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The CrucibleAct Review

English 11 Writing Assignment

After reading Acts 1 & 2 and Acts 3 & 4 of The Crucible, you will complete a one page essay. Its structure will
be similar to the essays you completed for Huck Finn, but this time the subject of your essay will be focused on
authors intent.

o Thesis: Your argument needs to identify a significant moment from the play and then explain how the
moment supports Arthur Millers intent for the selected act and/or the play as a whole. For the first essay,
you can use an event from Acts 1 or 2. For the second essay, you can use an event from Acts 3 or 4.
o When you consider intent, think about what Miller is trying to say about society, government, or people in
general. Use the even from the play, but remember to find the larger meaning.

o Paragraph 1: Explain why the event is a significant moment from the Act.
Do NOT merely summarize the act. Focus on the even in terms of the play.
You must include at least one piece of textual evidence (aka a quotation). It must be embedded
and cited properly in MLA format.
What does the event reveal about characters involved and their motives?
How does this event help to further the plot?
Is Miller using a literary device or technique to reveal more information to the audience?

o Paragraph 2: Explain how the event supports Arthur Millers overall intent.
Remember that an author usually has more than one purpose in writing. Make sure that you
clearly explain why your chosen event reflects that particular intent.
You must again reference your textual evidence from paragraph #1 OR include a new piece of
textual evidence, cited properly.
Why does it matter? Why would Arthur Miller add the event into play?
What message does it help Arthur Miller to convey?
What symbolic/metaphoric/allegorical connections are there from the play to issues in

Mini Essay #1 (Acts 1 & 2)
Due Date: December 19 *Even if you plan to leave for the holiday early, you MUST turn in the paper on
time or you will receive a zero.
Submit to by 9:00 a.m.
1) Bring a printed copy to class with you.
2) MLA Format
a. Size 12 font, typed, 1 margins, double spaced
b. MLA header, citations, and reference page.

Mini Essay #1 (Acts 3 & 4)
Due Date:
Submit to by 9:00 a.m.
1) Bring a printed copy to class with you.
2) MLA Format
a. Size 12 font, typed, 1 margins, double spaced
b. MLA header, citations, and reference page.

Writing Outline:

o Thesis: Your argument needs to (Step 2) identify a significant moment from the play and then explain how
the moment supports (Step 1) Arthur Millers intent for the selected act and/or the play as a whole.

Thesis Statement: In Arthur Millers The Crucible, Millers intent of
______________________ is shown through ______________________________________________.

Paragraph 1 Outline
T: The event and why its important (hint: go back to
the box with Step 3)

I: Information of the context that you can use to set up
your quotation.

Q: A quotation that focuses on the event you named in
Step 2. The quotation should help to show why the
event is important, not just show plot.

A: Start by responding to some of the Consider
questions on the front for Paragraph #1. Also, refer
back to Step #3.
Paragraph 2 Outline
T: Millers intent (hint: refer to step 1) and its
connection to the event.

I/Q: Short reference to the evidence in the first
paragraph or introducing a second piece of textual
evidence that helps to prove Millers intent.

A: Start by responding to some of the Consider
questions on the front for Paragraph #2. Also, refer
back to Step #4.
Step 1: To find the
authors intent, consider
the problem you
identified earlier. What
is Millers comment on
the way that people
act/think? What is his
critique of society?
What problems are present in The Crucible?

Identify the problem:

Who is involved?
Why does it matter that this is a
problem in the town/play?
Step 2: Select one event from Act
1 or 2 that has the most impact on
the characters and/or the plot.

Step 3: Using the event from
above, explain why it has an
impact on characters and/or plot.
Step 4: How does your event serve as an example of Millers
intent? On a larger scale, how does it comment on society?

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