January 27 TC Agenda

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COVENTRY TOWN COUNCIL MEETING Coventry Town Hall 1670 Flat River Road, Coventry, RI January 27, 2014

7:00 p.m.

Gary P. Cote District 4 President Kerry L. McGee District 3 Vice-President Karen M. Carlson District 1 Gregory Laboissonniere District 2 Thaddeus Jendzejec District 5

EXECUTIVE SESSION 6:00 PM A. Review of qualifications for Boards and Commissions appointments as per RIGL 42-46-5 (a) (1) 1. Juvenile Hearing Board 2. Sewer Assessment Board of Review/Appeals B. For the purpose of discussing matters of potential litigation as per RIGL 42-46-5(a) (2) 1. West vs. Town of Coventry 2. Commerce Park vs. Town of Coventry (SU-12-0207 & 0210) TOWN COUNCIL MEETING 7:00 PM A. B. C. D. E. F. Roll call by Clerk Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Review of Emergency Evacuation Plan Presidents Comments Approval of Town Council minutes January 13, 2014

G. PROCLAMATION 1. Recognizing Richard S. Audette on the receipt of his Eagle Scout Certificate H. SCHOOL DEPARTMENT REPORT I. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approving the Budget Calendar for submission of the 2014/2015 fiscal year budget (Ref. #1) J. LICENSES 1. Application for victualling license by UMAAMBE INC. dba Coventry Mart, 1100 Main Street (due to corporate name change only) (Ref. #2) K. RESOLUTIONS 1. Discussion and resulting action on authorizing an Automated Refuse and Recycling Collection Pilot Program for the Town of Coventry (Ref. #3)

2. Discussion and resulting action awarding rights of providing a defined contribution program to the International City/County Manager Association Retirement Corporation (ICMA RC) for Town of Coventry employees as may be required by collective bargaining agreements and/or selected by said employees (Ref. #4) 3. Discussion and resulting action providing the same percentage wage increase to the Town Manager as to be provided to AFSCME Local 3484 and non-uniformed unrepresented employees on July 1, 2014 and July 1, 2015 (Ref. #5) 4. Discussion and resulting action regarding the transfer of unencumbered appropriations in the Police Department from this fiscal years capital improvement items for the purpose of purchasing and/or installing currently needed items per Section 8.19 (d) of the Coventry Home Rule Charter with resulting action on the purchase of three used administrative/detective vehicles at a cost of $14,000 per vehicle and the purchase and installation of fencing across the north and east side of the recently paved Police parking lot at a cost of $9,500 (Ref. #6) 5. Discussion and resulting action regarding indemnification of public employees, officials, members of boards, agencies and commissions (Ref. #7) L. ORDINANCE 1. Amending Article 6 of the Section 603 Schedule of Zoning District Use Regulations Table 6-1 C Industry 2. Industrial Non- Manufacturing to allow Commercial Woodlots & Firewood Storage & Sales as a permitted use in the I-1 Zone. (Ref. #8) 2. Amending in accordance with Articles 5 and 18 of the Town of Coventry Zoning Ordinance and the Coventry Zoning Map whereby the property at the corner of Arnold Road and New London Turnpike, designated and described as Assessors Plat 7, Lot 15, 17, 18, 19 & 20, currently zoned Industrial is hereby rezoned in its entirety to Planned Business Park (BP) (Ref. #9) M. PUBLIC COMMENT N. ADJOURNMENT The public is welcome to any meeting of the Town Council or its committees. If communication assistance is needed or any other accommodation to ensure equal participation, please contact the Town Clerk at (401) 822-9173 at least two (2) business days prior to the meeting.

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