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Health Insurance Evolution in India:

An Opportunity to Expand Access

To make the most from the evolving health care framework, private
health insurance companies in India must embrace evolving technology
and create an integrated ecosystem to expand access to healthcare.
Executive Summary
For the last century, healthcare delivery and
fnancing in India has been shrouded by life
insurance challenges and importantly, shares
key landmarks with general insurance.
Despite some progress, the current state of
India's healthcare outcome leaves much to be
desired. It has glaring challenges around high
out-of-pocket spending, inequality of services,
and fragmented social and regulatory standards.
Since 2001, medical insurance has gained ground
amid the proliferation of private health insurance
(PHI) entities. However, it still remains a minor
contributor in the current healthcare ecosystem.
Amid its ongoing transformation, a govern-
ment-driven universal healthcare delivery and
fnancing model is likely. However, PHIs still have
a key role to play in shaping goals of access, cost
and quality. With healthcare fnancing opening to
private players, current challenges offer oppor-
tunities. A strong synergy between private and
public players, complementing each other is a
major objective. A focused approach encompass-
ing public and private sectors and leveraging
emerging technology will play a disruptive role in
the healthcare transformation ahead.
PHIs need to carefully design and implement
their strategies in a 1.3 billion-strong popula-
tion segmented in various strata. There are key
trends around operational effciency, integration
and standardization and customer awareness of
which PHIs should be cognizant. Their response
to these trends will likely defne the cornerstones
of success stories in India.
From the Beginning
Since Indias independence in 1947, the govern-
ment sector has been the backbone of the health-
care ecosystem, including healthcare delivery
and insurance. The term insurance is primarily
associated with life insurance the most popular
form of insurance in India (around 570 million
insurable lives in 2011.
) There are two reasons
for this- frst, with low life expectancy (37 years
in 1951) and a tight-knit family structure, people
primarily sought fnancial security. Second, life
insurance has been traditionally positioned as a
tax-planning tool.
cognizant 20-20 insights | february 2014

Cognizant 20-20 Insights

cognizant 20-20 insights
Health insurance evolved slowly in tandem with
general insurance (See Figure 1) with both sharing
key landmarks. The growth of healthcare delivery
too was limited in the pre-liberalization (pre-1991)
era. However, after economic liberalization in
1991, care delivery equipment, methodology, and
process sharing from developed nations became
mainstream. With the improvement in healthcare
delivery and increase in disposable income, life
expectancy had increased to 65 years by 2011.
The Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority (IRDA) legislation in 2000 served as a
key milestone in healthcare insurance. It opened
up the health insurance industry to private
players. Health insurance membership quadru-
pled between 2007 and 2011 (300 million in 2011)
and is expected to be 600 million by 2015.
Current State of Health Insurance
Currently, healthcare delivery and fnancing is
marked by around 72%
out-of-pocket spending.
Indias per capita spending on healthcare of $109
(See Figure 2, next page) is much lower than the
global average of $863.
India trails in health
outcomes behind its South Asian neighbors like
Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, which have compa-
rable per capita income.
There is a wide gap in
healthcare delivery for the insured and for the
total population.
Health insurance is dominated by government
schemes. The major public health insurer in India
is the government-owned General Insurance
Corporation (GIC) and its four subsidiaries with
about 60% market share. However, Private
Health Insurers (PHIs) expanded rapidly in tier-1
and tier-2 cities post 2005 with products cen-
tered around in-patient reimbursements and
cash-less payments.
Health insurance in India, which covered around
11% of the population by August 2005, is provided
through voluntary (2%) and mandatory (9%)
health insurance schemes.
The market share
of PSU insurers in health insurance decreased
from 64% in 2006-07 to 57% in 2008-09. The
average annual premium growth in private
sector was 47% compared with the PSU insurers
Figure 1
Parallel between general insurance and health insurance
General Insurance Health Insurance
1818: Life Insurance in its current form was
introduced in 1818 when Oriental Life Insurance
Company began its operations in India.
1850: General Insurance was however a
comparatively late entrat in 1850 when Triton
Insurance company set up its base in Kolkata.
1912: Health insurance introduced when the
frst insurance act was passed.
1947: In 1947, the Bhore Committee Report
make recommendations for the improvement
of health care services in India.
1948: The central government introduced the
employees State Insurance Scheme (ESIS)
for blue-collar workers employed in the private
1956: Life Insurance was the frst to be national-
ized in 1956. Life Insurance Corporation of India was
formed by consolidating the operations of various
insurance companies.
1973: General Insurance followed suit and was nation-
alized in 1973. General Insurance Corporation of India
was set up as the controlling body with New India,
United India, National and Oriental as its subsidiaries.
1954: The Central Government Health Scheme
(CGHS) for central government employees and
for their families.
1986: Mediclaim was introduced. Started by
government insurance companies in 1986.
1991: The process of opening up the insurance sector
was initiated against the background of Economic
Reform process. Malhotra Committee was formed
during this year who submitted their report in 1994.
1999: Insurance Regulatory Development Act (IRDA)
was passed.
2001: Indian Insurance was opened for private
companies and Private Insurance Company
effectively started operations.
1999: Marked the beginning of a new era for
health insurance in the Indian context. With
IRDA, the insurance sector was opened to
private and foreign participation.
2003: Introduction of UHIS early attempts
by government to introduce health insurance
for informal sector. UHIS was a hospitalization
indemnity product voluntarily purchased from
any state-owned insurer at a heavily subsidized
price (e.g., Rs. 165, less than US$4 a year).
cognizant 20-20 insights
growth rate of 27% for the period 2006-07 to
2008-09 which indicates growing presence of pri-
vate insurance in India.
Most health insurance products offered by private
entities are similar to the government-defned
product, Mediclaim, and are indemnity-based.
Given its high premiums, most Mediclaim and
similar policy holders belong to the middle and
upper class.
While the urban population has witnessed a
proliferation in the means of healthcare fnanc-
ing and delivery over the past two decades,
the rural population lacks basic healthcare
delivery and fnancing. Community health insur-
ance schemes sponsored by the government
and non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
are evolving to cater to the needs of the rural
population. However, healthcare delivery and
fnance still leave much to be desired.
Key Challenges in the Healthcare

Affordability and accessibility chasm: There

is a large gap between healthcare delivery and
fnancing in urban areas and rural areas. While
a majority of the population resides in rural
India (68.4 %), only 2% of qualifed doctors
are available to them.
The rural population
relies heavily on government-funded medical
facilities. This gap is exacerbated because the
private and public systems do not complement
each other. Affordable care (government hos-
pitals or community-based care) suffers from
quality issues and is unable to cater to the
basic healthcare needs of the population. While
some private care delivery centers and profes-
sionals are accessible to the needy, they are
not affordable for a majority of the population.

High variation in quality of services: Often

an individual has to reach out to multiple lev-
els of care delivery providers (professionals,
physicians, government hospitals, and private
providers) to seek care for the same episode.
This leads to compartmentalized care with
cost and quality concerns. Moreover, issues
with medical procedures account for a large
share of adverse drug events (around 19.1 % in
New Delhi, according to a recent study)
. Over-
all deaths in India due to adverse drug reac-
tions are estimated to be 400,000 annually.

Medical health insurance penetration: Health

insurance is a minor contributor in the health-
care ecosystem.
Insurance payment struc-
tures are based on an almost retrospective
arrangement of indemnity-based payments.
Indian insurance has been limited to critical
illness coverage for inpatient surgical proce-
dures and often one-time lump-sum payouts.

Associated social facilities: Inadequate

social determinants of health such as nutri-
tion, food security, water and sanitation is a
major hindrance in the success of healthcare
delivery and fnancing.

Absence of regulatory and standardized

operating procedures: There is a need for a
strong regulatory framework to organize and
standardize healthcare delivery and fnanc-
ing. The dominant reimbursement method is
fee for service (FFS) which differs from pro-
vider to provider. Providers are the dominant
entities and infuence the pricing and contract
Healthcare Financing and spending
Figure 2
Insurance State
Out of Pocket Social
Other Local
Source: WHO World Health Statistics 2010
Per Capita Spending (PPP)
China Brazil India USA UK Global
cognizant 20-20 insights

Lifestyle changes: There have been disrup-

tive lifestyle changes in the country over the
past two decades mainly due to the rapidly
evolving urban economy and the Indian middle
class. It is estimated that around 130 million
people may suffer from lifestyle diseases such
as diabetes and obesity in the next few years,
leaving a $160 billion hole in the national econ-
omy between 2010 and 2015.
Evolving Future Model
A recent study by a High Level Expert Group
(HLEG) commissioned by the government
evaluated Indian healthcare and proposed a
government-driven framework for a Universal
Healthcare (UHC) system. The goal of the UHC
system is to ensure equitable access for all Indian
citizens to affordable, accountable, appropriate
health services of assured quality and redefne
public health services addressing the wider deter-
minants of health. The government will be the pri-
mary guarantor and enabler. Healthcare services
to all citizens covered under UHC are proposed
to be made available through the public sector
and contracted-based private facilities (including
NGOs and nonprofts).
We envisage the following two scenarios
(See Figure 3), which differ primarily in terms of
participation of private entities.

Scenario 1: Entities in the UHC system

must ensure that at least 75% out-patient
services and 50% in-patient services are
offered to citizens under the National Health
Package (NHP). For these services, they should
be reimbursed at standard rates as per levels
of services offered, and their activities should
be appropriately regulated and monitored to
ensure that services guaranteed under the
NHP are delivered cashless with equity and
quality. For the remainder of out-patient (up
to 25%) and in-patient (up to 50%) coverage,
service providers can offer additional non-NHP
services beyond the NHP package.

Scenario 2: Entities participating in UHC shall

provide only the cashless services related to
the NHP and no other services that would
require private insurance coverage or out-of-
pocket payment.
Our Perspective
While scenario 1 makes it easier for the govern-
ment to contract in- private service providers,
it may compromise quality of care. The second
option may not be desirable to private entities.
However, in both scenarios, citizens are free to
supplement NHP services with paid voluntary
medical insurance from insurance entities.
While the HLEG proposed a government-driven
healthcare transformation, there are numer-
ous challenges. The enormous requirements
of fnancing, infrastructure, design, process
defnition, quality, staffng, and implementation
can inhibit implementation in both scenarios.
In such an event, a third scenario will evolve
(See Figure 3). In scenario 3, PHIs are likely to
Figure 3
Likely future model
Current Scenario
THI: Tax-based Health Insurance
SHI: Social Health Insurance
PHI: Private Health Insurance
Uninsured = 75%
SHI = 5%
THI = 15%
PHI = 5%
With Government Push for Universal Coverage
Future Scenarios
Without Government Push for Universal Coverage
Scenario - 3
Uninsured = 15-20%
SHI + THI = 50-65%
PHI = 20-30%
Scenario - 1 SHI + THI = 100%
PHI = 30-40%
Scenario - 2
SHI + THI = 7080%
PHI = 2030%
cognizant 20-20 insights
proliferate and cater to the needs of the popu-
lation. A relatively smaller (15-20%) uninsured
population will still exist.
Regardless of which model eventually evolves,
private entities both in delivery and fnancing
have an opportunity to execute government con-
tracts covering NHP and beyond. The guaranteed
payment assurance through NHP will be the key
value proposition on which new insurance models
and care delivery will thrive. Cost standardization
across services will result in a level playing feld
for PHIs.
In the future models, the role of healthcare enti-
ties will undergo several changes. Increasing dis-
posable income, a desire for better quality health
services and increase in life expectancy will dras-
tically increase the demand for health insurance.
In addition, transformative market forces are
re-shaping the future of healthcare and these
transformative forces can be leveraged to
respond to and exploit market opportunities.

New virtualized ways of working: New busi-

ness models of delivering care are evolving
via the virtualization of processes (the any-
where, anytime worker) and business models
(Anything as a Service AaaS) with consumer-
centric mobility paradigms are gaining ground.

Increasing globalization: It is no longer a tac-

tic but is core to business success. Perform-
ing end-to-end business processes as if they
were done in one location, labor arbitrage and
global network-operating systems are help-
ing organizations control cost and improve

Disruptive innovation: Medical diagnostics,

artifcial intelligence and big data are sparking
disruptive innovations that are redefning care

Demographic shifts: Millennials grew up with

the internet and have increased expectations;
technology adoption rates are increasing
exponentially for all age groups.
Technology will be a key enabler in this trans-
formation and will serve support differentiation
among various players. Disruptive emerging
technologies such as cloud computing, mobility
solutions, telemedicine, and social computing are
poised to enter mainstream operations.
Healthcare delivery and fnancing is at an infec-
tion point with an expected CAGR of around 23%.
Private healthcare entities will play a key role
in providing comprehensive coverage. We see
fve key characteristics of the Indian healthcare
delivery and fnancing that impact PHIs.

The effciency marathon: In the transforma-

tion ahead, enhanced and effcient business
models will emerge with a focus on lower
expense ratios and a common platform for
business operations. Health insurance entities
are moving towards complex beneft designs to
lower risks and improve their bottomlines. With
an enhanced focus on outcomes, we are likely
to see membership shift to private insurers.
With a larger member base, bargaining power
will shift from providers to health insurance
players. It is likely that the effciency chase
would lead to a disruption in the ecosystem
resulting in a divestment of the public entities.

Participation of private players: Currently,

PHIs accounts for about 5% of the covered
population; this can increase to around 30%
by 2020. The key is to devise products and
services to cover out-of-pocket expenses,
primarily due to outpatient services and inad-
equate coverage.
The recent changes in FDI (2012) norms open
up the health insurance market to global play-
ers. The health insurance market in most
developed countries is on the verge of satura-
tion. However, the health insurance sector in
India has plenty of potential. It is very likely
that there will be a proliferation of cashless
and outpatient-based plans followed by other
innovations in areas such as health and well-
ness. An example would be standardizing
claims reimbursements for major illnesses,
grouped based on the type of the disease.
PHIs can leverage best practices from other
markets including process and technology to
get a jumpstart in a 1.3 billion market.

Integration of players and standardization

of care delivery: The emerging healthcare
models will see closer integration of players
to penetrate the semi-urban and rural sec-
tors. Health insurance and pharma players are
likely to drive the evolution of an integrated
healthcare model with increased transparency
and accountability. Professional drug delivery
mechanisms will emerge with a consequent
decline in buying drugs over the counter.
cognizant 20-20 insights
Standardization and role of hospitals/
care providers: Coordinated and regulated
models will evolve with a focus on stan-
dardizing care delivery platforms and the
reimbursement rates. We are likely to see
an emergence of standard reimbursement
rates in the industry. It is highly likely that
remote health diagnosis and monitoring
will become mainstream, with private hos-
pitals already betting on it.
Role of third-party administrators (TPAs):
Recent IRDA draft regulations such as stip-
ulations around check issuance effectively
marginalize the role of TPA. Private insur-
ers are likely to shift their administrative
controls in-house and focus on consumer
centric operations.

Increasing use of technology in care delivery:

Healthcare Information Technology spending
is expected to be around $609.5 million in
and touch ~$1.8 billion by 2020. Health-
care delivery and remote healthcare paradigms
are set for major technology transformation.
Technology will fnd new avenues in broker
channels, wellness, and self-health manage-
ment. Healthcare entities will deal with lifestyle
diseases through a consumer-centric care
management approach. Healthcare transfor-
mation is likely to parallel the mobile penetra-
tion in India (20002010), leapfrogging multiple
technology evolution cycles with proliferation
in the frst round followed by consolidation in
the second.

Create awareness and differentiation: In a

survey conducted by NCAER for IRDA in 2012,
most people link insurance with death. Of those
surveyed, only 54% were aware of health insur-
ance which implies that the difference between
health and fnancial security is not well under-
stood. Effective campaigns highlighting the dif-
ferences between health and fnancial security
are necessary to highlight the need for health
insurance among the population.
Private insurance players will redefne their
core competencies with consumer-centric
themes. To cater to a diverse population,
healthcare entities need to estimate risk and
subsequently position products through an
effective under-writing process to the exact
needs of the population segments - urban rich,
urban middle class, urban poor, rural rich, rural
middle class and rural poor. Against a fast-
changing business landscape, players need to
continually evaluate and redefne competen-
cies. Distinguishing core and non-core compe-
tencies will aid in appropriate partnership with
other entities and form the basis of differen-
tiation. The success stories will have targeted
products with a standalone health insurance
business or a separate line of business for
health insurance.
Gearing up for a Major Change
The Indian healthcare Industry is estimated to
grow to ~ $280 billion by 2020, up from $79 billion
in 2012. With over 70% out-of-pocket expense
burden on the consumers, the market is ripe for
health insurance entities including global players.
The industry is likely to undergo major reforms.
Whichever model evolves, it is clear that the
entire healthcare fnancing and delivery system is
poised for a major change.
Healthcare transformation must focus on
the three key goals of access, cost, and quality.
Entities will encounter multiple challenges in
catering to the needs of the 1.3 billion population,
stratifed on culture, economy, and means. Private
entities need to complement public initiatives to
develop a comprehensive healthcare delivery
and fnancing system. Targeted product develop-
ment, proximity to the consumer, and champion-
ing effciency will be the critical success factors.
A focused approach encompassing public and
private sectors, and leveraging emerging technol-
ogy will play a disruptive role in the healthcare
transformation ahead.
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1 Press Information Bureau, Government of India
WHO world statistics 2010
HLEG report on Universal health care
Data from National Health Accounts in India
Statistical Analysis of Medication Errors in Delhi, India Indo Global Journal of
Pharmaceutical sciences
2011- Apollo hospitals Educational and Research Foundation's_Presentation.pdf
Report of the National Commission on Macroeconomics and Health of India (2005)
Universal health coverage Planning commission
Forrester report on Healthcare trends in Emerging markets; Cognizant analysis
Author likes to acknowledge the resource assistance provided by Amrit Kumar, former Senior Consultant
with Cognizant Business Consulting.
About the Author
Girish Shetty is a Practice Leader in Cognizant Business Consultings Healthcare Practice. He has
over 18 years of experience in management, execution, and consulting, including 14 years in the
healthcare sector. His focus areas include strategy, transformation, regulatory compliance, and
information management. Girish holds an MBA from University of Louisville. He can be reached at
[email protected].

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