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Writing 21




Book One: In Watermelon Sugar

In Watermelon Sugar
the ee ! "ere one an one again a! m# li$e i! one in "atermelon !ugar% I&ll tell #ou a'out it 'e(au!e I am here an #ou are i!tant% Where)er #ou are* "e mu!t o the 'e!t "e (an% It i! !o $ar to tra)el* an "e ha)e nothing here to tra)el* e+(e,t "atermelon !ugar% I ho,e thi! "ork! out% I li)e in a !ha(k near i-EAT.% I (an !ee i-EAT. out the "in o"% It i! 'eauti$ul% I (an al!o !ee it "ith m# e#e! (lo!e an tou(h it% Right no" it i! (ol an turn! like !omething in the han o$ a (hil % I o not kno" "hat that thing (oul 'e% There i! a eli(ate 'alan(e in i-EAT.% It !uit! u!% The !ha(k i! !mall 'ut ,lea!ing an (om$orta'le a! m# li$e an ma e $rom ,ine* "atermelon !ugar an !tone! a! /u!t a'out e)er#thing here i!% Our li)e! "e ha)e (are$ull# (on!tru(te $rom "atermelon !ugar an then tra)elle to the length o$ our ream!* along roa ! line "ith ,ine! an !tone!% I ha)e a 'e * a (hair* a ta'le an a large (he!t that I kee, m# thing! in% I ha)e a lantern that 'urn! "atermelontrout oil at night% That i! !omething el!e% I&ll tell #ou a'out it later% I ha)e a gentle li$e% I go to the "in o" an look out again% The !un i! !hining at the long e ge o$ a (lou % It i! Tue! a# an the !un i! gol en% I (an !ee ,ine# "oo ! an the ri)er! that $lo" $rom tho!e ,ine# "oo !% The ri)er! are (ol an (lear an there are trout in the ri)er!% Some o$ the ri)er! are onl# a $e" in(he! "i e% I kno" a ri)er that i! hal$0an0in(h "i e% I kno" 'e(au!e 11 mea!ure it an !at 'e!i e it $or a "hole a#% It !tarte raining in the mi le o$ the a$ternoon% We (all e)er#thing a ri)er here% We&re that kin o$ ,eo,le% I (an !ee $iel ! o$ "atermelon! an the ri)er! that $lo" through them% There are man# 'ri ge! in the ,ine# "oo ! an in the $iel ! o$ "atermelon!% There i! a 'ri ge in $ront o$ thi! !ha(k% Some o$ the 'ri ge! are ma e o$ "oo * ol an !taine !il)er like rain* an !ome o$ the 'ri ge! are ma e o$ !tone gathere $rom a great i!tan(e an 'uilt in the or er o$ that i!tan(e* an !ome o$ the 'ri ge! are ma e o$ "atermelon !ugar% I like tho!e 'ri ge! 'e!t% We make a great man# thing! out o$ "atermelon !ugar here 1I&ll tell #ou a'out it1 in(lu ing thi! 'ook 'eing "ritten near i-EAT.% All thi! "ill 'e gone into* tra)elle in "atermelon !ugar%

there "a! a kno(k at the oor% I (oul tell "ho it "a! '# the "a# the# kno(ke * an I hear them (oming a(ro!! the 'ri ge% The# !te,,e on the onl# 'oar that make! an# noi!e% The# al"a#! !te, on it% I ha)e ne)er 'een a'le to $igure thi! out% I ha)e thought a great eal a'out "h# the# al"a#! !te, on that !ame 'oar * ho" the# (annot mi!! it* an no" the# !too out!i e m# oor* kno(king% I i not a(kno"le ge their kno(king 'e(au!e I /u!t "a!n&t intere!te % I i not "ant to !ee them% I kne" "hat the# "oul 'e a'out an i not (are $or it% 2inall# the# !to,,e kno(king an "ent 'a(k a(ro!! the 'ri ge an the#* o$ (our!e* !te,,e on the !ame 'oar : a long 'oar "ith the nail! not line u, right* 'uilt #ear! ago an no "a# to $i+ it* an then the# "ere gone* an the 'oar "a! !ilent% I (an "alk a(ro!! the 'ri ge hun re ! o$ time! "ithout !te,,ing on that 'oar * 'ut Margaret al"a#! !te,! on it%

M# Name
I GUESS 3OU ARE 4IN- O2 5URIOUS a! to "ho I am* 'ut I am one o$ tho!e "ho o not ha)e a regular name% M# name e,en ! on #ou% 6u!t (all me "hate)er i! in #our min % I$ #ou are thinking a'out !omething that ha,,ene a long time ago: Some'o # a!ke #ou a 7ue!tion an #ou i not kno" the an!"er% That i! m# name% 8erha,! it "a! raining )er# har % That i! m# name% Or !ome'o # "ante #ou to o !omething% 3ou i it% Then the# tol #ou "hat #ou i "a! "rong 19Sorr# $or the mi!take*91an #ou ha to o !omething el!e% That i! m# name% 8erha,! it "a! a game that #ou ,la#e "hen #ou "ere a (hil or !omething that (ame i l# into #our min "hen #ou "ere ol an !itting in a (hair near the "in o"% That i! m# name% Or #ou "alke !ome,la(e% There "ere $lo"er! all aroun % That i! m# name% 8erha,! #ou !tare into a ri)er% There "a! !ome'o # near #ou "ho lo)e #ou% The# "ere a'out to tou(h #ou% 3ou (oul $eel thi! 'e$ore it ha,,ene % Then it ha,,ene % That i! m# name% Or #ou hear !omeone (alling $rom a great i!tan(e% Their )oi(e "a! almo!t an e(ho% That i! m# name% 8erha,! #ou "ere l#ing in 'e * almo!t rea # to go to !lee, an #ou laughe at !omething* a /oke unto #our!el$* a goo "a# to en the a#% That i! m# name% Or #ou "ere eating !omething goo an $or a !e(on $orgot "hat #ou "ere eating* 'ut !till "ent on* kno"ing it "a! goo % That i! m# name% 8erha,! it "a! aroun mi night an the $ire tolle like a 'ell in!i e the !to)e% That i! m# name% Or #ou $elt 'a "hen !he !ai that thing to #ou% She (oul ha)e tol it to !omeone el!e: Some'o # "ho "a! more $amiliar "ith her ,ro'lem!% That i! m# name% 8erha,! the trout !"am in the ,ool 'ut the ri)er "a! onl# eight in(he! "i e an the moon !hone on I-EAT. an the "atermelon $iel ! glo"e out o$ ,ro,ortion* ark an the moon !eeme to ri!e $rom e)er# ,lant% That i! m# name% An I "i!h Margaret "oul lea)e me alone%

A LITTLE W.ILE a$ter Margaret le$t* 2re (ame '#% .e "a! not in)ol)e "ith the 'ri ge% .e onl# u!e it to get to m# !ha(k% .e ha nothing el!e to o "ith the 'ri ge% .e onl# "alke a(ro!! it to get to m# ,la(e% .e /u!t o,ene the oor an (ame in% 9.i*9 he !ai % 9What&! u,:9 9Nothing mu(h*9 I !ai % 96u!t "orking a"a# here%9 9I /u!t (ame $rom the Watermelon Work!*9 2re !ai % 9I "ant #ou to go o"n there tomorro" morning "ith me% I "ant to !ho" #ou !omething a'out the ,lank ,re!!%9 9All right*9 I !ai % 9Goo *9 he !ai % 9I&ll !ee #ou tonight at inner o"n at i-EAT.% I hear 8auline i! going to (ook inner tonight% That mean! "e&ll ha)e !omething goo % I&m a little tire o$ Al&! (ooking% The )egeta'le! are al"a#! o)er one* an I&m tire o$ (arrot!* too% I$ I eat another (arrot thi! "eek I&ll !(ream%9 93eah* 8auline&! a goo (ook*9 I !ai % I "a!n&t reall# too mu(h intere!te in $oo at the time% I "ante to get 'a(k to m# "ork* 'ut 2re i! m# 'u #% We&)e ha a lot o$ goo time! together% 2re ha !omething !trange0looking !ti(king out o$ the ,o(ket o$ hi! o)erall!% I "a! (uriou! a'out it% It looke like !omething I ha ne)er !een 'e$ore% 9What&! that in #our ,o(ket* 2re :9 9I $oun it to a# (oming through the "oo ! u, $rom the Watermelon Work!% I on&t kno" "hat it i! m#!el$% I&)e ne)er !een an#thing like it 'e$ore% What o #ou think it i!:9 .e took it out o$ hi! ,o(ket an han e it to me% I i n&t kno" ho" to hol it% I trie to hol it like #ou "oul hol a $lo"er an a ro(k at the !ame time% 9.o" o #ou hol it:9 I !ai % 9I on&t kno"% I on&t kno" an#thing a'out it%9 9It look! like one o$ tho!e thing! in BOIL an hi! gang u!e to ig u, o"n at the 2orgotten Work!% I&)e ne)er !een an#thing like it*9 I !ai * an ga)e it 'a(k to 2re % 9I&ll !ho" it to 5harle#*9 he !ai % 9Ma#'e 5harle# "ill kno"% .e kno"! a'out e)er#thing there i!%9 93eah* 5harle# kno"! a lot*9 I !ai % 9Well* I gue!! I ha 'etter 'e going*9 2re !ai % .e ,ut the thing 'a(k in hi! o)erall!% 9I&ll !ee #ou at inner*9 he !ai % 9O4%9 2re "ent out the oor% .e (ro!!e the 'ri ge "ithout !te,,ing on that 'oar Margaret al"a#! !te,! on an (oul n&t mi!! i$ the 'ri ge "ere !e)en mile! "i e%

5harle#&! I ea
it $elt goo to get 'a(k to "riting again* to i, m# ,en in "atermelon!ee ink an "rite u,on the!e !heet! o$ !"eet0!melling "oo ma e '# Bill o"n at the !hingle $a(tor#% .ere i! a li!t o$ the thing! that I "ill tell #ou a'out in thi! 'ook% There&! no u!e !a)ing it until later% I might a! "ell tell #ou no" "here #ou&re at1 1: i-EAT.% ;A goo ,la(e%< 2: 5harle# ;M# $rien %< =: The tiger! an ho" the# li)e an ho" 'eauti$ul the# "ere an ho" the# ie an ho" the# talke to me "hile the# ate m# ,arent!* an ho" I talke 'a(k to them an ho" the# !to,,e eating m# ,arent!* though it i not hel, m# ,arent! an#* nothing (oul hel, them '# then* an "e talke $or a long time an one o$ the tiger! hel,e me "ith m# arithmeti(* then the# tol me to go a"a# "hile the# $ini!he eating m# ,arent!* an I "ent a"a#% I returne later that night to 'urn the !ha(k o"n% That&! "hat "e i in tho!e a#!% >: The Statue o$ Mirror!% ?: Ol 5hu(k% @: The long "alk! I take at night% Sometime! I !tan $or hour! at a !ingle ,la(e* "ithout har l# mo)ing% ;I&)e ha the "in !to, in m# han %< A: The Watermelon Work!% B: 2re % ;M# 'u #%< C: The 'a!e'all ,ark% 1D: The a7ue u(t% 11: -o( E "ar ! an the !(hooltea(her% 12: The 'eauti$ul trout hat(her# at i-EAT. an ho" it "a! 'uilt an the thing! that ha,,en there% ;It&! a !"ell ,la(e $or an(ing%< 1=: The Tom' 5re"* the Sha$t an the Sha$t Gallo"!% 1>: A "aitre!!% 1?: Al* Bill* other!% 1@: The to"n% 1A: The !un an ho" it (hange!% ;Eer# intere!ting%< 1B: in BOIL an that gang o$ hi! an the ,la(e "here the# u!e to ig* the 2orgotten Work!* an all the terri'le thing! the# i * an "hat ha,,ene to them* an ho" 7uiet an ni(e thing! are aroun here no" that the# are ea % 1C: 5on)er!ation! an thing! that ha,,en here a# to a#% ;Work* 'ath!* 'reak$a!t an inner%< 2D: Margaret an that other girl "ho (arrie the lantern at night an ne)er (ame (lo!e% 21: All o$ our !tatue! an the ,la(e! "here "e 'ur# our ea * !o that the# are $ore)er "ith light (oming out o$ their tom'!% 22: M# li$e li)e in "atermelon !ugar% ;There mu!t 'e "or!e li)e!%< 2=: 8auline% ;She i! m# $a)orite% 3ou&ll !ee%< 2>: An thi! the t"ent#0$ourth 'ook "ritten in 1A1 #ear!% La!t month 5harle# !ai to me* 93ou on&t !eem to like making !tatue! or oing an#thing el!e% Wh# on&t #ou "rite a 'ook: 9The la!t one "a! "ritten thirt#0$i)e #ear! ago% It&! a'out time !ome'o # "rote another 'ook%9 Then he !(rat(he hi! hea an !ai * 9Gee* I remem'er it "a! "ritten thirt#0$i)e #ear! ago* 'ut I (an&t remem'er "hat it "a! a'out% There u!e to 'e a (o,# o$ it in the !a"mill%9 9-o #ou kno" "ho "rote it:9 I !ai % 9No*9 he !ai % 9But he "a! like #ou% .e i n&t ha)e a regular name%9 I a!ke him "hat the other 'ook! "ere a'out* the t"ent#0 three ,re)iou! one!* an he !ai that he thought one o$ them "a!

a'out o"l!% 93eah* it "a! a'out o"l!* an then there "a! a 'ook a'out ,ine nee le!* )er# 'oring* an then there "a! one a'out the 2orgotten Work!* theorie! on ho" it got !tarte an "here it (ame $rom% 9The gu# "ho "rote the 'ook* hi! name "a! Mike* he took a long tri, into the 2orgotten Work!% .e "ent in ma#'e a hun re mile! an "a! gone $or "eek!% .e "ent 'e#on tho!e high 8ile! "e (an !ee on (lear a#!% .e !ai that there "ere 8ile! 'e#on tho!e that "ere e)en higher% 9.e "rote a 'ook a'out hi! /ourne# into the 2orgotten Work!% It "a!n&t a 'a 'ook* a lot 'etter than the 'ook! "e $in in the 2orgotten Work!% Tho!e are terri'le 'ook!% 9.e !ai he "a! lo!t $or a#! an (ame a(ro!! thing! that "ere t"o mile! long an green% .e re$u!e to $urni!h an# other etail! a'out them* e)en in hi! 'ook% 6u!t !ai the# "ere t"o mile! long an green% 9That&! hi! tom' o"n '# that !tatue o$ a $rog%9 9I kno" that tom' "ell*9 I !ai % 9.e ha! 'lon hair an he&! "earing a ,air o$ ru!t0(olore o)erall!%9 93eah* that&! him*9 5harle# !ai %

Sun o"n

$or the a# it "a! (lo!e to !un o"n an

inner "oul 'e rea # !oon o"n

I looke $or"ar to !eeing 8auline an eating "hat !he "oul (ook an !eeing her at inner an ma#'e I "oul !ee her a$ter inner% We might go $or a long "alk* ma#'e along the a7ue u(t% Then ma#'e "e "oul go to her !ha(k $or the night or !ta# at i-EAT. or (ome 'a(k u, here* i$ Margaret "oul n&t kno(k the oor o"n the ne+t time !he (ame '#% The !un "a! going o"n o)er the 8ile! in the 2orgotten Work!% The# turne 'a(k $ar 'e#on memor# an glo"e in the !un o"n%

The Gentle 5ri(ket

I WENT OUT AN- STOO- on the 'ri ge $or a "hile an looke o"n at the ri)er 'elo"% It "a! three $eet "i e% There "ere a (ou,le o$ !tatue! !tan ing in the "ater% One o$ them "a! m# mother% She "a! a goo "oman% I ma e it $i)e #ear! ago% The other !tatue "a! a (ri(ket% I i not make that one% Some'o # el!e ma e it a long time ago in the time o$ the tiger!% It i! a )er# gentle !tatue% I like m# 'ri ge 'e(au!e it i! ma e o$ all thing!: "oo an the i!tant !tone! an gentle ,lank! o$ "atermelon !ugar% I "alke o"n to i-EAT. through a long (ool t"ilight that ,a!!e like a tunnel o)er me% I lo!t !ight o$ i-EAT. "hen I ,a!!e into the ,ine# "oo ! an the tree! !melle (ol an the# "ere gro"ing !tea il# arker%

Lighting the Bri ge!

I LOO4E- U8 through the ,ine! an !a" the e)ening !tar% It glo"e a "el(oming re $rom the !k#* $or that i! the (olor o$ our !tar! here% The# are al"a#! that (olor% I (ounte a !e(on e)ening !tar on the o,,o!ite !i e o$ the !k#* not a! im,o!ing 'ut /u!t a! 'eauti$ul a! the one that arri)e $ir!t% I (ame u,on the real 'ri ge an the a'an one 'ri ge% The# "ere !i e '# !i e a(ro!! a ri)er% Trout "ere /um,ing in the ri)er% A trout a'out t"ent# in(he! long /um,e % I thought it "a! a rather ni(e $i!h% I kne" I "oul remem'er it $or a long time% I !a" !ome'o # (oming u, the roa % It "a! Ol 5hu(k (oming u, $rom i-EAT. to light the lantern! on the real 'ri ge an the a'an one 'ri ge% .e "a! "alking !lo"l# 'e(au!e he i! a )er# ol man% Some !a# that he i! too ol to light the 'ri ge! an that he !houl /u!t !ta# o"n at I-EAT. an take it ea!#% But Ol 5hu(k like! to light the lantern! an (ome 'a(k in the morning an ,ut them out% Ol 5hu(k !a#! that e)er#'o # !houl ha)e !omething to o an lighting tho!e 'ri ge! i! hi! thing to o% 5harle# agree! "ith him% 9Let Ol 5hu(k light the 'ri ge! i$ he $eel! like it% It kee,! him out o$ mi!(hie$%9 Thi! i! a kin o$ /oke 'e(au!e Ol 5hu(k mu!t 'e ninet# #ear! ol i$ he&! a a# an mi!(hie$ ha! ,a!!e $ar 'e#on him* mo)ing at the !,ee o$ e(a e!% Ol 5hu(k ha! 'a e#e! an i not !ee me until he "a! almo!t on to, o$ me% I "aite $or him% 9.ello* 5hu(k*9 I !ai % 9Goo e)ening*9 he !ai % 9I&)e (ome to light the 'ri ge!% .o" are #ou thi! e)ening: I&)e (ome to light the 'ri ge!% Beauti$ul e)ening* i!n&t it:9 93e!*9 I !ai % 9Lo)el#%9 Ol 5hu(k "ent o)er to the a'an one 'ri ge an took a !i+0in(h mat(h out o$ hi! o)erall! an lit the lantern on the i -EAT. !i e o$ the 'ri ge% The a'an one 'ri ge ha! 'een that "a# !in(e the time o$ the tiger!% In tho!e a#! t"o tiger! "ere tra,,e on the 'ri ge an kille an then the 'ri ge "a! !et on $ire% The $ire onl# e!tro#e ,art o$ the 'ri ge% The 'o ie! o$ the tiger! $ell into the ri)er an #ou (an !till !ee their 'one! l#ing on the 'ottom in the !an # ,la(e! an lo ge in the ro(k! an !(attere here an there: !mall 'one! an ri' 'one! an ,art o$ a !kull% There i! a !tatue in the ri)er along!i e the 'one!% It i! the !tatue o$ !ome'o # "ho "a! kille '# the tiger! a long time ago% No'o # kno"! "ho the# "ere% The# ne)er re,aire the 'ri ge an no" it i! the a'an one 'ri ge% There i! a lantern at ea(h en o$ the 'ri ge% Ol 5hu(k light! them e)er# e)ening* though !ome ,eo,le !a# he i! too ol % The real 'ri ge i! ma e entirel# o$ ,ine% It i! a (o)ere 'ri ge an al"a#! ark in!i e like an ear% The lantern! are in the !ha,e o$ $a(e!% One $a(e i! that o$ a 'eauti$ul (hil an the other $a(e i! that o$ a trout% Ol 5hu(k lit the lantern! "ith the long mat(he! $rom hi! o)erall!% The lantern! on the a'an one 'ri ge are tiger!% 9I&ll "alk "ith #ou o"n to i -EAT.*9 I !ai % 9Oh no*9 Ol 5hu(k !ai % 9I&m too !lo"% 3ou&ll 'e late $or inner%9 9What a'out #ou:9 I !ai % 9I&)e alrea # eaten% 8auline ga)e me !omething to eat /u!t 'e$ore I le$t%9 9What are "e ha)ing $or inner:9 I !ai % 9No*9 Ol 5hu(k !ai * !miling% 98auline tol me i$ I met #ou on the roa not to tell #ou "hat the inner i! tonight% She ma e me ,romi!e%9 9That 8auline*9 I !ai % 9She ma e me ,romi!e*9 he !ai %

"hen I arri)e at i-EAT.% The t"o e)ening !tar! "ere no" !hining !i e '# !i e% The !maller one ha mo)e o)er to the 'ig one% The# "ere )er# (lo!e no"* almo!t tou(hing* an then the# "ent together an 'e(ame one )er# large !tar% I on&t kno" i$ thing! like that are $air or not% There "ere light! on o"n at i-EAT.% I "at(he them a! I (ame o"n the hill out o$ the "oo !% The# looke "arm* (alling an (heer#% 6u!t 'e$ore I arri)e at i-EAT.* it (hange % i-EAT.&S like that: al"a#! (hanging% It&! $or the 'e!t% I "alke u, the !tair! to the $ront ,or(h an o,ene the oor an "ent in% I "alke a(ro!! the li)ing room to"ar the kit(hen% There "a! no'o # in the room* no'o # !itting on the (ou(he! along the ri)er% That&! "here ,eo,le u!uall# gather in the room or the# !tan in the tree! '# the 'ig ro(k!* 'ut there "a! no'o # there either% There "ere man# lantern! !hining along the ri)er an in the tree!% It "a! )er# (lo!e to inner% When I got on the other !i e o$ the room* I (oul !mell !omething goo (oming out o$ the kit(hen% I le$t the room an "alke o"n the hall that $ollo"! 'eneath the ri)er% I (oul hear the ri)er a'o)e me* $lo"ing out o$ the li)ing room% The ri)er !oun e $ine% The hall "a! a! r# a! an#thing an I (oul !mell goo thing! (oming u, the hall $rom the kit(hen% Almo!t e)er#'o # "a! in the kit(hen: that i!* tho!e "ho take their meal! at i-EAT.% 5harle# an 2re "ere talking a'out !omething% 8auline "a! /u!t getting rea # to !er)e inner% E)er#'o # "a! !itting o"n% She "a! ha,,# to !ee me% 9.i* !tranger*9 !he !ai % 9What&! $or inner:9 I !ai % 9Ste"*9 !he !ai % 9The "a# #ou like it%9 9Great*9 I !ai % She ga)e me a ni(e !mile an I !at o"n% 8auline "a! "earing a ne" re!! an I (oul !ee the ,lea!ant outline! o$ her 'o #% The re!! ha a lo" $ront an I (oul !ee the eli(ate (ur)e o$ her 'rea!t!% I "a! 7uite ,lea!e '# e)er#thing% The re!! !melle !"eet 'e(au!e it "a! ma e $rom "atermelon !ugar% 9.o"&! the 'ook (oming:9 5harle# !ai % 92ine*9 I !ai % 96u!t $ine%9 9I ho,e it&! not a'out ,ine nee le!*9 he !ai % 8auline !er)e me $ir!t% She ga)e me a great 'ig hel,ing o$ !te"% E)er#'o # "a! a"are o$ me 'eing !er)e $ir!t an the !iFe o$ the hel,ing* an e)er#'o # !mile * $or the# kne" "hat it meant* an the# "ere ha,,# $or the thing that "a! going on% Mo!t o$ them i not like Margaret an# more% Almo!t e)er#'o # thought that !he ha (on!,ire "ith in BOIL an that gang o$ hi!* though there ha ne)er 'een an# real e)i en(e% 9Thi! !te" reall# ta!te! goo *9 2re !ai % .e ,ut a 'ig !,oon$ul o$ !te" in hi! mouth* almo!t !,illing !ome on hi! o)erall!% 9Ummmm1goo *9 he re,eate an then !ai un er hi! 'reath* 9A lot 'etter than (arrot!%9 Al almo!t hear him% .e looke har $or a !e(on o)er at 2re * 'ut he i n&t 7uite (at(h it 'e(au!e he rela+e then an !ai * 9It (ertainl# i!* 2re %9 8auline laughe !lightl#* $or !he ha hear 2re &! (omment an I ga)e her a look a! i$ to !a#: -on&t laugh too har * ear#% 3ou kno" ho" Al i! a'out hi! (ooking% 8auline no e un er!tan ingl#% 96u!t a! long a! it i!n&t a'out ,ine nee le!*9 5harle# re,eate * though a goo ten minute! ha ,a!!e !in(e he& !ai an#thing an that ha 'een a'out ,ine nee le!* too%

The Tiger!
2re !ai that he "oul o the i!he!% 8auline !ai oh no* 'ut 2re in!i!te '# a(tuall# !tarting to (lear the ta'le% .e ,i(ke u, !ome !,oon! an ,late!* an that !ettle it% 5harle# !ai that he thought he "oul go in the li)ing room an !it '# the ri)er an !moke a ,i,e% Al #a"ne % The other gu#! !ai that the# "oul o other thing!* an "ent o$$ to o them% An then Ol 5hu(k (ame in% 9What took #ou !o long:9 8auline !ai % 9I e(i e to re!t '# the ri)er% I $ell a!lee, an ha a long ream a'out the tiger!% I reamt the# "ere 'a(k again%9 9Soun ! horri'le*9 8auline !ai % She !hi)ere an kin o$ re" her !houl er! in like a 'ir an ,ut her han ! on them% 9No* it "a! all right*9 Ol 5hu(k !ai % .e !at o"n in a (hair% It took him a long time to !it o"n an then it "a! a! i$ the (hair ha gro"n him* he "a! in !o (lo!e% 9Thi! time the# "ere i$$erent*9 he !ai % 9The# ,la#e mu!i(al in!trument! an "ent $or long "alk! in the moon% 9The# !to,,e an ,la#e '# the ri)er% Their in!trument! looke ni(e% The# !ang* too% 3ou remem'er ho" 'eauti$ul their )oi(e! "ere%9 8auline !hi)ere again% 93e!*9 I !ai % 9The# ha 'eauti$ul )oi(e! 'ut I ne)er hear them !inging%9 9The# "ere !inging in m# ream% I remem'er the mu!i( 'ut I (an&t remem'er the "or !% The# "ere goo !ong!* too* an there "a! nothing $rightening a'out them% 8erha,! I am an ol man*9 he !ai % 9No* the# ha 'eauti$ul )oi(e!*9 I !ai % 9I like their !ong!*9 he !ai % 9Then I "oke u, an it "a! (ol % I (oul !ee the lantern! on the 'ri ge!% Their !ong! "ere like the lantern!* 'urning oil%9 9I "a! a little "orrie a'out #ou*9 8auline !ai % 9No*9 he !ai % 9I !at o"n in the gra!! an leane u, again!t a tree an $ell a!lee, an ha a long ream a'out the tiger!* an the# !ang !ong! 'ut I (an&t remem'er the "or !% Their in!tru ment! "ere ni(e* too% The# looke like the lantern!%9 Ol 5hu(k&! )oi(e !lo"e o"n% .i! 'o # ke,t rela+ing until it !eeme a! i$ he ha al"a#! 'een in that (hair* hi! arm! gentl# re!ting on "atermelon !ugar%

More 5on)er!ation at i-EAT.

I "ent into the li)ing room an !at o"n on a (ou(h in the gro)e o$ tree! '# the 'ig ,ile o$ ro(k!% There "ere lantern! all aroun u!% I took her han in mine% .er han ha a lot o$ !trength gaine through the ,ro(e!! o$ gentlene!! an that !trength ma e m# han $eel !e(ure* 'ut there "a! a (ertain e+(itement* too% She !at )er# (lo!e to me% I (oul $eel the "armth o$ her 'o # through her re!!% In m# min the "armth "a! the !ame (olor a! her re!!* a kin o$ gol en% 9.o"&! the 'ook (oming along:9 !he !ai % 92ine*9 I !ai % 9What&! it a'out:9 !he !ai % 9Oh* I on&t kno"*9 I !ai % 9I! it a !e(ret:9 !he !ai * !miling% 9No*9 I !ai % 9I! it a roman(e like !ome o$ the 'ook! $rom the 2orgotten Work!:9 9No*9 I !ai % 9It&! not like tho!e 'ook!%9 9I remem'er "hen I "a! a (hil *9 !he !ai % 9We u!e to 'urn tho!e 'ook! $or $uel% There "ere !o man# o$ them% The# 'urne $or a long time* 'ut there aren&t that man# no"%9 9No* it&! /u!t a 'ook*9 I !ai % 9All right*9 !he !ai % 9I&ll get o$$ #ou* 'ut #ou (an&t 'lame a ,er!on $or 'eing (uriou!% No'o # ha! "ritten a 'ook here $or !o long% 5ertainl# not in m# li$etime%9 2re (ame in $rom "a!hing the i!he!% .e !a" u! u, in the tree!% Lantern! illuminate u!% 9.ello* u, there*9 he #elle % 9.i*9 "e !houte o"n% 2re "alke u, to u!* (ro!!ing a little ri)er that $lo"e into the main ri)er at I-EAT.% .e (ame a(ro!! a !mall metal 'ri ge that rang out hi! $oot!te,!% I 'elie)e that 'ri ge "a! $oun in the 2orgotten Work! '# in BOIL% .e 'rought it o"n here an ,ut it in% 9Thank! $or oing the i!he!*9 8auline !ai % 9M# ,lea!ure*9 2re !ai % 9I&m !orr# to 'other #ou ,eo,le* 'ut I /u!t thought I "oul (ome u, an remin #ou a'out meeting me o"n at the ,lank ,re!! tomorro" morning% There&! !omething I "ant to !ho" #ou o"n there%9 9I ha)en&t $orgotten*9 I !ai % 9What&! it a'out:9 9I&ll !ho" #ou tomorro"%9 9Goo %9 9That&! all I "ante to !a#% I kno" #ou ,eo,le ha)e a lot to talk a'out* !o I&ll go no"% That (ertainl# "a! a goo inner* 8auline%9 9-o #ou !till ha)e that thing #ou !ho"e me to a#:9 I !ai % 9I& like 8auline to !ee it%9 9What thing:9 8auline !ai % 9Something 2re $oun in the "oo ! to a#%9 9No* I on&t ha)e it*9 2re !ai % 9I le$t it in m# !ha(k% I&ll !ho" it to #ou tomorro" at 'reak$a!t%9 9What i! it:9 8auline !ai % 9We on&t kno" "hat it i!*9 I !ai % 93eah* it&! a !trange0looking thing*9 2re !ai % 9It&! like one o$ tho!e thing! $rom the 2orgotten Work!%9 9Oh*9 8auline !ai % 9Well* an#"a#* I&ll !ho" it to #ou tomorro" at 'reak$a!t%9 9Goo *9 !he !ai % 9I look $or"ar to !eeing it% Whate)er it i!. Soun ! ,rett# m#!teriou!%9 9O4* then*9 2re !ai % 9I&ll 'e going no"% 6u!t "ante to remin #ou a'out !eeing me tomorro" at the ,lank ,re!!% It&! kin o$ im,ortant%9 9-on&t $eel a! i$ #ou !houl ru!h o$$*9 I !ai % 96oin u! $or a "hile% Sit o"n%9 9No* no* no% Thank #ou* an#"a#*9 2re !ai % 9There&! !omething I ha)e to o u, at m# !ha(k%9 9O4*9 I !ai % 9Goo 0'#e%9

9Thank! again $or oing the i!he!*9 8auline !ai % 9Think nothing o$ it%9

A Lot o$ Goo Night!

an 8auline an I "ent o"n to !a# goo night to 5harle#% We (oul 'arel# !ee him !itting o"n on hi! (ou(h* near the !tatue! that he like! an the ,la(e "here he 'uil ! a !mall $ire to "arm him!el$ on (ol night!% Bill ha /oine him an the# "ere !itting there together* talking "ith great intere!t a'out !omething% Bill "a! "a)ing hi! arm! in the air to !ho" a ,art o$ the (on)er!ation% 9We (ame o"n to !a# goo night*9 I !ai * interru,ting them% 9Oh* hi*9 5harle# !ai % 93eah* goo night% I mean* ho" are #ou ,eo,le oing:9 9O4*9 I !ai % 9That "a! a "on er$ul inner*9 Bill !ai % 93eah* that "a! reall# $ine*9 5harle# !ai % 9Goo !te"%9 9Thank #ou%9 9See #ou tomorro"*9 I !ai % 9Are #ou going to !,en the night here at i-EAT.:9 5harle# !ai % 9No*9 I !ai % 9I&m going to !,en the night "ith 8auline%9 9That&! goo *9 5harle# !ai % 9Goo night%9 9Goo night%9 9Goo night%9 9Goo night%9

"a! a'out a mile $rom I-EAT.% She oe!n&t !,en mu(h time there% It&! 'e#on the to"n% There are a'out =A? o$ u! here in "atermelon !ugar% A lot o$ ,eo,le li)e in the to"n* 'ut !ome li)e in !ha(k! at other ,la(e!* an there are o$ (our!e "e "ho li)e at i-EAT.% There "ere /u!t a $e" light! on in the to"n* other than the !treet lam,!% -o( E "ar !& light "a! on% .e al"a#! ha! a lot o$ trou'le !lee,ing at night% The !(hooltea(her&! light "a! on* too% .e "a! ,ro'a'l# "orking on a le!!on $or the (hil ren% We !to,,e on the 'ri ge a(ro!! the ri)er% There "ere ,ale green lantern! on the 'ri ge% The# "ere in the !ha,e o$ human !ha o"!% 8auline an I ki!!e % .er mouth "a! moi!t an (ool% 8erha,! 'e(au!e o$ the night% I hear a trout /um, in the ri)er* a late /um,er% The trout ma e a narro" oorlike !,la!h% There "a! a !tatue near'#% The !tatue "a! o$ a giganti( 'ean% That&! right* a 'ean% Some'o # a long time ago like )egeta'le! an there are t"ent# or thirt# !tatue! o$ )egeta'le! !(attere here an there in "atermelon !ugar% There i! the !tatue o$ an arti(hoke near the !hingle $a(tor# an a ten0$oot (arrot near the trout hat(her# at i-EAT. an a hea o$ lettu(e near the !(hool an a 'un(h o$ onion! near the entran(e to the 2orgotten Work! an there are other )egeta'le !tatue! near ,eo,le&! !ha(k! an a ruta'aga '# the 'all ,ark% A little "a#! $rom m# !ha(k there i! the !tatue o$ a ,otato% I on&t ,arti(ularl# (are $or it* 'ut a long time ago !ome'o # lo)e )egeta'le!% I on(e a!ke 5harle# i$ he kne" "ho it "a!* 'ut he !ai he i n&t ha)e the !lighte!t i ea% 9Mu!t ha)e reall# like )egeta'le!* though*9 5harle#& !ai % 93eah*9 I& !ai % 9There&! the !tatue o$ a ,otato right near m# !ha(k%9 We (ontinue u, the roa to 8auline&! ,la(e% We ,a!!e '# the Watermelon Work!% It "a! !ilent an ark% Tomorro" morning it "oul 'e $ille "ith light an a(ti)it#% We (oul !e the a7ue u(t% It "a! a long long !ha o" no"% We (ame to another 'ri ge a(ro!! a ri)er% There "ere tri u!ual lantern! on the 'ri ge an !tatue! in the ri)er% Ther "ere a oFen or !o ,ale light! (oming u, $rom the 'ottom o$ tt ri)er% The# "ere tom'!% We !to,,e % 9The tom'! look ni(e tonight*9 8auline !ai % 95ertainl# o*9 I !ai % 9There are mo!tl# (hil ren here* aren&t there:9 93e!*9 I !ai % 9The#&re reall# 'eauti$ul tom'!*9 8auline !ai % Moth! $luttere a'o)e the light that (ame out o$ the ri)er $rom the tom'! 'elo"% There "ere $i)e or !i+ moth! $luttering o)er ea(h tom'% Su enl# a 'ig trout /um,e out o$ the "ater a'o)e a tom' an got one o$ the moth!% The other moth! !(attere an then (ame 'a(k again* an the !ame trout /um,e again an got another moth% .e "a! a !mart ol trout% The trout i not /um, an# more an the moth! $luttere ,ea(e$ull# a'o)e the light (oming $rom the tom'!%

Margaret Again
9.o"&! MARGARET taking all thi!:9 8auline !ai % 9I on&t kno"*9 I !ai % 9I! !he hurt or ma or "hat: -o #ou kno" ho" !he $eel!:9 8auline !ai % 9.a! !he talke to #ou a'out it !in(e #ou tol her: She ha!n&t talke to me at all% I !a" her #e!ter a# near the Watermelon Work!% I !ai hello 'ut !he "alke ,a!t me "ithout !a#ing an#thing% She !eeme terri'l# u,!et%9 9I on&t kno" ho" !he $eel!*9 I !ai % 9I thought !he& 'e at I-EAT. tonight* 'ut !he "a!n&t there*9 8auline !ai % 9I on&t kno" "h# I thought !he& 'e there% I /u!t ha a $eeling 'ut I "a! "rong% .a)e #ou !een her:9 9No*9 I !ai % 9I "on er "here !he&! !ta#ing*9 8auline !ai % 9I think !he&! !ta#ing "ith her 'rother%9 9I $eel 'a a'out thi!% Margaret an I "ere !u(h goo $rien !% All the #ear! "e&)e !,ent together at I-EAT.*9 8auline !ai % 9We "ere almo!t like !i!ter!% I&m !orr# that thing! ha to "ork out thi! "a#* 'ut there "a! nothing "e (oul o a'out it%9 9The heart i! !omething el!e% No'o # kno"! "hat&! going to ha,,en*9 I !ai % 93ou&re right*9 8auline !ai % She !to,,e an ki!!e me% Then "e (ro!!e o)er the 'ri ge to her !ha(k%

8auline&! Sha(k
i! ma e entirel# o$ "atermelon !ugar* e+(e,t the oor that i! a goo 0looking gra#i!h0!taine ,ine "ith a !tone oorkno'% E)en the "in o"! are ma e o$ "atermelon !ugar% A lot o$ "in o"! here are ma e o$ !ugar% It&! )er# har to tell the i$$eren(e 'et"een !ugar an gla!!* the "a# !ugar i! u!e '# 5arl the "in o"maker% It&! /u!t a thing that e,en ! on "ho i! oing it% It&! a eli(ate art an 5arl ha! it% 8auline lit a lantern% It !melle $ragrant 'urning "ith "ater0melontrout oil% We ha)e a "a# here al!o o$ mi+ing "atermelon an trout to make a lo)el# oil $or our lantern!% We u!e it $or all our lighting ,ur,o!e!% It ha! a gentle $ragran(e to it* an make! a goo light% 8auline&! !ha(k i! )er# !im,le a! all our !ha(k! are !im,le% E)er#thing "a! in it! ,ro,er ,la(e% 8auline u!e! the !ha(k /u!t to get a"a# $rom i-EAT. $or a $e" hour! or a night i$ !he $eel! like it% All o$ u! "ho !ta# at 6-EAT. ha)e !ha(k! to )i!it "hene)er "e $eel like it% I !,en more time at m# !ha(k than an#'o # el!e% I u!uall# /u!t !lee, one night a "eek at I-EAT.% I o$ (our!e take mo!t o$ m# meal! there% We "ho o not ha)e regular name! !,en a lot o$ time '# our!el)e!% It !uit! u!% 9Well* here "e are*9 8auline !ai % She looke 'eauti$ul in the light o$ the lantern% .er e#e! !,arkle % 98lea!e (ome here*9 I !ai % She (ame o)er to me an I ki!!e her mouth an then I tou(he her 'rea!t!% The# $elt !o !mooth an $irm% I ,ut m# han o"n the $ront o$ her re!!% 9That $eel! goo *9 !he !ai % 9Let&! tr# !ome more*9 I !ai % 9That "oul 'e goo *9 !he !ai % We "ent o)er an la# u,on her 'e % I took her re!! o$$% She ha nothing on un erneath% We i that $or a "hile% Then I got u, an took o$$ m# o)erall! an la# 'a(k o"n 'e!i e her%

A Lo)e* a Win
a long an !lo" lo)e% A "in (ame u, an the "in o"! trem'le !lightl#* the !ugar !et $ragilel# a/ar '# the "in % I like 8auline&! 'o # an !he !ai that !he like mine* too* an "e (oul n&t think o$ an#thing to !a#% The "in !u enl# !to,,e an 8auline !ai * 9What&! that:9 9It&! the "in %9

The Tiger! Again

"e talke a'out the tiger!% It "a! 8auline "ho !tarte it% She "a! l#ing "arml# 'e!i e me* an !he "ante to talk a'out the tiger!% She !ai that Ol 5hu(k&! ream got her thinking a'out them% 9I "on er "h# the# (oul !,eak our language*9 !he !ai % 9No one kno"!*9 I !ai % 9But the# (oul !,eak it% 5harle# !a#! ma#'e "e "ere tiger! a long time ago an (hange 'ut the# i n&t% I on&t kno"% It&! an intere!ting i ea* though%9 9I ne)er hear their )oi(e!*9 8auline !ai % 9I "a! /u!t a (hil an there "ere onl# a $e" tiger! le$t* ol one!* an the# 'arel# (ame out o$ the hill!% The# "ere too ol to 'e angerou!* an the# "ere hunte all the time% 9I "a! !i+ #ear! ol "hen the# kille the la!t one% I remem'er the hunter! 'ringing it to I-EAT.% There "ere hun re ! o$ ,eo,le "ith them% The hunter! !ai the# ha kille it u, in the hill! that a#* an it "a! the la!t tiger% 9The# 'rought the tiger to I-EAT. an e)er#'o # (ame "ith them% The# (o)ere it "ith "oo an !oake the "oo o"n "ith "atermelontrout oil% Gallon! an gallon! o$ it% I remem'er ,eo,le thre" $lo"er! on the ,ile an !too aroun (r#ing 'e(au!e it "a! the la!t tiger% 95harle# took a mat(h an lit the $ire% It 'urne "ith a great orange glo" $or hour! an hour!* an 'la(k !moke ,oure u, into the air% 9It 'urne until there "a! nothing le$t 'ut a!he!* an then the men 'egan right then an there 'uil ing the trout hat(her# at i-EAT.* right o)er the !,ot "here the tiger ha 'een 'urne % It&! har to think o$ that no" "hen #ou&re o"n there an(ing% 9I gue!! #ou remem'er all thi!*9 8auline !ai % 93ou "ere there* too% 3ou "ere !tan ing 'e!i e 5harle#%9 9That&! right*9 I !ai % 9The# ha 'eauti$ul )oi(e!%9 9I ne)er hear them9 !he !ai % 98erha,! that "a! $or the 'e!t*9 I !ai % 9Ma#'e #ou&re right*9 !he !ai % 9Tiger!*9 an "a! !oon $a!t a!lee, in m# arm!% .er !lee, trie to 'e(ome m# arm* an then m# 'o #* 'ut I "oul n&t let it 'e(au!e I "a! !u enl# )er# re!tle!!% I got u, an ,ut on m# o)erall! an "ent $or one o$ the long "alk! I take at night%

an the !tar! "ere re % I "alke o"n '# the Watermelon Work!% That&! "here "e ,ro(e!! the "atermelon! into !ugar% We take the /ui(e $rom the "atermelon! an (ook it o"n until there&! nothing le$t 'ut !ugar* an then "e "ork it into the !ha,e o$ thi! thing that "e ha)e: our li)e!% I !at o"n on a (ou(h '# the ri)er% 8auline ha gotten me thinking a'out the tiger!% I !at there an thought a'out them* ho" the# kille an ate m# ,arent!% We li)e together in a !ha(k '# the ri)er% M# $ather rai!e "atermelon! an m# mother 'ake 'rea % I "a! going to !(hool% I "a! nine #ear! ol an ha)ing trou'le "ith arithmeti(% One morning the tiger! (ame in "hile "e "ere eating 'reak$a!t an 'e$ore m# $ather (oul gra' a "ea,on the# kille him an the# kille m# mother% M# ,arent! i n&t e)en ha)e time to !a# an#thing 'e$ore the# "ere ea % I "a! !till hol ing the !,oon $rom the mu!h I "a! eating% 9-on&t 'e a$rai *9 one o$ the tiger! !ai % 9We&re not going to hurt #ou% We on&t hurt (hil ren% 6u!t !it there "here #ou are an "e&ll tell #ou a !tor#%9 One o$ the tiger! !tarte eating m# mother% .e 'it her arm o$$ an !tarte (he"ing on it% 9What kin o$ !tor# "oul #ou like to hear: I kno" a goo !tor# a'out a ra''it%9 9I on&t "ant to hear a !tor#*9 I !ai % 9O4*9 the tiger !ai * an he took a 'ite out o$ m# $ather% I !at there $or a long time "ith the !,oon in m# han * an then I ,ut it o"n% 9Tho!e "ere m# $olk!*9 I !ai * $inall#% 9We&re !orr#*9 one o$ the tiger! !ai % 9We reall# are%9 93eah*9 the other tiger !ai % 9We "oul n&t o thi! i$ "e i n&t ha)e to* i$ "e "eren&t a'!olutel# $or(e to% But thi! i! the onl# "a# "e (an kee, ali)e%9 9We&re /u!t like #ou*9 the other tiger !ai % 9We !,eak the !ame language #ou o% We think the !ame thought!* 'ut "e&re

tiger!*9 93ou (oul hel, me "ith m# arithmeti(*9 I !ai % 9What&! that:9 one o$ the tiger! !ai % 9M# arithmeti(%9 9Oh* #our arithmeti(%9 93eah%9 9What o #ou "ant to kno":9 one o$ the tiger! !ai % 9What&! nine time! nine:9 9Eight#0one*9 a tiger !ai % 9What&! eight time! eight:9 92i$t#0!i+*9 a tiger !ai % I a!ke them hal$ a oFen other 7ue!tion!: !i+ time! !i+* !e)en time! $our* et(% I "a! ha)ing a lot o$ trou'le "ith arithmeti(% 2inall# the tiger! got 'ore "ith m# 7ue!tion! an tol me to go a"a#% 9O4*9 I !ai % 9I&ll go out!i e%9 9-on&t go too $ar*9 one o$ the tiger! !ai % 9We on&t "ant an#one to (ome u, here an kill u!%9 9O4%9 The# 'oth "ent 'a(k to eating m# ,arent!% I "ent out!i e an !at o"n '# the ri)er% 9I&m an or,han*9 I !ai % I (oul !ee a trout in the ri)er% .e !"am ire(tl# at me an then he !to,,e right "here the ri)er en ! an the lan 'egin!% .e !tare at me% 9What o #ou kno" a'out an#thing:9 I !ai to the trout% That "a! 'e$ore I "ent to li)e at i-EAT.% A$ter a'out an hour or !o the tiger! (ame out!i e an !tret(he an #a"ne % 9It&! a ni(e a#*9 one o$ the tiger! !ai % 93eah*9 the other tiger !ai % 9Beauti$ul%9

9We&re a"$ull# !orr# "e ha to kill #our ,arent! an eat them% 8lea!e tr# to un er!tan % We tiger! are not e)il% Thi! i! /u!t a thing "e ha)e to o%9 9All right*9 I !ai % 9An thank! $or hel,ing me "ith m# arithmeti(%9 9Think nothing o$ it%9 The tiger! le$t% I "ent o)er to 6-EAT. an tol 5harle# that the tiger! ha eaten m# ,arent!% 9What a !hame*9 he !ai % 9The tiger! are !o ni(e% Wh# o the# ha)e to go an o thing! like that:9 I !ai % 9The# (an&t hel, them!el)e!*9 5harle# !ai % 9I like the tiger!* too% I&)e ha a lot o$ goo (on)er!ation! "ith them% The#&re )er# ni(e an ha)e a goo "a# o$ !tating thing!* 'ut "e&re going to ha)e to get ri o$ them% Soon%9 9One o$ them hel,e me "ith m# arithmeti(%9 9The#&re )er# hel,$ul*9 5harle# !ai % 9But the#&re angerou!% What are #ou going to o no":9 9I on&t kno"*9 I !ai % 9.o" "oul #ou like to !ta# here at I-EAT.:9 5harle# !ai % 9That !oun ! goo *9 I !ai % 92ine% Then it&! !ettle *9 5harle# !ai % That night I "ent 'a(k to the !ha(k an !et $ire to it% I i n&t take an#thing "ith me an "ent to li)e at i-EAT.% That "a! t"ent# #ear! ago* though it !eem! like it "a! onl# #e!ter a#: What&! eight time! eight:

She Wa!
I STO88E- T.IN4ING a'out the tiger! an !tarte 'a(k to 8auline&! !ha(k% I "oul think a'out the tiger! another a#% There "oul 'e man#% I "ante to !ta# the night "ith 8auline% I kne" that !he "oul 'e 'eauti$ul in her !lee,* "aiting $or me to return% She "a!%

A Lam' at 2al!e -a"n

in her !lee, at $al!e a"n $rom un er the "atermelon (o)er!% She tol a little !tor# a'out a lam' going $or a "alk% 9The lam' !at o"n in the $lo"er!*9 !he !ai % 9The lam' "a! all right*9 an that "a! the en o$ the !tor#% 8auline o$ten talk! in her !lee,% La!t "eek !he !ang a little !ong% I $orget ho" it "ent% I ,ut m# han on her 'rea!t% She !tirre in her !lee,% I took m# han o$$ her 'rea!t an !he "a! 7uiet again% She $elt )er# goo in 'e % There "a! a ni(e !lee,# !mell (oming $rom her 'o #% 8erha,! that i! "here the lam' !at o"n%

The Watermelon Sun

I WO4E U8 'e$ore 8auline an ,ut on m# o)erall!% A (ra(k o$ gra# !un !hone through the "in o" an la# 7uietl# on the $loor% I "ent o)er an ,ut m# $oot in it* an then m# $oot "a! gra#% I looke out the "in o" an a(ro!! the $iel ! an ,ine# "oo ! an the to"n to the 2orgotten Work!% E)er#thing "a! tou(he "ith gra#: 5attle graFing in the $iel ! an the roo$! o$ the !ha(k! an the 'ig 8ile! in the 2orgotten Work! all looke like u!t% The )er# air it!el$ "a! gra#% We ha)e an intere!ting thing "ith the !un here% It !hine! a i$$erent (olor e)er# a#% No one kno"! "h# thi! i!* not e)en 5harle#% We gro" the "atermelon! in i$$erent (olor! the 'e!t "e (an% Thi! i! ho" "e o it: See ! gathere $rom a gra# "atermelon ,i(ke on a gra# a# an then ,lante on a gra# a# "ill make more gra# "atermelon!% It i! reall# )er# !im,le% The (olor! o$ the a#! an the "atermelon! go like thi!1 Mon a#: re "atermelon!% Tue! a#: gol en "atermelon!% We ne! a#: gra# "atermelon!% Thur! a#: 'la(k* !oun le!! "atermelon!% 2ri a#: "hite "atermelon!% Satur a#: 'lue "atermelon!% Sun a#: 'ro"n "atermelon!% To a# "oul 'e a a# o$ gra# "atermelon!% I like 'e!t tomorro": the 'la(k* !oun le!! "atermelon a#!% When #ou (ut them the# make no noi!e* an ta!te )er# !"eet% The# are )er# goo $or making thing! that ha)e no !oun % I remem'er there "a! a man "ho u!e to make (lo(k! $rom the 'la(k* !oun le!! "atermelon! an hi! (lo(k! "ere !ilent% The man ma e !i+ or !e)en o$ the!e (lo(k! an then he ie % There i! one o$ the (lo(k! hanging o)er hi! gra)e% It i! hanging $rom the 'ran(he! o$ an a,,le tree an !"a#! in the "in ! that go u, an o"n the ri)er% It o$ (our!e oe! not kee, time an# more% 8auline "oke u, "hile I "a! ,utting m# !hoe! on% 9.ello*9 !he !ai * ru''ing her e#e!% 93ou&re u,% I "on er "hat time it i!%9 9It&! a'out !i+%9 9I ha)e to (ook 'reak$a!t thi! morning at i-EAT.*9 !he !ai % 95ome o)er here an gi)e me a ki!! an then tell me "hat #ou "oul like $or 'reak$a!t%9

.an !
to i-EAT.* hol ing han !% .an ! are )er# ni(e thing!* e!,e(iall# a$ter the# ha)e tra)elle 'a(k $rom making lo)e%

Margaret Again* Again

I SAT IN T.E 4IT5.EN at i-EAT.* "at(hing 8auline make the 'atter $or hot (ake!* m# $a)orite $oo % She ,ut a lot o$ $lour an egg! an goo thing! into a great 'lue 'o"l an !tirre the 'atter "ith a 'ig "oo en !,oon* almo!t too large $or her han % She "a! "earing a real ni(e re!! an her hair "a! (om'e on to, o$ her hea an I ha !to,,e an ,i(ke !ome $lo"er! $or her hair "hen "e "alke o"n the roa % The# "ere 'lue'ell!% 9I "on er i$ Margaret "ill 'e here to a#*9 !he !ai % 9I&ll 'e gla "hen "e&re talking again%9 9-on&t "orr# a'out it*9 I !ai % 9E)er#thing "ill 'e all right%9 9It&! /u!t1"ell* Margaret an I ha)e 'een !u(h goo $rien !% I& al"a#! like #ou 'e$ore* 'ut I ne)er thought "e& e)er 'e an#thing 'ut $rien !% 93ou an Margaret "ere !o (lo!e $or #ear!% I /u!t ho,e e)er#thing "ork! out* an Margaret $in ! !omeone ne" an "ill 'e m# $rien again%9 9-on&t "orr#%9 2re (ame into the kit(hen /u!t to !a#* 9Ummmm1hot (ake!*9 an then le$t%

a oFen hot (ake! him!el$% I ha)e ne)er !een him eat !o man# hot (ake!* an 2re ate a $e" more than 5harle#% It "a! 7uite a !ight% There "a! al!o a 'ig ,latter o$ 'a(on an lot! o$ $re!h milk an a 'ig ,ot o$ !trong (o$$ee* an there "a! a 'o"l o$ $re!h !tra"'errie!* too% A girl (ame '# $rom the to"n an le$t them o$$ /u!t 'e$ore 'reak$a!t% She "a! a gentle girl% 8auline !ai * 9Thank #ou* an "hat a lo)el# re!! #ou ha)e on thi! morning% -i #ou make it #our!el$: 3ou mu!t ha)e 'e(au!e it&! !o ,rett#%9 9Oh* thank #ou*9 the girl !ai * 'lu!hing% 9I /u!t "ante to 'ring !ome !tra"'errie! to i-EAT. $or 'reak$a!t* !o I got u, )er# earl# an gathere them o"n '# the ri)er%9 8auline ate one o$ the 'errie! an ga)e one o$ them to me% 9The# are !u(h $ine 'errie!*9 8auline !ai % 93ou mu!t kno" a goo ,la(e to get them* an #ou mu!t !ho" me "here that ,la(e i!% 9It&! right near that !tatue o$ a ruta'aga '# the 'all ,ark* /u!t o"n $rom "here that $unn# green 'ri ge i!*9 the girl !ai % She "a! a'out $ourteen #ear! ol an )er# ,lea!e that her !tra"'errie! "ere a 'ig hit at I-EAT.% All o$ the !tra"'errie! "ere eaten at 'reak$a!t* an again a! $or the hot (ake!: 9The!e are reall# "on er$ul hot (ake!*9 5harle# !ai % 9Woul #ou like !ome more:9 8auline !ai % 9Ma#'e another one i$ there i! an# more 'atter%9 9There&! ,lent#*9 8auline !ai % 9.o" a'out #ou* 2re :9 9Well* ma#'e /u!t one more%9

The S(hooltea(her
I ki!!e 8auline "hile !he "a! "a!hing the i!he! an "ent "ith 2re o"n to the Watermelon Work! to !ee !omething he "ante to !ho" me a'out the ,lank ,re!!% We took a long lei!urel# !troll o"n there* through the morning o$ a gra# !un% It looke like it might rain 'ut o$ (our!e it "oul not% The $ir!t rain o$ the #ear "oul not !tart until the 12th a# o$ O(to'er% 9Margaret "a!n&t there thi! morning*9 2re !ai % 9No* !he "a!n&t*9 I !ai % We !to,,e an talke to the !(hooltea(her "ho "a! taking hi! !tu ent! $or a "alk in the "oo !% While "e talke to him all the (hil ren !at o"n in the gra!! near'#* an "ere kin o$ gathere together like a ring o$ mu!hroom! or ai!ie!% 9Well* ho"&! the 'ook (oming:9 the !(hooltea(her !ai % 9All right*9 I !ai % 9I&ll 'e )er# (uriou! to !ee it*9 the !(hooltea(her !ai % 93ou al"a#! ha a "a# "ith "or !% I !till remem'er that e!!a# #ou "rote on "eather "hen #ou "ere in the !i+th gra e% That "a! 7uite !omething% 93our e!(ri,tion o$ the "inter (lou ! "a! )er# a((urate an 7uite mo)ing at the !ame time an (ontaine a (ertain amount o$ ,oeti( (ontent% 3e!* I am 7uite intere!te in rea ing #our 'ook% Will #ou gi)e an# hint! on "hat it i! a'out:9 2re mean"hile looke )er# 'ore % .e "ent an !at o"n "ith the (hil ren% .e !tarte talking to a 'o# a'out !omething% 9.a)e #ou e+,an e #our e!!a# on "eather or i! the 'ook a'out !omething el!e:9 The 'o# "a! )er# intere!te in "hat 2re "a! !a#ing% A (ou,le o$ other ki ! mo)e (lo!er% 9Oh* it&! /u!t (oming along*9 I !ai % 9It&! ,rett# har to talk a'out% But #ou&ll 'e one o$ the $ir!t I&ll !ho" it to "hen it&! one%9 9I&)e al"a#! ha $aith in #ou a! a "riter*9 the !(hooltea(her !ai % 92or a long time I thought a'out "riting a 'ook m#!el$* 'ut tea(hing a'!or'! /u!t too mu(h o$ m# time%9 2re took !omething out o$ hi! ,o(ket% .e !ho"e it to the 'o#% .e looke at it an ,a!!e it on to the other (hil ren% 93e!* I thought that I "oul "rite a 'ook a'out tea(hing* 'ut !o $ar I&)e 'een too 'u!# tea(hing to "rite% But it i! )er# in!,iring to me to ha)e one o$ m# $ormer !tar ,u,il! (arr# the gloriou! 'anner $or "hat I m#!el$ ha)e 'een too 'u!# to o% Goo lu(k%9 9Thank #ou%9 2re ,ut the thing 'a(k in hi! ,o(ket an the !(hooltea(her got all o$ hi! !tu ent! 'a(k on their $eet* an o$$ the# "ent to the "oo !% .e "a! talking to them a'out !omething )er# im,ortant% I (oul tell 'e(au!e he ,ointe 'a(k at me* an then he ,ointe at a (lou that "a! ri$ting lo" o)erhea %

Un er the 8lank 8re!!

A! WE NEARE- the Watermelon Work! the air "a! $ull o$ !"eet !mell o$ the !ugar 'eing 'oile in the )at!% There "e: great la#er! an !tri,! an !ha,e! o$ !ugar har ening out in t 1 !un: re !ugar* gol en !ugar* gra# !ugar* 'la(k* !oun le!! !ug% "hite !ugar* 'lue !ugar* 'ro"n !ugar% 9The !ugar !ure look! goo *9 2re !ai % 93eah%9 I "a)e at E an Mike* "ho!e /o' it i! to kee, the 'ir ! o$$ the !ugar% The# "a)e 'a(k* an then one o$ them 'egan (ha!ing a$ter a 'ir % There are a'out a oFen ,eo,le "ho "ork at the Watermelon Work!* an "e "ent in!i e% There "ere great $ire! going un er the t"o )at!* an 8eter "a! $ee ing "oo into them% .e looke hot an !"eat#* 'ut that "a! hi! natural (on ition% 9.o"&! the !ugar (oming:9 I !ai % 92ine*9 he !ai % 9Lot o$ !ugar% .o" are thing! at I-EAT.:9 9Goo *9 I !ai % 9What&! thi! a'out #ou an 8auline:9 96u!t go!!i,*9 I !ai % I like 8ete% We&)e 'een $rien ! $or #ear!% When I "a! a (hil I u!e to (ome o"n to the Watermelon Work! an hel, him $ee the $ire!% 9I&ll 'et Margaret&! ma *9 he !ai % 9I hear !he&! reall# ,ining $or #ou% That&! "hat her 'rother !a#!% She&! /u!t ,ining a"a#%9 9I on&t kno" a'out that*9 I !ai % 9What are #ou o"n here $or:9 he !ai % 9I /u!t (ame o"n here to (hu(k a ,ie(e o$ "oo in the $ire*9 I !ai % I rea(he o)er an ,i(ke u, a large ,ine knot an ,ut it in the $ire un er a )at% 96u!t like ol time!*9 he !ai % The $oreman (ame out o$ hi! o$$i(e an /oine u!% .e looke kin o$ tire % 9.i* E gar*9 I !ai % 9.ello*9 he !ai % 9.o" are #ou: Goo morning* 2re %9 9Goo morning* 'o!!%9 9What 'ring! #ou o"n here:9 E gar !ai % 92re "ant! to !ho" me !omething%9 9What&! that* 2re :9 E gar !ai % 9It&! a ,ri)ate thing* 'o!!%9 9Oh% Well* !ho" a"a#* then%9 9Will o* 'o!!%9 9It&! al"a#! goo to !ee #ou o"n here*9 E gar !ai to me% 93ou look kin o$ tire *9 I !ai % 93eah* I !ta#e u, late la!t night%9 9Well* get !ome !lee, tonight*9 I !ai % 9That&! "hat I&m ,lanning on% A! !oon a! I get o$$ "ork I&m going !traight home to 'e % -on&t e)en think I&ll eat an# inner* /u!t gra' a !na(k%9 9Slee,&! goo $or #ou*9 2re !ai % 9I gue!! I& 'etter get 'a(k to the o$$i(e*9 E gar !ai % 9I&)e got !ome ,a,er "ork to o% See #ou later%9 93eah* goo 0'#e* E gar%9 The $oreman "ent 'a(k to hi! o$$i(e* an I "ent "ith 2re to the ,lank ,re!!% That&! "here "e make "atermelon ,lank!% To a# the# "ere making gol en ,lank!% 2re i! the !tra" 'o!! an the re!t o$ hi! (re" "a! alrea # there* turning out ,lank!% 9Goo morning*9 the (re" !ai %

9Goo morning*9 2re !ai % 9Let&! !to, thi! thing here $or a minute%9 One o$ the (re" turne o$$ the !"it(h an 2re ha me (ome o)er )er# (lo!e an get o"n on m# han ! an knee! an (ra"l un er the ,re!! until "e (ame to a )er# ark ,la(e an then he lit a mat(h an !ho"e me a 'at hanging u,!i e o"n $rom a hou!ing% 9What o #ou think o$ that:9 2re !ai % 93eah*9 I !ai * !taring at the 'at% 9I $oun him there a (ou,le o$ a#! ago% -oe!n&t that 'eat e)er#thing:9 he !ai % 9It&! got a hea !tart*9 I !ai %

Until Lun(h
2re &! 'at an (ra"le out $rom un erneath the ,lank ,re!!* I tol him that I ha to go u, to m# !ha(k an o !ome "ork: ,lant !ome $lo"er! an thing!% 9Are #ou going to ha)e lun(h at I-EAT.:9 he !ai % 9No* I think I&ll /u!t ha)e a !na(k o"nto"n at the (a$e later on% Wh# on&t #ou /oin me* 2re :9 9O4*9 he !ai % 9I think the#&re !er)ing $rank$urter! an !auerkraut to a#%9 9That "a! #e!ter a#*9 one o$ hi! (re" )olunteere % 93ou&re right*9 2re !ai % 9To a#&! meat loa$% .o" oe! that !oun :9 9All right*9 I !ai % 9I&ll !ee #ou $or lun(h* then% A'out t"el)e%9 I le$t 2re !u,er)i!ing the ,lank ,re!! "ith 'ig gol en ,lank! o$ "atermelon !ugar (oming o"n the (hain% The Watermelon Work! "a! 'u''ling an r#ing a"a#* !"eet an gentle in the "arm gra# !un% An E an Mike "ere (ha!ing a$ter 'ir !% Mike "a! running a ro'in o$$%

The Tom'!
to the !ha(k* I e(i e to go o"n to the ri)er "here the# "ere ,utting in a ne" tom' an look at the trout that al"a#! gather out o$ a great (urio!it# "hen the tom'! are ,ut in% I ,a!!e through the to"n% It "a! kin o$ 7uiet "ith /u!t a $e" ,eo,le on the !treet!% I !a" -o( E "ar ! going !ome"here (arr#ing hi! 'ag* an I "a)e at him% .e "a)e 'a(k an ma e a motion to !ho" that he "a! on a )er# im,ortant erran % Some'o # "a! ,ro'a'l# !i(k in the to"n% I "a)e him on% There "ere a (ou,le o$ ol ,eo,le !itting in ro(king (hair! on the $ront ,or(h o$ the hotel% One o$ them "a! ro(king an the other one "a! a!lee,% The one that "a! a!lee, ha a ne"!,a,er in hi! la,% I (oul !mell 'rea 'aking in the 'aker# an there "ere t"o hor!e! tie u, in $ront o$ the general !tore% I re(ogniFe one o$ the hor!e! a! 'eing $rom I-EATM% I "alke out o$ the to"n an ,a!!e '# !ome tree! that "ere at the e ge o$ a little "atermelon ,at(h% The tree! ha mo!! hanging $rom them% A !7uirrel ran u, into the 'ran(he! o$ a tree% .i! tail "a! mi!!ing% I "on ere "hat ha ha,,ene to hi! tail% I gue!! he lo!t it !ome,la(e% I !at o"n on a (ou(h '# the ri)er% There "a! a !tatue o$ gra!! 'e!i e the (ou(h% The 'la e! "ere ma e $rom (o,,er an ha 'een turne to their natural (olor '# the rain "eight o$ #ear!% There "ere $our or $i)e gu#! ,utting in the tom'% The# "ere the Tom' 5re"% The tom' "a! 'eing ,ut into the 'ottom o$ the ri)er% That&! ho" "e 'ur# our ea here% O$ (our!e "e u!e a lot le!! tom'! "hen the tiger! "ere in 'loom% But no" "e 'ur# them all in gla!! (o$$in! at the 'ottom! o$ ri)er! an ,ut $o+$ire in the tom'!* !o the# glo" at night an "e (an a,,re(iate "hat (ome! ne+t% I !a" a 'un(h o$ trout gathere together to "at(h the tom' 'eing ,ut in% The# "ere ni(e0looking rain'o" trout% There "ere ,erha,! a hun re o$ them in a )er# !mall !,a(e in the ri)er% The trout ha)e a great (urio!it# a'out thi! a(ti)it#* an man# o$ them gather to "at(h% The Tom' 5re" ha !unk the Sha$t into the ri)er an the ,um, "a! going a"a#% The# "ere oing the gla!! inla# "ork no"% Soon the tom' "oul 'e (om,lete an the oor "oul 'e o,ene "hen it "a! nee e an !omeone "oul go in!i e to !ta# there $or the age!%

The Gran Ol Trout

I SAW A TROUT that I ha)e kno"n $or a long time "at(hing the tom' 'eing ,ut in% It "a! The Gran Ol Trout* rai!e a! a $ingerling in the trout hat(her# at 6-EAT.% I kne" thi! 'e(au!e he ha the little I-EAT. 'ell $a!tene to hi! /a"% .e i! man# #ear! ol an "eigh! man# ,oun ! an mo)e! !lo"l# "ith "i! om% The Gran Ol Trout u!uall# !,en ! all o$ it! time u,!tream '# the Statue o$ Mirror!% I ha !,ent man# hour! in the ,a!t "at(hing thi! trout in the ee, ,ool there% I gue!! he ha 'een (uriou! a'out thi! ,arti(ular tom' an ha (ome o"n to "at(h it 'eing ,ut in% I "on ere a'out thi! 'e(au!e The Gran Ol Trout u!uall# !ho"! )er# little intere!t in "at(hing the tom'! 'eing ,ut in% I gue!! 'e(au!e he ha! !een !o man# 'e$ore% I remem'er on(e the# "ere ,utting in a tom' /u!t a little "a#! o"n $rom the Statue o$ Mirror! an he i n&t mo)e an in(h in all the a#! that it took 'e(au!e it "a! !u(h a har tom' to ,ut in% The tom' (olla,!e /u!t 'e$ore (om,letion% 5harle# (ame o"n an !hook hi! hea !a l#* an the tom' ha to 'e one all o)er again% But no" the trout "a! "at(hing )er# intentl# thi! tom' 'eing ,ut in% .e "a! ho)ering /u!t a $e" in(he! a'o)e the 'ottom an ten $eet a"a# $rom the Sha$t% I "ent o"n an (rou(he '# the ri)er% The trout "ere not !(are at all '# the (lo!ene!! o$ m# a,,earan(e% The Gran Ol Trout looke o)er at me% I 'elie)e he re(ogniFe me* $or he !tare at me $or a (ou,le o$ minute!* an then he turne 'a(k to "at(hing the tom' 'eing ,ut in* the $inal inla# "ork 'eing one% I !ta#e there $or a little "hile '# the ri)er an "hen I le$t to go to m# !ha(k* The Gran Ol Trout turne an !tare at me% .e "a! !till !taring at me "hen I "a! gone $rom !ight* I thought%

Book T"o: inBOIL

Nine Thing!
to 'e 'a(k at m# !ha(k* 'ut there "a! a note on the oor $rom Margaret% I rea the note an it i not ,lea!e me an I thre" it a"a#* !o not e)en time (oul $in it% I !at o"n at m# ta'le an looke out the "in o"* o"n to I-EAT.% I ha a $e" thing! to o "ith ,en an ink an i them ra,i l# an "ithout mi!take* an ,ut them a"a# "ritten in "atermelon!ee ink u,on the!e !heet! o$ !"eet !melling "oo ma e '# Bill o"n at the !hingle $a(tor#% Then I thought that I "oul ,lant !ome $lo"er! out '# the ,otato !tatue* a 'un(h o$ them in a (ir(le aroun that !e)en0$oot ,otato "oul look ni(e% I "ent an got !ome !ee ! $rom the (he!t that I kee, m# thing! in an noti(e that e)er#thing "a! a/ar* an !o 'e$ore ,lanting the !ee !* I ,ut e)er#thing 'a(k in or er% I ha)e nine thing!* more or le!!: a (hil &! 'all ;I (an&t remem'er "hi(h (hil <* a ,re!ent gi)en me nine #ear! ago '# 2re * m# e!!a# on "eather* !ome num'er! ;102><* an e+tra ,air o$ o)erall!* a ,ie(e o$ 'lue metal* !omething $rom the 2orgotten Work!* a lo(k o$ hair that nee ! "a!hing% I ke,t the !ee ! out 'e(au!e I "a! going to ,ut them in the groun aroun the ,otato% I ha)e a $e" other thing! that I kee, in m# room at 6-EAT.% I ha)e a ni(e room there o$$ to"ar the trout hat(her#% I "ent out!i e an ,lante the !ee ! aroun the ,otato an "on ere again "ho like )egeta'le! !o mu(h* an "here "ere the# 'urie * un er "hat ri)er or ha a tiger eaten them a long time ago "hen the tiger&! 'eauti$ul )oi(e ha !ai * 9I like #our !tatue! )er# mu(h* e!,e(iall# that ruta'aga '# the 'all ,ark* 'ut ala!% % %9

Margaret Again* Again* Again

I S8ENT A .AL2 AN .OUR or so ,a(ing 'a(k an $orth on the 'ri ge* 'ut I i not on(e $in that 'oar that Margaret al"a#! !te,! on* that 'oar !he (oul not mi!! i$ all the 'ri ge! in the "orl "ere ,ut together* $orme into one !ingle 'ri ge* !he& !te, on that 'oar %

A Na,
I 2ELT )er# tire an e(i e to take a na, 'e$ore lun(h an "ent into the !ha(k an la# o"n in m# 'e % I looke u, at the (eiling* at the 'eam! o$ "atermelon !ugar% I !tare at the grain an "a! !oon $a!t a!lee,% I ha a (ou,le o$ !mall ream!% One o$ them "a! a'out a moth% The moth "a! 'alan(e on an a,,le% Then I ha a long ream* "hi(h "a! again the hi!tor# o$ inBOiL an that gang o$ hi! an the terri'le thing! that ha,,ene /u!t a $e" !hort month! ago%

InBOiL an that gang o$ hi! li)e in a little 'un(h o$ lou!# !ha(k! "ith leak# roo$! near the 2orgotten Work!% The# li)e there until the# "ere ea % I think there "ere a'out t"ent# o$ them% All men* like inBOiL* that "ere no goo % 2ir!t there "a! /u!t inBOiL "ho li)e there% .e got in a 'ig $ight one night "ith 5harle# an tol him to go to hell an !ai he "oul !ooner li)e '# the 2orgotten Work! than in i-EAT.% 9To hell "ith i-EAT.*9 he !ai * an "ent an 'uilt him!el$ a lou!# !ha(k '# the 2orgotten Work!% .e !,ent hi! time igging aroun in there an making "hi!ke# $rom thing!% Then a (ou,le o$ other men "ent an /oine u, "ith him an $rom time to time* e)er# on(e in a "hile* a ne" man "oul /oin them% 3ou (oul al"a#! tell "ho the# "oul 'e% Be$ore the# /oine in!oiL&! gang* the# "oul al"a#! 'e unha,,# an ner)ou! an !hi$t# or ha)e 9light $inger!9 an talk a lot a'out thing! that goo ,eo,le i not un er!tan nor "ante to% The# "oul gro" more an more ner)ou! an no a((ount an then $inall# #ou "oul hear a'out them ha)ing /oine inBoIL! gang an no" the# "ere "orking "ith him in the 2orgotten Work!* an 'eing ,ai in "hi!ke# that inBOiL ma e $rom $orgotten thing!%

Whi!ke# Again
"a! a'out $i$t# #ear! ol * I gue!!* an "a! 'orn an rai!e at I-EAT.% I remem'er !itting u,on hi! knee a! a (hil an ha)ing him tell me !torie!% .e kne" !ome ,rett# goo one!* too %%% an Margaret "a! there% Then he turne 'a % It ha,,ene o)er a (ou,le o$ #ear!% .e ke,t getting ma at thing! that "ere o$ no im,ortan(e an going o$$ '# him!el$ to the trout hat(her# at 6-EAT.% .e 'egan !,en ing a lot o$ time at the 2orgotten Work!* an 5harle# "oul a!k him "hat he "a! oing an inBOiL "oul !a#* 9Oh* nothing% 6u!t o$$ '# m#!el$%9 9What kin o$ thing! o #ou $in "hen #ou&re igging o"n there:9 9Oh* nothing*9 in!oiL lie % .e 'e(ame )er# remo)e $rom ,eo,le an then hi! !,ee(h "oul 'e !trange* !lurre an hi! mo)ement! 'e(ame /erk# an hi! tem,er 'a * an he !,ent a lot o$ time at night in the trout hat(her# an !ometime! he "oul laugh out lou an #ou (oul hear thi! enormou! laugh that ha no" 'e(ome hi!* e(hoing through the room! an hall!* an into the )er# (hanging o$ i-EAT.: the in e!(ri'a'le "a# it (hange! that "e like !o mu(h* that !uit! u!%

The Big 2ight

'et"een inaoiL an 5harle# o((urre at inner one night% 2re "a! ,a!!ing !ome ma!he ,otatoe! to me "hen it ha,,ene % The $ight ha 'een 'uil ing u, $or "eek!% inBOiiG! laughter ha gro"n lou er an lou er until it "a! almo!t im,o!!i'le to !lee, at night% inBoii% "a! runk all the time* an he "oul li!ten to no one a'out an#thing* not e)en 5harle#% .e "oul n&t e)en li!ten to 5harle#% .e tol 5harle# to min hi! o"n 'u!ine!!% 9Min #our o"n 'u!ine!!%9 One a$ternoon 8auline* "ho "a! /u!t a (hil * $oun him ,a!!e out in the 'athtu'* !inging irt# !ong!% She "a! $rightene an he ha a 'ottle o$ that !tu$$ he 're"e o"n at the 2orgotten Work!% .e !melle horri'le an it took three men to li$t him out o$ the 'athtu' an get him to 'e % 9.ere are the ma!he ,otatoe!*9 2re !ai % I "a! /u!t ,utting a 'ig !(oo, o$ them on m# ,late to !oak u, the re!t o$ the gra)# "hen inBOiL* "ho ha not tou(he a !ingle 'ite o$ hi! $rie (hi(ken an it "a! gro"ing (ol in $ront o$ him* turne to 5harle# an !ai * 9-o #ou kno" "hat&! "rong "ith thi! ,la(e:9 9No* "hat&! "rong* in!oiL: 3ou !eem to ha)e all the an!"er! the!e a#!% Tell me%9 9I will tell #ou% Thi! ,la(e !tink!% Thi! i!n&t I-EATR at all% Thi! i! /u!t a $igment o$ #our imagination% All o$ #ou gu#! here are /u!t a 'un(h o$ (lu(k!* oing (lu(k# thing! at #our (lu(k# I-EAT.% 9i-EAT.1ha* on&t make me laugh% Thi! ,la(e i! nothing 'ut a (la,tra,% 3ou "oul n&t kno" i-EAT. i$ it "alke u, an 'it #ou% 9I kno" more a'out I-EAT. than all o$ #ou gu#!* e!,e(iall# 5harle# here "ho think! he&! !omething e+tra% I kno" more a'out I-EAT. in m# little $inger than all #ou gu#! kno" ,ut together% 93ou ha)en&t the !lighte!t i ea "hat&! going on here% I kno"% I kno"% I kno"% To hell "ith #our i-EAT.% I&)e $orgotten more i-EAT. than #ou gu#! "ill e)er kno"% I&m going o"n to the 2orgotten Work! to li)e% 3ou gu#! (an ha)e thi! amn rat hole%9 inBoiL got u, an thre" hi! $rie (hi(ken on the $loor an !tom,e out o$ the ,la(e* tra)elling )er# une)enl#% There "a! !tunne !ilen(e at the ta'le an no one (oul !a# an#thing $or a long time% Then 2re !ai * 9-on&t $eel 'a a'out it* 5harle#% .e&ll 'e !o'er tomorro" an e)er#thing "ill 'e i$$erent% .e&! /u!t runk again an a! !oon a! he !o'er! u,* he&ll 'e 'etter%9 9No* I think he&! gone $or goo *9 5harle# !ai % 9I ho,e it all "ork! out $or the 'e!t%9 5harle# looke )er# !a an "e "ere all !a * too* 'e(au!e in!oiL "a! 5harle#&! 'rother% We all !at there looking at OUT $oo %

"ith inBoiL li)ing o"n '# the 2orgotten Work! an gathering !lo"l# a gang o$ men "ho "ere /u!t like him* 'elie)e in the thing! he i * an a(te hi! "a# an "ent igging in the 2orgotten Work! an rank "hi!ke# 're"e $rom the thing! the# $oun % Sometime! the# "oul !o'er u, one o$ the gang an !en him into to"n to !ell $orgotten thing! that "ere ,arti(ularl# 'eauti$ul or (uriou! or 'ook! "hi(h "e u!e $or $uel then 'e(au!e there "ere million! o$ them l#ing aroun in the 2orgotten Work!% The# "oul get 'rea an $oo an "hatnot $or the $orgotten thing! an !o li)e "ithout ha)ing to o an#thing 'e!i e! ig an rink% Margaret gre" u, to 'e a )er# ,rett# #oung "oman an "e "ent !tea # together% Margaret (ame o)er to m# !ha(k one a#% I (oul tell it "a! her e)en 'e$ore !he "a! there 'e(au!e I hear her !te, on that 'oar !he al"a#! !te,! on* an it ,lea!e me an ma e m# !toma(h tingle like a 'ell set a/ar% She kno(ke on the oor% 95ome in* Margaret*9 I !ai % She (ame in an ki!!e me% 9What are #ou oing to a#:9 !he !ai % 9I ha)e to go o"n to I-EAT. an "ork on m# !tatue%9 9Are #ou !till "orking on that 'ell:9 !he !ai % 93e!*9 I !ai % 9It&! (oming along rather !lo"l#% It&! taking too long% I&ll 'e gla "hen it&! one% I&m tire o$ the thing%9 9What are #ou going to o a$ter"ar !:9 !he !ai % 9I on&t kno"% I! there an#thing #ou "ant to o* hone#:9 93e!*9 !he !ai % 9I "ant to go o"n to the 2orgotten Work! an ,oke aroun %9 9Again:9 I !ai % 93ou (ertainl# like to !,en a lot o$ time o"n there%9 9It&! a (uriou! ,la(e*9 !he !ai % 93ou&re a'out the onl# "oman "ho like! that ,la(e% in!oiL an that gang o$ hi! ,ut the other "omen o$$%9 9I like it o"n there% inBOit i! harmle!!% All he "ant! to o i! !ta# runk%9 9All right*9 I !ai % 9It&! nothing* hone#% Meet me o"n at i-EAT. later on% I&ll 'e "ith #ou a! !oon a! I ,ut in a $e" more hour! on that 'ell%9 9Are #ou going o"n no":9 !he !ai % 9No* I ha)e a $e" thing! I "ant to o here $ir!t%9 95an I hel,:9 !he !ai % 9No* the#&re /u!t a $e" thing! I ha)e to o alone%9 9O4* then% I&ll !ee #ou%9 9Gi)e me a ki!! $ir!t*9 I !ai % She (ame o)er an I hel her in m# arm! )er# (lo!e an ki!!e Margaret u,on the mouth* an then !he "ent o$$ laughing%

The Bell
I "ent o"n to i-EAT. an "orke on that 'ell% It "a! not (oming at all an $inall# I "a! /u!t !itting there on a (hair* !taring at it% M# (hi!el "a! hanging lim,l# in m# han * an then I ,ut it o"n on the ta'le an a'!entmin e l# (o)ere it u, "ith a rag% 2re (ame in an !a" me !itting there !taring at the 'ell% .e le$t "ithout !a#ing an#thing% It har l# e)en looke like a 'ell% 2inall# Margaret (ame an re!(ue me% She "a! "earing a 'lue re!! an ha a ri''on in her hair an (arrie a 'a!ket to ,ut thing! in that !he $oun at the 2orgotten Work!% 9.o"&! it (oming:9 !he !ai % 9It&! $ini!he *9 I !ai % 9It oe!n&t look $ini!he *9 !he !ai % 9It&! $ini!he *9 I !ai %

5harle# a! "e "ere lea)ing I-EATR% .e "a! !itting on hi! $a)orite (ou(h '# the ri)er* $ee ing little ,ie(e! o$ 'rea to !ome trout that ha gathere there% 9Where #ou ki ! going:9 he !ai % 9Oh* /u!t out $or a "alk*9 Margaret !ai * 'e$ore I (oul !a# an#thing% 9Well* ha)e a goo "alk*9 he !ai % 9Lo)el# a#* i!n&t it: Great 'ig 'eauti$ul 'lue !un !hining a"a#%9 9It !ure i!*9 I !ai % 8auline (ame into the room an "alke o)er an /oine u!% 9.ello* there*9 !he !ai % 9.i%9 9What o #ou "ant $or inner* 5harle#:9 !he !ai % 9Roa!t 'ee$*9 5harle# !ai * /oking% 9Well* that&! "hat #ou&ll ha)e then%9 9What a ni(e !ur,ri!e*9 5harle# !ai % 9I! it m# 'irth a#:9 9No% .o" are #ou ,eo,le:9 9We&re $ine*9 I !ai % 9We&re going $or a "alk*9 Margaret !ai % 9That !oun ! like $un% See #ou later%9

The 2orgotten Work!

ho" ol the 2orgotten Work! are* rea(hing a! the# o into i!tan(e! that "e (annot tra)el nor "ant to% No'o # ha! 'een )er# $ar into the 2orgotten Work!* e+(e,t that gu# 5harle# !ai "ho "rote a 'ook a'out them* an I "on er "hat hi! trou'le "a!* to !,en "eek! in there% The 2orgotten Work! /u!t go on an on an on an on an on an on an on an on an on% 3ou get the ,i(ture% It&! a 'ig ,la(e* mu(h 'igger than "e are% Margaret an I "ent o"n there* hol ing han ! $or "e "ere going !tea #* through the !un o$ a 'lue a# an "hite luminou! (lou ! ri$ting o)erhea % We (ro!!e o)er man# ri)er! an "alke '# man# thing!* an then "e (oul !ee the !un re$le(ting o$$ the roo$! at inBOiiG! 'un(h o$ leak# !ha(k! "hi(h "ere at the entran(e to the 2orgotten Work!% There i! a gate right there% Be!i e the gate i! the !tatue o$ a $orgotten thing% There i! a !ign a'o)e the gate that !a#!:


A 5on)er!ation "ith Tra!h

InBoa (ame out to greet u!% .i! (lothe! "ere all "rinkle an irt# an !o "a! he% .e looke like a me!! an he "a! runk% 9.ello*9 he !ai % 9-o"n here again* huh:9 he !ai * more to Margaret than to me* though he looke at me "hen he !ai it% That&! the kin o$ ,er!on inBoa i!% 96u!t )i!iting*9 I !ai % .e laughe at that% A (ou,le o$ other gu#! (ame out o$ !ha(k! an !tare at u!% The# all looke like in!oa% The# ha ma e the !ame me!! out o$ them!el)e! '# 'eing e)il an rinking that "hi!ke# ma e $rom $orgotten thing!% One o$ them* a #ello"0haire one* !at o"n on a ,ile o$ i!gu!ting o'/e(t! an /u!t !tare at u! like he "a! an animal% 9Goo a$ternoon* in!oiL*& Margaret !ai % 9Same to #ou* ,rett#%9 Some o$ in!oa&! tra!h laughe at that an I looke at them har an the# !hut u,% One o$ them "i,e hi! han a(ro!! hi! mouth an "ent in!i e hi! !ha(k% 96u!t 'eing !o(ial*9 in!oa !ai % 9-on&t take no o$$en!e%9 9We&re /u!t o"n here to look at the 2orgotten Work!*9 I !ai % 9Well* !he&! all #our!*9 in!oa !ai * ,ointing at the 2orgotten Work! that gra uall# to"ere a'o)e u! until the 'ig ,ile! o$ $orgotten thing! "ere mountain! that "ent on $or at lea!t a million mile!%

In There
3OU MIG.T GET LOST an "e "alke through the gate into the 2orgotten Work!% Margaret !tarte ,oking aroun $or thing! that !he might like% There "ere no ,lant! gro"ing an no animal! li)ing in the 2orgotten Work!% There "a! not e)en !o mu(h a! a 'la e o$ gra!! in there* an the 'ir ! re$u!e to $l# o)er the ,la(e% I !at o"n on !omething that looke like a "heel an "at(he Margaret take a $orgotten !ti(klike thing an ,oke aroun a !mall ,ile o$ !tu$$e thing!% I !a" !omething l#ing at m# $eet% It "a! a ,ie(e o$ i(e $roFen into the !ha,e o$ a thum'* 'ut the thum' ha a hum, on it% It "a! a hun(h'a(k thum' an )er# (ol 'ut !tarte to melt in m# han % The $ingernail melte a"a# an then I ro,,e the thing an it la# at m# $eet* not melting an# more* though the air "a! not (ol an the !un "a! hot an 'lue in the !k#% 9.a)e #ou $oun an#thing #ou like:9 I !ai %

The Ma!ter o$ the 2orgotten Work!

InBOiL (ame in an /oine u!% It i not o)erl# ,lea!e me to him% .e ha a 'ottle o$ "hi!ke# "ith him% .i! no!e "a! re % 92in an#thing #ou like:9 inBoa !ai % 9Not #et*9 Margaret !ai % I ga)e inBOIL a irt# look 'ut it rolle o$$ him like "ater o$$ a u(k&! 'a(k% 9I $oun !ome real goo intere!ting thing! to a#*9 inaoiL !ai % 96u!t 'e$ore I "ent to ha)e lun(h%9 Lun(hH 9The#&re a'out a 7uarter0o$0a0mile in% I (an !ho" #ou the ,la(e*9 inBOIL !ai % Be$ore I (oul !a# no* Margaret !ai #e!* an I "a! not ha,,# a'out it* 'ut !he ha alrea # (ommitte her!el$ an I i not "ant to make a !(ene "ith her in $ront o$ inBoa* !o he "oul ha)e !omething to tell hi! gang an the# "oul all laugh% That "oul n&t make me $eel goo at all% So "e $ollo"e that runken 'um in "hat he !ai "a! onl# a 7uarter0o$0a0mile* 'ut it !eeme like a mile to me* "ea)ing in an out* (lim'ing higher an higher into the 8ile!% 9Ni(e a#* i!n&t it:9 inBOIL !ai * !to,,ing to (at(h hi! 'reath '# a large ,ile o$ "hat looke like (an!* ma#'e% 93e!* it i!*9 Margaret !ai * !miling at inBOIL an ,ointing out a (lou that !he ,arti(ularl# like % That reall# i!gu!te me: a e(ent "oman !miling at inBOIL% I (oul not hel, 'ut "on er* "hat ne+t: 2inall# "e arri)e at that ,ile o$ !tu$$ in!oiL thought "a! !o great an ha taken u! !o $ar into the 2orgotten Work! to !ee% 9Wh#* the#&re 'eauti$ul*9 Margaret !ai * !miling an "ent o)er an 'egan ,utting them into her 'a!ket* the 'a!ket !he ha 'rought $or !u(h thing!% I looke at them 'ut the# i n&t !ho" me an#thing% The# "ere kin o$ ugl#* i$ #ou "ant the truth% in!oiL leane u, again!t a $orgotten thing that "a! /u!t hi! !iFe%

The Wa# Ba(k


I ha a )er# long an 7uiet "alk 'a(k to I-EAT.% I i not )olunteer to (arr# her

'a!ket $or her% It "a! hea)# an !he "a! hot an !"eat# an "e ha to !to, man# time! $or her to re!t% We "ere !itting on a 'ri ge% The 'ri ge "a! ma e $rom !tone! gathere at a i!tan(e an ,la(e in their ,ro,er or er% 9What&! "rong:9 !he !ai % 9What ha)e I one:9 9Nothing&! "rong% 3ou&)e one nothing%9 9Then "h# are #ou ma at me:9 9I&m not ma at #ou%9 93e!* #ou are%9 9No* I&m not%9

Something I! Going to .a,,en

it ha,,ene an no one kne" "hat "a! (oming% .o" (oul "e imagine !u(h a thing "a! going on in inBOiiG! min : It ha taken #ear! to get o)er the tiger! an the terri'le thing! the# ha one to u!% Wh# "oul an#one "ant to o !omething el!e: I on&t kno"% -uring the "eek! 'e$ore it ha,,ene e)er#thing "ent on a! normal at i-EAT.% I !tarte "orking on another !tatue an Margaret ke,t going o"n to the 2orgotten Work!% The !tatue i not go "ell an ,rett# !oon I "a! onl# going o"n to 6-EAT. an !taring at the !tatue% It /u!t "a!n&t (oming along "hi(h "a! nothing ne" $or me% I ha ne)er ha mu(h lu(k at !tatue!% I "a! thinking a'out getting a /o' o"n at the Watermelon Work!% Sometime! Margaret "ent o"n to the 2orgotten Work! '# her!el$% It "orrie me% She "a! !o ,rett# an in!oiL an that gang o$ hi! "ere !o ugl#% The# might get i ea!% Wh# i !he "ant to go o"n there all the time:


o$ the month !trange rumor! 'egan (oming u, $rom the 2orgotten Work!* rumor! o$ )iolent enoun(ement! o$ i-EAT. '# inBoiL% There "ere rumor! a'out him ranting an ra)ing that i-EAT. "a! all "rong the "a# "e i it* an he kne" ho" it !houl 'e one an then he !ai "e han le the trout hat(her# all "rong% It "a! a i!gra(e% Imagine in!oit !a#ing an#thing a'out u!* an there "a! a rumor a'out u! 'eing !i!!ie! an then !omething a'out the tiger! that no one (oul un er!tan % Something a'out the tiger! 'eing a goo eal% I "ent o"n to the 2orgotten Work! "ith Margaret one a$ternoon% I i n&t "ant to go o"n there* 'ut I i n&t "ant her to go o"n there alone either% She "ante to get more thing! $or her $orgotten (olle(tion% She alrea # ha more thing! than "ere ne(e!!ar#% She ha $ille her !ha(k u, an her room at i-EAT. "ith the!e thing!% She e)en "ante to !tore !ome o$ them in m# !ha(k% I !ai NO% I a!ke in!oiL "hat "a! u,% .e "a! runk a! u!ual* an hi! gang o$ 'um! "a! gathere aroun % 93ou gu#! on&t kno" an#thing a'out I-EAT.% I&m going to !ho" #ou !omething a'out it !oon% What real i-EAT. i! like*9 inBoa !ai % 93ou gu#! are a 'un(h o$ !i!!ie!% Onl# the tiger! ha an# gut!% I&m going to !ho" #ou% We&re going to !ho" #ou all%9 .e a re!!e thi! la!t thing to hi! gang% The# (heere an hel their 'ottle! o$ "hi!ke# u, high* rea(hing to"ar the re !un%

The Wa# Ba(k Again

9W.3 -O 3OU go o"n there:9 I !ai % 9I /u!t like $orgotten thing!% I&m (olle(ting them% I "ant a (olle(tion o$ them% I think the#&re (ute% What&! "rong "ith that:9 9What o #ou mean* "hat&! "rong "ith that: -i n&t #ou hear "hat that runken 'um !ai a'out u!:9 9What oe! that ha)e to o "ith $orgotten thing!:9 !he !ai % 9The# rink the !tu$$*9 I !ai %

-inner That Night

"a! trou'le at I-EAT.% E)er#'o # ,la#e "ith their $oo % Al ha (ooke u, a me!! o$ (arrot!% The# "ere goo * mi+e "ith hone# an !,i(e!* 'ut no'o # (are % E)er#'o # "a! "orrie a'out inBoii% 8auline i n&t tou(h her $oo % Neither i 5harle#% Strange thing* though: Margaret ate like a hor!e% There ha 'een a longi!h ,erio o$ !ilen(e "hen 5harle# $inall# !ai * 9I on&t kno" "hat&! going to ha,,en% It look! !eriou!% I&)e 'een a$rai !omething like thi! "a! going to ha,,en $or a long time* e)er !in(e inBoit got in)ol)e "ith the 2orgotten Work!* an took to making that "hi!ke# o$ hi!* an getting men to go o"n there an li)e hi! kin o$ li$e% 9I&)e kno"n !omething "a! going to ha,,en% It&! 'een ue $or a long time* an no" it look! like it&! here or "ill 'e !hortl#% 8erha,! tomorro"% Who kno"!:9 9What are "e going to o:9 8auline !ai % 9What (an "e o:9 96u!t "ait*9 5harle# !ai % 9That&! a'out all% We (an&t threaten them or e$en our!el)e! until the#&)e one !omething* an "ho kno"! "hat the# are going to o% The# "on&t tell u!% 9I "ent o"n there m#!el$ #e!ter a# morning* an I a!ke inBOiL "hat "a! u, an he !ai * "e& !ee !oon enough% The#& !ho" u! "hat I-EAT. reall# "a!* none o$ the $al!e !tu$$ "e ha)e% 9What o #ou kno" a'out thi!* Margaret: 3ou&)e !,ent a lot o$ time o"n there latel#%9 E)er#'o # looke at her% 9I on&t kno" an#thing% I /u!t get $orgotten thing! o"n there% The# on&t tell me an#thing% The#&re al"a#! )er# ni(e to me%9 E)er#'o # trie har not to look a"a# $rom Margaret* 'ut the# (oul n&t hel, them!el)e!* an looke a"a#% 9We (an take (are o$ an#thing that ha,,en!*9 2re !ai * 'reaking the !ilen(e% 9Tho!e runken 'um! (an&t o an#thing "e (an&t han le%9 93ou 'et*9 Ol 5hu(k !ai * though he "a! )er# ol % 93ou&re right*9 8auline !ai % 9We (an han le them% We li)e
at iDEATH."

Margaret "ent right 'a(k to eating her (arrot! a! i$ nothing ha ha,,ene %

8auline Again
I WAS EER3 ANGR3 "ith Margaret% She "ante to !lee, "ith me at i-EAT.* 'ut I !ai * 9NO* I "ant to go u, to m# !ha(k an 'e alone%9 She "a! )er# hurt '# thi! an "ent o$$ to the trout hat(her#% I i n&t (are% .er ,er$orman(e at inner ha reall# i!gu!te me% On m# "a# out o$ I-EAT.* I met 8auline in the li)ing room% She "a! (arr#ing a ,ainting that !he "a! going to ,ut u, on the "all% 9.ello*9 I !ai % 9That&! a lo)el# ,ainting #ou ha)e there% -i #ou ,aint that #our!el$:9 93e!* I i %9 9It look! )er# goo %9 The ,ainting "a! o$ I-EAT. a long time ago uring one o$ it! man# (hange!% The ,ainting looke like i-EAT. u!e to look% 9I i n&t kno" #ou ,ainte *9 I !ai % 96u!t in m# !,are time%9 9It&! reall# a ni(e ,ainting%9 9Thank #ou%9 8auline kin o$ 'lu!he % I ha ne)er !een her 'lu!h 'e$ore or ,erha,! I ha not remem'ere !o% It 'e(ame her% 93ou think e)er#thing i! going to 'e all right* on&t #ou:9 !he !ai * (hanging the !u'/e(t% 93e!*9 I !ai % 9-on&t "orr#%9

I LE2T I-EAT. an !tarte u, the roa to m# !ha(k% It "a! !u enl# a )er# (ol night an the !tar! !hone like i(e% I "i!he I ha 'rought m# Ma(kina"* I "alke u, the roa until I !a" the lantern! on the 'ri ge!% The# "ere the lantern! o$ a 'eauti$ul (hil an a trout on the real 'ri ge* an the tiger lantern! on the a'an one 'ri ge% I (oul 'arel# !ee the !tatue o$ !ome'o # "ho ha 'een kille '# the tiger!* 'ut no'o # kno"! "ho it "a!% So man# "ere kille '# the tiger! until "e kille the la!t tiger an 'urne it! 'o # at 6-EAT. an 'uilt the trout hat(her# right o)er the !,ot% The !tatue "a! !tan ing in the ri)er '# the 'ri ge!% It looke !a a! i$ it i not "ant to 'e a !tatue o$ !ome'o # kille '# the tiger! a long time ago% I !to,,e an !tare at a i!tan(e% A little "hile ,a!!e an then I "ent to the 'ri ge% I (ro!!e through the ark tunnel o$ the (o)ere real 'ri ge* ,a!t the glo"ing $a(e!* an u, into the ,ine# "oo ! to"ar m# !ha(k%

I STO88E- ON T.E BRI-GE to m# !ha(k% It $elt goo un er m# $eet* ma e $rom all the thing! that I like* the thing! that !uit me% I !tare at m# mother% She "a! onl# another !ha o" no" again!t the night* 'ut on(e !he ha 'een a goo "oman% I "ent in!i e the !ha(k an lit m# lantern "ith a !i+0in(h mat(h% The "atermelontrout oil 'urne "ith a 'eauti$ul light% It i! a $ine oil% We mi+ "atermelon !ugar an trout /ui(e an !,e(ial her'! all together an in their ,ro,er time to make thi! $ine oil that "e u!e to light our "orl % I "a! )er# !lee,# 'ut I i n&t $eel like !lee,ing% The !lee,ier I got* the le!! I $elt like !lee,ing% I la# on m# 'e $or a long time "ithout taking o$$ m# (lothe!* an I le$t the lantern on an !tare at the !ha o"! in the room% The# "ere rather ni(e !ha o"! $or a time that "a! !o ominou!* that re" !o near an all en(lo!ing% I "a! !o !lee,# no" that m# e#e! re$u!e to (lo!e% The li ! "oul not 'u ge o"n% The# "ere !tatue! o$ e#e!%

The Girl "ith the Lantern

I (oul n&t !tan l#ing there in 'e an# longer "ithout !lee,ing% I "ent $or one o$ m# "alk! at night% I ,ut on m# re Ma(kina"* !o I "oul n&t 'e (ol % I gue!! it i! thi! trou'le that I ha)e "ith !lee,ing that (au!e! me to "alk% I "ent "alking o"n '# the a7ue u(t% That&! a goo ,la(e to "alk% The a7ue u(t i! a'out $i)e mile! long* 'ut "e on&t kno" "h# 'e(au!e there i! alrea # "ater e)er# ,la(e% There mu!t 'e t"o or three hun re ri)er! here% 5harle# him!el$ ha!n&t the !lighte!t i ea "h# the# 'uilt the a7ue u(t% 9Ma#'e the# "ere !hort o$ "ater a long time ago* an that&! "h# the# 'uilt the thing% I on&t kno"% -on&t a!k me%9 I on(e ha a ream a'out the a7ue u(t 'eing a mu!i(al in!trument $ille "ith "ater an 'ell! hanging '# !mall "atermelon (hain! right at the to, o$ the "ater an the "ater making the 'ell! ring% I tol the ream to 2re an he !ai that it !oun e all right to 4im% 9That "oul reall# make 'eauti$ul mu!i(*9 he !ai % I "alke along the a7ue u(t $or a "hile an then /u!t !too there motionle!! $or a long time "here the a7ue u(t (ro!!e! the ri)er '# the Statue o$ Mirror!% I (oul !ee the light (oining $rom all the tom'! in the ri)er o"n there% It&! a $a)orite !,ot to 'e 'urie % I (lim'e u, a la er on one o$ the (olumn! an !at on the e ge o$ the a7ue u(t* u, a'out t"ent# $eet* "ith m# leg! angling o)er the e ge% I !at there $or a long time "ithout thinking a'out an#thing or noti(ing an#thing an# more% I i n&t "ant to% The night "a! ,a!!ing "ith me !itting on the a7ue u(t% Then I !a" a lantern $ara"a# an mo)ing out o$ the ,ine# "oo !% The lantern (ame o"n a roa an then (ro!!e o)er 'ri ge! an "ent through "atermelon ,at(he! an !to,,e !ometime! '# the roa * $ir!t thi! roa an then that roa % I kne" "ho the lantern 'elonge to% It "a! in the han o$ a girl% I ha !een her man# time! 'e$ore "alking at night* o)er the #ear!% But I ha ne)er !een the girl u, (lo!e an I i n&t kno" "ho !he "a!% I kne" !he "a! !ort o$ like me% Sometime! !he ha trou'le !lee,ing at night% It al"a#! (om$orte me "hen I !a" her out there% I ha ne)er trie to $in out "ho !he "a! '# going a$ter her or e)en telling an#one a'out !eeing her at night% She "a! in a !trange "a# mine an it (om$orte me to !ee her% I thought !he "a! )er# ,rett#* 'ut I i n&t kno" "hat (olor hair !he ha %


T.E GIRL WIT. T.E LANTERN ha le$t hour! ago% I (lim'e o"n $rom the leg!% I "alke 'a(k to J-EAT. in the a"n o$ a gol en !un "hi(h "oul

a7ue u(t an !tret(he m# 'ring I kne" not "hat $rom

in!oiL an that gang o$ hi!% We (oul onl# "ait an !ee% The (ountr#!i e "a! 'eginning to !tir% I !a" a $armer going out to milk hi! (o"!% .e "a)e "hen he !a" me% .e ha on a $unn# hat% The roo!ter! "ere 'eginning to (ro"% Their 'eak trum,et! tra)elle a lou an great i!tan(e% I arri)e at i-EAT. /u!t 'e$ore !unri!e% There "ere a (ou,le o$ "hite (hi(ken! that ha e!(a,e $rom a $armer !ome,la(e out in $ront o$ i-EAT. ,e(king at the groun % The# looke at me an then the# $le" a"a#% The# "ere $re!hl# e!(a,e % 3ou (oul tell 'e(au!e their "ing! i not "ork like real 'ir !%


(ake! an !(ram'le egg! an 'a(on* inBoa an that gang o$ hi! 'egan* then% 9Thi! i! reall# a goo 'reak$a!t*9 2re !ai to 8auline% 9Thank #ou%9 Margaret "a! not there% I on&t kno" "here !he "a! at% 8auline "a! there* though% She looke goo * "earing a ,rett# re!!% Then "e hear the $ront oor 'ell ring% Ol 5hu(k !ai he hear )oi(e! 'ut it "a! im,o!!i'le to hear )oi(e! $rom that i!tan(e% 9I&ll get the oor*9 Al !ai % .e got u, an le$t the kit(hen an "alke through the hall that le un er the ri)er to the li)ing room% 9I "on er "ho it i!*9 5harle# !ai % I think 5harle# alrea # kne" "ho it "a! 'e(au!e he ,ut o"n hi! $ork an ,u!he hi! ,late a"a#% Break$a!t "a! o)er% Al (ame 'a(k a $e" minute! later% .e looke !trange an "orrie % 9It&! inBOIL*9 he !ai % 9.e "ant! to !ee #ou* 5harle#% .e "ant! to !ee all o$ u!%9 No" "e all looke !trange an "orrie % We got u, an "ent through the hall un er the ri)er an (ame out in the li)ing room* right 'e!i e 8auline&! ,amtmg% We "ent out on the $ront ,or(h o$ I-EAT. an there "a! in'oil "aiting* runk%

A2TER A GOO- BREA42AST o$ hot arri)e runk at I-EAT.* an it all

8relu e
93ou 8EO8LE T.IN4 #ou kno" a'out i-EAT.% 3ou on&t kno" an#thing a'out i-EAT.% 3ou on&t kno" an#thing a'out i-EAT.*9 in!oiL !ai * an then there "a! "il laughter $rom that gang o$ hi!* "ho "ere /u!t a! runk a! he% 9Not a amn thing% 3ou&re all at a ma!7uera e ,art#*9 an then there "a! "il laughter $rom that gang o$ hi!% 9We&re going to !ho" #ou "hat i-EAT. i! reall# a'out*9 an then there "a! "il laughter% 9What o #ou kno" that "e on&t kno":9 5harle# !ai % 9Let u! !ho" #ou% Let u! into the trout hat(her# an "e&ll !ho" #ou a thing or t"o% Are #ou a$rai to $in out a'out i-EAT.: What it reall# mean!: What a mo(ker# #ou&)e ma e o$ it: All o$ #ou% An #ou* 5harle#* more than the re!t o$ the!e (lo"n!%9 95ome* then*9 5harle# !ai % 9Sho" u! I-EAT.%9

An E+(hange
InBoii* an that gang o$ hi! !taggere into I-EAT.% 9What a um,*9 one o$ them !ai % Their e#e! "ere all re $rom that !tu$$ the# ma e an rank in !u(h large 7uantitie!% We (ro!!e the metal 'ri ge o)er the little ri)er in the li)ir room an "ent o"n the hall that lea ! to the trout hat(her#% One o$ inBoiiG! gang "a! !o runk that he $ell o"n an the other! ,i(ke him u,% The# almo!t ha to (arr# him along 'e(au!e he "a! !o runk% .e ke,t !a#ing o)er an o)er again* 9When are "e going to get to I-EAT.:9 93ou are at i-EAT.%9 9What i! thi!:9

9Oh% When are "e going to get to i-EAT.:9 Margaret "a! no"here aroun % I "alke 'e!i e 8auline to kin o$ !hiel her $rom inBOii* an hi! tra!h% in!oiL !a" her an (ame o)er% .i! o)erall! looke a! i$ the# ha ne)er 'een "a!he % 9.i* 8auline*9 he !ai % 9.o" are tri(k!:9 93ou i!gu!ting man*9 !he re,lie % inBOiL laughe % 9I&ll mo, the $loor a$ter #ou lea)e here*9 !he !ai % 9Where)er #ou "alk i! $ilth%9 9-on&t 'e that "a#*9 inBOiL !ai % 9.o" !houl I 'e:9 8auline !ai % 9Look at #ou%9 I ha gone o)er to !hiel 8auline $rom in!oiL an no" I almo!t ha to !te, 'et"een them% 8auline "a! )er# ma % I ha ne)er !een 8auline ma 'e$ore% She ha 7uite a tem,er% in!oiL laughe again an then he 'roke a"a# $rom her an "ent u, an /oine 5harle#% 5harle# "a! not ha,,# to !ee him either% It "a! a !trange ,ro(e!!ion tra)elling o"n the hall% 9When are "e going to get to I-EAT.:9

The Trout .at(her#

at I-EAK "a! 'uilt #ear! ago "hen the la!t tiger "a! kille an 'urne on the !,ot% We 'uilt the trout hat(her# right there% The "all! "ent u, aroun the a!he!% The hat(her# i! !mall 'ut e!igne "ith great (are% The tra#! an ,on ! are ma e $rom "atermelon !ugar an !tone! gathere at a great i!tan(e an ,la(e there in the or er o$ that i!tan(e% The "ater $or the hat(her# (ome! $rom the little ri)er that /oin! u, later "ith the main ri)er in the li)ing room% The !ugar u!e i! gol en an 'lue% There are t"o ,eo,le 'urie at the 'ottom o$ the ,on ! in the hat(her#% 3ou look o"n ,a!t the #oung trout an !ee them l#ing there in their (o$$in!* !taring $rom 'e#on the gla!! oor!% The# "ante it that "a#* !o the# got it* 'eing a! the# "ere kee,er! o$ the hat(her# an at the !ame time* 5harle#&! $olk!% The hat(her# ha! a 'eauti$ul tile $loor "ith the tile! ,ut together !o gra(e$ull# that it&! almo!t like mu!i(% It&! a !"ell ,la(e to an(e% There i! a !tatue o$ the la!t tiger in the hat(her#% The tiger i! on $ire in the !tatue% We are all "at(hing it%

inBOIL&! i-EAT.
9ALL RIG.T*9 5harle# !ai % 9Tell u! a'out i-EAT.% We&re (uriou! no" a'out "hat #ou&)e 'een !a#ing $or #ear! a'out u! not kno"ing a'out i-EAT.* a'out #ou kno"ing all the an!"er!% Let&! hear !ome o$ tho!e an!"er!%9 9O4*9 in!oiL !ai % 9Thi! i! "hat it&! all a'out% 3ou on&t kno" "hat&! reall# going on "ith i-EAT.% The tiger! kne" more a'out i-EAT. than #ou kno"% 3ou kille all the tiger! an 'urne the la!t one in here% 9That "a! all "rong% The tiger! !houl ne)er ha)e 'een kille % The tiger! "ere the true meaning o$ i-EAT.% Without the tiger! there (oul 'e no I-EAT.* an #ou kille the tiger! an !o i-EAT. "ent a"a#* an #ou&)e li)e here like a 'un(h o$ (lu(k! e)er !in(e% I&m going to 'ring 'a(k I-EAT.% We&re all going to 'ring 'a(k 6-EAT.% M# gang here an me% I&)e 'een thinking a'out it $or #ear! an no" "e&re going to o it% I-EAT. "ill 'e again%9 in!oiL rea(he into hi! ,o(ket an took out a /a(kkni$e% 9What are #ou going to o "ith that kni$e:9 5harle# !ai % 9I&ll !ho" #ou*9 innoiL !ai % .e ,ulle the 'la e out% It looke !har,% 9Thi! i! i-EAT.*9 he !ai * an took the kni$e an (ut o$$ hi! thum' an ro,,e it into a tra# $ille "ith trout /u!t 'arel# hat(he % The 'loo !tarte running o"n hi! han an ri,,ing on the $loor% Then all o$ inBOILL! gang took out /a(kkni)e! an (ut o$$ their thum'! an ro,,e their thum'! here an there* in thi! tra#* that ,on until there "ere thum'! an 'loo all o)er the ,la(e% The one "ho i n&t kno" "here he "a! !ai * 9When o I (ut o$$ m# thum':9 9Right no"*9 !ome'o # !ai % So he (ut o$$ hi! thum'* une)enl# 'e(au!e he "a! !o runk% .e i it in !u(h a "a# that there "a! !till ,art o$ the $ingernail $a!tene to hi! han % 9Wh# ha)e #ou one thi!:9 5harle# !ai % 9It&! onl# a 'eginning*9 inBOIL !ai % 9Thi! i! "hat I-EATI !houl reall# look like%9 93ou all look !ill#*9 5harle# !ai % 9Without #our thum'!%9 9It&! onl# a 'eginning*9 inBOIL !ai % 9All right* men% Let&! (ut o$$ our no!e!%9 9.ail* i-EAT.*9 the# all !houte an (ut o$$ their no!e!% The one "ho "a! !o runk al!o ,ut out hi! e#e% The# took their no!e! an ro,,e them all o)er the ,la(e% One o$ them ,ut hi! no!e in 2re &! han * 2re took the no!e an thre" it in the gu#&! $a(e%

8auline i not a(t like a "oman !houl un er the!e (ir(um!tan(e!% She "a! not a$rai or ma e ill '# thi! at all% She /u!t ke,t getting ma er an ma er an ma er% .er $a(e "a! re "ith anger% 9All right* men% O$$ "ith #our ear!%9 9.ail* i-EAT. *9 an then there "ere ear! all o)er the ,la(e an the trout hat(her# "a! ro"ning in 'loo % The one "ho "a! !o runk $orgot that he ha (ut hi! right ear o$$ alrea # an "a! tr#ing to (ut it o$$ again an "a! )er# (on$u!e 'e(au!e the ear "a!n&t there% 9Where&! m# ear:9 he !ai % 9I (an&t (ut it o$$%9 B# no" inBOIL an all hi! gang "ere 'lee ing to eath% Some o$ them "ere alrea # 'eginning to gro" "eak $rom the lo!! o$ 'loo an "ere !itting o"n on the $loor% inBOIL "a! STILL u, an (utting $inger! o$$ hi! han !% 9Thi! i! I-EAT.*9 he !ai % 9Oh* 'o#% Thi! i! reall# i-EAT.%9 2inall# he ha to !it o"n* too* !o he (oul 'lee to eath% The# "ere all on the $loor no"% 9I ho,e #ou think #ou&)e ,ro)e !omething*9 5harle# !ai % 9I on&t think #ou&)e ,ro)e an#thing%9 9We&)e ,ro)e i-EAT. *9 inBOIL !ai % 8auline !u enl# !tarte to lea)e the room% I "ent o)er to her* almo!t !li,,ing on the 'loo an $alling o"n% 9Are #ou all right:9 I !ai * not kno"ing 7uite "hat to !a#% 95an I hel, #ou:9 9No*9 !he !ai * on her "a# out% 9I&m going to go get a mo, an (lean thi! me!! u,%9 When !he !ai me!!* !he looke ire(tl# at inBOIL% She le$t the hat(her# an (ame 'a(k !hortl# "ith a mo,% The# "ere almo!t all ea no"* e+(e,t $or inBOIL% .e "a! !till talking a'out i-EAT. % 9See* "e&)e one it*9 he !ai % 8auline !tarte mo,,ing u, the 'loo an "ringing it out into a 'u(ket% When the 'u(ket "a! almo!t $ull o$ 'loo * inBOIL ie % 9I am I-EAT. *9 he !ai % 93ou&re an a!!hole*9 8auline !ai % An the la!t thing that inBOIL e)er !a" "a! 8auline !tan ing 'e!i e him* "ringing hi! 'loo out o$ the mo, into the 'u(ket%

9WELL* that&! that*M 5harle# !ai % inBOiL&! !ightle!! e#e! !tare at the !tatue o$ the tiger% There "ere man# !ightle!! e#e! !taring in the hat(her#% 93eah*9 2re !ai % 9I "on er "hat it "a! all a'out%9 9I on&t kno"*9 5harle# !ai % 9I think the# !houl n&t ha)e runk that "hi!ke# ma e $rom $orgotten thing!% It "a! a mi!take%9 93eah%9 We all /oine 8auline in (leaning u, the ,la(e* mo,,ing u, the 'loo an (arting the 'o ie! a"a#% We u!e a "heel'arro"%

A 8ara e
9.ERE* hel, me get thi! "heel'arro" o"n the !tair!%9 9There%9 9Ah* thank #ou%9 We ,ile the 'o ie! out in $ront% No one kne" 7uite "hat to o "ith them* e+(e,t that "e i n&t "ant them in J-EAT. an# more% A lot o$ ,eo,le $rom the to"n ha (ome u, to !ee "hat "a! going on% There "ere ma#'e a hun re ,eo,le there '# the time "e got the la!t 'o # "heele out% 9What ha,,ene :9 the !(hooltea(her !ai % 9The# ma e a me!! out o$ them!el)e!*9 Ol 5hu(k !ai % 9Where are their thum'! an $eature!:9 -o( E "ar ! a!ke % 9Right o)er there in that 'u(ket*9 Ol 5hu(k !ai % 9The# (ut them o$$ "ith their /a(kkni)e!% We on&t kno" "h#%9 9What are "e going to o "ith the 'o ie!:9 2re !ai % 9We&re not going to ,ut them in tom'!* are "e:9 9No*9 5harle# !ai % 9We ha)e to o !omething el!e%9 9Take them to their !ha(k! at the 2orgotten Work!*9 8auline !ai % 9Burn them% Burn their !ha(k!% Burn them together an then $orget them%9 9That&! a goo i ea*9 5harle# !ai % 9Let&! get !ome "agon! an take them o"n there% What a terri'le thing%9 We ,ut the 'o ie! in the "agon!% B# then almo!t e)er#'o # in "atermelon !ugar ha gathere at I-EAT.% We all !tarte o"n to the 2orgotten Work! together% We !tarte o$$ )er# !lo"l#% We looke like a ,ara e 'arel# mo)ing to"ar 3OU MIG.T GET LOST% I "alke 'e!i e 8auline%

T.ERE WAS a "arm gol en !un !hining o"n on u! an on the !lo"l# nearing 8ile! o$ the 2orgotten Work!% We (ro!!e ri)er! an 'ri ge! an "alke 'e!i e $arm!* mea o"! an through the ,ine# "oo ! an '# $iel ! o$ "atermelon!% The ,ile! o$ the 2orgotten "ork! "ere like (hunk! o$ hal$0mountain! an hal$0a,,aratu! that glo"e like gol % An almo!t $e!ti)e !,irit "a! (oming no" $rom the (ro" % The# "ere relie)e that inBoiL an that gang o$ hi! "ere ea % 5hil ren 'egan ,i(king $lo"er! along the "a# an ,rett# !oon there "ere man# $lo"er! in the ,ara e* !o that it 'e(ame a kin o$ )a!e $ille "ith ro!e! an a$$o il! an ,o,,ie! an 'lue'ell!% 9It&! o)er*9 8auline !ai * an then* turning* !he thre" her arm! aroun me an ga)e me a )er# $rien l# hug to ,ro)e that it "a! all o)er% I $elt her 'o # again!t me%

Margaret Again* Again* Again* Again

an the 'o ie! o$ hi! gang "ere ,ut into a !ha(k an ren(he "ith "atermelontrout oil% We 'rought along a 'arrel0$ul $or that ,ur,o!e an then all the other !ha(k! "ere ren(he "ith "atermelontrout oil% All the ,eo,le !too 'a(k an /u!t a! 5harle# "a! getting rea # to !et $ire to the !ha(k "here the 'o ie! "ere* Margaret (ame "altFing out o$ the 2orgotten Work!% 9What&! u,:9 !he !ai % She a(te a! i$ nothing ha ha,,ene * a! i$ "e "ere all o"n there on !ome kin o$ ,i(ni(% 9Where ha)e #ou 'een:9 5harle# !ai * looking a little 'e"il ere at Margaret* "ho "a! a! (ool a! a (u(um'er% 9In the 2orgotten Work!*9 !he !ai % 9I (ame o"n here earl# thi! morning* 'e$ore !unri!e* to look $or thing!% What&! "rong: Wh# are #ou all o"n here at the 2orgotten Work!:9 9-on&t #ou kno" "hat ha,,ene :9 5harle# !ai % 9No*9 !he !ai % 9-i #ou !ee inBoii* "hen #ou (ame o"n here thi! morning:9 9No*9 !he !ai % 9The# "ere all a!lee,% What&! "rong:9 She looke all aroun % 9Where&! in!on%:9 9I on&t e)en kno" i$ I (an tell #ou*9 5harle# !ai % 9.e&! ea an all hi! gang* too%9 9-ea % 3ou mu!t 'e /oking%9 9Wh#: No* the# (ame u, to I-EAT. a (ou,le o$ hour! ago an the# all kille them!el)e! in the trout hat(her#% We&)e 'rought their 'o ie! o"n here to 'urn them% The# ma e a terri'le !(ene%9 9I on&t 'elie)e it*9 Margaret !ai % 9I /u!t (an&t 'elie)e it% What kin o$ /oke i! thi!:9 9It&! no /oke*9 5harle# !ai % Margaret looke aroun % She (oul !ee that almo!t e)er#'o # "a! there% She !a" me !tan ing 'e!i e 8auline an !he ran o)er to me an !ai * 9I! it true:9 93e!%9 9Wh#:9 9I on&t kno"% None o$ u! o% The# /u!t (ame u, to I-EAT. an kille them!el)e!% It&! a m#!ter# to

u!%9 9Oh no*9 Margaret !ai % 9.o" i the# o it:9 9With /a(kkni)e!%9 9Oh* no*9 Margaret !ai % She "a! )er# !ho(ke * aFe % She gra''e ahol o$ m# han % 9Thi! morning:9 !he !ai * almo!t to no one no"% 93e!%9 .er han $elt (ol an a"k"ar in m# han a! i$ the $inger! "ere too !mall to $it% I (oul onl# !tare at her "ho ha i!a,,eare into the 2orgotten Work! that morning%

Sha(k 2e)er
a !i+0in(h mat(h an !et $ire to the !ha(k that (ontaine inBOit an the 'o ie! o$ hi! gang% We all !too 'a(k an the $lame! "ent u, higher an higher an 'urne "ith that 'eauti$ul light that "atermelontrout oil make!% Then 5harle# !et $ire to the other !ha(k! an the# 'urne /u!t a! 'rightl#* an ,rett# !oon the heat "a! !o 'a that "e ha to !tan $arther an $arther 'a(k until "e "ere in the $iel !% We "at(he $or an hour or !o an the !ha(k! "ere $airl# gone '# then% 5harle# !too there "at(hing )er# 7uietl#% inBOit ha on(e 'een hi! 'rother% Some o$ the (hil ren "ere ,la#ing in the $iel !% The# got tire o$ "at(hing the $ire% It ha 'een )er# e+(iting at $ir!t* 'ut then the (hil ren gre" tire o$ it an e(i e to o !omething el!e% 8auline !at o"n on the gra!!% The $lame! 'rought total ,ea(e to her $a(e% She looke a! i$ !he ha /u!t 'een 'orn% I !to,,e hol ing Margaret&! han an !he "a! !till in a aFe o)er "hat "a! ha,,ening% She !at '# her!el$ in the gra!!* hol ing her han ! together a! i$ the# "ere ea % A! the $lame! imini!he to )er# little* a !trong "in (ame out o$ the 2orgotten Work! an !(attere a!he! ra,i l# through the air% A$ter "hile 2re #a"ne * I reamt%

Book Three: Margaret

I WO4E U8 $eeling re$re!he an !tare at m# "atermelon (eiling* ho" ni(e it looke * 'e$ore getting out o$ 'e % I "on ere "hat time it "a!% I "a! !u,,o!e to meet 2re $or lun(h at the (a$e in to"n% I got u, an "ent out!i e an !tret(he again on the $ront ,or(h o$ m# !ha(k* $eeling the (ool !tone! un er m# 'are $eet* $eeling their i!tan(e% I looke at the gra# !un% The ri)er !hone not 7uite lun(h time #et* !o I "ent o)er to the ri)er an got !ome "ater an thre" it in m# $a(e to $ini!h the /o' o$ "aking u,%

Meat Loa$
I MET 2re at the (a$e% .e "a! alrea # there* "aiting $or me% -o( E "ar ! "a! "ith him% 2re "a! looking at the menu% 9.ello*9 I !ai % 9.i%9 9.ello*9 -o( E "ar ! !ai % 93ou "ere reall# in a hurr# thi! morning*9 I !ai % 93ou looke like #ou nee e a hor!e%9 9That&! right% I ha to go eli)er a 'a'#% A litle girl /oine u! thi! morning%9 9That&! $ine*9 I !ai % 9Who&! the lu(k# $ather:9 9-o #ou kno" Ron:9 93eah% .e li)e! in that !ha(k '# the !hoe!ho,% Right:9 93eah% That&! Ron% .e&! got a $ine little girl%9 93ou "ere reall# mo)ing along% I i n&t kno" #ou ha that mu(h !,ee le$t in #ou%9 93e!% 3e!%9 9.o" are #ou* 2re :9 I !ai % 92ine% I ,ut in a goo morning&! "ork% What i #ou o:9 98lante a $e" $lo"er!%9 9-i #ou "ork on #our 'ook:9 9No* I ,lante a $e" $lo"er! an took a long na,%9 9LaF#hea %9 9B# the "a#*9 -o( E "ar ! !ai % 9.o"&! that 'ook (oming along:9 9Oh* it&! (oming along%9 92ine% What&! it a'out:9 96u!t "hat I&m "riting o"n: one "or a$ter another%9 9Goo %9 The "aitre!! (ame o)er an a!ke u! "hat "e "ere ha)ing $or lun(h% 9What are #ou 'o#! ha)ing $or lun(h:9 !he !ai % She ha 'een the "aitre!! there $or #ear!% She ha 'een a #oung girl there an no" !he "a! not #oung an# more% 9To a#&! !,e(ial i! meat loa$* i!n&t it:9 -o( E "ar ! !ai % 93e!* &Meat loa$ $or a gra# a# i! the 'e!t "a#G that&! our motto*9 !he !ai %

E)er#'o # laughe % It "a! a goo /oke% 9I&ll ha)e !ome meat loa$*9 2re !ai % 9What a'out #ou:9 the "aitre!! !ai % 9Meat loa$:9 93eah* meat loa$*9 I !ai % 9Three meat loa)e!*9 the "aitre!! !ai %

A,,le 8ie
-o( E "ar ! ha to lea)e earl# to go an (he(k on Ron&! "oman an the ne" 'a'# to !ee that the# "ere oing all right% 9See #ou later*9 he !ai % 2re an I !ta#e there $or a "hile an rank another (u, o$ (o$$ee at our lei!ure% 2re ,ut t"o lum,! o$ "atermelon !ugar in hi! (o$$ee% 9.o"&! Margaret oing:9 he !ai % 9.a)e #ou !een her or hear $rom her:9 9No*9 I !ai % 9I tol #ou that thi! morning%9 9She&! in ,rett# 'a !ha,e o)er #ou an 8auline*9 2re !ai % 9She&! ha)ing a lot o$ trou'le a((e,ting it% I "a! talking to her 'rother #e!ter a#% .e !ai !he&! got a 'roken heart%9 9I (an&t hel, that*9 I !ai % 9Wh# are #ou ma at her:9 2re !ai % 93ou on&t think !he ha an#thing to o "ith inBoa /u!t 'e(au!e e)er#'o # el!e oe!* e+(e,t 8auline an me: 9There&! no ,roo$% It oe!n&t e)en make !en!e in the $ir!t ,la(e% It "a! /u!t a (oin(i en(e that linke them together% 3ou on&t 'elie)e !he ha an#thing to o "ith in'oil* o #ou:9 9I on&t kno"*9 I !ai % 2re !hrugge hi! !houl er! an took a !i, o$ hi! (o$$ee% The "aitre!! (ame o)er an a!ke u! i$ "e "ante a ,ie(e o$ ,ie $or e!!ert% 9We&)e got !ome a,,le ,ie that reall# ta!te! goo *9 !he !ai % 9I& like a ,ie(e o$ ,ie*9 2re !ai % 9What a'out #ou:9 9No*9 I !ai %

9 WELL * I&)e got to get 'a(k to "ork*9 2re !ai % 9The ,lank ,re!! (all!% What are #ou going to o:9 9I think I&ll go "rite*9 I !ai % 9Work on m# 'ook $or a "hile%9 9That !oun ! am'itiou!*9 2re !ai % 9I! the 'ook a'out "eather like the !(hooltea(her !ai :9 9No* it&! not a'out "eather%9 9Goo *9 2re !ai % 9I "oul n&t "ant to rea a 'ook a'out "eather%9 9.a)e #ou e)er rea a 'ook:9 I !ai % 9No*9 2re !ai % 9I ha)en&t 'ut I on&t think I& "ant to !tart '# rea ing one a'out (lou !%9

The Wa#
to the Watermelon Work! an I !tarte 'a(k to m# !ha(k to "rite* an then I e(i e not to% I i n&t kno" "hat to o% I (oul go 'a(k to i-EAT. an talk to 5harle# a'out an i ea I ha or I (oul go $in 8auline an make lo)e to her or I (oul go to the Statue o$ Mirror! an !it o"n there $or a "hile% That&! "hat I i %

The Statue o$ Mirror!

i! RE2LE5TE- in the Statue o$ Mirror! i$ #ou !tan there long enough an em,t# #our min o$ e)er#thing el!e 'ut the mirror!* an #ou mu!t 'e (are$ul not to "ant an#thing $rom the mirror!% The# /u!t ha)e to ha,,en% An hour or !o ,a!!e a! m# min raine out% Some ,eo,le (annot !ee an#thing in the Statue o$ Mirror!* not e)en them!el)e!% Then I (oul !ee 6-EAT. an the to"n an the 2orgotten Work! an ri)er! an $iel ! an the ,ine# "oo ! an the 'all ,ark an the Watermelon Work!% I !a" Ol 5hu(k on the $ront ,or(h o$ i-EAT.% .e "a! !(rat(hing hi! hea an 5harle# "a! in the kit(hen 'uttering him!el$ a !li(e o$ toa!t% -o( E "ar ! "a! "alking o"n the !treet $rom Ron&! !ha(k an a og "a! $ollo"ing 'ehin him* !ni$$ing hi! $oot!te,!% The og !to,,e at one ,arti(ular $oot!te, an !too there "ith it! tail "agging a'o)e the $oot!te,% The og reall# like that one% The !ha(k! o$ in!on% an that gang o$ hi! la# no" onl# a! a!he! '# the gate to the 2orgotten Work!% A 'ir "a! looking near the a!he! $or !omething% The 'ir i n&t $in "hat it "a! looking $or* got tire an $le" a"a#% I !a" 8auline "alking through the ,ine# "oo ! u, to"ar m# !ha(k% She "a! (arr#ing a ,ainting "ith her% It "a! a !ur,ri!e $or me% I !a" !ome ki ! ,la#ing 'a!e'all in the 'all ,ark% One o$ the ki ! ,it(hing ha a goo $a!t 'all an a lot o$ (ontrol% .e thre" $i)e !trike! in a ro"% I !a" 2re ire(ting hi! (re" in the making o$ a gol en ,lank o$ "atermelon !ugar% .e "a! telling !ome'o # to 'e (are$ul "ith hi! en % I !a" Margaret (lim'ing an a,,le tree 'e!i e her !ha(k% She "a! (r#ing an ha a !(ar$ knotte aroun her ne(k% She took the loo!e en o$ the !(ar$ an tie it to a 'ran(h (o)ere "ith #oung a,,le!% She !te,,e o$$ the 'ran(h an then !he "a! !tan ing '# her!el$ on the air%

The Gran Ol Trout Again

I STO88E- LOO4ING into the Statue o$ Mirror!% I& !een enough $or that a#% I !at o"n on a (ou(h '# the ri)er an !tare into the "ater o$ the ee, ,ool that&! there% Margaret "a! ea % There "a! a !"irl o$ "ater on the !ur$a(e that (leare the ,ool all the "a# o"n to the 'ottom* an I !a" The Gran Ol Trout !taring 'a(k at me* "ith the little I-EAT. 'ell hanging $rom hi! /a"% .e mu!t ha)e !"um u,!tream $rom "here the# "ere ,utting the tom' in% That&! a long "a# $or an ol trout% .e mu!t ha)e le$t /u!t a$ter I i % The Gran Ol Trout i not take hi! e#e! o$$ me% .e re maine !tationar# in the "ater* !taring intentl# at me a! he ha 'een oing earlier in the a# "hen he la# '# the tom' the# "ere ,utting in% There "a! another !"irl o$ "ater on the !ur$a(e o$ the ,ool an then I (oul not !ee The Gran Ol Trout an# more% When the ,ool (leare again* The Gran Ol Trout "a! gone% I !tare at the ,la(e "here he ha 'een in the ri)er% It "a! em,t# no" like a room%

Getting 2re
I WENT -OWN to the Watermelon Work! to !ee 2re % .e "a! rather !ur,ri!e to !ee me o"n there $or the !e(on time that a#% 9.i*9 he !ai * looking u, $rom a gol en ,lank that he ha 'een (he(king out $or !omething% 9What&! u,:9 9It&! Margaret*9 I !ai % 9.a)e #ou !een her:9 93e!%9 9What ha,,ene :9 9She&! ea % I !a" her in the Statue o$ Mirror!% She hange her!el$ $rom an a,,le tree "ith her 'lue !(ar$%9 2re ,ut the ,lank o"n% .e 'it hi! li, an ran hi! han through hi! hair% 9When i thi! ha,,en:9 96u!t a little "hile ago% No'o # kno"! !he&! ea #et%9 2re !hook hi! hea % 9I gue!! "e& 'etter go get her 'rother%9 9Where&! he at:9 9.e&! hel,ing a $armer ,ut a ne" roo$ on hi! 'arn% We&ll go there%9 2re tol the (re" to kno(k o$$ $or the a#% The# "ere 7uite ,lea!e "hen 2re tol them thi!% 9Thank!* 'o!!*9 the# !ai % We le$t the Watermelon Work! "ith 2re !u enl# looking )er# tire %

The Win Again

!hone $ee'l#% A "in (ame u, an thing! that (oul ru!tle or mo)e in the "in i !o all a'out u! a! "e "alke o"n the roa to the 'arn% 9Wh# o #ou think !he kille her!el$:9 2re !ai % 9Wh# !houl !he o a thing like that: She "a! !o #oung% So #oung%9 9I on&t kno"*9 I !ai % 9I on&t kno" "h# !he kille her!el$%9 9It&! /u!t terri'le*9 2re !ai % 9I "i!h I i n&t ha)e to think a'out it% 3ou ha)en&t the !lighte!t i ea* huh: 3ou ha)en&t !een her:9 9No* I "a! looking into the Statue o$ Mirror! an !he hange her!el$ there% She&! ea no"%9

Margaret&! Brother

"a! u, on the 'arn roo$* nailing 'lue "atermelon !hingle! o"n an the $armer "a! (lim'ing u, the la er* 'ringing him another 'un le o$ !hingle!% .er 'rother !a" u! (oming u, the roa an !too u, on the 'arn roo$ an "a)e at 7uite a i!tan(e 'e$ore "e got there% 9I on&t like thi!*9 2re !ai % 9.ello* there*9 her 'rother #elle % 9What 'ring! #ou u, thi! "a#:9 the $armer #elle % We "a)e 'a(k 'ut i n&t !a# an#thing until "e got there% 9.o" #*9 the $armer !ai * !haking han ! "ith u!% 9What are #ou oing u, thi! "a#:9 Margaret&! 'rother (lim'e o"n the la er% 9.ello*9 he !ai an !hook our han ! an !too there "aiting $or u! to !a# !omething% We "ere !trangel# 7uiet an the# ,i(ke u, on it imme iatel#% 2re ,a"e at the groun "ith hi! 'oot% .e re" a kin o$ hal$0(ir(le "ith hi! right 'oot on the groun * an then he era!e it "ith hi! le$t 'oot% Thi! took onl# a $e" !e(on !% 9What&! "rong:9 the $armer !ai % 93eah* "hat&! "rong:9 her 'rother !ai % 9It&! Margaret*9 2re !ai % 9What&! "rong "ith Margaret:9 her 'rother !ai % 9Tell me%9


The Win Again* Again

an got the 'o #% The $armer ha to !ta# 'ehin % .e !ai he "oul ha)e (ome along 'ut he ha to !ta# an milk hi! (o"!% The "in "a! 'lo"ing har er no" an a $e" !mall thing! $ell o"n



"a! hanging $rom the a,,le tree in $ront o$ her !ha(k an 'lo"ing in the "in % .er ne(k "a! at a "rong angle an her $a(e "a! the (olor o$ "hat "e learn to kno" a! eath% 2re (lim'e u, the tree an (ut the !(ar$ "ith hi! /a(kkni$e "hile Margaret&! 'rother an I lo"ere her 'o # gentl# o"n% .e took her 'o # then* an (arrie it into the !ha(k an la# it o"n u,on the 'e % We !too there% 9Let&! take her to I-EAT. *9 2re !ai % 9That&! "here !he 'elong!%9 .er 'rother looke relie)e $or the $ir!t time !in(e "e ha tol him o$ her eath% .e "ent to a large (he!t '# the "in o" an took out a ne(kla(e that ha !mall metal trout en(ir(ling it% .e li$te u, her hea an $a!tene the (la!, o$ the ne(kla(e% .e 'ru!he Margaret&! hair out o$ her e#e!% Then he "ra,,e her 'o # in a 'e !,rea that ha J-EAT. (ro(hete u,on it in one o$ it! man# an la!ting $orm!% One o$ her $eet "a! !ti(king out% The toe! looke (ol an gentl# at re!t%

WE TOO4 Margaret 'a(k to I-EAT.% Someho" e)er#'o # there ha alrea # hear o$ her eath an the# "ere "aiting $or u!% The# "ere out on the $ront ,or(h% 8auline ran o"n the !tair! to me% She "a! )er# u,!et an her (heek! "ere "et "ith tear!% 9Wh#:9 !he !ai % 9Wh#:9 I ,ut m# arm aroun her the 'e!t I (oul % 9I on&t kno"*9 I !ai % Margaret&! 'rother (arrie her 'o # u, the !tair! into i-EAT.% 5harle# o,ene the oor $or him% 9.ere* let me o,en the oor $or #ou%9 9Thank #ou*9 her 'rother !ai % 9Where !hall I ,ut her:9 9On the (ou(h 'a(k in the trout hat(her#*9 5harle# !ai % 9That&! "here "e ,ut our ea %9 9I on&t remem'er the "a#*9 her 'rother !ai % 9I ha)en&t 'een here $or a long time%9 9I&ll !ho" #ou% 2ollo" me*9 5harle# !ai % 9Thank #ou%9 The# "ent o$$ to the trout hat(her#% 2re "ent "ith them an !o i Ol 5hu(k an Al an Bill% I !ta#e 'ehin "ith m# arm aroun 8auline% She "a! !till (r#ing% I gue!! !he reall# like Margaret%


I "ent o"n $or a "alk '# the ri)er in the li)ing room% It "a! no" nearing !un o"n% Tomorro" the !un "oul 'e 'la(k* !oun le!!% The night "oul (ontinue 'ut the !tar! "oul not !hine an it "oul 'e "arm like a# an e)er#thing "oul 'e "ithout !oun % 9Thi! i! horri'le*9 8auline !ai % 9I $eel !o 'a % Wh# i !he kill her!el$: Wa! it m# $ault $or lo)ing #ou:9 9No*9 I !ai % 9It "a! no'o #&! $ault% 6u!t one o$ tho!e thing!%9 9We "ere !u(h goo $rien !% We "ere like !i!ter!% I& hate to think it "a! m# $ault%9 9-on&t*9 I !ai %

"a! a 7uiet a$$air at i-EAT.% Margaret&! 'rother !ta#e an ha inner "ith u!% 5harle# in)ite him% Al (ooke u, a me!! o$ (arrot! again% .e 'roile them "ith mu!hroom! an a !au(e ma e $rom "atermelon !ugar an !,i(e!% There "a! hot 'rea $re!h $rom the o)en an !"eet 'utter an gla!!e! o$ i(e0(ol milk% A'out hal$"a# through inner* 2re !tarte to !a# !omething that looke a! i$ it "ere im,ortant* 'ut then he (hange hi! min an "ent 'a(k to eating hi! (arrot!%

Margaret&! Room
e)er#'o # "ent into the li)ing room an it "a! e(i e to hol the $uneral tomorro" morning* e)en though it "oul 'e ark an there "oul 'e no !oun an e)er#thing "oul ha)e to 'e one in !ilen(e% 9I$ it&! all right "ith #ou*9 5harle# !ai to Margaret&! 'rother% 9She&ll 'e 'urie in that tom' "e&)e 'een "orking on% The# $ini!he it thi! a$ternoon%9 9That "oul 'e ,er$e(t*9 her 'rother !ai % 9It "ill 'e ark an there "ill 'e no !oun * 'ut I think "e (an take (are o$ e)er#thing%9 93eah*9 her 'rother !ai % 92re * "ill #ou go an tell the ,eo,le in the to"n a'out the $uneral: Some o$ them might "ant to go% Al!o alert the Tom' 5re" a'out the $uneral% An !ee i$ #ou (an $in !ome $lo"er!%9 9Sure* 5harle#% I&ll take (are o$ it%9 9It&! our (u!tom to 'ri(k u, the room! o$ tho!e "ho li)e here "hen the# ie*9 5harle# !ai % 9What oe! that mean:9 Margaret&! 'rother !ai % 9We ,ut 'ri(k! a(ro!! the oor an (lo!e the room $ore)er%9 9That !oun ! all right%9


Margaret&! 'rother an 5harle# an Bill* he ha the 'ri(k!* an I "ent to Margaret&! room% 5harle# o,ene the oor% 8auline "a! (arr#ing a lantern% She ,ut it o"n on Margaret&! ta'le an lit the lantern that "a! there "ith a long "atermelon mat(h% There "ere no" t"o light!% The room "a! $ille "ith thing! $rom the 2orgotten Work!% E)er# ,la(e #ou looke there "a! !omething $orgotten that "a! ,ile on another $orgotten thing% 5harle# !hook hi! hea % 9A lot o$ $orgotten thing! in here% We on&t e)en kno" "hat mo!t o$ the thing! are*9 he !ai to no'o #% Margaret&! 'rother !ighe % 9I! there an#thing #ou "ant to take "ith #ou:9 5harle# !ai % .er 'rother looke all aroun the room )er# (are$ull# an )er# !a l# an then !hook hi! hea * too% 9No* 'ri(k it all u,%9 We !te,,e out!i e an Bill !tarte ,utting the 'ri(k! in ,la(e% We "at(he $or a little "hile% There "ere tear! in 8auline&! e#e!% 98lea!e !,en the night "ith u!*9 5harle# !ai % 9Thank #ou*9 Margaret&! 'rother !ai % 9I&ll !ho" #ou to #our room% Goo night*9 5harle# !ai to u!% .e "ent o$$ "ith her 'rother% .e "a! !a#ing !omething to

him% 9Let&! go* 8auline*9 I !ai % 9All right* hone#%9 9I think #ou& 'etter !lee, "ith me tonight%9 93e!*9 !he !ai %

We le$t Bill ,utting the 'ri(k! in ,la(e% The# "ere "atermelon 'ri(k! ma e $rom 'la(k* !oun le!! !ugar% The# ma e no !oun a! he "orke "ith them% The# "oul !eal o$$ the $orgotten thing! $ore)er%

M# Room

8AULINE AN- I "ent to m# room% We took o$$ our (lothe! an got into 'e % She took o$$ her (lothe! $ir!t an I "at(he % 9Are #ou going to 'lo" the lantern out:9 !he !ai * leaning $or"ar a! I got into 'e la!t% She i not ha)e an# (o)er! u, o)er her 'rea!t!% The ni,,le! "ere har % The# "ere almo!t the !ame (olor a! her li,!% The# looke 'eauti$ul in the lantern light% .er e#e! "ere re $rom (r#ing% She looke )er# tire % 9No*9 I !ai % She ,ut her hea 'a(k on the ,illo" an !mile e)er !o $aintl#% .er !mile "a! like the (olor o$ her ni,,le!% 9No*9 I !ai %

The Girl "ith the Lantern Again

I let 8auline go to !lee,* 'ut then I ha m# u!ual trou'le !lee,ing% She "a! "arm an !"eet0!melling 'e!i e me% .er 'o # (alle me to !lee, a! i$ it "ere a 'an o$ trum,et!% I la# there $or a long time 'e$ore I got u, an "ent $or one o$ the "alk! I take at night% I !too there "ith m# (lothe! on* "at(hing 8auline !lee,% Strange* ho" "ell 8auline ha! !le,t !in(e "e ha)e 'een going !tea # together* $or 8auline "a! the girl "ho "ent $or the long "alk! at night* (arr#ing the lantern% 8auline "a! the girl I "on ere !o mu(h a'out* "alking u, an o"n the roa !* !to,,ing at thi! ,la(e* thi! 'ri ge* thi! ri)er* the!e tree! in the ,ine# "oo !% .er hair i! 'lon e an no" !he i! a!lee,% A$ter "e !tarte going !tea # !he !to,,e her long "alk! at night* 'ut I !till (ontinue mine% It !uit! me to take the!e long "alk! at night%

Margaret Again* Again* Again* Again* Again

I WENT TO T.E TROUT .AT5.ER3 an !too there !taring at the (ol un elight$ul 'o # no" o$ Margaret% She la# u,on the (ou(h an there "ere lantern! all aroun % The trout ha trou'le !lee,ing% There "ere !ome $ingerling! arting aroun in a tra# that ha a lantern '# the e ge o$ it* illuminating Margaret&! $a(e% I !tare at the $ingerling! $or a long time* hour! ,a!!e * until the# "ent to !lee,% The# "ere no" like Margaret%

Goo .am
u, an hour or !o 'e$ore !unri!e an ha an earl# 'reak$a!t% When the !un (ame u, o)er the e ge o$ our "orl * the arkne!! "oul (ontinue an there "oul 'e no !oun to a#% Our )oi(e! "oul 'e gone% I$ #ou ro,,e !omething* there "oul 'e no !oun % The ri)er! "oul 'e !ilent% 9It&! going to 'e a long a#*9 8auline !ai * a! !he ,ut on her re!!* ,ulling it o)er her long !mooth ne(k% We ha ham an egg!* ha!h'ro"n! an toa!t% 8auline (ooke 'reak$a!t an I o$$ere to hel, her% 9I! there an#thing I (an o:9

I !ai % 9No*9 !he !ai % 9I&)e got e)er#thing un er (ontrol 'ut thank! $or the o$$er%9 93ou&re "el(ome%9 We all ha 'reak$a!t together* in(lu ing Margaret&! 'rother% .e !at ne+t to 5harle#% 9Thi! i! goo ham*9 2re !ai % 9We&ll hol the $uneral later on in the morning*9 5harle# !ai % 9E)er#'o # kno"! "hat the# ha)e to o an "e (an "rite note! i$ an#thing out o$ the or inar# (ome! u,% We /u!t ha)e a $e" moment! o$ !oun le$t%9 9Ummmm1goo ham*9 2re !ai %

I "ere in the kit(hen talking "hen the !un (ame u,% She "a! "a!hing the i!he! an I "a! r#ing them% I "a! r#ing a $r#ing ,an an !he "a! "a!hing the (o$$ee (u,!% 9I $eel a little 'it 'etter to a#*9 !he !ai % 9Goo *9 I !ai % 9.o" i I !lee, la!t night:9 9Like a to,%9 9I ha a 'a ream% I ho,e I i n&t "ake #ou u,%9 9No%9 9The !ho(k #e!ter a# "a! !omething% I on&t kno"% I /u!t i n&t e+,e(t thing! to turn out thi! "a#* 'ut the# ha)e* an I gue!! there&! nothing "e (an o a'out it%9 9That&! right*9 I !ai % 96u!t take thing! the "a# the# ha,,en%9 8auline turne to"ar me an !ai * 9I gue!! the $uneral "ill19


in eath ro'e! ma e $rom "atermelon !ugar an a orne "ith 'ea ! o$ $o+$ire* !o that the light "oul !hine $ore)er $rom her tom' at night an on the 'la(k* !oun le!! a#!% Thi! one% She ha 'een ,re,are no" $or the tom'% We mo)e in lantern! an !ilen(e a'out 6-EAT.* "aiting $or the to"n!,eo,le to (ome% The# (ame% Thirt# or $ort# arri)e * in(lu ing the e itor o$ the ne"!,a,er% It i! ,u'li!he on(e a #ear% The !(hooltea(her an -o( E "ar ! "ere there an then "e !tarte the $uneral% Margaret "a! (arrie on the E!(ut(heon "e u!e $or the ea * ma e $rom ,ine ornamente "ith gla!! an little i!tant !tone!% E)er#'o # ha tor(he! an lantern! an "e (arrie her 'o # out o$ the trout hat(her# an through the li)ing room an out the oor an a(ro!! the ,or(h an o"n the !te,! o$ I-EAT.%

Sunn# Morning
mo)e !lo"l# an in total !ilen(e o"n the roa to the ne" tom' that no" 'elonge to Margaret* the one I ha "at(he them 'uil ing #e!ter a#* ,utting the $ini!hing tou(he! on $or Margaret% It "a! getting "arm a! the !un (lim'e higher in the !k#% There "a! not e)en the !oun o$ our $oot!te,! or an#thing%

The Tom' 5re"

"a! "aiting $or u!% The# !till ha the Sha$t in ,la(e an the# !tarte the ,um, going "hen the# !a" u! (oming% We turne the 'o # o)er to them an the# "ent a'out ,utting it in the tom'% The#&)e ha a lot o$ e+,erien(e oing that% The# (arrie her 'o # o"n the Sha$t an ,ut it in the tom'% The# (lo!e the gla!! oor an !tarte to !eal it u,% 8auline* 5harle#* 2re * Ol 5hu(k an I !too there together in a little grou, an "at(he them% 8auline took m# arm% Margaret&! 'rother (ame o)er an /oine u!% A$ter the Tom' 5re" ha !eale the oor* the# turne the ,um, o$$ an remo)e the ho!e $rom the Sha$t% Then the# harne!!e u, !ome hor!e! "ith ro,e! to the t"o ,ulle#! that "ere hanging $rom the Sha$t Gallo"!% Ro,e! "ent $rom the Sha$t Gallo"! to hook! in the Sha$t it!el$% That&! ho" the# get the Sha$t out% The hor!e! !traine $or"ar an the Sha$t "a! ,ulle $ree $rom the 'ottom o$ the ri)er an "a! li$te u, onto the !hore an "a! no" hal$0hanging $rom the Sha$t Gallo"!% The Tom' 5re" an their hor!e! looke tire % E)er#thing "a! one in total !ilen(e% Not a !oun (ame $rom the hor!e! or the men or the Sha$t or the ri)er or the ,eo,le "at(hing% We !a" the light !hining u, $rom Margaret* the light that (ame $rom the $o+$ire u,on her ro'e!% We took $lo"er! an thre" them u,!tream a'o)e her tom'% The $lo"er! ri$te o"n o)er the light (oming $rom her: ro!e! an a$$o il! an ,o,,ie! an 'lue'ell! $loate on '#%

The -an(e
i! A 5USTOM .ERE to hol a an(e in the trout hat(her# a$ter a $uneral% E)er#'o # (ome! an there&! a goo 'an an mu(h an(ing goe! on% We all like to "altF% A$ter the $uneral "e "ent 'a(k to I-EAT. an ,re,are $or the an(e% 8art# e(oration! "ere ,ut u, in the hat(her# an re$re!hment! "ere ,re,are $or the an(e% E)er#'o # got rea # in !ilen(e% 5harle# ,ut on !ome ne" o)erall!% 2re !,ent hal$ an hour (om'ing hi! hair an 8auline ,ut on high heel !hoe!% We (oul not !tart the ,art# until there "a! !oun * !o that the mu!i(al in!trument! "oul "ork an "e (oul "ork "ith them in our o"n !t#le* mo!tl# "altFing%

5ook! Together

Al together (ooke an earl# inner that "e ha late in the a$ternoon% It "a! )er# hot out!i e* !o the# ,re,are !omething light% The# ma e a ,otato !ala that !omeho" en e u, ha)ing a lot o$ (arrot! in it%

Their In!trument! 8la#ing

'egan arri)ing $or the an(e a'out hal$ an hour 'e$ore !un o"n% We took their Ma(kina"! an hat! an !ho"e them into the trout hat(her#% E)er#'o # !eeme to 'e in $airl# goo !,irit!% The mu!i(ian! took out their in!trument! an "aite $or the !un to go o"n% It "oul onl# 'e a $e" moment! no"% We all "aite ,atientl#% The room glo"e "ith lantern!% The trout !"am 'a(k an $orth in their tra#! an ,on !% We "oul an(e aroun them% 8auline looke )er# ,rett#% 5harle#&! ne" o)erall! looke goo % I on&t kno" "h# 2re &! hair looke a! i$ he ha n&t (om'e it at all% The mu!i(ian! "ere ,oi!e "ith their in!trument!% The# "ere rea # to go% It "oul onl# 'e a $e" !e(on ! no"* I "rote%

This novel was started May 13, 1964 in a house at Bolinas, California, and was finished July 19, 1964 in the front room at 123 Beaver treet, an !ran"is"o, California. This novel is for #on $llen, Joanne %y&er and Mi"hael M"Clure.

'i"hard Brauti&an was (orn January 3), 193*, in the +a"ifi" ,orthwest. -e was the author of ten novels, nine volumes of .oetry, and a "olle"tion of short stories. -e lived for many years in an !ran"is"o, and toward the end of his life he divided his time (etween a ran"h in Montana and To/yo. Brauti&an was a literary idol of the 196)s and early 190)s whose "omi" &enius and i"ono"lasti" vision of $meri"an life "au&ht the ima&ination of youn& .eo.le everywhere. Brauti&an "ame of a&e durin& the -ai&ht1$sh(ury .eriod and has (een "alled 2the last of the Beats.2 -is early (oo/s (e"ame re3uired readin& for the hi. &eneration, and Trout !ishin& in $meri"a sold two million "o.ies throu&hout the world. Brauti&an was a &od of the "ounter"ulture, a .henomenon who saw his star rise to fame and fortune, only to .lummet durin& the ne4t de"ade. #riven to drin/ and des.air, he "ommitted sui"ide in Bolinas, California, at the a&e of forty1nine.

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