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The biography of Hazrat Syed Shah Ghulam Afzal Biabani

The mausoleum of Hazrat Syed Shah Afzal Biabani Qazipet Sharif

Translated by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com.
Translator Muslim Saints and Mystics
(The Tadhkirah al-Awliya of Farid al-din Attar)
& Kindle, Amazon book's author
[email protected]



This is a very old book written by Syed Khaja Sadat Hussain Shah
Biabani with the title Limat Biabani about the advices and discourses
of his spiritual master Hazrat Syed Shah Ghulam Afzal Biabani and the
first time I have translated this book in English. This translation of the
most ancient and celebrated Urdu book on Sufiism will, I hope, be
found useful not only by the number of students familiar with the
subject at first hand, but also by many readers.
This is a small book in which there are advises and instructions,
especially available for Taleb (student) and it refers to a person who is
committed to a Murshid (spiritual master) in a Tariqa (spiritual path) of
Sufism and it is also known as a Salik (Arabic:

), a mureed is an
initiate into the mystic philosophy of Sufism and all these details of
advices by the spiritual master hazrat syed shah ghulam afzal biabani
are added in this book And also in this book there are some great
achievements which are not yet known to the general person are
published in a very interesting style so for this reason the readers will
find great interest and attention in this matter.
From the above facts and details, if the readers will starts reading this
books first page and will not stop its reading till they will reach its last
page as in this book there are some interesting events and as well as
other great miracles and endeavours of holy saint are added and this
holy saint to have passed away from the world some 100 years ago.
Even though this is small book, but due to its importance it is so
great due to coverage of many interesting events and positive
information in it so it is like an ocean of knowledge and information of
holy saint and who have passed away from the world upon doing their
great endeavours and many hard tasks for the preaching and
propagation work of Islam in the Deccan (South India) area so this
book is small one but it will present the ocean of knowledge and
information for the guidance of people towards the right path of Islam.
This book is edited and formatted as per the great book Muslim
saints and Mystics (Tadhkirtal Aliyah by Farid al din Attar) which is
very famous in the Western world among the English knowing persons.

So for this reason there will be some small differences in it while
comparing with the Urdu books and its literature. The aim of this
magazine is to present in the Western world where there is great search
and demand of the books of Sufism and biographies of holy saints who
lived and spent their entire lives for the preaching and propagation of
Islamic religion in all corners of the world as per tradition and practice
of Allahs last prophet.
To write about this great Sufi master is not only it is difficult and but
it is very hard task as he was not only a great pious personality of his
time in the Warangal area, but he was also a great spiritual master who
had a large number of disciples at that time in the Deccan area and his
teaching and preaching which deals with the Islamic code of living.
So in brief he was the great Saint of the Deccan of his time in the
Indian sub-continent and who did many great endeavours for the
preaching and propagation of Islam in Qazipet Sharif and in and around
Hyderabad and its expansion to other adjoining and distant territories
and there was no such personality during his time.
In this book an event of the generosity of Hazrat Syed Shah Ghulam
Afzal Biabani is added in which the details of the Estate administer
Sheikh Dadan who is the grandfather of the translator are available and
in whose memory this event was especially translated from the above
book for the information of the readers of the International Internet
Libraries in U.S.A. and other countries especially for the readers of
these two websites as follows. and
It is my great honour and pleasure to translate this book from Urdu to
English, so I request the readers to read this book because in it there are
many revelations of the secrets which are added in this book for which I
shall be highly obliged to all of its readers in this matter.

Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com.
Translator Muslim Saints and Mystics
(The Tadhkirah al-Awliya of Farid al din Atta)
& Kindle, Amazon book author


In praise of Hazrat Syed Shah Afzal Biabani

The giver of life to the nation and a witness of the divine light of Allah
The person of status and position known as Syed shah Afzal Biabani

His manners and conduct were so great like the prophet of Allah
In mysticism and piety he became deputy of Abdul Quader Jilani

He was used to keep secrets of high level of courage from all persons
But the high level of greatness and status was available on his forehead

He was unique in the world due to the knowledge and his excellence
He was known secrets of knowledge of Allah, the Lord of the worlds

Due to his command the rivers flowing from his sea of the favour
For this reason the king and the beggar equally benefitted in the matter

In fact, his miracles were becoming famous throughout the world
So everybody accepted his status of greatness as he was sole master

His hands of kindness aren't becoming shortened to all his disciples
By Allahs kindness, his hands were becoming like the hands of Allah

If anybody finds a problem, so will remember him for his kind help
Because wherever will be problem is there, then it will be ending there

As per his sayings all secrets were known to the students of reality
So for this reason due to favour of Biabani they become pious persons

Due to the recital of his purest name all will able to get their all desires
Like the great name of Allah it is having an effect of the divine at all

Oh: King for the sake of God, show us your bright face to your lovers
Due to kindness and great status show you favour to me in this matter


Due to your view, there is a favour to the soul and an increase of faith
Oh: the moon of Kanon there will exist the light of Allah on your face

Oh: King you are the sun of kindness and favour of all times
To fulfil my desires and all needs and help me in this matter

Oh: my helper I am empty handed, so not return empty from your door
For my problems and needs be kind and help me like the great king

For Sadat does not have shelter in both worlds except your protection
Kindly allow me to act as a guard at the door of your meeting place.


The biography of Hazrat Syed Shah Ghulam Afzal Biabani

His name is Hazrat Syed Shah Ghulam Afzal Biabani alias Bade
Miya. As his name was given to him the name of his grandfather so his
father used to call him as Bade Miyan and for this reason he becomes
famous with this name in all general and special persons and also the
king of Hyderabad knows him well with this name.
Genealogical record
He was the elder son Hazrat Syed Sarwar Biyabani and his
grandfathers name is Hazrat Syed Shah Afzal Biaybani and his
genealogical link is connected with Syed Ahmed Rifai also who is
known with the name of Syed Ziauddin Biyabani and who was a
famous holy person of his time and who was become famous with the
title of Biyabani and who is related with him in his 10
generation and
his tomb is situated in Ambad Sharfi in Jalana district of Maharashtra
State and his tomb is in Ambad Sharif which is famous even today for
the fulfilment of desire and wishes of the persons who visit his tomb
His complete biography details are available in the book Ziauddin
Biyabani which is compiled by Mir Munwar Ali. His mothers maternal
grandmother is the sister of Hazrat Syed Shah Afzal Biabani.
Place of birth As per tradition, he was born in the year 1868
corresponding to 1282 Hijra. Also, as per another tradition in which it is
available this information that he said during the discussion in the
meeting one time that he was born after the death of his grandfather. As
his grandfather Syed Shah Afzal Biabani died six months before the
event of the Indias freedom war of 1857 corresponding to 1273. As
per another tradition once when he was in Hyderabad in the year 1349 in
travellers lodge of Nampally and there he told the persons who were
present in his meeting that he was 67 old at that time and from this
saying also his date of birth will come to know of 1282 Hijra so for this
reason this year of birth is confirmed in this matter.

He was born at Hanmakonda at the house of his maternal grandfather
in the Machli bazaar village.
Place of residence
He was used to live in village of Qazipet which is situated in district
His ancestors were migrated from Ambad Sharif to Hyderabad and
from there they came to Qazipet Sharif and these details are available in
the book Afzal Kiramat in which it was mentioned that Hazrat Fazil
Biyabani came from Ambad Sharif to Hyderabad for further studies and
he stayed in the mosque of Qutub Alam Bukhari. This mosque was
constructed by Qutub Alams wife and in this mosque, he was obtained
the knowledge and excellence and he becomes famous in the following
1. Teaching
2. Preaching
The above qualities of him were watched by Qutub Alam and who
was at that time on the post of city Mufti (Muslim jurist) and the
custodian of the Qutub Alam mosque. Due to the excellence of his
family background and perfection of the knowledge so he was interested
to marry his granddaughter Shahzadi Saheba with him so Syed Fazil
Biabani was taken the permission from his elder brother Syed Shah
Afzal Biabani in this matter and he was married in Hyderabad.
Hazrat Qutub Alam kept the son in law in his house as except that
girl he was not having any legal heirs available in the house. He was
transferred the service Inam of Qaziat (justice) of Warangal district
with three villages in his name.
By that time Syed Shah Fazil Biabani was settled down in the Qazipet
village and now in this family one village of Qazipet still left in lieu of
the of service for the post of Qazi (judge) of Warangal.
Many of his ancestors who were passed away from this world were
used to live in Ambad Sharif and their graves are still available there
and these details are available in the book Afzal al-Karamat and to know
more details on this matter the genealogical records is mentioned as


Syed Shah Ghulam Afzal Biabani
Syed Shah Sarwar Biabani
Syed Shah Afzal Biabani
Syed Ghulam Mohiuddin Biabani
Syed Shah Ghulam Hussain Biabani
Syed Shah Fazil Biabani
Syed Amin Biabani
Syed Shah Fazil Biabani- I
Hazrat Syed Abdul Malik Biabani
Syed Asharf Biabani
Syed Maqdoom Syed Ziauddin Biabani

The title Biabani
In the book Afzal al-Karamt the biography, details of Syed Shah
Ziauddin Biabani are available and in which the compiler of this book
mentioned that he used to visit the jungle areas while wearing shawl of
broadcloth and used to worship there and for this reason the people
used to call him Pir (spiritual master) Saqlati Baba because the meaning
of Saqlat is the person one who wear the broad cloth (shawl) and who
used to live most of the time in the jungle areas in invocation of Allah so
he become famous with Biabani.
The physical structure
His height was tall and he was strong and with the build up of
healthy exercise and wheatish complexion and the face of light. The
eyes were of intoxicated colour and the bright face of shining cheek
and smiling mouth with a fresh face, and wide eyebrows. The eyebrows
and bread were available in the modest way and were not thick and
with powerful eye sight, the mouth and lips and teeth were in the modest
structure and wide chest as well as the hands and shoulders were heavy
and strong, as well as suitable tall height, with the big fist and big
fingers which were fat, and very suitable parts of the body to fit for the
dress. On the wide forehead, and from the suitable bright forehead to
the middle part of the body there was no hairs on it. On one occasion on
asking by somebody he asked his father how was the physical
structure of the grandfather.? Then his father said You are similar as

per your grandfather, but there is little difference that your complexion
to some extent it is white and your height is a little more. In short, his
height was tall and he was strongly built up and attractive personality
being one of whom every dress fits well with him and there was no
weakness with him. The shapelessness and fatness did not prevail with
him to look him awkward. But with the suitability of tall height with
good physical build up and also with the proportion of suitable parts of
the body were given to him by Allah. In his last days of life he was used
to walk by bending his body.
His personality was comprised of the good habits which are
mentioned as follows.
1. Commanding personality.
2. Royal majestic
3. Courageous
4. Nice nature
5. Pious biography
6. Clear innermost
7. Good natured
8. Kind
9. Tolerant
10. Patient and thankful
11.Kind natured
12.Kind hearted
13.Highly cultured
14.Justified person
15.Helper of the poor and the orphan and needy persons
16.Lover of guest persons
17.Helper of needy persons
18.Mustabad (whose prayers are accepted by God)
19. Sweet tone taker
20.Light footed
21.Medium speed walker
22.A Person of the truth

He was a man of truth. It was found always freshness on his face and
also it was found knowledge and learned persons excellence and
majesty on him. At his look of high there will be an attraction of the
mercy of Allah available due to this reason the person who look at him
will be affected in the hearts in this matter and they will approach
toward the path of Allah. When the person one who will remain in his
meeting place, then such effect will be available to them.
Sometime even from his simple conversation there will be left effect
on the persons of meeting and for this reason they used to weep in this
matter. His disciple Syed Quader al-Hussaini who write one poetry on
the occasion of his death in which he was described the details of his
physical features and other qualities as well as the details of his
character and good natures description in this matter.

1. Features
2. Qualities
3. Holiness

The features of his personality were very nicely described in the Urdu
poetry and but it is very difficult to translate and interpreting the
details from Urdu poetry into the English language. But due to help of
Allah I have the translated the Urdu poetry in the English version as

In praise of Hazrat Syed Shah Ghulam Afzal Biabani

He was my great master and my teacher of higher status
Who is famous in the world of the saintliness and worship

His personality is different from another and a very unique
Like outcome of light and he was created by the Allah the great

His holy head was a secret of the divine riches and treasure
And he was having the bright face and the white forehead


With the overpower of his eyes there finds the majesty of Allah
So in his sight there was the look of the world of earth and sky

The eyebrows were like the bow and the lighted eyes
Who was used to busies himself in the divine light

He was never kept idle the tongue without the invocation of Allah
Always there have been in his heart the love and the glory of Allah

His hands were always open for the grants to other persons
And he never left the beggars without any help and his favour

With thick bread and his lovely white complexion
Was found the prevalence of the light of heart on his body

With wide body and also strong will of being with him
The heavy heart of the master and was well known to all

There was too much indigence with his personality
But due to his grand dignity all poor and rich bow to him

He used to behave well with all with the treatment of love
And there was no distinction of age of the elder or younger

He always used to give much respect to all visitors
And used to ask and inquire about the care of all

Even during the time of endurance of the illness
The name of the Lord always there on his tongue

His turban of saffron colour was kept always on his head
And he was used to have the loose robe on his body

The staff he was carried in his hand in his daily life
The style of his walking was with dignity and grace

He always used to hear all the calls of his slaves
And used to convince and help them in the matters

Not in a thousand, but in hundred thousand he was un-similar
And he was the person of Allah in the people of indigent persons

It is not possible to cover all his qualities and his manners
But it made possible for me to bring his picture from my heart

It is pray of Quader that his sight be available to all
Which made possible them by the grace of the Lord.

He was used to wear always yellow and saffron colour muslin
headdress and nice and thin muslin shirt and on which there will be
found two button of clothes and two buttons holes there.On the left side
of shirt there will be available one pocket on the edge of the shirt.Also
on the shoulders and on the chest and on the back side double cloth of
traingulr piece of cloth used in stitching on the shirt.White colour
cotton cloth loose pajamas he was used to wear in the inside of the
house.On his head some time he used to wear crown of Sufi colour and
other time he was used to wear sufi handkerchief which was found on
his head. During the winter season he was used to wear brown colour
waistcoat and if there will be required to go outside, then he used to
wear robes on the shirt which was made of embroidered muslin cloth
and at that time on his head the turban will be available. For the
colouring of turban sandal, scent and some time mica were used to mix
with it. He was used to use the staff of bamboo and he was carried in
his hand in daily life and on it there was available the silver sticker in
the oval shape.
During the Urs (annual death anniversary) period at the time of the
procession of sandal ceremony, he was used to wear red lungi (sheet to
cover lower part of the body) with belt and on other days he never

wears lungi. During his first year of his custodianship he was used to
wear green turbans on his head and after that he was used to wear the
turban of saffron colour.
As he used to chew pan (betel leaf) with Banarsi tobacco and snuff of
Ambala factory. So he used to carry in his hand or in his pocket case of
pan with the blue colour handkerchief and snuff bottle.
He used to wear royal style Mughal shoes on the feet and he was
always using the shoes made in Raichur. As per statement of Tufzal
Hussain advocate that once he said In his early age, he was desired to
wear the dress of the his grandfather and so he was asked by his father
in this matter and who said to him that your grandfather used to wear
blankets and Tahband (sheet to cover the lower part of the body) as per
in habituated from the divine instructions. So such dress was suitable to
him, but it is not suitable for you. After that he was to use wearing the
dress of knowledge persons and so from that time he was wearing that
dress. As in the beginning period he wore this dress and went into the
presence of his father and who saw it and liked it very much.
It is learnt that since his childhood, he has been in the habit of using
to wear very nice and high quality dress. His father used to love him too
much and for this reason he was given his nice dresses. His real brother
Hazrat Mohiuddin Pasha Quadari Biabani was once told that his elder
brother was given a nice and costly dress by a father for his wearing
since the period of his childhood. When he was grown up, he saw that at
that time he did not wear linen costing not less than Rupees five and in
short his brother used to wear every costly cloth and very nice texture
of it.
It is an event which was described by his brother Hazrat Mohiuddin
Pasha that he and his brother were in Hyderabad for education purpose
there. At that time there was news of coming of some prince to visit
Hyderabad so there were arrangements in progress in Hyderabad to
receive that prince. In those days at the time of 8 O clock my elder
brother wore his nice dress of blue coat of velvet with embroidery
work on the linen shirt went out of our house on his big horse as per
daily round of the trip from Charminar to Pathergatti and he was passed
from Badshai Ashur Khana and his horse was running in the royal style

and custom and the horse-keeper was running behind the horse. At that
time his brother was 15 years old and he looks to be attractive and he
physics was great so the people of Hyderabad when they saw with this
grand condition so they thought him royal prince and was Inquired with
the horse-keeper that when did the prince came to the city.? And he told
them that he is our prince and he belongs to the elder son of Qazi of
Warangal. It was heard that the people in the city were surprised for his
royal position and dignity in this matter. Because he was pious by nature
and Allah was given him niceness of body and nature and grace which
was found in him fully. In his royal style and dignity there was not any
decrease in it from his childhood to the last period of life. Due to his
spiritual status and the favour of Allah which was brought him up in
his beloved way of life. Due to his forbearance and he could show his
position of resolutions. In the divine world he was very popular as that
he was obtained the position of the love.
As per his saying it was known that his early education was given to
him by his father. Once he was narrated that his early education was
started at that time by his grandfather, Hazrat Syed Shah Afzal Biabani
and who once was coming there to see his father and he told his father
that he wants to start the education of the child with his tongue of the
favour of interpreting. So the grandfather accepted the request of my
father in this matter.
As this was spiritual secret which the persons in the meeting could
not able to understand it that how this happened and for the general
people it was a matter of surprise that he was born after 10 years of the
death of his grandfather. But from the holy persons such acts is not
impossible for them and no surprise is required in this matter. Because
the holy persons are not dying but they used to shift from this world to
another world.
So the saying of the prophet of Allah, which is reported by Abu Naim
Mohadit said there is a famous saying of the prophet is that Hazrat Aisha
Siddiqa (R.A.) said the prophet said that Among his people of his
Ummat (nation) will talk after their death and Imam Baiqhi was also
confirmed that it was correct as per the book Umran Qulub.

In the book Irshad Talibin there is a tradition from Hazrat Pera
Kunand Baba that Hazrat Imam Hasan Noori was busying himself in the
jungle in the worship of Allah and at that time, one young person came
to him said Assalam Alikum Ya Hasan Noori. Imam asked him how
do you know his name is Hasan and his fathers name Noori. The person
told him that the person one who surrender to Allah so Allah will inform
him details of all things. At this time he was present with him as he
wants to die so he should bury him. The Imam told him not to disclose
the matter of divine. During that time that person was cleaned himself
and he went into prostration and he was dying there. Imam buried him
and he sat on at the head side of the grave of that person and he was
praying for his forgiveness. He heard the sound of laughing from the
grave. The imam told no living persons to live in the grave and no dead
person did not make a sound. That young man told Oh: Imam did not
hear that there is no doubt that holy persons of Allah did not face death,
but they will be shifted from one place to another.
This thing was was also mentioned by Jalauddin Suwati in his guide
book of Sadur quoted the reference of the magazine of Imam Abul
Qasim Tastari in which a tradition which reported by Abu Saeed Khazaz
that once he was in Makkah at the gate of Bani Shaiba where he find one
young man who was dead there and when he looked at him, then he
was seeing and he was smiled and he said Aba Saeed he got such
knowledge that those who love Allah then after the death they will be
remain alive and they just shift from the place.
He was used to say that his primary education was completed with
Hazrat Shah Ali Saheb and who was also the teacher of my father and
who was student of my grandfather and his residence was in
Hanmankonda village in Thousand pillars temple street and he was a
famous learned person of his time and who got his education by
grandfather and also he was become his disciple and he was among his
special disciples and he got favour of spirituality and he was pious
person of his time and in his last age he was migrated to Madina and he
was spent his last days there and he was died there.
Regarding his education, he was used to say that in addition to Hazrat
Shah Ali Saheb and Mubrak Ali Shah there are many able teachers who

were great learned persons of their times who taught him during his stay
at Hyderabad.
Knowledge and excellence
He was perfect in all sections of knowledge of Arabic and Persian and
he was a perfect prose writer and the great poet and his poetic name was
Afzal. He was best calligraphist and he was also perfect in reading old
broken languages of the manuscripts and he was well known for his
writing and reading.
Once he was told in the discussion about his calligraphy work that
once one calligraphist came Qazipet and with him he was practicing the
following three alphabets of the Arabic language as follows.
Due to the practice of the above 3 alphabets you people are watching
my hand writing. The writer of this book explains here that due to the
practice of three alphabets the becoming of nice writing is a matter of
great surprise. So upon hearing this there will be a surprise in this
matter. But in his personality, there were available all types of abilities
in him since his birth and due to this reason, apparently there will be
some other reason in this matter which is acting as informality then his
higher nature will be overcome on it with perfection in this matter.
Once in the discussion, he was told that during his stay in
Hyderabad one day he was sitting in outside of the house there and one
person came there with old book in which there was available broken
language in it and he told him he got his book from his family library
and he was searching all the city to get this book in fresh writing for
getting it printed but he was not successful in this matter. Even the
person could not able to read and give the subject matter of this book.
One learned person gave your address so he was waiting for the arrival
of Qazi Saheb of Warangal in this matter. When he got the news of his
arrival, he was coming there for this work. Then he took the book from
him and checked it and asked him to come after two days. After two
days that person came to see me then I have given him the manuscript in

good handwriting in this matter he was very surprised and he left from
there in the very happy mode and condition.

The Arabic knowledge
As per reference of Mir Roshan Ali, who is migrated from Madina
who is disciple of Hazrat Syed Shah Sarwar Biabani says during the
governorship of Nawab Rafat Yar Jung Bahadur he was with him in
Aurangabad province and at that time one Arabic learned person came
there and he said to Nawab Saheb during his discussion that he was met
the many group of knowledge persons in Hyderabad but as a matter of
fact in really he could not find such person who should be called a man
knowledge there so he is returning back. So upon hearing this before
Nawab Sahebs reply in this matter, I told him Maulavi Saheb (Muslim
priest) you have not seen in Hyderabad there are such learned person are
there and like equal to them perhaps no persons are available in any
place. For this reason Nawab Saheb who known as the civilized
gentleman was upset and worried for my un-civilized act of replying
directly to the Arabic learned person in his presence. Afterward due to
my reply he faces was become red and his eyes were becoming red due
to his anger and upset and he looked at me so I told him Nawab Saheb
what is the level of knowledge of Bade Miya.? Upon hearing this Nawab
Sahebs anger was turned down and he was becoming happy and he told
Malavi Saheb that Mir Saheb is telling right. Actually, you have not
visited Warangal. If you have visited Qazi Saheb of Warangal then your
desire will have been fulfilled in this matter. Then Nawab Saheb
explained the excellence of Qazi Saheb and he told him the following
details of good etiquettes of Qazi Saheb of Warangal.
1. Knowledge
2. Good Manners
Mir Saheb used to say that after that even he did not know whether
Malavi Saheb met the Qazi Saheb of Warangal or not.? Qazi Saheb was
well known in the knowledge and in excellence in his time in the


The secrets of Maraft (the knowledge of Allah)
Once he was given me the instruction to go and see Sir Nizamat Jung
Bahadur so I was proceeding to Viqarabad to see him there and was
reached in his bungalow in Viqarabad. Upon my arrival there Nawab
Saheb came out from this house. So he I have handed over the letter of
the Qazi Saheb to him. So he took the letter in his hand and without its
reading he was looking at me and he said He was travelling all
countries in the world and everywhere he was contacted the learned
persons and he was also met Arabic learned persons but he could not
find such a learned person in any country of the world. He is only one of
its kind in his time. In his heart there is so much respect for him. I have
desired that he should ask his assistance in his personal matter, but till
now he could not get a chance in this matter.
Once he was met with Habibur Rahman Sherwani, who was
chairman of the religious affairs department in Hyderabad government.
From the persons who were present in the meeting it was known that
Habibur Rahman Sherwani during the discussion told him that he was
surprised that there are such people like you of knowledge and
excellence are there in Hyderabad and with such people in fact he is
unable to talk with them due to not having ability with him. So why the
H.E.H the King of Hyderabad was calling him to Hyderabad from India.
In his poetry there was the style and standard of the old and famous
poet Hafiz Shirazi and Jami is found. Hazrat Lala Miya used to say this
event many times that he was visited one place and the name of the
place was removed from the memory of the compiler of the book and at
that place there was a meeting of ecstasy was held in which Sufi,
Ulmea (scholars) and Mashiaq (learned) persons were present there. By
chance the chorister (Qawwals) sang one his poetry item in which it was
found in its end with the poetic name of Afzal so for this reason the
listeners were surprised in this matter that who is Afzal and whose
poetry is similar of Hafiz Shirazi so I have told the details of his name in
this matter.
In another event one chorister was present in his service and told
about the Sama meeting of another place and he told him that when your

poetry was sung there so there came into their mind that it is the poetry
of Hafiz Sherazi and upon hearing this he was become silent for some
time.After some time when all persons left from there except me and one
other person and whose name I have forgotten in this matter.He said at
the time of composing the poetry he was used to think and imagine
about Hafiz Shirazi and write his poetry in this way and he said he
think Hafiz Shirazi as his teacher.
Hazrat Syed Darwesh Mohiuddin who wrote his book Afzal Karmat
and who was famous and well known man of knowledge and Masahiq
(learned) person from Hyderabad and who wrote his article Halat
Irtehal in which available his deep, heartfelt feelings of profound
sorrow and grief are found in it and these feelings are written in the very
strange method and style. In that article it is available how his position
and status is found within the hearts of the Ulmea (scholars), Sufi
persons. In the knowledge of the manifest and innermost how he was
getting his excellence in this matter. The above article is presented as
Hazrat Qazi Syed Shah Ghulam Afzal Biabani who was the holy
personality of his time and to whom the people of Hyderabad and
villages almost all know about him. He was the grandson of Hazrat Syed
Shah Afzal Biabani and elder son of Hazrat Syed Shah Sarwar Biabani
and he was the custodian of Qazipet shrine. In spite of his excellence of
his family background, his personality was a perfection of many
qualities were bright like the sun of the afternoon. Due to his following
qualities so there was no such person during his time.
1. Good manners
2. Humility
3. Sincerity
Not only many thousand disciples and devotees, but many hundred
friends and acquaintances and respectable persons who used to love him
by their hearts. One who will meet one time with sincerity with him,
then he will make a place in his heart and he will become his devotee
due to his character and conduct. Like a magnetic he was absorbing the
persons towards him. During his time there was used to receive large
amounts of presents and donation and huge revenue of the estate, but

there was no system with him for saving the amount with him. The
method of a new day with new sustenance was find every day with him.
Not only the knowledge of manifest, but he was a great leader of the
1. Knowledge of Haqiqat (spiritual path) and Marifat (knowledge of
When he was used to explain the Sufi subjects, then there will be an
available source of Anwar and the blessing for the listeners immediate.
When he was used to explain the subject of Mairfat (knowledge of
Allah) by his tongue, then it seemed that the significance of knowledge
of the sea of about the old personality of Allah is moving there. Like
the wave of the river of not ending is found in his knowledge so if he
will continue these subjects, even for months then there will be no need
of repetition of them. His chest was a treasure of knowledge of truth.
Fast eloquence and the rhetoric were such that due to this ability, he
was used to conquer the hearts of the people. The softness of the style of
tongue was such that it seems that there was falling of the flowers from
his tongue. During his youth period Nawab Emad Jung First and Nawab
Rafat Yar Jung First used to push him and they used to listen his
eloquences and then they were enjoyed with eloquence and rhetoric
subjects and worlds. Due to the family relation Sir Nizamat Jung
Bahadur who was used to meet with him and there was discussion
between them on the knowledge. Ulma (scholars) and Mashaiqin
(learned persons) were used to think him as their pious person. He was
used to send letters in Persian to the learned persons. Some time the
addressee will use to translate it from other learned persons. He was a
master in the writing of Urdu script (Nastaliq) and broken languages.
During the annual death anniversary (Urs) many thousand people
used to gather there in Qazipet and during this period every person was
used to praise of the following things about him.
1. Good manners
2. Effects of the manifest and innermost
The Urs (annual death anniversary) ceremony was performed on the
higher level arrangements and which have been watched by many
thousand people. During the time of Sama (ecstasy) meeting his

presence was like a feeling of the light of Allah. From his eyes there
were flown many kilogrammes of tears in the love of Allah. The tears
used to flow from his eyes for the period of many hours and it will
effect in the shape of of light and blessing which will be find about
the people who were present in the meetings. It is not matter of long
time, but it belongs to the short time that many thousand people know
the details in this matter. Due to his love the following persons used to
visit Qazipet usually and used to get benefit from him too much.
1.Nawab Mashsauq Yar Jung Bahadur
2.Nawab Ghazi Yar Jung Bahadur
3. Nawab Basit Khan
4. Peer Jamat Ali Shah
In the small village Qazipet electricity and water supply was provided
by the help of Nawab Basit Khan. Nawab Sader Yar Jung Bahadur
during his meeting he was used to be silent there due to his manners
and he was used to be benefit by his sayings and after leaving, he used
to offer his presents to him and he used to say that like learning pious
person of Qazi Saheb of Warnagal did not find throughout India.
Maharaja Kishan Persad for a period of many years he was used to
present in his service at the time of five oclock and he was used to
benefit by his high lever of sayings. Maharaj used to say that since five
oclock morning daily he used to be waiting for the 5 o clock evening
time that when it will strike 5 o clock so that he should present with him
there. In spite of his close relations with Maharaja Kishan Persad or any
Nawab and the wealthy person he never visited their houses. Except the
persons with whom he had a family relation or they belongs to his
disciples. As he was a great man of knowledge (alim) so his death is
like the death of the world. On the day of Arfa (Hajj) day during Haj
timing at 10.14 A.M. at Hyderabad at the age of 81 years he left this
mortal world. He was buried in the Qaziept village on the Eid day. His
one big volume of Dewan (poetry collection) of Persian Gazal (Ode)
poetry and one big volume of memory notes which is full of ideas of
knowledge is left behind him. Oh Allah forgive him and bestow on him
your mercy and enter him in the paradise (Amin).

During the time of materialistic life, such a great person of spiritual
knowledge will not be seen and it is very difficult to find such person of
excellence and knowledge. When he was left from Qazipet for
Hyderabad then he began weeping greatly while seeing the resting
places of his ancestors. If he won't go to Hyderabad then many hundred
persons who were lovers of his grace were left deprived there in this
matter. His death is a next great loss of Qazipet after the death of his
father and which could not be covered easily and it is not possible in this
matter. Due to this reason many hundred persons' hearts were effected in
this matter.
Actually the death of persons of such spiritual masters is like a life
of perpetual life and there is only difference in this matter that they are
not seen by the eyes of the people of this world.
Allah says in the holy Quran that Listen the pious people will not
die, but they will transferred from this world to another world.
In the above article there is available an event of his favour and
which is added in this book.

Those who will never die as their hearts love of Allah is there.
And this fact is mentioned in the worlds ever living book Quran.

Yours sincere

Darwesh Afi Anhu

Dated 11
Zil Hajj 1362 Hijri

Whenever he used to visit Hyderabad from Qazipet till his stay there
daily learned persons of Hyderabad sometimes from other places and
some time famous Ulmea (scholars) of Arab countries in this
connection used to present in his service and used to engage in the
discussion with him about matters of knowledge and other problems. So
Anwar Allah Khan till he was chairman of the religious affairs
department, he was used to refer to him usually in the cases and in the
legal opinions and in other related matters. Also Habib Ur-Rehman

Sherwani was also used to refer in the matters of Islamic law and in the
files of the cases of session court, he used to forward all such cases to
him for taking his legal opinions and he was used to give his opinion on
all those matters and returned back the files of the cases to him in this
Akbar Khan used to say that in the beginning period Tarnach Bahadur
when he was arrived in Hyderabad as prime minister of Hyderabad
State when in those days he was getting a chance to meet him. He was
going there in his car to his bungalow and when he was getting down
from his car, then Tranch Bahadur was coming out from his house and
he saw his higher personality, then he went to the steps of bungalow to
receive him and he took him to the inside of his bungalow and he sat
with him and he talked with him for a long time. It was heard that
Tarnach Bahadur was an expert in the Arabic knowledge and with him
he was discussed Arabic knowledge. During the discussion Tarnach
Bahadur was surprised that such people are there in Hyderabad State. In
short upon his return from there Tarnach Bahadur came to the car to say
goodbye and he himself opened the door of the car and upon his sitting
in the car with great respect he met with him and he told him his
goodbye there.
Other arts
He was perfect in the following arts.
1. Arts of soldier
2. Sword
3. Fight with clubs
4. Wrestling
5. Horse riding
He was a great expert in horse riding. In all arts of horse riding he
was expert too much. He knew all tricks of whipping of the horse. He
was known also art of music and musical instruments and he was also
know other details related to the art of music and instruments.
He was also an expert in all kinds of hunting with guns and his aim
was very perfect. In the swimming also he was well known as he was an
expert swimmer. In the above arts his expert details are available in his
events which he used to say in his meetings.

So once he said that in his early life it was seen the practice that
Muslim from Hanmakonda usually to visit Qazipet in the evening time
and they used to drink sendhi (date liquor) in the date liquor trees areas
in the drunkard conditions and make many mischiefs there and used to
trouble to the village of people of Qazipet.On the request of the village
persons father told brother Ahmed who was his foster brother to tell
those persons not to do such actions and to take care in this matter.After
this one day he was walking in the drawing room after having
dinner.One date liquor sales women came there in worried condition
and she said the people attacked brother Ahmed and he was in serious
condition of unconsciousness there in the date liquor trees area. Upon
hearing this he was going there on the spot in angry mode and watching
there large number of people were there and all persons were holding
clubs in their hands. They were ready to make riot and disturbance and
brother Ahmed was lying there in un-conscious condition. He was alone
there in the gathering. So he was entered in the group with great
difficulty and snatch one club so the people attacked upon him so he
was started club fight with them and for this reason all fields was cleared
from them and there were available many injured persons in serious
condition everywhere in the field. There was available huge, loud and
cry by the injured persons in the field. Then he went to see brother
Ahmed. As he was at his age and his personality was same like him, but
he lifted him alone and he took him to the house and put him on the bed
in the drawing room. Then father immediately came to the drawing
room and he was checked brother Ahmed and he was arranging the
treatment of brother Ahmed. He was surprised greatly for my action and
boldness to enter into the large group of persons. He instructed me not to
repeat such action in the future. He was surprised that I was facing the
large group of persons alone and was successful in this matter.
One day at the morning time he was present with his father who was
sitting on the throne, which is under Nobat Khana (the place from where
time is announced by the beat of a drum) then Samadani Pasha, who is
the elder son of Ghulam Dasgir Hussaini alias Peeran Saheb who was
learned person of Manakundur came there from the village side of
Qazipet who is a grandson from his maternal side and he was passing

from the side of the shrine building. He was, called him to come near by
sign. So Samdani Pasha wants to get down from the horse immediately,
but he was prohibited him in this matter and he asked him to come to see
him on the horse. So he came near him on his horse. Then he asked him
some questions about horse riding and the habits of the horse. He asked
him some special question in this matter and he said to him can he ride
his horse?.
Did your horse will able to bear his weight?. Samdani Pasha told
him that grandfather this is big horse did, he will not bear your weight?
Please kindly fulfil your desire and saying this he want to get down from
the horse so he prohibited him in this matter and he told him, give him
in writing that if he will sit on the horse and horses waist will be break
then he will not claim in this matter. Samdani Pasha told him that surely
he will give it in writing and he will not claim in this matter. And saying
this he was getting down from the horseback. He was, called him close
due to the kindness and smiled and he said to him that he wants to joke
with him otherwise he was not wanting to sit on the horse. He addressed
me and he said regarding riding of the horse there is an art of delicate
nature is that if the rider of the horse if he will put his heel on the vein,
which is available in the stomach of the horse, then the horse which
should be more powerful and strong will become under control of the
rider immediately on this matter and for always his waist will be broken.
He knows this art well and if he wants, then he can break the waist of the
horse. Upon hearing this Samdani Pasha left from there upon obtaining
his permission.
Once he was sitting near repository drinking water platform in the
shrine building of Qazipet then by chance I was present myself in his
service and in the discussion he told that he know well swimming and
while putting towel on the water he will sleep upside down and with this
trick he will not drown into the water nor the towel will go down in the
water.In this situation there was came thought in my mind that it was
due to his miracle.Upon this thought he said immediately that it was not
belongs to miracle but this act is related with the work art and wisdom
of the swimming and it is simple method if I will teach then you will
also try it easily. I also learned this trick by one expert of swimming.

He was also know well with the instruments of music. On some
occasion when the singing parties will approach him, then he was used
to address with them in this matter. During the Sama meetings he used
to comment the performance of the parties on the spot and he used to
praise them about their performance in the meetings. He also used to
point out some small mistakes of the singers with which the parties of
singers used to accept it.
From his saying it is clear that he was known also the Arabic
medical course. The doctors of Unani (indigenous system of medicine)
medicine used to surprise upon his suggestion and advices and they used
to accept his opinions. He used to discuss the following things with

1. Medicinal herbs and its properties
2. Jungle
3. Bushes
4. Desert and wilderness
5. Wonders of the nature of the mountain and desert
6. Snake and scorns
And he used to tell the strange stories of the above things that the
listeners will be surprised too much of his wide range of information
and details.
Marriage and sons
His father arranged his marriage in the family of Nawab Mohiuddin
Bahdur who was famous and well know Mashaiq (learned person) of
Hyderabad with the daughter of Mohammed Fazal Ali, who was Qazi of
Bhongir and who was custodian of the shrine of Jamal al-Bahr. By this
marriage there was born one son Syed Ziauddin Biabani and three
daughters were born and among them two daughters died in their early
ages in Hyderabad.
His first wife was well known for good manners and pious nature,
tolerant habits and humble conduct. It was heard that when the women
who used to visit her to kiss her feet, then she used to behave well with
them and treat well also with their children just like a real mother who
behave with his single children. The women visitors used to say that

upon their visits there will be such affect on their hearts that they are
meeting with their real mother.
As she was a perfect, pious lady and she used to busies herself always
in the invocation of Allah and so in the last days she was becoming ill
and for this reason he was married a second time. And after some years
after this marriage, she died on 16
Rabil Awwal in the year 1365 Hijri
and her grave is situated in the southwestern side of his tomb.
The Qazi (judge) of Warangal
He was given this post during the period of his father. After giving
this post to him his father lived many years. So in this way he performed
his duties well in this respectable post till the end of his life.
The Pledge
He was obtained bait (pledge) from his father. After many years of his
pledge one day before the death of his father on the opposite side of
the shrine building on 20
Safar in the year 1331 Hijri the ceremony of
caliphate was performed there. In that meeting brother Syed Afzaluddin
residence of Ramod of Barar was present there who was a special
disciple of his father. Who has narrated the details of the ceremony of
the caliphate as follows.
He said that he was purchasing the flowers, sweet, turban, lungi
(sheet to cover the lower part of the body) and also he was arranging the
Once he said that his father was given him the post of Qazi of
Warangal and he was also wanting to grant him the caliphate, but he was
not ready at that time. So his father told him that nowadays he was
becoming weak, so he should take caliphate and make disciples and
include them in this chain. So he told him that allow him some time to
reach on the status of perfection of Sufism then allow him caliphate. So
that he should not be kept behind with anybody in this matter. So for
this reason the matter of caliphate was stopped. In this matter he said
when his father becomes ill and his illness was growing up and when he
was seen the sun was reached on the roofs corner and his pressure was
increased in this matter so as per his saying his father was granted him
the caliphate.


The custodianship
He was becoming the custodian of the Qazipet on the fourth day of
the death of his father Hazrat Syed Shah Sarwar Biabani upon
completion of the third day funeral rites of 24
Safar in the year 1331
Hijri. He performed his duties as custodian for a period of 31 years, nine
months and fifteen days.
During this period the general disciples were agreed in this matter that
about over 100,000 were included among his disciples in which most of
them were people of city of Hyderabad and from villages and districts
of Hyderabad estate, from some areas of Madras, Bombay, Calcutta,
Dehli and Lucknow who were privileged to make pledge on his hand.
Among in his large un-counted numbers of his disciples due to his
kindness he was granted saintly dress of the caliphate to the following

1. Hazrat Syed Shah Mohiuddin Pasha Biabani
2. Hazrat Syed Shah Abdul Karim Biabani
3. Hazrat Sadiq Allah Shah
4. Hazrat Qazi Fazal Ali Shah
5. Hazrat Ghulam Ahmed Shah
6. Hazrat Ghouse Ali Shah
7. Hazrat Syed Hafeezudin Shah
8. Hazrat Kashafi Shah
9. Hazrat Syed Hussain Shah Hussaini
10. Hazrat Basheeruddin Shah
11.Hazrat Syed Ziauddin Biabni
12.Hazrat Syed Shah Ghulam Jeelani Shah Hussaini
13.Hazrat Syed Ismail Shah
14.Hazrat Darwesh Mohiuddin alias Hussain Ali Shah
15.Hazrat Basheeruddin Kazmi Shah
16.Hazrat Abdul Gaffar Rohi Shah
17.Hazrat Syed Shah Mohamed Quaderi alias Quader Pasha
18.Hazrat Syed Khaja Sadat Hussain Shah
19.Hazrat Syed Shah Quaderi


The pledge (bait) from Jinns and men
He was awarded the light of faith by hands to the men. In this
connection the details of his custodianship were already mentioned in
this book in its previous pages. Upon obtaining the caliphate and till his
last period of life more than 100,000 persons made their pledges (bait)
with him. During the day time the general, persons used to see him and
become his disciples and during the night time Jinn were used to see him
and get his favour and come under his chain and but it is not known how
many jinns were becoming his disciples and coming under the light of
faith in his hand of the reality.
As per the following tradition the coming of the jinns will continue
to present in his service him during the night.
As Akbar Khan used to be present in his service in the city and
during journey with him so he was able to know well, some special
conditions of him. But he was used to keep all secrets as per his
masters desire like his master who used to keep such secrets with him.
In reality Khan Saheb was his real keeper of the secrets and ambitions as
well as he was a faithful and true servant.
One day Khan Saheb told me in Hyderabad as the large number of
people used to visit him in the daytime to get benefited by his sayings,
and advices and in the same way in the last part of the night the groups
of jinns used to be present in his service and will pledge and benefitted
by his saying and charms.
The proof of pledges of jinns is available in his miracles and his
favours and which is added in this book.
The details of his Faizan (favour)
Hazrat Darwesh Mohiuddin writes his article on his death in which he
added one of his favour as follows.
1. The repentance of a prostitute woman
Shahzadi Jan who was a prostitute woman and who become his
disciple and he was advising her at the time of her pledge to leave her
occupation and to marry somebody. So she followed his advice in this
matter. After some days due to this effect she used to visit Qazipet
during the Urs (death anniversary) period by covering herself in the
black blanket and by wearing the big size beads in her head and she

used to hold pillar of the shrine with her hands and used to remember
her past days. When her last day reached, then she was becoming ill in
Hyderabad due to fever. In the condition of fever, she decided to visit
Qazipet so she left in the car for Qazipet and she was dying on the way.
When her car was reached at the Qazipet shrine building, then he was
present there as such that he was waiting for her. So he welcomed her
dead body there and he was attending the burial ceremony and she was
buried in the graveyard of the shrine of Qazipet.
So it seems that the Sheikh is that person one who will make the un-
fortunate person as a lucky person.

2. An event of Hazrat Bonn Miya

Hazrat Banne Miya who was Majzub (the one who lost in divine
meditation) of his time and who was benefitted greatly by Hazrat Syed
Shah Afzal Biabani and who used to reside in Aurangabad. He died
when his age was over 100 years. This event has happened after four or
five years after his death. In that year when I was not present in the Urs
(annual death anniversary) in Qazipet but I went there after the
ceremony of the Urs and present in his service, then in his discussion he
said to me that one person was met with him during the time of the Urs
(death anniversary) and he said to me He is the successor of Hazrat
Banne Miya and especially he was sent from Aurnagabad in his presence
to obtain one thing which is available with him. He said on his asking
he was surprised in this matter that the thing which he was demanded
was given by my grandfather to his father and his father was given that
thing to him and except the above three persons nobody know in this
matter. Such a secret thing unless Hazrat Bonn Miya will not disclose it
to somebody, then it will known to anybody. For this reason he was sure
that person was coming to Qazipet as per the desire of Hazrat Banne
Miya. As a matter fact that person was the real successor of him so for
this reason I was disclosing the secret matter to him in this matter.

3.Once he was arrived in Hyderabad and he was staying in the
bungalow of one Nawabb Saheb in the Dood Bowli street. At that time I

was visiting him lonely there. There was on Majzub (the one who lost in
divine meditation) of Arabic origin who used to live in the bazaar of the
Kasaratta street near Chowk and he was coming there and stood at the
gate of the bungalow with great respect and attention. So he asked him
to come near to him by waving his hand and he was given him
something from his pocket for him. So that Majzub upon receiving the
holy gift immediately left from there towards the gate and from there he
went outside without turning his back towards him. Upon his departure
he told me that his Majzub and one service spiritual is allotted to him.
Due to etiquette I could not dare in this matter and ask him that who
have trained that Majzub. But due to his too much affection and his
method in this matter so my heart is witnessing that Majzub was getting
such position and status due to his favour only. But he could not
clarified in this matter. I was watching that Majzub during the year
After many years of this event, it means upon his death Hazrat Hyder
Ali Shah, who is a holy person of his time and who was famous as Sufi
and Mazjub in Hyderabad city. And from the persons who used to meet
him it was heard that there were many miracles mostly and frequently
happened with him. And who belongs to family of Mashaiqin (learned
persons) of Gulberga and who was the nearest relative of the custodian
of the big shrine of Gulberga and who used to call him as Biabani. Once
I have asked with his special companion who was a devotee of the
Qazipet shrine that why Hyder Ali Shah is using the word of Biabani
with his name and what is connected in this matter. So Haider Ali Shah
told the details through that person the full details of Majzub about
which the Qazi Saheb told that there is some spiritual service is allotted
to him and who got favours of the Qazi Saheb and he is successor of him
so in this way he was benefitted by the favours of Biabani and he is from
Bibani chain. I was surprised upon hearing this and so in this way I
believed the truths of the spiritual perfection. Because of the pure heart
of Haider Ali Shah that who told the complete story of Majzub in this
matter. As a matter of fact at that time with the Qazi Saheb I was alone
there. It was also confirmed the connection of Majzub and that Majzub
was without doubt was getting his favour and attention by the Qazi

Saheb. In the episodes of this book the word sheikh was used in place
of Hazrat Ghulam Afzal Biabani by the translator of the book in English.
Hyder Ali Shah later was migrated to Bombay from Hyderabad after the
event of police action in Hyderabad. He told his disciples that in the year
1375 Hijri in the month of Ramazan, he will visit to Hyderabad but
there were strange secret matters of Allah, he was leaving the world two
months before Ramadhan it means he was in the month of Rajab in the
year 1375 Hijri in Bombay.
4. It was heard that in his last period of his life, it means three or
four years before of his death two boys who were special grandsons
and per instruction of the Sultan of Baghdad, they were visited Qazipet
during the period of Urs (annual death anniversary) and were pledged to
him and were benefited in the spiritualism. So in this matter Tufzal
Hussain advocate was confirmed this event upon its inquiry with him
and he said Yes, whatever you heard in this matter it is truth and it
happened like that. Did you still not know in this matter.? That they
came here for the special intentions and upon pledging they left from
It is heard that the above holy persons were going to Hyderabad
from Qazipet and they stayed there for many days. It is said that still
one person among them is staying on the mountain near the Hyderabad
city area. And who is well known and famous for his miracles and
revelations. The other person was migrated to some place. It was known
that both of them were great Ulma (scholar) of Islamic religion.
An event of his camera photo
During the service of Nawab Naim Yar Jung Bahadur as the
governor of the Warangal province one day he invited him in some
ceremony, and upon the attending the function he was returned back to
the shrine building at Qazipet. When I was coming to know about his
arrival from there I was approached to honour of the kissing of the
Sheikh. At that time he was, told me that a strange event was happening
in the function of Niam Yar Jung. So I asked him Malik what was
happening.? He said after the dinner when all persons sat on the chairs
in the courtyard. And he was also sitting on the chair. Then Naim Yar
Jung was brought camera before me and want to take my camera photo.

So I forbade him in this matter and refused for the taking, my camera
photo. So Nawab Sahib in the large number of gatherings was requested
kindly in this matter, so I was becoming silent due to manners only so he
was taken my photo at that function there.
From this conversation, it was known in this matter that he was angry
in this matter. But in my heart there is desire at that time that I can get
one copy of that photo. So I was inquiring into this matter and after
some days it was known that the group photo was developed well by all
persons present in the function, but the photo of the Sheikh was not
come and in its place empty the chair is seen clearly in that group
photo. It was heard that due to this event there was too much effect on
the Nawab Saheb so he was visiting the Sheikh in Qazipet and tendered
his apology in this matter for taking his photo with his camera at the
party at his residence. So his brother Syed Mohiuddin Pasha Saheb was
told this event to Tofazal Hussain advocate.
After the above event when he was travelling to Bombay and during
the journey he was staying in Puna at the residence of Razaq Shah, who
was his special disciple there and who was invited him at his residence
and his elder sister who was in very advance age and who made her
pledge to the Sheikh and she was becoming his disciple there. After the
pledge she was requested that she is very weak and very old in the age,
so for this reason she could able to visit to Qazipet to get the blessing of
the Sheikh personally there. So she is in need of his photo so that with
that photo he will be in her sight till the end of her life there in Pune. As
he was Qazi of Warangal so in all matters he used to follow the rules of
Qazaiat (justice). For this reason the compiler of the magazine Khair al-
Haqaiq wrote in his praise as follows.
He was author, wise person and judge of Islamic law as well as the
spiritual guide and luminous master of the mystic way and he was also
a perfect learned person. So against the Islamic Shariah law how he will
agree on this matter. So it was learned that he was prohibited him to take
his photo there and with his intention to return from there he was
prepared on this matter and came outside of the house and he sat on the
chair on the veranda so at that time Razaq Shah due to restlessness of
his sister so he was taking his photo without his knowledge and on the

secret way from behind of him while standing there he took the photo
which was successful. For the success of the photo there was a surprise
for me that what is reason in this matter which make it as was
successful. It may be due to a sincere fondness of the sister of Razaq
Shah to have a photo of the Sheikh to keep it for her sight always so it is
good to some extent so the holy presence were transferred in the photo.
Anyhow, what is the real reason in this matter which Gods knows better.
So in this matter, it was heard that Razaq Shah paid much care that he
was developed one copy of the photo and he was given to her sister and
he did not disclose this matter to anybody till his death. Afterward
Razaq Shah was dying and his elder son in the beginning was developed
five copies of the photo and brought to Qazipet. When we have come to
know in this matter, then five persons of Qazipet took from him all five
photocopies by paying for Rupees five for each photocopy and we have
taken a promise from him that he will not develop more photocopies in
this matter as it is against the will of the Sheikh of the time. In spite of
the above facts, it is not known what was happening in this matter
against his promise Hamid Shah made the photo and he sold photos to
all general persons. So for this reason on the occasion of every Urs
(death anniversary) large number of photos are being sold in the shrine
The publication of the photo was made possible because it was taken
without the knowledge of the Sheikh and from this action his personality
of laudable as who was a strict follower of the Shariah (Islamic) law and
the knowledge and for this reason there will be no objection does not
arise related with this pious personality of his time in this matter.
Religion and Maslak (school of thought)
He was a follower of his ancestral religion and Maslak. His forefathers
were followers of the Hanafi religion of Ahle Sunnat Wa Jamat (as
people following of the prophets practice). In Sufism he was the
follower theory of wajudia (existentialist). He was a follower and
supporter of Wahadat al wajud (unity of existence). In Tariqiat (mystic
way) he was followed by ancestral chains as follows.

But he generally used to take pledge on the chain of Quaderia. But
those people who will enter without any desire and wish then he used to
enter and allow them to become his disciple in the chain Quaderia and
otherwise if the disciple will wish for any other chain, then he will make
his disciple in that chain. So many persons were become his disciples on
his hand in the chain of Refia. The chains of Quaderia, Chistia, Refia
have been followed in his family since long time. But the method of the
pledge of in the chain of the Chestia was started in the time of his
grandfather Syed Shah Afzal Biabani. Once he said, Grandfather made
one person disciple in the chain of Chistia and also he was awarded his
caliphate and his name was as Sarwar Khan and who was becoming
famous as Sarwar Shah and his father was made his disciple one person
in the chain of Chistia. So by following this practice of my ancestral
system till now I had also made my disciples in the chain of Chestia.
Mystical exercises
As per his ancestral maslak (school of thought) he was used to visit
different jungles, especially the mountain Bodegutta near the Qazipet
railway station where to used to engage in the mystical exercise in the
nights for a period of many years there, but in this matter, he kept it
secret with the household persons and for this reason they did not able
to know nothing in this respect and which is explained as follows.

By heart become beloved by the innermost way
But in the manifest way you pretend that you know nothing
So such good ways are less seen in the world.

So for this reason the household person and servants, disciples and
devotees could not able to know nothing in this matter. He was always
used to take care too much in the follow things.

1. The status and position of the spiritualism
2. The Spiritual revelation
Also, he was used to keep secret his method of daily worship. It is a
great thing for me that I could able to know his great special affairs in

this matter. As a matter of fact in his life period of 80 years, nobody
doesn't see him in daily recital and in glorification. But in spite of this
his greatness and holiness, he was known to all. So he said this matter in
ode (Gazal) as follows.

In my heart your love is hidden
But you disclosed it in all places to all
With happiness, the religion and faith is presented
But it is good If you have accepted life as an advance

At the time of his training and teaching of daily recital and invocation
of Allah to his disciples, he used to tell his events of mystical exercises
with his special disciples. Due to kind nature, these events were not
become general for the all persons. Now for his followers disciples,
well wishers as well as his devotees, it is necessary to know these details
and in the following some events are mentioned.
1. One day he went to the small hillside of the Bandam tank near
Qazipet village with his double bore gun along with one boy whose
name was Feroz for hunting of the fishes and he was arrived there
before the sunset prayer (Maghrib) and he was staying for a short time
and returned back from there. At that time I was with him. The details
how I was going in the service and its details are available in this book
in another chapter of his helping details. On the way he was saying this
gun is his confidant and since his early days of his life he was used to
go in the name of hunting with the gun for the hunting purposes and he
was used to visit many jungle areas. But usually he visits Bodagutta and
put aside the gun there and used to engage in his endeavours there and
this was his practice for many years, but the nobody of householder did
not know in this matter. He said in his ode (Gazal) as follows.

Oh Afzal our aim of life is to remember Allah
To become particles on the way to his door is
Like a chemical formula.


Akbar Khan said that he was used to get freedom from his disciples
and devotees and when all householders will in deep sleep, then he we
will by covering his handkerchief on his body then he used to engaged in
the recitals on his bed and even in such engagement he used take care
too much of keeping the secret of his recitals. He was having such
control of his condition.
Whenever he used to hear the sound of any body then he was used to
sleep on the bed immediately so for this reason nobody was not able to
know the details in this matter.
The Status and position
He got the practice of hard endeavour of mystical exercise and from
his holy father, he got the favour of the spiritualism and he got high
status and position.
Moulana Syed Abdul Quader Qamisi who was landlord of
Dongarmpur in Taluqa Raichur and who belongs to the family of
Mashiaqin (learned person) of Gadwal who met me at Raichur and he
said once king of Hyderabad Mir Usman Ali Khan was invited all
Mashaiq persons so Mashaiqs from Hyderabad and from other districts
were attending the party. All Mashaiqin were famous and well known in
all over the Hyderabad State at that time were present there. But among
them Qazi of Warangal was not present there in that gathering. In short,
after having royal dinner of Mashaiqin the king of Hyderabad Mir
Usman Ali Khan Bahadur was arrived and he was met, all the invitees
there and shake hands with all of them. At the time of shaking of the
hands and he was heard that the king of Hyderabad said Among
Mashaiqin (learned persons) of Hyderabad he was proud of Bade Miya
(Qazi of Warangal). Upon hearing this I was surprised too much in this
matter as he was not present there in that gathering, but such thing is
being said about him and from this it is clear that the king of Hyderabad
was aware of his personification of his rank and Sufi status and position
and he was having too much devotion to him in this matter. As per the
statement of Malawi Saheb this event is recorded in this book.


The king will fulfil the needs of the people of the world
But there is a power of pious persons to change the fates since the
beginning to end.

He has complete control over his condition of his heart. He has never
allowed in the present of general and special person the condition of
being enraptured. But in the lonely condition, especially during the early
hours of the morning time he was seen by some person in the
condition of being enraptured and at that time due to sound of coming
of persons or whenever he knows coming of the persons then that
condition will be returned back to him immediately and then he spoke to
those persons and inquired with those persons about their arrival there
and the reason in this matter. It was a matter of rare that nobody never
was not able to see any such event in this matter.
In the village Raichur Hazrat Shah Nabi Mohiuddin who belongs to
the third generation of Hazrat Syed Shah Abdul Latif of Vellore and
who was a person of enrapture and he was used to live there. As a
matter of fact, he didn't meet with him and even he could not see him.
But during his conversation he was used to praise and admire him too
much. During the year 1342 Fasli when I was posted in Raichur on my
transfer, then at that time he was living there. Two years upon my
reaching there Hazrat Nabi Mohiuddin was becoming seriously ill, there
even though there was too much cure for his disease but there was no
result at all.
The Sheikh of time during that time was visited Bombay and from
returning from there he was staying one day in Gulberga and from there
instead of coming to Warangal he was going to Raichur. So in this way
he was arrived in Raichur and during that time his relative Mahboob Ali,
resident of Hanmakonda who was working as the superintendent of
police there so he was staying in his residence. Davar Ali Khan, who
sisters son of Lala Miya said in this matter that upon his reaching, to
Raichur Hazrat Nabi Mohiuddin was died after some time.
The compiler of the book was in Warangal at that time on leave from
there and upon his return back to Raicher he was coming to know all the
details in this matter and for this reason there was too much regret that

since many years he was desiring to conduct a meeting of the both holy
persons in Raichur but at that time he was not available there and also
the disease didn't allow him time to breathe and also Shah Saheb was
used to busy there. Because at the time of his illness, his only son who
was in Madras city and for this reason he was awarded the
custodianship of the shrine to his famous and well known caliphate
Abdul Hafeez and who was a deep love and sincere disciple of his
master and so he had made great endeavours in this matter. Due to this
reason Allah was awarded favour him to become the successor of his
great Sheikh.
Without programme his immediate arrival to Raichur and at that time
the death of Shah Sahib? Which caused me surprise and amazement for
a long period of time. There was a special disciple named Mohammed
Usman Shah of the Shah Saheb was there in Raichur who was famous
for the following things.
1. Favour
2. Arif (one having an intimate knowledge of Allah)
3. Revelation
4. Pious
And also he was caliph of Shah Saheb and also he was keeper of the
secrets of his master. So I asked him many times in this matter. Usman
Shah used to like me too much. Due to my insisting on this matter once
due to my compulsion he said that my master was a great spiritual pious
person of his time. Before the death of my spiritual master, there was
the matter of the settlement of his successor was pending and for the
work of arrangement of his local custodian and in the authority of the
president the arrival of Qazi Saheb of Warangal was under the affairs
of spiritual act and it is very important and so his presence was must
there. And for this reason he was present there and he was settled the
problems of his successor and upon this Shah Saheb was immediately
left this mortal world.
Once Usman Shah was told me in Raichur that the heart of the Sheikh
was made by Allah as strong as the Himalayan mountain. On his heart of
pure there was an effect of condition and the world was such that if a
little of the effect such condition will prevail on any person, then such

person will 70 times during the day he will tear his clothes and will run
towards the jungle. But oh, he was a such large heartedness that in spite
of such conditions there will be no difference in his feeling and sense
and he will continue his discussion with the persons who were present in
the meeting according to their status and condition. Some time he will
not look under enraptured condition, but surely it is due to large
heartedness and which will be controlled by him.
Some details of the secret matters of the Sheikh were told me by
Usman Shah so I present in the service of the Sheikh and told him the
details to him. So he told me that Usman Saheb is a good person and a
man of revelation. After this whenever I used to arrive in Qazipet then
he used to inquire about conditions and he also used to ask about Usman
Saheb and at the time of my departure he used to ask me to convey his
good wishes to him.
On his face there was such holiness was found so for this reason, if
he will be available in the gathering of many thousand people, then the
un-known eyes will recognize him and come to know that he is the light
of the gathering without asking in this matter. As Allah says in the holy
Quran and its translation and interpretation is as follows.
But Allah will choose for His special Mercy whom He will of Allah is
the Lord of grace abounding. (1-105).
One day during my working period at Raicher there were thought
came into my mind during the whole day about his spiritual status. As he
did not tell us or we know any person who will inform us the details in
this matter. During the night Dada pir (grand spiritual master) Hazrat
Syed Shah Sarwar Biabani was coming into my dream so I have
blessed by kissing his sandals and he said Mr. : my son is Malik
and Maulim Naqba . Upon waking up from the dream noted the
arrangement of new words and the next day I was reaching to Qazipet
and was present in the service of the Sheikh and explained him the
details of my dream and he heard those words and he was asked again in
this matter so I told him the details in this matter.Then he said He is
nothing while pointing his finger towards the green tomb that whatever
he is due to favour and kindness and he is nothing by himself. After this
upon obtaining his permission I went back to Raichur.

Conduct and character
His conduct and character was modelled as per the model of the
prophet of Allah. Upon meeting with him even his critics will feel
pleasure due to his behaviour and manners and they used to praise for
his good nature. When the village persons used to meet him, then he
used to talk with them according to their nature, knowledge and
understanding as well as their wisdom. With the people of villages and
people of Hyderabad he was used to talk with them in their style and as
per the requirement in this matter. With the learned persons with the
level of knowledge. Some time the learned Arabic persons when used to
meet him, then he was used to talk with them in Arabic language and
with the people of Iran he used to talk with them in Persian language.

His manners and conduct were similar of the prophet of Allah
In mysticism and piety he was of deputy of Sheikh Abdul Quader Jilani

In the dealings with Hindu village revenue officers he was used to
talk in Telugu standard language and style. In short, it was his habit that
he used to talk with the persons according to their wisdom and
understanding and also as per the style of the day to day conversation
and due to this reason the visitor will be feel happy with conversation
with him due to his style of talking.

His perfection in the manifest and innermost was so great
So his holy teachings bring the condition of ecstasy on the people

In short, his conversation was as per saying of You should talk
with the people as per their wisdom. His statements were such
beneficial and so sweet and due to this reason the listener will feel
comfortable and it seems that there was falling of the sugar from his
mouth. His style of talking was so sweet. His voice was not loud or nor
low so for this reason of his medium voice all persons present in the
meeting can hear his conservation, whether they are sitting near to him
or away from him.

When he will usually explain the events about the holy persons,
disciples and their followers and also about the pious personalities of his
family. Which reflect as per the saying of the prophet that one who like
anything, then he will remember it for many times. In those events the
persons of the meetings will get answers to their questions. There was
seen many events that many persons used to present in his service with
their individual questions and used to sit outside of his residence and
upon his arrival, he was used to shake hands with all persons there, then
he used to sit there and before the submission of the question to him then
as per his habit he used to explain one event and that story actually will
act an answer to the questions of the persons present in the meeting. So
for this reason all people will feel happiness in this matter, and they used
to leave the meeting place without asking their question with him. This
event shows his laudable personality. In his conversation and talking
there was perfection as well as there was the unique style in it. So for
this reason upon return from his company in everybodys heart there will
think that he used to love him much more than others. For trial now
you can ask his number of disciples or his fathers disciples and
devotees will ask them in this matter that how the Sheikh will look you
then everybody will reply suddenly that he was liked and having a look
of affection from him very much than others. The peoples thinking
about his affection and love was not depend upon any doubt or not
good opinion, but it is real fact which depend upon the reality and it is
true that he was used to love all persons in the same level so he used to
look all of them in the same look.
In his conduct and manners and in his kind favour there is available
strange uniqueness. He was used to meet with all his disciples and
devotees, whether they were rich or poor with all of them his treatment
was not only same, but equal and also his style of treatment was such
that as it is required by the equal status of the person. If he is sitting
there and if any person says Salam to him, then he used to stand and
reply his Salam. But in the last period of his life due to pain in his waist
so on such occasions he used to express his excuse in this matter for
replying the Salam while in the sitting position.

With the disciples and devotees and also with the servants who used
to do daily service and with the general public he was not seen within
the condition of anger and annoyance with them. In him there was too
much selflessness and tolerance, so in spite of not obeying his orders
and against his will, do a lot of losses by his workers then then he has
never become angry or give punishment in this matter. But he will use to
treat with them with smiling and he used to advise them with words of
peace and tranquility.
Even for the ordinary type of work or help for the example at the
disperse of the meeting if any disciple or devotee use to pick like his
staff, betel leaf box and snuff box if will be given him into his hands,
then he used to say Salam to that person and for some time he will
excuse him in this matter.
It is learning that one of his disciples who belongs to Sadat (holy
prophets descendants through his daughter Hazrat Fatima) family
member who was working in some government department at some
district place and he died there due to illness. At that time his wife was
pregnant and she was also his disciple. Upon his husbands death one
child was born to her and she was also become serious ill due to the
problems of pregnancy and due to such illness she did not have any hope
of life so for this reason he was called her neighbouring womens to her
house and she was disclosed her final advise to them that her or her
husbands relatives are not available so that she could able to inform her
helplessness in this matter.In case if she will be died then whatever
house hold items which are available in the house should be sold and her
final rituals of death should be performed there and her child should be
sent to her spiritual master who is living in Qazipet as except him no
heir is not there in the world. So she was dead. After this event as per
her advice she was buried there in that place by the persons in that place
and the small orphan child was sent to Qazipet by the people of that
place. The people of that place were explained him the details about the
final advise of the deceased disciple and other events of the tragic
happening in that place. So he took the child immediately in his hands
and embraced the boy and hold close to his chest. At that time he was
began weeping and shut, tears so much that his beard was wet with the

tears. He was taking the boy in his house and for some period of time
that the boy was under the care of general, women there and after some
time was passed, then the boy was given by him to his household,
persons and till his life that the boy was under his protection so the
stranger people thought on this matter that the boy was belongs to him.
In the last days of his life he was unable to move from the residence
to the shrine building by the walk but he was used to go there in a
bullock cart. During the sandal ceremony on the death anniversary (Urs)
period he was used to follow the sandal ceremony in the bullock cart and
his cart will be found in the procession on the back side of the people
One year he was coming to big sandal ceremony procession in the
bullock cart Akbar Khan and myself were there following his bullock
cart. There was some heat in the atmosphere available, but there was
large gathering was there in the sandal procession and at that time loud
cry of one small boy was heard there. So he was annoyed upon hearing
the loud cry of the small child and he was asked Khan Saheb to take
care of the weeping boy.
So Akbar Khan ran from there and brought that boy and he told him
Malik this boy due to too much gathering was separated from his
parents. So he asked him to give the boy to him. But Akbar Khan told
him that the boy is having mud on his feet so he will clean the feet of the
boy by his handkerchief then he will give the boy to him. Till this
phrase was not finished, then he was bending him from the bullock cart
and he took the boy from the hands of Khan Sahib and put the boy on
his lap and when the boy sat there then he was stopped weeping. Then
he was instructed us to search for the parents of the boy. After some
search Khan Saheb found the father of the boy and he brought him
there. By that time the bullock cart was reached near the Nobat Khana
Nobat (the place from where time is announced by the beat of a drum).
After boarding out from the bullock cart he was handed over the boy to
his father. As per the statement of Khan Sahib there was mud on the feet
of the boy and he put the boy on his lap, but there was no sign of mud
was found on his dress.

He was serious ill and this was his last illness in his life. Hakim
Abdulla Khan was recommended him to keep away from gathering and
not talking to the persons. As per this instruction his son was taking care
too much in this matter. The special disciples' group was guarding his
room and they were not allowing any person to see him in his room and
taking measure of to avoid disturbances near the room. So one day I
was there outside of the room and not daring to see him to take care in
this matter. At that time he was called me to come near him and he told
at this time his son Biyabani is not there so there is a good chance. Since
many days passed, but Fiyaz and Khaja did not come to see him. May
be due to fear of Biyabani pashas instruction they are not coming to see
him. So you go and bring them immediately so that he can see them.
These two boys were adopted by him and they are in the age group of
8-9 years. So I went immediately outside and found that both of them
were playing there and brought them in his service. So he was called
them to come near him and touched their heads with his hands with
kindness and affection. Afterward, he said to them, Since many days
you both have come not to visit him so for this reason he was worried in
this matter.The hairs of the head are growing too much so cut the hairs
and have a bath and change the un-clean clothes and in this way he
talked with the boys and he was given to them one quarter Rupee coin
to each boy and then he was permitted them to leave him. At that time
departure of the boys he said to them daily to visit him one time. So he
was treated kindly and with great affection with the boys so such
treatment with other parents is not possible during the time of illness.
So his such love and affection is such great that even the love of the 70
parents in not equal in this matter. Upon seeing this event, I was
surprised in this matter how he loved his adopted boys that even in the
condition of serious illness when he was becoming un-conscious number
of times and there was no movement for him and still he is worried and
sorrow that the boys are not coming to see him and for this there is
effected too much for his heart.
It was heard that one night when it was passed its half portion then at
that time the boy whose name was Khaja went to see him in his service
and was complaining about the cold winter night so he was given him

his turban to him to cover up in the night. In the morning all persons of
the house when wake up and saw that Khaja was sleeping in his bed
while covering the turban of the Sheikh so for this reason all were
surprised at this matter and some were becoming angry with Khaja so he
was prohibited them in this matter and he told them he was given him
his turban. It was heard that when her daughter was heard this then she
told him that Father, we and all devotees used to keep it on the eyes
and you have given this to the boy to cover him on his head. So how
you should wear it.? Upon hearing this he said My dear, what is
objection in this matter and it will be cleaned by a soap of one penny.
So while smiling, he was cool down the anger of all persons of his
household in this respect. This shows his kindness of poor and orphaned
persons and there many such events are available in the record of history
which shows his love for the poor and orphaned children. But due to the
length of the book only four examples of these events are added in this
book for the kind perusal of the readers of this book.
The meetings of Sama (ecstasy)
He was much interested in these meetings.On the occasion of the
annual death anniversary (Urs), he was used to sit facing in the direction
of Qibla (direction in which Muslims turn in prayer) in the middle of the
courtyard of the shrine building on the eastern side and usually in every
Friday night the Sama (ecstasy) meeting opposite of the big shrine
building will be held , then he was usually to ask for Abdul Gafur who
was famous chorister and singer available in Qazipet and who is having
a lovely voice of singing there to start the Sama meeting and he was
used to hear his singing of some time. Also during his journey Abdul
Gafur used to accompany with him and when there will be his
instruction , then he used to sing for him. As per reports some time he
was praised the singing of Abdul Gafur and he used to like his singing
too much always. If there will be available many of the listeners from
outside, but after their singing them, he used to ask Abdul Gafur to
present some lines of poetry for him. During the time of Sama there will
be a condition of tenderness which prevailed upon him so at that time
he was used to sit there by lowering his neck down while putting his
handkerchief on his eyes and in that condition he used to say something

by his holy tongue and there was no action available from his hands and
also there will no movement from them. But he was used to sit silently
there with no moments. After tenderness when he will take out his
handkerchief from the eye, then generally he used to look at the sky.
During the meeting of ecstasy sometime he used to ask for
repetition of some couplet or couplets and at that time if there will no
praise of words from his holy tongue and sometimes after the end of the
ode (Gazal) he was used to say some words of praise.
At the Sama meetings he used to give money to the choristers number
of times and if he will receive nazrana (presents) from the people in that
meeting then he used to give also that money to the choristers. Some
time also he was used to become generous to the Nobat (the place from
where time is announced by the beat of a drum) players when he used to
present in the shrine building.
Not only during the time of death anniversaries (Urs) of his father
(Hazrat Syed Shah Sarwar Biabani) and grandfather (Hazrat Syed Shah
Afzal Biabani) but also on other days the disciples and devotees used to
present in his service suddenly. So at the time of their departure, he used
to ask them to stay at Qazipet and ask with them To eat the rice and
dall (split pulse) of the house of the fakir (Darwesh) and then go from
there. So for them the food will be used to send from his house, and
upon eating of the above food, then they will be given permission to
leave from Qazipet. On such occasions sometime he was asked some
other persons to eat food with him. If there will be his disciples and
devotees among those persons who eat with then he used to provide
by his hand rice and curries in their plates and with great love and
affection and he will use to insist them to eat more food items along
with him. So the disciples and other persons used to eat more than their
normal quantity on that occasion. So on that occasion it will be reminded
to the visitors the real love and affection of their parents and actually
such love which will be more than that.
In the matters of the estate properties he was faced many cases in
many departments, but he did not go to the offices of the department to
plead his cases. On special events he was invited by the higher officers
and some time he was visited the higher officers. In short Sir Afsar

Mulk Usman Yar Dowla Bahadur, Haimed Yar Jung Bahadur, Rafat Yar
Jung Bahadur, Aziz Jung Bahadur, Qudrat Nawaz Jung Bahadur,
Mohammed Yar Jung Bahadur, Ahmed Yar Jung Bahadur, Maharaja
Sir Kishan Persad Bahadur, Moulavi Fazilat Jung Bahadur, Habib
Rahman Sherwani head of the department of religious affairs
department, Hazrat Pir Jamat Ali Shah, and also other high level officers
as well as holy persons also used to visit him sometime.
During the last days of his life at the time of some occasion he was
used to weep too much and there was shut tears from his eyes. In the
record of his discussion one event of his tenderness in the beginning of
his life was known to me and which is as follows and from which it is
known that his tenderness is strange and very effective in this matter.
It is reported that on the third day ceremony of his fathers death and
after its completion, he went to see his mother in the house and he met
her and on that time there was tenderness in him. It means he was
weeping slowly but it was very effective and due to this reason there was
flood of the tears from the eyes of the members of his house and also
there was a condition of un-conscious, which prevailed upon them. So
there was a tragic scene which prevailed on their eyes so they were
becoming upset and worried for their lives.
Upon seeing of the above event there are many people now used to
say that his weeping it seems that the following things are also weeping
with him.
1. The angelic world
2. All living beings
3. All doors and walls
There is no such great effect and condition of grief, of weeping was
not found in the weeping of other persons. It was reported that his
mother and his sister was confirmed the above event. As per the saying
of Hafiz Shirazi on the holy persons sometimes there will be prevail
such condition on them. From the above event it is known that there was
great of effect of the death of his father on his heart. Because of the
death of holy persons, Ulmeas (scholars), the following creatures used
to mourn and which is confirmed by the saying of holy persons. And in

this matter one reference from the Persian book Arshad Talibin on
page 167 by Hazrat Pir Khunad Baba is added as follows.
1. The angels
2. All living beings of the world.
It is said that when any pious person will leave from this world, then
the angels will come to visit the world for a period of 40 days wearing
black dress and mourn so there was find defect in the religion of
prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) and all animals of the world
will able to know about the death news of the holy saint and for this
reason they will become sad even that snake (it said that there is
mountain called Qaf which is around the world and its peak is five times
higher than the earth and it is adjoining with the sky. But the people
insight said that there is some difference in between the sky and its
height and there is a snake, which is attached with the mountain of Qaf
and he is holding one span of his tail is in his mouth and when he know
the news of the death of Mashaiq (learned person) and holy person and
due to sorrow and grief, he will cut his tail and by force he will hold one
more span of the tail in his mouth and for this reason the earth will
become small.) And the cities which are far away from each other will
become close to each other in this matter.

He was written one ode (Gazal) upon the death of his father in the
Persian language and which shows his deep sorrow and grief on that
occasion. Its translation and interpretation of Urdu language is as

In the loving memory of Hazrat Syed Shah Sarwar Biyabani

It is sorrow, oh: sky you have taken away the light of Allah
I swear in the name of faith that you have given us a mountain of grief

There are no happiness and pleasure of life and power to bear it
Because due to this loss and grief, I suffered a lot in this matter

I am busy from morning till evening in this great grief of my life

During the day due to this problem which made me weak and lean

Oh my: Khizer where you are and for God sake, show me your face
Oh: the leader of the caravan why you are hiding your face from us

But like you there is no personality can be seen in the world
And you have started, the benefits of the mysticism in the world

The lovers of reality were around you like the moth of the light
Oh: The light of Allah you have spread the light in the world

Afzal affected and who keeps your beloved name with him
Be kind to him as he will keep your works alive till his life.

In his high temperament, there was cheerfulness and humour
which was very polite and pleasant and which show his higher
knowledge. In the discussion rarely pleasant sentences which will be
not out of truth and which he used in the conversation in the meeting
and due to this reason there will be there a moment of laugh not only to
himself and to others who were present at the meeting place. Sometime
he was used to hear the stories of humour from his disciples and
devotees and who belongs to some of his special categories of persons,
and with which other persons present in the meeting will be enjoyed in
this matter.
The events of laughter provoking and humorous are also not free
from the worship as per the saying of the prophet of Allah as follows.
The prophet of Allah said oh: Abazar their laugh is worship and their
joke is tassbih (glorification of God) and their sleep is sadqa (charity).
And this reference is taken from the book Jawahar Ashaq page 58.
Usman Khan alias Pattu Khan, resident of Bolaram and Sheikh
Mohiuddin Ansari resident of Qazipet, a boy name called Abdullah from
Qazipet and some other persons used to hear these stories of humorous
stories from him many times. In short, his every style and behaviour
which shows a complete sign of the Sunnah (practice) of the prophet.

Sometimes he was used to visit rivers, water tanks and jungle areas
along with his disciples and devotees for visiting these places where
there will be arranged of the cooking different varieties of foods and at
that time he was used to give instruction to have eaten the food freely
without any hesitation in this matter. He was also having eaten food
items with them. Also, there will be arrangement of tea for drinking for
all the visitors. So he used to drink the tea with the persons who will
present in that party. At last the meeting of Sama (ecstasy) will be
organized there and then after its finishing the party will be returned
back to Qazipet.
He was much interested in the shrine garden in Qazipet which was
built during the period of his father. During his stay in the shrine
building he was used to visit this garden sometimes and used to plant the
trees of fruits there. Actually, this garden was the place of worship for
his father as well as for him and this fact was not known by the general,
persons. This garden is being irrigated from the well water of the shrine.
Until his life he was taken much interest for the protection and
irrigation of the garden. In the garden the following staff was always
available there.
1. One supervisor
2. Four labourers
3. Two bulls lock used for the drawing water from a well of the shrine
situated near the mosque.
In the garden there are some kinds of fruit bearing trees and
flowering trees were planted there. In this garden he was awarded the
favour of spiritualism to some of the disciples.
Some of his features are mentioned in the beginning of this book. He
was well known as whose prayers are accepted by God so for this reason
always devotees and disciples, especially used to bring in his service
their kids who were suffering from the diseases and placed them in his
service then he was used to touch on their cold bodies so they will
become healthy.Some other people whose children used to die in the
early ages so they also present the kids as per above method. Then he
used to say some phrases for their lives and prosperity so for this
reason they will alive. Usually many people used to borrow his used

clothes from him and sew the dress for their small children and for this
reason the children will be safe and secure from evil spirits and
On the throne, which he was used to sit daily on it in the shrine
building in his absence and some disciples for the seeking benefit,
goodness and blessing used to touch their hands on his sitting place and
putting it on their faces. This system of action of the disciples with his
personality commendable as per the tradition of the companion of the
prophet and its reason are mentioned in the book Afzal al-Hidiayat.
As in his personality, there was too much habit of hiding his status
so for this reason at the time of prayer, he was used to instruct the needy
persons to go his father and grandfathers mausoleums and ask them for
their needs there and always care about them for the fulfilment of
desires and wishes of the persons who visit their graves.
Many men and women used to take many charms from him and also
take oud (aloeswood) after blowing of the supplication on it and when
such ouds smoke will touched by the patients of the evil spirit then it
will be effective immediately. He used to have many kinds of charms
with him and some of its ink writings will be washed in the water and
used to drink it and some of them are put on the neck and some of it will
be tied on the arm and due to this reason there will be fulfilled of the
desires and wishes of the persons. The evil spirits patients also used to
visit him and will be benefited too much due to his kind attention and
favour in this matter. Sometimes when such patients (evil spirits) will
present in his service, then the evil spirit which is available on the body
of the person used to talk with him and explain him the reason of his
coming on that person. Upon hearing his conversation then he used to
give warning to the evil spirit to leave un-manner act and leave from
there and such type of some events is added in the chapter of his
Dastagir (help) in this book.
He was not practising the work against the evil spirits, but due to his
spiritual power the following creatures
1. Jinns
2. Khabis (wickedness)
3. Satans

Were leave as per his order and were used to live in the condition of
fear and sometimes due to his supplications and his disciples living in
far away places used to safe and secure from harm and injury from the
dangerous insects and evil spirits immediately on this matter.
In his temperament, there was so much simplicity and sincerity with
him as his son has large number of bullock carts and many employees
were there in the estate for agriculture work but despite of that he used
to hire the cart of Sheikh Hussain, who was known as Nobatwala and he
was poor person in the village and for his visit of Hanamkonda and
other places he used to hire his cart which was not like cart for
travelling passengers but it was called in local language as Bandi and on
this cart sheet of bamboo is fixed and its bulls were used to lean and its
running speed is slow . So for this reason there will be a delay in the
journey time, but to help this cart owner, he used to prefer his cart. Some
time if he wants to go shrine building from his residence, then he was
used to ask for that cart. It is not known apparently the reason for using
this cart, but his intention in this matter was that to help the cart owner
who is the poorest person in the village. In his nature, there was such
simplicity that he do want not to display his higher level of status and
position. His nature of simplicity is described in the following couplet.

Those who will reach on the status of perfection will pretend as low
Like a rider when he will reach at the destination will be on the foot

Sometime when there will be insist from his son or due to the
urgency of the situation rarely car will be used by him or he will use
horse driven cart by hiring it.So in his every action he wants to hide his
higher status and position in this matter, but in spite of this his higher
level of the greatness will be known to all.

He wants to hide his higher level of the courage always
But his highest dignity and greatness is shown from his forehead


Daily schedule
He was used to come out from his residence at the 9O clock in the
morning in the drawing room. During this period large number of
disciples and devotees used to gather outside of his residence with the
fondness of kissing the feet of the Sheikh and when they see his arrival
there then they used to standing there in his respect as per the saying of
the prophets follows.
Qumo ela Saidkum It means you should stand for your leader. And
each and every disciple and devotee used to kiss the feet of the Sheikh.
The disciples and devotees used to anxious to kiss the feet of the Sheikh.
The Sheikh used to instruct all of them not to kiss his feet and he was
used to shake hands with the persons who were used to be present in the
gathering. At the time of the shaking hands he used to ask about their
well being and affairs. After meeting all of them, then he used to sit on
the throne of the drawing room and ask the visitors to sit on the throne
and if the visitors will be in large numbers, then he used to ask the
persons to sit on the mat in the hall of the drawing room. Upon this he
used to address all of them in the sincerely manner and welcome all of
them and ask them about their relatives and affairs as well as their
business and service matters and which show his kindness with which
there will be relief of the hearts of the visitors there and then used to
start his sayings which will satisfying the listener in the meeting.On this
occasion it was used to happen that before the visitors who want to put
their queries in the matter but in the general discussion in the beginning
of the meeting in his sayings the replies of the queries of the visitors
will be find available there . As per saying of Allah in the Quran,
Yoke al-Ra min amrahi its meaning is that Allah will reveal his
secrets to whom he wants.
During the meeting some of the visitors among his disciples and
devotees leave the meeting place upon asking his permission and some
other visitors will enter into the meeting place. In this way upon his
entering in the meeting the disciples in this way many visitors will enter
and leave the meeting place and it will continue till the afternoon time.
At the time of lunch the servants and workers used to come in the
meeting place and remind him in this matter number of times then he

will dismiss his meeting. It was seen many times that when the ladies
will gather in house in honour of the kissing of his feet there and then it
will be informed him in this matter so upon this he will ask the
permission from the meeting persons and used to enter into the house
and used to listen the requests and matters of the ladies there for many

Due to many meetings of the devotees, he could not able to get the
time of the launch in the house. He was usually to be present in the
evening time in the shrine building near the outside of the door of Nobat
Khana (the place from where time is announced by the beat of a drum).
under platform under a tamarind tree from 8o clock to 9o in the night
time when the disciples and devotees used to come and sit around him
and where his sayings will be heard by the visitors there. The district
officers of Warangal used to visit him at the above time. His position
and status will be such like the Sheikh in the nation like a prophet in the
Ummat. When before the meeting will be dismissed then the visitors
will used to stand before him with respect and honour. The respect of
his disciples will be such that it will remind the action of the companions
of the prophet of Allah and which shows a full glimpse of the good
example of the holy prophet. In this connection one saying of the
prophet reported by Abu Hurara is as follows.
It means when the prophet used to stand in the meeting place, then we
also used to stood till then we will able to see that the prophet will enter
into the house of any of his wives there.
His presence in the meeting place while his entering and leaving
from there many of his disciples used to accompany with him. This habit
is also found in his father who also used to come and sit on the platform
near the door of the Nobat Khana (the place from where time is
announced by the beat of a drum).
Some time he will use to be available other than his schedule
timings as per the requirements of the visitors on the submission of their
requests in this matter. So for this reason he will call the devotees in his
special room in which he was used to sleep and where he will use to hear
the detail discussion of the visitors and upon this he was used to pass the

instruction in this matter. This behaviour is will be found equal with rich
as well as the poor visitors. So in this way the poor and as well as the
rich persons were always used to get his attention and care in hearing
their requests and problems in this matter.
During his stay in Hyderabad, he was used to follow the above
schedule of visitors there, but there it was found a large number of
disciples and devotees of men and women there and every day and
every time. In Qazipet Sharif, there will be too much rush of disciples
and devotees during the annual death anniversary period and in other
days there will be no such rush available but some time there was found
too much rush there.
Akbar Khan used to say that during his stay in Hyderabad city during
all day and all timings he was used to busy too much there with the
visitors of men and women and due to too much rush we will be
annoyed in this matter but the Sheikh of the time in spite of the rush he
never feel the frown in this matter.
Indigence and kindness
In the drawing room there were always found at least four indigent
persons and three servants used to be found there and who will used to
get the food from his holy house and also in the house six lady servants
and many poor women used to stay there and not only they will be
provided food but also clothes and their other needs will be fulfilled
During the annual anniversary (Urs) days before it it commenced may
poor persons and disciples and devotees used to come into his house
many days before and stay there as his guests in his drawing room. Even
after finishing of the annual anniversary for a long period of many
months the above types of his guests were used to stay in his drawing
room. At the time of their departure some of them will be given a return
ticket amount to them and some of them will be given an extra large
amount including travelling expenses as per their condition of their lives.
One Shah Saheb who was custodian of one shrine used to visit
Qazipet Sharif during the annual anniversary period and used to stay in
his drawing room and he will leave from there after many weeks after
the end of annual anniversary and that person was not only paid the

travelling expenses but he will be given the expenses of the annual
anniversary of the shrine which belonging to that person. Such type of
help and assistance will be given by him to other persons in their
financial problems and difficulties.
It was seen most often that the road side beggars and poor persons
suddenly used to present in his service and they used to explain their
needs and difficulties with him. Then he used to help them financially at
once and used to solve their problems and needs. There will large
amounts used to be spent with him for the needs and problems of the
poor and needy persons. Some time it was used to happen starvation
with him along with his family members, but due to his dignity of
indulgence he did not disclose the matter to other persons. His condition
is as follows which was mentioned in one couplet.

His life was as the most secret of the similarity of the clue of the puzzle
In appearance he was indigent person, but in innermost was like a king

In the reality his life was just like a hidden secret and always his
nature was that to grant favours to others. Even beggars and poor
persons as well as the disciples or devotees who will visit him for
whatever their needs and he will used to fulfil their needs and
requirements. Most often it was seen that the people could not ask him
about their needs, but he was helping them in this matter and their
desires of the hearts were fulfilled by him. Some time the poor business
persons used to visit him to sell the things, then in that case he was used
to purchase those things at the price of the sellers whether he will
require that thing or not. Some time he will ask to reduce the price a
little and purchase things.
The preparation of Biryani (rice cooked in soup) during (Urs)
During his period on the occasion of two Urs anniversaries 12 Pallas
(3 Maund weight) rice Biryani from his side was arranged as per
requirement of the days on the daily basis. During that period one night
about 2.30 A.M. he was coming out of his room and at that time some
persons were sleeping in the drawing room and who were in charge of

food distribution so he called them and asked if there is any quantity of
benediction is possible to get for him. They said to him that it is not sure
and but they will check into this matter and inform him. So he asked to
check cauldrons and send the same with the person who will be sent by
him there upon reaching back to his house. So in this way he was
entering his house and one girl came there with the plate. During the
time the persons checked all cauldrons, but they could not find anything.
But they find some quantity of rice in the small basket. So it was asked
by the girl who are in the need of the rice at that time.? So that girl
servant told them the Sheikh did not eat food till that time as he was
busy with the disciples and devotees and now when he was free then
the food was over in the house so he was in the demand of the food
from the outside.
During the last year of Urs occasion, this well wisher was in charge of
the distribution of Biryani. At that time I was watching there the
slaughter of the goats and received messages from him to send liver of
the goat for the mother of Wahid Miya so I sent it immediately. At the
time of Asar (late afternoon) prayer, he was calling me to see there and
who sitting outside of the drawing room and he was told about the liver
of the goat and he paid me the price of liver of the goat and asked me to
add in the expenses of Urs. So I was surprised at this matter and
reluctant to take the price of liver of the goat. So he was smiling in this
matter and he said it relates to make an offering (Niaz Sharif) of holy
persons so to use things from it for other purposes is not proper without
its payment of the price so take the price and add in the expenses of Niaz
Sharif. So as per his instruction I have taken the price and added it in the
account of Urs (the death anniversary) expenses.
At the time of the Urs (the death anniversaries) arrangements he was
used to spend many thousands of Rupees towards expenses of cooking
food and other expenses and all these details are available in the chapter
of Urs (the death anniversaries). He used to take too much care and
attention towards offering (Niaz Sharif) and used to instruct to prepare
food for quantity of many quintals rice Biryani and used to distribute
these food preparation properly to all concerned persons. But in those
days the Sheikh and his son used to busy too much with the disciples

and devotees while hearing their requests and problems and to help them
and that they could not able to have time to eat their food on the time
schedule for the whole day and in spite of this they could not feel
undisturbed in this matter. So with their action we are in the condition of

An event of the generosity of Hazrat Syed Shah Ghulam Afzal Biyabani

During the period of Syed Shah Ghulam Afzal Biyabani this event
was happening. At that time there was a grant of Rupees fifty towards
the salaries of the staff of Noban Khana (the place from where time is
announced by the beat of the drum) in which there were some staff
members used to work there and it was headed by the supervisor. By the
government of H. E. H. The Nizam of Hyderabad there was every
month the royal grant which was used to reach to the custodian of the
Qazipet shrine through the supervisor from the government treasury.
From there it will reach to the administrator of the estate and who will
used to distribute the amount of the salaries of all concerned staff.
As per reference by Tufazal Hussain advocate that one month the
supervisor of Nobat Khana who was obtained the amount of Rupees
fifty towards the salaries from the Royal treasury office and he was fled
to Hyderabad. But in the shrine building the staff members were waiting
for him to receive their salaries from him and but at last they were able
to know that the supervisor was fled from Qazipet and he was reached
to Hyderabad.
At that time the custodian of the shrine of Qazipet was in Hyderabad.
So the estate administrator Sheikh Dadan was informed the details of
this case to Tufazal Hussain advocate and this event was mentioned by
Syed Khaja Sadat Hussain Biyabani in his Urdu book Lemat Biyabani
and he was mentioned the details of this event on the pages 110-111 of
his book and he was requested to take action against the supervisor of
the police department. In his reply Tufazal Hussain advocate wrote him
that as the custodian of the shrine is present in Hyderabad and if we start
action against him, so due to kindness if the culprit will be forgiven by

him then it will be not proper in this matter to initiate the case against
him. So it is better to take the approval of the action from the custodian
of the shrine first so that it is proper to take further action in this matter.
It was learnt by me that the estate administrator Sheikh Dadan was
sent the letter by the post to Hyderabad for the kind perusal of the shrine
custodian there.
The Estate administrator Sheikh Dadan who is the grandfather of the
translator and in whose memory this event was especially translated
from the following book for the information of the readers of the
International Internet Libraries in U.S.A. especially for the readers of
these two websites as follows. and
Upon this it was happened that supervisor of Nobat Khana after
spending of the amount was reached to see the custodian and he told him
all details in this matter and he requested him to forgive his mistake and
he was made loud and cry in this matter and he requested him to allow
him to join in his post.
It was learnt later that the custodian of the shrine was kept the
supervisor at his residence in Hyderabad for a period of three days.
During that period the letter of the Estate Administrator and the
advocate was reaching for him. Upon this he was given the travel
expenses from Hyderabad to Qazipet to the supervisor of the Nobat
Khana and he sent him from Hyderabad to Qazipet and he was given
the instruction to the estate administrator which is as follows.
That the supervisor was presented in my service and he was
ashamed of his bad deed so I was forgiven his mistake in this matter. So
you also forgive him and allow him to join on his duty. Otherwise, he is
poor person having small children with him so they will become
economically poor and will be suffered in this matter. Arrange the
salary of Nobat Khana staff members from another fund.
So after some days the supervisor was coming back to Qazipet from
Hyderabad and he was allowed to join in his post as per order the

custodian of the shrine of Qazipet and the staff members of the Nobat
Khana was paid their salaries from the other fund by the administrator of
the estate.
At the meeting about the discussion and explanation of the book of
collection of the speeches of Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Quader Jilani is
known as Malfuz Kabir part second and about the sermon number
33 held on 23 of Jamad al Thani in the year 545 Hijra on Monday in
which he said and its translation is as follows.
The work of the holy and brave persons is to spend for the cause of
the comfort of the mankind. They are people who are known for the
looting of the money and then they used to give this money to the
needy persons. By the grace and favour of Allah, whatever they will get
they will try to loot it and for the same amount they used to spend for the
beggars and for the needy persons who will face financial problems in
the life and also they repay the loans of the poor persons and they belong
to the category of the kings group and they do not belong to the kings of
this world but they belong to the kings of the other world.
His kind and favourable style of life is also same as per his saying in
this matter. His personality and his qualities belong to praiseworthy
which are found in the category of such pious persons which are
mentioned in his sermon in the above meeting.

The Urs (the death anniversaries)
He was much interested in the arrangements of the Urs (the death
anniversaries) so he was used to pay much attention and care in this
matter. So for the reason he used to spend too much amount of the
decoration and preparation of rice Biryani. In the annual days of
cerebration he used to instruct for the preparation of 12 Pallas (3 Maund
weight) preparation of Biryani as per requirements of in between 21 to
Safar month and so one day there will be preparation of 1.5 Maund
or 2.5 Maund of Biryani.
The fine rice will be purchased such as Peshawari and Amratsari and
other cooking items such as the saffron will be purchased of the best
quality in much quantity and in this way all cooking items in good
quality and quantity will be purchased in this matter.

The method distribution of benediction
It will be served to all present persons, including the disciples as well
as devotees available there and to the males in the drawing room and
the ladies will be serving the benediction in the ladies section. Some
time Biryani will be distributed after Fateha to some persons and some
portion of it will send to the ladies section for serving there among the
present ladies including disciples and devotees there and to the persons
who will arrive from far away places will also be served the benediction
to them.
At this big ceremony all the local officers of the Warangal district
will be invited there and they will be served in the camp area.
The colouring of the big tomb
The colouring work of the big tomb and big door of the shrine
building will be painted in the green colour and the arrangements of
lighting were started during the period his custodianship of the shrine.
In the beginning days some years the green colour was painted on the
big tomb from the expenses of Mohammed Yaqub Saheb Jamadar.
The lighting arrangements
Its arrangements were done under the supervision of Mir Munwar Ali
alias Saidu Miya Mansabdar but afterward the lighting and colouring
arrangements were allotted to his son.
There were arrangements of lighting on the both side of the all ways
it means on the tombs and in all compound area of the shrine building
and from there to the road where it turn and which goes to the village
and on the four ways and from where to road which goes to railway
station and for some distance only and also in the area of tomb of
Hazrat Lala Miya and in the officers camp area , in all buildings in the
shrine area, and on the shrine building and on all shops and on these
ways both sides and there is kals (spire pinnacle) in between of the
tomb on which light in glasses and light in colourful boxes will be
provided there. This system was continued for many years and during
that period in some special places as per requirement, there was
arranged to fix big electric bulbs. On the tombs and on the door of the
Nobat Khana (the place from where time is announced by the beat of a
drum) there will be specially colourful lighting will be there with which

there will be increased the beauty of the decoration of lighting in the
shrine area and without any doubt the whole ground will become
dazzling of light. With the introduction of electricity supply there is
constant improvement of the decoration of lighting on the shrine
building and around other places and roads and streets in the Qazipet
The method of sandal ceremony
During the days of the Urs (death anniversary) on 22
Safar his
fathers sandal of Hazrat Syed Shah Sarwar Biyabani and which is
known there as a small sandal and on 23rd Safar the lights are
illuminated on the mausoleum and 26
Safar the sandal ceremony of
Hazrat Syed Shah Afzal Biabani and which is known as big sandal and
on 27
Safar, the Urs (death anniversary) ceremony is celebrated. These
two sandal will be taken out from the residence of the Sheikh at the time
of 11o clock in the night time. Along with the procession of the sandal
the Refai beggars and Milad groups with many kinds of music parties
and crafty person will show their items on the way and there will be a
large number of disciples along with the procession of the sandal.
On every sandal ceremony a large number of disciples and devotee
women gather at the residence of the Sheikh and used to attend in the
preparatory work of sandal and malida (bread smashed in butter oil and
sugar) and this method is still being continued there in Qazipet. The
ladies who will present at the ceremony of the sandal will be provided
benediction of the food before the departure of the sandal. As there will
be a large number of ladies so for this reason there will stalls of women
will be arranged in the courtyard and all kinds toys, bangles, fruits and
tea, artificial jewellery stalls will be found there and there will be too
much business of the above items as the courtyard is in a big area so the
stall sellers will set up the stalls and do business during the whole the
Urs period.
The process of the sandal ceremony
As per the old practice at the time of 11o clock the Rifai beggars will
reach the door of the Sheiks house and will call there and there music
parties and the lighting arrangements will be ready for the Refai Fakirs (
beggars ) there and in the reply of the call of the above beggars all types

of music parties will start their music with their instruments and it is
reported that in the beginning day in the ladies section the tray of the
sandal will be carried by his mother on her head and after this she will
hand over it to the Sheikh of the times on his head.
When the sandal tray will be on the head of the spiritual mothers
head, then the all women who presented their used to kiss her feet at
that time and some of them will used to touch their head with the sandal
tray. After this Sheikh will carry the tray of the sandal on his head to
some distance, then he will use to put the tray of the sandal on his
younger brother Hazrat Shah Abdul Karim Saheb whom this translator
was seeing him when he (translator) was in his younger age in the
shrine area. In this way when the sandal process will come outside, then
other disciples, devotees and other persons used to put the tray on their
heads and carry it for some small distance and then give the chance to
other people. On this occasion the officers of the Warnagal district and
officers from other places used to carry the sandal tray on their heads.
The process of the sandal ceremony will be like that at the door of the
Sheikhs residence there will be a one horse on which cover of the
grave and behind him there will be a tray of sandal will be there on
which a tent which will be available there and before the horse and
there will be groups of beggars and all other music parties and crafty
persons will be there. The Sheikh of time will be behind of the sandal
tray along with his relatives, disciples, devotees and Mashaiq (learned
persons) and large number people will be there along with the sandal
The Sheikh will be in his red lungi (coloured sheet to cover the lower
part of the body) of Mashaiq persons and wearing robe and he also used
to wear turban on his head and he will use to hold his staff in his hand
and on the way many devotees used to garland him and when there will
be many garlands in his neck, then on the instruction of the Sheikh,
Akbar Khan used to take out all garlands from his neck and he will used
to hand over the same to some disciple. During his last days of his life
period his health condition was not normal and there was prevailed
weakness in him and so for this reason he was used to go behind of the
sandal procession in the bullock cart and he was used to get down at the

door of shrine under the Nobat Khana (the place from where time is
announced by beat of a drum) and from there the disciples will take him
in their circle, and in this way he will proceed to the shrine building and
after performing the sandal ceremony there then he will used to join in
the Sama (ecstasy) meeting and upon his arrival there the Sama will be
The method of sandal ceremony
In the sandal ceremony with the Sheikh and all his relatives and his
disciple and all other persons used to participate in it and still this
procedure is being followed in this ceremony.

The method of Sama (ecstasy) in the shrine building

During the period of the Urs (death anniversary) when the Sheikh
will perform the sandal ceremony and he will use to join in the Sama
meeting for a period of two hours and then he used to instruct to dismiss
up to next day it means on the second day of the Urs. So the Sheikh
came to the shrine at the time of the evening and the Sama will be
started at that time and there will be discontinuation of it during the
Maghrib (sunset) and Eisha (night prayer) prayer time. At the Sama
meeting there will be changes of the parties of Qawaals (choristers)
after some short time and in this way all Qawaal parties will able to
present their Qawaali (singing) in the Sama meeting and at that time of
3O clock early morning this meeting will come to an end.During the
Sama meeting he will use to weep too much and in the Sama meeting
the Sheikh use to give too much money to Qawaals and in this meeting
there will be large numbers of persons will attend and as well as the
superior officers, rich persons, Mashaiq used to be present in this
meeting. There will be too much effect of the Sama meeting and for this
reason there will be a condition of ecstasy which will prevail on the
persons in the meeting. The author of the book Afzal al-Karamt was
mentioned the details as follows.
During the Urs period in the Sama meeting his presence will be like
the light of Allah which will be sent down there. As the author of the
above book was a man of insight and most respectable pious person so

he was used the word the light of Allah in his praise and which was in
reality and his personality was found in the higher status and in greater
dignity in the Sama meeting so which can be said this without any
doubt in this matter.
Due to a large number of the persons in the same meeting there will
be presented of police personnels there and police officers will perform
the duties there while standing there and control the large gathering.
The Urs and show of Mui Mubarak (Holy hair of the prophet)
In Qaizpet Sharif since the time of ancestors of Biyabani family
members possess the relics of the prophet with them. It means holy
hairs small branch is kept available in the small box scented with
sandal and Abir (mixed powder of rose) which is available on the back
side of the mausoleum of Hazrat Syed Shah Afzal Biabani and in the
last room which is near with Nobat Khana (the place from where time
is announced by the beat of a drum) building. It is available in the north
side wall on the shelf the small box of the holy hair of the prophet is
kept secured there. So that room was becoming famous and well known
with room of holy hair of the prophet and there always visitors have
gone the room and use to kiss it there and reading of Fetaha is the
practice of the visitors there. Some visitors used to garland the shelf of
the holy hair of the prophet.
Every year as per the practice of their ancestors during his time also
on 11
Rabil Awwal during the night time at 9o or 10o clock the
sandal procession will start from his residence with great respect and
honour and it will reach to the shrine building and then it will reach the
room of Mui Mubarak (Holy hair of the prophet). In the sandal
procession along with him his relatives, devotees and the large gathering
of the people will be find there and after presentation of the sandal in the
room then meeting of Sama will be held in which he was used to grace
the occasion there and after one and half hour he used to listen the
programme there then used to dismiss the meeting there and then he
used to return back his residence in the village and on the next day it
means on the 12
Rabil Awwal at the time of nine o clock morning he
will used to come to the shrine building from his village residence along
with his relatives and other persons. Then in the shrine he will visit the

room of Mui Mubark and he used to take out the small box from the
shelf and open the box and see the Mui Mubark first then afterward the
general persons used to watch it there. After some time he will hand
over the small box to some of his relatives and he will participate in the
Sama meeting which will start upon his presence there. In that meeting
he used to engage there for two hours and then he will use to leave from
there to his residence. After his leaving of the shrine building the show
of Mui Mubarak will be continued till the Zuhar (late afternoon) prayer
and after that its show will be stopped and the room will be closed and
on that day there will be special an offering (Niayaz Sharif) will be
arranged at the residence of the Sheikh.
After Zuahr (afternoon) prayer there will be the arrival of the women
in the shrine building in the ladies area in which there will be prohibition
of the men will be there and some volunteers will be busy in this work
and see that there will be no entry of the men there. The ladies visit will
be continued to till the Eisa (night) prayer and after this show of the
relics will be stopped and Mui Mubrak will be kept on the shelf. This
method of ziara (visit) of the Mui Mubarak is being continued till now
in the shrine building.
His behaviour during the time of death anniversary
During the time of the Urs (death anniversary) many thousand persons
used to pledge on his hand so for this reason he was used to busy in
those days too much and he will not get any spare time. Also in those
days the disciples and devotees used to offer their nazar and niaz
(presents and offering). Some days Before the commencement of Urs
the cleaning and decoration work will be started from the H.E.H the
Niazams government staff and officers and they will be camped there to
install temporary sheds for the visitors and the daily cleaning work will
done in the shrine areas. After the end of the Urs ceremony, he used to
settle the cleaning charges as per the bills received to him from the
departments concerned in this matter.
During this period, due to his representation in the Urs (death
anniversary) days the passenger trains in between Qazipet and Warangal
railway station used to halt in front of the shrine and due to this reason
there was great benefit was there to the passengers for coming and going

from Qazipet shrine. Due to war period during his last period the trains
halt system was discontinued, but there was new system was started of
buses and taxies, horse driven carts which used to carry the visitors
from station Qazipet, Mathwada, and Hanamakonda by collecting the
fares for these trips. Also, due to this arrangement there was a great
convenience, which was available to the lots of the visitors to Qazipet
shrine and also to leave from there to Station Qazipet and other places.
The water taps and electric lights were fixed in the shrine building
area in many places as per the requirements of the visitors. Also big
cement, water tanks were constructed in the shrine area and due to this
arrangement there was water supply was provided to the visitors all the
The water taps and electricity provided in the village and shrine areas
where possible only due to his kind representation to the government of
H.E.H the Nizam of Hyderabad. As per his instruction the Malavi Abdul
Basit Khan the collector of Warangal was tried hard in this matter and
sanctioned of water and electric supply and it was available in Qazipet
village. So in the shrine area and other outside areas there are many taps
and electric poles were fixed in many places as per requirement and
many big water tanks have been constructed in Qazipet.
The duration of illness
He was feeling less nervous weakness and some time he was feeling
pain in the waist and he was also feeling difficulty while sitting and
standing in the meeting places. But he was used to take rarely the
medicines in this matter. So some period of time was passed like that.
Before his death for a period of ten years due to wrong prescription of
some doctor and due to not suitable medicine, there was difference
was found in his nature and for this reason there were some indication of
disease of paralysis, but due to immediate care, there was complete
cure in this matter, and after this the treatment was continued and but
there was remained the weakness and day by day depression was
increased and after some period of time he was unable to walk so for
this reason to visit the shrine building from the residence he was use to
go there in the bullock cart. And slowly in the year 1362 Hijra his
condition was becoming worse and due to the fever and headache and

so for this reason it was difficult for him to sit and standing in the
meetings. But in his such health condition he was used to perform all
the ceremonies of the Urs (annual death anniversary) as per tradition
which was coming in the family of Biabani but he was not participating
in the sandal ceremony due to illness.
After the Urs ceremony, he was arrived at shrine building in the room
of his son on 29th Safar in the year 1362 Hijra and after that the illness
period was continued further so the doctors advised there should be
available to him three persons to attend the work of health care of him in
the room and there should not available more persons with him and he
should not be allowed to talk with more persons. So his son was taken
measures in this matter. For care and attention in the matter some
disciples were given instruction to watch his room so that there should
be no entry of many persons at the same to kiss the feet of the Sheikh of
his time and there should be no loud and noisy in this matter. So for this
matter complete care and attention was taken in this matter. But spite of
this always many persons used to visit him along with their children and
making pledges to him and also a large number of people used to visit
him and become his disciples.
For the pledge of the small children as per his rules there was some
insist from his side, but due to request and appeal, he used to make the
children as his disciples and in this way all of them enter into the chain
of Biabani. On these occasions it was seen many children insist to
become his disciple in spite of the objection from their parents as per
the instruction of the Sheikh but those children will enter in the chain
due to their firm determination and insisting on this matter. Also the
disciple in large number daily due to their fondness and affection used
to visit him and kiss the feet of the Sheikh even after some objection and
obstacle in this matter. In those persons there was too much competition
and so for this reason there was some time quarrel among those disciples
who were eager to visit the Sheikh first from others, so while to
understand their fondness and affection, and there will be difficulties in
this matter to allow to the visitors to see the Sheikh one by one.

He was used to like too much the treatment of Hakim Abudulla
Khan of Hyderabad and always there was treatment of him. Since from
the beginning of the illness, there was treatment of the above Hakim
Saheb was available to him on the grand scale and in this way 8 months
were passed away but there was no cure for him.
At last as per advise he was taken to Hyderabad in the month of
Shawal in the year 1362 Hijra for the reason of the change of
atmosphere. Along with from his family members and his son, his
daughter and his wife was there with him in Hyderabad city and they
were staying on the Kachiguga street in the bungalow of Mahbub Ali
Khan who was officer Nizams Armed Forces. Along with him in
Hyderabad some relatives, the disciples and some servants were also
with him there.
In Hyderabad his treatment was done by Hakim Shuaib Allah Khan
and this treatment was continued for a period of 2.5 months, but there
was no cure available to him and for this reason daily his health
condition was becoming worse and worse and gone decline in this
matter and in this way the month of Zil Hajj came and he was ready to
leave this world for his permanent resort in the other world.
Before two days he called his son in the room lonely for giving him
the favours of the spiritualism and the secret of Marafat (knowledge of
Allah) and knowledge of chest and he was given him total 18 advices
and instructions concerning of Tariqat (mystic way) was awarded him
and also he was given him a higher status in this matter.
After this he asked his daughter to go Qazipet for the preparation and
arrangement of Eid al-Azha. He was used to like his daughter too much
and but due to the changing situation and health condition she was un-
willing to leave him in Hyderabad to go to Qazipet for this reason. As he
told her that he will reach there on the occasion Eid at Qazipet so as per
following the instruction of the father un-willingly she went to Qazipet
and also his many disciples who were in the careless condition because
they could not observe his critical condition in Hyderabad except few
disciples many of them were given permission to leave Hyderabad upon
their request for the Eid preparation in Qazipet.
The event of the death

It was heard that on the 8th Zil Hajj, he was desired to have a bath,
but due to no permission of the doctors his son was objected in this
matter. But in this matter, there may be advisability is there so he was
taken bath and the night was passed and on the morning of 9
Zil Hajj
on Tuesday there were great sudden changes were found in his health
condition, there so immediately his son in law Hazrat Abdu Ali, who
was in Hyderabad was informed in this matter and who was coming
there urgently to see him and also the nephew of his first wife Fazal Ali
retired assistant of Nizams Forces also came there. These two persons
were present at the head of a bed. At that time Mahboob Ali Khan, who
was officer also presents in his service. Who said that from the
morning till afternoon there was a condition of un-consensus was
prevailed upon him. During this period when we will call him, then he
used to open his eyes and says Yes and used to watch us and after one
minute used to close his eyes. We have watched at that time the colour
of his eyes was red and eyes were becoming intoxicated and he was in
the condition of amazement and he was in the engrossment and in
attention toward Allah. In short, at that time of one o clock in the
afternoon on the 9
Zil Haj in the year 1362 Hijra on the Tuesday he
left this eternal world while leaving all his disciples and devotees and his
son. It is very sad that the sky was sent down upon us a strange and a
irretrievable loss and difficulty to us.
Upon this event the news of his death was spread all over the places
and so for this reason a large number of disciples and devotees and a
great number of the people were informed in this matter by telephone
and telegraph to Qaizpet and all other places in this matter. For
informing Malavi Syed Khaja Fazl Hussain, who estate advisor was
telephoned to Hanamakonda through Syed Fazal Hussain as he did not
have a telephone connection in his house. With this information of this
event there was too much effect on the hearts of the disciples and the
devotees of the Sheikh of his time.

As the fireball of your separation, causing effects on the souls
And your separation is burning the hearts of young and old as well


How should we write the details of this great grief that the pen is broken
How to mention the situation of the demise as the tongue is burning

As per his instruction his beloved daughter left for Hyderabad to
Qiazpet and his wife came out of the house reached the Qazipet
Railways Station to go Hyderabad to see the Sheikh there and she was
waiting there for the arrival of the train in Hyderabad but at that time
Fazal Hussain was reached the railway station and he was informed her
only that the Sheikh of time is coming to Qazipet and he was already
leaving from Hyderabad so for this reason she should not proceed
there. So she stopped to proceed from Hyderabad journey and she was
coming back to her residence in the village. After that his son came to
Qazipet along with the dead body of the Sheikh to his residence in the
village and with him there were many persons came from Hyderabad.
The burial details
His dead body was brought to the Qazipet shrine from Hyderabad in a
motor car and then it was taken to the residence building as per advise of
all persons and his funeral bath was arranged at the same place where his
grandfather Syed Shah Afzal Biabani was given the funeral bath.
After the funeral bath the dead body was kept from the sight of the
disciples and devotees and it was waiting up to 2, o clock afternoon on
Zil Hajj and on the same day he was buried at the time of the Aser
(late afternoon) prayer.
His burial place was decided as per advise of the relatives and the
persons who were present at that situation and as per the permission of
his son and there was, decided for his burial on the foot side of his
father Hazrat Syed Shah Sarwar Biabani as per the interpretation of one
couplet which was said by him in the praise of his father as follows.

I left out hope, wish and every desire of the world
I have only hope with me that to die on your porch

So in the way it is clear in the selection of the burial place is done as
per his indication of the resting place which is available in the above
couplet and it was helped a lot in this matter.

As the above of the event of death of the Sheikh of time was
happened during Eid of Zil Hajj but in spite of this festival a large
number of disciples and devotees and general persons were present at
the burial time along with their relatives.
The declaration of his successor
As a matter of fact, during his lifetime before this event he was
declared his successor in the presence of pious and Mashaiq (learned
persons) but as per the rules and regulation of spiritualism, his successor
was declared at the time of the funeral bath in favour of his son Hazrat
Syed Ziauddin Biabani and as per system of Tariqat (mystic) way the
ceremony of successor was arranged after the third day of Fateha in
which a large number of Mashaiq, Fakirs (Darwesh), his relatives and
brothers were present there.
It is known fact that most of his disciples were used to live in far
away places so they were un-aware of this tragic event so for this reason
some of them were attending the third day Fateha ceremony and others
were present in the ceremony of 40
day and visited the holy grave of
the Sufi master in Qazipet. By the radio and by telegraphy and in
newspapers his death news sent to all places, but the disciples who were
in the villages could not get the information on time and so for this
reason there is grief still available in the hearts of them in this matter and
also still it will remain till the day of judgement.
His sayings
1. The one who desires obedience and good deed so he should hear that
the young who want to obtain good deed then they should keep dear the
advises of older and wiser persons than his life.
He said the differences in the religion and their problems and in this
matter he was writing one book lengthy in Persian language and its title
is Alfaisala in which, while quoting the references of Shariah
(Islamic) law and also other issued were discussed. So in this book all
matters and issues of differences are solved and after seeing this book,
then there will be no need of referring the other book will be there.
Regarding the printing of the above book on the request of the some
disciples, he said that his above book is under completion and in this

book he was added such chapters so for this reason this book will be
kept under completion till the end of his life period.
His poetry book
His poetry books manuscript was lost, but with the help of Allah it
was found recently by his daughter and I hope that it will be published
The food of Fateha (the opening chapter of Quran recited as prayers for
the dead)
One day on the Islamic issues, he said on the following occasion the
food is legal to eat by relatives, friends is rewarding.
Regarding Ghair Muqalidin (non-conformist) they keep difference in
this matter. Some of the them not agree with this act and some of the
above persons says it is legal in this respect only that the food should be
given to the poor and Misakin (indigent) persons. But as per the law of
the Shariat, the learned persons of from Sunnat Jamat (as people
following prophets practice) have given their opinions in this matter that
there is no difference of the rich and poor persons in this respect. So the
instruction of the giving food and inviting all persons of the rich, poor
and medium class on this occasion are same and equal and there is no
discrimination in this matter.
Annual Fateha (the opening chapter of Quran recited as prayers for the
In this matter he was said 15 years before his death that one woman
who was his disciple and she was asked to him about Esal Thawab (for
the conveying reward of virtuous deed) on the following occasions.
1. Fateha
2. Tenth day
4. Annual death anniversary
For these acts he explained her the orders in this matter so she was
satisfied in this respect.
Upon the above event when he was in Hyderabad and one person came
to see me and asked about my address there. When he was come to
know that I am Qazi of Waranagal district, then he told me that his
mother in law is his disciple and she used to celebration the annual death

anniversary of her late husband and on that occasion she used to
observation Fateha so he was prohibited her in this matter, but she is not
agree in this matter and she told him that her spiritual master was given
permission in this matter and she said in this respect if he want to
discuss then he should see him and as he is staying now a days in
Hyderabad. So she was given his address to see you and so he came
there to discuss in this matter. He said he was qualified from Deoband
institution. You please explain me this issue in the light of sayings from
the books of Sahah and satisfy him in this matter. He said that he was
being inquired with him does he belongs to the person of knowledge and
first tell me is there only dependency of saying of the prophet on the
Sahah Sitta (the six famous Sunni collections of the prophets
traditions).? If it is so, then he will explain to him in this matter from
Sahah Sitta books otherwise the field is very wide.?
He told him that there is no such thing so I have noted down the
names of reliable books and given him the address of the Asfia Library,
where those books are available and if he will not satisfy upon reading
those books or if he will not find those books in Asifia Library then
come to see him so that he can show him the references of those books
which are available in his personal library and then he will be satisfied in
this matter. He was promised to see within three days time, but after this
event many days were passed away, but he did not come to see him. But
once his mother in law was visiting Qazipet and she informed me that
the objection of his son in law about Fateha and such related things were
no more with him.
The following of the four Imams (the four leaders of the schools thought
in Islamic religion)
As per discussion about following of four Imams and change of their
religion was started and he said everybody should follow the religion
of his ancestors.Here the religion referred as school of thought in the
main Islamic religion.He said as per rules and regulations of the Sunnat
Jamat the change of the religion is possible for that person before his
attainment of adulthood and who due to his personal ability who claim
objection in the Ijtead (interpretation of Islamic law) of the thought of
the leader and point out objection as per the Islamic law and such

objection will be confirmed by the other leaders then upon becoming
major he can follow any leader one among the four of the leaders of
religion as per his wish and desire and other than this without objection
of legal law there is no permissibility of the change of the religion.
In this context, he said also that nobody can not attain such
knowledge before his adult period and he is not able to make such
objection in this matter. If suppose somebody will attain knowledge in
this matter, then it is not possible for him to find any defect or objection
against the four leaders or there will be any legal objection of Islam will
not be possible in this matter.
However, from the importance of this issue, it should be understood
that nobody is not empowered to change his ancestral religion as per
chapter number four about the following the four Imams in which there
is clarification on this matter is available in the magazine Eqad
Wafatwa Ahle Sunnat Wa Jamat on the page 414o and there is too
much explanation and clarification is there in this matter and for which
the Ulmea (scholars) of the nation are agreed in this matter.
In this discussion, he said now it is left about Sheikh Abdul Quader
Jilani, who had his religion (school of thought) of Hanifia but he had
followed the religion of Hazrat Imam Ahemd Hanbal which is described
as special conditions in this matter. One night he was seen in the
condition of revelation that Hazrat Imam Ahmed Hanbal was on the
prayer mat in the Holy Harem of Makkah so the leader of all learned
persons asked him and he told him in the morning prayer nobody is not
there to perform his prayer on his prayer mat. Upon hearing this he
said to him that he should not worry in this matter as he will perform the
morning prayer on his prayer mat along with his disciples. From this
discussion Hazrat Imam Ahmed Hanbal was pleased with him and
prayed for him. So when the prayer time came then he was prayed
morning prayer along with the disciples which were available at that
time there as per the method of Hanbali, but his son Sheikh Syed Shah
Abdul Wahab and Hazrat Syed Shah Abdul Razak both were not
followed him in the morning prayer along with him and both of them
performed their prayer as per their ancestors religion and they did not
change it.

In the change of religion (school of thought) of the great Sheikh of
Baghdad there is special condition and dignity which is legal and
permissible in this matter only for him and but it is not permissible and
legal for the other persons.
The pledge
One day he said about the pledge whether is necessary to do it.? It is
required then to whom it should be pledged.? This issue was presented
with the Ulmea (scholars) of old and Sufi Masters and it was decided
that it is necessary in this matter, but it should be done by those persons
who have their power on the tablet and if they want they can change the
writing of the fate there about some person and can write new writing in
favour of the person. In the support of his above saying the saying of
Allah in the verse Raad 13:39 in the holy Quran as follows.

Allah effect what He will, and established (what He will), and
with Him is the source of the ordinance. (39
In this connection Hazrat Shah Abdul Aziz Mohadit Dehlavi
says as follows.
That who know about the tablet and to see its writings is referred to
some pious persons of Allah and this saying have been referred by
numerous chain of narrators of the holy persons in this matter.
So in the magazine Eqad Wa Fatwad ahle Sunnat Wa Jamat, Abu
Sheikh in the episode Kitab Thawab mentioned the tradition of the
prophet, which is reported by Hazrat Anas Ad Duwa Yarad al Qaza,
its meaning and interpretation is as follows.
In the saying of prophet it is available that the prayer is the cause of
evade of the fate. In this respect his saying is available that due to the
prayer of the persons there will be such effect that Allah will remove
the old writing of fate and re-write new writing there.
So the pledge should be done by such persons of great status of
Sufism and dignity and not with others and as such, great persons
were available in those days and so such practice was done in the past.
When the time of Ulmea (learned persons) and Sufi masters who
came later and during that time such great persons which were not were

not found then in that situation this issue or matter was discussed by
those persons that as during the present time as such persons of great
value were no more so it should be continued the system for pledge or
it should be continued.?
The present Ulmeas (scholars) and religious persons while considering
the present situation of the time and they have given the opinion that the
system of the pledge should not be discontinued and it is must in this
matter. So if such persons of great status and dignity were not found,
then search such persons who are available and they are holding Qiraq
(saintly dress) of caliph with them. So in the case they can pledge on the
hands of such caliphs who are successors of the spiritual masters of the
their time and who had the power of the tablet by the grace Allah and it
is legal and right action in this matter. In this matter it is noted that large
numbers of the disciples and devotees who pledge with the caliphs of
super masters or the pious persons who are the successor from their
caliphs then in that case the responsibility of all disciples will be there
and resting on those spiritual masters. It is clear in this matter that if the
pledge is done with the caliphs and it is like doing the pledge with
the spiritual master of the past only who have given the caliphate to
them. Also the favour of spiritualism will be same and equal to them
like the original or pioneer personality.
The instruction which was explained by him in the meeting, which
was held on 12
Rajjab in the 545 Hijra on Friday at the morning time
in the shrine building, he said, Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Quader Jilani, who
was given reference of the saying of prophet that one who in the
ignorance and who do worship of Allah and his trouble will be more
than his reform. Unless there will be no follow of the book of Allah
and the Sunnah (practice), then no person will not get success.
Some tradition which is known by the spiritual masters who have
done research in this matter that one who is not having a spiritual master
then his master will become Satan. So to follow such spiritual masters
who follow the Quran and the Sunah and act upon them so then have
good hope with them and learn knowledge from them and give more
respect to them. Unless if one will not follow the book of Allah and

the Sunnah as well as Arif (one having intimate knowledge of God)
and Mashaiq (learned) persons, then he could not be successful.
The prophet said to correct first his soul and afterwards his
householders and also he said there is no reward of charity to other
persons if there are available his poor relatives.
In the collection book Malfuz Kabir volume two on page
149,150 it is available the verse from the holy Quran as follows.
Ennal lazina yaba bunaka ennama yuba eiyun allah yad allah fauq
ediahem. And with reference of this verse Sheikh Abdul Quader Jilani
said it is necessary for the pledge.
Fateha (the opening chapter of Quran recited as prayers for the dead).
On the discussion about the 3rd day Fateha, the tenth day Fateha, and
day Fateha and Eid Shaban month he said that in the light of verse
and the sayings of the pious persons proved that upon the deceased
Muslim and their souls after their burial they visit their house on the
above occasions. Thursday Fateha, the tenth day Fateha, and 40
Fateha and six months, after one year on the same date, on the Eid
night of the Shaban month and on Eid al-Zuha visit their houses.
In the light of the above saying of the prophet it is proved that all
the souls used to visit their houses so for this reason Esal Thawab (for
the conveying reward of virtuous deed) should be done in this matter.
As per the sayings of the prophet it is clear that the best method of
Esal Thawab is to feed the people. So in the light of the above
instruction ancient Ulmea and Ulama after they have agreed that fate
on 3
day, tenth day 40
day and annual death anniversary, on the Eid
of Shaban, in the night of Eid al-Zuha to prepare the food and feed it to
the relatives for the Eisal Thawab of the dead persons and for this reason
this method was introduced for this purpose only which is good deed
One day on the occasion of tenth day and 40 day ceremony of the
son in law of Fazal Rasul he was asked in this matter so he said in one
saying of the prophet it is available that on the death 3
day, tenth day,
2oth day, 4oth day and after the period of six months the souls used to
visit the houses. In another saying of the prophet it is available that when

the soul will visit then do Esal Thawab and best Esal Thawab is
providing of the food to the persons.
So in the magazine Natija in which Ahemed Reza Khan wrote
this saying in his book and at the time of above discussion the compiler
of this book was present at the meeting place. Before this event some of
our friends were wanting to know the clarification in this matter for
their satisfaction in this respect. So one time we told him that we believe
his saying by our heart, but on some occasion due to our conversation
with Gahir Muqalidin (un-conforming) then at that time it is required to
quote the orders of Shariah and Quranic verses in this matter.So for this
reason the references from the Quranic verses and sayings of the prophet
was asked with the Shiekh of the time in this matter and to note it down
and give the references of the book in which we can find the collection
of all orders. Upon this request, he was given us the name of the book
as follows.
The books name is Natqaja Teja by Ahmed Reza Khan
In the above book Ahmed Reza Khan was collected all orders which are
related with Esal Thawab of the third day, tenth day and 4oth day and
in this situation he said that you may not get this book in the present
time because it was published a long time ago and it was already sold
out. So we have searched that book but we could not find it in the
bookshops. So one time we were present his service and told him that
we could not find the book then he said that in his book Faisla he was
added all the orders in the best logical way and when it will be published
then you all persons will be satisfied so there is no matter of worry in
this matter.
Upon his death, his book Faisla was not found and it was lost. But
the magazine Azal Hidayat which was compiled and in which his
saying were added and which are in conformity as per Islamic law and
in the chapter Esal Thawab (for the conveying reward of virtuous deed)
there are full details of orders and references are available in this book.
Once he was passing from village (Ghouseabad) Girla Wedu to Nain
Pak (Marrikunta) in the bullock cart and I was also with him during this
journey and when the bullock cart was reached near the village pavilion
of Marrikunta village and there was available one tall pole of the flag.

He watched it and inquired about that flag. So I told him on its flag
which hosted on the ceremony of the Deshera festival of the Hindus.
Upon this he said to remember this issue that in front of the Dashera flag
the people used to slaughter goats and cocks there and used to eat its
meat there in the villages. Even though at the time of slaughter the
name of Allah was saying, but here in this act the intention of the
slaughter is being disordered, so for this reason this type of slaughtering
of the meat of such animals is not legal and right to be used. He was
instructed me to inform such persons who used to eat the meat of such
slaughtered animals in the villages. So I have informed about the
prohibition to all my relatives who used to get a chance of getting the
meat in the villages.
In some villages Hindus in their fields at the time of the harvesting
they slaughter cock and goat there and worship there. As per this
tradition in the villages Muslim peasants used to slaughter the cocks and
used to eat the meat in the fields. As per his instruction in this act also
such disorder of intention is there so for this reason the meat of such
slaughtered animals is also not legal and right. So the villagers should
avoid such acts and such meats in this matter. So for this reason, in the
magazine Afzal Hidayat in the issue of Ahel bah Baqir Allah, in which
it is mentioned about such type of the slaughtering method as it is
slaughtered in the name of other Allah.
At the time of Fateah to remove covers from its cauldrons there will
be objection from some persons in this matter. In the olden days the
people used to read Fateh while removing the covers from the cauldrons.
So to know which is the best method in this matter. So he said in the
general rules when the presents are given to somebody, then its covers
are removed as per rule in the case of especially the respectable persons
when the present is given then it is good to remove the cover of the
presented item. So also at the time of Fateh prayer to remove the cover
of the cauldron is good for getting the notice of the souls as well as to
get the blessing of the reading of the Quranic verses which will be
added in it. So for this reason the Ulema (scholars) of the olden days
has continued this practice since long time.
Saying number 8

Sometimes to fulfil to the vow and wish and consistency in this
connection he said in the discussion about that pious person that after
the pledge on the hand of pious persons the relation between the disciple
and his master will become like a son and father in this matter. When
there will be an increase of this relation, then there will be more favour
in this matter. In the affairs of the both worlds there will be help
available from the spiritual master. For any need of vow, wish and
consistency to ask the help from the other pious personalities is not right
except without a source of his spiritual master.
Saying number 9
Once he said during ten days of month of Muherram when there will
be too much formality for the preparation of food, then there will such
blessing and goodness will be there. There will such a good result that it
is possible that Allah may grant such delicious food for this reason
throughout the year in this matter.
Saying number 10
Following the pious persons
One day during a discussion of Islamic issues he was told that our
Islamic Ulema (learned persons) who wrote about all issues on which
the foundation of our religion is there and about their books and about
those issues now a days the people of Ghair Muqaladin (un-
conforming) are writing their books and adding the issues of differences
in this matter so reading such books is not good and not right because
due to this reason false beliefs can be created in the mind of the readers
of those books.
If you want to take away safe your faith from the world, then you
should follow it fully and in every matter and in every issue of the
footsteps of your spiritual masters in this matter which will be good
sources of the salvation.
The compiler of the book added in this book that since the beginning
period, we have heard this and we are attached with the devotion of the
shrine of the Biabani as per the above saying of the Sheikh it means we
disciples were followed the belief and acts as per the instruction and
advices of our spiritual masters in this matter. We have seen by our eyes
that our spiritual masters in action and deeds in this matter and also

seen that the spiritual master was given the instruction to the disciples to
follow those acts. So in this matter for some time we were stopped in
this matter or if there will be objection from other persons, then we will
used to present in the service of the Sheikh and explain the details in
this matter and get satisfactory clarification in the respect. Due to this all
doubts from the mind will be removed for this reason and with the
satisfaction we used to follow the straight pathway of Islam.
As due to the demise of the our spiritual master there is no such time
of the benefits and comfort left in this matter. Then for our children
what will be happening in this matter as they have not seen our master
and their acts and his super deeds and also they did not hear their advice
in this matter. So for this reason it is necessary in this matter that the
advises and practices and their sayings should be collected and gathered
for the guidance and protection of their right faith and practices. So for
this reason one book Afzal al-Hidayat was prepared in which Quranic
verses, references from saying to the prophets, advises of Uleams and
Sufi masters for the settlement of Islamic issues and reading of this book
is good reference book for the followers of the Biabani chain of
disciples so that they will able to follow the path of their Sufi masters in
this matter and also it is must for them as well as also it is good book
for those what want to know generally the right faith so in this way it is
great book for them which will help them in this matter and bring the
good results.

The miracles of Hazrat Syed Shah Ghulam Afzal Biabani

1. Once Syed Zainal Abidin alias Pasha Miyas elder daughter was
becoming seriously ill, so for this reason she was admitted in the
Securderabad General Hospital and she was in the hospital for many
days for the treatment purpose there, but there was not effective and no
cure at all and her health condition was becoming worse and worse in
this matter. So for this reason the doctors discharged her from the
hospital by saying that her disease is not enabled for them treatment in
the hospital. Pasha Miyas son Syed Afzaluddin said At that time the
health condition of his sister was such critical, so for this reason from

the hospital four persons came to the Railway Station Secunderabad
while carrying the patient in the bed cover and boarded her in the train
and on the train, she arrived Qazipet Railway Station and then she was
brought to Qazipet Sharif and she was taken in her house situated in
Garla waiter and upon this they went into the service of the Sheikh and
they all explained the patient's health condition. Upon hearing all details
he said Pasha Miya, your daughter will be recovered from this serious
illness so you should not worry in this matter. As a matter of fact the
doctors of the world were disappointed in this matter, but we should
keep hope of recovery of health from the spiritual doctors.
So for this reason my father was satisfied in this matter and as worry
and trouble situation was over, but upon arrival in Qazipet but there
were no signs of recovery were there. So for this reason my father used
to visit the Sheikh of time two times daily and used to inform him the
details of her health condition and requested him many times to see the
patient in his house, but he used to make any excuse in this matter and
for this reason my father began worry in this matter. By chance in those
days in our neighbours house of Yaqub Saheb the Sheikh came there to
take pledges from somebody there and at that time of his return from
there my father and mother brought the patient in front of him. When he
looked at the patient then he told Pasha Miya show the daughter to me.
He said he was made stubborn with my grandfather that unless the
patient should not walk and come to see him then he will not see her.
Upon this he put his hand of kindness on the patient and prayed for her
health recovery and assured all of them in my house that patient will be
in good condition soon. From that day the patients health began
recovery and in the short period of time she regained her lost health and
after that girl was lived for many years.
2. In Qazipet the wife of Syed Quader Hussain was becoming
seriously ill during the period of delivery and at that time they shifted
from the shrine building to one rented house. His mother in law said
after some days after the delivery his daughters health condition was
becoming worse and there were dangerous signs were prevailed upon
her daughter. So for this reason apparently there were no signs of
recovering were there and also there was a problem of respiration was

there. So for this reason all of us were worried in this matter. So we want
to inform the details of the illness of my daughter. Still without any
information he visited our house so I caught her feet and began weeping
in this matter and requested him for the prayer for the health of my
daughter. So he lifted me from the ground so I sat there and what I see
that the colour of his face and eyes were becoming red and his condition
was changed and he was looking upper side many times and he was
saying Ilahi Ilahi (My God) and I was sitting in front of him and began
weeping and the time of 10 minutes were passed in that condition and
then he told me oh: mother do not weep. Go and inquire about your
daughters health and your daughter is now well, so there is no need to
worry in this matter. As per his instruction I have asked his permission
to leave from there to see my daughter and went in the room of the
daughter and find that the patients unconsciousness is over and there
was no problem of respiratory system on her and when she me she began
talking with me and she was explaining about her condition and within
the three days of time her health condition was recovered and she was
becoming normal.
3. Once I was coming from house to Hanmakonda and at that time
there was fever for me. Upon arrival there father wrote a letter and
informed me to come soon to the house as there is a dangerous situation
is prevailing in the house. So I left the house to go to the office to get
leave from there, then from there I wanted to go Qazipet Railway
Station. So for this reason I left the village area and crossing the middle
portion of a tank of Bala Samaderam by feet and at that time he was
proceeding towards Hanmakond from Qazipet so when I saw him and
told him all the details of the illness in the house and upon hearing all
details he said do you want to go Qazipet shrine?
So I told him that when he will go to the office for leave permission,
then the train time will be near so for this reason he will not be able to
visit Qazipet shrine. Upon this there was some conversation with him
for some time and in which he said again allusively asked to visit
Qazipet in this matter. So for this reason I told him that there is no time
to visit the Qazipet shrine for him. After this again, there was discussion
continued for some time and he asked me again that I have to go Qazipet

shrine. So I was understood well in this matter the importance of visit of
Qazipet shrine is there and so I told him whether to go Qaizpet then he
told me yes, as the matter of the family members is very delicate, so you
must visit Qazipet and request there for the help of householder and
from there you can travel and go to your house. There will be help in
this matter of the spiritual masters so there is no need to worry and
problem. At that time I was taking his permission to leave from him and
went to the office and get the leave permission and from there visited the
shrine of Qaizpet as per his instruction and reach to the Railway Station
of Qazipet and at that time the train was arriving on the platform and so I
was boarded in the train and reached to the destination and visited my
house and found that all conditions were good and the bad health
condition was now recovered completely and now there was no problem
in this matter.
My father told me on the day when the letter was posted the health
condition was in the critical and worse and it was seems the last
respiration was there and stomach was becoming flat and the respiration
problem was too much and for this reason all village persons including
all women, men and children were gathered in the house upon hearing
the bad health condition. But in this condition due to the favour of the
pious persons and suddenly there were signs of health recovery was
4. Karim Baig, who is working in C.I.D department in the
Securderabad was stated that once his wife was pregnant and during the
pregnancy period there she was used to have severe pain in her
stomach and for this treatment many persons came to his house but there
was a no benefit to her in this matter. During this period the Sheikh
came to Hyderabad so I went in his service and explained the problems
in details to him and he was heard the details and after this he came to
my house and my wife was honoured to kissed his feet there and he was
watched the health condition of the patient and he addressed to the baby,
which was in her womb that she should not give trouble to her mother
and she should not do like this which is not good thing and upon this he
told me there will be baby girl will born in your family and which will
be pure soul. So instruct your wife that she should not stay for a long

time near odorous places and next time by the grace of Allah there will
be no problem in this matter and there will be available the help of the
holy persons in this matter and then he left from our house. It was heard
that there was drain of odours was there in the house which his wife
used to clean some time there. So as per his instruction she was taken
care of, not standing for a long time there in odours place. When It was
checked it was found in reality that whenever she used to clean the
drain, then she will feel severe pain in her stomach and afterward she
was stopped the cleaning of that drain there. The officer told that after
this event and after the taking precaution measures till the delivery
period she did not feel pain in her stomach and she was delivered a baby
It is noted that whatever the holy persons of status want, it will happen
due to the grace of Allah, but we feel here it is necessary that the request
should be presented by us in such a way that in which there will be the
willingness of pious persons should be attached to it in this matter.
5. Mr. Akbar Ali Khan was stated that during long time he was in
search of the perfect spiritual master and he was not having confidence
in the Mashaiq (learned persons) of the present time and he was thinking
on this issue for many times that what should be done in this matter. At
last he started the recital of Ghousia.
So for this reason he was looking and desiring to become the disciple
of the Sheikh of time and who should be holy personality in this
matter at the present time and one who, having the position and status of
Ghouse (one who redresses anothers grievance) but so he should visit
him and accept his pledge.
So once it was happened that one night he was seen in the dream and
he and his brother Hazrat Mohiuddin Pasha were there and till that time
I didn't know him and also not saw him and used to think that Hazrat
Mohiuddin Pasha as the custodian of the Qazipet shrine. In short, in the
dream I saw him and his brother Hazrat Mohiuddin Pasha Saheb were
there and till that time I didn't know about him also did not see him
before him and used to think as Hazrat Mohiuddin Pasha as custodian of
Qazipet shrine. In short Hazrat Mohiuddin Pasha was pointed towards
the Sheikh of time and he was saying to me that to become the disciple

of the Sheikh so that he could fulfil his desires of his heart. When my
eyes were opened, then I was began thinking about the personality
which was shown by Hazrat Mohiuddin Pasha Saheb and where he is
residing and in the learned person (Mashaiq) there is no such
personality of dignity like that available so I continued my thinking in
this matter.
After this event of the dream, there was a function which was held
in my neighbours house and in which I was also invited there and
where I inquired and come to know that Qazipet Saheb of Warangal is
coming there in that function and in that house somebody will go to
become the disciple of that Sheikh from Warangal. So I asked is Hazrat
Mohiuddin Pasha Saheb is custodian of Qazipet shrine is coming there
in the function.? So that person told me no he is not, but his brother
who is the custodian of the shrine of Qazipet is coming there and upon
hearing this I was surprised at this matter and began waiting for him
there to watch him personally. When he reached there and if find the
same person which I was seen in the dream along with Hazrat
Mohiuddin Pasha and in the same dress he was wearing there so for
this reason I was pledged in the chain of Biabani.
6. Mir Roshan Ali, who was in military service who was a disciple of
his father. Upon the death of his spiritual master Hazrat Syed Shah
Sarwar Biabani he was in the service of the caretaker of the Qazipet
shrine for some period of time and after that he left for Madina along
with his wife and he was staying there for a period of 7 years. After
that, as per some of his dreams he was left Madina and came to
Hyderabad to visit the shrine of his spiritual master and to kiss the feet
of his masters son along with wife. This event of the return journey is
more important that Mir Saheb told when the train from Bombay
departed then there came an idea into his mind that whether Bade Miya
is staying in Qazipet Sharif or he is available in Hyderabad.If he is
available in Hyderabad and if he go to Qazipet then it is not possible to
honour the kissing of the feet of the Sheikh there. And if he is available
in Hyderabad where will be his residence of stay there and how to get
his address there. When the train was stopped at the Railway Station of
Viqarabad and I was seeing that Bade Miya was going from platform to

one train bogie there so immediately I was getting down from the train
bogie and kissed his feet there. He told me there that he is also
travelling on the same train to Hyderabad and he is returning from his
journey. Now a days he is staying at the house of late Nawab Afzal
Khan Saheb collector. So you should get down at Nampally Railway
Station and from there come to see me there along your wife and there
will be detailed discussion will be held there. During this time the train
was started so he left from there and I was coming back in my railway
compartment. Upon getting down at Nampally Railway Station as per
his instruction I reached to the bungalow of Nawab Afazl Khan Saheb
in Kachiguda street and I was coming to know that Bade Miya is
available inside of the house. With the persons who were present on the
outside of the bungalow and I was inquiring when did Bade Miya
came back from the railway station. Those persons told me that during
this period he did not go outside of Hyderabad for the travelling
purpose. So for this reason I was surprised in this matter so sat there and
my wife went into the ladies section of the bungalow. After that I was
honoured to kiss his feet there. After this he came outside, then I kissed
the feet of the Sheikh and told the event of Viqarabad Railway Station so
he was addressed to the people of the meeting that you all witness that I
have not gone to visit another place or did not perform any journey so I
do not know what Mir Saheb think in his imagination in this matter.
Mr. Karim Baig Saheb officer in C.I.D. Police said that he was present
in his service and he was sought permission to leave for his house from
him before the arrival of Mir Saheb there. So the Sheikh told me that to
come as early as possible as one of his guest is coming there after
covering long distance of the journey. I went to my house and performed
some work there and come back in his service soon. Upon my arrival
there Mir Saheb came there along with his wife and Mir Saheb kissed
his feet and told him about the event of the Viqarabad Railway Station.
This event is heard and was seen by him. After this event, then Mir
Saheb and his wife visited Qazipet and they were staying there for some
days there and then they left Qaizpet and reached back to Madina city.
7. Mr. Akbar Ali Khan, who is his disciple and after the death of Akbar
Khan, who was used to live in his service and he was given the work of

writing Tawiz (charm). Khan said that once during Hyderabad stay he
came out from the residence at the time of 9.00 clock night time against
of his habit and he was asked from him Tawiz of heart disease so I have
given him Tawiz and which he hold in his thumb and finger for some
time and with these fingers, he was used for the snuff and I feel that
the Tawaz which I was given to him was still in his fingers and not kept
somewhere and he is using snuff so I have doubts in this matter that
Tawiz vanished from there. So I have checked it again carefully, but
could not find that Tawiz there and but did not dare in this matter to ask
in this matter so I was silent.
After some days of the this event one letter was received by post
from a lady from Nirmal village who was his disciples and in the letter
she stated that she is suffering from the palpitation of the heart disease
in this matter and she cures well there, but there is no benefit available to
her complaint. So please kindly send one Tawiz in this matter so that
there will be cure to regain back her health condition well and this is her
firm belief in this matter. Perhaps some of her opposite persons have
done magic on her so on such and such date she found one Tawiz
under her pillow in her bed. Upon reading this letter he was given me
that letter and asked me to write the reply. The date of Tawiz finds in
the pillow and the date of Tawiz which was lost from his fingers was
same, so I came to know the details of this event. So I asked him Malik
is that same Tawzi, which found under the pillow and he said Yes.
Upon this I told him I would write her that the charm (Tawiz) which
was found under the pillow in not magic Tawiz, but it belongs to Malik
Saheb so she should wear on her neck so that there will complain of
heart disease will be over by the grace of Allah. Upon hearing this he
told me to write the same details to her. So reply was sent back to the
disciple in Nirmal. After some days the information was received that,
due to the act as per instructions sent in the letter the disciple lady in
Nirmal was recovered well from heart disease problems.
8. I have inquired with Mr Akbar Ali Khan that he was used to be
present with the Sheikh day and night and did have ever seen Jinns in
his service or not.?. He said during night time he could find them and he
said the details of one event in this matter that one day one person of

high height in a white turban and robe on his body and wearing lungi
(sheet to cover the lower part of the body) and his hairs were in long size
like fakirs (beggars) used to come into his service for some days and he
was used to press his legs which he was seen by him.
One day he was sitting under Nobat Khana (the place from where
time is announced by the beat of a drum) in the shrine building and he
was coming there at the time of a (late afternoon) prayer as per his
daily routine, then I honoured to kiss his feet and he was sitting on the
throne under a tamarind tree and he asked me Khan Saheb have you seen
somebody here who came here. Before his coming one person came
there and he went towards shrine building and about him I have
mentioned in the above paragraph. Upon his inquiry I told him Malik
that Shah Saheb who used to come into your present, sometimes, just
now he came here and he went towards the shrine area. Upon hearing
this he told is that the person is Shah Sahib?. I told him that I am
thinking him as Shah Saheb. Upon hearing this he told me ok then see
him where he is and call him. So I went to see in the tombs area and in
the mosque, but I could not find him there and I came back in his
service and told him that Malik he is not there. Still, I was told about
him, he was appearing behind me and present in his service and engage
in conversation with him and from where I went to attend some work.
But there was came thought into my mind many times is that the person
is Shah Saheb and why such sentence of inquiry he told me. In those
days one night he was resting in the mosque and went into his service
and want to request something with him and during this time I went
outside of the mosque area and return back from there in his service and
I have seen that Shah Saheb was pressing his leg there but I have not
seen him coming there and I do not know how he was reached there.? So
I am surprised in this matter and there came a thought soon in my mind
he is not a human being but he is a Jinn and for this reason he was
saying the sentence of inquiry to me.In short, I was in his service for
some time and left from there and again came there and I found that
person was there sitting at the foot side and who was pressing his leg
there. So at that time one time he was seen one Jinn who doing his

9. It was heard that he had one adopted boy was there and his name
was Fayaz and once who was becoming seriously ill and his health
condition was becoming critical and he was sitting and busy in his
special room with conversation with his some of his relative there. At
that time his wife was entered into the room and she was informed the
illness of Fayaz and she was began weeping and worried in this matter.
So he stopped his conversation and he was given his handkerchief to
her and he said why she is so much worried in this matter. Take the
handkerchief and spread on him. So she was left from the room and was
spread the handkerchief on him and he said that after some time the
health condition of Fayaz was improved and he was attained complete
10. It was heard that on the occasion of some function he went to
Hyderabad and he was staying in the villa of late Nawab Nusrat Jung
along with family members there, including his mother, brothers and in
short all his family members were there with him. He was staying in the
upper floor area and all women were staying in the ground area. It was
known that in that villa there was occupation of Jinns was there. Till his
stay in the villa there was no effect was there for anybody so it was felt
that there is an occupation of jinns there. But whenever he used to be
outside, then there will used to happen strange events there in the villa. It
was seen in some rooms the things are used to be shifting automatically
there. Some time the thing of one room will be found in another room or
in the hall and the things of the hall were found in some other place
without shifting by anybody and without any human action the sound of
the plates and sometime from the upper floor in the shape of the
relatives, somebody is coming down to the ground floor and calling
some of the relatives there but that relative who will arrive there is
residing some other place. In the beginning three days there were such
events of deceive have been happening and after that all members of the
family were able to know these types of treatment by the Jinns in the
His younger brother Hazrat Ahmed Pasha Miya said that till the stay
of his elder brother in the villa no uncivilized act of will be done by the
Jinns there and upon his departure from there then such big disturbances

will be commenced there. The except of the following acts there were
no acts of harm or damage have not been used to be done to the
dwellers of the villa by the grace of Allah there.
1. The movements of things
2. The shifting of the things from place to another
3. For calling somebody in the shape of other persons
Once he was told that he was staying with his family members in the
villa of Nawab Nusrat Jung Bahadur and where the Jinns were occupied
the villa there and he was staying on the first floor because it was their
special place of stay of Jinns. He stayed there for many days. During my
stay in the villa they used to go out of the villa. At last the situation
became such that when the visitors who used to come to see him if he
will be alone, then the Jinn in the shape of human beings used to meet
him and ask where is going there.?.If he will reply that he is going to see
Qazi Saheb then that person with much humility and sincerity used to
tell him, please tell his respect to Bid Miya and request him with
humility that due to his stay there he is facing great difficulty there so be
kind in this matter and to shift another place for which he should be
obliged in this matter. When the visitor will ask his name, then he will
say what do you do with the name you only pass his request in his
service. You only tell the Sheikh that on the way he was met one person
who made his request, which is explained as above for which he will
know well in this matter and he also know me well.
In this discussion, he said that due to such many requests I was able to
understand that the poor fellows is afraid of me and also he is
undergoing difficulties and problems there due to my stay at the villa. So
for this reason I was shifted to another place from the villa of the Nusrat
Jung Bahadur.
11. One day in the day time he was sitting on the throne under the
building of Nobat Khana (the place from where time is announced by
the beat of a drum) and I was present in his kind service there. At that
time he said one day he was sitting on this throne in the daytime one
Hindu person who belongs to the Brahman caste came there from
Hyderabad along with one woman who was wearing green cloth shawl
on her head. That man took the woman in the repository of the drinking

water area and came back to see me there and he was asked where Qazi
Saheb of Warangal is residing.? So he told him that he is Qazi of
Warangal and what he want to say in this matter. So tell I am present
here. He met me with great respect and said there are effects of evil
spirits on her wife and he was, went in this matter with many places for
this problem but this difficulty was not over. So due to this problem, he
is very upset and worry in this matter. At least I find your address from
my friend in Hyderabad so I came here along with his wife in his
service. Still the conversation was not over then that woman by
removing her veil from her face and while loose hairs with boldness and
immodesty came before me and she touched my feet with respect and
she said Saheb, you do not know me and I am a disciple of your father
and she is residing in such and such street in Hyderabad and my name is
such and such. Upon hearing this I told her that it may be like that, but I
could not remember you. In this conversation she said that she was
memorized some verses from the holy Quran and if you give permission
then she will recite. Upon my permission she recited two verses in the
best form of eloquence. So I have asked her husband, whether his wife
knows Arabic language. Then he told me while folding his hands that let
leave Arabic, which is big thing she even did not Urdu language. So for
this reason I was surprised for her acts and what is this puzzle in this
matter and could not able to know this matter.
Then he was addressed with Jinn which was occupation of that woman
that as per your saying and reciting of the Quran it was seen that you are
faithful and as per the order of Islamic religion this act for women is
not legal and right. So occupation on the women of another nation and
giving her trouble and problem and cause her difficulty which is not
right. So it requires from you that to keep away from this un-civilized
act and leave the occupation from this miserable woman immediately.
Upon hearing this that woman left from that place and she said you're
saying is right and she is going as per his order and while touching my
feet and she promised that she will not come again. I told that man to
hold his wife as she is falling down there. Upon going some distance
from there she began falling down there in the un-conscious on the
floor. So his husband holds her and was taking her on the throne on the

repository of the drinking water where she was laid down there. After
some time she came back in her normal condition and she was covered
her face shawl and came to see along with husband with too much
modesty and grace and she touched my feet and she left for me and his
husband also taken my leave permission and left Qazipet with much
happiness and joy.
After some days that Hindu person came Qazipet from Hyderabad
and met me and he was told that now there is no effect of that evil spirit
on his wife. Upon hearing all these events the compiler of this book
asked the Sheikh, is that woman is a disciple of Hazrat Syed Afzal
Biabani and she belongs to a resident of that street.? So he said No, it
is not right. As no human being of a Muslim man or womens souls
like Satan and Jinns could not occupy anybody. But the Satans who will
give the name the persons of weak faith who are dead and cause trouble
them in this matter. Some time the Jinns used to deceive them by
saying the name great holy persons and occupy the body of the person
and make sad them in this matter
So for an example, he was told one event which took during the
time of his grandfather that there was some evil spirit on one boy and
his parents and took that boy and also all their other children arrived in
his presence for the treatment of that boy. So he asked them to stay in
the drawing room. Some days passed when there were in the drawing
room and one day when he was arrived at his residence from outside and
at that time the evil spirit arrived on the boy and took the boy while
hanging and upon seeing this the parents and other members of the
family began crying in loud noise and they requested his help in this
At that time there was one big well was there in front of the drawing
room and during this period the evil spirit took the boy and stood him on
the side of the well so he was arrived immediately from the drawing
room and went near that boy and asked him Brother who are and why
you are causing trouble to the boy.? That evil spirit told he is Shah Bu
Ali Qalander so the parents of the boy told Saheb if he is Bu Ali
Qalander then our boy is sacrificed for him. Then he said his statement
is not true and this Jinn is deceiving and while saying this he said see it

and be careful in this matter that you should not come again on the boy.
Upon hearing this he was promised that he will not come again for the
boy and he went away from there.
12. Khan said after two weeks upon happening of the above
event I went to Nusrat Jung Bhadurs villa to kiss the feet of the Sheikh
there and after this Sheikh Dedar resident of Nampally came there who
was 90 years old at that time and upon seeing him the Sheikh was
smiling and for this reason the persons in the meeting were surprised in
this matter. I was seen that there were tears of the flood was coming
from his eyes and at that time he went into the ladies section of his house
and Sheikh Dedar also went to bazaar from there to purchase items
required like flowers and other things at the time of pledging and he
was coming back there. Upon coming back to the meeting place Sheikh
Dedar requested him to pledge on his hand. Then he said he is pious
person and his face is with grace and his invocation and recital is seems
as well and he is Malavi (Muslim priest) person and do you have
devoted to him and upon this he was kissing his feet and in this way he
showed his devotion in this matter then the process of pledging was
completed there.
Sheikh Deedar after becoming a disciple again, he kissed his feet and
he began his life details as follows that he was having faith in his father,
but he was dying then he was beginning thinking that Hazrat Bade Miya
is only learned person and Malavi so it is better to search Sufi master so
with this thought and idea I was travelling all over Indian shrines like
Kalair Sharif, Multan and Ajmaire. But he could not find any sign from
any shrine. When he arrived in Ajmare he thought that if there will be
sign received from there, then he will pledge with the custodian of the
shrine of Khaja Saheb of Ajmaire. With firm determination I began
recital in this matter. After three days I have seen a dream in which a
person in veil came there and he addressed to me if you want the
perfect spiritual master then telling me in the beginning on whom you
have faith in this matter. So I told him on Hazrat Syed Sarwar Biabani
and he asked now what happened in this matter.? I told him he was
already leaving the world. Upon hearing this he said you do not know
Syed Shah Ghulam Afzal Biabani who is the son of Sarwar Saheb and

there is no big spiritual master than him? If you want to fulfil your desire
and wish then do not go anywhere and go in his place and become his
disciple there. Upon hearing I was become in the condition of be struck
with consternation.
Upon hearing this event, he said that he is a useless person and it is
the exaltation of Khaja Saheb of Ajmari.
13. Khan Saheb said at the time when there was a hotel of Kale Khan
in the building which was very fine beautiful and more valuable
building, but its upper portion used to keep always empty due to the
effect of evil spirits there in that area. And for this reason no tenants
were available for that portion and it was kept always locked in the
building. Kale Khan was desiring that Sheikh should come there and
stay there once so the there will be an eviction of evil spirits from
there. So he sent his request through Syed Hashim in the matter so for
this reason the Sheikh Saheb promised him that in his next visit to
Hyderabad and he will stay in that building. By saying this he was left
to Qazipet and after some time he came to Hyderabad on his visit there.
One day in the evening time I was there with Khaja Moinuddin advocate
and he came in horse cart there and when he look at me so he was much
happier in this matter and he told Khan Saheb is following his legal
cases in his absence in the same way like in his presence. After staying
there for some time he left from there and he asked me to accompany
with him. So we have reached in the horse cart at the hotel of Kale Khan
and we both have reached on the first floor and which was locked at that
time and he was given the key to me and asked me to un-lock the upper
floor area and go to the hotel and have drunk tea there and when he will
call to me then I should come there. So this servant told him in this
house Malik it is not good to enter into it so I said that I will accompany
with him there. He smiled and prohibit me second time, but I didn't
agree with him in this matter. So he was saying Yes to go there and
watch the show there. He knocked at the room and he entered into it so I
also followed behind him there. Upon entering inside there came one
old person with white hairs on his head and his beard and hairs of the
eyebrows were white and he was wearing a long shirt came before him
and paid respect while folding head and he said Salam Qazipet Saheb

and he was replied, and he said to him that he was asked before him to
leave this portion and go to the last portion of the building but still you
did not go there. He said while folding his head that he was shifted there
as per his orders, but this time he came there only to kiss his feet there.
Upon hearing this he was silent in this matter. That Jinn kissed his feet
and went away from there. On his return, he told him that some of his
relatives are coming into this building so do not appear before them. He
said Yes and he went away from from there. After this I kissed his feet
and asked him who was that? He said have you afraid in this matter. I
told him the small hairs of the body are standing and there was horror
on my face, but there was no much fear was felt in this matter.
When there will be fear on me then I was used to hide at the back side
of him. He smiled and said you are having a strong will and he said that
person was the leader of the Jinns and he is living in this building for
many years. At that time there was came the thought into his mind that
how many Jinns are his disciples.? And I said Malik you always say that
if anybody see any Jinn then he should recite the name of Sheikh Abdul
Quader Jilani then Jinn will be running away from there. But I came to
know that by calling your name the difficulty will be over. Then this
servant told him how many such Jinns you have met and perhaps the
Jinns also become the disciples of pious persons. He said that Yes,
many Jinns were disciples of his father and grandfather. Upon this he
said to me Khan Saheb, you are a wise person and in habit of too much
searching in these matters. But be careful in this matter and do not
inform this event to anybody. So till his life I never disclosed this event
to anybody.
14. Mr Jani Miya (Azim Yar Khan) said I was used to take leave of
three months from my office so that I should be in the company of the
Sheikh. So once Qazi Saheb came to Hyderabad from Qaizpet and I
came to see him from my house from Bolaram and 15 days passed, but I
could not visit my house in Bolarm from Hyderabad. So Qazi Saheb
told me Khan Saheb to go to your house as long period passed for not
visiting your house. So go there and come back here after staying for
three days. Upon this also three days passed, but I could not go to my
house. As there was hesitant of mind to leave the holy company of Qazi

Saheb. One day he was called me to say today you must go to your
house and I know that there was feeling with you that you do not want
to leave him, but there is a responsibility of the house is there. So you
must leave just now. As per his instruction I left Hyderabad at four o
clock evening time and reached to Bolaram. Upon reaching I was seeing
that my wife is on the bed and all members of my family were in
condition of worry and trouble there. So I was also worried in this
matter. My maternal grandfather who had a very harsh nature, so he told
me to see this gentleman is now coming here at that time when his wife
is near at her death. I went urgently near the patient and find that her
body and hand and feet were very cold like ice so at that time I recited
the couplet of Qazipet Saheb in the Persian language.
The Maghrib (sunset) prayer time was started so in that worry
condition I left my house to go Hyderabad. So my maternal grandfather
and other all relatives were upset and angry with me in this matter, and
they have prohibited me in this matter and given instruction me that I
should not to leave the house in such a critical time of my wife's health
condition. Somebody said me insane and somebody said him haughty,
but I didn't hear anybodys advice in this matter and reached Hyderabad
at 8, o clock in the service of Qazi Saheb there. Khan said on my
master there should be sacrifice of the such many wives and at that time
he was eating there. Upon receiving the information about my coming
back, he kindly called me inside of the house there and upon reaching in
his presence I kissed his feet, then at that time he was repeating the
Persian couplet which I was recited at that time of the watching critical
condition of my wife near her bed. And he said the request in that
couplet which you have made at the bedside of your wife was accepted.
Due to the grace of Allah you have proved your firmness in this matter.
The people of the world used to pass such remarks. So come and with
having food with us. I will give you one thing so give it to your wife and
upon used of that thing she will be so hot like she is so cold now. As per
his instruction I have eaten food with him there. Upon this he was told to
bring his pen case and he was kindly given my three packets from it and
asked me not to open it and see it. First packet should be given without
water to your wife and the other packet to be given after two hours and

in the same way third packet. It should be careful in this matter that if
there will be relief with the first packet in this matter, then bring back
the remaining two packets safely to him or keep with him. At that time it
was time of 9o clock so I have to go Bolaram urgently there and find
one visitor from Bolarm who came there to see Qazi Saheb and he was
returning back to his place so I was accompanied with him there up to
Securderabad and from there I went to Bolarm in the bus and was
entered in the house and find the house was full with many persons who
were sitting there in happy and joyful mode and the patient was sitting
on her bed in perfect healthy condition and she was telling others not to
say him any bad things to her husband because due to his presence in the
service of Qazi Saheb is cause of his life so she is healthy for this
reason. All people looked at me. I immediately was given one packet to
her to use it and check her body temperature and found which was
normal and it was one point more. I kept another two packets with me.
After this the patient told me one hour before she was in worse
condition of health and in that worried condition what I see that our
spiritual master was came to see her there and he said Oh my mother
sits there and what you have eats and given trouble to our Jani Miya in
this matter. You are patient upon your delivery and you have eaten curd
on the new plate which was made of the earth and in this way you have
caused for the reason of your worse health condition. I was waking up
from the dream and all my trouble was over at that time. She said she
made her mistake in this matter of eating the curd which was given by
her relative after the delivery period.
After this there was much health improvement of my wife so I went
back in the service of Qazi Saheb along with two packets and asked him
that he want to eat one packet as a benediction so permission may be
given in this matter. He told me that there is no need for you, but if you
want, then you can use one packet and found that it was oudi
15. Khan Saheb said my uncle Tamizuddin and some other person came
to Hyderabad after taking leave after the world war of 1917. At that
time my uncle was not seen Qazi Saheb or he ever went to Qazipet.

So upon his return from the war he told me in next Thursday he and
another six persons will visit Qazipet and see Qazi Saheb there and will
be honoured by kissing of his feet there. So you should be there with us
and introduce all of us because we all not yet visited Qazipet or kissed
the feet of the Qazi (judge) Saheb.
So as per our program on Thursday all of us arrived at Qazipet and
visited the house of Qazi Saheb there. At that time Qazi Saheb was
present in the drawing room and all of us kissed the feet of the Qazi
Saheb there. At that time he was addressed with those persons and asked
by them the details of war. My uncle was standing and began weeping
loudly and he was falling at the feet of Qazi Saheb and he said there
Malik what you ask the details of the war and it was seen by my eyes
that in the war field in between the enemy and our army we have seen
you there three times and at that time you were by the sign of your hand
giving consoling to us there.
After this statement one person among those six said Malik in the
world war of 1914 one day there was a dangerous attack from the enemy
side and at that time also we have seen you there along with three other
holy persons in the battlefield who were wearing veils on the their faces
and all of you were walking before our army. At that time there was the
use of the machine guns from the enemy side and there was a rain of
bullets were there and my Hindu Jat tribe soldiers were dead there. The
squadrons of the Muslim were before the firing of the enemy, but at that
time we have seen that all of you were passing before our army and due
to this all squadrons were safe and secure in the war and the soldiers
who were in our behind were killed there. Upon this event attack in the
world war 1914 was suspended there.
Upon hearing all the above events he did not say anything in this
matter and he went into his house and came back from there and he said
that all of us should have dinner with him at his residence after Maghrib
(sunset) prayer.
16. Khan Saheb said the event of the his dumb boy who was began
talking. That's three days before the birth of his third child, he was
seen in his dream in which it was said that his third son will be born so
name him as Sarwar Ali Khan and the boy was born and he was named

as Sarwar Ali Khan and he was become five years old, but he was not
able to talk and hear and which is a sign of dumbness. Once Qazi Saheb
was in the travellers lodge in Nampally so I went there to see him along
with the boy and he saw the boy and said the boy is good. So I said to
him Malik this is the same boy and before his birth you have given me
instruction to name him as Sarwar Ali Khan. So he was happy too much
upon hearing this. Then I told him this boy is dumb. He opened his
mouth and saw it and pinched at the side of the ear, but the boy could
not feel it. He was addressed to the boy, but he could not reply him in
this matter. During this time somebody came there and presented him
the sweet packet in his service. He was taken one sweet piece luscious,
juicy ball (Gulab jaman) from the packet and eat half of it and given
another half to the boy for eating. Upon this event the boy stood and said
after fifteen minutes Assalam Alaikum oh: grand spiritual master. This
is first sentence which the boy said upon his birth. Upon hearing this
Qazi Saheb kissed the boy and give him two Rupees and said by the
grace of Allah the boy will talk too much.
17. The said Khan Saheb said Haji Mohamed Ibrahim Choudhary
residence of Bolarm said in Bolaram bazaar one Tolan Saheb butcher of
goats was too much drinker of wines and he was found 24 hours in the
intoxication of the wine. When he was become disciple of Qazi Saheb
then he left wine drinking so for this reason all people of the bazaar were
surprised in this matter as he was an old drinker of wine since long time
to leave this old habit immediately was a matter of great surprise for
them. After this Tolan Saheb was becoming seriously ill and it was his
last illness. So Mohamed Ibrahim said one day he went to see him in this
house and it was his last time, so he asked him to think about the
spiritual master so upon hearing this he was laughing in this matter and
in his last time he said what is the situation of thinking of him and at
this time he is standing near him beside of his bed and he was called his
household members and he said why all of you are careless in this
matter as the spiritual master was coming there and why all of you don't
kiss his feet there and who is present near of his bed. So provide carpet
and so that he can sit there and while saying this he left from this

18. Mr. Azim Yar Khan said that he was used to visit him on Sunday
holiday in the service of his kind favour. In this matter one day when I
come to know that Qazi Saheb in Qazipet so I boarded in the Warangal
train in the Saturday evening and reach to the Qazipet Railway Station
and there my uncle was working as a head constable in Railway Police
there and one classmate was working there as Station master. That night
was cloudy and it was a very dark night. Both of them asked me to stay
in the railway station as that night was dark and cloudy and also for five
days in between Warangal and Qazipet railway station one wild bear is
hurting the travellers in the middle of the jungle. So it is good that you
should stay at the railway station there and do not go to a Qazipet shrine
in the dark and cloudy night, but I have not agreed in this matter and
both of them have insisted to me in this matter to postpone my night
journey to Qazipet.
I have went towards the Qazipet shrine from the railway station of
Qazipet. By the chance during this journey after leaving my house and
in my mind, there was coming an idea that his grandfather, Hazrat Syed
Shah Afzal Biabani once was helped one of his disciples to reach
Hyderabad from Qazipet in a number of the seconds. He belongs to his
sons, but not doing such favour to us as we always used to spend our
money and time to present in his service. Such types of ideas and doubt
were roaming in the mind.
In short upon obtaining leave of the permission from uncle and the
station master I was left railway station and started toward the Qazipet
village along with the railway track and crossed the railway signal and
was seen one bear was appearing there from the plants and making
voices and he was started towards me and I thought he will go another
side, but he was coming towards me and at last he came in front of me
and from the distance of four feet he was started growling and he was
started preparing to jump on me so at that time I could not understand
what to do there in that situation. As I was bringing some special fine
sweet for the spiritual master which I put on my chest and in that
worried condition I told by tongue the worlds of Illah Ya Murshid and
then my two eyes were closed there. After this I was becoming un-
conscious and did not know where the bear was gone and what was

happening there and there was a strange condition struck with
consternation was prevailed upon me for some time and when my eyes
opened then I saw that I was standing at the railway gate near the
Qazipet shrine. In this way I was entered in the compound of the shrine
building and visited all tombs of Sufi masters there.
In those days his son Hazrat Biabani was staying in the shed at the
back side of the big shrine and along with him Ghouseuddin Anwari
who was there who is working in the Land Records Department. Biabani
Saheb was called and he said brother Jani I am here and so you come
there. Upon hearing his voice I went to see him there. Upon seeing me
he said you are brave like a tiger and courageous person so you did,
you afraid in this matter so I put my head on the feet and at that time
heart was beating quickly and he consoled me and asked what was
happening on the way. So I told him the complete event of the night. So
he asked Anwari Saheb immediately to give tea to me. Anwary Saheb
brought a teacup to me and he said brother Jani before half an hour of
your arrival there Biabani Saheb told me to put water on the stove for
three cups there. So I told him as we are two people are there so there is
no need of another cup. Then he said it is hoped that brother Jani may
come there. So he told him the night is very dark and it is cloudy has
been there since the daytime so how he will arrive there untimely in the
bad weather condition. So he told me no, today is the evening of Sunday
and he is an employee of English company government where there is
holiday on Sunday so he may come there tonight. So as per instruction
of Biabani Saheb I prepared tea for you there. Upon drinking tea I was
taken permission from Miya Saheb and went to the village side and at
that time of 2O clock and at that time there was nobody there so I
began thinking how to inform Qazi Saheb about my arrival there. At
last when I reached the door of the ladies' entrance, then he was asked
from inside of his room and he said is Jani Miya there? Then I said
slave is present here. So he immediately came out of his room so I put
my head on his feet. He consoled me before my explaining of the details
of the event and he said Khan Saheb did you afraid in this matter as you
are army man and courageous and brave man so not fear in this matter.
Then I told him the details of the event. So he praised for me and told

me some stories of help of the pious persons and he told the event
which happened with me and in which there was the help of his
grandfather and asked me to go shrine compound to sleep in the room
of Biabani Saheb and then he went back in his room.
I thought about the help of his grandfather who helped and taken
somebody from Qaizpet in Hyderabad within some seconds and in the
same way in reality he takes me from the railway signal to shrine
building within seconds and saved for me from the attack of the bear.
The event which happened as per the thinking of Azim Yar Khan
was added in the book Afzal Karamat in its second edition on the page
number 55 in the miracle number 30 in which its the details are
available that Hazrat Syed Shah Afzal Biabani who taken his disciple
Mir Rahmat Ali to Alwal from Qazipet and this miracle in available in
the poetry book Madh Biabani on its page No. 101-105.

19. Mr. Abdul Ghafur said once he was receiving letters from Razaq
Shah in which he wrote that now a day he is in the Puna region in the
measuring the plots of the lands and working in the private company
and the work here is very difficult but the salary is very little. So for this
reason he is facing many difficulties and problems in this matter. So put
my letter in the service of Qazi Saheb and asked him his prayers for
remedy of the problems.
So I was given that letter to Qazi Saheb and he was ill at that so he
asked to read the letter. When I read the letter to him than he was closing
his eyes for some time and it that condition he said which is as follows.

No any evil will not fall on your liquor shop

When he opened his eyes, then I asked him what should be replied to
Shah Saheb in this matter. Upon hearing this he was repeated the above
half couplet. So I told him to be written the above couplet in this matter,
then he said Yes, so as per his instruction it was sent the above couplet
to him.
Upon this a detailed letter from Shah Saheb was received in which
he was mentioned one event on the same date on which his first letter

was presented to Qazi Saheb. On that date Shah Saheb went to measure
one canal in Puna and he was staying in the tent and along with him one
of his other friend was there. At that time suddenly there was came flood
in the canal and the tent was broken and both of them began moving in
the water. On that condition Shah Saheb said by tongue Ya Pir (oh my
master) and upon this he was seen that he and his friend are standing on
the bank of the canal. Mr Abdul Ghafur said that Shah Shaeb wrote the
details of the event with date and time information in the letter. When I
compared the date and time of event in the letter of Shah Saheb, which
were in conformity when Qazi Saheb closed his eyes and said the
following couplet.

No any evil will not fall on your liquor shop

It is noted that Razq Shah belonged to special disciples of Qazi Saheb
of Warangal and his faith and belief with his spiritual master was very
heavy in this matter.

20. Mr. Faizuddin Saheb said once he was with Qazi Saheb in
Hyderabad. It was happening that one day due to some work of Qazi
Saheb he went on the inside of the city and upon the time of return
from there on the bridge of Muslim Jung there was one lorry was also
moving there in which some persons were sitting in it. In the middle of
the bridge one car came there in which some persons were sitting in it.
The car driver brought his car in very fast speed in his intention to
overtake the lorry and I was moving on my bicycle on the side of the
lorry. From in between of us the car driver was wanting to run away
from there very fast, and both of them collide on the bridge and there
was loud noise was there due to this accident. I have seen that the car
was found on the other side of the road on the foot path and my bicycle
was broken into pieces. Upon this accident the drivers and other persons
who were passing from there were surprised for my safety and security
in this accident. All said there there is help for me from some pious
person in your favour in this big accident on the way. But at that time
there was no fear for me for this road accident in this matter. I have

given my bicycle to one workshop there for its repairs and went into
the service of Qazi Saheb and I have seen that he was waiting for me on
the verandah and when he saw me inquired my well being then I
explained him all details of the road accident then he was praying for
me and went into the ladies section of the house.

The miraculous events after the death of Hazrat Syed Shah Ghulam
Afzal Biabani

1.Mr. Mohamed Qaism Khan, who was his disciple said his elder
son after attaining the age of adult he was adopted such habit that which
was not under control and care. In any occupation he was not interested,
so to bring him on the right track I tried my best but there was no
benefit at all. So for this reason I was worried and upset with this matter.
One day I left Hanamkonda in the night for Qazipet in the worried
condition and at that time the winter season was there and the night was
very cold and on the condition of disappointment I went to the platform
which was near his mausoleum and slept on it and there was no bedding
with me. At that time some months were passed away after his death
and still tomb was not constructed and on that night I was seeing him in
my dream and who was telling me Munshi Saheb for the little thing
you are so much worried so avoid it. And for you I am is there.
Everything will be well so do not worry in the matter and remove your
worries from your mind.
So I was woken up and seen that there was time of the morning
prayer and upon the prayer, I was visiting all tombs of spiritual masters
and returned back to my place. Some days after this event my son was
getting a job in the Tahsil office and he was becoming so much sincere
and right minded and for this reason my worry was over and if I see him
there was an increase of happiness with me and which is a matter of
thanks. This is a great favour and thanks of the spiritual master to his
slave and which belongs to his miracle.
2. Mr. Syed Mahmud Ali, son of Syed Mohamed founder of Mathwada
Islamic school Warangal went to Makkah and Madina for Hajj
pilgrimage purpose there after two years after his death. Mohamud

Saheb said that he was finished his Hajj and then he was arrived in
Madina and he stayed there for many days. During my stay there one
night before morning prayer, I have seen him in my dream, but could
able to talk with him and wake up and did ablution and went in the
prophets mosque in Madina and performed morning prayer there. Due
to the dream, there was too much pleasure in my mind there. In that
condition of happiness without anybodys observation by walking I was
reaching the mausoleum of the prophet and made one round around it
and reached in the middle of the mosque and mausoleum and found that
he was standing there and busy with conversation with somebody
there.On his head there was a turban of saffron colour was there and he
was wearing white robes and in his hand staff was there it means he was
in the same dress and condition in which he was used to live in the life
period. When I saw him run so fast towards him and kissed his feet and
shake the hand with him there. When he saw me then he told Mahmud
Miya it is good that you came there. Due to your grand spiritual master's
favour your presence was possible there. Till that time I was thinking
that when did he was coming there, but there was no news to him in this
matter. If he knows this matter then he would have accompanied with
him during the journey of Hajj and journeys of Madina city.
After that time immediately thought came there in the mind that
already Qazi Saheb was leaving the world. When this thought was there
in my mind, then I was alone there and he was vanished away from
there so I could not understand this puzzle in this matter. So I stayed
there for a long time thinking in this matter.
One thing is that he was seen in the dream so there was too much
happiness and joy was there and then in the condition of wakefulness at
that place he was seen him with his own eyes and shaking of hand and
allowing kissing is feet and talking with me is a great favour and
kindness due to the favour of my spiritual master for which there was a
surprise for me and also I was proud of this good luck and this happiness
and joy which will be continued during my whole life period.

3. It was an event of before 1954 belongs to his disciple
Qamaruddin Saheb and he was a firm believer and good faith with his

spiritual master. There was his textile shop in the Pather Gatti street in
Hyderabad. He said one day he was leaving for Hyderabad to Qaizpet in
the evening time and when I reached at the Qazipet Railway Station
there was night time was there. From the railway station I was started
towards Qazipet along the railway track and covered some distance and
saw one Hindu person was away from there and the wooden stick was
there in his hand and who was coming behind me. As I was alone so
there was thought in my mind that he is chasing me, but I have removed
this thought from mind and thought it due to wrong thinking. And ignore
this idea for some time. But I proceed further then those thoughts came
again into my mind. For this doubt I was stopped there for some time
while walking to check my thinking in this matter. But I have seen that
person was also stopped there. Upon this I again started walking and
thought that person was stopped there due to some reason and so he
should not think about his chasing there. Again, I was stopped there,
then that person was stopped there, then I was come to know that due to
his two times, stopping that he is intended to attack me there and
comparing to previous distance he was coming near to me and at last he
was reached near to me and this event was happening in the jungle
which is in between the railway station and Qazipet shrine. When that
person came near to me then suddenly I told by my tongue in loud voice
Ya Pir (Oh: my master). When I said these words from my tongue I was
seeing that my spiritual master was there behind me and keeping his
hand on my back and he said why you have afraid in this matter I am
with you do not worry. I told him the event then he said see where is
that man and I have seen that person was going towards the railway
After this my master was with me and I walked along with him and
covered the distance and we have reached to a railway gate which is in
opposite of Qazipet shrine. At that time I was thought that he was passed
away from the world many years ago and when this thought came into
my mind then he was vanished away from there. But before that during
this problem I was not thinking about him that he was already passed
away.In short afterwards I crossed the railway crossing gate and entered
in the door of shrine building and at that time Hazrat Abdul Karim

Saheb was there on the throne so I kissed his feet and at that time there
were too many tears were there in my eyes. When he was asked about
this than I have told him all details of the event which was happening in
the jungle near the railway station of Qazipet.

The End.


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