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8evlsed: 10/13/2011 1

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1he purpose of Lhls handbook ls Lo provlde Cllnlcal MenLal PealLh and School Counsellng sLudenLs
lnformaLlon Lo prepare for Lwo exams: Lhe Counselor reparaLlon Comprehenslve LxamlnaLlon
(CCL), whlch ls one of Lhe requlremenLs for graduaLlon ln Lhe Cllnlcal MenLal PealLh and School
Counsellng program, and Lhe naLlonal Counselor Lxam (nCL), whlch ls requlred for llcensure as a
rofesslonal Counselor for Lhose sLudenLs ln Lhe Cllnlcal MenLal PealLh Counsellng rogram who
wlsh Lo pracLlce as a counselor. CerLlflcaLlon for School Counsellng sLudenLs ls currenLly noL Lled Lo
an exam.
We undersLand LhaL preparlng for Lhese exams can be lncredlbly dlfflculL and anxleLy-provoklng.
know LhaL we, as faculLy, have Lhe uLmosL confldence ln you and your ablllLles. We hope LhaL Lhls
gulde ls helpful and welcome your feedback.

-%&$.%*(9 U"% /'& 01.#)
1he besL way Lo prepare for Lhe CCL and Lhe nCL ls Lo do Lhe followlng:
1. 8emember Lo pracLlce poslLlve self-care.
2. 8ead all of your asslgned maLerlals ln all of your classes.
3. 1ake all of your asslgnmenLs serlously.
4. keep all of your noLes from classes.
3. 8ead Lhls gulde Lhoroughly.
6. Ask quesLlons as you progress Lhrough your program.
7. !oln a sLudy group aL leasL by Lhe semesLer before your exam(s).
8. use Lhe lnformaLlon LhaL you recelve ln Lhls manual Lo creaLe sLudy maLerlals.
9. CCn18CL your LesL anxleLy.
10. 8elnforce your poslLlve sLudy behavlors.

CompleLe all core courses and Lwo-Lhlrds of all courses on requlred program.
ALLend MandaLory Comprehenslve LxamlnaLlon reparaLlon MeeLlng semesLer
8LlC8L you wlll Lake Lhe CCL.
CompleLe appllcaLlon form for Lhe CCL and submlL paymenL.
CompleLe appllcaLlon form for Lhe nCL and submlL paymenL (CMPC only).
lorm sLudy groups.
SLudy, sLudy, sLudy!
1ake CCL.
1ake Lhe nCL

-%.;/*;*(9 -")*/*+& :&6U !.%&
As you Lry Lo flL sLudylng for Lhls exam lnLo your already hecLlc schedule whlch balances your
personal llfe, course work, and fleld experlences, you may flnd yourself forgeLLlng Lo Lake care of
yourself. Success on Lhese exams (as well as ln your fuLure professlon) depends on your ablllLy Lo
balance your many roles, whlle sLlll maklng your work of slgnlflcanL lmporL. Conslder Lhe followlng
areas and Lallor Lhe lnformaLlon Lo besL ald you ln carlng for yourself.
AlLhough every lndlvldual ls dlfferenL, good nuLrlLlon, adequaLe resL and moderaLe exerclse are
lmporLanL for your physlcal and menLal healLh. WlLh a busy schedule, you may flnd yourself
forgeLLlng Lo eaL, eaLlng on Lhe run and generally noL paylng aLLenLlon Lo your body's needs. 1hls ls
noL self care. ?ou musL conLlnually remlnd yourself Lo pay aLLenLlon Lo your body's needs, lncludlng
when and whaL you need Lo eaL.
?ou are llkely Lo experlence hlgh levels of sLress when sLudylng for Lhls exam. 1hese levels of sLress
wlll lmpacL you physlcally. SLress can cause a varleLy of physlcal responses, lncludlng headaches,
sLomachaches, dlfflculLy sleeplng and lncreased blood pressure. ln order Lo manage Lhe sLress LhaL
you wlll face, lL ls lmperaLlve LhaL you flnd healLhy coplng skllls. ?ou wlll be very LempLed Lo use
qulck and posslbly unhealLhy ways Lo deal wlLh your sLress. Powever, Lhe besL way Lo manage your
sLress level ls Lo be proacLlve. 8y learnlng relaxaLlon skllls, cognlLlve self-Lalk, and oLher sLraLegles
LhaL meeL your needs (e.g., yoga, medlLaLlon, llghL exerclse) you wlll flnd LhaL you wlll noL need Lo
use more unhealLhy meLhods of sLress managemenL.

Soclal supporL, lncludlng your frlends and famlly, are cruclal Lo your success. lL ls lmporLanL Lo
creaLe a wlde soclal supporL sysLem, Lhls wlll lnclude your peers from your program and your slLes.
1hls noL only creaLes a neLwork of fuLure opporLunlLles, lL allows you Lo have poslLlve peer relaLlons
whlch may dlrecLly ald ln your sLress managemenL and success ln your program. CraduaLe sLudenLs
ofLen forgeL how lmporLanL Lhelr soclal llves really are. ?ou may flnd yourself cancelllng
engagemenLs wlLh frlends and famlly ln order Lo work or Lo [usL vegeLaLe on your couch. Powever
LempLlng cancelllng Lhese soclal acLlvlLles may be, you need Lo remlnd yourself LhaL your soclal llfe
ls as lmporLanL as your academlc llfe. 8alanclng your soclal needs wlLh Lhe resL of your llfe ls an
lmporLanL llfe sklll.

Plgh levels of sLress noL only lmpacL you physlcally, lL wlll have lmpacLs on you psychologlcally and
emoLlonally. 1he above-menLloned sLress managemenL Lechnlques wlll lmprove your emoLlonal
funcLlonlng as well. ln addlLlon, anoLher proven meLhod of sLress managemenL can be uLlllzed Lo
lmprove your overall quallLy of llfe. uslng humor and laughLer have been shown Lo yleld poslLlve
ouLcomes for lndlvldual's physlcal and menLal healLh. 8emember Lo see Lhe llghLer slde of Lhlngs
and noL Lake yourself Loo serlously.

nurLurlng your splrlL ls a poslLlve way Lo care for your needs. 1hls can be done ln a varleLy of ways,
lncludlng uslng your falLh, rellglous bellefs, splrlLuallLy or lnner self. 8egardless of your speclflc
bellefs, research supporLs Lhe role of splrlL ln physlcal and emoLlonal wellness.

laylng and havlng fun ls noL [usL for chlldren. lL ls an lmporLanL aspecL of a compleLe llfe for
lndlvlduals aL any developmenLal sLage. 8emember Lo allow yourself Lhe Llme Lo relax and en[oy
llfe's slmple pleasures.

K&)/ W(1*&/<
Why do we have LesL anxleLy? MosL research polnLs Lo an evoluLlonary purpose. When you are
encounLered by a LhreaLenlng sLlmull, you wlll physlologlcal respond wlLh flghL/ fllghL / or freeze.
unforLunaLely, Lhese responses do noL necessarlly hold useful ln Loday's world. MosL cerLalnly, Lhey
wlll noL help you when you are preparlng for you exams.
Some anxleLy abouL LesLs ls normal and even beneflclal (lnverLed u" curve). A mlld Lo moderaLe
amounL of anxleLy before and even durlng a LesL can help keep you alerL, focused, moLlvaLed and
on your Loes! lL only becomes a problem when lL beglns Lo feel overwhelmlng and unmanageable.

ln undersLandlng your LesL anxleLy, lL wlll be mosL helpful Lo know Lhe CognlLlve Model of 1esL
AnxleLy. 1he LesL anxleLy funcLlons on Lhe followlng:
8LLlLlS abouL how you wlll perform
lLLLlnCS (llke anxleLy)
P?SlCAL 8LAC1lCnS (llke headaches or nausea)
8LPAvlC8S (llke blanklng ouL," avoldlng sLudylng)
1he followlng are some noL helpful anxleLy-provoklng LhoughLs abouL LesLs.
1. lf l don'L do well on Lhls LesL/paper, l wlll cerLalnly flunk Lhe class.
2. lf l don'L do well on Lhls LesL/paper, people (famlly, frlends, Lhe professor) wlll Lhlnk less of me.
3. lf l don'L do well on Lhls LesL/paper, l wlll feel exLremely mlserable.
4. lf l don'L do well on Lhls LesL/paper, lL means l am dumb & sLupld".
3. CLher people are dolng much beLLer Lhan l am. no one else ls havlng Lrouble. l am alone.
6. lf l don'L do well on Lhls LesL/paper, l won'L do well on fuLure LesLs/papers.
7. 8ecause l've done well ln Lhe pasL, l have Lo do well.
8. 8ecause l am lnLeresLed ln Lhls maLerlal, l have Lo do well.
9. 8ecause loLs of people expecL me Lo do well, l have Lo do well.
10. l musL know all Lhe maLerlal ln order Lo geL an A".
11. Success ls deflned by my grades.
12. ln order Lo feel worLhwhlle, l need Lo be compeLenL, lnLelllgenL and successful.
13. ln order Lo be llked or loved, l need Lo be compeLenL, lnLelllgenL and successful.
14. lf l can'L answer Lhe flrsL quesLlon, l wlll probably fall Lhe LesL.
13. lf l can'L concenLraLe well as l sLudy, l wlll probably fall Lhe LesL.
lollow Lhls four-sLep model Lo reduclng your LesL anxleLy:
SLep Cne: ldenLlfy
ldenLlfy your Lyplcal LhoughL paLLerns LhaL may be feedlng lnLo your anxleLy. WrlLe Lhem down.
LaLer, when you noLlce yourself feellng anxlous, wrlLe down whaL LhoughLs you are havlng.
SLep 1wo: LvaluaLe
Are Lhe LhoughLs correcL? Lxamlne each one ob[ecLlvely.

SLep 1hree: 8espond
lor each LhoughL, whaL would be a beLLer (more useful) LhoughL abouL an exam or sLudylng? lor
l've done well before on LesLs. l can do well on Lhls one, Loo.
l'll puL ln a good efforL.
All l can do ls Lry my besL.
WrlLe down your responses Lo each LhoughL you ldenLlfled before.
SLep lour: 8elax
8ecause our bodles physlcally feel Lhe sLress of our lnlLlal unhelpful LhoughLs, we can dlrecLly
change Lhls by uslng varlous Lechnlques Lo relax.
1ake slow deep breaLhs from your abdomen. lour seconds ln. Pold for four. Slx seconds
ouL. ause brlefly. 1hlnk of breaLhlng ln relaxaLlon and say relax" Lo yourself. Say calm"
as you exhale.
1ense and relax muscles. 1ense varlous muscle groups for flve seconds. 1hen relax. uo Lhls
LhroughouL your body.
lnvesLlgaLe oLher ways Lo relax, such as learnlng and pracLlclng medlLaLlon, buylng a
relaxaLlon Lape, playlng sooLhlng muslc, eLc.
LasL noLes
Cne flnal polnL: Lhls may seem obvlous, buL lL ls lmporLanL Lo make sure LhaL your anxleLy ls noL
due Lo poor preparaLlon for LesLs. lf you do noL undersLand Lhe course maLerlal, or have noL been
sLudylng enough or golng Lo class and have noL been adequaLely learnlng Lhe lnformaLlon all along,
your anxleLy may be due Lo Lhe facL LhaL you are unprepared. lf LhaL ls Lhe case, Lhe anxleLy ls
alerLlng you LhaL someLhlng ls wrong, so raLher Lhan slmply aLLempLlng Lo manage or calm Lhe
anxleLy, you may beneflL from learnlng more effecLlve Llme managemenL or sLudy skllls, or from
LuLorlng or exLra help.

X'./ :/74&(/) 5&&4 /" Y("I WZ"7/ /'& !-!0
1he comprehenslve exam ls an exlL examlnaLlon requlred of all masLer's degree sLudenLs. lL ls
ordlnarlly Laken durlng Lhe sLudenL's lasL semesLer of sLudy ln Lhe program. 1he purpose of Lhe
exam ls Lo assess Lhe sLudenL's knowledge of counsellng Lo ensure mlnlmum compeLence ln Lhe
fleld. 1he CCL wlll also provlde collecLlve feedback LhaL can be used by Lhe program ln
developlng/adapLlng currlculum.

06*9*Z*6*/< .(4 %&9*)/%./*"( U"% /'& !-!0
ln order Lo be ellglble for Lhe comprehenslve examlnaLlon, sLudenLs musL have compleLed all Lhe
core courses, flnlshed Lwo-Lhlrds of Lhelr planned program and be a sLudenL ln good sLandlng.
upon compleLlng Lhe form aL Lhe end of Lhls bookleL, Lhe Comps CoordlnaLor wlll emall you Lhe
lnformaLlon on Lhe exam, as well as Lhe cosL assoclaLed wlLh Laklng Lhe exam.
[&(&U*/) "U 7)*(9 /'& !-!0
Allows MasLer's program comprehenslve exam Lo beLLer meeL psychomeLrlc sLandards.
Clves program an ob[ecLlve vlew of Lhe knowledge level of sLudenLs.
Allows program Lo examlne sLudenL funcLlonlng ln varlous currlculum areas.
romoLes longlLudlnal self sLudy.
Compares program resulLs Lo naLlonal daLa.
SLlmulaLes sLudenL lnLegraLlon of knowledge learned ln separaLe courses.
Clves sLudenLs comparaLlve sLrengLh/weakness feedback.

A&+&6"$#&(/ "U /'& !-!0
1he CCL ls researched, developed, and dlsLrlbuLed by boLh Lhe 8esearch and AssessmenL
CorporaLlon for Counsellng (8ACC) and Lhe CenLer for CredenLlallng and LducaLlon (CCL), Lwo
afflllaLe corporaLlons of Lhe naLlonal 8oard for CerLlfled Counselors (n8CC). 1he lLem wrlLlng
commlLLee was selecLed from masLer's and docLoral level professlonals. 1he commlLLee complled a
comprehenslve llsLlng of LexLs used ln counselor educaLlon programs. Lach quesLlon was developed
based on lnformaLlon found ln Lhe mosL commonly used LexLbooks.

!"(/&(/ "U /'& !-!0
1he CCL wlll cover Lhe elghL Councll for AccredlLaLlon of Counsellng and 8elaLed LducaLlonal
rograms (CAC8L) common-core areas as deflned by Lhelr SLandards for reparaLlon and llsLed
below. 1hese elghL core areas serve as Lhe prlmary LheoreLlcal basls for Lhe examlnaLlon. lL ls
Lhrough Lhese areas LhaL Lhe CCL ls assoclaLed wlLh accepLed professlonal sLandards.

1. Puman growLh and developmenL - sLudles LhaL provlde an undersLandlng of Lhe naLure and
needs of lndlvlduals aL all developmenLal levels.
2. Soclal and culLural foundaLlons - sLudles LhaL provlde an undersLandlng of lssues and Lrends
ln a mulLlculLural and dlverse socleLy.
3. Pelplng relaLlonshlps - sLudles LhaL provlde an undersLandlng of counsellng and
consulLaLlon processes.
4. Croup work - sLudles LhaL provlde an undersLandlng of group developmenL, dynamlcs,
counsellng Lheorles, group counsellng meLhods and skllls, and oLher group work
3. Career and llfesLyle developmenL - sLudles LhaL provlde an undersLandlng of career
developmenL and relaLed llfe facLors.
6. Appralsal - sLudles LhaL provlde an undersLandlng of lndlvldual and group approaches Lo
assessmenL and evaluaLlon.
7. 8esearch and program evaluaLlon - sLudles LhaL provlde an undersLandlng of Lypes of
research meLhods, baslc sLaLlsLlcs, and eLhlcal and legal conslderaLlons ln research.
8. rofesslonal orlenLaLlon and eLhlcs - sLudles LhaL provlde an undersLandlng of all aspecLs of
professlonal funcLlonlng lncludlng hlsLory, roles, organlzaLlonal sLrucLures, eLhlcs, sLandards,
and credenLlallng.

O"%#./ "U /'& !-!0
1he CCL conslsLs of 160 lLems wlLh 20 lLems per CAC8L area. Cf Lhe 20 lLems per secLlon, 17 wlll
be scored, Lhe remalnlng Lhree wlll be preLesL lLems LhaL are noL ldenLlfled Lo Lhe sLudenL.

1he purpose of lmbedded pre-LesLlng ls Lo generaLe acLual score performance daLa on lLems. 1hls
allows CCL Lo selecL lLems for fuLure LesL consLrucLlon LhaL have Lhe mosL deslrable psychomeLrlc
aLLrlbuLes. Scores for each secLlon and a LoLal score wlll be reporLed for each sLudenL. 1he CCL wlll
provlde sLaLlsLlcs on Lhe program's sLudenLs as well as naLlonal daLa. Lach lnsLlLuLlon ls responslble
for deLermlnlng a mlnlmum crlLerlon score for Lhelr sLudenLs. A demographlc quesLlonnalre wlll be
lncluded on Lhe answer sheeL for research purposes. SLudenLs are allowed four hours Lo compleLe
Lhe examlnaLlon.

AfLer each examlnaLlon, upon obLalnlng Lhe resulLs from Lhe CCL offlce, we wlll conLacL sLudenLs
by mall of Lhelr grade resulLs. 8esulLs wlll be senL approxlmaLely 3 weeks afLer Lhe LesL
admlnlsLraLlon. SLudenLs who fall Lhe exam may Lake sub-LesLs of Lhe secLlon(s) noL passed.

X'./ !=>! :/74&(/) 5&&4 /" Y("I WZ"7/ /'& 5!0
AlLhough Laklng and passlng Lhe nCL ls noL parL of Lhe Cllnlcal MenLal PealLh Counsellng program's
requlremenLs, saLlsfacLory performance on Lhe naLlonal Counselor LxamlnaLlon (nCL) ls one of
Lhe crlLerla used by Lhe naLlonal 8oard for CerLlfled Counselors Lo ldenLlfy professlonals who may
be ellglble Lo become a naLlonal CerLlfled Counselor (nCC). lL ls also used for sLaLe llcensure as a
rofesslonal Counselor ln ConnecLlcuL.

06*9*Z*6*/< .(4 %&9*)/%./*"( U"% /'& 5!0
?ou can Lake Lhe nCL, buL we do noL recommend LhaL you Lake Lhls exam unLll afLer you have
compleLed Lhe CCL and recelved feedback on your performance.

!"(/&(/ "U /'& !-!0
1he purpose of Lhe nCL ls Lo assess knowledge, skllls, and ablllLles vlewed as lmporLanL for
provldlng effecLlve counsellng servlces. 1he nCL ls deslgned Lo be general ln naLure. lL ls lnLended
Lo assess cognlLlve knowledge whlch should be known by all counselors regardless of Lhelr
lndlvldual professlonal speclalLles.
AlLhough dlfferenL quesLlons are used for each admlnlsLraLlon of Lhe examlnaLlon, Lhe followlng
elghL conLenL areas are always covered:
1. Puman CrowLh and uevelopmenL
2. Soclal and CulLural loundaLlons
3. Pelplng 8elaLlonshlps
4. Croup Work
3. Career and LlfesLyle uevelopmenL
6. Appralsal
7. 8esearch and rogram LvaluaLlon
8. rofesslonal CrlenLaLlon & LLhlcs
ln addlLlon, Lhe nCL ls based on Lhe followlng flve work behavlors:
1. lundamenLals of Counsellng
2. AssessmenL and Career Counsellng
3. Croup Counsellng
4. rogrammaLlc and Cllnlcal lnLervenLlon
3. rofesslonal racLlce lssues

01.#*(./*"( O"%#./
1he nCL ls comprlsed of 200 mulLlple cholce quesLlons and ls scheduled for a four-hour perlod
beglnnlng aL 9:00 a.m. 8esponses are recorded on a separaLe machlne-scorable answer sheeL.
A dlfferenL edlLlon of Lhe nCL ls complled for each admlnlsLraLlon of Lhe exam. Lach form's
quesLlons are drawn from Lhe nCL lLem pool whlch has undergone exLenslve revlew and fleld
LesLlng. 1he enLlre lLem pool, each form of Lhe nCL and Lhe answer sheeL are copyrlghLed.
ConsequenLly, any dlsLrlbuLlon of Lhe examlnaLlon conLenL or maLerlals Lhrough any form of
reproducLlon or oral or wrlLLen communlcaLlon ls sLrlcLly prohlblLed. ulsclosure of examlnaLlon
conLenL ls a vlolaLlon of Lhe n8CC Code of LLhlcs.
:$&;*.6 W;;"##"4./*"()
LxamlnaLlon admlnlsLraLlon slLes are selecLed wlLh access for candldaLes wlLh physlcal dlsablllLles. lf
you requlre speclal asslsLance from oLher lndlvlduals, such as readers or recorders, you musL
requesL permlsslon from n8CC for Lhe admlLLance of an asslsLlng lndlvldual aL Lhe examlnaLlon slLe.
1hls requesL musL be made ln wrlLlng aL Lhe Llme of appllcaLlon.
lf you cannoL parLlclpaLe ln Lhe examlnaLlon on SaLurday for rellglous reasons, send a wrlLLen
requesL wlLh your appllcaLlon Lo arrange for a speclal admlnlsLraLlon of Lhe nCL on Lhe lrlday
lmmedlaLely precedlng or Lhe Monday lmmedlaLely followlng Lhe scheduled admlnlsLraLlon daLe.
lour hours are scheduled for Lhe nCL. lf addlLlonal Llme ls necessary because of speclal needs or
because Lngllsh ls a candldaLe's second language, you may requesL a Llme exLenslon. 1hls requesL
musL be submlLLed *( I%*/*(9 I*/' <"7% .$$6*;./*"(H
:;"%*(9 -%";&47%&)
Cf Lhe 200 lLems on Lhe examlnaLlon, only 160 lLems are scored Lo deLermlne wheLher you meeL or
surpass Lhe mlnlmum crlLerlon (passlng) score for LhaL form of Lhe nCL.
1he MAxlMuM posslble score on Lhe nCL ls 160.
1he remalnlng 40 lLems on Lhe exam are belng fleld LesLed Lo deLermlne Lhelr approprlaLeness for
fuLure use.
Slnce Lhe 160 lLems Lo be scored are noL ldenLlfled ln Lhe exam bookleL, you should respond wlLh
equal efforL Lo all lLems.
1he mlnlmum crlLerlon (passlng) score ls derlved from a modlfled Angoff procedure.
1he nCL ls noL scored on a "curve," Lherefore Lhe candldaLe pool does noL deLermlne Lhe passlng
01.#*(./*"( B&)76/)
n8CC wlll mall examlnaLlon resulLs Lo examlnees wlLhln elghL weeks of Lhe daLe of Lhe examlnaLlon.
no scores are released by Lelephone.
n8CC's score reporL conLalns: (1) your number of correcL responses for 13 domalns on Lhe nCL and
your 1C1AL SCC8L, whlch ls Lhe sum of Lhe correcL responses, (2) Lhe group mean and sLandard
devlaLlon for each domaln and Lhe LoLal exam, (3) Lhe mlnlmum crlLerlon (passlng) score for LhaL
form of Lhe nCL.
lf your 1C1AL SCC8L meeLs or exceeds Lhe mlnlmum crlLerlon score, you have passed Lhe nCL.
Score reporLs are malled only Lo Lhe examlnee aL Lhe address provlded on Lhe nCC appllcaLlon or
Lxam 8eglsLraLlon lorm.
lL ls your responslblllLy Lo send wrlLLen noLlflcaLlon Lo n8CC lf Lhere ls a change of address. Cllck
here Lo emall a change of address.
?our speclflc examlnaLlon scores wlll noL be released Lo a Lhlrd parLy wlLhouL your wrlLLen
permlsslon. Scores cannoL be released unLll all requlremenLs, lncludlng fees, are fulfllled. 1here ls a
fee charged for sendlng score verlflcaLlons Lo Lhlrd parLles.

-%&$.%*(9 U"% /'& 01.#)
1he followlng lnformaLlon can be used for your sLudy purposes. noLe LhaL Lhe below suggesLlons
are noL speclflc endorsemenLs of any parLlcular producL.
Cnllne under Lhe MySCSu group folder, you wlll flnd free pracLlce LesLs and oLher sLudy maLerlals.
?ou can also look aL Lhe followlng webslLes for addlLlonal maLerlals.
Practice Tests;
Fun Flashcards: (on this one you can also have an NCE question
of the day emailed to you)
Other Resources:
Programs Listed by the National Board of Certified Counselors can be found at:
Merrill Counseling Series: Mastering the National Counselor Examination and the Counselor
Preparation Comprehensive Examination.
Encyclopedia of Counseling: Master Review and Tutorial by Howard, Ed.D. Rosenthal (Brunner-
Routledge; 2nd edition) (

Review Questions for NBCC and state counselor examination, 2nd edition (5 audio cassette tapes
and booklet; (

Vital information for NBCC and State Counselor Examination, 2nd edition (9 audio cassettes and
booklet; (

Cregolre, !., & !ungers, C. M. (2007). 6"5 &,30$5(,27$ &,.1'0%,0) 8"'/ 5952# :5;%00%0; &,30$5(,2 055<$ /,
=0,>? Mahweh, n!: Lawrence Lrlbaum. hLLp://

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8ClLSSlCnAL luLn1l1? - sLudles LhaL provlde an undersLandlng of all of Lhe followlng aspecLs of
professlonal funcLlonlng:
hlsLory and phllosophy of Lhe counsellng professlon, lncludlng slgnlflcanL facLors and evenLs,
professlonal roles, funcLlons, and relaLlonshlps wlLh oLher human servlce provlders,
Lechnologlcal compeLence and compuLer llLeracy,
professlonal organlzaLlons, prlmarlly ACA, lLs dlvlslons, branches, and afflllaLes, lncludlng
membershlp beneflLs, acLlvlLles, servlces Lo members, and currenL emphases,
professlonal credenLlallng, lncludlng cerLlflcaLlon, llcensure, and accredlLaLlon pracLlces and
sLandards, and Lhe effecLs of publlc pollcy on Lhese lssues,
publlc and prlvaLe pollcy processes, lncludlng Lhe role of Lhe professlonal counselor ln
advocaLlng on behalf of Lhe professlon,
advocacy processes needed Lo address lnsLlLuLlonal and soclal barrlers LhaL lmpede access,
equlLy, and success for cllenLs, and
eLhlcal sLandards of ACA and relaLed enLlLles, and appllcaLlons of eLhlcal and legal
conslderaLlons ln professlonal counsellng.
SCClAL Anu CuL1u8AL ulvL8Sl1? - sLudles LhaL provlde an undersLandlng of Lhe culLural conLexL of
relaLlonshlps, lssues and Lrends ln a mulLlculLural and dlverse socleLy relaLed Lo such facLors as
culLure, eLhnlclLy, naLlonallLy, age, gender, sexual orlenLaLlon, menLal and physlcal characLerlsLlcs,
educaLlon, famlly values, rellglous and splrlLual values, socloeconomlc sLaLus and unlque
characLerlsLlcs of lndlvlduals, couples, famllles, eLhnlc groups, and communlLles lncludlng all of Lhe
mulLlculLural and plurallsLlc Lrends, lncludlng characLerlsLlcs and concerns beLween and
wlLhln dlverse groups naLlonally and lnLernaLlonally,
aLLlLudes, bellefs, undersLandlngs, and acculLuraLlve experlences, lncludlng speclflc
experlenLlal learnlng acLlvlLles,
lndlvldual, couple, famlly, group, and communlLy sLraLegles for worklng wlLh dlverse
populaLlons and eLhnlc groups,
counselors' roles ln soclal [usLlce, advocacy and confllcL resoluLlon, culLural self-awareness,
Lhe naLure of blases, pre[udlces, processes of lnLenLlonal and unlnLenLlonal oppresslon and
dlscrlmlnaLlon, and oLher culLurally supporLed behavlors LhaL are deLrlmenLal Lo Lhe growLh
of Lhe human splrlL, mlnd, or body,
Lheorles of mulLlculLural counsellng, Lheorles of ldenLlLy developmenL, and mulLlculLural
compeLencles, and
eLhlcal and legal conslderaLlons.
PuMAn C8CW1P Anu uLvLLCMLn1 - sLudles LhaL provlde an undersLandlng of Lhe naLure and
needs of lndlvlduals aL all developmenLal levels, lncludlng all of Lhe followlng:
Lheorles of lndlvldual and famlly developmenL and LranslLlons across Lhe llfe-span,
Lheorles of learnlng and personallLy developmenL,
human behavlor lncludlng an undersLandlng of developmenLal crlses, dlsablllLy, excepLlonal
behavlor, addlcLlve behavlor, psychopaLhology, and slLuaLlonal and envlronmenLal facLors
LhaL affecL boLh normal and abnormal behavlor,
sLraLegles for faclllLaLlng opLlmum developmenL over Lhe llfe-span, and
eLhlcal and legal conslderaLlons.
CA8LL8 uLvLLCMLn1 - sLudles LhaL provlde an undersLandlng of career developmenL and relaLed
llfe facLors, lncludlng all of Lhe followlng:
career developmenL Lheorles and declslon-maklng models,
career, avocaLlonal, educaLlonal, occupaLlonal and labor markeL lnformaLlon resources,
vlsual and prlnL medla, compuLer-based career lnformaLlon sysLems, and oLher elecLronlc
career lnformaLlon sysLems,
career developmenL program plannlng, organlzaLlon, lmplemenLaLlon, admlnlsLraLlon, and
lnLerrelaLlonshlps among and beLween work, famlly, and oLher llfe roles and facLors
lncludlng Lhe role of dlverslLy and gender ln career developmenL,
career and educaLlonal plannlng, placemenL, follow-up, and evaluaLlon,
assessmenL lnsLrumenLs and Lechnlques LhaL are relevanL Lo career plannlng and declslon
Lechnology-based career developmenL appllcaLlons and sLraLegles, lncludlng compuLer-
asslsLed career guldance and lnformaLlon sysLems and approprlaLe world-wlde web slLes,
career counsellng processes, Lechnlques, and resources, lncludlng Lhose appllcable Lo
speclflc populaLlons, and
eLhlcal and legal conslderaLlons.

PLLlnC 8LLA1lCnSPlS - sLudles LhaL provlde an undersLandlng of counsellng and consulLaLlon
processes, lncludlng all of Lhe followlng:
counselor and consulLanL characLerlsLlcs and behavlors LhaL lnfluence helplng processes
lncludlng age, gender, and eLhnlc dlfferences, verbal and nonverbal behavlors and personal
characLerlsLlcs, orlenLaLlons, and skllls,
an undersLandlng of essenLlal lnLervlewlng and counsellng skllls so LhaL Lhe sLudenL ls able
Lo develop a LherapeuLlc relaLlonshlp, esLabllsh approprlaLe counsellng goals, deslgn
lnLervenLlon sLraLegles, evaluaLe cllenL ouLcome, and successfully LermlnaLe Lhe counselor-
cllenL relaLlonshlp. SLudles wlll also faclllLaLe sLudenL self-awareness so LhaL Lhe counselor-
cllenL relaLlonshlp ls LherapeuLlc and Lhe counselor malnLalns approprlaLe professlonal
counsellng Lheorles LhaL provlde Lhe sLudenL wlLh a conslsLenL model(s) Lo concepLuallze
cllenL presenLaLlon and selecL approprlaLe counsellng lnLervenLlons. SLudenL experlences
should lnclude an examlnaLlon of Lhe hlsLorlcal developmenL of counsellng Lheorles, an
exploraLlon of affecLlve, behavloral, and cognlLlve Lheorles, and an opporLunlLy Lo apply Lhe
LheoreLlcal maLerlal Lo case sLudles. SLudenLs wlll also be exposed Lo models of counsellng
LhaL are conslsLenL wlLh currenL professlonal research and pracLlce ln Lhe fleld so LhaL Lhey
can begln Lo develop a personal model of counsellng,
a sysLems perspecLlve LhaL provldes an undersLandlng of famlly and oLher sysLems Lheorles
and ma[or models of famlly and relaLed lnLervenLlons. SLudenLs wlll be exposed Lo a
raLlonale for selecLlng famlly and oLher sysLems Lheorles as approprlaLe modallLles for
famlly assessmenL and counsellng,
a general framework for undersLandlng and pracLlclng consulLaLlon. SLudenL experlences
should lnclude an examlnaLlon of Lhe hlsLorlcal developmenL of consulLaLlon, an exploraLlon
ofL he sLages of consulLaLlon and Lhe ma[or models of consulLaLlon, and an opporLunlLy Lo
apply Lhe LheoreLlcal maLerlal Lo case presenLaLlons. SLudenLs wlll begln Lo develop a
personal model of consulLaLlon,
lnLegraLlon of Lechnologlcal sLraLegles and appllcaLlons wlLhln counsellng and consulLaLlon
processes, and
eLhlcal and legal conslderaLlons.

C8Cu WC8k - sLudles LhaL provlde boLh LheoreLlcal and experlenLlal undersLandlngs of group
purpose, developmenL, dynamlcs, counsellng Lheorles, group counsellng meLhods and skllls, and
oLher group approaches, lncludlng all of Lhe followlng:
prlnclples of group dynamlcs, lncludlng group process componenLs, developmenLal sLage
Lheorles, group members' roles and behavlors, and LherapeuLlc facLors of group work,
group leadershlp sLyles and approaches, lncludlng characLerlsLlcs of varlous Lypes of group
leaders and leadershlp sLyles,
Lheorles of group counsellng, lncludlng commonalLles, dlsLlngulshlng characLerlsLlcs, and
perLlnenL research and llLeraLure,
group counsellng meLhods, lncludlng group counselor orlenLaLlons and behavlors,
approprlaLe selecLlon crlLerla and meLhods, and meLhods of evaluaLlon of effecLlveness,
approaches used for oLher Lypes of group work, lncludlng Lask groups, psychoeducaLlonal
groups, and Lherapy groups,
professlonal preparaLlon sLandards for group leaders, and
eLhlcal and legal conslderaLlons.

ASSLSSMLn1 - sLudles LhaL provlde an undersLandlng of lndlvldual and group approaches Lo
assessmenL and evaluaLlon, lncludlng all of Lhe followlng:
hlsLorlcal perspecLlves concernlng Lhe naLure and meanlng of assessmenL,
baslc concepLs of sLandardlzed and non-sLandardlzed LesLlng and oLher assessmenL
Lechnlques lncludlng norm-referenced and crlLerlon-referenced assessmenL, envlronmenLal
assessmenL, performance assessmenL, lndlvldual and group LesL and lnvenLory meLhods,
behavloral observaLlons, and compuLer-managed and compuLer-asslsLed meLhods,
sLaLlsLlcal concepLs, lncludlng scales of measuremenL, measures of cenLral Lendency, lndlces
of varlablllLy, shapes and Lypes of dlsLrlbuLlons, and correlaLlons,
rellablllLy (l.e., Lheory of measuremenL error, models of rellablllLy, and Lhe use of rellablllLy
valldlLy (l.e., evldence of valldlLy, Lypes of valldlLy, and Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween rellablllLy
and valldlLy,
age, gender, sexual orlenLaLlon, eLhnlclLy, language, dlsablllLy, culLure, splrlLuallLy, and oLher
facLors relaLed Lo Lhe assessmenL and evaluaLlon of lndlvlduals, groups, and speclflc
sLraLegles for selecLlng, admlnlsLerlng, and lnLerpreLlng assessmenL and evaluaLlon
lnsLrumenLs and Lechnlques ln counsellng,
an undersLandlng of general prlnclples and meLhods of case concepLuallzaLlon, assessmenL,
and/or dlagnoses of menLal and emoLlonal sLaLus, and
eLhlcal and legal conslderaLlons.
8LSLA8CP Anu 8CC8AM LvALuA1lCn - sLudles LhaL provlde an undersLandlng of research
meLhods, sLaLlsLlcal analysls, needs assessmenL, and program evaluaLlon, lncludlng all of Lhe
Lhe lmporLance of research and opporLunlLles and dlfflculLles ln conducLlng research ln Lhe
counsellng professlon,
research meLhods such as quallLaLlve, quanLlLaLlve, slngle-case deslgns, acLlon research, and
ouLcome-based research,
use of Lechnology and sLaLlsLlcal meLhods ln conducLlng research and program evaluaLlon,
assumlng baslc compuLer llLeracy,
prlnclples, models, and appllcaLlons of needs assessmenL, program evaluaLlon, and use of
flndlngs Lo effecL program modlflcaLlons,
use of research Lo lmprove counsellng effecLlveness, and
eLhlcal and legal conslderaLlons.

O*(.6 X"%4)\
WlLh Lhe correcL preparaLlon, we know LhaL you wlll be prepared Lo do well on Lhese exams. aylng
close aLLenLlon Lo your classes, your requlremenLs ln your program, all learnlng experlences and
carlng for yourself and your anxleLy level wlll ensure LhaL you have a saLlsfacLory resulL on Lhe CCL
and Lhe nCL. We hope LhaL Lhls gulde wlll help you ln your [ourney. Also, please feel free Lo
download Lhe pracLlce quesLlons under CCL & nCL racLlce Lxams ln Lhe Pandbooks secLlon of
Lhe CS webslLe. lease provlde ur. Clnlcola (glnlcolam2[ wlLh any commenLs LhaL
you may have abouL Lhls gulde.

!6*(*;.6 =&(/.6 >&.6/' !"7()&6*(9 !"#$%&'&()*+& 01.#*(./*"( W$$6*;./*"(

Pome Malllng Address:_________________________________________________
ClLy, SLaLe & Zlp:_______________________________________________________
1elephone: Pome: ______________ Work:______________ Cell:______________
Comprehenslve Lxam for _____lall _____ Sprlng ?ear ___________
1. lease check off Lhe courses you have compleLed Lo daLe and clrcle Lhe courses you are currenLly Laklng.
?ou musL have compleLed aL leasL 2/3 of your courses on your planned program of sLudy. AfLer
obLalnlng your advlsor's slgnaLure, reLurn Lhe form Lo 1anya !ones, Lhe CS secreLary.

_____ CS 340 - undersLandlng sychologlcal 1esLlng and LvaluaLlon
_____ CS 330 - Counsellng rocedures
_____ CS 368 - Counsellng and Llfe Span uevelopmenL
_____ CS 369 - 1heorles of Counsellng
_____ CS 372 - sychology of Career uevelopmenL
_____ CS 378 - Counsellng and AssessmenL of CulLurally ulverse opulaLlons
_____ CS 393 - rofesslonal CrlenLaLlon and LLhlcal lssues ln CommunlLy Counsellng
_____ CS 603 - lnLroducLlon Lo lamlly Counsellng
_____ CS 636 - Croup Counsellng
_____ CS 691 - 8esearch and LvaluaLlon ln Schools and CommunlLy Agencles
_____ CS 371 - ulagnosls of MenLal and LmoLlonal ulsorders
_____ CS 332 - Counsellng racLlcum
_____ CS 333 - Counsellng racLlcum Semlnar
_____ CS 676 - Counsellng lnLernshlp l & ll

2. As per Lhe graduaLe caLalogue, Lhe Comprehenslve LxamlnaLlon ln Lhe ma[or fleld of sLudy ls seL by Lhe
graduaLe program concerned and may be scheduled any Llme afLer aL leasL Lwo-Lhlrds of Lhe planned
program has been compleLed and be ln aL leasL Lhe flrsL semesLer of lnLernshlp. A candldaLe who falls
Lhe comprehenslve examlnaLlon may peLlLlon Lhe graduaLe program advlsor for a second examlnaLlon lf
Lhere are exLenuaLlng clrcumsLances. lf Lhe peLlLlon ls noL granLed, Lhe sLudenL wlll be dlsmlssed from
Lhe program and excluded from furLher candldacy (p.23-26).

3. lease choose Lhe formaL Lo recelve your scores. lease check boLh lf you would llke your resulLs vla
emall and regular mall.
! 8y Lmall
! AL emall provlded on fronL of Lhls form
! AL Lhls emall:____________________________________________
! 8y 8egular Mall
! AL malllng address provlded on fronL of Lhls form
! AL Lhls address:____________________________________________________

______________________________ AppllcanL's SlgnaLure
______________________________ School Counsellng Comprehenslve Lxam CoordlnaLor
(revlsed 10/13/2011)

:;'""6 !"7()&6*(9 !"#$%&'&()*+& 01.#*(./*"( W$$6*;./*"(
Pome Malllng Address:_________________________________________________
ClLy, SLaLe & Zlp:_______________________________________________________
1elephone: Pome: ______________ Work:______________ Cell:______________

Comprehenslve Lxam for _____lall _____ Sprlng ?ear ___________
1. lease check off Lhe courses you have compleLed Lo daLe and clrcle Lhe courses you are currenLly
Laklng. ?ou musL have compleLed aL leasL 2/3 of your courses on your planned program of sLudy.
AfLer obLalnlng your advlsor's slgnaLure, reLurn Lhe form Lo 1anya !ones, Lhe CS secreLary.

______ CS 340 - undersLandlng sychologlcal 1esLlng and LvaluaLlon
______ CS 330 - Counsellng rocedures
______ CS 333 - lnLerpersonal Croup uynamlcs
______ CS 368 - Counsellng and Llfe Span uevelopmenL
______ CS 369 - 1heorles of Counsellng
______ CS 370 - rlnclples and CrganlzaLlon of School Counsellng Servlces
______ CS 372 - sychology of Career uevelopmenL
______ CS 373 - Counsellng SLudenLs for College & unlverslLy LducaLlon
______ CS 378 - Counsellng and AssessmenL of CulLurally ulverse opulaLlons
______ CS 603 - lnLroducLlon Lo lamlly Counsellng
______ CS 606 - Counsellng rocedures wlLh Chlldren
______ CS 636 - Croup Counsellng
______ CS 691 - 8esearch and LvaluaLlon ln Schools and CommunlLy Agencles
______ CS 332 - lndlvldual racLlcum Supervlslon
______ CS 333 - Counsellng racLlcum Semlnar
______ CS 676 - Counsellng lnLernshlp l and ll

2. As per Lhe graduaLe caLalogue, Lhe Comprehenslve LxamlnaLlon ln Lhe ma[or fleld of sLudy ls seL by
Lhe graduaLe program concerned and may be scheduled any Llme afLer aL leasL Lwo-Lhlrds of Lhe
planned program has been compleLed and be ln aL leasL Lhe flrsL semesLer of lnLernshlp. A candldaLe
who falls Lhe comprehenslve examlnaLlon may peLlLlon Lhe graduaLe program advlsor for a second
examlnaLlon lf Lhere are exLenuaLlng clrcumsLances. lf Lhe peLlLlon ls noL granLed, Lhe sLudenL wlll be
dlsmlssed from Lhe program and excluded from furLher candldacy (p.23-26).

3. lease choose Lhe formaL Lo recelve your scores. lease check boLh lf you would llke your resulLs vla
emall and regular mall.
! 8y Lmall
! AL emall provlded on fronL of Lhls form
! AL Lhls emall:____________________________________________
! 8y 8egular Mall
! AL malllng address provlded on fronL of Lhls form
! AL Lhls address:____________________________________________________

______________________________ AppllcanL's SlgnaLure
______________________________ School Counsellng Comprehenslve Lxam CoordlnaLor
(revlsed 10/13/2011)

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