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Battery-powered, handheld potentiostat and galvanostat

The PalmSens instrument is used for sensors or cells with two or three electrodes. The wide dynamic range allows application of micro- as well as macroelectrodes. The response time of the instrument is short enough to apply fast techniques as square wave voltammetry. Its noise level is low enough to measure dc-currents with a resolution of a picoamp.

The applicable techniques are: differential pulse and square wave (stripping) voltammetry, normal pulse and ac voltammetry, stripping chronopotentiometry or PSA, amperometric and pulsed amperometric detection, linear sweep and cyclic voltammetry.

PalmSens is controlled by a Pocket PC as well as a laptop or desktop PC The software provides easy control of PalmSens. All relevant parameters can be edited. The measured curves as well as the calibration plots are graphically displayed.The software allows determination by means of standard addition or using a calibration curve. The instrument has connections for control of external equipment like valves or a stirrer. PalmSens is expandable with an optional module. This provides the possibility to modify the instrument for specific electrochemical sensors but also to develop a complete integrated analytical instrument with flow control etc..

The most important specifications of this portable potentiostat and galvanostat are: - power source - dimensions - weight - dc-potential range - potential resolution - current ranges - maximum current - current resolution - measurement rate 2 NiMH batteries for up to 8 hours operation 155 mm x 85 mm x 35 mm 0.45 kg with batteries 2V 1 mV 1 nA to 1 mA (7 ranges) 10 mA 2 mA measured 0.1 % of current range 1 pA on lowest current range > 40 kHz

Instrumental Specifications

Controlled potential mode or potentiostat - dc-potential range - compliance voltage - dc-potential resolution - potential accuracy - ac-potential amplitude - ac-potential resolution - current ranges - maximum current - current resolution - accuracy 2V 8V 1 mV 0.2 % offset and 0.2 % 1 mV to 250 mV 0.25 mV 1 nA to 1 mA (7 ranges) 10 mA 2 mA measured 0.1 % of current range1 pA on lowest current range 0.2 % of current range at 100nA to 1 mA 0.3 % at 10 nA and 0.5 %at 1 nA all with additional 0.2 %offset error

Controlled current mode or galvanostat - current ranges - dc-current range - dc-current resolution - current accuracy - maximum output voltage 1 A to 1 mA -2 to + 2 times selected currentrange 0.1 % of selected current range 0.2 % offset and 0.4 % 8V

General: - electrometer amplifier input > 100 Gohm // 4 pF - rise time < 50 s - dimensions 155 mm x 85 mm x 35 mm - weight 0.45 kg - power 2 AA cells NiMH for 6-8 hours operation. battery charger included (6 V- 1500 mA) Multiplexer CH8 - number of channels - on resistance - leakage current: - inputs - outputs 8 80 ohm 10 pA typical working, reference and counter electrode 8 x working, 8 x reference and 8 x counter electrodeor 8 x working sharing a common reference and counter electrode.

The multiplexer can be used with different sensor configurations: - Sensorarrays with up to eight working electrodes sharing one counter and one reference or one combined counter/reference. All working electrodes either have the same potential or all not-selected working electrodes are at open potential. - Sensorarrays with up to eight working, eight reference and eight counter electrodes. All notselected sensors are at open circuit. - Sensorarrays with up to eight working and eight combined reference/counter electrodes. Either all sensors have the same potential or not-selected sensors are at open circuit.

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