulk, and demonstrate just how
childish many of the elements of adult courtship are.
14. Religion plays an important role in the lives of the villagers
and as a device for moving the novel's action forward. The church is a
focus of village social life- a form of entertainment. (See Chapters
4, 5, 17, and 30.) But it is also a powerful tool of social control.
Religion preached in St. Petersburg holds out the prospect of "fire
and brimstone," or hell, to sinners. This prospect makes Tom, Polly,
and many others painfully aware of their shortcomings. Note Joe Harper
and Tom at the end of Chapter 13, saying their prayers "lest they
might call down a sudden and special thunderbolt from Heaven." Because
the Bible teaches them not to steal, they feel guilty about having
stolen the provisions they brought to the island, and their guilt
won't let them sleep.
Polly also looks to religion as a guide to disciplining Tom. She
thinks that the Bible says, "Spare the rod and spoil the child" (it
doesn't). To keep her conscience from rebelling- and to follow what
she thinks is a religious injunction- she punishes Tom by making him
whitewash the fence. In this way, her fear of God plays a role in
moving the story forward.
Tom's "harassed conscience," also attributable to his religious
beliefs, forces him to the witness stand in Muff Potter's defense. His
testimony ends one story line while triggering the start of anotherthat of Injun Joe's fate and the treasure.
1. Choose any four of Tom's adventures and show how they express his
character- for example, his inventiveness, his romantic nature, his
drive to be the center of attention.
2. Show how the different backgrounds of Tom and Huck might have
contributed to their contrasting characters.
3. Explain how Becky Thatcher's behavior makes her no more of a
"model girl" than Tom is a "model boy."
4. How might Injun Joe's actions be explained as the result of
racial injustice?
1. In what ways is Tom Sawyer a portrait of a small-town society?

2. How does Twain exploit the setting to develop characters and

3. In your view, does St. Petersburg live up to its name- as a
heavenly place?
1. "Satire," says the English writer Ian Jack, "is born of the
instinct to protest; it is protest become art." In what way does Tom
Sawyer fit Jack's definition of satire?
2. Discuss the first two paragraphs of Chapter 14 and the storm
scene in Chapter 16 as examples of Twain's ability to describe nature.
3. Discuss Twain's criticism of the compositions read on Examination
Night in Chapter 21.
1. Discuss the roles of vanity and revenge in Tom Sawyer.
2. Discuss Tom Sawyer as an exploration of the conflict between
adults and children.
3. Show how death- either real, imagined, or threatened- is
present throughout Tom Sawyer.
1. Analyze the sources of Tom's leadership ability.
2. How do the superstitions recorded in the novel contribute to
the plot and characterizations?
3. Explain how Tom Sawyer appeals to nostalgia- the longing for
the past.
4. How would you account for Tom Sawyer's appeal to people of all
ages and all nationalities?



...If Tom is "hampered" as well as harassed, it is because he is
incapable of learning from experience. He may be successful at the end
of his adventures- in terms of fortune and social status. But he is
not a whit the wiser. Although some critics hold that The Adventures
of Tom Sawyer chronicles Tom's progress from childhood to maturity,
the evidence suggests otherwise. One might expect his experience at
Muff Potter's trial to have been at least a little sobering, but
afterward Tom still likes to play at being a robber. He is later given
much credit for leading Becky out of the cave, but it should be
remembered that he is responsible for getting them lost in the first
place. After making it back to safety, he reveals that his juvenile

egotism remains intact. When he tells others about this adventure,

he puts in "many striking additions to adorn it withal."
-Robert Keith Miller,
Mark Twain, 1983
What is apparent in the blissful atmosphere of frontier boyhood in
Tom Sawyer is that the sense of evil is comic too. The 'diabolism'
of the hero... is itself a form of playful parody; and life is
basically innocent and loving. If Tom Sawyer is, on one level, a
parody of an adult society of power and manipulation, of property
and place, of trading and acquisition- the parody itself is divine, is
innocent, is wistful and comic. (That is the real secret of the book's
lasting appeal.) Beneath all the humor is the deeper rhythm of Sam
Clemens' affinity with animal life and a natural sense of pleasure.
-Maxwell Geismar,
Mark Twain, an American Prophet, 1970
Tom's play defines the world as play, and his reality lies in his
commitment to play, not in the involuntary tendencies which are
often attributed to him. Actually Tom is in revolt against nothing. To
be sure, he feels the pinch of school and the discipline of Aunt
Polly, but he has no sustained desire to escape and no program of
rebellion. What he does have is a perennial dream of himself as the
hero and a commitment to the dream which makes it come true not
once, but as many times as he can reorganize the village around his
dream. The truth the dream invariably comes to is play- a play which
converts all serious projects in the town to pleasure and at the
same time subverts all the adult rituals by revealing that actually
they are nothing but dull play to begin with.
-James M. Cox,
Mark Twain: The Fate of Humor, 1966
The items of Twain's social history of St. Petersburg make an
impressive tally: a Sunday School exercise, a church service, the
village school, an informal inquest, a funeral, "Examination Day," a
murder trial, a manhunt, and a reception. Senator Benton's Fourth of
July speech disappoints Tom, as does the revival, but the circus
does not. The inclusiveness of the catalogue may go unnoted simply
because each event is presented as part of Tom's daily life. Always
the dramatic focus, his personality unfolds as these manifold social
forces act upon him. Tom Sawyer is, for all his imagination,
essentially a passive character. True to the observed nature of
childhood, Twain has made his hero, in spite of occasional smashing
victories over adults, subservient in the main to the adult schedule
of events.
-Albert E. Stone, Jr., The Innocent Eye:
Childhood in Mark Twain's Imagination, 1961



We wish to thank the following educators who helped us focus our

Book Notes series to meet student needs and critiqued our
manuscripts to provide quality materials.

Sandra Dunn, English Teacher

Hempstead High School, Hempstead, New York
Lawrence J. Epstein, Associate Professor of English
Suffolk County Community College, Selden, New York

Leonard Gardner, Lecturer, English Department

State University of New York at Stony Brook
Beverly A. Haley, Member, Advisory Committee
National Council of Teachers of English Student Guide Series
Fort Morgan, Colorado
Elaine C. Johnson, English Teacher
Tamalpais Union High School District
Mill Valley, California
Marvin J. LaHood, Professor of English
State University of New York College at Buffalo

Robert Lecker, Associate Professor of English

McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
David E. Manly, Professor of Educational Studies
State University of New York College at Geneseo

Bruce Miller, Associate Professor of Education

State University of New York at Buffalo
Frank O'Hare, Professor of English
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

Faith Z. Schullstrom, Member of Executive Committee

National Council of Teachers of English
Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Guilderland Central School District, New York
Mattie C. Williams, Director, Bureau of Language Arts
Chicago Public Schools, Chicago, Illinois





Blair, Walter. Mark Twain & Huck Finn. Berkeley and Los Angeles:
University of California Press, 1960. Fine study of the sources of
Twain's characters and art.

_____. "On the Structure of Tom Sawyer," Modern Philology 37, No.
1 (August 1939). Key analysis.
Cox, James M. Mark Twain: The Fate of Humor. Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 1966. Explores Twain's contribution to American
DeVoto, Bernard. Mark Twain at Work. Cambridge, Massachusetts:
Harvard University Press, 1942. Explains Twain's method of
Elliott, George P. "Afterword," The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. New
York: Signet/New American Library, 1959. A view by a critic who
finds the novel lightweight.
Geismar, Maxwell. Mark Twain: An American Prophet. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1970. An admiring critical portrait of Twain as a
revolutionary spirit.
Kaplan, Justin. Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain: A Biography. New York:
Simon & Schuster, 1966. Explores the way Twain fashioned a "second
identity" from his thirties until his death.
Kazin, Alfred. "Afterword," The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. New
York: Bantam, 1981. Discusses the way Twain's memories of boyhood were
"touched with dread."
Miller, Robert Keith. Mark Twain. New York: Frederick Ungar, 1983.
Excellent introduction to Twain's life and work, synthesizes most
recent Twain scholarship.
Rogers, Franklin R. Mark Twain's Burlesque Patterns. Dallas:
Southern Methodist University Press, 1960. A study of Twain's takeoffs
on literary conventions.
Stone, Albert E., Jr. The Innocent Eye. New Haven: Yale University
Press, 1961. Twain's use of "innocent" narrators and protagonists as a
means of exposing folly.
Wecter, Dixon. Sam Clemens of Hannibal. Boston: Houghton Mifflin,
1952. A study of Twain's roots.
Wiggins, Robert A. Mark Twain, Jackleg Novelist. Seattle: University
of Washington Press, 1964. Twain and the frontier tradition.
1873 The Gilded Age (with Charles Dudley Warner)
1882 The Prince and the Pauper
1884 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
1889 A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
1892 The American Claimant (with William Dean Howells)
1894 The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson and the Comedy of Those
Extraordinary Twins
1896 Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc


Tom Sawyer Abroad

Tom Sawyer, Detective
The Mysterious Stranger


The Innocents Abroad

Roughing It
A Tramp Abroad
Life on the Mississippi
Following the Equator
How to Tell a Story and Other Essays
What is Man?
Christian Science
Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heaven
The Autobiography of Mark Twain (Charles Neider, ed.)



The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, and Other

Sketches, New and Old
"The Facts Concerning the Recent Carnival of Crime in
"The Stolen White Elephant"
"The L1,000,000 Bank Note"
"The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg"
"The Five Boons of Life"
"Was It Heaven? Or Hell?"



by Linda Corrente
Michael Spring
Editor, Literary Cavalcade
Scholastic Inc.
We would like to acknowledge the many painstaking hours of work
Holly Hughes and Thomas F. Hirsch have devoted to making the Book
Notes series a success.
(C) Copyright 1984 by Barron's Educational Series, Inc.
Electronically Enhanced Text (C) Copyright 1993, World Library, Inc.

SECTION.......................... SEARCH ON
Other Elements
Point of View.......................
Form and Structure..................
THE NARRATIVE............................
Tests and Answers........................
Term Paper Ideas.........................
The Critics..............................


Advisory Board........................... TWALADVB

Bibliography............................. TWALBIBL



Moreover, I, on my side, require of every writer, first or

last, a simple and sincere account of his own life, and not merely
what he has heard of other men's lives; some such account as he
would send to his kindred from a distant land; for if he has lived
sincerely it must have been in a distant land to me.
What sort of man might go off for two years to live alone in a cabin
in the woods- to hoe beans, observe nature, and write in his
journal? A deeply religious person, perhaps, one anxious for solitude.
Or a person who wanted to escape a nine-to-five routine.
For years Henry David Thoreau talked about living alone in a cabin
in the woods. He finally went to live at Walden Pond in 1845 when he
was almost twenty-eight years old. In those days, most
twenty-eight-year-old men were well into their careers. Not only did
Henry not have a career, he didn't want one. After working only a
few weeks, he had resigned from his job as a teacher in the Concord
school system because he refused to beat his students into good
behavior. With his older brother John, he then started his own school.
It was quite a success until John's health failed and Henry was unable
to keep the school open on his own.
Henry spent some time in his family's business of pencil making.
He worked for a while as a surveyor. He also worked as a handyman
and gardener for the family of Ralph Waldo Emerson, the philosopher
and writer. in spite of all these jobs, he simply didn't have the same
ambitions as other men.
Events in his personal life were so unsatisfying that Thoreau had
nothing to lose in going off alone. One summer he fell in love with
a young woman from Boston named Ellen Sewall; so did his brother John.
John proposed to her, but she changed her mind and rejected him. Not

knowing that his brother had proposed and been turned down, Henry
proposed to her himself the next fall. By this time Ellen's father had
developed an unfavorable opinion of the Thoreau family. He was
convinced that they were too liberal for his liking, and he would
not allow Ellen to marry Henry.
A year and a half later, Henry suffered a much greater loss: the
death of his brother. John cut himself one day while sharpening a
razor. He developed tetanus (at that time more commonly called
"lockjaw") and ten days later he was dead.
From our position in the late twentieth century, surrounded as we
are by synthetics and machines, it's easy to understand a person's
desire to "get back to nature." A return to things that are natural,
especially foods and fabrics, is fashionable today. But you may wonder
why someone felt it necessary to live this way almost 150 years ago,
when life was simpler, and people lived in closer harmony with nature.
The railroad had just come to Concord when Thoreau went to live at
Walden. In Thoreau's world, the railroad was a symbol of commerce
and of the Industrial Revolution. With the growth of industry came
factory work with its poor conditions, low pay, and division of
labor (each person doing only part of a job). Paralleling the rise
of industry was a philosophy of materialism this country had not
seen before. The Civil War had not yet been fought and slavery in
the United States was still permitted. When Thoreau moved to Walden
Pond he was reacting both against the problems and to the issues of
his times.
Among the controversial issues of his time was the Transcendentalist
movement. Ralph Waldo Emerson, with whom Thoreau lived and worked, had
since the 1820s been a mouthpiece of the movement along with Thoreau's
other Concord neighbors, Orestes Brownson and Bronson Alcott. (Thoreau
was one of their disciples.)
In its beginnings Transcendentalism was a religious protest. Young
clergymen in the Boston area were speaking out against the Unitarian
Church. They objected to the Unitarian's view of man, which was
influenced by John Locke who believed that man is born a blank slate
and receives impressions through his senses. Through his senses,
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