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Executive Summary
Hayden holdings founded BUAYA and became one of the largest casual and formal
manufacturing firm in 1980. As a local apparel, BUAYA Ltd caters to the needs of both men and
women in Singapore. BUAYA produces casual and formal clothing with the 'Double B"
embroidered on the chest area. With just 7 boutiques in Singapore, BUAYA aims to target the
mature working adults.
In recent years, there has been a decreasing trend in BUAYA's sales figure. One of the main
factor would be our existing close competitors like Benjamin Barker ltd and Ralph Lauren's. It is
also been reckoned with the changes in our consumer's preferences and their behavior. Marketing
Surveys with BUAYA's consumers computed that the main reason of switching is mainly
because our competitors' clothing are more "in trend" and stylish and gives them a sense of
The main objective of this marketing plan is to regain consumer's loyalty, spark new interest in
potential customers and to break away from the usual 'old-fashioned' as what it seems to most
consumers and to attract the younger generations. Most importantly, it is to inject the brand with
a new breeze of hype and excitement, rejuvenating the brand.
BUAYA will have a sub-group, BAY - by buaya. It aims to bring fashion to a whole new level
with the help of celebrity endorsements and brands collaborations.

Situation Analysis
BUAYA in 1980 was one of the most prestige brand that mostly attracted the upper class and
richer businessman to want to own it. Clothing were designed by famous designer, La crimson
who has retired since 2005. BUAYA has not make any remarkable result ever since and was
deemed to be classic and boring. Times have changed, yet our designs and styles still remains

Thankfully, BUAYA is still ranging at the top and remains as a prestige brand. Consumers are
attracted to our fabrics and skillful workmanship. We aims to preserve our highest level of
quality in terms of materials and workmanship.
A SWOT analysis is a subjective assessment of data which is organized by the SWOT format
into a logical order that helps understanding, presentation, discussion and decision-making. The
four dimensions are a useful extension of a basic two heading list of pro's and con's
With the help of SWOT analysis, one is able to analyze the Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities
and Threats of this project. Identifying the SWOT is necessary to derive the following steps for
achieving the objectives of the company. SWOT analysis of BUAYA ltd is done below;
diagram 1 - SWOT Analysis Summary

I . Strengths

Existing consumers - BUAYA has a large number of existing consumers and they are
mostly rich and belongs to the upper-class group. Consumers' data will kept in database
through memberships for updates of promotions and sales. New brand name will be

updated through emails and mailers to our existing consumers. They will be used to
attract their attention and keep them excited.

Brand name - BUAYA holds a firm position in the branded industry, an influencing
factor so as to attract potential consumers.

Workmanship and materials - BUAYA, for years have always insisted on using top
quality fabrics for our clothing. We receives great feedbacks from past consumers on the
durability of our product. Every piece are tailored to the satisfaction of our consumers

Financially strong - As a top retail, operated for over 20 years, BUAYA is financially
strong for big advertisements and events.

Store locations - Most BUAYA retail stores are in the hearts of the city, attracting tourists
and local shoppers.

I I . Weaknesses

Designs - 70% of our consumers thinks that our product is not stylish and updated
as compared to Benjamin Barkers and Ralph Laurens. 90% from our younger
crowd would not buy from BUAYA as our design are too dull and conservative.
These numbers are based on street surveys done over an extended period of time.

Service - We have planted mystery shoppers to all the 7 boutiques and service
rating turned out to be only 6/10. Service staffs only concentrate on rich
businessman/woman hence neglected other shoppers in the shop. This is also why
most of our consumers are from the matured group.

Advertising and marketing - Though being a branded retail, BUAYA has weak
marketing and advertising. The last TV commercial for BUAYA was in 2003 and
BUAYA has done little on its modern style of networking or advertising.

BUAYA does not have a Facebook page or other social networks to connect to
existing and potential customers.

Pricing- BUAYA tends to have a higher pricing as compared to our close
competitors. This had severely refrained younger crowds from purchasing
BUAYA products.

I I I . Opportunities

Network - with more social networks nowadays, we can make use of popular
social networks like Facebook and Twitter which are modern tools and
technologies to create more awareness and keep consumers updated on latest
collections and promotions.

Upcoming Shopping malls - with the new upcoming shopping malls in the
heartland, BUAYA is able to expand and compete with the market's competitors.

Increasing demand - with more foreign expatriates coming into Singapore, we
foresee a big increase demand in clothing.

I V. Threats

Increased rivalry - With increased demand, Many more companies are looking into the
retail industry. The retail business is highly competitive. We compete for customers,
employees, locations, products and other important aspects of our business with many
other local, regional, national and international retailers. Pressure from our competitors,
some of which have a greater market presence and financial resources than we do, could
require us to reduce our prices or increase our costs of doing business. As a result of this
competition, we may experience lower revenue and/or higher operating costs, which
could materially adversely affect our results of operations.

Technology - Today, retailers face a tremendous amount of competition, more than ever
before. The Internet has allowed millions of new startup retailers to launch with minimal
resources. Some of these new Internet retailers do not even warehouse their own
products, they simply drop ship other retailers products, making it much easier for them
to keep their resources low and use their revenue made from sales to put back into
marketing of their websites.

Marketing Strategy

1. Aims
BUAYA aims to retain existing customers with quality and better services. Separating the
age group into the youth and the matured by creating a sub-store BAY - by buaya, in this
way, youngsters will no longer associate maturity with BUAYA deeming it dull.

2. Objectives

Launch of new store - BAY by buaya - to attract younger consumers and also
allowing them to buy BUAYA brands at a cheaper price yet full of quality.

Marketing strategies for the new store - More creative advertisements and posters
combined with the image of pop celebrities to capture the interest of younger
buyers in order to appeal to them giving the brand a identify, refreshing the brand.

Staff training - Provide staff training monthly to discuss problems that are faced
and provide professional trainings together with objections handling.

To have at least 20% increment in sales for our first year - with the launch of the
new store, buaya believes to see an increment in sales figure.

New range of products - new designs and styles will be launched for both
BUAYA and BAY-by buaya.

3. Recommendations

i. Launch of new store - BAY by buaya is used for our sub-store as BAY is the tagline for
(BUAYA And Youth) , BAY by buaya will launch younger designs of clothing at a more
affordable pricing.

ii. Marketing strategies for the new store - BAY by buaya as well as the original BUAYA
will set up a website for consumers to browse the latest and upcoming collections.
Facebook pages will also be set up to keep consumers updated on our promotions,
collections and store locations. Consumers can "share" or "like" our Facebook pages to
help to create awareness. BAY by buaya will use younger celebrities who are popular in
the media industry to endorse in their product generating interest and curiosity.

iii. Staff training - Retail staff training entails teaching salespeople, clerks and stock
employees how to perform their jobs. These employees can work in various retail
establishments, including department, furniture, pet and hardware stores. Each store has
its own method of training its hourly workers or staff. However, the most effective staff
training in retail are both structured and ongoing.
Training session will be given upon launching of new products. The training will touch
on product knowledge, sales tactics and staff professionalism. Staff will need to know the

differences of each materials and how to handle them with proper care, this is to educate
both the staff and the customer.
Coaching session by store managers will be held monthly. The objective of this coaching
session is to allow staffs to voice out any problems faced or any new ideas on improving
sales. Coaching session will not last for more than an hour and sales targets for the
following month can be addressed in this session.
As BUAYA and BAY by buaya targets different group of consumers, training for these
two stores will be held differently. BUAYA staff will have to hold a more professional
tone as compared to BAY by buaya which should be more fun and witty.
Mystery shopping will be conducted every 2 months to test the professionalism and
knowledge of each outlets. Evaluation form will be filled by mystery shoppers and signed
by managers as acknowledgement. Evaluation form will include the satisfactory and/or
unsatisfactory performances.
Lastly, bonuses and increments will be given based on performances, this is to encourage
and support BUAYA staff in reviewing and re-assessing their goals and activities.
Outstanding performers will be recognized and awarded in annual staff dinner.
V. To have at least 20% increment in sales for our first year - Sales figures will be monitored
closely with the help of store managers. Managers should hit their given targets every month
in order to achieve the goal. Problems faced and solutions will be voiced out in the quarterly

VI. New range of products -
o BUAYA - Products and designs will be launched every 3 months to avoid being dull
and monotonous. Besides engaging creative designers for more clothing, BUAYA
also hopes to come out with products other than clothing (e.g. perfumes, shoes and
o BAY by buaya - Products and designs will be launched every 2 months in order to
catch up with the rising trends. As cost price of BAY's clothing should be lower, we

will not make use of famous designers, instead, fashion will be tracked by our in
house designers.

Marketing Mix

the pricing range for BUAYA and BAY by buaya are different. For BUAYA, we will
apply the "cost-plus pricing", prices is to mark up each piece of clothing by a set
percentage. In this case, each piece of clothes will be priced at 50% above cost price.
BUAYA believes that the consumers will accept the price due to the well-known brand
name in the industry as proven. For BAY by buaya - we will adopt the "competitive
pricing" with the "loyalty pricing". BAY will survey the competition to find out what
prices prevail and carefully weigh the prices of items with similarities to our products.
We will use competitors items as a guideline. As BAY is new, we will also adopt the
"loyalty pricing" to attract younger consumers. We can alter our pricing for members of a
loyalty program. Offer a discount card that lowers prices for customers who buy
frequently from BAY and track customer purchases by simply punching the card each
time the customer visits.

Product and Placement
BUAYA and BAY will continue to expand and bring in more products other than
clothing. While the main focus of our product is the casual and formal clothing, BUAYA
and BAY will create more house brand products like perfumes , shoes and accessories.
Location of stores will continue to be in the heartland of the city like Orchard or Cityhall
to retain the image of the brand.


BUAYA as a prestige brand will not have constant promotions to avoid degrading of its
prestige image. Instead, we will have the VIPs discount for BUAYA and the BAY loyalty
card for BAY by buaya. VIP guest of BUAYA will receive mailers for closed-door
events held every 3 months.

Control and implementation

BUAYA will monitor customer satisfaction for both BUAYA and BAY respectively.
Online surveys will be used to determines satisfaction for BAY and for BUAYA, short 3
questions surveys will be asked upon payments by our valued customers. This enable us
to point out any problems that may occur.
Best selling items will be noted to analyze consumers' taste and behavior. We will
produce next season's products to suits consumers' preferences.


References - diagram 1

word count - 2180


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