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Academy of Sciences

Address: 311-A-1 T ownship Lahore. 404-A-1 Township Lahore. 0300-4363932

1. Who was Mr. Chips?
He was a Latin teacher at Brookfield school. He was thought to be a part of Brookfield school.
2. How did i!" o! Chips pass a!#"r r"#ir"$"%#?
His time passed very slowly like idle cattle moving through landscape.
&. How was i# possi'" !or Chips #o (""p his a)#i*i#i"s a))ordi%+ wi#h Broo(!i"d,s #i$"#a'"?
He lived at Mrs.Wicketts house, on opposite side of Brookfield school. He could listen to school bells
and organie his life according to timetable.
-. How did Chips $"as.r" his #i$" whi" i*i%+ i% Mrs. Wi)("#,s ho.s"?
He measured his time with the help of past signals .i.e !chool bells
/. Wha# did Chips do a!#"r as# '" o! Broo(!i"d? Wha# was #h" ro.#i%" o! Chips wh"% #h" %o*"
He ad"usted himself according to school bells for dinner, call#over and prep. He wound up the clock, put
wire guard in front of fire, put off the gas and carried detective novel to bed.
0. Whi)h #1p" o! s""p did Chips "%2o1?
He always en"oyed swift and peaceful sleep.
3. Wha# is #h" %a$" o! do)#or o! Chips? Wha# did h" said a'o.# #h" h"a#h o! Chips?
$he name of family doctor of %hips was Merivale. $he doctor said that %hips had no disease e&cept old
age. He said to %hips that he was fitter than he and %hips would meet a natural death.
4. Wha# was #h" dis"as" o! Chips? Wha# ad*i)" did M"ri*a" +i*" #o Mrs. Wi)("# a'o.# Chips?
$he disease was old age and doctor advised Mrs. Wicket to take special care of %hips during winter
season. Mr. %hips was patient of Bronchitis and he felt respiratory problems during winter season.
5. Wh"% was Chips 'or%? Wha# i%!or$a#io% w" +"# a'o.# Chips, 'ir#h?
He was born in '()(. He went to the *reat +&hibition as a small child. $here were very few people who
could remember the incident at an early age.
16. Who was Mr.W"#h"r'1? a%d whi)h #1p" o! p"rso% h" was?
He was headmaster of the school in '(,-.He was fatherly, kind and courteous. He had bright eyes. He
gave many pieces of advice to %hips.
11. 7or how $.)h #i$" did Chips s"r*" M"'.r1 S)hoo a%d wh1 did h" disi(" i#?
He served for one year only. He was teased by boys and could not manage discipline matters. He left
the school after one year.
12. How did W"#h"r'1 ad*is" Mr. Chips?
Wetherby advised him to improve his discipline and remarked as,. /ou are a young man, and Brookfield
is an old foundation. /outh and old age often combine well. *ive your enthusiasm to Brookfield.
1&. D"s)ri'" #h" da1 wh"% Chips )a$" !or i%#"r*i"w.
0t was sunny day of 1uly and air was full of fragrance. 2 cricket match was being played between
Barnhurst and Brookfield school.
1-. Wha# is A%%o8Do$i%i?
2nno#3omini means advancing age. 0t refers the birth of %hrist 42.!5.
1/. Who was Co"1? OR How did Chips p.%ish his !irs# s#.d"%#9Co"1?
%olley was first student punished by Mr. %hips. %hips caught him dropping the lid of bench. He
announced the punishment of hundred lines for him.
10. D"s)ri'" #h" app"ara%)" o! Mr. Chips whi" #a(i%+ his !irs# )ass.
He was dressed according to 6ictorian fashion. He was young, fresh comple&ioned, high collard and
side#whiskered. He had frowned to hide his nervousness.
1. Wh"r" did Chips od+" :r"sid"d; a!#"r his r"#ir"$"%#?
He lodged at Mrs. Wickets house after retirement. $he house was on the opposite side of the school.
2. Wha# )o%#ri'.#io% did Broo(!i"d $a(" #o E%+a%d? OR Wha# (i%d o! p"op" did Broo(!i"d
Brookfield school contributed to +ngland a lot. 0t supplied students to all fields of life. 0t supplied "udges,
members of parliament, colonial administrators, peers, bishops, merchants, manufacturers, s7uires and
Academy of Sciences

Address: 311-A-1 T ownship Lahore. 404-A-1 Township Lahore. 0300-4363932
&. Wh"% did Chips r"#ir" a%d wha# was pr"s"%#"d #o hi$ o% #h" da1 o! his r"#ir"$"%# or !ar"w"
Mr. %hips got retirement in '8'9 at the age of si&ty five. He was presented with a che7ue, writing desk
and clock.
-. Wh"% was #h" s#r.)#.r" o! #h" '.idi%+ o! Broo(!i"d r"'.i# a%d "<#"%d"d?
0ts main structure was rebuilt and e&tended in the reign 4period of rule5 of :irst *eorge. Many additions
were made in its structure.
/. Was Chips a% a$'i#io.s #"a)h"r? ;< Wri#" a %o#" o% Chips as a #"a)h"r. ;< Wha# w"r"
shor#)o$i%+s o! Chips= ;< Wha# was #h" s#a#.s o! Chips ;< wha# w"r" Chips, i%ad"=.a)i"s o!
%o# '"i%+ h"ad o! #h" s)hoo?
He was a committed and hardworking teacher. He had aims of being head of the school. But he had
some weaknesses. He had not good degree, reliable discipline and important family connections at
Brookfield !chool.
0. Wh"% was Broo(!i"d "s#a'ish"d? OR Whi)h #1p" o! s)hoo was Broo(!i"d?
0t was established in the reign of +liabeth. 0t was established as a grammar school. 0t was a good
school of second rank.
3. D"s)ri'" #h" his#or1 o! Broo(!i"d s)hoo.
0t was established as grammar school in the reign of +liabeth. Later in the rule of :irst *eorge it was
e&tended and rebuilt.
4. Wha# was #h" o.#"r *i"w o! Broo(!i"d s)hoo?
0t consisted of a group of old buildings of nineteenth century surrounded by elm trees. $here were many
acres of playgrounds.
5. How $a%1 )h""rs w"r" +i*"% #o Chips a# #h" #i$" o! his r"#ir"$"%#?
He was given three cheers at the time of his retirement. $his was the honour given to him at the time of
his farewell.
16. Wha# s#a#.s did Chips a##ai% d.ri%+ his s"r*i)" a# #h" a+" o! si<#1?
Mr. %hips attained respect in Brookfield school and he was invited in school function as guest of honour.
He was considered as senior master.
11. D"s)ri'" #h" *ia+" Broo(!i"d.
$he village was beautiful and covered with greenery. $he autumn season with reddish brown colour
increased the beauty of the village.
12. Wh"% did W"#h"r'1 '")o$" h"ad$as#"r o! Broo(!i"d s)hoo?
Wetherby became head of the school in '()-. He raised the status of the school.
'. Wha# was #h" !i%a%)ia )o%di#io% o! Chips a!#"r r"#ir"$"%#?
He had a satisfied financial condition. His pension was sufficient for his needs. He could have everything
that he needed.
2. Wha# w"r" #h" ro.#i%" "%2o1$"%#s o! Chips a# Mrs.Wi)("##,s ho.s"?
$he routines of en"oyment were> read classical books and detective novels? entertain guest, boys and
teachers? watch games in the play grounds? edit Brookfieldian directory? write occasional letters.
9. Wha# was #h" )o%di#io% o! Chips, roo$? ;< How was roo$ o! Chips !.r%ish"d?
0t was a small but comfortable and sunny room. 0t was furnished simply and with school masterly taste.
$here were a few book shelves, sporting trophies, worn carpet, easy chairs and pictures.
). How did Chips #r"a# his +."s#s? OR D"s)ri'" #h" hospi#ai#1 o! Mr. Chips a# Mrs. Wi)("#,s ho.s".
OR Wha# was dis).ss"d '"#w""% Chips a%d his +."s#s?
He invited new boys and school masters. He talked them friendly. He served them walnut cake,
crumpets and tea. He talked about their residence and their family connections at Brookfield.
/. How did Mrs. Wi)("# s"r*" Broo(!i"d s)hoo? Who was Mrs. Wi)("#?
!he was in charge of linen room. !he was owner of the house in which %hips had rented a room.
0. D"s)ri'" #h" Chips, 'oo(s i% his roo$ a# Mrs. Wi)("#,s ho.s".
$he books were classical and cheap edition of detective novels.
,. Who was Coi%+wood? How did Chips r"$"$'"r Coi%+wood?
He was uncle of young student, Branksome. %ollinwood was also student of %hips. %hips once beat him
for climbing up the gymnasium.
Academy of Sciences

Address: 311-A-1 T ownship Lahore. 404-A-1 Township Lahore. 0300-4363932
1. Wh1 was #h" spri%+ o! 1450 i$por#a%# !or Chips? OR Wh"% did Chips '")a$" ho.s" $as#"r?
He had become mature and grown to )( years of age. He also became housemaster. Mr. %hips met
@atherine same year. $his meeting changed into love and further into marriage.
2. How did Mr. Chips )o$" a)ross >a#h"ri%" Brid+"s? OR Wri#" #h" i%)id"%# o! !irs# $""#i%+
'"#w""% Chips a%d >a#h"ri%". OR How did >a#h"ri%" a%d Chips !a i% o*" wi#h "a)h o#h"r?
OR Whi)h is #h" $os# i%#"r"s#i%+ i%)id"%# o! #h" %o*"?
;n his visit to Lake 3istrict, %hips saw a girl waving her hand on dangerous looking rock. %hips thought
girl in dangerous situation and rushed towards her. 0n this attempt he got fracture. @atherine, thinking
responsible, served him for many days. 0n this way they came closer and married.
&. Wha# was #h" )o%)"p# o! Chips a'o.# $od"r% wo$a%? OR Wha# was id"a pi)#.r" o! wo$"%
a))ordi%+ #o Chips?
%hips did not feel easy in the company of woman. He always thought her a dangerous creature.
2ccording to him the nice women must weak, shy and delicate.
-. D"s)ri'" #h" app"ara%)" o! >a#h"ri%"? How was >a#h"ri%" oo("d?
!he was beautiful girl of twenty five years old. !he had bright and blue eyes, spotted cheeks and brown
coloured hair.
/. Wha# w"r" #h" id"as o! >a#h"ri%" Brid+"s? OR Draw #h" #1pi)a pi)#.r" o! %i%"#""%#h )"%#.r1
!he was a confident and not afraid to visit a man alone. !he wanted to get freedom. !he rode bicycle
and liked 0bsen, !haw and Morris. !he wanted that women should be given admission in Aniversities
and right to caste vote. !he had radical views.
0. D"s)ri'" how i# was possi'" !or >a#h"ri%" #o )ha%+" #h" *i"ws o! Chips a'o.# %i%"#""%#h
)"%#.r1 wo$a%?
Mr. %hips was against women. He did not feel at ease in the company of women. But after meeting with
@atherine, he wanted the presence of woman in his life. He liked her carious nature.
3. Wha#"s o! Chips i%spir"d >a#h"ri%"?
!he liked his 7uiet, honest and kind nature and gentle habits. !he liked his comple& personality and his
maturity. !he also liked his brown eyes. Her likeness developed into love and further into marriage.
4. Wh1 did Chips i(" >a#h"ri%"?
@atherine changed the view of %hips about women completely. @atherine felt herself responsible for the
fracture of %hips. !he served him for one week. He liked her carious nature.
'. Wh1 did Chips r"$i%d #h" Ga'"? OR Wha# w"r" $"$ori"s asso)ia#"d wi#h Ga'" :?a(" Dis#ri)#;
*reat *able was the mountain where %hips met @atherine. $his meeting changed into love and later
they married. !o he remembered it.
B. Wh1 did >a#h"ri%" i(" Chips? OR How was #h" #"a)hi%+ pro!"ssio% i("d '1 >a#h"ri%"? OR Was
>a#h"ri%" p"as"d wi#h Chips '"i%+ a #"a)h"r?
!he liked %hips as a teacher very much. !he thought that teacher could influence future generations.
!he disliked other professions.
9. Wha# w"r" i%ad"=.a)i"s o! Chips a'o.# whi)h h" o!#"% r"+r"##"d? OR Wha# did Chips #"
>a#h"ri%" wh"% h" )ri#i)i@"d hi$s"! a%d his a##ai%$"%#s?
%hips feeling of depreciation were due to his average degree, poor discipline, not getting promotion and
inability to marry a young girl. He had not strong family connections.
). D"s)ri'" #h" "*"%# o! $arria+" o! >a#h"ri%". OR How was >a#h"ri%" $arri"d wi#h Mr. Chips? OR
7ro$ wh"r" was >a#h"ri%" $arri"d?
!he had no parents and was married from the house of an aunt in +aling.
C. Wha# did >a#h"ri%" sa1 #o Chips o% #h" %i+h# '"!or" $arria+"?
!he gave some remarks like, D0 feel rather like a new boy beginning with his first term with you. !hall 0
call you sir# or would Mr. %hips be right thing. $hen she said D*ood Bye, Mr. %hips.
E. D"s)ri'" s)"%" o! ?a(" Dis#ri)#. OR How was ?a(" Dis#ri)# oo("d?
0t was beautiful visiting place. $here were grey coloured depths of wastewater. $here were greenery and
beautiful waterfall. 2ir looked washed after the rain. $he narrow ways were very beautiful.
Academy of Sciences

Address: 311-A-1 T ownship Lahore. 404-A-1 Township Lahore. 0300-4363932
3. Wha# was #h" s)"%" o! Chips, $arria+"?
$here was horse carriage running on the road. *reen pale lamps were flickering on the pavement.
1. Was >a#h"ri%" a$o%+ s#.d"%#s a%d $as#"rs?
@atherine was very popular among the boys, masters and even the wives of the masters. !he was very
much liked by others.
2. Whi)h #1p" o! p"rso% was Mr. Chips? OR Wri#" #h" p"rso%ai#1 o! Chips '"!or" $arria+"?
He was a dry and neutral sort of person and had not many connections with others. He was conservative
in politics. He was rigid and serious person. He was committed, honest and hardworking fellow.
&. Wha# i%!."%)" did >a#h"ri%" Brid+"s "<"r)is" o% Mr. Chips?
!he widened his opinions and ideas. His eyes gained sparkle. He began to make little "okes and so
became popular among the students. His discipline improved and became less rigid.
-. 7or how $.)h #i$" did Mr. Chips s"r*" Broo(!i"d s)hoo?
He served for twenty five years. He became Brookfield in himself.
/. Wha# was pi#!a !or "d.)a#io% pro!"ssio%?
%hips began to become old and out dated. He used old methods of teaching which were destructive for
education profession. $he rot of pedagogy was pitfall for education profession.
0. Wha# w"r" ai$s o! Mr. Chips a# #h" #i$" o! 2oi%i%+ Broo(!i"d s)hoo?
He aimed to be loved, honoured and obeyed. He got everything e&cept love.
3. Wh"r" was $issio% "s#a'ish"d '1 Broo(!i"d?
$he mission was established in +ast London. $he students and their parents contributed a lot for the
establishment of mission.
4. Who s.++"s#"d so))"r $a#)h '"#w""% Broo(!i"d a%d $issio% a%d how i# was i$por#a%#?
@atherine suggested soccer match. 0t was very important because it became a great chance to bring
Brookfield and Mission close to each other.
5. Who *isi#"d Chips !ro$ $ii#ar1 )a$p s#a#io%"d %"ar Broo(!i"d?
2 soldier visited %hips from military camp, which was later killed. He had visited Brookfield and met
@atherine when he was student of Mission school.
16. How did >a#h"ri%" .r+" Chips #o !or+i*" #h" s#.d"%# !or #h"ir $is#a("s? Did >a#h"ri%" awa1s
.r+" Chips #o !or+i*" s#.d"%#s?
!he urged %hips to investigate the fault of the student and to forgive them to give a chance. But
sometimes she stressed %hips to punish the arrogant students.
11. Wha# w"r" )o%s"=."%)"s9r"s.#s o! $a#)h '"#w""% Broo(!i"d a%d Missio%? OR Wh1 was #h"
so))"r $a#)h i$por#a%# pa1"d '"#w""% Missio% a%d Broo(!i"d?
0t was good e&perience. $his match brought the students of both institutions close to one another.
12. Wha# did Chips r"$"$'"r a'o.# Gri''"?
He was butler at Brookfield school. %hips remembered his resignation.
1&. Wha# was Ao#a87a)" !or s)hoo ad$i%is#ra#io%?
0n the beginning, school administration was against the proposal of soccer match. But later the match
was allowed to play between the two teams. $his was 6olta#face.
1. Wha# r")o")#io%s did dis#.r'9ha.%# Mr. Chips?
$he memories of running through corridor, laughing on some mistake of %hips, playing on music
instrument and giving advice on garden party haunted %hips.
2. Wh1 did sh" ad*o)a#" #h" s#.d"%#s who )o$$i##"d so$" $is#a("? OR How >a#h"ri%" .r+" Chips
#o !or+i*" #h" s#.d"%# !or #h"ir $is#a("s?
!he insisted %hips to talk to those boys and give them chance so they might correct themselves in
&. Did >a#h"ri%" awa1s .r+" Chips !or "%i"%)1?
Fo, she did not. !ometimes, she urged %hips to punish rude and arrogant boys.
-. Wha# was #h" )o%di#io% o! Chips wh"% wa%#"d #o p.%ish a%1 'o1?
%hips started to remember @atherine giving him advice on the matter of punishment whenever any
student came for it.
Academy of Sciences

Address: 311-A-1 T ownship Lahore. 404-A-1 Township Lahore. 0300-4363932
/. Wha# is B#h" pi#C? OR Wha# was #h" %a$" o! #h" od !i!#h !or$ roo$?
$he old fifth#form room was named Dthe pit.. Fobody knew its beginning.
0. Wh1 )o.d Chips %o# a'" #o wri#" a 'oo( o% his $"$ori"s? OR Did Chips wri#" so$" 'oo(?
He could not write a book. 0t was due to two reasons> firstly he was tired both physically and mentally
after writing? secondly he lost charm in written incidents.
3. Wha# did Chips r"$"$'"r a'o.# D.%s#"r?
;nce, 3unster put a rat in the room where ;gilvie was making choir practice. 3unster drowned in
4. Wh"% a%d #o who$ did Mr. Chips +i*" his !irs# i%#"r*i"w?
He gave his first interview to Wetherby in '(,-. 0t was time of :ranco#Grussian war.
5. Wh1 did Chips r"$"$'"r OR How was r"$"$'"r"d '1 Chips?
%hips remembered him with reference to story of sack of potatoes. 0t was funny incident at the time of
happening and also funny to remember it. But it lost charm in written form.
1. Wh1 did Chips %o# wa%# #o r")"i*" )o%do"%)" o% #h" d"a#h o! his wi!"?
He did not receive condolence because he wanted to habituate the things. He also thought that the
memories of @atherine might not revive sadness.
2. Wh"% was >a#h"ri%" a%d h"r so% di"d?
$hey were died on '
2pril, '(8(. 0t was a great shock for %hips. $his incident lost his charm in the life of
Mr. %hips.
&. D"s)ri'" a%1 i%)id"%# !ro$ #h" i!" o! Chips whi)h shows his )o$$i#$"%# #o Broo(!i"d s)hoo.
OR Was Chips o% "a*" o% #h" da1 o! d"a#h o! his wi!"?
He took his grammar class of fourth form as usual on the day of death of his wife and child. He put the
students to learn grammar by heart.
-. Wh"% a%d whi)h #1p" o! Apri !oo"r1 was !a)"d '1 Chips?
He found a lot of letters having blank sheets as 2pril foolery on '
2pril, '(8(. $he letters were
addressed to him. $his incident had no impact on him.
/. Wh1 did%,# #h" Apri !oo"r1 "a*" a%1 i$pa)# .po% Chips, $i%d?
He was presented with a lot of blank letters as 2pril foolery on '
2pril, '(8(, on the day of death of his
wife. He was not affected by this incident because he was sad on the death of his wife and child and was
completely absorbed in his memories.
0. Wha# was #h" $"%#a )o%di#io% o! Chips a!#"r #h" d"a#h o! >a#h"ri%"?
His mental condition was very bad. He felt this incident as nightmare. +verything was looked in different
way. He did not take interest in teaching. He often absorbed in his memories.
1. Wh1 was i# i$por#a%# !or Chips #o r"#ai% ho.s" $as#"rship a!#"r #h" d"a#h o! >a#h"ri%"? OR Wh1
did Chips #hi%( #o +i*" .p his $as#"rship?
He was worried after the death of @atherine and child and so decided to give up mastership. $he head
advised him not to do so. 0t was important for him because this work helped him to decrease his worries.
2. Wha# i$pa)#s did d"a#h o! >a#h"ri%" "<"r# :p.#; o% Chips?
He was worried and always absorbed in past memories after the death of his wife and child. He did not
care for himself. His hair became grey. $he boys called him Dold..
&. Wh1 did Chips )ha%+" his ho.s" a!#"r #h" d"a#h o! his wi!"?
2fter @atherines death he could not keep residence in !chool House as his wife had died. !o he
changed his house to old bachelor 7uarter.
-. Wha# )ha%+"s o)).rr"d i% Chips wi#h #h" ad*"%# o! %"w )"%#.r1 a!#"r #h" d"a#h o! >a#h"ri%"?
His habits and "okes merged into a good combination. He felt no disciplinary troubles and felt pride in his
works and position.
/. Wha# sor# o! +ow% did Chips w"ar a!#"r #h" d"a#h o! >a#h"ri%"?
He wore ragged gown after her death. $hat gown was sub"ect of a "oke throughout the school.
0. Wha# was #h" opi%io% o! Chips a'o.# Bo"r? Who w"r" Bo"rs a%d wha# was his *i"w a'o.# #h"$?
$he Boers were the 3utch !outh 2frican. $hey were fighting against +ngland. %hips had neutral sort of
thinking against Boers. He neither favoured them nor opposed.
Academy of Sciences

Address: 311-A-1 T ownship Lahore. 404-A-1 Township Lahore. 0300-4363932
3. Wh1 did Chips r")o")# Na1or a%d Has'.r1?
He remembered them because they were in good health condition in old ages. Faylor remarked that fifty
years was not much.
4. Wha# did Chips r"$"$'"r a'o.# od s#.d"%#s?
He thought about the future of students and their settlements into different walks of life.
5. Wha# was #h" )o%di#io% o! Chips wh"% h" #oo( ro )a a!#"r #h" d"a#h o! his wi!"?
He was absorbed in his memories. He held the school list and stood on wooden bench. !tudents came
one by one and called their roll. %hips ticked the name of the students.
1. Wha# was #h" r"a)#io% o! Chips wh"% Ras#o% was appoi%#"d as #h" h"ad o! Broo(!i"d s)hoo?
OR Wh1 did Chips %o# i(" Ras#o%?
Mr. %hips was satisfied in the beginning when <alston became head of Brookfield school. But when
<alston blamed %hips of lainess and of using old teaching methods, he disliked <alston.
2. Wha# was #h" =.arr" '"#w""% Chips a%d Ras#o%? OR Wh1 did Chips =.arr" wi#h Ras#o%? OR
D"s)ri'" #h" =.arr" '"#w""% Ras#o% a%d Chips? OR How was Chips 'a$"d '1 Ras#o%? How
did Ras#o% a)).s" Chips? OR Wha# a"+a#io%s w"r" p.# o% Chips?
<alston disliked %hips. He blamed %hips of lainess, of using old teaching methods and of
insubordination. He forced %hips to retire from Brookfield. %hips refused to do so. $his was the cause of
&. Wh"% did Chips '")o$" a)#i%+ h"ad o! Broo(!i"d S)hoo?
Mr. %hips became headmaster of Brookfield after the death of Mr. Meldrun. He had remained head
before <alston was appointed head of Brookfield.
-. Wha# did Chips r"$"$'"r a'o.# Dia$o%d 2.'i"" o! E%+a%d? OR How did D.""% Ai)#oria a##"%d
Dia$o%d 2.'i"" o! E%+a%d?
3iamond 1ubilee was held in '(8,. %hips attended this function with @atherine. Hueen 6ictoria came
there sitting in a carriage like a broken doll. Her appearance was indicating an end of her age.
/. Wri#" dow% p"rso%ai#1 o! Ras#o%? Wha# do 1o. (%ow a'o.# Ras#o%? OR Wha# sor# o! p"rso%
was Ras#o%?
<alston was ambitious, energetic and a man of science but he was proud and hard. He wanted to
introduce new methods and techni7ues of teaching. He raised the status of Brookfield.
0. Who was M"dr.%? OR Who s.))""d"d M"dr.%? OR Wh"% did Chips '")o$" a)#i%+ h"ad o!
Broo(!i"d s)hoo?
Meldrun was headmaster of Brookfield after Wetherby and remained head for thirty years. Mr. %hips
became acting head after his death. <alston, young man of 9, years, became head after him.
3. Wha# was #h" d.#1 o! Chips d.ri%+ s#ri(" o! raiwa1 $"%? OR Wha# ro" was pa1"d '1 Broo(!i"d
a%d Chips d.ri%+ #h" s#ri(" o! raiwa1 $"%? OR D"s)ri'" #h" i%)id"%# o! s#ri(" o! raiwa1 $"%?
When railway men went on strike, soldiers drove the trains. $he students of Brookfield !chool patrolled
the railway line while %hips was the in charge of those boys. Mr. %hips was talking with Mr. 1ones, a
striker. $his story went around went around.
4. Wha# was #h" si#.a#io% o! E%+a%d i% as# da1s o! D.""% Ai)#oria9 i% da1s o! Edward?
$he situation was very bad and critical. $here were processions, strikes, problems of %hinese labour and
tariff reforms and many others. +ngland was passing through transition at that time.
5. Wha# do 1o. (%ow a'o.# Gra1so% a%d i%)id"%# o! d"s#r.)#io% o! Ti#a%i)?
*rayson was a student of Brookfield. His father was among passengers of $itanic. $itanic, a big ship
considered unsinkable, was destroyed in its first "ourney in'8'B. *raysons father was rescued.
1. Wha# was #h" r"a)#io% o! p"op" o*"r row '"#w""% Ras#o% a%d Chips? OR Wha# was #h" r"a)#io%
o! #h" $as#"rs #o #h" row '"#w""% Ras#o% a%d Chips? OR Wha# w"r" #h" #radi#io%s o!
$he Geople and masters favoured %hips as he was symbol of old traditions for the tradition bound
people of +ngland. Masters took him a hero against proud and hard <alston. $here was a threat of riots
among masses.
2. Wh1 a%d wh"% did Chips r"si+%? OR Wh1 did Chips d")id" #o r"si+%?
Academy of Sciences

Address: 311-A-1 T ownship Lahore. 404-A-1 Township Lahore. 0300-4363932
Mr. %hips was retired in '8'9 at the age of si&ty five. He was patient of Bronchitis. He could not work
properly. He remained out of Brookfield for the whole term due to his illness. He realied his weakness
and decided to resign.
&. Wha# was #h" !"a#.r" o! his sp"")h a# #h" !ar"w" par#1?
He made memorable speech that was full of "okes at the time of farewell party. 0t included many
7uotations and incidents of past days.
-. Who was #h" a$p 'o1? OR Wha# was #h" d.#1 o! a$p 'o1?
0t was time when there were no gas lights and electric lights? a boy was detailed to look after the light. He
was named as lamp boy.
/. Wri#" #h" i%)id"%# o! G"r$a% $"as"s i% Broo(!i"d?
3uring this whole school suffered from measles and big hall of the school was changed into hospital
0. How did p"op" )o$" #o (%ow a'o.# #h" row '"#w""% Chips a%d Ras#o%?
2 boy was listening the conversation between <alston and %hips. $hat boy told his fellows and from
them it transferred to their parents. 0n this way people came to know about the incident.
3. Who was Mr. Ri*"rs? Wha# was r"a)#io% o! Board o! Go*"r%ors o! Broo(!i"d o% #h" row? OR
Wha# was #h" r"s.# o! row '"#w""% Ras#o% a%d Chips? Wha# did Ri*"rs sa1 #o Chips?
Mr. <ivers was chairman of governors. He had been disciple of %hips. $he chairman and governors
favoured %hips in the matter of row. <ivers said that %hips could continue his service as he desired.
4. Wha# was #h" r"s.# o! row '"#w""% Chips a%d Ras#o%?
$he chairman and governors favoured %hips. !o <alston left the school in '8''.
5. Wh1 did Chips !"" hi$s"! pro#")#"d?
%hips felt him protected because he was senior teacher and old aged as compared to other teachers.
16. Who was H"rr S#a"!"?
He was a *erman teacher in Brookfield. ;nce, %hips visited his *erman home to get treatment of
1. Who was 7orr"s#"r?
He was a smallest child in the history of Brookfield school during war years. He was four feet high. He
"oined army and later he was killed.
2. Who was Bad"?
He was eighteen years old. He was head of school house. He had been trained as cadet.
&. Wha# w"r" #h" )o%di#io%s d.ri%+ war da1s? OR Wh19How did Cha##"ris r"=."s# Chips #o r"2oi%
#h" s)hoo? OR Wha# w"r" pro'"$s !or Cha##"ris d.ri%+ war? OR Wha# ro" was pa1"d '1
Broo(!i"d s)hoo d.ri%+ war? OR Wh1 did Chips 2oi% Broo(!i"d S)hoo a+ai%? OR Wha#
happ"%"d #o Broo(!i"d s)hoo d.ri%+ war i% 151/?
2 military camp was established near Brookfield during the war. $he playgrounds and main building of
Brookfield were used by 2rmy. 2ll young teachers left school or "oined army. Many school boys "oined
war and they were killed. %hatteris faced problem of limited teaching staff so he re7uested %hips to
re"oin. %hips liked %hatteris very much. !o %hips "oined school again.
-. Who was Mr. Cha##"ris a%d how did h" di"? OR Wh1 was Chips worri"d a'o.# Cha##"ris? OR How
did Chips !"" a'o.# Cha##"ris, pro'"$s a%d dis"as"s?
%hatteris was headmaster of !chool during war years. He was patient of diabetes. Mr. %hips was
worried about him because he liked him very much. %hatteris died in '8'( at the age of )'.
/. Wha# was #h" *i"w o! Chips a'o.# War?
Mr. %hips was against war. He wanted end of the war before %hristmas.
0. Wha# did Cha##"ris r"ad o.# o% "*"r1 S.%da1 %i+h# d.ri%+ war?
He read out the names of old boys who died in the war. He also described their short biographies.
1. Wh1 did Chips '")o$" #h" a)#i%+ h"ad o! #h" Broo(!i"d s)hoo a+ai%? OR Wh1 did Chips %o#
wa%# #o (""p h"adship o! Broo(!i"d?
When %hatteris died, %hips became acting head of Brookfield for the second time. $he governors urged
%hips to retain headship but he refused. %hips thought him unable to fulfill the desires of the people.
Academy of Sciences

Address: 311-A-1 T ownship Lahore. 404-A-1 Township Lahore. 0300-4363932
2. How did Chips p"r!or$ his d.#i"s d.ri%+ his s")o%d h"adship?
He performed his duties lightly. He sat in study of head every morning and handled problems and dealt
with the people. ;n !unday in the chapel, he read out the names of those who were killed in the war.
&. Wh1 was Chips r"+ard"d as pr"8war $a%? OR Wha# w"r" *i"ws o! Chips a'o.# Ba1o%"# !i+h#i%+?
He was considered so because his views were different from others. He wept over killings and showed
sympathy with even enemies. He also called bayonet practice as cruel way of killing.
-. Wha# was #h" )ha%+" o! id"as o! Chips a!#"r r"2oi%i%+ Broo(!i"d?
He became confident of his worth after re"oining Brookfield. $here were no inferior thoughts.
/. Wha# %"ws did Chips r")"i*" !ro$ Swi#@"ra%d i% 1514?
He received the news of *erman teacher, !taefels death. He died on western front fighting from the side
of *ermans. He read out the name of !taefel in the %hapel.
0. Wha# was )a"d BChips,s a#"s#C? OR How w"r" 2o("s o! Chips )ha%+"d?
%hips developed new "okes like ;.$.%, rationing system and of covering windows in air raid. $he funny
remarks of Dabhorrendum. by %hips regarding menu were called %hipss latest.
3. How did Chips $a%a+" #o "ar% #h" %a$"s o! s#.d"%#s soo%?
He learnt the names very soon because he always remained in contact with the school even after his
retirement. He often invited students and new teachers.
4. Wha# is B.)(1 s#ro("C?
Many colonels and ma"ors were "oined in the war. %hips called them as Dlucky stroke.. %hips also
considered him in same category as he "oined Brookfield during war.
1. How did Chips #a(" his )ass d.ri%+ war9sh"i%+? OR D"s)ri'" #h" s)"%" o! sh"i%+ i%
Broo(!i"d d.ri%+ word war. OR Did Chips "a*" his )ass d.ri%+ war? OR How did Chips
"%)o.ra+" #h" s#.d"%#s d.ri%+ war?
Mr. %hips took his Latin class as usual in the noise of shelling. $here were e&plosions outside. He
encouraged the boys by telling the "oke of stink#merchant, a person who always thinks mischief.
2. Who was s#i%(8$"r)ha%#?
He was pale, lean and medically unfit science teacher. His name was Burrow and he was nicknamed as
stink merchant.
&. Wha# w"r" #h" da$a+"s9d"s#r.)#io%s o)).rr"d d.ri%+ war? OR D"s)ri'" #h" horror o! #h" air raid
a# Broo(!i"d.
$here were e&plosions and noise of guns everywhere during war. $he building of school was shaking.
Many people were killed in the war. 2t least five bombs fell around Brookfield and killed nine persons.
-. Wha# is #h" i$por#a%)" o! No*"$'"r 11
E 1514? OR How did Broo(!i"d )""'ra#" #h" da1 o!
No*"$'"r 11
E 1514? OR Wh"% did 7irs# Word War )o$" #o "%d?
:irst World War was ended on Fovember '', '8'(. 2t the end of war there was whole holiday in
Brookfield and function was arranged. $he kitchen staff was directed nlp to prepare a great meal.
/. Wha# do 1o. (%ow a'o.# #h" h"a#h o! Mr. Chips i% his as# da1s?
He was not seriously ill even at old age. He was patient of Bronchitis and felt some problem in winter
season. He felt difficulty when +ast Winds blew.
0. D"s)ri'" #h" arri*a9app"ara%)" o! Chips o% #h" )""'ra#io% arra%+"d o% 11
No*"$'"rE 1514.
When %hips entered, there was silence and then wave of cheering. %hips with his shining eyes walked
to dais, shook his head after a moment, smiled and walked away again.
3. Wha# do 1o. $"a% '1 BD.ra#io%C o*"r? OR How9Wh1 was #h" word BA)#i%+C !i%ish"d !ro$ o!!i)ia
s#a#io%"r1? OR Wh"% did Chips s"%d his r"si+% s")o%d #i$"?
;n ''
Fovember, '8'' %hips resigned for the second time. He served for a long time. His resignation
was an end of duration. He was honoured and his acting name was finished from official record.
1. Who was Gr"+so%?
He was a student of %hips. He was a tall boy with spectacles. %hips remembered him due to his late
arrival in the school. He later "oined League of Fations.
2. How did Chips pass his as# 1"ars a# Mrs. Wi)("#,s ho.s"?
He entertained new students. He ad"usted his activities according to the time table of Brookfield. He
became happy to see the rows of students through the window of his room.
Academy of Sciences

Address: 311-A-1 T ownship Lahore. 404-A-1 Township Lahore. 0300-4363932
&. Wha# w"r" )ha%+"s o)).rr"d i% Broo(!i"d i% d")ad" a!#"r war?
Brookfield changed completely. $he new generation was more polite but there was more cheating and
swearing. $he relationship between teacher and student became friendly.
-. Wha# was #h" wi o! Mr. Chips? OR Wh"% did Chips $a(" his wi?
%hips made his will in '89-. +&cept for legacies to the mission and to Mrs. Wicket, he left all he had to
found an open entrance scholarship to the school.
/. D"s)ri'" #h" s#ri(" o! 1520 i% E%+a%d?
$here was general strike for one week. $he students of Brookfield loaded the vans of food items. $he life
was halted for one week.
0. Wha# w"r" #h" *i"ws o! A$"ri)a% *isi#or a'o.# #h" G"%"ra s#ri(" o! 1520? OR Wha# was r"p1 o!
Chips #o A$"ri)a% *isi#or,s *i"ws a'o.# s#ri("?
2n 2merican visitor told %hips about the loss caused by strike. But %hips replied that the strike was
peaceful which could not be without bloodshed in 2merica.
3. Wha# w"r" #h" *i"ws o! Chips a'o.# )ha%+i%+ word a!#"r Word War I?
He disliked the change. He was man of past and his presence in the novel was as guardian of old
traditions. !o he disliked the changing world.
4. Who was Hoo*"r?
He was president of 2merica in '89'#9B.
5. Wh1 did Chips %o# i(" %"w #"a)h"r "d.)a#"d !ro$ O<!ord?
;&ford educated teacher allowed his si&th class to call him by his %hristian name. %hips did not like this
frank attitude of teacher with students.
1. D"s)ri'" #h" ?i%!ord $""#i%+ wi#h Chips.
;ne day %hips was alone at Mrs. Wickets house. 0n afternoon Linford wearing cap of Brookfield school
came to meet %hips. %hips served and talked to him about school and school life.
2. Who was ?i%!ord? OR Who was as# *isi#or o! #h" Chips?
Linford was last visitor of %hips. He was a small boy wearing cap of Brookfield. He was sent by "okers to
have a "oke with Mr. %hips.
&. How was Chips d""p1 $o*"d '1 ?i%!ord,s wordsE BGood B1" Mr. ChipsC. OR Wha# was #h" "!!")#
o! +r""#i%+ :Good B1" Mr. Chips; o! ?i%!ord o% Chips i% his as# $""#i%+? OR Wri#" #h" !""i%+s o!
Chips wh"% ?i%!ord had +o%"?
Linford uttered greeting words of, *ood bye Mr. %hips, at the time of his departure. 0t strongly affected
%hips. He remembered @atherines greeting on the day before marriage. He became senseless after
-. Wha# was dis).ss"d '"#w""% Chips a%d ?i%!ord?
%hips advised him in different matters. %hips shared his past memories. $hey also discussed about
schools, school life, !hropshire and news in that days paper.
/. How did Chips s"r*" ?i%!ord?
%hips received Linford warmly. He served him walnut cake with tea. He chatted, encouraged and
advised him in different matters.
0. Wha# w"r" #h" #hi%+s Chips )o.d %o# do i% his i!"?
He had never traveled by air and he had never been to a talky show.
3. Wha# was #h" ad*i)" o! M"ri*a" #o Chips i% his as# da1s?
He advised %hips to keep indoors in winter season because there was a lot of flu about.
4. Wha# w"r" #h" !""i%+s o! Chips '"!or" his .%)o%s)io.s%"ss? OR How w"r" #h" !""i%+s o!
d"!"a# pr"*ai"d o% Chips a!#"r $""#i%+ wi#h ?i%!ord? OR Wha# is #h" #h"$" o! %o*"?
Mr. %hips was representative of old traditions. Mr. %hips was fighting against the change occurring in the
world. $he "okers sent Linford to make "oke of %hips. Mr. %hips could not cap the "oke. He felt his defeat
ultimately and became senseless. 2fter this he met death. ;ld traditions came to an end.
1. Who w"r" pr"s"%# a# #h" #i$" o! d"a#h s)"%" o! Mr. Chips?
Merivale, Mrs. Wicket, Mr. %artwright and old Buffles were present at that time.
2. Who !o.%d Mr. Chips s"%s""ss?
Mr. Wicket found him unconscious when she returned back from her relatives.
Academy of Sciences

Address: 311-A-1 T ownship Lahore. 404-A-1 Township Lahore. 0300-4363932
&. Who was Car#wri+h#?
Mr. %artwright had been headmaster of Brookfield school since '8'8. He was present at the time of
death of Mr. %hips.
-. Wha# was Chips, r"spo%s" #o #h" r"$ar(s o! Car#wri+h# #ha# Chips %"*"r had a%1 )hid?
He strongly reacted against these remarks. He said that all school boys were his children. $hen he
named students whose voices were like a song for him.
/. Wha# did Car#wri+h# sa1 a'o.# Chips?
%artwright felt pity for %hips loneliness and being without child.
0. D"s)ri'" #h" d"a#h s)"%" o! Chips.
He was not in complete sense. He remembered his students. He wanted their presence at his last time.
By remembering them he met with death.
3. Wh"% was Chips di"d?
Mr. %hips was died in '899. His death was due to Bronchitis. His death was an end of the age.
4. Wha# did Chips sa1 a'o.# his s#.d"%#s?
Mr. %hips called them his children. He wanted their presence in his last moments.
5. How did Car#wri+h# i%!or$ #h" d"a#h o! Chips i% Broo(!i"d? OR How did Car#wri+h# pa1 #ri'.#" #o
Chips o% his d"a#h? OR Was Chips ri+h# i% sa1i%+E Broo(!i"d wi %"*"r !or+"# his o*a'"%"ss?
2fter the death of %hips, %artwright paid tribute to %hips in his speech as, DBrookfield will never forget
his lovableness.. He was wrong because it is against custom of the world where all the things are
16. Wh1 wi ?i%!ord %o# !or+"# Mr. Chips?
Linford was last visitor of %hips. He would remember him and tell others his meeting with %hips before
his death.

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