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December 2007 Astronotes 1

The stars our destination?

Looking back, it seems that the Golden Age
of Astronautics may have occurred in the era
1960-80. Satellites were orbiting the Earth and
men soon followed. The Moon was reached
shortly afterwards. Most space enthusiasts
expected bases on the Moon and flights to Mars
to be achieved in the next twenty years (sadly,
decades later on these goals are still twenty
years away). Looking further into the future from
those days, it seemed obvious that the twentyfirst century would see the exploration and later,
the settlement of the Solar System. Perhaps
by the mid twenty-second century, Pluto would
be the site of the Solar Systems suburbs, and
the inevitable final frontier would be the stars.
The date when travelling to the stars (interstellar
travel) becomes feasible has stretched into the
future, but it is still a living dream.
How could people travel to the stars? Space is
very big indeed. Imagine the Sun is the size of
the full stop at the end of this sentence. If shrunk
down to this scale, Earth would be a microscopic
speck 5 cm from the Sun, Mars would be a
tinier still speck 7.5 cm from the Sun and Jupiter
a dust mote about 28 cm from the Suns dot.
Eccentric Pluto would be on average 2 metres
from the Sun. The relatively small unmanned
probes of today take months to years to span
these interplanetary distances. For example,
New Horizons was launched on a very fast
trajectory and added speed with a gravitational
assist from Jupiter, but will still take nine years
to reach Pluto (keep in mind that in our scaled
down Universe it takes nine years for a one-way
journey of 2 m). By applying extremely advanced
but plausible engine designs it does not seem
impossible that people may one day make similar interplanetary journeys (see the feature on the
Orion nuclear spacecraft in the December 2006
Astronotes for what could be possible). The stars
however are another matter. Alpha Centauri, the
nearest star system to our Solar System, is 4.3
light years from the Sun. On the Sun = Full Stop
scale, Alpha Centauri would be nearly 14km from

Image Credit: Art by Les Bossinas (Cortez III Service

Corp.) via NASA

By Colin Johnston, Science Communicator

High speed flight This fanciful view from the

cockpit of a hypothetical spacecraft travelling at
eight-tenths of the speed of light shows the visual
distortions that would be experienced at such high
speeds. There is no foreseeable technology that
will allow us to achieve such speeds in reality.
the Sun! If a 2m journey takes nine years, how
long will a 14 000m journey take? The answer
is 63 000 years to reach the closest star to our
Sun. This is many times longer than recorded
history and a significant portion of the time that
the human species has existed.
Enormously powerful rocket engines that could
reduce journey times between the stars are theoretically possible. These are not rockets burning
a chemical fuel and an oxidiser as our present
day launch vehicles do: for interstellar (and
let us be honest, serious interplanetary) flight
nuclear propulsion will be essential. Compared
to theorised nuclear rockets, chemical rockets
are hopelessly inefficient. Nuclear fission engines
(such as NASAs 1960s NERVA concept) are
better but still scarcely good enough. A reasonable interstellar rocket will have to harness the
same energy source as the stars; fusing atoms
into heavier elements. Rather like moon bases
and Mars missions, generating power by nuclear
fusion is still a couple of decades away, but it will
one day be possible and later may be applied to
spacecraft. What will this technological advance
make possible?

2 Astronotes December 2007

In the 1970s, towards the end of the Golden Age,
engineers drew up plans for a two-stage nuclear
fusion powered interstellar probe they called
Daedalus. Their report is still essential reading
for anyone interested in interstellar flight and is
available on CD-Rom from the British Interplanetary Society which sponsored the research. The
researchers assumed that a certain amount of
futuristic technology was attainable but no science fictional magical technologies existed- and
an enormous infrastructure in the Solar System
(such as mining the planets for resources) pre-

Image Credit: NASA

New Horizons The fastest ever probe is shown

flying past Pluto and Charon on 14 July 2015.

forward, accelerating past the Suns escape velocity, eventually reaching seven per cent of the
speed of light. At this point the crafts first stage
fuel tanks would be empty so the first stage
would be jettisoned, allowing the comparatively
small second stage to accelerate to 0.12c (c, it
should be explained, is the accepted symbol for
the speed of light hence 0.12c means 12 % of
the speed of light).
The craft could cover the six light years to
Barnards Star chosen as a destination as it
was believed to have a planetary system at the
time of the study - in fifty years and would have
burned 50 000 tonnes of fuel in the process. Fifty
years cruising through emptiness is of course
useless were the starship to have carried a crew
but is acceptable for a robotic vehicle. Daedalus
would be controlled by a sophisticated computerised artificial intelligence with an intellect approaching (or quite possibly exceeding) human

The Daedalus vehicle

would be enormous,
dwarfing a Saturn V

The Daedalus vehicle would be enormous; some
190m tall and with a mass of about 52 000
tonnes at engine ignition. In contrast the mighty
Saturn 5, still the largest operational launch
vehicle every constructed stood 110 m tall and
weighed a mere 3 000 tonnes. Like modern
launch vehicles, used the staging approached.
When the fuel in the vehicles first stage was exhausted it would be released, allowing the much
lighter second stage to dart ahead unhindered.
A Daedalus craft would be assembled in space
and its fuel tanks filled with deuterium (heavy
hydrogen) and helium 3 fuel extracted from the
atmosphere of Jupiter. This sounds fantastic
but imagine how unbelievable todays routine
off-shore oil and gas drilling would sound to
our Elizabethan ancestors. The deuterium and
helium would be brought together in the vessels
engine to be ignited to fusion by a powerful
beam of electrons. Directed by a magnetic nozzle, the resulting plasma would thrust Daedalus

However the final 500 tonne Daedalus probe

would whizz past Barnards Star at 36 000 km
per second without stopping. The probe would
scan the star and its planets with an impressive suite of instruments, including a pair of
telescopes each twice the aperture of the
Hubble Space Telescope. Eighteen autonomous
sub-probes would be launched from the main
vessel to add to the encounters scientific bounty
beamed back to Earth. The British Interplanetary
Society study suggested that travelling to the
stars in a long but reasonable time is not impossible. It is important to bear in mind though that
it will require at minimum many decades of technical advances before we could attempt to build
such a craft; we simply could not even venture to
undertake this today.
Why was Daedalus not intended to stop at its
destination? To come to a halt it would need to
fire its engines to decelerate, expending even

December 2007 Astronotes 3

Image Credit: artwork by Adrian Mann

journey would take

decades and need the
best part of a million
tonnes of propellant.
Sending a human crew
in such a vehicle seems
a non-starter, a much
vaster still vessel would
be necessary to carry
people to other stars.
Futurists have imagined huge space arks
or generation ships,
essentially space going
cities, which cruise
majestically between
the stars over decades
or even centuries.
Eventually it is the
great-grandchildren of
Approaching Barnard After a multi-decade voyage the upper stage of the
the original crew who
Daedalus starship nears its destination. Artwork from http://www.bisbos.
arrive at the destinacom/rocketscience/index.html and reproduced with the kind permission of the
tion star. Engineering
artist. This website features some wonderful artwork of spacecraft and aviation a completely self-conconcepts
tained environment that
more fuel in the process. That fuel would have
can maintain human life for centuries may be
been launched with the rest of the probe and
more difficult than building the engine. Finding
more fuel would need to have to be used initially
people prepared to spend the rest of their lives
to do this. How much more? The mathematics
(and their childrens too) in a spaceship may be
of rocketry has been established for more than a
harder still.
century so it is easily calculated that at minimum

A Daedalus craft would

be assembled in space.
Its fuel would be extracted
from the atmosphere of
740 000 tonnes of propellant in total would be
needed at the initial launch. A bigger or faster
vessel would need still more fuel. Building a
starship capable of accelerating to interstellar
velocities then decelerating to a standstill means
building an enormous (potentially planetoidsized) vehicle.
To summarise the last couple of paragraphs, using very advanced technology it may be possible
to send a craft slightly bigger than the completed
ISS to a nearby star and bring it to rest. The

...the future may belong

to the Cylons

Perhaps we could explore the stars by sending

an advanced artificial intelligence instead. We
already explore the planets this way. In the end,
it may be that machines and not humans that
conquer the stars. The future may belong to the
Cylons of Battlestar Galactica rather than the
noble crews of Star Trek.
Further reading:
Project Daedalus - The Final Report on the BIS
Starship Study, A. Bond et al. JBIS Interstellar
Studies, Supplement 1978 (available on CD-Rom
from British Interplanetary Society, 27/29 South
Lambeth Road, London SW8 1SZ,

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