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Axiom a statement of truth which is admitted without proof.
Theorem a statement of truth which must be established by proof.
Corollary a statement of truth which follows with little or no proof from a theorem.
Postulate the construction or drawing of lines and figures the possibility of which is admitted without proof.
Hypothesis that part of a theorem which is assumed to be true.
Conclusion that part of a theorem which is to be proved.
Converse of a theorem another theorem wherein the hypothesis and conclusion of the first are
reversed, i.e. the hypothesis becomes the conclusion and the conclusion becomes the hypothesis.
a c
& b A
Area of trian'le:
bh A
= or
B ac A
A bc A
C ab A
Area of trian'le with three sides 'iven: (Herons Formula)
( )( )( ) c s b s a s s A = where s semiperimeter

c b a
+ +
Area of trian'le inscribed in a circle:

= where r radius of the circumscribing circle

"he center of the circle circumscribin' a trian'le is
obtained by constructin' the perpendicular bisectors of the
sides of the trian'le. "hese will intersect at a point which is
*nown as the circumcenter.
+f one side of a trian'le inscribed in a circle is the diameter of the circle, then the trian'le is a
right trian'le.
Area of trian'le circumscribin' a circle:

rs A = where s semiperimeter of the trian'le

c b a
+ +
"he center of the inscribed circle is obtained by
constructin' the an'ular bisectors of the trian'le.
"hese will intersect at a point which is *nown as the
"he median of a trian'le is a line ,oinin' a verte- to the midpoint of the opposite side. "he
medians of a trian'le intersect at a point *nown as the centroid of the trian'le.
Orthocenter the point of intersection of the altitudes of a trian'le.
A quadrilateral (also *nown as quadrangle or tetragon) is a poly'on with four sides.
"he sum of the interior an'les of a .uadrilateral is always e.ual to /01
Parallelogram (or Rhombo!):
A parallelogram is a .uadrilateral where both pairs of opposite sides are parallel.
A 2 bh
2 1
d d A =

"he dia'onals of a parallelo'ram bisect each other.
A rhombus is a parallelo'ram all of whose sides are e.ual.

A 2 bh

2 1
d d A =
"he dia'onals of a rhombus not only bisect each other but are also perpendicular to each other.
A trapezoid is a .uadrilateral which has only one pair of opposite sides that are parallel. "he
parallel sides of a trape3oid are called bases.
( ) h b a A + =

!edian 2
b a +

A polygon is a closed plane fi'ure with three or more an'les. "here are as many sides as
an'les in a poly'on. Poly'ons are named accordin' to the number of sides or vertices.
Number of 4ides Name
/ "rian'le
5 6uadrilateral or "etra'on
7 Penta'on
0 8e-a'on
9 8epta'on
: cta'on
; Nona'on
<1 =eca'on
<< >ndeca'on
<? =odeca'on
<7 Pentedeca'on or 6uindeca'on
?1 +cosa'on
<111 &hilla'on
"here are two basic types of poly'ons:
1. Convex poly'on one in which no side, when e-tended, will pass inside the polygon.
2. Concave poly'on a poly'on havin' one interior an'le 'reater than <:1
4um of interior an'les of a poly'on of n sides:
( ) 2 180 = n S
4um of e-terior an'les of a poly'on = 360
"he diagonal of a poly'on is a line that connects any two
non@ad,acent vertices.
Number of dia'onals of a poly'on of n sides: ( ) 3
= n
imilar poly'ons are poly'ons whose correspondin' an'les are e.ual and whose
correspondin' sides are proportional.
Regular Pol&gons$
Poly'ons whose sides are e.ual are called e.uilateral poly'ons. Poly'ons whose interior
an'les are e.ual are called e.uian'ular poly'ons. Poly'ons that are both e.uilateral and
e.uian'ular are called regular poly'ons.
"he 'en(er of a re'ular poly'on is the common center of its inscribed and circumscribed circles.
"he apothem of a re'ular poly'on is the perpendicular line drawn from the center of the
inscribed circle to any one of its sides. +t is also the radius of the inscribed circle.
"he area of a re'ular poly'on can be found by
considerin' one se'ment, which has the form of an
isosceles trian'le i.e.

nA A =
+n 'eneral, for a poly'on of n sides,
tan 4
A =
b len'th of a side
@ central an'le subtended by a side

n 2

= =

A circle is the locus of points which are at the same distance from a point within called the center.
"he diameter is a line passin' throu'h the center, terminatin' at both ends on the circle.
"he radius is a line drawn from the center to any point on the circle.

r A = =
d r C = = 2
"he chord of a circle is a line ,oinin' any two points on the circle. "he product of the se'ments
of two chords intersectin' each other are e.ual, i.e.

cd ab =
!nscribed angle is an an'le whose verte- is a point on the circle, the sides of which are chords.
Central angle is an an'le whose verte- is at the center of the circle the sides of which are any
two radii of the circle.
Aor the same intercepted arc (arc A%), the value of the central an'le is twice that of the
inscribed an'le.
B inscribed an'le
?B central an'le
&ircular 4ector:
A circular sector is a part of a circle bounded by two radii and an arc.
s2 rB where B is central an'le in radians
s arc len'th
r radius

r rs A = =
&ircular 4e'ment:
A circular segment is that part of a circle bounded by an arc and a chord.
2 2
r r A A A
triangle tor
= =
( ) sin
= r where - central angle in radians
4L+= GE!E"#$
De*n(on o* Terms:
Polyhedron a solid bounded by planes.
"egular polyhedron a polyhedron whose faces are con'ruent re'ular poly'ons and
whose polyhedral an'les are e.ual. "here are only five (7) re'ular polyhedrons:
<. "etrahedron one havin' four (5) trian'ular faces.
?. 8e-ahedron (or cube) one havin' si- (0) s.uare faces.
/. ctahedron one havin' ei'ht (:) trian'ular faces.
5. =odecahedron one havin' twelve (<?) penta'onal faces.
7. +cosahedron one havin' twenty (?1) trian'ular faces.
Sol!s *or +h'h , - .h$
A cube is a polyhedron whose si- faces are all s.uares.
3 2
a a a Bh V = = =
4urface area,
6a S =
=ia'onal, 3 a D =
#ectan'ular Parallelepiped:
A rectangular parallelepiped is a polyhedron whose si- faces are all rectan'les.
abc c ab Bh V = = = ) (

4urface area, ca bc ab S 2 2 2 + + =

) ( 2 ca bc ab + + =
2 2 2
c b a D + + =
A prism is a polyhedron whose bases are e.ual poly'ons in parallel planes and whose sides
are parallelo'rams.
Colume, Bh V =
Lateral area, Ph A =
where P @ perimeter of base

#i'ht &ircular &ylinder:
A cylinder is a solid bounded by a closed cylindrical surface and two parallel planes.
Colume, h
h r Bh V
= = =

Lateral Area,
dh rh A = = 2
Sol!s *or +h'h , 2
%h (Pointed 4olids):
#i'ht &ircular &one:
A cone is the surface 'enerated by a strai'ht line (called the genera(or) passin' throu'h a fi-ed
point (called the /er(e0) and movin' alon' a fi-ed curve (called the !re'(r0).
Colume, h r Bh V
= =
Lateral area,
rL A =
where L slant hei'ht

2 2
h r L + =
A pyramid is a polyhedron with a poly'onal base and trian'ular faces that meet at a common
point called the verte-.

Colume, Bh V
Arustum of a &one D Pyramid:
"he frustum of a pyramidEcone is a section of the pyramidEcone between the base and a
section parallel to the base.
( )
2 1 2 1
V + + =
A sphere is a solid bounded by a surface all points of which are e.uidistant from a point
called the center.
#reat circle the intersection of a sphere and a plane passin' throu'h the center.
mall circle the intersection of a sphere and a plane not passin' throu'h the center.
r V =
4urface Area,
4 r S =
4pherical 4e'ment:
A zone is that portion of the surface of a sphere included between two parallel planes.
A spherical segment is a solid bounded by a 3one and the plane of the 3oneFs base.
rh A
2 =
( ) h r
V = 3

Review Exercises in PLANE & SOLID GEOMETRY

1. An obliqe eqilateral !arallelo"ra#.
a. sqare b. rectan"le c. r$o#bs %. recession
2. A rectan"le wit$ eqal si%es.
a. rectan"le b. !ol&"on c. sqare %. tra!e'oi%
3. A !lane close% crve, all !oints o( w$ic$ are at t$e sa#e %istance (ro# a !oint wit$in,
calle% t$e center, is a
a. $&!erbola b. circle c. elli!se %. !arabola
4. )$e area o( a circle circ#scribe% abot an eqilateral trian"le is 2*4.4+ #
. ,$at is
t$e area o( t$e trian"le in #
a. 10*.24 b. 121.06 c. 83.1* %. .6.12
*. A state#ent t$e trt$ o( w$ic$ (ollows wit$ little or no !roo( (ro# a t$eore#.
a. axio# b. $&!ot$esis c. conclsion %. corollar&

6. A !lane (i"re wit$ close% bro/en lines.
a. sector b. arc c. !ol&"on %. circle
+. A !ol&"on $avin" (i(teen si%es.
a. n%eca"on b. %o%eca"on c. !ente%eca"on %. icosa"on
8. 0n trian"le A12, an"le 2 3 +0
, A 3 4*
, A1 3 40 #. ,$at is t$e len"t$ o( t$e
#e%ian %rawn (ro# vertex A to si%e 12-
a. 36.8 # b. 3+.1 # c. 36.3 # %. 3+.4 #
.. )$e st%& o( t$e !ro!erties o( (i"res o( t$ree %i#ensions.
a. !$&sics b. !lane "eo#etr& c. soli% "eo#etr& %. tri"ono#etr&
10. )$e s# o( t$e si%es o( a !ol&"on.
a. !eri#eter b. $exa"on c. sqare %. circ#(erence
11. A $exa$e%ron is a soli% $avin" 44444 (aces.
a. 4 b. 6 c. 8 %. 20
12. )$e si%es o( a trian"le are 8 c#, 10 c# an% 14 c#. 5eter#ine t$e ra%is o( t$e
inscribe% circle.
a. 2.4* c# b. 3.02 c# c. 2.+2 c# %. 3.26 c#
13. 0n !lane "eo#etr&, t$e a!ot$e# o( a !ol&"on is w$at o( t$e inscribe% circle-
a. area b. %ia#eter c. arc %. ra%is
14. Eac$ interior an"le o( a re"lar %o%eca"on is eqal to
a. 13*
b. 1*0
c. 12*
%. 10*
1*. A trian"le inscribe% in a circle o( ra%is 10 c# $ave two o( its si%es eqal to 12 c#
an% 18 c# res!ectivel&. 0t is reqire% to (in% t$e altit%e !on t$e t$ir% si%e o( t$e
a. 10.6 c# b. 20.2 c# c. 10.8 c# %. 20 c#
16. A (ive6!ointe% star is /nown as
a. !enta"on b. !entatron c. !enta"ra# %. qinta"ra#
1+. )$e #e%ian o( a trian"le is t$e line connectin" t$e vertex to t$e #i%!oint o( t$e o!!osite
si%e. 7or a "iven trian"le, t$ese #e%ians intersect at a !oint w$ic$ is calle% t$e
a. ort$ocenter b. circ#center c. centroi% %. incenter
18. )$e %ia"onals o( a !arallelo"ra# are 18 c# an% 30 c# res!ectivel&. 8ne si%e o( t$e
!arallelo"ra# is 12 c#. 7in% t$e area o( t$e !arallelo"ra# in c#
a. 216 b. 224 c. 232 %. 208
1.. )$e altit%es o( a trian"le intersect at a !oint /nown as
a. ort$ocenter b. circ#center c. centroi% %. incenter
20. )$e central an"le sbten%e% b& t$e arc o( a circle eqal in len"t$ to t$e ra%is o( t$e
circle is
a. 1 qarter circle b. 1 ra%ian c. 9 ra%ians %. 60
21. )$e area o( a r$o#bs is 168 #
. 0( one o( its %ia"onals is 12 #, (in% t$e len"t$ o( t$e
si%es o( a r$o#bs in #.
a. 13.8. b. 14.32 c. 16.84 %. 1*.23
22. )$e area bon%e% b& two concentric circles is calle%
a. rin" b. %is/ c. annls %. sector
23. 0t is a !ol&$e%ron w$ere two (aces are eqal !ol&"ons in !arallel !lanes an% t$e ot$er
(aces are !arallelo"ra#s.
a. tetra$e%ron b. !ris# c. (rst# %. !ris#atoi%
24. 7in% t$e area o( a tra!e'oi% $avin" a #e%ian o( len"t$ 32 # an% an altit%e o( 6 # in #
a. 1.2 b. 186 c. 1+8 %. 16.
2*. 0n "eo#etr&, !ris#s are na#e% accor%in" to t$eir
a. %ia"onals b. si%es c. areas %. bases
26. :ol&"ons are classi(ie% accor%in" to t$e n#ber o(
a. vertices b. si%es c. %ia"onals %. an"les
2+. A !ol&"on $as one o( its si%es eqal to 20 c# an% $avin" an a!ot$e# o( 14 c#. 2o#!te
t$e area o( t$e circle circ#scribin" t$e !ol&"on in c#
a. 3009 b. 2489 c. 2.69 %. 2869
28. All circles $avin" t$e sa#e center bt wit$ neqal ra%ii are calle%
a. encircles b. tan"ent circles
c. conc&clic circles %. concentric circles
2.. A re"lar !ol&"on wit$ *4 %ia"onals is a
a. bi%eca"on b. !ente%eca"on c. icosa$e%ron %. %o%eca"on
30. ,$at is t$e ratio o( t$e area o( a $exa"on to t$at o( a !enta"on inscribe% in a circle o(
ra%is ;r<-
a. 1.0. b. 1.82 c. 1.32 %. 1.42
31. A line se"#ent =oinin" two !oints on a circle is calle%
a. arc b. tan"ent c. sector %. c$or%

32. 0n a re"lar !ol&"on, t$e !er!en%iclar line %rawn (ro# t$e center o( t$e inscribe% circle
to an& one o( t$e si%es is calle%
a. a!ot$e# b. #e%ian c. ra%is %. altit%e
33. >ow #an& si%es $as an eqian"lar !ol&"on i( eac$ exterior an"le is 30
a. 1* b. 10 c. 12 %. 14
34. )wo "eo#etric (i"res are sai% to be 4444444 w$en t$e& $ave t$e sa#e si'e an% s$a!e.
a. i%entical b. s&##etrical c. si#ilar %. con"rent
3*. A line %rawn (ro# one an"le o( a trian"le %ivi%in" its o!!osite si%e eqall& into two.
a. bisector b. a!ot$e# c. #e%ian %. netral axis
36. 7in% t$e len"t$ o( t$e si%e o( a re"lar !enta"on inscribe% in a circle o( ra%is 10 c#.
a. 11. +6 c# b. ..4+ c# c. 12.22 c# %. 10.8. c#
3+. A !ol&"on is 444444 i( no si%e, w$en exten%e%, will !ass t$ro"$ t$e interior o( t$e
a. convex b. eqilateral c. iso!eri#etric %. con"rent
38. )$e section o( t$e s!$ere ct b& a !lane t$ro"$ its center is calle%
a. s#all circle b. incircle c. bi" circle %. "reat circle
3.. )$e !eri#eter o( a circlar sector is . nits an% its ra%is is 3 nits. ,$at is t$e area o(
t$e sector-
a. 4 sq. nits b. .?2 sq. nits c. 11?2 sq. nits %. 2+?2 sq. nits
40. A !art o( a line incl%e% between two !oints on t$e line is calle%
a. tan"ent b. secant c. sector %. se"#ent
41. :oints w$ic$ lie on t$e sa#e !lane are sai% to be
a. collinear b. co!lanar c. concrrent %. con"rent
42. )$e area o( a circle is 8..42 in
. ,$at is t$e circ#(erence in inc$es-
a. 3*.33 in. b. 32.2* in. c. 33.*2 in. %. 3*.** in.
43. A circle $avin" an area o( 4*2 #
is ct into two se"#ents b& a c$or% w$ic$ is 6 # (ro#
t$e center o( t$e circle. 7in% t$e area o( t$e bi""er circlar se"#ent in #
a. 363.68 b. 3+8.42 c. 383.64 %. 3*4.8.
44. A qa%rilateral w$ose o!!osite si%es are eqal in len"t$ is "enerall& a
a. sqare b. rectan"le c. r$o#bs %. !arallelo"ra#
4*. A trian"le A12 is inscribe% in a circle o( ra%is R $avin" its center at 8. 0( t$e an"le
81A is 48
, (in% t$e an"le A21.
a. 60
b. 42
c. +*
%. **

46. A circlar !iece o( car%boar% wit$ a %ia#eter o( one #eter will be #a%e into a conical $at
40 c#. $i"$ b& cttin" a sector o(( an% =oinin" t$e e%"es to (or# a cone. 5eter#ine t$e
central an"le o( t$e sector re#ove%.
a. 160
b. 144
c. 12*
%. 1++
4+. A qa%rilateral o( w$ic$ onl& two si%es are !arallel is a
a. !arallelo"ra# b. tra!e'oi% c. r$o#bs %. rectan"le
48. A conical vessel $as a $ei"$t o( 24 c#. an% a base %ia#eter o( 12 c#. 0t $ol%s water to a
%e!t$ o( 18 c#. above its vertex. 7in% t$e vol#e o( its content in c#
a. 381.+0 b. 2.8.40 c. 412.60 %. 188.40
4.. A circlar c&lin%er is circ#scribe% abot a ri"$t !ris# $avin" a sqare base one #eter
on an e%"e. )$e vol#e o( t$e c&lin%er is 6.283 #
. 7in% its altit%e in #eters.
a. 4 b. 4.* c. * %. *.*
*0. A re"lar trian"lar !&ra#i% $as an altit%e o( . #. an% a vol#e o( 18+.06 #
. 0( t$e
base is an eqilateral trian"le, (in% t$e base e%"e in #eters.
a. 18 b. 14 c. 12 %. 16
*1. 0( t$e ra%is o( a ri"$t circlar c&lin%er is tri!le%, b& w$at !ercent is t$e vol#e o( t$e
c&lin%er increase% #aintainin" t$e sa#e $ei"$t-
a. 200@ b. 300@ c. 400@ %. 800@
*2. )$e base o( a ri"$t !ris# is an isosceles trian"le $avin" two si%es eqal to 80 c#. eac$
an% t$e t$ir% si%e eqal to 60 c#. 0( t$e $ei"$t o( t$e ri"$t !ris# is 200 c#, co#!te t$e
vol#e o( t$e circ#scribin" c&lin%er in c#
a. 1,168,.++ b. 1,61.,8++ c. 1,6.8,+1+ %. 1,16.,8++
*3. A ri"$t !ris# $avin" a $exa"onal base wit$ 8 c#. (or eac$ si%e $as a lateral e%"e o( 12
c#. 7in% t$e lateral area in c#
a. +*6 b. 6+* c. +6* %. *+6
*4. ,$at is t$e vol#e o( a ri"$t circlar c&lin%er inscribe% in a cbe o( e%"e 10 c#.-
a. 2009 c#
b. 2309 c#
c. 2*09 c#
%. 3009 c#
**. A !lane is !asse% !arallel to t$e base an% 8 c#. (ro# t$e vertex o( a !&ra#i% w$ose
base is 4* c#
an% w$ose altit%e is 12 c#. ,$at is t$e vol#e o( t$at !art o( t$e
!&ra#i% a(ter t$e to! $a% been re#ove%-
a. 13..63 c#
b. 120.2+ c#
c. 126.6+ c#
%. 200.16 c#
*6. A water tan/, o!en at t$e to!, consists o( a ri"$t circlar c&lin%er at t$e to! an% a ri"$t
circlar cone at t$e botto#. 0( t$e altit%e o( t$e c&lin%er is t$ree ti#es its ra%is an% t$e
altit%e o( t$e cone is two ti#es t$e sa#e ra%is, (in% t$e n#ber o( sqare #eters o(
s$eet #etal reqire% to constrct a tan/ $avin" a ca!acit& o( 38,000 liters.
a. *+.36 b. 4..28 c. 64.*2 %. *1.2.
*+. )$e area o( a 'one o( a s!$erical se"#ent is 1809 #
. 0( t$e ra%is o( t$e s!$ere is
1* #., co#!te t$e vol#e o( t$e s!$erical se"#ent in #
a. 8649 b. 8469 c. 6489 %. 4689
*8. )$e %ia#eter o( two s!$eres are in t$e ratio o( 2:3 an% t$e s# o( t$eir vol#es is
1260 #
. 7in% t$e vol#e o( t$e lar"er s!$ere in #
a. 82+ b. .+2 c. +2. %. *.2
*.. )$e section o( t$e s!$ere ct b& a !lane t$ro"$ its center is calle%
a. s#all circle b. incircle c. bi" circle %. "reat circle
60. Aines t$at !ass t$ro"$ a co##on !oint are sai% to be
a. collinear b. co!lanar c. concrrent %. con"rent
61. :oints w$ic$ lie on t$e sa#e !lane are sai% to be
a. collinear b. co!lanar c. concrrent %. con"rent
62. 0n two intersectin" lines, t$e an"les o!!osite to eac$ ot$er are /nown as
a. o!!osite an"les b. vertical an"les
c. $ori'ontal an"les %. inscribe% an"les
63. A nor#al to a "iven !lane is
a. !er!en%iclar to t$e !lane b. l&in" on t$e !lane
c. !arallel to t$e !lane %. obliqe to t$e !lane
64. ,$en two !lanes intersect wit$ eac$ ot$er, t$e a#ont o( %iver"ence between t$e two
!lanes is ex!resse% b& #easrin" t$e
a. %i$e%ral an"le b. !lane an"le c. !ol&$e%ral an"le %. re(lex an"le
6*. 0n :lane Beo#etr&, two circlar arcs t$at to"et$er #a/e ! a (ll circle are calle%
a. coter#inal arcs b. con="ate arcs c. $al( arcs %. con"rent arcs
66. :ol&"ons wit$ all interior an"les less t$an 180
are calle%
a. concave !ol&"on b. convex !ol&"on
c. acte !ol&"on %. s!!le#ental !ol&"on
6+. 8ne6(ort$ o( a "reat circle is ter#e%
a. cone b. qa%rant c. circle %. s!$ere

1. c 11. b 21. % 31. % 41. b
2. c 12. a 22. c 32. a 42. c
3. b 13. % 23. b 33. c 43. a
4. a 14. b 24. a 34. % 44. %
*. % 1*. c 2*. % 3*. c 4*. b
6. c 16. c 26. b 36. a 46. b
+. c 1+. c 2+. c 3+. a 4+. b
8. c 18. a 28. % 38. % 48. a
.. c 1.. a 2.. % 3.. b 4.. a
10.a 20. b 30. a 40. % *0. c
*1. % *6. a 61. b 66. b
*2. % *+. % 62. b 6+. b
*3. % *8. b 63. a
*4. c *.. % 64. a
**. c 60. c 6*. b

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