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Juck Kirby

Creu1r & Ar1is1

by 5ue MumiI1n
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Published by ABDO Publishing Company, 4940 Viking Drive, Suite 622, Edina, Minnesota 55435.
Copyright 2007 by Abdo Consulting Group, Inc. International copyrights reserved in all countries.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher.
ABDO & Daughters is a trademark and logo of ABDO Publishing Company.
Printed in the United States.
Editor: John Hamilton
Graphic Design: Sue Hamilton
Cover Design: Neil Klinepier
Cover Illustration: Courtesy Jack Kirby estate
Interior Photos and Illustrations: pp 1-32: All Marvel comic book character and cover images
used with permission of Marvel Entertainment, Inc.; All photos of Jack Kirby and his family used
with permission of the Jack Kirby estate; p 4 Manhattan Lower East Side street scene, AP/Wide
World; p 7 Boys Brotherhood Republic, Getty Images; p 8 Bob Kane, Getty Images; p 16 American
troops land on beach at Normandy, Digital Stock; p 21 Charles F. Murphy holding comic book
panels, Corbis.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Hamilton, Sue L., 1959-
Jack Kirby / Sue Hamilton.
p. cm. -- (Comic book creators)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13: 978-1-59928-298-5
ISBN-10: 1-59928-298-4
1. Kirby, Jack--Juvenile literature. 2. Cartoonists--United States--Biography--Juvenile literature.
I. Title. II. Series: Hamilton, Sue L., 1959- Comic book creators.
PN6727.K57Z63 2006
Jack 'King Kirby..................................................................... 4
The Teenage Artist .................................................................... 6
Opposites Attract....................................................................... 8
Captain America is Born......................................................... 12
Love and War .......................................................................... 16
Kids and Comics..................................................................... 18
The Silver Age of Comics....................................................... 22
The King of Comics................................................................ 28
Glossary .................................................................................. 30
Index ....................................................................................... 32
Juck "King" Kirby
aptain America. The Fantastic Four. The Incredible
Hulk. The X-Men. The Mighty Thor. The Silver Surfer.
These are just a few of the most popular comic book
characters created by an amazing man named Jacob Kurtzberg.
He was born on August 28, 1917. Although he would never be
more than 5 4 tall, he would grow up to become the comic
book world`s legendary Jack 'King Kirby.
Born on the Lower East Side of New York`s Manhattan
Island, Jacob was the oldest child of Rose and Benjamin
Kurtzberg. They were Jewish immigrants who had left their
native Austria, arriving in America seeking freedom and
opportunity. Benjamin Kurtzberg worked as a tailor in a
factory, making men`s suits. Rose found work wherever she
could. She was also an avid storyteller, and from the time
her son was born, she told him stories and legends from the
old country. With this introduction, the boy learned how to
create an exciting story. But Jacob`s real life was more about
surviving from day-to-day.
Jacob`s nickname was 'Jakie. Every neighborhood had its
own group, and Jakie became a member of the Suffolk Street
Gang. Their 'fun included getting into fghts-everywhere
from the streets to the rooftops to the
fre escapes. Jakie also got into fghts
protecting his brother, David, who was
fve years younger.
As Jacob grew up during the Great
Depression, he had to work to help
support his family. He sold newspapers,
although he admitted he was never
very good at it. He also got small jobs
running errands for people. He had to do
whatever he could to earn money.
Below: Early 20

century pushcart
vendors sell their
along the sidewalk
of Manhattan`s
Lower East Side.
Above: A young Jack Kirby with his parents, Rose and Benjamin Kurtzberg.
Tbe Teenuge
acob Kurtzberg`s experiences on the street made him
tough, but he used his hands for something more than
just making fsts. He drew pictures. His creative and
artistic talents showed up early. He would later state, 'I was
there in the shadow of the chipped brick walls of the slum, my
frst drawing board. He began to check out 'how-to-draw
books from the library. He doodled on scraps of paper. He
went to Saturday afternoon movies and watched his heroes. He
read science fction books. All of this helped him learn how to
create an exciting story.
One day after school he found a pulp magazine in the street
called Wonder Stories. The huge, colorful pictures of rocket
ships and adventurous characters changed everything for him.
He wanted to create art like that!
In 1931, at the age of 14, Jacob went to art school at the
Pratt Institute in New York. He lasted there a week. His father
had lost his job, and the family couldn`t afford to pay for the
young artist to attend the school. But Jacob wasn`t exactly the
type of 'fne artist the school was teaching. He had his own
style, and rather than have formal training, he continued to
teach himself.
As a teen, he became a cartoonist for the Boys Brotherhood
Republic, a newspaper for young people created by Harry
Slonaker, a social worker who wanted to help boys learn useful
skills and responsibility. At age 16, Kurtzberg became the
newspaper`s artist, and produced his own comic strip, called
K's Konceptions.
Below: The cover
of the October 1931
issue of Wonder
Stories, edited by
Hugo Gernsback,
with artwork by
Frank R. Paul.
The fghting on the street continued, and Jacob wanted an out. He didn`t want to
be poor anymore. He wanted something more, and it looked like his talent could do
it for him. As Jacob got older, work and money became much more important to the
Kurtzberg family. In 1935, the young Kurtzberg quit high school in the beginning
of his senior year to take a job as an 'in-betweener with Max Fleischer`s animation
studio. An in-betweener drew the pictures between 'key drawings. Jack`s test to get
the job required him to draw the picture of cartoon character Popeye`s leg taking a
step. He could do it easily.
Jacob kept the job for two years, but it was the same thing day after day. He hated
the work, but it gave him practice. It also gave him something that would help him
greatly in the future: speed at drawing.
With this experience, he began looking
for something new to do with his talents,
and he soon found it.
Above: Jack Kirby`s drawing test of Popeye for Max Fleischer`s animation studio.
Working as an 'in-betweener, Kirby completed the motion in between the three
'key frames drawn by the chief animator.
Left: A Boys Brotherhood Republic in
New York City, where troubled boys,
including gang members, could fnd
shelter from the harsh conditions of the
streets, or even learn useful job skills.
As a teenager, Jack Kirby became a
cartoonist for the Boys Brotherhood
Republic newspaper.
Cppsi1es A11ruc1
incoln Features Syndicate created newspaper cartoons
and comic strips. At the age of 19, Jacob began working
for them. Here, he drew everything from pirates (Black
Buccaneer) and sailors (Socco the Sea Dog), to detectives
(Abdul Jones) and Western cowboys (The Lone Rider). The
boy from the Lower East Side was quickly becoming an all-
around talented artist.
It was during this time that a momentous event occurred: In
June 1938, the new Action Comics #1 was published, featuring
Superman. It took a few months, but by issue #7, it was a sell-
out! Almost overnight, comic books became big business, and
Jacob wanted in on the action.
He carried his portfolio of work over to Art Syndication
Company, and got a job as a comic book artist, working for
Will Eisner and Jerry Iger. Here, Jacob would produce his frst
comic book, which was called Wild Boy Magazine. He also
worked on an oversized comic book
called Jumbo. In addition, he turned
out science fction (Diary of Dr.
Hayward) and adventure (The Count
of Monte Cristo).
Jacob worked with several future
comic book legends, including Bob
Kahn, who would later change his name
to Bob Kane and create Batman. But it
was his next move, to Fox Publications,
that really helped move Jacob Kurtzberg
into fame.
Below: Bob Kane,
creator of Batman.
Jack Kirby worked
with Kane as a
comic book artist
for Art Syndication
Company in the
late 1930s.
Above: Jack Kirby as a young man, hard at work on his drawing table.
Now 21 years old, Jacob had been working for several
months for Victor Fox, when a tall, skinny young man by
the name of Joe Simon was hired as the senior editor for the
company. The two were quite opposite. Where Jacob was
short and somewhat wide (from his love of sweets), Joe was
nearly a foot taller and very thin. Jacob earned the small sum
of $15 a week; Joe earned $85 a week as editor-in-chief. Jacob
spent most of his time on the art, and while Joe was an artist,
he was also a businessman and a dealmaker. But the two
worked together well, and when Jacob, who was still helping
to support his family, asked Joe for freelance work that Jacob
could do at night, an amazing partnership was born.
Together, Jacob and Joe rented a one-room offce. They
began working nights and weekends on such comics as The
Blue Beetle, a crime-fghter whose bulletproof beetle costume
was quite unique. Jacob`s history on the streets and his time as
an in-betweener served him well, as he quickly created art that
showed real action, not just someone throwing a punch.
Working on the side, Jacob was paid 10 times what he
made at Fox Publications. But he continued working his day
job at $15 a week. It was steady work that helped his family.
But Jacob Kurtzberg would fnally make a major change.
Above: Jack Kirby
drew this panel for
the comic strip,
The Blue Beetle,
which ran on
January 27, 1940.
Charles Nicholas
was a 'house
name used by
several artists who
worked for Fox
Right: In this 1945
photo, Jack Kirby
is seen standing on
the left, with his
friend and creative
partner, Joe Simon,
on the right. In the
middle is Alfred
Harvey, who later
went on to start
Harvey Comics,
publisher of such
favorites as Casper
the Friendly Ghost
and Richie Rich.
During the early 1940s, Jack Kirby
and Joe Simon worked together on
many popular comic book creations.
Clockwise, from left: Champion Comics
#8, June 1940; Red Raven #1, August
1940; Blue Bolt #3, August 1940 (the
frst Kirby & Simon collaboration);
Speed Comics #19, June 1942.
Cup1uin Americu
is 8rn
uring his time as an artist, Jacob invented a number of
pseudonyms-fctitious names-for himself: Fred Sande,
Michael Griffth, Jack Curtiss, Floyd Kelly, Lance Kirby,
Curt Davis, Jack Cortez. He didn`t want Victor Fox to know
that he was freelancing, and he wanted his name to sound more
'American. So he used false names.
Finally, in the fall of 1939, he quit Fox`s company. A few
days later, he went down to City Hall and offcially changed
his name to Jack Kirby. His parents didn`t like it, but this was
close to his real name, and it would be the name that millions of
comic book fans would come to know.
Joe Simon was now working with Martin Goodman at
Timely Comics. Simon brought Jack in as a co-creator and
artist. (Timely would eventually become Marvel Comics some
20 years later.) Joe and Jack created a success for Timely in
March 1940 with The Vision, a mystical green-suited hero who
appeared wherever there was smoke. The idea was born when
the two men smoked cigars in their small offce.
By this time, Jack`s family had moved
to a home in Brooklyn, New York. They
lived on the frst foor. New neighbors
soon arrived to live on the second foor.
Rosalind 'Roz Goldstein was nearly 18
when her family moved in. Jack, who was
23 at the time, introduced himself, offering
to show her his etchings. She didn`t
know what 'etchings were, but quickly
discovered the young man`s drawings
were wonderful. They began dating.
Below: Jack and
Roz Kirby at a
cafe in Brooklyn,
New York, in
Above: Jack Kirby at the New York World`s Fair in 1939.
Jack may have been lucky with love,
but he and Joe were having a creative
dry spell. Nothing had really taken off
for the pair since The Vision. It was
during this time that Nazi Germany`s
Adolf Hitler marched soldiers all across
Europe. Everyone hated this real-life
villain, and that gave Joe Simon an idea.
Joe wanted a hero who could take on
and defeat Hitler. So was born Captain
America. Martin Goodman wasn`t sure
this was a great idea. Half of the world
was out to get this guy, and Hitler could
be dead by the time the comic book was
out on newsstands.
But Joe and Jack moved ahead. With
a red, white, and blue costume covering
bulging muscles, this heroic fgure
entered the world of comics in December
1940 (although the issue was dated March 1941). The cover
featured Captain America giving Hitler a knockout punch to
the jaw. A million copies were sold. Nearly overnight, Captain
America was a super success. As Joe Simon said, 'We were
entertaining the world.
With this success, the two closed down their small offce
and Jack went to work at Timely as the company`s art director.
Their freelancing didn`t end, however. They worked on
Fawcett Publications` Captain Marvel. Once again, they helped
produce a comic book that was a huge success.
Throughout 1941, the twosome created successes such
as USA, All-Winners, and Young Allies, each selling nearly
a million copies a month. However, on December 7, 1941,
Japanese planes attacked the United States Naval Base at Pearl
Harbor, Hawaii. Jack and Roz heard about it when leaving
the theater that evening. As they walked out, the usually busy,
happy street was flled with worried, concerned people. They
quickly learned what had happened. The next day, America
declared war on Japan, and Jack Kirby`s life would soon
change dramatically.
Above: Captain
America #1,
showing Captain
America slugging
Adolf Hitler.
Facing page:
A Jack Kirby
illustration of
Captain America.
Lve und wur
n May 23, 1942, Jack Kirby married Roz. Jack and
Joe Simon continued to successfully create comics
such as The Boy Commandos, stories about kid
gangs who took on Nazis and other evildoers who posed a
threat to America. Financially, Jack Kirby was doing well. He
and Roz moved into their own apartment in Manhattan Beach,
New York.
On June 7, 1943, Jack received a telegram from the United
States government-he had been drafted into the Army. Since
Jack was married, as well as helping care for his parents by
giving them money, he hadn`t been recruited in the beginning
of the war. But he had known it would be coming. Joe Simon
had joined the Coast Guard a few months earlier.
Jack was part of the combat infantry. After a trip across the
Atlantic Ocean, his outft reached Normandy, France, on June
16, 1944. Ten days earlier, on D-Day, nearly 3 million Allied
troops had fought one of the largest battles of World War II.
Landing on the coast of France, his outft marched across
Omaha Beach, which was still covered with the bodies of
thousands of soldiers. Jack would never forget the horror.
Right: On D-Day,
June 6, 1944,
American troops
landed on the beach
of Normandy,
France. It was one
of the largest battles
of World War II.
All his years of brawling on the
streets served him well. Jack was a
good fghter. His outft was under the
command of the famous General George
S. Patton. They moved constantly so the
German soldiers would get no rest. Of
course, the Americans never rested either.
But at least by always moving, they
stayed warm.
One day, Jack was called upon to
use his artistic skills. A lieutenant in the
command center found out that Jack was
the comic book artist who drew Captain
America and The Boy Commandos.
At frst Jack thought the man wanted a
portrait. Instead, he found out that he
was needed as an advance scout. Kirby
was ordered to go into specifc towns and
draw maps and pictures of the area and
any high-ranking soldiers or offcials he
saw there. It was a dangerous job. Basically, Jack was asked to
be a spy.
Jack`s days were flled with fghting, spying, drawing,
and surviving. He never liked Army life. He wrote letters to
Roz, which included small pictures of the people around him.
Sometimes, those people were dead by the time Roz received
the letters.
Private Jack Kirby was always near the action. One winter,
his feet froze, and his legs turned into what he described as
purple 'elephant legs. He was sent to a hospital in London,
England. His buddies, whose legs were black, lost their limbs.
Jack`s legs were purple, and he eventually recovered.
At the start of 1945, Jack was sent home by boat. He felt
lucky. Others aboard the ship had lost hands, legs, fngers,
noses, and ears. In May 1945, Germany surrendered. Jack
was honorably discharged on July 20, 1945. In August 1945,
atomic bombs were dropped on Japan. On September 2, Japan
offcially surrendered. World War II was over and Jack Kirby
had survived.
Above: Jack Kirby
in uniform, during
World War II.
Kids und Cmics
ack and Roz Kirby became proud parents of a baby
daughter, named Susan, on December 6, 1945. Jack
was back in the comics business, teaming with Joe
Simon, who had also survived the war years.
Once again, this was a boom time for comics. Kirby and
Simon did well together. Their characters were very popular.
They cut deals with their publisher that gave them 50 percent
of the profts. Together, they produced Justice Traps the Guilty,
a crime comic. They also created Boy Explorers, with stories
similar to The Boy Commandos.
Money was good in the business, but there was a whole
group of readers out there that nobody was reaching: females.
Publishers wanted comic books that girls could read. Jack
and Joe created Young Romance. In 1947, the frst issue
sold a million copies. Following issues, with titles such as
'Misguided Heart and 'Boy Crazy, became top sellers.
The two men, along with their families, moved into houses
across the street from each other on Long Island, New York.
Each had a studio
in their house, and
they worked out
of each other`s
homes, coming
up with ideas for
their next great
Below: Jack and
Roz Kirby, with
their son, Neal,
and daughter
Susan, in front
of their home on
Long Island, NY,
in the late 1940s.
Above: Jack Kirby in uniform in 1945, home from the battlefelds of Europe.
Both their business and personal lives were busy. Jack`s
son, Neal, was born on May 25, 1948. Young Love was added
to their romance line in 1949. Westerns were again popular, so
in October 1950, Jack`s soon-to-be-successful Western comic,
Boys' Ranch, was published. A daughter, Barbara, came along
on November 29, 1952. Jack was home to help Roz with the
kids during the day, and then worked at night when everyone
was asleep. Jack never slowed down, penciling as much as
three pages of comics a night. Joe and Jack wanted more
business, so in early 1954 they started their own publishing
company, Mainline Comics. Their creations included Bullseye:
Western Scout, In Love, Police Trap, and Foxhole.
Below: Examples
of comic books
produced by the
team of Jack Kirby
and Joe Simon in
the late 1940s and
early 1950s.
Right: Jack Kirby
proofng comic
book covers in his
offce in 1949.
Business was steady for Jack. But in 1954, a doctor named
Fredric Wertham released a book, Seduction of the Innocent,
which blamed comics for ruining kids` lives. The United States
Senate began investigating comics. The comic book business
was badly hurt.
To stop the loss of business, most comic book publishers
agreed in 1954 to be part of a new group called the Comics
Magazine Association of America. The association was in
charge of the Comics Code Authority, which created guidelines
to make sure comics weren`t too violent.
If a comic was approved, it was awarded a seal of approval,
which was printed on the front cover. It was a form of self-
censorship, but comic book companies followed the rules to
stay in business. Without the seal of approval, most stores and
newsstands refused to sell the comics.
Even though comics became less violent, sales continued to
decrease because of the controversy. Mainline Comics, Joe and
Jack`s new publishing company, soon went out of business.
After that, Joe Simon went to work in the advertising industry.
But Jack Kirby continued to create comics. His most exciting
years were still ahead of him.
Above: Judge
Charles F. Murphy,
of the Comics
Association of
America, holds
a group of comic
books 'approved
by the Comics
Code Authority.
Tbe 5iIver Age
f Cmics
or the rest of the 1950s, Jack Kirby continued creating
comics. On September 6, 1960, his youngest daughter,
Lisa, was born. With a family of four kids to support,
Jack had to stay busy. He worked on Western Tales, featuring
Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie, as well as the mystery series
Black Cat Mystic. He produced romances such as Young
Brides, First Love, and First Romance. When bug-eyed
monsters (BEM`s) and aliens became popular, Jack created
Tales of the Unexpected, and Challengers of the Unknown.
Jack worked with such popular comic book companies as
Harvey, Atlas, and National, which later became DC Comics.
But it would be Martin Goodman`s Atlas, soon to be called
Marvel Comics, that some of Kirby`s greatest work would
come to light.
Jack had been working at Atlas when publisher Martin
Goodman brought on board his wife`s cousin, Stanley Lieber,
in 1941. Stanley changed his name to Stan Lee, and soon
became the head editor of the company. He and Jack worked
on many projects together.
After Martin Goodman learned that National Comics`
The Justice League was doing so well, he asked for a comic
book with a 'super team. Stan and Jack came up with the
characters. Then Jack brought them to life with his artistic
skills. The result was The Fantastic Four, which included Mr.
Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch, and The Thing.
Using his love of science fction for inspiration, Jack had fun
creating the weird and unique characters. But it was The Thing
that he would later say was most like himself-a tough fghter
with a kind heart.
Below: Fantastic
Four #1, November
1961, with pencil
artwork by Jack
Kirby and story by
Stan Lee.
Above: Jack Kirby poses in front of a framed piece of artwork featuring his drawings
for The Fantastic Four.
The comic book hit shelves in late
autumn, 1961. It was a fantastic success.
With success came money for Marvel
Comics, and with money came more
work for Jack.
Jack continued working on The
Fantastic Four, as well as Westerns,
romances, and aliens. Then he and
Stan Lee created a type of Dr. Jeckyl/
Mr. Hyde character. Jack heard a story of a woman whose
child was caught under a car. In her panic, she gained
superhuman strength to lift the car and free the child. Jack
and Stan combined that tale with the fctional character of
Frankenstein`s monster. Their story involved a scientist
named Bruce Banner, who was exposed to gamma rays in an
experiment gone bad. Afterwards, whenever Banner got mad,
he turned into an incredibly strong, green-skinned monster who
took on crooks and villains. The Incredible Hulk hit stands in
May 1962. Once again, Kirby and Stan Lee had produced a hit.
Everything was going very well at Marvel, and the success
was to continue. Editor Stan Lee came up with an idea for
a spider-like character. Artist Steve Ditko was called in to
work on the illustrations for the frst story. Jack produced the
frst Spider-Man cover, which was introduced in the Amazing
Fantasy comic book of August 1962. It was another smash hit
for Marvel.
Although Jack didn`t work on the Spider-Man stories at
this time, he continued to do some of the covers. Jack was
becoming famous in the world of comic book art, and he was
a very busy man. In the comic book Journey into Mystery,
Jack drew The Mighty Thor, the Norse god of thunder. As a
boy, Jack`s mom told him the legends of their Scandinavian
homeland. Jack enjoyed creating the god`s imaginative home
of Asgard. Clever, futuristic buildings foated on a cloud set
in deep space. Stan and Jack built stories around this world of
immortals. Three years later, in March 1966, the team`s hard
work paid off when Thor was given his own comic book.
Above: Jack Kirby
hard at work in his
studio in 1965.
Above: Jack Kirby posing with a costumed Spider-Man at a comics convention.
In May 1963, Jack`s military experience came in handy
when he started working on a new comic, Sgt. Fury and his
Howling Commandos. Jack grew very good at drawing groups
of comic book characters. Because of this valuable experience,
Kirby was given the job of drawing Marvel`s next big creation:
The X-Men.
Introduced in September 1963, this group of super-powered
mutant teens with 'X-tra powers was led by wheelchair-
bound Professor Charles Xavier. Jack used his drawing talents
to design some of the most unique characters ever produced
in a comic book. Cyclops was a smart young man, whose eyes
emitted force beams. Iceman was a teen with the power to
freeze moisture in the air. Archangel had wings growing from
his shoulder blades that allowed him to fy. Beast was a strong,
ape-like genius. And Marvel Girl (Jean Grey) was a young
woman with the power of telekinesis.
Next came the evil mutants, lead by Magneto, a genius who
could control magnetic waves. Then came Toad, Mastermind,
Scarlet Witch, and Quicksilver. Each character received Jack`s
special artistic talents, and these were just a few of the many
X-Men developed over the years.
Jack worked on another major comic in 1963, called The
Avengers. Taking some of Marvel`s most popular 'long-
underwear characters, Jack drew them together as a new team.
The frst adventure featured Thor, Iron Man, Antman, Wasp,
and The Incredible Hulk. The group
teamed up to battle Loki, an evildoer
from Thor`s homeland of Asgard.
The 1960s are often referred to as
the Silver Age of Comics. Amazingly,
Jack Kirby produced 1,492 comic
books, covers, and character posters in
that decade alone. He never missed a
month of production, and time after time
created amazing stories and characters.
Above: Sgt. Fury
and his Howling
Commandos, #5,
January 1964.
Below: Jack
Kirby at work,
surrounded by
several of his
comic book
Above: Jack Kirby at a comic book convention in the 1980s.
y the 1970s, Jack had been working in the comic
book industry for four decades. He worked on such
characters as The Inhumans for Marvel, and then moved
over to DC Comics to begin his own series called New Gods.
He would eventually return to Marvel to work on the science
fction series, 2001: A Space Odyssey.
As the 1980s approached, Jack went back to his
beginnings, working in animation, creating storyboards for
cartoons, but still producing comic books. Now in his 60s, Jack
was getting tired. He was still doing more work every day than
most younger artists, but he had health problems. Jack had
been a smoker all his life, and this eventually resulted in throat
cancer. Also, his eyesight was failing, and he had to undergo
heart bypass surgery.
However, it wasn`t just physical problems that made him
heartsick. After decades of drawing thousands of pages of
comics, which were now worth quite a lot of money, he wanted
his artwork back. He created the art, and felt that he alone
owned it. But he wasn`t fghting just for himself. He wanted
companies to understand that art could be used, but it was still
owned by the creator. Jack fought to get his artwork back from
Marvel and DC. Eventually, a small portion was returned, but
the fght had taken a lot of energy out of him.
As Jack entered his 70s, his health continued to fail, but
his popularity continued. He was always one to encourage
young artists. During comic book conventions, he continued
to thank the many people who showered him with praise
and admiration. Jack was a legend. On February 6, 1994, the
legend passed into history.
Since Kirby`s death, several of his characters, including
The X-Men, The Incredible Hulk, and The Fantastic Four, have
been featured in movies. Comic book lovers still consider him
the master. Kirby once said, 'My stories began to get noticed
because the average reader could associate with them.
Tbe King f Cmics
Above: Jack Kirby, the king of comics, in 1991.
His co-creator Stan Lee said, 'Nobody drew a strip like Jack Kirby. He was not only
a great artist, he was also a great visual storyteller. Lee nicknamed him Jack 'King
Kirby. Millions of fans agreed that Kirby was the king of comics. But most of all, he
was a hard-working man of vision.
The control of what is written or spoken by a central
authority, often a government or large group of
outspoken individuals.
A person working with another person to make up a
comic book character. Especially in the comic book
area, often a writer and an artist work together to develop a
character`s story, as well as its look, outft, and special abilities.
Established in 1954 as a way for comic book publishers to
deal with parents` concerns about the effects of crime and
horror comics on kids. Every comic book published required
the CCA`s seal of approval, and had to follow a strict set of
guidelines. The Code is still in use today, although not all
comic books are published with the CCA seal.
A person who thinks up the personality, physical look, and
special skills of a comic book character.
A time in America`s history beginning in 1929 and lasting
for several years, when the stock market crashed, resulting in
business failures across the country and the loss of jobs for
millions of Americans.
To add a piece of art to a printed story. The art may be a
drawing, painting, or photo.
People who move from one country to another, taking the new country as their home.
A fake name often used by writers and artists who do not want to use their real name
for various reasons. Also called a 'pen name.
A nickname for fction magazines published on the cheapest possible paper made
from wood pulp. Also called 'the pulps.
Characters, often human, but they may also be alien or mythological beings, who
develop or have special skills that give them superhuman powers. These characters
use their powers for good, helping and protecting people.
A war that was fought from 1939 to 1945, involving countries around the world. The
United States entered the war after Japan`s bombing of the American naval base at
Pearl Harbor, in Oahu, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941.
Above: Jack and Roz Kirby at their home in November, 1989.
Abdul Jones 8
Action Comics #1 8
All-Winners 14
Amazing Fantasy 24
Antman 26
Archangel 26
Army, U.S. 16, 17
Art Syndication Company 8
Asgard 24, 26
Atlantic Ocean 16
Atlas Comics 22
Austria 4
Avengers, The 26
Banner, Bruce 24
Batman 8
Beast 26
Black Buccaneer 8
Black Cat Mystic 22
Blue Beetle, The 10
Bowie, Jim 22
Boy Commandos, The 16,
17, 18
Boy Explorers 18
Boys Brotherhood Republic
Boys' Ranch 20
Brooklyn, NY 12
Bullseye: Western Scout 20
Captain America 4, 14
Captain America 14, 17
Captain Marvel 14
Challengers of the Unknown
Coast Guard, U.S. 16
Comics Code Authority 21
Comics Magazine
Association of America
Cortez, Jack 12
Count of Monte Cristo,
The 8
Crockett, Davy 22
Curtiss, Jack 12
Cyclops 26
D-Day 16
Davis, Curt 12
DC Comics 22, 28
Diary of Dr. Hayward 8
Ditko, Steve 24
Eisner, Will 8
Europe 14
Fantastic Four, The 4, 28
Fantastic Four, The 22, 24
Fantastic, Mr. 22
Fawcett Publications 14
First Love 22
First Romance 22
Fleischer, Max 7
Fox Publications 8, 10
Fox, Victor 10, 12
Foxhole 20
France 16
Frankenstein 24
Germany 14, 17
Goldstein, Rosalind 'Roz
Goodman, Martin 12, 14,
Grey, Jean 26
Griffth, Michael 12
Harvey Comics 14, 22
Hitler, Adolf 14
Hulk (see Incredible Hulk)
Human Torch 22
Hyde, Mr. 24
Iceman 26
Iger, Jerry 8
In Love 20
Incredible Hulk, The 4,
26, 28
Incredible Hulk, The 24
Inhumans, The 28
Invisible Woman 22
Iron Man 26
Japan 14, 17
Jeckyl, Dr. 24
Journey into Mystery 24
Jumbo 8
Justice League, The 22
Justice Traps the Guilty 18
K's Konceptions 6
Kahn, Bob 8
Kane, Bob 8
Kelly, Floyd 12
Kirby, Barbara 20
Kirby, Jack 4, 12, 16, 17,
18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26,
28, 29
Kirby, Lance 12
Kirby, Lisa 22
Kirby, Neal 20
Kirby, Rosalind 'Roz 12,
16, 17, 18, 20
Kirby, Susan 18
Kurtzberg, Benjamin 4
Kurtzberg, David 4
Kurtzberg, Jacob 4, 6, 7,
8, 10
Kurtzberg, Rose 4
Lee, Stan 22, 24, 29
Lieber, Stanley 22
Lincoln Features Syndicate
Loki 26
London, England 17
Lone Rider, The 8
Long Island, NY 18
Lower East Side,
Manhattan, NY 4, 8
Magneto 26
Mainline Comics 20, 21
Manhattan Beach, NY 16
Manhattan Island, NY 4
Marvel Comics 12, 22,
24, 28
Marvel Girl 26
Mastermind 26
National Comics 22
New Gods 28
New York, NY 4, 6
Normandy, France 16
Omaha Beach 16
Patton, George S. 17
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii 14
Police Trap 20
Pratt Institute 6
Quicksilver 26
Sande, Fred 12
Scarlet Witch 26
Seduction of the
Innocent 20
Senate, U.S. 21
Sgt. Fury and
his Howling
Commandos 26
Silver Age of Comics
Silver Surfer, The 4
Simon, Joe 10, 12, 14, 16,
18, 21
Slonaker, Harry 6
Socco the Sea Dog 8
Spider-Man 24
Suffolk Street Gang 4
Superman 8
Tales of the Unexpected 22
Thing, The 22
Thor, The Mighty 4, 24, 26
Timely Comics 12, 14
Toad 26
2001: A Space Odyssey 28
United States of America 4,
14, 16
USA 14
Vision, The 12
Vision, The 14
Wasp 26
Wertham, Fredric 21
Western Tales 22
Wild Boy Magazine 8
Wonder Stories 6
World War II 16, 17
X-Men, The 4, 26, 28
X-Men, The 26
Xavier, Charles 26
Young Allies 14
Young Brides 22
Young Love 20
Young Romance 18

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