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Who is Professor Wally Jay?

The origins of Small Circle Jujitsu are based on

the 2000-year-old classical jujitsu, but the
revelation of the small circle emphasis dates
back to approximately 1944. The founder,
Professor Wally Jay studied a style known as
Kodenkan Jujitsu from Professor Henry S.
Okazaki in Hawaii. Professor Okazaki had
studied classical jujutsu styles of yoshin,
kosagabe and iwaga, as well as studying
Okinawan karate, Filipino knife fighting,
Hawaiian lua, the art of throwing a Spanish dirk,
boxing, wrestling and kung fu. Professor
Okazaki was somewhat of a rebel, as he broke
away from tradition on several occasions. He
developed his own style of jujitsu called
Kodenkan Jujitsu, as well as teaching non-
Japanese, which was unheard of.

Professor Jay had studied boxing, weightlifting,
judo and jujitsu from various instructors before 1944, when he received his black belt in
Kodenkan Danzan Ryu Jujitsu from Okazaki. Professor Jay became aware of the fact
that there was something missing with Jujitsu, the way he learned it. The knowledge he
gained from the other disciplines and Okazaki's own multi-disciplinary background gave
him the perspective to see how classical jujitsu could be improved. It was his two years
of judo study under Ken Kawachi that gave him the key to small circle. Sensei Kawachi
stressed the use of the wrist action to gain superior leverage. Wrist action is the key to
Small Circle Jujitsu.

Over the years he made radical changes in the jujitsu techniques he acquired, believing
that this was what his teacher, Professor Okazaki would have wanted. A point in fact is
that Professor Okazaki himself was somewhat of a rebel, as he broke away from
tradition on several occasions. He taught non-Japanese as well as developing his own
style of jujitsu, called Kodenkan Jujitsu.

Professor Jay's years of experience in classical jujitsu, judo, boxing, weightlifting,
wrestling, aikido, kung fu, other martial arts training, and many periods of trial and error,
led him to develop his theory known as Small Circle Theory. His goal was to refine and
improve upon the techniques by combining the best of everything he learned in different
disciplines. The small circle theory is a proven scientific method that rapidly became
accepted by the martial arts world as an acclaimed and accredited system.
Small Circle Jujitsu
The small circle theory is not only applicable to jujitsu, but it blends in beautifully with
other styles of martial arts. In fact, Professor applied the small circle theory to his judo
teaching and led his team to become a winning team. In 1960 he was voted Northern
California Judo Coach of the Year by Hokka Judo Yudanshakai. Throughout the 60's
and 70's he produced national champions and team winners in Hawaii, Canada, USA,
and Mexico.

In 1978 Professor Jay, Willy Cahill, John Chow-Hoon and Carl Beaver created Jujitsu
America. They seceded from the Hawaiian based American Jujitsu Institute (which was
the Kodenkan organization) because of conflicting ideologies and methodologies. This
group represented the mainland jujjitsuka who decided to break away from the old
organization. The Hawaiian leaders wished to perpetuate the traditions of the kodenkan
system while the state-siders, being modernists, wanted to update and improve their
fighting skills to reflect certain modern realities.

This Small Circle Theory improved and cumulated until 1987, when it officially became
recognized as a complete jujitsu style on it's own, now known as Small Circle Jujitsu
Many had recognized the small circle system as being a separate style for many years,
but after an article in Black Belt magazine, it was official.

Professor Jays Small Circle Jujitsu
techniques are smooth and functional because of
his creation of the flow, in which interchangeable techniques are used to counterattack
the moves of the attacker. Small Circle Jujitsu
evolved from combining many sources
and elements, and continues to evolve as Professor Jay and others enhance the style
with their knowledge.

Small Circle Jujitsu
, eclectic in style and evolutionary by nature, is continually
progressing towards a higher standard. It is understood that no one system has all the
answers and it is our goal to strive for better ones. Professor Jay's teachings give us the
ability and tools to discover, perfect and improvise. The open sharing of knowledge has
been a trademark of the Professors and it is in this spirit of sharing that we can develop
to our greatest potential on our chosen path. Although Small Circle Jujitsu
are relatively modern ones, based on tradition styles, we choose to move forward
honoring the past but not dwelling in it.

Small Circles Second Generation

Who is Professor Leon Jay?
On September 1st, 2002, Professor Wally Jay was
pleased to announce his retirement and the passing of
the title of Grandmaster of Small Circle Jujitsu to his
son and heir, Professor Leon Jay.

Professor Leon Jay (9th Degree Black Belt), the son of
Wally and Bernice Jay, has been training in the martial
arts for over 47 years, having begun at the age of two
in his father's dojo. Apart from the obvious advantage
of a lifetime's training at the hands of Professor Wally
Jay, Leon has had access to many teachers of
exceptional talent and accomplishment, including
Grandmaster George Dillman and Professor Remy

Leon and his English wife, Sandra settled in Surrey in 1990, and he immediately
established the Small Circle Jujitsu Association, Europe. Leon concentrated on seminar
teaching within the U.K., Europe, America and Australasia, and on working on the
integration of Small Circle Jujitsu with the principles of Pressure Point fighting. Leon Jay
established the first Komaru Ryu (Small Circle Jujitsu) clubs in Surrey, England in 1993.
Currently three home clubs are running in Leatherhead, Redhill and Epsom, Surrey.
These clubs are teaching Small Circle Jujitsu, Kyusho-Jitsu, weapons defense,
pressure-point striking techniques and other aspects of realistic self-defense. Small
Circle Jujitsu has made a major contribution to the martial arts scene in the U.K.

Leon was exposed to a wealth of talent at an early age; Leon often came home from
school to find Bruce Lee, to whom his father was a collaborator, mentor and friend, on
the doorstep awaiting the Professors return from work. His father's friends and
contemporaries from Hawaii numbered such martial artists as Ed Parker, founder of
American Kenpo Karate, and a relative of Bernice Jay by marriage.

Leon Jay not only comes from a martial arts family of legendary skills, but one in which
the Professor's belief, that all martial arts benefit from a free and open exchange of
ideas and techniques, dominated. Apart from a highly developed set of sophisticated
teaching and technical principles, this is perhaps the single most identifiable feature of
Small Circle Jujitsu. The Polynesian concept of Pohai, or a circle of friends, is what
most represents the Jay family approach to the arts.

The curriculum reflects Leon's own broad education in the martial arts; his studies have
included: judo; jujitsu (both Kodenkan and Small Circle Jujitsu); kyusho jutsu and tuite;
Filipino martial arts (Modern Arnis under founder, Prof. Remy Presas, and Kali under
Guro John Mellon). Despite its breadth, Professor Leon's education hasn't lacked depth,
as this list of formal qualifications demonstrates.

Grandmaster of Professor Jay's Small Circle Jujitsu
Black Belt 9th degree, Small Circle Jujitsu
Black Belt 8th degree, Tuite from Master George Dillman
Black Belt 5th degree, International Ryukyu Karate Research Society
Black Belt 3rd degree, Kodenkan Jujitsu
Black Belt 1st degree, Kodokan Judo
Black Belt 1st degree, Tae Kwon Do
Member- Patrick McCarthy's International Ryukyu Karate Research Society
Executive Board

Professor Leon has created the Professor Jays Small Circle Jujitsu organization, which
oversees all official Small Circle activities, from syllabus and ranking to the promotion
and dissemination of the system. The aims are to encourage the expansion of the direct
student body of the style, its continued development, and ensure the continued positive
image of the Small Circle family.

Small Circle Jujitsu, eclectic in style and evolutionary by
nature, is continually progressing towards a higher standard. It
is understood that no one system has all the answers and it is
our goal to strive for better ones. Professor Jay's teachings
give us the ability and tools to discover, perfect and improvise.
The open sharing of knowledge has been a trademark of the
Professors and it is in this spirit of sharing that we can develop
to our greatest potential on our chosen path. Although Small
Circle Jujitsu Concepts are relatively modern ones, based on
tradition styles, we choose to move forward honoring the past
but not dwelling in it.

Who is Sensei Ed Melaugh?

Sensei Ed Melaugh has the honor of being named a 1
Generation Sokedai (inheritor)
to the Small Circle Jujitsu system, hand picked by the founder of Small Circle Jujitsu,
Professor Wally Jay.

Sensei Ed Melaugh began his martial arts training in 1972 under his first instructor
Professor Dave Castoldi. He studied a street oriented style of JuJitsu that Professor
Castoldi founded. Ed was Professor Castoldis first student and studied with him for 18

Sensei Melaugh began his studies
with Professor Wally Jay in 1978.
Sensei Melaugh was amazed at
Small Circle Jujitsus use of fluency
and ease on how to render a
person helpless with little effort and
not cause injury. Sensei Melaugh
has earned his 7 degree Black Belt
under Professor Wally Jay and is
the President of United States
Small Circle Jujitsu.

Through his involvement with
Professor Jay, Sensei Melaugh has
been able to train with many world-
class martial arts instructors. These instructors include Professor Willy Cahill, former
U.S. Olympic Judo coach, Sijo James DeMile, founder of the Wing Chun Do system
(DeMile is one of the original students of Bruce Lee in Seattle Washington), and
Grandmaster George Dillman of the Dillman Pressure Point method

The blend of Professor Jays Small Circle Jujitsu, Professor Castoldis Street Jujitsu,
Sijo DeMiles Wing Chun Dos entering and trapping, and Grandmaster Dillmans
pressure point method creates an unparalleled system of practical effective street self-
protection, Small Circle Jujitsu.

Since 1990 Sensei Melaugh has run his thriving martial arts school New England Small
Circle Jujitsu Academy, located in Woburn, Massachusetts. He instructs at many
prestigious martial arts conventions and seminars throughout the United States and
Europe. He promotes the United States Small Circle Jujitsu, Jujitsu America National
Conventions, Small Circle Jujitsu summer camps, and ranking camps. He also hosts
seminars and Jujitsu grappling tournaments. Sensei Melaugh also has been in
numerous martial arts magazines and local newspapers for many years.

Sensei Melaugh teaches all ages from 5 years old and up. He continues to teach many
law enforcement officers from the Secret Service, DEA, FBI, and State and local police
officers. Sensei Melaugh has received many awards including induction into the World
Martial Arts Hall of Fame, nomination into the United States Martial Arts Hall of Fame,
JuJitsu Americas Blackbelt Hall of Fame, the Zen Do Kai Hall of Fame, Instructor of the
Year for Small Circle Jujitsu, Instructor of the Year for Jujitsu America, Small Circle
Jujitsu Internationals Professor Wally Jay Award, and many more. In 1996 Sensei
Melaugh competed at the Sport Jujitsu World championships and became the World
Champion in Sport Jujitsu in his specialty Self-Defense.

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