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bass processing tips(pensado):

vitalizer to spread the highs of the bass or use anything that can spread
when youre dividing the bass into low mid high through eq there might be frequen
cy overlaps just remember those frequencies will be louder. sidechain the kick w
ith the low bass.
in bass or any other instrument find the low cutoff and the high roll off as in
bandpass and boost the freq at the cut off a little and right at the high rollof
f a little for presence. an lp hp filter trick. emphasize what you like at those
cutoff and rolloff points.
if you roll off at 100hz with 18 db oct slope. so every octave lower will 18 db
less in level.
drum technique
take the kick duplicate it. change the pitch and play around with the volume to
intoduce it and take it awawy giving two kicks sorta feel
hip hop kick:
kick as massive as possible
sub kick sidechained with bass
vocal aahs:
Split into 3 sections with 3 pans positions
initial aah
aahs withe reverb tsar panned a little to the sides
the aahs re-amped panned to the extremes
million dollar technique:
split tracks to bands and you can make some bands do somethings while otheres do
nt eg. you dont havve to auto pan the entire synth maybe just the top end maybe.
gain staging number one priority. if you dont gain stage right at the start then
your mix will sound weak.
vocal delay:
use multiple delays for vocals you can make the longer delays less in volume and
shorter delays loud or vice-versa. do it with feel.
jaycen joshua amazing mix engineer.
ns 10 yamaha monitors(similar to yamaha hs series): put them closer together you
get more bass.
jaycen joshua on:
sub: bve d82 sub harmonic
200 on bass: ssl comp(parellel comp.), softube filter, mid range coltech
hi end 10 k on vocals: brainworks b2, softube passive,
surgery on the low end: parell comp, sidechain, fabfilter
desser: i dont dess. hand draw out the ess and ts desser takes out energy.
stereo bus: varies. on beach is better izotope 5 going into slate sgx
miley cyrus used fair child going into l2. slate makes your mix big.
mix clarity: depends. i dont eq the high end. if i need.. izotope but rarely.
i listen to stuff in my car. car testing the audio.
organization is the key.
be clear about what it needs to sound like so imeerse your self in the music you
want to make cause you are selling the sound.

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