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Headline is the part where the title of the news story is located. Headlines suggest to
readers what the news is all about so that they could get interested with it.
According to the book Advanced Campus Journalism written by Ceciliano-Jose Cruz,
the functions of a headline are:
1. To tell in capsule form what the story is all about.
The headline should be a concise and precise one clause summary of the news story.
2. To grade the news as to importance.

The headline should be according to the importance of the news story.

3. To make the page look attractive.

The headline should capture the readers attention at all time.
According to the book Advanced Campus Journalism written by Ceciliano-Jose Cruz,
the rules in headlining are:
1. It should contain the topic that is found in the news story.
2. Preferably, it should be in positive form than in negative ones.
3. It should contain a verb implied in every deck.
4. It should not contain articles like a, an, the and all forms of to be.
5. It should include strong words as much as possible.
6. It is preferable to use active verbs than passive ones.
7. Present forms of verbs should be used in past stories and the infinitive form in future
8. Answer as many W questions as much as possible.
9. Should have written numbers in figures or should spell them out according to the
need of your unit counts.

1. Should avoid using Fat head.
- Copyreaders should give proper spacing in the title so it doesnt look too
2. Should avoid using Thin head.
- Copyreaders should give proper spacing in the title so it isnt too wide.
3. Should avoid using Label head.
- Copyreaders should avoid incomplete headlines like what you see in products.
4. Should avoid using Wooden head.
- Copyreaders should keep away from writing weak headlines because of the
absence of a subject or verb.
5. Should avoid using Mandatory head.
- Copyreaders should steer clear of giving a command because the headline
started by a verb.
6. Should avoid Screaming head.
- Copyreaders shouldnt use headlines that are big and bold if its for an
unimportant story.
7. Should avoid Hanging preposition
- Copyreaders shouldnt separate the object and the preposition and it the
headline shouldnt end with a preposition either.
8. Copyreaders should also avoid using abbreviations or acronyms for the readers to
easily understand the headline.
9. Do not use and instead use comma in substitute for it.
1. Make the information in the news story as precisely as possible and avoid using
generalities. Instead, be more specific.
2. Avoid using opinions. Always remember that this is a news story and not and
editorial so everything here should be factual.
3. Always be concise. Dont use too many words in writing headlines.
4. Always make a complete statement.
- Even though you are using fewer words in the headline, it doesnt mean that
your headline shouldnt have a complete thought.
5. Use specific and expressive words. Always keep in mind that you want to capture the
attention of your readers so use words that can capture their eyes.
6. Use active verbs and avoid using passive and negative statements for the sake of
7. Always use the present form of the verb for past events and infinitive form for future
Activity #1
Provide correct headlines for the following news stories.
1. An early morning blaze gutted the second oldest building in downtown Tuscaloosa,
causing nearly $900,000 in damages.

Two firefighters were slightly injured early Monday morning as they battled the fire
that destroyed most of the Kress Building at 201 Water Street.

2. Fred R. Thornton, 32, was sentenced to nine months in jail yesterday for taking part
in a cross burning at the home of a racially mixed couple two months ago.

Thornton, 456 Graceland St., was sentenced by District Court Judge Richard Franks,
who said the crime was "despicable." Thornton had pleaded guilty to a charge of bias

He and two other men ignited two planks arranged to form a cross in the couple's
driveway, prosecutors said. The men had spent the night drinking in Thornton's home.
The two other men have entered not guilty pleas and will be tried next month.

3. The long-delayed winter weather is on its way.

The metropolitan area is expected to have sleet, snow and freezing rain this weekend.
After weeks of balmy weather, winter is expected to hit with below-freezing
temperatures for several days.

The weather alert put Freeport highways crews to work salting down highways and
roads. Utility company employees were told to stand by in case of emergencies.

4. A violent thunderstorm Sunday night caused flooding, power outages, and at least one
traffic accident that injured a local accountant.

Sarah Leigh, an accountant with the Winken, Blinken and Nod accounting firm, was
hospitalized with several broken bones after an accident at Main Street and 10th
Avenue. She is listed in fair condition at City Memorial Hospital.

5. . A single-engine plane crash-landed near Stinson Airport yesterday, damaging a few
cars but leaving the pilot and passenger with only minor injuries.

The single-engine Beechcraft Sierra propeller plane struck three cars parked near a
Little League baseball game. No one on the ground was injured.

The pilot, Herbert Young, 25, of Atherton, suffered cuts and bruises. The passenger,
Sarah Shields, 19, of Clovia, was held at Memorial Hospital for check of a possible
concussion. Young said the plane lost power while he was practicing taking off and

Activity #2
Write the correct form of the headline from the following headline statements.

1. The Opposition party claimed they got Mexico victory.
2. The Fuel price strike is disrupting in India
3. Salam Fayyad is planning to hold talks with Barack Obama.
4. Hillary Clinton encourages leaders to resolve the territorial dispute.
5. The United States is urging the deal of Nagorno-Karabakh
6. Is Yemen becoming a jihadist plotters paradise?
7. Dozens of people are dead in fire in a bus in China
8. A lot of Syrian prisoners have disappeared
9. More than 230 people died in the blaze.
10. Congo is mourning the victims of tanker fire

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