Unit 1 - Lessons - 1-5 (Pp. 1-13)

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I Can Get Along
Lesson 1: Sounds Around
Target Skills:
Oral Language: Interacting with others
Auditory Discrimination: Recognizing/ identifying, classifying/ categorizing a
sound heard: transportations, animals, musical instruments, mechanical objects,
environmental, distinguishing between loud/ soft, high/low sounds
Listening Comprehension: answering Wh- questions
Recognize/Identify and classify transportation sounds as loud/soft
Get the meaning of words through pictures/ models
Answer Wh- questions
Subject Matter: Transportation sounds
Answering Wh- questions
Materials: Story: Off to School by Myrna J. Hipolito
pre-recorded transportation sounds, tape/CD player, transportation pictures/
models, word cards, charts
Pre-Assessment: (Refer to LM, pp. 2-3, Lets Try)
Key to correction:
I. x x II. meeooow- meeooow III. x x
tweeet-tweeet x x
wheeeng-wheeeng x
ding-dong, ding-dong
x kleng-kleng
Ask the pupils the sounds that they know.
Ask: How do you go to school?
Do you walk to school? What kinds of transportation do you take?
Do: Present pictures oI vehicles/models and word cards.
Say the words and let pupils repeat aIter you.
Ask pupils to match the word cards and the pictures.
Ask the pupils to locate and encircle the word in the circle map.
Let them post the pictures and the words on the chart.
Present the story in a big book/accordion book/picture book/individual poster/chart.
Guide pupils to talk about its cover and guess what the story is about.
Say: Listen to the story oI a Grade 2 boy.
Find out how he goes to school.
Give the pupils the standards to observe during listening.
ReIer to the Iollowing guidelines when reading to the class:
1. Read the whole story aloud. Point to the illustrations when needed.
2. Read the story again. Ask questions as the story is being
read/listened to.
3. Read parts oI the story where the pupils can mimic the sounds heard.
Write the pupils` responses in a circle map or bubble map.
Model reading the pupils` responses and let them repeat aIter you.
bus jeep
car tricycle
Off to School
bv Mvrna J. Hipolito
It was seven o`clock in the morning. Lito`s service vehicle arrived. 'Brrroom, brrroom,
brrroom, sounded the tricycle. Lito happily boarded the tricycle to school.
Where was Lito going?
When they reached the junction, the tricycle could not go Iast like beIore. 'I am sorry
Lito, there`s a traI!c jam again! We can`t get ahead oI the cars and jeeps, Kuya Ben
said. 'Yes, there are trucks, vans, and taxis, too, Lito added.
Why can`t Lito`s tricycle get ahead oI the cars and jeeps?
What other transportations were there?
'There, the signal light just turned green. 'Now, we can go, Kuya Ben happily drove
to school. Brrroom, brrroom, brrroom, tooot, tooot, tooot. Eeeeeeeeng, beeep, beeep,
beeep! Prrrriiiiit! These sounds can be heard everywhere. Everybody was in a hurry to
Screeeeech! 'Here we are, Lito, Kuya Ben said. Lito got oII the tricycle. 'Thank you,
Kuya Ben see you this noon. And Lito happily walked to his classroom.
What sounds were heard?
Ask the pupils to give the best answer to the Iollowing:
1. Where was Lito going?
2. Who is Kuya Ben?
3. How did Lito get to school?
4. What sounds were heard by Lito on his way to school?
5. Which means oI transportation made these sounds?
6. Do you think Lito arrived in school on time? What made you think so?
7. How did Lito Ieel that day?
8. Will Lito see Kuya Ben again?

Application: (Refer to LM, p. 4, I Can Do It)
Evaluation: (Refer to LM, p. 5, Measure Mv Learning)
Kev to Correction.
1. Lito
2. brrroom-brrroom
3. 7.00 a.m.
4. tricvcle driver
5. noon
Lesson 1: Sounds Around
(Day 2)
Do: Present the circle map accomplished the day before. Ask pupils to form dyads.
Say: Today, we shall have another game with your partner, you shall do the following:
Pupil A shall secretly choose a transportation in their circle map, produce its
sound, and ask pupil B to identify the sound produced. If the answer is correct,
pupil B gets the point and the chance to ask pupil A.
Group Work:
Divide the class into four groups. Distribute pictures/models of different kinds of
transportation. Provide each group with a thinking matrix to work on (the sample is
shown below). Let pupils produce the transportation sounds and classify them as loud or
soft. Specify the number of minutes the pupils shall work as a group.
The pupils will present by groups. Tell them to imitate the transportation sound as they

Transportations make different sounds.
They make loud or soft sounds.
Tell the pupils to look at each picture. Check (

) if the sound it makes is loud or soft.

(Refer to LM, p. 6, I Can Do It)
Guessing Game
Form three groups. Imitate the sound of different kinds of transportation. Let the groups
identify the transportation. The group that gets the most number of correct answers wins.
Show how to complete the following story. Then, ask the pupils to do it by themselves.
Hello, Im __________________________. I ride in a ________________________
in going to school. The ________________________ makes a loud/soft sound
___________________ and off we go to school.
Transportation Sound produced Loud Soft
tricycle brooom-brooom

Thinking Matrix
(name) (transportation)
Lesson 2: Animal Sounds
Recognize/identiIy/ and classiIy sounds produced by animals as loud/soIt
Answer !"- questions
Subject Matter: Animal sounds
Classi!cation oI loud/soIt sound
Materials: Story: 'Five Little Goats by Myrna J. Hipolito
pre-recorded animal sounds, tape/CD, cassette/CD player, pictures/models
oI animals, word cards, charts/maps
Divide the class into two.
Each group shall take turns mimicking transportation sounds, identiIying, and classiIying
them as loud or soIt. The group that gets the most number oI correct answer wins.
Ask: What kind oI pets do you have?
What sounds do they make?
When do they make these sounds?
Plot the animals mentioned by the pupils in the bubble map.
Model reading the animals the pupils mentioned and let pupils read aIter you.
Say: You named some animals and they are now posted in the bubble map. Im going
to show you the picture of another animal.
Do: Show the picture of a goat. Post the picture on the chart.
Present the words for study.
Read the words and let the pupils read after you.
Distribute the pictures and the word cards.
Ask pupils to match them.
Ask the pupils to pair off the picture with the correct word. Tell them to read the
word again.
Remind pupils of the standards to observe during listening.
1. Read the whole story aloud. Tell the pupils to listen very well.
Ask: What animal is mentioned in the story?
2. Read the story again. Ask questions to monitor pupils comprehension and attention.
3. Let them repeat/say some lines from the story.
Five Little Goats
Retold by Myrna J. Hipolito
The rst little goat went to the market. The second little goat stayed home. The third
little goat ate a lot of grass.
Where did the rst goat go?
The fourth little goat had none. I have nothing he cried, Meee-meee-meee!
Which goat had nothing?
How did the goat cry?
The fth little goat cried, I cant nd my way home. Meee-meee-meee meee-meee-
Why did the fth little goat cry?
What sound did it make?
Ask: What animal was mentioned in the story?
What sound did it make? Why?
Guess what sound the rst three goats made?
Ask several pupils to mimic animal sounds.
The other pupils classify them as loud or soft.
List down the names of animals and the sound they make in a diagram or chart.
An example is shown. (Refer to LM, p. 8, I Can Do It)
Activity 1: Choose a story with Iour diIIerent animal characters.
Divide the class into Iour groups. Assign an animal to each group.
Instruct the pupils to mimic the animal sound as the animal is mentioned in
the story being told.
Activity 2: Play the tape/CD (pre-recorded animal sounds).
Let the pupils identiIy the sounds and classiIy them as loud or soIt.
Activity 3: Show the picture oI an animal. Let the pupils produce the sound the
animals make and classiIy them as loud or soIt.
Ask: Do animals produce the same sounds?
What kind oI sounds do they make?
DiIIerent animals produce diIIerent sounds.
Their sounds could be loud or soIt.
Divide the class into two groups:
Group I Mimics the animal sound
Group II Identi!es the animal and tells whether the sound is loud or soIt.
Have the pupils connect the animals with the sounds they make.
(Refer to LM, p. 9, Measure Mv Learning)
Think oI another animal to take the place oI the animal in the story, 'Five Little Goats.
Be able to produce the sound it makes. Be ready to tell your new story.
Lesson 3: Sounds of Musical Instruments
Recognize/identiIy and classiIy sounds produced by musical instruments as high/low
Subject Matter: Musical Instrument Sounds
High/low sounds
Materials: pictures/models oI musical instruments
toy instruments/ real musical instruments
Let the pupils listen to diIIerent animal sounds.
Ask them to identiIy whether the sound made is loud or soIt.
(The sound can be pre-recorded or you can mimic the sounds.)
1. 4.
5. 2.
Ask: What is your Iavorite musical instrument? (Refer to LM, p. 10, Get Set)
Do the 'Orchestra Game.
Divide the class into !ve groups. Assign a musical instrument to every group.
Each group mimics the sound oI the instrument assigned to them.
The group plays the instrument as the conductor points to them.
Later, the pupils identiIy the instruments and the sounds they make. Likewise, they
accomplish the sample thinking matrix.
Say: You may draw or write the name oI the musical instruments that make a loud/soIt
and high/low sounds in the chart. (Refer to LM, p. 10, Lets Aim)
Other Activities:
Activity 1: Play the pre-recorded musical instruments.
Ask pupils to identiIy the instrument.
Activity 2: Play the instrument using models/real musical instruments.
Have the pupils identiIy the instrument and classiIy the sound as high/low.
Ask: Do musical instruments have the same sounds? Are the sounds produced loud/soIt,
high/low? (Refer to LM, p. 11, Remember This)
Ask the pupils to put a check (

) iI the musical instruments make a loud, soIt, big or

low sound. (Refer to LM, p. 12, I Can Do It)
Have the pupils connect the musical instrument with the sound it makes.
(Refer to LM, p. 13, Measure Mv Learning)
Encircle the instrument that makes a loud sound.
Lesson 4: Sounds in the Environment
Recognize/identiIy/classiIy environmental sounds heard as loud/soIt, high/low
Subject Matter: Environmental Sounds
Materials: pre-recorded environmental sounds, tape/CD, cassette/CD player, pictures/
models/real objects, charts
Recall the sounds learned the day beIore. Group the class into two.
Show pictures oI musical instruments. Tell the pupils to raise their right hand iI the
instrument makes a high sound and raise the leIt hand Ior a low sound.
Also, clap twice iI it makes a loud sound and once iI it makes a soIt sound.
Ask: What sounds do you hear at home? Outside your home?
Use a matrix to publish pupils` responses.
Use the viewing technique in identiIying the sounds pupils hear in the classroom.
Tell them to close their eyes. At the count oI three, they should be totally quiet.
Have the class listen to the sounds around. At the count oI !ve, they will slowly open
their eyes and tell their seatmate the sound/s they heard. Bring back the matrix earlier
used to publish the pupils responses. Guide pupils in classiIying the sounds heard as
loud/soIt, high/low.
Other Activities:
Activity 1: Play the pre-recorded sounds. Ask pupils to identiIy the sounds heard.
Activity 2: Lead the pupils to a trip in the school yard. Ask them to identiIy the sounds
they hear.
Ask: What sounds did you hear?
Are they loud/soIt, high/low?
Say: List down on the chart the sounds you heard.
Check (

) iI it is loud, soIt, high, or low. (Refer to LM, p. 14, We Can Do It)

Guide pupils in !lling up the matrix. Ask them to list the sounds they heard and
identiIy iI the sound is loud/soIt, high/low.
Possible Sounds They Heard:
Heartbeat, sneezing, breathing, coughing, creaking chair, noise oI an electric Ian, an
air-conditioning unit, opening/closing/banging oI door, transportations: motorcycle,
train, car, bus, airplane, jeep, tractor, sounds oI a bell, buzzer, siren, children walking/
running, talking, shouting, Iootsteps, Ialling objects, birds, wind blowing, honking, cars/
jeeps, music playing/radio broadcast, wind, rain, thunder, spilling water, animal sounds,
machine sounds, running Iaucet, loud/soIt/high/low voices and many more
Sounds in the environment diIIer Irom one another.
They can be loud/soIt, high/low.
Application: (Refer to LM, p. 15, I Can Do It)
Evaluation: (Refer to LM, p. 15, Measure Mv Learning)
Make a chart and let the pupils list down !ve diIIerent sounds you hear at home. Check
whether the sound is loud or soIt, high or low.
Sound Source Loud Soft High Low
Additional Activities:
Name the pictures. Encircle the picture iI the sound it makes is heard at home and box
those which are heard in school.
Lesson 5: The Alphabet Medial /e/
Target Skills:
Alphabet Knowledge: Reading letters of the alphabet
Phonics and Word Recognition: Medial /e/, blending onsets and rimes
Alphabet Knowledge: Applying basic phonemic performance task blending
Listening Comprehension: Identifying the elements of the story, answering
Wh- questions
Name the letters of the Filipino and English Alphabets
Identify the letters of the Filipino Alphabet which are not present in the English Alphabet
and vice versa
Subject Matter: Filipino and English Alphabets
Materials: letter cutouts of both Filipino and English Alphabets, magnetic letters/
board picture, onset, rime, word cards and chart
Pre-Assessment (Refer to LM, pp. 16-17, Lets Try)
Key to Correction:
I. All the letters except , NG II. 1. N III. 1. Ben
belong to the English alphabet. 2. W 2. coop
3. L 3. 8:00 a.m.
4. M 4. school
5. H 5. Miss Lara
6. W
Say: You have learned the Alphabet song in Grade One. Who among you can sing the
English Alphabet song? the Filipino Alphabet? Lets nd out who among you can
recall the song. Get your partner and sing the alphabet songs in English then in
Filipino. As you sing with your partner, take turns in completing the letters of both
alphabets in the boxes provided in your LM. (Refer to LM, pp. 17-18, Get Set)
Aa Aa
Bb Bb Nn Ng ng
Cc Cc Oo Oo
Dd Dd Pp Pp
Ee Ee Qq Qq
Gg Gg Ss Ss
Hh Hh Tt Tt
Ii Ii Uu Uu
Jj Jj Vv Vv
Kk Kk Ww Ww
Ll Ll Xx Xx
Mm Mm Yy Yy
Nn Zz Zz
Say: Let`s count the letters oI the Filipino Alphabet, how many letters are there?
Now, let`s count the letters oI the English Alphabet.
How many letters are there?
Which alphabet has more letters? Why?
Which letters in the Filipino Alphabet are not Iound in the English Alphabet?
Practice Exercise:
Have the pupils write on the blanks the missing letters oI the alphabet.
(Refer to LM, p. 18, We Can Do It)
The English alphabet has 26 letters. The Filipino alphabet has 28 letters. There are
letters in the Filipino which are not present in the English alphabet. and ng in the
Filipino alphabet are not Iound in the English alphabet.
Model the songs !rst and then lead the pupils in singing the Filipino Alphabet song and
then, the English Alphabet song. Point to each letter on the chart as the pupils sing. Each
song can be sung twice.
Additional Activities:
Activity 1: Post the magnetic letters on the magnetic board. Do the Letter Sequencing
Game on the magnetic board. Let the pupils arrange the letters of the
English Alphabet in its proper sequence. Have them also arrange the letters
of the Filipino Alphabet in its proper sequence.
Activity 2: Give a letter. Ask the pupils to give words beginning with the given letter.
Activity 3: Letter Game
Say: Mother went to the grocery store. She bought (fruits) the names of
which begin with letter (C).
The group to give the most number of correct answer wins.
The following categories may be used:
Fruits Animals
Heroes Cartoon Characters
Flowers Trees
Ask: In which alphabet are the following letters found?
Encircle the correct answer. (Refer to LM, p. 19, Measure My Learning)
Show the Teacher Chart to the pupils and ask them to give a word that starts with the
following letters.
Letter English Filipino
Lesson 6: Elements of the Story
Answer Wh- questions from the story listened to
Identify the elements of a story
Subject Matter: Elements of a Story
Materials: pictures of animals, word cards, chart
Ask: What do you do to help at home?
Do: Post pupils answers on the board or in a multi-bubble map.

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